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Give us our

children back!

See GREENHOUSE, page 17

Butte County families battle an agency with the highest child-removal rate in the state BY MEREDITH C. GRAHAM PAGE



Chico’s News & Entertainment Weekly

Volume 35, Issue 30

Thursday, March 22, 2012


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Vol. 35, Issue 30 • March 22, 2012




Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From This Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

James S. Nagel, MD

Would you go to a Chiropractor for heart surgery?

NEWSLINES Downstroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

HEALTHLINES The Pulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14



See a Board Certified Specialist to Optimize your Hormones


GREENWAYS EarthWatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 UnCommon Sense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The GreenHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Music Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Scene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 In The Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Arts DEVO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37






43 Our Mission To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Robert Speer Managing Editor Meredith J. Graham Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Calendar/Special Projects Editor Howard Hardee News Editor Tom Gascoyne Greenways/Healthlines Editor Christine G.K. LaPado Staff Writer Ken Smith Contributors Catherine Beeghly, Craig Blamer, Alastair Bland, Henri Bourride, Rachel Bush, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Kyle Delmar, Jovan Johnson, J. Jay Jones, Miles Jordan, Leslie Layton, Mark Lore, Sean Murphy, Jaime O’Neill, Anthony Peyton Porter, Claire Hutkins Seda, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Willow Sharkey, Alan Sheckter, Matt Siracusa, Scott Szuggar, Karl Travis, Evan Tuchinsky Interns Kyle Emery, Dane Stivers Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandra Peters Design Manager Kate Murphy Design Melissa Arendt, Brennan Collins, Priscilla Garcia, Mary Key, Marianne Mancina, Skyler Smith Advertising Manager Alec Binyon Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Jamie DeGarmo, Laura Golino, Robert Rhody Classified Advertising Consultant Olla Ubay Advertising Coordinator Jennifer Osa Events Intern Alina Chavera

From The Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Fifteen Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ON THE COVER: PHOTO ILLUSTRATION OF CHILD MODEL BY TINA FLYNN

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Editorial Policies Opinions expressed in the Chico News & Review are those of the author and not Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permission to reprint portions of the paper. The Chico News & Review is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to edit letters for length (250 words or less), clarity and libel or not to publish them. Circulation 40,000 copies distributed free weekly.






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CN&R 3




Send guest comments, 400 words maximum, to gc@ newsreview.com, or to 353 E. 2nd St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.

Pick a payment plan It’s good news that polls show a majority of Californians recog-

nizes the need for additional tax revenues to balance the state budget and end the painful cutting of the past three years. It’s also good news that the number of tax initiatives on the November ballot is likely to be two, not three, as was the case just a week ago. Gov. Jerry Brown, worried that his initiative might not stand out in the crowd, worked out a compromise with the California Federation of Teachers, the group behind the so-called “millionaires’ tax.” That initiative had been polling better than Brown’s, at 68 percent approval to 53 percent. The bad news is that they will have only about 30 days to gather more than 800,000 signatures to get the measure on the November ballot. The compromise retains the structure of Brown’s initiative but ups its increase in taxes on the wealthy by a point or two and for a longer period of time, seven years instead of five. At the same time, it reduces Brown’s proposed sales-tax hike from a half-cent to a quarter-cent through 2016. Gone is the name “millionaires’ tax,” which no doubt was part of the reason the initiative had been polling well. The 99 percent of us who aren’t rich like the idea of taxing the 1 percent who are rich. The other measure likely to be on the November ballot is wealthy civilrights attorney Molly Munger’s “Our Children, Our Future.” It’s the only one to call for shared sacrifice by proposing to increase the income-tax rate for all but the poor. It would do so in a progressive manner, with the wellto-do paying at a much higher rate than those with more modest incomes. Still, it would tax nearly everyone, which is why it won’t pass. We Californians are OK with higher taxes these days, as long as someone else is paying them. Ω

The complexities in Cuba Wfinding a community of people who were intensely interested in all things Cuban was balm to my soul. The most hen I moved to Chico almost 12 years ago,

salient point that arises in our conversations is the complexity of the contemporary Cuban position and perspective. On the one hand, almost without exception Cubans will complain about the scarcity of consumer goods and the fact that Cubans all learn to luchar (fight, struggle) and resolver (figure out some way around or through the problem). On the other hand, still today many Cubans talk with pride about the principles of the by Cuban Revolution and how their own Sara E. Cooper families profited greatly because of free The author is top-notch medical care and the education professor of Spanish and job training for all (regardless of race and multicultural and gender studies or family position). at Chico State. She is In Cuba everything is complicated. also the publisher This is what I would remind CN&R of Cubanabooks. guest commentator Ana Verona [“A cubana on freedom and equality,” March 1]. She has every reason to be angry about all that her family has suffered. And she is right to point out that Cubans are not free to leave the island without a special visa. However, the last time that the Latin American Studies Association met in the United States, the 4 CN&R March 22, 2012

The health-care stool As Evan Tuchinsky reports in this issue (see Healthlines ,

close to 100 Cubans with Cuban exit visas weren’t given U.S. visas to enter the country. Still, lack of financial and political power is probably the prison that keeps most people trapped in their own country, the world over. So I have taken a stance to change the balance of power. I founded Cubanabooks to allow the highest-quality literature written by Cuban women to find a new audience, an audience blocked to them because of the embargo against Cuba. These authors are strong, smart women, who explore the issues they find most pressing. This includes the economic hardships they deal with, as well as the complicated tensions of living in a nation where the legal and philosophical party line is that people of all genders and race are equal, but where the reality of what people actually think and do is very different. Sound familiar? Cubanabooks isn’t trying to further a specific political agenda vis-à-vis the Castro family or socialism versus capitalism. We simply want to provide a cultural bridge, one that isn’t needed by Yoaní Sánchez, celebrated blogster with millions of readers. Cubanabooks authors do need that bridge, and their books are now available in Chico. Ω

page 12), next week the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the constitutionality of the Obama administration’s monumental health-care-reform effort, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. It could be the most significant ruling of Chief Justice John Roberts’ tenure. The focus will be on the act’s so-called individual mandate, which requires people to purchase health insurance. As Massachusetts’ experience with Romneycare has shown, the act’s success will depend on that mandate. That’s because it’s based on a threelegged stool: Insurance companies are required to cover anyone who applies, More than 50 million Americans including the sick; everyone is ... are just a serious illness or a required to have insurance, including the young and healthy; and subsidies car accident away from financial are provided for those who can’t afford catastrophe. their policies. Currently, less than 5 percent of Massachusetts residents are uninsured—the lowest rate in the country. Altogether, more than 50 million Americans lack health insurance, which means they are just a serious illness or a car accident away from financial catastrophe. They are also more likely to put off getting treatment and to use the emergency room as a last resort. In February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 20 percent of U.S. families are having trouble paying their medical bills, with half of them unable to pay anything. Most don’t qualify for Medicaid but are too poor to afford insurance. For millions of Americans, Obamacare offers the last, best hope for health-care security. If the court pulls one of the legs out from under the stool, Chief Justice Roberts’ legacy will be tarnished forever. Ω

FROM THIS CORNER by Robert Speer roberts@newsreview.com

Is Comanche Creek safe? I got a call this week from a woman who lives in the Barber Neighborhood in south Chico. She said members of her neighborhood group are concerned about the fate of the 20-acre Comanche Creek open-space area, on the southern edge of town, now that the state has abolished redevelopment agencies. They’ve been working for years to turn it into a neighborhood nature preserve, and a lot of volunteer work has gone into cleaning it up. The city has also prepared a draft improvement plan designed to make it more attractive and accessible. She said her group was worried that the city might be forced to sell the land because it was owned by the city’s redevelopment agency. Their biggest worry, she said, was that it could end up in the hands of Doug Guillon, the owner of the Hegan Lane Business Park just south of the creek. He’s long wanted to punch a road through there that would feed traffic directly to and from East Park Avenue. In 2001 a conservative City Council approved financing for a $2.9 million extension of Otterson Drive and a bridge over the creek, but it was overturned in a referendum vote. County Supervisor Larry Wahl has never hidden his belief that purchasing the Comanche Creek property (in 2005, for $1.25 million) was a waste of taxpayers’ money. Now he’ll be playing a significant role in deciding its fate, as a member of the oversight board charged with disposing of the city’s unimproved redevelopment properties. The supervisors also named like-minded Chico City Councilman Mark Sorensen to the one “public” position on the seven-member panel. County Counsel Bruce Alpert challenged Sorensen’s appointment, however, on the basis that an elected official cannot also be a public representative. The position will go unfilled until state Attorney General Kamala Harris gives her opinion on the matter. In the meantime, the Barber folks can relax, at least for now. There’s little chance that the Comanche Creek property will be sold, Sorensen said. Who’d buy it? It’s zoned for open space, and even if it were rezoned for development, creek setbacks would take up most of the buildable area. As for putting in a road or bridge, he added in an email, redevelopment is gone and the city has no money for capital projects. Although the city’s general plan “does call for some sort of connection, somewhere, someday, to that commercial area, … [n]o plan exists. No road route has been established. … No known funding exists. … I do not even see this one on the long-range radar.” Developing the property also may be illegal, Shawn Tillman, the senior planner who is the city’s resident redevelopment expert, said in a phone interview. If it was acquired through the bond process, legally it can’t be sold and developed. At this point he needs to look into its history to determine how it was acquired, something he expects to do in a week or so.

Robert Speer is editor of the CN&R.

Send email to chicoletters @ newsreview.com

Co-founder, not co-owner Re “Broken arts” (Newslines, by Robert Speer, March 15): I appreciate Robert Speer’s balanced approach in his article about local artists and Enloe Medical Center. However, I have one correction. I am listed as a co-owner of Avenue 9 Gallery. While I was a co-founder, I am now one of 20 Avenue 9 Art Guild Members, with gallery owner Maria Phillips providing us with inspired leadership. DOLORES MITCHELL Chico

Plastic bags: two views Re “Bagging restrictions” (Newslines, by Tom Gascoyne, March 8): I have read comments questioning the Chico City Council’s proposed ban on single-use plastic bags. Many people insist that using these bags is a matter of personal choice and believe the best way to curb this wasteful habit is not by banning their use, but through education. The question is, how do you teach people to behave more sustainably who believe that all these environmental protections and regulations inhibit their freedoms? Answer: You try to appeal to their sensibility. 1. It is estimated that 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used annually, world-wide. Of those about 90 percent go into the landfill and 1-3 percent (approx. 1.5 billion bags) end up in the environment. 2. Once in the environment, plastic bags take months to hundreds of years to decompose, breaking down into tiny, carcinogenic (cancer causing) and endocrine-disrupting HDPE (high-density polyethylene) particles that end up in our soil, waterways and oceans. 3. Two hundred million barrels of oil a year are diverted to manufacture these 500 billion plastic bags. (ABC News) 4. California spends more than $25 million annually to manage plastic-bag pollution and more than $303 million on litter-abatement services. If this information still doesn’t convince the people who oppose this ban, then that’s why a ban needs to be imposed upon them. It saves dollars, saves oil, saves lives and just makes sense.

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I’m thoroughly amazed at the council members who voted for the ban on plastic bags. I spent over 30 years in the recycling business and was instrumental in starting the curbside recycling program in Chico more than 20 years ago. As I recall, the council members then pushed for plastic-bag use and recycling because they wanted to reduce the use of paper bags because they wanted to save trees. It’s obvious that Queen Ann didn’t do her homework on recycling. Paper bags are made from trees. Did you know that most stores have a recycling program to reduce, reuse and recyLETTERS continued on page 6

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CN&R 5

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cle those [plastic] bags? Did you know there are lots of recycling centers that take those reusable bags? Did you even check with your excellent staff person Linda Hermann who would have told you that these programs are part of the AB 2020 law that reduces Chico’s waste to the landfill. Did you check how much more it will cost each business to switch back to paper bags and the increased cost to the citizens of Chico? Quit wasting your time, staff time and taxpayers’ money on issues that are already doing very well, and pay attention to helping the small businesses in Chico stay here and help stimulate the local economy. DAVE DONNAN Chico

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continued from page 5

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Re “Bison is big” (Chow, by Christine G.K. LaPado, March 15): Your article has some misinformation in it regarding the socalled comeback of American bison. The 500,000 or so animals in buffalo shape throughout the U.S. are mostly “beefalo”—contaminated with cattle genes. The last continuously wild population of American buffalo lives in and around Yellowstone National Park and southwest Montana, and they number fewer than 3,700 animals. The Yellowstone populations are unique, as they are the last to maintain their identity as a wildlife species and they are the last continuously wild herds left. They, too, are grossly mismanaged by state and federal agencies that do the bidding of the selfish cattle industry. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has red-listed the American bison as threatened with extinction, while Montana recognizes wild bison as vulnerable to global extinction and in greatest need of conservation. STEPHANY SEAY West Yellowstone, Mont.


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LaMalfa’s living large At a recent Chico Tea Party meeting congressional candidate Doug LaMalfa spoke about his devotion to conservative values. If elected he would go to Congress to fight for less taxes, reduce spending, reduce welfare and save us from the burdensome government regulations. After all, Doug is the hometown boy, one of us and feels our pain. Well, Doug’s record on these important issues is quite different

“Doug [LaMalfa] has been living the good life, thanks to the largesse of hard-working American taxpayers.”

—James Ledgerwood

from his campaign rhetoric. While the nation is facing a $16 trillion debt and the people in his district have been struggling to make ends meet, including small farmers, Doug has been living the good life, thanks to the largesse of hardworking American taxpayers. Over the years Doug and his family have collected $4.7 million in government rice entitlements— rice welfare, if you will. If this was not enough, Doug took advantage of a loophole in the law that allowed him to split his ranch among family members to circumvent the $180,000-per-year subsidy limit. In addition he authored legislation to turn useless rice straw into a $400,000 taxpayer windfall for rich farmers who do not need the money. According to The Heritage Foundation, the majority of farm subsidies go to large commercial farms with incomes over $200,000 and not to struggling family farmers, and they cost Americans taxpayers billions per year. There are other good candidates in this race. We can do better. JAMES LEDGERWOOD Chico

Glad she’s not running Re “Outpricing the community” (Letters, by Jann Reed, March 15): I am responding to the Chico school board member who gave herself a compliment for volunteering and complained about Chico State charging high fees for use of its football field. First, people who volunteer should do it without telling the community how generous they are with their time. If she doesn’t have to work like most of the world, she shouldn’t be so critical of the rest of us. Second, Chico State is trying desperately to make ends meet, just like the board member’s school district. Have you seen the Chico State field after a game? It is torn up and there is garbage left everywhere. The field is almost unusable afterward. Many groups have tried to use Chico Unified facilities too, only to be shocked at the costs. Their

facilities are also paid for by the community, but the school district gouges everyone beyond what is fair. A gym can cost thousands for the day, when the only real cost is electricity. A multi-purpose room is off limits to most groups because of the fees involved. At least when Chico State asks for fees, they go for repair of the significant damage done to the stadium. It was good to read that this particular board member does not want to run again. MAI LOR Oroville

A propaganda battle Re “Is ‘Medicare for all’ the solution?” (Newslines, by Robert Speer, March 8): I would like to commend you for the excellent article. You finally answered some of the central questions I have had around health care for years: What are the largest cost drivers and what is the overhead of administration (and profit) in private health care? Recognizing the major cost drivers (diabetes, heart disease, and administrative costs) makes the technical aspect of crafting a solution realizable. Unfortunately, breaking the grip of private health insurance on our Legislature (and corporate press) is a still a major hurdle. While there are single-payer systems in several developed countries around the world, there was almost nothing in our national press about those during the debates a couple years ago. The silence on such significant facts was disturbing. What I have read about those systems (mostly from sources outside the U.S.) is largely positive. I believe this highlights the nature of the battle as one of propaganda and public influence more than economic issues. GREG PURCELL Chico

More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. Please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past CN&R articles.

Should the government be allowed to take custody of children? Asked outside the downtown post office



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I don’t think the government should have the ability to do that. I know a lot of times parents can be pretty messed up, and it can affect their children pretty badly. I think it’s a good thing for the government to try to help parents to better their circumstances so it doesn’t come to abuse and neglect.


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I guess if they have a cause, like child abuse or if the parents are not able to provide for their children properly; that’s when the government should step in. But if they don’t have a probable cause, then no.

Yeah, I think in certain cases if the child is legitimately afraid to be at home for abuse reasons. Or if teachers can see it reflected in their schoolwork, see them coming to school in soiled clothes, see them coming to school really hungry. I think there should be proper investigation before they step in.


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It depends. If there’s drugs involved, or child abuse, molestation, any kind of weird stuff. Through programs and through help, the parents should have the opportunity to get their children back.



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March 22, 2012

CN&R 7


An investigation into a bizarre traffic accident last week near the Chico Walmart that ended with a man’s shooting death has determined the victim took his own life. The 58-year-old Paradise resident was headed home from his job at the mall on Friday (March 16) when he ran a red light, striking another vehicle, Chico police Sgt. Rob Merrifield said. (No one was injured in the crash.) The man initially told witnesses he was fine, but moments later they heard a popping sound coming from the vehicle and saw him slumped over the steering wheel. Police found him holding a handgun. They found another gun in his pocket. Family members did not suspect he was suicidal. However, that’s not unusual in these cases, Merrifield said. “We get a lot of suicides that are exactly like this, but not in a vehicle,” he said.

On ground level


Chico City Councilwoman Mary Goloff has requested and received a leave of absence from her council post for unspecified medical reasons. She was not present at the council’s meeting Tuesday (March 20) and will miss meetings on April 3 and 17. The city charter requires that any council member who misses more than two consecutive meetings without obtaining leave from the council be dismissed from office. In an effort to be prepared in case Goloff needs more time off, the council voted 6-0 to grant her leave through April 18 and to agendize a possible extension for the May 1 meeting.


The June primary election locally includes five races for Butte County judgeships and three for county supervisor seats. All five of the judges are running unopposed for their six-year terms. District 4 county Supervisor Steve Lambert is running alone as well. In the race for District 1 supervisor, incumbent Bill Connelly faces retiree Virgle N. Gage and Vene Thompson, a longtime member of the Feather River Recreation and Park District. In the 5th District, incumbent Kim Yamaguchi is not running again, leaving that business to: Robin Huffman, an instructor at Butte College who ran four years ago, Paradise Town Councilman Joe Di Duca, off-road-vehicle enthusiast Doug Teeter, special-ed teacher Mike Greer, along with Larry Duncan of the Paradise Irrigation District and Christopher Clifford, a “parent.” Meanwhile, after much consideration and despite having already pulled papers for the Chico City Council race, local activist Mark Herrera (pictured) has decided not to run this November. Herrera is a member of the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission and said he plans to remain active in the community.

Staff Sgt. Doug Ferguson of Chico at a patrol base in Afghanistan’s Ghanzi Province, circa 2006. PHOTO COURTESY OF DOUG FERGUSON

Chico soldier who has served on the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan reports on life in war

A nearly killed by a roadside bomb in 2003 while patrolling the streets of Baghdad in a

rmy Staff Sgt. Doug Ferguson was

Humvee. He was a 19-year-old Chico High graduate, fresh out of basic training and on his first tour of duty in Iraq. by “He called us and told us, ‘I Howard Hardee almost died today,’” his mother, Terry Ferguson, recalls. “It was howardh@ newsreview.com about three weeks before Christmas, and we hadn’t decorated the tree yet. He said if they had detonated the roadside bomb two or three seconds sooner, he would have been killed. My husband and I were in shock—we never did decorate the tree that About the war: year.” Gen. John Allen, Ferguson has seen plenty of the top U.S. combat since, deploying twice commander in each to Iraq and Afghanistan and Afganistan, said once as part of the Haiti earthMarch 20 that quake relief effort in 2010. Now after 23,000 troops 29, he hesitates to tell his parents are withdrawn by about his experiences in the the end of Septem- field. ber he does not “I don’t talk with my parents expect any addi- about the stuff I’ve done in the tional drawdowns military too much at all,” he said until sometime from his station in Williamsnext year. burg, Va., during a recent phone

interview. “It’s just too hard on the parents when their son goes away to combat. I’ve had a lot of close calls, and I don’t want to call or email my mom every time I almost get shot or blown up.” As a military police officer tasked with training the Afghani and Iraqi police, he has been on the ground level of the American occupations in both countries. While he acknowledges the relationship between Afghani and American soldiers has been strained by a series of public-relations disasters—a videotape of U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of Afghans, the alleged 12soldier “kill team” that hunted Afghan civilians for sport, the burning of the Koran, and, most recently, the rogue U.S. solider who massacred 16 Afghan villagers, including nine children—he believes the attitudes of individual Afghanis toward the American occupation varies depending on geographic region. In many cases, Ferguson and his 12man squad have lived with police trainees on their own turf, in mountain villages based on a religious hierarchy. Often the viewpoint of the community’s religious leader dictates the attitude of an entire village toward the American

forces, he said. Depending on where they are in the country, Ferguson and his men are met with open arms or with open hostility. “They could welcome you and try to learn as much as they can and go kill some Taliban,” he said. “Or you might go there and they don’t want to learn anything from you. They really don’t care because they know after you train them for a month or two, you’re going to leave and the Taliban are going to come back.” Though he does not condone the hideous actions mentioned above, he said he does think that soldiers look for a form of release following the intense stress of combat. “A lot of people get caught up in the moment,” he said. “You’re with a bunch of your buddies, you just made it through a firefight and you won, you have a bunch of adrenaline pumping through your veins. I’m not saying what they did was right—hatred and getting even aren’t going to accomplish anything. “Obviously, something like that is not going to help our image,” he continued. “Hopefully, everyone is aware that we’re there trying to rebuild and drive the insurgency out by gaining the people’s

8 CN&R March 22, 2012


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support. But things like that aren’t going to help.” Ferguson also recognizes why Afghanis in police and military uniforms have so often turned their weapons on the American soldiers training and patrolling with them (47 such attacks since 2007, according to website TomDispatch.com). “You have to realize the reality of the situation,” he said. “You’re in someone else’s country. You have to flip it around. If we had an occupying force in America, how would you feel about that? I’m sure there are some people who would fight for what they believe in.” Ferguson enlisted in the Army at

19, seeking change and life experience. He wanted to pursue a career with the California Highway Patrol, and joining the military seemed like a good way to get started. “It was kind of sudden,” he said. “I felt that I needed to change my life, and the most drastic way to do that would be to join the military. I wanted to work with CHP, so I figured if I joined the military and got some experience as a military police officer that it would help me.” Terry Ferguson remembers how she felt as her son went off to war for the first time. “The first time he was deployed, they sent him to a hot spot,” she said. “A lot of soldiers were dying in the area. I had to take a long walk. I looked down and I saw a rock with a perfect little cross on it, and I picked it up and carried it in my purse ever since. It was like a message from God that everything was going to be OK.” At the time, Ferguson did not suffer from homesickness. By his account, he was ready for war, and didn’t hesitate to go back when the opportunity arose. His first tour in Afghanistan came in 2006, and he returned from his second tour in February of this year. Despite reports of a deteriorating situation preceding the U.S. withdrawal scheduled for 2014, Ferguson has seen positive development in the country’s infrastructure. “I’ve seen a lot of improvements with the police and the army there,” he said. “They’re a lot better equipped and trained. They’ve come a long way, and I think we’re on track. I don’t see any issues that would prevent [the withdrawal], barring anything extreme.” For someone who has survived roadside bombs, countless firefights and the grueling Afghani countryside, the hardest part of his job has been the long stretches in between seeing his family and friends. “It’s depressing coming home and everyone’s a little older because you haven’t been home in years,” he said. “It’s hard to catch up and then leave four or five days later. I’m going to visit my family more often.” Ω

Chancellor set to freeze enrollments Failure of governor’s tax proposal could spell fewer students at Chico State by spring of next year The classrooms were empty at Chico State on Tuesday (March 20) with students on spring break, but the administrative offices buzzed with activity as staff reacted to Monday’s announcement of admissions cuts at all 23 California State University campuses for the spring 2013 semester. Officials from the CSU’s headquarters in Southern California said that a possible $200 million budget cut—in addition to the $750 million in cuts already made this year—could necessitate the freeze. This $200 million deficit is a “trigger cut” that will take effect if voters reject a new tax proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown slated for the November ballot; if the initiative passes, Brown has said CSU funding will stay the same. “Nothing is definite right now,” said Allan Bee, Chico State’s director of admissions. The news was delivered to university employees via a memorandum from CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, Bee said, and it’s impossible to tell for sure what impact it will have locally. “We’ve got two things happening simultaneously today,” he said. “President Zingg is in meetings at the Chancellor’s Office in Long Beach, and we’re trying to see what exactly we can do to avoid or minimize cuts. There are so many variables involved; we’re just trying to anticipate different scenarios.” Those variables dictate the degree by which admissions will be cut. While Reed’s memo announced a total freeze on all new admissions at most campuses, Chico State was one of eight that will receive partial cuts.

“In the past we’ve been allowed to admit transfer students, and we’re at least hoping for that,” Bee said. Taken at face value, the cuts would translate to about 400 fewer students starting at Chico State in January 2013. As of fall 2011, Chico State had 15,920 students. “It’s not what we want to do at all,” Bee said. “We try to maintain steady enrollment as much as possible. It’s better for our planning, better for current students and of course it’s important to keep the flow of new students coming in. “On the other hand, it doesn’t do anyone any good if we’re not able to teach the students we do have, so it’s a delicate balancing act.” Bee and his colleagues are hoping

Chico State will be minimally affected. “In the past we’ve been able to maintain enrollment in the face of cuts,” he said. In the 2010-11 academic year, admission was projected to drop by as many as 1,000 students, but Bee said the actual numbers were much less severe. Admission has been decreased over time, he said, with the student population peaking in fall 2007 at about 17,000 students. “Unfortunately, this is where we’ve been living the past several years,” Bee said, referring to fiscally induced pressures to decrease enrollment. Chico State’s been protected from taking major hits to enrollment because of its relatively large service area, which spans 12 North State counties, Bee said.

SIFT|ER Chico State at a glance The California State University chancellor, Charles Reed, has announced a possible enrollment cap for the 23-campus university system due to the ongoing uncertainty with the state budget. The cap would be implemented for the spring 2013 semester if Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax-increase ballot measure fails in November, and it will have an effect on the local student population. As of fall 2011, Chico State had 15,920 students. Of those, 3,319 were freshmen (2,429 first-time and 890 transfer students), 2,157 sophomores, 3,703 juniors and 5,549 seniors. There are another 1,192 post-baccalaureate students. The average undergraduate student age is 22 (24 for both graduate and undergraduate), 52 percent are female and 48 percent male. A vast majority (95 percent) are from California, and 33.6 percent of them hail from the school’s service counties: Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity and Yuba, The remaining 800 or so students come from 43 nations, 36 states and two U.S. territories.

Source: Public Affairs & Publications, Chico State

The Chico State campus and the community may see a dent in the student population next spring. PHOTO BY TINA FLYNN

“A good deal of our students are placebound; they aren’t able to travel for college,” he said. “A lot of these people have no other options in choosing a university.” Closing off next spring’s admissions is the first step in the CSU’s plan to reduce enrollment by 20,000 to 25,000 students system-wide for 2013-2014, according to the Chancellor’s Office. (About 427,000 students are currently enrolled.) Decreased enrollment doesn’t affect only students in a college town. Frederica Shockley, an economics professor at Chico State, has studied the economic impacts of the university for 30 years. She told the CN&R in 2010 that the average student contributes about $10,000 to the local economy each school year. She also said each lost student equals roughly half a job loss. By these figures, losing 400 students could equal a $4 million, 200-job blow to the local economy. “We understand this has tremendous impact on the North State and especially Chico, where the student population is a driving economic force,” Bee said. “We know our community is largely dependent on students. In bigger areas a few hundred fewer students is less likely to make a difference, but in Chico it could be devastating. “In the past, President Zingg has been successful in stopping enrollment cuts by presenting these issues, and we’re holding out hope that’s the case.” —KEN SMITH kens@newsreview.com

Stay tuned:

Head to www.calstate.edu for more info on the CSU’s budget woes.

NEWSLINES continued on page 10 March 22, 2012

CN&R 9


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Public Notice

Glass–Free Zone Declared Mar. 29 - Apr. 1, 2012

PUBLIC NOTICE – NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Chapter 9.32., Glass-Free Zone of the Chico Municipal Code, the City Manager has declared the Glass-Free Zone ordinance operative from 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 29, 2012, through 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 1, 2012. Generally, the possession of glass containers on city owned property is prohibited within the Glass Free Zone during this time period.

A map of the Glass-Free Zone is set forth below.



7T H





W .



Who’s got the money? Council considers preliminary budget, gets pushback from police

non-salary expenditures such as non-mandatory training and office expenses ($370,000); delaying fleet replacement ($700,000); increasing city fees ($50,000); and reducing the funding for community-based organizations, arts groups, economic development and the library ($100,000). Perhaps the strongest challenge to the preliminary budget came from Will Clark, president of the Chico Police Officers Association. The city has calculated that the dissolution of its redevelopment agency has meant the loss of funds to pay the salaries of 25 full-timeequivalent positions, he said, and yet most of the people who worked on RDA matters are still employed. He asked why that was, and why some of those positions couldn’t be eliminated in favor of police and fire positions. Burkland responded by saying that most of the employees who worked on redevelopment had other duties as well. “We’ve reduced our staff by 22 percent in the last four years,” he said. “The workload is greater than the time available.” He said he’d be looking at all departments for cost efficiencies but didn’t anticipate any layoffs.

offers,” Allen said. Councilman Andy Holcombe, noting that the benefits of a twotier system “come 10, 15, 20 years down the road,” said he would need more information but welcomed the group’s initiative. In other money matters, the council heard from Senior Planner Shawn Tillman, who gave an update on the RDA dissolution process. The most significant news, he said, was that the state Department of Finance has decreed that two affordable-housing projects, Harvest Park and Northpointe, can’t go forward because contracts haven’t been signed. The city is appealing that decision on the basis that the only contracts still to be signed involve the contractors, not the city. Finally, the council took up Evans’ request to prioritize the budgeting process. But no sooner had he explained once again that highest priority would go to replenishing the reserves, followed by replacing staff positions and, third, raising salaries, than his erstwhile ally, Councilman Mark Sorensen, undercut him. “These priorities aren’t etched in stone,” Sorensen said. “So I recommend we approve them but strike the words Priority 1, 2 and 3.” “To what purpose,” Evans asked, taken aback. “Are they equal priorities? … I don’t want it interpreted that we can give raises but deplete the reserve.” But it was too late. Other council members thought Sorensen’s idea was a good compromise and voted to approve it. “I find myself in the awkward position of voting against my own proposal, the way it’s amended,” Evans said, before casting the lone vote in dissent.

The Chico City Council meeting Tuesday (March 20) was all about money, approaching that all-important issue from several directions. There was a long discussion of the budgeting process the city is now in the thick of, including City Manager Dave Burkland’s recommendations on how expenses can be cut, followed by some pushback from the Chico Police Officers Association, which is unhappy that three vacant Police Department positions will go unfilled. Then there was a discussion of the redevelopment-agency dissolution process, and the possible fiscal snags there. And, last, the council took up, once again, Councilman Bob Evans’ request that the budgeting process be prioritized, with replenishing the reserves being given the greatest importance. As it turned out, there was a surprise in store for Evans. Clark and the CPOA are well But to the budget first: City aware of the city’s precarious Finance Director Jennifer Henfinancial position. That’s why nessy said she anticipated—very Steve Allen, their long-time labor tentatively—that revenues would negotiator, stepped forward to tell be up by 4.5 percent in 2012-13, council members that the associa“the largest increase in quite some tion had presented a negotiating time.” Nevertheless, she continued, there’s still a shortfall of $2.2 million proposal to the city early so it can be incorporated into the budget between revenues and expenses. process. City Manager Burkland had The CPOA is proposing penbeen meeting with those departsion reform, including adoption of ment heads to determine where a two-tier inL return for a N E W S & R E V I E W B U S I N E S S system, USE ON Y cuts could be made, she said. He’d modest 1 percent salary increase. DESIGNER ISSUE DATE ACCT. EXEC. since made several recommenda“The POA is proactively working MM 11 07.30.09 AMB tions, including not filling FILE NAME REV. DATE with the city to preserve and hope—ROBERT SPEER vacant positions, for a savings of WOMENSHEALTH073009R1 12.18.08 fully expand the services the POA roberts@newsreview.com $1.1 million. USP (BOLD SELECTION) Those positions include two PRICE / EXPERT / UNIQUE retiring police officers and/aATMOSPHERE police services administrative manager, a N E W S & R E V I E W B U S I N E S S U S E O N LY code enforcement officer, three DESIGNER ISSUE DATE ACCT. EXEC. firefighters, two maintenance MTH 10.28.10 AMB workers and two administrative FILE NAME REV. DATE analysts. WOMENSRESOURCE_102810R2 FWVG10 Other savings would come from a 5 percent across-the-board cut to




continued from page 9

Z one G lass Free

Steve Allen, of Redding, is the longtime labor negotiator for the Chico Police Officers Association. He introduced the n e w early s & negotiating r e v i e w offer b u s iatn the e s s u s e o n ly group’s council meeting Tuesday. designer ss issUe dATe 03.03.11 ACCT eXeC amb PHOTO BY ROBERT SPEER FiLe nAMe lawofficesofbh030311r2 reV dATe new

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Locomotive politics LaMalfa pushes an initiative to cut high-speed-rail funding

State Sen. Doug LaMalfa, R-RichLaMalfa, who is now running for vale, has stepped up his efforts to the congressional seat long held by derail the state’s high-speed train Wally Herger, wants to take the project. Last week, Secretary of matter back to the voters. State Debra Bowen gave the goThe actual wording of the bill ahead for him to start collecting states that it “would provide that signatures to place an initiative on no further bonds shall be sold for the November ballot that asks vothigh-speed rail and related rail purers if they want to pull the plug on poses pursuant to the Safe, Relithe High-Speed Passenger Train able High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act. Bond Act for the 21st Century. The LaMalfa and former California bill would amend the bond act to Congressman George Radanovich authorize redirection of the net proare the proponents of Senate Bill ceeds received from outstanding 985 that created the initiative. They bonds issued and sold prior to the now must collect the signatures effective date of this act, upon of 504,760 registered voters by appropriation by the Legislature, Aug. 13. from those high-speed rail purposIn 2008, California voters es to retiring the debt incurred approved $9 billion in bonds to from the issuance and sale of those launch the project, which would outstanding bonds.” connect San Francisco to Los High-speed rail is clearly a Angeles via the Central Valley and partisan issue, with progressives be completed by 2020. Trains labeling it a much needed step into would run up to 220 mph on an the future and conservatives like 800-mile network of tracks, makLaMalfa labeling it just another ing the trip between the Bay Area bureaucratic boondoggle. and L.A. in two hours and 40 minOn his website, LaMalfa comutes. But the cost has zoomed, ments on a according to the report from state’s High state’s Speed Rail “To be blunt, the California High Speed the Legislative Authority, from Analyst’s an estimated $45 Rail Authority could give lessons to Office that billion to says repealbetween $98 bil- Third World dictators on the concept ing the lion and $117 of public misinformation.” bond measbillion, and the —Doug LaMalfa ure would finish date has save the been set back a state more few years. Still, than $709 Gov. Jerry million a year. Brown remains a strong supporter “This report should be an eyeand the Obama administration has opener for Californians impacted promised the state $3.5 billion in federal aid if the project begins this by Governor Brown’s cuts to core state services,” he writes. “The year. $709 million a year some would In 2010, LaMalfa introduced spend on high speed rail could Senate Bill 22 to end the bond more than offset last year’s cuts to process that would fund the train. the University of California, CaliBut that bill has stalled, losing fornia State University or state most recently on Jan. 10 on a 3-to6 vote in the Senate Transportation community colleges.” And a March 8 editorial in the and Housing Committee. So


Orange County Register headlined, “Moonbeam Express costs soar ever higher,” repeats that LaMalfa quote. Actually, the report by the state legislative analyst and director of finance on the fiscal impact of SB 985 on the state and local governments if passed by voters says: “State debt-service savings of up to $709 million annually from not using state bond funds to support high-speed rail, depending on the actual reduction in bonds sold as a result of this measure. Unknown reduction in state and local revenues due to a somewhat lower level of economic activity in the state over the next several years, resulting from a loss of matching funds from the federal government or potential private investors.” Earlier this year, Ray LaHood, the U.S. transportation secretary, paid a visit to California to assure Gov. Brown that the high-speed rail project had the president’s support. LaHood called it “good for the economy and the nation.” In a prepared statement addressing the project’s spike in costs, Thomas Umberg, chairman of the California High-Speed Rail Authority, said, “We don’t have many choices. We can do nothing and bury our heads in the sand. We can build more freeways and airports. Or we can do something visionary that transforms California’s transportation infrastructure.” LaMalfa could not be reached by press time for a direct comment to the CN&R, but in another posting on his website he writes: “To be blunt, the California High Speed Rail Authority could give lessons to Third World dictators on the concept of public misinformation.” —TOM GASCOYNE tomg@newsreview.com

Photography by Derek Ralston

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CN&R 11


For residents of the San Joaquin Valley, life expectancy varies greatly by ZIP code, a new study finds. Conducted by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, D.C., the study illustrated cases in which there was a 21-year difference in life expectancy between neighborhoods, according to California Watch. Income and race were often determining factors, as ZIP codes with the lowest life expectancy typically had a higher percentage of minority and lowincome residents. For instance, residents of historically black, low-income southwest Fresno are likely to live nine years less than residents of Fresno’s affluent, mostly white Woodward Park neighborhood, just 20 miles away. “It doesn’t have to do with the attributes of the individuals in a community, but often the conditions they find themselves living in,” said Brian Smedley, vice president and director of the center’s Health Policy Institute.


Uncertainty a sure thing


The California Treatment Advocacy Coalition released a report that concluded the state does not provide proper mental-health treatment to those most severely affected by their illness. The report, which was compiled by physicians, lawyers, judges, mental-health care workers and patients, found that Californians with the most debilitating mental illnesses were four times more likely to be in jail than a hospital or outpatient center, according to California Healthline. The report detailed 14 recommended alterations to the 1967 Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, intended to help the mentally ill find treatment in their community, including a suggestion that every county in the state adopt Laura’s Law— court-ordered mental-health treatment for those who don’t realize they need care. Only Nevada County has fully adopted the law, as most counties lack the funding to implement it.


Urban air pollution will become the biggest environmental cause of premature death in the world by 2050, a new report finds. A study conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) concluded that exposure to particulate matter will overtake poor sanitation and dirty drinking water, eventually causing 3.6 million premature deaths a year, mostly in China (pictured) and India, according to the UK’s Guardian newspaper. The report identified four areas of concern—climate change, loss of biodiversity, water and the health impacts of pollution. “The key thing is that these four biggest problems are interconnected—biodiversity is affected by climate change and land use, water is linked to health problems, for instance,” said Simon Upton, the OECD’s environment director. “You can’t solve any of these in isolation.” 12 CN&R March 22, 2012

The key players in the Supreme Court’s upcoming health-care reform decision (left to right): President Barack Obama; U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius; Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts; and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Supreme Court decision looms on health-insurance mandate and other components of new federal law


Evan Tuchinsky ideacultivators@aol.com

ECenter CEO Mike Wiltermood described national health-care-reform leg-

arlier this year, Enloe Medical

islation thus: “It all comes together in this difficult-to-understand series of events. I think it’s going to play out for years, with constant attempts to tweak the system. All we can do is wait and see how the pendulum swings.” Enloe’s chief financial officer, Myron Machula, summarized it as “pretty much a moving target.” John Dahlmeier, a Butte County insurance broker, put it this way: “Roll the dice and see what the courts come out with.” In other words, when it comes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the only certainty is uncertainty. Turns out their predictions were correct. Monday through Wednesday (March 2628), the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in support of and opposition to the PPACA, and the subsequent ruling will determine the direction reform can go. At issue is a component of the PPACA known as the “individual mandate”—a

requirement that Americans carry health insurance. Opponents have argued that the government cannot require citizens to buy a commercial product or service. The Supreme Court will have the final word. However, there’s more to the case than a single PPACA component. The Supreme Court will consider other aspects as well. First, the PPACA expands the Medicaid system. Medicaid is not strictly a federal

program—it involves administration and funding at the state level, which leads some to ask: Did Congress overstep its bounds? Second, the Supreme Court will consider severability—whether all parts of the PPACA are linked, or whether it can be taken apart. If the court decides against the individual mandate, or against the MedicHEALTHLINES continued on page 14

APPOINTMENTS DIABETES DAY Enloe Medical Center is hosting “Diabetes Day,” a free seminar, at the hospital’s conference center (1528 Esplanade) on Tuesday, March 27, from 1 to 4 p.m. The afternoon will include mini-presentations, glucose- and blood-pressure screenings, educational information and more. Presentations will cover how diabetes is diagnosed, healthful eating and being active. Call 332-7370 for more information.

Traumatic Brain Injury Eat right, exercise, be well, and be happy. It’s

Oroville Hospital. “We’ll go to their workplace, the

migraines several times a week, and my mind

a simple plan and no doubt a good one for

store, even golfing or bowling if that’s what they

didn’t seem to match my mouth. It was very

living a long and healthy life—but sometimes

like to do. We want them to get better and get


accidents happen, unforeseeable events that

back on their feet.”

literally knock us off our feet and turn our worlds upside down. So it is with traumatic brain injury. This general condition, often called “TBI,” results most often from direct blows to the head. The

Debra Craton, who experienced head trauma

And Czarnecki wants to emphasize that it’s never too late for treatment, “There’s a

from a head-on collision in 2008, says, “I owe my

misconception that treatment doesn’t help after

recovery progress to Tama. From day one I felt

a year...that’s wrong. I’ve worked with people

her genuine care and support.”

three or four years after their injury and we see

But the trickiest part about a mild traumatic

improvements.” And, like Debra, we can get back to that

symptoms range from mild to severe and can

brain injury is the symptoms’ tendency to

affect people behaviorally, emotionally, and

lurk quietly, affecting people in subtle but

plan of ours – living well, living long, and


significant ways. Czarnecki stresses that any

pursuing happiness.

Mild or moderate symptoms, like from a

person who has been in an accident should

concussion, can be feelings of confusion,

visit the hospital. She adds that even incidents

difficulty in focusing attention, memory loss,

that involved no impact to the head may have

and inability to make fast decisions, as well as

caused an injury to the brain.

restlessness and personality or temperament

“Many people feel like

changes. Some physical symptoms are

they are going crazy

dizziness, loss of balance, sleep disturbance,

because they don’t

and headaches.

understand what is wrong with them,”

“There’s a misconception that treatment doesn’t help after a year... that’s wrong.”

Czarnecki says. “But just knowing there is a problem can often help people recover.” Debra Craton agrees, “I was

Severe TBI may interfere with even the most basic functions; walking, talking, thinking, and

having memory problems,

even breathing. Treatment of such injuries may take weeks, months or years. At Oroville Hospital, physical, occupational, and speech therapists may all play a role in recovery. Even social workers may help patients as they battle strong feelings of grief and helplessness. The goal is to reintegrate people who have sustained brain injury into society, and Oroville Hospital’s staff goes to great lengths to meet this end. “We take everything that we learn in the clinic and then take it out into the real world,” says Tama Czarnecki, Director of Rehabilitation at

2767 OLIVE HIGHWAY • OROVILLE, CA • (530) 533-8500 • WWW.OROVILLEHOSPITAL.COM March 22, 2012

CN&R 13


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aid expansion, is the entire law then null and void? Finally, court justices will determine whether they even could rule against the PPACA before it’s been fully implemented. That’s because of a law known as the Anti-Injunction Act, which not only limits the authority of federal courts over state-court rulings but also prevents individuals from suing over a tax before the tax is collected. Does the Anti-Injunction Act apply here? The legal issues are complex and significant. The case is expected to draw masses of demonstrators to the Supreme Court steps, and it may affect the November election as well as the place in history of President Obama and Chief Justice John Roberts. Politico.com calls it “the most high-profile Supreme Court case since Bush v. Gore,” and The New York Times says this “signature case … will shape, if not define, the chief justice’s legacy.”

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The PPACA is so comprehen-



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14 CN&R March 22, 2012


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sive that its mandates roll out incrementally over five years, from 2010 through 2015. Two changes most conspicuous to patients include electronic medical records—doctors and hospitals using computer systems instead of old-fashioned paper charts—and rebate checks from insurance companies under the “medical-loss ratio” component of the PPACA that limits the amount insurers can allocate to administrative expenses. The PPACA also calls for: • nonprofit insurance exchanges along with, and as an alternative to, for-profit insurance companies; • expansion of Medicaid to include 15 million uninsured Americans; • expansion of the Indian Health Care Act for Native Americans; • tax credits for small businesses, as well as lower- and middle-class Americans, to help offset the cost of insurance coverage; • tax increases for individuals earning more than $250,000 a year; • greater emphasis on preventive care, including Community Health Centers. The White House is confident the law will stand. Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, recently wrote an opinion piece for Politico stating that “Congress carefully weighed its authority in writing the law,” and a majority of lower-court judges reviewing the law have said it is constitutional. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell disagrees. He believes

continued from page 12

the individual mandate won’t stand, and in a piece he co-wrote for Politico, he says: “Because the central part of the health-care law is unconstitutional, we believe that the court should strike it down.” Fifty-three percent of Americans, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll, expect the Supreme Court to find that the

Politico.com calls it “the most high-profile Supreme Court case since Bush v. Gore” individual mandate is unconstitutional (see http://tinyurl.com/indi mandate). If the law stands, Republican presidential candidates have vowed to strike it down upon reaching the White House. If the law falls, other Congressional proposals may resurface, such as the “auto-enrollment initiative” that Rep. Paul Ryan introduced in 2009. (Under auto-enrollment, uninsured Americans would subscribe to private insurance plans sold through state exchanges,

What’s in the law?

To learn more about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including the entire text of the law, go to www.healthcare.gov and click on the yellow tab titled “The Health Care Law & You.”

though with opportunities to “opt out.”) Meanwhile, health-care leaders in California pledge to continue their efforts at broader reform regardless of what happens at the federal level. “We believe we need to drive health-care reform whether it’s legislated or not,” Michael Taylor, senior vice president for Dignity Health’s Greater Sacramento-San Joaquin area, said at a recent forum in Sacramento. “Health-care costs are out of control and we need to bend the curve.” The Butte County Health Care Coalition is among the groups advocating a statewide “single payer” system, which would incorporate all Californians in one nonprofit insurance plan. (Check online: http://buttesinglepayer.org for details.) The Supreme Court hearing on the PPACA represents a major crossroads for health-care reform. By no means, however, is it the end of the road. Uncertainty remains certain for the foreseeable future. Ω

WEEKLY DOSE Baby boomers: Use this website to plan for the future As the baby boomers get old, many of them are going to need long-term care, either in-home assistance or residence in a nursing home. Naturally, most people don’t relish paying for long-term-care insurance costing $100 a month or more that useB for N E Wthey S & may R E Vnot IEW U S I N E S S U S E O N LY 10, 20 or more years, so they go DATE DESIGNER ISSUE ACCT. EXEC. 10.28.10 AMB without—onlyMTH to discover, when FILE NAME REV. DATE the need for care arises, that it WOMENSRESOURCE_102810R2 FWVG10 costs $80,000 a year or more. That’s why the California Partnership for Long-Term Care, a joint venture between the state Department of Health Care Services and three insurance companies that sell long-term-care policies in the state, has created the website RUReadyCA.org. It’s a userfriendly planning tool aimed at consumers in hopes that many more will realize the wisdom of spending money now to avoid financial disaster in the future. The website describes long-term-care insurance, what service it covers and where it can be purchased. It also includes calculators that estimate insurance premiums and the potential cost of going without insurance. In addition, the partnership companies offer special benefits not available elsewhere.




Climatologists have predicted that the ongoing trend of severe weather patterns in the Midwest will continue due to an unusually warm spring. Kansas, Nebraska and western Texas likely will see above-average spring temperatures, fueled in part by warm ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, according to AccuWeather.com. The same phenomenon is likely to result in another active tornado season—which has already produced twice the normal number of tornadoes in the first three months of 2012—to follow a near-record-setting year in which 1,700 tornadoes struck the United States. Central Texas and Texas’ Four Corners region, already stricken with drought, are projected to have another dry spring and summer. Last year was a record one for natural disasters in the United States, with 12 exceeding $1 billion each in damages.

Mark Conry weighs bokashi on a scale in the production room at AAG Biotics in south Chico.


Following a personal appeal from President Obama, the Senate voted against a bill that would have expedited TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project. The president made phone calls to Democratic senators the night before the vote, held on March 8, to lobby against Republican legislation that would have sped up the application process for the Canadian oil firm’s pipeline, according to the Washington Post. The amendment would have allowed TransCanada to cross the U.S.-Canadian border without a federal permit, which Obama denied in January, saying he would not grant such a permit unless the company developed an alternative route that would not cross the environmentally sensitive Sandhills area in Nebraska. Obama has drawn much criticism from Republicans in favor of exploiting sources of traditional oil and gas resources to their maximum potential, while Democratic leaders and environmentalists believe construction of the Keystone XL would undermine the importance of promoting renewable energy.


The Earth’s ozone layer—once thinning due to pollution—is healing and subsequently diminishing human exposure to carcinogenic ultraviolet (UV) rays, a new study finds. Research published in the scientific journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics found that the ozone layer, which serves as a protective barrier against UV rays, has been healing since the United Nations banned the manufacturing and use of refrigerators and aerosol spray cans emitting chlorofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol in 1987, according to Spiegel Online. The data was collected from 12 stations in Europe, Canada and Japan from 1990 to 2011 by measuring the intensity of solar waves at different altitudes. The researchers suggested the ozone layer has been healing since 1995, but has made the most significant gains—allowing 2 to 4 percent fewer UV rays to reach the ground—since 2007.

‘Yogurt for dirt’ Local company specializes in bokashi and other probiotics for use in composting and soil-amending

story and photo by

Christine G.K. LaPado christinel@newsreview.com

I downtown farmers’ market in recent weeks, you’ve likely noticed a table at the f you’ve been to the Saturday

east end selling bags of something that looks an awful lot like coffee grounds that is called “bokashi,” as well as large beige buckets with green lids called “probiotic bokashi food waste composters.” Bokashi? Probiotic? Bokashi, according to Compost Guy.com, “is a Japanese term meaning ‘fermented organic matter,’” and “probiotic” (the opposite of “antibiotic”) means “a preparation … containing live bacteria … that is taken orally to restore beneficial bacteria to the body,” according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. In the case of bokashi, the preparation goes into the “body” that is the compost bucket or directly into garden soil in order to add beneficial micro-organisms. As it turns out, the business behind the table is AAG (pronounced “ag”)

Biotics, a 2-year-old company located in south Chico that specializes in making bokashi—as well as liquid probiotics— for use in composting and amending soil. “It is a soil amendment,” offered AAG Biotics’ Mark Conry, speaking from the office he shares with his business partner (and AAG founder), Craig Alger, a former high school biology teacher, and microbiologist Chun Chang, who mans AAG Biotics’ farmers’ market booth. “But it’s not technically a fertilizer—there is no nitrogen, no potassium, no phosphates; it’s a catalyst through which the nutrients and water get to the plant through the rhizosphere.

Bokashi resources:

AAG Biotics is located at 306 Otterson Drive, Suite 100, and can be found online at www.aagbiotics.com or contacted by phone at 518-9590. AAG Biotics products are available at Ag Mart (194 East 17th St., 924-4258), Greenfire Organic & Hydroponic Gardening Emporium (2725-A Highway 32, 895-8307) and Northern Star Mills (510 Esplanade, 342-7661), as well as at the Saturday downtown Chico Certified Farmers’ Market. Check out www.bokashi composting.com for more info on bokashi.

“Bokashi is full of beneficial microbes that assist the plant [growing in it]. The microbes assist the plant in nutritional and water uptake—it’s like yogurt for dirt. … I added some to some tulip bulbs [in the garden] and they’re like tulips on steroids!” Bokashi was “discovered” by an

Okinawan professor named Dr. Teruo Higa in the 1980s while conducting research on nonpathogenic micro-organisms, according to BokashiComposting.com. AAG’s version is made from wheat and rice bran, organic sugar-cane molasses, lactic-acid bacteria, purple non-sulphur bacteria and yeast. It is “brewed” under controlled temperatures inside a sterile, 1,000-gallon brew barrel, then allowed to ferment for 25 days inside a “hot box”—a shipping container with an interior temperature kept between 95 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit— before undergoing a precise drying process. “The microbes go dormant…but they’re ready to go when you put them into the soil,” said Conry. “When these [normally] naturally occurring bacteria are applied to particularly depleted soil or leeched soil or soil stressed from maybe GREENWAYS continued on page 16 March 22, 2012

CN&R 15

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continued from page 15

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16 CN&R March 22, 2012

too much fertilizers, fungicides or pesticides, they help to regenerate and rebalance the soil.” To compost with bokashi, sprinkle a little into the composting bucket over each layer of food scraps thrown in. The result is a “pickled,” nonstinky mass of food waste ready to be added to the outdoor compost pile, full of thriving anaerobic bacteria just waiting to dig in and turn it into fertile dirt. Add bokashi straight to an outdoor compost pile and it acts as a composting accelerator due to the action of the micro-organisms in it. In the case of AAG’s composting buckets, a spout at the bottom releases a liquid—“bokashi tea”— that has escaped from the fermented kitchen waste, which is also meant for use as a garden nutrient. As CompostGuy.com explains it, composting with bokashi “is actually an anaerobic fermentation process, resulting in a much different end product than that produced via composting. Many people like bokashi because it is very easy, and generally (bad) odor-free.” “Unlike more conventional composting systems, bokashi systems can break down heavier items like meat, fish and cheese,” according to BokashiCompos

ECO EVENT ALTERNATIVE-FUELS ED The Transfer Flow Manufacturing Facility (1444 Fortress St.) is hosting a free two-day class to educate college students, fleet managers, auto mechanics, first responders, service and maintenance personnel and others about the application and benefits of alternative-fuel sources. The class is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, March 23, and Saturday, March 24. Call 893-5209 to register or for more information.

ting.com. This is a point that Conry emphasized as well. “The process is very fast and usually takes less than two weeks,” the website continues. “The finished product will have a sweet, pickled odor and you will often see white mold mycelium coating the surface. Once the fermentation has completed you can add the scraps to a worm bin or bury them directly in the soil. They will take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks to fully integrate into the soil depending upon your local soil biological activity and local climate.” “One of the unique applications that we are testing is rice-straw decomposition,” said Conry. AAG

UNCOMMON SENSE Consume less clothing “I just had to buy it—it was such a good deal!” How many times have you heard or said that one? When it comes to clothing, American women are notoriously shopping-happy. Enter Malaysian clothing design firm We are ULTRA, creator of the versatile, stylish 10-piece clothing line, Ultra 10, which was awarded the 2011 Ethical Fashion Forum Innovation Award. The line’s “modular and multifunctional pieces” include a 4-in-1 number that can be worn as a coat, dress, jacket or skirt. The aim of the clever Ultra 10 line is to act as an antidote to the rampant overpurchasing of clothes (which, among other things, wastes perfectly good resources)— the 10 pieces are intended to be all that is required for a woman’s wardrobe for an entire year. The line incorporates sustainably sourced and recycled fabrics to boot. “We created it as a conscientious response to the overconsumption that is too often associated with fashion,” the Ultra 10 designers were quoted as saying. Head to www.weareultra.com to check out the clothing. Source: www.fastcoexist.com

Biotics is currently conducting several trials at local rice-farming operations. “Since rice straw is dead, organic material, the microbes ‘eat’ it as a food source, and because rice farmers are limited as to what they can burn now, rice straw decomposed in this way can be tilled back into the soil easier, using less fossil fuels [than making several passes with a tractor to bury nondecomposed straw]. If it’s a ‘black goo,’ it’s easier to till into the soil.” Scott Murphy, who has

maintained a small organic orchard locally for the past 14 years, is excited about the bokashi he bought recently. He plans to mix it with regular compost and add it to the soil in the raised beds in his back yard. “It will make a super garden,” said Murphy, “because the anaerobic micro-organisms … will break down the organic matter already in the soil and make it more available to the plants.” Murphy has “learned about the importance of micro-organisms in the soil and how it relates to the health of the soil. … This stuff ‘fixes’ the soil. Many gardeners don’t understand the importance of fixing the soil, having all the beneficial micro-organisms in the soil. Many people just think ‘dump chemicals on it, and fertilizer.’ You sure don’t want to dump poisons on it … because that wrecks the whole ‘soil community.’” As for fertilizers, “you put too much of one thing or another on the soil and it throws everything off balance, and you are endlessly putting stuff on it instead of building a healthy soil.” The soil in certain parts of Chico is either depleted or “was never good to start with,” said Murphy. He recently bought some bokashi for a friend of his to use to amend the soil in his east-Chico garden: “You can’t even call that stuff soil—it’s absolutely terrible! Ω


reen HOUSE We Educate the Whole Child by Christine G.K. LaPado christinel@ newsreview.com

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DOIN’ THE RIGHT THING Woodstock’s Pizza is rounding up volunteers for

its first-ever Woodstock’s Community Clean-Up Day on Mar. 31, from 1 until 3:30 p.m., which it is hosting in conjunction with the city of Chico’s Park Division, Recology and ChicoBag. An after-party will take place at Woodstock’s starting at 4 p.m., featuring the music of Swamp Zen (the band is donating its time for the event). “We’re trying to do a huge cleanup for Chico,” said Woodstock’s General Manager Jeff Davis. “Right now, we have about 400 people who have volunteered so far.” The ambitious event will take place in 10 locations throughout Chico, including along Lindo Channel near the bridge adjacent to S&S Organic Produce & Natural Foods, and near the bridge at The Esplanade and Cohasset Road, as well as along Big Chico Creek in Bidwell Park’s One-Mile Recreation Area and along Nord Avenue near the Chico State campus. “Having a good time, community fellowship and cleaning up” are what participants should look forward to, said Davis. He is encouraging both individuals and groups to sign up to join in the fun. “We’re just trying to be involved in the community. Chico’s very much into ‘green,’ and we said, ‘Hey, what can we do for that?’” And, of course, there’s the after-party, which will offer pizza samples and free drinks for cleanup volunteers, as well as a raffle for a number of prizes from local businesses, including Klean Kanteen, ChicoBag and Pullins Cyclery, which has donated a bicycle. The general public is also invited to the party, though they will have to purchase raffle tickets (volunteers will each get a free ticket); all proceeds from the raffle will go to the local Boys and Girls Club. “We want to make it an annual event,” Davis said. “We want to get it so big that soon the after-party will be in the plaza!” Volunteers are encouraged to sign up by Mar. 28 via Woodstock’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/woodstockschico), by walking into Woodstock’s (166 East Second St.) or by calling Steve Hoffman at 893-1500. Volunteers will be given trash bags and rubber gloves.

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ST. PATRICK’S DAY, EXTENDED As part of its 12 Tastes of 2012 wine-andfood-pairing series, Farwood Bar & Grill in Orland (705 Fifth St., 865-9900) is offering a tasting featuring Irish whiskey, Orland Farmstead Creamery cheese and other locally sourced treats from 2:30 until 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Mar. 24. Cost is $15 per person. Go to www.farwoodbar andgrill.com for more info. Learn more about Orland Farmstead Creamery at www.orlandfarm stead.com.

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SCHOOL-GARDEN MARKET Local food activist Laurie Niles apprised me of

Hooker Oak K-8 Open-Structure School’s new school-garden farmers’ market, which started up on Mar. 15, offering lettuce, red chard, broccoli, herbs, flowers and plant starts. Next one will be held Mar. 29 from 2:30-3:30 p.m., with future markets occurring every other Thursday. School location: 1238 Arbutus Ave. Phone: 891-3119. “I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.” —Elwyn Brooks White, Essays of E.B. White, 1977 “Economic advance is not the same thing as human progress.” —John Clapham, A Concise Economic History of Britain, 1957

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CN&R 17

Fighting by Meredith J. Graham meredithjgraham@gmail.com


hen sheriff’s officers came to arrest Daisy Bram and her husband, Jayme Walsh, the only thing Bram could think about was the welfare of her two sons, one a newborn, the other 15 months old. Audio recorded during the arrest, at the end of September 2011 and just weeks after the birth of her second child, reveals a mother in a state of panic. “My babies,” she wails continuously. “They took my babies! What is he going to eat? He’s only 3 weeks old!”

18 CN&R March 22, 2012

for their families

Parents band together to get their seized children back and to change the child-welfare system

Bram and Walsh were arrested that morning on charges of cultivating marijuana, possession of marijuana for sale and child endangerment. Walsh was charged additionally with manufacturing a substance other than PCP— an alleged “honey oil.” Charges against Bram of child endangerment were subsequently dropped, and the child endangerment charge against Walsh was later dismissed. But the damage had been done. It would be nearly six months before the parents were reunited with their sons, Zeus and Thor. Bram, who was released on bail shortly after her arrest, was granted visits, during which she would breastfeed her boys. Their diets were supplemented with formula, something she was strongly against. Bram also opposed unnecessary visits to the doctor. While in foster care, Zeus and Thor were in and out of pediatricians’ offices (though test results showed they were quite healthy). And one day, when Bram arrived at the Butte County Children’s Services Division offices for a scheduled visit, she saw Thor’s golden ringlets had been cut short. She’d missed his first haircut. “I’m missing all these moments,” she told this reporter in December. “I can never get those back.” Bram and Walsh are among hundreds

of Butte County parents whose children were taken into custody by Butte County’s Children’s Services Division last year. Many of those children surely needed help, having been abused or neglected by the very people who brought them into this world. Some of those people willingly gave up their parental rights, either not wanting responsibility for

See for yourself

Log onto http://cssr.berkeley.edu/ucb_ childwelfare for more information on California and individual counties’ performance when it comes to child welfare.

their children or simply believing they’d be better off in another home. Others, like Bram, fought to keep their kids. About a dozen parents have approached the CN&R over the past six months with stories that would bring tears to the eyes of even the most heartless among us. Those parents aren’t quite as brave as Bram, many of them fearing that publicizing their situations would have a negative impact on their ability to regain custody of their children. They’re right to be afraid, as history has shown that speaking out is rewarded with punishment. Take, for instance, Al Perry, a kind-hearted man and the father of Dorothy, a developmentally disabled young woman who gave birth to a baby boy three years ago next month. Perry approached the media after his grandson was taken from his family while they were seeking help in nursing the boy, who was born with a cleft palate. Because of that media contact, he said, his visitation rights were terminated. The Perrys, whose story has appeared in the CN&R several times over the years, are part of a relatively new group calling itself Butte Families for CPS and Court Reform. The group staged several protests outside the Butte County Superior Courthouse, the first of which was held on National Adoption Day in November, when family court celebrated the finalization of several adoptions. They wanted to remind people that a happy day for some is a sad day for others. The group is pushing for more transparency in the family-court and foster-care systems as well as a policy shift that puts more emphasis on rehabilitating families than ripping them apart. Because of Bram’s and Walsh’s medicalmarijuana charges, they have gained the support of the local cannabis community. And once members of that spirited group caught wind of the protests by Butte Families for CPS and Court Reform, many of them decided that the issue was about more than just Proposition 215—it was about families and

individual rights. The two groups have since come together, offering each other support in court and organizing a petition drive that resulted in a mass request for the Butte County Grand Jury to investigate CSD. “They hide in the juvenile courts,” Perry told the CN&R in November. He was referring to the fact that many jurisdictions, including Butte County, keep matters involving child custody and the foster-care system sealed from the public. They cite privacy and safety concerns for the children, but many child-welfare experts, including the presiding Juvenile Court judge in Los Angeles County, have recently called for a more transparent system that would provide more checks and balances. In fact, after a state bill that would have opened the courts in California was squashed, last month L.A. County Judge Michael Nash ordered his dependency court open to the press. “There were furious objections to the presence of these observers, a reminder that the idea of openness is profoundly unsettling in a courthouse accustomed to doing its work in private,” reads a Feb. 12 L.A. Times edito-

Daisy Bram with her two sons, Zeus and Thor, during a supervised visit in December 2011. PHOTO COURTESY OF DAISY BRAM

rial. “But privacy has bred arrogance and resistance to notions that otherwise suit society well: that the public has a right to observe its institutions at work, and that public servants should not be allowed to hide behind secrecy to disguise inefficiency, incompetence or worse.” The ramifications of Los Angeles County’s now-open Juvenile Court system have yet to be realized. Another L.A. Times editorial notes that the secrecy kept both the failings and the successes of the children’s-services system from being publicized. In Butte County, Shelby Boston sees

a CSD system that employs hard-working individuals and helps children and families in need. As assistant director of the Department of Employment and Social Services, which includes CSD, Boston says the system works— but she isn’t one to deny there are areas that “FAMILIES” continued on page 20 March 22, 2012

CN&R 19

“FAMILIES” continued from page 19

need improvement. Every three years, the CSD is mandated to evaluate its performance and set goals. The county submits those goals to the state, which in turn answers to the federal government. In a quarterly report Boston submitted on Feb. 29 (obtained by the CN&R through a Public Records Act request), she outlines how Butte County’s CSD is doing in relation to its goals set at the end of 2010. She explains the three areas of concentration: to increase the percentage of children with no recurrence of maltreatment; decrease the percentage who re-enter the CSD system after reunification; and increase placement stability. The explanation of the third offers some insight into the system: “A key contributing factor to decreased placement stability for children is our current practice of placing children into a temporary shelter home versus an ‘emergency’ relative placement. … A workgroup has been established to develop a new Emergency Relative Placement Policy which will allow for earlier relative placements, with an anticipated roll out date in April 2012.” A graph accompanying the explanation shows that just more

than half (52.5 percent) of children who’d been in foster care for 12 to 24 months as of the third quarter of 2011 had been in two or fewer homes. The others, presumably, had been in three or more homes. “That’s one of the things that, when looking at the county’s data, we realized that other counties are performing better than we are,” Boston said during a recent phone interview. “San Luis Obispo County has amazing numbers in this area, so we’ve been in communication with them to find out, ‘What is it that you do?’ and then we’re doing our best to replicate that in our county.” She said she expects the new emergency-placement policy to be ready for review by the end of April. Recent numbers released by the California Child Welfare Performance Indicators Project (a product of UC Berkeley’s Center for Social Services Research and the state Department of Social Services) break down child-welfare statistics by county and offer a bigger-picture view of how Butte County is performing. (Note: When asked for Butte County’s most recent statistics regarding children taken from their homes, the local CSD office pointed to the results of the project.)

Rate-ofremoval index Butte County ranks No. 1 in the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform’s most recent rate-ofremoval index, which takes a look at California counties’ “propensity to adopt a ‘take-thechild-and-run’ approach to child welfare.” The rate of removal is the number of removals of children from their homes for every 1,000 impoverished children. Below are the top five counties. See the online version of this story (www.newsreview.com/chico) for a link to the full report.

According to those results, in 2010, Butte County CSD received 3,930 referrals. Of those referrals, 819 were investigated and found to be substantiated. Of those, 377 children (46 percent of the substantiated cases) were taken from their homes and placed in foster care. Additionally, on a single day—July 1, 2011, the most recent date available— there were 588 children in Butte County’s child-welfare system. “Just because we substantiate that an abuse or neglect has occurred, it does not mean a child will be put into foster care,” explained Boston. “We do everything possible to keep the child at home safely.” The numbers indicate there’s still something to be desired of Butte County’s performance, however. The National Coalition for Child Protection Reform used the most recent statistics available on UC Berkeley’s website and compared the number of children taken into CSD custody to the number of impoverished children in each county. Those were then used to determine rates of removal. “As a group that believes strongly in family preservation, we feel that a high rate-of-removal almost always is a sign of a bad system,” the report reads. “But a low rate-of-removal is not necessarily a sign of a good system.” To remedy this, the report also includes two key “safety” categories—the rate of children being re-abused within six months and the rate of children being returned to foster care after reunification. Butte County ranked low on all counts, with its rate of removal ranking No. 1 among California counties with 10,000 or more impoverished children (see chart this page for more info). Boston could not comment on that data, as she was unfamiliar with the report. “I believe that most of us in the field are in it because we feel called to it,” she said. “We see the value and the importance in our role and a benefit to the community and the children in our community.” Bram’s story has touched


Impoverished children, 2009

Butte San Francisco Riverside Sonoma Kings

10,398 16,221 114,807 12,445 10,256

*for year ending March 31, 2011

Entries into care* 381 439 2,977 243 198

Rate of removal 36.6 27.1 25.9 19.5 19.3

people and gained quite a bit of attention. When she handed out fliers with a picture of her and her sons and a short explanation of her circumstances, people listened. “Attention Butte County citizens,” the flyer reads. “On the morning of September 29, 2011 the Butte Interagency Narcotic Task Force (BINTF) kicked in our doors, arrested my husband & I, and in working with CPS, kidnapped our

20 CN&R March 22, 2012


A group of parents, including Al Perry (left), protest outside the Butte County Superior Courthouse in November 2011. FILE PHOTO

children. My 3 week old newborn was ripped from my arms and he and his brother, 15 months old, were taken and placed in a stranger’s home. Neither of these babies have ever been away from their mother. … “If it can happen to me and my family, it can happen to you,” it continues. “The state should not be able to enter anyone’s home, abduct the family, severely traumatize the young children, and do so with public tax dollars.” Bram came to the CN&R seeking help in putting her family back together. Her husband was in jail, she was forced to sell her car and move out of their house in Concow to pay for her own bail, and she was allowed to see her sons just a few hours each week. We decided to hold off on the story because her children were at stake. Now that they’re back in her custody, it’s time to tell it. Bram explained how the social workers and Juvenile Court Judge Tamara Mosbarger required her to attend drug-rehabilitation counseling, and how the counselor turned her away, saying she had no drug problem. She explained how reunification services were ordered for her but not Walsh, because he was incarcerated (and how she feared she’d be forced to choose between her husband and children). And she explained how she was allowed to breastfeed Zeus and Thor in the Children’s Services offices until she made somebody uncomfortable. It was her custom to feed both boys simultaneously, making modesty difficult. Aside from that, she’s of the mindset that breastfeeding is a natural thing and, as she was in a room alone with her sons, she saw nothing wrong with

removing her shirt to feed them. That, apparently, did not sit well with the social worker who walked in during their meal. After telling Bram she was being inappropriate, she left the room and returned with a male supervisor, who informed Bram she’d need to cover up. She eventually, reluctantly, gave in. What played out in her next court appearance gave her reason to pause when next considering talking back to CSD. It was at this point, weeks after Bram’s arrest and separation from her children, that her social worker decided to recommend to the judge that she not breastfeed until her drug tests came back negative for THC. “If they were so worried about me breastfeeding, why did they wait so long?” she asked. To Bram, it appeared a clear case of retribution, and it wouldn’t be the last. She and Walsh—who was released on bail in December— brought a slew of supporters to a few recent hearings. They believe the increased attention on their case had a direct effect on the court’s decision to return Zeus and Thor to their parents last month. Then, last week, Butte County Assistant DA Jeff Greeson filed child-endangerment charges against Bram. She’s due in court April 3. Tamara Lujan learned of

Bram’s fight through reading her flier and listening to the audio Bram had posted online of her and Walsh’s arrests. Upon hearing the woman’s screams for help, she knew where she’d be concentrating her efforts for the conceivable future. “As a mother, a grandmother and a woman, I said no,” said Lujan, her soft Southern accent sounding endearing but her tone painting a picture of a woman not to be messed with. Lujan, who recently moved to Oroville, immediately contacted NORML (the National Organization

Gloria Garvey is shown here with a poster her granddaughter made for her. She was denied custody while her daughter was in prison. FILE PHOTO BY MEREDITH J. GRAHAM

Where are they now? A look at the families we interviewed in 2010 s if by coincidence, while preparing for this cover story a A few weeks ago, two phone calls came in. The first was Dorothy Perry, the mother of a newborn taken by Children’s Services Division in April 2009. The second was Gloria Garvey, the grandmother featured alongside Perry and her parents in a CN&R cover story about CSD (“Ripped apart at the seams,” Dec. 16, 2010). Both offered updates on their current state of affairs. For Dorothy, whose parents, Al and Rita Perry, also fought for custody of her son, she wanted to finish her story. In the three years since her son was born, she slowly saw less and less of him. Her last contact was more than a year ago. She doesn’t even know whether he’s been adopted. Al Perry has kept the fight going for the whole family. He’s been out on the frontlines with Butte Families for CPS and Court Reform, holding signs outside the Butte County Superior Courthouse and trying to raise awareness of what he sees as discrimination against disabled parents. (Dorothy is developmentally disabled.) Garvey’s story is somewhat different. Her daughter, Elaine, was in prison in 2010 when that first story came out. She was released last week. In the interim, Garvey said Elaine was tricked into signing away her parental rights. “The social worker told Elaine that, ‘If you sign, you’ll have visitation, and your daughter can go back with you if she wants to,’” Gloria explained recently. “So, she signed.” After signing away her parental rights, Gloria said the social worker started humming a different tune and no longer offered anything to Elaine as far as reunification with her daughter. “They fed her all this propaganda to keep [her daughter] from us so they can get their bonuses,” Garvey said, distraught. She was referring to the fact that the federal government offers financial incentives to local agencies that increase the number of children adopted out. (See “Ripped apart at the seams” for more on these incentives.) Al Perry continues to fight for the rights of disabled parents, and Garvey said her daughter is contesting the loss of her parental rights on the grounds she signed under duress. Neither the Perrys nor the Garveys have seen their children in more than a year. —Meredith J. Graham

for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws) and started a local chapter of the NORML Women’s Alliance. “I just thought, maybe this is something they’d be interested in,” she said. “This is not just about cannabis. This is about our rights as families and individuals. They’re taking something as simple as the family unit and destroying it.” She helped lead the charge on a recent petition drive and collection of complaints from local parents that were compiled and sent to the grand jury. “We’re asking for an audit of CSD’s funding and an audit of affiliated nonprofits,” Lujan said. “If we don’t feel the grand jury’s response is appropriate we’ll pursue other legal avenues. “When I contacted NORML, they identified Butte County as an urgent-need county,” she continued. “The resources of NORML are behind us.” Lujan isn’t stopping there, though. She’s using her background in PR and marketing, and her role as local leader of the NORML Women’s Alliance, to create a program called Have a H.E.A.R.T. (Hands-on Emergency Action & Response Team). “I kept thinking about mothers, and how we’re the heartbeat of the family, and of our communities,” she said. “This is how I can have an immediate impact.” Have a H.E.A.R.T., which Lujan said will launch in the next month, will offer support to families upon their first contact with CSD. It will offer information on individual rights, legal connections and support in the form of a nice card or a warm meal. Her goal is to start Have a H.E.A.R.T. in Butte County, expand to the rest of the state and ultimately take it national. “You can be a child molester and have more rights than a parent with a child in CPS custody,” Lujan said. “I see what’s happening—there’s not a focus on keeping families together and using foster care as a last resort. Why are they not keeping kids in the home if they’re not in imminent danger?” For Lujan, who has connected with 20-25 parents in just the past few months who’ve had dealings with CSD, the battle has only begun. She hopes the grand jury investigation will yield results. Beyond that, she wants to arm Butte County families with knowledge of how the system works and how to protect their rights. “If it takes my last breath, this will stop,” she said. Ω

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CN&R 21

2012 CAMMIES proud sponsor of the 2012

Music Festival APRIL 12-14



Johnnie’s Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St.

Monstros Pizza, 628 W. Sac. Ave.

Jazz Showcase, 6:30 p.m., free

Folk/Acoustic Showcase, 7 p.m., $5 Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Punk Showcase, 7 p.m., $5 donation Indie/Experimental Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Rap Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Funk/Jam Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

World/Celtic/Reggae Showcase, 9 p.m., $5

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Electronic Showcase, 9 p.m., $5

Lost on Main, 319 Main St.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Americana/Country Showcase, 8 p.m., $5 Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Hard Rock/Metal Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Lost on Main, 319 Main St.

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2-7p.m., FREE CAMMIES Fest Finale/Awards Show Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St.

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Rock/Pop Showcase, 8 pm., $5 LaSalles, 229 Broadway

Blues Showcase, 9 p.m., $5 Lost on Main, 319 Main St.


Visit www.newsreview.com/cammies for a full list of CAMMIES nominees and to vote for your favorite local musicians.

PURCHASE A FESTIVAL PASS good for all shows for $20 from Sweetdeals at www.newsreview.com or at the CN&R office, 353 E. Second St.

22 CN&R March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012

CN&R 23

2012 CAMMIES proud sponsor of the 2012

Music Festival APRIL 12-14



Johnnie’s Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St.

Monstros Pizza, 628 W. Sac. Ave.

Jazz Showcase, 6:30 p.m., free

Folk/Acoustic Showcase, 7 p.m., $5 Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Punk Showcase, 7 p.m., $5 donation Indie/Experimental Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Rap Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Funk/Jam Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

World/Celtic/Reggae Showcase, 9 p.m., $5

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Electronic Showcase, 9 p.m., $5

Lost on Main, 319 Main St.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13 Americana/Country Showcase, 8 p.m., $5 Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.

Hard Rock/Metal Showcase, 8 p.m., $5

Lost on Main, 319 Main St.

SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 2-7p.m., FREE CAMMIES Fest Finale/Awards Show Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St.

Down Lo, 319 Main St. (downstairs)

Rock/Pop Showcase, 8 pm., $5 LaSalles, 229 Broadway

Blues Showcase, 9 p.m., $5 Lost on Main, 319 Main St.


Visit www.newsreview.com/cammies for a full list of CAMMIES nominees and to vote for your favorite local musicians.

PURCHASE A FESTIVAL PASS good for all shows for $20 from Sweetdeals at www.newsreview.com or at the CN&R office, 353 E. Second St.

22 CN&R March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012

CN&R 23

Arts & Culture Long live the punk-rock sideshow. PHOTO COURTESY OF VIVA LE VOX



Circus comes to town Florida’s Viva Le Vox live for life on the road

L immediately comes to mind when you hear or see Viva Le Vox. Then again, the vaudevillian punk ake Worth, Fla., might not be what

band doesn’t spend much time at home. The band’s core members— drummer Antoine Dukes and guiby tarist-vocalist Tony Bones—have Mark Lore settled into an almost circus-performer lifestyle, traveling the counmark@ thedaysof lore.com try, performing for anyone who will listen and sleeping in their van. Musically, Viva Le Vox evokes turn-of-the-20th-century vaudeville and End of the Century punk energy … performed by visitors from PREVIEW Viva Le Vox another planet. “We didn’t go into it with a parperforms with Rachel Brooke and ticular style in mind,” explains Bran Crown Friday, Dukes, who rattles off a short-list March 30, 8 p.m., of artists—Fats Domino, Charlie at Monstros. Cost: $5 donation. Parker, L.A. lunkhead punks Fear—that he and Bones hold dear Monstros Pizza to their hearts. 628 W. In February Viva Le Vox Sacramento Ave. released their second full-length, Dirt For Sale, an album Dukes says was intentionally not recorded in the spirit of their riotous live performances. The record sounds surprisingly elegant and serene, filled with layers of guitar strums as well as fiddle, kazoo and even a saw, all of which commingle with Bones’ throaty, 30-grit rasp. It’s also the band’s first release to feature Kentucky-born, Chicoapproved Joe Buck on upright bass (Buck will join the band on tour in May). The songs tend to steer clear of real-world topics (or do they?)—“Cardiovascular & Otherwise,” “Bloodstains & Bumholes” and “Confessions of a Masochist” all sound like the products of men who do their best work during the 24 CN&R March 22, 2012

small hours. It’s in the live setting where one gets the full experience. Think if the circus came to town from the Messier 83 galaxy. Of course, with that you get plenty of tattoos and Dapper Dan, and moustaches sculpted into imperials and handlebars, but there’s just enough ’70s camp burrowed deep to keep things interesting. And whether Viva Le Vox is four-piece mode (with accordion and bass added), or ripping through songs with Bones’ distorted acoustic guitar and Dukes’ over-simplified drum kit (as they will for their Chico performance), the energy is always contagious. That’s not to say they sacrifice musicianship for showmanship. “When people are enjoying themselves, you can’t goof off too much,” Dukes insists. “Although it’s definitely an in-the-moment kind of thing.” It’s been a long road for Viva Le Vox, from the band’s early days performing at 24-hour laundromats on Friday nights to playing larger gigs all over the country. And as the audiences have swelled, so has the lifestyle. Last year the duo was on the road for nine months straight. The current tour finds Viva Le Vox booked through June (Bones insists that “he’s just gotta move”). And there’s a good chance Bones and Dukes will find places to play in between. Aside from their long-standing laundromat gig, Viva Le Vox have played their share of tattoo and record shops in addition to art openings and even at a Hot Topic in Fort Lauderdale. Bottom line: These blokes are quite comfortable in their tatted skin. Call them the everymen of circus rock. “Sometimes it’s nice to play a big place with a big stage, but sometimes you feel like you’re alone up there—especially as a two-piece,” says Dukes. “We’ve played 800-person theaters and we’ve played to bartenders who are probably thinking, ‘Get Ω me the fuck out of here.’”

Special Events A NOT SO STILL LIFE FILM SCREENING: A viewing of a film exploring the lifelong journey of Ginny Ruffner, an artist who overcame a brain injury to create again. Ginny will be on hand as a special guest. The evening also includes live jazz by Robert Karch and Sharon DeMeyer. Th, 3/22, 6:30-9pm. $10-$18. Sierra Nevada Big Room; 1075 East 20th St.; (530) 345-2739; www.sierra nevada.com/bigroom.

Art Reception STAY UP FLY-ON RECPTION: An opening reception for artwork by Christian Garcia. Th, 3/22, 69pm. Free. BOHO, 225 Main St. D; (530)



7:30pm through 4/15. Su, 3/25, 2pm; Su, 4/15, 2pm. $12-$18. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events COMEDIAN CONOR KELLICUT: Bay Area comedian Conor Kellicut, noted for his keen observations about life’s simple things, performs four weekend shows. The conversational Stefan Davis opens. 3/23-3/24, 7pm; 3/23-3/24, 8:30pm. $10. The Last Stand, 167 E. Third St., 3541936, www.laststandcomedy.com.

COMEDY SHOW: A night of comedy hosted by the Blue Room and Bustolini’s Deli and Coffeehouse in which five new amateurs will be making their first appearance. F, 3/23, 10:30pm. $10-$14. Blue Room Theatre; 139 W First St.; (530) 895-3749; www.blueroom theatre.com.

PARADISE HIGH SCHOOL & COMMUNITY BANDS: Brass and woodwind talent from Paradise High School and Paradise Community Concert Band perform. Th, 3/22, 7pm. Paradise Performing Arts Center; 777 Nunnelly Rd. in Paradise; (530) 872-8454; www.paradise performingarts.com.

Theater KIMBERLY AKIMBO: Set in suburban New Jersey, Kimberly Akimbo chronicles the story of a teenager with a rare condition causing her body to age faster than it should, often with hilarious (or heartbreaking) results. Th-Sa,

Art Reception IMPROVISATIONS RECEPTION: A reception for improvised paintings, photography, prints and sculptural ceramics by Maria Phillips, Barbara Morris and Delbert Rupp. F, 3/23, 58pm. Free. Avenue 9 Gallery; 180 E. Ninth Ave.; (530) 879-1821; www.avenue9gallery.com.


Friday, March 23 Laxson Auditorium SEE FRIDAY, MUSIC

FINE ARTS BRANFORD MARSALIS Tuesday, March 27 Laxson Auditorium

can-eat spaghetti and meatballs dinner, complimented by live music and raffle prizes, with proceeds benefiting local high school scholarships. Su, 3/25, 1-7pm. $7.50-$15. Manzanita Place; 1705 Manzanita Ave. Inside Chico Elks Lodge; 682-6541.


Theater KIMBERLY AKIMBO: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.


Music DERVISH: Having recently earned the distinction of becoming the first Irish band to perform at Rock in Rio (in front of 240,000 people), the Celtic act will bring bring their inspiring melodies to Laxson Auditorium. F, 3/23, 7:30pm. $12-$25. Chico State; 400 W. First St.; (530) 898-6333; www.chicostateboxoffice.com.

celebration of 50 years of the Rolling Stones with popular tribute band The Unauthorized Rolling Stones. Historic images from Rolling Stone Magazine photographer Robert Altman will be on display. Sa, 3/24, 7pm. $15-$18. El Rey Theatre; 230 W. Second St.; (530) 342-2727.

KIMBERLY AKIMBO: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events COMEDIAN CONOR KELLICUT: See Friday. The Last Stand, 167 E. Third St., 3541936, www.last standcomedy.com.

WALK 4 WATER: Raise money and awareness for safe drinking water and water conservation in developing countries. Bring your own bucket to carry on the 2K or 5K course with educational booths along the way. Starts at the One Mile Recreation Area. Go online for registration. Sa, 3/24, 8:30am. Bidwell Park; Bidwell Park; 3425746; http://tinyurl.com/yj9w3uj.

Art Reception SYDNEY WYATT: Join Sydney Wyatt for an art show fundraiser benefiting the Paradise Elks’s Adopt-A-Class Program. The fundraiser will feature many illustrations that depict a wide range of subjects from sports to nature. Sa, 3/24, 3:30-6:30pm. Paradise Elks Lodge; 1100 Elk Ln. in Paradise; (530) 877-3977.

Music SPRING EQUINOX EXTRAVAGANZA: A foot-stompin’ good time at the Grub Collective with music by local drum ensemble Wolf Thump, plus Wapanjea, Soul Union and DJ Luke Anderson. Sa, 3/24, 7:30pm. $10. GRUB Cooperative; 1525 Dayton Rd.; (530) 828-6390.

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www.newsreview.com/calendar. Once posted, your CN&R calendar listing will also be considered for print. Print listings are also free, but subject to space limitations. Deadline for print listings is one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

Art Receptions WHAT IS HOLY? A reception for BFA candidate James Warren’s off-stretcher paintings and installations, where the artist will produce a hand-drawn US flag during the show. M, 3/26, 5:30pm. Free. B-So Space; Ayres Hall On Chico State Campus.

Theater KIMBERLY AKIMBO: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.





Cabaret’s final event at their current location. Phil and Sue take a look back at 11 years of exciting performances in Chico with slides, award and video. Reservations required— there will be no general admission tickets. Sa, 3/24, 7:30pm. $20. Chico Cabaret; 2201 Pillsbury Rd., Suite C-1; (530) 895-0245; www.chicocabaret.com.



Special Events CHICO KITE DAY: A Chico springtime tradition reminding parents to get out and play with their children. Prizes will be awarded for the best homemade kites. Call Bird in Hand for more info. Su, 3/25, 4pm. Free. Community Park; E. 20th St.; 893-0545.

DINNER FOR GLOW OF HOPE: A traditional Pakistani dinner, fashion show of international clothing, silent auction and raffle accompanied by music and dancing. Proceeds go toward building a vocational school for women in Pakistan. Buy tickets at Zucchini and Vine or Azad’s Martial Arts. Su, 3/25, 4-7pm. $35. The Palms; 2947 Old Nord Ave.; 566-7603; www.glowofhope.org.

OUT IN THE SILENCE FILM SCREENING: A stunning documentary about the successful battle of a gay teen and his mother against school authorities after he was brutally attacked for coming out. Film director Joe Wilson will be onhand. Su, 3/25, 6:30pm. Donations. Pageant Theatre, 351 E. Sixth St., (530) 343-0663, www.pageantchico.com.



Opens tonight, March 22 Theatre on the Ridge SEE THURSDAY-SATURDAY, THEATER



Music BRANFORD MARSALIS: Grammy Award-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis is sure to deliver an evening of innovative jazz. Tu, 3/27, 7:30pm. $23-$35. Chico State; 400 W. First St.; (530) 898-6333; www.chicostateboxoffice.com.



Special Events COMEDY NIGHT: Weekly comedy night on Wednesdays inside Spirits Lounge at Gold Country Casino. W, 8pm. Free. Gold Country Casino; 4020 Olive Hwy at Gold Country Casino & Hotel in Oroville; (530) 534-9892; www.gold countrycasino.com.

Art 1078 GALLERY: El Chico de California, new mixed media prints by visiting artist and instructor at Chico State’s Department of Art and Art History, Rogelio Gutierrez. Through 4/7.Thin Red Line, ceramic mixed media sculptures by Colleen Toledano on display. Through 4/7. 820 Broadway, (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.

ANGELO’S CUCINA TRINACRIA: Sal Casa Gallery, some of Sal Casa’s early work depicting classic Sicilian culture. Ongoing. 407 Walnut St., (530) 899-9996.

AVENUE 9 GALLERY: Improvisations, paintings, photography, prints and sculptural ceramics by Maria Phillips, Barbara Morris and Delbert Rupp. 3/22-4/22. 180 E. Ninth Ave., (530) 879-1821, www.avenue9gallery.com.

B-SO SPACE: What is Holy? Exhibiton, offstretcher paintings and installations by Chico State art student James Warren. 3/26-4/6. Ayres Hall On Chico State Campus.

BOHO: Stay Up Fly On, artwork by Christian

Garcia. Ongoing. Opens 3/22. 225 Main St. D, (530) 895-3282.

CHICO ART CENTER: Chico Arts Center

Members Show, an exhibition of works by Chico Art Center Members. Through 3/24. 450 Orange St. 6, (530) 895-8726, www.chicoartcenter.com.

DANCE OR DIE: Prolific house music producer Robbie Rivera, Bass Jackers and PeaceTreaty stop at the Senator on their 2012 American tour. Bring glowsticks. W, 3/28, 8pm. $18-$23. Senator Theatre; 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497; www.jmaxproductions.net.

for more Music, see NIGHTLIFE on page 32

SALLY DIMAS ART GALLERY: Dance of Spring, watercolor paintings of landscapes and more on display. Through 4/21. 493 East Ave. #1, (530) 345-3063.

TURNER PRINT MUSEUM: Sustaining Cultures:

Native Peoples, marking the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Ishi featuring contemporary prints by Native American, Inuit and Australian aboriginal artists. 3/264/15. 400 W. First St. Meriam Library breezeway, CSU, Chico.


Prints, works by Chico printmaker Michael Halldorson on display. Through 4/1. 130 Main St., (530) 895-3866.

Call for Artists BOOKMARK DESIGN CONTEST: A bookmark design contest for grades K-3 and 4-6, with a theme “Libraries Are an Open Book.” Cash prizes will be awarded for winners in both grade groups, while the bookmarks will be distributed at the library’s circulation desk. Pick up an application form in the Children’s Room. All designs must be submitted by Thursday, March 29. Through 3/29. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., 8970675, www.buttecounty.net/ bclibrary.


Photography, a display of Joel Collier’s photography on all three floors of the City Municipal Center building. Through 7/13. 411 Main St. City Hall, (530) 896-7200.

CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Dragonflies and Damselflies, a photo exhibit by Robert Woodward. Ongoing. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

CHICO PAPER CO.: Monuments, works by DiGrazia, who manipulates photographs to detach the structure from recognizable surroundings. Through 6/1.California Mountain Series, serigraphs by Jake Early. Through 4/30, 9:30am-6pm. 345 Broadway, (530) 891-0900, www.chicopaper company.com.

HEALING ART GALLERY: Current exhibits, by


Busch’s latest encaustics on display. Tu-Sa, 9am-5pm through 3/30. 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930, www.jamessnidlefinearts.com.

Northern California artists whose lives have been touched by cancer. Currently featuring watercolors by Amber Palmer. Ongoing. 265 Cohasset Rd. inside Enloe Cancer Center, (530) 332-3856.


Yemen, a unique collection of photos and journal entries documenting an ancient Jewish community’s struggles with civil war and violent Antisemitism. Through 3/28. 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico, Trinity Hall.


Gadgets, a new display featuring kitchen gadgets past and present. M-Sa, 10am3:45pm; Su, 11:45am-3:45pm. $2 adults/kids free. 1650 Broderick St. in Oroville, (530) 538-2497, www.boltsantiquetools.com.

CHICO MUSEUM: The Bicycle:Life on Two

Wheels, an exhibition that will explore world of cycling, from the history of the bicycle, the science of staying upright and the benefits of riding. F through 6/22. $2-$3. 141 Salem St., (530) 891-4336.

CHICO MUSEUM BENEFIT: A pottery sale to benefit the Chico Museum featuring local artist David Yager, complete with complimentary hors d’oeuvres. F, 3/23, 5-8pm; Sa, 3/24, 12-4pm; Su, 3/25, 12-4pm. Prices vary. Chico Museum, 141 Salem St., 891--4336.

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Noise!, an exhibit including 11 hands-on activities, including a scream chamber and a pipe organ made from PVC tubes. Through 4/25. $3-$5.Toys: The Inside Story, an exhibit featuring 12 hands-on stations illustrating the simple mechanisms found in most toys. W-Su. $3$5. 625 Esplanade.


Visual improv Three local artists are stepping outside the structure of their usual work in order to “seek the unpredictable EDITOR’S PICK as they follow their creative urges in new directions” for the Improvisations show opening this Friday, March 23, (reception 5-8 p.m.) at Avenue 9 Gallery. The small-group show features the large paintings of Avenue 9 co-owner Maria Phillips; the water-themed paintings, prints and photos of Barbara Morris and Delbert Rupp’s ceramic sculptures. See FRIDAY, Art Reception, for details.

—JASON CASSIDY March 22, 2012

CN&R 25



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class designed to educate college students, fleet managers, auto mechanics, first responders, service and maintenance personnel and others about the benefits of alternative fuels. Call to register. 3/23-3/24, 8am-5pm. Free. Transfer Flow Manufacturing Facility, 1444 Fortress St., 893-5209, www.transferflow.com.


BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB BENEFIT: A tri tip dinner hosted by Quota International of Paradise, for eat-in or take-out. Festivities also include a raffle and bake sale, with all proceeds to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of the Ridge. Th, 3/22, 5-7:30pm. $5. Boys &Girls Club Teen Center, 6241 Skyway in Paradise, 877-8721.

CAMPUS TREE TOURS: A 90-minute tour of Chico State’s beautiful trees with knowledgeable



3 TACO PLATE Est1938


(Special does not include fish or shrimp)

guides. Meet at the Bidwell Mansion. F, 3/23, 10am. Bidwell Mansion, 525 Esplanade, (530) 895-6144.

CHICO FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Chico Friends of the Library weekly book sale. Sa, 9:15-11:30am. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary.

CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP FOR CANCER SURVIRORS: A workshop designed to help individuals share their life experiences and “embrace life beyond cancer.” Call for reservations or more information. M, 3pm through 4/16. Free. Feather River Cancer Center, 5629 Canyon View Dr. in Paradise, 876-7184.

DANCE SANCTUARY WAVE: Bring a water bottle, drop your mind, free your feet and your spirit. Call for directions. Tu, 6:30-8:30pm. $10. Call for details, 891-6524.

Mon-Sat 10am-7:45pm Sun 10am-6pm

DIABETES DAY: Mini presentations, glucose and

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blood pressure screenings, educational information and more. Presentations include: “How is Diabetes Diagnosed,” “Healthy Eating,” and “Being Active.” Tu, 3/27, 1-4pm. Free. Enloe Conference Center, 1528 Esplanade, (530) 3327370.

DOG TRAINING CLASSES: Butte County Kennel Club is offering dog training classes: basic obedience, rally, beginner novice, conformation, and puppy/toddler. Go online for more info. Tu, 3/27, 6:30-7:30pm. Manzanita Place, 1705 Manzanita Ave. Inside Chico Elks Lodge, 893-4982, www.buttecountykennelclub.org.

Sat, March 31, 10-4pm at Earth Girl Art 3851 Morrow Lane, Chico (behind Home Depot) www.earthgirlart.com • 354-2680 A Chico Springtime Community Event featuring:

Nor Cal Roller Derby Girls - Eagles Club Charity Bingo - Kettle Corn - Paradise/Oroville Gem & Mineral Clubs - GRUB Live Music by Regi Huber & Friends - ReBellyon Belly Dancers - Greeters in Costume - Shipwrecked Farms Horse Rescue American Cancer Society Prize Table - Arts & Crafts - Handmade Indian Tacos & Tri-tip by Donna - Wild Things Beads Jewelry/Craft Supplies Barter & Buy Corner - Artisan Demonstrations - Visit from the Fire Dept w/Fire Safety 26 CN&R March 22, 2012

A HUMDINGER OF A GARAGE SALE: A huge garage sale with proceeds benefiting the Patrick Ranch Museum, the Stansbury House, Chico Museum and Bidwell Mansion. 2748 San Jose Street, Chico. 3/23-3/24, 8am-2pm. Prices vary.

INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING: Teaching during the first hour, followed by request dancing. No partners necessary. Call for more information. F, 8pm through 5/25. $2. Chico Creek Dance Centre, 1144 W. First St., 345-8134.

KNIT WITH SPIRIT: Drop-in knitting group with a teacher to help students and answer questions. F, 3/23, 12-1:30pm; F, 3/30, 12-1:30pm. $5. Age of Aquarius, 852 Manzanita Ct. Ste. 155 Behind the Holiday Inn, 520-1900, www.ageof aquariuschico.com.

LUV-A-BULL: Attendees will receive discounted adoption rates on all dog breeds, a free hot dog, raffles tickets and maybe even a new family member. Sa, 3/24, 12-4pm. Butte Humane Society, 2579 Fair St., (530) 343-7917.

MUTT STRUT: Each week this spring, Butte

Humane Society will host a tour of one of Chico’s beautiful parks. Attendees will get a chance to introduce their canine companions EAT AND PLAY TOGETHER: Families in Oroville are to areas they otherwise might not explore. Go invited to play together with activities like N E W S & R E V I E W B U S I N E S S U S online E ON LY for scheduling and registration infordodge ball, Latin hip-hop, muscle strengthenmation. Last day for registration is March 2. ing and swimming. Call ahead to reserve a DESIGNER ISSUE DATE ACCT. EXEC. Su, 2-3pm through 4/8. See listing for details, YMCA, 1684 spot. Sa through PG 3/31. Oroville04.01.10 C-JLD See Listing, www.buttehumane.org. Robinson St. in Oroville, 538-7201, www.oroville FILE NAME REV. DATE ymca.org.

SHUBERTS040110R1 03.18.10 PARADISE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Used book sale. Every other Sa, 10am-3pm. FARMERS MARKET - CHICO STATE: The Organic Vegetable Projects USP weekly(BOLD sale of fresh-picked SELECTION) Prices vary. Butte County Library, Paradise Branch, 5922 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872greens ofPRICE chard, /kale, cabbage, flowers, herbs, / UNIQUE ATMOSPHERE / EXPERT 6320, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary/ veggies, farm-fresh eggs and more in the campus plaza. W, 11am-2pm. Chico State, W. First St. Plumas Hall.


Eclectic Artisan Festival Art Contest & Wild Things Bead Trunk Show

systems with an emphasis on six avian species. M, 3/26, 6:30pm. Chico Creek Nature Center, 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

fruits and vegetables and resources for better health. Th, 11am-3pm through 8/31. El Medio Fire Department, 3515 Myers St. in Oroville, (530) 592-0889 ext. Message, www.cChaos.org.


honey, fruits and veggies, crafts and more. Sa, 7:30am-1pm. Chico Certified Saturday Farmers Market, Municipal Parking Lot On Second And Wall Streets, (530) 893-3276.

FEATHER RIVER HIKE: Meet at the Chico Park & Ride (East Eighth and Fir streets) with a lunch, water and appropriate hiking gear. Su, 3/25, 9am. Free. 342-2292 & 893-5123.

HABITOUR: An in-depth tour of Habitat for Humanity, offering an opportunity for questions about the organization’s operations and facilities. W, 3/28, 5:30-6:30pm. Free. Habitat for Humanity of Butte County, 220 Meyers St., (530) 343-7423.

HISTORY & ECOLOGY OF 6 BIRD SPECIES: William Haas will present his research on riparian



Sa, 10am-3pm. Butte County Library, Paradise Branch, 5922 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 8726320, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary/ Paradise.htm

POETRY WRITING AND BOOKMAKING WORKSHOP: A five-hour workshop with Cathleen Michaels, covering writing tribute animal poems and bookmaking with mini-print and foam block cover labels. Su, 3/25, 10am-3pm. $70. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway, (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.

SOUL SHAKE DANCE CHURCH: Drop your mind, find your feet and free you spirit at this DJ dance wave to a range of musical styles. No previous dance experience necessary. Su, 10am-noon. $8-$15 sliding scale. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., (530) 895-4707.

WILDFLOWER TOURS AT TABLE MOUNTAIN: Tours with Dept. of Fish and Game naturalists. Every Saturday in March and April. Go online or call for registration or more information. Sa, 10am & 1pm through 4/28. See listing for details, See Listing, (916) 358-2869, www.dfg.ca.gov/lands/ er/region2/northtable.html.

For Kids CAMP CHICO CREEK: Available as a half or full day all week, this day camp for children is designed to provide outdoor activities to foster awareness of nature. This year’s theme is “Wild World of Bidwell Park,” where campers will learn about bears, mountain lions, beavers, coyotes and more. Call or go online for more info. Through 3/23, 8am-4pm. $70-$130. Chico Creek Nature Center, 1968 E. Eighth St., 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.


sponsored by Lyon Books. Every other Th, 3pm. Free. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-3338, www.lyonbook.com.

SPRINGTIME HORSE CAMP: A week-long camp open to children ages eight and over that will give kids a chance to learn about horses, including safety and respect of the animal. Camp is held rain or shine, call for more information. Through 3/23, 8am-noon. 343-1814.

SEWING, KNITTING & CRAFTS CLASSES FOR KIDS: Classes for kids hosted by Earth Girl Art. Go online for class schedule. Ongoing. Earth Girl Art, 3851 Morrow Ln., (530) 354-2680, www.earthgirlart.com.

Volunteer BIDWELL PARK VOLUNTEERS: Help the park by volunteering for trash pick-up, invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, site restoration, water quality testing and more. Ongoing; check Friends of Bidwell Park web site for dates and locations. Ongoing. Call for location, www.friendsofbidwellpark.org.

SAMARITAN FREE CLINIC: This clinic offers free basic medical care and mental health counseling. Call for more information. Su, 2-4pm. Free. Paradise Lutheran Church, 780 Luther Dr. Next to Long’s Drugstore in Paradise, 8727085.

SELF DEFENSE WORKSHOP: Face the world headon with a sense of security only mastering self-defense can provide. Email to register. M,

3/26, 6:30pm. $10-$20. Azads Martial Arts

Family Center, 313 Walnut St. 150 Corner of Walnut and 4th St., (530) 892-2923, www.azadsmartialarts.com.

MORE ONLINE Additional listings for local meetings, support groups, classes, yoga, meditation and more can be found online at www.newsreview.com/chico/local/calendar.

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March 22, 2012

CN&R 27






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3/23 Dervish 3/27 Branford Marsalis FRIDAY 3/23 – thuRsDAY 3/29 21 JUMP STREET (Digital) (R) 11:45aM 1:10PM 2:30PM 3:50PM 5:10PM 6:30PM 7:50PM 9:10PM 10:25PM‡

OCTOBER BABY (2012) (Digital) (Pg-13)12:00PM 2:30PM 5:00PM 7:30PM 10:00PM

SAFE HOUSE (Digital) (R ) ACT OF VALOR (Digital) 7:35PM 10:15PM (R) 11:25aM 2:05PM 4:45PM 7:25PM♣ 10:05PM♣ THIS MEANS WAR (Digital) (Pg-13) 11:35aM DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX 2:15PM 4:45PM 7:10PM† (3D) (Pg) 11:00aM 1:15PM 9:35PM† 2:20PM 3:30PM 5:45PM (SPECIAL SHOWING) 7:05PM 7:55PM 10:10PM JOSEPH AND THE AMAzING DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT (Digital) (Pg) 11:50aM (Digital) (NR) MoN. 3/26 4:40PM 9:20PM 8:00PM HUNGER GAMES, THE (Digital) (Pg-13) (10:35aM*) 11:40aM 12:45PM 1:05PM 1:50PM 2:55PM 4:00PM 4:25PM 5:05PM 6:10PM 7:15PM 7:45PM 8:20PM 9:25PM 10:30PM 11:00PM♥ JOHN CARTER (3D) (Pg13) (10:20aM*) 1:20PM 4:20PM 7:20PM 10:20PM


JOHN CARTER (Digital) (Pg-13) 11:50aM 2:50PM 5:50PM♠ 9:00PM♠



(SNEAK PREVIEW) WRATH OF THE TITANS (3D) (Pg-13) late Nite thuRs.12:01aM

showtimes listed w/ (*) shown Fri. - Mon. oNlY showtimes listed w/ ♥ Not shown after sat. 3/24 showtimes listed w/ ♠ Not shown Mon. 3/26 showtimes listed w/ ♣ Not shown tues. 3/27 showtimes listed w/ † Not shown Wed. 3/28 showtimes listed w/ ‡ Not shown thurs. 3/29

28 CN&R March 22, 2012

4/6 & 7 Keeping Dance Alive! 4/8 CATSLD OUT SO 4/11 Harlem Gospel Choir 5/7 Dave Eggers: gggg g d 5/7 Zeitoun Date Change Bookk In Common B 4/27 Yo-Yo Yo Yo Ma &T D OU Kathryn Stott with The Assad Brothers 5/9 Riders in the Sky All shows at Laxson Auditorium California State University, Chico



unassuming fashion. And that patient, low-key approach has everything to do with its success as a remarkably complex and unexpectedly affecting by drama. Juan-Carlos Initially it is a story about the impending Selznick break-up of a marriage. Simin (Leila Hatami) wants a divorce from Nader (Peyman Moadi) so that she can raise their daughter Termeh (Sarina Farhadi) in some place other than Iran. Nader refuses to leave his job and his ailing, aging father, and so the couple separates, but his wife stays in Iran and his daughter stays A Separation with him. Ends tonight, That turn of events brings another conflictMarch 22. ed family of three into the picture. Nader hires Starring Peyman Moadi, Razieh (Sareh Bayat) as a daytime caregiver Leila Hatami for his aged father. The caregiver, who is pregand Sareh nant, must hide the fact of her employment Bayat. from her husband Hodjat (Shahab Hosseini), Directed by Asghar Farhadi. who is surly, unemployed and tradition-orientParadise Cinema ed. Her peculiar work habits are met with the 7. Rated PG-13. displeasure of Nader, who ends up dismissing her with a literal shove out the door. The upshot of these various domestic disputes is that both families are soon back in Poor court. Razieh has suffered a miscarriage after Nader’s rough dismissal, and she wants him prosecuted for it. He in turn has her charged with elder abuse. Simin is not convinced her Fair husband is innocent, and Hodjat goads Razieh on, and berates nearly everyone involved, including himself. Nader and Simin are more modern and libGood eral while Razieh and Hodjat are much more tradition-bound. But writer-director Asghar Farhadi doesn’t push us to take sides. In this tale, there is no clear-cut rooting interest. Each Very Good of the main characters has some good reasons for his or her conduct, and none of the four ever seems entirely in the right. What emerges is partly a quietly heartExcellent







breaking study in the elusiveness of truth. But it’s not simply a Rashomon-style standoff among competing versions of the truth. Rather, Farhadi’s characters are complicit in their own entrapment within whichever network of values (social, moral and sometimes spiritual) they’re trying to live by. In a way, it’s a low-key tragic drama played out in specifics of the daily life from a particular contemporary setting and culture. It might also be taken as a critique of Iranian society, but the sober humanism implicit in Farhadi’s even-handed approach seems to transcend parochial and polemical concerns. A couple of key events in the story are only half-seen, from the limited point-of-view of a single character, and Farhadi excels at underlining the characters’ uncertainties and quandaries with semi-obstructed angles of vision, casually incomplete observation of detail, “blind spots” in the ongoing action, etc. A remarkably patient judge (Babak Karimi) does what he can to sort things out in the court scenes (which take place mostly in a tiny office). But the most haunting judgment of all comes in a glance exchanged, near the end, between Termeh, daughter of Simin and Nader, and Somayeh, daughter of Razieh and Hodjat. Ω

Big, dumb fun 21 Jump Street


Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.

by Rachel Bush Movie trailers have the power to make

even the most stupid films look entertaining. So, I really wasn’t expecting much from this remake of the 1980s TV crime show 21 Jump

Street. The trailer had an underwhelming line-up of slapstick action clips, stupid punch lines and loud theatrical music. But, as it turned out, in the complete movie all that fluff translated to funny. This drama-remade-as-a-comedy stars Channing Tatum (Jenko) and Jonah Hill (Schmidt) as mediocre newbie cop partners reassigned to the 21 Jump Street undercover division. Captain Dickson (Ice Cube, playing the “tough black cop” stereotype with hilarious reflexivity) has the boys go undercover as high schoolers to buddy up to the young drug dealers distributing a super hip but highly dangerous new synthetic drug called H.F.S. (holy effin’ shit). There have been plenty of movies with a typical high-school backdrop, where popular pretty jocks rule while the nerds are on the sidelines. But Jump Street switches up the stereotypes to show how easily highschool “coolness” fluctuates from year to year. These days, it’s the eco-liberal kids who stand at the top of the

Reviewers: Craig Blamer, Rachel Bush and Juan-Carlos Selznick.

Opening this week A Dangerous Method

The latest from director David Cronenberg (A History of Violence, Crash) is an historical drama about the pre-WWI relationship triangle between Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and beautiful-but-troubled psychologist Sabina Spielrein. Pageant Theatre. Rated R.

The Hunger Games

An adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ popular young-adult novel about a post-apocalyptic North America (now known as Panem) where young people are chosen by lottery to compete against one another on television in a government-sponsored battle to the death. The film tells the story of a teenage girl (Jennifer Lawrence) who volunteers to take her younger sister’s place in the competition where the last person standing receives food and gifts to last a lifetime. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

October Baby

A faith-based film that follows the journey of a young woman after she finds out that she was adopted following a failed abortion. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

Oscar-Nominated Short Films

A compilation of the 2012 Oscar nominees for Best Short Film (Live Action), plus a few other notable short-form selections. The collection includes Pentecost, Raju, Time Freak, Tuba Atlantic, and the Oscar-winning piece from Hotel Rwanda writer/director Terry George, The Shore. Pageant Theatre. Not rated.

Now playing


21 Jump Street

See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R —R.B.

Albert Nobbs

Glenn Close and Janet McTeer were nominated for Oscars for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress, respectively, in this story of a woman (Close) who has lived as a man for more than 30 years in order to work as a butler at a fancy Irish hotel. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.


The Descendents

George Clooney plays Matt King, a Hawaiian businessman, soon-to-be-widowed father of two troubled daughters and head of a clan whose roots in Hawaii go back to the 19th century. He’s a mild sort of take-

food chain, with a handsome socially conscious drug dealer (Dave Franco) leading this new granola pack. Now Schmidt’s and Jenko’s traditional roles are switched: The once-nerdy Schmidt is now the sensitive popular kid, and former jock Jenko doesn’t know how to fit in with the new generation of cool. The tension drives a wedge in their friendship and undercover work, but the ridiculous high-school drama and subsequent shenanigans provide much comic relief. Plus, the chemistry between Tatum and Hill is surprisingly strong, so you root for this bromance through thick and thin. All that stupid stuff from the trailer, and then some, is still in the movie—ridiculously over-the-top car chases, shoot-’em-ups, and dumb raunchy humor (lots of dick jokes and lines with “motherfucker”)—but for an R-rated action-comedy based on an ’80s TV show, it all serves its big, dumb and pretty damn funny purpose. And in the end, it’s a lot less painful than high school can be. Ω

charge guy who’s also a bit of a clueless doofus. Writer-director Alexander Payne puts Clooney/King at the center of things here, but the center in this case is always part of a larger and ever more entangled situation: King’s comatose and dying wife, the sorrows and travails of the two young daughters, the belated discovery of the wife’s infidelity, and the impending sale of virgin wilderness that has belonged to the King clan for more than a century. It’s the stuff of soap opera and tragic melodrama, but Payne and company enliven and complicate all that by taking it in yet another direction—toward the comedy of contemporary middle-class manners. Each of the story’s plot strands involves a test of regions of King’s character that he has heretofore neglected, and the zig-zag path of his quirky integrity is comically crucial but never independent of the tougher issues involved. Pageant Theatre. Rated R —J.C.S.

was blazingly original in the early days of the 20th century has since been cherrypicked to the point where there’s not much fruit left on its limbs to dazzle a 21st-century audience. Nonetheless, John Carter still manages to be an entertaining piece of work in its own right. Director Andrew Stanton (WALL-E and Finding Nemo) has found the heart, imbuing the proceedings with a whimsical touch that makes it more endearing than most space operas while also delivering on the epic sweep of the space opera. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.


At least part of the time, Safe House is high-octane action-movie entertainment. Some of that time and other times as well, it takes on the air of a political thriller while also taking time here and there to pose enigmatic questions about its two central characters. The central premise has a young, untried CIA agent named Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) charged with the desperate task of bringing in Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington), a notorious rogue agent. That increasingly complicated pairing plays out against the larger backdrop of counterespionage and intra-agency scheming, all ostensibly in the name of national security. Initially, Frost is the larger-than-life antagonist to Weston’s perhaps life-size protagonist, but the nature of that match-up shifts as events unfold. The plausibility of these shifts (and of Weston’s own character) gets increasingly thin as the twists of plot and character become more frenetic. And the movie itself, after starting out with a grab bag of disparate but intriguing premises, gradually reverts to merely generic moves. Cinemark 14. Rated R —J.C.S.

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

With The Lorax, the fourth Dr. Seuss book re-imagined for film, we get a direct message: The Lorax “speaks for the trees,” promoting environmentalist ideals about conserving natural resources. The film version follows preteen Ted (Zac Efron), who lives in the over-industrialized town of Thneed-Ville, where the citizens are brainwashed into thinking that their plastic environment is paradise. When his crush Audrey (Taylor Swift) reveals her desire to see a real, live tree, Ted sets out on a quest to learn about what happened to the natural world, leading him to the home of the mysterious hermit The Once-ler (Ed Helms, in great voice and timing), who it turns out, is largely responsible for the deforestation. Danny DeVito is the (disappointingly subdued) voice of The Lorax, who urges Onceler to reconsider his greedy ways and not cut down the beautiful Truffula trees for his own gains. It’s The Once-ler’s flashback scenes that make the film especially reminiscent of Dr. Seuss’s original tale. The forested world is brought to screen with the same vivid color schemes and fantastical illustrations as in the book. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG —R.B.


Project X

Things get ridiculously and hilariously out of hand when three high-school buddies throw a house party to try and make a name for themselves. Cinemark 14. Rated R.


Safe House


A Separation

Ends tonight, March 22. See review this issue. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

John Carter

A young adventurer is thrust into a vast conflict on a planet far, far away and finds himself drawn to a warrior princess fighting to save her tribe. Our hero is aided by a loveably ugly squat sidekick and a taller one prone to flamboyant language and gestures … Well, you get the point. The longawaited adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ proto-fantasy swashbuckler A Princess of Mars has the uphill battle of telling a story within the restrictions of contemporary genre tropes. Debuting in 1917, the franchise served as ground zero for everything from Superman to Star Wars, and everything fantasy in between. What

Still here Act of Valor

Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Cinemark 14. Rated R.

Silent House

Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.

This Means War

Cinemark 14. Rated R.

March 22, 2012

CN&R 29

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Comforting the afflicted

Build Your Own Omelet & Deep Fried French Toast

Henri warms the soul with his favorite comfort-food recipes

H around these days without seeing a reference to “comfort enri can barely turn

food,” from high-end restaurants serving meatloaf and mac and by Henri Bourride cheese to cookhbourride@ books and magyahoo.com azines devoted entirely to the subject. And why not? Don’t we naturally seek comfort in uncomfortable times? Whether the source of our discomfort is the weather, the economy, post-911 anxiety, or right-wing radio talk show hosts spewing inanity, insanity and profanity, we want to feel better, and certain foods and their associations—with friendship, family and better times—can be a huge help. Confession: Henri’s comfort foods tend to extend the conventional definition a bit and come from a more widely cast net. In fact, Henri can hardly think of a food or drink that wouldn’t bring at least some degree of comfort—including one of my favorite comfort foods, a Bloody Mary, especially one with two crispy strips of bacon for garnish. That said, Henri has a few standbys that are rather more traditional, perfect for staving off a cold, the cold or the cold-hearted. The first is mac and cheese, of course. I discovered this delicious variation in the current “Comfort Classics” issue of Cooking Light magazine (Mark Bittman’s recipe). Steakhouse Side Mac and Cheese Ingredients: 4 teaspoons olive oil 2 teaspoons salt 8 ounces uncooked whole-wheat penne pasta or macaroni 3 bacon slices 10 ounces mushrooms, quartered 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 (5-ounce) packages fresh baby spinach 1/4 cup plain 2% Greek yogurt 4 ounces blue cheese, crumbled 1/2 cup whole-wheat panko (Japanese breadcrumbs) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley Preheat oven to 400. Coat 2quart glass or ceramic baking dish

with 1 teaspoon oil. Set aside. Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil; add salt and pasta. Cook for 6 minutes or until just barely tender. Drain pasta in a colander over a bowl; reserve 1 cup cooking liquid. Cook bacon in a large skillet over medium heat until crisp. Remove bacon from pan, reserving 2 tablespoons drippings in pan; crumble bacon. Add mushrooms to drippings in pan; cook for 8 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. Add pepper, garlic and spinach (in batches); cook 3 minutes or until spinach wilts, tossing occasionally. Combine yogurt and cheese in a large bowl, stirring until almost smooth. Add pasta and mushroom

mixture; toss to combine. Stir in 1/2 cup reserved cooking liquid (or more if mixture looks dry). Spoon pasta mixture into prepared dish. Combine crumbled bacon, panko and parsley in a bowl. Drizzle with remaining 3 teaspoons oil; toss to combine. Sprinkle evenly over top of pasta. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden and bubbly. Excellent with a Burgandy or Pinot Noir. Henri’s Slow-cooked Turkey Thighs With Polenta Ingredients: 2 turkey thighs 2 tablespoons olive oil 4-6 garlic cloves, minced 1 large onion, sliced 2 or 3 large bell peppers (red, green and/or yellow) sliced 3 or 4 large carrots, sliced 3 or 4 celery stalks, sliced 4 cups beef or vegetable broth 1 cup polenta mix (or cornmeal) 1 tablespoon butter Pour olive oil in large slow cooker, and add turkey thighs. Add vegetables, fresh ground salt and pepper and cover with broth. Set cook time at 6 or 8 hours. Check from time to time to make sure vegetables and thighs are still covered with broth. If not, add water or more broth. A half hour before the turkey is done, bring four cups of water to boil in sauce pan. Add the butter and a pinch of salt. Pour polenta in slowly, stirring constantly. Reduce heat, and continue to stir until polenta is done (about a half hour). Spoon the cooked polenta into large, shallow soup bowls and ladle the turkey thighs and vegetables on top. (Turkey will be falling apart, so you can serve it into more than two bowls.) Also good with a Pinot, though Colette prefers a Chenin Blanc. Note: Feel free to improvise on the vegetable mix, depending on what you have around. I’ve added artichoke hearts, New Mexico chiles, raisins, cranberries, pistachios, wild rice, various herbs, salsa, even curry. You can also serve it over pasta, rice or other grains, including quinoa. A votre confort! Ω

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CN&R 31



23FRIDAY DERVISH: Having recently earned the distinction of becoming the first Irish band to perform at Rock in Rio (in front of 240,000 people), the Celtic act will bring bring their inspiring melodies to Laxson Auditorium. F, 3/23, 7:30pm. $12-$25. Chico State; 400 W. First St.; (530) 898-6333; www.chicoperfor mances.com.

FURLOUGH FRIDAYS: A night of high-

22THURSDAY BLUES JAM: Weekly open jam. Th, 8pm-

midnight. Lynns Optimo; 9225 Skyway

energy rock with local acts Furlough Fridays, Case In Theory, Crashed Giraffe and Strange Habits. F, 3/23, 8pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476; www.cafecoda.com.


IRISH MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with a traditional Irish music session by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffys Tavern; 337 Main St.; (530) 343-7718.

Saturday, March 24

in Paradise; (530) 872-1788.


Th, 8-11pm. Free. The DownLo; 319 Main St.; (530) 892-2473.

JOHN SEID: John Seid, Larry Peterson and Steve Cook playing the blues, the Beatles and standards. Th, 6:30-

9:30pm through 3/29; Sa, 3/31, 7-10pm.

Free. Johnnies Restaurant; 220 W. Fourth St. inside Hotel Diamond; (530) 895-1515; www.johnnies restaurant.com.

MCBRIDE BROTHERS: The authentic ’60s

rock’n’roll experience. Th, 3/22, 9pm. Free. Tackle Box Bar & Grill; 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 345-7499.

OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians welcome. Th, 7-10pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

REGGAE & DANCEHALL NIGHT: Weekly Th, 9pm-1:45am through 3/29. Lost On

Main; 319 Main St.; (530) 891-1853.

MATTEO PLAYS FILM SCORES: Classical guitarist Matteo plays film scores and light classics. Th, 6pm. Free. Angelos Cucina Trinacria; 407 Walnut St.; (530) 899-9996.

TRAINWRECK: Live blues and rock. Th, 3/22, 6-9pm. Free. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.

Medical Marijuana Specialists Highland


Wellness Center

32 CN&R March 22, 2012

JOHN TRENALONE: Jazz and Broadway standards of the last 100 years. F,

6:30-8:30pm through 4/27. Free.

Johnnies Restaurant; 220 W. Fourth St. inside Hotel Diamond; (530) 895-1515; www.johnniesrestaurant.com.

LED ZEPAGAIN: A Led Zeppelin tribute

band in the brewery. F, 3/23, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.featherfallscasino.com.

LIVE MUSIC SHOWCASE: Rich and Kendall’s weekly music revue featuring The Blue Merles. F, 3/23, 4:30pm. Tackle

Box Bar & Grill; 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 345-7499.

PETE STRINGFELLOW: Country music with Chico State grad Pete Stringfellow. Glenn Dawson opens. F, 3/23, 8pm. $5. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.

RED CARPET EVENT: A red-carpet dance party with live performances from Brian Dean, Defyant Circle, Tex the Unfamous and Nick Russo. Did we mention red carpet? F, 3/23, 7-11pm. The Soda Shop; 809 Fourth St. in Orland; 865-7567.

STRANGE FICTION: New local rock crew. F, 3/23, 9pm. Free. The End Zone; 250

Cohasset Rd.; (530) 345-7330.


BLUEGRASS JAM: An open jam for bluegrass musicians hosted by Lucy Smith. Fourth Sa of every month, 1-4pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.

GUITAR PROJECT: Warren Haskell’s clas-

sical guitar project showcase. Sa, 3/24, 7:30pm. $10. 1078 Gallery; 820 Broadway; (530) 343-1973; www.1078gallery.org.

JAMES SLACK BAND: Live country and

southern rock. Sa, 3/24, 9pm. Free. Rolling Hills Casino; 2655 Barham Ave. in Corning; (530) 528-3500; www.rollinghillscasino.com.

KELLY BAUMAN: Formerly of Deathstar notoriety, Kelly Bauman headlines at the Maltese. Rick Barnett and Dane Barbo open. Sa, 3/24, 9pm. Free. Maltese Bar & Taproom; 1600 Park Ave.; (530) 343-4915.

LADIES NIGHT W/DJ: Ladies night: dancing every Saturday. Sa, 10pm-1:30am. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery; 303 Main St.; (530) 894-5408.

REWIND: Live classic rock at the Tackle

Box. Sa, 3/24, 9pm. Free. Tackle Box Bar & Grill; 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 3457499.

THE SHANKERS: Punk/rockabilly threepiece The Shankers, plus Teeph, Zabaleen and Goat open. Sa, 3/24, 8pm. $5. Monstros Pizza & Subs; 628 W. Sacramento Ave.; (530) 345-7672.

SPRING EQUINOX EXTRAVAGANZA: A footstompin’ good time at the Grub Collective with music by local drum ensemble Wolf Thump, plus Wapanjea, Soul Union and DJ Luke Anderson. Sa, 3/24, 7:30pm. $10. GRUB Cooperative; 1525 Dayton Rd.; (530) 828-6390.


AMAROK: Local doom-metal act Amarok

celebration of 50 years of the Rolling Stones with popular tribute band The Unauthorized Rolling Stones. Historic images from Rolling Stone Magazine photographer Robert Altman will be on

headlines. The Empty Set and Aseethe open. Sa, 3/24, 8:30pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476; www.cafecoda.com.

ASCENT MUSIC ACADEMY RECITAL: Budding musicians from the Ascent

Music Academy perform. Sa, 3/24, 5:30pm. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.;


(530) 566-9476; www.cafecoda.com.

BLUEGRASS JAM: Every fourth Saturday,

Saturday, March 24 El Rey Theatre

open bluegrass jam. Fourth Sa of every month, 2-5:30pm. Free. Augies Fine

Coffee & Tea; 230 Salem St.; (530) 8943764.


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NIGHTLIFE display. Sa, 3/24, 7pm. $15-$18. El Rey Theatre; 230 W. Second St.; (530) 3422727.

USED BLUES DUO: The Used Blues Duo at On the Rocks Lounge inside the Holiday Inn. Sa, 3/24, 9pm. $10.00. On The Rocks; 685 Manzanita Ct.; (530) 3452491.

25SUNDAY JAZZ: Weekly jazz. Su, 4-6pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.


26MONDAY 28WEDNESDAY JAZZ HAPPY HOUR: Carey Robinson hosts a jazz happy hour every Monday. M, 57pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.

27TUESDAY AARON JAQUA: Country music with Aaron and friends. Tu, 7-9pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.


THE SHANKERS Saturday, March 24 Monstros Pizza

Award-winning saxophonist Branford Marsalis and his quartet are sure to deliver an evening of innovative jazz. Tu, 3/27, 7:30pm. $23-$35. Chico State; 400 W. First St.; (530) 898-6333; www.chicoperformances.com.



DANCE OR DIE: Prolific house music producer Robbie Rivera, Bass Jackers and PeaceTreaty stop at the Senator on their 2012 American tour. Bring glowsticks. W, 3/28, 8pm. $18-$23. Senator Theatre; 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497; www.jmaxproductions.net.

Wednesday, March 28 LaSalles SEE WEDNESDDAY

JAZZ LUNCH: Every Wednesday with

Lasalle’s monthly songwriter showcase. This week: Casing the Promisedland, Aubrey Debauchery, Lish Bills, Sean Galloway and Michael Lee. W, 3/28, 8pm. $5. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.

MUSICAL BLISSFEST: A night of performances by local singer-songwriters, including Edward Okum of Crashed Giraffe and Michael Bone of Clouds on Strings, minus their bands. Aamir Malik and Misanthropic Trees round out the bill. W, 3/28, 7-10pm. $5. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.

OPEN JAM NIGHT: Join the jam. Drum kit, bass rig, guitar amp and PA system are provided, bring your own instruments. All ages until 10. W, 7pm. Free. Italian Garden; 6929 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 876-9988; www.my space.com/theitaliangarden.

CRAZY HORSE: All-request karaoke. Tu,

9pm. Free. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.

FEATHER FALLS: Tu, 7-11pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.featherfalls casino.com.

KINGS TAVERN: M, Tu, 8pm. Free. Kings

Carey Robinson Trio. W, 12-2pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.



Casing the Promisedland

LASALLES: Su, 9pm. LaSalles, 229 Broad-

SALSA BELLA: Live Salsa music in the

restaurant. W, 8-11pm. Tortilla Flats; 2601 Esplanade; (530) 345-6053.

SWING DANCE WEDNESDAY: Every Wednesday night, swing dancing lessons 8-10pm. W, 8-10pm. Free. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery; 303 Main St.; (530) 894-5408.

DJ DANCING CRAZY HORSE: DJ Hot Rod and mechani-

cal bull contest. F, 9pm-1:30am. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.

DOWN LO: DJ Ron Dare. Tu, Sa, 9pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

DUFFYS: DJ Lois & DJ Spenny. W, 10pm. $1. Duffys Tavern, 337 Main St., (530) 343-7718.

FEATHER FALLS: Su, 8pm-midnight. Free. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in

Tavern, 5771 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-7100.

Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com.

LASALLES: Th, 10pm: DJ Mac Morris; Fr,

11pm: on the patio; Sa, 9pm: “That 80s Party”; and Tu, 10pm: DJ. LaSalles, 229 Broadway St. (530) 893-1891.

MADISON BEAR: Dancing upstairs and on the patio. W-Sa, 9pm. Madison Bear Garden, 316 W. Second St., (530) 8911639, www.madisonbeargarden.com.

MALTESE: Dirty Talk: LBGT dance Party

w/ DJ2K. F, 9pm-2am through 4/6. Free. Maltese Bar & Taproom, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

MONTGOMERY ST.: W, F Sa, 8pm. Free. Montgomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.

QUACKERS: F, 9pm. Free. Quackers Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825.

TACKLE BOX: DJ Shelley. Tu, Su, 6pm. Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 375 East Park Ave., (530) 345-7499.

way St. (530) 893-1891.

LAST CALL LOUNGE: M, Th, 8pm-midnight. Last Call Lounge, 876 East Ave., (530) 895-3213.

LYNNS OPTIMO: F, Sa, 9pm. Lynns Optimo, 9225 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-1788.

MONTGOMERY ST.: Tu, 8pm. Free. Montgomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.

QUACKERS: Th, 9pm. Free. Quackers Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825.

SMOKIE MOUNTAIN: F, Sa, 9pm. Free. Smokie Mountain Steakhouse, 7039 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-3323, www.smokiemtnsteakhouse.com.

STUDIO INN: With Brandon Hightower. Tu,

9pm-1am. Studio Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.

TORTILLA FLATS: Karaoke en Espanol. Su, 8-midnight. Free. Tortilla Flats, 2601 Esplanade, (530) 345-6053.

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CN&R 33

34 CN&R March 22, 2012


"THE ONE" This is the one you've been looking for!

Laugh, you pigs!

“Hallelujah!” says Ken Smith of the Chico News & Review

“Taste the difference!”

Neil Hamburger brings the comedy and the uncomfortable pain

OPEN Mon-Sat • Dine In or Take Out 240 Table Mt. Blvd, Oroville • (530) 532-9219

3166 Olive Hwy, Oroville 532-0692 Everyday 11am-8pm Naturally Raised Beef

America’s Funnyman, Neil Hamburger. PHOTO BY ROBYN VON SWANK

T February Night, recorded live during Neil Hamburger’s he 2007 album Hot

opening stint for frat boy favorites Tenacious D, opens with the by Ken Smith cheers of a largely unsuspecting kens@ newsreview.com audience waiting to laugh. The cheering turns to confused mutterPREVIEW ing, then angry Neil Hamburger performs at jeers, in the short The Last Stand, time it takes Saturday, Hamburger to March 31, 7 p.m. clear his throat a Tickets: half-dozen times $12/advance; $15/door. and deliver just two jokes—one The Last Stand about Santa Claus 167 E. Third St. sexually assault345-1936 ing Britney www.laststand Spears, the other comedy.com about Gerald Ford benefiting from revisionist history. Unlike many comedians, Hamburger doesn’t crave laughs or seek validation. Instead, he revels in an audience’s revulsion, incited by skewering anyone and anything in his path with an arsenal of off-kilter, off-timed jokes most comics would consider comedy killers. It’s anti-comedy, so horrible and intentionally stupid that people with certain sensibilities find it hilarious and brilliant. Comedians can be difficult to interview, because sometimes they seem to try too hard to be funny. Here Hamburger is different, as his humor is more akin to Andy Kaufman-esque performance art. It’s difficult to tell where the character ends and the real person begins, what’s real and what he’s pulling straight from his sadomasochistic id. This interview was conducted

by phone from the road between stops in “Paso Robe-lays” and “a little town called Las Vegas, New Mexico.” CN&R: You sometimes knock your own albums. Are there any you do like? Hamburger: They’re all exceptional; it’s like if you have children, they’re all going to be exceptional to you. Unless some of them turn out to be bad eggs. You get the occasional child who grows up to be a lout. They often get involved in drugs and/or sometimes even murder their own parent. I’ve seen this time and time again, and if you’re a newspaper reader, you’ll see the same thing. It’s scary, and when it’s your own children you have to be afraid of, that’s when you start to wonder if it’s all worth it. Is there a point when you can feel the audience start to turn? You can definitely tell what you’re working with, whether you’ve got some good hometown folk or just another collection of pigs. Then you have to move in the direction of what’s going to work, what your stuck with with these people. You just gotta get up there on stage and say a few things and see what you get. Is it harder to do what you do the better-known you get, the more people know about your act and expect it? No, it’s easy. It’s like asking a Greyhound bus driver if it’s easier or harder to drive the more they are well-known. And of course a lot of these Greyhound bus drivers do get well-known, because they’re known in the community as suppliers and manufacturers of crystal methamphetamine. You know what I’m saying? It’s like as you so eloquently put it, ‘That’s just the world

we live in.’ [I never said this]. Music or comedy, which do you prefer? Comedy. Music, that’s sort of a souvenir for people to buy. People like to listen to music and tap their feet and hum along and that sort of thing. I’d much prefer doing this comedy; that’s what I’m trained in. What’s your formal training in comedy? Doing thousands of shows for pigs. Considering how angry people get, do you travel with protection? I do bring some hand sanitizers with me at all times because you shake someone’s hand and the next thing you know you have the SARS or something of that nature. So you do have to protect yourself, yes, thanks for asking. Who do you think is the most despicable celebrity out there now? Well, there were some in the past but they’ve long since gone. Like most folks got really angry when Abbot and Costello were alive. It was very easy to get frustrated and angry with them, but they’re gone now. I do have a strong dislike for Madonna. She’s made this new movie now, which is ghastly. She’s made numerous bad recordings where they’ve taken her sour voice and fixed it on a computer screen and just shit it out all over. You’re just going about your business and one of these new Madonna songs just lands on you like a bowel movement from heaven, except they come straight from hell. … She’s everywhere and always terrible. It’s sad because you would like a break from that. But no, it’s essentially like McDonald’s: The quality is poor but it’s everywhere. They know it’s bad and we know Ω it’s bad but there it is.

invites You to Join Us in the Big room

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Greensky Bluegrass Bluegrass music that tries to melt your face.

The national festival superstars Greensky Bluegrass are coming to the Big Room. Their name says bluegrass but their attitude is “we’re coming to your town to help you party down.” In the jam- grass tradition they feature absolute killer musicianship, vocals, an incendiary stage presence and a must see and hear to believe live performance mentality. I admire the traditional bluegrass concerts, but how many bands can transform Prince’s “When Doves Cry” into a joyous, twelve minutes of stringpickin’ jam rock?” This show will be a belly-up to the stage and dance like no-one’s looking Big Room presentation. This will be the first “bluegrass” offering where the dance floor will be wide open. Come feel the energy.

Tickets $20 On sale Saturday, 3/24 in the gift shop or online at www.SierraNevada.com Doors open at 6pm • Music starts at 7:30pm

Special concert Dinner available - $12.50

Join the Big Room e-mail list by visiting www.sierranevada.com 1075 E. 20th StrEEt • ChiCo • 896-2198 all ages Welcome at each Show March 22, 2012

CN&R 35

4th Annual Walk4Water The Water Walk is educational, fun and inspirational for all ages. Bring your own bucket that can be carried on a 2K or 5K walk (first 200 registered will receive a free bucket). There will be educational stations about the great need for clean water globally and water conservation. We will be filling our water buckets at the midpoint and carrying filled buckets to complete the course.

Event Date: March 24, 2012 Location: Bidwell Park, One Mile Recreation Area

For more information call: 342-5746 Registration online at:

bridgingthegapbygiving.org or Registration forms can be picked up at Starbucks

YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE In just 3 years of Walk4Water 3,614 Africans have received water for life.

BTG is a partner with the North Valley Community Foundation

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Frying on this Rock White Hills Thrill Jockey These space cadets from New York are all about propulsion on Frying on this Rock, White Hills’ third LP for the otherworldly Thrill Jockey label. Of course, they don’t shy away from a meandering psychedelic passage or three, either. In fact, over the past seven years White Hills has done a lot of that, leaving in their wake a purple haze of CDRs, 7-inches, EPs and a couple of long-players that are as much druggy fun as a felt black-light poster in a dim basement. Frying on this Rock captures the band live as the psychedelic squalor gets a bit of a makeover—more controlled chaos, less infinite space jams. Even on the 12-minute “Robot Stomp”—the album’s longest song—there’s purpose in the repeated riff. Over the course of five songs that span 45 minutes the band rips through peaks and valleys of distortion while scraps of electronic noise fill in the cracks. Opener “Pads of Light” cranks out the most heat, an explosive stonerrock beast with a solo that’s just as fiery. Only “Song of Everything” treads into ’60s psych parody with its goofy spoken-word breakdown. By the time that happens, you’re already on board.


—Mark Lore

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Traveller Anoushka Shankar Deutsche Grammophon In a decade long ago, and a place far away, I saw Ravi Shankar demonstrate his mastery of the sitar in an atmosphere heavy with the scent of patchouli and pot. I wasn’t then, and I’m not now, a big fan of Indian ragas, but I really like this album by the less famous of Shankar’s two gorgeous and extremely talented daughters. (Norah Jones is the other one.) To my ears, Anoushka Shankar has a genetically transmitted affinity for sitar, and a hard-earned mastery of the instrument to go with it. But she also brings a spirit of innovation to her music, notable here for the melding of traditions of East and West, and the fascinating interweaving of Spanish and Indian musical genres. Shankar is joined on several pieces here by Javier Limón, a man as gifted on guitar as she is on sitar. Together, they blend ragas and flamenco seamlessly, a blending that seems obvious once heard, but an affinity I wouldn’t have thought of before I heard this album, despite the fact that flamenco has roots in India. (There is even a Spanish band— Ojos de Brujo—that has become popular by celebrating that shared heritage.) If you are, yourself, a “traveller,” this album will take you on a fascinating auditory journey, rich, exotic, but oddly familiar.


—Jaime O’Neill

Hellfire Joe Louis Walker Alligator Records Bay Area bluesman Joe Louis Walker wastes no time getting up to speed on the title track of this CD—his first for Alligator Records— which he calls the hardest-rocking and most deeply soulful album of his career. “Hellfire” is a rambunctious, psychedelically infused tale of good versus evil on which Walker blasts straight through the fabled crossroads of blues mythology and rampages down the “devil’s highway” looking for salvation with “flames nipping at my feet.” Walker, whose first band, The Dictionary of Soul, was named after an Otis Redding album, has long incorporated soul into his performances/recordings and here he adds gospel into the mix. With the assistance of The Jordanaires (Elvis’ backup group) he again faces off against the devil on “Soldier for Jesus” and also tosses in some terrific slide guitar. His slide-guitar work also peps up “Ride All Night,” a Rolling Stoneslike rave-up as well as his own “Black Girls,” with the aptly descriptive line, “Well, the blues I’ve been hearing lately, it sounds like rock and roll.” No kiddin’. I’ve got the same complaint, even with this CD—as enjoyable as most of it is—and that includes a rousing version of Hank Snow’s C&W classic “Movin’ On.” Why he tries to play harmonica escapes me and it ruins the otherwise tasty “I’m on to You.”


—Miles Jordan 36 CN&R March 22, 2012



“The CN&R is the

Jason Cassidy • jasonc@newsreview.com

I’LL BE THE JUDGE OF THAT At times, Arts DEVO’s own private arts fetishes break free

from the Energy Dome to make a mess all over this page. Like last week, when I made the call for some “slightly off (or completely messed-up) representations of pets, people, clowns or some combination of all three”— basically, art that spoke specifically to me and probably only me. And, to my surprise, you responded! Thank you! I am a man of my word, so the winners of the first-ever Arts DEVO juried art show of fun, new, funky art are printed right here for all of us to enjoy:


of our maRkeTiNg.” Second runner-up: “Pacific Grove, 2,” by Joe DiMaggio. I’ve regularly communicated with DiMaggio (publicist for Chico State’s School of the Arts) for nearly a decade, and I forgot how dark and fun his digital photo collages are. Visit DiMaggio’s online gallery (www.nine9nine9.deviantart.com) for more. First runner-up: “Twisted Pooches,” by Paula Beehner. The empty eyes (and one swirly tongue) of these ghost dogs make me want to sleep with the lights on. Visit Paula’s Photo Art (www.paulasphotoart.com) and see Beehner’s extended portfolio (including an un-twisted version of the pooches). Best of show: “BFF,” by Sea Monster. What can I say about this lovely clown, wearing her desires all over her face? Christine “Sea Monster” Fulton has painted this “spechill” for this exhibit, and I couldn’t be more pleased. Visit Fulton online (www.sea monsterart.com) and look up Sea Monster on Facebook to enjoy more of her twisted beauties.


“Pacific Grove, 2”

•Buy a donut, build a truck Arts DEVO’s favorite local donut shop, Donut Rising, is going mobile. I just got word from co-owner Gabrielle Leavy-Obeng that the 1008 West “Twisted Pooches” Sacramento Ave. location isn’t working out, so they are going to try to move operations into a food truck. To kick-start their new plan, the shop is hosting a two-day fundraising party March 30-31, with a live DJ and food, including plenty of donuts. (Bacon-topped, mapleglazed, sweet-and-salty O Canada Bar, here I come!) •Where’s Mer? Sigh. Mer is gone. Well, not gone from Chico yet, but CN&R Managing Editor and friend Meredith Graham has left the paper and soon will be leaving the country with her husband Josh (and two of their four dogs) so he can work on becoming a serious badass at a pastry school in the South of France. It’s hard to feel anything but excitement for their new adventure (in my dream vacation spot!), but I am going to seriously miss my friend always sitting just 20 feet away from me, giggling at every single funny thing, listening to my complaints, and editing the airheadedness out of my copy. Bon voyage, mes amis! “BFF” Thankfully, though, the transition is being made smooth by the glorious and timely return from maternity leave of my other gal pal, Melissa Daugherty, who moves to Mer’s desk from her old news editor post. I just hope that I don’t scare her away by hollering out AP-style questions over 7 times a day. (Or is it, “more than 7”? Or, maybe “over seven”?) Hey, Mel!

“The CN&R is the

cornerstone of our maRkeTiNg.” In Motion Fitness has been advertising with the Chico News & Review since we opened in 1992. Every week the CN&R provides a professional and impressive product that delivers our message with clarity and style. The full color ads really showcase the pools and water features, the palm trees and gardens, the Mediterranean architecture and the bodies In Motion. From kids’ activities to senior programs, the CN&R effectively targets and reaches all demographics. It seems like everybody in Chico views the CN&R. We would highly recommend the CN&R to any business in Chico.” -CARL SOMMER OWNER OF IN MOTION FITNESS

March 22, 2012

CN&R 37


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1161 Citrus Ave #A & B 1/1 $500 $600 2423 North #C 1/1 $550 $650 2240 Notre Dame #1 2/2 $700 $800 25 Cameo #3 2/1.5 $700 $800 939 W. East Ave #1 & 9 1/1 $585 $685 1161 Citrus #C 2/1 $625 $725

3 bedroom, with newer windows refinished hard wood floor, living and family room all on a large lot. $219,000

New 4bd 3ba ready to go! New appliances w/ kitchen opening to large livingroom w/ fireplace. Master has walk in closet & covered porch. Come take a look!




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University terrace

Quality, affordable & friendly housing


Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon










Berry Creek


4/ 2


14 Capshaw Ct



4/ 2.5


1191 Woodland Ave



4/ 1.5


2361 Holly Ave



4/ 2


8 Walnut Park Dr



4/ 2.5


2593 W Sacramento Ave



2/ 1


1171 Peninsula Dr



3/ 2.5


151 Picholine Way



4/ 2


13140 Hosler Ave



3/ 1.5


2158 Robailey Dr



3/ 2


11 Picual Ct



3/ 2


92 Northwood Commons Pl



3/ 2


3100 Tule River Way



4/ 2.5


202 Windrose Ct



3/ 2


4342 Kathy Ln



3/ 2


1155 E 8th St



2/ 1


2847 Lucy Way



3/ 2


117 Echo Peak Ter



2/ 2


14 Leaf Ln

38 CN&R March 22, 2012

14 Oakcrest Dr 2134 12th St 167 Redbud Dr 118 Valley Ridge Dr 1445 Pine Creek Way 5072 Chasity Ct 1821 Drayer Dr 1678 Middle Tree Ln 490 Crestwood Dr 5249 Rosehill Rd 5348 Casa Grande Rd 6081 Mckinney Ln

Oroville Oroville Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise

$116,500 $105,500 $885,000 $330,000 $285,000 $240,000 $220,000 $190,000 $186,000 $131,000 $130,000 $115,000

3/ 2 3/ 1.5 3/ 3.5 3/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 2 4/ 3 3/ 2 3/ 2.5 2/ 2 3/ 2 2/ 1

1480 1506 4763 2556 2255 2005 3224 1445 2160 1094 1643 1404



Century 21 Jeffries Lydon

Steve Kasprzyk 518-4850 Sandy Stoner 514-5555 Mark Reaman 228-2229

Sat.11-1,2-4 & Sun.11-1

Sat.11-1,2-4 & Sun.11-1,2-4

4243 Shorthorn Drive (X St: Garner) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 2140 sq. ft. $419,000 Carolyn Fejes 966-4457 Russ Hammer 501-6830 Steve Kasprzyk 518-4850

HomeSaleS ConTinued...

Sat.11-1,2-4 & Sun.11-1,2-4

2230 Dorado Cerro (X St: El Monte Ave.) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 2022 sq. ft. $429,000 John Wallace 514-2405 Justin Jewett 518-4089 Kimberley Tonge 518-5508


1152 Manzanita Ave. (X St: Ceres Ave.) 3 Bd / 1 Ba, 1560 sq. ft. $209,000 Alice Zeissler 518-1872

Sat.11-1,2-4 & Sun.2-4

9338 Stanford Lane (X St: Durham Dayton Hwy) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1762 sq. ft. $185,000

Steve Kasprzyk (Kas-per-zik)

Fabulous Durham home on 4.36 acres of walnuts w/ good income & production. Built in 2000 4 bd/3 ba, 2917 sq ft,. All goodies you would expect, pool & 3 car garage. Only $595,000.00 Call me for details.

Country 3bd/2ba on .49 ac $215k 3bd/2.5ba on 1.6 ac Keifer Area $419k

Steve Kasprzyk 530-518-4850

Russ Hammer



(X St:- Idyllwild Cir.) 3 bd / 2.5 ba 2,462 Sq. ft. .22 acre lot, Built in 1995 Frankie Dean Dean Gaskey

115 Zinnia (X St: W. 11th Avenue) With a pool! 4 Bd / 3 Ba, 2300 sq. ft. $375,000 Mark Reaman 228-2229 Ken Martin 828-9440 Emmett Jacobi 519-6333


1733 Mulberry Street (X St: 17th Street) 5 Bd / 3 Ba, 1430 sq. ft. $198,500 Ed Galvez 990-2054

Century 21 seLeCt - Paradise Sat 1-3

5977 Royal Pt. Paradise 5/Bd 5/Ba 4600+ sq. ft. $745,000 Chari Bullock 872-6818

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Thurs. through Sun.12-5

Sycamore Creek Subdivision 3094 Gallatin Gateway(X East Ave/ Ceanothus Ave) 3bd/2 ba, 1,543 sq. ft. $249,990 Ally Gibson (530) 518-ALLY (2559) 3088 Gallatin Gateway (X East Ave/ Ceanothus Ave) 3bd/2 ba, 1,863 sq. ft. $286,990 Ally Gibson (530) 518-ALLY (2559)

Thur 2:30-5 & Fri through Sat 12-5 The Orchard Subdivision

17 Abbott Circle (X Windham) 4bd/3ba, 1,710 sq. ft. $330,990 Kelsey Gibson (530) 864-8453

Sat. 11-1 & 2-4 16 Burney Dr. $399,000





The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of March 5, 2012 — March 9, 2012. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRess




sQ. FT.


1568 Hawthorne Ave



4/ 3


9146 Stanford Ln






2/ 1

587 El Reno Dr



3/ 2


468 Justeson Rd



3/ 2


2361 North Ave



2/ 2


1692 Grace Rd



3/ 2


2618 White Ave



2/ 1


1850 Greenhead Ct



3/ 2


1068 Lupin Ave



3/ 2


1146 Gilstrap Ave



5/ 2.5


375 W Lassen Ave 8



3/ 1.5


13664 Endicot Cir



2/ 2


3090 Snowbird Dr



4/ 2


122 Diamond Bar Ct



3/ 1.5


26 North Valley Ct



4/ 2


615 Stringtown Rd



2/ 2


1112 Sunset Ave



2/ 1


119 Grand Ave



4/ 2


March 22, 2012

sQ. FT.


CN&R 39

Home Week of tHe Online

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Across the road from the CANYON this home presents a 2BR 1408 sqft residence with a medley of landscaped features. The front room offers a fireplace made of natural old stone. A large dining area greets you right off the kitchen and living room. Drive around to the back of the property on a fully paved driveway and enter your 2 car garage located well off of Cliff Dr. With a large lawn in front, and plenty of property behind the house, you will find an oasis for relaxation. #347 mls# 12018835.

Listed at: $190,000



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Call 894-2300 ext. 2204 for rates and information.

Online ads are free. Print ads start at $6/wk. www.newsreview.com or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Print ads start at $6/wk. www.newsreview.com or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Phone hours: M-F 8am-5pm. All ads post online same day. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Adult line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm

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*Nominal fee for adult entertainment. All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message.

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This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ANN YAGER Dated: February 2, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000183 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

BUlleTiN BOaRd DREAMCATCHER BOOKS will sell hardcover books $1. This not for profit will support a farm for the homeless. We need book collections, bookcases, a computer & an RV. Please call Joe, 354-8665. We pick up. Wanted for Consignment Yard art, garden tools, patio furniture, sporting goods, commercial equipment, antiques, furniture, bikes, jewelry, costume jewelry, and just about anything that is in good condition and priced to sell at our warehouse consignment store.Stop by 2450 Valine/Meyers between 1-4pm or call John at 894-1628. Near the Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore and Wilbur’s Feed.

lOsT aNd fOUNd Lost Toy Australian Shepherd Blue merle w/ bright blue eyes. REWARD! 8 lbs, black/ copper/white. 530-521-5099 www.getrileyhome.com

WaNTed TO BUY CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)

aUTOs 1983 Full-sized Chevy Blazer. All original. Most factory options. Very well kept condition. 530-895-8171 Audi 1996 A6 Quattro 4WD, automatic, 4door, CC, PW/PD, CD, ski storage, new tires, runs great, $4900. 186K mi. 530-570-5113 New Prius Are Here! 50 MPG, best warrantee, 2 year service free, call Lee McKim, Hybrid Specialist, at 530-354-7782 at Chuck Patterson Toyota.

classics 1970 MGB Classic Convertible Restored, pristine condition. All records. $8,995.00. 530-345-9373 Days or Evenings.

ficTiTiOUs BUsiNess FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO PAINT MART at 255 E 20th St. #150, Chico, CA 95928. MARTIN AUTO COLOR INC, 7622 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91405. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: DARYL FIELDER Dated: January 9, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000043 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NORTHSTAR ENVIRONMENTAL at 111 Mission Ranch Blvd #100 Chico, CA 95926. M A P ASSOCIATES INC, 111 Mission Ranch Blvd. #100, Chico, CA 95926. Signed: MARK ADAMS Dated: February 15, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000263 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BIRTHDANCE MIDWIFERY at 1032 Sarah Ave. Chico, CA 95926. PAULA EMIGH, 1032 Sarah Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: PAULA EMIGH Dated: February 23, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000313 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PV DEPOT at 567 Morgan Dr. #1, Chico, CA 95973. TRAILS VENTURES LLC, 567 Morgan Dr. #1, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: DEREK SINE Dated: February 21, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000284 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as DEADLIFE MIXED MEDIA GROUP at 14432 Carnegie Rd. Magalia, CA 95954. EARL HIGGS, 6368 Lincoln Bl. Oroville, cA 95966. ANTHONY J SORTILLON, 14432 Carnegie Rd. Magalia, CA 95954. JEDEDIAH THORNBURG, 9148 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by a Limited Partnership. Signed: ANTHONY SORTILLON Dated: February 8, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000213 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as YAGER INDEXING SERVICES at 5 Mione Way, Chico, CA 95926. ANN M YAGER, 5 Mione Way, Chico, CA 95926.

this legal Notice continues

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO WEBMASTERS at 1335 Sherman Ave. #5, Chico, CA 95926. RANDY MICHAEL LEDBETTER, 1335 Sherman Ave. #5, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: RANDY LEDBETTER Dated: February 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000296 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as THE DEPOT STEAKHOUSE at 2191 High St. Oroville, CA 95965. JAMES KELSIE HAWTHORNE, 66 Apache Cir. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JAMES HAWTHORNE Dated: February 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000298 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MIRACLE AUTO BODY at 2304 Park Ave. Chico, CA 95928. MICHAEL DEAN MASSEY, 31 Fairway Dr. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: MICHAEL MASSEY Dated: February 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000295 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name MIRACLE AUTO PAINTING AND BODY REPAIR at 2304 Park Ave. Chico, CA 95928. MICHAEL D MASSEY, 31 Fairway Dr. Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by an individual. Signed: MIKE MASSEY Dated: February 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2010-0000637 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO KIDS ENTERTAINMENT LLC at 728 Cherry St. Chico, CA 95926. CHICO KIDS ENTERTAINMENT LLC, 728 Cherry St. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: KAYGAN BRITT Dated: February 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000256 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as VALOR SECURITY SERVICES at 1950 E 20th St. #727, Chico, CA 95928. MYDATT SERVICES INC, 7135 Charlotte Pike, #100 Nashville, TN 37209 This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: SCOTT EMERSON Dated: February 10, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000229 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as FIX MY COMPUTER at 51 Westgrove Ct. Chico, CA 95973. DOMINIC BATTEZZATO, 51 Westgrove Ct. Chico, CA 95973. DREW M DYER, 371 Autumn Gold Dr. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by Copartners. Signed ROBERT BATTEZZATO Dated: February 21, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000282 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE RESISTANCE at 2961 Hwy 32, #45, Chico, CA 95973. MATTHEW KEVIN COPPENS, 2961 Hwy 32, #45, Chico, CA 95973. ZAKARY MICHAEL HANNS, 4331 Hedstrom Way Suite A, Chico, CA 95928. DANIEL THOMAS JACOBONI, 1296 Glenshire Lane, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: DANIEL JACOBONI Dated: February 16, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000266 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO WINDOWS at 113 Via De La Cruz Way, Chico, CA 95973. ROY DANEHY, 113 Via De La Cruz Way, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ROY DANEHY Dated: February 27, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000323 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ELEVATE YOGA at 1015 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. GRETCHEN KLEIN, 1089 E 7th St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: GRETCHEN KLEIN Dated: February 2, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000184 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ALL ABOUT EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES, ALL ABOUT PETS VETERINARY HOSPITAL at 680 E 9th Ave. Chico, CA 95926. DAWN MARIE ALVES, 3045 Chico Ave. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DAWN M ALVES DVM Dated: February 28, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000326 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ARCADIA HOME CARE & STAFFING at 2057 Forest Ave. #7, Chico, CA 95928. ARCADIA HEALTH SERVICES INC, 9320 Priority Way West Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46240. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: Matthew Middendorf Dated: February 16, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000271 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 201

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BUSINESS LEARNING SYSTEMS at 540 Black Oak Dr. Chico, CA 95926. RICHARD ALAN NIELSEN, 540 Black Oak Dr. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: RICHARD NIELSEN Dated: February 24, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000315 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as AONAMI at 1008 W Sacramento Ave. Suite H, Chico, CA 95926. JIMMY LEE, 811 Brennan Place, Willows, CA 95988. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JIMMY LEE Dated: March 1, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000345 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as XTRM STRUCTURAL STEEL at 3 Chaparral Dr. Oroville, CA 95966. KELLIE DIAZ, XAVIER DIAZ, 3 Chaparral Dr. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: XAVIER DIAZ Dated: February 15, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000262 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PINNACLE PUBLISHING at 3430 Glen Ave. Oroville, CA 95966. DAYN ROBBAN PATTERSON, 3430 Glen Ave. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DAYN R PATTERSON Dated: February 27, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000321 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SUCCULENT OUTDOOR LIVING at 1130 Laburnum Ave. Chico, CA 95926. TYLER BODNAR, 1130 Laburnum Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: TYLER BODNAR Dated: February 28, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000334 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as HIDDEN TREASURES at 9490 Yokum St. Chico, Ca 95928. SHASTINA FORRESTER, 9490 Yokum St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: SHASTINA FORRESTER Dated: March 5, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000356 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DRAGONSTAR WEB DESIGN at 1045 Normal Ave. Chico, CA 95928. STEVEN AQUINO, 1045 Normal Ave. Chico, CA 95928. Signed: STEVEN AQUINO Dated: February 15, 2012

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FBN Number: 2012-0000261 Published: March 8,15,22,29, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ENDLESS TREASURES at 503 Broadway, Chico, CA 95928. HOBART VOGEL, KATIE VOGEL, 1260 Howard Dr. Chico, Ca 95926. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: HOBART L VOGEL Dated: March 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000383 Published: March 15,22,29, April 5, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as WWW.CHICPUP.COM at 168 Estates Dr. Chico, CA 95928. JESSICA GRAHAM, 168 Estates Dr. Chico, CA 985928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JESSICA GRAHAM Dated: March 7, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000370 Published: March 15,22,29, April 5, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO CANYON RETREAT at 15749 Old Chico Canyon Rd. Forest Ranch, CA 95942. Emily Dulcina Dulcy Schroeder 15749 Old Chico Canyon Rd. Forest Ranch, CA 95942. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DULCY SCHROEDER Dated: March 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000385 Published: March 15,22,29, April 5, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons is doing business as MILLER PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING, MPM ENGINEERING at 363 E 6th St. Chico, CA 95928. TAMARA MILLER, 2988 Butterfly Lane, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: TAMARA MILLER Dated: March 5, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000358 Published: March 15,22,29, April 5, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as EXTRA STORAGE - OROVILLE NORTH at 60 East Grand Ave. Oroville, CA 95965. DANIEL KENNEDY, 800 Cynthia Lane, Paradise, CA 95969. ROBERT LAVINSKY, 4502 Shinnecock Hills Cr. Garland, TX 75044 This business is conducted by a Joint Venture. Signed: DANIEL KENNEDY Dated: February 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-000301 Published: March 15,22,29, April 5, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as UNIQUE EYEBROW at 3028 Esplanade, Suite D, Chico, CA 95973. ABDUL S SHOLIAY, 1594 Gray Ave. #11, Yuba City, CA 95991. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ABDUL SHOLIAY Dated: March 7, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000371 Published: March 15,22,29, April 1, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons is doing business as CUPCAKE COUTURE at 7750 Lindsey Ave. Orland, CA 95963. JULIE MARIE VOGT, 7750 Lindsey Ave. Orland, CA 95963. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JULIE VOGT Dated: March 19, 3012 FBN Number: 2012-0000433 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ALTERNATIVE ACCESSORIES, C AND C ACRES at 2589 Pincrest Rd. Oroville, CA 95966. CAMILLE CROMEENES, CLARISSA DILBECK, 2589 Pincrest Rd. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by a Limited Partnership. Signed: CAMILLE CROMEENES Dated: February 24, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000314 Published: March 22,29 April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CONRAD’S PLUMBING at 954 E Lassen Ave. Chico, CA 95973. CONRAD C GRINKIEWICZ, 954 E Lassen Ave. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Conrad Grinkiewicz Dated: March 19, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000435 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as AFFORDABLE BOUNCY CONNECTION at 840 Kern St. Chico, CA 95928. Christopher Douglas Charmley, Misty Roze Charmley, 840 Kern St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: CHRIS CHARMLEY Dated: March 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000397 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as TACOS MARY at 429 Ivy St. Chico, CA 95928. MARIA DE LA LUZ MUNOZ, 1133 W Sacramento Ave. #9, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Maria DeLa Luz Munoz Dated: March 7, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000365 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name CHICO NAILS at 968 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. VINCENT THANG TRAN, 2547 Newyorkton Way, Sacramento, CA 95928. DUC HUU TRAN, 7768 South Breeze Rd. Sacramento, CA 95928. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: Vincent Thank Tran Dated: March 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2008-0001681 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO NAILS at 968 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA

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95926. VINCENT THANG TRAN, 2547 Newyorkton Way, Sacramento, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Vincent Thang Tran Dated: March 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000395 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name BURRITOS EL CAPORAL at 3005 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973. JOVITO HERNANDEZ, 5250 Bennett Rd. Paradise, CA 95969. This business was conducted by an individual. Signed: JOVITO HERNANDEZ Dated: March 15, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BURRITOS EL CAPORAL at 3005 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95973. Carlos E Guzman Hernandez 1748 Neal Dow #2, Chico, Ca 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Carlos E G Hernandez Dated: March 15, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000413 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO LASER COMBAT at 2675 El Paso Way #219, Chico, CA 95973. KENNETH A CLARK, 2675 El Paso Way #219, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: KENNETH A CLARK Dated: March 19, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000436 Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

NOTices NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE In the Estate of: SHARON LEE MONIZ aka SHARON L MONIZ, Decedent. Case No. PR39963 Please take notice that the Administrator, MARCIA GILMER intends to sell the real property which is the subject of this estate located at 930 North Graves Ave. Chico, California and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP RECORDED JUNE 4, 1981, IN BOOK 83 OF MAPS AT PAGE 8, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BUTTE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA UNDER RECORDER’S SERIAL NUMBER 81-18830. APN: 004-490-066 Offers will be accepted after the date of the first publication of this notice. The terms of the sale are as follows: a. Deposit: Deposit in the amount of $1,000.00 upon presenting an offer. The balance of the funds are to be placed in the escrow account prior to the close of escrow. b. Other terms: Sale is made “as is”, no warranties express or implied. All sales are subject to court confirmation within 30 days upon acceptance of the offer. For questions about this property please contact the Administrator, Marcia Gilmer at (530)892-9607. Signed: MARCIA GILMER Dated: January 28, 2012



March 22, 2012

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42 CN&R March 22, 2012

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California self-storage facility act (B&P code 21770 et sec) the undersigned will sell the contents of units: DEREK SIZEMORE, Vacuum, chairs, boxes, microwave, couch, table, telescope, scooter, totes, clothes, mattress, dresser, misc. STEVEN DAVIS, Weight bench, mattresses, vacuum, chair monitor, speakers, boxes, totes, table, shelf, shoes. To the highest bidder on: April 7, 2012 Beginning at 12:00pm. Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 2298 Park Ave. Chico, Ca 95928. Published: March 22,29, 2012 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California selfstorage facility act: (B&P code 21770 et.sec.) the undersigned will sell the contents of: TATUM CROSS, Kids items, christmas tree, table/chairs, totes. SALLY YANEZ, Briefcases, tool box, totes, boxes. VALARIE VARGAS, TV’s, luggage, dresser, furniture, speakers. CHRIS HARNESS, Platform bed, pot belly stove, tools, furniture. To the highest bidder on: April 7, 2012 Beginning at 2:00pm Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 60 E Grand Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 Published: March 22,29, 2012

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California selfstorage facility act: (B&P code 21770 et.sec.) the undersigned will sell the contents of: TIFFNY SMITH, xmas items, household items, home repair items. JOSH RUSSELL, large dresser, crock pot, floor lamp. JOSH RUSSELL, desk, crib, couch, tent, hope chest, wedding dress. To the Highest Bidder: On April 7, 2012 Beginning at 1:00pm. Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 3160 Olive Hwy, Oroville, CA 95966 Published: March 22,29, 2012

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner PERNEET KAUR GORDON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: PERNEET KAUR GORDON

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CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE SECTION 294 CHILDS NAME: B.S.S. Case Numbers: J-35950 To: JOSH UNKNOWN and CANDACE C. STRUVE and anyone claiming to be a parent of B.S.S. born on 7/03/11 at Enloe Hospital, Chico, CA. A hearing will be held: Date: May 15, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of Butte, Juvenile Branch 1 Court Street, Oroville, CA 95965. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker or probation officer. The social worker or probation officer will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. You are required to be present at the hearing, to present evidence, and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Dated: March 16, 2012 Signed: Kimberly Flener Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE SECTION 294 CHILDS NAME: A.M.G. Case Numbers: J-35571 To: BRENDEN MATTHEW RIDDLE and anyone claiming to be a parent of A.M.G. born on May 31, 2005 at Enloe Hospital, Chico, CA. A hearing will be held: Date: May 22, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of Butte, Juvenile Branch 1 Court Street, Oroville, CA 95965. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker or probation officer. The social worker or probation officer will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. You are required to be present at the hearing, to present evidence, and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Dated: March 13, 2012 Signed: Kimberly Flener

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SERVED: You are served as an individual defendant, as the person sued under the fictitious name of: ROBBINS PLUMBING Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012



WORKER’S COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD SPECIAL NOTICE OF LAWSUIT (Pursuant to Labor Code 3716 and Code of Civil Procedure Section 4120) To: Defendant, Illegally Uninsured Employer: Applicant: CURTIS M MCNAMAR Defendants: DENNIS MICHAEL ROBBINS INDIVIDUALLY & DBA ROBBINS PLUMBING 1)A lawsuit, the Application for Adjudication of Claim, has been filed with the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board against you as the named defendant by the above-named applicant(s). You may seek the advice of an attorney in any matter conducted with this lawsuit and such attorney should be consulted promptly so that your response may be filed and entered in a timely fashion. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney reference service or a legal aid office (see telephone directory). 2)An answer to the Application must be filed and served within six days of the service of the Application pursuant to Appeals Board rules: therefore, your written response must be filed with the Appeals Board promptly: a letter or phone call will not protect your interests. 3)You will be served with a Notice(s) of Hearing and must appear at all hearings or conferences. After such hearing, even absent your appearance, a decision may be made and an award of compensation benefits may issue against you. The award could result in the garnishment of your wages, taking of your money or property or other relief. If the Appeals Board makes an award against you, your house or other dwelling or other property may be taken to satisfy the award in a non-judicial sale, with no exemptions from execution. A lien may also be imposed upon your property without further hearing and before the issuance of an award. 4) You must notify the Appeals Board of the proper address for the service of official notices and papers and notify the Appeals Board of any changes in that address. TAKE ACTION NOW TO PROTECT YOUR INTEREST! Issued by: Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board Name and address of Appeals Board: 2115 Civic Center Dr. Room 15, Redding, CA 96001 Name and address of Applicants Attorney Harley E Merritt, 1280 E 9th St. Suite D, Chico, CA 95928 NOTICE TO THE PERSON


NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE To Whom It May Concern: The name of the applicant is: ASHKHAN INC The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 2365 Esplanade

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE To Whom It May Concern: The names of the applicants are: ADDIS T DESALEGNE, NOAH A DESALEGNE The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 735 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95926-4609 Type of license applied for: 41 - On-Sale Beer and Wine - Eating Place. Published: March 22, 2012

Proposed name: NEENA ALEISA KAUR THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 13, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Robert Glusman Dated: February 21, 2012 Case Number: 155981 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

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Chico, CA 95926-1975 Type of license applied for: 41 - On-Sale Beer and Wine Eating Place Published: March 15, 2012

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE EDWARD LEE KELLY TO all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: EDWARD LEE KELLY A Petition for Probate has been filed by: RANDALL KELLY and ELAINE STEIDLMAYER in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. THE Petition for Probate requests that: RANDALL KELLY and ELAINE STEIDLMAYER be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A Hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: March 29, 2012 Time: 1:30pm Dept: TBA Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 655 Oleander Ave Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Case Number: PR40167 Attorney for petitioner: Clayton B Anderson 20 Independence Circle Chico, CA 95973 (530)342-6144 Published: March 8,15,22, 2012

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this paper.

Case Number: PR39963 Published: March 1,8,15,22, 2012

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SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: ADRIANNA E BOCH YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: BUTTE COUNTY CREDIT BUREAU, A CORP. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may

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be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at

this Legal Notice continues

the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF BUTTE, 655 Oleander Avenue, Chico, CA 95926 LIMITED CIVIL CASE The address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: Alfred W Driscol III 1339 The Esplanade Chico, CA 95926

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(530)345-8472 Dated: JULY 18, 2011 Signed: Kimberly Flener Case Number: 154283 NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served as an individual defendant. Published: March 22,29, April 5,12, 2012

bad for a few weeks’ work, or play, or whatever it is you want to call this tormented, inspired outburst. Would it be too forward of me to suggest that you’ve gone a long way toward outgrowing the dark fairy tale that had been haunting your dreams for so long? And yet, all this may just be a warm-up for your next metamorphosis, in which you make an audacious new commitment to becoming what you really want to be when you grow up.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This week I’m

taking a break from my usual pep talks. I think it’s for the best. If I deliver a kindhearted kick in the butt, maybe it will encourage you to make a few course corrections, thereby making it unnecessary for fate to get all tricky and funky on you. So here you go, Taurus: 1. The last thing you need is someone to support your flaws and encourage you in your delusions. True friends will offer snappy critiques and crisp advice. 2. Figure out once and for all why you keep doing a certain deed that’s beneath you, then gather the strength and get the help you need to quit it. 3. It’s your duty to stop doing your duty with such a somber demeanor and heavy tread. To keep from sabotaging the good it can accomplish, you’ve got to put more pleasure into it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The German

word Weltratsel can be translated as “World Riddle.” Coined by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, it refers to questions like “What is the meaning of existence?” and “What is the nature of reality?” According to my reading of the astrological omens, Gemini, you’re now primed to deepen your understanding of the World Riddle. For the next few weeks, you will have an enhanced ability to pry loose useful secrets about some big mysteries. Certain passages in the Book of Life that have always seemed like gobbledygook to you will suddenly make sense. Here’s a bonus: Every time you decipher more of the World Riddle, you will solve another small piece of your Personal Riddle.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “The reason-

able man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” So wrote George Bernard Shaw in his book Man and Superman. From the hints I have gleaned, Cancerian, you are now in an ideal phase to be the sort of unreasonable man or woman who gets life to adapt so as to better serve you and your dreams. Even if it’s true that the emphasis in the past has often been on you bending and shaping yourself to adjust to the circumstances others have wrought, the coming weeks could be different.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In his book Word

Hero, Jay Heinrichs offers us advice about how to deliver pithy messages that really make an impact. Here’s one tip that would be especially useful for you in the coming days: Exaggerate precisely. Heinrichs gives an example from the work of the illustrious raconteur, American author Mark Twain. Twain did not write, “In a single day, New England’s weather changes a billion times.” Rather, he said, “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” Be inspired by Twain’s approach in every way you can imagine, Leo. Make things bigger and wilder and more expansive everywhere you go, but do it with exactitude and rigor.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “Liminality” is a

term that refers to the betwixt and between state. It’s dawn or dusk, when neither night nor day fully rules. It’s the mood that prevails when a transition is imminent or a threshold beckons. During a rite of passage, liminality is the phase when the initiate has left his or her old way of doing things but has not yet been fully accepted or integrated into the new way. Mystical traditions from all over the world recognize this as a shaky but potent situation—a time and place when uncertainty and ambi-

guity reign even as exciting possibilities loom. In my estimate, Virgo, you’re now ensconced in liminality.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Argentinian

Vic Cantu

writer Antonio Porchia said there were two kinds of shadows: “some hide, others reveal.” In recent weeks, you’ve been in constant contact with the shadows that hide. But beginning any moment now, you’ll be wandering away from those rather frustrating enigmas and entering into a dynamic relationship with more evocative mysteries: the shadows that reveal. Be alert for the shift so you won’t get caught assuming that the new shadows are just like the old ones.

vscantu@sbcg lobal.net

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Every winter,

hordes of ants have overrun my house. At least that was true up until recently. This winter, the pests stayed away, and that has been very good news. I didn’t have to fight them off with poison and hand-to-hand combat. The bad news? The reason they didn’t invade was because very little rain fell, as it’s supposed to during Northern California winters. The ants weren’t driven above ground by the torrents that usually soak the soil. And so now drought threatens our part of the world. Water shortages may loom. I propose that this scenario is a metaphor for a dilemma you may soon face, Scorpio—except that you will have a choice in the matter: Would you rather deal with a lack of a fundamental resource or else an influence that’s bothersome but ultimately pretty harmless?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

You’re entering one of the most buoyant phases of your astrological cycle. Your mandate is to be brash and bouncy, frothy and irrepressible. To prepare you, I’ve rounded up some exclamatory declarations by poet Michael McClure. Take them with you as you embark on your catalytic adventures. They’ll help you cultivate the right mood. McClure: “Everything is natural. The light on your fingertips is starlight. Life begins with coiling—molecules and nebulae. Cruelty, selfishness, and vanity are boring. Each self is many selves. Reason is beauty. Light and darkness are arbitrary divisions. Cleanliness is as undefinable and as natural as filth. The physiological body is pure spirit. Monotony is madness. The frontier is both outside and inside. The universe is the messiah. The senses are gods and goddesses. Where the body is—there are all things.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You

know those tall, starched white hats that many chefs wear? Traditionally they had 100 pleats, which denoted the number of ways a real professional could cook an egg. I urge you to wear one of those hats in the coming weeks, Capricorn—or whatever the equivalent symbol might be for your specialty. It’s high time for you to express your ingenuity in dealing with what’s simple and familiar ... to be inventive and versatile as you show how much you can accomplish using just the basics.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): As I was

driving my car in San Francisco late one night, I arrived at a traffic signal that confused me. The green light was radiant and steady, but then so was the red light. I came to a complete stop and waited until finally, after about two minutes, the red faded. I suspect you may soon be facing a similar jumble of mixed signals, Aquarius. If that happens, I suggest you do what I did. Don’t keep moving forward; pause and sit still until the message gets crisp and clear.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A woman

named Joan Ginther has won the Texas Lottery four times, collecting more than $20 million. Is she freakishly lucky? Maybe not, according to Nathaniel Rich’s article in the August 2011 issue of Harper’s. He notes that Ginther has a Ph.D. in math from Stanford University, and wonders if she has used her substantial understanding of statistics to game the system. (More here: http://tinyurl.com/LuckAmuck.) Be inspired by her example, Pisces. You now have exceptional power to increase your good fortune through hard work and practical ingenuity.

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny's EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.

Paradise resident Ralph Ring tells a tale too far out there for most to believe. He claims to have helped build and flown a man-made flying saucer controlled by mental telepathy in the early 1960s. But these efforts through a company called OTC Enterprises were shut down and its materials confiscated by the government, he says, for fear of breaking up society’s monetary system. Since then, Ring and his associates have worked on rebuilding their ships to bring free energy to the world. Ring and his wife, Marsha, speak publicly throughout the country about this and liberating mankind from corporate servitude. Go to www.bluestarenterprise.com for more info.

What was flying that saucer like? Very strange. An associate and I were in the 45-foot-wide craft with the company founder, Otis T. Carr. When it came time to take off, nothing seemed to happen. But when Otis told us to check our pockets we found twigs and stones in them. He told us we’d flown the craft for miles using mental energy. It wasn’t until days later that we slowly remembered flying, landing and picking up the debris from the ground as souvenirs.


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Not

UFOs and freeing mankind

by Rob Brezsny



For the week of March 22, 2012

Where do you work on this technology? We’re building models controlled by mental powers in clandestine places we call pods around the U.S. The technical secret is that once you match the vibrational energy of any object you can change or even levitate it. We’re waiting for the general consciousness to be raised to accept these gifts.

What subjects do you speak about? I’ve been speaking since 2006 about how energy can’t be destroyed, so we’re all immortal beings. Time and space don’t exist. If you use your spiritual mind you’ll see that there’s only one truth and reality. We’re all brothers and sisters who must be honored. My main destiny on this planet is to get us back to using free energy to free our minds.

Who was Otis T. Carr?

How do people react to your message?

He was a protégé of Nikola Tesla, who invented radio, fluorescent lights and popularized the electricity that comes out of our wall outlets. Tesla told Carr to continue his work of bringing free energy to mankind because the powers that be in his time wouldn’t support him. Carr died in 1982.

They love it. They enjoy my telling them not to learn another thing until they remember they are their subconscious and super-conscious, or God. I get about 100 follow-up emails per day. I never ask for anything in return. The love, respect and connections I receive are my rewards.


by Anthony Peyton Porter himself@anthonypeytonporter.com

Receiving I’ve been crying rather a lot lately, partly out of gratitude. I’m grateful for the many people, maybe you, who have given money for my wife’s cancer treatment. I’m also astounded, humbled, and maybe flummoxed. I know that people are essentially good and can manage our own affairs reasonably well without threat of violence, and still if I think about your compassion and generosity I end up slack-jawed at the awesomeness of you. Then I cry. Even people I’d never heard of have given us money, sometimes hundreds of dollars, one time, two. A guy I barely know handed me a C-note in the co-op, just put it in my hand, to help pay for Janice’s treatment. That time I got to the parking lot before I cried. Some years ago, trying to raise money for an alternative newspaper, I happened to take part in a meeting with a billionaire. His office was obvious, and he started with a story about how when his father had been sick recently he’d simply hired a plane and had the old man flown out to the best place on the continent for what he had. Those of us with experience with the obscenely rich were duly impressed

with this guy’s selfless generosity toward his alsorich father’s health care. The three of us were there begging for chump change, and he was bragging about his wealth like we might have missed it. And I want to do the same for Janice, spare no expense, just keep doing what’s working and I’ll take care of it, and I know that I can’t take care of squat. Sometimes that makes me cry, too, that after a lifetime of trying to accumulate more and better stuff, I don’t have much. Part of me feels responsible and a failure, for a little while anyway, for not having been better at wage slavery or even capitalism—more cause for weeping. So far the hardest part is learning to receive the gifts of the universe, this time obviously routed through you, and also more commonly and subtly routed where I least expect it. I’m grateful for getting to know Janice better. Her persistence is something to behold. She makes me feel flighty, another reason to cry. My emotional life is such that I’m perfectly capable of bursting into laughter or tears at any moment. There’s so damn much profundity and joy and awe in my life, I don’t know what to expect from one minute to the next, which is probably just as well.

March 22, 2012

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