• History on two wheels
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 20
• Progress on the paths
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 22
• Hey, nice racks
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 24
• What’s a bike box?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE 33
Chico’s News & Entertainment Weekly
Volume 35, Issue 35
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Annual Mother’s Day Sale May 3rd, 4th & 5th 9am–4pm Everything in gallery
25% Off 819 Wall St. • Chico • 345-7985
2 CN&R April 26, 2012
Vol. 35, Issue 35 • April 26, 2012
James S. Nagel, MD
Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From This Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Would you go to a Chiropractor for heart surgery?
NEWSLINES Downstroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
HEALTHLINES The Pulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
See a Board Certified Specialist to Optimize your Hormones
GREENWAYS EarthWatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 UnCommon Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The GreenHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Arts Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 In The Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Editor Robert Speer Managing Editor Melissa Daugherty Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Calendar/Special Projects Editor Howard Hardee News Editor Tom Gascoyne Greenways/Healthlines Editor Christine G.K. LaPado Staff Writer Ken Smith Contributors Catherine Beeghly, Craig Blamer, Alastair Bland, Henri Bourride, Rachel Bush, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Kyle Delmar, Jovan Johnson, J. Jay Jones, Miles Jordan, Leslie Layton, Mark Lore, Sean Murphy, Jaime O’Neill, Anthony Peyton Porter, Claire Hutkins Seda, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Willow Sharkey, Alan Sheckter, Matt Siracusa, Scott Szuggar, Karl Travis, Evan Tuchinsky Interns Kyle Emery, Dane Stivers Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandra Peters Design Manager Kate Murphy Design Melissa Arendt, Brennan Collins, Priscilla Garcia, Mary Key, Marianne Mancina, Skyler Smith Advertising Manager Alec Binyon Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Jamie DeGarmo, Laura Golino, Robert Rhody Senior Classified Advertising Consultant Olla Ubay Advertising Coordinator Jennifer Osa Events Intern Alina Chavera
Office Manager Jane Corbett Distribution Manager Mark Schuttenberg Distribution Staff Sharon Conley, Shannon Davis, Ken Gates, Bob Meads, Pat Rogers, James Roninger, Mara Schultz, Larry Smith, Bill Unger President/CEO Jeff vonKaenel Chief Operations Officer Deborah Redmond Human Resources Manager Tanja Poley Credit and Collections Manager Renee Briscoe Business Shannon McKenna, Zahida Mehirdel Systems Manager Jonathan Schultz Systems Support Specialist Joe Kakacek Web Developer/Support Specialist John Bisignano 353 E. Second Street, Chico, CA 95928 Phone (530) 894-2300 Fax (530) 894-0143 Website Got a News Tip? (530) 894-2300, ext. 2245 or Calendar Events Calendar Questions (530) 894-2300, ext. 2243 Classifieds/Talking Personals (530) 894-2300, press 4 Printed by Paradise Post The CN&R is printed using recycled newsprint whenever available.
Editorial Policies Opinions expressed in the Chico News & Review are those of the author and not Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permission to reprint portions of the paper. The Chico News & Review is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to edit letters for length (250 words or less), clarity and libel or not to publish them. Circulation 40,000 copies distributed free weekly.
70 Declaration Dr. (In Philadelphia Square)
10 Important Pet Information from Valley Oak Veterinary Center Now Open 24/7 2480 MLK Pkwy, Chico
From The Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Fifteen Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Our Mission To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live.
My husband and I would like to know what exactly are heartworms, and are they really an issue in Chico?
Butte County has consistently had high numbers of heartworm positive animals every year. Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes that bite your dog or cat and introduce larvae that grow into adult worms that live in the heart. These worms and larvae can affect the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. Talk to your veterinarian about what heartworm prevention they recommend for your pet.
Dr. Kimbrell & Brodie
facebook/ April 26, 2012
CN&R 3
Send guest comments, 400 words maximum, to gc@, or to 353 E. 2nd St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.
Beyond the summit scandal Americans will be forgiven if they know nothing about what
Rice subsidies and high-speed trains IAmerican government gives farm subsidies to growers of a variety of crops. Farmers take advantage of governmental
t is a well-known fact in the North State that the
support because it is good business: It keeps farmers on the land, contains prices and allows farmers to be competitive. Ultimately, farm subsidies are an investment in the future of California, and in the long run they should result in saving, not wasting, public money. Based on the above practice, it is difficult to understand the hostile crusade of Sen. Doug LaMalfa against what is, potentially, the best investment of federby al and state funds for the good of all Eugenio N. Californians—namely, a clean, modern, Frongia efficient network of high-speed trains that ranks in vision and future economic The author is an benefit with our system of higher educaemeritus professor of tion, freeways, Bay Area bridges and the foreign language and California Water Project that has made literature at Chico California’s agriculture No. 1 in the State University. world. Sen. LaMalfa, a rice farmer, receives generous agricultural subsidies from Washington. If the senator and his fellow crusaders want a comparative visualization of a successful high-speed-train network, Italy is an appropriate example. Like California, Italy has a vertical north4 CN&R April 26, 2012
south configuration, with mountains and valleys, big cities in the north (Milan, Turin, Genoa, Bologna and Florence) and big cities in the south (Rome and Naples). Italy and California are roughly equivalent surfacewise. Italy has 59 million people. California is approaching 40 million and growing fast. Italy’s GDP ranks eighth in the world; California has the eighth largest economy on the planet. Holding American and Italian citizenships, I know both countries equally well. When traveling in Italy, I regularly purchase Eurostar train tickets. The Eurostar cuts travel time in half vis-à-vis other trains and is three times faster than car travel. The Eurostar is environmentally clean, safe, comfortable and affordable. One can work and conduct business on a Eurostar, but not while driving a car. The senator needs to school himself in economic and political coherence with the long-term interests of all Californians where public money is concerned. When the greater public good is at stake, being conservative may sometimes be a virtue; however, being self-serving and retrograde is always a vice. Any support given to his myopic ballot initiative to derail high-speed trains and the will of the people of California is a vote against the future of the Golden State. Ω
actually happened at the Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. The major media seemed interested only in the prostitution scandal involving members of the Secret Service. As it turned out, President Obama found himself defending two positions that are becoming increasingly unpopular in Latin America and, to a great extent, in his own country: the Cuba embargo and the so-called war on drugs. None of Obama’s Latin American counterparts support the embargo of Cuba, and polls show a strong majority of the American people and businesses also would like to see it end. Still, the United States was able to ban Cuba from the summit, prompting Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, to boycott the meeting this year. And on drugs, Obama had to confront a growing realization on the part of Latin American leaders that the militarist approach, which has left tens of thousands dead and threatens to destabilize the region, is not working. Consumption of illicit drugs in the United States is as great as ever. This is an election year, and the president was not about to begin touting the legalization of drugs, but he did acknowledge the possibility that U.S. drug policies are doing more harm than good in some parts of the world. Latin American leaders—notably those in Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico—want to continue talking about alternative approaches designed to lessen drug trafficking, including decriminalization, and they increasingly insist that the U.S. do something about the demand side of the supply-anddemand equation. Obviously, with major Latin American leaders pushing for a full and open discussion of the issue, the U.S. will need to become engaged. There has to be a better way. The alternative is to continue down a deadly, dangerous path that for more than 40 years has failed to accomplish its aims while costing U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. Ω
Yes on Proposition 29 As of April 21, supporters of Proposition 29, the Tobacco Tax
for Cancer Research measure on the June 5 statewide ballot, had raised $4.6 million in campaign funds. Opponents, mostly big cigarette manufacturers like Altria/Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds, had generated $23.8 million. The only conclusion to be reached is that Big Tobacco is spending all that money because it’s worried the measure will do exactly what it seeks to do: reduce the number of smokers. Prop. 29, which would add a dollar to the per-pack tobacco tax, bringing it to $1.87, would encourage many adults to quit smoking and discourage many young people from taking it up in the first place. Stanton A. Glantz, a professor of medicine at UC San Francisco, estimates that the tax hike “will help so many people quit smoking that they’ll spend a billion dollars less a year on cigarettes.” The revenues raised, estimated at $735 million a year at first, would be used to fund cancer research, smoking reduction programs and tobacco law enforcement. Although the revenues will decline over time, as the smoking rate declines, the funding inevitably will result in better treatments for cancer patients and other positive outcomes. California has had great success since 1988 with Proposition 99, which placed a 25-cent-per-pack tax on cigarettes to support tobacco-education and smoking-prevention efforts. The state’s comprehensive approach has changed social norms around tobacco use and secondhand smoke and produced dramatic results. It is estimated that the measure has saved more than 1 million lives and resulted in $86 billion worth of savings in healthcare costs. Big Tobacco is going to spend whatever it takes to defeat Proposition 29. Voters should remember what this is really about: powerful, rich corporations trying to addict people to a deadly product. Ω
by Robert Speer
Ray Charles, therapist As regular readers know, I don’t ordinarily write about personal matters in this space. But I’m making an exception this week to tell you about Ray, our dog who died last week, because he had such an impact on people that, when he passed, many who knew him burst into tears. The first thing to know about Ray is that he was blind from birth, the result of an infection that destroyed his eyes. Despite that, he was a pretty dog, a small golden retriever mix with that breed’s soft, fine fur and gentle temperament. My wife, Denise Fleming, found him on an Internet dog-rescue site. He’d spent the first year of his life in a backyard shed, with no companions, not even a name. He was about to be put down when he was rescued and, about six months ago, came to live with us in Chico. We named him after Ray Charles. Denise fell in love with him immediately, and he with her. He was fond of everyone in the family, but with her it was special. He liked nothing more than to cuddle with her on the couch. Thinking Ray had potential to be a therapy dog, Denise began taking him with her to the Chico State Student Health Center, where she’s an administrator. The students loved him, as did Denise’s co-workers. Often the students would end up on the floor, hugging and petting him. Ray had found his calling. Before long students were asking for him, and the receptionist would send out an email: “Where is Ray Charles Fleming?” Others would call in to make appointments to see Ray. There was something about this blind but lovable dog that spoke to their hearts. Two Saturdays ago he started having trouble walking. Then seizures. His Chico vet didn’t know what was wrong, so Denise drove to the UC Davis Small Animal Clinic. An MRI scan revealed a brain awash in undrained cranial fluid. There was nothing to be done. Ray died in Denise’s arms. When word reached the health center, people wept. Students had sent emails to friends asking them to pray for Ray. And one of Denise’s co-workers sent out a lovely Facebook message: “Ray passed away today, and we and the students will miss him so much. He was blind from birth but never hesitated to find someone to give him pets and love. Thanks, Denise, for letting us share Ray’s short life. Raise your glasses to Ray tonight, he was a great coworker!”
Denise and Ray Charles Fleming PHOTO BY MARY J. MINER
Let’s ‘green’ One-Mile Re “The green issue” (Cover package, April 19): In spite of Chico’s “green” efforts and attitude, I noticed a huge oversight this weekend while bike riding in Bidwell Park. We stopped to rest at One-Mile, which was very crowded, and I saw a trash bin overflowing. What bothered me was that most of it appeared to be recyclable items such as soda cans and water bottles. It occurred to me that there should be recycling bins next to the trash bins in the park. In a city as eco-friendly as ours, I am surprised that this hasn’t been done yet, at least around One-Mile and the picnic tables and such. After all, people are going to do what is most convenient, and if we can make recycling just as easy as throwing something away, I believe that most will put that empty can in the green bin. SARAH GARCIA Chico
Hayfork Century 4 th a n n u a l e v e n t - J u n e 9 , 2 0 1 2
Our one hundred and fifteen mile Century is made up of a figure eight course that challenges you with 10,800ft of climbing along with spectacular views of the Trinity Alps and Mt. Shasta, along with many other beautiful areas. The other three rides provide challenges for riders of varying abilities and distance needs, and are made up of sections of the Century Ride figure eight course.
a breatHtakingly beautiful CHallenge
He didn’t say that Re “Tea Party stages tax rally” (Newslines, by Tom Gascoyne, April 19): The article was good; however I need to correct some of what Tom Gascoyne wrote. First, I never said that the city redesign in front of my Forest Avenue location was “proof Chico officials don’t understand how to run a business.” What I actually said was, “At my first meeting with the city to get this resolved, the city engineer told me I would ‘just have to retrain my customers.’” That statement made me realize that the city has no clue how to run a business. Anyone who owns a retail business knows that we are lucky and blessed to have customers walk in the door. There is no “retraining” customers. Telling us that we need to “retrain” customers is just foolish talk from a bureaucrat with no business experience. Second, Tom spelled my first name wrong in paragraph 14. Third, I didn’t criticize spending money on art in general, but specifically when our city is over budget and our reserves are depleted, it is irresponsible to spend taxpayer money on non-essentials. When times are better and we have the money, that is when we can be altruistic with our tax dollars. TOBY SCHINDELBECK Chico
Editor’s note: Mr. Schindelbeck is a candidate for Chico City Council.
Questions of judgment Re “He’s no victim” (Letters, by Matt Wolfe, April 19) and “Rush to judgment” (Cover story, by David Waddell, April 12): LETTERS continued on page 6
The Rotary Club of Hayfork is a permittee of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest and is an equal opportunity employer.
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CN&R 5
continued from page 5
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I wonder how loud Mr. Wolfe would be whining if he spent five days in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. I also wonder about Chief Maloney’s sense of justice when he says, “I’ll tell you, to this day, from our perspective [Sayavong] was involved in that thing.” Maloney added, “There has never been sufficient information to constitute proof of innocence.” Last I heard, we still use innocent until proven guilty as a standard. Even if Mr. Sayavong is brown (seemingly his only crime), he doesn’t have to “prove” anything! I am amazed that Chief Maloney would even make this prejudicial statement. RICH MEYERS Oroville (Butte Valley)
Restoring the dream Re “Builder sentenced in fraud case” (Downstroke, April 19): Tony Symmes is just one of a vast number of real-estate professionals engaged in illegal profiteering. Such ethical lapses now endemic in the development, construction, sales, financing, and management of homes and communities in America brought about the near collapse of the economy. It is only fair that those that enriched themselves in such pursuits be brought to justice and have their assets encumbered to help innocent buyers and the nation as a whole survive the undertow of their greed. Government regulators and industry leaders have been complicit in this egregious behavior. This calls for a wholesale reset and literal cleaning of the house to restore integrity to the housing development, construction, and financing industries to restore faith and honor to the pursuit of the American dream. RICHARD MAZZUCCHI Los Molinos
Where’s my car?
forced to abandon my job, deplete my savings, and live off credit cards as a prisoner in my rural Tehama County home for the past 2 1/2 years. At the time, I begged Chief Maloney to stop the sale of my vehicles and return my property, but he would not. The City Council’s been equally complacent, and they’ve refused to reimburse me for anything. NATHAN ESPLANADE Corning
“Rather than confirming that my registrations were in fact paid, the Chico police towed my vehicles, forcing me to walk 30 miles home.” —Nathan Esplanade
Give BMA its job back Re “BMA needs LaMalfa’s help” (Editorial, April 19): I don’t live in Chico (yet), but I do love the town and the legacy of the Bidwells. I’ve been following this story, and I have to admit (like the CN&R does) that I have no idea why State Parks has suddenly decided to turn its relationship with the BMA acrimonious. I hope that Assemblyman Logue and Senator LaMalfa will work to resolve this issue quickly and return the handling of Bidwell Mansion to the BMA, which has done a great job of maintaining it for so many years.
JAMIE BOELTER When he turned 50 on April 20, Tustin Chief of Police Mike Maloney retired, and the city of Chico began Turn out for Reed paying him to do nothing for the rest of his life. This after he effecRepublicans in the Senate blocked tively commandeered and sold my the “Buffett rule,” which would car, van and work tools in 2009. have required those with incomes in I had explained to him and excess of $1 million to pay taxes at Officer Person in the field that my a rate comparable to what middleregistrations were paid, but that I income earners pay. Republican was still waiting for the DMV to politicians are bound by oath to send my stickers. Rather than con- Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge. N E W S & R Ewere V I E W B U S I N E S S U S E O N LY firming that my registrations Norquist, an unelected activist, DESIGNER ISSUE DATE EXEC. in fact paid, the Chico police thought thisACCT. idea up when he was 13 MM me to 04.22.10 JLD towed my vehicles, forcing years old! Who would have guessed FILE NAME REV. DATE walk 30 miles home. Without my that a major American PYRAMIDFARMS042210R1 NEW party would vehicles and work tools then, I was become enslaved by the idea of a 6 CN&R April 26, 2012
middle-school student? What it means to the American people is that the tax advantages bequeathed upon the top 1 percent are now locked in, leaving the rest of us with massive debt, cuts to education, and crumbling infrastructure. Republican politicians pretend that they are concerned with the debt, but their proposed budget would actually increase military spending, which is about equal to what the rest of the world combined spends already. Congressional candidate Jim Reed is not bound by the Norquist pledge and favors rational cuts to our bloated military budget. The new open-primary rule passed on a ballot initiative in the last election allows voters to vote for any candidate regardless of party affiliation. Only the top two candidates go to the November election. Republicans are highly motivated to vote because they want to win back the presidency. If the rest of us don’t show up, it might become a congressional race between Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. Go to the polls on June 5 and vote for Jim Reed. CRAIG VIVAS Mt. Shasta
RDA ‘shell game’ I have a great solution for the redistribution of the loss of RDA money: All departments/personnel that had a percentage of money given to them out of RDA funds should have their funding reduced by the same percentage. Hey, the city manager had 30 percent of his salary paid by RDA; is he going to take a cut, or did the City Council reduce the salary proposed for the new city manager? No! How did the finance director get a $40,000 raise since she was hired in 2005? Money must have come from one of those 200 different accounts that money comes from. I’ve been going to council meetings and committee meetings and trying to get a decent answer on where is the money. How about the PDF (private development fund) money that comes from impact fees to developments; it had $9 million and they moved it over to the general fund and were suppose to pay back $100,000 for the next 18 years. Shell game at its finest. DAVE DONNAN Chico
Editor’s note: Mr. Donnan has stated his intention to run for Chico City Council. More letters online:
We’ve got too many letters for this space. Please go to for additional readers’ comments on past CN&R articles.
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It’s actually my only means of transportation. Can’t think of anything that would keep me from it. Without my bike I guess I’d be taking the bus a lot more and walking a lot more.
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April 26, 2012
CN&R 7
Chico High School buildings along West Sacramento Avenue were evacuated and locked down on Monday, April 23, due to a hand grenade look-alike found in a Chico State student’s car. Kayla Bumgardner, 21, told police someone had burglarized her car—which was parked across the street from Chico High—and left what appeared to be a hand grenade in the driver’s seat, according to multiple media sources. Police closed West Sacramento Avenue from The Esplanade to Hobart Street and evacuated houses nearest her vehicle and some 500 Chico High students, moving them elsewhere on campus. In buildings farthest from the vehicle, classes resumed as usual. At 9:40 a.m., the Butte County Interagency Bomb Squad arrived and determined the object was non-explosive and possibly an ornamental gearshift knob. Police lifted the lockdown at 10:10 a.m.
Tracy Crippen, right, with his dog, Roland, sit with their friend Austin, who didn’t give his last name. Roland got the full treatment at Project Homeless Connect, including a bath, a toenail clipping, a new dog bowl and seven vaccinations.
It’s official. North Valley Community Access has taken over the operation of publicaccess television’s Channel 11, which airs public meetings of local governments, including live Chico City Council meetings. Last year Butte College, which for several years had run the station, announced that for budget reasons it was getting out of the TV game. NVCA Program Director Ben Weddell said the transition has been relatively seamless—there was only a single day off-air—and the schedule for the most part has stayed the same. But that is not to say it won’t change in the future, Weddell said. The NCVA offices are located on the fourth floor of the Waterland-Breslauer Building at Broadway and Fourth streets in downtown Chico, right next to KZFR radio. Besides Weddell, the NVCA board of directors includes former TV news reporter and anchor Mike Donnelly, KZFR programmer and former director of the Chico Peace & Justice Center Sue Hilderbrand, public-access producer Christine Smith-Meyerpeter and broadband promoter Cathy Emerson.
Longtime customers and friends, along with area fire department officials, have banded together to help John Scott, owner of Scotty’s Landing, pay for the property adjoining his bar and restaurant along the Sacramento River. That neighboring parcel is home to a boat launch used by local anglers and other recreational river users, and by Scott (pictured), who is widely known for rescuing stranded boaters and especially young people who go tubing during the hot summer months. Scott is attempting to pay down some debt incurred by his late brother, Gary, who owned the property. A benefit, the Rescue Tradition River Walk Wine & Brew Festival, will be held this Sunday, April 29, from 2-6 p.m. at Scotty’s. Tickets can be purchased at Scotty’s (12609 River Road), as well as at local businesses. For more info, visit Facebook and search for Save Scotty’s Landing.
Help for the homeless Free help offered to hundreds during one-day services fair
A Muenzer at a recent homeless-services event drove home the importance of getting conversation with Richard
aid to this marginalized population. “These services are desperately needed,” said Muenzer, who was about to story and get a hair cut he felt was photo by vital for job interviews. “My Vic Cantu friend just went to the medical booth and found out he vscantu@ sbdg has HIV.” Though the news was tragic, Muenzer said it was fortunate that his friend found out before the virus United effort: could progress further. Muenzer was among the The Butte Countywide 480 homeless men, women Homeless and children at the Silver Continuum of Dollar Fairgrounds last Care, which consists of Wednesday (April 18) for local service Project Homeless Connect, organizations and which set up 57 booths individuals, was offering free services for established in medical, dental, housing, 2003 to identify and aid the child-care, mental-health county’s homeless and veterans’ assistance. population. The poor arrived by foot,
bike, car or a bus that transported them from pick-up spots located at churches in Chico, Oroville, Paradise, Gridley and Biggs. Even their dogs and cats received vaccinations and grooming. More than 100 volunteers helped put on the event, a one-day extravaganza organized by the Butte County Homeless Continuum of Care (COC), a collaborative body for the homeless. According to its website, Project Homeless Connect was launched by the San Francisco Department of Public Health in 2004 as a way to bring basic services to the homeless. Conventional methods of delivery don’t reach the dispossessed. The program has expanded to more than 200 communities across the nation, said COC coordinator Meagan Meloy. Notice of this first Chico offering of services had spread through word of mouth since plans for the project began last November. “It would take each person months to get all these amazing services by themselves,” said Meloy, who teaches public administration at Chico State. “Additionally, many people feel uncomfort-
able going to some of them on their own, so this made it far easier.” The COC conducts the annual Butte County homeless census and has tentative plans to alternate between that and Project Homeless Connect every other year, she said. Not surprisingly, many who attended said they would like to see the event take place at least twice a year. According to the latest census data available, in January 2011 some 1,912 individuals were reported as homeless. Of those, 12 percent said they have children, 30 percent said they were living outdoors and 60 percent said they had lived in Butte County for at least five years. Reflecting the national trend, a majority, 62 percent, are male and 13 percent report having served in the military. The homeless who attended the
fairgrounds event signed in at the entrance to the commercial building and shared their needs and interests. Once registered, participants were given a color-coded map of the booths by category and were shown around by guides. Some services were offered up front so participants could explore the offer-
8 CN&R April 26, 2012
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ings with less hindrance: Those with young children could leave them with the child-care service; pets could be handed over to Butte County Animal Control volunteers for shots and/or grooming; and those with bicycle problems could drop their rides off at a fix-it booth located just in front of the entrance. The atmosphere was jovial, considering the circumstances; a DJ from KZFR played pop and rock music in an open area where hot lunches were served. The main dishes were rigatoni, meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Water, sodas, side dishes and snacks also were offered. One of the most popular booths was that of the Department of Motor Vehicles, which issued California photo IDs and driver’s licenses to those who qualified. On-site computers were patched into state systems, allowing for the necessary record checks and entries. “They like it here because the atmosphere at the regular DMV is often so intimidating to many,” Meloy said. “The driver’s licenses and photo IDs are vital for basic things like getting a job or even being admitted to homeless shelters.” The Jesus Center’s Free Store
booth offered clothes, brand-new embroidered baseball caps, sandals and rain ponchos. “Most of this stuff went fast, and people were very grateful for it,” said Free Store volunteer Brittany Sanford, who also volunteers at the Sabbath House Women’s Shelter. One recipient, Mellissa Kirk, was appreciative of the clothes and the meals for her two children. “The best service will be the haircut, which would normally cost me $20,” Kirk said. Kirk said she was happy to be able to pass on the generosity by helping a hearing-impaired couple. “I gave them directions to different booths, ordered their meal and interpreted their needs to several helpers,” she said. The pet area was appreciated mostly by dog owners. The 2010 survey reported that 24 percent of the Butte County homeless have pets. Linda Haller, program manager for Butte County Animal Control, said she was pleased by the turnout of approximately 35 dogs. Tracy Crippen brought along Roland, his 100-plus-pound rottweiler, who was on the receiving end of a toenail clipping, a dog brush, a food bowl, dog shampoo and three months of flea repellant. Roland was also given seven vaccinations for diseases like rabies, parvo and distemper. “I’m always worried about Roland because I live in the hills near Whiskey Flats, and if he ever got picked up by the pound I might not get him back since I can’t afford the shots,” Crippen said. “That dog is like my own kid.” Ω
Marty Block is on a mission to gain support for a new law that would subsidize a large chunk of college tuition for CSU and UC students.
Caught in the middle
Politician lobbies for tuition-reducing measure Assemblyman Marty Block didn’t have a tough sell during his recent visit to Chico State. “How many of you would like to pay two-thirds less for tuition and fees?” he asked straight away after taking the stage set up in the Trinity Commons area last Thursday (April 19). The question was met with generous applause from about a hundred students and others milling about during the Associated Students’ Make it Matter event, a nonpartisan voter-registration and awareness drive. Block, a San Diego Democrat and chairman of the Assembly Higher Education Committee, was on a multiple-campus tour, drumming up support for the Middle Class Scholarship Act, a proposal to subsidize the majority of tuition and fees for California State University and University of California students with household incomes under $150,000 but too high to be eligible for financial aid. The act is bound to be a no-brainer on the 23 CSU and 10 UC campuses, but it’s going to be a tougher sell in the Senate and Assembly. That’s because the estimated $1.1 billion generated to fund the scholarship would take a tax-policy change of charging multi-state corporations doing business in California by the amount of their sales, rather than on the percentage of business. Block, co-author with Speaker John A. Perez of Assembly Bill 1500 and Assembly Bill 1501, which would eliminate that corporate loophole and fund the scholarships, respectively, said that the bills would affect
mostly out-of-state corporations, mainly tobacco companies and certain automobile manufacturers. And they would benefit nearly 200,000 college students, automatically cutting their tuition and fees by two-thirds, a yearly savings of more than $4,000 for 150,000 eligible CSU students and more than $8,000 for about 42,000 UC students. (Community college students would receive aid to pay for textbooks or other fees under the plan.) Still, for Republicans, that spells tax increase. And there are competing interests among Democrats. As Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters pointed out this week, Senate Bill 1505, the California Keep Our Promises Act, by Sen. Mark DeSaulnier’s (D-Concord) proposes spending $600 million of that same potential pool of money on services for veterans. During his brief talk at Chico State,
Block explained how middle-income earners are a marginalized group when it comes to
SIFT|ER Little-known bicycling trivia Some things about bicycles are common knowledge—that most of them are made in China (72 percent), that more people are bicycling than ever before, and that more than 60 percent of all bike trips are one mile or less. But did you know that: • before they built their famous airplane, Orville and Wilbur Wright owned a bicycle sales and repair shop? • the number of people who ride bicycles is greater than all those who ski, golf and play tennis combined? • the number of Americans who commuted to work primarily by bike in 2008 increased 14 percent from 2007, 36 percent since 2005, and 43 percent since 2000? • new immigrants to the United States are more likely to travel by bike than nativeborn Americans? • U.S. cyclists who bike frequently have a median income of almost $60,000? • in 1896 Susan B. Anthony said that bicycling “has done more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world”? • in Redding bicycle traffic increased 80 percent from 2009 to 2010?
Sources:, The Rotarian (May 2012)
higher education. While low-income students are eligible for financial aid, and students from wealthy families can afford the current cost of tuition, students from middle-income families bear a huge financial burden. “If you’re not born into wealth and privilege, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve an affordable higher education,” he said. He was echoed earlier that day by John Vigna, a press secretary for Speaker Perez, who introduced the Middle Class Scholarship Act. Vigna, a 2006 graduate of Sacramento State, said his family would have qualified under this plan. Instead, like many students, he had to take on loans. That was before the economy tanked, before so many families went from two wage-earners to one, or were put out of work entirely. Learn more: “It’s really targeted Head to at the middle-class middleclassschola families who have to learn more about taken a lot hits in the Speaker John A. recession,” he said of Perez’s plan to the pending legislation. make the CSU and The Middle Class UC more Scholarship Act would affordable for middle-class bring tuition fees back families. to the levels seen more than a decade ago, but it would not keep the CSU and UC systems from instituting fee hikes in the future. (Fees at the CSU have risen by 191 percent since 2004 due to declining support from the state.) Block, a professor for more than 20 years at San Diego State, went on to reference the Master Plan for Higher Education, which 50 years ago set out the goals of increasing the access, affordability and quality of higher education. Today, that plan is crumbling. For example, because there are fewer course offerings due to budget constraints, many students cannot earn degrees in four years. Block noted that postponing the graduation rate of students further burdens them financially and keeps qualified workers out of the job market, which in turn hurts California. Block championed the Middle Class Scholarship Act as a grassroots movement. He encouraged students to sign a petition at and to join a social-media campaign for the effort, including uploading videos to YouTube. He invited students to the State Capitol to speak in committee about the benefits of the proposal. A simply majority vote will do there. He acknowledged it will take a stronger effort to win over the Senate and Assembly, where two-thirds votes are required for passage. “You need to join this fight,” Block said. “You need to make it matter.” —MELISSA DAUGHERTY
NEWSLINES continued on page 10 April 26, 2012
CN&R 9
SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY & SSI Big changes “We help YOU through the System” on the way
continued from page 9
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Environmental journalist brings daunting predictions to Chico
Industrial Revolution 200 years ago,” Heinberg said. “We passed the 7 billion mark just recently. That is an extraordinary rate of population growth.” Not coincidently, he pointed out, at the same time there’s been a tremendous growth in energy consumption. He argues that having access to great amounts of cheap energy has enabled the growth of both the economy and the population. “The economy is all about energy. Without energy nothing happens, by definition. If we want to increase economic activity, if we want to do more stuff, we’ve got to have more energy to do it with.”
The Industrial Revolution is ending. Our ongoing efforts to expand and consume cannot continue. We’re using up the energy sources that enabled this lifestyle, and the world as we know it is changing. We will spend the rest of our lives creating and adapting to that Humans have been using change. solar energy for hundreds of thouThat in a nutshell was the messands of years as gathered by green sage delivered in a 90-minuter lecCHAPTER 7 - Debt Relief plants and turned into firewood, ture Tuesday (April 24) by author CHAPTER 13 - Payment plan food and agriculture. “Sunlight is and journalist Richard Heinberg. A to save your home, car, and business an almost limitless source of enersenior fellow at the Post Carbon Free Consultation! gy, by human standards,” Heinberg Institute, a Santa Rosa-based think said. “But the amount we are actutank, Heinberg addressed about ally able to gather and use in the “I am an Attorney-Debt Relief Agency. 200 people—a mixture of students I help people file for bankruptcy relief form of firewood and agricultural on assignment, professors and under the Bankruptcy Code.” products is limited. So the size of members of the general public— our economies was limited.” inside Chico State’s Colusa Hall. Law Office Of DaviD fiLLerup Until relatively recently, that is. Thin, articulate and witty, HeinBankruptcy ServiceS - 20 yearS experience Once we invented the tools that berg delivered his message in not Chico | 345.4200 | allowed us to extract fossil fuels— so much a grim way, considering gears and pumps and other the subject, but rather as a realistic machinery—we gained access to glimpse into where we are headed. sources of energy that had been “I’m sorry to have to bring you created by nature over the course some less than beautiful news,” he of tens of millions of years. began, “but my talk tonight is “Once we found practical ways going to be about our economy and to mine coal and pump oil out of its prospects, and I have to tell you the ground, it seemed as though the that the news is not good. For too long we’ve considered the environ- sky was the limit. How it changed us.” ment a subset of the economy, He brought up this analogy: when in fact the economy is a subThink about the last time you ran set of the environment.” out of gas in your car and you had The author of books whose Chico is well-known as a bicycle town. Let’s continue to push it to the side of the road. titles include Blackout: Coal, Clithat tradition by respecting each other and using That is hard work. But what about mate, and the Last Energy Crisis common sense. Remember, bikes and autos nParty’s e w s &Over: r e v i Oil, e w bWar u s i n e s s upushing s e o n lyour y car 20 or 30 miles? and The must follow the same rules: That would take to eight and the Fate of Industrial Societies ss 03.03.11 designer issUe dATe ACCT eXeCsixamb • Ride with the flow of traffic saidlawofficesofbh030311r2 he hoped to explain why the • Obey all stop signs and signals FiLe nAMe reV dATe new • Yield the right of way when entering the street economy is doing what it is doing, • Do not drive or ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs it is headed and how we can and verify the following: pleasewhere carefully review your advertisement • Bicycles must use a headlight and rear reflector at night adapt to it. • Look and signal before turning or changing lanes Ad size (CoLUMn X inChes) Economic expansion, he said, is • Yield to pedestrians in a marked or unmarked crosswalk speLLing a fairly recent phenomenon. “We nUMbers & dATes like to that it is normal and ConTACT inFothink (phone, Address, eTC) naturalAsand that all economies do Ad AppeArs reqUesTed ApproVed this asby:if by magic, but in fact it’s been happening only over the past couple of centuries.” Connected to the expansion of economic growth is the explosion in population. “There were fewer than a billion humans at the beginning of the
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weeks of hard labor to accomplish,” he said. “We can get that done for us with a single gallon of gas for which we pay $4 and some change. And we are complaining. Think about that: Six or eight weeks of hard labor is the energy equivalent of $4.50 or whatever it is here. What a bargain.” We’ve used fossil fuels, he said, to mechanize our entire society over the past couple of hundred years. That has given us an enormous payoff in the form of economic growth. But that way off life will soon disappear as fossil fuel is depleted. “World peak oil decline could begin in the next five to 10 years,” Heinberg warned. He mentioned climate change. “I know we can’t talk about climate change in this country because one of our two political parties has decided that it’s a big fraud, so I won’t. I’ll just mention the weird weather. And if you don’t take my word for it, go talk to an insurance executive because they’re studying it very closely.” He said there are simple solutions that must come “bottom up from the community.” Those would include ride sharing, community currencies as opposed to federal currency, more people growing food, one-stop shops at central locations. The great transitions in human society have been fire, language, agriculture and the Industrial Revolution. “What is next?” he asked. “The sustainability revolution? I don’t know. It’s learning to live within natural limits. There are no easy answers. It is the project we will be working on for the rest of our lives.”
Richard Heinberg is a senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute. PHOTO BY TOM GASCOYNE
10 CN&R April 26, 2012
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Preparing for a stalemate CSU faculty union vote will determine whether to strike come fall
The first-floor hallway of Chico State’s Kendall Hall serves as Strike Vote Central this week, as local members of the California Faculty Association cast their ballots to authorize a strike if contract negotiations don’t move forward. If union members approve, a series of two-day rolling strikes could occur across the 23-campus California State University system, though likely not until the fall semester. It would be the first system-wide strike in CSU history. The CFA represents more than 23,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches in the CSU system, and has been locked in contract negotiations with the office of CSU Chancellor Charles Reed since June 2010. CSU officials contend the union’s requests for a 1 percent pay increase and to move away from using part-time and temporary instructors could spell financial disaster, but CFA members say it’s not about the money. “There’s a lot of things, from our perspective, that are about administrative discretion and administrative control,” said Susan Green, statewide CFA treasurer and professor of history and Chicano studies at Chico State. “We’re aware that it’s hard times for everyone, that it can’t be about big raises, and that’s not what folks are asking for.” Green said faculty consultation and workload—particularly regarding class size—is a primary issue. “We’re trying to protect the quality of education for students,” she said. “I think if you ask any student at Chico State if classes get better when there’s 60 students instead of 45, they’re going to say no. It makes things harder for everyone. Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions.” Green also said the current proposal from the Chancellor’s Office puts job security solely in the hands of university presidents. “Right now we have an extensive process where colleagues evaluate each other; we observe people’s classes,” she said, “and all that would be out the window, and it would be at the whim of the president and administration as to whether there’s some kind of stability for the work force.”
Lisa Emmerich and Jason Conwell accept ballots that may enable union leaders to call for a system-wide strike at California State University campuses.
a caring staff in a private atmosphere.
ment program as teaching faculty would actually save the CSU millions, she said. In-person voting began this past Monday and lasts through Friday (April 27). Online voting began last week. The results will be announced May 2, just before mediation on May 3 and 4. If mediation fails again, a “fact finder” will be appointed to study both sides’ arguments and propose a compromise. The Chancellor’s Office could accept this or push its original offer, in which case an affirmative strike vote would come into play. Green explained the two-day strikes would not occur simultaneously, but in groups at different times: “It won’t be all 23 campuses at the same time, because that would be incredibly disruptive,” she said. “We don’t want to strike at all, so we’re hoping the Chancellor’s Office returns to the table to bargain in good faith.” Preliminary strikes took place last November on CSU campuses at Dominguez Hills and East Bay. This is the first time online voting has been used by the CFA, Green said. Two CFA members working the voting table on Tuesday (April 24)—CFA field staff member Jason Conwell and history/American Indian studies professor Lisa Emmerich—said voting had been intermittent on Monday and Tuesday, but it was hard to gauge the overall turnout with the online option. Though money is not the sole issue, it weighs heavily on the minds of many CFA members, particularly the disparity between faculty and administrative salaries. “It’s kind of crazy when the chancellor of the CSU makes more money than the president of the United States,” Emmerich said. “Unless I’m much mistaken, the level of problems and responsibility aren’t quite equivalent there.”
Green contended that some of the
CFA’s requests—such as an article on academic freedom—would cost the system nothing but would protect instructors and the quality of education. A proposal to allow counseling staff to use the same early-retire-
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Learn more:
Go to for more info about the California Faculty Association’s contract dispute with the CSU Chancellor’s Office.
April 26, 2012
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CN&R 11
Reducing Emergency Room Wait Times Like most medical centers, the Emergency Room at Oroville Hospital is a hopping place. At any given moment, the doctors and nurses may be treating a patient suffering from chest pains when paramedics rush in with the victim of an auto accident. In the next bed, with anxious parents looking on, rests a child with a high fever and labored breathing. Oroville Hospital serves around 70,000 residents of the city and neighboring communities, which makes for a lot of busy days and nights. Fortunately, the members of the Emergency Services Department,
the office name of the ER, have enacted a series of changes that have streamlined the treatment of critical patients. Along with reducing wait times, the Emergency Services Department (or ESD) mobilizes colleagues from throughout the hospital to respond in times of need. “One thing that I think is distinctive about Oroville Hospital is that, with our administration and our physicians, we have a lot of people who think out of the box” says Debbie Cox, who serves as an ESD
Manager as well as the Trauma Care Coordinator. One such progressive change is how Oroville Hospital approaches triage — assessing patients’ conditions and prioritizing their treatment accordingly. ESD established a Rapid Medical Exam to, as the name suggests, speed up the triage process.
“Patients are happier and being treated better medically.” Explains Sunday Killgore, an ESD Manager: “We have a 5-level triage system, so that patients who are not as ill or who have minor injuries can be efficiently evaluated and treated by a P.A. [physician assistant]. That way, we can still give the seriously ill patients the attention they need without bogging down the system. Patients are happier and being treated better medically. With this system we have decreased the average wait time.” When it does get busy, ESD has a plan. It’s called decompression. When the ER is overloaded, healthcare practitioners from other units step in to help. “The team comes in and does an excellent job of taking patients and treating them outside the ER,” Cox says. When that happens, Killgore adds, “the patient can get their treatment quicker and be more comfortable— so it’s a lot safer, more efficient care.” Lori Hestand, a nurse/E.S.D. manager, who like Killgore has been at Oroville Hospital more than 20 years adds, “I just see our care getting better and the wait times getting shorter.”
2767 OLIVE 2767 HIGHWAY OLIVE HIGHWAY • OROVILLE, • OROVILLE, CA • (530) CA 533-8500 • (530) 533-8500 � � 12 CN&R April 26, 2012
‘Synthetic does not mean safe’
A strain of hand, foot and mouth disease is making the rounds in the Bay Area, alarming pediatricians. The disease is a common cause of a pimply rash that breaks out on children’s hands and feet and causes sores in the mouth, but physicians have reported encountering a more severe rash and the loss of fingernails and toenails weeks after the infection has cleared, according to Bay Area schools and day-care centers have reported outbreaks that spread through sneezing, coughing and touching surfaces with infected hands. “We don’t see reports of kids dying or being injured by the disease, but it’s not quite as benign as regular hand, foot and mouth disease,” said Dr. Dan Kelly, a San Francisco pediatrician. “It’s worth people being aware of. People will worry if their kid’s fingernails fall out.”
Though recently outlawed in California, fake marijuana continues to be a problem
Mothers who are obese during pregnancy are 70 percent more likely to have a child with autism than a mother of normal weight, a new study finds. Researchers at UC Davis also discovered diabetic mothers were more than twice as likely to have a child with developmental disorders other than autism, according to The Sacramento Bee. The study—which involved more than 1,000 children from California—focused on mothers with obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure, and concluded obesity to be the strongest factor related to autism. The study’s authors noted nearly 60 percent of women of childbearing age are overweight, one-third are obese and 9 percent have diabetes. “Nobody has looked at obesity in relation to autism-spectrum disorders that I’m aware of,” said UC Davis researcher Irva Hertz-Picciotto. “Currently we really know very little about the causes of autism.”
A state Department of Toxic Substances Control investigation found some nail polishes used in California salons that claim to be free of the “toxic trio” of chemicals contained dangerous levels of substances linked to birth defects and asthma. Investigators randomly selected 25 nail polish brands available only at nail salons and found five of seven products claiming to be free of toluene, dibutyl phthalate and formaldehyde actually contained one or more of the agents in significant levels, according to The Washington Post. Furthermore, 10 of 12 products claiming to be free of toluene contained it in moderate to dangerously high levels. All three chemicals have been linked to health problems when inhaled regularly. The report noted that the mislabeled products have the potential to harm thousands of salon employees and customers, as there are more than 48,000 salons in California.
Chico pediatrician Craig Corp worries about the effect of synthetic cannabinoids on children. PHOTO BY KYLE DELMAR
Evan Tuchinsky ideacultivators@
I enter the hospital through the emergency room doors, a young woman slumped t’s 1 a.m. on a Saturday. Two men
between them. She’s barely moving—in fact, it seems like she’s barely breathing. The ER doctors have seen patients like her before. The men barely stutter the words “incense” and “spice” when medical personnel realize they are dealing with their latest case of synthetic-cannabinoid use. She requires immediate treatment. Synthetic cannabinoids may be illegal, but the law—California’s aptly named SB 420, passed last fall—hasn’t eradicated the product. Health-care providers remain concerned and vigilant. They know the manufacturers can find alternate formulas and distribution methods to stay a step ahead of legal restrictions. Thus, patients like the hypothetical one above are in jeopardy that’s all too real. Some come into the ER comatose; others enter stark-raving mad and require restraints and sedation. There is no single effect, because synthetic cannabinoids are no single substance. They are herbs or other plants sprayed with compounds that mimic the effect of THC, the active ingredient of marijuana. “It’s nasty stuff,” said Dr. Craig Corp, a
pediatrician in Chico. “It has chemicals not cleared for use in humans. Batch to batch, brand to brand, you don’t know exactly what’s in it. There are a lot of reactions kids aren’t bargaining for when they get it. “It’s definitely a scary thing. I know it’s a big issue in Chico.” Synthetic cannabinoids are particularly prevalent among college-age adults but also among younger teens. The substances pose such a serious health risk that the national medical journal Pediatrics devoted part of its April issue to a study of the drugs, which are known by a number of brand names, including “K-2,” “Blaze,” “Ono Budz,” “Panama Red Ball” and “Demon Passion Smoke.” Often marketed as herbal “incense,” they are ingested primarily by smoking, though like marijuana may also be eaten.
Synthetic cannabinoids come in a variety of scents and flavors: vanilla, marshmallow, lotus, honey, clover. In small slick packages, these products have appeared on shelves of convenience stores around the country, though now that 40 states have banned them, sales have gone underground, or into cyberspace. (The federal Food and Drug Administration also has branded synthetic cannabinoids as controlled substances.) The California law restricts five specific chemical formulas. Corp says this simply prompted some manufacturers to alter their formulations—putting legislators and violators in a race of reaction times. The risks associated with synthetic
cannabinoids are multi-faceted. First,
HEALTHLINES continued on page 14
APPOINTMENTS DON’T FLUSH YOUR PILLS If you have unwanted or expired prescription drugs at home, protect your family, community and the environment by disposing of them properly on Saturday, April 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at one of four locations: Oroville Hospital’s Comp Care Clinic (900 Oro Dam Blvd.), Enloe Medical Center clinic (560 Cohasset Road), Biggs-Gridley Memorial Hospital Health Services Center (284 Spruce St.) or the Immediate Care Medical Center (5875 Clark Road) in Paradise. No ointments or solutions will be accepted. April 26, 2012
CN&R 13
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Thousands of Chico residents have already benefited from this program. Call Program Director Steve Flowers, MFT at 898-1495
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continued from page 13
there’s the risk of driving while impaired and causing an accident with injuries or fatalities. Use of synthetic cannabinoids has been shown to impact motor skills and cognitive abilities. This also puts them at risk for victimization— theft, assault or sexual assault— and even possibly for committing a violent act if “out of control.” Less obvious are possible longterm risks. Is synthetic marijuana habit-forming? Physically addictive? Harmful to the lungs? Harmful to the brain? Answers to these questions are unknown at this point. “There are really no human studies for some of these drugs,” Corp said. “We have no idea what may happen down the road. “Marijuana causes habituation—it doesn’t cause physical addiction, but mental addiction. These drugs may well be physically addicting. They’re being made in illegal labs. “Who knows what herbs these are? Who knows what they are putting in there and what the longterm effects might be?” Short-term effects are well-documented. “There are two different syndromes we’re seeing in the ER,” Corp explained—manic and near-catatonic. The former may appear the most frightening. They come into the hospital violent, agitated and boisterous. They can be screaming or moaning, and usually they’re so
SB 420:
Named after the code for marijuana use, California’s Senate Bill 420 was sponsored by a Southern California legislator, Dr. Ed Hernandez. It criminalizes the sale of synthetic cannabinoids, punishable with a prison sentence, fines or both. Go to to read the contents of the bill.
loud that the sound echoes through the entire emergency department. Often they will attempt to kick, punch, bite or spit at the doctors and nurses trying to give them care. Hospital personnel need to physically restrain and chemically sedate them before proceeding with treatment. The quiet patients aren’t in any less of a serious state. They run the risk of aspirating (that is, choking on their own vomit) or slumping in a way that blocks the airway. They, too, require special care. Corp says synthetic cannabinoids take anywhere from four to 12 hours to wear off. Milder cases may resemble marijuana intoxication: unusually elevated mood, confusion, problems with physical coordination. If a friend or relative exhibits the more serious symptoms, call 911 or take him/her to the emergency room. “Synthetic does not mean safe,” Corp said. “This is not a safe alternative to marijuana.” Ω
WEEKLY DOSE Bicycling is good for you! You don’t have to be a hardcore cyclist in spandex shorts or a carless bike-for-transport devotee to appreciate the health benefits of riding a bike. Even the occasional leisurely pedal around the block is good for you. lists the top seven health benefits of cycling: • It’s good for your heart. Cycling encourages improved cardiovascular fitness and decreases risk of coronary heart disease. • It’s good for your muscles. Riding a bike is a great low-impact way to exercise your calves, thighs and booty. • It’s good for your waistline. Burn calories and keep weight gain down in general, as cycling speeds up metabolism even after you’re off the bike. • It’s good for your lifespan. Regular cycling has been associated with longevity. • It’s good for your coordination. Moving your feet in circles while steering with your hands and body is good for motor coordination. • It’s good for your mental health. Getting out in fresh air and seeing the sights and chatting with folks is a mind relaxer. • It’s good for your immune system. Bicycling strengthens your immune system and can help protect against cancer.
OPEN mONdAy – sAturdAy 14 CN&R April 26, 2012
A report from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, published September 7, 2010, found that a single Swedish style massage treatment can significantly boost a patients immune system and decreases the stress hormone Cortisol. Other studies have linked massage therapy to helping lower blood pressure, improve circulation, increase range of motion and more.
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April 26, 2012
CN&R 15
Ten northeastern states participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative have cut carbon emissions from energy use by nearly 18 percent from 2000 to 2009. At the same time, total economic output per capita grew 87 percent faster than the rest of the United States. A report compiled by Environment Connecticut found that the six New England states, plus New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, realized a combined $1.6 billion in consumer savings since signing the pollution-controlling initiative, according to the Hartford Courant. Taxing polluters has not stifled economic growth, but rather put contractors, electricians and weatherizers to work. “Those [carbon-tax] payments are invested in programs to install more efficient lighting, heating and power-generating equipment,” said Johanna Neumann, regional director of Environment Connecticut.
In response to the potential return of suction dredges to mine for gold in California’s rivers, the state’s Karuk Tribe, salmon fishermen and conservation groups have filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Fish and Game. The lawsuit, filed April 2, maintains the state’s dredging regulations do not follow environmental law and fail to protect salmon habitat, according to The Washington Post. The suction dredges used by recreational gold miners can destroy salmon habitat by altering the bottom of riverbeds, releasing mercury left over from the Gold Rush and generating silt that covers salmon beds, environmentalists say. The Happy Camp-based Karuk Tribe originally sued the department in 2009, at which point a sevenyear moratorium was issued. “Until the moratorium was passed, gold miners were still allowed to destroy our rivers, our fisheries and our culture,” said tribe member Leaf Hillman. “Fish and Game will let them resume the destruction in 2016 unless the new regulations are dramatically improved.”
Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed to cut funding from the Salton Sea Restoration Council, a state agency tasked with reversing the environmental decline of the state’s largest inland body of water. Brown maintains cutting this funding would allow a local agency to spearhead the restoration project, which has been met with multiple political and economic roadblocks, according to The Sacramento Bee. An increase in salinity in the 35-mile-long Southern California lake (pictured) has killed many birds and fish and raised concern that hundreds of square miles of seabed will be exposed within the next five years, potentially resulting in dust storms. Assemblyman V. Manuel Pérez (D-Coachella) proposed control of the project be handed to the Salton Sea Authority, an agency composed of regional representatives. 16 CN&R April 26, 2012
Finding common ground
Local Food Summit brings together small farmers and farm-toconsumer advocates with California foodsafety regulators
story and photo by
Claire Hutkins Seda
“Wlogue from ‘us versus them’ to ‘us,’” said Justin Malan, executive director e’ve got to change the dia-
of the California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health. “We’re not going to point any more fingers. The only finger we’re going to point is at the solution.” Malan was one of more than 50 environmental-health specialists from around California among a crowd of 200 at the Local Food Summit held on April 16 at Lundberg Family Farms’ headquarters in Richvale. The message he brought—to reach for collaboration—was a common thread among the presenters at the summit, which focused on local food production, distribution and regulation. Self-proclaimed “lunatic farmer” Joel Salatin, famous for his long history of regulation-related woes at his Polyface Farms in Virginia, and author of books like Everything I Want to Do is Illegal, was brought in as the keynote speaker. (Salatin drew upward of 1,000 people during his appearance at Neighborhood Church that evening.)
Chaffin Family Orchards’ Chris Kerston (left, with turkey) and Butte County Public Health’s Environmental Health director, Brad Banner (right, with chicken), organized the recent Local Food Summit to bring the two traditionally feuding sides— food-safety regulators and small farmers and local foodies—together.
The summit was organized by Brad Banner, director of the Butte County Public Health Department’s Environmental Health Division, with help from Oroville’s Chaffin Family Orchards. It had been declared long overdue by both sides in attendance— small-scale farmers and government agencies such as Environmental Health that are tasked to regulate them. The event also brought together representatives from at least 19 agriculture-related entities such as the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and the United States Department of Agriculture, as well as localfood advocates, academics and farmers from 31 farms throughout California. Bringing the feuding sides together is “unique,” offered Salatin, adding that there are very few similar attempts at dialogue happening elsewhere in the country. Farmers selling food directly to the
consumer is “good for the environment,
Learn more:
Go to to read about the Butte County Public Health Department’s Environmental Health Division. Head to for info on the recent Food Sovereignty law of Sedgwick, Maine—the first town in the United States to pass an anti-big-agregulation ordinance.
it’s good for health, it’s good for the economy,” said Chris Kerston, speaking ahead of the conference at Chaffin Family Orchards, where he farms. Yet small farmers feel they’ve been held back by regulations written for large, industrial-sized farm operations, Salatin said. Salatin’s wide-ranging 21⁄2-hour talk touched on everything from pot pies and chicken stock to Ben Franklin and the Old Testament. His speech covered the road Salatin has traveled at his own Virginia farm, dodging regulatory mines in hopes of getting his farm-fresh “beyond organic” food to the customers who demand it. “Is this really about food safety, or is this really about who gets access to the market?” he loudly queried at one point, to applause from the farmers. Salatin proposed alternatives to enable small-scale producers to avoid the onerous regulations with which they must currently comply—including a mechanism in which inspections would be triggered only by complaints that that the farm was out of compliance; exemptions for certain types of small farmers; and a waiver that could be signed between farmer and customer, making them just “two consenting adults,” as Salatin put it, thus putting the onus on consumers and farmers, rather than regulators, to assure food quality and safety. Banner noted that Butte County Public
Health’s Environmental Health Division —which also carries responsibility for wastewater, hazardous materials and even tattoo artists—has paid attention to a number of food-related issues in Northern California that hadn’t been issues just a few years ago. “There was a food-swap issue”—an unregulated event in which people traded food—“in Nevada County... Then there was that chicken thing in Lassen County,” recalled Banner, referring to a small family chicken operation that wanted to sell at a farmers’ market and received federal exemption from oversight due to its small size. Lassen County’s environmentalhealth department halted sales, saying it ran against state health-department guidelines, which were themselves at odds with a state law that would permit such a sale, according to the Lassen County Times. “And there was an issue in El Dorado County where people wanted a law that would pre-empt state regulation,” said Banner, referring to the Food Sovereignty law that county supervisors considered at their January meeting—
similar to laws in the works or in effect in Maine, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont—that would exempt local small farmers from government regulations entirely.
donate your unwanted bicycle We recondition and sell quality used bicycles at an affordable price to provide meaningful vocational opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Regulators, said Malan,
“have recognized that one size doesn’t fit all,” when it comes to regulation. California’s Homemade Food Act, AB 1616, which would allow the sale of homemade goods like breads and jams, was referenced several times as evidence that the government by and large is active in supporting local food. Banner, for Butte County, has instituted a number of changes including cutting fees across the board, and streamlining permit processes for businesses like food trucks and event food vendors, to reduce the burden on small farmers and small food businesses. Several of the 20 presenters pointed to the direct farm-to-consumer model as a way to help combat the country’s rise in diabetes and obesity by ensuring a supply of fresh, healthful food, as well as to
Sensible Cyclery is owned & operated by Caminar, a local non-profit organization. Bikes staring at $50
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GREENWAYS continued on page 18
UNCOMMON SENSE Meeting your bicycling match Choosing a bike is like choosing a partner. The right choice can ensure years of enjoyment, while the wrong choice can lead to pain, disappointment and regret. Physical attraction, reliability and other factors play a part. Budd Schwab, owner of Campus Bicycles, has been helping people find the right match for 32 years, and said the following factors can help narrow the field. Purpose: “Think what you’re going to use it for. Different types of riding require different types of bikes. It’s like a hardware shop, with saws here and drills there. You look around the shop and see so many bikes, but once you know what you want to do with it, 90 percent of them are eliminated.” Size: “Make sure the bike fits you properly. Start with a floor fit to test stand-over height, then make sure the seat is properly adjusted. Then, ride it and make sure it feels good.” Price: “You get what you pay for. There are Walmart bikes and bike-shop bikes. If all you want to spend is $200, you might as well go to Target, which is fine if it’s all you need. But if you want something that’s going to last, you might expect to pay $400 to $600.”
That Special Something: “Get it down to a couple of choices, then ride them. If you try two bikes, you won’t be ambivalent; you’re gonna know. You may not know why or what it is, but you’ll know you like this one and not that one.” April 26, 2012
CN&R 17
Now carrying the
continued from page 17
Cargo Bike So you can carry everything else. Come give it a test ride today!
Pullins Cyclery 342-1055 801 Main St, Chico Open MON-SAT 9–5:30pm, Find us on Facebook
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increase food security, a worry expressed by farmers and government officials alike. Many farmers in attendance, such as raw-milk advocate Mark McAfee, founder of Organic Pastures Dairy, were pleasantly surprised at the holistic, positive views many of the regulators held toward the still-nascent local-food movement. McAfee has had his fair share of interaction with regulators about his raw milk, which is shipped all over California from his dairy in Fresno, and is available locally at Chico Natural Foods. His dairy’s milk production was briefly halted last year after five children fell ill with E. coli and regulators connected the outbreak with Organic Pastures raw milk. Despite such struggles (“I’m completely unconvinced that it’s our milk,” said McAfee), he has found regulators in the past year to be more accepting of the need for consumer choice on such matters as raw milk. “There has been an evolution. They’re acknowledging the emergence of a local market, and the nutritional differences [in local food],” said McAfee, adding that, although few regulators are vocalizing it directly, “they’re saying, yes, there is a connection between food and health.” Ω
OPERATING THE EARTH Head to the Chico Area Recreation District (545 Vallambrosa Ave.) at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 30, for the first two parts of the three-part PBS special, “Earth: the Operators’ Manual.” Card will show the final part at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, followed by a community discussion. The documentary explores the economic and employment potential of sustainable energy and the potential affects on the climate. Go to www.tiny for more info. 18 CN&R April 26, 2012
by Christine G.K. LaPado •
Home Improvement Directory A L o c a l D i r e c t o r y f o r Yo u r Gr een Hom e I m p r ovem en t To-Do L i st
Chico / Lake Almanor
TIPS FOR GREENER LIVING As some of you know, I’ve been hanging out in
sunny Tucson, Ariz., for the past couple of weeks, where it’s gotten up to 105 degrees, believe it or not (in April!). While here, I’ve found a great naturalfoods store, Aqua Vita Natural Food Market (2801 North Country Club Road— worth seeking out if you’re in the Tucson area at some point). I picked up a free publication there the other day, Natural Awakenings, containing an article titled “Green Home Checklist: Room-by-Room Steps We Can Take, Starting Right Now,” by a writer named Crissy Trask. Trask offers useful advice on how to green up the kitchen, bedrooms, laundry room and bathroom in one’s home. She describes the kitchen as “a hotspot for waste. … Each year, a typical household discards an estimated 474 pounds of food waste, according to University of Arizona research. … Buying more fresh food than we can eat before the expiration date is up and allowing leftovers to expire in the fridge are culprits.” Solutions? Make menus, avoid impulse buying and compost Seasoned cast-iron cookware your food scraps. is naturally nonstick. Other kitchen advice: Replace disposables such as paper napkins and plastic wrap with cloth napkins and glass food-storage containers; get rid of Teflon-coated cookware, which can give off toxins when overheated or damaged, and replace with cast iron (“properly seasoned cast iron…is naturally nonstick”); buy “high-quality reusable [shopping] bags that will give years of use” instead of “flimsy” reusable bags that will “end up as trash within a few months under normal use.” Next, the bedroom: “Start with a good foundation. Box springs can be constructed of plywood or particleboard, which commonly contain formaldehyde, classified as a probable human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a toxic air-contaminant by the state of California.” Trask advises choosing box springs that are “certified as formaldehyde-free or with low emissions. A platform bed made of Forest Stewardship Council-certified wood, sourced from sustainably managed forests, is a healthy alternative.” Mattresses, too, are up for scrutiny. “Mattresses are commonly treated with fire-retardant chemicals to comply with U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission rules,” writes Trask. “To avoid toxic chemicals like the hydrocarbon toluene, emitted from mattresses stuffed with polyurethane foam, instead look for untreated, wool-covered mattresses (wool is a natural fire retardant) filled with natural latex or containing a spring system wrapped with organic cotton batting.” As for washing bed sheets, avoid fabric softeners as they may contain “highly toxic chemicals that latch onto sheets and can be inhaled or absorbed directly through the skin.” Opt instead for a quarter cup of baking soda, added to the wash cycle to soften sheets and other laundry items. “The smallest room in the house”—the bathroom—“is a disproportionately large contributor to household environmental impacts,” A quarter cup of baking soda Trask says. “In an average non-conadded to the wash cycle serves as a toxin-free, inexpensive fabric servation-minded American home, softener. 38,000 gallons of water annually go down the drains and toilet.” Her eco-friendly tips include installing ultra-efficient showerheads that use as little as one gallon of water per minute, getting rid of products (such as household cleaners and even toothpaste) containing the antibacterial pesticide triclosan, and replacing toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) shower curtains with organic-hemp versions, “the eco-shower-curtain gold standard.” EMAIL YOUR GREEN HOME, GARDEN AND COMMUNITY TIPS TO CHRISTINE AT CHRISTINEL@NEWSREVIEW.COM
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Contact your CN&R Advertising Representative to be in this Directory: 530-894-2300 April 26, 2012
CN&R 19
From ‘boneshakers’ BIKES, BIKES EVERYWHERE It’s hard to ignore Chico’s love affair with bicycles. Thanks to our community’s flat streets, getting around on two wheels is easy. And riding is going to get even easier in the coming months with the continuation of the bike paths that will link central Chico to the southeastern parts of town. In our fourth annual Bike Issue, we give you an update on that progress. At the same time, you’ll learn about the work of the city’s Bicycle Advisory Committee. Didn’t know we had that committee? Most people don’t. You’ll also get the scoop on Chico’s first bike box. What’s a bike box? Hint: It’s not actually a box. You’ll also learn about the prettied-up ways to lock up your ride. Of course, since we cannot get enough of these twowheeled contraptions, we also take a look at the Chico Museum’s latest exhibit of all things bicycle. There are other biking features throughout the issue (look for the biking symbol). Happy reading and riding!
Christine G.K. LaPado christinel@
he current exhibit at the Chico Museum, “The Bicycle: Life on Two Wheels,” is everything a bike fan could want—it’s loaded with bicycles old and new, as well as pictures of bicycles and tons of information about bicycles.
The exhibit includes everything from a trike to a quad bike. PHOTOS BY CHRISTINE G.K. LAPADO
20 CN&R April 26, 2012
From an early “boneshaker” bike, with its 5-foot-high front wheel; to the four-seater quad bike that was used in Hollywood films in the 1940s and ’50s; to the shiny black 1960 Bowden Spacelander (“the bike of the future,” as it was advertised at the time), there’s a whole lot to look at and imagine what it would be like to ride. One corner of the exhibit is devoted to BMX bikes and BMX lingo (“air” means “the space between bike tires and the ground,” and the verb “bail” means “to jump off in order to avoid an imminent crash”). Another area is titled “Women on Wheels,” and features bikes from the 1880s equipped with “skirt guards,” hence the name that was given to these vehicles that got women onto two wheels—“freedom machines.” Yet another display—an interactive one—features bicycle
to BMXs
Chico Museum exhibit is a bicycle lover’s delight The exhibit:
“The Bicycle: Life on Two Wheels” runs through July 29 at the Chico Museum, Second and Salem streets. Open Wed.-Sun., noon to 4 p.m. (open until 8 p.m. on Thursdays). Adults, $3; students and seniors, $2; children under 14, with adult, free.
Win a bike:
handlebars and bike parts, as well as useful information on how a bicycle actually works and how to fix a flat. An 1896 Elliot Hickory bike, made of hickory wood (“lighter than metal, but nearly as strong,” as the accompanying card explains), sits alongside a photograph of an 1864 wood-and-iron Velocipede, the first bicycle to have pedals. Photos of imaginative Burning Man bicycles grace a wall near where an impressive chopper-style bike with a massively wide rear tire and a super cool Schwinn Sting-Ray Orange Krate (with “Stik-Shift”) from the 1960s sit. “We chose the bike exhibit because Chico is a wonderful biking town,” said museum manager Melinda Rist. “[Many of t]he bikes are from local collectors here in town—I think that’s neat.” Five of the bicycles on exhibit are on loan from the California Bicycle Museum in Davis. Chico Museum curators Heather McCafferty and Audra Hoyt “went down to the bike museum in Davis and looked at all the historic bikes,” said Rist. The boneshaker is one of those five bicycles and “is the oldest one we have,” Rist said. The “Sociable”—a side-by-side tandem—is another on loan from the Davis museum. “It was really nice—the women could ride them with their long skirts and petticoats and what-not back in the 1800s,”
Enter the raffle for the Wildcat Cruiser bike designed by local artist Jake Early. Tickets are $10 each, or three for $20, and are available at the Chico Museum or at any of the three Rabobanks in Chico. Drawing will be held on July 29.
Rist said of Sociable bikes. “They were actually used for dating. The men would pick up the women for dates and go for a bike ride.” The bicycle “made a huge difference in the lives of Victorian women because they could have transportation on their own,” Rist pointed out. “They didn’t have to hitch up a horse to a wagon or buggy—they could just hop on their bike. In fact, we have a quote in the museum from Susan B. Anthony—she said that the bicycle did more to emancipate women than anything.” The actual quote, from 1896, reads: “Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel … the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.”
Rist shared a few of her favorite bicycles in the exhibit. The bicycle-built-for-four, equipped with four bells—one for each rider—is one of those. It was ridden by the Lane sisters in the Warner Bros. film Four Daughters. “The interesting thing about that one is each bell
This 1951 Rollfast Hopalong Cassidy (bottom) is fitted with a gun holster. PHOTO BY CHRISTINE G.K. LAPADO
has a different tone, so you would know which [rider] is complaining, which one has to make the potty stop!” she said, chuckling. Rist also loves the 1951 Rollfast Hopalong Cassidy bike, complete with gun in holster and black-leather fringed mudflap on the rear fender. “We had a gentleman, a professor at Chico State, who came in [to the museum], and he came back a week later and brought in a picture of him on his brand-new Hopalong Cassidy bike on his seventh birthday,” she said. “I think that was so cute!” A couple of the mountain bikes on display were made in Chico. “I think that’s important,” Rist said. “The Mountain Goat bike was actually manufactured in Chico, by Jeff Lindsay,” who is now a prominent local metal artist. “Another local-touch focus is Kyle Warner,” said Rist. “He is a young man who is a nationally ranked mountain-bike racer, and is sponsored by several large companies. We
have several photos of him in the museum, and he was the one who made our video using a ‘chest-cam,’ as he rode all around town, in Upper Park, the skate park, and the BMX track.” Other local names feature big as well, such as bike guru Ed McLaughlin’s Tour de Ed, the Wildflower Century and creative bike-maker Gregory Degouveia, maker of a “fully operational kitchen bike,” a four-bike generator and solar-powered bike lights. Near Degouveia’s solar lights is an intriguing photo display called “Carrying Cargo,” featuring pictures from around the world of people carrying impossibly huge, skyscraping amounts of stuff on every available surface of their bicycles. “We’ve had a wonderful turnout so far, people of all ages,” offered Rist. “We’ve probably had a lot more adults than kids, which I find very interesting.” Ω
more BIKES continued on page 22
A variety of rides through the ages.
April 26, 2012
CN&R 21
Riding under the radar Obscure Bicycle Advisory Committee paves the way for cyclists story and photos by
Tom Gascoyne tomg@
hat the city of Chico is a bikefriendly community is no secret. There are currently 61 miles of bike lanes within the city limits and another 150 miles proposed for future construction. The League of American Bicyclists has awarded the city a bronze label for its efforts to encourage bicycling. But there is an aspect to the city’s efforts that is not widely known: the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC). By the city’s own definition, it exists “to serve as an advisory committee to the City Council on the implementation of the City’s Bike Plan and to promote bicycling and bicycle safety in the community.” Without the committee (or the Bike Plan adopted in 2008), the city would not be eligible for the federal and state grants that cover the costs of those bike lanes and their accoutrements, including signage and bike racks. The committee is made up, in theory at least, of seven members who meet on an ad-hoc basis (generally about six or seven times a year). It last met Tuesday, March 20, at 3 p.m, which might explain
the meager public attendance. Not even all of the committee members showed up—Bidwell Park and Playground Commission representative James Mikles was absent, probably because he has a daytime job. And Chico State’s seat has been vacant for a number of years. The committee is chaired by longtime Chico bike activist Ed McLaughlin, who remains committed to bicycle advocacy despite being paralyzed in a bicycle accident in Bidwell Park several years go. The 68-year-old McLaughlin hit a traffic bollard (an orange pole meant to control vehicle traffic) while riding with a group of other cyclists along Peterson Memorial Way. McLaughlin, organizer of the city’s annual Wildflower Century Ride and founder of the Chico Velo Cycling Club, said he got involved politically back in the 1980s when a Chico woman riding a bike on Bidwell’s North Park Drive was struck and killed by a motorcyclist. He said he attended a Bidwell Park and Playground Commission meeting in which the agenda called for a recognition of the tragedy. “The item was called, they
offered some condolences and just like that said, ‘Next,’” McLaughlin recalled. “Then they brought up an issue in which someone standing on the bridge crossing the creek at One-Mile was brushed by a bicyclist. The next thing you know, riding a bike across the bridge is banned. I thought ‘What?’ That’s when I decided to get into the political side of it.” (That bridge-riding ban has since been modified to allow a cyclist to cross as long as there are no pedestrians on the bridge.)
McLaughlin said BAC was formed back in the early 1980s, meeting only when projects were proposed or when state or federal money for projects became available. That money comes from a number of sources, including the Federal Highway Association’s Safe Routes to Schools, the Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account, and the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Management fund. Ed McLaughlin continues to advocate for cycling projects and safety. 22 CN&R April 26, 2012
Other committee members include bike shop owner Steve O’Bryan, Iván García, program manager for the Butte County Association of Governments, Chico State professor Russell Mills (though not as the school’s rep) and retired Chico State lecturer and environmental activist Nora Todenhagen. McLaughlin referred to García as the “person who knows where the money is.” For his part, García says his job is “to help secure funds on behalf of the local agencies and support their projects.” The committee works closely with Bob Greenlaw, a senior civil engineer with the city of Chico, on lining up projects and keeping them in the pipeline. Those projects include two bridges over Little Chico Creek, one of them slated for construction this summer, and an ambitious bridge over Highway 99 at 20th Street, planned for a yet unnamed date. One regular attendee at the BAC meetings is local activist Susan Mason, a member of Friends of Bidwell Park. “I’m not a bicyclist,” she said.
This bike path near Teichert ponds will be extended via a bridge over Little Chico Creek this summer.
“My interest in attending these meetings for the last seven to eight years has been to advocate for bike projects in Bidwell Park and other areas under the purview of the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission, since the appointed BPPC representatives have so rarely attended the meetings.” She also noted a lack of written staff reports and minutes from meetings available to the public. Her group has been clearing brush along Little Chico Creek just east of the freeway. “I was able to tell many people who stopped to talk to us that there will be a new bike/pedestrian bridge constructed next to Highway 99 this summer,” she said. “None of them were aware of the project.” She did point out, however, that BAC members “are competent and conscientious. They’ve been very successful in getting grant money.” Ω more BIKES continued on page 24
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April 26, 2012
CN&R 23
Safer, easier and prettier Chico looks to upgrade its bike-parking racks by
Robert Speer roberts@
sk Janine Rood, director of the bicycling advocacy group Chico Velo, about bike parking in Chico, and her first response is, “It isn’t great.” Then she adds, quickly, “It’s getting better.” Parking is one of the least-discussed aspects of urban cycling, but it’s an essential part of the experience, and therefore of any city’s effort to increase bicycling in the community. And, as Rood suggests, in Chico it definitely is getting better. For one thing, there’s a new generation of bike racks on the market that are much easier to use and safer for your bike than those oldstyle grid and hoop racks that you see in front of so many supermarkets. Chico State, for example, has recently invested in several hundred new Park-a-Bike racks that, as anyone who has used them can attest, are very user-friendly. They’re in the bollard, or hitching post, style, and each is designed for easy access by two bikes. Right now the racks are in two locations,
on the east side of the Bell Memorial Union and at the south end of Laxson Auditorium, but an additional 244 racks are planned to accompany the new parking structure at Second and Chestnut. (Park-a-Bike, by the way, manufactures its racks in Oroville.) I have yet to see a fallen bicycle at one of the Park-a-Bike racks, but that’s far from the case at other, older university racks. For example, the rack at the Student Health Center is an old-style hoop rack. It’s a well-used rack, often full, and I’ve rarely parked there without seeing one or two bikes that have fallen over.
These days, old-style racks are found most commonly in front of stores and shops outside the downtown area. The Chico Walmart, for example, has a single grid rack that’s likely been there as long as the store has. Walmart managers probably don’t expect many customers to arrive on bikes. The city of Chico long has been focused its bike-parking efforts on the downtown area, but lately it’s put up a few racks elsewhere, said Brian Mickelson, the city’s traffic engineer. There’s a set of hitching posts— dark-green bollards with rings—on Pillsbury at a popular bus stop site near the Kmart store, and another at a bus stop on East First Avenue near Palm. The city is also planning on adding bike lockers at the park-n-ride lot These are examples of the whimsical, artistic bike racks now being used in Long Beach and elsewhere. Both the city of Chico and the Chico Velo Cycling Club have expressed interest in seeing such racks in Chico.
24 CN&R April 26, 2012
Left: Bikes left in oldstyle grid racks like this one at the Chico Walmart are vulnerable to falling over and are also hard to lock up, especially for someone using a U-lock. Below: This bike is locked to one of the many new, userfriendly Park-a-Bike racks at Chico State. PHOTOS BY ROBERT SPEER
at Highways 99 and 32. Still, most new racks have gone in the downtown area. There’s a new set of hitching posts on Wall Street next to Municipal Lot 1, where the Saturday farmers’ market is held, and other sets at Third and Main and in front of Campus Cutters on Third Street just west of Salem. “When we get requests for racks, we put them in,” Mickelson said. The new bollard racks are more attractive than the extended U-racks widely used downtown at on-street bike-parking sites. In fact, the city’s long-range plans call for eliminating all on-street bike parking and moving it to the sidewalks, said Bob Greenlaw, a senior civil engineer with the city. The city is looking at trading in its parking meters for parking kiosks, one per block, and that will free up sidewalk space for bike parking, he said. As part of its new downtown couplet on First and Second streets, the city will add 55 new hitching posts. Greenlaw said he’s also looking at increasing the esthetics of the racks, noting that they can be purchased in a variety of colorful and whimsical shapes—as a cupcake, a dog bone, a carrot or a dragonfly, among others. Shubert’s for example, might want to put in a rack shaped like an ice cream cone; the Upper Crust might go for a rack that resembles a coffee mug; a bike shop might opt for one in the shape of a bicycle. These would
add a friendly, attractive artistic element to the downtown, in keeping with Chico’s identity as an arts-loving city. Chico Velo has applied for a $7,500 grant to add to and upgrade the new couplet racks, and Rood said she too is interested in adding some artistic racks to the area. She cited Long Beach as a city that has led the way in adding esthetically pleasing bike racks to core areas. (Go to to see some examples of these racks.) The reality, she said, is that “esthetics haven’t been considered that much” in selecting bike racks. “If we get the grant, I’m going to push for prettier racks,” she said. Ω more BIKES continued on page 33
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CN&R 25
BABA sez: Give Respect, Get Respect
BuTTe A reA BicycLe ADvOcATeS
think inside
Bike Boxes
A bike box is a colored area at intersections that allows bicyclists to pull in front of waiting traffic. Designed to be used only at red lights, the box is intended to reduce carbike conflicts, increase cyclist visibility and provide bicyclists with a head start when the light turns green and to help prevent dangerous “right-hook” collisions. They are also called Advanced Stop Lines (ASL).
How to use a Bike Box:
How a Bike Box Works
The bike box is a 14-foot wide rectangle marked in front of the stop line for motorists, but behind the pedestrian crosswalk. The box typically extends the width of one or more travel lanes and provides room for several bicyclists. Bike boxes are also often used in conjunction with bike lanes, from which bicyclists pedal directly into the box. The boxes have no intended function when traffic is already in motion. Often when the bike box is employed, bicyclists are allowed to turn right on red, but motorists are not. This reduces the risk of the “right hook” collision. On one-way streets, a bike box and bike lanes can be employed on both sides of the roadway. Bicyclists on the left side can use the bike box to move safely to the right side before making a right turn. A design that Portland, Oregon is using includes coloring bike boxes green, and extending the coloration to the portion of the bike lane close to the box and a section of the intersection into which bicyclists ride when the light turns green.
Enter Bike Box and wait on bike logo or in front of stop line.
PS. Chico’s experimental bike box is located at the corner of Martin Luther King Parkway and East Park Ave. Look forward to one in Downtown Chico soon.
When light turns green, go into intersection and make turn.
26 CN&R April 26, 2012
Your Shopping and Dining Map to Chico
1. Airmid Organics 130 West 3rd Street (530) 343-3578
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CN&R 27
Chico Wildflower Century Rides Sunday, April 29th, 2012 Chico • Paradise • Stirling City • Oroville • Durham This weekend, Chico is again the proud host of the Wildflower Century, consistently named Best Century by Bicycling Magazine & Cycle California readers. All rides leave from the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds on Sunday, April 29 – rain or shine! Drivers, please be aware that Honey Run Road will be CLOSED to downhill traffic from 7am to 11am on Sunday morning! Tune in to KZFR, FM 90.1 for the latest info and updates on the Chico Wildflower and bike-friendly music. Live coverage on Saturday from 2PM.
RideR CheCk-in Check-in on Saturday and have less hassle on ride day! Check-in for all rides will open at 2PM on Saturday, April 28th, at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds (exit Hwy. 99 at Skyway/E. Park Ave, head west on E. Park Ave, right on Fair St.). Saturday check-in closes at 8PM. And join us for the fabulous Marco Polo Dinner, catered by David Guzzetti, from 5:30PM to 8PM. Dinner can be purchased on-site and is open to non-riders You can check-in on Sunday morning before you ride. Check-in will be open from 6AM to 8 AM ONLY!!
StaRt eaRly Whatever route you choose, be sure to get on the course early so you can get to the rest stops – and the post-ride dinner – before they close!
WildCat 125 (neW!), WildfloWeR 100 & MildfloWeR 65 To help celebrate the Chico State University 125 year anniversary, we are hosting the Wildcat 125 this year. It adds a 25 mile loop (and roughly 2500ft of climbing) from Paradise up to historic Stirling City to the traditional Wildflower 100 miler with 4,300 elevation gain. They both take riders up Old Humboldt Road and down Hwy 32. After climbing up the infamous Honey Run Rd. to the Paradise rest stop, Wildflower 100 milers descend from Paradise to Oroville, then climb back over Table Mountain through Cherokee, finishing the ride back to Chico in the flat, lush valley orchards and wetlands. The Mildflower 65 (1,900 elev gain) omits the Humboldt Rd and Table Mtn loops. Be sure to start early to beat the heat.
flatfloWeR 30 and 60 The Flatflower routes stay the same this year, heading south out of Chico through Durham to Aguas Frias Road. The 30-milers continue west to River Road and back to the Fairgrounds. The 60-milers turn south on Aguas Frias Road, then east to Richvale. The Flatflower lunch is in Richvale, then the riders head north back to Durham, and follow the 30-milers back to Chico via River Road.
ChildfloWeR 15 & Bike Safety Rodeo As in years past, a fun Bicycle Safety Rodeo will be held in conjunction with the Childflower Ride at the Durham rest stop! Childflower participants are encouraged to join the escorted ride leaving the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds at 9 am for a flat 7 mile ride to the Durham rest stop for a variety of refreshments. Beginning at 10:30, young riders will practice their bike riding skills in mock traffic situations. Fun stations include: the slow race , the ABC Quick Check, Scanning, the Slalom, DemonDriveway, and Signaling. Certificates of completion and prizes will be awarded. All Childflower riders are welcome to participate. Return to Chico is on your own , reversing the same route. The Childflower entry fee is $15/person, parents and children of any age are all welcome, and helmets are mandatory. For more information on the Bicycle Safety Rodeo, contact the Butte Bicycle Coalition at 530.345.7347.
Chico Velo Cycling Club P.O. Box 2285 • Chico, CA 95927 • (530) 343-8356 (530) 343-8356 •
P.O. Box 2285 • Chico, CA 95927 •
28 CN&R April 26, 2012
April 26, 2012
CN&R 29
Chico Wildflower Century Rides Sunday, April 29th, 2012 Chico • Paradise • Stirling City • Oroville • Durham This weekend, Chico is again the proud host of the Wildflower Century, consistently named Best Century by Bicycling Magazine & Cycle California readers. All rides leave from the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds on Sunday, April 29 – rain or shine! Drivers, please be aware that Honey Run Road will be CLOSED to downhill traffic from 7am to 11am on Sunday morning! Tune in to KZFR, FM 90.1 for the latest info and updates on the Chico Wildflower and bike-friendly music. Live coverage on Saturday from 2PM.
RideR CheCk-in Check-in on Saturday and have less hassle on ride day! Check-in for all rides will open at 2PM on Saturday, April 28th, at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds (exit Hwy. 99 at Skyway/E. Park Ave, head west on E. Park Ave, right on Fair St.). Saturday check-in closes at 8PM. And join us for the fabulous Marco Polo Dinner, catered by David Guzzetti, from 5:30PM to 8PM. Dinner can be purchased on-site and is open to non-riders You can check-in on Sunday morning before you ride. Check-in will be open from 6AM to 8 AM ONLY!!
StaRt eaRly Whatever route you choose, be sure to get on the course early so you can get to the rest stops – and the post-ride dinner – before they close!
WildCat 125 (neW!), WildfloWeR 100 & MildfloWeR 65 To help celebrate the Chico State University 125 year anniversary, we are hosting the Wildcat 125 this year. It adds a 25 mile loop (and roughly 2500ft of climbing) from Paradise up to historic Stirling City to the traditional Wildflower 100 miler with 4,300 elevation gain. They both take riders up Old Humboldt Road and down Hwy 32. After climbing up the infamous Honey Run Rd. to the Paradise rest stop, Wildflower 100 milers descend from Paradise to Oroville, then climb back over Table Mountain through Cherokee, finishing the ride back to Chico in the flat, lush valley orchards and wetlands. The Mildflower 65 (1,900 elev gain) omits the Humboldt Rd and Table Mtn loops. Be sure to start early to beat the heat.
flatfloWeR 30 and 60 The Flatflower routes stay the same this year, heading south out of Chico through Durham to Aguas Frias Road. The 30-milers continue west to River Road and back to the Fairgrounds. The 60-milers turn south on Aguas Frias Road, then east to Richvale. The Flatflower lunch is in Richvale, then the riders head north back to Durham, and follow the 30-milers back to Chico via River Road.
ChildfloWeR 15 & Bike Safety Rodeo As in years past, a fun Bicycle Safety Rodeo will be held in conjunction with the Childflower Ride at the Durham rest stop! Childflower participants are encouraged to join the escorted ride leaving the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds at 9 am for a flat 7 mile ride to the Durham rest stop for a variety of refreshments. Beginning at 10:30, young riders will practice their bike riding skills in mock traffic situations. Fun stations include: the slow race , the ABC Quick Check, Scanning, the Slalom, DemonDriveway, and Signaling. Certificates of completion and prizes will be awarded. All Childflower riders are welcome to participate. Return to Chico is on your own , reversing the same route. The Childflower entry fee is $15/person, parents and children of any age are all welcome, and helmets are mandatory. For more information on the Bicycle Safety Rodeo, contact the Butte Bicycle Coalition at 530.345.7347.
Chico Velo Cycling Club P.O. Box 2285 • Chico, CA 95927 • (530) 343-8356 (530) 343-8356 •
P.O. Box 2285 • Chico, CA 95927 •
28 CN&R April 26, 2012
April 26, 2012
CN&R 29
Your Your Shopping Shopping and and Dining Dining Map Map to to Chico Chico
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9. Italian Cottage 2525 Dominic Dr. (530) 342-7771
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10. Morning Thunder 352 Vallombrosa (530) 342-9717
11. Mountain Sports 176 East 3rd Street (530) 345-5011
9:43 PM
09 10
09 10
09 10
12. Ojiya Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar 2477 Forest Ave #100 (530) 899-1199
13. Satori Color & Hair Design 627 Broadway (530) 342-2828
09 10
09 10
09 10
14. Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy 178 East 7th Street (530) 342-7163
15. The Graduate 344 West 8th Street (530) 343-2790
09 10
09 10
09 10
16. Tong Fong Low 2072 East 20th Street, Ste 100 (530) 898-1388
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April 26, 2012
CN&R 31
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Get in the box Bike boxes help riders navigate busy intersections by
Howard Hardee howardh@
Brian Mickelson, a city traffic engineer, said similar bike boxes could start appearing at intersections all over Chico. “As projects go in, we evaluate every intersection for multi-modal transportation, so bikes are included in whatever treatments would best enhance the intersections,” he said. “We’re always making improvements to enhance bicycling. Of course, [bikes] are still the minority to cars on the roadways, but we design all of our roads for bikes and for vehicles.” For O’Bryan, some of the intersections that could greatly benefit from the construction of a bike box include the corners of Cohasset Road and Mangrove Avenue and Second and Main streets, both of which have heavy bike and vehicle traffic. “The boxes would be nice, because they give bikes a little space and anything that improves the safety of cyclists is a good thing. Plus, it better defines where we’re supposed to be to avoid conflict with cars,” he said. “It would be convenient because a lot of the time you look pretty stupid waiting
through several cycles of a stoplight.” Bike boxes have been employed in Europe and Asia for decades, just catching on in bigger U.S. cities in recent years. “There are cities like Portland that use them frequently, and the reaction seems generally favorable amongst cyclists,” said Mickelson. There, many of the bike boxes are embellished, colored green with white bordering and large signage signaling vehicles to “wait here.” Mickelson does foresee potential problems—most obviously, motorists and cyclists unfamiliar with the system won’t know what bike boxes are. If they work the boxes into road construction projects downtown, which
Studio oNE SALoN
A group of bicyclists wait in the bike box at the intersection of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and East Park Avenue. PHOTO BY KYLE EMERY
Mickelson says will be considered on a caseby-case basis, the city will release an advertising campaign illustrating proper bike-box procedure. As a bike shop owner, O’Bryan sees a trend toward using bikes as a primary mode of transportation, making the city’s street plans even more important. “I was born in Chico, and it’s always been a good bike-riding town, but now with the economic situation, the price of gas and how the city is committed to nice bike facilities, more and more people are moving in that direction,” he said. Ω
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ontrary to how it may sound, a bike box isn’t something to store your ride in. It’s a safety feature for riders, allowing them better visibility in intersections. Chico’s first bike box went in recently at the south end of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, where it intersects with East Park Avenue. There, at the front of the outer left-hand-turn lane, is the outline of a box, with a symbol of a bike inside. Being the first of its kind in Chico and well away from areas of heavy bike traffic, many motorists and cyclists likely don’t recognize what it’s for. Bike boxes are intended to serve several purposes. They allow cyclists to move to the front of traffic waiting at a red light, making them more visible and giving them a jump start. They also help prevent the “right hook” collision—where a motorist turning right collides with a cyclist moving straight through an intersection—that accounts for nearly 5 percent of all bike crashes, according to a report compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In Chico, any feature that gives bicyclists a leg up on safety is a good thing, especially when it comes to dodging vehicles. “I ride enough to experience some pretty rude behavior from motorists where they cut you off,” said Steve O’Bryan, owner of
Pullins Cyclery. “I ride fairly fast, around 17 mph, and somebody will accelerate to go past you and immediately turn right into an intersection or driveway. If they had just waited for a fraction of a second, I would have cleared the intersection and it wouldn’t have been any problem at all.”
510 Esplanade • 342-7661 April 26, 2012
2x3 (1/10 H)
CN&R 33
Arts & Culture A staggering story
Dave Eggers comes to Chico for a Q&A on Zeitoun, the 2011-2012 Book in Common
“Dviews before any of the events that he goes to,” was the response from the publicist for Dave ave doesn’t actually do inter-
Eggers when asked about setting up a phone interview with the author of Zeitoun, the 2011by 2012 Chico State Book in Common. Christine G.K. As it turns out, Eggers does do LaPado interviews, just not before his appearances. christinel@ “I am going to interview him on stage,” said William Loker, dean of undergraduate education at Chico PREVIEW: State, of Eggers’ Laxson AuditoriDave Eggers, author of the um appearance on May 7. “Eggers said, ‘Yes, I’ll come up 2011-2012 Chico State/Butte College [from the Bay Area to Chico State], Book in Common, but I’m not going to give a talk.’ Zeitoun , will He wanted to be interviewed.” discuss and answer questions about his When asked if this is Eggers’ norbook Monday, mal way of doing things, Loker May 7, 7:30 p.m., at responded, “He’s Dave Eggers— Laxson Auditorium. I don’t know what his normal way Tickets: $10-$20, is.” available at Eggers’ colorful, sometimes University Box Office, 898-6333. gritty life history includes the backto-back deaths of his parents in Laxson 1991 and 1992 from cancer when Auditorium he was just 21; subsequently rearChico State www.chico ing his youngest brother, Toph, from the time he was 8 years old; losing his sister, Beth, to suicide in 2001; being awarded an honorary doctor of letters degree from Brown University in 2005; and being named in 2008 by Utne Reader as one of “50 Visionaries Who Are Changing the World.” His 2000 book, a memoir titled A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for general nonfiction. Zeitoun (pronounced “Zaytoon”)—the nonfiction story of a Syrian-American resident of New Orleans named Abdulrahman Zeitoun who was arrested without explanation and imprisoned under harsh conditions for 23 days after Hurricane Katrina and accused of being a terrorist—is currently being made into an animated movie directed by Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia). “First of all, everybody should read [Zeitoun] because it’s a great book,” said Loker. “It’s super well-written. It’s probably the best-written Book in Common we’ve ever had. Probably the only rival it 34 CN&R April 26, 2012
Drawing of Abdulrahman Zeitoun from the cover of Dave Eggers’ book, Zeitoun. Insets: Interviewee Eggers (left) and his Laxson Auditorium interviewer William Loker.
ever had was Never Let Me Go [the 2005 novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, and 2006-2007 Book in Common], which is a great novel, a great piece of literature. “Zeitoun is a great piece of nonfiction—extended reporting—that tells us a whole lot about ourselves. That’s what great books do, right?” Loker said that the book was so gripping, he stayed up till 2 o’clock in the morning reading it his first time around. He recently reread it “and had the same experience. Even though I’d read the whole story [before], it’s just so compelling, you get drawn in.” The events of 2005’s Hurricane Katrina “were riveting for the country. Everyone was focused on what was going on in New Orleans,” Loker said. “Zeitoun brings together two critical pieces of our national memory—9/11 [which set the stage for the terrorist accusations against Zeitoun] and Katrina. Those were defining moments in our lifetimes. Zeitoun explores them in a really compelling and interesting way.” To prepare for his interview with Eggers, Loker has been “reading everything he’s written—all of his major works,” including A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, which, like Zeitoun, is “a memoir he wrote about someone else, a first-person account of a Sudanese refugee, an ‘astold-to’ book.” Loker said he’s also been talking to people about the kind of questions they would like to ask him. Members of the audience will be able to submit potential questions for Eggers. (Questions from community members may be submitted beforehand to Brooks Thorlaksson at, with “Eggers question” in the message line.) “Audience members will appreciate hearing about how Eggers came to write about the New Orleans disaster, as well as learning more about his work on literacy,” said Loker. In fact, the afternoon prior to his Chico State appearance, Eggers will make good on his literary advocacy by visiting Sherwood Montessori school to speak with the many students there who read Zeitoun. Ω
Special Events BEER RELEASE PARTY: Feather Falls Brewing Company releases Golden Feather Extra Pale Ale, a light, crisp ale with a smooth hop finish. Brewmaster Roland Allen will also offer free tours of the brewery. Th, 4/26, 6pm. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885;
GOLD NUGGET DAYS: The annual celebration of the 1859 discovery of a 54-pound gold nugget, with festivities including gold panning demonstrations, the Miss Gold Nugget Pageant, the Gold Nugget Melodrama, children’s costume contest, a parade and more. Go online for a complete listing of events. 4/26-4/29. Free. Gold Nugget Museum, 502 Pearson Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872-8722,
WINE TASTING: Six wines from California and around the world will be featured in this benefit for the Butte Humane Society. Th, 4/26, 4-6pm. $3. Holiday Inn; 685 Manzanita Ct.; (530) 345-2491;
Art Receptions
Theater PETER PAN MUSICAL: The musical adaptation of
Peter Pan hits the stage, with a portion of ticket sales benefiting families facing the financial burden of cancer treatments. Th-Sa, 7:30pm; Sa-Su, 2pm. $18.50. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3050.
Special Events BUSTOLINIS COMEDY SHOW: Winners from the past six shows battle it out for ultimate stand-up glory. F, 4/27, 7:30pm. $7 -$10. Bustolinis Deli & Coffee House; 800 Broadway St.; (530) 892-1790.
FUNDS 4 FELINES: A buffet dinner, no-host bar, dessert, a silent auction and live classic rock with the Revells. Proceeds benefit Caring 4 Kittens, a nonprofit organization that rescues and houses stray cats. F, 4/27, 6pm. $35-$40. Tuscan Ridge Golf Course; 3100 Skyway Blvd. in Paradise; (530) 877-1797.
GOLD NUGGET DAYS: See Thursday. Gold Nugget Museum, 502 Pearson Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872-8722,
REAL EROTIC ART SHOW: A totally naughty multimedia art show on display for two nights only.
Th, 4/26, 8pm; F, 4/27, 8pm. The Last Stand
Comedy Venue, 167 E. Third St., http://rayray
Music VIVA OPERA!: Opera Workshop’s talented singers present a vigorous array of breathtaking opera. Through 4/26, 7:30pm. $6-$15. Harlen Adams Theatre; W. First St. CSU, Chico campus; (530) 898-6333.
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Saturday, April 28 Chico State
FINE ARTS WORDFIRE: Writers looking to hone their craft are invited to attend this day-long creative writing conference including workshops, keynote speakers and readings. Go online for more info. Sa, 4/28, 9am-5:30pm. $35-$55. Butte College; 3536 Butte Campus Dr. AHPS 125 in Oroville; (530) 895-2511.
Thursday & Friday, April 26 & 27 The Last Stand SEE THURSDAY & FRIDAY, ART RECEPTIONS
Art Receptions 1078 MEMBER SHOW RECEPTION: A reception for the gallery’s member exhibition, featuring wall, sculpture, installation and performance art. Includes live music with Ellen Akimoto, Sandi Escobar, Christian Marquez and Paul Wellin. Sa, 4/28, 5-7pm. Free. 1078 Gallery; 820 Broadway; (530) 343-1973; www.1078
for artwork by Bob Garner. Sa, 4/28, 3-5pm. Free. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033;
REAL EROTIC ART SHOW: See Thursday. Th, 4/26, 8pm; F, 4/27, 8pm. The Last Stand Comedy
Venue, 167 E. Third St., http://rayray
NATURAL & CRAFTED WORLDS RECEPTION: An opening reception for an exhibition of photography by Michele Miller and Karma Ganzler. F, 4/27, 5-8pm. Free. Avenue 9 Gallery; 180 E. Ninth Ave.; (530) 879-1821;
Music TECH N9NE: Tech N9ne’s rapid-fire delivery and intense stage persona might momentarily distract from his morbid, vulgar lyrics. But probably not. Hardcore rap at its finest. MGK, Krizz Kalico, Mayday!, Prozak and Stevie Stone open. F, 4/27, 8pm. $30. Senator Theatre; 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497; www.jmaxproduc
Y & T: A classic hard rock and metal dating back to the ’70s that has sold over 4 million albums worldwide. Bonny Scott opens. F, 4/27, 8:30pm. $22.50. El Rey Theatre; 230 W. Second St.; (530) 342-2727.
YO-YO MA, KATHRYN STOTT & ASSAD BROTHERS: Beloved cello superstar Yo-Yo Ma joins forces with one of Britain’s most versatile and imaginative pianists, Kathryn Stott, and Brazil’s finest classical guitar duo, Sergio & Odair Assad. F, 4/27, 7:30pm. SOLD OUT. Laxson Auditorium; 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico; (530) 898-6333.
NAOMI TATUM RECEPTION: An opening reception PETER PAN MUSICAL: See Thursday. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3050.
Special Events GOLD NUGGET DAYS: See Thursday. Gold Nugget Museum, 502 Pearson Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872-8722,
INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL: Hosted by the A.S. Multicultural Affairs Council, multi-cultural organizations showcase their culture through music, dance, food and crafts. Call or email for more info. Sa, 4/28, 11am-3pm. Free. Rose Garden; Chico State Campus; (530) 898-5701.
TRASHY COMEDY: With the walls plastered with overtly sexual art from the RAYRAY Gallery’s exhibition, comedians Caitlin Gill, Mark Leathers, John Ross and more will perform what they were afraid to do elsewhere. Sa, 4/28, 8:30 & 10pm. $10. The Last Stand Comedy Venue; 167 E. Third St. On E. Third between Main and Wall; (530) 354-1936.
WALK FOR LIFE: A walk through Bidwell Park with prizes, breakfast, live music, a bounce house, a petting zoo, face painting and more. Proceeds benefit Women’s Resource Clinic. Call to register or for more info. Sa, 4/28, 9am. One Mile Recreation Area; Bidwell Park; (530) 897-6101.
WINGS OF EAGLES BENEFIT: A full day of golf is
Theater A CLOCKWORK ORANGE: A stage adaptation of the controversial novel and film following Alex, a teenager in dystopian future Britain whose primary interests include “rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.” 4/27-4/28, 7:30pm; Th-Sa, 7:30pm through 5/26. $10-$15. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W First St., (530) 895-3749,
capped with an Italian dinner starting at 6 p.m. at Holiday Inn (685 Manzanita Ave.). Proceeds benefit Wings of Eagles, a nonprofit organization that raises money for seriously ill children. Call or email for more info. Sa, 4/28, 9am. $25-$110. Bidwell Park Golf Club; 3199 Golf Course Rd.; (530) 898-5527;
Thursday-Sunday, April 26-29 Oroville SEE THURSDAY-SUNDAY, SPECIAL EVENTS
FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at Once posted, your CN&R calendar listing will also be considered for print. Print listings are also free, but subject to space limitations. Deadline for print listings is one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.
for an exhibition of mixed media art produced by Naomi Tatum. Sa, 4/28, 7-9pm. Free. Chico Art Center; 450 Orange St. 6; (530) 895-8726;
wall, sculpture, installation and performance art by 1078 Gallery members.
4/26-5/12. 820 Broadway, (530) 343-1973,
some of Sal Casa’s early work depicting classic Sicilian culture. Ongoing. 407 Walnut St., (530) 899-9996.
AVENUE 9 GALLERY: Natural & Crafted Worlds, photography by Michele Miller and Karma Ganzler. 4/26-5/19. 180 E. Ninth Ave., (530) 879-1821,
BEATNIKS COFFEE HOUSE & BREAKFAST JOINT: Student Art Show, an exhibition of over 60 small framed acrylic animal paintings and original linoleum block prints produced by students from Pleasant Valley High School. Through 4/30. 1387 E. Eighth St., (530) 8942800.
BOHO: Stay Up Fly On, artwork by Christian
Garcia. Ongoing. 225 Main St. D, (530) 8953282.
CHICO ART CENTER: Naomi Tatum, large-scale work of Naomi Tatum, a prolific mixed media artist from New Mexico. 4/28-5/19. 450 Orange St. 6, (530) 895-8726, www.chicoart
Theater A CLOCKWORK ORANGE: See Friday. 4/27-4/28,
7:30pm; Th-Sa, 7:30pm through 5/26. $10-$15. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W First St., (530) 8953749,
PETER PAN MUSICAL: See Thursday. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3050.
Photography, a display of Joel Collier’s photography on all three floors of the City Municipal Center building. Through 7/13. 411 Main St. City Hall, (530) 896-7200.
CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Dragonflies and Damselflies, a photo exhibit by Robert Woodward. Ongoing. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671,
CHICO PAPER CO.: Monuments, works by
Special Events GOLD NUGGET DAYS: See Thursday. Gold Nugget Museum, 502 Pearson Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872-8722,
SPRING FLING - HUNGER STOMP: A dozen bands join forces to benefit the Jesus Center’s Food Bank. Performers include Dylan’s Dharma, GravyBrain, Chico Ska Orchestra, Wolf Thump, Moe’s Family Band, Urban Legends, Soul Union, The Dynamics, Alli Battaglia, The Dynamics and Not Dead Yet. Community outreach, massage, food, crafts and artist vendor booths. Su, 4/29, 1pm-midnight. $10 in Advance; $8 with 2 cans of food donated; $15 at the door. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St., (949) 891-3729.
RESCUE SCOTTY’S - WINE & BREW FEST: Boat loads of wine and beer, plus live music with the Rockhounds and Hangam High. Proceeds benefit John Scott and his land around Scotty’s. Su, 4/29, 2-6pm. $30-$40. Scottys Landing; 12609 River Rd. (530) 710-2020.
THIS WEEK continued on page 36
1078 GALLERY: Member Show, an exhibition of
INK ART CLOSING RECEPTION: A closing reception
Art Receptions
DiGrazia, who manipulates photographs to detach the structure from recognizable surroundings. Through 6/1. 345 Broadway, (530) 891-0900, www.chicopaper
Work, Reel Surfaces, a special series of collage mixed media drawings by artist Heather Larson. M-Su through 4/30. 122 Broadway St., (530) 891-0335, www.ellis
HUMANITIES CENTER GALLERY: Make it Work, an exhibition of remade and appropriated objects produced by Cameron Kelly and Rouben Mohiuddin. Through 5/20. 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico, Trinity Hall.
Passion: Lois Cohen Art Work, a celebration of the late and great local artist Lois Cohen with a gallery of her lifes work. Oils, watercolors, pastel figure drawings and etching prints. Through 5/31. Free to the public. 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930, www.james
MONCA POP-UP MUSEUM: a temporary art installation in the large, vacant storefront opposite Bird in Hand as part of the Museum of Northern California Art’s project to host “pop-up” art galleries in non-traditional venues. W-Sa, 11am-6pm through 4/30. 325 Broadway, (530) 891-4304.
Addiction Equals Consumerism, by Sally Hedley Through 4/30. 118 W. Second St., (530) 895-0676.
RAYRAY GALLERY: The Real Erotic Art Show, a totally naughty multi-media art show on display for two nights at The Last Stand. Th,
4/26, 8pm; F, 4/27, 8pm. The Last Stand
Comedy Venue, 167 E. Third St., (530) 3541936.
Printmakers Exhibition, the best student printmakers and ceramic artist in a juried show. 4/26-5/15. 400 W. First St. Meriam Library breezeway, CSU, Chico.
Student Exhibition, a juried exhibition of ceramics, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, installation and digital media created by students. 4/30-5/15. 400 W First St. Taylor Hall, CSU, Chico.
Montoya, over 30 mixed media paintings and pastels by artist Rachelle Montoya.
Through 4/30. 130 Main St., (530) 895-3866.
Museums CHICO MUSEUM: The Bicycle:Life on Two
Wheels, an exhibition that will explore world of cycling, from the history of the bicycle, the science of staying upright and the benefits of riding. F through 6/22. $2-$3. 141 Salem St., (530) 891-4336.
Art, ink art by Bob Garner on display. Through 4/28. 501 Main St., (530) 894-3033,
HEALING ART GALLERY: Current exhibits, by Northern California artists whose lives have been touched by cancer. Currently featuring watercolors by Amber Palmer. Ongoing. 265 Cohasset Rd. inside Enloe Cancer Center, (530) 332-3856.
A bit of ultraviolence “What’s it goin to be then, eh?” There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening …On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the release of Anthony Burgess’ infamous novel (-turned-infamous-film by Stanley Kubrick), A Clockwork Orange, the Blue Room Theatre will be celebrating with a production of the dystopian tale April 27-May 26. Codirected by Martin Chavira and long-time local metalhead EDITOR’S PICK Frank Bedine, the play will feature noted local actor/musician Loki Miller in the lead role of the smart-but-psychotic Alex, leader of the gang of do-no-gooders fighting, stealing and raping their way through the world before a bit of aversion therapy in prison flips the script for Alec—or does it? See THEATER, Friday, for more info.
April 26, 2012
CN&R 35
THIS WEEK continued from page 35 TASTE AT THE TURNER: Gourmet chocolate, artisanal cheeses, premium port wines, live music and a silent auction to benefit the museum. Su, 4/29, 4-6:30pm. $25. Turner Print Museum; 400 W. First St. Meriam Library breezeway, CSU, Chico.
Music JAZZ: Weekly jazz. Su, 4-6pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033;
Saturday, May 12th
1038 Midway, Chico - at the Patrick Ranch (530) 893–5534 • $3 Admission Antiques * Retro * Art * Shabby Chic * Jewelry * Garden * Salvaged Treasures!
LIVE MUSIC FUNDRAISER FOR ROBIN HUFFMAN: Live music with Big Mo and the Full Moon Band, Lazy Lester, Jonathan Arthur, Bob Littel, Spy Picnic, Holly Taylor, Josh Burch and more as a campaign fundraiser for Robin Huffman, Butte County supervisor candidate in 2012. Includes dinner. Su, 4/29, 4-7pm. $25. La Posada Restaurant and Cantina; 5742 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 877-3478.
Theater AUDITION: Try out to be a part of the Blue Room’s
Antique Auction Wine & Microbrew Tasting
Saturday, May 5 • 3-7:00pm
Late Nite summer workshop. Actors, directors and writers will be attached to projects to workshop scripts from start to finish. Su, 4/29, 4pm. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W First St., (530) 895-3749,
PETER PAN MUSICAL: See Thursday. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3050.
The PLaCe, Paradise Lutheran Church 780 Luther Drive
Tickets: $30 advance/$35 door For more information call (530) 877-3549 or visit
Art Receptions STUDENT ART SHOW RECEPTION: A closing reception for an exhibition of small acrylic paintings and block prints produced by students from Pleasant Valley High School. M, 4/30, 3-4pm. Free. Beatniks Coffee House & Breakfast Joint; 1387 E. Eighth St.; (530) 894-2800.
Music JAZZ HAPPY HOUR: Carey Robinson hosts a jazz
happy hour every Monday. M, 5-7pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
Special Events COMEDY NIGHT: Weekly comedy night on Wednesdays inside Spirits Lounge at Gold Country Casino. W, 8pm. Free. Gold Country Casino; 4020 Olive Hwy at Gold Country Casino & Hotel in Oroville; (530) 534-9892;
Look who will be providing FREE, FUN, HANDS-ON activities The ARC of Butte County Azad’s Martial Arts Family Center Butte Co. Child Abuse Prevention Council Butte County 4-H Butte County Library Literacy Services Butte County Options for Recovery Castle Preschool Chico Area Recreation & Park District Chico Community Children’s Center Chico Fire Department Chico Montessori Children’s House Child Development Student Association E. Center-Head Start Programs Enloe Ambulance Services Enloe Children’s Health Center Far Northern Regional Center Feather River Health Center Pediatrics Feather River Rec. Child Development Ctr. Forest Ranch Charter School Four Winds of Indian Education
36 CN&R April 26, 2012
growing up chico Innovative Preschool Kinetics Academy of Dance King’s Christian Pre-School Las Casita Primera Preschool North State Parent Magazine Northern Valley Catholic Social Service Butte Baby Steps Northern Valley Indian Health OPT for Healthy Living Paradise Preschool Parent Cooperative Parents as Teachers, Chapman Elementar Peanut Butter Palace Smart Start Preschool Sunny Garden & Music Together Thermalito Union School District Preschool Valley Oak Children’s Services Wings of Eagles Youth and Family Programs
Theater OFF THE CUFF: Bi-monthly improvisational performances. Every other W, 7:30pm. $5 advance/$8 door. Blue Room Theatre; 139 W First St.; (530) 895-3749; www.blueroom
OKLAHOMA!: A lavish, grand-scale musical with a romantic story line, dance numbers, stunning sets, a full orchestra and a cast of Chico State’s most talented performers. 5/2-5/5, 7:30pm; Su, 5/6, 2pm. $10-$22. Laxson Auditorium; 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico; (530) 898-6333; boxoffice.html.
scheduled meeting. Every other Tu, 9am. Board of Supervisors Chambers, 25 County Center Dr. in Oroville, (530) 538-7631, www.butte
BUSINESS SOLUTIONS ON THE HORIZON: The Chico Chamber of Commerce’s spring business symposium with panels discussing the customer service life cycle, tackling human resource challenges and management and financing option. Th, 4/26, 1-5pm. $40-$50. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 East 20th St., (530) 891-5556,
weekly book sale. Sa, 9:15-11:30am. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.butte
DANCE SANCTUARY WAVE: Bring a water bottle, drop your mind, free your feet and your spirit. Call for directions. Tu, 6:30-8:30pm. $10. Call for details, 891-6524.
EARTH: THE OPERATORS MANUAL: A viewing of a PBS documentary on climate change and sustainable energy solutions. M, 4/30, 7:30pm. Chico Area Recreation District (CARD), 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Off of Vallombrosa, next to Bidwell Park, (530) 895-4711, www.chico
ENERGY QUEST USA: A viewing of PBS documentary outlining sustainable energy solutions followed by a community discussion. Tu, 5/1, 7:30pm. Chico Area Recreation District (CARD), 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Off of Vallombrosa, next to Bidwell Park, (530) 895-4711, www.chico
FARMERS MARKET - CHICO STATE: The Organic Vegetable Project’s weekly sale of freshpicked greens of chard, kale, cabbage, flowers, herbs, veggies, farm-fresh eggs and more in the campus plaza. W, 11am-2pm. Chico State, W. First St. Plumas Hall.
FARMERS MARKET - FIREHOUSE: Locally grown fruits and vegetables and resources for better health. Th, 11am-3pm through 8/31. El Medio Fire Department, 3515 Myers St. in Oroville, (530) 592-0889 ext. Message,
honey, fruits and veggies, crafts and more. Sa, 7:30am-1pm. Chico Certified Saturday Farmers Market, Municipal Parking Lot On Second And Wall Streets, (530) 893-3276.
FREEDOM FROM SMOKING: The first session in an eight-session course providing proven techniques to quit smoking. Tu, 5/1, 2:30-5pm. Feather River Hospital, 5974 Pentz Rd. in Paradise, (530) 876-7154,
INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING: Teaching during the first hour, followed by request dancing. No partners necessary. Call for more information. F, 8pm through 5/25. $2. Chico Creek Dance Centre, 1144 W. First St., 345-8134.
PRESRIPTION DRUG TAKEBACK: If you have unwanted or expired prescription drugs in your home, protect your family, community and environment and bring them to one of four locations: Oroville Hospital’s Comp Care Clinic (900 Oro Dam Blvd.), Enloe Medical Center (560 Cohasset Rd.), Biggs Gridley Memorial Hospital Health Services Center (284 Spruce St.) or the Immediate Care Medical Center (5875 Clark Rd.) Sa, 4/28, 10am-2pm. Call for details.
Bidwell Park
SAMARITAN FREE CLINIC: This clinic offers free basic medical care and mental health counseling. Call for more information. Su, 2-4pm. Free. Paradise Lutheran Church, 780 Luther Dr. Next to Long’s Drugstore in Paradise, 8727085.
SISTERHOOD BAGEL BRUNCH: An annual bagel brunch to benefit Congregation Beth Israel. Su, 4/29, 10am-1pm. Congregation Beth Israel, 1336 Hemlock St. corner of Hemlock and 14th St., (530) 521-4238,
SOUL SHAKE DANCE CHURCH: Drop your mind, find your feet and free you spirit at this DJ dance wave to a range of musical styles. No previous dance experience necessary. Su, 10am-noon. $8-$15 sliding scale. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., (530) 895-4707.
WILDFLOWER TOURS AT TABLE MOUNTAIN: Tours with Dept. of Fish and Game naturalists. Go online for more info. Sa, 10am & 1pm through 4/28. See listing for details, See Listing, (916) 358-2869,
For Kids DAY CAMP FOR KIDS: Hosted by Oroville’s YMCA, this day camp is intended to get kids outside and to begin developing healthy life-long habits. Call for more info. M-F, 6:30am-6pm through 8/17. Oroville YMCA, 1684 Robinson St. in Oroville, 533-9622,
SEWING, KNITTING & CRAFTS CLASSES FOR KIDS: Classes for kids hosted by Earth Girl Art. Go online for class schedule. Ongoing. Earth Girl Art, 3851 Morrow Ln., (530) 354-2680,
Volunteer BIDWELL PARK VOLUNTEERS: Help the park by volunteering for trash pick-up, invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, site restoration, water quality testing and more. Ongoing; check Friends of Bidwell Park web site for dates and locations. Ongoing. Call for location,
PUPPET MAKING WORKSHOP: A series of puppetmaking workshops as part of the annual Endangered Species Faire on May 5. Call for more info. First Tu of every month, 10am-1pm; F, 4:30-7:30pm. Creekside Studio, 1936 Webb Ave., (530) 781-4122.
for more Music, see NIGHTLIFE on page 46
MORE ONLINE Additional listings for local meetings, support groups, classes, yoga, meditation and more can be found online at
Celebrate Mom
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Sat, May 5th • 12-5pm
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$25 available at Crown Jewelry 1880 Bird St. Oroville Bustolini’s 800 Broadway Chico & Western Pacific Brewing Co. 2191 High St. Oroville Sponsored by:
For more information go to WWW.BIDWELL21NSGW.ORG or call Kent Fowler at 693-1267 a benefit for the
1367 East Ave. • Chico • Across from Safeway 894.5410 • Mon-Sat 9-5 • Sun 10-4
CN&R 37
38 CN&R April 26, 2012
Electronic arrives
An Epic crowd at the Senator. PHOTO BY LUKE SHERBA
1/2 OFF
lly ow n 19 ye ed for ars!
A TASTE OF ITALY HIDDEN RIGHT HERE IN CHICO! 5 0 6 Iv y St · C h i c o · o p en 1 1 : 3 0 a m Mo n - Sa t , Su n a t 4 p m Res er va t i o n s ( 5 3 0 ) 8 9 8 . 9 9 4 8 · Ta k e- o u t ( 5 3 0 ) 8 9 8 . 9 9 4 7
Epic Productions brings the electronic-dance party to Chico
Tstudents Matt Whitlock and Shawn Steele were talking about
wo years ago, Chico State
music over lunch in the school’s student union— by typical college Howard Hardee stuff. Specifically, they were talkhowardh@ ing about electronic music in Chico, or the relative lack thereof. As Whitlock and Steele grew up in the Bay Area and SacraPREVIEW: mento, respecEpic Productions presents AC Slater, tively, they were K Theory, familiar with DirtyRock and huge electronic M3RC Thursday, shows and their May 3, 9 p.m., at widespread the El Rey Theatre. 18-over. appeal. They, too, Tickets: $15, at were captivated www.ticket by the throbbing, unrelenting bass, dazzling laser El Rey Theatre 181 E. Second St. lights cutting through manufactured fog, glowsticks, ultra-cool DJs and, most important, the sweaty mobs of club-goers paying top dollar to dance their asses off. “We knew there was a crowd, because all our friends were into it,” Whitlock said from his current home in Lafayette during a recent phone interview. Whitlock and Steele decided to try to bring the crowd to Chico by starting Epic Productions, a promotion and production company specializing in electronic-dancemusic events. The pair hosted their first show in February of 2011 at Peking Chinese Restaurant in downtown Chico and were surprised by the strong turnout. “We rented the place out and
ended up having like 150 people come,” Whitlock said. “Right after that, we realized that this is something we’re interested in and want to do.” Epic began hosting DJ shows at house parties and smaller venues around town, eventually enlisting the help of a “street team,” about 25 Chico State students who volunteered to pass out fliers and spread the word in dorms, fraternities and sororities. Not so gradually, attendance swelled, the sound and lighting systems got fancier, and bigger acts began making Chico a tour destination. And Chico has been forced to notice the mercurial rise of the fledgling production company, which sold out the Senator Theatre on Jan. 22 with internationally known electro-house DJ and producer Steve Aoki and dubstep DJ Datsik—not household names to most, but full-blown superstars in the electronic scene. “Once we threw the Steve Aoki and Datsik show at the Senator and sold out a thousands heads, I feel like that made people realize that there’s electronic music in Chico and it sells,” Whitlock said. “They came with over $100,000 worth of production lighting, LED and LCD screens. To be able to go to the Senator in little old Chico and see all that crazy lighting, that was really big. “Whether you like electronic music or not, everyone’s talking about it,” he continued. “People who have lived in Chico for a long time and are not used to seeing these kinds of events, it’s something different for them. It’s crazy how it exploded all of the sudden, just like that.” While electronic music achieved moderate popularity in
the United States in the ’90s, the past few years have seen a nationwide surge—now, hardly any mainstream pop song lacks some electronic element. And while the clubs of San Francisco and Sacramento have long drawn huge crowds to the dance-friendly beats of electronic music, Chico now seems to be getting in on the party. To be fair, while Epic is obviously onto something, Chico has long nurtured an electronic-music scene: from the infamous ’80s house parties and huge ’90s events at the now-defunct Zocalo Room and Brick Works to the 2000s resurgence that started with the many Future/Now events and eventually led to the popular monthly BETA parties that have been packing Lost on Main for the past couple years. Now, a few months after graduating Chico State with a major in communication design, Whitlock is back in the Bay Area attempting to expand Epic Productions beyond hosting shows. “I’m trying to push Epic as a brand,” he said. “We’ve got a couple shirts we’re working on, we’ve got some sunglasses. I’m working on expanding in all areas, whether that’s promoting events or finding a bar that needs to upgrade their lighting. A lot of production companies don’t have their own light rig like we do, so we get outsourced for events. It’s all stuff we’re looking forward to doing, just the promotions aspect.” No matter how big their production company gets, Epic will remain firmly rooted in Chico. “First and foremost, Epic will stay in Chico—it will never move to the Bay,” he said. “I will honestly never let go of this foothold in Chico, ever.” Ω
invites You to Join Us in the Big room
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Big Sam’s Funky Nation the best of the new orleans funk bands!
Big Sam’s Funky Nation is a driving force of urban fun. Ryan White, of the Oregonian, say the band is “tight enough (and hot enough) to turn coal into a diamond!” The band is led by trombone powerhouse, Big Sam Williams who the S.F. Chronicle calls “the top man on the slide trombone in the birthplace of jazz, New Orleans.” And as you know, considering who’s played the Big Room, that’s saying quite a bit!! Big Sam refuses to let the audience sit still. Between the band’s solos, Big Sam’s signature dance moves and his distinctive trombone riffs, he keeps the energy levels at high voltage levels the entire time the Funky Nation is on stage. “Big Sam’s Funky Nation is in rare company as far as their ability to incite a huge dance-a-thon.” Wesley Hodges, Jambase. The Funky Nation is a stellar group of world-class musicians who meet the challenges of their funky band leader. This show will sell out fast so get your tickets early.
Tickets $20 On sale Saturday, 4/28 in the gift shop or online at Doors open at 6pm • Music starts at 7:30pm
Special concert Dinner available - $12.50
Join the Big Room e-mail list by visiting 1075 E. 20th StrEEt • ChiCo • 896-2198 all ages Welcome at each Show April 26, 2012
CN&R 39
APRIL 20–28
Richard Frey Fine Arts
PLEDGE ONLINE: WWW.KCHO.ORG OR BY PHONE: 1-800-234-5246 40 CN&R April 26, 2012
ADDED GIVING OPTION For a pledge of $75.00 or more, in lieu of a Thankyou gift, Chico Performances will sponsor a child from a North State School to participate in its field trip program.
Bring the Kids! • Educational booths • Live animals • Music • Crafts • Food
Please walk, ride your bike or take the bus if you can!
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2 Chico Locations
Get a true taste of place with singlevineyard wines
300 Broadway (Downtown), 899-9580 In the Phoenix Building 1722 Mangrove Ave., 899-0484 In Mangrove Square Open 7 dAys A week, 11AM - Midnight
Taste & see that the Lord is good: Blessed is the man that trusteth in him. Psalm 34:8
Ewhere Cab is king, there are winemakers who want Forest
ven in the Napa Valley,
Ranch farmer Phil LaRocca’s grapes. LaRocca’s organic hillby side-grown Cab Alastair Bland vines, 41 years allybland79@ old and farmed on rich volcanic soil, produce exceptionally intense fruit, he says—and LaRocca believes that there may be no better way to express the potential of this 23-acre patch of earth than by making a single-vineyard wine. Also called vineyard designates, single-vineyard wines are made using grapes harvested from just one site. “The tradition really goes back to the French and their word terroir, which describes the soil, climate and elevation that make a certain site so impressive,” said LaRocca, who sells much of his annual grape tonnage but also makes his own line of estate wines at his LaRocca Vineyards and Winery. To Joel Peterson, founder and winemaker at Ravenswood Winery in Sonoma, single-vineyard wines provide those who taste them with a sort of virtual travel experience. “You can’t usually take a glass of milk back to the cow that made it, but single-vineyard wines can take you right back to a specific time and place,” said Peterson, whose winemaking career has long focused on showcasing some of California’s best Zinfandel vineyards—including the Old Hill Vineyard, of Sonoma Valley, which was planted in the 1880s and produces a distinctly dark and spicy wine. “It’s like a fingerprint of the land.” Most wines today are blends of multiple wines, often grown hundreds of miles apart. Blending can round out rough edges and soften charismatic wines into more enjoyable—and more marketable—prod-
A selection of single-vineyard wines at Creekside Cellars in Chico. PHOTO BY JASON CASSIDY
ucts. Though good winemaking often depends on blending, the process can steal a wine’s unique characteristics while muffling idiosyncrasies of terroir. Marco Cappelli, a winemaker and grape grower in the Sierra foothills, notes that many blended wines may taste, more or less, the same. “Most wine on the market is homogenized by blending different vineyards and/or appellations together,” wrote Cappelli in an email. Cappelli owns the Herbert Vineyard, an esteemed Zinfandel block in El Dorado County used for several labels as a vineyard designate. The grapes, Cappelli says, are unique and charismatic enough to stand alone in a bottle, but he concedes that “business reasons” can also play a role in whether or not one makes a vineyard designate. The Herbert Vineyard, for example, is a respected name among winemakers. “When I bought my property … I knew that its reputation would allow me to get a higher price for the fruit, and that my customers would be able to sell their wine at a higher price because of the designation,” Cappelli wrote. Adam Lee of Siduri Wines, in Santa Rosa, makes more than a dozen single-vineyard Pinot Noirs from Oregon and California. Lee, like many winemakers, feels that Pinot Noir, among all varieties, best reflects a location’s soil chemistry, sunlight intensity, temperature and precipitation. Last year, for example, was a cold and
difficult growing season, and in the Pinot Noir crop of Oregon, according to Lee, it shows. “We decided that for 2011, none of our Oregon vineyards were worthy of vineyard designation,” said Lee. “So we blended them as ‘Willamette Valley’ wines.” But blending is not necessarily a task reserved for lesser-grade vineyards and can be an art form in itself. Many winemakers blend “within the vineyard,” selecting grapes from different corners of the property and later portioning them into the same tank. Newton Vineyard in Napa Valley recently released an example of this style called The Puzzle—a 2008 blend of four red grapes grown on one 120-acre vineyard. Technically still a single-vineyard wine, The Puzzle simultaneously showcases location, vintage and winemaker whimsy. But LaRocca warns that even blending within a vineyard can blur away fine distinctions that could be most profitably marketed on their own. During a recent private tour of the famed Chateau d’Yquem vineyard in southern Bordeaux, the owner of the property pointed to two adjacent blocks of grapes. “They were 20 feet apart on the same vineyard,” LaRocca says. “But he told me, ‘That section is for my $30 bottles, and right over there, that’s for my $500 bottles.’” Which one might take for a lesson in the value of terroir—or just of marketing. Ω
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April 26, 2012
CN&R 41
IN : 1:15 5:15 7:20 *9:25PM IN 2D: 3:15PM
1:30 4:15 7:00 *9:40PM
1:00 3:10 5:20 7:30 *9:40PM
1:10 3:15 5:25 7:35 *9:40PM
1:15 3:20 5:25 7:30 *9:30PM
1:30 4:10 6:55 *9:30PM
1:00 3:50 6:40 *9:30PM
IN THUR: 11:59PM
Presented by CSU, Chico’s Department of Theatre 2012 CHICO STATE SPRING MUSICAL Director orr Mike Mazur urr
Music Director Joel P. Rogers
CChoreographer h Sheree S h Henning
Kyle Wiley Pickett K Ky
Chimps as people
Oscar the chimp searches for the perfect tool.
Embellishments are a distraction in Disney’s latest beautiful documentary
J released its latest nature “documentary,” and it’s full of monkey business. Chimp busiust in time for Earth Day, Disney
ness, actually. Co-directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield (Earth), Chimpanzee chronicles the lives by Rachel Bush of one African chimp clan, with r.e.bush@ special focus on a young’un named Oscar. I put “documentary” in quotes because this movie is by no means a purely objective depiction of chimpanzee life. The voice-over narration is filled with editorialized comments, taking plenty of liberty to make Oscar’s life seem as dramatic as possible. Plus, Tim Allen narrates, so it sounds like Chimpanzee a Buzz Lightyear voiceover. Directed by This makes things comical, but Alastair a lot less natural-feeling. ElaboFothergill and rate jungle montage sequences Mark Linfield. Cinemark 14. and catchy music don’t make Rated G. the film feel any more “real” either. At first, all these embellishments were off-putting, but then I realized the film needed some artistic license to give this movie structure. Otherwise, it’d be 80 minutes of chimps swinging in trees. Thanks to the narration, we can learn a few things. Kenny is the alpha Poor male of Oscar’s clan, the “large and in charge” boss, as they call him. Isha is Oscar’s mother, who’s killed after a brawl with a neighboring chimp clan in Fair a fight over territory. Left as an orphan (a familiar Disney theme), Oscar searches for a replacement within his clan. Good He soon forms an unlikely mentorship with Kenny, who steps in as foster dad. The first half of the movie really tries to build Kenny’s character as the Very Good stereotypical stubborn old man figure, so that it’s extra sweet when he accepts Oscar. And it is sweet. But it’s also a stretch to believe that Kenny’s crotchExcellent
May 2-5 May 6 at 7:30 pm
at 2:00 pm
Laxson Auditorium Tickets available at the University Box Office 530.898.6333
More Info: 42 CN&R April 26, 2012
ety just because Allen tells us so. For the sake of your enjoyment—and that of the kids in the audience—you have to just go with his storytelling. As skeptical as I was about the content, the movie’s visuals always overshadowed any criticisms. Disneynature films know their way around a camera, and with the lens under the canopies of the African rainforests, some beautiful stuff starts to show itself. The lush green scenery and quirky chimp faces are fun enough to watch, but the time-lapse sequences give audiences something extra to ooh and ahh at. We see mushrooms evolve into glow-in-the-dark night creatures, and rain storms depicted like choreographed dances between individual droplets. This is a movie that takes full advantage of the big screen, and it’s best experienced in front of one. The film may dramatize Oscar’s life too much, but there’s no doubt it provides some truth about our primate cousins. With the Jane Goodall Institute co-producing the movie, there’s probably little need to factcheck. Ω
Reviewers: Craig Blamer, Rachel Bush, Bob Grimm and Juan-Carlos Selznick.
Opening this week The Five-Year Engagement
Jason Segel teams up again with writer/director Nicholas Stoller (director of Forgetting Sarah Marshall and writer of 2011’s The Muppets), starring with Emily Blunt in this comedy about a couple that keeps extending their engagement. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.
Jeff, Who Lives at Home
A grown man (Jason Segel) who still lives in the basement of his mother’s home gets a chance to rise above his slacker ways by getting out and helping his brother (Ed Helms) in tracking down his apparently adulterous wife. Directed by Jay and Mark Duplass (Cyrus). Pageant Theatre. Rated R.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Another stop-motion animation feature from the UK’s Aardman Animations (makers of Chicken Run and the Wallace and Gromit films), this one following the adventures of the Pirate Captain (voiced by Hugh Grant) and his crew of amateur pirates. Also featuring the voices of Selma Hayek and Jeremy Piven. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.
The Raven
Not a film version of Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poem, rather this fictionalized account of the life of the master of the macabre is a murder-mystery where Poe (John Cusack) is forced to join forces with a detective to track down a serial killer whose crimes are inspired by the author’s stories. Directed by James McTigue (V for Vendetta). Cinemark 14. Rated R.
Jason Statham plays an ex-cage fighter/exNYPD cop who is running around with a gun in his hand trying keep a young Chinese girl safe from the Chinese mob, the Russian mafia and crooked New York cops and politicians who are all after a secret code locked in the girl’s memory. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.
Now playing
21 Jump Street
This TV-drama-remade-as-a-bigscreen-comedy stars Channing Tatum (Jenko) and Jonah Hill (Schmidt) as mediocre newbie cop partners reassigned to the 21 Jump Street undercover division and immediately sent back to high school to infiltrate a drug ring. These days, it’s the eco-liberal kids who stand at the top of the “cool-kid” food chain, with a handsome socially conscious drug dealer (Dave Franco) leading this new granola pack. Now Schmidt and Jenko’s old roles are switched: The once-nerdy Schmidt is now the sensitive popular kid, and former jock Jenko doesn’t know how to fit in with the new generation. The tension drives a wedge in their friendship and undercover work, but the ridiculous high-school drama and subsequent shenanigans provide much comic relief. Plus, the chemistry between Tatum and Hill is surprisingly strong, so you root for this bromance through thick and thin. All the stupid stuff here, from ridiculously over-the-top car chases and shoot-’em-ups, to dumb raunchy humor, for an R-rated action-comedy based on an ’80s TV show, it all serves its big, dumb and pretty damn funny purpose. Cinemark 14. Rated R —R.B.
American Reunion
The gang is back together 13 years after the so-so first film, and nine years after the totally abysmal American Wedding. The result here is a predictably tired comedy where Seann William Scott (Stifler) and Eugene Levy (Jim’s Dad) are responsi-
ble for most of the laughs. The plot involves everybody coming home for their 13th high school reunion, with a major “Jim and Michelle ain’t having sex no more” subplot. Oz (Chris Klein) has become a bubble-headed sportscaster, Finch (Eddie Kaye Thomas) a world traveler, Jim (Jason Biggs) a sexstarved new dad and Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas) a homebody husband with a new beard. They all want to party and hang out like old times, while excluding Stifler because he’s still nuts. He, of course, finds his way into the mayhem. That mayhem includes the requisite gross-out gags like Stifler shitting into a beer cooler and Jim’s Dad revealing embarrassing sexual details to his son. American Reunion has its moments, and is at least the second best film in the series after the original. Cinemark 14. Rated R —B.G.
The Cabin in the Woods
So, a Jock, a Dumb Blonde, a Brain, a Virgin and a Stoner check into a creepy cabin in the woods and … wait, you’ve heard this one before? Of course you have, what with the archetypes being the default setting of horror, and the old dark house/cabin being its own subgenre. But what if those archetypes didn’t leave home being so dumb or smart or virgin-y or douchebaggy or baked? Add a shady Umbrella Corporation aspect and layer every moment with nods and homages to pretty much every horror flick that makes a horror movie buff’s eyes light up, and The Cabin in the Woods joins the ranks of such cult items as Shaun of the Dead and The Return of the Living Dead as a rare horror flick that’s able to pull off that very, very difficult balance of humor and horror. Of course, we have Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) producing a script cowritten with Lost and Cloverfield scribe Drew Goddard (who also directs), so this deconstruction of ’80s horror is very clever and consistently entertaining. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R —C.B.
The Hunger Games
See review this issue. Cinemark 14. Rated G —R.B.
The Hunger Games commences with a grim vision of a dystopian America a few generations down the road, where proles abide in Appalachian squalor after the world seemingly bankrupts itself during the course of a war on terror. These folks have it bad, and everyone just sits in doorways and looks miserable. Except for Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) who stalks the woods hunting for sustenance for her hungry family. To keep the edgy populace in line, the elite aspects of society have provided them with a little circus called The Hunger Games, where contestants set out to kill each other until the last one stands victorious. Guess who ends up as a contestant? The Hunger Games is leisurely paced, allowing its characters to naturally develop, with an eye for the communication of body language and subtextual manipulation. Although, it is a little too sluggish at times and the content has apparently been homogenized for better mass appeal. However, most viewers might find that the biggest downside is having to wait until November of 2013 for the next episode. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.
Mirror Mirror
Are evil queens this year’s vampires? Mirror Mirror is the first of two film versions of the Snow White fairytale being released this spring (the second, the darker Snow White and the Huntsman, comes out June 1). This week’s Snow White is played by Lily Collins, and the evil queen trying to rob the young, beautiful princess of her birthright is played by Julia Roberts. Cinemark 14. Rated PG.
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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
The latest from Swedish director Lasse Hallström (The Cider House Rules, Chocolat), about a Yemeni sheik’s dream of bringing fly fishing to the desert and the British fisheries expert (Ewan McGregor) who, with the help of the sheik’s consultant (Emily Blunt), struggles to complete the project. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.
Think Like a Man
After their female partners begin using the advice of comedian Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, against them four men conspire to turn the tables on their mates. Directed by Tim Story (Barbershop, Fantastic Four). Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.
The Three Stooges
A Farrelly brothers (Dumb & Dumber) update of the classic slapstick franchise, with Sean Hayes (Larry), Will Sasso (Curly) and Chris Diamantopoulus (Moe) playing the wacky trio. Cinemark 14 and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.
Titanic 3-D
Get closer than you ever have to the big ship that hits the big iceberg, spilling Leo and Kate into the frigid waters gushing about the theater in this 3-D re-release of the mega-blockbuster. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.
Wrath of the Titans
Set a decade after the events of the Clash of the Titans remake, bastard demigod Perseus (vanilla action figure Sam Worthington) has rejected the whole god trip and bides his time doing scut work in a fishing village. But his old man, Zeus (Liam Neeson), drops by and asks for a li’l help in diffusing some wannabe-Game of Thrones intrigue between ... Well, it’s complicated and confusing, even though everyone stands around shouting and reiterating each others’ name, rank and back story at each other. It’s directed by the dude responsible for Battle Los Angeles (Jonathan Liebesman), so even the placid moments are given an urgent score and the shaky-cam treatment. The more actionoriented moments are a blur of spazinducing bursts of imagery set to pounding ambient noise. Granted, it’s not a total loss. An attack by a pair of cyclops has some goofy charm and the final boss fight between Perseus and a towering inferno with legs is pretty wicked, a swirling maelstrom of slo-mo mayhem set to a pulsing score that is admittedly pretty stony—if that’s what you’re looking for. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —C.B.
207 Walnut • 343-3249
SPECIAL THANKS TO THE SERIES SPONSORS PG&E, Garey and Barbara Weibel, Joan Stewart, In a North State Garden, Diane Anderson, Friends of the Herbarium, Marcia Moore, M.D., Price & Brown, Attorneys, NUTRILAWN, INC., Gary and Judy Sitton, Kenneth E. Lange, D.D.S.
4/27 Yo-YooLDMaO&UT SO Kathryn athryn Stott with The Assad Brothers FRIDAY 4/27 – ThuRsDAY 5/3
5/7 Dave Eggers: Zeitoun Book In Common
11:55AM♥ 4:45PM
RAVEN, THE (Digital) (R )
(Digital) (R ) 11:40AM 2:30PM 5:10PM♣ 7:50PM♣ 10:30PM
3:10PM 5:30PM 7:55PM 10:15PM
5/9 Riders in the Sky
7:00PM 9:05PM
5/16 Annie Jr.
Playhouse Youth Theater
The Lucky One
(Digital) (PG-13) 12:55PM 4:05PM 7:15PM 10:25PM
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
SAFE (Digital) (R )
12:40PM 3:00PM 5:20PM 7:40PM 10:00PM
(Digital) (PG-13) 1:40PM
(Digital) (PG) 12:05PM 2:25PM 4:45PM 7:05PM 9:25PM
TITANIC (2012) (3D) (PG-13) 11:50AM 3:55PM 8:00PM WRATH OF TITANS (Digital) (PG-13) 2:20PM 7:35PM
(PG-13) 11:35AM 2:10PM 4:55PM 7:25PM 9:55PM
(Digital) (NR) Wed. 5/2 6:30PM
(Digital) (PG) 11:20AM 1:55PM 4:30PM♥ 7:10PM♥ All shows at Laxson Auditorium California State University, Chico
12:00PM 2:35PM 5:10PM 7:45PM 10:20PM
CHIMPANZEE (Digital) (G) 4:30PM 7:20PM 10:10PM 12:15PM 2:30PM 4:35PM THREE STOOGES, THE
(Digital) (R ) 11:00AM 1:50PM 4:40PM 7:30PM 10:20PM
When an orbiting space prison is overtaken by the nastiest of baddies, a disgraced badass ex-government agent (Guy Pearce) is rocketed to the scene to rescue the president’s hottie daughter (Maggie Grace) from the riots. Cinemark 14 and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.
(Digital) (R ) 11:45AM 5:00PM 10:05PM
CABIN IN THE WOODS, THE (Digital) (R ) 12:50PM
A photograph of a young woman becomes a good-luck charm for the U.S. Marine (Zac Efron) who finds it in the sands of Iraq, and when he returns home from his three tours, he sets out to find the real woman in the photo. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.
ur Fill Yo Cellar!
2:15PM 7:00PM 9:15PM
Thurs. 5/3 12:01AM
13) Thurs. 5/3 12:02AM
Showtimes listed w/ ♥ not shown Wed. 5/2 Showtimes listed w/ ♣ not shown Thur. 5/3
April 26, 2012
CN&R 43
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Limit two coupons per table. No other discounts. Expires 6/28/12. Not valid Fri or Sat after 5pm.
Sat/Sun e gn Champa Brunchm 9am-2p
When Oasis disbanded in 2009 (for good this 08 you knew the Bros. Gallagher would lick time!), their wounds and eventually re-form separate acts. While vocalist Liam and two other Oasis musicians released an album with Beady Eye (perhaps too quickly), guitarist and primary songwriter Noel took his time to produce an effort that was worth the wait. Noel is undoubtedly the superior09musician. His broad vocal range is clear and crisp (showcased on “If I Had A Gun…”) and doesn’t threaten to rattle windows, as Liam’s often does. The songwriting remains rooted in its catchy simplicity. Three or four chords are all he needs to prove his point on the brooding “Let The Lord Shine A Light On Me” (available on the “deluxe edition”) and the inspiring “ 10 (I Wanna Live In A Dream In My) Record Machine.” Oasis aficionados may also recognize the song “Stop the Clocks” as the title of the band’s 2006 compilation CD. The song never appeared on that album, since Oasis was never happy with any version. It’s a winner here. Between the loud bravado Brit-Pop bands are known for 08 its quieter acoustic moments, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds has and very few weak spots. —Sean Murphy
Hot Pink Adam Levin McSweeney’s
10 Adam Levin switches personas like costumes in his debut collection of short stories. The book has many layers, and one of Hot Pink’s underlying themes is underlying themes. Levin explores the deeper meaning of everyday occurrences while his08characters overanalyze everything. Each story has its own unique voice and feel, and each story is embodied by its own speaker. Most writers find a point of view and stick with it. Levin carries a mixed bouquet. Whether it’s the homosexual son of a mad scientist, 09a weed dealer who doesn’t smoke anymore and loves to read self help; or a legless 15-year-old lesbian college student, or a Chicago meathead contemplating the intentions of his vocalizations during BOOK aggressive situations, Levin’s got game. In “Jane Tell,” our dealer explains why he no longer smokes: “Whenever I smoked marijuana, 10 I’d stare, and whatever I’d stare at would seem important. All images became imagery, sophomoric imagery, the symbolic meaning of the nonsymbolic things on which my eyes fixed wholly independent of their actual functions. Cigars not just cocks, but primal cocks—the primal cocks of the patriarchs.” The book is good, funny, sad, weird and way too short. —Karl Travis
Idle Threat The Skabbs
SPECIAL (Special does not include fish or shrimp) Mon-Sat 10am-7:45pm Sun 10am-6pm 44 CN&R April 26, 2012
530-809-0370 Corner of 9th & Wall
Jackpot Records During the late ’70s, The Skabbs were probably looked at as just another garage band plinking around in the small Southern California bedroom community of Lawndale. Hindsight tells us that these kids were on to something, putting together the type of angular punk rock that would help inform the next decade. And although the band’s brief run came to an abrupt end after the death of vocalist Steve Salazar in 1979 from a pre-existing heart condition, the five-piece left behind a bundle of gems. Idle Threat corrals 17 previously unreleased tracks—recorded in 1977 and 1978—that fall somewhere between the weirdo art punk of Pere Ubu and the pissy sneer of the Sex Pistols. The songs are smart and smart-ass, occasionally dipping into the political and cultural issues of the time on tracks like “This is the American Way” and “You are the Hillside Strangler.” For the most part, though, The Skabbs remain in the fringe, especially on the slow burner “Spray Paint” (as in, it smells good) and the self-explanatory “N-N-N-N-Nervous.” Fidelity ebbs and flows throughout, but the songs themselves still hold up. I mean, I think we can all agree that spray paint smells good.
—Mark Lore
26THURSDAY AUDIOTHERAPY: An evening of house elec-
tronica. Th, 4/26, 6-9pm. Free. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.
BLUES JAM: Weekly open jam. Th, 8pm-
midnight. Lynns Optimo; 9225 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 872-1788.
Th, 8-11pm. Free. The DownLo; 319 Main St.; (530) 892-2473.
JOHN SEID: John Seid and friends, fea-
turing Larry Peterson and Steve Cook. This week, the trio is joined by Bob Littell. Th, 6:30-9:30pm; Sa, 4/28, 7-10pm. Free. Johnnie’s Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St. (530) 895-1515,
guitarist Matteo plays film scores and light classics. Th, 6pm. Free. Angelos Cucina Trinacria; 407 Walnut St.; (530) 899-9996.
OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians
welcome. Th, 7-10pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033;
THE PERPETUAL DRIFTERS: The folky country-rock outfit kicks off a tour through Oregon with a set at Duffy’s. Uni and Her Ukelele open. Th, 4/26, 9:30pm. $5. Duffys Tavern; 337 Main St.; (530) 343-7718.
RUBE AND THE RHYTHM ROCKERS: A veteran blues band out of Paradise. Th, 4/26, 7pm. Free. Tackle Box Bar & Grill; 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 345-7499.
VIVA OPERA!: Opera Workshop’s talented singers present a vigorous array of breathtaking opera. Through 4/26, 7:30pm. $6-$15. Harlen Adams Theatre; W. First St. CSU, Chico campus; (530) 898-6333.
27FRIDAY ALL FIRED UP: A high-energy dance band covering a variety of popular rock
THURSDAY 4|26—WEDNESDAY 5|2 hits. F, 4/27, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885;
ENVELOPE PEASANT & THE SCIENTIFIC ORCHESTRA: Sean Harrasser’s joyous folk-pop quartet. Kelly Brown & Lisa Marie and Jeb Draper open and Six Ft. Swells Press will perform “after hours poetry.” F, 4/27, 8pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476;
FRESH: Fresh likes to mix things up on the dance floor with Latin, dance and classic rock tunes. F, 4/27, 9pm. Free. Colusa Casino Resort; 3770 Hwy. 45 in Colusa; (530) 458-8844; www.colusa
HA’PENNY BRIDGE ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: Ha’Penny Bridge returns after a hiatus with their new album, At Fiddlers Green. The Railflowers folk quartet opens. F, 4/27, 7pm. $10. Chico Womens Club; 592 E. Third St.; (530) 894-1978.
IRISH MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with a traditional Irish music session by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffys Tavern; 337 Main St.; (530) 343-7718.
master of worldly funk in the lounge. F, 4/27, 8:30pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885;
JOHN TRENALONE: Jazz and Broadway
6:30-8:30pm through 4/27. Free. Johnnies Restaurant; 220 W. Fourth St. inside Hotel Diamond; (530) 895-1515;
THE PHENOMENAUTS: Out of the Bay Area, the Phenomenauts play “rocket roll,” a futuristic hybrid of rock, pop, punk, new wave and surf. The Bloodtypes and Season of the Witch open. F, 4/27, 9pm. Lost on Main; 319 Main St.; (530) 891-1853.
TECH N9NE: Tech N9ne’s rapid-fire delivery and intense stage persona might momentarily distract from his morbid, vulgar lyrics. But probably not. Hardcore rap at its finest. MGK, Krizz Kalico, Mayday!, Prozak and Stevie Stone open. F, 4/27, 8pm. $30. Senator Theatre; 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497;
VAMPIRATES: A hardcore punk outfit with metal undertones out of Reno. The Backup Razor, The Deadly Gallows, The Hambones and Icko Sicko open. F, 4/27, 8pm. $5. Monstros Pizza & Subs; 628 W. Sacramento Ave.; (530) 345-7672.
Y & T: A classic hard rock and metal dating back to the ’70s that has sold over 4 million albums worldwide. Bonny Scott opens. F, 4/27, 8:30pm. $22.50. El Rey Theatre; 230 W. Second St.; (530) 342-2727.
YO-YO MA, KATHRYN STOTT & ASSAD BROTHERS: Beloved cello superstar YoYo Ma joins forces with one of Britain’s most versatile and imaginative pianists, Kathryn Stott, and Brazil’s finest classical guitar duo, Sergio & Odair Assad. F, 4/27, 7:30pm. SOLD OUT. Laxson Auditorium; 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico; (530) 898-6333;
28SATURDAY ALL FIRED UP: A high-energy dance band
covering rock hits. Sa, 4/28, 9pm. Free. Rolling Hills Casino; 2655 Barham Ave. in Corning; (530) 528-3500;
VOLTARE: Voltare is a lo-fi
BLUEGRASS JAM: An open jam for bluegrass musicians hosted by Lucy Smith. Fourth Sa of every month, 1-4pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
FRESH: Fresh likes to mix things up on the dance floor with Latin, dance and classic rock tunes. Sa, 4/28, 9pm. Free. Colusa Casino Resort; 3770 Hwy. 45 in Colusa; (530) 458-8844;
THE JEFF PERSHING BAND: Chico’s master of worldly funk in the lounge.
Sa, 4/28, 8:30pm. Free. Feather Falls
Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885;
JOHN SEID: John Seid and friends, fea-
turing Larry Peterson and Steve Cook. This week, the trio is joined by Bob Littell. Th, 6:30-9:30pm; Sa, 4/28, 7-10pm. Free. Johnnie’s Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St. (530) 895-1515,
noise pop band accompanied onstage by a female mannequin. Threk and Hawk Jones open. F, 4/27, 7pm. $5. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 5148888.
Saturday, April 28 Maltese Bar & Taproom SEE SATURDAY
standards of the last 100 years. F,
$50 OFF
with this ad
Exp 5/3/12
46 CN&R April 26, 2012
JAZZ: Weekly jazz. Su, 4-6pm. Has Beans
AARON JAQUA: Country music with Aaron
MICHELIN EMBERS: Michelin Embers
describes themselves as “post-atomic moon skiffle.” That’s right. Local folk duo Kelly Brown and Lisa Marie open. Sa, 4/28, 9pm. Free. Maltese Bar & Taproom; 1600 Park Ave.; (530) 3434915.
Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033;
LIVE MUSIC FUNDRAISER FOR ROBIN HUFFMAN: Live music with Big Mo and the Full Moon Band, Lazy Lester, Jonathan Arthur, Bob Littel, Spy Picnic, Holly Taylor, Josh Burch and more as a campaign fundraiser for Robin Huffman, Butte County supervisor candidate in 2012. Includes dinner. Su, 4/29, 4-7pm. $25. La Posada Restaurant and Cantina; 5742 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 877-3478.
Remainders, a noisy alternative rock band complete with theremin, release their album Patterns in Static. Surrogate and Goat open. Sa, 4/28, 8pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476;
TEN MILE TIDE: A high-energy six-piece folk rock outfit out of the Bay Area. Melody Walker opens. Sa, 4/28, 9pm. $5. Lost On Main; 319 Main St.; (530) 891-1853.
and friends. Tu, 7-9pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
MOLLY’S FAVORITE: Traditional Irish
music, open-jam style. First Tu of every month, 5-7pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
30MONDAY JAZZ HAPPY HOUR: Carey Robinson hosts a jazz happy hour every Monday. M, 57pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
hardcore emo band from San Diego. For the Win opens. W, 5/2, 6:30pm. $5. The Last Stand Comedy Venue; 167 E. Third St. On E. Third between Main and Wall; (530) 354-1936.
JAZZ LUNCH: Every Wednesday with
Carey Robinson Trio. W, 12-2pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 514-8888.
LOCAL HONEY: A monthly meeting for
TECH N9NE Friday, April 27 Senator Theatre SEE FRIDAY
singer/songwriters hosted by Mandalyn May. First W of every month, 6-8pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; 5148888.
OPEN JAM NIGHT: Join the jam. Drum kit, bass rig, guitar amp and PA system are provided, bring your own instruments. All ages until 10. W, 7pm. Free. Italian Garden; 6929 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 876-9988;
SALSA BELLA: Live Salsa music in the
restaurant. W, 8-11pm. Tortilla Flats; 2601 Esplanade; (530) 345-6053.
VAMPIRATES Friday, April 27 Monstros Pizza
CRAZY HORSE: DJ Hot Rod and mechani-
cal bull contest. F, 9pm-1:30am. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.
DOWN LO: DJ Ron Dare. Tu, Sa, 9pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.
DUFFYS: DJ Lois & DJ Spenny. W, 10pm. $1. Duffys Tavern, 337 Main St., (530) 343-7718.
TACKLE BOX: DJ Shelley. Tu, Su, 6pm. Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 375 East Park Ave., (530) 345-7499.
Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather
11pm: on the patio; Sa, 9pm: “That 80s Party”; and Tu, 10pm: DJ. LaSalles, 229
MADISON BEAR: Dancing upstairs and on the patio. W-Sa, 9pm. Madison Bear Garden, 316 W. Second St., (530) 8911639,
Montgomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.
gomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.
9pm. Free. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.
QUACKERS: Th, 9pm. Free. Quackers
FEATHER FALLS: Tu, 7-11pm. Free. Feather
SMOKIE MOUNTAIN: F, Sa, 9pm. Free.
Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.featherfalls
w/ DJ2K. F, 9pm-2am through 4/6. Free. Maltese Bar & Taproom, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.
LYNNS OPTIMO: F, Sa, 9pm. Lynns Optimo,
MONTGOMERY ST.: Tu, 8pm. Free. Mont-
CRAZY HORSE: All-request karaoke. Tu,
Broadway St., (530) 893-1891.
Last Call Lounge, 876 East Ave., (530) 895-3213. 9225 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-1788.
LASALLES: Th, 10pm: DJ Mac Morris; Fr,
MONTGOMERY ST.: W, F Sa, 8pm. Free.
LAST CALL LOUNGE: M, Th, 8pm-midnight.
Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825.
FEATHER FALLS: Su, 8pm-midnight. Free.
MALTESE: Dirty Talk: LBGT dance Party
QUACKERS: F, 9pm. Free. Quackers
KINGS TAVERN: M, Tu, 8pm. Free. Kings Tavern, 5771 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-7100.
LASALLES: Su, 9pm. LaSalles, 229 Broadway St., (530) 893-1891.
Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825. Smokie Mountain Steakhouse, 7039 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-3323,
STUDIO INN: With Brandon Hightower. Tu,
9pm-1am. Studio Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.
TORTILLA FLATS: Karaoke en Espanol. Su,
8-midnight. Free. Tortilla Flats, 2601 The Esplanade, (530) 345-6053.
(Behind Best Western Heritage Inn and Kmart)
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Your magazine. Empirical is a Chico-based monthly magazine and will be in all Barnes & Noble stores in June.
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48 CN&R April 26, 2012
mAy DAy event
Jason Cassidy •
tues mAy 1, 9Am - 7pm
NEW SUMMER MUSIC At least four local artists have new albums (and there are probably more—I know that Teeph and White Russian are lying in wait). Two are hitting local venues this week: Mark McKinnon’s Celtic crew Ha’Penny Bridge will be releasing its second album, At Fiddlers Green, at a CD-release party at the Chico Women’s Club Friday, April 27 (with The Railflowers opening), and Saturday, April 28, at Café Coda, The Remainder will drop Patterns in Static with fellow local rockers Surrogate and Goat joining the party. There’s also Kyle Williams’ brand-new She Is, which, even though the official release party won’t be happening until May 19 (at Paradox Fitness and Martial Arts), you can find now at for purchase. And next week, local faves MaMuse will be returning from a tour in support of its latest, Integration of the Awkward, for a proper hometown release party at Bidwell Presbyterian Church on Saturday, May 5. DESIGNER JEN_PU
• Free acupuncture treatments all day • make your own pinwheel 2-5pm • learn more about your local, aFFordable healthcare co-op
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Live at the CAMMIES finale (from left): Dave Greenfield (West By Swan), Lisa Marie, Fallon Dailey (Soul Union). PHOTOS BY MAURY LEDOYEN
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blue denim guitar strap with an embroidered dragon on it? It’s just one piece of forgotten debris (also one guitar stand, a tiny amplifier, (530) 345-9711 • (800) 550-4900 and a handful of CAMMIES plaques) left in the wake of the big and sweaty explosion of local music at the Chico Women’s Club during the DESIGNER REP FILE NAME CNR ISSUE CAMMIES finale last Sunday. (Email Arts DEVO to claim your goods.) JEN_PU AMB 10.30.08 BIRTHRIGHT The awards part is actually way down at the bottom of the list of things I like about the CAMMIES. At the top is the finale. Hanging out with music people is my idea of a perfect time, and sharing the day with you all was, once again, a blast. But, for posterity’s sake and to give a proper shout-out to the folks who deserve to be honored for their work at keeping the scene hot, here are the winners of 2012 CAMMIES awards. Congrats and thanks for being rad!
Critics’ Choice Awards: Best Keyboardist: Joshua Hegg (Clouds on Strings) Best Bassist: Zach Ahern (Cold Blue Mountain, Birds of Fire) Best Drummer (tie): Alex Coffin (Teeph, Count Funkula) and Lew Langworthy Best Guitarist (tie): Mike Perry (White Russian) and Eric Peter Best Female Vocalists: Karisha Longaker & Sarah Nutting (MaMuse) Best Male Vocalist: Garrett Gray (Perpetual Drifters) Best Songwriter: Sean Harrasser (The Envelope Peasant) Best Local Album: Pomology, Clouds on Strings Best New Band: Voltare Best Local Act: The Railflowers Local Badass (tie): Scott Barwick (Origami Lounge), Dan Elsen (Café Coda) Hogan / West / LaPado Lifetime Achievement Award: Lew Langworthy
Call now to schedule your appointment!
FREE Pregnancy Tests
CAMMIES LOST AND FOUND Any musician out there missing a light-
People’s Choice Awards: Best Acoustic/Folk Act: Kyle Williams Best Americana/Country Act: Three Fingers Whiskey Best Jazz Act: Chico Jazz Collective Best Blues Act: Big Mo & The Full Moon Band Best Funk/Jam Act: Alli Battaglia & The Musical Brewing Co. Best World/Celtic/Reggae Act: Boss 501 Best Rap Act: The Hooliganz Best Rock/Pop Act: Surrogate Best Hard Rock/Metal Act: Armed For Apocalypse Best Punk Act: Brass Hysteria! Best Indie/Experimental Act: The Shimmies Best Electronic Producer: Billy the Robot Best Electronic DJ: DJ Whitlock Best Horn Player: Patrick Hilton (trumpet, Big Mo & The Full Moon Band)
Our high-tech equipment for hearing testing and a wide variety of hearing aid options can fit all budgets & lifestyles.
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Supporting sponsors: Bartlett’s Hearing Aids Concours Elite Collision Center April 26, 2012
CN&R 49
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University terrace Two Story, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Townhouses with Small Backyard or One Story, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Flats All Units Include W/D, D/W, Central Heat/Air, and More BBQ and Cat Friendly, Off Street Parking, Walk to CSU
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HUNTINGTON Full Size WaSher/Dryer in each unit, SWimming Pool, garageS available too!
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Professionally Managed By rsC assoCiates, inC.
1161 Citrus Ave #P 1/1 25 Cameo #3 2/1.5 939 W. East Ave #9 1/1 684 E. 12th St. #2, 4, 11 1/1 1144 Hobart #2, 3 4/2
$500 $700 $585 $525 $900
$600 $800 $685 $625 $1000
1149 Olive St #9 709 Flume 2270 Notre Dame Blvd #6 1175 E. 8th St. #3 1245 Esplanade Ave. #12
2/1 1/1 3/1 1/1 1/1
$675 $625 $700 $575 $550
$775 $725 $800 $675 $650
2404 North Ave #A 9546 Cummings (Durham) 1375 Humboldt Ave 2320 Floral Ave.
3/1 3/1.5 3/1 3/2
$1100 $1250 $1000 $1150
Beautiful pool & clubhouse with computer room and pool table 1459 E. Lassen Avenue Call Today (530) 893-3018
Professionally Managed By rsC assoCiates, inC.
Ceres Plaza
Sizzling DealS & More!
$1200 $1350 $1100 $1250
Professionally Managed By rsC assoCiates, inC.
Recycle this paper.
1382 Longfellow Ave. Chico
895-1733 |
Info subject to change. Please do not disturb tenants. We will schedule the appointment.
PRoPeRty MAnAgeMent
Amazing Views of Chico
Private setting on 5 acres, just 20 minutes out of Chico. Three bed, two bath. $298,000
it’s a great time to sell. if it’s priced right it will sell in a week!
ADDRESS 294 Marybill Ranch Rd
Century 21 Jeffires Lydon
EmmEtt Jacobi Cell 530.519.6333
Homes Sold Last Week 240 Mann Ave
Pamela King
to find out your homes current value give me a call. i’ll be happy to help!
Alice Zeissler
Looking for properties, 1-5 acres, with or without a home or barn.
3/2 big chico creek estates 1736 sq’ on 1/ of an acre!
Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon
Berry Creek
3/ 2.5
930 Normal Ave
5/ 2
SQ. FT. 1820
5/ 4.5
25 La Bella Ct
4/ 2
1146 N Cedar St
4/ 2
1211 Salem St
5/ 2
105 Sterling Oaks Dr
3/ 2
2527 Pillsbury Rd
3/ 2
56 Birdwing Ct
4/ 2
2609 Swallowtail Way
3/ 2
1155 W 12th Ave
3/ 2
1806 Broadway St
2/ 2
179 Picholine Way
3/ 2
1052 Windsor Way
3/ 2
729 Bradford Ct
3/ 2
1009 Windsor Way
3/ 2
78 Herlax Cir
3/ 2
2695 Vistamont Way
3/ 2
50 CN&R April 26, 2012
Sponsored by the City of Chico
Credit & Budget Workshop Thurs, May 3 , 3 — 5pm rd
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14463 Drew Ct .26 AC
Vacant Land $17,000 Ad #307
2BR/2BA Nice Home, Sr Park
1734 Sq.Ft. $52,000 Ad #352
Views! Views! 22 GPM well
22 Acres $165,000 Ad #842
4BR/3BA 3+Acres & Stream
2938 Sq.Ft. $299,000 Ad #969
RANCHO CHICO REAL ESTATE IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE the newest partner joining the team of experienced and professional real estate agents
Specializing in Residential sales Income properties Short sale negotiations
Dean Gaskey - Realtor Rancho Chico Real Estate DRE# 01335627
5350 Skyway, Paradise
1306 Mangrove Ave. (Across from Papa Murphy’s)
(530) 872-7653 1-800-785-7654
Residential 2 bed, 2 bath 2171 sqft home sheltered by numerous dogwoods and valley oak. $335,000
Large home on 2.5 acres in the pines. $365,000
Dana Miller
Century 21 Jeffries Lydon (530)571-7738 (530)570-1184
~Charming 4 bd/2 ba, great rental history, 1,800+sq ft $185K
One owner home on quiet cul-de-sac. 4 bd/3 ba, pool, 3 car garage. $378,000 Jeffries Lydon
KATHY KELLY 530-570-7403
(530) 519–5610
Teresa Larson (530) 899-5925
DRE# 01860319 •
MARK REAMAN 530-228-2229
The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of April 9, 2012 — April 13, 2012. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS
832 Orient St
3/ 1
SQ. FT. 1478
14565 Colter Way
3/ 2
786 Portal Dr
4/ 2.5
6265 Columbine Rd
3/ 2
1135 W Lindo Ave
3/ 1
Crestmont Ct
1/ 1
1510 W 5th St
2/ 2
4815 Virginia Ave
3/ 2
1150 Arcadian Ave
2/ 1
1805 Indiana St
5/ 3
519 Crestmont Ct
3/ 2
14236 Decatur Dr
3/ 2
245 Roe Rd
3/ 2.5
6219 Mcreynolds Ct
2/ 1
5554 Mark Ln
3/ 2
6454 Firhaven Dr
2/ 1.5
1450 April 26, 2012
CN&R 51
Home Week of tHe
Century 21 Jeffries Lydon Sat.11-1, 2-4 2230 Dorado Cerro (X St: El Monte Ave.) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 2022 sq. ft. $429,000 Ken Martin 828-9440 John Wallace 514-2405
Sat.11-1 4243 Shorthorn Drive (X St: Garner) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 2140 sq. ft. $399,000 Pamela King 588-5018
18 Fairway Drive (X St: Estates Drive) 2 Bd / 2 Ba, 2171 sq. ft. $335,000 Paul Champlin 828-2902
Sat.11-1, 2-4
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2171 sq. ft. home is sheltered by numerous dogwoods and huge valley oak in front. The floor plan is open and spacious and built for entertaining. An in ground spa, raised bed garden area and storage units complete the home.
Sat.11-1, 2-4 & Sun.11-1, 2-4
(530) 571-7738 | (530) 570-1184 |
Sat.11-1, 2-4 & Sun.11-1, 2-4 34 Turnbridge Wells (X St: Lupin) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1540 sq. ft. $250,000 Emmett Jacobi 519-6333 Janetta Lydon 514-8116
279 St. Augustine Drive (X St: Potter) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1673 sq. ft. $234,900 Dennis Louber 518-9252
DANA MILLER | Realtor | Century 21 Jeffries Lydon
140 W. Eaton Road (X St: Esplanade) 4 Bd / 3 Ba, 1705 sq. ft. $259,000 Jim Aguilar 519-4714 Shane Collins 518-1413 Johnny Klinger 864-3398
Listed at $335,000
Sat.11-1, 2-4 & Sun.11-1, 2-4
2680 Guynn Avenue (X St: Henshaw) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1787 sq. ft. $325,000 Ron Kelly 521-3629 Brandon Siewert 828-4597
582 East Avenue (X St: White & El Paso) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1260 sq. ft. $184,900 Katherine Ossokine 519-3837
6 Brittany lane (X St: Madrone) 4 Bd / 2 Ba, 1521 sq. ft. $259,000 Sandy Stoner 514-5555 Anita Miller 321-1174 Ken Martin 828-9440 Justin Jewett 518-0489
Online ads are free. Print ads start at $6/wk. or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Print ads start at $6/wk. or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Phone hours: M-F 8am-5pm. All ads post online same day. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Adult line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm
Men and women, a sober living environment, rooms for rent. $400/month, includes utilities. 647 W 2nd Ave. #4, resident mgr. Stacy 530-520-5248
Online ads are
*Nominal fee for adult entertainment. All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message.
INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE Wanted Older Guitars! Martin, Fender, Gibson. Also older Fender amps. Pay up to $2,000. 916-966-1900
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HOUSE FOR RENT, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, garage, backyard. Rent $1400. Nice area, north Chico. 530-300-7262
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AUTOS 1983 Full-sized Chevy Blazer. All original. Most factory options. Very well kept condition. 530-895-8171 Audi 1996 A6 Quattro 4WD, automatic, 4door, CC, PW/PD, CD, ski storage, new tires, runs great, $4900. 186K mi. 530-570-5113 New Prius Are Here! 50 MPG, best warrantee, 2 year service free, call Lee McKim, Hybrid Specialist, at 530-354-7782 at Chuck Patterson Toyota.
CLASSICS 1970 MGB Classic Convertible Restored, pristine condition. All records. $8,995.00. 530-345-9373 Days or Evenings.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO DOG PARLOR at 759 Portal Dr. Chico, CA 95973. SARAH WILEY, 759 Portal Dr. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: SARAH WILEY Dated: March 15, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000416 Published: April 5,12,19,26, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE GYM at 165 Commercial Ct. Chico, CA 95973. COURTNEY WEBB, DANIEL WEBB, 1036 Sequoyah, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: DANIEL WEBB Dated: March 8, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000372 Published: April 5,12,19,26, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SOLUTIONS CUBED LLC at 256 E 1st St. Chico, CA 95928. SOLUTIONS CUBED LLC, 256 E 1st St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: Lisa Young Dated: March 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000410 Published: April 5,12,19,26, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SFINVEST REAL ESTATE at 813 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. WILLIAM AYER SHERIDAN, 813 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: William Ayer Sheridan Dated: April 6, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000542 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as AG MART INC at 194 E 17th St. Chico, CA 95928. AGMART INC, 194 E 17th St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: JERRAD MCCORD Dated: March 22, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000462 Published: April 5,12,19,26, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PROSCRIBE MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION at 33 Oropond Lane, Oroville, CA 95966. VERONICA TAYLOR, 33 Oropond Lane, Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: VERONICA TAYLOR Dated: March 28, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000490 Published: March 29, April 5,12,19, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ACP CLEANING SERVICE at 208 Main St. #9, Hamilton City, CA 95951. Joseph Raymond Zaragoza, 208 Main St. #9, Hamilton City, CA 95951. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JOSEPH ZARAGOZA Dated: April 5, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000537 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as VAULT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS LLC at 49 Losse Way, Chico, CA 95926. VAULT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS LLC, 49 Losse Way Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: JOSH DAWSON Dated: February 28, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000332 Published: April 5,12,19,26, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NESSERE VINEYARDS at 3471 Durham Dayton Hwy, Chico, CA 95928. JESS PITNEY, VANESSA PITNEY, 3471 Durham Dayton Hwy, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: VANESSA PITNEY Dated: April 5, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000529 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CAFFE MALVINA, MALVINA OF CHICO at 234 W 3rd St. Chico, CA 95928. DENISE BELL-CORONA, SALVATORE CORONA, 12 Mefford Way, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: Denise Bell-Corona Dated: March 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000384 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as LUCID STREET WEAR at 2166 Noel Ct. Chico, CA 95926. SAMUEL GARCIA PERKINS, 831 Alan Lane, Chico, CA 95926. SKYLER MICHAEL SUN, 2166 Noel Ct. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: SKYLER SUN Dated: April 2, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000507 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SCOTTY’S WATERFRONT GARDENS at 12429 River Rd. Chico, CA 95973. JOHN W SCOTT, 12429 River Rd. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JOHN W SCOTT Dated: April 3, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000508 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LABELZ at 974 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. Cynthia Elizabeth Brochheuser 1941 Sycamore Lane, Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Cynthia Brochheuser Dated: April 4, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000527 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as KIMM’S BIDWELL PARK PEDICAB TOURS at 3 Geneva Ln, Chico, CA 95926. KIMBERLY ANN CRAMER, 3 Geneva Ln, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: KIMBERLY CRAMER Dated: April 4, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000519 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as NORTH VALLEY MASSAGE THERAPY at 75 Oakdale Ct. Oroville, CA 95966. Douglas Edward Lambert,75 Oakdale Ct. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DOUGLAS E LAMBERT Dated: March 27, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000488 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as QUICK STOP MARKET at 2269 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95973. JASVIR SINGH, MOHAN SINGH, 25 Ewing Dr. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: MOHAN SINGH Dated: April 3, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000511 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SIERRA POOLS INC at 2711 Escallonia Way, Chico, CA 95973. SIERRA POOLS INC, 1 Governors Lane, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: TYLER MORELAND Dated: April 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000567 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ANGIES POKER CLUB at 1414 Park Ave. #114 Chico, CA 95928. ANGIE KAYE HARRIS, 662 E 8th St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ANGELA HARRIS Dated: March 20, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000443 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as LITHE AND NIMBLE at 2954 Hwy 32 #600, Chico, CA 95926. WHOLE BODY FITNESS INC, 6177 Francis Lane, Orland, CA 95953. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: ASHLEY POLI Dated: April 3, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000475 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012
April 26, 2012
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BIDWELL CUSTOM IRON FENCE AND RAIL at 2700 Hegan Lane #110, Chico, CA 95928. PHIL CHARLES ALLEN, 311 Stonebridge Dr. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: PHILLIP ALLEN Dated: April 6, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000541 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name HONEY RUN QUILTERS at 1230 Esplanade, Chico, CA 905926. CARMEN G ROLFE, 2 Summer Sky Commons, Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by an individual. Signed: CARMEN G ROLFE Dated: April 5, 2012 FBN Number: 2007-0002066 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as COMPUTER MEDIC at 744 Flume St. Chico, CA 95928. ARTHUR DEROSE, 3 Dove Creek Ct. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ARTHUR DEROSE Dated: March 28, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000495 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PLATINUM SALON at 407 Walnut St. Suite C, Chico, CA 95926. ABBY COX, 2160 Zuni Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ABBY COX Dated: March 27, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000485 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MANIFEST MUSIC PRODUCTIONS LLC at 870 Lynn Lane, Chico, CA 95926. MANIFEST MUSIC PRODUCTIONS LLC, 870 Lynn Lane, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: AMANDA P HACKNEY Dated: April 4, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000526 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO BACK AND NECK PAIN CENTER at 2060 Talbert Dr. #150, Chico, CA 95928. MCCOWAN CHIROPRACTIC INC, 649 Coyote Way, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: MATT MCCOWAN, D.C. Dated: April 9, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000552 Published: April 19,26, May 3,10, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CLEAR WATER POOL at 3012 California Park Dr. Chico, CA 95928. TOM ESTRELLA, 3012 California Park Dr. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: THOMAS ESTRELLA Dated: April 20, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000613 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ECOMAX CALIFORNIA at 25 Chaparral Dr. Oroville, CA 95966. BARRY DEDITCH, 25 Chaparral Dr. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: BARRY DEDITCH Dated: April 3, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000514 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GRUB GROWN at 1525 Dayton Rd. Chico, CA 95928. SHERRI SCOTT, 1525 Dayton Rd. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: SHERRI SCOTT Dated: March 23, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000464 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as TACOS TONAYA NO 2 at 244 Walnut #C, Chico, CA 95928. MARIA G QUINTERO, RODRIGO O QUINTERO, 1372 Humboldt Ave. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: RODRIGO QUINTERO Dated: April 18, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000602 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NORTHERN CALIFORNIA SOCIAL SECURITY ADVOCATES at 341 Broadway #405, Chico, CA 95928. MARY MARGARET GALVIN, KEVIN MARK HENDREN, 318 Flume St. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: MARY GALVIN Dated: April 11, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000558 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NOVA DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, NVDS INC at 1494 Arch Way, Chico, CA 95973. NORTH VALLEY DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES INC, 1494 Arch Way, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: GARY GREEN Dated: April 16, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000584 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as JACKS FAMILY RESTAURANT at 540 Main St. Chico, CA 95928. MARTIN GARCIA, TELMA GARCIA, MTG MANAGEMENT, 5 Sterling Ct. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: TELMA GARCIA Dated: April 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000566 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as IRON HORSE STATION, IRON HORSE STATION AND STORE, IRON HORSE STORE at 3688 Durham Dayton Hwy, Chico, CA 95927. DALE OWENS FREEMAN, 1818 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: Dale Owens Freeman Dated: April 16, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000581 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as TRUNK INSURANCE SERVICES at 4061 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite H, Concord, CA 94520. ALLIED RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE SERVICES INC, 4061 Port Chicago Hwy, Suite H, Concord, CA 94520. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Dated: April 12, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000565 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BEYOND THE BARN at 2279 Nord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. LAURA MARIE HAZEL, 1785 Heron Lane, Chico, CA 95926 This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: LAURA M HAZEL Dated: April 11, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000561 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name EMPIRE COFFEE at 434 Orange St. Chico, CA 95928. ANDREW TERRELL, MEREDITH KELLEY, 454 E 8th St. Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: MEREDITH KELLEY Dated: April 23, 2012 FBN Number: 2008-0001443 Published: April 23, May 3,10,17, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as EMPIRE COFFEE at 434 Orange St. Chico, CA 95928. LINDSAY BROTHERS, 925 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: LINDSAY BROTHERS Dated: April 23, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000619 Published: April 26, May 3,10,17, 2012
NOTICES NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California self-storage facility act: (B&P code 21770 et.sec.) the undersigned will sell the contents of: KRISTEN KETTERLING, furniture, boxes, bed frames, crib, vacuum. MELANIE BEHUNIN, baby basinette, boxes, dresser, stools, kincaid print. To the highest bidder on: May 5, 2012 Beginning at 2:00pm Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 60 E Grand Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 Published: April 19,26, 2012 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California selfstorage facility act: (B&P code 21770 et.sec.) the undersigned will sell the contents of: GARY FULLER, small tool box, air mattress, dvd player, misc. tools. DAVID DRAKE, holiday decor, washer/dryer, new pool ques, xmas dish sets. MATT ROSSETTA, electric dryer, desk w/chair, telescope, misc electronics, kitchen table set. WILLIAM BUTLER, 10 speed bike, upright vacuum, small tv, full bed. To the highest bidder on: May 5th, 2012 Beginning at 1:00pm Sale to be held at: Extra Storage 3160 Olive Hwy, Oroville, CA 95966 Published: April 19,26, 2012 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California self-storage facility act (B&P code 21770 et sec) the undersigned will sell the contents of units: TIFFANY COOK, bicycle, boxes, bags. To the highest bidder on: May 5, 2012 Beginning at 12:00pm. Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 2298 Park Ave. Chico, Ca 95928. Published: April 19,26, 2012 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern: The name of the applicants are: JIMMY HUE LEE, YOUA VANG The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 1008 W Sacramento Ave. Suite H Chico, CA 95926-4391 Type of license applied for: 41 - On-Sale Beer and Wine Eating Place ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KATELYN ANNE ROSALIE URSRY filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Katelyn Anne Rosalie Ursry Proposed name: Katelyn Anne Rosalie Roark THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that
this Legal Notice continues
54 CN&R April 26, 2012
includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: May 25, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Sandra L McLean Dated: March 22, 2012 Case Number: 156322 Published: March 29, April 5,12,19, 2012
SUMMONS SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: PEGGY J ORMAN aka J ORMAN PEGGY, an individual and DOES 1-100, inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: PERSOLVE, LLC, A Limited liability company, dba, ACCOUNT RESOLUTION ASSOCIATES. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can
this Legal Notice continues
use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center
this Legal Notice continues
(, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: BUTTE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 655 Oleander Avenue, Chico, CA 95926 The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: Edit Alexandryan PERSOLVE, LLC dba Account Resolution Associates 9301 Winnetka Ave. Suite B Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818)534-3100 Dated: July 8, 2011 Signed: Kimberly Flener Case Number: 154198 Published: April 12,19,26, May 3, 2012
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ARIES (March 21-April 19):
“True life is lived when tiny changes occur,” said Leo Tolstoy. I agree. It’s rare for us to undergo rapid, dramatic transformations in short periods of time. That’s why it’s delusional to be forever pining for some big, magic intervention that will fix everything. The best way to alter our course is slowly and gradually, by conscientiously revamping our responses to the small daily details. Keep these thoughts close at hand in the coming weeks, Aries. Be a devotee of the incremental approach. Step-by-step. Hour-by-hour.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “What people
really need and demand from life is not wealth, comfort, or esteem, but games worth playing,” said psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. I love that thought, and am excited to offer it up to you right now. You have been invited or will soon be invited to participate in some of the best games ever. These are not grueling games foisted on you by people hoping to manipulate you, nor pointless games that exhaust your energy for naught. Rather, they are fun challenges that promise to stretch your intelligence, deepen your perspective, and enhance your emotional riches.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Is it conceiv-
able that you’ve gotten a bit off track? As I close my eyes and ask my higher powers for a psychic vision, I get an impression of you staring at a blurry image of a symbol that is no longer an accurate representation of your life goal. Now of course there’s a chance that my vision is completely unfounded. But if it does ring at least somewhat true to you—if it suggests a question worth asking yourself—I invite you to meditate on the possibility that you need to update your understanding of what your ultimate target looks like.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): From an
astrological point of view, it’s prime time for you to attend a networking extravaganza or collaboration spree. Likewise, this is an excellent phase in your long-term cycle to organize a gathering for the close allies who will be most important in helping you carry out your master plan during the next 12 months. Have you ever heard of the term “Temporary Autonomous Zone”? It’s a time and place where people with shared interests and common values can explore the frontiers of productive conviviality. It might be a dinner party in an inspirational setting, a boisterous ritual in a rowdy sanctuary, or a private festival for fellow seekers. I hope you make sure something like that materializes.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): To begin one of his
performances, comedian and musician Steve Martin ambled on stage and told his audience what to expect. “Before every show,” he said, “I like to do one thing that is impossible. So now I’m going to suck this piano into my lungs.” That’s the kind of brag I hope to hear coming from you sometime soon, Leo—the more outrageous the better. Why? Because I’d love to see you cultivate a looser, breezier relationship with your actual ambitions. To make boastful jokes about wacky or farfetched goals might inspire you to be jauntier and friskier about those real ones. And that would rouse a burst of fresh motivational energy.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The text for this week’s oracle comes from Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), a great American statesman who, after escaping slavery, became a leader of the abolitionist movement. “Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation,” he said, “are people who want crops without plowing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning …The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand.” Please apply these thoughts to your own situation, Virgo. You have entered the liberation phase of your cycle.
The Duke of bikes
by Rob Brezsny LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I’m about to list
story and photo by Dane Stivers
some declarations that I hope will come out of your mouth at least once in the next three weeks. If for any reason you’re not finding yourself in situations where these words would make sense for you to utter, please rearrange your life accordingly. 1. “There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now.” 2. “Is it okay with you if we take this really slow?” 3. “No one’s ever done that before.” 4. “Squeeze my hand when it feels really amazing.” 5. “It’s like we know what each other is thinking.” 6. “Can I have some more, please?”
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A political
strategist told me one of her most important rules: To win an election, you have to help your candidate choose the right fights. I think that would be an excellent guiding principle for you in the coming weeks, Scorpio. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you will be getting invitations to spar, joust, and wrangle. Although it might be exciting to leap into each and every fray with your eyes blazing, I suggest you show careful discernment. Try to confine your participation to those tangles that will downplay your weaknesses and highlight your strengths.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In
the famous children’s book The Little Prince , the hero lives on an asteroid with three volcanoes, two active and one dormant. One day he decides to leave home and travel to other realms. Before departing, he meticulously scours all three volcanoes. “If they are well cleaned out,” the narrator reports, “volcanoes burn slowly and steadily, without any eruptions.” I recommend that you take after the Little Prince, Sagittarius. It’s high time to attend to the upkeep of your volcanoes. Make sure they will burn slow and steady in the coming months, even when you’re not at home.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): One of
the classics of ancient Sanskrit literature is the Kama Sutra, which gives practical advice about erotic love. The most popular edition of the book offers instructions on eight kinds of kisses and 64 sexual positions, with additional tips on styles of embracing and caressing. This would be an excellent time for you to get inspired by information like that, Capricorn. Your relationship with the amorous arts is due for expansion and refinement. You don’t necessarily need to rely on book learning, of course. You could accomplish a lot of empirical exploration simply by getting naked and firing up your imagination.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Singer-
songwriter Tom Waits was strongly influenced by Bob Dylan’s down-to-earth album The Basement Tapes. “I like my music with the rinds and the seeds and pulp left in,” Waits testifies. “The noise and grit” of Dylan’s rootsy, intimate songs, he says, creates a mood of “joy and abandon.” That’s the spirit I wish for you in the coming weeks, Aquarius. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, get down to the gritty, organic core of things. Hunker down in the funky fundamentals. Hang out where the levels of pretension are low and the stories are fresh and raw.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You’re not
really breaking the rules, right, Pisces? It’s more like you’re just testing their elasticity; you’re helping them become more supple and flexible. I’m sure that sooner or later people will thank you for how you’re expanding the way the game is played. It may take a while, but they will eventually appreciate and capitalize on the liberties you are now introducing into the system. In the short run, though, you might have to take some heat for your tinkering and experiments. Try not to let that inhibit your eagerness to try creative risks.
Go to to check out Rob Brezsny's EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.
For the week of April 26, 2012
As students shuffled across the Chico State campus in the scorching heat, bike mechanic Duke Schimmer, a semi-professional road biker from Santa Rosa, stood coolly under the shade of a red tent just outside the Bell Memorial Union, chatting with a few of his buddies. For the past nine years the tent has served as a bicycle-repair shop known as the “bike cart,” helping cash-strapped students maintain their rides. With a vast supply of parts and wheels, Schimmer and the other mechanics set up on campus each Monday through Thursday, from 12-4 p.m., during good-weather months. Last year, the popular fix-it station opened a shop at 4th and Cherry streets to serve as an extension of the cart (open Monday-Thursday from 2-6 p.m.). Services range in price from roughly $7 to $30. Call 898-3202 for more info.
What services do you provide? We have a fairly large selection of used parts, so if something’s broken on your bike, then instead of paying full retail price for a brandnew part, come to the bike cart, and there’s a pretty good chance that we’ll have a used part that will work for you.
charge a premium price. We’re able to get people on the road and running for a lot less money.
Do you see foresee changes with the bike cart? I see future expansion. I know other campuses have a very similar program, like on-campus actual bike shops, where they not only have services, but they also sell bike accessories, sometimes even sell bikes. If you’re a student and you’re looking for a bike, you might as well come to a spot right on campus. That’s super convenient for students. It offers really good retail opportunities for the school as well.
How do people respond to your work at the bike cart?
What’s the most memorable experience you’ve had at the bike cart?
It’s been a positive response. I’ve had a lot of people come up to us when we’re working and they’ll say, “It’s so awesome for you guys to be providing this service.” And it’s so convenient for students with us right here on campus or in the shop downtown. A lot of shops, when they do really good work, they definitely
I’d say probably just the interaction at the cart … all the employees, everybody’s just super awesome; we make really good friendships at the cart. We don’t just work together, we hang out together on the weekends. It’s not just like, “Oh, these are some good dudes that I work with.”
by Anthony Peyton Porter
Cooking Editor’s note: Anthony is off this week, so check out this column from 2008. I was probably 7 or 8 when I started cooking—spaghetti. Mostly, I watched my parents cook, washing and chopping and a lot of frying, which is frowned on these days, although that could change. Every vegetable we ate when I was a child was overcooked, or that’s how I think of them now. They were all limp or mushy. Meats generally fared much better. That’s probably why I’m an omnivore. My father, Pete, didn’t cook often, and when he did it was a special occasion, at least to me. He cooked only a few things, pretty much like I do now. I’m not a generalist. Chili, meatless and meatful. Oysters, fried and raw. Porterhouse and T-bone. Chitterlings. Gumbo with shrimp and chicken and okra, yes, okra. Beef roast. Mmmm, flesh! Friday was a special day, and not just because of the weekend. Eckie, my mother, was a kind of closet Roman Catholic, and we observed meatless Fridays. Her mother was Catholic, and I think Eckie liked the pomp and glitter. Eckie’s Catholicism was furtive because she’d been divorced, and she settled for being an Episcopalian instead. Our church had lots of brass and hardwood pews, so she didn’t miss much. Fried fish was the standard fare at Friday dinners.
I was allergic to fish and couldn’t even be around when it was frying, so I’d try not to be there when we were commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion. In about the fifth grade I had a class called “home mechanics”—sewing and cooking. My class, and probably all of the others, too, made an apron, a potholder, macaroni-and-cheese and raisin oatmeal cookies, still my cookie benchmark. Actually raisin oatmeal cookies are the only cookies I make. I’ve tried oatmeal raisin cookies, but only briefly. I like to cook for parties, because I like big pots of stuff—chili, beans, curry, soups, stews. Parties are helpful with my big pots of food, because I find that much of what I like to eat my family is indifferent to or, in the case of my sons, openly scornful of. Pete cooked for himself, too, and sometimes for him and me. Seven or eight years ago, I went through a greencurry phase. A head or two of garlic, onions, coconut milk. Add prawns, crawfish, or other creatures to taste. I ate that several times a week for months. Other than the occasional ungulate, I mostly do curries and now and then a veggie chili for my meatless spouse. I tend to make a batch of red Thai curry on Sunday afternoon and then nuke it for lunch during the week. That’s often how I eat. I find something I love and then eat it until I get tired of it. Sometimes that takes a long time. Back in the day, and sometimes at night, I’d cook for a woman. I still do, and not just in one pot, either.
April 26, 2012
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