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The lessons learned locally from FDR’s response to the Great Depression BY KEN SMITH Chico’s News & Entertainment Weekly

Volume 35, Issue 40


Thursday, May 31, 2012

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2 CN&R May 31, 2012



Vol. 35, Issue 40 • May 31, 2012




James S. Nagel, MD

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From This Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Would you go to a Chiropractor for heart surgery?

NEWSLINES Downstroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

GREENWAYS EarthWatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 UnCommon Sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The GreenHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

HEALTHLINES The Pulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13




ARTS & CULTURE Music Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 In The Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35





BACKSTOP From The Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Fifteen Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ON THE COVER: ILLUSTRATION BY JOHN W. TOMAC ART DIRECTION BY TINA FLYNN

Our Mission To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Robert Speer Managing Editor Melissa Daugherty Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Calendar/Special Projects Editor Howard Hardee News Editor Tom Gascoyne Greenways/Healthlines Editor Christine G.K. LaPado Staff Writer Ken Smith Contributors Catherine Beeghly, Craig Blamer, Alastair Bland, Henri Bourride, Rachel Bush, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Kyle Delmar, Meredith J. Graham, Jovan Johnson, J. Jay Jones, Miles Jordan, Leslie Layton, Mark Lore, Sean Murphy, Mazi Noble, Jaime O’Neill, Anthony Peyton Porter, Shannon Rooney, Claire Hutkins Seda, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Willow Sharkey, Alan Sheckter, Matt Siracusa, Scott Szuggar, Karl Travis, Evan Tuchinsky Interns Kyle Emery, Dane Stivers Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandra Peters Design Manager Kate Murphy Design Melissa Arendt, Brennan Collins, Priscilla Garcia, Mary Key, Marianne Mancina, Skyler Smith

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May 31, 2012

CN&R 3

Send guest comments, 400 words maximum, to gc@ newsreview.com, or to 353 E. 2nd St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.

Antics and ignorance Let’s take another look at the District 1 race to replace Wally

Fruits of the same tree Tin advance of November’s presidential election, and it’s clear that a lot of America will have to stand up and make

he ideological battle lines are beginning to form

choices as never before. In the early ’60s, the battleground was civil rights. One of the key issues in November 2012 will most likely be gay rights, and those at the center of the earlier civil-rights struggle are facing tough choices. The civil-rights movement was, at its core, a function of Southern black churches and Northern white churches. Of the Mississippi Three, only James by Chaney was black and from the South. Ronald Angle Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were white, Jewish and from New The author is retired York. Statistically, that one of those three and currently was gay is a possibility. Regardless, they coordinates Soup On all died together in the name of civil Sundays, a program rights, murdered by the Ku Klux Klan in that helps feed the summer of 1964. Chico’s homeless. The opponents of Barack Obama are now pushing very hard at Christians to renounce the president for his recent endorsement of gay marriage. In the coming months, much of that effort will be directed at black churches in the South, the same churches that gave impetus to a voter-rights drive initially predicted to fail. 4 CN&R May 31, 2012

The challenge from the president’s opponents is clear: They claim that the Bible condemns any marriage that is not between a man and a woman. In other words, if you support the Bible, you cannot support the re-election of the president. Either/or. In this debate, there will be no shades of gray. The battleground will include the pulpits of the Catholic Church, evangelical congregations in the Midwest, and Baptist churches in the South. Blacks and Hispanics will be asked to ignore the advances of the many civil-, social-, and worker-rights movements that brought both segments into the mainstream of today’s society. Faith leaders will be called upon to offer great pronouncements, most often via mass media. Billy Graham, the aging dean of everything evangelical, has even been brought up to the plate, issuing a statement in support of North Carolina’s anti-gay-marriage referendum that won easily. For some of us, civil rights, human rights and gay rights are fruits of the same tree of human dignity. The real issue of this year’s election may become: Are some people more deserving of rights than others? It reminds me of the comment in George Orwell’s Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Ω

Herger in Congress. On the Republican side, you’ve got Herger’s anointed successor, state Sen. Doug LaMalfa, who is being challenged primarily by a former state senator, Sam Aanestad. You would think that two such supposedly distinguished gentlemen would present themselves as responsible, thoughtful individuals worthy of representing us in Washington, but so far they’ve managed to embarrass themselves more than anything else. It began with LaMalfa’s posting a phony website that attempted to slur Aanestad but came off looking silly instead. The thing was so poorly constructed and so over the top it was a joke. What was LaMalfa thinking? He blames it on a staffer and says he didn’t know about it, a dubious assertion at best. But if it’s true, what does that say about his leadership skills? Then there’s Aanestad, who has stated on several occasions that he believes President Obama is a Muslim. Obama was raised Muslim, his background is Muslim, his father was a Muslim, Aanestad insists. This reveals a level of ignorance that by itself disqualifies him from being elected. It’s well established that Obama was reared by his mother and grandparents, white Christians from Kansas, and that he saw his Kenyan Muslim-turned-atheist father only briefly and never after the age of 2. One of two things is true: Either Aanestad is abysmally ignorant, or he knows Obama is a Christian but also knows that anti-Islam sentiment runs high in his district and chooses to garner favor by tarnishing the president. It’s hard to know which is worse. Either way, he’s lost our respect. Voters have choices. There are six other candidates in the race. We believe Jim Reed, the Fall River Mills attorney who challenged Herger in 2010, would serve the district well. He’s a moderate Democrat in the tradition of Harold T. “Bizz” Johnson, who held the seat from 1958 to 1981 and brought lots of federal money into the district to build roads, water systems and sewer facilities. Reed has run a faultless and responsible campaign, one devoid of the antics coming from the LaMalfa camp and the embarrassing ignorance of Aanestad. He’s worthy of your support. Ω

Don’t forget to vote The Butte County Elections Office recently issued a press

release noting that, of approximately 67,000 vote-by-mail ballots sent out for the June 5 election, as of May 24 only about 14,000, or 21 percent, had been returned. That’s not good. Granted, this isn’t the most exciting election of the century. But the race for the District 1 seat in Congress is perversely captivating (see above), and it’s also hugely important because of the likelihood that whoever wins will be nearly impossible to dislodge down the road. And the two statewide ballot measures and the local Measure A are also important contests. For those reasons, and because voting is the most important way each of us sustains our democracy, we urge our readers to vote. Here are the CN&R’s recommendations: United States Senate: Dianne Feinstein United States representative, District 1: Jim Reed United States representative, District 3: John Garamendi State Assembly, District 3: Charles Rouse State Assembly, District 1: Robert Meacher Proposition 28: Yes Proposition 29: Yes Measure A: No Supervisor, District 1: Bill Connelly Supervisor, District 5: Robin Huffman

FROM THIS CORNER by Robert Speer roberts@newsreview.com

Let’s talk about it The planet is heating up. Do we want to talk about it? Most people don’t, it seems. They’d rather ignore it, as if it will then go away. I understand how they feel. I feel the same way sometimes. If it weren’t for my job, I probably wouldn’t think about global warming as much as I do. But every day I receive reports in my inbox reminding me that it’s real—and getting worse. This week I received an article on a report released toward the end of international climate talks held in Bonn, Germany. It revealed that the planet is heading to a temperature rise of 3.5 degrees Celsius, and likely more, by the end of this century, despite an international agreement to keep the increase to two degrees. A 3.5-degree increase may not seem like much, but it would create conditions not seen on the planet for millions of years. We’ve gotten glimpses of what those conditions might be like with the extreme weather events— especially droughts—we’ve experienced lately. The pledges countries have made to reduce carbon emissions have been inadequate. Worse, the countries haven’t fulfilled their pledges, and at Bonn they failed to reach agreement on further pledges. It’s not as if we don’t know what to do. “It’s clear we have the technology, know-how, and ability to meet this challenge, but we’re missing the political will,” Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told a reporter for Inter Press Service. Too many entities are thinking “me” instead of “we.” That lack of will is playing out in the debate over Canadian tar sands. As James Hansen, the NASA scientist who since 1988 has been warning about global warming, pointed out recently in The New York Times, “Canada’s tar sands … contain twice the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by global oil use in our entire history.” If we were to add to global carbon-dioxide production by burning this stuff, he writes, “eventually … the level of heat-trapping gases would assure that the disintegration of the ice sheets would accelerate out of control. Sea levels would rise and destroy coastal cities. Global temperatures would become intolerable. … Civilization would be at risk.” Near-term, he says, “things will be bad enough. Over the next several decades, the Western United States and the semi-arid region from North Dakota to Texas will develop semi-permanent drought. … More and more of the Midwest would be a dust bowl. California’s Central Valley could no longer be irrigated. Food prices would rise to unprecedented levels.” Hansen proposes a remedy: impose a gradually rising carbon fee collected from fossil-fuel companies, then distribute the money to all Americans on a per-capita basis each month. This would increase the cost of oil but also dramatically reduce its use, unlike the current subsidies that encourage more extraction through mountaintop removal, tar sands, hydraulic fracturing and deep-ocean and Arctic drilling. We can’t ignore global warming. The only way we’re going to turn it around is by putting pressure on our political leaders. We owe it to the future to do so.

Robert Speer is editor of the CN&R.

Send email to chicoletters @ newsreview.com

Get your terms right Re “Telemedicine Abortions No More” (Pulse, May 17): The writer of this article made a significant error mislabeling RU486 as the “morning after pill.” This is a common mistake and one that confuses many. The “morning-after pill” is a term for emergency contraception. There are many forms of emergency contraception, one of the most commonly used being Plan B. It is high-dose progesterone that will prevent or delay ovulation after an episode of unprotected intercourse. It does not harm a pregnancy that has already occurred. RU486, the “abortion pill,” is a progesterone blocker that can be used up to 49 days gestation. It allows women the option of terminating a pregnancy without surgical intervention. Confusing these two terms leads to fewer women seeking emergency contraception due to fear that they are seeking an abortion. It is important that those responsible for reporting this information in the media take care in using the proper terminology so as not to confuse the public further.

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Editor’s note: Ms. Sanchez is correct. Our source, the Capitol newspaper The Hill, had it wrong. 510 Esplanade • 342–7661

Measure A: two views Re “Taking the measure of Measure A” (Election cover story, by Melissa Daugherty, May 24): The California Supreme Court has ruled that cities and counties have the right to regulate the amount [of medical marijuana] that can be grown. If you heard about the destruction people testified about at the hearings for the ordinances, you would say the supervisors did the right thing. If there are places that some feel are unfair and have a legitimate complaint, they have the right to go to the supervisors, just like the people who asked for help getting these ordinances did. It took a long time and a lot of hearings, and all were given plenty of time to have their say. There was testimony by elderly citizens who were threatened and families who had to walk away from there homes in fear. Familiess who live in small rural housing can no longer use their back yards and have plastic over every window from the sprays and smell of skunk so strong from next door it makes the whole family feel sick.

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Measure A pushes aside the Fourth and Fifth amendments to the Constitution by mandating that medical-marijuana growers must register and invite law officers to search their property without warrant. Imagine having to voluntarily open your medicine cabinet or home to scrutiny for expired prescription pills or other irregularities. Anyone with a half-acre or less shall not LETTERS continued on page 6

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continued from page 5

grow even a single plant, indoors or out. Those folks will likely shift to foothills acreage and commercial sellers. Taxpayers will suffer the cost of expensive, unnecessary prosecutions, incarcerations and more traffic and dust in foothill communities. Measure A is an affront to doctor/patient confidentiality. It requires patients disclose their personal medical recommendation to local government. Imagine filing your prescriptions. God said “I have given you all vegetation bearing seed which is on the surface of the earth.” Still, marijuana is opposed by many. Influential interests, such as the pharmaceutical industry, are loath to compete with Mother Nature and oppose the acceptance of any garden-grown remedies. It threatens alcohol industry profits. A recent, major traffic study of three medical-marijuana states found, to the researcher’s surprise, that people drink less alcohol when marijuana is acceptable and available. As a direct consequence traffic fatalities dropped by nearly 9 percent in those states following their legalization of medical marijuana. It could be speculated that other social ills linked to alcohol might also diminish. JIM STANWOOD Forest Ranch

Two for Reed Re “Eight is enough” (Election cover story, by Tom Gascoyne, May 24): I watched the congressional candidates’ debate May 7 at Chico’s City Council chambers. The only adult on that stage, thinking and speaking clearly and on point, was Jim Reed. I don’t want to waste words on the others beyond saying that they spouted the party line, sticking to motherhood and apple pie. Jim Reed impressed me with his independent, reasonable and moderate thinking: He wants to save Social Security and Medicare as we know them instead of privatizing them, he wants to fix the tax code in order to fairly fund our government, he wants to support banking regulations that will prevent the obscene gambling and profit-taking that are so clearly damaging the world economy, and he wants to promote spending cuts that make sense. Among all the others on the podium prattling about a strong defense, Jim Reed was the only one who zeroed in on the elephant in the room: Our military exploits its enlisted men and women, rewarding them with low wages

and inadequate support when their multiple tours of duty are done, while paying huge sums to armies of contractors whose main allegiance is to money. Jim Reed courageously pointed out that contractors are not the same as soldiers. They need to be taken out of the defense equation. He’s also the only one that stated that he believes in human-related climate change. The others didn’t know or wouldn’t say. I hope you will join me in voting for Jim Reed. MARIA PHILLIPS Chico

The banks have received $16 trillion in near zero-interest loans from the Federal Reserve and used this money for such things as funding credit cards charging 30 percent interest or more as well as speculating in oil and commodities futures, driving up the price of food and gas. The largest American bank, Bank of America, notoriously paid no taxes on profits of over $4 billion last year. You probably paid more even if you were receiving unemployment checks. Even one of the presidential candidates admitted to paying a lower tax rate on his multimillion-dollar income than the average American paid on very much less. We have an opportunity to vote in a candidate for Congress in the upcoming elections whose No. 1 item on his agenda includes addressing this inequity. Jim Reed is concerned about creating fairness for the middle class and reining in the gambling on Wall Street that still threatens our economy, as well as working to get our government working for us again. Join me on June 5 in starting to regain our democracy by voting for Jim Reed. FRANK TORIELLO Montague

Rabble Rouser Re “The CN& R recommends…” (Editorial, May 24): The CN&R does it again, endorsing candidates for the average working person. Thank you! Especially in the Assembly District 3 race, if Dems don’t mail in their VBMs [vote-by-mail ballots] or go to the polls, we’ll have two conservatives [in the November general election]. They won’t get anywhere in Sacramento because they’ll be aligned with the Party of No! Charles Rouse and his volunteers will have walked over 5,000 households in the six counties by Election Day, talking about his support for jobs, our teachers, firefighters and police. His wife, Angelica Zavala Rouse, is calling Hispanic households in the district.

Now that’s true grassroots politickin’, where the voters can see and express their feelings to the candidate. Let’s get out and vote and elect a common citizen to the Assembly in Sacramento on June 5. FRANK D. TREADWAY Redding

Missed translation Re “He didn’t say that” (Letters, May 3): Reader Charles Withuhn wrote about the well-known quote in which Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly said that Iran seeks to “wipe Israel off the face of the map.” Mr. Withuhn notes that in an interview with Al Jazeera, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor “admitted Ahmadinejad has been misquoted.” In context, the Meridor statement is hardly exculpatory. Rather, he said that even without the map comment, elimination of Israel is Iranian government policy. Here is his statement, in answer to a question about Ahmadinejad’s being misquoted: “You speak of Ahmadinejad. I speak of Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, Rafsanjani, Shamkhani. I give the names of all these people. They all come, basically ideologically, religiously, with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn’t say, ‘We’ll wipe it out,’ you’re right. But ‘It will not survive; it is a cancerous tumor that should be removed,’ was said just two weeks ago again.” More to the point, I found the “off the map” statement myself on Ahmadinejad’s English-language website. Readers can also find it at www.president.ir/en/10114/printable. It’s a news release that reads as follows: “O dear Imam [Khomeini]! You said the Zionist regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map. I should say that your illuminating remark and cause is going to come true today. … The Zionist regime faces a complete dead end, and under God’s grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map.”—President Ahmadinejad. Again, this is from Ahmadinejad’s own website, so there is no danger of mistranslation here. DENNIS MYERS Reno More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. Please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past CN&R articles.


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Yeah, definitely. We need one to help kick-start the economy, something that needs to stay current with the times. Nothing lasts forever. It’s time to try something new.


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I think we need a totally new look at the way government works in this country, and it involves more than just a New Deal. Now the problems that we have are much different. We need to pay more attention to things on our home land that are more important, and give less focus on things abroad that drain our resources, like trying to build a democracy in Iraq.


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Absolutely. There’s a lot of the population that the government isn’t really representing. I’m a student right now, and the financial hardship is really real for me. We need policies that keep all of our well-being in mind.

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I don’t know about that, but we definitely need to kick-start the economy, and Obama needs to use his veto power more often. He says he’ll be against something but then doesn’t use his veto power when he should. … If he doesn’t use his veto power then he’s basically just being a puppet.


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May 31, 2012

CN&R 7


Will Chico viewers watch a TV newscast originating in Sacramento? The folks at KCVU FOX20 believe they will and have begun simulcasting morning and evening news programs from KTXL FOX40, the FOX-affiliated station serving Sacramento, Stockton and Modesto. “We’ve always covered significant news and weather in the Chico-Redding region,” Brandon Mercer, KTXL’s news director, said in a press release. “Now we have an opportunity to broadcast directly to those communities.” The shows are scheduled for 7-8 a.m. weekdays and 5:30 p.m. every day. How this jibes with the reported but still unofficial sale of KCVU to the company that owns KRCR Channel 7 in Redding is unclear. Eight years ago KRCR and KCVU teamed up in a joint news production, but the experiment ended in June 2005, after 15 months.


Memorial Day weekend was a busy one for crime in Butte County, as the Chico Police Department responded to three stabbings and multiple agencies cooperated to make 18 DUI arrests. On Friday, May 26, Oroville resident Jess Geiger was allegedly stabbed in the upper back by Jeffrey Goodwin, a homeless man, on the 2300 block of Fair Street, according to a CPD press release. Geiger’s wound was non-lethal. At 7:27 p.m. on Memorial Day, an 18-yearold woman was stabbed in a home in the 1600 block of East Avenue following a fight with a 19-year-old woman. About an hour later, police arrived at West Third and Broadway streets, where a 33-year-old man was stabbed by one of two 15-year-olds sought in the investigation—a boy and girl. Both victims were taken to Enloe Medical Center for non-life-threatening wounds.


Last Thursday (May 24), Rep. Wally Herger (pictured) hosted a trade-agreement forum at the Chico Elks Lodge. The featured speakers included Ambassador Islam Siddiqui, the chief agricultural negotiator at the office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and Eric Sohn, who works for the U.S. Department of Commerce. The forum was designed to bring attention to trade opportunities for Northern California businesses, based on new trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. Sohn explained that the event concerned free-trade agreements among countries that lower tariffs and other trade barriers, making trade easier. Sohn, who was born in Korea and now lives in Washington, D.C., spent a few nights in Chico and said he was impressed by the town, adding, “I did get the opportunity to stop by the [Sierra Nevada] Brewery, and it was just fantastic!”

8 CN&R May 31, 2012

Ode to Ed Chico’s iconic bicycling advocate dies after a short illness

Ncling advocate Ed McLaughlin last Thursday (May 24) affected a good portion of the ews of the death of longtime bicy-

Chico community, including bicyclists, business owners and city leaders. The 67year-old McLaughlin, who’d been confined to a wheelchair by Tom Gascoyne following a bicycle accident in Bidwell Park, died in his north tomg@ Chico home about a week after newsreview.com becoming ill. He had been admitted to Enloe Medical Center on the previous Monday, but the cause of his illness could not be determined, said his partner, Suzanne Hanson. She said because of wishes he’d expressed in conversations he’d had over the years with her and his family and friends he was brought home on Wednesday. “We all know he hates being in the hospital and [wants to be] free from the paralysis that has afflicted him for four and a half years,” Hanson told friends via an electronic posting. He died early the next morning. In December 2007 McLaughlin was injured in bicycle accident in Bidwell Park that left him a quadriplegic. The organizer of city’s annual Wildflower Century Ride and executive director of the Chico Velo Cycling Club, McLaughlin was in excellent physical condition when, while riding with a group of cyclists along Bidwell Park’s Peterson Memorial Way, he was forced into a traffic bollard, an orange-and-white pole meant to control vehicle traffic. The bike’s front forks snapped, and he was thrown head first to the pavement, suffering an upper-spine injury. McLaughlin needed 24-hour home nursing care from that time on. Though he gave away all of his bikes when he realized he would never ride again, his support of cycling never waned. Just last month, during an interview in his home, he described the devastation he felt as reality dawned on him following the accident. “The first thing you want to do,” he said, “and this is apparently a common reaction for those who’ve become quadriplegic, is kill yourself. But you can’t because you don’t have the motor skills to do so.” Somehow McLaughlin came to grips

with his condition and returned to the public life for which he was known during his 35 years in

Ed McLaughlin (left) riding with heavy traffic at East Avenue and The Esplanade in 2004 and above in a photo taken last month. CN&R FILE PHOTOS

Chico, serving on the board of directors of Chico Velo. Before the accident he’d chaired the city’s Bicycle Advisory Committee, sat on the Citizens Advisory Committee for the Butte County Association of Governments, been a member of both the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals and the California Bicycle Association, and been director of Chico Velo, which sponsors a number of annual bicycle events to promote tourism. He had also served as vice president of the Chico chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, chaired the citizens’ committee for the Bidwell Park Master Plan and been a board member for both ARC and the Family Services Association. McLaughlin was born in East Orange, N.J., in 1944 and went to high school in neighboring Bloomfield, N.J., where he was, as he put it, a “terrible student.” He joined the Army out of high school and three years later was honorably discharged. He moved to California soon afterward. “California was the future,” he told this paper in an interview a few years back. “When we moved to Bloomfield from East Orange, I noticed the people there were moving to California—the people we bought our house from, the next-door neighbors. There was that whole California image of beaches, cars, bikinis and the Beach Boys.” McLaughlin wound up in Santa Barbara because that was where his car broke down while driving from Los Angeles to San Francisco. He enrolled in Santa Barbara City Col-

lege and took general-education classes. The GI Bill enabled him to attend school, but he also worked at the local post office to make ends meet. He saved money and a few years later moved to Arcata to attend Humboldt State. In 1976 he got a job offer in Chico to work for the Social Security Administration. He worked for Social Security until 1983 and in ’84 took a job at the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. before joining Chico Velo in 1986. “When I moved here I needed to improve my life health issues,” he said in an interview last month. “My doc told me to clean up my act and get some exercise. So I came over here and started biking.” He twice ran for Chico City Council, first in 1997 in a special election to fill the seat of Ted Hubert, who’d died in office, and again in 1998, falling short in both attempts. There was a gathering of his

friends at Caffé Malvina the day after McLaughlin died. They discussed, among other things, the irony of his demise—while riding a bicycle. Russell Mills, a Chico State professor and member of the city’s bicycle committee, said McLaughlin showed a steady improvement over the years. “At the last Velo board meeting, which was just two or three weeks ago, he was just like old Ed,” Mills said. “Well, old Ed in a wheelchair. But as far as his mind and his interest and his advocacy, it was all still there.” Mills said he and his wife named their youngest son Ed, in honor of McLaughlin.

Into the light


Critics of outgoing CSU chancellor say the hiring process should be transparent Contentious from the beginning. That’s how Lillian Taiz describes the tenure of Charles B. Reed, chancellor of the California State University system, who recently announced he’s retiring from his post as the head of the largest public university system in the nation. Taiz, a historian and CSU professor who has been the president of the California Faculty Association for the past five years, was reflecting on Reed’s 14 years leading the system. She thought back to his appointment by the CSU Board of Trustees in 1997, after a selection process that took place behind closed doors. “I think sort of parachuting someone in … without an open process got him off on the wrong foot,” she said on Tuesday by phone from the Los Angeles area. “He seemed ready for combat from the moment he walked in the door.” And, she added, that initial impression carried on throughout Reed’s career, which she said has been punctuated by combat with faculty, students and others. Then, speaking as college educators do, Taiz, a Cal State Los Angeles professor who’s worked at the CSU for 24 years, noted that there’s a lesson to be learned. She and other members of the union are now calling upon of the Board of Trustees to adopt a new hiring method. “We’re hoping for an open, inclusive process on the front end that will help avoid these problems,” Taiz said.

But getting the transparency the

union is seeking will not be an easy sell with the board. Trustee Bob Linscheid, a Chico State graduate and local businessman, called the CFA’s proposal an “unrealistic expectation.” That’s because the trustees will be seeking highly qualified individuals who have a lot to lose should it become public knowledge that they are candidates, he said. “We don’t want to jeopardize people’s careers,” said Linscheid, who is the chairman of the Board of Trustees. That said, he noted that the board comprises a range of members, including student, faculty and alumni trustees. Linscheid is the latter; he was appointed to the board by the CSU Statewide Alumni Council in 2005. In February, he was promoted from vice-chairman to chairman of the board, following the departure of former Chairman Herb Carter, whose reappointment to the panel by Gov. Jerry Brown was blocked by Senate Republicans. (Carter’s ouster followed the board’s controversial decision to increase the salary of the newly hired San Diego State president on the same day it raised tuition.) Linscheid is serving out the remainder of Carter’s term, and will take up his own one-year appointment in July.

SIFT|ER Term limits tweak favored, but cigarette tax not as much Two weeks before the June 5 primary, support for a measure to alter legislative term limits remains strong, while support for a measure adding a $1 tax on every package of cigarettes has declined. A Public Policy Institute of California poll shows that nearly two-thirds of voters favor Proposition 28, the term limits initiative. Proposition 29 is supported by 53 percent of voters, but that’s down from 67 percent in March, following heavy advertising by the tobacco industry.


Percent likely voters

“I owe Ed a lot. I worked with him when I was on the park commission. He would always say what was on his mind and piss off a lot of people. But he was always right. I would never speak up like that, but I always appreciated when Ed did.” Mayor Ann Schwab, a longtime friend of McLaughlin’s, recalled his philosophical nature. “One of the things he would say was that you need to take some time and look at your life and decide if your routine, your career, your life is in a rut or a groove. If everything is great it’s in a groove. But if it’s in a rut, then you need to make some changes. I think that life in a wheelchair for Ed was a real rut. He tried to make the best of it, but it wasn’t the Ed that he knew and that we knew.” She gave him credit for helping her arrive at where she is today. “He knew his stuff,” she said. “He helped put Chico on the map. He was a guy’s guy and a lady’s man.” Longtime political activist Kelly Meagher said McLaughlin helped change this city for the better. “What he did and what he’s done was inspire not one generation but generations of folks that know Chico today as bike city USA,” Meagher said. “We are all very lucky that his wheels touched our ground.” Former Chico City Councilman David Guzzetti noted McLaughlin’s wicked sense of humor. “He put me in charge of all of the catering for the Wildflower event almost 20 years ago. He was the easiest man to do business with. When I’d come over because I needed a check, he would put his hand over his crotch, grip it and say, ‘I got your check right here, Guzzetti.’ That was beautiful.” Steve O’Bryan, owner of Pullins Cyclery, mentioned McLaughlin’s approach to politics. “He encouraged people to get into decision-making positions and then just grease the skids for the bike riders. Chico Velo, under Ed’s direction, pretty much got someone on every board and every commission there was.” Former Vice Mayor Tom Nickell said McLaughlin offered him advice when he ran for and later served on the council. “He was up front,” Nickell said. “He would tell you if you were messing up. He was very honest, very truthful. You knew where he was at all times. He was a stand-up guy.” Sal Corona, owner of Caffé Malvina, smiled and shook his head when asked about McLaughlin. “Ed was one of my first customers at the old Malvina. The first time I met him we got into an argument about making cappuccinos, and ever then since he gave me shit.” Corona stopped for a moment as if lost in reverie. Then realty crashed back into the present. “I gotta go to the kitchen and cook.” And he walked away. Ω

CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed will leave his post of 14 years after his successor is appointed.

Vote on Prop. 28 Legislative Term Limits 68

Vote on Prop. 29 Cigarette Tax Increase Yes




50 24 0




No 42


Meanwhile, less than a week after Reed’s announcement last Thursday (May 24), he said the trustees already are receiving voluminous emails from the public about the qualities they want to see in a new chancellor. “We’re open to getting the best person for the job, committed to having each section of CSU family have a voice, and deeply committed to replacing Charlie Reed with a capable chancellor to lead us into the next phase of the CSU,” Linscheid said Tuesday afternoon. That person will be taking on a tough job, as the stability of the already financially strapped system depends on Gov. Brown’s proposed tax initiative. The CSU stands to lose $250 million in the coming year should the measure fail. That’s on top of a $750 million cut during the current fiscal year. As of now, Linscheid has appointed veteran Trustee Bill Hauck as chairman of a search committee. In the coming weeks he’ll fill the panel with other trustees. The hope is to choose Reed’s successor by fall, said CSU spokeswoman Claudia Keith. The chancellor will stay on during that time. Commenting by email while out of town, Chico State President Paul Zingg said he thinks the process will indeed include broad solicitation of viewpoints, which he believes Linscheid will bring to the attention of the search committee. According to an Oct. 7, 1997, article

in the Los Angeles Times, Reed was chosen by a unanimous vote of the Board of Trustees during a closed-door meeting. He came to the CSU from the State University System of Florida, where he served as chancellor, after a nationwide search, though none of the other top candidates was ever revealed. In an Oct. 12, 2007, editorial in the Times, Reed was heralded as “a promising new leader” who had successfully dealt with declining expenditures during a time of growing enrollment. However, it noted he had “earned a reputation for working to prevent faculty disagreements from surfacing publicly.” The piece called on him to “engage in more open dialogue with the faculty.” Based on Taiz’s experience, Reed didn’t heed the newspaper’s advice. She described the chancellor as a “his way or the highway” leader who lacked a cooperative spirit. Suffice it to say, she found him a challenge to work with. “He has a lot of folks who find him charming, but there also are those who find him thin-skinned and abrasive,” she said. For her part, Taiz is looking forward to the potential of a renewed vision in the coming years. “It’s an opportunity, an amazing opportunity to begin fresh and to take on a serious challenge, and stand together in a way we haven’t been able to in over a decade.” —MELISSA DAUGHERTY melissad@newsreview.com


Source: Public Policy Institute of California

May NEWSLINES continued on page 10 May 31, 2012

CN&R 9

YOU ARE INVITED TO APPLY to become a member of the City of Oroville Planning Commission Members of the Oroville Planning Commission are volunteers appointed by the City Council. Applicants must reside within the Oroville City Limits. The Oroville Planning Commission considers development applications such as use permits, variances, and tentative parcel maps. The Commission makes recommendations to the City Council on other development applications such as rezones, general plan amendments, tentative subdivision maps, etc., and other planning and zoning issues that affect how the community grows. The Commission conducts one evening meeting per month to review planning issues in depth, and to review and take action on development applications and changes to Oroville’s development-related regulations. All applications must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than June 11, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in applying, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityoforoville.org, or (530) 538-2535 for an application, or visit City Hall, 1735 Montgomery Street, Oroville. The successful candidates will be required to complete and file a Statement of Economic Interest – Form 700.



YOU aRE INVITED TO appLY to become a member of the City of Oroville park Commission Members of the Oroville Park Commission are volunteers appointed by the City Council residing within the Oroville City Limits. The Commission conducts one evening meeting per month to review and take action on matters pertaining to the Oroville Parks & Trees Department which includes Oroville area parks, city street trees and city museums. All applications must be received by the City Clerk’s Office no later than June 11, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. If you are interested in applying, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityoforoville.org, or (530) 538-2535 for an application, or visit City Hall, 1735 Montgomery Street, Oroville. The successful candidate will be required to complete and file a Statement of Economic Interest – Form 700.



continued from page 9

Park preservation Ide Adobe State Historic Park gets a shot in the arm

Chico isn’t the only North State city fighting to keep a state park open. Red Bluff residents are mounting a similar effort to keep their William Ide Adobe State Historic Park open in the face of a scheduled July 1 closure. Last week they got a boost when the California State Parks Foundation (CSPF), a statewide nonprofit, distributed more than $325,000 in grants to nonprofit organizations fighting to keep open 13 state parks, including Red Bluff’s. The Ide Adobe Interpretive Association will receive $20,000 from the fund if it can successfully negotiate a plan with the California Department of Parks and Recreation to keep the park operable. “The grant is a huge boost and puts us about halfway to our goal, but we’re getting down to the wire,” said Judy Fessenden, president of the IAIA. Fessenden said the nonprofit needs an estimated $72,000 annually to supplement state funds to keep the facility operating in its current capacity. Ide Adobe is open Fridays through Sundays and has only one state employee. The IAIA employs a park host to help run the park, which was once an important waypoint for settlers crossing or traveling by boat on the Sacramento River on land owned by William Ide, a pioneer who led the Bear Flag Revolt of 1846. Fessenden said her organization’s main goal is to keep the site’s interpretive programs in place, explaining that fourthgraders from Tehama and nearby counties make annual field trips to the park and participate in an immersive educational program. “They cook their own lunch,

learn skills, and get to experience a little bit of how pioneers really lived,” she said. High-school-age docents also participate in the program, as do costumed volunteers. Fessenden said the IAIA’s other goal is ensuring that three large annual events—Adobe Days, a Pioneer Christmas Party and a horseshoe tournament—continue. Beyond that, she would like to see park hours expand and secure more employees. “Every little bit helps, but we’ve still got a long way to go,” Fessenden said. To raise funds, they are selling park memberships and sponsorships ranging from $10 to $500. Fessenden said they hope to raise enough in the next month to negotiate an extension until Adobe Days in August, which she said will be an extra large event with a focus on fundraising. On May 22, another North

State nonprofit fighting for a state park—The Weaverville Joss House Association—celebrated the signing of an agreement to keep the Joss House, a Gold Rush-era Chinese temple, from closing. The WJHA was charged with raising a minimum of $47,000 to stop the shuttering of the Trinity County landmark. “This is only the first hurdle,” said WJHA Chairwoman Paula Masterson in a press release, “but we’ve got great momentum.” In Chico, the Bidwell Mansion Community Project met a $100,000 April 1 goal to keep Bidwell Mansion State Historic Park open, and similar efforts have been undertaken by other organizations across the state. “We’re watching what other organizations are doing and in communication with other parks in our district like Shasta State Historic Park [west of Redding] and the Joss House,” Fessenden said.

Recent research shows William B. Ide didn’t build the adobe house the State Historic Park is named for, but did own the land. PHOTO COURTESY OF FRIENDS OF WILLIAM IDE ADOBE STATE PARK

“But for all of these sites, it really comes down to getting support from the surrounding communities that they serve. We’re all pulling for each other, but our primary concern is what we can make happen here in Red Bluff.” Another North State site benefiting from the CSPF grants is Castle Crags State Park, which received $30,000. The beneficiary of these funds was Innovations Housing, a Redding-based nonprofit that provides low-income, sustainable housing in Shasta County and Africa. The organization is also involved in the effort to save Shasta State Historic Park. The 130,000-member-strong CSPF describes itself as “the only statewide independent nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, enhancing and advocating for California’s magnificent state parks.” Since 1969, CSPF has raised more than $186 million to benefit the state’s 279 state parks. A Placerville woman, Lucy D’Mot, is doing her personal part to save the 70 parks facing closure. Last 4th of July, she decided to visit each and blog about it in an effort to raise awareness and appreciation. As of Tuesday, May 29, she has visited 45 of them. D’Mot’s blog includes detailed descriptions of each site, peppered with personal observations and her own input on issues surrounding the closures, including the importance of historic and environmental preservation and proposed privatization of some sites. Whenever possible, she speaks to park employees and volunteers about efforts to save each park. Her blog at statepark closurestrip.blogspot.com includes visits to all of the parks mentioned above. —KEN SMITH kens@newsreview.com

Early notice

Kimberly Rudisill has announced her candidacy for Chico City Council.

City Council candidates begin making noise

It’s an election year, and though voters don’t get to pick the four Chico City Council positions until November, candidates are beginning to make their presence known. That would include former Councilwoman Kimberly Rudisill, whose last name was King when she served on the council from 1994 to 1998. Rudisill held a lightly attended press conference on Friday (May 25) to announce her intentions. “I’m running because I love this town and I want to make sure that our children have a future here,” she said. Her goals, she added, include increasing the number of jobs and the city’s sales-tax revenue. She would like to see the Saturday farmers’ market stay in its current location and not impose an increase of the vendors’ fees. There have been efforts in the past to move the market to the parking lot outside the Chico Municipal Center two blocks to the south. “The market helps bring people downtown,” she said. During her term on the council, Rudisill tended to vote on the progressive side of most issues, but was not a knee-jerk liberal. On the demise of the redevelopment agency, the state sponsored means of financing housing projects, she said its disappearance “will really hurt the community, but at some point these pet projects just aren’t going to be built anymore.” She would like to see a public recreation facility built in Chico but said sometimes reality steals a wish. “When I was on the council before, I was really pushing for a recreation facility, but then we ended up spending $27 million on the expansion of the water treatment plant. Oh well, what are you going to do?” Rudisill also said she supports the sales-tax increase proposed by former City Manager Tom Lando. The proposal was recently shelved in light of the number of state tax measures already slated for the November election. “I would support it because it would help build a sports facility and support fire and police,” she said. The time, she said, is right for

Toby Schindelbeck, whose truck is shown below, is also running. PHOTOS BY TOM GASCOYNE

County General Plan 2030 Amendment And Draft Zoning Ordinance Draft Supplemental EIR PUBLIC REVIEW The 45-day public review period for the Draft Supplemental Program Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR)* will begin Thursday, May 31, 2012 and continue through Monday, July 16, 2012. This DSEIR was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and supplements the Certified General Plan EIR. The public review period is your opportunity to submit formal comments on the adequacy of the DSEIR. The DSEIR identifies potential significant environmental effects to Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Biological Resources, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use, Noise, Transportation and Circulation, and Greenhouse Gases. Butte County also includes hazardous waste sites. The public is invited to comment on the DSEIR at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting, via mail, and email.


June 14, 2012 at 1:30 pm Butte County Board of Supervisors Chambers 25 County Center Drive, Oroville Written comments on the DSEIR may be submitted to: Attn: Dan Breedon, Principal Planner Butte County Department of Development Services 7 County Center Drive, Oroville, 95965 or emailed to dsgeneralplan@buttecounty.net *Copies of the DSEIR are available for review at all County libraries and at Development Services, and on-line at www.buttegeneralplan.net. CDs are also available by contacting Development Services.

Butte County Department of Development Services

To learn more about the General Plan 2030 process, or to be added to the contact list to receive notification of upcoming workshops, please visit: www.buttegeneralplan.net or call 530-538-7629

her to serve again. “Yes I’m announcing early to be sure,” she said. “I have four kids— three boys in the military and my daughter works in a local retail store. I am 57, in good health and have no intentions of leaving this town I’ve been in since 1978.” She said she is a semi-retired substitute teacher at Chico High School and remains very active in the community. When asked if she would run on a slate with other candidates, she said, “Nobody gets elected running as a straight independent.” As she was talking with the press, Ali Sarsour walked past and said he, too, had just pulled papers to run for council. He last ran in 2008. Incumbents Ann Schwab and Bob Evans have also pulled papers to run, while Councilmen Andy Holcombe and Jim Walker have announced they are not running. Others who have pulled papers, more formally known as the 501 form, are Andrew Coolidge, whose Facebook page says he produces the Chico Home and Garden Show and is a former PTA president; realtor Dave Donnan, who ran two years ago; and Dave Kelley, who chairs the city’s Planning Commis-

sion. He filed last June. Sean Morgan is a business instructor at Chico State, and his Facebook page includes a photo of the thenteenage Morgan standing next to former President Ronald Reagan. Business owner Tobart (Toby) Schindelbeck has also filed and has become a regular speaker at council meetings. Part of his reason for running is the traffic realignment along Forest Avenue in front of his Nutrishop store that he says has greatly affected his business. City Clerk Deborah Presson explained that the 501 form is simply the first step in running and at this point there are no official candidates. Between July 16 and Aug. 10 those looking to run can collect signatures of support and file the necessary forms to become certified candidates. Each election year, she said, some people take out papers but don’t return them. “A couple of students just came in and took out papers sort of as a joke,” she said. “And then there was a fellow who said his minister told him running for council would be a character builder. But he backed down, and I never saw him again.” —TOM GASCOYNE tomg@newsreview.com

Throwing cash in the trash ...


• Paying top dollar • FREE EWASTE DROP-OFF SITE • Your money stays here and creates jobs! • Butte Co’s ONLY non-profit, full service buy-back center in Chico, Magalia & Oroville 2300 Fair St. • Chico • 343-8641 • Hours: M–F 8am–4pm, Sat. 8am–3:30pm 1245 Oro Dam Blvd. • Oroville • 533-5311 • Hours: Tues.–Sat. 8:30am–4pm 14559 Skyway • Magalia • 873-6000 • Hours: Tues.–Sat. 8:30am–3:30pm May 31, 2012

CN&R 11



A new mission


California’s infant mortality rate in 2010 was the fourth-lowest in the nation and a record low for the state. Data released by the California Department of Public Health showed a decrease from 4.9 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2009 to 4.7 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010, according to U-T San Diego. The most significant decline in infant mortality was among African-Americans, dropping from 10.6 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2009 to 9.5 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010. One of the factors contributing to the improved rate was a decline in the percentage of babies born earlier than 37 weeks. “Optimal infant health outcomes are influenced by a woman’s health even before she becomes pregnant, including avoiding tobacco, alcohol and drugs, maintaining a healthful weight, and taking folic acid supplements,” said Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the California Department of Public Health.

Dr. Erik Stickney in front of Enloe Regional Cancer Center’s linear accelerator, which offers cancer patients faster radiotherapy treatments. PHOTO BY KYLE DELMAR


Thirty-five newborns at Sutter Memorial Hospital in Sacramento and NorthBay Medical Center in Fairfield were exposed to tuberculosis while in neonatal intensive-care units. Hospital and county officials informed the parents of 20 infants at Sutter that a TB patient visited the unit between March 14 and March 31. The parents of 15 babies at the NorthBay facility were notified about exposure that took place between March 31 and April 2 and again from April 11 to April 19, according to The Sacramento Bee. Hospital officials would not disclose why the TB patient was visiting the care units, but did confirm he or she was not a hospital employee. The hospitals made an effort to warn all of the parents by May 22, as infants are more vulnerable than adults to contracting the infection and those exposed require testing or immediate antibiotics.


The tobacco industry has spent more than $42 million lobbying against Proposition 29, which would raise the cigarette tax by a dollar, totaling $1.87 per pack. “In the past three weeks alone, the tobacco industry has contributed about $17 million to the anti-tax effort,” Capitol Weekly reported on May 24. The proposition includes hikes to other tobacco taxes as well, amounting to $735 million annually that would be used to fund cancer research and tobaccocessation programs. Supporters of the California proposition, including the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association, have spent $8.92 million on their campaign. Individual donations include $1.5 million from the foundation of cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong and $500,000 from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. 12 CN&R May 31, 2012

Enloe welcomes former U.S. Army brigade surgeon as medical director of radiation oncology by

Evan Tuchinsky ideacultivators@aol.com


r. Erik Stickney spent about

13 years on active duty in the U.S. Army. For most of that time, he had a pretty plush assignment: seeing cancer patients at Tripler Medical Center in Honolulu. But his service wasn’t all a tropical paradise; he also spent time under fire in Afghanistan. Stickney doesn’t overstate or understate the dangers he encountered. He wasn’t a field medic, but he did travel on roads that needed to be checked for explosive devices. He’d treat soldiers’ wounds and ailments, but not in M*A*S*H conditions. He’d hear alarms and mortar fire, but no ammunition came close to hitting him, fortunately. Now his military tenure is complete, and he’s made the move from Hawaii to Chico, becoming medical director of radiation oncology for the Enloe Regional Cancer Center. His family remained in Pearl City until the end of the school year; in a matter of weeks, he will be reunited with his wife and four children. Dr. Michael Baird, executive director of the cancer center, calls Stickney “a seasoned physician with a dynamic personality and a wealth of new ideas. He will be a great asset to the community.” Stickney, for his part, is happy to be back in the Golden State, in an area where he can make an impact with the techniques and technologies he mastered while at a top-tier military hospital. “Technologically, they kept us pretty up

to date,” Stickney said of Tripler, where he served as chief of radiation oncology. “Our machines are pretty expensive, but when you compare them to the cost of an F-16 [fighter jet], we’re a pretty small drop in the bucket.” Stickney grew up in Southern California, in the inland city of Redlands. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology from UCLA, then with his M.D. from the Medical College of Wisconsin. The expense of his medical education prompted him to enlist in the Army, which allowed him to complete his radiation oncology internship at Tripler and residency at UC San Francisco. Between those two segments of his specialty training, he went to boot camp—the medical officers’ version, anyway. “It was kind of like ‘boot camp lite,’” Stickney said. “I had my captain’s stripes on, and I outranked my instructors—that made it easier.” In 2004, he headed back to Hawaii. There he stayed until September 2010,

when he headed off for an eight-month tour of duty as a brigade surgeon in Afghanistan. The term “brigade surgeon” may be

a bit of a misnomer—at least in Stickney’s case, because he is not a surgeon, and his duties rarely required him to treat injuries more serious than cuts requiring stitches. Bearing the rank of major, Stickney “wore several hats,” he explained: • He served as brigade surgeon for the 101st Airborne Battalion, practicing general medicine. (“People with major trauma got sent to a hospital,” he said. “The Army calls you a surgeon, but we [brigade surgeons] don’t do surgery.”) • He ran a level-one aid station. (“A plywood-wall hut with no running water, but electricity.”) • He oversaw the medical support for convoys in northern and eastern Afghanistan, with approximately 25 medics under his command. (That was a joint mission with the Navy and Air Force as well as the Army.)

APPOINTMENT MARCH OF DIMES GOLF TOURNAMENT The Butte Creek Country Club (175 Estates Drive) is hosting a four-person scramble golf tournament to benefit the March of Dimes—a nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies—on Monday, June 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Go to www.buttecreekcountryclub.com or call 570-1965 for more information.

• He conducted training missions for

Afghan doctors at Afghan bases. • He traveled to Afghan villages to help provide medical care to residents. “There really is no ‘front’ there,” Stickney explained, contrasting the conflict with more traditional warfare. “The greatest risk was when I traveled. The closest I ever came to the fighting was driving around.” Still, the risks to life and limb weighed on him—at least at first. “The first time the mortar fire hits and the alarms go off, it’s scary,” he said. “After a while it becomes normal—you’re deciding whether you even want to get out of bed. You realize that if you were going to die in the attack, it would have happened already. “I don’t feel like I was in danger of my life all the time.” Stickney returned to his home

base in May 2011 for the final year of his enlistment. Leaving Hawaii “wasn’t necessarily by choice,” he said, “but I didn’t go kicking and screaming, either.” His parents live in the Sacramento area, and his in-laws live in Cerritos. Chico puts him in much closer proximity to close family. Plus, he’ll be able to live the out-

Learn more:

Go to doors www.enloe.org/ lifestyle—skimedical_services/ ing and backcancer_center.asp packing—with to find out more about the services a lot more offered by the space. Enloe Regional In Pearl Cancer Center. City, the Stickneys lived in off-base housing. Their three-bedroom home was built in 1962 with single-wall construction—no insulation, just redwood panels for walls and a roof made of cedar. At 1,800 square feet, it’s one of the largest houses in the area, yet all four of his children (a 12-year-old son, 10-year-old daughter, 8-yearold son and 6-year-old son) share a bedroom. In Chico, his eldest son and daughter will be able to have their own rooms; the youngest two still want to remain bunkmates. “Chico is so nice,” Stickney said. “It’s got the benefits of a city that’s not too large but with amenities and closeness to the mountains.” Likewise, he is happy with the offerings at the Enloe Regional Cancer Center, which earlier this year made a multimillion-dollar upgrade to its radiation equipment. “I like toys,” Stickney said. “I DESIGNER like technology.” JEN_PU Mission accomplished. Ω

WEEKLY DOSE The six dirtiest office surfaces The office can foster sickening, infectious scum—and no, we don’t mean your co-workers. According to a study conducted by Kimberly-Clark Professional, many surfaces in an office building are typically crawling with adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—the energy molecule found in all animal, bacteria, mold and plant cells. Researchers swabbed 4,800 surfaces in offices, including law firms, health-care companies and call centers, and ran the swabs through a device measuring ATP. Though the device did not specifically test for bacteria, surfaces with high levels of ATP are considered breeding grounds for germs. A score of 300 ATP or more earned an “officially dirty” ranking. The study recorded “officially dirty” levels on: • 75% of break-room sink-faucet handles • 48% of microwave door handles • 27% of keyboards • 26% of refrigerator door handles • 23% of water fountain buttons • 21% of vending machine buttons Source: www.webmd.com

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www.WheelsWineRibs.com Dr. Scott Mellum is pleased to announce the addition of Jennifer Hopkins RN, FNP to his practice

After graduating from CSUC with her RN, Jennifer attended Sonoma State and received her FNP in 1989. In 1996, she returned to Chico to raise her three children and soon began working at Enloe. Jennifer says, “I am excited to help women in the Chico area by providing excellent medical care and an open ear to discuss issues in a confidential and comfortable atmosphere.”

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CN&R 13

Skepticism to Optimism

“The CN&R is the

Lose up to 1-2 pounds per day without surgery, shots, or diet pills

Dear Friend, I know what you are thinking, I would love to lose 1-2 pounds of fat per day, but that sounds too good to be true. I thought the same thing until…we’ll get to that story in a moment.

It is based on scientific principles that cause almost immediate changes and is strictly administered along with common sense protocols. Here’s what most people don’t understand. When you’re heavy, you lose your strength, vitality, and you can become feeble. And on top of that you can age prematurely because your “fat” cells clog your body’s vital organs. That will change after you start utilizing this system.

cornerstone “I lost 31 pounds in 6 weeks, I have more energy, and for once, it was a program I could follow. I can’t wait to keep going.” Kim – Chico

of our maRkeTiNg.” Here’s the problem, when we are overweight it take years off our life because your body is required to work harder. You think the solution to weight loss is food. You eat less, and exercise more. Eat lots of protein, and zero carbs. Reduce calories and starve…and the list goes on and on. Fad diets are short term and may cause more problems to your body. That is why you need a system to balance your body and never diet again. “As a result of Dr. Kremer’s program, I lost 24 pounds, my blood sugar is better, and I am taking less medication” Pam - Orland Why is my program so effective? After years of fad diets and “silver bullets” you find yourself beck to square one. Your thinking, what can I try next? Stop. Stop looking for the next new thing. Start. Start looking for the solution that has been in front of you this entire time. Here’s the difference. I take a unique approach to weight loss. You see, you don’t lose weight to get healthy; you get healthy in order to lose weight. This is the number one reason why you yo-yo on all diets. Almost all diets are based on food not body function. Sure, you may lose a few pounds here and there and it may take months to years to do so, but as soon as you stop, you gain all your weight back, and sometime more. As a result, you are frustrated, and move on to the next new shiny object that promises weight loss. It is time to take a different approach. Alright, it is time do something different. Losing weight should be easy. So, why is it so hard? Losing weight is hard because you do not have a specific plan and everything you are doing is not customized to you. Here is your solution. You won’t have to make any radical changes in your lifestyle with this program… have surgery, or take any harmful drugs. Your treatments are private and you will start to lose pounds per day, depending on your size, age, condition of your body and follow through. You will consult with me personally on a weekly basis for follow up and questions. Once you’ve reached your desired weight, you’ll have your shape back, have more energy, and you’ll have your selfesteem back. Doesn’t get any better than that!

You may be like some people who have lost their figure due to this “fat” clogging weight gain. The problem is, most overweight people are unable to find a simple, easy to follow system to reduce their fat and then keep it off. Even their coordination, daily movement and attractiveness are destroyed with this weight gain. That will all change when you start using this system. Here is what I can do for you. “I lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks, the program was easy to follow and my clothes are definitely fitting better, and my foot doesn’t swell as much. Thanks” Joe – Chico Here is what you do now. I have set aside a limited number of appointments for this article. If you are one of the first 20 callers you will receive a complementary appointment with me to determine if my all natural, no pills, no shots weight loss program will work for you. Call the number below and lets get you started on the right path to permanent weight loss. 1-530-636-0891 Call today. Your future health depends on it. What have you got to lose? Better health, better shape, better self-esteem, better you. Let’s get you started today. “I lost 56 pounds in 6 weeks, and I have more energy. I thought the program was going to be hard, it wasn’t, and I can’t wait to continue to the next step.” Steve – Orland

1-530-636-0891 Sincerely, Dr. Ryan Kremer DC PS: Think about where you will be in 8 weeks. If you want change, and change that is permanent, call now and reserve your time to make a better future.

Paid Advertisement 14 CN&R May 31, 2012

“The CN&R is the

cornerstone of our maRkeTiNg.” In Motion Fitness has been advertising with the Chico News & Review since we opened in 1992. Every week the CN&R provides a professional and impressive product that delivers our message with clarity and style. The full color ads really showcase the pools and water features, the palm trees and gardens, the Mediterranean architecture and the bodies In Motion. From kids’ activities to senior programs, the CN&R effectively targets and reaches all demographics. It seems like everybody in Chico views the CN&R. We would highly recommend the CN&R to any business in Chico.” -CARL SOMMER OWNER OF IN MOTION FITNESS

Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants A Long Island native, Barbara Wagner remembers driving her father, a doctor, in the family car as he made house calls, and seeing just what it means to have firstrate personal interaction with a dedicated physician. “My dad just loved what he did,” she says. That’s why after being a registered nurse (RN) for 22 years, Wagner went to Stanford University and became both a nurse practitioner (NP) and a physician assistant (PA).

“They are intelligent, caring, and provide great quality care...” Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who have completed additional training and education and are nationally board certified in their specialty as well as being certified by a state nursing board. Physician assistants typically have post graduate degrees and are certified by the state. They are sometimes referred to as mid-levels because their training is between that of a doctor and a nurse. There are more than140,000 NPs practicing nationally and 75,000 PAs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those numbers are expected to grow rapidly over the next decade as health-care establishments try to relieve physicians of routine duties and procedures. As Wagner, who is both a highly respected NP and PA, explains,

“We diagnose, do formal plan care, do referrals and take care of our patient’s needs.” The difference is that nurse practitioners and physician assistants are often more readily available than doctors. Simply put, there are often too many patients and not enough doctors to go around – but at Oroville Hospital a strong team of nurse practitioners and physician assistants has bridged the gap between patients and their doctors, bringing personal care and attention to patients who need it. “The nurse practitioners and physician assistants have added great value to our hospital. They are intelligent, caring, and provide great quality care to our patients. We are lucky to have them,” says Dr. Matthew Fine, Chief Medical Officer and the hospital’s director of patient safety. Another Stanford alum is Paul Robie, Oroville Hospital’s director of physician assistants. He came to Oroville in 1982 as a paramedic, planning on staying just a few years – but he fell in love with the community and has remained here ever since. Robie has since watched his team of PAs grow from two to its current number of 48. “I think we’re just a step ahead of the game. We have mid-levels in the emergency room, all of our outpatient clinics, as well as throughout the hospital,” he says. Oroville Hospital’s midlevel’s are readily available to see patients, are well trained, highly skilled, knowledgeable, and – most important of all –

personally dedicated to providing patients with needed medical care. The kind of care Barbara Wagner watched her father provide. “For my patients, I want to be part of their family with them, and help them stay healthy and continue a happy, healthy life. That’s what I’m here for.”

2767 Olive HigHway • OrOville, Ca • (530) 533-8500 May 31, 2012

CN&R 15


A two-year study of sport fish off the north and central California coast has found methylmercury and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination to be a significant concern. The study, conducted between 2009 and 2010 by the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program, analyzed 46 indicator species such as lingcod, rockfish and kelp bass, from 68 locations, according to an SWRCB press release. Researchers found 63 percent of the locations contained fish with low or moderate methylmercury contamination levels, while 37 percent had at least one species in a highcontamination category. Fifty-nine percent of the locations tested had a moderate degree of PCB contamination, with 7 percent in a highcontamination category. Sport fish were of particular concern due to the likelihood of human exposure—methylmercury consumption can affect nervous-system function in children and potentially lead to learning disabilities, while PCB has been linked to cancer, liver damage, and altered development and reproductive function.


The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) has sued the United States Army Corps of Engineers over its policy of removing all vegetation except short grass from federally owned levees. In response to Hurricane Katrina, the Corps has required all trees and shrubs be removed from levees, a policy Fish and Game claims conflicts with the federal Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act and federal Administrative Procedure Act, according to a DFG press release. The release notes that “[a]s early as 1955, the Corps encouraged and even required the planting of trees and shrubs on California levees” and that native riparian vegetation is “compatible with flood control and such … vegetation can often act to minimize damage during a flood event.” The Corps’ policy, introduced in California in 2007, asserts that tree roots hasten water leakage that could weaken levees.


Three California state representatives have introduced legislation to designate more than 319,000 acres of federal land between Lake Berryessa (pictured) and Snow Mountain as a National Conservation Area. The area, covering parts of Lake, Mendocino, Napa and Yolo counties, is a popular recreational destination, according to Public News Service. Introduced by Congressmen Mike Thompson and John Garamendi, and Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, the legislation would add the Lake Berryessa-Snow Mountain region to a list of 16 other National Conservation Areas including King Range on the California coast. The bill will prevent reckless development like road construction and unregulated mining that would really harm the region’s natural character,” said Paul Spitler of The Wilderness Society. 16 CN&R May 31, 2012


Art with a (re)purpose Local physician and fiber artist Phyllis Cullen makes use of recycled materials and found objects

story and photos by

Vic Cantu

vscantu@sbcg lobal.net

“T but please don’t,” said semiretired Chico anesthesiologist Phyllis

hey often beg to be touched,

Cullen. Cullen—also a fiber artist who has taught her craft in countries such as Chile, Israel, Nicaragua and Canada—was referring to the intriguing, colorful, threedimensional fiber-art pieces and wall hangings currently on display at Avenue 9 Gallery. The exhibit, titled A Sense of Place: Phyllis Cullen and the California Fiber Artists, features fiber-art works by Cullen and other members of the California Fiber Artists collective who incorporate a variety of recycled materials, from scraps of fabric to buttons and mismatched earrings. Sherry Kleinman’s wall hanging “Welcome to the Human Race—Celebrating Diversity,” which greets you upon entering the gallery, is one of the pieces Cullen is referring to; the machine-appliquéd pieces of multi-colored material cut out to resemble running people “pop” from the background, making one want to reach out and touch them. Cullen, during a recent interview at Avenue 9 Gallery, extolled the virtues of creating art with what would otherwise be considered leftover materials. “Fiber artists are much more conscious of their environment and using materials that don’t pollute,” Cullen said. “If I break an earring I don’t throw it away, I sew it into a piece of art.” Avenue 9 Art Guild member Dolores Mitchell heartily agreed with Cullen.

“Artwork made of stuff we would normally consider garbage brings awareness to its value,” she said. Fiber art is an art form that traditionally incorporates bits and scraps of various materials discarded by others, sewn together or otherwise attached to make elaborate, artistic, three-dimensional finished products. The often quilt-like pieces typically depict scenes of animals, people and nature that evoke an appreciation of the Earth and its inhabitants. Some consider the finished products more interesting than two-dimensional paintings since they come alive with a variety of colors, surfaces and textures that jump off the surface—like Kleinman’s piece—and stir the senses. Fiber art often incorporates both painting and the traditional crafts of stitching and quilting. Some of the works featured in the show are Nicki Bair’s gorgeous, shimmering, framed weavings of beetles, made with rayon and metallic sewing thread; Marjan Kluepfel’s “Koi,” a quilted and embroidered wall-hanging fashioned from handdyed and commercial cotton, and tulle; and Bernita Dodge’s beautiful “Verdant Vista,” a yellow-and-green-toned silk landscape painting that employs fiber-reactive dyes on China silk. Other captivating works include several woven basket-like pieces, and ones containing delightful oddities such as fluorescent-green zip-ties and seethrough lavender CD covers. Materials used in fiber art range from discarded cotton, silk, buttons and beads, to Mylar, netting and every imaginable

Fiber artist and physician Phyllis Cullen holds “Joy,” one of her pieces featured in the current exhibit at Avenue 9 Gallery. On the wall at right is “My Mother Used to Paint Pretty Flowers,” created after her mother fell into cognitive decline. Cullen and the other artists featured in the show traditionally incorporate found materials into their artwork.

type of thread (with the addition of unusual items such as zip-ties and CD covers). “Fiber art gives us a ‘common thread’ between the artists and the people who view them,” Cullen quipped. Many of the materials are collected by the artists from their daily travels or from sources such as thrift stores and sewing shops, though some are bought new from art-supply stores. “The bottom line is that art doesn’t need to be made of expensive or space-age materials,” Cullen said. “It’s good enough [for a fiber artist] to just produce pleasing objects.” Fiber art can be a major inspiration to helping our planet, said Cullen, because it teaches the importance of appreciating and recycling everyday materials to create Go to the show: A Sense of Place: Phyllis Cullen and the California Fiber Artists runs through June 23

at Avenue 9 Gallery, 180 East Ninth Ave., Suite 3. Call 879-1821 or head to www.avenue9gallery.com for more info. Go to www.cafiberartists.com to learn more about the California Fiber Artists collective.

Recycle this paper

beautiful new pieces. “We like the tactile nature of the comforting materials and want to create awareness of the environment and the world,” she said.

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Cullen, an avid embroider-

er as a teenager, was forced to set aside her passion for embroidery due to the demands of going to medical school. As a physician, Cullen “cares for fragile patients in chronic pain, including those in Third World countries who lack modern medical resources,” offered Mitchell. “In the late 1980s, Cullen’s need for creative expression led her to take a quilt-making class. The medium appealed because of its associations with comforting people.” After attending classes at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Chico Art Center and the School of Light & Color in Fair Oaks, Cullen “began to incorporate paint, photography, thread painting and beading into her quilts,” Mitchell said.

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Phyllis Cullen’s “Off to Market.”

Cullen has created dozens of elaborate pieces, which she happily showed this reporter on her Apple iPad. While showing them, she told an old joke about quilters using every scrap of material they can find. “Don’t fall asleep around a quilter or you might wake up to find pieces of your shirt missing,”

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GREENWAYS continued on page 18

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UNCOMMON SENSE June is the most popular month for getting hitched, followed by August, September and October. So, for many of you brides and grooms out there, it’s not too late to make your big day an ecofriendly occasion. Here are some ways to have a great time while conserving, reusing and being conscious about the impact on the environment. Wed outdoors and nearby: Find a beautiful spot in nature, where there is no need for air-conditioning. Hold both the ceremony and the reception there and keep it within a day’s drive, so there’s less travel involved. Cull your invite list: Weddings are expensive and you cannot invite everyone you know. So, try to keep your guests to close family members and friends. Ditch the disposables: This goes for a lot of things. Instead of single-use utensils and plates, use real dishes and cutlery; cloth napkins, rather than paper. And so on. Thoughtful favors: Instead of some mass-produced, cheap wedding favors, try something people will actually use. Food items (jam, cookies) are a good choice. Other ideas: flower seeds, a plant, a reusable shopping bag. Register locally: In addition to sourcing as much as you can locally (think caterer and florist), try registering for gifts at a local store (like Collier Hardware in downtown Chico).

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CN&R 17

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GREENWAYS continued from page 17

she said, smiling. One of the more touching pieces in the show is Cullen’s haunting ode to her mother, titled, “My Mother Used to Paint Pretty Flowers.” Made with paint, ink and fabric collage, it depicts bright, colorful flowers partially obscured by dark, thick shapes in the foreground. “It symbolizes how my mom used to enjoy painting flowers and nature very clearly, but in recent years has fallen into cognitive decline,” Cullen lamented. The accompanying card reads: “Then the neuronal connections in her brain began to slip, and her paintings are now inchoate and dark.” Though her piece can be considered melancholy, Cullen emphasizes that the vast majority of fiber art is meant to inspire feelings of joy. “Fiber artists like creating anything that evokes affectionate feelings and decreases aggression,” Cullen said. “It’s a harsh world, and we want to make it softer and warmer.” Ω

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The National Park Service is now issuing free annual passes to all 397 national parks—including NEWS & REVIEW BUSINESS USE ON Lassen Volcanic National Park— DESIGNER DATE ACCT. EX for active-duty U.S. ISSUE military MA 05.03.12 JLD members and their dependNAME REV. DA ents.FILE Active-duty members HUGHESSKIHUT050312R2 07.28 with a valid military identification card can pick up their USP (BOLD SELECTION) passesPRICE at any park entrance / ATMOSPHERE / EXPERT / UNIQU station. Go online to PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW YOUR www.nps.gov/findapark/ ADVERTISEMENT AND VERIFY THE FOLLO passes.htm or call 595-6102 for more information. AD SIZE (COLUMNS X INCHES) SPELLING NUMBERS & DATES




reen HOUSE

Home Improvement Directory A L o c a l D i r e c t o r y f o r Yo u r G r e e n H o m e I m p r o v e m e n t To - D o L i s t

by Christine G.K. LaPado christinel@newsreview.com




BIKER PARTY Get ready for the Chico Bicycle Music Festival (CBMF), which

takes place from noon until dark on Saturday, June 2. Described at www.green transition.org as “the perfect finale to Bike Month [May],” the CBMF is a free, all-ages event that takes place at three different Chico venues, and is powered by audience members running the performers’ amplified sound by pedaling bicycles set up to generate power. Acoustic duo Tumbler—consisting of Dick and Jane’s Scott Itamura and Ellen Knight of The Railflowers—will kick off the day at noon in Camellia Way Park across the creek from Annie’s Glen, along with samba drum troupe Wolf Thump and singer-guitarist John Paul Gutierrez, “live on bike.” At 2 p.m. head over (on your bike, of course) to Cedar Grove in Lower Bidwell Park to catch the captivating sister Local photographer Karen Laslo’s “Bicycle Music Festival 2010” act, The Railflowers, as well as stringplaying songstress Heather Normandale and local fave duo MaMuse. Fall in with what’s sure to big a really big pack of people on bikes over to the GRUB Cooperative (1525 Dayton Road, 680-4543) to arrive by 6 p.m. for the evening’s festivities: Local clothing collective Chikoko’s Popcycle kids’ fashion show, guitarist Evin Wolverton, Envelope Peasant (“singster-songster” Sean Harrasser) and the Scientific Orchestra, psychedelic-pop outfit Gentlemen’s Coup, Perpetual Drifters (purveyors of what’s been termed “thinkingman’s pop”) and DJ Chedda the Shredda. Head to www.chicobicyclemusicfestival.com for more info.

CACTUS EXTRAVAGANZA Everybody’s favorite cactus man, Claude Geffray (See “King of cactus, April 5, 2012), emailed me about his next Open Garden Sale at his huge cactus nursery at 742 Carpers Court, off of Alamo Avenue in north Chico. The popular, periodic event will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, June 1, and Saturday, June 2. For those of you unfamiliar with Geffray (pictured) and his mindboggling number of assorted cacti and succulents (try somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000), his nursery is really worth checking out. Smart, sustainabilityminded shoppers can scoop up amazing deals on all of Geffray’s intriguing plants during the two-day sale. And “windowClaude Geffray, the cactus king shoppers” can just have a good time PHOTO BY CHRISTINE G.K. LAPADO enjoying the beauty of the plants and the nursery grounds. Call 345-2849 or go to www.creativecacti.com to learn more about Geffray’s nursery as well as his container creations and landscape-design services. GOOD FOOD QUOTES “The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can’t eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as ‘progress,’ doesn’t spread.” – Andy Rooney “When you go to the grocery store, you find that the cheapest calories are the ones that are going to make you the fattest—the added sugars and fats in processed foods.” – Michael Pollan

REST IN PEACE, ED One of the greatest champions for bicycling that this

town has ever had was Ed McLaughlin, an avid cyclist (an understatement) and great human being who passed away early May 24 (See a story in this week’s Newslines, page 8) after spending the last 4 1⁄2 years confined to a wheelchair as a paraplegic, the result of a tragic biking accident. Ed’s fighting spirit will never die. He will be sorely missed.



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Contact your CN&R Advertising Representative to be in this Directory: 530-894-2300 May 31, 2012

CN&R 19

BUTTE COUNTY GETS A NEW DEAL The lessons learned locally from FDR’s response to the Great Depression


n the banks of Big Chico Creek, where the university campus meets Children’s Playground and Bidwell Mansion, lies one of Chico’s most striking, and least recognized, architectural and historic treasures:

Bidwell Bowl Amphitheater. The amphitheater is wrought from local stone and incorporates the creek itself into its structure. Moss and lichen settled on old stone walls add to its grandeur, only partly diminished by intermittent broken wood seating planks, graffiti scribbles and a bite-shaped chunk missing from the main wall.

More people pass by than stop to appreciate the amphitheater, and most who do use it—students seeking quiet study space, older children escaping eyes of parents and police—couldn’t tell you anything about it, even its official name. But, to those who know its meaning, a humble, inconspicuous plaque reading “ERECTED 1938 WPA” speaks volumes about who built it, for whom it was built, and why it is here. Michael Magliari, a history professor at Chico State, met this reporter at the site one recent morning to talk about the Bidwell Bowl and the era that birthed it—the Great Depression. The conversation, though rooted in events that occurred at least 70 years ago, couldn’t have been more timely or telling in its relationship to modern politics. “There’s a lot of lessons we learned from the Depression,” Magliari said at one point, shaking his head, “that have been com-

Photographer Russell Lee, on assignment for the Farm Security Administration, captured the Shasta Dam under construction in 1942. Prior to that date, musician Woody Guthrie was there to entertain migrant workers as they waited for jobs on the dam. Soon after Guthrie was employed by the WPA as a songwriter. His visit to Redding is detailed in the book Bound for Glory. SHASTA DAM PHOTO ON FILE AT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

20 CN&R May 31, 2012

pletely forgotten. Or, at best they’ve been half-heartedly applied.” These lessons, much like the buildings erected for the people, by the people, and the services that employed, fed, clothed, housed, entertained and educated millions during a dark hour in our nation’s history, need to be remembered, lest they disappear forever. And they are especially relevant today, as we struggle through another difficult economic era.

The Works Progress Administration (later called the Works Project

Administration), or WPA, was one of many government organizations created by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal to provide work relief for America’s 13 million unemployed during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Funded by the Federal Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, and following goals started by an earlier body, the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), the WPA existed between April 1935 and June 1943. It was one of several work relief projects constituting an alphabet soup of government agencies including the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Public Works Administration (PWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the aforementioned FERA, and many others. The WPA remains the best remembered for its lasting contributions to America’s physical infrastructure and progressive programs that encouraged art, music, education, theater and helping the poor. The WPA also included a youth component, the National Youth Administration, to provide work and financial relief for high-school and college students. Work sometimes overlapped among these organizations or is, in retrospect, wrongfully credited to one or another. Most large-scale projects employing thousands—such as the building of Shasta Dam— were overseen by other agencies, with the WPA focused on construction and other projects for local labor. Harry Hopkins, an FDR adviser, was the primary architect of the WPA, and both men were strongly opposed to putting the unemployed on the dole, feeling it robbed them of their dignity and allowed useful skills to deteriorate. The WPA placed value on civicworks projects, self-help cooperative programs and immediate employment over direct relief, though that was also provided. Social-welfare and arts programs created by the WPA formed the foundation of many services still existing, in other forms, today. Many WPA buildings and works survive in various states of use and repair. For every structure with a WPA plaque there are thousands of unmarked miles of roads, bridges, sewer lines and buildings across the nation; for every WPA mural that graces America’s post offices and municipal buildings, hundreds have been painted over, stolen or otherwise lost. Many of the programs were scrapped as rapidly as they popped up, run by citizens without benefit of efficient record keeping, or folded into other agencies as America geared up for World War II; even much official documentation is lost or hard to find. What does exist, in structure and spirit, tells the story of a remarkable chapter of history, around the nation and here in Butte County.

The Great Depression hit Butte County harder than it hit many other

parts of the nation. In his History of Butte County, Joseph McGie estimates local unemployment in the 1930s at 30 percent or more, compared with national peaks of around 20 percent. These figures were compounded by the flow of migrants from Dust Bowl states who saw California as a land of greater opportunity, many of whom landed locally seeking agricultural work. An FSA

by Ken Smith kens@newsreview.com

migrant-labor camp on the Feather River near Gridley housed 600 souls, and other camps existed at Woodson Bridge and other nearby locations. Other migrants set up unsanctioned tent cities near larger communities. Paul L. Roberts, editor of the Sandy Gulch News, described Chico’s 4-mile-long, 40-foot-wide Tent City of 200 transients, mostly “Dust Bowlers,” along Lindo Channel in October 1938. Hundreds of banks failed during the Depression, including one local bank, Peoples Savings and Commercial Bank of Chico. It was liquidated in August 1933, and depositors received only a portion of their funds back two years later. In 1933, devalued U.S. dollars were replaced by local Depression scrip, currency printed by the Chico Chamber of Commerce. That same year, Butte County saw its first major federal work-relief actions. In late November, President Roosevelt “NEW DEAL” continued on page 22

Famed photographer Dorothea Lange, working for the Farm Security Administration, devoted most of her time documenting the plight of the poor and displaced in rural America during the Depression. Many assignments were photos of migrant camps, including these two photos taken in Gridley in 1939. PHOTOS ON FILE AT LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

Chico State history professor Michael Magliari at Bidwell Bowl, a WPA amphitheater built in 1938. The structure sits immediately adjacent to Big Chico Creek on the Chico State campus. PHOTOS BY KYLE EMERY

May 31, 2012

CN&R 21

“NEW DEAL” continued from page 21

pledged to employ 4 million Americans by Christmas with CWA and SERA (state extensions of FERA) work projects. Butte County received $95,000 and immediately put 60 men to work doing mosquito abatement near Oroville and Durham. Just over a week later, 651 men started working throughout the county. All but 1 percent of workers on these projects were supposed to be local, but “local” is a relative term; migrants staying in government-run camps were granted residency after two weeks. This was a source of contention for longer-term residents. It was also sometimes ignored by local authorities, and, according to McGie, unrest ensued when workers at the Gridley camp were denied residency. Meanwhile, the new programs were having a big impact. “We have been very fortunate in being able to secure approval of work projects that have been needed since the city’s organization,” said S. J. Norris, city engineer of Oroville. “In most instances, the work that we have secured would not have been done in our lifetime. All of our work is of a useful and lasting nature.”

as other tidbits, but she found history on WPA projects harder to come by. WPA and PWA funds and labor added improvements to Chico High and other district schools, but it’s hard to discern what exactly work was done and what still exists. Even the district headquarters—formerly Linden School—may have been a WPA project. Though no official records of this were found, the late Mrs. Araks Vartabedian Tolegian, a 1938 graduate of Chico State, offered some insight in a 2008 letter to Chico Statements magazine: “Linden School on 7th Street was supposed to be built for eighth graders, but because of the Depression, only half of it was built, for only four grades. It was never completed, and to my eyes, it looks ‘half done.’” Other local building projects include a municipal building in Biggs, construction of Paradise Elementary, McKinley Elementary in Gridley, and some parts of the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds. Newspapers commonly reported how much employment was generated, even if the jobs were small, from two men working to flatten land for a school to be built to 61 men working on the road through Big Chico Creek Canyon. According to the Gridley Herald, by January 1936—just months after its inception—the WPA employed 1,063 men and 47 women in Butte County on dozens of separate projects. Workers were generally paid between 60 cents and $1.10 an hour and worked 30 hours a week. WPA jobs lasted from weeks to years, with most ensuring three months of employment. In 1938, Butte placed second among Northern California

Five years after the start of the

WPA, an October 1940 Oroville Mercury-Register article runs down a partial list of accomplishments in Butte County: 76 miles of streets and highways, 345 culverts, 40 miles of road drainage, 10 miles of sidewalks and curbs, construction or remodeling of 29 public buildings (including at least three schools and a county hospital near Thermalito), three large public swimming pools, 18 miles of water mains, three miles of sanitary sewers, 258 privies, two miles of forest trails, 200 feet of levees and embankment, 6,000 feet of retaining walls and revetments, 20 miles of irrigation systems, and Oroville and Chico airport improvements. The airports themselves were earlier CWA projects. Plans for what would become Bidwell Bowl were announced in November 1937. Chico City Engineer Frank Robinson designed it, and the federal government matched $3,403 in funds paid by the Chico Park Commission and provided WPA labor and materials. Some work projects farther up Big Chico Creek, in Bidwell Park, predated the WPA, including PWA and CCC road projects. By 1935, most park projects were run by the WPA. Improvements still visible today include the concrete lining of Sycamore Pool at One-Mile Recreation Area, pathways and roads throughout the park and the diversion dam near Bear Hole, which cre22 CN&R May 31, 2012

Citrus Elementary School (top) is a WPA building. PHOTO BY TINA FLYNN

Other WPA structures include a hospital (now county administrative offices) near Oroville (middle) and Gridley’s McKinley Elementary School (bottom). PHOTOS COURTESY OF BUTTE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY

ated Horseshoe Lake. Similar work occurred at parks in Oroville, including the construction of tennis courts, a swimming pool and bathhouses, one of which has been repurposed into a museum at the Oroville Nature Center. The WPA constructed Citrus Elementary School, which opened in August of 1936. On May 10 of this year, the school celebrated its 75th anniversary. To honor its foundation

as a public work, classes at the school committed to service projects revolving around the number 75 (75 miles of busing offset by biking on field trips, 75 cans of food or articles of clothing donated to local service organizations, etc.). Pam Wear, who served as volunteer coordinator for the Citrus anniversary, was able to find the building’s original blueprints by Chico architect Chester Cole as well

In 1933 Chico printed its own currency after a local bank closure. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH

counties in WPA employment. Some projects crossed county lines and were done with other agencies, making full accounting even harder. The California Department of Forest and Fire Protection credits CCC and WPA laborers with constructing more than 300 lookout towers and houses, 9,000 miles of telephone lines, 1,161,921 miles of

roads and trails and numerous fire stations and administrative buildings in California between 1933 and 1942, with much of the work establishing the Ponderosa Way firebreak through the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains, an essential line of defense to this day.

The element that most distinguished

the WPA from other federal work initiatives was its focus on art, music, theater, writing and preserving historic documents. These five directives were collectively known as Federal Project Number One. Surviving public murals—mostly pastoral, folk-art scenes of working people—and art-deco public-service posters are some of the most enduring images in the WPA legacy. In addition to visual art, the WPA published books, held art exhibits and created music-education programs. WPA-employed composers wrote symphonies, and writers wrote plays, sometimes performed by WPA-employed actors and musicians. Jackson Pollock painted murals, Orson Welles directed plays and Woody Guthrie wrote songs about the Grand Coulee Dam, all on the WPA’s dime, with the understanding that these works would remain the property of the government and the American people. Locally, the WPA sponsored programs that provided 150 musical instruments and instruction—free of charge—to interested adults in Chico and Oroville. Three employees were charged with collecting historical documents to be sent to centers in Sacramento and San Francisco, where they were compiled by writers at the Federal Writers Project of Northern California into one of the first comprehensive histories of Butte County. One hundred copies were printed and distributed to area schools. A woman named Sidney Robertson is responsible for one remarkably preserved example of “Federal One” programs, the Northern California Folk Music Project. Robertson, an ethnographer and protégé of famed musicologist Charles Seeger (father of the famed Pete Seeger), directed the program from an office at UC Berkeley. She and a handful of field agents recorded more than 35 hours of music onto 12-inch acetate discs. One-third of the songs are in English, the rest in more than a dozen other languages, preserving a snapshot of the diverse demography of Depression-era California. Robertson recorded more than 100 performers where she found them, from mariachi bands at San “NEW DEAL” continued on page 23

Joaquin Valley weddings to workers at a CCC labor camp at Shasta Dam. “How does one find songs?” she wrote in a paper about the project, which was titled Folk Music in California. “They are everywhere at hand … one man in Shasta County offered to ‘out-sing the gas tank’ if he might ride along to Fresno.” Locally, the Janet Turner Print Museum at Chico State has several non area-specific WPA public-service posters in its collection. Though these were in storage and unavailable in time for this article, Catherine Sullivan, director of the museum, did have several WWII War Bonds posters available. After the WPA folded, she explained, other government programs continued to employ artists. “Things are done differently now, but the foundation of what we have today with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) really lies with the WPA,” she said. Sullivan said WPA art was also relevant for promoting the American Realism style evident in its murals. The Turner’s works are viewable by prior arrangement, and Sullivan plans to include pieces in a winter exhibit called Issues: Political, Social, Gender.

More local WPA programs were

geared toward education, vocational skills and serving the needy. Sewing programs with centers in Chico, Oroville and Gridley and satellites in smaller towns employed scores of women to make everything from school band capes to clothing for the poor. When the center almost shut down due to lack of funding in 1937, the “Needle-Thread Girls” staged protests, and the program continued until 1942. When the Oroville Mercury-Register reported the closure, it noted the

Catherine Sullivan, curator of the Janet Turner Print Museum, displays a WWII Bonds poster. The U.S. Government started commissioning artists with the WPA. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH

Oroville center at Lincoln and Montgomery employed 60 women in 1941. That center went from producing 2,710 garments in 1937 to 75,000 garments in 1941. Through WPA programs, a woman in Gridley taught citizenship classes to immigrants and illiterate adults. Women did clerical work in city halls, repaired books in college libraries and worked as housekeeping aides. Men inspected citrus crops for white flies and mapped mining claims. More workers started the first public lunch programs for schoolchildren, served as lifeguards in Bidwell Park, and compiled information on “atypical and physically handicapped” children to expand future educational programs. When torrential floods struck the North State in 1937-38, 27 WPA laborers got the dirtiest cleanup job—burning hundreds of dead cattle with driftwood and crude oil. The Wildcat, Chico State’s newspaper, weekly reminded college students—many of whom worked for up to $30 a month—about National Youth Association deadlines. Even elementary-school children who otherwise couldn’t afford to continue school were paid $6 monthly to clean and garden after school and on weekends.

WPA projects were often labeled

“boondoggles” by critics. When a 1939 survey asked Americans the best and worst things FDR had done, the No. 1 answer to both

The CN&R would like to thank the Butte County Historical Society for research assistance.

questions was the WPA. Analyses of projects aimed to prove the dole was cheaper than “make-work” programs. The WPA, the New Deal and FDR were labeled leftist by conservative critics, just as such accusations are leveled at President Obama and his 2009 stimulus plan, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. “These programs were very controversial, because the government was taking an unprecedented role in intervening in the economy and providing jobs for people directly,” Magliari explained. “So there was some fear that this was too socialistic. But people were hurting during the Depression, and they couldn’t sit around and wait for the market to correct itself. Something had to be done.” Magliari said the scope of the crisis and FDR’s strong intervention alarmed many people, but his policies didn’t usher in the threatened socialist regime. Most depictions of FDR as a leftist, he said, were cheap political shots playing upon public fear. “Roosevelt was no socialist. He was for an active government, but he wasn’t a rigid ideologue of any kind. He was a pragmatic politician open to experimenting with any kind of government action that would work,” he said. Magliari further contended the success of the New Deal programs undermined the appeal of the communist and socialist parties in America, which had gained strength in the Hoover years, before largescale government intervention. He said the effectiveness of today’s stimulus plan compared to the New Deal boils down to one thing: money. “Obama didn’t spend enough. Neither did Roosevelt. He certainly lifted us off the bottom, but ultimately it took World War II spending to get us out of the Depression. You really need to have some massive short-term spending to get the economy back up on its feet.” Are we ready for a new New Deal? “Yeah, sure,” Magliari said. “We’re still in rough shape, and I think the economy could use a major infusion of federal stimulus money to get revved up.” He also said FDR had the blessings of a united Congress, unlike a frustrating lack of cooperation displayed as the government confronts today’s crisis. Magliari said Obama’s administration should not be deterred, just as FDR’s wasn’t: “Roosevelt had all the same names thrown at him. They didn’t stop him, and they shouldn’t stop the federal government today. When people need help, they need help.” Ω

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May 31, 2012

CN&R 23

Arts & Culture Cynically speaking

Justin Ringle (center) and his band of horses. PHOTO BY JOHN CLARK



Special Events Justin Ringle ponders life with Horse Feathers

Adisposition over the years. I guess it makes a bit of sense—over the course of four full-lengths, lot has been made of Justin Ringle’s

Ringle and his shape-shifting project Horse Feathers have made music that comes off by like a perpetually gray afternoon. Mark Lore Even the title of the Portland, Ore. singer/songwriter’s latest LP, mark@ thedaysof lore.com Cynic’s New Year, could be interpreted as coming from a guy who’s simply thrown up his hands. But Ringle isn’t a downer—in PREVIEW: fact, he’s quite the opposite. And, Horse Feathers will perform although our conversation was Sunday, June 3, 8 tonally almost like one of his p.m., at Origami songs, at the end of the day he’s Lounge. Death just a regular guy in his early 30s Songs, Envelope sorting through life. Peasant & the Cynic’s New Year continues the Scientific Orchestra and songwriter’s penchant for moody, Emma & Nolan and occasionally somber, folk. The open. title stems from events of the past Cost: $10 two years, as Ringle watched famiOrigami Lounge ly members grow sick and friends 708 Cherry St. go through divorce and came to the www.origami realization that he’s not a kid anylounge.com more. “Some people write songs, some write books, some work out—there’s a million ways to deal with these situations,” Ringle says. “I’d rather have this shit exist in a song than in my head dragging me down.” Lyrically Ringle creates a sense of melo-

drama that can be traced to poets like Flannery O’Connor and James Wright, and delivers his words in a solemn tone that rarely slips out of its hushed range. The music that soundtracks his tales generally strikes much sunnier notes, ranging from straightforward folk to relatively lush chamber pop. Songs like 24 CN&R May 31, 2012

“Where I’ll Be” and “Bird on a Leash” are filled with layered string arrangements that contrast with the songs’ overall simplicity. The recording of Cynic’s New Year was a change for Ringle. While there have been several incarnations of Horse Feathers in the past, this time around Ringle and producer Skyler Norwood (who worked on Horse Feathers’ previous records) simply brought in different musicians to work on the songs. In the end, 11 Portland musicians came to Ringle’s home studio to provide the array of string, piano and horn parts—most of whhich had already been written and arranged by Ringle. The approach worked well for Ringle, who admits that the idea of maintaining a regular band is not easy—for him or for the musicians. “It’s a lot easier than having a set band,” he explains. “In my experience it becomes a bit of an ego battle. Being the main songwriter makes it more challenging. I don’t want to just be a guy with a guitar, but I’m not into jamming out songs with a band, either.” Ringle is already considering using the same process for the next record. In the meantime, he and his road band have been making their way across the country. While it’s a far simpler set-up than the dozen musicians who played on the record, Ringle is finding that they’ve still been able to recreate some of the more complex arrangements, while also pushing things sonically. “I feel like we are rocking more than I did in the first five years,” Ringle says with a bit of sarcasm. “But for as much as we’re rocking, we’re still a folk band—rocking for our fans is still pretty vanilla.” Ringle is also at a point in his career where he cares less about people’s perceptions of Horse Feathers. Even as he shuffles through all of life’s big questions, there’s one thing he is sure about. “I’m making music that I find satisfying, even if others don’t like it,” he says, adding, “I understand at this point that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.” Ω

THURSDAY NIGHT MARKET: Downtown Chico’s weekly marketplace with local produce, vendors, entertainment and music. This week: acoustic folk and pop with Jackie Daum, a performance by Hype Dance Studio, rock ‘n’ roll with Footloose and more. Th, 6-9pm. Prices vary. Downtown Chico; www.downtown chico.net.

Theater KISS ME KATE: A musical based on

Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew with plenty of laughs and memorable tunes. Th-Sa, 7:30pm; Su, 2pm through 6/24. $12-$20. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

TWENTIETH CENTURY: The story of an egomaniacal Broadway director who attempts to persuade his former chorus girl—now a movie star—to return to the stage. Th-Sa, 7:30pm through 6/24. $12-$16. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events CHICO MUSEUM COUNTRY SUPPER: A tritip dinner, silent auction and no-host bar accompanied by the cool jazz of Jazzuppa. Proceeds benefit the Chico Museum. Go online for reservations. F, 6/1, 5pm. $40. Patrick Ranch Museum; 10381 Midway, Chico Halfway between Chico and Durham; (530) 342-4359; http://tiny url.com/c333bmx.

Music FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT: MYSTIC ROOTS: The weekly concert series continues


Saturday & Sunday, June 2 & 3 Forest Ranch Charter School SEE FRIDAY, ART RECEPTIONS

with hip-hop, reggae and rock with the Mystic Roots. F, 6/1, 7-8:30pm. Free. Chico City Plaza; 400 Main St.

Theater KISS ME KATE: See Thursday. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

TWENTIETH CENTURY: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events IN THE LAVENDER FIELDS: Antique vendors, handmade quilts and an exhibition of artworks from local painters, jewelers, sculptors, glass blowers and weavers. Lunch included with admission. Proceeds benefit Hands Helping Children. Sa, 6/2, 9am-3pm. $21. Bayliss Ranch; Highway 99 E & Rio Bonito Rd. in Biggs; (530) 882-4208; www.focus-hhc.org.

POPCYCLE: A kid’s fashion show as part of of the finale for the Chico Music Bicycle Festival. Sa, 6/2, 6pm. GRUB Cooperative; 1525 Dayton Rd.; (530) 828-6390.



Thursday-Sunday, through June 24 Theatre on the Ridge & Chico Theater Company SEE THURSDAY-SUNDAY, THEATER

ANGELOS CUCINA TRINACRIA: Sal Casa Gallery, some of Sal Casa’s early work depicting classic Sicilian culture. Ongoing. 407 Walnut St., (530) 899-9996.

AVENUE 9 GALLERY: A Sense of Place, an exhibition of works by Phyllis Cullen and the California Fiber Artists. Through 6/23. 180 E. Ninth Ave., (530) 879-1821, www.avenue9 gallery.com.

BOHO: Stay Up Fly On, artwork by Christian

Garcia. Ongoing. 225 Main St. D, (530) 8953282.

CHICO ART CENTER: Contemporary Woman 6,

Theater KISS ME KATE: See Thursday. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

RECONSTRUCTED RECEPTION: An opening reception for artworks by Andy Greer, on display through June. Sa, 6/2, 6-9pm. Free. Naked Lounge Tea and Coffeehouse; 118 W. Second St.; (530) 895-0676.

TAKE A HIKE! & 10K TRAIL RUN: Two hiking routes and one challenging 10k run through Upper Bidwell Park. The after party will include music, food, exo booths and activities. Proceeds benefit conservation efforts by the Northern California Regional Land Trust. Sa, 6/2, 8am-2:30pm. $15-$25. Manzanita Place; 1705 Manzanita Ave. Inside Chico Elks Lodge; (530) 894-7738; www.landconservation.org.

Music CHICO BICYCLE MUSIC FESTIVAL: A pedal-powered, moving music festival with three stops: Camillia Way Park on Vallombrosa Avenue, Cedar Grove in Lower Bidwell Park and the GRUB Cooperative (1525 Dayton Road). See Editor’s Pick, p. 25, for info. Go online for a complete schedule. Sa, 6/2, noon-midnight. Free. Call for details; http://tinyurl.com/7q7zcwg.

MOUNTAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL: The annual Forest Ranch Mountain Music Festival to benefit the Forest Ranch Charter School, with local acts Hot Flash, Dylan’s Dharma, The Jeff Pershing Band, Kyle Williams and more. Go online for a complete festival lineup schedule. Sa & Su, 6/2 & 6/3, 10am-7:30pm. $5. Forest Ranch Charter School, 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. in Forest Ranch, http://tinyurl.com/7k85r4f.

TWENTIETH CENTURY: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.


the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.




Special Events

Special Events

CENTERVILLE 49ER PARADE: Fine arts and crafts, pioneer demonstrations, drawings, food vendors, live music and more to benefit the museum. Su, 6/3, 8am-4pm. Prices vary. Colman Museum; 13548 Centerville Rd.; (530) 893-9667; www.colmanmuseum.com.

HISTORIC COVERED BRIDGE PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Drawings, prizes and Celtic music by the Pub Scouts accompany this pancake breakfast to benefit the Honey Run Covered Bridge Association. Su, 6/3, 7-11am. $5-$7.50. Honey Run Covered Bridge; Honey Run Rd. At Centerville Rd. 4.5 miles from Skyway; (530) 893-9667; www.colmanmuseum.com/covered bridge.html.

WINE & FOOD PAIRING BENEFIT: Local chefs present gourmet dishes to pair with local, regional and international wines with live music, silent auction and raffle prizes as a benefit to the Arc of Butte County. Su, 6/3, 3-6pm. $30-$35. Arc Pavilion; 2040 Park Ave.; (530) 891-5865.



TWENTIETH CENTURY: See Thursday. Theatre on

MAYOR YOUTH ARTS AWARDS PRESENTATION: A ceremony recognizing youth artists grades 7 through 12 and their works. Tu, 6/5, 6:30pm. Chico City Council Building; 421 Main St.; (530) 896-7200.



Special Events COMEDY NIGHT: Weekly comedy night on Wednesdays inside Spirits Lounge at Gold Country Casino. W, 8pm. Free. Gold Country Casino; 4020 Olive Hwy at Gold Country Casino & Hotel in Oroville; (530) 534-9892; www.gold countrycasino.com.

COMMUNITY BBQ: A barbecue for the whole com-

a juried exhibition of 66 works by 40 contributing artists. Art Center. Through 6/23. 450 Orange St. 6, (530) 895-8726, www.chicoartcenter.com.


Photography, a display of Joel Collier’s photography on all three floors of the City Municipal Center building. Through 7/13. 411 Main St. City Hall, (530) 896-7200.

CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Dragonflies and Damselflies, a photo exhibit by Robert Woodward. Ongoing. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

CHICO PAPER CO.: Monuments, works by DiGrazia, who manipulates photographs to detach the structure from recognizable surroundings. Through 6/1.Marilynn Jennings, the qualities of the four elements are captured through color and texture in oil paintings and adjacent fiber cylinders. Through 6/1. 345 Broadway, (530) 891-0900, www.chicopapercompany.com.

HEALING ART GALLERY: Current exhibits, by Northern California artists whose lives have been touched by cancer. Currently featuring watercolors by Amber Palmer. Ongoing. 265 Cohasset Rd. inside Enloe Cancer Center, (530) 332-3856.


Reconstructed, original artworks by Andy Greer. 6/1-6/30. Gallery hours are open daily. 118 W. Second St., (530) 895-0676.


Figure, an exhibition of of pastels, chalk, pencil, water color, acrylic paints and various inks from 12 local artists. Through 6/30. 493 East Ave. #1, (530) 345-3063.

SATORI COLOR & HAIR DESIGN: Gitta Brewster, 13 locally-created paintings on display. Through 7/15. 627 Broadway St. 120.

THE VAGABOND ROSE GALLERY & FRAMING: Will Chiapella Photography, “lost” B&W film images and digital photographs from abroad on display. Through 7/31; Tu, 7/31, 10am-5pm. 236 Main St., (530) 343-1110.

VALENE L. SMITH MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Cradleboards: Carrying on the Traditions, an exhibition of cradleboards, commonlyused by many Native American cultures to carry and protect infants. Through 6/15. CSUC Meriam Library Complex.

Call for Artists ART INSPIRED BY CHICO: The Chico Museum is planning a multi-media exhibit (including poetry, art, videos, sculptures, textiles and music) of original creations inspired by Chico. Go online for submission guidelines. Through 7/1. Chico Museum, 141 Salem St., (530) 891-4336, www.chicomuseum.org.

CHICO ICONS: An exhibit that will focus on the endangered, fragile and precious aspects of our natural and man-made environment in Chico. Go online for a full prospectus. Through 6/30. Avenue 9 Gallery, 180 E. Ninth Ave., (530) 879-1821, http://tinyurl.com/ d3b8jgg.


Gadgets, a new display featuring kitchen gadgets past and present. M-Sa, 10am3:45pm; Su, 11:45am-3:45pm. $2 adults/kids free. 1650 Broderick St. in Oroville, (530) 538-2497, www.boltsantiquetools.com.

CHICO MUSEUM: The Bicycle: Life on Two

Wheels, an exhibition that will explore world of cycling, from the history of the bicycle, the science of staying upright and the benefits of riding. F through 6/22. $2-$3. 141 Salem St., (530) 891-4336.


Story, an exhibit featuring 12 hands-on stations illustrating the simple mechanisms found in most toys. W-Su. $3-$5. 625 Esplanade, www.csuchico.edu/gateway.

munity to enjoy with a bounce house and snow cones for the little ones. W, 6/6, 6-8pm. Free. Chico Church of Christ; 995 E. Lassen Ave. Corner of Burnap and E. Lassen Ave.; (530) 893-8565; www.chicocofc.org.

Sa & Su, 6/2 & 6/3, 10am-7:30pm. Forest Ranch

KISS ME KATE: See Thursday. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

Charter School; 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. in Forest Ranch.

for more Music, see NIGHTLIFE on page 32

A 12-hour tour

RECONSTRUCTED Saturday June 2 Naked Lounge

Perpetual Drifters

Are you ready do some work for your live music? This Saturday, June 2, the pedal-powered stage will once again be making the rounds with bicycling revelers for the fourth annual Chico Bicycle Music Festival. As a cap-off to Bike Month, musicians and fans will bike to three different locations around Chico, and the fest-goers will take turns pedal-powering the sound system for the 12 free live performances. The fun begins at noon at Camellia Way Park (the grassy side of Annie’s Glen) with Tumbler and Wolf Thump; then, with John Paul Gutierrez serenading from a bike along the way, things moves further up the park to EDITOR’S PICK Cedar Grove for sets by MaMuse, The Railflowers and Heather Normandale; and finally, the parade winds up way out at the GRUB co-op for an evening concert featuring the Perpetual Drifters, Envelope Peasant, Gentlemen’s Coup, Evin Wolverton, DJ Chedda Da Shredda, and Popcycle, a children’s fashion show hosted by Chikoko.


FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www.newsreview.com/calendar. Once posted, your CN&R calendar listing will also be considered for print. Print listings are also free, but subject to space limitations. Deadline for print listings is one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.


May 31, 2012



CN&R 25

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BULLETIN BOARD Community CHICO FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Chico Friends of the Library weekly book sale. Sa, 9:15-11:30am. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.buttecounty.net/ bclibrary.

COMMUNITY SUNDAY: A weekly program of music and message to inspire conscious awakening and compassionate action. June focus: Spiritual Practice. Th, Su, 11am through 6/30. Center for Spiritual Living, downtown Chico, 830 Boadway St., (530) 894-8115.

DANCE SANCTUARY WAVE: Bring a water bottle, drop your mind, free your feet and your spirit. Call for directions. Tu, 6:30-8:30pm. $10. Call for details, 891-6524.


FARMERS MARKET - CHICO STATE: The Organic Vegetable Project’s weekly sale of freshpicked greens of chard, kale, cabbage, flowers, herbs, veggies, farm-fresh eggs and more in the campus plaza. W, 11am-2pm. Chico State, W. First St. Plumas Hall.


honey, fruits and veggies, crafts and more. Sa, 7:30am-1pm. Chico Certified Saturday Farmers Market, Municipal parking lot on Second and Wall Streets, (530) 893-3276.

FARMERS MARKET: OROVILLE: Produce and fresh food vendors with local crafts and food booths. Sa through 11/17. Free. Oroville Farmers Market, Montgomery & Myers, Municipal Auditorium parking lot Montgomery & Myers in Oroville, (530) 879-5303.

GOLF FOR VETERANS: A program to help combat veterans socialize with other veterans on the links. Ongoing. Free. Call for details, (530) 8998549.

INNER ARTS GROWTH GROUP FOR WOMEN: A fourweek expressive arts group for the purpose of self-discovery and empowerment. Tu, 7-9pm through 6/26. $80. Center for Spiritual Living, downtown Chico, 830 Boadway St., (530) 4102567.

FOLK DANCING: Teaching during the first hour, followed by request dancing. No partners necessary. Call for more information. F, 8pm through 6/29. Opens 6/1. $2. Chico Creek Dance Centre, 1144 W. First St., (530) 345-8134.

MARCH OF DIMES GOLF TOURNAMENT: A fourperson scramble golf tournament to benefit the March of Dimes. M, 6/4, 8am-5pm. $125$500. Butte Creek Country Club, 175 Estates Dr., (530) 570-1965, www.buttecreekcountry club.com.

MUSEUM WITHOUT WALLS LECTURE SERIES: The final lecture in a five-part series with a Butterflies, Bees and Bats: Native Pollinators of the North State theme. This week, “Pollinator Conservation.” Sa, 6/2, 7:30pm. $3. Chico Area Recreation District (CARD), 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Off of Vallombrosa, next to Bidwell Park, (530) 895-4711, www.chico rec.com.

SOUL SHAKE DANCE CHURCH: Drop your mind, find your feet and free you spirit at this DJ dance wave to a range of musical styles. No previous dance experience necessary. Su, 10am-noon. $8-$15 sliding scale. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., (530) 895-4707.

SURVIVING & THRIVING: A presentation designed for those who have suffered through recent loss or turmoil looking to enhance their outlook and learn to cope. Tu, 6-7:30pm through 7/24. 8/7-9/25, 6-7:30pm. Lakeside Pavilion, 179 E. 19th St., 895-4711.

For Kids CAMP CHICO CREEK: Registration is open for ten weekly sessions of naturalist-led education camps for children ages 5 to 11. Children will participate in outdoor recreation activities designed to foster awareness of nature. Call or go online for more info. Through 6/4. Chico Creek Nature Center, 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.


sponsored by Lyon Books. Every other Th, 3pm. Free. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-3338, www.lyonbook.com.

SEWING, KNITTING & CRAFTS CLASSES FOR KIDS: Classes for kids hosted by Earth Girl Art. Go online for class schedule. Ongoing. Earth Girl Art, 3851 Morrow Ln., (530) 354-2680, www.earthgirlart.com.

Volunteer BIDWELL PARK VOLUNTEERS: Help the park by volunteering for trash pick-up, invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, site restoration, water quality testing and more. Ongoing; check Friends of Bidwell Park web site for dates and locations. Ongoing. Call for location, www.friendsofbidwellpark.org.


Used book sale. Every other Sa, 10am-3pm. Prices vary. Butte County Library, Paradise Branch, 5922 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 8726320, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary/ Paradise.htm.

SAMARITAN FREE CLINIC: This clinic offers free basic medical care and mental-health counseling. Call for more information. Su, 2-4pm. Free. Paradise Lutheran Church, 780 Luther Dr. Next to Long’s Drugstore in Paradise, 8727085.

MORE ONLINE Additional listings for local meetings, support groups, classes, yoga, meditation and more can be found online at www.newsreview.com/chico/local/calendar.

May 31, 2012

CN&R 27


2.75 SIZE


THUR 5/31 RUN DATE FRIDAY 6/1 – THuRSDAY 6/7 BATTLESHIP (Digital) (PG-13) 10:20AM 1:25PM 4:25PM 7:25PM 10:25PM BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL, THE (Digital) (PG-13) 11:00AM 1:50PM 4:40PM 7:30PM 10:20PM CHERNOBYL DIARIES (Digital) (R) 1:10PM 3:25PM 5:40PM 7:55PM 10:10PM DARK SHADOWS (Digital) (PG-13) 11:20AM 2:00PM 4:40PM♠ 7:20PM♠ 10:00PM DICTATOR, THE (Digital) (R) 1:20PM 3:30PM 5:40PM 7:50PM 10:05PM FOR GREATER GLORY (Digital) (R) 10:00AM 1:05PM 4:10PM 7:15PM 10:20PM MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS (3D) (PG13) 12:30PM 3:45PM 7:00PM 10:10PM MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS (Digital) (PG-13) 11:05AM 2:10PM 5:25PM 8:35PM MEN IN BLACK 3 (3D) (PG-13) 11:25AM 12:25PM 2:15PM 3:10PM 5:00PM 5:55PM 7:45PM 8:40PM 10:30PM

MEN IN BLACK 3 (Digital) (PG-13) 10:35AM 1:20PM 4:05PM 6:50PM 9:35PM SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN (Digital) (PG-13) 10:25AM 11:30AM 1:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM 5:30PM 7:30PM 8:30PM 10:30PM WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING (Digital) (PG-13) 11:50AM 2:25PM 5:00PM 7:35PM 10:15PM (SUMMER MOVIE CLUBHOUSE) JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND (Digital) (PG) Wed & Thurs only 10:00AM 10:00AM (SPECIAL SHOWING) NT LIVE: FRANKENSTEIN (Digital) (R) (Original Casting) Wed 6/6 7:00PM (Reverse Casting) Thur 6/7 7:00PM (MIDNIGHT SHOWING) MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S MOST WANTED (3D) (PG) Thurs 6/7 12:02AM (MIDNIGHT SHOWING) PROMETHEUS (3D) (R) Thurs 6/7 12:01AM

Showtimes listed w/ ♠ NOT shown Wed 6/6

Hey, it’s not “two kids” with a bike.

both oneFweek Nfilms AME OF ILE Sonly ENT start friday June 1st From canada

ATT:monsieur WILL lazhar

nightly 6:30pm, except Sunday 2pm matinee

headhunters Fnightly 8:15pm, except Sunday 4pm matinee

“It’s on my short list for most enjoyable movies in recent history. Smart, funny, scary and surprising.” -Joe morgenStern, Wall Street Journal








DAILY: 1:45 4:00 7:00 9:40PM


DAILY: 1:00 3:55 6:45 9:35PM







: 12:30 5:10 7:25 9:45PM IN 2D: 2:50PM


DAILY: 12:45 3:40 6:30 9:30PM


DAILY: 1:00 3:45 6:30 9:20PM



DAILY: 12:30 2:50 5:10 7:30 *9:50PM




: 12:30 6:30PM 2D: 3:30 9:30PM


No more training wheels Quietly powerful story of orphaned boy navigating a difficult road

TDoret), a troubled pre-teen whom we first see trying to get beyond the confines of the orphanage into which he’s been he kid in Kid With a Bike is Cyril (Thomas

cast. He’s determined to be reunited with his father and with the bike he’s sure his lone parent will be bringing back to him. by Cyril’s quest seems simple enough, but Juan-Carlos there are complications soon to follow. First Selznick off, the father (Jérémie Renier) is in desperate straits. He’s had to sell the little he owns (including Cyril’s bike) and seems incapable of assuming parental responsibility. In one of his brief escapes, the kid collides with (and literally latches on to) a beautician Ends tonight, named Samantha (Cécile de France). He May 31 returns to the orphanage, but after she finds his Kid With a Bike bike and retrieves it for him, he impulsively Starring Thomas asks her to become his foster mother on weekDoret, Cécile De France and ends, and she, with almost no hesitation, Jérémie Renier. accepts. Directed by The title notwithstanding, this quietly powJean-Pierre erful Belgian film is also very much about the Dardenne and heartening and surprisingly fraught relationship Luc Dardenne. Pageant Theatre. between Samantha and the kid. And that too Rated PG-13. has its complications, first in the stress it puts on her relationship with her longtime boyfriend Gilles (Laurent Caron), and then (and most dramatically) in Cyril’s falling under the shabbily charismatic influence of Wes (Egon Di Poor Mateo), the leader of a small neighborhood gang. There’s an obvious potential for melodrama in all this, but the filmmaking Dardenne brothFair ers, Jean-Pierre and Luc, present it all in their characteristic low-key, semi-documentary manner. There’s a kind of patient generosity in their even-handed, non-judgmental approach, Good and in the three separate moments when there’s music to be heard (Beethoven’s Emperor Concerto), pivotal turns of event take on a semiVery Good mysterious note of spiritual potential. Cyril is a remarkably sturdy and resourceful 11-year-old, and little Thomas Doret embodies his bold persistence in thoroughly convincing Excellent fashion. Cécile de France, a Franco-Belgian







28 CN&R May 31, 2012

star seen here previously in Clint Eastwood’s Hereafter, gives Samantha a similar roughedged sturdiness in physical terms, and that, in the story’s contexts, becomes something moral and spiritual as well. Renier, Cyril’s sad, feckless father in the film, is a Dardenne regular. He played another kind of errant father in the Dardennes’ The Child (2005) and made his feature-film debut at age 14 as a troubled, fatherless kid in La Promesse (1996), the first Dardenne film to gain international acclaim. He’s now something of a star in Europe, but in this film he has once again immersed himself in the rough-edged poetry of the Dardennes’ quietly humanistic realism. Ω

Back in black Men in Black 3


Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

by Craig Blamer When we last saw Agents K (Tommy

Lee Jones) and J (Will Smith) of the MIB agency, they were, um, well, I don’t really remember. I have a vague recollection of Lara Flynn Boyle needing a sandwich, but that’s about it. Maybe I got neuralyzed. Or maybe it’s been too long—10 years. The sharp-dressed partners are back, going about their comfortable routine of policing the city streets for illegal aliens—of the spaceship kind. But that routine suddenly gets really complicated when Boris “Just Boris” the Animal manages to bust out of an über-secret maximum-security prison on the moon and heads back to Earth for some payback on the Man in Black responsible for his down time. That man being the taciturn Agent K. Of course, this being a summer blockbuster, just ambushing him is sort of uninspired, so Boris (Flight of the Conchords’

Jemaine Clement, looking like a mutant version of Ringo Starr) cuts a time-fart and goes back to 1968 to kill K. This results in all sorts of nasty butterfly effects being unleashed in the space/time continuum, like giant creatures descending from the sky and eating New York. Since Earth lacks the rock ’em, sock ’em robots of Transformers 3 or the quarreling superheroes of The Avengers to counter this suddenly trendy threat, the agency sends Agent J back to turn the fan off before the shit hits—with surprisingly amusing results. Most of the amusement comes from Josh Brolin’s spot-on take as the younger Agent

K, as after the obligatory meet-cute agents J and K immediately return to their domestic squabbling 30 years before they actually hook up. (“Actually” being a relative term, since we’re talking time travel.) It’s complicated but not too complicated, seeing as this is a summer popcorner. But it’s a very well-crafted popcorner, hitting all the right comfortable notes and maintaining that delicate balance of staying boneheadedaccessible and still being clever enough for the folks who don’t need instructions on how to get the popcorn from tub to mouth. Although, fans of the Transformers franchise might still be confused. Ω

Reviewers: Craig Blamer, Rachel Bush, Jim Lane and Juan-Carlos Selznick.

down with a subtext involving the nature of games and adding some nice touches regarding disabled vets and forgotten war relics. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.

Opening this week


For Greater Glory

An historic epic about the 1926-1929 Cristero War, a rebellion against the Mexican government’s efforts to secularize the country. Starring Andy Garcia and Eva Longoria. Cinemark 14. Rated R.


Norwegian director Mortan Tyldum (Buddy) helms this crime drama about a successful headhunter and parttime art thief who, after attempting to steal an expensive painting from a mercenary, has to go on the run. Pageant Theatre. Rated R.

Monsieur Lazhar

After being hired at a Montréal grade school to replace a teacher who committed suicide, an Algerian immigrant’s own grief over a recent personal tragedy intensifies. Nominated for Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13.

Snow White and the Huntsman

Our first dose of Snow White for 2012 came in March, with Julia Roberts as the Queen in Mirror Mirror. Now, it’s a darker-looking version of the tale, with Charlize Theron playing the Queen and Chris Hemsworth as the huntsman who switches loyalties after tracking Snow White (Kristen Stewart). Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Now playing


The Avengers

Once Black Widow (Scarlett Johanssen) starts kicking some ass about 11 minutes in, this superhero flick shifts gears and begins to get more awesome as it howls along. What we get next are a few origin stories, about the recruitment of the Avengers—Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk and eventually Thor and Hawkeye—as a team. As a stand-alone, it could be confusing. But if you kick back and go with the flow, that’s over soon enough and they band together to fight a common threat that has followed power-hungry god Loki to Earth. Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) is pretty much the center of the movie, but director Joss Whedon has also made the Hulk interesting. Helping to sell the package is Mark Ruffalo as Hulk’s alter-ego, turning in a performance that echoes Bill Bixby (the original live action Bruce Banner) while making the character comfortably his own. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.



After a meet-cute with the skanky daughter (Brooklyn Decker) of a barking naval commander played by Liam Neeson, a total loser (Taylor Kitsch) mans up and joins the Navy. With his brother’s help, he manages to work his way up the chain of command while remaining a screw-up. But he gets his shot at redemption when the fleet sets out on some big Navy exercise. If you’ve seen the ads, you know where this is going: Next come the aliens and the explosions. Director Peter Berg has gone from the jagged edges of Very Bad Things to being a fairly polished Hollywood stone, and here he’s delivered one very polished two-hour commercial that is much more visually cohesive than a Michael Bay movie. Writers Erich and Jon Hoeber also deserve some credit for floating a narrative out of the basic board game on which the film is based, managing to incorporate the iconic aspects of the game into the mix, while laying

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

This good-natured crowd-pleaser from John Madden (Shakespeare in Love; Her Majesty, Mrs. Brown) is primarily a charming field day for a small host of veteran British actors. The story, drawn from a novel by Deborah Moggach, sends a motley assortment of hardpressed Anglo senior citizens off to a cut-rate retirement home in India. Their number includes a grieving widow (Judy Dench), a bickering married couple (Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton), a much-married lady (Celia Imrie) boldly seeking yet another (preferably wealthy) husband, a retired judge (Tom Wilkinson) who is gay and returning to the scene of his youth, an exultantly randy old gentleman (Ronald Pickup), and a crotchety exnanny (Maggie Smith) who’s getting an outsourced hip replacement. Late-blooming romances mingle with a medley of financial and medical issues. Individual dilemmas get a miscellany of resolutions, but the film as a whole gathers itself around the problems of Sonny (Dev Patel from Slumdog Millionaire), whose courtship of lovely Sunaina (Tena Desae) and amateurish management of the hotel draws the ire of his family and of his domineering mother in particular. Cinemark 14 and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.


The Dictator

A North African despot (Sacha Baron Cohen), visiting the United States, is replaced by a lookalike—part of a plot by his uncle (Ben Kingsley) to introduce democracy back home. Wandering the streets unrecognized, he meets and begins to fall for the owner of an organic grocery store (Anna Faris). The script by Cohen, Alec Berg, David Mandel and Jeff Schaffer is a raunchy riff on The Prince and the Pauper with Cohen’s patented offend-everybody brand of tasteless jokes (the movie’s motto might be “Sick semper tyrannis!”). Cohen is a 21st century Andy Kaufman: he can vanish into his character, but (like Kaufman) without being naturally funny like, say, Robin Williams or Jim Carrey. Between genuine amusement (rare) and squirmy discomfort (frequent), there are enough laughs to satisfy Cohen’s fans—but only them. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated R—J.L.


The Kid with a Bike

Ends tonight, May 31. See review this issue. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.


Men in Black 3

See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.

Still here


The Avengers

Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.

Chernobyl Diaries

Cinemark 14. Rated R.


Dark Shadows

Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting

Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

May 31, 2012

CN&R 29




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s spring in Chico slowly

found a little bit of heaven right here in Northern California. by Henri Bourride Mornings on my front porch with hbourride@ yahoo.com a tall Bloody Mary and a good book (I’m just finishing up In One Person, the new John Irving novel about a writer coming to grips with his sexuality). Afternoons napping on the lawn at OneMile. And evenings on the couch at the Pageant watching movies. Best of all, though, the farmers’ markets. Henri finds no greater joy this time of the year than wandering the crowded aisles of local produce and products, from the stunning floral bouquets to the exotic Asian beans, from the avocados and broccoli crowns to the exquisite handcrafted jewelry. And this time of the year, it’s the strawberries— ripe and succulent, their sweet redolence wafting through the air—that most bestir Henri’s palate and imagination. And such prices! I usually buy at least a couple of boxes at both the Thursday Night Market and Saturday morning farmers’ market, one to nibble from and one to use for some of my favorite recipes. Harvested wild since prehistoric times—from Asia to the Americas—and most likely first cultivated in ancient Rome, strawberries have

not only been consumed for their delicate sweet flavor but also have been used in folk remedies, including to treat skin and digestive disorders and to remove stains from teeth. American scientists began developing hybrids in the late 18th century. Derived from Old English, the word strawberry most likely comes from a reference to the straw that was typically used as mulch where the berries were grown. A more fanciful—and perhaps more poetic—theory is that the name came about because the berries were strewn about the ground and/or the leaves of the plants themselves. In some northern European countries today, people collect strawberries on “skewers” made of straw. One of Henri’s favorite ways to enjoy strawberries is in shortcake, a favorite American dessert since the mid-1800s that actually dates from 15th-century England. Traditionally, it’s made with sweet biscuits, lots of sliced strawberries and a scoop of ice cream or dollop of whipped cream. The following recipe is from www.southern food.about.com and has been slightly modified. Strawberry shortcake Filling and topping: 1 quart strawberries 1 1/2 cups whipping cream 1/3 cup sugar Biscuit: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar

1 stick butter, chilled 2/3 cup cream Rinse the berries under cold water and drain. Remove stems, slice the berries, place in bowl and sprinkle with the sugar; cover and let stand at room temperature for about one hour. Whip the cream (sweeten with 2 or 3 tablespoons of sugar, if desired, or a teaspoon of vanilla) until it holds a soft peak. Cover and refrigerate. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Set rack at center level. In a food processor, combine the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, and mix at “pulse” setting. Cut butter into pads and add to the mixture. Pulse until coarse, with a few pea-size chunks of butter remaining. Transfer to a large bowl and make a well in the center. With fork or stiff whisk, stir in the cream or milk, until dough is just moist. Let stand for a minute. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead two or three times, until it begins to hold together. Gently pat the dough into a 6by-12-inch rectangle about 3/4inch thick and cut into eight (3inch) biscuits with a floured round cutter. Transfer to a buttered foillined cookie sheet, brush with a little milk or cream and sprinkle tops with sugar. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until risen and golden brown. Remove to a platter and split each biscuit with a serrated knife, laying halves side by side, then top each with about 1/3 cup of berry mixture. Reassemble, and top with a tablespoon or so of berries. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream. Ω



Carry-on babies


GRILLED CRUNCHY TACOS 3 for $6 (or $2.50 each)

Asada, Chicken, Pork, Carnitas

Fun exhibit of traditional Native American cradleboards at Chico State

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C Traditions—the absorbing new exhibit at Chico State’s Valene L.

radleboards: Carrying on the

Smith Museum of Anthropology—is folded into the museby um’s long-running Christine G.K. main exhibit, Coming LaPado Home: Ishi’s Long christinel@ Journey. It’s a fitting newsreview.com match-up of two installations focused on the culture of local NOW SHOWING: Native Americans. Cradleboards: “This is the first Carrying on the time we’ve experiTraditions runs through June 15, mented with a secat the Museum of ond, smaller exhibit Anthropology. in the same space,” said Chico State Valene L. Smith Museum of anthropology profesAnthropology sor Stacy Schaefer. Chico State Schaefer is also coMLIB 180 director of the anthro898-5397 pology museum as www.csuchico.edu /anthmuseum well as co-coordinator of the university’s Hours: Tues.-Sat., museum studies cer11 a.m.-3 p.m. tificate program. The cradleboard exhibit features numerous black-and-white photographs from the late 1800s and early 1900s of babies in the handmade carriers used by Native Americans. There are also some examples of the actual cradleboards, many donated by the family of the late historian and anthropologist Dorothy Morehead Hill. The exhibit offers an emotional counterpoint to the Ishi installation, Schaefer observed. “Ishi’s life story is very tragic,” said Schaefer. On the contrary, the cradleboard exhibit offers joy and hope. “A number of Native Americans are still alive and well in this area, and they are keeping traditions going, and the cradleboard is one way [to keep their traditions alive].” Schaefer noted that there is “a contemporary resurgence” in the making and use of cradleboards. Local cradleboard-maker Susan Campbell, of Mountain Maidu and Pit River (spelled “Pitt” River in historical

invites You to Join Us in the Big room Above: “Woman Carrying Baby in Cradleboard on Back” (1907)

records) heritage, appears prominently in Bound to Tradition, an extremely informative 38-minute looped video that plays just inside the entrance to the museum. Campbell, who was raised in a cradleboard, also served as a consultant to Schaefer’s museum exhibit planning class, which worked on the cradleboard installation. “Western scientists originally thought it would limit [babies’] motor development,” said Schaefer of the longtime Native American tradition, “but, to the contrary, being swaddled and put in a cradleboard is very comforting. It makes babies feel secure and safe.” There is not a single baby in any of the photos on display who looks unhappy; rather, most look very content in their cradleboards as they are carried on their mother’s back, held in their mother’s arms or propped up against a tree. One picture— “View of a Pitt River Indian Papoose—Achomawi,” taken circa 1900, depicts a smiling, chubby-cheeked baby who looks positively thrilled in his cradleboard. Most of the cradleboards on display, including one on loan from Sandra Knight and the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria, are a form of basketry, Schaefer pointed out. Another, from the Navajo tribe (in the American Southwest), is made of wooden planks.

Left: “View of a Pitt River Indian Papoose—Achomawi” (ca. 1900)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Leftover Salmon


“Each style, form and design of cradleboards represents what tribe you are from,” Schaefer said. And as she points out during an interview in the Bound to Tradition video, family members go out long before a baby is born to select and give thanks for just the right materials from nature— such as redbud or willow branches—to make a cradleboard for their particular baby. The cradleboard, said Schaefer, “is a way to embody culture in newborns and raise them to know their cultural traditions and the members of their family. They see the people around them from eye level, not lying down. And they are not isolated [in a crib]—they are in the center of the family.” (The card accompanying one of the photographs in the exhibit compares the interactive freedom that babies in cradleboards have to the “prisonlike cribs in mainstream American society.”) “In every culture, children are very precious. They bring new life and hope; they are the carriers of the culture,” said Schaefer. “And so what a wonderful way for them to embark on life’s journey. “The care and attention to making the cradleboard, and the comfort inside of it—it’s almost Ω like a womb, in a way.”

The sound of Colorado’s legendary Leftover Salmon is unmistakable: fluid, loose-limbed, and simultaneously rootsy and daring. Fusing an unrivaled improvisational fervor to a dizzying combination of bluegrass, Cajun, funk, Southern rock, boogie, Caribbean, Latin, and jazz influences, Leftover Salmon has earned a legion of diehard fans, critical accolades, and a reputation as one of the most exciting, engaging concert experiences to ever hit the road. Leftover Salmon is back to their classic 5 piece lineup featuring: Vince Herman (Guitar/ Vocals), Drew Emmitt (Multi Instrumentalist/ Vocals), Greg Garrison (Bass/Vocals), Andy Thorn (Banjo/Vocals), Jose Martinez (Drums). This is a one time opportunity to see one the legends of jam/slamgrass in the intimacy of the Big Room

Due to the need for an EXPANDED DANCE FLOOR, there will be reduced seating available. Tickets $30 On sale Saturday, 6/2 in the gift shop or online at www.SierraNevada.com Doors open at 6pm • Music starts at 7:30pm

Special concert Dinner available - $12.50

Join the Big Room e-mail list by visiting www.sierranevada.com 1075 E. 20th StrEEt • ChiCo • 896-2198 all ages Welcome at each Show May 31, 2012

CN&R 31


THURSDAY 5|31—WEDNESDAY 6|6 MATTEO PLAYS FILM SCORES: Classical guitarist Matteo plays film scores and light classics. Th, 6pm. Free. Angelos Cucina Trinacria; 407 Walnut St.; (530) 899-9996.


OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians welcome. Th, 7-10pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

Tonight, May 31 Café Coda

TRAINWRECK: Classic and hard rock orig-


31THURSDAY BLUES JAM: Weekly open jam. Th, 8pm-

midnight. Lynns Optimo; 9225 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 872-1788.

BRASS HYSTERIA: A mix of ska, rockabilly, bluegrass and punk. Rude Tuna from Seattle open. Th, 5/31, 7:30-10pm. $5. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

BURIED AT BIRTH: A grindcore/thrash band from San Jose. Local punks Icko Sicko open. Th, 5/31, 8pm. $5. Monstros Pizza & Subs; 628 W. Sacramento Ave.; (530) 345-7672.

CELLIST WILLIAM BUCHHOLTZ: The 18year-old cellist will be joined on piano by Dr. Robert Bowman to perform

inals and covers. Th, 5/31, 6-9pm. Free. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.

works by Bach, Brahms and Debussy. Th, 5/31, 7pm. Donations. St Johns Evangelist Episcopal Church; 2341 Floral Ave.; (530) 895-9170.


Th, 8-11pm. Free. The DownLo; 319 Main St.; (530) 892-2473.

APE MACHINE: A balls-out rock ‘n’ roll four-piece from Portland. Local acts Esoteric and Deaf Pilots open. F, 6/1, 9pm. $5. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.

BUCK FORD: Country music in the style of

JOHN SEID: John Seid and friends, featuring Larry Peterson and Steve Cook playing an eclectic mix of tunes all night. Th, 6:30-9:30pm. Free. Johnnie’s Restaurant; 220 W. Fourth St. inside Hotel Diamond; (530) 895-1515; www.johnniesrestaurant.com.

LAKE: A quirky indie band from Olympia, Wash., plays alongside Fera, a local singer-songwriter celebrating his album release. Pat Hull and Avita Treason open. Th, 5/31, 8pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 5669476; www.cafecoda.com.

1FRIDAY George Strait. F, 6/1, 9pm. Free. Colusa Casino Resort; 3770 Hwy. 45 in Colusa; (530) 458-8844; www.colusa casino.com.

DAVID BOWIE TRIBUTE SHOW: Bands and solo artists pay tribute to the one and only David Bowie. F, 6/1, 8pm. $5. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 5669476; www.cafecoda.com.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERT: MYSTIC ROOTS: The weekly concert series continues with hip-hop, reggae and rock from Mystic Roots. F, 6/1, 7-8:30pm. Free. Chico City Plaza; 400 Main St.

FUNKY KINGS BLUES BAND: The name says it all—bring those dancin’ shoes. F, 6/1, 7-10pm. $5. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveat flo.weebly.com.

I LIKE IT, I LOVE IT: A Tim McGraw tribute band in the brewery. F, 6/1, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.feather fallscasino.com.

IRISH MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with a traditional Irish music session by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffys Tavern; 337 Main St.; (530) 343-7718.

JOHN TRENALONE: Jazz and Broadway standards. F, 6:30-8:30pm through 10/26. Free. Johnnie’s Restaurant; 220 W. Fourth St. inside Hotel Diamond; (530) 895-1515; www.john niesrestaurant.com.

TONY VEE: A mix of top-40 hits from the last four decades in the lounge. F, 6/1, 8:30pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.feather fallscasino.com.

2SATURDAY ACOUSTIC MUSIC JAM: A jam hosted by Butte Folk Music Society and led by local musician Steve Johnson. First

Sa of every month, 2-5pm. Opens 6/2.

BUCK FORD: Country music in the style of George Strait. Sa, 6/2, 9pm. Free. Colusa Casino Resort; 3770 Hwy. 45 in Colusa; (530) 458-8844; www.colusa casino.com.

CHICO BICYCLE MUSIC FESTIVAL: A pedalpowered, moving music festival with three stops: Camillia Way Park on Vallombrosa Avenue, Cedar Grove in Lower Bidwell Park and the GRUB Cooperative (1525 Dayton Road). Go online for a complete festival lineup and schedule. Sa, 6/2, noon-midnight. Free. Call for details; http://tinyurl.com/7q7zcwg.

DRIVE: A tribute to The Cars in the brewery. Sa, 6/2, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.featherfallscasino.com.

KARAMO SUSSO: Kora master Karamo Susso appears with a new lineup of musicians. Sa, 6/2, 7-10pm. $10. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

MOUNTAIN MUSIC FESTIVAL: The annual Forest Ranch Mountain Music Festival to benefit the Forest Ranch Charter School, with local acts Hot Flash, Dylan’s Dharma, The Jeff Pershing Band, Kyle Williams and more. Go online for a complete festival lineup schedule. Sa & Su, 6/2 & 6/3, 10am7:30pm. $5. Forest Ranch Charter School, 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. in Forest Ranch, http://tinyurl.com/7k85r4f.

TONY VEE: A mix of top-40 hits from the

last four decades in the lounge. Sa, 6/2, 8:30pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino; 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.featherfallscasino.com.

3SUNDAY JAZZ: Weekly jazz. Su, 4-6pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria; 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

BURIED AT BIRTH Tonight, May 31 Monstros Pizza SEE THURSDAY

Free. Upper Crust Bakery & Eatery; 130 Main St.; (530) 345-4128.

$50 OFF

with this ad

Exp 6/7/12

32 CN&R May 31, 2012


THIS WEEK: FIND MORE ENTERTAINMENT AND SPECIAL EVENTS ON PAGE 24 9pm. $3. LaSalles; 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.


LOCAL HONEY: A monthly meeting for singer/songwriters hosted by Mandalyn May. First W of every month, 6-8pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

Friday, June 1 Café Coda SEE FRIDAY

5TUESDAY songwriter night. Tu, 7-9pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

Saturday. Forest Ranch Charter School, 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. in Forest Ranch, http://tinyurl.com/7k85r4f.

guitarist and vocalist. Su, 6/3, 10am2pm. Free. Bidwell Perk; 664 E. First

Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

SOLO JAZZ: Every Wednesday with Carey Robinson. W, 4-7pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

music, open-jam style. First Tu of every month, 5-7pm. Free. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

music of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn. First M of every month, 78:30pm. $10. Café Coda; 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476; www.cafecoda.com.

a jazz happy hour every Monday. M, 57pm. Cafe Flo; 365 E. Sixth St. Next door to the Pageant Theatre; (530) 514-8888; http://liveatflo.weebly.com.

restaurant. W, 8-11pm. Tortilla Flats; 2601 Esplanade; (530) 345-6053.

MOLLYS FAVORITES: Traditional Irish

DINNER & JAZZ SERIES: Featuring the

JAZZ HAPPY HOUR: Carey Robinson hosts

SALSA BELLA: Live Salsa music in the

DON SHERIDAN: Jazz keyboard. Tu, 5-7pm.

Ave.; (530) 345-4128.


bass rig, guitar amp and PA system are provided, bring your own instruments. All ages until 10. W, 7pm. Free. Italian Garden; 6929 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 876-9988; wwwmyspace.com/theitaliangarden.

AARON JAQUA: An open singer-


STEVE JOHNSON: Acoustic Americana

OPEN JAM NIGHT: Join the jam. Drum kit,

6WEDNESDAY ROC ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS: Hip-hop showcase featuring Jahai, Big Slim, X-Quisyte Dance, The Resonators, Freddie Mac, Big Coop, Playa Play, Da$h, Sonu and E-Bo open. W, 6/6,



DJ DANCING CRAZY HORSE: DJ Hot Rod and mechani-

cal bull contest. F, 9pm-1:30am. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.

DOWN LO: DJ Ron Dare. Tu, Sa, 9pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

DUFFYS: DJ Lois & DJ Spenny. W, 10pm. $1.

FEATHER FALLS: Su, 8pm-midnight. Free. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com.

LASALLES: Th, 10pm: DJ Mac Morris; Fr,

11pm: on the patio; Sa, 9pm: “That 80s Party”; and Tu, 10pm: DJ. LaSalles, 229 Broadway St., (530) 893-1891.

MADISON BEAR: Dancing upstairs and on the patio. W-Sa, 9pm. Madison Bear Garden, 316 W. Second St., (530) 8911639, www.madisonbeargarden.com.

MALTESE: Dirty Talk: LBGT dance Party

w/ DJ2K. F, 9pm-2am through 4/6. Free. Maltese Bar & Taproom, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

MONTGOMERY ST.: W, F Sa, 8pm. Free. Montgomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.

QUACKERS: F, 9pm. Free. Quackers Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825.

TACKLE BOX: DJ Shelley. Tu, Su, 6pm. Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 375 East Park Ave., (530) 345-7499.

KINGS TAVERN: M, Tu, 8pm. Free. Kings Tavern, 5771 Clark Rd. in Paradise, (530) 877-7100. LASALLES: Su, 9pm. LaSalles, 229 Broadway St., (530) 893-1891.




LAST CALL LOUNGE: M, Th, 8pm-midnight. Last Call Lounge, 876 East Ave., (530) 895-3213.

LYNNS OPTIMO: F, Sa, 9pm. Lynns Optimo, 9225 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-1788.

QUACKERS: Th, 9pm. Free. Quackers Lounge, 968 East Ave., (530) 895-3825.

SMOKIE MOUNTAIN: F, Sa, 9pm. Free.

MONTGOMERY ST.: Tu, 8pm. Free. Montgomery St. Pub, 1933 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 533-0900.

Smokie Mountain Steakhouse, 7039 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-3323, www.smokiemtnsteakhouse.com.

STUDIO INN: With Brandon Hightower. Tu,


9pm-1am. Studio Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.

TORTILLA FLATS: Karaoke en Espanol. Su,

8-midnight. Free. Tortilla Flats, 2601 The Esplanade, (530) 345-6053.


KARAOKE CRAZY HORSE: All-request karaoke. Tu,

9pm. Free. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.

FEATHER FALLS: Tu, 7-11pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.featherfalls casino.com.

Duffys Tavern, 337 Main St., 343-7718.

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May 31, 2012

CN&R 33

DID YOU KNOW... • 550 Books were purchased for the 2012 “Children’s Summer Reading Program” with the funds raised by the 2011 Links for Literacy golf tournament • One persons entry fee will purchase 4 books for the library • Children who participate in the “Children’s Summer Reading Program” do better in school

Deadlocked Charlaine Harris Penguin Group What kind of trouble is Sookie Stackhouse going to find herself in this time? That’s the question you must ask yourself with every new entry in The Southern Vampire Mysteries series by Charlaine Harris. For those who’ve watched HBO’s True Blood but haven’t read the books on which the series is based, there is much more in the printed word than the TV series (which starts up again this summer!) dares to touch. It’s told in the first person by Sookie, so you quickly get to know the telepathic character—and all her vampire, werewolf and fairy friends—in great detail. Deadlocked, No. 12 in the series, catches her in the aftermath of a vampire slaying, and it isn’t long before the death count increases. It’s all Sookie can do to keep her love life straight while avoiding the spotlight of a detective on the hunt for a murderer, a vampire king and queen vying for power, a rogue werewolf or two and fairies in need of a leader. Harris proves once again that, while she might not be a master wordsmith, she sure can tell a good story filled with romance, mystery and supernatural surprises.


—Meredith J. Graham

Soul Shot Curtis Salgado Alligator Records After years of scuffling on a variety of labels, the ex-Robert Cray, ex-Roomful of Blues harmonicist/vocalist has landed at last on Chicago’s Alligator Records, the nation’s premiere blues label. Curtis Salgado, who has triumphed over a failed liver and then lung cancer, has always been a powerful vocalist and a soul singer par excellence, and he proves it here. Accompanied by his Phantom Blues Band and backed by a studio full of guests that include a horn section and a trio of back-up singers, Salgado delivers in spades what he says he wanted to accomplish. “I wanted to make a soul record that you can listen to and dance to. Soul Shot [is] the solid best thing I’ve ever done. And that’s a fact.” Although I was rather disappointed that his magnificent harp playing is in such scant evidence—under three minutes on the whole disc—there’s no denying his forceful vocals on such songs as Otis Redding’s pumping, horn-happy “Love Man” and Bobby Womack’s equally up-tempo “What You Gonna Do?” which gets the show on the road. And Salgado’s own mournful “She Didn’t Cut Me Loose” is typical of the love problems he faces on several of the songs.


2nd Annual

—Miles Jordan

Curtis Salgado performs at the Cool Summer Blues and Brews party, Saturday, June 2, 5:30 p.m., at Gold Country Casino.

Monday, June 18 Shotgun Start: 10a.m. • Tuscan Ridge Golf Course $80 per player HoLE-IN-oNE pRIzES: Scion iQ from Chuck patterson Auto World Motorcycle from Chico Motorsports $1,000 in Groceries from Grocery outlet

*A Benefit for Butte County Library Supporting sponsors: Bartlett’s Hearing Aids Concours Elite Collision Center Register Now: www.NewsReview.com • (530) 624–2841 34 CN&R May 31, 2012

Incredibox Major sponsors:

www.incredibox.com So while this won’t help you actually obtain that dream you have always secretly maintained of someday being a DJ, it will help you kill some time during your office day job pretending to follow that dream. French graphic design firm So Far So Good has updated its time-stealing application, Incredibox (originally released in 2009). Incredibox is a virtual music-production center using animated “beatboxers,” pictographic sound icons, and the talents of the band, Incredible Polo, to give users the power to create their own musical tracks. Sounds are segregated into five groups: effects, beats, melodies, chorus and voices. Each grouping contains two to five variants, each assigned a specific hieroglyph and color. A window above the sound icons houses a black and white line drawing of a lone shirtless, shaggy-haired hipster looking aloof as he waits for his track. Clicking and dragging one of the colored hieroglyphs onto his pasty belly prompts him to get dressed and begin making one of the categories of sound with his mouth, while another blank performer-in-waiting slides in next to him. Users can click and drag sounds for up to seven hipsters per track. The end result is a sort of lightweight electronic hip-hop track perfectly suitable for your cubicle.


—Mazi Noble

ARTS DEVO Jason Cassidy • jasonc@newsreview.com

MUSIC ROOM Is it news to anyone to report that Scott Barwick is the man? What if I say it like this: “Scott M.F. Barwick owns Chico! Bow down! Bow down, now!” The long-time Chico musician/engineer/ impresario has added another layer of fun to what is already one of the happiest places in town—the Origami Recording Lounge. Now, in addition to creating a house where the hippest local and touring bands record and perform their music, Barwick has added video production to the list of musical rides. Specifically, he’s started a new live-music video series called Room 708, featuring local and touring artists performing live at the lounge. So far, Barwick and his crew (which includes camera folks Kyle Forrest-Burns, Robbie Reaves, Brittany Lise and Chris Woodcox) have produced videos for three bands, each showcasing a different The Sad Bastards in Room 708. badass guest engineer: locals The Sad Bastards (engineered by Dale Price) and Bunnymilk (aka Lisa Marie and Kelly Brown, engineered by Kelly Bauman) and former local Dorian Cohen’s rappin’ alter ego Avita Treason (by Chris Keane). Already filmed but still in production are performances by Olympia, Wash., indie trio You Are Plural and Austin, Texas, heavy-makers True Widow. Go to www.room708.org and enjoy the show.

Think free. Repetition Industries presents

GLEANING THE TIME CUBE Speaking of music, and videos, and cameraman Robbie Reaves, and Avita Treason, check out this thing happening at Café Coda tonight, May 31: In addition to a performance by K Records popsters LAKE, a set by Pat Hull and a CD-release by local indie troubadour Fera, there’s gonna be a collaboration between Reaves (aka Catsoldier) and Treason that is a bona-fide work of performance art. Or, as Catsoldier explained: “It’s an experimental musical play surrounding one man’s two-year journey into a forbidden zone of space to claim a prize known only as: ‘the time cube.’ … There will be a mix of video and still imagery, a large foam-core puppet, hip-hop music, folk tales and an eleAvita Treason and the Cube of Time. gant stand-up bass provided by Chico’s own Ryan Davidson.” Sounds arty, and weird, and a little pretentious, and fun. Just how I like ’em.

GO BACK TO THE GROTTO Even back during the days of my youthful

obnoxiousness, when I was unfairly lumping Chico’s young Mother Hips in with the rest of the soul-killing jam-band scene, I really, really loved the song “Hey Emilie” from the band’s debut, Back to the Grotto (“Hey Emilie/ You can dance to the sound of a side of bacon sizzling!”). Today, as much as that little obstinate corner of my soul hates to admit it, I actually like most of the rest of the album as well. With all that said, The Hips will be performing Back to the Grotto in its entirety June 15 at The Independent in San Francisco, Mo Hips, the original. and they are also offering a free download of the disc at http://bit.ly/MH_BacktotheGrotto through June 2.

CONGRATS TO ART! It’s a privilege to be able to share some space here with the young artists who will be honored at the start of the City Council meeting this Tuesday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m. The recipients of the 2012 Mayor’s Awards for Achievement in the Arts for Youth are: Jaylee Waddell, Maddy Cowee, and Jenny Zhu (all of Pleasant Valley High School); and a filmmaking team made up of Blue Oak Charter School’s Julia McCarthy and Sophie Zukoski and Chico Junior High’s Georgina Quinn. Certificates of Honorable Mention will be presented to PoHo Lo (Pleasant Valley), Andrea Lopez (Fairview High School) and Maya Sousa (Chico Junior).

repetition.ind@gmail.com May 31, 2012

CN&R 35

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(530) 891-5690

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(530) 671-9905

Quality batteries and light bulbs are available in Chico from BatteriesPlus+ at 2500 Zanella Way, Suite D, and in Redding at 1355 Churn Creek Road, Suite C-8, and in Yuba City at 1199 Butte House Road, Unit #D. BatteriesPlus+ is well respected for reputable business ethics, and competitive prices on all types of batteries. Every battery known is here including batteries for camcorders, digital cameras and cell phones. And now they offer a wide variety of light bulbs as well! No matter what your battery needs are, automotive, truck, farm or industrial equipment, or marine, BatteriesPlus+ can fill your requirements with top quality merchandise at the best prices. There is free testing and installations on most items. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review recommend BatteriesPlus+ for their consistent efforts to serve their customers reliably and well. We suggest to anyone who has a battery need to contact BatteriesPlus+ without hesitation. www.BatteriesPlus.com



Featuring "Bradford" Flatbed Utility Bodies for Your Pickup Sales * Installation and Custom Built Hitches

Call: (530) 343-9024

Phone 534-0623

Quality is something that everybody wants but nobody can seem to afford. You'll find quality in every sense of the word when you call Bartel Welding & Machine at 4629 Pacific Heights Rd, in Oroville. They are totally knowledgeable in all facets of trailer hitches and welding. Do you need a trailer hitch? How about welding, repairs or custom fabrication? Bartel Welding & Machine is the place in the area to find exactly what you need. Call them for on-site welding. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review, for the 8th consecutive year, recommend Bartel Welding & Machine to all our readers.

9,&725< 7$7722 Est. 2001

The Service is Completely Single Use & Disposable Pigments are Vegan & Encapsulated Offering the Very Best in Creative & Custom Tattoos


36 CN&R May 31, 2012

Philadelphia Square Dental Care

Foreign & Domestic "Ask About the Starving Student Discount" Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take your car to just one place for all of your repair work? There is such a place and we're talking about Accurate Auto By Mike, in their new location at 2246 Esplanade, Suite A, in Chico. Accurate Auto By Mike is the area's leading automotive repair shop. Ask any one who's used their services, they'll tell you that this is the only stop you need to make on your way to worry-free driving! From a simple oil change to brakes, mufflers or a complete engine overhaul, Accurate Auto By Mike has the equipment, parts and skill to repair or replace any part that may malfunction. So, when you need anything done to your car, see the best...first. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review recommend you make an appointment with Accurate Auto By Mike. He'll take good care of you at prices you can afford!

If you are contemplating getting a tattoo, but are not sure where to get the best one for the money, contact Victory Tattoo at 1818 Mangrove, in Chico. Victory Tattoo artists are experts in beautiful skin illustrations. They offer custom work and are true artists! Victory Tattoo is known for displaying the most professional attitude and ethical practices. Victory Tattoo has a reputation for being the finest in design as well as realistic initial cost. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review recommend Victory Tattoo to all tattoo enthusiasts. We know you'll like the friendly safe, businesslike way you are treated.

www.VictoryTattoo.com www.FaceBook.com/VictoryTattooChico

5221(< /$: ),50

5221(< /$: ),50

Criminal Defense Attorney of the Year 2004-2012

Law Office of the Year 2004-2012

Call: *343-LAWS* *934-HELP* *527-HELP*

Call: *343-LAWS* *934-HELP* *527-HELP*

Avoid jail. Hire an attorney who has won 95% of his trials!

Improving People's Lives, One Case at a Time

Being charged with a crime is a scary experience. Most people are confused and intimidated by the "System". You do not have to face the government alone. Don't take a plea bargain offer from the District Attorney's office until you have had a Free Initial Consultation and analysis of potential legal defenses with an attorney. Rooney Law Firm conducts criminal defense in all state and federal courts for sex, drugs, trafficking/ manufacturing, DUI, assault/battery, molestation, domestic violence, burglary/robbery and all other felonies & misdemeanor cases. You deserve to have someone on your side that will take the time to prepare, properly investigate, and aggressively argue your case. Your dedicated firm attorney will sit down with you and discuss all of your options, including methods to get your case dismissed or avoid jail. Most felony or misdemeanor convictions can be removed from your record. Rooney Law Firm is now at 1361 The Esplanade, in Chico. Call to schedule a free initial consultation. Your case will be handled confidentially at a reasonable fee. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review, for the 9th consecutive year, recommend Michael M. Rooney for your legal matters. Yes, you have found an attorney you can depend on. www.RooneyLawFirm.com

Aggressive legal representation with 6 associated attorneys, 4 paralegals, several support staff, and two licensed private investigators. Many people have learned to appreciate the efficient and effective representation by Rooney Law Firm in attaining their goals. Personal Injury: Faster, larger payments and settlements. Family Law: Custody, support, and property division. Real Estate: Licensed broker, appraiser, and MLS member. Wills, trust, and estate planning for the peace of mind you deserve. Constant communication and confidentiality are two qualities that show Rooney Law Firm genuinely care about your case. Free initial consultations are available by arrangement. Rooney Law Firm-Fighting For Your Legal Rights. RooneyLawFirm.com

-$3$1(6( &8,6,1( &$68$/ ',1,1*



Diners are discovering the pleasure of Japanese cuisine and sushi. People in this area have found Big Tuna Sushi Bistro, at 1722 Mangrove Ave., Suite #18, and their sister restaurant Izakaya Ichiban, at 2000 Notre Dame Blvd., #100, in Chico, to be among the finest Japanese restaurants and sushi bars anywhere. When you dine at Big Tuna and Izakaya Ichiban, you are served the best Japanese food prepared from authentic recipes. The freshest ingredients and the expertise of fine chefs combine with proper service to create an evening of celebration! Artfully prepared fresh seafood, and the crispiest, freshest vegetables are served at Big Tuna Sushi Bistro with something to please every palate. The Japanese chef of sushi works with chicken, beef, pork and teriyaki, and lots of seafood. It is the art of the sushi chef that goes into the American sushi based on tradition. Additionally they have Japanese udon (flour) noodle, soba (buckwheat) noodle and ramen noodle. They also have Bento Box and six different kinds of grilled skewers. Exotic combinations are available, depending on the fisherman's catch. All entrees are fabulous! To compliment your cuisine, plum wine, sakĂŠ, imported Japanese beer, as well as a variety of other beverages are available. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review extend our full endorsement to Big Tuna Sushi Bistro and their sister restaurant Izakaya Ichiban.

Open 7 Days A Week * Call: (530) 899-1055 Priya is at 2574 Esplanade at East Avenue, in Chico, one of the most original places in the entire area. When the owner opened the doors, it was with the idea that an Indian restaurant should combine friendly service with the proper atmosphere. The popularity of Priya has proved the value of this theory. Here the service is cordial and quick, and the decor is completely Indian in every detail. Specializing in authentic South & North Indian Cuisine, the menu features your standard favorites along with a selection of your favorite beverages. Dinners here will please the palates of the most particular. If you're in the mood for a trip to Mumbai and find you don't have quite enough cash for a cruise, take a "dinner vacation" instead to Priya. You'll be greeted with the same Indian warmth and enjoy the finest in Indian cuisine. The editors of this 2012 Consumer Business Review pause not a moment on giving our complete endorsement to Priya! www.Priya.com

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May 31, 2012

CN&R 37

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QuALity, AffoRDABLe & fRienDLy housing HOUSES





1339 1/2 Magnolia Ave Studio 1149 Olive St #10 2/1 803 W. 2nd Ave #1 4/2

$400 $675 $850

$500 $775 $950





2270 Notre Dame Blvd #5 2/1 1175 E. 8th St. #3 1/1 1245 Esplanade Ave. #12 1/1

$700 $575 $550

$800 $675 $650

the red barn




9546 Cummings (Durham) 3/1.5 $1450 2320 Floral Ave. 3/2 $1050 820 Walnut Ave 3/1 $975 2404 North Ave #A 3/1 $1000


$1550 $1150 $1075 $2000

742 West 6th St #D 1/1 $525 $625

1382 Longfellow Ave. Chico


PRoPeRty MAnAgeMent

895-1733 | www.reliableproperty.com Info subject to change. Please do not disturb tenants. We will schedule the appointment.

Amazing Views of Chico

Private setting on 5 acres, just 20 minutes out of Chico. Three bed, two bath. $298,000

Alice Zeissler



new listing

Steve Kasprzyk (Kas-per-zik)

Sweet set up in Butte Meadows. Get out of the heat in the summer or use as base for winter activities. Beautifully redone cabin that sleeps 8 and a bunk house or shop. 7550 watt generator, rv pad with power and dump, 20x8 storage container,and much more. Only $175,000.00. Owner will carry.

Homes Sold Last Week

Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon










115 Brookvine Cir



4/ 3


1152 Manzanita Ave



3/ 1.5


866 E 6th St



3/ 1.5


7 El Cerrito Dr



3/ 2


147 Estates Dr



2/ 2


14 Yale Cir



3/ 1.5


724 Ivy St



2/ 1


32 Pebblewood Pines Dr



2/ 2


4 Nevadillo Ct



3/ 2.5


1504 Laburnum Ave



3/ 1


1158 E 7th St



3/ 2


1572 Arch Way



4/ 2


17 Knotts Glen Ct



3/ 2


1264 Palmetto Ave



4/ 2


2202 Robailey Dr



3/ 2


938 Karen Dr



3/ 1


519 Reed Park Dr



2/ 1


1676 E 8th St



2/ 2


38 CN&R May 31, 2012


Steve Kasprzyk 530-518-4850

Sponsored by the City of Chico



Credit & Budget Workshop Thurs, June 7 , 3 — 5pm


Century 21 Jeffries Lydon

Access Training Room off parking lot


• • • 1001 Willow St. • Chico • Community Housing • Improvement Program, Inc. • Community Housing Improvement Program, Inc.

Examine your attitudes about money How to make a sound budget Ways to reduce spending Understanding your credit report How to repair your FICO score Free to the public

131 W. 22nd Street (X St: Park) 4 Bd, 2 Ba, 1822 sq. ft. $185,000 Steve Kasprzyk 518-4850

Sun 11-1, 2-4 1866 Hooker Oak Avenue (X St: Juniper) 5 Bd, 5 Ba, 5988 sq. ft. $795,000 Sherry Landis 514-4855

Sat 11-1, Sun 11-1 266 Vail Drive (X St: Aspen Glen/Boulder) 3Bd, 2 Ba, 1213 sq. ft. $184,555 Diane Williams 514-4021 Carolyn Fejes 966-4457

Sat 11-1, 2-4, Sun 11-1, 2-4

Call 891-6931 or 1-888-912-4663 to reserve a seat or more information CHIP is a HUD approved Housing Counseling Agency.

312 Somerset Place (X St: Shasta/Surrey) 4Bd, 3 1/2 Ba, 2836 sq. ft. $459,000 Shane Collins 518-1413 Sandy Stoner 514-5555 Kathy Kelly 570-7403

ranCho ChiCo reaL estate Thurs. through Sun.12-5

Sun 11-1

Sycamore Creek Subdivision

2680 Guynn Avenue (X St: Henshaw) 3 Bed, 2 Ba, 1787 sq. ft. $325,000 Ron Kelly 521-3629

3094 Gallatin Gateway(X East Ave/Ceanothus Ave) 3bd/2 ba, 1,543 sq. ft. $249,990 Ally Gibson (530) 518-ALLY (2559)

Sat 11-1, 2-4, Sun 11-1

Looking for an affordable rental? Dreaming about being a homeowner one day?

124 W. Eaton Road (X St: Aurora Glen) 3 Bd, 2 Ba, 1668 sq. ft. $269,000 Brandon Siewert 828-4597 Pamela King 588-5018


3088 Gallatin Gateway (X East Ave/Ceanothus Ave) 3bd/2 ba, 1,863 sq. ft. $286,990 Ally Gibson (530) 518-ALLY (2559)

Thur 2:30-5 & Fri through Sat 12-5

Sat 11-1, 2-4, Sun 11-1, 2-4

The Orchard Subdivision

8 Delaware Drive (X St: E. Lassen) 4 Bd, 2 Ba, 1727 sq. ft. $265,000 Ken Martin 828-9440 Russ Hammer 501-6830 Brandon Siewert 828-4597

Community Housing Improvement Program, Inc. Housing and Credit Counseling Program Call 891-6931 or 1-888-912-4663 for more information & to make an appointment CHIP is a HUD approved Housing Counseling Agency. 1001 Willow Street, Chico, CA 95928 • www.ChipHousing.org

Sat 11-1

Country 3bd/2ba on .49 ac $199k 3bd/2.5ba on 1.6 ac Keifer Area $399k!

17 Abbott Circle (X Windham) 4bd/3ba, 1,710 sq. ft. $330,990 Kelsey Gibson (530) 864-8453




Russ Hammer




The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of May 14, 2012 — May 18, 2012. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS

1918 Sycamore Ln












3/ 1.5


4329 Lower Wyandotte Rd



4/ 2


6186 Firethorn Cir



2/ 3


629 Circlewood Dr



3/ 3


13674 W Park Dr



3/ 3


5237 Country Club Dr



3/ 2.5


13947 Chestnut Cir



2/ 2


5934 Larissa Ln



1/ 1.5


10 Greenbrier Dr



2/ 2.5


1835 Drendel Cir



4/ 2


18 Sorrel Ct



3/ 2.5


627 Circlewood Dr



2/ 2


76 Walter Blume Ln



2/ 1


5507 Longview Dr



3/ 1.5


6 Elva Ct



2/ 2


6341 Harvey Rd



2/ 2


56 Sunset View Ln



3/ 2


6695 Brook Way



3/ 2


May 31, 2012

CN&R 39

Home Week of tHe Online

ads are



6303 Victoria ct. • magalia 3 Br., 2 Ba with 1739 sq ft. Beautiful Custom home. Bench and room for chairs in walkway to front door. Granite counters in kitchen plus lots of Cabinets with slide outs. Refrigerator & microwave included. Eating area off kitchen with ceiling fan. Large Formal dining room currently being used as office. Spacious living room with woodbeam ceiling and woodstove. Also has slider out to deck. New carpet through out. Long hall with 2 closets, linen closet and skylight. Newer hot water heater. Security system. Tile in both bathrooms. All 3 bedrooms have ceiling fans. Dual pane windows. Master has slider to deck. Master bath has large shower. Large deck to enjoy the beauty of nature. Chain link fence. Cul-de-sac location. Ad #381 Call today for your private showing.

listed at $181,000



Susan G. Thomas - Broker Associate 530-518-8041 SThomasC21@aol.com Century 21 Select Real Estate

Call 894-2300 ext. 2204 for rates and information.

Online ads are free. Print ads start at $6/wk. www.newsreview.com or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Print ads start at $6/wk. www.newsreview.com or (530) 894-2300 ext. 5 Phone hours: M-F 8am-5pm. All ads post online same day. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Adult line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm

Relaxing Massage

Online ads are




*Nominal fee for adult entertainment. All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message.

in a warm tranquil studio. w/ Shower, $35 deal. Appts. 530-893-0263 11am-8pm

ALTERNATIVE HEALING CHICO CANNABIS CLUB joel.castle@yahoo.com Average ounces $150. Caregivers available. $65 lifetime memberships



Butte County Surplus Sale 14 County Center Dr. Oroville, CA Friday, June 1, 2012 9am-2pm. Items include: Couches, shelf units, bulletin boards, file cabinets, (1) table saw for $200, $100 Laptops, $80 computers, desks, lots of office chairs, misc office goods and so much more! Open to the public. Next sale Ocg 5, 2012

1983 Full-sized Chevy Blazer. All original. Most factory options. Very well kept condition. 530-895-8171


FAMILY PLANNING PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (AAN CAN)

40 CN&R May 31, 2012

$25 Call Lee CMT 893-2280 Shower Available

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Audi 1996 A6 Quattro 4WD, automatic, 4door, CC, PW/PD, CD, ski storage, new tires, runs great, $4900. 186K mi. 530-570-5113 New Prius Are Here! 50 MPG, best warrantee, 2 year service free, call Lee McKim, Hybrid Specialist, at 530-354-7782 at Chuck Patterson Toyota.

CLASSICS 1970 MGB Classic Convertible Restored, pristine condition. All records. $8,995.00. 530-345-9373 Days or Evenings.

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as THE KALE LEAF at 1083 Sierra Vista Way, Chico, CA 95928. PRAIRIE Y FRANCIA, 1083 Sierra Vista Way, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed PRAIRIE Y FRANCIA Dated: April 13, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000570 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as HOUSING TOOLS at 815 Alice Lane, Chico, CA 95926. JAMES ROBERT COLES, 815 Alice Lane, Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JAMES COLES Dated: May 4, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000683 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as VIVA ROLLER DERBY at 2636 Burnap Ave. Chico, CA 95973. NICOLA BEATTS, 657 E 6th St. Chico, CA 95926 BRITTANY MICHELS, 1670 Kenford Way, Paradise, CA 95969. BRITTNEY MURRAY, 1550 Springfield Dr. #63, Chico, CA 95928. WENDY WILSON, 2636 Burnap Ave. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: BRITTNEY MURRAY Dated: April 10, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000556 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MERIAM PARK at 539 Flume St. #200 Chico, CA 95928. THOMAS DIGIOVANNI, 578 Vallombrosa Way, Chico, CA 95926. JEFF FLEEMAN, 565 Connecticut St. San Francisco, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a Limited Partnership. Signed: THOMAS DIGIOVANNI Dated: April 20, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000615 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name CHICO NATURAL SOLUTION FOR CHRONIC CONDITIONS at 4D Williamsburg Lane, Chico, CA 95926. JAMES H SCHWARTZ, 1603 E Lassen Ave. Chico, CA 95973. This business was conducted by an individual. Signed: JAMES H SCHWARTZ Dated: May 4, 2012 FBN Number: 20-7-0002054 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as TWIN CREEK COMPANY at 11706 Centerville Rd. Chico, CA 95928. DEBRA HALL FREEMAN, 11706 Centerville Rd. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DEBRA FREEMAN Dated: April 3, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000434 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DIAMOND DETAIL at 1005 Liberty Lane, Chico, CA 95928. DONNA MORGADO, 1005 Liberty Lane, Chico, Ca 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: DONNA MORGADO



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as LAKE HOUSE MEDIA LLC at 500 N Rainbow Blvd. #300A, Las Vegas, NV 89107. LAKE HOUSE MEDIA LLC, 500 N Rainbow Blvd. #300A, Las Vegas, NV, 89107. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: DUSTIN KRAUSE Dated: April 18, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000603 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO COMPUTER CLINIC at 1304 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. KYLE M SILLIMAN, 3456 Hackamore Lane, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: KYLE SILLIMAN Dated: April 18, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000597 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name ART & ZAIN FENCING at 474 E 12th St. #1, Chico, CA 95928. SAIN PIMENTEL, 474 E 12th St.

this legal Notice continues

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as LAW OFFICE OF ANN M WICKS at 3560 Elk Ave. Chico, CA 95928. ANN M NEUMANN, 3560 Elk Ave. Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: ANN NEUMANN Dated: April 30, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000655 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name SEISHINDO KARATE at 1108 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. SHANE DUBIN 4 Vermillion Circle, Chico, Ca 95982. JORDAN ADAMS, 40 Mill St. Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: SHANE DUBIN Dated: May 11, 2012 FBN Number: 2010-0000327 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SEISHINDO at 1108 Mangrove Ave. Chico, CA 95926. SHANE MICHAEL DUBIN, 4 vermillion Circle, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual.

this legal Notice continues

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California selfstorage facility act: (B&P code 21770 et.sec.) the undersigned will sell the contents of: DARWIN MASSEY, Speakers, stereo, kids stuff, end table, microwave. SANDRA SOLANSKY, Dressers, pick-up toolbox, coffee & end tables, kitchen table. TASHA ROMERO, TV’s, dressers, patio chairs, game, kid stuff MICHELE GRIGGS, Dresser, 2 vacuums, work bench, xmas tree, games. To the highest bidder on: June 9, 2012 Beginning at 1:00pm Sale to be held at: Extra Storage 3160 Olive Hwy, Oroville, CA 95966 Published: May 24,31, 2012 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California self-storage facility act (B&P code 21770 et sec) the undersigned will sell the contents of units: ERIC BAUER, Suitcase, clothing, electronics. SARAH CLAY, DVD’s, videos, boxes, books, guitar. JEFF CRUZ, Furniture, TV, power tools, golf clubs. JACK RODRIGUEZ, Speakers, lamps, bowling balls. To the highest bidder on: June 9, 2012 Beginning at 2:00pm. Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 60 E Grand Ave. Oroville, CA 95965. Published: May 24,31, 2012

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern: The name of the applicant is: SACHA CASSELL The applicant listed above is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to sell alcoholic beverages at: 800 Bruce Road, Suite 600 Chico, CA 95928-3823 Type of license applied for: 41 - On-Sale Beer and WineEating Place Published: May 31, June 7,14, 2012


ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CARLI PEARL SMITH filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: EMMA MARIE LARABEE Proposed name: EMMA MARIE JOHNS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: June 1, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Barbara Roberts Dated: April 16, 2012 Case Number: 156548 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

this paper.

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner DAVID ALLEN KOSS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing petitioner’s name to DANIELLE ALLENA KOSS. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: July 13, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Robert Glusman Dated: May 23, 2012 Case Number: 156721 Published: May 31, June 7,14,21, 2012

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KIMBERLY JOYCE SMITH filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: KIMBERLY JOYCE SMITH Proposed name: KIMBERLY JOYCE KOHN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be

this legal Notice continues

wwwwwSUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: RICH W MILLER aka RICHARD W MILLER aka RICHARD H MILLER, an individual, and Does 1-100, inclusive. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: PERSOLVE, LLC, A Limited liability company, dba, ACCOUNT RESOLUTION ASSOCIATES. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further

this legal Notice continues

CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE SECTION 294 CHILDS NAME: XMG Case Numbers: J-35747 To: JIMMY P PALMER and anyone claiming to be a parent of XMG born on September 24, 2010 at Enloe Hospital, Chico, CA. A hearing will be held: Date: July 5, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Dept: TBA Room: TBA The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of Butte, Juvenile Branch 1 Court Street, Oroville, CA 95965. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker or probation officer. The social worker or probation officer will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. You are required to be present at the hearing, to present evidence, and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Dated: April 27, 2012 Signed: Kimberly Flener Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The Court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: BUTTE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 655 Oleander Avenue, Chico, CA 95926 The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney is: Alaine Patti-Jelsvik PERSOLVE, LLC dba Account Resolution Associates 9301 Winnetka Ave. Suite B Chatsworth, CA 91311 (818)534-3100 Dated: July 21, 2011 Signed: Kimberly Flener Case Number: 154297 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012



this paper.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PLANET LANDSCAPE at 2586 Ludlum Ave. Palermo, CA 95968. SHAWN WAYNE DAVIS, 2586 Ludlum Ave. Palermo CA 95968. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: SHAWN DAVIS Dated: April 25, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000643 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons is doing business as GRINDSTONE OUTFITTERS at 3114 Michael Way Chico, CA 95973. Brendan Christopher Smith 3114 Michael Way, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: BRENDAN SMITH Dated: May 9, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000708 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ADVANCED ROOFING, R AND R AUTO OUTLET at 1997 Poppy View. Terrace, Chico, CA 95928. MID VALLEY DEVELOPMENT INC, 1997 Poppy View Terrace, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: ROBERT SMITH Dated: May 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000730 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the California self-storage facility act (B&P code 21770 et sec) the undersigned will sell the contents of units: RONALD MULKEY, boat, fishing gear, golf clubs, chair, boat motor. JARED PERRY, Misc. Items. KRIS WILLMANN, Bookcase, storage drawers, misc. items. DEREK SIZEMORE, couches, gaming chair, toddler bed, table, telescope. ASHLEY TAYLOR, Table, radio flyer, couch, misc house items. To the highest bidder on: June 9, 2012 Beginning at 12:00pm. Sale to be held at: Extra Storage, 2298 Park Ave. Chico, Ca 95928. Published: May 24,31, 2012

heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: July 6, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Robert Glusman Dated: May 21, 2012 Case Number: 156807 Published: May 31, June 7,14,21, 2012



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as HONEY RUN QUILTERS at 2418 Cohasset Rd. Chico, CA 95926. CATHY ANN JENKS, DANIEL SCOTT JENKS, 14444 Richardson Springs Rd. Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Husband and Wife. Signed: DAN JENKS Dated: April 6, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000539 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as WESTERN PACIFIC CAFE AND CATERING at 2191 High St. Oroville, Ca 95966. AMANDA CORONA, 2925 S Villa Ave. Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: AMANDA CORONA Dated: May 8, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000707 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DYNAMITE WELDING at 2229 Holly Ave. Chico, CA 95926. ROBERT CARL SERNA, 2229 Holly Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed; ROB SERNA Dated: May 4, 2012 FBN Number; 2012-0000687 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012


ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JAMES CHRISANTO SALAZ filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: JAMES CHRISANTO SALAZ Proposed name: JAMES JETT GREYWOLF THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: June 1, 2012 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: Robert Glusman Dated: April 30, 2012 Case Number: 156458 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

this paper.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ELAINE PEGG ADULT DAY CENTER at 5325 Black Olive Dr. Paradise, CA 95969. THE ARC OF BUTTE COUNTY INC. 2030 Park Ave. Chico, CA 95928 This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: MICHAEL MCGINNIS Dated: April 25, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000637 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PUBLIC SCHOOLS UTILITY BUYERS’ GROUP at 4139 Willow Landing, Chico, CA 95928. CLIFF JOHNSEN, 4139 Willow Landing, Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: CLIFF JOHNSEN Dated: May 7, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000695 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CATAPULT at 2 Governors Lane, Suite B, Chico, CA 95926. DIVERSE NETWORK ASSOCIATES INC, 316 Rainbow Trout Ct. Roseville, CA 95747. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: JASON JEFFERY Dated: April 4, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000521 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012

Signed: SHANE DUBIN Dated: May 11, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000721 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as GOODWIN INVESTMENT GROUP LP at 647 W 4th Ave. Chico, CA 95928. DAN OSTRANDER 475 Lakeshore Blvd. #4, Incline Village, NV 89451. This business is conducted by a Limited Partnership. Signed: DAN OSTRANDER Dated: May 1, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000669 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DRINK DOTS at 645 Betty Belle Lane, Chico, CA 95973. JOHN SHERN, 645 Betty Belle Lane, Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an individual. Signed: JOHN SHERN Dated: April 25, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000641 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012

#1, Chico, CA 95928. ARTURO QUINTERO, 474 E 12th St. #10, Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: SAIN PIMENTEL Dated: May 14, 2012 FBN Number: 2011-0001746 Published: May 24,31, June 7,14, 2012


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as RICO’S MEXICAN FOOD at 900 Cherry St. Chico, CA 95928. JOSE ANTONIO FLORES, 900 Cherry St. Chico, CA 95928. EDWARD DANIEL ZUNIGA, 901 Walnut St. Corning, CA 96021. This business is conducted by a Limited Partnership. Signed: Jose Antonio Flores Dated: May 2, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000673 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as NUTRISHOP CHICO EAST AVE at 855 East Ave. #220, Chico, CA 95926. BURTON AND SHEPPARD LLC, 1208 Bidwell Ave. Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: DARCI BURTON Dated: May 9, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000709 Published: May 17,24,31, June 7, 2012

this paper.

Dated: April 24, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0000628 Published: May 10,17,24,31, 2012

➡ May 31, 2012

CN&R 41

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ARIES (March 21-April 19):

“Let’s waltz the rumba,” said jazz musician Fats Waller, suggesting the seemingly impossible mix of two very different types of dancing. That’s an excellent clue for you to follow up on, Aries. I suspect that in the coming week you will have an unusual aptitude for hybridization. You could do folk dancing and hip-hop moves simultaneously. It will make sense for you to do the cha-cha as you disco and vice versa. You’ll have a knack for bringing the spirit of belly dance into the tango, and for breakdancing while you do the hokey-pokey.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Have you been feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in your money chakra? I hope so. The cosmos recently authorized you to receive a fresh flow of what we might call financial kundalini. Your insight into money matters should be increasing, as well as your ability to attract the information and influences you need to refine your relationship with prosperity. It may even be the case that higher levels of economic luck are operating in your vicinity. I’m not saying you will strike it rich, but you could definitely strike it richer.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your core

meditation this week is Oscar Wilde’s belief that disobedience is a primal virtue. Be ingeniously, pragmatically, and cheerfully disobedient, Gemini! Harness your disobedience so that it generates outbreaks of creative transformation that improve your life. For inspiration, read this passage by Robert Anton Wilson: “Every fact of science was once damned. Every invention was considered impossible. Every discovery was a nervous shock to some orthodoxy. Every artistic innovation was denounced as fraud and folly. The entire web of culture and progress, everything on earth that is manmade and not given to us by nature, is the concrete manifestation of someone’s refusal to bow to Authority. We would be no more than the first apelike hominids if it were not for the rebellious, the recalcitrant, and the intransigent.”

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Some people

tell me I’d invented the sounds they called soul,” said musician Ray Charles, “but I can’t take any credit. Soul is just the way black folk sing when they leave themselves alone.” I urge you to experiment with this idea, Cancerian. In my astrological opinion, you need to whip up a fresh, hot delivery of raw soul. One of the best ways to do that might be to leave yourself alone. In other words, don’t badger yourself. Don’t pick your scabs and second-guess your enthusiasms and argue yourself into a knot. Create a nice big space for your original self to play in.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Where’s the most

convenient place to discover a new species?” asks The Second Book of General Ignorance. What do you think the answer is, Leo? The Amazon Rainforest? The high mountainous forests of New Guinea? Northwest Siberia? None of the above. In fact, your best chance of finding a previously unidentified life form is in your own garden. There are hundreds of thousands of species that science still has no knowledge of, and quite a few of them are near you. A similar principle currently holds true for your life in general. It will be close to home that you are most likely to connect with fascinating exotica, unknown influences, and far-out adventures.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Now and then

my readers try to bribe me. “I’ll give you $1,000,” said a recent email from a Virgo woman, “if you will write a sequence of horoscopes that predict I’ll get the dream job I’m aiming for, which will in turn make me so attractive to the guy I’m pursuing that he will beg to worship me.” My first impulse was to reply, “That’s all you’re willing to pay for a prophecy of two events that will supercharge your happiness and change your life?” But in the end, as always, I flatly

Automotive artisan

by Rob Brezsny turned her down. The truth is, I report on the music of the heavenly spheres, but I don’t write the music myself. Still, I sort of admire this woman’s feisty resolve to manipulate the fates, and I urge you to borrow some of her ferocity in the coming week.

story and photo by Vic Cantu vscantu@sbcg lobal.net

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A solar eclipse

happens when the moon passes in front of the sun and blocks much of its light from reaching our eyes. On a personal level, the metaphorical equivalent is when something obstructs our ability to see what nourishes us. For example, let’s say you’re in the habit of enviously comparing your own situation to that of a person you imagine is better off than you. This may blind you to some of your actual blessings, and diminish your ability to take full advantage of your own talents. I bring this up, Libra, because you’re in an especially favorable time to detect any way you might be under the spell of an eclipse— and then take dramatic steps to get out from under it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some

secrets will dribble out. Other secrets will spill forth. Still others may shoot out and explode like fireworks. You won’t be bored by this week’s revelations, Scorpio. People’s camouflage may be exposed, hidden agendas could be revealed, and not-quite-innocent deceits might be uncovered. So that’s the weird news. Here’s the good news: If you maintain a high level of integrity and treat the brouhaha as good entertainment, you’re likely to capitalize on the uproar. And that’s your specialty, right?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If

you go to a psychotherapist, she may coax you to tell stories about what went wrong in your childhood. Seek a chiropractor’s opinion and he might inform you that most of your problems have to do with your spine. Consult a psychic and chances are she will tell you that you messed up in your past lives and need a karmic cleansing. And if you ask me about what you most need to know, I might slip you some advice about how to access your untapped reserves of beauty and intelligence. Here’s the moral of the story, Sagittarius: Be discerning as you ask for feedback and mirroring. The information you receive will always be skewed.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The

state of Kansas has a law that seems more confusing than helpful. It says the following: “When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone.” From what I can tell, Capricorn, a similar situation has cropped up in your life. Two parties are in a stalemate, each waiting for the other to make the first move. At this rate, nothing will ever happen. May I suggest that you take the initiative?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Should you get down on your knees and beg for love and recognition? No! Should you give yourself away without seeking much in return? Don’t do that, either. Should you try to please everyone in an attempt to be popular? Definitely not. Should you dilute your truth so as not to cause a ruckus? I hope not. So then what am I suggesting you should do? Ask the following question about every possibility that comes before you: “Will this help me to master myself, deepen my commitment to what I want most, and gain more freedom?”

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Do you know why

flamingos have their distinctive orange-pink color? It’s because of the carotene in the shrimp and other food they consume. If they change their diet, their feathers turn dull grey. That’s a dramatic example of the adage, “You are what you eat.” Let’s use it as a prompt to contemplate all the stuff you take into the holy temple of your body, Pisces. Not just the sandwiches and chocolate bars and alcohol, but also the images, sounds, ideas, emotions, and energy you get from other people. Is the cumulative effect of all those things giving you the shape and color and texture you want to have? If not, this would be a good time to adjust your intake.

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny's EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.



For the week of May 31, 2012

Ever been to classic car shows in Northern California featuring those gorgeous, immaculately restored cars and trucks? If so, you may have seen the handiwork of Brian Dowdy and his Orland-based Golden Age Restoration shop. Born and raised in Chico, Dowdy has professionally restored 180 cars over 20 years. He’s won numerous awards and been featured in classic car magazines such as Lowrider and Mopar Muscle. Head to the Durham Cruz’n Classic Car Show on July 14 to see several of his beauties, or go to photobucket.com/goldenage to see an online gallery. Dowdy can be reached at 865-5439.

What are some of your best cars? One of my proudest is the blue, 1930 Pierce Arrow that won “Most Elegant” at the 2008 Palo Alto Concours d’Elegance at Stanford. Another is the red, 1969 Cougar XR7 with a racing engine that won “Best In Class” at the L.A. Roadster Show in 2009. I’m repairing it now because the lady who bought it crashed it testing how fast it would go right after I finished it. Luckily she wasn’t hurt.

Is restoring cars earth-friendly? Yes, I’m kind of like an environmentalist. I look at old cars as earth saviors. My fixed-up cars run cleaner than new ones and they’re made of hard steel that lasts for decades. Newer cars are built with cheap plastic made from oil. They won’t be around in 25 years. They’re

created using planned obsolescence; they break down fast and they want you to buy another one in two or three years. My motto is: “I’m recycling America, one car at a time.”

Why do you restore cars? I love the classics from before 1975. I’ve always loved engines, tinkering with inanimate objects and bringing them to life. When I was 12 my dad knew I loved motorcycles but thought they were too dangerous, so he gave me a bunch of parts thinking I’d never put it together but somehow I did. I’ve been hooked ever since. Auto restoration is like preserving history. I’d love to be a fly on the wall through the years of these cars’ lives.

Is it expensive to restore the cars? Yes, it takes a lot of time and money, but it’s better than buying a fancy new one for $50,000. It takes 300 to 400 hours of labor just for the basics, without the bells and whistles.

Do you make a lot of money doing this? Don’t bank on it. I make enough to earn a living, but I don’t get rich. I have a steady stream of customers, but it’s hard to get paid steady.


by Anthony Peyton Porter himself@anthonypeytonporter.com

Scandal I’ve lately been watching Scandal, a new ABC series. I haven’t lost my mind. Jeff Perry, who plays Cyrus, is my wife’s brother—and I love him like one—so I’m interested. Scandal debuted in April and is about Olivia Pope, the ultimate Washington, D.C. lawyer/fixer, and her merry band of “gladiators in suits.” One of the characters said that. It was hard for me to watch at first. My impression was that all of the smart people, especially the people who work for and with Olivia, talk fast. They’ve figured out all the angles and they respond instantly to each plot point. All the people were in a hurry, and they made me tired. Everybody was witty, too, and articulate. None of them even said, “Uh.” Either things have slowed since the premier of Scandal or I’ve adjusted to what I thought was a breakneck pace, because it’s not so hard to watch as it used to be. I think I listen faster. Shonda Rhimes is a hellified writer, inventive and interesting, and I like seeing what she comes up with between commercials. I may even see more of Grey’s Anatomy, which she also created. The characters in Scandal get into difficulties mostly because they’re greedy or megalomaniac, now and then just rash. Most are ambitious and unscrupulous, people I like to avoid because I don’t

think you can be unscrupulous and ambitious and happy simultaneously, and unhappy people are a pain in the ass, especially in public office. There was a piece in The New Yorker recently about Scandal, and the writer went on and on about how beautiful Kerry Washington, who plays Olivia, is. While Ms. Washington is easy on the eyes, I wouldn’t like to be around Olivia Pope any more than I absolutely had to. She’s a nightmare. Abraham-Hicks talks about people who’d rather be right than happy. Olivia Pope would rather be right than anything and gives me the willies. I wouldn’t want to be in the same room with her. While we’re on the subject of Olivia Pope, I admit I’ve subjected her to my standard superficial assessment, and she scores well. After careful scrutiny and much soul searching, I’ve concluded that Olivia wears a panty girdle. I have scrutinized her form from every available angle, including a stunning full-body profile in Episode 3, and I can imagine no way that haunches like that could exhibit so little motion in motion. Her buns could be as tight as her schedule allows, but flesh like that moves differently without restriction. Sometimes her pants are baggy and sometimes they caress her; those variations represent deliberate, inconsistent and timid decisions. Olivia could stand to loosen up. May 31, 2012

CN&R 43

June 9TH & 10TH

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The Patrick Ranch Museum is quickly maturing into a “hands on” agricultural learning destination. Hester Patrick's vision and long-term development elcome to the Patrick Ranch Museum's plans included the restoration of her home, 10th Annual Country Faire and Threshing Bee,10 an event that provides the protection of her valley oaks, an interac10 a glimpse back in time to when farm families tive barnyard, blacksmith shop, Maidu experience, demonstration gardens and much, harvested wheat using horses, mules, steam much more. engines and early gas engines. Nowhere else Multiple priorities at the ranch are reachin our region can older folks relive the past ing fruition. The historic Glenwood and children learn through living history Farmhouse is close to being restored to the demonstrations about what life was like in peak of its grandeur, social activity and influthe late 1800s and early 1900s. Visitors will enjoy watching the wheat har- ence. The researching and archiving of every aspect of local agriculture with the goal of vest, a tractor show, marvelous draft horses, stock-dog demonstrations,10 blacksmithing, bis- conducting “first person” interviews and collecting the agricultural artifacts most perticuit making, 10 fountain fishing, period crafts, live music and a wonderful artisan faire. Tours nent to the evolution of each crop is ongoof the Glenwood Farmhouse and a great food ing. The lives of other ranching families of court on the lawn allow visitors to pause and similar backgrounds, socioeconomic stature and farming expertise is being brought into simply enjoy the ambiance of the ranch. focus. The Maidu venue is designed, the bog In 2001, Hester Patrick bequeathed her is ready for water, the demonstration gardens land and beloved Glenwood Farmhouse to are laid out, the water story is being told, the what is now the Far West Heritage Association. Her vision was to create a place exterior of the Visitors' Center is complete, and students are flocking to the ranch for where this area's rich agricultural history 10 hands-on learning! could be preserved, researched, interpreted 10 The museum is open to the public every 10and shared, a place where young and old Saturday during April through October from could find a bridge to a simpler yet more 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Call the demanding time. Her generosmuseum at (530) 342-4359 or ity and that of our donors, the Far West Heritage sponsors, associates and volH URRY ! D ON ’ T M ISS Association at (530) 892-1525 unteers enables us to host to receive more information JUNE 1ST agricultural education events on programs and facility Chico Museum’s Country Supper throughout the year, providLast opportunity to make reservations rentals and for the many ing unique opportunities to to attend the Chico Museum’s annual opportunities to support the understand and appreciate Country Supper. development of the Patrick our agrarian heritage. Call 892-1525 for tickets. Ranch Museum. In addition to the Country N E W S & R E V I E W B U S I N E S S U S E O N LY





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Schedule of Events & Country Faire


Events All Day


SATURDAY JUNE 9TH 10:00 am . . . . .Harmonaires 11:00 am . . . . .Mill Creek Rising 12:00 pm . . . . . .Ruby Hollow Band 1:00 pm . . . . . .Stump Jumpers 2:00 pm . . . . . .Left Bank 3:00 pm . . . . . .Fools Rush In

SUNDAY JUNE 10TH 10:00 am . . . . . .Meadowlark 11:00 am . . . . .North Bound Train 12:00 pm . . . . .Reckless Abandon 1:00 pm

. . . . .Fine Red Wine

2:00 pm . . . . . .Hannah Kile & Friends 3:00 pm . . . . . .Rural Delivery


Visit magnificent Glenwood. Step back to 1877 and observe first hand the construction of that time and the status of its restoration for the present and the future.

Unique handmade crafts and foods of yesteryear.

Toe-tapping music to enjoy on Glenwood’s shaded lawns. (See separate schedule for specific times.)


Smell the coal, watch the bellows and see red-hot metal pounded into farm and household tools.


A fabulous array of art—oils, watercolors, superb photography, chalk drawings, jewelry, blown glass, rock and metal sculpture.


Bee-keeping artifacts, “Bee Beard” demonstrations, self-contained live bee display, bee history and honey tasting.

Through the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, Glenwood is nearing completion, research continues, interpretive guided tours are offered and the grand valley oaks are protected and thriving. During difficult economic times – indeed at any time – volunteers are the heart of a nonprofit organization. By such measure, the Patrick Ranch Museum has the largest heart in the Valley! If you are one who loves people and the great outdoors, one who understands that through history “the future can learn from the past” and one who wants to be part of the exciting growth of this great facility, please contact the Patrick Ranch Museum at (530) 342-4359 or www.patrickranchmuseum.org

ADMISSION: $8 per person/one day $10 per person/both days Children 12 and under FREE when accompanied by adult.

Timed Events for both Saturday & Sunday

Parking is FREE

Sheaves of wheat, cut and tied in the field, are thrown on wagons and pulled to the stationary wheat thresher where the grain is separated from the stalk. The grain is then directed through metal shutes, emptying out into burlap sacks. A sack sewer sews up the individual bags.




Threshing Bee

June 9 & 10, 2012 9am–4pm

Schedule of Music Entertainment

For more info, call 342-4359 or online: www.patrickranchmuseum.org

9-11AM . . . . . . Wheat Binding/Bundling/Loading


9:30AM . . . . . . Loose Hay Loading Demonstration

Freshly threshed grains of wheat are ground into flour.

10AM . . . . . . . Wheat Threshing Wheat Ground into Flour (randomly)

PIONEER CRAFTS INTERACTIVE BISCUIT AND BREAD MAKING Visitors make their own biscuits. EXHIBITS Watch as wool is carded, spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Observe the necessary skills of rug and quilt making.


10AM . . . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration 10AM . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Demonstration

Biscuits baked in ranch adobe ovens from PRM wheat flour, freshly ground from the day’s harvest.

10AM-4PM . . . . Extraordinary Food Court 10AM-4PM . . . . Wheat Biscuit Baking


11AM . . . . . . . Separating Demonstration with Allis Chalmer's 60” all-crop Combine Harvester

Volunteers from area museums offer resource information, local history and tour information.

Experience the harvest process from the field to the thresher.

11AM . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Presentation



Nationally-known stock dog trainer and retired CSUC Agriculture Professor, Al Vieira, works sheep with stock dogs to demonstrate training techniques and the amazing capabilities of the dogs!

12:30PM . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration (Sunday)

Fountain fishing, face painting, wheat art, fence painting, sandbox play, grinding corn using authentic mortars and pestles, feeding the chickens at the hen house, crochet on the lawn, marbles, and all free of charge!


A trailer built to carry 20 or more guests weaves through the venues pulled by a tractor. A host gives a running narrative of event activities.

12PM-1PM . . . . Lunch Break (horses, tractors and tram) 1PM . . . . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration (Saturday) 1:30PM . . . . . . Horse & Tractor Equipment Parade 2PM . . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Demonstration 2:30PM . . . . . . Loose Hay Loading Demonstration

BIKING TO THE RANCH It couldn't be easier for you and your family to bike to the Patrick Ranch Museum. Located just across the street from the Durham Bike Path, the Ranch is an easy ride and a great family destination. A “Bike Corral” will be available at the event.


3PM . . . . . . . . Wheat Binding/Bundling/Threshing 4PM . . . . . . . . Day's events completed

Far West Heritage Association is a 501 (3)(C) non-profit organization. Call (530) 892-1525 or visit www.farwestheritgage.org. to learn how you can join the FWHA, the Patrick Ranch Museum or the Chico Museum.

FREE TROLLEY RIDES to and from the Patrick Ranch. Runs hourly, starting at 9:30am from Chico Transit Center at 2nd and Salem Streets, 4




Please, NO DOGS

at the Country Faire & Threshing Bee



Schedule of Events & Country Faire


Events All Day


SATURDAY JUNE 9TH 10:00 am . . . . .Harmonaires 11:00 am . . . . .Mill Creek Rising 12:00 pm . . . . . .Ruby Hollow Band 1:00 pm . . . . . .Stump Jumpers 2:00 pm . . . . . .Left Bank 3:00 pm . . . . . .Fools Rush In

SUNDAY JUNE 10TH 10:00 am . . . . . .Meadowlark 11:00 am . . . . .North Bound Train 12:00 pm . . . . .Reckless Abandon 1:00 pm

. . . . .Fine Red Wine

2:00 pm . . . . . .Hannah Kile & Friends 3:00 pm . . . . . .Rural Delivery


Visit magnificent Glenwood. Step back to 1877 and observe first hand the construction of that time and the status of its restoration for the present and the future.

Unique handmade crafts and foods of yesteryear.

Toe-tapping music to enjoy on Glenwood’s shaded lawns. (See separate schedule for specific times.)


Smell the coal, watch the bellows and see red-hot metal pounded into farm and household tools.


A fabulous array of art—oils, watercolors, superb photography, chalk drawings, jewelry, blown glass, rock and metal sculpture.


Bee-keeping artifacts, “Bee Beard” demonstrations, self-contained live bee display, bee history and honey tasting.

Through the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, Glenwood is nearing completion, research continues, interpretive guided tours are offered and the grand valley oaks are protected and thriving. During difficult economic times – indeed at any time – volunteers are the heart of a nonprofit organization. By such measure, the Patrick Ranch Museum has the largest heart in the Valley! If you are one who loves people and the great outdoors, one who understands that through history “the future can learn from the past” and one who wants to be part of the exciting growth of this great facility, please contact the Patrick Ranch Museum at (530) 342-4359 or www.patrickranchmuseum.org

ADMISSION: $8 per person/one day $10 per person/both days Children 12 and under FREE when accompanied by adult.

Timed Events for both Saturday & Sunday

Parking is FREE

Sheaves of wheat, cut and tied in the field, are thrown on wagons and pulled to the stationary wheat thresher where the grain is separated from the stalk. The grain is then directed through metal shutes, emptying out into burlap sacks. A sack sewer sews up the individual bags.




Threshing Bee

June 9 & 10, 2012 9am–4pm

Schedule of Music Entertainment

For more info, call 342-4359 or online: www.patrickranchmuseum.org

9-11AM . . . . . . Wheat Binding/Bundling/Loading


9:30AM . . . . . . Loose Hay Loading Demonstration

Freshly threshed grains of wheat are ground into flour.

10AM . . . . . . . Wheat Threshing Wheat Ground into Flour (randomly)

PIONEER CRAFTS INTERACTIVE BISCUIT AND BREAD MAKING Visitors make their own biscuits. EXHIBITS Watch as wool is carded, spun into yarn and woven into cloth. Observe the necessary skills of rug and quilt making.


10AM . . . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration 10AM . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Demonstration

Biscuits baked in ranch adobe ovens from PRM wheat flour, freshly ground from the day’s harvest.

10AM-4PM . . . . Extraordinary Food Court 10AM-4PM . . . . Wheat Biscuit Baking


11AM . . . . . . . Separating Demonstration with Allis Chalmer's 60” all-crop Combine Harvester

Volunteers from area museums offer resource information, local history and tour information.

Experience the harvest process from the field to the thresher.

11AM . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Presentation



Nationally-known stock dog trainer and retired CSUC Agriculture Professor, Al Vieira, works sheep with stock dogs to demonstrate training techniques and the amazing capabilities of the dogs!

12:30PM . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration (Sunday)

Fountain fishing, face painting, wheat art, fence painting, sandbox play, grinding corn using authentic mortars and pestles, feeding the chickens at the hen house, crochet on the lawn, marbles, and all free of charge!


A trailer built to carry 20 or more guests weaves through the venues pulled by a tractor. A host gives a running narrative of event activities.

12PM-1PM . . . . Lunch Break (horses, tractors and tram) 1PM . . . . . . . . Stock Dog Demonstration (Saturday) 1:30PM . . . . . . Horse & Tractor Equipment Parade 2PM . . . . . . . . Live Bee Beard Demonstration 2:30PM . . . . . . Loose Hay Loading Demonstration

BIKING TO THE RANCH It couldn't be easier for you and your family to bike to the Patrick Ranch Museum. Located just across the street from the Durham Bike Path, the Ranch is an easy ride and a great family destination. A “Bike Corral” will be available at the event.


3PM . . . . . . . . Wheat Binding/Bundling/Threshing 4PM . . . . . . . . Day's events completed

Far West Heritage Association is a 501 (3)(C) non-profit organization. Call (530) 892-1525 or visit www.farwestheritgage.org. to learn how you can join the FWHA, the Patrick Ranch Museum or the Chico Museum.

FREE TROLLEY RIDES to and from the Patrick Ranch. Runs hourly, starting at 9:30am from Chico Transit Center at 2nd and Salem Streets, 4




Please, NO DOGS

at the Country Faire & Threshing Bee



Tank Houses Green before ‘Green’ was in our vocabulary


ank houses were part of self-contained domestic water systems that were incorporated into the house plans of wealthier families in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They preceded electricity and municipal water mains, were preferable alternatives to hand-pumping water, and made indoor plumbing possible. Tank houses were built to support 1,500-gallon water tanks that were elevated many feet above the ground, always at least one floor in height10 above the house, to 10 maintain water pressure for the home, stock and irrigation. The system consisted of


THE GRAND FARMHOUSE AT THE RANCH The Patrick Ranch Museum is reintroducing “Glenwood” to the public! Its exterior has been restored to its original 1877 grandeur, and the interior walls and ceilings have been repaired and resurfaced and the trim has all been painted. Period wallpaper and carpets in the hallway and the downstairs rooms transport the visitor decades into the past. The upstairs rooms are readied for wallpaper, and the furniture, which tells the significant stories of all who once lived at Glenwood, is being cleaned in anticipation of its homecoming. With the support of dedicated philanthropic individuals and groups, many of the rooms will be open to the public at the Country Faire and Threshing Bee. The grand farmhouse, a magnanimous gift from Hester Patrick to the citizens of the north valley, will soon be restored and will welcome visitors for decades to come.

a windmill, a hand dug well and the water tank on the top floor of the tank house. The windmill or animals (mules or horses) pumped water from the well up into the tank, from which it flowed down to the house, gardens and fields under the pressure of gravity. The support structures for the huge water tanks were commonly enclosed to provide extra storage space or housing for farm workers and were thus called “tank houses.” The system used no fuel or electricity, and today it 10 10 “green” or would be called “eco-friendly”! For the past year, 54 artists have traveled the towns and countryside of Butte and surrounding counties, capturing images of more than 60 tank houses with pen, pencils, oils, watercolors and cameras. A juried art exhibition resulted in the selec10 10 tion of pictures for an 18month calendar, January 2013-June 2014. The calendars will be unveiled at the Country Faire and Threshing Bee. Our hats are off to the artists who have captured the images of these useful 10 10 structures of a century ago. Keep your eyes peeled


INTRODUCING THE PATRICK RANCH MUSEUM PARTNERS These are businesses, organizations and individuals who give in-kind support to the Patrick Ranch Museum throughout the year. Alpha Gamma Rho, Chico Chapter Butte County Farm Bureau California Nut Festival California Women for Agriculture, Northern District Golden State Draft Horse and Mule Club


Las Senoras Patrick Ranch Museum Artists Omega Nu River Partners University of California Agriculture Extension Service University of California Master Gardeners Vintage Iron Early Day Engine & Tractor Association





for these unique buildings that have stood unnoticed by so many for so long! Their story is another piece of history revealed by the volunteers associated with the Patrick Ranch Museum!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2012 Far West Heritage Association Events at Patrick Ranch Museum 9/14 10/6 10/12 10/13 10/12-28 12/1&2 4/20/13

Chico Museum Night Out Sierra Oro Farm Trail AutumnFest Kick-off Omega Nu Barn Dance Pumpkin Patch & More Annual Art Show & Sale CA Nut Festival

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ✦ Join the Far West Heritage Association ✦ Donate or endow ✦ Sponsor an event ✦ Volunteer your time and talents ✦ Partner with us in special projects Contact: Patrick Ranch Museum (530) 342-4359 Chico Museum (530) 891-4336 Far West Heritage Association (530) 892-1525


ANTIQUES! Two Locations to Serve You!


Recycle 10


this paper




09.08.2012 9,000 sq ft. 1900 Park Ave.




29,000 sq ft. 745 Main St.






Oroville 530 533 1488

2051 Robinson St


Chico 530 898 1388

2072 E 20th St

An Old Fashioned Barn Raising at the Patrick Ranch Museum







n April, California State University Chico, through its Construction Management Department, included the Patrick Ranch Museum in the celebration of its 125th birthday. Partnering with a generous philanthropic group that provided matching funds to purchase building supplies, they constructed the museum's visitors' center. In a manner reminiscent of the barn raisings of a century ago, some 35 students, supported by phenomenal instructors, onsite supervision by local contractors and nutritious meals provided by multiple dynamic nonprofit organizations, built the multipurpose Visitors' Center-Indoor Museum-Store in just TWELVE DAYS! It was an experience of a lifetime to observe this capable, caring group as they skillfully brought the building to life! Looking for all the world like a red barn on the south side of the 28-acre museum grounds, this versatile building will anchor the many programs and venues at the Patrick Ranch Museum and will serve as a “Portal to the Past!”


For membership info please contact northvalleycwa@gmail.com or 530.518.9914

P.O. Box 249 Durham, CA • www.CaliforniaWomenForAgriculture.com

Thank You to Our 2012 Country Faire & Threshing Bee Sponsors OUR SPONSORS Agri Electric AVAG Flying Service Bird Haven Ranch Jeff & Patty Day Durham Pump Helena Chemical Co Pete & Jan Holman Legacy by Design Llano Seco Rancho MJB Welding Supply Dr. Bill Moon Morrison & Company North Valley AG Services North Valley Tree Service Northern California Farm Credit Floyd & Nadine Perry William Rich Emmett & Ann Skinner Margaret Skinner S&S Enterprises Sohnrey & Son Family Farm Frank Steel Ranch Inc. Tom Dowd Ag Consulting Thomas Manufacturing Co.

Tozier's True Value Hardware Valley Truck & Tractor Co Steve Vanella Milt Willadsen


IN-KIND DONATIONS AND SERVICES Butte County 4-H California State University Chico Construction Management Department Chico Printing Chico YOYO Museum Durham Boy Scouts Troop 16 Durham Parkview 4-H Clubs Far West Heritage Association Board Las Senoras Miller’s Graffix MJB Welding Supply, Inc. & IPP Patrick Ranch Museum Volunteers Rental Guys Soroptimist International of Chico University of California Extension Service Wells Fargo

AT THE PATRICK RANCH Did you know you can rent the grounds and buildings at the Patrick Ranch Museum for your wedding or other large gathering? For more information, contact us at (530) 342-4359

ATTENTION EDUCATORS If you’re searching for a wonderful learning experience for your students, the Patrick Ranch Museum offers classroom tours led by our education volunteers. For more information, contact the Patrick Ranch Museum at (530) 342-4359.




DID YOU KNOW... • 550 Books were purchased for the 2012 “Children’s Summer Reading Program” with the funds raised by the 2011 Links for Literacy golf tournament • One persons entry fee will purchase 4 books for the library • Children who participate in the “Children’s Summer Reading Program” do better in school

2nd Annual

Monday, June 18 • Shotgun Start:


A Benefit for Butte County library

Tuscan Ridge Golf Course • $80 per player HolE-IN-oNE pRIzES: Scion iQ from Chuck patterson Auto World Motorcycle from Chico Motorsports $1,000 in Groceries from Grocery outlet

Major sponsors:

Supporting sponsors: Bartlett’s Hearing Aids Concours Elite Collision Center Register Now: www.NewsReview.com • (530) 624–2841 8

2012 Patrick ranch Country Faire

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