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Chico’s News & Entertainment Weekly

See page 17

Volume 36, Issue 27

Thursday, February 28, 2013


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Vol. 36, Issue 27 • February 28, 2013

OPINION Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From This Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


NEWSLINES Downstroke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

GREENWAYS EarthWatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 UnCommon Sense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The GreenHouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

HEALTHLINES The Pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18




Auto Loans As Low As 1.90% APR

ARTS & CULTURE Music Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Fine Arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 In The Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34





BACKSTOP From The Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Fifteen Minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 ON THE COVER: DESIGN BY TINA FLYNN

Our Mission To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Robert Speer Managing Editor Melissa Daugherty Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Calendar/Special Projects Editor Howard Hardee News Editor Tom Gascoyne Greenways/Healthlines Editor Christine G.K. LaPado-Breglia Staff Writer Ken Smith Contributors Catherine Beeghly, Craig Blamer, Alastair Bland, Henri Bourride, Rachel Bush, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Kyle Delmar, Meredith J. Graham, JoVan Johnson, Miles Jordan, Leslie Layton, Mark Lore, MaryRose Lovgren, Mazi Noble, Jaime O’Neill, Anthony Peyton Porter, Shannon Rooney, Claire Hutkins Seda, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Willow Sharkey, Alan Sheckter, Evan Tuchinsky Interns Nicole Gerspacher, Stephanie Geske, Melanie MacTavish Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandra Peters Design Manager Kate Murphy Design Melissa Arendt, Priscilla Garcia, Mary Key, Marianne Mancina, Skyler Smith Advertising Services Manager Jennifer Osa Advertising Consultants Dave Berman, Brian Corbit, Jamie DeGarmo, Laura Golino Senior Classified Advertising Consultant Olla Ubay

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Editorial Policies Opinions expressed in the Chico News & Review are those of the author and not Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permission to reprint portions of the paper. The Chico News & Review is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. Email letters to chicoletters@newsreview.com. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to edit letters for length (200 words or less), clarity and libel or not to publish them. Circulation 40,000 copies distributed free weekly.

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CN&R 3

Send guest comments, 400 words maximum, to gc@ newsreview.com, or to 353 E. 2nd St., Chico, CA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.

Uttering the T-word Now that the Chico City Council has approved a major restruc-

Help them feel at home A oriented?

re Americans hospitable? Or merely service-

I encountered this question when I attended a recent Butte College faculty presentation about the internationalstudent experience. Five Butte College instructors, themselves international students at one time, shared recollections of when they were students far from home. Math instructor Sanjay Dev came to the United States from Nepal at 16. He said it was his experience that, while Americans are service-oriented, they’re not really that good at offering true hosby pitality. In his first four years here, Dev Shannon felt disconnected. His life took a good Rooney turn when he met an academic adviser who loved Nepal and who extended The author, a regular genuine friendship and caring to him. contributor to the Like Dev, the other four instructors all CN&R, teaches at referred to various points in their acaButte College. demic journeys abroad where they had endured a particular emotion: loneliness. Their stories corresponded with those I’d heard shared by Arabic students at last fall’s Center for Excellence in Teaching Conference (CELT) at Chico State as well as information given in a group interview I conducted with several Butte College students from Myanmar several months ago. 4 CN&R February 28, 2013

These students told me how they lived together in an apartment on the south end of Chico. It was challenging for them to make American friends, they said, speculating it was because their English wasn’t perfect and therefore maybe American students didn’t want to talk with them much. The students’ recruiter later told me they sometimes felt isolated, which struck me as sad. Historically, we Americans have been known as a friendly people; has our friendliness decreased? Do we foolishly not welcome the brave youth who travel here from other nations to gain education and contribute to the world—and who, in the process, enrich our lives? I don’t like the thought of international students in Chico feeling lonely. Can we Chicoans extend ourselves to them in the coming months and ask them how they’re doing? Offer to help them understand perplexing cultural differences? Maybe ask them out for a meal or a beer, or even invite them into our homes for an American holiday celebration? They’re probably all missing a warm kitchen full of savory aromas and the sound of family talking around the table. Let’s reach out to these students who bring so much to our community. It takes only a little effort to extend hospitality and perhaps ease some loneliness. Ω

turing of all city departments except police and fire, what’s next? The restructuring is expected to save an estimated $1 million annually. But that’s far less than the estimated $3.5 million structural budget deficit, the $9 million owed the development services fund, and the $1 million owed the airport fund—about $12.5 million less, in fact. Indeed, the $1 million saved by restructuring is only slightly more than the $900,000 in revenues lost when Measure J, the cell-phone-tax measure, went down in flames in November—a disaster that can be attributed to the failure of anyone, including the council members who placed it on the ballot, to lift a finger in its support. So what now? Where will that $12.5 million be found? The big money is in public safety, and nobody wants to cut positions there. Dare we utter the T-word? If we can’t cut any more, perhaps it’s time to look for a new source of revenue. In November 2011 a group of community leaders proposed a .75-percent sales-tax increase that would have generated a projected $12 million annually. Fed up by being jacked around by the state, which kept commandeering local funds, they were proposing that Chico declare its independence and raise its own money. They stepped back from their proposal when they realized it would be on the ballot at the same time as Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax measure, Proposition 30. Still, it was a good idea then, and it’s a good idea today. It doesn’t have to be as much—a quarter-cent hike would generate $4 million annually, enough to right the fiscal ship in just three years. A half-cent hike would allow the city to move forward on desperately needed infrastructure improvements. We understand those same leaders are working on an updated proposal. We look forward to seeing it. Ω

The real enemy “We have met the enemy and he is us,” the comic-strip character

Pogo used to say. He could have been talking about the self-inflicted disaster known as the sequester—and, indeed, the series of what President Obama calls “manufactured crises” that results from Congress’ refusal to do what the public has said it wants Congress to do: tackle the deficit with a combination of spending cuts and revenue increases. Let’s remember that Congress, including the House, voted for the sequester. So blaming it on the president is dishonest. It’s also pointless. Either this dilemma will be resolved, or considerable needless damage will occur. House Republicans seem to have resigned themselves to the cuts. They apparently would rather slow the recovery, throw hundreds of thousands of people out of work, slash safety-net spending for the poorest Americans, and take a meat cleaver to the defense budget than close tax loopholes that benefit the richest Americans. That’s what’s at stake here. The sequester amounts to $85 billion in across-the-board cuts starting Friday (March 1). Senate Democrats have proposed $110 billion in spending cuts and tax increases. The latter would be achieved by reducing oil subsidies, ending the deductions businesses take for moving jobs overseas, and ending the provision in the tax code that allows billionaire hedge-fund managers to pay a lower tax rate than their secretaries do. This last is crucial. According to a new report from the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, as reported in The Washington Post, the single greatest driver of income inequality over a recent 15-year period was runaway income from capital gains and dividends. And yet Republicans refuse to ask the ultra-wealthy to pay more, even if it means damaging the military and the economy. It makes no sense. Ω

by Robert Speer roberts@newsreview.com

Coyote tale People sometimes ask where we get our story ideas. My usual answer is that there are numerous sources, from readers’ suggestions and anonymous tips to ideas we get from other publications or come up with on our own. We also get lots of terrific suggestions from the many freelance writers whose work appears in these pages. The prolific Jaime O’Neill, for example, is an endless source of story pitches. His most recent cover story on the persistence of racism in America (“Shall we overcome?” Feb. 14) is just the latest among dozens of superb pieces he has proposed and written over the years. A lot of stories come in “over the transom,” as the expression goes. Sixteen-year-old Amanda Allagree’s heartfelt portrait of a homeless couple, “Homeless in Paradise” (Jan. 24), arrived as a complete surprise, as did Phil Dennis’ poignant April 5, 2012, piece, “Memories of Baghdad, 1952-53,” about life in that ancient city before Iraq descended into tyranny and horror. Many of our best cover stories are written out of passion for the subject. That’s the case this week with “The coyote hunt.” Author Allan Stellar, who lives in Concow, abhors the sport killing of coyotes, and he was determined to force it out of the shadows by going to the heart of coyote-killing country, Modoc County, and writing about it. For a man who makes his living as a registered nurse, it was a ballsy act. It also required, for the sake of the story, that he temper his natural aversion to the killing and attempt to see it through the eyes of the hunters. The ranchers of Modoc County weren’t happy to see him, but they are not bad people. Hunting is part of their culture. To his credit Stellar understood this, and his story is better for it— fair to the ranchers, while still speaking passionately for the coyotes. Who was Kenny Clutch? What we know from press reports is that he was the Chico State dropout and “aspiring rapper” who was driving a Maserati on the Las Vegas strip when someone in a Range Rover SUV shot him and he plowed into a cab, which exploded in flames, killing him, the cabbie and a passenger. There’s more to the story. Clutch, who grew up in the Bay Area as Kenneth Cherry Jr., was a crappy rapper, as his only YouTube video, Stay Schemin’, demonstrates. So how did he afford the $120,000 car and his $2,900-amonth crib in an upscale condo complex? According to Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist John L. Smith, who did serious research, Cherry was in fact a pimp, and one who tended to beat up the women who earned his money. Apparently the disaster began when he and another pimp, Ammar Harris, got in a tussle following a rap show at the Aria resort-casino. It ended in a fireball and with three people dead. Kenneth Cherry was a lost soul. As Smith writes, “The bullet Kenny Cherry Jr. courted left the barrel years ago.” I am sorry for his family, and for those of cabbie Michael Bolden, 62, and his passenger, Sandra SuttonWasmund, 48, who came to Las Vegas for a fashion convention and ended up dead.

We shall not be moved Re “Think outside the block” (Guest comment, by Doug Fogel, Feb. 14): I have been a farmer at the Saturday market for the last 11 years. I was a Chico Certified Farmers’ Market board member when the city tried to build a “parking structure” at parking lot No. 1. I was also there when they tried to move us to the municipal lot at Fourth and Flume. Both times I argued against the changes. I still do. As the writer says, we are an “icon,” and as such the folks know exactly where their favorite vendor is. As for moving next to Lost Park, I can see all of us arguing about who sets up near the trees that get urinated on the most, and whose vomit is this? We would like more space and more parking for customers, but moving (according to all polls taken of our vendors) is out! If the city is really behind the Saturday market, then step up and lend a hand instead of the “Move first, then we see if we still like you” attitude. Otherwise it’s acrimony as usual. MIKE WIEDEMAN Capay

Wrong ones to ask The Feb. 14 cover story, “Shall we overcome?” was a timely article during Black History Month. However, your reporter could have done a more thorough job with that week’s Streetalk question, “Have you witnessed racism in Chico?” All four of the respondents pictured were men, and not one of them was African-American. (There was one man who may have been Latino.) It seemed glaringly obvious that more effort should have been made to locate a more diverse pool of responses for this particular question.



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Racism on the right Re “The racism of liberals” (Letters, by Chad Wozniak, Feb. 21): We’re long used to reading and hearing right-wingers accuse liberals of racism. This is the symptom of projection that pervades right-wing talk shows and other false propaganda mills that spew out a constant stream of lies on all sorts of subjects. The letter from Mr. Wozniak was no exception. The writer expects us to believe that liberals were trying to prevent a Walmart in East Nashville from serving its mostly AfricanAmerican community. A little research quickly proved this to be a lie (it always does). The basis for the protest was a labor dispute, not an effort to prevent Walmart from doing business in the community. But the big reveal for the racism of the right is that one of their favorite slanders is the one the writer used by claiming the left considers minorities incapable of making up their own minds, when in fact the right wing, LETTERS continued on page 6


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continued from page 5

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through its political arm, the Republican Party, is doing everything it can to prevent minorities from voting, or failing that, from having those votes counted. Who do they think they’re fooling? JOHN WILKINSON Chico

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Re “The fate of the planet” (From This Corner, by Robert Speer, Feb. 21): Yes, we have a lot to fear from 24 hr. hotline (Collect Calls Accepted) www.rapecrisis.org the Keystone XL pipeline. We also have a local problem: hydraulic REP FILE NAME CNR ISSUE fracturing. California is the home JLD 10.23.08 RAPE CRISIS INTERV. & PREV. of fracking. Monterey Shale is the secondlargest shale deposit in the United States, and oil companies want to tap it. All along Highway 33 oil companies have extracted for years. It is a wasteland. This area parallels the San Andreas Fault. The Elk Hills oil fields west of Bakersfield are the first target. How much of our water will go south to be destroyed in fracking? One barrel of fracked oil equals nine barrels of polluted water. ad A California landowner has with thisClients e im T already won $8.56 million in court st ir F because his water was destroyed by this process. With the hazard of earthquakes that come with this type of extraction, will fracking trigger “the big one”? All Let’s stop the XL, and let’s stop our own local looming disaster. And local I mean: Sutter Buttes now has 17 fracking wells owned by Halliburton.

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6 CN&R February 28, 2013

“How much of our water will go south to be destroyed in fracking? One barrel of fracked oil equals nine barrels of polluted water.”


Pawprints fixes too Re “Get your cat fixed, please” (Guest comment, by Cynthia Gerrie, Feb. 21): Paws of Chico is not “the only organization in Chico that provides financial assistance to owners of both dogs and cats who cannot otherwise afford to spay/neuter,” as stated by Cynthia Gerrie. For almost nine years Pawprints Thrift Store, located at 1346 Longfellow Ave., in Chico, has been helping local people fix their cats and dogs from sales of generously donated items. We are a 501(c)3 all volunteer thrift store very dedicated to animal welfare. Ms. Gerrie is doing important work, but she needs to remember that Paws is not the only program helping people fix their pets. Together, we are making a huge difference.

Pawprints Thrift Store’s spay/neuter hotline is 530-8951791. SUE EVANS Manager/ Pawprints Thrift Chico

In addition to Paws of Chico, Pawprints Thrift Store has been helping people spay and neuter their animals for nine years. Last year, Pawprints Thrift assisted in the altering of 392 animals. In addition, on Friday, March 22, an event will be held to benefit Pawprints Thrift, “Spay-ghetti and No-balls,” at The DownLo in downtown Chico at 7 p.m. Come on out and support a very important and thriving organization. Your money will go toward spaying and neutering hundreds of animals. SARAH DOWNS Chico

Ban bad people, not bags Bans of weapons and plastic bags may appear to most as unrelated subjects. It is my opinion that there is a direct correlation. The tendency of lawmakers is to control the objects themselves rather than address the real cause, which is “people.” Weapons do not shoot and kill by themselves. Plastic bags do not jump into streams, rivers and oceans by themselves until irresponsible people enter the mix. I urge lawmakers to consider this prior to introducing more wheel spinning and ineffective laws to solve these problems. It will not be an easy task but one that I believe is the real answer. MAURICE PICARD Chico

Will they walk the walk? Ten of the 11 2012 City Council candidates attended five debates together. In order of importance, the top four campaign issues were: police (safety), homelessness, pension reform and the economy (or jobs). Recently our new mayor identified her top 10 priorities for 2013, which included economic prosperity as being No. 1. Good choice! Certainly my No. 1 topic

during the council race. The mayor made downtown her sixth choice. Another good choice! That was my No. 2 campaign topic. I’ve always watched elected politicians to see if they follow their own campaign issues (sometimes promises), or if they were simply intended to be a ruse. The four newly elected and reelected candidates form a simple majority on the council. They alone could band together and enact their common top campaign priorities. Let’s all watch and see if they truly practice what they preach. DAVE KELLEY Chico

Our own Sandy Hook Wednesday I saw a friend standing in front of Planned Parenthood. Stopping to say hello, I learned that Wednesdays are abortion days for this business. I counted 20 cars in the front parking lot. The overall atmosphere was quiet and calm. Traffic along Cohasset Road was busy. While observing this scenario it hit me—20 pre-born babies were being killed within this facility! This was the same number of little ones murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. How could this be? Where is the outrage? Where are our activists who advocate protection for the marginalized; the ones most at risk for exploitation? These mothers and their babies should be at the top of their list! With new eyes, I looked as a car pulled into the parking lot and another young woman got out. I then realized we have our own Sandy Hook tragedy occurring every week, but the cars keep going past, and no one but the mothers cry when they leave Planned Parenthood. SUSAN BIRTCIL Chico

More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. Please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past CN&R articles.

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When I was a kid I killed a couple of songbirds, much to my dismay. I feel very badly about that now. It wasn’t an accident–death by BB gun. It was by a river I lived near.

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We have a lot of fruit trees in our back yard, and we always have a lot of pests, like possums and raccoons, that come in our back yard and eat our stuff. I help my dad catch the animals, the little critters, and then my dad just chops their heads off with tree branch cutters.

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Plants, yes. I just took out 12 trees for a home site. I’m an organic gardener, I make tons of pickles and tomato sauces, do all my own vegetables. I absolutely kill my own plants by accident. Last year I felled a tree, and it fell and squashed part of my garden.

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Yes, I’ve killed lots of plants. I killed them mostly when they didn’t get watered—forgetfulness. I can’t really think of anything I really killed except a long time ago when I was teaching in Chico Unified a hamster ran under one of the coat racks and the other teacher I was with and I found it, five or six days later. Somebody had rolled a roller over the top of it. It was really sad. We didn’t tell the children.

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February 28, 2013

CN&R 7


On Tuesday (Feb. 26), four men—at least one of them armed with a handgun—forced their way into a residence on the 1000 block of North Cedar Street and battered three women. The suspects, described as black and in their early- to mid-20s, broke into the apartment after 3 a.m., while the three victims and a 3-year-old child slept. The men reportedly punched and kicked the women in their heads and torso, demanding to know the whereabouts of a man unknown to the victims. According to a Chico Police Department press release, “The assailants fled when a pit bull belonging to one of the victims came downstairs and scared them away.” All three victims incurred moderate, visible injuries, and one of the women was transported to Enloe Medical Center.


Speaking of Chico Police Department press releases, one issued on Sunday (Feb. 23) was more of a plea for sanity. With three exclamation points and two references to “OUR community,” the release details a 12-hour period of mayhem beginning Saturday at 4 p.m., one day after community leaders held a meeting addressing the city’s substance-abuse problems. The release begins with, “Chico Police Patrol staffing pushed beyond the breaking point!” It goes on to describe “several large fights stemming from house parties in the college housing area.” Fifteen noise warnings were issued and two disorderly events ordinance citations were handed out. Ten fires burning couches, mattresses, chairs and garbage cans erupted on West Sixth Street between Ivy and Chestnut streets. At times, the release says, more than 90 percent of the city was without police service. “This type of juvenile behavior continues to be fueled by alcohol, egos, and tempers; all of which are totally unacceptable in OUR community!”


The charges against former medical-marijuana dispensary operator Rick Tognoli (pictured) have been dropped based on a recent ruling in a San Diego case. The Fourth District Court of Appeal reversed the conviction of Jovan Jackson, whose dispensary was raided in 2008. Jackson had been convicted of accepting cash from his collective’s members to keep the dispensary alive. In a unanimous ruling the court said, “[T]he collective or cooperative association required by the act need not include active participation by all members in the cultivation process but may be limited to financial support by way of marijuana purchases from the organization.” Tognoli’s was one of eight Butte County dispensaries raided in June 2010. His charges had included accepting money for pot. Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey said the ruling “has made it almost impossible to prosecute dispensaries that are disguised as collectives and making supposedly no profit.” 8 CN&R February 28, 2013

Jodi Rives, a mother and gay-rights advocate, says inclusion of LGBT history in public school curriculum is long overdue.

Learning curve


Father Peter Hansen takes a different stance, seeing a historical figure’s sexuality as extraneous to his or her contributions. PHOTO COURTESY OF PETER HANSEN

School district struggles to implement law calling for inclusion of LGBT contributions in public school lessons

TTheshipshistory is heading to California’s classrooms. that will be taught to California’s he debate over same-sex relation-

schoolchildren is being written right now by school districts across the state. It will include instruction on the economic, political and social by Jerry development of California and Olenyn the United States and the role of “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LBGT) Americans” in that development. Senate Bill 48 added this language to the California Education Code and went into effect a year ago. The bill also includes the contributions made by Native, African, Mexican, Asian and European Americans as well as Pacific Islanders and the disabled. The inclusion of these groups is not expected to cause the same stir as is recognizing the contributions of the LGBT community. John Bohannon, the director of alternative education in the Chico Unified School District, is coordinating implementation of the new law. It’s difficult, he On TV: said, because the law is vague. Jerry Olenyn is a “The state has not provided reporter for specifics,” said Bohannon. “I KRCR-TV and wish we had more direction.” contributor to the He said the state will provide Chico News & a framework for standards that Review. His video version of this include recommendations on story will appear how to meet the new law. But on KRCR Channel 7 recommendations are not the Thursday, Feb. 28, same as requirements. The only at 6:30 p.m. requirement is that the contribu-

tions of the LGBT community be included in some form. What exactly will be taught? To what age groups will it be taught? How much emphasis will it receive? The answers to these questions are left to individual teachers and school districts. Without more direction, Bohannon said, he will rely on a committee of principals, teachers, community members and parents that is being assembled right now. The committee, he said, needs to embody a cross-section of people with different views on the hot-button issue of sexual orientation. “All sides need to be represented,” said Bohannon, who has already fielded a few calls from parents about the new law, all referring only to the LGBT provision. Jodi Rives is in her 20th year

teaching at the college level, currently as a communications studies instructor at Butte College. She’s also an active member of Chico’s Stonewall Alliance, which defends the rights of the LGBT community. The legislation, she said, is absolutely necessary and long overdue. “I listen to the horror stories of violence and ignorance some of my LGBT friends and students have experienced locally at the hands of peers, educators, families, law enforcement and others, and I know we need to demand change,” said Rives, who has four children of her own. “Our community can and must do better.” Religious families who believe samesex relationships are sinful may take issue with the curriculum. In response, Rives says that what is taught in the schools should be independent of religious influence.

“I do not want religion and/or theology as the basis for educational decisions made on behalf of my children or the children of this nation,” she said. Father Peter Hansen, who has written previously on this topic for the Chico News & Review (see “In their own words,” May 5, 2011), said he isn’t sure a religious or even moral argument is required here. The rector at St. Augustine Anglican Church in downtown Chico, Hansen said he wonders if it’s necessary to preface the naming of every inventor, social contributor and elected official with a list of his or her particulars such as height, weight, sexuality, hair and eye color. “Was George Washington the father of our nation because he had sex with his wife, or perhaps with other women?” Hansen asked rhetorically, “Do we need to know this?” Rives said yes, because heterosexuality is the default position on all people related to history. “I think a concerted effort should be made to find those individuals who have been systematically eliminated from classroom instruction due to their identity or orientation and create opportunities for their inclusion,” Rives said. Bohannon said the overriding

concern is when these lessons will be taught to children. “This is not specified in the law,” he said. “Currently civil-rights issues are taught in both 11th-grade U.S. history and 12th-grade civics.” Parents of young children may find classroom discussion of bisexuality and lesbianism a bit premature.

Rives said she thinks any grade level should be part of the legislation, but within certain parameters for ages and styles. “You aren’t going to interrupt kindergarten circle time to have a lengthy lecture about Harvey Milk,” she said. “But if the class is talking about San Francisco history… [Milk’s contributions] could effortlessly be incorporated into the curriculum.” Hansen isn’t so sure. “Has anyone asked the greats of history if this kind of disclosure is their wish?” he asked. “Elton John may make no secret of his orientation, but does every legislator, judge, actor, religious leader, scientist, inventor, social architect, doctor, general, writer, singer or guitarist wish this to be the leading description of his or her personhood in the mouths of school children and the general public?” Bohannon said it’s unlikely the curriculum will include discussion about sexual orientation and lifestyles, but instead concentrate on the contributions the LBGT community has made. But what of parents who still do not want even the words gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual mentioned in a classroom? What is their recourse? The Chico Unified School District’s Board of Education has a policy on the district’s website (www.chicousd.org) dealing with controversial issues. Currently the board permits students to be dismissed from instruction for animal dissections and sex education. However, since the LGBT requirement falls under the study of history and civics, parents would be forced to appeal to the district to get their children excused from class. This would be a challenge if the LGBT lessons were woven throughout the curriculum. “If the implementation is done correctly and with the spirit of the legislation in mind,” Rives said, “it would probably be impossible to remove a child for just ‘those’ lessons without removing them from the classroom entirely.” Another option for parents who are adamantly opposed to SB 48 is an expensive one: They can opt to send their kids to private schools, which are not required to follow the law. That option is also costly for the Chico Unified School District. For each student it loses, the state of California subtracts approximately $5,000 from its financial support. Bohannon doesn’t believe parents should decide their children’s schooling based on this one addition to the public school curriculum. “This law represents a small percentage of what makes up Chico Unified,” he said. “We do so many things to help all of our children become successful. I hope the whole of what we do for kids would be used when parents make their decisions about the school their children attend.” Ω

A sobering encounter Community forum considers Chico’s substance-abuse problems ome of the toughest talk aimed at the Greek system during last S week’s Community Action Summit didn’t come from Chico State President Paul Zingg (although he did have a few choice words) but

instead from a member of a fraternity. During one of the 56 breakout sessions centered on different aspects of Chico’s party culture, Michael Barrett, visibly nervous, called on the carpet a group of about 25 fraternity and sorority members, most of whom wore sweatshirts and hats with their organizations’ letters. “If the money you raise is more important than community safety, then there’s a problem,” the 21-year-old president of Phi Delta Theta said tersely, responding to the handful of Greek members touting their philanthropy. Friday’s gathering was about more than the Greek community, however. And it was about more than just alcohol—illegal- and prescription-drug use is also a concern in Chico. But it was the death of 21-year-old Chico State student and Sigma Pi pledge Mason Sumnicht from an alcohol overdose back in November that was the main driver behind the community leaders’ call for a citywide discussion on what do about Chico’s party culture. Some 400 community members—including university officials, law enforcement, and bar owners—pre-registered for the six-hour meeting. Only 150 of that total were students, half of whom belonged to Greek organizations. The topics for the breakout sessions, chosen and written on pieces of paper by attendees, included concerns about the use of fake IDs, women’s safety, personal responsibility among students, and even the media’s role in reporting information. And although there are still no concrete plans of action, some in attendance were content with getting a conversation started. Larry Bassow, a student conduct coordinator with the university’s Student Judicial Affairs office, said turning discussion into action won’t be easy. But he’s hopeful. “For the first time we’re able to admit the problem,” said Bassow, who served as a Greek Life adviser for seven years. “Now we can change.” The general consensus seemed to be that, no matter what sort of good Greeks might do for the community, and despite the features that make Chico an inviting destination for many, it doesn’t mean anything when young people are dying from substance abuse. Five died last year over the course of a few months, and statistics reported at the event show that yes, in fact, Chico does have a problem.

Chico State President Paul Zingg, right, addresses students at a meeting on substance abuse held Feb. 22 on the Chico State campus. PHOTO BY MARK LORE

Before any discussion took place, community leaders,

including Zingg and Mayor Mary Goloff, spoke to that matter. Goloff ran through her own list of what made her fall in love with Chico, while underscoring the town’s checkered past. So did Zingg, who became president almost a decade ago, inheriting the university’s already notorious party-school reputation in addition to having to deal with a couple of high-profile deaths on his watch. Back in November, Zingg scolded an auditorium full of Greeks for the second time in seven years, and ultimately suspended them (they’re currently in the process of regaining university recognition). This time around, he made it clear that action must be taken. “We’re not here to wring our hands in frustration, or to wag fingers,” he said to a silent room. “We are here to connect, to communicate and to commit.” Zingg’s not alone. Local bar owners have also received attention lately for drink prices that many agree have hardly budged in almost two decades. Michael Wear is a partner in the ownership of four drinking and eating establishments in Chico, including Riley’s Bar & Grill and Franky’s, which are both located at the infamous Fifth and Ivy intersection. He sat with a small group of local bar owners during one session. “I feel a little demonized, but I’m responsible for what I’m doing,” Wear said. “We’ve always promoted a good time, but it gets scary when you have to ask if it’s still a good time.” Wear said during the discussion that he’s open to the idea of dropping specials like Power Hour (which includes 50-cent well drinks), but that he’s unwilling to make any changes just yet. Time will tell. When Zingg gave his closing remarks at the end of the day, less than half of the initial participants were still in attendance. Zingg said all of the ideas presented throughout the day would be taken up by a dozen or so groups who would then propose plans of action, possibly by the end of this week. The majority of the people the CN&R spoke with at the summit admitted that changing the Hispanics and Religiosity culture will be a challenge. That became even more evident the following night after the Chico Catholicism remains the chief religion among U.S. Hispanics (54 percent Police Department reported making a number of identify as Catholic). However, according to a new survey, the populaarrests in the student neighborhood for DUI, tion of Catholic Hispanics is shrinking and the population of Protestant assault and public intoxication. Hispanics (28 percent) is growing. In 2008, 58 percent identified as Catholic and 27 percent identified as Protestant. Additionally, those who The irony isn’t lost on Barrett, the fraternity identify as Protestant are more religious. Here’s a breakdown of the member who lambasted his peers at Friday’s religiosity between Catholics and Protestants, by age. summit. Barrett, who is executive vice president of the Associated Students, witnessed police 18 to 29 30 to 49 50 to 64 65+ officers and firefighters responding to a call at a Hispanic Catholics neighbor’s house Saturday night. Very religious 33% 45% 48% 59% “It’s kind of sad to see that,” Barrett said. “I Moderately religious 43% 39% 38% 31% don’t think there’s a correlation. With 400 peoNot religious 24% 16% 15% 10% ple coming out, there’s obviously a willingness to talk. But after what happened Saturday, it’s a Hispanic Protestants Very religious 52% 63% 64% 71% sign that there’s a long way to go.”


Moderately religious Not religious Source: Gallup.com

34% 14%

28% 9%

27% 9%

22% 7%


NEWSLINES continued on page 10 February 28, 2013

CN&R 9

Low Cost Acupuncture

continued from page 9

Pot, noise and art

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at Tuesday (Feb. 26) morning’s board meeting, the groundwork was laid for another big battle, this one over a more unexpected controversy. The board’s votes on ordinances regarding medi-pot cultivation and noise levels were the obvious reasons for a standing-room-only crowd at the meeting, but a justbeginning battle over the proposed home of a Chico art museum also attracted dozens of citizens. In the end, the supervisors decided to postpone action on the item until March 26. The panel voted 4-1 in favor of adopting the new medical-marijuana cultivation ordinance with some minor changes on Feb. 12 (See Newslines, “Back on the pot,” Feb. 14, 2013), and the vote was the same at this meeting, with all supervisors except Larry Wahl voting in favor. Dozens of community members—many of whom have spoken at previous meetings—approached the podium to voice their approval or disapproval of the regulations, which will take effect in 30 days. Much of the criticism from community members against cultivation focused on those who profit from large pot grows, cause environmental damage, or commit other crimes related to marijuana as an illegal cash crop. In closing, Supervisor Bill Connelly reiterated the ordinance applies only to medical marijuana, and everything else is still criminal. “In no way do I or any of the board members condone marijuana for sale,” he said. “This is supposed to be facilitating the letter of [Proposition] 215 that marijuana is going to be used Pat Macias, board president for monCA, said the museum will benefit the larger community. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH

Behavioral Health

for medicine. Nothing in this ordinance gives anybody the right to sell marijuana, export it out of the county or anything.” Following the pot discussion, there was relatively little noise over the noise ordinance, which the board approved unanimously. Connelly asked that there be some exceptions made to allow people to shoot guns safely on their property in rural areas, while Supervisor Doug Teeter, a self-proclaimed off-road enthusiast, asked that exceptions be made for off-road vehicles. The ordinance was passed with a caveat that some recreational activities be afforded exemptions. The ordinance limits sound levels by maximum noise and average decibels per hour, and rates are based on location (urban and non urban) and time of day. Though it postponed making

a decision, the board still heard public comment on whether the Museum of Northern California Art (monCA) should be allowed to lease the original Veterans Memorial Hall at 900 Esplanade. That building has been vacant since 2005. The opposition to the project comes from some residents of the neighborhood who believe that museum patrons will bring traffic, parking and other problems. “That particular neighborhood is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Chico, and from the perspective of someone who’s lived there it’s the only historic neighborhood near the

university that has not been trashed,” said Ken Fleming, a neighborhood resident. “We want to keep it that way, and are quite concerned that this project will push our neighborhood over the top.” Fleming called it a “very difficult situation,” giving kudos to the museum’s organizers and donors but saying his only problem with the project was its location. Fleming’s wife, Melinda Vasquez, reiterated his argument in more dramatic terms, saying the museum would have a high impact on a fragile neighborhood. “Just look at the south of campus, which has been trashed, which is violent,” Vasquez said. “We’ve seen it. We have our fingers in the dike.” Pat Macias, board president for monCA—which lacking a home gallery sets up “pop up” exhibitions—disagreed. “A museum is a low-impact venue,” she told the supervisors. “It’s a place for education, it’s a place for exhibition, and it’s a place for preservation of art. It’s not a place for parties or hundreds of people to be at one time.” Supporter Barbara Morris also questioned the museum’s impact on the neighborhood. “Though we’re very excited about Fleming’s idea that we’ll have such a huge impact, the reality is our museums often struggle,” she said, noting that it’s not uncommon to park elsewhere and walk to museums. “We have problems with parking all the time. I don’t think it’s something that should make or break this deal.” —KEN SMITH kens@newsreview.com

Between the lines Major publishers resist e-book library lending imberlee Wheeler, community outreach coordinator K for the Butte County Library, has been working on getting both e-books and audio books available to local branch libraries for the past couple of years. Her efforts are a work in progress. “It is a younger collection,” she said, “so it isn’t going to be tons and tons just yet, but it is something we can offer.” On a recent afternoon, rows of cars were parked outside the Chico branch as people congregated inside to access the thousands of books that have long lined the walls and bookshelves. But there is a change taking place within, as more and more readers turn to electronic readers. “[E-books have] definitely gone up in demand since we first got our system in 2010,” Wheeler said. “During the holiday season when people get their e-readers as a gift there is a surge in the use as well.” Wheeler said it is important for libraries to keep up with changes in technology in order to maintain community members’ interest in reading. “If we didn’t offer e-books and digital media, we would be missing out on a really important part of library lending,” she said. But lending e-books to the public is a complicated endeavor. Lately, by offering e-books to patrons, libraries across the country have raised concern among some of the nation’s top six publishers: Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin, Random House, and Simon & Schuster. Simon & Schuster and Macmillan have refused to offer e-books for distribution by libraries. The other four have offered e-books to libraries, but with certain limitations. According to the American Library Association’s website, Penguin has a pilot program that allows two New York libraries to lend its e-books; Hachette offers its older books to libraries, but is exploring ways to offer new releases; HarperCollins allows libraries to lend an e-book 26 times before they must renew the license to access the e-book again; and Random House attaches steep costs to its e-book access. Since there has been hesitation from publishers to make e-books available for libraries to purchase and lend, it is hard for the library to keep its electronic collection as diverse and full as its printed collection. “The Department of Justice lawsuits that are happening with the big six publishers have made it so we are only really able to access about half of the bestseller list at any given time,” Wheeler said. These lawsuits originated when the big six publishers allegedly broke antitrust laws with their regulations of e-books sales and distribution. Fortunately, a lot of the lawsuits have recently started to settle out, said Wheeler. However, on Feb. 15 three independent bookstores,

two in New York and one in South Carolina, filed a class-action complaint on behalf of all independent bookstores against the big six and Amazon. The suit says the defendants have created a monopoly on both traditional and e-book sales that is designed to control prices and destroy independent booksellers. Chico-based publisher Heidelberg Graphics

knows that e-books are becoming more popular and that the market for them is here to stay. “We are starting to offer the printed book as an ebook,” said Larry Jackson, company owner. “They are both available.” Heidelberg Graphics publishes books in a wide range of genres, and Jackson said the company publishes all types of books except children’s. Jackson has yet to receive any orders from libraries for e-books, he said, but does have a policy in place for how to deal with the situation when it arises. “We don’t like to make the books freely available,” he said, “but we do make the books available so they could be on loan for a short period of time, and that would apply to a library as well.” Jackson supports the trend of e-books, but stressed his love for printed books. “There is nothing better

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Kimberlee Wheeler is trying to grow the Butte County Library’s collection of e-books. PHOTO BY NICOLE GERSPACHER

than holding a printed book in your hands,” he said. Despite the difficulties, the Butte County Library purchases new e-books for its customers about once a month. These books are available on its website to be shared with community members in all six branches. The Butte County Library, which marks its 100th anniversary this November, will have offered e-books for three years come April. “I hope the anniversary will draw more attention and that we will see an increase in use of all the services we offer, including e-books,” Wheeler said. —NICOLE GERSPACHER

www.newsreview.com February 28, 2013

CN&R 11




Outdoor recreation in California is a big part of the state’s economy, generating more than $85 billion annually and creating 732,000 jobs, a report finds. The report, compiled by the Outdoor Industry Association, found that nearly two-thirds of Californians participate in some form of outdoor recreation each year, according to California News Service. Laurel Williams, deputy conservation director for the California Wilderness Coalition, said national parks like Yosemite and the freshly anointed Pinnacles National Park are financial assets worth protecting, generating billions in food, travel and outdoor-gear expenses. “Wilderness is a limited commodity,” Williams said. “We can’t make any more of it, so if we lose it, it’s gone forever. So, it’s really important that we protect the wildlands that we have.”

Breathing easier California moves closer to dropping controversial flame-retardant requirements for upholstered furniture


Anti-whaling activists have claimed a Japanese ship intentionally rammed two Sea Shepherd Conservation Society boats near Antarctica. Sea Shepherd, a marine conservation organization known for its bold intrusions on the activities of whaling operations, said its vessels, the Steve Irwin and the Bob Barker, were rammed by the Japanese boat Nisshin Maru, according to The Huffington Post. Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson said the Japanese vessel rammed the organization’s boats while attempting to reach a refueling tanker. Japan’s Fisheries Agency offered a different account, claiming unprovoked Sea Shepherd vessels rammed the Nisshin Maru. Japan has long maintained its whaling activities are for research purposes, an allowed exception by the international whaling ban. Anti-whaling activists say that such whaling is actually for commercial purposes. “The government condemns so-called ‘scientific’ whaling in all waters,” said Tony Burke, Australia’s environment minister.


The Chico Natural Foods Cooperative has been recognized by an organic-food industry collaborative for its use of grocery bags made from recycled material. The local grocery co-op was one of three recipients of the Extended Producer Responsibility award by the Responsible Packaging Project, a collaborative initiative involving a handful of organic- and natural-food organizations, according to a press release. Chico Natural Foods was recognized for using LDPE (lowdensity polyethylene) No. 4 grocery bags, which are made from 100 percent recycled content and help reduce the use of single-use paper grocery bags. “We are excited to recognize companies who are driving the definition and innovation of responsible packaging,” said Nate Schlachter, executive director of the Sustainable Food Trade Association, which facilitates the Responsible Packaging Project.

Send your eco-related news tips to Howard Hardee at HowardH@newsreview.com. 12 CN&R February 28, 2013


Brett Israel

C Feb. 8 that would transform its controversial fire-safety standards by dropping a alifornia unveiled a proposal on

requirement that has led to widespread use of flame retardants in U.S. couches and other furniture. The current standard, adopted in the 1970s, mandates that foam used in furniture cushions must withstand a 12-second exposure to a small, open flame. As a result, manufacturers throughout the nation have been adding brominated or chlorinated chemicals to the foam to slow the spread of flames. Under the direction of Gov. Jerry Brown, a state agency released a new draft rule that will eliminate the open-flame test. Instead, state officials say they will require a smolder-only test, which manufacturers could meet without flame retardants while still preventing fires. Over the past several years, concern about the chemicals has mounted as evidence points to an array of potential health effects, including reduced IQs, attention problems and other neurological effects in children exposed in the womb or during infancy. The chemicals have been building up in human bodies, including breast milk, around the world.

The new draft is in response to a directive issued by Brown to improve fire safety while reducing exposure to toxic chemicals. Smoldering objects such as cigarettes, heaters and extension cords, rather than open flames, are the biggest source of household fires. “This [proposal] will provide consumers with a more realistic approach to fire safety in addition to reducing the upholstered furniture’s smolder ignition potential,” according to the state’s overview of the proposed changes. “As an added benefit, this regulatory proposal significantly reduces or eliminates manufacturers’ reliance on materials treated with flame-retardant chemicals. It is the Bureau [of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation]’s understanding that many manufacturers, who are no longer compelled to make materials open-flame-resistant, will no longer use flame-retardant chemicals in their products. Manufacturers would instead be able to purchase and use the less expensive non-flame-retardant materials, therefore saving in material costs.” State Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) called the administration’s move “enormous” given the Legislature’s “inability due to the power of the chemical industry to move in this direction.” He sponsored a bill to curb the use of flameretardant chemicals in consumer products,

but it died in committee. Chemical companies have said that flame retardants are safe and that they are necessary to prevent dangerous fires from igniting furniture. “Regrettably, if this proposed regulation moves forward, it will reverse a fire-safety standard that has provided an important layer of protection to Californians for over 35 years,” said a statement from the North American Flame Retardant Alliance, an industry group. “Since the National Fire Protection Association reports that open flame sources are still a major cause of upholstered furniture fires, regulators in California should propose a standard that addresses this fire-safety risk.” The proposal will go through a sixweek public comment period before a final standard is adopted by the state agency. GREENWAYS continued on page 14

Read all about it:

Go to www.tinyurl.com/yuckchem to read the state Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation’s proposed new flammability standards for upholstered furniture.



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GREENWAYS continued from page 12


Because California is such a

large market for furniture, the original standard, known as Technical Bulletin 117 (TB 117), created a de facto standard across the United States that led to use of flame retardants in most furniture cushions. The new tests would involve mockups of cushions rather than tests of just foam. This would prompt the use of barrier materials and smolder-proof cover fabrics to prevent furniture from igniting. Similar materials already are used in Europe. The changes will “address upholstery-covered fabric and the interaction between materials in a couch the way it would occur in a real-world fire,” said Russ Heimerich, spokesman for California’s department of Consumer Affairs, which houses the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation that will release the new draft. Heimerich said it “fulfills Gov. Brown’s vision with continuing to improve fire safety while reducing the use of flame-retardant chemicals. We think this does as

The sixth-graders of Parkview Elementary School (1770 E. Eighth St.) will host a pancake breakfast on Saturday, March 2, from 7 to 11 a.m. Proceeds from the breakfast—which includes coffee, orange juice and more—will help the students attend an environmental camp. Breakfast is $5; call 891-3114 for more info.

good or better as previous standards to ensure furniture won’t burn readily.” About 85 percent of furniture on the market today already meets an upholstery smolder standard, according to a report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission that proposed a similar smolder standard in 2008. “These types of upholstery are not typically treated with flame retardants,” said Heather Stapleton, who researches flame retardants at Duke University. “It should reduce our everyday exposure to flameretardant chemicals if it passes.” Arlene Blum, an environmental



Water for life for $25

14 CN&R February 28, 2013

Maybe you’ve seen actor Matt Damon’s funny video about him going on a toilet strike (no “caca”, no “pee-pee”) until the world gets clean water. Well, the actor is doing more than joking; he’s actually one of the co-founders of www.water.org, an organization working to help provide access to safe water and sanitation to developing countries in need. Some of site’s eye-opening statistics include: • 780 million people on the planet don’t have access to clean water. • 3.4 million people die from water-related diseases annually. • 99 percent of those deaths occur in the developing countries. • By 2025, the proportion of the world’s population living in waterstressed areas will increase by two-thirds. One of the most straightforward and relatively easy solutions available at water.org for helping get safe drinking water to those in need is for visitors to start their own fundraisers via the site’s crowdfunding tool. It works much like popular fundraising sites, Kickstarter and Indiegogo. After schooling yourself on the issues, write up a pitch for your personalized fundraising campaign, start your fundraiser, then invite your friends, family, co-workers, classmates and other people in your social network to donate. Each $25 raised translates into providing water for life to one person.

chemist with UC Berkeley, has campaigned for years against flame retardants. She said she was “cautiously optimistic” about the new proposal. The legacy of the old standard, however, will be felt for years since many people keep couches and other furniture for decades. “Even with new regulations in place we still have the ongoing impact of these bio-pervasive and bioaccumulating chemicals, which will be with us for decades,” Leno said. “This is only step one. It will hopefully stop the bleeding.” Because flame retardants are mixed into consumer products, rather than chemically bound, they can leach out and stick to dust particles that people can inhale. A recent study found them in nearly all couches tested. In couches purchased before 2005, three out of every four contained flame retardants. For newer couches, 94 percent contained them—nearly all next-generation compounds with little known about their potential health effects. Before 2005, a brominated flame retardant known as penta was used in most U.S. furniture. When it was banned because it was accumulating in people and wildlife around the world, newer chemicals came onto the market to help furniture meet TB 117. Scientists have struggled to keep pace with studying their health risks. Children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable, especially in California. California children have some of the world’s highest-measured levels of flame retardants in their bodies. An ongoing study of California children has found that exposure during pregnancy or early childhood may lead to children with poorer attention, motor skills and IQ scores. This story was published recently by Environmental Health News. Go to www.EHN.org to read more EHN stories. Ω



reen HOUSE

by Christine G.K. LaPado-Breglia christinel@newsreview.com

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD I read in the Feb. 18 issue of the Food Poisoning

LEARN HOW TO GROW YOUR OWN FOOD Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 9, the date of the free Seed Starting workshop out at the GRUB Cooperative (1525 Dayton Road). Taught by experienced nurserywoman Sherri Scott, who heads up the GRUB Grown Nursery, the workshop will focus on learning how to “start” seeds at home. “We’ll be covering the basics, starting with how to read a seed packet, and discuss different techniques to achieve optimum temperature, moisture and light needs,” writes Scott on the website of Cultivating Community NV, which is sponsoring the event. “We’ll talk about timing and spacing issues I’ve learned in my nursery business, as Learn to grow your own veggie starts! well as information I have gleaned from others. Sources for seed will be covered and each participant will plant their own mixed-variety six-pack to take home.” The workshop runs from 2 to 4 p.m. Call Jonah at 588-0585 or go to www.cultivatingcommunitynv.org for more information and to register for the workshop.

Location: Bidwell Park, One Mile Recreation Area

For more information call: 342-5746 Registration online at:

The Water Walk is educational, fun and inspirational for all ages. Bring your own bucket that can be carried on a 2K or 5K walk (first 200 registered will receive a free bucket). There will be educational stations about the great need for clean water globally and water conservation. We will be filling our water buckets at the midpoint and carrying filled buckets to complete the course.

bridgingthegapbygiving.org or Registration forms can be picked up at Starbucks

YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE To date our community has helped nearly 15,000 Africans receive water for life.

BTG is a partner with the North Valley Community Foundation

COMPUTERS FOR SENIORS Desktop systems between $100-$200 (Must be at least 65 years of age or on Medicare)

Recycle + Reuse Center

Drop off your unwanted electronics (working or not) between 9am-5pm daily COMPUTERS FOR CLASSROOMS


315 Huss Drive, Chico Open 9-5 Weekdays Open to low-income families such as Medi-Cal, Section 8 Housing, Healthy Families, Free or Reduced lunch qualified and SSDI. Cash sales only. CFC is Microsoft Registered Refurbisher and R2-Certified Recycler. All hard drives are wiped completely or destroyed.


Bulletin that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has extended by 60 days—until April 26—the public-comment period regarding the issue of government approval of genetically engineered (GE) salmon. As I wrote in this column on Feb. 7, after releasing its environmental assessment on GE salmon, the FDA had previously invited public comments through Feb. 25. “Almost 30,000 comments were submitted to the Federal Register since it was posted in December 2012,” writes Food Poisoning Bulletin writer Linda Larsen. Larsen reminds us that “the modified fish will grow twice as quickly as naturally occurring salmon” and would be “the first transgenic animal to be approved by the government and introduced into the environment and the food chain.” Potential health risks from eating the “frankenfish” include “potential toxicity, allergenic effects, and diseases,” according to the Center for Food Safety (go to www.ge-fish.org/about-ge-fish to read more about the threats to the environment and human health posed by GE fish). U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) praised the FDA’s decision to extend the comment period in Alaska senator Lisa a Feb. 13 press release, referring to the agency’s Murkowski applauds the original “flawed decision to move forward in the FDA’s decision to extend the approval process despite so many unanswered comment period on GE questions. … salmon to April 26. “I am proud that my Coastal Coalition in the Senate and those fighting along with us—like the Alaskans in Sitka last weekend—have raised our voices and outrage to a level where the FDA relented and is giving us more time to further lay out the case against GE salmon,” said Murkowski. “AquaBounty Technologies, the company that is introducing the genetically modified fish, will have to wait longer for government approval of its product,” Larsen said. Gee, maybe if the FDA gets 30,000 more comments, the approval process will get stopped in its tracks. Let’s hope so. Submit comments electronically to www.regulations.gov or via mail to the Division of Dockets Management (HFA–305), Food and Drug Administration, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061, Rockville, MD 20852. Go to www.tiny url.com/salmonchat for more detailed information on comment submission.

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February 28, 2013

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If Americans reduced their consumption of sodium to the upper limits of federal recommendations, hundreds of thousands of lives could be saved, a study finds. Researchers from UC San Francisco, Harvard Medical School and Simon Fraser University in Canada each used different computer models to project what a society-wide reduction in sodium intake would mean for stroke and heart-disease rates, according to a UCSF press release. All three models found that if sodium intake was reduced to the high-end of federal guidelines—2,300 milligrams a day—500,000 to 850,000 lives would be saved over the next 10 years. The average American consumes about 3,500 milligrams of sodium a day, and American men consume roughly twice the federal recommendation. Approximately 80 percent of the sodium consumed comes from processed foods. High sodium intake has been strongly linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Oral emergency


A couple of international organizations have declared chemicals that are disruptive to endocrine-system function as a “global threat” to human and wildlife health. A report released by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Program concluded that endocrine-related diseases and disorders have become more prevalent, according to Environmental Health News. The organizations believe chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are to blame for the increase in male reproductive problems, pregnancy complications, some forms of cancer, obesity and brain-development issues, while persistent pollutant chemicals such as DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) represent a significant health risk to humans and wildlife.


Newborns receiving treatment in neonatal intensive-care units (NICUs) are often exposed to high levels of the hormone-mimicking chemical bisphenol A (BPA), research finds. A study conducted by researchers at Simmons College in Boston analyzed 55 infants who spent at least three days in a Boston-area NICU, finding that many of the devices used in emergency rooms—breathing tubes, intravenous drug-delivery lines and enclosed incubators—are made from plastics containing BPA, according to ScienceNews. While a healthy infant excretes BPA at about .45 micrograms per liter, the researchers found that the average infant in intensive care excretes BPA at 17.8 micrograms per liter. What represents a toxic level of BPA in humans has not been determined, but elevated prenatal exposure to BPA has been linked to developmental disorders and behavioral problems in young children.

Send your health-related news tips to Howard Hardee at HowardH@newsreview.com. 16 CN&R February 28, 2013

Low-income children’s dental care not so golden in the Golden State by

Evan Tuchinsky

A Health Month comes to a close, lowincome families in California face a mixed s National Children’s Dental

bag of oral-health news. Good news: Officials report strong positive results from outreach efforts to the 860,000 children in the Healthy Families state insurance program. Bad news: California is preparing to shift those children to Medi-Cal, which already faces shortfalls in the quality of care and number of providers. The change in insurance coverage is slated for Sept. 1. At that point, 5 million children—around half of the state’s population of children—will be part of the MediCal system. Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid plan, reimburses physicians and dentists at among the lowest rates in the nation—and a lower rate than Healthy Families, the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Plan. As a result, parents with only Medi-Cal as their insurance tend to have a difficult time finding private practices—in pediatrics and dentistry—that will accept their children. That has a significant impact on these families. According to a recent report from The Children’s Partnership (TCP), a

national advocacy organization, around half of the under-21 enrollees in the MediCal dental program Denti-Cal received no dental check-ups or treatment in 2011. As report author Jenny Kattlove told Southern California Public Radio station KPCC: “Families are really struggling to access dental care. … Oftentimes they have to wait months even just to get an appointment and/or they have to travel great distances to get care.” When children don’t get that care, particularly preventative treatments, tooth decay may develop into a chronic condition that can become serious enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room. “California’s Medi-Cal dental system is already struggling to serve children and is

unprepared for what’s to come,” Wendy Lazarus, founder and co-president of The Children’s Partnership, said in a news release announcing the report. “California’s kids deserve real access to quality dental care—not a false promise of it.” The TCP report (titled “Fix Medi-Cal Dental Coverage”) says that in 2005, the last year for which data were available, around one in four children, from newborns to 11-year-olds, had not been to a dentist—ever. Not surprisingly, nearly three in four experienced tooth decay by the time they reached third grade. “A key reason children enrolled in Medi-Cal do not access dental services is the limited number of dentists who will treat them,” the report continues. “In fiscal

APPOINTMENTS SUICIDE SUMMIT, SKIN CANCER SCREENING From 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 1, the Black Box Theatre at Butte College (3536 Butte Campus Drive in Oroville) will host the second annual Suicide Prevention Summit of Butte County. The gathering of behavioral-health specialists, survivors and victims’ families will address suicide prevention, reducing access to means of suicide and more, via workshops, lectures and presentations. Go to www.tiny url.com/b47g867 to register for this free event. Also on March 1, the North Valley Dermatology Center (251 Cohasset Road, Ste. 240) will offer free skin cancer screenings from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Call 894-6832 to schedule an appointment.

year 2009-2010, only 35 percent of dentists in California treated children enrolled in Medi-Cal. Of those, only a quarter saw 80 percent of the children, demonstrating that there is a limited supply of dentists willing to treat significant numbers of children.” TCP makes a number of recommendations to state officials, including: • Educate families about their dental benefits and how to access care. • Address barriers—such as language, cultural, and transportation barriers—that families face in accessing dental care for their children. • Target strategies toward particular populations of children who have difficulty accessing dental care, such as young children and those with special health-care needs. • Improve reimbursement rates. • Simplify the bureaucratic processes for dental providers to enroll and participate in Medi-Cal. • Explore creative ways—such as teledentistry, new workforce models and school-based strategies—to connect children to care. In terms of the recommendation’s “workforce models,” TCP suggests the state expand the roles of dental assistants and dental hygienists in areas underserved by dentists. Finally, to oversee needed changes, the TCP suggests creating a statewide office of oral health. “This is a unique moment in history when we have the opportunity and imperative to make a significant difference,” the report concludes. “If tapped into skillfully, the transition of children enrolled in the Healthy Families Program into Medi-Cal and the implementation of ACA [the federal Affordable Care Act] offer an opportunity to create new solutions that ensure all children in California—especially underserved children— receive the dental care they need.” Medi-Cal officials may want

to look to Healthy Families for guidance. California Healthline reports that the state’s Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB), which oversees the program, cites progress in dental measures. Among the most promising findings:

2013 CAMMIES THE SELECTION COMMITTEE HAS SPOKEN. HERE ARE THE NOMINEES FOR THE 2013 CHICO AREA MUSIC AWARDS (VOTING BEGINS MARCH 7): BEST FOLK / ACOUSTIC ACT There are so many artists in this genre, and the numbers were so close, we decided to include 11 nominees this year. Aubrey Debauchery Bunnymilk Envelope Peasant & the Scientific Orchestra Evin Wolverton Fera John Paul Gutierrez Kyle Williams Lish Bills MaMuse Pat Hull The Railflowers

AMERICANA /COUNTRY The Blue Merles Broken Rodeo Gordy Ohliger Low Flying Birds Three Fingers Whiskey


Bogg Chico Jazz Collective Christine LaPado-Breglia Trio Eric Peter First Monday Jazz


Big Mo & The Full Moon Band Ira Walker Band Sapphire Soul Second Hand Smoke Swamp Daddy


Alli Battaglia & The Musical Brewing Co. Black Fong Gravybrain Jeff Pershing Band Swamp Zen


Boss 501 Dylan’s Dharma Ha’Penny Bridge Los Caballitos de La Canción Soul Union Wolf Thump


Big Slim The Hooliganz Lynguistix Resonators Twisted Strategies TyBox

nominees ROCK

Furlough Fridays Gentlemen’s Coup The Hambones Perpetual Drifters Surrogate


Amarok Armed For Apocalypse Cold Blue Mountain A Holy Ghost Revival Into the Open Earth Teeph

PUNK In the spirit of the all-inclusive CAMMIES punk showcases that the Pyrate Punx host, every local punk band has again been nominated. Animal Cruelty Badger Baghdad Batteries Big Tree Fall Down Born Into This Brass Hysteria! Cody K & The Thundertrain Express Disorderly Event Fight Music Filthy Luke Frankie Doppler’s Nuclear Sunrise Icko Sicko

In Reach Jay Decay Jorge Jonze Kasm Mom & Dad Nothing Left The Oisters Pintlifter The Pushers Ryan Davidson Season of the Witch Severance Package The Suspects Zabaleen

INDIE / EXPERIMENTAL Clouds on Strings French Reform Pageant Dads The Shimmies West by Swan


(two categories: producer & DJ) Best producer Billy the Robot Kezwik Ayrian Best DJ DJ Becca Eyere Eyes Simple Science

The 2013 CAMMIES Festival is taking over Chico this spring with another marathon of the best local music:

3 NIGHTS, 6 VENUES, 12 SHOWS APRIL 11-13. And we’ll return the following week for the all-day 2013 CAMMIES Awards Show: April 20, at the Chico Women’s Club Stay tuned for the full schedule of shows and details on purchasing festival passes. Find CAMMIES on Facebook and visit us at www.newsreview.com/cammies.

HEALTHLINES continued on page 18 February 28, 2013

CN&R 17

brandan Greenstark, md YEARS IN Argyll BUSINESS Medical

Dr. Brandan Stark of Argyll Medical Group is Board Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. Last year, Dr. Brandan Stark expanded the practice with MONTHS the ofINaddition MONTHS INof Mr. Jordan Frazer NP-C. Mr. BUSINESS BUSINESS Frazer is Board Certified in Family Medicine and provides the very best in patient care because he truly cares about his patients. He is a Butte County local who is proud and honored to serve and give back to the community in which he grew up. His patients know that if they’re sick and need a same day appointment, there’s always one available. Waiting all day for a walk-in clinic just won’t do! As a Nurse Practitioner he places strong emphasis on disease prevention and expert treatment plans that are designed to return patients to full health as quickly as possible. It’s the kind of expert care and compassion that the modern healthcare consumer should not only expect, but demand. Dr. Stark and Mr. Frazer offer full spectrum family medicine, as well as comprehensive addiction care, including medical management of withdrawl. Please call our office to schedule an appointment. (530) 899-2107 Brandan Stark Board Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine Jordan Frazer, NP-C, MSN jfrazer@argyllmedical.com

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Oroville Internal Medicine Welcomes Char Bush, Nurse Practitioner Now Accepting New Primary Care Patients Call and make an appointment today! All insurance accepted except Medi-Cal

2721 Olive Highway, Suite 12A | 538-3171 18 CN&R February 28, 2013



continued from page 17




HEALTHLINES Read the report: • Around 90 percent of Healthy

Families children who visited a dentist “for any reason” received a preventative treatment, such as fluoride or sealant, as part of the visit. • Families gave their child’s dentist, the dental staff and access to dental care a higher rating in the 2011-12 survey than in the 201011 survey. Interestingly, the MRMIB found, Latino children visited the dentist at significantly higher rates than other ethnic groups, while American Indian/Alaskan Native children received dental services at the lowest rate. Janette Casillas, executive director of the MRMIB, told California Healthline that the annual survey had an interesting addition this time: “If they weren’t getting preventive services, we asked them why. And most families’ response is because they didn’t need it.” Instead, they tend to wait for children to have pain before going to the dentist. “We will be pushing this really hard for our families in our program, the need for an annual visit,” Casillas continued. “We have run some pilot projects, where we have dental vans, or we have dental clinics on the weekends and evenings. And

To see the full version of “Fix Medi-Cal Dental Coverage,” go to www.childrenspartnership.org/pub lications and click on the “Download the Issue Brief ” link.

those have shown good results.” Hopefully state officials are paying attention, as nearly a million children leave Healthy Families for Medi-Cal. In the meantime, teledentistry—one of the recommendations of The Children’s Partnership—is getting a major trial run in the Bay Area. HealthyCal.org reports that 11 organizations are teaming up to offer remote evaluations by dentists for children and adults in need. Under the pilot program, called the Virtual Dental Home Demonstration Project, patients will have their teeth examined by dental assistants and hygienists. Portable imaging equipment will scan the patients’ mouths; those scans, along with medical history and notes from the on-site providers, will be uploaded to a secure website. Dentists will review the files and suggest treatment plans, or make a referral to a local dentist for more complex cases. Ω

WEEKLY DOSE An apple (or more!) a day A walk through the Saturday-morning farmers’ market will tell you that this is a good time of year to buy fresh, crisp, juicy apples. Besides their yummy taste, there are a number of health-promoting reasons to eat apples. Here, according to Canadian magazine, Better Health, are a few of those reasons: • Keep teeth healthy: “Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering levels of bacteria.” • Fight aging and avoid Alzheimer’s: Mice fed a diet enhanced with apples “showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet.” • Reduce risk of cancer: The consumption of apples can help reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 percent, according to American Association for Cancer Research scientists; similarly, Cornell University researchers have identified compounds in the peels of apples that have strong anti-growth effects on breast-, colon- and liver-cancer cells. • Strengthen your immune system: The antioxidant found in red apples—quercetin—“can help boost and fortify your immune system, especially when you’re stressed out.” Go to www.tinyurl.com/appleben for more health benefits of eating apples.

K N I H T .


February 28, 2013

CN&R 19

THE COYOTE HUNT When does predator control become blood lust? Forgot to get the cap.



or the past seven years, the little Modoc County town of Adin, in Big Valley in far northeastern California, has hosted an annual coyote drive. It’s a popular event, with more than 200 men, women and youngsters participating in a group hunt whose goal is to kill as many coyotes as possible in two days. And every year it culminates in a grand showing of all of the dead animals, dozens of them, in what is commonly called the “coyote dump.” The visual image of the coyote dump is striking: 60 to 70 dead and bloodied coyotes lying on the ground, with dozens of camouflage-wearing hunters milling around behind them. In past years, a photo was taken just across the street from Adin’s only grocery and outfitter store, in full public view, documenting the conclusion of the hunt. This year, the coyote dump was held privately, out of public view, at a location known only to the hunters and the event organizers. That’s because earlier this year environmental groups—led by Project Coyote, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Animal Welfare Institute—representing 1 million Californians rallied public opinion in the weeks before the hunt by gathering signatures and writing countless letters to the various government agencies involved in an effort to monkey-wrench

20 CN&R February 28, 2013

I did remember to bring my granddaughter, Kylie, who is 13 years old and would be my assistant on this venture. She would take photos and provide a buffer of sweetness to hordes of angry hunters who were not very happy that their hunt was no longer obscure. I was hesitant to bring her, but she really wanted to come and help out. To learn civic duty and citizenship and all that. Within minutes of our arrival at our motel in Bieber, about 10 miles down the road from Adin, the motel matron asked Kylie whether she was “one of those animal activists.” The woman got it right. We were there for the coyotes. We were there to bear witness for the coyotes. I understand that the hunters and ranchers of the area see nothing wrong with these contests. They see the hunt as a way to manage coyotes in the Big Valley area. First District Assemblyman Brian Dahle, who has participated in the hunt in the past and owns a ranch close to Adin, told me by email: “The USDA National

Ag Statistics Service attributes 72% of predation losses to coyotes, and estimates those losses would be two or three times greater without predator management practices.” By predator management practices, he means hunting. The folks associated with the sponsors of the event, Adin Supply Company and the Pit River Rod and Gun Club, view the hunt as a way to teach responsible hunting to a new generation. It is a legal outdoor activity that fosters connection to the land and to each other. It is a celebration of a longstanding Western tradition. No wonder they saw me as an interloper and meddler. “HUNT” continued on page 22 The photos of hunters and dead coyotes on these pages were taken following previous hunts in the Adin area. At that time the so-called “coyote dump” was held in full public view across the street from the Adin Supply Company. This year, because of advance negative publicity, it was held secretly on private land. COYOTE PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE COYOTE PROJECT

the coyote-killing competition. The effort culminated with an appearance Feb. 6 before the state Fish and Game Commission, where the defenders of coyotes gave impassioned speeches against what they saw as relic behavior from frontier times. The commission balked at stopping the hunt but decided to explore the issue of regulation. Several major newspapers and The Associated Press reported on the hearing. I was pleased to see the publicity. I’ve been writing letters against the bloodletting for some time. From the moment I discovered the coyote hunt more than a year ago, I had planned on attending the event, using a stealth approach to get the story. Who would notice the pudgy Michael Moore lookalike? I’d wear a baseball cap, just like Michael.

February 28, 2013

CN&R 21

THE COYOTE HUNT When does predator control become blood lust? Forgot to get the cap.



or the past seven years, the little Modoc County town of Adin, in Big Valley in far northeastern California, has hosted an annual coyote drive. It’s a popular event, with more than 200 men, women and youngsters participating in a group hunt whose goal is to kill as many coyotes as possible in two days. And every year it culminates in a grand showing of all of the dead animals, dozens of them, in what is commonly called the “coyote dump.” The visual image of the coyote dump is striking: 60 to 70 dead and bloodied coyotes lying on the ground, with dozens of camouflage-wearing hunters milling around behind them. In past years, a photo was taken just across the street from Adin’s only grocery and outfitter store, in full public view, documenting the conclusion of the hunt. This year, the coyote dump was held privately, out of public view, at a location known only to the hunters and the event organizers. That’s because earlier this year environmental groups—led by Project Coyote, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Animal Welfare Institute—representing 1 million Californians rallied public opinion in the weeks before the hunt by gathering signatures and writing countless letters to the various government agencies involved in an effort to monkey-wrench

20 CN&R February 28, 2013

I did remember to bring my granddaughter, Kylie, who is 13 years old and would be my assistant on this venture. She would take photos and provide a buffer of sweetness to hordes of angry hunters who were not very happy that their hunt was no longer obscure. I was hesitant to bring her, but she really wanted to come and help out. To learn civic duty and citizenship and all that. Within minutes of our arrival at our motel in Bieber, about 10 miles down the road from Adin, the motel matron asked Kylie whether she was “one of those animal activists.” The woman got it right. We were there for the coyotes. We were there to bear witness for the coyotes. I understand that the hunters and ranchers of the area see nothing wrong with these contests. They see the hunt as a way to manage coyotes in the Big Valley area. First District Assemblyman Brian Dahle, who has participated in the hunt in the past and owns a ranch close to Adin, told me by email: “The USDA National

Ag Statistics Service attributes 72% of predation losses to coyotes, and estimates those losses would be two or three times greater without predator management practices.” By predator management practices, he means hunting. The folks associated with the sponsors of the event, Adin Supply Company and the Pit River Rod and Gun Club, view the hunt as a way to teach responsible hunting to a new generation. It is a legal outdoor activity that fosters connection to the land and to each other. It is a celebration of a longstanding Western tradition. No wonder they saw me as an interloper and meddler. “HUNT” continued on page 22 The photos of hunters and dead coyotes on these pages were taken following previous hunts in the Adin area. At that time the so-called “coyote dump” was held in full public view across the street from the Adin Supply Company. This year, because of advance negative publicity, it was held secretly on private land. COYOTE PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE COYOTE PROJECT

the coyote-killing competition. The effort culminated with an appearance Feb. 6 before the state Fish and Game Commission, where the defenders of coyotes gave impassioned speeches against what they saw as relic behavior from frontier times. The commission balked at stopping the hunt but decided to explore the issue of regulation. Several major newspapers and The Associated Press reported on the hearing. I was pleased to see the publicity. I’ve been writing letters against the bloodletting for some time. From the moment I discovered the coyote hunt more than a year ago, I had planned on attending the event, using a stealth approach to get the story. Who would notice the pudgy Michael Moore lookalike? I’d wear a baseball cap, just like Michael.

February 28, 2013

CN&R 21

“HUNT” continued from page 21

Kylie and I arrived in Adin in time for the

Friday-night coyote hunt “check in.” I found the community center easily enough: just look for where all the pickup trucks are parked. Seeing a sheriff’s deputy, I introduced myself as a freelance writer covering the coyote drive. The deputy was unimpressed. He said his name was Mark, but otherwise he wouldn’t talk to me. His face was stern, and he looked angry. Great! A pissed-off deputy, my protection as I embarked on talking to hundreds of heavily armed coyote hunters. Mark did introduce me to his boss: Sgt. Ken Richardson. He was friendlier. As we talked in the dark, outside the community center, two more armed men arrived. They were U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officers. From talking to Project Coyote Director Camilla Fox, I was under the impression that the coyote hunt could not be conducted on BLM or Forest Service land due to the fact that the coyote hunt organizers didn’t get the required permits. USFS Officer Nelson Dodds quickly disabused me of that notion. “There is no law against hunting on public land,” he stated, adding that the Forest Service would not interfere with the coyote hunt. Inside the community center, I met Steve Gagnon. If it weren’t for the hat, he could masquerade as a finely polished humanresources director at a Fortune 500 company. Even his jeans looked pressed. Gagnon is the owner of Adin Supply Company and the primary sponsor of the coyote hunt. Julie, his lovely wife, was standing next to him as I approached. Gagnon said that as of 6 o’clock that night 72 teams had registered, with at least 200 hunters participating. This led to a discussion of the ethics of coyote hunting. Both Gagnon and his wife see it as necessary. “Would you let a coyote take your paycheck? Wouldn’t you kill it?” Julie Gagnon asked rhetorically. When asked about recent studies that show indiscriminate killing of coyotes causes there to be more coyotes, not fewer, Gagnon laughed. “There’s lots of information out there that contradicts that,” he said. Curious about this, I asked for his email address so we could explore the data. He wouldn’t give his address, but he took mine, stating he would send along plenty of scientific information to back up the merits of mass coyote slayings. He never contacted me.

You can kill as many coyotes as you want in

California at any time, no excuse needed. They are considered “varmints,” and state law doesn’t protect “non-game” animals. Predator advocates have wanted this changed for years. Studies of coyotes and their behavior have determined that the animals do best when left alone. As is the case with wolves, only the alphas of the pack reproduce. When an alpha is killed, the subordinate males obtain access to and breed with the females, producing more litters. Coyotes also breed according to population pressure: Fewer coyotes means larger lit22 CN&R February 28, 2013

The author, Allan Stellar (left), speaking with Buck Parks outside his ranch, where the coyote dump was held this year. Parks did not allow Stellar to enter the property. PHOTO COURTESY OF ALLAN STELLAR

You can kill as many coyotes as you want in California at any time, no excuse needed. They are considered “varmints,” and state law doesn’t protect “non-game” animals. ters. Coyotes usually have pups at age 2; kill the alphas, and they breed at age 1, in what is called: “compensatory breeding.” It is impossible to manage coyotes by killing them. Coyotes have been persecuted for hundreds of years—trapped, poisoned, snared, shot on sight from helicopters and airplanes by government agencies. This pressure has led to the dispersal of coyotes to 49 states (they have yet to swim to Hawaii); 150 years ago there were no coyotes east of the Mississippi. In California, we stopped killing mountain lions in the early 1990s. Mountain lions are still killed when they present a threat to people or they feast on domestic critters. A similar approach could be taken with coyotes. Let them be predators again. Let them self-regulate, which is the best way to control the population.

Many ranchers agree with that approach. Coyote predation isn’t a problem with proper animal husbandry, they say. The trick is to discover the art of being a shepherd. And there are tactics for protecting flocks and herds: shed lambing, better fencing, electric fences, hazing of coyotes, guard animals (such as dogs, llamas and burros), firecrackers, motion-sensitive noisemakers and lights, using barns at night and for birthing, and raising domestic livestock breeds that have a bit of fight left in them. Another approach is to change our attitudes about the coyote and acknowledge the important role the animal plays in the ecosystem. Coyotes feed mostly on rodents, and in doing so keep in check the population of the animals most responsible for transmitting such deadly diseases as hantavirus and bubonic plague. Last summer, nine people contracted hantavirus in Yosemite National Park; three of them died.

When Kylie and I returned to our motel

room, we discovered that the WiFi no longer worked. It had worked when we first arrived, so apparently it had been turned off. Earlier, a sympathetic townsperson had reported a rumor that every motel would shut off the Internet so journalists could not file their stories. The WiFi was turned off for the duration of our stay. Adin resembled an armed camp on Saturday morning. Although the hunters all had rifles, they weren’t at all threatening to me. The tight-lipped armed law-enforcement personnel, in their big four-wheel drives in which they sometimes shadowed my little Yaris, were another matter. There were game warden trucks, three sheriff’s SUVs and at least one Forest Service ranger’s truck. All of them were here in support of the hunt, keeping a lookout for critics like me. I asked one warden, who refused to give his name, where the coyote dump would be

held. The warden denied that he, or any warden, knew where the organizers would hold it. I had noticed that the admonition “Report Fish and Wildlife Crimes” was displayed on the back of his government truck. I asked him if it was a crime to dump 50 to 60 coyote carcasses in one place. “No” he replied. I asked him if it was a health hazard. “No,” he said again. The warden did give me a number at Fish and Wildlife of the person handling the hunt. When I called, the office was closed for the weekend. This closed-mouth collusion between the hunters and the law enforcement personnel is annoying. The officers’ anger is palpable. I know anger when I see it: I’ve been a psychiatric nurse for 20 years and am well trained in noticing the cues of a person who is very upset. The clenched fists, the tightened muscles in the face, the lack of eye contact, the lack of open and friendly non-verbal features. And not a pleasant word from any of them. They could use a little Disneyland training in customer service.

Twenty-four hours in Modoc County and I

haven’t seen any coyotes, living or dead. We’ve peeked into countless pickup beds. Nothing. This hunt has gone underground. Are they ashamed of themselves? I asked Kylie what she thought of coyotekilling contests. As usual, she put it perfectly, in typical Kylie fashion: “I think that if you kill a coyote that is in the process of trying to kill one of your animals, that’s a little bit OK. But if you’re killing coyotes just for fun and prizes? Then it’s not at all OK.”

Modoc County, where the Second Amend-

ment trumps the First Amendment—and the sheriff gets to decide what is constitutional. On the day before I arrived in Adin, the Modoc County Record featured a guest editorial by Sheriff Mike Poindexter. In the piece he discussed at length his decision to protect the hunters’ right to hunt on public lands. Should a federal agent interfere with a hunter on public land, he advised hunters to “stand your ground” and call the county deputies. Stand their ground, eh? What sort of message does that send to the hunters and sheriff’s deputies? Doesn’t that just encourage them in their bravado and bluster toward people like me? And what about the blatant disregard of federal laws? All weekend I had an icy relationship with those who were ostensibly there to protect the public. On Friday night I asked Sgt. Richardson if law enforcement would be able to ensure my safety while covering the hunt. “No,” he said. When I walked into the one restaurant in town and tried to engage six law enforcement

personnel from three separate agencies in friendly conversation, one officer said: “We don’t talk to the press.” They all promptly gathered up their food and left. On Sunday, the last day of the hunt, Kylie and I visited a local couple opposed to the hunt who offered their home as a safe haven to us. The couple told me that the final coyote dump would be on private land owned by Buck Parks, brother-in-law to Steve Gagnon. Parks is also the president of the Pit River Rod and Gun Club. The couple’s house is relatively close to the only store in town, the aforementioned Adin Supply Company. Kylie had been in adult company for 48 hours straight and craved a break. She asked if she could walk to the store and get a soda. I said yes, adding, “Take your camera in case you can get a photo of any dead coyotes.” Before she even got to the store, she was met by Sgt. Richardson, who warned her that if she walked any farther, she would be arrested. He also gave her a message to me that if I attempted to set foot on store property, I would be arrested and brought straight to jail. No warning, just off to jail I go. Angered that a sheriff’s deputy would threaten to arrest a 13-year-old girl who wanted only to buy a soda, I had no one to call. Who do you call when it’s the police who are threatening you?

Since I would be arrested if I attempted to go to

the store to interview hunters or gather information, there was only one thing left to do: attempt to get into the coyote dump. The coyote dump is when the winners are determined and prizes awarded. Two points are given for each dead pregnant female coyote and one point for others. In the prior six contests, the coyote dump had been held in the middle of town and been open to the public. This year the organizers chose to hide this event on private property. I gathered up two adult witnesses (who shall remain nameless), got in their truck, and laden with cameras drove toward the Parks ranch just a few miles outside of town. We drove past the driveway, where a man was standing, guarding the gate. On the side of a hill, a couple hundred yards away, we could see numerous vehicles. Earlier I had watched several The author with his granddaughter, Kylie, who accompanied him on his journey to Modoc County to take pictures and “provide a buffer of sweetness to hordes of angry hunters….” PHOTO BY TINA FLYNN

pickup trucks enter the compound. “Guide Service” was emblazoned on the side of one of the trucks. What to do? We could easily hike to a hillside with our high-powered camera lens and snap some photos. But this was out of the question. Too dangerous. We would be trespassing; about 200 armed hunters would have justification to shoot all three of us. Instead, we pulled up to the gate. I got out of the truck and approached the guard. “Hi, I’m Allan Stellar, a freelance writer here for the Chico News & Review. May I enter to attend the coyote dump?” “No.” The gatekeeper identified himself as Buck contest Parks, the owner of the land and spresident of the Pit & River Rod and Gun Club. I askedrkhim how pub- many coyotes had been killed. “I don’t nknow.” I asked if the results of the hunt would be posted. heir “No.” Nothing left to do but leave. “Thanks for being on peaceful,” Buck said. What did he expect? Time to leave Modoc County. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

t, or

On Monday morning, after the hunt, ase my wife

received a call from Capt. Rick Banko, rades the Department of Fish and Wildlife officer in charge of the e and event. Joni had been making calls all weekend tryYou can ing to report the coyote hunt as a crime and wishing o News to talk to someone in charge. Capt. Banko was that CA, man. b. 19, not at a problem “In my opinion, coyotes are really up there,” Banko said, referring to Lassen and Modoc counties. “We get a few complaints about coyotes, but it is a sparsely populated region. ctly 59 Besides, the more coyotes are killed, the more they fy atthe coyote breed, so this event is not controlling r or population.” per warden for What do you know? The leadsgame d one the area doesn’t believe the hunt is necessary, or ree even helpful. freeare not well “The boundaries of the coyoteme drive re- know for a fact defined,” Banko continued. “I don’t he But some if hunters go into Nevada or Oregon. nt. likely do.”

There is a macabre fascination with photos from

coyote dumps. Search the Internet, and you can find gruesome photos from past years. If the promoters of this hunt have learned anything, it is that photos of wild animals killed in an indiscriminate fashion, their corpses laid out like dominoes—these sorts of photos garner attention. It was these disturbing photos that first got my attention. Without the photos, I doubt this hunt would have become a statewide issue. There will be no photos from this year’s hunt. No dead coyotes hung from trees. No corpses laid out with beaming hunters next to them. No public father-and-son pics with dead coyotes propped up in the pickup beds. This year it was a private affair held away from the public eye. Before traveling to Adin, I was contacted by The Associated Press. What did they want? Photos of dead coyotes. Dead coyote porn. Is this story that much less interesting without titillating photos of dead animals? Probably. Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe our common sense of compassion is piqued by such photos. Maybe when we look at them, the horror of them, the killing-for-fun aspect of them, well, maybe that gets us to ask that one important question: “Is there another way?” Ω

We will be keeping things short … … Thursday, March 7, at 7 p.m., for the FICTION 59 reading. Join the CN&R and the winners from this year’s Fiction 59 contest as they share their very-short stories during a free public reading at Lyon Books—in its new location! 135 Main Street, Chico

Pick up the CN&R next Thursday and read all the stories, and then join us that night in celebrating the winners and the written word.

February 28, 2013

CN&R 23

Arts & Culture Sing along

Peter Yarrow today, and in 1963 (far left), performing with Peter, Paul and Mary during the civil rights March on Washington. PHOTO COURTESY OF U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES



Special Events Folk-music legend Peter Yarrow has shared music of conscience for five decades

Fsang “Blowin’ in the Wind” and “If I Had A Hammer” during the momentous March on Washington before an estimated ifty years ago this year, Peter, Paul and Mary

300,000 people, the same crowd who later that day witnessed Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech firsthand. by When Peter Yarrow sings those same songs Ken Smith this week at the Paradise Performing Arts Center, he’s not doing it solely for the sake of nostalgia. kens@ newsreview.com “I’m not just reminiscing about what once was,” Yarrow, one-third of the trio that helped usher in the folk-music renaissance of the ’60s, PREVIEW: said in a recent phone interview. “I’m asserting Peter Yarrow the primacy and importance of music of this performs Saturday, sort in today’s world. It’s my mission.” March 2, 7:30 p.m., This mission has kept the musician and at Paradise activist occupied for five decades and counting. Performing Arts Center. He continues to perform occasionally with Paul Tickets: $22 Stookey, and Peter, Paul and Mary ceased only ($25/door), with the 2009 cancer death of Mary Travers. In available at addition to touring regularly, Yarrow has develDiamond W, oped some of his songs into successful chilLyon Books and Music Connection. dren’s books, and runs a nonprofit organization to stop emotional and physical abuse of chilParadise dren called Operation Respect. Performing Arts Yarrow explained his philosophy that Center music—particularly what he calls “music of 777 Nunneley Rd., conscience”—is an essential tool toward buildParadise Call 345-8136 ing a better world, and a sorely underutilized for info. one today. “I know very few artists who are dedicated to making music to move the hearts of people to create a more accepting, loving, peaceful society. There was a time when that was the dominant musical form, but that’s changed. “The almighty dollar has altered what music can do for us at a time when the world needs this type of music,” Yarrow said. “Instead, [record companies] put out what sells, which is not just 24 CN&R February 28, 2013


mediocre, but often nihilistic.” Yarrow’s musical activity continues to be driven by his humanitarian work and political activism. In 2011, he played rallies supporting workers rights and collective bargaining in Madison, Wis. Last month, he organized A Family Concert of Caring, Healing and Togetherness for the community of Newtown, Conn., in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. Yarrow’s latest children’s book is an adaptation of the 1967 Peter, Paul and Mary song “I’m in Love with a Big Blue Frog.” Like the Yarrow-penned “Puff, the Magic Dragon”—which, depending on who you ask, is a nonsensical children’s song, a heartbreaking tale of innocence lost, or an ode to marijuana—“Blue Frog” is multi-layered and, Yarrow emphasized, still relevant. “It’s about a girl who falls in love with a big blue frog who is under 6 feet tall, wears glasses and has a Ph.D., but the neighbors are disapproving because they say property values will go right down if the family next door is blue. So it’s really a song—a whimsical song—about civil rights and the civil-rights movement. “In today’s world, we have a black president, which was not even possible to think about in those days, but we also have other big blue frogs in our midst,” he said. “We have gays, lesbians, the LGBT community. We have immigration and acceptance of people who were not born here, and we still have racism.” Yarrow explained why much of his life’s work has been directed toward, or at least accessible to, children: “You can’t change the hearts of adults very much,” he said. “They have their preconceptions. They’ll cling to their animosities, biases and prejudices. But we can bring children up so they don’t reiterate that. “A lot of the emotional and physical violence toward children can’t be resolved without addressing the fact adults themselves are role modeling this behavior,” he continued, expressing his contempt for, among other things, the behavior prevalent on reality television shows. “They treat each other with horrifying disrespect. “We want to see the restoration of humanity in our country.” So Yarrow continues to do his part, sharing songs to build a better world. And, he said, he hopes we all sing along: “When [audiences] all sing together, that’s the joyous thing for me.” Ω

BEER RELEASE PARTY: Brewmaster Roland Allen presents his latest concoction, Wild Billy Winter Bock, and offers tours of the brewery. Th, 2/28, 6pm. Free. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.featherfallscasino.com.

COMEDIAN W. KAMAU BELL: The Bay Area stand-up comic is best known for hosting the FX show Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell. Th, 2/28, 7pm. $5-$10. Bell Memorial Union Building, Chico State, www.csuchico.edu/boxoffice.

FREEDOM SUMMER 1964: At this Black History Month event, Karen Duncanwood will discuss her experiences registering black voters in Mississippi during the Freedom Summer Campaign of 1964. Th, 2/28, 6:30pm. Free. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St.; (530) 342-0640.

VALLEY OAK WINE TASTING FUNDRAISER: A wine tasting fundraiser for Valley Oak Children’s Services featuring six regional and international wines. Th, 2/28, 5-7pm. $5. The Crystal Room, 968 East Ave.

Music NEW MUSIC SYMPOSIUM: STUDENT COMPOSERS: Original music from Chico State student composers and musicians. Th, 2/28, 7:30pm. Free and open to the public. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-5739; www.schoolofthearts-csuchico.com.

ORISHA: AFRICA TO CUBA Friday, March 1 BMU Auditorium


FINE ARTS AFRICAN CHILDREN’S CHOIR Sunday, March 3 Laxson Auditorium

Art Spectators, photography by Tom Patton highlighting the grace of everyday activities. Through 3/2. 820 Broadway, (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.



Chaz Martinsen, various works on display. 3/4-3/15. 400 W. First St. CSU Chico, Laxson Audtorium.

1078 GALLERY: The Spectacle of Ordinary

MANAS ART SPACE & GALLERY: BTW Have You Seen My Keys?, work from local artists in various media incorporating spare keychains. Through 3/7. 1441 C Park Ave., (530) 588-5183.

ART ETC.: Sheryl Karas, portraits in new and 3/2, 4-9pm. $7. First Christian Church, 295 E. Washington Ave.; (530) 345-6995.

KRUSCHKE PIANO COMPETITION: Four talented young pianists—Naoko Terakado, Jonathan Culbreath, Douglas Rowan and Han-Ah Sumner—compete for a $2,000 prize awarded by Marilyn Ann Kruschke. Sa, 3/2, noon. Free. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-5739.

PETER YARROW: The former member of the

Poetry/Literature CHICO STORY SLAM: Names go in a hat and 10 “tellers” share their unscripted stories, with applause determining the winner. This month’s theme: “Humility.” Last Th of every month, 7pm. Free. 100th Monkey Books & Cafe, 642 West Fifth St.

HENRY HUGHES POETRY READING: The prolific poet and writing and literature professor at Western Oregon University reads selections from his various works. In room 110. Th, 2/28, 7:30pm. Free. Colusa Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-4636.


and Sciences. With classic Fosse choreography, roaring ’20s fashion and a live jazz band. Th-Sa, 7pm through 3/9; Su, 3/10, 2pm. $8-$20. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3090.




ABERRANT BEHAVIORS: The quirky theater

Kristine Godinez will appear in support of her book What’s Wrong With Your Dad? Growing Up the Child of an Addict with Borderline Personality Disorder. F, 3/1, 7pm. Free. The Bookstore, 118 Main St.; (530) 345-7441.




Special Events

Special Events

ORISHA: AFRICA TO CUBA: A performance of

BIDWELL CLASSIC: A 5K run to benefit local high

Cuban and African dance and drum music with the Susana Arenas Dance Company, Karamo Susso Kora and Miguel Bernal Nodal. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. Bell Memorial Union Building, Chico State; (530) 898-4636.

SUICIDE PREVENTION SUMMIT: An expo addressing trends in suicide prevention, reducing access to means of suicide and more. F, 3/1, 8:30am-4:30pm. Butte College Black Box Theatre, 3536 Butte Campus Dr.

WORLD DANCES: Line and circle dances from Bulgaria, Romania, Israel and Greece with live music by Troika! No partners necessary. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. $7 donation. Chico Women’s Club, E. Third And Pine; (209) 261-6861.

Music NEW MUSIC SYMPOSIUM: PAUL DRESHER: Acclaimed composer Paul Dresher and percussionist Joel Davel perform a program of original compositions for electric guitar, quadrachord and marimba lumina. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. Free. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-5739.

Theater CHICAGO: A MUSICAL VAUDEVILLE: The worldfamous musical about fame, fortune and all that jazz presented by Inspire School of Arts

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www.newsreview.com/calendar. Once posted, your CN&R calendar listing will also be considered for print. Print listings are also free, but subject to space limitations. Deadline for print listings is one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

Grammy Award-winning trio Peter, Paul and Mary has appeared on more than 60 albums since beginning his music career in 1959. Sa, 3/2, 7:30pm. $22. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunnelly Rd. in Paradise; (530) 8728454; www.paradiseperformingarts.com.

school running programs beginning and ending near Sycamore Pool. Go online or stop by Fleet Feet Sports (241 Main St.) to register or for more info. Sa, 3/2, 8am. $30-$85. One Mile Recreation Area, Bidwell Park; (530) 9663241; www.chicorunningclub.org.

MOONLIGHT MELODIES: An island-themed benefit for the Children’s Choir of Chico including a dinner, raffles, cocktails, a live auction and dancing to music by Bel Canto and Bella Voce. Sa, 3/2, 6pm. $55. Butte Creek Country Club, 175 Estates Dr.; (530) 342-2775; www.butte creekcountryclub.com.

PARKVIEW ELEMENTARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST: A pancake breakfast and silent auction, with proceeds helping sixth-grade classes attend environmental camp. Sa, 3/2, 7-11am. $5. Parkview Elementary School, 1770 East Eighth St.; (530) 8913114.

Music HOT CHILI/COOL JAZZ: The annual Chico High School Jazz Ensemble performance and chili dinner. Sa,

KRUSHKE PIANO COMPETITION Saturday, March 2 Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall SEE SATURDAY, MUSIC

troupe performs skits, stand-up comedy, improv and music. Sa, 3/2, 7:30pm. $5. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway; (530) 343-1973; www.1078gallery.org.

CHICAGO: A MUSICAL VAUDEVILLE: See Friday. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. corner of East and Ceanothus, (530) 891-3090.



Special Events SPECIAL OLYMPICS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: The 36-team tournament including more than 350 athletes takes over three gymnasiums at Pleasant Valley High School, Bidwell Junior High School and Chico Junior High School. Su, 3/3, 10am-3pm. Free. Call for details; (530) 924-4291.

mixed-media styles touching on realism, abstract expression and folk art. 3/1-3/31. 122 W. Third St., (530) 895-1161.


We Love, locally produced works of watercolor and oil. Through 3/1. 493 East Ave. #1, (530) 345-3063.

AVENUE 9 GALLERY: Opposites Attract, watercolors by Cynthia Sexton and large-scale ceramics by Delbert Rupp. Through 3/9. 180 E. Ninth Ave., (530) 879-1821, www.avenue9 gallery.com.


Drawings and Collages, works by Richard J. Robinson on display. Through 2/28. 1387 E. Eighth St., (530) 894-2800.

CHICO ART CENTER: Discovering the Visual

Arts, the first exhibit in 2013’s Discovery Series features four contemporary artists from around the country. Through 3/9. 450 Orange St. 6, (530) 895-8726, www.chicoart center.com.

CHICO CREEK NATURE CENTER: Banding by Day and Night, a close look at birds in hand with incredible detail. Ongoing. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

Call for Artists 2013 ART FIESTA BOOTHS: Artist booths are still available for next spring’s event. Call or email for more info. Through 4/1. Matador Motel, 1934 Esplanade, (530) 487-4553.

REFLECTIONS ON OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE: All media accepted for this exhibition of work drawing inspiration from American Heritage historical journals (available at the gallery). Call for more info. Through 3/16. Manas Art Space & Gallery, 1441 C Park Ave., (530) 588-5183.

THURSDAY NIGHT MARKET PERFORMERS: Applications accepted for performance slots. Through 3/21. Contact for info, (530) 345-6500.


Exhibit, works by the Chico Camera Club on display. Through 7/12. 411 Main St., (530) 8967214.

CHICO PAPER CO.: California Mountain Series, Jake Early’s mountain serigraphs—now including the recently completed “Tamalpais”—on display. Lewis Jones, over 20 original scratch boards from the renowned local artist. Through 3/31. 345 Broadway, (530) 891-0900, www.chico papercompany.com.

Museums BUTTE COUNTY PIONEER MEMORIAL MUSEUM: Antique Firearms Display, an exhibition of firearms designed and manufactured before the beginning of the 20th century. Ongoing. 2332 Montgomery St. in Oroville, (530) 538-2497.

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Spring Exhibits, The exhibit “Sportsology” explores the science behind sports, while “Brain Teasers 2” offers a new collection of confounding puzzles. Through 5/5. $3-$6. 625 Esplanade, www.csuchico.edu/gateway.


Gallery, a series of robot paintings by Justin Cooper and brightly colored geometric shapes by Carob Bradlyn. Through 2/28. 122 Broadway St., (530) 891-0335, www.ellis hasit.com.

GOLD NUGGET MUSEUM: Music on the Ridge, an exhibition of guitars from various eras, a vintage Victrola, a player piano and more. Through 3/31. 502 Pearson Rd. in Paradise, (530) 872-8722, www.goldnugget museum.com.

GYPSY ROSE SALON: New work, pieces by local artists on display, including ink drawings by Bob Garner. Through 3/31. 151 Broadway St, Chico, CA, (530) 891-4247.

THIS WEEK continued on page 26

HEALING ART GALLERY: Sten Hoiland, wire


sculptures by Northern California artist Sten Hoiland. Through 4/11. 265 Cohasset Rd. inside Enloe Cancer Center, (530) 332-3856.


Infinity & Beyond, an exhibit tracing early human celestial observation to modern space endeavors with a Russian Sokol Space suit, a moon rock and brand-new footage of deep space on display. Ongoing. CSUC Meriam Library Complex.

Emily Weil Exhibition, large, abstract acrylic paintings and figures in watercolor and pastel. Through 3/31. 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930, www.jamessnidlefinearts.com.

Razzle-dazzle us, kids The kids at Inspire School of Arts and Sciences have been working for months preparing for their production of the musical Chicago. And anyone who has seen any of the school’s theater offerings knows that when EDITOR’S PICK these young artists work on something they go all out in creating spirited, professional and memorable performances. Setting them loose on Kander, Ebb and Fosse’s lively musical would seem to be the perfect match. The two-week run kicks off this Friday, March 1, at the CUSD Center for the Arts on the Pleasant Valley High School campus.

—JASON CASSIDY February 28, 2013

CN&R 25



THIS WEEK continued from page 25 TOUR DE ED: The annual memorial ride honoring the late Ed McLaughlin begins in downtown Chico with a police escort, continues through the almond blossoms to Durham Elementary School and then back along the bike path. Meet at the parking lot at 4th and 5th streets between Main and Wall streets. Su, 3/3, 10am. $25. www.chicovelo.org/main/centuryseries/29-tourdeed.

Music AFRICAN CHILDRENS CHOIR: Performing songs of hope, love and world peace, this 24-child choir touches on gospel, folk and contemporary music. Su, 3/3, 7:30pm. $17-$31. Laxson Auditorium, 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico; (530) 898-6333; www.chicoperformances.com.



BULLETIN BOARD Community AFRICAN DANCE CLASS: A workout set to the sounds and rhythms of West Africa. Call for info. M, 6pm. $10. Chico Grange Hall, 2775 Old Nord Ave. North off of Hwy 32 and East Ave, (530) 321-5607.

AFRO CARIBBEAN DANCE: Dances of Cuba, Haiti,

Brazil and West Africa with live drumming. Tu, 5:30pm. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St., (530) 345-6324.

ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO YOUR FOOD?: A seminar covering the differences between food allergies, food intolerance and food sensitivities. Th, 2/28, 4:30-5:30pm. Free. Allergy & Digestive Relief Center, 2639 Forest Ave. 100, (530) 899-8741.

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Regularly scheduled

meeting. Every other Tu, 9am. Board of Supervisors Chambers, 25 County Center Dr. in Oroville, (530) 538-7631, www.buttecounty.net.

FREE HEALTH CLINIC: Free services for minor medical ailments. Call for more info. Su, 14pm. Free. Shalom Free Clinic, 1190 E. First

Ave. Corner of Downing and E. 1st Ave, (530) 518-8300, www.shalomfreeclinic.org.

PILLARS FOR PREVENTION: A program promoting healthy living in the community and the prevention of illness and disease. F, 3/1, 9am-noon. Free. Enloe Outpatient, 888 Lakeside Village Commons Dr., (530) 332-7016.

REVOLUTION IN SHIA POLITICAL THOUGHT: Dr. Najm Yousefi will discuss Shia political thought and its influence in the making of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Th, 2/28, 5-6pm. Free. Chico State Humanities Center (Trinity Hall), Chico State, (530) 898-6341.

SAMARITAN FREE CLINIC: This clinic offers free basic medical care and mental health counseling. Call for more information. Su, 2-4pm. Free. Paradise Lutheran Church, 780 Luther Dr. Next to Long’s Drugstore in Paradise, 8727085.

Poetry/Literature WORD PLAY: A freestyle poetry reading open mic

ending in a two-round slam. First, third M of every month, 7-9pm. Free. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveatflo.weebly.com.


YAHI TRAIL HIKE Sunday, March 3 Horseshoe Lake SEE COMMUNITY




TACO PLATE .95 3SPECIAL (Special does not include fish or shrimp)

Special Events UNIVERSITY FILM SERIES: The Chico State Humanities Center’s film series continues with Four Days in September. Tu, 3/5, 7:30pm. $3 donation. Ayres Hall, Chico State; (530) 8986341.



Special Events SCI-FI FILM SERIES: A sci-fi film series to coincide with the exhibit Infinity and Beyond . W, 12-1pm through 3/13. Free. Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology, CSUC Meriam Library Complex, (530) 898-5397.

Theater 12 OPHELIAS: Shakespeare’s Ophelia finds herself in a neo-Elizabethan Appalachian setting where Gertrude runs a brothel, Hamlet is called a Rude Boy and nothing is what it seems.

3/6-3/9, 7:30pm; Su, 3/10, 2pm; 3/12-3/14, 7:30pm. $6-$15. Wismer Theatre, Chico State Campus, (530) 898-5739, www.csuchico.edu/ upe/boxoffice.html.

BOTANIAST TALK: Dr. Dean Taylor, consulting botanist for Sierra Pacific Industries, will discuss ecological features of clearcuts. M, 3/4, 7:30pm. Free. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary.

BREAK FREE: Soulful gospel and worship with

vocalist Lori Glori. F, 3/1, 7pm. Free. Paradise Pentecostal Church of God, 6970 Clark Rd. in Paradise.

BREAST & CERVICAL CANCER WORKSHOP: A workshop covering how to detect breast cancer early, how to prevent cervical cancer and more. M, 3/4, 5-6pm. Free. Stonewall Alliance Center, 358 East Sixth St. Corner of 6th and Flume, (530) 893-3336.

CHAPMAN FARMERS MARKET: A farmers’ market in the park serving as a neighborhood collaborative forum focusing on healthy lifestyle promotion, education and access. F, 2-5:30pm through 12/31. Free. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., (530) 592-0889, www.cchaos.org.

CHICO FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Chico Friends of the Library weekly book sale. Sa, 9:15-11:30am. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.buttecounty.net/bclibrary.

CHICO STATE TREE TOURS: An extensive tour of old trees around the mansion and on campus. F, 3/1, 10am; F, 3/15, 10am; F, 3/29, 10am. Free. Bidwell Mansion, 525 Esplanade, (530) 342-2293.

DANCE SANCTUARY WAVE: Bring a water bottle, drop your mind, find your feet and free your spirit. Call for directions. Tu, 6:30-8:30pm. $10. Call for details, (530) 891-6524.


Wednesday, March 6 Wismer Theatre SEE WEDNESDAY, THEATER

Mon-Sat 10am-7:45pm | Sun 10am-6pm 26 CN&R February 28, 2013

for more Music, see NIGHTLIFE on page 30

skin cancer screenings. Call to make an appointment or more info. F, 3/1, 12:30-4pm. Free. Enloe Fountain Building, 251 Cohasset Rd., (530) 894-6832.

SKYWAY HOUSE SPRING YARD SALE: Proceeds from this yard sale (featuring furniture, clothing and more) will benefit the Skyway House’s community scholarships. Refreshments available. F, 3/1, 8am-4pm. Prices vary. Skyway House, 2485 Pillsbury Rd., (530) 898-8326.

SOUL SHAKE DANCE CHURCH: Drop your mind, find your feet and free you spirit at this DJ dance wave to a range of musical styles. No previous dance experience necessary. Su, 10am-noon. $8-$15 sliding scale. Dorothy Johnson Center, 775 E. 16th St., (530) 891-6524.

WRITING GROUP: All writers welcome. Bring

paper, a pen and writing to share. F, 3:305pm. Free. 100th Monkey Books & Cafe, 642 West Fifth St.

YAHI TRAIL HIKE IN UPPER BIDWELL PARK: A guided hike following Big Chico Creek upstream. Call for more info. Su, 3/3, 9am. Free. Horseshoe Lake, Upper Bidwell Park, (530) 893-5123.

Volunteer BIDWELL PARK VOLUNTEERS: Help the park by volunteering for trash pick-up, invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, site restoration, water quality testing and more. Ongoing; check Friends of Bidwell Park web site for dates and locations. Ongoing. Call for location, www.friendsofbidwellpark.org.

FARMERS MARKET - SATURDAY: Baked goods, honey, fruits and veggies, crafts and more. Sa, 7:30am-1pm. Chico Certified Farmers’ Market, Second and Wall streets. (530) 8933276.

FOLK DANCING: Traditional folk dancing, no part-

(530) 809-0370 | Corner of 9th & Wall

SKIN CANCER SCREENINGS: An open clinic for

ners necessary. Call for more info. F, 8pm through 3/1. $2. Chico Creek Dance Centre, 1144 W. First St., (530) 345-8134.

MORE ONLINE Additional listings for local meetings, support groups, classes, yoga, meditation and more can be found online at www.newsreview.com/chico/local/calendar.

Breakfasts from

Around the World Chico’s newest breakfast Cafe featuring dishes from 7 countries and the US

Look for the green building and the green food, like Green Paradise’s Autumn Salad. PHOTOS BY ALAN SHECKTER

Huevos Montulenos

Fresh, handmade food to warm your soul!

3221 Esplanade • 891-4500 • Mon – Fri 7am • 11am, Sun 8am – 1pm

Greening the ridge Organic and natural menu at new Paradise café

I mine that Green Paradise Café, in (are you ready?) Paradise, serves up the kind of food that I like to eat—organic, ’d already gotten the good word from a friend of

homemade, tasty and nutritious. The café’s website notes that they use “all natural or certified by organic meats that are grass-fed, with no Christine G.K. hormones, no antibiotics and no nitrates. LaPadoProduce is either certified organic or Breglia naturally grown and locally sourced as christinel@ much as possible.” Additionally, many newsreview.com of their spreads and oils are organic or all-natural, and the pesto and dressings are house-made. ★★★ 1⁄2 So, my 12-year-old daughter, Lydia (who is of a similar persuasion when it comes to food), and I took a drive up the Green hill on a recent sunny, crisp weekday to Paradise Café check out Green Paradise Café for lunch. 6695 Skyway, After being greeted by Paradise’s pretty Paradise snow-capped hills—the remains of the pre876-1964 vious day’s snow shower—we were next www.green welcomed by the restaurant’s cheery paradisecafe.com bright-green exterior. Having gotten there a little before noon, we were the only cusHours: tomers in the cozy eatery (a situation that Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m-4 p.m. changed as the lunch hour rolled around (open till 6:30 p.m., and the small dining room was filled Thursdays & almost to capacity). Fridays). While we stood at the counter perusing the menu, we were offered a sample of the Find Green soup of the day ($3.50 for a 12-ounce Paradise Café on bowl), which is always vegan and glutenFacebook to keep free. That particular day’s soup was mixed up with daily soups and specials. vegetable—a delicately tasty, pureed, green-colored soup with whole kernels of sweet white corn. Lydia was tempted to order the soup, ★★★★★ EPIC but—bacon lover that she is—opted ★★★★ instead for a 12-inch Apple Bacon pizza AUTHORITATIVE ($12), made with red pesto and bacon con★★★ taining no nitrates or nitrites. Other pizza APPEALING options include Farmers’ Market Veg★★ etable and Grilled Chicken & Pineapple HAS MOMENTS (both $12), as well as Steak & Mushroom ★ with garlic and grilled red onions ($14). FLAWED

Gluten-free versions of all pizzas are available for the same price as those containing gluten, but are 10 inches in diameter. I chose a sandwich made with organic almond butter, organic chocolate-hazelnut spread, bananas and blueberries on multigrain bread ($4.95). We both opted for bottles of Bundaberg ginger beer to drink. As the menu points out, the wait for a pizza is 20-30 minutes (this is not fast food, folks, and thank goodness). While we waited for our food, we observed the faster-to-make fare being delivered to diners around us. Of particular note was an eye-catching spinach-citrus salad (all salads, $7.50), featuring chicken pieces, feta-cheese chunks and almonds nestled in robust bed of bright-green spinach leaves. The man receiving that salad happily wolfed it down in short order. Lydia and I both liked her pizza. The bacon on it was smoky and delicious. She ended up picking off the apple slices, but I ate them, along with the juicy, cold apple slices that arrived with my sandwich. Apples being in season, it made perfect sense that we were graced with a fair number of them. (After I helped my daughter eat part of her eight-slice pizza, we happily still had two slices left to take home). My sandwich, which came grilled, was divine. The warm, oozing almond butter and Nutella-like spread combined with the cooked blueberries and bananas (sensuously reminiscent of Thai-style deep-fried bananas) to make for an almost-guilty pleasure—except that I knew it was good for me. Lydia has insisted we go back to Green Paradise for some soup; I’d like to try a wild salmon-salad sandwich ($7.95) or spinachstrawberry salad. One drawback: This great little eatery has no restroom available for public use. We were advised to walk down two doors to Jack in the Box—the antithesis of Green Paradise Café— to take care of our bathroom business. Ω

The Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room is accepting reservations for a

C E L E B R AT I O N L U N C H B U F F E T May 25th and 26th • Reserved seating beginning at 11:45 a.m. $25 per person $15 for ages 6-10 Under 5 free


Our offerings wi

ll include House Baked Br eads Sierra Nevada Salad Caesar Salad Potato Salad Sauteed Three Cheese Ravioli Sweet Pepper Es tate Vegetable Polenta Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoe s Spice Rubbed Tri Tip Sugar Cured Tu rkey Breast Chocolate Cake , Lemon Bar Berry Crisp, Ch ocolate Mousse Bread Pudding, Chocolate Bark

For more information and to confirm reservations, please phone 899-4771 or 892-4647. A $100 deposit is required at the time of your reservation. Please, one check per group. All groups will be charged an 18% service charge and sales tax. The Sierra Nevada Taproom and Restaurant will be open during regular business hours on both days—Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, May 26th. February 28, 2013

CN&R 27








12:55 3:05 5:15 7:25 *9:45PM


IN : 1:30 7:00 *9:30PM IN 2D: 4:15PM


1:10 3:20 5:25 7:30 *9:35PM










12:45 5:10PM 1:00 3:10 5:15 7:25 *9:30PM 3:00 7:25 *9:40PM


1:15 4:00 7:00 *9:35PM


1:05 4:15 7:15 *9:40PM










Sky is calling Dark Skies is good for a few goose bumps in the night



A Dark Skies isn’t particularly bad. Writer/director Scott Stewart (of the CGI-wankfests Legion and Priest) s Hollywood PG-13 horror entries go,

seems to be making his way to competency. The acting is relatively nuanced for this kind of thing, and the effects here are actually relatively by efficient without being gratuitous. Craig However, while the premise is comBlamer paratively more novel than those of the recent glut of haunted-house and/or possession flicks, the delivery is still pretty much nothing more than a repackaging of all the tropes and themes that have defined horror over


srev www.new

(Dakota Goyo) is at the age where he’s beginning to experiment with drugs, fumbling at girls, and breaking and entering, while Baby Barrett is pretty much just the type of wide-eyed suspense bait we expect from this kind of thing. After an interminable amount of character development and extended scenes of domestic squabbling, the family slowly clues into the fact that their home is the epicenter of something weird going down. Household items are found geometrically stacked in the living room, and flocks of birds Kamikaze the windows. And their neighbors are beginning to suspect that the Barretts are threatening the property (and family) values of the neighborhood.

green people.

3 Dark Skies

FRIDAY 3/1 – WEDNESDAY 3/6 21 AND OVER (Digital)

(R ) (10:40AM*) 1:00PM 3:20PM 5:40PM 8:00PM 10:25PM


(R ) 12:20PM 2:45PM 5:10PM 7:35PM 10:05PM


(Digital) (PG-13) 12:35PM 3:25PM

LAST EXORCISM PART II, THE (Digital) (PG-13) (10:50AM*) 1:05PM 3:20PM 5:35PM 7:50PM 10:05PM

SAFE HAVEN (Digital) (PG-13) 11:00AM 1:45PM 4:35PM 7:20PM 10:00PM


DARK SKIES (Digital)

(Digital) (R ) 11:25AM♠ 2:05PM♠ 4:40PM 7:15PM 9:55PM


(R ) 11:05AM 1:55PM 4:40PM 7:25PM 10:15PM

(PG-13) (10:15AM*) 12:40PM 3:05PM 5:30PM 7:55PM 10:20PM

(3D) (PG) (10:00AM*) 2:30PM 7:00PM


(Digital) (PG) 12:15PM 4:45PM 9:15PM


(Digital) (R ) 11:40AM 2:20PM 5:00PM 6:20PM♦ 7:40PM 9:00PM♦ 10:30PM


SLAYER (3D) (PG-13) 11:30AM 2:10PM 4:50PM 7:30PM 10:10PM JACK THE GIANT SLAYER (Digital)

(PG-13) (10:10AM*) 12:50PM 3:30PM 6:10PM 8:50PM


SNITCH (Digital) (PG-

13) 11:10AM 1:50PM 4:30PM 7:10PM 9:50PM


(Digital) (PG-13) (10:05AM*) 12:30PM 2:55PM 5:20PM 7:45PM 10:15PM


3/3 African Children’s Choir 3/9 Yuval Ron Ensemble 3/14 Lula Washington 3/16 Rhythm of the Dance JLCO

3/22 H4ê< k $3 ª] 0 4/5&6 Keeping Dance Alive! 4/7 Menopause the Musical 4/11 Ukulele Orchestra 4/12 Ray Kurzweil 5/9 Paul Taylor Dance Co.


5/15 The Little Mermaid Jr.

Showtimes listed w/ ( *) shown Sat. 3/2 & Sun. 3/3 only Showtimes listed w/ ♠ NOT shown Sat. 3/2 Showtimes listed w/ ♦ NOT shown Wed. 3/6

28 CN&R February 28, 2013

I see little

3/20 Wynton Marsalis

(NR) 9:00AM Sat. 3/2 ONLY

(Digital) (NR) 6:30PM Wed. 3/6 ONLY

Starring Keri Russell and Josh Hamilton. Directed by Scott Stewart. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

All shows at Laxson Auditorium California State University, Chico









Very Good



the last few years. It’s just Paranormal Activity without the found-footage approach, and with aliens substituting for poltergeists. (That’s not a spoiler, really. I mean, look at the name of the movie.) Once again, we have the familiar dysfunctional suburban family under assault from paranormal forces. Papa Barrett (Josh Hamilton) has been unemployed for a while, and the bills are piling up. (Maybe if he shaved before going in for interviews he’d have more luck.) Mama Barrett (Keri Russell) covers what she can by trying to sell suspect realty in a depressed market (and uncovers what she can and still stay PG-13). Their older boy

So after about an hour of everyone being tortured by nosebleeds and blackouts and no one suggesting that maybe they should get out of the futzin’ house, Mom and Dad visit a cat-cultivatin’ fringe dweller (J.K. Simmons) for some exposition on alien conspiracy theories and things begin to pick up. The last half hour is actually pretty compelling, as the stakes are raised and the family bunkers down to fight off those pesky illegal aliens. While the jump scares are predictably set up, the film still delivers with a few goosebump moments. However, mileage may vary with the resolution. Ambiguously tragic and unsettling, the punch line works well enough on its own while obviously setting up a sequel. While Dark Skies ultimately isn’t all that noteworthy, its characters are compelling enough that a second dip into the narrative arc holds some promise. Ω

Reviewers: Craig Blamer and Juan-Carlos Selznick.

Opening this week

hiss at. The film’s narrative nonsense has McClane dropped into Moscow to pull his wayward son’s (Jai Courtney) bacon out of the fire. And the McClane way of family bonding is blowing shit up, so lots of shit gets blown up. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R —C.B.

21 & Over

Identity Thief

I wonder if the night will go terribly wrong in this comedy written and directed by The Hangover screenwriters about two party dudes taking their friend out for his 21st birthday on the eve of an important medicalschool interview? Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.

Bless Me, Ultima

Film adaptation of Rudolfo Anaya’s celebrated novel about a boy’s coming-of-age under the guidance of Ultima, a curandera who guides him on a journey of finding his true identity. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Jack the Giant Slayer

X-Men director Bryan Singer helms this adaptation of the old Jack and the Beanstalk and Jack the Giant Killer fairy tales. Starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor and Stanley Tucci. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

The Last Exorcism: Part 2

Well, when they said, “last,” they didn’t mean last last. The devil is back, repossessing the same girl and twisting her into more weird shapes. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Now playing



This multi-prize-winner is actually a rather small picture, a two-character drama that takes place mostly inside a nicely appointed apartment in Paris. And if there’s a largeness of theme operating in that intimate setting, it too sounds rather daunting—the two characters are an elderly married couple, a pair of retired music teachers, with husband Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) tending to wife Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) in the aftermath of two strokes, the second of which brings rapidly advancing physical debilitation with it. Part of what is distinctive about Amour is that it deals with its grim subject matter in a manner that is both brutally frank and gentle and compassionate. Plus, as its title should remind us, Amour is also a love story, albeit one that is not conventionally “romantic.” Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Beautiful Creatures

A mysterious newcomer to a small Southern town brings with her magical powers that have the potential to lead her to the dark side, something the local boy whose eye she’s caught is determined to not let happen. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.


Dark Skies

See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —C.B.

Escape from Planet Earth

Brendan Fraser, Rob Corddry, Jessica Alba and William Shatner are among those who provide voices for this animated feature about the adventures of a superstar astronaut and his nerdy brother. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG.


A Good Day to Die Hard

Unfortunately, the Bruce Willis/John McClane of A Good Day to Die Hard is nothing but a sad-eyed parody of himself in a generic actioner. And the worst thing is that today’s McClane has devolved to become the type of indestructible Wiley E. cartoon character from which the Die Hard films had originally steered away. And unlike other entries, there’s not even a solid villain to

A raunchy comedy starring Jason Batemen as a businessman who tracks down the deceptively wily woman (played by Melissa McCarthy) who has stolen his identity. Feather River Cinemas. Rated. R.

Safe Haven

Swedish director Lasse Hallström (Chocolat, The Cider House Rules) helms this story of a young woman (Julianne Hough) who moves to a small town in North Carolina to hide from her past only to find that, after getting close to a local widower (Josh Duhamel), her past has followed her to the sticks. Cinemark 14 and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Ah, Spring is Coming. Time to

Discover Chico!


Side Effects

Steven Soderbergh has become one of our rare interesting American filmmakers, so it’s disappointing that he’s pulling a retirement with this film. As such, Side Effects is kind of a disappointment as a career capstone, but still delivers plenty of pleasures and surprises. In some ways a throwback to the psychological thrillers of the ’90s, here we follow a woman (Rooney Mara) flipping out over the stress of the return of her husband (Channing Tatum) from prison and her flirtation with Big Pharma. Unfortunately, those li’l pills lead to the eponymous complications and plenty of twists and turns. Soderbergh respects his audience enough that he doesn’t turn the scenario into a screed and focuses instead on the inherent drama. Way more interesting (and way more to the story) than the premise implies. Cinemark 14. Rated. R —C.B.


Silver Linings Playbook

Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper) is returning to his blue-collar neighborhood in Philadelphia after a court-mandated stay in a mental institution. He’s determined to make amends for the violent incident that got him institutionalized in the first place— as well as separated from his wife and fired from his job as a schoolteacher. But making amends is not going to be easy, due in no small part to the fact that the family abode is a bit of a madhouse. The lively onscreen results for writer-director David O. Russell look like a romantic comedy of an unusually brash and farcical sort. And the heart of both the comedy and the drama becomes evident via Pat’s offbeat collision with a recently widowed Goth/punk gal named Tiffany (a terrific Jennifer Lawrence). Cinemark 14. Rated R —J.C.S.


The Rock stars as a dad who makes a deal with the DEA to be an informant and go undercover in a drug cartel in order to free his wrongfully imprisoned son. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13.


Warm Bodies

Here we have America a few years after the rise of the dead and the ensuing fall of the living. The few folks who huddle behind a walled-off sector of the city don’t care about what brought about the plague, because they are too busy staying alive. The dead don’t care, because they’re dead. Well, aside from one zombie who we come to know as “R” (Nicholas Hoult) whose heart begins to flutter when he spies a hottie breather named Julie (Teresa Palmer). He tries the ever-reliable approach to stealing a woman’s heart of eating the brains of her boyfriend, which, um, gives R the dude’s memories and kick starts his heart. Ultimately, Warm Bodies delivers by balancing a sweet li’l love story while maintaining the underlying grottiness of the zombie premise. Cinemark 14. Rated. PG-13 —C.B.

A FREE Guide for Visitors and Locals, too. NEWEST EDITION AVAILABLE MARCH 22. Pick it up the at hotels, restaurants and select locations around town. ADVERTISING IN DISCOVER CHICO: Ad space is available. Contact the CN&R today to be included. SPECIAL REQUESTS: If you’re hosting an event or large group of guests visiting the area, ask us to reserve a supply of Guides for you. Call 530-894-2300 x2222 February 28, 2013

CN&R 29





IRISH MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with a traditional Irish music session by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.; (530) 343-7718.

BLUES JAM: Weekly open jam. Th, 8pm-

The Chico Kings drag-king troupe is back with another night of lively performances at the Chico watering hole with easily the most eclectic calendar of events in town. The variety show on Friday, March 1, will be just one of the fun-filled nights this week on the Maltese Taproom’s calendar, which also includes an appearance by Lush Baby (March 2), an ’80s trivia night (March 3), and Heavy Deavy Wednesday (March 6) with DJs spinning metal, doom, psych and shoegaze sounds.

midnight. Lynn’s Optimo, 9225 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 872-1788.

CHRIS GARDNER BAND: Live, local country rock in the brewery. F, 3/1, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.feather fallscasino.com.

COUNTRY NIGHT: Live country music with Rancho Mars. F, 5-8pm. Free. Towne Lounge, 327 Main St.; (530) 896-0235.

DECKS & DRUMS: A DJ showcase made

midnight. Lynn’s Optimo, 9225 Skyway in Paradise; (530) 872-1788.


Th, 8-11pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St.; (530) 892-2473.

IMPROV JAM: Open jam with Michael

Gaughan. Th, 5-8pm. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveat flo.weebly.com.

JOHN SEID & LARRY PETERSON: The local duo plays an eclectic mix of The Beatles, blues and standards. Th, 5:308:30pm through 2/28. Free. Grana, 198 E. Second St.; 809-2304.

tive and music with Loren Freeman. Th, 2/28, 8pm. Has Beans Internet Cafe & Galleria, 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

MATTEO PLAYS FILM SCORES: Classical guitarist Matteo plays film scores and light classics. Th, 6pm. Free. Angelo’s Cucina Trinacria, 407 Walnut St.; (530) 899-9996.

NEW MUSIC SYMPOSIUM: STUDENT COMPOSERS: Original music from Chico State student composers and musicians. Th, 2/28, 7:30pm. Free and open to the public. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-5739; www.schoolofthearts-csuchico.com.

OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians

Internet Cafe & Galleria, 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

QUASIMOFOS: Danceable alternative rock, pop and R&B on the back patio. Th, 2/28, 6-9pm. Free. LaSalles, 229 Broadway; (530) 893-1891.


three-week singer-songwriter competition (judged by a small panel of students, faculty and community members) continues. Th, 7-9pm through 3/7. Free. Woodstock’s Pizza, 166 E. Second St., (530) 893-1500.


Molly’s Favourite. Last Th of every month, 5-7pm. Opens 2/28. Free. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveatflo.weebly.com.


country and rock ‘n’ roll. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. Free. Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 345-7499.

NEW MUSIC SYMPOSIUM: PAUL DRESHER: Acclaimed composer Paul Dresher and percussionist Joel Davel perform a program of original compositions for electric guitar, quadrachord and marimba lumina. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. Free. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State; (530) 898-5739.


from Bulgaria, Romania, Israel and Greece with live music by Troika! No partners necessary. F, 3/1, 7:30pm. $7 donation. Chico Women’s Club, E. Third and Pine; (209) 261-6861.

2SATURDAY ACOUSTIC MUSIC JAM: A jam hosted by Butte Folk Music Society and led by

DRAG KING SHOW: F, 3/1, 9pm. $3. Maltese Bar & Taproom, 1600 Park Ave.; (530) 343-4915.

EXQUISITE CORPS: A Sacramento-based indie rock band merging classical and contemporary influences. F, 3/1, 710pm. $5. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveatflo.weebly.com.

DYLAN’S DHARMA Saturday, March 2 Tackle Box Bar & Grill


welcome. Th, 7-10pm. Has Beans

Wednesday Dance night Dj Spenny & Jeff Howse • 9pm

Friday irish Music Happy Hour 4-7pm The Pub Scouts

337 Main St (corner of 4th St. & Main)

30 CN&R February 28, 2013

WORLD DANCES: Line and circle dances


BLUES JAM: Weekly open jam. Th, 8pm-

LOREN FREEMAN: Native American narra-

bag of blues styles from the local fivepiece outfit. The Alan Rigg Trio opens. F, 3/1, 8pm. $5. Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave.; (530) 566-9476; www.cafe coda.com.



rocking with drum accompaniment. F, 3/1, 8pm. LaSalles, 229 Broadway; (530)





JAZZ: Weekly jazz. Su, 4-6pm. Has Beans

The frontman for S.F. rockers Pine and Battery just released his first solo acoustic album, Stop and Go, last year, and the day before he lands in Chico for his Sunday, March 3, show at 1078 Gallery, he will be fresh off performing in Los Angeles with the other top-10 finalists in the national Guitar Center Singer Songwriter Contest. Stop by the show and see how he did and maybe you’ll be able to someday say you saw him the day after he became famous!

local musician Steve Johnson. First Sa of every month, 2-5pm. Free. Upper

Beyond Chaos tour—featuring HellBound, Bloody Roots, and Ancient Mariner—comes to a close with a party at Lost. Sa, 3/2, 9pm. $6. Lost on Main, 319 Main St.; (530) 891-1853.

Crust Bakery & Eatery, 130 Main St.; (530) 345-4128.

ALL FIRED UP!: Classic rock and ’80s

covers. Sa, 3/2, 9pm. Free. Rolling Hills Casino, 2655 Barham Ave. in Corning; (530) 528-3500; www.rollinghills casino.com.

JOURNEY UNAUTHORIZED: A Journey tribute band touching on three decades’ worth of hits in the brewery. Sa, 3/2, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino, 3 Alverda Dr. in Oroville; (530) 533-3885; www.featherfallscasino.com.


tribute band. Sa, 3/2, 7pm. $5. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveatflo.weebly.com.

DYLANS DHARMA & STORY ROAD: Popular local reggae and rock band Dylan’s Dharma appears with Story Road, a danceable Celtic music trio. Sa, 3/2, 7:30pm. Free. Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 375 E. Park Ave.; (530) 345-7499.

LUSH BABY: Local bluesy rock/hip-hop.

Sa, 3/2, 9pm. Maltese Bar & Taproom, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

OFF THE RECORD High energy hits from

the ’80s, ’90s and 2000s. Sa, 3/2, 9pmmidnight. Free. The Hub, 685 Manzanita Ct.; (530) 228-9300.

PETER YARROW: The former member of


getting you there safe is our business, & we're the best!

Liberty Cab

the Grammy Award-winning trio Peter, Paul and Mary has appeared on more

than 60 albums since beginning his music career in 1959. Sa, 3/2, 7:30pm. $22. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunnelly Rd. in Paradise; (530) 8728454; www.paradiseperforming arts.com.

TRADITIONAL DANCE CLUB: Country music and dancing with music provided by American Reckoning. Sa, 3/2, 7-10pm. $6-$7. VFW Hall, 1901 Elgin St. in Oroville; (530) 533-5052.

3SUNDAY AFRICAN CHILDRENS CHOIR: Performing songs of hope, love and world peace, this 24-child choir touches on gospel, folk and contemporary music. Su, 3/3, 7:30pm. $17-$31. Laxson Auditorium, 400 W. First St. CSU, Chico; (530) 8986333; www.chicoperformances.com.

Internet Cafe & Galleria, 501 Main St.; (530) 894-3033; www.hasbeans.com.

JEFF CAMPBELL: Su, 3/3, 8pm. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway; (530) 343-1973; www.1078gallery.org.

JUSTIN FARREN: A pop singer, songwriter and guitarist emphasizing storytelling and humor out of Sacramento. Sisterhoods and Fera open. Su, 3/3, 8pm. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway, (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.


6WEDNESDAY DRAWN TO JAZZ: Bring a sketch pad and draw to live jazz. W, 5-7pm. Free. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St., (530) 514-8888, www.liveatflo.weebly.com.

LAURIE DANA: Soul, light rock, blues, country, tin pan alley, jazz and more. W, 7-9pm. Free. VIP Ultra Lounge, 191 E. Second St. Upstairs from The Beach.

SWING DANCE WEDNESDAY: Every Wednesday night, swing dancing lessons 8-10pm. W, 8-10pm. Free. Crazy Horse Saloon & Brewery, 303 Main St., (530) 894-5408.

WAY OUT WEST: A weekly country music showcase with The Blue Merles. W, 79pm. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St., (530) 514-8888, www.liveatflo.weebly.com.

MIDNIGHT BLUES SOCIETY: An open blues jam—bring your own axe. First W of every month, 7pm. Free. Nash’s

Restaurant, 1717 Esplanade, (530) 8961147, www.nashsrestaurantchico.com.

OPEN MIC: All ages welcome. W, 7pm. Free. 100th Monkey Books & Cafe, 642 West Fifth St.

MIDNIGHT BLUES SOCIETY Wednesday, March 6 Nash’s Restaurant SEE WEDNESDAY

Robinson Trio. M, 5-7pm. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveat flo.weebly.com.

5TUESDAY AARON JAQUA: An open singer-song-

writer night. Tu, 7-9pm. Free. Cafe Flo, 365 E. Sixth St.; (530) 514-8888; www.liveatflo.weebly.com.

SHIGEMI & FRIENDS: Weekly live jazz with keyboardist Shigemi Minetaka and rotating accompaniment. Tu, 7-9pm. Free. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade; (530) 343-2056; www.farmstar pizza.com.

K N I H T .



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February 28, 2013

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What would happen if …

Paul Dresher plays one of his inventions, the Hurdy Grande, which features a motorized turning wheel on which strings are pressed. PHOTO COURTESY OF PAUL DRESHER

New instruments and new sounds with new-music innovator invites You to Join Us in the Big room

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Jelly Bread

Jelly Bread, from Reno, NV, is a tour de force of full frontal funk, thoroughly steeped in a rock-Americana style with a dash of rollicking indie alt-rock appeal. Jelly Bread’s mix of in-the-pocket drum and bass grooves, swampy lap steel guitar, dirt-under-the-fingernails guitar licks, and take-’em-to-church organ is downright appetizing—bright colors and sweet, funky flavors. With influences like Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Parliament Funkadelic, and Ivan Neville’s Dumpstaphunk, Jelly Bread is sure to get the good times rolling on the Big Room dance floor. This just in...In honor of Jelly Breads Big Room appearance, they’re bringing their three peice Jelly Bread horn section.

Tickets $15 On sale 03/02 in the Gift Shop or online at www.SierraNevada.com Doors open at 6pm • Music starts at 7:30pm

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Join the Big Room e-mail list by visiting www.sierranevada.com 1075 E. 20th StrEEt • ChiCo • 896-2198 all ages Welcome at each Show 32 CN&R February 28, 2013

“IThat’s happen if … ?” Berkeley-based experimental

always start with the question: What would

musician/composer Paul Dresher explaining in an online video why he invents and builds new musical instruments. The by invention in question is the 15-footJason long Quadrachord, an electric instruCassidy ment with four 160-inch-long strings jasonc@ that (in the online video) he was newsreview.com playing during a show at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, and which he will be bringing with him this Friday, March 1, for a performance as part of Chico State’s annual two-day New Music Symposium. “[With] the Quadrachord the PREVIEW: question was: ‘What would happen Paul Dresher if we made a string twice as long as performs with Joel Davel on Friday, a guitar?” he continued. “And that March 1, 7:30 p.m., turned out to be really interesting, so in Rowland-Taylor I said, ‘What would happen if we Recital Hall, for the made it twice as long as that?’And second night of the so we made it 14 feet long.” New Music Symposium. Night What would happen after that one (Thursday, Feb. would be a one-of-a-kind instrument 28, 7:30 p.m.) will that created a wide range of beautifeature original ful, atmospheric sounds being music by student brought into the world. composers. Both shows are free. “The essence of the question is: anyone is an experimenter,” said an Rowland-Taylor affable Dresher when asked about Recital Hall his approach during a recent teleChico State Campus phone interview. “It can be anything. PAC 134 www.schoolofthe It doesn’t have to be about sound. arts-csuchico.com “I’ve always been someone who likes to make things, to combine thinking about how the world works and then make something. I like to take on challenges about space, about objects and materials and space.” After a flirtation with rock ’n’ roll in the late-’60s, Dresher moved on to a long career of musical challenges, from contemporary classical performances to numerous experimental projects (with his long-running Paul Dresher Ensemble, among others) and com-

missions in musical theater. The highlight thus far perhaps was receiving the Guggenheim Fellowship for music composition in 2006. The Quadrachord was born in 2001, as one of a handful of large-scale invented instruments in a musical-theater production called Sound Stage. Since its creation it has gone from that original show-specific incarnation, to being a regular feature of Dresher’s ensemble performances, to being showcased in a Dresher-penned piece commissioned by the Berkeley Symphony, for which he joined them in a performance as part of their season-opening concert last fall. “That went great. It was an enormous project for me,” he said. As big as the Quadrachord is, it is pretty sleek and fairly unassuming. From a distance it looks a bit like the body of a very long pedal-steel guitar. For most of its width the strings sit high above the frame until it gets to a short wooden neck at one end where the strings can be pressed into different notes. It can be plucked, strummed, bowed as well as banged on like a percussion instrument, with layers of sound being added via a looping effects pedal. Joining the Chico performance will be Joel Davel, who, along with playing the Marimba Lumina (an electronic, marimba-looking midi controller that’s struck with special mallets), will pair up with Dresher on the Quadrachord. The both of them simultaneously tap out notes and rhythms across the length of the instrument (parts of which could be prepared with cymbals, tambourine other small percussion pieces under the strings) with sticks, mallets and even their bare hands. It’s no surprise that a performance like this most likely will be attended primarily by students of music and artists interested in experimental works. And to be sure, the intent is not to have you humming along or to get you shaking your thing on the dance floor. But there are potential rewards to be had for a wider audience. It’s an experiment in finding out what new sounds—good or bad—are possible, and the fun in asking, “What happens if … ?” is that it isn’t a right/wrong proposition. The engagement that comes from testing the question (or witnessing others test it) is where the value lies. Or, as Dresher simply suggests in another question: “What can you do to have a physical dialogue with the world?” Ω





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Pissed Jeans are a Sub Pop band in the classic sense. Probably not since Tad was making sweet sweaty noise in the early ’90s has there been a band so in line with what label founders Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman originally had in mind. Honeys is a simpler record by Pissed Jeans standards—songs are shorter, but are still loaded with caveman guitars and drums, and lyrics that point directly to vocalist Matt Korvette’s perma-smirk. The Pennsylvania four-piece rages against the machine—not so much with an angry “fuck you,” but more of an incredulous “what the fuck?” It’s more about those everyday annoyances that make us mumble under our breath or talk back to the television. Songs like “Teenage Adult” and “Health Plan” pretty much sum things up. “Try to turn my head, rub my back and find some cancer,” Korvette screams on the latter, “Yeah, I’m not crazy; I know how you operate.” “Cafeteria Food” is the dirge of these gutter dwellers—slow, sinister and even … funny? You’ll get that a lot with Honeys. Korvette is a screwball who can also come off like a sad old shithead. What he has to say is only funny because it’s true.





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—Mark Lore


The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia



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Various authors Dark Horse Half art book, half history lesson, this compilation of concept art, lore, and commentary from game designers beautifully traces the adventures of Link and Princess Zelda that began in 1986 with Famicom’s The Legend of Zelda (in the United States we received the infamous gold cartridge for the Nintendo in 1987). From the beginning, readers will notice that newer games—especially the latest title, Skyward Sword—receive the majority of the focus. It’s understandable that newer titles have more lore and material to pull from, but the disproportionate relation between Skyward Sword and the original title or A Link to the Past—arguably, one of the greatest games of all time—is disappointing. However, the tome redeems itself with a complete, chronological history of the land of Hyrule, which places the games’ events in context. Seeing it all in one place reminds us how hard developers have worked to bring gamers a fully immersive world that moves beyond Hero A shoots Enemy B. The Skyward Sword prequel manga is fun, but a tribute to older titles or less popular properties such as the short-lived animated series would have been a better use of the space.


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Charles Lloyd and Jason Moran

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ECM The last time I saw Charles Lloyd perform live was nearly four decades ago at an otherwise forgotten concert in San Francisco. But my memory took a snapshot of the innovative horn player that remains vivid—a young guy in a brilliantly colored dashiki, with his Afro, as big as a bushel basket, being buffeted by the breeze blowing through the Golden Gate. The sounds from his horn that day were like aural sunshine. Much to my amazement, that young sax player is now 75 years old, and he teams up here with the superb pianist, Jason Moran, to revisit some jazz standards and a few new compositions. Lloyd sounds as good as he did back then, turning in some fine new variations on tunes like “Mood Indigo” and “You’ve Changed,” while also shining new light on Bob Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released.” The album is named for a suite of songs at its center that are devoted to Lloyd’s great-greatgrandmother, a woman born into slavery and snatched from her parents when she was 10 to be sold to another slave owner. The pain, and the hope, can still be heard in Lloyd’s hymn to that dark past.


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February 28, 2013

CN&R 33



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TODAY’S NEWS: LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, TOO As an unapologetic (and sometimes delusional) optimist, Arts DEVO is not fond of looking at the world as some irrevocably messed-up place. There is shit, and there is Shinola. As it was and ever shall be. I just try to keep my eyes on the flowers and keep my nose open and my shoes as clean as possible. I understand, however, that the stench can sometimes get overwhelming, making it seem like there’s nothing but crap on the horizon. And—even though they might wish that I wasn’t connecting their work to my somewhat crass metaphors—that’s where Gerard Ungerman and Stacey Wear come in. The local couple have started a project called Respectful Revolution with the goal of documenting “positive actions throughout the United States with short video portraits.” The thought being that there are plenty of stories told in the media about how messed up the world is due in no small part to humanity’s lack of respect for just about everything. The aim here is to focus on those who are working from a place of respect and taking positive actions to benefit others, and in the Respectful Revolution, “their stories need to be told so their actions can be seen, used for inspiration and replicated, hopefully on a scale that will create meaningful change in our world.” Last June, Ungerman started the journey by climbing onto a motorcycle in Gerard Ungerman on the road. Daytona Beach, Fla., and spending two months driving across the southern half of America to San Francisco (with Wear joining him for a couple of weeks in New Mexico), filming, as he put it, “people who are doing good things” along the way. Wear and Ungerman (who is an experienced documentary filmmaker, with credits that include works documenting environmental and social-justice issues) are in the process of editing the 70 or so vignettes that were recorded, and have already posted many of them on their smart looking website at www.respectfulrevolution.org. Some of the four-to-five-minute videos include: a fifth-generation cattle rancher raising all-grass, all-forage beef in Greenville, Fla. A woman in Durango, Colo., who started a refuge where she teaches people to forage for edible wild plants, and serves up examples in her on-site café. And there’s even a local guy, Ron Toppi, who organizes the community bike swap at Chapman Elementary, and who opens his short story cheerily introducing his intentions: “Hi, I’m Ron. And I’m from Chico, California, and I want to change the world, one bike at time.” SHUT IT AHEAD OF TIME All right, friends, the 2013 Chico Area Music

YOUR WEEKLY BULL@ T DETECTOR 34 CN&R February 28, 2013

Awards nominees have been announced (see p. 17), and before I hear the chorus of “The same bands get nominated every year!” raining down on the sunny days ahead, I want to make a plea for restraint. Yes, there are many familiar names on the list. We are a small town, and we can’t avoid the fact that the really good bands that stick around are still going to be good one year later. But, look closer—at names like Big Slim, Dylan’s Dharma, Pageant Dads, Low Flying Birds—and you will see 19 new nominees. If you don’t count the all-inclusive punk category (which has several new bands as well), there is 25 percent new blood on this year’s ballot, which is in line with what the numbers are every year. And a 25 percent changeover each year sounds about right to me. So, let’s all just relax and enjoy a few cool new tunes on the localband play list this CAMMIES season. Well, punch my face! It’s CAMMIES time!

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Remodeled & looks brand new. 4 bd 3 ba 2263 sqft with a pool. Great neighborhood. Asking Price: $379,900.

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1884 Auburn Oak Way 620 Vallombrosa Ln 44 Forest Creek Cir 11 Towser Rd 4 Moraga Dr 2609 Duffy Dr 1728 Arbutus Ave 3015 Burnap Ave 2 Olympus Ln 1080 Madrone Ave

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$260,000 $260,000 $250,000 $225,000 $221,500 $218,000 $202,500 $195,000 $175,000 $172,000

4/ 2.5 3/ 1.5 3/ 2 3/ 2 5/ 2 3/ 2 2/ 1 4/ 2 3/ 2 4/ 1.5

1994 1694 1460 1373 2524 1413 864 1781 1119 1521

February 28, 2013

CN&R 35




Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 4290 Prairie Drive (X St: Cassandra/Pentz) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1669 sq. ft. $439,000 Saeed Khan 916-705-6977 Katherine Ossokine 591-3837 Alice Zeissler 518-1872

Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 134 W. Tonea Way (X St: Esplanade) 3 Bd / 3 Ba, 2478 sq. ft. $339,000 Ron Kelly 521-3629 Dustin Wenner 624-9125 Ronnie Owen 518-0911

Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 1378 Arch Way (X St: Marigold) 4 Bd / 2 Ba, 2045 sq. ft. $317,0000 Justin Jewett 518-4089

Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4


2561 & 2559 Banner Peak (X St: Bruce Road) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1784 sq. ft. $288,000 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1603 sq. ft. $277,000 Ed Galvez 990-2054

Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath west side home with open living area with free standing wood burning stove, open beam ceiling, family room off entry. New carpet throughout, baseboards and new tile in entry and kitchen. Cul-de-sac location with a large lot and covered RV area with double gates. This 1,806 square foot home was built in 1986 on a lot size of 0.210 Acre(s).

Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 2619 Rafael Street (X St: San Jose) 4 Bd / 2.5 Ba, 2600 sq. ft. $259,900 Brandon Siewert 828-4597 Kimberley Tonge 518-5508 Frank Speedy Condon 864-7726

LIsTEd aT: $299,000

Just Listed!

1533 Manchester (X St: 5th Avenue) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1475 sq. ft. $255,000 Carolyn Fejes 966-4457 Steve Kasprzyk 518-4850 Alice Zeissler 518-1872

Retreat priced to sell! Nice & large 3bd/ 3ba on 2.5 acres in the pines. $335,000.

3 bed, 1 1/2 bath with approximately 1,039 sq ft. $179,000

Dana W. Miller

(530)571-7738 (530)570-1184 dmiller@century21chico.com

KATHY KELLY 530-570-7403

DRE# 01860319


Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 852 Wisconsin Street (X St: Martin) 2 Bd / 1 Ba, 816 sq. ft. $165,000 Laura Ortland 321-1567 Brandon Siewert 828-4597

Sun. 2-4 1420 Sherman Avenue #18 (X St: E. 1st Ave) 2 Bed, 2 Ba, 925 sq. ft. $127,000 Paul Champlin 828-2902

Sat. 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4 1391 Pomona Avenue (X St: Pomona) 2 Bd / 2 Ba, 1440 sq. ft. $118,500 Brandon Siewert 828-4597 Saeed Khan 916-705-6977

Sun. 11-1 1901 Dayton Road #44 (X St: Hwy 32) 2 Bd / 1 Ba, 800 sq. ft. $15,000 Becky Williams 636-0936

RAVVVNCHO CHICO REAL ESTATE 739 Oriole Ct. (X Skylark/West Sacramento) 3 Bd / 2 Ba 1806 sq ft. $ 299,000 Dean Gaskey (530)519-5610

Sun. 2-4 13947 Lindbergh Cir. (Cross St. Guntren/Garner) 4 Bd/ 3 Ba, 3,281 sq. ft., $675,000 Lori Akers (530) 520-8234

• Quality custom 3 bd/4 ba, 1.66a acs, pool + more $668,000


• Wonderful 4 bed/2 bth, 2,600 sq ft, formals, RV parking $259,900 • Bungalow 2 bed/1 bth, 818 sq ft, garden beds + more $165,000 • Condo, upstairs, upgraded 3 bd/2 ba, 1,025 sq ft. $149,000 • Horse Property, 9.90 Ac, 3 bed/2bth, 1,669 sq ft. $425,000

Century 21 Jeffries Lydon

1020 Rushmore (X St: Ceres) 3 Bd / 2 Ba, 1039 sq. ft. $179,900 Frankie Dean 717-3884 Dana Miller 570-1184

Sat. 12-2

Sat. 11-1, 2-4 & Sun. 11-1, 2-4

Gaskey Real Estate Team | Dean Gaskey- Realtor Pam Gaskey- Team Coordinator | Rancho Chico Real Estate (530) 519-5610 | www.ChicoListedHomes.com

Sat. 11-1, 2-4

on this new construction! Two plans to choose from & 8 different lots at this price, 3 bed & 2 bath models with a den & 3 car garage. 90-120 day build out, call me for materials list & subdivision information. $280,000

• Super nice 4 bd/2 ba, 2,045 sq ft, newer! $317,000


Teresa Larson (530) 899-5925


www.ChicoListings.com • chiconativ@aol.com


Jeffries Lydon

The following houses were sold in Butte County by real estate agents or private parties during the week of February 11, 2013 — February 15, 2013. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS

857 Alpine St 8 Sir Andrew Ct 3 Roberto Ct 11216 Yankee Hill Rd 1774 Aubry Ct 15329 Forest Ranch Way 4930 Contentment Ln 229 E Evans Reimer Rd 1810 Greenhead Ct 14339 Carnegie Rd 36 CN&R February 28, 2013




Chico Chico Chico Concow Durham Forest Ranch Forest Ranch Gridley Gridley Magalia

$158,500 $155,000 $118,500 $139,000 $280,000 $241,000 $209,000 $178,500 $165,000 $150,000

3/ 1 2/ 2 3/ 2.5 3/ 1.5 3/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 2 4/ 2 3/ 2


898 862 2042 1391 1523 1456 1669 2016 1852 1707


6373 Scripps Ct 845 Pomona Ave 3348 Hamlin Canyon Ct 550 Roe Rd 1319 Elliott Rd 5200 Country Club Dr 5209 Country Club Dr 5295 Scottwood Rd 8478 Montna Dr 5719 Paradise Ave





Magalia Oroville Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise Paradise

$110,000 $120,000 $550,000 $425,000 $194,000 $175,000 $165,500 $115,000 $112,000 $110,000

2/ 2 3/ 2 4/ 2.5 3/ 3 3/ 2 1/ 1.5 3/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 2 3/ 1

1276 1157 2540 2423 1910 780 1638 1376 1471 888

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ROOTS RANCH, ROOTS REMEDIES at 3819 Grizzly Creek Road Yankee hill, CA 95965. MICHAEL SCOTT ENGLUND 3819 Grizzly Creek Road Yankee Hill, CA 95965. JENNIFER LEE SALMON 3819 Grizzly Creek Road Yankee Hill, CA 95965. This business is conducted by a General Partnership Signed: JENNIFER SALMON Dated: January 22, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000095 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as EARTHBOUND SKILLS at 318 Orient Street Chico, CA 95926. MATTHEW KNIGHT 318 Orient St Chico, CA 95926. JONI MITCHELL 318 Orient ST Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by Copartners. Signed: JONI MITCHELL Dated: January 17, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000086 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BFI SUPPLY at 924 Goodspeed Street Durham, CA 95938. TIMOTHY JAMES RANDALL 371 Gardenside Court Chico, CA 95973. DIRCK ALAN SAUER 9247 Goodspeed Street Durham, CA 95938 This business is conducted by a General Partnership Signed: TIM RANDALL Dated: January 29, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000133 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as JBR ELECTRIC AND SECURITY at 375 W Lassen Apt. 7 Chico, CA 95973. JUSTIN SAMUEL BROWN 4248 County Road K Orland, CA 95963. JOSEPH EDWARD RANKIN 375 W Lassen Apt. 7 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: JOE RANKIN Dated: January 29, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000138 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: YOVILLE YOGURT at 2550 Olive HWY Oroville, CA 95966. MICHAEL F CUNNINGHAM 815 Crystal Springs RD Hillsborough, CA 94010. This business was conducted by an Individual. Signed: MIKE CUNNINGHAM Dated: January 2, 2013 FBN Number: 2012-0000346 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as YOVILLE YOGURT AND MORE at 2550 Olive HWy Oroville, CA 95966. FATHER’S HOUSE ENTERPRISES INC 2656 Fort Wayne Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: President Steve Orsillo Dated: January 10, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000052 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHE’ DIVINA SALON at 142 W. 2ND ST Chico, CA 95928. CRAIG DEAN LARSON P.O. Box 4482 Chico, CA 95927. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CRAIG DEAN LARSON Dated: January 30, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000140 Publsihed: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ENLOE COMPREHENSIVE BREAST CARE at 251 Cohasset Road, Suite 330 Chico, CA 95926. ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER 1531 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: MYRON E. MACHULA Dated: December 6, 2012 FBN Number: 2012-0001706 Published: february 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO BAKING COMPANY, OOGOLOW ENTERPRISES at 2560 Dominic DR Suite A Chico, CA 95928. MICHAEL EPPERSON 2560 Dominic DR Suite A Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MICHAEL EPPERSON Dated: January 4, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000027 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT - OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name MONG MARKET at 352 Grand Avenue Oroville, CA 95965. JANE STANSELL TRUSTEE OF PAHOUA YANG LO CHILDREN’S TRUST 16330 Rattlesnake Ridge Road Forest Ranch, CA 95942. This business was conducted by a Trust. Signed: JANE STANSELL Dated: January 29, 2013 FBN Number: 2011-0001138 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MONG MARKET at 352 Grand Ave Oroville, CA 95965. MAI CHONG YANG 15093 Meridian RD Chico, CA 95973. MOUA PAO YANG 15093 Meridian RD Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: MOUA PAO YANG Dated: January 29, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000136 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013

Dated: January 28, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000132 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT the following person is doing business as HIGHLAND PAINTING CO. at 1604 Spruce Avenue Chico, CA 95926. MICHAEL JOHN OTELL 1604 Spruce Avenue Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MICHAEL OTELL Dated: February 5, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000186 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CALIFORNIA FAMILY RECYCLING at 2565 Whitman Place Chico, CA 95928. NOLA IRENE LEE 1661 Forest Ave #24 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: NOLA LEE Dated: January 9, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000049 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MOORES AWARDS at 1249 E 1St Ave Chico, CA 95926. J UJIKI INC 424 Nord Ave Chico, CA 95926. State: CA This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: DON WALKER Dated: January 31, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000158 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as GALLAWAY CONSULTING, NORTHSTAR ENGINEERING, NORTHSTAR ENVIRONMENTAL at 111 Mission Ranch Blvd,, Suite 100 Chico, CA 95926. MAP ASSOCIATES, INC. 111 Mission Ranch Blvd., Suite 100 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: MARK ADAMS, PRINCIPAL Dated: February 4, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000169 Published: February 21,28, MArch 7,14, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as O YHS PRODUCTS at 5900 Fickett Lane Paradise, CA 95969. HENRY ABRAHAMER 5900 Fickett Lane Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: HENRY ABRAHAMER Dated: January 31, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-000152 Published: February 7,14,21,28, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as C & S CABINETS at 13378 Sheep Hallow Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. CRAIG RICHARD STEVENS 13378 Sheep Hallow Creek Road Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CRAIG R STEVENS Dated: February 11, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000203 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as STRANGE SEED MUSIC at 926 Sheridan Avenue Chico, CA 95928. CAMERON SCOTT 926 Sheridan Avenue Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CAMERON SCOTT Dated: February 5, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000178 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPING SERVICES at 54 Artesia Drive Chico, CA 95973. BRETT MIRAMONTES 54 Artesia Drive Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BRETT MIRAMONTES

this legal Notice continues

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ROWDY FARMS, RURAL RESOURCES at 3080 Throntree Dr Suite 85 Chico, CA 95973. JOHN ROWDEN 599 E 9TH St Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JOHN ROWDEN Dated: January 31, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-000157 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons is doing business as CONSCIOUS CREATIONS at 220 2ND AVE Orland, CA 95963. COUNTY OF GLENN KELLY LYNN OSBORNE 220 2ND AVE Orland, CA 95963. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KELLY OSBORNE Dated: January 22, 2013

this legal Notice continues

FBN Number: 2013-0000098 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as OLD SCHOOLHOUSE RANCH at 1227 Peninsula Dr Chico, CA 95928. DAVID J SAAD 1227 Peninsula Dr Chico, CA 95928. JULIE C SAAD 1227 Peninsula Dr Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Married Couple. Signed: DAVID SAAD Dated: February 15, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000227 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as PARADISE COMPUTER REPAIR AT 4047 Neal Road #1 Paradise, CA 95969. DAVID ESCALANTE 8741 Nugget Lane Paradise, CA 95969. EDWARD JAMES 16940 Skyway Stirling City, CA 95978. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: DAVID ESCALANTE Dated: February 14, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000219 Published: February 21,28, March 7,14, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as DIALED IN ATHLETICS at 2515 Zanella Way Suite #1 Chico, CA 95928 DIALED IN ATHLETICS 2515 Zanella Way Suite #1 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: JAKE DAVIS Dated: February 1, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000161 Published: February 28, March 7.14.21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MOZY CO at 1340 Palm Avenue Chico, CA 95926. THOMAS SHARKEY 1340 Palm Avenue Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: Thomas Sharkey Dated: February 19, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000235 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business names INSTASHIRT, INSTASHIRT. COM at 430 W 7TH ST Chico, CA 95928. REYNCOR INTERNATIONAL LLC 430 W 7TH ST Chico, CA 95928. This business was conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: JOSEPH R REYNOLDS Dated: February 20, 2013 FBN Number: 2012-0001502 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013



February 28, 2013

CN&R 37

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as INSTASHIRT, INSTASHIRT.COM, PHAMILY GRAPHICS at 805 W 12TH Ave Chico, CA 95926. JOSEPH R REYNOLDS 805 W 12TH Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JOSEPH R REYNOLDS DAted: February 20, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000236 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO UPCYCLE DESIGNS at 1504 Laburnum Ave Chico, CA 95926. AIMEE ALARID 3068 Boulder Dr. Chico, CA 95973. JULIE ELLEN 1356 Ravenshoe Way Chico, CA 95973. LISA SHERMAN 1504 Laburnum Ave Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: LISA SHERMAN Dated:February 4, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000174 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BEYOND THE BARN, JUNKIN FOR JOY BOOKS, JUNKIN FOR JOY PAPERS, JUNKIN FOR JOY VINTAGE at 2279 Nord Ave Chico, CA 95926. LAURA MARIE HAZEL 1785 Heron Lane Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LAURA M HAZEL Dated: February 4, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000171 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as THE CREDIT CARD PROCESSING STORE at 1600 Mangrove Ave. Ste. 135 Chico, CA 95926. ALOIS SCOTT, JR 1162 Guill Street Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ALOIS SCOTT JR Dated: January 23, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000100 Dated: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CYCLEDATA at 275 Fairchild Suite 105 Chico, CA 95973 INFORMATION AGENT, INC 275 Fairchild Suite 105 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: RJ SCOTT, PRESIDENT Dated: February 21, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000246 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ALMA’S BEAUTY

this Legal Notice continues

SALON at 973 East Ave #A Chico, CA 95926. JORGE PEDRAZA TORRES 1109 Marin Street Corning, CA 96021. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JORGE TORRES Dated: February 22, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000252 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as 38 RANCH ROPING AND ORGANICS at 270 Shady Oak Dr Oroville, CA 95966. CHERYL A CASTAGNA 270 Shady Oak Dr Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CHERY A CASTAGNA Dated: February 1, 2013 FBN Number: 2013-0000160 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013

NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE ARTHUR ALEXANDER DEUBERRY To all heirs, beneficiarIes, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: ARTHUR ALEXANDER DEUBERRY. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: JOHN ARMSTEAD DEAN, JR. in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. THE Petition for Probate requests that: JOHN ARMSTEAD DEAN, JR. & CYNTHIA CURRY CRIM be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A Hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: March 21, 2013 Time: 1:30pm Dept:TBA Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 655 Oleander Ave Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the

this Legal Notice continues

decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Case Number: PR40539 Petitioner: JOHN ARMSTEAD DEAN, JR./ CYNTHIA CURRY CRIM 3850 W. 59TH Place Los Angeles, CA 90043 Published: February 28, March 7,14, 2013 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner CALEB JUDD VOSS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: CALEB JUDD VOSS Proposed name: CALEB JUDD ANDERSON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 22, 2013 Time: 9:00am Dept:TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: SANDRA L. MCLEAN Dated: January 28, 2013 Case Number: 158803 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ELIJAH JON VOSS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: ELIJAH JON VOSS Proposed name: ELIJAH JON ANDERSON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition

this Legal Notice continues


should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: March 22, 2013 Time: 9:00am Dept:TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: SANDRA L. MCLEAN Dated: January 28, 2013 Case Number: 158802 Published: February 14,21,28, March 7, 2013 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner BECHARA ABDUL HAY, HANAN ALHOURAM filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: JAYSON BECHARA ABDUL HAY Proposed name: NATHAN BECHARA ABDUL HAY THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 5, 2013 Time: 9:00am Dept:TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: SANDRA L. MCLEAN Dated: February 13, 2013 Case Number: 158906 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner SONDRA AMPEROSA filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: DANTE JULIAN DICKISON Proposed name: DANTE JULIAN AMPEROSA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: April 5, 2013 Time: 9:00am Dept:TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 655 Oleander Ave. Chico, CA 95926 Signed: SANDRA L. MCLEAN Dated: February 8, 2013 Case Number: 156625 Published: February 28, March 7,14,21, 2013

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): In

1993, Frenchman Emile Leray was on a solo trip through the Sahara desert. In the middle of nowhere, his car suffered a major breakdown. It was unfixable. But he didn’t panic. Instead, he used a few basic tools he had on hand to dismantle the vehicle and convert its parts into a makeshift motorcycle. He was able to ride it back to civilization. I foresee the possibility of a metaphorically similar development in your future, Aries. You will get the opportunity to be very resourceful as you turn an apparent setback into a successful twist of fate.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your power

animal is not the soaring eagle or the shrewd wolf or the brave bear. No, Taurus, it’s the rubber chicken. I’m serious. With the rubber chicken as your guardian spirit, you might be inspired to commit random acts of goofiness and surrealism. And that would reduce tension in the people around you. It could motivate you to play jokes and pull harmless pranks that influence everyone to take themselves less seriously. Are you willing to risk losing your dignity if it helps make the general mood looser and more generous? Nothing could be better for group solidarity, which is crucial these days. (Thanks, Gina Williams.)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the lan-

guage of the Huron Indians, “orenda” is a word that refers to the spiritual power that resides in all creatures and things. If you’ve got enough of it, you may be able to declare at least partial independence from your own past. You can better shape the life you want for yourself rather than being so thoroughly subject to the limitations of your karma and conditioning. I happen to believe that your current supply of orenda is unusually abundant, Gemini. What’s the best use you can make of it?

CANCER (June 21-July 22): When I lived

in Santa Cruz years ago, some of my published writings were illustrated by a local cartoonist named Karl Vidstrand. His work was funny, outrageous and often offensive in the most entertaining ways. Eventually, he wandered away from our colorful, creative community and moved to a small town at the edge of California’s Mojave Desert, near where the space shuttles landed. He liked living at the fringes of space, he told journalist R.D. Pickle. It gave him the sense of “being out of bounds at all times.” I suggest you adopt some of the Vidstrand spirit in the next three weeks, Cancerian. Being on the fringes and out of bounds are exactly where you belong.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The history of your

pain is entering a new phase. Gradually, almost imperceptibly at first, an emotional ache that has been sapping your vitality will begin to diminish. You will free yourself of its power to define you. You will learn to live without its oddly seductive glamour. More and more, as the weeks go by, you will find yourself less interested in it, less attracted to the maddening mystery it has foisted on you. No later than mid-April, I’m guessing, that you will be ready to conduct a ritual of completion; you’ll be able to give it a formal send-off as you squeeze one last lesson out of it.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “When looking

for a book, you may discover that you were in fact looking for the book next to it,” Italian writer Roberto Calasso told that to The Paris Review, and now I’m passing it on to you. But I’d like you to expand upon its meaning, and regard it as a metaphor that applies to your whole life right now. Every time you go searching for a specific something—a learning experience, an invigorating pleasure, a helpful influence—consider the possibility that what you really want and need is a different one that’s nearby.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): At least once a

day, a cell in your body mutates in a way that makes it potentially cancerous. Just as often, your immune system hunts down that dangerous cell and kills it, preserving your

Coffee talk

by Rob Brezsny health. Do you understand how amazing this is? You have a vigilant protector that’s always on duty, operating below the level of your awareness. What if I told you that this physical aspect of your organism has an equivalent psychic component? What if, in other words, you have within you a higher intelligence whose function it is to steer you away from useless trouble and dumb risks? I say there is such a thing. I say this other protector works best if you maintain a conscious relationship with it, asking it to guide you and instruct you. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to deepen your connection.

story and photo by

Shannon Rooney Karla Follestad has taught ESL (English as a Second Language) courses for 20 years at Butte Community College, helping her students to overcome the challenges many people in the United States face without speaking, reading and writing skills. Because recent budget cuts whittled down the time English-language learners spend in class, she started the Conversation Café, which meets Tuesdays from 5 to 5:50 p.m. in Room 157 at the Butte College Chico Center. Participants have the opportunity to engage in conversational English with fluent speakers— and, true to a café atmosphere, coffee and cookies are served. For more info, contact Follestad at follestadka@butte.edu or 566-5750.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some rules in the game of life don’t apply to you and can therefore be safely ignored. Do you know which ones they are? On the other hand, do you understand which of the rules in the game of life are crucial to observe if you want to translate your fondest dreams into real experiences? To recognize the difference is a high art. I’m thinking that now would be an excellent time to solidify your mastery of this distinction. I suggest that you formally renounce your investment in the irrelevant rules and polish your skills at playing by the applicable rules.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

“Don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter,” wrote the Persian mystic poet Rumi. “It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.” I think you’re like that winter garden right now, Sagittarius. Outwardly, there’s not much heat and flash. Bright ideas and strong opinions are not pouring out of you at their usual rates. You’re not even prone to talking too loud or accidentally knocking things over. This may in fact be as close as you can get to being a wallflower. And yet deep beneath the surface, out of sight from casual observers, you are charging up your psychic battery. The action down there is vibrant and vigorous.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “When

you come right down to it,” says religion writer Rabbi Marc Gellman, “there are only four basic prayers. Gimme! Thanks! Oops! and Wow!” Personally, I would add a fifth type of prayer to Gellman’s list: “Do you need any assistance?” The Creator always needs collaborators to help implement the gritty details of the latest divine schemes. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you would be an excellent choice to volunteer for that role right now—especially in tasks that involve blending beautiful fragments, healing sad schisms, furthering peace negotiations and overcoming seemingly irreconcilable differences.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the

movie Fight Club, there is an animated scene at the very end that required an inordinate amount of time to produce. Each frame in this scene took the editors eight hours to process. Since there are 24 frames in each second, their work went on for three weeks. That’s the kind of attention to detail I recommend you summon as you devote yourself to your labor of love in the coming days, Aquarius. I think you know which specific parts of your creation need such intense focus.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “I have

decided to rename the constellations that have domineered our skies too long,” writes an Internet denizen named Hasheeshee St. Frank. He gives only one example. The Big Dipper, he says, shall forevermore be known as “The Star-Spangled Gas Can.” I invite you to come up with additional substitutes, Pisces. It’s an excellent time for you to reshape and redefine the high and mighty things to which you have given away too much of your power. It’s a perfect moment to reconfigure your relationship with impersonal, overarching forces that have wielded a disproportionately large influence over your thoughts and feelings. How about if you call the constellation Orion by the new title of “Three-Eyed Orangutan”? Or instead of Pegasus, use the name “Sexy Dolphin”? Other ideas?

Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700.



For the week of February 28, 2013

What courses do you teach? Survival Life Skills (entry-level English) is for people with little or no English. They learn conversational English, such as for shopping, doctors’ appointments, looking for an apartment—everyday language skills. The other course is Beginning ESL. These are taught at the Chico Center in the evening because people work and then come in the evening to study.

Who are the students you teach? Many of the students have just arrived from Latin America, mostly Mexico, with little or no English. We also have some students from Southeast Asia and a smattering of Chinese and Japanese students, some MiddleEasterners, and some North Africans. With the Mexican students, a majority of the older ones have not earned their high-school diplomas in Mexico, because they’ve had to work.

How does Conversation Café work? The students sit in groups of about four. I make up for each week a set of prompts. Like all prompts, they are just a springboard. Each group’s conversation will have to do with whatever is going on in that group. International students from higher-level courses are welcome at the café too.

What do you need from the community? We need fluent English speakers. This is an incredible opportunity for people to come and have this direct interaction with people who may not be part of their ordinary lives. I think that can create more empathy and understanding. It’s really important for the students to have the opportunity to converse and communicate in everyday situations. The café brings different groups together, so there’s exposure versus stereotype. It’s about creating community through conversation and getting to know one another. The students need English speakers who will really engage them and be curious and interested so they’ll feel like “I mean something.” Life is about connection and relationships.


by Anthony Peyton Porter anthonypeytonporter@comcast.net

Then, as now I’ve lately been listening to the History of Rome podcast, 179 episodes by Mike Duncan covering everything from before the monarchy through the founding of the republic to the fall of the empire in the 5th century. I was at first interested mainly in the 40 years before and after the Goths’ sack of Rome in A.D. 410, and Duncan did such a good job that I started listening from the beginning. Part of me thinks that giving that much attention to stories about what’s thought to have happened that long ago is a waste of time and a distraction from my being present in the here and now. Of course, listening to Roman history rather brings it into my here and now so maybe that works itself out. The question is whether I want to spend my here and now immersed in thoughts about human machinations and violence more than 2,000 years ago. The human behavior fascinates me. Everything is discussed from the Roman point of view, more or less, so the Roman army winning a battle is a success and their losing one a failure even though the win meant that everybody for miles around had to flee for their lives or that, as with the Roman victory at Corinth and countless other places, all the men would be slaughtered

and the women and children sold into slavery. Go, Rome! Then, as now, power meant goons—people willing to commit violence on command—and more goons meant more power. You could have political power that didn’t involve the immediate threat of armed violence, but not for long. The Romans sound barbaric in some ways—the capricious executions and entertaining torture, for instance—and merely primitive in others, say, their faith in politicians as a force for good. I appreciate the players’ relative honesty about desiring fame, wealth and power. As one might expect, there seems to have been a certain amount of hooey bandied about around improving the lives of common people and achieving universal peace, blah, blah, blah, and now and then to keep them from taking over for themselves—which wouldn’t have lasted long anyway before the most unscrupulous rose to the top—a big shot would do something generous for the masses, maybe not tax them into poverty or not kill them and their family and confiscate their property. Then, as now, most people weren’t used to much and were easily satisfied or deceived, whichever was most expedient for the men in charge, and the people in charge were nearly always men then, as now. February 28, 2013

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