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december 1, 2016




Protect your goodies.

Vol. 40, Issue 14 • December 1, 2016 OPINION


Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 4 5 5 7



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Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9





Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16



15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17






Arts feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fine arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 In The Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . 39





ON THe cOVer: desigN by TiNa FlyNN

Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J . Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Asst. News/Healthlines Editor Howard Hardee Staff Writer Ken Smith Calendar Editor Daniel Taylor Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Bob Grimm, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Conrad Nystrom, Ryan J . Prado, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Robert Speer, Allan Stellar, Evan Tuchinsky, Carey Wilson Interns Mason Masis, Gabriel Sandoval Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandy Peters Design Manager Lindsay Trop Production Coordinator Skyler Smith Designer Kyle Shine Marketing/Publications Manager Serene Lusano Marketing/Publications Designer Sarah Hansel Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Laura Golino Advertising Consultant Faith de Leon Office Assistant Sara Wilcox Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Mark Schuttenberg Distribution Staff Ken Gates, Bob Meads, Pat Rogers, Mara Schultz, Larry Smith, Lisa Torres, Placido Torres, Jeff Traficante, Bill Unger, Lisa Van Der Maelen

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december 1, 2016




Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to 353 e. Second St., chico, cA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.


calling for water wisdom Chico-based advocacy nonprofit AquAlliance recently held a two-day

conference titled “Water for Seven Generations: Will California Protect or Squander It?” As summarized in the CN&R (“Water bound,” Nov. 24), experts from various fields—science, law, activism—pushed for a holistic approach to managing this most precious resource. They showed how the California water wars of the early 20th century, waged in the Owens Valley, have begun to resurface in the 21st century, notably where the Central Coast meets the Central Valley. They explained the interconnection between surface water and groundwater, despite laws distinguishing the two, and how major projects such as Sites Reservoir and the Delta tunnels may not pencil out water-wise because planning overlooks climate change. So, how should we move forward to connect all the dots? Awareness is a start. Paramount, however, is unity. The North State needn’t follow the path of greed that turned the Owens Valley into Los Angeles’ tap. Instead, we should emulate the Central Coast, where diverse interests share common ground over the Paso Robles basin, literally and figuratively: Voters who in March halted privatization of that aquifer included family farmers and anti-tax, anti-government and protransparency activists. Our region could marshal resources to ensure laws and big-money projects make sense from a water-science perspective. Policy-makers keep approaching water problems with piecemeal answers. From dams and diversions to dust mitigation and groundwater replenishment, people in charge jump from one fix to another—with most every new solution requiring more water, thereby competing with others. As one conference presenter said, “That’s the problem with not planning.” We cannot afford counterproductive management. Let us, who live where the flow originates, coalesce as a source of water wisdom. Ω


changing of the guard

Hurt in the heartland H

ow could the prognosticators get it so wrong?

A common hypothesis from both conservative Fox News and left-leaning CNN coalesced around a belief that the voters from rural America—such as those in Nebraska, Kentucky and so many others—turned out the vote to tender a message to America, a clarion call from the cornfields. I wonder how many of those voting for such a seismic change in Washington voted from a place of pain wrought from the loss of a son, daughter, father, by brother, mother, sister or friend Ken Hardy and so on. While I never spent The author, much time in the rural Midwest a retired Army and Southern states, I served and lieutenant colonel who served in Desert fought in the Army with many loyal young men and women, Storm and Desert full of home-bred pride and Shield, lives in chico and teaches english at reverence for the flag, all hailing Gridley High School. from the heartland. According to iCasualties.org, among all war casualties from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, a disproportionate



December 1, 2016

number emanate from America’s heartland. For every five California casualties, Kentucky and Nebraska each had eight. Of the nearly 7,000 killed in action between the years 2001 and 2016, Kentucky lost a total of 114. Nineteen Kentucky service members who made the ultimate sacrifice came from larger, Clinton-blue cities of Lexington and Louisville; the other 95 from rural, Trump-red counties. Add to the casualties the untold number of veterans who return emotionally disabled, victims of PTSD, and the suicides (the VA reported in July of this year that as many as 20 vets commit suicide each day), and the toll on the citizens of rural America is even greater. The combat death of a soldier is a national tragedy no matter where the soldier is from, but I imagine the effects of the news of a fallen soldier, airman, sailor or Marine are felt much differently in rural America. For some smaller communities, the loss of one of their own affects the entire extended communities whose mourners include not just family, but friends, neighbors, teachers, shopkeepers and clergy. People hurt everywhere; perhaps today rural America hurts more than most. Maybe someone should have taken the time to find out. □

Next Tuesday (Dec. 6), when the Chico City Council meets, Ann Schwab,

Randall Stone and Sean Morgan, the three incumbents who were re-elected Nov. 8, will be sworn in along with Karl Ory, the newcomer in the bunch who’s not a newcomer at all. Ory is old-school Chico, a two-term city councilman and former mayor who served on the panel back in the 1980s. CN&R is looking forward to seeing how Ory’s presence changes the dynamics of the seven-member group. Not the ideological makeup of it (the conservative majority remains), but rather the way in which the council communicates, among each other and with staff and the public. We’re also interested to hear Ory’s input on his main campaign platform, job creation, an his area of expertise, affordable housing. That evening, the council also will swear in the mayor and vice mayor. If the conservative majority sticks to its partisan track record, those four members will vote in two of their own, likely giving the mayoral post to Sean Morgan, who’s served as vice mayor for two years. The vice mayor post likely will go to Reanette Fillmer or Andrew Coolidge. We don’t think any of them are ready for prime time, but it’s the mayoral post we’re most concerned with. Considering Morgan’s proclivity for shooting off his mouth, he doesn’t strike us as the best-equipped candidate. Unfortunately, the conservatives have shown no interest in extending an olive branch when it comes to these positions, despite how petty they appear as a result. The torch-passing ceremony also marks the end of Tami Ritter’s term on the council and her thoughtful input during that time. By asking questions of staff when it comes to bureaucratese, for example, Ritter has made City Hall more transparent. And she’s been an advocate for the destitute—sometimes the lone dissenting voice on local laws that criminalize homelessness. We thank her for her service. Ω

LETTERS Send email to cnrletters@newsreview.com

SECOND & FLUME by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

check your facts Nothing vexes a newspaper reporter more than seeing fake news eaten up by the public. It’s especially grating when that kind of garbage is taken seriously by friends or, worse yet, family members. Back in the day, say 14 years ago when I got my first professional reporting gig, email was the method of choice for those spreading such misinformation. I remember my grandfather forwarding messages containing conspiracy theories. Now, because of the ubiquity of social media, junk news has a far greater reach. I shudder to think of what Grandpa would post if he used Facebook. That’s because, today, propaganda is neatly packaged for folks who have no experience or interest in checking whether what they are reading—or sharing—is factually accurate. They fall for memes with pithy captions and short “stories” with clickbait-y headlines. The most disconcerting part of the proliferation of fake news is that its audience is allowing those who manufacture it to distract them from the real issues facing the poor and middle class. It’s manipulation. We saw it in its worst form during the lead-up to the presidential election, as Russia helped spread spurious anti-Clinton propaganda to undermine the democratic process. I’ve spent a lot of time biting my tongue over the years. I’ve also spent a fair share of it attempting to call attention to the truth, whether dispelling the myth of the welfare queen or the false claim that autism is linked to vaccines. It used to be easy. I’d simply send a link to contradictory citations from reputable institutions or professional fact-checkers, such as Snopes or Politifact. Not these days. Many people don’t want the truth, so they now claim those outlets are biased. Welcome to a time, dear readers, when half the nation has no regard for facts. What’s most frightening is that many also show no aversion to the fascist rhetoric coming from the president-elect. Donald Trump has made numerous dictatorial pronouncements, and his latest— that protected speech in the form of burning the American flag should result in “the loss of citizenship or a year in jail!”—is dangerous and, again, a distraction from things like his plans to dismantle Medicare, gut the Affordable Care Act and conduct mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. It’s enough to make this journalist want to throw up her hands. And now for the good news in the newspaper world. The New York Times, a pillar of journalistic excellence and frequent target of the thin-skinned future POTUS, reported this week that the company has seen a huge spike in readership (more than 100,000 new subscriptions) since Nov. 8. Here, in the North State, props go out to Chico State student Gabriel Sandoval, who was recently named a recipient of the Lt. Robert Merton Rawlins Merit Award and its accompanying $3,000 scholarship. Sandoval previously earned a stipend from ProPublica, a national investigative reporting nonprofit. He spent last summer interning at The Chronicle of Higher Education, and he’s been with CN&R this semester, doing everything from Streetalk to news stories, including his excellent recent piece on the lack of transparency in the naming of Zingg Recital Hall. Chico is lucky to have him, if only temporarily.

Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R

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Re “Congrats, Trump, from a Hillary supporter” (Guest comment, by Chris Verrill, Nov. 23): I’m all for optimism when guided by reason. Chris Verrill, in his guest commentary, encourages us to all come together and “give Trump the benefit of the doubt as he starts his administration.” What, I wonder, does Verrill find that merits optimism in Trump’s postelection actions that include Twitter rants and choosing an adviser with a hate-mongering history? An informed, active opposition is necessary to strengthen the United States as a democracy. I’ve just sent a donation to the nonprofit American Friends Service Committee. It is dedicated to nonviolent means of working with immigration, pipeline, security and prison issues.

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tom heSS

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Dolores Mitchell Chico

I was very puzzled by his statement, “It’s time for us to do our best to work together with [Trump]. To do our best to help him succeed.” Whoa! Wait a minute! What does a successful Trump administration look like to you? Does it include walling off Mexico, banning Muslims, calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, reversing Roe v. Wade, jailing Hillary Clinton, open discrimination by calling for the “frisking” of our African-American citizens, registering our Muslim citizens, easing gun control legislation, using federal law to stop the cultural acceptance of marijuana usage medicinally and for recreation, reversing the world’s attention on global warming, outstretching a hand to Russia, and on and on? Check out Irish Senator Aodhán Ó Riordáin’s speech about what the election of Donald Trump means. Also, I suggest listening to the end of John Oliver’s last show suggesting the ways in which we (those who see America as diverse, inclusive, welcoming and protective) can work to have Trump’s vision of America not be successful. Vicki Redridge-Kunst Paradise

‘Unfounded fear’ I intentionally waited to write about the election to see how the left and progressives would respond to defeat of their candidate. As a senior citizen and Vietnam veteran, I remembered LETTERS c o n t i n u e d

o n pa g e 6


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LETTERS c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5

Good Trump, bad Trump I’m extremely grateful that strong, visionary Trump won the election over accommodating, myopic Clinton. I pray he’ll make it clear that California and other states’ federal funding will be revoked if they’ve legalized marijuana. I also hope he’ll walk the walk by imprisoning rather than welcoming those who’ve invaded our country illegally and are wrongfully undermining our wealth, language and culture. Then, that he’ll make them work off the cost of their imprisonment to be released. I pray he’ll institute election reform. That is, require citizens

Nathan Esplanade Corning

Our beloved community is now powerfully affected by America’s recent catastrophic decision to elect Donald Trump. Families are in turmoil with consternation mounting daily. We are reminded of the undeniable Noam Chomsky, who wrote, “The more you can increase fear of drugs and crime, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people.” Regrettably, the incomparable Dr. Chomsky’s reflections have shone accurately once again. Kenneth B. Keith Los Molinos

Trump is just as bad as we think he is. He’ll be a disaster as president. How did that happen? I can only speculate. We just had two terms of a Democratic president and many people are still hurting and frustrated from the effects of the recession, which the Democrats did not cause. And, the Democratic Party neglected to adequately address working class America. I’m a Democrat, and in retirement I still have my union card. Most of the people in this country are working class. It is this demographic that Trump addresses. I don’t think he cares about them. But they have a

lot of votes. The Democratic Party does care about working Americans. That was me before I retired. But we didn’t make it clear to that very large group. We didn’t address them adequately, and we were shocked when they went over to the other side and took a flyer on a mouthy charlatan. Most Americans work for a living. If we don’t talk directly to them, they are going to stop listening. And then they are going to vote for the flashy candidate who tells them that he is on their side. Charles Rouse  Corning

Remembering a vet Re “Farewell to a friend” (Newlines, by Meredith J. Cooper, Nov. 17): I want to thank CN&R for your story about the passing of Wes Shockley at the young age of 40. I first met Wes, a U.S. Army veteran who served in Iraq, several years ago at the Chico headquarters of the National Guard when the unit was returning from Afghanistan. It was a happy occasion for the troops and their families. Wes was a VA counselor, and he told me that he and other professionals had been meeting with family members over the previous several weeks to help the families with advice (don’t ask the Guard member immediately to do house chores, etc.) and prepare them for a returning mother or father who will be different than the person they kissed goodbye a year before. I told Wes how this was a big improvement over previous wars. I ran into Wes several more times with veterans. I was pleased to see several dozen people at the memorial for Wes at the Chico Veterans’

Center on Cohasset Road. Thank you, Wes. Bob Mulholland Chico

‘America!’ Re “Righteous indignation” (Second & Flume, by Melissa Daugherty, Nov. 17): I have to laugh at your ridiculously lame attempt to demonize everything Trump and Republican. Usually, people who cry racism are the biggest racists themselves. You cannot tell me that all the protesters, who are out there beating people up and destroying property, are justified in their actions. To enforce immigration laws in your country does not make you a racist. I think you should look at the real reason Trump ran away with the election. People are tired of liberals and their hypocrisy when it comes to racism, environmental extremism, and attacks on their Christian beliefs and morals. Liberalism is a movement of cry babies who have no answers and are only happy if they get their way. Liberals lost the election because their policies don’t adhere to common sense. Put your globalist views aside and start caring about the country you live in: America! Brad Pankratz Orland

Editor’s note: The column in question noted the fake immigration notices given to Redding school children as well as instances of white supremacist propaganda, including swastikas, that have been reported locally since Trump’s election.

Thanks, voters Now that the dust has settled from the November election, I would

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december 1, 2016

like to thank all the voters (all 10,372 of you) who voted for me for Chico’s City Council. I want to assure you that I’ll continue to attend every Finance Committee meeting and City Council meeting to keep an eye on how your taxpayer dollars are being spent. Our city has an amazing staff; one that’s open, transparent and diligent in its focus to spend our limited funds in ways that make fiscal sense. I encourage you to regularly visit the City Council website, click the left-hand column where you see videos (this will take you to the current agenda at the top, next page.) Click on that and look over the upcoming council’s work. It’s important that citizens take an active role in what’s going on in our town. Don’t just go when you have a “hot button” item you’re riled up about! Loretta Ann Torres Chico

Correction A story in last week’s issue (see “Stony resolve,” Newslines, by Howard Hardee) incorrectly stated that the old rock walls in Chico’s foothills have not been recognized as historical sites and aren’t protected by law. In fact, they are listed in the Butte County general plan as historic resources and may be considered for protection on a case-by-case basis under the California Environmental Quality Act. The error has been corrected online. —ed. More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past cn&r articles.

talk line


Rick Clements Chico

to prove through testing that they have sufficient knowledge and intelligence to competently vote or hold public office. Finally, I hope he’ll compel all citizens to stop allowing their dogs to pollute the peace, harass other animals and undermine people’s quality of life. That is, by requiring that all dogs wear electronic antibark collars.


the late ’60s and ’70s, when it was common to protest and march against the Vietnam War. I recalled a Saturday when I, after returning home after losing my roommate and 31 others in a Viet Cong attack, being very much against the senseless war deaths, marched down Broadway, saw a Viet Cong flag, borrowed it and marched peacefully and waited. Finally, it happened. A senior woman called out to me and called me a traitor to my country. I went over to her and said, “Ma’am, if anyone here has the right to protest this war, it’s me. I am a Vietnam veteran and I served my country.” With that, I watched that woman watch me walk over to a sidewalk trash can, where I broke in half and deposited that flag. My point: You don’t see veterans burning and destroying other citizens’ property just to make a political point over an election result and an imaginary, unfounded fear.


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NEWSLINES DOWNSTROKE Viral ViDeo prompts inVestigation

The Chico Police Department announced this week that it is submitting an investigation into a potential case of animal abuse to the Butte County District Attorney’s Office, following video of the alleged beating that went viral earlier this month. CPD’s investigation centers on the treatment of a husky by its 25-year-old owner, Andrew Lavato, who, in surveillance video, is seen dragging the dog, throwing it into a dumpster and then allegedly hitting it with a stick. Lovato told Action News Now that he was not beating the dog, but rather beating the sides of the dumpster to discipline it. On Saturday (Nov. 26), CPD officers located the dog at a local shelter and took it for a veterinary exam. It was found to be healthy and injury-free, the release reads.

a proDuctiVe run

Thousands of participants turned out for the 11th annual Run for Food last Thursday (Nov. 24), an annual Thanksgiving Day 5K run/walk dedicated to raising money for the Jesus Center, a Chico-based nonprofit that specializes in feeding the destitute. “Run for Food is absolutely our biggest fundraiser of the year,” Amber Abney-Bass, director of development at the Jesus Center, said by phone. The total amount of money raised is still being calculated, she said. “Last year, it accounted for 40 percent of all the meals we served,” she said. “The success of this year’s event keeps us on schedule to serve 102,000 meals by the end of the 2016 calendar year. Abney-Bass said the event drew a total of 5,086 participants, 82 sponsors and hundreds of community volunteers.

chilD porn bust

A 65-year-old Magalia man was arrested last week on three felony charges related to child pornography, according to a press release from the Butte County Sheriff’s Office. Michael Allen Barnhill was arrested Nov. 25 after a two-month investigation by BCSO detectives. According to the Butte County Superior Court, Barnhill is being charged with felony counts of possession of matter portraying sexual sadism/masochism involving people under the age of 18, possession of more than 600 pictures depicting child pornography, and advertising obscene matter depicting minors. Barnhill (pictured) was booked into the Butte County Jail with bail set at $45,000. According to Vinelink, a website that tracks the status of inmates, he has since been released.




in pursuit Several local high-speed chases shine light on potential—and real—consequences

A (Nov. 24), when most people were at home with family gorging themselves t about 7:30 p.m. last Thursday

on Thanksgiving turkey, a Butte County Sheriff’s by deputy was chasing Meredith J. a vehicle through the Cooper streets of Chico at m e re d i t h c @ upward of 40 mph. At n ew srev i ew. c o m one point, the car drove the wrong way on oneway Pine Street. The driver, suspected to be 36-year-old Thomas Sanders, took off running into Bidwell Park after stopping the car nearby and has yet to be found. There was an infant in the backseat. This is just the latest in a string of high-speed vehicle chases in Butte County over the past month. (While 40 mph may not sound very fast, the Thanksgiving pursuit reached 80 mph before California Highway Patrol officers laid a spike strip on the road, slowing the vehicle.) Three of the four chases went through residential areas of Chico or Oroville; all resulted in at least one person running from the scene and evading arrest. The string of chases caught the attention of this newspaper as well as that

of Mark Priano, a board member of PursuitSAFETY, a national nonprofit based in Chico that advocates for innocent victims of car chases. “There appears to be a bit of an uptick in pursuits again—it goes in cycles,” Priano said. His organization works with law enforcement agencies to try to curb that, to influence policy to cut back on unnecessary chases that could put bystanders in danger. Looking at the facts presented to the public regarding the Thanksgiving chase through Chico, Priano suggested that it presented a significant danger to innocent bystanders. “What a lot of our departments would have done would be to evaluate and do it a different way. Do you have the license plate? Because you’re going 80 mph for potentially a light out. After the spike strip, you’re still going over 40 mph. And now you have a driver going the wrong way on a one-way street at 7:30 at night. “The point is, the whole pursuit is now a danger to everyone around,” he continued. “To everyday citizens minding their own business—they’re all in danger.” “Deputies don’t just go out chasing people with reckless abandon,” Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea countered by

phone earlier this week. “If a pursuit is initiated, it’s monitored by a supervisor on duty. There’s an analysis of the risk the pursuit poses to public safety. If the risk is too great, the pursuit is terminated.” Priano knows the potential consequences

of police pursuits all too well. In 2002, he was driving the family van with his wife, Candy, and their teenage kids, Kristie and Steve, when the vehicle was T-boned by a car driven by a 15-year-old girl. She’d taken her parents’ car without permission and, when a police officer attempted to pull her over, she sped off. They had her name and address, and until they turned on their sirens, she had apparently been obeying traffic laws. After about 10 minutes, her vehicle collided with the Priano van. Candy and Steve walked away from the accident, but Mark and Kristie were sent to the ICU. Kristie didn’t survive her injuries. “We still miss her every day,” Priano said. “We lost an innocent 15-year-old because of a chase that should have never happened. And we’re still impacted by it every day. It will never go away.” Five years after Kristie’s death, Candy started PursuitSAFETY as a way to advo-

In from the cold cate for innocent victims of police chases. Just last week, she and others from the nonprofit spoke at a conference of Florida law enforcement agencies. They told their personal stories of tragedy and presented results of years of research on vehicle pursuits. “The statistics are fairly consistent that there’s at least one person a day [in the United States] killed in a pursuit,” Priano said. “At least one-third are innocent bystanders. Also, one officer is killed every six to eight weeks.” The other recent chases are as follows:

At about 11:20 p.m. on Oct. 22, deputies attempted to pull over a vehicle at 16th and Elm streets in Chico for an expired registration. The driver fled, reaching speeds of 55-60 mph through Chico streets, finally stopping on Dayton Road. The driver, suspected to be 20-year-old Brandon Mustagog, got away from police and was arrested the next day. On Nov. 13, at about 11:30 p.m., deputies in Magalia noticed a green Honda Civic with no rear license plate. A 26-minute pursuit ensued, reaching speeds of 90 mph. The driver sped through several stop signs, according to a release, and swerved across double yellow lines multiple times before ultimately crashing on a rural road. The driver, named as Travis McDonald, evaded capture but was arrested Monday (Nov. 28), Honea said. The following day, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m., Oroville Police Department officers attempted to pull over a stolen Chevy Tahoe on Oro Bangor Highway. That chase, ultimately turned over to CHP, reached 100 mph through Oroville, Palermo and Honcut, circling back to Oroville. The driver hit a stop sign and, along with other occupants, ran from the scene. There’s still no ID on anyone involved. No one was hurt during these pursuits and they all followed protocol, according to Sheriff Honea and CHP Officer Chris Alves. Furthermore, Honea said he didn’t see these cases as indicating an increase in vehicle chases: “I wouldn’t characterize it as extremely out of the ordinary.” Priano hopes shedding light on these types of incidents and their potential—and real—impacts will help change policy. “A lot of it is a cultural shift in thinking,” he said. “How do we think about doing this differently?”

Safe Space orientation meeting offers insight into massive volunteer effort olunteering for the Safe Space Winter Shelter can be challenging, a fact Deanna VSchwab didn’t gloss over as she addressed

more than three dozen potential and returning volunteers gathered at Chico’s First Christian Church on Monday (Nov. 28). She began the orientation meeting by noting that, on average, four of the 50 homeless individuals the shelter aims to serve each night likely will suffer from mental or physical issues requiring special attention. “I hope those numbers don’t scare you, though,” she continued, offering some levity. “If you had 50 teenagers at a sleepover, I guarantee there’d be four of them you’d keep an eye on. And if you took a busload of seniors to Reno for the day, I guarantee there’d be four people on medical watch.” Schwab is a secondGive me shelter: year shelter volunteer Find info about volunteerand sits on the steering ing for Safe Space at www. committee for Safe chicohousingactionteam. Space, the seasonal org/drupal/node/95, on Facebook @chicosafespace shelter overseen by or by emailing chat4 the Chico Housing people@gmail.com. Action Team (CHAT). Prompted by a brutal cold snap, the low-barrier shelter began in December 2013 and that year provided hot meals and warm beds to as many as 30 people for 16 nights. The effort has expanded since, and this year hopes to feed, house and provide hospitality for 80 nights starting on Sunday (Dec. 4). The shelter is housed at rotating local churches, each of which donates space for a

week at a time. All guests must register at an intake site, Calvary Community Church on Broadway. They are transported to the shelter site for the night, and then to the Jesus Center around 7 a.m. each morning. At the orientation, Schwab presented a glimpse of the monumental volunteer effort that goes into pulling off Safe Space’s mission on a nightly basis. There’s a team of about 25 “core volunteers” experienced with shelter procedures as well as 24 nightly volunteers needed for various positions. Altogether, she said it takes about 30 people to run the shelter each night. Schwab said Safe Space’s most immediate volunteer need is for drivers with vans or trucks to transport people and belongings from intake to the shelter site, and to move the operation each Sunday. She also mentioned some of the expenses, including about $400 weekly for guest bus service provided by the Work Training Center, $250 weekly for laundry, and $2,400 seasonal liability

SIFT ER Major division Perhaps unsurprisingly, following the contentious 2016 presidential election, a record number of Americans reported feeling that the nation is divided. According to a new Gallup poll, 77 percent of respondents perceive the U.S. as greatly divided on the “most important values.” That’s an increase of 8 percentage points from the last high recorded in 2012. As to whether President-elect Donald Trump will be able to unite the nation, more respondents believe the billionaire will further divide the country. Here’s a breakdown of the results:



TRUMP WILL U.S. adults Republicans Independents Democrats



45% 88% 43% 12%

49% 10% 51% 81%

Volunteer Deanna Schwab briefs potential volunteers on the importance of treating guests with respect and acceptance. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH

insurance. As the shelter lacks storage space for clothing or other items to give guests, Schwab said organizers prefer cash donations to cover those expenses and incidentals, such as over-the-counter medications to treat cold symptoms and other common ailments. One of the biggest changes at Safe Space this season is the addition of a six-person Crisis Intervention Team. The shelter organizers plan to have at least one of these personnel, all of whom have undergone de-escalation training and have experience dealing with homeless and/or mentally ill individuals, on-hand every night. “[Until this year] if someone was having a mental health situation, it would usually result in a call to the Chico police,” Lisa Currier, a mental health advocate overseeing the crisis team, said by phone. “I feel like it’s a lot more compassionate and productive to have someone who’s better trained to deal with those situations.” Back at the orientation, Schwab ensured new volunteers that they wouldn’t be put in positions where they’d have to make tough decisions. She noted that, though the shelter has refined its rules and procedures over the years to run more smoothly, volunteers are always learning how to better serve guests. “We’re not perfect; we make mistakes,” she said. “I like to say Safe Space is like a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, and 950 of those pieces are always moving. The only pieces that aren’t are our guests. And they don’t care if every piece of paperwork gets done or not or how perfectly everything is run. “They care about the fact they need a place to sleep. Keep your focus on that, because that’s what really matters.” —KEN SMITH kens@ newsr ev iew.c o m


O N PA G E 1 0




C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 9

Behind the bond Prop. 51 dollars might not reach poor school districts t’s tough for California voters to say no to more money for school Iconstruction. They almost always Downtown Chico 345–4880

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DECEMBER 1, 2016

approve state bond requests, and on Nov. 8 they passed a $9 billion package that backers promised would help pay for repairs and upgrades needed to preserve students’ access to safe, modern classrooms. Unlike previous bonds, however, Prop. 51 was placed on the ballot not by elected lawmakers, but by developers looking out for their own interests. Its approval locks in an outdated system that was designed for a time when the student population was growing, and its application process may limit poor districts’ chances of claiming their fair share of the money. Instead of prioritizing projects for needy communities, the state will dole out these bond proceeds the way it always has: on a firstcome, first-served basis. Scores of well-off districts are already in line, and small, impoverished ones have no one in their corner helping them navigate the complicated application process. That means some worthy repair projects may never see a dime. “Children all across the state are sitting in subpar buildings with leaky roofs and classrooms that can’t support their curriculum,” said Jeff Vincent, who directs UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities and Schools. “Some of those problems may not get fixed any time soon.” It’s widely agreed that California needs more money for school facilities, and that the bond will help pay for projects that have languished. But the problem starts with how the funding is In August, Chico Unified School District put the finishing touches on its renovations at Chico Junior High thanks to the passage of Measure E in 2012. FILE PHOTO BY EVAN TUCHINSKY

divided among projects. One-third of the bond’s proceeds will support new construction, another third will finance modernization projects, and the rest of it will go to career technical education, charter school and community college buildings. That mix may sound reasonable. But when the state created the School Facility Program in 1998, California’s population was booming and new school construction was needed to keep pace. By contrast, public school enrollment over the next decade is projected to dip slightly. The next problem is how the money is awarded. Districts applying to the state must provide matching funds, giving wealthier communities an advantage because they can tap a deeper well of local taxes. This disparity isn’t fair to students from needy parts of the state, said Shin Green, an Oakland-based consultant whose firm specializes in school infrastructure financing. “Substantial differences in the quality of our facilities mean substantial differences in our kids’ opportunities to learn. And that strikes me as wrong,” Green said. Poor districts incapable of raising money locally through bonds or developer fees—which communities charge to help pay for new school construction—may ask the

state to cover a project’s full cost. But few are familiar enough with the application process to make it work in their favor, Green said. Still, Prop. 51 drew support from a large, diverse coalition of interest groups and politicians, including the California Chamber of Commerce, the State Building and Construction Trades Council, and both the state Democratic and Republican parties. Proponents were eager to replenish California’s fund for school construction, which ran dry four years ago after churning through $40 billion in bond money over the last two decades. Breaking with recent tradition, this year’s measure was sponsored by two groups that stand to benefit from an incoming wave of school and home building: the Coalition for Adequate School Housing, which promotes new school construction, and the California Building Industry Association, a trade group for developers. Representatives from both organizations declined CALmattters’ request for interviews about their motivations and the need for the bond. Had it failed, districts likely would have raised fees on developers to pay for school projects— either cutting into developers’ bottom lines or prompting them to raise home prices. Prop. 51’s loudest critic was Gov. Jerry Brown, who called it “a

Give the Gift of Love!

About this story:

CALmatters.org is a nonprofit news venture devoted to coverage of state policy and politics.

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blunderbuss” and said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times that the Legislature could have done a better job than “the developers who put that one together.” Early this year, Brown collaborated with legislative leaders on a $5 billion bond that would also have changed the way the state distributes the money, prioritizing projects that reduce overcrowding and protect students’ health and safety. But the developers who sponsored the measure refused to change anything about the existing program or even discuss how to improve it, state Department of Finance Director Michael Cohen noted in an October op-ed urging a no vote. “They insisted on the status quo,” he wrote. Even so, Chris Funk, who leads San Jose’s East Side Union High School District, says he’s glad the measure passed because school systems such as his can’t wait any longer to get financing for repairs. Funk also rejected the governor’s criticism of the measure’s price tag, which the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office pegs at $17.6 billion to pay off both the bond’s principal and interest over the next 35 years. “Until the governor starts fully funding education and providing the right money for facilities, I would much rather perpetuate the current system,” he said. Tucked into Prop. 51 is a key provision that voters likely glossed over: It prohibits the state from modifying the way it allocates school construction funding without another vote of the people. Outgoing state Senate Education Committee Chairwoman Carol Liu, D-Glendale, said she opposed the bond, too, and wishes the Legislature could have done more to fix the problem. “We have lost an opportunity to reform a fragmented system of bond administration and disbursement that does not ensure that school districts and communities with the greatest need for new facilities receive funds,” she said.

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HEALTHLINES Athletes and people with muscle dysfunction may get a small boost from drinking concentrated beet juice.

Just beet it

Why you might want to drink beet juice at the gym

The authors found that a small helping of concentrated beet juice—the same product in the same quantity used in Peterson and Coggan’s research—did not improve flow of blood to exercising muscles in the forearm. Co-author David Proctor, a professor of kinesiology and physiology at Penn State’s Noll Laboratory, says his research is far from conclusive. It tested a very narrow range of criteria, he says, and leaves many questions to be answered. He adds that his results do not contradict what Coggan and Peterson saw. “If we had pushed our subjects up to higher workloads or perhaps had them do lower-body exercise at higher intensities, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had seen an effect [on enhanced blood flow to the muscles],” Proctor said. He says his next study will look at the effects of beet juice on people with peripheral artery disease, which affects about 20 percent of adults older than 70 in the U.S. and significantly limits blood flow to muscles. Proctor speculates that a dietary supplement of beet juice could help patients with PAD with basic movements like walking and standing (the way dark chocolate does). When it comes to sports, one thing that did happen in Proctor’s study is the beet juice seemed to cause the smooth muscle walls of arteries in participants to relax. This is an effect, he says, that could make HEALTHLINES C O N T I N U E D


Alastair Bland

became most famous for his slapstick Troutine of eating a can of spinach, then he iconic cartoon character Popeye

attaining superpowers that he often used to give his gigantic nemesis Bluto a severe pummeling. But Bluto might be lucky that Popeye never got his hands on a glass of beet juice. A small study from scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that the humble red root vegetable—perhaps best known for its high beta carotene concentrations—contains a molecule that boosts muscle power. The researchers gave nine subjects with heart failure a small serving—140 milliliters, or about 2/3 of a cup—of concentrated beet juice. Almost immediately after drinking it, the study participants saw an increase



DECEMBER 1, 2016

in muscle power of 13 percent on average. The findings appeared in 2014 in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure. The study looked specifically at the muscles that extend the knee. Also, it included only patients with heart failure since their muscles don’t deliver as much power. That can make it easier to measure improvement in them, the scientists say. But the muscle power benefits of beet juice can be enjoyed by others, too. Coggan and co-author Linda Peterson have done two additional studies, one that focused on 12 healthy individuals published in the journal Nitric Oxide, and another that looked at 13 trained collegiate athletes. All groups saw marked improvements in muscle power after consuming beet juice, the researchers say. And by power, says Coggan, they mean a combination of force and velocity—essential for sports like gymnastics or sprinting, and even household tasks like moving a piece of furniture or simply getting up from a reclining chair. “And we’re seeing these improvements

within about an hour and a half to two hours after ingestion,” Peterson said. “It’s pretty dramatic.”

O N PA G E 1 5


What makes beets a power booster, Peterson

explains, is nitrate, an ion found in high densities in leafy greens—like spinach—and in beets. When nitrate is ingested, bacteria on the tongue convert it into nitrite, which then becomes nitric oxide. This molecule, Peterson explains, can have the effect of increasing muscle power. Other researchers have also documented performance-enhancing powers in beets. A study published in 2013 in the Journal of Applied Physiology reported that consuming beet juice or other foods high in nitric oxide may improve or enhance circulation in young adults. But don’t jump up and buy a juicer just yet, because not all research tells quite the same story. A study published in 2013 in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism looked at whether nitrate can enhance the blood flow to activated muscles.

FIND RELIEF Have a crick in your neck? Learn about how to relieve it during a free back and neck pain seminar presented by A. Laufer Chiropractic on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. at Atria Paradise (1007 Buschmann Road in Paradise). To RSVP, call Michelle Morley at 872-3344 or email her at michelle.morley@ atriaseniorliving.com.

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december 1, 2016





december 1, 2016


C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 2

While Coggan and Peterson’s study

was the first to look specifically at how nitrate-rich beet juice affects muscle power, scientists have been studying nitric oxide’s effects on the body since the 1990s. Partly as a result of such research, beet juice has gained a reputation among athletes like professional runner Ryan Hall and nutrition coach Allen Lim, who has worked with some of the world’s best cyclists. Today, numerous companies are marketing beet juice-based products as sports drinks. A bottled liquid shot called Beet It, for example, was used in the studies by Peterson and Coggan and by Proctor. And a product from the Boulder, Colo.,-based company Healthy Skoop combines beet juice with pomegranate juice into a pow-

About this story:

Alastair Bland, a regular CN&R contributor, originally wrote this story for NPR.org.

der that the company claims will shorten an athlete’s post-workout recovery time when mixed with water. (The science isn’t yet clear on whether beet juice can improve muscle stamina—the sort of strength long-distance runners and cyclists may want.) Coggan and Peterson’s research shows that the most dramatic power boosts to be gained from beet juice occur in people with existing muscle dysfunction. However, their athlete-focused study found that even collegiate athletes sprinting on a stationary bicycle experienced a power boost of about 6 percent. “It’s a small effect, to be sure, if you’re an athlete,” Coggan said. “But the difference between not making the podium at the Olympics and standing on the top step is often only a couple percent.” □

This guy saves you money.

it easier for a person’s heart to pump blood—though not necessarily allow the heart to pump more blood. Still, this could be a potential gain for athletes, though they may not benefit as much as people with PAD who have trouble walking.

WEEKLY DOSE No hospital for the holidays Heading into holiday shopping season, remember that some kids’ toys— for instance, one called the Warcraft Doomhammer—can be dangerous. In fact, that one is on a list of the most dangerous toys released annually by consumer watchdog group World Against Toys Causing Harm. Here’s the list: • The Good Dinosaur Galloping Butch (potential for puncture wounds from pointed tail). • Peppy Pups (risk of strangulation from long cord, no warning). • Flying Heroes Superman Launcher (risk of eye and facial injuries). • Baby Magic Feed and Play Baby (choking hazard from spoon that comes with doll, no warning). • Warcraft Doomhammer (risk of blunt-force injuries).


• Peppa Pig’s Muddy Puddles Family (choking hazard from small parts). • Kids Time Baby Children’s Elephant Pillow (suffocation hazard, no warning). • Slimeball Slinger (ammunition can be fired with enough force to cause eye injuries). • Banzai Bump N’ Bounce Body Bumpers (potential for impact injuries). • Nerf Rival Apollo XV-700 Blaster (potential for eye injuries, no warning).

DECEMBER 1, 2016



GREEN Samuel White Swan-Perkins and others take part in a national day of protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline in front of U.S. Bank in downtown Chico.

Paid access Protests target Dakota Access Pipeline investors, including President-elect Trump

story and photo by

Daniel Taylor

d tay lor@ newsrev i ew. com

skies, a group of protesters with handApainted signs occupied the sidewalk on the gainst a backdrop of stormy November

Second Street side of U.S. Bank’s downtown Chico branch, from Wall Street to the Flume Street roundabout, demanding that the bank divest its stake in the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline project. The protest, held Nov. 15, was one of hundreds across the country targeting major banks with financial ties to the oil pipeline’s operator, Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners. “What we’re trying to do today is get the message out to folks that the major banks in the United States—Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, Bank of America, for example—are all invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline,” said Samuel White Swan-Perkins, a selfdescribed water protector who has helped organize local opposition to the pipeline. Major banks aren’t the only ones facing scrutiny for their financial ties to the $3.7 billion, 1,172-mile-long pipeline that, if completed, will connect the Bakken and Three Forks oil production areas in North Dakota with existing oil transport and storage infrastructure in Illinois. According to a financial disclosure report filed in May with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, President-elect Donald Trump has as much as $50,000 invested in Energy Transfer Partners, down from up to $1 million in 2015. Trump also has as much as $250,000 invested in Phillips 66, an energy company that owns a 25 percent stake in the pipeline. The pipeline and its proposed routing have been at the center of growing protests by Native American and environmental



DECEMBER 1, 2016

groups since it was announced in 2014. And the protesters are facing increasingly combative police response, including water cannons—in below-freezing temperatures—and tear gas. If built as planned, the pipeline will pass underneath the Missouri River on federal land near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota. Critics of the pipeline are concerned that this threatens the river as well as Lake Oahe, a reservoir behind a dammed portion of the river that provides drinking water to the reservation. “This is a problem, because as we all know, pipes still burst,” White Swan-Perkins said. “We’re out here to protect the water of up to 18 million people, not to mention the wildlife and the riparian fishing environments that would be damaged in the event of a pipe burst.” Pete Nichols, national director for New York-based Waterkeeper Alliance, a nonprofit environmental watchdog group that has been involved in opposition to the pipeline since August, agreed that, if the project is allowed to proceed as planned, it’s only a matter of time before there is a tragedy involving the pipeline. “It is not a matter of if, but when, a pipeline will break or leak,” Nichols said. “This pipeline was originally supposed to cross the Missouri near Bismarck and the citizens rejected that proposal and it was moved to Standing Rock and has already impacted sacred sites. Energy Transfer Partners has not taken tribal sovereignty into account whatsoever. This is a corporate boondoggle on the backs of our indigenous peoples.” Nichols has traveled to the Standing

Rock reservation twice, most recently with Waterkeeper Alliance President Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to support the ongoing protests against the pipeline there and to call on President Obama to halt construction, which Energy Transfer Partners has said is currently 84 percent complete, pending an easement to build underneath the Missouri River and further review of its potential environmental impacts. However, even if Obama takes action on the pipeline, Nichols fears that the incoming Trump administration will roll back much of the current energy policy in favor of oil companies. “I think the Trump administration will undo much of the work done by the Obama administration to move us from an arcane fossil fuel economy to one that is based on clean, renewable energy,” Nichols said. In lieu of waiting for political action on the pipeline construction that may never come, Nichols encouraged those opposed to the pipeline to continue putting pressure on financial institutions with stakes in the project. “I believe that citizens around the country can make a statement with their wallets and should stand up for their beliefs by divesting in the destruction of the environment by moving their money from financial institutions like Citibank, Wells Fargo and others that invest in these polluting projects,” Nichols said. In front of U.S. Bank, White SwanPerkins, who is part Siksika and Tsalagi, vowed to continue to peacefully oppose the pipeline. “Our elders had warned us that this was coming and that this was something we’d

have to fight in our generation,” he said. “So, small actions like this that stay prayerful, centered and, most of all, peaceful are what is really needed at this time. These national days of action and other actions planned for the future will help to keep the focus on the stoppage of the Dakota Access Pipeline as well as other environmental issues that indigenous folks are facing all over Turtle Island.” □

ECO EVENT FLUME WITH A VIEW One of several flumes that snake across the foothills above Chico, the Centerville Flume offers one of the area’s most delightful and conveniently located hiking opportunities, even in December. The Mount Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society is hosting a free walk along the flume on Sunday, Dec. 4, to see the last of summer’s blooms and the first blooms of winter, including manzanita and mistletoe. Those interested in the 4-mile hike should meet at the Chico Park & Ride west lot at 9 a.m. or at the trailhead at Centerville Road at 9:45 a.m. with lunch and water.

EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS pHoto courteSy of HugHeS HouSe of marmalade



preserving history Richard and Stephanie Hughes know how to jam, and even more so, to marmalade. The couple own and run Hughes House of Marmalade, and sell their creations—marmalades, jams, pastries and waffles—at farmers’ markets in Chico, Oroville and Paradise. It all began during a visit to England, Richard’s home country, 10 years ago. His sister had discovered a box belonging to their great-grandmother containing several recipes for marmalade. Richard said he was immediately inspired and after nearly two dozen tries, was able to re-create his greatgrandmother’s preserves. The business officially launched in June 2015 in Yuba City after Stephanie (pictured) suggested Richard try to sell his creations. They’ve since expanded their menu with four times as many jams and marmalades. They also added pastries based on recipes found in the same box, as well as Belgian waffles. Visit www. hugheshouseofmarmalade.com for more info.

How have you adapted to customers’ tastes? Richard: As we went through the season [at the Yuba City market], people were saying, “Do you do a spicy marmalade?” I’d never heard of such a thing. “Well, you should—Californians love spicies!” OK, so we did some spicies; that took off. [They asked], “Do

Seasonal reflections

you do a strawberry one?” No. “Well, you should.” So now we are up to 14 different marmalades and 10 different jams. Stephanie: We just keep adding more things. My very first occupation, I was a pastry chef, and I owned a restaurant for 20 years. We started adding on baked goods. Most of it is from his great-grandma’s cookbook. They are very British and pretty much everything we do is very British.

Stephanie seems to be the optimist between you two. Does that keep you going? Richard: Sometimes I get kinda despondent about [the business]. But she’ll say, “We’ve only been doing it just over a year. Don’t get down.”

Richard, you’re from England and Stephanie is from the U.S.—how did you two meet? Richard: We started off just as pen pals. Both of us had had

messy divorces. I didn’t want anything to do with women; she didn’t want anything to do with men. But we needed to talk to someone. Write an old-fashioned letter! After about three years, she said she was getting wanderlust: “Do you mind if I come over for Christmas?” I said, “That’d be cool to see you.” She came in December, we got married in May. That was 16 years ago.

Unrelated to marmalade, but how do you feel about Brexit? Richard: Honestly, I don’t think they should have [joined the EU] in the first place ... We went back [to England] years ago. I don’t recognize it. All the countryside is gone; what I used to know as sleepy market towns are concrete jungles. One town is morphed into another ... it’s the open border that has killed it. You don’t need a passport to get in. —MaSOn MaSiS

Sayonara, HaSHi The Wednesday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 23), I stopped by Hashi to pick up some of my favorite ramen soup in town … for the last time. A little birdie had hinted that the lunchtime to-go spot might be closing after eight short months, and when I reached out via Facebook I was told the restaurant just wasn’t financially viable. (Forcella fans, do not fear: The popular dinner spot on Mangrove that shared a home with Hashi will continue business as usual.) For that last taste of Hashi, I got the tori ramen with marinated chicken. Delish (but not quite as amazing as their wor wonton soup, available only on special). And, because they were little bites of heaven, I ordered a pork belly slider on a Chinese bao bun. Hashi, you will truly be missed. SHop local I’m a strong supporter of shopping locally year-round, but it’s especially important during the holidays, when we tend to spend a little more. Sierra Oro Farm Trail is trying to make that a little easier this year by partnering with local farms and wineries on its website. Products range from wines and cheeses (a few of my favorite things!) to olive oils and scented soaps. Go to www. sierraoro.org for more info on holiday gifts as well as extended hours at some of Butte County’s most popular agritourism destinations.

Fresh Food with Flavor


Dine-in • Carry-out • Catering





Celebrating Chico Culture

show l❤ ve thrift

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! • DONATIONS APPRECIATED 1405 Park Ave. Chico, (530) 892-9198 www.facebook.com/ShowLoveThrift


It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving has already come and gone. What a strange fall we’ve had, what with Donald Trump being elected leader of the free world and the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. I sort of feel like I’m in The Twilight Zone. Pinch me! Despite all the chaos, though, I took Thanksgiving to reflect on all the things—and people, mostly—I’m thankful for. I hope you did, too. The holiday season is a time to reflect on our blessings as well as our dreams and personal endeavors. And it’s often a time to close the book on certain chapters in our lives (and open others). One store in Paradise is closing a rather large chapter. After 10 years in business, Morning Star Quilts will be shutting its Pearson Road shop for good at the end of the year. “We are sad to leave, but will always cherish the wonderful relationships we have built throughout the community,” owner Marsha Haunschild said in her announcement. Morning Star Quilts had quite a run on the Ridge. In 2009, it was recognized by Better Homes & Gardens as one of the top 10 quilting centers in North America. Over the years the shop became a go-to spot for everything from quilting patterns to fabrics to equipment and all manner of sewing and crafting classes. A liquidation sale is underway at the store (43 Pearson Road), and through Dec. 23, Haunschild will be accepting perishable food donations, which will go to the Christian Missionary Alliance Church to feed locals in need. The Paradise High School wrestling team also will be selling Christmas trees in the store’s parking lot.



Meredith J. Cooper


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Chico’s very own Almonds and Local Products-Makes the perfect Gift!

Perfect mate for your armchair quarterback Gameday just got a bit more comfortable with this handy chairside table. Different colors and wood grains to choose from. Only $99!

Maisie Jane’s California Sunshine Products produces only the best quality almonds and other nut products right here in Chico. For the past 23 years, we’ve been making beautiful, well-thought out Gift Baskets; containing Maisie Jane’s gourmet products and other fine local artisan products! Come visit Maisie Jane’s gift shop where you can find any price range gift! We offer shipping, have a tasting bar, have beautiful seasonal home-wares and stocking stuffers. You can even order one of our signature Pies for your special holiday gatherings.

Evans Furniture Galleries 2101 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy (530) 895-3000

Maisie Jane’s Gift Shop Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sun. 12-4 1324 Dayton Rd. • Chico (530) 809-2374 • www.maisiejanes.com

How about a Gift Card from Bacio?

Lavender Ranch - New Aroma’s Available

Or two or three… Your friends who understand quality know that the ingredients and food at Bacio are just about the best in town! Open Monday- Friday from 11 until 7. Give your food savvy friends just what they want this year. BONUS: Get a FREE Bacio Klean Kanteen with each $50 Gift Card purchase. Happy Holidays!

REAL Blossoms, REAL Purity, REAL Essence Our five aromas contain the highest quality ingredients, which are grown and distilled locally on the ranch. The blissful aromas will return a moment of tranquility and balance to one’s busy life. Health & Beauty Products, Gourmet Culinary Products, Gifts.

Bacio Catering 1903 Park Ave (530) 345–7787 BacioCatering.com Mon–Fri 11am to 7pm


PRESENT THIS AD & RECEIVE 20% OFF $50 OR MORE 12/01/16 to 12/07/16

17 W. Rio Bonito Rd. Biggs, Ca • (530) 868-5151 www.lavenderranch.com • Mon-Thu 8-4 • Fri-Sat 10-2

Fresh. Delicious. Affordable.

Give the Gift of Chico’s Best Italian!

This Christmas, give the gift of La Comida. Starting December 1st through December 24th, get a FREE $5 gift card with any $25 gift card purchase! Since 1968, La Comida has been serving fresh, fast and affordable Mexican food in an always family friendly environment. All menu items are made from scratch. At La Comida you will always find the perfect meal to fit any appetite and budget!

“A Chico Dining Tradition Since 1965” Come find out why we’re Chico’s best spot for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner! Fun Stocking Stuffers available at both Italian Cottage locations; Italian Cottage Gift Certificates, Parm Shakers, Chico Bags, Klean Kanteen, T-Shirts or Coffee Mugs!

La Comida 954 Mangrove Ave. Chico (530) 345-2254 6155 Skyway. Paradise (530) 577-5246 LaComidaRestaurants.com

2234 The Esplanade Chico 343-7000 2525 Dominic Dr. Chico 342-7771 Open 7 days a week Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


december 1, 2016

Italian Cottage Restaurants

ChiCo New & Review

Gift Guide

A Special Advertising Section

Zig Zag Collection

Efficient. Economical. Fun

A most inspiring multi-cultural oasis for traditional and contemporary handmade accessories & bags. Using sustainable production processes, we support the artisans and communities in which they work and live. The return is a celebration of hope, tradition, creativity and beauty. The woven Shawl, blanket and fleece lined fingerless gloves are hand loomed in Nepal with New Zealand sheep wool. The weft is 100% wool woven on a cotton warp. After the weaving process the material is brushed to bring out its incredible softness and can be re-brushed after heavy use.

Butte Creek Bikes is a full service bicycle shop, specializing in electric bicycles. Whether you are looking to modify an existing bike or design one from the ground up, Butte Creek Bikes has you covered. They offer a wide selection of electric bikes, electric scooters, electric bike motors and replacement parts and they also offer service and repair. The featured electric bike can reach speeds of 28 MPH and can go 25 miles before needing to be recharged.

SALLY DIMAS ART GALLERY Celebrating 19 years of local art by local artisans! 493 East Ave #1 • Chico • (530) 345–3063 Open Tues – Sat 11am – 5pm or by appointment

Butte Creek Bikes 7 Three Sevens Lane, Chico (530) 591-3081 ButteCreekBikes.com

California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil • Proudly based in Chico, California • Award winning extra virgin olive oil grown and crafted in California • Trusted by top-tier chefs • Makes the perfect holiday gift for every foodie on your list

California Olive Ranch Online: shop.californiaoliveranch.com Local Retailer: californiaoliveranch.com/store-locator

GIVE THE GIFT OF NOODLE + BAO Momona Noodle + Bao offers gift certificates in any denomination for the ramen and bao lover in your family! Momona serves Japanese and Hawaiian influenced food and drinks, including Japanese-style ramen, bao (aka steamed buns) and Hawaiian-style poke. Momona also offers one of the best sake selections in Chico. Join us for Pau Hana Hour for cheap bao, cocktails, beer and wine during the first and last hour of dinner service, Monday - Saturday.

Momona 230 W. 3rd Street Downtown Chico (530) 487-7488 • momonachico.com #momonachico Hours: Mon - Thurs 11-4, 5-9, Fri-Sat 11-4, 5-10

Acapillow Home Furnishings,


Chico’s newest furniture store, will be celebrating its grand opening on December 3rd at 5pm. Come join the celebration and enjoy music, drinks, and plenty of holiday cheer! Acapillow Home Furnishings offers premium, custom made pillows, many made with vintage decorative fabrics, handmade here in Chico. They also carry a wide variety of home accessories, candles, blankets, furniture, and much more!

Premium Spirits gift packs are always a hit as holiday gifts. You’ll find gift packs of Scotch, Gin, Rum, Brandy, Vodka, Bourbon, Tequila, and many more at great prices. Gather around the tree and toast the new years with a bottle of 12 year old Scotch, or a premium Agave Tequila or many other fabulous bottles of tasty libation. Ray’s is the place where all the fun begins. You’ll find wines from the finest vintners in the world, over 1,000 different craft beers and all the varieties of premium spirits. Expect the best prices on wine, beer, and spirits. Feel the sincere smiles from the always friendly staff! Come experience the tradition of Ray’s

Acapillow Home Furnishings 830 Broadway St. Chico (530) 487-8494 www.acapillowhome.com

Ray’s Liquor 207 Walnut St. Chico (530) 343-3249 Follow on Facebook

december 1, 2016



Give the Gift of Food and Knowledge!

Enjoy a True Chico Tradition

A Rawbar gift card is the perfect gift for the holidays. Buy two $50 gift cards for only $90! The Rawbar serves more than just great sushi including appetizers, rice bowls, ribs and tempura. Much of the menu is also available for catering and that holiday party you’re hosting or attending. Cooking classes are also offered for DIY sushi and Thai and are a fun gift that keeps on giving. For Happy Hour, Mon-Sat 3pm-5pm, the line-up is changed regularly. You’ll find Spicy Edamame, Oyster Hot Shots, Korean Tacos w/Kalbi Short Rib, Cabbage & Kimchi Sauce and so much more. Gift cards are offered in many denominations, so stop in today, have lunch, dinner or enjoy Happy Hour and cross off a few names on your list!

Shubert’s Homemade Ice Cream & Candy has been a Chico tradition for over 75 years! Homemade Boxed Chocolates, Peanut Brittle, English Toffee and Divinity are just a few treats our families have come to look forward to during the holidays. Pre-order Snowballs now! The perfect holiday dessert! Don’t forget your Shubert’s Mints this season! No holiday celebration would be complete without them!

RAWBAR Restaurant and Sushi 346 Broadway • Chico (530) 897-0626 • www.rawbarchico.com Open Daily • Join us for Happy Hour; Mon-Sat 3pm-5pm

Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy 178 E. Seventh St., Chico (530) 342–7163 www.Shuberts.com

Market Baskets

Give the gift everyone will love...

are a great gift for any budget. At the Chico Certified Farmers’ Market you can purchase quality, handmade baskets. Not only will the baskets last many years but your purchase will help small farmers in Ghana. These are the best prices in town. Available at either of the 2 year round markets. While you’re at the market fill it with the best local food and artisan crafts the north state has to offer. Two Year Round Markets in Chico, Rain or Shine: Wednesday, North Valley Plaza parking lot on Pillsbury Rd, 7:30 am to 1:00 pm Saturday, Downtown 2nd & Wall St, 7:30 am to 1:00 pm

a gift certificate from Tres Hombres. Choose any denomination , get a gift card, and your holiday shopping for friends, family and co-workers is complete. Try the “Best Margarita in Chico” as voted by CN&R readers for the last 12 years. Make your choice from over 125 premium Blue Agave tequilas.” Fiesta Hour Appetizers & Cocktails are served Daily 4-6. La Casa margs Draft Beer just $4. Next time you’re making plans to gather just say “Meet Me At Tres!”

TRES HOMBRES 100 Broadway • Chico (530) 342–0425 • www.TresHombresChico.com

Chico Certified Farmers’ Market (530) 893-FARM • ChicoFarmersMarket.com

Boots—Style & Comfort! A pair of authentic Western Boots is the most comfortable footwear, if you are fitted properly. Unlike shoes, which are flat, Western Boots have a built-in arch that supports your feet. Therefore, boots must be the right length and the right width to fit comfortably. At Diamond W Western Wear, the friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you find the right pair of boots with the right fit. You’ll find every pair of boots on SALE now, just in time for your Holiday gift giving. At Diamond W you will find all major brands as well as exclusive custom brands. Locally owned for over 38 years, with the Lowest Prices Guaranteed!

Diamond W Western Wear Pat’s Shoe & Boot Repair E181 E 2nd Street • Downtown Chico Open Every Day • (530) 891-1650 20


december 1, 2016

ChiCo New & Review

Gift Guide

A Special Advertising Section

Love & Sandwiches

Flavorful Holiday gifts Want to share 5th Street Steakhouse with a friend or family member? Gift cards make it simple. Great for the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and company parties. 5th Street Steakhouse food tastes great on any occasion!

St5ethaksthroeuest E

5th Street Steakhouse 345 West 5th St. (530) 891-6328 5thStreetSteakhouse.com

Brew Your Own Right At Home The Chico Home Brew Shop is the place to go for all of your brewing and winemaking needs. We carry beer and wine makers equipment, ingredients, books, soda extract, cheese making ingredients, bottles, caps, corks, spouts, growlers, cider kits and much more. We are happy to answer any questions you may have too! Come by today! Open Tuesday-Saturday 10am-5pm. Friday until 6pm.

The Chico Home Brew Shop 1570 Nord Ave, Chico (530) 342-3768 HomeBruShop@yahoo.com

Modern & Eclectic Fashion Anika Burke Eclectic Boutique enjoys providing Chico with the essence of California’s casual lifestyle. This ever popular shop is chock-full of modern and eclectic women’s clothing, accessories & gifts. Dress with ease and rock every piece you wear! Looking for the perfect gift? This week’s special: $6 Butter Soft Leggings (Limit 5 per person)

Anika Burke Eclectic Boutique 211 Main Street, Chico (530) 918–8850 www.AnikaBurke.com

Gift Card

Ike’s Place gift certificates make great holiday gifts and are redeemable at any Ike’s location. When you come to Ike’s Place it is their goal to make you feel like the unique individual that you are. If that isn’t enough to set them apart, did we mention that the bread is baked fresh to order? And their Ike’s Dirty Secret Sauce is spread on every sandwich and baked right in the bread. Mmmmm…are you hungry yet? Ike’s Place offers a variety of mouth watering sandwich options, including vegan and vegetarian options.

Ike’s Place 648 West 5th St. Chico (530) 924-3171

Where the Best Adventures Begin Not sure what to get for a friend or relative that “has everything”? Why not a gift certificate for the outdoor enthusiast in your life from Chico Best Place to Buy Outdoor Gear! Purchase a gift certificate in any denomination at Mountain Sports and gift the gift for the best Adventure!

Mountain Sports 176 E. 3rd Street Downtown Chico (530) 345–5011 • Open Daily www.ChicoMountainSports.com www.facebook.com/chicomountainsports

TEPPAN-YAKI & SUSHI HAI! An Ojiya gift card is perfect for the holidays! Now thru Jan 7, 1017, buy a $50 gift card and receive an additional $10 or purchase a $100 card and receive an additional $20. Enjoy Hibachi and Sushi with us, as they possess all the qualities of a perfect dining experience. Enjoy the finest in steak & seafood skillfully prepared & presented with flair by Master teppan-yaki chefs on your table top grill or sushi skillfully prepared & presented at your table or at the sushi bar. The speed & dexterity of our chefs will dazzle you & the exotic, elegant atmosphere will delight you. OJIYA JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE & SUSHI BAR Full Bar | Open Daily | Now Accepting Reservations For The Holidays! Sun-Thur 11AM-9:30PM | Fri - Sat 11AM-10PM 2477 Forest Ave. # 100 | 530.899.1199 (530) 899-1199 december 1, 2016



Get em ready to Shred!!

California Sunshine in a Bottle

It’s going to be a great board/ski season. Snow boards, boots, bindings, clothing and gear are gifts that will last for years and remembered every time they’re used. The full service board shop offers tuning for both boards and skis. Rentals of snow board packages, downhill, cross country skis and snowboards are available. For a great selection of gifts, many under $20, think Chico Sports LTD. You’ll find stocking stuffers, clothing, bikes, yoga, shoes, and much more. Gift certificates available. Sports LTD where you’ll find “Only the Good Stuff!”

Share the rich, golden elegance of the AWARD WINNING Butte View olive oils. Pure, light and delicate – experience the wonderful aromas and distinctive accents that make each hand crafted oil truly unique and excellent. 250ml/500ml. Available in Chico at Maisie Jane’s, Made in Chico, S&S Produce, in Oroville at Collins & Denny Market & Wagon Wheel Market and in Paradise at Noble Orchard.

Butte View Olive Company 2950 Louis Ave. • Oroville (530) 534-8320 • www.ButteView.com

CHICO SPORTS LTD 698 Mangrove Ave. • Chico Safeway Shopping Center (530) 894-1110 Holiday Gifts & Decor to Treasure!

Make His Spirits Bright

Christian & Johnson has been making the Holidays bright since 1907! Let the team at C&J help you find the perfect gifts and decor to celebrate the Season. Complimentary gift-wrapping, fresh flowers, beautiful plants, unique gifts and lovely decor... the Holidays are bright and beautiful at C&J. Click, call or stop in! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Everyone at Christian & Johnson!

Looking for a truly unique gift? We offer locally crafted, small batch brandy along with trucker hats, cocktail glasses, t-shirts and more! You can always grab a gift certificate for a one size fits all gift. Our tasting room is open Tuesday – Sunday from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Friday evenings until 9 p.m.

Almendra Winery & Distillery 9275 Midway, Durham (530) 343-6893 AlmendraWinery.com

CHRISTIAN & JOHNSON 250 Vallombrosa • Chico (530) 891-1881 www.ChristianAndJohnson.com

Give The Gift of Color Ellis Art has the perfect gift for the artist in your life. Whether you are looking for professional quality products, or just something to have fun with, Ellis Art has you covered. Right now you will find professional Prismacolor pencil sets, specially priced for gift giving. Ellis Art also carries a large selection of coloring books and canvas panels, as well as journals, sketchbooks and watercolor journals. You wont find a better selection of quality canvases, brushes, paints and markers anywhere else. Plus, don’t miss out on the amazing kid’s aisle!

Ellis Art • Downtown Chico 122 Broadway • Chico (530) 891-0335

Give the perfect gift from 2016 Best Of Chico’s Day Spa Choose a Sweetwater Gift Card- beautifully wrapped, or Sweetwater’s customer favoriteThe Holiday Face & Body Package for only $129! Includes a signature spa facial and a relaxation massage. Purchase now through December 31

Sweetwater Day Spa 40 Declaration Drive • Chico (530) 894–7722 www.SweetwaterChico.com

Ellis A&E • 3035 Esplanade • Chico (530) 891-6309 • www.ellishasit.com 22


december 1, 2016

ChiCo New & Review

Gift Guide

A Special Advertising Section

Trying to find that “wow” gift?

Chico Life Calendar- $19.99

We at Gaumer’s can help you. From classic to unique, we have an extensive inventory of gold and silver jewelry. Or let our jewelers create a timepiece specifically for you, using your gems or ours. We also have a fabulous selection of fossils, minerals, and polished stones. Come see what you can find. Gaumer’s Jewelry has been happily serving our community for 49 years.

Introducing Chico Life Calendar. Give the gift of Chico that gives all year round to that special someone. Every Month includes a photo of an iconic location in the Chico area by a local photographer. A contest was held in August to find the best photos by local 2017 Chico Life Calendar artists. We were blown away by the quality and talent that Chico photographers are blessed to have. Each calendar also gives a generous giving donation to a non-profit of your choice by returning the included postcard and includes free shipping anywhere in the US to your loved ones who would enjoy seeing Chico at it’s best for the holidays. You can make a purchase at ChicoLifeCalendar.com or you can purchase one in your downtown retailers like Made in Chico or Bird in Hand.

Gaumer’s Jewelry 78 Belle Mill Road • Red Bluff, CA 96080 530-527-6166 • Follow Us on Facebook

Local’s Choice Printing 1359 E 8th St, Chico (530) 636-4278

Travel to Tuscany with Mooney Farms

GIVE THE GIFT OF GOLF! This Christmas, give the ones you love a gift certificate to Bidwell Park Golf course. Located in picturesque Upper Bidwell Park, Bidwell Park Golf Course offers 18 holes of beautiful scenery, well maintained greens, and a friendly and helpful staff. A gift certificate to Bidwell Park Golf Course can be used to book tee times and can also be used in the pro shop and in the Bidwell Bar and Grill.

Bidwell Park Golf Course 3199 Golf Course Rd. Chico (530) 891-8417 www.GolfBidwellPark.com

Sweet Holiday Deals Chicoans love Chico. Get more for your holiday dollars when you save up to 90% on gift certificates to local businesses. Or show your appreciation for local Chico events with limited edition T-shirts. Buy online anytime with a credit card or in person with cash, check or credit card Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm.

CN&R sweetdeals 353 East 2nd St. (530) 894-2300 cnrsweetdeals.newsreview.com

The beautiful Tuscan style company store is open Monday through Friday from 10am-4pm. Discover all of the Bella Sun Luci Italian favorites including their award-winning Bella Sun Luci Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Sun Dried Tomato line, in addition to other local gourmet food products from the area. Gift baskets are available to purchase or create your own unique design. Shipping is available.

MOONEY FARMS 1220 Fortress Street • Chico 95973 (530) 899-2661 www.MooneyFarms.com Holiday hours Mon-Fri 10am to 4pm

Gift Certificate


Coffee Ranch 1288 E. 1st Ave #100 | 530.809.9338

Not redeemable for This is a gift certificate and does not expire according to California Civil Code Sections 1749.45-1749.6. store credit. cash. Can be used with other discounts and offers. Cannot be used for gratuity. Change will be given as

Gift Certificate



Pita Pit

240 Broadway St | 530.899.2847

Learn The Art of Fencing My Fencing Center is the longest running continuous fencing club in Chico. My Fencing Center offers fencing instruction for beginners to advanced. Kids as young as 7 up to adults of any age! They offer state of the art equipment and flooring. Fencers enjoy recreational fencing up to National levels. This holiday season, give the ones you love the gift of fencing with a membership to My Fencing Center. For a limited time, buy one month and get the second month free! Equipment provided (exclusions apply).

My Fencing Center 2290 Ivy St, STE 180. Chico (530) 828-1718 myfencingcenter.org december 1, 2016



Big headlines The top 10 stories of the year you didn’t see that mainstream media missed 2 2.



hroughout its 40-year history, Project Censored has covered a lot of ground that the corporate mainstream media has missed. Begun by Carl Jensen, a sociology professor at Sonoma State University, shortly after Watergate in 1976, it’s become an institution involving dozens of faculty members and institutions working together to come up with an annual list of the top 25 censored stories of the year. The Watergate burglary in June 1972 “sparked one of the biggest political coverups in modern history,” Jensen recalled. “And the press was an unwitting, if willing participant in the coverup.” “Watergate taught us two important lessons about the press: First, the news media sometimes do fail to cover some important issues, and second, the news media sometimes indulge in self-censorship,” he said. On the upside, it led to the creation of Project Censored. As with the Watergate story, these aren’t censored in the overt heavy-handed manner of an authoritarian dictatorship, but in the often more effective manner reflecting our society—an oligarchy with highly centralized economic power pretending to be a “free marketplace of ideas.” It may give people what they think they want in the moment, but it leaves them hungry for more, if not downright malnourished in the long run. The missing stories concern vital subjects central to the healthy functioning of our democracy. The problem is, we may not even realize what we’re missing, which is precisely why Project Censored is essential. This year, 221 students and 33 faculty members from 18 college and university campuses across the United States and Canada were involved in Project Censored. It’s always dealt with specific stories, but on anniversaries like this one, the larger patterns those stories fit within are impossible to ignore. Economic inequality, global warming, petro-politics, suppression of health science, government spying, corporate influence of government—these are all familiar themes that appear again on this year’s list.



DECEMBER 1, 2016

Chabelley Airfield, Djibouti PHOTO BY GOOGLE EARTH

U.S. military forces deployed in 70 percent 1 1.of world’s nations

The covert exercise of U.S. military power is a recurrent subject of Project Censored stories. This year’s top censored story joins that long tradition. It deals with the massive expansion in the number of countries where the officially unnamed war on terror is now being waged by U.S. Special Operations Forces—147 of the world’s 195 recognized nations, an 80 percent increase since 2010. This includes a dramatic expansion in Africa. The majority of the activity is in “training missions,” meaning that this expansion is promoting a coordinated worldwide intensification of conflict, unseen at home, but felt all around the globe. Writing for TomDispatch, The Nation and The Intercept, Nick Turse exposed different aspects of this story and its implications. Turse’s story for the Intercept focused on the development of a single base, Chabelley Airfield, in the East African nation of Djibouti. It’s an “out-of-the-way outpost” transformed into “a key hub for its secret war … in Africa and the Middle East.” In the Nation, Turse tackled the question of mission success. Project Censored noted that, “Turse [had] reported skepticism from a number of experts in response to this question, pointing out that “impacts are not the same as successes.” In Vietnam, body counts were mistaken for signs of success. “Today, tallying up the number of countries in which Special Operations forces are present repeats this error,” Vietnam veteran and author Andrew Bacevich told Turse.

Crisis in evidence-based medicine

The role of science in improving human health has been one of humanity’s greatest achievements, but the profit-oriented influence of the pharmaceutical industry has created a crisis situation. That research simply cannot be trusted. Burying truth for profit is a recurrent theme for Project Censored. The top 1981 story concerned fraudulent testing from a single lab responsible for onethird of the toxicity and cancer testing of chemicals in America. But this problem is much more profound. “Something has gone fundamentally wrong,” said Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, commenting on a UK symposium on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research: “[M]uch of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn toward darkness. ... The apparent endemicity of bad research behavior is alarming.” Horton’s conclusion echoed Marcia Angell, a former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, who went public in 2009. A classic case was Study 329 in 2001, which reported that paroxetine (Paxil in the United States/ Seroxat in the United Kingdom)

was safe and effective for treating depressed children and adolescents, leading doctors to prescribe Paxil to more than 2 million U.S. children and adolescents by the end of 2002 before being called into question. The company responsible (now GlaxoSmithKline) agreed to pay $3 billion in 2012, the “largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history,” according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Nonetheless, the study has not been retracted or corrected, and “none of the authors have been disciplined,” Project Censored points out. This, despite a major reanalysis that “‘starkly’ contradicted the original report’s claims.” The reanalysis was seen as the first major success of a new open data initiative known as Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials. While Project Censored noted one Washington Post story on the reanalysis, there was only passing mention of the open data movement. “Otherwise, the corporate press ignored the reassessment of the paroxetine study,” and beyond that, “Richard Horton’s Lancet editorial received no coverage in the U.S. corporate press.”

5 5.

3 3.

Rising carbon dioxide levels threaten to permanently disrupt vital ocean bacteria

Global warming is a recurrent Project Censored subject. Systemic changes associated with global warming threaten human welfare and all life on Earth through a multitude of different pathways. These remain largely hidden from public view. One potential pathway— directly dependent on carbon, not temperature—is through the catastrophic overproduction of Trichodesmium bacteria, which could devastate the entire marine food chain in some regions. It lives in nutrient-poor parts of the ocean, where it transforms atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium, an essential nutrient for other organisms—from algae to whales. A five-year study by researchers at the University of Southern California and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution found that subjecting hundreds of generations of the bacteria to predicted CO2 levels in the year 2100 caused them to evolve into “reproductive overdrive,” growing faster and producing 50 percent more nitrogen. As a result, they could consume significant quantities of scarce nutrients, such as iron and phosphorus, that other organisms need to survive. Or the Trichodesmium bacteria could drive themselves into extinction, depriving other organisms of ammonium. “Most significantly, the researchers found that even when the bacteria was returned to lower, present-day levels of carbon dioxide, Trichodesmium remained ‘stuck in the fast lane,’” Project Censored noted, a finding that one researcher described as “unprecedented in evolutionary biology.”

About this story:

For more on Project Censored, including info on purchasing the special, 40th anniversary edition of Project Censored’s book, visit projectcensored.org. Paul Rosenberg is senior editor and Terelle Jerricks is managing editor at Random Lengths News, an alternative biweekly newspaper in the Los Angeles area.

4 4.

Search engine algorithms and electronic voting machines’ potential to swing 2016 election

Social media has played an important role in recent social movements, from the Arab Spring to Black Lives Matter, but technology can potentially undermine democracy as well as empower it. In particular, search engine algorithms and electronic voting machines provide opportunities for manipulation of voters and votes. Mark Frary, in Index on Censorship magazine, describes the latest research by Robert Epstein and Ronald E. Robertson of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology on what they call the Search Engine Manipulation Effect, or SEME. Their study of more than 4,500 undecided voters in the United States and India showed that biased search rankings “could shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20 percent or more” and “could be masked so that people show no awareness of the manipulation.” In an earlier article for Politico, Epstein wrote that SEME “turns out to be one of the largest behavioral effects ever discovered …. [W]e believe SEME is a serious threat to the democratic system of government.” Because courts have ruled that their source code is proprietary, private companies that own electronic voting machines are essentially immune to transparent public oversight, as Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis docu-

mented in their book, The Strip & Flip Selection of 2016: Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft. In 2016, about 80 percent of the U.S. electorate was expected to vote using outdated electronic voting machines that rely on proprietary software from private corporations, according to a September 2015 study by the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law. The study identified “increased failures and crashes, which can lead to long lines and lost votes” as the “biggest risk” of outdated voting equipment, while noting that older machines also have “serious security and reliability flaws that are unacceptable today.” “From a security perspective, old software is riskier, because new methods of attack are constantly being developed, and older software is likely to be vulnerable,” Jeremy Epstein of the National Science Foundation noted. On Democracy Now! and elsewhere, Wasserman and Fitrakis have advocated for universal, hand-counted paper ballots and automatic voter registration as part of their “Ohio Plan” to restore electoral integrity. While there has been some corporate media coverage of Epstein and Robertson’s research, the transparency and reliability advantages of returning to paper ballots remain virtually unexplored and undiscussed.

Corporate exploitation of global refugee crisis masked as humanitarianism

The world is experiencing a global refugee crisis (60 million worldwide, according to a June 2015 report, 11.5 million of them Syrian). This has been covered in the corporate media—though not nearly enough to generate an appropriate response. What hasn’t been covered is the increasingly well-organized exploitation of refugees, particularly those displaced in Syria. An AlterNet article by Sarah Lazare—cited by Project Censored—warned of the World Bank’s private enterprise solution to the Syrian displacement crisis. “Under the guise of humanitarian aid, the World Bank is enticing Western companies to launch ‘new investments’ in Jordan in order to profit from the labor of stranded Syrian refugees, Lazare wrote. In a country where migrant workers have faced forced servitude, torture and wage theft, there is reason to be concerned that this capital-intensive ‘solution’ to the mounting crisis of displacement will establish sweatshops that specifically target war refugees for hyperexploitation.” A World Bank press release touted “the creation of special economic zones or SEZs,” but Project Censored noted, “Myriam Francois, a journalist and research associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, told Lazare that the development of SEZs in Jordan ‘will change refugee camps from emergency and temporary responses to a crisis, to much more permanent settlements.’” The SEZ proposals, Francois said, are “less about Syrian needs and more about keeping Syrian refugees out of Europe by creating (barely) sustainable conditions within the camps, which would then make claims to asylum much harder to recognize.” Another story, by Glen Ford of Black Agenda Report, described a related agreement between Turkey and the European Union to keep millions of refugees from entering Europe as “a deal between devils,” adding that Turkey has “cashed in on the people it has helped make homeless.” In addition to the $3.3 billion in EU money, Project Censored noted: Turkey has also sought admission to the European Union, and, with this, the right for 75 million Turks to enter Europe without visa restrictions as a condition for controlling its refugee population. Thus, according to Ford, Turkey has engaged in a “vast protections racket trap,” effectively agreeing to protect Europe from further incursions by “the formerly colonized peoples whose labor and lands have fattened Europe and its white settler states for half a millennium.” “Europeans will never accept Turkey into the fold, because it is Muslim and not-quite-white,” Ford concluded.

Syrian refugee camp in Suruc, Turkey. PHOTO BY RADEKPROCYK/ISTOCK


O N PA G E 2 6




8 8.

C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 2 5

Syria’s war spurred by contest for gas delivery to Europe, not Muslim sectarianism

6 6.

More than 1.5 million American families live on $2 per person per day Even the working poor receive scant attention, but those living in deep poverty—on less than $2 per day—are almost entirely absent. Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer, sociologists and authors of the book $2.00/a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, state that in 2011 more than 1.5 million U.S. families—including 3 million children—lived in deep poverty during any given month. Their depiction of what poverty looks like reads “like a Dickens novel,” Marcus Harrison Green wrote in YES! Magazine, Project Censored noted, while in the Atlantic, economist Jared Bernstein noted that their research highlights the problematic long-term consequences of President Bill Clinton’s 1996 welfare reform initiative, with its “insistence on work without regard to job availability.” Project Censored notes that Edin and Shaefer proposed three policy changes to address extreme poverty in the United States: “First, policy must start by ‘expanding work opportunities for those at the very bottom of society. “Second, policy must address housing instability, which Shaefer described as both a cause and a consequence of extreme poverty. ‘Parents should be able to raise their children in a place of their own.’ “Third, families must be insured against extreme poverty, even when parents are not able to work.” William Julius Wilson, a leading sociologist in the study of poverty, described their book as “an essential call to action” in a New York Times book review, but this was a rare recognition in the corporate press.

Soup kitchen in Salinas, Calif.

Inspecting the Fukushima nuclear power plant in 2013. PHOTO BY GREG WEBB/INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY


No end in sight for Fukushima disaster

Five years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant was destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, the nuclear disaster continues to unfold, with the ongoing release of large quantities of radioactive waste water into the Pacific Ocean, in turn affecting ocean life through “biological magnification.” Meanwhile, the Japanese government has relaxed radiation limits in support of its efforts to return the refugee population—a move that younger people, prime working-age taxpayers, are resisting. Project Censored cites a media analysis by sociologist Celine-Marie Pascale of American University. Pascale, covering more than 2,100 articles, editorials and letters to the editor on Fukushima in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Politico and the Huffington Post between March 11, 2011, and March 11, 2013, focused on two basic questions: Risk for whom? And from what? She found that just 6 percent of articles reported on risk to the general public, and most of those “significantly discounted those risks.” She

concluded: “The largest and longest lasting nuclear disaster of our time was routinely and consistently reported as being of little consequence to people, food supplies, or environments…. In short, the media coverage was premised on misinformation, the minimization of public health risks, and the exacerbation of uncertainties.” In contrast, Dahr Jamail’s reporting for Truthout pointed out that the cooling process— still ongoing after five years—has produced “hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of tons” of highly radioactive water, much of which has been released into the Pacific Ocean. Such nuclear disasters “never end,” Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, told Jamail. Project Censored also cited Linda Pentz Gunter, writing for The Ecologist about the Japanese government’s ongoing coverup. “In order to proclaim the Fukushima area ‘safe,’ the government increased exposure limits to 20 times the international norm,” Gunter wrote, in order to force refugees to return home, despite medical or scientific evidence to the contrary.

The Syrian war and its resulting refugee crisis have repeatedly gained headlines over the past five years, but the origins of the conflict, control of oil and gas—the politics of which have dominated the region since before World War II—are rarely considered. The hidden influence of oil—from climate change to campaign finance and corporate lobbying to foreign policy—has been a recurrent subject of Project Censored stories. Project Censored cites a single September 2015 story by Mnar Muhawesh for MintPress News, but that story cites others as well, notably an August 2013 story in The Guardian by Nafeez Ahmed. “The 2011 uprisings, it would seem―triggered by a confluence of domestic energy shortages and climate-induced droughts which led to massive food price hikes―came at an opportune moment that was quickly exploited,” Ahmed wrote, as part of a broader strategy to undermine governments in the region, as well as manipulate social movements and armed factions for the purpose of maintaining control of oil and gas. Muhawesh and Ahmed both point, in particular, to Assad’s choice between competing pipeline proposals. He refused to sign a proposed agreement for a pipeline from Qatar’s North field through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and on to Turkey in 2009, because it would have hurt his ally, Russia. “The proposed pipeline would have bypassed Russia to reach European markets currently dominated by Russian gas giant Gazprom,” Project Censored notes. Instead, Assad pursued negotiations—finalized in 2012— for a pipeline through Iraq from Iran’s South Pars field, which is contiguous with Qatar’s North field. Muhawesh cites U.S. cables revealed by WikiLeaks as evidence that “foreign meddling in Syria began several years before the Syrian revolt erupted.” Ahmed came to the same conclusions by drawing on multiple sources, including a RAND Corp. document, “Unfolding the Future of the Long War,” which discussed long-term policy options (trajectories) dealing with the complex interplay of energy interests and ethno-religiouspolitical manipulations. There’s a whole deeper level of driving forces not being reported on behind the Syrian war and refugee crisis.

Syrian and Russian allies, Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin.



DECEMBER 1, 2016

9 9.

Big Pharma political lobbying not limited to presidential campaigns The pharmaceutical industry (aka “Big Pharma”) already appeared in story No. 2, “Crisis in EvidenceBased Medicine,” due to the destructive influence of its financing on the practice of basic science in testing and developing new drugs. But that’s not the only destructive impact of their spending. Although they spent $51 million in campaign donations in the 2012 presidential election, and nearly $32 million in the 2014 midterms, Mike Ludwig of Truthout reported they spent $7 lobbying for every dollar spent on the midterms. “The $229 million spent by drug companies and

10 10.

their lobbying groups that year was down from a peak of $273 million in 2009, the year that Congress debated the Affordable Care Act,” Project Censored noted. Influenced legislation involved all the industry’s top concerns, “including policy on patents and trademarks, management of Medicare and Medicaid, and international trade.” The last item includes pressuring other countries to suppress the manufacture of lifesaving generic AIDs drugs in India, to cite just one example. “Pharmaceutical lobbyists also consistently lobby to prevent Medicare from negotiating drug prices,” Project Censored also noted. Coverage of their spending is scant, and virtually never tied directly to the issues that Big Pharma itself is lobbying on.

CISA: The Internet surveillance act no one is discussing

In July 2015, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attempted to attach the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA, as an amendment to the annual National Defense Authorization Act. However, the Senate blocked this by a vote of 56-40, in part because, unlike an earlier version, it essentially enabled intelligence and law enforcement officials to engage in surveillance without warrants. Yet, on Dec. 18, 2015, President Obama signed CISA into law as part of a 2,000-page omnibus spending bill, amid media silence—with notable exceptions at Wired and The Guardian. The act authorized the creation of a system for corporate informants to provide customers’ data to the Department of Homeland Security, which, in turn, would share this information with other federal agencies—the National Security Agency, FBI, Internal Revenue Service and others—without privacy-protecting safeguards. In one sense it followed a familiar—if distressing—pattern, as The Guardian reported. Civil liberties experts had been “dismayed” when Congress used the omnibus spending bill to advance some of the legislation’s “most invasive” components, making a mockery of the democratic process. But this one was different, since censored stories usually do not stifle powerful voices, as Project Censored observed: “[Andy] Greenberg’s Wired article noted that tech firms—including Apple, Twitter, and Reddit—as well as 55 civil liberties groups had opposed the bill, and that, in July 2015, DHS itself warned that the bill would ‘sweep away privacy protections’ while inundating the agency with data of ‘dubious’ value.” In April 2016, Jason R. Edgecombe reported for TechCrunch on the glaring inadequacies of interim guidelines to deal with privacy and civil liberties concerns, while the corporate media silence continued. And in May, Violet Blue wrote for Engadget about candidates’ positions on cyber issues. Only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul opposed CISA, but it never became the subject of any broader media discussion.

Rounding out the top 25 unreported stories 11. CIA warned Bush administration of



1950 E 20th Street Chico, CA 95928 | 530-892-2228

terrorist attack prior to 9/11

12. Why our lives depend on keeping

80 percent of fossil fuels in the ground

13. U.S. “vaccine court” has paid over

$3 billion to vaccine-injured families

14. FBI’s new plan to spy on high school students across the country 15. Understanding climate change and gender equality

16. Over three-quarters of freedom of

information requests not fully answered

17. Deadly medical neglect for immigrants in privatized U.S. jails

Make Christmas special for the Kids at the

Esplanade House!

18. Women’s movements offer global paradigm shift toward social justice

The Chico New s & Review invites you to choose a nam e and purchase gifts for an Esplanade House child.

Please have wrapped gifts returned to the CN&R office by WED., DEC. 21.

19. Global epidemic of electronic waste 20. The Walmarting of American education 21. Little Guantanamos: Secretive “communication management units” in the U.S.

22. Department of Education cooperates

with American Legislative Exchange Council to privatize education

23. Modern-day child slavery: Sex trafficking of underage girls in the U.S. 24. India’s solar plans blocked by U.S. interests, WTO 25. NYPD editing Wikipedia on police


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Be a Special Santa to benefit the children of the Esplanade House, a transitional shelter facility for homeless families.

Thank you from: —and—

DECEMBER 1, 2016



Arts &Culture Persistence for the win

Sylvia Massy poses with a vintage WEM Stereomaster mixer. PHOTO COURTESY OF SYLVIA MASSY

From Chico State grad to world-renowned recording engineer




ous recording studios and slowly began recording engineer, producer, visual art- picking up engineering and producing gigs, including co-producing demos ist and author, Massy’s accomplishments with Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett. have included recording artists like Tool “I decided if I was serious about and System of a Down, by being a record producer or an engineer co-producing with Rick Robin at all, I’d have to move to Los Angeles Rubin, building her own Bacior because that’s where everything was recording studios, travelhappening,” she said. ing around the world to Massy’s intro to the business in LA Preview: work with musicians, started with a job at Tower Records on SOTA Productions lecturing at the likes of presents a Boston’s Berklee College the Sunset Strip. conversation with “It was a great place to work of Music and London’s Sylvia Massy, tonight, because I met all the record label execs Dec. 1, 5-7 p.m., in School of Audio at the customer service counter, and my Rowland-Taylor Engineering Institute, Recital Hall. Free. and most recently writco-workers were all musicians and they were striving to break into the indusing the book Recording Rowland-Taylor try,” Massy said. Recital Hall Unhinged. It was during that time that Massy And Massy’s expanPerforming Arts Center, Chico State sive career began right met Tool drummer Danny Carey, which www.facebook.com/ here at Chico State, where led to her big break—recording Tool’s ChicoSOTAP well-received debut, Undertow, in 1993. she returns this evening Over the next several years, Massy (Dec. 1) to give a talk as mixed and produced records with artists a guest of the School of the Arts and SOTA ranging from Aerosmith and the Red Productions. It all started with making postHot Chili Peppers to Johnny Cash. ers for KCSC events, and eventually transiThough Massy’s career was thrivtioned into working as an on-air personality ing in LA, in 2001, she sold her house for the college radio station. in West Hollywood and bought a ranch “It was at KCSC that I really learned up in Siskiyou County. For roughly how to use recording equipment, and a decade, Massy operated RadioStar that’s where I got my first opportunity in Studios (later renamed the Loud a studio,” Massy said in recent telephone interview (from outside Dresden, Germany, Palace), a recording space she opened in an old theater in Weed. where she’s been recording for a month). In 2013, Massy shut down the “That really got me hooked into wanting to Loud Palace, and eventually moved to do that for a living.” After leaving Chico State, Massy head- Ashland, Ore., and opened a private studio located within the Church of Divine ed to San Francisco to pursue commercial Transformation. radio. That career choice didn’t pan out as Earlier this year, Massy co-authored planned, but she began volunteering at variylvia Massy does not hold back. As a



DECEMBER 1, 2016

Recording Unhinged, a collection of stories and tips on unconventional recording techniques (e.g., recording a kick drum through a garden hose). The book features interviews with wellknown producers and engineers, including Geoff Emerick (The Beatles) and Academy Award-winning composer Hans Zimmer (The Lion King). “If you really start reading these stories, you realize the sky’s the limit if you have a microphone and an amplifier and a way to record,” Massy said. “Just start creating your own recipes for these crazy sounds.” The book also includes several illustrations by Massy herself. “Way back in Chico when I was at KCSC, I started as an illustrator for their posters, and here with this book I was illustrating a lot of these diagrams to explain how these techniques are done,” Massy said. “I rediscovered my love for illustration and art.” Recently, Massy purchased an old auto garage in Ashland and is building a second studio, along with an art studio and gallery where she can continue to work on her illustrations and larger paintings. “There’s always that voice in the back of your head that says. ‘No, I can’t be that,’” Massy said. “I just want to invite everyone to suspend disbelief for themselves, because at one point, if you’re persistent enough, you break through. I’m so blessed to have been able to do all the things I’ve done so far, and I plan on doing so much more, but it has to be EHFDXVH RI WKLV SHUVLVWHQFH ³ Ɛ

Special Events A CONVERSATION WITH SYLVIA MASSY: Record producer and engineer known for her unconventional approach to recording will discuss her career and ideas about creativity. Th, 12/1, 5-7pm. Free. Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall, Chico State.

Music DR. FRESCH: DJ and producer who has parlayed a massive online following into appearances on the festival circuit. Th, 12/1, 8:30pm. $20. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497; www.jmaxproductions.net.

THE DUSTBOWL REVIVAL: Eight-piece, Los Angeles-based American roots orchestra, recently voted Best Live Band in LA by the LA Weekly, returns to the Big Room. Th, 12/1, 7:30pm. $17.50. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.; (530) 892-4647; www.sierranevada.com.

Art Receptions STICKS AND STONES: Reception for new show of contemporary jewelry made from twigs, branches and sticks in silver and gold with stones of all kinds in a rainbow of gem colors. Th, 12/1, 5-8pm. AicoraGems Jewelry Box, 1334 Mangrove Ave.; (530) 8091034.

SACTOWN COMEDY TOUR Saturday, Dec. 3 The Tackle Box





Friday, Dec. 2-Sunday, Dec. 4 Harlen Adams Theatre SEE FRIDAY-SUNDAY, MUSIC

Art Receptions HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Reception for new exhibit of art glass by Mike Shaw and wood turned by Frank Wm. Link. Plus, fall and winter paintings. F, 12/2, 2-7pm. Sally Dimas Art Gallery, 493 East Ave.; (530) 345-3063.

STORIES FIVE: Reception for the fifth annual 1078 small-group exhibition featuring artists with links to Chico. F, 12/2, 6-8pm. Free. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway St.; (530) 343-1973; www.1078gallery.org.

Theater A CHRISTMAS CAROL: Family-friendly take on the classic tale of redemption, adapted by Roger Montalbano for the stage from the 1953 movie. Directed by Amber Miller. Th-Sa, 7:30pm through. $14.99. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St., (530) 895-3749, www.blueroom theatre.com.

A VERY CHICO NUTCRACKER: Inspired by notable Chicoan Dr. Oscar Stansbury and his daughter Angeline, this soaring story captures the awe and expectation of the night before Christmas when a mysterious gift sparks a wondrous adventure, with a story that is restaged to reflect Chico and its history. Th-Sa, 7:30pm; Sa & Su, 2pm. $10-$29. Laxson Auditorium, Chico State, (530) 898-6333, www.chicoperformances.com.

the holiday season. Faculty and students perform holiday favorites. Proceeds benefit student scholarships in the Department of Music and Theatre. F, 12/2, 7:30pm; Sa, 12/3, 7:30pm; Su, 12/4, 2pm. $20. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 898-5152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

Theater A CHRISTMAS CAROL: See Thursday. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St., (530) 895-3749, www.blueroomtheatre.com.

lighted trucks through Paradise, starting at Ace Hardware and following Pearson up Skyway to the Holiday Shopping Center and back. Sa, 12/3, 6pm. Free. Downtown Paradise, (530) 872-8722.

FRONTIER CHRISTMAS: Old fashioned holiday fun including pioneer crafts, live music, the Bidwell Bar Players performing The Night Before Christmas, pictures with Santa and more. Sa, 12/3, 12-4pm. Free. Lake Oroville Visitor Center, 917 Kelly Ridge Road in Oroville; (530) 538-2219.

Special Events CHICO COMMUNITY TREE LIGHTING: Annual tree-lighting ceremony with musical program and the chance to meet Santa before counting down to the lights being switched on for the holiday season. F, 12/2, 6pm. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico.

HUMANE HEROES: An opportunity for children ages 6-12 to help find forever homes for homeless pets while having fun, learning about animals and developing empathy, respect and compassion. Sa, 1-2:30pm. Free. Butte Humane Society Education Center, 2156 Pillsbury Road Ste. 160; (530) 343-7917; www.buttehumane.org.

THE CHRISTMAS FAIRE: Annual event featuring crafts, fine art, continuous entertainment by local musicians and more. F, 12/2, 12-

WILD CRAFTED INFUSIONS: Tasting event featuring Wild’s Apothecary’s collection of Wildcrafted Bitters. Sample infused craft cocktails, featuring natural aphrodisiacs and oil blends charged with crystals. F, 12/2, 58pm. Three Sixty Ecotique, 511 Main St. next-door to Senator Theater; (530) 342-8752.

Music GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON: A Chico holiday tradition featuring music and drama for

CHICO COMICS JAM: Writers, artists, storytellers



Chico Community Ballet’s production of A Very Chico Nutcracker inspired by Stansbury Home namesake Oscar Stansbury and his daughter Angeline, this event features entertainment, spiced cider, homemade cookies, holiday raffle, Santa and informal tours of the home’s Victorian decorations. F, 12/2, 6-9pm; Sa, 12/3, 12-9pm; Su, 12/4, 1-4pm. $2-$6 donation. Stansbury Home, 307 W. Fifth St., (530) 8953848.

Special Events

Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St., (530) 895-4666.


VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS: A complement to the



THE CHRISTMAS FAIRE: See Friday. Silver Dollar

ing of Carlo Goldoni’s Italian classic Servant of Two Masters written by Richard Bean and directed by Jerry Miller. Th-Sa, 7:30pm, Su, 2pm. $16-$25. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Road in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.

2357 Fair St., (530) 895-4666.

show featuring one-of-a-kind, handcrafted goods made by local artists. F, 12/2, 5-7pm. Free. Chico Art Center, 450 Orange St.; (530) 895-8726; www.chicoartcenter.com.

and comics enthusiasts getting together to showcase, collaborate and learn to create comics. Sa, 12/3, 1-4pm. ABC Books and More, 950 Mangrove Ave.

ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS: A comedic reimagin-

7pm; Sa, 12/3, 10am-6pm; Su, 12/4, 10am-5pm. Free. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds,

WINTER GIFT SHOW: Reception for this annual

LOCAL AUTHOR’S FAIRE: Engage with area


A VERY CHICO NUTCRACKER: See Thursday Laxson Auditorium, Chico State, (530) 8986333, www.chicoperformances.com.

EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (AND THEN SOME): Irreverent production in which three actors decide to perform every Christmas story ever told, plus Christmas traditions from around the world, seasonal icons from ancient times to today, and every carol ever sung. F-Sa, 7:30pm; Su, 2pm $14-$18. Chico Theater Company, 166-F Eaton Road, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Road in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.

authors, publishers, and printers and purchase holiday gifts for your bookish loved ones while indulging in literary ephemera. Sa, 12/3, 6-9pm. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway St.; (530) 343-1973; www.1078gallery.org.

SACTOWN COMEDY TOUR: A night of hilarious stand-up hosted buy Joey C. with headliner Cheryl The Soccer Mom and sets by TaVi, Mark Snipes, Ed Mena, Tom Bomb and Zach Edlow. Sa, 12/3, 8pm. $5 advance/$7 at the door. The Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 379 E. Park Ave., (530) 345-7499, www.tackleboxchico.com.

TRI-L HARVEST FESTIVAL: Sixth annual harvest

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www.newsreview.com/calendar, or email the CN&R calendar assistant at cnrcalendar@newsreview.com. Deadline for print listings is Wednesday, 5 p.m., one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.

festival featuring holiday gifts from local craft and gift artisans, samples of the mandarin harvest and more. Sa, 12/3, 10am-4pm. Free. Tri-L Mandarin Ranch, Naranja Ave. in Oroville; (530) 534-4316; www.mandarins4you.com.

VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS: See Friday. Stansbury Home, 307 W. Fifth St., (530) 895-3848.


present a holiday-themed burlesque show. Sa, 12/3, 10pm. $7. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave.; (530) 343-4915.

Music THE BROTHERS OSBORNE: Nashville country duo with a classic rock influence. British singersongwriter Lucie Silvas opens the show. Sa, 12/3, 8:30pm. $20. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St.; (530) 898-1497; www.jmaxproductions.net.

GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON: See Friday. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 8985152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

HERALD THE CHRISTMAS SEASON: Oroville Community Concert Band and Community Chorus’ annual Christmas concert featuring a program full of Christmas favorites. Sa, 12/3, 7:30pm. $10 (band students free with adult ticket purchase). Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St. in Oroville; (530) 872-9159; www.OCCBand.org.

ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS: Paradise Community Chorus and Paradise High School Chorus present their Christmas music program with special guest Santa Claus, available for DIY photos one hour prior to performances. Sa, 12/3, 7pm; Su, 12/4, 3pm. $10/free for children 12 and under with paid adult. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road in Paradise, (530) 877-1131, www.paradise chorus.org.

A VERY CHICO NUTCRACKER: See Thursday Laxson Auditorium, Chico State, (530) 8986333, www.chicoperformances.com.

EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD (AND THEN SOME): See Friday. Chico Theater Company, 166-F Eaton Road, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Road in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events THE CHRISTMAS FAIRE: See Friday. Silver Dollar Fairgrounds, 2357 Fair St., (530) 895-4666.

ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS: See Saturday. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road in Paradise, (530) 877-1131, www.paradise chorus.org.

VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS: A VERY CHICO NUTCRACKER: See Friday. Stansbury Home, 307 W. Fifth St., (530) 895-3848.

Music GLORIOUS SOUNDS OF THE SEASON: See Friday. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 8985152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

WHAT’S THAT SOUND? ROCKIN’ ACAPELLLA: The Doin’ It Justice Chorus presents an evening of song and peace from back in the day, a special fundraising event for Safe Space Winter Shelter. Su, 12/4, 7pm. $10-$20 suggested donation. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St.; (530) 894-1978.

Theater A CHRISTMAS CAROL: See Thursday. $14.99. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St., (530) 895-3749, www.blueroomtheatre.com.


O N PAG E 3 0


ROMANCING THE STONE The latest film to come out of Chico State’s Advanced Laboratory for Visual Anthropology (which produced the Regional Emmy-winning 2015 film Impact of the Frolic ), Illusions in Stone , tells the story of the global emerald trade, following the precious stones from Brazil to India, Africa and beyond, finding stories tied together by the pursuit of what the Colombians call “the green dream.” The film is being shown Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m., in Ayres Hall, Room 106, as part of the University Film Series. Director and Chico State anthropology professor Brian Brazeal (pictured) will be on hand to introduce the film. DECEMBER 1, 2016



THIS WEEK continued from page 29

Theater A VERY CHICO NUTCRACKER: See Thursday Laxson Auditorium, Chico State, (530) 898-6333, www.chicoperformances.com.


Stuff your stockings with the gift of live performance We’ve got something for everyone!

Friday. Chico Theater Company, 166-F Eaton Road, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

ONE MAN, TWO GUVNORS: See Thursday. Theatre on the Ridge Playhouse, 3735 Neal Road in Paradise, (530) 877-5760, www.totr.org.



Special Events



Special Events COMEDY NIGHT: Stand-up comedy from veteran Los Angeles comedians Rick Izquieta and Luz Pazos. W, 12/7, 8pm. No cover. Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville; (530) 534-9892; www.goldcountrycasino.com.

Music TOMMY EMMANUEL: Renowned blues guitarist returns to the Big Room on his current Classics & Christmas Tour, playing one solo set of classic acoustic material, and one set of Christmas favorites accompanied by Pat Bergeson, Annie Sellick and John Knowles. W, 12/7, 7:30pm; Th, 12/8, 7:30pm. $37.50. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St.; (530) 892-4647; www.sierranevada.com.

ILLUSIONS IN STONE: 2016 film directed and introduced by


Chico State anthropology professor Brian Brazeal about the global emerald trade. Tu, 12/6, 7:30-9:30pm. $3 suggested donation. Ayres 106, Chico State; (530) 898-6341; www.csuchico.edu/humanitiescenter/events/film-series.




Shows through Dec. 29 1078 Gallery SEE ART

Art 1078 GALLERY: Stories Five, fifth annual 1078 small-group exhibition featuring artists with links to Chico. This year’s exhibit includes art by Martin Azevedo, Patrick Collentine & Susan Larsen, Michelle Davis, Eileen Macdonald and Edie Overturf. 12/1-12/29. 820 Broadway St., (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.

AICORAGEMS JEWELRY BOX: Sticks and Stones, a contemporary jewelry show featuring hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind pieces made from twigs, branches and sticks in silver and gold with stones of all kinds in a rainbow of gem colors. 12/1-12/11. 1334 Mangrove Ave., (530) 809-1034.

B-SO SPACE: Striving Hopeless Haunts, BFA Culminating exhibition for Jenna Leonetti featuring a series of acrylic paintings pertaining to a theme of figurative neo-expressionistic narratives. Through 12/9. Ayres 107, Chico State, (530) 898-5331.


Carolina sculptor Nicole Uzzell. Through 12/8. 3536 Butte Campus Drive in Oroville, (530) 895-2208.

CHICO ART CENTER: Winter Gift Show, annual holiday show with one-of-a-kind, handcrafted goods from local artists, including pottery, jewelry, paintings, prints, cards, accessories and more. 12/2-12/28. Free. 450 Orange St., (530) 895-8726, www.chicoartcenter.com.

FOR GIFT CERTIFICATES, TICKETS, AND MORE INFO: www.ChicoPerformances.com | (530) 898-6333 30


DECEMBER 1, 2016

PAG E 3 2




JAMES SNIDLE FINE ARTS: Paintings by Martha Witte, colorful landscape and still life paintings from the late, German-born artist, including many recognizably from the time she was living in California. Through 12/31. 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930.

JANET TURNER PRINT MUSEUM: Wide Open Spaces, featuring large-scale Janet Turner prints with photos of the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve by advanced photographystudents showing the spaces featured in the prints as they exist today. Through 12/10. Chico State, (530) 898-4476, www.theturner.org.

Museums CHICO AIR MUSEUM: Ongoing display highlighting local aviation history. Ongoing. 165 Ryan Ave., (530) 3456468.


Night, a close look at birds in hand with incredible detail. Ongoing. $2-$4. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

CHICO MUSEUM: Chico Through Time, a permanent exhibit, featuring a variety of displays depicting Chico’s history—from John Bidwell and the Mechoopda Indians to Robin Hood and remains of an old Chinese temple. Ongoing. 141 Salem St., (530) 8914336, www.chicomuseum.org.

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Chico’s science museum features rotating special exhibits, plus a range of permanent displays on local farming, water, famous regional oak trees and a couple of ice-age skeletons. Check site for current special exhibition. Ongoing. 625 Esplanade, www.csuchico.edu/gateway.

PARADISE DEPOT MUSEUM: A railroad and logging

museum in Paradise. Ongoing, 7-9pm. 5570 Black Olive Drive in Paradise, (530) 877-1919.



$20 FREE


Chris Cain (right) tears it up at the Big Room with keyboardist Greg Rahn and bassist Steve Evans.



Blues homecoming Chris Cain returns to scorch the Big Room stage by a packed house at the Sierra TNevada Big Room last Monday

he Chris Cain Band was greeted

(Nov. 21) that happily reveled in the affable guitarist/ band leader’s presby ence. He opened Miles the performance by Jordan announcing that, “We’re gonna play some blues!” and for Review: the next 90 minutes Chris Cain Band, that’s exactly what Monday, Nov. 21, they did. The San Sierra Nevada Jose musician had Big Room. only recently returned from a 20-day trip to Australia and New Zealand, where, backed by a local combo, he played a dozen dates to great acclaim. Once Stateside, he resumed his usual Tuesday night gig at San Francisco’s Biscuits and Blues club, which finds him joined by a choice collection of blues people. Cain and his band—Greg Rahn, keyboards; Steve Evans, bass; and Mick Mestek, drums—opened with “Whole Lotta Lovin’,” an uptempo number celebrating that fact. Rocking back and forth and shaking his head up and down, he dug notes from his Gibson ES-355 guitar—the same model played by B.B. King, his first influence. That his playing owes as much to B.B. King as Albert King became apparent as the night progressed. Cain’s

an inventive songwriter, too, and “Steppin’ on a High Wire” (“Fallin’ in love without a net”), his take on the love-gone-wrong theme, was a good example of his wordcraft. Rahn’s jazzy keyboard solo (wow!) delighted Cain, too, and further enhanced the mood of loss, while the song’s relaxed tempo encouraged the floor full of dancers to bob in place, which continued right up to the last note of the night. Cain was such a regular musical guest at the brewery’s pub back in the 1990s, he was practically the house band. I don’t remember seeing many in last Monday’s audience who were digging him back then, but I did run into Steve Rubenstein, the local harp-playing leader of Rube and the Rhythm Rockers and a regular at gigs like this, who, when asked what kept him coming back to Cain’s shows, replied: “He’s a great entertainer whose guitar work is incredible and he always gives his guys room to stretch out.” This was borne out by a number I’d never heard from Cain before. It began with a Latin rhythm, then morphed into a New Orleans classic—Professor Longhair’s “Go to the Mardi Gras”—with Rahn really working out on the piano and Meztek providing a satisfying N.O. backbeat. The dancers really got to shake their booties on this one!

After referring to B.B. King (“I wouldn’t be here if not for him”), Cain moved stage left and directed his attention to his lady friend in the audience while playing a lengthy “Sweet Sixteen,” King’s chart-busting love song. Cain’s a master of dynamics, which he showed several times –as he did here in another powerful performance—by taking the volume way, way down and then slowly building it back up. We were all transfixed. He soon shook us all into action with a rousing version of “Barefootin’” that, again, engendered major activity on the dance floor. Cain understands just how vital it is to energize an audience, getting its feedback by dancing to his music, and the Monday night crowd definitely obliged. In addition to his prowess on guitar, Cain’s smooth, warm vocals are a perfect fit for his material, most of it original, such as “Drinking Straight Tequila”— another high-energy number— which closed the show. However, the band was prevailed upon for an encore and he dedicated “I’m Leaving You” to Albert King in another magnificent demonstration of his sense of dynamics. Notice: Good news for Big Room regulars—tickets to the brewery’s shows can now be purchased at the gift shop. □

980 MANGROVE AVE | CHICO, CA (530) 809-2634 | UNWINED980.COM

a season for

giving CN&R is taking donations of toiletries for local charitable organizations throughout the community. Help us help those less fortunate this holiday by dropping off any of these items: Deodorant Toothpaste Toothbrush

Floss Mouthwash Shampoo Conditioner

Soap Body wash Lotion Shaving cream

Disposable Razors Nail clippers Chapstick

Donations accepted Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 353 E. Second St. DECEMBER 1, 2016






Icarus the Owl


BANDMASTER RUCKUS: A night of local

ICARUS THE OWL, SMOKE SIGNALS Wednesday, Dec. 7 The Tackle Box


CHICO JAZZ COLLECTIVE: Thursday night jazz featuring local musicians. Th, 811pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

DR. FRESCH: DJ and producer who has parlayed a massive online following into appearances on the festival circuit. Th, 12/1, 8:30pm. $20. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St., (530) 898-1497, www.jmaxproductions.net.

JOHN SEID AND FRIENDS: John Seid and Larry Peterson play an eclectic set of dinner music on the patio, weather permitting. Th, 12/1, 6-9pm. No cover. Grana, 198 E. Second St., (530) 8092304.


DECEMBER 1, 2016

BASSMINT: A weekly bass music party with a rotating cast of local and regional producers and DJs. Check with venue for details. F, 9:30pm. Peking Chinese Restaurant, 243 W. Second St., (530) 895-3888.

OINDI, TIBIRE: A night dedicated to talented female musicians presented by Underhouse Music and featuring Oindi, Tibire, Hailey, Rosebud and Sophie Dolce. Th, 12/1, 7:30pm. $5. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway St., (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.

OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians welcome. Th, 7pm. Has Beans Cafe, 501 Main St., (530) 894-3033, www.has beans.com.

THE DUSTBOWL REVIVAL: Eight-piece, Los Angeles-based American roots orchestra, recently voted Best Live Band in LA by LA Weekly returns to the Big Room. Th, 12/1, 7:30pm. $17.50. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierranevada.com.



rock anchored by blues rockers Bandmaster Ruckus and featuring the debut of Brother. Spicy psych funk band Mad Tantra gets things started. F, 12/2, 9pm. $7. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

THE GUESS WHO: Canadian superstars that broke into the American charts with classic rock hits like “American Woman” and “These Eyes.” F, 12/2, 8pm. $10. Gold Country Casino Showroom, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 538-2542.

IRISH MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with traditional Irish music by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St., (530) 343-7718.

JESSIE LEIGH: Oregon-based country singer mixing rock ’n’ roll attitude with country style. F, 12/2, 8:30pm, Sa, 12/3, 8:30pm. No cover. Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 5349892, www.goldcountrycasino.com.

JOHN SEID AND FRIENDS: John Seid, Larry Peterson and Bob Littell play an

eclectic range of live music in the lounge. F, 12/2, 6-9pm. No cover. Two-Twenty Restaurant/Lounge, 220 W. Fourth St., (530) 895-1515, www.twotwentyrestaurant.com.

OPEN MIC: All-ages open mic hosted by Jodi Foster, Julie Bos and Chris Henderson. F, 7pm. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

Blues guitar player and songwriter Tommy Emmanuel has something special in store for his two upcoming shows at the Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room on Wednesday, Dec. 7, and Thursday, Dec. 8. Emmanuel will be playing a solo acoustic set of his own material followed by a set of Christmas music accompanied by a group of performers who are headliners in their own right: Pat Bergeson, Annie Sellick and John Knowles.

SOUL PERSUADERS: West Coast soul, funk

and R&B band. F, 12/2, 8:30pm, Sa, 12/3, 8:30pm. No cover. Feather Falls Casino –Bow & Arrow Lounge, 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com.

THE CASH TRIBUTE SHOW: A trip down memory lane honoring the late singer’s immense body of work and the sound of his longtime backing band, the Tennessee Three. F, 12/2, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co., 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com/brewing-co.


ACOUSTIC MUSIC JAM: A jam hosted by Butte Folk Music Society and led by local musician Steve Johnson. First Sa of every month, 4-6pm. Free. Upper Crust Bakery & Eatery, 130 Main St., (530) 345-4128.

BLACK FORK: Late-’90s East Bay punk band featuring some familiar Chico


faces returns from the grave for a one-night reunion show with Redding’s Dying for It and locals Mr. Bang. Sa, 12/3, 8pm. $7. Monstros Pizza & Subs, 628 W. Sacramento Ave., (530) 3457672.

CALEX: Chico-by-way-of-Inglewood rapper Calex performs cuts off his recently released debut album, Before I Go, joined by an assortment of local and Southern California artists including Yandi, WRLD9 and KTA. Sa, 12/3, 10pm. $5. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway St., (530) 343-1973, www.1078 gallery.org.


Classic jazz favorites. Sa, 6:30-9:30pm through 9/24. Smokie Mountain Steakhouse and Lounge, 7039 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-3323.

JESSIE LEIGH: See Friday. Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 534-9892, www.goldcountry casino.com.

JOHN SEID AND FRIENDS: John Seid and Larry Peterson play breakfast-appropriate tunes including the Beatles, blues and standards. Sa, 12/3, 9-11am.





LYRICS BORN Saturday, Dec. 3 Lost on Main

7pm. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway St., (530) 343-1973, www.1078gallery.org.


MIDWEEK EARLY-EVENING OPEN MIC: Sign up starting at 5pm. Music, poetry and spoken word welcome. Tu, 6-8pm through 12/20. Free. Gogi’s Café, 230 Salem St. Next to transit center, (530) 891-3570, www.gogiscafe.com.


Beatniks Coffee House & Breakfast Joint, 1387 E. Eighth St., (530) 894-2800, www.chicobeatniks.com.

JOURNEY UNAUTHORIZED: A tribute to the musical evolution of Journey, Sa, 12/3, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co., 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com/brewing-co.

LYRICS BORN: Bay Area rap legend Lyrics Born is joined by up-and-coming Chicago rapper and choreographer DLow. Sa, 12/3, 9pm. Lost on Main, 319 Main St., (530) 891-1853.

SACTOWN COMEDY TOUR: A night of hilarious stand-up hosted buy Joey C. with headliner Cheryl The Soccer Mom and sets by TaVi, Mark Snipes, Ed Mena, Tom Bomb and Zach Edlow. Sa, 12/3, 8pm. $5 advance/$7 at the door. The Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 379 E. Park Ave., (530) 345-7499, www.tacklebox chico.com.

SHIGEMI/ZACH/ETHAN TRIO: A night of Latin jazz, originals and more with Zach Cowan on drums, Ethan Swett on bass and Shigemi Minetaka on keyboard and flute. Sa, 12/3, 8-11pm. No cover. Ramada Plaza Hotel, 685 Manzanita Ct., (530) 345-2491.

SOUL PERSUADERS: See Friday. Feather Falls Casino - Bow & Arrow Lounge, 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 5333885, www.featherfallscasino.com.

THE BROTHERS OSBORNE: Nashville country duo with a classic rock influence. British singer-songwriter Lucie Silvas opens the show. Sa, 12/3, 8:30pm. $20. Senator Theatre, 517 Main St., (530) 898-1497, www.jmaxproductions.net.

annual benefit for Toys for Tots, featuring local heavy hitters Every Hand Betrayed, Death Rattle and Blackout Betty. Bring a toy donation for admission. Sa, 12/3, 6-10pm. Free with donation. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 693-0864.

veteran Los Angeles comedians Rick Izquieta and Luz Pazos. W, 12/7, 8pm. No cover. Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 534-9892, www.goldcountrycasino.com.


music and Latin jazz from The Ganeshas. Su, 12/4, 5-8pm. No cover. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 8922473.

ICARUS THE OWL, SMOKE SIGNALS: Portland’s Icarus the Owl returns to town to meet up with Arkansas hard rock band Smoke Signals, Las Vegas prog metal outfit We Gave It Hell and local metalcore bad boys Gigantes for a stellar weeknight rock show. W, 12/7, 6-10pm. Free. The Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 379 E. Park Ave., (530) 693-0864, http://tackleboxchico.com.

ROAD RAGE TO REVIVAL TOUR: Tourmates Dead Horse Trauma and The Alpha Complex bring the heaviness to Chico with locals Myth. Su, 12/4, 7pm. $3. The Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 379 E. Park Ave., (530) 693-0864, www.tacklebox chico.com.


LE WOLVES: Fresno garage punks join

LIVE JAZZ: Eat pizza and enjoy live jazz

by Carey Robinson and friends. W. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, (530) 343-2056, www.farmstarpizza.com.

OPEN MIC MUSIC NIGHTS: Local musicians Jeff Coleman and Jimmy Reno host this open mic night. Bring your instrument of choice. W, 6-10pm.

forces with locals Citysick, Sunny Acres and Creekside to make some good, old-fashioned racket. Tu, 12/6,

mobile booking


Local rockers No Wave, Bogart the Monster and Neon Junkie take the stage to raise money for Planned Parenthood. W, 12/7, 9pm. $7. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

TOMMY EMMANUEL: Renowned blues guitarist returns to the Big Room on


Long before they were upstanding members of the Chico music community, husbandand-wife musical team Josh and Robin Indar were an instrumental part of the now-legendary mid-’90s Bay Area punk rock scene with their band Black Fork, recording an album with Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong and regularly headlining Berkeley’s hallowed 924 Gilman St. They’re getting the band back together for a couple of reunion shows, including one in Chico Saturday, Dec. 3, at Monstros Pizza.

B i z a r re B a z a a r Chico’s Alternative Craft f 11TH ANNUAL

319 Main St. • Downtown Chico Dec 3 Lyrics Born with Family Business Music



his current Classics & Christmas Tour, playing one solo set of classic acoustic material, and one set of Christmas favorites accompanied by Pat Bergeson, Annie Sellick and John Knowles. W, 12/7, 7:30pm, Th, 12/8, 7:30pm. $37.50. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierranevada.com.

COMEDY NIGHT: Stand-up comedy from

HAVANA NIGHT: A night of Afro-Cuban

XMAS UNWRAPPED BURLESQUE: The Malteazers present a holiday-themed burlesque show. Sa, 12/3, 10pm. $7. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.


Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.


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DECEMBER 1, 2016



REEL WORLD FILM SHORTS Reviewers: Bob Grimm, Jim Lane and Juan-Carlos Selznick.

eventually spirals toward an exploration of “inner,” rather than outer, space. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Opening this week

Bad Santa 2


A scientist/exorcist faces his biggest challenge when confronted with the powerful demon possessing an 11-year-old boy. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.


Mahershala Ali stars in the story of a young man struggling to find his place in the world. The film doubles as personal journey of selfdiscovery and a snapshot of what life is like for a black man living in America today. Pageant Theatre. Rated R.

One More Time With Feeling

Not ready for her closeup Thin characters doom Hollywood period piece

Fitself, credits crawled by at the end of the movie I wanted to like Rules Don’t Apply. It’s rom the first time I saw the trailer until the

beautifully photographed by Caleb Deschanel, gorgeously designed by Jeannine Oppewall with an eye for the by period (1958-64) and conscienJim Lane tiously acted by a large and glitj i ml@ tering cast. But it’s an ungodly newsrev iew.c om mess. It’s one of the most beautifully photographed, gorgeously designed and conscientiously acted ungodly messes to flash across movie screens in years. And even as I write this, I still Rules want to like it. Warren Beatty has been Don’t Apply Starring Warren absent from the screen for 15 beatty, Lily years, and he’s wanted to make collins and Alden a movie about Howard Hughes ehrenreich. Directed by Warren beatty. since at least 1979. Now that cinemark 14, he’s done it, the result offers Feather river proof of the dangers of letting a cinemas and project simmer too long on the Paradise cinema 7. rated PG-13. back burner. Beatty, who also wrote (with Bo Goldman) and directed the picture, plays Hughes with such relish and charm that it’s easy to overlook the fact that during filming he was seven years older than Hughes was when he died, and more than 20 years older than Hughes when the movie takes place. Beatty’s Hughes is boyishly enthusiastic in a way that makes it possible to understand why people would continue to work for him even as his pec-




December 1, 2016

cadillos became more exasperating and his obsessions increasingly bizarre. In these scenes, we get a glimpse of the movie we might have had if Beatty could have made it 20 years ago. But this is 2016, and Hughes becomes a supporting role, with his life’s events moved forward from the 1940s and backward from the 1970s to fit them into the time frame of the story. The movie opens in 1958, when (we are told) Hughes is running RKO Pictures. In fact, by then he had already run it into the ground and sold out, but in the movie he’s still bringing starlets to the studio. One of them is Marla Mabrey (Lily Collins), a Baptist virgin from the South, whom the unseen Hughes ensconces with her watchful mother (Annette Bening) in a mansion on a hill overlooking the Hollywood Bowl. Here, Marla chastely bonds with her driver, Frank Forbes (Alden Ehrenreich), a less virginal but equally devout Presbyterian from Fresno who hopes to interest Hughes (whom he, like Marla, has yet to meet) in a real estate deal. Collins and Ehrenreich are appealing, but their characters are barely sketched in Beatty and Goldman’s script, which betrays present-day Hollywood’s typical sneering incomprehension of people of faith. Barely sketched characters are common in this movie; Beatty assembles Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Candice Bergen, Matthew Broderick, Paul Sorvino, Ed Harris, Oliver Platt and Steve Coogan, among others, then gives them almost nothing to do. But I’ll bet the lunches and coffee breaks were a lot of fun. Ω

Andrew Dominik documents the writing and recording process for Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds’ most recent album, Skeleton Tree, created in the aftermath of the death of Cave’s teenage son in 2015. One showing: Sunday, Dec. 4, 7 p.m. Pageant Theatre. Not rated.

Now playing The Accountant

Ben Affleck stars as a math whiz who cooks the books for criminal organizations, and when a treasury agent (J.K. Simmons) starts sniffing around, people start to die. Cinemark 14. Rated R.


The latest from director Robert Zemeckis (Forrest Gump, Contact) is a romantic thriller set during WWII that follows the story of the relationship of a Canadian intelligence officer (Brad Pitt) and French resistance fighter (Marion Cotillard) and a question of allegiances that puts their love and lives in danger. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.



I’ll begin at the end, in a sense, and say that Denis Villeneuve’s smartly beguiling film brews special magic out of a combination, both low-key and inspired, of deft performances, deceptively casual atmospherics, a cool and expansive musical score (by Jóhann Jóhannsson), and an astutely modulated approach to the dynamics of genre (sci-fi, in this case). And, I’ll give you this version of a barebones synopsis: In Arrival, the government calls a linguist (Amy Adams) into service as an interpreter, in hopes that she can decipher the messages emerging from the outer-space creatures that have just landed their massive spacecraft in Montana and nearly a dozen other locations around the world. Louise Banks (Adams) and a physicist named Ian Donnelly (Jeremy Renner) plunge into their task with far more zeal and passion than their military minders have bargained for. The imponderables and uncertainties are part of what works best. Louise’s linguistics and Ian’s physics are more a part of the film’s aura of otherworldly dimensions than of its central structures. And the film’s venture into those other dimensions

1 Poor

Billy Bob Thornton is back in this sequel as the whiskey-soaked title character, teaming up once again with his elf in crime (Tony Cox) to attempt another holiday heist. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.

Bleed for This

A biopic based on the life of former pro boxing champ Vinny Pazienza, who returned to the ring after a life-threatening car accident. Cinemark 14. Rated R.

Doctor Strange

Benedict Cumberbatch stars as a neurosurgeon who, after losing use of his hands in an accident, becomes the latest superhero in the Avengers sphere, gaining superpowers of the mystical kind. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

The Edge of Seventeen

A coming-of-age dramedy starring Hailee Steinfeld as a very awkward 16-year-old trying to navigate high school with reluctant guidance from a cranky teacher/mentor (Woody Harrelson). Cinemark 14. Rated R.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

J.K. Rowling wrote the screenplay for this epic fantasy, a spin-off from her Harry Potter series, about the adventures of a young British wizard named Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) who has inadvertently let loose fantastical creatures in prohibition-era New York City. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Hacksaw Ridge

Mel Gibson directs this WWII biopic based on the real-life events surrounding Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who refused to carry a weapon while serving as an Army medic yet nonetheless received the Medal of Honor for his life-saving feats of bravery. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.


A Disney animated feature about Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho), a strong-willed teen daughter of a Polynesian chief who embarks on an ocean quest—teaming up with the demigod Maui (Dwayne Johnson) along the way—in order to save her people. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.


Rules Don’t Apply

See review this issue. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —J.L.


The latest Dreamworks animated feature is based on the popular wild-haired dolls of the title. Starring the voices of Anna Kendrick, Justin Timberlake, Zooey Deschanel and Russell Brand. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.







Very Good



Holiday beers 2016


Celebrator’s top-rated seasonal beers

It Is A Complete sentenCe

(Nevada City) has once again circled around FtheNews table to rate the year’s holiday beers (40 this year) on or 2016, the blind-tasting panel at Celebrator Beer

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a scale from 0 stars (“bad; pour it out immediately”) to 5 (“exceptionally great”), and the CN&R is sharing some top-rated selections (with a focus on the ones most likely to be available in Chico). For the full list, visit www.celebrator.com. Holiday beers are by design no one style but are an opportunity for individual breweries to let their talent and imagination run wild. At the holidays, when people stop their busy lives and share some precious time with family and friends, the beer they choose should be equally as special as the time they’re sharing.

Five stars: Accumulation White IPA—New Belgium Brewing, Fort Collins, Colo. Wonderfully rich nose of citrus, lemon hops, pine and sweet malt. Bright straw-gold color. Full, rich, malty sweetness with caramel notes and hints of pine, spruce and evergreen. Great mix of flavors. Lemon, citrus and juicy fruit hop character, with good balance and a tart finish. Barrel Aged Campfire Stout—High Water Brewing, San Jose Rich mocha nose with complex aromas of licorice, coffee, soy sauce, umami, coconut, star anise and chocolate. Opaque black color. Huge malt up front, with rich, yeasty flavors and warming, spirited sweetness. Complex notes of prunes, dried fruit, chocolate, vanilla, apricots and plums balanced by a spicy hop character. Brown Shugga’—Lagunitas Brewing, Petaluma Big hop nose of juicy fruit, orange marmalade, vanilla, gummy bears and spices, along with sweet malt aromas. Bright golden-amber color. Complex flavors, with big, rich malt, bright spice character, herbal hops, notes of vanilla, and intense fruit of mango, orange and pineapple. The finish is long, tart and sweet. Christmas Ale—Brouwerij St. Bernardus, Belgium Rich malt nose with aromas of exotic yeast, spicy hops, dates and plums. Mahogany color. Creamy mouthfeel, with sweet and tart flavors. Well-balanced, with warming heat. Hints of vanilla, toffee and apple cider. It begins sweet and fruity but turns spicy and bitter, with a long, lingering finish. Christmas Ale—Anchor Brewing, San Francisco Complex nose of caramel, vanilla, orange spice, herbal hops and horehound candies. Dark brown color. Big, spicy mélange of Christmas flavors, with caramel malt, sandalwood, cedar and vanilla cream soda, with a long, clean, refreshing finish that’s bittersweet. Spiced Imperial Dark Ale—New Belgium Brewing Complex spicy nose of ripe peach, tea, sweet candy and citrus. Clear mahogany color. Big, rich malt

PHoto by bernt rostaD (via Flickr)

flavors are balanced by notes of berry fruit, vanilla, sweet tea, orange spice, pear and peach. There’s a lot going on, and the mix of flavors is constantly changing. The long finish is very sweet. Xocoveza: A Winter-Spiced Mocha Stout—Stone Brewing, Escondido Strong nose of chili peppers, roasted coffee grounds and spices. Inky black color. The hot spices in the nose are comparatively mild in the flavors, which include big, rich, assertive coffee, licorice and New Mexican chocolate spice. It’s a big, complex beer with warming heat throughout and a long, rich finish. Four stars: Brrr—Widmer Brothers Brewing, Portland, Ore. Herbal nose of bready orange marmalade and citrus. Strong orange and citrus flavors. A creamy mouthfeel and a big hop presence. Lightly spiced. Caramel and toffee malt provide good balance. A long, tropical finish that turns slightly harsh partway through. Naughty Russian Imperial Stout—Rubicon Brewing, Sacramento Boozy nose with roasted malt, vanilla and coffee aromas reminiscent of a bourbon cookie. Inky black color. Zesty mouthfeel with tart dry malt, creamy coffee, bitter chocolate, prune, vanilla and raisin notes. The finish lingers long and is slightly dry, with hot, tart and harsh sensations. Winter Welcome Ale—Samuel Smith, England Sweet cookie nose with aromas of Christmas spices, along with zippy and earthy hops. Bright copper color. Big malt, with cookie spices like nutmeg, allspice and clove. Fruit flavors of plum and berry, along with exotic grain notes. Good balance of sweet malt and zippy hops. Sleigh’r Dark Doüble Alt Ale—Ninkasi Brewing; Eugene, Ore. Sweet, sugary nose with roasted malt aromas, warming heat and herbal hops. Clear brown color. Big, assertive caramel malt flavors with light bourbon and herbal notes, warming alcohol, and some orange and citrus spicing. □


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The Last Days of Oakland Fantastic Negrito blackball Universe Fantastic Negrito blew me so far out of the water at a recent live show—he opened for Temple of the Dog in San Francisco—that I bought my first physical CD in years. The funk, R&B, rock and soul had me dancing from the start, but this isn’t merely foot-tapping music. The raw emotion was palpable in the chilling version of “In the Pines,” which Fantastic Negrito—aka Xavier Dphrepaulezz—turns into an ode to mothers who’ve lost their children to violence. Then came the closer, the album’s standout, “Lost in a Crowd,” which clearly expresses feelings of insignificance entangled with anger and despair. The Last Days of Oakland is a raw, unapologetic and socially conscious statement of survival. One of my favorite tracks is the spine-tingling “Rant Rushmore,” which, while fragmented on many levels, is beautiful, particularly when Dphrepaulezz drops from a highpitched whisper to a deep, growly “Amen.” Dphrepaulezz isn’t new to music—he’s experienced major-label success and Hollywood excess. A near-death car crash kept him quiet for over a decade, but, perhaps just in the nick of time, he’s ready to be heard again.


—Meredith J. Cooper

Hannibal: The Complete Series Lionsgate Probably the most gruesome and nihilistic series ever to be produced by a major network, NBC’s reimagining of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal Lecter character evolved from an overly graphic police procedural into something of unexpected depth and quality. For this elegant but horrific, derivative but unique, critically acclaimed but criminally under-watched series, the people behind Hannibal made all the right choices: the right Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen), the right antagonist for him (Hugh Dancy as FBI agent Will Graham), the right supporting cast (Laurence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas, Gillian Anderson), and the right show-runner in Bryan Fuller, who successfully reimagined and contemporized an iconic character without abandoning the existing canon or plagiarizing the previous film versions. The box set includes all three seasons as well as the special features from individual season releases, including episode commentaries and behind-the-scenes featurettes. —Brian Taylor


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December 1, 2016

Secretly canadian


Be a part of Hope. Be a part of Healing.

Luke Temple’s solo releases have often shared a strong familiarity with those of his more wellknown project, Here We Go Magic. Both have that balance of lo-fi and synth-driven sounds, the bright, bleachedout sonic coloring of an overexposed photo. However, Temple’s newest, A Hand Through the Cellar Door, feels like a distinct solo effort, with Temple moving toward simple folk structures with only the smallest instrumental accents of light snare beats centering around finger-picked pitterpatter. Lyrically, Temple has honed his storytelling skills, straying further from fragmented lines and moving toward longer, more matter-of-fact narratives, such as the eerily building tales told through “Maryanne Was Quiet” and “The Case of Louis Warren.” There’s still some Here We Go Magic connection—Temple’s alternate take of the song “Ordinary Feeling” from the band’s 2015 release, Be Small, and “The Complicated Men of the 1940s,” which exhibits that familiar instrumental chugging. However, while his band might accomplish that with a synth, Temple’s solo arrangement keeps the tone natural with strings. Similar, but very much its own.


—Robin Bacior


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GIVE HOPE A few nights after Donald Trump gained the requisite electoral votes to win the

presidential election, Last Week Tonight host John Oliver made the very important point during his show that we cannot normalize our president-to-be and his various racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, climate-denying, free speech-attacking cronies and the policies that they threaten to pursue in the coming years. He also suggested that we support those organizations that will be at the forefront of the fight to defend social progress, starting with “actual journalism,” encouraging viewers to buy subscriptions to papers like the The New York Times and Washington Post and donate to groups like investigative nonprofit ProPublica. Within hours of his plea, subscriptions to both papers spiked significantly, as did donations to ProPublica. While this column doesn’t have the reach of HBO, the CN&R does have a circulation of 41,000, with Save the Blue Room. more than 100,000 readers. I can’t think of a better use of this space than to put this information in front of all those potential eyeballs searching for hope and a good cause to get behind in the name of their favorite conservative uncle for the holidays. Here’s Last Week Tonight’s suggestions of worthy causes (and if you’re thinking about donating to investigative journalism, here’s a shameless plug: Consider the Chico News & Review Foundation, www.nvcf.org/fund/ chico-news-review-foundation):

• ProPublica: www.propublica.org • NAACP Legal Defense Fund: www.naacpldf.org • The Trevor Project (crisis intervention and suicide-prevention support for LGBTQ youth): www.thetrevorproject.org

• Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: www.maldef.org • Planned Parenthood: www.plannedparenthood.org • Center for Reproductive Rights: www.reproduc tiverights.org Some more important causes: • Sacred Stone Camp (Dakota Access Pipeline protesters support fund): www.gofundme. com/sacredstonecamp • 350.org (grassroots climate action): www.350.org • Union of Concerned Scientists (“science for a healthy planet and a safer world): www.ucsusa.org Plus, local organizations doing good work for those at risk in the community that need our support right now: • Chico Housing Action Team: P.O. Box 4868, Chico, CA, 95927; www.chicohousingactionteam.org • Jesus Center: 1297 Park Ave., Chico, CA, 95928; 345-2640; www.jesuscenter.org

• Safe Space Winter Shelter: www.goo.gl/jCN8d1 • 6th Street Center for Youth: 130 W. Sixth St., Chico, CA, 95928; 894-8008; www.6thstreet center.org • Stairways Programming: P.O Box 3086, Chico, CA, 95928; 809-2322; www.stairways programming.com • Torres Community Shelter: 101 Silver Dollar Way, Chico, CA, 95928; 891-9048; www.chicoshelter.org

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make the right choice when choosing counsel • Free consultation • You may not have to appear in court • Don’t let your case fall through the cracks • I will make sure you are treated fairly • I will fight for you!

And, a few more worthy local causes: • Rock for Rachelle: Saturday, Dec. 10, Maltese Bar & Tap Room. Benefit concert for longtime Chico/Seattle rocker Rachelle DeBelle to raise funds to help her with mounting medical bills from her fight with cancer. Performances by Fred Zeppelin, Alli Battaglia & The Musical Brewing Co., Linden Wood and more. • Save the Blue Room Theatre: Chico’s beloved black box theater needs to raise $25,000 to keep the doors open. Donate today at www.gofundme.com/blueroom • Novembeard Bash 2016: The annual beard competition wraps up with a finale Saturday, Dec. 3, 7 p.m., at the Maltese, with performances by The Rugs and Pat Hull. All proceeds benefit music and arts programs at local high schools.

NOBODY PUTS KRAMPUS IN THE KORNER! “Won’t you help us ruin Christmas for everyone?”

That was part of the Kickstarter plea from the creators of Krampus in the Corner—Virginia husband-and-wife team, writer Justin and artist Lindsay Cristelli—for their picture book and plush toy spoof of the ubiquitous Elf on the Shelf. Arts DEVO is totally down for anything involving the season’s naughty party beast, especially if it involves my favorite Austro-Bavarian demon kicking that creepy, spying elf’s ass in the holiday marketplace. With Krampusnacht nigh (Dec. 5!) and my soul glowing red with spirit, I hold out hope that the current back orders will be swiftly filled and Li’l DEVO will get his wish come Christmas morning. Keep tabs on Krampus in the Corner at www.silentorchidstudio.com. Krampus—he’s so soft. DECEMBER 1, 2016




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december 1, 2016


FREE WILL ASTROLOGY For the week oF december 1, 2016 ARIES (March 21-April 19): “I frequently

tramped eight or 10 miles through the deepest snow,” wrote naturalist Henry David Thoreau in Walden, “to keep an appointment with a beech-tree, or a yellow birch, or an old acquaintance among the pines.” I’d love to see you summon that level of commitment to your important rendezvous in the coming weeks, Aries. Please keep in mind, though, that your “most important rendezvous” are more likely to be with wild things, unruly wisdom or primal breakthroughs than with pillars of stability, committee meetings and business-as-usual.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): For you

Tauruses, December is “I Accept and Love and Celebrate Myself Exactly How I Am Right Now” Month. To galvanize yourself, play around with this declaration by Oscar-winning Taurus actress Audrey Hepburn: “I’m a long way from the human being I’d like to be, but I’ve decided I’m not so bad after all.” Here are other thoughts to draw on during the festivities: (1) “If you aren’t good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone.” —Barbara De Angelis. (2) “The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else.” —E. E. Cummings. (3) “To accept ourselves as we are means to value our imperfections as much as our perfections.” —Sandra Bierig. (4) “We cannot change anything until we accept it.” —Carl Jung.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Are your

collaborative projects (including the romantic kind) evolving at a slower pace than you expected? Have they not grown as deep and strong as you’ve wished they would? If so, I hope you’re perturbed about it. Maybe that will motivate you to stop tolerating the stagnation. Here’s my recommendation: Don’t adopt a more serious and intense attitude. Instead, get loose and frisky. Inject a dose of blithe spirits into your togetherness, maybe even some high jinks and rowdy experimentation. The cosmos has authorized you to initiate ingenious surprises.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): I don’t

recommend that you buy a cat o’ nine tails and whip yourself in a misguided effort to exorcize your demons. The truth is, those insidious troublemakers exult when you abuse yourself. They draw perverse sustenance from it. In fact, their strategy is to fool you into treating yourself badly. So, no. If you hope to drive away the saboteurs huddled in the sacred temple of your psyche, your best bet is to shower yourself with tender care, even luxurious blessings. The pests won’t like that, and—if you commit to this crusade for an extended time—they will eventually flee.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Nobel Prize-winning

novelist Gabriel García Márquez loved yellow roses. He often had a fresh bloom on his writing desk as he worked, placed there every morning by his wife Mercedes Barcha. In accordance with the astrological omens, I invite you to consider initiating a comparable ritual. Is there a touch of beauty you would like to inspire you on a regular basis? It there a poetic gesture you could faithfully perform for a person you love?

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “For a year I

watched as something entered and then left my body,” testified Jane Hirshfield in her poem “The Envoy.” What was that mysterious something? Terror or happiness? She didn’t know. Nor could she decipher “how it came in” or “how it went out.” It hovered “where words could not reach it. It slept where light could not go.” Her experience led her to conclude that “There are openings in our lives of which we know nothing.” I bring this meditation to your attention, Virgo, because I suspect you are about to tune in to a mysterious opening. But unlike Hirshfield, I think you’ll figure out what it is. And then you will respond to it with verve and intelligence.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A reporter

at the magazine Vanity Fair asked David Bowie, “What do you consider your great-

by rob brezsny est achievement?” Bowie didn’t name any of his albums, videos or performances. Rather, he answered, “Discovering morning.” I suspect that you Libras will attract and generate marvels if you experiment with accomplishments like that in the coming weeks. So yes, try to discover or rediscover morning. Delve into the thrills of beginnings. Magnify your appreciation for natural wonders that you usually take for granted. Be seduced by sources that emanate light and heat. Gravitate toward what’s fresh, blossoming, just-in-itsearly-stages.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): According

to traditional astrology, you Scorpios are not prone to optimism. You’re more often portrayed as connoisseurs of smoldering enigmas and shadowy intrigue and deep questions. But one of the most creative and successful Scorpios of the 20th century did not completely fit this description. French artist Claude Monet was renowned for his delightful paintings of sensuous outdoor landscapes. “Every day I discover even more beautiful things,” he testified. “It is intoxicating me, and I want to paint it all. My head is bursting.” Monet is your patron saint in the coming weeks. You will have more potential to see as he did than you’ve had in a long time.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

A journalist dared composer John Cage to “summarize himself in a nutshell.” Cage said, “Get yourself out of whatever cage you find yourself in.” He might have added, “Avoid the nutshells that anyone tries to put you in.” This is always fun work to attend to, of course, but I especially recommend it to you Sagittarians right now. You’re in the time of year that’s close to the moment when you first barged out of your mom’s womb, where you had been housed for months. The coming weeks will be an excellent phase to attempt a similar if somewhat less extravagant trick.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Hun-

dreds of years ago, the Catholic Church’s observance of Lent imposed a heavy burden. During this six-week period, extending from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, believers were expected to cleanse their sins through acts of self-denial. For example, they weren’t supposed to eat meat on Fridays. Their menus could include fish, however. And this loophole was expanded even further in the 17th century when the Church redefined beavers as being fish. (They swim well, after all.) I’m in favor of you contemplating a new loophole in regard to your own self-limiting behaviors, Capricorn. Is there a taboo you observe that no longer makes perfect sense? Out of habit, do you deny yourself a pleasure or indulgence that might actually be good for you? Wriggle free of the constraints.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “The

Pacific Ocean was overflowing the borders of the map,” wrote Pablo Neruda in his poem “The Sea.” “There was no place to put it,” he continued. “It was so large, wild and blue that it didn’t fit anywhere. That’s why it was left in front of my window.” This passage is a lyrical approximation of what your life could be like in 2017. In other words, lavish, elemental, expansive experiences will be steadily available to you. Adventures that may have seemed impossibly big and unwieldy in the past will be just the right size. And it all begins soon.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “I have a

deep fear of being too much,” writes poet Michelle K. “That one day I will find my someone, and they will realize that I am a hurricane. That they will step back and be intimidated by my muchness.” Given the recent astrological omens, Pisces, I wouldn’t be shocked if you’ve been having similar feelings. But now here’s the good news: Given the astrological omens of the next nine months, I suspect the odds will be higher than usual that you’ll encounter brave souls who’ll be able to handle your muchness. They may or may not be soulmates or your one-and-only. I suggest you welcome them as they are, with all of their muchness.

www.RealAstrology.com for Rob Brezsny’s EXPANDED WEEKLY AUDIO HOROSCOPES and DAILY TEXT MESSAGE HOROSCOPES. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888.

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CHICO BUILDING SURPLUS at 280 Boeing Ave. Chico, CA 95973. WESTERN WOODS INC. P.O. Box 4402 Chico, CA 95927. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: CHRISTOPHER RICHTER, PRESIDENT Dated: October 24, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001322 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as ECOTOPIA LEARNING CENTER at 1295 Eaton Rd Chico, CA 95973. MARIA MADRUGA 1295 Eaton Rd Chico, CA 95973. SUSAN JANE TCHUDI 10846 Nelson Bar Rd Oroville, CA 95965.

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This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: SUSAN JANE TCHUDI Dated: October 31, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001350 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as CALIFORNIA INSURANCE EXPERT at 2197 Honey Run Road Chico, CA 95928. RISKPRO INSURANCE SERVICES, INC. 2197 Honey Run Road Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: NEAL BORDENAVE, PRESIDENT/CEO Dated: October 27, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001335 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as HARMONIZING HEALTH at 1216 Sheridan Avenue Chico, CA 95926. DENISE MARIE CANGIANO 1216 Sheridan Avenue Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DENISE CANGIANO Dated: November 1, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001357 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as RESPYRE at 59 Satinwood Way Chico, CA 95973. CITRUS WELL LLC 59 Satinwood Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: ANTHONY VITT, FOUNDER & CEO Dated: October 18, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001294 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BON VOYAGE TRAVEL at 712 Silverado Est. Court Chico, CA 95973. LYNN M MORRIS 712 Silverado Est. Court Chico, CA 95973. WILLIAM MORRIS 712 Silverado Est. Court Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: LYNN MORRIS Dated: September 26, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001202 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as STREAMING VISIONS at 5873 Copeland Rd Unit A Paradise, CA 95969. ROBERT H RENTZ 5873 Copeland Rd Unit A Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ROBERT H. RENTZ Dated: November 4, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001379 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as STUDIO CAFE at 6 Greenwood Lane Chico, CA 95926. JONELLE R PENA 6 Greenwood Lane Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JONELLE R. PENA Dated: October 25, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001331 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as FISCHER ENTERPRISES, STEVE’S SECURITY SLEEVES at 7974 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969. STEVEN WADE FISCHER 7974 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969. KIMBERLY SUZANNE PAKNEY 6236 Wall Lane Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by A Joint Venture. Signed: STEVE FISCHER Dated: October 24, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001319 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as AARON’S YARD CARE at 1393 Orput Lane Paradise, CA 95969. AARON SHEM HATTLEY 1393 Orput Lane Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: AARON HATTLEY Dated: November 1, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001351 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DOJO BRAND USA at 1567 Rue Francais Chico, CA 95973. DELINA FUCHS 1567 Rue Francais Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DELINA FUCHS Dated: October 24, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001323 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as IT’S A GRIND at 6 W Eaton Rd Chico, CA 95973. NORMA LYNN FATCHEN 5291 Nord Hwy Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: NORMA L. FATCHEN, PRESIDENT/SECRETARY Dated: October 17, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001288 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as IZAKAYA ICHIBAN at 2000 Notre Dame Blvd #100 Chico, CA 95928. WATANABE HILLS INC

2000 Notre Dame Blvd #100 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: REIKO WATANABE, PRESIDENT Dated: November 1, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001363 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BAILEY PHOTO BOOTHS at 6427 Moss Ln. Paradise, CA 95969. REBEKAH MARTIN DODSON 6427 Moss Ln. Paradise, CA 95969. ASHLEY MARTIN 6427 Moss Ln. Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by Copartners. Signed: REBEKAH MARTIN DODSON Dated: November 15, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001407 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as AMAZING SEWING AND ALTERATIONS at 6561 Rocky Lane Paradise, CA 95969. CONNIE C. VOSS 6561 Rocky Lane Paradise, CA 95969. ROBERT G. VOSS 6561 Rocky Lane Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: CONNIE VOSS Dated: October 25, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001329 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MSP ALLIANCE at 2607 Forest Ave. Suite 100 Chico, CA 95928. IT ALLIANCE GROUP, INC. 1380 East Ave. Suite 124-376 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: CHARLES R. WEAVER, CEO Dated: October 26, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001334 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as THE HORSE STORE AND MORE at 16221 Shoshannah Ln Forest Ranch, CA 95949. DONNIA MARIE MATHIS 16221 Shoshannah Ln Forest Ranch, CA 95942. MICHAEL L. MATHIS 16221 Shoshannah Ln Forest Ranch, CA 95942. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: DONNA MARIE MATHIS Dated: November 7, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001388 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as

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ddeecceemmbbeerr 11,, 22001166

39 39

UBRAN NUTRACEUTICALS at 1380 Longfellow Ave Chico, CA 95926. D H AND T SERVICES INC. 3327 Zircon Drive Rocklin, CA 95677. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: DEAN HEGARTY Dated: November 1, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001353 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO VINTAGE NIGHTS at 37 Glenshire Lane Chico, CA 95973. NATHAN ROBERT WRIGHT 37 Glenshire Lane Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: NATHAN WRIGHT Dated: October 13, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001279 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as DEE’S BODY SCULPTING at 2990 Highway 32 Suite 2100 Chico, CA 95973. DULCINEE CELESTIN 362 Bell Way Orland, CA 95963. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: DEE CELESTIN Dated: November 4, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001378 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GARDA STUDIO at 6125 Guilford Circle Magalia, CA 95954. PAMELA DADGAR 6125 Guilford Circle Magalia, CA 95954. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: PAMELA DADGAR Dated: November 17, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001417 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as WEST BRANCH FARM at 10800 Nelson Bar Road Yankee Hill, CA 95965. SARAH DANIEL 774 Sierra View Way Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: SARAH DANIEL Dated: November 22, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001439 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SHADOWBROOK PLAZA at 5923 Clark Road Paradise, CA 95969. JAMES ZOLTAN YUHASZ 6184 Center Street Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JAMES Z YUHASZ Dated: November 16, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001410 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name STUDIO ONE SALON at 2057 Forest Avenue Suite 2 Chico, CA 95973. MONICA CROWL 2911 Ceanothus Avenue Chico, CA 95973. This business was conducted by an Individual. Signed: MONICA CROWL Dated: November 1, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0000146 Published: December 1,8,15,22, 2016

NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. JANET MOON #487cc (6X7) (boxes, Clothes, kids toys) JANET MOON #506cc (6X7) (boxes, Dresser) JASON GRISWALD #476cc (5X5) (Bikes, boxes) DOLORIS DAVENPORT #173ss (7X12) (Kitchenware, furniture, boxes) DOLORIS DAVENPORT #072ss (6X9) (boxes, furniture) DENNIS LEIDIG #243ss (5X10) (Couches, Furniture) RACHEL HALL #250ss (5X5) (Boxes, kids clothes, toys) ISSAC MCAULIFFE #437ac (5X10) (Kids toys) KATLYN DAVIS #157cc (6X10) (Boxes, misc. items) Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: December 17, 2016 Beginning at 12:00pm Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage 65 Heritage Lane Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: December 1,8, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner HARMONY LYNNE SALYERS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: HARMONY LYNNE SALYERS Proposed name: HARMONY LYNNE BAKER THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: December 23, 2016 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: MICHAEL P. CANDELA Dated: October 27, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02491 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner DANIEL LUCIANO CARDENAS JR filed a petition with this court for a decree changing

this Legal Notice continues



december 1, 2016

names as follows: Present name: DANIEL LUCIANO CARDENAS JR Proposed name: DANIEL LUCIANO CHANDLER THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: December 2, 2016 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: STEPHEN E. BENSON Dated: October 06, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02123 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JUDY NGUYEN HOANG filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: JUDY NGUYEN THI HOANG Proposed name: VICTORIA THI BORDERS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: December 30, 2016 Time: 9:30am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: STEPHEN E. BENSON Dated: October 31, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02507 Published: November 10,17,23, December 1, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner POLLY W ENYEART filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: POLLY W ENYEART Proposed name: POLLY W JOY THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the

this Legal Notice continues

matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: January 6, 2017 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: STEPHEN E. BENSON Dated: November 7, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02579 Published: November 17,23, December 1,8, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MATTHEW JAMES TABER filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: MATTHEW JAMES TABER Proposed name: MATTHEW JAMES CROSS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: December 23, 2016 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBA The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: STEPHEN E. BENSON Dated: October 27, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02381 Published: November 23, December 1,8,15, 2016

PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE JOY PEARL MATHEWS To all heirs and beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JOY PEARL MATHEWS A Petition for Probate has been filed by: STEPHEN CLANCY in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: STEPHEN CLANCY be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s wills and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: December 20, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: TBA Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should

this Legal Notice continues

appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: W.Z. JEFFERSON BROWN Attorney at Law 1 Governors Lane Chico, CA 95926 (530) 343-4412 Case Number: 16PR00389 Published: November 17,23, December 1, 2016

NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE TIMOTHY WAYNE WAGONER, ALSO KNOWN AS TIM WAGONER To all heirs and beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: TIMOTHY WAYNE WAGONER, ALSO KNOWN AS TIM WAGONER A Petition for Probate has been filed by: TIMOTHY WAGONER, II in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: TIMOHTY WAGONER, II be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless as interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: December 20, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written

this Legal Notice continues

objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: RICHARD S. MATSON, ESQ. Richard S. Matson Law Office, Inc. 1342 Esplanade, Suite A Chico, CA 95926. (530) 343-5373 Case Number: 16PR00397 Published: November 23, December 1,8, 2016

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Love’s Real estate

Rising Reasons

“It depends,” said the anonymous economist we’ll call Joe. “If they are rising for the right reasons, the market stays strong. If they are rising for the wrong reasons, the market slows down. A right reason would be that people have jobs and the economy is strengthening, so buyer and seller confidence is high.”

a report confirming that U.S. home resales rose in October to their highest level in more than nine and a half years. Homebuyers are encouraged with an improving jobs market and still-low interest rates. Two: pent-up demand. Tight housing supply over the summer caused bidding wars, which pushed out some buyers. Opportunities for buyers during the autumn and winter months, usually quiet periods for home sales, are likely improving.”

“A wrong reason?” I asked.

“So those are good reasons?”

Joe said, “A wrong reason would be rates rising as a result of overreaction to market conditions by the Fed.”

“I would say so,” Joe said. “You have to be pretty confident to buy a house. In October buyers definitely were confident despite the rhetoric out there focusing on all things wrong with the economy.”

“What happens to the real estate market when interest rates are on the rise?” I asked.

15316 CoutolenC Road, Magalia a HoMe FoR all SeaSonS! Enjoy all the seasons at your gorgeous home in the foothills of Magalia. Surrounded by tall trees, this home on almost 2-1/2 acres has served as a full-time residence, but what a great vacation home it could also be. Forested views, and no neighbors in sight! This home has two levels, where the upper level rooms have zoned heating/air units for individual control in those rooms. And the lower level consists of several rooms, including a large recreation/game room. You will discover lots of wonderful upgrades in this home. There is a large fenced area for your pets, be they dogs or horses. Seller motivation has allowed a huge price reduction, where it would not be possible to recreate this home for the price asked. You won’t find another home like this one! Don’t miss checking out this great property with your own realtor or by calling Ginny Snider at the number below.

“Does the presidential election enter into this?” I asked. “Leave politics out of this interview,” Joe said. “Enough is enough.” “Election fatigue?” I asked. Joe was silent. “Anyway,” I coughed, “interest rates are on the rise right now. Is it for the right reasons?” “Let’s examine a couple of factors,” said Joe. “One: I just received

liSted FoR $298,500

“By rhetoric,” I asked, “do you mean the presidential campaigning?” Joe was silent. “Anyway,” I said, “will interest rates be affected by the results of the presidential election?” “No politics!” Joe said. “Interview over.” Election fatigue, no doubt.

Provided by doug Love, Sales Manager at Century 21 Jeffries Lydon. email escrowgo@aol.com, or call 530-680-0817.

Ginny Snider | Century 21 Select | ginny@ginnysnider.com | (530) 518-3303

Open Houses & Listings are online at: www.century21JeffriesLydon.com

Lots for sale starting at $67,500

Alice Zeissler | 530.518.1872


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Homes Sold Last Week ADDRESS




4175 Nighthawk Way 4960 Starflower Ln 8 Capshaw Ct 1744 Almendia Dr 1104 Glenwood Ave 11 Brodea Cir 102 Talon Dr 41 Redeemers Loop 2150 Ceres Ave 25 Paseo Haciendas 17 La Casa Ct

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$508,999 $500,000 $490,000 $449,000 $435,000 $397,500 $380,000 $377,000 $360,000 $339,000 $323,000

4/3 3/2 4/3 4/3 5/3 4/4 3/2 4/3 3/2 3/3 3/3

SQ. FT. 2,302 2,166 2,929 2,362 2,872 2,970 1,908 1,920 2,223 2,023 2,023

4 bed 2 bath 2006 built single-story home near schools and shopping great neighborhood! Charming yard features an extended patio w/ pergola. Home has high ceilings, good-sized bedrooms & fabulous kitchen! Price reduced: $382,000

Jennifer Parks

(530) 864-0336

Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon ADDRESS





7 Pelican Park Dr 779 Lorinda Ln 32 Nicole Ln 10860 Cohasset Rd 1218 Nord Ave 920 Saint Clair Dr 1725 Flamingo Rd 9 Hillsboro Cir 125 Benson Ter 832 W 8Th Ave 1725 Laurel St

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$320,000 $310,000 $310,000 $310,000 $300,000 $299,000 $299,000 $275,000 $250,000 $249,000 $227,000

3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 4/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 2/2 2/1 3/1

1,645 1,390 1,808 1,440 1,776 1,575 1,472 1,306 1,451 1,009 1,815

december 1, 2016



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Gardeners delight! Garden beds, patio sitting areas and gazebo! 3 bed 1.5 bth, plus office, formal living & family room. 1,566 sq ft. owned solar! ....................................................................................................... $258,500 Cal Park, 3 bed/plus den, 2.5 bath, very nice home, 2,118 sq ft, cul de sac! ................................................... $399,900 Senior condo, 2 bed/2 bth, 1,300 sq ft, 1-car garage, nice unit w/updated kitchen ....................................... $195,000 Longfellow Area, Lovely 4 bed/2 bth, 1,824 sq ft with large yard ................................................................ $279,900 Teresa Larson (530)899-5925 Darling Charmer! 2 bed/1 bth, 816 sq ft open floor plan, garden spaces galore, covered carport!.................. $178,500 bed 2 nd bth, 1,440 sq ft, formal living/dinning, family room nice kitchen ............$37,500 ing www.ChicoListings.com Senior Mobile in desirable park. 2 pe Yesteryear charmer with today’s updates. Avenues g in pend 3 bed/2 bth, 1,678 sq ft, backyard w/inground pool ........ $359,900 chiconativ@aol.com

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5 ac lot. Owner carry $39,500


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Single wide on 60ac, North Chico $219,000 Cohasset hunting cabin, 30ac $65,000 2700 sq ft 5+ bed, 4 bath Barber area $319,000

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www.ChicoListings.com • chiconativ@aol.com Mark.Reaman@c21jeffrieslydon.com www.ChicoListings.com • chiconativ@aol.com

The following houses were sold in butte county by real estate agents or private parties during the week of November 14, 2016 – November 18, 2016. The housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS




1764 Oak Way









6650 Citrus Ave




279 E 6Th Ave






19 Rosita Way




1390 Wanderer Ln






332 Bay Tree Dr




1258 Filbert Ave A






6000 Acorn Ct




11 Mckinley Ln






5568 De Sante Ln




2375 Notre Dame Blvd 1






7320 Pentz Rd





230 La Mirada Ave





6279 Graham Rd





130 Canfield Dr





6681 Shay Ln





290 Summit Ave





5978 Acorn Ct





221 Ward Blvd





1323 Deodara Way





21 Leslie Ln





6026 N Libby Rd







december 1, 2016



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Of Chico



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Julie Rolls - PRINCIPAL BROKER 530-520-8545

Marty Luger – BROKER/OWNER 530-896-9333

Brian Voigt – BROKER/OWNER 530-514-2901

Annette Gale – Realtor 530-872-5886

Nikki Sanders – Realtor 530-872-5889

Susan Doyle – Realtor 530-877-7733

Dan Bosch- REALTOR 530-896-9330

Craig Brandol – REALTOR 530-809-4588

Shane Collins – REALTOR 530-518-1413

Rhonda Maehl – Realtor 530-873-7640

Heidi Wright – Realtor 530-872-5890

Jamie McDaniel – Realtor 530-872-5891

Matt Depa – BROKER/ASSOCIATE 530-896-9340

The Laffins Team 530-321-9562

Tim Marble – BROKER/ASSOCIATE 530-896-9350

Kandice Rickson – Realtor 530-872-5892

Shannan Turner – Realtor 530-872-3822

calbre # 01991235

Dream with your eyes open

Christina Souther – Realtor 530-520-1032

Gabe Dusharme – Realtor 530-518-7460

Bob Contreres – BROKER/OWNER Mark Chrisco – BROKER/OWNER 530-896-9358 530-896-9345

Vickie Miller – BROKER/ASSOCIATE 530-864-1199

Blake Anderson – REALTOR 530-864-0151

“ outstanDing agents. outstanDing results! ”

Steve Depa – BROKER/OWNER 530-896-9339

Carolyn Fejes – REALTOR Debbie Ziemke – REALTOR 530-966-4457 530-896-9353 calbre # 01996441

december 1, 2016



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