
Page 1

Letters............................ 3 Opinion/Streetalk............ 5 Sheila.Leslie.................... 6 Brendan.Trainor.............. 7 News.............................. 8 Feature......................... 10 Arts&Culture................ 14 Art.of.the.State............. 16 Film............................... 17

Foodfinds...................... 18 Drink............................. 19 Musicbeat..................... 21 Nightclubs/Casinos....... 22 This.Week.....................27 Advice.Goddess............29 Free.Will.Astrology....... 30 15.Minutes..................... 31 Bruce.Van.Dyke............ 31

STRETCH THE TRUTH A poser’s guide to the local yoga scene By ANNA HART

Raise a glass

See Bars & Clubs Guide, inside.

















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Thank you Welcome to this week’s Reno News  & Review. Fun cover story this week.  For some folks, in these stressful times, yoga is a helpful way  to cope and manage. Hell, I have  all the grace and flexibility of a  wooly mammoth carcass, and I’ve  still found it helpful  from time to  time. Yoga can  be off-putting  to newbies,  but Anna Hart,  a consistently  funny writer,  did a great job  exploring the local scene—getting  the inside scoop from an outsider  perspective. It’s also nice because most of  these businesses—the local yoga  studios—are small, family-owned  places. And supporting small, local,  family-owned businesses is a core  value for us here at the RN&R. Because we keep a firm wall up  between the editorial and advertising departments, I don’t know  which, if any of these places,  advertise with us or which ones  carry our paper in their places of  business. But I’d encourage y’all  to take a look at Anna’s piece, and  see which places appeal to you  and give them support. And I want to reiterate my  gratitude to all the local small  businesses that chose to advertise with us or choose to carry  our paper in their places of businesses. In these polarizing times, I  know that it isn’t always easy, but  I appreciate you sticking with us.  Support these places, friends. And be sure to check out the  Bars & Clubs Guide in this week’s  issue. Our Special Projects Editor, Jeri Chadwell-Singley, did a  great job putting together a guide  to getting blitzed in the Biggest Little, featuring some great  stories and insights from many of  our regular contributors.  Anyway. To be able to create  this paper—this forum for local  arts, news and entertainment for  Northern Nevada—is an honor  and a pleasure. And I’m eternally  grateful to all the support we get  from the community—from advertisers, distributors and, most  of all, from readers.  Thanks, folks.

—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

Can you hear us now? It’s one thing for Senator Dean Heller and Rep. Mark Amodei to completely back President Trump’s agenda. It’s another when they refuse to write back to their constituents when they’re called out for their votes. Since January, I have called and written both officials about a dozen times, only to get no response in return. Senators and Representatives are beholden to their constituents, not the other way around. If neither man can justify their votes to the community they represent, maybe they shouldn’t represent us anymore. Next November, I ask fellow citizens of Reno/Sparks to remember the silence of Dean Heller and Mark Amodei. Colin Biggs Reno

Click Re “The hand on the button” (Notes from the Neon Babylon, Feb. 23): I was interested to read of Mr. Van Dyke’s frustration with President Trump’s television appearances, finding himself fuming and yelling obscenities at his TV set as Donald the Orange spoke. Welcome to my world, where for most of the past eight years I have had my finger on the remote control, ready to change channels at the mere appearance of, or utterance of a syllable by, the condescending and pompous Kenyan. While I must say I empathize with Mr. Van Dyke now having his turn in the barrel, I also note—better him than me. Jay Buellton Las Vegas

MARcH, 9, 2017 | VOL. 23, IssuE 4

your freedom? And these great jobs are not long term (like the pipeline). So if any mental health facility is missing some of its guests you can find at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Jerry Wallis Reno

Great fall Trumpty Dumpty Trumpty Dumpty Demanded a wall. He said Mexico Would pay for it all. So down to that country He did go. Surprised when the people Shouted, “HELL, NO!!” All the bravado, And all the ego, Couldn’t make them pay One single peso. Nancy Cecil Reno


Justice leak I don’t understand why Trump is so upset about information being leaked out to the press. Wasn’t he the one who asked Russia to find Clinton’s emails? And since he only tweets and no emails (small hands?), I guess Russia was unable to find anything against him. Yeah, right! He said that the White House was running great and no problems. Are there two White Houses in D.C.? If there are, one of them is missing a president! If we are lucky maybe Trump’s time in office will be like the summer TV replacement shows—they only run for 13 weeks! Now for all the people who sadly voted for him and still think that he is going to make America great again, I ask you this—when he was telling you about all the great jobs and building a wall and repealing Obamacare, and the list goes on and on, did he tell you at what cost to

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Jeri Chadwell-Singley Arts Editor Kris Vagner Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Matt Bieker, Kelsey Fitzgerald, Bob Grimm, Anna Hart, Ashley

Hennefer, Shelia Leslie, Josie Luciano, Eric Marks, Tim Prentiss, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Marc Tiar, Brendan Trainor, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Design Manager Lindsay Trop Creative Director Serene Lusano Art Director Margaret Larkin Marketing/Publications Designer Sarah Hansel Production Coordinator Skyler Smith Designer Kyle Shine Sales Manager Emily Litt RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard Advertising Consultants Brit Johnson, Myranda Keeley

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03.09.17    |   RN&R   |  3

The University of Nevada, Reno Department of Theatre & Dance presents

Shū Matsui’s

Family Portrait

Directed by Dr. Jessica Nakamura

University of Nevada, Reno Campus Redfield Studio Theatre Church Fine Arts Building

March 3-4, 8-11, 2017 . 7:30 pm March 5 . 1:30 pm Tickets: Lawlor Box Office, 775-784-4444 Opt. 2 or www.mynevadatickets.com

Family Portrait plays upon scenes from everyday life to ask, how do we relate to each other? Performed for the first time in English.

4   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

join the

team! rn&r is hiring

• Distribution assistant • Distribution Driver For more inFormation anD to apply, go to www.newsreview.com/reno/jobs Chico Community Publishing, dba the Reno News & Review, is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Have you ever dated a yogi? Asked At Art dogs & grAce, 218 VAssAr st. Austin MArtine z Rental technician

I have not. I’ve dated a dancer, but I have never dated a yoga instructor. I mean, I don’t think an occupation is much of an appeal. Your personality is what makes you appealing.

Ben Wood Driver

Yes, for five years. She was epic.

BoBBy Jones Assistant manager

I have never dated a yogi. I dated a dance instructor for a while. They’re just fun, and you’ve got a great personality. A lot of people are really down-to-Earth.

Student bodies The Washoe County School District did a good thing last month when it issued a statement clarifying that Trump’s reversal of federal guidelines aimed at protecting transgender students would have no effect on the school district’s policy. Implemented in February 2015, the policy states: “Students shall have access to use facilities that correspond to their gender identity as expressed by the student and asserted at school, irrespective of the gender listed on the student’s records, including but not limited to locker rooms.” On Feb. 22, Trump reversed an order issued by the Departments of Justice and Education’s respective civil rights divisions in May of 2016, under the Obama administration, which held that denying transgender students access to the bathrooms that match their gender identities constitutes sex discrimination under Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. When the order was issued, the Department of Education cited WCSD’s policy as a model for other school districts. During the early days of his campaign, Trump supported transgender people’s rights to use the bathrooms of their choice. In April 2016 he said, “People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. … There has been so little trouble.” He later changed his position on the issue—saying it was a states’ rights issue—after receiving pushback from conservatives. During a daily press briefing on the day Trump issued his reversal of the guidelines, Press Secretary Sean Spicer insinuated that Trump’s position had remained

static, saying, “I’ve made this clear and the president’s made it clear throughout the campaign that he is a firm believer in states’ rights and that certain issues like this are not best dealt with at the federal level.” Later that evening, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos released a statement pledging that the department’s Office For Civil Rights would remain “committed to investigating all claims of discrimination, bullying and harassment against those who are most vulnerable in our schools.” However, the Trump administration has yet to name someone to lead that division. Many believe the likeliest candidate is Gail Heriot, a law professor at the University of San Diego and a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Heriot has accused the Office for Civil Rights of going beyond what Congress intended and has indicated her desire to curtail the Office for Civil Rights’ involvement in such efforts as curbing bullying and protecting LGBT students. WCSD has taken steps on the path toward providing an equitable, safe environment for all students. We need to make sure this continues. One way is to write to Dean Heller and Catherine Cortez Masto and tell them not to confirm Heriot to lead the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights. Nevada Democratic Assemblymember Nelson Araujo has sponsored a bill that would require social workers and foster parents to take a two-hour, mandatory training to teach them about gender identity, using preferred pronouns and providing appropriate clothing. Call state legislators to express your support for this bill, too. Ω

Br Andon Wilson Salesman

A yogi—I did have a thing. It was a halfway, like complicated relationship. But she was definitely a yoga pro. Yeah, yoga mat in her room and everything, went to Pilates and all that good stuff at the gym. It was a good time with her. It was a blast, and, you know, she let me down easily. Will o’ne Al Mechanic

No. … I can’t say that I have. … I mean, maybe [I would], yeah. She’d be flexible, I guess—you know what I mean? You’d have things to look forward to.

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   5

by Sheila leSlie

All things being equal The fourth time is a charm. Last week, for the fourth time in Nevada’s history, one house of the Legislature voted in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and sent it down the hall for consideration by the other chamber. Nevada’s Legislature rejected the ERA in the same manner three previous times in the 1970s and thus remains one of 15 states that have refused to ratify equal rights for women in the U.S. Constitution. I was a high school junior in a California beach town when Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment in 1972. The Vietnam War was escalating along with street activism and demands for social change. The women’s rights movement was inspiring women across the country to question their status and roles at work, at home and in society. It was an exciting time with an uncertain future. California ratified the ERA in 1972, alongside the first group of states to do so. In neighboring Nevada, the

6   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

struggle for women’s rights existed in the same national context but in a much more conservative environment. Phyllis Schlafly, the anti-gay zealot from Florida, led the national StopERA campaign, claiming it would ban alimony, force housewives to work, and eliminate female-only restrooms. She often opened her barnstorming with the line, “I’d like to thank my husband for letting me be here tonight,” a sentiment Nevada’s male power structure appreciated. Nevertheless, in 1973 and 1975, the ERA was approved in the Nevada Assembly, only to be defeated in the Senate. It’s telling to note there were just five women serving in the Nevada Legislature in 1973 and only seven in 1975. They were expected to dress “like women” (no pantsuits) and act appropriately, which meant not challenging the men in charge. By 1977, the number of women in the Legislature had increased to eight, and

the ERA was introduced again, this time in the Senate where it stalled in a 10-10 tie. In a dramatic moment, Lt. Governor Bob Rose broke the tie by casting his vote in favor of the ERA, only to see it die later in the session in the Assembly. Rose went on to run for Governor in 1978, but his campaign succumbed to a vitriol-laden backlash for that vote, and he lost. Several years ago, I asked him if he regretted that life-altering vote, and he immediately said no. He was proud he had the opportunity to support women’s rights, saying it was a highlight of his career. Former state Senator Sue Wagner tried to push the ERA forward in 1981, but her fellow Republican Senator Floyd Lamb immediately moved for no further consideration and a voice vote sealed its fate. Even though the 10-year time frame for ratification expired in 1982, the battle over Nevada’s ratification of the ERA didn’t end. Assemblymember

Kathy McClain sponsored the resolution in 2009, but it didn’t make it out of committee. State Senator Pat Spearman introduced it in 2015, but it was killed by Republican leaders. But now, in 2017, with Democrats in control of both houses and a renewed interest in politics from many women who see their rights threatened by politicians at the highest levels, Nevada is poised to become the 36th ratifying state. Opponents are still trotting out time-worn arguments about the draft and bathrooms, but they’ve updated their hysteria to include sharia law, destruction of the family unit, and the promotion of female genital mutilation. As the 17 women in the Assembly and their 25 male counterparts prepare to vote on the ERA, they will have the opportunity to finally place Nevada on the right side of history, publicly proclaiming full equality for over half the state’s population. I suppose it’s better late than never. Ω

by Brendan Trainor

Separate the powers The United States and all state constitutions uphold the same Republican form of government, based on the doctrine known as the separation of powers. All the states’ constitutions create three branches of government, the Legislative, the Executive and the Judicial. In addition, they each contain a clause that forbids anyone to hold office or work in more than one of those branches at the same time. The separation of powers clause in the Nevada Constitution reads, at article 3, section 1: “The powers of the Government of the State of Nevada shall be divided into three separate departments,—the Legislative,—the Executive and the Judicial; and no persons charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of these departments shall exercise any functions, appertaining to either of the others” (italics added). In 1994, I ran for the Assembly in Sparks as a minor party (Libertarian) candidate. Democrat Jan Evans, the

incumbent, was a powerful politician who had been Assembly speaker pro tem. I got the usual minor party 4 percent of the vote, and Ms. Evans easily won reelection over her Republican opponent. I decided to challenge the election, not by a vote recount, of course, but on the basis of her eligibility for the office. Ms. Evans held an executive position at the University of Nevada, Reno’s School of Medicine, and a large part of her duties involved fundraising. I filed a “contest of election” under the separation of powers clause. The Contract with America and a Republican takeover of Congress came about in 1996. In Nevada, the Assembly was split right down the middle between Republicans and Democrats, and my contest kept the powerful Evans from participating in the power brokering. In addition, first-term Republican Assemblymember Thomas Batten, who had a job with the Nevada Gaming Control Board, resigned to serve in the

Assembly, while the Democrats were bent on giving Evans a pass. This did not sit well with many. At that time someone in Nevada government had approved a flowchart of its organization that showed the education system as a fourth, co-equal branch of government. That was a red flag to many constitutional conservatives. No matter how important some may feel public education is, it is part of the executive branch and therefore subordinate to the constitutional branches. I lost the hearing, of course, but I put up a good fight. Several years later, I donated my research to the Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI). Constitutional conservatives began to take the issue seriously. Because Nevada’s separation of powers clause reads “any functions,” it is very restrictive, covering employees as well as office holders—mayors, for example. Most older Nevada attorney general legal opinions (AGOs), in fact, held this originalist

view, but it had been loosened since the days of Robert List, who was attorney general from 1971-1979. In 2004, Attorney General Brian Sandoval issued an AGO that employees in the state executive branch are ineligible to serve in the Legislature. They must resign—leaves of absence are not sufficient—from one branch or the other. On Feb. 21, NPRI filed a lawsuit against Heidi Gansert, (R) Senate 15, under the separation of powers clause. Gansert is special assistant for external affiars to UNR President Marc Johnson. This time the plaintiff is Las Vegas resident Doug French, who asserts he wants her job. NPRI is hopeful to get a judicial ruling in place that would be more definitive than an AGO. NPRI’s Joseph Becker calls enforcement of separation of powers an important check on concentrated government power and corruption. I agree. Now, if only we can get the lawyers out of the Legislature as well! Ω


COLBIE CAILLAT Saturday, March 10 Voted Best Overall Gaming Resort & Hotel In Reno o Again! (775) 789-2000 • GrandSierraResort.com 03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   7

By Scott thomaS anderSon

Building for sale The Reno Gazette-Journal is going to place its building for sale, and will outsource its printing to the Swift Communications’ Sierra Nevada Media Group (SNMG) in Carson City. This is where several local newspapers are printed, including the Nevada Appeal, Northern Nevada Business Weekly, and, oddly enough, the Reno News & Review. Via email, SNMG’s Robert Sperry told an RN&R staffer that he didn’t foresee any confidentiality problems arising from two newspapers from the same market printing in the same facility. “I assure you there will be no such problems,” he wrote. “We are pretty well versed in printing competing publications at Lake Tahoe, in Bishop and Mammoth Lakes, etc.” The RG-J announced the sale via an article in its own pages as well as by press release. “The decision was made to create operational efficiencies and as a result of Carson City’s newer equipment, color capabilities will increase, giving advertisers more options.” said RG-J President Ryan Kedzierski in the release. Neither the article in the RG-J nor the press release mentioned how many, if any, potential layoffs might result from the change. Current RG-J employees said they were not allowed to comment on record about the move. And despite being listed in the press release as the contact for “media inquiries,” Kedzierski did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

–Brad Bynum

Bilingual reno In February, the City of Reno launched a bilingual communications plan, beginning with Spanish and English versions of a TV commercial, Spanish social media pages and a Spanishlanguage web page. “Over a quarter of our population is Latino,” said City Council member Oscar Delgado. “A big segment is Spanishspeaking only.” “There’s an opportunity [for Spanish-speakers] to be part of boards and committees,” he said. “A lot of people don’t know that they can get involved.” “Another big one for us is just constantly making sure they’re aware of any public safely issue taking place,” he added. In the case of a shooting, for example, accurate information in Spanish is now disseminated quickly via the city’s social media pages. “We’re going to be really active on Twitter and Facebook,” Delgado said. Additional plans include distributing Spanish versions of some of the City’s printed materials and possibly hiring more Spanish-speaking employees. For more information, see “City of Reno en Español” on Facebook, visit www.reno.gov/residents/espanol, or use the Twitter hashtag #creemosreno.

–Kris Vagner

Time saver It’s almost time to set your clocks forward—again. Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m., March 12. If you’ve ever wondered why we keep up this tradition—which was first implemented on a national scale by the German Empire in 1916—the answer is simple. Getting rid of Daylight Saving Time would require an act of Congress. It’s something a lot of states are petitioning for. Multiple states, including Nevada, have sent resolutions to Congress and the Oval Office asking for an end to the biyearly time travel that leads to many of us to be late or—worse yet—early when we forget to reset our clocks.

–Jeri Chadwell-singley

8   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

California’s Lake Berryessa, near Winters, is one of thousands of pristine pieces of BLM land that is open to the public across the United States.

Land grab Nevada Republicans want to claim millions of acres of federally protected land Clad in jeans and a lumberjack’s flannel, biology professor Joe Medeiros combs through reams of documents about the Center for Sierra Nevada Studies in Rocklin, California. Outside, a storm thrashes trees and hammers diamonds on the pavement, symbolic of the changing weather in Washington, D.C. Congressional Republicans changed House rules earlier this year to make it easier for states to seize control of federal lands, opening the door to the sell-off of protected wildlife habitats and sprawling natural monuments. Days after the congressional move, Utah became embroiled in a political firefight when one of its elected officials introduced a bill calling for federal authorities to liquidate 3.3 million acres of public land. Medeiros, of Sierra College, oversees a major archive on the destruction of the Hetch Hetchy Valley in Yosemite National Park. The pristine landscape lost its federal protection in 1923 so a reservoir could be built to fuel Bay Area expansion. The latest developments in Washington, D.C., have conservationists worried history might repeat itself across the West. “There is very little awareness that Hetch Hetchy was part of a national park,” Medeiros observed. “It was a raging fight at the time, with hundreds of editorials written from coast to coast. But now the awareness has just fallen away.”

The risk is high for Nevada. The new push to transfer and sometimes privatize federal property started Jan. 3, when congressional Republicans passed a resolution that could potentially compel the Department of the Interior to give its lands over to states without getting budgetary compensation. The vote has been viewed by some analysts as Western-state Republicans trying to revive the so-called “Sagebrush Rebellion,” a movement in the 1970s to weaken federal control over vast expanses of terrain. By 1980, the Sagebrush Rebellion had a new figurehead in President Ronald Reagan, though it eventually tapered off when the great communicator appointed a moderate to run the Interior Department, and the Supreme Court ruled against a Colorado rancher’s challenge to federal stewardship. Following the House of Representatives’ January vote, Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah immediately introduced House Resolution 621 calling for the federal government to sell off several million acres of land across 10 states to “nonfederal entities.” By Feb. 2, Chaffetz was reaching out to Utah’s largest newspaper to announce he’d changed his mind, after his office was reportedly flooded with angry messages, including from constituents in the hunting and fishing communities. Nevertheless, nature enthusiasts and

sportsmen alike are worried a legislative genie is out of the bottle, one that could surface anywhere in the 334 million acres of land under federal protection. If employees for the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forestry Service or the national parks share those concerns, they can no longer say so, since President Donald Trump issued, in his second week in office, a gag order on their ability to communicate with the public. One person who can talk is Carl Rountree. He recently retired from the BLM after 35 years of service that included acting as the assistant director of its Natural Conservation System. Rountree thinks that any public lands that haven’t already been designated by Congress as “wilderness areas” are the most likely spots to be targeted. According to the Congressional Research Service, the federal government currently protects 28 percent of the land in the United States. By contrast, BLM reports note that only 3 percent of land in the Lower 48 enjoys the special wilderness designation. So, even if Republicans leave wilderness areas untouched, the vast majority of the public’s open space could be up for grabs. “It’s not that this new rule change completely opens the door to state and private ownership, but it certainly addresses a stumbling block that was there before, and it makes the process less complicated,” Rountree said. The change in House rules was a boost for Nevada Republican Rep. Mark Amodei, who introduced H.R. 1484 last year, calling for 9 million acres of land operated by the BLM and Forest Service to be transferred to the state in two phases. Critics say the language of the bill actually opens the door for Nevada to annex nearly all federal land in its borders during the second phase. The bill would also allow Nevada to use any newly acquired lands for generating state revenue, specifically by leasing them to schools, colleges and hospitals or selling them to private interests. Amodei has continued to push for his bill to get a hearing in Congress, and, unlike Chaffetz in Utah, he has strong political allies in Nevada. Gov. Brian Sandoval and Sen. Dean Heller both have endorsed the deal, while Nevada Republicans in the Legislature passed a resolution supporting it. Shaaron Netherton, who spent 22 years working for the BLM before

becoming the executive director of Friends of Nevada Wilderness, said it’s unclear which acres of public land the state’s Republicans want to control. “It’s frustrating because there are no maps out there that they’ve released,” she said. Jeremy Garncarz of the Wilderness Society has been monitoring the recent events. Amodei and Heller also introduced a bill to block the president of the United States from creating any new national monuments in their jurisdiction. Garncarz agrees that the political plans to take ownership of federal sanctuaries are disturbingly vague. “We’re operating under the assumption that everything could be on the table,” Garncarz said. One group officially supporting Amodei’s bill is the Nevada Lands Council. In a statement on the group’s website, NLC treasurer Sheldon Mudd argued the transferred lands will be better protected and maintained under state authority. Mudd also denied that a massive sell-off of the people’s property is imminent. “While it’s true a mere two percent will be sold to pay for the development of a stronger state land management division, all other land is slated to stay in public hands indefinitely,” Mudd wrote. “Land sales are no more guaranteed under the federal government than under the state.” Members of Friends of Nevada Wilderness are worried that prediction doesn’t pencil out. “They’d have to sell off a lot of the land to be able to afford to manage the rest,” Netherton

contended. “And you have to add in the rising fire budgets. … I don’t think they are planning for any major environmental review before they sell, and the bill has no language about resource protection.” Meanwhile, experts like Medeiros see in the push to destabilize federal lands the shadow of the destruction of the Hetch Hetchy Valley. Hetch Hetchy was targeted for destruction in order to create a reservoir for supplying San Francisco with reliable water. John Muir, who wrote that Hetch Hetchy was “one of Nature’s rarest and most precious mountain mansions,” battled politicians from the Bay Area to Washington, D.C., in an attempt to stop the project. The inability to save this sculpted cathedral within Yosemite National Park haunted Muir to the end. “It was a devastating blow for him,” Hanna said. “Protecting that valley is what he dedicated the last seven years of his life to. He was fighting some of the most powerful people in the country. I know what it did to him. It’s the greatest assault ever on our national parks. It’s a wound and a historic wrong that’s never gone away.” Hanna agrees with Medeiros that the issues of restoring Hetch Hetchy and protecting all other national parks should go beyond traditional red and blue talking points. “When it comes to this, I’m a firm believer that you just need to put politics aside and do what’s right,” Hanna said. Ω

Sisters and brothers

Around two dozen people gathered at the Reno Arch for Northern Nevada American Indian Movement’s Stolen Sisters Memorial. The group prayed and sang songs to honor missing and murdered indigenous people and tribes that are not recognized by the federal government. PHOTO/JERI CHADWELL-SINGLEY

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   9

Amanda Mattioli, Patty Dewey, Wendy Firestone and Carrie Fisher take part in the Mellow Flow class at Rishi Yoga.


Photo/AnnA hArt

THE TRUTH A poser’s guide to the local yoga scene

10   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17



ver the course of many years, my various friends, family and psychiatrists have attempted to impress upon me how beneficial yoga could be, that it could calm my mind and improve my physical wellbeing. For many years, I have willfully resisted, not wanted to change my glamorous sedentary lifestyle in favor of a spiritual workout plan where I’m judged by my inability to put my feet behind my head. But I have recently found myself unable to function. I have generalized anxiety disorder, GAD for short, and depression. Every day feels like a constant battle between the overzealous, nagging worry and physical tension that frequently overwhelms me and the person that I desperately want to be. It is a rough day when you finally realize that you need to make life changes. So, when the

opportunity arose to explore the growing yoga community in Reno, I jumped at it. I was not sure of what to expect when I went into these classes. Would someone read my aura? Would they force me to hold a handstand in silence for an hour and contemplate my feelings? Was I joining a Lululemon cult? With the way that people talked about yoga, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was some Kool-Aid in the complimentary tea. Over the course of a few weeks, I worked hard to get over myself and keep an open mind. I had always associated yoga with one of two things: A deep, meaningful and spiritual affair that I couldn’t possibly comprehend or a degradation of yoga, taken over by the Tammys and Beckys of the world who co-opted meaningful symbols and made them into crop tops with glitter “om” signs that say “Namaslay.” And during

my time visiting the yoga studios around Reno, I saw both sides of that spectrum. But realistically, the most common atmosphere was one that treated yoga as a fluid force, allowing us as practitioners, or yogis, to derive our own meaning, purpose, and level of spirituality. The first few classes were difficult. It was hard not to feel self-conscious and incapable. I tried to take comfort in the fact that there were sometimes elderly attendees to the class, thinking I wouldn’t have to struggle alone. But then a couple, who I had heard talk about their first great-grandchild, practiced their headstands against each other, and I lost the hope I had. After a few classes, I started to feel a little bit more comfortable, especially listening to the advice of fellow students, like Roxane Osborn, a student at The Studio. After a car accident nearly 15 years ago, Roxane took up yoga to help her find

more mobility in her body. She understood how easy it was to feel self-conscious in class. “Remember that actually nobody is looking at you,” Osborn said. “Don’t be afraid to fall out of postures. Everyone does. And no one is paying attention to how wrong your knees are because they are looking at their own.” Once I felt comfortable enough to make mistakes, I started to feel my nerves calm. Then on a particularly hard day, I took a class with Rishi Studio owner Jelena Hardy. “Anxiety is just energy,” said Hardy. “But energy is power. And it can make you implode on yourself or explode on those around you. Or you can use it to drive you.” It was a general sentiment to the class, but it gave me comfort. No, I didn’t feel my mind completely quiet, nor do I think I ever will. But by the end of that class, laying on the floor in Savasana, or corpse pose, I saw my thoughts move by my eyes slowly, like a movie. I can’t say that yoga will cure me of my anxiety. But what I can say is that—aside from the hell that was Bikram yoga—every class I took gave me a space to focus on my body, be with my thoughts, and feel more at ease than when I started. I completely misjudged yoga. But that’s an “L” I’ll definitely take. Each studio, class, and teacher varies, but all have their merits. With the growing number of studios in town, there’s a definite option for everyone.

NoRTHwEST RENo When I arrived at Rishi Yoga, 1350 Stardust St., I was surprised to find that nestled in a strip mall, was a little yoga sanctuary headed

by the owner, Hardy. As I walked into the studio, I felt my hands begin to shake out of nervousness. Along with GAD and depression, I also have social anxiety. Trudging alone into the room full of strangers who had already built their own community, I felt a little bit like I was squaring up in front of a firing squad. Apparently, I looked as lost as I felt, because Hardy found me quickly, embraced me in a hug, and said, “You must be Anna.” Hardy’s Weekend Warrior Power Flow class was a notably physical approach to Vinyasa Yoga, a style that synchronizes the breath with the yogic postures in a continuous flow. Even during this demanding workout, Hardy endeavored to connect with the class mentally, sharing vulnerable personal stories during her teaching, a reason many students come back. For those looking for a more spiritual, personal practice of yoga, and the chance to become part of a community, Rishi Yoga would be a great fit. Monthly rates and class packages range from $89 to $120, with a student special for $179 for three months, while the drop-in rate is $15.

DowNTowN During my first trip to Temple Yoga Reno, 190 California Ave., I felt decidedly uncomfortable. The smell of incense was overpowering and before the Warm Flow Level 1 & 2 class taught by Candice Marie Connolly started, I was told I could pick out three Fairy Tarot cards from a deck she had spread out near her own mat. The inner skeptic in me rolled her eyes, but I was committed. I grabbed three and put them at the edge of my mat, and rubbed on some essential oils as they were passed around. I had low expectations, but what followed was a class that was physically straining yet incredibly emotionally

Anxiety is just energy. But energy is

calming. I consider myself a passionately devout atheist, but it was difficult to not feel a spiritual connection in the room. I even took the time to read the meanings for all my Fairy Tarot cards. Of all the yoga experiences I had, my classes at Temple Yoga Reno were the most meaningful. I felt comfortable making mistakes and truly learning the practice, without fear of judgment, and felt my mind slow down to a pace that my GAD doesn’t normally allow me to reach. This studio is perfect for those who want to relax their minds, strengthen their bodies, and practice a more traditional style of yoga. Drop-in rates are $18 or $10 with a student, military, or senior discount, and class packages and monthly memberships range from $65 to $180, although there is a new student rate for the first month of unlimited classes for $54.

MiDTowN The Studio has been a pillar of the yoga community in Reno for longer than I can remember. Now located at 1085 S. Virginia St., The Studio offers a myriad of different yoga classes, and the lobby, which doubles as a tea and elixir lounge on Wednesday and Friday nights, offers hip, urban comfort without any pretension. During my first class at The Studio, taught by Patric Calhoun, I found a profound sense of inner hatred for downward-facing dog. The class itself was relaxing, but I had a difficult time finding the stillness Calhoun asked for while my muscles shook under a level of physical exertion they were unaccustomed to. Still, the class retained the same atmosphere of individual peace as other studios, but without any spiritual undertones. The Studio is a great location to find not only a wealth of yoga classes, but also the

opportunity to immerse oneself in Reno’s music and arts culture. Monthly memberships and class packages start from $60 and go to $185, with a handful of discounted options for students. Drop-in rates are $18 per class. From the street, the giant white doors of Midtown Community Yoga, 600 S. Virginia St., don’t look like much. But opening them up leads to a bright, cheery space that offers an eclectic atmosphere and class lineup to suit yogis looking to expand into acrobatic yoga, new practitioners looking to build up their knowledge, and even skeptics who feel more at home at a rock concert than they do in child’s pose. “I would recommend a friend date to the acrobatic yoga,” said Jay Thomas, a student of the studio. “There’s nothing that builds friendship like having someone’s feet so close to your face.” Midtown Community Yoga offers monthly memberships on a sliding scale from $68 to $108, $16 drop-ins for regularly scheduled classes and $10 drop-ins for community classes, and a $50 special for the first month for new members. Another popular Midtown yoga establishment is Pure Yoga, 855 S. Center St. Founded just over five years ago, Pure Yoga now offers 11 different types of classes throughout the week, as well as a couple of different workshops every month that focus on topics like pre-natal yoga and self-care with therapeutic yoga and massage. “I like to start my mornings by coming here,” said student Bri Nicholson. “I feel like I’m sitting in a warm tree house. It’s so peaceful.” With class packages that range from $60-$110, monthly rates starting at $80, a $15 discount for students and WCSD teachers,

“STRETCH THE TRUTH” contunued on page 12

Photo/AnnA hARt

Roxane Osborn practices at The Studio.

power. And it can make you implode on yourself or explode on those around you. Or you can use it to drive you. Jelena Hardy Rishi Studio owner

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   11

“StRetCh the tRuth” contunued from page 11 and a drop-in rate of $20 per class, Pure Yoga is a great location for those wanting to refine their yoga practice on a budget.

South Reno Yoga Loka, 6135 Lakeside Drive, is wellrounded studio, offering numerous class options that range from beginner yoga sessions, to chakra yoga, to classes that use aromatherapy and reiki—a Japanese practice of alternative medicine that claims to promote healing by the transfer of energy through the palms of the practitioner. However, the best feature of Yoga Loka by far is the class opportunities for groups often underserved in the yoga community, such as pregnant women and those with chronic pain or illness. There is also a wealth of knowledge among the team of instructors, many of whom carry certifications as registered yoga teachers, master’s degrees and doctorate degrees. Yoga Loka also offers numerous workshops that deal with a spectrum of topics, from chakras, to meditation, to cognitive health. One student who wanted to remain anonymous shared her story about the studio.

“It has been difficult feeling such a blocked energy in my chakras,” she said. “But after attending their Chakra Yoga series, it has been truly transformative. I have never felt my chakras flowing so freely.” A single class drop-in rate is $18, while the class package and monthly membership prices range from $83 to $275. Juice Box Yoga has become a staple in Reno’s yoga community. While the studio is known for its Bikram yoga classes, it also offers hot Pilates and slower-paced, cooler classes. For some godawful reason, I decided that the third formal yoga class that I had ever taken should probably be their beginner Bikram yoga session. I walked into the studio and met Eric Pehrson, who told me that, since it was my first time, my main goal should be to stay in the room. How hard could that be? (Apparently very hard, considering that the class is composed of 26 poses, and the room itself is humid and warmed to a balmy 105 degrees Fahrenheit.) I made it through to the end of the class—but not without a healthy dose of nausea and regret. Everyone applauded me at the end though, which would have been nice if it weren’t mortifying. I basically came for the yoga but stayed for the frozen lavenderinfused face towel they passed out at the end of class. People were generally supportive

though, and a woman from the class pulled me aside in the locker rooms to tell me that it gets better, becoming a grief counselor I didn’t know I needed. Consider trying the mellower classes if you aren’t experienced in yoga or don’t do well in heat. But if you are searching for a deeply intense workout, want to work off pounds through exercise and heat, or just wonder what it’s like to swim in pools of your own sweat, then this is the studio for you. Try visiting either of the two Reno locations at 631 Sierra Rose Drive and 1635 Robb Drive. Membership and class packages go from $105 to $180, but new members can take advantage of their 14-day unlimited class pass for $39. Drop-in rates are $20 or $10 for students. Yoga Pod Reno, 13981 S. Virginia St., is the only yoga studio in about a six-mile radius, offering a convenient location for South Reno yogis. However, considering the wide array of classes, a trip to Yoga Pod Reno is well worth the drive. The studio offers 70 diverse classes per week, so it is easy to find one to fit any need, personality and time frame. For those who are looking for an intense workout in a rigorous, fitnessfocused environment, the YogaTone class is the perfect fit. Those who want the vigor of a Bikram yoga session in a more positive learning environment will find it in the PodHot sessions.

“If you want a spiritual class, there’s a class here for that,” said Mike Fraley, one of the managers at Yoga Pod. “If you don’t, there’s a class for that too. Some teachers … want to open up your mind as well as your body, so you can take what you learn on the mat and apply it to your life off it.” There are a variety of class packages and membership plans ranging from $119 to $200 a month, or simply drop in on a class for $25.

SpaRkS The Yoga Pearl, 2955 Vista Blvd., specializes in Yin, Vinyasa and Restorative yoga, as well as meditation and spirituality. It offers an average of 25 classes a week, as well as a workshop every Wednesday. There are also frequent special events at the studio, including sessions that focus on vibrational healing, heart healing, and the art of self-care, which vary in price. This is a perfect location for small, personal classes, and even offers one-on-one private yoga sessions. The drop-in fee for regularly scheduled classes is $13, but The Yoga Pearl offers a wide variety of pass levels, from the two-class red pass for new students for $20, to the unlimited monthly yellow pass for $74, to the six-month unlimited blue pass for $350. Ω

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12   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17



We’ve got




N E W S R E V I E W.C O M 03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   13

silver state stories W h at ’ S n e W i n n e va da l i t e r at u r e

by Kris Vagner kri s v @ ne w s re v i e w . c om

Bright spots


MaxiMuM Sunlight by Meagan Day anD HannaH Klein


rural roots

“ModeSt MuSeuMS” by SaraH lillegarD


arah Lillegard is an artist who uses natural materials and sewn pieces to explore the ways we construct mythologies about ourselves and our cultures. Early last year, while at an artist residency in Green River, Utah, she visited the town’s John Wesley Powell River History Museum. That led to several more visits to other small-town museums in Nevada and Utah. Instead of translating her observations into visual artwork, she wrote about them in “Modest Museums,” a series of blog essays. Lillegard said she wanted to look at “how communities represent themselves, what part of their history they cling to and shine a light on.” Would an exhibit on mining present information differently if it’s sponsored by a mining company? Docents at the Lyon County Museum in Yerington told her that one volunteer with a military history had cataloged all the military uniforms into a display. “In that case, that history was represented because one person in particular had the information,” she said.

14   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

In some museums, Lillegard found several different combinations of “folk history, myth, connected with a little bit of truth, connected with how the community is placing itself.” In others, she found different things to think about. The Eureka Sentinel Museum happens to be next to a thrift store. The juxtaposition led her to consider the different ways that monetary value is conferred onto objects. “It’s funny—it makes me really believe that there is no truth,” she said, thinking about what she took away from the project. “It’s this overlap of myth, representation, stories, facts that have been backed up on numerous levels. But that overlapping is really a nice thing. … These in-between spots are really fascinating to learn about.” She plans to keep this project going. “There’s so many museums I keep adding to my spreadsheet, just what’s within a six-hour drive of here,” she said. ► “Modest Musuems” can be read at www.modestmuseums.com.

n 2011, Berkeley journalist Meagan Day drove from the Bay Area to Santa Fe on a regular basis to visit her parents. On each trip, she’d pass through Tonopah. She found the Nevada town captivating, and, for a few years, wondered what life there was like. Eventually, an old friend named Justin Carder, proprietor of a bookstore/ gallery/small press in Oakland called E.M. Wolfman General Interest Small Bookstore, encouraged her to write a book. Day said Carder wanted to publish some “strange, off-beat non-fiction that didn’t fit into a normal category.” She did her research, made several more visits to Tonopah, and recruited her girlfriend, Hannah Klein, to come along and shoot some photos. “I just showed up to talk to people and ask what life was like,” Day said. “People took time out of their not particularly busy—usually— days and sat down to talk about what the texture of their daily existence was like. … Each time I returned, it got deeper and deeper and richer and richer.” In 2016, the duo published Maximum Sunlight, a slim volume with Day’s texts and Klein’s pensive photos of things like mining tools, Nazi paraphernalia, the Wild Cat Brothel’s white limousine in nearby Mina, and shelves of clown figurines at the well known Clown Motel.

The first few chapters are slowly unfolding, getting-to-know-the-place reflections that lay out some history and context. Eventually, personal stories from the town’s residents begin to trickle out, then to flow freely. One story is about “Joe”—Day gave everyone aliases—a 73-year-old bookstore owner who seldom reads books. He moved to Tonopah from California on a mission to “bring Alcoholics Anonymous to the wilderness.” Book sales are infrequent. Joe lives off his pension, hosting meetings in the back room. By his account he’s saved a few lives. The book’s experimental structure might require some deliberate acts of patience from readers who are accustomed to knowing what kind of book they’re reading at the outset— Contemplative essays for those who already know Roland Barthes? Compassionate vignettes of life in a hardscrabble town?—but the heart and insight that Day brings out in her subjects makes it worth hanging in there until you get a feel for what she’s doing. She has a real knack for listening—and she gets pretty far into examining the truths she set out to find. ► Maximum Sunlight can be found at wolfmanhomerepair.com.

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visual artist, a local creative writing professor and a journalist/ photographer team from the Bay Area each have a recent writing project.

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using the macro-level physical details to tell a lot of the story. “I’m really interested in how characters inhabit space and their relationship to place, and how place can sort of direct decisions at times,” Neuenfeldt said. In the story that takes place in Susanville, he said, “The narrator … likes to be outside and kind of get out, especially at night, where it’s quiet, and I think that has a relationship with what he’s looking for in his life.” Neuenfeldt is now working on his next book, a not-yet-titled novel. In this one, he said, the characters are less restless and more reflective, “more interested in where they’ve been and less interested in where they could go.” Ω



► Wild Horse can be found on amazon.com or at Sundance Books and Music.


Wild HorSe by Eric NEuENfEldt


of this ad


Set pieceS


ric Neuenfeldt has relocated more than a few times. He’s lived in the Bay Area and Oklahoma, among other places. He’s a creative writing professor at Truckee Meadows Community College here in Reno, and this semester he’s on leave, teaching in upstate New York. Wild Horse is his collection of short stories, published in fall 2016. “I’m not the protagonist in any of the stories,” Neuenfeldt said. But still, it’s no wonder, given the author’s tendency to roam, the characters tend to be on the restless side. There’s the dad in Susanville whose wife probably isn’t coming back. Then there’s the fledgling bike mechanic, weighing whether to commit to his new life in Berkeley as his girlfriend keeps bringing home groups of polyamorists to drink expensive Danish beer and “close-talk you in the corners of your already cramped apartment.” Neuenfeldt’s attention lingers as closely on setting as F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lingered on people’s faces in The Great Gatsby,

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DROP IN TODA Y 03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   15

by JoSie Luciano


Library of Approximate Location











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A hole in the ground. A bombing range. A summer house in Lagunitas, California. These are some of the approximate locations in which the Library of Approximation Location has found itself in over the years. Soon, it will appear once again, this time at Sierra Nevada College. “I’m not sure exactly where it will be [on campus], but I’m hoping to figure that out during my stay,” said Charlie Macquarie. Over the phone, he sounds a lot like the librarian he is—softspoken, smart, a bit rambling. Macquarie has a master’s degree in library and information science, is a strong believer in the good of the commons, and holds the title of “fellow” at the Prelinger Library in San Francisco—a place best known for its untraditional method of sorting books by relationship instead of by ordered catalog. Out of this particular blend of soft socialism and odd vision, Macquarie twists the function of the library even further as he unloads books, shelves and a sign that reads “Library Open” into various landscapes throughout the desert West. He has cataloged water tanks, rusting signs, something tagged as an “Extremely Dangerous Downhill,” and dozens of old nature guides and USGS maps—all on his web page/digital archive collection. Three summers ago, Macquarie catalogued the stacks of oversized tires that sit outside D&D Tires in east Reno. Even if you’ve never sat at the red light on Sutro and Sixth Streets and contemplated what kind of vehicles could possibly use tires that big—and whether piling them outside in the sun is really the best idea for storage—you can still

The Library of Approximate Location pops up in some far-flung locations. Its current stop is Sierra Nevada College.

get a sense of what they are by reading Macquarie’s detailed entry, aided in no small part by the poetry he always seems to write into the metadata. Among the descriptive information he includes with each entry, such as geographic coordinates and physical descriptions, he writes some artful observations. Here’s what he said about the tires: “after heat; after tangential curving; after blackout and summer; after we met for the second time; after patterns unrelenting pounded into dry horizon ...” Reading these shreds of poetry in an otherwise rigidly classified system is at first startling, then intriguing, then, the next time you pass the object in question, it may have a triggering effect. Perhaps you’ll even project your own thoughts and emotions onto that place. “It’s sort of my hope that you can look at these interpretive materials to give you a new understanding, new thoughts, new ideas or perspectives about a space,” said Macquarie. The Sierra Nevada College installation will be a little different. “It’s not going to get installed outside because there is too much snow right now,” he said. Instead, the librarian will be building a box—“maybe a batbox”—that houses a wifi router, local area network, and a shelf that holds a small number of physical books and maps relating to the Lake Tahoe area. Once people know where the library is, they can simply walk up to the box, insert a USB stick, open a browser, and automatically download the digital resources stored on the network. It’s a geocache for natural history buffs. Ω

The Library of approximate Location library box is open as a permanent installation at Sierra nevada college, 999 Tahoe Blvd., incline Village. For more information about the project and its designer, charlie Macquarie, visit www.charliemacquarie.com.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



“Why should you never make an agreement with me? Because of my retractable clause. Get it?”

Rated X

to Yuma remake.) to the proceedings, even making direct references to Shane. It’s remarkable the liberties he’s been allowed to take with an otherwise family-friendly franchise. People die hard in this one. Nobody sports any fancy uniforms. And now for something completely different … The action scenes are flawless, top-notch enterHugh Jackman—allegedly—says goodbye prises, a marvel of special effects and awards-worthy to Wolverine with Logan, a total shocker of a editing. There is a scene in this movie that is one of superhero movie that lays waste to the X-Men and the best scenes I have ever seen in an action film. standalone Wolverine movies that came before it. The sequence involves Xavier having an especially Director James Mangold, who piloted the decent The bad seizure. That’s all I’m going to give away. Wolverine, revamps the character’s mythos, and pulls Believe me, you’ll know it when you see it. along Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) for the gritty, Jackman has always been a terrific Wolverine. bloody, nasty, awesome ride. Of all of the “superhero” performances through the It’s the future, and the X-Men are gone. A mutant years, he goes into the Hall of Fame with the likes hasn’t been born in a quarter of a century, and Logan of Reeve, Keaton, Bale and Downey, Jr. He’s all isn’t looking too hot. He’s driving a limo to make in for this picture, and he’s finally allowed to take ends meet, coughing up blood, and basically not Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine, to his most violent, sadistic aging well. extremes. There’s no holding back He’s doing a lot better than with his work here. It’s a fitting Xavier, the mutant formally known conclusion to his run with the as Professor X, who’s prone to character. seizures and suffering from some There’s a long way to go in the sort of degenerative brain disease. film year, but Stewart should already Logan has to keep him in a big Director: James Mangold be getting some Oscar buzz for his empty tank to shield the world Starring: Hugh Jackman,  turn in this movie. While Jackman from his spells, which can cause Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen takes Wolverine to an extreme some major physical distress to those in of us geeks might expect, Stewart is the vicinity, including Logan. He’s allowed to explore the sad, broken assisted in caring for Xavier by side of Xavier, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. He Caliban (comedian Stephen Merchant), an albino honestly has some of the greatest moments of his mutant with mind powers. career in this film, and the same can most certainly In short, the days of X-Men glory are way, way be said for Jackman. over, with Logan and Xavier having a shit time in All elements of this movie are Grade A spectheir autumn years. tacular, and we’ll just make the call right now. Just when it seems as if the pair will waste away Logan is one of the very best comic book films ever in their miserable existence, along comes Laura (a made, and if you were to call it the all-time best, dynamite Dafne Keen). She’s a genetically engiyou probably wouldn’t be met with much opposineered mutant equipped with the same retractable tion. It’s an example of a great idea delivered with claws and viciously bad temper as Logan. When stupendous results. her life becomes endangered, Logan throws her and So, it’s only March, and the last two weeks have Xavier in the back of his vehicle, and they are off on given us Get Out and Logan. The movie year is off one wild, dark road trip. to one of its better starts in many years. As for the To say this movie is violent would be an X-Men franchise, it’s doubtful the accomplishments understatement. On the heels of Deadpool and its of Logan will ever be topped, but it will be interestR-rated success, Mangold and company have let the ing to see somebody try. Ω flesh and profanity rip with this one. Mangold brings some of his Western chops (He directed the 3:10



Get Out

Chris (Daniel Kaluuya), a young AfricanAmerican man, is a little nervous. He’s  going to visit the parents of Rose Armitage  (Allison Williams), his white girlfriend. Rose is  relaxed about the trip, but Chris is anxious. His  anxiety proves justified shortly into the trip.  Upon arrival at her large estate, her parents  like Chris. They really, really like Chris. Actually,  parents Missy and Dean (Catherine Keener  and Bradley Whitford) like Chris at a level  that’s a bit unsettling. Chris shrugs it off at  first, as does Allison, but strange things start  happening. Writer-director Jordan Peele, the  comedic performer from TV’s Key & Peele, and  the adorable, funny cat movie Keanu, delivers  a huge cinematic surprise with Get Out, a  twisted, darkly satiric, nasty little horror film  that pulls no punches when it comes to race  relations and dating. Peele has cited Night of  the Living Dead and The Stepford Wives as inspiration for this journey to the dark side of his  creative soul. Those films’ influences are detectable, and I’d say you could throw in a pinch  of Rosemary’s Baby with a side of Being John  Malkovich as well. Two of the hardest things to  accomplish with a movie are to make people  laugh and get them legitimately scared. Get Out  manages to do both for its entire running time.  Peele takes taboo subjects and stereotypes  and doesn’t let his pen get restricted by fear of  offending anybody. This is an appropriately evil,  scabrous movie.


The Great Wall

Matt Damon stars in this mess, and  this may very well represent the low  point of his career, a career that has included  the atrocious Jason Bourne and Hereafter.  He probably thought he was in safe hands  because The Great Wall is helmed by director  Zang Yimou, maker of such masterpieces as  Hero, House of Flying Daggers and—one of my  very favorite movies—The Road Home. Damon  was probably all like, “Hey, Yimou is calling the  shots. If anything, I’m going to look good in this  pic!” Then … he saw his wardrobe. A wardrobe  that begins with big furry wigs and beards,  and then declines into a sad man-bun wig as  the film progresses. He looks silly from frame  one. He sounds silly, too. He’s attempting some  sort of accent here, a cross between Irish,  Scottish and just plain dickweed. Every time  he talks in this movie, it hurts the ears and the  soul—especially the souls of those who love  Matt Damon. It’s all in the service of a wannabe  period epic about non-distinctive, stupidlooking CGI monsters attacking China’s Great  Wall, with Damon’s character being the savior  with a bow. It’s a meandering, dull, ugly waste  of everybody’s time.


Hidden Figures

Katherine Johnson was part of a segregated division at NASA in the ’50s, a  wing of mathematicians who did the work that  computers do today. Hidden Figures depicts  the humiliation she and two other historical  African-American figures, Dorothy Vaughan  and Mary Jackson, went through while solving  equations that helped put men safely into  space. The women had to put up with a lot  of racist bullshit, and the film shows their  hardships, albeit in PG fashion. Taraji P. Henson  plays Johnson, the “smart one” astronaut  John Glenn personally demanded check the coordinates before his historical flight launched.  Octavia Spencer is her usual great self as  Vaughan, doing the work of a supervisor without the title and curious about that new IBM  thing they just installed down the hall. Vaughan  would become crucial to the implementation  of computers at NASA, as well as being the  agency’s first African-American supervisor. As  Jackson, NASA’s first female African-American  aeronautical engineer, singer Janelle Monae is  so good, it’s easy to forget that this is just her  second movie role. As a composite, fictional  character named Al Harrison, Kevin Costner  does some of his best acting in years.


La La Land

This is an all new, original musical from  director Damien Chazelle (Whiplash)  that’s surprisingly low on melodrama while

full of vibrancy, beautiful tunes, outstanding  set pieces and a stunning sense of realism for  a movie where the characters bust out singing. It’s the best original movie musical ever  made. The story follows wannabe actress Mia  (Emma Stone) and jazz composer Sebastian  (Ryan Gosling) as they try to make it in crazy  Los Angeles. They meet, they don’t like each  other much at first, but then they fall in love,  which provides Chazelle and his performers  ample opportunities for musical numbers that  surprise at every turn. This solidifies Gosling as  one of the best actors of his generation. Stone  doesn’t just make her mark with a beautiful  voice and expert footwork—she embodies the  character trying to “make it” in the business.


The Lego Batman Movie





This is the great Batman story that  Batman v Superman failed to be. Even  better, it has Will Arnett voicing Batman with a  new, super amped, still dark, but amazingly well  rounded and sometimes humorous incarnation.  After all these years of dark—and admittedly  sometimes brilliant—Batman movies, it’s nice  to have a vehicle where we can just have fun  with the character. Director Chris McKay,  along with a long list of writers, has come up  with a story that will please adult Batman fans  as much as the kids who will most assuredly  be dropped off at the local Cineplex to watch  a movie while parents catch a break from  the little mayhem makers. Arnett’s Batman  not only faces off against the Joker (a very  funny Zach Galifianakis), but finds himself in a  scenario where he’s battling a smorgasbord of  movie villains including King Kong, the Gremlins,  Dracula, evil British robots and Voldemort (Eddie Izzard), to name just a few. It’s a nutty plot  element that also allows for Batman mainstays  like Bane, Two-Face (Billy Dee Williams, who was  Harvey Dent in Tim Burton’s Batman) and the  Riddler (Conan O’Brien!) to get in on the act.  It’s a geek fest, a movie lover’s delight that has  a funny little trivia bit at nearly every turn, and  an emotional center.

Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan  has finally made his first good movie  since Signs (2002) with Split, a down-to-thebasics, creepy thriller propelled by excellent  performances from James McAvoy and Anya  Taylor-Joy (The Witch). The film reminds us  that Shyamalan can be a capable director and  writer when he’s not getting too carried away.  Taylor-Joy plays Casey, a high school outcast  who attends a birthday party but soon finds  herself and two classmates imprisoned by a  strange man with multiple personalities (McAvoy). In addition to the angry man who kidnaps  them, he’s also a stately, mannered woman, a  9-year-old child and, well, a few others. One  of those other personalities plays a big part  in taking the film into other realms beyond  psychological thriller. McAvoy goes nuts with  the role, and Shyamalan takes things into  supernatural territories in a chilling climax.  Taylor-Joy is quickly becoming the new scream  queen, and McAvoy’s work will surely stand as  one of the year’s most fun performances.

Four women direct short films in this  horror anthology. Most notably, Annie  Clark of the band St. Vincent makes her film  directorial debut with a segment called “The  Birthday Party,” where a frantic mom (Melanie  Lynskey) panics when she finds a corpse just  before her child’s birthday. The segment looks  great, is acted well, and features some great  sound and St. Vincent music. As a piece of horror, it’s a bit of a failure—it’s more jokey than  horror—but the segment does show that Clark  can direct performances and pull together the  technical parts. It’s just not scary. Things get  creepier in an Evil Dead sort of way with “Don’t  Fall,” where some desert campers come into  contact with demonic forces after seeing some  sketches on a stone wall. The other segments,  “The Gift” and “Her Only Living Son,” deal with  starvation, parenthood and the antichrist.  Available for download rental during limited  theatrical release.

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   17

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Among the lunch fare at the Cup Cafe is the giant pastrami cheddar burger with onion rings.




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sauce. I make the stuff at home, and this was exactly as it should be—light, lemony, delicious. It was pretty much perfect, paired with a pile of nicely browned In a crowd I recently overheard the home-fried potatoes. statement, “There’s no good breakfast My wife’s friend ordered a platter in Reno.” What the what? If there’s a of country biscuits and gravy ($11.99) well-represented genre of food in the that was so big it should have had its Biggest Little City, it’s breakfast and own zip code. Two seriously tall, freshbrunch. Maybe that person just doesn’t get baked buttermilk biscuits were split and out much. With that in mind, I happened smothered in country gravy, served with upon a place that’s been around a long a couple of eggs, home fries and a pair time and had three separate identities—yet of the fattest breakfast sausage links I’ve each iteration has served some form of ever seen. The black pepper gravy was traditional American grub. The Cup Café is exceptional—not gluey or too thin—and doing a respectable job breaking fasts with made me wish I’d ordered differently. the best of ’em. But, alas, I chose lunch fare—a My crew headed in late on a Sunday pastrami cheddar burger ($10.99). The morning, so the 45-minute wait seemed half-pound patty of ground chuck Angus about right. We did not, however, have to beef was topped with pastrami, cheddar wait long for food, so perhaps the delay cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, dill was due to folks enjoying a fourth cup of pickle chips and sauce on a better-thancoffee. The quality of this brew was worth average, pillowy, grilled bun. It looked savoring, and our mugs were frequently beautiful on the plate— refilled—something that served with a kosher dill is never lost on me. Keep pickle spear and breaded my coffee full, and I flip onion rings for an extra on a dime from Grumpy 6770 S. Virginia St., 853-4952 $1.99. The rings were Gus to Mr. Sunshine. The Cup Café is open from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. golden and crispy, but My wife decided on a the burger was just OK, carb splurge with country not quite on par with the breakfasts. The style French toast ($9.59)—thick triangles patty was cooked to a dried-out medium of hearty bread rolled in oats, almonds and well. The pastrami was thin shaved and pecans, egg-wash-fried in the traditional tasty, but there wasn’t much of it. The style and topped with blueberry compote. lettuce was limp—maybe having sat too She went all in, adding two eggs—overlong on the hot meat. The tomato was medium—and a couple of strips of mushy, and the cheese was only partially cherrywood-smoked bacon for an additional melted. The sauce—seemingly a blend $3.99. Despite all the sweet goo, the toast of mustard and mayo—was actually one wasn’t soggy or limp, and the bacon was of the best things about the sandwich. It thick-cut and nicely crisp. She chose well. wasn’t bad, but I wouldn’t order it again. My most predictable breakfast buddy I’ve had similar experiences, so I think went with a traditional eggs Benedict I’ll stick with breakfast dishes when dining ($11.59), featuring a grilled English muffin at a place that is known for them. I still topped with two poached jumbo eggs, can’t believe I didn’t try the country fried plenty of shaved honey ham, and what steak. What was I thinking? Ω I have to say was a perfect hollandaise

The Cup Café

by Marc Tiar


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$ 00 Battle Born Beer is “contract brewed” and distributed in stores. PhoTo/Eric Marks

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Battle Born Beer


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Jeff Pickett had a vision of two things: a quality, simple beer, unpretentious and appealing to the everyday Nevada beer drinker, and that Nevada should have a If you want to stir a discussion, get a “state beer,” like Texas’ Lone Star. bunch of beer geeks, get a few beers in Pickett planted the seed in 2009 with them, and ask what everyone thinks about brewmaster Trent Schmidt and brewer contract brewing. For those unfamiliar, Brandon Wright, then at Silver Peak. this is where “brewer” A—who may never Pickett’s love of clean, crisp German actually do any brewing—pays brewery pilsners provided the model for what it B to make A’s beer at B’s facility when should taste like. Getting the name into B isn’t brewing their own products. It’s use was the first step in building the brand. a symbiotic arrangement where B can Since then, Battle Born has grown in the increase revenue, maximizing use of their most circuitous way—brewed from Carson facility, and A can avoid a sizable investCity to San Jose (!), almost in Tonopah. ment in infrastructure to start selling beer. The brand’s availability and visibility rose, Opinions on contract brewing tend to fall fell and never died. In the most recent and into two camps. Some think fitting chapter, Battle it’s cheating, that having Born has again found someone else make your a home in Reno with product isn’t “real” brewing. For info, visit battleborn.beer. brewmaster Wright, Others think it’s fine, that the now brewed and canned real product creation comes at the Depot Brewery and Distillery. in recipe formulation, and it doesn’t really Besides the award-winning, beautiful matter who is operating the equipment. Nevada blue cans found on store shelves, Personally, I mostly align with the the most visible part of Battle Born is its latter—lots of good breweries get started vintage milk truck. Pickett envisions the with contract brewing’s lower cost of entry, day that truck returns to duty, delivering and as long as the brewer oversees recipes, to homes, picking up empty bottles like ingredient selection and other production in the good old days, made better because details, I don’t care who pushes the buttons. it’s beer. In the meantime, a permanent In the contract brewing discussion and production facility is the next goal to firmly beyond, the question of authenticity comes establish Battle Born as the “national beer up. We live in a world where so much of Nevada.” is just image. Brands are created with a In the end, I’ve come around to Battle backstory or mythology that doesn’t exist, Born. I generally like hoppier, complicated, drafted at a marketing department’s confermore flavorful beers. But I’ve been grudgence table. ingly seduced by the idea, and—I hate to So why am I yammering about these admit—the brand. I like the can, the name, industry practices in the Drink column? and even the motto, which reminds me not Because I came into this week with a to take my obsession too seriously: “It’s bias against Battle Born Beer. It was born just beer.” Brewers will tell you a good as a brand, little more. To me, the beer pilsner is the hardest to brew—so clean comes first. Slick marketing with no soul and delicate, there’s nothing to hide flaws or passion behind the product is for bland or mistakes. Seems fitting for the state macrobrews, not my beloved craft beer. In beer—challenging, humble, and perfect for the case of Battle Born, founder and CEO the hot, dry desert in summer. Ω

Crafted Palette

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   19


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by Jeri ChadweLL-SingLey

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The guys stopped to snap a selfie while at 102.3 the Max in downtown Louisville, Kentucky.

Inside story The Novelists “I miss my dogs, but quite frankly I would stay out another month happily right now—I’m on Cloud Nine,” Joel Ackerson—vocalist and mandolin/guitar player for the lyrical rock group the Novelists—said during a recent phone interview. It was the afternoon of March 4, and Ackerson and his three bandmates were preparing for a house concert in a suburb of Chicago—the second-to-last stop on a six-week national tour. The band has had a healthy following since its 2012 debut album, Backstory, but its members still have a fondness for playing shows in intimate, private settings. “What happens when you get into a small room is each audience member realizes how crucial they are to the show—being resonant, if you will,” Ackerson said. “And when that happens, and you get 20 or 30 or 40 people really turning on to their involvement in the show, it creates this cycle of connection.” Just a few weeks earlier, the band had boarded a cruise ship in Florida and set out on the Sail Across the Sun Cruise. This annual music festival on the open seas features concerts by Train and a host of other musicians, including some each year who’ve won their passage through popular vote. “This cruise was really … beyond our wildest dreams,” said vocalist and keyboardist Eric Andersen. “We got to see some of our heroes play. Glen Phillips was on the cruise—from Toad the Wet Sprocket.” But the bandmates got more out of the cruise than just the opportunity to play gigs on the same stages as some of their music idols.

“There was a lot of camaraderie between the bands, and I didn’t really expect that seeing as we were the new band,” Andersen said. “We won our way onto the ship, whereas these guys were booked with major label acts. And yet they treated us like peers the whole time. There was never a disconnect.” The guys made plenty of new friends, too. Staying in touch with fans is something the band members pride themselves on. The archived pages of their website read like a book, with chapters of dialogue spanning years of updates about shows and recordings. And the Novelists is a band that records a lot. “We’ve sort of functioned as a studio band for a handful of different musicians,” said vocalist and bassist Zach Teran. “Even when we’re not recording our own songs, we are writing and producing, and [we] help record a ton of other people’s music.” After returning from the cruise, the guys made their way north from Florida for the release of an album they produced with Baltimore vocalist Heather Aubrey Lloyd. For drummer and vocalist Justin Kruger, the Baltimore show was a personal homecoming. “I’ve been living [there] for the last almost four years while my wife is in a pharmacy program,” Kruger said during another phone interview before the show. “It’s really special to be showing up in a car and showing the boys where I live.” Now, the bandmates are preparing to bring the tour to a close with a homecoming show at the Saint, 761 S. Virginia St., on March 11. “We’re thrilled about playing at home … because we’ve been tightening up all the music,” Andersen said. “It’s going to be a much more in-sync band—well rehearsed.” Ω

The Novelists play a homecoming show at the Saint, 761 S. Virginia St., on March 11. Doors open at 8:00 p.m.

JANUARY 21 - JULY 16 Take an intimate look at Maynard Dixon’s life in the American West through more than sixty works drawn from the collections of brothers Bruce Paltenghi and Dr. Richard Paltenghi. Included are many never-before-seen drawings of mountain and desert landscapes, portraits, and figure studies.


The Thelma B. and Thomas P. Hart Foundation Brian and Nancy Kennedy The Satre Family Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada Whittier Trust, Investment & Wealth Management

Maynard Dixon, Tortolita Range, 1944, oil on canvas board, 20 x 24 inches. Dr. Richard Paltenghi Collection

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   21




Sage Armstrong, 10pm, $10

3rd Street Bar

Triage at 3rd Street, 9pm, no cover

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 329-9444 125 W. Third St., (775) 323-5005

5 Star Saloon

March 10, 9 p.m.  Crystal Bay Club  14 Highway 28  Stateline  833-6333

Comedy 3rd Street, 125 W. Third St., (775) 3235005: Comedy Night & Improv with Patrick Shillito, W, 9pm, no cover Laugh Factory at Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Bob Zany & Basile, Th, Su, 7:30pm, $21.95; F, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $21.95; Sa, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $24.95; Michael “Wheels” Parise, T-W, 7:30pm, $21.95 The Improv at Harveys, 18 Highway 50, Stateline., (775) 588-6611: Todd Glass, Caleb Synan, Th-F, 9pm, $25; Sa, 9pm, $30 Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Anthony K, Th, 8pm, $10-$15; F, 9pm, $13-$18, Sa, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $13-$18


Bar of america

Aversion Therapy, 8pm, no cover

The Routine, 9pm, no cover

10042 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee; (530) 587-2626

the BlueBird

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Trap City, Ultraviolet, Napsty, Lé Swndle, 10pm, $TBA

Oneness, TYMK, Beatkarma, 10pm, $5

ceol iriSh puB

Ciana, 9pm, no cover

Keith Shannon, 9pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558

cottonwood reStaurant

Witherward, 7pm, no cover

davidSon’S diStillery

Leroy & Rico, 8pm, no cover

elBow room Bar

Jack DiCarlo, 7pm, no cover

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711 275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-6700

Celtic Sessiuns, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Todd Morgan, 7pm, no cover

Karaoke with C.J. Tirone, 7pm, no cover

fine vineS

hangar Bar

Canyon White Open Mic Night, 8pm, no cover

10603 Stead Blvd., Stead; (775) 677-7088

hellfire Saloon

Saxaholics, 8pm, no cover

3372 S. McCarran Blvd., (775) 825-1988

himmel hauS

Open Mic Night, 9pm, M, no cover Trivia Night, 9pm, W, no cover

3819 Saddle Rd., South Lake Tahoe; (530) 314-7665

the holland project 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652

Hip Hop Open Mic, 9pm, M, Open Mic Jam Slam, 8pm, Tu, Karaoke, 7pm, W, free

Apothic, 6pm, no cover

6300 Mae Anne Ave., (775) 787-6300

juB juB’S thirSt parlor

MON-WED 3/13-3/15

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsrev iew.com/ren o. Deadline is th e Friday before public ation.

Reno Leprechaun Crawl, 8pm, $5 cup and map

132 West St., (775) 329-2878

Pimps of Joytime


Lil Wyte, Ill Trix, 7:30pm, $15

Hand Habits, Mega Bogg, Stirr Lightly, Falling Giants, 8pm, $5

Boys, Family Sedan, Mulch, RDS, Tresed, Okay Urge, Royal Noble, Surly, 7pm, $5 6:30pm, $5

Brotha Lynch Hung, RDLN, 9:30pm, $20

Isaiah Rashad, 7:30pm, $15-$65

The Coathangers, 8pm, M, $10-$12 Laura Stevenson, 8pm, Tu, $8

Layden & The Lion, 9pm, $TBA

the jungle

Outspoken: Open Mic Night, 9pm, M, no cover

laughing planet cafe

Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484 941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633

o t p u e v Sa

50% s t n a r u a t s e on r and events! RNRSWEETDEALS.NEWSREVIEW.COM

22   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17





MON-WED 3/13-3/15

The LofT Tahoe

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $19-$27

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $19-$27

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $19-$27

Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7:30pm, $19-$27

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, M-W, $19-$27

The Loving Cup

Live jazz, 8pm, no cover

MidTown wine Bar

DJ Trivia, 6:30pm, no cover

Alias Smith Band, 8pm, no cover

The Heidi Incident, 8:30pm, no cover

1001 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 523-8024

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480 1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

MiLLenniuM nighTCLuB

Ladies Night, 10pm, no cover

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 772-6637

Moody’s BisTro Bar & BeaTs 10007 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 587-8688

T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover Athena Mcintyre, 7:30pm, W, no cover

Bob Home Show, 8pm, no cover

Matterhorn, 8:30pm, no cover

Morris Burner hosTeL

Portugal. The Man

Matterhorn, 8:30pm, no cover David Liebe Hart, 7pm, $10-$12

400 E. Fourth St., (775) 327-1171

paddy & irene’s irish puB

906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-5484

Acoustic Wonderland Singer-Songwriter Showcase, 8pm, no cover

U Play Wednesdays (open mic jam), 8pm, W, no cover

pigniC puB & paTio

Open Spike Night, 7pm, Tu, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

poLo Lounge

Live music, 7pm, no cover

Live music, 7pm, no cover

The sainT

Hate Recorder, ABCLT, Limbo State, Team Francis, 9pm, no cover

The Novelists, 8pm, $15

shea’s Tavern

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Sinicle, From The Ruins, Condemned Existence, 9pm, $TBA

Tavern Trivia Night, 9pm, no cover

sparks Lounge

Fossils, 8:30pm, no cover

Wunderlust, 8:30pm, no cover

One Man Jam, 5:30pm, M, no cover Jazz Jam, 7pm, Tu, no cover

Saturday Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

Tuesday Trivia, 8pm, Tu, no cover Music Industry Night, 8pm, W, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

red dog saLoon

March 10, 7:30 p.m.  Harrah’s Lake Tahoe  15 Highway 50  Stateline  588-6611

Open Mic and Jam, 7pm, no cover

76 N. C St., Virginia City; (775) 847-7474 761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

1237 Baring Blvd., Sparks; (775) 409-3340

sT. JaMes infirMary

Artist Industry Night, 9pm, no cover

445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484

sTudio on 4Th

Bears Among Men, 9pm, $5

432 E. Fourth St., (775) 737-9776

whiskey diCk’s saLoon

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 544-3425


Saltwater, 9pm, $7 Shu Lace, 9pm, no cover

Live Blues Wednesdays, 8pm, W, no cover

Laura Stevenson March 14, 8 p.m.  The Holland Project  140 Vesta St.  742-1858


NEWSREVIEW.COM/RENO/CALENDAR 03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   23

AtlAntis CAsino ResoRt spA 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom Stage 2) Cabaret

Boomtown CAsino Hotel

2100 Garson Rd., Verdi; (775) 345-6000 1) Event Center 2) Guitar Bar





MON-WED 3/13-3/15

2) Platinum, 8pm, no cover

2) Platinum, 8pm, Kick, 10pm, no cover

2) Platinum, 8pm, Kick, 10pm, no cover

2) Kick, 8pm, no cover

2) Melissa Dru, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Jason King Band, 6pm, no cover

2) The Starlighters, 5pm, no cover Rebekah Chase, 10pm, no cover

2) The Starlighters, 5pm, no cover Rebekah Chase, 10pm, no cover

2) Crush, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover Hoaloha, 6pm, Tu, no cover Jason King Band, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Whiskey Maiden, 8pm, no cover

2) Whiskey Maiden, 8pm, no cover

2) Jonathan “JB” Barton, 6pm, no cover

2) Jonathan “JB” Barton, 6pm, M, no cover Helena and The Bear, 7pm, Tu, W, no cover

1) Pimps of Joytime, 9pm, $25-$30

1) Tainted Love, 9pm, $25

1) Lettuce, 9pm, W, $27-$30

2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover

2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover

2) Live Band Karaoke, 10pm, M, no cover Audioboxx, 10:30pm, W, no cover 3) Privileged, 7:30pm, T, W, $27.95

1) George Thorogood & The Destroyers, 9pm, $22.94-$273 2) DJ Skywidit, 10pm, $15 3) Grand Country Nights, 10pm, no cover

2) T.I., 8pm, $25-$100

CARson VAlley inn

Trombone Shorty March 11, 8 p.m.  MontBleu Resort  55 Highway 50  Stateline  (800) 648-3353

2) Whiskey Maiden, 7pm, no cover 1627 Hwy. 395, Minden; (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret Lounge 3) TJ’s Corral

CRystAl BAy CluB

14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay; (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

eldoRAdo ResoRt CAsino 345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi

2) Ashley Red, 9pm, no cover 3) Privileged, 7:30pm $27.95

GRAnd sieRRA ResoRt

Karaoke O’Cleary’s Irish Pub, 1330 Scheels Drive, Ste. 250, Sparks., (775) 359-1209: Bobby Dee Karaoke/Dance Party, Th, 6pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Th, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks., (775)356-6000: F, 9pm, Sa, 9pm, no cover West Second Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., 384-7976: Daily, 8pm, no cover

2) Poperz, 9pm, $15 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theater 2) Lex Nightclub 3) Sports Book

HARRAH’s lAke tAHoe

1) Portugal. The Man, 7:30pm, $29.35 2) DJ Rick Gee, DJ JosBeatz, 10pm, $20 2) DJ Mickey Tan, DJ JosBeatz, 10pm, $20 3) Arty The Party, 9pm, no cover 3) Arty The Party, 9pm, no cover

15 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (775) 588-6611 1) South Shore Room 2) Peek Nightclub 3) Center Stage Lounge

montBleu ResoRt CAsino & spA

1) Umphrey’s Mcgee, Spafford, 7:30pm, $30-$35 2) Afrolicious, Blackstar Safari, 11:30pm, $10-$15

1) Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue, 8pm, $30-$40

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, live music, 9pm, no cover

1) The Frozen Ballet, 3pm, 7pm, $17-$32 3) DJ/Dancing, 6pm, live music, 9pm, no cover

1) The Frozen Ballet, 3pm, 7pm, $17-$32

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, W, no cover

2) Motel Drive, 7pm, no cover

2) Motel Drive, 8pm, no cover 3) Latin Dance Social, 7:30pm, $10-$20

2) Motel Drive, 8pm, no cover 3) DJ Dynamix, 10pm, $20

2) Joshua Cook & The Key of Now,   6pm, no cover

2) Joshua Cook & The Key of Now,   6pm, M-W, no cover

2) DJ Ivan, 9pm, no cover 4) Punktematrix, 9pm, no cover

2) Big Bad Boogie Rock, DJ Kronik, 9pm, no cover 3) Fashion Fridays, 9pm, no cover 4) Vegas Roadshow, 9pm, no cover

2) Big Bad Boogie Rock, DJ Kronik, 9pm, no cover 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) Vegas Roadshow, 9pm, no cover,

3) Industry Night, 9pm, no cover 4) DJ Kronik, 9pm, no cover

2) Amp Ent DJ, 9pm, M, no cover 2) DJ Ivan, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover

55 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (800) 648-3353 1) Showroom 2) HQ Center Bar 3) Opal Ultra Lounge 4) Blu

nuGGet CAsino ResoRt

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, Live music, 9pm, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks; (775) 356-3300 1) Celebrity Showroom 2) Nugget Grand Ballroom no cover 3) Gilley’s

peppeRmill ResoRt spA CAsino

2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Tuscany Ballroom 2) Terrace Lounge 3) Edge

silVeR leGACy ResoRt CAsino

407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) Grand Exposition Hall 2) Rum Bullions Island Bar 3) Aura Ultra Lounge 4) Silver Baron Lounge

24   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

3) Buddy Emmer and guest,   8pm, Tu, no cover

Welcome to the weekly

Northern Nevada Cannabis Guide About Kynd Cannabis Company Kynd Cannabis Company boasts a team of seasoned industry professionals with over 70 years combined cultivation and production experience. Kynd cultivates flowers that champion the healing power of medical cannabis and have been tailoring high-potency strains for over a decade. Kynd develops a full line of pharmaceutical grade cannabis-based medicinal products from edible

tinctures and capsules to pure, high-potency hash oils and vape products extracted using supercritical CO2 fluid instead of hydrocarbons like hexane or butane. CO2 is regarded as a “solvent-less” extraction methodology and seen by many as the future of clean cannabis extraction. For more information on Kynd Cannabis Company visit www.kynd.com, or email info@kynd.com.

Northern Nevada Cannabis Guide Sponsored Content

Continues on page 26

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   25





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OF F waterpipes E x p i r e s 5 / 9 / 17

E-Liquids Vape Papers & Wraps 1207 California Ave, Reno NV 2975 Vista Blvd Ste 105 Sparks, NV 26   |   RN&R   |   03.09.17

FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 9, 2017 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. NORTH LAKE TAHOE SNOWFEST!: The 36th  annual festival celebrates life in the High  Sierra and features parades, fireworks,  Polar Bear Swim, Iditarun, Snowfest!  Queen, pancake breakfast and more.  Sun, 3/12. North Lake Tahoe, (530) 583-7167,  tahoesnowfest.org.

ORION THE HUNTER: Join the Astronomical  Society of Nevada as they take  stargazers on an exploration of  the Orion Constellation. The Orion  constellation is named after the  hunter in Greek mythology, Orion,  and is one of the most prominent and  recognizable constellations in the sky.  The constellation contains at least 15  celestial objects of interest, including The  Flame Nebula, the Horsehead Nebula, the  Running Nebula, the Foxhead Nebula and  the Great Orion Nebula. A viewing of the  stars will occur after the presentation.  Please call to confirm attendance.  Sat, 3/11, 6:30pm. Galena Creek Visitor Center,  18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 8494948, www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.


Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry


The 26th annual festival features a wide variety of bull fries  prepared by cooks competing for $2,500 in prize money and  the title of Best Rocky Mountain Oyster Cook in the West. Cooks will fry,  smoke or grill these tender vittles for visitors to sample before voting  for their favorite tasty testes in the People’s Choice category. Judges will  determine the winners in the Best Overall Taste, Most Creative Dish, Best  Dish Presentation and Best Booth Setup/Decor categories. With St. Patrick’s  Day around the corner, revelers can dress in their favorite green garb,  check out the parade, participate in the costume contest and belly up to the  bar during the Ball Breaker Saloon Crawl. The event takes place from 10 a.m.  to 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, along C Street in Virginia City. Admission is  free, with tasting packages ranging from $5 to $85. Tickets for the bar crawl  are $15-$20. Call 847-7500 or visit www.visitvirginiacity.com.

EVENTS 48TH ANNUAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER AND SHOW: The Sons and Daughters of Erin’s  48th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and  Show will be honoring Irish veteran and  be hosted by Judge Patricia Lynch. There  will be a raffle, merchandise and whiskey  tasting. Entertainment will be by 3-17  Irish folk band, the Sierra Silver Strings,  The Truckee River Dance Company and  the Sierra Highlanders Pipe Band.  Sat, 3/11, 4pm. $12-$45. Circus Circus, 500 N.  Sierra St., (775) 378-0931.

BRAIN AWARENESS: Members of the Sierra  Nevada Chapter of the Society for  Neuroscience will give a hands-on  presentation on the brain. They’ll bring  real human brains, as well as plasticized  sections, mouse brains, fly brains,  diagrams and activities. Free.  Sun, 3/12, 2pm. Sierra View Library, 4001 S. Virginia  St., (775) 827-3232.

CONTRA DANCE: Singles and beginners  welcome. Arrive at 7:15pm for a beginners  session. Callers walk you through  the dances while local and regional  bands play Celtic music. No partner  necessary.  Sat, 3/11, 7:30pm. $8-$10.  Historic Southside School Annex, 190 E.  Liberty St., sierracontra.org.

GALLERY CONVERSATIONS IN SPANISH: NMA  offers a feature gallery tour and informal  conversation completely in Spanish.  Designed for native and non-native  Spanish speakers. Reservations not  required. $10 gallery admission.  Thu, 3/9, 5pm. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W.  Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org

MIDTOWN MURAL TOUR: A docent-led tour  of more than 40 of the 70 murals in  Midtown Reno. Learn about the artists,  their processes and how this form of  public art improves the life and culture  of a neighborhood. Local, national and  international artists are represented.  Tickets are available at the door.  Sat, 3/11, 11am. $10. Blue Whale Coffee Company, 32  Cheney St., (415) 596-4987.

C. Davis Observatory hosts free star  parties every Saturday night year  round, starting at sunset (except when  there is snow on the roads). The evening  starts with a lecture on one of numerous  topics and then concludes with guided  star viewing by one of the observatory’s  astronomers.  Sat, 3/11, 6pm. Free. Jack  C. Davis Observatory, 2699 Van Patten  Drive, Carson City, (775) 857-3033.

SNOWBOUND! LEGENDARY WINTERS OF THE TAHOE SIERRA: Presenter and author  Mark McLaughlin profiles the top 10  biggest winters since 1879 based on  snowfall measured at the Donner  Pass.  Sat, 3/11, 2pm. Galena Creek  Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose  Highway, (775) 849-4948.

STORYTELLING AND TECHNOLOGY: An Xiao  Mina is a technologist, writer and artist.  She leads the products team at Meedan,  a platform for verifying news in real time  and translation of social media content.  She is also co-founder of The Civic Beat,  a research collective focused on the  creative side of civic technology.  Mon, 3/13, 6pm. Free. The Reno Collective, 100  N. Arlington Ave., Ste. 100, (775) 784-6531.


LEVEL-UP: An art show featuring visual

telepresence robot, a planetary scientist  who’s worked with NASA will share  insights about NASA’s ongoing robotic  mission on Saturn. Watch Saturn, Ring  World 2, which explores the rings and  moons of Saturn through the eyes, ears  and nose of the Cassini Space Probe.  Experiment with iPads, light and gas  particles to discover the secrets of  Saturn’s rings and the mysterious moon  Enceladus. Take a simulated journey out  to Saturn in the Advanced Spaceflight  Lab and perform experiments including  a virtual walk on the moon Titan. Enjoy  exclusive access to the Be the Astronaut  exhibit before it opens at the San Diego  Air and Space Museum. Get a NASA-style  ID badge and a rover driver license that  allows you to access astronaut training  simulators. Then, enjoy snacks and free  time to explore the National Automobile  Museum at your own pace.  Sat, 3/11, 9:30am. $12. National Automobile  Museum, 10 S. Lake St., (775) 333-9300.

SENSORY STORY TIME: For kids ages 4 and  up with autism spectrum disorders  and sensory integration or other  developmental challenges.  Sat, 3/11, 10:30am. Sierra View Library, 4001 S.  Virginia St., (775) 827-3232.

ART A VIEW WITHIN: Karen Rips & Paula Chung’s  exhibition focuses on interpretations,  responses and relationships to medical  images. Exhibition dates: March  1-30. Exhibition reception,  Thu, 3/16, 6-8pm. Free. Sierra Arts, 17 S. Virginia  St., (775) 329-2787.

HANDS ON! SECOND SATURDAY: The program  offers monthly free admission, hands-on  art activities, storytelling, a docentguided tour, live performances and  community collaborations. Themes  and programs change monthly and  rotate through cultural explorations,  exhibition connections and community  partnerships.  Sat, 3/11. Nevada Museum  of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333,  www.nevadaart.org.

IN TUNE TALES: The group tells traditional  folk tales and modern storybook classics  against a backdrop of music, song  and musical sound effects.  Sun, 3/12, 2pm. Sierra View Library, 4001 S. Virginia  St., (775) 827-3232.

TRUCKEE MEADOWS REFLECTIONS: The Sparks  Museum & Cultural Center presents  this exhibition detailing historical water  usage in the region. In conjunction with  the exhibit, Latimer Art Club presents  work exploring the theme of water.  TuSat, through 3/25. Sparks Heritage  Museum, 814 Victorian Ave, Sparks,  http://sparksmuseum.org.

FILM MAIDENTRIP: Artemisia Moviehouse  presents the 2013 documentary/ adventure film directed by Jillian  Schlesinger. Laura Dekker and her  father buy a broken down boat and in  true DIY fashion make it seaworthy.  Then Laura does what any 14-year-old  would do—she sets out in pursuit of her  dream to become the youngest person  ever to sail around the world alone. This  documentary won the audience award at  the SXSW Film Fest.  Sun, 3/12, 6pm. $5$7. Artemisia MovieHouse at Good Luck  Macbeth Theater Company, 713 S. Virginia  St., http://artemisiamovies.weebly.com.


AGATE: Sadie Fienberg is a self-taught  artist who is interested in color theory  and the different feelings associated  with specific colors. In this body of  work, she explores color relationships  through the use of watercolor pigments  to create forms that are reminiscent  of agate crystal formations, which  also carry their own powerful energies  and metaphysical associations.  Thu, 3/9. Free. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta  St., www.hollandreno.org.



artists re-imagining video game fun.  Enjoy artwork from artists around the  region, play some video games, eat food  by Nom Eats and dance to music by DJ  Elzo.  Sat, 3/11, 6pm. Free. Pitch Black  Printing Company, 1108 California Ave.,  http://pitchblackprintingco.com.

Capital City Arts Initiative (CCAI)  presents work by artist Gil Martin.  M-F through 5/24. Free. CCAI Courthouse  Gallery, 885 E. Musser St., Carson City,  www.arts-initiative.org.

Concert Series presents the awardwinning pianist and educator Gilbert  Kalish. Joined by pianist Hyeyeon Park,  he will perform works by Janacek,  Brahms and Schubert.  Thu, 3/9, 7:30pm. $5-$30. Nightingale Concert Hall,  1335 N Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

CONTEMPORARY MUSIC ENSEMBLE SPRING CONCERT: The University of Nevada, Reno  Contemporary Music Ensemble performs  innovative music of the past 100 years  with a particular focus on music by  living composers.  Wed, 3/15, 7:30pm. Free.  Nightingale Concert Hall, 1335 N. Virginia  St., (775) 784-4278.


GREAT BASIN NATIVE ARTISTS: Featured  artists Ben Aleck, Topaz Jones, Jack  Malotte, Melissa Melero-Moose and  Topah Spoonhunter.  Thu, 3/9, 9am. Free.  Carson City Visitors Bureau, 716 N.  Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-7410.

will perform as part of the family  entertainment series. Seating is  limited to 200 people.  Sat, 3/11, 7pm. $3  suggested donation. Western Heritage  Interpretive Center, Bartley Ranch  Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road,  (775) (775) 786-4512 x106.

JOURNEY OF THE CELESTIAL BODY RECEPTION:  This work is about creating metaphor  between the ever-moving universe and  the hurricanes within the human spirit.  Artwork will on view through March.  Sat, 3/11, 5pm. Free. Reno Art Works, 1995  Dickerson Road, www.renoartworks.org.

listings continued on page 28

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RESIN BEZEL PENDANT: Steampunk artist

Thompson will perform as part of this  monthly jazz series presented by Reno  Little Theater, For the Love of Jazz and  jazz station 89.5 KNCJ. Cami Thompson  will perform at this month’s event. Pay  what you can for admission. Proceeds  benefit RLT and For the Love of Jazz.  Sun, 3/12, 10:30am. Reno Little Theater, 147 E.  Pueblo St., http://renolittletheater.org.

Shelly Jackson will help students create  their own large, one-of-a-kind pendant  while learning basic resin pouring and  curing skills. Finished pieces will be  available for pick-up 48 hours after  workshop or next business day unless  they require touch up. Pre-registration is  required for all classes including payment  in full.  Sat, 3/11, 2pm. $40. Copper Cat  Studio, 20 St. Lawrence Ave., www. coppercatstudio.com.

NEVADA WIND ENSEMBLE AND SYMPHONIC BAND: This mid-semester performance


by the Nevada Wind Ensemble and  Symphonic Band features diverse works  for wind ensemble and band.  Mon, 3/13, 7:30pm. $5. Nightingale Concert Hall, 1335  N Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

how to increase your organization’s  attendance and participation for  activities and special events. Sponsored  by TMCC’s Student Government  Association.  Fri, 3/10, 11am. Truckee  Meadows Community College, 7000 Dandini  Blvd., (775) 240-5943, www.tmcc.edu.

NINTH ANNUAL HARP PLUS: The annual  concert production features harp  showpieces and chamber music involving  harp and other instruments performed  by University of Nevada, Reno harp  faculty Marina Roznitovsky Oster and  guest artists. The show culminates with  a large harp ensemble performance.  Sat, 3/11, 7pm. $10. Nightingale Concert Hall,  1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

COMMUNITY BLOOD DONATIONS: Give the gift of life.  Donors must be healthy, weigh at least  110 pounds and be at least 17 years  old.  Ongoing. United Blood Services, 1125  Terminal Way, (775) 324-6454.

NOCTAMBLE: The BAC welcomes back  internationally renowned mandolinist  Mar La Fibish and guitarist Bruce Victor,  playing traditional Irish and original  music.  Sat, 3/11, 7pm. $10-$20. Brewery  Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City.,  (775) 883-1976.

Leprechaun Crawl


You don’t have to be Irish to participate in the fifth annual pub crawl. Just dress up as a leprechaun or  go out head to toe in green and, with a commemorative crawl cup and map, you can get free admission to  30 participating bars and nightclubs offering drink specials, costume contests and more. The crawl begins at 8 p.m. on  Saturday, March 11, at The Waterfall, 134 W. Second St., and Rum Bullions inside the Silver Legacy Resort & Casino, 407 N.  Virginia St. The crawl cup and map are $5. Visit http://crawlreno.com.


performs.  Sun, 3/12, 10am-2pm. Nevada  Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St.,(775)  329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.


MOTHER HICKS: This play is about three  outsiders—a foundling girl known only as  Girl, a deaf boy, eloquent in the language  of his silence, and an eccentric recluse,  Mother Hicks, who is suspected of being  a witch. The tale, told with poetry and  sign language, chronicles the journeys  of these three to find themselves, and  each other, in a troubled time.  Thu-

ANNIE, JR.: Wild Horse Children’s Theater  presents the musical based on the  Broadway favorite and well-known  comic strip. Annie, Jr. recounts the  adventures of a spunky Depression-era  orphan determined to find her parents  who abandoned her years ago on the  doorstep of a New York City orphanage  run by the sinister Miss Hannigan.   Fri-

Sat, 3/10-17, 7:30pm; Sat-Sun through 3/19, 2pm. $5-$18. Brewery Arts Center, 449  W. King St., Carson City, (775) 440-1170,  www.wildhorsetheater.com.

Sat, 3/10-25, 7:30pm; Sat, 3/18, 2pm; Sun through 3/26, 2pm. $12-$22. Reno Little

Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900,  renolittletheater.org.

WORDS TO LIVE BY—AN EVENING WITH DOROTHY PARKER: Brüka Theatre presents  Mary Bennett’s one-woman show, based  on the works and life of the 1920s writer,  wit and critic Dorothy Parker. The show  weaves a collage of dramatic devices  and literary slights-of-hand to lure  the audience into a world imagined by  Dorothy Parker. All tickets are $10 on  Artist Night on March 22. There are two  Sunday matinees on March 12 and 19 and  one Saturday matinee on March 25. The  matinee on March 19 will be followed by  a talk back with the company and the  audience.  Thu-Sat, 3/10-3/25, 8pm; Wed, 3/22, 8pm; Sun, 3/12, 3/25. $18-$25. Brüka  Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., (775) 323-3221,  http://www.bruka.org.

BAKERSFIELD MIST: Stephen Sachs’ play  centers on a 50-something, unemployed  bartender living in a trailer park, who’s  convinced a painting she bought in a  thrift store is a lost masterpiece by  Jackson Pollock worth millions. But  when a world-class art expert arrives  at her trailer home in Bakersfield to  authenticate the painting, he has no  idea what he is about to discover. This  comedy-drama asks vital questions  about what makes art and people truly  authentic.  Thu-Sat through 3/18, 7pm; Sun through 3/19, 2pm. $12-$15. Restless  Artists’ Theatre Company, 295 20th St.,  Sparks, http://rattheatre.org.

GIANTS: How do we surpass the  seemingly insurmountable odds of our  circumstances? The Alchemists explore  this idea and more through prayer,  meditation, music, sermon and visual  art.  Wed, 3/15, 7:30pm. $15-$25. Center  for Spiritual Living, Reno, 4685 Lakeside  Drive, www.alchemistmovement.org.


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family-friendly 5K run and walk through  the Midtown and Wells Avenue districts  of Reno. A leprechaun will start after  everyone else has begun, giving everyone  a generous head start.  Sun, 3/12, 8:30am. $15-$35. Terry Lee Wells Nevada  Discovery Museum, 490 S. Center St.,  http://race178.com/leprechaunrace.

GUIDED HIKE: Enjoy a guided hike through  Galena Creek Park with a local specialist.  Please bring appropriate clothing and  plenty of water. If there’s enough snow,  this will be a snowshoe hike. There will  be a few pairs of snowshoes at the  visitor center available for rent. The  hike intensity varies, depending on the  audience.  Sat, 3/11, 10am. Galena Creek  Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway,  www.galenacreekvisitorcenter.org.

RENO 1868 FC: Reno’s professional  soccer club Reno 1868 FC takes on the  Sacramento Republic FC.  Sat, 3/11, 4pm. $13-$95. Greater Nevada Field, 250  Evans Ave., (775) 334-7000.

EMPLOYERS’ RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING MEDICAL & RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA: As more states legalize  marijuana for medical and recreational  use, many employers are wondering  what that will mean for their workplace  policies and practices. The challenge for  employers is that marijuana is still illegal  under federal law and state laws provide  different levels of protection, if any, for  employees who use it. NAE has gathered  a panel of professionals to provide  general guidelines for employers and  address issues.  Thu, 3/9, 8:30am. $49.  Nevada Association of Employers, 8725  Technology Way, Ste. A, (775) 329-4241,  www.urbanchamber.org.

INTRO TO ZENTANGLE: In this class, guest

CLASSES CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH PRACTICE: Practice  Spanish and improve language skills.  Meet other travelers and professionals  who are interested in Spanish language  and culture.  Sat, 3/11, 11:30am. $10 per  class. Training Connexion, 4600 Kietzke  Lane, www.trainingconnexion.com.

C@PITAL CODERS: Learn how to code  or improve coding skills at Carson  City Library’s new club The C@pital  Coders. The club will practice coding  through activities using NC Lab, Makey  Makey, Scratch and more.  Tue, 3/14, 4pm. Carson City Library, 900 N. Roop  St., Carson City, (775) 887-2244.

artist and certified Zentangle instructor  Lise Orwig will demonstrate how to  create eight Zentangle patterns using  five shapes. By the end of class you  will complete two Zentangle tiles using  those patterns and the simple method  of setting up and executing the drawing  of the paper “tiles.” You will also learn  some basic shading techniques. All  supplies are included. Pre-registration  is required for all classes, including  payment in full.  Sat, 3/11, 10am. $45.  Copper Cat Studio, 20 St. Lawrence Ave.,  www.coppercatstudio.com.

PORTRAIT SOCIETY OF RENO: PSOR meets  every Wednesday. There is painting from  life models (no instruction). All artists are  welcome. There is a $10 drop-in fee. For  more information, email psor2016@gmail. com  Wed, 3/15, 9am. Nevada Fine Arts,  1301 S. Virginia St., www.nvfinearts.com.

COFFEE WITH CASA: Washoe CASA  Foundation presents this casual  information session to discuss CASA  over coffee, tea or your beverage of  choice. Learn more about all of the  ways to get involved including becoming  a volunteer or a Friend of CASA.  Wed, 3/15, 1pm. Free. Swill Coffee and Wine,  3366 Lakeside Court, (775) 574-8820,  washoecasafoundation.com.

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR HOMELESS PETS:  Tax-deductible donations of blankets,  towels and toys for homeless pets may  be dropped off.  Daily, 11am-6pm. SPCA  of Northern Nevada, 4950 Spectrum  Blvd., http://spcanevada.org. KNITTING  AND CROCHETING CIRCLE: Learn how to  knit or crochet or share your skills with  others. Join the Sparks Library every  Thursday and learn the techniques  to start your masterpiece.  Thu, 3/9,  4pm.  Sparks Library, 1125 12th St.,  Sparks, (775) 352-3200.

LIFESCAPES: A writing program giving  seniors an opportunity to write and  share their memoirs. New members are  always welcome. Lifescapes is sponsored  by the Washoe County Library System,  Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI),  and the UNR Department of English.  Thu, 3/9, 10:30am. Free. South Valleys Library,  15650-A Wedge Parkway, (775) 851-5190.

Go Ahead,

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Born jesterday I’m a 27-year-old guy, and I’m not very funny. I know women like a guy with a sense of humor, so I was interested in these “Flirt Cards” with funny messages that I saw on Kickstarter. You write your number on the back and give the card to a woman you’d like to meet. Good idea or bad for breaking the ice? Asking a woman out isn’t just a way to get a date— it’s a form of display. Consider that women look for men to show courage. The courage to unwrap a pack of cards doesn’t count. And mutely handing a woman some other guy’s humor on a card is actually worse than using no humor at all. Consider evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller’s “mating mind” hypothesis—the notion that “our minds evolved not just as survival machines, but as courtship machines.” Miller explains that the mind acts as a “fitness indicator”—a sort of advertising agency for a person’s genetic quality (among other things). Humor is a reliable (hard-to-fake) sign of genetic quality—reflecting high intelligence, creative problem-solving ability, and a lack of mutations that would handicap brain function. But it isn’t just any old humor that women find attractive. Any guy can memorize a joke. Accordingly, in a study of the pickup lines men use on women, psychologists Christopher Bale and Rory Morrison “distinguish wit (spontaneous jokes that fit the context exactly, are genuinely funny, and require intelligence) from mere humor (the pre-planned jokes and one-liners which … do not demonstrate intelligence).” Anthropologist Gil Greengross, who studies humor and laughter from an evolutionary perspective, suggests that even a guy who’s lame at humor should at least take a run at being funny: “The risk of not even trying to make women laugh may result in losing a mating opportunity.” However, you shouldn’t let being unfunny stop you from hitting on a woman. What you can do is be spontaneously and courageously genuine. Just put yourself out there and say hello to her and acknowledge and even laugh at any awkwardness on your part. This isn’t to say you should give up entirely on using pre-printed notes. Save them for

special occasions—those when your message to a woman is something like “Stay calm and put all the money in the bag.”

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Meet Joe Blacklist My girlfriend’s father is a famous actor, and I’m on my way up. I worry that if things go wrong in our relationship, he could put a big kibosh on my career. I guess because of this, I find myself putting up with more stuff than I might normally. I wonder whether our relationship will suffer because of my secret worries about her dad. It turns out that there are two fundamental motivations for all life-forms—from microbes to men. They are “approach” (going toward good, helpful, survival-promoting things) and “avoidance” (moving away from bad, dangerous, deadly things). Research by social psychologist Shelly Gable suggests that romantic relationships are happier when they’re driven by approach rather than avoidance motives. So, say your girlfriend asks that you put foodencrusted plates in the dishwasher instead of leaving them out for the archeologists to find. An approach motivation means doing as she asks because you’re striving for a positive outcome—like making her feel loved—instead of trying to avoid a negative one, like having your fate in showbiz patterned after that first guy in a horror movie who gets curious about the weird growling in the basement. The research suggests that you can happy up your relationship by reframing why you do things— shifting to an “I just wanna make her happy” motivation. To do that, set aside your career fears and just try to be fair—to both of you. The relationship may fizzle out. Even so, if you don’t do anything horrible to daddy’s little girl, there’ll be no reason for him to see to it that you look back on a lifetime of iconic roles—like “White Guy With Umbrella” and “Bystander No. 5.” Ω

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).


Whether you're team breakfast or team lunch the Squeeze In has got you covered. From Food Network acclaimed omelettes and a bounty of breakfast and lunch favorites, to oversized Mimosas and bacon Bloody Marys, the Squeeze In has a signature dish to satisfy all your morning and early afternoon cravings. THANKS FOR LETTING OUR FAMILY SERVE YOU AND YOURS AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU SOON!


TRUCKEE: 10060 Donner Pass Rd Truckee, CA 96161 530-587-9814

NORTHWEST RENO: 5020 Las Brisas Blvd. St A5 Reno, NV 89523 775-787-2700

SOUTH RENO: 25 Foothill Road St 3 Reno, NV 89511 775-853-6090

SPARKS: 4670 Sparks Blvd. St 110 Sparks, NV 89436 775-626-0100

03.09.17    |   RN&R   |   29

FRee will astRology


*Nominal fee for adult entertainment. All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message.

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here - Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Mainetenance. (800) 725-1563 (AAN CAN) LOCAL DRIVERS WANTED! Be your own boss. Flexible hours. Unlimited earning potential. Must be 21 with valid U.S. driver’s license, insurance & reliable vehicle. 866-329-2672 (AAN CAN)

STUDIO APARTMENTS Newly Renovated Starting at $679/month. NO CREDIT CHECK, LOW DEPOSITS, FREE UTILITIES, FREE CABLE TV, WEEKLY PAYMENT OPTIONS. MOVE IN FOR ONLY $215. NO PETS. GOING FAST CALL TODAY (775) 434-0073. DOWNTOWN HIGHRISE APARTMENTS Starting at $711/month. Completely furnished, free utilities, free cable television with premium channels. No deposits, move in today. Safe & clean downtown living. (775) 298-8858. SPARKS APARTMENTS Beautiful Studio Apartments located at the historic and picturesque Victorian Square. Fully furnished units, include all utilities and premium cable T.V. Monthly rates start at $832. Call today for availability. (775) 298-6558.

Flowerbell - Share love or comfort and a smile Same day delivery. All occasion fresh flowers for $39.95. Birthday, anniversary and others. Order 24 hr/day at flowerbell.com. 775-470-8585 9331 Lemon Dr., Reno, NV. PREGNANT? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/ New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)

ARIES (March 21-April 19): As soon as you can,

sneak away to a private place where you can be alone—preferably to a comfy sanctuary where you can indulge in eccentric behavior without being seen or heard or judged. When you get there, launch into an extended session of moaning and complaining. I mean do it out loud. Wail and whine and whisper about everything that’s making you sad and puzzled and crazy. For best results, leap into the air and wave your arms. Whirl around in erratic figure-eights while drooling and messing up your hair. Breathe extra deeply. And all the while, let your pungent emotions and poignant fantasies flow freely through your wild heart. Keep on going until you find the relief that lies on the other side.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “I’ve always

belonged to what isn’t where I am and to what I could never be,” wrote Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). That was his prerogative, of course. Or maybe it was a fervent desire of his, and it came true. I bring his perspective to your attention, Taurus, because I believe your mandate is just the opposite, at least for the next few weeks: You must belong to what is where you are. You must belong to what you will always be.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Nothing is ever as

simple as it may seem. The bad times always harbor opportunities. The good times inevitably have a caveat. According to my astrological analysis, you’ll prove the latter truth in the coming weeks. On one hand, you will be closer than you’ve been in many moons to your ultimate sources of meaning and motivation. On the other hand, you sure as hell had better take advantage of this good fortune. You can’t afford to be shy about claiming the rewards and accepting the responsibilities that come with the opportunities.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Seek intimacy with


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by ROb bRezsny

experiences that are dewy and slippery and succulent. Make sure you get more than your fair share of swirling feelings and flowing sensations, cascading streams and misty rain, arousing drinks and sumptuous sauces, warm baths and purifying saunas, skin moisturizers and lustrous massages, the milk of human kindness and the buttery release of deep sex—and maybe even a sensational do-it-yourself baptism that frees you from at least some of your regrets. Don’t stay thirsty, my undulating friend. Quench your need to be very, very wet. Gush and spill. Be gushed and spilled on.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Would you like to live to

the age of 99? If so, experiences and realizations that arrive in the coming weeks could be important in that project. A window to longevity will open, giving you a chance to gather clues about actions you can take and meditations you can do to remain vital for 10 decades. I hope you’re not too much of a serious, know-it-all adult to benefit from this opportunity. If you’d like to be deeply receptive to the secrets of a long life, you must be able to see with innocent, curious eyes. Playfulness is not just a winsome quality in this quest; it’s an essential asset.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’re ripe. You’re

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delectable. Your intelligence is especially sexy. I think it’s time to unveil the premium version of your urge to merge. To prepare, let’s review a few flirtation strategies. The eyebrow flash is a good place to start. A subtle, flicking lick of your lips is a fine follow-up. Try tilting your neck to the side ever-so-coyly. If there are signs of reciprocation from the other party, smooth your hair or pat your clothes. Fondle nearby objects like a wine glass or your keys. And this is very important: Listen raptly to the person you’re wooing. P.S. If you already have a steady partner, use these techniques as part of a crafty plan to draw him or her into deeper levels of affection.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Let’s talk about a compassionate version of robbery. The thieves who practice this art don’t steal valuable things you love. Rather, they pilfer stuff you don’t actually need but are reluctant to let go of. For example, the spirit of a beloved ancestor may sweep into your nightmare and carry off a delicious poison that has been damaging you in ways you’ve become comfortable with. A bandit angel might

sneak into your imagination and burglarize the debilitating beliefs and psychological crutches you cling to as if they were bars of gold. Are you interested in benefiting from this service? Ask and you shall receive.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Evolved Scorpios

don’t fantasize about bad things happening to their competitors and adversaries. They don’t seethe with smoldering desires to torment anyone who fails to give them what they want. They may, however, experience urges to achieve total, cunning, dazzling, merciless victory over those who won’t acknowledge them as golden gods or golden goddesses. But even then, they don’t indulge in the deeply counterproductive emotion of hatred. Instead, they sublimate their ferocity into a drive to keep honing their talents. After all, that game plan is the best way to accomplish something even better than mere revenge: success in fulfilling their dreams. Please keep these thoughts close to your heart in the coming weeks.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “The noble

art of music is the greatest treasure in the world,” wrote Martin Luther (1483-1546), a revolutionary who helped break the stranglehold of the Catholic Church on the European imagination. I bring this up, Sagittarius, because you’re entering a phase when you need the kind of uprising that’s best incited by music. So I invite you to gather the tunes that have inspired you over the years, and also go hunting for a fresh batch. Then listen intently, curiously, and creatively as you feed your intention to initiate constructive mutation. Its time to overthrow anything about your status quo that is jaded, lazy, sterile or apathetic.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “Either you

learn to live with paradox and ambiguity or you’ll be 6 years old for the rest of your life,” says author Anne Lamott. How are you doing with that lesson, Capricorn? Still learning? If you would like to get even more advanced teachings about paradox and ambiguity—as well as conundrums, incongruity and anomalies—there will be plenty of chances in the coming weeks. Be glad! Remember the words of Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr: “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.”

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lichen is a hardy

form of life that by some estimates covers 6 percent of the earth’s surface. It thrives in arctic tundra and rainforests, on tree bark and rock surfaces, on walls and toxic slag heaps, from sea level to alpine environments. The secret of its success is symbiosis. Fungi and algae band together (or sometimes fungi and bacteria) to create a blended entity; two very dissimilar organisms forge an intricate relationship that comprises a third organism. I propose that you regard lichen as your spirit ally in the coming weeks, Aquarius. You’re primed for some sterling symbioses.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): If you normally wear adornments and accessories and fine disguises, I invite you not to do so for the next two weeks. Instead, try out an unembellished, what-you-seeis-what-you-get approach to your appearance. If, on the other hand, you don’t normally wear adornments and accessories and fine disguises, I encourage you to embrace such possibilities in a spirit of fun and enthusiasm. Now you may inquire: How can these contradictory suggestions both apply to the Pisces tribe? The answer: There’s a more sweeping mandate behind it all, namely: to tinker and experiment with the ways you present yourself … to play around with strategies for translating your inner depths into outer expression.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.

by KRis VAgNER

Transplant Mark Salinas moved from Queens to  Carson City this past fall. Since October, he’s been Carson City’s firstever arts and culture coordinator.

This is a new position for Carson City. How’d that come about?

What were you working on back in New York? I was there for 19 years in the same apartment, in the same neighborhood in Queens, where I had a design and fabrication business, specializing in the arts and entertainment industry. I designed and fabricated retail environments, costumes and props for theater, TV, film. I also was founder of a not-for-profit mural organization, which is still in existence today in New York. I was on the community board of Western Queens and on the arts and culture commission out there.

Tell me more about the mural organization. We just celebrated our third-year anniversary last year. 7Train Murals is an organization dedicated to beautifying vacant, vandalized public spaces in neighborhoods along the seven train that


It’s a new position created to implement Carson City’s brand new arts and culture master plan. ... It’s a 14-page document wanting to bring all our existing assets together and bring it to a new level of success. runs through Manhattan and Queens, so I would seek out landlords and tenants and community organizations that were interested in participating and coordinate a volunteer-mentored event. In three years we beautified over 9,000 square feet, bringing in state and national recognition.

Sounds like community involvement is important to you. I think it’s an integral part of art.

What’s in the works in Carson arts right now? My goal is to take a look at what Carson already has to offer, and take elements of that and combine it with new thoughts, new ideas. ... Already I’ve put in three grants, and these grants are based upon conversations I had, just meet-and-greets with arts organizations and small businesses and not-for-profits,

hearing what they would like out of the arts and culture program of Carson City in the future. A couple of them are mural collaborations, one in particular with a tattoo parlor and a local high school to make a temporary tattoo mural. Another proposal is through the NEA, and that’s the Big Read grant, and that would provide month-long community programming to engage about 45 organizations here in Carson, historical organizations, business, education, arts.

How’s the transition to Nevada going?

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Everyone here has been very supportive, both professionally and personally, of me being here. I moved out here by myself, and I had a lot of organizations around the holidays wondering what I was doing, wondering if I was OK. That makes me feel at home. … This feels like an easy fit, and I like that.

Have you come across anything here that’s been surprising? I don’t even have to think twice about that response. I’m looking at it right now, out the window, and it’s this beautiful vista. We don’t have this in New York. It’s concrete—interspersed with rats. And so, this is really beautiful. I’ve been telling a lot of my friends back in New York the air is cleaner, the rent is cheaper. I’m being facetious, but really, an environment such as this is what can really spur creative juices. Ω


Rescue from Orange Bizarro Planet A new poll from Quinnipiac asks,  who do you trust more to tell the  truth? Trump or the media? The answer, unsurprisingly, is as partisan  and polarized as it can get. Dems  trust the media by 86 percent to  7 percent. (Who the fuck are the  7 percent who believe President  Batshit?) Rethuglicans, of course,  roll with Trumpolini by 78 percent.  There’s no need to say more; feel  free to draw your own conclusions  about the impressive impenetrability of the fact-fending force fields  that now surround the skulls of  GOP ostrichian denialists.  James Comey, not exactly a  friend of the Dems, asked the Justice Department last weekend to  publicly reject Twitler’s rant about  Obama ordering the tapping of the  phones in Dump Tower last autumn  during the campaign. So sayeth the  New York Times, which goes on to  say that Comey made the request  because Trump’s tweet tantrum

about those wiretaps “falsely  insinuates that the FBI broke the  law.” And here’s the best part. “Mr.  Comey’s request,” said the Times,  “is  a remarkable rebuke of a sitting president, putting the nation’s  top law enforcement official in the  position of questioning Mr. Trump’s  truthfulness.” In other words,  Comey just joined the “Trump is a  lying POS” club. Welcome!  So are you beginning to notice  a pattern here? That every time President Batshit opens his mouth,  a big brick of fresh steaming  horseshit falls out? Trumplodytes,  it’s not too late. We will welcome  you back to the Land of Factbased Reality. We will rescue you  from Orange Bizarro Planet. We  will help you. We will forgive you.  We can’t, alas, guarantee your  health care plan.  And fercrissake, what the hell  is up with Bannon’s face? Why  doesn’t anybody mention that this

blotchy bastard looks like absolute  hell, like a giant gin blossom ready  to explode? It appears his diet  consists of Ho-Hos, bourbon and  blood sausage. No wonder he’s a  total asshole. His gout must be  frightfully painful, and he’s taking it  out on humanity.  Twitler could end all of this  outrage very, very easily. He could  completely clear up this whole  Manafort Cohen Page Sessions  Flynn Putin Oligarchs Skullduggery with one simple act—The Tax  Returns.  But, of course, he can’t. He  knows, as we now do, that those  tax returns are the End. Or more  accurately, The Beginning of the  End. Where the curtain gets pulled  back. The firewall around those  documents must be absolutely gigantic. And remember, back in July,  when he actually said he would  release them? That one turned out  to be a real knee-slapper!       Ω

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