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12-18, 2019

HOT PICS BURNING MAN 2019 See Arts&Culture, page 18


2   |   RN&R   |   09.12.19


Good grief Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. I made a half-hearted promise to myself that I wouldn’t write about Dennis again this week. We dedicated the majority of the last two editions to remembering and celebrating our friend and colleague Dennis Myers, who died suddenly last month. There are pressing issues we should discuss in these pages. The local housing crisis is not getting any better. Mayor Hillary Schieve’s recent town hall meeting only served to highlight the disconnect between renters and developers. Some local folks, including the state Department of Education, seem to celebrate the fact that Nevada is no longer ranked last in Education Week’s annual Quality Counts evaluation of state educational success rates. It was ranked second-to-last. Don’t start popping the champagne yet. These are all topics we should— and will—continue to cover. But on all of these subjects and more— health care, the environment, labor, immigration, casinos, hamburgers, comic books—I want to read something by Dennis Myers. And I’ll never get to read something new from him again. Grief is a mysterious creature. It leaves. It returns. It appears in fleeting glimpses and then in sudden onslaughts. And the loss of Dennis is multifaceted. I feel it personally and professionally. And I feel it from the community. Thanks to all the folks who have reached out to us to express their grief and appreciation—from old friends and regular readers to professional acquaintances. As I mentioned last week, the memorial will be this Sunday, Sept. 15, at 11 a.m. at the McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive. And I’d like to take just a moment to express some appreciation of the RN&R editorial team for all their hard work during this difficult time. Special kudos to Associate Editor Jeri Davis, who has taken on most of Dennis’ regular duties. There’s a huge, gaping hole in our newsroom, and the team has stepped up to make sure this paper still reaches your hands.

—BRAD BYNUM bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

Dennis Myers Dennis Myers stood like a gentle mountain above those children who were fortunate enough to be his friends. His slouchy saunter and wry chuckle belied a fierce heart burning with deep feeling. Children easily sensed Dennis’ integrity and his earnest devotion to justice. Sometimes his strength was dearly needed outside the newsroom. While the whole world might otherwise slither with scary monsters, Dennis was a paladin. Dennis was Nevada. He knew the secret tales of Nevada history and told them better than any fable. To a child friend, Dennis could bear an almost magical omnipresence; he existed both at a dinner table and virtually on the TV or in the papers. But his was no empty celebrity; Dennis transcended such mendacities. A child could feel, if not always understand, how he was making the world better—by sharpening questions to take aim at jaded power. One had to viscerally respect him—not just as an adult but as an indomitable spirit. Dennis taught me that Clark Kent was the real hero. If there is to be a lasting memorial to Dennis worthy to carry his name, it can not be cut of the usual stone. No award or ceremony can signify the richness Dennis gave to Nevada and all the lives he touched. Rather, I beg his colleagues to seriously and soberly take his life as their model. Dennis’ investigative journalism has become dangerously rare in these decayed times. However, Dennis gave you the perfect playbook. His legacy is a journalistic primer. Dennis showed you how to bite, how to investigate. He grounded all his work in an encyclopedic education in history. Facts were a granite foundation to Dennis. His only currency was conscience. His fuel was steady determination. He didn’t grovel for “access” or pander for patronage. He slashed his own path into the gilded halls of power and demanded the truth. If Dennis meant anything to you at all, please … continue this work. Dennis may have moved on

Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey

Creative Services Manager Elisabeth Bayard Arthur Art Directors Maria Ratinova, Sarah Hansel Publications Art Director Serene Lusano Publications Designer Katelynn Mitrano Publications & Advertising Designer Nikki Exerjian Ad Designers Naisi Thomas, Cathy Arnold Office Manager Lisa Ryan RN&R Rainmaker Gina Odegard Advertising Consultant Caleb Furlong

SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 | VOL. 25, ISSUE 31

from our world. But, as a society, we can not afford to see his life end. Brigantia Nivatugena Moapa Valley Rest in peace, Dennis Myers, one of the greatest journalists of our generation in Northern Nevada—a true and entertaining voice that will be sorely missed. Chaco Mohler Tahoe City

Good tips Re “Prepping for disaster” (Feature, Aug. 29): It is good to see you speaking to “prepping for disaster.” When infrastructure goes down for any appreciable time, smart money sez you should have some real preps. We need a minimum of two quarts of safe water to daily drink and knowledge on how to pasteurize/filter unclean water. A $20 bill can buy over 20 pounds of rice and beans; while not perfect, “balanced” nutrition, it may keep the pangs of terrible hunger at bay. And remember, if/when the power goes out for more than a few days, pull all that stuff out of your rapidly defrosting freezer and make a huge barbecue to help feed all your neighbors. Be a shame to waste all that good food. In a true, long emergency, when the trucks quit running, we will need our neighbors and collective smarts to get through it. Live long and prosper. Craig Bergland Reno

Screw Starbucks Starbucks no longer offers any reading material at their stores. Reno News & Review is among the victims. I asked the assistant manager why the RN&R wasn’t there anymore and he said “corporate decision ...” I told him it was a deal-breaker for me, and he nodded and said many customers have said similar things. I’ve been going to this Starbucks store for a decade as it is very close

Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Bob Christensen Distribution Drivers Alex Barskyy, Corey Sigafoos, Gary White, Joe Wilson, Marty Troye, Timothy Fisher, Vicki Jewell, Olga Barska, Rosie Martinez, Adam Martinez, Duane Johnson President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Debbie Mantoan Nuts & Bolts Ninja Norma Huerta Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Hansen Account Jedi Jessica Kislanka Sweetdeals Coordinator Trish Marche Developer John Bisignano

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to my home. I liked going in on a Friday or Saturday, grabbing the RN&R and checking movie reviews, Modern World and the best horoscopes on the orb. Oh, and Bruce Van Dyke. I’m looking for a mom-and-pop near me that has the RN&R. Starbucks is removing a great tie to the local community, so I’m down the road. Kelley Shewmaker Reno

Correction Re “Good grief” (Musicbeat, Sept. 5): In last week’s Musicbeat column, we referred to the keyboardist of the Peanuts Gang Trio as “Nick” Sexton. The artist’s name is Chris Sexton. We regret the error.


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sponsoRed In paRT by

4   |   RN&R   |   09.12.19

By matt bieker

Summer or fall? aSkeD at ranCho San raFaeL reGionaL park, 1595 n. Sierra St. Shauna GaneS Realtor

Fall, all day long. I’m even a summer baby. My birthday’s in the summer, so you’d think I’d love it. I love sunny. I hate hot. I love the events that we do, but, come on, our fall’s beautiful. I’m not burning hot and schvitzing all over the place, and I’m going to do something fun. DaviD FryDman Educator

I hate spring, I’ll tell you that. I like summer. You’re in the pool, long nights, Artown, farmers’ markets. I’ll miss it, but I love fall, too. Like I said, spring is the worst. Summer is nice. Fall is beautiful. … But by spring you’re ready for it to be warm again, but it just keeps on going.

anthony Chave z College student

Slow your roll The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles should require drivers to retake the written test every time they renew their licenses. It’s stupid, right? But take a look at traffic around the valley, and it becomes clear that it’s also necessary. Seriously, take a look. Watch as drivers at intersections fail to yield correctly. Watch as they change lanes in the middle of a left turn. Watch as they fail to yield at all to bicyclists and pedestrians. More than 60 percent of pedestrians killed in Nevada during 2015 were killed midblock of an intersection. That’s according to the state DMV. It’s why the Nevada Driver’s Manual advises pedestrians that while “[you] have the right-of-way in a crosswalk and at intersections, vehicles don’t always stop. Before you step off the curb, make certain cars in both directions have stopped.” Sounds simple enough, but ask any regular walker, and they’re likely to tell you that’s not the case. Too often when a pedestrian hesitates at the crosswalk or waves to a slowing driver to signal thanks for yielding, that driver will take it to mean, “No, you go ahead.” That is not what the pedestrian is saying. Do they look like they’re waving you through like a road construction flagger? Stop all the way first to check. It’s the law. And smart walkers know that intersections aren’t the only frightening places. Everyday driveways scare them too. All too often, drivers backing out of their own drives only look in the direction of the traffic into which they’re backing. Just as they do at stop

signs, they fail to look up and down sidewalks for pedestrians. And what about those who say pedestrians need to be more responsible for their own safety? What about those who buy the line that most pedestrian deaths are caused by their own negligence? That notion doesn’t hold water—in part because able-bodied adults of sound mind aren’t the only ones walking our public streets. The elderly use them, the differently-abled and, of course, children. Again, take a look. The memorials to the ones who’ve been killed can be seen at intersections around the valley. The news reports are frequent. Just last month, two Traner Middle School students were hit by an SUV. They were in a crosswalk. The 12-year-old girl who struck was wounded so grievously she was still in the hospital last week—her family still asking for prayers and also donations through a GoFundMe page to help with the costs. Trucks and SUVs generally range between 3,500 and 5,500 pounds. Most vehicles, though, are multi-ton machines. They’re inherently dangerous. Yet we, as their operators, are often more concerned with the radios they contain, their climate control systems, the coffee in our cup holders. That’s fine, but we’ve got to remember to put those concerns on hold—when we’re backing out of driveways or approaching intersections or crosswalks. Please, look both ways. Slow down. Stop for pedestrians. Take some time, so you don’t accidentally take a life. □

I prefer fall better, just all the leaves changing and the colors. It’s prettier. I like to go hiking, preferably. It’s a little cooler. I usually just go to Tahoe.

Lou CheeSeman 4th grader

I like summer better because it’s warm, and you can have fun, and, also, you don’t have school. I like swimming, and, also, every year we go to Arizona and visit our grandma and grandpa, so I like that.

eLi CheeSeman 5th grader

I don’t really like the heat, so I’m going to have to go with fall. And it’s a good way to make money, like a little hustle, because I can rake leaves. … I think the most I made raking leaves in one day was 25 or 30 bucks. I save my money to get a game console or new games for the console.






6   |   RN&R   |   09.12.19


Dig in Dear 2021 Legislators, The price of gold is once again booming, with some experts predicting it could reach $1,600 an ounce soon thanks to the instability of the Trump administration. That’s up from $287 an ounce 20 years ago, a windfall for stockholders of the multi-national corporations that dominate in Nevada. It won’t make much difference to state tax coffers, though, thanks to mining’s incredibly generous tax protections enshrined in our state constitution since 1864. Gold prices were also booming in 2011 when I tried to address mining’s sweetheart tax deal as the Chair of the Senate Revenue Committee through a series of hearings on mining taxation. I introduced Senate Joint Resolution 15, a constitutional amendment, so Nevada could reap the benefits of a boom cycle. I also offered a bill to create a mining oversight commission to more closely review environmental regulations and the tax deductions these highly profitable

corporations use to get their tax bill down to literally nothing in many cases. The hearings produced surprises and headlines. The director of the Department of Taxation disclosed that no audits had been conducted during the previous two years to determine if mines had been truthful about the taxes they owed. He resigned the next day. We also discovered that deductions had been greatly expanded by the Tax Commission over the objection of Tax Department staff and against the advice of the attorney general. Legislators, reporters and constituents started to realize how little mining actually contributed to the state’s general fund. That same session, I sponsored a bill to remove the statute that allowed mining corporations to take land from private property owners through eminent domain. One leading lobbyist told a reporter I was an “eco terrorist” in an effort to discredit me, but it backfired on him when she printed his comments. To mining’s surprise, the bill was an easy sell to my

colleagues and ultimately there were only two votes to continue mining’s power of eminent domain, both from Elko County’s representatives. Predictably, in the 2012 campaign, mining did everything they could to defeat me. They and the Koch brothers financed an unprecedented negative mail campaign, including one mailer that superimposed my face on a fire dancer (don’t ask). I lost that race by 266 votes. But SJR 15 lived on—Governor Gibbons could not veto it—and it was approved by the Legislature again in 2013. It then became Question 2 on the 2014 ballot, a stunningly bad turnout year for Democrats who watched in anguish as Republicans swept the constitutional offices and both houses of the Legislature. Even with the unprecedented dismal turnout, Question 2 only lost by six-tenths of one percent. And now we’re back in a boom gold cycle. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, mining continues to be

the number-one toxic polluter of our land, air and water. And the industry is even more stingy about contributing its fair share of taxes, with companies preferring to tout all their charitable donations as if that were a suitable substitute. The Nevada Current’s Hugh Jackson notes, “of the $7.8 billion worth of minerals produced in 2018, a paltry six-tenths of 1 percent ended up in the state’s general fund …” Jackson points out that seven of the 28 producing mines in Nevada paid nothing at all in 2018, as in zero. Legislators, the ball is back in your court. You can lead, or you can turn your back on a substantial source of revenue to fund education, mental health and public transportation. Yes, mining will retaliate by cutting off your large campaign checks—and they’ll threaten your caucus colleagues, too. Their lobbyists will trash your reputation and question your intelligence. You might lose your next election. Or you could change the trajectory of Nevada’s history forever. □








Crews apply bentonite clay to a portion of the HESCO barriers around Swan Lake on Sept. 3.

A Sept. 5 press release announced that the group Gun Owners of America is joining conservative political action committee Constitutional Rights PAC as an official partner for something they’re calling the “Guns and God Campaign.” According to the press release, on Sept. 14 the groups are “encouraging gun owners to turn out on Guns and God Appreciation Day at state capitals, and gun shows, gun shops and make sure you shoot off a few rounds at your local gun range in support of the Second Amendment.” The website for the campaign compares it to 2013’s Gun Appreciation Day but says, “The difference this time is we are asking everyone to be prayerful about returning our nation to God as the only solution to the hatred and mass murder plaguing our blessed country.”



FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH The feral-estray Virginia Range horses are now being helped by a local nonprofit. Wild Horse Connection signed an agreement with the Nevada Department of Agriculture in late August to help with the management of the horses. Under the deal, the nonprofit now has responsibility for the horses that includes “the management, control, placement or disposition of the livestock.” The absence of natural predators means the range’s horse population often exceeds a healthy capacity. Increased development has contributed to population pressures, such as collisions with vehicles. The agriculture department has had a hands-off approach to the horses for years, except when there are public safety issues or citizen complaints. “Wild Horse Connection is honored to have the added privilege of working with the Nevada Department of Agriculture to manage the Virginia Range horses, along with aiding community concerns, public education and working actively to limit public safety issues,” said Corenna Vance, the group’s president. The department previously had a management agreement with the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign, but that fell apart in 2017 when NDA unilaterally severed the arrangement. At the time, a number of horses had been killed in roadway collisions, prompting the City of Reno to take action by warning motorists of the horses. NDA will still address public safety concerns as needed, including horse removal, adoptions, diversionary feeding and fencing, according to the department’s press release issued last week. NDA announced in April a new partnership with American Wild Horse Campaign for fertility control of the horses. The Virginia Range horses are considered estray livestock because the Bureau of Land Management proclaimed the area free of wild horses in 1986. (This story originally appeared on the news website ThisisReno.com.)








Plugging along Washoe County tries new flood protection measure The North Valleys have long suffered and stuff like that. You take what’s from flooding problems, but wet called ‘welded wire’ or welded steel weather over the last three years has mesh that’s in a series of squares made the situation particularly bad in that are linked together and then Stead and Lemmon Valley. create a cube with that steel mesh. In Lemmon Valley, residents And then, within that, you place living near Swan Lake a heavy, geo-tech style of have grown used to the felt, and then you pour “HESCOs flooding prevention sand in there. The felt measures in place keeps the sand in, and work very there. They include it becomes a very well. They’re very things like dieselmassive and slightly resilient. They’ve done fueled pumps and flexible, adaptable large barriers called barrier.” a good job for us.” HESCOs, with which HESCO barriers Dylan Menes some people may be can be put up quickly Washoe County Senior unfamiliar. and maintained over Engineer “They’re pretty long periods of time. clever,” said Dylan Menes, And early in September, a senior Washoe County Washoe County tried an engineer. “They’ve saved a lot experiment to see if the barriers lives—because they were used in could be made more effective. Afghanistan and Iraq. They’re still “HESCOs work very well,” being used as protection for the Menes said. “They’re very resilient. troops to stop bullets and car bombs They’ve done a good job for us, and

we’re very happy with them. But they can seep a little bit of water underneath—and sometimes through the seams of the big cubes. They’re about four-foot-by-three-foot-by-three-foot cubes. And that’s what we’re seeing, a little bit of seepage—but they’re performing well, and they’re doing their job, for sure.” To see if the seepage could be stopped, the county purchased 12,000 tons of bentonite clay and applied it to a section of the four miles of HESCO barriers around Swan Lake. “We had two different gradations [of clay],” Menes said. “One was a finer gradation, and one was three-inch chips. And they came in different ways. One came in a giant sack called a ‘super sack.’ The other came in small, 50-pound bags. The 50-pound bags, our crews just laid them out in the proper quantities on the top of the HESCO walls, and then we cut them open and poured them into the water and adjusted them as it settled into the water. The larger super sacks required some heavy equipment. We first put that into a dump truck. From the dump truck, we put into a front loader—a kind of equipment that has a long, wide front bucket—and then we very delicately but that over the HESCOs and dumped it in slowly in a controlled fashion.” As of Sept. 9, Menes reported that the bentonite clay appeared to be working, at least to some degree. “So this is a trial experiment,” he said. “And it’s not the ideal way to apply it, but it’s one of the ways we can at this point. And it’s been six days now. We’ve had some rain storms in between, and it looks like it has worked somewhat. It hasn’t quite knocked all of the water out, like our highest expectations would be. But we have noticed a decrease in water seepage. I mean, we haven’t seen enough to make a decision whether to use it more yet.” Menes also said the county may use bentonite in different ways in the future, including possibly incorporating it directly into new HESCO barriers along with the sand that usually fills them. One of the main reasons the county is keen to experiment with bentonite is that—if effective—it has the potential to reduce the costs of flood control at Swan Lake. “Depending on the season, we’ve had upward of 40 pumps around the

Ge n u lake pumping that seepage water back into huge focus on the North Valleys now, the lake,” Menes said. “Those pumps also where there hadn’t been in the past. We’re serve another purpose, which is whenever it focusing most of our regional mitigation rains, we’ve created a barrier that prevents planning on Swan Lake. What that consists the storm water from going into the lake, of is—we have a number of stakeholders which can create it’s own set of problems from the engineering community and other with flooding. So the pumps also take that agencies. We’re sort of evaluating the nuts storm water and pump that into the lake, and bolts of a series of alternatives for too. These pumps have to be mainhazard mitigation for Swan Lake.” tained. We’ve got to keep diesel They’re looking for longin them. We’re constantly term solutions to flooding “We adjusting them and tweakhazards at the lake. While don’t want ing them. We have a effective for the time vendor that helps us being, the HESCO them to be there with that. And we spend barriers and pumps forever—definitely a lot of money doing aren’t intended to be not.” that—between $100,000 permanent fixtures of and upward of $250,000 a the lake. Dylan Menes month in maintaining this “We don’t want them to Washoe County Senior pump system—to protect the be there forever—definitely Engineer residents of Lemmon Valley not,” Menes said. … to keep the lake in the lake.” But as to what long-term The bentonite cost the county solutions might look like, he said, $4,090. For now county engineers plan to that’s still unclear. keep an eye on the barriers—which are “We’re just looking at them right monitored daily—and see how the bentonnow—we’re not even into feasibility—but ite clay they’ve added to them performs as there’s levees, pumping out of the hydrothey continue work on other flood managebasin,” Menes said. ment projects. For now, though, long-term solutions and “There’s a lot of work going on the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan that will regionally with our partners, the City of contain them are still a ways off. □ Reno and RTC,” Menes said. “And one of the things the county is working on with the engineering community is the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan, which Learn more about flood mitigation in Lemmon Valley here: is countywide. But there’s obviously a www.washoecounty.us/lemmon-valley.


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Prost Lake Tahoe Oktoberfest Fall in Tahoe means the changing colors of the aspens, gearing up for Halloween, the last chance to swim before the winter sets in, and, of course, Oktoberfest. Oktoberfest events begin pre-October this year with Tahoe City’s Annual Oktoberfest on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Commons Beach from noon to 5 p.m. Patrons can enjoy craft beers from regional microbreweries, live music, vendors, food, crafts and more. In addition to food and drink, there will also be Bavarian-themed games and crafts in celebration of Oktoberfest’s folk roots. Several food vendors will also be dishing up German food during the festivities. This Oktoberfest event is free for the community to attend, with food and drink available for purchase. Attendees can also purchase Oktoberfest beer steins for $20, which include two free beer tickets. North Tahoe Arts will be on scene providing free pumpkin painting for children on a first come, first served basis. The 25th Annual Oktoberfest celebration follows on Oct. 5 and 6 at the Camp Richardson Historic Resort and Marina with an all-weekend extravaganza of beer, food and family fun. Oktoberfest events begin each day at 10 a.m. and end at 5 p.m., with live music set to begin at 1 p.m. Tickets to buy food and drink as well as children’s activities such as the pumpkin patch and kids’ inflatable activities are cash only. While there are ATMs on site, lines can be especially long, so attendees should plan ahead to bring cash to the event. Camp Richardson’s Oktoberfest will also have commemorative

by KeLsey PenrOse

Oktoberfest events will soon kick off around Lake Tahoe.

German-imported steins and T-shirts available for purchase for their 25th anniversary, as well as IPA beer-infused bratwurst and a brat boil. The weekend’s festivities include craft booths, beer and wine gardens, a family-friendly pumpkin patch and pumpkin bowling, live music, costume contests and more. Oktoberfest food includes staples such as a variety of brats and sausages (including a meat-free “Beyond Bratwurst” option for vegetarians), roasted quarter chicken, pretzels, apple strudel and more. The Gruber Family Band will be providing live polka music throughout the weekend, accompanied by Marcia Sarosik’s dancers from Lake Tahoe Shining Stars on Sunday at 11 a.m. On Sunday, those who haven’t filled their stomachs with drink can partake in a bratwurst eating contest beginning at 3 p.m. Those who are interested in this popular event on the main stage must sign up by 1:30 p.m. According to Oktoberfest event coordinators, traditional men’s lederhosen and women’s dirndls are optional but encouraged. Family-friendly fun includes face painting, craft booths, the crowd-pleasing Peeps and Pups Costume Contest and a bounce house. Those looking to compete but not stuff themselves in the food-eating category can find their chance to shine in a stein holding and yodeling contest at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, followed by costume contests at 4 p.m. Free parking is available at the Eagles Nest Campground on paved sites, and guests are encouraged to make use of the free bicycle valet available in front of the Mountain Sports Center. □

To learn more about Camp Richardson’s Oktoberfest and to view the full schedule of events, visit www.camprichardson.com






The RN&R’s

great annual guide to the



very year you anticipate summer’s arrival— you get the beach bod ready, schedule vacation time, maybe order a few new outfits. And yet every year, summer does you wrong. The sunburns, the hangovers, the crowds, the wildfires; the cruel knowledge that you still have to work when you’d rather be running around outside like a giant, adult second-grader. But fear not, for quiet, contemplative fall is on the way, and we here at RN&R are ready to get cozy in our favorite place—the Great Indoors. Every year we put together a guide to some of our writers’ favorite picks for books, movies and other media to keep you comfy on those cold, wet days and nights.

For our album picks, regular contributor and music junkie Mark Earnest picked out some of his favorite albums for the season, as well as some upcoming releases he has his eye on. A chilly fall morning wouldn’t be the same without a hot cup of coffee, and preferably a scenic walk on your way to get one. For both, woman-abouttown Pax Robinson breaks down her favorite local cafes. Oliver Guinan, our resident teenage contributor, lists the season’s best video games to keep you occupied for 12-14 hours at a time. Books and movies are handled by our Associate Editor Jeri Davis 12





and longtime movie critic Bob Grimm respectively, and both have more than enough experience to steer you right. Of course, if you have to leave the house, there’s no shortage of seasonal activities, and Kelley Lang, our calendar editor has scoured the best pumpkin patches and harvest festivals of the next few months for our pages. But picture yourself: bunny slippers by the fire, crimson leaves dancing in the breeze outside, this guide folded in your lap as you watch Creepshow on Bob Grimm’s recommendation. It’s a thing of beauty. —Matt Bieker



The videogame macrocosm, like the universe itself, is everexpanding. Each year, thousands of games are released to meet the demands of a voracious, neversaturated consumer market, like red meat thrown to the couch-dwelling wolves. It’s difficult at best to keep up with all the new titles. Staying au courant can be especially challenging in the spring and summer, when much of our time is spent outdoors enjoying the season, not on our computers loading virtual carts with hot new Role Playing Games. But as the weather cools and emblazons nature with shades of orange and red, we retreat indoors to power on our consoles and PCs once again.

Minecraft Let’s start with the favorite. Minecraft is a cultural force and has remained hugely popular across all platforms since its release in 2009. I first started playing Minecraft in 2014 and was hooked instantly. My friends and I created our own “worlds” together and even started YouTube channels to document our progress and compete against each other for subscribers. If you aren’t one of the game’s 91 million monthly users, here’s what you can expect: Minecraft’s graphics are intentionally similar to retro, 8-bit classics like the Mario Bros. series and Final Fantasy. Everything you interact with in-game is a big, goofy looking block of a single material, like cobblestone or wood. Both single and multiplayer modes are available, and there are endless public servers that offer everything from intergalactic parkour to


Hunger Games-style arenas for battling other players. If the chaos of online gameplay is overwhelming, I find single-player mode to be almost therapeutic and remarkably easy to figure out. The user has complete freedom to interact with the destructible environment. If you can conceptualize it, you can build it in Minecraft. FIFA 20 The FIFA franchise is an EA Sports powerhouse. In the game, you can



I’m one of those 24/7, 365-a-year music nerds, so really any season is the right one to blow off your responsibilities—including deadlines for this very newspaper—and really get into an album in-full, headphones on, lost in the moment. Still, autumn is the best time for this mostly solo excursion, with the temperatures cooling off and the allure of the indoors that much more prevalent. I’ve got several records on my own “must get” list that will likely need some quality time. Brittany Howard One of my favorite bands of the 2010s has been Alabama Shakes, and their trusty leader, Brittany Howard, has her first solo album, Jaime, due on Sept. 20. Of the three preview songs, two are slices of minimalist avant-funk with an ’80s tinge, while “Stay High” is a widescreen, melodic modern soul masterpiece. Sturgill Simpson Another artist pushing the envelope clean off the table is Sturgill Simpson. Beloved by roots/country fans, he’s about to give ’em a crazy left turn with Sound and Fury Fury, due on Sept. 27 and reportedly the soundtrack to an anime film he wrote. The first single, “Sing Along,” sounds like one of his rootsy songs fed through a ’90s dance music simulator—and it’s not even a mess!

Clipping. While other hip-hop fans are excited by a new Post Malone record—and I at least want to see how he changes up his sound— I’m more jazzed about the new one from Clipping. Due on Oct. 18, There Existed an Addiction to Blood will likely be more of the group’s mix of social messages, wild experiments and compelling beats. Opeth For metal, some of my pals are worshiping that new Tool record, Fear Inoculum. I will probably have a similarly drooling response to the new one from Opeth, In Cauda Venenum, due on Sept. 27. They’ve disappointed before, but the early tracks released from this one sound closer to their glorious middle-period heaviness. Jaime

All the rest Big Business’ The Beast You Are is an album-of-the-year contender, chock full of bracing melodies and a heaviness that skirts the punk and metal lines. The final album from the People Under the Stairs, Sincerely, the P, is a fun and sometimes moving old-school rap romp with humor and pathos in equal measure. And, who would’ve thought that Bruce Springsteen would still surprise you? Indeed, the new album from the Boss, Western Stars, is his strongest since the early ’00s, evoking ’60s Countrypolitan sounds with the earthiness and stunning lyrics you’ve come to expect.

“FALL GUIDE” continued on page 15 play as one of more than 720 soccer teams from around the world in matches online or at-home against friends. In the past, there has also been a “Career Mode,” where you can play against the computer for an entire season in attempt to come out on-top in numerous leagues. FIFA 20, scheduled to release on Sept. 27, promises even more hyperrealistic graphics than previous iterations, which is impressive considering I already easily mistake people playing FIFA for a live soccer match on TV. The upcoming release will also include a muchanticipated new game mode: Volta. It will place a focus on footwork and finesse by introducing a

high-intensity “street” format that’s a new development from the strictly league-style play of previous games in the series. It’s definitely a kick. Need for Speed: Heat Consider the rush of an arcade racing experience. Gripping the foam of a faux rally-car steering wheel with both hands, tensing up and flooring it while a booming, unseen announcer narrates your blistering journey through an Arctic wasteland, dodging falling icicles and hurtling your Mazerati off hulking glacial jumps. Trade the confines of a bright yellow plastic arcade seat for the comfort of

your own couch and multiply that feeling by a hundred—now you’re playing Need for Speed. Need for Speed: Heat’s release on Nov. 8 will mark the series’ 25th anniversary. From what gameplay trailers I have watched so far, the game, like FIFA 20, features lifelike textures and mesmerizing graphics. Everything on your ride is customizable, and there is no shortage of “dream car” material. As Heat implies, much of the gameplay involves out-maneuvering police as you race through crammed city streets at break-neck speed.

If you have to leave the house, there’s no shortage of seasonal activities.

EVENTS 16TH ANNUAL DOWNTOWN TRUCKEE WINE, WALK & SHOP: Sip wine and sample local food tastings while enjoying shopping in historic downtown Truckee. Attendees will receive a commemorative wine glass to sample wine at 25 venues as well as five food tickets and a map to all participating venues. Sat, 10/5, noon. Historic Downtown Truckee, www.truckeewinewalk.com.

22ND ANNUAL FALL FEST CRAFT FAIR: The craft fair features Native American and non-native vendors selling jewelry, beadwork, arts and crafts, blankets, pillows, baked goods and more. Fri, 10/11-Sat, 10/12, 10am. Free. Reno/Sparks Indian Colony Gym, 34 Reservation Road, (775) 842-1385.

30TH ANNUAL VIRGINIA CITY WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OUTHOUSE RACES: This hilarious event pits teams of costumed outhouse racers against each other in an all-out potty race pushing their home-made outhouses down C Street toward the toilet paper finish line to claim the latrine title. The Parade of Outhouses begins Saturday at noon with races immediately following. Sat, 10/5Sun, 10/06, 12pm. Free. Downtown Virginia City, C Street, (775) 847-7500, visitvirginiacitynv.com.

3RD THURSDAY: This monthly event highlights art, specialty food, farmers, crafts, music and cultural heritage. Thu, 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 4pm. Free. Victorian Square, 764-794 Victorian Ave, Sparks, www.39northdowntown.com.

A TOUCH OF CLASS CRAFT SHOW: This boutique-style craft show features handmade items by 30 crafters. Thu, 10/24-Sat, 10/26, 10am. Free. Carson Valley Inn, 1627 US Highway 395 North, Minden, (775) 392-1040, www.atouchofclassnv.org.

A VERY POTTER CRAWL: The Harry Potter-themed bar crawl features beer and drink specials, speciallythemed live entertainment and free admission to 16 participating venues in downtown Reno with the purchase of a $10 commemorative cup and map. Sat, 9/21, 8pm. $10. Various locations in downtown Reno, (775) 624-8320, crawlreno.com/ event/potter.

ANDELIN FAMILY FARM PUMPKIN PATCH HARVEST FESTIVAL: The annual harvest celebration features a pick-your-own pumpkin patch, corn maze, hay rides and other attractions and activities. Zombie Paintball and the Corn Creepers Haunt will be offered on selected dates in October with a separate admission fee. The pumpkin patch is open Tuesday through Saturday, Sept. 21-Oct. 31. Pumpkins are not included in the admission and are priced by variety and weight. Sat, 9/21, Tue, 9/24-Sat

9/28, Tue, 10/1-Sat, 10/5, Tue, 10/8Sat, 10/12, Tue, 10/15-Sat, 10/19, Tue, 10/22-Sat, 10/26, Tue, 10/29-Thu 10/31, 10am. $7-$8. Andelin Family Farm, 8100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, (775) 530-8032, www.andelinfamilyfarm.com.

BEER & CHILI FESTIVAL: The annual event will features live entertainment, more than two dozen local, regional and national craft beer favorites and several local restaurants vying to win over the palates of eventgoers and celebrity judges with their best chili recipes. Unlimited beer tasting packages begin at $30 with advanced purchase for a single day and includes two chili samples. Two-day packages start at $75 with advanced purchase with one-hour early entry and five chili samples per day. A portion of the proceeds from the Grand Sierra Beer & Chili Festival will benefit the Reno Rodeo Foundation. Featured entertainment includes sets from Shane Dwight and The Spazmatics. Sat, 10/19-Sun, 10/20, 1pm. Free admisison. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., gsrbeerandchili.com.

CARSON CITY GHOST WALK: Carson City’s rich and intriguing history is explored and theatrically re-lived in these seasonal evening walking tours of the downtown district’s west side historic homes and businesses. Hear about lingering spirits, paranormal stories and gossip from the past. These scheduled tours leave rain or shine. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the walk begins. Dress for the weather and for the walk. Bring a light source if we lose daylight. Sat, 9/21, 6pm, 9/28, 6pm; 10/19, 10am. $15-$20. McFadden Plaza, 310 S. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 348-6279, carsoncityghostwalk.com.

CARSON CITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY HERITAGE FESTIVAL: The Carson City Historical Society hosts this festival in celebration of its 50th anniversary. There will be historical figure reenactments, live music, displays of old skills and craftsmanship and refreshments. The Foreman-Roberts House and the Carriage House will be open. Sat, 9/21, 10am. Free. Foreman-Roberts House Museum, 1207 N. Carson St., Carson City, cchistorical.org.

CARSON CITY ROCKABILLY RIOT: Cars, music and body art highlight this three-day celebration of rockabilly culture. Enjoy drag races and burn outs followed by an auto swap and tattoo expo. Live music rounds out the weekend. Thu, 9/19-Sat, 9/21. Mills Park, 1111 E. William St., Carson City, renorockabillyriot.com.

DIRTY WOOKIE 10K: The 3rd annual 10K starts at the Brewer’s Cabinet Brewpub near downtown Reno and finishes at the Brewer’s Cabinet Production facility west of Reno. Run or walk and celebrate Halloween and all things Wookie, including the Dirty Wookie Brown Ale. Each participant will receive a finisher’s medal, T-shirt, free downloadable race photos and a free post-race beer from the Brewer’s Cabinet. Sun, 10/27, 9am. $30-$60. The Brewer’s Cabinet Taproom, 475 S. Arlington Ave., (775) 342-8895, www.desertskyadventures.com/dirtywookie.


downtown Reno during. Held each year during Columbus Day weekend, the festival is a celebration of Italian culture and traditions and includes live entertainment, grape-stomping and sauce-cooking contests and lots of pasta. Sat, 10/12-Sun, 10/13, 10am. Free. Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700, www.eldoradoreno.com.

FALL ALE FEST WING COOK OFF: Sample specialty wings from Heavenly Village restaurants as they compete for who has the best chicken wings. Cost is $5 per plate of three wings Sat, 9/21, noon. Free admission. Heavenly Village Lake Tahoe, 1001 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, theshopsatheavenly.com.

FALL FESTIVAL: Tahoe Donner’s 10th annual family-friendly harvest festival offers special performances, live music, a costume competition, kids’ carnival area, arts and crafts vendors, a pumpkin patch, pony rides, seasonal beer offerings, Oktoberfest-inspired food and more. Dog owners are invited to bring their four-legged friends to participate in the popular Doggie Dip taking place at the Northwoods Clubhouse Pool. Dogs must be on leash when not in the pool area. Sat, 10/12, 11am. $5-$25, free for children under age 2. Tahoe Donner, Northwoods Clubhouse, 11509 Northwoods Blvd., Truckee, www.tahoedonner.com/ events/10th-annual-fall-festival.

FALL FISH FESTIVAL: Celebrate the annual fall migration of the Kokanee salmon. This year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service returns with a giant inflatable fish. There will be a treasure hunt, fish painting, visits from Smokey Bear and meeting the mascots of the festival, Sandy and Rocky Salmon, and Lulu the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. Sat, 10/5-Sun, 10/6, 10am. Free. Taylor Creek Visitor Center, 35 Visitor Center Road, South Lake Tahoe, www.tinsweb. org/calendar/eventdetail/537/-/ fall-fish-festival.

FIRE FEST: The 25th annual event include fire engines and other big trucks on display, a burn house sprinkler demonstration, home safety ideas, free handout material and kids activities, including water fights, face painting, afire extinguisher demonstration, campfire safety and aml appearance by Smokey Bear and other friends. Sat, 9/21, 10am. Free. Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, 50 Highway 50, Stateline, kiwaniscluboflaketahoe.org

GENOA CANDY DANCE: The 100th annual fair and fundraiser for the town of Genoa features more than 300 arts, crafts and food vendors. The dinner and dance features music by Ike & Martin Band and takes place at 5:30pm on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Genoa Town Park on Nixon Street. Sat, 9/28-Sun, 9/29, 9am. Free admission to fair, $32 for dinner and dance. Downtown Genoa, https://bit.ly/2kfIwE8

GOBLIN HALLOWEEN PARADE: Bring your favorite little goblin dressed to scare to the Goblin Parade on Halloween. Check-in begins at 4 p.m. at the VC Jerky Company for the 5 p.m. start. Thu, 10/31, 5pm. Free. Downtown Virginia City, C Street, (775) 847-7500, visitvirginiacitynv.com.

The 38th annual festival brings the sights, sounds and flavors of Italy to






14   |   RN&R   |   09.12.19

“FALL GUIDE” continued from page 13 Creepshow Attending San Diego Comic Con this year, I saw a preview panel for this new anthology series featuring producer and gore god Greg Nicotero. I got roped into subscribing to Shudder because this looked so damn good. (I also got an autograph from Nicotero, MOVIES who loved my Jaws shirt and showed me BY BOB GRIMM pictures of his restored Bruce the Shark on his personal phone. Yes, I’m bragging.) No doubt, quality home theater offerings It’s worth noting that the original continue to grow like an over-fertilized Creepshow movie was part of the 24-hour tomato that a genie commanded to get movie marathon Brad Bynum and bigger after God told it to do so in the I did a few years ago, the one first place. (I have a tendency to where we almost died. And, over-emphasize things in a yes, I’m cancelling Shudder lame attempt to look clever.) Stock the cabinets as soon as I watch all of Subscription services the Creepshow episodes. with hot cocoa, like Netflix, Shudder and I don’t need 24-hour NuNu (Sorry … Hulu) will popcorn, tea and pie for access to Critters: A New be throwing big names at autumnal culinary vibes Binge. On Shudder you in a blatant attempt to while you view things Sept 26. get you to stay home rather with people and pets. than go out. I say, do both dammit. Movie theaters are still fun, and they have beer there now and, like, 50 kinds of sausages, and M&Ms. Get out of the house on occasion, god dammit. But mark your calendars for some of the below, and stock the cabinets with hot cocoa, popcorn, tea and pie for autumnal culinary vibes while you view things with people and pets. Here’s a few of the home offerings that have me jazzed. El Camino The long-rumored Breaking Bad movie finally gets a release date. While little is known about the plot, we do know it involves Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), who was speeding away in the title car at the end of the seminal series. Hey, we never saw a toe tag on Walter White (Bryan Cranston), so who knows what creator/director Vince Gilligan has in store. Cranston in some sort of cameo, be it flashback or zombie or ghost, is a safe bet. This movie could be about Saul Goodman’s (Bob Odenkirk) toe jam, and I’d still watch it. On Netflix Oct. 11. El Camino

The Irishman

The Irishman I’m going to do a bigger fall movie preview where I will surely talk about this one again. Martin Scorsese goes Netflix in a big way with the likes of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino being digitally de-aged in what looks to be a very long mobster movie. Did you hear what I said? De Niro … Pacino … Scorsese … mobster movie. The entire movie year orbits around this release. Yes, I’m including Star Wars in that equation. On Netflix Nov. 27. Dolemite is My Name This is worth noting because Eddie Murphy stars as filmmaker Rudy Ray Moore, and it looks like a return to form. It’s also worth noting because the subject of Murphy allows me to post some of the greatest news of the fall: Eddie Murphy will host Saturday Night Live on Dec. 21 for the Christmas episode. That stuff I just said about The Irishman just got dwarfed by this news. Openly pulling for Celebrity Hot Tub 2019! On Netflix Oct. 5.


RENO ZOMBIE CRAWL 2019: The zombie-


HANDMADE FOR THE HOLIDAYS: The fourth annual holiday craft show features more than 40 local artists, crafters and businesses. Sat, 11/16-Sun, 11/17, 10am. Red Hawk Golf & Resort Event Center, 6600 N. Wingfield Parkway, Sparks, www.facebook.com/ HandmadeForTheHolidaysSparks/

HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS: The basketball icons return to Reno. Thu, 11/06, 7pm. $18-$85. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

HARVEST TRAIN: Take a 30-minute steam train ride featuring historic Virginia & Truckee Railroad equipment. The event will include a pumpkin patch and other surprises. Sat, 10/19-Sun, 10/20, 10am. Nevada State Railroad Museum, Carson City, 2180 S Carson St, Carson City, (775) 687-6953 x224.

HOLI FESTIVAL OF COLORS RENO: The event celebrates spirituality, community, love and diversity with music, interactive dance, vegan and vegetarian food, yoga, color throws and more. Sat, 9/21, 11am. $6.50-$30, free for kids under age 12. Rancho San Rafael Regional Park, 1595 N Sierra St., (801) 787-1510, www.festivalofcolorsusa.com.

KIWANIS OF TAHOE SIERRA SEPTOBERFEST: The 17th annual fundraiser includes a beer garden, wine tasting and a German buffet dinner, as well as music, a steinholding contest, silent auction, live auction and envelope prizes round out the evening. Fri, 9/27, 6pm. $50-$55. MontBleu Casino Resort, 55 Highway 50, South Lake Tahoe, www.tahoesierrakiwanis. org/septoberfest.

LAKE TAHOE AUTUMN FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL: The 34th annual festival brings together renowned winemakers and some of the region’s finest chefs for an intimate threeday weekend full of wine tastings, culinary seminars, vendors and mountaintop dining. Fri, 9/20Sun, 9/22. $45-$250. Northstar California Resort, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, www.northstarcalifornia.com.

NEVADA DAY PARADE: The parade celebrates the 155th anniversary of Nevada’s statehood. The fourday event kicks off on Thursday, Oct. 24, with the RSVP Nevada Day Carnival at Mills Park. The main event takes place on Saturday, Oct. 26, with the parade through downtown Carson City, and continues all day with a variety of activities, including the World Championship Single Jack Drilling Contest, Beard Contest, Annual Chili Feed, free local concerts, among others. Sat, 10/26, 9am. Free. Downtown Carson City, nevadaday.com.

NEVADA’S BEST TACO FEST 2019: The annual taco celebration includes lucha libre wrestling, salsa challenge, chihuahua beauty pageant, chili pepper challenge, taco-eating contest, vendors, live music and more. Sat, 9/21-Sun, 9/22, 10am.

Free. Sands Regency Casino Hotel, 345 N. Arlington Ave., sandsregency.com/events-promotions/ taco-fest/.

NEVADA FEST: The afternoon celebration of Nevada breweries features food trucks and unlimited brews from more than 20 Nevada craft breweries, as well as live music and outdoor games. Sat, 9/28, 1pm. $20-$70. Wingfield Park, 2 S. Arlington Ave,. nvfest.com.

OKTOBERFEST: The annual event transforms the Village at Squaw Valley into a miniature Bavaria complete with authentic German beer and food, entertainment by Joe Smiell’s 20 Piece Bavarian Band and the Almenrausch Schuhplattler Dance Troops, the Oktoberfest Games and plenty of family fun. Sat, 9/21, 1pm. Free admission, $20 for festival stein mug and two beer tickets. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com/events-thingsdo/oktoberfest-lake-tahoe.

OKTOBERFEST 2019—RENO SOUTH ROTARY: The Rotary Club of Reno South host its fifth annual festival featuring beer, wine, Bavarian food, live music by the Robin Street Band and a silent auction supporting the Achievement Beyond Obstacles program, as well as other local community outreach programs. Sat 9/21, 3pm. $50. Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, renorotary.org.

PUMPKIN PALOOZA: The annual celebration of all things pumpkin includes activities such as the pumpkin derby, a family costume parade, carnival-style games, stortelling in the haunted schoolhouse, pie-eating contests, marshmallow shooting and mummy wrapping contests. Enjoy live entertainment and more. The festival benefits the Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living. Sun 10/20, 12am. Free. Victorian Square, downtown Sparks, www.pumpkinpalooza.org.

PUMPKIN PATCH TRAINS: Catch a train to the Gold Hill pumpkin patch and pick your special pumpkin to carve or cook. Trains depart each day from the historic 1870 depot in Virginia City. Sat, 10/12Sun, 10/13, 10:30am. $10-$19, 166 F St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0380, virginiatruckee.com.

RENO POP CULTURE CON: The threeday, family-friendly, fanfocused extravaganza features some of the best in pop culture entertainment. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet comics artists and writers, authors and celebrity guests, shop for collectibles, attend panels and programming, or visit the Pop Culture Classroom’s Kids’ Lab. The proceeds of this event benefit Pop Culture Classroom’s overall educational endeavors. Fri, 11/8-Sun, 11/10, 10am. $0-$100. Reno-Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S. Virginia St,. renopopculturecon.com.

themed bar crawl features beer and drink specials, speciallythemed live entertainment and free admission to more than 40 participating venues in downtown Reno with the purchase of a $10 commemorative cup and map. Sat, 10/26, 8pm. $10. Various locations in downtown Reno, (775) 624-8320, crawlreno.com/event/ zombiecrawl.

SCHEELS TURKEY TROT: Before you settle in for a day of feasting and football, head to the Scheels Turkey Trot for a large serving of healthy family fun. Participants can choose the timed 10K run or a 2-mile un-timed walk or run around the Sparks Marina. Both events will start and finish in the parking lot of Scheels. Thu, 11/28, 8am. Scheels at The Outlets at Legends, 1200 Scheels Drive, (775) 353-7898, cityofsparks.us/ resources/resource/scheelsturkey-trot.

SOUTHERN FARE ON THE SQUARE: The second annual festival showcases Southern food and music. There will also be craft vendors and a kids’ area. Sat, 10/5-Sun, 10/6, 11am. Free. Victorian Square, (775) 356-3300, www.nuggetcasinoresort.com.

STREET VIBRATIONS FALL RALLY: The annual celebration of music, metal and motorcycles features poker runs, live entertainment, ride-in shows, stunt and bike shows and more at several locations throughout the region. Major event venues are planned in downtown Reno, historic Virginia City, Reno Harley-Davidson and Battle Born Harley-Davidson in Carson City. Thu, 9/26-Sun, 9/29. Free. Downtown Reno and other locations, (775) 329-7469, roadshowsreno.com/contact_rsi.php.

TAHOE CITY OKTOBERFEST: The celebration features craft beers from some of the region’s best microbreweries, delicious local grub, Bavarian-themed games, a craft vendor village, live music, raffle and more. Sat 9/28, noon. Free admission, $20 for commemorative glass and two drink tickets. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, visittahoecity.org/ event/tahoe-city-oktoberfest.

ULTRA4 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP: More than 120 of the best drivers in the sport compete in the high-flying action and extreme rock racing. It’s the end of the season so teams put it all on the line to be crowned national champion. The same vehicles that compete at King of The Hammers in Johnson Valley, California, roll into Reno/ Sparks. The course at Wild West Motorsports Park combines technical rock obstacles with short course racing, showcasing the 4-wheel-drive capabilities of all the Ultra4 classes. Fri, 10/18-Sat, 10/19, 8:30am. $0-$100. Wild West Motorsports Park, 12005 East Interstate 80/Exit 23 Mustang, Sparks, www.ultra4racing.com/ race/34.

VETERANS DAY PARADE: The annual event honors members of the armed forces and military veterans. At 11:11 a.m., a traditional

“FALL GUIDE” continued on page 16 09.12.19





“FALL GUIDE” continued from page 15 BOOKS BY JERI DAVIS

Reading is so great, especially as cool fall weather arrives and blankets and fireplaces beckon. But it’s often a solo activity, and fall is also such a great time to spend time with the people we love—lest we lose one another in things like homework and holiday planning. Of course, you can avoid those pitfalls by making and taking time for anything from walks to pumpkin carving to cooking (and the latter two can totally be combined). With that in mind, why not pick up a cookbook and get the best of both worlds. Here are a few that combine recipes and stories in great ways.

Nadiya’s Bake Me a Story: Fifteen stories and recipes for children by Nadiya Hussain. You may know Nadiya Hussain from The Great British Bake Off television show. This book, like Hussain, is a treasure. Each chapter includes a take on a classic fairytale and a recipe to go with it. Kids will adore it, even the older ones who may end up doing the storytelling and a lot of cooking tasks associated with the recipes. The first chapter begins, “It was nearly elevenses time, and a little old lady was at home with nothing to dunk in her cup of tea.”

The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South by Michael W. Twitty Let’s start by saying that this book won the James Beard Foundation Book Award for Book of the Year in 2018. Its writer is Michael W. Twitty, launched Afroculinaria—a culinary history blog that covers African and African-American food—in 2010. The cookbook tells a story that’s part “Whether it’s memoir and detective self-discovery a sad or difficult work—but also looks deeply time, whether it’s an at slavery in America. Fans of ordinary-seeming day, etymology will love this book, which explains the origins or whether it’s a time of of food names. For example, celebration, our lives are Twitty writes, the word “okra” enriched when we share can be traced back to a word meals together.” in the Igbo language spoken by some Nigerians, “okwuru.” It’s AD HOC AT HOME, been posited by many researchers THOMAS KELLER that okra was introduced to southeastern North America from Africa in the early 1700s. According to Texas A&M’s community agriculture extension program it “was being grown as far north as Philadelphia in 1748 … and from about 1800 onward numerous [U.S] garden writers had something to say about it.” The Cuban Table: A Celebration of Food, Flavors, and History by Ana Sofia Pelaez You’re going to want to visit Cuba after reading this book—and Miami and New York. Cuban-American food writer Ana Sofia Pelaez and photographer Ellen Silverman traveled through all three places documenting Cuban cooking. The result is a book with simple, delicious recipes and gorgeous photos. Be aware, there’s a lot of meat and a lot of wheat in this cookbook, so it may not be for everyone. Ad Hoc at Home by Thomas Keller Celebrated Napa Valley chef, restaurateur and cookbook writer Thomas Keller sums up his book best himself: “When we eat together, when we set out to do so deliberately, life is better, no matter your circumstances. Whether it’s a sad or difficult time, whether it’s an ordinary-seeming day, or whether it’s a time of celebration, our lives Ad Hoc at Home are enriched when we share meals together. And that’s what the food in this book is all about.” It’s this writer’s favorite cookbook, full of great recipes and thoughtful explanations of the “why” behind actions.






opening ceremony takes place at the Virginia Street Bridge and includes a fly by. The parade starts at 11:20 a.m. and marches through the heart of downtown Reno, starting from the Virginia Street Bridge and heading north to Fifth Street. Mon, 11/11, 11:11am. Free. Downtown, Virginia Street, (775) 334-2414, www.reno.gov/business/ special-events-office/events.

WOBBLE BEFORE YOU GOBBLE 10K/5K: Start to your Thanksgiving morning with a 10K & 5K run/walk/wobble before heading home to your Thanksgiving feast! The race kicks off at 9am at City Plaza in downtown Reno and benefits the Children’s Cabinet. Thu, 11/28, 9am. $15-$50. City Plaza, 10 N. Virginia St, (775) 342-8895, www.desertskyadventures. com/wobble-before-you-gobble.

ART NEVADA MUSEUM OF ART: America’s Art, Nevada’s Choice: Community Selections from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Nov. 7-April 19; The Art of Jack Malotte, through Oct. 20; Andrea Zittel: Wallsprawl, through Dec. 31; Decorative Arms: Treasures from the Robert M. Lee Collection, Nov. 16-Feb. 16; Edi Rama: WORK, Nov. 21-April 12; Galen Brown: Sine Cere, through Jan. 20; Georgia O’Keeffe: The Faraway Nearby from the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, through Oct. 20; Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern, through Oct. 20; History of Transportation: A Mural Study by Helen Lundeberg, through Sept. 29; Kesler Woodward: The Harriman Expedition Retraced, through Oct. 13; King of Beasts: A Study of the African Lion by John Banovich, Nov. 9-Feb. 16; Maya Lin: Pin River—Tahoe Watershed, through Dec. 31; Without You I Am Nothing, through Dec. 15; Zhi Lin: Chinese Railroad Workers of the Sierra Nevada, through Nov. 10. The gallery is open Wednesday-Sunday and is closed on Monday, Tuesday and holidays. Thu, 9/19-Sat, 11/30. $1-$10. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

FILM 2019 MANHATTAN SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL: See this year’s 10 finalist short films and to vote for your favorite. The worldwide winner will be announced online at the conclusion of the global short film festival. Fri, 10/4, 7pm; Sat, 10/5, 2pm & 7pm; Sun, 10/6, 2pm. $15. Joe Crowley Student Union Theater, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., www.brownpapertickets.com/ event/4306677?ref=349591.

followed her across the sea. Sun, 10/20, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

GIRLHOOD: Artemisia MovieHouse presents a screening of the 2014 French drama film directed by Céline Sciamma. It is a coming-of-age film that focuses on the life of Marieme (Karidja Touré), a girl who lives in a rough neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris. The film discusses and challenges conceptions of race, gender and class. Sciamma’s goal was to capture the stories of black teenagers, characters she claims are generally underdeveloped in French films. Sun, 11/3, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, www.artemisiamovies. weebly.com.

LGBTQ FILM FEST: Enjoy inclusive, thoughtful and fun short films on the big screen in the Duke Theatre. Thu. 9/26. 6pm. Duke Theatre, Lake Tahoe Community College, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, www.ltcc.edu.

LIFEBOAT: Artemesia MovieHouse presents a screening of the 1944 war drama directed by Alfred Hitchcock. At the height of WWII, survivors of a torpedo attack crowd into a lifeboat. Adrift in the North Atlantic, their rations shrinking, the tension mounts—for one German on board is suspected of being the U-boat captain who sunk their ship and put them all in peril. Sun, 10/13, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, www.artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

VIDEO IN SITE: For their Meshes Video Art presentation, Los Angeles-based artists Maura Brewer and Paul Pescador will present a selection of videos which highlight the Video in Site series, alongside a collaborative video of their own. Expect pornstars and their pets, sexy M&Ms, romance, violence and revenge. Thu, 9/19, 8pm. Free. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., www.hollandreno.org/ event/meshes-video-in-site/.

MUSIC APEX CONCERTS—SONGS OF THANKSGIVING: Apex Concerts presents the multi-award winning Brentano String Quartet. The ensemble-inresidence at the Yale School of Music will perform works by Palestrina, Davidovsky, Mendelssohn and Beethoven. Tue, 10/8, 7:30pm. $5-$35. Hall Recital Hall, University Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, unrmusic. org/apex.

CLASSICAL KIDS—BEETHOVEN LIVES UPSTAIRS: The 8 WOMEN: Artemesia MovieHouse presents a screening of the French comedy/crime, musical directed by Francois Ozon. Comedic situations arise with the revelations of dark family secrets. Seduction dances with betrayal. The mystery of the female psyche is revealed. There are eight women and each is a suspect. One of them is guilty. Which one is it? Sun, 11/10, 6pm. $5-$9. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., (775) 636-3386, www.artemisiamovies. weebly.com.

BACKCOUNTRY FILM FESTIVAL: This festival is produced each year by Winter Wildlands Alliance as a celebration of the human-powered experience and a gathering place for the backcountry snowsports community. Sat, 11/16, 6pm. Alibi Ale Works—Truckee Public House, 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, www. tahoemountainsports.com.

CAT PEOPLE: Artemesia MovieHouse presents a screening of the 1942 fantasy/horror/thriller directed by Jacques Tourneur. Serbian transplant Irena is in New York to pursue an artistic career. Though she’s attracted to another young professional, Irena fears any real intimacy, for an ancient curse has

Reno Phil Orchestra, conducted by Jane Brown, will perform the world-famous production of Beethoven Lives Upstairs, featuring an exchange of letters between young Christoph and his uncle. Their subject is the “madman” who moved into the upstairs apartment of Christoph’s Vienna home. Through a correspondence underscored with the composer’s excerpts, Christoph comes to understand Beethoven, the beauty of his music, and the torment of his deafness. Sat, 9/28, 1pm. Free. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, www.renophil.com/event/ beethoven-lives-upstairs/.

THE DAWN OF BEETHOVEN: Maestro Laura Jackson and the Reno Phil Orchestra rings in the Reno Phil’s 51st season by celebrating the upcoming 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven, framing the season with some of the composer’s most iconic early and late works. Pianist Sara Davis Buechner joins the orchestra for Beethoven’s Concerto No. 1. The program concludes with Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4. Sat, 10/5, 7:30pm; Sun, 10/6, 4pm. $9-$89. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 3236393, www.renophil.com.

Old World Coffee Lab (104 California Ave.) This establishment attracts a diverse crowd of button-up working types, students and people looking for a friendly spot to chat. COFFEE The espresso drinks are exceptional, and, if you like flavors, they have you covered with BY PAX ROBINSON artisanal options like the vanilla lavender latte As the weather cools off, curling up with a latte or mocha drogata (a spicy mocha). and a book starts to look very tempting. Reno Old World also has the only draft cold has more coffee house options than ever, with brew latte in town, which is guaranteed to new places popping up on a regular basis. keep you awake and excited. The design The trick is to find the place with the is clean and modern and includes a beverages and vibe that that feel communal table with electrical just right to you. All these options outlets for everyone. One As the have good coffee and free, downside is that the acoustics weather cools unlimited wifi. can be a little rough when the off, curling up with place gets crowded, so bring a latte and a book ear protection if you need it. starts to look very Bonus points for finding the tempting. tiny death star mural. Hours: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

Swill Coffee and Wine (3366 Lakeside Court) A bit like a caffeinated Cheers, Swill is the kind of place where they make a point to learn your name and make you feel welcome. Always enthusiastic owner Peter Krup works hard to create a friendly environment and strongly believes that, “everyone belongs here.” Swill hosts events from baby showers to memorial services and has an eclectic number of groups that meet there on a regular basis, including writers, adult coloring fans, harpists, bridge players and more. The inviting common room has warm yellow walls, natural

ENIGMA VARIATIONS: The Reno Phil’s Classix 2019-2020 season continues with a program featuring Elgar’s Enigma Variations, op. 36, and Haydn’s Symphony No. 49 in F minor “La passion.” Violinist Oliver Leitner will perform Chausson’s Poème, op 25. Sat, 11/9, 7:30pm; Sun, 11/10, 4pm. $9-$89. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, www.renophil.com.

FOR KING & COUNTRY: The Grammy awardwinning Christian pop duo brings its “Burn the Ships” world tour to Reno. Tue, 10/22, 7pm. $16.50-$125. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

ILLENIUM—ASCEND TOUR: Denver-based musician, DJ and record producer Nick Miller, better known by his stage name ILLENIUM, brings his Ascend Tour to Reno. His live show incorporates keyboards, drum pads and cutting-edge lighting and visuals, all of which combine to create an immersive experience. Sat, 11/23, 8pm. $45.41. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8815, illenium.com/pages/tour.

JULIAN G —THE PIANIST WITH THE HAIR: Curlyhaired classical pianist and composer performs classical standards and tango transcriptions, as well as his own compositions. In between pieces, he shares his personal stories and anecdotes from the lives of composers. Fri, 9/27, 7:30pm. $22-$36. Valhalla Tahoe, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, valhallatahoe.com.

NEVADA WIND ENSEMBLE & CONCERT WINDS: The ensemble opens the 2019-2020 season with a mix of traditional and contemporary wind band favorites. Fri, 9/20, 7:30pm. $7 general admission, free for students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of

Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

OFF BEAT MUSIC FESTIVAL: The annual citywide, multi-venue festival celebrates the amazing new things being created right here in Reno. Performances are at a mix of venues from small bars to large theaters, creating a “festival crawl” where you have the option of discovering new music from a choice of 100 performances over three days at different locations around the core of Reno. Thu, 10/3Sat, 10/5, 7pm. $49-$139. Various locations in Reno, www.offbeatreno.com.

PERFORMING ARTS SERIES—TAKE 3: The string trio pairs classical and contemporary music. Their diverse repertoire includes Astor Piazzolla’s “Oblivion Tango” and the Latin Grammy-winning hit “Despacito.” Thu, 11/7, 7:30pm. $5-$37. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 7844278, www.unr.edu/pas.

PERFORMING ARTS SERIES—THE MOANIN’ FROGS: Travel the musical spectrum via this saxophone sextet’s rousing collection of familiar classical, ragtime, jazz and pop music. Thu, 9/26, 7:30pm. $5-$37. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784 4278, www.unr.edu/arts.

RENO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA: Slovakian-born conductor Martin Majkut makes his Reno debut with a program featuring Ginastera’s Variciones Concertantes, Zeljenka’s Musica Slovaka and Beethoven’s Violin Concerto. Sat, 11/23, 8pm; Sun, 11/24, 2pm. $5-$45. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 3489413, renochamberorchestra.org.

light and lots of seating. A combination of a community center and coffee shop, one former barista called it, “an unpretentious coffee house with some of the best coffee in town.” Hours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.-3p.m. Sunday

Reno Coffee Company (1300 South Wells Ave.) This new-kid-on-the-coffee-block has been open for just over a month. They specialize in individual pour-over coffees, which are made to order with just the beans, sweetener and creamer that you like. Depending on your fancy, you can choose anything from the dark, chocolatey Jet Fuel to the light and bright Gold Rush. Be forewarned that there are no espresso drinks here. RCC also has several craft beers on tap and a selection of wines, including prosecco by the bottle, making it the perfect place to transition from productively caffeinated to relaxation mode. They are also open later than most coffee joints, so keep this place in mind if you want the coffee house vibe to stretch into the evening. Warm orange walls, baristas who like to chat and board games to play makes hanging out here seem like a very good idea. Hours: 7 a.m.–9 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, 8 a.m.–10 p.m. Friday and Saturday

Magpie Coffee Roasters (1715 S. Wells) This is the place where bartenders, bike mechanics, artists and other Bohemian types go to wake up and swap stories. Belly up to the bar to get your chat on, or score a table for some quieter times. Magpie’s baristas make damn good drinks, including pour overs and loose-leaf

RENO CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 2019-2020 SEASON OPENER: Maestro Donato Cabrera opens the season with a program featured Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll and Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony. Violinist Helen Kim performs the West Coast premiere of the Chamber Concerto for Violin by her husband, critically acclaimed composer Samuel Adams. Sat, 10/19, 8pm; Sun, 10/20, 2pm. $5-$45. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 348-9413, renochamberorchestra.org.

RENO POPS ORCHESTRA: The orchestra presents its program titled “In the Shadows.” Sat, 11/02, 7:30pm. Free. Nightingale Concert Hall, 1335 N Virginia St, (775) 673-1234, www. renopops.org.

TYLER, THE CREATOR: The artist performs. Thu, 10/17, 7pm. $59.50-$70. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

UNIVERSITY PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE FALL CONCERT: The ensemble presents an evening of percussion ensemble music. Large ensemble, chamber groups and soloists will be featured. Thu, 11/14, 7:30pm. $7 general admission, free for students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA—AUTUMN CELEBRATION: Student musicians present a musical celebration of the fall season. Thu, 11/21, 7:30pm. $7 general admission, free for students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278.

VETERANS DAY SALUTE: The Reno Wind Symphony presents a musical salute to veterans. Mon.

teas. They also have a small patio with outside seating if you prefer some fresh air. Roasting since 2011, Magpie specializes in single origin beans, which are sold on-site and around town as well. Magpie doesn’t serve much food, but in a pinch you can get single serving oatmeal for just one dollar. Uncle Buddy’s food truck out back is also open most mornings with on point breakfast sandwiches, fried chicken and a pickled veggie and rice bowl so good you will forget about bacon for a minute. Hours: 7 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

See See Motor Coffee Co. (131 Pine St.) Located in Little Portland (the colloquial name for businesses on Pine Street) this motorcycle-themed coffee shop features Stumptown beans and a spirited, rock ’n’ roll attitude. Vintage helmets, exposed brick walls, polished wood and mechanical decorations give See See a steampunk rumpus room feel. If you’re looking for more than a latte, they also have motorcycle themed merch and actual motorcycles available for purchase. “Come in and try us. If we’re for you, hang out. If not, that’s OK, too,” said barista Jason Allen. See See also has four picnic tables outside for nicer days. Before the weather gets too cold, grab one for Hot Dog Happy Hour, where you can score a dog and tall PBR for just $6 (daily between 2 and 5 p.m.). Also, don’t miss their famous breakfast burritos. Hours: 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday □

11/11. 3pm. $10 general admission, free for students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., www.renowindsymphony.com.

WITCHES BROUHAHA: The Reno Wind Symphony a Halloween-themed evening of music. Thu, 10/24, 7:30pm. $10 general admission, free for students. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., www. renowindsymphony.com.

YOUNG THUG AND MACHINE GUN KELLY: The hiphop artistS perform. Wed, 11/03, 8pm. $40. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

YOUTH ORCHESTRA FALL SHOWCASE: The Reno Phil’s Youth String Symphonia, Youth Concert Orchestra and Youth Symphony Orchestra will perform. Tue, 11/12, 7pm. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, www.renophil.com.

featured comedians Jacob Blaeser and PK Hutchinson, as well as local comedians Vickie Gordon, John White, Mike Shinn, and Alyssa Osborn. Fri, 9/27, 8pm. $10. Reno Improv, 695 Willow St., (775) 233-6035.

DOUBLE DARE LIVE: The messiest game show on TV is now the messiest game show on the road. Double Dare Live will bring all the action and excitement of Nickelodeon’s hugely popular TV show to the stage featuring original host Marc Summers. Sat, 10/26, 8pm. $35-$87. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 6866600, pioneercenter.com.

HARVEY: The Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy is the story of Elwood P. Dowd, a friendly man with a strange best friend—a six-foot invisible rabbit named Harvey. Elwood’s sister tries to have him committed at the sanatorium but Elwood and Harvey have other plans. Fri, 10/4-Sat, 10/5, Thu, 10/10-Sun, 10/13, Thu, 10/17-Sun, 10/20. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E Pueblo St., renolittletheater.org.

THE HUMANS: The 2016 Tony award winning

O N S TA G E BENISE—FUEGO!: “The Prince of Spanish Guitar” bring his Emmy Award-winning production to town. Benise will take the audience on a musical journey through Spanish flamenco, Cuban salsa, Brazilian samba, Parisian waltz, exotic drumming and more. Sat, 10/19, 8pm. $38.70-$106.28. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 6866600, pioneercenter.com.

DEAD PANDA COMEDY NIGHT WITH PETE MUNOZ: Dead Panda Comedy and Reno Improv present San Jose headliner Pete Munoz with

drama for Best Play tells the story of the Blake family’s Thanksgiving dinner where the heart and horrors of the fractured family are exposed. Fri, 11/15-Sun, 11/17, Thu, 11/21Sun, 11/24, Fri, 11/29-Sat, 11/30. $15-$25. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org.

IRONBOUND: Martyna Majok’s play is a darkly funny, heartbreaking portrait of a woman for whom love is a luxury—and a liability—as she fights to survive in America. Fri, 10/18-Sun, 10/20 , Thu, 10/24-Sun, 10/27, Thu, 10/31-Sun, 11/3. $8-$15. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., Sparks, (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.






After the Burn, playa art sometimes goes into storage, to another festival, to a private collector, or is placed in a public area like a park or city square. The final destination for London-based designer Andrea Greenlees and Reno fabricator Andy Tibbetts’ “Bee Dance” has not yet been determined.

Inside The Temple, people left photos and remembrances of departed loved ones all week and sought shade as temperatures soared in the high 90s.

photos from

veteran Burner “The Folly” was an intricate, ornately detailed group of adjacent buildings—a storybook mashup of carnival, shantytown, clock tower and windmill— built by San Francisco’s Dave Keane and a large crew who’d worked on other ambitious Burning Man structures in the past. It served as a gathering place and music venue for several days before it burned on Thursday night.






+ arts reporter Kris vagner

Art cars large and small gathered along with cyclists in the parking area outside of a large sound camp.

Miracle Wonderland Carnival Co., a collective from New Orleans, installed several swingsets lit from above by LED clouds with changing colors.

Las Vegas teenager Tahoe Mack began “Monumental Mammoth” as a Girl Scout project. It’s made largely of scavenged metal pieces that had been dumped illegally in the Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument.

by Kris Vagner


n its 34 years, Burning Man has never really had a curator or an art department gatekeeper. A committee determines which art pieces get funded, but there’s no committee to determine that a particular piece is allowed to be shown. The rule is: If you can haul it out to the desert, install it and light it reasonably safely, no one’s stopping you. A handful of time-tested subgenres have arisen organically from this “anything-goes” approach to curation—or, rather, complete lack of curation. Some of the categories include “art that spews fire when you push a button,” “art with mind-bogglingly complex LED patterns that trap stoned hippies for hours,” “sculpture that doubles as a theatrical set,” and, of course, “enormous wooden structures that look great on fire.” This year, Burning Man had strong showings in all of these genres.






by Kris vagNer

A new exhibition of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work includes portraits of the artist by prominent photographers, including this one by Ansel Adams.

Clarity Georgia O’Keeffe Georgia O’Keeffe has an image problem. The three best-known facts about her are: She was a 20th-century American art icon. She painted large, abstracted flowers. These flowers are often likened to female anatomy. It’s a perfectly reasonable comparison, O’Keeffe’s flowers don’t always look like “just flowers.” But the problem is that the resemblance to body parts is pretty much all anyone ever talks about. A 2016 review in The Guardian put it perfectly: “There are few artists in history whose work is consistently reduced to the single question: flowers or vaginas?” In a nutshell: O’Keeffe said she favored flowers for their natural beauty. Alfred Stieglitz—a prominent photographer and New York gallery owner whom O’Keeffe married in her late 30s—marketed the flowers as explorations of female sexuality. (His marketing strategy paid off in the long run. In 2014, O’Keeffe’s “Jimson Weed/ White Flower No. 1” sold at auction for $44.4 million, which is still the record for a woman artist.) In later decades, many artists held up O’Keeffe as a feminist role model, which she refuted until her death in 1986, at age 98, saying she’d rather be thought of as an “artist” than a “woman artist.” So, there’s a massive disparity between the intentions that O’Keeffe wanted to convey and the ways that viewers, gallerists and critics have read her work and her lifestyle—which included painting in solitude in New Mexico each summer for many years, while her influential husband remained in New York. The exhibition Georgia O’Keeffe: Living Modern—while it doesn’t flat-out ignore the “flowers or vaginas” question—downgrades it from main event to 20





Photo/Courtesy Nevada MuseuM of art

minor point and instead poses a fresher, meatier set of questions around the ideas of identity construction and artists’ intentions. The curator, Wanda M. Corn from the Brooklyn Museum, included artworks, artifacts and biographical notes that lead viewers straight to questions like: How much control do artists have over readings of their work? How do viewers’ readings change over time? And to what extent can an artist successfully request that their work not be read through the lenses of a particular time period? (Despite O’Keeffe’s request, it’s somewhere between difficult and impossible to see her simply as “an artist,” not as “an artist who competed with the heavyweights in a man’s world—and a man’s art world—like few before her.”) From a 1903 photo of O’Keeffe’s high school class, we learn that she wore her hair in no-nonsense braids to proclaim her independence, while every other girl in her class sported the era’s oversized bow and a high-volume pompadour. From a display of her handmade dresses—prim, high-collared, ankle-length, in all-black or off-white—we learn that she’d rather let her artwork speak for her than her clothing. Boldly, Living Modern doesn’t even include all that many of O’Keeffe’s paintings—more than a dozen, which is enough to get a few telling snapshots—leaving room for portraits by other artists including Stieglitz, Ansel Adams, Yousef Karsh—one of the early 20th century’s most celebrated portrait photographers—and even a diamond-dusted screenprint by Andy Warhol. This all adds up to an exhibition that reveres O’Keeffe deeply, but humanizes her in ways that it seems the entire 20th century just forgot to get around to. □

georgia o’Keeffe: Living Modern is on exhibit through oct. 20 at the Nevada Museum of art, 160 W. Liberty st. a related talk, “artist Kellee Morgado on Consumption and Waste in the fashion industry,” is scheduled for noon-1 p.m. on sept. 20. visit www.nevadaart.org.


Clown time With It Chapter Two we have a needed, yet pretty bad, conclusion to a saga started with a previous, far superior film. If you saw and liked the first movie, you have to watch this one to get the full story. You’ll also witness a decline in quality. In a strange way, I’m happy it exists, because it does have some good scares and Bill Hader rocks the house as a grown-up Finn Wolfhard. It closes out the Stephen King story in, admittedly, much better fashion than that spider sequence in that TV miniseries. If you look at It as one long movie consisting of two chapters, the overall “two-movie” experience is still cool. If you look at this sequel as a standalone, well, it’s a bit of a mess. Actually, it’s a big mess—an editing room fatality. The first movie focused on the Losers Club as children, concluding with them seemingly defeating Pennywise the Clown (an always frightening Bill Skarsgard). This one picks up 27 years later, welcoming the likes of Hader (Ritchie), Jessica Chastain (Beverly) and James McAvoy (Bill) to the proceedings. When evil seems to revisit their hometown, the adult Losers return for a rematch with the morphing clown. That’s it for the plot. The adults split up, suffer some individual horrors at the hands of Pennywise, then wind up back together for the finale. A big, central problem in this movie is that the kids from the first film, who actually play a large part in this one, have grown mightily since the first chapter wrapped. While there have been some nice advancements in digital de-aging, this film is not a boasting component of that movement. The kid scenes are a mixture of newly filmed scenes and flashbacks. The kids, often filmed in the dark, look very odd with their digitally altered, disproportionate faces and, in some cases, their digitally de-aged voices make them sound like chipmunks. Too bad the producers didn’t have great faith going into the It franchise, because they should’ve filmed the extra kid scenes during the original movie’s production, saved

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

“Hey, just because you’ve been terrorized by a clown before doesn’t mean we’re all bad.”

themselves some dough on special effects, and had a better-looking movie. There’s a lot of whining out there about this film’s running time, as it clocks in at 2 hours 48 minutes. I’d like to submit the notion that director Andy Muschietti should’ve taken three films to tell this story because at nearly three hours, this movie actually comes off as oddly rushed and haphazard. There should’ve been a Chapter Three. There’s talk that the original cut for Chapter Two was four hours long. Perhaps an hour will be restored for a home video release, which might fill in some gaps and make the experience feel more complete and less compressed. Hader rules this movie as Ritchie in the same way Wolfhard ruled the original. He’s funny, he’s aces at looking scared, and he can handle the heavy drama. Surprisingly, McAvoy seems a little lost in the role of grown-up Bill, while Chastain doesn’t really have much to work with during her screen time. Hader and Skarsgard make good chunks of this movie worth watching. After a solid start, the movie becomes performers running around from set piece to set piece, setting the table for some CGI scares mixed with the occasional practical effects. (The old lady freezing during her tea chat with Beverly is perhaps the scariest/funniest moment in the movie and required no software.) Again, I have a feeling It Chapter Two could be somewhat redeemed by a director’s cut that could possibly reinstall some of the connective tissue between the scenes. Right now, it’s just a bunch of thrill sequences smashing into one another in the second half, with no real sense of direction. The story of It, as a whole on the big-screen, is easily superior to the TV series that came before. It Chapter Two drags the overall grade for both movies together to somewhere around a B-minus. □

It Chapter Two




Good Boys


Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice


Ready or Not

You have to have big balls to release a movie like Good Boys in today’s PC environment. Kids swear like sailors, unknowingly sniff anal beads and run across busy highways without looking both ways in this movie. It might just be the winner for child-delivered profanity when it comes to cinema, easily topping the likes of the original The Bad News Bears. Actually, delete the word “might.” It’s the winner for sure. Sweetheart Jacob Tremblay, the cute little dude from Room, goes full stank mouth mode as Max. He’s a member of the Beanbag Boys (they call themselves that because, well, they have beanbags), along with pals Lucas (scene-stealing Keith L. Williams) and Thor (wildly funny Brady Noon). Their junior high social activities consist of bike rides and card games, but things are taken up a notch when they are invited to a party that will include a—gasp—kissing game. The Beanbag Boys get themselves into trouble involving the ruination of Max’s dad’s (Will Forte) drone, a predicament that involves a stash of Molly/ Ecstasy pills and two older, meaner girls, Hannah and Lily (Molly Gordon and Midori Francis). The goal to reach the kissing party unscathed, and with a bottle of beer so that they look cool, is blocked by many tween drama obstacles.

When you get down to it, Linda Ronstadt is one of the most versatile entertainers to have ever walked the planet. Country music, pop, rock, opera, Mexican folk music … her resume is crazily full of wide-ranging, bold leaps into all corners of the musical landscape. This documentary, with her full participation, covers her career from her Tucson, Arizona, roots through her band The Stone Poneys, and on through her amazing solo career. Ronstadt, Dolly Parton, Don Henley, Jackson Browne and many more sit down for interviews, and it slowly hits you that, dammit, this is one amazing entertainer, perhaps more amazing than was realized during her main heyday. Ronstadt is basically retired, having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, but that doesn’t even stop her from offering up a jewel at the end of this movie: a short but very sweet moment of her singing with friends. This documentary is nothing unusual from a filmmaking standpoint, but it is a treasure trove of Ronstadt performances, and a consistently enjoyable historical study of one great gift to the music world.

After some strong but smallish roles in Ash vs Evil Dead and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, Samara Weaving gets a lead role and totally kills it in Ready or Not. As Grace, a newlywed who has one of the worst wedding days in cinema history—right up there with Uma Thurman in Kill Bill—Samara is so good it makes you wonder how she hasn’t had more big starring roles in the 11 years she’s been acting. She commands the screen with a fierce, comedic energy that helps make Ready or Not a memorable, if predictable, horror/thriller show. Directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, and written by Guy Busick and Ryan Murphy, the movie is a scathing indictment of the rich and the institution of marriage, all in good fun, of course. When we meet Grace (Weaving, niece of Hugo), she’s about to marry Alex Le Domas (Mark O’Brien), and enter into a very rich family. That family, led by Tony (Henry Czerny) and Becky (Andie MacDowell), has built its empire upon board games and sports teams, so their requirement that Grace play a game with them on her wedding night, while wacky, does make a little sense. As part of tradition, Grace must draw a card from a mystery box and determine which game she must play with her new in-laws. The card she draws: Hide and Seek. As it turns out, she would’ve been much better off drawing chess or checkers.


Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood


Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark



The ninth movie from Quentin Tarantino is a dreamy doozy, his most unapologetically Tarantinian film yet. History and conventionality be damned, for QT is behind the camera, and he favors mayhem and a little thing called artistic license. Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood captures the ’60s film scene and culture as they are dying, and they most certainly die hard. Making a run at Newman and Redford, we get Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt as insecure, has-been actor Rick Dalton and his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, respectively. Dalton’s career has devolved into playing the bad guys on TV’s The F.B.I. while past-his-prime and blackballed Booth is relegated to driving him around and being his confidante. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the ’60s visuals and soundtrack. Hollywood is a monumental achievement on the art and sound direction fronts. Some of Tarantino’s soon-to-be most famous shots are in this movie. The looks and sounds are so authentic that you might wonder if Dalton and Booth were real people. They were not, but they’re based on folks like Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood and Hal Needham. The end of the ’60s was bona fide nutty times, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving.

Alvin Schwartz’s collection of short horror stories for kids gets a big-screen attempt with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, directed by Andre Ovredal and produced by Guillermo del Toro. The three original books gathered together some stories from folklore and urban legend, with Schwartz putting his own spin on them, even instructing young readers on how to scare their friends while reading them aloud. They were micro-short, they were sometimes grisly, and they had no connective thread. Rather than do an anthology movie, like a Creepshow for kids, Ovredal and del Toro opt for a framing device that is a direct nod, one could say rip-off, of the Stranger Things/Stephen King’s It nostalgia genre involving plucky kids dealing with various horrors. The resultant film feels derivative, disconnected and quite boring, a bunch of decent ideas crammed into a storyline that just doesn’t work. The gimmick attempting to hold everything together is the story of Sarah Bellows (not a character in the books), an abused, long-deceased girl whose journal of stories is discovered by the aforementioned plucky teens led by Stella (Zoe Colletti) in 1968. Others in the group include Auggie, the slightly intellectual guy (Gabriel Rush); Chuck, the goofy guy (Austin Zajur); and Ramon, the mysterious newbie (Michael Garza). All the group really needs is a young, quiet girl with a short haircut and an affinity for Eggos, and the Stranger Things circuit would be complete.

Harvey Weinstein is, and always was, a disgusting pig of a human being. This documentary about his despicable ways and abuse of power and women doesn’t have to work too hard to illustrate the fact that this guy is a menace. Victims of his abuse, past coworkers actresses such as Rosanna Arquette offer up first-hand accounts of Weinstein’s crimes, including actual recordings of Weinstein trying to coerce people into sex. That he got away with what he did for so long isn’t something that this movie necessarily delves into, but it does give some people a deserved chance to tell their story, and help expose this guy as a monster. The film, appropriately, closes with the rise of the Me Too movement, which has coincided with the end of this fuckhead’s career. He’s managed to tie up his cases in court and pay a lot of people off, but he’s not coming back from this mess this time. Have fun trying to evade justice, Harvey. You deserve all of the pain being bestowed upon you. (Available for streaming on Hulu.)






by Todd SouTh

Zozo’s Ristorante’s Veal picatta is served with vegetables, mashed potatoes, and white wine and cream sauce.

Long haul Sunday night at Zozo’s Ristorante is an elbow-toelbow affair—reservations recommended. The grilled polenta appetizer with sausage and pine nuts sounded pretty inviting, but they were fresh out. There are other interesting starters on the menu, but my Italian-American buddy took charge with an order of meatballs ($12). He could eat meatballs and pizza every day and die a happy man. Without much wait, we were presented with two tennis ball-sized spheres of flavorful, garlicladen goodness, slathered in marinara and plenty of melted mozzarella. The dish is a standard for a reason, and this example was spot-on. After such a quick start, the nearly hour-long wait for the next stage of our meal gave us plenty of time for conversation. Entrees are preceded by garlic bread and a choice of minestrone soup or a side salad, with the option to “upgrade” to Caesar salad for an additional $4. The garlic bread was classic, warm, nothing fancy and perfect. The broth of my companions’ soup was hearty and rich, filled with plenty of veggies and a fair amount of stretchy cheese. My Caesar salad had crunchy greens, plenty of creamy, full-flavored dressing and plenty of shredded Parmesan. It was simple and satisfying, but I couldn’t help wonder how pedestrian the standard salad must be for this to warrant an extra four bucks. We scarfed these items in short order, and then settled in for another wait on entrees. My creature-of-habit friend would typically order lasagne, but threw a curveball and selected the lobster ravioli special ($23). The combination of fresh, sweet tomatoes in a white wine, cream and tarragon sauce amplified the large pasta pockets full of sweet, decadent shellfish. I really 22






liked the ravioli themselves, but the overall effect was sweeter than I’d like. Surprisingly, my “red sauce on everything” friend was pretty pleased with his choice. Trending against habit myself, I eschewed cheesy, pasta favorites for veal picatta ($23), thin cutlets pounded flat, breaded and pan-fried, in a lemon, white wine and cream sauce with capers. Here, the sweetness of the sauce was tempered by well-seasoned meat, with the briney-sour punch of capers elevating each bite. It was tender and fantastic. With sides of chunky garlic mashed potatoes and steamed garden veggies, it was a meeting of comfort food and haute cuisine. An order of chicken marsala ($20) with mushrooms, cream and marsala wine sauce—atop fettuccine—clearly employed sweet rather than dry marsala. It was the sweetest example of this dish I’ve tasted. Hitting it with a bit of salt helped, and the poultry and pasta were well executed. An impressively large, filling dish, and if you like strikingly sweet entrees, this one’s your huckleberry. Three hours into our evening, we shared a crunchy cannoli ($7) with plenty of fragrant, spiced filling. It was surrounded by an abundance of shaved almond. I’m more a fan of the classic filling with just a hint of lemon, but this variation wasn’t bad. Despite the amount of time invested, we left full and happy. Ω

Zozo’s Ristorante 3446 Lakeside Drive, 829-9449

Zozo’s Ristorante is open for lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., and for dinner Sunday through Thursday from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m., and Friday and Saturday from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Learn more at zozosreno.com.

by MArk EArnEst

Along with his success as a novelist, Willy Vlautin is continuing music with his newest band, the Delines (shown here, with Vlautin at far left).

Making it back Willy Vlautin There’s one venue that sticks out among Willy Vlautin’s reading-and-music tour of Nevada towns, all to promote his latest book, 2018’s Don’t Skip Out On Me. Among the Carson Valley libraries and rural Basque hotels is a haunt many townies know quite well: Corrigan’s Bit O’Ireland on Wells Avenue. Not known for hosting shows, Corrigan’s is quite in-character for Vlautin and his use of Reno locales in his music and novels. “I grew up drinking in Corrigan’s, and I had a day off on Sunday,” Vlautin explained in an interview from his home outside of Scappoose, Oregon, a small town near Portland. “Man, I wasted a lot of years of my life in that place, and since my buddy owns it now I thought it would be really funny, and maybe dangerous and cool.” Born in Reno, Vlautin moved to Portland in the early ’90s and eventually started acclaimed rock band Richmond Fontaine. Vlautin’s lyrics often alluded to the lives he observed, and his own situation, while living in Reno. “I wrote a lot of tunes about it, all my homesick Reno songs,” Vlautin said. “I moved up to Portland when I was 26 or 27 because I couldn’t get anything going in Reno. It was hard to be a weird guy at that time in Reno. My mom was pretty conservative, and it’s just hard to be a failed artist in the town you grew up.” He’ll be joined at his Nevada shows by RF pedal steel player Paul Brainard. In something that sounds like the “postcard” sections from their classic album Post to Wire, Brainard will play behind Vlautin as he reads from the novel. The duo will play music from the album that’s also


called Don’t Skip Out On Me, meant as a soundtrack to the novel. “For the soundtrack, I wrote it pretty much for Paul to play, so for me this is just fun,” Vlautin continued. “Fontaine doesn’t play anymore, and I don’t see Paul as much as I used to, so it’s great that Nevada Humanities can be bring both Paul and me there. It’ll be nice just to hang out.” Vlautin said the book’s title song, and several others featured on RF’s official final record, called You Can’t Go Back If There’s Nothing To Go Back To, were developed before the novel started. “The emotion at the heart of that song is a lot like the novel ended up, but I hadn’t really figured out the novel yet,” Vlautin said. “A lot of times I have an emotional feel for it, like, say you hear a song that really devastates you, and you try to write a novel that feels like that song.” It’s been a big musical year for Vlautin, with this tour as well as treks to Europe with his latest band, the Delines. Writing what he calls “depressing soul ballads,” the Delines will be back there for shows this fall to support their new album, The Imperial. He’s also working on a new novel, with a subject that was inspired by Oregonian life but that some Renoites these days will relate to. “The housing in Portland has gone up four times since I’ve been here, and the minimum wage has only gone up once,” Vlautin said. “Portland is not a town for artists anymore. Like the Bay Area, Reno, Seattle … so many places where it’s like that. So I’m trying to kind of write about it, about a working-class family that gets kicked out of their house after 25 years and how they respond to it.” Ω

Willy Vlautin’s tour through nevada includes a show at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 14 at Ceol Irish Pub, 528 S. Virginia St.; and 7 p.m. Sept. 15 at Corrigan’s Bit O’Ireland, 1526 S. Wells Ave. Get details on all things Vlautin at www.willyvlautin.com.







132 West St., (775) 499-5655

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover


10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029


Joan Soriano Sept. 12, 9:30 p.m. The Saint 261 S. Virginia St. 221-7451

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Bicicletas por la Paz, 8:30pm, no cover

Art/Soul Après Party, 5:30pm, no cover Fortress, 9pm, no cover

Bluegrass open jam, 6:30pm, M, Swing dance, 7:30pm, Tu, no cover


Ebony Not Quite Ivory, 9pm, no cover

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Slimez, DJ Blown, Grunge, Xhale Ghost, Blive, WNGZ, 8pm, $25


Roger Scimé, 8:30pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711

Jacob Westfall, 6pm, no cover

Sounds of the City: Glynn Osburn, John Garrett, 5pm, no cover Arizona Jones, 9pm, no cover

The Coney Dogs, 8:30pm, no cover

Jeremy Thomas, 6pm, no cover


Karaoke with Nightsong Productions, 8pm, no cover

The Grimtones, 9pm, no cover

DEAD RINGER ANALOG BAR 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431

Ealdor Bealu, Kanawha, Blunderbusst, 8pm, $5

Groovewell, 9pm, no cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City; (530) 583-3355

FAT CAT BAR & GRILL (MIDTOWN) 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500

JUB JUB’S THIRST PARLOR 71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover

Panda, 8:30pm, no cover Nick Eng, Aaron Sion, 9pm, no cover

First Take featuring Rick Metz, 8pm, Tu, no cover

King of Heck, Beechbone, Ummm Jr., 8pm, $5-$7

Man Man, GRLwood, 8pm, $15

Wistappear, Jesse Stout, Southnorth, Flamingoes in the Tree, 8pm, Tu, $5

1) The Black Dahlia Murder, Twelve Gauge Facelift, 7:30pm, $17

2) The Juvinals, Drainer, Illicit Nature, Heterophobia, 9pm, $5

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223


MON-WED 9/16-9/18

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Aitherios, The Odious Construct, The Adventures Of, 9pm, $5


Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Jill Maragos, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Jerry Garcia, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Angelo Tsarouchas, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Shang, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Shang, Thu, 7:30pm, $10-$15; Fri-Sat, 8:30pm, $12-$17


Dance party, 10pm, $5

1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050 10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626



Friday the 13th: Veils, Xpresv, Awon, Anmly, 10pm, no cover

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689



1) PROJECTflow 20, 8:30pm, $20 2) The Flesh Hammers, Banger, 9pm, $5

Linda Marie

Massage Therapy By Appointment Only NVMT#6457

Mention this ad & receive 20% off


142 Bell St. Ste. 2D, Reno 24










MON-WED 9/16-9/18

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633

Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover


Motown on Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Unplugged Thursdays, 6:30pm, no cover


2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626

MOOdY’S BISTrO BAr & BEATS 10007 Bridge St., Truckee; (530) 587-8688

Jesse Daniel, 8pm, no cover


Big Red, 8:30pm, no cover

First Take featuring Rick Metz, 8pm, no cover

Luis Alfonso Partida “El Yaki,” Jesus Ojeda, Dareyes de la Sierra, 9pm, $40

Tamborazo San Marcos, Mario B, Miggz, 10pm, no cover for women before 11pm


DJ Trivia, 7:30pm, no cover

Friday the 13th party with DJ Bobby G, DJ BTK, 8:30pm, no cover


Joan Soriano, DJ TICOG, 9:30pm, $10

Paul Doege party: Doyle Wayne Stewart, Delta Birds, 7pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451


715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Silent Disco, 10pm, $5


Eric Andersen, 6pm, no cover

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

17. S. Virginia St., (775) 284-7455

Spaghetti Western II: Huckleberry Road Music, 5pm, $5 for dinner, free for show

Soul Kiss, DJ Tutti V, 8;30pm, no cover

DJ Trivia, M, 7:30pm, no cover

DG Kicks, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Zoë & Momo’s B-day: Murderock, Elderly Abuse, The Sex Devils, 9:30pm, $5-$7


Black Sabbitch, 8pm, W, $8-$10

Ladies Night, 10pm, $0-$5

Slimez Sept. 13, 8 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5499

Jesse Daniel, 8:30pm, no cover

Ernie Fresh Upton, 10pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover No Drama, 6pm, W, no cover

Man Man Sept. 13, 8 p.m. The Holland Project 140 Vesta St. 448-6500

Jake Jacobson Band, Lee Wall, 8pm, $10-$15

Frog & Toad, 2pm, no cover








2100 Garson road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000

500 n. sierra sT., (775) 329-0711

GUiTar Bar


ROSS LEWIS: Thu, 9/12, 6pm, no cover THE STARLITERS: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 5pm, no cover

THE ROBEYS: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 10pm, no cover BOB GARDNER: Sun, 9/15, 6pm, no cover TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 9/16, 6pm, no cover STEPHEN LORD: Tue, 9/17, 6pm, no cover JASON KING: Wed, 9/18, 6pm, no cover

Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe


Sept. 14, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 Crystal Bay (775) 883-6333

eL JeFe’s CanTina 10pm, no cover


CaBareT FAST TIMES: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 9pm, no cover

CrYSTAL BAY CASINO 14 HiGHway 28, CrysTaL Bay, (775) 833-6333

507 n. Carson sT., Carson CiTy, (775) 882-1626

Crown rooM


red rooM

ESCALADE: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 9pm, no cover

MR. SMEAGGS & ONZU: Fri, 9/13, 10pm, no cover




3800 s. VirGinia sT., (775) 825-4700

1627 HiGHway 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711

345 n. VirGinia sT., (775) 786-5700



CaBareT THE VEGAS ROADSHOW: Thu, 9/12, Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 4pm, no cover

COOK BOOK: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 10pm, Sun, 9/15, 8pm, no cover

MICHAEL FURLONG BAND: Thu, 9/12, 7pm, Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 8pm, no cover

DENVER SAUNDERS: Tue, 9/17, Wed, 9/18, 8pm,

PLATINUM: Mon, 9/16, Tue, 9/17, Wed, 9/18, 8pm, no cover






no cover

KARL DENSON’S TINY UNIVERSE: Sat, 9/14, 9pm, $27-$30

sHowrooM Fri, 9/13, 8:30pm, Sat, 9/14, 5pm & 8:30pm, Sun, 9/15, 5pm, Tue, 9/17, Wed, 9/18, 7pm, $39.95-$59.95



One of the most iconic bands of the 1980s returns to area on Friday the 13th. Formed in 1978 in Birmingham, England, the group’s trend-setting looks, danceable tunes and glamorous music videos helped usher in the MTV era. They quickly became a household name around the world thanks to hit songs such as “Hungry Like the Wolf,” “Rio” and “The Reflex.” Their most recent album, 2015’s Paper Gods, is the British quartet’s highest-charting release in 22 years and has been hailed by critics and fans alike as their best body of work in two decades. After wrapping a successful three-year Paper Gods World Tour last year, the band has played a number of select shows and special events in 2019, including a performance at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex this past July to mark the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Duran Duran will perform at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13, at the Lake Tahoe Outdoor Arena at Harveys Lake Tahoe, 18 Highway 50, Stateline. Tickets are $69.50-$149.50. Call (775) 588-6611 or visit www.caesars.com/harveys-tahoe.

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.


HARRAH’S RENO 219 n. cEntER St., (775) 786-3232 SAMMy’S SHoWRooM THE GREAT AMERICAN VARIETY SHOW: Thu, 9/12, Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 7:30pm, $27-$37

Los Lonely Boys

GRAND SIERRA RESORT 2500 E. SEcond St., (775) 789-2000 GRAnd tHEAtRE DEEP PURPLE: Fri, 9/13, 9pm, $52.50-$87.50 GARY CLARK JR WITH LOS COAST: Sun, 9/15, 8pm, $44-$74

Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe 15 Highway 50 Stateline (800) 427-7247

HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (844) 588-7625




DJ SET: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 9pm, no cover

Thu, 9/12, 6pm, no cover

LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 9/13, 10pm, $20 LEX SATURDAYS: Sat, 9/14, 10pm, $20

WILLIAM HILL RAcE And SPoRtS BAR COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHTS & DANCE LESSONS: Thu, 9/12, Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 10pm, no cover


HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE 18 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (775) 588-6611 LAKE tAHoE oUtdooR AREnA


2707 S. VIRGInIA St., (775) 826-2121


DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 9/12, Sun, 9/15, 9pm, no cover ATOMIKA: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 9pm, no cover

tERRAcE LoUnGE JOHNZO WEST & THE WAYWARD SOULS: Thu, 9/12, 7pm, Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 8pm, no cover

YACHT CLUB OF PARIS: Sun, 9/15, Mon, 9/16,

CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 9/13, Sat, 9/14, 8pm, no cover

EdGE LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 9/13, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover before 8pm


DJ SPRYTE: Sat, 9/14, 10pm, $20



345 n. ARLInGton AVE., (775) 348-2200



Thu, 9/12, Fri, 9/13, 9pm, $25, Sat, 9/14, 8:30pm & 10:30pm, $30, Sun, 9/15, 9pm, $25

BOB ZANY, LARRY “BUBBLES” BROWN: Wed, 9/18, 9pm, $25




5 HIGHWAy 28, cRyStAL BAy, (775) 831-0660 cASIno FLooR

Tue, 9/17, Wed, 9/18, 6pm, no cover

DURAN DURAN: Fri, 9/13, 7:30pm, $69.50-$149.50

15 HIGHWAy 50, StAtELInE, (800) 427-7247 LOS LONELY BOYS: Sun, 9/15, 7:30pm, $40.82


NEW WAVE CRAVE: Fri, 9/13, 7pm, no cover JASON KING: Sat, 9/14, 7pm, no cover

SILVER LEGACY RESORT CASINO 407 n. VIRGInIA St., (775) 325-7401 GRAnd EXPoSItIon HALL CARLOS MENCIA: Sat, 9/14, 8pm, $36.24-$45.41


Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover=

Sat, 9/14, 9pm, no cover







FOR THE WEEK OF sEpTEmbER 12, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. HANDS ON! SECOND SATURDAYS: Nevada Museum of Art’s monthly event features free admission, hands-on art activities, storytelling, a docent-guided tour, live performances and community collaborations. Sat 9/14, 10am. Free. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.

NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES: The 56th annual event features six different classes of race planes, up-close access to aircraft, pilots and crews in the “pits,” as well as military aircraft displays, aerial performances and more. Thu, 9/12-Sun, 9/15, 8am. $5-$45. Reno Stead Airport, 4895 Texas Ave., (775) 972-6663, airrace.org.




The University of Nevada, Reno’s Apex Concerts opens its ninth season with a program featuring works by Bohemian composers Antonín Dvořák and Ernő Dohnányi. The concert opens with the rarely heard Martinů Nonet featuring the UNR woodwind faculty Mary Miller (flute), Aaron Hill (oboe), Joshua Anderson (clarinet) and Eric Fassbender (bassoon), as well as Stephanie Sant’Ambrogio (violin), Dustin Budish (viola), Dmitri Atapine (cello) and Scott Faulkner (double bass). This evening will also feature one of the newest additions to the faculty, Natalie Higgins on the French horn. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 12, in the Hall Recital Hall inside the University Arts Building at the University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St. Tickets are $5-$35. Call 784-4278 or visit unrmusic.org/apex/1_09122019.htm.


ART AFTERNOON—WORKSHOP AND SOCIAL FOR SENIORS: Seniors are invited to spend the afternoon at the Nevada Museum of Art. Enjoy a guided tour and a studio art class along with light refreshments. These monthly sessions are held on the second Friday of each month. Advance registration is recommended. Fri, 9/13, 1pm. $6-$10. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

4TH ANNUAL WOODEN BOAT CHALLENGE: Arts for The Schools presents its boat-making competition. Teams of four have three hours to build a boat by hand without power tools, then race the boats on Lake Tahoe. There will be food, kids’ activities, a beer garden and live music. Sat, 9/14, 11am. Free. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, Truckee, (530) 582-8278, www.artsfortheschools.org.

CARSON CITY GHOST WALK: Carson City’s rich and intriguing history is explored and theatrically re-lived in seasonal evening walking tours of the downtown district’s west side historic homes and businesses. Hear about lingering spirits, paranormal stories and gossip from the past. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the walk begins. Dress for the weather and bring a light source in case we lose daylight. Sat, 9/14, 6pm. $15-$20. McFadden Plaza, 310 S. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 348-6279, carsoncityghostwalk.com.

5TH ANNUAL ART & SOUL DOWNTOWN TRUCKEE ARTWALK: The annual event in Historic Downtown Truckee combines visual art, live music, demonstrations, and more. A percentage of proceeds go to Tahoe Truckee School of Music. Sat, 9/14, 1pm. $20-$45. Various locations in Historic Downtown Truckee, historictruckee.com/artandsoul20193.

2019 SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL SHORT FILMS: The 2019 Sundance Film Festival Short Film Tour is a theatrical program featuring seven short films selected from this year’s Sundance Film Festival. Thu, 9/12, 6pm. $7 general admission, $5 students. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 329-3333, www.nevadaart.org.







hosts a party and fundraiser featuring live music, comedy, food and drinks. All proceeds will help fund the Fifth Annual Harvest of Hope Event—Thanksgiving for the Homeless. Sat, 9/14, 8pm. $25-$35. Liberty Food & Wine Exchange, 100 N. Sierra St., www.merrywar.com.

sixth annual event presents notable local, regional and national authors at venues throughout downtown Reno where they will give readings of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. The day also includes writing workshops, panel discussions, art installations and performances. Access to all events is free, and all ages are welcome to participate at a variety of familyfriendly readings and activities. Some venues are 21+. Sat, 9/14, noon. Free. Various locations along California Avenue, www.nevadahumanities.org.

NEVADA HUMANITIES LITERARY CRAWL KEYNOTE: Nevada Humanities presents the Nevada Humanities Literary Crawl keynote event featuring speaker Kiese Laymon, author of Heavy: An American Memoir. There will be a Q&A session following the reading and presentation. This event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Sat, 9/14, noon. Free. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., www.nevadaart.org.

PARTY IN THE PARK: North Tahoe Public Utility District hosts the event, which includes a movie, music, games and food. Enjoy family-friendly games and a silent disco. The party tops off with a showing of The Wizard of Oz at 7:30pm. Fri, 9/13, 5pm. Free. North Tahoe Regional Park, 6600 Donner Road, Tahoe Vista, northtahoeparks.com.

RENO SNAFFLE BIT FUTURITY: This is a showcase of the Spanish vaquero’s horse-training methods dating back to the early American West. Threeyear-old equine athletes compete in herd work, rein work and fence work, and the 2019 competition will include the second annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity. Vendors offer a variety of Western clothing, art, jewelry, gear and supplies. Thu, 9/12-Sun, 9/15. $15-$60. Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, 1350 N. Wells Ave., www.facebook.com/ renosnafflebitfuturity.

RENO STREET FOOD—FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY: The weekly food truck events features over 30 rotating gourmet food, craft desserts, beer, wine and mixed drink vendors. Enjoy live music, free parking, a large playground and train rides for the kids. The event takes place every Friday night through Sept. 27. Fri, 9/13, 4pm. Free. Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive, www.facebook.com/ RenoStreetFood.

SECOND THURSDAY TALK—AUTOMOBILE ODDITIES: The talk is a lighthearted look at automobile and accessory oddities presented by National Automobile Museum docent John Sell. Thu, 9/12, 1:30pm. National Automobile Museum (The Harrah Collection), 10 S. Lake St., (775) 333-9300, www.automuseum.org.

SHIRLEY’S FARMERS MARKET: A weekly farmers’ market with fresh produce, specialty foods, arts and crafts and more on Saturdays through Sept. 28. Sat, 9/14, 9am. Free. Tamarack Junction Casino, 13101 S. Virginia St., (775) 7465024, shirleysfarmersmarkets.com.

SUMMER VIBES: Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with some of Nevada’s most well-respected product manufacturers, state licensed cultivators and master growers with over 60 vendors rotating throughout the series. Consumption of cannabis is prohibited on event grounds. Sat, 9/14, 4pm. Free. Summer Vibes Festival Grounds, 1605 E. Second St., (775) 4701930, www.summervibesreno.com.

TAHOE 200 RUNNING FESTIVAL: The weekendlong event includes the Tahoe 200 Endurance Run, as well as a 5K, 10K, 15K and the Beer Belly 2K, among other events. Fri, 9/13-Sun, 9/15. Homewood Mountain Resort, 5145 W. Lake Blvd., Homewood, www.tahoe200.com.

WHEELED FOOD WEDNESDAYS AT THE BAC: Brewery Arts Center hosts this food truck event. There will be kids activities and performances, as well as a showing of the film Hook. Wed, 9/18, 5:30pm. Free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976.

WILLY VLAUTIN IN CONVERSATION: Nevada Humanities welcomes author Willy Vlautin at a series of events throughout Northern Nevada during the month of September. Vlautin is the author of Don’t Skip Out On Me, a 2019 pick for Nevada Reads—a statewide, public book club offered by Nevada Humanities. Thu, 9/12, noon. Nevada State Railroad Museum, 2180 S. Carson St., Carson City; Thu, 9/12, 7pm. JT Basque Bar & Dining Room 1426 U.S. Highway 395 North; Gardnerville; Fri, 9/13, 7pm. Martin Hotel 94 W. Railroad St., Winnemucca, www.nevadahumanities.org.

ART THE COURTHOUSE GALLERY: New Crop 2019. The Capital City Arts Initiative presents its exhibition by artists Mark Combs and Frances Melhop. Thu, 9/12-Fri, 9/13, Mon, 9/16-Wed, 9/18. Free. The Courthouse Gallery, 885 E. Musser St., Carson City, www.arts-initiative.org.

NORTH TAHOE ARTS: Flora and Fauna Art Exhibit. North Tahoe Arts presents this juried art show. There will be an artists’ reception on Sept. 14, 5-7 pm. Thu, 9/12Wed, 9/18. Free. North Tahoe Arts, 380 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 581-2787, www.northtahoearts.com.

ONsTAGE ARTOWN PRESENTS—GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA: The evening features the music of the legendary Glenn Miller, one of the most successful of all dance bandleaders during the swing era of the 1930s and 1940s. Fri, 9/13, 6:30pm. $30$40. Robert Z. Hawkins Amphitheater, Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, artown.org.

DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES: The pop-rock duo and 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees perform. Thu, 9/12, 8pm. $69.95-$139.95. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8800.

ELECTION DAY: It’s Election Day, and Adam knows his over-zealous girlfriend will never forgive him if he fails to vote. But when his sex-starved sister, an eco-terrorist and a mayoral candidate willing to do anything for a vote all show up, Adam finds that making that quick trip to the polls might be harder than he thought. Election Day by Josh Tobiessen is a dark comedy about the price of political (and personal) campaigns. Thu, 9/12-Sat, 9/14, 7:30pm; Sun, 9/15, 2pm. $8$20. Restless Artists Theatre, 295 20th St., (775) 525-3074, rattheatre.org.

GHOST: The Swedish heavy metal band brings its “The Ultimate Tour Named Death” to Reno. They will be joined by special guests Nothing More. Sat, 9/14, 7:30pm. $26-$66. Reno Events Center, 400 N. Center St., (775) 335-8815.

PERFORMING ARTS SERIES—BACKTRACK: The a cappella, YouTube sensation has over 10 million views of their video mash-ups of hits by Sia, The Chainsmokers, Ariana Grande, Pitbull, The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Beethoven. The group won New York’s Got Talent! Season 6 in April 2019 and Steve Harvey’s 2017 “Sing Off” on his nationally televised Steve show. Tue, 9/17, 7:30pm. $5-$37. Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building, University of Nevada, Reno, 1335 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-4278, www.unr.edu/pas.

SALON SERIES—SAVOR: Sierra Music Society continues its popular Salon Series with P’Opera! soloists, small bites, wines and fun in a home located in Southwest Reno. Sat, 9/14, 6pm. $75. Call for reservations and location, (775) 233-5105.

TYLER STAFFORD’S ALBUM RELEASE: The local singer-songwriter releases his new album Before We Get Carried Away. The show will feature many of the players that participated in the making of the album and an opening performance by Buffalo Moses, formerly known as Bryan Jones. Low back chairs and/or blankets suggested. Sat, 9/14, 5pm. $10$20. Wingfield Park, 2 S. Arlington Ave., tylerstaffordmusic.com.

WORD WAVE: This event is the culmination of a three-month playwriting competition. The top three plays are selected to be showcased as a performance reading on stage. Sat, 9/14, 7:30pm. $18. Valhalla Boathouse Theatre, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, valhallatahoe.com.


I second that emoticon I know some men refuse to use emojis because they think they’re silly or cheesy. But I have to say, when men use emojis, they make me feel good. Is it crazy that a heart or a rose emoji makes me feel like a man’s more interested? It’s easy to misinterpret tone in texts. However, emojis are basically the cartoon cousins of commas, which can make the difference between a quiet evening at home and an evening spent handcuffed facedown while the forensics team digs up your backyard for skeletal remains. (If only you’d tucked the commas into the appropriate places when you texted, “I love cooking my dogs and my grandma.”) Emojis in courtship were the subject of two studies from the Kinsey Institute. In the more recent one, social psychologist Amanda Gesselman and her colleagues found a link between emoji use and maintaining a connection beyond the first date, as well as more romantic interactions and more sex (over the year that participants were surveyed about). I suspect emojis are an especially helpful tool for men to use in dating. Research by psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen suggests that men, in general, don’t have women’s emotional fluency—that is, women’s ease in identifying and expressing emotion. Emojis help men communicate warmth and interest in a woman easily and comfortably. This in turn keeps women from getting mad that men don’t show their feelings—or mistaking a lack of expressiveness for a lack of feeling. So it’s no surprise you appreciate the emojis. Still, there’s much that remains unexplored in these studies. For example, do people who use more emojis get more dates and sex, or do people who get more dates and sex use more emojis? Do emojis play well with everybody, or do they sometimes kill a developing connection? Of course, emojis could more charitably be viewed as a classic form of communication. The medium was just different back around 2000 B.C., when the pharaoh would dispatch the eunuch with stone tablets covered in pictures of dogs, beetles and mummies. Message: “Dinner is at 6, unless there’s a plague of locusts.”

Pretender mercies A senior colleague was consistently rotten to me—demeaning, abusive, passive-aggressive. I tried to get him to behave more respectfully, but nothing changed. I now try to avoid him as much as possible. His mom just died, and a co-worker suggested I send him my condolences. But this would feel really insincere. Isn’t it important to be authentic? Authenticity is overrated. Sure, it’s seriously important when you’re bidding $3 million for a Picasso. But in humans, authenticity basically means having the outer you—your behavior—match the inner you: your thoughts, desires, feelings and values. Revealing your hopes, fears and desires to another person is essential to having real intimacy—allowing them to really know and understand you. But telling the whole truth isn’t always ideal. Technically, by not letting rip whatever feeling comes to mind, you’re being “inauthentic,” “phony,” “insincere.” However, this view comes out of neuroscientific ignorance. Though we have personality traits that are consistent across time and situations, research by neuroscientists Roger Wolcott Sperry, Michael Gazzaniga and Joseph LeDoux suggests there is no singular, consistent “real you”—or “real” anyone, for that matter. Instead, we each appear to be a set of shifting standards, preferences and practices based on the priorities that a particular situation triggers in our evolved psychology. Not having a singular self means we can choose the sort of person we want to be. We do this by coming up with a set of values and acting in line with them. In your case, if kindness is one of your values, you might set aside your grievances with your colleague and decide, “You’re a fellow human who’s suffering, and I’m gonna reach out to say I’m sorry about that.” Being kind to a guy you loathe is actually an act of sincerity when your behavior aligns with your values. Ω


Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).






FRee will astRology Call for a quote. (775) 324-4440 ext. 2

For the week oF September 12, 2019

Phone hours: M-F 9am-5pm. Deadlines for print: Line ad deadline: Monday 4pm Display ad deadline: Friday 2pm

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Hi, I’m your sales

representative for UnTherapy, a free program designed to provide healing strategies for people who are trying too hard. Forgive me for being blunt, but I think you could benefit from our services. I don’t have space here to reveal all the secrets of UnTherapy, but here’s an essential hint: Every now and then, the smartest way to outwit a problem is to stop worrying, let it alone and allow it to solve itself.

All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. Further, the News & Review specifically reserves the right to edit, decline or properly classify any ad. Errors will be rectified by re-publication upon notification. The N&R is not responsible for error after the first publication. The N&R assumes no financial liability for errors or omission of copy. In any event, liability shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by such an error or omission. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes full responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. *Nominal fee for some upgrades.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): People in northeast

India weave long, strong suspension bridges out of the living roots of fig trees. The structures can measure as long as 150 feet and bear the weight of hundreds of people. In accordance with astrological omens, let’s make these marvels your metaphors of power for the coming weeks. To stimulate your meditations, ask yourself the following questions. 1. How can you harness nature to help you to get where you need to go? 2. How might you transform instinctual energy so that it better serves your practical needs? 3. How could you channel wildness so that it becomes eminently useful to you?

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GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you climb to the top

of Mount Everest, you’re standing on land that was once on the floor of a shallow tropical sea. Fossils of marine life, 400 million years old, still abide there in the rock. Over the course of eons, through the magic of plate tectonics, that low flat land got folded and pushed upward more than five miles. I suspect you will have the power to accomplish a less spectacular but still amazing transformation during the next 10 months. To get started, identify what you would like that transformation to be.

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CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1996, when Gary

Kasparov was rated the world’s best chess player, he engaged in a series of matches with a chess-playing computer named Deep Blue. Early on in the first game, Deep Blue tried a move that confused Kasparov. Rattled, he began to wonder if the machine was smarter than him. Ultimately, his play suffered and he lost the game. Later it was revealed that Deep Blue’s puzzling move was the result of a bug in its code. I’ll encourage you to cultivate a benevolent bug in your own code during the coming weeks. I bet it will be the key to you scoring a tricky victory.

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by ROb bRezsny

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): American hero Harriet Tub-

man escaped slavery as a young woman. She ran away from the wealthy “master” who claimed to own her, and reached sanctuary. But rather than simply enjoy her freedom, she dedicated herself to liberating other slaves. Nineteen times she returned to slave territory and risked her life, ultimately leading 300 people out of hellish captivity. Later she served as a scout, spy and nurse in the Union Army during the Civil War, where her actions saved another 700 people. In 1874, the U.S. Congress considered but then ultimately rejected a bill to pay her $2,000 for her numerous courageous acts. Don’t you dare be like Congress in the coming weeks. It’s crucial that you give tangible acknowledgment and practical rewards to those who have helped, guided and supported you.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Novelist Wallace Stegner

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wrote, “Some are born in their place, some find it, some realize after long searching that the place they left is the one they have been searching for.” I hope that in the last nine months, Virgo, you have resolved which of those three options is true for you. I also trust that you have been taking the necessary actions to claim and own that special place—to acknowledge it and treasure it as the power spot where you feel most at home in the world. If you have not yet fully finished what I’m describing here, do it now.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Earth’s species are going

extinct at a rate unmatched since the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Among the creatures on the verge of being lost forever are birds such as the cryptic treehunter and Spix’s macaw, as well as the northern white rhino and the vaquita, a type of porpoise. So why don’t we clone the last few individuals of those beleaguered

species? Here are the answers. 1. Cloned animals typically aren’t healthy. 2. A species needs a sizable population to retain genetic diversity. 3. Humans have decimated the homes of the threatened species, making it hard for them to thrive. Conclusion: Cloning is an inadequate stopgap action. Is there a better way to address the problem? Yes, by preserving the habitats of wild creatures. Inspired by this principle, I ask you to avoid trying halfway fixes for the dilemmas in your personal sphere. Summon full measures that can really work.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Though patched together

and incomplete, the 2,200-year-old marble sculpture known as the “Winged Victory of Samothrace” is prominently displayed at Paris’s Louvre Museum. It’s a glorious depiction of Nike, the winged goddess of victory, and is regarded as one of ancient Greece’s great masterpieces. For hundreds of years it was missing. Then, in 1863, an archaeologist discovered it, although it was broken into more than a hundred pieces. Eventually it was rebuilt, and much of its beauty was resurrected. I see the coming weeks as a time when you, too, could recover the fragments of an old treasure and begin reassembling it to make a pretty good restoration.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “I’ve learned that

I must find positive outlets for anger or it will destroy me,” said actor Sidney Poitier. That can be a dynamic meditation for you during the next three weeks. I think you will derive substantial power from putting it into action. If you’re ingenious and diligent about finding those positive outlets, your anger will generate constructive and transformative results.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 1905, at the age of

30, Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote the novel Anne of Green Gables. It was a tale about an orphan girl growing up on Prince Edward Island. She sent the manuscript to several publishers, all of whom rejected it. Discouraged, she put it away in a hatbox and stored it in a closet. But two years later, her ambitions reignited when she re-read the story. Again she mailed it to prospective publishers, and this time one liked it enough to turn it into a book. It soon became a bestseller. Since then it has sold more than 50 million copies and been translated into 36 languages. I figure you are at a point in your own unfolding that’s equivalent to where Anne was shortly before she rediscovered the manuscript she’d put away in the hatbox.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The Toxorhynchites

are species of large mosquitoes that don’t buzz around our heads while we’re trying to sleep and will never bite our skin or suck our blood. In fact, they’re our benefactors. Their larvae feast on the larvae of the mosquitoes that are bothersome to us. In accordance with astrological omens, I propose that you be alert for a metaphorically comparable influence in your own life: a helper or ally that might be in disguise or may just superficially seem to be like an adversary.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Audre Lorde identified

herself as a black writer, lesbian, librarian, mother, feminist, civil rights activist and many other descriptors. But as ardent as she was in working for the political causes she was passionate about, she didn’t want to be pigeonholed in a single identity. One of her central teachings was to celebrate all the different parts of herself. “Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat,” she testified. These approaches should be especially fun and extra meaningful for you in the coming weeks, Pisces. I encourage you to throw a big Unity Party for all the different people you are.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.



What about the other two days? Well, that’s all of the vendors and the readings and healings and seminars. We always have a theme with the expo, which is really fun. And this time it’s “connection.” So we’re going to have a series of seminars on connection with yourself, with other and with the divine.

Laura Peppard is the founder and director of the Reno Psychic Institute, 20 Hillcrest Drive—an organization she founded a quarter century ago. RPI is hosting the Reno Spiritual Wellness Expo from Oct. 18-20 at Reno Town Mall—4001 S. Virginia St. The expo will include spiritual organizations, entertainers and workshops, as well as vendors selling jewelry, art, minerals, stones and holistic wellness products. Learn more details by visiting renospiritualwellnessexpo.com.

World dance—can I assume then that it’s geared toward people of different faiths? Yeah. We’d love to have as many different ones as we can, and we’re starting off with the Sufi one—because that’s what PJ [Chatterton] knows.

What’s the reason for the expo?

Twenty years, twice a year—but I finally took off this spring. … But then the opportunity came along for this new location, which I’m excited about. We were at the convention center for years and years, and then we went to the Best Western [by the] airport.

So it’s three days. What are people going to find there? Friday, we want to do a book signing and wine tasting. And then kind of kick it off with a healing clinic, energy healings—and, also, we’re in the process of creating a world dance event. A friend of mine has the Sufi thing


How many times have you done this event?

going—so we’ll just have a fun opening with Friday.

Are they specifically spiritual dances then? As much as we can. We’re still creating it.

I suppose dancing could be considered spiritual in its own right, too.

Just to give a space for a spiritual “hello” in the community.

A spiritual “hello,” like to meet and greet other spiritual people? Help me understand. Well, we’re spiritual beings as well as physical bodies, so it’s a recognition of your spiritual nature. And usually that’s in religion, but religion is kind of—you know, creates barriers between groups. So this is like we all just get to recognize our spirituality and kind of forget about the differences. □

Yeah. Yeah.


Floating ideas In 1997, the band Spiritualized released an album with a memorable title—Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space. That thought, when used as a daily mantra, can be comforting somehow in this time of wacky kookiness. • After 32 months of The Dum Dum Experiment, it seems very safe to assert the following: The brazen corruption of the Trump Administration is exceeded only by its brazen detestability. In other words, if the Americans of 2020 think it's important that their POTUS, above all else, be a detestable prick, well then, Tweet Boy is a stone cold shoo-in. • It’s time to spread the word. There are now three men who are ready to primary Prez Capone, and this could be fun. This Trio of Trumpophobes is made up of William Weld, Joe Walsh and Mark Sanford—

Republicans who are fed up with the Madness of Dotard Donald and are now ready to hassle him directly in the primaries that are four months away. Yes, Walsh and Sanford have been total assholes in the past, but they are Republicans, after all. Weld, being more of a Reagan-era guy, is less of a jerk in terms of being associated with Tea Party-esque assholism. But all that stuff is unimportant. What really matters is that their AK-47s are loaded with fresh, freaky pellets of political poop, and they’re ready to pop off and paste the broad backside of the pouty putz POTUS. No one really knows what impact their campaigns will have on Agent Orange, who Retrumplicans support in ridiculous numbers. But once these guys open fire on Twitler’s mottled ass, who knows what the damage will be? One thing is certain. When it comes to Dump’s horribleness as President, there’s

a lot to talk about. As in a lot. I mean, for fux sake … Sharpiegate? • It's now obvious that the overall strategy coming out of Retrumplican National HQ for the campaign is simply to smear all Dems with the “S” word. Socialism! As the great Count Floyd used to say, “Oooh, scaaarrrry!” Well, you know what the Dem counterpunch should be? The “R” word, as in … Republican! Ooooh, VERY scaarrryyy! Because, as a Republican, the candidate is telling you that his/her position on gun control is “machine guns for all Americans, especially the crazy ones!” White supremacists? “Let's not be hasty. There are some really nice Nazis out there with some interesting ideas.” Health care? “Get an effing job with an insurance plan, deadbeat.” Election protection? “Excuse me? Say what?” Let the smearing begin! Ω






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