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For which people? Kamala Harris and her mixed record on criminal justice by


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Sacramento’S newS & entertainment weekly


Volume 31, iSSue 22


thurSday, September 12, 2019



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september 12, 2019 | Vol. 31, Issue 22

From earthy crafts to mind-blowing installations, Sacramento prepares for a robust upcoming season for the arts. Check out five exhibits to view in the coming weeks.

20 editor’s note letters essay + streetalk GreenliGht essay news feature arts + culture

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And more!

Besides his new academic appointment, Cabaldon still has work to do in West Sacramento. He became the city’s first elected mayor in 2004 and has been reelected every two years since. On his watch, his city has attracted attention for innovation and collaboration with its neighbors. In 2014, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg speaks at an August house party in West Sacramento was named Iowa as West Sacramento Mayor Christopher America’s “most livable” small Cabaldon (sitting on floor, left) listens. city by the U.S. Conference of Mayors. Cabaldon has raised his These days, Christopher Cabaldon has two jobs profile as well. He is chairman plus a side gig. He’s mayor of West Sacramento and of the mayors’ jobs, education and workforce on the faculty at Sacramento State. And when his committee and was the subject of a flattering profile schedule allows, he’s an enthusiastic campaigner for in Governing magazine in June. Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. The gay mayor of a smaller city on the rise who When I talked to Cabaldon in mid-August, he has national stature? Sounds familiar. had just returned from Iowa, which holds the first So I had to ask Cabaldon: Does it ever cross his nominating contest next February. He squeezed in mind that it could be him running for president and some campaign house parties in between tracing Buttigieg barnstorming on his behalf? family roots and traveling with a U.S. Conference “No, not at all. Not for a second,” Cabaldon of Mayors delegation to a presidential forum on gun replied. violence. He said he’s supporting Buttigieg because Cabaldon first met Buttigieg in 2015 at a U.S. he’s exactly the kind of leader America requires Conference of Mayors meeting in San Francisco. right now. The South Bend, Ind., mayor had just come out, Mayors have more executive power and oversee right before the historic U.S. Supreme Court more employees than a member of Congress. They ruling that legalized gay marriage. Cabaldon, who know first-hand the daily challenges of real people. announced he was gay in 2006, sought him out to And they must help their residents find common offer whatever advice he could since being a gay ground. elected official in the Midwest is more challenging “It’s clear right now a mayoral approach to than in California. governing is what is needed,” Cabaldon said. Fast forward four years. Buttigieg picked And, he said, Buttigieg is not just any mayor. Cabaldon to introduce him at his presidential He also boasts foreign policy credentials with his campaign launch in April. Cabaldon gave a military service, including six months active duty rip-roaring speech that drew national attention and in Afghanistan. Buttigieg is vowing to pull nearly Twitter praise. all U.S. forces out of Afghanistan in his first year Since, Buttigieg has risen in the pack of 20-some in office, ending America’s longest war, nearly 18 Democratic candidates, and will be one of 10 years and counting. contenders on the debate stage Thursday in Houston. “He’s the best the mayors of America have to But the 37-year-old Rhodes Scholar is still trying offer,” Cabaldon said. to break out of single digits in the polls—and still And, if somehow, Buttigieg is the one accepting struggling to connect with African-American voters. the nomination at the Democratic National Cabaldon is not with the Buttigieg team in any Convention next July in Milwaukee, Cabaldon official capacity, and said he doesn’t have time for could very well be on stage with him, under all the regular campaigning. balloons and confetti. Ω Photo courtesy of christoPher cabaldon

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Nuclear power works Re: “Power play” by Scott Thomas Anderson (Feature, Aug. 15): OK so I read this story about PG&E and the wildfires, and I agree that it is responsible for those fires by failing to maintain its equipment and towers because PG&E is more beholden to shareholders than public safety. Because PG&E is privately owned, shareholders always come first. The problem I have is that you people always have to throw in a jab against nuclear power, though you all say you are concerned about the environment and you want clean energy. All the radical left-wing Democrats are happy about closing all our nuclear power plants in California. Diablo Canyon has never caused one problem. If anybody thinks that wind and solar power will be the answer to save our environment, then they need to go back to horse-drawn buggies and kerosene lamps.

Michael StinSon S acr am e nt o / v i a e m a i l

The value of zoos Re: “Zoos are archaic” by Randall Guyton (Letters, Aug. 15): The reader’s comments that a zoo is a “19th century concept,” equating it to a “circus” and that animals are “on display for our entertainment” are not accurate assessments of the modern zoo. Zoos are a vital part of saving endangered species through their breeding programs, and they serve as teaching and educational tools for children and adults, who learn about thousands of species, their natural habitats and countries of origin, and about the ongoing extinction of many animals due to poaching and environmental issues. Major zoos in the U.S., at least, provide hundreds of acres of land for larger animals to roam freely, and do release animals back into the wild. The keepers work tirelessly, treating animals humanely as well as medically. Every species, large and small, is important to our environment. Learning and entertainment and are not necessarily two different “animals.”

BarBara rohrer roseville / v i a em ai l

Progressives dissed Re: “Don’t add to partisan polarization” by Jeff vonKaenel (Greenlight, Aug. 15): Progressive Democrats need to demonstrate that the Democrats represent 99% of Americans? There’s only a handful of progressives in Congress, and House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi keeps saying they don’t represent her party. Jeff vonKaenel says Democrats should hold congressional hearings on issues such as investors’ preferential tax rates, outrageous drug prices and destructive agribusiness practices. Let’s include government fossil fuel subsidies and corrupt military contracting—but all of these industries are big Democratic campaign contributors that have enjoyed strong bipartisan support for decades. An impeachment hearing would make Republicans defend their “king of Israel.” But Democratic leaders don’t have the stomach for it. They’d rather bash “the squad” than stand up to our dangerously delusional president. With the environment, democracy and civilization itself at risk, if Democrats won’t stand up to Trump, they won’t stand up to their wealthy backers for our future, either. We need better and won’t settle!

Jan Bergeron S acr am en t o / v i a e m a i l

No compassion Re: “To impeach or not to impeach” by Foon Rhee (Feature, Aug. 22): A leader with a messianic complex and no compassion or empathy is a terrible thing to behold.

Scott Berrian J ack s on / v i a F a c e b o o k

read more letters online at newsreview.com/sacramento.

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by lynn silver


by Ashley-hAyes stone

Asked At ChAlk It Up!:

Best place to see art? ARIel peRIll A student

Today’s pot is not safe

Anywhere in downtown, but especially the murals. Sacramento is full of art. You can really just walk outside and art is everywhere. … I would recommend walking through the alleys because there’s a lot of gems.

Surgeon general warns of health effects on teens, pregnant women On Aug. 29, the U.S. surgeon general released an advisory warning about the effects of marijuana on teens, young adults and pregnant women. He was accompanied by representatives of the National Institutes of Health and of national associations of pediatricians and obstetricians, who also spoke out to combat the false perception that today’s marijuana is a healthy product. Surgeon General Jerome Adams noted, in particular, that no amount of marijuana use is safe for adolescents and pregnant women. Marijuana use by adolescents, he said, impairs learning and leads to declines in school performance and IQ and increased rates of school absences, dropouts and suicide attempts. He also warned that marijuana use also is linked to risk for early onset of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. Higher doses of THC can produce anxiety, depression and psychosis. The higher the THC concentration, the greater the risks of addiction and other negative consequences. Of course, the cannabis industry—like the tobacco industry before it—needs a steady supply of new customers. And like the tobacco industry, it is happy to play the edges of what’s true and legal to peddle its product. In the Aug. 22 issue of SN&R, several Sacramento-area cannabis businesses placed a full-page ad that attempted to mislead the public on the impact of marijuana on adolescent brains. The ad cherry-picked a study that looked at adults who used marijuana as teens in the 1980s or ’90s, though THC concentrations have tripled since then. The bulk of science and studies—including by the same researcher cited in the ad—overwhelmingly support the Surgeon General’s conclusion: Marijuana harms youths. What would actually help youth? For one thing, changing how we have used marijuana arrests and sentencing to disproportionately penalize young men of color, and making sure we don’t perpetuate that process among youth today. Ending mass incarceration for marijuana doesn’t have to mean that we close our eyes to the fact that it is a harmful 6





noel teske veterinary technician

Second Saturdays because you can walk around R Street and there’s a lot of art galleries hiding in there. There’s one weird building on R Street that has a lot of little galleries that a lot of people don’t know about. shAe gRImm volunteer

Lynn Silver is a pediatrician, professor at UC San Francisco and senior adviser at the Public Health Institute in Oakland who directs the Getting it Right from the Start project.

product, despite having some medical uses. Nor does allowing legal sale necessarily mean letting this new tobacco-like industry make any product it can think up, no matter how dangerous or unknown its safety. Marijuana is not a safe solution for kids to resolve real stress and trauma in their lives. The solution is investing in real opportunities, mentors and supports for our children and youth. Cannabis tax revenues should be reinvested in youth and in the neighborhoods hit by the war on drugs. We ask the Sacramento City Council and other leaders take the Surgeon General’s warning to heart. Dispensaries should be required to have prominent health warnings for pregnant women and adolescents. The cannabis industry should not be allowed run wild, pushing products that will exacerbate our existing health disparities in low-birthweight babies or high school graduation rates. Overly potent products, flavored products for vaping or smoking or drinks such as cannabisinfused orange soda designed to attract kids have no place in the legal market. Billboards and ads should be prohibited or limited as much as possible and required to carry honest health warnings. And ads shouldn’t peddle slanted or misleading information packaged as science. It’s time for more prudence. Ω

My favorite place to go is the Archival Gallery. D. Oldham Neath, the owner, has been a personal friend of mine for years and she has a good sense of picking out very good upcoming artists.

CARlo CypheRs artist

I think one of the best places to see art in Sacramento is the Crocker. We have kind of an underplayed museum that we should all treasure.

John kUethe framing designer

You probably want to hit J Street and 20th to about 26th Street because you’re going to see a lot of huge murals from various artists from Sacramento to the Bay area.

RodRIgo olIvA art teacher

Leave Your Mark Sacramento has some of the best art shows because every month they have a new artist … It’s a nice place to check out if you want to be involved in the art community.

Keeping our heads

above water

Tentative contract helps lift up bottom, close inequality gap by yvOnnE R. WALKER


rising tide lifts all boats – but only if there’s enough water to go around. To create a California for All, that rising tide also needs to narrow the gap between the top and the bottom. Right now, the top 1% swims in oceans of wealth; the rest navigates in puddles. We’re not all floating on a level sea. Our union, California’s largest representative of state employees, recently reached a tentative contract agreement. That’s great news, not just for state workers but everyone who cares about the middle class and ending poverty. Overall, our new contract helps lift up middle class workers. The only way to get ahead financially is to beat inflation and this contract does that with a 7% salary raise spread over the next three years. In particular, our tentative agreement has provisions to help low-wage workers. Those making less than $15 an hour were given an increase to $15 or more, and those in that career path were given comparable raises to avoid compaction in their employee category. In addition, every worker will receive $260 a month to offset high health care costs. For many state employees, especially low-wage workers, that stipend will be a godsend. In rural areas, they’ve suffered from lack of access to HMOs, and been stuck with high deductibles and co-pays. “Health care in the rural area where I live is already very expensive,” said Kayla, one of many state workers we heard from about this issue. “(Rising) health care costs would be very detrimental to me and my family.” One other key piece of our deal focuses on the future. As you know, many workers suffer from uncertainty and face negative consequences of the implementation of automation and technology. We created a joint task force on the “Future of Work and Civil Service” to allow our members to partner with the state on predicting, planning and ultimately determining our own future around important technological innovations, automation and the

ever-changing nature of work in our society. We know unions help decrease inequality in two major ways – one, increasing wages for middle class workers faster than inflation; and two, reducing outrageous corporate pay and profits. Our union has worked towards that second goal through supporting laws such as Prop. 30, California’s Millionaires Tax, that we helped pass in 2012. Now extended through 2030, that proposition created four high-income tax brackets with those earning more than $1 million paying 13.3% in state income tax, a 3% increase. Those extra funds have supported a wide range of services throughout our state. The next step is decreasing that growing gap between the bottom and the top. In recent years, that gulf has widened substantially. In 1965, the average CEO made 20 times the pay of a typical worker; by 1989, CEO compensation had nearly tripled to 58 times the average worker pay. In 2018, that average (not exemplary) CEO is making 362 times the pay of the average worker. Some cities are trying to address that chasm. These pilot ideas at the local level are the first small steps on the long journey to closing that gap. In Portland, Oregon, for example, a new tax targets CEO compensation if that pay is greater than 250 times what that company’s average worker earns. Companies can either pay the tax, or pay their people more. Like that rising tide, lifting everyone is the better option.

Yvonne R. Walker president, SEIU Local 1000


Growing inequality gap 1965

$126,000 $6,540

Average CEO

Average worker

20 times ratio 2018

$14.5 million $39,888

Average CEO Average worker

362 times ratio Source: Economic Policy Institute and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

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Has Kaiser lost its way? by Jeff vonKaenel

I am a Kaiser Permanente patient. After researching my Medicare options at the Office of the Patient Advocate website, I was confident that Kaiser is one of America’s best health care systems, especially in terms of practicing integrated care using proven best practices. I’ve been happy with my care at Kaiser. Nevertheless, I was curious why a union was planning a Labor Day march to protest the health care chain’s policies. So I decided to attend. In front of 1,000 protesters, Fabrizio Sasso, executive director of the Sacramento Central Labor Council, said: “The rich and the powerful continue to rig the rules to take away our freedom. And Kaiser is no different. They used to be, but not anymore. Kaiser is no different because even though they call themselves nonprofit, they are actually a large corporation whose only mission is to earn massive profits and make top executives disgustingly rich.” Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West, which represents 83,000 Kaiser employees, says that Kaiser has lost its way. It cites Kaiser’s low percentage of Medicaid patients, its $5.2 billion net revenues in the last six months with reserves of $37.6 billion, its outsourcing of jobs and its high executive pay. The Labor Day event, which included a nonviolent protest blocking J Street and the orchestrated arrest of about 50 volunteer activists, was designed to bring media attention to a potential October strike at Kaiser. It should be noted that other unions representing 49,000 Kaiser employees have already signed labor agreements and did not appear to be involved in the protest. Kaiser CEO Bernard Tyson responded to the union’s concerns with a Labor Day memo. “Kaiser Permanente has always sought to work collaboratively with unions representing our employees. 8





je ffv @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Today, more than 165,000 of our employees are represented by 16 international unions—divided into 60 locals, consisting of 60 contracts with Kaiser Permanente,” the memo said. “We continue to be known as one of the best employers in the health care industry and one of the most laborfriendly organizations of its kind. We are very motivated to reach an agreement.” However, Tyson added, any agreement needs to make economic sense. “We have not lost our way,” he insisted. According to Kaiser’s website, it came into being after World War II with support from two unions—the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Retail Clerks International Union. Kaiser is more similar to the successful European health care system than the American system. And if we are ever going to have affordable health care in America, it certainly needs to be closer to the model of Kaiser integrated care than to the more expensive Sutter Health model, with higher costs and worse outcomes. But has Kaiser lost its way? Until recently, Tyson was receiving $10 million in annual compensation, more than many CEOs at large forprofit corporations. Now his pay is being increased to $16 million a year. If Kaiser is outsourcing jobs and cutting costs elsewhere, this sends a mixed message, to say the least. I suggest this money would be better spent by giving 6,000 workers, who are struggling with increased housing costs, a $1,000 raise each. Tyson needs to show us that Kaiser has not lost its way. That starts by looking in the mirror. Ω

Jeff vonKaenel is the president, CEO and majority owner of the News & Review.


by Peter rodman

How to stop disabled parking cheats Let me preface this by saying my wife uses a walker and wheelchair and has a disabled parking placard. I do not use the placard when she is not in the car, as that is against the law. If we park at a meter, I hang the placard on the mirror then pay at the meter. I know I don’t need to, but I’m happy to pay my way. Dagnabbit, it’s the way I was raised—paying taxes is as important as voting. (Parking fees are like a city tax.) The idea behind the placards is a good one: Reserve the parking closest to a store or garage elevator for people who struggle to move under their own power, or who have medical conditions that will be worsened by physical exertion. But tacked on to that is a bad idea that if people cannot move easily, they may not make it back to their car in time to feed the meter, so their parking should be free. If every car with a disabled placard parking free in downtown Sacramento on weekdays was actually carrying a disabled person, the sidewalks would be impassable due to all the wheelchairs, walkers and people using crutches. As a crotchety geezer, I have to presume that not every person with a placard is disabled, and that some drivers may be using someone else’s placard just to park all day for free. While this abuse is probably limited to just a few people, when it does happen, it prevents customers for the businesses near the parking spaces from spending their money.

Peter Rodman is a retired Sacramento County employee who lives in Sacramento.

I have a solution. Designate a space or two on every block for disabled parking with a blue curb and a parking meter. A car must have a placard to park there. But also completely discontinue free parking for the disabled everywhere. They pay the same rates as anyone else. Some might say: “But what if I can’t get back to feed the meter because I got gum caught in my walker? I could get a parking ticket.” That would be unfortunate. So put a provision in the city code that by mailing in the parking ticket with a notarized sworn statement that you are the owner of a placard (with its number) and were using that car at that time, the city will dismiss the ticket. Yes, this would be awkward for placard abusers, who have no way to get such a statement from their dead aunt, or can’t coerce their asthmatic mother to lie under oath, and it will require all drivers with placards to feed parking meters. It would mean that only police officers, paramedics, construction crews and delivery drivers will be able to park wherever they want for free. Still, let’s try it. It would be interesting to watch the disabled placards disappear when the only advantage to having one is a stretch of blue curb with a parking meter. Ω






Richard Alex Williams Jr., 41, of Sacramento spent 17 years behind bars for a wrongful murder conviction. On Aug. 21, he visited Arden Modern Dentistry, which provided him and another exoneree with free dental care. PHOTO BY KARLOS RENE AYALA

The prosecution resists Richard Williams fought his own wrongful conviction, even though Sacramento’s DA has a unit for that BY RAHEEM F. HOSSEINI To learn more about the records of conviction review units around the country, visit sacblog. newsreview.com for an extended version.




Richard Alex Williams Jr. surrendered his youth to a 6-by-8-foot time machine, one that doesn’t travel through time so much as let it crawl by. Williams entered a jail cell in 1996, when he was arrested for the shooting death of a 17-year-old paused at a stop sign. Williams exited a jail cell 17 years later, once his conviction had been |


overturned and he was acquitted in a new trial. Even though he’s lived nearly four years as an innocent man, Williams is still catching up to a world that didn’t wait for him. “After 20 years confined, mentally you be one way,” Williams, now 41, told SN&R. “I was 18 when I got

ra he e mh @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

locked up, so my view maybe about what’s cool and what’s happening—it’s still the same. “So when you get out … it’s a culture shock,” Williams continued. “Especially with a lot of the homelessness being higher than what it was, a lot of drug use and abuse is higher in my neighborhood. … It’s just so much to take in.”

There have been other increases, as well. Williams is one of 2,488 exonerated Americans and at least the fifth Sacramento resident to be exonerated of their crimes since 1986, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. And while the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office, which put the individuals away, created a unit in 2013 to examine claims of wrongful conviction, it hasn’t uncovered one case it would do differently, including Williams’ or that of Zavion Johnson, wrongfully convicted in 2002 of killing his infant son due to false or misleading forensic evidence. The men share a few things in common: Both were teenagers when they were arrested, both are AfricanAmerican and both spent more than a dozen years in prison protesting their innocence. On a recent Wednesday afternoon, inside the waiting room of Arden Modern Dentistry, which provided free dental work to two exonerated Northern California men, Williams sat in front of a wall displaying perfect smiles. He’d never heard of the DA’s “Justice Training and Integrity Unit,” but didn’t think it would have made a difference if he had. “It was too political at that point,” Williams said. The number of prosecutor-run conviction review units has steadily risen around the country, yet the number of prosecutor-initiated exonerations hasn’t kept up. Which begs the question: As Americans become more concerned with reforming a criminal justice system they believe went overboard during the 1980s and 1990s, are the prosecutors they elect actually taking that message to heart, or simply pandering to it? Conviction review units, which started proliferating around the turn of the 21st century, can form for different reasons, said John F. Hollway, associate dean at University of Pennsylvania Law School and executive director of the Quattrone Center for the Fair Administration of Justice. But increasingly, Hollway said, the units are being created by DAs who acknowledge the public wants more from them than the enthusiastic dispensation of punitive justice. “There were a lot of units that didn’t get started because they thought there was something rotten in Denmark,” said Hollway, author of the 2016 paper








RALLYING FOR RELIEF “Conviction Review Units: A National Perspective.” Hollway said not to discount the monkey-see-monkey-do marketing impact. As more counties adopted these units, officials in nearby jurisdictions wanted to show that they were just as woke. “There’s close to 50 of them around the country,” Hollway said. “The effect has been both practical and philosophical.” Around the country, the units were involved in a total of 269 exonerations through 2017, including 42 exonerations that year and a record 72 exonerations in 2016, according to the National Registry of Exonerations. Conviction review units were responsible for exonerating 40 people last year alone, Hollway noted. But most of these exonerations were initiated by defense attorneys, innocence organizations, journalists and others, the registry found, raising the question of how proactively the units are actually looking for past mistakes or outright corruption. More than a third of the units haven’t been involved in any exonerations, including the two units in Northern California. In the six years it has existed, the Sacramento County DA’s unit has reviewed approximately 50 convictions, deeming none worthy of exculpation, a spokeswoman said in May. Between 2013 and 2017, the Yolo County DA’s unit also hadn’t found a false conviction, according to the registry. Yolo County DA Jeff Reisig and his staff didn’t respond to multiple requests for recent activity. Yolo County Deputy Public Defender Dean Johansson unsuccessfully tried to unseat Reisig last year. He acknowledged he doesn’t have direct knowledge on how—or whether—the DA’s unit operates, but offered the perception that it was just another “of these surface, lip-service operations.” “The bottom line is I don’t know of any time that they’ve ever questioned or overturned a decision,” Johansson said. Around California, conviction review units reflect a mishmash of approaches. The San Diego County DA’s unit has only one full-time staff member, while Orange County’s “Conviction Integrity Function” and the units in Yolo, Nevada and Merced counties have none. Perhaps coincidentally, San Diego County has participated in one exoneration while the other counties have accounted for a total of zero. This is one of the reasons the registry cautions that conviction review units “are not a panacea.”

The story of Williams’ conviction is a an alternate who believed his friends time-tested tale of cut corners and had been pulled over for “driving while hardwired racial bias. A couple of unsure black.” The magistrate determined that eyewitnesses put a man who looked Gold also selectively applied his marital like Williams in a car that resembled preference, as two single non-black his green Mustang on 48th Avenue women served on the jury. and Martin Luther King Boulevard in The judge added that “the totality of South Sacramento, where the Mustang’s the circumstances … support a finding passenger fired a semiautomatic pistol that race was a substantial factor in the at an occupied 1977 Mercury Cougar. strike.” The Cougar’s 17-year-old driver, Marvel A third trial that featured Williams Chase, died from a bullet to his heart. representing himself during jury instrucWilliams’ first trial ended in a tions ended with his acquittal in hung jury when two black November 2015. jurors refused to convict. Today, Gold is an For Williams’ second assistant chief deputy “I sometimes trial, prosecutor DA in charge of have a problem Robert Gold spiked the office’s sex with single people the only eligible crimes and special black juror during prosecutions. who have never … been the selection Williams, with married.” process. a freshly capped Sacramento County prosecutor According to tooth thanks to a hearing transcripts partnership between Robert Gold cited in an appellate the After Innocence on striking a prospective ruling, Gold gave nonprofit and Arden black juror numerous reasons for Modern Dentistry, is back vetoing the juror, including in the Strawberry Manors a 17-year-old shoplifting bust that neighborhood of his youth. A resulted in probation for the woman when misdemeanor domestic violence case was she was in college, an incident when she dropped against him in 2017. The same felt she was unfairly pulled over, her year, the California Victim Compensation strong belief that defendants are innocent Board denied him benefits, finding that until proven guilty, and the fact that she Williams failed to prove his innocence. was 38 and still single. Regarding the “If I had that evidence, I wouldn’t have latter, Gold acknowledged it was “a minor been convicted in the first place,” Williams point” when he addressed a Sacramento said. “It’s hard. I been going through a Superior Court judge in 1998. transition.” “I sometimes have a problem with Still, Williams said he never lost hope single people who have never … been behind bars. Primarily incarcerated at married,” Gold said, according to the Folsom State Prison, he studied the law and transcript. “They may be a very strongly said he became adept at drafting complaints opinionated person that may not work against prison guards and his own habeas well in a group setting.” corpus appeal. Trial Judge Jeffrey L. Gunther upheld “Now you find yourself spending [time] the juror’s dismissal and Williams was in the law library, being a bookworm,” he convicted of murder and attempted said. “Now I’m law enforcement. It flips murder charges on Aug. 3, 1998. Williams on you.” appealed his conviction while serving a It was in the library that he discovered life sentence and said his first appeal was a love for baroque monetary policy. dismissed on Sept. 11, 2001. He then filed He interpreted and riffed, inventing an a writ of habeas corpus, which the U.S. alternative currency system he calls Eastern District Court of California evendigitherium. Williams described it as tually granted in 2013 over the objections “Bitcoin on steroids.” of then-Attorney General Kamala Harris, Outside the dental office, standing now running for president on a justice behind his black Chrysler sedan, he tried reform platform. to explain it by pointing at his license Magistrate Judge Allison Claire found plate. It read: “MCXIXCM.” Gold’s barrage of reasons for keeping the “My plate is the monetary structure,” black woman off the jury to be undercut Williams said. Then, noticing the blank by multiple non-black jurors Gold didn’t stares, he shrugged. “Nobody gets it,” he object to, including one who had been said. “But it’s OK, I get it.” Ω arrested or charged multiple times and

San Francisco Assemblyman David Chiu is making a final push to get his landmark rent control and tenant protection bill across the finish line before the legislative session ends Friday—and a host of working-class Californians descended on Sacramento on Monday to help him. Chiu’s Assembly Bill 1482 is very similar to the Tenant Protection and Relief Act that the Sacramento City Council passed Aug. 13. AB 1482 would prevent landlords from raising rents annually more than 7% plus the cost of living, and no more than 10% under any circumstances. Neither Sacramento’s ordinance nor Chiu’s bill can affect rents at apartments built after Feb. 1, 1995, or single-family homes or condos, which are protected from regulation by the state’s Costa-Hawkins law. In terms of tenant protections, Chiu’s bill would eliminate nocause evictions for renters with more than 12 months of tenancy, which is the same as Sacramento’s ordinance. Two years ago, Chiu co-authored a bill with Assemblyman Richard Bloom to repeal Costa-Hawkins, but couldn’t even get it out of the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee that he leads. Yet with wide-scale evictions and displacement plaguing California, Chiu was able to wrestle his latest effort through the committee process. He’s now hoping for a final vote before the legislature’s Friday deadline to send bills to Gov. Gavin Newsom. Representatives from the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment said they believe the governor will sign the bill if it makes it to his desk. More than 100 renters marched through every floor and hallway of the state Capitol Monday, promising to vote out any member of the legislature who opposes the bill. Yesenia Miranda Meza, who drove all the way from Pomona in Southern California, said it’s easy for her describe why AB 1482 is important. “My survival depends on it,” the single mother stressed. (Scott Thomas Anderson)

PLEA AGAINST PLASTICS A plush stuffed turtle sat on a podium in front of the state Capitol, reminding attendees at an Aug. 21 press conference just exactly who is getting hurt by single-use plastic and why Senate Bill 54 and Assembly Bill 1080 should pass. Supporters held plastic bottles, but the bills also aim to rid landfills and oceans of other plastic refuse, including hotel shampoo bottles and takeaway containers. Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez from San Diego, author of AB 1080, called her bill important “for all of California” and not just a “coastal issue.” “It’s time we hold manufacturers responsible,” she said. State Sen. Ben Allen of Santa Monica applied an economic perspective to his companion bill, saying that “our cities stand to lose literally billions as a result of the crap in our recycling system and waste management system.” Attendees not only heard from lawmakers but from business owners such as Sloane Read of Refill Madness, a Sacramento soap refillery and gift shop, as well as from Eric Potashner from Recology in San Francisco. Opponents argue that the bills require manufacturers and businesses to have only recyclable packaging but don’t address the “needed collection and processing infrastructure needs to ensure collected material is actually recycled or composted,” according to a legislative bill analysis. Versions of both bills are alive but must pass by Friday to be sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom to decide whether to sign them into law. (Deana Medina)






5G for fighting City forced to call public hearing  over backlash from Verizon deal by Scott thomaS anderSon

Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s mission to make the city a technological innovator faced its largest pushback yet last week, when a bevy of critics accused him of promoting public-private partnerships without considering the unintended consequences. The flare-up comes two years after Steinberg led the way to give Verizon Wireless significant access to the city’s telecommunication’s grid to make Sacramento a pioneering municipality for 5G networks. Recently, the city councilman whose district is at the heart of the experiment, Rick Jennings, heard so many concerns from residents that he insisted on a public forum. That Sept. 3 meeting made it clear that where Steinberg sees opportunities to brand Sacramento as an “innovator,” some residents see an episode of Black Mirror—specifically when it comes to taking the Trump administration’s word for safety standards. When City Hall first heralded its deal in winter of 2017, it was met with skepticism in some quarters due to Verizon’s controversial record of sharing customer data, installing cell towers in Yosemite National Park and spending millions to lobby against net neutrality. The current chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, is a former Verizon attorney. Closer to the ground, other residents had more immediate concerns. The same year the deal was struck, 180 scientists and doctors from around the world signed a letter to the European Commission asking for a moratorium on 5G cell tower expansion, citing concerns over how the radiation output from the towers affect human brains, fertility and cancer rates. Then, in December 2018, an article in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, stated, “Mounting scientific evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic 12   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

s c o t t a @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

radiation has serious biological and health effects. However, public exposure regulations in most countries continued to be based on the guidelines … which were established in the 1990s on the belief that only acute thermal effects are hazardous.” Undeterred by these developments, city leaders pressed ahead with allowing Verizon to create a 5G pilot program in the Pocket-Greenhaven area, insisting it would give Sacramento the upper hand in advanced computing, autonomous vehicle and “smart city” technologies. The work that’s now underway sparked enough concern that Jennings called for last week’s forum. The start of the meeting featured Jerrold Bushberg, a UC Davis faculty member and a national expert on how X-rays and radio frequencies affect human health, trying to assuage fears. Bushberg said his own independent review concluded that there was no danger from 5G towers. “It turns out that both the 4G and 5G sites that were evaluated, the exposures were less than 100% of the public limit, and the public limit is the level that does not require any mitigation,” Bushberg said. He then said that radio frequency radiation in Sacramento from the new 5G network would be well within what the FCC has determined is safe. But that last part of his explanation came under heavy fire during public comment. Ross Hilderbrand, a retired network engineer, said the FCC now has too many conflicts of interest to be trusted to regulate the wireless industry. “The FCC is highly influenced by telecommunication lobbyists who have biased motivation to choose profit over science,” Hilderbrand argued. Sacramento resident Eric Frame echoed those concerns by pointing to recent court cases. “We’re already seeing companies like Monsanto pay billions for their role in pushing a cancer-causing product,

This 5G antenna on Riverside Avenue is one of 28 experimental 4G and 5G transmission devices the city of Sacramento and Verizon have installed in the Pocket-Greenhaven area. Photo by Scott thomaS anderSon

and we’re seeing Johnson & Johnson pay billions for their role in the opioid epidemic,” Frame said. “There’s a pattern in the country of federal regulators being in bed with the very companies they’re meant to regulate.” Resident Patricia Krieg addressed why the city was compelled to hold the hearing in the first place. “It’s obvious from the actions of the City Council they’re retroactively justifying their decision to rush the deployment of 5G, a decision they made without any input from the public,” she said. Council members Allen Warren and Angelique Ashby eventually said that city staff should further explore whether it was appropriate to place limitations on 5G towers near parks and schools. The city manager and attorney currently have a review of the program underway. But Councilman Larry Carr, a member of the SMUD board, was less convinced of any dangers posed by 5G. He noted that SMUD had investigated numerous reports of Sacramentans

claiming they’d been sickened by radio frequency radiation from smart meters, but found zero evidence it was true. The evening ended with Steinberg defending his leadership. “I want to be clear about what motivated this, because this started when I became mayor,” he said. “The city is very intentional about trying to diversify our economic base and the industries we’re attracting here. It’s not just about the technology and making wireless easier to access and faster. … It’s about trying to send a market signal that we want more jobs here and higher-wage jobs.” Steinberg conceded that if he found proof that there were health risks associated with 5G, that would take precedent over economic development. But, he added, he remained unconvinced. “The challenge for policy makers is that this is not so absolute,” Steinberg told the crowd. “I’ve not seen any evidence that shows the 5G technology is absolutely unsafe.” Ω

issue on stands


09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   13

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Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers hammered out an agreement on Sept. 26 to tighten restrictions on medical exemptions that allow students to attend California schools without having all the required vaccinations. In exchange for his signature on Senate Bill 276, the governor asked for a slate of revisions in the form of a second bill to loosen some restrictions and tighten others. That bill passed on Monday, beating the Friday deadline when the session is scheduled to end, and Newsom signed SB 276 right after. “These amendments clarify legal and administrative processes in SB276 in order to ensure medical providers, parents, school administrators and public health officials know the rules of the road once it takes effect,” according to a statement from the governor’s office. “The Governor will sign SB276 once the companion legislation has passed both houses.” Senate Bill 276 calls for a review of a medical exemption for the following reasons: The child holding it attends a school with an immunization rate of less than 95%, the doctor who signed the exemption has written five or more during the year or the school did not provide the department with its vaccination rates. The bill also requires the state Department of Public Health to develop a standardized electronic medical exemption form, prohibits physicians from charging families for filling out a form or for a physical examination related to renewing a temporary medical exemption and establishes an appeals process for medical exemptions that are revoked. The new piece of legislation proposed by Newsom, Senate Bill 714, maintains those changes. However, there are several key addendums. Among them: Any student with a medical exemption issued before Jan. 1 will not be subject to the new restrictions until he or she reaches the next vaccination checkpoint at kindergarten or seventh grade or when they change schools. At such points, those students will be required to be vaccinated—or get a new medical exemption that complies with state law. Also, parents of students holding permanent exemptions will be required to get them reauthorized at each vaccination checkpoint, instead of just once during a child’s K-12 education. Temporary exemptions will be


limited to one year, instead of allowing a doctor to determine the term. And patients who had exemptions before Jan. 1, 2020 could have them revoked if their doctor has been subject to disciplinary action from either the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. The governor also softened language in SBill 276 to require a doctor to certify “under penalty of perjury” that the statements in the form are accurate and complete. According to Newsom’s proposal, a doctor only must certify that the statements are accurate and complete, without the threat of perjury. The revisions come on the heels of raucous protests at the state Capitol from parents and activists in opposition to the bill. Under state law, children must be immunized against 10 serious communicable diseases if they want to attend public or private schools and child care centers. Studies have linked clusters of unvaccinated children to outbreaks of measles, pertussis and chicken pox. State Sen. Richard Pan, a Sacramento Democrat, authored both Senate Bill 276 and Senate Bill 277, which eliminated the personal belief exemption in 2015. “As the latest measles outbreak threatens the country’s elimination status, California acted to keep children safe at school by abolishing non-medical exemptions,” Pan said in a statement. “Unfortunately, a few unscrupulous physicians are selling inappropriate medical exemptions and we need SB276 to stop the corruption of medical exemptions that endanger children. I appreciate the governor’s commitment to sign SB 276 with amendments contained in SB 714 that we both agree upon to ensure we maintain the community immunity needed to protect our kids.” Medical exemptions have gone up fivefold since 2011, to 4,812 in 2018, according to a recent EdSource analysis of hot spots with low vaccination rates. Pan said that many of the exemptions are clustered in the same schools, creating pockets of unvaccinated students who undermine the state’s overall high vaccination rates. Ω

EdSource is a nonprofit provider of information, research and analysis on California education.




The Fight for Rent Control in Sacramento Rages On BY E D G A R S A N C H E Z


acramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Jovana Fajardo, a pro-tenant community organizer, agree: Crafting citywide rent control is not easy. “If it were easy, it would have happened a long time ago,” Steinberg said on August 13, when the City Council enacted the city’s first rent control/tenant protection ordinance. Effective this week, the ordnance caps annual rent increases to between 7% and 9%, depending on the consumer price index (CPI). “Definitely, creating rent control policy is not easy,” Fajardo, Sacramento director of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), said during a later interview. Despite agreeing on that, they differ on what constitutes good rent control — the reason Fajardo said she continues her quest to place a rent-control initiative on the city’s 2020 ballot. “This is an outstanding piece of work,” Steinberg said of the city’s rent-control ordinance, saluting council members Steve Hansen, Eric Guerra and Rick Jennings for producing “a reasonable anti-rent gauging piece and a real tenant protection.” The city’s plan is retroactive to July 1. Among other things, it protects tenants who have lived in a rental unit at least a year from nocause evictions. Fajardo, however, contends that the city’s plan doesn’t protect “low-income families

of color that are going to be pushed out of their homes.” Rather than embrace “watered-down” rent control, Fajardo contends, the council should allow voters to decide what effective rent control should look like.

“CREATING RENT CONTROL POLICY IS NOT EASY.” Jovana Fajardo Sacramento Director, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE)

Last year, ACCE was in a coalition that collected over 44,000 voter signatures on petitions calling for a rent-control initiative. Among its features, it would tie annual rent increases to the CPI, with a minimum 2% increase and a 5% maximum. It also would establish an elected rental-housing board. The initiative qualifi ed, yet is not on the 2020 ballot. Some of the partners of the city’s plan— which include the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, the Sacramento Housing Alliance and Organize Sacramento—are fi nancially supported by The California Endowment to provide education about housing and transportation related issues. And while

ACCE’s Jovana Fajardo (left) and Laura Jimenez (right) continue their quest to place a rent-control initiative on the 2020 Sacramento ballot after the City Council enacted its own rent control. Photo by Edgar Sanchez

The California Endowment does support these organizations, it does not fund or take positions on initiatives or legislative issues that require a vote of a public entity. ACCE organizer Laura Jimenez, who attended that meeting, said that the council’s decision will create more homelessness. And on August 13, Fajardo warned the council that, if necessary, ACCE will sue to add the initiative to the ballot. “We’re still fighting,” Jimenez said. “We’re not giving up!”

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For which people

Sen. Kamala Harris is surrounded by legislators and other women at a Planned Parenthood event in downtown San Francisco on May 31.

Sen. Kamala Harris has cemented herself as a presidential contender, but her mixed criminal justice record has created distrust by Scott MorriS







amal Trulove was innocent, but he spent nearly seven years in prison. The father of four was convicted in 2010 of murdering his friend, Seu Kuka, in the Sunnydale housing project in San Francisco. Kuka was shot nine times in his head and back shortly before 11 p.m. on July 23, 2007, and, despite a crowd around the body when police arrived, only one person said they saw the shooting, a neighbor who was unable to identify Trulove. The appeals court ruling that overturned Trulove’s conviction found that the prosectuor had committed misconduct when she argued that the witness had risked her life and the lives of her family to testify.

Photo by ben ChristoPher for CALmAtters

“This yarn was made out of whole cloth,” Justice P.J. Kline wrote. Since his release in 2015, Trulove has won a $13.1 million settlement from the city of San Francisco and has been a vocal critic of the chief district attorney whose office brought the flimsy case against him to trial. Just after he was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit, she was elected attorney general of California. Then in 2016, she won election to the U.S. Senate. Now, Kamala Harris is running for president of the United States, one of 10 Democrats who will share the debate stage again on Thursday. “Kamala Harris talks about how she’s proud of her work as California AG but, never as head DA of

San Francisco, where evidence of my framing by the SFPD was covered up by ‘HER’ office just to get a conviction,” Trulove wrote on Twitter in August. But in fact, Harris has made her experience as a prosecutor a key component of her presidential campaign. On Monday, she released what she called a “comprehensive plan to overhaul the criminal justice system.” Even her slogan—“For the people”—invokes the introduction of every prosecutor in a courtroom. “I believe we must have the ability to prosecute the case against four more years of Donald Trump and it will take a prosecutor to do that,” Harris told the Democratic National Committee in San Francisco on Aug. 23. “And I’ll tell you, we’ve got a big long rap sheet to work with.” Outside the grand ballroom where Harris gave her speech, a lone protester wandered the halls with a sign that read, “Kamala convicted innocent people in order to advance her career.”

Defining Kamala Harris Harris and her supporters say she worked to reform the criminal justice system from the inside as district attorney and attorney general while taking principled stances against the death penalty, targeting large complex criminal enterprises and going after big banks that hurt homeowners during the foreclosure crisis. “She was one of the earliest leaders to fight human trafficking and invest in reentry,” Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said at Harris’s first presidential campaign rally in Oakland in January. “She was one of the earliest leaders on criminal justice reform. Back when it was still popular to be tough on crime, she was smart on crime.” Criminal justice reform advocates, however, have pointed out that in her first race for district attorney, Harris unseated her boss, a former defense attorney who was actively working on reforms, by criticizing his conviction rate. She took a stand early as DA by refusing to seek the death penalty for a man accused of killing a police officer, but as attorney general appealed a court ruling that the state’s death penalty was unconstitutional. Advocates for the rights of sex workers have said that she opposed a ballot measure to decriminalize prostitution and led the charge to prosecute Backpage, an online listing site that sex workers say was paramount to their safety. After rising to the double digits in polls after the first Democratic debate on June 27, Harris faltered following the second debate on July 31, when she was challenged on her record as a prosecutor by U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii. Gabbard claimed that Harris jailed people for minor marijuana offenses and fought to keep exonerating evidence for death row inmates from coming to light. “The people who have suffered under your reign as prosecutor, you owe them an apology,” Gabbard said. Among the places where Harris is struggling to gain traction is her home state, where she has at

times trailed former Vice President Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in some public opinion surveys. Harris bolstered her campaign in California in August, bringing on seven new staffers. But she remains well behind Biden, Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders in national polls. Joe Tuman, a professor of political communications at San Francisco State University, said that most Democratic voters primarily want a nominee who can beat Trump. But polls show that most top-tier Democratic candidates could win in a headto-head match-up, so Harris needs to find a way to differentiate herself from the moderate Biden and the progressive Warren and Sanders. Tuman said he believes that Trump fears Harris more than he does Biden, Warren or Sanders, pointing out that the president has yet to brand her with a nickname, such as “Sleepy Joe,” “Pocahontas” or “Crazy Bernie.” “I think truthfully that is not a debate he wants to do,” Tuman said. “The moment he starts doing the nonsense he did last time around, Kamala would put him in his place very quickly.” Through a spokesperson for her campaign, Harris declined to be interviewed for this story.

Principle and compromise Kamala Harris was born in Oakland to parents who met as graduate students in UC Berkeley. Her father, Donald Harris, is an economist originally from Jamaica, and her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was a cancer researcher from India. Both were active in the civil rights movement. In 1969, Harris was bused to Thousand Oaks Elementary School in Berkeley as part of the second class to integrate the 95% white school. That led to her most viral moment of her campaign so far: During the June debate, she confronted Biden about his past opposition to busing. “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day,” she said. “And that little girl was me.” By the next day, her campaign was selling “that little girl was me” T-shirts. Her parents divorced when she was seven; she and her sister moved to Montreal with their mother when she was 12. She attended high school in Canada, college in Washington, D.C. and returned to California to attend law school at UC Hastings in San Francisco. Harris started her career in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, where she primarily prosecuted child molestation cases. In 1998, she was named head of the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office’s career criminal division. Even then, Harris had to contend with questions about her relationship with San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and whether he had a role in her appointment, which a spokesperson for Brown denied at the time. Brown, a powerful San Francisco politician who had been in the state Assembly for four decades, dated Harris while she was a young prosecutor in Oakland. As Assembly speaker, he appointed her

to two state commissions. After term limits were enacted for the Legislature, Brown was elected mayor. In the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, Harris’s boss was Terence Hallinan, a former defense attorney who had represented members of the 1960s counterculture before he was elected to the Board of Supervisors in 1988. As district attorney, Hallinan opposed capital punishment, advocated for decriminalizing prostitution and supported medical marijuana. He also sought to root out corruption and alluded to that being a reason Harris ran against him in 2003 and how she ended up being an unexpectedly good fundraiser. Harris broke a voluntary $211,000 spending cap by $91,446, the city’s ethics commission found. Her campaign said the error was unintentional and reached a settlement that cost $34,000 in penalties and corrective measures. Hallinan had “She was one of the earliest leaders also indicted the entire Police on criminal justice reform. Back Department when it was still popular to be tough command staff in a scandal known on crime, she was smart on crime.” as “Fajitagate.” Libby Schaaf, Oakland mayor Three off-duty officers allegedly attacked two men leaving a bar, demanding a bag of fajitas they were carrying. Hallinan alleged a coverup by the department. When he ran for reelection, the sheriff and Police Officers Association endorsed Harris. Harris criticized Hallinan’s record, saying that of 12,000 felony arrests in San Francisco, the district attorney’s office had only a 29% conviction rate. “We have the lowest conviction rate for violent crime in the state and there is no excuse for that,” she said. Harris won the runoff election with 56% of the vote. But early in her tenure, an unpopular stand soured her political relationships with the Police Officers Association and other elected officials. Officer Isaac Espinoza was shot and killed in April 2004, but Harris refused to seek the death penalty for his killer. During Espinoza’s funeral, Sen. Dianne Feinstein called for the death penalty and received a standing ovation from the 2,000 officers in attendance. After the service, Feinstein said that if she had known Harris was opposed to the death penalty she wouldn’t have endorsed her for DA. Fellow Sen. Barbara Boxer tried to persuade the state attorney general to take the case from Harris. But in 2010, both Feinstein and Boxer endorsed Harris for attorney general. During the campaign, Harris’s office was hit with a massive scandal. A Police Department crime lab technician was found to have been stealing and tampering with cocaine evidence. She also had a previous criminal conviction that the DA’s office had not disclosed

“ For which people?” continued on page 18

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“For which people?” continued from page 17

to defense attorneys in cases where she handled evidence and testified. The Police Department halted all narcotics work at the crime lab and more than 1,000 drug cases were eventually dismissed. Judge Anne-Christine Massullo found that Harris’s office had systematically withheld evidence of misconduct from defense attorneys. Harris unsuccessfully tried to argue that Massullo was biased in the case because her husband was a defense attorney. Harris could claim many successes as district attorney, such as improving conviction rates, clearing a backlog of homicide cases and instituting new diversion programs that contributed to a massive reduction in recidivism rates. In her first campaign for state attorney general, her Republican opponent, Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley, ran as tougher on crime than Harris on most issues, but he was a greater proponent of reforming California’s “three strikes” law than Harris. While DA, she opposed one reform effort in 2004, Proposition 66, which failed at the ballot box. Cooley was perceived to have an advantage because he supported the death penalty, which became a major issue in the campaign. Harris pledged that while she personally opposed capital punishment, she would carry it out whenever her office received a death row appeal, a stance similar to her predecessor,

Department of Justice prosecutors had found the company was cooperating with law enforcement and making a concerted effort to keep ads featuring exploited Kristen DiAngelo, founder, Sacramento chapter, minors off the site. Sex Worker Outreach Project “Kamala Harris in her capacity as the California attorney general played a role in subjugating the dysfunctional it violated protections against Constitution so she could make headlines with cruel and unusual punishment. Its unpredictable those arrests to further her own political career delays led to death sentences being carried out because she was running for U.S. Senate,” said arbitrarily, the judge wrote. Maxine Doogan, an organizer with the project. Harris at first demurred whether she would “It’s on our backs that she has consistently appeal, but in a statement a month later she stepped on us and used us to further her own wrote, “I am appealing the court’s decision political career.” because it is not supported by the law, and it After her election to the U.S. Senate in 2016, undermines important protections that our courts Harris co-sponsored two bills that removed “safe provide to defendants.” harbor” protections for internet platforms in sex trafficking investigations. As with Backpage, sex workers advocates argued that the two bills put them in greater danger because the legislation There has been perhaps no greater shift in her eroded their ability to communicate and conduct policy positions than on sex work. She has made business online, where they could vet clients the decriminalization of prostitution a part of ahead of time and warn each other of danger. her presidential campaign. “We should really The fact that Harris has considered decrimiconsider that we can’t criminalize consensual nalizing prostitution now that she’s running for behavior as long as no one is being harmed,” she president has only made the sex work community said in an interview with The Root in February. more wary of her. But as DA, Harris staunchly opposed what “I think people like Kamala are going to she called a “ridiculous” 2008 ballot measure say what they need to get elected,” said Kristen that would have decriminalized prostitution in DiAngelo, founder of the Sacramento chapter of San Francisco. “It would the Sex Worker Outreach Project. “But do I trust put a welcome mat out her? No.” for pimps and prostitutes Those Harris skeptics were outnumbered at to come on into San the Democratic National Committee’s summer Francisco,” Harris told the meeting in late August in San Francisco, where New York Times. she had the most vocal contingent. Led by Also as attorney Oakland City Councilwoman Lynette Gibson general, Harris defended McElhaney, her supporters were inside and the state in a lawsuit outside the hotel chanting, singing and cheering. brought by the Erotic The lone protester, Mary Murrin of San Service Provider Legal Francisco, at one point walked back and forth in Education and Research front of the group. “When Kamala Harris was Project, which argued district attorney in San Francisco she created a that laws criminalregime where what mattered was not innocence izing prostitution were or guilt … it was all about the conviction rate,” unconstitutional because Murrin said. “It was just about winning.” consenting adults had a In an email after the meetings, Gibson right of association. She McElhaney said she was unfamiliar with the also prosecuted Backpage. criticisms. “What wrongful convictions? How com, an online advertising were they deemed wrongful?” she wrote. “Not site frequently used by familiar with the death penalty issue. As far as I sex workers. Her office know, Sen. Harris has always been critical of the filed pimping and money death penalty and have no knowledge of where laundering charges against this was ever sought on her behalf.” the company’s operators in Her group cheered loudly as Harris entered the 2016. Backpage’s operagrand ballroom for her speech and they stood and tors were later indicted in federal court. left as she wrapped up, chanting as they walked Advocates argue that Backpage was important to the hallway. As Sanders began his speech, they to sex workers’ safety by allowing them to vet could still be heard: “She’s smart, she’s strong, potential clients. And documents recently obtained with Kamala you can’t go wrong.” Ω by Reason magazine undermined the central premise of the prosecution, revealing that U.S.

“I think people like Kamala are going to say what they need to get elected. But do I trust her? No.”

Conflicted record

PhOtO by ScOtt MOrriS

A protestor holds a sign outside the ballroom in San Francisco where Sen. Kamala Harris was speaking to the Democratic National Committee on Aug. 23.

Jerry Brown. Harris won by less than 1 percentage point. As attorney general, Harris fought to uphold capital punishment when a federal judge ruled California’s law was unconstitutional in 2014, saying that the state’s system was so

18   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

Kamala vs. Kamala Sen. Kamala Harris has changed her   positions on several criminal justice issues

“I think it’s completely ridiculous. ... It would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes to come on into San Francisco”

“I believe the best approach is to have independent investigations ... so that we can be certain and sure there’s been a thorough investigation that is not informed by bias.” Harris, supporting independent investigations of police shootings in 2019

Harris, opposing legalized prostitution in 2008

“Harris supports the legal use of medicinal marijuana but does not support anything beyond that.” “We should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed.”

campaign manager for Harris, opposing legalization of marijuana in 2010


Harris, supporting legalized prostitution in 2019

“I don’t think it would be good public policy to take the discretion from elected DAs. Where there are abuses, we have designed the system to address them.”

“While I don’t believe in legalizing all drugs ... we need to do the smart thing, the right thing and finally decriminalize marijuana.” Harris, supporting legalization of marijuana in 2017

Harris, opposing independent investigations of police shootings in 2014

Sources: The New York Times, The Root, San Francisco Chronicle, MSNBC, Capitol Weekly, Center for American Progress.

09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   19

Indigenous, immersion and identity by Rachel leibRock r a ch el l @ne wsreview.c om


From the earth

► Virgil Ortiz, a member of New Mexico’s Cochiti tribe, created this earthenware sculpture, now on display at the Crocker Art Museum as part of its Pueblo Dynasties: Master Potters from Matriarchs to Contemporaries exhibit. Photo courtesy of crocker art MuseuM

Photo courtesy of Manetti shreM MuseuM of art

Five art exhibits to check out this month utumn is typically a robust season for the arts in Sacramento, particularly museums and galleries. This year is no exception. As temperatures drop, cool your head and expand your consciousness. Whether you’re interested in earthy crafts, whimsical paintings or mind-blowing sensory overloads, there’s something to satisfy in September and beyond.


► New Era, an installation by Doug Aitken, uses sound and video to explore the connection between technology and human interaction.

The Crocker Art Museum showcases Native American art with two sister exhibits. The first is Pueblo Dynasties: Master Potters from Matriarchs to Contemporaries, which opens Sept. 22 with a spotlight on functional pottery crafted by American Indians of the Southwest, many of them women. With more than 200 pieces on display, Scott Shields, the Crocker’s associate director and chief curator, says it’s a show about families. “We have six generations of the Nampeyo family [represented],” says Shields who traveled to the southwestern U.S. to do research for show. “The potter everybody knows is Maria Martinez [because] she was the first to sign her pots,” he says. “But Nampeyo, who didn’t sign her pots, was really the one who started it. She was Hopi and started the revival of pottery making, which had kind of fallen by the wayside.” The pottery dates back as far as 2,000 years, but fell out of wide use after the Spanish brought metal tools and other modern implements to the continent. “It made pottery for functional use unnecessary,” Shield says.

20   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

Still, the stories created by the clay continue to provide an important viewpoint on Native American history. “Each pueblo has a very distinctive style they are known for,” Shields says. “They dig their clay locally and what they can do with the [pottery created] has a lot to do with the clay they use.” The exhibit runs through Jan. 5 and dovetails with When I Remember I See Red: American Indian Art and Activism in California, which runs Oct. 20-Jan. 26. The latter exhibit will highlight contemporary art by First Californians and other American Indian artists working in various media including painting, sculpture, photography and video. It will kick off Oct. 19 with “Visual Sovereignty: A Symposium on Contemporary Native American Art and Activism.” The daylong event will examine the complex relationship between Native American and U.S. history with poetry readings, discussions, art and more. Crocker art museum, 216 o St.; for more info, visit crockerart.org.

make a ConneCtion Los Angeles artist and filmmaker Doug Aitken brings a thoughtprovoking, sensestimulating installation to the Manetti Shrem Museum of Art this month. New Era, an installation by Doug Aitken explores the intersection between technology and culture, in particular the ways cell phones have changed our lives. The installation—which has previously shown in New York, Europe and Asia—makes its West Coast premiere at the Manetti Shrem on the UC Davis campus. The installation opens Sept. 26 and runs through June 14.

The museum’s director, Rachel Teagle, says it’s a fun and immersive experience, but also an invitation for UC Davis students to challenge themselves. “Doug Aitken is one of the most important artists working in California, and we are lucky that he’s interested in sharing his work with university audiences,” she says. It’s part of the university’s long history of introducing students to visiting artists and new and different forms of art-making, she adds. By continuing this practice, Teagle says, UC 02. Davis pushes young artists to view art critically and take risks with their own work. New Era combines audio and video into an interactive multimedia experience inspired in part by an experience Aitken once had in a cafe where he observed everyone around him intently staring at their phones. The installation includes narration by Martin Cooper, a Motorola executive who invented the first hand-held cellular phone in 1973. “[New Era] is a deeper meditation on how we connect to technology,” Teagle says. “He’s making a case for a form of human connectivity.” manetti Shrem museum of art, 254 old Davis rd, Davis. Learn more at manettishremmuseum.ucdavis.edu.

art gallery in a boxing ring? See artS & culture


good muSic or pun battle See artS & culture


Seeking juStice See Stage


remembering a reStaurateur See diSh


Maiden Sacramento The set begins with a blitzkrieg. Winston Churchill’s speech  “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” precedes a wall of giant guitar  harmonies as a mock World War ii fighter jet tilts overhead. The song  is “Aces High,” and onstage is iron maiden, the 40-year-old British  heavy metal band that isn’t shy about its age.  “We are actually, genuinely old,” singer Bruce Dickinson told a  packed Golden 1 Center crowd on Sept. 9. “You know how f---ing  old we are? If you add up our combined ages, we predate the  revolution of 1776 by around 100 f---ing years. We are older than the

united States of america.”

Self verSuS Self The personal is upfront and close in a 03. new interactive exhibit at the Latino Center of Art and Culture. La Lucha: Convergence of Identity: A Visual & Interactive Exploration of Self, uses lucha libre—the colorful, mask-adorned Mexican form of professional wrestling—to examine the identities bestowed upon us, as well as the identities we choose. Curated by photographer Andres Alvarez, the exhibit includes photos, collages, paintings and more by Sonya Fe, Aida Lizalde, Alejandra Osorio Olave, Bridgett Rex and Manuel Rios. The exhibit opens Sept. 21 with an artists’ reception from 6 p.m. -11 p.m., and runs through Dec. 21.

latino center of art and culture, 2700 front St. learn more at thelatinocenter.com.

out in the open The Wide Open Walls mural project 04. gets a lot of attention around these parts—and deservedly so. But there’s much more to the street art scene. A new exhibit at Sacramento State’s University Union gallery explores the topic with Drew Ochwat’s If Color Was Language: A Story of Color and the Relationship Between Street Art and Abstract Expressionism. The Sacramento-based Ochwat creates street art that’s an entire mood, wildly vivid and often largerthan-life. On his Instagram page, Ochwat defines his aesthetic as “convey something you feel” and, certainly,

his kinetic lines and graphic explosions of color evoke intense emotions. “I choose certain colors and color combinations to represent an experience I’ve been through while keeping in mind the various color stereotypes within our culture,” Ochwat explains in his artist’s statement. In addition to murals, Ochwat also paints wood figurines, glass and furniture. The exhibit opens Sept. 23; there’ll be an artists’ reception 6 p.m.-8 p.m., Thursday Sept. 26. university union gallery, 6000 j St. learn more at theuniversityunion.com/gallery and instagram.com/drewochwat.

creative coupling

05. This month, artists Lynn Criswell and Michael Bishop present Blind Alley at Artspace 1616. Criswell chronicles the past and documents the present with evocative images of her 1965 primary school class that have been altered into collages and printed on Turkish felt. Bishop’s work examines themes such as place and identity using, among other forms, sculptures big and large. Criswell and Bishop, emeritus professors at Chico State University, are both are known for their sculptures, including public art pieces around Sacramento. The exhibit runs through Oct. 26 and an artists’ reception will be held 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Sept. 14. artspace 1616, del paso blvd. learn more at facebook.com/artspace1616. Ω

Old enough to score a good review in Rolling Stone magazine,  Dickinson added. The band made a Sacramento stop as part of its  legacy of the beast tour, promising “no new songs” and a celebration of its once pioneering, still arena-packing weave of classically  driven power metal, horror, world history and operatic theater.  Bassist Steve Harris’ son’s band, the raven age, opened.  Iron Maiden didn’t pull any stops on classic material, focusing  mostly on its first seven albums, from their 1980 self-titled debut  to 1988’s Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. The six band members  could still pull off their intermingling compositions: Harris’ bass  lines galloped, Dickinson filled the room with his ghoulish pipes, drummer Nicko McBrain thudded what sounded like freshly dead bodies and the main event—the lead guitar conversations between  Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Janick Gers—still rocked.  Zombie mascot eddie is the band’s seventh member. During  “The Trooper,” he arrived on stilts and a dozen feet tall, dressed in  an American Revolution-era British military uniform and swinging  a sword at band mates. Dickinson shooed him away with a blast of  a musket-styled american flag, the fireworks spurring cheers.    Eddie transformed throughout the set, and so did the band’s  visual orchestra. Depending on the song, he was an Egyptian  pharaoh, an indigenous undead and, before the encore, a titanic,  inflatable demon breathing over the crowd. Dickinson swapped  costumes and props, brandishing a sword, donning a giant cross,  then wielding a two-cannon flame thrower. Fireworks and pyrotechnics  rung in the night with  the 1982 hit, “Run to the  Hills.” In the lobby, diehard  fans gathered in black  Eddie T-shirts and black everything else, singing  the praises of a band  they’ve grown up with.

“there’s a history of maiden in Sacramento,”  said Deftones drumIron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson. mer Abe Cunningham,  Photo by Julia heath holding a beer. “They used  to play at Cal Expo when it was Bonney Field … I was weaned on  Maiden, so any chance I get to take those dudes in is amazing.” Eric Fiztgerald and his friend Bryan stumbled upon the show.  Traveling from Massachusetts to catch a Metallica concert in  San Francisco, they found out about the Sacramento show and  extended their vacation. They’ve been fans since they were teenage years, and the passion hadn’t stopped.  “It’s pretty obvious that metal’s never going to die,”  he said.

—Mozes zarate mozesz@newsreview.com

09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   21

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Raffa Chavez at his art studio/gym, The Old Pugilist. PHOTO BY MOZES ZARATE

Creativity where it happens

than 250 artist studios in the region, giving art lovers a chance to view and purchase pieces directly from the artist, learn more about their creative process and touch and feel their inspirations. It’s also a valuable opportunity for Sacramento artists, including many who aren’t normally part of the gallery circuit. “Galleries want you to come up with 30 pieces of similar work,” Chavez told SN&R. “I’m all over the place, so it gets hard for galleries to ask, ‘What are you showing?” It’s difficult to check out all of the featured artists, Observe more than 250 and so for the second year, Chavez and seven others are participating in Tour The Eight, a tour-within-aartists in their element tour that showcases talent in Land Park and Curtis through Sac Open Studios Park. The eight-studio loop is bike-friendly and walkable, and you can qualify for raffle prizes. BY MOZES ZARATE m o z e s z @ne w s re v i e w . c o m The art prices range from affordable to $7,000 or more, and the artists vary stylistically. Libby Harmor, who will show her work at When you arrive, you might think you’re in the wrong landscape-floral artist Ruth Holton-Hodson’s home place. Next door to an auto shop is a nondescript unit studio on Vallejo Way, weaves art from shredded with its door flung wide open. Step inside, and there’s a boxing ring with parked vintage cars for an audience. dollar bills. Maggie Jimenez sculpts colorful pottery and paints at her home studio. Elaine Bowers, You didn’t read the address wrong. It is a whose work has been displayed at retired gym, but it’s also Raffa Chavez’s Sacramento International Airport, Old Pugilist Studio—his man cave, creates hyper-detailed watercolors “I have his place of many passions and the of Delta landscapes after she space where he rediscovers his buddies who come photographs the scenery while creativity. Looking around is like in and spar … and when flying in vintage planes. observing the multimedia artist’s For Bowers, a full-time everybody’s gone, I sit head-space. Mexican-American artist who spends hours alone emblems, chalk phrases here and work on the next in her backyard studio, having centered on the art of combat piece.” company is welcome. But as and a tequila bar make this a an art teacher and former art little more interesting than your Raffa Chavez, therapist, sharing the value of art is average art gallery. artist, Sac Open Studios the best part. “My wife asked me, ‘What “I really like meeting the people makes you happiest?’” said Chavez. “I who come in here,” Bowers said. “Most said, ‘Being totally committed to art.’ So people don’t know how you get from a blank between family, my day job and coming to this place, I’m the happiest. … I get to come here, I have buddies page to a finished product. … The reason I do it is just to help people better understand art and not be afraid who come in and spar … and when everybody’s gone, of it, and help them enjoy doing it.” □ I sit here and work on the next piece.” For the next two weekends, Chavez will invite the public to see his paintings, photography and other works as part of the 14th annual Sac Open Studios, put Check Out Verge Center for the Arts’ Sac Open Studios Saturday, Sept. on by Verge Center for the Arts. On Sept. 14-15 and 14, Sunday, Sept. 15 and Sept. 21 and 22. No cover. For a tour guide, again Sept. 21-22, the event will open doors to more visit vergeart.com/open-studios/tour-guide.

Photos courtesy of riot Act MediA/dAniel huMbArger

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L.a. Witch/the Capitol PUNishment family.

Listen, laugh The Red Museum holds its third premiere music fest; Capitol PUNishment celebrates three years of competitive corniness at Punchline by Mozes zarate

m oz es z @ n ew s r ev i ew . com

This week in local shows you shouldn’t miss: a DIY arts festival sports a bill of rad bands, and a tournament of puns faces a bigger stage. First, let’s talk about Red Ex Vol. III. If you haven’t been to the Red Museum, the 15th Street warehouse is both a members-only rehearsal space and home to some of Sacramento’s weirdest underground shows. In its holiday show last December, a raunchy reinterpretation of How The Grinch Stole Christmas collided with noisy rock performances and a chainsaw-to-ice-block demonstration. Red Ex is the venue’s annual, all-day fest to keep the doors open for next year, and museum co-founders Jennifer Jackson and Brett Hart put together an eclectic lineup of local artists, plus bands from Olympia and Los Angeles. As of Tuesday, they had sold more than $1,500 in tickets out of their $4,000 goal on Indiegogo. This year, the festival’s two stages are sponsored by the city of Sacramento. Jackson says that running the museum is “always a little bit tenuous.” “Anyone who’s renting and trying to do nonprofit arts stuff is getting priced out,” she told SN&R. “Our spirit is always to do the best we can, playing it by ear and enjoying the time that we have.” At the top of the bill is L.A. Witch, a trio of dazed Southern California psych rockers who have risen nationally since the release of their 2018

album, Octubre. There’s also STRQ x Camilla, a collaboration between the local steel-drum master Shawn Thwaites and Camilla Covington, an enchanting, up-and-coming neo-soul singer. Get there for opener Minihahas, a super-group of Sac oddities Wino the Clown, Spacewalker and Doofy Doo’s Drew Walker. Arrive on an empty stomach for Bambi Vegan Street Tacos. Like puns? At Capitol PUNishment, four comedians and guests test their might in a multi-round, backand-forth battle for the best in dad humor. The monthly competition has sold out Luna’s Café & Juice Bar all year. But to ring in its third anniversary, comedians and co-founders Daniel Humbarger and Damian Harmony are holding the event at the Punch Line in Sacramento. This one pits some of the punniest champions from the last three years: Amy Gilson, Dejan Tyler, Justine Lopez and Danica Peterson. The game is simple, but intensifies: With the spin of a wheel, a topic is chosen and a one-on-one ensues with groaners and gut-busters. “It’s kind of like a rap battle, but using puns instead,” Humbarger said. “If you can insult the person, it’s highly encouraged, as long as the pun works.” After eliminations, the finalist faces off against the Humbarger and Harmony, both standup comedians skilled in improv humor. Two heads against one means it’s a lot easier to strike out. “It’s totally unfair and it’s designed for them to fail,” Humbarger said. What started as a game between friends at Round Corner has grown surprisingly, Humbarger said. Aside from the sellout nights at Luna’s, they’ve taken the show to the Bay Area with success. “It just feels really good to know people are coming back,” he said. “We’ve established a sort of cult following that we weren’t expecting when we first started this.” Ω check out red ex Vol. iii saturday, sept. 14 from 3pm to 11pm. tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. 212 15th st. capitol Punishment is Wednesday, sept. 18 at 8pm. tickets are $16. 2100 Arden Way, suite 225.

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Pops vs. the cops BY JIM CARNES


to the staging of this scene that both shocks and delights. Wheatley’s chief protagonist is Lieutenant Caro (a superlative Aaron Wilton), who is sent, along with the old man’s former partner Detective O’Connor (Kelley Ogden), to cajole/coerce “Pops” into signing the agreement. Everybody thinks “Pops” is “crazy” not to, but what he holds out for shows a man with more heart, soul and integrity than anyone expects. Ω

4 Seeds of discord James Wheatley leans into the role of Walter “Pops” Washington.

Between Riverside and Crazy


Wed 7pm, Thu 7pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm, Tue 7pm; Through 9/29; $25-$49; Capital Stage, 2215 J St., (916) 995-5464, capstage.org.

Capital Stage launches its 15th anniversary season with one of its best productions ever. Between Riverside and Crazy, the 2015 Pulitzer Prizewinning drama by Stephen Adly Guirgis, boasts perfect casting, an exquisite set and fierce dedication to a script that is as challenging as it is entertaining. The drama is set in a rent-controlled apartment on Manhattan’s Riverside Drive where Walter “Pops” Washington (James Wheatley) lives with his parolee son Junior (James R. Ellison III), Junior’s girlfriend Lulu (Viktoria Luna) and his friend Oswaldo (Nestor Campos, Jr.). Walter, who has had booze for breakfast since his wife died, is pursuing a lawsuit against the police department for the shooting (by a white rookie cop) that sidelined him. The play is frequently hilarious and profane (as “Pops,” Wheatley drops plenty of f-bombs and motherf-bombs) and one scene—when “Pops” is visited by the Church Lady (Dena Martinez)—is clearly carnal. Director Judith Moreland is sensitive 24





Sutter Street Theatre’s impressive off-Broadway series continues with Little Shop of Horrors. When Seymour (Caiden Falco) discovers an alien plant, his world changes overnight. He’s overjoyed that he’s gained the attention of his beautiful co-worker, Audrey (Heather Clark), but soon discovers that the plant has an unusual appetite for human flesh and blood. If Seymour wants his success in business and his personal life to continue, he must find a way to feed the increasingly bloodthirsty creature. The most outstanding vocals came from someone whose face is never seen on stage: William Schmidt as the plant, Audrey II. Schmidt’s powerful vibrato and perfectly terrifying laughter are nothing short of astonishing. Clark makes a brilliant return to performing after a six-year-gap. Her portrayal of the timid young Audrey with dreams of suburban living and a “sweet little guy” is captivating and pure. Falco and Erik Dahl (Orin) demonstrate strong vocal integrity and confidence, while Kierra Benton (Ronette), Diamyn Devin Colter (Crystal), Isabella Donato (Chiffon) and Chelsea Henderson (Sherelle) support the show throughout with their sweet harmonies and swinging hips. Puppetry for the growing alien plant is masterfully executed by Kyle Missman. Although the sound quality could be clearer, it does not distract from the overall performance. Folsom’s intimate theater has hatched a delightfully dark and creepy show full of laughter and musical toe-tapping numbers. —TESSA MARGUERITE OUTLAND Little Shop of Horrors: Fri 8pm, Sat 8pm, Sun 4pm; Through 9/29; $15-$21; Sutter Street Theatre, 717 Sutter St., Folsom; (916) 353-1001; sutterstreettheatre.com.

STAGE PICK Shelby Wulfert of Liv and Maddie fame will hit the stage in RANKED, a new musical.

Breaking new ground Hit the ground running and tear up the field at UC Davis’ Ground and Field Theatre Festival. Now in its third year, the festival is a place for artists and audience members to engage with the development of new plays, from table readings to book-in-hand performances to full-stage productions. This year will feature seven works in various stages, including full-stage productions of RANKED, a new musical, the story of one high school’s cutthroat grading system, and Fat Kid Rules the World, a punk rock musical based on the novel by K. L. Going. Thu, 9/12, 7pm; Sat, 9/14, 7pm; Mon, 9/16, 7pm; Through 10/5; name your price; UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis; (916) 995-5464; groundandfield.com.


SCREEN PICK It’s hard to see through the ’90s-era video quality and Liberty dogpile, but “T-Spoon” is in here somewhere.

Clock this shot Teresa Weatherspoon gave a teary-eyed, heartfelt speech when she was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame last weekend. The former point guard was known for her leadership as well as one particular moment: “‘The Shot’: Teresa Weatherspoon in Game 2 of 1999 WNBA Finals” is a historical event that can be found on the WNBA YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure. The Houston Comets led the New York Liberty 67-65 and seemed ready to secure their third championship in a row. With just 2.4 seconds left on the clock, Weatherspoon let loose one last shot from half-court that, after bouncing off the backboard and into the hoop, launched an entire arena to their feet in disbelief. The buzzer-beater forced a third and final game, and while Houston won in the end, “T-Spoon” won our hearts.


1 2 3 4 5 FOUL





09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   25

But the real lingering mystery behind the portrait is how Santa Barbara artist Rise DelmarOchsner got Biba to pause long enough to pose. Biba, who died Aug. 29 at age 82 after a life devoted passionately to home, family and the culinary arts, was an abiding and dynamic presence at her restaurant, formally Biba Ristorante Italiano, though known to virtually everyone as just Biba, as in the simple brass plaque and the striking red neon sign at the entrance. Virtually every night, if she wasn’t in the kitchen she was cruising the dining room with cool command, greeting customers, answering questions and dropping a subtle yet firm hint to a server if a setting Photo courtesy of Jessica Nicosia-Nadler wasn’t quite as precise as it should be. She moved with the assurance of a Lamborghini, was dressed smart enough for a Milano runway and conveyed an attitude as practical, by Mike Dunne cheery and busy as a ceramic platter from Deruta. Biba Caggiano continues to keep a proud Italy was her homeland and her and appraising eye on the staff and inspiration. Her family lived in a 200-yearclientele at the eponymous restaurant she old apartment building facing Piazza San opened in Midtown in 1986. Domenico in Bologna in the northern She is in a quiet corner of the restauregion of Emilia-Romagna, about midway rant’s lounge, gazing out from a large between Florence and Venice. This is portrait that Napa Valley vintner Robert where she lived at the end of World War Mondavi presented her in 1996 as a recipiII, when she was 9. ent of his Culinary Award of Excellence. And Bologna was where she met and Biba is in crisp chef whites, leaning on the married an American medical student, arm of a chair in the restaurant’s dining Vincent Caggiano—to her, Vincenzo— room, cradling a cup of cappuccino, looking as if she just stepped out of the kitchen, who brought her first to New York, then to Sacramento in 1968. The couple interrupted while preparing a batch of celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary gnocchi. Does that faint start of a smile in June. indicate serenity or amusement?

Remembering Biba Caggiano

26   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

Both in New York and in Sacramento, the prevailing interpretation of Italian cooking in homes and restaurants at that time distressed her, particularly the American penchant for smothering pasta with tomato sauce. Italian cooking as imagined in the United States too often was a clumsy caricature, with traditions ignored, ingredients compromised, flavors unbalanced. She took matters into her own hands, starting by teaching Italian cooking in the couple’s East Sacramento home kitchen in 1977. When students complained that what she was teaching wasn’t the kind of Italian food they identified with, she advanced rather than retreated. She parlayed her grounding, intelligence and personality—bubblier than Prosecco—into cooking segments on local television and eventually a series on The Learning Channel, plus authorship of a stream of popular cookbooks, starting with Biba’s Northern Italian Cooking in 1981. At her death, she had published nine cookbooks that sold more than 600,000 copies. “It’s like candy; once you start you can’t stop,” she once said of writing cookbooks. But there was more to it than that. She appreciated attention. And she yearned to prove herself, including her mastery of English, not her first language, recalls her husband. Diminutive but demanding, of herself as of anyone, she was a fierce competitor beyond studio and kitchen, including the tennis court until she hung up her racquet on the eve of her 70th birthday. “I always said that when I start to hit the ball like a little old lady, I’d stop, and that time has come,” she said. From the outset, in cookbooks and at the restaurant, she was keen to display both the traditions and the variety of Italian regional cooking. At Biba, she introduced seasonal menus long before the practice became widely adopted. She was not intimidated by Sacramento’s reputation as a conventional dining town, popularizing such adventurous dishes as sautéed Venetian calf’s liver on a gondola of crispy fried sweet polenta, a “hamburger” of spicy salmon with caramelized red onions and house-made lemon mayonnaise and spaghetti with salt cod, onions, raisins and pine nuts. She had no patience for the classic Italian-American spaghetti and meatballs. Her last cookbook, Spaghetti Sauces, includes 123 recipes but not one involves meatballs. Similarly, she would not add to her menu—or even prepare at a guest’s request—a dish she didn’t feel represented

the finest traditions of Italian cooking. Once, a guest persisted in asking for chicken fettuccine, a familiar ItalianAmerican dish not on the Biba menu. The customer went so far as to tell Biba herself how to make it, but she refused, politely suggesting that the guest make the dish at home. To Biba, her restaurant represented a strong personal and cultural aesthetic not subject to compromise. More than once, Biba said she simply wanted to prepare and serve the “good home cooking” of northern Italy, but her execution was more complicated than that. She insisted on quality provisions, and if an ingredient for a popular dish suddenly became unavailable she would remove the item from the menu. Over the years, she gradually relaxed what might be seen as an initially rigid adherence to traditional standards. She never abandoned her insistence on using only the finest ingredients in her cooking, but she came to acknowledge and even embrace the lightening and refining of modern Italian cooking she found on trips to Rome, Florence, Bologna and elsewhere. For local food writers, she was a frank, smart and colorful resource, whatever the topic, whether pesto or panzanella, fava beans or tomatoes. If a restaurant critic wrote favorably of Biba, she would dispatch a hand-written note of appreciation, invariably crediting her staff for her restaurant’s acclaim. If the critic wrote something with which she disagreed, she also would be in touch, perhaps suggesting a six-month sabbatical in Italy so he would learn more of Italian cooking. Her staff was uncommonly devoted. In a business with high turnover, a disproportionate number of her employees stayed for two decades or longer. Scott Smith, who had been Biba’s manager for nearly 31 years, said that while she imposed high standards she also was compassionate, striving to put each employee into a fitting role, then nurturing them. Vincent Caggiano concurs. “She treated everyone well, as if they were part of the family. If anyone had a problem, she would see if she could help. She was honest about it, and she meant what she said,” he said. Surely, Biba could have opened more restaurants, but she balked at that option, saying that the most successful restaurant is one in which the proprietor is almost always on hand. She was, and still is. □ in a decade as restaurant critic at the sacramento Bee before retiring in 2008, Mike dunne had Biba at the top of his annual list of best restaurants seven times.

IllustratIon by Mark stIvers

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Chill out The calendar is inching toward autumn, but hot temperatures will linger in Sacramento until at least mid-October. So as long as it continues to feel like summer, we’ll continue to drink as if it’s summer. That means white wines and rosés, lots of them. Red wine seems too cloying, most beers are too heavy and cocktails, with their complex array of ingredients, just feel like too much work. If like me, however, you sometimes feel intimidated when it comes to selecting drinkable, affordable wines—don’t. Whites and rosés are among the easiest to navigate, particularly if you know what flavor profile you prefer. I like the driest of blends—crisp with minimal-to-no sweetness. Following are four picks that fit my basic criteria: Cheapish ($10 or less), dry and almost as refreshing as sparkling water.

Domaine de Pellehaut Harmonie de Gascogne Blanc This wine, which hails from the Cotes de Gascogne region in southern France, is a blend of white grapes that exudes a dry, oh-so-slightly tangy taste. The maker describes it as “flinty,” but I’d say it’s just right for early evening sipping on those hot nights when the Delta breeze eludes us. Usually on sale for about $10 at various local grocers.

Kirkland Signature Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc Have a Costco card? Pick up this sauvignon blanc for just $6.99. Seriously. New Zealand whites have

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been having a moment and this wine, named by Business Insider magazine as one of the discount store’s best options, exemplifies the trend. It’s got a clean, crisp taste ripe with lemongrass, grapefruit and apple notes. All that and the price is so good you won’t feel as bad about all the other impulse buys you throw into your cart. Hello, fancy $400 vacuum.

La Ferme Julien Rosé Trader Joe’s, not surprisingly, stocks a decent selection of whites and rosés—most less than $10. One of my favorites is this super-affordable option. At only $5.99 a bottle, it’s as light as a summer morning breeze with a pleasing pale pink hue. Made from a blend of syrah, granache and cinsault grapes, it’s got a clean finish that makes it ideal for barbecues, pool parties or afternoons binge-watching Fleabag. Again.

2016 Dark Horse California Rosé Wine Another choice for the non-wine snobs among us. This medium-bodied wine is very crisp but balanced, with notes of juicy fruits and a slight floral-forward finish. Pick up a bottle (or two) for $9.99 and pair it with the “Rosé All Day” tank top you can probably snag from Tar-jay’s yoga wear section. Ω

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09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   27




A hidden gem with an English touch Woodlake takes a bow for home tour BY DEBBIE ARRINGTON


Massive oaks and English-inspired cottages help give Sacramento’s Woodlake neighborhood its unique appeal.

Del Paso, the tract was billed in 1923 as “Sacramento’s most beautiful suburban residential park” and “the most exclusive” of new subdivisions in what was then North Sacramento, according to Catherine Turrill Lupi, Preservation Sacramento’s historian. The English flourishes were an important part of its marketing. “One of the 1925 advertisements, illustrated with a drawing of a Devonshire-style cottage on Oxford Street, even described the occupant whistling a tune from ‘Robin Hood’ after commuting from the city office to his quaint suburban home,” Lupi said. British-born and trained architect Arthur R. Widdowson, who created many fairy tale-style homes in Sacramento, added his touch to Woodlake with Tudor- and Elizabethan-inspired designs. Spanish Colonial or Mission Revival, two sought-after styles in 1920s California, were added to the eclectic mix. Early Woodlake homes were expensive and exclusive by design, Lupi said. But there also was a “shameful part” of Woodlake’s history: racially restrictive covenants. Lupi cites a 1939 deed that demanded that “the property would not be owned, rented or occupied by anyone who was not entirely Caucasian.” Such deeds and practices were outlawed by the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. Now part of a vibrant and diverse community, Woodlake still has many of its old oaks, Tudoresque cottages and English street names. “Woodlake residents are extremely proud of their neighborhood,” Sumpter said. “It’s like Land Park but without the hustle and bustle.” Ω

Woodlake always was meant to be different. Its winding streets deliberately contrast with Sacramento’s logical straight-line grid. Those country-style lanes have names that echo Olde England—Oxford, Canterbury, Lochbrae—with Tudor-style homes to match. Developers dubbed it “Sacramento’s Pasadena” and compared it to other tree-studded neighborhoods such as Chicago’s Lake Forest and San Francisco’s Saint Francis Wood. With a man-made lake and centuries-old oaks, Woodlake evoked that same country estate feel, only five minutes from the state Capitol. With its first homes built in 1922, Woodlake ranks among Sacramento’s older neighborhoods, yet it’s still little known to many city residents. “I mention Woodlake to people who have lived in Sacramento all their lives and they say, ‘Where’s that?!’” said Luis Sumpter of Preservation Sacramento. “They don’t even know it’s there.” On Sunday, Sept. 15, hundreds of people will be discovering Woodlake for the first time during EVENT DETAILS: Preservation Sacramento’s annual historic home tour. Five examples of Woodlake’s classic styles plus one 44th annual Preservation Sacramento historic office building will be featured during this Historic Home Tour featuring Woodlake popular event. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 15. Now in its 44th year, Sacramento’s longest Advance tickets for $30 available running home tour usually sticks to the grid, said online; $35 day of tour (ticket booth Sumpter, Preservation Sacramento’s tour chairman. at 500 Arden Way). Details: preserThis is only the second time the event has ventured vationsacramento.org/hometour. into an outlying neighborhood. “It’s a treat to walk through this neighborhood,” Sumpter said. “It’s incredibly charming. It’s a 1920s Debbie Arrington, an award-winning garden writer and lifelong piece of Americana.” gardener, is co-creator of the Sacramento Digs Gardening blog Carved out of the former pastures of developer and website. and horse breeder James Ben Ali Haggin’s Rancho 28





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Soft coral works well with ocean hues, two current color trends.

Riding a wave of oceaninspired color Living Coral is hot now with seaside blues on the horizon

Get ready for a sea of change, especially if you love ocean-inspired hues. This fall, expect to see soft orange-pink tones in everything from appliances to upholstery. According to trends expert Pantone Color Institute, 2019 is the year of Living Coral, a shade inspired by undersea reefs. In making its “Color of the Year” prediction, Pantone pulls from fashion runways and consumer product lines to pick out a common shade that looks both fresh and defining. For example, that ubiquitous millennial pink was 2016’s color choice, Rose Quartz. Shades of not-quite-pastel orange have been popping up in clothing and home fashions for awhile, peaking this year with a wave of coral. Pantone describes Living

Coral as “animating and life affirming.” It’s a color that “energizes and enlivens with a softer edge.” Living Coral also symbolizes awareness of the beauty and fragility of ocean life. Coral, the reef-building sea creature, is only this healthy pinkish-orange color when it’s alive and surrounded by a healthy environment. While coral will continue to be a common color through 2019, more oceaninspired blues and cool greens are on the near horizon. Like its choice of Living Coral, Pantone is expected to continue to look to the seaside for inspiration for 2020. Pantone’s current fashion forecast leans on watery blue and green shades, accented with driftwood browns and sandy whites. The effect is cooling, stress reducing and inviting; a perfect combination for a relaxed home environment or easy breezy fashion. And like in nature, these ocean tones work well with coral, too. Before diving into sea-style decorating, a word of caution: All-out nautical themes may be best left dockside (unless you live on a boat or at a marina). Instead, be a beachcomber, picking up natural notes that cast a relaxing mood. Seagrass and pearl-like shell accents go with the coming soft blue wave. Of course, so does Living Coral.

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This column is produced by N&R Publications, a division of News & Review separate from SN&R Editorial. For more information, visit www.nrpubs.com






foR R the week of SeptembeR R 12

by maxfield morris

POsT EVEnTs OnLinE FOR FREE AT newsreview.com/sacramento

MUSIC THURSDAY, 9/12 AnDY GRAMMER: Andy Grammer hasn’t had a  top 10 hit since 2015 with “Honey, I’m Good,”  and that might be why he’s on his Don’t  Give Up On Me tour. Consider not giving  up on Grammer and joining him here.  7pm, $32.50. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

GEnE EVARO JR.: Catch Gene Evaro Jr. at the  Starlet Room this Thursday for a night of  soulful funk and funk-ful electronica.  8pm, $12-$14. The Starlet Room, 2708 J St.


Fall of Dimple and Hobo Johnson Arden dimple records, 3pm, $20 The Sacramento favorite, family-run record  store announced its closing earlier this year,  but one local musician is going to perform  there one last time—Hobo  Music Johnson. That’s right, the  musician, NPR Tiny Desk performer and  all-around musical juggernaut is going to  be playing in-store in celebration of his new  album, The Fall of Hobo Johnson. There will

TicKET WinDOW A TRIBUTE TO WHITNEY HOUSTON The Whitney Houston tribute

show returns to Folsom this year for two  more days celebrating the Prom Queen  of Soul with expert impersonator Belinda  Davids. 9/24 & 9/25, 7:30pm, $38-$68, on sale now. Harris Center, Folsom, harriscenter. net.

THE GARDEN Don’t miss the Orange

County performers who are not only a  punk-rock band, but also twin brothers on  tour. 10/23, 7:30pm, $16-$18, on sale 8/23 at 10am. Harlow’s, ticketfly.com.

MADONNA The icon of pop music herself

is coming to the Bay Area to perform three  shows in the Golden Gate Theatre. Grab  some tickets for Madonna’s Madame X  tour. 10/31-11/4, 8:30pm, $50-$507, on sale

30   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

concept of death itself is headed to town, and  they’re bringing their heaviest metal, all the  way from England.  7pm, $18-$20. Holy Diver,  1517 21st St.

LiVE On THE BOuLEVARD: With each new  blossoming Thursday comes a night of  music guaranteed to entertain, with piles of  music and blossoms of sound entrenched in  billowy gold. Set-up begins at 5:30 p.m.  7pm, no cover. El Dorado Hills Town Center, 4364  Town Center Blvd. Suite 310, El Dorado Hills.

MEXicAn inDEPEnDEncE DAY cOncERT cELEBRATiOn AT sAc sTATE: Banda La  Octava Maravilla is celebrating Mexican  Independence Day with a celebration at  Sacramento State. The band formed around  a desire to make music together and  constantly, so come feel the rhythm.  7:30pm, no cover. The University Union, 6000 J St.

HiLLBiLLY ROYALE: Your carriage to Hillbilly

be autographs, amplified music and more.  As one door closes, so too does another  door open—the door into Hobo Johnson’s  performance. Ticket sales open at 1 p.m.  on Sunday, and the performance starts  at 3 p.m. Show up to celebrate the sunset  of Dimple Records and to get an exclusive  T-shirt. 2433 Arden Way, facebook.com/pg/ dimplerecordsstore.

Royale awaits, so step on board to catch the  project of Sebastien Bordeaux. A swath of  rotating musicians will keep the night fresh  and creamy, like a bowl of clam chowder at  the seaside.  9pm, $7. Torch Club, 904 15th St.

TORcHE: Harlow’s will become the “Torche Club”  for one night as the heavy metal Miamians  in the band Torche are taking over the  stage.  8pm, $16-$18. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

FRIDAY, 9/13 BREAsT cOncERT EVER: Catch this benefit  concert for the American Cancer Society and  its musical guests from all walks of music,  including Michael Franti & Spearhead, Fitz  and the Tantrums, MAGIC!, Marc Roberge  of O.A.R., Maddie Poppe and Delacey. There  will be all the trappings of a party, with food,  vendors, drinks and much more.  5pm, $20$50. Cesar Chavez Plaza, 910 I St.

You make a better door than a ticket window.

9/13 at 10am. Golden Gate Theatre, San  Gate Theatre, San Franciscio, tickets.shnsf.com. tickets.shnsf.com.

SHEASTIE BOYS The famous tribute  famous tribute

FOZZY: The metallic musings of Fozzy, initially  known as Fozzy Osbourne, are headed to  town from Texas to lay down gently tunes  of metal and rock.  6pm, $20. Ace of Spades,  1417 R St.

to the Beastie Boys is going to be  going to be rocking the rechristened Starlet  Starlet Room along with a performance  performance from Midtown Marauders,  Marauders, tributing A Tribe Called Quest. Quest. 11/1, 10pm, $10-$13, on sale now now.  Starlet Room, showclix.com. showclix.com.

KATiE KniPP AnD cARMEn RATTi BAnDs: Both  Katie Knipp and Carment Ratti are bringing  their bands, and Ratti is also bringing along  Jill Dineen for the performance. Catch the  two up-and-comers’ growing groups and  bluesy sounds.  9pm, $10. Torch Club, 904  15th St.

DEF LEPPARD The English  English

rock group with a habit of  of rocking hard and putting in  in some powerful performances  performances is making their rounds along  along with Don Felder and Last  in Line. 11/2, 7pm, $35Toyota $199.50, on sale now. Toyota  Amphitheatre, tickets1. livenation.com.



Dimple Records is closing, but not without a last hurrah from Hobo Johnson.

GRiM REAPER: The band that inspired the


Sick, Rick!

music on the patio from Marty Cohen and  the Sidekicks, then consider eating some

snr c a le nd a r @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Online listings will be considered for print. Print listings are edited for space and accuracy. Deadline for print listings is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Deadline for NightLife listings is midnight Sunday. Send photos and reference materials to Calendar Editor Maxfield Morris at snrcalendar@newsreview.com.

food at the bakery-restaurant.  6:30pm, no cover. Ettore’s Bakery and Restaurant, 2376  Fair Oaks Blvd.

THE MuTinEERs: Catch the duo of Brian  Mathusek and Merry Young as they share  their unique punk-rocky vibes on stage in  the SacYard yard.  7pm, no cover. SacYard  Community Tap House, 1725 33rd St.

MONDAY, 9/16 MiLLEncOLin: The Swedish punk rockers from  Sweden are coming to perform. They’ve got  roots in the skate rock movement, as their  name comes from a skateboard trick.  7pm, $25. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

TUESDAY, 9/17 JOHn MAYER: It’s been only a week or so since  John Mayer released his new single, “Carry  Me Away,” but that’s not stopping him  from touring! Why would it? Instead, he’s  performing at this stop in his tour as has  been planned for months.  7:30pm, $55.91$1,250. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J Stern  Walk.

WEDNESDAY, 9/18 EARTH, WinD AnD FiRE: Catch a performance  from the marvelously famous band and their  legacy sounds. With a commitment to genreshifting and a habit for world-shifting, the  band is going to bring the funk.  8pm, $70.25$375. Memorial Auditorium, 1515 J St.

(HED)PE: The Huntington Beachers and rock  ’n’ rollers aren’t going to stop until they’ve  performed their rap, reggae and rock  sounds—and even then, they might not  stop.  6:30pm, $18. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

KEiTH HARKin: The Irish musician who took a  leave of absence from his role in the band  Celtic Thunder found a career touring  solo.  8pm, $35-$75. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

sTEVE & Ann ROAcH QuinTET: Join the Roaches  as they celebrate the Great American  Songbook and get jazzy with some of the  most classic hits you can swing a stick  at.  7pm, $25. Dante Club, 2330 Fair Oaks Blvd.

FESTIVALS THURSDAY, 9/12 GRAnDPAREnTs WEEK: Are you a grandparent?  Want to get into Fairytale Town for free? All  you have to do is bring your grandchild to  Fairytale Town, buy them a ticket and you’re  home free! Sure, you have to hang out with  your grandkid—yawn—but hey, free entry  ain’t nothing!  9am, $5-$6. Fairytale Town,  3901 Land Park Drive.

sAc OPEn sTuDiOs LAuncH PARTY AnD PREViEW EXHiBiTiOn: Read the story about Sac Open

Studios on page 22.  6pm, call for cover. Verge  Center for the Arts, 625 S St.

FRIDAY, 9/13 MERcY PEDALERs BRinGinG MERcY TO THE sTREETs YEAR 2 AnniVERsARY PARTY: Join  Sister Libby Fernandez at this fundraiser for  the bike pedaling-est, compassionate-est  and human dignity restoring-est nonprofit

Saturday, 9/14 -Sunday 9/15

Mediterranean Food and Music Festival Holy Virgin Mary CHurCH, 11aM, $3-$15

Is your mouth salivating at the prospect  of eating some Mediterranean food? Then  there’s only one place to go—this festival  celebrating all things related  Festival to Mediterranean cuisine as  well as music. Here you’ll find live bands to  accompany your meals, easing your digestion.  There’s a hookah lounge, a jump house, plenty of falafel, gyros and more.  To boot, there are two whole days of the celebration for you to really sink  your teeth into. 3060 Jefferson Blvd., West Sacramento, facebook.com/ HVMCMEDFEST.

around. There will be refreshments, a raffle  and much more.  6pm, $15-$250. Golden  Pacific Bank, 1409 28th St.

Saturday, 9/14 15tH aNNUal MeDiteRRaNeaN FOOD aND MUsiC Festival: Want to get your Mediterranean  food on? Join the rest of the folks who also  want that at this festival, celebrating 15  years of the get-together and as featured  on page 31.  11am, $3-$15. Holy Virgin  Mary Church, 3060 Jefferson Blvd., West  Sacramento.

tHe 17tH aNNUal CONGRess OF aFRiCaN PeOPles’ CONveNiNG: Join another installment  of the Congress of African People’s Convening  for a discussion of Black Power. It’s a  dialogue about that theme and features  panel discussions, speakers, lunch, vendors  and much more.  9am, $5-$100. Fruitridge  Community Collaborative, 4625 44th St.

BlaCK FOOD Festival: Join in this celebration  of black food and culture, along with  performance, dance, music, fashion and  plenty of food.  11pm, no cover. Florin Square,  2251 Florin Road.

ReD eX vOl. iii: Catch the third installment  of Red Ex, the music festival in the artist  warehouse space. It’s featured in the Music  section of the paper on page 23.  3pm, $20$25. The Red Museum, 212 15th St.

saC OPeN stUDiOs: It’s year number 14 for the  Verge’s Sac Open Studios tour. Catch the  most open studios the city has to offer, with  two weekends of tours with people sharing  their artistic artistry and talent.  10pm, no cover. Sacramento Region.

tHis MiDtOWN seasON FiNale: The final This  Midtown party of the season features  Anna Lunoe. Show up and catch the K  Street shindig, have some food, drinks and  interactions with vendors in streets where  just hours earlier, cars roamed free.  4:30pm, no cover. THIS, 1050 20th St.

Sunday, 9/15 BROaD ROOM viNtaGe Flea: Join Broad Room  for a flea market in its Del Paso Boulevard  space. There will be more than a dozen  vendors selling their vintage items curated  specifically for the tastes of the broader  market, rewarding looks from decades  ago. How many more than a dozen vendors  are there? At least eight more than a  dozen—so show up ready to shop.  11pm, no cover. Broad Room, 1409 Del Paso Blvd.

FOOd & drInK tHurSday, 9/12 saCRaMeNtO BURGeR Battle 2019: With such  celebrity judges as SN&R’s own Steph  Rodriguez, the Burger Battle is beginning to  look like a bona fide burger bonanza. With  charity funds benefiting the Crohn’s and  Colitis Foundation, lots of burgers and drinks  to be had, and plenty of people getting down  to some great live music, it’s the burger  battle of the burger battle season you won’t  want to miss.  7pm, $70. Drake’s: The Barn,  985 Riverfront St., West Sacramento.

FrIday, 9/13 COOKiNG WitH saC CO-OP: Want to learn how  to cook a healthy, cheap meal with the  Sacramento Co-Op while in the presence  of the Sacramento Library? Join them for  this class for adults wanting to learn about  cooking.  11pm, no cover. Colonial Heights  Library, 4799 Stockton Blvd.

saCRaMeNtO WHisK(e)Y 101: Get your mouth  around some of the whiskeys celebrated  at this first festival dedicated to unlimited  whiskey tasting.  6pm, $175. Elks Tower, 921  11th St.

Saturday, 9/14 el DORaDO Hills BReWFest 2019: Want to have  some beers in El Dorado Hills? There’s only  one place to do that—at the EDH Brewfest  2019, with more than 34 breweries and other  beverage makers. Show up and get your beer  on.  3pm, $30-$50. Village Green / Serrano  Visitor Center Lawn, 4525 Serrano Pkwy, El  Dorado Hills.

Sunday, 9/15 CRaFts aND DRaFts: Want to get your beer and  pizza mixed into one event, and then mix that  event with a whole bunch of creative people  doing their creative things. You’ll wander  around with the five dozen local creatives  and see what’s what, interspersed with fun  games and more.  Noon, no cover. Drake’s:  The Barn, 985 Riverfront St., West  Sacramento.

CaleNDaR listiNGs CONtiNUeD ON PaGe 32

09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   31

see More events And subMit your own At newSreview.com/Sacramento/calendar

Sunday, 9/15

Junior roller derby 101 sACrAMento roller Derby, 12:30pM, $10 per week

Catch this performance for recovery, featuring music, comedy, poetry and more dedicated to the recovery from and education about substance abuse. thursday 9/12, 5:30pm. no cover. 2791 24th St.

Whittaker and host Frankie Marcos. through 9/15. $20. 1207 Front St.

CALendAr ListinGs Continued FroM pAGe 31

punCH Line: Sam Morril. Catch the former The Colbert Report correspondent and current comedian and podcaster as he stops in town for multiple comedy shows for you to laugh, laugh, laugh at. through 9/14. $18.50$26.50. Latino Comedy Allstars. Catch this show of comedic proportions featuring an array of Latino comedians making you laugh, laugh and laugh some more. sunday 9/15, 7:30pm. $17.50. 2100 Arden Way, Suite 225.

Saturday, 9/14 GAtHer Movies At tHe Fort: Time to gather

stAb! CoMedy tHeAter: Forbidden Knowledge Book V Flesh Prison. Catch the Vth book of Forbidden Knowledge from STAB! Comedy Theater, along with hosts Court Hansen and Charlie Norton. saturday 9/14, 8pm. $7. 1710 Broadway.

Sunday, 9/15 superMAn ii: Relive the magic of the Kryptonian news reporter who just can’t seem to catch a break, as his work keeps getting interrupted by things such as Phantom Zone breaks and similar world-threatening happenings. 7pm, $7.50-$9.50. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

sACrAMento CoMedy spot: Comedy Olympics. There’s one thing the Olympics have in common with the Sacramento Comedy Spot, and that’s that now they both host Olympicstyle events. The Sacramento version is just comedy-themed instead, which even the lofty Real Olympics can’t boast. Friday 9/13, 9pm. $12. Wino the Clown Comedy Show. Watch Wino the Clown in all his clowny glory. Friday 9/13, 10:30pm. $13. 1050 20th St., Suite 130.

comedy b street tHeAtre: A Stand-Up Guy. The story of Jack Gallagher comes to light after 40 years of comedy. This one-man show was written by Jack and Declan Gallagher. through 10/20. $33-$47. 2700 Capitol Ave.

toMMy t’s CoMedy CLub: Hypnotist Gary Conrad. Nothing is quite as fun as people pretending to be hypnotized on stage as you watch from the crowd, laughing, laughing, laughing. thursday 9/12, 7:30pm. $10. 12401 Folsom Blvd., Rancho Cordova.

CsZ sACrAMento-HoMe oF CoMedysportZ: ComedySportz Improv Comedy. There’s only one thing on the minds of these improvisers: comedy. Improv comedy—that’s what they’ll be doing on stage in a competitive environment. through 10/26. $10-$14. 2230 Arden Way.

Crest tHeAtre: The Dollop. The podcast run by comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds also delves into the historical funny moments that are the subject of the podcast. Catch it live. Friday 9/13, 7:30pm. $35-$75. Felipe Esparza. The accomplished comedian, podcast host, comedy contest winner and longtime stand-up is performing. saturday 9/14, 8pm. $35-$60. 1013 K St.

LAuGHs unLiMited CoMedy CLub: Matt Rife featuring Jay Whittaker!. Catch a show from Matt Rife with other performance from Jay





on StaGe CALiForniA stAGe: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shakespeare strikes again! California Stage plays host to the classic Bard work set in a magical forest. through 10/13. $20. 2509 R St.

CApitAL stAGe: Between Riverside And Crazy. Catch the review by Jim Carnes for this Capital Stage play on page 24. through 9/29. $25-$47. 2215 J St.

MAnetti sHreM MuseuM: Ground and Field


Theatre Festival-Preview. Catch the third annual Ground and Field Theatre Festival,

CroCKer Art MuseuM: ArtMix CrockerCon. Get yourself down to the Crocker Art Museum for a platoon of folks who enjoy comic book culture. With cosplay, artwork and much more, it’s a can’t miss—catch the highlight on page 32. 6pm. through 9/12. $10$20. 216 O St.

tHe tHistLe dew tHeAter: Two Blind Bitches. Catch the story of Peach and Roller Baby, as romance blossoms in prison between the two inmates. through 10/6. $20. 1901 P St.

sACrAMento History MuseuM: Volunteer Open House. Want to put down some volunteering roots in the Sacramento History Museum? Catch this open house giving you the scoop on how you can help out at the museum, including becoming a docent or more. 1pm. through 9/14. no cover. 101 I St.

art bArrio CAFe: Second Saturday Artist Reception John Connelly. Join Barrio Cafe for a reception of the photography of John Connelly. It’s the “This Is What I Saw” series, and it’s on display from scenes around California. saturday 9/14, 6pm. no cover. 1188 35th Ave.

Fe GALLery: Mythic. Catch this realism and

around the walls of Midtown’s famous fort. The free movies are Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and Zootopia, so expect to watch those movies. 5pm, no cover. Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park, 2701 L St.


sierrA 2 Center: Take the Mic for Recovery.

Don’t let your roller skates PHoto courteSy oF Sean BernStein turn into planter boxes. Learn how to harness the wheels and bearings and channel them into something different: roller derby. Sacramento Roller Derby hosts sports & outdoors this introductory class for kids ages 8-17, breaking down the basics of the team sport on wheels. The recreational, all-gender league started last week and runs through Oct. 17, but you can still join if you start in the next two weeks. Bring gear if you want, but there is also loaner gear available. 1501 C St., sacramentorollerderby.com.


experience. through 10/5. no cover. 7300 Folsom Blvd.

featuring new plays and musicals written by local, national and international playwrights and composers, including Broadway veterans. thursday 9/12, 7pm. no cover. 254 Old Davis Road, Davis.

pop surrealism art show featuring a winners bracket of surreal artwork from talented artists. through 9/27. no cover. 1100 65th St.

sACrAMento Zoo: Wild Affair. Want to live a swanky life in the Sacramento Zoo? Join their gala with a farm-to-fork dinner and an auction. Show up and get your dose of animal fancy. 5:30pm. through 9/14. $200. 3930 W. Land Park Drive.

sACrAMento CHiLdren’s MuseuM: Buccaneer Ball. Moms and sons, along with any other family, are invited to this Buccaneer Ball. It’s an evening of pirates, face painting, music, dancing and much more. Dress up like a pirate. 6pm. through 9/14. $4-$25. 2701 Prospect Drive.

Kennedy GALLery: Getting Wild. Catch this show as Second Saturday takes over the gallery and animals from the Sacramento SPCA also take over the gallery for adoption. through 10/6. no cover. 1931 L St.

SPortS & outdoorS Sunday, 9/15 Junior roLLer derby 101: Are you a kid between the ages of 8 and 17 wondering how to play roller derby? Check out this class, and catch the event highlight on page 32. 12:30pm, $10. Sacramento Roller Derby, 1501 N C St.

tHe Art GArAGe: The Art Garage (Sac Open Studios). Catch the Art Garage as it opens its doors for four different artist studio shows from Judy Knott, Patricia Prendergast, Anna Skacel and Allison Spreadborough. 10am. through 9/14. no cover. 2116 19th St.

tHurSday, 9/12 CALiForniA urbAn indiAn HeALtH ConFerenCe 2019: Join the California Urban Indian Health Conference for another year of discussion about communities, statewide public health initiatives and more. 9pm, no cover. Thunder Valley Casino, 1200 Athens Ave., Lincoln.

Saturday, 9/14 reFuGe-A beneFit For AsyLuM seeKers: Spend some time over this two-day fundraiser to raise money for asylum seekers. Bring donations for NorCal Resist, and participate in some body and mind classes that will bring you healing, all for a good cause. 9am, by donation. Delta Mind Body Center, 2014 10th St.

monday, 9/16 An eveninG in septeMber 2019: Join Oak Park Brewery for food, drinks and to support the work Community Against Sexual Harm does with women who have been sexually exploited in Sacramento. 5:30pm, $50. Oak Park Brewing Company, 3514 Broadway.

claSSeS tHurSday, 9/12

soL CoLLeCtive: Community collab Paint day at Sol. Get your painting on at this fun day of community, collaborative painting. With large canvas cloths covering the walls, you’ll have the chance to leave your mark on the exhibit. Bring your own paint. Friday 9/13, noon. no cover. 2574 21st St.

taKe action

sACrAMento HistoriC HoMe tour: See some of the historic homes in the Sacramento area on this tour, namely the Woodlake neighborhood. 10am, $30-$35. Woodlake Neighborhood, Woodlake Drive and Forrest St.

struM For Fun: Get your guitar on with the Sacramento Guitar Society. You can join

for free and start strumming. 5pm, no cover. Valley Hi-North Laguna Library, 7400 Imagination Pkwy.

Saturday, 9/14 divorCe seMinAr: Catch this seminar on divorce, featuring aspects you might not have considered in four areas: legal, emotional, real estate-related and financial. As always, sorry about your divorce. 9am, $25. 836 57th St.

tHe AtriuM 916: Carlos Luis Olivas, Jr. Join the Atrium 916 for this show of an artist navigating the Alzheimer’s

Sunday, 9/15

ArtMix: CrockerCon CroCker Art MuseuM, 6pM, $10-$20

The Crocker is going for the conventional this week—by hosting a comic conventionthemed ArtMix. Come dressed to the tens in whatever costumed MuseuMs play outfit you prefer, and celebrate the broad array of comic enthusiasts. With lots of exhibitors showing off their talents, live music, panel discussions and much more, this is the comic lover’s dream night at the museum. Show up, have fun—and check your wings and cartoon weapons before you appreciate the galleries. 216 O St., crockerart.org.

PHoto courteSy oF crocKer art muSeum

09.12.19    |   SN&R   |   33




ArmAdillo music

Purusa, 7pm, no cover

Gabe Lewin, 7pm, no cover

Sitting & Waiting, 7pm, no cover


Poprockz 90s Night, 9pm, no cover

Fierce Fridays, 7pm, call for cover

Spectacular Saturdays, 6pm, call for cover

Live Music, 9:30pm, no cover

Live Music, 9:30pm, no cover

Word Wizards Presents Showcase, 8pm, $10-$15

Judas Thieves, Love Removal Machine and Shades of Purple, 9pm, $10

The BoArdwAlk

The Countermen, Turtle Rock and the New Crowns, 8:30pm, $10

Zackthevillian, Refry Worldwide, No Name Posse and more, 8:30pm, $10

Fallujah, Sea Of Treachery, Arkaik and more, 6pm, $15

cApiTol GArAGe

Capitol Fridays, 10pm, no cover before 10:30pm

Dinner and a Drag Show, 7:30pm, $5$25; Karaoke, 9:30pm, call for cover

Boot Scootin Sundays, 8pm, $5

The Dollop, 7:30pm, $35-$75

Felipe Esparza, 7pm, $35-$60

Superman II, 7pm, $7.50-$9.50

Absolut Fridays, 9pm, call for cover

Sequin Saturdays, 9:30pm, call for cover

Funday Frolic, 3pm, no cover

207 F ST., DAvIS, (530) 758-8058 2003 k ST., (916) 448-8790

BAr 101

101 MAIN ST., ROSEvIllE, (916) 774-0505

Blue lAmp

1400 AlHAMbRA blvD., (916) 455-3400

Victor Raymond’s Album Release Party, 9pm, call for cover

9426 GREENbAck lN., ORANGEvAlE, (916) 358-9116


Gene Evaro Jr.

1500 k ST., (916) 444-3633

cresT TheATre

Dr. Cesar Lozano, 8pm, $35-$75

1013 k ST., (916) 476-3356


with Ten Foot Tiger 8pm Thursday, $12-$14 Starlet Room Pop

2000 k ST., (916) 448-7798

FATher pAddY’s irish puBlic house

John Sheehan, 6pm, call for cover

Dos Hombres Jazz Coalition, 8pm, call for cover

Mark and Steve, 8pm, call for cover

Fox & Goose

Justis & McLane, 8pm, no cover

Mr. P Chill, Cleen, Oscar Goldman and Complimentary Colors, 9pm, $5

According to Bazooka and Natalie Cortez, 9pm, $5

435 MAIN ST., WOODlAND, (530) 668-1044 1001 R ST., (916) 443-8825



B.P.M. & Sunday Funday Remixed, 4pm, call for cover

Trapicana, 10pm, W, no cover Open-Mic, 7:30pm, W, no cover; Trivia, 6:30pm, M, no cover

John Mayer, 7:30pm, T, $55.91-$1,250

500 DAvID J STERN WAlk, (888) 915-4647

hAlFTime BAr & Grill

Let’s Get Quizzical, 7pm, T, no cover; Cornhole, 6pm, W, $10

Dave Badilla, 6pm, call for cover

5681 lONETREE blvD., ROcklIN, (916) 626-3600 Torche, Pinkish Black and SRSQ, 8pm, $16-$18

2708 J ST., (916) 441-4693

Bilal, 9pm, $20-$25

Martin Moreno and Willie Barcena, 7:30pm, $24.50

hideAwAY BAr & Grill

Shitshow Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover; Record Roundup, 8pm, T, no cover

2565 FRANklIN blvD., (916) 455-1331


1910 Q ST., (916) 706-2465

John Mayer

holY diVer

7:30pm Tuesday, $55.91-$1,250 Golden 1 Center Alternative rock

Grim Reaper, Trip6, Mechanizm, Full Metal Hippies and more, 7pm, $18-$20


1217 21ST ST., (916) 440-0401

Live Music with Jay Shaner, 7pm, no cover

lunA’s cAFe & Juice BAr

Poetry Unplugged, 8pm, $2

1517 21ST ST.

1414 16TH ST., (916) 441-3931

Vibe, 9pm, no cover

Night Swim with Joseph One, 10pm, call for cover

Hail the Sun, Strawberry Girls, Royal Coda, VIS and more, 6:30pm, $15

Rock ’n’ Roll Saturdays, 6:30pm, $10

The Side Wheelers and Richard March, 8pm, $8



free country dance lessons at 7pm • $3 Jack 8-9


free dance lessons at 7pm $3 tullamore dew 8-9




lIvE BAND before the early SAT and SUN ShOwS

Autumn Sky, House of Mary and Comfort Creature, 8pm, $7

Nebraska Mondays, 7:30pm, M, $10; Jazz Jam w/ Byron Colburn, 8pm, W, $5

FRIDAY 8:00PM AND 10:30PM SATURDAY 8:00PM AND 10:30PM SUNDAY 7:00PM $20 per person. One show on Sunday 7pm - $10 per person.

Karaoke nightly Wed- sunday 9pm

Promo Code “New Laughs” available for 50% off on September shows 1207 Front St, Old Sacramento

$10 ribeye thursdays 6pm $10 prime rib dinner fridays 6pm $10 filet mignon dinner saturdays 6pm Until they rUn oUt…

1320 Del paso blvD in olD north sac

2 steps from downtown | 916.402.2407


Jacob westfall


Jasmine bailey


working man blues band


eazy dub


trivia at 7:30, dance lessons at 9 18 & over (prizes)

stoneyinn.com for nightly drink specials & events


Live Music with Scott McConaha, 5pm, T, no cover

live MuSic


salsa or west coast swing lessons and dance


Triviology 101, 7:30pm, no cover


college night dance party $3-$5 drink specials 18 & over


Millencolin, Mest, Yankee Brutal and more, 6pm, M, $25


voted sacramento’s

916.440.0401 kuproscrafthouse.com

Sunday Funday, 7pm, $10


best dance club 2017/2018

1217 21st Street

Trivia Factory, 7pm, M, call for cover; Geeks Who Drink, 7pm, T, call for cover


Neighborhood Bar, But Better.

Two-Story Patio Craft Beer • Full Bar Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

Every Damn Monday, 8pm, M, no cover; Noche Latina, 9pm, T, no cover

Open-Mic Night, 7:30pm, M, no cover

Golden 1 cenTer


Geeks Who Drink, 8:30pm, W, no cover


101 Main Street, roSeville 916-774-0505 · lunch/dinner 7 days a week fri & sat 9:30pm - close 21+


subMit your cAlendAr listinGs for free At newsreview.coM/sAcrAMento/cAlendAr THursdAy 9/12

fridAy 9/13

Starlet room

Gene Evaro Jr. and Ten Foot Tiger, 8pm, $12-$14

Blue Oaks, Robert Jon & the Wreck and the Loose Threads, 9pm, $12-$15

Phony Ppl and Daisy, 8pm, T, $12-$15

old IronSIdeS

Divine Blend and War Elephant, 7:30pm, $5

Black Knight Satellite, Bad Mother Nature The Brangs, Cassette Idols and and Patsy’s Dekline, 9pm, $7 Commerce Tx, 8pm, $6

Live Music with Heath Williamson, 5:30pm, M, no cover

2708 J sT., (916) 441-4693 1901 10TH sT., (916) 442-3504

sATurdAy 9/14

sundAy 9/15

PalmS PlayhouSe

David Lindley, 8pm, $12-$27

The Brother Brothers, 8pm, $12-$20

PlacervIlle PublIc houSe

James Parr, 8pm, call for cover

Side B, 8pm, call for cover

Rockology, 10pm, call for cover

Aquanett, 10pm, call for cover

AC Miles, 3pm, call for cover

Pop 40 Dance with DJ Larry, 9pm, $5

DJ Larry’s Sunday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

Kings St. Giants, 9pm, no cover

Nagual, 9pm, no cover

13 MAin sT., WinTers, (530) 795-1825 414 MAin sT., PlAcerville, (530) 303-3792

PowerhouSe Pub

Cliff Huey and 27 Outlaws, 9:30pm, call for cover

the PreSS club

2030 P sT., (916) 444-7914

The Surrounded, Souvenir Driver and Pets, 8pm, call for cover

Shady lady

Ice Age Jazz, 9pm, no cover

614 suTTer sT., fOlsOM, (916) 355-8586

1409 r sT., (916) 231-9121

Turquoise, 9pm, no cover

SocIal nIghtclub

DJ HVFF, 10pm, no cover before 11pm

the SofIa

Funky Feat, 7pm, $60

Rick Estrin & the Nightcats, 7pm, $25-$35

Hot Country Fridays, 7:30pm, $5-$10

Stoney’s Saturdays with Free Line Dance Lessons, 7pm, $5

Sunday Funday, 9pm, no cover 21+

Joel the Band, 6pm, $9-$11.50

Journey Revisited, 6:30pm, $11.50-$15

3rd Country Sunday with Rachel Steele, 12:30pm, $8.50-$12.50

1000 K sT., (916) 947-0434 2700 cAPiTOl Ave., (916) 443-5300

Stoney’S rockIn rodeo

1320 del PAsO Blvd., (916) 927-6023

West Coast Swing Dancing, 7pm, no cover

SwabbIeS on the rIver

5871 GArden HiGHWAy, (916) 920-8088

the torch club

Hillbilly Royale w/ Ambur Rockell and more, 9pm, $7

Katie Knipp and Carmen Ratti Band, 9pm, $10

Smokey the Groove and Control Z, 9pm, $10

You Front the Band, 8pm, call for cover

wIldwood kItchen & bar

Ryan Hernandez, 7pm, call for cover

The DTs, 7pm, call for cover

A Little Mayhem, 7pm, call for cover

Beth Duncan, 11:30am, call for cover

yolo brewIng co.

Road to Retirement, 6pm, no cover

1520 TerMinAl sT., (916) 379-7585

Karaoke, 8:30pm, T, call for cover; 98 Rock Local Licks, 9pm, W, call for cover

PHOTO cOurTesy Of MiTcH scHneider Pr

Andy Grammer Adrian Belew and Saul Zonana, 7pm, M, $45

904 15TH sT., (916) 443-2797 904 15TH sT., (916) 922-2858

MOndAy-WednesdAy 9/16-18

Free Yoga at Yolo, 11am, no cover

8pm Thursday, $32.50 Ace of Spades Pop

College Night Wednesdays, 9pm, W, $5-$10

The Blueberry Jam Open Jazz Jam w/ Iceage Jazztet, 8pm, T, no cover

Ttodd Trivia, 7pm, T, no cover

All ages, all the time ace of SPadeS

1417 r sT., (916) 930-0220

Andy Grammer, 8pm, $32.50

cafe colonIal

1400 e sT., (916) 551-1400

PHOTO cOurTesy Of MillencOlin


Colors Worldwide, 8:30pm, $25-$60

False Ritual, Sissyfit, Sick Burn and Burial Valdur, Deathgrave, Ails and Grody, Order, 8pm, $10 8pm, $10

3520 sTOcKTOn Blvd.


Fozzy, 6pm, $20

Shine Free Jazz Jam, 8pm, no cover

Travis Larson Band, 8pm, $15

Band of Coyotes and Dive Bar Bombers, 7pm, $8

Speak Out Sacramento, 8pm, W, no cover

with Mest and more 6pm Monday, $25 Holy Diver Punk rock

issue on stands

09/26 09.12.19





36   |   SN&R   |   09.12.19

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users’ desire for more subtle and predictable experiences with cannabis. “They ate an edible, or they smoked a 90% THC cart … and it was overwhelming,” he said of consumers he’d interviewed. “I wanted to help troubleshoot those problems.” Particularly, when it comes to enhanced and manufactured products such as vapes, teas, tinctures and edibles, the “directional high” approach seems to be speaking to consumers’ wants.

the building blocks High tea time! Founders of Kikoko, Amanda Jones (left) and Jennifer Chapin, interviewed hundreds of women to understand their persistent needs in order to create cannabis teas that target pain, anxiety and positivity. Photo courtesy oF kikoko

tailor-made highs Mood-specific formulas that tout curated experiences are the latest trend in the cannabis marketplace

by Danielle Simone BranD

a common gripe for many cannabis users is the unpredictability of the experience. Particularly for novices, those trying new products or others who’ve accidentally smoked or ingested a higher dosage than usual, it’s not uncommon to have a very different high than expected. If you’ve ever toked up in hopes of a relaxing night and an early bedtime only to be buzzing with energy and mind-blowing notions until the wee hours instead, you’ve experienced this issue. Unpredictability is a problem particularly in unregulated markets where a product’s origin is murky. The legalization of cannabis has helped because regulation brings better standardization. In a licensed dispensary, you can feel confident that the cannabis you buy

won’t be combined with an unlabeled, possibly unhealthy, substance. The THC and CBD content will be clearly marked—as will in some cases other cannabinoids such as CBN and THCV, as well as terpenes. However, some people still find consuming cannabis to be unpredictable and others simply want more subtlety from their weed. And as brands move to promote cannabis lifestyle products that can be integrated into many different activities, it’s natural that they’d also tout specific, desired effects as selling points.

enter mood-specific formulas These relatively new kinds of products are meant to produce “bespoke highs,”

or “directional highs.” In any dispensary today, you’re bound to encounter a dizzying array of products that promise to help increase focus and concentration, connect socially or have better orgasms. The bold copy from flower company Canndescent reads: “If you can answer the simple question, ‘How do I want to feel?’ you can use our effects and ultra-premium products to curate your cannabis experience to maximize life to the fullest.” Moving way beyond the outdated indica/sativa dichotomy, cannabis entrepreneurs are selling the hope of a specific kind of experience, a tailored and curated one. Andy Singh, founder of the vaporizer company Nuvata, told SN&R, that part of his motivation to craft directional highs was to address

How exactly do cannabis companies craft mood-specific formulas? One way is by playing with the THC to CBD ratios as well as those of other cannabinoids—such as CBN for sleep, or THCV for energy and focus. The second way is by adding terpenes, which burn off in the process of extracting THC and CBD, back into the final product. Those terpenes can be cannabis-derived, or can come from other botanical sources such as foods and essential oils. They are believed to influence the direction of the high toward creativity, focus, energy or sensuality, as the desired mood requires. And the third way is by combining cannabis with herbs, vitamins or other substances including nootropics (so-called brain boosters). The two female founders of cannabis tea company Kikoko interviewed hundreds of women to understand their most persistent needs. “It turns out those were commonly sleep, anxiety, stress, pain, cramps, mood and low libido,” co-founder Amanda Jones said. “We decided if we could help with these things by providing a healthier alternative to pharmaceuticals, we were doing women a great service.” Kikoko’s main product line includes a tea to improve mood, another for sensuality and better sex, a painrelieving tea and one that promotes sleep with a combination of the cannabinoid CBN and a low dose of THC. Each formulation blends cannabis oil with “tailor-made highs” continued on page 39






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“tailor-made highs” continued from page 37

and terpene combinations that ensure consumers, “know what they’re getting into herbs—such as chamomile and valerian, every single time.” featured in the sleep formula—for a Research indicates that terpenes do synergistic effect. affect human behavior, both alone and And cannabis consumers seem to want when mixed with cannabinoids. Ethan what they’re selling: According to BDS Russo wrote in the British Journal of Analytics, Kikoko, which is found in nearly Pharmacology, “[Terpenes and terpenoids] all California dispensaries, is the No. 1 selldisplay unique therapeutic effects that may ing cannabis beverage in the state. contribute meaningfully to the entourage Nuvata manipulates THC to CBD ratios effects of cannabis-based medicinal as well as the terpene content in its mindextracts.” body series, which targets consumers seeking However, the precise ways these terpenes a cerebral high, a body high and everything in interact with cannabis is not fully known. between. “With cannabis, you can stimulate Cannabis educator and industry consultant almost every type of activity you engage Emma Chasen told SN&R in an email in,” Singh said. “We created a mind to body that research is still in early stages on the spectrum, and each unit in that spectrum synergistic potential between cannabinoids as can enhance where you’re spending your well as between the various cannabinoids and time—whether you’re working, doing yoga, terpenes and other compounds. socializing or something else.” So while it’s possible to make He calls terpene enhance“informed predictions,” about ment the “fascinating how a formulation will It’s frontier of cannabis affect consumers, it’s not becoming clear innovation,” because of yet possible to promise its potential to influspecific and consistent that people are willing ence the ways people outcomes because, to research, shop experience, think about “everyone has their own around and ultimately and consume cannabis. unique endocannabinoid tone and physiology pay more for the that is constantly in flux. experience they But do Factors such as nutrition, want. hydration, stress, sleep they work? patterns, mental health, etc., According to Kikoko’s Jones, affect how people will respond to “the feedback we get is that most cannabis.” people experience Sympa-Tea as very In legal markets, cannabis entrepreneurs relaxing and Sensual-Tea as a social and are positioning their products more as sexual lubricant, so to speak.” But she’s lifestyle enhancements than as a way to get also quick to acknowledge that variations unbelievably high. Even among experienced in each person’s endocannabinoid system users, microdosing in search of more subtle (the internal system of receptors that helps and predictable experiences is on the rise. regulate mood, sleep and inflammation) It’s inevitable that as the industry continues indicate that, “everyone experiences our to mature and consumers become more products differently.” knowledgeable, cannabis entrepreneurs will Singh of Nuvata, while also acknowlrespond by promising increasingly tailored edging the inherent differences between and specific kinds of experiences. individuals’ endocannabinoid systems, said, Even though there’s still plenty that’s “almost everyone says that it does exactly unknown about crafting bespoke highs, it’s what it says on the packaging.” becoming clear that people are willing to For instance, limonene is a terpene that, research, shop around and ultimately pay according to Singh, “will energize 90% of more for the experience they want. Ω people,” while linalool (found in certain strains of cannabis as well as in lavender) “will relax 90% of people.” He said his To learn more about mood-specific cannabis products, visit kikoko.com and nuvata.co to see what’s new. aim is to create the kinds of cannabinoid

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By Ngaio Bealum

as k 420 @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

Like more money with your weed? See online-only discounts at: capitalcannabisguide.com.

A clean high? I want to incorporate cannabis into a soap bar. Would leaf, hash or concentrate affect the skin in different ways? Are there any books or articles on the topic that you would direct me to?

A cannabis-infused soap will not get you high, but since human skin has cannabinoid receptors, it can be very helpful for people, especially those with skin conditions or sensitivities. There are plenty of hemp or cannabis soap recipes on websites such as leafly.com. As for books, I really like The Cannabis Spa at Home: DIY Marijuana-Based Lotions, Massage Oils, Ointments, Bath Salts, Spa Nosh, and More by Sandra Hinchliffe. It’s a long title, but it’s a great book. Have fun. Cleanliness is next to weedliness.

How can I clear my record? I got popped for weed many years ago. Would be nice to have a clean sheet.

You are in luck. Many cities and counties are already clearing criminal records. And thanks to a new algorithm called “Clear My Record” from the nonprofit techies at Code for America, it is now even easier. Through its software, the group helped reduce or clear more than 50,000 convictions in San Joaquin and Los Angeles counties in April. Code for America recently made its algorithm free for all 58 counties in California. The computer program not only identifies the folks who are no longer criminals, but it also fills

out the appropriate forms and sends them to the local district attorney’s office. Hell, you may already be in the clear. Call your local DA and see if they are using the program. But be patient. Clear My Record can process 10,000 records per minute, but county law offices are not that fast. Good luck and congratulations. Cannabis is not a crime, and cannabis users should not be stigmatized.

I hear you were just in Canada. How was it?

Toronto is awesome! I was there for yet another cannabis conference (seriously, how many weed events are there in a year?) and the conference was good, but the legal cannabis was just OK. Legalization is awesome—I really like just being able to go to the weed store—but it seems like everything is way too regulated. All of the old growers have been regulated out of existence, and these new commercial farms aren’t very good at cultivation. Everything tastes rushed. Gone are the days of deli-style clubs where you get to smell the product. It’s all small jars with tiny holes in them, holding old samples of no-longer-aromatic weed. It’s a chore and a challenge to find something decent. I did find a nice Hindu Kush Preroll from a club, and I found an excellent dub sack of Bubba Kush in the traditional market. I will be in Vancouver next week. I hear their weed is better. I will let you know. Ω

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OrDer Online | Call | TexT Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana expert. Email him questions at ask420@newsreview.com.




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Free will astrology

ask joey

by ROb bRezsny

For the week oF September 12, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Hi, I’m your sales

time to let go by JOey GARCIA


something wrong. But if he ghosts you my best guy friend met a woman online who seems manic. She gave him the key and other friends, remember it’s because to her house right away and encouraged he made a decision about who he wants in him to move in. She also made strong his life right now. If you persist in trying rules about whom he can see and insists to be right by proving that his girlfriend is on being included in his visits with wrong for him, you will become what you friends. he wasn’t happy about this, but believe her to be: over-the-top controlwanted her to feel secure. I think her ling. Don’t go there. behavior is over-the-top controlling. So what’s really going on with him? She fills his Facebook page with posts He may have fallen deeply in love. He that are junior-high-style proclamations may be in the throes of infatuation with of her love. he says she posts while all of its intoxicating insanity. Or he may sitting right next to him. I think she’s be so ready for a committed relationship making sure everyone knows he’s taken. that he will reinvent himself to make he hasn’t talked to me for a while. I things work. She’s worth it—that’s suspect she blocked me on his what he has decided. That phone and social media. he doesn’t mean you weren’t and I dated in the past worth the effort or that and have been Fwb. So he wasn’t committed if I were to criticize If he ghosts you when the two of you her it wouldn’t and other friends, were together. Kismet go over well. he’s remember it’s because very sweet and I happens on its own can see why he’s schedule. he made a decision about susceptible to her One last thing, be who he wants in his life possessiveness. grateful for her gushing the situation looks right now. Facebook posts. One day, uncomfortable you will laugh about those for him. what is the epic emotions. Maybe even best way to handle this with him. □ problem? Let yourself fall in love with someone else. Find something broken in the medItatIon oF the week world and pour yourself into repairing it. Tackle a personal goal that feels impossible. In other words, evolve into the next “Yes, I am a dreamer. For a version of you and let go of trying to dreamer is one who can only save your friend. He hasn’t talked to you find his way by moonlight, and because he doesn’t want anyone interferhis punishment is that he sees ing in his relationship. Your concerns the dawn before the rest of might be spot-on or simply motivated by the world,” said author Oscar Wilde. When the light breaks a fear of losing his friendship. It doesn’t through, do you live it out loud? matter because he’s not open to hearing you or having you in his life. Despite what you see or say, he’s committed to his girlfriend. It doesn’t matter whether Want to talk about this or other Ask Joey columns? Join the conversation on the Ask Joey Facebook page. she blocked you on social media or on his phone. He knows how to reach you. He could call you, drop by your home, or unblock you if he chooses. He has not Write, email or leave a message for opted to do any of these things. Admit Joey at the News & Review. Give that to yourself. your name, telephone number What this man has done is draw (for verification purposes only) and question—all a boundary around himself and his correspondence will be kept strictly confidential. girlfriend to keep her close and to push Write Joey, 1124 Del Paso Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95815; call (916) 498-1234, ext. 1360; or email others away. It doesn’t mean that you askjoey@newsreview.com. are a bad person or that you have done 46





representative for UnTherapy, a free program designed to provide healing strategies for people who are trying too hard. Forgive me for being blunt, but I think you could benefit from our services. I don’t have space here to reveal all the secrets of UnTherapy, but here’s an essential hint: Every now and then, the smartest way to outwit a problem is to stop worrying, let it alone and allow it to solve itself. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): People in northeast India weave long, strong suspension bridges out of the living roots of fig trees. The structures can measure as long as 150 feet and bear the weight of hundreds of people. In accordance with astrological omens, let’s make these marvels your metaphors of power for the coming weeks. To stimulate your meditations, ask yourself the following questions. 1. How can you harness nature to help you to get where you need to go? 2. How might you transform instinctual energy so that it better serves your practical needs? 3. How could you channel wildness so that it becomes eminently useful to you? GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you climb to the top of Mount Everest, you’re standing on land that was once on the floor of a shallow tropical sea. Fossils of marine life, 400 million years old, still abide there in the rock. Over the course of eons, through the magic of plate tectonics, that low flat land got folded and pushed upward more than 5 miles. I suspect you will have the power to accomplish a less spectacular but still amazing transformation during the next 10 months. To get started, identify what you would like that transformation to be. CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1996, when Gary Kasparov was rated the world’s best chess player, he engaged in a series of matches with a chess-playing computer named Deep Blue. Early on in the first game, Deep Blue tried a move that confused Kasparov. Rattled, he began to wonder if the machine was smarter than him. Ultimately, his play suffered and he lost the game. Later it was revealed that Deep Blue’s puzzling move was the result of a bug in its code. I’ll encourage you to cultivate a benevolent bug in your own code during the coming weeks. I bet it will be the key to you scoring a tricky victory. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): American hero Harriet Tubman escaped slavery as a young woman. She ran away from the wealthy “master” who claimed to own her, and reached sanctuary. But rather than simply enjoy her freedom, she dedicated herself to liberating other slaves. Nineteen times she returned to slave territory and risked her life, ultimately leading 300 people out of hellish captivity. Later she served as a scout, spy and nurse in the Union Army during the Civil War, where her actions saved another 700 people. In 1874, the U.S. Congress considered but then ultimately rejected a bill to pay her $2,000 for her numerous courageous acts. Don’t you dare be like Congress in the coming weeks. It’s crucial that you give tangible acknowledgment and practical rewards to those who have helped, guided and supported you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Novelist Wallace Stegner wrote, “Some are born in their place, some find it, some realize after long searching that the place they left is the one they have been searching for.” I hope that in the last nine months, Virgo, you have resolved which of those three options is true for you. I also trust that you have been taking the necessary actions to claim and own that special place—to acknowledge it and treasure it as the power spot where you feel most at home in the world. If you have not yet fully finished what I’m describing here, do it now. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Earth’s species are going extinct at a rate unmatched since the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Among the creatures on the verge of being

lost forever are birds such as the cryptic treehunter and Spix’s macaw, as well as the northern white rhino and the vaquita, a type of porpoise. So why don’t we clone the last few individuals of those beleaguered species? Here are the answers. 1. Cloned animals typically aren’t healthy. 2. A species needs a sizable population to retain genetic diversity. 3. Humans have decimated the homes of the threatened species, making it hard for them to thrive. Conclusion: Cloning is an inadequate stopgap action. Is there a better way to address the problem? Yes, by preserving the habitats of wild creatures. Inspired by this principle, I ask you to avoid trying halfway fixes for the dilemmas in your personal sphere. Summon full measures that can really work. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Though patched together and incomplete, the 2,200-year-old marble sculpture known as the “Winged Victory of Samothrace” is prominently displayed at Paris’s Louvre Museum. It’s a glorious depiction of Nike, the winged goddess of victory, and is regarded as one of ancient Greece’s great masterpieces. For hundreds of years it was missing. Then, in 1863, an archaeologist discovered it, although it was broken into more than a hundred pieces. Eventually it was rebuilt, and much of its beauty was resurrected. I see the coming weeks as a time when you, too, could recover the fragments of an old treasure and begin reassembling it to make a pretty good restoration. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “I’ve learned that I must find positive outlets for anger or it will destroy me,” said actor Sidney Poitier. That can be a dynamic meditation for you during the next three weeks. I think you will derive substantial power from putting it into action. If you’re ingenious and diligent about finding those positive outlets, your anger will generate constructive and transformative results. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 1905, at the age of 30, Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote the novel Anne of Green Gables. It was a tale about an orphan girl growing up on Prince Edward Island. She sent the manuscript to several publishers, all of whom rejected it. Discouraged, she put it away in a hatbox and stored it in a closet. But two years later, her ambitions reignited when she re-read the story. Again she mailed it to prospective publishers, and this time one liked it enough to turn it into a book. It soon became a bestseller. Since then it has sold more than 50 million copies and been translated into 36 languages. I figure you are at a point in your own unfolding that’s equivalent to where Anne was shortly before she rediscovered the manuscript she’d put away in the hatbox. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The Toxorhynchites are species of large mosquitoes that don’t buzz around our heads while we’re trying to sleep and will never bite our skin or suck our blood. In fact, they’re our benefactors. Their larvae feast on the larvae of the mosquitoes that are bothersome to us. In accordance with astrological omens, I propose that you be alert for a metaphorically comparable influence in your own life: a helper or ally that might be in disguise or may just superficially seem to be like an adversary. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Audre Lorde identified herself as a black writer, lesbian, librarian, mother, feminist, civil rights activist and many other descriptors. But as ardent as she was in working for the political causes she was passionate about, she didn’t want to be pigeonholed in a single identity. One of her central teachings was to celebrate all the different parts of herself. “Only by learning to live in harmony with your contradictions can you keep it all afloat,” she testified. These approaches should be especially fun and extra meaningful for you in the coming weeks, Pisces. I encourage you to throw a big Unity Party for all the different people you are.

An uncle has one job: to be the best damn uncle around. That and refereeing badminton on weekends.


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