Thank you RN&R Readers
faNtastic Bests aNd where to fiNd them The Best of Northern Nevada Winners’ Guide
Coming to Legends in Sparks December 2019! Best salad, Vegan, Vegetarian and Gluten Free Dining! Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Barista • Soup Man Great Full Gardens Midtown 775-324-2013 8-9 Mon-Fri, Sat 8-9 555 S Virginia St Reno, NV 89501
Great Full Gardens Express 775-682-9590 1664 N Virginia, Reno NV 89557 Joe Crowley Student Union
Great Full South Meadows 775-324-2016 M-Sat 8am-9pm Sun 8am-2pm 748 So Meadows Blvd A14, Reno NV 89521
The Kitchen by Great Full Gardens 775-384-6420 Monday - Friday 10-2pm 5220 Longley Ln Ste 100, Reno 89502
2 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
This Winners’ Guide is a handy little booklet you can use all year. Put it in your glove compartment, hang it on your fridge, mail it to your grandmother—it’s a simple guide to all of the best that our region has to offer. In the following pages, you’ll find the results of our annual readers’ poll about the best—from best antique store to best local politician— throughout Northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and Truckee. There are nearly 300 categories, and tens of thousands of locals voted in the two rounds of the contest. We announced the winners back in August in our annual Best of Northern Nevada issue. This week’s Winners’ Guide is something else: a chance for this year’s winners to reach out directly to our readers and say “thanks” or “you’re welcome” or really, whatever they want to say. They pay for the ad space—they can say what they want. If you’d like to buy a full-page ad and say, “screw you, Reno,” well, sure, we’ll take your money. This supplement is also an opportunity to give a little love to the second and third
place winners, who were listed online when the initial results were posted, but not in the print edition. Pro tip: be sure to check out these businesses and attractions as well—they’re often just as great as the winners, if less well known. Once again, huge thanks to everyone who took the time to vote in this year’s contest, which kicked off in May. Next year’s contest will start around the same time. Watch for it. It’s an honor being this region’s community newspaper, and we take a lot of pride in hosting this contest. We also love to support businesses that proudly display their RN&R Best of Northern Nevada winners’ plaques. It’s a sign of top quality. A couple of quick notes about that: If some shady operator calls you up and tries to sell you a plaque by claiming that they represent the RN&R, don’t believe them. We give our winners’ plaques away for free at our annual Best of Northern Nevada party, which is coming right up. Save the date: October 17. If your name is next to a first place prize somewhere in this guide, and you haven’t heard from anyone on our staff, please reach out to our office manager/ official party planner, Lisa Ryan, at lisar@ It’s not a party you want to miss. For BONN every year, we showcase the work of one of the area’s best artists. This year, it’s Eunkang Koh, an art professor up at the University of Nevada, Reno. Her surreal illustrations, with an anthropomorphic animal cast doing all kinds of Nevadan things, are a perfect complement to this year’s contest results, which are just as bizarre as ever. And congrats to all the winners! Y’all are the best. Ω
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 3
Winners' Guide
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Goods & s services
Best adu lt-themed store 1. The ChoColaTe Walrus 1278 S. Virginia St., 825-2267
2. adam & eve
7520 Longley Lane, 852-1162
3. suzies
715 S. Virginia St • reno, nV 89501 (775) 786-4774 How did you get started in tHis business?
I first started serving drinks at my parents’ Nightclub, Del Mar Station, when I was 13 for all age shows. From there it was just second nature. I was basically bred to do this!
How did you get tHe background and skills necessary to run tHis type of business? Working at Del Mar molded me into the bartender that I am. I learned how to deal with large crowds, bands, or anything to do with daily bar responsibilities before graduating middle school.
something for everyone. Blue Collar, White Collar, Biker, Skater, Rocker, Roller, Hillbilly, Hippie, Tourist...etc. We’re #1 Dive bar cuz anyone can dive in for a drink 24/7!
wHat do you want new customers to know before coming to your business?
We’ve always had that rougher and tougher persona but we welcome everyone with open arms. Meet your friends here or make new ones. We have Free Pool, Live Music, Dj’s, Poker Machines and a full bar. We are all here to have a good time!
wHat do you tHink separates you from your competitors?
We have a very eclectic crowd. We don’t stick to one specific genre so we have
4 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
1. reno Bike proJeCT 216 E. Grove St., 323-4488
2. greaT Basin BiCyCles 8048 S. Virginia St., 825-8258
3. College CyClery
622 S. Virginia St., 323-1809
195 Kietzke Lane, 786-8557
Best Bookstore
Best antiqu e store
1. grassrooTs Books
1. Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques
121 California Ave., 786-1188
960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
Shea’S Tavern
Best Bi cyc l e s hop
2. virginia sTreeT anTique mall [Closed] 1251 S. Virginia St., 324-4141
3. anTiques & Treasures 151 N. Sierra St., 327-4131
Best ath l eti c s hoe se l ection 1. nike FaCTory sTore
1330 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 358-7871
2. reno running Company
660 E. Grove St., 828-2665
2. sundanCe Books and musiC 3. Barnes & noBle
5555 S. Virginia St., 826-8882
Best Boutiqu e c loth i ng store 1. Junkee CloThing exChange & anTiques 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
2. CulTure
677 S. Virginia St., 657-6192
3. Bad apple vnTg
1001 S. Virginia St., 800-1069
13987 S. Virginia St., 853-8017
Best Bridal salon
3. sCheels
1. david’s Bridal
1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 331-2700
Best Ban k 1. greaTer nevada CrediT union 2. nevada sTaTe Bank 3. heriTage Bank oF nevada
6745 S. Virginia St., 852-7978
2. Blue garTer Bridal & Tux 948 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 358-4141
Best car was h 1. huTCh’s mission Car Wash 6355 S. McCarran Blvd., 827-4222
Best BarBer s hop
2. Buggy BaTh Car Wash
1. CommonWealTh BarBer Company
3. surF Thru express Car Wash
200 S. Center St., 409-4972
2. BeauTiFul Bearded man 50 S. Virginia St., 787-6800
3. d’s CuTz BarBershop
438 S. Rock Blvd., Sparks, 297-6886
2525 S. Virginia St., 826-6679 9796 S. Virginia St., 300-6310
Best carpet c l ean i ng com pany
Best Beauty salon
1. evergreen CarpeT Care
1. eye Candy salon
2. neW sunrise Cleaning & resToraTion
235 S. Sierra St., 336-0285
2. Jensen & Co. salon 495 Morrill Ave., 657-6576
3. an epiC salon
215 15th St., Sparks, 384-1848
990 S. Rock Blvd., 825-7569
930 Sage View Drive, Sparks, 800-1429
Best ch i l dren ’s c loth i ng Boutiqu e
Best g rocery store
1. Once UpOn A child
1. rAley’S
2. Sippee’S [clOSed]
2. TrAder JOe’S
3. The children’S plAce
3. SprOUTS FArMerS MArkeT
Best c loth i ng store
Best gym
6015 S. Virginia St., 984-5831 955 S. Virginia St., 329-2110
5435 Meadowood Mall Circle, 828-9964
1. dillArd’S
13933 S. Virginia St., 852-3080
2. JUnkee clOThing exchAnge & AnTiqUeS 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
3. BAd Apple VnTg
1001 S. Virginia St., 800-1069
Best com puter store 1. BeST BUy
5575 S. Virginia St., 448-9797
5035 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-1621
2. eVOke FiTneSS 3. regUlUS FiT
1895 Donald St., 470-8383
Best hardware store
2403 E. Fourth St., 324-0202
2. chArlie’S plAce
7930 Sugar Pine Court, 236-0251
3. A dOggieS dreAM 2697 Mill St., 322-5400
Best dry c l eaners 1. BOBBy pAge’S dry cleAnerS 530 W. Plumb Lane, 825-4443
2. MiA’S prOFeSSiOnAl cleAnerS 1185 California Ave., 432-2955
3. peerleSS cleAnerS 698 Forest St., 323-3261
Best event promoter 1. AMpliFied enTerTAinMenT 2. MOMO prOMO 3. qUedUp enTerTAinMenT
Best frame s hop
3. lOwe’S
218 Vassar St., 324-2787
2. hAppy dAyze cigAr & SMOke 1700 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 358-8875
3. The MelTing pOT wOrld eMpOriUM & SMOke ShOp 1049 S. Virginia St., 322-9445
1. rc willey hOMe FUrniShingS 1201 Steamboat Pkwy., 337-4600
2. The Find
4865 Longley Lane, 322-3463
3. eThAn Allen
9065 S. Virginia St., 826-1722
Best hos pital 1. renOwn regiOnAl MedicAl cenTer 2. SAinT MAry’S regiOnAl MedicAl cenTer 235 W. Sixth St., 770-3000
3. nOrThern neVAdA MedicAl cenTer 2375 E. Prater Way, Sparks, 331-7000
Best hou se c l ean i ng servi ce 1380 Greg St., 359-1503
Gino had been in the Food & Beverage Industry as a sales and marketing agent for 27 years prior to running the restaurants. After overcoming some health challenges through food & nutrition, we developed a passion for healthy, clean food and wanted to share it with the community. Running a restaurant was an big learning experience, but coming from the food industry made it a lot easier. We also looked closely and looked at the ways that other successful people ran their businesses, and learned from their experiences.
2. MUnOz cleAning SerVice (530) 249-4984
3. whiTe lOTUS exqUiSiTe hOMe cleAning
3432 Lakeside Drive, 825-1993
1. MichAel & SOn’S Jewelry cOMpAny
Best gadget store
2. MidTOwn diAMOndS
1. BeST BUy
3. BVw JewelerS
2. Apple STOre
How did you get tHe background and skills necessary to run tHis type of business?
1. MOlly MAid
Best jewe l ry store
5575 S. Virginia St., 448-9797
MIDTOWN: 555 S. VIrgINIa BlVD #107 • 775-324-2013 SOUTH: 748 SO. MeaDOWS BlVD. (SMITH’S CeNTer) • 775-324-2016 expreSS: 1664 N VIrgINIa (jOe CrOWleT STUDeNT UNION) • 775-324-2016 THe kITCHeN: 5220 lONgleT lN STe. 100 • 775-384-6420 COMINg TO legeNDS IN SparkS DeCeMBer 2019
1155 Mill St., 982-4100
2. MichAelS
3. The FrAMe ShOp AT lAkeSide
1401 S. Virginia St., 786-5110 777 S. Center St., 825-3499
1092 S. Virginia St., 323-3232
many people, and hearing their unique stories is what keeps us going and inspired.
wHere do you see your business in tHe future?
Our menu and products that are only found at our establishment and the qualify of food, service and atmosphere that we provide.
any advice for people wHo want to make tHeir business “tHe best”? Advice is to Love your Team Members and always do the right thing by them. The rest will take care of itself.
wHat inspires you to go to work every day?
35 Foothill Road, 622-9015
13945 S. Virginia St., 333-5460
3. ScOTlAnd yArd Spy ShOp
There are so many great places to celebrate in Reno, but we have a true indoor-outdoor venue with a taste of the historic coupled with a truly modern space. We can accommodate small groups of 10 and large groups of 300. Our versatility sets us apart.
Best home fu rn i s h i ngs store
5301 Longley Lane, 856-2345
4871 Kietzke Lane, 829-8000
What do you think separates you from your competitors?
We are proud to honor the history of our city by rebuilding and restoring our small part of the West Side. We want to give back by creating a great spot to enjoy one of our city’s historic sites. Our business started because we wanted to restore the property on 2nd street and turn it into something beautiful. It gradually grew from there until we were opening a full service event venue!
1215 S. Virginia St., 337-1200
1. MidTOwn FrAMewOrkS 243 California Ave., 451-5983
hoW do you plan to give back to our reno community?
1. hOMe depOT 1. cArTer BrOS Ace hArdwAre
1. ArT dOgS & grAce
1. peT plAy hOUSe
We love being a part of our guests’ special occasions – we get to help people create amazing celebrations and build beautiful memories.
895 E. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995
Best head s hop
Best doggy daycare
What inspires you to keep the doors open every day?
645 N. Arlington Ave., 770-3800
3. MAc-O-rAMA
1. greATer neVAdA crediT UniOn 2. greAT BASin FederAl crediT UniOn 3. One neVAdA crediT UniOn.
Casey Hall, General ManaGer
1. SAinT MAry’S FiTneSS cenTer
13945 S. Virginia St., 333-5460
Best credit u n ion
1401 West 2nd st. 89503 • 775-384-9081
587 S. Meadows Parkway, 335-1055
2. Apple STOre
4690 Longley Lane, 626-7751
The elm esTaTe
1441 Mayberry Drive, 786-0270
Guide continued on pg
Every day we get to connect with people, and foster a connection between our guests by creating a space for them to “Break Bread” with each other. This restaurant allows us to reach so
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 5
Live Your Love Story
Thank you for voting Epik Best Photographer & Best DJ!
775-250-3745 • 748 South Meadows Pkwy, Ste A9-156 • Reno, NV 89521 • 6 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Epik WEddings and EvEnts
Continued from pg 5
Best l iquor store 1. ToTal Wine & More 6671 S. Virginia St., 853-3669
2. Ben’s Fine Wine & spiriTs 3480 Lakeside Drive, 825-0244
3. CraFT Beer and Wine 22 Martin St., 622-4333
Best new car deal ers h i p 1. dolan lexus
7175 S. Virginia St., 826-5050
2. dolan auTo group 3. dolan ToYoTa
Best lo cal Bu s i ness
Best opti cal s hop
1. earThe energe
2200 Harvard Way, 689-2214
1023 Rock Blvd., Sparks, 583-7444
2. MidToWn diaMonds 777 S. Center St., 825-3499
3. CreaTive edge danCe sTudio 9475 Double R Blvd., 430-6416
Best lo cal p lace to wor k 1. paTagonia
8550 White Fir St., 747-1887
2. JuiCe Box Yoga
631 Sierra Rose Drive, 827-9642
3. nevada sTaTe Bank
Best mall 1. ouTleTs aT legends 1310 Scheels Drive, 358-3800
2. MeadoWood Mall
5000 Meadowood Mall Circle, 827-8451
3. The suMMiT reno
13925 S. Virginia St., 853-7800
Best medical marij uana di s pen sary
2. doWnToWn vision 3. adlingTon eYe CenTer & eYeglass gallerY 500 W. Plumb Lane, 284-3937
Best out door gear se l ection 1. rei
2. sCheels
1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 331-2700
3. gear huT
1. peT plaY house
2403 E. Fourth St., 324-0202 875 Greg St., Sparks, 825-3647
3. Charlie’s plaCe
7930 Sugar Pine Court, 236-0251
Best pet s u pp ly store
3. peTCo
5565 S. Virginia St., 829-9200
Best mortgage com pany
Best p harmacy
3. guild MorTgage CoMpanY 5390 Kietzke Lane, 200-0155
Best motorcyc l e deal er
2403 E. Fourth St., 324-0202 3892 Mayberry Drive, 787-3647
1. Cvs 2. raleY’s 3. Walgreens
Best pi lates stu dio 1. evoke FiTness
895 E. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995
2. JuiCe Box Yoga
631 Sierra Rose Drive, 827-9642
1. MiChael’s reno poWersporTs
3. CluB pilaTes
2. ChesTer’s reno harleY-davidson
Best p lace for m u s i c l esson s
10828 S. Virginia St., 825-8680 2315 Market St., 329-2913
3. Big valleY honda 2225 Market St., 322-4311
1620 Robb Drive, 525-0549
1. JaMpro MusiC FaCTorY
Best new Bu s i ness
9300 Prototype Drive, 800-1772
1. perenn BakerY
735 S. Center St., 843-5500
20 St. Lawrence Ave., 451-7722
2. gear huT
We’d like to think that we will be telling our clients’ love story through a sophisticated augmented reality experience where they can relive their wedding the same way they did the day they said “I Do”
2. on CoMMand Boarding
175 E. Greg St., Sparks, 440-7777
6745 Sierra Center Pkwy., 888-6999
Where Do You see epik in 10 Years?
We believe the greatest love story of all time is the one that you get to live. We amplify your love story on your wedding day and let everyone around you experience it. We’ll give
Best pet Boardi ng
3. silver sTaTe relieF
2. greaTer nevada MorTgage
What Does epik mean? WhY WeDDinGs?
1245 S. Wells Ave., 219-4612
2. healThY Tails
200 S. Virginia St., 685-4678
movement to your love story through vibrant music that gets people dancing. We’ll keep attentive lenses to capture the sights and sounds as they unfold (don’t worry). We’ll make sure everyone fully experiences your love story on this milestone event--one you’ll celebrate again and again for the rest of your life.
To us, “Epik” means dreaming up and executing an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience.
2225 Harvard Way, 828-9090
2. BlüM reno
1. BaY equiTY hoMe loans
What Do You GuYs Do?
Here at Epik Weddings & Events, we are in the business of helping clients live their love story. By offering DJ, Photography, Videography, and Photo Booth services, we have a perfect marriage of offerings, our services work better together.
236 W. Sixth St., 322-4061
1. peT plaY house
1085 S. Virginia St., 420-2586
Erik riEkEnbErg, ownEr
1. CosTCo opTiCal
1. MYnT CannaBis dispensarY 132 E. Second St., 686-6968
748 South MeadowS Pkwy Ste a9-156, Reno (775) 250-3745
2100 Kietzke Lane, 826-2750
2. MounTain MusiC parlor 3. aBsoluTe MusiC
8175 S. Virginia St., 852-2637
1245 S. Wells Ave., 219-4612
3. CreaTive edge danCe sTudio 9475 Double R Blvd., 430-6416
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 7
Simply The Bomb. Over 20 years of experience catering small and large events in the Reno area
Personal Chef
Customized Tastings
Intimate Meals
Event Planning
Menu Planning
Food Allergy Education
Family Dinner Nights
Weddings | Reunions Picnics | Themed Events Graduations | Kids Birthdays Office Parties/Lunches | 775.287.4121 8 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Cherry BomB Catering...
Continued from pg 7
Best p lace to Buy a fi rearm
2. fondue body boutique
416 Greenbrae Drive, Sparks, 359-1750
1. Cabela’s
Best pri nt s hop
2. sCheels
1717 S. Wells Ave.
8650 Boomtown Garson Road, Verdi, 829-4100 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 331-2700
3. bizarre Guns
2677 Oddie Blvd., 685-4867
Best p lace to Buy a m u s ical i n st ru ment 1. bizarre Guitar
2677 Oddie Blvd., 331-1001
2. Guitar Center
6663 S. Virginia St., 853-3961
3. absolute MusiC
8175 S. Virginia St., 852-2637
Best p lace to Buy cDs or vi nyl recor Ds 1. reCyCled reCords 822 S. Virginia St., 826-4119
2. sundanCe books and MusiC 121 California Ave., 786-1188
3. disColoGy
11 N. Sierra St., 323-2121
2. diGiPrint CorPoration 4865 Longley Lane, 786-4464
3. offiCe dePot
(775) 287-4121
Best pu B l ic re lation s agency
D a w n Ta v a r e s , O w n e r / H e a D C aT e r e r
2990 Northtowne Lane, 674-4300
1. desiGn on edGe 1 E. First St., 746-0717
2. aMPlified entertainMent 830-0689
3. Muse GrouP
10 State St., 240-9677
Best pu B l ication (that’s not u s) 1. edible reno-tahoe MaGazine 2. neVada MaGazine 3. reno Gazette Journal
1. Mynt Cannabis disPensary
1. the MeltinG Pot World eMPoriuM & sMoke shoP
1085 S. Virginia St., 420-2586
1001 S. Virginia St., 800-1069
3. saVers
3800 S. Kietzke Lane, 284-4350
Best p lace to get a car repai reD
2. lastinG dose tattoo & art ColleCtiVe 888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666
3. holland ProJeCt Gallery 171 Vesta St., 448-6500
Best s hoe se l ection 1. dillard’s
13933 S. Virginia St., 852-3080
2. dsW desiGner shoe Warehouse 6659 S. Virginia St., 852-9401
2. landa Muffler and brake
Best s pa
3. Coauto
1. sPa atlantis
816 E. Fourth St., 322-0112
We want to thank each and every person that voted for us, we are honored by this award! We believe our attention to detail and commitment to small and large events is what our clients love about Cherry Bomb.
160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333
1. reno VulCanizinG auto Care and tires 450 E. Plumb Lane, 826-0464
wHy Do you tHink rn&r reaDers voteD you tHe best?
175 E. Greg St., Sparks, 440-7777
1. neVada MuseuM of art
2. bad aPPle VntG
aDvice for people wHo want to open a new business…
3. silVer state relief
Best p lace to Buy vi ntage c lothes 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
With over 20 years in the food industry we have learned skills that are able to help with catering small and large events in our area.
Our Reno community holds a very special space in our hearts. We are very active in feeding the homeless each week and giving back to numerous charitable organizations in the area year round.
2. blüM reno
Best se l ection of lo cal art
1. Junkee ClothinG exChanGe & antiques
How Do you plan to give back to our reno community?
132 E. Second St., 686-6968
2. Junkee ClothinG exChanGe & antiques 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
How DiD you get tHe backgrounD anD skills necessary to run tHis type of business?
We encourage people to make the jump into opening a business that makes them want to go to work every day! Our local community to fiercely loyal when it comes to helping local business owners succeed!
Best recreational marij uana Di s pen sary
Best p lace to Buy p laya garB 1049 S. Virginia St., 322-9445
Simply the BomB
1. laika Press
3. eCliPse runninG
3438 Lakeside Drive, 827-2276
2155 Dickerson Road, 360-5361
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
Best p lace to get an auto s moggeD
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 689-7190
2. sPa tosCana
3. dolCe Vita Wellness sPa 730 Sandhill Road, 772-0032
1. instant sMoG
6355 S. McCarran Blvd., 824-0101
2. Jiffy lube 3. Gk sMoG insPeCtion 1960 E. Second St., 323-4524
Best p lace to get pi erceD 1. blaCk hole body PierCinG 912 S. Virginia St., 329-6010
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 9
Craft Beer & SpiritS
North Valley’s Craft Beer & Spirits Headquarters
• Growler & Crowler Fills To-Go • Tap Room with 34 Taps & a Full Bar 4 4 0 - 1 8 9 3 | w w w. 3 9 5 r e n o . c o m 1075 North hillS Blvd #220, reNo, Nv 89506 10 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Continued from pg 9
Best s pecialty foo ds store 1. Trader Joe’s
5035 S. McCarran Blvd., 826-1621
2. sprouTs Farmers markeT 587 S. Meadows Parkway, 335-1055
3. GreaT Basin CommuniTy Food Co-op 240 Court St., 324-6133
Best s pectator s port 1. reno aCes BaseBall 2. unr WolF paCk BaskeTBall 3. reno 1868 FC
Best tattoo par lor
1. pyramid vapory & arT sTudio 2995 N. McCarran Blvd., Sparks, 502-3393
2. reno-sparks vapor emporium 3. knuCkle dusTers vape 1100 E. Plumb Lane, 410-8462
A s h l e y s o r i A , C At e r i n g s A l e s M A n A g e r
Best veteri narian clinic
What venues are you partnered With in reno?
1. klaiCh animal hospiTal 1990 S. Virginia St., 826-1212
2. BarinG Boulevard veTerinary hospiTal 700 Baring Blvd., Sparks, 358-6880
3. kreaTure komForTs animal hospiTal 2205 Glendale Ave., Sparks, 356-5524
Best vi deo game store
2. lasTinG dose TaTToo & arT ColleCTive
1. GamesTop
888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666
3. aBsoluTe TaTToo 707 S. Wells Ave., 324-2223
Best th ri ft store 1. Junkee CloThinG exChanGe & anTiques 960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
2. savers
3800 S. Kietzke Lane, 284-4350
3. GoodWill
6407 S. Virginia St., 853-7606
Best u sed car deal ers h i p
5116 Meadowood Mall Circle, 825-7544
2. Cap’n Games, inC.
621 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 677-0311
What do you Want neW customers to knoW about your business?
hoW do you plan to give back to our reno community?
We are always thinking of new ways to serve Reno. We recently ventured into offsite catering! We also piloted a service offering frozen meals for groups to take to Burning Man.
We donate unused meals or produce to food banks. Our staff also volunteers with local organizations. Our collective goal is 500 hours of community service annually.
1401 W. Second St., 384-9081
2. lavender ridGe
7450 W. Fourth St., 747-3222
3. The Grove
95 Foothill Road, 324-7683
Best wi ne s hop 1. ToTal Wine & more 6671 S. Virginia St., 853-3669
The 395 Salon
2. WhisperinG vine
4201 W. Fourth St., 786-1323
2. Bill pearCe CourTesy honda
3. CraFT Wine & Beer
780 Kietzke Lane, 789-7999
22 Martin St., 622-4333
Best u sed c loth i ng store
Best wor kout wear se l ection
1. Junkee CloThinG exChanGe & anTiques
1. hello yoGa
2. plaTo’s CloseT
1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, 331-2700
3. Bad apple vnTG
13935 S. Virginia St., 851-9070
1001 S. Virginia St., 800-1069
What do you think separates you from your competitors?
1. The elm esTaTe
35 Auto Center Drive, 852-1594
5083 S. McCarran Blvd., 322-0110
competitions. We can customize menus and meeting spaces to fit your needs.
SAVOR…Reno-Sparks manages catering and concessions for the Reno-Sparks Convention Center, Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, Reno Events Center and the National Bowling Stadium. We offer buffet, plated or reception style private events. We can provide large groups with concessions for grab-and-go items and hot meals.
The sky is the limit for the kinds of events we can host. From luncheons and gala dinners to bowling parties and sport
Best weddi ng reception s ite
1. Carmax
960 S. Virginia St., 322-5865
(775) 827-7620
2303 S. Virginia St., 826-4588
1. aCes TaTToo
675 S. Virginia St., 333-0915
Best vape s hop
1075 N Hills Blvd, ReNo, Nv 89506 (775) 440-1893
732 S. Virginia St., 420-5357
Bret Shaefer, Owner • Paul Ganzer, Owner
2. sCheels
How do you plan to give back to our reno community?
3. lululemon
We have done multiple fundraisers in the north valleys in our short time we’ve been open. We’ve helped raise over $8k to help the local high school, Valley Providence little league, and Cal Ripken baseball league. Our next event is a corn hole tournament to raise funds for ovarian cancer.
Best yoga stu dio 1. JuiCe Box yoGa
631 Sierra Rose Drive, 827-9642
2. midToWn CommuniTy yoGa 600 S. Virginia St., 870-9905
3. Temple yoGa reno 190 California Ave., 343-5177
wHat inspires you to keep tHe doors open every day?
Guide continued on pg
Well besides the lease, hahaha. It’s the thanks we get for opening a craft beer and spirits bar in the North Valleys that doesn’t have smoking and provides a fun atmosphere. When people discover us, they’re upset they didn’t find us earlier.
wHat do you want new customers to know before coming to our business?
We’re not smoking, have 34 taps, a full bar and we’re community based.
any advice for people wHo want to open a new business or make tHeir business better?
You’ll hit a lot of speed bumps when setting up your business and running it. There will be a lot of rules and regulations that might not make sense. Those issues can be handleded with patience, a smile and an ice cold beverage!
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 11
Dolan auto Group (833) 220-7373 • What do you Want neW customers to knoW before coming to your business? At Dolan Auto Group, we’re driven by a strong set of values that serve as a foundation to provide the best customer experience possible. We believe in pursuing a new way of doing business, which is why we’re redefining the customer experience by providing a transparent and no-pressure experience.
What inspires you to keep the doors open every day?
Our employees make us who we are. They are the reason we are able to provide best-in-class services to our guests. What we do every day supports their families and they rely on the success of the business, which is one of the reasons I wake up every morning excited to open the doors.
are there any changes in technology/ procedures/etc/ that have affected your business and in What Way?
We believe in providing a no-pressure experience at all of our dealerships, that’s why we went to non-commissioned Product Specialists a few years back. We also launched an online express store that allows shoppers to build their deal and find the vehicle that best fits their needs. Moving to this structures ensures our customers are offered a transparent and easy approach to purchasing a vehicle.
hoW do you plan to give back to our reno community?
Each year we host more than 80 events for non-profits in our Community Event Space inside the Dolan Lexus dealership and sponsor a wide-range of events throughout Northern Nevada. Giving back is rooted in everything we do and allows us to support and connect with our local community.
12 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Continued from pg 11
persoNalities Best c lu B or event dJ 1. erik riekenberG
Epik Weddings & Events, 748 S. Meadows Pkwy., 250-3745
2. kenneTh “dJ kenToT” allen
Moa na Nurse ry h as more c ertified n u rser y
3. sTePhen “dJ eyeque” rivera
profe ssiona l s, in c l u d in g fou r P l ant
Amplified Entertainment, 830-0689 Quedup Entertainment, 501-5550
Best aestheti cian
Doc tors who a re c ertified ar b or is ts , t h an
1. Teresa MarTinez
Posh Salon, 250 Crummer Lane, 826-7674
Best co ll ege i n st ructor
2. Jeri Miles
1. bob FelTen
store s c om bin ed . P air t h em w it h more
2. kurT ehlers
t ha n 220 va rieties of trees an d s h r u b s
3. GreG nielsen
de signe d to t hr ive in ou r c l imate, an d you r
Best creative writer
l a ndsc a pe ha s n ever b een in b etter h an d s .
Murphy Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa, 10401 Double R Blvd., 322-3446
3. elvia ledezMa
Dolce Vita Wellness Spa, 730 Sandhill Road, 772-0032
Best attorney 1. Marilyn york
548 California Ave., 324-7979
2. Joey GilberT
201 W. Liberty St., 574-4774
3. Jerry snyder
429 W. Plumb Lane, 499-5648
Best BarBer
University of Nevada, Reno Truckee Meadows Community College University of Nevada, Reno
1. chrisToPher daniels 2. Mikalee byerMan 3. Mark Maynard
1. vincenT Gravallese
Best dance i n st ructor
2. PaTrick suTTon
1. Fanci valles
3. Joe Foley
2. haleiGh hoFF
Derby Supply Company, 123 W. First. St., 440-1930 Maxwell’s Barbershop, 555 S. Virginia St., 322-2466 Commonwealth Barber Company, 200 S. Center St., 409-4972
Best Bari sta 1. MaTThew leblanc
Bibo Coffee Co., 945 Record St., 348-8087
2. hannah beesley
3. diana sweeney
Creative Edge Dance Studio, 9475 Double R Blvd., 430-6416
Best denti st 1. chaMPaGne FaMily denTisTry 735 Sparks Blvd., Sparks, 359-3934
Best Barten der
3. dr. John bocchi
2. annalisa suarez
Pignic Pub & Patio, 235 Flint St., 376-1948
3. Toray Manwarren
Blind Dog Tavern, 50 N. Sierra St.
Best Bu dten der
4875 Summit Ridge Drive, 473-9110
Best e l ementary schoo l teacher 1. Jesseca lunardelli Smithridge STEM Academy
Best fam i ly do ctor
2. ashley brunson
1. dr. david zucker
3. alanna hendrix
2. dr. andy PasTernak
Mynt Cannabis Dispensary, 132 E. Second St., 686-6968
645 N. Arlington Ave., 329-2525
Kanna Reno Dispensary, 5398 Sun Valley Blvd., 674-0420
10467 Double R Blvd., 853-9394
Best ch i ropractor
5975 Los Altos Pkwy., Sparks, 352-3080
1. dr. Todd sTevenson
Peak Performance Chiropractic, 241 Ridge St., 786-7325
2. dr. ricky delacruz
Delacruz Chiropractic, 140 W. Huffaker Lane, 313-5494
3. dr. briTTni J. Grider
Life Force NV, 2295 S. Virginia St., 685-8966
NVLi c. # 3379 A , D, E CA Li c. # 3 1 7448
Sierra Smiles, 5465 Kietzke Lane, 786-1911
1. brian salazar
Blüm, 1085 S. Virginia St., 420-2586
m oa na nurser y.c om
Nevada Dance Academy, 1790 W. Fourth St., 323-4227
2. sala FaMily denTisTry
Shea’s Tavern, 715 S. Virginia St., 786-4774
Better Plants. Better Advice. Better Results.
The Loft Dance Theater Arts, 7025 Longley Lane, 762-5376
The Roost, 651 Booth St., 399-3855
1. lacey shea
a l l ot he r l oc a l gard en c enters an d b ox
3. dr. aManda MaGrini
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 13
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
House of Bread
Continued from pg 13
1185 California ave Suite B • (775) 322-0773
Best gyneco log i st
Best lo cal fi l m maker
1. Dr. Staci Paul
1. EMily SkylE-GolDEn 2. tylEr BournS
OB/GYN Associates, 645 N. Arlington Ave., 329-6241
2. Dr. Stacy E. MElluM
N at h a l i e at w e l l / O w N e r
OB/GYN Associates, 645 N. Arlington Ave., 329-6241
What do you think separates you from your competitors?
There are very few places in town where you can buy made fresh daily breads and pastries. Everything has gone so commercial, yet we still make small batches by hand with no additives, no preservatives, real fruit, and fresh ingredients. We are a local neighborhood bakery.
3. Hilton Pollock
rewards. To make any business great you need raving fans. Not just people that like you, not just customers that come on special occasions, you need raving fans that come to your business all the time and talk about with their friends and family. We have raving fans that come to the bakery 4-5 times a week, that speaks quality of our business.
Associated Gynecology, 3645 Warren Way, 825-3838
Best hai r styl i st 1. Brian JEnSEn
Jensen & Co., 495 Morrill Ave., 657-6576
2. StEPHaniE arrEDonDo
An Epic Salon, 215 15th St., Sparks, 384-1848
3. katiE catt
An Epic Salon, 215 15th St., Sparks, 384-1848
Best h i g h schoo l teacher
any advice for people Who Want to open a neW business? Opening a new business is lots of work, you have to be ready for all the up and downs and have the ability to stick with it for years before you see the real
1. roD HEarn
Damonte Ranch High School
2. BrEnt BuSBooM Reno High School
3. JoSEPH Garton Sparks High School
Best i nterior des i g ner 1. SaraH BlackBErn
Dining on
Sarah Blackbern Interiors, 636-0699
2. JaDE BoGan
Jade Moana, P.O. Box 999, Truckee, California
Best local activi st 1. MErEDitH tanzEr 2. BoB FulkErSon
Gar Woods thanks the Reno News & Review readers in naming us
Reno’s #1 Lake Tahoe Restaurant! “To breath the air angels breath, go to Tahoe” –Mark Twain
Best local actor/act ress 1. Stacy JoHnSon 2. cHriStoPHEr DaniElS 3. Mary BEnnEtt
Best local ath l ete 1. DaviD WiSE 2. coDy Martin 3. JorDan carolinE
Voted #1 oVer
10 times
19 | 530.546.3366 530.587.2626 530.546.1000 530.542.2600
Coming soon — sparks Water Bar 325 Harbor Cove Drive, Spark NV 89434 | 775.351.1500
14 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
Best local author 1. MikalEE ByErMan 2. laura nEWMan 3. Mark MaynarD
Best lo cal m u s i cian 1. GracE HayES 2. Milton MErloS 3. kayla raE
Best lo cal po l iti cian
Double Scoop/Reno News & Review
Best m u ral i st
Best m u s i c teacher
1. cHriS PaynE Alt 92.1
2. Bill, DEanna anD rJ Alice 96.5
3. BElla rioS 95.5 The Vibe
Best lo cal rapper 1. Savy BalBoa 2. FEEki 3. Eli Mccoy
Best lo cal songwriter 1. GracE HayES 2. Gina roSE 3. SPikE McGuirE
Best lo cal tv news anchor 1. kriStEn rEMinGton KTVN
2. JoE Hart KRNV
3. lanDon MillEr KTVN
Best massage therapi st 1. roBErt BauM
Baum Therapy, 895 E. Patriot Blvd., 247-4947
2. kEiSHa curtiS
Sol State Massage, 505 South Arlington Ave., 530 250-5949
3. karli EnDrES
Dolce Vita Wellness Spa, 730 Sandhill Road, 772-0032
1. SHauGHn ricHarDSon
3. kriS vaGnEr
1. caSSi Salo 2. HolDEn WunDErS 3. natalin lukE
Best lo cal radio dJ or dJ team
1. cory FarlEy Reno News & Review
Best mo de l
1. JoE c. rock 2. antHony ortEGa 3. Erik BurkE
Best local co lu m n i st 2. BrucE van DykE
1. cHriStoPHEr DaniElS 2. JESSica lEvity 3. DaviD PrEtlovE
1. Hillary ScHiEvE 2. oScar DElGaDo 3. Julia ratti
Best m i dd l e schoo l teacher
Reno Gazette Journal
Best m i n i ster/ s pi ritual advi sor
Traner Middle School
2. lEvi WatSon Mount Rose School
3. MartHa taylor Clayton Middle School
1. tiM WooD 2. tErry tHoMPSon 3. Eric StanGElanD
Best nai l tech n i cian 1. SHannon ocHoa
Jensen & Co., 495 Morrill Ave., 657-6576
2. rilEy catt
Catt’s Claws, 215 S. Wells Ave., 379-237
3. MEGan lanG
Nails by Megan L., 4875 Kietzke Lane, 843-7635
Best personal t rai ner 1. SHErilyn caBantinG allEn
Orangetheory Fitness Reno, 8056 S. Virginia St., 800-2308
2. MEna SPoDoBalSki
Evoke Fitness, 895 E. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995
3. MorGan DaWn
Sports West Athletic Club, 1575 S. Virginia St., 348-6666
Best pet g roomer 1. lulu’S PEt GrooMinG 11331 S. Virginia St., 852-5252
2. GrooMinGDalE’S PaW SPa 4840 Vista Blvd, Sparks, 683-3311
3. cJ’S DoG GrooMinG 4690 Longley Lane, 443-6883
Best p hotog rap her 1. EPik WEDDinGS & EvEntS 748 S. Meadows Pkwy., 250-3745
2. alEx WooDMancy
Woodmancy Photography, 843-8215
3. Macu BinEttE
Macu Binette Photography, macubinettephotography
Guide continued on pg 17
Where Good Taste Comes Naturally House of Bread Bakery Café specializes in fresh made breads and pastries. We are dedicated to providing your family with the most nutritious and best tasting products available. We bake all our products the way Grandma made hers – by hand, using all-natural ingredients.
Ask about our catering 1185 California Ave #B | Reno NV 89509 775-322-0770 |
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 15
Thanks for Voting Us Reno’s Best Indian Food! 09
10 09
1210 09
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13 10
13 10
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14 12
14 12
14 12
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16 14
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15 13
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1091 S. Virginia St | Reno 775-348-6222 | 17
16 14
16 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Continued from pg 14
best Pi lates i n st ructor
best tattoo arti st
1. Lisa Castaneda
1. tony MedeLLin
Evoke Fitness, 895 E. Patriot Blvd., 827-1995
2. Maddison PauL
Lasting Dose Tattoo & Art Collective, 888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666
3. Meagan BaLL
Absolute Tattoo, 707 S. Wells Ave., 324-2223
Juice Box Yoga, 1635 Robb Drive, 971-8292 Ball Fitness Studios, 460 California Ave., 324-3224
best P lasti c s u rgeon 1. dr. tiffany MCCorMaCk 10791 Double R Blvd., 284-2020
2. Joe zeigLer 3. ron rash
Twofold Tattoo, 28 Hillcrest Drive, 737-9079
best theraPi st/ cou n se lor 1. LesLie deLaCruz
2. dr. JaMes MurPhy
403 Flint St., 233-6789
3. dr. Louis BonaLdi
Renown Behavioral Health, 850 Mill St.
10401 Double R Blvd., 322-3446 6630 S. McCarran Blvd., 828-7400
best Po l ice offi cer 1. Jason soto Reno Police Chief
2. darin BaLaaM Washoe County Sheriff
3. tiM Broadway Reno Police Department
best Power cou P l e 1. Jennifer Janiga & tiMothy Janiga 2. erik riekenBerg & franCes riekenBerg 3. BeLLa rios & Mike Meraz
best Pri nci Pal 1. krissy Brown
2. CaitLyn waLLaCe
3. nora ann BruCkLaCher
Sierra Sunrise Wellness Group, 855 S. Center St., 224-0703
best veteri narian 1. kLaiCh aniMaL hosPitaL 1990 S. Virginia St., 826-1212
2. dr. Christina Martini
Southwest Veterinary Hospital, 960 W. Moana Lane, 825-7984
3. Mountainview aniMaL hosPitaL 6474 Bonde Lane, 853-6900
best vi s ual arti st 1. Matthew MCdoweLL 2. anthony ortega 3. Jaxon northon
best vo lu nteer 1. eveLyn Mount 2. shanda goLden
2. Jeff Batavia
best weddi ng P lan ner
3. Brianne thoreson
1. karie MaCLeod
best Pu b l ic re lation s Profess ional
2. the hytCh
1. aBBi whitaker 2. sara roBBins
best yoga i n st ructor
3. kerry sutherLand
Mount Rose School
Rollan Melton Elementary School Bishop Manogue Catholic High School
The Abbi Agency, 1385 Haskell St., 323-2977 The Row, K. Sutherland Public Relations, 18 Winter St., 360-6101
best real estate agent 1. kayLa daLton
Dickson Realty, 4870 Vista Blvd., Sparks, 685-8800
2. rogeLio garCia
Keller Williams Group One, 10539 Professional Circle, 502-9887
3. sarah sCattini goLes
Re/Max Premier Properties, 5476 Reno Corporate Drive, 544-5412
Saint Mary’S FitneSS Center
She Said Yes Weddings and Events, 240 Bonnie Briar Place, 276-8798 526-0441
645 N. ArliNgtoN, Suite 100 • (775) 770-3800
3. eMiLy MCCLintoCk
Jàlie Premier Event Planning, 901-0567
Christina GhiGGeri / General ManaGer
What do you Want neW customers to knoW before coming to your business?
1. angie fraLey 2. tanya rose Bordner
When you visit Saint Mary’s Fitness Center you can expect to be surrounded by a team of experts, who provide personalized care that is unmatched. We provide a safe, clean and friendly environment to anyone who walks through our doors. Saint Mary’s Fitness Center holds a high level of professionalism, sense of community, and dedication to empowering healthy lifestyles for all our members. By providing a strong focus on overall healthy living and specialty programs, the Fitness Center fulfills a unique part of the mission of the Medical Center by seeking to elevate the overall health of our community. Combining the medical resources of the hospital with a state-of-the-art fitness facility, the Fitness Center offers the highest in quality and experienced experts for Reno/ Sparks residents.
3. keLLy aguiLera
Most beauti fu l Person 1. kristen reMington 2. franCes riekenBerg
Most handsoMe Person
hoW do you plan to give back to our reno community?
1. erik riekenBerg 2. arnie states
Guide continued on pg
What do you think separates you from your competitors?
Here at Saint Mary’s Fitness Center we raise the bar in the health industry. We are not your average gym in the fact that we offer a wide variety of services to provide our members with a well-rounded regimen to get their mind, body and soul healthy. Those services include Health Coaching, Personal Training, Small Group Fitness, 100+ Group Fitness Classes a week, Pool, Nutrition, Massage and much more.
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
We believe RN&R readers voted Saint Mary’s Fitness Center the number one gym in Reno because we provide the community with an exceptionally high level of customer service, as we genuinely care for our members. We want to be able to help everyBODY that walks through our doors achieve their individual goals and become the best version of themselves.
Saint Mary’s Fitness Center has years upon years in giving back to our beautiful, Reno community, and we only forecast to do more! We are a continued supporter of local events such as Moms on the Run, Relay for Life, Heart and Stroke Walk, Girls on the Run, Walk a Mile in My Shoes and many more!
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 17
Ace’s TATToo 675 s. virginia st • reno, nv 89509 (775) 355-1010 kevin cox, owner
When & hoW did you get started in this business?
1992 - In Santa Cruz, then opened a shop here in 1995. I got started tattooing friends first, then apprenticed, then after a few years I opened up here in Reno
What inspires you to go to Work every day?
Working with a great group of guys and creating beautiful works of art on people.
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
Consistently the best artists - same crew for essentially 24 years - unheard of in tattooing. Going to the shop you went to years ago for your first and having the same guy do your kid’s first is pretty cool! Quality, consistency, and friendly, reliable artists definitely helped.
18 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
What makes your business different than your competitors?
Great crew of amazing artists. The core of employees have been here since the beginning and we try to relate to each customer individually, as each person is different than the next.
any advice for people Who Want to make their business “the best”?
Remember why you got in the business to begin with. You must have passion for what you are doing in order to succeed. We fell that the public can see if you’re only in it to make a buck.
n o rt h e r n neva da
Winners' Guide
Continued from pg 17
CasiNos & GamBliNG best cas i no
Thank you for all of your supporting votes for us to receive the title of the best Thai in Reno 2019. We are a small family-owned local business that work with heart
2. Grand sierra resort
best cas i no-hote l for romantic getaway
3. atlantis Casino resort sPa
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
best cas i no arcade games
2. atlantis Casino resort sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
3. Grand sierra resort 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
2. Game lab
3. Fun Quest
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Circus Circus Hotel Casino, 500 N. Sierra St., 329-0711 Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
best cas i no bar
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2. atlantis Casino resort sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
3. Grand sierra resort
1. Fireside lounGe
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
2. terraCe bar
best p layer’ s c lu b rewards cas i no
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
3. atlantis sPorts bar & lounGe
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
1. Joe taussiG
3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
3. atlantis Casino resort sPa
2. Juan delany
best poker room
3. shannon Cole
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
best cas i no bu ffet 1. touCan Charlie’s buFFet & Grill
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
2. atlantis Casino resort sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700
3. the Grand buFFet
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
best cas i no hote l
How long in Reno?
2. atlantis Casino resort sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
12 years
3. Grand sierra resort 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
2. Grand sierra resort
most eco-fri en d ly cas i no
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
3. atlantis Casino resort sPa 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
best cas i no restau rant 1. the steakhouse
Western Village Inn & Casino, 815 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, 331-1069
P i n ya r at M o o n s r i k a e w
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
6430 South Virginia St • reno, neVada 89511 (775) 852-5033 •
3. eldorado Casino resort sPa
best s portsbook
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
Thai LoTus
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino
2. the buFFet
Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700
How did you get tHe backgRound and tHe skills necessaRy to Run tHis type of business?
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino
We started learning everything we needed to know from day one, and that was 12 years ago. Today, we are still learning and improving because there is always something new to discover and catch up on in this business.
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2. Grand sierra resort 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
3. atlantis Casino resort sPa
3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
wHat do you tHink sepaRates you fRom youR competitoRs?
We take into consideration the idea of having a true service mind kind of attitude that really shows interest and concern to all of our customers. We also believe our dishes have a unique and authentic taste which we are fortunate that many customers seem to like and enjoy as well.
wHat inspiRes you to keep tHe dooRs open eveRyday?
2. bistro naPa
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
3. bimini steakhouse
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
2. Grand sierra resort
Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700
6430 South Virginia St • reno, neVada 89511 (775) 852-5033 •
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino
best cas i no barten der Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
us the privilege to serve you since 2007.
1. PePPermill resort sPa Casino
best cu stomer servi ce
1. Carnival midway & XP arCade
and passion. Thank you for recognizing us and allowing
Guide continued on pg
We love what we are doing. At Thai Lotus, our staffs are happy and look forward to serve our lovely customers everyday. Thanks to all of our customers for supporting us and being a part of the Thai Lotus family. We truly appreciate it.
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 19
Thank You for Voting Deli Towne USA
Winners' Guide
Best sandwich for 13 Years Running! to Don’t Forget atters Pl y rt Pa er Ord Rolls for and Dinner s! The Holiday
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 19
Nightlife Best all-ages s pot 1. The eddy
16 S. Sierra St., 276-6622
2. CoConuT Bowl aT wild island 250 Wild Island Court, Sparks, 359-2927
3. holland ProjeCT 140 Vesta St., 742-1858
3650 Lakeside drive d
Phone: 826.4466 • Fax: 826.6161 • Deli Open 5 5am-9pm • 7 Days a Week
Breakfast - Lunch - dinner - party pLatters
Best Bar 1. PigniC PuB & PaTio 235 Flint St., 376-1948
2. rum sugar lime
1039 S. Virginia St., 384-1024
3. shea’s Tavern
715 S. Virginia St., 786-4774
Best Beer se l ection 1. Beer nv
15 Foothill Road, 448-6199
2. Piñon BoTTle Co. 777 S. Center St., 367-1211
Deli Towne USA 3650 Lakeside dr. reno • reno, nV 89509 (775) 826-4466 Le ann Berriesford, GeneraL ManaGer
When & hoW did you get started in this business?
In 1978 I started in the bakery business and through the years learned every aspect of the business, from frying donuts, to cake decorating, to baking bread
What inspires you to go to Work every day?
I love what I do and enjoy working with all of our employees and customers. Knowing that I can make people happy through healthy food is a good feeling.
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
3. CrafT wine and Beer 22 Martin St., 742-1858
Best Bowl i ng all ey
1. reno-Tahoe Comedy 100 S. Virginia St., 322-5233
Best concert ven u e 1. grand TheaTre
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
2. Cargo ConCerT hall
Whitney Peak Hotel, 255 N. Virginia St., 398-5400
3. juB juB’s ThirsT Parlor 71 S. Wells Ave., 384-1652
Best dance c lu B 1. leX nighTCluB
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
2. edge nighTCluB
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 689-7444
3. The BlueBird reno 555 E. Fourth St., 499-5549
Best di sti ll ery
1. grand sierra resorT
1. The dePoT
2. CoConuT Bowl aT wild island
2. 10 Torr disTillery & Brewery
3. high sierra lanes
3. verdi loCal disTillery
2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
250 Wild Island Court, Sparks, 359-2927
What makes your business different than your competitors?
Best comedy c lu B
3390 S. Virginia St., 825-1048
325 E. Fourth St., 737-4330 490 Mill St., 499-5276
1155 Old Highway 40, Verdi, 971-4331
Best dive Bar 1. shea’s Tavern
We bake ten varieties of bread daily including our signature Dutch Crust. We use only high quality meats and cheeses and fresh produce to build the best sandwich.
715 S. Virginia St., 971-4774
any advice for people Who Want to make their business “the best”?
Best gay hangout
You have to be involved in the daily operation of your business and care about the effect that you have on your customers. When it is a positive effect, then your job has been well done.
Besides our great customer service, we put out a product that we take pride in preparing on a daily basis, whether it is our sandwiches, soups or fresh salads.
20 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
2. rum Bullions island Bar
Silver Legacy, 407 N. Virginia St., 325-7401
3. foXy olive
220 Mill St., 997-3733
1. 5 sTar saloon 132 West St., 499-5655
2. faCes nv
239 W. Second St., 470-8590
3. sPlash reno
340 Kietzke Lane, 686-6681
best s ports bar 1. the stick
95 N. Sierra St., 360-5799
best karaoke
2. coach’s griLL & sPorts Bar
1. West second street Bar
3. Legends griLL, sPorts & sPirits
118 W. Second St., 348-7976
2. the Point
1601 S. Virginia St., 322-3001
3. the LiBrary taPhouse & hookah Lounge 134 W. Second St., 683-3308
best m i crobrewery
1573 S. Virginia St., 329-2202
6015 S. Virginia St., 853-5550
best st ri p c lu b 1. reno men’s cLuB 270 N. Lake St., 786-7800
best t rivia n i g ht 1. sierra taP house 95 N. Sierra St., 360-5799
1. great Basin BreWing co.
2. ceoL irish PuB
2. revision BreWing comPany
3. shea’s tavern
846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711 380 S. Rock Blvd., Sparks, 331-2739
3. imBiB custom BreWs 785 E. Second St., 470-5996
best ner d hangout
538 S. Virginia St., 329-5558 715 S. Virginia St., 971-4774
best romanti c bar 1. death & taxes
26 Cheney St., 324-2630
1. the gLass die
2. Fireside Lounge
2. Press start arcade & Bar
3. roxy
675 Holcomb Ave., 384-1456 1413 S. Virginia St., 786-2550
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121 Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700
3. games gaLore
Meadowood Mall, 5460 Meadowood Mall Circle, 826-7788
best p lace for a fi rst date 1. ZePPeLin reno
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
2. the gLass die
675 Holcomb Ave., 384-1456
3. drink-182 (reno’s originaL emo night)
best p lace to buy sexy u nderwear 1. chocoLate WaLrus 1278 S. Virginia St., 825-2267
2. victoria’s secret
5000 Meadowood Mall Circle, 828-2785
3. adam & eve
7520 Longley Lane, 852-1162
best p lace to cu re you r hangover 1. tWo chicks
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
2. LittLe nugget diner 233 N. Virginia St., 420-5203
3. shea’s tavern
715 S. Virginia St., 971-4774
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 21
Advertise in the
Buy locAl section
Become part of a proven, affordable marketplace for your business that encourages local spending while giving small, independent businesses a fighting chance. The RN&R launched our “bUY local! HomeGroWn nortHern nevada” section in 2008. It is the longest, continuously running BUY LOCAL! campaign in the market. for advertisinG rates and information, contact YoUr accoUnt execUtive todaY.
(775) 324-4440
Juice Box Yoga 631 Sierra roSe Drive • reno, nv 89511 (775) 971-8292 Le ann Berriesford, GeneraL ManaGer
When & hoW did you get started in this business?
We were customers of the original restaurant and when it came up for sale we purchased it in 1991 from the original owner.
What inspires you to go to Work every day?
The thought of going to work and having fun working with the employees, talking with the customers and trying new food items.
What makes your business different than your competitors?
We produce all of our food items from scratch and don’t sell what everybody has.
any advice for people Who Want to make their business “the best”? Lead don’t follow. Be different than your competitors.
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
Our menu and products that are only found at our establishment and the qualify of food, service and atmosphere that we provide.
22 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
Reno LittLe theateR Direct line: (775) 374-4544 • tickets: (775) 813-8900 147 e. Pueblo street • reno, nV 89502 M e l i s s a Tay l o r , e x e c u T i v e D i r e c T o r
What inspires you to keep the doors open everyday? The community!
hoW do you plan to give back to our reno community?
We aim to create a space where artists and audience members can connect through their participation in high-quality theatrical programming. We also open our doors to a number of other non-profit and local businesses when they need a top-notch facility to host an event!
are there any changes in technology/ procedures,
etc. that have affected your business and in What Way?
This seems like a great chance for us to tell everyone about recent upgrades to our facilities and seating. Come see!
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
We hope it’s because they’ve had an opportunity to see or be a part of a fantastic production or program at our space and that they know we’re serious about strengthening our community through our art. We want every artist and audience member to feel like they’re a part of something truly incredible when they walk through our doors!
Winners' Guide
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 21
food & driNk
Best cateri ng coM pany
Best dou g h n uts/ past ri es
Best hawai ian restau rant
1. Battle BorN Food truCk aNd CateriNg Co.
1. doughBoys doNuts
1. l&l haWaiiaN BarBeCue
2. holey sChmidt doNuts 490 S. Center St., 683-3399
2. aloha shaCk
2. rouNdaBout CateriNg & party reNtals
3. rouNds Bakery
2. tWo ChiCks
294 E. Moana Lane, 329-0800
3. lili’s restauraNt & Bar
3. Cherry BomB CateriNg
3. Chapel taverN
Best fi ne di n i ng
Best hot dog
1. the steak house
1. CostCo Food Court
Best appeti zers
Best B loody Mary
1. Bistro Napa, atlaNtis CasiNo resort
1. the stoNe house CaFe
3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
2. liBerty Food & WiNe exChaNge 100 N. Sierra St., 336-1091
3. Wild river grille 17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
Best Bage l
1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895 752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600 1099 S. Virginia St., 324-2244
Best Breakfast 2. tWo ChiCks 3. sQueeze iN
790 W. Fourth St., 323-2696
Best foo d t ruck
Best chef
1. Nom eats
2. eiNsteiN Bros. Bagels 3. my Favorite muFFiN & Bagel CaFe
4670 Sparks Blvd., 626-0100
Best Bakery 1. JoseF’s vieNNa Bakery CaFé & restauraNt 933 W. Moana Lane, 825-0451
Best Bru nch 1. the stoNe house CaFe 1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895
2. tWo ChiCks
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
2. Beto’s mexiCaN Food 3. gold ’N silver iNN
2. Brothers BarBeCue 463 Roberts St., 384-3547
3. Famous dave’s BBQ 4925 Kietzke Lane, 826-7427
Best Basqu e restau rant
Best french fri es 1. BJ’s Nevada BarBeCue CompaNy
Best ital ian restau rant
2. red roBiN
4245 W. Fourth St., 747-4511
1. louis’ BasQue CorNer 301 E. Fourth St., 323-7203
2. J.t. BasQue Bar & diNiNg room 1426 Highway 395, Gardnerville, 782-2074
3. saNta Fe hotel
235 Lake Street, 499-5263
777 S. Center St., 323-1494
2. WiNgstop
5100 Mae Anne Ave., 746-9464
3. slater’s diNg-a-WiNg
Best carson city restau rant
Best ch i nese restau rant
1. red’s old 395 grill
1. palais de Jade
1055 S. Carson St., Carson City, 887-0395
2. CaFe at adele’s
1112 N. Carson St., Carson City, 882-3353
3. the uNioN
302 N. Carson St., 885-7307
Best i n dian restau rant
Roundabout Catering & Party Rentals
1. NoBle pie parlor
6280 Sharlands Ave., 737-9404
418 N. McCarran Blvd., Sparks, 331-4762
1. the little Nugget diNer
3. Burger me!
3. siNBad’s hot dogs
3. ColiN smith
Best Bu rger
80 E. Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-1010
5000 Smithridge Drive, 824-9070
3. slater’s diNg-a-WiNg
Best ch i cken wi ngs
1. BJ’s Nevada BarBeCue CompaNy
2. Bam!dog righteous hot dogs
2. thali
190 California Ave., 507-7540
1300 S. Virginia St., 870-1333
Costco Wholesale, 2200 Harvard Way, 689-2200
2. JakoN tolhurst
2. rouNds Bakery
2. BeeFy’s
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 824-4430
2325 Kietzke Lane, 826-7777
1. iNdia kaBaB & Curry
519 Ralston St., 323-8952
233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716
3. atlaNtis steakhouse
2. Battle BorN Food truCk aNd CateriNg
Liberty Food & Wine Exchange
2. homage
Best BarBecu e restau rant
753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
5150 Mae Anne Ave., 322-8888
1. mark estee
3. moNaCiello
294 E. Moana Lane, 329-0800
2. BeauJolais Bistro
575 W. Fifth St., 324-0632
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
340 California Ave., 333-1025
1. iN-N-out Burger
Western Village Inn & Casino, 815 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, 331-1069
280 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 786-1000
1. truCkee Bagel CompaNy 5050 Kietzke Lane, 825-1045
Best cheap eats
1. peg’s gloriFied ham N eggs 420 S. Sierra St., 329-2600
538 S. Virginia St., 420-5903
5115 Mae Anne Ave., 787-8586
960 W. Moana Lane, 827-5233
2. kWok’s Bistro
80 E. Victorian Ave., Spark, 355-1010 499 Kietzke Lane, 825-7246
3. slater’s diNg-a-WiNg
Best french restau rant 1. BeauJolais Bistro 753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
2. 4th street Bistro 3065 W. Fourth St., 323-3200
3. lulou’s restauraNt
275 West St., 507-7270
1470 S. Virginia St., 329-9979
3. CJ palaCe
129 Los Altos Pkwy., Sparks, 626-8878
Best coffee
Best frozen yog u rt
1091 S. Virginia St., 348-6222 148 West St., 470-5898
3. royal iNdia
575 Keystone Ave., 507-7444
1. JohNNy’s ristoraNte italiaNo 2. zozo’s ristoraNte 3446 Lakeside Drive, 829-9449
3. la veCChia
3005 Skyline Blvd., 825-1113
Best Japanese restau rant 1. iChiBaN JapaNese steakhouse & sushi Bar 206 N. Virginia St., 323-5550
2. iJJi 2
4955 S. Virginia St., 825-6688
3. kauBoi izakaya
1286 S. Virginia St., 453-2592
Best J u i ce
1. BiBo CoFFee CompaNy
1. yogurt BeaCh
2. huB CoFFee roasters
2. sWeet Frog premium FrozeN yogurt
555 S. Virginia St., 323-1794
3. old World CoFFee laB
3. hoNey treat yogurt
240 Court St., 324-6133
104 California Ave., 391-0189
5000 Smithridge Drive, 827-2221
Best coffee roaster
Best g luten-free di n i ng
460 S. Sierra St., 329-2114
727 Riverside Drive, 453-1911
3882 Mayberry Drive, 787-2024 6637 S. Virginia St., 853-2020
1. Jüs
2. great BasiN CommuNity Food Co-op 3. keva JuiCe
5102 Meadowood Mall Circle, 420-5505
Best late-n i g ht di n i ng
1. huB CoFFee roasters
1. great Full gardeNs
2. old World CoFFee laB
2. zeppeliN
239 W. Second St., 622-9222
3. magpie CoFFee roasters
3. sQuare oNe eatery
790 W. Fourth St., 323-2696
1715 S. Wells Ave., 391-0102
1771 Valley Road, 453-1447
Best dessert
Best g reek restau rant
727 Riverside Drive, 453-1911 104 California Ave., 391-0189
1. liBerty Food & WiNe exChaNge 100 N. Sierra St., 336-1091
2. zeppeliN
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
3. moNaCiello
190 California Ave., 507-7540
555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
1. Niko’s greek kitCheN 171 Disc Drive, Sparks, 499-5777
2. NaaN & kaBaB
2740 S. Virginia St., 825-3113
3. NiCk’s greek deli 600 S. Virginia St., 786-9613
1. NoBle pie parlor 2. gold ’N silver iNN 3. sizzle pie
190 S. Center St., 525-7437
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 23
Winners' Guide
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 23
Best produce 1. great basin coMMunity Food co-op 240 Court St., 324-6133
2. sprouts FarMers MarKet 587 S. Meadows Pkwy., 335-1055
Best Margarita 1. Miguel’s Mexican Food Midtown
Open Daily 5am-10pm
55 W. Arroyo St., 327-4422
Best reno restau rant
3. Mari chuy’s Mexican Kitchen
1. wild river grille
764 S. Virginia St., 322-6866
Best Marti n i
Awful Awful Burger
home of the
1. roxy
Eldorado Resort Casino, 345 N. Virginia St., 786-5700
2. wild river grille 17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
3. 10 torr distilling and brewing 490 Mill St., 499-5276
Best Mexi can restau rant 1. Miguel’s Mexican Food suMMit sierra Mall 13901 S. Virginia St., 851-0550
“Voted best of for 9 years”
2. el adobe caFe
55 W. Arroyo St., 327-4422
3. los coMpadres
2006, 2007, 2008 2009, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019
25 Foothill Road, 284-1301
Best new restau rant 1. Zeppelin
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895
233 N. Virginia St., 323-0716
2. noble pie parlor 777 S. Center St., 323-1494
3. gold ’n silver inn 790 W. Fourth St., 323-2696 17
16 17
12 16 17
11 16
13 12
13 12
11 15
16 12
17 13
11 16
13 12
24 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
Best salad 1. great Full gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
2. süp
669 S. Virginia St., 324-4787
3. eclipse piZZa coMpany 3950 Mayberry Drive, 747-4343
1. whole Foods MarKet 2. toucan charlie’s buFFet & grille
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
3. siZZler
615 E. Prater Way, Sparks, 356-3969
1. deli towne usa
2. Full belly deli 3064 Mill St., 657-8448
3. Michael’s deli
628 S. Virginia St., 322-2323
1555 S. Wells Ave., 323-1211
1. the little nugget diner
3. wild river grille
3. southcreeK piZZa co.
Best p lace to eat when dru n k
752 S. Virginia St., 323-0600
Best seafoo d
45 Foothill Road, 622-1620
2. two chicKs
2. JJ’s pie co.
555 W. Fifth St., 786-5555
1495 E. Prater Way, Sparks, 331-3388
3650 Lakeside Drive, 826-4466
777 S. Center St., 323-1494
1. peg’s gloriFied haM n eggs
3. silver peaK brewery and restaurant
1. noble pie parlor
Best restau rant worth the long wait
Best sandwi ch s hop
17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
Best pi z za par lor
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
2. wild river grille 124 Wonder St., 324-1864
3. Zeppelin
6139 S. Virginia St., 852-8023
1. the stone house caFe
5995 S. Virginia St., 826-5151
3. square one eatery
Best outdoor di n i ng
2. pinocchio’s bar & grill
Best salad Bar
1771 Valley Road, 453-1447
Serving traditional greek foods for lunch & dinner
17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
2. Monaciello
190 California Ave., 507-7540
6139 S. Virginia St., 852-8023
2. el adobe caFe
1415 S. Virginia St., 322-2722
57 Damonte Ranch Pkwy, Ste. 101, Reno, 89521 · 853-6844 5115 Mae Anne, Ste. B, Reno, 89519 · 787-8586 5272 Sparks Blvd, Unit 106, Sparks, 89436 • 384-1105
exp. 11/30/19
3. whole Foods MarKet
1. rapscallion
2. sKy terrace oyster bar
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 825-4700
3. oceano
Peppermill Resort Hotel, 2707 S. Virginia St., 826-2121
best server (name and lo cation) 1. Tracy QuaTro Gold ’n Silver Inn
2. Pauleen relucio Arario MidTown
3. cici noel
Cactus Creek Steakhouse
best vegan food 1. GreaT Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
2. nom eaTs
3. The deluxe
148 West St., 686-6773
best s mooth i e
best vegetarian foo d
1. Jüs
1. GreaT Full Gardens
2. Keva Juice
2. lauGhinG PlaneT
3. Jamba Juice
3. The deluxe
best sou ps
best vi etnamese restau rant
555 S. Virginia St., 323-1794 5102 Meadowood Mall Circle, 420-5505 5140 Kietzke Lane, 828-5483
1. süP
669 S. Virginia St., 324-4787
2. GreaT Full Gardens 555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013
3. ZePPelin
1445 S. Meadows Pkwy., 387-4937
best s par ks restau rant 1. GreaT basin brewinG co. 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 355-7711
2. The sTeaK house
Western Village Inn & Casino, 815 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, 331-1069
3. bJ’s nevada barbecue comPany 80 E. Victorian Ave., Spark, 355-1010
best steak 1. The sTeaK house
Western Village Inn & Casino, 815 Nichols Blvd., Sparks, 331-1069
2. aTlanTis sTeaKhouse
Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., 824-4430
3. harrah’s sTeaKhouse
555 S. Virginia St., 324-2013 650 Tahoe St., 360-2592
1. Golden Flower vieTnamese resTauranT 205 W. Fifth St., 323-1628
2. Pho 777
102 E. Second St., 323-7777
3. sK noodle
2955 N. McCarran Blvd., 358-6338
best vi rg i n ia city restau rant 1. red doG saloon
76 N. C St., Virginia City, 847-7474
2. Palace saloon & resTauranT 50 S. C St., Virginia City, 847-4441
3. caFe del rio
394 S. C St., Virginia City, 847-5151
best wh i s key/ bou rbon/scotch se l ection
3. hard waTer house
1999 S. Virginia St., 825-8828
3. sushimi’s
7689 S. Virginia St., 800-1737
best wi ne bar 1. whisPerinG vine wine co. 4201 W. Fourth St., 786-1323
2. midTown wine bar
best tahoe restau rant
3. craFT wine and beer
5000 N. Lake Blvd., Carnelian Bay, California, (530) 546-3366
2. T’s mesQuiTe roTisserie
901 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, 831-2832
3. lone eaGle Grille
111 Country Club Drive, Incline Village, 886-6899
best thai restau rant 1. Thai loTus
6430 S. Virginia St., 852-5033
2. banGKoK cuisine
55 Mount Rose St., 322-0299
3. moo danG
1565 S. Virginia St., 420-4267
1099 S. Virginia St., 324-2244
3005 Skyline Blvd., 829-2788
1. Gar woods Grill & Pier
sign up for the newsletter at
26 Cheney St., 324-2630
best s u s h i 2. ToKyo sushi
exclusive deals right to your inbox.
1. deaTh & Taxes
2. chaPel Tavern
222 Los Altos Pkwy., Sparks, 626-8677
775-530-8032 • 8100 Pyramid Way • SParkS
148 West St., 686-6773
Harrah’s Reno Hotel & Casino, 219 N. Center St., 788-2929
1. Tha JoinT
T hanks for voting us the besT F all Festival!
1527 S. Virginia St., 800-1960 22 Martin St., 622-, etc.
best wi ne l i st 1. whisPerinG vine wine co. 4201 W. Fourth St., 786-1323
2. wild river Grille 17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
most romantic restau rant 1. beauJolais bisTro 753 Riverside Drive, 323-2227
2. wild river Grille 17 S. Virginia St., 284-7455
3. harrah’s sTeaKhouse
Harrah’s Reno Hotel & Casino, 219 N. Center St., 788-2929
best t ruckee restau rant 1. sQueeZe in
10060 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, California, (530) 587-9814
2. TrucKee Tavern & Grill
10118 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, (530) 587-3766
3. moody’s bisTro bar & beaTs
10007 Bridge St., Truckee, California, (530) 587-8688
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 25
Winners' Guide
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 25
GreeN thumBs
ench Fries Fr
Best can naBi s g rower
Best harvest festival
1. Kynd Cannabis Company
1. andeLin FamiLy Farm FaLL harvest FestivaL 2. sierra nevada Lavender and honey FestivaL
1645 Crane Way, Sparks
2. soL Cannabis
275 Old U.S. 395, New Washoe City, 451-7290
3. Cannavative
Best can naBi s product 1. Kynd baLm 2. soL Cannabis 3. motivator by Cannavative
Best farmer 1. Wendy baroLi Girl Farm
2. Lyndsey LangsdaLe
1. sparKs FLorist
1001 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 358-8500
We were customers of the original restaurant and when it came up for sale we purchased it in 1991 from the original owner.
What inspires you to go to Work every day?
The thought of going to work and having fun working with the employees, talking with the customers and trying new food items.
We produce all of our food items from scratch and don’t sell what everybody has.
any advice for people Who Want to make their business “the best”? Lead don’t follow. Be different than your competitors.
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
Our menu and products that are only found at our establishment and the qualify of food, service and atmosphere that we provide.
26 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
3. drC LandsCaping LLC
Best lo cal com post
Best lo cal farm 1. andeLin FamiLy Farm
2. moana nursery
8100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 530-8032
3. bumbLebee bLooms FLoWer boutique
4701 Mill Street, 997-3276
2. Ferrari Farms
1100 W. Moana Lane, 825-0600 135 N. Sierra St., 348-2799
3. river sChooL Farm 7777 White Fir Street, 747-2222
Best gar den n u rsery 1. moana nursery
1100 W. Moana Lane, 825-0600
2. raiL City garden Center
What makes your business different than your competitors?
3705 Barron Way, 857-4333
Best f lower s hop
When & hoW did you get started in this business?
2. signature LandsCapes
2. FuLL CirCLe soiLs & Compost
Prema Farm
J ay R at h m a n n , m a n a g e R
1100 W. Moana Lane, 825-0600
3. ZaChary Cannady
80 E. Victorian aVE • SparkS, nV 89431 (775) 355-1010
1. moana nursery
1. doWn to earth Composting
Reno Food Systems
BJ’s BarBecue
Best landscapi ng com pany
1720 Brierley Way, Sparks, 355-1551
3. sierra Water gardens
2110 Dickerson Road, 622-4090
Best gardener 1. bbrooKe rooKK e WaL roo Wa WaLshaW L sha 2. sam stremmeL 3. randy robison
Best lo cally g rown foo d 1. great basin Community Food Co-op 240 Court St., 324-6133
2. prema Farm
1350 Long Valley Road, 513-1518
Best yar d 1. sierra Water gardens 2110 Dickerson Road, 622-4090
2. “spaCeship house” 879 Marsh Ave.
lo cal Bu s i ness with the Best landscape or gar den 1. the stone house CaFe 1907 S. Arlington Ave., 284-3895
2. sierra Water gardens 2110 Dickerson Road, 622-4090
3. moana nursery
1100 W. Moana Lane, 825-0600
outdoors best bicyc l e-ri de desti nation 1. Lake Tahoe 2. Truckee river Bike TraiL 3. MayBerry Park
best go l f cou rse 1. MonTreux GoLf & counTry cLuB 18077 Bordeaux Drive, 849-1090
2. LakeridGe GoLf course 1218 Golf Club Drive, 825-2200
3. red hawk GoLf and resorT
best pi cn ic s pot 1. idLewiLd Park 2. rancho san rafaeL reGionaL Park 3. MayBerry Park
best p lace to swi m 1. Lake Tahoe 2. donner Lake 3. The PooL
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-2000
6600 N. Wingfield Parkway, Sparks, 626-6000
best s ki resort
best h i ki ng t rai l
1. MT. rose ski Tahoe
1. hunTer creek TraiL 2. Tahoe riM TraiL 3. GaLena creek TraiL
2. squaw vaLLey resorT
best lo cal hot s pri ngs 1. david waLLey’s hoT sPrinGs resorT and sPa 2001 Foothill Road, Genoa, 782-8155
2. carson hoT sPrinGs resorT
1500 Old Hot Springs Road, Carson City, 885-8844
3. sierra hoT sPrinGs
521 Campbell Hot Springs Road, Sierraville, California, (530) 994-3773
22222 Mt. Rose Highway, 849-0704 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, California, (800) 403-0206
3. norThsTar caLifornia resorT 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, California, (800) 466-6784
best s nowboardi ng
Terry Lee WeLLs Nevada discovery MuseuM (THe discovery)
1. MT. rose ski Tahoe
22222 Mt. Rose Highway, 849-0704
2. norThsTar caLifornia resorT 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, California, (800) 466-6784
3. squaw vaLLey resorT
1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, California, (800) 403-0206
490 S. CENTER STREET • DOWNTOWN RENO (775) 786-1000 • WWW.NvDm.ORg P AT R I C K T U R N E R , V P O F M A R K E T I N G & C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
What do you Want neW customers to knoW before coming to your business?
The Discovery is a science museum offering hands-on learning experiences for all ages. You don’t have to have kids, or be a kid, to visit!
What inspires you to keep the doors open every day?
opening, the museum has welcomed more than 1.1 million visitors.
What do you think separates you from your competitors?
The hands-on experiences at The Discovery just cannot be found anywhere else in Northern Nevada.
Hearing from members of our community about how proud they are to have a community asset like The Discovery. Getting accolades from outof-town visitors is nice, too!
Guide continued on pg
hoW did you get started in this business?
The Discovery was founded in 2004 and opened to the public on September 10, 2011. Since
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 27
28 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
Winners' Guide
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 27
Best fam i ly outi ng
Kids & family
Best arcade games 1. coconut bowL at wiLD iSLanD 1855 E. Lincoln Way, Sparks, 359-2927
2. fun QueSt
Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., 789-1127
3. pReSS StaRt baR & aRcaDe
1. LaKe tahoe 2. wiLD iSLanD faMiLy aDVentuRe paRK
Best lo cal l i Brary
3. fooD tRucK fRiDayS
1. Downtown Reno LibRaRy
250 Wild Island Court, Sparks, 359-2927 Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive
301 S. Center St., 327-8300
Best h i g h schoo l
7100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, 424-1800
2. SpaniSh SpRingS LibRaRy 3. South VaLLeyS LibRaRy
1413 S. Virginia St., 786-2550
1. Reno high SchooL
Best e l ementary schoo l
2. RobeRt McQueen high SchooL
Best m i dd l e schoo l
3. eDwaRD c. ReeD high SchooL
1. KenDyL DepoaLi MiDDLe SchooL
1. Mount RoSe SchooL 915 Lander St., 333-5030
2. Roy goMM eLeMentaRy SchooL 4000 Mayberry Drive, 333-5000
3. bRown eLeMentaRy SchooL 13815 Spelling Court, 851-5600
395 Booth St., 333-5050
6055 Lancer St., 746-5880
15650 Wedge Pkwy., 851-5190
1350 Baring Blvd., Sparks, 353-5700
9300 Wilbur May Pkwy., 852-6700
Best i n door activity for ki ds
6685 Chesterfield Lane, 746-5870
1. teRRy Lee weLLS neVaDa DiScoVeRy MuSeuM
2. b.D. biLLinghuRSt MiDDLe SchooL 3. MenDiVe MiDDLe SchooL
1900 Whitewood Drive, Sparks, 353-5990
490 S. Center St., 786-1000
Best par k
2. coconut bowL at wiLD iSLanD
1. Rancho San RafaeL RegionaL paRK
1855 E. Lincoln Way, Sparks, 359-2927
3. fLy high tRaMpoLine paRK 10 Greg St., Sparks, 856-8131
1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512
2. iDLewiLD paRK
2055 Idlewild Drive, 334-2270
3. pah Rah Mountain paRK 175 Shadow Lane, Sparks, 353-2376
Best toy store 1. LeaRning expReSS toyS 197 Damonte Ranch Pkwy., 853-7884
2. taRget
Best weekend activity 1. LaKe tahoe 2. hiKing 3. fooD tRucK fRiDayS
Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive
Best weekn i g ht activity 1. aceS baSebaLL
Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., 334-4700
2. fooD tRucK fRiDayS
Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive
3. the cLay canVaS 550 Plumb Lane, 828-4118
most ki d-fri end ly restau rant 1. ReD Robin gouRMet buRgeRS anD bRewS 4999 Kietzke Lane, 825-7246
2. chucK e. cheeSe
5000 Smithridge Dr., 827-5100
3. Laughing pLanet cafe 650 Tahoe St., 360-2592
Guide continued on pg
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 29
Winners' Guide Pignic Pub & Patio
n o rt h e r n neva da 2019
Continued from pg 29
235 Flint St, Reno, nV 89501 • (775) 376-1948 Pignic Pub & Patio as a concept came about by thinking about where we made our fondest memories and how we spend our free time. These memories were made relaxing on a deck eating BBQ with friends and family, enjoying a delicious beer or cocktail. There’s a feeling of a much simpler time and all your worries disappear for a bit. With the newly added food from the Pig Shack Eatery at Pignic we have you covered from all angles. Open for Breakfast, Brunch and Lunch Tuesday-Sunday from 9am to 3pm and Dinner Thursday-Saturday from 7pm to Midnight. We built a community grill and sports parlor to achieve that feeling. The indoor sports parlor is a nod to sports past in Nevada and a beautiful outdoor kitchen has everything you need for a carefree day of Grilling. Bring your own meat, fish or veggies to grill or prepared sides to serve. We have you covered on your food
needs with locally raised meats, sausages and signature sides, rubs/marinades and sauces available from our deli case.
While you’re cooking, having a good time on the deck, or inside we are at your service to make you a fresh craft cocktail made with local fresh squeezed juices, house made bitters and shrubs. Or grab one of our 28 beers on draft featuring local and craft brewers from around the globe, including 8 rotating drafts at the Revision Brewing Taproom at Pignic. We have carefully selected wines by the glass and bottle to pair with your food. After you’re done we’ll clean up after you and even do the dishes! We hope you share our sentiment and we hope to make new memories with you at Pignic Pub & Patio.
Best an i mal s he lter 1. Nevada Huma HumaNe Society
2825 Longley Lane, 856-2000
2. SPca of NortHerN Nevada
4950 Spectrum Blvd., 324-7773
3. reS-Que
P.O. Box 60816, Reno, NV 89506,
Best art gall ery 1. Nevada muSeum of art 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333
2. HollaNd Project 140 Vesta St., 742-1858
noble pie parlor & noble pie parlor midtown 239 W. 2nd st. • (775) 232–7877 777 s. Center st. ste 100 • (775) 323–1494 R ya n G o l d h a m m e R a n d T R e v o R l e p p e k
What makes your business different than your competitors?
Well for one we are in the shop a lot actually working or just there making sure the food and the service is of the highest quality and consistency. We take a lot of time to hand-make items that other shops get delivered to them. A meatball or sausage that is made from scratch in house tastes a lot different than a meatball that has been made in a huge batch and shipped frozen. Not only is our food a cut above, but we also take time to make sure we have some great artisan beers and hand selected wines mostly from small family owned vineyards.
What inspires you to go to Work every day? I think a passion and true pride to put out the best pizza (and everything else) that we can make. Having people go out of their way to
let you know that it is the BEST pizza, wings, salad, etc that they have ever had or ever had outside of New York is a truly amazing feeling. It also hurts deeply when people are unhappy with the product. We can’t be everything to everyone, but we take it very personally and we try our best to make improvements on a daily basis
Why do you think rn&r readers voted you the best?
I believe that the readers and this community have had a huge void in their options for fast, quality food in the downtown area (especially late at night). We take an incredible level of pride to tweaking and re-tweaking all of the recipes, processes, and scrutiny of which suppliers we use and product we accept. The tomatoes for the sauce are San Marzano. The meats are Boar’s Head and are sliced daily. Our flour in a blend and quality that only our shop purchases (to my knowledge).
30 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 10.03.19
3. laStiNg doSe tattoo & art collective 888 S. Virginia St., 324-0666
Best charity race or walk 1. momS oN tHe ruN 2. ruN for educatioN 3. girlS oN tHe ruN SierraS
Best dog par k 1. raNcHo SaN rafael regioNal Park 1595 N. Sierra St., 785-4512
2. SParkS mariNa Park
300 Howard Drive, Sparks, 353-2376
3. liNk Piazzo dog Park
Hidden Valley Regional Park, 4740 Parkway Drive
Best h i stori c Bu i l di ng 1. dowNtowN reNo PoSt office The Basement Reno, 50 S. Virginia St.
2. BowerS maNSioN
4005 Bowers Mansion Road, New Washoe City, 849-0201
3. riverSide artiStS’ loftS 17 S. Virginia St.
Best lo cal Band 1. tHe NoveliStS 2. mojo greeN 3. elePHaNt rifle
Best lo cal dance com pany 1. reNo daNce comPaNy 2. creative edge daNce Studio 3. StyloS daNce Studio
Best ch u rch
Best lo cal po dcast
1. grace cHurcH
1. worSt little PodcaSt
1220 Robb Drive, 747-9000
2. liviNg StoNeS
2. uP iN tHe mix
445 S. Virginia St., 622-9772
3. our lady of tHe SNowS catHolic cHurcH
3. vaN SouNdS
1138 Wright St., 323-6894
Best day t ri p 1. lake taHoe 2. virgiNia city 3. truckee, califorNia
Best lo cal theater com pany 1. reNo little tHeater 147 E. Pueblo St., 813-8900
2. Brüka tHeatre
99 N. Virginia St., 323-3221
3. good luck macBetH tHeatre comPaNy 124 W. Taylor St., 322-3716
With RN&R Get the relief you need, for less.
Best lo cal tV news 1. Channel 2 KTVn 2. Channel 8 KOlO 3. Channel 4 KRnV
Best month ly eVent 1. FiRsT ThuRsdays aT The neVada MuseuM OF aRT 160 W. Liberty St., 329-3333
2. The RenO RiVeRwalK disTRiCT wine walK
Linda Marie: Massage Therapy
3. dRinK-182 “RenO’s ORiginal eMO nighT”
$70 value you pay $42.00
Best moVi e theater 1. galaxy luxuRy + iMax
1170 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (888) 407-9874
2. CineMaRK RenO suMMiT sieRRa 3. CenTuRy RiVeRside 12
Best s pecial eVent i n carson city
Best non-profit g rou p
1. neVada day PaRade 2. dia de lOs MueRTOs aT The neVada sTaTe MuseuM 3. TasTe OF dOwnTOwn
13965 S. Virginia St., 851-4635
11 N. Sierra St., Reno, 786-1743
1. eddy hOuse
423 E. Sixth St., 384-1129
2. hOlland PROjeCT 140 Vesta St., 742-1858
3. sTeP2
3700 Safe Harbour Place, 787-9411
Best open m i c 1. PigniC Pub & PaTiO 235 Flint St., 376-1948
2. beCK’s bRew hOuse 3611 Kings Row, 787-5050
3. a TO Zen giFTs & ThRiFT
1803 N. Carson St., Carson City, 691-3945
Best radio station 1. aliCe 96.5 2. alT 92.1 3. KThx 100.1
Best s pecial eVent at lake tahoe 1. laKe TahOe shaKesPeaRe FesTiVal 2. 4Th OF july FiRewORKs 3. COnCeRTs aT COMMOns beaCh
Best s pecial eVent i n downtown reno 1. aRTOwn 2. hOT augusT nighTs 3. eldORadO gReaT iTalian FesTiVal
Best s pecial eVent i n downtown s par ks 1. besT-in-The-wesT nuggeT Rib COOK-OFF 2. hOT augusT nighTs 3. 3Rd ThuRsday
You deserve more serenity in your life.
Best s pecial eVent i n Vi rg i n ia city 1. inTeRnaTiOnal CaMel & OsTRiCh RaCes 2. Chili On The COMsTOCK 3. ROCKy MOunTain OysTeR FRy
Purchase at the RN&R office: 760 Margrave Drive, Suite 100* or online *exact change only, card also accepted
10.03.19 | Best of NortherN Nevada Winners’ Guide | 31
Be Th st an W ky ed ou di fo 19 ng r Re voti ce ng pt u ion s Si te