News & Views, Vol. 1 Issue 12, December 2017

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News & Views

Volume 1, Issue 12 December 2017

Insights B o b’s Bl u r b s

Anecdotes and Opinions

Gender Infinity: A Place for Professionals, Families

On the occasion of my 50th high school reunion, as we talked about the quality of our education and what lessons served us best in the intervening decades, most of us agreed that what was most valuable was critical thinking: learning to support a proposition with reasoned discourse, with tolerance and openness to other viewpoints. Watching the “popular kids” on stage again, I was reminded of another lesson we all learned. A cheerleader became pregnant, and it came to light that there was a sex club involving her and several football players. No announcement was made, no newspaper articles, no special assemblies or seminars, nothing but gossip. The girl left school in disgrace and got an abortion. The football players got detention. The lesson learned? “Boys will be boys, and girls must be careful”. Probably not what the school board intended us to learn, but the message was very clear. Now, here we are five decades later. Power-

I have been lucky enough to attend the Gender Infinity conference for several years. Since not all of us— professionals and parents alike— are all so lucky, I would like to share more tips I learned at this year’s con-

By Calvin Jorden PFLAG Beaumont Treasurer

Cont. Inside as Insights

By Bob Meier PFLAG Beaumont Secretary

ference in Houston, October 13 and 14, 2017 I had a hard time picking between 70 different conferences presented in two days on trans related topics. The Houston based conference had 7-8 different meetings going at the same time. Here is a brief summary of Cont. Inside as Blurbs

‘Pride’ Subcommittee Created

PFLAG Beaumont now has Pride Fest co-chairs Amanda Turner and Nathaniel Griffin to head up a “Pride Fest” subcomittee after the successs of June 2017’s Equality Fest. “The Golden Triangle community came together and put on a celebration for approximately 700 people with about a month’s preparation,”

Monthly Movie Pick: ‘Handsome Devil’

The 2016 Irish dramedy, “Handsome devil” follows Ned and Conor as they are forced to share a bedroom at their boarding school. The loner, Ned, was forced by his absent parents to go to the boarding school where he was quickly dubbed gay by his schoolmates. The boys take an instant dislike to each other, and Ned and Conor seem destined to remain enemies until an English teacher, Mr. Sherry (Sherlock), begins to drill into them the value of finding one's own voice. Soon, the discipline problem and star athlete, Conor develop an unlikely friendship. “Handsome Devil” is simply a tale of two boys navigating their teen age years. It was dubbed, “The rugby buddy movie that tackles homophobia with a laugh,” by The Guardian. This film is great for families with teenagers and preteens. It is safe for work and isn’t Disney-esque.

Griffin said. “I was asked by members of the community to step forward then and we wanted to make a more organized effort moving forward, so PFLAG organized a subcommittee and the gracious board appointed me and Amanda to head it Cont. Inside as Pride

Inside Insights Cont.

ful, wealthy, influential people – some of them having been held up as heroes of virtue and family values – are hit by numerous, creditable accusations of sexual misconduct, even crimes. The powerful, both gay and straight, taking advantage of the vulnerable, both gay and straight. Predictably, some have confessed, expressed remorse and accepted their punishments; others have denied, defied and blamed others. Sadly, we’ve been there, done that again and again throughout our nation’s history. But more telling is the reactions of their supporters and detractors. Here we see the whole range of human fallacies on display: bigotry, misogyny, tribalism, self-interest, hubris, hypocrisy. And it all goes back to that lesson.

PFLAG Beaumont is local chapter of a national non profit

Monthly Call To Action

Become a member of PFLAG Beaumont

Get involved with community activities and education with PFLAG Beaumont

Engage in discourse for the betterment of the community

Check in on those who may feel attacked by bigoted political and social rhetoric Contact PFLAG Beaumont at

Blurbs Cont.

one I attended. A person could attend a maximum of only 5 conferences in one day, because of time constraints alone. Just a Boy/Girl Ayden Olson-Kennedy, MSW + Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD

Integrating the transgender experience into a core self is an important element of development for transgender youth. This can be incredibly difficult when transgender identity is not celebrated in their social environments. This integration seems to be more challenging for those who are transitioning early in life. There is both a social transition and a physical transition to be concerned about.


Pride Cont.

“Equality Fest was an almost spontaneous event,” Jacqueline Hays, PFLAG Beaumont president, said. “PFLAG Beaumont had participated in the former Beaumont Pride every year and we had spoken publically about wanting to help with any group who wanted to have a festival after the dissolution of that organization. Basically, May rolled around and area booking agent Olivia Busceme came to PFLAG at the request of dozens of citizens and asked our board and members to help with a festival since the community demand was so great. “We reached out and received support from all kinds of volunteers and many organizations like SETX Norml and the local NOW group, as well as the Jefferson Sheriff ’s department and faith-based organizations in the area.” Griffin said he is honored to be heading up the Pride Fest committee and is looking forward to the community unity that has been expressed throughout 2017.

Internalized transphobia is a problem. Kids start hating themselves, e.g. “I hate myself.” “I don’t want to be trans.” “ I’m just a girl or a boy.” “I am always feeling that I am trans.” “I don’t want to be different.” Gender Dysphoria is a very real problem, i.e. an 8-year-old with breasts denying this, and thinking that being trans will “go away”. “I want the trans part of life to be passed through.” “I never want to be caught off guard.” Genital Dysphoria is a problem with repeated periods of disclosure and anxiety creating multiple periods of grief throughout life. These kids are often living in a fear of disconnection from other people. This is the biggest fear.

“I agreed to get involved in Equality Fest and with this planning committee because I have the privilege to be visible where many queer and gender variant citizens in the Golden Triangle can not,” Griffin said. “We want to keep the PFLAG Beaumont Pride Fest unique to Beaumont like the previous festivals and offer a safe space to our LGBTQi and ally family. “We couldn’t have pulled off Equality Fest if the former Beaumont Pride hadn’t showed us it could be done and we couldn’t have done it in such a short time span without the local community pulling together.” Hays said the preliminary organizational meetings have went well and the subcommittee is beginning to have structure. “Even though we are getting a later start than we wanted because of the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, we are confident Pride Fest will be a success.” PFLAG Beaumont has small events planned to gear up for the inaugural Pride Fest 2018. Check the Facebook page to find out how to get involved.

PFLAG Monthly Education and Support Dec. 17, 2 p.m., 450 11th Street, Legacy Community Health Building Dec 18 — Monday JAM w/ TYLER Power, Hartle Road, Raw Hunny

Victoria House event presented at LogOn Cafe, located at 3805 Calder $5 at the door 21+ only


king S, ma ons: D i I t ve A a l or ructi Reve de s t f HIV IDS bow t o A s in , o d D a y e R di e m ORL To da IS W of t h or y. e T t n s n A i e H o h W it in e be , mics s hav ? e e 8 c d Y e 8 r n n 9 A D e pa in 1 , the adva as t h de d ific ment w t t n n a u ivy e e l o i a r F V t ple h sc DS D in HI healt t peo d AI l c e l r e a d t o b a r o W m pr g lo nde , ever ws to we u r 1s t a t e l s d b the r n e i m t r f a ece bo u IV a On D it h H e ore a d w i d m e g w t h day. in rld m uc t i ma le wo n es ht d so a it h g n i w h a f t peop t s the iving n. Wi l n w o i i o e t l h i e eop vital to s ond un it s is HIV, iv- c io n p s l l e t l r i s e g l n m pro eop ay agai 36.7 t h is or p IDS D o rt f irus, d to ld A v n r va o e supp h , W t IV d go us. it h H l of ic an hose l l t a b and e u ing w t o p an t o ra here the mem V is f ro m ind s I H m d ejuco m e e t r i r . s tha ing p s ve d t t s a n h e h e g n i ill , f awho ernm ted oney e d uc -rela ving ing m AIDS s o i D r AIDS a L p r im OR IS W ? , and nt. WHY d ice TANT R porta O y l P m n i M o I s i s ru DAY t io n he vi ite t e d in i Desp f i t 5 i de n an 3 being re th o e m , e hav 1984 eopl p n o milli

By Payshunz Nagashima, PFLAG Education Chair

Monthly Book Pick: ‘I am J’

The young adult novel, “I am J” debuted in 2011. It is told from J’s point of view as he slowly figures out that he identifies as transgender. J uses the internet to educate himself on female to male transition and follows the steps he uncovers. J begins frequenting another town to meet people who aren’t aware he is trans. Eventually, J begins dating a young lady to whom he does not disclose his gender identity. Then J meets another trans man who is able to guide him a bit more than the internet did as J navigates adolescence. The novel is appropriate for young adults as well as not-so-young adults. The process of self-discovery, while unique to J’s experience, is also extremely relatable with the all-knowing and quiet confusion that most teenagers face highlighted in the protagonist’s actions as he evolves.

What’s Happening VHaus Presents: Eat Cake, Dec. 9

Lords and Ladies! Misseurs et Mademoiselles! And all manner of friends not aforementioned! Time has come for another elaborate dress-up party at Victoria House! This year we've dusted off the black ashes of Goth Night with a layer of pastel powder, so fluff up your wigs and shine your gold baubles, we're gonna have a ball! Come. EAT CAKE. A celebration of decadence and squalor, inspired by the rococo styles and extravagance of late 18th century French aristocracy and the filthy frenzied outbreak of revolution. Bourgeoisie and peasants alike, don your royal robes or fly your tattered flags. Lead the rebellion from the impoverished streets or secure your position in nobility. Either way, throw on some glad rags and splurge like this reign ends tomorrow! -promenade on the dance floor

-grandiose drag show w/ Olivia Gardner & her entourage -sweet treat banquet -a public beheading?? Victoria House is located at 2110 Victoria.

PFLAG Beaumont ‘Pride Fest’ Dance Party Kick-Off PFLAG Beaumont’s Pride Fest Subcommittee would like to kick off “Pride Season” Thursday, January 25 at 8 p.m., at Th Red Room located at 290 Crockett, with an old school dance party, complete with performances by Beaumont drag icons Olivia Gardner and friends, along with DJ Chris Torres spinning and mixing tunes. Stop by for this free, 18 and up event, and learn more about how you can get involved with PFLAG advocacy and Pride Fest events.

Xmas Band Nite Dec. 25

It's that magical time of year again! Time to take a break from your fam, or invite your favorite grandparent, and come on home for the holidaze at The Art Studio, Inc.!

LIVE ORIGINAL MUSIC BY Snorlaxxx, Jamey Lewis and the Noose, Uncle Touchie and the Feel Goodz, and the premiere of Maxifads! Music starts at 8 sharp. $5 cash at the door

**ALL AGES WELCOME** (21+ BYOB) TASI is located at 720 Franklin

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