Utility players Pg 6
The engineering behind Utility ROV
Services specialist subsea equipment for
renewables and decommissioning
Oilfield Chemicals Pg 9
The chemical challenge Pg 10
Dr Henry Craddock discusses new
chemistry and new responsibilities
Going ultra-deep Pg 14
TETRA Technologies has new, innovative
and high-performance completion fluids
Clariant’s innovation Pg 16
Clariant Oil Services’ history of nurturing
innovation and sustainability
The chemical future Pg 18
Innovator AkzoNobel offers its view of
oilfield chemistry for the 21st century
Deeper and greener Pg 20
Oil and fluid marketer SIP is helping the
industry move to new frontiers
The power of Zero Pg 21
U.S. Water’s corrosion and scale inhibitor
is without aquatic toxicity concerns
Sixth sense Pg 23
Distributed Acoustic Sensing
from Fotech Solutions
Miraah, Miraah Pg 24
GlassPoint Solar’s Miraah EOR project in
Oman is set to be the largest of its kind