/ O 梗 v 概 e r v i e w
What is the essence of garments? Garments, as a medium; the essence strives from the bodies.
As the body moves, the garment moves with the body. Bodies have unlimited possibilities. Bodies could express the endless vitality of nature growing trees, melting ice, echoing water......
The opposite juxtaposition of the elements, And the tension of limbs...
一/ c 概 o 念 n
ESSENCE of clothing MOVEMENT of clothing
c e p t
PERFORMANCE of clothing
22’ = the year of 2022, at the age of 22
Body. Garment flows with the body.
2 as binary oppositions and relations,
A trigger. An initiation.
2 as extremes’’’
Connection and resonance. Involvement and consciousness.
Tao dance Theater << 6 >>
Inspiration 1:
Inspired by the work '2' from Tao Dance Theater, the plain and simple stage reminds me of ice smooth and sharp.In contrasts, their movements are so soft that to me is water.
connection. dialogue capturing moment
Tao dance Theater << 2 >>
body as a container...body as a medium...body as a language...body as the unlimited
circular movement experiment
Inspiration 2: ice
painted with ice cubes and ink
// 念
Stillness and movement,
对立的二元关系, 肢体的张力, 动与静, 光与暗, 刚与柔, 黑与白
... ...
light and darkness, hardness and softness, black and white...
... ...
The dressing practice of contemporary dancers inspires me in terms of the layered styling, fit and fabrication. Many things can be achived and learned through a short period of time, but only for bodies, there is no shortcut. As dancers repeated their routines daily of practicing, sweating, washing the garments over and over, the colors of the garments turn out to be slightly faded, and washed out. Through repeated practices, the dancers work through the texture and quality of their muscles and limbs. Where the fabric directly touches the skin is soft. As body moves, garment moves; the natural drapes becomes elements in my design, to capture the moment of movement. It looks like river flow from far away, draped naturally around the body. Some fabric looks stiff, feels cold, but the other side where it touches the body is soft.
// 舞 When it moves, it flows like river;
「动」是行云流水 「静」是坚如磐石
When it’s still, it rests like stones. Redefining the perception of presence, Interpreting the essence of existence...
scene 1/ shadow
scene 2/ glaicers
scene 3/ sand
scene 4/ waves
scene 5/ light
I express myself through my works and I find myself...
I move as I feel, I feel, as I perform.
22’ = the year of 2022, at the age of 22 2 as binary oppositions and relations, 2 as extremes’’’
By Yinglun Zhang
Yinglun Zhang
Designer: Yinglun Zhang Photographer: Boyang Hu Model: Emily Hazeltine Stylist: Yi Wu Accessory collaborator: Andree Kong Wardrobe assistant: Yichen Pan Makeup Artist: Anna Kurihara Hair Stylist: Rika Shimojo