Your Story, Our Story

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Mei Yi Huang, Francesca Molteni, Kansaranat Nerngchamnong



INDEX Table of contents


2 3

INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Client


1.2 Project Background


1.3 Executive Summary


1.4 Design Thinking Method


1.5 Project Timeline


RESEARCH 2.1 Initial Discovery


2.2 Research Framing


2.3 Research Plan


ANALYSIS, SYNTHESIS & IDEATION 3.1 Analysis & Synthesis


3.2 Ideation



5 6



4.2 Mock-up


4.3 Survey


4.4 Snapchat




5.2 Opportunity


5.3 Execution













With a mission to provide reproductive justice to the community, the organization continues to support individuals and the community for equality, safe sexual and reproductive health care.


INTRODUCTION Studio Class Introduction, Methods, Client



1.1 ABOUT THE CLIENT Non-profit organization

The client is one of the leading non-profit organizations in New York that offers sexual and reproductive health care. The organization provides clinical services and consultation, as well as educational and training programs for individuals. With their health center in five locations in New York along with their online support, the organization serves all individual regardless of their race, age, gender preference, religious preference, or economic differences.



Introduction Introduction

1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND Our team and our client

As part of an essential learning process in a multidisciplinary course for the graduate degree in Strategic Design and Management at Parsons School of Design, students are introduced to the Integrative Studio-I course. The course encourages and gives students opportunities to work in a team and bring each person’s diverse background to collaborate and work towards sustainable solutions.

“How can we position the organization as a place for youth to come to them before crisis situations?”

YOUTH Each team in the Integrative Studio-I course has an ENGAGEMENT opportunity to work with the client as an external partner. With their support in providing the information about the organization, our team chose the area of focus in youth engagement under the framework of how can we position the organization as a place for youth to come to them before crisis.





1.3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Overview

PROJECT This project presents findings that our team has explored OVERVIEW and discovered throughout a comprehensive research and testing. By integrating Design Thinking to our project, our team developed a solution proposal to the client which focuses on youth engagement area. OPPORTUNITY By being one of the leading organizations in sexual and reproductive health care, the organization offers a wide range of services and supports to the community. One of the recurring patterns that the organization is facing is that youth reach out to them during crisis, not beforehand to prevent the crisis from happening. This piece of information gives us multiple opportunity spaces to explore more: why would youth mainly reach out to the organization when they already facing crisis? What are the problems that prevent them from visiting the organization beforehand? How do we address the problem at its core and open more doors for opportunities? FINDING & SOLUTION

To further develop the project, we took a step back and looked at the organization in a larger scale. We looked at all the key parties involved in the organization, both directly and indirectly. By looking at how each parties related to the organization, it helps us to figure out how one action made by one party can affect other parties in the system, with the organization as the main connecter.



After a clear understanding of the organization, it enables us to be able to plan our research focus more clearly. We conducted research though different methods in order to understand more about the problem, and also to gain more understanding to any problems that was hidden from our initial understanding. Our research methods include interviews, observations, cultural probes, and secondary desk research. Through examining and gaining data from each research methods, we synthesized our findings and new discovery together using different maps and models to generate the most effective insights. We were able to identify the key strength that could potentially help close the communication gap between youth and the organization, and essentially position the organization as a lifestyle brand and the number one go-to brand for sexual and reproductive health care. CONCLUSION From gathering results, we’re proposing a platform as a & BUSINESS CASE tool to solve the core of the problem: youth perception and communication gap. With the features and contents that the platform offers, it can help framing new perception that youth has towards sexual and reproductive health. The solution can help changing the recurring pattern that the organization received: change from a ‘crisis’ to a ‘prevention as a lifestyle’.



1.4 DESIGN THINKING What is Design Thinking?

We use Design Thinking process as a framework and guideline throughout our journey, until our solutions proposal. But what is Design Thinking? Design Thinking is a process that helps discover the core problems and opportunities, then test and validate our assumptions before arriving with a solution that really solves the complex problem and provide sustainable solutions and benefit the users.

Design Thinking Method






DESIGN THINKING METHOD Design Thinking separates into five-phases.

EMPATHIZE The empathize mode is the work you do to understand people, within the context of your design challenge. It is your effort to understand the way they do things and why, their physical and emotional needs, how they think about the world, and what is meaningful to them. DEFINE Define the challenge you are taking on, based on what you have learned about your user and about the context. It is about making sense of the widespread information you have gathered

REFERENCE: An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide

IDEATE Concentrate on idea generation. You ideate in order to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions for your users. PROTOTYPE Prototype mode is the iterative generation of artifacts intended to answer questions that get you closer to your final solution. TESTING Testing informs the next iterations of prototypes. It is also another opportunity to build empathy through observation and engagement.




1.5 PROJECT TIMELINE The distribution of the design thinking phases













INTRODUCTION In order for us to understand more about the organization background and get closer to discovering the core problem and needs, we used different maps and methods to illustrate the background information. By implementing different maps and models, it allows us to understand both internal and external stakeholders, how do each stakeholders related, what impact does it provide to each other, and how does it affected external community and environment.



INTRODUCTION to research methods






ECOSYSTEM MAP WHY The tool allows the researcher to see the flow factors of the services. It’s easier to see the service flow and the values of each areas. Planners who want to provide any changes to the service are able to see the conHOW TO Ecosystem maps can appear in dif- sequences and effects of each chain ferent forms. There is no fixed lay- inside the system. out. However, each ecosystem map should first identify an appropriate scale and bundle the ecosystm services. The factors and elements of each service in the map should be listed. DEFINITION “The primary purpose of Ecosystem Mapping is to identify which parts of the natural system are important for the supply of ecosystem services.”

WHEN A service itself cannot be studied alone, because it is greatly affected by its component factors. An ecosystem map is a great tool to use to provide a holistic way of looking at the service.

REFERENCES: Ecosystem Mapping Tool - The NEAT Tree


SOCIAL • • • • •

• • • •

Human right Religion Education Peer pressure Word of mouth

Social justice • Refugee Poverty • Insurance policy The nonprofit organization



Donors Stockmarket Economy

Social media Popculture

Research funding

• • • • •

Internet Software interface Distribution channel Mass outreach Clinical equipment innovation




STAKEHOLDER MAP DEFINITION “A stakeholder map is a visual or physical representation of the various groups involved with a particular service. By representing staff, customers, partner organizations and other stakeholders in this way, the interplay between these various groups can be charted and analysed.”

WHEN The Stakeholder map is used to identify the key constituents whom have a stake in the design/project system.

WHY The map lists out all the stakeholders and their relationships with each other. It is a useful tool for the further analysis of who is relevant and HOW TO After the initial desk research about what do they offer. It’s easier to see the organization, make a list of its their perspective towards the projstakeholders and map them out on ect/orgazination from the map. a graph. Identify each stakeholder’s category and then indicate their interests. Once it’s completed, start to draw lines to indicate how the stakeholders intersect with each other.

REFERENCES: This is service design thinking A designer’s research manual


The nonprofit organization Direct relationship Indirect relationship




DEMOGRAPHIC Condoms play a critial role in preventing STD, HIV and unplanned pregnancy.

However, the majority of New York high school students did not use a condom the last time they had sex. Only 1 out of 7 young females use both condoms and hormonal birth control together (2003).



used a condom and hormonal birth control


used a condom


used hormonal birth control




69,500 New STD infections in New York young people between age 15 to 24.

Upstate & Long Island 43%

NYC 57%

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF MULTIPLE SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASES IN 2012 In NYC, the Bronx has the greatest percentage of multiple diseases (68%).

Brooklyn 22% Queens 25% Manhattan 45%

The Bronx 68%

Other than the Bronx, NorthCentral, Brooklyn and Northern Manhattan, Chelsea-Clinton in Manhattan and the Rockaways in Queens are the primary areas of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C.

REFERENCES: Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among NYS Young People. Geographic Co-occurrence of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis in New York City.



2.2 RESEARCH FRAMING To Enhance the Brand’s Image


After the initial research, we realized the areas where we saw opportunity for youth to engage with the organization are brand awareness, education, communication, and gender balance. We narrowed down the scope of our research direction and created three key questions for our team to focus on.

GENDER BALANCE What are the current challenges that prevent the nonprofit organization from gaining more male youth and have a better gender balance?

LIFESTYLE How can a sex education become a lifestyle that youth are willing to go on a regular basis and not just for crisis?

LEADING BRAND How can the nonprofit organization become the leading brand for sex and reproductive health care?



AEIOU DEFINITION AEIOU is an analytical framework which helps reseachers to list issues and objects of the topic which make for coding the information easier.

A E I O U Actions





• Events which the nonprofit organization provides

• Homes

• Between youth and their parents

• Cellphones

• Youth

• Computers

• Parents

• Brochures

• The organization

• Communications among youth • Health care check-ups

• Schools • Health care centers • Internet • Public spaces for youth

• Between youth and their peers

• Between youth • Advertisements and the nonprofit organization • Publications



2.3 RESEARCH PLAN Methods and tools

In order to gather the information we needed and to get a better understanding of the context and of the reality, we had to decide the strategy of our research and which research method must suit our goals. Our intent was to apply as many tools as possible in order to gain a broader coverage and hear more points of view. At this stage of the design process, it’s more important to listen and try to capture the real problems rather than develop a solution. The researchers must stay open-minded and ready to capture every insight, and must go beyond appearances. However, it is also necessary to mantain a perspective so not to lose the focus on the project and the final goals.

KEY During the planning of the research it’s important to keep QUESTIONS in mind these four questions: 1 - What do I want to know? 2 - What do I need to know? 3 - What do I already know? 4 - How can I fill the gaps?






Health care visit -2

OBSERVATIONS Health care visit -1

AA member

Foster care therapist



College student

Sexuality educator





DESIGN RESEARCH Design thinking on the highest level is a way of reframing the way you look at the world and deal with issues, and the main thing is the idea of empathy1

DEFINITION Design driven research is the first step of the design thinking process. The design research is structered as an iterative process whose goal is to understand the value and the nature of the relations between the people and the service or product. Furhermore, the design process operates in a way that makes the researchers open to serendipity and surprise. In fact, the real purpose at this level is not finding solutions, but discovering the real problems from the users’ point of view.

and tools that help to gain a more comprehensive understanding of user’s point of view. The kind of methods are defined as immersive research because the researchers try to get deeply in users’ shoes in order to get the best insights. WHY The key factor in the design research is empathy: it helps to understand the real issues that need to solved and the links between users and their ecosystem.

HOW The design research framework is characterized by a set of methods REFERENCES: This is service design thinking Universal Method of Design 1 - “Design Thinking for a better you”, Tara Parker-Pope New York Times




We decided to conduct multiple interviews to gain an opportunity for discussion around the topics. By talking and listening, you understand user’s point of view and gain a clear vision on their lives. The first obstacle we faced was choosing the right people to interview: the target of the project are teenagers, but since they are for the most part minors, we couldn’t interview them unless we had a parent’s permission. All three of us are international students with very recent connections in New York, therefore interviewing teenagers from New York was a challenge for us to achieve in such a limited period of time.

INTERVIEW We approached the problem by finding people to interview WHO? among adults who were dealing with teenagers on a daily basis, college students and others who could relate to teenagers through a situational analogy, such as a member of Alcoholics Anonymous program (AA). We thought about the AA member because they go through similar situations as teenagers. The two main analogies are: 1 - They being judged while telling very private experiences 2 - They look for support but they have difficulties in finding it or trusting the program.




WHO Sally, therapist, specializing in foster care. We interviewed her through a video call online.

QUOTES “If I just don’t give up, and I just show up to our appointment every single week, on time, and I show them that they can trust”...”they can see that I’m a trustworthy person, that’s how the defenses will go down” “Most kids didn’t want therapy and they would not talk at all. They didn’t want to tell me about what was going on.”... “what causes that is that they don’t trust adults and the system.”

PAT TERNS 1 - Trust is an important component when trying to break the ice and build a relationship. 2 - The ability to relate helps the kids to open up. 3 - It takes time and consistency to establish foundations of relationship and trust.






Dan, active member of Alcoholics Anonymous program (AA). Since he was a close friend of one member of our team, he asked to be interviewed alone with her via a videocall.

“If that’s happen to my cousin, then maybe I can do it” “There’s no forcing in AA, it’s all suggestion.” “AA gives you a set of tools to deal with life.”


1 - Ability to relate to someone close, help to create the first basis of trust. 2 - Providing information as a set of tools helps to mantain a healthy lifestyle. 3 - Sharing similar experiences helps to strengthen connections between strangers.




WHO Katie, 21 year old youth in New York. We interviewed her face to face.

QUOTES I knew when dating and sex started happening among my friends but it wasn’t like pressure that I have to do it, it was more of ‘okay, maybe I should get a boyfriend’ ” “In school before undergrad, they teach it to the students but it’s very lightly. “They didn’t really cover the whole subject profoundly, but I already knew it”

PAT TERNS 1 - Peers’ behavior and comments affected her perceptions. 2 - External environment also impacted her perceptions. 3 - She receives sex education information from many sources: school, parents, peers, movies, and mainstream media. Not all are proven to be accurate.




WHO Emily, sex education instructor in New York. We interviewed her face to face

QUOTES “Having someone connected to their community is very helpful. Someone speaking in their language also helps.” “Good information and right information should be concrete. You can’t just talk about concept. You need to let people know how to apply the information to their life.”

PAT TERNS 1 - To help or reach out to teens, it takes more than providing correct information. 2 - Being able to relate and trust helps open the door to connect. 3 - Culture and society affects teens behavior.




GOAL & As part of our research, in order to gain more information OBJECTIVE to support our interview research data, we use observational research as another method to gain more understanding in a real time observation. Our objective in our observation research separates into two main approaches.

OBSERVATIONAL METHOD “Observational research can help you to see things differently. It can be enormously valuable for testing hypotheses, finding patterns, and just generally getting a handle on what’s going on in your customers’ world – and in your own.” Reference: The Four Bedrock Techniques for Observational Research



FIRST To put ourselves into the customer perspective. GUIDELINE What are the things and emotions that users experiences? How do we interact with the environment and people around us? What is the overall process that we experience as the customer?

SECOND How do people engage between each other, as well as GUIDELINE engaged with objects within the environment? To observe other audience’s reactions and behavior toward the information presented. To observe what kind of sex related message is being communicated to the public and how does the people interact and react to it.



HEALTH CENTER VISIT Visit 1: Consultation Visit 2: Wellness test From being a customer of the health care center and having the need to pay a visit for a consultation, we monitored our journey through the process of booking an appointment until after visiting the health care center. By doing so, we recognized the positive high point doing each step of interaction, as well as low points of interaction. This provides us a clearer understanding and ability to articulate our experience as the customer when going through each process for different services that is similar to the organization’s service.

From using our senses as we monitor ourselves we discovered some key findings.

Wait time and interaction with an automated message affects the customer’s experiences. Human-to-human interaction can either increase positive or negative experience.



Convenience, efficiency, and confirmation in booking appointment play an important role in customers’ motivation. It affects the likelihood of the customer to reach out to the health center in the future. The interior environment helps increase the positive experience and reinforce the sense of security. Verbal and physical communication from the service provider plays an important role in the customer experience. A straightforward but yet respectful approach provides a positive perception to a sensitive context. Moreover, the staff efficiency and friendliness helps decrease the patient’s anxiety. Attentive and respectful staff helps the patient feel more comfortable when sharing sensitive and personal information. They can help alleviate the pain and provide comfort to the patient.




How do they communicate their message?

The Museum of Sex provides sex related content out to the public. By visiting the museum, we were able to gain more insights on how messages are presented to the public and what are the effective ways to communicate and educate the audience. The museum is separated into different sections based on themes, as well as the museum’s shop. We recognized how information arrangement and visualization can contribute greatly to the tone of the message. The way the information is presented can set how people will perceive the information, and in this case it was presented from an educational and artistic point of view that made the visit more comfortable. The gift shop that sells sexual items did not send out uncomfortable vibe. The museum’s choice of displaying each item and category resembles a regular gift shop and people’s interaction between the object and each other were positive, the same behavior as it would appear at other gift shop elsewhere. The display and the interiors reminded a nice and modern design store rather than the typical sexy shop. The museum presents certain sensitive content in a straightforward yet respectively informative way. It helps to set the environment to be comfortable and educational.






DESK RESEARCH Museum of Sex - Yelp Reviews

Besides going to the Museum of Sex ourselves, we also searched online to see other customers’ experiences with the institution that contain a lot of information about sex. By studying the feedback from 732 people, we are able to have an objective evaluation on which ways of presenting sex contents in an educational way are more effective and appreciated. Through the study, we can also find out from the customers in NYC their expectations towards sex and education. Furthermore, the analysis from the desk research will help us in creating a better solution to assist our partnered organization to reach their desired goal. ANALYSIS

Audiences' expectation of the way to present sex is fun, cheap and extremely stimulating. Many customers believed they knew sex very well through media and their personal experiences already although sometimes they may not. They were disappointed by the Museum of Sex and they thought it lacked of elements stated above. People feel more comfortable to talk about sex when they know they will not be judged. People, especially females, feel more comfortable to talk about sex or interact with sex related products in public when they are in the environment where they know they will not be judged when sex is considered an art or educational topic.





DESK RESEARCH Victoria’s Secret

Additional desk research on the current successful sex related brand helps us understand the reason why the brand is popular and with which methods they used to promote the brand. We think Victoria’s secret is a great example of how it successfully transformed the social aspect of leisurely products from a taboo or something considered a secret topic into an international wide fashion trend which is publicly welcomed for all genders with a wide range of ages to follow and shop the brand.


1 - Victoria’s Secret has successfully build its brand that makes its costumers feel comfortable, not perverted. 2 - Victoria’s Secret sells a lifestyle whereas other small businesses sell the products only. 3 - Victoria’s Secret is the top brand using social media. 4 - Victoria’s Secret has a perfect mix of offline and online experiences. 5 - Victoria’s Secret engages in brand building activities, such as an annual fashion show.






Durex is an English condom brand, topseller in most areas of the world except for the United States, where the majority of the market share is owned by Trojan. Durex has an exceptional company philosophy and external communication: ANALYSIS

1 - The tone always plays on the paradox between humor and prevention. 2 - It promotes a healthy relationship with sex but emphasizes the safety. In fact the website not only shows the offer of its products, but it also shares several guidelines on safe sex and how to improve its consumers’ sexual lives. 3 - It uses a direct, current and young language in order to better reach the target. 4 - It often does parterships with young brands such as MTV in order to spread the importance of sex safety awareness. 5 - It targets both genders so to encourage the democratizaion of sex. The reason why we picked Durex as our case study, is related to their communication style: it openly talks about sex without making people feel uncomfortable or judged.





OPPOSITION GROUPS How are they affecting the client?

Due to a publicly recognized name of the organization, one of the many services that the organization provide is abortion. This service has become a main target for the client’s opposition parties to set a case against the organization. Moreover, abortion service has became the main focus when the public thinks about the organization, which results in less awareness in the other services that the organization provide to the community for a healthy sexual and reproductive health care area.

The oppositions mainly publicly questioning the organizations’ moral and ethics by using the abortion service as the main focus. This factor creates a barrier between youth, their ability to make an informed decision, and making a habit of healthy sexual lifestyle and healthy prevention before facing the crisis.



We researched into the opposition parties and the type of message they send out about the organization that leads to our findings on: The oppositions has different views on the subject matter related to abortion, therefore it is extremely important for us to be mindful about the kind of solution we create for the organization. Each opposition party has different approaches. Some are through general education and awareness in pro-life (youth reach out program). Some are targeted specifically towards the organization. We need to be respectful on the opposition’s different beliefs, but most importantly, we need to be sensitive and careful about the message we send out to protect the name of the organization, including all the patients and staff safety.



CULTURAL PROBES DEFINITION Cultural probes are information gathering packages. Based around the principles of user-participation via self-documentation, the probes are usually given to research participants for a prolonged period of time, during which they can produce richly engaging material for design insiparation.

and wait for people to interact with it, gathering the information. The guideline provided must be accurate, in order to receive reliable material and content that is close to reality. It’s also important to pay attention at the interpretation of participant’s results: the stories are multilayered, and therefore easy to be misunderstood.

HOW TO There isn’t an unique format for cultural probes, because it usually depends on the goal of the project and the kind of information that is needed. Typical cultual probes methods includes diaries, cheap cameras, packages of different tools. Another kind of cultural probe is the one that has the opposite situation: instead of giving to the participant group the set of tools, the researchers post the cultural probes in a specific place

WHY Cultural probes are a qualitative design research method: they give a perspective from the participants’ personal point of view. When it’s properly designed and the participants constantly monitor their experiences, a cultural probe might be powerful tool of discovery on the target, since they help to identify similar patterns in a specific group or community.

REFERENCES: This is Service Design Dhinking Universal Principles of Design


Above: Seam City, by Helle Rohde Andersen student at Copenhagen Institute Interaction Design Bottom: Designing for Elderly, by Miles Wagner, Brighton Product Design




2.4 LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX Cultural Probe

WHAT Let’s Talk About Sex was the board we had put in one of the New School dorm for two weeks in late February. The university residence demography is constituted especially by freshman and undergraduate students, which is very close to the end user age. The idea was to gather information and people’s opinion through an easy an interactive way. We took inspiration by the cultural probes method, and we designed a board with three key questions we wanted people to answer. The insights we wanted to gather were related to young people’s fear about sex, where they look for information and also what is the most important characteristic for the choice of a healthcare center. DESIGN

We specifically used a fresh design following the Durex and Museum of Sex examples: we didn’t want to create something too childish neither too serious. Every question had multiple choices, each of them had their own condom as the space for answers. Students responded to our questions thanks to the stickers we provided: they could choose the color of the sticker based on their gender, and put it in the condom related to their answer. Since the very first day we put it on the wall, we could observe students interacting with it. We received a very good response from the students, and at the end we have gathered answers from approximately 20-30 students.



























INSTRUCTIONS Answer the questions by putting the stickers inside the condom related to what concerns you the most. You can choose more than one area. If have other issues or alternatives, write in “Others”. Sticker colors: if you are male if you are female don’t want to be categorized DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE? The purpose of this research is for a school project: we are in collaboration with a non-profit organization who’s helping youths on being more engaged and aware on the sex related topics. Your opinion is extremely useful! If you have some experience you want to share, or any question/comment, please contact us at Your personal information won’t be published anywhere, your privacy is our priority.





Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

After one month spent focusing on research and data gathering, we felt the need to stop and start to analyze our results. This moment was fundamental to recognize the common patterns in our findings. With the results started a new phase where we outlined the concept for the final solution.



ANALYSIS & SYNTHESIS personas, journey map, insights

IDEATION co-creation workshop, big idea


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


3.1 ANALYSIS & SYNTHESIS Data gathering examination

Soon after the research we analyzed and synthetized the huge amount of data we gathered in the research phase. Due to the different methods we used, we gathered different kinds of data. For this reason it was needed to face the synthesis with a related approach: we analyzed the data applying different tools, which allowed us to congregrate the similar results and highlight the most outstanding ones.

PERSONAS Helped to define the end users from our interviews

JOURNEY MAP Outlined the common patterns in our observations

INSIGHTS Synthetized the most important highlights from the research


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

PERSONAS DEFINITION “Personas are fictional profiles, often developed as a way of representing a particular group based on their shared intersts.”1 Outlining personas is helpful to gain a better understanding of specific customer segments. This tool doesn’t only provide information directly related to the topic of the research or the project, but it covers also the sentiments, characterisitcs that can give a holistic understanding of the category. HOW TO In fact personas are developed through the data gathered through interviews and other research tools on similar groups of people that may correspond to the target of the project. WHEN Personas is a tool usually developed in the analysis phase but they can

REFERENCES: This is service design thinking A designer’s research manual

be used throughout the whole design process. In fact they should be used combined with other methods, in order to have a more well rounded understanding of users’ needs. WHY It is a tool that can provide more information than the classic target demographics, since it gives a broader picture of the target, including the ambitions, expectations, fears, and interests. The results is a functional method that help to establish empathy with the end users and to get their real needs and problems.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


1 ST PERSONA: CARLA NAME Carla AGE 17 STORY Senior in a co-educational high school. Starting to see a boy from the same school as hers. “I wish teen girls didn’t have so many social pressures. Sometimes I feel I have to become an adult with socially impressed rhythms.” BEHAVIOR 1. She laughs and agrees with her friends when they make comments about dating + sex although she does not realize that she may not have known all the correct information. 2. She believes stories that her friends tell her about their relationships with their boyfriends. 3. Spends time with her girlfriends from school. Some of her friends share secrets and private experiences 4. Not sexually active but she is starting to explore in that area



1. A way that invites Carla to reach out to learn the correct sex education.

1. Wants to know more about how to engage in sexual activity.

2. A trusting source that provides a correct information, give support, and maintains relationship as a reliable friend.

2. Hopes that she can trust the source that she learns from/do not judge her.

3. Method that makes the source looks ‘cool’ and more approachable.

3. She doesn’t want people to think that she doesn’t know anything about sex. Doesn’t want people to judge her.


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

2 ND PERSONA: RYAN NAME Ryan AGE 16 STORY Ryan lives with his mother and his sister. His father left a few years ago because of domestic violence and alcoholism.

“My friends are my family and I trust them more than my family members.” BEHAVIOR 1. Whenever he’s at home, he tries to keep it to himself and lock himself away in his room. 2. He’s always with his friends and when they are not together, they communicate through text and social media a lot. 1. Troubled relationship with his mother/his sister, but he’s very attached to his group of friends. 2. He tries to spend less time at home as much as possible.



1. A way to reach out to Ryan using the current platform that he’s already using among his friends.

1. He wants to move away from his neighborhood and does not want to deal with his mother and sister. He wants to get a new and better life.

2. A role model for Ryan, a place he can go to besides his friends group.

2. He wants to become a better person than his father.

3. Methods that can help Ryan opens up to and seek help/advice to become a young adult.

3. In his future he wishes to be able to help other kids who are in his same situation.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

JOURNEY MAP DEFINITION Journey Map is a model that describes the user experience with a product or service. It is a synthesis tool because it summarizes the data gathered from an interview/s or observation/s, or other research models.

disposed on a timeline, one upon the other they are related to.

WHY Journey maps are very useful to get a better understanding of the user’s point of view on the service or the product that has been tested. It helps to figure out where are the HOW TO weaknesses and the frustrations The experience is described through - where there is room for improvethree elements: ment - and where are the most ap1 - Touchpoints: point of interaction preciated parts of the experience between users and the elements of and so what are the steps that could the service or product. be leveraged. 2 - Activities: actions the user has Journey maps must so be interprettaken ithroughout their experiences. ed as a catalyst model and not a 3 - Emotions: what the user has felt conclusion. in that moment. The elements are

TOUCHPOINT ACTION EMOTION Through emoticons or graphics











Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


Our journey map represents the synthesis of two different experiences we had at trying the service of the organization’s healthcare center. Both jouney maps were so similar that they let us congregate them together in just one graph.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


The reasons for visiting were different, but in both cases there was a frustration in booking the appointments. Fortunately, since the first touchpoint with the real service, there has been a switch in the sentiment, that transformed the experiences as very positive.


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


    

In the first step of outlininig our insights, every member of the team had to write down their own insights from the materials of our research. Then we came together to congregate our insights. It had been a lot of work because each of us had more than a dozen insights on several topics. It was interesting to see how we Power Puff Girls Team Mural     didn’t come out with the same results: we had different Pear


Team's Insights



1. Human perceptions are varies, but it can be adjust with the right tools and messages

To help teens to be more engaged in the program, a great facilitators is the key.

To find great facilitators for sex education will help teens to be more engaged in the program


The success of the facilitator relies on his empathic skills and his well understandings of a community ecosystem

2. Breaking Ice requires skills of empathy and deep understanding of who's the interlocutor.

A comprehensive understanding of the environment is needed in order to achived the successful outcome

Having greater knowledge of the community cultures of where the patients are from allows the facilitator to give an effective impact in delivering the messages.

Community & Empathy

A holistic approach with an awareness of the cultural ecosystem of sex ed fits more the needs of the present generation



Having a positive role model at the healthy reproduction counseling program will help teens in visualizing a greater position of what to hope for and what they can be.

Having a male positive role model at the healthy reproduction counseling program will help male teens in visualizing a greater position of what to hope for and what they can be.

Affective information about sex education needs to be concreted and is able for audience to apply to their lives

Affective information about sex education needs to be concreted and is able for audience to apply to their lives


Role Model

Peers’ opinions and actions affect other teens greatly.


Peers’ opinions and actions affect other teens greatly

Word of mouth between peers is a powerful tool where there is a lack of confedentiality on intimate topics towards the authorities

Peer's opinions

 6.

One of the big factors that motivate people to come to a program regularly is socialization. Building a healthy channel for socialization will motivate people to come to the program regularly.

Healthy socialization channel reinforces motivation of reoccuring attendence

A trustworthy patient-doctor relationships increase one's health interest and contrast inconsistency



11. Pushing for a behavior risks to get the opposite of the desired result

Being pushy when providing information can lead to the opporite direction. Able to apply different strategies to different people is crucial.


The counselor 1 should be someone with whom the patient can build trust and openness.


12. Keeping strong selfideals prevents the frustration caused by the social pressures established in the group of peers

Organization need to be able to have a way to increase trust in order to effectively involve in youth engagement

Give them a system to fall back on, and they will open up and ask for your help


A strategy of consistency helps gain that trust prevented by instability and needed to make someone feel safe and free to open up


13. Keeping strong selfideals prevents the frustration caused by the social pressures established in the group of peers


External factor such as media also made a big impact on youth problems

To help teens to be opened to the counseling, building a trustworthy relationship and providing a safe enviroment during the counseling is important.

Social media brings a big impact to teens. Knowing how to utilize the right social channel will be an asset in affective mesage delivering.

Social Media

Organization needs a strategic oriented methods in tackling youth problems

To Provide a holistic consultation will help the receiver to have a greater impact in changing life.

A broader education helps to prevents misconceptions and lacks in someone's knowledge

A holistic approach with an awareness of the cultural ecosystem of sex ed fits more the needs of the present generation



14. Human nature designed male and female to be different. But at the same time both sexes equally needs help and guidance

Gender stereotypes established by the social culture often don't correspond to the truth, compromising so the strategy success

External environment can make an impact on people's mindset. In order to solve the root of youth's problems, a holistic approach is needed.

Gender stereotypes established by the social culture often don't correspond to the truth. Looking beyond generalisation is the key to success


People expected to have a fast and direct respond from the health related programs when then make an appointment.


The large amount of the passages and the lack responsiveness increase the "turn off" feelings that compromise the use of a service

Fast Response

15. A consistent kindness and care in all the frame of a service decrease the typical stress felt by people in delicate situations and contexts such as healthcare

Efficiency and responsiveness in appointment process are essentials

Consistency in kindness and care is important in healthcare service


11 

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


INSIGHTS Key insights are clear deep meaningful perceptions from the research. Insights not only individuate the problems, but at the same time they also must suggest the solution


or the area for improvement. These are powerful tools during the synthesis phase, because they help with individuate the right path or the key question to be solved.



point of views, but that were going towards the same themes. In the end we combined our insights into fifteen new ones, each of them related to a specific theme. Taking a step back, we realized they could have been divided within three further macro-themes, which became the basis for our ideation phase.





Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


Here reported are the six most iconic and important insights about our synthesis phase. They represented the core of our research and they gave us the guidance to other further steps.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

TRUST “Healthy socialization channel reinforces motivation of re-occurring attendance.” “Consistency in kindness and care is important in healthcare service.”

CONVENIENCE “Efficiency and responsiveness in appointment process are essentials.” “Effective information about sex education needs to be concret and applicable to the audience.”

COOLNESS “Social media has a big impact on teens. Knowing how to utilize the right social channel will be an asset in effective message delivering.” “Peers’ opinions and actions affect other teens greatly.”



Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

3.2 IDEATION Development of the final idea

The ideation phase started by organizing a co-creation workshop that involved the students of the two classes and the client representatives. The co-creation workshop was based on the method of idea generation. By collaborating with the client it has help us to not only validate our assumptions, but also receive the organization point of view. WORKSHOP The structure of the workshop was created based on teams’ FRAMEWORK insights and suggestions: every team of both classes had to submit their own proposal of workshop activities, which had the goal to help them in understanding and solving problems emerged in their researches. Then our teachers combined the activities in order to have

IDEA GENERATION A kind of tecniques that are used during brainstormings. They usually take the form of simple exercises which can be used to stimulate group discussions. The activities are always in groups, because the work

must be dynamic. At this point the prority is the quantity of ideas rather than their quality, because the goal is to stimulate people’s imagination in order to achieve creative ideas.

REFERENCE: This is service design thinking

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


the most functional framework that could respond to every one’s research: the brainstorming went around our concepts of Trust, Convenience and Coolness related to parents and youths.

FINAL The workshop ended with very good results and the client RESULTS was satisfied by the results. It has been very helpful because it boosted creativity and imagination, giving us a lot of inspiration for our phase of ideation. The value of collaborating with the client helped generate new ideas that were alligned with the stakeholder’s point of view.


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


Soon after the co creation we started to combine all our ideas in order to develop a complete concept, what we called the “Big Idea”. The design process wasn’t linear and we had to pivot in a short period of time, due to the fact that we also needed to start the prototype phase soon. FIRST After all our insights and results from our research “BIG IDEA” we thought back about our first goal: to position the organization as the first brand in reproductive healthcare. In the previous month of work we kept track of the organization’s social media activity, and we weren’t satisfied: we definetely thought there were rooms for improvements. Furthermore, the organization’s services are very good and there are some features we though they could have a real potential, but they weren’t advertised well. Our first big idea consisted of developing an adveritsing strategy on the social media that could: Create interactive and young social media contents that could increase the buzz around the organization’s brand.

Advertise existing underestimated and new services, in order to give the tools the end users needs.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation


Individually we developed our proposals and we sketched three possible prototypes to test those ideas. Then we combined them: what emerged was creating an interacting video on YouTube that showed different scenarios about a young couple’s experiences and their consequences. The basis idea was that the user was in charge of making the choice for the couple, and having so the story evolving based on the user’s actions. At the end of every path the story would have showed how the couple got helped by the organization and its services. The strategy was to create an interactive and entertaining video that could engage easily the youths, pushing them on look for the different paths and make them share it on the social media.

This idea could have been prototyped through: Interactive Storyboard, to test the story paths and the functionalities Online Survey, to test the general idea and gather other useful feedback


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

NEED We received a very good feedback outlined how the social FOR PIVOT media used nowadays by teenagers may be differ from the ones older people use: more and more youths prefer Snapchat and Vine over Facebook and YouTube. We needed to pivot and so we did.

SECOND When we came together, we tried to make a step back. BIG IDEA We wanted to mantain our goal of brand positioning, but we needed to go further. We looked back at our insight and we tried to interpret them again with a focus on what was the teenagers’ real needs. They needed to know well the organization and their services, but they also needed to trust them. In fact from our research emerged that the effectiveness of peers’ word of mouth is based on the level of trust. Perhaps some teens would have trusted the couple in the YouTube video, but since New York communities are very different among each others, the majority of teens wouldn’t have felt related to the youths represented, and therefore they probably wouldn’t trust it.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation



Our new concept: establish role models from every community in New York so that the majority of teenagers could find the ones they could relate to. So we thought about leveraging the existing patients who had related issues in their teenage years and incentive them to share their personal stories. The patients would have an age between 18 - 30: not to be too old and perceived as older brothers and sisters rather than adults. Hearing real stories from real people from their communities who had similar experiences and that had found help in the organization, will make teens trust them more, and therefore trust the organization more. The idea consists of creating an online platform with a New York City map where there are spread icons linked to the different stories, the organization’s clinic, and the teen advocates. In fact, the other component is to leverage the organization’s young resources in order to empower them as role models for their peers. Furthermore the teen advocates - they are selected group of teens trained by the organization as peer educators - would be put in charge of the social media, in order to create contents for teenagers made by teenagers. Beside use of the existing social media channels and a more traditional marketing, Snapchat and Vine could become the new sources to reach teenagers. Alongside the stories, the platform would contain other features that could help teenagers in moments of need and to gain useful information to prevent emergencies.


Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

YOUR STORY Here as following there is the description we provided of our OUR STORY platform that we called Your Story Our Story: By combining services from the organization with interactive visualization platform, it will help communicate what the organization has to offer, as well as reinforce youth to engage more with the organization. The website (web mobile-friendly) provides stories that youth can relate to, let them know that they are not alone, provide them a place that they can reach out to easily, and the platform will act as a separate route that will provide trust, and convenience to youth while they can have fun, have source for correct information, and engage with at the same time. Showing real stories from real role model/patient: each stories from each part of New York area helps youth find stories from people in the same neighborhood, can relate to them better and starting to build the basis of trust with the organization through credibility the real role model/patient provided about the organization Adding appointment tab and adding health center on the map shows the different location health center has. Add more convenient and interaction for youth to find nearby health center. Plus they could choose to book the visit with the same doctor from their previous visit.

Analysis, Synthesis & Ideation

Having anonymous chat/text tab helps reinforce youth to engage more with the organization. More convenient for youth to reach out for information without having to physically be present at the health center when they may just have one/two question they’re curious about (or too embarrassed to ask someone face-to-face).




Prototype & Testing

Soon after the ideation phase, we started a process of prototyping and testing. The theeweek process helped us to fix our idea and make it more functional for the end users. It had also been a period of confirmation of our idea, as well as understood the value of the project for the people. During this phase we changed some of the features and add new ones, but at the same time trying to keep it as simple as possible.




Prototype & Testing


4.1 PLANNING Definition of the Prototype & Test (P&T) process

As the idea had been outlined, we developed the plan for the following process that consisted of testing the prototypes. We decided to have three cycles of P&T of our online platform could have been enough for the context of our project. We outlined the possible risks of the idea, and from there we decided to face them with three kinds of prototypes:

MOCK UP To test the functionality, design and quality of the features.

ONLINE SURVEY To test the main idea and the willingness of people about sharing personal experiences.

NEW SOCIAL MEDIA To research the communication opportunities of these two new platforms.


Prototype & Testing

PROTOTYPE & TESTING DEFINITION At the end of the design thinking process comes the moment when is needed to test if the idea developed is good or not. This is the moment when you develop the prototype of the product or service in order to test it. The prototype and testing phase is usually allocate in the two stages of the design process, called Reflection and Implementation. In the reflection phase it’s important to generate a vision of the product or service, and for that it is important to create something close to reality. Then the implementation phase the product or service is shaped based on what comes out from the testing.

weaknesses and threats, because then the outcome and the prototype will be more likely to be effective. KINDS OF PROTOTYPE There are four kind of prototypes: 1 - Theoretical Prototype 2 - Virtual Prototype 3 - Minimum Viable Prototype 4 - Minimum Awesome Product Each of them has a different level of simulation of reality, and usually are developed in that order.

KINDS OF TEST Once the prototype has been developed, there are three tests that can tell if the product or service has reached a fair level: HOW TO 1 - WOW Test: how much excited they A prototype can be defined as a set of are about it vehicles for testing the riskiest com- 2 -NPS Test: how much they are willpents of a concept piece by piece. ing to promote it For this reason it’s important to start 3 - Payment Test: how much they the P&T* analyzing the possible would pay for it REFERENCES: This is Service Design Thinking The Innovator’s Method of Design

*Prototype & Testing


Prototype & Testing









Prototype & Testing

4.2 MOCK UP Cycles of prototyping and testing


In the very first beginning we had to decide the format for our online platform. We excluded to create an app for smartphones because we want to reduce the barrier of going on an app store in order to use our platform. We thought then, since teenagers use mobile devices a lot, to make the platform accessible on smartphones and tablets in a mobilefriendly layout. The architecture of the website is quite simple: the main page, where there is the New York map and a left side menu, is where all the main features happen: in fact the additional fuctions appear as pop ups on the map. From the ideation, we added the new feature of games, such as quizzes.

TESTING In the first week we tested the prototype with seven people RESULTS through a face to face approach, so we could see in real life how they would react to it. Generally we received a very positive feedback: the story telling raised a lot of success and the value of the platform has been confirmed. The suggestions of change were especially related to the design of the website: ICONS

The icons on the map reminded the test-user of Google Maps icons: looks more like a locations rather than persons.

The organization is often resembled to abortion, so INFORMATION we moved the order in the topics filter to not have ORDER “pregnancy� as the first topic that the user see.

Prototype & Testing


Since it’s not a live question chat, we decided to change the name in “anonymous questions” and to add the organization’s number in case of the question is for an emergency situation.



Prototype & Testing

2 nd CYCLE


Besides the feedback, we implemented additional changes: 1 - We realized that the teen advocates didn’t have a specific usefulness because they didn’t have stories as past patients to tell, so we decided to remove this feature. 2 - New gender filter for the stories 3 - We eliminated the Vine channel, because from our research, it shows that Snapchat has a better marketing opportunity.

4 - We created the pages for the “Tell your story” feature. TESTING The changes of the design really improved the design and RESULTS the usability. We succeded to test it with three people, which one of these was a teenager. She expressed sincere appreciation for the platform, especially for the stories and the opportunity to ask questions anonymously. The “Tell your story” feature was successful as well, and quite easy to use. However, there were still rooms for improvements: MAP Since we removed the teen advocates, there wasn’t any more FILTERS reason to keep the filter on the map. “STORY” The word “story” was repeated on the header four times, therefore a change in the layout and name is needed, also the

Prototype & Testing

button for “tell your story” is not very visible, so it needed to be moved. STORY When it’s the moment to write the story, there aren’t GUIDELINES enough guidelines about what to focus on.



Prototype & Testing

3 rd CYCLE

PROTOTYPE After synthesized all of the feedback that we’ve received, we PHASE made changes to the platform for our third cycle of testing under the mindset of making sure that the adjustments would not only increase the effectiveness of the platform, but also remain valuable to the user. The adjustments are minor and mainly based on the design of the layout. 1 - There were repetition on the word ‘stories’. It makes it more difficult to notice the Submit Your Story button. We decided to move the Submit Your Story button to the side column of the screen and gave a graphic effects to make it pops up more. 2 - We moved the Past Patient icon and the Clinic Center icons to be on the right side of the screen. We realized that since there are only two icon, there was no need to set it as a filter for selection. So we kept them as a guidelines to reference what each icon represents. We received mainly positive feedback from this third cycle TESTING of testing as well as receive an interesting suggestions: RESULTS STORIES Personalized avatar to the story profile helps humanized the platform. Moreover, the recurring pattern for specific topic and neighborhood can help the client identify more on how can they extend their help.

Prototype & Testing

BOOK A For the Book a Visit feature, there was a suggestion on VISIT the arrangement of selection within the feature. The user suggested that the button for new patient should come before a button to select the same doctor. However we decided to keep as it because we thought it could be a very subjective opinion.



Prototype & Testing





Your story will support other teenagers that are going through similar situations like yours. Here there are some questions that may help you to write your story:

THANK YOU! Your story has been submitted successfully. It will be added to our map in 24h after our review. For thanking you of your story, now you can pick:

Think about when you were like them: what would you have liked to know? What were your main issues and frustrations? What were you the most afraid of? How did the organization help you? What would you suggest to a teenager that is living a similar situation?




Prototype & Testing



Game 2

THANK YOU! Your question has been successfully submitted. We will answer you within 24 hrs or less

Game 3

T R U E & FA L S E 1. Can you get HIV by drinking from the same glass of a HIV positive person?



QUESTION 2 Po i n t s : 0

Map filters

Do you know that you can request the same doctor from the last visit? I LIKE MY DOC


New Patient?

If you have any question just ask! Your doubts will remain anonymous


Type here your question

Insert your phone number or your email address in order to receive the link and the notification with the answer



True & False

Game 2





Game 3


Prototype & Testing

4.3 SURVEY Would people share personal stories?

We shared an online survey on our Facebook profiles in order to understand what people think about sharing anonymously personal experiences. The target for this prototype correspond to the “past patients� one and therefore, we wanted to reach people among 18 and 30 years old. GOALS

The goals were to understand: 1 - If people would share a personal experience such as health problem. 2 - If they needed any incentive to share their story, and if so, which was it.


The total participents were 31 people, whose average age was between 18-25, which fits with our target and most of them were women. The results we got were very positive: most of the people claimed to be available to share private experiences behind anonymity. The most encouraging data told us that people don’t need material incentives that much: most of them were happy with the idea of helping others, and this incentive was enough for them to share their stories. However, actual incentives would be appreciated: among the answers, a free session of counseling with a doctor emerged to be the most appreciated incentive.

Prototype & Testing



Prototype & Testing

4.4 SNAPCHAT Research on the popular and young platform

At last, we did a research on one of the most popular social network of these days: Snapchat. Since the peers’ opinion is essential for teenagers to build their own point of view on what is good or not, the channels we choose have an essential key role. Nowadays, teenagers prefer fast and simple social networks like Snapchat or Vine over Facebook. As a consequence, it’s important to reach them where they are in order to have a better engagement. We did both a desk research and use the app ourselves in order to have a better understanding. From the results we gather it emerged that Snapchat is becoming one of the most potential social networks in marketing activities. More and more companies are opening their own profiles in order to reach the youngest target on the market. For these reason, we decided that choosing Snapchat as a new channel of communication could give positive results. STRATEGY Key points in our Snapchat strategy: 1 - Put teen advocates in charge of the profile in order to have contents for teens made by teens. 2 - Having a dedicated Geolense on the day of the launch of our website, in order to create buzz and address people on the platform.

Prototype & Testing

3 - Keep on creating contents on a daily basis, as a new channel over Facebook and Instagram




Business Plan

5.1 SUMMARY Business Plan Overview

OPPORTUNITY PROBLEM: There is a communication gap between youth engagement, and healthy sexual and reproductive health care. Youth engagement only increases when they are already facing crisis. SOLUTION: Your Story, Our Story website is a supportive platform that encourages the mindset of making sexual and reproductive health care become a lifestyle: prevention before crisis.



BUSINESS PLAN Executive Summary BP Canvas Spreadsheet


Business Plan


WHAT WE SELL Supportive community in an online form. We provide a platform where individuals can go to when they seek reliable information about sexual and reproductive health by providing real stories and role models, welcome questions while providing a reassurance in confidentiality, and make it easy to consume information. SERVICE: Your Story, Our Story website is a storytelling platform. Our service offering includes: 1 - Story sharing from the past patients of the organization. 2 - Ask question anonymously. 3 - Fun knowledge games. 4 - Book an appointment with an option of the same doctor from previous visits. MARKET The primary target for Your Story, Our Story is youth and young adults in New York. The secondary market is parent of youth and young adults in New York: - There is a lack of engagement between youth and the out there organizations. - Story sharing and advices in sexual and reproductive health topics occur among youth in their groups. The information shared is not all accurate. - A role model and real story generates more trust and connection. It influences youth behavior.


Business Plan

COMPETITION: Other organization with different believes in sexual and reproductive health cares, hospitals, and other story sharing platforms. WHY US? We offer a supportive community platform with a reliable source in the sexual health care. We highly value confidentiality and security to all parties involved. EXPECTATIONS FORECAST: The financial plan was developed based on the current hiring rates in the New York market. The fundings for the organization that will support the platform comes through donors support. With the platform going live, connecting with the main website of the organization, it will help generate more engagement and involvement from the youth and young adult. In the long run, the patient traffic to the organization will be less on patient group that visit the organization due to crisis, and will be more of the patient group to go to the organization regularly for their sexual and reproductive health wellness lifestyle. FINANCING NEEDED: We plan to receive the funding support on the platform from the organization.

Business Plan


5.2 OPPORTUNITY Our solution ecosystem


PROBLEM WORTH SOLVING: There are many platform out there with sexual and reproductive health information, but there are still many youth and young adult that’s facing crisis and reach out for help when there is already a problem in their sexual and reproductive health. OUR SOLUTION: Reliable source of real story for youth: make them realized that they are not alone. Real story from real people and how the organization has helped them: motivates youth to seek help from the organization and creates more credibility to the organization. Ask question anonymously provides a way for youth and young adult to seek advice on something they may be embarrassed to ask. Visually enticing and easy to navigate website, showing the map of New York and where the story comes from helps relate more to youth within certain neighborhood. Mobile friendly website, users can open it from their phone without having to go into the app store to download. Appointment booking with an option to request for the same physician from previous visits: build relationship and trust between patient and the physician.


Business Plan

TARGET The current population of youth that has new STD MARKET infections in New York in 2013 are 69,500. There is still a need for a supportive source for youth, as well as a source to help youth make an informed decision. COMPETITION

CURRENT ALTERNATIVES: Other organization with different believes in sexual and reproductive healthcares, hospitals, and other story sharing platform. OUR ADVANTAGES: The organization has supports from the donors (public, and private). With the website associating as another service provided by the organization, the website will receive the in-direct support from current supporter of the organization. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: Story: Story receive from past patients. Anonymous question: Support from organization’s medical professional and administration. Book appointment: Support from organization’s medical professional and administration, as well as organization’s main platform for appointment. Story sharing incentive: Continue support from the condom brand to provide free samples. Potential partner from pharmacy franchise in discounts for self-care product.

Business Plan


5.3 EXECUTION Business Plan

MARKETING OVERVIEW: PLAN Our strategy seeks to reach to our target market through three main channels: focuses on social media campaign, association to the main distribution channel, and through word-of-mouth method. The goal is to create a community and buzz about this new project and the organization brand name. POSITIONING: We are an online platform for patients to share personal sexual health stories. We help others who also experience the same situations PROMOTION OFFERINGS: ( We target towards local New York borough ) Free sample: The story provider can select an option to receive

free condoms from a sponsored partner Free Consultation: The story provider can select an option for meeting a doctor or a professional within the organization for a consultation based on his/her needs Discounts: The story provider can select an option for receiving discounts on self-care product from a partner brand


Business Plan


OUR SALES CHANNEL INCLUDES: Social media campaign and word-of-mouth. Association to the organixation’s main website. Current workshops and publication that the organization are currently providing to schools. RETAIL PRICING AND SERVICE There is no cost in engaging with the website. The website’s aim is to encourage users to visit the organization more often. We provide story sharing, appointment booking, and anonymous question feature for the user at no monetary cost.


TECHNOLOGY: The website will be linked to the main organization website. The maintenance, content curation, and supports will be through the main organization, under their code of conduct practices. The initial platform has been designed but it is going to be developed and improved by an external agency.

Business Plan


HUMAN RESOURCE: An external agency will develop and improved the initial platform An internal IT person from the organization will provide support in website maintenance and will receive an extra wage added to his/her existing salary. We are going to hire two new people to work part time. They are going to be in charge for the story review, curate, ask questions feature. A supervisor is going to come from an existing employee at the organization and going to receive an additional wage added to his/her existing salary.

KEY METRICS Supportive community is a key for the website. The story sharing helps comfort youth and make sure that they are not alone. Safe sexual and reproductive health care should be a healthy lifestyle. All individual deserves a right to make an informed decision. In the long run, the amount of patient traffic to the organization due to crisis will be less, and the amount of patient visit to the organization for sexual and reproductive health wellness lifestyle will be more.


Business Plan


Customer Actions


Ask question anonymously

Wait for the answer

See the answer


Front-Stage Interactions

Receive past patient’s question

Post the answer


Back-Stage Interactions

Support Process

Filter the questions

Answer the question

Double check the answer with the supervisor if needed

Comfirm the answer


Business Plan

SERVICE BLUEPRINT Story Submission Physical Evidence

Customer Actions


Submit your story

Wait for the story approval

See your story published on the website


Front-Stage Interactions

Receive past patient’s story

Post the story


Back-Stage Interactions

Support Process

Filter the story

Review the story

Check the accuracy of the story and patient’s info

Approve the story


Business Plan

BUSINESS MODEL WHY DEFINITION “A business model describes the ra- Business model helps audience to tionale of how an organization cre- see a clearer picture of a business. It helps the user to clarify who ther ates, delivers, and captures value.� customers are, what they have offer, what is their infrastructure look like, HOW TO Analyzie business and dissect the and how is their financial viabilty. system into nine basic building blocks: Customer Segments, Value Propositions, Channels, Customer Relationships, Revenue Streams, Key Resources, Key Activities, Key Partners and cost Structure. The Business Model Canvas Key Partners

WHEN Business model is used as a bluepint which allows a business be easily discribed and further for creating new business strategic alternatives.

Key Activities

Designed by:

Value Propositions

Key Resources

Cost Structure

Customer Relationships



Customer Segments


Revenue Streams

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit: or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

DesigneD by: Strategyzer AG The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer

REFERENCES: Business Model Generation

Designed for:

Business Plan

KEY PARTNERS • Donors (private) • Communication, technology partner (distribution channel) • Sponsoring company /perspective partner company or organization (free condoms, SnapChat etc)

KEY ACTIVITIES • Story sharing • Response Q&A • Appointment booking • Website update • Offers for participation uch as free consultation • Social media participation/content creation/editing/marketing

VALUE PROPOSITION A supportive online community where users can share their experiences in sexual & reproductive health, as well as read others experiences

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS • Engagement in community • Providing reliable medical resources • Supporting source through story sharing / reliable information



• Patients’ stories • Healthcare professionals • Tech support/communication agency • Staffs • Social media • Teen Advocates

• Website (mobile friendly) • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat) • The main website (nonprofit organization website)



• Advertisement fee • Website maintenance suport • Healthcare professionals: Answer Q&A, consultation • Additional staff: Curate story submission

• Advertisement fee • Legal: for terms and conditions, legal matters for the platform • Staff: Content creation to advertise the platform on social media


CUSTOMER SEGMENTS • Teens • Young Adults • Parents (indirect)

• Advertisement partnership / sponsorship • Donors (public, private) • Government


With the support from the client and Parsons School of Design, it has helped our team to enhance our learning capabilities, as well as create a proposal that serves as a solu-tion to a complex opportunity space. Through using Design Thinking and applying it to our process, it challenges us to generate a full comprehensive study in order to meet our goal: propose a long-term sustainable solution that benefits the client and the client’s end user. In the near future, we do hope that our proposed solution can serve as a way to help the client reframing the perception of sexual and reproductive health as a healthy lifestyle.


ABOUT THE TEAM Core values

TRUST: Both in the context of working capability, responsibility, and also in a context of trusting each other as peers/human being. RESPECT: Respect each other as a person. Respect that everyone has different point of views and working style. It is important to respect the differences and also it is important to tune in/adapt to each other. CREATIVE: Learn to think out of the box and to look at things from different perspectives. COLLABORATE: A support system for each other. Learning and teaching each other at the same time. Being the kind of team that has a high adaptability+efficiency quality – team member can take on different roles. TRANSPARENT: Be honest to each others. If there is anything we don’t know, don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are a team to solve problems TOGETHER. POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT: While we are learning, we must never forget to have fun. Create more ‘Third Place theory’ situation.



Mei-Yi Huang

Francesca Molteni

Kansaranat Nerngchamnong


BIBLIOGRAPHY Abortion Reason. Accessed February 23, 2016. “Curriculum.” Parsons School of Design Accessed May 3, 2016. parsons/masters-design-management-curriculum/ Durex. Accessed March, 2016. “Ecosystem Mapping Tool.” The NEAT Tree. Accessed April, 2016. http://neat. Furr, Nathan, and Jeff Dyer. The Innovator’s Method. Boston: HBR Press, 2014. “Garrett’s Bike Shop.” Live Plan. Accessed April 30, 2016. samples_and_examples Gaver, William W., Andrew Boucher, Sarah Pennington, and Brendan Walker. “Cultural Probes and the Value of Uncertainty.” (2004): 1-8. Hanington, Bruce, and Bella Martin. Universal Methods of Design: 101 Ways to Research Complex Problems, Develop Innovative Ideas, and Design Effective Solutions. Baverly: Rockport Publishers, 2012. Health Center, visit by Francesca Molteni, February 18, 2016. Health Center, visit by Kansaranat Nerngchamnong, February 19, 2016. Interview Participant Four: Sex Education Instructor. Interview by Mei-Yi Huang, Francesca Molteni. March 2, 2016, transcript. Interview Participant One: Social Worker. Interview by Mei-Yi Huang, Francesca Molteni, Kansaranat Nerngchamnong. February 18, 2016, transcript.


Interview Participant Three: Youth in New York. Interview by Francesca Molteni, Kansaranat Nerngchamnong. February 26, 2016, transcript. Interview Participant Two: AA Member. Interview by Kansaranat Nerngchamnong. February 20, 2016, transcript. Invision. Accessed April, 2016. Invision. Accessed May, 2016. Kumar, Vijay. 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2013. Lidwell, William, Kritina Holden, and Jill Butler. Universal Principles of Design. Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers, Inc., 2003. Mootee, Idris. Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2013. Mural. Accessed May 28, 2016. Museum of Sex, visit by Francesca Molteni, Kansaranat Nerngchamnong, February 20, 2016 “Museum of Sex.” Yelp. Accessed February 20, 2016. National Right to Life. Accessed February 23, 2016. New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygene. “Geographic Co-occurance of HIV/ AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis in New York City.” Epi Data Brief. No. 20 (2012): 1-2. Accessed April, 2016. pdf/epi/databrief20.pdf


New York State Department of Health. “Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among NYS Young People.” Action Brief. Accessed April, 2016. statistics/diseases/communicable/std/docs/reducing_stds.pdf Ogilvie, Tim, and Jeanne Liedtka. Design For Growth. Designing for Growth: A Design Thinking ToolKit for Managers. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. O’Grady, Jennifer. A Designer’s Research Manual. Bevery: Rockport, 2009. Operation Rescue. Accessed February 23, 2016. Plattner, Hasso. “Process Guide.” An Introduction to Design Thinking. Accessed April 28, 2016. wiki/36873/attachments/74b3d/ModeGuideBOOTCAMP2010L. pdf?sessionID=e29682c7569e583344b123a7116d9172e65e8531 Polaine, Andy, Lavrans Løvlie, and Ben Reason. Service Design: From Insights to Implementation. Brooklyn: Rosenfeld Media, 2013. “Powerpuff Yourself.” Powerpuff Yourself. Accessed April 6, 2016.!/en Snapchat. Accessed April, 2016. Snapchat. Accessed May, 2016. Stickdorn, Mark, and Jakob Schneider. This is service design thinking. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers, 2011. The Noun Project. Accessed April 30, 2016.


The Noun Project. Accessed May 1, 2016. Trello. Accessed May, 2016. Valentine, Louise. Prototype: Design and Craft in the 21st Century. New York: Bloombury Academic, 2013. Vernacchio, Al. “What teens really want to know about sex,” ideas.ted. September 26, 2014. “Victoria’s Secret.” Fashiogonerogue. Accessed April, 2016. wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Elsa-Hosk-Victorias-Secret-Swim-2016-Cover-Catalog.jpg Youngblood, Mike. The Four Bedrock Techniques for Observational Research. Gravity Tank, 2015. Your Story, Our Story. Survey Monkey. Accessed April 21, 2016. https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/QRHWCNW



Design Thinking Method




EMPATHIZE The empathize mode is the work you do to understand people, within the context of your design challenge. It is your effort to understand the way they do things and why, their physical and emotional needs, how they think about the world, and what is meaningful to them. DEFINE Define the challenge you are taking on, based on what you have learned about your user and about the context. It is about making sense of the widespread information you have gathered



IDEATE Concentrate on idea generation. You ideate in order to transition from identifying problems to creating solutions for your users. PROTOTYPE Prototype mode is the iterative generation of artifacts intended to answer questions that get you closer to your final solution. TESTING Testing informs the next iterations of prototypes. It is also another opportunity to build empathy through observation and engagement. REFERENCE: An Introduction to Design Thinking Process Guide


Ecosystem Map SOCIAL • • • • • • • • •

Human right Religion Education Peer pressure Word of mouth

Social justice Refugee Poverty Insurance policy

• •

Social media Popculture

The nonprofit



Donors Stockmarket Economy

Research funding

TECHNOLOGY • • • • •

Internet Software interface Distribution channel Mass outreach Clinical equipment innovation


Stakeholder Map



DEFINITION AEIOU is an anylitical framwork which helps reseachers to list issues and objects of the topic later easier for coding the information.

A E I O U Actions





• Events which the nonprofit organization provides

• Homes

• Between youth and their parents

• Cellphones

• Youth

• Computers

• Parents

• Brochures

• The organization

• communications among youth • Health care check-ups

• Schools • Health care centers • Internet • Public spaces for youth

• Between youth and their peers

• Between youth • Advertisements and the nonprofit organization • Publications


Opportunity Space








Research Plan


RESEARCH PLAN RESEARCH PLAN Alcoholics Anonymous member

Alcoholics Anonymous member

olicsAlcoholics Anonymous mous ber member

care ist


Health care visit -1



Foster care therapist

Health care Health care visit -1 visit -1 Sexuality educator

Sexuality educator INTERVIEWS

INTERVIEWS Sexuality Sexuality educator educator


college freshman

college freshman

Museum of Sex visit



Sex talk among collage students


Sex talk among collage students




3 3

Health care visit -2

3 3

Health care OBSERVATIONS visit -2


Museum of Sex visit



CULTURAL of Sex PROBE Yelp views


Museum of Sex Yelp views

Museum of Sex Yelp views

Museum of Sex Yelp views

4 4

Ads of popular DESK sex brands

4 4

RESEARCH Ads of the



Ads of popular sex brands


Ads of RESEARC popular sex brands

RESEARCH oppositions



Sex talk CULTURAL among collageSex talkPROBE RESEARCH PLAN PROBE students among collage RESEARCH PLAN

Health care visit -2

Health care visit -2

of Sex Museum visit of Sex visit OBSERVATIONS OBSERVATIONS

ege college man


Health care visit -1

underwear brand: Victoria’s Secret

Ads of the underwear brand: Victoria’s Secret

Ads of the underwear brand: Victoria’s Secret



Participant information

Code meaning

Currently in the AA program. Had problems with Alcohol and drugs before

I = Ideas

Been in three locations for AA program: Florida, NY, and LA

T = Theme U = Unexpected

*Upon agreement with interview participant. His name and identity will not be reviewed due to his privacy preference. Interview date

Participant Note

Q= Quote O= Observation Code Additional remarks

3 years and 4 months in the program. Still part of it as much as he can but life gets busy, at 2/20/2016 AA Member least try to make 2 meetings a week. A lot in his life has changed since joining the program He had problems with alcohol and drugs. "It's a spiritual program, not a religious program."


"About finding an inner peace, living a certain life that make you happy and you can help others and be of service to people not just in AA, but also to friends and family."


The program opens you up as a person, "you become less selfish"..."one of the main changes that happened if you apply yourself to it"


Isolating a lot from the world and people in your life when you are an alcoholic and drugs addict AA made him open up to people in a way he was never able to (friends, family, stranger) At first he did not want to join the program. Had a problem with substance abuse before and had attend meeting before in his early twenties but did not stay and believe in it Saw it as a place that people go to complain before The message he got at first: the twelve steps as part of the process in AA, he related to more of a religious practice "higher power" and that threw him off, doesnt want to be part of it, doestn believe in it. (Trusting, believing issues?)

He was an atheist before coming to AA. That affected his decision on joinging the probgram. Met his uncle thats also in an AA and his uncle saw him at the wedding and just knew that Dan has a problem and reach out and offer Dan to stay with him in Florida and try out AA for real "The notion of doing that (join AA and stay with his uncle) was just terrifying, but at the same time I knew I just couldn't go on doing what I was doing. If I had, I would have wound up in jail".. "or maybe even dead" Q He was willing to give it a chance and open up because it was his uncle and his uncle also went through the same thing, understand him "it put me in a comfort zone"

Trust - being able to relate - went through T, Q, I the similar situation


There were people trying to do intervention on Dan before but it did not work. It drove him away because he doesnt thinks those people understand him. He became defensive but also wasn't ready


Trust - being able to relate

"There is a different where theres just one person coming at you, versus a lot of people. and when there is someone that has been through this process before" T Rehab/detox to him was as close as to being in prison (from his point of view.) Doing drugs and alcohol has effects on his physical but that goes away over time. But the emotional part is really fragile. Being alcoholics and addicts, when he get sober at the early stage, you get insane. Your mind doesnt know how to deal with life when theres no substance to control it. Doesnt know how to cope living a life sober. It affects your decision making Being in fragile emotional state "somewhat crazy", and getting into the program, dealing with the 12 steps - higher power was odd for him to overcome but it he managed to overcome that not too long because of the support from his family. T

Support - trust

His family encourage him to just follow throught the 12 steps (AA) and see what happens. Give it a try and just do it As soon as he start the process, in general when plp join the program and you become really close and intimate to people there right away (which not true every case) but plp there come from hard times as wel. You can open up to each other quickly T, I Family, give it all he got, knowing and meeting plp in the program and see the quick developing relationship and experiencing it. --> all made him overcome the obstacle to start the program and his problem with the 12 steps/higher power T AA meeting can be a good time and fun. They do talk about dark stuff from the pass but they are able to laugh about it because they went through it. Take it as a dark humor Since coming to AA hes known more plp who died from alcohol and drugs because he meets a lot of alcoholics and drugs addicts and not all of them stuck around and continue with the AA


Seek for alternative for better life perhaps?

He keeps going back because he has to. To maintain his new life, his spiritual life. Have to keep learnign from others, learn from these things and "you need to be constantly reminded".. "even though you do heal, but our brain is still messed up. You can take away the drugs and alcohol but our mind is still obsesse"

See example/downside of those that did not follow through and left the program

I, Q

Important to go back to the meeting to be reminded and know that the tools that you have to help you get through it "AA gives you a set of tools to deal with life" I, Q There are different format for each AA meeting. But usually you go to meeting at a place that they arranged. Can be chruch, country club, theres one that was host at a bar. When meeting begin, one person will speak 20-30 mins to tell their story, what it was like in their addiction, what it was like once they got to AA and how they dealt with that, and what its like now you're living your life. Once the person finish, people in the meeting can share something they can related to or just to say thank you becuase it helps enlighten them (3-5 mins per person). Sometimes you go around the room, sometimes speaker pick a person to say something. T



Website for AA will tell you where they have meetings. You dont pay to go to AA. in 12 step, the 7th step they take a bucket and plp can donate if they wish. Sometimes there is meditation meeting where you meditate 20 mins and you share after. Depends on the people Hear word of mouth and might check it out to another meeting at another place. Word of mouth from iother AA member


You go to a meeting and exchange number to each other. the idea is to help as many plp as possible. Offer if someone is going trhough a rough time, can call each other Bacame friends with a guy he met in Florida, now have great friendships Many plp he stayed in touch with a lot. FLorida, New York, LA. Wherever you go, you are instantly can make friends at AA. If you're from out of town, plp at AA you meet in that city will invite you to dinner, very supportive


"I've never become so close to a stanger this fast before joining AA"


Relationship with AA affected his life outside AA greatly. The meeting usually just 1 hour. Walking in the meeting and attening just makes you feel better right after. Never walk out of meeting feeling worst. Outside meeting, the plp he meets from AA, they are dependable. Doesnt matter what issue is but they support and talk to you. "we keep each other in check"..."because we're a bit crazy, we know we can go crazy ourselves, but at the same time, we can spot when someone else is going crazy" I, Q "its the give and take of it" AA you get a sponsor that will help you through the 12 steps


The people being other AA member, and meetings and hanging out with these people outside meeting help him open up.


He remembers arriving in Florida, his cousin picked him up to take him to the rehab. His cousin and him used to do a lot of drugs together. But when Dan got picked up at the airport, his cousin had become sober and stayed in AA. His cousin now has this energy in him that's so different than before looking like a zombit. For Dan to see the difference on his cousin, it's very strange on him and has an impact on Dan. "if thats happen to my cousin, then maybe I can do it" I, Q It helps that his family is part of the AA program.


You schedule one-on-one meeting with your sponsor. But for other member, you can just hang out outside meeting. You just stay connected, can be coffee, movie, doesnt have to talk about it all the time. Its about stay connected so when there is a crisis, you talk to them. You dont just call them when you're in crisis. I The pearks of AA, always reach out to help the newcomer You introduce yourself to the newcomer. But sometimes you just listen and let them talk, let them get it out. Because it depends on what kind of state the specific person is going through "There's no forcing in AA, it's all suggestion"

I, Q

"Some people come in really broken. You gotta becareful and not push them too hard. Just hey i'm here if you need to talk. You dont want to be pushy at all"

I, Q


Participant Information

Code meaning

Part of the school: Sexual Education - Health and Awareness support for students

I = Ideas

Instructor: providing sex education workshops and information

T = Themes Q = Quotes

*Upon agreement with interview participant. Her name and identity will not be reviewed due to her privacy preference Interview date Participant Note

3/2/2016 Instructor

U = Unexpected O = Observation Code

Additional remarks

Sex education is not just info about the medical part. It’s also about the culture and the history. I US culture: more aggressive in masculinity and sex Sex E-collective: sex knowledge training. About building community services

I, T

Look from public health perspective. Peer base education. Teens seek info from their friends. Emphsis on educating teens due to youth seek out information from their friends. It is imperative for youth to have correct knowledge The workshop is also for leadership and community building. The peer based sex education http://www.childrensaidsociet

Suggestion of the organizations that does teen sex education to from the advisor: 1)) Children's AIDs society 3) Harlem RBI Sex ed includes 1)body perspective 2)sex perspective Culture and institution both has impacts on sex education Capitalism – makes body negative Rape culture: the culture says if you got raped, it’s your fault not the rapist. Facilitator is the key for members to be engaged


Suggested podcast: American life: Rape Culture


Rape consulting: deals victim’s trauma and how their reaction to trauma In the consultation and sex education: "Good Info & right info should be concrete. You can’ just talk about concept. You need to let people know how to apply the info to their life" Q, I, T "Everything we live will affect the way we think and the way we look at our bodies. Media influences our body image."



Example: She watched the TV show called “ Revenge of a nerd TV show” when she was young. One of the scenes was that the guys drilled a whole in the wall to film girls in the bathroom. For her understanding now in today’s perspective, it’s actually an assault. However, back then the culture in the movie they took it lightly. Very common people have sexual problem that happened during their teenagers’ time. Masculine problems: 1) guys are less connected, 2) they have to put on mask and they generally talk to no one when they have problems 3)culture projects them to be hyper sexual 4)Male and female equally has problems. Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 1) guys need to see a positive role model

T, I

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 2) Who is in the room with them affects their way of acting/receiving information

T, I

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 3) Their community affects the way they project about sex education

T, I

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 4) factors include how safe they are in the environment they are at, the home they live in

T, I

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 5) Takes a lot of engagement


Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 6) Ono-on-one session is a lot safer feeling for the students to ask questions but group setting are more impactful


Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 7) Know the background they are coming from helps a lot in sex education


Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 8) Have someone connected to their community is very helpful T

Ability to relate

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 9) peak in their language also help

Ability to relate

Experience counseling with guys about sex education: 10) Show a video and ask them to critique it to start What people ask the most in sex education session/ counseling: Plan B, birth control, and referral to get abortion, relationship counseling, to know more about sex



Participant information

Code meaning

Therapist for foster child for 6 years.

I = Ideas

Currently change department to do administrative work

T = Themes

Had also experienced in 'Group home'

Q = Quotes

*Upon agreement with interview participant. Her name and identity will not be reviewed due to her privacy preference Interview date Participant Note 2/18/2016 Therapist

U = Unexpected O = Observation Code

Most of the foster kids are removed from the families because of the poverty: Their parents can't provide so they have to be removed from families Age range for foster kids she dealt with are wided: from 1.5 to 20 years old, all gender Foster's kids race she had dealt with in the past 6 years are: 60% Hispanic, 30% African American, 10% Caucasian Typical day at work starts 2pm. She would go to foster home after kids come back from school, usually sit in their bedroom, or take them out for a walk. i.e. park (somewhere private) When she meet one of the kids, she usually buy them some food or ask about school: find a way to break the ice. The methods depends on the age. Some kids likes to play game. T The theraphy session usually last from 30 - 45 mins She would see 5-6 kids per day / 10-16 kids per week On average, her theraphy session to each kids would be about 6 months to 1 year. Maybe 2-3 kids she would spend longer therapy time. (some up to 5-6 years.) Most kids she did not get to spend longer therapy time (only 6 months - 1 year) because they would get remove and transfer to another foster home that is no longer with her agency. Therefore she couldnt reach out to them anymore


She was not allowed to contact them privately to build personal relationship. "Sometimes I would bring parents to the therapy session but most of time the foster parents didn’t care that much about their kids. " Q, U Most kids doesnt want therapy and they would not talk at all. They have been move around from home to home, that makes it hard for them to trust adults or the system. It is also the problem with the system itself with foster care T, U "The foster kids didn’t have the basic necessity so why would they want to address anything else. They didn’t have a secure foundation to feel secure to share with me. The most important thing about the therapy job is to build a relationship in truth the patients. However, having a weekly therapy like this is not enough. This is not a long run solution for foster kids. They need more supports than just the weekly therapy. The support should be more holistic." Q, T, U, I

Additional remarks


When kids has a negative attitude, she usually take them out to fin out what is it that is a trigger for their negativity. She would reframe her job and ask them what they want, let them know they have to be with her and gave them the options for them to choose what they want to do T, I If she shows consistency, show them that she shows up every week, not late, show that she is trustworthy and they can trust her. Then their defense will go down. This process takes time. They will give her chance by starting to open up with her T, I She worked in Grouphome for a year and deal with preganat, sexually abused teens, instead of orphange Grouphome is for teens: a lot of them had drugs problem, been sexually abused, pregnant. There are grouphome for girls, and also for boys. But they separate the gender. One gender per home The girls from grouphome tell her everything including why they got pregnant. But she did not get to work with them a lot because they would get move to a different home, for mombaby once they give birth. Some of them were too young and on drugs. They werent allowed to have custody Teens at Grouphome is different. They are more open to share experience. Because they were forced to grow up quickly than other people in their age (being pregnant, have to be a mom)


She is also a mom and also a woman, so the teen girls at Grouphome feel that there is something they can relate to her and makes it easier for them to open up to her


Kids in grouphome (both gender) they usually either ran away from home, or having some illegal issues, the social worker have to go pick them up and find a home for them When teens are facing an urgent crisis, she would try to stabilized, make them feel safe. Once they feel safe, she can then work on their emotions and help them cope if they have a panic attack. Urgent crisis in teens: once their emotion are stable, she then will help figure it out what triggered their stress, then stop the stress or help to cope with the stress. Male youth tend to do more activities i.e. shoot some basketball hoops. They dont want to talk so they find something to play.


Male youth doesnt always ask for male therapist. Some of them had problems with their father, so they would request for female therapist. It depends, some have problems with their mother, some with their father. Same goes for female youth.

U, T

A skilled therapist supposed to be able to deal with both gender and can help. It suppose to be gender neutral. Also race, age, religion is not suppose to be a factor. But that wasnt the case all the time. Sometime youth do make a request for male or female. T The length of meeting for therapy can be less and less overtime if the patient gets better. The length of theraphy is also depends on if the person has enough tools to deal with their lif I She would usually recommend at least one year.- once a week (build and develop trust, relationship, to be able to share deeply for theraphy to be effective). "Some people just need countability, suppose, and theraphy that they dont get usually get that kind of opportunity and support."

I, T, Q

Sex in general can be a group but for sharing personal information should be personal oneon-one session For therapy, they need more support than what she can do. Non-profit need a big poppulation of support to help a girl in crisis.


"Therapy alone is not the only access"....There is so much social problem out there in the child side: poverty, lack of family suport . A therapist is limited to what they can do to help the kids.

I, Q

"Therapist support is more like a bandage, its temporary but it is not helping the root"

U, Q, I

Givernment really try to help the kids. But the process of it really affected the kids, the kids get transfer to other home so many times, its hard for them to have any sense of trust. "The system broke them down" U, Q, I, T Social worker, therapist get burn out very quickly because they deal with depressing issue everyday. (thats why shes in administrative now. Shes still helping but just on a different department)


Participant Information

Code meaning

From Colombia

I = Ideas

Currently in undergraduate school in New York

T = Themes

21 years old

Q = Quotes

Travel a lot, exposed to different cultures

U = Unexpected

*Upon agreement with interview participant. Her name and identity will not be reviewed due to her privacy pr O = Observation Interview date Participant Note


She knows that they offer sex-education workshop in her current undergraduate school. 2/26/2016 Youth in NY (even in the dorm where she's living at right now) But she doesnt go Have sexual education back in her school before college Her father and her mother did have the birds and bees talk with her before already "He didn't get scared us, I loved it" when her parents had the talk with her. Her father tells her how it happened. How it happens to the boy. How to take care of themselves.


From the talk with her parents, her siblings and her already knew about it In school before undergrad, they teach it to the students but its very lightly. "They didn't really cover the whole subject profoundly, but I already knew it"


"I think every teenager have watched porn before so I think they know a bit.... But not entirely how to take care of it"... "and I already knew it from my father, so... and my mother as well"


Her parents gave the talk when she was 14, her sister 15, her brother 13. She already knew a little bit about it before the talk with her parents. She knew that girls will be talking about how they have to take the pills. "because everybody in my class was like... I have to take the pills" Q Some girls from her school started at when they were 14, some girls started at when they were 16. They also talk about period.

U, I

Before she got her period (when she was 14) she was worried "oh my god im never going to get my period" but after she got it "oh no now I have to this every month" Q Before getting the talk with her parents, she received information from word of mouth. "because when you were a kid, you see looney toons on tv and th birds carrying babies and you thought that oh wow thats cool, I wish I could have seen the bird".... Q "but then inschool, I guess they're trying to tell you something but then your parents would explain. and how your freinds started talking abou it and you find out"..."but i didnt know a lot of methods of preventing pregnancy" Q At the time, she only knew that the guy would wear condoms. But she didnt knew that the guy would not also wear condoms "because the girls would taking...whatever she's taking" If there is any issue about sex related, she could ask either her father or her mother because she is comfortable talking about the subject with them.. even if she have faught with them she would still talk to them becuase it is important

Q, T

Additional remarks


His dad would explain it more in a scientific way where her mom would explain in another way. But she prefers her dad way because she would like to get her fact straight Her father has to tell his girlfriend how to tell her kids about the birds and bees Her father's girlfriend has the pregenancy prevention that insert in your arm The last time he told her about pregnency prevention was the circle one that you put it inside. In school before undergrad, there was no pressure to have sex. But she knew when everyone was doing it.


At the time when her friends started dating and they would tell her a little bit of details and in her mind she judged them a little bit. T She knew when dating and sex start happening among her peers but it wasn't a pressure that she has to do it. it was more of "okay, maybe I should get a boyfriend"


She didn't find a guy that she really like to the point that she will have sex with them so she never let it get too far to the point of having sex with them She is now 21 and have not yet have sex. She now sees it as "I just wanna get it over with" but usually either something was happenin with her life- busy, or she just doesnt want to do it with the guy. Q She is now changing her mind. Before you would see in television and movies with the idea of the first time has to be very special, and that had affected on her idea of the first time. But currently she just want to have that first time over with U When you hear about the first time of it, how it portrays as it has to be special: that is the pressure for her. But she is now changing her perception. Now she is mentally prepare of whats going to happen. "I just want to get rid of it"


She don't want to wait too long, she just want to have a happy healthy sex life. Before first time to have sex, she would be worried that she might be emotional attached to the guy from have sex with him. But if it's someone shes dating and its serious, then she won't care if she gets emotionally involved.

T, I

If she knows that the guy is not looking for anything serious, then she would hope that she wont catch any feelings for the guy. Thats the main worried. Another priority concern is to not get pregnant. If she's on the birth control pill, she would have the guy wear a condom, "just to be mega sure" to not get pregnant


She forgot about wearing condoms to protect from getting disease


She doest know how to ask the guy about how safe they are, if they have disease


If the relationship is going serious, then maybe he doesnt have to wear condom and she can take a pill, or she doesnt take the pill and he wears condom. It depends T If she have sex and the condom broke, she would get the morning after pill. If facing a crisis, she would go to her sister because she's gone through similar situation before, as well as, her friend had gone through something - abortion related.

T, I

How 'trust' revolves in certain ways


"Because its not legal to have abortion"... "here in the US"..."its not legal-legal"

Q, U

If it happened to her, morning after pill "and I guess you can buy at any pharmacy"


"If I was a teenager, I would use a fake ID, or a friend of mine" to get the morning after pill

Q, I

For healthcare center question "I wouldnt have had that on my mind until you mentioned"..."I would give you (the interviewer) a call if thats happening." Q "The school (her current undergrad program) doesnt provide you those testing" I dont think they'll provide verytime you want to do it and it woulndt be free right?"

Q, U

"I wouldnt have thought of going to the health center but I will check it out"...."and I have insurance so I wont have to pay"


If her father found out that she went to the health center, she would tell him what happened "a pap test... like a test for everything??"


Not quite sure what a pap test is or what are the process for For getting check up example: papsmere, if the first time she like the doctor, then she woulndt mind seeing the doctor again. But f the doctor is creepy, then she would change the doctor the second time Her firends are confortable to talk about sex topics. They wont tell in details but if she ask the details, her friends would tell her In terms of role models, she try to not judge about what people do with their sex life/ sex act I Before she used to slutshame her firends, but its not a good thing and she wont do it anymore "Unless its the subject of extreme sex stuff, BDSM? I tried to stay away from it"


"I think there's more talk about it, people are saying: hey stop slut shaming." When it comes to slut shaming, its currently the same for guys and girls. Q Samantha from sex and the City: She used to judge Samantha but also envious at the same time. But not its admirable because Samantha do what she wants to do. She grew up in a conservative country, so the perception is more conservative, but she does travel to other places and being exposed to other cultures, and that also affected on how her perception changed over time to be more open T, I Her father thinks that living in New York has an impact on how open minded she gets.


"everytime you're going somewhere else, you adopt the culture. You accquire whatever culture"


When she starts travelling alone, it has widen her horizon "I have changed, but in a good wa Q Sex brand: Victoria secret is the first thing. Pause for a few seconds... look up... 2) playboy, 3)trojans.... "I dont know I cnat think of another" Q

When asked if heard of Durex, yes she has heard of it (but didnt come up to her mind when she was ask to think of the sex related brand) She also thinks that every brand has something related to sex. If sex sells, then they will incorporate some how. For example, toothpaste, you'll see a beautiful girl or a beautful guy. Or Target: incorporate image of the perfect couple, a beautiful girl with a beautifl guy She thinks both girls and guys equally need sex-education workshops. Its not much of how to do it or how it works, its more the mentality of "you're a man, and you're a woman and you have to react this way, or expect him to be something that makes you feel safe" Q When asked if theres anything she would like to add.. "Girl Power!"


Where is she receiving this imformation from? What is the reason that she would go out of her way to get it rather than seek help from a healthcare provider



Location: Health Center Reason for visit: Wellness Test Date: February 18, 2016 Stage


After the submission no username or password were provided, because it

Online booking would have taken 24-48 hourst to contact back

didn’t even received any email or screen message which confirmed that the data submission had been successfully completed

Feelings Confused Stressed

didn’t know what to expect and the website doesn’t provide a lot of information about it. Try to click on other page and found inconsistant information.

received an email with a username and password a few days afterwards

More relieved

Having problems navigating the online form. The description is not clear, not sure which name is for which location


No confirmation and not sure if the request went though Phone booking Long wait time with automated system.

Increase in worried

Most timeslot were booked. Spoke to human operator and she was very nice Day of visit

More relieved

Convenient and easy to find location All people at the center were friendly, does not make you feel uncomfortable, very cheerful

Increase in confort

Fast check in process Relaxing chairs at the wait area Clean smell

Increase in feeling safe

The nurse was very polite, clear, up front, does not treat the subject as if it is something embarassing.

Increase in feeling safe

The doctor was very friendly, shows that shes very knowledgable. Doesnt feel judge at Increase in all feeling safe


Location: Health Center Reason for visit: Birth Control Consultation Date: February 19, 2016 Stage


Phone Booking The phone call (automated message) has a clear, friendly voice

Day of visit

Feelings Excitement

Long wait time to stay on the line. Almost 20 mins to actually get to speak to someone from the center

Decreased in excitement

When spoke to the operator, the person in the line was very friendly and efficient. Very helpful in locating the available time

Comfort increase

Operator was very clear about the information, what's needed, what can I request


Friendly staff, did not feel judge Quick sign in process, staff was very clear about the process Clean smell, birght from the sunlight, quite relaxing environment, other patients waiting seems uite relaxed as well

More relaxed

The television playing as a background noise Greeted by a very friendly nurse, very careful when it comes to personal and sensitive questions. Straigth to the topic but still bery respectful Feel safe Doctor was very helpful and resourceful. Very attentive and take her time to provide her consultation. Doctor wasnt pushy at the selected solution, she provided suggestion but also suggested other options while explaining each pros and cons Received additional information sheets for more knowledge

Very safe and comfort


Location: Museum of Sex Date: February 20, 2016 Stage



At ticketing, its within the museum shop. Both from outside and inside it didn’t look like a typical “sexy shop”, but actually a normal shop, so we felt comfortable from the beginning. Everyone there seems normal, both staff and the museum goers. No one appeared to be embarrassed or judgemental along the line to get the ticket, there were mini items from the shop that we can look at (or pick up to purchase)


The museum is structured in four different areas: 1) Hardcore - a kind of pornography history 2) Splendor in the grass - an interactive exhibition 3) The sex lives of animals 4) ObjectXXX The kind of information displayed on the wall are very informative. It was overall presented it very straight forward. Mostly attended by female. Only 2 couples. The rest are group of friends 2 - 5. There was no specific are that people paid more attention to. The crowed just moved along as they see each information presented It felt exactly the same as if I was at the New Whitney museum. The tone and behavior of the people in there are normal. Some of the audience was interested and sometimes surprised; they seemed overall comfortable and amused. Our overall impression was positive: we didn’t feel uncomfortable and we had a few of funny moments, and this is the praise of the museum. It’s well cared and designed, especially the shop interiors: it looked like a normal shop Each section in the shop were divided but not complete in isolation. The tone of the environment seems to affect people’s behavior. Since the shop looks just like a regular shop, people in there seems peacefully pick up a vibrator and compare with another one while the person next to it did not judge or pay attention to other people. Each items that sells there were clearly explained what it was suppose for.



Title: Let’s Talk About Sex 1.) What do you fear the most about having sex? - Get pregnant - STDs - Being judged by others - Being rejected by your partner

- Hygiene issue - Not knowing what to do - Other

2.) Where do you get information about sex? - Friends - Google - Porns - Parents

- School - Health care providers - Other

3.) What do you find valuable when it comes to sexual healthcare/what is your priority to choose a health care - Trust - Consistency - Safe - Convenient

- Word of mouth - Informational - Confidential - Other




Condoms play a critial role in preventing STD, HIV and unplanned

used a condom and



However, the majority of New York high school students did not use a condom the last time they had sex. Only 1 out of 7 young females use both condoms and hormonal birth control together (2003).

57.1% used a


used a hormonal birth control

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF MULTIPLE SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASES IN 2012 Among NYC, the Bronx has the greatest percentage of multiple diseases (68%).

Brooklyn 22% Queens 25%

The Bronx 68%

Manhattan 45%

Other than the Bronx, NorthCentral, Brooklyn and Northern Manhattan, Chelsea-Clinton in Manhattan and the Rockaways in Queens are the primary areas of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C.



New STD infections in New York Young People between age of 15 to 24.

REFERENCES: Reducing Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) among NYS Young People. Geographic Co-occurrence of HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Tuberculosis in New York City.

Upstate & Long Island 43%

NYC 57%




Web page

National Right to Life, Protecting life in American since 1968. National Right to Life is the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters. National Right to Life carries out its lifesaving mission by promoting respect for the worth and dignity of every individual human being, born or unborn, including unborn children from their beginning; those newly born; persons with disabilities; older people; and other vulnerable people, 1 especially those who cannot defend themselves

National Right to Life works to achieve its mission through education, legislation and political action. Its activities include providing research, educational materials, information and leadership training for effective right-to-life citizenship as well as sponsoring legislation which will advance the protection of human life and supporting the election of public officials who defend life.

Website to prolife group. The nation's oldest and largest pro-life organization.

Pro Life Action League. "Psychology of women seeking abortion" -- the kind of training you can get from the talk below entitled, “Equipping for Life” by sidewalk counselor 2 Karen Black.

Witnessing for life outside your local abortion clinic can be difficult work, but highly rewarding. But if you want to be an effective counselor to abortion-bound women, it’s important to know the psychology of the women coming in to the clinic and how to speak to them in a way that they can receive.

Website to Prolife group. Similar page layout to a blog, http://prolifeaction.o adding each post rg each day

Event / Information

"Why do you think I used force against Dr. Slepian when In 2003, anti-abortion rights activist James Kopp reportedly he was within 10 hours of taking the lives of 25 babies? admitted killing Dr. Barnett Slepian in Buffalo, although he The question answers itself" -- James Kopp, anti-abortion 3 claimed he only intended to harm Kopp, not murder him. rights activist

Pro Life Action League: Youth outreach program: 4 Generation For Life

Violent attack

"Young women have never known a time when abortion wasn't accepted as a solution to social and economic difficulties.".......'"Young men are encouraged to view women as playthings and to reject their responsibilities by appealing to A separate section a "woman's choice."'.................."Generations for Life and the from the Pro Life GFL Curriculum educate young people on the value of life and Action League site, the lifestyle choices that affirm the dignity of each person, born http://prolifeaction.o dedicated especially rg/generations/ and unborn." for youth outreach

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue® recently made headlines when it bought and closed an Troy Newman: President. "changing lives through the public abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become offering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is especially perhaps the most visible voice of the pro-life activist recognized for his growing success in developing and applying movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge cutting-edge pro-life strategies." The website featured: What is of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal abortion? There are not a lot of writing. But featured a video of http://www.operatio personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience how abortion precedure works, including several graphics 5 to biblical mandates. image of fetus, unborn child corps.



NYC 57%

Directory of aniti abortion organization

http://www.abortion ortion-organization s.php



NAME Carla AGE 17 STORY Senior in a co-educational high school. Starting to see a boy from the same school as hers. “I wish teen girls don’t have so many social pressures. Sometimes I feel I have to become an adult with socially impressed rhytms.” BEHAVIOR 1. She laughs and agrees with her friends when they make comments about dating + sex although she does not realized that she may have not know all the correct information. 2. She believes stories that her friends tell her about their relationship with their boyfriends. 3. Spends time with her girlfriends from school. Some of her friends shares secrets and private experiences 4. Not sexually active but she is starting to explore in that area



1. A way that invites Carla to reach out to learned the correct sex education

1. Wants to know more about how to engage in sexual activity.

2. Trusting source that provide a correct information, give support, and maintain relationship as a reliable friend

2. Hopes that she can trust the source that she learns from/do not judge her

3. Method that makes the source looks ‘cool’ and more approachable

3. She doesn’t want people to think that she doesn’t know anything about sex. Doesn’t want people to judge her


NAME Ryan AGE 16 STORY Ryan lives with his mother and his sister. His father left a few years ago for domestic violence and alcoholism.

“My friends are my family and I trust them more than my family members.” BEHAVIOR 1. Whenever he’s at home, he tries to keep it to himself and lock away in his room 2. He’s always with his friends and when they are not together, they communicate through text and social media a lot. 1. Troubled relationship with his mother/his sister, but he’s very attached to his group of friends. 2. He tries to spend less time at home as much as possible.



1. A way to reach out to Ryan using the current platform that he’s already using among his friends

1. He wants to move away from his neighborhood and does not want to deal with his mother and sister. He wants to get a new and better life.

2. A role model for Ryan, a place he can go to besides his friends group

2. He wants to become better person than his father.

3. Methods that can help Ryan opens up to and seek help/advice on transitioning to become a young adult

3. In his future he wish to be able to help other kids who are in his same situation.



INSIGHTS Theme 1 Facilitators

Insights To help teens to be more engaged in the program, a great facilitators is the key.

A comprehensive understanding of the environment is needed in order to achived the successful 2 Community and empathy outcome 3 Role Model

Having a positive role model at the healthy reproduction counseling program will help teens in visualizing a greater position of what to hope for and what they can be.

4 Applicable

Affective information about sex education needs to be concreted and is able for audience to apply to their lives

5 Peer's opinion

Peers’ opinions and actions affect other teens greatly

6 Communication

Healthy socialization channel reinforces motivation of reoccuring attendence

7 Trust

The counselor should be someone with whom the patient can build trust and openness.

8 Trust

To help teens to be opened to the counseling, building a trustworthy relationship and providing a safe enviroment during the counseling is important.

9 Holism

External environment can make an impact on people's mindset. In order to solve the root of youth's problems, a holistic approach is needed.

10 Fast Response

Efficiency and responsiveness in appointment process are essentials

11 Communication

Being pushy when providing information can lead to the opporite direction. Able to apply different strategies to different people is crucial.

12 Believe

Keeping strong self-ideals prevents the frustration caused by the social pressures established in the group of peers

13 Social Media

Social media brings a big impact to teens. Knowing how to utilize the right social channel will be an asset in affective mesage delivering.

14 Culture

Gender stereotypes established by the social culture often don't correspond to the truth. Looking beyond generalisation is the key to success

15 Consistency

Consistency in kindness and care is important in healthcare service



Have someone connected to their community is very helpful. Someone who speaks in their language also help

Social media bring a big impact to teens. Knowing how to utilize the right social channel will be an asset in effective messsage delivering

Healthy socialization channel reinforces motivation of re-occurring attendance



Efficiency and responsiveness in appointment process are essentials







If that’s happened to my cousin, then maybe I can do it too




Consistency in kindness and care is important in healthcare service

Peers’ opinions and actions affect other teens greatly

Affective information about sex education needs to be concrete and able to be applied for the audience in their lives



What stops you from making appointment to doctors right away if you have questions (please select all that apply)

It costs a lot of see a doctor by just ask one or two questions


I have internet at home


I find it uncomfortable to see a doctor ( def: being vulnerable to a stranger is not quite pleasant




I’m tired of explaining my symptoms over and over again.


64.52 %

29.03 %


Discounts for future visits to the healthcare center




Samples of new products e.g. condoms, lubricants


It depends can benefit

I’m not comfo Only

22.58 %

Do I get d

19.35 %

I am an o

9.68 %

If you are going to share your past story about your health experience anonymously, what would motivate you to share? (please select all that apply)

Free one-time consultation of your choice at the healthcare center

How much are on digital

If you h healthca health

56.67 %

33.33 %

26.67 %

23.33 %

16.13 % 25.81 %

25.81 %



rs right apply)

64.52 %

health ou to

How much are you willing to share personal story (e.g. personal health) on digital platform anonymously (please select all that apply

It depends. If sharing my story can benefit someone, then yes!


I’m not comfortable sharing story.


Only if my identity remain anonymous.


Do I get discount for something if I share my story?


I am an open book! I’ll share my personal story.


6.45 %



6.45 %

38.71 %

32.26 %

29.03 %

12.90 %

If you have a question about sexual and reproductive healthcare, what would be valuable to you when seeking health care information (please select all that apply)

56.67 %

16.13 % 25.81 %

64.52 %

25.81 %

64.52 %


Go straight to the doctor


Internet search, there are plenty of websites


Anonymous chat where I can plenty of website


Call friends/families


Stories from past patient that has similar concerns



10 Survey question. 31 Participants Question

1 Please tell us briefly about yourself! Are you..... Question

Answer Choice

Responses 13








Rather not specify


Answer Choice


Female Male 2 Gender? Question

Prefer not to specify Answer Choice







0 Percentage



To date



For news





To keep in touch with friends I don't see often To keep track of promotion from brands Answer Choice Once a day Once in every 2-3 days

How often do you share your 4 photos/activities/post on social media?

3.23% Percentage


To communicate with friends

Please select the main reason when you use 3 social media



Once a week Other (please specify) - I update randomly - Per month or longer - Monthly - Never - Once in every 2 weeks - Once a month - Rarely, I use them a lot but I don't post much - Once a month - 1-2 times a month - More than once a day

0 Responses

0 Percentage











and what are the platform do you use to share 5 you post? (please select all the apply)

Answer Choice







87.10% 68%










Other (please specify)



- Tumblr - WeChat Question

Answer Choice


I am an open book! I’ll share my personal story! It depends, if sharing the story can benefit someone then yes

How much are you willing to share personal story (e.g. personal health) on digital platform 6 anonymously (please select all that apply)

Percentage 2




Do I get discount for something if I share my story?



Only if my identity remain anonymous







I’m not comfortable sharing story Other (please specify) - Rather not share - I'm too lazy. If its not a hassle, I might be willing


Answer Choice

Responses 13


Go straight to the doctor



Anonymous chat where I can ask questions If you have a question about healthcare (in general), what would be valuable to you when Internet search, there are plenty of website seeking health care information (please select all 7 that apply) Call my friends/family Question


Stories from past patient that has similar concerns

Answer Choice Stories from past patient that has similar concerns Go straight to the doctor





11 Responses

35.48% Percentage





Anonymous chat where I can ask questions



Internet search, there are plenty of website





If you have a question about sexual and reproductive healthcare, what would be valuable to you when seeking health care information 8 (please select all that apply) Call my friends/family



If you are going to share your past story about your health experience anonymously, what would would motivate you to share? (please 9 select all that apply)

Answer Choice



Discounts for future visits to the healthcare center



Free one-time consultation of your choice at the healthcare center



Samples of new products e.g. condoms, lubricants



Other (please specify)



- If this could benefits others/society - Letting others know, we all go through similar events - Something that would benefit others - I would without any incentive... However incentives like samples are welcome... Maybe incentives like other experiences such as movie tickets, events tickets, wellbeing coupons (spa, manage,,, etc) - Helping others - If never share personal health data online, thats dumb - None. There's no anonymity on the Internet - secure that it is truly anonymus Question

Answer Choice


What stops you from making appointment to doctors right away if you have questions (please It cost a lot to just go to to the doctor to ask one or 10 select all that apply) two question

Percentage 20


I have internet at home



I’m tired of explaining my symptoms over and over, might as well google



I find it uncomfortable to see doctor. (explaining, being vulnerable to a stranger is not quite pleasant)



Other (please specify)



- Takes time to travel to go see the doctor - Scheduling conflicts - I don't like to be prescribed. I usually go for natural, homeopathic alternatives. I have a doctor in my family to whom I consult over the phone for not major things - (might not want to assume the survey should stop at age 35....) - It's easier to check with a chemist and get meds, if required (only if the problem is not so serious) - If I don't have time and can find the answers some other way



TESTING RESULTS Prototype notes | 04/11/16 feedback ?'s

Color code

Monitor site?

Overall Idea

Maintenance feasibility


Need some content creation in house Can you search role model's based on their stories? If I wanted to find a role model to talk about an abortion would I have to click through all of the users?

Anonymous Chat

Maybe include an incentive for people to share stories online --> prototype testing

Choose doctor Storytelling Role Model Social Media

How do you make an avatar personable?


Medical professional on chat?


Anonymous chat - rely on volunteers?


Incentive to share story


What if the story is off-message? How is it curated? Moderated?

Approach theme

Is the platform developing on top of an existing enterprise system or is it created from scratched?

Data/info question

How are people incentiviced to participate?

Execution tools



Prototype notes | 04/11/16 feedback Plus 1's

Color code

Love the story telling ideas!

Overall Idea

Geomap storytelling!


The big idea is great!

Anonymous Chat

Loved online booking+emphasis in trust

Choose doctor

Not a crisis


Like design of site- friendly, not political

Role Model


Social Media

"lifestyle" not a crisis


Love the prototype idea!


based on role models




Love the name "Your story, Our Story"

Approach theme

Like the concept of sharing stories to make people feel more comfortable + educate

Data/info question

Really nice prototype visuals

Execution tools

storytelling Mentoring components and use of youth engagement Games Anonymous chat - respond nicely to discovery through research Like the prototype idea People that teens can relate to is a great insight Great reseach and insights Excellent idea "not just in a crisis" Be careful to not try to solve everything with this big idea Liked that the asked people to gather data Really like the prototype Nice prototype mock up Good use of icons Prototype: like the game component Prototype: storytelling was cool





Comment on design

should change icon for story. Its currently reminds her of a location, which is confusing because we also 4/14/201 have icon for health center.

Comment on features


Additional questions

The order of topic. Should position pregnancy later, and not the first one because it associated to the idea of abortion, which is something the organization dont want to be seen mainly on that topic. Anonymous 'chat' --> chat sounds like a live chat. Can change to another word? FAQ makes it sounds like a product page. She personally thinks it should phrase it as something else The order of filters (Past Patient, Teen advocate, Health center)... suggest that Health Center should come first since the icon is also different than the other two.


Icon of the stories associated with the idea of specific location of the person sharing. It affects the 4/17/201 contradiction in keeping privacy.

Great overall design 3+4


Maybe rephrase the doctor feature? For change it button: separate into 1)I want to change my doctor 2)change because need to see for other service? Needs somewhere to explain what this page is about? what is the purpose of this page? How can someone understand it if they never use it before? "It's nice because they know reading other people story is really gr what you're going through."

"can I start a conversation with them?"

if get something from sharing story, will be more interested

If someone wants to ask more from the person that provide story, can you do that?

"but why should I share the story" "I would check it out if theres SnapChat for healthcare"


icon makes them curious and makes 4/13/201 them want to click to find out love the game feature. good idea love that you can choose the same doctor option. Its good when its an option but not mandatory

"if theres no discount or free consultation, would not write review/share story" "if i'm a new customer to this organization, I would like to see the review first before I book the service"

need incentives for people to write story


Anonymous chat for 48 hours is too late, would like to change it to 24 hours or less, if doable. location on the map, try to avoid being specific. Prefer iconic regional location



If sex is toboo, talking about sex in the website is also taboo.

If the organization is the number one go to, how can lead people to use this website? Need to do something to drive people to use "Teens dont trust grown ups" this

free consultaion to share story is not enough incentive. gotta be more

"If our website has too much Have to find reason why people associations to the main dont use the website by the main organization, teen will not use" organization

Role Model is good

"find out their decision making behavior for apps and decision making in general about sex, and interaction what elase can she get besides about the website" free consultation incentives

Incentive is really important. Find out what teen wants the most and amke it as incentives to attract them to share the story

How to lead peole to go to the website?

Anonymous questioncan be a liability. Internally has to make sure person in charge of answering question has good knowledge

9 4/24/201

Not sure where to click submit the story because there's many 'story' word on the page The word 'Story' on the page are quite repetitive. (header, right side, left side)

"Maybe an option to submit image as well for anonymous chat? Like if you have a rash or something and submit to ask anonymously?"

Good to have social media list below for people to go further to other page related to the organization The story feature also will be good for internal use. Data capture for internal improvement and statistical point of view.

Body language: kept clicking on the 10 4/24/201 Nice layout with graphics and colour word but not the square in front of it. Like the story telling part. Can read other people's story, get more information, see what other people went through

"If there's something like this, I would use it"


Kept clicking the word on each feature even after clicking on the square box design for clicking.

11 5/5/2016

Be careful on bully issue even if use the fake name. Example: fake name is Mary in the Bronx, the real Mary might get make fun of from the story.

"Like the profile customization for the story because it help humanized the platform and What happened if there are too feature." many story submission?

Would be nice to look at the data to see which area has the most problem. Example: A lot of story about birth control in Brooklyn. Can the organization use that as the opportunity of adding something? "Game is good, nobody wants Special focus for birth control offer on to think anymore, they need to that area? be taugh by games."

12 5/5/2016

Story speak for itself, maybe don't need the avatar profile? (In case of problem in bullying for certain names "Can people send message to in certain areas) the person of the story?" Feel like the game is out of place from other feature. Don't think it's needed to be on the platform

Suggest to have the order of 'new patient' button before option to choose 'the same doctor' button for 13 5/5/2016 booking appointment feature



SERVICE BLUEPRINT Anonymous Q&A Physical Evidence

Customer Actions

Physi Eviden


Ask question anonymously

Wait for the answer

See the answer



Front-Stage Interactions

Receive past patient’s question

Post the answer

Support Process

Front-S Interact



Back-Stage Interactions

Custom Actio

Filter the questions

Answer the question

Double check the answer with the supervisor if needed

Comfirm the answer

Back-S Interact

Suppo Proce


SERVICE BLUEPRINT Story Submission Physical Evidence

Customer Actions


Submit your story

Wait for the story approval

See your story published on the website


Front-Stage Interactions

Receive past patient’s story

Post the story


Back-Stage Interactions

Support Process

Filter the story

Review the story

Check the accuracy of the story and patient’s info

Approve the story



KEY PARTNERS • Donors (private) • Communication, technology partner (distribution channel) • Sponsoring company /perspective partner company or organization (free condoms, SnapChat etc)

KEY ACTIVITIES • Story sharing • Response Q&A • Appointment booking • Website update • Offers for participation uch as free consultation • Social media participation/ content creation/editing/ marketing




A supportive online community where users can share their experiences in sexual & reproductive health, as well as read others experiences

• Engagement in community • Providing reliable medical resources • Supporting source through story sharing / reliable information

• Teens • Young Adults • Parents (indirect)



• Patients’ stories • Healthcare professionals • Tech support/communication agency • Staffs • Social media • Teen Advocates

• Website (mobile friendly) • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat) • The main website (nonprofit organization website)



• Advertisement fee • Website maintenance suport • Healthcare professionals: Answer Q&A, consultation • Additional staff: Curate story submission

• Advertisement fee • Legal: for terms and conditions, legal matters for the platform • Staff: Content creation to advertise the platform on social media

• Advertisement partnership / sponsorship • Donors (public, private) • Government



BACK OF THE NAPKIN: ASSUMPTIONS $ Rate/hour hours/ days per per unit day month $ year

Detaill description

Additional note

# of people


Website maintenance IT person

Salary rate on top of their exisitng salary (550/month)







Registered Nurse (x2): Review, upload, Q&A Base on 20 story submissions p 2











Supervisor (full-time)

Salary rate on top of their exisitng salary (2200/month)

Teen advocates: content creationadvertise the platform on social media

Flat rate budget amount (1080/month) for additional recruitment



total fixed cost


Detaill description

Additional note

$ year


Website Programming and design


Computer x 1

A resource to be used for the website



Advertisement/Marketing fee

*Can be variable depends on their needs and budget allocation



Legal team: Terms and conditions draft


total variable costs


Total cost in year


SERVICE IMPACT Based of 1,000 calls per day, 222 are youth calls for emergency Assumptions

1 out of 10 people reached would take action Current

Stories submission People reached Decreased in crisis calls

50 stories (10/borough)

Year 1

Year 2

1,100 Submissions 1,800 Submissions (3 stories/day) (5 stories/day)

Year 3 1,800 submissions: stabilized number (5 stories/day)





222 calls

350 calls

200 calls

180 calls


















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