J u s t i n a a n d Chinese Culture Behind Her
Zhuang Ethnic Minority The Zhuang are the largest minority in China with about 17 million members. Virtually i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e f ro m H a n Chinese, they live primarily in western Guangxi Province, where they make up a third of the province's population, and rule their territory through a system based on village chiefs in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. They are closely related to the Bouyei, Maonan and Mulam.
Z h u a n g Brocade
Like some other ethnic group women, the Zhuang women are skilled at weaving and embroidering. Many animals and plants patterns can be seen in the traditional Zhuang garments. Zhuang brocade is renowned for its color, luster, durability and the wide range of use.
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Save Fo Culture
Chinese Painting Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guóhuà (simplified Chinese: 国 画 ; traditional Chinese: 國 畫 ), meaning "national" or "native painting", as opposed to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century. Traditional painting involves essentially the same techniques as calligraphy and is done with a brush dipped in black ink or coloured pigments; oils are not used. As with calligraphy, the most popular materials on which paintings are made are paper and silk. The finished work can be mounted on scrolls, such as hanging scrolls or handscrolls. Traditional painting can also be done on album sheets, walls, lacquerware, folding screens, and other media.
Chinese Painting The two main techniques in Chinese painting are: Gongbi ( 工 筆 ), meaning "meticulous", uses highly detailed brushstrokes that delimit details very precisely. It is often highly coloured and usually depicts figural or narrative subjects. It is often practised by artists working for the royal court or in independent workshops. Ink and wash painting, in Chinese ( 水 墨 , "water and ink") also loosely termed watercolour or brush painting, and also known as "literati painting", as it was one of the "Four Arts" of the Chinese Scholarofficial class.[1] In theory this was an art practiced by gentlemen, a distinction that begins to be made in writings on art from the Song dynasty, though in fact the careers of leading exponents could benefit considerably.[2] This style is also referred to as "xieyi" ( 寫意 ) or freehand style.
Printed patte fashion
Learn more about Chinese Culture at http://en.chinaculture.org/