SUNCOAST EDITION ~ APRIL 2021 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989
FREE - Take One Home! VOLUME 32 ISSUE 4
Earth Day
Learn more about your local nature preserves to celebrate Earth
Lawn and Garden Month Read for tips for keeping your yard looking great this month
Articles in each issue: • Humor • Pop Culture History • Health • Music Flashback • Local news & events
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ENJOYING THE SIMPLICITIES OF NATURE IN APRIL Possibly the best part of the weather warming up and easing us into summer is the opportunity to start exploring the state again or even enjoying the sun in your own backyard. April is probably one of my favorite months simply because the weather is near perfect (never mind the rain), and the winter blues melt away as it becomes more comfortable to venture outdoors. Another aspect that I love about this month is gardening. After all, April is not the designated National Lawn and Garden Month for nothing. I have always loved plants and gardening, although, recently, I have gravitated toward a love of indoor plants. Who knew how fun and easy it would be to propagate different plants to produce an armada of various shades of green in your own living room?
for us. The weather never cooperated, and rabbits or other neighborhood small animals would munch on the complimentary salad we had planted for them. So, as we grew older, Mom’s solution was to buy pre-grown tomato, cucumber and pepper plants and plant them in our raised planting box. This proved to be a smart move—within two or three months, we were snacking on fresh cukes and tomatoes with sea salt. Yum! However, April also boasts Earth Day on the twentysecond day of the month. This day creates a great excuse to learn more about our planet or even our immediate habitats. Florida has several different nature and wildlife preserves for all to visit, many of which are categorized as national parks. From the Everglades to Wakulla Springs State Park, there are countless places to map on your next road trip.
I remember growing flowers and vegetables from packaged seeds with my mom and brother when I was younger. We would make a trip out of it and go to the garden center in our local home improvement store. My brother and I would get to pick a few different seed packets for various flowers or vegetables that we felt brave enough to attempt at growing. Read: my mom would try (and typically succeed) in nurturing our chosen crops to adulthood for our enjoyment. Eventually, we realized trying to grow vegetable plants from seeds in Indiana was impossible
safe and we'll y a St
Many of these environmental destinations offer an assortment of activities, including kayaking, camping or even easy walking trails. For those who have pets, consider spending the day with them and exploring your local park. Find a walking path that promises to be easy to navigate and let your pup guide you along. The best part? Both you and your pet will sleep well after an active afternoon. So, get out and explore this month. Whether it means you experiment with different soil and plants in your backyard or if you plan a weekend road trip to the park you have been meaning to visit, enjoy some time outdoors.
Rebecca Fending, Editor
see you in May!
Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 32, Issue 4
Publisher Debbie Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw Distribution 813-336-8247 Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Advertising Sales Aspen Hansen: Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Mervyn Hollander: 330-720-6772 Fred Gericke: 727-542-4466 Jim Commiskey:
To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email info@lifestylesafter50. co. Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634
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Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 3
to your mailbox every month. LAKE EDITION ~ OCTOBER 2020 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989
FREE - Take One Home!
Florida’s Most Read 50+
Publication Since 1989
FREE - Take One Home! VOLUME 31 ISSUE 11
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Breast Cancer Awareness
Medicare Open Enrollment
Are you signed up for Medicare? If not, learn about how disease—learn how to prevent and recognize breast cancer. you can enroll this season.
Snowbirds’ Guide
Fun Not sure how to spend this winter? Learn about what you can do for fun this season.
Veterans’ Day Travel
Want to honor veterans
and educate yourself?
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Gratitude and Health BY JAN LARRAINE COX “Reflect upon your present blessings— of which everyone has many, and not on your past misfortunes, of which we all have some.” London author Charles Dickens said this in the mid-1800s. Sound familiar? Parents often urge gratitude in their children, starting at a young age. And Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus who was born a slave in Rome and was banished to Greece during the first century A.D., famously said, “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” These are timeless thoughts that thankfully have been preserved through the ages so that we can appreciate and relate to them today when we need them so much. Focusing on the positive and feeling grateful can have many physical health benefits. To name a few: improved sleep quality, lessened inflammation and fatigue and increased physical activity. Gratitude can also provide psychological health benefits by reducing feelings of anxiety, stress and other toxic emotions. By increasing the positive influence of an event, gratitude can lead to increased pleasure hormone levels. Better feelings of well-being lead to less depression and better resilience to trauma. Before the pandemic, 78% of Americans reported feeling a strong sense of gratitude at least once a week during a survey of American religion and spirituality. Other studies showed that “gratitude promotes regular heart rhythms, rebalances hormones, reduces stress, increases relaxation, and promotes resistance to common illnesses,” says author Diana Butler Bass, in her book called “Grateful.” Bass continues to say the link between gratitude and the heart is so pronounced, gratefulness can be described as a “strength of the heart.” Lower levels of anxiety, decreased panic attacks and phobias, reduced risk of alcoholism and substance abuse all lead to longevity.
More attention to pleasure and contentment over envy brings good memories to an individual. Researcher Robert Emmons summarizes gratitude benefits to include, “self-esteem and willpower, stronger relationships, deeper spirituality, boosted creativity, and having a unique ability to heal, energize and change lives.” At its deepest level, gratitude isn’t about what we have in life. Rather it’s about embracing what we are, what our life story is. To feel grateful together as a community moves us from “me” and my opinions toward “we” and the good of “our” community, says Diana Bass. She continues, “Communal gratitude might heal our civic heart, putting us on a path toward a new future of national emotional health and well-being.” Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt found evidence that “People really do respond emotionally to acts of moral beauty, and these beneficial acts cause others to want to copy them and spread the positive feelings.” In other words, patriotism can be positive unless it becomes tainted by the dominance of one group over another, in the case of nationalism. True gratitude is based instead on empathy, connecting with positive emotion.
Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 5
Dear Ms. Price, My son is in his mid-thirties and much to my dismay, he drives a motorcycle. This absolutely terrifies me because of the accident rate and statistics. To make matters worse, I just found out that he is now riding without a helmet. I am worried sick and am at the point where I am having anxiety attacks and can’t sleep. How can I get him to listen to me and stop riding the motorcycle? Sincerely, Worried Sick in Dunedin
Dear “Worried,” I can’t say that I blame you. It is a valid concern and one made worse by the fact that he refuses to wear a helmet. You didn’t mention the status of your relationship with your son. If you have a positive relationship, schedule a special time for just the two of you to spend time together and talk. Voice your concerns to your son, share the statistics and see if there is any way to compromise. Let him know you respect his right to make his own choices but you have valid concerns. Like you said, he is in his thirties and he is an adult. Riding a motorcycle with the safety rules and regulations in mind can be safe. Hopefully, he will compromise, wear a helmet and the two of you can find a way to work this out.
A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price To submit your questions, email Dear Ms. Price, I have been separated for two years and am close to getting a divorce from my second husband. We’re finally at a place where things are amicable. However, I am finding that he has lied to a lot of people in my life about the facts behind our divorce, placing the blame on me. He has even lied to my children and parents about our situation, accusing me of things I didn’t do. How should I handle this? When I start to discuss the facts, I am met with skepticism and judgement from my parents and children. I feel like I’m in a lose-lose situation. Sincerely, Stabbed in the Back Dear “Stabbed,” I’m glad to hear that things are amicable, but it seems to me that your ex has some cleanup to do. Schedule a meeting and sit down all concerned and have your ex explain what he did. If he won’t do this, then you sit down and explain the truth to your loved ones. Just state your truth with as little emotion as possible and then move on.
A SLICE OF ADVICE WITH MS. PRICE Are you in search of advice? We want to help! Send us your situation that requires outside guidance. We want to help anyone looking for advice from an anonymous third party, Ms. Price. Although your submitted material would be published in print and online, our advice column will NOT include your name or email.
For submissions: Send the information (150 words or less) to with a catchy subject line. Submissions must be made before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential publishing in the following issue’s publication. No need to include your name with your submission, and feel free to change the name of any other key people in your situation for complete anonymity. Stories are published on a basis of what space is available.
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 6
Beef Empanadas
RECIPE INSPIRED BY DELISH.COM April, like every other month, has a number of “national holidays,” including National Empanada Day on April 8. This offers the perfect opportunity to learn a new appetizer recipe for when you have guests over, or even if you’re just looking to make something different for a weeknight dinner. Empanadas are a traditional fried or baked turnover dish for Southern European and Latin American countries, as well as the Philippines. Often of a savory variety, they’re made of pastry dough and stuffed with ground meat, vegetables or cheese. They’re surprisingly easy to make at home, here’s how!
• 1 teaspoon salt • 1 tsp. baking powder
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes
• 1 yellow onion, chopped
• 1/2 cup chopped pickled jalapeños
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 ¼ cup each of shredded cheddar and shredded • 1 tablespoon tomato paste Monterey Jack • 1 teaspoon each of • Egg wash, for brushing oregano and cumin • 1 lb. ground beef
• Salt and pepper, to taste 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
Recipe for the Dough: • 3 cups flour
Recipe for the Filling:
• 1/2 cup cold butter, cut into cubes • 1 egg
• 3/4 cup water 1. In a bowl, whisk together flour, salt and baking powder. Cut butter into flour using your hands or a pastry cutter until pea-sized. Add water and egg, mix until a dough forms. Turn dough out on a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. 2. Wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour.
2. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat and sauté onion and garlic until fragrant. Add ground beef and cook until no longer pink. Drain and return meat to pan.
Image from
3. Stir tomato paste into beef. Add oregano, cumin and paprika, and season with salt and pepper. Add tomatoes and jalapeños and cook until warm. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
5. Place two tablespoons of meat filling in middle and top with shredded cheeses. Lightly moisten outer edge with water and pinch closed. Place in on tray and brush with egg wash.
4. Roll out prepared dough until ¼ inch thick. Cut out circles with 4.5” cookie cutter, or rim of Mason jar or glass.
6. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown. Garnish with cilantro, sour cream or any other toppings and serve warm.
WE WANT YOUR COMMUNITY NEWS Send us your community news! We’re looking to share good news that influences your community. From organizational events to honorary people, we want to share your news.
For submissions: Send the information (150 words or less) and a photo of the people involved to with the words “Community News” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at News must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Include your name and current Florida city along with the contact information for the news event. News is published on a basis of what space is available.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 7
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Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 9
Tiptoeing Through a Career BY RANDAL C. HILL
Tiny Tim is typically remembered as a disposable novelty performer, but he deserves better than being a mere footnote in entertainment history. He was born Herbert Butros Khaury in Manhattan in 1932, the son of immigrants who toiled in the garment industry. At home, Herbert spent hours mesmerized by his parents’ sublime 78-rpm discs of Bing Crosby and Rudy Vallee. Outside, neighborhood bullies taunted him, and at school the mild-mannered misfit ignored classroom subjects to daydream about the girls there. He took up the ukulele after seeing Arthur Godfrey playing one on television. Shortly thereafter, Khaury set music as a career goal. He left school at 17, grew his hair down to his shoulders (an unusual move at the time), and learned hundreds of old-time songs. Eventually, he found club work as a novelty act in a few local dives, where he strummed his instrument and sang in a quivery but pure falsetto, as well as in a rich, confident male baritone. This unusual skill allowed him to sing duets with himself. He adopted a series of stage names, including Judas K. Foxglove and Larry Love, the Singing Canary. In 1963, his manager proposed the English-sounding title Sir Timothy Timmins. Herbert preferred Tiny Tim, though, after the iconic Charles Dickens character. Tim was eventually able to secure better gigs in Greenwich Village. From there, he moved up to a trendy New York club called The Scene, where he formed friendships with such prefame musicians as the Lovin’ Spoonful, Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan.
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 10
Tiny’s life changed dramatically one night in 1967. Mo Astin, the head of Reprise Records, caught Tim’s act at The Scene and offered him a recording contract on the spot. The result was a future Top 10 album, “God Bless Tiny Tim,” which contained his lone hit single of “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” The ditty, a laughable anomaly in an era of psychedelia and heavy metal, had been around since 1929, when singer Nick Lucas had recorded a Number One hit with it. Nineteen-sixty-eight became Tiny’s breakout year. That January, most Americans got their first look at Tim on “Rowan & Martin’s LaughIn,” with the scraggly-haired, beak-nosed, face-powdered entertainer strolling onstage while grinning and blowing kisses. That night, when he launched into “Tiptoe Through the Tulips,” a star was born. His star burned white-hot for a while. Las Vegas beckoned with $50,000-a-week offers, and on December 17, 1969, over 40 million “Tonight” viewers watched Tiny marry 17-year-old “Miss Vicki” (Victoria Budinger) on Johnny Carson’s TV show. The couple had a daughter, Tulip, before divorcing in 1977. Tim married two more times and released numerous disparate records that always tanked. He never could find that elusive second big hit. On November 30, 1996, Tiny Tim suffered a fatal heart attack at age 64 while performing at a small Minneapolis club. He had just finished singing “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.”
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CREATIVE CORNER Are you an aspiring writer, poet or artist? Or maybe you want to try your hand at any of the above? We want to share your art! Read directions on how to submit your work below:
For submissions: Send your short story or poem (150 words or less) or a photo of your artwork to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Please include which Florida city you currently live in and your name. Artwork must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Artwork is published on a basis of what space is available.
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Isolation Is Killing Us. Literally. Connection is the Cure. Before COVID-19 we faced a crisis: the loneliness epidemic. Loneliness can be devastating for seniors, eclipsing obesity and even smoking for premature decline or death. Now, social distancing means many more feel isolated and scared. Connection is the cure. Research shows friendships drastically reduce risks associated with loneliness. Connecting is difficult these days, but Seniors in Service can help with TelePals! TelePals offer regularly-scheduled friendly calls that develop genuine friendships. TelePals get background-checks and expert training. Participants are carefully matched, building enduring relationships that help them both. The heartwarming stories tell it best. Angelina is 83-years-old and lives alone, with no support from family or friends. Her fixed income doesn’t allow her access to internet or even cable TV. Now fear of COVID-19 makes her feel imprisoned in her own home. Imagine being elderly and alone, cut off from everything during these unprecedented times. There’s nobody to make sure she’s eating. Nobody to share her memories with. Nobody to tell her there’s someone who cares. Her pastor hears about TelePals and encourages parishioners to enroll. Most are too proud to admit they’re struggling. But Angelina and Christine both volunteer to help. Soon they’re chatting by phone regularly. Both are retired teachers. Both love reading the exact same books. When Christine learns about Angelina’s diabetes, she asks about her diet and if she’s getting up to walk around. Angelina can tell Christine really cares. “You got a treasure with her, and now she is mine.” For Jim, TelePals offers a lifeline. As a veteran, he’s conditioned to never ask for help. Doctor visits are one place he finds connection. In the waiting room, he sees a
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 12
flyer stating: “You’ve Got a Friend!” An invitation to call Seniors in Service. Inexplicably, he makes the call: “I am 70 and I have nobody.” TelePals offers socialization and wellness-checks. For some, it’s the only conversation they have all day. Enrollment is easy by phone or www. Kevin, a retired businessman, enrolls to volunteer. As a veteran, he shares a special bond with others who’ve served. “We share experiences from our past and daily lives…We get serious but also laugh…It’s the highlight of my day.” Intergenerational TelePals Chelsea and Rebecca initially wondered what they would talk about. A psychology student, Chelsea learned how isolation affects health. With COVID-19, she’s lonely herself. Discovering TelePals on USF’s website, she volunteers. She’s nervous at first but hearing about Rebecca’s adventures when she was young is fun! Chelsea ensures Rebecca has everything she needs, alerting TelePals staff of any concerns. Their chats help them both, navigating this new reality, together. The loneliness epidemic is killing our seniors. Seniors in Service offers opportunities for TelePals to participate safely and remotely. Learn more: www. or 813-819-0725. Follow us on Facebook
Seniors in Service provides solutions to community challenges by engaging volunteers aged 55+. We help at-risk seniors, children and veterans. Volunteers also benefit from staying purposeful. For us, it’s not just a tagline. We are GEARED UP TO SERVE!
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APRIL 2021 BEACH CLEANUP AT DUNEDIN Are you interested in environmental issues and want to get involved locally? The 2021 Beach Cleanup at Dunedin is a great way to get started. This annual event is run by a non-profit organization, Salty Soul Foundation, where the philosophy is to keep Florida’s beaches clean one beach at a time. The Salty Soul Foundation works to do local cleanups at Dunedin once a month. According to their website, “An estimated 100 million marine mammals and turtles are killed by plastic litter every year around the world. With seven billion tons of debris entering the world’s oceans annually, most of it long-lasting plastic, there’s a lot of potential for harm to our birds and marine mammals. Turtles, fish, birds, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals have all fallen victim to plastic.” The Foundation’s efforts have helped to not only keep Dunedin’s beaches largely clear of debris, but it also raises awareness about the pollution that affects both Floridians and beach dwellers around the world. If you’re unable to make it to the cleanup event, Salty Soul Foundation also allows supporters to donate online in exchange for a gift. Donations are used to purchase cleanup supplies for volunteers such as trash bags, gloves and even sun protection. The event will be at 61 Causeway Boulevard, Dunedin, from 9 am to 12 pm on April 10. For more details or to make a donation, visit
MAY 8-9
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Events, days, dates, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Handling fees will apply.
Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 13
CUTEST PET Ronald J. Patrick, MD • Holly K. Bartley, APRN • Michelle L. Troyer, APRN
Do you think you’ve got the cutest pet? Show him or her off in the next issue of Lifestyles! We’re looking for the best dressed and most festive companions that our audience has to offer. See information on how to submit your fur baby for the contest below:
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Send us a little bit about your pet (100 words or less) along with the best photo in their modeling portfolio and what city you live in to with the words “Cutest Pet” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Submissions must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held for a potential feature in the following issue’s publication. Include your name, phone number and Florida city. Submissions are published on a basis of what space is available.
CREATIVE CORNER “Awaken or Else” By: Alan Fisher
We’ve been given this earth to walk on and thrive And a consciousness to know we’re alive But it’s not ours to do as we please There’s a design and control, we’re not the Big Cheese
We don’t know how to change the seasons How the cosmos works or all the reasons
By: Ken Witham
But we can trust that power to run our lives No need to harm another with guns or knives
By surrendering to love there’s no need to defend Fear and worry can come to an end We let go of control and manipulation We respect the sacredness of all creation
For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 14
CELEBRATE EARTH DAY WITH FLORIDA’S BEST BY REBECCA FENDING Every April, we celebrate our planet and environment through Earth Day. And just like last year, it may be a bit difficult for some folks to get out and participate in any festivals happening in observance of the holiday, so why not get out and enjoy the sanctuary of nature? It’s not a secret that Florida has a number of beautiful nature preserves and parks that so many species of flora and fauna call home. With four major nature preserves and 11 national parks, a serene paradise is just in your backyard. So, what are a few parks and preserves that you should visit this spring if you haven’t already? and Fort Jefferson. The park has relatively shallow waters, making it an excellent place to snorkel or swim for all ages and skill levels. For the history buffs, Fort Jefferson offers guided 40-minute tours of the grounds where you can hear about the deep, dark history behind the brick walls. Looking for a more relaxing destination? Visit the beaches where you’ll be greeted with powdery white sands, crystal-clear saltwater and serenity.
The Everglades: Established in 1934, the Everglades is a national park that attracts nearly one million visitors each year. The park spans over 1.5 million acres and holds a number of uniquely diverse ecosystems. This park may be a good drive for most of us, but the trip is more than worth it. Although the Everglades has large wildlife like manatees, crocodiles and even the Florida panther, it also boasts over 360 different species of birds, according to the Department of the Interior. Whether you’re looking to camp overnight, drive through the park or take a light hike, the Everglades are the perfect place to visit this April.
Dry Tortugas: Located about 70 miles west of Key West, Dry Tortugas National Park is known for its crystal waters, bird watching, camping
Alafia River State Park: Located in Lithia, this reclaimed phosphatemine-turned-state-park is open year-round for visitors. The State Park is located near Picnic in Hillsborough County in central Florida, 17 miles southeast of Tampa on County Road 39. Even before it became a park, the area, and particularly Hurrah Lake, was the center of leisure activities since the early 1880s. The grounds are some of the most hillfilled in the state, making it a great place for those who love mountain biking or horseback riding. Canoeing and fishing are also available at the park’s pristine Lake Hurrah or in the Alafia River. If you’re looking to walk or hike, consider geocaching: an outdoor game using hand-held (GPS) devices. It’s a bit like a scavenger and treasure hunt mixed into one—a great way to exercise and explore!
Image from
Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 15
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“I Am…I Said” by Neil Diamond BY: RANDAL C. HILL Humor writer Dave Barry once invited the readers of his weekly syndicated newspaper column to vote for the worst pop song of all time. When over 10,000 letters piled up on his Miami office desk, he assembled them into “Dave Barry’s Book of Bad Songs.” “MacArthur Park” took the highest “honor,” but fun-loving Barry offered jabs at several other tunes as well. One was Neil Diamond’s “I Am…I Said,” with Dave citing one particular set of odd lyrics: I am…I said/To no one there/And no one heard at all/Not even the chair. Barry’s gleeful response: “What kind of line is that? Is Neil telling us he’s surprised that the chair didn’t hear him? Maybe he expected the chair to say, ‘Woah, I heard THAT!’” Diamond, who was born Noah Kaminsky in New York in 1941, took a screen test in 1970 in hopes of playing comedian Lenny Bruce in a forthcoming film. (Dustin Hoffman eventually won the role.) In an interview years later, Neil described about how he had returned to his Los Angeles Holiday Inn room in a funk because he felt (correctly) that he had failed the audition. Sitting alone at a small table with two chairs, he gazed out the window at the world of golden sunshine and palm trees. He was homesick for his native Brooklyn and feared that perhaps he had made a mistake in his recent move to California.
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 16
Neil picked up his guitar and within one hour wrote “I Am…I Said,” which would eventually become his sixth Top 10 single since 1966. He would spend the next four months honing the tune to his satisfaction.
Image from
Diamond’s label, Uni Records, questioned his line about the chair, but Neil insisted that it stay. To him, it represented where a hotel-room companion would have sat if there had been one that day. Others have pointed out that Diamond, who is Jewish, may have subconsciously gleaned the chair image from the Passover, which includes Jewish people keeping an empty chair for Elijah, who will eventually announce the coming of the Savior. Diamond has since admitted that much of the bulk of his song came from time spent in therapy in Los Angeles: “It was consciously an attempt on my part to express what my dreams were about, what my aspirations were about and what I was about.” He has since proclaimed, “[“I Am…I Said”] was by far the most difficult song I have ever written—and probably the best song I have ever written.”
One solution for oxygen at home, away, and for travel Introducing the INOGEN ONE It’s oxygen therapy on your terms No more tanks to refill. No more deliveries. No more hassles with travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen concentrator is designed to provide unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users. It’s small, lightweight, clinically proven for stationary and portable use, during the day and at night, and can go virtually anywhere — even on most airlines. Inogen accepts Medicare and many private insurances! Reclaim Your Freedom And Independence NOW!
April is the Cruelest Month… (with apologies to T. S. Eliot) April in Florida can be a bit warm, weather-wise, which makes a dip in the pool a bit more tempting. Which makes it necessary to don a bathing suit. Up to this point, the weather had been cooperatively cool and not necessarily conducive to swimming. Which means I managed to avoid the heartbreak of too many revealed body parts. Oh, I do have a favorite bathing suit that I tolerate rather well. I bought it several years ago. It’s a black, one-piece “miracle suit,” designed to make you look 10 pounds thinner. It manages to embrace my boobs in a manner which does not make me look like I require milking, and covers enough pelvis to avoid the need for a Brazilian wax treatment. But to my horror, when I dug it out from the deep recesses of my dresser drawer, said suit had developed a big, fat hole! The meaning of this discovery did not escape me. I was in need of a new bathing suit. One has to be a female of at least middle age to fully comprehend the trauma inherent in this situation. How does one choose a bathing suit establishment? We of a certain age are advised to look for a shop that employs a good “fitter.” Definition: a bathing suit professional who is experienced in minimizing muffin tops and other bodily flaws. She will navigate you past the rows of tankinis (too much midriff reveal), bikinis (too much everything reveal) and straight down the aisle to the one-piece suits with magical concealing properties, and the ability to lift and tuck. I stared at my choices in dismay. I rejected the flowery design which reminded me of a table cloth I once purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond, and also decided to forego the animal print, which I feared would make me look like a pregnant cheetah. Thus, as in life, in the world of one-piece bathing suits, you can’t go wrong with basic black. Again.
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I entered the fitting room and after several “what was I thinking” rejections, I did find a tolerable substitute for the bathing suit I was forced to discard. Hopefully, it’s durable enough to avoid future cruel Aprils. I’m pretty sure that bathing suit shopping was not what T. S. Eliot had in mind when he wrote “The Wasteland,” the poem that begins with the title of this essay. But, hey, you never know. He was a twice-married man! Susan's newest book, "How to Complain When There's Nothing to Complain About," is available at and other online book sellers. Read her blog at Email:
© 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved.
Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 17
14.14.Country home 5.Nice Hide preparers 4. time to visit Nice Help in a conspiracy 7. Greek letter 17. Stratford-on-__ Of a generation 15. 6.Inviolate Creator 5. 15. Public building 8. Expunge 18. High Pocket bread 16. rating 7.Roberts Enthusiastic 6. and others 16. Bum 9. 6th Refer 19. Procrastinator’s word 17. Pompeo 8. day of Lent: abbr. 7. Infamous emperor 17.Burstyn Ocean or phenomenon 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 18.18.Spain’s Juanstunts Carlos I 9.Crawling Hook and line user 8. insect Gymnastic 11. Bit of cereal 23. Originally 19. Lee named 10. Embraced 9. Uncooked 20.Ms. Behold 12.IsCosmetic Take advantage of 24. Call a singer’s halt to about 20. indignant 11. case item 10. dishonest 21.Felt Folk son 13.Garden German article 25. Nemesis 22. subjects 12. Put underground 11. shed items 22.Feudal Alleviates 21.Qualified High schooler 28. Rhythm 24. direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner 12. 23.Change Stretches of lowland 22.Pitch Start of faith 25. 32. Cuts 21. Article 13. 25.Final One course who sleeps ANSWER TO pumper #5138 26. ANSWER TO #5145 25.Blood Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 19. 34. Bar Lament upside down TO 29. an electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 youfigures are...” 21. 26.Beverages Praying 26.Does Gave one’s two 35. Bee colony 30. __;me!” noworth longer a minor 25. Had a meal cents’ 27. Winding roads 37. Of “Ah, F A V O R 24. SBet B O L D 31. or Taurus 25. stratagem 26. Keep __ on; 28.Jetta Explodes 28.Batter’s Rough 38. Character in A Othello O E 33. seeker 26. for one watch 31.Moray LeansPoint 29.Bismarck, Part of carefully summer 39. West student M O N 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Grand or upright 27. Taj Mahal’s city 32. Intimidate 30. Fellow 40. Out of __; behaving E through 28. 39.34.____ over; helped pedestal; 28. Bride’s item 31.Working Sea duck inappropriately 29. a lovingly difficult honored period 29. Flamingo or heron 33.Flambeau Certain flame love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 30. Temptinto intosmall a 41.36.Plunge Narration 32. pieces D 34. Cut Fictional king 42. One who acts dangerous situation Wet 42.37.Seasons 34. In __ of 36. Miles, e.g. like another C 32. Burro’s complaint 44.38.Surrenders 35.Rowboat Always 39. France’s Tosses Coty 43. Lets 33. 39.Poet’s 2/7 and 5/7 C O 46. contraction 36.Atmosphere 43. Publicofdisturbance 44. Evaluate 35. agreement Linger 47.40.Ardent 38.Words Sermon topic I 45.Wedded Sight and 46. Pillages 37. onetaste 41.Fascination Oyster lining 49. 40. Bargains 47.Lessen Existing on a 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 38. 42.Rejected Rara aviswith disdain 51. 43. Not crackers flat asurface 40. from 49. Follower of 7 Down 44.Lotion Woodworkers’ 54. ingredient 45.Athlete Like hill 50. Michigan Fourth of machines 51. Force Building 55. intosite an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner 41. area 45.Admirable Period a wall hanging 52. people awkward position 50.Parishioners’ Like more expensive A I who 43. illumined Attention-getter in court 52.Less Preposition 56.46.Gives up others influence hamburger S 44. storage 47.Asia’s Without __; unworried 60. __and Mountains 53.Food Insignificant amount 51. Dandruff siteroom 58. William Sean T Across O 46. 50.Tract Opposite of 37 61. of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 54.Featherbrains Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 47. sis 51.Place Mr. McKellen 63. to spend rupees 53.Ann Europe/Asia boundary toLanders’ a dermatologist 62. Tack 48. Poncho 54.Light, Caused to go broke 64. rhythmic tune 54. Nest 55. Hot spot 63. Gladden 49. Celebes ox 57.Pro’s Lookfoe at with desire 65. 56. Periods 56.ERA, __ PM; 2100 hours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 50. for one 58.Lacks Elks’ letters 66. 57. Conception Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers 57. Did in Angela Orras, Parrish 65. Slave of old 52. __ vera 59. Rib 67. 58. Disencumbers 58.Bright Itemlight in agas desk drawer 66. Flower Chihuahua 53. “Get lost!” children 68.60.Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 59.Amerindian Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 55. 61. 1492 or 1776 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady 60.Shirt Girl’s nickname 68. 56. pocket item 62.Worry Penetrate 57. Govt. agcy. (1942-45) 63. British submachine gun
Last Month’s Answers
Enter To Win!
Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha
23 2324
34 31
26 28 27 29
20 20
38 36
15 14
32 35
33 29
3840__; garment 1. Make clench 1. Wraparound ACROSS one’s hand 5. Detection device 1. Bargain-hunt 39 40 41 6. 43Family member 10. Fog Talk 41 42 5. 10. Baby’s spot 14. Read Help in a conspiracy 9. __; recite 42 43 44 14. Country home 15.47 Public setting building 44 45 46 14. Novel 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. Of Bum 15. the U.S.A. 45 46 16. High rating 17.51 Ocean phenomenon 48 49 50 16. Rent long-term 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 18. Gymnastic stunts 47 48 49 50 51 Carlos 52 53 17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan I 20. Behold 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Pocket bread 19. 63 Ms. Lee son 21. Folk singer’s 54 55 56 57 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Felt indignant about 22. Alleviates 58 59 60 61 62 subjects 20. lunch 22. Feudal 23. Warm Stretches of lowland 58 59 60named 24. Change direction 23. Originally 25. One who sleeps 63 64 65 25. aFinal course 24. Call haltdown to upside 61 62 63 26. Bar 25. 26. Nemesis Gave one’s two 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 28. Rhythm cents’ worth 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32. Cuts 28. Explodes 31. Jetta or Taurus 34. 31. Lament Leans 33. colony Moray seeker 35. Bee 32. Intimidate 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 37. “Ah, me!” 34. __ 39.pedestal; __ over; helped through in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the Character 20th of the month will lovingly honored a difficult period 39. Point student 36. West Narration win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 40. __; behaving 37. Out Wet 42.of Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 inappropriately 38. Burro’s complaint 44. Surrenders 39. Word 2/7 5/7stick with or roll 46.and Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 40. One Linger 42. acts 47. who Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 41. Oyster lining like 49. another Fascination 42. Lets Rara avisHomewith Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Improvements 43. 51. Rejected disdain 44. Evaluate Woodworkers’ 54. Lotion ingredient 44. Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles machines 55. Force into an 46. Pillages 45. Do Period awkward position 48. a hairdresser’s job 46. Follower Attention-getter in court 56. Givesofup7 Down 49. Name 60. Asia’s Mountains 47. Building Without __;__unworried 51. site 61. Tract of ofpeople wasteland 50. Admirable Opposite 37 Across 52. who Address 63.McKellen Place to spend rupees 51. Mr. influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Caused to go broke 58. William and Sean 65. Pro’s foe desire 57. Reddish-brown Look at with 61. animal 66. Lacks 58. Tack Elks’ letters 62. 67. Flower 59. Rib Gladden City State63. Zip 68. Schnozzola 60. “Get lost!” 64. “__ Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow 61. 1492 or 1776 covering 65. Slave of old 62. Penetrate Age Phone 66. children 1 2 submachine 3 4 5 63. Chihuahua British gun6 7 67. Late actor Bert 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 7 14 68. Worry E-mail
1.1. Word State of disgust 15 DOWN 5 6 7 1. Heavenly Mlles.15 3. Misfortunes Confused completely 173. 18 Nag 14 15 17 2. 4. Nice Coat part tacit 4. to visit 18 Nice 3. Not time just 205. 5. Inviolate Hide preparers 21 or madam 20 4. Mom, dad, 21 17 18 6. Roberts Creator and others 6. 5. Take place 24 25 7. Infamous Enthusiastic 7. emperor 23 24 20 6. Friend at the 21 école 8. Crawling 6th day of insect Lent: abbr. 8. 26 7. 27Greek 28 29 letter 26 9.27Uncooked 23 8. Expunge 10. Is dishonest 30 31 32 9. Garden Refer shed 11. Cosmetic case items item 3230 3331 3111. 28 29 10. Spring 12. Qualified Put underground 37 38 39 12. Bit of cereal 36 11. 37 13. Pitch Beauty’s movie partner 34 13. 35 42 43 44 12. Take pumper advantage of 21. Blood Article of faith 19. 39 13. 40 23. Beverages “...__ by your outfit 39 German article 38 21. 47 are...” 48 that you 21. Bet High schooler 24. 42 43 25. Batter’s Had a meal 22. Start 4151 42 25. stratagem 53 54 26.52Cat 25. 26. Bismarck, 45 for one 4455 45 46 26. Grand Praying figures 56 27. or upright 27.48 Taj Mahal’sroads city 4728. 49 50 27. Winding Working 28. Bride’s item 486028. Rough 49 61 62 50 29. 29. Flambeau Flamingo orflame heron55 56 54 29. Part ofinto summer 30. Tempt a pieces 6432. Cut into 52 65 small 53 30. Fellow dangerous situation 58 34. In __ of 59 31.59Rowboat Sea duck 32. 68 Always 586735. 60 61 33. Certain Coty love messages 6133. 62 36. Atmosphere France’s oftopic agreement 34. Fictional king 38. Words Sermon 63 35. 64 37. one 36. Miles, e.g. 40. Wedded Bargains 39. Tosses 66 38. 67 43. Lessen Not crackers 40. 43. Public disturbance 45. Athlete Like a hillfrom Michigan 48. Bach orand Wagner 45. Sight taste 41. 50. Parishioners’ Like more on expensive 47. Existing aarea 43. Less illumined hamburger flat surface 44. storage room 51. Food Dandruff site of 50. Fourth page 46. 52. Featherbrains Salk’s concern a wall hanging 47. Landers’boundary sis 53. Ann Europe/Asia 52. Preposition 48. 54. Poncho Nest 53. Insignificant amount 56. Celebes Periods 49. ox 54. Complaint 57. ERA, Conception 50. one to afordermatologist 58. __ Disencumbers 52. vera 55. Hot spot 59. Bright Brat’s talk 53. light gas 56. __ PM; 2100 62. Amerindian Lennon’s lady hours 55. 57. Did in 56. Shirt pocket item in10a desk 858. Govt. 9 Item agcy. 11 12drawer 13 57. (1942-45) 59. Mr. Whitney 8 60. 9 Girl’s nickname 11 12 13 1610 114142. 3 cabinet 4 2.2 Acting Office award
1 14 2
5 15 6
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 •17 18 26
9 22
15 24 21
26 23 27
18 21
DOWN ACROSS DOWN ACROSS Heavenly Mlles. 1. 1. Word of disgust Bargain-huntgarment 1. Wraparound ACROSS DOWN 2. 2. Acting Nagaward 5. device Fog __; clench 1. Detection Make 1. State 3. 3. Confused 10. Not justcompletely tacit 9. Talk Read __; recite one’s hand 2. Office cabinet 4. 4. Nice time dad, to visit inmember a conspiracy Mom, orNice madam 14. Novel setting 6. Help Family 3. Misfortunes 5. 5. Inviolate 15. 10. Public Baby’s spot 15. Of thebuilding U.S.A. 4. Coat partTake place 6. 6. Roberts 16. 14. Bum Country home 5. Hide preparers Friendand at others the école 16. Rent long-term 7. 7. Infamous 17. phenomenon 15. Ocean Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator Greek emperor letter 17. Of a generation 8. 8. Crawling insect 18. stunts 16. Gymnastic High ratingbread 7. Enthusiastic Expunge 18. Pocket 9. day Uncooked 20. 17. Behold Burstyn or Pompeo word 8. 6th of Lent: abbr. 9. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s Isand dishonest 18. Folk Spain’s Juan Carlos 21. singer’s 9. 10. Hook line user 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch son I Garden shed items 19. Alleviates Ms. Lee 22. 10. 11. Embraced 11. Bit of cereal 23. Originally named 20. Stretches Felt indignant Qualified 11. 12. Cosmetic case item 23. of about lowland 12. Take advantage of 24. Call who a subjects haltsleeps to 22. One Feudal Pitch 12. 13. Put underground 25. 13. German article 25. Nemesis 24. Change 13. 19. Beauty’s movie partner Blood pumper upsidedirection down 21. 28. Rhythm 25. Gave Final course 21. 21. Article ofHigh faith schooler Beverages 26. one’s two 22. 32. Cuts 26. Bar 23. 24. “...__ byStart your outfit Bet cents’ worth 25. 34. Lament 29. Explodes Does an electrician’s job that youCat are...”stratagem 25. Batter’s 28. 26. Prayingfor figures 30. Leans Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 25. 26. Had a meal Bismarck, one 31. As most ofroads us have learned over time, balance is key to the success 31. Intimidate Jetta Taurus 26. 27. Keep __Winding on;or upright 27. 37. “Ah,orme!” Grand 32. 33. __ Moray seekerin Othello watch carefully 28. Rough 38. Character 28. Working 34. pedestal; any endeavor, project or relationship. The Joy of my Life and I have 37. Cheese-producing region 27. 29. Tajof Mahal’s 29. Partcityof flame summer Flambeau 39. West Point student lovingly honored 39. Narration __ over; helped through 28. 30. Bride’s item Tempt into a 30. Fellow 36. 40. Out of __; behaving achieved this balance. I do the dishes and she mows the lawn. a difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron 37. Wet 31.dangerous Sea ducksituation inappropriately 41. Burro’s Plunge complaint 32. 32. Cut33. into Certain small pieces Rowboat 38. love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 42. 2/7 Seasons 34. 33. In We __Atmosphere of often take turns. Our previous house had a relatively small yard, so 39. and 5/7 acts 34. Fictional king 42. One who 44. Surrenders 35. 35. Always Words of agreement 40. Linger 36. Miles, e.g. off maintaining it with a traditional, old-school lawnmower like another 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty we started 37. Wedded one 41. Oyster 39. Tosses 43. Lets lining 47. Ardent 38. 38. Sermon topic Lessen 42. Rara avis 43. Public disturbance 44. Evaluate with the blades being powered by the two rubber-tired wheels. This 49. Fascination 40. 40. Bargains Athlete from 44. Woodworkers’ 45. Sight 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Rejected 43. Not crackers and taste Michigan machines was sufficient 47. on a until one mowed the steep sides of the drainage ditch 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 45. Like a hillExisting 41. Parishioners’ area 45. 55. Period Force into an 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down Less illumined which ran theof full width of the front yard. This could bring either of us 46. Attention-getter in court 50. 43. awkward position Like more expensive 50. Fourth page 51. Building site 44. Food storage room 47. 56. Without Gives up __; unworried hamburger a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who to a near-death dehydrating experience on hot, Florida summer days. Featherbrains 50. of 37 Across 60. Opposite Asia’s __ Mountains 51. 46. Dandruff site 52. Preposition influence others 47. Ann Landers’ sis 51. 61. Mr. TractMcKellen of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 53. Insignificant amount 58. William to and Poncho 54. go Sean broke 63. Caused Place to spend rupees 53. 48. Europe/Asia boundary Following one of her turns, my exhausted bride suggested that we 54. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown 57. at with desire 64. Look Light, rhythmic tune animal 54. 49. NestCelebes ox to a one dermatologist 62. Tackfoe ERA, for 58. letters 65. Elks’ Pro’s 56. 50. Periods get a power mower. She wanted an unmanly, yet easy-to-use, electric 55. Hot spot 63. Gladden __ vera 59. 66. Rib Lacks 57. 52. Conception 56. __ light PM; 2100inhours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” Bright gas 60. lost!” mower just case I kicked, because she didn’t want to struggle 67. “Get Flower 58. 53. Disencumbers 57. Did in Amerindian 65. Slaveorof1776 old 61. 68. 1492 Schnozzola 59. 55. Brat’s talk tugging a starter Shirt pocket 58. Item inon a item desk drawer rope. I agreed. 62. Penetrate 66. Chihuahua children 62. 56. Lennon’s lady 57.59. Govt. (1942-45) 63. British submachine Mr.agcy. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert gun 168. 2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60. 10 11 nickname 12 13 Girl’s 1 DOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 One 9 10 during 11 12 my 13 day turn, I experience sudden neuropathy in my feet
28 24
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25 22
21 32
22 19
16 19 10
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3429 35 3036
16 9 11 just 12 as 13 abruptly with the stopping of the mower. Actually, 16 10 which ended 19 I had1916run over the extension cord. She took over the mowing since 23 22 19 she’s more careful than I am. I went back to my sudsy duties.
Along with inheriting my appreciation for art, music and certain sports, 2824 29 25 30 26 27 I 33learned a trip to visit my Virginia family, that my dad also had 34 35during 36 35 32 33 34 about doing dishes, and actually enjoyed it. The ladies 40 no qualms 41 38 36 37 would cook together, Dad would wash and I would dry, occasionally 45 46 41 40 roles. 49 switching 50 2522
I find it relaxing. It allows me time to think, letting my mind wander. 47 57 58 59 51 52many 53 I’ve prepared a presentation, written many a song and thought 63 51 of many57 a story plot while washing dishes. I once conveyed this to my 54 66 55 56 57 Joy. She60 interpreted it as, “It’s a stupid, mindless activity,” causing her 69 62 to announce, “I’m through doing this stupid, mindless activity! It’s all 63 65 yours, Babe!” I tried explaining, to no avail, that it’s been found that 68 doing left-brain activities frees up the mind to do creative, right-brain activities.
Since then, we’ve moved to a gated retirement community and now have a lawn service which takes care of mowing and trimming one-aweek. Meanwhile, I’m STILL doing the dishes. But it’s only fair since she does most of the cooking. Mike Wright can often be found at Walmart stocking up on dog food, cat litter and Dawn detergent. If you know where these items can be purchased cheaper, let him know at
Hats Are Always in Fashion BY KATHY A. MEGYERI
To the oft-heard female comment that women make, “I don’t look good in hats,” Dior would say, “Nonsense!” As he wrote in his “Little Dictionary of Fashion,” “A hat is essential to any outfit. It completes it. In a way, a hat is the best way to express your personality.” And “Dior Hats from Christian Dior to Stephen Jones” by Stephen Jones proves that to be true. Published on the occasion of the 2020 exhibition at the Musee Christian Dior in Granville, France, author and renowned milliner Stephen Jones celebrates more than 70 years of the most exquisite, breathtaking and stunning hats ever created. The book opens with hats designed by Dior himself and explores the fashion house’s headdresses over the years from the first millinery of the “New Look” to Yves St. Laurent’s Venetian masks, Marc Bohan’s toques, Gianfranco Ferre’s boaters, John Galliano’s extravagant creations and the romantic designs of Maria Gazia Chiuri. Jones’ narratives are accompanied by contributions from leading experts and are set off with drawings and photographs from Dior’s archives. Stunning photos by Richard Avedon, Sir Cecil Beaton and Craig McDean enhance the text and make this a treasured gift for all hat lovers.
Jones has been collaborating with Dior since 1996 and is the artistic director of the Dior hats exhibition. His purpose for writing the book is that hats have been given less recognition than they deserve, and he wanted to pay tribute to Dior’s hats that were essential to his concept of elegance. Dior’s mother, Madeleine Dior, was always “behatted,” and thus, this ideal of “woman in a hat” remained in his imagination and inspired his creations. Today, only the House of Dior still has its own atelier mode that is dedicated exclusively to producing hats, and Stephen Jones, among others, is using his talent to revitalize the unique tradition that characterizes Dior Haute Couture. Almost 200 hats and 30 outfits, as well as numerous photographs and documents, made up the exhibition and resulted in this handsome, keepsake volume. It has helped to make the art of hat creation more visible, and showcases Dior’s sense of style and perfection in valuing detail and use of materials that encompass the whole spirit of luxury that’s recognized the world over. Although few of us will ever own a Dior original, we can wear our own vintage findings that perhaps were our mother’s favorites, and all the while enthusiastically proclaim, “Hats off to Dior!”
Lawn and Garden Month: Care Tips April is Lawn and Garden Month, aptly appointed due to the arrival of spring. Now is the time of year when green thumbs start to defrost and we tend to start planning our yearly garden. From vegetables to decorative flowers, here are a few tips that can help your garden flourish. As you start planning your garden, especially for those whose first year is this one, always start by growing your plants from seed. Stores that carry plants and other gardening goods offer seed starter kits. These include small pods of dirt to grow your seedlings in, and a plastic cover to help hold in moisture and heat. Drop a few seeds in and lightly water them daily as you watch green sprouts appear. This method offers the most success, in my experience, for both flowers and vegetables. Always be sure to scope out the sun. Depending on what plants you are planning to raise, some varieties prefer full sun, while others need shade. Research what plants you would like, then determine where would be the best location for them to thrive. Invest in quality soil when planting anything. The soil should be chock-full of nutrients necessary for seedlings to succeed, as well as well-draining soil. This will prevent mold or other detrimental conditions for plants from developing. If you are potting your plants, be sure not to overcrowd the pot. Research how much room is needed for what you’re planting.
Adding mulch on top of your soil is a great way to inhibit the growth of weeds and reduce moisture loss through evaporation, a threat especially likely Floridian gardeners given the ruthless sun. Add about two to three inches deep of mulch in your in-ground flower beds to help with these potential issues. What are the best plants to garden in Florida and when? Here are some tips from the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences: Vegetables best for Florida: In spring, sweet corn, cucumber, tomato, peppers and watermelon are best as the weather is warm but has not yet reached the scorching temperatures we see later in the summer. For summer gardening, try planting sweet potatoes, southern peas, cherry tomatoes and okra. Flower best for Florida: Coreopsis is Florida’s cheery-faced state flower for good reason. These hardy plants can withstand drought and attract butterflies. Pentas love Florida weather! They bloom nonstop and attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Garvinea gerberas also thrive in Florida from spring to fall, or year-round in southern Florida. Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 19
Sudoku #321 Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304
79 23 52 65 47 86 98 1 34
The all the The object ofthe thegame gameis fillall allthe the Theobject objectofof the game isisto totofill Last Month’s Winner: Last Month’s Winner isfillnumbers. blank with correct blank squares withthe the correct numbers. blanksquares squares with the correct numbers.
Nichole Veesaert, Beach Leona Raymond, Brandon Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte
Each rowofof of999numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeall all Each all Eachrow row numbers must include CongratuLations! digits 1 through 9 in any order. digits 1 through 9 in any order. digits 1 through 9 in any order.Goo d od column column of999numbers numbersmust mustinclude GoEach Each include Each columnofof numbers must Linclude uck! ! k c Lu allall digits 1 through 9 in any order. alldigits digits11through through 99 in in any any order. order. Each 3byby by33 3subsection subsection the99by by999 Win Great Prizes! Each of by Each3 3 subsection ofofthe square must include all digits 1 through New winner selected each month square must include all digits 1 through 9.9. square must include all digits through 9.
6 47 1 5 6 5 84 2 4 1 1 3 6 87 8
45 98 34 71 12 59 67 86 23
67 1 86 38 93 24 49 5 72
93 82 69 54 28 35 76 47 1
36 45 28 87 71 13 54 62 9
51 74 17 9 6 42 35 23 8
18 56 75 43 84 91 2 39 67
84 69 43 2 35 7 1 98 56
2 37 91 16 59 68 83 74 45
SEARCH WORD SEARCH AprilWORD Word Search September Word Search APRIL Word Search
WORD SEARCH In Inthe category for for thegrid gridbelow, below,twenty twentyanswers answers can can be be found found that that fit fit the the category Intoday. the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fitspace the category for Circle each answer that you find and list the provided at that today. Circle each answer that you find andcategory list itit in infor the space provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the today. Circle each answer Circle each answer that you find and list itallindirections the space --provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in forwards, the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinthe the space at the right the grid.inAnswers can be found in all directions – the right grid. provided Answers can beofdiagonally. found all An directions --isforwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and example given to backwards, horizontally,vertically vertically and diagonally. An is given to get given to forwards, backwards, horizontally, and diagonally. An example you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you you find twenty answers in this get youstarted. started.Can Can you findthe the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can you find twenty answers in thisin puzzle? get you started. Can you findthe the twenty answers this puzzle? Today's Category: (Words that sound alike, Today'sHomophones Category: Dances but have different meanings)
8 9 1 5
Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.
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Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
: LawrenceJimenez, Pangburn, N. Englewood Josephine Ft. Myers
Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
#3 7 314 321 # 681 132 398 559 86 26 4 472 159 74
7. Cola Hawk 7.
17. 17.Swallow Root beer
20. Wren 18. 8. Dr. LarkPepper 18.Swan Tea 8. 9. Highball Loon 9. 10. Oriole
10. Juice
19. 19.Woodpecker Water 20. Wren
20. Wine
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 20
45K4 L243I 51M9 9R77E18T8 3T35U8 96B 7C616 22 N B S W A L L O W C M 7E2W6DA975DT 86WE7 4ER14DA24CL1 6OR92CO1 83HW5GC593 38 8R3J8GD311FG 77LT6 2AE93PA45AK5 9DR84AR6 29BO1MT425 67 2W6U2BG529GR 45SG3 7SG48NL63GT7 1ME71GR3 15XD9AG948 86 I 2S# 1D4I5AH697LW98LP4 8A# 32KP6321 5CN19HA2 31CX4RH787 53 R314 6 D E E O T 2 8 4 3 9 9EMC7KDL8L6DI I6UMM1 R1GE 5ECA7T W 1E C6 N 2X G8 P 7GT 4UQO4BOP5C5NC3 CI3 2 9 5LD9WP4A8CT2DE5 RE3 6AF9L A4O 8CO3HS7G 2C6 V71 1 9G A5 E 3N D2 D 1P T6 C 7D N8 4 3OGH3JUS7DG4I GR1PTG2 EGG6 1ALJ 5KT H9DM 2AGL 7BXU9MA 8A8K64 5 7H O8 E 4L A3 C 9B E5 E 6R I2 1 N B S W A L
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Who do these “quotes” beloNg to? dAy Is sePQuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts “the 1st of day We remember We are the tember 13.aPrIl WhAtIsIsthe the offIcIAL soNg What ANd offIcIAL other 364for daysthIs of the year” fLoWer NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? aNsWer________________________________________ ANsWer: _____________________________________ “aPrIl hath Put a sPIrIt of youth IN everythINg” aNsWer_________________________________________
Answer AnswerThese This Trivia To TriviaQuestions Question To WIN a Prize!
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Solution #314 Solution Solution#304 #321
Samba 1. Rye 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ Wry 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 10. 11. ____________________ ____________________ 11. 12. ____________________ ____________________ 12. 13. ____________________ ____________________ 13. 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.
d Search Solution: Search Solution: Ale 11. Lemonade 11. Parrot luejay Beer 12. Limeade 12. Penguin Canary Buttermilk 13. Martini 13. Pigeon Crow Champagne 14. Milk 14. Robin Cuckoo Search Solution: Cocoa Word 15. Nectar Word Search Solution: 11. Lemonade agle 1. Ale 15. Sparrow 11. Parrot Coffee 1. Bluejay 16. Punch Beer 12.Penguin Limeade 2. 12. 2. Canary16. Stork gret Cola 17. Root beer 13.Pigeon Martini 3. 13. 3. Buttermilk Crow 17. Swallow Hawk 14.Robin Milk 4. Dr. Pepper 14. 4. Champagne Cuckoo 18. Tea Swan ark 15.Sparrow Nectar 15. 5. Cocoa Eagle 18. Highball 5. 19. Water 16. 6. Coffee Egret 19. Woodpecker 16.Stork Punch 6. oon Juice 20. Wine
Solution #320 #313 Solution Solution #303
Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku no skills. Sudoku requires noarithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. Sudokurequires requires no arithmetic
1 98 4 43 7 8 2 75 4 6 9 7 6 9 8 62 6 7 9 5 6 4 8 42 1
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Beverly Johnson, Fort Myers was Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte waslast lastmonths monthswinner! winner! Last month’s answer: Each month end’s the same every year. Marzo. Marzo. Last month’s answer: NORAD, Harry Shoup.
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It seems that there aren’t too many lines of work that 39-year-old Eddie Huang hasn’t been involved in. His resume includes attorney, book author (“Fresh Off the Boat”), TV host, chef, stand-up comic, clothing designer, attorney and marijuana dealer. And now the son of Taiwanimmigrant parents is bringing his coming-of-age drama “Boogie” to the silver screen.
The film stars Eddie’s former assistant Taylor Takahashi as Boogie. The diverse supporting cast includes such on-the-rise actors as Pamela Chee, Jorge Lendeborg, Jr., Mike Moh and Dave East. Now-deceased rapper Pop Smoke—he was murdered in 2019—provides the haunting music that is woven throughout the story.
“Boogie” is a classic inspirational sports drama but one that is played out, for a change, in the Asian-American experience. Written and directed by Huang, the movie tells the story of Alfred “Boogie” Chin, a Chinese-Taiwanese American high school basketball phenomenon in New York whose dream is to play in the NBA. He maintains these dreams amid turmoil at home and among his classmates at his Queens high school.
Chin must deal not only with them and at-school rivals but also navigate a relationship with a winsome girl he has recently met and fallen in love with.
Discouragement and resolve hang in equal measure over Boogie’s head like a threatening raincloud. “We never expected to have freedom or independence or equality in this country,” he proclaims, “but it doesn’t matter what the challenges are, you run through that wall.” He also expounds cynically on some daunting stereotypes: “No one believes in an Asian basketball player… it’s a joke in this country. We can cook, clean, count real good, but anything else, we’re picked last.” Then there’s the crushing burden of expectation. When Chin draws close to his lofty goal, he admits to his girlfriend, “I’ve got to represent. I’ve got 5,000 years of Chinese history. That’s a lot of pressure.” She, in turn, offers simply, “You have a chance to change history.”
Huang has admitted that he was inspired by the hit feature “Good Will Hunting,” whose story motivated Eddie to enter the filmmaking world. “That movie was the moment where I said I would like to make a movie that changes another kid’s life. The way that they were able to humanize domestic violence and those relationships, it opened my eyes because I didn’t know you could talk about stuff like that in movies.” Released by Focus Features, Boogie is scheduled for release on March 5.
Boogie’s parents lean on him to try for a scholarship to a prestigious university.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 21
Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN WOMEN SEEKING MEN 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. 4907 - SWF. 59stewardess yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, Former airline andsmoker, model, blonde eyes. white I like fishing, mov5’4”, 104hair, lbs.,blue slender, with Ph.D. ies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats SWM who likes the same. healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. 5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking Florida. miserable old troll. If U respond U obvi-
ously -have a senseFIRST. of humor R adventur5455 FRIENDS It’s &2021. ous. I’m 76, blonde, earthy, easy Estero/Bonita and Ipetite, am ISO honest to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, gentleman, age 80-85, SOH a must, cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must HWP, NS, LT, SD. This WC lady still gets have a little class & a lot of character. 2nd glances! Walk often, HWP, 5’5”, TV sports music. 5422 -&VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long
blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim,&ND, 5472 - LOOKING FOR MY ONE NS. Fine dining, dancing, travel. ONLY. I am 78yy, NS, ND,theatre, looking for Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 65LTR & TLC. I love country music and 75, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo the 50’s and 60’s. I love to dance, I’m & phone. a good cook, like taking walks. I’m caring healthy. Looking for a SWM, 5436 -&TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS COMlate 70’s, NS, SD or not. I’mlooking in NPR/for PANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, healthy, W, 45-65 for phone LTR. Need compuer Hudson area. Send number operations, applications expert and handy please. homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swim-
5465 PHONE FRIENDS ming,-local touring. VeteranFIRST. literary a plus. Thoughtful non-conformist. Dislike Tampa. propagandistic left media and unkind, 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST money-focused Republicans. Love GENTLEMAN. ND, like books, film, art.I’m As70s, far HWP, fromNS, intellectual to meet SWM with sameorinterest snob as Gilbert Grape Paolo for LTR. Laid back, no drama. Like animals. HillsSorrentino. Love animals/outdoors. borough & Pasco. Strong, fit. ISO D, W, C, M. 5466 HONEST WOMAN 5425 -- SEEKING SINCERE CHRISTIAN desires C-man who GodND, and is GENTLEMAN. I amreally non loves smoker, active, lives a widow healthy looking life, helpsfor hisnon neigh5’4”, slender, bor, enjoys (including picnics), casmoker, ND,nature for companionship. South noeing and a friend to all animals. I’m all Ft. Myers area.
of the above. I’m a W ,etite lady with long 5467 - SEEKING hair and chearful. SINCERE Age 60’s, Age preferred: Mid 50’s and up. I liveNS, in Hillsborough GELTLEMAN. 71yy, ND, NDrg, County. Please write me, tell me about HWP, curious, adventurous, honest, yourself. fun-loving, well educated. Enjoy
music, people, traveling, cards, plays, 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & learning about new subjects. Seeking companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs gentleman who enjoys life,have hasaSOH old. I am financially secure, car & and enjoys of Pete. my interests. condo. I livesome in N. St. Bradenton/Sarasota.
5429 -- LIVE, HERE,LAUGH, DURING COVID-19 IN S. 5469 DANCE. Petite FT. MYERS. ISO friendship only with W, blonde, WWW, 81, HWP. Companion, widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I conversation, music, piano, swing am W, WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. dance, animals, nature, SOH, Please respond with phone/email. Be safe comedian senior theater, NS, SD, ISO & well. gentleman, FF. Picture, phone, email. I 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal will respond. Sarasota around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal
5471 - I dream of true love & I or guy with SOH. Good health, finanbelieve in it.toI know that somewhere cially secure have fun & enjoy life. No inTrumpers this world, everyone has aplease. soul Let or religious zealots mate, buttimes not easy the good roll. to find. I will help my chosen one to take a new look at life & see how bright & amazing it is.
Lifestyles After 50 • April 2021 • 22
I value kindness, romance, caring men. It is important for me that a man is serious about relationship and must be5’5”, 50 old 5419 -our HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo, and above. If you green are ready set the ball slender, brunette, eyes,to adventurous, love walks, healthy rolling, sendparks, me aoutdoors, letter now withfood. yourAm happy, loving, contact details.kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa.
MEN SEEKING WOMEN 4119--WIDOWED Seeking Honest gentleman.Living For- in 5454 GENTLEMAN. mer airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 Venice. 84yo, 5’10”, clean-cut, very honest, lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. stable. Looking for a similar tyde lady for Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. aLikes goodsports friend/companion. Please contact and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. me and you won’t be disappointed. Florida.
5458 - HEALTHY, FIT, FUNNY. 66 years MEN SEEKING WOMEN young. 6’2”, 190 athletic lbs. Was with pregnant, high school sweetheart 35 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old years. Looking 4 my new friend woman of character. I am best 6’0”, 180 lbs, that 60 I could hopefully spend the rest of life year old. NS. Children are adults. Free my to travel. with. I am a one woman man. Race is not an issue -
character is! 5459 - SEEKING RETIRED LADY. 70’s, WWM, young 70’s, NS, ND, Ndrg, retired 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to greyhound driver. Loves fairs, sports, read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys festivals, live music,free. exercise. Still loves laughter & is drama Look forward to heardriving. Would like meeting a lady with ing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and similar Plant City. drama interests. free.
5464 - PLEASANT WHITE CHRISTIAN seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handWIDOWER. looks5’11”, younger. NS,eyes, ND, some, very fi80’s t senior. 175, blue HWP, SD, SOH. pleasant silver hair. Let’sEven enjoytempered, life’s pleasures. outgoing Dunedin.personality. Enjoy simple things in life. Movies, holding hands, 5417 -music PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING picnics, lover, enjoys dancing, SWM,things seeking SWW to as enjoy sports actividoing together a couple. ties, bridge, dominoes, andfree. swimBelieves the best thingspinochle in life are ming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. ISO a romantic, fun loving best friend in Looking for SWW over 70. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs mid 70’s up with same qualities. Must be and a dancer. Pinellas Park. even tempered with internal beauty and pleasant outgoing personality, from FF to possible LTR. All replies will be answered. Respond with phone or email. 5473 - SECURE, HONEST, SWM seeks to build a fruitful relationship. I enjoy day trips, eating out, good conversation and of course cuddling. I’m full of TLC, a lot more than these 30 words can say!
5460 - ISO, F, 55-70 HWP. Attractive, 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, energetic, NS, ND. The adventure of a walks, cooking, travel, fun. lifetime awaits. Montana to Oregon by land Help with cost. 5424and - HI,river. Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”Romance. , 160 lbs, a Possible LTR. Fort Myers. young mid-seventies, NS, NS, fit, active and
adventuresome. Seeks mid-sixties to early 5461 - SWM, ISO, LTR.lady, Easy and outgoing seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, looking for that special lady to enjoy LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life. life with. Looks, age not important but sincerity is. Write me. I, promise won’t 5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11” AVG. Hairyou black, thinbe disappointed. ning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, at5462 - WWM NEEDS PARTNER. To meet tractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, or not to meet, that is the question. To intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. hug, to kiss & not to miss, the joy of a new partner & the bliss. & 5428 - M, WW,attendant NS, SD, HWP, R, Hurry TLC, 70’s. decide, do notmany tarry. You never know,quiet we Likes sharing activities together, may adventurous. evenings;
5463 - LET’S MAKE FOND MEMORIES. 5426 - EASY GOING MAN. I’m 69, 140 lbs, 5’7”, I’m a healthy, happy, well adjusted DWM, widower, lives alone. Seeking other gentlemen 80’s, 5’6”, 145#,toNS, who isand versatile in for friendship, getSD together enjoy each activities, especially arts,alll. music and other’s company. Willthe answer sports. ISO attractive lady in her 80’s, 5369NS, – Looking For Ms Right. Retired HWP, who enjoys life and all it hasNew to York for Attorney, former New York Police Officer, offer mutual enjoyment. Bradenton/ looking for loving relationship with kind and Sarasota. sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow pre-
5468 IT YOU? ferred.- WAS Clearwater area.I said “YOU’RE CUTE” and you said “SO ARE YOU”. On May 17, 2019 at our office. I am 5412 - LOOKING FORDoctor’s ADVENTEROUS WOMAN. SWM, retired, enjoys country looking forNS, you.healthy, Sun City Center.
music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attrac5470 HI. rises, ISO PARTNERSHIP, friendship, tions,-sun sunsets, movies, walks in the love. I am NS, ND, fit, active, adventuresome. park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County.
Desire an attractive, spirited lady, HWP, to share lifestyle. romance, 5416active - LOOKING FORPossible COMPANION. SWM LTR. Fort Myers area please.
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Seniors Getting Together
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TARPON BISTRO REOPENS WITH NEW NAME, MENU ITEMS AND VIBE ARTICLE INFORMATION GATHERED FROM SUNCOASTNEWS.COM Over the past year, Tarpon Tavern owner Dan Jenkin lost track of when his adjacent restaurant, the Tuscan Sun Italian Bistro, would reopen, according to “The Suncoast News.” “Dozens would be an understatement,” Jenkin said. “It’s been a lot. Especially with the Tavern next door. The employees there became like unofficial ambassadors for the Bistro, they were asked about it so many times.” Like a lot of small business owners, Jenkin closed his Italian eatery when the pandemic hit last March. But unlike other businesses, including his own tavern, the bistro never reopened, even for takeout, and this led many to questions, when, and if, the popular restaurant would ever open its doors again. “That’s the nice part of living in a small community like Tarpon Springs,” he said. “They support it and they want it to succeed.” Back in February, the community finally got its wish as Jenkin reopened the restaurant following its 11-month closure. “The Bistro,” as it’s now called, features a new layout, color scheme and menu items, but Jenkin assures everyone that it’s still the same ol’ eatery—if not better. “When people came to the Bistro, they came for the full experience—the staff, the atmosphere, the energy,” he said. “I knew I wasn’t going to allow COVID to beat us. So, I decided to use the down time wisely and see what we wanted to be moving forward.” Jenkin elected to revamp his business model, changing everything from the paint to the plates to the floorplan in an effort to open the place up and make it more vibrant and livelier to better reflect the changing dynamics of the community.” “We also took the opportunity to offer new food options, including European and Mediterranean dishes and things you might not find in Greek restaurants,” he said, citing the Bistro’s “Greek cigars,” a new take on the Greek staple spanakopita, with feta cheese, spinach and dill rolled in a crunchy wrap, as well as tapas and light-menu fare.
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Jenkin noted that they still serve old favorites, including pasta vinaiola and the popular board and homemade giant meatballs, and they added some new flavors to traditional favorites like octopus and osso buco. Lifestyles After 50 • Aoril 2021 • 23
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