TAMPA EDITION ~ DECEMBER 2021 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989
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LifestylesAfter50.com VOLUME 32 ISSUE 12
Holiday Hosting Tips
The winter holiday season is here! Read a few tips on how to best prepare your home for guests.
A Gift Guide for the Family
Gift giving can be tricky, but we have a few gift ideas for all ages of the family this season.
Articles in each issue: • Local news and • Recipe events • Book Review • Humor • Pop Culture and • Health Music Flashbacks
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 2
The Merriment of Holiday Hosting And just like that, 2021 is nearly over. Some of us may be rejoicing, and others may just be in awe that another year has flown by. However, December is one of my favorite months regardless of its year-ending significance.
Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 32, Issue 12
Publisher Debbie Hansen Publisher@lifestylesafter50.com Editor Rebecca Fending Editor@lifestylesafter50.com
is to get clutter off of your counters. This includes large storage jars, vitamin bottles, coffeemakers, decorative knick-knacks, anything that takes up counter space. If need be, purchase an organization rack that you can keep in the corner of your kitchen. Trust me, this makes all the difference.
Website Editor Allie Shaw Allie.Shaw@lifestylesafter50.com Distribution distribution@lifestylesafter50.com 813-336-8247
In my family, Christmastime has always been Organize closets:The coat closet tends to a major focus. Each year, we made Christmas go unchecked the rest of the year, so it likely Eve our family celebration with a roast, my needs a little clean-up. This way you can grandma’s garlicky kale and, my favorite, my hang guest jackets and even put away guest dad’s fried oysters. I distinctly remember shoes if you’re really short on space. o Y u can despising both the kale and oysters as a kid,also organize linen closets for guests if you’re but now? They’re possibly my favorite parts planning on having them stay with you for of the meal. longer than the evening.
Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Editor@lifestylesafter50.com Advertising Sales Sales: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 Sales@lifestylesafter50.com Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 aspen.hansen@lifestylesafter50.com Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Pat.Hincher@lifestylesafter50.com
After dinner, we talk about anything and Have neutral scents on hand: If your house is Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 everything, which was agonizing as a hosting holiday meals and guests, be sure not Joe.Gess@lifestylesafter50.com kid, before exchanging gifts between my to overwhelm the air with too many candles, Mervyn Hollander: 330-720-6772 Mervyn.Hollander@lifestylesafter50.com immediate family and grandparents. After wax warmers or plug-in air fresheners. Jim Commiskey: the gift exchange comes a holiday movie Synthetic scents such as these can be too jim.commiskey@lifestylesafter50.com classic: either “ The Polar Express” or much when mixed with other aromas from “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.” cooking and baking. If anything, keep a scent It’s usually a coin flip between the two. Then,like vanilla on hand, one that will not be To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email off to bed to await the arrival of Christmas disagreeable to most people. info@lifestylesafter50.com Day. Lifestyles After 50 Create an itinerary beforehand:A great P.O. Box 638 In watching my mom prepare our house for thing to do for yourself if you’re juggling Seffner, Florida 33583 guests each year, there are a few holiday hosting, cooking and socializing is to map (Fax) 813-331-2634 www.lifestylesafter50.com hosting tips and tricks that I’ve picked up. out a timeline for your festivities. e K ep a Although they aren’t groundbreaking, they note of what elements of the meal need to do help make the holiday festivities run just abe started at what time for each component bit smoother: to be ready in tandem. o Y u may also want to Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles make a list for the days before guests arrive, Attention After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the e K ep the kitchen decluttered: If you’re so you don’t forget to conduct any one task. Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be hosting a holiday meal or large meal of any held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or kind, the best thing you can do for yourself discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising
Rebecca Fending, Editor
atter how you ce lebra No m te thi s season, have a c e e m D ! l b e u r f a r n d e ry d a n u we'll see you in Jan wo
deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved.
As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 3
FAVORITE FOOD IN THE WORLD: CHOCOLATE! BY JAN LARRAINE COX When you are planning your holiday menu, remember to include an all-time favorite ingredient: chocolate! Its scientific name means “food of the gods,” and indeed, the first people to climb to the top of Mount Everest buried a chocolate bar there as an offering to the gods of the mountain. Research on chocolate reveals cocoa seeds as the main ingredient in chocolate. Cocoa trees require an ambient temperature of 70 to 90 degrees and more than 48 inches of rain per year. They thrive specifically on land which lies between 20 degrees above and below the equator. The tiny 1/32-inch midge fly is the official pollinator of cocoa trees’ yellow-white and pink blossoms. The resulting seedpods are surprisingly as large as footballs. It is interesting to note the Mayans who lived on the Yucatan Peninsula cultivated cocoa plantations as far back as 600 BC. Researchers have also discovered traces of cocoa powder in 3,000-year-old Bronze-age pottery in Honduras. Mayans called their cacao trees “kawkaw”, which evolved into the word “cocoa.” Cocoa beans were a form of money to them, whereby 10 beans could buy a rabbit and one bean an onion. Cocoa beans were also given as gifts and buried in tombs. Christopher Columbus was, however, unimpressed with a gift of cocoa beans from the Aztecs: he tossed them overboard into the sea.
After the cocoa seeds are harvested and removed from the pods, the nibs can finally emerge as the prize that gets roasted and ground. The pleasure we get from eating chocolate and the feeling of being in love are experienced in the same part of the brain. Phenethylamine is the chemical found in cocoa which is produced in the brains of people in love! Chocolate as a gift might trigger feelings of love. There are a number of organizations working on making the harvesting of cocoa in Africa free from slave and child workers. They include Fair Trade USA, Fair Trade International, Equal Exchange and Rainforest Alliance; look for these labels on chocolate products you purchase. Here are a couple of chocolate-based recipes that are fun to include during your holiday socializing: Hot Chocolate: Place a cinnamon stick, 2 teaspoons chili powder and 2 teaspoons vanilla extract in a small pan. Add 2 cups of almond milk and bring to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder and stir briskly until cocoa powder is dissolved. Using a small whisk, whip until the beverage becomes frothy, which takes a while but is well worth it! Chocolate Walnut Ice Cream: 1/3 cup unsweetened coconut or almond milk, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, two previously frozen ripe bananas, 1/3 cup chopped walnuts, 4 pitted dates. Blend all ingredients on high until smooth. Freeze until firm. Enjoy!
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 4
“Brand New Key” by Melanie BY: RANDAL C. HILL At a London party in 1760, a Belgian violinist made a surprise entrance on a new invention called “roller skates” as he played his music. Over the years, roller skates evolved into metal contraptions that included a simple tool—a key—to fasten them to a skater’s shoes. In her chart-topping novelty song “Brand New Key,” Melanie tells of an enamored girl who skates to a boy’s house. He never seems to be home, and when the lad’s mother opens the door and explains that her son is inside but isn’t alone, the young lady understands why the guy has been avoiding her: he is seeing another girl he likes better. There’s a little-known back story to Melanie’s million-seller. In a search for enlightenment, she once went on a 27-day distilled-water fast. A vegetarian, she broke her fast by munching on carrots but became overwhelmed by the seductive smells from a nearby McDonald’s, where she succumbed to a burger, fries and soda meal. She claimed that the alluring aroma somehow conjured childhood memories of riding a bicycle and roller-skating and rationalized her visit to the fast-food chain by assuming that some kind of “spirit voice” was guiding her. At home, Melanie dashed off “Brand New Key” in 15 minutes.. She never considered the ditty as a potential single release, planning to use it only during
Time to get back to life... ...and get back to hearing all the SOUNDS of life!
concerts to drop in as a surprise between her serious works about the trials of mankind. Her record-producer husband, Peter Schekeryk, who had just started the couple’s own label—Neighborhood Image from Wikipedia Records—sensed a hit 45 here. For a while, Melanie, who had skyrocketed to fame a year earlier with her rousing Woodstock anthem “Lay Down (Candles in the Rain),” railed against the idea of “Brand New Key” becoming Neighborhood’s debut disc. She was fearful that if it hit big, she would no longer be taken seriously as a folk artist. Numerous listeners often snapped to attention when they first heard the lyrics of “Brand New Key.” Some people to think that Melanie’s tune was really about acquiring a “key” (a kilogram, or 2.2 pounds) of marijuana. Others dismissed her work as thinly veiled eroticism. Melanie maintains that exploiting matters of the flesh was never her intention. “People read things into it,” she grumbled later. “They made up incredible stories as to what the lyrics said and what the song meant. In some places, it was even banned on the radio.”
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 5
Timeisisis Time 7 Time almostup! up! almost almost up! Time is 7 7 7 Time is almost up! almost Timeup! is Make your Medicare Advantage plan decision now—December 7th is your last day to enroll.
If you haven’t chosen a plan yet, the Value (PPO) plan may be DECEMBER just what
Make your Medicare Advantage plan Make youryour Medicare Advantage plan Make been Medicare Advantage plan you need: you’ve waiting for with all the benefits decision now—December is your decision now—December 7th7th is7th your decision now—December is your Visit an in-network doctor at no $0 enroll. plan lastto day enroll. last day last day totopremium enroll. additional cost in 46 states Make $0 copay for comprehensive and preventive dental services
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Make your Medicare DECEMBER plan decision Advantage now—December 7thM is your EDICARE last day to enroll.
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you need:
almost up!
Make your Medicare Advantage plan www.yourbluemedicare.com If you haven’t a planboth yet, plan may be just what Visit an in-network doctor at no Freedom chosen to see providers in- the Value (PPO) find the plan that fits your lifestyle and $0 plan premium and out-of-network and NO referral Earn up to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards Freedom to see providers both inFreedom to see providers both inadditional cost in 46 states you’ve been waiting for with all the benefitsEarn youupEarn need: needed to see a specialist and out-of-network and NO referral healthcare coverage needs. and out-of-network and NO referral up toin$170 in HealthyBlue Rewards to $170 HealthyBlue Rewards decision now—December 7th is your see a specialist neededneeded to see atospecialist $0 copay for comprehensive and Advantage Make your Medicare Visit an in-network doctor at noAsplan low as $0 PCP Copay premium last day tolooking enroll. preventive dental services So,$0if plan you’re still for 2022 Don’t wait, additional cost in 46 call statestoday.
All benefits are not available on all plans. Florida Blue is a PPO Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Florida Blue depends on contract renewal. Health coverage is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. A&B Insurance and Financial is an authorized, independent agent for Florida Blue and Florida Blue Medicare. Out-of network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Florida Blue Medicare members, except in emergency situations. Please calFreedom l our customer seto rvicesee numbeproviders r or see your Evideboth nce of Coinverage for more information, including the cost-sharing$0 thatcopay applies to ofor ut-of-ncomprehensive etwork services. We compland y with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and out-of-network and NO referral up A&B Insurance age, disability, or sex. For more information visit floridablue.com/ndnotice. © 2021 Blue Cross and BluAs e Shielow ld of Flas orida$0 , Inc.,PCP DBA Floand rCopay ida BFinancial lue. All rights reservEarn ed. preventive needed to see a specialistwww.yourbluemedicare.com Y0011_FBM 1067 2021_M dental services
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So, if you’re still looking for 2022 Don’t call today. So, ifMedicare you’re still looking 2022 Don’t wait,wait, call today. coverage letfor a licensed local 1-877-532-0312 last day to enroll. Medicare coverage letagent a licensed local Medicare coverage let a licensed local Florida Blue Medicare help you 1-877-532-0312 to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards 1-877-532-0312 A&B Insurance and Financial A&B Insurance and Financial find the plan that fits agent your lifestyle and you Florida Blue Medicare agent help Florida Blue Medicare help you
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$0 copay for comprehensive and preventive dental services
As low as $0 PCP Copay
Freedom to see providers both inand out-of-network and NO referral Earn up to $170 in HealthyBlue Rewards So, if you’re still looking for 2022 Don’t wait, call today. needed to see a specialist Medicare coverage let a licensed localJake Owen 1-877-532-0312 John Anderson Kenzie Wheeler Ricky Nelson Remembered Lee Greenwood The Drifters, Cornell Gunter’s Coasters Tesla Sammy Hagar & The Circle Zach Williams & The Platters A&B Insurance and Financial Florida Blue Medicare agent help youVisit FLstrawberryfestival.com or call 813-754-1996 www.yourbluemedicare.com and get your tickets for the best seats available! So, if you’re still looking today. find thefor plan2022 that fits your lifestyle and Don’t wait, call healthcare coverage local needs. let Nelly a licensed GeneMedicare Watson Cole Swindell coverage Bobby Bones Sun. Mar. 6, 7:30 $40
Mon. Mar. 7, 3:30 $25
Mon. Mar. 7, 7:30 $20
Starring Matthew & Gunnar Nelson Tue. Mar. 8, 3:30 $20
Wed. Mar. 9, 3:30 $25
Tue. Mar. 8, 7:30 $25
Wed. Mar. 9, 7:30 $40
Thu. Mar. 10, 3:30
Thu. Mar. 10, 7:30 $35
Home of OUR
Fri. Mar. 11, 3:30 $20
Fri. Mar. 11, 7:30 $45
& The Raging Idiots
Sat. Mar. 12, 3:30
Sat. Mar. 12, 7:30 $40
The Bellamy Brothers Sun. Mar. 13, 3:30 $20
Sam Hunt
Sun. Mar. 13, 7:30 $55
Florida Blue Medicare agent help you
A&B Insurance and Financial subject • T-Mobile • ZYN • Alessi Bakeries • AMSCOTAll•bAstin enefitsFarms are not •avCandyland ailable on allWarehouse plans. Florida•BlGlobal ue is a PPFrequency O Plan withLiving a Medic•arCircle e contraKct•. ELocal nrollmeFord nt in Dealers Florida Bl•ueO’Reilly dependsAuto on conParts tract re•nGrove eware al. H eEquipment alth to cochange verageService is offe•reNetterfield’s d by Blue CrosConcessions s and Blue Shi• eldVerizon of FloridWireless a, Inc., DB•A Badcock Florida BluHome e, an InFurniture dependent&More L i c e n s e e o f t h e B l u e C r o s s a n d B l u e S h i e l d A s s o c i a t i o n . A & B I n s u r a n c e a n d • Stingray Chevrolet • Uncommon USA • Good Health Saunas • Dakin Dairy Farms • Krazy Kup www.yourbluemedicare.com FinanciaEverywhere! l is an authorize•d,Master indepenSpas dent a•geWyndham nt for FloridaDestinations Blue and Florid•a TRUFFOIRE Blue Medicare•. ODR ut-oBROWN’S f network/noCBD n-con•traEntenmann’s cted providers a•rePortillo’s under no o•blThe igatioBank n to trof eatTampa Florida • Russell’s Western Wear • DIRECTV • Images Concert dates and times
find the plan thatBlufits e Medicayour re members, elifestyle xcept in emergency sitand uations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services. We comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. For more information visit floridablue.com/ndnotice. © 2021 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., DBA Florida Blue. All rights reserved. healthcare coverage 1067 2021_M Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 6Y0011_FBMneeds.
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 7
“One Lil’ Swig of That Kickapoo Juice” BY RANDAL C. HILL
Imagine four University of Florida doctors meeting in a campus basement lab in the spring of 1965. Clicking raised glasses to toast a newly created, transparent drink, each physician cautiously takes a sip. Yuck! Those standing close to a lab sink spit theirs out; the doctor standing further away—the team leader—vomits his. But what else could you expect when people drink a lab-concocted equivalent of human sweat? Earlier that year, Florida Gators assistant football coach Dwayne Douglas asked UF’s Dr. Robert Cade, a kidney specialist, why players lost so much weight on the field but didn’t have to visit a restroom. (Athletes were usually prohibited from drinking water during practices and games.)
Image from Indy Star
The curious Cade soon enlisted three fellow doctors to find out. The team later concluded that sweating was draining the jocks’ energy, endurance and strength, while the dissipating electrolytes were upsetting their bodies’ chemical balances. That September, Cade approached the Gators’ head football coach, Ray Graves, for permission to use several footballers as test subjects for a possible solution to the problem. Graves warily gave his okay, but only for the freshman squad. Samples were collected from ten participants; their sweat being wrung out from their used jerseys. Water loss for a two-hour practice averaged over eight quarts per player. The medical men also found that after the practices, the athletes’ electrolytes, blood sugar and total sugar readings were out of whack. “The solution was to give them water, but with salt in it,” Cade later explained. “Also, [to] give them sugar to keep their blood sugar up.” The doctors’ mixture tasted abhorrent. When Cade’s wife
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 8
suggested adding lemon juice to alter the taste, a rudimentary form of Gatorade was launched. The eventual addition of orange juice and a non-nutritive sweetener rendered the drink even more palatable. Later, in a scrimmage game, solution-swilling UF jocks managed to maintain their normally flagging energy levels. Cade was encouraged to mix up a supply for the Gators’ varsity team, which was scheduled to play the heavily favored Louisiana State Tigers the next day. Cade and his colleagues worked throughout the night, blending ingredients and squeezing lemons. On game day, in 102-degree heat and stifling humidity, the Gators persevered to overcome the Tigers when LSU withered in the fourth quarter. In 1966, Gatorade— named after the UF mascot—became a staple on the team’s sideline. That year, when Florida won the Orange Bowl for the first time, Jacksonville’s Florida Times-Union headlined that the victory took only “One Lil’ Swig of That Kickapoo Juice.” Word about Gatorade spread nationwide. In 1967, the StokelyVan Camp company put the drink on American store shelves. Quaker Oats folks bought the rights in 1983, and PepsiCo took over in 2000. Today, Gatorade generates about $18 billion annually worldwide. Dr. Dana Shires, one of the physicians who created it, never dreamed Gatorade would become the superstar of sports drinks. “We started this as a lark,” he once admitted, “with no idea of putting it on the market.”
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 9
GIFT GUIDE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BY REBECCA FENDING For most, the bulk of holiday-related stress stems from gift buying. And for those who enjoy gift giving more than giftreceiving, it can be even more anxiety-inducing. Below are a few ideas fit for all age ranges in the family. GIFTS FOR KIDS • Hobbie-Themed Goodies: Whether your family has a budding chef, writer, painter or investigative journalist, there’s something out there for them. From immersive playsets to a collection of colorful notebooks and gel pens, nurture their interests this holiday season. • Sports Equipment: Baseball, softball or T-ball, soccer, football or even wrestling, gifting a new item for them to play their most recent sporty interest is a great way to show that you support their hobbies. • Art Supplies: Honestly, this is a great idea no matter the age. They may not even realize how much they want to create until they have the tools to do so!
GIFTS FOR TEENS • Anything Vintage: The retro trend is still alive and well among teenagers. Whether it’s a Polaroid camera, record player and vinyl albums or retrostyle clothing, they’re sure to love it. • Gift Cards: Believe it or not, many teens said they’d be happy with gift cards in a recent poll. Teenagers tend to have pretty niche interests or personal styles, so a good idea might be a gift card to a shop/business they are unable to splurge at normally. • Beauty Products: Skincare, makeup and general self-care items are other great ideas for the teen that loves a little pampering. These can also make great stocking stuffers.
GIFTS FOR YOUNG ADULTS • Cooking Set: If the young adult in your life is anything like many others, they’ve had their eye on a cooking set. But they just can’t justify buying it for themselves. Colorful cooking sets are especially on-trend right now.
Image from DrawYourPortrait shop on Etsy • Plants: Another popular household item is a house plant. From succulents to monsteras, gifting a house plant is a perfect way to help them decorate their space. • Books: Social media has created a revival for many young adults’ love of reading. Fiction is especially popular from authors like Colleen Hoover, Michael Connelly and Tana French. Sometimes, people don’t realize they’ve been itching for a good read until they’re gifted one.
GIFTS FOR ADULTS • Experiences: With the way the world shut down and changed over the last year, many people are looking to indulge in more experiences. Concerts, shows, movies or even vacations. Offer to pay for a night at a hotel for them or a night on the town. • Small kitchen appliances: Air fryers, immersion blenders and even espresso makers are things every adult wants. Just be sure they don’t already have it! • Custom photograph items: From blankets or pillows with their pet’s face on them to a photo collage of them and their significant other, custom photo gifts are a great gift for any adult—it's not ordinarily something they’d buy themselves!
Image from Crate and Barrel
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 10
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Le p tosp irosi s: Ke e p yo u and yo u r do g safe ! By Luke Viramontes, DVM Leptospirosis - you may or may not have heard of this disease, whether in its full name or by the more common “lepto” for short. Leptospirosis is a disease that is transmitted in contaminated urine, commonly from outdoor mammals, like raccoons, squirrels, mice, rats, etc. You may have heard your veterinarian briefly discuss vaccinating your pet for leptospirosis and why this is so important. Dogs, by their naturally curious nature, are exposed to many potential diseases in the outside world. We know they’ll go sniffing around and under bushes, drink random puddles of water, play in the mud at dog parks - they’re almost always in contact with some sort of humid, damp area when they’re outside. If you think about it, wild animals also frequent these areas, where they will gather, eat, and....urinate. This is where the transmission of leptospirosis begins. For dogs that unfortunately contract the disease, it primarily infects the kidneys and liver. Signs of illness can be nonspecific, such as fever, vomiting, urinating and drinking more than normal, or in the most severe cases, not urinating at all. These patients need aggressive care immediately for the best chances of survival. In nearly all cases, infected patients require multiple days of hospitalization. Luckily the leptospirosis vaccine helps by immunizing your dog against this disease - first, a series of 2 shots, then annually. Another reason to consider vaccinating your dog for leptospirosis
is that this disease is zoonotic, meaning humans can contract this disease from infected animals. Here in Florida, we have a lot of wet days (think hurricane season, rivers, lakes, and daily summer thunderstorms). As with any other vaccine, there remains a chance of vaccine reactions that we need to be mindful of. Talk to your veterinarian if your dog’s lifestyle warrants vaccination. If your dog goes outside, even for a quick trip to the bathroom, or in apartment dwellings with a history of rat problems, this vaccine should be strongly considered. PS: Did you know Tampa made Orkin’s list of top 50 rattiest cities in America in 2021? Get your pet vaccinated - vaccines save lives.
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by William R. Mumbauer - Attorney - www.flwillstrustsprobate.com A reader asks: My husband recently passed away. I am concerned that his name remains on the deed to my home. I purchased a fill-in-the-blank form for a new deed hoping to remove his name, but now I’m wondering if I’m doing the right thing. Response: Assuming that you and your late husband owned your home jointly with right of survivorship, and this is almost always the case if your original deed was prepared properly, you, as the surviving joint owner, automatically own 100% of the home. There is absolutely no reason for you to record another deed in
41 Years
an attempt to somehow “remove” your late husband’s name. However, to establish of record that you are now the sole owner of your home, you must record your late husband’s death certificate in the county where your home is located. This will cost $10.00. Also, you should advise the property appraiser’s office of your husband’s death as you are entitled to an additional property tax exemption as his surviving spouse.
Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. His articles are based on general principles of law and are not intended to apply to individual circumstances.
The Early Years of Youth by Carl Norman Johnson The early years of youth I remember so very well. Tho’ they are gone, my memory holds them still.
Best Little Cat House in Riverview, FL for 25 Years! Unique Vacation Hotel For Cats Only! 15501 Boyett Road • Riverview
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• Featured on Nationwide TV • Large, Custom Cat Condos • Villas & T.V. Suites • 3 – Level Townhouses • Private Aquarium Views • Huge Windows Overlooking Tropical Gardens with Fountains & Koi Fish Ponds (for lizard & bird watching) • Reasonable Rates • Vet on Call • Soft Music, lots of loving & petting
Through middle years, and golden too, passing by with time; I sat and watched them go.
Now, in thinking, a tear arrives, not in sadness, but with joy; that I still remember all with love, with no regret, recalled!
For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@ lifestylesafter50.com with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.
Listen Up Ladies: Self Care Isn’t Selfish “I have learned to focus on trying to take the best care of myself, because that helps me take better care of my family.” The airlines have it right. In an emergency, there’s a reason they tell passengers to put on their own oxygen masks first before helping anyone else. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of your loved ones. In fact, those times when you feel like you can’t possibly spare a minute for yourself, are probably the times when you need it most. “As women, we definitely put everybody else first,” admits Millennium Physician Group Family Medicine Physician Jennifer Wetherington, M.D. “We feel like we need to be superwomen, taking care of spouses, kids, or aging parents. We’re just wired that way” A recent study found that 76 percent of American women spend up to 10 hours a day caring for partners, husbands, and/or children. Taking care of yourself is vital for your health and well-being, and if you don’t tend to your own physical and emotional needs, your body will let you know. Women are the caretakers in most families, but they often neglect their own basic healthcare needs. “As a primary-care physician and someone who is very focused on wellness and prevention, I see the value of taking care of ourselves,” says Dr. Wetherington. “I have learned to focus on trying to take the best care of myself because that helps me take better care of my family.” Dr. Wetherington goes on to say that physical health is something a lot of women take for granted, but it needs to be maintained so you can prevent a lot of the chronic conditions we all face as we age. She says it’s never too late to start taking better care of yourself, and she advises starting with the basics: Eating well (with an abundance of vegetables, fruits and other plant-based foods), moving more, and practicing good sleep habits. “Doing these things means you’re most likely going to be at your optimum weight, have more energy, feel more rested, feel more positive, and that means you’re better able to deal with the stresses of life and be a good caregiver.”
Jennifer Wetherington, M.D., Family Medicine | 813.771.7200 10311 Cross Creek Blvd., Suite B C & D, Tampa, FL 33647 MillenniumPhysician.com
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 13
AROUND TOWN 7TH-10TH - HISTORIC HOLIDAY TOURS IN PALMETTO: Reserve your spot for a special FREE holiday tour at the Palmetto Historical Park & Manatee County Agricultural Museum. Tour through all the museums and see the many decorations and festive trees on the tour. 515 10th Ave W., Palmetto. 10 & 11am, 1 & 2pm. Call 941-721-2034 for info and reservations. 11TH & 12TH - VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS AT THE STAFFORD HOUSE: Sessions begin at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm.Actors portraying the Stafford family will guide you through the home tour sharing stories and facts. $16/$10. Advanced tickets are required. Stafford House Museum, 23 Parkin Court, Tarpon Springs, 34689. 727-942-5605. https://tarponarts.org/ 12TH - BONITA SPRINGS CONCERT BAND FREE CHRISTMAS CONCERT: 2PM. Bonita Springs Riverside Park, Old US 41 Road, Bonita Springs 34135. Bring a lawn chair. 239-992-2556. https:// www.facebook.com/bonitaspringsconcertband 12TH - BAYSIDE ESTATES MEN’S CLUB hosts its monthly Pancake Breakfast every 2nd Sunday, 8 to 11 am., in the Bayside Recreation Hall-and all are invited to attend. Enjoy scrambled eggs, sausages, coffee, orange juice and all-you-can-eat pancakes for the cost of $8. For only $2 more, get a made to order omelet. Bayside Estates is just off San Carlos Blvd., south of Pine Ridge Road. Ft. Myers Beach. Call Ken 609-226-9955 for more information. 15TH - 3RD ANNUAL SANTA PAWS: Bring your family, pet, or both to the Humane Society’s 3rd Annual Santa Paws! Get a photo with Santa with an immediately printed 4x6 and a reprintable copy sent to your phone for just $15! Proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Marion County! Chick-Fil-A and Fat G’s BBQ will be serving food! Check out the Hot Cocoa bar and shop our many vendors! REAL SNOW sponsored by The Salty Mullet Co. 5-8:30pm. Southeastern Livestock Pavillion, 2232 NE Jacksonville Rd, Ocala.
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NOW THRU DEC 19TH - IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE LIVE PERFORMANCE: Performances are Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. $30 for adults and $15 for ages 18 and younger. Purchase tickets over the phone at (352) 2362274 or in person at the box office Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ocala Civic Theatre, 4337 East Silver Springs Blvd. (State Road 40) for more information visit https://www. ocalacivictheatre.com NOW THRU DEC 31ST - ANNUAL MAIS FAMILY LIGHT DISPLAY: Please join us in a fantastic light display to benefit the Humane Society of Marion County, every night from 5:45-9:30pm. 5009 SW 115th St. Rd. Ocala 34476. Donations will be accepted for HSMC. NOW THRU DEC 31ST - LIGHTED CANAL CRUISES: Presented by King Fisher Fleet. Enjoy a harbor tour of holiday decorated homes through PGI. Three cruises nightly. Fishermen’s Village, 1200 W. Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda 33950. Book on line by visiting www.kingfisherfleet.com. NOW THRU JAN - CATS CRADLE, A SANCTUARY FOR SENIOR CATS: Now showing, The Daily Scoop Featuring the Cats Cradle Players, Episode 5, A Christmas Story. http://www.cats-cradle. org/the-daily-scoop.html DEC 31 - FIRST NIGHT ST. PETE 2022: Join the celebration in downtown St. Petersburg for another art filled New Year’s Eve! The ticket for entry into 12 different venues requires the purchase of a custom designed First Night St. Pete button on sale now ADULT $12.00 CHILD $5.00 at https:// www.firstnightstpete.com/ NOW THRU JAN 3RD - THE 2021 OAKDALE CHRISTMAS LIGHT DISPLAY: Enjoy a yard tour, water fountains, 70 foot light tree, snowman 3 stories high, reindeer 2 stories high, the large HO-scale model railroad and so much more. Nightly from 6-10pm regardless of weather. FREE and fun for the whole family. 2719 Oakdale Street S., St Pete 33705. Our 45th year! https:// ChristmasDisplay.org JAN 11TH - VENICE AREA WOMEN’S COLLEGE CLUB LUNCHEON: 11:30am at the Plantation Golf & Country Club, 500 Rockley Blvd., Venice. January speaker is Kim Cool from the Venice Gondolier. To inquire about club membership or for lunch reservations ($22) call 941-202-4034. SUBMIT AROUND TOWN EVENTS: Please send Around Town events or Event Flyers to Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583; email info@lifestylesafter50.com fax (813) 331-2634 by the 15th of the month prior to the event. (i.e. submit January events by 12/20/21).
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This is my little TiTi, and she is the cutest pet. Sometimes she has one ear up and one ear down, other times both ears are up! TiTi is a Yorkie Ragamuffin mix. She was a bumblebee for Halloween. She’s smart, fun and feisty, but never testy. She is the sweetest little girl you’ll ever know… unless you’re a lizard!
Events, days, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. *Additional fees will apply.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 15
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 16
Nine years without a cold? Scientists have discovered a natural that fast?” way to kill germs fast. Pat McAllister, 70, received one for Now thousands of people are using it Christmas and called it “one of the best against viruses and bacteria. presents ever. This little jewel really Colds start when cold viruses get in works.” your nose. Viruses multiply fast. If you Frequent flier Karen Gauci used to don’t stop them early, they spread and suffer after crowded flights. Though cause misery. In hundreds of studies, EPA and university researchers have confirmed that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper. That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do. The National Institutes of Copper can stop germs before they spread. Health says, “The antimicrobial activity skeptical, she tried copper on travel days of copper is now well established.” for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and not a Scientists say the high conductance sniffle!” she exclaimed. of copper disrupts the electrical balance Businesswoman Rosaleen says in a microbe cell by touch and destroys when people around her show signs it in seconds. of unwanted germs, she uses copper Some hospitals tried copper for touch morning and night. “It saved me last surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. holidays,” she said. “The kids had crud This cut the spread of MRSA, and other going round and round, but not me.” illnesses, by over half and saved lives. Attorney Donna Blight tried copper The strong scientific evidence gave for her sinus. “I am shocked!” she said. inventor Doug Cornell an idea. He made “My head cleared, no more headache, a smooth copper probe with a tip to fit in no more congestion.” the bottom of his nose. A man with trouble breathing through The next time he felt a tickle in his his nose at night tried copper just before nose that felt like a cold about to start, bed. “Best sleep I’ve had in years!” he he rubbed the copper gently in his nose said. for 60 seconds. In a lab test, technicians placed 25 “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The cold million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. never got going. That was September No viruses were found alive soon after. 2012. I use copper in the nose every Some people press copper on a lip time and I have not had a single cold right away if a warning tingle suggests since then.” unwanted germs gathering there. “We don’t make product health The handle is curved and textured to claims,” he said, “so I can’t say cause increase contact. Copper can kill germs and effect. But we know copper is picked up on fingers and hands after you antimicrobial.” touch things other people have touched. He asked relatives and friends to try The EPA says copper still works even it. They reported the same thing, so he when tarnished. patented CopperZap® and put it on the Made in America of pure copper. 90market. day full money back guarantee. Price Soon hundreds of people had tried it. $79.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap The feedback was 99% positive if they with code FLLA8. used the copper within 3 hours after See www.CopperZap.com or call the first sign of unwanted germs, like a toll-free 1-888-411-6114. tickle in the nose or a scratchy throat. Buy once, use forever. Statements are not intended as Early user Mary Pickrell said, “I can’t believe how good my nose feels.” product health claims and have not been “What a wonderful thing!” exclaimed evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to Physician’s Assistant Julie. Another diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any customer asked, “Is it supposed to work disease. (paid advertisement)
GOING BANANAS FOR THE HOLIDAYS I’d been racking my brain for days, trying to come up with a topic to write about for December, perhaps some holiday, special occasion or an event of some sort. And then it dawned on me. Right in front of my eyes the whole time! “International Monkey Day” – December 14. It could not have been more obvious. Although originating in the United States, Monkey Day is observed throughout the world in countries including Germany, India, Italy, Pakistan, Columbia, Thailand and Turkey. Hallmark Cards describes the holiday as a "day when monkey business is actually encouraged." “The Washington Post” describes Monkey Day as a day to "learn something about these adorable and highly intelligent primates. Or you could use this day to act like a monkey." Monkey Day is particularly popular among animal rights and environmental activists, visual artists and art institutions. Monkey Day's celebrants and supporters have included Jane Goodall, Greenpeace, National Geographic, the National Portrait Gallery in London, the Louvre Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Smithsonian Institution. ` Often, celebrations involve raising money for primate-related issues, especially endangered species, and medical research. Monkey Day activities include going shopping for Paul Frank’s "Julius the Monkey" fashions, and eating Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream. In 2005, Peter Jackson's “King Kong” was released on the fifth anniversary of Monkey Day. Films like “King Kong” and “Planet of the Apes” are popular at Monkey Day parties, monkey-themed songs, such as Major Lance's "The Monkey Time" and The Rolling Stones song "Monkey Man," are also part of Monkey Day festivities. And let us not forget the theme song for “Curious George,” as sung by the late, great Mac Rebennack, aka “Dr. John.” Last year, I celebrated by watching “Curious George” with the grandkids. Then I took them to the playground so they could play on the monkey bars. Other parents and grandparents started eyeing me suspiciously, gathering their kids together to whisk them out of the park. They either thought I was some kind of weirdo, or they were intimidated by the realistic gorilla costume I’d rented the day before. To put them at ease, I quickly tried removing it, but the zipper was stuck. If you think Florida is hot, try spending six months in a gorilla costume. Lately, Mike has been shopping local costume shops for gorilla costumes fastened with only Velcro for this year’s festivities. If you know of such a place, contact him at micwrighthamo@gmail.com.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 17
7. Greek letter
17.10. OfMythological a generation 3. Do civic duty ship 15. Stratford-on-__ 6.one’s Creator 8. Enthusiastic Expunge 18.14. Pocket bread 4. Jolie Gabor’s youngest Over 16. High rating 7. 9. 6th Refer 5. Check casher 19.15. Procrastinator’s word Sad article, for short 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 8. day of Lent: abbr. 6. Burial places In __ lunch of; as aCarlos I 10. Spring 20.16. Warm 18. Spain’s Juan 9. Hook and line user 7. Acting award substitute for 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23. Ms. Originally 19. Lee named 10. 8. Sit up? Utter 12. Cosmetic Take advantage of 24.17. Call a halt to about 20. Felt indignant 11. case item 9. Latin abbr. Villain 13. Put German article 25.18. Nemesis 22. Feudal subjects 12. underground 10. Open-eyed 20. Notice 21. Beauty’s High schooler 28.21. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. 11. Iranian dollar movie partner Part of the ear 22.Kelly Start of faith 25. Final course 32.23. Cuts 21. Article 12. __ Gardner and others ANSWER #5153 ANSWER TOdelights #5138 26. Bar 25. TO Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 34.24. Lament 13. Pitcher’s Ink containers TO 29. Does an Fr. electrician’s job ANSWER that #5128 youfigures are...” 26. Praying 35.25. Bee colony 19. Responds State: 30. Of __;me!” no longer a minor 25. Had a meal 27. Winding roads ten 37.27. “Ah, F A V O 22. R Ten S over B O L D Stick 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. __ on; 24. Hammer part Voting alliance 28. Keep Rough 38.30. Character in A Othello O E 33. Moray seeker watch 25. Most famous Tennessean Wee,Point in Scotland 29. Part of carefully summer 39.31. West student M O N 37. Cheese-producing region sloth 27. Mahal’s city Pulitzer-winning James 26. Three-__ 30. Taj Fellow 40.34.Out of __; behaving E through 27. Basketball player 39.35. __inappropriately over; helped Secure 28. item 31. Bride’s Sea duck 28. Meanies 36.a Tic follower difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron 33. card Certain love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 29. Red City in the Great 41.37. Plunge 32. Cut into small pieces D 34. Fictional king 42. One who acts 30. Ape Lake State: abbr. 42. Seasons 34. or In man __ of 36. Miles, like another C 31. Fence mounte.g. Suffix for 44.41. Surrenders 35. Always 39. Tosses 43. Poet’s Letsballad 32. City Georgia Coty or auction C O 46. contraction 36. inFrance’s 43. Sermon Public disturbance 33. Was sore 44.42. Evaluate Uncle Ben’s products 47. Ardent 38. topic I 35. Hurries Lily variety 45. Bargains Sight and taste 46.43. Pillages 49. Fascination 40. 38. Slow ways of speaking of first? 47. Not Existing on a 48.44. DoLast a hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. crackers 39. Latvianflat capital Elderly surface 49.45. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill 40. Word with room or soul Be at site C H 50. Bach Fourth page of 51.46. Building 55. Force into an 48. 46. Small islandor Wagner 48. Poet’s contraction a wall hanging 52.49.Admirable people who awkward position 50. Like more expensive A I 47. Goodies Thin metal cable 52. Preposition 56.50. Gives up siteothers influence hamburger 48. Rib S Tower 60. Asia’s Mountains 53.up;Dandruff Insignificant amount 51. 58.53. William and Seanby wind 49. __ became site informed Item __ kept afloat T O 61. Tract wasteland 52. 54. Salk’s Complaint 61.54. Reddish-brown cries concern Go of public with animal 50. Sheep 63. Place to spend rupees 53.a skillful Europe/Asia boundary to away dermatologist 51. In 62.57. Tack Scrapes 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 52. __ White non-Mexican, 55.muffins Hot spot 63.60. Gladden 65. 56. 53. Joint afoe Mexican Life” 56. Periods __ PM; 2100 hours 64. Pro’s “__toWonderful 66. Lacks 54.Punta Opposed to, hillbilly-style 57. Cry of woe Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. 57. Conception Did in Myers 65.62. Slave of old Elden Wick, Gorda 55. Troubles 67. Flower Eucalyptus, for one 58. 58. Disencumbers Item in a desk drawer 66.63. Chihuahua children 56. Popular flower Coin toss call 68.64. 59. talk 59. Brat’s Mr. Whitney 67. Schnozzola Late actor Bert 58. Common contraction “Auld Lang __” 69.65. Meadow covering 62. lady 60. Lennon’s Girl’s nickname
#5139 The Bath or Shower CROSSWORD PUZZLE Power Puzzle #5154 CROSSWORD PUZZLE
Last Month’s Answers
Enter To Win!
Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha
68.66.Worry Tiny beginning 67. In a __; sort of
2 1
12 12
13 13
22 25 24
30 31
33 31
11 11
2728 2829 29
23 24
15 14
7 6
59. Crude metal 61. Argyll refusal
26 32
27 33
ACROSS 1. Make40__; clench ACROSS Commandment word one’s 43 hand 1. 1. Bargain-hunt Carry 6. 43Family member 41 42 5. 6. Fog spot ship 10. 10. Mythological 44 45 47 Baby’s 9. 46Read __; recite Country home 14. 14. Over 44 45 46 14. 47 Novel setting Stratford-on-__ Sad article, for short 48 49 15. 15. 15. Of16. theHigh U.S.A. 16. In __ of;rating as a 48 49 50 51 16. Rent long-term 57 17.substitute Burstyn 54 orfor Pompeo 50 51 52 53 55 5856 17.17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I Utter 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Pocket bread 57 58 59 6063 Ms.61Lee 18. 19. Villain 19.20. Procrastinator’s 20. Felt indignantword about Notice 58 6259 60 62 63 61 64 Feudal 20.21. Warm lunch 22. Part of thesubjects ear 24. Change direction 23.23. Originally named Gardner and others 63 65 65 66 64 67 25. course 24.24. Call aFinal halt to Ink containers 26. Bar Fr. 25.25. Nemesis State: 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 28.27. Rhythm Stick 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32.30. Cuts Voting alliance 31. Jetta or Taurus 34.31. Lament Wee, in Scotland 33. Moray seeker 35.34. Bee colony Pulitzer-winning James 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 37.35. “Ah, me!” Secure 39. __ over; helped through in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the36.Character 20th the month will Tic aof follower difficult period 39.37. West Point student CityPlunge in the Great win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. 40. Out ofSeasons __;State: behaving abbr. 42.Lake P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 41. inappropriately Suffix for 44. Surrenders with or stick or roll auction 46.ballad Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41. Word Personal Health 42.42. One who acts products Uncle Ben’s 47. Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 43.like Lilyanother variety 49. Fascination Last ofHome first?with Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Improvements 43.44. Lets 51. Rejected disdain Elderly 54. Lotion ingredient 44.45. Evaluate Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 55. Be Force at into an 46.46. Pillages awkward position contraction 48.48. DoPoet’s a hairdresser’s job 56. Gives Thin metal 49.49. Follower ofup7 cable Down Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 50. Tower site 51. Building site 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland Item kept afloat by wind 52.53. Admirable who Address 63. to spend rupees 54. influence GoPlace public with others 64. Light, rhythmic tune Scrapes 58.57. William and Sean 65. Pro’snon-Mexican, foe White 61.60. Reddish-brown animal 66.toLacks a Mexican 62. Tack 67. Flower CryZip of woe City State63.62.Gladden 68. Schnozzolafor one Eucalyptus, 64.63. “__ Wonderful Life” 69. Meadow covering Coinoftoss 65.64. Slave old call 65. “Auld Lang __” Age Phone 66. Chihuahua children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tiny beginning 67.66. Late actor Bert 67. In a __; sort of 14 15 68. Worry E-mail 38
1 2 14
2 173
Lifestyles After 50 • December 172021 • 18 20 26
21 24
28 37
23 29
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19 10
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You’ve Always Wanted IN AS LITTLE AS 1 DAY
DOWN ACROSS DOWN 1. Heavenly Mlles. ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS DOWN 1. Tabbies and tigers 1. Commandment 2. Nag 5. Fog __; clench word 1. Make 1. State 2. Musical instrument 6. 3. cabinet Not just tacit 9. Carry Read __; recite one’s hand 2. Office 3. Do one’s civic duty 10. Mythological ship 4. Mom, dad, or madam 14. Novel member setting 6. Family 3. Misfortunes 4. Jolie Gabor’s youngest 14. Over 5.partTake place 10. Baby’s spot 15. Of the U.S.A. 4. Coat 5. Check casher 15. Sad article, for short 14. Country home 5. Hide 6.preparers Friend at the école 16. Rent long-term 6. Burial places 16. In __ of; as a 15. Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator 7. Greek 17. Of a generation 7. Acting award letter substitute for 16. High ratingbread 7. Enthusiastic 8. Expunge 18. Pocket 8. Sit up? 17. Utter 17. Burstyn or Pompeo word 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 9.abbr. Refer 19. Procrastinator’s 9. Latin 18. 18. Villain Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook line user 10.and Spring 20. Warm lunch 10. Open-eyed 20. Notice 19. Ms. Lee 10. Embraced 11. Bit of cereal 23. Originally named 11. Iranian dollar 21. Part of the ear 20. Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item Take advantage of 12. __12. Kelly 24. Call a subjects halt 23. andtoothers 22. Gardner Feudal 12. Put underground 13. Pitcher’s delights 13. German article 24. containers 25. Nemesis 24. Ink Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner 19. Responds 25. Fr. 21. ofHigh 28. Rhythm 25. State: Final course 21. Article faith schooler 22. Ten ten 27. 22.over 32. Cuts 26. Stick Bar 23. “...__ byStart your outfit 24. Hammer part 30. 25.youCat 34. Lament 29. Voting Does analliance electrician’s job that are...” 25. Most famous 31. Wee, in Scotland 26. PrayingTennessean figures 30. Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 25. Had a meal Three-__ 34. James 26. 31. Pulitzer-winning Jetta Taurus 26. Keep on;sloth roads 27.__Winding 37. “Ah,orme!” 27. Basketball player 35. Secure 33. Moray seekerin Othello watch 28. carefully Rough 38. Character 28. Meanies 36. follower 37. Tic Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s 29. Partcityof summer 39. West Point student 29. Red card 37. in the Great 39. City __ over; helped through 28. Bride’s 30. item Fellow 40. Out of __; behaving 30. Ape or man State: aLake difficult periodabbr. 29. Flamingo or heron 31. Sea duck inappropriately 31. Fence mount 41. 41. Suffix Plungefor 32. Cut33. into Certain small pieces love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 32. City in Georgia ballad or auction 42. Seasons 34. In __ of 34. sore Fictional king 42. One who 33. Was 42. Ben’sacts products 44. Uncle Surrenders 35. Always 36. Miles, likevariety another 35. Hurries 43. 46. Lily Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty e.g. 39. ways Tosses 43. Letsof first? 38. Slow 44. 47. Last Ardent 38. Sermon topicof speaking 43. Public 44. Evaluate 39. Latvian capital disturbance 49. Elderly Fascination 45. 40. Bargains 45. Sight andor taste 46. Pillages 40. Word with room soul 51. Be Rejected 46. at with disdain 43. Not crackers 47. Existing on a 54. Poet’s Lotion Small island 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s 45. Like a hill 48. contraction job 46. 55. Thin Force into an 47. Goodies 48. Bach or Wagner 49. metal flat surface 49. Follower ofcable 7 Down awkward position 48. Rib 50. Like expensive 50. site 50.more Fourth page of 51. Tower Building site 56. Item Gives up afloat up; became informed 53. kept by wind a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who 49. __hamburger 60. Go Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site 50. Sheep cries 54. public with 52. Preposition influence others 61. Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 51. In 53. a skillful way 57. Insignificant amount 58. Scrapes William and Sean 63. White Place tonon-Mexican, spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary muffins 60. Complaint 61. Reddish-brown animal 52. __54. 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 53. Joint to a Mexican to a dermatologist 62. Tack 65. Cry Pro’s 56. Periods 54. Opposed to, hillbilly-style 62. offoewoe 55. Hot spot 63. Gladden 66. Lacks 57. Conception 55. Troubles 63. Eucalyptus, for one 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Coin Flower 58. Disencumbers 56. Popular flower 64. toss call 57. talk Didcontraction in 65. SlaveLang of old__” 68. “Auld Schnozzola 59. Brat’s 58. Common 65. 58. Item 66. Tiny Chihuahua children 62. Lennon’s lady in a desk drawer 59. Crude metal 66. beginning 59. refusal Mr. Whitney 67. In Late actor 61. Argyll 67. a __; sortBert of 168. 2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60. 10 11 nickname 12 13 Girl’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DOWN 1. State DOWN 14 2 16 9 1 1. 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 and tigers 2.Tabbies Office 14 1. 15 16 Heavenly Mlles. 2. instrument 3.Musical Misfortunes 17 2. 18 19 143. DoNag 16 one’s duty15 18 partcivic 17 4. Coat 19 3. Not just tacit 4. Jolie 20 5. 21 22 23 HideGabor’s preparersyoungest 4. Mom, dad, 21or madam 17 18 20 22 23 19 Creator 5. 6.Check casher 5. Take place 24 25 7.Burial Enthusiastic 6. places 20 6. Friend 24 21 école the 25 2622 6th day ofatLent: abbr. 7. 8.Acting award 26 7. 27Greek 28 29 letter 8. Sit up? 23 24 27 8.28 Expunge 29 30 31 25 32 2633 27 9. 30 Latin abbr. 31 33 34 35 36 9.Open-eyed Refer case item 32 11. Cosmetic 10. 34 28 3530 29 31 32 33 36 10. Spring 12.Iranian Put underground 37 38 39 40 41 11. dollar Bit of cereal 13.__Beauty’s movie 3711. 38 partner 39 40 37 12. Kelly 34 35 36 42 43 44 45 46 12. Take of advantage of 21.Pitcher’s Article faith 13. delights 23.Responds “...__ by your outfit 39 4113. 42 43 40 German article 38 19. 47 48 49 50 ** that you are...” High schooler 22.21.Ten over ten 4422. 45 46 47 25. Had a meal Start 41 42 43 24. part 51 Hammer 53 54 26.52Cat 25.25. Most famous Tennessean 48 49 44 45 46 47 26. Praying figures 55 56 57 58 59 26. Three-__ sloth 27. Taj Mahal’sroads city 27. Winding 27. player 50 Basketball 51 52 53 54 55 56 28. Bride’s 486028. 63 51 Roughitem 49 61 62 50 28.29.Meanies Flamingo or heron58 59 57 60 61 29.Red Part of summer 29. card 6432. Cut into 52 65 small pieces 53 54 66 55 56 57 Fellow 30.30. Ape or man 62 34. In __ of 63 64 31. Sea duck 31. Fence mount 67 68 69 35. Always 58 59 60 61 62 33.City Certain love messages 32. in Georgia 65 36. France’s Coty 66 67 Fictional king 33.34. soretopic 38.Was Sermon 63 64 65 35.36. Miles, e.g. 40.Hurries Bargains 38.39. ways of speaking67 Tosses 66 68 43.Slow Not crackers 39.43. Public 45.Latvian Like a capital hilldisturbance 40.45. with room 48.Word Bach orand Wagner Sight tasteor soul 46.47. island 50.Small Like more on expensive Existing a 47. Goodies hamburger flat surface 51.Rib Dandruff site of 48.50. Fourth page concern 49.52.__Salk’s up; became informed a wall hanging 53.Sheep Europe/Asia 50.52. cries boundary Preposition 54.In Nest 51.53. a skillful wayamount Insignificant 56.__Periods 52.54. muffins Complaint Conception 53.57.Joint to a dermatologist 58. Disencumbers 54.55.Opposed to, hillbilly-style Hot spot 59. Brat’s talk 55.56.Troubles __ PM; 2100 62. Lennon’s lady hours 56.57.Popular Did in flower 58.58.Common contraction 8 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 *Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. 59.59.Crude metal Mr. Whitney Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires Dec 31, 2021. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party 61.60.Argyll refusal 16 Girl’s nickname financing is available for those customers who qualify. See your dealer for details. ©2021 BCI Acrylic Inc.
24 30
25 40
26 31
27 32
The12DaysofFitn ByMarkGevlding
Need help staying motivated with exercise during the holidays? Below is a fun 12-day fitness program you can do in your living room. Designed with exercises for cardio, flexibility and strength, this progressive workout increases in time and exercises each day, starting with one minute on the first day of fitness and increasing in time to 20 minutes by the 12th day. Similar to the song, “The 12 Days of Christmas,” you add on the previous days of exercises as you go. You don’t need any equipment. Just put on some holiday music, get moving and before you know it the new year will be here. 1st Day of Fitness One minute of high knee marching in place 2nd Day of Fitness Two calf stretches: Standing in lunge stance, with bent knee on lead leg and heel down on rear leg. Hold stretch for 30 seconds. 3rd Day of Fitness Three wall push-ups: Stand two feet from wall with palms on wall. Bend elbows and bring chest toward wall. Hold 10 seconds. 4th Day of Fitness Four squats: Slowly bend hips and knees and lower buttocks a few inches – holding the lowered position for 10 seconds. 5th Day of Fitness Five toe touches: Bend and reach toward your toes and hold for 10 seconds. 6th Day of Fitness Six torso twists: Stand with feet shoulder width apart and perform slow twists to the right and then the left.
7th Day of Fitness Seven sets of knee lifts: Perform knee lifts (R & L) with overhead arm presses 8th Day of Fitness Eight side bends: Standing feet shoulder width. Raise right arm and bend at waist left. Hold the stretch for five seconds. Repeat other side. 9th Day of Fitness Nine sets of speed skaters: Perform alternating leg curls/knee bends (R & L) with arms swinging side to side (skating). 10th Day of Fitness 10 sets side leg lifts: Perform alternating side leg lifts (R & L) with side arm raises. 11th Day of Fitness 11 curl-ups: Place a towel on the floor. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place hands on thighs and slide finger tips toward knees, lifting shoulders a few inches off the floor. 12th Day of Fitness 12 knees to chest: Same position as curl-ups, grasp right knee behind the thigh and gently pull leg towards chest. Repeat left.
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 19
# 315 ## 330 305
Sudoku #314 Sudoku #329 Sudoku #304 Solution#328 #313 Solution Solution #303
Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. skills. Sudoku requires no
39 83 62 the game is to fill all the The object of all the The of the game is to fill all the 95 Last Month’s Winner: Last Month’s Winner is numbers. with the the correct numbers. blank numbers. blank squares squares with correct Nichole Veesaert, Beach Robert M Doelling, Sarasota Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte 27 Each row of 9 numbers must include all Each of 99 numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeallall 4 Each row of 6 CongratuLations! digits 1 through through 99 any order. digits through 9inin inany anyorder. order. 11 G ood od column 58 oEach column of numbers must GEach of 99 9 numbers numbersmust mustinclude include Each column of Linclude uck! Luck!all all digits digits 11 1 through through 9 in any order. through99ininany anyorder. order. 11 Each 3 by by 3 3 subsection subsection the Great Prizes! Each 3 3 subsection ofthe the999byby by9 99 EachWin ofof 4 square must include all digits through Newmust winner selected each month square include alldigits digits through9.9. 9. 7 square include all 111through
1 4 6 3
62 7 4 8 3 3 2 1 86 58 75 6 4 4 9 9 7 8 4 37 2 9 5 1 1 3 5 9 3 69 45 6 7 1 2 13 87 4 5 8
95 78 14 51 82 69 27 46 33
57 41 26 38 13 74 89 95 62
13 22 89 44 78 35 96 67 51
66 35 58 27 91 13 74 82 49
41 94 77 69 56 82 35 23 18
28 56 45 13 34 91 62 79 87
84 19 93 72 65 57 41 38 26
SEARCH WORD SEARCH December Word Search September APRIL WORD Word Search
72 67 31 86 49 28 13 54 95
WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for In the grid below, twentyanswers answerscan canbe be found found that fit fit the the category for Intoday. the grid below, twenty category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it inthat the space provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the today. Circle each answer today. Circle each answer that you findand andcategory list itit in infor the space provided atat that Circle each answer that you find list the space provided the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinof thethe space provided at the right offound the grid.in can be found in all directions – the right grid. Answers can be found inAnswers all directions — the right the grid. Answers can be all directions --isforwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example given to forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given tois get you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example example given toto backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An is given get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can youyou find the twenty answers in thisin puzzle? started. Can find the twenty answers in this puzzle? puzzle? get get youyou started. Can you find the twenty answers this Today's Category: Dances Today's Category: Three-letter Animals and Birds T S A G ND GE OM DU SA AA MS BS AU CU
Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.
Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:
Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.
329 624 712 569 43 651 142 388 5 79 8# 93 7 314 Ireland 12.Penguin 12. Italy 13.Pigeon 13.
Austria Canary Belgium Crow
Monaco Bulgaria 14.Robin 14. Cuckoo Word Search Solution: Search15. Solution: Norway Croatia WordAlbania 15. Sparrow 11. Iceland agle 1.
1. Bluejay
11. Parrot
Denmark 2. Ireland Austria 16. Poland 12.Penguin 12. 2. Canary16. Stork gret Italy 13.Pigeon 13. France 3. 17. Portugal 3. Belgium Crow 17. Swallow Hawk Monaco 14.Robin 4. Bulgaria 14. Germany 4. Cuckoo 18. Slovakia Norway ark 15.Sparrow 5. 15. 5. Croatia Eagle 18. Swan Spain Greece 6. 19. 16. Poland 6. Denmark Egret 19. Woodpecker 16.Stork oon 17. Swallow 7. Hawk 17. Portugal Hungary 7. France 20. Sweden Oriole 18. Swan 8. Lark 20. Wren Slovakia 8. Germany 9. Greece Loon 9. 10. Oriole
10. Hungary
19. Spain 19.Woodpecker 20. Wren
20. Sweden
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 20
8 3 588 647 156 494 223 539 9 17 1 6 1C 6G23H1 39R5C983 766DE975DL 8WA17 4EN 54DD2 C4 R O W NI EC 8 1 6 3 5 8 3 7 2 4 9 S A 1T R47R6I 95AO1AT295 FD LA2 AU 4P ID RD3 GS 8 2BU559GL 4SG73 7SA 68NR6 G3 7I 1EA 19RC3 58ND9NG428 B1 W UL 2 # 5 697LC 9LO64 8A# 2RD314 6329 3 KD8 5NL 95AR2 13CX4OH877 S2 DS4 AO GA 1 7RDY8A16DVM6UDN91 E1GV 85DCY7M WY7 2B 4COB 84FPO5O 46EC3MC332 EKP2 NG 9 I9CD 4G 8HOA 36RSA7C 22CC6UV711 3R 96DFA9C AS5 E CNL2DFA5 N P4E8 LA EU 5 7 3 4 D D S D A U S T R I A A W I K N T E I OI3SF74IS 1PA2 G PT 3 L8 B U 6 L G5 A6 31RJ 5I H29A 2CL 71NU9N 87A8K644 U N B S W A L
(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)
Play & WIN!
Solution #314 Solution #304 Solution #329
Good Luck!
The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.
Trivia Palooza!
: Josephine Jimenez, Ft. Myers Bruce Plummer,N. Largo
dSearch SearchSolution: Solution: Iceland Albania 11.Parrot 11. luejay
Samba 1. Owl 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 10. 11. ____________________ ____________________ 11. 12. ____________________ ____________________ 12. 13. ____________________ ____________________ 13. 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.
27 82 76 64 31 95 18 59
IN Home AloNe, WHere Are tHe mccAllIsters goINg oN vAcAQuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtIoN WHeN tHey leAve KevIN beHINd? tember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL
fLoWer____________________________________________________ for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: ANsWer: _____________________________________
WHIcH HollyWood Actor PlAyed sIx dIffereNt roles IN tHe PolAr exPress?
Answer AnswerThese This Trivia To TriviaQuestions Question To WIN a Prize!
ANsWer: ____________________________________________________
Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! December 20th Deadline for entries: September 25th
Name Address City Email
State Phone
Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583
Donna Lutes, San was last months winner! Mary Tursellino, PortAntonio Charlotte was last months winner! Last month’s answer’s: #1 James Bond,Col. #2Harry Gettysburg Last month’s answer: NORAD, Shoup.Address
The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to LifestylesAfter50.com and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.
Coffee Table Books for Gift Giving BY KATHY A. MEGYERI Coffee table books make great display pieces and give tabletops a sense of style while at the same time providing reading material for guests and family who come to visit. “Lifestyles” features a few of our favorites for this holiday season: “The Art of Bob Mackie” by Frank Vlastnik and Laura Ross: Now 82 years old and a Palm Springs, California, resident, Emmy and Tonywinning costume designer Bob Mackie has collected the best of his work that’s shaped pop culture. From the day as a child whose aunt gave him a jewelry-making kit, he went on to clothe Cher in the 70s and claims his success with her was because she had fun wearing his creations. Interestingly enough, Carol Burnett had the exact same measurements, same figure and height, but it’s Cher who put Mackie on the world stage. Today, he’s designing a collectible figurine of Ella Fitzgerald, but this master of fashion’s collection features hundreds of photos and
sketches from his personal collection. You’ll never again see Marilyn Monroe’s “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” white gown or Carol Burnett’s “Went with the Wind!” curtain rod dress without thanking Bob Mackie for his love of sequins, beads and feathers. “Dessert Person: Recipes and Guidance for Baking with Confidence” by Claire Saffitz: “If you’re not already a dessert person, Claire will make you one,” says Dorie Greenspan. We at “Lifestyles” treasure our sweets and here, in this beautifully photographed volume of 100 stellar desserts, Claire Saffitz features her favorites. No wonder the New York Times Book Review named it one of the best cookbooks of the year. This YouTube star of the show “Gourmet Makes” showcases her Apple and Concord Grape Crumble Pie, Malted Forever Brownies and StrawberryCornmeal Layer Cake, among others. “America’s Gardens” by Monty Don and Derry Moore: Britain’s best-known horticulturalist Monty Don and award-winning photographer Derry Moore traveled across America to showcase our nation’s gardens that epitomize the spirit of this nation. Stops included Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello with its slave garden, Longwood Gardens in Delaware and Middleton Place in South Carolina. Even urban outdoor spaces like New York City’s Central Park, Chicago’s Lurie Gardens and the Seattle Spheres are included. The unpublished photographs of Bob Hope’s Palm Springs home and Frank Lloyd Wright’s garden take the reader down new paths of beauty.
Movie Preview: West Side Story BY RANDAL C. HILL
Have you heard of Rachel Zegler? If not, you soon will. Born and raised in New Jersey, Zegler starred in high school musicals before graduating in 2019. Beating seemingly impossible odds, she was chosen out of 30,000 hopefuls who answered a 2018 Steven Speilberg casting-call tweet for the pivotal role of Maria in Speilberg’s remake of West Side Story. Originally set for release two years ago, the long-anticipated movie was rescheduled to now due to the pandemic.
of Doc, who served as a mentor to the battling teenagers and who owned the neighborhood store where Tony (Ansel Elgort) worked. Moreno, who turns 90 this month, seems to feel as revved up as a rising starlet, enthusing, “Never in my wildest dreams did I see myself revisiting this seminal work, and to be asked by Steven Speilberg to participate is simply thrilling!” Moreno’s original role of Anita is now played by Ariana DeBose.
West Side Story is, of course, an updated retelling of Speilberg, who has admired the iconic work since Shakespeare’s legendary Romeo and Juliet. Set not in he was a child, couldn’t be more enthusiastic Verona, Italy, but here in the Big Apple and with rival Image from Classical-Music.com about his latest project: “West Side Story was gangs replacing warring families. Tony (Ansel Elgort), actually the first piece of popular music our one of the charter members of the Jets, is the Romeo family ever allowed in the home,” he says. “I absconded with it—this was the replacement who falls helplessly in love with Maria (Zegler), a reconfigured Juliet cast album from the 1957 Broadway musical—and just fell completely in love whose brother Bernardo (David Alvarez) leads opposing street thugs the Sharks. with it as a kid. West Side Story has been that one haunting temptation that I The Leonard Bernstein/Stephen Sondheim compositions make up arguably have finally given in to.” the most beautiful score ever composed for musical theater. Composer David It remains to be seen just how well the ticket-buying public will take to the new release. (The 1961 film garnered 10 Oscars.) Speilberg’s 2021 movie offers fresh faces, with the exception of veteran actor Rita Moreno. While she won an Academy Award for her spirited role of Anita in the 1961 movie, here she plays Valentina, a character best described as a reconceived and expanded version
Newman (Randy Newman’s cousin) arranged and adapted the original tunes and utilized the New York Philharmonic for the recording sessions.
The PG-13 release arrives shortly before the Christmas holiday, with the soundtrack available on Hollywood Records.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 21
Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN
4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former 4907stewardess - SWF. 59 yo, 160 lbs, airline and5’9”, model, 5’4”,smoker, 104 lbs., blondewhite hair, blue fishing, movslender, with eyes. Ph.D. Iinlike healthcare. ies, traveling, dancing, goodand food. Seeks Fulbright scholar, eats healthy exercises. SWM who likes the same. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. 5409Florida. - WRETCHED old hagg seeking
miserable old If UYoung respond U obvi5479 - OLDER & troll. WISER. at heart ously a sense of humor & R adventurold ladyhave ISO nice old man for friendship/ ous. I’m 76, blonde, petite, earthy, easy conversation. I am WC, RP, early 80’s, SOH, to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, NS, Lt SD. 5’5”, HWP, love music, dancing cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must inhave the kitchen, reading & most TV sports. a little class & a lot of character. Phone/email please. S. Fort Myers. 5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long 5481 - HI. LOOKING FOR LOVE. WW, 5’5”, blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, blue eyes, white hair, NS, ND, Ndrgs. Likes NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. toLooking dance, take walks. W Love life. I’m loving, for retired gentleman, 5’9”, 65caring, forgiving person. Would to meet 75, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon.like Send photo a&WWM or WM in late 70’s who likes the phone. same things. NS, SD or not. Send phone 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN number. NPR/Hudson. GoodNEEDS Luck. COMPANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for 5484 - CARNIVAL healthy, W, 45-65CRUISE for LTR.ROOMATE Need compuer NEEDED. I amapplications 74 years young. Theand cruise operations, expert handy music, parks, swimishomemaker. scheduled forQuiet Jan 23-30, 2022. Port’s in ming,Grand local touring. a plus. Belize, Cayman,Veteran Cozumel,literary Cancun. 3 Tampa. days at sea. Bused from Bradenton to Tampa port. $740 total. 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s,WOMAN” HWP, NS, ND, like 5485 - “A DELIGHTFUL 49, great to meet SWM with same interestsense for LTR. legs, voluptuous, entrepreneurial, of Laid back, no drama. Likefrom animals. Hillshumor, Jewish, Republican New York. borough & Pasco. I live in the Sarasota area. Hobbies include: intellectual pursuits, fitness, cooking, 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN exploring, tennis.who Looking a sincere, desires C-man reallyfor loves God and is honest, well-dressed man a active, clean-cut, lives a healthy life, helps hiswith neighbor, enjoys nature (including good heart. Someone sensitive picnics), & kind. If cayou noeing and friend tolet’s all animals. don’t want to adie alone, talk ;) I’m all of the above. I’m a W ,etite lady with long 5492 - WOMAN SEEKING WOMAN. I am hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: looking forand a roommate. Not as a border, Mid 50’s up. I live in Hillsborough but as a companion. You must and County. Please write me, telllike medogs about yourself. enjoy trips and dining out. The rent would be $550 if you help with light cleaning. Send 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & picture. companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs 5491 IRRESITIBLE SWF? old. -I AM am fiI YOUR nancially secure, have a car & condo. aI SWM, live inNS, N. St. Pete. Seeking NDrg, 60’s. who’s excited about the idea of building a real connection 5429 - HERE,person, DURING COVID-19 IN S. with a positive that I could spend FT. MYERS. ISO friendship only with W, time with experiencing Lee County/Ft widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I Myers. to LTR. am W,FF WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. Please respondTO with safe 5477 - WANTED GOphone/email. RVing. FemaleBe but & well. not gay, male but no sexual relationship, pay your own way, travel Fl then the US. No 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal smoking, drinking. like butgal around with who’s40-70, about myanimals age, 80’s, bring none, like auto racing, honest and or guy with SOH. Good health, financlean. cially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST the good times roll. COMPANION. I’m 70’s, HWP, NS, ND. Like to read, sightsee, 50’s music, walk, animals,
no drama. ISO friend, honest man for LTR. Reply phone number. Send description. Pasco County.
5419- LOOKING - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75ayo, 5502 FOR LOVE. Hi. I’m 78 5’5”, YY, WW, slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, 5’5”, NS, ND, blue eyes, white hair, HWP, SOH. I like love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am to dance to 50’s & 60’s, taking walks. I’m a giving happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. person & love life. I do have a little dog and fat cat Tampa. and I would like to meet a WM in his late 70’s. NS, SD, or not. Looks aren’t important. SOH, HWP, 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. For- just and model, a mer goodairline heart.stewardess NPR, PR & Hudson area. 5’4”, Send104 name slender, white with Ph.D. healthcare. &lbs., phone number. Good luck andinGod bless. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. 5504 LOOKING CHRISTMAS ANGEL. Likes- sports andFOR animals. WW. Loves the Lord. 70+, W, C, NS, SD, FF. Thoughtful/Kind. Sense Florida. of Humor. Pride in Appearance & Home. Quiet MENGood SEEKING WOMEN times. Listener. Helpful to friends. Likes Animals. 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old 5506 - LOVING BLUE EYED DWF. woman of character. I amBLONDE. 6’0”, 180 lbs, 6060. year old. NS. Children adults. Free toand travel. Healthy 5’4”, lives in SWF.are Tired of working no I amHave a onemany woman man.theater, Race ismusic, not anbeaches, issue play.. interest, character flea markets,is!antiques. Seeking SWM, healthy, 5862, HWP, SD, ND, NS, independent, responsible, 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to easy going. FF,to LTR. read, go out eat, movies, laid back, enjoys
laughter & OLDER is dramaCHRONOLOGICALLY free. Look forward to hear5500 - I AM ing from you. I am a WM, 155 lbs, NS and ONLY! F, D, ISO SOH, NS, LD,5’11”, ND except medical. drama free. HWP. Enjoys golf, bowling, active, HWP, FF, TLC. Likes small dinner parties. Must love dogs. 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, walks, cooking, travel, 5510 - SWF would like tofun. meet other people my age. I am 60, live between North Fort Myers and 5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a the midwest. Love motorcycles, camping, animals young mid-seventies, NS, NS, fit, active and and learning new experiences. NS, SD, NDrg, FF. adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early Fort Myers. HWP, exercises, possible romance, seventies, LTR. SEEKING Let’s be happy and celebrate life. MEN WOMEN
5494 MAN, AVG. 78 YO.Hair 5’8”,black, HWP, NS, 5393- HANDSOME - SWM, 69, 5’11” thinND, ISODAV, attractive, physically lady,Hudson. 65-75. ning, honest, sincere, active relocated Retired Leo. ISOsolo. WHF,Need widow preferred, atI’m tired of flying a co-pilot to share tractive, sm.tobutt, ND, handy homemaker, what life has offer.NS, Ft Myers area please. intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. 5496 - JUST LOOKING. Fit guy, 59, likes walking on beach, art fests. nice 5428 - M,swimming, WW, NS, SD, HWP,Looking R, TLC,for 70’s. Likes sharing lady 50’s or 60’s.many activities together, quiet evenings; be adventurous. 5495 - TO LADY J FROM FT. MYERS. I ran ad #5470 searchGOING of partnership). your 5426(In - EASY MAN. I’mThanks 69, 140forlbs, 5’7”, reply, however, did not give me your contact widower, livesyou alone. Seeking other gentlemen for friendship, to get together and enjoy each info. Let’s try again. Ft Myers. other’s company. Will answer alll. 5498 - 61 YR. OLD. Secure, honest, caring, christian, SWM looking for the same in a special 5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New woman who wants to build a beautiful, York Attorney, former New York Policelong-term Officer, relationship. months, need the same in looking for Sober loving18 relationship with kind and sincere,person. self-caring 75. Widow pre-all another Mustlady. love 65 the–Lord, Jesus with Clearwater area. offerred. your heart. 5499 JEANS SWM. 5’7”, 150#, 5412- T-SHIRT - LOOKING FORTYPE ADVENTEROUS WOMNS, ND, seeking would enjoy enjoys relocating to AN. SWM, NS,who healthy, retired, country music, cooking, day trips to scenic my quiet,home wooded area home, be my partner,attractions, sun rises, walks companion, sharesunsets, our livesmovies, together. Sendin the park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County. description, photo, phone please.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 22
5505 - MAN SEEKING MAN. I am 80 yrs old, seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handwhite, clean, safe, gay, no drugs, non smoker, some, very fit senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, light drinker, for same for satisfaction silver hair. looking Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. and enjoyment. North Fort Myers only. Let’s Dunedin. talk. 5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING 5501 - CARNIVAL CRUISE ROOMATE SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activiNEEDED. Interested in thispinochle AD. Will like meet ties, bridge, dominoes, andtoswim#5484 for this cruise coming up in Jan 23-30. ming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. PLEASE GETfor IN SWW TOUCH WITH Looking over 70.ME. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park. 5503 - LOOKING FOR MY BEAST. God created pairs of every beast......did someone see mine? HS, WM, 65-75, home owner. Snail mail only. Thanks 5508 - WELL GROOMED WHITE MALE, 68yy going on 60, in search of a white female, my last love, my best friend, SOH, I’m up for almost anything as long as I am doing it with my best friend “you”, My passion is boating and cooking. Hope you like garlic and oregano. 5509 - MAN SEEKING FRIENDSHIP. Male/ Female to have friendship, sharing life. Going out to eat, music, dancing (love Latin), fun stuff, day trips. Very young minded out of the box type of guy. Honest, caring, loving. Light drinker, NO DRUGS EVER. Would LOVE to hear from you.
To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue. To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.
Seniors Getting Together
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Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 23
W H E N A L L I S L O S T,
PRAY E R RE M A I N S Sarah Young takes you on a 365-day journey of scripture-based prayers to guide you throughout the year. Experience the wonderful ways that prayer can change your heart, impact your life and deepen your relationship with God. When it feels like no one listens, Jesus hears you.
Lifestyles After 50 • December 2021 • 24