Lifestyles After 50 Tampa Bay Edition, January 2021

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TAMPA EDITION ~ JANUARY 2021 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989

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Dolly Parton’s Philanthropy

From her Imagination Library to donating to the Covid-19 vaccine research, learn about how this country music star is using her influence for good.

Local News and Events

Keep reading to be in the know about your area’s local news and events.

Preserving Your Memory BY: JAN LARRAINE COX

We all have occasional lapses in memory, such as forgetting where we left the keys or forgetting why we entered a room in search of something, which is only indicative of slower mental process. The brain’s hippocampus, where memories are formed and retrieved, can deteriorate with age. And an older adult can be less efficient at absorbing brain-enhancing nutrients. There are steps we can take to prevent memory loss, such as regular exercise, attention to healthy diet, stress reduction and regular highquality sleep. Take for example, the relationship between the brain and gut. When you eat something that makes you feel off, your body is telling you something important. Every system in your body improves when your gut is working more normally. Including your memory. Brain hormones control how your brain works, from speed to mood. According to functional medicine practitioner Dr. Tom O’Bryan, 90 percent of the critical hormone serotonin is produced and stored in your gut, not in your brain. Serotonin is related to memory, mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep and sexual desire and function. At least one serving of cruciferous vegetables per day will enhance the liver’s ability to break down toxic chemicals we are exposed to and also raise the body’s ability to deal with the toxins next time. So, concentrate on cruciferous vegetables like arugula, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale and collard greens. A cup of coffee is also good for memory. And avoid eating sugar! Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 2

Dr. O’Bryan reports there are over 7 trillion nerves in the human body which all connect to the brain, forming the nervous system. Next, there are 206 bones in each body and between every two bones is a joint, 7 ligaments and 7 muscles. The spinal joints each have 7 different lines of movement, supported by the stabilization of the muscles, ligaments and tendons. When this package is too tight, caused by stress or poor posture, then your body behaves like a wobbly tire, creating wear and tear, causing stress which can progress to arthritis. When the system is off, then memory suffers. A simple thing to achieve may be to concentrate on your posture: line up all those bones and the entire support system! Yes, it is possible to eliminate a slouching posture and to strengthen your core. Dr. O’Bryan suggests the following exercise: “Before walking up the stairs, squeeze your glutes together and tuck your pubic bone up toward your navel. Now, very slightly lean forward as you walk up the stairs, holding the squeeze and tuck. Your muscles will let you know how they feel. Wherever you feel a bit of tightness, discomfort or fatigue, that’s where you’ve been overcompensating for a weak core.” If you keep working at this, you’ll notice your walking muscles are becoming stronger and more balanced. And be patient with yourself. After all, you don’t have to recall every last detail in order to grasp the gist of an issue.

A New Year, A New Inspiration

We’ve finally made it to 2021! After a hellish year behind us, it feels as though we’re prepared to take on whatever we may face in this new year. The fresh start of New Year’s is often associated with a new and improved diet, exercise regimen and maybe even a new hobby to occupy our extra time. While more leafy greens and painting are certainly great resolutions to implement and keep, integrating more philanthropy into your life may be the change you need. It’s common sense that regular exercise and eating right for your body are two things that can help keep your physical being in shape and content, but what about your mind? Often times, doing good for the betterment of others has a tremendously positive effect on one’s mental wellbeing. Whether it’s through volunteering your time, donating to causes you believe in or even starting your own charity or organization for a cause that means something to you, philanthropy has been proven to boost levels of serotonin (the “happy” molecule) in the brain resulting in a better mood and state of mind, according to several different academic studies. This isn’t to say that philanthropy should replace an updated exercise routine in the new year, but it may offer the extra boost in your overall wellbeing that you want.

Artists event in Tampa. Scheduled for January 28, from 5:30 to 9 pm, this event is a silent auction for local artists to sell their work. The event offers attendees the opportunity to fill their homes with locally made art while supporting struggling, talented artists. Purchasing one piece of art can change the world of an artist and encourage them to keep creating. Another event is the Pickup the Ball fundraiser dinner in Fort Myers. Focused on inspiring local youth into transforming their community, Pickup the Ball will be hosting a dinner and silent auction event on January 17 at Millennial Brewing Company to raise funds for housing new members of the organization.

No matter what you choose to do for the new year, make sure it’s something that will bring you and those around you happiness. Here’s to a great year through philanthropy and care.


Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 32, Issue 1 Publisher Debbie Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw Distribution 813-336-8247 Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Advertising Sales Aspen Hansen: Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Mervyn Hollander: 330-720-6772 Fred Gericke: 727-542-4466 Jim Commiskey:

Rebecca Fending, Editor

Philanthropy can easily be meshed with last month’s theme of “creating a legacy,” and it doesn’t mean you have to pour out money for a charitable cause. Philanthropic means can even be supporting an organization through attending events as a volunteer or as a patron. One of these events is the Angels for

Happy New Year and we’ll see you in February!

To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email info@lifestylesafter50. co. Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634

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Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 3

Some Kind of Heaven BY RANDAL C. HILL

Located 20 miles from Ocala in central Florida, The Villages began decades ago as a sprawling trailer park before being reconfigured along the lines of such thriving retiree havens as Sun City, Arizona. The Villages offers 33,000 manicured acres and is often called “Disney World for Retirees.” It is home to over 122,000 seniors who can enjoy a myriad of activities and can select from a smorgasbord of 3,000 activities and clubs, recreate on 42 golf courses, and be entertained by the likes of the Beach Boys, Chubby Checker and Bobby Rydell. In the forthcoming documentary Some Kind of Heaven, residents are shown gleefully dancing—there’s lots of that—as well as golfing, shooting pool, making music. To many, life there is “like being on vacation every day.” Many. But not all.

Image from The New York Times

For two months, filmmaker Lance Oppenheim, 24, befriended numerous cheerful residents of The Villages, but he also became interested in a small group of people who are dealing with life’s often-daunting problems. “I began to observe this

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overwhelming sense of pressure that some felt in the community to have fun all of the time,” he says. “There was almost an unspoken social contract that dictated life there, tied into the idea that as you grow older, time runs out, and as time runs out, every moment has to be great.” Some Kind of Heaven peels back the veneer of a pre-packaged paradise to offer the viewing audience a chance to see what really lies beyond this ersatz utopia to discover some people find life there far from great:

Anne and Reggie Kincer, in the documentary’s most dramatic thread, admit their 47-year marriage is in jeopardy as Reggie experiments with—and develops an appetite for—illegal drugs. Newly widowed ex-Bostonian Barbara Lochiatto (one of the few residents who still works full-time) feels uncomfortable and intimidated when she first plunges into the local dating scene.

Dennis Dean is an 81-year-old gate-crashing nomad who lives out of his illegally parked van and is searching for a wealthy woman to support him in his dotage. Dean is also fleeing a mysterious California arrest warrant. Oppenheim claims, “My goal in making this film was to inhabit that fantasy and call it into question.” He became intrigued by The Villages while working his way through classes in visual and environmental studies at Harvard University, from where he graduated in 2019.


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Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 4

“She Come by it Natural” BY KATHY A. MEGYERI ODolly Parton is a world-renowned musical icon, creative genius and philanthropist. She’s also the most successful female artist in country music history. Author of over 3,000 songs and remaining on the forefront of music for 60 years, she’s worth an estimated $600 million and is on Forbes’ list of world’s highest paid entertainers. She’s adored by people of different classes, genders and cultures. And everyone knows of Parton’s legacy, specifically her Imagination Library founded in 1995 where one new book is sent each month until a child is five years old, resulting in 60 books to motivate, inspire and encourage creativity. As of this year, 100 million books have been donated. In 2016, she also gave each Tennessee wildfire survivor a stipend of $1,000 per month. Her newest legacy has been to establish a million-dollar convalescent plasma study at Vanderbilt University for COVID-19 research. So, what is her magic, her genius, her appeal and her longevity due to? In this intellectual examination in “She Come by it Natural,” author Sarah Smarsh analyses Dolly’s words, her physicality and her business decisions as she weaves her own family’s experiences into Parton’s biography. Smarsh’s first book, “Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth,” was a finalist for the National Book Award. A 2018 research fellow at Harvard, Smarsh is an articulate commentator on economic inequality and knows of what she speaks. Smarsh grew up poor in Kansas and believed, “... that something the world values even less than a girl is a poor one.” She knew firsthand that country music was a language among these women, it was how women talked to each other when feelings weren’t discussed. Their lives were Image from Goodreads reflected in Parton’s songs’ lyrics as they spoke of survival and making their own way. The importance of Parton’s This January, Dolly celebrates her 75th birthday. She says of this milestone, music, movie roles and persona are played out in the lives of economically “I ain’t never gonna be old because I ain’t got time to be old.” As she disenfranchised women that she lived among. released her Holly Dolly Christmas album, she said, “I bet you I won’t look much different when I’m 95, if I live that long, because I’m like the Gabor According to Smarsh, Parton’s genius is this: she’s preserved something sisters. But I think more than anything, aging is about what comes from of the little girl she once was. She acts trashy but has class. She dresses inside you. It’s an attitude and you gotta shine from within.” like a hooker but stays home with her family. She’s a giggly blonde who’s smarter than most men. She’s a woman of depth but is named after a toy. She admits to three loves: God, music and sex, but Dolly’s real magic as she readily admits is that, “It takes a lot of money to look this cheap. I look phony but am totally real.” Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 5

Dear Ms. Price, After saving my money for about five years, I finally purchased my first boat. I grew up boating on the Gulf of Mexico, so I’m proud to have one of my own. When I ask friends to join me on the weekends, I am the only one paying for the upkeep. Do you think it’s tacky for me to ask that they pitch in for the basics, like gas? Boating is expensive and it would be a big help. Thank you, All Hands on Deck

Dear “Hands,” First of all, congratulations on being financially able to buy and maintain your own boat. That’s a fine accomplishment and you should be proud. When you ask people to visit you at your home, do you ask them to pitch in for the rent and electric bill? Of course not, and it’s the same for a boat. When one has visitors, if they volunteer to bring something, accept the gesture with gratitude. If they don’t offer, I wouldn’t think any less of them. You could word your invitation in this way, “I’d love for you to join me on my boat this weekend. Would you mind bringing along some sandwiches (or salad, soda, beer, etc.)?” Dear Ms. Price, I am getting married next June, COVID permitting. I’ve been with my fiancé for five years and this should be the happiest time of my life.

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A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price To submit your questions, email

I do not have a close family and am paying for the wedding on my own. I am finding that my fiancé’s in-laws are intrusive and calling all the shots, from the date, to the venue and even the invitations. I’ve spoken to my fiancé, but he won’t stand up to them and refuses to say a word. He says they’re being helpful. It’s become a big argument and is ruining everything. Help! Two’s company, four is a crowd Dear “Two,” I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that you have a fiancé that will not stand by your side and has dependency issues with his parents. If you think this will change over time, you are wrong. It will only get worse. The good news is that you found out before it’s too late. My suggestion is to see a counselor immediately and hash this out before you say your “I do’s.” Learn to live under their thumb and in a marriage where your opinion comes in third or fourth, or get out while you still can.

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Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 6

Love Is… What Love Means to Kids 4 to 8-years-old BY: KATHY MEGYERI

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of four to eight-year-old kids: “What does love mean?” The answers they got were broader, deeper and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined. I think you will agree: “When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So, my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love.” Rebecca, Age 8 “When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” Billy, Age 4 “Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.” Karl, Age 5 “Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.’” Chrissy, Age 6 “Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” Terri, Age 4 “Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is O.K.” Danny, Age 8 “Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.” Bobby, Age 7 “Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.” Noelle, Age 7 “Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.” Tommy, Age 6

“During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore.” Cindy, Age 8 “My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.” Clare, Age 6 “Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.” Elaine, Age 5 “Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford.” Chris, Age 7 “Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.” Mary Ann, Age 4 “When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” Karen, Age 7 “You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.” Jessica, Age 8 Best of all came from a four-year-old child whose next-door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the gentleman’s yard, climbed onto his lap and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “Nothing, I just helped him cry.” And be patient with yourself. After all, you don’t have to recall every last detail in order to grasp the gist of an issue.

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 7

Recipe: Fried Cabbage for New Year’s BY: REBECCA FENDING

Not only is cabbage the typical dish to serve on 2. In the remaining bacon fat, add chopped cabbage and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, New Year’s Day for good luck, but it’s also in stirring frequently. season in Florida during this month. Although this 3. Chop and add onion to the pot, continue cooking dish might not be incredibly healthy, it’s sure to until onions are translucent. get your year started the right way. 4. Add Worcestershire, vinegar, garlic and brown sugar. Combine all ingredients and let cook for 25 minutes or until cabbage is soft. Stir frequently.

Ingredients: • 12 oz. Bacon • 1 head cabbage • 1 medium sized onion • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce • 1 tablespoon vinegar (white or apple cider)

• 1 tablespoon minced 5. Once cabbage is cooked, add bacon and one garlic, or 2 teaspoons garlic cup cheddar to the cabbage mixture, reserving powder some to sprinkle on top of each serving. Top with • 1 tablespoon brown sugar additional cheddar and enjoy! • Salt and pepper to taste • 2 cups freshly grated sharp cheddar

To Make: 1. Chop and add bacon to a large pot over medium heat. Cook until your desired crispiness. Remove bacon from pot and set aside.

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 8

Image from Onion Rings & Things

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Florida Favorites BY: KATHY MEGYERI

Some people collect Florida t-shirts, keychains, postcards or recipes, but I love my alligator purses (so popular in the 40s), signs that I see in Venice, where I live and Florida quotes that I’ve collected. Here are some of my favorites: “As I went farther and farther north and it got colder and colder, I could see why Florida is a golden word. The very name of Florida carried the message of warmth and ease and comfort. It was irresistible.” John Steinbeck, author “I came to Florida when I was about five years old, and I always felt cheated that I wasn’t born here. Florida is a very healing place.” Burt Reynolds, actor “The seasons do change in South Florida—but you have to live there quite a while to recognize just how.” Ernest Lyons, author of “My Florida”

migratory and gypsy-souled as I am.” Jimmy Buffett, singer and author

“Here in Florida, the seasons move in and out like nuns in soft clothing, making no rustle in their passing… Somehow, autumn does not seem properly used in Florida.” Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, author

“When we pulled into the mustard-yellow railway station of Miami, we felt we were in fairyland." David Fairchild, 1912, American botanist and plant explorer

“Politically and socially, Florida has its North and South, but its northern area is strictly southern and its southern area definitely northern.” Federal Writer’s Project, 1939 “Florida, like a piece of embroidery, has two sides to it—one side all tag-rag, and thumbs, without order or position: and the other side always showing flowers and arabesques and brilliant coloring. There is a right side and a wrong side to everything… If I had my say, I wouldn’t come north at all. I leave Florida with tears in my eyes.” Harriet Beecher Stowe, author

“Florida is the greatest country in America.” Bill Peterson, American football player and coach “We shall fight till the last drop of Seminole blood has moistened the dust of our hunting ground.” Osceola

“Wild places have always haunted me. Yet I had not anticipated any lure of the Everglades. I was powerfully impressed by this strange region.” Zane Grey, author

“I had rather be killed by a white man in Florida than die as an old man in Arkansas.” Coacoochee

“In its calmness, its unhurried gait of Southern spirit, West Florida is a long way in mind and in geography from the travel agency brochure perception of newer Florida.” Jesse Earl Bowden, Editor of the Pensacola News Journal and author

“Florida is at once the oldest and the newest state in the Union.” Ralph Henry Barbour, novelist, 1926

“Key West is like something seen in a dream.” John Dos Passos, writer “I love Key West. There are a lot of incredible characters down there, as Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 10

“I want a location where I can put everything.” Walt Disney, developer

Do you have a favorite to add to our list? If so, please share them by sending to Editor

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To Fix or Not to Fix: Cranial Cruciate Ligament Dogs frequently engage in high-performance recreational activities, endurance sports, and agility competitions, so it’s not uncommon for pet owners to notice sudden lameness or weakness in their pet’s hind limbs, knee swelling, stiffness, or even clicking sounds as they walk. If a pet begins to limp or favor one leg over the other, they may have ruptured or torn the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL). The CCL can be compared to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in humans. While the CCL in canines performs a similar function to the ACL, a canine’s anatomy is slightly different. The ACL is the thin connective tissue in the middle of the knee. The CCL structure in canines stabilizes the knee joint. If we think about human versus canine functional anatomy, humans are straight legged, while dogs always have their knees flexed when standing, load-bearing their weight, thus making them more susceptible to injury. Patients with a confirmed torn or ruptured CCL typically suffer extreme pain. Confirmation can be done by a physical exam, radiographs, MRI, and an arthroscope inspection to determine the extent. CCL injuries are one of the most commonly diagnosed orthopedic problems in canines. Pet owners sometimes ask what would happen if they did not address a torn or ruptured CCL. Depending on the severity of the injury, a patient with a torn or ruptured CCL that is left untreated or treated conservatively (non-surgical) will likely limp to avoid putting weight on the leg because of the pain and discomfort. In most cases, surgery is not always necessary. Small, healthy dogs below 30 lbs, may consider conservative treatments to ease the patient’s pain before

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By: Austin Fetner, DVM

considering invasive surgery. Some conservative treatments, such as progressive resistance bands or leg braces can be bought over-the-counter while others are customized as an orthotic therapeutic support. Other conservative treatments are rest with anti-inflammatory medications, acupuncture, supplements (Turmeric & Glucosamine), and aquatic therapy (swimming). Considerations need to be made for canines over 30 lbs since there can be consequences to conservative treatments. First, long-standing tears lead to degenerative joint disease (DJD) which is a gradual deterioration of the articular cartilage. Second, fibrosis alone is not enough to provide good function. Scar tissue builds up around the medial joint capsule instead of the collateral ligament. Third, the DJD coupled with fibrosis leads to decreased mobility. Fourth, a disused leg leads to muscle loss, which leads to weight gain. Weight gain allows instability in the knee and the spine. The answer then becomes, yes, it is possible for canines to live with a torn or ruptured CCL, and it may be the only option when pet owners do not have the financial means to afford surgery. However, from a functional point of view, a ruptured or torn CCL is the beginning of a cascade of deterioration in other parts of the body, including, the joints, the muscles, and ultimately becomes a serious condition that hinders a pet’s mobility. Boyette Animal Hospital is proud to provide your pets with the highest quality of treatment and care from twelve veterinarians and a devoted staff. To make an appointment, please call (813) 671-3400 or visit us online at www.BoyetteAnimalHospital. com.


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Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication

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Legal-EASE What’s the Difference between a Revocable and Irrevocable Trust? Once only the tool for the very wealthy, more and more modest wealth families have begun to use revocable living trusts in their estate planning. A revocable living trust acts as a substitute for a Will and has the additional benefit of avoiding the court process known as probate. Probates can be costly and may help open the door to family squabbles. A common misconception about revocable living trusts is their ability to provide protection from creditors. When you have access to your assets in the revocable living trust, this means creditors have access to your assets too. If you have a concern about outliving your money due to a long term illness, a revocable living trust will not provide your assets protection from a spenddown required for Medicaid nursing home eligibility. More people are learning about irrevocable trusts created specifically for protecting assets from large care expenses if you or your spouse develops a long term illness. However, irrevocable trusts require taking the necessary steps to plan ahead in order to avoid eroding your assets. Emma Hemness is a both a Florida Bar Board Certified Elder Law Attorney and a Certified Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. Located in Brandon, she has been assisting clients for over 20 years. Please visit us www. or “Like” the Law Office of Emma Hemness on Facebook for elder care articles.

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Bird Bay Plaza: 523 US Hwy 41, Bypass N. • Venice, FL • 941-882-4467 Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 12

TAMPA BAY TEENAGE BALLERINA ON DISNEY PLUS Information taken from the Tampa Bay Times article, 'Dancer from Tampa's Next Generation Ballet featured on Disney Plus Show'. A local Tampa Bay teenager is featured in a new docuseries on Disney Plus. Ballet dancer Dominika Afanasenkov appears in the show On Point, which follows students from the School of American Ballet in New York City as they train, audition and prepare for New York City Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker. The 16-year-old Dominika Afanasenkov in a past production of ballet dancer honed Next Generation Ballet's "The Nutcracker" [ SOHO her talents at the STUDIOS | Courtesy of SoHo Studios ] Patel Conservatory and Next Generation Ballet, the resident school and ballet company of the David A. Straz Center for the Performing Arts. Afanasenkov was filmed taking classes there for the series when she returned home from the School of American Ballet on breaks. She is even featured on the poster for the docuseries. Phillip Neal, Next Generation Ballet’s director, was interviewed for the series and speaks highly of Afanasenkov’s talent. Neal also trained at the School of American Ballet, which is the official school of the New York City Ballet. He danced for 23 years and was a principal dancer for 17 years. He calls the School of American Ballet “the Harvard of ballet schools.” Neal said that Afansenkov grew up taking classes at the Patel Conservatory and that by age 12, there was no denying her talent. Neal encouraged her to attend summer classes at the School of American Ballet, which is very difficult to get into. Not only was she accepted, but she also received a scholarship. Neal said that he is certain Afanasenkov will end up in a major ballet company. On Point premiered on Disney Plus on December 18 and consists of six episodes.


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Image from The Dalí.org

If you’re looking to familiarize yourself with fine art in the new year, this art event surrounding Vincent Van Gogh is just what you’ll want. Happening at The Dalí Museum in St. Pete, FL, now to April 11, Van Gogh Alive is a temporary exhibit showcasing 3,000 of Van Gogh’s most famous art pieces in an immersive way for guests. Projected from floor to ceiling, you can experience “Starry Night,” “Sunflowers” and “The Yellow House,” just to name a few, in a way nowhere else in North America currently display art. Guests will also be greeted with an auditory experience with surround-sound that captures the emotional elements of each unique painting. See what Van Gogh saw which inspired him to paint his most famous paintings and understand the genius behind the brush. Through this exhibit, The Dalí is working to show its commitment to “artistic innovation,” according to Visit Tampa Bay. This visual and auditory experience is an exploration of accessibility for everyone to historic and iconic works of art in the world. Although this exhibit is included in the price of The Dalí’s ticket price, scheduled visit tickets for the exhibit are required by all guests prior to visit. To learn more, visit The Dalí’s event website page at thedali. org/exhibit/van-gogh-alive/.

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Batman featured an ear-candy theme song, barbaric death traps, innovative gadgets and repulsive villains (each one represented by a celebrity guest). The show was played for laughs all the way and poked fun at melodrama while injecting pop-culture references into the action. With all this rolled into a presentation best described as “camp”—something so bad or corny as to be declared “good”—how could it have missed? The answer? It couldn’t. And didn’t. For a while. Batman’s executive producer was William Dozier. Before his 1966 – 1968 series went into production, Dozier read through numerous Batman comic books—he had never read a comic book in his life— before admitting, “I had just the simple idea of overdoing it, of making it so square and so serious that adults would find it amusing and kids would go for the adventure.” The series was the ultimate DC Comics adaptation for the small screen. Unveiled as a sometimes satirical, Image from Wikipedia sometimes slapstick sitcom, Batman starred Adam West as businessman Bruce Wayne/Batman. West (born William West Anderson) earned a B.A. degree in literature, then worked as a military radio announcer and a milkman before becoming a TV and movie actor. Burt Ward, a karate expert and former standout high-school athlete, was attending college and working in his father’s real-estate office when, just out of his teens, he earned the sidekick role of Dick Grayson/Robin. (In the process, Ward beat out future TV star Lyle Waggoner.)

Batman and Robin were crime-fighting goofballs who defended fictional Gotham City against a plethora of preposterous villains who were always involved in exaggerated situations. The “Dynamic Duo” heroes took these situations seriously, of course, which of course added to the merriment. TV’s Batman, the only primetime laugh-a-thon without a laugh track, was developed on the most ridiculous of premises: two costumed and masked vigilantes were working hand in hand (or hand in glove) with a bumbling police department that was constantly baffled by the bad guys. The ingenious story lines featured simplistic morality in a humorous vein. In each episode, Batman and Robin pursued dubious clues that revealed the supervillain’s plans and, in the end, always saw the pair capturing the evildoer. Batman’s producers brought in as many wicked foes as possible, including the nowiconic Riddler (Frank Gorshin, John Astin), the Penguin (Burgess Meredith), the Joker (Cesar Romero) and Catwoman (Julie Newmar, Eartha Kitt). The series offered 120 action-packed half-hour episodes. In time, however, the novelty of the show began to wear thin, and by the end of the third season Batman had lost much of its Batluster. Eventually, Batman winged its way to lucrative Syndication Heaven. Later, Hollywood producers would try to create their own comics-based TV series by offering The Green Hornet, Dick Tracy and Wonder Woman, but by then the burned-out viewing public simply wasn’t buying it.

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 15

Advertising for Love: “Matrimony, Inc.” BY KATHY A. MEGYERI

I used to chuckle at such personal ads, but after attending the fifth wedding of our friends who’ve found love and happiness through such a connection, I just had to read and review this well-researched, extensive history of the romantic personal advertisement. Specifically, in “Matrimony, Inc.: From Personal Ads to Swiping Right, a Story of America Looking for Love” by Francesca Beauman. The Internet has revolutionized matchmaking to be the most widely used technique. From Jeff Tarr’s “Operation Match” in the 80s to the 90s,, the biggest in the world, to Eharmony, and OkCupid in 2000, to 2012’s Tinder, Bumble and Happn, courtship is data driven. Now, the first place people meet is on the Internet for help in making the most important decision in life because it’s free, convenient and inclusive. One in three relationships begin online, and one in five marriages results. Beauman has written six books, including a history of the pineapple, and she currently runs a popular book forum called Fran’s Book Shop, but in this book, she examines the development of personal ads from the first which was placed in 1759 wherein a man wanted “any good lady between 18 and 23 with brown hair and good morals.” He claimed he was a gentleman of good estate but also

preferred a woman with a fortune. Readers will treasure Bauman’s samples of personal ads and the lexicons included. One man in The New York Times with a glass eye advertised for a woman with one, too. A Wisconsin woman wanted, “no brainless dandy or foppish fool.” Even New York’s first ad that ran in 1788 looked for a woman under 40 and “not deformed.” The Irish phrase, “troubled with a little of the ready,” was to denote that you better have some cash if you’re going to reply. The scams, deceptions, con jobs and frauds in personal ads are exposed as well, especially the most prolific bigamist and serial killer of all time, Belle Gunness, who in 1905 lured more than 40 men to her Indiana farm by promising marriage, but instead, cut them apart and buried them after taking their money. Still, as Bauman writes for history buffs and romance readers. Advertising for love has always been as much about what is not said as what is said as we’re still trying to answer the age-old question, “What do we look for in love?”

Image from Amazon

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Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 16

Gymophobia It’s a new year and I should resolve to do more exercise. But I have become a gym-o-phobe. Even the prospect of donning a sports bra can wreck my entire day.

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This attitude represents a serious change from my former self. There was a time that physical fitness was an integral part of my schedule. Three times a week I was the cardio fitness queen, pounding away on the treadmill and StairMaster. With the fierceness of a warrior, I fought against flab, torturing my individual body parts on machinery that might have been designed by Torquemada for the Spanish Inquisition. But now, I believe I’m suffering from an acute case of exercise burn-out. Heeding the suggestions of well-meaning, more motivated friends, I have tried the following strategies: Scare Tactics. My current behavior is hazardous to my health. I’m at risk for osteoporosis, and cruelty to my cardio-vascular system. I’m depriving my brain of the super-oxygenating results of the elliptical machine. Fear of weight gain should be enough to get me moving. And it was – until I learned how long I had to spend working up a sweat to counteract one Oreo cookie. Best to forego the Oreo cookie. Personal Trainer. If I had an appointment twice a week, I wouldn’t be able to wriggle out of my commitment. This sounded foolproof, so I hired a trainer. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am this lovely, physically fit young woman came to my house. It was good for a while. By the third week, I no longer hated the gym. I hated the trainer. Vary the Routine. Relieve the boredom factor; don’t keep doing the same old thing. So, I checked the schedule of classes. Yogalates? Sounds like a Starbucks special. Kick Boxing? Too aggressive. Zumba? That had potential. I show up to class and as soon as the Latin beat began, I got the feeling that everyone but me had been doing this for their entire lives. Luckily, the loud music drowned out the sound of the door closing after me as I quietly slipped away And so, the struggle rages. The angel on one shoulder telling me to do the right thing, while the devil on the left is saying “Hah!” But 2021 could be the year that good judgement prevails and I will dust off my sneakers and at least go for long walks. Susan's newest book, "How to Complain When There's Nothing to Complain About," is available at and other online book sellers. Read her blog at Email:

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 17

3. Hide White-tailed eagle Full 14. 9.Country home 5. preparers 7. Greek letter 17.14.Stratford-on-__ OfNag a generation 4. Creator Fascinated 15. 6. 8. Expunge 18.15.High Pocket bread 5. Enthusiastic Meal Apiece 16. rating 7. 9. Refer 19.16.Burstyn Procrastinator’s word 6. 6th Like Telly Door support 17. or Pompeo 8. day of Lent: abbr. 10. Spring 20.17.Spain’s Warm lunch 7. Hook __ cake; Pointed, projecting 18. Juan Carlos part I 9. and line user 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23.18.Ms. Originally apply frosting Request 19. Lee named 10. 8. Cosmetic Commandment word 12. Take advantage of 24.19.Felt Call aJohn halt to about Mr.indignant 20. 11. case item 9. Put Blade case 13. German article Title role for 25.20.Feudal Nemesis 22. subjects 12. underground 10. Beauty’s Is in poor health partner Barbara Stanwyck 21. High schooler 28. Change Rhythm 24. direction 13. movie 11. Article Trinitrotoluene, Musical notes 22. Start of faith 25. course 32.23.Final Cuts 21. familiarly ANSWER TO #5138 Use a hand shuttle 26. ANSWER TO #5142 25. “...__ Cat 23. by your outfit 34.24.Bar Lament 12. Conceit TO Feather’s partner, job ANSWER ACROSS 29. an electrician’s that #5128 youfigures are...” 26. Praying 35.25.Does Bee colony 13. Had area in me!” phrase 1. Bargain-hunt 30. __; no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads ACROSS 37. Of “Ah, F A V O R 25. S Private B O L DACROSS 1. 5.Grows gray 21. Form __ of “to lie” Natural environment Fog __; 31. or Taurus 26. 1. Make clench 28. Keep Rough on; 38.28.Jetta Character in A Othello O E 5. Padres’ stats 22. Spiked the punch 32.Moray Pick seeker 9. Read __; recite one’s hand 33. watch carefully 29. Part of summer 39. West Point student 9. Full M spike O N 14. 25. Taj Trunks 34. Mountaineer’s Novel member setting 6. Family 37. region 27. Mahal’s city 30. Fellow 40. Cheese-producing Out of __; to behaving 14. 26. Bride’s Afghans and others 10.Nag Baby’s Amount be swallowed 15. Of thespot U.S.A. E through 39.35.__inappropriately over; helped 28. item 15. Apiece 31. Sea duck 14. Country home 27. Flamingo J. C. Harris’ Uncle 16. Rent long-term 37.a Stiffly formal difficult period 29. or heron 16. Door support 33. Certain love messages 17. 41. Word with island stick or roll 15. Stratford-on-__ 28. Cut Batter Of a generation Aleutian 41.38.Plunge 32. into small 17.16.Pointed, projecting part Delectronically High rating 34. Fictional king pieces 42. One who acts 29. In Damask 18.Request Pocket bread Transmitted 42.39.Seasons 34. __ of rose oils 18. 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 36. Miles, e.g. like another 30. Always First of zillions 19.Mr.Procrastinator’s Biblical twin C 44.40.Surrenders 19. JohnJuan Carlos Iword 35. 18. Spain’s 39. Tosses Coty 31. France’s Poisonous 20.Title Warm lunch 43.41.Poet’s Lets Ollie’scontraction partner C O 20. 46. 36. 19. Ms. role Lee for 23. Originally named 33. Sermon “-ectomies” 43. Public disturbance 44.42.Ardent Evaluate Foreign leader’s title Stanwyck 47. 20. Barbara Felt indignant about 38. topic I 24. Call halt to 34. Turkish title 45. Sight and taste 43. Golf shop purchases 46. Fascination Pillages 23.22.Musical notes Feudala subjects 49. 40. Bargains 25. Nemesis 36. Blood fluids 24.24.Use a hand shuttle 47. Not Existing on a Change direction 48.44.Rejected DoCattleman a hairdresser’s job 51. with disdain 43. crackers 28. Rhythm 39. Wild 25. partner, 25.Feather’s Final course Solicit votes flat asurface 49.46.Lotion Follower of 7 Down 54. ingredient 45. Like hill 32. Cuts phrase 43. __ the Terrible 26. in Bar English rhos 50. Fourth of 51.48.Force Building 55. intosite an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner 34. Lament 29.Natural Does an electrician’s job 28. environment 45. Wiped out “Hurray!” position a wall hanging 52.49.Admirable people awkward 50. Like more expensive A I who 30.Pick Of __; colony no longer a minor 35. Bee 32. 47. Bangs and clatters Bit ofup cereal 52. Preposition 56.51.Gives influence others hamburger 31.Mountaineer’s Jetta Taurus spike 34. Sseek 37. “Ah,orme!” 50. Shrub People who 60. __and Mountains 53. Dandruff Insignificant 51. site amount 58.52.Asia’s William Sean 33.Amount Moray seeker 35. to beinswallowed 38. Character Othello 52. __ Seeger a homeland T O 61. of wasteland 37.Stiffly Cheese-producing region 52. Salk’s concern 54. Complaint 61. Tract Reddish-brown animal 37. formal 39. West Point student 53. Blackthorn fruit 58. Curtin and Pauley 39.Aleutian __ over; helped through 63. to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary 38.40. to a dermatologist 62.61.Place Tack Out of island __; behaving 54. Touches lightly Lamenter’s word a difficult period 64. rhythmic tune 39. Transmitted electronically 54. 55. Hot spot inappropriately 63.62.Light, Gladden 55. Nest Assist in crime Sadfoe item 41.Biblical Plungetwin 40. 65. 56. Periods 41. Word with stick or roll 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64.63.Pro’s “__ Wonderful Life” 56. Chihuahua child Sudden and sharp 42.Ollie’s Seasons 41. 66. 57. Conception 42. One partner who acts Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers 57. Did 65.64.Lacks Slave of old Keenan, Betty Sun Center 57.City Bit ofin progress 44.Foreign Surrenders Drink much and often 42. leader’s title 67. 58. like another 58. Item in a desk drawer 43.46.Golf Poet’s contraction 66. Flower Chihuahua children 58. Disencumbers Strawberry Island goose shop purchases 68.65.Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 43. Lets Ardent 59. Mr. Whitney concoction 67.66.Late actor Bert Apportioned 44.47.Cattleman 69. Meadow covering 62. lady 44. Fascination Evaluate 59. Lennon’s Part a blackjack 60. Girl’sofnickname 68.67.Worry Notorious German 46.49.Solicit votes 46. Pillages 51. Rejected with disdain 60. Kook 48. English rhos 68. Quit 54. Lotion 48. Do a ingredient hairdresser’s job 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 49. “Hurray!” 55. Force into an 49. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 51. BitFollower of cerealof 7 Down awkward position 51. Building 52. People whosite seek 14 15 16 56. Gives up 52. Admirable people who 14 15 16 homeland 60. aAsia’s __ Mountains influence others 58.61.Curtin and Pauley 17 18 19 Tract of wasteland 17 18 19 58.Lamenter’s William and Sean 61. word 63. Place to spend rupees 61. Reddish-brown animal 62. Sad item 20 21 22 64. Light, rhythmic tune 20 21 22 62. Tackfoe 63. and sharp 65.Sudden Pro’s 63. Gladden 64. much and often 2323 24 66.Drink Lacks 24 2525 2626 2727 65. goose 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67.Island Flower 66. 65. Slave of old 68.Apportioned Schnozzola 28 28 29 29 30 32 33 30 31 31 32 33 67. German 66.Notorious Chihuahua children 68. 67.Quit Late actor Bert 34 34 35 36 37 35 37 168. 2 Worry 3 4 5 6 7 ACROSS 1 DOWN 2 3 4 5 6 7


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha


38 38


41 41


DOWN 1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN 1. 2. Plays a part Nag 1. State 2. 3. Canter, for one Not just tacit 2. Office cabinet 3. 4. White-tailed eagle Mom, dad, or madam 3. Misfortunes 4. Fascinated 4. Coat5.partTake place 5. Meal 5. Hide6.preparers Friend at the école 6. Like Telly 6. Creator 7. Greek letter 7. __ cake; 7. Enthusiastic 8.apply Expunge frosting 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 9. Refer 8. Commandment word 9. Hook and line user 10. Spring 9. Blade case 10. Embraced 11. of cereal Is inBit poor 11. 10. Cosmetic case health item 12. Take advantage of Trinitrotoluene, 12. 11. Put underground 13. German article familiarly 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Conceit 21. 12. Article ofHigh faith schooler 22. Private 23. 13. “...__ byStart your area outfit 25. 21. Form of “to lie” that youCat are...” Spiked the punch 26. Praying figures 25. 22. Had a meal Trunks 26. 25. Keep __Winding on; 27. roads 26. Afghans and others watch carefully 28. Rough J. C. Harris’ Uncle 27. 27. Taj29. Mahal’s city Part of summer 28. 28. Bride’s item Batter 30. Fellow 29. 29. Flamingo or heron Damask rose oils 31. Sea duck 32. 30. Cut33. into Certain small pieces First of zillions love messages 34. 31. In __Poisonous of 34. Fictional king 35. 33. Always “-ectomies” 36. Miles, e.g. 36. 34. France’s Cotytitle Turkish 39. Tosses 38. 36. Sermon topic Blood fluids 43. Public disturbance 40. 39. Bargains Wild Sight and taste 43. 43. Not45. crackers __ the Terrible 47. 45. 45. Like a hillExisting Wiped out on a 48. 47. BachBangs or Wagner flatand surface clatters 50. 50. Like more expensive 50. Fourth page of Shrub hamburger a wall hanging 52. __ Seeger 51. Dandruff site Preposition 53.52. Blackthorn fruit 52. Salk’s concern Insignificant 54.53. Touches lightly amount 53. Europe/Asia boundary Complaint 55.54. Assist in crime 54. Nest to a dermatologist Chihuahua child 56. 56. Periods Bit Hot of progress 55. spot 57. 57. Conception Strawberry 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. 58. Disencumbers 57.concoction Did in 59. Brat’s talk PartItem of a in blackjack 58. a desk drawer 62. 59. Lennon’s lady 60.59. Kook Mr. Whitney



“Here in my car

I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors It's the only way to live” “Cars” by Gary Numan

My very first car was a yellow Jeep. It was one of those miniature cars for the under-10 set that were propelled by pushing alternate foot pedals. My Jeep was patterned after “NellyBelle” the Jeep driven by Roy Rogers’ sidekick, Pat Brady. She was also my first car to have a name.

During my last employment, my friend and co-worker Jim, drove his 1973 MG Midget convertible named “Phoebe” to work while I drove #5143 #5129“Fiona,” my wife’s 1996 Toyota Paseo convertible. Convertibles are CROSSWORDPUZZLE PUZZLE #5139 CROSSWORD tonickname be13converted, so yes, even during wintertime, our tops were 8 9 meant 11 12 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 60. 10 Girl’s 8 9 10 11 12 13 ACROSS 40 1. Make 40__; clench 1.Plays Statea part down the heaters were turned up to eleven and the fans were DOWN 1. ACROSS 1. Grows gray 14 15 6 16 9while 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 one’s 2.Canter, Office cabinet 14 2.1. 15 16 for one Heavenly Mlles. Bargain-hunt 5.1. Padres’ statshand blasting at top speed. 43 3.White-tailed Misfortunes 17 19 3.2. eagle 18 Nag Fog6. 43Family member 9.5. Full

1714 4. Coat part 18 15 19 16 10. Baby’s spot 4.3.Fascinated Not just tacit 14.9. Nag Read __; recite 47 14. Country home 20 5. Hide preparers 21 22 23 47 5. Meal 15. Mom, dad, 14. Apiece Novel setting 18 19 2017 4. 21 or madam 22 15. Stratford-on-__ 6.Like Creator 6.5. Telly 16. support Take place 15. Door Of16. the U.S.A. 24 25 48 49 50 51 High rating 7. Enthusiastic 48 49 50 51 cake; 20 7.6.__Friend 21 école 22 17. projecting part the 23 ofatLent: 24 16. Pointed, Rent long-term 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8. 6th day abbr. apply 26 7. 27 28 frosting 29 Greek letter 17. Request Of18. a generation 52 53 18. 54 55 Carlos 56 57 Spain’s Juan I 23 2432 29 30 31 33 8.288.Commandment word 52 53 19. 54 John Expunge 18. Mr. Pocket 63 19. Ms.bread Lee 55 56 57 30 31 32 33 34 9.11. 20. 9.Blade Refercasecase 19. Title Procrastinator’s 58 59 60 61 62 20.role Feltfor indignantword about Cosmetic item 35 30 3136 34 37 28 29 32 10. Is in poor health 58 59 60 61 62 Barbara Stanwyck 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 22. Feudal subjects 3712. Put underground 38 39 40 41 11. 23. notes 63 64 65named Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. Musical Originally 13.Trinitrotoluene, Beauty’s movie 39 partner 35 3834 11. 40 36 familiarly 24. Use a hand shuttle 63 64 65 25. aFinal 42 43 44 45 46 12. Take of advantage of 21. Article faith 24. Call halt course to 12. Conceit 25. Feather’s partner, 66 67 68 26. Bar 23. “...__ by your outfit German article 4138 13. 42 39 43 25. Nemesis 13. Private area 47 48 49 50 in phrase 66 67 68 29. Does an electrician’s job that you are...” 21. High schooler 28. Rhythm 21. “to45lie” 28. 46 47 30. Ofenvironment __; no longer a minor 4441 25.Form Had 22. Startaofmeal 32. Natural Cuts 43 51 Spiked 52 53 the punch 42 54 22. 32. Pick 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. Cat 25. 34. Lament 48 25. Trunks 49 50 51 34. Mountaineer’s spike 33. Moray seeker 445526. Praying figures 45 46 47 35. Bee colony 56 57 andcity others 35. Amount to be swallowed 37. Cheese-producing region 26. 27.Afghans Taj Mahal’s Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 27. Winding roads 37. “Ah, me!” 52 item 53 54 27. J. C. Harris’ Uncle 39. formal __ over; helped through 48 37. Stiffly 28. Bride’s 49 61 62 50 60 63 51 28.Batter Rough 38. Character in Othello selected from the drawing on38. theAleutian 20th aof the month will 28. difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron island of rose summer 58 29. 59 Part 60 61 62 39. West Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 29. oils 41. Plunge 6432.Damask 65 Cut into 52 small pieces 39. Transmitted electronically 53 54 66 30. Fellow 40. Out of __; behaving 42. Seasons 30. First of zillions 34. In __ of 40. Biblical twin P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 63 31. Sea duck 64 65 inappropriately 6735. 68 69 44. Surrenders Always 31. Poisonous 58 59 60 61 41. Ollie’s partner 33. Certain love messages 41. Word with stick or roll 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty 33. “-ectomies” I want information on: 66 67 Insurance 42. Foreign leader’s Personaltitle Health 68 34. Fictional king 42. Golf One who acts Ardent 38.Turkish Sermon topic 63 64 34. title 43. purchases Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 36. Miles, e.g. like another 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 36. Blood fluids 44. Cattleman 39. Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 43. Solicit Lets 51. votes Rejected disdain 66 67 43.Wild Not crackers 39. 46. 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. English Evaluate 45.__Like hilldisturbance 43. thea Terrible Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 48. rhos 55. Force into an 48.Wiped Bach Wagner 45. Sightor and taste 46. “Hurray!” Pillages 45. out 49. awkward position 50.Bangs Like more expensive 47. Existing a 48. Bit Doofacereal hairdresser’s job 47. andon clatters 51. 56. Gives hamburger flat surface 49. People Follower ofup 7 Down 50. Shrub Name 52. who seek Asia’s 51.__Dandruff site of 50. Fourth page 51. Building site__ Mountains 52. Seeger a 60. homeland 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland Salk’s concern a wall hanging 52. Curtin Admirable who 53.52.Blackthorn fruit 58. and Pauley Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53.Touches Europe/Asia boundary 52. Preposition 54. lightly influence others 61. Lamenter’s word 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest 53.Assist Insignificant 55. in crimeamount 58. Sad William and Sean 62. item 65. Pro’s foe 56.Chihuahua Periods 56. 54. Complaintchild 61. Sudden Reddish-brown 63. and sharpanimal 66. Lacks 57. Conception 57. Bit of to progress a dermatologist 62. Drink Tack 64. much and often 67. Flower 58. Disencumbers 58. Strawberry 55. Hot spot 65. goose 63. Island Gladden City State Zip 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk concoction 66. 56. __ PM; 2100 64. Apportioned “__ Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady hours 59. 67. 57.Part Didofina blackjack 65. Notorious Slave of German old Age Phone 68. 66. Quit Chihuahua children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 60. 858.Kook 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 1 2 3 4 5 6 715 8 9 1016 11 12 13 14 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail

44 44



My best friend in Tampa (who drove a Jaguar named “Excalibur”) facilitated25Joy’s and my first trip to England and gifted the two of us with 26 27 custom European plates for the fronts of our vehicles. 25 26 license 27

46 46



The plate on Joy’s car read “Fiona” (which she has named all of her cars ever 37since). I named my 2002 hardtop Kia Sentra “Nigel,” but my 40 tag read “NRD-2002”, which represented its full-name “Nigel RiceDavies.” Quite often, I found myself having to explain to people that the “NRD” did58 NOT stand for “nerd”. 59






Sadly, we now once again find ourselves being a one-car family, “Fiona” 55 56 57 is a hardtop Ford Expedition, grayish in color, but could be easily found 62 in a parking lot the size of the Sahara Desert. 65

I’m happy68to report that our single-car status is about to change. During my last trip to Dubai, I was walking along the beach when I chanced upon a man sitting on a towel, moaning in pain from an aching, swollen foot. Upon close examination, I found a large thorn in his foot, removed it and dressed and bandaged the wound. As it turned out, he was Sheik Pallah Abdul, and out of gratitude he is rewarding me with as many cars as my heart desires. I plan to name them all after hurricanes.

14 1


17 14




Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 18 20 17


15 5


18 15








19 24 29




22 31 30




2723 28

29 30



21 28

19 10

2219 23

21 24


Mike Wright can usually be found watching “Wheel of Fortune” each evening. If you have car names to share, send them to micwrighthamo@

31 32



33 33







Walk-In Tubs


5 TIPS TO LOWER YOUR OUT-OF-POCKET MEDICATION COSTS IN JANUARY From Brandpoint Content Whether or not you stay up to mark the new year, an expensive reality hits many Americans on January 1: medical insurance deductibles reset to zero and out-or-pocket costs go up. Along with co-pays and coinsurance, those out-of-pocket costs can put essential medications out of reach. Many people are forced to choose between paying bills, their medications and putting food on the table. It’s no wonder Gallup polls consistently find healthcare costs to be one of this country’s greatest worries. But there are ways to cut those high out-of-pocket costs. The Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation, a national charity that provides financial assistance to help people pay for their prescription medications, offers these tips for reducing your out-of-pocket costs for the lifesaving medications you need.

Lifetime Warranty! Finance Options Available* ✓EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST!

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Discount applied at time of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. * Subject to 3rd party credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Receive a free American Standard Cadet Toilet with full installation of a Liberation Walk-In Bath, Liberation Shower, or Deluxe Shower. Offer valid only while supplies last. Limit one per household. Must be first time purchaser. All offers subject to change prior to purchase. See for other restrictions and for licensing, warranty, and company information. * CSLB B982796; Suffolk NY:5543IH; NYC:HIC#2022748-DCA. Safety Tubs Co. LLC does not sell in Nassau NY, Westchester NY, Putnam NY, Rockland NY.

Talk to your healthcare team. Be honest with your doctor and pharmacist about the challenge of affording your medications. It may be difficult for you to talk about your finances, but remember, your healthcare team is on your side. Let them know what you can afford and they may be able to tailor a treatment plan that fits within your budget. Look into “Extra Help.” Medicare beneficiaries may quality for programs like Extra Help, also known as the Low-Income Subsidy program. This program can significantly reduce your prescription costs. For more info, visit Ask for generics. Many name-brand drugs now have generic equivalents, especially if the drugs you’re taking have been on the market for a while. Generics are significantly cheaper than their name-brand versions. And don’t worry, generics are run through the same safety and efficacy tests by the FDA to ensure their quality and effectiveness. Sign up for FundFinder. FundFinder is a free web-based app developed by the PAN Foundation that connects you with a charitable patient assistance foundation that could help pay the out-of-pocket costs for your prescription medications. Rather than having to monitor multiple foundations to see if they’re offering funding, FundFinder checks for you and alerts you through email or text when the financial help that you need is available at PAN or another charitable foundation. To find out more, visit Shop around. You’d be surprised how much drug costs can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy. Make a few calls to make sure you’re not paying more than you have to for the medications you need. Ask about discounts and coupons, like the NeedyMeds discount card (needymeds. org/drug-discount-card), which could help you save up to 80% off prescription drug prices.

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 19

Sudoku #318 Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304 Solution #313 #317


The object of game is to fill all the The of the the game gameis isto tofill fillall allthe the The object object of the blank squares with the correct numbers. Last Month’s Winner: Last Month’s Winner is blank with the the correct correctnumbers. numbers. blank squares squares with

Nichole Veesaert, Beach David Kurman, The Villages Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte

Each row must include all Each row of of 999 numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeall all Each row of numbers CongratuLations! digits 11 through 99 in any order. digits through in any order. digits 1 through 9 in any order.Goo d of numbers must include od column oEach column of 9 numbersmust mustinclude GEach Each column of 99 numbers Linclude uck! ! k c digits 1 through 9 in any order. Lu all all digits 1 through 9 in any order. all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 33 of the by Each 3 by by 33 3 subsection subsection ofthe the999by by999 Great Prizes! EachWin by subsection of square must include all digits 1 through square must include all digits 1 through 9. New winner selected each month square must include all digits 1 through 9.9.

94 32 25 51 7 68 86 13 49


2 9


51 89 47 14 26 93 75 62 38

78 13 6 82 35 49 94 51 27

37 25 92 48 84 51 63 79 16

63 54 8 76 19 35 42 27 91

16 41 79 93 62 27 58 34 85

85 68 53 37 41 12 29 96 74

42 96 31 29 58 74 17 85 63

29 7 14 65 93 86 31 48 52

WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for In the grid below,twenty twentyanswers answers can can be be found found that that fit the for Intoday. the grid below, fitspace the category category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it infor the provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the category today. Circle each answer today. Circle each answer that you findand and list itit in in the the space provided atat that Circle each answer that you find list space provided the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinof thethe space provided at the right offound the can be found in all directions – the right grid. Answers can be found inAnswers all directions directions ---- forwards, the right the grid. Answers can be all backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example isforwards, given to forwards, backwards, horizontally,vertically vertically and diagonally. An example is given to you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example isisget given toto backwards, horizontally, and diagonally. An example given get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can you find the twenty answers in thisin started.Can Can you find the twenty answers inpuzzle? this puzzle? getget youyou started. you find the twenty answers this puzzle? Today's Category: Dances Today's Category: Trees T E AH NC GE OE DB SL AI M N E C D A N B AD ZC RB DG DC BF GI G D G A G K L M R G



Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.


Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:


1 25


Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.

: Josephine Jimenez, N. Ft. Myers Maureen Zajac, Plant City


Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

# 318 33 7 4314 6 4 272 559 64 671 192 388 519 8#

8. Cuckoo 9. Loon

9. Donkey

10. Oriole

10. Ermine

18. Pigeon

464 243 559 997 188 3 25 8 767 316 12 726 935 81P7 4EO54DG27C1A 6RP62OG1 83MW5MC493 98 NK ER DE DH W 838 351 776 243D41A5A 9RN94RH6 69XO1TT225 87 IF RE GR FR LE AT P 9N 93I SM68NR62G7E 1EG81RA3 35DI 9XG748 56 R2 E1 T 4 W B5 G 4S 7 U 2 P5 A 7B J4 R3 Y 8 35KD6318 5NH79AB2 11RX4CH987 43 # A D A62L 9L6 8 G 1 #2RD314 L F O D2 I C 6G 63 U 1 2 4OB58PC5 44AC3YC832 79 W G 5C79 D U1 1 E7 D86 N 9 Y E K N O M C O N D O R R G A T U A S A S E U W 2P5 OE376GF9A 4A4P 8GO13MS7M92C6 V671 31 CH2D P48 L5 E 5 K9R E8 O R S D T G E E FE EP R KR K O P 3 93S774I 1P4E2 TG681DJ 5A 6H9N 2HL37XU9T58A8K164 25 D O N W O AM LC LO O M C R UY NE BK SN W























19. Woodpecker


20. Wren


19. Rabbit

20. Weasel

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 20




(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)

Play & WIN!

QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts sePThe celebraTIoN of GrouNdhoG daydAy WasIsderIved tember 13.aNcIeNT WhAt IschrIsTIaN the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL from The celebraTIoN of WhaT? fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: _____________________________________ aNsWer: _____________________________________

AnswerThese This Answer TriviaQuestions Question To Trivia To WIN a Prize!

Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline 25th Deadlinefor forentries: entries:September January 20th



Good Luck!

The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.

Trivia Palooza!

#314 Solution#304 #318 Solution

dSearch SearchSolution: Solution: Alpaca 11. Ferret 11. Parrot luejay Badger 12. Gopher 12. Penguin Canary Beaver 13. Jackal 13. Pigeon Crow Canary 14. Jaguar 14. Robin Cuckoo Solution: Condor Word Monkey Word Search Search15. Solution: 15. Sparrow agle 11.Parrot Ferret 1. Alpaca 11. Cougar 1. Bluejay 16. Ocelot Badger16. Stork 12.Penguin Gopher 12. 2. 2. Canary gret Coyote 3. 17. Parrot 13. Pigeon 3. Crow Beaver 13. Jackal 17. Swallow Hawk 14. 4. Cuckoo 14.Robin Jaguar Cuckoo 4. Canary 18. Pigeon 18. Swan ark 15. Sparrow 5. Eagle Condor 15. Monkey Donkey 5. 19. Rabbit 16. Stork 6. Egret 16. Ocelot 6. Cougar19. Woodpecker oon 17. Swallow Ermine 7. 7. Hawk 20. Weasel Coyote 17. Parrot Oriole 18. Swan 8. Lark 20. Wren

Samba 1. Fir 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 11. ____________________ 12. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 13. ____________________ 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.



88 1

76 9

46 7 5 88 5 6 4 2 4 6 7 8 3 4 11 2 2 3 6 44 76 81 3 58

WORD SEARCH WORD SEARCH September Word Search APRIL Word Search January Word Search

Solution #303

Last Month’s Answers Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. Sudoku requires no

1 64 3 5 3 9 2 1 6 9 7

# 315 ##319 305

Name Address City





Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583

Mary Tursellino, waslast lastmonths monthswinner! winner! Kathryn Kranz, Port PalmCharlotte Harbor was Lastanswer: month’sChristmas, answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup. Last month’s Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas

The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.

Book Review: “Vending Machines: An American Social History” BY KATHY A. MEGYERI

Vending machines are everywhere and we take them for granted, but cultural historian Kerry Segrave traces their history in a hugely entertaining book. Segrave has also written about drive-in theaters, jukeboxes, ticket-scalping, lie detectors, smoking and shoplifting. But it’s this book which most fascinates snackers and food lovers. The earliest vending machine can be traced all the way back to the first century AD to Heron, a Greek mathematician, physicist and engineer from Alexander. He described and illustrated a coin-operated device used for vending sacrificial water in Egyptian temples because worshippers took more than their fair share of holy water at the temples. The machine accepted coins and when deposited, they hit a pan and pushed against a lever that let the water flow out. Once the coin fell, the valve shut and the water stopped. In eight chapters covering the era of the successes and failures of the machines, economic factors that influenced their popularity, the struggle to become a large-scale method of retailing and the decisions to select which products to offer, Kerry Segrave offers a vast array of illustrations and photographs. She examines the vending dollar value, vending statistics and sales by location. In 1822, English bookseller Richard Carlile created a newspaper vending machine that sold banned works like Thomas Paine’s “The Age of Reason” (for which he was arrested). In 1883, Percival Everett sold postcards in train stations around London. In 1888, here in America, The Adams Gum Company dispensed Tutti-Frutti gum from vending machines. When they became more popular, vending machines offered stamps and peanuts, but hot and cold beverages were especially desired. Today, vending machines are a $30 billion industry and are offering the unthinkable: in China, you can buy a live crab, in Singapore, a luxury car and in the U.S., Art-o-mats offer original works of art. Some machines will cook your selected food, such as Beyondte Electronics in China that deep-fries French fries, complete with choices of dipping oil. “Let’s Pizza” will shape the dough, spread the sauce, drop the cheese and toppings and bake it, all in 90 seconds. Even though the pandemic has increased our appreciation for home cooking, buying a quick treat from a big metal box to satisfy our desire for instant gratification will always have a place in our world. Believe it or not, people notice vending machines more than they do fire escape signs. What does that tell you about our attachment to these mechanical robots that dispense a myriad of offerings?

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 21

Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN WOMEN SEEKING MEN 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, smoker, GENTLEMAN. 70s, HWP, NS,movND, blonde hair, blueI’m eyes. I like fishing, like meet SWM with same ies, to traveling, dancing, good food.interest Seeks for LTR. Laid no drama. Like SWM who likesback, the same. animals. Hillsborough & Pasco.

5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking miserable old troll. If U respond U obvi5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 ously have a sense of humor & R adventurIN S.I’m FT.76, MYERS. ISO friendship ous. blonde, petite, earthy, easy only withLove W, widower in earlybiking, 80’s. to B with. singing, dancing, SOH, honest, I am W, WW, cooking, vintage & vintage men. Must have aattractive little class & & aintellgent. lot of character. HWP, Please

respond with phone/email. Be safe 5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long & well.

blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. 4119 - Seeking Looking for retiredHonest W gentleman, 5’9”, 65gentleman. airline 75, HWP, SOH.Former Will speak soon. Send photo & phone. and model, 5’4”, 104 stewardess

lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS COMhealthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats PANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for healthy and exercises. healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Likes Need sports compuer and animals. WW. Loves the and Lord. operations, applications expert handy Florida. homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swim-

ming, local touring. Veteran literary a plus. Tampa. 5440 - LONELY 81 YR OLD, WW,

ISO over 75 yo man for love & 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST companionship. I likeHWP, to go GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, NS,out ND, like dancing at Elks. I am financially to meet SWM with same interest for LTR. secure with andLike condo. I liveHillsLaid back, nocar drama. animals. borough & Pasco. near the Tyrone Mall, St Pete. 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN

5448 - SOULMATE WANTED. SWF, desires C-man who really loves God and is 5’6”, 140 lbsaof laughter and his fun.neighLike active, lives healthy life, helps to talk and enjoy just about all that bor, enjoys nature (including picnics), calife has and to offer. Pets Live inI’m theall noeing a friend to OK. all animals. of the above. I’m aPhysically W ,etite ladyfitwith Tampa Bay area. andlong hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: attractive. Mid 50’s and up. I live in Hillsborough County. Please write me, tell me about 5449 - SWF MARILYN. seeks SWM, yourself.

NS, Ndrg, FF partner who likes slow dancing, 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs gospel music, travel, dining, playing old. I and am financially a car & cards movies. secure, 60 andhave above, condo. I live in N. St. Pete. secure, happy and healthy. Reply phone # photo. I am honest, 5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19loving IN S. and excitedly Port FT. MYERS. ISOwaiting. friendship only with W, Charlotte. widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I

am W, WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. Please- respond with Be safe 5447 We tailor tophone/email. Senior Citizens. & well.

We offer an array of Services: Final Expense, Life Notary 5413 - WW ISOInsurance, BUDDY, FRIEND to pal Services, Senior (Companions). around with who’sCare about my age, 80’s, gal or guy with SOH. Good health, financially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.

Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 22

5452 - RETIRED NURSE/TEACHER. BF, 5’8”, 160 lbs. Adventurous. Like to5419 converse. forSWF, an honest, - HAVE Looking A NICE DAY. 75 yo, 5’5”, slender, brunette, green eyes,fun, adventurous, active gentleman to have travel & love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am companionship

happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa.

MEN WOMEN 4119SEEKING - Seeking Honest gentleman. For-

mer airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104

5432 - LONG TERM lbs., slender, white withRELATIONSHIP. Ph.D. in healthcare. Retired hotel executive, 70, and 5’10”, 172. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy exercises. Likes sports animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Loves goodand wine, dining out, dancing &Florida. travel. Green eyes, shaved head. Looking for attractive lady. Lets chat. St. MEN SEEKING WOMEN Petersburg. 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old

woman of character. am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 5433 - LONELY? MEI TOO. CWM, retired year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to home owner with moderate fixed travel. I am a one woman is not an issue income with auto,man. ISO,Race CWF, NS for character is! friendship, Varied interests. Tell me what you like. Seminole 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys

5442 - LONELY, CUDDLY, TEDDY seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handBEAR. NOT175, obese. SD, some,71, very6”,fitcuddly senior. 5’11”, blueNS, eyes, NDrg. but pleasures. very mobile silverHandicapped hair. Let’s enjoy life’s Dunedin. with walker. ISO WF, 65-74, NS for FF or LTR. Can drive but no car. 5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activi5451 - LOOKING FOR LONELY LADY. ties, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimElk’s member by 66th St.and N. St, Pete. ming at Mainlands. I’m 88 very active. Love to dance and hold Looking for SWW over 70.hands. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park.

5453 - ISO WOMAN. Tall, thin, wicked form, red hair. NS, ND, quiet SWM, 77yy. NS, ND, reader, fun romantically in ‘21. Everything works. SOH. 5454 - WIDOWED GENTLEMAN. Living in Venice. 84yo, 5’10”, cleancut, very honest, stable. Looking for a similar tyde lady for a good friend/ companion. Please contact me and you won’t be disappointed.

laughter & is drama Look forward to hear5435 - FIRST LASTfree. KISS. Looking ingfun from you. I 5’11”, am a WM, 155 lbs,toNS and for times. 1855’11”, lbs. Been drama free. Dunedin several times & enjoy being there. It would be nice to meet someone 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, for friendship fun, fun. hang out for a drink walks, cooking,&travel, & food. Plan to go to Crystal River.

5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. 5445 - HI THERE. NO DRAMA PLEASE! Likes sharing many activities together, quiet be adventurous. I evenings; live in Zephyrhills. I don’t have animals,

To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.

Seniors Getting Together

5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a

young- mid-seventies, NS, fiOLD. t, active and 5446 M, S, D, W-C. NS, 75 YRS ISO adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early NS, SD, 5’11”, 205. FF, TLC. Adventurous, seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, financially secure. Photo, Phone please. LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life. Old Naples. 5450 - SECURE SWM, 5’7”, 145, slim, NS,, AVG. ND, female who 5393seeking - SWM, 69, 5’11” Hair black, thinning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. needs good home.Want easy going, Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, ataffectionate, loving, romantic partner NS, send ND, handy homemaker, totractive, share sm. life.butt, Please description, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. photo, phone. Thank you.

To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue.

Personal Ad Placement only $6 per month! Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MArk The ediTiOn(S) YOu WOuLd Like TO run YOur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)

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A reader asks: I need to engage the services of an estate planning attorney to update my Will and advance directives. I visited the website of an attorney recommended by my neighbor and although it appears from her website that she is well qualified, I am concerned that she insists on charging a nonrefundable initial consultation fee of $100.00 even if I decide not to hire her to prepare the documents I need. Is this ethical? Response: In a word, yes – as long as the nonrefundable consultation fee is quoted up front and is in an amount considered “reasonable” for attorneys in your community. It would appear that the attorney whose website you visited has met both requirements which allows her to ethically charge a non-refundable initial consultation fee. However, just because something is considered ethical by the Florida Bar, and therefore permitted, does not necessarily make it the right thing to do. An attorney has a fiduciary relationship with her clients, including potential clients who may only have contact with her for purposes of deciding whether or not to hire her. As a fiduciary the attorney has a legal duty to do what is best for her clients and those who

potentially may become her clients. It is difficult for me to understand how an attorney charging someone a fee who has yet to even decide whether or not the attorney’s personality meshes well with theirs, for instance, and therefore whether they should hire the attorney to provide future services such as preparing updated estate planning documents - is doing what is in the potential client’s best interest. Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. His articles are based on general principles of law and are not intended to apply to individual circumstances.

“I Hear You Knocking” Dave Edmunds BY: RANDAL C. HILL In early 1971, UK musician Dave Edmunds’s high-decibel guitar licks, nasal lead vocals and floor-stomping beat made his version of “I Hear You Knocking” a prime example of “pub rock.” Pub (short for “public house” or bar in England) rock was a musical genre popular in the UK during the early to mid-1970s. Loud and raw, its primitive approach to the music flew in the face of the more refined “glam” style. (Think Queen and David Bowie here.) Pub rock laid the foundation for punk rock that came later in the decade.

Storm’s biggest career hit was a blanched offering of an obscure R&B (rhythm-andblues) tune from earlier that year. Gale’s “cover” 45 was typical of many such releases at the time; major record labels Image from Wikipedia frequently brought in white artists to copy R&B best-sellers (which were usually released on small independent labels) in order to target recordbuying teenagers with allowances to spend.

Edmunds’s first taste of success came as the lead guitarist in the Welsh rock trio Love Sculpture, which scored a British Top Five single with the rapid-fire instrumental “Saber Dance.” When the group disbanded, Edmunds turned to record production and worked with English rockabilly artist Shakin’ Stevens, whose material was often culled from classic 1950s American recordings. This is when Dave became aware of “I Hear You Knocking.”

While Edmunds may or may not have heard the Storm disc, he was probably more taken with the gritty original, a little-known recording by Smiley Lewis. Louisiana native Lewis (born Overton Lemons) was once labeled by a music journalist “the unluckiest man in New Orleans.” It’s not hard to see why. Often when Lewis performed in Big Easy bars, he was handed only money from the tip jar. He usually rode to gigs on city buses after toiling all day at manual labor. Smiley’s nickname came from his having no front teeth.

So, had Edmunds perhaps heard the earlier hit version by an American woman? Gale Storm (born Josephine Cottle) was the pert, pretty and squeaky-clean star of the 1950s TV show My Little Margie. In 1955, she scored a Number Two Billboard winner with “I Hear You Knocking.”

Dave Edmunds could never repeat the triumph of his one infectious hit. “I Hear You Knocking” became his signature song, though, and earned him a gold-disc award for international sales of 3 million 45s. Lifestyles After 50 • January 2021 • 23

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