SOUTHWEST EDITION ~ JULY 2022 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989
FREE Take One Home! VOLUME 33 ISSUE 7
Parks and Recreation Month Find parks in your area to celebrate and enjoy the season Articles in each issue: • Local news and events • Humor • Health
• Recipe • Book Review • Pop Culture and Music Flashbacks
Healthy Vision Month Read about how to protect your eye health this month
Find out how to celebrate the 4th in your area!
THE HEALTHY GEEZER Q. What kind of glasses should you get for low vision? Low vision is a significant reduction in visual function that can’t be corrected by regular glasses, contact lenses, medicine or surgery. Low vision can range from moderate impairment—such as tunnel vision or blind spots—to almost total blindness. One out of every 20 people has low vision. About 135 million people around the world suffer from this impairment. Irreversible vision loss is most common among people over age 65. However, losing vision is not just part of getting older. Some normal changes occur as we get older. These changes usually don’t lead to low vision. Low vision can be caused by diseases, disorders and injuries that affect the eye. Many people with low vision have age-related macular degeneration, cataracts or glaucoma. Almost 45 percent of all cases of low vision are caused by age-related macular degeneration, which progressively destroys the central retina (macula) at the back of your eye. The retina is to your eye what film is to a camera. If you think you may have low vision, consult an eyecare professional who can tell the difference between normal changes in the aging eye and those caused by disease. There are many signs that indicate possible vision loss. Under normal circumstances, do you have trouble recognizing faces of people you know? Is it difficult for you to read, sew or match the color of your clothes? Do lights seem dimmer than they used to? Vision changes like these could be early warning signs of eye disease. Usually, the earlier your
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 2
problem is diagnosed, the better your chances are for successful treatment and maintaining your vision. Regular eye exams should be part of your routine health care. However, if you think your vision has changed, you should see your eyecare professional as soon as possible. A specialist in low vision is an optometrist or ophthalmologist who is trained to evaluate vision. This professional can prescribe visual devices and teach people how to use them. Devices and rehabilitation programs can help you adapt to vision loss. They may help you maintain your lifestyle. These devices include: adjustable lighting; largeprint publications; magnifying devices; closedcircuit televisions; electronic reading machines; computer systems with voice-recognition; telescopes, and telephones, clocks and watches with large numbers. Rehabilitation programs offer a wide range of services such as low-vision evaluations and special training to use adaptive devices. They also offer guidance for making changes in your home as well as group support from others with low vision. By Fred Cicetti Send your general health questions to Healthy Geezer with Lifestyles After 50 in the subject line to
How to Support Your Local Parks For National Parks and Recreation Month, there are many different ways you can help support the beautiful parks in your area: Donate Donating is a great way to help your area’s parks. Monetary donations can help update park facilities, playgrounds or even improve landscaping. All of these will benefit your park for years to come. Volunteer If you notice that your favorite park or others in your area are in need of trash clean up or even basic landscape grooming, offer your time to help! It’s a great way to get physically active and improve the quality of your community spaces. Visit Regularly Possibly the best way to support your local parks is by visiting them on a regular basis. This helps demonstrate that the park is necessary and enjoyed by the community, often helping garner future funding and attention from local government.
Honoring Healthy Vision Month
B ehold, the month that truly starts showing e V getabl es: Carrots, spi nach, squashes, the feroc i ty of summer heat: July. For most, sweet potatoes, broccoli, romaine lettuce this month includes a plethora of family and Fruits: f r iend gatherings, as well as many trips to Cantaloupe, tomatoes, apricots, the b eac h or the closest pool. If you haven’tgrapefruit, oranges, peaches, mangoes made b est f r iends with your neighbors who have a p o ol, now is definitely the time! Know uYr Fa mily Histor y
Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 7
Publisher Adam Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw
Aside f rom the oppressive humidity andUnlike the above preventative ca re options, Distribution it’ s imp o rtant to k n ow what to ex p e c t f r om sc reaming sun, July also means that summer 813-336-8247 your lineage. For some peopl e, 20/ vision is well underway. That may mean that Questions/Customer Service some of us are simply trying to surviveruns and in the family, but cataracts tend to 813-336-8247 e k ep our daily shower count to two, and develop later in life. For others, glasses are Press Releases fo r others, you may be planning your fallneeded starting at tiny tot age without history of degenerative ocular conditions. garden. I t also means that we may have Advertising Sales Many health conditions tend to be genetic, f i gured out our updated aftercare routine Sales: so it’ s b e st if you k n ow what to look out (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 fo r a day in the sun. Who knew how well an for by reviewing the family history, starting aloe vera leaf could fix up a pair of burned Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 with your parents and grandparents. shoulders? Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Arguab l y, one of the best things about JulyThrow n Some Sha de s is the Fo urth. Fireworks , family, fr iends and Mervyn Hollander T p, don’t choose a pair of Ch eap great fo od— w hat more could you want Un forlike Z o Jim Commiskey: a summer c elebration? Staying on top of Sunglasses. Be sure to invest in a pair that f i ts you b e st and b l oc k s 9 to 1 0 p e rc e nt your eye health is cr ucial to enjoying the V and UVB radiation. Sunglasses merriment and awe of Independence Dayof both UA Event Sales abl e to bl ock that much of the harmful rays f i reworks fo r years to come. Below are from the sun help preserve the delicate j u st a few ways that you can celebrate and proteins in your eyes, warding off cataractsTo Learn More, call 813-336-8247 honor the National Eye Institute’s Healthy or email and degeneration of your eyesight. V i sion M o nth:
No matter how you pl an on celebrating this month, be sure to do so with your eye e W all k n ow that certain foods can act as health in mind and a cold drink in hand. Maybe, too, near a body of water. p reventative maintenance when it comes E a t F o r u Y Ey e s
to c ertain medical conditions and health. T e k care, and we’l l see you in August! However, b elow is a list of foods great fora eye health, many of them being fruits and veggies high in beta-carotene and vitamin A, b o th c r uc i al fo r your eyes: Rebecca Fending, Editor
e a great month and H av
st! we'll see you in Augu
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634
Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved. As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 3
Organize to Achieve Ultimate Happiness By Jan Larraine Cox
You’re in charge, not your stuff! First step: Meditate in order to relax your muscles and reduce your heart rate. This practice leads to increased clarity of thinking, deeper sleep and lower stress-hormone levels. Increased focus and memory result, as well as reduced inflammation in the body, which is a recognized cause of disease. How to start meditating? Sit in a straight-back chair, with feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your thighs, with palms facing up, feeling your breath as it enters and exits your nostrils. Just focus on your breath and without annoyance dismiss any thoughts that try to intrude. All right then. Time to sort the papers, placing related papers together in separate stacks. For example, make a stack related to taxes, another for manuals, one for proof of purchase with receipt attached to be tossed after the warranty is over, and yet another for home projects you are currently working on. If you’re doing a remodel, you might create a stack for budget; architect; bank loan; contractor; permits. Go ahead and shred paid bills that are not tax-deductible. Finally, keep action files near you and your shredder or recycle bin as you open mail. Five action files could be labeled: asap, low priority, to read, to file and pending (which will eventually graduate to asap file after resolution!) Now you’re well on your way to ordering your possessions and experiencing the resulting inner calm. Outer order allows you
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 4
to project a more positive identity to yourself and, likewise, to the world. Your space then reflects your true identity and what is happening now in life, full of possibility, purpose and renewal. Your space needs to work for you, not you working for your space! Simplification is the key. As Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh suggests: “Drink your tea slowly and reverently as if it’s the axis on which the earth revolves—slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” With focused breathing in meditation, you trigger the relaxation response, taking charge of your thinking and disarming the power thoughts have over you. Once you clarify your core values, you have set boundaries around choice and actions, so you need not worry. You don’t need to waste time questioning your priorities since your self-esteem and focused action have already been established. Anxiety is then diminished since you feel a sense of autonomy. You don’t need to strive for minimalism; just strive for an environment where you have purged unnecessary items that are no longer needed or even liked. Thanks to technology, many of us no longer need an alarm clock, dictionary or copier, for example. Donate to charity, and don’t even consider storing it in a closet or, worse, a storage area! Remember, you are becoming free of your stuff, and your stuff is now free of you! Time to move on.
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Celebrate Your Independence with Social Security Information from the Social Security Administration
Every July, we take pride in celebrating our nation’s independence. For nearly 90 years, our programs have helped provide financial independence to millions of hardworking people. We have useful online tools like the Social Security Statement (Statement) and our benefits estimator tool that help people not yet receiving benefits. The Statement shows the benefits that you and your family may be entitled to with personalized fact sheets tailored to your age and earnings situation. The benefits estimator tool allows you to get estimates based on different ages you want to begin receiving benefits. These tools can help you plan the financial independence you deserve in retirement. Don’t receive benefits? You can get the most out of your online experience if you have a personal my Social Security account. You can: • Get your Statement instantly • Request a replacement Social Security card (in nearly every state and the District of Columbia) • Find out if you qualify for benefits • Appeal a decision we made on your claim
Already receiving benefits? If so, you can use your personal my Social Security account to: • Request a replacement Social Security card (in nearly every state and the District of Columbia) • Get an instant benefit verification letter for Social Security, Medicare, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) • Start or change your direct deposit. (Social Security beneficiaries only) • Check your information and benefit amount • Change your address. (Social Security beneficiaries only) • Request a replacement Medicare card • Get a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S instantly for tax season • Report your wages if you work and receive disability benefits or SSI You can create your personal my Social Security account at Our blog at features messages and information direct from our Acting Commissioner and other experts. You can subscribe and get an email each time we post a new blog so you can stay informed. From the blog, you can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. With so many services and helpful information available online, we are here for you when it’s convenient for you. Be sure to tell friends and family about all they can do with us from any device at
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Breast Cancer Awareness disease—learn how to prevent and recognize breastDay cancer. Parents’ Dog Days of Summer
Medicare Open Enrollment
Are you signed up for Medicare? If not, learn about how ƌƟĐůĞƐ ŝŶ ĞĂĐŚ ŝƐƐƵĞ͗ you can enroll this season.
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| 12401 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, FL 33612 Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 7
Doctor urges seniors to carry medical alert device Seniors snap up new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills People don’t always do what their doctor says, but when seasoned veteran emergency room physician, Dr. Philip B. Howren, says every senior should have a medical alert device, you better listen up. “Seniors are just one fall away from being put in a nursing home,” Dr. Howren said. “With a medical alert device, seniors are never alone. So it keeps them living independently in their own home. That’s why seniors and their family members are snapping up a sleek new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills ever,” he said. Many seniors refuse to wear old style help buttons because they make them look old. But even worse, those medical
alert systems come with monthly bills. To solve these problems Universal Physicians, a U.S. company went to work to develop a new, modern, state-ofthe-art medical alert device. It’s called “FastHelp™” and it instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “This slick new little device is designed to look like the pagers doctors wear every day. Seniors love them because it actually makes them look important, not old,” Dr. Howren said. FastHelp is expected to hit store shelves later this year. But special newspaper promotional giveaways are slated for seniors in select areas. ■
■ NO MONTHLY BILLS: “My wife had an old style help button that came with hefty bills every month and she was embarrassed to wear it because it made her look old,” said Frank McDonald, Canton, Ohio. “Now, we both have FastHelp™, the sleek new medical alert device that our grandkids say makes us look ‘cool’ not old,” he said. With FastHelp, seniors never have to worry about being alone and the best part is there are no monthly bills ever.
Seniors born before 1956 get new medical alert device with no monthly bills ever
It’s just what seniors have been waiting for; a sleek new medical alert device with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help with just the push of a button for a one-time $149 price tag that’s a real steal after today’s instant rebate The phone lines are ringing off the hook. That’s because for seniors born before 1956, it’s a deal too good to pass up. Starting at precisely 8:30am this morning the Pre-Store Release begins for the sleek new medical alert device that comes with the exclusive FastHelp™ One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “It’s not like old style monitored help buttons that make you talk to a call center and only work when you’re at home and come with hefty bills every month. FastHelp comes with state-of-the-art cellular embedded technology. ■ FLYING OUT THE DOOR: Trucks are being loaded with the new medical alert devices called FastHelp. They are now being delivThat means it works at home ered to lucky seniors who call the National Rebate Center Hotline at 1-800-330-4294 DEPT. HELP5900 today. Everyone is calling to get (Continued on next page)
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 8
FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device because it instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever.
SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE (Continued from previous page)
medical alert device that cuts out the middleman by instantly connecting you directly to highly trained 911 operators all across the U.S. There’s absolutely nothing to hook-up or install. You don’t need a land line and you don’t need a cell phone. Everything is done for you. “FastHelp is a state of the art medical alert device designed to make you look important, not
old. Old style monitored help buttons you wear around your neck, or require expensive base station equipment or a landline are the equivalent of a horse and buggy,” Lawrence says. “It’s just outdated.” Millions of seniors fall every year and spend hours lying on the floor helpless and all alone with no help. But seniors who fall and get immediate help are much more
likely to avoid getting sent to a nursing home and get to STAY living in their own home independently. Yet millions of seniors are still risking their safety by not having a medical alert device. That’s because seniors just can’t afford to pay the monthly bills that come with old style medical alert devices. That’s why seniors born before 1956 are rushing to cash
in the whopping $150 instant rebate before the 45 day deadline ends. So there’s no need to wait for FastHelp to hit store shelves later this year because seniors born before 1956 can get it now just by using the $150 instant rebate coupon printed in today’s newspaper before the 45 day deadline ends. If lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered. ■
HOW TO GET IT: IF BORN BEFORE 1956: Use the rebate coupon below and call this Toll-Free Hotline: 1-800-330-4294 DEPT. HELP5900 IF BORN AFTER 1956: You cannot use the rebate coupon below and must pay $299 Call: 1-800-330-9423 DEPT. HELP5900 THE BOTTOM LINE: You don’t need to shop around. We’ve done all the leg work, this deal is too good to pass up. FastHelp with the instant rebate is a real steal at just $149 and shipping and there are no monthly bills ever. PROS: It’s the sleek new medical alert device that comes with the exclusive FastHelp One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts or deposits. It connects you to the vast available network of cellular towers for free and saves seniors a ton of money because there are no monthly bills ever making this deal irresistible. Plus it’s the only medical alert device that makes seniors look important, not old. CONS: Consumers can’t get FastHelp in stores until later this year. That’s why it’s so important for seniors born before 1956 to call the National Rebate Center Hotline within the next 45 days. For those who miss that deadline, the sleek little medical alert device will set you back over $300 bucks. P7366 OF22735R-1
or anywhere, anytime cell service is available whether you’re out watering the garden, driving in a car, at church or even hundreds of miles away on a tour or at a casino. You are never alone. With just a single push of the One-Touch E Button you instantly get connected to free unlimited help nationwide with no monthly bills ever,” said Jack Lawrence, Executive Director of Product Development for U.S. based Universal Physicians. “We’ve never seen anything like it. Consumers absolutely love the sleek new modern design and most of all, the instant rebate that practically pays for it and no monthly bills ever,” Lawrence said. FastHelp is the sleek new medical alert device with the best of combinations: a quality, high-tech engineered device that’s also an extremely great value because there are no monthly bills ever. Better still, it comes with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever – which makes FastHelp a great choice for seniors, students and professionals because it connects to one of the largest nationwide networks everywhere cell service is available for free. And here’s the best part. All those who already have an old style monitored medical alert button can immediately eliminate those monthly bills, which is why Universal Physicians is widely advertising this announcement nationwide. “So if you’ve ever felt a medical alert device was too complicated or expensive, you’ll want to get FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device with no monthly bills,” said Lawrence. The medical alert device slugfest was dominated by two main combatants who both offer old style monitored help buttons that come with a hefty bill every month. But now Universal Physicians, the U.S. based heavyweight, just delivered a knockout blow sending the top rated contenders to the mat with the unveiling of FastHelp. It’s the sleek new cellular embedded
45 Days from Today’s Publication Date
After Coupon Expires: The FastHelp is $299.00 plus shipping & handling
$150 Off
One-touch help. Anytime. Anywhere. With no monthly bills ever.
FastHelp, the new medical alert device that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. USE THIS COUPON: To get $150 off FastHelp you must be born before 1956 and call the National Rebate Center Hotline at 1-800-330-4294 DEPT. HELP5900 before the 45 day rebate deadline ends. FASTHELP IS COVERED BY A 30-DAY MONE Y BACK GUAR ANTEE LESS SHIPPING AND A 1 YE AR LIMITED WARR ANT Y. FASTHELP IS A 4G CELLUL AR DEVICE. FASTHELP WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE 911 CALLS WHEN CELLUL AR SERVICE IS NOT AVAIL ABLE SUCH AS IN REMOTE OR HIGH DENSIT Y ARE AS. WE SUGGEST T EST ING CEL LU L A R CONNECT ION BEFORE U SE. SEE OW NERS M A N UA L. FA ST H EL P U SES GPS T RI A NG U L AT IONS TO A PPROX IM AT E YOU R LOCATION WHEN YOUR DE VICE IS TURNED ON. DR. HOWREN IS A COMPENSATED MEDICAL ADVISOR AND FR ANK MCDONALD IS AN ACTUAL USER AND COMPENSAT ED FOR HIS PA RTICIPATION. OH RESIDEN TS A DD 6.5% SA LES TA X. UNIV ERSA L PH YSICI A NS 7747 SUPREME AV E, NORT H CA N TON, OH 44720.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 9
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Events, days, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Additional fees will apply.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 10
BOOK REVIEW This fantastic book, marketed erroneously to mainly young adults and teens, should be required reading in every high school U.S. history class and for every candidate taking the U.S. citizenship test. It’s so interesting and unique because it tells of this battle from both the American and British perspectives and includes the author’s notes, a timeline, glossary, endnotes, bibliography, index, attractive archival illustrations, full-color photography and original artwork. Author, Tim Grove, knows well about what he writes because he was formerly chief of museum learning at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. He has also written numerous books for young readers (and even old ones like me) like “First Flight Around the World,” which won a YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction finalist award.
invading British ships. He scribbled his awe at seeing the star-spangled banner through the rockets’ “red glare by the dawn’s early light.” Grove has researched this event meticulously and accurately. The details included are staggering, such as the receipt for the U.S. flag that Mary Pickersgill made, a Baltimore city directory showing her address, and a secret letter between two Admirals regarding potential future attacks on Baltimore and Annapolis. Grove even includes myths versus reality, including the competing claims that Betsy Ross vs. Rebecca Young created the first flag for the American Revolution, although no written evidence exists for either. I was so enthused over this book upon completion of reading it that I wanted nothing more than to buy enough copies to distribute at every July 4th picnic, ballgame and parade to everyone singing the Star-Spangled Banner on that holiday. But instead, to dash my desire, on June 20, 2020, the statue of Key was toppled by protesters in San Francisco during demonstrations against racial injustice following the death of George Floyd because Key was a slaveholder. The book is still worthy of ownership and study if only to understand the song we all sing on July 4th, the flag we still pledge allegiance to, and the song’s author, whose life needs to be put in context and examined by all Americans.
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When the British attempted to invade Baltimore while the over-sized American flag that hung over Ft. McHenry, it was Frank (the name by which his friends knew him) Scott Key who witnessed the event while on the deck of one of the
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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 11
Join Our Sales Team! Want to earn high commissions? Start earning today with a schedule that fits your lifestyle! Call us today at 813-336-8247 or email your resume to Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication
Movie Preview: Where the Crawdads Sing BY RANDAL C. HILL
In the film version of Where the Crawdads Sing, Daisy EdgarJones (Normal People, Fresh) stars as Kya, whom everyone in the North Carolina backwater burg of Barkley Cove calls “the swamp girl.” Edgar-Jones, who’s 24 and hails from London, says, “I read Where the Crawdads Sing during the pandemic, and it made me feel really connected to Kya and her isolation…She has such an inner strength that I would love to have myself.” Daisy tore through the entire book the day before creating her self-taped audition. Later, she worked with a vocal coach to master a North Carolina drawl. Georgia-born author Delia Owens couldn’t be more pleased with the onscreen main character. “If I had a million people to choose from, I would never have found a better Kya than Daisy Edgar-Jones,” Owens enthuses. The debut novel by the 73-year-old former nature writer (who holds a Ph.D. in animal behavior) has now sold over 12 million copies.
near the isolated swamp where Kya lives. The evidence gathered against her is daunting. Scriptwriting chores went to Lucy Alibar (Beasts of the Southern Wild): “The cinematography jumped right off the page,” she says. “As soon as I started reading, I could see everything.” But she still spent two years tweaking the script until she felt that she had effectively captured the fervor of the book. The forthcoming film is directed by Olivia Newman (First Match, Chicago Fire), who later admitted to not reading the best-selling work for fear that she would be heartbroken if she wasn’t hired to steer the big-screen version of the story.
Co-producer Reese Witherspoon, who read the novel in two days, says, “I fell in love with Kya as a main character, Image from IMDb as a little girl who’s growing up in this very rural area, who’s shunned by society, and is trying to find a way to just save herself, just survive…If you’d come to me when I was 23 [Witherspoon is twice that], I Crawdads is a lyrical stew, a coming-of-age romance, a grim crime thriller, a tale of would’ve loved to play Kya…I’m always interested in a story where a woman saves survival and a celebration of the natural world. Kya has lived alone in a desolate herself because women save themselves every single day.” marshland after being deserted by her family. Eventually, two town boys, Tate Where the Crawdads Sing opens nationwide on July 15. (Harris Dickinson) and Chase (Taylor John Smith) enter her world. She becomes involved first with Tate but is accused later of murder when Chase is found dead
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 12
4th of July Independence Celebration at Fishermen’s Village This annual 4th of July festival is set again for this year at the Fishermen’s Village in Punta Gorda. Live music, dancing, shopping and dining are scheduled all weekend long. Family-friendly activities will be held throughout the day. The day begins with the Freedom Swim at Charlotte Harbor and ends with gigantic fireworks at 9 pm on the Fourth. Below are just a few of the scheduled events: July 3: • The Spice & Tea Exchange: create your own unique 4th of July iced Tea! Choose any red and white teas and combine with any blueberry tea. • Face Painter /Star Spangled Festival glitter, noon–6 pm • Matte Tattoo Artist, noon–6 pm
The heat is on, and that can change your exercise habits. If you need some inexpensive inspiration to stay in shape this summer, consider trying one or more of these fitness hacks. Exercising Tubing If the summer heat has driven your fitness routine indoors, make sure you have some exercise tubing on hand. Priced at under $15 on Amazon, exercise tubing sold with a door anchor can be used to perform a variety of pushing and pulling exercises for upper body strength. Aging bodies should focus on pulling exercises for upper back muscles, such as rowing, in order to combat sloping shoulders and poor posture. Wheel Chocks
• Singer Paul Roush, 5–9 pm, Center Court
Chances are you have shifted outdoor walking to the mornings in the hot summer months. Regardless of the time of day you do it, foot care is essential for maintaining a healthy stride. Over the past 30 years, I have suffered from a litany of feet issues. My current podiatrist suggested that I buy a cheap pair of wheel chocks and use them daily for calf stretching. Best advice ever! Flexibility in the calf muscles is essential for loosening up tight tendons in the feet. A pair of wheel chocks sold on Amazon for under $10 will do the trick.
• Shane Duncan Band, 5–10 pm, Sunset Beach Club Tiki Bar
Tennis Ball
July 4:
• Mermaid Meet and Greet with Photo ops, 6–8 pm
Speaking of foot care, consider giving your feet a tennis ball massage. Rolling a tennis ball under your feet can help loosen up plantar fascia making it less likely to get irritated. A self-directed tennis ball massage can also help a sore back, tight chest muscles, stiff knees and more, according to an article in Prevention, “10 Pain-Fighting Moves you can do with a Tennis Ball.”
• Light up Balloons, 7–9 pm
Pool Noodle
• Get Snapped Photo Booth, noon–6 pm • Mermaid Meet and Greet with Photo ops, 2–4 pm • Singers Rita Beach & Rick St. Germaine, noon-4 pm, first Section of Village • Dave Lapio, Steel Drum Musician, noon-4 pm, Center Court • Singer Tommy G, noon-4 pm, third section of Village • Zydegatorz Band, noon–4 pm at the Sunset Beach Club Tiki Bar located on Dry Beach
• The Spice & Tea Exchange: create your own unique 4th of July iced tea • Matte Tattoo Artist, noon–6 pm • Get Snapped Photo Booth, noon–8 pm • Face Painter / Star Spangled Festival Glitter, noon–9 pm
• Singer Mark Gorka, noon–4 pm, Sunset Beach Club Tiki Bar • Singers Rita Beach and Rick St. Germaine, noon–4 pm, first section of Village • Singer Tommy G, noon–4 pm, Center Court • Singer Paul Roush, 5-9 pm Center Court • Singer Yard Dog Charlie, 5-9 pm third section of Village • From the Edge Band, 5–9 pm, Sunset Beach Club Tiki Bar Visit for more information. 4th of July Independence Celebration at Fishermen’s Village When: July 3 and 4, from 12 – 9 pm Where: Fishermen’s Village; 1200 West Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda Cost: Free attendance, additional cost for food and some entertainment
If you have taken your workouts to the pool to the heat, consider buying an inexpensive pool noodle. A noodle is the most versatile piece of water fitness equipment you could ever have. Float on it for ab training. Push and pull it for upper body training. Place it under your foot for lower body training. Stand on it for balance training. The Poolfit app has several pool noodle exercise videos that you can watch free trailers for ideas. Mark Grevelding is the founder of, a fitness app and streaming website that includes over 130 water fitness workouts that include a wide variety of formats for all fitness levels. All workouts are led by highly qualified training specialists.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 13
Celebrate Parks and Recreation Month
Homeowners in Cape Coral Still Frustrated as Insurance Policies Keep Going Up Information from Fox4 According to Fox 4 Now, many Cape Coral residents we heard from said they’re frustrated with not only the insurance requirements but how much the rates have gone up so quickly. The panel at a recent town hall was made up of insurance agents and state representatives trying to answer and explain how these bills can help. “When all is said and done people can’t keep doubling and doubling and doubling the amount of money they’re paying,” Linda Biondi, both a Cape Coral resident but also a realtor is one of the many homeowners in the area asking state lawmakers what’s the solution to higher homeowners’ insurance. “In our market today, you’re probably out of the market, so it’s a big issue right now, it’s become a big issue,” Biondi said. That issue, the roofing scam that had Southwest Florida homeowners repairing roofs that probably didn’t need it and, ultimately, would cost companies and policyholders. House Republican Bob Rommel, of Collier County, answered questions of concerned residents and explained. “They can actually repair a roof that only has minor damage. before, because of the threat of the lawsuits, someone would knock on the door and say listen, I can get you a free roof that won’t cost you anything and we’ve eliminated that,” Rommel said. Rommel says the new housing bill stops that and gives homeowners more options.
July is National Parks and Recreation Month, so whether you’re looking for a place to have a pickleball match or want to walk a few natural trails, below is a list of parks in your area that can help you do just that. Tampa Bay Area •
Upper Tampa Bay Park at 8001 Double Branch Road, Tampa. Minimally developed and perfect for kayaking/canoeing, nature walks and picnics.
Cypress Point Park at 5620 W Cypress Street, Tampa. Oceanfront with a boardwalk, trails, dunes, picnic shelters and canoe dock.
Julian B Lane Riverfront Park at 1001 North Boulevard, Tampa. Scenic, 25-acre riverside park featuring a boat house, huge lawn, splash pad, plus areas for dogs.
Lake/Marion •
Hickory Point Recreation Park at 27341 FL-19, Tavares. Waterfront park experience with fishing, a nature boardwalk and trail, outdoor picnic areas with barbecue grills, playground, sand volleyball court, swimming beach and open-field play areas
Twin Lakes Park at 35303 County Road 473, Leesburg. This park features a boardwalk, playground, pavilions, picnic tables and open play areas.
Pine Forest Park at 32520 FL-44, Eustis. Noted as peaceful for kids, pets and an afternoon stroll, this park has shade, baseball diamonds, basketball courts and a hiking trail.
Sarasota/Manatee •
Creekwood Park at 7025 44th Avenue East, Bradenton. Community area providing an offleash dog park, playground, picnic pavilion and open green space.
Manatee Beach Park at 4000 State Road, Gulf Drive, FL-64, Holmes Beach. Plan a beach day here with the bar and grill, live music and stunning sunsets.
Bayfront Park at 5 Bayfront Dr, Sarasota. This destination offers waterfront green space with a promenade, playground, tiki bar and dramatic views of the bay and city.
Southwest Region
As the state watching whether more insurance carriers will operate in Florida, in recent years, many carriers have left the state.
Gilchrist Park at 400 W Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda. Waterfront green space with picnic & play areas, tennis courts, a fishing pier and community events.
Sheena Reagan has lived in Cape Coral all her life and says the roofing scam really impacted her business.
Ponce De Leon Park at 3400 Ponce de Leon Parkway, Punta Gorda. Park offering a beach, playground, mangrove boardwalk, boat launch & wildlife center.
“People will move here and even if the roof is 12 years old, they’re already nailbiting, they’re thinking, oh they’re going to need a roof soon, that was never the case,” Reagan said.
Laishley Park at 120 Laishley Court, Punta Gorda. Shoreline park with a fishing pier, marina, memorial garden, harbor walk and seafood restaurant.
Rommel says while the fix won’t happen overnight, “I can promise you, things are going to stabilize and you’re going to see some relief.”
Moccasin Lake Nature Park at 2750 Park Trail Lane, Clearwater. Tranquil, oak-lined paths, educational walking tours, natural exhibits and educational kids’ camps.
Rommel says with better insurance carriers coming to the state and creating more competition, this should bring more choices for homeowners, competition and he’s hoping, lower prices on those premiums.
Fred Howard Park at 1700 Sunset Drive, Tarpon Springs. Located on the Gulf of Mexico that draws a bustling crowd for the beach and swim area.
E.G. Simmons Regional Park at 2401 19th Avenue NW, Ruskin. This waterfront wildlife sanctuary & campground offers swimming, kayak rentals and picnic facilities.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 14
Suncoast Region
CarePlus offers plans for your needs.
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Call a licensed CarePlus sales agent to enroll today.
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$125 daily copay for hospital stay days 1 to 4 $0 copay for routine dental coverage, including dentures2
From a preferred cost-share retail or mail-order pharmacy. 2One set of complete or partial dentures every five years. Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. CarePlus is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in CarePlus depends on contract renewal. Referrals and/ or authorization may be required for certain specialists. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. complies with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status, or religion in their programs and activities, including in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, their programs and activities. Any inquiries regarding CarePlus’ non-discrimination policies and/or to file a complaint, also known as a grievance, please contact Member Services at 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711). From October 1 – March 31, we are open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 – September 30, we are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may always leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business day. Español (Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece anteriormente. Kreyol Ayisyen (French Creole): Enfomasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lot lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sevis pou Manm nou yo ki nan lis anwo an. H1019_MKBNDMFNPRtampa1040022022_M
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 15
5 Great Places to Live After 50 By Rebecca Fending Maybe you just moved to Florida, or you’re looking to move to a community that will support your idyllic Florida lifestyle, or even if you just love window shopping. Whatever the case, here are just a few communities that may be your perfect home.
(including a gym, pool, billiards hall and library), golf course views and many social activities in this low-maintenance, high-fun community. Learn more at
Heritage Hills—Clermont, FL This gated, Mediterranean-inspired active adult community is located by major highways, shopping centers, movies and supermarkets. Homes in this community range from the mid $200s to the high $400s. Amenities include a billiards hall, library, pool, golf courses, gym and aerobics studio. Beautiful scenery such as hills, parks, lakes and preserves add to the quality of living here. Find more at content?id=15512 or by searching the community by name online. Valencia Lakes—Wimauma, FL Affordable, beautiful and surrounded by water, this community is ideal for those who are looking for luxury in their everyday routine. House prices range from $200k to $700k. Complete with a large clubhouse, resort-style pools and various sports courts throughout the community, Valencia Lakes is ideal for those looking to be active, both physically and socially. Visit www. to learn more. Imperial Cove—Clearwater, FL
Image from community website Ventura Lakes—Punta Gorda, FL An active 55+ gated community located in Southwest Florida, Ventura Lakes provides an active lifestyle that features a full range of resort-style amenities. This retirement community has lush landscaping and boasts a quiet, relaxing atmosphere, perfect for those looking to enjoy and protect their peace postretirement. The community houses a heated pool, spa, outdoor grill cabana, clubhouse, gym, putt-putt course, craft room, shuffleboard and tennis for residents to enjoy year-round. Find out more at
Situated on Old Tampa Bay, Imperial Cove is a gated, age-restricted community. The homes here are available on a resale basis as attached villas and condominiums in mid-rise and low-rise buildings. Prices range from the mid $100s to mid $400s. Amenities include sports courts, pool, social events and bay views. The community is close to the beach, as well as the recreational and entertainment opportunities throughout the Tampa Bay area. Call (727) 536-2474 to find out more. Summertree—New Port Richey, FL With homes from the low $200s to mid $300s, this gated community is ideal for active and lively 50+ individuals. The setting provides a beautiful oasis where residents can enjoy an active clubhouse, plenty of amenities
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 16
Image from community website
5. 5. Hide preparers 15. Old Greek marketplace __ L. Jackson 7. Greek letter 17. Stratford-on-__ Of a generation 15. 6. 6. Creator 16. Event usually held in May Marble 8. Expunge 18. Pocket bread 16. 17. High rating 7. 7. Enthusiastic Incline Vanished 9. 6th Refer 19.18. Procrastinator’s word 17. Burstyn or skillfully Pompeo 8. dayGreek of Lent: abbr. Handle 8. Late tycoon 10. Spring 20.20. Warm lunch 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user R-V center 9. Exhaust 11. Embraced Bit of cereal 23.21. Originally named 19. Ms. Lee used 10. Word to Lymphatic organof 12.10. Take advantage 24. Felt Calldescribe a halt toa about 20. indignant 11. Cosmetic baby 11. Algeriancase port item 13. Put German article 25.22. Nemesis 22. Feudal subjects 12. underground Actress Zellweger 12. Musical symbol 21. Beauty’s High schooler 28.23. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. movie partner Free-for-all 13. Pintail duck 22. Start 25. Final course 32.25. Cuts 21.19. Article of faith Item on a death Incited ANSWER TO #5138 26. 25.21. Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 34. Bar Lament certificate __ in; wearing ANSWER TO #5128 TO #5160 29. Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that youfigures are...” 26.24. Praying 35.26. Bee colony Handbook Franc replacer 30. Of __; no longer aOminor a meal 27. Winding roads 37.28. “Ah, me!” FM A V R O A LR 25. FS25. LHad O W Tsea EB SOT L D Current styles Russian 31. Jetta or Taurus 28. Rough 38.31. Character Othello Eats likein__A A G E N A 26. A 26. OKeep N E__ on; A L O EO E Vertical pole 33. Moray seeker watch 29. Part of carefully summer 39.32. West Point student Sandwich necessity 27. Have __ to pick C R O O N T R A N S P I R EO N M 37. Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city 30.28. Fellow 40.34. OutList-shortening of __; behaving PrefixP forEgraph Eabbr. S C L 28. A NBride’s S T S EY through 39. __inappropriately over; helped item 31. Seaorduck 36. Mediocre a difficult period or L Flamingo S L communication I love D heron 33. Certain messages 41.37. Word with stick or roll P E A 29. Warbling sound 29. Train mishap 41. Plunge 32. Cut into small pieces S T A R R Y E N I D C P A D 34. Fictional king 38. 8100 square feet, for 42. One who acts 30. Large beer mug 42. Seasons 34. In __ of A V E S 32. TMiles, E R e.g. E edge R U N aanother baseballCEdiamond 36. like Teacup’s 44. Surrenders 35. Always Trinitrotoluene, 39. Tosses E S S R 36. E 33. HFrance’s E S from A L S 43.39. Lets __ A of;Rfree CD ORfamiliarly 46. Poet’s contraction Coty 40. Veiled one 43. Public disturbance 44. Ardent Evaluate 35. Fires G E R L O N E R A S S E 47. 38. Sermon topic I Bilbao’s location 45. Sight 46.41. Pillages Playing 49. Fascination E S T O D 40. O 37. RBargains Rand A card Staste H E R highly 47. Existing Cathedral 48.42. DoRespect a hairdresser’s job A P E 43. 51. Rejected with disdain Not crackers R 38. C A S on H aprojection Sinks 39. Animal flat surface 49.44. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill S H A M E E L M S L A S Loftinto bundle Keep 50.41. Fourth of 51.45. Building site 55. Force an C H 48. Bach orpage Wagner Abutton E who R O S P 50. A 43. CLike E E Lexpensive E C T Everybody’s From that place a wall hanging 52.46. Admirable people awkward position more A I Cityup on the Rhone T I E R A 52. G 44. RPreposition A TradeT I A R A 56. 47. Gives influence others hamburger S Naked E R S E L 51. O 46. UDandruff TMother-of-pearl Ssite I amount D E S 60. Asia’s __and Mountains 53. Insignificant 58.50. William Sean T O to Was Highest point 61. Tract of introduced wasteland 52. Salk’s concern 54.47. Complaint 61.51. Reddish-brown animal Neutralize Charles VIIboundary 63. Place to spend rupees 53.48. Europe/Asia to a dermatologist 62.54. Tack Give up Henry II 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. 55. Nest Hotand spot 63.57. Gladden desire 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 56.49. __Strong PM; 2100 hours 64.58. “__Hodgepodge Wonderful Life” category: abbr.E. Curtis, 66. Lacks 50. Worms, often 57. Conception Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers N. Ft. 57. Did in Myers 65. SlaveWilliam of old 59. Wavy fabric 67. Advantage 58. Disencumbers 58.52. Item in a desk drawer 66. Flower Chihuahua children “Bus Stop” playwright 68. 60. Schnozzola Abound 59. Brat’s talk 59.53. Mr. Whitney 67.61. Late actor Bert This: Sp. 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady bird 55. Earthbound 60. Girl’s nickname 68.62. Worry State 56. Nonsense 63. 3Knickknack 57. One hundred 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 two 12 13
Last Month’s Answers
Enter To Win!
Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha
1 14 14 17 17 20 20
3 173
7 8 9 187 8
15 20
It’s not that I haven’t had time to write anything; I have. It’s just that the needle on my energy tank is pointing to empty. I am totally exhausted.
16 9
16 As caregiver for my wife, I’ve gone above and beyond taking 19 16 19 measures: washing my hands raw, masking inside our 22 preventative 23 19 22 home, changing and laundering all sheets, blankets and pillowcases; 22 25spraying antiseptic throughout, and staying at the opposite ends of the she in the bed. 24house, me in 25 the 26 recliner, 27 29 30 34
34 35 In spite of everything, she home tested positive three days ago, then 41 36 37 38at the again walk-in the next morning. 45 46
49 54
46 46
50 Unlike me, she was given a new twice-a-day medication called Paxlovid 43 and only 5 days of quarantine: a classic example of the old Double 47 57 58rearing 59 Standard its ugly head, once again!
63 51
We had both planned on re-testing post-quarantines again but were 57 54 66 55 56 57 told it60 would be a waste of time because once you get it, it can show 69 62 positive for three or more months afterward. 63
I’ve not shaved all this time but will do so tonight at her insistence. 68 There was a time this much facial hair looked rather “cool,” dare I say “sexy.” Now, I look like an old street wino who sneaks sips out of a paper bag or a grizzled cowpoke sitting by the campfire after herding cattle for weeks. “More beans, Mr. Taggart?” July is “Regular Health Exam Month” Mike urges you to get your exams, as well as vaccines if you haven’t already, and to not determine your health and well-being by opinionated misguided individuals or groups. Use the brains and common sense you were born with and live to laugh another day.
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 17
19 22
22 31
23 27
I’m sitting at my keyboard, staring at a blank screen. My deadline is peering at me over the wall like Killroy, but he’s tapping his wristwatch.
18 21 28 21
11 12 13 19 10 11 12 13
24 26
15 18
23 30 26
1. Heavenly Mlles. DOWN DOWN Nag 1. State 1. 2. Little kids Not just 2. Office cabinet 2. 3. Miner’s entrytacit 4. Mom, dad,once or madam 3. Misfortunes 3. Ann & Abby, 4. Coat partTake place 4. 5. Discarded piece 5. Hide preparers Friend at the école 5. 6. __ L. Jackson 6. Creator Greek letter 6. 7. Marble 7. Enthusiastic 7. 8. Vanished Expunge 8. 6th of Lent: abbr. 8. day Late Greek tycoon 9. Refer 9. Hook and line user 9.10. Exhaust Spring 10. 10. Embraced Lymphatic organ 11. Bit of cereal 11. 11. Cosmetic case item Algerian 12. Take port advantage of 12. 12. Put underground Musical symbol 13. German article 13. 13. Beauty’s movie Pintail duckpartner 21. High schooler 21. 19. Article of faith Incited 22. Start 23. 21. “...__ byin; your outfit __ wearing 25. that youCat are...” 24. Franc replacer 26. Praying 25. 25. Had a meal Russian seafigures 26. 26. Keep __Winding on; poleroads 27. Vertical watch carefully 28. Rough 27. Have __ to pick 27. 28. Taj29. Mahal’s city Part ofgraph summer Prefix for 28. Bride’s item 30.orFellow communication 29. 29. Flamingo or heron Train mishap 31. Sea duck 32. 30. Cut33. into small pieces Large beer mug Certain love messages 34. 32. In __Teacup’s of edge 34. Fictional king 35. 33. Always __ of; free e.g. from 36. Miles, 36. 35. France’s Coty Fires 39. Tosses 38. 37. Sermon topiccard Playing 43. Public disturbance 40. 38. Bargains Cathedral projection Sight and taste 43. 39. Not45. crackers Animal 47. 45. Like a hillExisting on a 41. Keep 48. Bach or Wagner flat surface 43. From that place 50. Like more expensive Fourth page of 44.50. Trade hamburger a wall hanging 46. Mother-of-pearl 51. Dandruff site Preposition 47.52. Highest point 52. Salk’s concern Insignificant amount 48.53. Charles VII 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54.and Complaint Henry II 54. Nest to desire a dermatologist Strong 56. 49. Periods Worms, often 55. Hot spot 57. 50. Conception Advantage 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 58. 52. Disencumbers Abound 57. Did in 59. 53. Brat’s talk Earthbound 58. Item desk drawer 62. 55. Lennon’s lady in abird 56.59. Nonsense Mr. Whitney One hundred 8 957.60. 10 11 nickname 12 two 13 Girl’s
A week ago yesterday, I tested positive for Covid after which I drove straight to the walk-in clinic so they could confirm for me that it was a “false positive.” The nurse practitioner came back and reported that I tested negative for Flu A and Flu B but positive for Covid-19. He assigned me a 10-day quarantine but gave me no medications, so I took all the advice and recommendations of friends, neighbors and relatives. My next-door neighbor (former nurse) gave me her remaining unexpired Z-Pack, from when she and her husband went #5129 through this. My new regime included additional vitamins C, D, zinc #5139 #5161and onions (sandwiches), drinking more water than usual, and sitting additional Vitamin D. 8 9 in the 10 sun 11 for 12 13
ACROSS 1. Bargain-hunt ACROSS ACROSS 5. Fog __; lunch, 1. 1. Mexican Make clench perhaps 9. Stories Read __; recite 5. one’s hand 14. Novel member setting 10. 6. Offspring Family 14. 10. Stench Baby’s 15. Of thespot U.S.A. 14. Old Country home 15. Greek marketplace 16. Rent long-term 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. Event usually held in May 17. Of a generation 16. Incline High ratingbread 17. 18. Pocket 17. Handle Burstyn or Pompeo word 18. skillfully 19. Procrastinator’s 18. R-V Spain’s Juan Carlos I 20. center 20. Warm lunch 19. Word Ms. Lee 21. used to 23. Originally named 20. Felt indignant about describe a baby 24. Call a subjects halt to 22. Actress Feudal 22. Zellweger 25. Nemesis 24. Free-for-all Change direction 23. 28. Rhythm 25. Item Final course 25. on a death 32. Cuts 26. Bar certificate 34. Lament 29. Handbook Does an electrician’s job 26. 30. Current Of __; colony nostyles longer a minor 35. Bee 28. 31. Eats Jetta orme!” Taurus 37. “Ah,like 31. __ 33. Sandwich Moray seeker 32. necessity 38. Character in Othello 37. List-shortening Cheese-producing region 34. abbr. 39. West Point student 39. __ over; helped through 36. Mediocre 40. Out of __; behaving a difficult period 37. Warbling sound inappropriately 41. 8100 Plunge 38. square feet, for 41. Word with stick or roll 42. Seasons a baseball diamond 42. One who acts 44. Surrenders 39. Trinitrotoluene, familiarly like another 46. Veiled Poet’s contraction 40. one 43. Lets 47. Ardent 41. Bilbao’s location 44. Evaluate 49. Respect Fascination 42. highly 46. Pillageswith disdain 51. Sinks Rejected 44. 54. Lotion ingredient 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 45. Loft bundle 55. Everybody’s Force into an 49. Follower ofbutton 7 Down 46. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 awkward 51. City Building site 47. on theposition Rhone 14 15 16 56. Naked Gives up 52. Admirable people who 50. 14 15 16 60. Asia’s __ Mountains influence others 51. Was introduced to 17 18 19 61. Neutralize Tract of wasteland 54. 58. William and Sean 17 18 19 63. Place to spend rupees 57. Give up 61. Reddish-brown 20 21 22 64. Light, rhythmic tune animal 58. Hodgepodge 62. Tackfoe 20 21 22 65. Pro’s category: 63. Gladden abbr. 23 24 25 26 27 66. Lacks 59. Wavy fabric 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 67. Flower 23 24 25 60. “Bus Stop” playwright 65. Slave of old 68. Schnozzola 28 29 30 31 32 33 61. This: Sp. 66. Chihuahua children 26 27 28 29 30 62. State 67. Late actor Bert 34 35 36 37 63. Knickknack 1 3 4 5 6 7 68. 2 Worry 31 32 33 34 35 ACROSS 1 2 1. 3State4 5 6 7 1. Make __; clench 38 39 40 ACROSS DOWN DOWN ACROSS 1 14 2. 2 Office 3 cabinet 4 5 15 6 36 37 38handperhaps one’s 1. Bargain-hunt Mexican lunch, 1. Little kids Mlles. Heavenly 1. 14 15 6. 43Family member 5. Fog Stories 41 42 17 3. Misfortunes 18 Nag entry 5. 14 2. Miner’s 15 39 40 10. 41 Baby’s spot 4. Ann Coat part 10. Offspring 3. Abby, 17 18 Not &just tacitonce 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 20 21 5. Hide preparers 14. Stench 44 45 46 4. Discarded Mom, dad,piece or madam 14. 47 Novel setting 17 4. 18 Stratford-on-__ 42 43 4415.Greek 6. __ Creator 15. Of Old marketplace 20 21 5. L. Jackson 5. Take place 15. theHigh U.S.A. 24 16. rating 7. Enthusiastic 16. 51 Event long-term usually held in May Marble 48 49 50 20 6. 21 école 6. Friend at the 16. Rent 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 8. 23 6th day 24 of Lent: abbr. 45 46 17. Incline 26 7. 28 29 7.27Vanished Greek letter 17. Of18. a generation Spain’s Juan Carlos I 18. Handle skillfully55 56 57 8. Late Greek 23 tycoon 52 53 54 18. Pocket bread 26 278. Expunge 63 19. Ms. Lee 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 20. R-V center 30 9. Exhaust 31 32 9. Cosmetic Refer case 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Felt indignant about 11. item 21. Word used 28Lymphatic 29 organ 32 3033 58 59 60 61 62to 31 10. 10. Spring 20. Warm lunch 22. Feudal subjects 12. Put underground 37 38 39 54 55 56 57 describe a baby 11. Algerian port 11. Bit of cereal 24. Change direction 23. named 13. Beauty’s movie partner 35 22. Originally Actress Zellweger 36 34 12. Musical symbol 37 63 64 65 25. aFinal course 42 43 44 12. Take advantage of 21. Article of faith 24. Call halt to 58 59 60 23. Free-for-all 13. Pintail duck 26. Bar 23. “...__ by your outfit 13. German article 25. Nemesis 39 39 38 19. Incited 40 25. Item on a death 47 48 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job that you are...” 21. High schooler 28. Rhythm 61 62 certificate63 in;a wearing 30. Of __; no longer a minor 41 21. 25. __ Had 42 43meal 22. Start 32. 42 26. Cuts Handbook 51 52 53 replacer 24. Franc 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. Cat 25. 34. 28. Lament Current styles 25. Russian sea 33. colony Moray seeker 45 445526. Praying 45 figures 35. 56 31. Bee Eats __ 26. pole 37. like Cheese-producing region 27. Vertical Taj Mahal’s city Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 27. Winding roads 37. me!” 32. “Ah, Sandwich necessity 27. Have __ to pick 47 48 49 50 39. __ over; helped through 486028. Bride’s item 49 61 62 50 28. Prefix Rough in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th aofdifficult the month 34. Character List-shortening abbr. will 28. for or graph period 29. Flamingo heron 29. Part of summer 39. Point student 54 64 5565 56 36. West Mediocre or communication win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 32. Cut into 52 small pieces 30. Fellow 40. __;sound behaving 37. Out Warbling 29. mishap 42.of Seasons 34. Train In __ of P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 58 67 31. Sea duck 5968 inappropriately 38. 8100 feet, for 44. square Surrenders 35.59Large Always 58 30. 60 beer mug 61 33. Certain Coty love messages diamond Word with stick or roll 32. edge Poet’s contraction 36. Teacup’s France’s I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 61 62 34. Fictional king 39. One Trinitrotoluene, familiarly 42. who acts of; free from 47. Ardent 38. __ Sermon topic 63 33. 64 Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 40. Veiled one 36. Miles, e.g. like 49. another Fascination 35. 40. Fires Bargains 41. Bilbao’s location 39. Tosses Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43. Lets 51. Rejected with disdain 66 37. 67 card 43. Playing Not crackers 42. Evaluate Respect highly 43. Public 54. Lotion ingredient 44. 45. Cathedral Like a hilldisturbance 38. projection Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 44. Sinks 55. Force into an 48. Animal Bach Wagner 45. Sightorand taste 39. 46. Pillages 45. Do Loftabundle awkward position 50. Keep Like more on expensive 47. Existing a 41. 48. hairdresser’s job 46. Everybody’s button 56. Gives up hamburger 43. From that place flat surface 49. Follower of 7 Down Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 47. Building City on the 51. Trade Dandruff site of 44. 50. Fourth page 51. siteRhone 61. Tract ofpeople wasteland 52. Mother-of-pearl Salk’s concern 50. Admirable Naked 46. a wall hanging 52. who Address 63. Place to spend rupees 53. Highest Europe/Asia 51. Was introduced to 47. pointboundary 52. Preposition influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. Charles Nest 54. William Neutralize 48. VII amount 53. Insignificant 58. and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 56. Periods 57. Reddish-brown Give up and Henry II 54. Complaint 61. animal 66. Lacks 57. Conception 58. Tack Hodgepodge 49. Strong to a desire dermatologist 62. 67. Flower 58. Worms, Disencumbers category: abbr. 50. often 55. Hot spot Gladden City State63. Zip 68. Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk 59. Wavy fabric 52. Advantage 56. __ PM; 2100 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 69. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady hours 60. “Bus Stop” playwright 53. 57. Abound Did in 65. Slave of old 61. This: Sp. 55. Earthbound bird Age Phone 66. children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 858. 9 Item in10a desk 11 12drawer 13 62. Chihuahua State 56. Nonsense 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Late actor Bert 63. Knickknack 57. One hundred two 14 15 16 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry E-mail
24 28
25 26 30
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 18
Better Health. It’s About Time. The VIPcare Patient Experience Going to see your doctor is probably never on your list of things to do for fun; however, it’s important in maintaining your health, especially for adults 65 and older. Patients who have an ongoing relationship with their primary care physician have fewer unnecessary trips to the ER. That’s why you need a doctor that you’re comfortable with and who you trust. One you can turn to 24/7. Quality over Quantity It can be hard to find that doctor with whom you truly connect. Healthcare has become so rushed. It’s like doctors compete to see the most patients. Sadly, that doesn’t leave much time for one-on-one time. That was the key difference Dan and Tina DiFrancesco noticed with VIPcare after moving from Pennsylvania. “They make you feel like you’re the only one,” Tina said. “It’s really the first doctor that I’ve had like that.”
experience upon switching. “The doctors, they care,” he said. “You get an X-ray or something, they call you, ‘how did you make out.’” By taking the time to know you and your health history, your primary care physician can provide you with the specialized care you need and deserve. No more running around from doctor to doctor for answers. Your doctor is your direct link to comprehensive care. “The whole office, they follow up,” Tina said about her VIPcare experience. “The next day they’re on the phone with you. It’s great.” Your Journey to Better Health Real health care is getting you healthy and keeping you healthy. Find a trusted partner in your health and get the care and attention you deserve.
Time for a Better Experience Dan had two doctors before visiting VIPcare. He admits they were nice but immediately noticed a different
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Solution #313 Solution Solution #335 #303
Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic arithmeticskills. skills. Sudoku requires requires no Sudoku no arithmetic skills.
94 38 27 53 71 69 82 15 46
The object of the the game gameisis isto tofill fillall allthe the The object object of The the game to fill all the Last Month’s Winner: Last Month’s Winner is blank squares with the correct numbers. blank squares with the correct numbers. blank squares with the correct numbers.
Nichole Veesaert, Apollo Beach Mary Rich, Englewood Carol Sands, Port Charlotte
Each row of of 99 numbers numbersmust mustinclude includeallall all Each row row Each numbers must include CongratuLations! digits 1 through 9 in any order. digits 1 through through 99 in in any anyorder. order. Good od digits oEach column of 99 numbers numbersmust mustinclude include GEach Each column of L uck column numbers must include ! k c Lu all digits 11 through through 999in inany anyorder. order.! all digits digits all through in any order. Each 3 by by 3 3 subsection subsection ofthe the999by by999 Great Prizes! EachWin of Each 33 subsection of the by square must include all digits 1 through 9. New winner selected each month square must must include include all square all digits digits 11through through9.9.
1 1 8 7 88 74 3 85 6 2 6 9 1 7 3 2 5 8 7 2 9 6 74 2 1 4
53 86 42 14 28 95 7 61 39
79 15 61 82 37 46 98 53 24
32 27 95 46 83 51 64 79 18
6 15 98 57 41 83 34 72 29
81 34 47 79 96 2 15 63 58
18 26 85 93 54 71 62 49 37
74 99 33 82 65 47 51 28 16
SEARCH WORD SEARCH JulyWORD Word Search September Word Search APRIL Word Search
52 47 61 16 29 38 93 84 75
WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for In the grid below, twentyanswers answerscan canbe be found found that fit fit the the category for Intoday. the grid below, twenty category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it inthat the space provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the today. Circle each answer today. Circle each answer that you findand andcategory list itit in infor the space provided atat that Circle each answer that you find list the space provided the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinof thethe space provided at the right offound the can be found in all directions – the right grid. Answers can be found inAnswers all directions — the right the grid. Answers can be all directions --isforwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example given to forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given tois get you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example example given toto backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An is given get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can youyou find the twenty answers in thisin puzzle? started. Can find the twenty answers in this puzzle? puzzle? get get youyou started. Can you find the twenty answers this Today's Category: Dances Today's Category: Names for Boys T OA B ND GC O I DK SE AV MI BN AS CD A C Z D RR DV DP BO GL GI GV ME KR AH
Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.
Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:
Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.
376 36 7 314 694 722 589 45 613 121 3 84 5 97 8# 12.Penguin Linda 12. 13.Pigeon Mary 13.
Cathy 14.Robin Nicole 14. Cuckoo Word Search Solution: Search15. Solution: Claudia WordAlice Paulette 15. Sparrow 11. Laura agle 1.
1. Bluejay
11. Parrot
Angela 16. Rachel 12.Penguin Linda 2. 12. 2. Canary16. Stork 3. 3. Carol Crow
13.Pigeon Mary 13. 17. Ruth 17. Swallow 14.Robin Nicole 4. 14. 4. Cathy Cuckoo 18. Sandra 15.Sparrow Paulette 5. 15. 5. Claudia Eagle 18. Swan 19. Susan 16. 6. Diane Egret 19. Woodpecker 16.Stork Rachel 6. 17. Swallow 7. Hawk 17. Ruth 7. Gloria 20. Theresa 18. 8. Irene Lark 20. Wren 18.Swan Sandra 8.
9. Jane Loon 9. 10. Oriole
10. Julie
19. 19.Woodpecker Susan 20. Wren
20. Theresa
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 20
447 232 5 96 9 75 1 88 3 518 637 196 76 95DH 8W7I9 4ES 43DU2 C1S4 6RA 22ON1 36NW5 CI973 ND EA5DU 8 88 31FC 7LG68 2AG 39PA4 A5R2 9RN44RT6 97EO1NT265 IS RC1GU 5 H2 6BO594GL 4SY37 7SN 81NO6 G7N3 1EH18RX3 55ED9DG428 W UC 2 # 5 679LE 9LE43 8A# 3 KE65376 5ND97A2I 11CX4AH847 L2 DL2AH GV 1 6RG314 EPD7 NE 9 8HDG8Y67DCJ6UQA12 N1GT 54ECR7O WG21N 4COB 83BPR5L 49LC3GC352 I S A D9APE4U8 3E 68UFT9S AH47A 8NON35NSE7I 24 V7 C6H E CIH2DR5 LD EA 5 9 6 1 31 S C U C G G A R N T E N I 4IL PS2 G OG3S7 PI 3 1 6Y 1OJH5N HE99H 2XLV 76EUN9D 8U8A8LK614 C4H O3 L Y5 N 2 U N B S W A L
(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)
Play & WIN!
Solution #314 Solution Solution#304 #336
Good Luck!
The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.
Trivia Palooza!
: Josephine Jimenez, Ft.Beach Myers Phyllis Rothman, St. N. Pete
Angela Canary Carol Crow
Samba 1. Oliver 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 10. 11. ____________________ ____________________ 11. 12. ____________________ ____________________ 12. 13. ____________________ ____________________ 13. 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.
APRIL September JULY
5 96 7 5 2 6 7 1 4 7 4 9 8 1 35 7 12 6 8 1 5
dSearch SearchSolution: Solution: Alice 11.Parrot Laura 11. luejay
Diane gret Gloria Hawk Irene ark Jane oon Julie Oriole
# 315 ## 377 305
Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304 Sudoku #336
24 81 73 69 38 96 12 57
QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: _____________________________________
Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize!
Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline for entries: September 25th
Name Address City
Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583
Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte was last months winner! Last month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup.
The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.
Beyond the Dark invites you to experience this transformation and connect with our mission. You’ll engage your senses while immersing into the challenges of people with vision loss and veterans with disabilities. You’ll meet graduates of our programs and hear their triumphant stories. You’ll witness our highly trained guide dogs and service dogs at work, and see the powerful difference they make. And you’ll come away with a greater connection to the human-dog teams who journey beyond the dark.
Come experience darkness in a whole new light
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 21
5427 – SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, lbs,NS, smoker, COMPANION. I’m5’9”, 70’s,160 HWP, ND. blonde eyes. I50’s like music, fishing,walk, movLike tohair, read,blue sightsee, ies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks animals, no drama. ISO friend, honest SWM likesReply the same. man who for LTR. phone number. Send description. Pasco County. 5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking 5502 – LOOKING LOVE. Hi. a 78 miserable old troll.FOR If U respond U I’m obviYY, WW, 5’5”, NS, ND, blue eyes, white hair, ously have a sense of humor & R adventurHWP, I like to petite, dance earthy, to 50’s & 60’s, ous. I’mSOH. 76, blonde, easy taking walks. a giving person & love to B with. LoveI’m singing, dancing, biking, life. I do have a little dog and fat cat and cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must I would likeclass to meet a WM in his late 70’s. have a little & a lot of character. NS, SD, or not. Looks aren’t important. SOH,-HWP, a good heart. PR 5422 VERYjust PRETTY WWF ISONPR, FF. Long & Hudson area. Send name & phone blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, number. Good dancing, luck and theatre, God bless. NS. Fine dining, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 655506 – LOVING BLUE EYED BLONDE. 75, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo DWF. 60. Healthy 5’4”, lives in SWF. Tired &ofphone. working and no play.. Have many interest, theater, music, beaches, flea 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS markets, antiques. Seeking SWM,COMhealthy, PANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for 58-62, HWP, SD, ND, NS, independent, healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer responsible, easy going. FF, LTR. operations, applications expert and handy 5500 - I AM Quiet OLDER homemaker. music, parks, swimCHRONOLOGICALLY ONLY! F, D, aISO ming, local touring. Veteran literary plus. SOH, NS, LD, ND except medical. HWP. Tampa. Enjoys golf, bowling, active, HWP, FF, TLC. Likes small SINCERE, dinner parties. Must love 5427 - SEEKING HONEST dogs. GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, NS, ND, like to meet– SWM with FIRST. same interest for LTR. 5525 FRIENDS ISO W widower, Laid back, no drama. Like animals. Hills8/0’s, honest, SOH, HWP, NS, LT SD. (ME) borough & Pasco. Attractive, WW, 5’4”, 120 lbs, Enjoy life, it goes by so fast. Ft Myers to Naples area. 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN 5524 –C-man RETIRED READER. W,and C, 84 desires whoWW really loves God is young,lives SOH, NS, ND,life, NDrg, HWP, 128, active, a healthy helps his5’2”, neighFF, Lots TLC. ISO, kind, loving, cool & caloves bor, enjoys nature (including picnics), to laugh. healthy, noeing andI am a friend to alloutgoing. animals. Need I’m allto before we each other. ofmeet the above. I’m judge a W ,etite lady withPort long Charlotte. hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: Mid 50’s and up. I live in Hillsborough 5510 – SWF would like to meet other County. Please write me, tell me about people my age. I am 60, live between yourself. North Fort Myers and the midwest. Love motorcycles, camping, animals and 5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & learning new experiences. NS, SD, NDrg, companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs FF. Fort Myers. old. I am financially secure, have a car & 5518 –I LIFE condo. live inPARTNER N. St. Pete.NEEDED. Soulmate. 60, DWF, like theater, flea markets, beaches, moonlight, quiet 5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN S. FT., ISO friendship with W, evenings, animals, only cooking, widower in early 80’s. 59-65 SOH, honest, NS. I fishing. Seeks SWM, with good am W, WW,common HWP, attractive & intellgent. hygiene, sense, SOH, NS, SD, Please with phone/email. Be safe NDrg, respond LTR, HWP, FF, TLC, down to earth. & well. 5522 – LOOKING FOR COMPANIONSHIP. SWF, 78YY (acts 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal younger), NS, ND, blonde hair, green around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal eyes, ISO someone who likes eating out, or guy with SOH. Good health, finanmovies, country western, gospel music, cially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No sport Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.HONEST COMPANION. 5538 – SEEKING ISO W. Widower, NS, ND, loving partner
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 22
to enjoy life. Secure, happy and healthy. I am Filipina lady, easy and outgoing, petite, very honest, physically fit.DAY. Please reply with letter, 5419 - HAVE A NICE SWF, 75 yo, 5’5”, photo &brunette, phone. Thanks slender, green eyes, adventurous, love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Amto 5532 – BEAUTIFUL LADY looking forward happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. meeting the man of her dreams here. A man Tampa. between the ages of 49 to 79 yrs. old. I am looking for someone to share with me the 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Forsimple pleasures of life. I am willing to relocate mer airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 and enjoy life with that special person that lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. contacts me. Lets meet and have fun. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. 5540sports - BEAUTIFUL BLACK 80yy, Likes and animals. WW.QUEEN. Loves the Lord.ISO friend/king, 75+, intellectual, P, astute, honest, Florida. single, SOH, NS, SD. Enjoys reading, poetry, reggae, classics, jazz, swimming. No wife. MEN SEEKING WOMEN Tampa. Send name and phone number. 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old 5544 - ACTIVE - ADVENTUROUS woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 PHYSICALLY FIT. W, WW, HWP. Passionate, year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. fun-loving, easy-going, straight forward. I I am a one woman man. Race is not an issue like bowling and exploring the outdoors. character is! What’s your story? Seeking male 65-89. St. Petersburg. 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to
read, out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys MENgo SEEKING WOMEN laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hear5520 – MAN SEEKING MAN. W. male, 80, ing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and artist/sculpter, for friendship and fun. Love drama free. food and wine and interesting, fun people. Sarasota. 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, 5530 cooking, – SPIRITUAL Semiwalks, travel,ADVENTURER. fun. retired outlaw. Writer/Inventor and many skills. 5424 - HI,looking Lonelyfor guy, WM, 5’8”it’s , 160 lbs,me. a If If you’re a husband, NOT young mid-seventies, NS, NS,offimeans, t, activecontact and your an intelligent woman adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early me for further info. Sarasota. seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, 5535 – SEEKING LIFE PARTNER. 63 DWM, LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life. 6’, 175 lbs., living in South Cape Coral, semiretired, from S. CAL, was patent attorney and 5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinnow real estate investor, like boating and ning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. travel, two 20’s daughters in NYC and Boston. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, at5536 – MATURE, DOCILE MALE. ISO tractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. dominant, strong, take control female. 60 to70 years young. FUN and games. St Pete only 5428 - M, WW, NS,you. SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. please and thank Likes sharing many activities together, quiet 5537 – DSWM A YOUNG 81 attractive looks evenings; be adventurous. 70. Looking for a gal to share my life with. Love travel, dining, dance. Has a nice family. Lives in 5426 - EASY GOING MAN. I’m 69, 140 lbs, 5’7”, Nokomis. Will move. widower, lives alone. Seeking other gentlemen 5533 – LOOKING FOR FEMALE 60, for friendship, to get together andFRIEND. enjoy each 5’7”, 160. Tan, physically fit, likes other’s company. Will answer alll.beaches, art fest’s, going out, sense of humor, quiet times, 5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New 50’s to 60’s. ND, NDrg. York Attorney, former New York Police Officer, 5534–- MAN SEEKING MAN. Single, 70’s looking for loving relationship with kind and +, clean, safe, no drugs to give and receive sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preenjoyment and satisfaction. ferred. Clearwater area. 5543 - HI LUV. SWM SEEKING relocateable female to be my FOR companion, life partner, lover, 5412 - LOOKING ADVENTEROUS WOMbeatSWM, friend. I’mhealthy, secure,retired, easy going, loving, 5’7”, AN. NS, enjoys country 150#, NS,, Save that rent money. Come music, home day trips to scenic attractions, sunsets, movies, walks in the sharesun my rises, beautiful place. park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County. 5542- ISO F, HWP. I am a man, 70’s, HWP, active, agile. Would like to build LTR, 5416 - LOOKING FOR COMPANION. SWM friendship, laughter, travel, explore, love life,
have some laugh.female. Please Very sendhandrecent full seeking fit, fun, attractive, view do same. Meetblue for eyes, coffee? some,photos. very fitWill senior. 5’11”, 175, Fort silverMyers. hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. Dunedin. 5541 - SEMI RETIRED SWM. 61, 5’10”, 185. ISO SWF, NS, SD, HWP, who would enjoy 5417 -hikes PINELLAS PARK, LOVING taking in quiet andFUN peaceful nature SWM, seeking to enjoy activipreserves. MindSWW & body feels sports so renewed. ties, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimSarasota to Venice area. ming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. 5539 - LIVE RENTover FREE. 76, Looking for SWW 70.HELLO. I’m 6’3”,SWM, 235 lbs 5’6”, NS, SD, NDrgs, and 180lbs, a dancer. Pinellas Park. condo. Likes Elks, dancing, restaurants, shopping, TV, holding hands. ISO W or A Female, SOH, fun loving. Must drive. Pinellas Park. 5545 - W GUY, 77, ISO W GAL OVER 50. I’m almost housebound, but I like to drive. Not great looking but I got heart. I want a gal t love. I appreciate kindness, United States and God. NS, ND, NDrg. Please write letter. Pasco/Pinellas/Hillsborough. 5546 - MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE. SWM, 70’s+ wishes to meet mature lady interested in travel, reading and staying young. Non smoker. Must have great sense of humor. Sarasota/Bradenton.
To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 8 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue. To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.
Seniors Getting Together
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“School’s Out” by Alice Cooper BY: RANDAL C. HILL As a boy, Vincent Furnier loved to watch old movies on one of Phoenix’s independent TV stations. The Bowery Boys comedy flicks were a special favorite. In one particular story, when one of one the characters does something (typically) stupid, a buddy taunts him with, “Hey, school’s out!” Vincent liked the way that phrase sounded when he rolled it around in his mind. Little did he know that years later it would fuel his first million-selling single as Alice Cooper when he co-wrote “School’s Out” with fellow musician Michael Bruce. Picture a pre-fame Alice Cooper as a teenager. You might cast him as a nerd and the laughing stock of Phoenix’s Cortez High School. But in reality, Vincent Furnier was quite the Big Man on Campus there. He set school records as a varsity cross-country runner. He wrote a popular column (“Get Outta My Hair!”) for the school newspaper. He and some fellow track-and-field jocks formed a rock band called the Spiders. And when they cut a Furnier-led single—a punkish ditty called “Don’t Blow Your Mind”—on a tiny local label, it rocketed to Number One on Phoenix radio in 1966, Vincent’s senior year. The obstreperous disc opens with a screechy, fingernails-on-the-blackboard lead-guitar line. Then comes a loping bass guitar and a thumping drum that combine to drive the high-octane offering for three-and-a-half chaotic minutes. Predictably, teens loved it. Who didn’t look forward to summer vacation, three sublime months shrilly announced by the rapid-fire clanging of a bell
that promised endless possibilities of a school-free, sunshine-bathed season? Here in America, Cooper’s bratty, tongue-in-cheek single reached Billboard’s Top 10 and became a Number One winner in England. Image from Some of the song’s lyrics are, well, “different”: School’s out for summer, school’s out forever, school’s been blown to pieces Probably the deftest line, though, is: We’ve got no class, and we’ve got no principles Predictably, many adults railed against the irreverent record, and some radio stations refused to play it. Cooper’s song has now joined the ranks of such other anti-school classics as Chuck Berry’s “School Day” and Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall.” Alice’s action-packed concerts—as much modern vaudeville as “shock rock”—are a mashup of comedy, horror and music, and Cooper often ends his shows with “School’s Out.” In an Esquire magazine interview, Alice said, “When we did ‘School’s Out,’ I knew we had just done the national anthem, [that] I’ve become the Francis Scott Key of the last day of school!”
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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 23
more delight
Find your escape with three soaring garden atriums, a rejuvenating spa, and delicious dining options during summer of more at Gaylord Palms. more exploration
Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 24