Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, July 2022

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Honoring Healthy Vision Month

B ehold, the month that truly starts showing e V getabl es: Carrots, spi nach, squashes, the feroc i ty of summer heat: July. For most, sweet potatoes, broccoli, romaine lettuce this month includes a plethora of family and Fruits: f r iend gatherings, as well as many trips to Cantaloupe, tomatoes, apricots, the b eac h or the closest pool. If you haven’tgrapefruit, oranges, peaches, mangoes made b est f r iends with your neighbors who have a p o ol, now is definitely the time! Know uYr Fa mily Histor y

Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 7

Publisher Adam Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw

Aside f rom the oppressive humidity andUnlike the above preventative ca re options, Distribution it’ s imp o rtant to k n ow what to ex p e c t f r om sc reaming sun, July also means that summer 813-336-8247 your lineage. For some peopl e, 20/ vision is well underway. That may mean that Questions/Customer Service some of us are simply trying to surviveruns and in the family, but cataracts tend to 813-336-8247 e k ep our daily shower count to two, and develop later in life. For others, glasses are Press Releases fo r others, you may be planning your fallneeded starting at tiny tot age without history of degenerative ocular conditions. garden. I t also means that we may have Advertising Sales Many health conditions tend to be genetic, f i gured out our updated aftercare routine Sales: so it’ s b e st if you k n ow what to look out (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 fo r a day in the sun. Who knew how well an for by reviewing the family history, starting aloe vera leaf could fix up a pair of burned Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 with your parents and grandparents. shoulders? Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Arguab l y, one of the best things about JulyThrow n Some Sha de s is the Fo urth. Fireworks , family, fr iends and Mervyn Hollander T p, don’t choose a pair of Ch eap great fo od— w hat more could you want Un forlike Z o Jim Commiskey: a summer c elebration? Staying on top of Sunglasses. Be sure to invest in a pair that f i ts you b e st and b l oc k s 9 to 1 0 p e rc e nt your eye health is cr ucial to enjoying the V and UVB radiation. Sunglasses merriment and awe of Independence Dayof both UA Event Sales abl e to bl ock that much of the harmful rays f i reworks fo r years to come. Below are from the sun help preserve the delicate j u st a few ways that you can celebrate and proteins in your eyes, warding off cataractsTo Learn More, call 813-336-8247 honor the National Eye Institute’s Healthy or email and degeneration of your eyesight. V i sion M o nth:

No matter how you pl an on celebrating this month, be sure to do so with your eye e W all k n ow that certain foods can act as health in mind and a cold drink in hand. Maybe, too, near a body of water. p reventative maintenance when it comes E a t F o r u Y Ey e s

to c ertain medical conditions and health. T e k care, and we’l l see you in August! However, b elow is a list of foods great fora eye health, many of them being fruits and veggies high in beta-carotene and vitamin A, b o th c r uc i al fo r your eyes: Rebecca Fending, Editor


e a great month and H av

st! we'll see you in Augu

Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634

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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2022 • 3

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