Lifestyles After 50 Lake Edition, July 2021

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LAKE EDITION ~ JULY 2021 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989

FREE - Take One Home! VOLUME 32 ISSUE 7

Dog Days of Summer

Volunteer with Neighborly/Meals on Wheels this season to brighten up your summer

Parents’ Day

Celebrate the parents in your life with great gifts or a cool dessert

Articles in each issue: • Humor • Pop Culture History • Health • Music Flashback • Local news & events


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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 2

Celebrating Family This Parents’ Day As with almost every Letter from the Editor that I write, there are celebrations to be had this month. We are currently in the midst of summer and nearly the mid to late end of the season. With that comes balmy temperatures and different occasions and holidays. Of course, there is the Fourth of July, which is always a fun time and a great excuse to stay up late in celebration. However, July also includes Parents’ Day on the 23rd, a little-known and celebrated holiday. Parents’ Day is a day for all parents, young and old, parents-to-be and parents that once were. Though it is not as wildly acknowledged as Mother or Father’s Day, it still warrants a reason to honor the people to who it applies. Growing up, I butted heads with both my mom and dad. I could not help it; the frustration with a lack of freedom (or at least, what I perceived as a lack of freedom) made me the typical angsty teen that was only interested in spending time with my friends, boyfriends or alone in my room. Looking back, I wish I had spent more time at home in the company of my parents. Once I moved into college, it made me realize just how much they meant to me. Mostly, I missed my parents’ contagious laughs. But I also missed my dad’s overdramatic sneezes that caused everyone to burst out laughing or the way he would always jingle the spare change he kept in his front right jean pocket to a random beat. I missed the way my mom would hum while preoccupied with something or the

way she would always ask if I wanted to help with dinner so she could teach me how to cook. It worked because I have made some darn good dishes inspired by her cooking while living on my own. So, if you are looking for small but significant gifts to appreciate or pamper the parents in your family, here are just a few that are sure to be winners. • Framed Picture: I have suggested this before, but only because it is a fabulous idea. Find a picture that mom or dad loves on their Facebook page, or ask someone else in the family if they have any good photos to gift. Parents love this idea! • Family Portrait Session: It is common for a family to skip out on professional portraits, even though they are great to have for memories and décor. Look for a photographer in their area that does family portraits and pay for the session. It’s a great alternative to gifting a framed photograph. • Self-Pamper Kit: Though this may apply more to moms, send or gift them skincare products that they’ll love for their skin type, nice body butter or lotion that they would never buy for themselves or even a gift card to their favorite lunch spot. The goal is for mom or dad to have a reason to indulge in themselves for once.


Rebecca Fending, Editor

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see you in Aug

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Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 32, Issue 7

Publisher Debbie Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw Distribution 813-336-8247 Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Advertising Sales Aspen Hansen: Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Mervyn Hollander: 330-720-6772 Jim Commiskey:

To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or email Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583 (Fax) 813-331-2634

Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved. As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 3

Who is Unisen?

Unisen is you and all the other leaders of the next generation of active, independent living in Tampa. Our community is dedicated to carrying its legacy of wellness-focused retirement and meaningful connections into the future. Be who you are and live the life you want to live at Unisen. | 813-544-3684

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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 4

MEALS ON WHEELS: BRIGHTEN UP YOUR SUMMER THROUGH VOLUNTEERISM BY DANIEL KILBURN With the dog days of summer upon us, everyone needs something to power through the Florida heat. Volunteering with a local non-forprofit is a great way to brighten up the season. Neighborly, partnered with Meals on Wheels (MOW) of Pinellas County, is currently in need of volunteers and would love your help. The organization specializes in home caregiving and hot meal delivery for seniors in need. Not only do they provide meals and friendly visits from volunteers, but they also offer transportation services to seniors. MOW has dedicated and caring volunteers who have convinced and recruited others to begin their own post-retirement career in volunteering. For example, meet David Cooke. David has volunteered with MOW Pinellas County at the Safety Harbor location for just over a year. Though now retired, he has an extensive background in nonprofit management for organizations that care for handicapped adults. He was drawn to MOW amid the pandemic last year. “I was looking for a good nonprofit organization to put my time into, and Meals on Wheels was perfect.” David helps conduct orientation meetings with Hilary Douglass, the Community Engagement Manager for MOW of Pinellas County. He helps familiarize new volunteers with their duties and explains what to expect as they go about their routes. “I always tell new volunteers, don’t be surprised if you have to make deliveries in the rain—it's Florida, after all. You may also walk up three flights of stairs to deliver a meal, and you’re greeted with a ‘none today, thank you’ note on the client’s door. That’s just a day on the job.” David has come to make many friends with fellow volunteers and clients just over the past year. David told the story of how one woman he regularly delivers meals to recently lost her husband due to a long-term illness. As different memories and anniversaries arise, David has learned more about his friend and become a person of comfort during a difficult time.

MOW volunteers organize a special 100th birthday party for client

volunteering can be. He has been a meal delivery driver with MOW in Gulfport for 17 years. Born and raised in St. Pete, Jack wanted to continue helping his community even in retirement. When asked what the most rewarding part of his volunteer experience, Jack said, “I’ve made so many friends. Sometimes, I’m the only contact clients have all day, so we quickly become friends.” Jack goes above and beyond for the friends he has made. He explained how one of his regular clients often joked, saying, “What’s on the menu today? Steak and lobster?” Jack surprised that same client with a special Christmas dinner that year: freshly cooked filet, lobster tail and a glass of wine. If you would like to begin your Meals on Wheels story, visit neighborly. org for more information, questions or to view different volunteering opportunities.

Jack Corey is another volunteer who epitomizes just how wonderful

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 5

Movie Preview: Jungle Cruise BY RANDAL C. HILL

Visually, Disney’s “Jungle Cruise” could be considered a mashup of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and stuntfueled Indiana Jones movies, with elements of the 1951 Bogart-Hepburn film classic “The African Queen” thrown in for good measure.

UK-born Blunt is the determined British explorer Doctor Lily Houghton, who is on a unique mission. “Legend has it that there is a tree that possesses unparalleled human power,” she explains to Frank. “It’ll change medicine forever.” But jaded Frank dismisses the tree as being the centerpiece of a long-running jungle rumor and opines with a sneer, “You’re searching for something that can’t be found.”

The idea behind this summer’s probable first blockbuster movie was kicked around the Disney organization for quite a while. It was 15 years ago that Disney’s story creators first came up with an idea structured loosely around Disneyland’s popular Jungle Cruise ride. For various reasons, though, the idea was shelved until 2015, when the “Jungle Cruise” script was finally green-lighted.

He also offers a grim caveat to the brave doctor: “Everything that you see wants to kill you—and can.” In time, “everything” will include a litany of dangers that range from dart-shooting marauders to daunting and deadly creatures to churning holdon-for-dear-life rapids.

Give the Gift of a Lift!

The completed offering has actually been on hold since 2019. The supporting cast features Jack Whitehall as Lily’s brother But with the pandemic easing its grip this summer, Uncle Walt’s McGregor and Paul Giamatti as a crusty harbormaster. Edgar outfit is set to launch the slam-bang action tale—all familyRamirez and Jesse Plemons ramp up the tension as torpedofriendly, of course—nationwide. The film cleverly incorporates some of the launching German intruders determined to find the mystical tree first. standard elements of Disney’s popular Adventureland attraction—the oohing The “Jungle Cruise” script came to life in the deft hands of respected actionand ahhing over the scenery, the constant threat of danger, the appearance of drama director Jaume Collet-Serra (“Non-Stop,” “Run All Night”). potential interlopers. What better way to When help seniors in Pinellas County than by giving them a lift to a it comes to movie settings, a dense, foreboding jungle can offer a wide “Jungle Cruise” stars two of the day’s most bankable actors: Duane “The Rock” much needed medical appointment? two to four hours that a week more, if variety of possibilities.In Of just course, what’s also beyond is the(or right story, the Johnson and Golden Globe-recipient Emily Blunt. Johnson portrays Captain right cast and the right director. With “Jungle Cruise,” Disney has checked all the you’d like!) volunteers deliver clients to and from medical appointments and Frank, the wisecracking owner/guide of a ramshackle river boat headed up the boxes and is on track to release its first post-pandemic movie winner on July 30. mighty Amazon. pharmacies (up to ten miles from the client’s home, one way). We adhere to strict

Volunteer with us!

safety protocols for our volunteers and clients, and volunteers do not lift nor transport individuals with wheelchairs.



 Choose the region of the county that works best for you  Attend orientation and driver training Volunteer with us!  Clear a Level II background screening and driver records check What better way to help seniors in Pinellas County

than by giving them a lift to a much-needed medical In just two to four hours a week (or more, if you’d like!) volunteers To learn more and appointment? to apply, open your phone’s photo app and hover over the QR deliver clients to and from medical appointments and pharmacies (up to ten miles If your company, club, or organization is having an event, ode above, or visitfrom us the at nclient’s eighbhome, orgway). , complete the online application, and We adhere to strict safety protocols for our have it published for FREE in our Around Townccolumn! volunteers clients, volunteers nottransportation lift nor transport individuals drivers!with ). choose your orientation (beand sure to and choose onedofor wheelchairs.

For submissions:

Please send Around Town events or event flyers to: LifestylesAfter50: P.O. Box 638, Seffner Fl. 33538 or email it to or fax it to (813) 331-2634 ALL events or event flyers submitted must include: name of event with brief description of event, full address of event (street, city & zip), cost to attend or FREE, publishable phone number, and website (if any). Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month (i.e. June 15th for July publication). Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.

13945 Evergreen

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 6

Choose the region of the county that works best for you

Attend orientation and driver training

Clear a Level II background screening and driver records check

To learn more and to apply, open your phone’s photo app and hover over the QR code above, or visit us at, complete the online application, and choose your orientation (be sure to choose one for transportation drivers!).

Thank you!

Thank you!

13945 Evergreen Avenue, 4th Floor, Clearwater, FL 33762 Tel: 727-573-9444 Avenue, 4th Floor, Clearwater,

FL 33762 Tel: 727-573-9444



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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 7









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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 8

Why I Get Up in the Morning BY JAN LARRAINE COX

Since we are mostly vaccinated and moving forward one step at a time, perhaps we can dream new dreams again, investigate new possibilities and move in new directions. Time to let go of regrets and old resentments for a powerful renewal based on hope! Writer Allison Sher suggests creating your own mission statement. Step one is asking what would you like to see be different in the world? Step two is determining how you can use your gifts to contribute to this change. Finally, Sher recommends combining the two steps into an actionable item. She talks about combining reflection and action into the practice of praxis. From medieval Latin, praxis is the process by which a theory or skill is realized or enacted. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg demonstrates just how powerful praxis can be when enacted in today’s world. As she says, “No step is too small. There is no time to wait for new technology to protect the environment: do it now.” Thunberg has been a leading activist despite being born with Asperger’s syndrome, which she considers a gift. She feels we people belong to Earth and must preserve it. Rather than the other way around, she says we don’t have the right to prolong the environmental crisis. We are at a turning point where we have possibly spiraled upward toward opportunity and empowerment, having made it this far through the pandemic. Positive steps not only kept us safe during the pandemic. These steps also kept us from falling back into fear and immobilization. Perhaps we remember the Serenity Prayer which states: “Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Native Americans considered power, wealth and status a kind of mind virus they called wetiko. They saw it in the European colonists when they landed on the East Coast of North America. Like a cultural epidemic, while under the spell of wetiko and its symptom of narcissism, one cannot see that others’ lives are as important as one’s own life. Because our actions have consequences, we must find the balance between giving and taking in our lives and communities. And so, we are on a journey where we can rethink and reimagine life from here. The Japanese call it ikigai, or why I get up in the morning. From infant to toddler to elderhood, we can create a space for play, passion and purpose. On this path, we continue to learn how each of us is capable of living life with more meaning.

Beyond financial rewards or social status achievements, we may have learned in the past year that all this is meaningless if our health suffers.

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 9

Ageless Women, Timeless Wisdom BY KATHY A. MEGYERI

Psychotherapist, life coach, speaker and author Doctor Lois Frankel has a sign in her office that states, “Entrance to another’s soul is a sacred honor.” It epitomizes the search she took to write this beautiful, insightful and compassionate book called “Ageless Women, Timeless Wisdom: Witty, Wicked, and Wise Reflections on Well-Lived Lives.” She focused on women who ranged in age from 70 to 100 to gather a cross section of women’s most treasured possessions— their memories. She proved that their existence and wisdom is essential to our very survival as their unique life experiences reflected differences in interests, backgrounds, temperaments and experiences.

their level of education, religions, ethnicities and backgrounds. Singer and songwriter Rita Coolidge summed it up best: “For too long, the wisdom of older women has gone unnoticed, unappreciated and undervalued, but this collection is sure to put a smile on your face and the faces of the women you share it with.”

When a customer in a Palm Springs pet boutique is asked what she knew to be true after all her years of living, she responded, “If life gives you lemons, look for the vodka.” When a woman in Scottsdale was asked the same question, she replied, “Don’t trust men. If they don’t treat you well, leave them. They don’t change.” Without exception, these women don’t see themselves as the stereotypical old age crones. They want others to acknowledge their relevance, vitality and wisdom.

These “seasoned women” knew that each possessed kindness and caring, independence, intelligence, sacrifice, grace, determination, confidence and love. They had learned life lessons and could teach them well. They were models for well-lived lives and in these short quotes and longer interviews, you will recognize their voices, you will laugh, you will think and you will cry but you’ll feel even better about joining their ranks because you’ll realize all that you too have to offer because you also will be a positive role model for aging. This book contains lessons to be learned, lessons to be taught and lessons that provide a model for a well-lived life. The photos, artwork and calligraphy enhance each page of this coffee table book. Frankel definitely knows what us women want and need, and after reading the book, you’ll want to go to the women in your life and ask for their contributions and listen to their stories.

The often marginalized and invisible women from the world that Frankel profiles share their heartwarming, hilarious, witty, practical and philosophical advice willingly, no matter

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“What my wife especially loves is it gives her back feelings of safety and independence which has given a real boost to her confidence and happiness! Thank You!” –Kent C., California The first thing you’ll notice about the Zinger is its unique look. It doesn’t look like a scooter. Its sleek, lightweight yet durable

frame is made with aircraft grade aluminum. It weighs only 47.2 lbs but can handle a passenger that’s up to 275 lbs! It features one-touch folding and unfolding– when folded it can be wheeled around like a suitcase and fits easily into a backseat or trunk. Then, there are the steering levers. They enable the Zinger to move forward, backward, turn on a dime and even pull right up to a table or desk. With its compact yet powerful motor it can go up to 6 miles an hour and its rechargeable battery can go up to 8 miles on a single charge. With its low center of gravity and inflatable tires it can handle rugged terrain and is virtually tip-proof. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life. Why take our word for it. You can try the Zinger out for yourself with our exclusive home trial. Call now, and find out how you can try out a Zinger of your very own.


The Zinger folds to a mere 10 inches.

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Throughout the ages, there have been many important advances in mobility. Canes, walkers, rollators, and scooters were created to help people with mobility issues get around and retain their independence. Lately, however, there haven’t been any new improvements to these existing products or developments in this field. Until now. Recently, an innovative design engineer who’s developed one of the world’s most popular products created a completely new breakthrough... a personal electric vehicle. It’s called the Zinger, and there is nothing out there quite like it.

The Zinger Chair is a personal electric vehicle and is not a medical device nor a wheelchair. Zinger is not intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position. It is not covered by Medicare nor Medicaid. © 2021 firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 10

th 25 e fi Y n rs. fo est v of p r a e ro ll a ter vid ni ina in ma ry g ls ca re

We care for your pet like they’re part of our family!

D o g B e havi or Pro ble m s by Geoff Gardner, DVM If you’re looking for help treating your dog’s behavior issue, or just curious about why your dog does what he does, you’ve come to the right place. Many of the following problems can lead to a breakdown in our enjoyment of our furry friends, and lead to them being re-homed or worse, euthanized. 1. Inappropriate Elimination: Inappropriate urination and defecation are among the most frustrating dog behaviors. It is common for young puppies to have a transition period until they are fully house trained, but for some, it is still a problem as they get older. 2. Chewing: Chewing is a natural action for all dogs. In fact, chewing is an important activity for most dogs, it’s just a part of the way they are wired.

It’s when they begin chewing on objects in a household that are not intended for them that this becomes a problem. 3. Separation Anxiety: Separation anxiety is one of the most commonly discussed dog behavior problems, and can be very difficult to manage and control. Sometimes medications can help a pet to relax and provide a transition to more comfortable behavior. 4. Barking: Most dogs vocalize in one way or another. They may bark, howl, whine and more. Excessive barking is considered a behavior problem. 5. Begging: Begging is a bad habit, but many dog owners actually encourage it. This can lead to digestive problems, such as diarrhea and pancreatitis, and obesity. 6. Jumping Up: Jumping up is a common and natural behavior in dogs. Puppies jump up to reach and greet their mothers. However, for larger dogs, it can become a problem. 7. Aggression: Dog aggression is exhibited by growling, snarling, showing teeth, lunging, and biting. This is probably the most common reason why a pet can no longer be a part of a family. Here at Boyette Animal Hospital, much of what we do is geared towards making your pet an acceptable member of the family. We offer training classes for puppies to begin the socialization process early, and more advanced classes to deal with problem behaviors.

Boyette Animal Hospital is proud to provide your pets with the highest quality of treatment and care from twelve veterinarians and a devoted staff. To make an appointment, please call (813) 671-3400.

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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 11


Once July rolls around, that’s typically when the summer heat settles into Florida. As wonderful as the season is for celebrations, sunshine and enjoying a cool drink at sunset, summer makes it difficult to want to cook. Having the oven or stove on heats up the kitchen, if not the whole house, making it nearly impossible to

host guests. If you’re looking for a quick, no heat needed dessert recipe for company, this s’more icebox cake is just what you need—because what’s more “summer” than a s’more? Make the night before for best results, or make the morning of guests’ arrival. 1. Line a loaf pan (preferably 9”x5”) with plastic wrap. Leave overhang at the top.

Ingredients and supplies: • 1 cup heavy cream • 1/2 to 1 cup of mini milk chocolate chips (or two chopped chocolate bars) • 1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows • One 7 oz. jar of marshmallow puff

2. Place heavy cream in a microwave-safe bowl and place in microwave. Warm the cream in 30 second intervals. Once warm, add your chocolate. Let sit for 3-5 minutes and stir to dissolve chocolate. Place in fridge to cool.

• 8 to 10 graham crackers, some may 3. Once ganache is cool, remove from fridge and layer cake. Place need to be cut to size marshmallows on the bottom of the

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Image from tin, top with half the ganache, then graham crackers. Top with a layer of marshmallow puff, using about half the jar, then top with graham crackers. Another layer of ganache and then crackers, puff, crackers again. Cover completely with plastic wrap and freeze overnight.

4. If desired, remove from plastic wrap, top with more marshmallows and carefully toast the marshmallows on top with a kitchen torch. Cut into slices using a metal knife warmed under hot water. Enjoy!

CUTEST PET Do you think you’ve got the cutest pet? Show him or her off in the next issue of Lifestyles! We’re looking for the best dressed and most festive companions that our audience has to offer. See information on how to submit your fur baby for the contest below:

If you or your business would like to get AMSOIL products at Wholesale CALL 941-586-3853

For submissions:

Best Little Cat House in Riverview, FL for 25 Years! Unique Vacation Hotel For Cats Only! 15501 Boyett Road • Riverview

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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 12

• Featured on Nationwide TV • Large, Custom Cat Condos • Villas & T.V. Suites • 3 – Level Townhouses • Private Aquarium Views • Huge Windows Overlooking Tropical Gardens with Fountains & Koi Fish Ponds (for lizard & bird watching) • Reasonable Rates • Vet on Call • Soft Music, lots of loving & petting

Send us a little bit about your pet (100 words or less) along with the best photo in their modeling portfolio and what city you live in to with the words “Cutest Pet” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Submissions must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held for a potential feature in the following issue’s publication. Include your name, phone number and Florida city. Submissions are published on a basis of what space is available.

Image from the Ocala Gazette

Three New Horse Statues Being Added to Ocala, Marion Public Art Landscape Information from Ocala-News Online

Hutchinson Auditorium Florida College 119 N. Glen Arven Ave. Temple Terrace, FL

July 16: 7 p.m. July 17: 11 a.m. 7 p.m.

ENJOY AN EVENING OUT! JOIN US FOR A GREAT SHOW! Bring your friends…bring a group…enjoy this timeless, fun musical.

According to Ocala-News online, three new Horse Fever statues were recently raffled off and will now move to new homes for public display across Ocala and Marion County.


The drawing was held on June 4 at the Brick City Center for the Arts during the center’s opening of the “Art in Bloom” exhibit.

We will begin by selling every other row, distancing each group from other groups. As restrictions are lifted, we will sell the other rows. Visit our website for updates on any required Covid restrictions. We hope that by mid-July most or all restrictions will be lifted.

Reserved: $20 Senior Reserved (65+): $16 General Admission: $12

Bring your friends...bring a group...enjoy this timeless, fun musical.

The three horses that were raffled off included “Critters” by local artist Bonnie Eades, “Home Sweet Home” by Ocala artist Carlynne Hershberger, and “Sunny Daze.” Katherine Guida, who won “Critters,” will display her horse in the prestigious Ocala Downs community. Rick Rowan, who won “Home Sweet Home,” will display the horse at the Ocala Preserve. The final winner was lifetime Marion Cultural Alliance member Irene McCracken, who is still deciding on where to place her horse. “It is so heart-filling to see the love this community has for Horse Fever. And it’s wonderful that these three horses will remain in Ocala,” read a press release from the Marion Cultural Alliance. For more information on the Horse Fever 20/20 program or other initiative and events hosted by the center, visit

Tickets at: Ticket Master is Megan at 209-690-7469

Tickets at: Ticket Master is Megan at 209-690-7469 Reserved: $20

Senior Reserved (65+): $16

General Admission: $12

As the COVID vaccine is available to all who want it, and as the Governor removed all mask restrictions, we do not plan to social distance…use masks at your own discretion. Visit our website for any needed updates: Thank you, Royce Chandler Chandler Family Corp. for Fine Arts | Broadway Comes to Camp

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 13

Image from event page on StayHappening

Lilly's on the Lake The Sound Machines Information from If you’re a fan of alternative music from every area, Lilly’s on the Lake is your place to enjoy this summer. On July 10, The Sound Machines, an alternative band that plays hits from the 60s until now, will perform in the evening at Lilly’s restaurant. Live music nights offer you the chance to discover great local talent, get to know the band, all while enjoying food and drinks on the lake. Lilly’s is a Caribbean-themed bar and grill serving casual meals on a lake setting. The restaurant has both indoor and outdoor seating where you can enjoy both lake views and live music entertainment. Apart from the great menu items, 6-person surreys, 10-speed bikes, beach cruisers and tri-decks are available during business hours for rent. Experience the water, views and food to the fullest! The Sound Machines are an alternative band hailing from Orlando that performs all over the state. They perform Top 40s hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and today. Learn more about the band at their website, Lilly’s on the Lake – The Sound Machines Where: Lilly’s on the Lake, 846 W Osceola St, Clermont, FL When: Saturday, July 10 from 5 – 9 pm Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 14

Save your energy Save your energy and focus on the and focus on in the important things life. important things in life.

Let the energy experts at Tampa Electric show you how to save on energy costs. When you participate in our free Home Energy Audit, one of our energy analysts will visit your home and identify areas where you can save valuable energy. You’ll also learn about our energy-saving programs Let the experts at other Tampa Electric show including Energy Planner, Ductwork and more. you how to save on energy costs. Visit to schedule your free Home Energy Audit today 813-275-3909. When you participate in or ourcall free home energy audit, oneatofour ourtable energy analysts will visit11th your2020 homeat and Stop on Thursday, June the identify areas where you can save valuable energy. Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest to be held at the:

N’ Country Center programs You’ll alsoTown learn about other Senior energy-saving 7606 Paula Dr. Tampa, FLand more. including Energy Planner, Ductwork,

9AM-1PM Visit call 813-275-3909 to Bring this ad and receive a freeorenergy-saving kit, made schedule your Tampa free home energyEnergy audit today. available through Electric’s Education Outreach program.

A Strange Way to Make Big Money BY RANDAL C. HILL

Have you ever heard of musician Billy Strange? Born William Everett Strange in 1930 in Long Beach, California, he became an in-demand session guitarist/arranger in Hollywood who recorded with such top-drawer artists as Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys, Cher and Nancy Sinatra. One afternoon in the early ‘60s, Billy received a huge royalty check for a throwaway ditty he had created previously on a whim. He felt certain that a mistake was made and called the issuing office. That’s when he was told, “Mr. Strange, the money is all yours.” His quirky tale began at an all-night Hollywood diner, where he and a musician pal gulped black coffee in attempts to become sober enough to drive home. Eventually, they climbed into their car and cautiously motored off. Fighting to stay awake, Strange twirled the car radio dial for a while before settling on a local country station playing a tune that he detested. “Man, I can write a song better than that in five minutes,” he boasted with a slur. That’s when his equally inebriated companion slapped a hundred-dollar bill on the seat between them and said, “Okay, Billy, you’re on!”

With a chortle, Strange reached into the car’s back seat for a blank score pad, which he used to sketch out arrangements for his session-musician work. He quickly came up with a catchy song that he laughingly dubbed “Monotonous Melody.” He then sang it, tossed the pad back and—unchallenged—stuck the money into his pocket. A few weeks later, Billy found himself at work in a recording studio. A friend there, a music composer named Basil “Buzz” Adlam, had just started a small-time music company and announced that he was on the lookout for some fresh material to record. “Buzz, you know, I might have one,” Strange responded half-seriously as he recalled his silly “Monotonous Melody” tune. Billy and some other session pals tried a few different tempos and styles before settling on a calypso approach to the foolish work. By the time the musicians had repeatedly sung “What a monotonous melody,” they were all in hysterics. After hearing the playback tape, Strange himself admitted, “That’s just about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” A few weeks later, Billy got a phone call from Dave Burgess, who led the instrumental group the Champs (of “Tequila” fame). Burgess wanted to put “Monotonous Melody” out as the next Champs 45, but with a title change. Strange didn’t care, saying, “It never really had a name anyway.” Only later did the musician find his tune had become a Top 40 instrumental under the name “Limbo Rock.” (Dancing under a limbo bar was a popular party activity back then.) Then Chubby Checker’s manager, Jon Sheldon, phoned to ask permission to add lyrics to “Limbo Rock” and release it as hitmaker Chubby’s next 45.

Image from

Strange’s check was for $63,000— about $450,000 today. Not a bad payday for five minutes’ work from a tipsy tunesmith trying only to win a bet.

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 15

CREATIVE CORNER The “Little Tyke” - A Short Story By Ann Marie Stenhouse of Englewood, FL I’m just a little tyke. That’s what my gram calls me. My mom says Gram spoils me too much. On sunny Sundays, Gram takes me for a ride on a big blue bus. She says to bring a pillow to sit on so I can see better out the windows. My favorite place to go is the city park. I can see my friend the “angel” when we ride by.

Sometimes we get off the bus and walk over to where my angel is sitting. His wings are folded up on his back and he looks like he’s praying. I guess that’s what angels do. I sit next to him and pray. My gram says this makes her very happy and that makes me happy, too.

For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

“Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver BY: RANDAL C. HILL Near the end of 1970, musicians Bill Danoff and his girlfriend/future wife Taffy Nivert motored along a picturesque two-lane Maryland highway called Clopper Road. To pass the time, they batted about some lyrics that they felt might fit into a melancholy ode for Johnny Cash. When they got to “almost heaven,” Bill injected the word Massachusetts. And while Massachusetts did contain four syllables—what Danoff wanted—he thought the state’s name somehow wasn’t “musical” enough. Back home in Washington, DC that night, he and Nivert chose a better-flowing four-syllable state name: West Virginia, a place neither had ever been. On December 29, 1970, the 163-seat Cellar Door music club in the Georgetown area of Washington, DC, offered two relatively unknown acts on stage that evening—Bill and Taffy (who performed as Fat City) and a struggling folkie friend named John Denver. After Fat City and Denver had finished their Cellar Door sets that night, they agreed to rendezvous at Bill and Taffy’s place for an impromptu jam. Nivert said to her partner, “Get out that song you’re writing for Johnny Cash.” Danoff showed Denver the tune that, at the time, consisted only of one chorus and one verse. John was bowled over by what he heard and asked to have the first crack at recording it. The three worked throughout the night, John adding the bridge and more words of wistful nostalgia.

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 16

The next night, Denver played his entire set and an encore, but the enthusiastic crowd demanded one more tune. When the applause died down, he told the audience, “We just finished a brand-new song, and I haven’t even learned the Image from John Denver words yet.” He then unfolded a sheet of YouTube Channel paper and taped it below the mic head. Danoff joined Denver on stage, along with John’s lead guitarist and his bass player, and the foursome launched into the first public performance of “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” The audience rose collectively for a thunderous five-minute standing ovation when the tune ended. That verified to Denver what he had felt since the night before when he had first heard the unfinished song: this one—for sure—is a winner. One month later, John recorded it as an RCA Victor single, with his Fat City friends providing backup. Upon release, the 45 rocketed to Number Two on the “Billboard” Hot 100 chart and finally gave Denver the breakout hit for which he had spent years searching.

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Back in our younger, romantic AND fully-employed days, we did crazy, spontaneous things. For example, while lying in bed together it was not unusual for my bride to occasionally say, “I’m hungry!” To which I’d reply, “Want a salad?” Then we’d get up, jump into the car (often a convertible), and buzz on over to US-19 for the forty-minute drive from Tampa to Tarpon Springs. Our destination was the legendary Louis Pappas Restaurant, where we’d order a large Greek Salad with two forks. We usually had coffee and an occasional baklava for dessert. Tarpon Springs was always kind of a romantic getaway for us. One of the best times we had was simply walking along the Sponge Docks during a light summer drizzle. We’d window shop and observe the community superstitions such as crosses burned by candle onto the top doorframes of the shops, bags of garlic nailed to the doors and the plethora of “evil eyes” found in most gift shops. However, we never played tourist by taking a boat out to watch the deep-sea divers harvest live sponges from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. I always surmised that some enterprising diver probably makes a lucrative living by diving at night to replant the sponges that were gathered the day before. We would visit the occasional gift shop, but we always preferred going downtown to visit stores and eateries frequented by the locals. Sadly, the 1000-seat Pappas restaurant closed its doors in 2005. However, it ultimately spawned a number of offshoots named “Louis Pappas Fresh Greek” in several cities. We rejoiced when one opened in Tampa, and we split many a small chopped Greek Salad there. Yesterday, during a trip to the mall where Joy could weigh in at WW (she was sure she’d gained, but she lost 3 pounds, as I accurately predicted) and I could quickly visit Books-a-Million, we realized we were hungry, so we checked out the nearby Pappas Fresh Greek here in Lakeland. We’re not sure what possessed us to get two salads, the small ones are huge. We were stuffed in no time and ended up carrying the equivalent of what we already ate home in Styrofoam cartons, to enjoy later.

“Medicare & You,” Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2020 Includes the Participating (in GA: Designated) Providers and Preventive Benefits Rider. Product not available in all states. Acceptance guaranteed for one insurance policy/certificate of this type. Contact us for complete details about this insurance solicitation. This specific offer is not available in CO, LA, NY; call 1-800-969-4781 or respond for similar offer. Certificate C250A (ID: C250E; PA: C250Q); Insurance Policy P150 (GA: P150GA; NY: P150NY; OK: P150OK; TN: P150TN); Rider kinds B438/B439 (GA: B439B).



Today, I’m already craving a gyro (pronounced “yee-ro” NOT “juy-ro”). Mike claims that the next time he has a Greek salad, he’ll try it with the anchovy left on top instead of the shrimp substitute. Share your preference with him at

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 17

7. Greek letter 17. 9. OfComplete a generation 15. Stratford-on-__ accompaniment 6. Creator 14. Left Bank companion 8. Expunge assistants 18. Pocket 4. Enthusiastic Attorneys’ 16.15. High 7. In rating thebread center of 9. Refer 19.16. Procrastinator’s word 5. 6th Said farewell 17. Burstyn 8. day of Lent: abbr. Swiftlyor Pompeo 10. Springand line 20.17. Warm lunch 6. Hook Singer/actor Eduser 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos __ up; entered on I 9. 11. Bit of cereal 23. Ms. Originally named 7. Embraced Blood giver’s donation 19. aLee cash register 10. 12. Take advantage of 24.18. Call a Nevada halt to about 8. Cosmetic Idolize __, 20. Felt indignant 11. case item 9. Put Oil transport 13. German article 25.19. Nemesis Put asubjects stop to 22. Feudal 12. underground 10. Beauty’s Mayberry resident 21. High schooler Pool maneuver 28.20. Rhythm 24. Change direction 13. movie partner 11. Article Compulsory payment Spike, for one 22. Start of faith 25. Final course 32.23. Cuts 21. 12. TO Playing card ANSWER TO#5148 #5138 Period lasting trois moisANSWER 26. Bar 25. Cat 23. “...__ by your outfit 34.24. Lament 13. __ on;#5128 tempted TO Commercials 29. Does an electrician’s job ANSWER that you are...” 26. Praying figures 35.25. Bee colony 21. Dispatched Ramble 30. Of __;me!” no longer a minor a meal 27. Winding roads 37.28. “Ah, F A V O R 25. S Had B O L D 22. Furry __ swimmer Enjoy one’s RV 31. Jetta or Taurus 26. 28. Keep Rough on; 38.32. Character in A Othello O E 25. Get even for 34. Restrict 33. Moray seeker watch 29. Part of carefully summer 39.35. West Point student 26. One who won’t M O N Not taped 37. 27. Mahal’s city 30. Taj Fellow 40. Cheese-producing Out of __; behavingregion accept item the truth Nota E through 39.37. __inappropriately over;__ helped 28. Bride’s 31. Sea duck 27. Flamingo Nodded offor heron 38.a difficult Sour substance period 29. 33. Certain love messages 41. Word withfood stickforor roll 28. One millionth Provide 41.39. Plunge 32. Cut into small D 34. Fictional king pieces 42. Onea banquet who acts of a meter 42. Seasons 34. In __ of 36. Miles, e.g.arrival 29. Ellis Island like another Make a littleCcut 44.40. Surrenders 35. Always 30. Verve 39. Tosses Coty Encourage 43.41. Lets C O 46. Poet’s contraction 36. France’s 31. Baptisms & weddings Unique individual 43. Public disturbance 44.42. Evaluate 47. Ardent 38. topic I 33. Sermon Positive response Synonym specialist 45. Sight and taste 46.43. Pillages 49. Fascination 40. Bargains 34. Magna cum back 47. Existing on __ a 48.44. DoOfa the hairdresser’s job 51. Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers 36. __ Miles Assortment flat asurface 49.46. Follower of 7 Down 54. Lotion ingredient 45. Like hill 39. Plum or orange Wind direction: abbr. 50. Fourth page of 51.48. Building 55. Force intosite an C H 48. Wagner 43. Bach 78 andor45 49. Uno y uno a wall hanging 52. Admirable people who awkward position 50. more expensive A I 45. Like Decorates 51. Australian bird 52. Preposition 56.52. Gives up Washingtoninfluence others hamburger 47. In a humble way S Of the 60. __ Mountains 53. Insignificant 51. Dandruff site amount 58. Asia’s William and Sean 50. Sandal part Idaho-Oregon area T O 61. Tract of wasteland 52. 54. Complaint 61.58. Reddish-brown animal 52. Salk’s __ tideconcern Kitchen appliance 63. Place to spend rupees 53. boundary to acharacter dermatologist 62.61. Tack 53. Europe/Asia Main Stink 64. Light, rhythmic tune 54. 55. Hot spot by degrees 54. Nest Withdraw 63.62. Gladden Tribe member 65. Pro’s foe 56. 55. Periods Times 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 64.63. “__SriWonderful Life” Lankan, for one 66. Lacks 57. 56. Conception Tear Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Sea of in old the former L. USSR 57. Did in Myers Janet Clayton, Tampa 65.64. Slave 67. Flower 58. 57. Disencumbers Close Mauna Loa emission 58. Item in a desk drawer 66.65. Chihuahua children 68.66. 59. talk 58. Brat’s Loony Trickles 59. Mr. Whitney 67. Schnozzola Late actor Bert 69.67. Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s ladyabbr. 59. UN member: Animal with a mane 60. Girl’s nickname 68. Worry 60. One dozen togas 68. River in Europe


Last Month’s Answers

Enter To Win!

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha






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1. Make40__; clench ACROSS ACROSS43one’s hand 1. Bargain-hunt 1. Cereal dish 41 42 5. Fog6. 43Family member 5. Family member spot 44 45 46 4710. Baby’s 9. Read __; recite 14. Country home 9. 47 Complete 44 45 46 14. Novel setting Stratford-on-__ 14. Left companion 48 49 50 5115. Bank 15. Of theHigh U.S.A. ratingof 15. 51 In16. the center 48 49 50 16. Rent long-term 57 17. Burstyn or55 Pompeo 16. Swiftly 52 53 54 5658 57 17. aup; generation Spain’s Juanon Carlos I 17. Of __18. entered 52 53 54 55 56 57 18. Pocket 63 Ms.bread Lee 58 59 60 61 62 a19. cash register 19. 20.Nevada Felt indignantword about 18. Procrastinator’s __, 58 63 59 60 6164 62 20. lunch 22.aFeudal subjects 65to 19. Warm Put stop 24. Change direction 23. named 20. Originally Pool maneuver 63 66 6467 65 25. aFinal 24. halt to 23. Call Spike, for68course one 26. Barlasting trois mois 25. 24. Nemesis Period 66 67 29. Does68an electrician’s job 28. 25. Rhythm Commercials 30. Of __; no longer a minor 32. 28. Cuts Ramble 31. Jetta or Taurus 34. 32. Lament Enjoy one’s RV 33. colony Moray seeker 35. 34. Bee Restrict 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 37. me!” 35. “Ah, Not taped 39. __ over; helped through 37. Character Nota __ in Othello selected from the drawing on 38. the 20th of the month will a difficult period 38. West Sour substance 39. Point student win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, 41. Plunge 39. Out Provide food for 40. __; behaving 42.of Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 ainappropriately banquet 44. Surrenders 40. Word Make a little cut or roll with stick 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance 41. Personal Health 41. One Encourage 42. acts 47. who Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial & Fitness 42. Unique individual like 49. another Fascination 43. Lets Synonym specialist Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Home Improvements 43. 51. Rejected with disdain 44. Evaluate Of54.theLotion backingredient 44. Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages Automobiles 46. Pillages Assortment 55. Force into an 46. 48. Do Wind direction: abbr. awkward position 48. a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower Uno uno 56. yGives 49. ofup7 Down Name 51. Australian bird 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Building site 52. Admirable Of61.theTract Washingtonofpeople wasteland 52. who Address Idaho-Oregon area 63. Place to spend rupees influence others 64. Light, rhythmic tune 58. Kitchen appliance 58. William and Sean 65. Pro’s foe 61. Stink 61. Reddish-brown animal 66. Lacks 62. Tribe member 62. Tack 67.Lankan, Flower for one 63. Sri Gladden City State63. Zip 68. in Schnozzola 64. Sea the former USSR 64. Life” 69.Wonderful Meadow covering 65. “__ Mauna Loa emission 65. of old 66. Slave Trickles Age Phone 66. children 1 2 3 4a mane 5 6 7 67. Chihuahua Animal with 67. actor Bert 68. Late River in Europe 14 15 68. Worry E-mail 38



We may disagree on a number of things, but my husband and I are in accord when it comes to dogs. We love them and can’t live without them. Over the years there’s been a succession of large dogs with whom we’ve shared our lives. But not our bed. Enter Sam, a 17-pound rough coat Russell Terrier. To equal the size of one of our Labradors would require five Sams.

#5129 37 CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5149 #5139the lights, I would place young Sam in his cozy crate, where he, and 37 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS we, would be safe for the night. When Sam got a bit older, and I could CROSSWORD PUZZLE 40



Three’s A Crowd

At first it was just for a few minutes. When we were ready to turn out




trust him not to consume it, I bought him a bed. For a while we held to the same routine. Cuddle for a while, then into his own sleeping accommodation. This was working just fine. Until it wasn’t. The visits in our bed got gradually longer. When we removed the sleeping Sam into his own bed, he would awaken, give us his most forlorn stare, accompanied by a muted, but very pathetic whine. We disagree about which of us was the first to give in. I know it was him. Nevertheless Sam now spends the entire night sleeping above the ground!





Having a small dog for the first time is a different experience. It’s like having a puppy that never grows larger. If you know how it is with puppies, then you understand the temptation to snuggle, and how that snuggling can extend until bedtime.

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Hot spot 59. Tear Brat’s talk 56. 56. __ PM; 2100 62. Close Lennon’s lady hours 57. 57. Loony Did in 58. Itemmember: in10a desk 858. 9UN 11 abbr. 12drawer 13 59. 59. One Mr. Whitney 60. dozen togas 16 60. Girl’s nickname






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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 •1718 20

You recall the old saying, Qui cum canibus concumbunt cum publicibus? Of course, you do. But you remember it as: Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. Fortunately, this isn’t the case with Sam. But I do wake up with an occasional stiff neck, cramped leg, or a cold tush because the dog has requisitioned my share of the blanket. So, we shall remain cozy but crowded. Anyway, who wants to fold kingsized sheets!

8 8



Sleeping has become an entirely new experience. At first, Sam was polite, and would curl up at the foot of the bed. But gradually, he was sleeping between us. And when he dreams he’s an Alpha dog, he crawls to the top of the pillows and sleeps above our heads.



18 27

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23 37


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11 11




10 19 10


21 26

9 9 16 23 16 19

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33 41



Dear Ms. Price, After working for a dental office for over 20 years, I was recently laid off due to COVID. I found a new job and am in my second month at my new office. I enjoy my work and my new position is challenging and fun. The problem is getting used to the new office dynamic. There are two dental assistants that are working my last nerve. They walk by my desk and comment on my work, make mean comments about my clothes and even the photos I have of my family on my desk. I have tried being friendly, bringing in cookies and treats for them, all to no avail. I have started to give them the silent treatment and it just makes it worse. Sincerely, Not a Happy Camper

A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price To submit your questions, email

our house while he finds new work and gets back on his feet. It’s been going well and my son has been respectful, polite and considerate and pays some rent. However, I am shocked at how much my new husband is bullying my son. He criticizes everything he does. If he brings groceries, he complains. If he doesn’t, he complains. It is ruining my relationship with my husband. Sincerely, Working My Last Nerve

Dear “Camper,” I would begin by making an appointment with whoever serves in this role, and let them know what is happening. Make sure your approach and communications are professional. Make your boundaries clear and make sure that you are consistent in making sure that these boundaries are being respected. If you truly want to stay in this job, you will have to stand up to these bullies and make sure your boundaries are being respected.

Dear “Empty Nest,” I would sit down with your husband and discuss this issue as soon as possible. Make sure to use nonaccusatory language, show understanding. Make sure your husband has a voice in the process. Ask him to provide a list of rules so that the expectations are clear and can be followed by all involved. After you come to some agreement, sit with the three of you and have a discussion.

My son from my first marriage is out of work due to COVID. After going through most of his savings, my new husband and I offered him a room at

If this doesn’t help, then see a therapist ASAP. If your husband or son refuses to participate, go alone because you absolutely need someone to help you during this time.



Send us your community news! We’re looking to share good news that influences your community. From organizational events to honorary people, we want to share your news.

Are you in search of advice? We want to help!

Dear Ms. Price,

For submissions: Send the information (150 words or less) and a photo of the people involved to with the words “Community News” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at News must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Include your name and current Florida city along with the contact information for the news event. News is published on a basis of what space is available.

Send us your situation that requires outside guidance. We want to help anyone looking for advice from an anonymous third party, Ms. Price. Although your submitted material would be published in print and online, our advice column will NOT include your name or email.

For submissions: Send the information (150 words or less) to with a catchy subject line. Submissions must be made before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential publishing in the following issue’s publication. No need to include your name with your submission, and feel free to change the name of any other key people in your situation for complete anonymity. Stories are published on a basis of what space is available.

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 19

Sudoku #324 Sudoku #314 Sudoku #304 #313 Solution #323


79 Last Month’s Answers 33 Sudoku Sudoku arithmeticskills. skills. requires no arithmetic arithmetic skills. Sudoku requires no 22 The object to fill all the of the game is to fill all the The object of the game is to fill all the 95 Last Month’s Winner: Last Month’s Winner is numbers. with the the correct numbers. blank correct numbers. blank squares squares with correct 67 Nichole Veesaert, Beach Becky Pouliot, Zephyrhills Carol Sands, Port Apollo Charlotte of 9 numbers must include all Each row must include all 46 Each row of 9 numbers must include all CongratuLations! through 99 ininany any order. digits anyorder. order. digits 11 through G ood 88 od column oEach of 99 numbers numbersmust must GEach mustinclude include column of Linclude uck! Luck!all digits 1 through 9 in any order. anyorder. order. 51 all digits 1 through 9 in any 3 subsection subsection the Great Prizes! Each 3 by by 3 ofthe the999byby by9 99 EachWin ofof 1 include all digits digits through Newmust winner selected each month square digits through9.9. 9. 4 square must include all 111through

18 49 37 54 7 9

# 315 ## 325 305

45 88 14 21 52 39 67 76 93

57 61 96 78 13 84 49 35 22

Solution #303

83 72 39 14 98 65 26 47 51

96 45 68 57 31 23 14 82 79

21 14 57 49 86 72 95 63 38

18 96 75 63 4 51 32 29 87

64 59 83 32 25 97 71 18 46

SEARCH WORD SEARCH JulyWORD Word Search September Word Search APRIL Word Search

32 27 41 86 79 18 53 94 65

WORD In the grid below, twenty answers SEARCH can be found that fit the category for In the grid below, twentyanswers answerscan canbe be found found that fit fit the the category for Intoday. the grid below, twenty category for Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it inthat the space provided at In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the today. Circle each answer today. Circle each answer that you findand andcategory list itit in infor the space provided atat that Circle each answer that you find list the space provided the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions -forwards, you find and list itofinthe thethe space provided at the right offound the grid.ininAnswers can be found in all directions – the right of grid. Answers can be found all directions directions -the right grid. Answers can be all --isforwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example given to forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given tois get you started. backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example example given toto backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An is given get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Can youyou find the twenty answers in thisin puzzle? started. Can find the twenty answers in this puzzle? puzzle? get get youyou started. Can you find the twenty answers this Today's Category: Dances Today's Category: Five-Letter Body Parts T T A G ND GD OD DC SA AN MK BL AE C E

APRIL JULY September

8 1 3 6 7 8 54 5

6 49 3 3 6 7 2 4 4 25 1 35 3 94 63 4 1 77 18 2 1 4 1 8 52




Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.


Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to:





Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.

#3 7 314 324 2 3 82 5 91 8# 681 16 3 654 772 549 49

8. Harp

9. Oboe Loon 9. 10. Oriole

10. Organ

18. Viola

19. 19.Woodpecker Violin 20. Wren

20. Zither

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 20


3H 5E95 9R 78K1 8V2 3I 54N8 6T37V116 4I94 T27 N B S W A L L O W C M 5O 8N71 4A 49I2 1P6 6M27R1 3U25 I983 7ED36DD94 D W E D C R O W C 1FC 7LG66 2AO 34PH4 A5D8 9RO49RC6 9BO51OT225 8RF78GS31 9GA 4SL33 7SO 86NN6 G7M7 1ER12RE3 5AD49LG498 2WI52BM58 B B#B 324 7LI 9LX44 8A# 25R314 1DG25AF69 3 K61 5NG93AL2 1MX84TH867 H N E D O S H A G R B 6DH6UE17 R1G 52KC7V W29I 4NO88TP5V 4C63 C352 9EZ17DI 8T3 A C X N E P C N U X A 8CO2DN59 AE3G 63IFC9P AH45M 8ROM36USB7I 2CC16NV771 5LDL49DPV4D2 F F S EC X G O H D O C B O 4IOA1PCL28 OG6C 17NJI5M HP94R 2ELO71AUQ9L 8VA98JK634 3OGO63SIL7M5 N B S W A L






















(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)

Play & WIN!

Solution #314 Solution #304 Solution #324


Good Luck!

The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.

Trivia Palooza!

: GeorgeJimenez, Beres, Punta Josephine N. Gorda Ft. Myers

d Search Solution: Search Solution: 11. Piano Banjo 11. Parrot luejay 12. Piccolo Bugle 12. Penguin Canary 13. Saxophone Cello 13. Pigeon Crow 14. Trombone Fiddle 14. Robin Cuckoo Word Search Solution: 15. Trumpet Fife Word Search Solution: 11. Piano agle 1. Banjo 15. Sparrow 11. Parrot 1. Bluejay 16. Tuba Flute 12.Penguin Piccolo 2. 12. 2. Bugle Canary16. Stork gret Guitar 3. Cello 17. Viol13. 13.Pigeon Saxophone 3. Crow 17. Swallow Hawk 14.Robin Trombone 4. Harp 14. 4. Fiddle Cuckoo 18. Viola Swan ark 15.Sparrow Trumpet 5. 15. 5. Fife Eagle 18. 19. Violin Oboe 16. 6. Flute Egret 19. Woodpecker 16.Stork Tuba 6. oon Organ 7. 17. Swallow 7. Guitar Hawk 20. Zither 17. Viol Oriole 18. Swan 8. Lark 20. Wren

Samba 1. Thumb 1. ____________________ ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. 3. ____________________ ____________________ 4. 4. ____________________ ____________________ 5. 5. ____________________ ____________________ 6. 6. ____________________ ____________________ 7. 7. ____________________ ____________________ 8. 8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ ____________________ 10. 11. ____________________ ____________________ 11. 12. ____________________ ____________________ 12. 13. ____________________ ____________________ 13. 14. ____________________ ____________________ 14. 15. ____________________ ____________________ 15. 16. ____________________ ____________________ 16. 17. ____________________ ____________________ 17. 18. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ ____________________ 20.


26 85 73 61 37 94 18 52

July TrIvIa: There are maNy couNTrIes WhIch have TheIr QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePINdePeNdeNce day durINg The moNTh of July. tember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL BesIdes usa, Name 3 oTher dAy couNTrIes celeBraTINg TheIr fLoWerThe for thIs NAtIoNAL of observANce? INdePeNdeNce IN July.

ANsWer: _____________________________________


Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize!

Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline for entries: July 20th25th Deadline for entries: September

Name Address City Email

State Phone


Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583

Patricia Matczak, was last months winner! Mary Tursellino, PortSarasota Charlotte was last months winner! LastLast month’s answer’s: Dorothy Parker & Richard Rogers month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup.

Themore moreyou youplay playthe thebetter betterchance chanceyou youhave haveto towin! win! The Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.

Eye Injury Prevention Month BY REBECCA FENDING

When we think of our overall well-being, many of us forget the importance of our eye health. Our relationship to the world around us is created by how and what we perceive through our environment. This includes everything from meals to travel, or even our evening walk. Our eyes also help protect us from potential dangers like predators, rotted food or even while driving. When our ocular health is compromised, so is our quality of life.

slow cognitive decline, according to Medical News Today.

July is Eye Injury Prevention Month, and while this may sound like a month dedicated to the importance of safety goggles (which it can be), this also means awareness of what we can do to preserve our eyes’ function and prevent injury or deterioration.

If you like to read before bedtime, be sure to do so in a well-lit room. Experts recommend that light sources be placed and illuminated all around you while reading. This strategy helps keep your eyes from straining to read the page as complete light helps both eliminate shadows. A well-lit room also eliminates eye stress as the muscles do not need to adjust from a bright white page to complete darkness in the rest of your house or bedroom.

Firstly, the best way to protect your eye health is through a diet balanced with vitamin A and beta carotene-rich fresh vegetables. Beta carotene is the pigment which gives produce a bright red or orange color. Once ingested, the body converts this pigment into vitamin A, which is crucial for our eye health. Beta carotene is in fresh vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, sweet potatoes and fruits such as cantaloupe and apricots. You can find large amounts of vitamin A in leafy greens such as spinach, kale and collard greens. Not only are vitamin A and beta carotene great for eye health, but they also

Preventing eye injury can also be proactive by respecting your eyes’ stamina. For instance, if you feel your eyes straining while looking at electronic screens, a book or a newspaper for an extended amount of time, be sure to step away and give your eyes at least a half hour rest.

While these tips can certainly help ocular decline and injury, they cannot replace professional help. Be sure to see your eye doctor yearly, especially if you detect any changes or concerns about your eyesight.

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Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 21

Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN


4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former airline59stewardess 4907 - SWF. yo, 5’9”, 160and lbs,model, smoker, blonde eyes.white I like fiwith shing, mov5’4”, 104hair, lbs., blue slender, Ph.D. traveling, dancing, food.eats Seeks inies, healthcare. Fulbrightgood scholar, SWM who the same. healthy andlikes exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida. 5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking

5472 - LOOKING FOR ONE &UONLY. miserable old troll. If UMY respond obviI ously am 78yy, NS, ND, looking for & TLC. have a sense of humor & LTR R adventurI ous. loveI’m country musicpetite, and the 50’s and 76, blonde, earthy, easy 60’s. love Love to dance, I’mdancing, a good cook, to BIwith. singing, biking, cooking, & vintage men. Must like takingvintage walks. cars I’m caring & healthy. have a little & alate lot of character. Looking for aclass SWM, 70’s, NS, SD or not. I’m in NPR/Hudson area. Send 5422 -number VERY PRETTY phone please.WWF ISO FF. Long blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND,

5469 - LIVE, LAUGH, DANCE. Petite NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. blonde, 81, HWP. Companion, LookingWWW, for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 65conversation, piano, swing 75, HWP,, Will speak soon. Send photo & phone. dance, animals, nature, SOH, comedian senior theater, NS, SD, ISO gentleman, 5436 - TAMPA VETERAN COMFF. Picture, phone, email. INEEDS will respond. PANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for Sarasota healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer 5474 - 72 YRapplications OLD FT MYERS operations, expertWOMAN and handy looking for happy, humorous, healthy homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swimgentleman. NS, ND. IVeteran like tennis, yoga, ming, local touring. literary a plus. movies, Tampa. cooking & travel. How about



5475 - SEEKING RETIRED MALE. Would GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, NS, ND, like like to meet a man who is honest, to meet SWM with same interest for LTR. secured, 6”,no HWP, W, TLC, NS. 70-75 Laid back, drama. LikeND, animals. Hillsyrs old, SWM, DWM. Enjoy life, good borough & Pasco. conversation, outgoing. Love music, dancing etc. You CHRISTIAN won’t be disappointed. 5425 - SINCERE WOMAN Tampa Zephyrhills arealoves please. desiresor C-man who really God and is

active, lives a healthy life, helps his neigh5476 - ARE YOU A KIND, CARING, bor, enjoys nature (including picnics), caROMANTIC MAN? I am 75, W, 5’2” HWP, noeing and a friend to all animals. I’m all down earth,I’m have goodlady sense of theto above. a Wa,etite withoflong humor and like to laugh, cuddle and hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: enjoy lifeand withup. one special partner. Mid 50’s I live in Hillsborough Interests nature, County. include Please write me,animals, tell me about picnics, yourself.walking, day trips, music and eating out. Live in Dunedin area. Please 5431 – LONELY for love & contact me withWWF, phonelooking number. companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs

5477 - WANTED TO GO RVing. Female old. I am financially secure, have a car & but not gay, butPete. no sexual condo. I livemale in N. St. relationship, pay your own way, travel Fl then US. No smoking, drinking. 5429the - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN40S. 70, animals bring none, like auto MYERS. ISObut friendship only with W, racing, honest and clean. widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I

am W,- WW, HWP, SINCERE, attractive &HONEST intellgent. 5427 SEEKING Please respond with phone/email. Be safe COMPANION. I’m 70’s, HWP, NS, ND. & well.

Like to read, sightsee, 50’s music, walk, animals, no drama. ISO friend, honest 5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal man for LTR. number. Send around with Reply who’s phone about my age, 80’s, gal description. Tampa/E Pasco. or guy with SOH. Good health, financially -secure to & have fun &Young enjoy life. No 5479 OLDER WISER. at heart Trumpers ornice religious zealots Let old lady ISO old man forplease. friendship/ the good times roll. conversation. I am WC, RP, early 80’s, SOH, NS, Lt SD. 5’5”, HWP, love music,

Lifestyles After 50 • July 2021 • 22

dancing in the kitchen, reading & most TV sports. Phone/email please. S. Fort Myers. 5419--LOVE HAVEAIRPLANES. A NICE DAY. SWF, yo,looking 5’5”, 5478 If you75are slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, for quantity over quality, I’m your lady. love walks, healthy food. Am Follow up onparks, otheroutdoors, ads. I want a gentleman happy, LTR, intimacy? Have photo. with no loving, kids, nokind. facial hair, white, honest, Tampa. dependable, educated, generous, sense of humor, physically fit, nice body for a 70-80. 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. ForHas job orstewardess retired, hasand a car, has his meraairline model, 5’4”,own 104 place. Free to travel, kind, warm hearted, lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. compassionate. One Airplanes! Fulbright scholar, eatsmore.......Love healthy and exercises. You will be my Captain, appreciated, Likes sports and animals.loved, WW. Loves the Lord. respected Florida. and I will give you my heart. Clearwater.

MEN- SEEKING WOMEN 5481 HI. LOOKING FOR LOVE. WW, 5’5”, blue eyes, white hair, NS, ND, Ndrgs. Likes 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old towoman dance,of take walks. Love character. I am life. 6’0”,I’m 180loving, lbs, 60 caring, forgiving person. Would year old. NS. Children are adults. like Freeto tomeet travel. aIWWM or WM in late 70’s who likes the am a one woman man. Race is not an issue same things. character is! NS, SD or not. Send phone number. NPR/Hudson. Good Luck. 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys 5458 - HEALTHY, FIT, FUNNY. 66 yearsto hearlaughter & is drama free. Look forward ing from you. I am a WM,lbs. 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and young. 6’2”, 190 athletic Was with drama free. pregnant, high school sweetheart 35 years.


5464 - PLEASANT WHITE CHRISTIAN seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handWIDOWER. 80’s looks younger. NS, ND, some, very fit senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, HWP, SD, SOH. Even tempered, pleasant silver hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. outgoing Dunedin.personality. Enjoy simple things in life. Movies, holding hands, picnics, music enjoys PARK, dancing, doing things 5417lover, - PINELLAS FUN LOVING together as a couple. the best SWM, seeking SWW Believes to enjoy sports activities, bridge, dominoes, and fun swimthings in life are free. ISOpinochle a romantic, mingbest at Mainlands. I’m 88 and active. loving friend in mid 70’s upvery with same LookingMust for SWW over tempered 70. I’m 6’3”,with 235 lbs qualities. be even and a dancer. Park. outgoing internal beautyPinellas and pleasant personality, from FF to possible LTR. All replies will be answered. Respond with phone or email. 5473 - SECURE, HONEST, SWM seeks to build a fruitful relationship. I enjoy day trips, eating out, good conversation and of course cuddling. I’m full of TLC, a lot more than these 30 words can say! 5480 - VOLUNTEER FOR LIFE. Retired, never married SWM. Write poetry, play guitar, church member for 10 years at Crosswalk until Pastor relocated. Seeking wonderful woman for LTR. Interest in music and staying fit a plus. Valrico.

Looking 4 my new best friend that I could 5415 - M,spend WW, NS, P, life FF, likes hopefully theSD, restHWP, of my,

To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue. To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.

walks, cooking, travel, fun.

5460 - ISO, F, 55-70 HWP. Attractive, energetic, ND. The of albs, a 5424 - HI,NS, Lonely guy,adventure WM, 5’8”, 160 lifetime awaits. Montana byand land young mid-seventies, NS,to NS,Oregon fit, active and river. Help with cost. Romance. Possible adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, LTR. Fort Myers. LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life.

5461 - SWM, ISO, LTR. Easy and outgoing looking for that special lady to enjoy 5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinlife with. Looks, agesincere, not important ning, DAV, honest, relocatedbut Hudson. sincerity is. Write me. I promise you won’t Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, at- be disappointed. tractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker,

intimacy yes, no baggage, drama. 5462 - AFFECTIONATE WWM, 70’s. Seeks easy going, affectionate, loving, loyal partner 5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. to share the good aspects of life. I am secure Likes sharing many activities together, quiet & have many interests. NS, SD, HWP.

Seniors Getting Together

Personal Ad Placement only $6 per month! Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MArk The ediTiOn(S) YOu WOuLd Like TO run YOur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)

Ad Copy ••• PLeASe PrinT neATLY ••• 30 Word Limit TITLE:

(First 4 Words)

evenings; be adventurous.

5463 - LET’S MAKE FOND MEMORIES. I’m - EASY GOING I’m 69, 140 lbs, a5426 healthy, happy, wellMAN. adjusted DWM, 80’s,5’7”, widower, alone. other 5’6”, 145#, lives NS, SD whoSeeking is versatile in gentlemen activities, for friendship, to get together and enjoy especially the arts, music and sports. ISOeach other’s company. Will80’s, answer alll. attractive lady in her HWP, NS, who enjoys life and all it has to offer for mutual 5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New enjoyment. Bradenton/Sarasota. York Attorney, former New York Police Officer,

5468 - WAS IT YOU? I said “YOU’RE CUTE” looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, lady.YOU” 65 – .75. preand you self-caring said “SO ARE OnWidow May 17, ferred. area. 2019 at Clearwater our Doctor’s office. I am looking for you. Sun City Center.

5412 - LOOKING FOR ADVENTEROUS WOM5470 - HI. ISO AN. SWM, NS,PARTNERSHIP, healthy, retired, friendship, enjoys country love. I am NS, ND, fit, active, adventuresome. music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attracDesire spirited lady,walks HWP, in to the tions, an sunattractive, rises, sunsets, movies, share lifestyle. Possible romance, LTR. For more info, write me. Pinellas County.

Fort Myers area please.



(No Charge)

If more room is needed, please use separate sheet. Mail this form along with $6 for each ad per month (add $4 for each additional edition/market in the same month). We cannot accept your ad without it. This information is confidential.

Name: Address: City: Phone:



Email: Make checks payable to: Lifestyles After 50 Mail to: PO Box 638, Seffner, Fl 33583

CREATIVE CORNER How We Changed By: Ben Feldman Life today has become


a pill.


Either an

or politicoid.


What got in the way


Of life


As normaloid?

For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

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813-499-0413 (TTY: 711)

Alan Kennedy


*Prescription drug services are evaluated for Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) plans only. South and North Florida, Tampa, Orlando and Daytona areas, and Space Coast. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. complies with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status, or religion in their programs and activities, including in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, their programs and activities. Any inquiries regarding CarePlus’ non-discrimination policies and/or to file a complaint, also known as a grievance, please contact Member Services at 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711). From October 1 - March 31, we are open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 - September 30, we are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may always leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business day. Español (Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece anteriormente. Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole): Enfòmasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lòt lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sèvis pou Manm nou yo ki nan lis anwo an. H1019_MKBNDMFNPR68G2021_C

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