Lifestyles After 50 Southwest Edition, June 2022

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Summer Sun, Sand and Fun Published monthly by I f you’re anything like me, you may have produc a tive and entertaining. Lifestyles After 50 love- h ate relationship with summer. Most Volume 33, Issue 6 Publisher V E R SW I M N ’ of that love- h ate revolves around the RIsun, Adam Hansen as we all q u ite literally do. I’ve always been Al though Fl orida is mostly surrounded by ridic u lously p rone to sunburns that never Editor ocean, it also hosts a number of rivers. Rebecca Fending result in a tan, just freckles. However, that never seems to stop me from subjecting Many of these rivers are cr ystal clear and Website Editor perfect for swimming, kayaki ng, canoeing myself to the warm rays of the season. Allie Shaw or even just dippi ng your toes in while bird hsing. A great exampl e of this is Cr ystal T h ere’s something about summertime watc that’ Distribution irresistib l e. M aybe it’s the warm weather Ri ver, which allows guests the opportunity 813-336-8247 tofoswim with manatees in beautiful, warm that gets everyone excited and pl anning r Questions/Customer Service trips of various kinds, or maybe it’s the fact water year-round. But in the summer, this is 813-336-8247 a great way to cool off while also sightsee. that the days elongate thanks to ex tended Press Releases daylight. W h atever it is that makes this time of year so intoxicating, everyone can feel HAP Y GR AMPERS Advertising Sales Sales: it. M o ods lif t , and the drive to get out and W h en it c o mes to visiting grandc h ildren, (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 ex p l ore takes over, making the warmest time of year the busiest time of year. it can be diffi cult fi nding new and exciting things to entertain them with each visit.Aspen Hansen: (813) 336-8247 Ext. 2 However, if you have a sports or more T h at b eing said, there are countless things Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 to do during this time of year. o Y u can speci fi cally a baseball fanatic visiting, tice k ts to a a T mpa Bay Rays game could be a always do your tried-and-t rue beach day, Mervyn Hollander great option. Wi th games all summer long, a visit to the many theme parks or a walk there are pl enty of opportunities for your Jim Commiskey: in your loca l p a rk, but what about some grandk i d to get to k n ow their new f a vorite outside- o f- t he-box ideas? Here are some team. things to do when the days are just too hot Event Sales to enj oy b e ing outside, when you’ve run out S p o rts not their thing, b u t animals are? of ideas or when grandchildren are visiting: To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 There is a pl ethora of zoos and animalor email centric things to do up and down the Gulf TH LE A S N A C K S coast. Attractions such as ZooTampa, Safari Lifestyles After 50 Wi lderness in Lae k land and many others all I f you ca n’t take the heat, step into the P.O. Box 638 over the state if you’re up for a road trip are Seffner, Florida 33583 k i tc h en. Fo r the days when it’s just too hot to b e outside, it may be fun to expe rimentgreat day trip options. (Fax) 813-331-2634 in the k i tc h en with a no-heat reci pe. Homemade pops icles, no-bae k desserts or No matter what you have pl anned this month, tak e c a re, and we’ l l see you in July! even j u st f reezing fresh fr uit can be a fun b u t tasty time indoors. Bust out the arts and c raf t s, suc h as p ainting, drawing or even Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the redeco rating to make the day a fun mix Rebecca of Fending, Editor


e a great month and H av

! we'll see you in July

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