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Medicare Open Enrollment season will be here starting October 15 and ending December 7. Although seniors do not need to do anything unless they are looking for a better plan, it’s still good to cover general tips for the season. Figuring out what’s best for your healthcare needs may feel like a daunting task, but forming a game plan for what you need, want or anticipate for the new year is a great way to keep your head above water. Here are just a few basic tips as we head into open enrollment season, whether you have traditional Medicare or an Advantage Plan:

1. Review Your Current Coverages:

Although you may feel content with your current Medicare state, now is a good time to doublecheck for any changes that may take place in 2022. Coverages change from year to year, so take the time to review exactly what your current costs are versus what they may cost in the new year. 2. Review Your Current Prescriptions: Medicare drug plans file medications in different tiers based on the type of medication and other factors. The tier in which your medication is categorized can drastically affect its price, so be sure to check that your current prescriptions will remain at a budget-friendly price next year. 3. Seek Help or Recommendations: Reviewing your Medicare needs can be overwhelming, especially if you can’t find exactly what you need for 2022. State Health Insurance

Assistance Program (SHIP) offers free insurance counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. Like with most things, having a second set of eyes review your options may make you feel more confident when locking in your final choice. Here are a few resources you can use to help you find the Medicare plan that best fits your needs: • Medicare Official Website: The official website for Medicare is www.Medicare.gov. Here, seniors can find a plethora of resources and various Medicare information directly from the government. Under the “Basics” tab, seniors can find the resources to talk to a professional advisor, the “Medicare and

You” handbook and lots of other resources for open enrollment season. • Medicare Plan Finder: Visit www.Medicare.gov. In the options bar at the top right of the page, find “Health & Drug Plans.”

From the drop-down menu, choose the “Find health & drug plan” option. • State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP): As mentioned before, SHIP is another free resource with trained professionals who advise seniors in the process of choosing a

Medicare plan for the new year.

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