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Little Tyke’s Halloween

It was getting late. Little Tyke had stayed too long at the school playground. He could save time if he cut through the woods on his way home. His Mother told him “Don’t you cut through those woods, or the skinny old man will get you!” But he wasn’t afraid, he was almost 7 years old. Besides he could run faster than a skinny old man. He started to walk faster. The trees were blowing; they looked like skinny old men. He thought he saw one of them reaching out for him. He began to run. He ran past a pumpkin patch with a scarecrow pinned to one of the trees. He remembered what his mother had said. If the skinny old man caught him, what would he do? Would he have him for supper? He ran faster. At last, his house was in sight. He’ll tell his mother he was sorry for being late. She will go with him for trick-or-treating later. Everything will be OK. He made a promise to himself not to go into the woods again, especially on Halloween.

For submissions: Send your poem (150 words or less) to editor@lifestylesafter50.com with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line.

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