Lifestyles After 50 Suncoast Edition, October 2022

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Open Enrollment

SUNCOAST EDITION ~ OCTOBER 2022 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 10 FREE Take One Home! Fall Gardening See a guide to planting and harvest for central and southern Florida zones
Season It’s that time of year again—learn more about how to prepare for healthcare changes Articles in each issue: • Local news and events • Humor • Health • Recipe • Book Review • About The Cover Page 6 Medicare Open Enrollment Sarasota Fairgrounds Fun Fest October 20th

Stories of Strength

On Our Minds and In Our Hands

The important conversations about how you can take control of your breast health are happening now. Hear the stories and learn how taking control of our breast health is in our hands.

To watch and to schedule your mammogram:

Our breasts. Our health. Our care.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 2

October in the Garden

Ah, finally. We’re moving into fall. I’m sure I’ve said this before, but October seems to be one of those pivotal months of the year. The weather starts changing, we move into holiday season mode, and it’s just generally a great month for finding events and festivals to keep us occupied.

Depending on if you are a gardener, or even if you’re considering getting started with gardening, October is a great month to start. It’s cooler, and there’s plenty to harvest and plant, and you may just be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor with holiday guests around the table.

According to the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Floridians are able to garden and harvest all year long, including right now. They recommend creating a gardening plan with strict planting deadlines so you don’t miss your window to plant and harvest at the right time later. Be sure to plant according to your region and zone of the state, which you can find on the UF/IFAS website at

In Florida, fall is an excellent time to start a vegetable garden. Cool-season vegetables to plant in October include broccoli, lettuce, carrots, Brussels sprouts and radishes.

If you’re planting in an area already used for spring and summer crops, be careful to remove all dead or diseased plant matter, including roots.

You may want to have your soil re-tested to check the pH level and determine what nutrients you might need to add. Till your soil a few weeks before planting, and then

add organic matter, such as cow manure or compost.

Planting in October means you must heed the climate zones. For instance, central and Southern Floridians can plant the following:

Bedding Plants: Pansy, dianthus, and petunia

Bulbs: See agapanthus, rain lily, and other lily varieties flourish in your garden next spring or summer by planting them now. To really make the bulbs shine, add organic matter to the planting bed.

Herbs: Try planting parsley, sage, cilantro, chives and garlic from seeds or plants this month.

Vegetables: Plant beet, Brussel sprout, carrot and onion, which can grow and last throughout the winter.

If you aren’t a fan of any of the listed vegetables, flowers or herbs suggested, you can always create a gardening operation indoors. Find a grow kit online, including a lamp, and try growing anything you like! It’s not guaranteed that if you plant tomatoes indoors right now that they’ll flourish as they would have in spring, but it can be a fun challenge for those confident in their gardening abilities.

No matter how you decide to celebrate October—gardening or just enjoying local fall festivities, take care, and we’ll see you next month!

Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50

Volume 33, Issue 10


Adam Hansen


Rebecca Fending

Website Editor

Allie Shaw

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Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583


Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved.

As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 3 Have a
great month and
see you in November!


Information from the Social Security Administration

Did you know that certain life changes can affect your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments? Sometimes your circumstances may change after you apply for or begin to receive SSI. When that happens, it’s important for you to tell us about these changes. This will ensure that you receive the benefits to which you’re eligible.

Here are some common changes you must report if you have applied for or receive SSI:

• Changes in income, wages, or selfemployment income;

• Starting, stopping, or changing jobs;

• Changing your address or persons moving in or out of the household;

• Changes in marital status (including any same-sex relationships);

• Having more than $2,000 if you are single or $3,000 if you are married in resources that you can cash in, sell, or use to pay for food and shelter; and

• Changes in resources, including money in financial accounts and buying or selling extra vehicles, stocks, investments, or property.

For a complete list of reporting responsibilities for all our programs, please read our publication, What You Need to Know When You Get Supplemental Security Income at pubs/EN-05-11011.pdf.


You can conveniently report your wages using our:

• Free SSA Mobile Wage Reporting app for smartphones.

• Online Wage Reporting Tool using your personal my Social Security account. If you don’t have an account, create one today at

Be sure to sign up for monthly SSI wage reporting emails or text reminders, so you never forget.


Are you concerned about protecting your older relatives and friends from elder abuse? The pandemic highlighted the disproportionate impact of tragedy on underserved communities, including older adults, who face high rates of elder abuse, fraud, and nursing homes deaths.

It’s important to remember that elder abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or financial status. We are committed to helping and preventing further victimization –especially in underserved communities.


A recent Federal Bureau of Investigation report showed that elder fraud has increased. Older adults in the United States reported over $1.6 billion in losses in 2021. This includes victims of COVIDrelated scams. Older adults in the U.S, also lose nearly 25 times more money to scammers than other groups –an estimated $113.7 billion a year!

Reporting fraud can be difficult and older adults tend to underreport– especially when money is lost. Many older Americans are unsure about the reporting process or feel too embarrassed to report. Understaffed Adult Protective Services offices can also cause long processing times and underreporting.

We work hard to protect beneficiaries from Social Security and government imposter scams. You can learn more about protecting your loved ones at and our Protect Yourself from Social Security Scams webpage at

Please share these important resources with your family and friends.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 4

Arabian Fantasy


Best of Ballet




Three-Cornered Hat and


Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 5 Start Your Morning
Music Morning Coffee concerts feature light favorites and a healthy dose of fun with the 9-concert series at Mahaffey Theater. Get season tickets and save $5 per ticket per concert. Making Waves in Tampa Bay 727.892.3337 or 1.800.662.7286
A magical morning of Carl Nielsen’s Aladdin Suite, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Miklos Rozsa’s Ben-Hur Suite and more. Chelsea Gallo conducts. Thu, Nov 17, 11 am, Mahaffey Theater
more. Stuart
conducts. Thu, Dec 15, 11 am, Mahaffey Theater COFFEE CONCERTS COMING SOON

World Stroke Day: What You Need to Know

October 29 is World Stroke Day, a day that seeks to emphasize the serious nature and high rates of stroke. According to previous statistics, one in six people are expected to have a stroke during their lifetimes. So, what can you do to prevent a stroke?

• Live healthily. Make healthier decisions when it comes to mealtimes (limiting salt to keep blood pressure regulated) and lifestyle changes in order to be active and at your best for the long haul.

• Get physical. Keep your body moving! Even if it’s just taking a few extra steps around the house, make an effort to use your body as much as you can. This helps keep blood flowing and prevents clots which may cause stroke.

• Keep blood pressure down. Limiting alcohol, salt, tobacco and stress can all help keep hypertension and stroke risk at bay.


For submissions:

your short story or poem (150 words or less)

a photo of your artwork to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Please include which Florida city you currently live in and your name. Artwork must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Artwork is published on a basis of what space is available.





Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 6
fall, y’all! Celebrate pumpkin spice and everything nice with friends and neighbors during the inaugural
Fest in celebration of Carrollwood Village’s 50th Anniversary! In collaboration with the Carrollwood
HOAs and the Carrollwood Cultural Center, Fall Fest is a free, family-friendly event with food trucks, bounce houses, pumpkin painting, fair games and contests, family photo opportunities, and more! Fall Fest is presented by Carrollwood Village HOAs. When: October 22, from 10 am to 5 pm Where: Carrollwood Cultural Center (Park); 4537 Lowell Road, Tampa Cost: Free CALL 813.222.1016 or 813.222.1047 or EMAIL for DETAILS. BOOK A GROUP OF 10 OR MORE AND SAVE! LIVE EVENTSare more fun WITH FRIENDS Are you an aspiring writer, poet or artist? Or maybe you want to try your hand at any of the above? We want to share your art! Read directions on how to submit your work below:


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Preparing for Medicare Open Enrollment for 2023

Information from

Medicare open enrollment season (also known as the annual election period (AEP) or annual coordinated election period) begins October 15 and runs until December 7.

Whether it’s Original Medicare with supplemental drug coverage, or Medicare Advantage, learn how you can enroll or make changes to your current plan.

What changes can you make during open enrollment?

If you are already enrolled in Medicare but are looking to change or switch coverages, you can:

• Switch from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage (as long as you’re enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B, and you live in the Medicare Advantage plan’s service area).

• Switch from Medicare Advantage to Original Medicare (plus a Medicare Part D plan, and possibly a Medigap plan, although medical underwriting might be required for Medigap, depending on the state and the person’s circumstances).

• Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.

• Switch from one Medicare Part D prescription drug plan to another.

• Enroll in a Medicare Part D plan if you didn’t enroll when you were first eligible for Medicare. If you haven’t maintained other creditable coverage, a late-enrollment penalty may apply.

How are plan costs changing for 2023 Medicare coverage?

Precise numbers typically aren’t announced until later in the year, but in general:

• The Inflation Reduction Act will cap the cost of insulin products at $35/month in 2023, and ensure that Part D enrollees no longer have to pay for recommended vaccines.

• Part B premiums and deductibles are expected to remain mostly unchanged for 2023.

• Part A premiums (for those who have to pay for Part A), deductible, and coinsurance are expected to increase modestly for 2023.

• Average Part D premiums are expected to decrease slightly for 2023.

• The threshold for having to pay Medicare’s IRMAA (high-income surcharge) for Part D and Part B is expected to increase significantly.

• The maximum allowable cap on out-of-pocket costs for Medicare Advantage plans (not counting prescription costs) will grow to $8,300 for in-network costs. But most plans will continue to have out-of-pocket caps well below this limit.

For specific questions and getting in touch with experts, visit www. for more information.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 7
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My husband and I have saved thousands of dollars a year since leaving our supplement plan and joining BayCarePlus. The best part is, I still have all the doctors I love. So thankful we chose them when we did.

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*Benefits vary by plan. Consult the Evidence of Coverage for full plan details.

†You may reach a messaging service on weekends from April 1 through September 30 and holidays. Please leave a message, and your call will be returned the next business day. BayCare Select Health Plans is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in BayCare Select Health Plans depends on contract renewal. BayCare Select Health Plans complies with applicable federal


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Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 9
V ER ED to your mailbox every month. To
Name Address Email City State Zip Phone Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 FREE Take One Home! Parents’ DayDog Days of Summer
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Visit Alaska’s Amazing Animals

One of the best-known animal attractions in Alaska is the dog sled competition that predates the American colonization of the state. Dog sledding was originally used as a means of transporting goods across Alaska during its harsh winters. But today, it is mostly for recreation. In fact, the renowned annual Iditarod competition pits the best sled dogs against each other in a 1,000-mile race journey from Anchorage to Nome.

The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Girdwood, Alaska is a sanctuary dedicated to preserving Alaska’s wildlife through education, research and quality care. One of its goals is to rehabilitate wild animals that have been injured. Spread over 200 acres, visitors have walking access to a 1.5-mile loop where they have the opportunity to view animals like moose and brown bears during the summer months, with supervision! These other species which live there may also be visible during a visit through the Center’s Walk on the Wild Side Tours: black bear, bald eagles, lynx, moose, bison, wolves and reindeer.

The most unusual Alaskan animal is possibly the musk ox, available for visiting at a musk ox farm in Palmer. Picture a thickly hair-covered ox whose body, head and horns stay close to the earth in a lugubrious silhouette, eliciting a slightly mournful image.

Its qiviut covering is eight times warmer than sheep’s wool by weight. At 12 microns in diameter, qiviut is one of nature’s miraculous fine fibers. It has no barbs or scales, so no itchy feeling. Really a holdover from the last Ice Age, the shaggy and hearty musk ox are clearly adapted to the year-round Alaskan climate.

The last leg of the journey south to Seward stops at Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula. This picturesque seaside town lined under the horizon

with ice-capped mountains was named after Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of State, William Seward. He negotiated the purchase of the Alaskan territory from Russia for $7,200,000 in 1867.

Kenai Fjords National Park is 900 square miles of wilderness, home to such diverse wildlife as humpback whales, sea lions and bald eagles.

The park’s cute small mammals such as sea otters are top fishers and speedy swimmers. Endangered in western Alaska, their tasty diet typically consists of shellfish, octopus and crab. Their fur is very dense, with up to one million hairs per square inch. They were hunted to near extinction during the maritime fur trade of the 1700s and 1800s. At that point, the sea otter population was reduced to a few remnant colonies as their pelts were considered more valuable than gold. But today, tribal and conservation leaders of the Elakha Alliance are working to restore them as part of a resilient marine ecosystem.

The largest member of the eared seal family –the Steller sea lion--lives in the park year-round. They stealthily hunt for fish at night and then haul out to rest during the day. Some lucky photographers have even captured them holding hands.

Every summer, Kenai Fjords transforms into a feeding ground for four whale species. Humpback whales spend June to September feeding in Alaska and then migrate to the appealing Hawaiian Islands or to California where they breed and give birth. They eat small schooling fish and animals by filtering them from the water.

Gray whales travel north each spring from Baja, Mexico where they calve in feeding grounds in Russia, showing up in the Kenai Fjords from late March to mid-May, completing the longest migration of any mammal. Surprisingly, they survive by filtering small organisms out of the ocean sediment.

Finally, also be on the lookout for hearty Fin whales and Orca/Killer whales while in Kenai Fjords!

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 10

St. Pete Beach, FL - Taste of the Beaches is back! The Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce will hold their week-long taste tour from Saturday, October 8th to Friday October 14th. Gather friends and family to visit a variety of restaurants across Pinellas County to try their signature “tastes”.

Patrons can purchase tickets and then visit the participating restaurants of their choice to use throughout the entire week. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to PARC Center for Disabilities.

Here how to join this year’s Taste of the Beaches:

Step 1: Purchase your tickets

Step 2: View Tastes and pick the restaurants you would like to visit Step 3: Visit restaurants from October 8th to October 14th Step 4: Turn in your ticket to receive your Taste

Tickets will be sold by the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce. The cost is $10 per ticket, each ticket provides one (1) taste per participating restaurant. You can order tickets online at or find a Ticket PopUp near you at

Taste of the Beaches is sponsored by the Tampa Bay Times, City of St. Pete Beach, Smith and Associates Real Estate and Valpak.

For more information, please contact Robin Miller at or visit

About the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce:

The Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce promotes travel & tourism, educates businesses & individuals, provides a forum of collaboration to enhance the business environment & promote the quality of life for the communities we serve.

Go to tYAB3s to sign up for our TEXT communications to receive more networking opportunities and community updates.

Resources for Selecting a Provider This Open Enrollment Season

From Family Features

Getting health care for yourself or a loved one is a big responsibility, especially if you’re just getting started with Medicare or have health changes in your life. It can be overwhelming if you need services like nursing home care, have to find a new doctor or get home health care. Using online tools like “Find Care Providers” on can make it easier to make comparisons and help choose doctors, hospitals, nursing homes and more for you or the person you are helping provide care to. Consider these benefits of using the comparison tools to narrow your options.


The website provides a simple search and compare experience that allows you to find providers near you. Simply put in a ZIP code and the type of provider to receive a list of providers, their contact information and a map of locations. The information even includes “star ratings” and services provided. The tool can be used to find all sorts of providers, including doctors, hospitals, home health care agencies, skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation providers, hospice and dialysis facilities.

You can see how patients rate their care experiences at the hospitals in your area and find home health agencies that offer the services you might need, like nursing care, physical therapy and occupational therapy.


Whether you have referrals or are starting from scratch, you can compare health care providers near you using the tool, pinpointing which category of services you need, whether it’s doctors and clinicians, hospitals, hospice and home health agencies, dialysis facilities, inpatient rehabilitation centers or nursing homes.


When you’re looking for a new doctor and not sure where to start, the tool makes it quick and easy to find and compare doctors in your area. You can find contact information, practice locations, specialty and hospital affiliation as well as hospital ratings.

Selecting the “compare” button allows you to compare up to three different health care providers at once. When you’re ready to schedule a visit with a new provider, be sure to take time during your scheduling call to verify the office location, whether the office is accepting new patients with Medicare and whether you need a referral to be treated.

Visit to access the tool and find health care providers and services in your area that fit your needs.

Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 11

Movie Preview: Ticket to Paradise

Some movies are all but predictable, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t good, enjoyable films. Was there ever any doubt about the outcome of the beloved Rocky when we all flocked to theaters nationwide to vigorously cheer on a bloody and battered Sylvester Stallone, who painfully hauled himself off the mat again and again? No. We all knew how that story would end.

Or what about Titanic, the first movie to gross one billion dollars? Never did we hear of any shocked theatergoer exclaiming, “Hey! Wait a minute! The ship is going to sink?”

Image from IMDb

Ticket to Paradise is as predictable as the sun rising tomorrow, but it also looks to be a fun rom-com romp with two of Hollywood’s most bankable names lighting up the big screen. In starring roles, we have George Clooney (once named “the Sexiest Man Alive” by People magazine) and Julia Roberts (People has called her the most beautiful woman in the world five times).

The film fun begins right away, when an overseas jet shows us Clooney and Roberts (at ages 61 and 54, respectively, and both still impossibly good-looking) thrown together on a flight to Bali. (Filming actually took place in Queensland, Australia.) In a clever bit of exposition, an exasperated Roberts asks a passing

Apple Grilled Cheese

If you’re looking for a way to celebrate fall flavors without adding pumpkin puree to everything, you may want to turn to the humble apple. Versatile, delicious and crisp, apples are a great fruit to add to any meal. Chop and add as a salad topper, have an apple as a snack or for your breakfast, or, yes, even add it to your grilled cheese.

Did you know that apple pie was originally meant to be served with a slice of melted cheddar on top?

Right, I didn’t either. However, there’s an old saying that goes, “A slice of


• Your favorite type of apple, sliced thin

• Two slices of sharp cheddar cheese

apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze.” Clearly, cheese and apples were meant to be together. And we can kind of see that in the way that charcuterie boards are constructed. Typically, these boards feature a variety of cheeses (soft, firm, sharp, mild, etc.) and fruits, including fresh grapes, dried cranberries and apples. Together, these two foods make for the perfect, satisfying bite. So why not as a warm and melty sandwich?

steward to allow her to sit elsewhere, as she and Clooney used to be married. This prompts George to grumble, “The worst 19 years of my life.”

Julia immediately corrects him. “We were only married for five.”

“I’m counting the recovery,” was Clooney’s dour response.

The paper-thin plot revolves around the ex-couple’s concern that their daughter is rushing headfirst into a marriage with a foreign young man she has just met and is in danger of throwing away a promising career. (Apparently this is what Julia’s character did herself 25 years earlier, when she tied the knot with George, a man she barely knew.)

After the exes deplane and sit together at an outdoor bar, Roberts suggests, “As much as it will pain us both, we need to call a truce to make this work.” Clooney, squelching grumpiness, agrees. In the meantime, daughter Lily (Kaitlyn Dever) is having a blast on the island with her best pal, Wren (Billie Lourd).

It may be worth the price of admission just to see a tipsy Clooney in a nightclub doing what could be filmdom’s dorkiest (and most embarrassing) “dad dance.” This prompts embarrassed Lily to exclaim to her friend, “I’m praying for an asteroid.”

Ticket to Paradise opens on October 21. See it. Have fun.

• Two slices of your favorite bread (sourdough would work great here)

• Butter

1. Heat a pan to medium-low heat and butter one side of a bread slice. Once the pan is hot, lay the slice butter side down and layer one cheese slice with the apple slices. Top the apple with your second cheese slice and cover to let steam for 2-3 minutes.

2. Once the bread is toasted, put the other butter slice on top. Flip and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

3. Let rest on a plate for 1-2 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 12

Plenty of Hard Work Went into Creating Downtown Tarpon Springs Coffee Lounge

Information and image from

Annie Appenzeller may have coffee in her veins. Appenzeller opened her coffee lounge Urban Grounds in downtown Tarpon Springs back in June. According to Suncoast News, she said developed a love for coffee and a dream of one day selling it while still in grade school.

“I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 12 years old, and I’ve probably been to a hundred different coffee shops all over the United States,” Appenzeller said. “I’ve always wanted some day to run my own coffee shop.”

To make that happen, Appenzeller, 27, restored the one-story old brick building at 150 E. Tarpon Way that dates to 1909 into a combination of coffee lounge, bakery and luncheon.

Born and raised in Tarpon Springs, Appenzeller graduated from Florida State University in 2017 with a degree in marketing and finance.

Returning home, Appenzeller in 2020 opened up her first retail store — The Wine Society — six stores down from her current location. Two years later, she sold Wine Society this past May and opened Urban Grounds in June.

Appenzeller says her marketing plan behind Urban Grounds is to provide a unique and original locale in contrast to national coffee chains.

“I wanted it to be unique as a coffee lounge — I didn’t want it to be a fast-paced coffee shop,” Appenzeller said. “I didn’t want it to be a drive-thru, turn and burn, I wanted it to be a place where you could come in, hang out and enjoy yourself.”

“I want to be the coffee and bakery spot of Tarpon Springs,” Appenzeller said. “When somebody comes to Tarpon Springs to get a cup of coffee, it will be Urban Grounds. I want to be the spot when somebody asks, ‘Where can I get a pastry at 3 o’clock in the afternoon in Tarpon Springs?’ The answer: Urban Grounds.”

Urban Grounds’ products are also rooted in the Pinellas County area, using locally roasted beans. But it’s more than just coffee, with a line of teas provided by the “Tea & Spice Exchange” located in the Historic Sponge Docks area.

The store’s coffee beverage specialty: Italian espresso made on a state-of-the-art Austrian made espresso machine.

Along with coffee, Urban Grounds is also a bakery, offering a selection of fresh pastries made in-house including muffins, scones and cupcakes hand made by Lolita’s Cup Creations.

Urban Grounds menu can be found on its website at www.urbangroundsfl.



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Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 13


Heather Havrilesky, the advice columnist who writes the “Ask Polly” column on Substack, and previously authored “What If This Were Enough?,” “How to Be a Person in the World” and “Disaster Preparedness.” She has written for “The New Yorker,” the “New York Times Magazine,” and APR’s “All Thing Considered.”

“Good Morning America,” “Good Housekeeping” and “Publishers Weekly” all recommend this book because it’s “funny, honest, poignant, sarcastic and illuminating.” One-half of all marriages in America end in divorce, and yet many of us cling to one mate for life. Why? In this book, Heather Havrilesky focuses on the delights and calamities over her 15 years of marriage, a drop in the bucket compared to

“Foreverland: On the Divine Tedium of Marriage” By Heather Havrilesky by Kathy A. Megyeri

my own 52 years. But she eloquently discusses the energy required to keep love aflame. It’s exhausting, it’s taxing, and worst of all, it accompanies one’s own aging.

The tone of the book is confessional but also wise, witty and written with a self-deprecating sense of humor. The Associated Press says it’s a wonder that Heather can turn the divine tedium of her marriage into a “rollicking adventure for her readers too.” Havrilesky discusses motherhood, growing older, coping with both boredom and exhilaration, rejoicing in the joys of finding the one and only, and then bearing the woes of putting up with him. She shares anecdotes from her own marriage to make the book a love letter to marriage because the qualities that make us unique are really what we end up loving in our choice of mates. She opens up about her life, marriage and family, and the reader cannot help but compare hers to the reader’s own. But then an epiphany occurs, and the author realizes that “when the end comes, no matter what, it’ll be happy. I feel in every cell how lucky I was, how lucky we were, to have found each other.” And isn’t that the most any of us can ask of a marriage and a life together in Foreverland?

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 14 12717 59th, Way North Clearwater Corporate office location Call 1-727-304-4034 1-727-456-7134 6 CLASS LESSONS/LEARN 10 SONGS EASILY FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA for even more chances to win prizes and gift cards Instagram: @lifestylesafter50 Facebook: Lifestyles After 50 Twitter: @50lifestyles

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1From a preferred cost-share retail or mail-order pharmacy. 2One set of complete or partial dentures every five years. Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. CarePlus is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in CarePlus depends on contract renewal. Referrals and/ or authorization may be required for certain specialists. Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. complies with applicable Federal Civil Rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ancestry, marital status, or religion in their programs and activities, including in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, their programs and activities. Any inquiries regarding CarePlus’ non-discrimination policies and/or to file a complaint, also known as a grievance, please contact Member Services at 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711). From October 1 – March 31, we are open 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. From April 1 – September 30, we are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may always leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business day. Español (Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece anteriormente. Kreyol Ayisyen (French Creole): Enfomasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lot lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sevis pou Manm nou yo ki nan lis anwo an.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 15
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5 Great Places to Live After 50

Are you or someone you know looking to move? Whether you’re already in Florida or looking to find your dream Florida home while out of state, here are just a few communities along the Gulf Coast. Make the most of your retirement here!

The Oaks Retirement Community at Waterman Village – Mt Dora, FL

The Oaks is Waterman Village’s flagship retirement community, founded in 1989. Independent living ranch, duplex and quad-plex homes grace the beautiful tree-lined streets in The Oaks neighborhood. It truly looks and feels like a neighborhood, with no two homes exactly alike.

At The Oaks, all 260 independent living residences are one-story ranch, duplex or quad-plex homes with either an enclosed garage or covered carport. Each residence has at least two bedrooms and two baths. It’s a beautiful established, tree-lined campus that will remind you of the Midwest or New England states. Home prices start at a $3,500 entry fee.

On-campus activities range from water aerobics in the clubhouse pool to shuffleboard tournaments, bingo and ice cream socials. The neighborhood has walking trails, an outpatient therapy center and even a woodworking shop.

To learn more, visit www.

Elison Senior Living of Pinecrest – Largo, FL

Life at Elison Senior Living of Pinecrest is vibrant and vivacious, social and comfortable and safe and secure. Elison supplements the exception living options and amenities with community activities meant to build rapport and friendship between residents. After all, you’re never too old to make a new friend.

This community hosts happy hours and holiday celebrations in addition to support groups, hobby groups and so much more. Amenities include Chef-prepared restaurantstyle dining, weekly housekeeping and linen service, outdoor heated pool, three libraries, shuffleboard, fitness center, billiards room and even a private dog park.

Living options at Elison Senior Living include independent living, assisted living and memory care, with the ability to move between the three as needed as you age. Floor plans range from studio apartments for assisted living and memory care to two-bedroom units for independent living.

Find pricing and options at

Brookdale College Parkway – Fort Myers, FL

It’s time to trade up your senior living. Here you can give up chores, cooking and cleaning, and get a resort-style life of leisure instead. It’s time to let facility specialists handle the hassle and stress of home maintenance, and get more time to live the life you deserve.

This prime Ft. Myers location will give you easy access to shopping malls, markets, the beautiful Gulf beaches and other local attractions. The homelike atmosphere and carefully decorated community will make you feel like our space is your place in no time. And you can have peace of mind knowing we have staff available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be alerted to an emergency.

Living options at Brookdale include independent living and assisted living. Floor plans range from one to two-bedroom units. Call or visit the community website for more information and pricing.

Visit for more information.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 16



B-52’s was an American New Wave Band in the late 70s as well as

long-range jet bomber manufactured in the 1950s. The B-29 was a four-prop bomber used in WWII.

of the above could also garner you a win in a game of bingo.

not grown up in a Catholic household, my last recollection of playing bingo was as a very young kid with my buddies.

I take that back; at my last several jobs, before attending any conference room meetings, I would print out a set of boards from the internet, so I could play “Buzzword Bingo” during the ordeals. In each space were printed buzzwords or Corp-speak phrases of the day such as “reach out,” “safe harbor,” “full plate,” “best practices,” “core values,” “customer-centric,” “multi-tasking,” “results-driven,” “push-back,” “takeaway,” “paradigm shift,” “run it up the flagpole” and the list goes on ad infinitum. Many times, I had to restrain myself from shouting “BINGO!” as a speaker babbled on and on, saying little memorable or valuable.

In the retirement world, the game of bingo is second only to shuffleboard as the most popular sport. Where I live, it is played in the clubhouse every Tuesday. Last week, I joined the line streaming into the building a little after 7 pm. I seated myself next to a lady who had six or eight boards spread out in front of her. I was surprised at how fast-paced it was and she was amazing to watch. Her arms were on fire as she dabbed her marker left and right, up and down, like a well-oiled machine. She never won but came pretty close.

It costs $14 to purchase so many boards each evening, but I lost track of how many $40 prizes I heard given out roughly every 15 minutes.

The highlight of the evening was after new residents, The Humberts arrived, he, stylishly dapper in his tweed jacket, and she, coifed in platinum locks, wearing Mary Janes and heart-shaped sunglasses. They seated themselves, and within minutes, a winner at the adjacent table yelled, “BINGO!” The slap to his face could be heard throughout the room as Mrs. Humbert screamed, “I ain’t no bimbo!”

I hope I don’t experience anything similar as I observe the bocce ball matches next week.

Mike Wright constantly wishes that they would put a ping pong table in the building or on the pool deck. Share your senior skills with him at micwrighthamo@gmailcom.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 17 Power Puzzle 5758 63 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26.Bar 29. Does an electrician 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejectedwithdisdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 66.Lacks 67. Flower 68. Schnozzola 69. Meadow covering 6. Creator 7. Enthusiastic 8.6th day of Lent: abbr. 9. Hookandlineuser 10. Embraced 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat’s talk 62. Lennon’s lady Last Month’s Answers Enter To Win! Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha Congratu L ations! FILL IN ANSWERS & WIN GREAT PRIZES Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 Name Address City State Zip Age Phone E-mail I want information on: Travel / Cruises Recreation / Leisure Entertainment / Events Insurance Elder Law / Financial Housing Options Reverse Mortgages Personal Health & Fitness Home Improvements Automobiles CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 262728 29 30 3132 33343536 37 3839 4041 42 4344 4546 4748 4950 515253 54 55 56 575859 60 6162 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ACROSS 1. Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Family member 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26.Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejected with disdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro s foe 66.Lacks 67. Flower 68. Schnozzola DOWN 1. State 2. Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat part 5. Hide preparers 6. Creator 7. Enthusiastic 8.6th day of Lent: abbr. 9. Hookandlineuser 10. Embraced 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit that you are...” 25. Had a meal 26. Keep __ on; watch carefully 27. Taj Mahal scity 28. Bride’s item 29. Flamingoorheron 32. Cutintosmallpieces 34.In __ of 35. Always 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45.Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Likemore expensive hamburger 51.Dandruff site 52. Salk s concern 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat s talk 62. Lennon’s lady#5129CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 262728 29 30 3132 33343536 37 3839 4041 ACROSS 1. Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Familymember 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26.Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejectedwithdisdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro s foe 66.Lacks 67. Flower 68. Schnozzola 69. Meadow covering 1.State 2. Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat part 5. Hide preparers 6. Creator 7. Enthusiastic 8.6th day of Lent: abbr. 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit that you are...” 25. Had a meal 26. 27. Taj Mahal s city 28. Bride’s item 29. Flamingo or heron 32. Cut into small pieces 34.In __ of 35. Always 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45.Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more expensive hamburger 51.Dandruff site 52. Salk s concern 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat s talk 62. Lennon s lady Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers ANSWER TO #5138 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 252627 2829 30313233 34 3536 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4647 48 4950 51 52 5354 555657 585960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 17. Of a generation 18. Pocket bread 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; behaving inappropriately 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62.Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry 7. Greek letter 8. Expunge 9. Refer 10.Spring 11. Bit of cereal 12. Take advantage of 13. German article 21. High schooler 22.Start 25.Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complaint to a dermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 57.Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 252627 2829 30313233 34 3536 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4647 48 4950 51 52 5354 555657 585960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ACROSS 1.Bargain-hunt 5. Fog 9. Read __; recite 14. Novel setting 15. Of the U.S.A. 16. Rent long-term 17. Of a generation 18. Pocket bread 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; behaving inappropriately 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62.Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry 21. High schooler 22.Start 25.Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complaint to a dermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 57.Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname #5139CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 252627 ACROSS 1.Bargain-hunt 5. Fog 9. Read __; recite 14. Novel setting 15. Of the U.S.A. 16. Rent long-term 17. Of a generation 18. Pocket bread 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; behaving inappropriately 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62.Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry DOWN 1. Heavenly Mlles. 2. Nag 3. Not just tacit 4. Mom, dad, or madam 5. Take place 6. Friend at the école 7. Greek letter 8. Expunge 9. Refer 10.Spring 11. Bit of cereal 12. Take advantage of 13. German article 21. High schooler 22.Start 25.Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complaint to a dermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. __ PM; 2100 hours 57.Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname COLOIRANIBOPS AVERNONOSOLIO RAGECONTRADICT DLICOTEMIDAS SLAMSTON ALLUREFORGET ELATETRITENOM RATESWINEIGOR OMEBLADETOILE ADORESCANNED NEWPURSE SAUTEMISTESP ABRIDGMENTARIA CLAMIRATEPEST KYLEASTOREDIE ANSWER TO #5163 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6061 62 63 64 65 66 67 Enveloping atmosphere 17. Word with green or lasting 18. Amphitheatre 19. Rip 20. Vacation spots 22. Swears 24. Musical notes 25. Direct 26. Strong thread 29. Group tub 30. Egg holders 34. Harem rooms 35. Ms. Farrow 36. State-of-the-art 37. Woman’s nickname 38. Fighter 40. __ for; try to win 41.Plentifully 43. Diet soft drink 44. Pass out 45. Varnish ingredient 46. Skedaddled 47. Occurring less often 48. German city 50. For each 51. Glorified 54. Brings back to life 58. Fork part 59. Fess up 61.Tack 62. Slangy denial 63. City in Arizona 64. Slave of old 65. Is less than honest 66. Methodical arrangement 67. Worry 6.His and __ 7. “__ you kidding me?” 8. Fiesta feature 9. Lift the spirits of 10. __ to; indulged 11. Has second thoughts about 12. He was: Lat. 13. Conflicts 21. __ Dawn Chong 23. Domingo, notably 25.No-frills 26. Stopover 27. Flawless 28. Dark color 29. Mister 31.Cut 32. Commonplace 33. Derisive expression 35. __ West 36. Crowd 38. Watch site 39. John, in Glasgow 42. Breakfast specials 44. Guadalcanal heroes 46. More flushed 47. Gun the engine 49. “...__ shining sea.” 50. Pickled pepper picker 51. Common Latin abbr. 52. I & V & I & V & I 53. Last of the Stuart monarchs 54. Like a juicy peach 55. Great in size 56. German pronoun 57. Assassinated 60. Twenty-five hundred Wally Wodzien, Sarasota
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6061 62 63 64 65 66 67 ACROSS 1. __ up; misbehaves 5. Form 10. Working group 14. Keats or Yeats 15. Jeopardy 16. Enveloping atmosphere 17. Word with green or lasting 18. Amphitheatre 19. Rip 20. Vacation spots 22. Swears 24. Musical notes 25. Direct 26. Strong thread 29. Group tub 30. Egg holders 34. Harem rooms 35. Ms. Farrow 36. State-of-the-art 37. Woman’s nickname 38. Fighter 40. __ for; try to win 41.Plentifully 43. Diet soft drink 44. Pass out 45. Varnish ingredient 46. Skedaddled 47. Occurring less often 48. German city 50. For each 51. Glorified 54. Brings back to life 58. Fork part 59. Fess up 61.Tack 62. Slangy denial 63. City in Arizona 64. Slave of old 65. Is less than honest 66. Methodical arrangement 67. Worry DOWN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.His and __ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Conflicts 21. __ Dawn Chong 23. Domingo, notably 25.No-frills 26. Stopover 27. Flawless 28. Dark color 29. Mister 31.Cut 32. Commonplace 33. Derisive expression 35. __ West 36. Crowd 38. Watch site 39. John, in Glasgow 42. Breakfast specials 44. Guadalcanal heroes 46. More flushed 47. Gun the engine 49. “...__ shining sea.” 50. Pickled pepper picker 51. Common Latin abbr. 52. I & V & I & V & I 53. Last of the Stuart monarchs 54. Like a juicy peach 55. Great in size 56. German pronoun 57. Assassinated 60. Twenty-five hundred # 5164CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 ACROSS 1. __ up; misbehaves 5. Form 10. Working group 14. Keats or Yeats 15. Jeopardy 16. Enveloping atmosphere 17. Word with green or lasting 18. Amphitheatre 19. Rip 20. Vacation spots 22. Swears 24. Musical notes 25. Direct 26. Strong thread 29. Group tub 30. Egg holders 34. Harem rooms 35. Ms. Farrow 36. State-of-the-art 37. Woman’s nickname 38. Fighter 40. __ for; try to win 41.Plentifully 43. Diet soft drink 44. Pass out 45. Varnish ingredient 46. Skedaddled 47. Occurring less often 48. German city 50. For each 51. Glorified 54. Brings back to life 58. Fork part 59. Fess up 61.Tack 62. Slangy denial 63. City in Arizona 64. Slave of old 65. Is less than honest 66. Methodical arrangement 67. Worry DOWN 1. One who mocks 2. Small bay 3. Mickelson’s pegs 4. Ambles 5. Tiffs 6.His and __ 7. “__ you kidding me?” 8. Fiesta feature 9. Lift the spirits of 10. __ to; indulged 11. Has second thoughts about 12. He was: Lat. 13. Conflicts 21. __ Dawn Chong 23. Domingo, notably 25.No-frills 26. Stopover 27. Flawless 28. Dark color 29. Mister 31.Cut 32. Commonplace 33. Derisive expression 35. __ West 36. Crowd 38. Watch site 39. John, in Glasgow 42. Breakfast specials 44. Guadalcanal heroes 46. More flushed 47. Gun the engine 49. “...__ shining sea.” 50. Pickled pepper picker 51. Common Latin abbr. 52. I & V & I & V & I 53. Last of the Stuart monarchs 54. Like a juicy peach 55. Great in size 56. German pronoun 57. Assassinated 60. Twenty-five hundred
Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 18

Better Health. It’s About Time. The VIPcare Patient Experience

Going to see your doctor is probably never on your list of things to do for fun; however, it’s important in maintai ning your health, especially for adults 65 and older. Pa tients who have an ongoing relationship with their pri mary care physician have fewer unnecessary trips to the ER. That’s why you need a doctor that you’re comfortable with and who you trust. One you can turn to 24/7.

Quality over Quantity

It can be hard to find that doctor with whom you truly connect. Healthcare has become so rushed. It’s like doc tors compete to see the most patients. Sadly, that doesn’t leave much time for one-on-one time.

That was the key difference Dan and Tina DiFrancesco noticed with VIPcare after moving from Pennsylva nia. “They make you feel like you’re the only one,” Tina said. “It’s really the first doctor that I’ve had like that.”

Time for a Better Experience

Dan had two doctors before visiting VIPcare. He ad mits they were nice but immediately noticed a different

experience upon switching. “The doctors, they care,” he said. “You get an X-ray or something, they call you, ‘how did you make out.’”

By taking the time to know you and your health his tory, your primary care physician can provide you with the specialized care you need and deserve. No more running around from doctor to doctor for answers. Your doctor is your direct link to comprehensive care.

“The whole office, they follow up,” Tina said about her VIPcare experience. “The next day they’re on the phone with you. It’s great.”

Your Journey to Better Health

Real health care is getting you healthy and keeping you healthy. Find a trusted partner in your health and get the care and attention you deserve.

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Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 19
Choosing a doctor is an important decision. Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our primary care doctors with your neighborhood VIPcare clinic! 866-604-4064 www.GetVIPcare.comAccepting New Patients



row of 9 numbers

column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order.

Win Great

3 by 3 subsection of the 9





APRIL Sudoku

Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.

Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number


Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638,

FL 33583


APRIL W ord Sea rch



Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 20 Last Month’s Answers
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku mu ST b E RE c EI vE d by ThE 20T h of ThE mo NT h.
Prizes! New winner selected each month Last Month’s Winner is Carol Sands, Port Charlotte Congr atuL ations ! Good Luck! Good Luck! Solution #303 Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each
must include all digits1through9inanyorder. Each
square must
9. SUDOKU Sudoku #304 837249615 542398761
the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions –forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583 The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win. WIN! WIN! WIN! GREAT PRIZES! (Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month) MYSTERY PRIzE! Good Luck! # 305
In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? September Nichole Veesaert, Apollo Beach
Word Search AUGUST’S SEARCH Josephine Jimenez, N. Ft. Myers : Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline for entries: September 25th Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte was last months winner! Last month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup. The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week. Name Address City State Zip Email Phone Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583 Trivia Palooza! Play & WIN! QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize! # 315 Today's Category: Dances WORD SEARCH 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10. ____________________ 11. ____________________ 12. ____________________ 13. ____________________ 14. ____________________ 15. ____________________ 16. ____________________ 17. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Samba T T A L U H G T H O R A M A Z U R K A L S D G E C N R G H W V E S I P U Q G D A S A O E J E W C U O D F N L T R T D F T A D B H G T T S D F W O D S G A X Z E D F O G R R A G H L N D L S D R T I M G H O L D T L D U X L B M I N U E T G A M O L A K L O P D T D C B F E C A K E W A L K S A C # 314 Word Search Solution: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. U N I U G N E P S D F W N E R W D E L O I R O C B D G B A D P S D O F N S D F G L D C I D S G I W W L S L U D P G D F B A E A S A G E G R E T O L D P N R C F J D C O R L C A G K W A H A K D N O R R E N O O L C Y G H W O R R A P S U C V H J C W O D X C C A N A R Y M C T G H C V K R O T S Parrot Penguin Pigeon Robin Sparrow Stork Swallow Swan Woodpecker Wren Bluejay Canary Crow Cuckoo Eagle Egret Hawk Lark Loon Oriole # 314 Search Solution: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. U N I U G N E P S D F W N E R W D E L O I R O C B D G B A D P S D O F N S D F G L D C I D S G I W W L S L U D P G D F B A E A S A G E G R E T O L D P N R C F J D C O R L C A G K W A H A K D N O R R E N O O L C Y G H W O R R A P S U C V H J C W O D X C C A N A R Y M C T G H C V K R O T S Parrot Penguin Pigeon Robin Sparrow Stork Swallow Swan Woodpecker Wren Bluejay Canary Crow Cuckoo Eagle Egret Hawk Lark Loon Oriole Solution #313 957361842 381254697 246987531 518479326 723816459 694532178 879645213 165723984 432198765 1 8 67 43 85 2 5 6 4 9 4 2 1 3 9 64 71 21 8 5 Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. SUDOKU Sudoku #314 Solution #314 7 128936754 439785612 657412398 816354927 293871546 574269183 761528439 985643271 34219786 5 # 380 Today's Category: Musical Instruments WORD SEARCH 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10. ____________________ 11. ____________________ 12. ____________________ 13. ____________________ 14. ____________________ 15. ____________________ 16. ____________________ 17. ____________________ 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ 20. ____________________ In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Lute G G U I T A R D O S R P L O S H O R N U N S A I U B U S C X U D A B T C T O G K G H B M I S I C E E L G U S H T P S S O E T U L F L E V S E N L P U V H G N E G I O T O O B J I I S E L O O D H L A H R O F B S E C L B L Y A G I L S O R G A N E L U F H A I B A N J O C H B C B X C N H A R P
Word Search Solution #338 241368759 876591234 359274186 794832561 518746392 623159847 432615978 165987423 98742361 5 Gill Ruderman, Bradenton Last Month’s Winner: # 379 Word Search Solution: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. P M E D G P R Y G H V B Y I D G H B V C F L Y C D H H G I H T C R G H I U H R G H X C V Y D G L B T Y D G B J H C E S I N O E G H J U G D Y C E I G H C G H S Y D E G N G P Y U G D M S G H C V H C P I G H C S H N M S V H D C V D C B C X W B I S G D S P R Y D R H M N E G H H I S Y T V Y Buy By Cry Die Dry Eye Fly Fry Guy Hi High Lie My Nigh Pry Rye Spry Thigh Vie Why # 379 Word Search Solution: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. P M E D G P R Y G H V B Y I D G H B V C F L Y C D H H G I H T C R G H I U H R G H X C V Y D G L B T Y D G B J H C E S I N O E G H J U G D Y C E I G H C G H S Y D E G N G P Y U G D M S G H C V H C P I G H C S H N M S V H H D V D C B C X W B I S G D S P R Y D R H M N E G H H I S Y T V Y Buy By Cry Die Dry Eye Fly Fry Guy Hi High Lie My Nigh Pry Rye Spry Thigh Vie Why Pauline Racicot, Port Charlotte OCTOBER6 89 34 12 5 4 7 972 845 9 6 7 47 36 91 5 Sudoku requires skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 digits 1 through in Each column of must all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. SUDOKU Sudoku #339 Solution #339 3 7 426589173 873461295 519327846 241675938 697238451 358194762 965842317 184753629 73291658 4 September’s SEARCH ANSWERS TO Play each week to be entered in a drawing to win a prize each month! Deadline for entries: October 20th Name Address State Email Phone Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583 Pedro Luis Heinz, Wesley Chapel was our last months winner! Previous answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza. The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week. TriviaPalooza! Play & WIN! QuestIoN: NAme the ACTOR & THE movIe: “ALL rIght, mr. demILLe, I’m reAdy for my cLose-uP.” ANsWer:____________________________________________ Answer This WIN a Prize!

I’m the new kid!

I barely know my tail from my toes.

It’s only my first day,

but before you know it,

I’ll be ready to bring hope to someone’s life.

Maybe that person is someone you love.

Watch me grow to achieve my destiny. Follow my journey with regular photos and updates.

Sponsor a puppy (like ME!) for only $19 per month.

Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 21

Seniors getting



5525 – FRIENDS FIRST. ISO W widower, 8/0’s, honest, SOH, HWP, NS, LT SD. (ME) Attractive, WW, 5’4”, 120 lbs, Enjoy life, it goes by so fast. Ft Myers to Naples area.

4907 - SWF. 59 yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, smoker, blonde hair, blue eyes. I like shing, movies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks SWM who likes the same.

5524 – RETIRED WW READER. W, C, 84 young, SOH, NS, ND, NDrg, HWP, 5’2”, 128, FF, Lots TLC. ISO, kind, loving, cool & loves to laugh. I am healthy, outgoing. Need to meet before we judge each other. Port Charlotte.

5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking miserable old troll. If U respond U obviously have a sense of humor & R adventurous. I’m 76, blonde, petite, earthy, easy to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must have a little class & a lot of character.

5538 SEEKING HONEST COMPANION. ISO W. Widower, NS, ND, loving partner to enjoy life. Secure, happy and healthy. I am Filipina lady, easy and outgoing, petite, very honest, physically fit. Please reply with letter, photo & phone. Thanks

5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 6575, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo & phone.

5532 BEAUTIFUL LADY looking forward to meeting the man of her dreams here. A man between the ages of 49 to 79 yrs. old. I am looking for someone to share with me the simple pleasures of life. I am willing to relocate and enjoy life with that special person that contacts me. Lets meet and have fun.

5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS COMPANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer operations, applications expert and handy homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swimming, local touring. Veteran literary a plus. Tampa.

5556 – SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST COMPANION. I’m 80yy. B, H, C, F. Like to swim and travel. NS, NDrg, R, P. Seeking male, 65 to 89. Send name and phone number.

5419 - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo, 5’5”, slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa.

5557 – I’M TRYING! I’m looking for someone who doesn’t think he’s better than everyone else. I’m 79yy, 5’5”, blue eyes, white hair. NS, ND, NDrg, SOH, HWP. I’m told I look younger than I am but looks aren’t everything. It’s what’s in the heart & soul. I like to dance to the 50’s & 60’s & country music. I’d like to meet a man in his late 70’s to early 80’s and healthy. SOH, HWP, and a good heart & soul. Please send phone number. Good luck & GOD bless.

4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida.


5558 – SEEKING INTELLECTUAL not afraid to voice opinions. SM 75 to 85 who is not intimidated by educated female, who likes to learn. Must love dogs, have a tongue in cheek sense of humor & likes touch.

5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. I am a one woman man. Race is not an issuecharacter is!


5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hearing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and drama free.

5520 – MAN SEEKING MAN. W. male, 80, artist/sculpter, for friendship and fun. Love food and wine and interesting, fun people. Sarasota.

5540 – BEAUTIFUL BLACK QUEEN. 80yy, ISO friend/king, 75+, intellectual, P, astute, honest, single, SOH, NS, SD. Enjoys reading, poetry, reggae, classics, jazz, swimming. No wife. Tampa. Send name and phone number.

5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, NS, ND, like to meet SWM with same interest for LTR. Laid back, no drama. Like animals. Hillsborough & Pasco.

5544 – ACTIVE - ADVENTUROUS - PHYSICALLY FIT. W, WW, HWP. Passionate, fun-loving, easy-going, straight forward. I like bowling and exploring the outdoors. What’s your story? Seeking male 65-89. St. Petersburg.

5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN desires C-man who really loves God and is active, lives a healthy life, helps his neighbor, enjoys nature (including picnics), canoeing and a friend to all animals. I’m all of the above. I’m a W ,etite lady with long hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: Mid 50’s and up. I live in Hillsborough County. Please write me, tell me about yourself.

5547 – COUPLE SEEKING FRIENDS. WM,64. WF, 63 looking for fun, excitement. Trying new experiences. Open minded to all who’s interested. Couples. Singles. Contact us. Clearwater.

5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs old. I am nancially secure, have a car & condo. I live in N. St. Pete.

5549 – SEEKING FUN, FRIVOLITY, FANTASY freely with a fantastic man. Not necessarily of my dreams. Definitely NOT from my nightmares. Me over 60, eclectic interests, OM, smart and sassy.

5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN S. FT. MYERS. ISO friendship only with W, widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I am W, WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. Please respond with phone/email. Be safe & well.

5551 IN SEARCH OF COMPANION. SWF ISO M, companion around the Englewood vicinity. I am 68 yy, R,5’3”, HWP, NS, D, NDrg, active lifestyle. I am an avid beginner sailor/boater. Would like to travel. Looking for similar. FF the hopefully LTR.

5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal or guy with SOH. Good health, nancially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.

5552 ISO ST PETE MALE. 60’s, recently retired to Florida. Looking for fun companion to enjoy all this area has to offer. Fit and healthy. 5’, NS, educated, attractive.

5537 DSWM A YOUNG 81 attractive looks 70. Looking for a gal to share my life with. Love travel, dining, dance. Has a nice family. Lives in Nokomis. Will move.

5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, walks, cooking, travel, fun.

5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a young mid-seventies, NS, NS, t, active and adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life.

5543 – HI LUV. SWM SEEKING relocateable female to be my companion, life partner, lover, beat friend. I’m secure, easy going, loving, 5’7”, 150#, NS, ND. Save that rent money. Come share my beautiful place.

5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, attractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama.

5539 – LIVE RENT FREE. HELLO. SWM, 76, 5’6”, 180lbs, NS, SD, NDrgs, condo. Likes Elks, dancing, restaurants, shopping, TV, holding hands. ISO W or A Female, SOH, fun loving. Must drive. Pinellas Park.

5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. Likes sharing many activities together, quiet evenings; be adventurous.

5545 – W GUY, 77, ISO W GAL OVER 50. I’m almost housebound, but I like to drive. Not great looking but I got heart. I want a gal t love. I appreciate kindness, United States and God. NS, ND, NDrg. Please write letter. Pasco/ Pinellas/Hillsborough.

5426 - EASY GOING MAN. I’m 69, 140 lbs, 5’7”, widower, lives alone. Seeking other gentlemen for friendship, to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Will answer alll.

5546 – MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE. SWM, 70’s+ wishes to meet mature lady interested in travel, reading and staying young. Non smoker. Must have great sense of humor. Sarasota/Bradenton.

5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New York Attorney, former New York Police O cer, looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preferred. Clearwater area.

5548 – SEEKING COMPANIONSHIP/ PARTNER in life. Semi-retired, S. A. male, 5’6”, medical and financially secure. Loves travel, scenic drives, cruises, ballroom dance, plays, classical piano. Seeking nice lovely lady 76-88 y/o.

5412 - LOOKING FOR ADVENTEROUS WOMAN. SWM, NS, healthy, retired, enjoys country music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attractions, sun rises, sunsets, movies, walks in the park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County.


5550 WHAT’S YOUR FANTASY? WM, 61, HWP, single, looking for discreet playful partner relationship. Role play. Bedroom games possible. Could lead to a LTR. You never know?

seeking t, attractive, female. Very handsome, very t senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, silver hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. Dunedin.

5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activities, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active.

5554 MAN FOR LADY. 75, D, W, NS, SD, HWP, tall. I’m attractive for an old guy. Seeking nice person 69-80. See what develops. Near Pt. Charlotte.

Looking for SWW over 70. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park.

5555 LIVE - LAUGH - LOVE. Hi - SWM, young 70’s, 5’6”, SOH, NS, ND, SD, Condo. Likes Elks, shopping, TV, restaurants, holding hands, kissing. ISO SF, White or Asian, SOH, fun, dancing, SD. Pinellas Park area.

5553 YOU NEVER KNOW. WM, 60, 6ft, HWP, likes simple activities, casual start, open minded. Seeking female, 45-65, N. Tampa/Lutz area. Text/Talk see if any connection. Send note - I’ll answer.

5559 – SWM, 61, Great looking, fit, loves outdoors, kayaking, beach going, camping. Seeking youthful, sexy, energetic woman to enjoy life in paradise! Time to have fun! Life’s to short!

5560 – MAN SEEKING MAN. Open minded, St Pete senior seeking alpha boss man for fun get togethers.


To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue.

To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583

CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.

Personal Ad Placement only $6


Lifestyles After 50 • October 2022 • 22
Getting Together Make checks payable to: Lifestyles After 50 Mail to: PO Box 638, Seffner, Fl 33583 Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Email: If more room is needed, please use separate sheet. Mail this form along with $6 for each ad per month (add $4 for each additional edition/market in the same month). We cannot accept your ad without it. This information is confidential. TITLE: (First 4 Words) CITY: (No Charge) Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MA rk The e diTiOn( S ) YO u WOuL d Like TO run YO ur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee) Ad Copy ••• P LeAS e Prin T ne ATLY ••• 30 Word Limit
8 8

“Garden Party” by Rick Nelson

I went to a garden party

To reminisce with

chance to share old

play my songs


That’s what Rick Nelson expected when he signed on as a “special added attraction” at a New York oldies concert at Madison Square Garden on October 15, 1971. But a tactical error by Rick led to his storming offstage, his set cut short by several tunes. A year later, via “Garden Party,” his 19th—and final—Top Ten hit, he told the world his story behind that long-ago Friday night.

Chuck Berry was the show’s headliner, with supporting acts that included Bobby Rydell, Bo Diddley, the Shirelles, the Coasters and Gary U. S. Bonds. Each of the performers—Nelson included—had been hitless since 1964, the year that a Liverpool, England, quartet swept Americans off the charts overnight.

That evening, Rick strolled onstage with ultra-long hair, bell-bottom jeans, a velvet shirt and cowboy boots. His long-time fans were aghast. Nelson would later recount to Rolling Stone, “They kept looking at me and my long hair as if they couldn’t believe I was the same person. But I couldn’t have done it any differently, except by getting my hair cut and putting braces on my teeth.”

He opened with “Be-Bop Baby,” one of his early hits, and for a while Rick’s classics brought screams of recognition and appreciation. But later in his set he offered a

cover version of Bob Dylan’s “She Belongs to Me,” and the mood of the audience instantly dampened. To make matters worse, Nelson set down his guitar, seated himself at an onstage piano and launched into the Rolling Stones’ “Honky Tonk Women.” What followed was a tsunami of boos.

Image from Amazon

Concert promoter Richard Nader later explained, “The people that were in Madison Square Garden were not there to hear contemporary music; they were there to escape it.”

Rick played one more number before exiting the stage to seek refuge in a dressing room that night.

Rick would eventually create his story song about that disastrous 1971 night. In doing so, Nelson’s “Garden Party” served notice to the world that he would never again be part of any strictly “oldies” gig.

If you gotta play at garden parties

I wish you a lotta luck

But if memories were all I sang I’d rather drive a truck

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