Lifestyles After 50 Suncoast Edition, September 2022

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SUNCOAST EDITION ~ SEPTEMBER 2022 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 VOLUME 33 ISSUE 9 FREE TakeHome!One Fall Trips in Florida Looking for road trip ideas this month? Read more about gorgeous fall destinations in the state National EducationCholesterolMonth Learn more about how you can fix and prevent high cholesterol Articles in each issue: • Local news and events • Humor • Health • Recipe • Book Review • About The Cover Page 6 Soothe Our Souls

Tinnitus, also common in older people, is the ringing, hissing or roaring sound in the ears frequently caused by exposure to loud noise or certain medicines. Tinnitus is a symptom that can come with any type of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be caused by “ototoxic” medicines that damage the inner ear. Some antibiotics are ototoxic. Aspirin can cause temporary problems. If you’re having a hearing problem, ask your doctor about any medications you’re taking. Loud noise contributes to presbycusis and tinnitus. Noise has damaged the hearing of about 10 million Americans, many of them Baby Boomers who listened to hard rock with the volume turned up as far as possible. Hearing problems that are ignored or untreated can get worse. If you have a hearing problem, see your doctor. Hearing aids, special training, medicines and surgery are options. Your doctor may refer you to an otolaryngologist, a physician who specializes in problems of the ear. Or you may be referred to an audiologist, a professional who can identify and measure hearing loss. An audiologist can help you determine if you need a hearing aid. There are other “hearing aids” you should consider. There are listening systems to help you enjoy television or radio without being bothered by other sounds around you. Some hearing aids can be plugged directly into TVs, music players, microphones and personal FM systems to help you hear Somebetter.telephones work with certain hearing aids to make sounds louder and remove background noise. And some auditoriums, movie theaters and other public places are equipped with special sound systems that send sounds directly to your Alertsears. such as doorbells, smoke detectors and alarm clocks can give you a signal that you can see or a vibration that you can feel. For example, a flashing light can let you know someone is at the door or on the phone.

All Rights Reserved © 2022 by Fred Cicetti

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 2

Q. It seems like a lot of my friends are watching TV with the volume way up and accusing everyone of mumbling. How common are hearing problems among seniors?

About one in three Americans over 60 suffers from loss of hearing, which can range from the inability to hear certain voices to deafness.

There are two basic categories of hearing loss. One is caused by damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve. This type of hearing loss is permanent. The second kind occurs when sound can’t reach the inner ear. This can be repaired medically or surgically. Presbycusis, one form of hearing loss, occurs with age. Presbycusis can be caused by changes in the inner ear, auditory nerve, middle ear or outer ear. Some of its causes are aging, loud noise, heredity, head injury, infection, illness, certain prescription drugs and circulation problems such as high blood pressure. It seems to be inherited.

Send your general health questions to Healthy Geezer with Lifestyles After 50 in the subject line fred@healthygeezer.comto


Highyears.cholesterol goes undetected: You can’t feel high cholesterol, there aren’t any symptoms. That’s why regular checkups are so important! 1 in 3 adults have high cholesterol: All the more reason to schedule regular

Each September is National Cholesterol Education Month. Here are a few quick facts to know: HDL v. LDL: HDL is “good” cholesterol, LDL is “bad,” which causes build up in the Schedulearteries.regular checkups: Seniors especially need to schedule regular cholesterol checkups as they age. It’s recommended that seniors schedule checkups every one to two

Lifestylecheckups.changes can turn cholesterol around: If you have high cholesterol or are at risk for it, adjusting your habits to help lower cholesterol is a must. Opt for soluble fibers and healthy fats.


Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Releases Sales Sales: (813) 336-8247 Ext. AspenSales@lifestylesafter50.com2Hansen:(813)336-8247Ext.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 3


Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily re ect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 10th of each month. All rights reserved. As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.

Taking Care of You This Fall Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 33, Issue 9 Publisher

Another great way to support your heart health is through fatty fish and nuts, both of which are easy to enjoy during the fall. Opt for meals like almond-crusted salmon or a leafy green salad with a halibut filet and crushed walnuts. As always, it’s best to go with locally sourced ingredients, but that may not always be possible. No matter how you decide to spend the coming cooler months, be sure to look after yourself and your heart health. Have a great month, and we’ll see you in October! Adam adam.hansen@lifestylesfter50.comHansen Rebecca Editor@lifestylesafter50.comFending Website Allie Allie.Shaw@lifestylesafter50.comShaw Distribution distribution@lifestylesafter50.com813-336-8247



As I mentioned before, now is a great time to start getting out and walking more. As the temperatures can make walking a bit more bearable, fall is a great time to explore the world around you on foot. Walking can help build and maintain muscle mass, a very important detail to concern yourself with as you age. It also aids in supporting heart and cholesterol health by increasing your heart rate and helping blood flow throughout your body.

Event Sales



Have a great month and we'll see you in October! Rebecca Rebecca Fending, Editor September is here, and I know I may be jumping the gun a bit in saying this, but so is fall! Though temperatures still feel the same as they did in summer, we’re moving into the wonderful time of year when we may need to relocate our light jackets. Denim, windbreaker, cardigan, whatever you have— dig it out and keep it close for the season to Ascome!the daily temperature lowers, if you’re anything like me, you’ve been adding to a very long list of outdoorsy activities all summer long. Although summer is great and makes for great beach days, it also makes it nearly impossible to enjoy a walk in any area that doesn’t get that gorgeous Gulf breeze. For that reason, I have about five state parks and nature preserves on my “to walk” list. If I’m going to the trouble of sun screening, hydrating and generally prepping myself for a nature walk or hike, I better not want to leave 20 minutes into the excursion. This month also offers the opportunity to learn more about cholesterol and how best to care for your heart. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute named September National Cholesterol Education Month and encourages seniors with Medicare to schedule a cholesterol checkup appointment with their doctor. As we have several articles waiting for you inside this issue of Lifestyles that talk about this month’s awareness theme, I’ll spare you the repetition here. However, part of managing your cholesterol is leading an active lifestyle. The best way to combat high levels of LDL cholesterol is by eating high-fiber foods and getting plenty of exercise. According to research from Professor Jonathan J. Ruiz-Ramie of Augusta University, being regularly active not only helps lower LDL levels by 15% but also raises HDL by 20%. So, what are some small ways you can get started in becoming more active?


To Learn More, call 813-336-8247 or info@lifestylesafter50.comemailLifestylesAfter50P.O.Box638Seffner,Florida33583(Fax)

You should review your earnings carefully every year and confirm them using your own records, such as W-2s and tax returns. Keep in mind that earnings from this year and last year may not be listed yet.

The best way to verify your earnings record is to visit www. and create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account. You should review your earnings carefully every year and confirm them using your own records, such as W-2s and tax returns. Keep in mind that earnings from this year and last year may not be listed yet.

• Where can I learn more about a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D) and enroll? Visit

• Which doctors, health care providers, and suppliers participate in Medicare? See

You can apply for Medicare online even if you are not ready to start your retirement benefits. Applying online is quick and easy. There are no forms to sign, and we usually do not require additional documentation.

• What does Medicare cover? Find out at

Knowing when to apply for Medicare is very important! You must apply during your limited initial enrollment period. If you’re eligible for Medicare at age 65, your initial enrollment period begins three months before your 65th birthday and ends three months after that date. If you miss your initial enrollment period, you may have to pay a higher monthly premium. Visit to apply for Medicare and find other important information. If you were unable to enroll or disenroll in Medicare because you could not reach us by phone after January 1, 2022, you will be granted additional time through December 30, 2022. This additional time applies to the 2022 General Enrollment Period, Initial Enrollment Period, and Special Enrollment Period.

Information from the Social Security Administration

The Medicare website has answers to your questions and other helpful resources including:

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 4

Navigating Medicare Open Enrollment and Managing Your Social Security How to Apply for Medicare Online

• Where do I find forms to file a Medicare appeal? Visit www.medicare. gov/claims-appeals/how-do-i-file-an-appeal for more.

• What do Medicare health and prescription drug plans cost in my area, and what services do they offer? Check out

• Where can I find a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy in my area? Find the answers at


It may have been years or even decades since you thought about how much you earned at your first job. Did you know that you can find out how much you made that first year? Your earnings history is a record of your progress toward your future Social Security benefits. We track your earnings so we can pay you the benefits you’ve earned over your lifetime. You should review your earnings history and let us know if there are any errors or omissions. Otherwise, you will not get credit for the money you paid in payroll taxes, and your future Social Security benefits will be lower than you should receive. If an employer didn’t properly report even just one year of your earnings to us, that error could reduce your future benefit payments. Over your lifetime, that could cost you thousands of dollars in retirement or other benefits that you’re entitled to receive.

You should review your earnings history and let us know if there are any errors or omissions. Otherwise, you will not get credit for the money you paid in payroll taxes, and your future Social Security benefits will be lower than you should receive. If an employer didn’t properly report even just one year of your earnings to us, that error could reduce your future benefit payments. Over your lifetime, that could cost you thousands of dollars in retirement or other benefits that you’re entitled to receive.

The best way to verify your earnings record is to visit myaccount and create or sign in to your personal my Social Security account.

Poetry in

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 5


Music When beautiful music says more than words ever could. Featuring Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, William Grant Still’s Poeme, Liszt’s Symphonic Poem No. 3 and more. Stuart Malina conducts. Thu, Oct 27, 11 am, Mahaffey Theater Arabian Fantasy A magical morning of Carl Nielsen’s Aladdin Suite, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Miklos Rozsa’s Ben-Hur Suite and more. Chelsea Gallo conducts. Thu, Nov 17, 11 am, Mahaffey Theater CONCERTS COMING SOON

Morning Coffee Concerts On Sale Now Start your day off with light favorites and a healthy dose of fun with the 9-concert Coffee series at the Mahaffey Theater. Get season tickets and save! Subscribers save $5 per ticket per concert. Making Waves in Tampa Bay 727.892.3337FloridaOrchestra.orgor1.800.662.7286

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 6


ABOUT THE COVER SOOTHE OUR SOULS: HEALING THROUGH SAILING Soothe Our Souls (SOS), a nonprofit based in St. Pete Beach, invites those in need of healing and their caregivers to join them for a free sail on Boca Ciega Bay the first Sunday of each Sammonth.Peretz, co-founder of SOS and owner of Dolphin Landings Charter Boat Center, donates the use of his sailboats for this community service, and captains his 51-foot ketch Magic. SOS volunteers crew and lead calming exercises such as yoga and meditation. This year’s sailing dates are September 4, October 2, November 6 and December 4. Boats set sail from Dolphin Landings, 4737 Gulf Boulevard, St. Pete Beach, at 9 a.m. and return about noon. Registration is required. Visit or call 727-360-7411. Are you an aspiring writer, poet or artist? Or maybe you want to try your hand at any of the above? We want to share your art! Read directions on how to submit your work below: For submissions: Send your short story or poem (150 words or less) or a photo of your artwork to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Creative Corner” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Please include which Florida city you currently live in and your name. Artwork must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held as potential news for the following issue’s publication. Artwork is published on a basis of what space is available.

National Cholesterol Education Month: What to Know

If you have specific cholesterol concerns, discuss them with our primary care physician or heart specialist before taking matters into your own hands.

We’ve all heard about “good” and “bad” cholesterol, but what does that even mean?


According to Harvard Medical School, there are 11 different foods that you can work into your diet to help combat or lower high cholesterol. Some of these foods deliver soluble fiber, which binds cholesterol and its precursors in the digestive system and drags them out of the body before they get into circulation. Others give you polyunsaturated fats, which directly lower LDL. And some contain plant sterols and stanols, which block the body from absorbing cholesterol.


A high triglyceride level combined with high LDL (bad) cholesterol or low HDL (good) cholesterol is linked with fatty buildups within the artery walls, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

are one of the most common eye conditions treated by ophthalmologists and usually occur as part of the normal aging process. St. Luke’s surgeons have been trailblazers in the innovations that make cataract surgery one of the safest and most regularly performed surgeries in the United States. Tarpon Springs | Clearwater | Spring Hill | Tampa | St. Petersburg OR VISIT US AT CALL TODAY! 888-230-4058 WE COMPLY WITH ALL CDC COVID-19 GUIDELINES Brandon Rodriguez, MD | Pit Gills, MD | Jeffrey Wipfli, MD

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, which means now is the time to learn all about cholesterol and what seniors can do to keep theirs in check as they age. From knowing the difference between LDL and HDL to diet choices to keep you at your best, here are just a few points in learning about cholesterol to preserve your heart health:

By Rebecca Fending

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 7 Life Changing Vision®

Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in the body. They store excess energy from your diet.

According to the American Heart Association, HDL cholesterol can be thought of as the “good” cholesterol because a healthy level may protect against heart attack and HDLstroke.carries LDL (bad) cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver, where the LDL is broken down and passed from the body. But HDL cholesterol doesn’t completely eliminate LDL cholesterol. Only one-third to one-fourth of blood cholesterol is carried by HDL.

• Soluble fiber: Oats, barley/whole grains, beans, eggplant, okra, apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits, fiber supplements if eating soluble fiber is •difficultGood fats, protecting heart health: Nuts (about two ounces per day), fatty fish (salmon, tuna, anchovies, trout, etc.)




Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 8 THU • OCT 20 • 7:30PM FERGUSON HALL THU • NOV 17 • 7:30PM FERGUSON HALL NOV 30 – DEC 24 JAEB THEATER OCT 5-9 JAEB THEATER BESTSEASON 813.229.STAR (7827) • STRAZCENTER.ORG Group Sales: 813.222.1016 or 1047 Events, days, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Additional fees will apply. TICKETS NOW ON SALE!SIMPLYTHE

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 9 DELI V ER E D to your mailbox ever y month. To subscribe, simply email us Or mail this coupon along with your payment of $21 for 1 yr/$38 for 2 yrs. Lifestyles After 50 PO Box 638, Se ner, FL 33583 Or call our o ce at 813-336-8247 to pay with a debit/credit card. StCiEmailANameddresstyate Zip Phone Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 FREE Take One Home! Parents’ DayDog Days of Summer We’re Putting the in Unisen The legacy and lifestyle that’s been created, cultivated and continued here with our $25 million transformation is one where all are included, and actively flourish together as a whole and with the greater community. 813-544-3684 A NOT-FOR-PROFIT 62+ LIFE PLAN COMMUNITY | 12401 N. 22nd Street, Tampa, FL 33612

at once bizarre to see the sunset at midnight and honestly irritating. Thank goodness for heavy Bydrapes.farthe

Trans-Alaskan Pipeline, which carries oil discovered in Prudhoe Bay in 1968 some 800 miles south to the ice-free port of Valdez. Authorized in 1977, the pipeline cost eight billion dollars to construct. Thankfully, precautions have ensured minimal environmental impact. Twelve pumping stations have special radiators in certain sections to disperse the heat from pumped oil, thereby preventing the melting of the permafrost upon which the pipeline was built.

Dreaming of Northern Exposure

By Jan Larraine Cox

During a dramatically hot summer, many have no doubt dreamed of getting away to a cooler climate. Having the freedom to do just that, I scheduled a tour of Alaska, 7,000 miles away from the summer heat. The itinerary conjured up images in my imagination of the 1990s TV show entitled IMidnightandgotinIButRosslyn,wasandbetweenTalkeetna,rumoredExposure,NorthernwhichwastobesetinontherouteFairbanksAnchorage.ItactuallyfilmedinWashington!nomatter,sincedidbeattheheatthelower48andtomeetAlaskansexperiencetheirSun,whichcapitalizebecauseitis

Having learned about liquid gold, our appetites were whetted to discover the solid thing next! We then learned how to pan for gold. Two sisters and their golden retriever, Nugget, demonstrated the craft. Their close relationship with the Fairbanks Goldrush is based on their dad having been a gold miner there. Good old dad bought the family gold-enriched land before gold escalated in price under President Nixon. Now, the entire family wears a smile! Coming next month, “Alaskan Wildlife.” Stay tuned!

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 10

most tantalizing aspect of our itinerary was Denali, previously known as Mount McKinley. As the highest peak in America, Denali reaches 20,310 feet and is just 250 miles from the southernmost edge of the Arctic Circle. Astounding even to our guide was the fact that Denali was clearly in view the entire day we visited, which rarely happens: what a gift we received! Denali means “the high one” and indeed is the third tallest peak in the world. Situated in richly green fields –a seemingly endless filigree of trees—along the north side of the Alaska Range, Denali National Park has been designated an international biosphere reserve and was expanded from 3.2 million acres to 6 million acres by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of The1980.Biosphere Program is an intergovernmental scientific program launched in 1971 by UNESCO which aims to improve relationships between people and their environments. Traveling thoughtfully, we surely connected with the benefits of this biosphere program as we drank in astounding natural beauty, wasNextscene.tobehindrefuseNotmustDenaliseekingatrangersouth,Backpreserved.guardedsuccessfullyandonourwaywevisitedthestationwhereleast1,000peopletoclimbeachyearattainpermits.onepieceofcanbeleftbyanyonemarthispristineonouragendaMile450ofthe

Image from Disney Plus

Hocus Pocus 2 premieres on Disney + on September 30.

by William R. Mumbauer - Attorney -

After taking eight long years to develop and film the story, Disney’s Hocus Pocus appeared in theaters as a 1993 fantasy/comedy/ horror offering. In the story, three Massachusettsvillainoussister witches from Salem (of course) feed off the energy of young children in order to retain their youth. All three are eventually hanged for their deeds. However, three centuries later, they inadvertently become resurrected one Halloween night by a naïve teenage boy who’s a newcomer to Salem. And that’s when the fun starts.

With Hocus Pocus, all the boxes looked to be checked to provide Disney with yet another runaway theater hit. Surprisingly, it didn’t happen, and Disney’s release inexplicably fizzled at the box office. But, over the years, and especially around Halloween with repeated showings on the Disney Channel and Freeform, Hocus Pocus gradually involved into somewhat of a cult classic.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 11

Movie Preview: Hocus Pocus 2

A reader asks: My attorney is in the process of preparing advanced directives for me. When I mentioned that I wanted each of my three daughters, two of whom I am very close to, to serve in succession as my health care surrogate and that I definitely wanted my partially estranged daughter listed last, my attorney responded by recommending that she be named first as my Whysurrogate.wouldhe say this?

Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. His articles are based on general principles of law and are not intended to apply to individual circumstances.

Of course, there are several fresh young faces here not seen previously, including Whitney Peak (Gossip Girls), Belissa Escobedo (Blue Beetle) and newcomer Lilia Buckingham as three teenage pals who become the unfortunate targets of the repugnant Sanderson sisters. Tony Hale (Arrested Development) and Sam Richardson (Veep) come on board as well to round out the new younger cast.


While this is a family-oriented Disney release rated PG, be aware that there is a smattering of crude language and magical violence scattered throughout the story.


Now Disney + is bringing out a highly anticipated sequel. Hocus Pocus 2 features the same wonderous (and seemingly ageless) cast as it did nearly three decades ago—Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson, Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson, and Kathy Najimy as Mary Sanderson. Appearing again also are Omri Katz as Max Dennison, back then the bumbling adolescent who give the evil ones renewed life, and Doug Jones, now a fan favorite since his portrayal of Billy the Zombie in the original release.

Jen D’Angelo (Young Rock, Workaholics) wrote the screenplay—which doesn’t stray far from the original—and directing chores went to Anne Fletcher (Dumplin’, The Proposal). Fletcher is particularly enthusiastic about the forthcoming movie: “I am beyond thrilled to be involved in the sequel to a film that is as beloved as Hocus Pocus. Fans around the world have embraced these characters and have made the film a Halloween tradition whose popularity continues to grow. How lucky am I to be back at Disney with these three extraordinarily talented ladies in the iconic roles they created, as well as our fabulous new additions to the cast!”

Response: In a word, human nature. Just as a doctor’s professional objectivity may be compromised by treating close family members, it may be difficult for your two more loving daughters to objectively make life and death medical decisions for you such as removing life support. Often, it is just easier to make judicious decisions regarding people we don’t have a close relationship with. Because of this, should you sustain a serious injury or illness, the odds are in your favor that your partially estranged daughter will make more rational medical decisions on your behalf then if she felt closer to you. Sometimes rational coldness is preferable.

I feel horrible. After all this time and hard work, my dream apartment is becoming a nightmare. What should I do?

Mini Honey Lime Olive Oil Cakes with Lime Whipped Cream

-Ms. Price

-Ms. Price Dear Ms. Price, I finally made a move to a downtown high-rise apartment building in St. Pete. I couldn’t be happier, with one exception: the sound from my next-door neighbor.

Honey Lime Cakes: • 1 plain Greek yogurt • 2/3 cup olive oil (plus extra for cups) • 2/3 cup honey • 2 tsp lime zest • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract • 3 eggs • 1 1/2 cups flour • 1/2 tsp baking powder • 1/2 tsp baking soda • 1/4 tsp cardamom • 1/4 tsp salt Lime whipped cream: • 1 cup heavy cream • 1/4 cup sugar • 2 tbsp lime juice • 1 tsp vanilla extract • lime slices for garnish (optional)

A Slice of Advice with Ms. Price

To submit your questions, email

The good news is that when you live in a high-rise apartment building, you can always call management to handle any of these issues. Explain in a calm and professional manner what you’re experiencing, and allow them to address the sound issue for you. Good luck.

4. Let the cakes cool for at least 10 minutes. Top with the whipped cream and lime slices. Enjoy! Dear Ms. Price, I’m 16 years old and have just moved to Florida from Minnesota. I just started my first job at a gift shop. It’s part-time and on the weekend because I still go to school. When I showed up for work on my first Saturday, they made me stay for eight hours with the same eight-hour schedule on Sunday. That’s 16 hours in one weekend.

1. Preheat oven to 325°F. In a large bowl, whisk together the yogurt, olive oil, honey, lime zest and vanilla. Add the eggs and combine then add the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt) mix until the batter is smooth.

-Beached in St. Pete Dear “Beached,” I’m confused. You applied for a part-time job. And now you want to quit because you think 16 hours is cutting into your beach time? Did you clarify your hours of availability to your new employer? Did they give you a schedule in advance? Have you had a conversation with your new employer?

Drowned Out in Downtown Dear “Drowned”

I think that’s too many hours, and I want to quit. The only thing I like about my life here is going to the beach, and now I won’t be able to go as often as I’d like. The job is enjoyable. What do you think? Should I quit?

My friend, I can empathize with this problem. I, too, have lived in a building with thin walls and noisy neighbors. I tried being understanding and wearing earbuds to drown out the music. However, you work from home and require quiet to work.

They warned me that the walls were thin in this building, but I didn’t listen. I have Zoom meetings every day and talk to clients, and it’s embarrassing when they can hear my neighbor’s music, bass turned up to the max, yelling and dogs barking.

3. Meanwhile, make the whipped cream. In a large chilled bowl, beat the cream until it begins to thicken. Add the sugar, lime juice and vanilla, beating until stiff peaks form.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 12

Recipe by Katherine Cowger

The perfect light dessert, these mini honey lime olive oil cakes are great for any occasion. Notes of cardamom with the lime elevate the cake while the lime whipped cream takes it up a notch!

You’re at an appropriate age to accept extra responsibilities as long as it doesn’t interfere with school. And you say it’s a pleasant environment. I am confident that you can make room for beach time. It’s all part of becoming an adult.

2. Pour the batter into custard cups coated in olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes until the top is golden brown. If using a regular cake pan, bake for 40 to 45 minutes.


Monday-Thursday January 23-26, 2023- $1789 per person (double occupancy) round trip air from Tampa to Key West, round trip transportation to Tampa Airport, round trip trolley transportation to and from hotel. 3 nights in Key West at Florida Keys and Key West Lodging Association’s “Property of the Year”, the Doubletree Grand Key Resort located a mile from the airport. Complimentary transportation from hotel to Duval Street and the beaches.

Monday February 13- Friday February 17, 2023 $1849 per person (double occupancy), includes Roundtrip transportation to Tampa airport. Roundtrip airfare from Tampa to New Orleans, 5 days , 4 nights’ accommodations in French Quarter, 7 Meals, New Orleans School of Cooking, tour of New Orleans, Mardi Gras World Museum, National World War II Museum), Steamboat Natchez Harbor Cruise, Louisiana Swamp Boat tour, and reserved parade bleacher seating for four parades in New Orleans, Local Guide while in New Orleans.

Jim Gunderson is the hotel’s proprietor. He bought the hotel in 2018 and has been careful in bringing the Hacienda back to life, including keeping the hotel true to its roots. Inside, original pieces have been restored from the days it was originally opened back in 1927.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 13


Room rates start at $169 with views overlooking downtown New Port Richey, Bank Street, Sims Park, and the courtyard. The rooms feature either a full bed, queen bed, and king bed, and a double queen and king suite are available as well.

The wait is almost over, and all eyes are on the historic Hacienda Hotel. According to Suncoast News, room reservations from September 15 are available to book now.

At this time, Sasha’s on the Park will not be taking dining reservations, but the public is encouraged to check back in a month or so. The hotel will not be booking events yet either, according to Gamez. “I can see the pieces coming together and picture guests enjoying the property and dining, sitting up at the bar having a cocktail,” Gamez said. “Now that all of the little details are going in, it’s really exciting because we know we’re getting so close.”

Historic Hacienda Hotel Accepting Room Reservations with Plans to Open Mid-September

Diners will soon be able to enjoy the mouthwatering flavors coming out of the kitchen of Sasha’s on the Park, the Hacienda’s own fine-dining restaurant, which will open to the public at the same time as the rooms. The restaurant will offer traditional American meals with a Mediterranean flare to honor the architecture and the original cuisine that was once offered at the Hacienda.

Kline Tours is pleased to announce an exclusive early bird ticket and motorcoach transportation offer to the Daytona 500 Sunday February 19 .Just $179 per person includes a race ticket with the ticket value alone of $210 plus $7.00 fee. Seats are in Sections 414,415,416. our packages include your ticket and motorcoach transportation for just $179. A portion of ticket proceeds is being donated to the American Legion to benefit Veterans programs. You have option to add Fanzone/Pre-Race Access for just $80 (a $100 Value



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“I think what really sets the Hacienda apart is that it’s unique in that it’s such a historic property with such an interesting history of the Hollywood East,” Gamez said. “Many celebrities probably walked through those halls and stayed in those rooms and dined in the dining room. I think it will give people the opportunity to feel like they’ve stepped back in time to a classic elegance.”

“We’re very excited, it’s down to the final touches,” said Dylan Gamez, marketing and public relations director. “It’s quite an incredible feeling to have seen just how far it’s come in the past year and a half that I’ve been a part of the project.”

Friday-Monday December 16-19,2022 Nashville Country Christmas $1899 per person (double occupancy) includes roundtrip airfare, roundtrip bus to Tampa Airport, 3 nights lodging at Gaylord Opryland Resort. Motorcoach transportation throughout tour in Nashville. 6 Meals, Four shows including Christmas Dinner show in ballroom at Gaylord Opryland Resort with the Oak Ridge Boys, Amy Grant & Vince Gill at the Ryman, General Jackson Showboat, Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame, professional guided city tour of Nashville.

Information and image from

Feeling tightness or pain when you move? It may not be your muscles or joints. Daily aches and pains can also be caused by restricted fascia. Evolving research is paying much more attention to fascia and the role it plays in keeping your body limber, pain-free and less prone to injury.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 14 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA for even more chances to win prizes and gift cards Instagram: @lifestylesafter50 Facebook: Lifestyles After 50 Twitter: @50lifestyles 12717 59th, Way North Clearwater Corporate office location Call1-727-456-71341-727-304-40346CLASSLESSONS/LEARN 10 SONGS EASILY Strategies for Relieving Fascia Pain

Fascia is a thin layer of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. Without fascia, all movement would cease including the ability to stand. Recent studies show that fascia may be almost as sensitive as skin, with restricted fascia triggering pain and other maladies. Healthy fascia slides and glides as you move, as described in an online article by John Hopkins Medicine. Fascia tightens up when it becomes stressed. As it does so, it gets thicker, stickier and drier. The collagen fibers in the fascia dry up and create a restriction, limiting mobility and causing painful knots and adhesions. If you have ever experienced foot pain caused by Plantar Fasciitis, you know all too well what this kind of fascial pain feels like. People often think their knee pain is jointrelated when in fact it is inflammation in the connective tissue that runs from the pelvic bone to the shin bone.

If you want to keep your fascia healthy, start moving more. An active lifestyle and exercise are your best defense for keeping your fascial system in optimal “slide & glide” condition. Daily stretching or activities such as yoga are the best things you can do to maintain healthy fascia. Aside from stretching, it is also important to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Heat and massage therapy are also recommended for easing fascia pain. If you enjoy exercising in a pool, my UK colleague just posted a gentle stretching routine on the Poolfit app called Fascial Movement for Active Aging.

Mark Grevelding is the founder of PoolFit, a fitness app and website that includes over 130 water fitness & in-home workouts suitable for older adults.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of movement can cause collagen fibers in the fascia to dry up and become restricted. Hence the old adage, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Repetitive movement can also cause fascia pain, as can dehydration, poor diet and stress. Additionally, fascial damage can also occur after an injury or surgery.

By Mark Grevelding

After 50 • September 2022

• 15

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• Neighbors become friends while participating in community activities that include bingo, karaoke, movie nights, coffee hours and card games.

Port Charlotte Village is unique with its winding tree-lined streets and culde-sacs. Many areas have benches for your convenience. Every home is attractively landscaped, giving the impression that every home is a model.

Homes at Saralake Estates range from just under $80,000 to the mid $100,000s and go fast. To learn more about available properties, visit

• Enjoy life on the waterfront. Residents enjoy catch-and-release fishing on the lake and swimming in the heated pool.

• Get active in the Fitness Center or start some friendly competition at the horseshoe pits and on shuffleboard courts.

Looking to relocate or know a retiree looking for their perfect place in Florida? There are countless communities all along the Gulf Coast that can make each day of retirement a dream. Below are just a few: Sun City Center – Sun City Center, FL Twenty miles south of Tampa and considered one of the largest selfcontained senior communities, Sun City Center is perfect for those looking for the most within their budget.

Saralake Estates – Sarasota, FL Experience four-star luxury in Sarasota, Florida at Saralake Estates. This 55+ manufactured home community boasts large, grassy lots surrounded by towering oaks, pretty pines and tropical palm trees. As a valued member of this close-knit neighborhood, you can take advantage of our wide

Homes here range from the lower $100,000s to the mid $200,000s with many different bedroom and bathroom counts to fit your home needs. Learn more at

According to the Sun City Center website, this community is one of Florida’s most affordable active living senior communities. An exceptional range of recreational and social amenities are offered to all residents. It is a safe place where residents feel secure while enjoying the year-round, outdoor lifestyle that Florida offers.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 16

5 Great Places to Live After 50

selection of on-site amenities and community features:

On the left at the front entrance is a landscaped park with a gazebo and benches; a quiet resting place. This lovely area was made possible by donations from residents and friends of Port Charlotte Village.

By Rebecca Fending

• Stop by the spacious clubhouse where guests have access to two regulation-sized pool tables and a complimentary library.

Sun City Center is conveniently located with medical, shopping, education, Veterans support and entertainment resources close at hand. The community is one of the very few in Florida that allows golf carts to be driven on the roadways. Sun City Center homes range from $100,000 to upwards of $700,000, offering a wide range of choices for prospective residents. Learn more at

Port Charlotte Village – Port Charlotte, FL Port Charlotte Village is a resident-owned, 55 and over community consisting of 435 homes on 86 plus acres with three freshwater lakes. The community shares the banks of the lakes with King’s Gate Homes Community, which neighbors the southern border.

What Your Feet Can Tell You About Your Health


Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 17 Power Puzzle 5758 63 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 29.26.BarDoes an electrician 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejectedwithdisdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 6. Creator 7. 8.6thEnthusiasticdayofLent: abbr. 9. Hookandlineuser 10. Embraced 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat’s talk 62. Lennon’s lady AnswersMonth’sLastEnterToWin! Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha Congratu L ations! FILL IN ANSWERS & WIN GREAT PRIZES Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win. Send to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CityAddressName State Zip Age Phone E-mail I want information on: Travel / EntertainmentRecreationCruises/Leisure/Events ElderInsuranceLaw / Financial Housing Options Reverse Mortgages Personal Health & AutomobilesHomeFitnessImprovements #5129CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 262728 29 30 3132 33343536 37 3839 4041 42 4344 4546 4748 4950 515253 54 55 56 575859 60 6162 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ACROSS1.Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Family member 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 29.26.BarDoes an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejected with disdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro s foe 68.67.66.LacksFlowerSchnozzola DOWN1.State2.Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat part 5. Hide preparers 6. Creator 7. 8.6thEnthusiasticdayofLent: abbr. 9. Hookandlineuser 10. Embraced 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit that you are...” 25. Had a meal 26. Keep __ on; watch carefully 27. Taj Mahal scity 28. Bride’s item 29. Flamingoorheron 32. 36.35.34.InCutintosmallpieces__ofAlwaysFrance ’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45.Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more ’s lady#5129CROSSWORD PUZZLE 12345678910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 262728 29 30 3132 33343536 37 3839 4041 ACROSS1.Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Familymember 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 29.26.BarDoes an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejectedwithdisdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro s foe 1. State 2. Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat part 5. Hide preparers 6. Creator 7. 8.6thEnthusiasticdayofLent: abbr. 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit that you are...” 25. Had a meal 27.26. Taj Mahal s city 28. Bride’s item 29. Flamingo or heron 32. Cut into small pieces 34.In __ of 35. Always 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45.Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more 52.51.DandruffhamburgerexpensivesiteSalksconcern53.Europe/Asiaboundary54.Nest56.Periods57.Conception58.Disencumbers59.Bratstalk62.Lennonslady Jacqueline F. O’Keffe, Ft. Myers ANSWER TO #5138 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 17. Of a generation 18. Pocket bread 19. Procrastinator’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; inappropriatelybehaving 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62. Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry 7. Greek letter 8. Expunge 9. Refer 10. Spring 11. Bit of cereal 12. Take advantage of 13. German article 21. High schooler 22. Start 25. Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complainttoadermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. PM; 2100 hours 57. Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname #5139CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ACROSS1.Bargain-hunt5.Fog9.Read__;recite14.Novelsetting15.OftheU.S.A.16.Rentlong-term17.Ofageneration18.Pocketbread19.Procrastinator ’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; inappropriatelybehaving 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62. Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry DOWN1.Heavenly Mlles. 2. Nag 3. Not just tacit 4. Mom, dad, or madam 5. Take place 6. Friend at the école 7. Greek letter 8. Expunge 9. Refer 10. Spring 11. Bit of cereal 12. Take advantage of 13. German article 21. High schooler 22. Start 25. Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complainttoadermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. PM; 2100 hours 57. Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname #5139CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ACROSS1.Bargain-hunt5.Fog9.Read__;recite14.Novelsetting15.OftheU.S.A.16.Rentlong-term17.Ofageneration18.Pocketbread19.Procrastinator ’s word 20. Warm lunch 23. Originally named 24. Call a halt to 25. Nemesis 28. Rhythm 32. Cuts 34. Lament 35. Bee colony 37. “Ah, me!” 38. Character in Othello 39. West Point student 40. Out of __; inappropriatelybehaving 41. Word with stick or roll 42. One who acts like another 43. Lets 44. Evaluate 46. Pillages 48. Do a hairdresser’s job 49. Follower of 7 Down 51. Building site 52. Admirable people who influence others 58. William and Sean 61. Reddish-brown animal 62. Tack 63. Gladden 64. “__ Wonderful Life” 65. Slave of old 66. Chihuahua children 67. Late actor Bert 68. Worry DOWN1.Heavenly Mlles. 2. Nag 3. Not just tacit 4. Mom, dad, or madam 5. Take place 6. Friend at the école 7. Greek letter 8. Expunge 9. Refer 10. Spring 11. Bit of cereal 12. Take advantage of 13. German article 21. High schooler 22. Start 25. Cat 26. Praying figures 27. Winding roads 28. Rough 29. Part of summer 30. Fellow 31. Sea duck 33. Certain love messages 34. Fictional king 36. Miles, e.g. 39. Tosses 43. Public disturbance 45. Sight and taste 47. Existing on a flat surface 50. Fourth page of a wall hanging 52. Preposition 53. Insignificant amount 54. Complainttoadermatologist 55. Hot spot 56. PM; 2100 hours 57. Did in 58. Item in a desk drawer 59. Mr. Whitney 60. Girl’s nickname C A R O B A B E T S L A P A R E N A S O A R H A M E M I N E S C A R E T A K E R P L O S L O T O M E N S B E E T C O L E B E R A T E P A R E S S E A M O R A I R E D P T A C O U N T E D C A L O R I E S O T T A L L O T E L L E N E E V I E T T E S T E D V E E R M A L T S A B E R I A G O B A H A D O R N M E N T P L A C E R I N G A N T E E I D E R A T E E O D O R R E E D S ANSWER TO #5162 15. Taboos 16. Odds and ends 17. Become furious 18. Oppose verbally 20. Mid-6th-century date 21. Animal shelter 22. Fictional king 23. Closes noisily 25. Truck scale division 26. Draw 28. “__ it!”; phrase from the disgusted 31. Make joyful 32. Lacking originality 34. de plume 36. Have status 37. Sows and others 38. Character“Frankenstein”in 39. Cockney domicile 40. Sharp edge 41. Sheer fabric 42. Venerates 44. Like some vegetables and some laughter 45. Fresh 46. Accessory 47. Fry lightly 50. Spray 51. Intuition, for short 54. Shortening 57. Met number 58. Edible mollusk 59. Hot under the collar 60. Nuisance 61. Actor Chandler 62. John Jacob or Mary 63. Adams or Falco to Uncle Sam 6. TV miniseries of 1977 7. Name for two of Henry VIII’s wives 8. Word with what or can 9. UN member 10. Foretelling 11. Stinky 12. Type size 13. Tipsy ones 19. Love: Ital. 21. Concern 24. Guitar’s ancestor 25. Carryall 26. Flying: pref. 27. Beast of burden 28. Penalty 29. Directed skillfully 30. Peter O’ 32. Poet’s contraction 33. Disencumber 35. Talking animal 37. Killed 38. Charged particles 40. Animal classification 41. Baked dessert 43. Prompt 44. Sioux’s foe 46. Blotchy horse 47. Bag 48. In a skillful way 49. Mountains 50. Veal or venison 52. Enthusiastic affirmative 53. Cracker topper 55. Name for an Italian girl 56. Wedded one: abbr. 57. Ridicule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Marjorie Hawkins, Valrico CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5163 ACROSS1.“Centennial State”: abbr. 5. Persian 10. Punches 14. Declare firmly 15. Taboos 16. Odds and ends 17. Become furious 18. Oppose verbally 20. Mid-6th-century date 21. Animal shelter 22. Fictional king 23. Closes noisily 25. Truck scale division 26. Draw 28. “__ it!”; phrase from the disgusted 31. Make joyful 32. Lacking originality 34. de plume 36. Have status 37. Sows and others 38. Character“Frankenstein”in 39. Cockney domicile 40. Sharp edge 41. Sheer fabric 42. Venerates 44. Like some vegetables and some laughter 45. Fresh 46. Accessory 47. Fry lightly 50. Spray 51. Intuition, for short 54. Shortening 57. Met number 58. Edible mollusk 59. Hot under the collar 60. Nuisance 61. Actor Chandler 62. John Jacob or Mary 63. Adams or Falco DOWN1.Jack, for one 2. Skating rink 3. Made laws 4. Mine car load 5. Money to declare to Uncle Sam 6. TV miniseries of 1977 7. Name for two of Henry VIII’s wives 8. Word with what or can 9. UN member 10. Foretelling 11. Stinky 12. Type size 13. Tipsy ones 19. Love: Ital. 21. Concern 24. Guitar’s ancestor 25. Carryall 26. Flying: pref. 27. Beast of burden 28. Penalty 29. Directed skillfully 30. Peter O’ 32. Poet’s contraction 33. Disencumber 35. Talking animal 37. Killed 38. Charged particles 40. Animal classification 41. Baked dessert 43. Prompt 44. Sioux’s foe 46. Blotchy horse 47. Bag 48. In a skillful way 49. Mountains 50. Veal or venison 52. Enthusiastic affirmative 53. Cracker topper 55. Name for an Italian girl 56. Wedded one: abbr. 57. Ridicule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 CROSSWORD PUZZLE #5163 ACROSS1.“Centennial State”: abbr. 5. Persian 10. Punches 14. Declare firmly 15. Taboos 16. Odds and ends 17. Become furious 18. Oppose verbally 20. Mid-6th-century date 21. Animal shelter 22. Fictional king 23. Closes noisily 25. Truck scale division 26. Draw 28. “__ it!”; phrase from the disgusted 31. Make joyful 32. Lacking originality 34. de plume 36. Have status 37. Sows and others 38. Character“Frankenstein”in 39. Cockney domicile 40. Sharp edge 41. Sheer fabric 42. Venerates 44. Like some vegetables and some laughter 45. Fresh 46. Accessory 47. Fry lightly 50. Spray 51. Intuition, for short 54. Shortening 57. Met number 58. Edible mollusk 59. Hot under the collar 60. Nuisance 61. Actor Chandler 62. John Jacob or Mary 63. Adams or Falco DOWN1.Jack, for one 2. Skating rink 3. Made laws 4. Mine car load 5. Money to declare to Uncle Sam 6. TV miniseries of 1977 7. Name for two of Henry VIII’s wives 8. Word with what or can 9. UN member 10. Foretelling 11. Stinky 12. Type size 13. Tipsy ones 19. Love: Ital. 21. Concern 24. Guitar’s ancestor 25. Carryall 26. Flying: pref. 27. Beast of burden 28. Penalty 29. Directed skillfully 30. Peter O’ 32. Poet’s contraction 33. Disencumber 35. Talking animal 37. Killed 38. Charged particles 40. Animal classification 41. Baked dessert 43. Prompt 44. Sioux’s foe 46. Blotchy horse 47. Bag 48. In a skillful way 49. Mountains 50. Veal or venison 52. Enthusiastic affirmative 53. Cracker topper 55. Name for an Italian girl 56. Wedded one: abbr. 57. Ridicule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

PAD affects more than 8.5 million people in the US, the majority of whom are 65 years and older, according to the American Heart Association.

“These symptoms can impact a person’s quality of life, making it difficult to walk and hard to do usual activities at home and work,” said Amy W. Pollak, MD, American Heart Association volunteer expert serving as a leader of the national PAD Collaborative and cardiovascular medicine physician at Mayo Clinic. “For some, PAD can progress to cause pain when you are resting and even amputation of your toe, foot or leg.”

“PAD is a lifelong medical condition, but people with PAD can lead active and long lives,” Pollak said. “If you notice walking is more difficult, keeping up with others is hard or you have pain when you walk, talk with a doctor and describe when it happens and how it feels. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion.” Visit to learn more.


If you are living with pain and discomfort in your feet, legs, thighs or butt, it may be a sign of a serious health problem. Many adults in the United States are suffering and may be at risk of amputations of their toes, feet or legs as a result of an undetected disease known as peripheral artery disease (PAD).

The most common symptoms of PAD are burning, aching, numbness, fatigue or discomfort in your leg or hip muscles while walking. The symptoms are caused by your legs not getting the blood they need. This pain usually goes away with rest and returns when you are active again.

PAD affects the blood vessels outside the heart, reducing blood flow to the area with the diseased blood vessel. In the most common type of PAD, lower extremity PAD, blood flow is reduced to your legs and feet.


Approximately 46-68% of patients with PAD also have coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease.

From Family Features

Learn more about PAD, including symptoms, risk factors and treatment, from the experts at the American Heart Association:

“We see PAD more commonly in people living with diabetes, people who smoke and people with other common risk factors for heart disease, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and obesity,” Pollak said.

While some causes of PAD are beyond your control, the best method to prevent PAD is managing risk factors by making lifestyle changes including quitting smoking, managing diabetes and high blood pressure, staying active and eating a heart-healthy diet.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 18

Time for a Better Experience Dan had two doctors before visiting VIPcare. He ad mits they were nice but immediately noticed a different experience upon switching. “The doctors, they care,” he said. “You get an X-ray or something, they call you, ‘how did you make out.’” By taking the time to know you and your health his tory, your primary care physician can provide you with the specialized care you need and deserve. No more running around from doctor to doctor for answers. Your doctor is your direct link to comprehensive care. “The whole office, they follow up,” Tina said about her VIPcare experience. “The next day they’re on the phone with you. It’s great.” Your Journey to Better Health Real health care is getting you healthy and keeping you healthy. Find a trusted partner in your health and get the care and attention you deserve.

Better Health. It’s About Time. The VIPcare Patient Experience Going to see your doctor is probably never on your list of things to do for fun; however, it’s important in maintai ning your health, especially for adults 65 and older. Pa tients who have an ongoing relationship with their pri mary care physician have fewer unnecessary trips to the ER. That’s why you need a doctor that you’re comfortable with and who you trust. One you can turn to 24/7.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 19

Accepting New Patients

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Quality over Quantity It can be hard to find that doctor with whom you truly connect. Healthcare has become so rushed. It’s like doc tors compete to see the most patients. Sadly, that doesn’t leave much time for one-on-one time. That was the key difference Dan and Tina DiFrancesco noticed with VIPcare after moving from Pennsylva nia. “They make you feel like you’re the only one,” Tina said. “It’s really the first doctor that I’ve had like that.”

Choosing a doctor is an important decision. Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our primary care doctors with your neighborhood VIPcare clinic! 866-604-4064

Specializing in Primary Care for Patients with Medicare Advantage

In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions –forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583 first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win. must be received by the 20th of the month)


Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583 Trivia Palooza! Play & WIN! QuestIoN: NAtIoNAL grANdPAreNts dAy Is sePtember 13. WhAt Is the offIcIAL soNg ANd offIcIAL fLoWer for thIs NAtIoNAL dAy of observANce? ANsWer: Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize! # 315 Today's Category: Dances WORD SEARCH In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this Sambapuzzle? AROHTGHULATT EGDSLAKRUZAM UPSEVWHGRNCI CWEJEOASADGQ TFDTRTLNFDOU OWFDSTTGHBDA RGOFDEZXAGSD TRDSLDNLHGAR XUDLTDLOHGMI OMAGTEUNMBLI FBCDTDPOLKAL CASKLAWEKACE # 314 Word Search Solution: WFDSPENGUNUI COROLEDWRENI NFODSPDABGDB GSDCDLGFDSII BFDGPDULSLWW OTERGEGASAEA ROCDJFCRNPDL NDKAHAWKGACL HGYCLOONERRO JHVCUSPARROW YRANACCXDOWC STORKVCHGTCMWrenWoodpeckerSwanSwallowStorkSparrowRobinPigeonPenguinParrotOrioleLoonLarkHawkEgretEagleCuckooCrowCanaryBluejay # 314 Search Solution: WFDSPENGUNUI COROLEDWRENI NFODSPDABGDB GSDCDLGFDSII BFDGPDULSLWW OTERGEGASAEA ROCDJFCRNPDL NDKAHAWKGACL HGYCLOONERRO JHVCUSPARROW YRANACCXDOWC STORKVCHGTCMWrenWoodpeckerSwanSwallowStorkSparrowRobinPigeonPenguinParrotOrioleLoonLarkHawkEgretEagleCuckooCrowCanaryBluejay Solution #313 9 5 7 3 6 1 8 4 2 3 8 1 2 5 4 6 9 7 2 4 6 9 8 7 5 3 1 5 1 8 4 7 9 3 2 6 7 2 3 8 1 6 4 5 9 6 9 4 5 3 2 1 7 8 8 7 9 6 4 5 2 1 3 1 6 5 7 2 3 9 8 4 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 1 8 6 7 4 3 8 5 2 5 6 4 9 4 2 1 3 9 6 4 7 1 2 1 8 5 Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. SUDOKU Sudoku #314 Solution #314 7 1 2 8 9 3 6 7 5 4 4 3 9 7 8 5 6 1 2 6 5 7 4 1 2 3 9 8 8 1 6 3 5 4 9 2 7 2 9 3 8 7 1 5 4 6 5 7 4 2 6 9 1 8 3 7 6 1 5 2 8 4 3 9 9 8 5 6 4 3 2 7 1 3 4 2 1 9 7 8 6 5 # 379 Today's Category: Words That Rhyme With TRY WORD SEARCH In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Rye BVHGYRPGDEMP CYLFCVBHGDYI HGRCTHGHHDII LGDYVCXHGRHU SECHJBGDYTBI ECYDGUJHGEON NGEDYSHGCHGI VCHGSMDGUYPG SMNHSCHGPCHI WXCBCDVCDHHV HRDYRPSDGSBI YVTYSHHGENMI September Word Search Solution #337 9 1 2 4 5 7 6 3 8 3 4 8 6 2 9 5 7 1 7 6 5 8 1 4 9 2 2 8 4 3 9 5 1 6 7 1 5 3 2 7 6 9 8 4 6 9 7 1 4 8 2 5 3 8 7 6 5 1 4 3 2 9 5 2 1 9 8 3 7 4 6 4 3 9 7 6 2 8 1 5 Marcella Levin, Sarasota Last Month’s Winner: # 378 Word Search Solution: CCTDRESSERSB SOYESAFGHANL HPMGDROBESAI EAWFCDCHGGLN EJOLOSYHDBKI TALAMRTBHEPE SMLMBGTHEDPT GAPOHKECAEEI NSPWGMRRORSI GENOHPELETSO CLOCKLODARLI MATTRESSUYCIMattressLampDresserComforterCombClosetClockBlanketBedAfghan TelephoneTeddySlippersSheetsRobeRadioPillowPajamasNightgownMirrorbear # 378 Word Search Solution: CCTDRESSERSB SOYESAFGHANL HPMGDROBESAI EAWFCDCHGGLN EJOLOSYHDBKI TALAMRTBHEPE SMLMBGTHEDPT GAPOHKECAEEI NSPWGMRRORSI GENOHPELETSO CLOCKLODARLI MATTRESSUYCIMattressLampDresserComforterCombClosetClockBlanketBedAfghan TelephoneTeddySlippersSheetsRobeRadioPillowPajamasNightgownMirrorbear Pat Ford, SEPTEMBERVenice1 6 5 9 6 5 1 3 2 8 9 5 6 2 3 4 3 5 6 9 7 4 9 8 2 6 Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9. SUDOKU Sudoku #338 Solution #338 8 4 2 4 1 3 6 8 7 5 9 8 7 6 5 9 1 2 3 4 3 5 9 2 7 4 1 8 6 7 9 4 8 3 2 5 6 1 5 1 8 7 4 6 3 9 2 6 2 3 1 5 9 8 4 7 4 3 2 6 1 5 9 7 8 1 6 5 9 8 7 4 2 3 9 8 7 4 2 3 6 1 5 August’sANSWERSSEARCHTO Play each week to be entered in a drawing to win a prize each month! Deadline for entries: September 20th Nicole Brighina, North Port was our last months winner! Previous answer: The Badge of Military Merit now known as The Purple Heart. The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week. CityAddressName State Email Phone Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583 TriviaPalooza! Play & WIN! QuestIoN: WHICH oF tHe 7 WoNDeRs oF tHe ANCIeNt WoRLD Is tHe oNLY oNe stILL stANDING? ANsWeR:____________________________________________ Answer This WIN a Prize!


E mo NT h. Win Great Prizes! New winner selected each month

In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for today. Circle each answer that you find and list it in the space provided at the right of the grid. Answers can be found in all directions forwards, backwards, horizontally, vertically and diagonally. An example is given to get you started. Can you find the twenty answers in this puzzle? Jimenez, N. Ft. for 25th

September Nichole Veesaert, Apollo Beach September Word Search AUGUST’S SEARCH Josephine



APRIL Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win. Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to: Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583 by h 20 h of T h Last Month’s Winner is Carol Sands, Port Charlotte Congr atuL ations Solution #303 Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row of 9 numbers must include all squareEachdigits1through9inanyorder.columnof9numbersmustincludealldigits1through9inanyorder.Each3by3subsectionofthe9by9mustincludealldigits1through9.

entries: September


APRIL W ord Sea rch


! GoodLuck! Luck!Good

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku mu ST b E RE c EI v E d

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 20 Last Month’sSudokuAnswers





to win! Go


Mary Tursellino, Port Charlotte was last months winner! month’s answer: NORAD, Col. Harry Shoup. more you the better chance have to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week. State Zip Email Phone

Myers : Play each month to be entered in a drawing to win a prize! Deadline


SUDOKU Sudoku #304 837249615 542398761


MPYSTERYRIzE!GoodLuck! # 305

Nanaville: Adventures in Grandparenting by Kathy A. Megyeri

Thus, this book is an insider’s view on navigating yet another of life’s shifts in a new direction with grace, wisdom, joy and love. Quindlen brings an eloquent voice to our common experience and says, “Grandparenting is the last great role we have as parents.”

“Black and White” by Three Dog Night


It was more—much more—than just another rock ‘n’ roll hit.

While “Black and White” became the third single by Three Dog Night to reach the top of the Billboard charts, the tune itself had been created in 1955 as a way to honor the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision to end segregation in America’s public schools. “Our idea was to celebrate the event,” said Earl Robinson, the co-writer of the classic along with David Arkin, the father of actor Alan Arkin. “We had no idea that it would reach out as it did eventually.”

“Black and White” had been recorded by Pete Seeger in 1956 and Sammy Davis, Jr., a year later. But the song languished in the public consciousness until a Jamaican quintet called Greyhound cut a reggae version (a hit only in the UK) in 1971. During a European concert tour, members of America’s Three Dog Night heard the Greyhound offering on a Dutch radio station.

Immediately they declared that this could be their next hit 45 on Dunhill MostRecords.pop-music fans were probably unaware that “Black and White” had been created originally from a different point of view. Both the Three Dog Night and Greyhound versions opened with the lines: The ink is black, the page is white Together we learn to read and write During their hitmaking years, Three Dog Night placed 21 Top 40 singles on the charts, with “Black and White” being the band’s third Number One disc, after “Mama Told Me (Not to Come)” in 1970 and “Joy to the World” the next Threeyear. Dog Night had taken their name from an Australian expression for the coldest possible night for sheepherders who snuggled with their dogs to keep warm in the chilly nighttime. The California-based aggregation featured a trio of lead singers—Danny Hutton (who sang lead on “Black and White”), Chuck Negron and Cory Wells. The group gave exposure to such on-the-rise songwriters as Randy Newman, Laura Nyro, Nilsson and Hoyt Axton. TDN’s “Black and White” arrived near the end of America’s Civil Rights era, and while some of the all-important original lyrics had been excised, the overall message of the later recording remained strong and clear: The world is black, the world is white It turns by day and then by night A cild is black, a child is white, The whole world looks upon the sight A beautiful sight Yes. A beautiful sight indeed!


Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 21

Author Anna Quindlen weaves her magic again. This author of nine novels and a journalist who writes fiction, nonfiction and self-help bestsellers who won the Pulitzer Prize and who’s been a columnist for the New York Times has tackled the subject of becoming a grandmother. In her lively, beautiful and moving book, she offers thoughtful and telling observations about her new role, no longer mother and decision maker but now a secondary character and support to the parents of her grandson. Quindlen uses her own experiences to illuminate those of many others. She’s amazed that her eldest child is growing into his new role as parent, but the best parts of the book are the anecdotes and vignettes of her alone time with her grandson. The experience is new to her so she voices her concerns and celebrates the high points with love, sensitivity and insight. Her life is now filled with unbreakable dishes, scattered Legos and bite-sized treats, but she treasures most a shared book, a held hand, a child’s laugh and a relationship built on mutual love, respect and Sheunderstanding.reflectson ways parenting and grandparenting have changed; i.e., fathers are more involved, there’s more baby gear to buy and lug around like car seats to cope with, and more people are living longer to become grandparents. The entire experience gives Quindlen “a second chance, to see, to be, to understand the world, to look at it, and reimagine my place in it, to feel as though I’ve made a mark.”

She also reflects on her changing relationship with her son and daughterin-law, and the shift from being central in the lives of her children to a “peripheral place” in the new family dynamic. “Our grandmothers were pre-gym, pre-Botox, pre-skinny jeans. They never kissed, hugged or praised; they never would have gotten down on the floor to play with their grandchildren.” So, Quindlen reflects on their interactions, shares sensible advice, and above all, expresses gratitude for her status. She focuses on the wonder of her first grandchild at the same time that she zooms out to see him and herself as part of a family chain stretching forward and backward.

Image from Amazon

Seniors Getting Together checks payable to: Lifestyles After 50 Mail to: PO Box 638, Seffner, Fl 33583

City:Address:Name: State: Zip: Phone: Email: If more room is needed, please use separate sheet. Mail this form along with $6 for each ad per month (add $4 for each additional edition/market in the same month). We cannot accept your ad without it. This information is confidential.

CITY: (No Charge) Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MA rk The e di TiO n( S ) YO u WOuL d Like TO run YO ur Ad in: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco)

5426 - EASY GOING MAN. I’m 69, 140 lbs, 5’7”, widower, lives alone. Seeking other gentlemen for friendship, to get together and enjoy each other’s company. Will answer alll.

To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583

5429 - HERE, DURING COVID-19 IN S. FT. MYERS. ISO friendship only with W, widower in early 80’s. SOH, honest, NS. I am W, WW, HWP, attractive & intellgent. Please respond with phone/email. Be safe & well.

5412 - LOOKING FOR ADVENTEROUS WOMAN. SWM, NS, healthy, retired, enjoys country music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attractions, sun rises, sunsets, movies, walks in the park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County.


❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)

5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New York Attorney, former New York Police O cer, looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preferred. Clearwater area.

CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.

5419 - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo, 5’5”, slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa. 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida. MEN SEEKING WOMEN 5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. I am a one woman man. Race is not an issuecharacter is! 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hearing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and drama free. 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, walks, cooking, travel, fun. 5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a young mid-seventies, NS, NS, t, active and adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life. 5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, attractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama.

5428 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, R, TLC, 70’s. Likes sharing many activities together, quiet evenings; be adventurous.

Seniors getting Together

5416 - LOOKING FOR COMPANION. SWM seeking t, attractive, female. Very handsome, very t senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, silver hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. Dunedin. 5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activities, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. Looking for SWW over 70. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park. 8 8


5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking miserable old troll. If U respond U obviously have a sense of humor & R adventurous. I’m 76, blonde, petite, earthy, easy to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must have a little class & a lot of character.

To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue.

TITLE: (First 4 Words)

Ad Copy ••• P Le AS e Prin T ne ATLY ••• 30 Word Limit

5540 – BEAUTIFUL BLACK QUEEN. 80yy, ISO friend/king, 75+, intellectual, P, astute, honest, single, SOH, NS, SD. Enjoys reading, poetry, reggae, classics, jazz, swimming. No wife. Tampa. Send name and phone number.

5542 – ISO F, HWP. I am a man, 70’s, HWP, active, agile. Would like to build LTR, friendship, laughter, travel, explore, love life, have some fun, laugh. Please send recent full view photos. Will do same. Meet for coffee? Fort Myers. 5541 – SEMI RETIRED SWM. 61, 5’10”, 185. ISO SWF, NS, SD, HWP, who would enjoy taking hikes in quiet and peaceful nature preserves. Mind & body feels so renewed. Sarasota to Venice area. 5539 – LIVE RENT FREE. HELLO. SWM, 76, 5’6”, 180lbs, NS, SD, NDrgs, condo. Likes Elks, dancing, restaurants, shopping, TV, holding hands. ISO W or A Female, SOH, fun loving. Must drive. Pinellas Park. 5545 – W GUY, 77, ISO W GAL OVER 50. I’m almost housebound, but I like to drive. Not great looking but I got heart. I want a gal t love. I appreciate kindness, United States and God. NS, ND, NDrg. Please write letter. Pasco/ Pinellas/Hillsborough. 5546 – MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE. SWM, 70’s+ wishes to meet mature lady interested in travel, reading and staying young. Non smoker. Must have great sense of humor. Sarasota/Bradenton. 5548 – SEEKING COMPANIONSHIP/ PARTNER in life. Semi-retired, S. A. male, 5’6”, medical and financially secure. Loves travel, scenic drives, cruises, ballroom dance, plays, classical piano. Seeking nice lovely lady 7688 y/o. 5550 WHAT’S YOUR FANTASY? WM, 61, HWP, single, looking for discreet playful partner relationship. Role play. Bedroom games possible. Could lead to a LTR. You never know? 5554 MAN FOR LADY. 75, D, W, NS, SD, HWP, tall. I’m attractive for an old guy. Seeking nice person 69-80. See what develops. Near Pt. Charlotte. 5555 LIVE - LAUGH - LOVE. Hi - SWM, young 70’s, 5’6”, SOH, NS, ND, SD, Condo. Likes Elks, shopping, TV, restaurants, holding hands, kissing. ISO SF, White or Asian, SOH, fun, dancing, SD. Pinellas Park area. 5553 YOU NEVER KNOW. WM, 60, 6ft, HWP, likes simple activities, casual start, open minded. Seeking female, 45-65, N. Tampa/Lutz area. Text/Talk see if any connection. Send note - I’ll answer. 8

5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 6575, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo & phone.

5436 - TAMPA VETERAN NEEDS COMPANION QUICKLY. SW, 60, looking for healthy, W, 45-65 for LTR. Need compuer operations, applications expert and handy homemaker. Quiet music, parks, swimming, local touring. Veteran literary a plus. Tampa. 5427 - SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST GENTLEMAN. I’m 70s, HWP, NS, ND, like to meet SWM with same interest for LTR. Laid back, no drama. Like animals. Hillsborough & Pasco. 5425 - SINCERE CHRISTIAN WOMAN desires C-man who really loves God and is active, lives a healthy life, helps his neighbor, enjoys nature (including picnics), canoeing and a friend to all animals. I’m all of the above. I’m a W ,etite lady with long hair and chearful. Age 60’s, Age preferred: Mid 50’s and up. I live in Hillsborough County. Please write me, tell me about yourself.

5427 SEEKING SINCERE, HONEST COMPANION. I’m 70’s, HWP, NS, ND. Like to read, sightsee, 50’s music, walk, animals, no drama. ISO friend, honest man for LTR. Reply phone number. Send description. Pasco County. 5525 – FRIENDS FIRST. ISO W widower, 8/0’s, honest, SOH, HWP, NS, LT SD. (ME) Attractive, WW, 5’4”, 120 lbs, Enjoy life, it goes by so fast. Ft Myers to Naples area. 5524 – RETIRED WW READER. W, C, 84 young, SOH, NS, ND, NDrg, HWP, 5’2”, 128, FF, Lots TLC. ISO, kind, loving, cool & loves to laugh. I am healthy, outgoing. Need to meet before we judge each other. Port Charlotte. 5518 – LIFE PARTNER NEEDED. Soulmate. 60, DWF, like theater, flea markets, beaches, moonlight, quiet evenings, music, animals, cooking, fishing. Seeks SWM, 59-65 with good hygiene, common sense, SOH, NS, SD, NDrg, LTR, HWP, FF, TLC, down to earth. 5522 – LOOKING COMPANIONSHIP.FORSWF, 78YY (acts younger), NS, ND, blonde hair, green eyes, ISO someone who likes eating out, movies, country western, gospel music, sport 5538 SEEKING HONEST COMPANION. ISO W. Widower, NS, ND, loving partner to enjoy life. Secure, happy and healthy. I am Filipina lady, easy and outgoing, petite, very honest, physically fit. Please reply with letter, photo & phone. Thanks 5532 BEAUTIFUL LADY looking forward to meeting the man of her dreams here. A man between the ages of 49 to 79 yrs. old. I am looking for someone to share with me the simple pleasures of life. I am willing to relocate and enjoy life with that special person that contacts me. Lets meet and have fun.

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 22

WOMEN SEEKING MEN 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, smoker, blonde hair, blue eyes. I like shing, movies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks SWM who likes the same.

Personal Ad Placement only $6 per month!

MEN SEEKING WOMEN 5520 – MAN SEEKING MAN. W. male, 80, artist/sculpter, for friendship and fun. Love food and wine and interesting, fun people. Sarasota. 5537 DSWM A YOUNG 81 attractive looks 70. Looking for a gal to share my life with. Love travel, dining, dance. Has a nice family. Lives in Nokomis. Will move. 5543 – HI LUV. SWM SEEKING relocateable female to be my companion, life partner, lover, beat friend. I’m secure, easy going, loving, 5’7”, 150#, NS, ND. Save that rent money. Come share my beautiful place.

5544 – ACTIVE - ADVENTUROUS - PHYSICALLY FIT. W, WW, HWP. Passionate, fun-loving, easy-going, straight forward. I like bowling and exploring the outdoors. What’s your story? Seeking male 65-89. St. Petersburg. 5547 – COUPLE SEEKING FRIENDS. WM,64. WF, 63 looking for fun, excitement. Trying new experiences. Open minded to all who’s interested. Couples. Singles. Contact us. Clearwater. 5549 – SEEKING FUN, FRIVOLITY, FANTASY freely with a fantastic man. Not necessarily of my dreams. Definitely NOT from my nightmares. Me over 60, eclectic interests, OM, smart and sassy. 5551 IN SEARCH OF COMPANION. SWF ISO M, companion around the Englewood vicinity. I am 68 yy, R,5’3”, HWP, NS, D, NDrg, active lifestyle. I am an avid beginner sailor/boater. Would like to travel. Looking for similar. FF the hopefully LTR. 5552 ISO ST PETE MALE. 60’s, recently retired to Florida. Looking for fun companion to enjoy all this area has to offer. Fit and healthy. 5’, NS, educated, attractive.

5431 – LONELY WWF, looking for love & companion. Man should be 70 to 80 yrs old. I am nancially secure, have a car & condo. I live in N. St. Pete.

5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal or guy with SOH. Good health, nancially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.

• Masks and testing are not required unless otherwise noted. Purchasers will be notified of any tour mandates.

Ringo Starr & All-Starr Band at Ruth Eckerd Hall

Legendary ex-Beatle Ringo Starr returns with his All-Starr Band to Ruth Eckerd Hall for the first time since 2014, and after celebrating the All-Starr Band’s 30th anniversary in 2019. This will be Ringo’s six appearance at Ruth Eckerd Hall and like the previous five shows, tickets are expected to go quickly! As always fans can expect to hear a jukebox worth of Ringo’s classics such as “It Don’t Come Easy”, “Photograph”, “A Little Help from My Friends” and “Yellow Submarine,” plus songs from his 20th studio album, What’s My Name. The current All Starr Band is featuring Steve Lukather, Colin Hay, Warren Ham, Gregg Bissonette, Hamish Stuart and Edgar Winter.

While we are committed to providing a clean environment, those entering our property assume risk of exposure, injury and illness and release Ruth Eckerd Hall and the City of Clearwater of all liability. Please use discretion. For more information, visit

Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 23

Regular tickets are $63.75, $88.75, $128.75, $168.75, and $228.75. We are pleased to offer enhanced systems for your comfort and would like to remind you:

• All persons will be screened for prohibited items.

BR ANDON Auto Clin c of Br andon 813 6 5 4 8 6 8 6 Xt reme Power sp or t s 813 62 6 6 0 6 0 ELIT E Tr ansm & Auto 813 6 8 4 6 9 0 0 BROOKSV ILLE Sunr unner Autom ot ive 3 52 5 9 6 2 314 B r o oksv lle Tr ansm s s on 3 52 79 6 6 5 4 4 G ener al Auto Par t s 3 52 79 6 252 2 CLE ARWATER LESS of Tampa Bay 727 873 6 9 2 9 DADE CIT Y Rel anc e Auto C enter 3 52 5 67 5281 HOLI DAY N A PA Auto Par t s 727 9 3 4 46 51 HUDSON N A PA Auto Par t s 727 8 62 8 6 31 PALM HARBOR K & K Custom C yc les 727 7 73 10 9 5 RUSK IN T hompson s Auto Par t s 813 6 4 5 32 0 4 ST PETE B o b L e e s T r e s 7 2 7 8 2 2 3 9 81 C o m p e t e A u t o Pa r t s 7 2 7 8 9 5 3 8 21 J C A u t o m o t i ve 727 8 6 6 0 0 4 4 S t Pe t e P o w e r S p o r t s 727 4 5 6 6 0 8 8 S u n c o a s t A u t o & T r e 7 2 7 5 2 0 114 8 R oy a Ed g e r 7 2 7 5 7 3 17 0 0 SEFFNER Sc hembr ies Auto S er v 813 6 8 5 5 6 5 4 SPRING HILL N apa Auto Par t s 3 52 6 8 8 287 7 SUN CIT Y K ll ngswor t h Autom ot ve 813 6 4 5 72 2 0 TAMPA J ohn Er b’s 813 9 0 8 333 3 At ant c Autom ot ive 813 9 3 6 1510 B N B Autom ot ve 813 416 8 711 Tony s RamTec h 813 87 7 6 6 42 Xt reme Power sp or t s 813 62 6 6 0 6 0 If you or your business would like to get AMSOIL products at Wholesale CALL 941-586-3853 Miles Automotive 7 2 7 323-0180 Dade City Transmission 3 52 5 18-0002 Creekside Manor I & II are federally subsidized apartments for persons 62 and older or 18 and older with a mobility impaired disability. ADA units, Studio & 1 bedroom apartments. Rent is based on income. Located in a quiet Clearwater neighborhood For appointment Call (727) 441-8400 TDD: 727-447-3018 Please note there is a waitlist. Please call for more information. TOTAL INCOME LIMIT One person $22,400 • Two persons $25,600 YOUR MONTHLY RENT IS NO MORE THAN 30% OF YOUR ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME. 1318 Franklin Street • Clearwater, Fla. Office Hrs. Mon.–Fri. 8–12 & 1–4 Closed Saturday & Sunday One person $28,750 Two persons $32,850

Ringo Starr & All-Starr Band When: September 16 at 7:30 pm Where: Ruth Eckerd Hall; 1111 McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater Cost: Tickets start at $63.75

• Persons with suspected illness or recently exposed to contagious disease should not attend.



Lifestyles After 50 • September 2022 • 24

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