Lifestyles After 50 Florida Edition, May 2020

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FLORIDA ~ MAY 2020 Florida’s Most Read 50+ Publication Since 1989 VOLUME 31 ISSUE 5

Gift Ideas for Mom

Discover unique Mother’s Day gifts that are perfect for her

Honoring Older Americans Month Learn about America’s history and the influence of our seniors

National Award-Winning Magazine






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Caring, Caretaking, Taking Care in May The month of May holds many promises such as those spring flowers that April’s rain promised us, more sunshine, and a smooth transition into summer.

May also houses two celebrated days and themes, one of which is Mother’s Day. As we know, this holiday is an entire day designated to honor those who raised us, biologically or not. It's a day intended for recognizing the supreme sacrifice mothers make for those around them, both children and other family members. First established in 1908, this internationally recognized holiday is a staple in our society. From Hallmark to Hollywood, Mother’s Day is an event that allows us to congregate and thank the moms in our life for all they have done and continue to do. The other theme May brings is that of Older American’s Month. This year, the topic for this overarching theme is “make your mark”. According to the Older American’s website (acl. gov/oam/2020/older-americansmonth-2020), this specific theme, “was selected to encourage and celebrate countless contributions that older adults make to our communities”. Not just is Older American’s Month for our seniors, but it also functions as a way to present caregivers and caring family members with the recognition they deserve for lending the support our older Americans need. These two May themes go hand-in-hand; as we recognize and honor mothers for their efforts and selflessness, we can do the same for the seniors in our community. Often, these themes overlap, making it all the easier to observe. As our mothers begin to age, they join the growing

Florida Edition Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50 Volume 31, Issue 5

community of seniors that enrich our lives through their teachings and unique experiences.

As with honoring older Americans and mothers in a similar light, caretaking and motherhood share characteristics in how caretakers and mothers can (and often) share the same body, hold themselves the same way and carry out the same level of care. Both are jobs in themselves that require hard work and dedication which tend to be overlooked. And for many people, they find themselves caring for their mother the same way she did for them during their younger years. The circle of life calls for a rolereversal in which we begin to see and understand the lengths to which our mothers went to provide for us and ensure our comfort.

So, take this month to thank a mother or caregiver you know for their sacrifice as we honor our senior citizens to the same degree. Let them know that they’re appreciated and exalted in our community.

And to our readers, many of whom find their center at the intersectionality of motherhood, caregiving, and senior status, thank you for all that you do. Be sure to thank yourself in the way of taking care of your health, both mental and physical. Enjoy your time with friends and family and we’ll see you in June.


Rebecca Fending, Editor

Stay healthy and we’ll see you in June!

Publisher Debbie Hansen Editor Rebecca Fending Website Editor Allie Shaw Distribution 813-336-8247 Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Advertising Sales Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Mervyn Hollander 330-720-6772 Fred Gericke: 727-542-4466 Kendra Gale: 813-336-8247 ext 10164 Karen Lyons: 941-505-0101 Virginia LaPlante: 813-336-8247 ext 10167

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Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 3

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 3

Adult In Home Assistance Seniors Helping Seniors

Assisted Living Love To Know Seniors Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

Food, Clothing, Personal Care, Household Goods Meals on Wheels Trinity Cafe Feeding Tampa Bay Daystar Life Center Metropolitan Ministries Education Eckerd College (St. Petersburg)

Employment Florida Department of Elder Affairs Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Retirement Life Matters Work Force 50 Financial Services National Council on Aging Benefits Check Up Women’s Institute For A Secure Retirement (WISER) BBF Capital Advisors

Government and Senior Community Resources Administration for Community Living (ACL) American Association of Kidney Patients American Red Cross American Association of Retired Persons The ALS Association Florida Chapter Area Agency on Aging (Elder Help Line) Department of Business and Professional Regulation Florida Information Locator Hills County Dept of Aging Internal Revenue Service (Seniors & Retirees Medicare National Parks Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Ronald McDonald House Tampa Senior Connection (Hillsborough) Senior Games Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) Social Security Administration U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development Health & Medical Services Addiction Center American Association of Kidney Patients Dementia Florida Medical Clinic Melanoma Research Foundation National Stroke Association Senior Home Improvement Program (SHIP) services-for-older-adults National Institute of Senior Health Insurance Consumer Advocate Legal Services Bay Area Legal Services Tax Counseling for the Elderly

Pet Services Consumer Advocate TLC Pet Snip (non-profit)

Preplanning Final Expenses Aging Care Retirement Living LCB Senior Living

Transportation Florida Department of Elder Affairs ITN Suncoast Travel and Leisure Florida Orchestra Gaylord Palms Orlando Players Theater (Sarasota) Straz Performing Arts Center (Tampa) Tampa Bay Rays

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Caring, Caretaking, Taking Care in May BY: REBECCA FENDING The month of May holds many promises such as those spring flowers that April’s rain promised us, more sunshine, and a smooth transition into summer.

May also houses two celebrated days and themes, one of which is Mother’s Day. As we know, this holiday is an entire day designated to honor those who raised us, biologically or not. It's a day intended for recognizing the supreme sacrifice mothers make for those around them, both children and other family members. First established in 1908, this internationally recognized holiday is a staple in our society. From Hallmark to Hollywood, Mother’s Day is an event that allows us to congregate and thank the moms in our life for all they have done and continue to do. The other theme May brings is that of Older American’s Month. This year, the topic for this overarching theme is “make your mark”. According to the Older American’s website (, this specific theme, “was selected to encourage and celebrate countless contributions that older adults make to our communities”. Not just is Older American’s Month for our seniors, but it also functions as a way to present caregivers and caring family members with the recognition they deserve for lending the support our older Americans need.

These two May themes go hand-in-hand; as we recognize and honor mothers for their efforts and selflessness, we can do the same for the seniors in our community. Often, these themes overlap, making it all the easier to observe.

As our mothers begin to age, they join the growing community of seniors that enrich our lives through their teachings and unique experiences.

As with honoring older Americans and mothers in a similar light, caretaking and motherhood share characteristics in how caretakers and mothers can (and often) share the same body, hold themselves the same way and carry out the same level of care. Both are jobs in themselves that require hard work and dedication which tend to be overlooked. And for many people, they find themselves caring for their mother the same way she did for them during their younger years. The circle of life calls for a role-reversal in which we begin to see and understand the lengths to which our mothers went to provide for us and ensure our comfort. So, take this month to thank a mother or caregiver you know for their sacrifice as we honor our senior citizens to the same degree. Let them know that they’re appreciated and exalted in our community.

And to our readers, many of whom find their center at the intersectionality of motherhood, caregiving, and senior status, thank you for all that you do. Be sure to thank yourself in the way of taking care of your health, both mental and physical. Enjoy your time with friends and family and we’ll see you in June.

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 5

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 5

Creekside Manor I & II are federally subsidized apartments for persons 62 and older or 18 and older with a mobility impaired disability.

These Uncertain Times Hopefully, by the time you read this, COVID-19 will have become history. During the initial outbreak, I had three strikes against me concerning susceptibility: my age, my heart, and my diabetes, yet I never did enter panic mode. I did, however, take reasonable and responsible precautions. While I was a young boy, my parents actually taught me to wash my hands, and I’ve been doing it ever since. The new media phrase du jour “these uncertain times” was pure overkill, I got sick of it very quickly, and if I ever hear it again, I’ll probably scream out loud (in a manly way, of course). I knew the definition of “epidemic”, but I wasn’t sure of “pandemic”, but with Siri’s help, I learned that it had nothing to do with the decimation of the Panda Bear population. There were never any doubts of my emerging from the ordeal victoriously. After all, I survived “Boogie Fever”, the “Rockin’ Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu”, AND Disco, for that matter.

COVID-19 was scary for some, and eye-opening for most of us. We learned self-reliance, and that all calamities trigger toilet-paper shortages. We learned that most daytime television consists of boring, insipid, intellectually shallow programming.

This past March 14th, my wife and I experienced our last social gathering before the onslaught of the Evil Bug. It was at a farmers’ market where my wife sells hand-made jewelry. I insisted that she use hand-sanitizer every time money was exchanged. I also voluntarily dismantled my kissing booth before being asked. It took an hour for police to quell the mob of angry, protesting women.

The self-quarantine that followed was tolerable. We had coffee, chocolate, wine, books, and each other. We were absolutely fine. When we first became “an item” my future bride told me that she would be perfectly content to be stranded alone with me on a desert island “forever and fifteen minutes”. The quarantine put her to the test. I tried to make it easier for her by devoting time to doing the chores and projects that I told her six months prior: “I’ll do that as soon as I get a chance.” I also did extensive research for my upcoming book, “1001 Ways to Doctor Instant Ramen noodle cups.”

These days Mike Wright can be found sitting on his lanai reflecting on the ordeal and questioning: “If everyone was wearing face masks, how could we know who the ‘bad guys’ were?”

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 6

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 10

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Be mindful of beneficiary designation on bank account By WILLIAM R. MUMBAUER, ATTORNEY Everyone knows it’s always important to have updated estate planning documents in place, such as a Will and medical directives. And, one could argue, this is now even more important in light of the coronavirus pandemic. If you think your estate planning needs are not complicated, ask your attorney if the attorney client conference can be over the telephone in lieu of a face-to-face meeting. A telephone conference can go a long way to help everyone remain well. Obviously, a telephone conference is not a viable option for anyone with complicated legal needs, such as setting up a Living Trust. Executing the legal documents, obviously, presents a whole different challenge. Although the risk of spreading the coronavirus while in the attorney’s office may be relatively small, you might consider asking your attorney if your legal documents can be executed while you remain in your car. Most attorneys and their staff are more than happy to stand six feet from your car window to witness and notarize your signature while allowing you to remain in your car, safe from the coronavirus. Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. Please note: Mr. Mumbauer’s articles outline general principles of law and are they are not intended to apply to individual circumstances.

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 7

Do you think you’ve got the cutest pet? Best Little Cat House in Riverview, FL for 25 Years! Unique Vacation Hotel For Cats Only! 15501 Boyett Road • Riverview

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We’re looking for the best dressed and most festive ! companions that our audience has to offer—from St. Paddy’s leprechauns to Easter bunnies.

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For submissions: Send us a little bit about your pet (100 words or less) along with the best photo in their modeling portfolio to Rebecca.Fending@ with the words “Cutest Pet” in the subject line, or through our Facebook at Submissions must be before the 15th of every month, otherwise it will be held for a potential feature in the following issue’s publication. Include your name, phone number and address. Submissions are published on a basis of what space is available.



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Learning While Sheltering BY: JAN LARRAINE COX This COVID-19 experience we are sheltering through can have a calming effect on us, but only if we let it. There are many new ways we can appreciate each other from a safe distance while learning more about ourselves through this unexpected circumstance. I learned one of my retired neighbors, Terry Finestein, 54, moved to Clearwater from Los Angeles in 2017. He lives with his nonagenarian mom Shirley, 92, helping her as she needs assistance with household tasks, while encouraging her to stay as active and independent as possible. In addition, Terry is normally a dedicated volunteer caseworker at two vital charities in St. Petersburg: Daystar Life Center and CASA (Community Action Stops Abuse). DayStar dovetails with Feeding Tampa Bay, providing produce to local food pantries by collecting groceries and expired food that the pantries can then distribute to those in need. There are many needs right now. Donate or volunteer at www. or Terry also volunteers at CASA which serves both men and women of all ages and ethnicities who are victims of abuse. Their current 24/7 domestic violence hotline is 727-895-4912; their motto is “stand up to silence”. During the pandemic, the conditions for abuse are unfortunately exacerbated. Many don’t know that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men are victims of domestic violence. At the same time, too many children are exposed to this violence, mainly as eyewitnesses.

This organization normally challenges violence through emergency shelter, youth programming, economic empowerment programs, justice advocacy, intervention and support groups. To volunteer or donate contact While we are safely sheltering in place in our homes, many have picked up the crafts they had placed on a shelf in the closet. Time now to finish these projects or start a new one! My own mother, Mary, was a prolific quilter, re-using cotton from such various sources as remnants, old jeans, flowered shirts, sheets and pillow cases with little patterns or solids. Undoubtedly, there are plenty of such resources in your own home right now that you could put to work in a quilt project! Mom started out in high school as an avid art student who progressed to become a resourceful homemaker. She also braided rugs out of wool coats she scored in Ohio thrift shops, stenciled early American patterns on serving trays and made matching clothes for us kids and all our dolls! “Complete Home Crafts” and “Crafting: The 300 Best Crafts of All Time” are books you can order online. They will point you toward projects to work on with your family, who will be inspired into creativity this spring. Fabric covered journals, glitter decorated jars, easy bandana bracelets and decoupage will get you all launched on lifelong home decorating! More contemplative during the lockdown, I relate with new appreciation to our local ducks and roseate spoonbills in my daily walk. I love to share my photography on Facebook while following their jaunts around the property. Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 9

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 7

Bagel Sunday Minutes before we humans begin to stir, the dogs know. They’re pacing the floor instead of patiently lying around like every other morning, waiting for signs the day has officially begun.

When it’s my husband, and not I, who’s the first to respond and plant two feet on the floor, they’re certain. It’s Sunday! My old, arthritic yellow Labrador retrievers begin leaping with joy. I scrutinize my bedroom for evidence that they know something is different. The clock reads seven, the time we awaken every morning. The same amount of light slips between the draperies covering our eastfacing windows. There are no unusual sounds; no church bells ringing. And yet, they know.

They follow him to the bathroom, then back to the bedroom, so closely he’s barely able to pull up his pants or tie his shoes. Droplets of saliva on the floor are evidence of their anticipation. Finally, he’s ready and the dialogue begins. “Davie, Bette, do you know what day this is? It’s Sunday. It’s bagel day. Come on, let’s go get a bagel!” Amid unbridled excitement and a flurry of dog fur, the three march from the bedroom, down the stairs, and into the car to carry out their mission: bring home the Sunday bagels, and eat one along the way.

Over the years, knowledge of our Sunday ritual has spread among friends and family. Golf buddies know better than to invite my husband for an early tee time. Brunch is out of the question. We’re gently mocked, but I sense a degree of envy. We’ve succeeded in creating a bit of fun that’s guaranteed to provide a good laugh.

Our grandchildren, when they visit, become part of the Sunday practice. Up early, they catch Papa just as he and the dogs are about to leave, and place their orders. We bask in their participation and their innocent acceptance of Bagel Day as a completely normal phenomenon. I like to think we’re giving them a precious memory. One day when they’re grown and we’re no longer here, they will undoubtedly eat a bagel. They’ll think of their grandfather driving off in the car each week with Bette and Davis in the back, because these dogs know unquestionably that it’s Bagel Sunday. In memory of our beloved Labs, who no doubt lived to ripe old ages due to sharing a bagel every Sunday.

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 10

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 11

Make Mother’s Day Memorable M

other’s Day brings families together in honor or remembrance of a beloved motherly figure in the family. With this may come the pressure to get Mother’s Day “right” by choosing a great gift, a fantastic meal, and a perfect day. However, you can combine these elements with any with these unique and original gift ideas. Often times, homemade gifts mean more to our loved ones than purchased presents. Personalized gifts and activities can exemplify your care and appreciation to the recipient. Frame a Photo

One of the best (and relatively inexpensive) gift ideas for Mother’s Day is framing a photograph for them. Gifting a framed picture is a great gesture because it’s not only a great sentiment towards family, but it’s something most people typically don’t bother to do for themselves nowadays. With technology and social media, we tend to forget that it’s still nice to have a physical copy of those images that are dear to our heart. A Mother’s Day Feast

Another excellent Mother’s Day idea is to cook a meal for the whole family to gather around. Moms are typically the ones who do all of the cooking and cleaning year-round, so treating the mothers in your life to their favorite meal is a great way show your gratitude (and show off your kitchen skills!). Whether it’s breakfast for supper or supper for lunch, treat the mom in your life to your culinary gift. The Pampered Mom

Every mom could use pampering from time to time, whether it be in the way of a facemask or a pedicure. Treat Mom to a surprise salon appointment or put together a customized selfcare basket filled with body and bath products to gift her. After a long day or week, there’s nothing more rejuvenating than a relaxing bath in solitude. Homemade Candles

What woman doesn’t love candles? Making your own candle to gift her is a perfect way to find a new hobby and impress your mom. Candles are simple to customize and even easier to make. You can choose the wax type, dye color, and scent to perfectly match her preferences. Baked Clay Treasures

This is one gift idea I've executed and it was a hit! Forming and baking polymer clay into jewelry, trinket dishes, or coasters is a simple and fun gift for the women in your life. Accent the pieces with paint to make them pop even more! These ideas are sure to be a great plan for this Mother’s Day, but be sure to show her the same love and appreciation every day. Plan a monthly outing to the nail salon to spend time with your mother, daughter, or granddaughter. Have a weekly phone call or lunch to catch up, check in, and express their worth in your life. Let the mom in your life know how much you support her.


Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 5

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 11

th 25 e fi Y n rs. fo est v of p r a e ro ll a ter vid ni ina in ma ry g ls ca re


Skin Allergies in Dogs By CLAUDIA ZAMORA, DVM-


ince allergies are one of the most common reasons for dogs to visit the veterinarian. There are several causes responsible for clinical signs (Pruritus) to develop. Therefore, it is important to try to identify the underlying cause, by following a diagnostic protocol. When the Pruritus started: This can be triggered by seasonal allergies as plants pollinate during different times of the year, a change in food, exposure to a new pet in the household, use of new medications or other reasons. Underlying causes: In some cases, endocrine or metabolic conditions can be responsible for changes to skin and hair, or there may be a predisposition to infections, such as Hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease. Infectious causes: Some pets can be sensitive to yeast or bacteria as a result of an allergy or just be sensitive to infections. Others can develop infections as a result of poor owner compliance, lack of grooming, fleas/mites, etc. Some other infections such as ringworm can be transferred from humans to dogs, and vice versa. Self-inflicted lesions: Some pets can develop anxieties or behavioral disorders that can lead to excessive chewing or licking.

Food allergies: Dogs can be allergic to the most common animal proteins such as beef or chicken found in many over the counter diets and flavored medications. Unfortunately, there is no reliable skin or blood test to diagnose this. A food trial with a hypoallergenic diet is often an option to identify the allergens; however, the number one reason for these diets to fail is the lack of compliance from the owners, as it can be challenging to keep your dog on a strict diet. In addition to a thorough physical exam, there are several tests available to help with the diagnosis such as skin cytology, scrapes, bloodwork, biopsies, cultures, environmental allergy tests or simply as mentioned before, food trials. While it is very important for dogs to see their veterinarian, it is more crucial to control their environment by keeping it clean, free of fleas, bathing regularly and avoiding stressful situations that can trigger behavioral issues. Boyette Animal Hospital is proud to provide your pets with the highest quality of treatment and care from eleven veterinarians and a devoted staff. To make an appointment, please call (813) 671-3400 or visit us online at



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Everything is Beautiful Ray Stevens BY RANDAL C. HILL

It’s hard to imagine a million-selling 1970 song opening with the voices of a second-grade class singing, Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children of the world...

Yet, that’s precisely what happened with a man who gained renown during the 1960s for recording clever novelty ditties.

Ray Stevens began life as Harold Ray Ragsdale in 1939 in Clarkdale, Georgia. During his childhood, he was influenced by music from the family radio and from 45s blasting from the jukebox at the local swimming pool where Stevens and his pals spent their summers. From the time he began taking piano lessons at age seven, he knew that he would follow music as his career path—nothing else interested him. After graduation from high school, Stevens enrolled at Georgia State University where he studied classical piano and music theory. However, he dropped out during his junior year after being offered a contract with Mercury Records as a pianist arranger and a recording artist. (He had quite a fine voice.) What followed was a series of catchy novelty and radio-friendly original singles such as “Ahab

the Arab,” “Harry the Hairy Ape”, and “Guitarzan.”

In 1970, pop singer Andy Williams launched the Barnaby record label, and Stevens became its first artist after he had won praise singing on Williams’ NBCTV variety telecast. The Georgian was also offered The Ray Stevens Show as a summer replacement broadcast.

“I needed a very special tune for the program,” Stevens recalled on mybestyears. com. “I went down in my basement for about three days. I had crumpled paper all over the place. And suddenly the idea for the song came to me. I wrote it in maybe 45 minutes. It was a very special song and one that a lot of people still remember and sing along with when I do it in shows.” He recruited his two daughters and the second-grade class at Nashville’s Oak Hill Elementary School to introduce his creation, which segued into Stevens’s uplifting melody that included such significant lyrics as, We shouldn’t care about the length of his hair Or the color of his skin

Don’t worry about what shows from without But the love that lives within...

Dismissed by some naysayers as cornball pap, “Everything is Beautiful” reached the peak of the Billboard chart and earned Stevens a Male Vocalist of the Year Grammy Award. For years, it was his signature song.

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Plan for your future with help from Ameriprise's Overton W

hat does my full financial picture look like? When can I retire? How do I make sure my assets pass from one generation to the next? Throughout his career, Steve Overton, CFP®, Financial Advisor, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner at The Overton Group, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., has helped his clients answer these types of questions – and many more – to guide them toward their respective financial goals. "When I meet with clients and prospects, I explore a broad range of topics that are likely to influence their financial futures, from their families and career aspirations to education expenses and retirement," explained Overton, who has been named Managing Director by Ameriprise Financial. "What I learn becomes the foundation for a financial and investment strategy based on the individual, not a Wall Streetprovided 'one size fits all' solution." Once Overton has prescribed a carefully considered and suitable solution, he revises the plan over time to reflect new goals

and priorities, which helps the plan keep pace with changes in the marketplace as life unfolds. Operating from offices in South Tampa and Sun City Center, Overton additionally focuses on cash flow analysis, retirement planning strategies, saving for education, insurance and annuities. Longtime Tampa Bay-area residents will likely recognize Overton from the popular consumer investigative news segment "Eight on Your Side" on local NBC-affiliate WFLA-TV 8, which he joined in 1983. In his award-winning, 22-year run in journalism, Overton spent 19 successful years working in broadcast television. "With 'Eight on Your Side,' what I gravitated toward was the greatest risk – what's the worst thing that can happen?," he shared. "There are some parallels in what I do at Ameriprise. We assess the things that can go wrong and try to address those scenarios with clients first." Overton began the second phase of his career as a financial advisor in 2000, earning his CFP® designation in 2005. With nearly

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 14

20 years of experience in helping clients achieve their respective financial goals, Overton takes the time to understand what’s truly important to you, while assisting you in preparing for the expected and unexpected things in life. "Ameriprise is a firm that, from the beginning, has focused strongly on financial planning,” Overton said. "Because of this, the firm is very accommodating to my style of practice, which is to go deep with clients and try to understand the whole picture. That's exactly why I’m here." Start a conversation with Steve Overton: Call (813) 868-8727 to schedule a consultation. For more information, visit www .overton. ______________

Above: Steve Overton, Financial Advisor and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner at Ameriprise Financial. concepts. You will not receive written analysis and/or recommendations.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification

Ameriprise Financial cannot guarantee future financial results. Investment advisory services and products are

marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM and federally registered CFP (with flame design) in the U.S.,

made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., a registered investment adviser. Ameriprise

which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification

Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC.

requirements. The initial consultation provides an overview of financial planning

Brunchy Blueberry Croissant Casserole BY: REBECCA FENDING

The way to anyone’s heart is through food. And in the case of mothers, this couldn’t be truer. This is a sweet breakfast casserole my mom has made on several occasions, from Christmas morning to a weekend morning home from college. She may have gotten the recipe from Buzzfeed’s “Tasty”, but to me it’s a signature dish. So, this Mother’s Day I invite you to try this to die for breakfast for yourself or the mother(s) in your life. Ingredients:

1 tube crescent rolls 1 cup fresh blueberries 8 oz. cream cheese 2/3 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla ¼ cup milk


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

2. In a bowl, beat together the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Once creamy, beat in eggs and slowly add the milk until creamy again.

3. Roll your crescent dough into crescent rolls and place in the bottom of a greased 9x9 glass dish.

4. Sprinkle blueberries over rolls, followed by pouring the cream cheese mixture into the dish. 5. Bake for 35 minutes or until the rolls are golden. Garnish with powdered sugar and a Mother’s Day card. Enjoy!

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Books for Older Americans, Caregivers, and Anyone in Between

May is the month that we honor our beloved elders who have contributed so much to our society. We also give thanks to the many caretakers who have given so selflessly of their own time, money, and efforts. Therefore, I recommend two books that address such topics: BARBARA BUSH’S PEARLS OF WISDOM: LITTLE PIECES OF ADVICE THAT GO A LONG WAY, edited by Jean Becker

When an attendee at First Lady Barbara Bush’s talk at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC in 1991 why she didn’t dye her hair, her response was, “I like it this way,” and I’ve loved her ever since. This book, an instant New York Times bestseller, is a collection of her best advice to family, friends, staff, heads of state, and even Supreme Court Justices about what to wear, what to say or not say, and how to live your life. Why was she such an expert? As she said, “In 80 years of living, I have survived six children, 17 grandchildren, six wars, a book by Kitty Kelley, two presidents, two governors, big Election Day wins and big Election Day losses, and 61 years of marriage to a husband who keeps jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. So, it’s just possible that along the way, I’ve learned a thing or two.” Jean Becker, the book’s editor, carefully curated Mrs. Bush’s words of wisdom, and all proceeds from the book are donated to the Literacy Foundation.

So, as America faces the current pandemic, is it any wonder that I cried while reading the advice she offered citizens following 9/11: “The best thing we can do right now is get back to some sense of normalcy, to get back to the business of living our lives. It’s what’s best for each of us personally, and it’s what’s best for the country. If we stay home and lock our doors, then we will lose even more than what we’ve already lost.” THE CAREGIVER’S SURVIVAL HANDBOOK: CARING FOR YOUR AGING PARENTS WITHOUT LOSING YOURSELF, by Alexis Abramson

More than 40 million adult children find themselves caring for their elders while trying to carry on with their own lives. This supportive guidebook helps caregivers look after aging loved ones, provide for family members, and attend to their careers while keeping their own lives intact. Abramson addresses the issues of getting all family members to pitch in, avoiding conflict with the aging loved one while fostering that person’s independence, letting go of guilt, and balancing the demands on one’s own time and resources. April 2020 Ad - Spring

Savannah Court

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Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 16

Savannah Court is an elegant yet comfortable community, offering 24-hour access to a well trained and friendly staff. The private or semi-private spacious suites offer sun-filled windows, kitchenettes and full private baths. At Savannah Court, we believe there is no greater • Restaurant Style Dining Experience responsibility than caring for our Vets. It is • Housekeeping, Laundry and Maintenance Services our honor and privilege to welcome America’s • Vibrant Activities Program Veterans as part of our extended family. • Transportation for Outings and Medical Appointments • Cable is included in the monthly rental fee • Secured exterior doors and emergency call system for added safety Every Third Tuesday • Day Service and Short Term Respite Program of Each Month @ 6:00PM COME JOIN US for conversation, refreshments and resources! For more information or to RSVP Call us today, call Rhonda (813) 643-6767

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How to Travel Within the Comfort of Your Home BY: REBECCA FENDING Florida’s stay-at-home order extended the amount of time residents are forced to stay inside. With no surprise, this has caused a certain level of stir-craziness, boredom and a longing to travel. However, for many of us, traveling is still out of the question. So, to combat the boredom and inability to physically travel the world, here are a few ways you can transform your home into your dream destination. COOK LIKE A COUNTRY One great way to mentally transport you and shake up your usual meals is by making cuisine specific to the region. Say you’d love to visit France but can’t fly there, make some ratatouille to transform your kitchen and consume your daily vegetables. Would you rather visit somewhere in the States? Try grilling Mississippi-style ribs with a homemade barbecue sauce. No matter where you’d like to go, there’s a recipe online for a dish native to the area. MOVE WITH A MOVIE Films already whisk us away to another time and place, but geographically or culturally themed movies do an especially great job at this. An example of a franchise that does an excellent job of this is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Based in J. R. R. Tolkien’s “Middle Earth”, these movies were filmed in New Zealand’s stunning landscape. Not only will the expertly crafted plot line and fantasy world mesmerize you, but the scenery will as well. GO ABROAD WITH AR: Another fun way to feel like you’re traveling from the comfort of your home is by hosting a themed art night for either yourself or the other members of your household. This can be anything from painting the Leaning Tower of Pisa while sipping Prosecco or Casavecchia, sketching out the Andes after eating Venezuela’s customary arepas, or writing a story based in Barcelona while listening to Joan Manuel Serrat. Out of all the options, art can be the most therapeutic during a time of great stress.

Save your energy and focus on the important things in life. Let the energy experts at Tampa Electric show you how to save on energy costs. When you participate in our free Home Energy Audit, one of our energy analysts will visit your home and identify areas where you can save valuable energy. You’ll also learn about our other energy-saving programs including Energy Planner, Ductwork and more. Visit to schedule your free Home Energy Audit today or call 813-275-3909. Thursday, June 11, 2020 Stop at our table on Wednesday, March 25th,at2020 at the Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest to be held at the: Town N CountryRecreation Senior Center, Tampa Brandon Center 7606 Paula Dr., St. Tampa FL 33615 502 E. Sadie Brandon, FL 9AM-1PM Bring this ad and receive a free energy-saving kit, made available through Tampa Electric’s Energy Education Outreach program.

Although being stuck indoors is obviously not ideal, there are ways to make it fun by breaking from the ordinary. These three travel “hacks” are great and easy ways to temporarily transform your home into your dream destination, all while saving on travel and room and board fees. Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 17

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 3

Serious Business of Melanoma BY: KATHY MEGYERI

The brilliant sun here in Florida draws thousands of people each year to our state and we love it, but please heed this warning from a worried wife who just saw her husband through a serious health scare. We have yearly, insurancecovered body scans for melanoma, and we are not avid sun worshippers at all. However, most of our friends don’t consider skin cancer to be a threat, ignore any changes in size and color of moles, and in one case as a neighbor said, “I really don’t want to know if there’s anything wrong!” Listen to our story:

About three months ago, my husband Les noticed a speck of blood each time he shaved over a pinprick of a mark on his right cheek. Les didn’t even think to mention the spot during our body scans, but the dermatologist immediately noticed something amiss and took a skin sample for a biopsy. Shockingly, it came back positive as a cancerous melanoma and surgery was scheduled for a week later. The surgeon performed Mohs micrographic removal, named after the technique developed by Fredric E. Mohs in the 1930s. It’s a precise technique used to treat skin cancer in which thin layers of cancer-containing skin are progressively removed and examined until only cancer-free tissue remains. Depending on the size, the wound may take up to four to six weeks to heal and may leave scar tissue. Now, three weeks after surgery, Les’ stitches have been removed and the remaining scar can be reconstructed or left to heal on its own. No skin grafts, laser treatments or plastic surgery are needed.

Rookery Bay Virtual Family and Education Programming for April and May

In light of the current pandemic, Rookery Bay is hosting online lessons and activities through their Virtual Education Programming. The virtual program features a new weekly theme with daily videos, tours and activities. These features can be accessed through the Rookery Bay Facebook page. The weekly themes for May are “Fish of Rookery Bay Research Reserve” from May 3 through 8, “Marine Invertebrates” from May 10 through 15 and “Coastal Resilience” from May 17 through 22.

Rookery Bay plans to resume all in-person activities and tours starting on June 8 with a photography course. One featured event will be held on June 13, when the Reserve will hold a painting class where you can learn how to paint the different fish that inhabit Rookery Bay. From 9:30 am to noon for $60 with all materials included, Jan Deswik, a local experienced artist, will instruct you on how to best capture the qualities of fish life through watercolors. Visit to learn more and stay up-to-date on all future events.

Skin cancer is the most common kind of cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. More than one million Americans live with melanoma. Skin cells are damaged when exposed to UV ultraviolet light present in both sun and tanning beds. The rates are higher in men due to lower use of sun protection.

The statistics are staggering. Melanomas are diagnosed 192,000 times a year in the U.S. and claim 9,000 lives. People with fair complexions, blue eyes, freckles or a family history of skin cancer are especially susceptible to the cancer-inducing rays of sunlight. According to our dermatologist, the number of cases increases with age. Dr. David Johe of St. Mary’s, PA, cautions, “Melanoma is the worst skin cancer a patient can have. It can spread through both the bloodstream and the lymphatic system to distant organs. Take this subject seriously.” Need we say more? Photo: Les’s irregular mark, soon to be found melanoma

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Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 19

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. 33. 37. 39.

Country home 5. Hide preparers Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator High rating 7. Enthusiastic Burstyn or Pompeo 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user Ms. Lee 10. Embraced Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item Feudal subjects 12. Put underground Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner Final course 21. Article of faith Bar 23. “...__ by your outfit Does an electrician’s job ANSWER TO that #5128 you are...” Of __; no longer a minor F A V O R 25.S Had a meal B O L D Jetta or Taurus 26. Keep __ on; A O E Moray seeker watch carefully M O N Cheese-producing region 27. Taj Mahal’s city E through __ over; helped 28. Bride’s item a difficult period 29. Flamingo or heron Plunge 32. Cut into small pieces D Seasons 34. In __ of C Surrenders 35. Always C O Poet’s contraction 36. France’s Coty Ardent 38. Sermon topic I Fascination 40. Bargains Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill Force into an C H 48. Bach or Wagner awkward position 50. Like more expensive A I Gives up hamburger S Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site T O Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concern Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest Pro’s foe 56. Periods Lacks 57. Conception Flower 58. Disencumbers Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady

Power Puzzle


Last Month’s Answers 41. 42. 44. 46. 47. 49. 51. 54. 55.

Enter To Win! 56. 60. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

Last Month’s Winner is Cherryn Ross, Matlacha



Age E-mail









1 14 17 20



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.







11. 3712. 13. 4221. 23.


27. Taj Mahal’s city Bride’s item 61 62 29. Flamingo or heron 6432. Cut into small pieces 65 34. In __ of 6735. Always 68 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45. Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more expensive hamburger 51. Dandruff site 52. Salk’s concern 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat’s talk 62. Lennon’s lady 8


10 16













Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 19 30





















16 19 22


25 29







Cosmetic case item Put underground 38 39 Beauty’s movie partner 43 44 Article of faith “...__ by your outfit 47 are...” 48 that you 25. Had a meal 51 52 53 26.

17 20


State 15 Office cabinet Misfortunes 18 Coat part Hide preparers 21 Creator 24 Enthusiastic 6th day of Lent: abbr.


Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 20 24


DOWN 1. State 2. Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 4. Coat part 5. Hide preparers 6. Creator 7. Enthusiastic 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 9. Hook and line user 10. Embraced 11. Cosmetic case item 12. Put underground 13. Beauty’s movie partner 21. Article of faith 23. “...__ by your outfit that you are...” 25. Had a meal 26. Keep __ on; watch carefully 27. Taj Mahal’s city 28. Bride’s item 29. Flamingo or heron 32. Cut into small pieces 34. In __ of 35. Always @StrazCenter 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45. Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more expensive hamburger 51. Dandruff site THE CENTER OF IT ALL 52. Salk’s concern 53. Europe/Asia boundary STRAZCENTER.ORG 54. Nest Events, days, dates, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Handling fees will apply. 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat’s talk 62. Lennon’s lady


CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Family member 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 58 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. 63 Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26. Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 39. __ over; helped through selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will a difficult period win. Send to: Lifestyles41. After 50, Plunge 42. 33583 Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance Personal Health 47. Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial 49. Fascination & Fitness Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 51. Rejected disdain ingredient Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages 54. Lotion Automobiles 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland Address 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 66. Lacks 67. Flower City State Zip 68. Schnozzola 69. Meadow covering


ACROSS 1. Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Family member 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26. Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejected with disdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 66. Lacks 67. Flower 68. Schnozzola


41 45


46 50

54 56

57 63 66 69


The Florida Orchestra Launches TFO at Home By KELLY SMITH The coronavirus has canceled concerts into May, but The Florida Orchestra is Simone Lamsma keeping the music going with TFO at Home, a robust online collection of musician performance videos, concert preview videos by Music Director Michael Francis, TFO rebroadcasts on, virtual learning tips and blog posts. All in one place: You can easily find it linked off the home page.

Online collection of videos, radio broadcasts and virtual learning

Since the coronavirus crisis began, TFO’s musicians have shared short performance videos straight from their homes to yours via Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. The orchestra’s 67 full-time professional musicians live, play and teach in Tampa Bay as an integral part of the community, and they are keeping the music going to provide comfort, joy and hope when we need it most. TFO at Home collects all 20 – and counting – videos into one place. New videos are posted every day. The website makes it easy to find the weekly rebroadcasts of TFO concerts on, along with mini pre-concert conversation videos by Michael Francis. Live recordings of TFO concerts are airing for free at 7 pm every Thursday at WSMR 89.1 and 103.9 FM radio and streaming online at, thanks to TFO’s partnership with the station. Rebroadcasts are available on demand for 45 days after the airdate. All links and a schedule are at TFO at Home. The website provides links to a trove of virtual learning resources from TFO’s Teaching Artists, who normally would split their time between performing on stage with TFO and instructing in Pinellas classrooms. Strings teachers and students can get tips on practicing and technique, including scales, sight reading worksheets and other exercises. The Florida Orchestra has canceled concerts to help fight the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community. Updates, including how to donate unused tickets back to TFO and other frequently asked questions, are available at FloridaOrchestra. org.

Spend time with TFO at Home The coronavirus has canceled concerts, but The Florida Orchestra is keeping the music going with TFO at Home.

ew n a t p o d d! A n e i r f t s e b 2542 17th St, Sarasota, FL 34234

Call: 941-366-2404 • Visit:

Find musician performance videos, concert preview videos by Music Director Michael Francis, TFO rebroadcasts on, virtual learning tips and blog posts. All in one place. Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 21

Sudoku #304


In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the category today. Circleprovided each answer Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it infor the space at that you find list itofinthe the space at the right the grid.inAnswers can be found in all directions – theand right grid. provided Answers can beoffound all directions -- forwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally,vertically vertically and diagonally. An example is given toisget you started. backwards, horizontally, and diagonally. An example given to Can you you find twenty answers in thisinpuzzle? get you started. Can findthe the twenty answers this puzzle?

The object of the game is to fill all the Last Month’s Winner is numbers. blank squares with the correct

William Marling, Naples


Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order.Goo d od column of 9 numbers must include GoEach Luck! ! Luck all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Great Prizes! EachWin 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 Newmust winner selected each month square include all digits 1 through 9.

MAY Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win. Send your answers along with your name, address, telephone number & email to: Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.

Word Search


12. Plain


13. Purple


14. Sea


15. Shed


16. Shining



Solution #303

Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills.

Search Solution: bove 11. His


# 305

CongrAtuLAtions! 1 2 9 3 5 6 8 4 7

3 5 8 5 9 1 8 4 2 7 2 4 4 7 6 8 3 #9 304 6 1 7 2 3 9 1 6 5




17. Skies 18. Spacious

7 3 6 9 1 5 4 8 2

4 8 1 6 3 2 5 7 9


2 7 5 1 9 4 3 6 8


(Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month)

9 6 3 5 8 7 2 1 4

QuestIoN: the fIrst KeNtucKy Derby horse rAce tooK PLAce At churchILL DoWNs IN LouIsvILLe oN WhAt DAte? ANsWer: _____________________________________

Name Address City







19. Thee


20. Waves





Answers to APRIL's seArch


Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize!

Play each week to be entered in a drawing to win a prize each month! Deadline for entries: May 25th




Play & WIN!

Solution #304

6 4 7 8 2 1 9 5 3

Good Luck!

The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.

Trivia Palooza!

Last Month’s Winner is Allen H. Dorney, Leesburg

# 304

Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583


Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583

Georgia Clark, Clearwater was our last months winner! Last month’s answer: Titanic sank, American Revolution began, NASA introduces first astronauts.

The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.

Lifestyles After 50 • Florida Edition • May 2020 • page 22

Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 20

Seniors getting Together WOMEN SEEKING MEN 4907 - SWF. 59 yo, 5’9”, 160 lbs, smoker, blonde hair, blue eyes. I like fishing, movies, traveling, dancing, good food. Seeks SWM who likes the same. 5409 - WRETCHED old hagg seeking miserable old troll. If U respond U obviously have a sense of humor & R adventurous. I’m 76, blonde, petite, earthy, easy to B with. Love singing, dancing, biking, cooking, vintage cars & vintage men. Must have a little class & a lot of character. 5422 - VERY PRETTY WWF ISO FF. Long blonde hair, youthful 60’s, 5’4”, slim, ND, NS. Fine dining, dancing, theatre, travel. Looking for retired W gentleman, 5’9”, 6575, HWP, SOH. Will speak soon. Send photo & phone. 5388 - I remember cooking together, dancing in the kitchen, walks & holding hands. ISO friend, early 80’s, SOH, NS, LT, SD. I am W, C, widow. 5’5”, HWP & attractive. Reply with phone or email. 5423 - SEEKING HONEST COMPANION. SBF, 70’s, NS. Enjoys outdoors, sports, music, theatre, travel & trying new recipes at home. Like to meet SBM with similar interests & SOH for close friendship. N. Tampa 5421 - SEEKING HONEST, SINCERE GENTLEMAN. SWF, 5’8”, slim, blond, attractive, physically fit. Enjoys the outdoors, small local trips, go to Tenn. mountains in summer. Active, dance, church & things outdoors. Send phone #. Seminole-Largo area.

5414 - I’M INTERESTED IN GOING TO MOVIES. Dinner and walks. I am pleasant to get along with. I’m witty & got it all together. I’m 5’4”, 145 lbs with a good personality and lot’s of energy.

5369 – Looking For Ms Right. Retired New York Attorney, former New York Police Officer, looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, self-caring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preferred. Clearwater area.

5413 - WW ISO BUDDY, FRIEND to pal around with who’s about my age, 80’s, gal or guy with SOH. Good health, financially secure to have fun & enjoy life. No Trumpers or religious zealots please. Let the good times roll.

5412 - LOOKING FOR ADVENTEROUS WOMAN. SWM, NS, healthy, retired, enjoys country music, home cooking, day trips to scenic attractions, sun rises, sunsets, movies, walks in the park. For more info, write me. Pinellas County.

5419 - HAVE A NICE DAY. SWF, 75 yo, 5’5”, slender, brunette, green eyes, adventurous, love walks, parks, outdoors, healthy food. Am happy, loving, kind. LTR, intimacy? Have photo. Tampa. 4119 - Seeking Honest gentleman. Former airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida.


5417 - PINELLAS PARK, FUN LOVING SWM, seeking SWW to enjoy sports activities, bridge, dominoes, pinochle and swimming at Mainlands. I’m 88 and very active. Looking for SWW over 70. I’m 6’3”, 235 lbs and a dancer. Pinellas Park.

5411 - BM seeks LTR with 50-65 yr old woman of character. I am 6’0”, 180 lbs, 60 year old. NS. Children are adults. Free to travel. I am a one woman man. Race is not an issue character is! 5407 - ISO BF, 50+, slender build who likes to read, go out to eat, movies, laid back, enjoys laughter & is drama free. Look forward to hearing from you. I am a WM, 5’11”, 155 lbs, NS and drama free. 5415 - M, WW, NS, SD, HWP, P, FF, likes cards, walks, cooking, travel, fun.

5420 - WW ISO TALL, HWP WIDOWER who misses his wife to start having fun, go places, enjoy life again! I’m W, 5’7”, 130 lbs, blue eyes, silver hair, SOH, SD, NDrg, healthy,financially secure. Clearwater area.

5424 - HI, Lonely guy, WM, 5’8”, 160 lbs, a young mid-seventies, NS, NS, fit, active and adventuresome. Seeks lady, mid-sixties to early seventies, HWP, exercises, possible romance, LTR. Let’s be happy and celebrate life.

5367 – I am Looking For Mr. Right. I’m a WW, 76 yy, 5’5”, blue eyes, white hair, NS, ND, NDrg, healthy, SOH, like to dance to 50’s & 60’s country music, take walks, just enjoy life. I am a caring, loving person. Would like to meet a SWM, same age or older, taller than me. NS, ND or SD, NDrg, healthy SOH. Port Richey, Hudson area. Send name & phone number.

5393 - SWM, 69, 5’11”, AVG. Hair black, thinning, DAV, honest, sincere, relocated Hudson. Retired Leo. ISO WHF, widow preferred, attractive, sm. butt, NS, ND, handy homemaker, intimacy yes, no baggage, drama.

5418 - LOOKING FOR SOMEONE. Single, secure, sincere, white gentleman. WTR. Must be 65 to 70 years of age. Friendship first then who knows where it will lead us? “God knows” Wesley Chapel area.

5416 - LOOKING FOR COMPANION. SWM seeking fit, attractive, female. Very handsome, very fit senior. 5’11”, 175, blue eyes, silver hair. Let’s enjoy life’s pleasures. Dunedin.

5397 - Sleepless in Lakeland. Widower, 70, ready to move on to a new life. Enjoys many things. Active, energetic, affectionate. I feel like Tom Hanks, HA please don’t let distance discourage you. Lakeland. 5398 - HAPPY NEW YEAR. 58 yrs. A red rose, a yellow daisy, write me, I’m not crazy. Romantic at heart, average overall. This is our start, I will call smile-wink, talk a while you think. N. Tampa.

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Lifestyles After 50  Florida  May 2020  Page 22

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