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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 2
November Nods Hello readers, In this November issue, we bring you stories about Florida’s favorite adopted son, Jimmy Buffett, as well as meaningful ways to show your gratitude towards a veteran. We welcome back snowbirds with our piece on Florida’s wild side and offer you a seasonal feast of senior humor, financial advice, book and film reviews, recipes and much more. Not all stories appear in all six of our editions, so be sure to check out our website, LifestylesAfter50.com, to find more entertaining, informative and helpful content. I am also pleased to announce that this boomer and senior publication, which has been distributed on Florida’s West Coast for over 30 years, has been honored with seven national awards for excellence in journalism by the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA), a non-profit international platform for boomer/senior publications. Winners were announced in October at NAMPA’s 2019 national convention held in Memphis, Tenn. Entries were judged by the prestigious University of Missouri School of Journalism.
Tampa Bay Edition Published monthly by Lifestyles After 50
We were thrilled that Lifestyles After 50 won in the General Excellence category. The judges said they were impressed with our selection of well-written stories pertinent to you, our readers. Congratulations to our writer Kathy Megyeri, who nabbed an award for her “smart and tightly written” book reviews. And kudos to our humorists Michael Wright and Susan Goldfein, both winners in the Senior Issues category. “A dash of humor goes a long way when examining life’s issues,” noted the judges about Wright’s work. And Goldfein wowed them with her light-hearted “fun and cool tips,” as well as her “recipes for living well.” All done, they said, with a “fine measure of sweetness in her writing.” Our writer Randal Hill won in two feature categories: The first for his “practical and filled-with-love” piece, LongDistance Love, Grandparent Style. His second award-winning piece, Here’s the Buzz on CBD Oil, was recognized for deftly “walking the readers through the science behind cannabidiols.” We celebrate another win in the editorial category, with the piece Happy Father’s Day, A Salute to Our Fathers and the Guys Taken Too Soon. My essay is a tribute to those who suffered and died in military service and, in doing so, were not destined to become fathers. It was a call to remember them and their sacrifice on that special day. We thank you, our loyal readers, many of whom have read us for decades and attended our many Lifestyles Fun Fests, for being there with us and for us. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we’ll see you in December—after we run our victory lap.
Terri Bryce Reeves Terri Bryce Reeves, Editor
Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. ~Jimmy Buffett
Volume 30, Issue 11
Publisher Ed Graves Ed.Graves@lifestylesafter50.com Editor Terri Bryce Reeves Terri.Reeves@lifestylesafter50.com Website Coordinator Allie Shaw Allie.Shaw@lifestylesafter50.com Distribution Nancy Spencer Nancy.Spencer@lifestylesafter50.com Questions/Customer Service 813-336-8247 Press Releases Editor@lifestylesafter50.com Advertising Sales Patricia Hincher: 813-580-1879 pat.hincher@lifestylesafter50.com Joe Gess: 813-817-9855 Joe.Gess@lifestylesafter50.com Sun City Sales Mervyn Hollander 330-720-6772 Mervyn.Hollander@lifestylesafter50.com Event Sales Ed Graves: 731-267-1532 Ed.Graves@lifestylesafter50.com
Our other editions: Lake Edition: Lake/Marion/Sumter Suncoast Edition: Pinellas/West Pasco Sarasota Edition: Sarasota/Manatee Southwest Edition: Lee/Charlotte To learn more, call 813-336-8247
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. Box 638 Seffner, Florida 33583-0638 Fax: (813) 331-2634 www.lifestylesafter50.com
Attention Readers: The articles printed in Lifestyles After 50 do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editor or the staff. Lifestyles After 50 endeavors to accept reliable advertising; however, we cannot be held responsible by the public for advertising claims. Lifestyles After 50 reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any advertisement. Our advertising deadline for each issue is the 15th of the previous month. Magazines are out by the 7th of each month. All rights reserved. As a reader of Lifestyles After 50, you are creating an established relationship with our advertisers. You may be contacted by email, telephone or mail as allowed by law.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 3
local events around town • november 2019 Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Cirque Dreams Holidaze Nov 20 5:30 p.m. $42-$108
Event: Date: Time: Cost:
RP Funding Center, Youkey Theatre Address: 701 W Lime St, Lakeland, 33815 Phone: 863-834-8100 Website: www.rpfundingcenter.com/
Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Tampa Bay Veg Fest Nov 9 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. FREE Admission
Place: Perry Harvey Sr. Park Address: 1000 E. Harrison St., Tampa, 33602 Phone: 727- 656-8368 Website: www.tampabayvegfest. com/
Holiday Tour Of Homes Dec 7 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $25/$30
Northeast St. Petersburg’s Allendale and Snell Isle Neighborhoods 33762 Phone: 727-254-1176 Website: www.fogsp.org/ 43rd Christmas Under the Oaks Date: Nov 10 Time: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost: FREE Place: St. Petersburg College Address: 2465 Drew St. Clearwater, 33765 Phone: 727-298-8894 Website: www.gfwcnpwc.org/newsevents/christmas-under-the-oaks
Event: Date: Time: Cost: Place:
Plant City Social Dance Nov 9 & 23 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. $6 Strawberry Square Dance Center Address: 4401 Promenade Blvd., Plant City, 33563 Phone: 863-409-7714 Website: www.strawberrysquaredancing.com
Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest Nov 13 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. FREE
Place: Ruskin Senior Center Address: 905 6th St. SE, Ruskin, 33570 Phone: 813-336-8247 Website: www.lifestylesafter50.com
Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest Nov 14 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. FREE
Place: Manatee YMCA Address: 3805 59th St. W. Bradenton, 34209 Phone: 813-336-8247 Website: www.lifestylesafter50.com
Holiday Gift Market Shopping Date: Nov 9 Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Cost: $10 Place: Florida State Fairgrounds Expo Hall Address: 4800 US Highway 301 N., Tampa, 33610 Phone: 813-621-7821 Website: www.floridastatefair.com Event: Date: Time: Cost:
Square Dance Lessons Nov 4, 11, 18 7 - 8:30 p.m. FREE
Place: Strawberry Center Address: 4401 Promenade Blvd., Plant City, 33563 Phone: 770-825-6513 Website: www.strawberrysquaredancing.com
Tampa Bay Veg Fest Nov 9 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. FREE Admission
Place: Perry Harvey Sr. Park Address: 1000 E. Harrison St., Tampa, 33602 Phone: 727- 656-8368 Website: www.tampabayvegfest.com/
send your event news to Info@lIfestylesafter50.com by the 15th of each month for publIcatIon In the followIng month's Issue.
Adult In Home Assistance Seniors Helping Seniors
Assisted Living Love To Know Seniors Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
www.seniors.lovetoknow.com www.npaonline.org/
Food, Clothing, Personal Care, Household Goods Meals on Wheels www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org Trinity Cafe www.trinitycafe.org Feeding Tampa Bay www.feedingamerica.org Daystar Life Center www.daystarlife.com Metropolitan Ministries www.metromin.org Education Eckerd College (St. Petersburg)
Employment Florida Department of Elder Affairs www.elderaffairs.state.fl.us Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) www.doleta.gov/seniors/ Retirement Life Matters www.retirementlifematters.com Work Force 50 www.workforce50.com Financial Services National Council on Aging Benefits Check Up Women’s Institute For A Secure Retirement (WISER) BBF Capital Advisors
www.benefitscheckup.org/ www.wiserwomen.org/ www.bruceficken.com/
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 4
Government and Senior Community Resources Administration for Community Living (ACL) www.acl.gov/ American Association of Kidney Patients www.aakp.org American Red Cross www.redcross.org American Association of Retired Persons www.aarp.org/tampabay The ALS Association Florida Chapter www.webfl.alsa.org Area Agency on Aging (Elder Help Line) www.youragingresourcecenter.org Department of Business and Professional Regulation www.myfloridalicense.com Florida Information Locator www.stateofflorida.com Hills County Dept of Aging www.hillsboroughcounty.org Internal Revenue Service (Seniors & Retirees www.irs.gov/individuals/seniors-retirees Medicare www.medicare.gov National Parks www.NPS.gov Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) www.seniorsinservice.org Ronald McDonald House Tampa rmhctampabay.org/ Senior Connection (Hillsborough) www.agingcare.com Senior Games www.flasports.com/florida-senior-games Service Core of Retired Executives (SCORE) www.score.org Social Security Administration www.SSA.gov U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development www.UD.gov Health & Medical Services Addiction Center www.addictioncenter.com American Association of Kidney Patients www.aakp.org Dementia www.dementia.org Florida Medical Clinic www.floridamedicalclinic.com/ Melanoma Research Foundation www.melanoma.org National Stroke Association www.stroke.org Senior Home Improvement Program (SHIP) www.thecentre.org/programs services-for-older-adults National Institute of Senior Health www.nihseniorhealth.gov Insurance Consumer Advocate Legal Services Bay Area Legal Services Tax Counseling for the Elderly
www.consumersadvocate.org/ www.bals.org www.irs.gov/individuals/tax-counseling-for-the-elderly
Pet Services Consumer Advocate TLC Pet Snip (non-profit)
www.consumersadvocate.org/pet-insurance/best-pet-insurance www.tlcpetsnip.org
Preplanning Final Expenses Aging Care Retirement Living LCB Senior Living Transportation Florida Department of Elder Affairs ITN Suncoast Travel and Leisure Florida Orchestra Gaylord Palms Orlando Players Theater (Sarasota) Straz Performing Arts Center (Tampa) Tampa Bay Rays
www.agingcare.com/articles/funeral-planning www.lcbseniorliving.com
www.elderaffairs.state.fl.us www.itnsuncoast.org/
www.floridaorchestra.org www.gaylordhotels.com www.theplayers.org www.strazcenter.org www.mlb.com/rays
Add your business to our new web directory. Your company name and website link will be published in all editions of Lifestyles After 50 and on our website: lifestylesafter50.com contact your Account executive today at 813-336-8247
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Parrotheads in Paradise Jimmy Buffett 2019 Tour Coming to Florida By RANDAL C. HILL After years of being asked if they were related, Warren Buffett and Jimmy Buffett submitted to a DNA test for 23andMe, a genetic testing company. The result? The two well-known geniuses are related, but only by wealth. The senior Buffett has amassed a fortune of $82 billion, while the younger Buffett is worth a “mere” $550 million. While the “Oracle of Omaha” made his billions by investing wisely, the Mayor of Margaritaville claimed his gavel by chance. Buffett explained the origin of his song Margaritaville to Southern Living magazine: “I was with some friends in a Mexican restaurant on a hot day in Austin, Texas. We had a couple of margaritas, and they really tasted good. Afterward, I was heading back home to Key West. I wrote the song in about six minutes, driving down the Overseas Highway. “That was a good six minutes.” *** James William Buffett, Jr., was born on Christmas Day, 1946, in Pascagoula, Miss. He grew up in Mobile, Ala., where he went to a Catholic school and played trombone in the school band. After graduation, the restless Buffett spent time at two other colleges before ending up at the University of Southern Mississippi. There, he took up the guitar (to attract the girls) and eventually joined a bar band. During his college years, B u ff e t a n d h i s b a n d m a t e s endured hardscrabble times in a trailer. As he told National Public Radio (NPR), “We were living hand to mouth daily, and it came to the point where we couldn’t pay both the gas bill and the electric bill. So, we only paid the electric bill, and we spent money on electric blankets, and we lived with extension cords and electric blankets while we rehearsed.” Buffett earned a history degree but never used it, instead toiling for years as the first mate on a Key West yacht. In time, he moved to Nashville, where he hoped for country music stardom that never materialized. Buffett didn’t really hit his groove until 1972, when he relocated to Key West and began playing local bars while projecting an easygoing “beach bum” persona. In 1974, Buffett scored a Top 30 hit with the plaintive Second Avenue. It would
“It’s fun, and it’s getting away from the rigors of real life.”
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 6
take three more years before he could come up with another winner. Within his sixth album, Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, Buffett’s self-proclaimed “drunken Caribbean rock ‘n’ roll” style found success with Margaritaville. The catchy ditty would worm its way into the collective American conscience and never depart. Thanks to Buffett’s innate business savvy and dedication to his career, that single song provided the motivation he needed to shift his career into overdrive. Then, in 1978, the songster and poet released his Son of a Son of a Sailor album—it skyrocketed to the Top 10. Buffett had composed the title track about his seagoing grandfather, James Delaney Buffett, Sr., who had a tremendous influence on his life. Forty years later, the LP still resonates as the basis for Buffett’s current Son of a Son of a Sailor, High Tide Tour. Since the late 1980s, Buffett has written five best-selling books, opened a chain of restaurants, developed a line of beach clothing, started his own record label called—no surprise here— Margaritaville, and developed the Broadway jukebox musical Escape to Margaritaville. Son of a Son of a Sailor, He also partnered with Minto High Tide Tour 2019 Communities to bring three Latitude Margaritaville active TAMPA: adult communities to Florida and Dec. 13, Amelie Arena, 8 p.m. South Carolina—places where amaliearena.com you can “grow older, but not up.” ORLANDO: Today Buffett lives with Jane, Dec. 7, Amway Center, 8 p.m. his second wife, and enjoys amwaycenter.com sailing, piloting his plane and JACKSONVILLE: supporting environmental causes. Dec. 10, VyStar Veterans His devoted followers are Memorial Arena, 8 p.m. known as Parrotheads, a name vystarveteransarena.com coined at a 1985 Ohio concert. There, Buffett commented about the many audience members wearing Hawaiian shirts and parrot hats, who followed him from show to show much like the Deadheads did with the Grateful Dead. Buffett sees the Parrothead culture as an indulgence in escapism. “It’s fun, and it’s getting away from the rigors of real life,” he said on NPR. “These days, I think we need it more than ever.” On Dec. 13, his Coral Reefer Band will provide backup as the son of a son of a sailor wows the crowd with such iconic tunes as Cheeseburger in Paradise, Come Monday and Fins. The chance of hearing a song about drinking margaritas? A pretty safe bet.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 7
What is PTSD? Can it be treated? P
ost-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological and emotional stress disorder / injury caused by a traumatic event. PTSD has also been associated with combat or war. However, PTSD also occurs after sexual assault, automobile accidents, the violent death of a loved one, or even surviving a natural disaster. Treatment for PTSD is performed with traditional methods such as psychotherapy (Cognitive therapy, Exposure therapy, Eye movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Stress Inoculation Training, Present Centered Therapy, ketamine infusions, cranial electrical stimulation and medication. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also being offered as a new therapy that shows promise in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Another new therapy for PTSD involves the use of Stellate Ganglion Nerve blocks (cervical sympathetic block). Patients with PTSD and upper extremity pain were treated with stellate ganglion block for their upper extremity pain and both problems were significantly reduced after the stellate block. Follow-up studies are being performed to confirm initial stellate ganglion block success! It has been postulated that the stellate block helps reset the right brain back to its pre-traumatic non-injured / normal state. Patients with the following conditions may also have their symptoms controlled: Anxiety, Depression, upper extremity lymphedema, nicotine dependence, upper extremity complex regional pain syndrome, post-herpetic neuralgia, hot flashes (Lipov et al, 2009) and upper
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 8
extremity hyperhidrosis (Karnosh & Gardner, 1947). With a decrease in their PTSD symptoms, other health related improvements might include decreased alcohol use, improved memory and reduced schizophrenic symptoms. The SGB takes less than 30 minutes to perform. The block is performed under controlled settings at an ambulatory surgery center with the patient asleep. If the procedure is authorized by the VA medical center or your insurance carrier, insurance payments are determined by the patient’s insurance carrier. Payments can be negotiated if no insurance coverage is available. The patient will need to be evaluated by Dr. Traub at the Tampa Pain Relief Center, Inc. office at the Life Hope Medical offices, Suite 510, on Medical Park Drive in Tampa. The stellate ganglion block may increase the ability of the patient to function better, gain employment, sleep better, have healthier relationships, and reap many other life-changing benefits
Dr. Traub has over 30 years of experience treating sympathetic nerve injuries and performing Stellate ganglion nerve blocks. He is an expert in treating pain problems and is available to answer your medical questions. Dr. Traub also works with the physicians at the Tampa VA Medical Center to help treat veterans with chronic pain problems.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 9
Wills • Probate Living Trusts Power of Attorney
THE NOT SO LITERATE LAWYER: PART II bY WILLIAm R. mumbAuER, ATTORNEY www.flwillstrustsprobate.com
’ve gotten more response to my September 2019 article than any other article in recent memory. Continuing in the same vein, this month’s article has more examples of unfortunate word choices found in the work product of some very good lawyers. For example, a “hand-shake” agreement is referred to by some lawyers as a “verbal” contract. This may sound correct but it is not. A non-written agreement is an “oral” contract. Interestingly, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Ed., the term verbal contract correctly describes an unsigned (or ineffectively signed) written contract. When referencing multiple informal records, some lawyers refer to them as “memorandums”. No such word exists. “Memoranda” is the plural form of “memorandum”. I sometimes see the term “biweekly” used in contracts. Did the lawyer mean something would occur “twice a week” or “every two weeks”? Biweekly can mean either. The term bimonthly produces the same unnecessary ambiguity. Obviously, a lawyer drafting a contact should always try to use precise language to avoid a future misinterpretation of the contract’s true meaning. Choosing semiweekly or semimonthly would be much better. Although some lawyers suggest that the term “enure” and “inure” are synonymous, I was taught that when used in the context of transferring a beneficial legal interest — usually an interest in real property — that enure is correct, not inure. Inure means to become accustomed to, as in: “the native Floridian is inured to hot weather”. Mr. Mumbauer, a 5th generation Floridian, has maintained a law practice in Brandon, Florida since 1980 with emphasis on estate planning. Mr. Mumbauer takes special pride in representing the senior community by maintaining a sensitive and practical approach to problem solving. Mr. Mumbauer is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the Elder Law Section of the Florida Bar. Mr. Mumbauer is also a Mentor in probate law and has been qualified by the Second District Court of Appeal in Florida as an expert witness in matters involving the drafting of Wills. Mr. Mumbauer’s Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating among judges and lawyers for Legal Ability is High to Very High and his General Recommendation Rating is Very High. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined-one per visit. Must present coupon. Cannot be combined-one per visit.
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How I Spent My Summer Vacation
t’s November, and I, Susie Snowbird, have returned to Florida, hoping the ibises and herons will be kinder than the pesky northeast avians that practically ruined my summer. It started one morning in May when my husband woke me at the crack of dawn. “Listen, I hear rapping and tapping,” he said. “You woke me to recite The Raven?” “No, there’s a noise like someone tapping a hammer.” The next thing I heard was my car alarm. I lept from the bed (sort of), ran to the window, and spied the granddaddy of all woodpeckers pecking away at my car. I banged on the window to frighten him. “Take thy form from off my car,” I yelled in my best Edgar Allen Poe impression. He flew away, missing the opportunity to quoth “nevermore.” The damage? My left side-view mirror was shattered—the deranged bird had been pecking away at his own image. So, $200 later, I had a new mirror and a very amused serviceman. But guess what? The next day, the mirror was cracked again. Mad Woody had returned. Said serviceman suggested I cover them, and no, there was no discount for two glass purchases in the same week. I began compulsively folding my side-view mirrors every night. I don’t know what became of Woody, although I did hear something about someone’s cracked picture window. After Woody left, I was plagued by four squatter sparrows—two couples who had nested on either side of my deck awning. Assuming there were eggs in the nests, I didn’t disturb them. I even named them. One couple was Lucy and Ricky; the other, Fred and Ethel. So what if there was bird poop on my deck and loud chatter in the air? I respect the circle of life. Time passed; the birds remained. My deck became uninhabitable— twigs, grasses, feathers, and pounds of poop were ubiquitous. Enough was enough. It was time for the Ricardos and Mertzes to move, so I sought professional help. The hardware store guy sold me mesh netting to block their building sites, but never underestimate sparrows. They found it to be perfect nesting material. Other solutions from the experts included dangling shiny mylar balloons and small stuffed animals from the awning (to serve as lurking predators). But between the balloons and the strangled teddies, my deck resembled an Addams Family birthday party. The rest of the summer proceeded much like the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds until they finally moved to another construction site. But the droppings on my window sills told me they were nearby, probably hanging out with Mad Woody and making plans for next summer. Susan Goldfein’s newest book, How to Complain When There’s Nothing to Complain About, is available at Amazon.com. Read her blog at: www.SusansUnfilteredWit.com. Email Susan at SusanGoldfein@aol.com
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 11
Ten Ways to Really Thank A Veteran Veterans Day is Monday, November 11 By KATHY A. MEGYERI
h e p a n d w it e J is h in i r L e s Me g ye 8, N at io n a l 6 9 1 , n e m s rd f e ll o w G u a g t o n, D.C. in h s a W , y r o G u a rd Ar m
“We can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they walk by.” -- Will Rogers
y husband, Les, served 3 years active duty in the U.S. Army as a military police officer and 27 years in the Reserves with the District of Columbia National Guard where he was called to active duty 22 times in the 1960s during the riots. He views his military service as an important part of his life so every year we visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, the National World War II Memorial and the Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania where his name is listed among the graduates of the U.S. Army War College. Along the way, we’ve met many Americans who ask how they can best thank those who have served. Following are some of the suggestions based on positive feedback from military veterans and their families:
1. For many veterans, taking an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. to see the memorials of the wars(s) in which they fought is the ultimate experience. However, those flights can’t happen without the support of Americans who donate funds and flight rewards points, or show up to cheer for the veterans as they arrive or depart at the local airport. In Florida, veterans in this magazine’s coverage areas are flown from Ft. Myers, St. Petersburg, Naples and Lady Lake. By contacting Honor Flight Hubs (honorflight.org/regional-honor-flight-hubs), a schedule of arrivals and departures can be obtained. The current priority for Honor Flights is given to WWII survivors and the terminally ill. The waiting list is currently at 38,054, and last year, 21,089 were flown to D.C. 2. Ever see a veteran in line at McDonald’s or pumping gas at a gas station? Thank them by going to the cashier and buying a drink, meal or by paying for a fill-up anonymously since some service members are uncomfortable with public displays of gratitude. It will be much appreciated, I promise. 3. Hire a veteran or their spouse. Visit militaryfriendly. com to see a current list of military-friendly employers and organizations. Also, more than 3 million who have served their country own their own businesses. Go to navoba.org to find out how to support them. 4. Check out psycharmor.org, the website of PsychArmor Institute, a nonprofit organization that
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 12
provides critical resources to Americans so they can effectively engage with and better support military service members, veterans and their families. The institute offers classes and free webinars on how to find, hire, train and re-train veterans and military spouses. 5. On the Fisher House Foundation’s website, fisherhouse.org, you can make a donation to help build and maintain comfort homes for family members who stay free while a loved one is receiving treatment at a military or veterans’ hospital. You can also donate frequent flyer miles to the foundation’s Heroes Miles program to help transport family members to those bedsides. 6. Give your time and expertise to a veteran. All kinds of skills are appreciated from electricians to plumbers to homebuilders and computer tutors. Lawyers and accountants can help with VA compensation claims, upgrading discharges, bankruptcy, tax issues, etc. 7. If you donate money to your college or a local charity, earmark the money for veterans’ scholarships and their support programs. Nonprofit organizations such as Four Block (fourblock.org) provide critical services to student veterans transitioning to the private sector. 8. Volunteer to visit veterans in hospitals and support caregiving families by offering respite care. Offer to drive veterans to appointments. Bequeath a gift to your local veterans’ association. My father left funds to buy a new van for a local American Legion. 9. On Veterans Day, visit a nearby nursing home with a small gift such as a floral bouquet or box of chocolates and ask to be referred to a veteran without regular visitors. Introduce yourself to the patient as a caring citizen who wants to thank them for their service, have a short introductory chat, and ask him or her to share a memory or two from their years of service. 10. If you live with a veteran, make him or her a special red, white and blue pancake breakfast with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. Add some patriotic-themed floral arrangement and décor, and most of all, make sure to tell them they are loved, not just for what they’ve done for you, but for what they’ve done for freedom and our country.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 13
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 14
Feeding Dogs with a Grain of Common Sense
th 25 e fi Y n rs. fo est v of p r a e ro ll a ter vid ni ina in ma ry g ls ca re
Dr. BoB Encinosa
here is an amazing variety of dog foods on the market today, many geared more toward appealing to dog owners than to the dogs themselves. Terms such as “all natural”, “organic”, “no by-products” and “corn free”, have become part of our everyday vocabulary. Unfortunately, they mean very little to a dog’s health. Since dog foods are designed to be complete diets, what’s important is the nutrients, not the ingredients. For instance, the amino acid and protein components of corn are very complimentary to the proteins of meats and in many cases are the exact same proteins. The fact is that plant proteins are just as nutritious as meat proteins. The advantage is that they are less expensive and, for those of you deeply concerned about the environment, they are “greener”, being much more efficient from a carbon footprint perspective. As for “all natural”, what do wolves and wild canids eat? When coyotes kill a rabbit, not only do they eat the meat and bones but also the heart, lungs, liver and contents of that rabbit’s stomach; in other words “by-products” and vegetation. When wolves kill an elk, not only do they eat the “by-products” but they consume the contents of the rumen, largely grasses and grains. And speaking of grain, a hot topic in dog food news
these days, there are extremely strong indications that there is a link between “grain-free” diets and a serious heart disease in dogs, known as cardiomyopathy. Not only does cardiomyopathy appear to be occurring at a much higher rate in dogs fed grain-free diets but it is also happening in smaller breeds of dogs not historically noted for getting cardiomyopathy. So when feeding your dogs, keep is simple. There are plenty of non-trendy diets that have been on the market for decades and have healthfully grown and sustained millions of dogs. There is no need to spend $105.00 on a 20 pound bag of dog food (saw that in a pet store a few days ago!). Barring the rare medical condition that requires prescription diets and precise ingredients, the good old standards of dog food brands are your best bet. And any veterinarian will tell you that the most common food caused ailment, by far, is feeding dogs too much !!
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 15
Doctor urges seniors to carry medical alert device Seniors snap up new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills People don’t always do what their doctor says, but when seasoned veteran emergency room physician, Dr. Philip B. Howren says every senior should have a medical alert device, you better listen up. “Seniors are just one fall away from being put in a nursing home,” Dr. Howren said. “With a medical alert device, seniors are never alone. So it keeps them living independently in their own home. That’s why seniors and their family members are snapping up a sleek new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills ever,” he said. Many seniors refuse to wear old style help buttons because they make them look old. But even worse, those medical alert
systems come with monthly bills. To solve these problems Un iversa l Physicians, a U.S. company went to work to develop a new, modern, state-of-the-art medical alert device. It’s called “FastHelp™” and it instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “This slick new little device is designed to look like the pagers doctors wear every day. Seniors love them, because it actually makes them look important, not old,” Dr. Howren said. FastHelp is expected to hit store shelves later this year. But special newspaper promotional giveaways are slated for seniors in select areas. ■
■ NO MONTHLY BILLS: “My wife had an old style help button that came with hefty bills every month and she was embarrassed to wear it because it made her look old,” said Frank McDonald, Canton, Ohio. “Now, we both have FastHelp™, the sleek new medical alert device that our grandkids say makes us look ‘cool’ not old,” he said. With FastHelp, seniors never have to worry about being alone and the best part is there are no monthly bills ever.
Senior s born before 1956 get new medical aler t device with no monthly bills ever It’s just what seniors have been waiting for; a sleek new medical alert device with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help with just the push of a button for a one-time $149 price tag that’s a real steal after today’s instant rebate The phone lines are ringing off the hook. That’s because for seniors born before 1956, it’s a deal too good to pass up. Starting at precisely 8:30am this morning the Pre-Store Release begins for the sleek new medica l a ler t dev ice that comes with the exclusive FastHelp™ One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “It’s not like old style monitored help buttons that make you talk to a call center and only work when you’re at home and come with hefty bills every month. FastHelp comes with state-of-the-art cellular embedded technology. That means it works at home or anywhere, anytime cell service is available whether you’re out watering the garden, driving in a car, at church or even hundreds of miles away on a tour or at a casino. You are never ■ FLYING OUT THE DOOR: Trucks are being loaded with the new medical alert devices called FastHelp. They are now being delivered to lucky seniors alone. With just a single push who call the National Rebate Center Hotline at 1-866-964-2952 Ext. HELP1603 today. Everyone is calling to get FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device (Continued on next page)
because it instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 16
(Continued from previous page)
medical alert device designed to make you look important, not old. Old style monitored help buttons you wear around your neck, or require expensive base station equipment or a landline are the equivalent of a horse and buggy,” Lawrence says. “It’s just outdated.” Millions of seniors fall every
year and spend hours lying on the floor helpless and all alone with no help. But seniors who fall and get immediate help are much more likely to avoid getting sent to a nursing home and get to STAY living in their own home independently. Yet millions of seniors are
still risking their safety by not having a medical alert device. That’s because seniors just can’t afford to pay the monthly bills that come with old style medical alert devices. That’s why seniors born before 1956 are rushing to cash in the whopping $150 instant rebate before the 7 day deadline
ends. So there’s no need to wait for FastHelp to hit store shelves later this year because seniors born before 1956 can get it now just by using the $150 instant rebate coupon printed in today’s newspaper before the 7-day deadline ends. If lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered. ■
HOW TO GET IT: IF BORN BEFORE 1956: Use the rebate coupon below and call this Toll-Free Hotline: 1-866-964-2952 EXT. HELP1603 IF BORN AFTER 1956: You cannot use the rebate coupon below and must pay $299 Call: 1-866-964-2955 EXT. HELP1603 THE BOTTOM LINE: You don’t need to shop around. We’ve done all the leg work, this deal is too good to pass up. FastHelp with the instant rebate is a real steal at just $149 and shipping and there are no monthly bills ever. PROS: It’s the sleek new medical alert device that comes with the exclusive FastHelp One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts or deposits. It connects you to the vast available network of cellular towers for free and saves seniors a ton of money because there are no monthly bills ever making this deal irresistible. Plus it’s the only medical alert device that makes seniors look important, not old. CONS: Consumers can’t get FastHelp in stores until later this year. That’s why it’s so important for seniors born before 1956 to call the National Rebate Center Hotline within the next 7 days. For those who miss that deadline, the sleek little medical alert device will set you back over $300 bucks. P7201A OF21472R-1
of the One-Touch E Button you instantly get connected to free unlimited help nationwide with no monthly bills ever,” said Jack Lawrence, Executive Director of Product Development for U.S. based Universal Physicians. “We’ve never seen anything like it. Consumers absolutely love the sleek new modern design and most of all, the instant rebate that practically pays for it and no monthly bills ever,” Lawrence said. FastHelp is the sleek new medical alert device with the best of combinations: a quality, hightech engineered device that’s also an extremely great value because there are no monthly bills ever. Better still, it comes with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever – which makes FastHelp a great choice for seniors, students and professionals because it connects to one of the largest nationwide networks everywhere cell service is available for free. And here’s the best part. All those who already have an old style monitored medical alert button can immediately eliminate those monthly bills, which is why Universal Physicians is widely advertising this announcement nationwide. “So if you’ve ever felt a medical alert device was too complicated or expensive, you’ll want to get FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device with no monthly bills,” said Lawrence. The medical alert device slugfest was dominated by two main combatants who both offer old style monitored help buttons that come with a hefty bill every month. But now Universal Physicians, the U.S. based heavyweight, just delivered a knockout blow sending the top rated contenders to the mat with the unveiling of FastHelp. It’s the sleek new cellular embedded medical alert device that cuts out the middleman by instantly connecting you directly to highly trained 911 operators all across the U.S. There’s absolutely nothing to hook-up or install. You don’t need a land line and you don’t need a cell phone. Everything is done for you. “FastHelp is a state of the art
7 Days From Today’s Publication Date
After Coupon Expires: The FastHelp is $299.00 plus shipping & handling
$150 Off
One-touch help. Anytime. Anywhere. With no monthly bills ever.
FastHelp, the new medical alert device that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever.
USE THIS COUPON: To get $150 off FastHelp you must be born before 1956 and call the National Rebate Center Hotline at 1-866-964-2952 EXT. HELP1603 before the 7-day rebate deadline ends.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 17
‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ November Film By RANDAL C. HILL
ust in time for the Thanksgiving Day holidays, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood warms our hearts with an up-close look at America’s favorite childhood TV personality, Fred Rogers— channeled to perfection by Tom Hanks. But his character becomes almost secondary when placed in juxtaposition to Lloyd Vogel, a cynical, emotionally scarred investigative journalist for Esquire magazine. In the story, Vogel, whose character is loosely based on real-life Esquire writer Tom Junod, is assigned to do a puff piece on Mr. Rogers for a forthcoming issue on heroes.
“That hokey kid show guy?” Vogel asks incredulously after being handed the job. Vogel (Matthew Rhys) is a misanthropic, neurotic and damaged adult who rails against his estranged, family-deserting father (Chris Cooper). Rogers can see that Vogel is broken and badly in need of repair. “Sometimes we have to ask for help,” proclaims Rogers, “and that’s okay.” In time, through patience, caring and persistent positivity, he manages to pierce Vogel’s armor of darkness to allow healing sunshine to trickle, then flood in. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood shows why Rogers had such a positive effect on millions of children who watched his show for 33 years. The man genuinely was all about loving your children, parents, friends, neighbors and yourself. As Variety magazine states, “Fred Rogers may have come off, on TV, like a walking piece of kitsch, but the real truth is that this ordained Presbyterian minister
acation Bucket List: Climb A Glacier
ecently-retired, Gary and Becky Huepenbecker are busy checking off the boxes of their vacay bucket list, often hobnobbing with church friends on European and Canadian cruises. Last month, they went for something a little more daring: a climb of a volcanic glacier, Solheimajokull, in southern Iceland. Many of these rivers of ice are melting due to climate change, but this one hasn’t experienced significant loss, according to their guide. The couple donned full gear to make the hike: helmets, harnesses, crampons (shoes to grip the ice) and ice axes. The temperature was a cool 55 degrees amidst light rain. “The view was stunning and the air so pure,” Becky said. “We were in awe of the blue ice, the ice caves, and the purity of the water runoff, which we drank.” The climb is considered “moderately difficult,” but she said by moving slowly and with caution, “it was doable for the over-60 group.” Their favorite part? “The pure accomplishment of the experience with good friends,” Becky said.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 18
was the world’s squarest Middle America flower child.” He was also an Emmy, Grammy and Peabody Award winner, sharing his talents as a pianist, songwriter and puppeteer. In 2002, he was honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Director’s tasks went to Marielle Heller, who recently guided The Diary of a Teenage Girl and Can You Ever Forgive Me? to success. Here she successfully takes us back to the modestly budgeted Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood with its painted pasteboards and low-end dolls and puppets, all illuminated in the flat light of PBS’ 1990s Pittsburgh studio. Some 1,000 episodes of the show were broadcast between 1968 and 2001. The potentially cliched cynicdoes-a-180 arc is avoided here, thanks to a pitch-perfect script by Noah Harpster and Micah Fitzerman-Blue, both Peabody Award-winning writers and producers who based their tale on Junod’s 1998 Esquire magazine cover story. The writers even give us brief glimpses into some
of Rogers’ imperfections, including an admission of his own family’s struggles and estrangements. Mr. Rogers doesn’t live in the neighborhood anymore. He died in 2003, but his messages of love, kindness and acceptance can still make the most miserable days beautiful once again.
Tom Hanks channels Fred Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.
Sweeps National Awards Lifestyles After 50, a boomer and senior publication distributed on Florida’s West Coast for over 30 years, has been honored with seven national awards for excellence in journalism by the North American Mature Publishers anBadck to 1969 the first ma n on the Association (NAMPA), a non-profit international platform of boomer/senior publications. Winners were announced in October at NAMPA’s 2019 national convention held in LADY LIBERTY’S NEW M USEUM Memphis, Tenn. Entries were judged by the prestigious University of Missouri’s School of Journalism. FREE Lifestyles After 50 was presented with awards in the following categories: General Excellence Phil COLLINS Book Reviews ~ Kathy Megyeri LOOK Senior Issues ~ Michael Wright and Susan Goldfein HANG ON TO YOUR HAT!up Hurricane season is about to heat Editorial ~ Terri Bryce Reeves How-To Feature ~ Randal Hill Topical Issue ~ Randal Hill Florida’s Most Read
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<CITY <CITY Venue Venue <CITY <CITY Tampa Street address Street address Venue Venue Village Inn Date/Time> Date/Time> Street address Street address215 North Dale Mabry Hwy. Date/Time> Date/Time> <CITY <CITY 11/5, 11/12, 11/19 10 AMVenue & 2 PM Venue <CITY <CITY Street address Street address Venue Venue Date/Time> Date/Time> Street address Street address Date/Time> Date/Time>
For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings, call 877-532-0312 Florida Blue Medicare is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Florida Blue Medicare depends on contract renewal. HMO coverage is offered by Florida Blue Medicare, Inc., DBA Florida Blue Medicare, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Tivity Health and SilverSneakers Forregistered accommodation of persons with special needsHealth, at meetings, call 877-532-0312 Florida Blue Medicare an HMO plancountries. with a Medicare contract. Floridacivil Blue Medicare depends are trademarks or trademarks of Tivity Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USAis and/or other We comply withEnrollment applicable in Federal rights laws and do noton contract renewal. is offered by Florida DBA Florida Blue Medicare, Independent of the Blue Crossgratuitos and BluedeShield Association. TivityLlame Healthaland SilverSneakers discriminate on theHMO basiscoverage of race, color, national origin,Blue age,Medicare, disability,Inc., or gender. ATENCIÓN: Si hablaan español, tiene a Licensee su disposición servicios asistencia lingüística. 1-855-601-9465 are registered trademarks or trademarks of Kreyòl Tivity Health, and/orèditspou subsidiaries and/or affiliates in ou. theRele USA1-855-601-9465 and/or other countries. We comply with©applicable civilBlue rightsShield laws of andFlorida, do not (TTY:1-877-955-8773). ATANSYON: Si w pale Ayisyen,Inc., gensèvis lang ki disponib gratis pou (TTY:1-800-955-8770). 2020 BlueFederal Cross and discriminate onBlue. the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender. ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-855-601-9465 Inc., DBA Florida All rights reserved. (TTY:1-877-955-8773). ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gensèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. Rele 1-855-601-9465 (TTY:1-800-955-8770). © 2020 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Y0011_97580_M 0919 CMS Accepted Inc., DBA Florida Blue. All rights reserved. Y0011_97580_M 0919 CMS Accepted Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 19
Florida zip codes turn up silver for residents Sealed Vault Bags full of heavy silver bars are actually being handed over to the first Florida residents who find their zip code listed in today’s publication and call before the 7 day order deadline ends to claim the bags full of valuable silver NATIONWIDE – Operators at the National Silver Hotline are struggling to keep up with all the calls. That’s because Silver Vault Bags loaded with a small fortune of .999 pure Silver Bars are now being handed over to everyone who beats the 7-day order deadline. “It’s like a modern day Gold Rush. Florida residents will be hoarding all the silver bars they can get their hands on for the next 7 days. This comes as no surprise after the standard State Minimum set by the Federated Mint dropped 42%, going from $50 per bar to just $29 making these Silver Vault Bags a real steal,” said Mary Ellen Withrow, the emeritus 40th Treasurer of the United States of America. “As executive advisor to the private Federated Mint, I get paid to deliver breaking news. And here’s the best part. This is great news for Florida residents because it’s the lowest ever State Minimum set by the Federated Mint,” said Withrow. The only thing residents need to do is find the first 3 digits of their zip code on the Distribution List printed in today’s publication. If their zip code is on the list, they need to immediately call the National Silver Hotline before the 7-day order deadline ends. Residents who do are cashing in on the record low State Minimum set by the Federated Mint. This is a real steal for residents because each Silver Vault Bag loaded ■ FLORIDA RESIDENTS CASH IN: It’s like a modern day Gold Rush. Everyone’s scrambling to get their hands on the heavy, Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags pictured above before they’re all gone. That’s because residents who find the first 3 digits of their zip code printed in today’s publication are with 10 Florida State Silver Bars cashing in on the lowest ever State Minimum price set for the next 7 days by the Federated Mint. is normally set at $500 which is the standard $50 per heavy half Who gets the Silver Vault Bags: Listed below are the Florida zip codes that get the Silver Vault Bags. If you ounce bar State Minimum set by the Federated Mint. But here’s find the first 3 digits of your zip code below immediately call: 1-800-239-7648 EXT. FMM2655 the good news. Residents who call today get the lowest ever State Minimum set by the Fed320 325 330 335 341 349 erated Mint of just $290 for each 321 326 331 336 342 Florida Silver Vault Bag which is just $29 per bar as long as they 322 327 332 337 344 call the National Silver Hotline at; 323 328 333 338 346 1-800-239-7648 EXT. FMM2655 324 329 334 339 347 before the deadline ends. Phone lines open at precisely (Continued on next page)
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 20
SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE (Continued from previous page)
8:30 A.M. this morning and are expected to be flooded by residents looking to cash in on the lowest ever State Minimum set by the Federated Mint to date. That’s why Florida residents who find their zip code on the distribution list today are being urged to call immediately. Since this special advertising announcement can’t stop dealers and collectors from hoarding all the new 2019 Edition Florida State Silver Bars they can get their hands on, the Federated Mint had to set a strict limit of three Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags per resident – these are the bags everyone’s trying to get because they contain 10 individual Silver Vault Bags each. Everyone who gets these will feel like they just hit the jackpot. “Residents who want to cash in on the lowest ever State Minimum set by the private Federated Mint better hurry. That’s because in 7 days, the State Minimum for these heavy half ounce Florida State Silver Bars returns to the normal State Minimum set by the Federated Mint of $50 per bar,” Withrow said. “We’re bracing for all the calls and doing the best we can, but with just hours left before the deadline ends, residents lucky enough to find the first 3 digits of their zip code listed in today’s publication need to immediately call the National Silver Hotline," Withrow said. ■
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you find your zip code on the distribution list printed in today’s publication read below then immediately call: 1-800-239-7648 EXT. FMM2655 I keep calling and can’t get through: Keep trying. Right now everyone’s looking to cash in on the lowest State Minimum ever set by the Federated Mint. In fact, tens of thousands of residents are expected to order up as many Silver Vault Bags as they can get their hands on before the deadline ends. That’s because the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint has been slashed from $50 per heavy half ounce to just $29 for the next 7 days. And since each Silver Vault Bag contains 10 valuable State Silver Bars for just $290 nearly everyone is taking at least three bags before they’re all gone. But all those who really want to cash in are taking the Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bags containing 100 State Silver Bars before the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint goes back up to $500 per Vault Bag. So if lines are busy keep trying. How much are the Silver Vault Bags worth: It’s hard to tell how much these Silver Vault Bags could be worth since they are highly collectible, but those who get in on this now will be the really smart ones. That’s because the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint goes back up to $500 per bag after the deadline ends. So you better believe that at just $290 the Silver Vault bags are a real steal for everyone who beats the deadline. Can I buy one State Silver Bar: Yes. But, the lowest ever State Minimum set by the Federated Mint of just $29 per bar applies only to residents who purchase a Silver Vault Bag(s). That means only those residents who order a Silver Vault Bag(s) or the heavy, Jumbo Silver Ballistic Bag(s) get the $29 per bar State Minimum set by the Federated Mint. All single bar purchases, orders placed after the 7-day deadline and all non-state residents must pay the standard $50 per heavy half ounce Bar State Minimum set by the Federated Mint. Why is the State Minimum set by the Federated Mint so low now: Thousands of U.S. residents stand to miss the deadline to get the silver at the lowest ever State Minimum set by the private Federated Mint. Now all residents who find the first 3 digits of their zip code on the Distribution List printed in today’s publication are getting the Silver Vault Bags for themselves and all the solid .999 pure State Silver Bars found inside. The price for each Silver Vault Bag is normally set at $500 which is the standard $50 per bar State Minimum set by the Federated Mint, but residents who beat the 7-day deadline only cover the lowest ever State Minimum set by the Federated Mint of just $290 for each State Silver Vault Bag which is just $29 per bar as long as they call the National Silver Hotline before the deadline ends at: 1-800-239-7648 EXT. FMM2655. Hotlines open at 8:30 A.M. FRONT VIEW
BACK VIEW INDEPENDENCE: 1776 signifies the year America declared independence proclaiming inalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
SIGNIFICANT: Numbered in the order of which the state ratified the Constitution and was admitted into the Union.
HISTORIC 13 STARS: Each star represents one of the original 13 Colonies arranged in a circle to symbolize the perpetuity of the union as depicted in the “Betsy Ross” flag.
■ SILVER HITS ROCK BOTTOM: Everyone’s scrambling to get the Silver Vault Bags each loaded with 10 solid .999 pure Silver State Bars before they are all gone. That’s because the standard State Minimum set by the private Federated Mint dropped 42%, going from $50 per bar to just $29, which is a real steal.
ONLY EXISTING: Silver bars struck with the double forged state proclamation.
LOWEST EVER: State minimum set by the Federated Mint drops to just $29.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 21
Welcome to Florida:
Where the Wild Things Swim, Slither and Root By TERRI BRYCE REEVES
heartfelt Florida welcome to all our winter residents, who tend to migrate south this time of year. With warm, sunny winters; nearly 700 miles of sandy beaches; more than 11,000 miles of rivers, streams and waterways; approximately 7,700 lakes over 10 acres or larger; and – whew! – 174 state parks, Florida is, no doubt, one of the most beautiful states in the nation. But there are some pretty creepy critters here too. Sure, you’ve heard about the sharks, gators and black bears that you could potentially run into (but probably won’t) during your visit. But did you know we also have enormous pythons, American crocodiles and wild boars in these parts? And have you heard the latest on the lionfish? Now, we don’t want to scare you away, but we do feel obligated to at least make you aware of their presence. Remember though, most of these creatures can be hard to find, are much more afraid of you than you are of them, and will likely do their best to avoid confrontation unless they are cornered or attacked. A plethora of pythons
This 18-foot, 4-inch invasive Burmese python was recently captured and removed from the Big Cypress National Preserve in southern Florida by Jonathan Lopez and Cynthia Downer, Python Action Team members who have Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission been trained to remove the species from the wild. So far, the Python Action Team has helped eliminate more than 900 invasive pythons from the Everglades, as their presence threatens native wildlife. Burmese pythons can take down animals as large as alligators and deer, but they rarely attack people. The large constrictors became established in Florida as a result of escaped or released pets. (It is illegal to release nonnative species into the wild.) The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC’s) Exotic Pet Amnesty Program allows pet owners to surrender nonnative or exotic pets without penalty. Visit MyFWC.com/PetAmnesty for more information. Lionfish make a good dish
Lionfish, seen most often in aquariums, are another example of exotic pets – albeit beautiful ones – that should have never been freed into the wild. These bad boys of the sea wreak havoc on coral reef ecosystems and have been called the biggest threat to Florida’s fishing industry. They have no known predators, possess enormous appetites and reproduce all year long – a mature female releases roughly two million eggs a year.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 22
To help combat the problem, the FWC sponsors lionfish tournaments each year. The marine fish is said to be tasty, but use caution when handling. The spiky fin rays of this species deliver a poisonous toxin, so seek medical attention if stung. These Marine fish are considered non-aggressive. Land of crocodiles
Florida is famous for its gators; after all, they can be found in just about any lake or river around here – not to mention the University of Florida’s football field called “the Swamp.” But many are unaware of the presence of crocodiles, their pointy-snouted cousins. According to the FWC, an estimated 2,000 American crocodiles exist in our state. Unlike alligators that prefer freshwater, most are found in brackish or saltwater estuaries in southern Florida, though they have been spotted as far north as Tampa Bay and Palm Beach. Typically, American crocs are timid creatures, but they may approach people if accustomed to being fed. Pets are always at some risk, so keep them at least 10 feet away from the water’s edge and avoid swimming in areas that alligators and crocodiles may call home. And let’s not forget to mention our latest eco nightmare, the Nile crocodile. This crocodilian is more aggressive and territorial than its American counterpart, killing hundreds of humans every year in Africa. Researchers don’t know how these few Nile crocs got over to Florida, nor whether or not they have bred, but the hope is that we’ve captured them all. Wily Wild Boars
Wild boars, also known as feral pigs, are not native to Florida. Spanish explorers probably introduced them here hundreds of years ago. Today, our state has more wild boars than any other except Texas; they are present in every county in Florida but are more prevalent in rural areas. These intelligent animals can weigh more than 300 pounds and are sometimes aggressive and unpredictable when provoked, though attacks are rare. They have incredibly sharp tusks that can injure or kill. Prolific eaters and breeders, they will eat young and newborn livestock (they love the smell of placenta), consume the nests of young reptiles, ground-nesting birds and other mammals, and destroy wildlife habitat and timber. Feral hogs have been known to carry pathogens such as pseudorabies, tuberculosis and salmonellosis. The FWC encourages hunters to take precautions when dressing and handling such creatures.
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Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. *Optimum HealthCare earned a 5 Star for Health Plan and Drug Plan Customer Service Domain i.e. Plan Makes Timely Decisions about Appeals, Reviewing Appeals Decisions, Call Center (Part C & D) Foreign Language Interpreter and TTY Availability, Appeals Auto-Forward, and Appeals Upheld. **Earned 5 Stars for these Diabetes Care sub-measures: Eye Exam, Medical Attention for Nephropathy, and HbA1c Poor Control (<9.0%) ***Earned 5 Stars for these Care for Older Adults submeasures: Medication Review, Functional Status Assessment, and Pain Assessment. Source: CMS 2020 Part C & D Star Ratings.
Optimum HealthCare, Inc., is an HMO with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Optimum HealthCare, Inc. depends on contract renewal. For accommodation of persons with special needs at meetings call 1-866-245-5360 (TTY: 711). Optimum HealthCare, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Optimum HealthCare, Inc. cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. Optimum HealthCare, Inc. konfòm ak lwa sou dwa sivil Federal ki aplikab yo e li pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz ras, koulè, peyi orijin, laj, enfimite oswa sèks. Español (Spanish): ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-245-5360 (TTY: 711). Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole): ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd pou lang ki disponib gratis pou ou. Rele 1-866-245-5360 (TTY: 711). From October 1 to March 31, we are open 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. From April 1 to September 30, we are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST. H5594_20NPSR_HURRY_M Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 23
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f you have Type 2 diabetes—nearly one-tenth of Americans do—you are almost twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke as people without this malady. And did you know your risk of diabetes increases with age? Among those 45-64 years of age, 17% have diabetes, and 25% of those ages 65 and older have the disease. Yet, nearly one in four don’t know they have the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another third of Americans have prediabetes, a condition that often leads to Type 2 diabetes within five years if left untreated. Over the years, high blood glucose from diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerves, create inflammation, and consequently damage kidneys, eyes, brain and feet. November is National Diabetes Month. This year’s focus is the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Check out the following diabetic ABCs provided by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: ~ A is for the A1C test. This shows your average blood glucose level over the past three months. The A1C goal for many diabetics is below 7 percent. The average reading for non-diabetic American adults is 5.5. ~ B is for blood pressure. Most diabetics should establish a blood pressure goal below 140/90. ~ C is for cholesterol. Your blood contains two kinds of cholesterol: LDL and HDL. The “bad” cholesterol, LDL, can clog your blood vessels, while HDL, the “good” cholesterol, helps to sweep LDL away. Doctor-prescribed statins may be necessary to lower your cholesterol and protect the heart. ~ S is for “stop smoking.” Though not directly linked to diabetes, both smoking and diabetes narrow blood vessels and overwork your heart. Avoiding cigarettes lowers your risk for heart attack, stroke, nerve disease, kidney disease, eye disease and amputation. The smokers’ national quitline is at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800784-8669), or go to smokefree.gov for tips. Parting points It is essential to follow a healthy eating plan, exercise regularly, maintain a proper weight, learn to handle stress, and get adequate rest and sleep. Cut down on sugar too. Excess sugar intake can lead to obesity, which in turn can create insulin resistance. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 9 teaspoons (150 calories) of sugar daily for men and no more than 6 teaspoons (100 calories) for women. Also, studies have shown that something as simple as a 5 to 10% weight loss can send Type 2 diabetes into remission.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 25
‘Grateful American: A Journey from Self to Service’
book Review by KATHY MEGYERI
By Gary Sinise Thomas Nelson, publisher 2019, pp. 272
ost Americans know Gary Sinise not as an author but for his onscreen roles; among them: his Emmy-winning portrayal of George Wallace and as the NASA astronaut, Ken Mattingly, who missed the flight of Apollo 13 due to exposure to German Measles. Perhaps his most memorable achievement is as the iconic Lieutenant Dan, the troubled, legless Vietnam Vet in Forrest Gump. The role garnered Sinise an Oscar nod for his performance and helped connect him to veterans, laying the foundation for what would become his high-profile support of military and veteran causes. His New York Times Bestseller is about what Sinise considers to be his ultimate life’s mission: to see that those who defend our country and its freedoms are never forgotten. He started his charity, the Gary Sinise Foundation, in 2011. Soon after, the foundation, which raised $35 million last year, began quietly building specially constructed houses embedded with smart home technology. Severely disabled veterans are given mortgage-free homes, each one customized to accommodate the challenges of the individual and to help ease the burdens of the caregivers. And that’s just the start of the many fine accomplishments Sinise has achieved. Grateful American was not easy to write as the actor isn’t one
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to blow his own horn, and for years he resisted the pleas from his agents and managers to write his memoirs and chronicle his successes. A truly humble man, Sinise says he’s famous for “merely playing a part in a movie,” but says he changed his mind about writing the book because he decided he wanted to emphasize his “blessing and gratitude.” His stated goal with the book was, “I hope readers overcome obstacles, embrace gratitude and engage in service above self.” For years, Sinise has channeled his gratitude to fight for first responders, wounded veterans, U.S. troops, and their families. He plays bass guitar with his own group, the Lt. Dan Band, and performs at military bases and in war zones, during USO tours, and at benefit concerts throughout the U.S. Recently, while standing at a Walmart book counter in Pennsylvania, an elderly gentleman standing behind me said, “I recommend the Sinise book because he’s a good Christian man who cares about his country.” I asked him why he said that, and the gentleman responded that Sinise wrote about his actress-wife Moira Harris who struggled with alcoholism “just as my wife did, and together they found faith in their church and so did we.” That recommendation meant more to me than any Google book review or celebrity endorsement.
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 26
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 27
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Fernando Diaz-Mori, MD veriMED Health Group Land O’ Lakes Narnia Way, Land O’Lakes (813) 909-0760
Rogue Rodriguez, MD veriMED Health Group Zephyrhills Medical Center Avenue, Zephyrhills (813) 788-5531
Charles Talakkottur, MD TLC Medical, LLC N. Armenia Avenue, Tampa (813) 874-1852
Laura Talakkottur, ARNP TLC Medical, LLC Sheldon Road, Tampa (813) 874-1852
Thanhmy T. Nguyen, MD Waters Medical Clinic N. Grady Avenue, Tampa (813) 885-9091
Lisset Maria Suarez, MD Lisset Maria Suarez, MD, PA Hanley Road, Tampa (813) 964-8080
Joel Biggers, DO Biggers Family Medicine Wilbur St, Brandon (813) 655-4646
Elizabeth Biggers, DO Biggers Family Medicine Wilbur St, Brandon1 (813) 655-4646
Zubair Farooqui, MD New Tampa Internal Medicine, LLC University Cove Place, Tampa (813) 252-2770
Craig W. Gage, MD veriMED Health Group Brandon Vonderburg Drive, Brandon (813) 324-9463
Al William Robaina, MD A. Robaina, MD, PA N. US Hwy. 41, Apollo Beach (813) 751-3570
Sara Caceres, MD veriMED Health Group North Tampa, LLC Medical Park Drive, Tampa (813) 972-5420
Osmani Piloto, MD veriMED Health Group Sun City S Pebble Beach Boulevard Sun City Center (813) 633-4000
• Primary Care Physicians Specializing in Preventive Medicine • Now Accepting New Patients • Professional, Friendly, Bilingual and Caring Staff • Accepts Most Major Insurances Medicare Advantage Plans Accepted: BayCare | CarePlus | Devoted | Freedom Humana | Optimum | United | WellCare Visit verimedipa.com to See Full Bios & Locations of Our Doctors!
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 28
Save your energy and focus on the important things in life. Let the energy experts at Tampa Electric show you how to save on energy costs. When you participate in our free Home Energy Audit, one of our energy analysts will visit your home and identify areas where you can save valuable energy. You’ll also learn about our other energy-saving programs including Energy Planner, Ductwork and more. Visit tampaelectric.com/save to schedule your free Home Energy Audit today or call 813-275-3909.
Stop at our table on November13th, 2019 at the Lifestyles After 50 Fun Fest to be held at the: Ruskin Senior Center 9056th St. E. • Ruskin, FL 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bring this ad and receive a free energy-saving kit, made available through Tampa Electric’s Energy Education Outreach program.
Brokerage Wars
ne of my mother’s favorite phrases has always been, “If it’s free, it’s for me.” Usually, she was referring to a deal at the grocery store, but recently she could have been referencing commissions for stock trading. In October, major online brokerage firm Charles Schwab went commissionfree for trading most stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETF’s). TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, and Fidelity quickly followed suit. This appears to be the culmination of these firms’ “race to the bottom” after decades of declining transaction costs. The obvious question: If you’re a company in the business of online stock trading, and you cut the cost of trading to zero, how do you make money? Because we all know that corporations, especially in the financial services industry, don’t do things out of the goodness of their collective hearts. The short answer: They make the majority of their money the way they always have—by taking cash deposits from their account holders and paying out less interest on those cash balances than obtained from whatever they do with that money. The fancy name for this is “net interest margin.” In the case of Schwab, 57% of the company’s total revenue in 2018 came from net interest margin. Even in this era of low-interest rates, the spread is still very profitable—in 2018, the average that Schwab paid its accountholders on cash deposits was 0.28%, while the interest it earned on those balances was 2.57% on average. Since less than 10% of the company’s overall revenues come from trading commissions, the firm decided to make a preemptive strike that was designed to force its rivals to do the same (which they quickly did). What firms like Schwab are banking on is that customers will leave enough cash on hand for it to make a profit on the spread, as well as potentially be attracted to other more lucrative products or services, such as trading options (which is not free) or trading on margin. One thing that jumped out at me in this race to the bottom is how the stock prices of these companies reacted in the aftermath of the announcements— shares of TD Ameritrade, for instance, were down more than 26% the day of Schwab’s press release. Just further confirmation that the commission business model is continuing to die a slow death. David Novak, CFP® is a Certified Financial Planner™ at Novak & Powell Financial Services in Pinellas County. Please note: he is not an attorney and this article should not be construed as one offering legal advice. For information about investment decisions and financial planning, contact him at (727) 451-3440.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 29
Your Annual Traditions Shouldn’t Include Chronic Joint Pain. If joint pain keeps you from making holiday memories with loved ones, it’s time to fix the problem. BayCare can help. Call or go online today for a physician referral. Our expert physicians can help keep your joints healthy for all the holidays to come. For a physician referral: (844) 260-7155 or BayCareJointPain.org
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 30
Recipe By LauRen ReeVeS
Pilgrim Boats
elebrate fall’s harvest with these acorn squash boats stuffed with sausage, goat cheese and cranberries. Perfect for Thanksgiving, you can slice them up and serve as appetizers or let them sail along as part of the main meal. Cook time: 1 hour; servings: 4-6 people. Ingredients 2 acorn squash, halved and seeds removed 1/2 lb. turkey sausage, casein removed (or use chicken or Italian sausage) Sea salt 1 medium onion 2 cloves garlic 2 ribs celery 1/4 c. dried cranberries 2 Tbsp. olive or avocado oil 2 Tbsp. goat cheese
Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat the bottom of a cookie sheet with oil and bake the squash, cut side down, for 30-40 minutes or until soft. 2. In the meantime, cook sausage on medium heat in a large sauté pan, breaking up the meat into small pieces. Sauté until the sausage is browned and cooked thoroughly. Add a pinch of salt if desired. Set aside in a dish. 3. Add olive oil to the pan and add the onion and garlic; sauté 1 minute. Add the celery and cranberries, and cook until celery is soft, about 5-6 minutes. Return the cooled sausage to the sauté pan and mix well. 4. After the squash is cooked, remove from oven and reduce temperature to 350°F. Scoop out the inside of the squash, being careful not to tear the skin, and add to the sausage mixture. Mix thoroughly. 5. Divide the sausage mixture evenly between the roasted squash boats; top with goat cheese crumbles. 6. Return the boats to the oven and cook for 5 minutes or until goat cheese starts to brown. Serve and enjoy.
Conviva Specialists Meet All Your Healthcare Needs Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Now Underway to Select Physicians
he challenges of patient care are always changing. At Conviva, we focus on being a helpful resource for a healthier, happier you. Many qualified physicians, specialists, and technicians work together as a dedicated team to provide the highest standards of medical care, in-house services, lab tests, and more to anyone in need of our services. The Conviva Physician Group throughout our network offers more than 350 primary care doctors, has access to over 800 affiliated specialists, and treats more than 120,000 patients. Having all your medical needs taken care of at one location is not only convenient, but it’s a great money-saving option to the high cost of emergency room visits or treatment at a hospital or medical center. At Conviva’s core is a focus on the relationship between physician and patient. You will always have the peace of mind of knowing your needs are being met by a physician that has your best interests at heart. For patients 65 or older, Conviva reminds everyone that the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is underway and ends December 7. Options are available to change Medicare Advantage Plans and select a
doctor that best fits your needs. All changes take effect on January 1, 2020. During AEP there are a number of things you can do, including: • Change from one plan to another • Opt in or opt out of a Medicare Advantage plan from original Medicare Part A and Part B • Enroll in the Part D prescription drug plan • Change from one Medicare prescription drug plan to another • Opt out of Medicare prescription drug coverage completely The A-B-C-Ds of Medicare coverage can be confusing, so for more information, contact your current health plan agent or visit Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services at cms.gov or visit medicare.gov. Conviva is located in 12 counties in Florida and 6 in Texas, and our physicians treat every patient with understanding, compassion, dignity, and empathy. This bond between patient and physician is the Conviva difference. Now is the time to make the choice for a healthier you—and
that choice is Conviva. Visit the nearest Conviva center in Tampa, or call 1-833-CONVIVA.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 31
Florida’s Most Re
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 32
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Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 33
Bernadette Peters to star with Florida Orchestra By Kelly Smith
ulti-award-winning Broadway, film and TV star Bernadette Peters will perform with The Florida Orchestra at its annual gala concert conducted by TFO Music Director Michael Francis on Saturday, February 1, 2020, at the Mahaffey Theater. She will be joined onstage by her long-time Music Director Marvin Laird on piano for a glamorous evening of music to benefit the orchestra’s growing community and artistic initiatives. “A Gala Evening with Bernadette Peters” features one of Broadway’s most critically acclaimed performers, admired for her captivating stage presence as much as her heartfelt renditions of songs by Stephen Sondheim and Rodgers and Hammerstein, among others. Bernadette Peters Best known for her work on stage, Peters recently made the title role her own in the hit Broadway musical Hello, Dolly! to rave reviews. She also has appeared in Amazon Prime’s Mozart in the Jungle, along with countless films and TV shows over the years. Concert tickets go on sale Monday, November 11. Tickets will be $75, $100, $150 and $200 at FloridaOrchestra.org. Concert tickets do not include the gala reception or dinner, which can be purchased separately by contacting Meg Carlone at (727) 362-5422 or mcarlone@floridaorchestra.org. The gala is the premier fundraising event of the year for The Florida Orchestra, the largest professional orchestra in the state, serving more than 200,000 patrons a season. The gala event co-chairs are Montserrat and Emmanuel Cerf. All proceeds support TFO’s high standard of artistic excellence on stage as well as robust education and community programs, which have grown nearly 50% in the past four years, reaching more than 91,000 people last year alone through free hospital, park, museum, youth concerts and many other free musical performances throughout Tampa Bay. If you go: The Florida Orchestra performs regularly at the Straz Center in Tampa, Mahaffey Theater in St. Petersburg and Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater. Tickets for Masterworks and Pops concerts start at $18, plus fees. See FloridaOrchestra.org.
DEC 19 – JAN 5 THE STRAZ IT’S BROADWAY AT ITS BEST. 813.229.STAR (7827) • STRAZCENTER.ORG • Group Sales (10+ get a discount): 813.222.1016 or 1047 Events, days, dates, times, performers and prices are subject to change without notice. Handling fees will apply.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 34
The Gratitude Game
long with teaching children their ABCs and multiplication tables, it’s important to teach them to be grateful for what they have. Gratitude enables us to focus on the positive side of life. It shifts the narrative from one of deprivation, envy and negativity to one of abundance, joy and happiness. Many studies have linked gratitude with success, peace and longevity. This gratitude game is something everyone around the Thanksgiving table can enjoy. Play it often and practice gratitude daily. How to play: Pass around a big bowl of M&Ms after everyone has eaten their meal. Ask each person (who has washed their hands first!) to pick out six M&Ms, one of each color. Then, one by one, everyone shares what they are thankful for based on the colors.
Name a person you are thankful for
Name a thing you are thankful for
Name a memory you are thankful for
Name a place you are thankful for
Name a skill you are thankful for
Name anything you are thankful for
Where in the World Have You Been?
ave you climbed a glacier, walked the Great Wall of China, visited Rome’s Coliseum, or ridden a camel through the Sahara Desert? Maybe you’ve braved a giant roller coaster at Busch Gardens or parasailed at the beach. Whatever destination you’ve checked off on your bucket list, we’d love to see your best photo and share it with our readers. Send your Bucket List Photo along with a 200-word summary of your trip to Terri.Reeves@LifestylesAfter50.com. Please ID persons in the picture (left to right) and include your name, city of residence and phone number. Photos will run on a space-available basis.
We’ve Got Mail
elcome to November, the month when Medicare Madness is at its frenzied peak. If you are like me, your mailbox has never been so full. Every day I receive a dizzying array of booklets, brochures and return mail cards from a number of Medicare providers competing for a chunk of my Social Security deposit. The Medicare Open Enrollment period, a.k.a. Open Season on Seniors, began Oct. 15 and will conclude on Dec. 7. Going through the variables of each plan can be overwhelming for aging minds trying to figure out drugs, doctors and donut holes as well as who’s out-of-network and in-our-pockets. And who can remember all their doctors’ names anyway? This year, we are faced with even more options with our Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has added nearly 600 MA plans with average premiums declining to their lowest levels in six years. In Medicares Past, we’ve been enticed by things like free gym memberships and dental and vision benefits, but this go around, some MA plans are allowed to dish out an assortment of benefits that stray well beyond the usual medical buffet: Carpet shampooing to freshen up the home. Food for a service dog. Cooking classes. Rides to a nutritionist. These are among the new supplemental health benefits that the privatelyrun sector could option to the 73 percent of MA members who have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease. The idea is that these perks could help them stay healthy and, live in their homes longer. Some MA plans may even pay for improvements to a member’s home, such as permanent ramps or broader hallways and doors for wheelchairs. Fair enough. But carpet shampooing? Seema Verma, the CMS administrator, explained: “If someone has asthma and if they just shampoo the carpet that might make the difference and keep them out of the hospital.” (On the other hand, if they slip and fall on that freshened, but damp carpet, that could send them into the ER.) Hopefully, now that you are aware of these benefits, you’ve not accidentally tossed out these offers with your Publishers Clearinghouse letters or your weekly allotment of credit card pre-approval notifications. As for 2021, I’m wondering what new options will be on the horizon? Golf club memberships would be nice. I don’t actually play, but the members’ discounts in the pro shops might help to “freshen up” my wardrobe and keep me in my home longer. Afterall, I’d need the closet space. Michael Wright stays busy these days making house of cards pyramids with all of his Medicare postal advertisements. Reach him at micwrighthamo@gmail.com.
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 35
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 36
Power Puzzle
Seven years without a cold? More and more people are saying they just don’t get colds anymore. They are using a new device made of pure copper, which scientists say kills cold and flu viruses. Doug Cornell invented the device in 2012. “I haven’t had a single cold since then,” he says. New research: Copper stops colds if used early. People were skeptical but EPA used to get colds after crowded flights. and university studies demonstrate Though skeptical, she tried it several repeatedly that viruses and bacteria times a day on travel days. “Sixteen die almost instantly when touched by flights and not a sniffle!” copper. Businesswoman Rosaleen says when That’s why ancient Greeks and people are sick around her she uses Egyptians used copper to purify water CopperZap morning and night. “It saved and heal wounds. They didn’t know me last holidays,” she said. “The kids about viruses and bacteria, but now we had colds going round and round, but do. not me.” Scientists say the high conductance Some users say it also helps with of copper disrupts the electrical balance sinuses. Attorney Donna Blight had in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in a 2-day sinus headache. She tried seconds. CopperZap. “I am shocked!” she said. So some hospitals tried copper touch “My head cleared, no more headache, surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. no more congestion.” Some users say copper stops This cut the spread of MRSA and other nighttime stuffiness if used just before illnesses by over half, and saved lives. Colds start after cold viruses get in bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had your nose, so the vast body of research in years.” Copper can also stop flu if used early gave Cornell an idea. When he next felt a cold about to start, he fashioned and for several days. Lab technicians a smooth copper probe and rubbed it placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found alive gently in his nose for 60 seconds. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The soon after. Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams cold never got going.” It worked again confirming the discovery. He placed every time. He asked relatives and friends to try millions of disease germs on copper. it. They said it worked for them, too, so “They started to die literally as soon as he patented CopperZap™ and put it on they touched the surface,” he said. The handle is curved and finely the market. Now tens of thousands of people textured to improve contact. It kills have tried it. Nearly 100% of feedback germs picked up on fingers and hands to said the copper stops colds if used within protect you and your family. Copper even kills deadly germs that 3 hours after the first sign. Even up to 2 days, if they still get the cold it is milder have become resistant to antibiotics. If you are near sick people, handling it than usual and they feel better. Users wrote things like, “It stopped may keep serious infection away. The EPA says copper still works my cold right away,” and “Is it supposed even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of to work that fast?” “What a wonderful thing,” wrote different disease germs so it can prevent Physician’s Assistant Julie. “No more serious or even fatal illness. CopperZap is made in America of colds for me!” Pat McAllister, age 70, received one pure copper. 90-day full money back for Christmas and called it “one of the guarantee. It is $69.95. Get $10 off each CopperZap with best presents ever. This little jewel really works.” Now thousands of users have code FLLA5. Go to www.CopperZap.com or call simply stopped getting colds. People often use CopperZap toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever. preventively. Frequent flier Karen Gauci (paid advertisement)
5. Hide preparers Stratford-on-__ 6. Creator High rating 7. Enthusiastic Burstyn or Pompeo 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 9. Hook and line user Ms. Lee 10. Embraced Felt indignant about 11. Cosmetic case item Feudal subjects 12. Put underground Change direction 13. Beauty’s movie partner Final course 21. Article of faith Bar 23. “...__ by your outfit ANSWER TO Does an electrician’s job that #5128 you are...” Of __; no longer a minor 25. Had a meal F A V O R S O D A B O L D Jetta or Taurus A D O R E 26.T Keep R A__ Mon; A L O E Moray seeker watch carefully M O region T E L 27.R Taj A Mahal’s D I Acity T I O N Cheese-producing E through S E E V28.I Bride’s L R O O T S __ over; helped item a difficult period S N I29.P Flamingo M O or A heron N Plunge intoLsmall D I L A T E32. Cut B U B pieces S A O Seasons 34. In __ of C R A M E A S E L I N C Surrenders 35. Always C O M E D O36. W France’s N T O Coty E A R T H Poet’s contraction Ardent I N E E P38.E Sermon E S topicW E I R Fascination I S R P A40.R Bargains S S T A N C E Rejected with disdain 43. Not crackers P A L S B R Lotion ingredient 45. Like a hill A Y S Aor IWagner L I M P Force into an C H E E R 48. Bach awkward position A I R S T R50.I Like P Smore Lexpensive A B O R Gives up S L I T E D Ihamburger T E X I L E Asia’s __ Mountains 51. Dandruff site T O N S D O N E R Tract of wasteland 52. Salk’s concernE S T S Place to spend rupees 53. Europe/Asia boundary Light, rhythmic tune 54. Nest Pro’s foe 56. Periods Lacks 57. Conception Flower 58. Disencumbers Schnozzola 59. Brat’s talk Meadow covering 62. Lennon’s lady
15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. 33. 37. 39.
Last Month’s Answers 41. 42. 44. 46. 47. 49. 51. 54. 55.
ACROSS 1. Make __; clench one’s hand 6. Family member 10. Baby’s spot 14. Country home 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 17. Burstyn or Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 19. Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 22. Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 25. Final course 26. Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region 39. __ over; helped through a difficult period 41. Plunge 42. Seasons 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction 47. Ardent 49. Fascination 51. Rejected with disdain 54. Lotion ingredient 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 66. Lacks 67. Flower 68. Schnozzola 69. Meadow covering
Enter To Win! 56. 60. 61. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.
Last Month’s Winner is David Cartelli, Plant City
24 26
1. Make __; clench 42 43 44 45one’s hand46 6. Family member 47 48 4910. Baby’s 50 spot 14. Country home 51 52 53 54 15. Stratford-on-__ 16. High rating 55 56 58 59 17. Burstyn or 57 Pompeo 18. Spain’s Juan Carlos I 60 61 62 19. 63 Ms. Lee 20. Felt indignant about 64 65 22. 66 Feudal subjects 24. Change direction 67 68 25. 69 Final course 26. Bar 29. Does an electrician’s job 30. Of __; no longer a minor 31. Jetta or Taurus 33. Moray seeker 37. Cheese-producing region Send your answers for a drawing. First correct answers 39. __ over; helped through selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will a difficult period win. Send to: Lifestyles41. After 50, Plunge 42. 33583 Seasons P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 44. Surrenders 46. Poet’s contraction I want information on: Insurance Personal Health 47. Ardent Travel / Cruises Elder Law / Financial 49. Fascination & Fitness Recreation / Leisure Housing Options Homewith Improvements 51. Rejected disdain ingredient Entertainment / Events Reverse Mortgages 54. Lotion Automobiles 55. Force into an awkward position 56. Gives up Name 60. Asia’s __ Mountains 61. Tract of wasteland Address 63. Place to spend rupees 64. Light, rhythmic tune 65. Pro’s foe 66. Lacks 67. Flower City State Zip 68. Schnozzola 69. Meadow covering
2 3 4 5 6 DOWN 1. State 14 15 2. Office cabinet 3. Misfortunes 17 18 4. Coat part 20 5. Hide preparers 21 6. Creator 24 7. Enthusiastic 8. 6th day of Lent: abbr. 26 27 28 9. Hook and line user 10. Embraced 31 30 32 11. Cosmetic case item 3712. Put underground 38 39 13. Beauty’s movie partner 4221. Article of faith 43 44 23. “...__ by your outfit 47 48 that you are...” 25. Had a meal 51 52 53 26. Keep __ on; watch carefully 55 27. Taj Mahal’s city 6028. Bride’s item 61 62 29. Flamingo or heron 6432. Cut into small pieces 65 34. In __ of 6735. Always 68 36. France’s Coty 38. Sermon topic 40. Bargains 43. Not crackers 45. Like a hill 48. Bach or Wagner 50. Like more expensive hamburger 51. Dandruff site 52. Salk’s concern 53. Europe/Asia boundary 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Conception 58. Disencumbers 59. Brat’s talk 62. Lennon’s lady
DOWN 1. State 2. Office c 3. Misfortu 4. Coat pa 5. Hide pr 6. Creator 7. Enthusi 8. 6th day 9. Hook an 10. Embrac 11. Cosmet 12. Put und 13. Beauty’ 21. Article o 23. “...__ by that yo 25. Had a m 26. Keep __ watch 27. Taj Mah 28. Bride’s 29. Flaming 32. Cut into 34. In __ of 35. Always 36. France’ 38. Sermon 40. Bargain 43. Not cra 45. Like a h 48. Bach or 50. Like mo hambu 51. Dandruf 52. Salk’s c 53. Europe/ 54. Nest 56. Periods 57. Concep 58. Disencu 59. Brat’s ta 62. Lennon
33 40 45 49 54 56
29 31
Lifestyles After 50 •24 Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 37 25 26
63 66 69
# 305
November WORDWord SEARCH Search
Sudoku #303
In the grid below, twenty answers can be found that fit the category for
In thetoday. grid below, twenty answers can be found the category today. Circleprovided each answer Circle each answer that youthat findfitand list it infor the space at that you find list itofinthe the space at the right the grid.inAnswers can be found in all directions – theand right grid. provided Answers can beoffound all directions -- forwards, forwards, backwards, horizontally,vertically vertically and diagonally. An example is given toisget you started. backwards, horizontally, and diagonally. An example given to Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. Can you you find twenty answers in thisinpuzzle? get you started. Can findthe the twenty answers this puzzle?
The object of the game is to fill all the
Today's Category: Words (ofthe 3 or more letters) That Rhyme with “Go” blank squares with correct numbers. Hoe 1. ____________________ Each O row D H W N ofK9 numbers C O must M Hinclude all digits 1 through 9 in any order. 2. ____________________ of 9 numbers must include D L W G BEach G column L B E R 9 in H any B order. 3. ____________________ all digits 1 through Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 4. 9 ____________________ G O G V square V H must B V V all G digits O V 5.9.____________________ include 1 through 6. ____________________ R W H B D L D C I H E W 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ D T C J O T H R O W D K 9. ____________________ C U V W U C S H D M O W 10. ____________________ 11. ____________________ X A H G G V W O N S D O 12. ____________________ E E J T H B D O G D F E 13. ____________________ 14. ____________________ O B A C S H S D L C E D 15. ____________________ 16. ____________________ F H O U B J H E O V W D 17. ____________________ G C H O C K O Z W B O C 18. ____________________ 19. ____________________ H V W G V J P X M E C V 20. ____________________ M S
4 1 2
Send your answers along with your name, address, email and telephone number to: LIFESTYLES AFTER 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
Good Luck!
The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th of the month will win.
MYSTERY WIN! WIN! WIN! PRIzE! GREAT PRIZES! (Puzzles must be received by the 20th of the month) Sudoku #304
Last Month’s Answers Sudoku Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the Last Month’s Winner is numbers. blank squares with the correct
Elizabeth C. Cory, Brandon
Each row of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order.Goo d od column of 9 numbers must include GoEach Luck! ! k c Lu all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Great Prizes! EachWin 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 New winner selected each month square must include all digits 1 through 9.
3 5
Play & WIN!
QuestIoN: WheN the grouP kNoWN As the PILgrIms Left eNgLANd to PrActIce theIr reLIgIoN freeLy, Where dId they fIrst go?
Answer This Trivia Question To WIN a Prize!
your ANsWer: _____________________________________
8 1 6 5 8 3 4 9 1 8 5 2 1 2 3 6 9 7 5 2 9 3 1 5 9 4
Trivia Palooza!
9 7
8 4 2 6 3 1 5 9 2 8 6 8 1 6 4 1 7 4 5 4 1 3 1 2 9
Solution #303
7 5 1 3 8 4 9 6 2
8 6 9 5 7 2 4 3 1
4 2 3 1 6 9 8 5 7
1 9 4 6 5 8 7 2 3
2 7 6 4 9 3 5 1 8
Play each week to be entered in a drawing to win a prize each month! Deadline for entries: November 20th
Name Address City
Phone Mail to: Lifestyles After 50, P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL, 33583
Elaine M. Evans, Venice was our last months winner! Last month’s answer: Autumnus
The more you play the better chance you have to win! Go to LifestylesAfter50.com and click on the Trivia Palooza icon to play each week.
Word Search
3 6 5 9 8 1 3 4 5 7 2 8 7 8 9 2 2 3 4 1 1 5 7 6 6Word 2 1 Search 3 Solution: 4 1. 9 Above 8 7 11. His 9 4 6 5
2. Amber
NoveMber 3. America Sudoku 4. Beautiful
Sudoku requires no arithmetic skills. The object of the game is to fill all the blank squares with the correct numbers. Each row and each column of 9 numbers must include all digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all digits 1 through 9 as well. Good luck! The first correct answers selected from the drawing on the 20th will win.
5. Crown 6. Fruited 7. God
Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 38
17. 3. America
6. Fruited19.
12. Plain
Skies 13. Purple 15. Shed
Thee 16. Shining
17. Skies 20. Waves
14. Sea 18. Spacious
5. Crown
# 304I
11. His
16. Shining
10. Grain
9. Grace
WIN GREAT PRIZES! Sudoku muST bE REcEIvEd by ThE 20Th of ThE moNTh.
14. Sea
2. Amber
9. Grace
Word 1. Above
8. Good
# 304
13. Purple
4. Beautiful
Lifestyles After 50 P.O. BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583
Shed 15.Solution: Search
7. God
Last Month’s Winner is Alicia Veras, Clearwater
12. Plain
8. Good
Send your answers along with your name, address, Grain telephone number &10. email to:
18. Spacious
19. Thee
20. Waves
Answers to october’s seArch
Seniors getting Together Women Seeking men 5367 – i Am Looking FoR mR. RigHT. I’m a WW, 76 yy, 5’5”, blue eyes, white hair, NS, ND, NDrg, healthy, SOH, like to dance to 50’s & 60’s country music, take walks, just enjoy life. I am a caring, loving person. Would like to meet a SWM, same age or older, taller than me. NS, ND or SD, NDrg, healthy SOH. Port Richey, Hudson area. Send name & phone number. 5368 – Seeking SinCeRe, HoneST genTLemAn. I’m young 70’s, SWF, 5’8”, slim, attractive, blonde and physically fit. I love anything outdoors. Enjoy travel to Tenn mountains in summer, cruising, small local trips. Send phone number. Largo area. 5356 – Looking FoR A SinCeRe – honest gentleman. I am 68. Don’t look or act my age. I love dancing, cooking, water bikes of any kind. I am physically fit, attractive, honest, kind and give back rubs. St. Pete. 5357 – 70+ YoUng, VeRY ACTiVe, love dancing, beach, travel, gardening, concerts. 5’4”, 125#, W,H, ISO bilingual, tall, good dancer, white, adventurous, emotionally & financially secure, 68-72, interested in dating, maybe possible LTR. 4954 - SingLe AnD BLeSSeD BF. Just a plain and simple sister girl. Enjoy football, baseball, movies and talks. I am also a Jesus lover. Seeks SM, 58-68. Pasco and Tarpon 4953 - Seeking HoneST, SinCeRe genTLemAn. i’m 70’S. SWF, HWP, seeking non smoker, easy going, no drama gentleman. Like walking, sightseeing, music, relaxing at home. ISO companion. Zephyrhills. 4952 - LeT’S HAVe FUn. Maybe lunch, laugh, enjoy each other. Been told I am cute, fun, easy going, nice, smell good. Non smoker. Photo would be nice. Holiday 44909 - LoneLY gAL Looking FoR SoUL mATe. 74yrs., SWF, 5’7”, physically fit, attractive and out-going. ISO SWM for LTR, companionship. Handy with tools a plus! Tampa, Brandon area. 4877 mY LAST Time. I’m a WWF, NS, ND, 70’s, 5’5”, snow white hair, blue/ gray eyes. I’m not dead yet. I’m ready for love and making love. I have a lot of
life in me. I like dancing to the 50’s and 60’s, I like to go to Hudson Beach and watch the sun set. I’m a very caring person, looking for a man taller than me. NS, SD, in his 70’s and a SOH. Just a good hearted man. Send name and phone number. NPR/Hudson area. 4119 Seeking HoneST genTLemAn. Former airline stewardess and model, 5’4”, 104 lbs., slender, white with Ph.D. in healthcare. Fulbright scholar, eats healthy and exercises. Likes sports and animals. WW. Loves the Lord. Florida. men Seeking Women 5369 – Looking FoR mS RigHT. Retired New York Attorney, former New York Police Officer, looking for loving relationship with kind and sincere, selfcaring lady. 65 – 75. Widow preferred. Clearwater area. 5370 – WHeRe ARe YoU LADY? Country gentleman ISO country lady for LTR, intimate relationship, possible live in. Sharing adventures in our golden years. Friends first. Tell me what you want & enjoy. St. Pete. 5371 – TiReD oF LoneLY nigHTS? So am I. Retired SWM, healthy, ISO NS romantic SWF with varied interests. Must love life, trust in God. Age/size open. Just be healthy and caring. St. Pete area. 5372 – Looking FoR ComPAnion. SWm, 80 yrs young, 5’11”, 215#, active, independent, financially & emotionally secure, looking for same type of woman for local events, day trips. Gulf Port area
5361 – mY QUeen, AnY Age. Young 50’s WM looking to play servant to my lady. Your commands must be granted. I can be the joker, knight or the bad cell prisoner. Your fantasy. N. Tampa. 4955 - 70 Yo mAn LookS YoUngeR, hair on head, down to earth, doesn’t do drugs and drinks socially only. Seeking slim, small breasted brunette for hot tubs and good times. Please no baggage, drama or drunks. 4947 - CARing, kinD, eASY going. SWM, NS, ND, ISO SF for FF then LTR. Told I’m good looking. Great SOH. Affectionate, flowers and cards guy. Likes oldies, dancing, walks, lots more. Clearwater. 4950 - Hi! SWm looking for female who needs a home. Must be somewhat slim, fun, loving, easy going. ND, NS, affectionate. I’m same. Want to share my life. I’m 5’7”, 150. Send photo & phone please. Thanx.
To PLACe An AD: Send your ad, stating what edition(s) you would like it placed in, along with a $6 fee for 30 words (25¢ for each additional word, abbreviations not charged) to the Lifestyles After 50 address listed below. Ads received by the 15th of the month will appear in the following issue. To ReSPonD To An AD: Write a letter to the person you want to contact. Place that letter in a stamped envelope and write the ad # on the bottom left hand side of the envelope. Place your stamped, numbered envelope(s), along with $2 for each letter enclosed, into another envelope and address it to: Lifestyles After 50 Seniors Getting Together P.O. Box 638, Seffner, FL 33583 CommonLY USeD ABBReViATionS: F-Female, M-Male, S-Single, D-Divorced, WWWidow, A-Asian, B-Black, H-Hispanic, I-Indian, W-White, C-Christian, J-Jewish, YO-Years Old, YY-Years Young, ISO-In Search Of, SOH-Sense Of Humor, SM-Smokes, S-Light Smoker, NSNon Smoker, ND-Non Drinker, SD-Social (Light) Drinker, DR-Drinks, NDrg- No Drugs, LTR-Long Term Relationship, HWP-Height & Weight Proportional, R-Retired, P-Professional, FF-Friendship First, TLC-Tender Loving Care.
Seniors Getting Together
Personal Ad Placement only $6 per month! Deadline for ads is the 15th of the month prior to placement. MArk The edITIOn(s) YOu WOuLd LIke TO run YOur Ad In: ❍ Tampa Bay & Suncoast (Hillsborough/Pinellas/Pasco) ❍ Lake/Marion/Sumter ❍ Southwest & Sarasota (Lee, Charlotte/Manatee)
Ad Copy ••• PLeAse PrInT neATLY ••• 30 Word Limit TiTLe:
(First 4 Words)
5358 – Seeking LoVe & FRienDSHiP. 59 yo man, carpentar, able to build relationship, HWP, easy going, down to earth, long hair, likes to cook. Come over, have dinner. Don’t drink or smoke, also don’t do drugs. Port Richey, West Pasco 5359 – Looking FoR W LADY. 62-76. I am 68, 5’11”, 200 lb. I am a good-looking man looking for a good woman. Love to snuggle, day travel, relaxing at home, like movies, speak English. Tampa 5360 – HoneST eASY-going mAn. SWm, nS, SD, LTR. I am 5’10”, 225, 77 yrs old. I like the simple life, going out to eat, exercising at the pool, crossword puzzles and reading.
(No Charge)
If more room is needed, please use separate sheet. Mail this form along with $6 for each ad per month (add $4 for each additional edition/market in the same month). We cannot accept your ad without it. This information is confidential.
Name: Address: City: Phone:
Email: MAIL TO: ATTn. / SenioRS geTTing TogeTHeR Lifestyles After 50 • PO BOX 638, SEFFNER, FL 33583 Lifestyles After 50 • Tampa Bay • November 2019 • page 39
Generations Taking Care of Generations A medicare advantage plan built around those who gave us so much.
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