Newsgram November 7, 2012

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‘Oklahoma has one of the strongest economies in the whole world!’

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Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 5:30 p.m. Black & Gold Booster Club will meet in the Alva High School cafeteria. 6 p.m. Free weight loss support, 12 week session, Sept. 12-Dec. 12. Weighins start at 6 p.m., meeting 6:30-7:30, First United Methodist Church, children may attend church sponsored activities

while adults meet. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. 7 p.m. Alva Board of Education will meet at the Administration Building, 418 Flynn, Alva. Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 3-6 p.m. Food distribution every Thursday, Alva Wesleyan Food Bank,

818 Lane St. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 2 p.m. Holly Club will meet at the home of LaDonna Benningfield, Alva. 7:30 p.m. Alva High School will host Christian Heritage of Dell City at Ranger Stadium in the first round of football playoffs.

City gives 25 percent less help than hospital requests for water line costs By Yvonne Miller It took two evening meetings, for a total of nearly four hours, for Kiowa’s City Council to make a decision regarding paying part of the cost for the new water line needed to the location of Kiowa’s new hospital on the south end of Kiowa. The Kiowa District Hospital (KDH) submitted a petition requesting the city pay half of the estimated $60,000 cost of bringing an eight inch water line from the water tower to the new hospital site. The distance is roughly two-

and-a-half blocks. The hospital property is within city limits, but has never had a water line out that far because the property is a field. The new hospital plans budgeted $30,000 for the water line that would go straight to their property. However, City Administrator Nathan Law said Kiowa’s fire chief recommended it would be best if a loop was put in to give ample fire protection. Hospital officials say they wouldn’t need the entire loop themselves. The loop could give others in the area fire protection as well, such as the motel that hopes to be there. That’s why the hospital requests the city pay half of the cost. The city would install necessary fire hydrants, etc. The purpose of the Monday, October 22 adjourned meeting of the city council, from the regular October meeting was to settle how the city would handle the hospital’s request to go half-and-half on the water line cost. Mayor Brandon Farney led the meeting, with all councilmen attending: Bill Watson, Brian Hill, Russel Molz, Brandon Poland and Mark Lambert. City Administrator Law was pres-

ent, along with City Clerk Marlo Rugg. From the comments made by some councilmen, they were under the impression the hospital plan did not budget anything for the water line. They apparently also thought the hospital wanted the city to fund the water line project for 20 years. Many councilmen repeatedly voiced opposition to both of those thoughts. Law provided wording from Resolution 230 stating that the petitioner must pay 100 percent of such a project. That’s a situation like when the residents in the Humphrey Addition needed city sewer service brought in to their homes. In that case, each property owner was assessed; in this case there is only one petitioner. Councilman Poland voiced many questions about the hospital’s request. “The longer I look at this, I don’t understand the request,” Poland said. “We (the city) have some cash flow issues of our own.” He is worried about the expense of tearing down the dilapidated bowling alley building, and more. See Kiowa Page 44

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Shiever named interim high school principal; Benson designated lead teacher at Longfellow By Lynn L. Martin The Alva Board of Education held three executive sessions Monday night. The first was to approve a contract with Steve Parkhurst, who was named interim superintendent on October 18, 2012, after the sudden resignation of Vickie Johnson. Parkhurst will be paid 8/12’s of Vickie Johnson’s pay through the end of June 2013. The second executive session saw the board approve moving Longfellow Elementary Principal Steve Shiever to the position of interim principal at Alva High School.

The next executive session approved naming Longfellow teacher Sherri Benson as “Lead Teacher” for the school. In other items, during his principal’s report, Steve Shiever reported that Longfellow School received a $20,000 gift for playground equipment. He said the “Big Toy” will be replaced as it is pretty battered. Three items were declared surplus. These include monkey bars at Lincoln, an HP printer at Washington, and two VCR’s at Washington. The total enrollment for the district, that will be reported to the State, stands at 987, according to Supt. Parkhurst.

Steve Shiever

Sherri Benson

Washington Elementary has 237 students; Longfellow Elementary has 136 students; Lincoln Elementary has 135 students; Alva Middle School 218 students; and Alva High School 251 students. Two or three of the principal’s said they had added a student that day which could cause the numbers to vary a little. The board passed a motion calling for a school election on February 12, 2013. Seat three, held by Kenneth Byrd, will be up for candidate filing. Will Jenkins III was hired as a noncertified employee for the remainder of the school year at Alva Middle School, to serve as an “interventionist” for AMS students. The position was described as to work with students who are struggling, and perhaps remediate them sufficiently to not be moved into the specialed categories. He will be paid $15,945 for the remainder of the school year. Sarah Talbert has joined the district as a paraprofessional at $13,382 for the remainder of the year. The board took no action on a proposal to lease mineral rights on a district property to Chesapeake. The process seems to require two documents, and the board decided to invite Chesapeake land-man Brian A. Gibbs to the December board meeting to answer questions. Board member Larry Parker expressed concern that the firm might place a drilling rig on school property. In reviewing the list of bills to be paid, one large expense, in the amount of $5,810, was to refinish gym floors. Also, $8,427 remains from the previous bond issue. This will be used to install a handicapped chair lift so students can make it to the second floor high school cafeteria, without having to use the outside ramp during winter. Before the meeting began, it was obvious that regular minutes secretary, Becky Pingelton, was not present. It was told that Becky is scheduled to have quadruple bypass surgery and will be off work for several weeks.

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Lynn Says

‘Oklahoma has one of the strongest economies in the whole world!’ By Lynn L. Martin Gov. Mary Fallin appointed Dave Lopez as Director of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce about a year ago. Last Thursday, he spoke at the Alva Rotary Club. The next day (November 2, 2012), Fallin announced that Lopez will resign from that post, but will continue to serve as Secretary of Commerce in Fallin’s cabinet. He said he wanted to work more in economic development. Fallin announced that the agency’s deputy director, Jonna Kirschner, will replace Lopez as executive director, effective Dec. 1. In his speech to the Alva Rotary club, Lopez said it was fun to come up here to Alva, because things are so positive. He said, “Being at the epicenter of the Mississippian play, I think your future is going to be bright.” Lopez tried to illustrate Oklahoma’s healthy economic position by providing a snapshot of what is happening in Oklahoma at the moment. He said, “Oklahoma has one of the better economies in the USA. Although our nation is still struggling, the economy in this

country is still better than most other places in the world. “If the logic holds up, then Oklahoma has one of the strongest economies in the whole world!”, he said. The director cited several points to back up his statement: First, Oklahoma is second in the nation in manufacturing growth. Over the last 12 months, the State has employment growth of 6.1%, which is second highest in the nation. “If you go back to January 2011, when Governor Fallin took office, and you add both years together, we’re number one in the nation in job growth,” he said. Lopez pointed out that while unemployment is at 5.2%, worker participation is up. Since Gov. Fallin took office, Oklahoma is up about 57,000 jobs. He said, “In fact, we’re one of only four states in the nation to recover all the jobs lost in the 2008 recession. Since those statistics are from the Department of Labor and the U. S. Census Bureau, it’s pretty neat to think how well Oklahoma is doing at the moment.” Augmenting his point at how healthy Oklahoma is, he said, “If you look at eight out of the last nine quarters, Oklahoma is only one of three states who’ve seen its personal income grow faster than the rest of the nation . . . the other two being Texas and North

Dakota. Lopez reasoned that Oklahoma really ought to get credit for N. Dakota’s health, because firms headquartered in Oklahoma are working the oil rich Bakken Shale fields there. Why is Oklahoma Healthy? Dave Lopez said Oklahoma is healthy because of three reasons. First, when Gov. Fallin took office, the state was looking at a $500 million deficit in the budget. While other states came up with rosy projections to handle their budget woes, they now have to live with the consequences because that didn’t happen. The poster children for that philosophy includes California and Illinois. Oklahoma’s policy makers took a different tact and said, “Let’s work with what we’ve got. We bit the bullet, and did not spend money we didn’t have.” “At that time, we had $2.93 left in the Rainy Day fund. Now, 22-23 months later, the Rainy Day fund is approaching a balance of $600 million dollars. We balanced the budget, and state revenue is very strong at the moment,” he said. Lopez said another factor in Oklahoma’s recovery is that the Governor, working together with the legislature, has taken on a business-friendly atti-

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Cherokee School Board approves several fundraisers By Bethany Stout Cherokee school board members approved several fundraisers at their regular meeting on Monday Nov. 5. Fundraisers included selling Tootsie Pop suckers to raise money for the sixth grade class; it will be sponsored by Matt Guffy and Bretta Woodard. The seventh grade class will be selling raffle tickets to raise money for their class. The tickets will

be sold at basketball games and will be sponsored by Lucinda Ledwig and Charity VanMeter. The yearbook was also approved to sell spirit bracelets; this will be sponsored by Lucinda Ledwig. The remainder of the meeting was routine in nature including approval of the treasurer’s and activity fund reports. Several encumbrances for the general fund, building fund and child nutrition

fun were all approved. The administrative reports budget was discussed as well as possible concerns for budget cuts; no action was taken during this meeting. The regular school board meeting schedule for 2013 was presented and discussed. Concerns about scheduling meetings so that bills will be approved before they are due were voiced, and a schedule was approved to meet the needs.

Alfalfa Districts 2 and 3 getting new tractors, mowers By Roger McKenzie Fund transfers approved at the Alfalfa County commissioner’s end of month meeting on Oct. 31, means that District 2 and District 3 can purchase some new tractors and mowers. A new commissioners’ secretary search was narrowed down to four; and a final step was taken to get the long-awaited Dacoma Blacktop repaving started. A fund transfer of $42,000 for District 2 moves money, and makes it available to purchase one tractor and mower. A similar fund transfer of $137,000 for District 3 paves the way to purchase three new tractors and mowers. The county will be trading in three mowers and two tractors in the purchases. A lot of candidates have come forward seeking to fill the newly vacant commissioners’ secretary position. An

executive session was held to consider candidates. After the session was over, the field was narrowed down to just four. No selection among the four was made. The matter was tabled for further review. The commissioners approved a formal resolution for a right-of-way agreement for repaving five miles of the Dacoma Blacktop Road. Four miles will be in Alfalfa County, and one mile will be in Woods County. The move clears the last obstacle for getting the paving underway. Road crossing permits were approved. Twenty-two permits totaled $23,500 in fees. The breakdown among county districts is 6.5 permits for District 1 ($12,000); 6.25 permits for District 2 ($4,500); and 9.5 permits for District 3 ($7,000). Some items on the agenda were

not acted on. The Cherokee Chief of Police did not attend the meeting. He was expected to speak about the city’s Emergency 911 System. A mineral lease with Sandridge for county property was tabled. The county commissioners did replace Lisa Diacon with Melissa Colvin as receiving officer for the county treasurer’s office. They also authorized County Clerk Laneta Unruh to seek bids for a brush rig and equipment for Carmen Rescue. A private property access easement was also approved. The land is located three miles east of Cherokee. The Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Office was given permission to dispose of an IBM Wheelwriter 30 Series II printer. In other business, the commissioners approved minutes, maintenance and operations warrants, payroll warrants, and blanket purchase orders.

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Waynoka School Board celebrates accomplishments By Bethany Stout Principal Michael Meriwether shared with board members at the November 5 meeting that Waynoka High School has officially received a grade of A (4.0) on the A-F report from the Board of Education, and he is very proud of that achievement. The elementary/middle school received a B (3.66), and he reported is also something of which to be very proud. The regulations used for this rating system made it very difficult for schools to receive an A, giving the school board something to celebrate. Also reported at the meeting was a letter received by Meriwether congratulating Waynoka Schools on their 100% of highly quali-

fied teacher status from OSDE. During the meeting, the school board also approved finalizing the specifications for the scoreboards for the football field and basketball court; updating the bleachers on the football field; and making updates to improve the acoustics in the multipurpose building. With these finalized specifications, superintendent Constein and principal Meriwether will seek official bids to present to the board in future meetings. The board approved financial budgets for the general fund, child nutrition fund and a supplemental appropriation of funds for the Coop Fund to cover salaries paid prior to Freedom

school leaving the Coop. School board meeting schedule for the 2013 school year was reviewed and approved as presented. The board approved to designate an official OSSBA legislative liaison for 2012-2013. The main task of this position will be to improve communication with legislature about important issues for the educators and school board. Constein reported that the school has had no dropouts for the 2011-2012 school year. Also approved by the board was a fundraising request for the library. The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to reviewing policy actions for the Waynoka Board of Education Policy Book Section F.

Burlington member wins national award at 85th National FFA Convention & Expo A local FFA member, already immersed in a hands-on experience aimed to jumpstart careers in agriculture, can add one more impressive achievement: national winner. William James Maltbie, of the Burlington FFA, was named national winner of the Diversified Horticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement Award by a panel of judges Friday, during the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis. Maltbie was one of four FFA members nationwide selected as national finalists in the Diversified Hor-

ticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement area sponsored nationally by Nationwide Insurance Foundation as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The National FFA Organization’s Agricultural Proficiency Awards program recognizes outstanding student achievement in agribusiness gained through establishment of a new business, working for an existing company or otherwise gaining hands-on career experience. It serves as the award structure for an FFA member’s Supervised Agricultural Expe-

rience (mandatory for all FFA members) that is designed to develop specialized skills in 49 categories that they can apply toward their future careers. Awards, like the Diversified Horticulture – Entrepreneurship/Placement Award, are available at the local, state and national levels. Maltbie became eligible for the national award after winning the Oklahoma state FFA competition earlier this year and will take home a $1,000 award plus a special plaque. William James Maltbie of the Burlington FFA Chapter in Oklahoma fell in love with his first riding lawn mower, because it reminded him of a mini tractor. Soon he added the hedge trimmer, weed eater and blower to his landscaping repertoire. Maltbie has increased the number of lawns he services from eight to 32, winning clients who acknowledge his work ethic and expertise. He is supported by his parents, Janet and James, and his FFA advisor, Travis Bradshaw. More information can be found online about the Agricultural Proficiency Awards (, the Supervised Agricultural Experience ( SAE) and the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo ( on the National FFA Organization’s web site,

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Kiowa City Council approves three items at special meeting By Yvonne Miller At a 7:30 a.m. special meeting last Friday, Kiowa’s City Council quickly acted on three items of business. First, they unanimously approved the Kiowa Planning Commission’s recommendation to approve a zoning change from residential to commercial. This is on Faye Conaway and Bob Pedigo’s property at 802 S. 4th St. (on the south edge of Kiowa, along the east side of 4th St./Highway 8). They are constructing a structure that will be known as Kiowa Motel, a 20 room facility, to open in late spring 2013. See related story. • Council also approved a $7,925 total purchase for materials needed to make upgrades and improvements to the city’s electrical equipment. • City Administrator Nathan Law said that parent and businessman Mike Anderson put together a Hunter Safety Course for youth. He requested the group use the city-owned shooting range. Earlier the city closed the shooting range because of no longer being able to get insurance coverage for it. Anderson gave Law a Hold Harmless agreement. Despite that, Councilman See Approves Page 42

The 2012-2013 Burlington Homecoming Queen is Tiffany Rieger. Lane Newlin escorted and crowned Tiffany Friday night before the Elks and Lady Elks defeated the Cimarron Trailblazers.

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New Salad Bar at Senior Citizens Center Wednesday Nov 7

Porcupine Meatballs, Sugar Snap Peas, Calif. Mixed Veg. Lemon Delight

Thursday Nov 8

Holder Drug presents the senior citizen nutrition center menu. This is not served at Holder Drug, but rather one block west. Citizens age 60 and over are eligible to eat for only a small donation, typically $3.00. Please join us as the more people eating helps our funding.

The smartest gift selection in Alva

Taco Salad, Mexican Corn, Apricots & Cinnamon Roll

Friday Nov 9

Plantation Shortcake, Strawberries & bananas, Green Beans, Choc. Chip Cookies

Monday Nov 12

Baked Ham, Au Gratin Potatoes, Black-eyed peas, Biscuit and Brownie

Tuesday Nov 13

Spanish Rice w/beef, Refried Beans, Mexican Corn, Red Jello Cake

Wednesday Nov 14

Decorate Your Own Airplane!

Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Green Salad, Sugar Cookie

Thursday Nov 15

Pot Roast, Parslied New Potatoes, Carrots, Bread, Rice Crispy Bar

Friday Nov 16

Italian Baked Fish, Broccoli, Seasoned Cabbage, Cheese Biscuit & Pineapple

Monday Nov 19

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes w/ Brown Gravy, Seasoned Carrots, Biscuit & Fruit Cocktail

Tuesday Nov 20 - Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Stuffing, Cranberry Relish & Pumpkin Dessert

Holder Drug 513 Barnes - Alva - (580) 327-3332

More New Clocks

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

School Pictures for the Public and any un-photographed students or faculty will be taken on November 14, 2012 at Alva Middle School at 10:00 a.m.

Heather Armbruster If you need a picture order form to see pricing in advance,, you may pick it up at the studio to turn in on picture day. Or you may fill out a form at the time of photography.

Lynn Martin Photography (580) 327-1686

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RESTORATIONS Got some history that’s important? We can bring faded prints back to life.

This was a very large print that we were able to reproduce to a smaller size.

Lynn Martin Photography 580-327-1686

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Lisa at the newspaper office can capture, crop, and color adjust your cell phone image. Beautiful 5 x 7 print only $5.00. You can email your print to manager@

Lynn Martin Photography - Alva, Oklahoma 580-327-1686 This Pratt, KS Senior got her Senior Portraits done this weekend.

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ELDON FLAMING Eldon Flaming, 56, of Kingfisher passed away Saturday, October 27, 2012, after suffering a heart attack. He was born October 9, 1956, in Enid to Bernard and Alberta Flaming. Eldon graduated from Jet-Nash high school in 1974. He married Lea Ann Fletcher on November 6, 1976. They moved to Kingfisher in 1989, where his family still lives. He is survived by daughter, Melissa Willson and husband, Randall of Kingfisher; son, Jordan Flaming and wife Samantha of Kingfisher; grandchildren Brooklynn, Makenna, London, Jared and Alexis; father, Bernard Flaming of Ponca City; sister Cheri Linthicum of Houston, Texas; brother Daryl Flaming of Austin, Texas; brother Brent Flaming of Dyer, Nevada; sister Anita Flaming of Houston, Texas; brother Sam of Alva; Lea Ann Flaming and daughter Emily of Kingfisher; as well as many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. He is preceded in death by his mother and grandparents. Eldon was an avid outdoors man and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with his children and grandchildren. He will be missed by many. Services will be held at Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home, 2800 N Van Buren, Enid, OK 73703 at noon on Saturday, November 10, 2012.

Winona Helen Puffinbarger, daughter of the late Thomas and Bessie Iva (Hart) Nelson, was born September 9, 1932, at Alva, Oklahoma, and passed away November 5, 2012, at her home north of Cherokee at the age of 80 years, 1 month, and 26 days. Winona attended Winchester Grade School, Alva High School, and graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She taught school until she had her children. On June 5, 1956, she was united in marriage to Lynn Douglas Puffinbarger at Alva, Oklahoma. They lived in Kansas for a short time before moving to Alfalfa County. She was a member of the Cherokee Friends Church for 55 years, Quaker Maids, and served as Treasurer of Northern Friends Area Rally. She was also a member of the Farmerettes, Alfalfa County OHCE, and served as a 4-H leader for many years. She enjoyed her church, sewing, quilting, cooking, and flowers, but her favorite time was spent taking care of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She hand pieced a quilt for each of her children and grandchildren and enjoyed their visits, too. One of her precious joys was cooking and baking with her granddaughters and great granddaughter. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother, Johnny Nelson; and one great granddaughter, Presley Puffinbarger. Winona is survived by her husband, Lynn, of Cherokee; one son, Tommy Puffinbarger and wife, Angela, of Burlington; two daughters, Loretta Doak and husband, Randy, of Okeene, and Lynetta Cressler and husband, Ross, of Hoxie, Kansas; and two brothers, Forrest Nelson and wife, Joan, of Alva, and Duane Nelson and wife, Jeanette, of Alva. Also surviving are four grandchildren, Cody Puffinbarger and wife, Kayla, of Cherokee, Joni Inskeep, and husband, Eric, of Woodward, Heather Holt of Bethany, and Tiffany Holt of Alva; five great grandchildren, Payton Ream, Ashlyn Puffinbarger, Tripton Puffinbarger, Bentley Cook and Braydyn Holt; other relatives and many friends.

Obituaries MARGIE DARLENE CAYWOOD Funeral services for Margie Darlene Caywood, 72, will be at 11 a.m. Thursday, November 8, 2012 at the Cherokee First Baptist Church with the Rev. Tom Cooksey and the Rev. Don Angle officiating. Burial will follow in the Cherokee Municipal Cemetery under the direction of the Goodwin Funeral Home of Cherokee. Visitation at the funeral home will be Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with the family present from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Margie was born August 7, 1940 in Cherokee the daughter of Otto and Alvina Coss Williams and went to be with her Lord Sunday, November 4, 2012 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Enid. She spent most o£ her school years in Salinas, California. After moving back home to Cherokee from Salinas, Kansas, she worked with her parents in the Dinette Cafe. She later owned and operated the cafe. She then purchased and operated the Waffle House Cafe in Cherokee. She and Mike Caywood were married April 30, 1965 in Cherokee where they made their home. He preceded her in death. Margie enjoyed cooking for others, and is well known for her cinnamon rolls and Christmas candy. She enjoyed participating in her children and grandchildren activities, such as livestock shows, rodeos, basketball and football games. She was an active member of the Cherokee First Baptist Church, and really enjoyed Training Union. Surviving are two daughters; Shelly Cunningham and her companion William Bradford of Drummond and Tammie Nelson of Enid; twin sons, Rickey Caywood and his wife Gail of McAlester and Mickey Caywood and his wife Debbie of Lexington; thirteen grandchildren nine great-grandchildren; a brother, Virgil Williams; great-aunt, Bertha Teagarden; brother-in-law, Jack Moody and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by one brother, Otto Eugene; three sisters, Ada, Maxine and Bertha and her parents. Memorials may be given in her memory to Therapeutic Equestrian Association through Goodwin Funeral Home.

WINONA HELEN PUFFINBARGER Funeral services for Winona Helen Puffinbarger will be 10 a.m. Thursday, November 8, 2012, at the Cherokee Friends Church with the Reverend Dave Emery officiating. Interment will be in the Byron-Amorita Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home of Alva. There will be a visitation with the family at the Cherokee Friends Church Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to the Cherokee Friends Church. Remembrances may be shared with the family at MARY HELEN WILSON Funeral services for Mary Helen Wilson will be 11 a.m. Friday, November 9, 2012, at the Alva First United Methodist Church with Pastor Terry Martindale officiating. She was cremated at her request. Mary Helen (Presnall) Wilson was born January 25, 1924, in Woods County, Oklahoma, to Maude (Muncie) and Howard Presnall and died November 4, 2012, in Alva, Oklahoma. She graduated from Carmen High School and attended NWOSU, receiving her B.A. and Master of Teaching degrees there. She pursued additional graduate study at the University of Colorado, North Texas State University, and a summer institute in Athens, Greece. On January 5, 1945, she was married to Ensign Harold W. Wilson at Carmen, Oklahoma. To this union two children were born, a daughter, Judy, and a son, Robert.

Mrs. Wilson taught English at NWOSU for thirty-two years, retiring in 1987. She was a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, member and past President of Chapter C-PEO, Holly Club, and Delta Zeta Sorority. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church and a charter member of the Fidelis Sunday School Class, in recent years having been the class teacher. A special interest for the past ten years was her participation in Friends of the Alva Library and its related book discussion groups. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, three brothers, Dale, Bob, and Max, a sister, Virginia Kelley, and her daughter-in-law, Marlene Wilson. She is survived by her daughter, Judy Kirk of Enid, her son, Bob Wilson of Garden City, Kansas; three grandchildren, Melissa Wilson of San Francisco, California, Scott Wilson of Seattle, Washington, and Jill Kirk of Tulsa, one sister, Polly Baker of Leesville, South Carolina; and four sisters-in-law, Jean Schwerdtfeger of Capron, Audrey Presnall of Alva, Vera Wilson of Escondido, California, and Elsie Nixon of California. Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to First United Methodist Church. Remembrances may be shared with the family at

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Says tude. A lot of Oklahoma communities, like Alva, have followed suit in being positive for business. When these businesses feel “beat-up” in other states, they like what’s happening in Oklahoma. He said part of that friendliness is beause the Governor and the legislature have left intact some tools to let us succeed in economic development. He cited the “engineer tax credit.” Aerospace engineers, as well as their employers, get some tax-credits when they hire Oklahoma graduates; and even if they are not Oklahoma graduates, and they move here, they still get the credit. Lopez cited the results. He said that the aerospace sector is now the second largest industry in the State, next to energy. “You’ve heard of Boeing’s growth in Oklahoma City, with jobs coming from Wichita, Long Beach and Puget Sound. Would that growth have happened without the incentive. I can’t say, but I’m sure glad we had those tools available.” Concluding, “Perhaps the best way to compare how good things are at the moment — a couple of weeks ago the Census Bureau came out with their median household income figures for the nation. The average growth in this country was 1.5%. BUT, there was one state that hit 9%. And that State was Oklahoma!

Dave Lopez

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New Kiowa Motel under constructionl; late spring opening projected By Yvonne Miller By late next spring, Kiowa, Kan., will have a new 20-room motel called simply – Kiowa Motel. Local couple Bob Pedigo and Faye Conaway are owners of the new motel under construction on the south end of Kiowa, on the east side of Highway 8. It’s located on just over one acre of 2 ½ acres they own between the water tower and new hospital site. The couple retired in Kiowa five years ago from California, where Bob was a civil engineer, and Faye was an engineer assistant and also worked for TWA many years. Faye’s childhood home is Medicine Lodge, and she still has family in this area. Her sister is Ada Colborn of Kiowa. Their parents were Nettie and Walter Conaway. Moving back to Barber County in Kiowa, Faye said, “We felt we needed to be creative and do something for the community – leave a good mark on the community.” The couple owns 11 rental properties in Kiowa. Faye said they receive several calls daily from people inquiring about a place to stay in Kiowa. Her son Mike Bauerlein is a general contractor and is building the motel. Faye said the motel is independentlyowned and designed as an enclosed onestory structure. Entry to rooms will be through the lobby. Bob and Faye will be hands-on man-

agement “for a while until we feel confident to turn it over.” The motel features living quarters for a manager. Faye said from the beginning they’ll hire people for housekeeping. Bob said that weather cooperating, they hope to have the motel’s roof on by Christmas, so work can be done inside throughout the winter. They hope to be open for business in April or May – June

at the latest. Watch their progress on a website Faye created for the business – Longtime Kiowa resident Dean Brintnall and his wife reside directly east of the new motel site. Bob said that Dean already told him he wants the first reservation – “to be our first paying customer.”

Bob Pedigo and Faye Conaway stand at the construction site of the new motel they are building on the south end of Kiowa, Kan., that will open in late spring 2013. Photo by Yvonne Miller

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Waynoka FFA member a finalist for national award at 85th National FFA Convention & Expo Meriwether competed for Beef Production - Entrepreneurship award A local FFA member, already immersed in a hands-on experience aimed to jump-start careers in agriculture, can add one more impressive achievement:

Layne Meriwether

national finalist. Layne Meriwether of the Waynoka FFA was one of four national finalists for the Beef Production - Entrepreneurship proficiency award at the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis. The Beef Production - Entrepreneurship area is sponsored nationally by Bayer Animal Health as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The National FFA Organization’s Agricultural Proficiency Awards program recognizes outstanding student achievement in agribusiness gained through establishment of a new business, working for an existing company or otherwise gaining hands-on career experience. It serves as the award structure for an FFA member’s Supervised Agricultural Experience (mandatory for all FFA members) that is designed to develop specialized skills in 49 categories that they can apply toward their future careers. Awards, like the Beef Production - Entrepreneurship Award, are available at the local, state and national levels. Meriwether became eligible for the national contest after winning the Oklahoma state FFA competition earlier this year, and will take home a $500 award plus a special plaque. Layne Meriwether

of the Waynoka FFA Chapter in Oklahoma remembers riding along with his dad on farm chores and naming all of the cows. His first show heifer, Honeygal, became the foundation of his beef cattle herd. Meriwether has worked to improve his herd’s genetics through an effective artificial insemination and embryo transfer program. He is supported by his parents Kelly and Michael, and his FFA advisor Jorge Huizar. ‘ More information can be found online about the Agricultural Proficiency Awards (, the Supervised Agricultural Experience ( SAE) and the 85a’ National FFA Convention & Expo ( on the National FFA Organization’s web site, About National FFA Organization The National FFA Organization is a national youth organization of 557,318 student members as part of 7,498 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The National FFA Organization operates under a federal charter granted by the 81 st United States Congress and it is an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set direction for FFA as a service to state and local agricultural education programs. For more, visit the National FFA Organization online at, on Facebook, Twitter and the official National FFA Organization blog.

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The Aline-Cleo High School Academic Team recently participated in Districts at Cherokee. From here, they will go on to compete in Regionals at Oilton on November 10. Lindsey Headlee is the academic team sponsor. Pictured front row left to right is Capri Gahr, Morgan Gregory, Willow Gahr, Lori Miller, Kara Hamen and back row is Justin Dobbs, Kevin Cosper, Kevin Wallace, Nathan Dobbs, Tanner Swinney, Kris Robinson.

Budy Serves as Waynoka FFA Sentinel

By Josiah Darr Colton Budy has been serving as the Waynoka FFA Sentinel for 2012-2013. Colton is the son of Chad and Danielle Budy. He has two brothers, Tabor and Davin, and one sister Sagelyn. Colton enjoys hunting, fishing, riding his dirt bike, playing sports, and helping his dad on their farm. His school activities include football, basketball, track, FFA ,

FCCLA, FCA, and 4H. This is Colton’s second year of being an active FFA member. Besides being an officer, he has participated in speech contests, livestock judging, fair exhibits, and attended state convention. As an officer, Colton wants his contribution to be making his generation aware of the importance of agriculture and to get more people involved in FFA

and agriculture.

Colton Budy

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Local FFA members help to package one million meals FFA Rally to Fight Hunger was part of the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo More than 9,500 FFA members, advisors and guests took part in the FFA Rally to Fight Hunger, October 24-26, in Indianapolis. One million meals were packaged in just 20 hours, with half of the meals staying in the Indianapolis area and half going to Haiti. The Rally was a highlight of the 85th National FFA Convention & Expo. Working with Kids Against Hunger, a humanitarian food-aid organization, FFA members from across the nation assembled meals to provide relief from hunger and malnutrition. Members of the South Barber FFA chapter that participated included: Micaela Kirkwood, Montana McCullough, Travis Hoch, Clay Holcomb and Ana Wilhelm. The FFA Rally to Fight Hunger was sponsored in part by Dow Agrosciences; Elanco; Farmers Feeding the World; Howard G. Buffett Foundation; Land O’Lakes, Inc.; Monsanto; Tyson Foods, Inc.; American Family Insurance; Archer Daniels Midland Company; BKD CPAs and Advisors; Cargill; Hormel Foods Corporation and Pacers Sports & Entertainment as a special project of the National FFA Foundation.

L to R: Micaela Kirkwood, Montana McCullough, Travis Hoch, Ana Wilhelm and Clay Holcomb

From Page 14


Brandon Poland expressed concern that a Hold Harmless agreement might not be enough in case of an accident. “We must have someone be responsible for any group out there,” Poland said. He was firm that the group using the range should have insurance. The course was the next day on Saturday. Poland also voiced concern that allowing the use would set a precedent for others who might want to use the shooting range in the future.

At the meeting via telephone, Councilman Mark Lambert moved to allow the Hunter Safety Course be held at the shooting range. Councilman Brian Hill seconded the motion. Those two voted yes. Poland and Bill Watson voted no. Councilman Russel Molz was absent from the meeting. Mayor Brandon Farney broke the tie with a yes vote. So the Hunter Safety Course was held at the city shooting range. No accidents were reported.

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Constien participates in High School Administrators’ Program Peggy Constien, superintendent at Waynoka Schools, is one of 28 school administrators from across Oklahoma participating in this year’s High School Administrators’ Program (HSAP), sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education. “This program helps administrators better understand the CareerTech

system,” said Marc Montrose, regional administrator at the state’s CareerTech agency. “They also learn of the latest information on career options, as they relate to CareerTech programs offered both at their schools and at their local technology centers.” Topics included program content and standards, integrating academic

skills, effective teaching techniques, and student organizations. Phil Berkenbile, state CareerTech director, said the program helps participants understand Career Tech’s education goals and purposes. “These school administrators play a very important role in helping us build OklahomaCareer Tech’s national reputation,” said Berkenbile. “Working together ensures educational programs are high quality and up-to-date.”

CareerTech Regional Administrator Marc Montrose presents a certificate of completion to Peggy Constien, superintendent of Waynoka Schools.

The Aline-Cleo fast-pitch softball team has received from OSSAA the Distinguished Academic Plaque, for having a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and ranking in the upper10 percent of its classification. Team members pictured from the left are (front row) Capri Gahr, Willow Gahr, Lori Miller, Ashlee Beckwith; (back row) Chelsea Moore, Shycotta Tomlinson, Ariel Raver, and Kara Hamen.

Waynoka FFA Secretary

By Josiah Darr Kaylee Tyson is serving as the Waynoka FFA’s 2012-2013 Secretary. Kaylee is the daughter of Kimberlee and Kenneth Vendetti. She has two brothers Waylon Vendetti and Brandon Tyson. Kaylee is an active student at Waynoka High School, and is involved in many school activities. She participates in basketball, track, cheerleading, FCCLA, FFA, and the academic team. Kaylee has been an involved FFA member for two years. Besides being an officer, Kaylee participates in food science competitions and public speaking. Her goal this year as secretary is to become a better leader.

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Poland also mentioned the cost of the hospital’s electrical transformer to carry the load through AEC, which is estimated at $130,000. He knows the hospital will request some financial split for that, since the hospital will be a City of Kiowa electricity customer. Mayor Farney said, “I don’t want to leave the hospital high and dry.” During the council’s discussion, there were many long pauses where no one said a word. Obviously no councilmen felt comfortable making a decision without first talking to hospital reps. So they adjourned their meeting to Tuesday evening. Council Meets with Hospital Reps Along with all councilmen, Hospital CEO Aldeen “Van” Vandeveer attended the meeting, as did hospital board members Robert Stark and Robert Armbruster, both former city councilmen. Stark told the council, “We never intended for the city to pay for this. We

were told we needed fire protection. We think we’re being fair.” Referring to expense of the water line, Start said, “It’s in our project cost.” Stark further said that $60,000 is a guesstimate. “We’re hoping it will come in under that.” When Poland questioned the hospital reps about the project, he said, “Our (the city) financial well-being is our first concern.” Armbruster said obtaining the financial input of the city for the water line is both “a need and desire,” of the hospital board. As Poland asked about the cost of electricity, Stark said the estimate is $130,000. However, he said they are working to get it much lower by going from a 2500 amp transformer to a 1500 amp. “We’re hoping to pull it down under $100,000,” Stark said. “We’re not here to rob anyone,” Stark said. “We’re just trying to build a hospital.” Van told about costs coming in about $600,000 over, and the massive reduction efforts with the planning committee and staff. Some $350,000 of the overage was geo-physical and seis-

mic, he said. Regarding the city paying part of the water line cost, Poland voiced the concern of many councilmen that they would be setting a precedent for future requests. Law said each project could be considered separately. Residential and commercial requests can be handled differently. Law reminded that the city gives some incentives based on employees, etc. With the mixed feelings of council, Mayor Farney asked the hospital group, “If we give 25 percent, how would you feel?” “Obviously very disappointed,” Stark replied. “I believe the city has some obligation to furnish us fire protection.” “Yes, disappointed,” Armbruster said. “But, you have to do what you have to do – and we do too.” After moments of silence, Mayor Farney said, “The door is open for a motion.” Lambert moved to have the city pay 25 percent of the $60,000. Molz seconded the motion. All other councilmen voted in favor, except Poland who voted no, so the motion passed.

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South Barber FFA Land Judging Team and individuals place at contest Miller 2nd, Roark 5th individually among 200 students, Holcomb Top Greenhand What do ribboning soil, calculating erosion and estimating slope all have in common? They are all things that the South Barber FFA Land Judging Teams did on Wednesday, October 3, at the District Land Judging CDE in Lost Springs, Kan. Two hundred FFA members of the South Central District came to test their knowledge of soil textures, land class classifications and homesite evaluation. Of those 200 students, South Barber FFA junior Elizabeth Miller placed second high individual overall. Junior Courtney Roark was 5th high individual. Freshman Clay Holcomb was the high-scoring Greenhand as a member of South Barber’s Greenhand Land Judging Team. South Barber’s “A” Team placed 3rd overall. Members were: Miller; Kiera Yates who placed 16th overall; Morgan Meyers, 17th overall; and Paige Koblitz, 22nd overall. South Barber’s “B” Team placed 4th overall. Members were: Roark; Riley Denton, 14th overall; and Peyton Reeves, 40th overall.

Greenhand Land Judging Team members were: Holcomb; Trenton Ja-

hay, 8th overall; and Ana Wilhelm, 9th overall.

South Barber’s Greenhand Land Judging Team members are: (l-r) Ana Wilhelm, Clay Holcomb and Trenton Jahay.

South Barber’s FFA “A” Team members who placed 3rd at the District Land Judging Contest are: (back l-r) Paige Ko- South Barber’s FFA “B” Team members who placed 4th blitz and Kiera Yates; (front) Elizabeth Miller and Morgan at the District Land Judging Contest are: (l-r) Courtney Roark, Peyton Reeves and Riley Denton Myers

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Temporary Web Site Location

Our original web site is being redesigned. We are expecting it to be up December 1.

Order your football photos while they are still online. Basketball Season in About to Begin

Three ways to see the photo gallery!

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Congratulations to Burlington Homecoming Court

On November 1, 2012, Basketball Homecoming was celebrated at the Burlington High School Gym. The attendants included, from left, Brandon Gosselin, Carter Stewart, Tyler Flackman and P. J. Stewart. The Queen is Tiffany Rieger with King Lane Newlin. Continuing on to the right is Karis Keele, Katelyn Garvie, Ashley Armbruster and Jessica Ferrell. Photo by Lynn L. Martin

We feature this photo to remind everyone that Alva State Bank has branches in Burlington and Enid, Oklahoma, with the main office being in Alva.

518 College Ave. Alva, OK 73717 580-327-3300

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Log

October 29, 2012 11:28 a.m. trailer with no lights westbound on Hwy 64, 2 W of Ingersoll, ACSO advised Woods Co. 5:25 p.m. keys locked in car at Aline School, advised deputy, respondent advised they got the door open, do not need an officer now. 6:43 p.m. deer hit on Hwy 11, 1 mile E of Devine Water Plant, deer was in the westbound lane and still alive, advised deputy, someone has already moved deer off the roadway. 8:13 p.m. stolen debit card from Carmen, respondent advised he knew who had it, he knew he had made charges to the card because he called the Jiffy Trip and they advised he did used the card, deputy advised to TT Enid PD & Garfield Co to look for subject at Best Western Motel in Enid. 8:37 p.m. medical call to 500 block of W Main in Jet, there is a 1st Responder on scene, the man’s knee is shattered and they cannot move him or they will hurt him worse, advised Helena Ambulance and they advised to call Cherokee, Cherokee Ambulance advised & enroute. October 30, 2012 12:20 a.m. cattle in yard and in the road at 700 block of N 9th in Kiowa, advised Barber Co. 8:16 a.m. keys locked in vehicle at the gas pump in Cherokee, CPD will not unlock vehicles anymore, deputy was advised and enroute, vehicle was unlocked a few minutes ago. 9:36 a.m. accident, seriousness unknown 1 W of Cherokee Sale Barn, semi trailer has turned over, roadway is blocked, OHP & deputy was advised, company has called their wrecker. 9:42 a.m. alarm sounding 13 W of Co line 2 S, deputy advised and enroute, set off by visitors. 10:30 a.m. helicopter running cattle S of Helena, respondent advised a helicopter was flying over S of Helena running cattle, there is a seismograph crew there and they have a helicopter dropping things on certain spots in the field, deputy took call. 4:40 p.m. fire N & W of Cherokee, wanted to know if we knew of any controlled burns, deputy advised the smoke was coming from Kansas not Alfalfa Co. 11:43 p.m. suspicious truck in Carmen, car with 2 males and 1 female outside Jiffy Trip, was the same pickup that they were concerned about and wanted

an officer to come while she finished closing the store, respondent advised she had her friend come and waited with her, advised deputy. October 31, 2012 11:30 a.m. grass fire 5 W of Jet, respondent advised his pickup started the fire when it was cutting out and he pulled over, Jet FD was paged out, JFD is enroute. 12:01 p.m. medical call to 600 block of S Grand in Carmen, individual needs to go to St. Mary’s, Carmen Rescue & Helena was advised, Carmen Rescue advised ambulance is there and is going to St. Mary’s. 5:52 p.m. fire in ditch 1.3 miles S of Buds Salvage, respondent advised her husband just called and advised a big truck went off the road and into a ditch and started a fire and back on the hwy, advised Aline FD & deputy, deputy advised Aline FD that there was a small fire beside the bridge and they could go ahead and put it out. 8:43 p.m. medical call to 600 block of Maple in Burlington, individual is sick, was at the ER this afternoon, can’t get up to go to the bathroom, needs an ambulance, did not want any lights and sirens, advised CPD. November 1, 2012 5:57 p.m. cow out on Jackson & CR 630, gave tag number and who the animal might belong to, tried calling possible owner, no response, advised cow went back into fence. 7:03 p.m. wide load headed west on Hwy 11 almost swiped them with no guide car, believed it was a combine because truck and trailer with header was behind the load, advised deputy & OHP, advised take no further action, was already parked at Ingersoll. 8:01 p.m. major accident 7 miles W of Helena, a motorcycle had an accident, man is hurt, needs ambulance on scene, OHP had a report of the wreck so had already been contacted, advised Helena Ambulance & 1st Responders, deputy not needed, ambulance enroute to St. Mary’s. 8:16 p.m. minor accident 3 miles S of Cherokee, car had hit a deer and he was stopping to see if they needed an ambulance or what was going on, advised OHP, driver did not need a report if no ambulance or 1st Responders was needed, advised deputy of what was said, advised man he needed to see a medical person to

look at him but he refused, CPD advised the vehicle and the person were picked up and taken to Jet by another person, vehicle is being towed, advised deputy. November 2, 2012 10:27 a.m. trespassing at Alfalfa/Major Co line on 58, white vehicle was on her property and did not have permission, thinks may be hunting, had knocked on door by the time she got there they were driving off. 2:19 p.m. grass fire 1 ½ E of Cozy Curve on Hwy 64, CFD was called out, JFD was paged, JFD advised they are going on to the scene in case Cherokee needs help. 4:32 p.m. fire 1 mile E of Osage Rd 1 mile S of state line, advised to call Burlington FD to assist, paged Burlington, never got an answer back, respondent advised to take no further action, they had it under control, advised Burlington FD. 8:48 p.m. speeding down road at 3rd & maple in Carmen, respondent advised that her ex boyfriend keeps speeding up and down her road, has asked him to stop speeding and peeling out, he was also a sex offender that hadn’t registered in Carmen yet, gave description of car, deputy advised he would go talk to him, also advise that he has registered in the county as a sex offender so that was false information given by respondent. 11:08 p.m. water coming from upper apartment in Cherokee, water coming from her ceiling at her bathroom door, advised CPD. November 3, 2012 3:54 p.m. fender bender in parking lot at Smok Shak, requested an officer to come out, OHP was notified. 4:09 p.m. kids on 4 wheelers in Carmen, going really fast up and down the street, lots of younger kids playing outside that she was worried that one would get ran over, deputy advised. November 4, 2012 12:30 a.m. dead deer in road E of Nash about 1 E of 132, advised Grant Co. 3:55 p.m. 4-wheelers speeding in Carmen, 3 4-wheelers speeding up and down the road all over town, deputy advised that a very firm warning was given. 5:09 p.m. hit a deer over by McWillie, would like to file a report, advised Helena PD. See Sheriff Page 56

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Alfalfa County Court Filings According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Civil Filings Ken Robert Butler vs. Chaparral Energy LLC: Terminating oil & gas lease ($140.70). Sammie Jester etal vs. Leona B. Potter etal: Quiet title ($140.70). Deaconess Health System LLC vs. David Lee Wanzer: Suit on account ($205.70). Southwestern Bell Telephone vs.

Michael Wayne Jones: Damages for an amount more than $3,500 ($205.70). Hungerford Oil & Gas Inc. vs. Sundance Energy Company: Breach of contract ($218.70). Small Claims Filings Sara Beth Whitesides vs. Eva Whitesides: Indebtedness for an amount more than $4,500 ($208). Marriage Filings Charles Robert Paul Grayson, 31, Cherokee and Becky Lynn Brand, 36, Cherokee: Marriage ceremony performed by judge ($60). Paternity Filings State of Oklahoma vs. Jeremy Douglas Septer and Benita Marie Newman: Paternity ($135.70). Child Support Filings State of Oklahoma vs. Dianne M. Segura: Reciprocal ($201.40). Traffic Filings Danny Lee Jennings, 49, Jet: Operat-

ing a M/V w/out a valid DL ($256.50). Jerome Roscoe Dimmitt, 54, Woodward: Transporting open container of beer ($316). Wesley George Little, 36, Amarillo, TX: Operating a M/V w/out a valid DL ($256.50). • The following individuals received a citation for speeding: Ted Dante Hall, 23, Hartshorne: 1114 over ($226.50); Christopher Lynn Seal, 40, Cordell: 1-10 over ($188.50); Danny Lee Jennings, 49, Jet: 1-10 over ($188.50); David Ray Meyer, 55, Waukomis: 16-20 over ($241.50); Antonio Jose Garcia, 31, Grand Prairie, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50); Gentry Keith Ewing, 24, Fort Worth, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50). • The following individuals received a citation for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine): David Ray Meyer, 55, Waukomis; Zackery Lain Perot, 22, Campti, LA.

Alfalfa County Real Estate Transactions — Start Book 693, page 625 Real Estate Transfers • John Erskine aka John K. Erskine to John and Patsy Erkine Family Trust, John K. Erkine and/or Patsy Ruth Erskine, Co-Trustees: the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 27 North , Range 12 WIM; warranty deed. • Diana K. Meeker and Ross Wayne Meeker to Crystal McCracken: all grantor’s interest in a tract of land as described in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 26 North, Range 9 WIM; quit claim deed. • Dirk Bagenstos and Lesley Dawn Bagenstos aka Lesley Dawn Barrett Bagenstos to Deloris E. Barrett: an undivided 26.41 acres, in and to the East Half of the West Half of Section 5, Township 26 North, Range 10 WIM; correction quit claim deed. • Vicki Lynn Hein to Richard E. Williams: Lots 1 and 2, Block 157, Carmen Original; quit claim deed. • Lois Kassik to Leona Dee Stonehocker: Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Block 46 in the Original Town of Carmen; quit claim deed. • Ellen Kuepfer and Cari Kuepfer and Gene Kuepfer and Becky Kuepfer

to Davy Joseph Kuepfer: All of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 32 in the original Town of Goltry; quit claim deed. • Jeffrey Coy Troutt, as Successor Trustee of the Troutt Family Revocable Trust dated Jan. 8, 2004 to Timothy Ray Troutt: (1) West one-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM; (2) Lots 11 and 12, all in Block 39 of the Original Town of Helena; and (3) an undivided onefourth interest in the Southeast Quarter, Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 11 WIM; trustee’s deed. • Jeffrey Coy Troutt, as Successor Trustee of the Troutt Family Revocable Trust dated Jan. 8, 2004 to Jeffrey Coy Troutt: (1) a tract of land as described in the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 24 North, Range 11 WIM; (2) the West one-half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM; (3) the North 65 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Block 7 in the High School Addition to the Town of Helena; and (4) the West Half of the South Half f the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM; trustee’s deed. • Jeffrey Coy Troutt, as Successor Trustee of the Troutt Family Revoca-

ble Trust dated Jan. 8, 2004 to Thomas Ralph Troutt: (1) the East one-half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 27 North, Range 11 WIM; (2) an undivided one-fourth interest in the Southeast Quarter, Section 27, Township 29 North, Range 11 WIM. • Mary-Blue Ster and John Ster to T. J. Allison and Nicole Allison: Lots 1 and 2 and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter ada the Northwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 27 North, Range 10 WIM (as described); warranty deed. • Mary-Blue Ster and John Ster to T. J. Allison and Nicole Allison: a tract of land as described in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 27 North, Range 10 WIM aka Lots 3 and 4 and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 27 North, Range 10 WIM; warranty deed. • Jimmy Lee McDonald and Mary E. McDonald to Billy L. Sharp: all that portion of the South Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 26 North, Range 11 WIM, as described; warranty deed. • Velda L. Dotterer to Howard Stout and Janice Stout: Lots 1-4 inclusive and See Real

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Barber County Sheriff’s Log

10-29-12 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. 10-29-12 Deputy English investigated a report of theft of road signs. 10-30-12 Merrisa Blystra, Medicine Lodge, driving a 1999 Olds struck a deer on U281 near Gerlane. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Sheriff Tomson. 10-30-12 Thomas Becker, Pratt, driving a 1996 Chev SUV struck a deer on U281 about 1 mile north of Medicine Lodge. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Hall. 10-30-12 Deputy Hall investigated oil field thefts near Hazelton. 10-30-12 Sun City, lake City, Deerhead/Aetna, and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a grass fire on U160 near the BarberComanche County Line. 10-30-12 Kiowa Rural, Medicine Lodge Rural, Lake City, Union Chapel, Sharon, Deerhead/Aetna, and Elwood Township Volunteer Fire Departments

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Sheriff 6:30 p.m. truck driving fast in Carmen, respondent advised her ex was driving up and down her street really fast, he is not registered in Carmen as sex offender, deputy is going to call respondent. 10:08 p.m. keys locked in car in Carmen, is on their way to work at Crabtree, deputy advised car unlocked. November 5, 2012 3:21 a.m. request for ambulance N of Cherokee, advised CPD, just paged out ambulance for another call, CPD advised they can call an EMT in town to go to this call, ambulance enroute, deputy request call ME, ME advised, request call funeral home in Alva, deputy released from scene.

responded to a grass fire north of Laswell. 10-30-12 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Washington Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 10-30-12 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from northwest of Hazelton to Kiowa Hospital and thence to Wichita. 10-31-12 Grant Unruh, Great Bend, driving a 2010 Ford PU struck a deer on U281 near 99 Springs. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Sheriff Tomson. 10-31-12 Leta Phillips, Hazelton, driving a 2012 Ford SUV struck a deer on K2 near the Medicine River. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Hall. 10-31-12 Deputy Hall investigated a report of theft in Sharon. 11-02-12 James Krebs, Rome, New York, driving a 2012 Dodge PU struck a deer on the Gyp Hill Road near Red Rock Road. Over $1,000 damage, no

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injury, accident investigated by Sheriff Tomson. During the week officers received three reports of cattle out; one report of horses out; one report of goats out; performed 14 Public Assists; and assisted 6 other agencies. Arrests: 10-29-12 William L Peterson, Galena, Missouri, W/M, 40. Arrest by BASO. Charge: DUI. Released 10-3012 on $750 Surety Bond. 10-30-12 Timothy L Reynolds, Kiowa, W/M, 52. Arrest by KWPD. Charges: Criminal Damage to Property 2. Domestic Battery. Released 11-02-12 on $1,000 Surety Bond. 11-02-12 Samuel C Harris, Hazelton, B/M, 25. Arrest by BASO. Charges: DUI 2. Possess Marijuana. Released 11-02-12 on $2,500 Surety Bond. 11-02-12 Tylar N Holmes, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 18. Arrest by MLPD. Charges: Contributing to a Child’s Misconduct 2. Furnishing Alcohol to Minor 3. Minor Possess Alcohol.

Real Estate

Lots 7-12 in Block 74 in Park Addition to of Cherokee. • Doug Whittet and RoseMary Whittet to Kenny R. Lanman Jr., and Deanna D. Lanman: Lots 15 and 16 in Block 33 in the Original Town of Cherokee; warranty deed. • Juanita Parr, Trustee of the James Howard Parr Marital Exemption Trust, a sub-trust of the Revocable Trust of the James Howard Parr aka Howard Parr dated April 29, 1993; Jack Parr, Trustee of the Jack Parr Living Trust dated Mar. 12, 1992 and amended Sept. 23, 2000; and Juanita Parr, Trustee of the Juanita Parr Trust dated April 29, 1993 to (1)|Juanita Parr, Trustee of the Juanita Parr Trust dated April 29, 1993: the East 96 acres of that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 28 North, Range 10 WIM lying North and West of the former K.C.M.&O. Railroad right of way; and to (2) Carol Parr, Trustee of the Carol Parr Living Trust dated Mar. 12, 1992: the West 26 acres of that part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 28 North, Range 10

WIM lying North and West of the former K.C.M.&O. Railroad right of way; quit claim deed. Mortgages • Kenneth Jordan and Anita Jordan to Farmers Exchange Bank (Helena, OK): all of the East Half of Block 4 of Cary’s Addition to the Town of Jet, aka the Town of New Jet; $155,000. • Ken Robert Butler to Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma PCA (Alva, OK): the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 29 North, Range 12 WIM; $40,000. • Billy L. Sharp to ACB Bank (Cherokee, OK): all that portion of the South Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 26 North, Range 11 WIM, as described; $57,228.30. • Howard Stout and Janet Stout to ACB Bank (Cherokee, OK): Lots 1-4 inclusive and Lots 7-12 in Block 74 in Park Addition to of Cherokee; $55,392.40. • Kenny R. Lanman Jr., and Deanna D. Lanman: Lots 15 and 16 in Block 33 in the Original Town of Cherokee; $30,180.57

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Specialty Sandwiches & Soup

Animals and Pets

Business Services

For Sale

10 Hour DUI School

Excellent 4-H projects! Broke And Victims Impact Panel Horses & Kid Ponies. Riding this weekend at New Hope nice. 785-764-1150 Counseling. Call to enroll 580748-0692 For Sale Alva Sewing Center 5 Adorable puppies. 3 1/2 mo old. Need good homes. 3 Black F. 2 Come join us for a fun-filled Brown F. 1/2 Pug 1/2 Schnauzer. Hands-On exp with Viking $50/Each. 580-603-1605 educator Marsha Kirsch. Special pricing, financing (wac) and Horshoeing/Trimming great prices for all Trade-Ins Educated, experienced and to attendees only. Machines reliable Farrier Services. 580- are limited, attendance by 748-1899. Charlee Locke reservations only. RSVP today for your spot. Nov 17, 2012 at For Sale 9am or 1:30pm. 428 Flynn Street. 10 week old Morkie. F. Shots/ 580-327-3312 Wormed. 580-596-2781 or 580Pasture Tree Clearing 884-0243 Save moisture and Grass. Let me Missing clear trees in your pasture. Skid Large White/Gray Male cat 4 Steer and Marshall Tree Saw. Ed miles north of Hatfiled Pond. Grover. 580-474-2465 or 580Missing collar. Reward. Please 542-0298 call 580-327-7943 New Releases Automotive New on Blu-Ray and DVD this For Sale week at Rialto Video. “Amazing Spiderman” and “Arthur ‘11 Ford F150 XLT Crew, 2wd, Christmas” V6, Sync, 46K, $21,900. 580445-5145 Looks That Last For Sale ‘03 Grand Prix. 121,065 miles. AC blows cold, interior & exterior rough, brand new tires $2500 obo. 580-327-3266 or

on your home, that is. We’ll help you make a timeless masterpiece of your home. WFM Total Construction, LLC. 580-327-7935. www.


Page 57

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Want good food?

Gloss Mountain Homes

Kasie Mae’s Cafe in Cleo Springs (412 N. Park - 1 blk west of the bank) has a solution for you! Come try for yourself - the best chicken fried steak in Major County. We also have iced cold beer! 580-438-2259.

Custom, quality-built, ready to move homes.Come see us or check us out on our websitegoogle search:Gloss Mountain Homes-click Located at 2004 Commerce, Fairview, OK. 580-227-3393.

Perfect Time Of Year

Pony Boy Lures & Guns

Get your trees and shrubs trimmed and cleaned up. Call 580-732-3472. Please leave message. Free estimates

600 Mimosa, Alva, OK. 580327-1233, 580-430-5547. Archery work every Wednesday. All types pistols, rifles, shotguns, revolvers, Madd XD sunglasses. Very low Price

Therapeutic Massage only 17 days until Black Friday. Feeling stressed yet? Call for your appointment 580-748-0189 or book online www.allknottedup. Jamie Kilmer RN, BSN, Certified Massage Therapist. 912 Ridgeway Rd. Alva Yippee!!! The elections are finally over. Hope your picks won. I am hunting for a bookie to place a bet on how soon future candidates will be announcing they are running

For Your Const Needs From A-Z, New Construction, Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Improve the value of your home. Call 580-7321028 Depot Bar & Grill

Wed Lunch Special-Pork Loin, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Pumpkin Pie. ThurChicken Noodle Casserole, Salad, French Bread, Pineapple Sheet Cake. Fri-Chicken Fry, CC Construction Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Interior-Exterior improvements. Roll, Chocolate Pound Cake. Room additions. Plaster Repair Full menu everyday. Carry-Out & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. available. 580-327-2212. Structural and non-structural Your Last Diet concrete. Will also accommodate Farm & Ranch. Workers Comp New weight loss clinic featuring and Liability Insurance. 580-307- Ideal Protein. 324 College, Alva. Call for consultation now. 4598 or 620-825-4285. 580-542-0823 Computer Plus Need New Sidewalks? For all computer repair needs. Call Adam Swallow at 580- Driveway perhaps, we do all 327-4449 or 580-748-2349 or types of concrete work. Stamp come by 1329 Fair. Will do local and Colors also avail. Give us a call for estimate. 580-732-1028 housecalls


Page 58

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Conceal & Carry

Help Wanted

One day class (in Cherokee) Nov Tractor & Farm Equipment 10. Call for registration 580-541- Mechanic full-time. Farm 7425. Equipment Detail & light mechanic work position, FullNeed extra cash? time or part-time. Competitive Avon’s for you! Flexible hours wages & benefits. Pickup and $10 to start. Call 580- application at Devery Implement. 327-1905 or 748-2272 for 327 Barnes, Alva information. Gambino’s Pizza Massages by Vanna Now hiring Full/Part Time Day Schedule your massage & foot help and Delivery Drivers. Apply detox today at The Heatwave! today @ 720 Oklahoma Blvd. Couples/Friend detox $40 (a Help Wanted savings of $20) Come detox and relax together! Students receive Independent Contractor needed $15 off massages. Like us on for Alva & Surrounding areas for Facebook. Massages by Vanna Beaver Express. Contact Craig 580-727-5209. Horsman at 918-639-2949 Employment

Beadles Nursing Home

Now Hiring

Has positions open for CNA/ CMA, Housekeeping, and dishwasher/kitchen cleaner. Some weekends required. Benefits available. Includes Health, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance & Vacation. Apply in person - 916 Noble in Alva. EOE

Crane Operator NCCO certified with CDL. Crane Rigger Certified with 2+ yr exp, more exp will up the pay on rig moves. CDL Drivers exp w/bed truck, pole truck and forklift operations. Swampers minimum of 4 yr exp in the oil field with clean driving record. Location Alva, OK. Top wages paid. Health Insurance, 401K, paid vacation. Mail Resume to F & S Trucking PO Box 986, Alva, OK 73717 email Nicholas Services is now hiring Class A Drivers for all shifts. Earn over$1500/ Weekly. $17-$19.50 Hourly. Excellent Benefits. Over 30 years in Business. Come be a valued member of our growing company that takes pride in our equipment and provides extensive oilfield training. Drug Testing Required. 620-930-7511

Top Pay! Vacuum Truck Drivers needed in Alva area. Must have 2 years driving experience, Hazmat Endorsement, with good driving record and able to pass drug test. $500 Sign-On Bonus. Call 580327-2327 or 936-590-9961 Share Medical Center is looking for Part-Time ER Registration Clerk, Certified Home Health Aide and Licensed Staff for Hospital Floor. We offer medical, dental and retirement benefits. Pick-Up application at hospital lobby or call 580-4303313 for more information


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November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


Page 60

Help Wanted

Huge Indoor 3 Family

Garage Sale

Team Counselor Position avail. All applicants must have a Master’s Degree in a Mental Health Treatment Field. Licensable in Okla. by one of the following license boards, LPC, LMFT or LCSW. We offer a full range of benefits and competitive salary. Contact Stan Bowman at 1300 Summers Place, Ponca City, OK 74604 Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. 580-762-4156. EOE

Cherokee Fairgrounds Exhibit Bldg. Fri 3-7pm. Sat 8am-noon. Boys, girls & womens clothing, yard toys, lots of home decor & horse tack

Thur & Fri 4-? Sat 8am-? Items added daily. 1329 Choctaw

Share Convalescent Home

Moving Sale

is looking for Day Shift and Evening Shift CNA’s, CMA’s, LPN’s and RN’s. We offer medical, dental and retirements benefits. Pick-Up application at hospital lobby or call 580-430-3313 for more information

Sat.,Nov 10th, 9am-?? 514 E. Barnes in Alva - Vanna Irion. Household items, kitchen items, Silpada jewelry, Coach items, Holiday items, baby items, shoes, little boys clothes NB-2T, Women’s clothes Size 0-4, OverStock coupon items and much much more! Come See Us!!!

Farm Supplies For Sale Wylie Sprayer 1000 gallon 80ft Pull-Type. Always shedded. Excellent condition $12,000. 580-829-1866 or 580-327-3205 Garage Sales Multifamily Garage Sale Sat Nov 10 8am-? in white barn W of 419 E 8th in Cherokee, OK. Adult clothes & shoes, boys/girls clothes, coats, sweatshirts, kitchen items, small furniture, craft item & lots more

Ware Estate Sale 714 11th. Thur & Fri 9am. Sofa, end tables, baby bed, other furniture, lots of home decor, china sets, silverware, Franciscan Ware, pots & pans, ladders, & lots more

Garage Sale Kids clothes, toys, Scentsy (new scents), misc, Fri 3-6pm. Sat 9am-noon. 1704 Spruce. Alva Living Estate Sale Fri 2-6pm. Sat 8am-4pm. 930 Church. Lots of glassware, some antiques, framed art work, something for everyone. Lots of misc For Sale Small Sq Bales, clipping Alfalfa $10/$11.50. Also #2 Grass Hay $4.50. 580-829-1866 or 580-327-3205. Could Deliver

Huge Moving Sale From Alva go 3 m.n. on 281 and 6 m.e. on Jefferson Road. Fri and Sat 8am-6pm. Sat 1pm-6pm Half Price. Miscellaneous For Sale 370 sq. ft, 16’ tall cold storage room with compressor and fans. Loaded on trailer for transport or delivered to your site within 40 miles of DeVine Water Plant. $5,000 obo. Contact 580-748-0789. For Sale 4 OU vs Baylor Tickets, Nov 10. $77/ each. Will sell in pairs. 580-327-7746 or 580-829-1981 How’s That Again? Never trust a politician willing to be photographed with no shirt, wearing a leather vest while sitting on a Harley, but not willing to take a breathalyzer test! No Coupon Needed! We are already giving $225 for small cars and up to $400 for large cars and PU’s. Scribner Salvage. 1208 Fair. Alva. 580327-1313 LEPC Meeting Fri Nov 9 at 1:30 at Northwest Technology Center, Alva. Everyone Welcome Found




Hitch Ball assembly. North Dacoma Road. 580-884-1379 If You Need NIMS 700-100-200 come to Cherokee Fire Dept on Nov 17 at 9am For Sale Antique Pump Style Gas Pump. Propane 30/Gal Hot Water Tank. 580-327-2305

Continued on page 62

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 61

November 7, 2012 Fall Open House Blessings Unlimited (Christian Home Decor). Nov 13 6-7:30pm. 44848 Jay Rd. Alva. 60% off Select products w/orders of $40 or more. Scentsy & Velata (chocolate fondue warmer) Spend $50 get 20% off any item. Spend $100 get an item 1/2 price. To preview catalogs for early orders please call 620-825-6130

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram For Sale Lift Chair/Recliner. 580-327-0583 Donate Clothing?

Sorry for the sidewalk construction mess, the Rialto will still be open during the renovation

The annual “Warmth for Winter” clothing and blanket collection by the College Hill Church of Christ is in progress. Be kind and help those who may not have enough funds by donating your used (clean, with no repairs needed) clothes for all ages. Men’s slacks and blankets are especially needed. Leave at the church building in the storage trailer behind. Thanks. Call 580-327-0130 with questions.

EG Pumpkin Rolls

To Give Away

Excuse the Mess

$12.50. Del 11/11. Call 580-430-5796 to order OU Tickets for Sale Sat Nov 10. 2 tickets OU/Baylor. Call 580-829-1262 or 580-327-0801. Wallecia or Mark Hey Kiley! You did a great job on planning the trip to Walt Disney World. That is why I choose McClure Travel for vacation. Where to next? Open House Lincoln Elementary 50th Anniversary. Tue, Nov 208:30-3. If you have any memorabilia from Lincoln Elementary that could be displayed please bring to the school. (make sure name and phone number is on the item)

Piano. 580-327-2377 Real Estate Office Space For Rent Up to 3200 sqft. Includes meeting space, parking, utilities paid. 580-327-2030 TueSat 1-5pm Home For Sale A beautiful thorough and total renovation from the foundation up. Open concept w/ all new electrical, plumbing, insulation, etc. Two all new full bathrooms, new flooring throughout. New exterior siding w/new metal roof. 2bdrm 2bth in Carmen, OK $49,000. 580-430-8364 or 580-4308366 Looking to Rent House that allows Pets and has place for Horses. 580-744-0826 Mobile Home For Sale $7000 obo. For serious inquiries call 580334-1621 For Rent Rooms at Central Hotel in Buffalo, OK. $200/Week. WiFi & Free Laundry facility. 832-360-0779 House For Rent 2bdrm 1 1/2 bth. No Smoking. No Pets. 816 4th Street, Alva. 580-541-1067 For Rent in Cherokee. Sleeping Rooms. Micro Oven, refridge, Dish,. 580-596-2986 For Rent Camper. Call Ted at 316-300-5564


Page 62

RV Park in Country near Carmen, OK. $375/Month. 580-8291958 For Rent RV, boat and car storage, rental and sales. 580-430-6052 Special Gov’t Program! Own Land/Family Land Zero Down! Don’t prejudge your credit. E-Z qualify by phone. 2000 furniture package with purchase. Homes starting at $26,500 and up. W.A.C. 405-631-7600 or 405-6354338 RV Space For Rent $350/Mo. 620-229-3593 New Home for Sale Gloss Mountain Homes - 1,862 sq.ft. quality built ready to move home with 3 bedrooms. Beautiful home ready to move to your location. Come check it out. 580227-3393. For Rent of Sale 4bdrm, 1 1/2 bth. 580-430-5530. 115 E Center New RV Park Opening Very nice, quiet, secluded park with water, sewer, electric and WiFi included. $1100/ month for Mobile Home and $600/month for RV. Only 4 miles out of Alva. Taking deposits now to reserve spots. Call 580327-2327 or 936-590-9961 for more information Mobile Home For Rent 3bdrm 2bth, $1600/Mo. Appliances provided. Near Burlington, OK. Can be partially furnished. 620-229-3593 For Sale 520 E 5th. Cherokee. 3/4 bdrms. Over 2000 sqft plus garage with apt on 1 acre. $85,000. 580-748-1597 RV’s For Rent Clean & Comfortable. All bills paid. 830220-3858 Custom Country Home on 7 acres. Built in 2008. For appointment call 806-344-6570

November 7, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 63

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