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Charges filed while trying to remove tree limbs

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Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 6 p.m. Free weight loss support, 12 week session, Sept. 12-Dec. 12. Weighins start at 6 p.m., meeting 6:30-7:30, First United Methodist Church, children may attend church sponsored activities while adults meet.

7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 2 p.m. Holly Club will meet at the Elizabeth Parkhurst home. 5:30 p.m. Alva Weight Watchers meet at College Hill Church of Christ.

8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 3 p.m. NWOSU soccer will host East Central at the Alva Recreation Complex. 7:30 p.m. Alva High School will host Perry for football at Ranger Stadium.

Attempt to remove tree limb results in domestic assault and battery charge By Marione Martin On Sept. 15, Alfalfa County Deputy Blake Trekell was dispatched to near McWillie for a domestic situation. When he arrived at the William and Cassandra Oakes residence, he saw Cassandra sitting in a red pickup. She exited the pickup, and they talked in the front yard. According to Trekell’s affidavit in the case, Cassandra told him that a tree limb had fallen on power lines running into their trailer house. She said they went outside to attempt to drag the limb off the lines with a pickup, as it was too large to remove by hand. She drove the pickup around to the back yard and be-

gan backing up to the limb, trying to follow William’s instructions. She was having a hard time getting the pickup in the position William wanted. She said he grew angry and began hollering and yelling at her. She got out of the pickup and walked toward him, pleading with him to stop hollering at her and calm down. She said he continued to holler at her and threw the tow strap at her head which she dodged. He then walked toward her and shoved her. She said she was in fear of being physically harmed, so slapped him across the face and tried to flee. He grabbed her by the hair as she moved away and pulled her backward into his body and began smashing her face with his left hand, bending her glasses and knocking them off her face. As he smashed the back of her head into his chest, he placed his right forearm across her neck and began applying a large amount of pressure, strangling her and cutting off her supply of air. Cassandra said she struggled and attempted to free herself but was unable to escape. She said she started to black out and thought “this is it.” Cassandra said she got weak and limp and her knees buckled causing her to fall to the ground after she nearly passed out. She said William let go, and when she hit the ground she curled up

so William couldn’t grab her. She said William shoved her one more time, then walked away to get his pickup. She then picked up her glasses and straightened them so she could see; she went back to her pickup and locked herself in it for fear of being around William. Trekell stated he could see red marks and light bruising on Cassandra’s neck that appeared to be from pressure applied to the front of her neck. He had her run her fingers through her hair, and she pulled out a large amount of loose hair. Deputy Trekell went into the trailer to speak with William and get his version of events. He said they got into a verbal argument over Cassandra’s inability to back the pickup to the branch. Trekell stated their stories were similar but William did not say anything about having a hold on her neck although he mentioned Cassandra slapping him. Trekell asked if William ever had his left arm around her neck and he admitted he did. William wrote in a statement, “I grab her around the neck from behind with my arm so she cannot hit me anymore. I ask her if this is how she wants to do this (fight and argue) I get no reply so I continue to hold her until she goes down to her knees. I then feel comfortSee Charge Page 4

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Alfalfa commissioners approve budget, bridge items By Roger McKenzie The 2012-13 Alfalfa County budget is a bit confusing, as witnessed by Monday’s (Sept. 24) meeting of the Alfalfa County commissioners. They approved that budget, which now goes to the excise board for final approval, as well as several bridge items that bode well for the county’s aggressive bridge building program. In all, the estimate of needs approved by the commissioners Monday totals $3,421,020.78. That total is based primarily on sales tax, property taxes, and fund balance carryover. It does not include some miscellaneous sources of revenue, which could be as high as $1,000,000.00, which makes it a conservative estimate. However, some confusion has crept in because of terminology. Budget maker Buddy Carroll, as he was called at Monday’s meeting, presented the final totals for approval. When asked, he confirmed that the county’s estimate of needs and its budget are essentially the same thing. However, the county commissioners will tell you that the county budget, which is also listed as an estimate of needs in the document approved

Monday, is $1,984,994.33. And so it is, because that is all they intend to spend. The rest, $1,584,994.33, is actually part of the budget, but it is sitting in an account called “contingency.” This amount is not meant to be spent, which makes the budget even more conservative. But it is there, and available in an extreme emergency. The budget is an increase of about $500,000 over last year’s budget of nearly $1.5 million. It includes raises of $200 per month for the county’s administrative deputies. They will make $29,100 under the new budget. Sheriff’s deputies who carry guns and enforce the law will have their salaries raised to $32,000. The commissioners and the other officers of the courthouse are not getting raises. The budget approved Monday is for the courthouse and its employees only. Roads and bridges, for instance, are not part of this budget. In arriving at the estimate of needs total, Carroll started with a carry over of just over $900,000 from the previous year and included the sales tax and ad valorem revenue estimate of $2.6 million, to arrive at the total revenues he called “available for appropriation.” He noted

that the revenue estimate is up $1.7 million over the previous year, reflecting the oil and gas boom that the county is undergoing. However, he cautioned the commissioners to stay the conservative course they have been on, and they took his advice. Some of the increases requested inSee Approve Page 30

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Charge able that she is done with her fit of rage and let go.” Cassandra’s parents arrived. She complained about a great deal of pain in her neck so her parents took her to the hospital. William was arrested. William James Oakes, 30, has been charged with domestic assault and battery by strangulation. In addition, Cassandra Lee Oakes has filed a protective order against him.

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Gross production decline, new technology, budget occupies FISD board By Roger McKenzie Freedom’s school board members were given a lot of new things to consider, and a new budget was passed Monday at the school’s monthly meeting on Monday. Only three board members were present. In his administrator’s report, Superintendent Danny McCuiston gave the board the bad news that district revenue was trending downward. He also spoke to them about possibly putting a tablet into the hands of each student. He told the board, that in the first two months of the school year, compared to a year ago at this time, revenue was down almost $29,000. Most of that decrease — about $27,000 — can be attributed to a decrease in gross production revenue, he explained. He noted that two years ago, the estimate of gross production revenue was significantly exceeded by actual revenue. Last year’s estimate was not met, however. Based on what he discovered so far this year, the estimate of gross production revenue has been reduced from $151,000 to $110,000 for the total school year of 2012-13. That lowered estimate was calculated into the district’s estimate of needs, which was approved later in the meeting. McCuiston also introduced the board to a possible big technology change. He wanted to see if the board was interested in some technology he learned about when the people who make the school’s Promethean boards came to do some teacher training. The company makes

Promethean tables, which are aimed at lower grade students. The tables provide a large 46-inch screen in a table that can be simultaneously accessed by up to six students who collaboratively work on projects together. If adopted, the table would be used for pre-k through second grade. The superintendent also talked about putting a Kuno tablet into the hands of all students from the third grade up. These tablets, he said, have fewer management problems (web surfing, viruses, etc.) than other products, including I-Pads, because the content on them is controlled by teachers. “There are many ways to fund this to our advantage,” McCuiston told the board. The board agreed this was something the district might want to pursue. A more formal presentation will be presented at the October meeting. McCuiston also told the board he has been contacted by people involved in a county-wide effort to establish tobacco free zones. “I’m more than willing to carry on with this, if this is something the board wants to entertain,” he said. Principal’s report In his report, Principal Brett Hill presented testing results which showed the district’s students are doing well in science and math, but not as well in English and reading. He said the teachers are working to address those areas of weakness. As a point of pride, he noted that as

far as he could ascertain, the district now has its first AP student. The student is taking Advanced Placement Psychology. Hill also said he’s looking into a couple of programs for elementary students. One, called Watch DOGS, involves dad volunteers periodically working with students. Another program mentioned was called Peace Builder. Three new students have increased the district’s total enrollment to 73, he noted. He also said he has created a Facebook page for the district, to provide news and updates to all of its “friends.” He said he will manage the page, which is called Freedom OK Eagles. Estimate of needs approved The school’s estimate of needs, which is basically its budget, was presented and approved. It will now go to the county excise board for final approval. The estimate of needs total is $1.79 million, up from last year’s total of $1.67 million. Because of declining revenue, however, McCuiston told the board that the district will end up eating into its carryover amount. Th carry over last year was up $100,000 to about $700,000. That increase in carryover is basically the difference between last year’s budget and this year’s. Other business In other business, the board members: • approved a $15,000 loan from the General Fund to the Child Nutrition fund for the 2012-13 school year. This apparently has been necessary in the past, but Supt. McCuiston said that he hoped to get to a point where it won’t be needed. If there is any money left over in the Child Nutrition Fund at the end of the year, it will go back to the General Fund. This past June, in the last meeting of the prior school year, a supplemental appropriation of $9,341.62 was added to the Child Nutrition Fund to allow it to finish out the year in the black. • approved a transfer of $2,421 from the Building Fund to the General Fund. The move is a payback of funds expended from the General Fund to pay for concrete and some labor on the school’s new greenhouse. Payment from the General Fund was apparently not allowed. The transfer fixes that error. See Freedom Page 10

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Lynn Says

New small camera I really like By Lynn L. Martin A daily email I receive is headlines from the New York Times. It is similar to the eBurst sent out at 2:15 a.m. each morning by the Review-Courier web site. Anyway, I was surprised to see a camera review in the NY Times. They NEVER review cameras that I’ve ever seen. The headline touted a new pocket-size Sony camera with a 1” inch sensor. I always carry a small digital camera on my belt. I’m in the photography business two ways, the newspaper and the studio, so it is a logical choice. I have long preferred the Canon Elph series because they work well and, most importantly, it has both the LCD viewfinder AND an optical viewfinder. Many times in bright sunlight, I am unable to figure out what I’m seeing with the LCD viewfinder. In the digital course I teach at the NW Career Tech, one of the strong pieces of advice I tell students is to ALWAYS buy a camera with both types of viewfinders. That’s getting difficult as camera makers are in a race to see who can make the largest LCD viewfinder to brag about. Often, the little tiny hole for the optical viewfinder is kicked off. Usually, you now have to pay $100 more to get a small pocket-able camera with both types. Well, horror of horrors, this Sony Rx100 has ONLY the LCD viewfinder. However, the mind boggling feature it provides was the reason for the NYT article . . . it has a 1” sensor. That is HUGE. Most of the small digital cameras have ¼ or 1/3 inch sensors. An actual one-inch sensor is a game changer in sharpness. My pro-level Canon EOS cameras have a 1.25 inch sensor and some of them cost around $8,000 to get that sharpness. This Sony is $650. Since my carry-around Elph is going on three-years of age and does only half-frame video, I decided to order the Sony and retire the Elph. The RX100 is an amazing camera. It actually produces

sharper images than my high-dollar EOS camera. It also has terrific HiDef video that is noticeably sharper than my $1400 Canon HD cameras we use for weddings. So over all, the camera is superior in image quality to my $8K still camera and my $1.4k HD camera, and yet only costs $650.00. The absence of the optical viewfinder is a big problem. This camera is just as bad as the others that depend solely on the big LCD back-of-camera viewfinder. I’ve been in situations where I could not tell what I was actually shooting. This week, I ordered an after-market $10 flip-up hood that you can affix to the back of the camera to shield the LCD from bright light. We’ll see if that solves the problem. I remember the olden days when I used a 4 x 5 Speed Graphic press camera for outdoor shots and you tried to view the upside down image on a ground glass. Even with a flip-up shade, it made for very difficult focusing. Quoting from one-review: “Despite the large sensor, the RX100 is still pocketable. It’s not the smallest compact camera on the See Says Page 10

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market, but it’ll fit in breast pocket of a jacket, making it a genuine carry-around second camera for DSLR owners. In principle, at least, the RX100 shouldn’t present the same image-quality compromise that switching across to one of the existing compact cameras would.” Here are the specs on the camera: • 1” Exmor CMOS sensor • 20.9 million effective pixels • 28-100mm (equiv), f/1.8-4.9 Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* lens with ‘Advanced Aspherical’ element • Steady-Shot image stabilization • Contrast-detection AF with 25 points, including tracking and flexible

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spot options • ISO 125-6400 (ISO 80 and 100 expansion, up to 25,600 using multi-frame noise-reduction) • Face Recognition and Face Registration (up to 8 faces) • Rear control dial and customizable front ‘Control Ring’ • 10fps continuous shooting in ‘Speed Priority’ mode • 3in, 1228.8K-dot ‘WhiteMagic’ LCD screen • 13 Picture Effects with 27 variations • Memory Recall feature can store up to three groups of custom settings

• 1080 60p video (AVCHD) with MP4 option • Built-in stereo microphone • 330-shot battery life (CIPA) I’m not trying to “sell” this camera to anyone. But folks all the time ask me what camera I would recommend. Right now this is my favorite. I’ve always wondered, if I took an overseas vacation which camera would I take with me? Would it be my big professional models with two or three lenses which present considerable weight issues, or a little point and shoot model? Well, at the present time, it would be this new Sony Rx-100.


• approved hiring School in Sites to provide web hosting to the district. The new web host will provide a more professional site structure for the district. Cost for the remainder of the year is $1,000. Next year, it is anticipated the district will be able to use E-rate funding to lower that amount. The current website was created by Brian Webber. Board member Shane Morris expressed concern that the current site is not updated regularly. He indicated he would not like that to happen with the new site when it is up and running. • approved spending $4,726.39 to replace the codex (a piece of equipment)

for the district’s distance learning equipment. The system was operating with limited capability, and this will bring it back and make the distance learning it allows to be interactive again. Currently, only one student uses the equipment, but Supt. McCuiston said more students will be encouraged to take advantage of this resource. • took no action on allowing a student’s successful performance on the Work Keys test to be counted as satisfactory performance on the district’s Comprehensive Local Education Plan (CLEP), even though the student failed Algebra I. Supt. McCuiston told the board that the Work Keys test is an acceptable alternate test for the Algebra I End of Instruction Test. The board wanted more information which will be presented at a future meeting. • approved adding an additional hour

to the contracts of nutrition workers Norma Mullins and Jovita Rhoads. They were hired at seven hours a day. They will now be hired at eight hours a day. The superintendent said the extra hour was needed to help them complete paperwork. • approved appointments to the district’s various committees. • approved the district’s basketball schedule for the year. • reviewed and approved an upcoming trip by the Freedom FFA Chapter to Indianapolis to attend the national FFA convention. Eight students and two sponsors, and possibly some parents, will make the trip in October. • approved the consent agenda, which includes minutes, activity fund expenditures, and expenditures for the general, building, and child nutrition funds.

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Lee-Shepherd announce engagement Shane Shepherd and Hilary Lee are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Dr. JR and Bernadette Fishburne of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Her grandparents are Gene Gates of Pierre, South Dakota, and Clayton and Joan Lee of Abercrombie, North Dakota. Hilary is employed with Forest Service at the Fort Pierre National Grasslands. The groom-to-be is the son of Steve and Jackie Shepherd of Onida, South Dakota and Connie and Mark Watts of Medicine Lodge, Kansas. His grandparents are Delee Shepherd of Helena, Oklahoma, Rose Elmore of Alva, Oklahoma and Mollie Watts from Hardtner, Kansas. Shane is partners in Trucking by S&S LLC, Shepherd Seed Co., & Shepherd Harvesting. The couple’s ceremony and reception will take place in Pierre, South Dakota, on Saturday, November 10, 2012. The couple will reside in Onida, South Dakota.

Shane Shepherd and Hilary Lee

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Marilyn Jane (Martin) Dietz was born in Alva on January 2, 1941, the daughter of Clifford Paul Martin and Elva Lorine Maddox Martin. She and Neilan Dietz were married on August 14, 1960. Survivors are her husband, Neilan of Aline; one son, one daughter, five grandchildren, one sister, one brother, a number of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Memorials may be made to the Aline United Methodist Women through the funeral home.

JOHN SLACK John D. Slack, 79, passed away Thursday, September 6, 2012, at a Fort Worth Hospice facility. A service commemorating his life will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 29, 2012 at Ridglea Christian Church, 6720 West Elizabeth Lane in Ft. Worth, Texas. John was born and reared in Carmen, Oklahoma, to David and Beulah Scott Slack. He had two sisters, Mary Jean Springer, nee Slack, and Betty Fidler, nee Slack. His parents and two sisters predeceased him. In 1954, he married Mary Frances Wadley of Alva. They had three children together: Jeffrey Scott Slack, Nancy Slack Tester and James David Slack. Fran died in 1996 after 42 years of marriage. In 1997, he married Jacqueline Burton Hall of Fort Worth, Texas. John enrolled in Northwestern Oklahoma State Teachers’ College in 1952. In 1953, he joined the Naval Aviation Cadet Program, becoming commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Marine Corps in 1954. He remained in the Marine Corps Reserve for nearly 40 years as a helicopter pilot, retiring as a Lt. Colonel. After active duty as a Marine, he returned to Northwestern and earned a degree in Economics in 1955. In 1958, he enrolled in the University of Oklahoma and received a law degree in 1961. After law school, he settled in Arlington, Texas. He worked for General Dynamics as an in-house attorney, and later retired as their Director of Contracts. Survivors include his wife, children, two stepsons and his grandchildren. He is survived locally by Vicky Springer Olson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Kirk Springer of Lawton, Oklahoma, Janet Springer Sheik of Carmen, Oklahoma and Kelly Springer of Keene, Oklahoma. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the John David Slack Scholarship, Northwestern State University Foundation, Inc., 709 Oklahoma Blvd., Alva, OK 73717, or the Salvation Army, 1855 East Lancaster, Fort Worth, TX 76103.

Obituaries LESLIE J. SHAWN BREWER Leslie J. Shawn Brewer, 51, died September 20, 2012. She was born February 16, 1961 at Medicine Lodge, Kansas, the daughter of Virgil and Frances Hubble Shawn. A resident of Kingman, Kansas, most of her life, she was a former CT for Galitia Heart Hospital, Wichita, Kansas. Survivors include sons, Scott and Adrian Harrel, step-son Eric Brewer, step-daughter Kristina Meyers and seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Friday, September 28, 2012 at Livingston Funeral Home in Kingman, Kansas. Friends may call from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home with the family present from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Burial will follow in the Cleveland Cemetery. Memorials may be made with the Leslie Brewer Memorial Fund in care of the funeral home MARILYN DIETZ ALINE — Funeral service for Marilyn Dietz was held Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at Aline United Methodist Church, with Rev. Rachel Parrott officiating. Private family burial followed in Aline Star Cemetery. Arrangements were by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Helena. Memories may be shared with the family at

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DONNA MAE MILLEDGE SHARON, KANSAS — Donna Mae Milledge, “Grandma Hank,” age 80, of Sharon, Kansas, died Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at her home in Sharon. She was born on April 14, 1932 to Fred Albert and Pearl Lorine Ash Faucett. On February 24, 1950, she married Henry Clay “Hank” Milledge. He died on July 6, 1998. Mrs. Milledge attended school in Carmen, Oklahoma and was a homemaker. She was commonly referred to by family and friends as “Grandma Hank.” Surviving are three sons, Elvin Milledge and wife Janice of Clearwater, Kansas, John Milledge and wife Tracy of Alva, and Rickey Milledge and wife Dee Dee of Hardtner, Kansas; one daughter, Charlene Abercrombie and husband Paul of Tallapoosa, Georgia; three brothers, Bill Faucett and wife Sharon of Alva, Jim Faucett and wife Margaret of Galana, Missouri, and Larry Faucett and wife Connie of Cheney, Kansas, fifteen grandchildren and thirtytwo great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, one daughter, Sheryl Palmer, three brothers, Carl, Jack, and Bob Faucett, and one sister, Juanita Zahner Cremation has taken place. Private family burial will be held at the Alva Municipal Cemetery, Alva, at a later date. Condolences may be left at

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People from all walks of life eat at the Senior Citizens Center

Suggested meal donation is $3.00 but not required.

Help maintain our funding by eating nutritious meals with us.

Holder Drug 513 Barnes - Alva, Oklal (580) 327-3332

513 Barnes - Alva - (580) 327-3332

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Need an aerial photo? You can call someone in Oklahoma City or Wichita, but we’re less expensive.

$489 Includes aircraft, photo shoot, and delivery of either a 10 x 8 album of images on a CD. Fuel costs will be added and computed at end of flight.

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Great photo on your cell phone? Don’t lose it into cell phone never-never land

Color Corrected and Cropped 5 x 7 $5.00. Lisa can make a print at the newspaper office. Call for appointment.


Or a DVD of all your cell phone still photos


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Kiowa City Council – resignation, zoning, roofing and theater projects approved Fall Cleanup Days October 4 and 11 By Yvonne Miller The September meeting of Kiowa’s City Council exceeded four hours with a 29-item agenda, some of which were routine items. Many items were discussed at length and then tabled. There was considerable council action regarding: repair of hail-damaged roofs; zoning approval for new hospital and rental guest house lodging; several police department items; Chief Theater projector service contract; and more. Mayor Brandon Farney conducted the meeting with councilmen Bill Watson, Brian Hill, Russel Molz, Brandon Poland and Mark Lambert. Also present were: City Administrator Nathan Law, City Clerk Marlo Rugg and City Attorney Laurel McClellan. Hail-damaged Roof Bids Council spent well over 30 minutes discussing the 12 bids received to replace city building roofs that were haildamaged in the spring. Council members debated about whether to go with one general contractor for all the roofs, or break them up as to roof type. They also debated whether to go with a local roofer or one with the best price. Council voted to go with Integrity Home Solutions of Wichita, who had representatives at the meeting. Integrity will do all the city’s hail-damaged roofs at a cost of $56,406.18, plus an additional $2,724 for upgrades. Hill made the motion, seconded by Molz. Poland voted with them. Prior to that vote Lambert moved to go with Landwehr Roofing of Sharon, who also had a representative at the meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. Zoning Changes for Lodging and New Hospital Law said the Planning Commission met August 22, recommending unanimously that council approve two different items. One of those is council approval of Ordinance No. 398 that gives a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Craig and Leesa Mott. This is so they can use their property at 209 S. 6th in Kiowa for rental guest house lodging. This allows the

Motts to rent rooms in the house on a nightly basis. The other council-approved document is Ordinance No. 399. The ordinance allows a zoning change for the Kiowa District Hospital’s property on south 4th Street, where they plan a groundbreaking for a new hospital Thursday, October 18 from 11 a.m., to 1 p.m. The ordinance changes the property zoning from single family residential to a general commercial office district. During the meeting, council met in executive session near 30 minutes to discuss city utilities access and a possible contract at the new hospital location. Joining them in the executive session were: Hospital CEO Aldeen “Van” Vandeveer; Hospital Board member Bob Stark; and Roger Robison. No action was taken regarding this issue upon return to open session. Law provided some background on the new hospital site. He said the site does not have adequate utilities to serve their needs. This includes electric, water and sewer. Law listed the following estimated utility costs: electric, $130,000; water, $160,000; and sewer (unknown at the time of the meeting). Police Resignation and Items At the end of the meeting, Mayor Farney read a letter of resignation from Police Officer Ryan Laney. The officer wrote it was “with a heavy heart” that he submitted his resignation. Council members expressed that they hate to see Officer Laney leave Kiowa. “He is taking a job to better himself,” the mayor said. With Laney’s absence, council agreed to advertise for a new officer. • Law and Police Chief Steven Johnson reported prices of purchased and sold firearms for the police department. This summer Chief Johnson sold two Glock 18s for $1600 and a Glock 17 for $275 (requested purchase by an officer) for a total sale of $1875. The purchase of new regular guns was $1674; ammunition $255; and holsters, $179.97. The total purchase was $2,108.97 The difference of the sale and purchase was $233.97 which was paid from the police VIN fund.

• Council approved a $15,500 spending cap for Chief Johnson to seek a replacement vehicle for the department. • To update the police department’s outdated repeater system (since the county’s conversion to digital), council approved a 100 Watt Repeater and all necessary supplementary equipment at a cost of $11,955.91. This will be paid from the equipment reserve fund. Law said Shell Oil is working to get a $12,000 grant for the project. More Council-approved Business • With a new digital projector at the Chief Theater, a service contract is required. Council approved a contract with Sonic Equipment for preventative maintenance at $30 per month. The cost will be paid in part from money budgeted in the special recreation fund and from capital improvement. • Law requested that council have him seek quotes for Managed IT services for city computers. Clerk Rugg spoke up and said, “For a year I’ve been working with a half-broken computer. It’s frustrating.” Council directed Law and Rugg to get a few bids and get a new computer for Rugg. • Council accepted final payment from Marcel Gosselin on the cityowned building he contracted with the city for near five years. That building is at 527 Main and council will transfer the deed to Gosselin. • Council approved the purchase of $3300 materials for street work to be done this fall. Of that, $1800 is for 15ton of Cold Mix Asphalt. The gravel is estimated at $1500 for 200 yards. • In his administrator’s report, Law advised council the swimming pool has infrastructure issues and will be “a huge cost for the city next year.” Law also reported that Shell Oil is donating $6,000 for improvements at Kiowa’s Community Building. • Library Board appointments beginning in January 2013 received council approval: Pam Green, Vee Hill and Vickie Golliher. They fill vacancies left by Ronda Rhodes, Cindy Summers and Shirley Circle. See Kiowa Page 28

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Kiowa • Council set the Fall Burn Period for November 16 – December 14 (excluding Thanksgiving weekend). • Fall Clean-up Days for bulk item trash are: October 4 (for north end of town) and October 11 (for the south end of town). • Law said Mike Anderson spoke to an interested group about starting a youth gun club in Kiowa and continues to look at the possibility. • McClellan told council the tax sale on properties is going well. Items Discussed and Tabled Items discussed and tabled include: Hazelton trash service rates; stormwater drainage issue (specifically Carl Eckert residence at southeast corner of town which experiences stormwater drainage problems when it rains); a water systems analysis; water and sewer operator; GIS mapping. Council held two more executive sessions at the end of the meeting with no action taken after either one. One lasted 15 minutes to discuss police department policy regarding scheduling and leave. The other lasted 24 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel.

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Alfalfa county voter registration deadline fast approaching Friday, October 12, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the November 6, General Election and Special Alfalfa County Election, Kelly Stein, Alfalfa County Election Board Secretary said today. Stein said that persons who are United States citizens, residents of Oklahoma, and at least 18 years old may apply to become registered voters. Persons who have never been registered to vote before, or who are not currently registered in the county of their residence, and persons who are registered but who need to change their registration information may apply by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form in time for it to be postmarked no later than midnight Friday, October 12. Stein said that applications postmarked after that time still will be accepted and processed, but the applica-

tions will not be approved until after November 6. The County Election Board responds in writing to every person who submits an application for voter registration. The response is either a Voter Identification Card listing the new voter’s precinct number and polling place location, or a letter that explains the reason or reasons the application for voter registration was not approved. Stein said that any person who has submitted a voter registration application and who has not received a response within 30 days, should contact the County Election Board office. Oklahoma Voter Registration Application forms are available at the County Election Board office located at 300 S. Grand Ave., Cherokee, and at most post offices, tag agencies, and public libraries in the county. Stein said that applications also are available on the Internet at

Sample ballots now available Sample ballots now are available at the Alfalfa County Election Board office for voters who want to get a preview of what will be at stake in the General Election and Special County Election on November 6, 2012. Kelly Stein, Secretary of the County Election Board, said that sample ballots

can be viewed at the Election Board office, located at 300 S. Grand Ave., Cherokee during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Sample ballots also will be posted outside every precinct polling place Tuesday, so that voters can review them before casting their votes. Ballots that will be issued to voters Tuesday include the following: General Election ballot with Special County Question

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Kiowa Hospital financial records, prep for ground breaking discussed by board By Yvonne Miller The Kiowa District Hospital Board met for their September meeting Thursday evening at the manor. President Zack Odell presided over the meeting with board members Dan Lukins, Lori Schrock, Robert Armbruster and Robert Stark. Also at the board table were: CEO Aldeen “Van” Vandeveer; CFO Janell Goodno; and PR/Marketing Director Brenna May. Because of problems with the federally-mandated conversion to Electronic Health Records, the CFO has not been able to provide hospital and manor financial figures at the last two monthly meetings. Nextgen is the provider of the Electronic Health Records software. Goodno said the biggest problem with Nextgen is “the lack of training.”She said it’s getting somewhat better. Van told the board the hospital has 10 days to go until they test the electronic health records with Medicare. Goodno had financial reports for June and July, but not August at the meeting. The hospital’s June financials showed a loss of $89,584. How-

ever, Goodno said that amount should have been basically split between June and July. The loss shown for July was $945. The July financial report showed that year-to-date the hospital is in the black $1,195. At the end of July, the hospital had $210,479 cash on hand; net patients accounts receivable of $909,865. Total assets of the hospital and manor were listed at $2,618,433. The board approved bad debts of $19,090.50. Goodno gave August hospital statistics. Those reveal some positive figures. Such as the clinic having 406 clinic visits which is the second busiest month of the year. Acute days of hospital care totaled 29, which is the second busiest of the year. Total days of acute and swingbed care are 36. The August financials came to Goodno after the board meeting. The board will approve them at the next meeting. “The August financials look much better than June and July,” Goodno told the Newsgram. For June the manor showed a loss of $31,708. For July that loss was

$9,808. At the end of July the manor’s loss year-to-date was $237,769. The manor’s resident census increased by one to 24 residents in August. That is 66.7 percent of capacity. CEO Van Reports Van updated the board on his and Stark’s attendance at Kiowa’s City Council September meeting to discuss utility access for the hospital’s new site at the south end of Kiowa. As reported in the city council article, costs are higher than expected. For instance, updating the size of the transformer will cost $130,000 instead of $105,000 as first projected. Other costs include: gas and sewer lines; asphalt costs for pavement, etc. The city council took no action regarding the utilities the night of their meeting, so no details are yet finalized. Van said he’s in touch with Eagle Med to get their input regarding details of the helipad at the new hospital. The CEO told of a requirement from the USDA, since the hospital received a loan from that government entity to help build the new facility. So the board approved a one-year contract with TKHLS Architecture of Wichita to perform the required site inspection. The cost is $15,000 plus travel expenses. DON introduced and Other Business The newly hired Director of Nurses at the hospital attended the meeting. The board welcomed Tammy Blake as she was introduced. – May updated the board about details for the Thursday, October 18 groundbreaking at the new hospital. A light lunch will be served and a few speakers will address the crowd during the event set for 11a.m., to 1 p.m. The board will hold their October board meeting that same evening at 7 p.m. That meeting will be at the hospital. They plan to alternate meeting at the hospital and manor every other month. – Following an executive session, the board approved the monthly Risk Management/Quality Assurance report.

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Pie, cake contest to benefit museum Helena Historical Museum German stew lunch, pie and cake contest will be Saturday, October 6, 2012. Pie and cake entries will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.. Ribbons will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners, and the grand champion will receive a gift certificate. Lunch will be served beginning at 11 a.m. and includes German stew, drink and dessert. The HHS annual meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. followed by an auction of the top winning pie and cake entries. The museum is open to visitors from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will have several new exhibits on display.

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cluded $118,000 for the sheriff’s department; $100,000 in courthouse contingency; $36,000 for the County Clerk; and $16,000 for the election board. Bridge items Most of the rest of the meeting was taken up with the county’s five year bridge program and county programming resolutions that put nine bridges into the schedule for construction. Four are to be built by the county in 2013, and six bridges will be built from 2014 through 2017 in the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) program, using cross town beams from the I-40 Cross Town revitalization in Oklahoma City. Alfalfa County has the fourth highest total of bridges in Oklahoma. The five year bridge plan is an on-going program to repair or replace bridges. It is renewed each year. It lists money available and bridge projects in several different bridge categories, depending on who builds them and where the money comes from. Contrary to what many believe, the county’s bridge money is not impacted by increased sales tax revenues. On the contrary, Alfalfa commissioners say that the revenue for bridges is down about $50,000 from a year ago. The plan includes a total of about 38 bridges, with the nine bridges mentioned

above scheduled for completion (replacement) in 2013. Part of the ongoing plan has included replacement of all the county’s pony truss bridges. From 24, the county is down to just six such bridges. In addition to the plan, the county’s District 2 has repaired or replaced three bridges using its own funds. In another bridge item, commissioners approved an Interstate 40 Cross Town steel beam transfer form that allows the pickup of five of the over 80-feet long beams from that source. The beams will be used on a bridge northwest of Burlington. Other business Eleven road crossing permits, totaling $29,500 in fees was approved. District 1 had seven permits ($24,750). District 2 totaled three permits ($3,000). District 3 had one permit ($1,750). The commissioners signed a mineral lease with a Chesapeake company for 0.6 acre the county owns in a bridge right-ofway. The lease compensates the county with a signing bonus of $750 per acre and a one-eighth royalty on any discovery made. Alfalfa County EMS is seeking new and/or retrofitted ambulances. The commissioners approved seeking bids on them. Also approved was a request to put handrails along the outside walls along the stairs in the courthouse. Finally, the commissioners approved minutes of their previous meeting, maintenance and operations warrants, and blanket purchase orders.

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A $99 deposit is all it takes to reserve your wedding date on our calendar.

These and hundreds of other photos are available at Car Show Woods County Fair The prices are lower during the first 30 days online.


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Nine bogus checks total over $1100

L to R- Gerald Cook, Charlotte Ringer from the Bunkhouse B & B and Dale Lindstrom

Walking with L and C Two hikers are walking all the Scenic byways in Kansas: 1220 miles — 13 walks — 11 Kansas Byways — 10 months. David Lindstrom is a Johnson County Commissioner and was a San Diego Charger for one year before coming to the Kansas City Chiefs, where he played and retired. He is a member of the KC Chiefs Ambassadors. Dr. Gerald Cook is president of the Overland Park Convention and Visitors Bureau; and is involved in many civic causes. The pair was delighted with the walk from Coldwater, Kansas to Medicine Lodge, Kansas, along the Gypsum Hills Scenic Byway. They stayed at the Bunkhouse at Wildfire Ranch Bed and Breakfast located in Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Since they walk early, they skipped breakfast and feel they will have to bring their families back to enjoy the hills, history, and food of the region. Lindstrom and Cook maintain a blog with pictures of their adventures. Follow them at

By Marione Martin A Fairview woman has nine bogus check charges in Alfalfa County. According to documents on file, Angela McQuiston, also known as Angela Renee McQuiston and Angela Renee Tannehill, is accused of having written nine checks to businesses in Carmen, Cherokee and Helena without having sufficient funds in her Bank of Oklahoma account. The checks were written between July 10 and July 22. Three were written to Carmen Jiffy Trip totaling $272.27. Three were written to Helena Jiffy Trip for a total of $331.77. Two were written to Alco in Cherokee for $410.98, and one was written to Cherokee Jiffy Trip for $132.50. The nine checks total $1147.52. Angela McQuiston has been charged with nine counts of obtaining cash and/ or merchandise by bogus check.

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Waynoka FFA hosts Moose Bestows highest honor local blood drive By Josiah Darr On Tuesday, August 28, the Waynoka FFA hosted a blood drive for the Oklahoma Blood Institute. The blood donations received by the Oklahoma Blood Institute save many lives. All donated blood stays in Oklahoma, and one donation can benefit three people. Many members gave blood, and other members helped with registration and serving snacks. The Waynoka FFA would like to thank all those who helped make the blood drive a great success!

FFA Vice-President Jill Whipple donating blood.

on local member James Powell of Hardtner, Kansas, a member of Alva Lodge No. 2100, Loyal Order of Moose, was summoned to receive the Pilgrim Degree of Merit, the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a member of the Loyal Order of Moose. The conferral was held in the House of God at Mooseheart, Illinois, on Saturday, June 2, 2012. The degree, currently held by less than one-half of one percent of the members of the fraternity throughout the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Bermuda, is the Order’s ultimate reward for exceptional devotion to the principles and ideals of caring for children and senior members, and is earned only by members who have given years of ‘above-the-call-of-duty’ service to the Loyal Order of Moose and its principle philanthropic endeavors of Mooseheart, a city for children in need, located forty miles west of Chicago, and Moosehaven, a retirement community for senior members, located on the banks of the St. Johns River in Orange Park, Florida. The Pilgrim Degree ceremony, traditionally held on the same day as the Commencement Exercises for Mooseheart High School, is conferred only inside Mooseheart’s House of God, the magnificent multi-denominational cathedral built in 1950. See Moose Page 62

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Alfalfa budget’s estimate of needs up $1.7 million, still conservative By Roger McKenzie County officers in the Alfalfa County Courthouse see the good financial times the county is undergoing, among other things, as a good time to seek raises for their deputies. Each deputy will make a base salary of $29,100 after $200 a month raises were agreed upon this year The raises and other items in the county budget were discussed and a few changes made, during a visit to the Monday (Sept. 17) morning meeting of the Alfalfa County commissioners by budget maker, Charles “Buddy” Carroll. Sheriff Charlie Tucker’s administrative deputies are included in the raise to $29,100, but his deputies who serve and protect, while putting themselves in danger as they enforce the law, will make $32,000, a move that should help keep deputies and perhaps encourage more applications of qualified candidates when there are job openings. The commissioners and the other officers of the courthouse are not getting raises. It should be noted that the budget discussed is for the courthouse and its employees only. For instance, roads and bridges are not included in the estimated total of $3,426.270.78, which is available for appropriation in the current 2012-13 budget now being finalized by Carroll. The total is the amount projected by Carroll and is based primarily on sales tax and ad valorem revenues. The estimate is a conservative one, because it does not include miscellaneous revenue sources,

which could be as high as $1,000,000. “In all reality, you’ve been pretty conservative with your budget,” Carroll said. Carroll started with a carry over of just over $900,000 from the previous year, and included the sales tax and ad valorem revenue estimate of $2.6 million, to arrive at the total he called available for appropriation. He noted that the revenue estimate is up $1.7 million over the previous year, reflecting the oil and gas boom that the county is undergoing. However, he cautioned the commissioners to stay the conservative course they have been on. The commissioners are using just over $1.9 million of the total available for appropriation in their budget. The rest, approximately $1.5 million, will be put into fund, which will not be used except in the event of a large, unexpected contingency that must be dealt with. The original budget requests were submitted during July. Some of the increases requested included $118,000 for the sheriff’s department, $100,000 in courthouse contingency, $36,000 for the County Clerk, and $16,000 for the election board. A lengthy discussion made it appear as if quite a few changes were being made at the meeting. However, in actuality, only a few changes were made Monday, increasing the total courthouse budget by about $10,000. Carroll will return for the Sept. 24 meeting to present a finalized budget.

Brush rig bid After requesting three bids for a brush rig by the Cherokee Fire Department, only one came in. Fortunately, it met the specifications and was acceptable in price by the department. The bid for $78,441, submitted by Blanchet Manufacturing of Harper, Kan., was approved. Road crossing permits The commissioners approved 21 road crossing permit requests totaling $35,250 in fees. District 1 had the lion’s share of the total as it usually does — 12.75 permits and $19,250 in fees. District 2 had 3.25 permits and $13,500 in fees. Five permits and $2,500 in fees, went to District 3. Those fees were the subject of an agenda item brought by Select Energy, which over the past six months has paid an average of $1,700 per permit. The company asked for a reduction in fees or a way to combine fees. The commissioners, with support from the attorney general and local District Attorney Hollis Tharp, indicated bulk fees were not allowed and a reduction in fees was not possible. When asked if a cap on fees was possible, they said they would have to consult with the district attorney. A cap of $2,000 was suggested by the company’s representative. The commissioners pointed out that See Alfalfa Page 46

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NWOSU Alumnus opens Medical Clinic in Waynoka By Stacy Sanborn If you desire quality healthcare in a comfortable setting, you don’t have to look too far. Waynoka is now host to The Medical Clinic – a facility born from the dreams of Dr. Susie Hull. Dr. Hull’s undergraduate degree is from NWOSU –Alva. In 2008, she graduated from the Kansas University School of Medicine. Her residency in Internal

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Medicine was done at Kansas University School of Medicine, Wichita Center for Graduate Medical Education, Wichita, and at Via Christi-Saint Francis Hospital, Wesley Medical Center, and the Bob Dole Veterans Hospital from 2008-2011. The urgent/primary care center, located on the south side of Waynoka’s downtown square at 1630 Santa Fe Street, originally consisted of two early-Wayno-


there were some established ways to reduce fee costs — including providing rock to help repair roads disrupted by the crossings. Courthouse parking In part because of the energy exploration boom going on, courthouse parking is at a premium and is sometimes just not available. The commissioners approved a plan to help alleviate the problem. The south side parking at the courthouse will be designated for courthouse employees. The alley parking behind the courthouse will be divided between courthouse employees and law enforcement personnel. That will leave the north and east side of the court house available for public parking. As soon as signs can be put in place, the new parking plan will take effect. County radios The sheriff made a brief report on county radios. For county personnel who have communication radios, a new

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandate requires the equipment to have narrow band capability. Most current equipment in use already has this capability or is in the process of being switched to it. Health insurance deadline A deadline for submitting changes in health insurance to the county clerk was discussed. Employees have until Oct. 19 to submit changes and to possibly save money by completing a tobacco attestation statement. Election board In business for the election board, the commissioners approved seeking 12-month bids for ballots and a transfer of money from one account to another. Other business In other business, the commissioners approved minutes of their previous meeting, the sheriff’s monthly report, maintenance and operations warrants, and blanket purchase orders.

ka business structures. With her husband Dwight’s help, the buildings were gutted, remodeled, and a new façade was added. The renovation took a year and the clinic opened its doors June 22, 2012. Inside the clinic, one will find chandeliers, sconces, columns, and even unique pieces from the likes of Afghanistan and Peru. Comfort and eye-appeal were two of the doctor’s main goals in designing the facility. The Medical Clinic is home to an inhouse lab, where laboratory tests can be performed while the patient waits. Digital x-ray services are also provided. The staff has been trained in DOT and non-DOT breath alcohol testing, urine drug screens, and even hair sampling. Dr. Hull is a registered medical examiner for DOT physicals, and the staff is able to do all drug and alcohol testing on site or from a mobile unit. The clinic’s hours were set to meet the needs of families and Little Sahara State Park visitors – it is open Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is closed Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Medical Clinic can be found on Facebook and if you like its page, you receive $5 off your first visit. Appointments can be made by calling 580-824-0330. Walk-ins are also accepted. The Hull’s have three children, a musician son, Sage Cook, and two daughters, Hannah Kimbro who doubles as The Medical Clinic’s secretary, and Kelsey Hull, a sophomore at Waynoka High School. Kimbro is the mother of the Hull’s two grandsons.

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Log

September 17, 2012 10:45 a.m. property stolen from 6 W on 5th on N side, respondent advised that 2 weeks ago he had a western saddle stolen, light tan, cost was $1,500, officer was advised, respondent will be in later. 1:21 p.m. grass fire 4 S of Goltry, Goltry advised responding to a grass fire, fire is out, just a small fire. 5:56 p.m. kids walking ½ mile W of Amorita by the water tower, advised officer, in area, could not find anyone. September 18, 2012 6:17 a.m. accident on Hwy 64 W of CR 550, car side swiped a semi, air bag has deployed, roadway is blocked, CPD had the same call, will send fire and the ambulance, Woods Co also advised of the same call, advised 2 officers and OHP. 3:10 p.m. lady having chest pains at 200 block of N 2nd, needs an ambulance, respondent is not home at this time, advised Carmen 1st Responders & Helena Ambulance, Carmen Rescue enroute, Helena on site, Carmen back at station. 3:50 p.m. keys locked in pickup at 800 block of S Okla, officer advised and enroute. 5:56 p.m. cow out just W of McWillie blacktop, black angus, advised possible owner, said they were someone else’s, advised they would get a hold of the owner and advise them of cattle out. 6:27 p.m. cow out 1-2 miles S of Cozy Curve on E side of road, advised possible owner, advised the cow belongs to another person but goes to their pen. 10:35 p.m. man sleeping in car at Smok Shak, maroon type of suburban, have to wait for someone to pick her up, do not want to wait outside with him there, officer advised and enroute, respondent called back, advise deputy to take no further action, deputy advised. September 19, 2012 12:50 p.m. oil spill at 64/11 Jct, 10 square feet, ODOT & officer advised, officer advised spots cleaned up. 2:49 p.m. medical call to 500 block of E 5th in Goltry, Helena enroute. 6:20 p.m. pipeline problem, respondent said that the oil field has put pipeline down blocking his entrances to his fields, he has tried to get them to do something about it, if nothing gets done he is going to run the pipe over so he can get into his fields, advised officer, he is going to call respondent. 7:10 p.m. 911 call, need an officer at

300 block of 4th. September 20, 2012 8:31 a.m. minor accident E of Cozy Curve on Hwy 64, 2 semis swiped each other, 1 stopped, 1 went on, wants an officer to come and take a report, OHP was advised. 12:52 p.m. unwanted guest at 4th/ Robinson in Kiowa, KS, there is someone there that does not belong, needs an officer, there was yelling and screaming in background, Kiowa PD was advised. 5:16 p.m. car in ditches on 5th St headed E into Cherokee, silver car coming out of Dacoma turned onto 5th St, driving in ditches & on both sides of hwy, respondent was afraid someone was going to get hurt with the reckless driving, deputy went to CR 550 and no contact with silver car. 5:19 p.m. car passing in no passing zones coming into N side of Cherokee, green car doing at least 75-80 mph, passing on curves, in no passing zones, almost hit a truck head on, advised CPD. 6:57 p.m. unwanted guests at 800 block of W Main in Jet, needed to be removed from house, officer advised and enroute, another respondent advised the home owner would not let her have her TV, home owner called the Sheriff’s office, wondering if they were enroute, officer advised of 2nd respondent on phone, officer advised individuals have been given trespassing notices that if they go back on property they will be arrested. September 21, 2012 2:13 p.m. motorist assist at 64/11 Jct, OHP advised that respondent advised of a 92 yr old individual broke down, wanted him checked out due to heat, officer was advised and enroute. 2:43 p.m. medical call to 8 W on Aline blacktop, someone called and advised needs an ambulance, is in Woods Co, they were advised of an unattended death, AFD advised Woods Co is there. 3:35 p.m. broke down car near Short Springs with 3 black males in it, respondent believes they are stealing stuff, advised officer in area, officer advised they have a ride coming from Alva to pick them up. 8:57 p.m. dead deer 3 ½ W of Goltry on Hwy 45, OHP needed us to move because the trooper is in Fairview, advised officer, roadway is clear. September 22, 2012 12:45 a.m. disturbance at the court house, individual came to the SO, he

was fighting with his girlfriend, he came to SO, she left westbound, he said she had killed his dog, he requested an officer, advised CPD, officer took report. 11:50 a.m. truck hit bridge at Hwy 64 & Hwy 58 Jct, fertilizer truck is blocking both lanes of traffic, advised OHP, officer enroute. 12:40 p.m. missing property on E 5th St, respondent has a pear tree that she has been watering, it was ready to be harvested, when respondent went to harvest the tree, someone had taken a ladder and taken all of the pears off her tree, wants to talk to an officer, officer advised. 4:29 p.m. trespassing in Jet, respondent said that 2 guys were trespassing on his pasture, he was holding them there, wants an officer now, gave directions to respondent, officer is on his way, officer advised this is a civil matter, things have been resolved. 4:43 p.m. tractor fire at 1 mile W & 2 ½ N of Meno, advised Major Co, they would send out Major Co Fire & Rescue. 5:18 p.m. dumping trash 2 S of Aline, respondent advised he saw someone dumping trash in the creek near his house, he knows who did it, wants a deputy to call him, advised deputy, said that he would call respondent. 9:40 p.m. large cow out 4 N of Carmen turnoff in the W ditch on SH8, advised possible owner said it might belong to another person, called them, spoke to his wife who said she didn’t think it was theirs but they would go look and let me know, advised that the cow belonged to someone else and they already contacted him and put the cow back in the fence. September 23, 2012 12:33 a.m. possible heart attack in Nescatunga, paged Nescatunga FD, advised CPD request the ambulance. 10:51 a.m. 20 barrels of oil 3 ½ miles E on Hwy 11, trooper advised someone has dumped about 20 barrels of oil on the S side of Hwy 11, they dug a hole and put barrels in it, needs deputy out there also, he is contacting DOT to see if he needs to know about this, deputy enroute, advised Dot to call trooper. 11:53 a.m. keys locked in car at 200 block of Duncan Dr, respondent asked if we had someone to unlock a vehicle, See Sheriff Page 56

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Alfalfa County Court Filings According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Criminal Filings William James Oakes, 30, Dacoma: Domestic assault & battery by strangulation ($333). Misdemeanor Filings Jessica Winn Barrett, 34, no address listed: 3 counts of Obtaining cash and/or merchandise by bogus check ($762). Angela Renee McQuiston, 29, Fairview: 9 counts of Obtaining cash and/or merchandise by bogus check ($2,136). Twila Kay Davidson, 42, Alva: Obtaining cash and/or merchandise by bogus check ($1,678). William Matthew Failes, 39, Cherokee: Driving while license is revoked ($229). Natasha Lei Thomas, 29, Enid: (1) Public intoxication; (2) Disturbing the peace ($525.50). James Carpenter, 24, no address listed: Driving while license is under suspension ($229). Civil Filings Midland Funding LLC vs. Robert Hayes: Indebtedness for an amount more than $1,000 ($205.70).

GE Capital Retail Bank vs. Aurelia N. Roberts: Breach of contract in an amount more than $7,000 ($205.70). Oklahoma Tax Commission vs. Matthew W. Roberts: Tax Warrant for an amount more than $6,500 ($301.40). Small Claims Filings Leonard Dwain Scott vs. Nathan & Melissa Alford: Forcible entry & detainer ($143). Gary Don Whitely vs. Oklahoma Tax Commission: Lost title ($63). Protective Order Filings Cassandra Lee Oakes vs. William James Oakes. Traffic Filings David John Polson, 50, Burlington: Failure to stop at stop sign ($211.50). William Matthew Failes, 39, Cherokee: Transporting open container of beer ($316). Hilary Dawn Erickson, 22, Alva: Failure to clear vehicle being passed ($211.50). Hilary Dawn Erickson, 22, Alva: Failure to carry insurance verification ($231.50). Jerry R. Jones, 26, Quitman, AR: Failure to yield right of way from stop sign ($211.50). Craig S. McCullough, 39, Heber Springs, AR: Operate vehicle on which all taxes due to state have not been paid ($211.50). Chizum B. Peck, 21, Fay: Overweight vehicle gross ($446.50). Travis Dale Boham, 30, Alva: Fail to prevent load from dropping, sifting, leaking or blowing ($211.50). Don Christopher Dowden, 27, Cous-

hatta, LA: Failure to stop at stop sign ($211.50). Rafael Gonzalez-Martinez, 41, Wheeler, TX: Operating a M/V w/out a valid DL ($256.50). Joseph Layne White, 31, Cherokee: Operating a M/V w/out a valid DL ($256.50). Keri Elizabeth Thomas, 25, Alva: Failure to pay all taxes due state ($211.50). • The following individuals received a citation for speeding: Thomas Richard Cline, 58, Corsicana, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50); William Matthew Failes, 39, Cherokee: 15 over ($226.50); Bobby J. Merryman, 43, Heber Springs Clebur, AR: 1-10 over ($188.50); Allen Zeno Murk, 45, Marble Falls, TX: 21-25 over ($281.50); Kevin Michael Ditch, 22, Murrieta, CA: 16-20 over ($241.50); Philip Fred Pitter, 35, Keller, TX: 1-10 over ($188.50); Todd Hunter Lewis, 44, Corinth, TX: 11-14 over ($226.50); John Howard Webster, 19, Carmen: 26-30 over ($341.50); Julio C. Sanchez-Monsivais, 26, Great Bend, KS: 15 over ($226.50); Rafael Gonzalez-Martinez, 41, Wheeler, TX: 15 over ($226.50); Tony Ray Pierce, 39, Cherokee: 1-10 over ($188.50); Levi Dean Karcher, 36, Perry: 1-10 over ($188.50); Jared Chase Riffe, 27, Blanchard: 16-20 over ($276.50); Jessica Lynn Cheslic, 26, Enid: 11-14 over ($226.50); Keri Elizabeth Thomas, 25, Alva: 16-20 over ($241.50); Michael David Koneski, 42, Stroud: 1-10 over ($188.50); Jesse Dale Easter, 29, Enid: 1-10 over ($188.50); Mary Alycia Hummel, 29, Tulsa: 11-14 over ($226.50).

Alfalfa County Real Estate Transactions

Start Book 691, page 618 Real Estate Transfers • Michael S. Roach to Edwin Donald Combs and Linda |L. Robinson: Lot 12, in Block 2, in Aubrey Tatro’s Addition to Cherokee; warranty deed. • Betty Jean Potter, as Trustee of the Betty Jean Potter Living Trust dated Feb. 11, 2002, to Merle D. Hutcheson and Barbara Hutcheson, as Trustees of the Merle D. Hutcheson and Barbara Hutcheson Revocable Trust dated May 9, 2007: the East Half of the Northeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 25 North, Range

10 WIM; warranty deed. • Owen Joshua Bellamy and Sarah Kay Bellamy aka Sarah Kay Ferrell to John Wayne Farmer: the North 25 feet of Lot 11, and the South 37.5 feet of Lot 12 in Block 1 of Aubrey Tatro’s Addition to the City of Cherokee; warranty deed. • Kenneth V. Prigmore and Denave Parker Prigmore to Dennis Schwerdtfeger: the East three feet of Lots 21 and all of Lots 22, 23, and 24 in Block 70 in the Town of Goltry; warranty deed. • Perry A. Pederson and Theta E. Pederson, as Trustees of the Perry A. Pederson and Theta E. Pederson Revo-

cable Living Trust dated Oct. 22, 2009 to Roland C. Pederson and Terry Lee Pederson: the East Half of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 12 WIM; warranty deed. • Janett Stinnett to Shari Duel: Lots 1 to 24, inclusive, in Block 129; Lots 2 to 12, inclusive, in Block 130; and Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 131, all in the first addition to the City of Carmen; warranty deed. • Marilyn J. Goodwin to Andres BelSee Real

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Barber County Court Filings • 09-18-12 Matthew Waltrip, Attica, driving a 2008 Dodge PU struck a deer on U160 near Sand Plum Road. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy English. • 09-18-12 Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to a grass fire east of Medicine Lodge. • 09-18-12 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Nashville to Medicine Lodge Hospital. • 09-19-12 Fred Pullan, Groton, South Dakota, driving a 2001 Ford PU

struck a deer just north of Hardtner on the Hardtner Shortcut. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Sheriff Tomson. • 09-19-12 Kiowa Rural, Elwood Tonship, and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a grass fire west of the Barber County Landfill. • 09-19-12 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Hardtner to Kiowa Hospital.

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From Page 52

Real Estate tran and Corina Antillion: Lot 1 in Block 1 in Montgomery’s Addition to the City of Cherokee; quit claim deed. Mortgages • John Wayne Farmer to Bank of the Panhandle (Guymon, OK): the North 25 feet of Lot 11, and the South 37.5 feet of Lot 12 in Block 1 of Aubrey Tatro’s Addition to the City of Cherokee; $34,800). Finished Book 691, start again in Book Book 692

• 09-20-12 Deputy English and Medicine Lodge Ambulance responded to an unattended death in Sharon. • 09-22-12 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transferred patient from Medicine Lodge Hospital to Wichita. During the week officers received 5 reports of cattle out; one report of horses out; one report of sheep out; two reports of goats out; performed 6 Public Assists; and assisted one other agency. • Arrests: None.


advised it would be a little bit, officer on another call, officer advised & enroute. 1:36 p.m. follow up on trash call in Aline, deputy heading to Aline on follow up call, deputy advised problem taken care of, identified the one who did the trash dumping, he is going out to clean up today. 7:44 p.m. truck speeding up and down the road by Yewed Elevator, respondent said the truck was going at least 80-90 mph, asked if we could get an officer to try and catch him, advised officer, said he would head out there, of-

ficer advised he caught the truck and issued a citation for speeding 77 mph in a 55 mph zone. 8:27 p.m. suspicious people 2 S of Devine water Plant on Hwy 38, 2 guys standing on the side of the road, looked odd because they were just standing there, couldn’t see a vehicle around anywhere, described them as an African-American and a white guy, advised officer, said that there is an oil rig out there and they are fracking close to the water plant, said they possibly work for the rig.

September 26, 2012

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


Specialty Sandwiches & Soup

Animals and Pets Misty’s Dog Grooming Weekdays, evenings and Sat. Call Misty 580-327-6653 lv msg Want to Buy 10 Laying Hens. 580-474-2465 or 580-542-0290 Please Adopt Me! My name is Oscar and I need a new loving family since mine is moving to AZ and cannot take me. I’m golden, neutered, declawed and healthy and you can visit me at Alva Vet Clinic with Dr. Skoog. Please Adopt me and I’ll love you forever! Oscar Lost- Offering Reward

For Sale ‘03 Layton Skyline Trailer. 580-748-0926


For Sale ‘10 Rockwood Signature Series, 34 ft Double Slide, bumper pull, low miles and in excellent condition, always stored inside. All top of the line option upgrades from Rockwood. Luxury living if you have to live in your RV or go camping in style. Don’t settle for a run down overpriced used piece of junk. Located in Alva, OK. Call 806-891-5773 and come take a look For Sale

‘07 Avalanche LT. Low mileage. Tan/Silver Snoodle and black & Exc cond. 580-327-0248 or white Spaniel. If found please 580-430-5173 call 580-621-3637 or 580-430For Sale 5189. For Sale

‘75 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x4, 350 motor, 4 speed. $800 obo. 580Small sized kid horse. Extremely 541-7016 gentle, riding nice. 620-296-4449 For Sale Automotive Century 8 ft Fiberglass Topper. For Sale Fits ‘97 to ‘04 Ford PU. Like 1985 Ford F250 EXT cab, 4WD, new. $175 obo. 580-541-7016 Duals, 9 ft bed with 28” sides. Business Opportunities 580-732-0313. For Sale For Sale Large Shop with truck parking ‘97 Class A 35 ft Motor Home, and RV Hook-Ups. Kiowa, KS. 13 ft slideout, 31,869 miles, very 620-213-2387 clean. $26,000. 405-205-8897

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Business Services

Golf Scramble

Pasture Tree Clearing

Greenleaf Fire Department. Oct 14. Contact Tim Ohm 580-732Save moisture and Grass. Let me 1162 or Brian Parker 580-748clear trees in your pasture. Skid 0456. $50/Person. $200/per team Steer and Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Grover. 580-474-2465 or 580Freeman’s Garden Market 542-0298 Pansies, Mums and Kale are Now Taking Bids here. 1407 College Blvd. 580327-3522 for concrete work. MBE/WBE businesses encouraged. 620-825Massages by Vanna 4285 Schedule your massage & foot Need New Sidewalks? detox today at The Heatwave! Couples/Friend detox $40 (a Driveway perhaps, we do all savings of $20). Come detox and types of concrete work. Stamp relax together! Students receive and Colors also avail. Give us a $15 off massages. Like us on call for estimate. 580-732-1028 Facebook. Massages by Vanna 580-727-5209. Premium Firewood Avail Black Jack and White Oak. Will stack and deliver. 580-922-1256

Honeywheat Cafe

(Formerly Miller’s Cafe) is open in Waynoka! 6am-8pm Fri-Mon and 6am-2pm Tues-Thurs. 589 412 N. Park St., Cleo Springs, Main St. OK - 1 blk west of the bank. 580Professional Upholstery 438-2259. Come enjoy an iced cold beer, the best pizza around, with all types of furniture. Over and some famous fried catfish! 55 yrs experience. Goltry, OK. 580-496-2351 Dad’s Day Man Cave Kasie Mae’s Cafe

New Releases If you don’t have one, you should. We can make it happen for New on DVD and BluRay at you. WFM Total Construction, Rialto Video, “The Avengers,” LLC. 580-327-7935. www. “The Tall Man” and “The Samaritan.” Carpentry Guns-Buy/Sell/Trade Interior-Exterior improvements. Glen Hasty. Aline, OK 580-430Room additions. Plaster Repair 5400 & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. For Your Const Needs Structural and non-structural concrete. Will also accommodate From A-Z, New Construction, Farm & Ranch. 580-307-4598 or Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, 620-825-4285. Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Piano Lessons Improve the value of your home. 580-327-7751 Call 580-732-1028


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Depot Bar & Grill

Help Wanted

Wed Lunch Special-Baked Pork Loin, Roast Potatoes, Green Beans, Dump Cake. Thur-Baked Chicken Breast w/Cream Sauce, Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Apple Pie. Fri-Chicken Fry, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Roll, Spice Cake. Full menu everyday. Carry-Out available. 580-327-2212. Immediate opening for Daytime Waitress

Clinic Nurse, Certified Home Health Aide, Part-Time Tech, Dietary Aide and CookHomestead, Cook-Nursing Home and Night Shirt CNA’s-Nursing Home. Pick-Up application at Share Medical Center’s Hospital Lobby or contact 580-4303313 or 580-327-2800 for more information

Computer Plus

Truck Mechanic

Free Husqvarna Viking S15 Serger with the purchase of the Anniversary 140C sewing machine. $499 value Free. 428 Flynn Street. 580-327-3312

Nicholas Services has expanded their fleet and is now seeking a highly motivated mechanic that takes pride in their work. Duties include truck maintenance, brake work, A/C, electrical and general shop maintenance. Organizational skills a must. Paid hourly based on experience. Position includes exceptional benefits package. Job is located in Medicine Lodge, KS. 620930-7511

Firewood For Sale

Top Pay!

For all computer repair needs. Call Adam Swallow at 580327-4449 or 580-748-2349 or come by 1329 Fair. Will do local housecalls Alva Sewing Center

580-327-2693 or 580-748-4064

Vacuum Truck Drivers needed in Alva area. Must have 2 years Employment driving experience, Hazmat Help Wanted Endorsement, with good driving record and able to pass drug test. Heavy Equip Operator. Flexible $500 Sign-On Bonus. Call 580hours. $18-$20/Hr. Company 327-3237 or 936-590-9961 Truck. Call 405-742-2795 Positions Available Help Wanted FT/PT in University Foodservice. Beadles Nursing Home is Apply in person at NWOSU accepting applications for CMA’s Cafeteria. Mon-Fri shift avail. for 7am-3pm. Health Insurance EOE/AA/M/F/D/V offered, Life Insurance provided, paid vacation. Apply in person. Immediate Opportunity 916 Noble. Alva A full-time Certified Dietary Gambino’s Pizza Manager is needed at Beadles Nursing Home. Apply in person 720 Okla Blvd. Now taking at 916 Noble Street in Alva. Call applications for Day-Shift full for appointment at 580-327-1274 and part-time or -2617.


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Help Wanted

Waynoka City Wide

Salad Luncheon

P/T Event Specialists needed to demonstrate food/products in Alva retailers! Must have PC access and experience in retail, food and/or customer service. Great Pay! Weekends required. Contact and apply online at careers

Sat, Sept 29. City Wide Garage Sales in Waynoka. Maps avail at local merchants, come early, shop all day

Tues Oct 2 11am-1pm. Moose Lodge. 302 7th. Fried Chicken, Ham and Beans, Chicken and Noodles

Under the Car Port


Estate Sale. 805 S. Sunset Drive, Alva. Friday evening Sept 28 6pm til sundown. Saturday, Sept 29 8am til 1pm. Huge collection of salt & pepper shakers (sell by the boxes), jewelry, dishes, misc items. No early bird sales.

Drafting Table and Tools. 580-430-9064

Estate Sale

For Sale

2015 Canyon Rd (off Ridgway Rd) Fri 5-8pm. Sat 8-11am. Fiesta Dinnerware, standing jewelry armoire, dressers, bronze fireplace screen, glider rocker, table and chairs, large etched antique mirror, JD metal pedal tractor w/wagon, toy kitchenette, weight bench & steel weights, boys bike and rip stick, Ed Bauer stroller, wingback chairs, quilt rack, shelves, car mats, TV, clothes, shoes, 1/2 price Sat

35mm film B/W film dark room enlarger Durst F30. 580-327-0311

Farm Supplies Farmers Please Help! 64 Yr old looking for a hunting lease for deer. Preferably on river system. Will pay top price for good place. 580-554-0999 Hunting Lease Wanted Kan or Okla. Quail/Pheasant of any size. 918-625-2945 Garage Sales Estate Sale Lots of collectible items. Ertyl Banks, beanie babies, Jim Beam bottles (still sealed) and lots of stuff. 1025 Choctaw. Fri 1-6pm. Sat 8am-1pm Moving Sale 1382 Missouri Street, Waynoka. Friday 1-6 p.m., Saturday 8 am. - ? Furniture, antiques, tools, hardware, glassware and much more.

Rain or Shine Furniture, Antique Furniture, Yard Decor and Statues, and much more. 1501 Davis St. Sat 7-1. No early sales. Yard Sale 42662 Hughes Rd. Fri 3-7pm. Sat 9am2pm. Total Gym, Futon, Ent Center, men’s, teens & baby clothes, PS2 games, surround & misc Miscellaneous Happy Hour Stop by the Rialto today for a cool, drink and popcorn or try a Coca-Cola or Cherry ICEE. Always happy hour priced all day, every day. Carry-Out Only

Please Return Would the person that borrowed our Trencher and Trailer please return it to Erikson Steel or call 580-327-3638

Last Chance New 8 x 6 wooden quick shed building kit. $300. 580-748-1258 Guns For Sale Several shotguns, several tactical guns mini 14 and AR15, Remington 742/308 M1 carving 30, several pistols and 22’s, 45’s and 9mm. 10/22 Ruger .22. Glen Hasty 580-430-5400 For Sale Burgundy Fiesta Dinnerware. Service for 8 plus 4 extra dinner plate, salt/pepper, sugar & creamer, mugs, serving pieces, placemats. Call Wallecia at 580-8291262 For Sale 4500 ft. 2 3/8 Tubing, very good cond for Fence Building or Corrals, $1.30/per ft. 580-883-4625 or 580-334-0489 Firewood For Sale Mulberry $85/Rick. Mixed $75/Rick. 580-435-2202 or 580-307-4368

Continued on page 62




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Members receiving this Degree are entitled to wear a much-coveted gold blazer, which is formally presented to the honoree during a special ceremony attended by other Pilgrims, members of the higher degrees of both the Loyal Order of Moose and Women of the Moose, family, friends, community leaders, and other members of the Order. James Powell will receive his blazer at Alva Lodge 2100 on Saturday, October 13 at 2 p.m. Also present will be leaders of the Kansas Association to offer their congratulations to Brother Powell. The Moose is an international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for children and seniors, bringing communities closer together, and celebrating life. Jointly, these members tirelessly volunteer their time and talent to assist people in need and make our communities better places to live and raise our families. The organization operates over 1,600 Moose Centers throughout North America, Great Britain, and Bermuda, providing members with wholesome family, social, and sports activities. To learn more about what Moose members are doing in the communities in your area, visit, or call 630/966-2229. James Powell of Hardtner, Kansas receives the Pilgrim Degree of Merit.

Real Estate

For Rent

For Sale

For Rent

Avail Nov 1. 1000 block Barnes. 1bdrm, 1bth duplex. $750/month. Water paid. 580-515-8280

in Kiowa, KS. 3bdrm, 2 bth remodeled house. Everything new with extra lot. 316640-3490

For Rent

For Rent

RV Spaces in Carmen, OK. All bills paid. 580-541-3540

Excellent Horse Runs with shelter and arena access. 620-296-4449

For Rent

For Rent

Avail Oct 1. Comfortable furnished efficiency sleeping area. Private bath. Outside entrance. Monthly rate. No bills. 580-327-4677 or 580-327-7106

RV spaces w/ full hookups. 580-430-1389

Lot for Mobile Home. 580-327-4606

New RV Park Opening

For Rent

Very nice, quiet, secluded park with water, sewer, electric and WiFi included for $1200/month only 4 miles out of Alva. Taking deposits now to reserve spots. Call 580-327-2327 or 936-590-9961 for more information

2 bdrm, 1 1/2 bth. 816 4th. Alva. 580-5411067

In Cherokee, OK Living area approx 500 sqft. Kitchen, shower, TV, Internet, washer and dryer, sleeping crew 3-4 people. 580-596-2476 or 580-748-0025

For Rent 4bdrm, 2 bth, fenced yard, 1 car attached garage, No Pets, 515 Locust. 580-3276929 Alva Home For Sale Nice 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, new kitchen. Call for appointment. 580-748-0712 or 580-748-0218

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