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Redistricting for Alfalfa County

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Community Calendar Wednesday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Alva seventh grade students are asked to report to the Alva Middle School library to complete enrollment. Individual schedules will be handed out the first day of school. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Enrollment for Washington, Longfellow and Lincoln elementary schools will be held at the Longfellow Elementary Library Media Center. New students need to bring immunization records and birth certificate. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sophomore students are requested to report to pick up class schedule and complete enrollment information at Alva High School. New sophomores to the district (or former students re-enrolling after absence) enroll from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. New students should bring immunization records, social security number, birth certificate and transcript information. 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. The Board will meet at 12:30 p.m. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Alva eighth grade students are asked to report to the Alva Middle School library to complete enrollment. Individual schedules will be The Alva Review-Courier / Newsgram is published Wednesday by Martin Broadcasting Corp. 620 Choctaw St. Alva, Oklahoma 73717 Lynn L. Martin, President Telephone Numbers: Alva Review-Courier 580-327-2200 Newsgram 580-327-1510 FAX 580-327-2454 E-Mail: Entire Contents Copyright 2011 Members of: Associated Press National Newspaper Assn. Oklahoma Press Association

handed out the first day of school. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Enrollment for Washington, Longfellow and Lincoln elementary schools will be held at the Longfellow Elementary Library Media Center. New students need to bring immunization records and birth certificate. 8:30-11:30 a.m. Freshman students are requested to report to pick up class schedule and complete enrollment information at Alva High School. New freshmen to the district (or former students re-enrolling after absence) enroll from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. New students should bring immunization records, social security number, birth certificate and transcript information. 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 5:30 p.m. Alva Weight Watchers meet at College Hill Church of Christ. 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will

meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Any Alva Middle School student who did not make it to enroll on the assigned day and any new students to the district are asked to report to the Alva Middle School library to complete enrollment. Individual schedules will be handed out the first day of school. 8:30-11:30 a.m., 1-3:30 p.m. Any students who did not make it to earlier enrollment are asked to report to pick up class schedule and complete enrollment information at Alva High School. New students to the district (or former students re-enrolling after absence) should bring immunization records, social security number, birth certificate and transcript information. 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. The Ombudsman Supervisor for Volunteers will speak at 12:30 p.m. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

Kids Against Hunger could win use of pickup Cherokee-based Kids Against Hunger of Northwest Oklahoma could win the use of a Toyota pickup for 100 days … with your help. Kids Against Hunger is one of five organizations to be featured on Facebook this Friday and the one receiving the

most votes will get the prize. You must be a signed-up member of Facebook to access the site and vote. The program is called “100 Cars for Good” and a winner is being named each day for 100 days. The Cherokee group is a contestant this Friday between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. This week, the group will have packaged their two-millionth meal, feeding people all across Oklahoma and around the world. The Kids Against Hunger group has a trailer, but no vehicle. To vote for them on Friday, open your Facebook page, then under Search type in Toyota. It should give you the balloting page. For further information call 580 748-1785 or 430-7100.

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Hankey–Callison announce engagement Lindsey Hankey and Kyle Callison will be married September 10, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. at the Riverside Church of Christ, Burlington, Oklahoma with Minister Ray Hull of Waynoka officiating.

Kyle Callison and Lindsey Hankey

Lindsey is the daughter of Rick and Beverly Hankey, Amorita, Oklahoma. Lindsey’s grandparents are Darrell Hankey, Amorita and the late Verla Hankey and the late Kenneth and JoAnn Coday formerly of Byron, Oklahoma. Kyle is the son of Denny and Lynette Callison, Kiowa, Kansas. Kyle’s grandparents are Lynn and Gerva Hargett, Kiowa, Kansas, and Ruby Callison, Magnolia, Arkansas and the late Jim Callison. Lindsey graduated from Burlington High School in 2007 and continued her education at Oklahoma State University, receiving her degree in Animal Science Production in May 2011. Kyle is a 2003 graduate of South Barber High School, Kiowa, Kansas. He is currently working towards his Associates Degree in Business Administration from Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa, which he plans to complete by May 2012. Lindsey has returned home to Amorita to work with the family farming and ranching operation. Kyle works for the Burlington Cooperative Association. The couple will make their home in Byron.

Chenae Murrow and Samuel Felton

Murrow– Felton announce engagement Franklin and Cheryl Murrow of Alva, along with Joe and Dena Felton of Waukomis, are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Chenae Jean Murrow of Alva and Samuel J. Felton of Enid. Chenae is a 2006 graduate of Alva High School and a 2010 graduate of Northwestern Oklahoma State University. She is the granddaughter of Jean and the late Ray Gourley, the late Russell Murrow and the late Merle Jean Murrow all of Alva. Samuel is a 2000 graduate of Enid High School. He is the grandson of June and the late Harold Brainard of Enid and Burney and Mary Alice Felton of Drumright. The couple will exchange vows on November 5, 2011 at 4 p.m. at Alva Friends Church with a reception immediately following at the Fairgrounds.

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School Board Fills Open Positions

By Lynn L. Martin With the start of school just two weeks away, both certified and noncertified people were employed Monday night at the Alva Board of Education meeting. Bret Hamby was hired as AMS as a physical education teacher and boys’ basketball coach. He has 21 years of experience in such places as Stillwater and Tahlequah. Another certified teacher, Suzanne Green, was bumped up from half time to full time in her science teacher position at Alva Middle School. Several paraprofessionals were hired. Amber Bosch was employed at Washington School; Lacey Gaisford was employed at Longfellow School; and Robin Counce was employed at

Bret Hamby

Longfellow School. Pat Countryman was employed as a six-hour cook for 2011-2012. Elizabeth Parkhurst was once again approved to provide physical therapy services for the district. The board approved a plan to accept credits from Northwest Technology Center for AHS students taking math and English, provided the instructor is certified in those areas and is highly qualified. Once again, Alva will serve as the LEA to manage the cooperative education project including Alva, Burlington and Cherokee schools. A contract for use of the NWOSU football stadium for AHS football was signed. A slight amendment was added that restricts the Alva school’s parking lot responsibility to high school activities only. Tutoring Service Martha Evans and Judye Pistole from the First Presbyterian Church appeared before the board to describe an afterschool free tutoring service the church plans to provide for all grades of Alva students beginning toward the end of August. Registration day will be August 27 from 10 a.m. until noon. The women explained they’ve lined up many retired university and public school teachers to help provide tutoring services. The student must be registered by a parent or guardian in order to attend. Each session will begin at 4 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Those interested may contact Dr. Martha Evans at 327-1530 or 327-7359. A new state law will require substitute

teachers to pass a criminal record’s check. No one is “grandfathered in” for this new law. Even former full time teachers who now substitute must pass the check. Supt. Vickie Johnson said, “Those teachers who teach more than ten days per year will receive a refund of the $50 fee for the criminal records search.” Vice-Chairman Steve Ellis ran the meeting in the absence of Brian Gaddy.

Alva authorizes voluntary water conservation plan Asks not to water lawns from 4-10 p.m By Jim Stout Alva residents and businesses were asked Monday night to voluntarily conserve water between 4 and 10 p.m. to help with a problem of low water pressure. The city council issued the request until a formal water conservation plan has been drafted by Alva City Manager Steven Brown. The council authorized that plan will go into effect by advertising in the Alva Review-Courier and posting in 10 public locations around the city. Members of the council suggested the plan could include an even-odd plan for lawn watering. Mayor Chaffee advised not to use oscillating sprayers during the day to minimize evaporation. Brown suggested automatic watering systems could be timed to come on after 10 p.m.. More information will be available in Friday’s Alva Review-Courier.

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Lynn Says

Motorcyclist survives, deer doesn’t By Lynn L. Martin I’m turning my column over to Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram employee Lesia Beavers. She and her husband were very good citizens in stopping and caring for an Arkansas man who had been injured in a motorcycledeer accidents just minutes before they passed by. The rest of this story is by Leisa; A West Fork, Arkansas motorcyclist hit a deer near Jet while on his way to Colorado Springs. Darrell Cooley, 54, was transported by Helena Ambulance Services with minor injuries to St. Mary Hospital in Enid around 3 p.m. on Saturday. Cooley said, “I was just taking my time, puttin’ along and out of nowhere that dang deer jumped right in front of me.” This reporter and husband Craig came upon the accident seconds after it happened. As we were coming back from Enid on our own motorcycle we saw a man in the ditch crawling on

his hands and knees. Next to him his motorcycle lay smoking, totaled out by the accident. We quickly turned around and went to help the man. Another motorist had stopped and called 9-1-1. My husband, Craig and I helped the man lie down on the side of the road. We had packages of new clothes we had bought in our saddlebags and Craig grabbed them out to use for a pillow for the injured man. The victim was bleeding from road rash and a gash in the top of his head. His hands were blistered and all the hide was scraped off his fingers. We tried to make the man as comfortable as we could. I sat next to him holding a large shirt over his head to shield him from the hot sun. The temperature was well over 100 degrees. We had some water bottles on our bike and I tried to keep the man cool by pouring small amounts of water on his neck and head and giving him small sips til help could arrive. After stabilizing Mr. Cooley the best we could, I stayed by his side and Craig went to check on the deer. The man fared much better than the deer. “The deer’s neck was bend double and it was kicking around a bit but

soon succumbed to the injuries and quietly died,” Craig said. The Highway Patrolman who stopped said the deer must have been on a search for water to be out in the middle of the day like that. Cooley’s phone was crushed in the accident but he was able to recite his mother’s phone number to me. I called her and explained what had happened as delicately as I could, trying not to upset her too much as she was very elderly. The ambulance finally arrived and Cooley was taken to the trauma center in Enid. I called his sister, Terri McNaughton of West Fork, Ark., Sunday after church and she told me he was treated and released from the hospital Saturday night. He went to a local hotel to await the arrival of his mother and other family members who were driving from Arkansas to pick up him and his belongings. Mr. Cooley is lucky to be alive. He had a helmet with him but was not wearing it. All I could think about the rest of the way home is that it could have been us, but it wasn’t. God is good!

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Amorita and Pierce–Warden announce engagement Goltry may lose Johnnie and Jenifer Pierce of Nowata, Oklahoma, along with Jerry and Beverly Warden of Alva, Oklahoma, would like to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Johnna Jenelle Pierce and Jay Daniel Warden. Johnna is a 2011 graduate with a bachelor’s in Ag Ecology and is currently working for Kratos Marketing Group in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She is the granddaughter of John W. Pierce of Nowata, Frank and Rhonda Locke of Nowata and Jerry W. Smith of Cleveland, Oklahoma. Jay is a 2010 graduate with a bachelor’s in Ag Ecology and Ag Business and is currently farming and ranching in the Okarche, Oklahoma, area. He is the grandson of Raymond and Alice Stroud of Okarche, and the late Clarence and Rozella Warden of Sickles, Oklahoma. The couple will be married on Sep-

tember 10, 2011 at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church with Father James Wickersham officiating. There will be a reception immediately following at the Alva Elks Lodge. The couple plans to reside in Calumet, Oklahoma.

Post Offices

Amorita and Goltry Post Offices are on a list of 100 “low activity” units for possible closures in Oklahoma, according to information released last week by the U.S. Postal Service. Also on the list nearby are Dacoma, Manchester, Carrier and Hillsdale. Those were among 43 in the district of Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Cheyenne. None were on the list for Barber or Harper County Kansas.

Kiowa daycare seeks volunteers

Johnna Pierce and Jay Warden

Kiowa’s Tiny Blessings Daycare, a not-for-profit community-owned and volunteer-run childcare provider, is in need of volunteers. Individuals or groups may volunteer for daily, weekly, or monthly opportunities. Opportunities include lunch pick up, temporary substitute childcare, child pick up, fundraising, activities, toy disinfecting, and many more items. All volunteers can be utilized; however, those in direct contact with children must pass a Kansas Bureau of Investigation background check and have a current negative TB test. If you are interesting in learning more or becoming involved, please contact Gayle McNett, volunteer director, at 620825-6214.

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Join the Community Vision! Each member of our Woods County Community donating just $1 each month can raise enormous funds for those people & projects in need! 25% of all funds will be donated to the Bank IT Rainy Day Fund for Families in Crisis.

Bank It: August, September, October, 2011

New Items Only: Please Contact any Donation Location for current needs in order to limit duplication. Patrons to Join Us for Lunch Puzzles and Board Games Potholders & Kitchen Utensils Card Games Alva State Company Rubber Mat for Front Door Bank & Trust Exercise CDs and CD Player Central National Bank of Alva Funding for Utilities Wii for Exercising of Exercising Alva Small Refrigerator Community Bank Wii Games High Plains Bank Coffee Maker 500lbs of Hamburger Meat Hopeton StateShuffle Bank Board 2-15” Skillets Don’t Forget 6ft long Stainless Steel Table 1-12” Skillet Some banks have pledged Table Top Salad Bar with Sneeze Bar and Drain to match a portion of the funds donated! Funds to help Patrons with expensive Electric Bills

Alva State Bank & Trust Company, Central National Bank of Alva, Community Bank of Alva, High Plains Bank, Hopeton State Bank If you know of a another worthy project or organization that may need assistance from Bank It please contact us via e-mail at or you can visit us on Facebook (Northwest Bank IT)

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Check out our brand new website! A re-design has been performed on our website at by Samantha Smith. It’s got fresh photos and is easier to navigate. Our old website is still up at if you want to see the change.

Lynn Martin Photography 800-526-1087 or 580-327-1686

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Kiowa Hospital in the black, Obituary interviewing CFO candidates

By Yvonne Miller The majority of the July meeting of the Kiowa District Hospital Board Thursday evening was spent in executive session. That’s as the board opened the meeting interviewing three female candidates for Chief Financial Officer (CF0). The process took about two hours as they interviewed the women individually. Following another executive session at the end of the meeting, Hospital Administrator Aldeen “Van” Vandeveer confirmed Monday the board is still in the process and has not yet hired a CFO. He anticipates the process to be complete “hopefully in the next three to four weeks.” Van said following that last executive session the board also voted not to bid on home healthcare. They also approved the monthly Risk Management/Quality Assurance report. All board members attended the meeting including: President Zack Odell; Robert Stark, Lori Schrock, Dan Lukins and Robert Armbruster. Tax Budget Hearing Set for Aug 11 Board set the hospital’s tax budget hearing for August 11 at 8 a.m., in the

board room at the hospital. Van said the proposed budget is $869,730.00. The board voted to leave the mills and tax rate the same as last year. The budget must be in to the county by August 25, Van said. Finances Good, Thanks to Tax Support Interim CFO Walter Mitchell gave a thorough financial report for June. His report includes pages of color graphs showing financial figures; key statistics and financial ratios; cash position reports by month, an accounts receivable tracking report; an analysis report of aging bills by financial class; and more. “You have a strong operation,” Mitchell told the board. The hospital showed a net loss from operations of $62,171.95. However, with the addition of $68,043.80 primarily tax money, the hospital was in the black $5,871.85. Year-to-date the hospital shows revenue in excess of expenses totaling $239,877.60. That positive figure was $78,392.54 YTD for the same time in See Hospital Page 34

KAREN K. SWENSON Funeral services will be Friday, August 5, 2011 at 10 a.m. at First Baptist Church with Dr. Greg Hook officiating. Burial will follow in Alva Municipal Cemetery. Visitation with the family will be Thursday, August 4, 2011 from 6-8 p.m. at Wharton Funeral Chapel. Online condolences may be made at Karen Kay Swenson, born September 18, 1943, passed from this life to everlasting life to be with the Lord on August 1, 2011. Karen was preceded in death by her parents, Frank and Velma Dennis, and grandparents, Ray and Beulah Shafer, all of Alva. Loved ones Karen leaves behind her are a spouse, LeRoy Swenson of Alva; four children and their families, Shelly LeMay, Austin, Texas, Dennis and Mary Hutchinson, Fairmount, Georgia, Jenifer and Steven Cooks, Fort Worth, Texas; Greg Smith and partner, James Brumley, Alva, seven grandchildren, Rylan Amundrud, Shawna LeMay, Bianca and Steven Cooks, Michael Hermann, Mitchell and Ann Marie Hutchinson; and one great grandson, Jove Amundrud; three sisters and their spouses, Frances and Richard Tanner, of Burlington, Betty Jo and Gary Bevis, Alva, and Kathy and Rick Krows, Seiling, as well as many nieces, nephews, other family, and friends. Memorial contributions may be made in her memory to the Vasculitis Foundation for Wegener’s research.

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Fairview FCCLA team earns gold at National Leadership Conference Five Fairview Family Career and Community Leaders of America delegates earned gold medals at the 2011 FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA July 8-15. They were among more than 6,000 students from across the nation and Puerto Rico who made the trip to California this year. Delegates attending were Larissa Austin, Emily Burggraf, Micah Hamen, Aaron Helm, Kourtney Mondoux, Meagan Rhodes, accompanied by FCCLA adviser, Donna Robison, and sponsor, Mike Robison. Oklahoma State FCCLA Adviser Denise Morris says, “The National Leadership Conference is a great way for student members and advisers to learn all they can about their organization and the resources available to them.� All the Fairview competitors walked away with gold medals. Aaron Helm received a gold in Entrepreneurship, senior division; Micah Hamen and Kourntey Mondoux received a gold in Environmental Ambassadors, senior division; and Meagan Rhodes received a gold in National Programs in Action, senior division. Hamen, Mondoux, and Rhodes were joined by Emily Burggraf and Larissa Austin in Knowledge Bowl competition. The team qualified for national competition at the Albuquerque Cluster Meeting. They were the only Oklahoma

team that advanced to nationals. Although they did not place in the top three, they did an excellent job of representing our state, Donna Robison said, and the students sincerely thanked Fairview Public Schools and the Fairview community for their tremendous support in raising funds for the trip. Workshops, general sessions, ven-

dors, exhibits, motivational speakers, 2011-12 national officer elections and theme celebrations were just some of the activities for participants. The national conference also included STAR Events and Knowledge Bowl competitions and recognition. STAR Event participants competed for a gold, silver, or bronze awards for their hard work on yearlong projects.

Fairview FCCLA participants at the National Conference Gala are left to right, Aaron Helm, Donna Robison, Emily Burggraf, FCCLA National Vice-President of Membership, Trent Misak from Oklahoma, Meagan Rhodes, Larissa Austin, Kourtney Mondoux, and Micah Hamen.

Knowledge Bowl Team at the competition are left to right, Micah Hamen, Kourtney Mondoux, Meagan Rhodes, Larissa Austin, and Emily Burggraf.

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August is for our pet package specials!

“My Puppy & Me,” My Cat & Me,” “My Horse and Me” . . . A dozen shots and a three unit package only $39.95 Lynn Martin Photography - Alva, OK (580) 327-1686

We are very good at large group photos! Even lighting, no hidden faces and good symmetry with even head spacing!

The Lawrence family reunion in Woodward last Saturday

$100 for one-hour of family groups plus mileage

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Redistricting for Alfalfa County By Leisa Beavers Redistricting the county and new road graders for District 2 & 3 were among items at Monday’s meeting of the Alfalfa County Commission. Present were all three commissioners, Chairman Doug Murrow, Chad Roach and Toby Walker. Redistricting resolution for the county was approved. The proposed district population is divided as follows: District #1 = 1,587 people, District #2 = 1,575 people, and District #3 = 1,477 The inmates in James Crabtree Correctional Center near Helena will no longer be counted because they are not part of the voting population and they do not use the county roads. A purchase order was signed to receive two new road graders from Yellowhouse Machinery. One will go to District #2 and the other to district #3. Other business discussed was the Alcohol Beverage Tax Report for the county. Total amount of Alcoholic Beverage Tax collected is $6,185.69. Only one road crossing permit was approved this week and it was for District #3. An approval to transfer funds to the Alfalfa County Fairgrounds was passed. Other routine business was handled such as Maximum Highway Expenditures Resolution, M&O warrants for payment, blanket purchase orders, and other miscellaneous reports.

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2010. June operating expenses increased from $279,800.80 in May to $315,516.12 mainly due to increased professional fees, FICA and benefits, etc. CFO Mitchell’s management fee is $12,514. Hospital statistics were down somewhat for June including: total admissions; combined days of acute and swingbed care; total outpatient visits (although the lab was almost the same); clinic visits were only down by one visit for a total of 368. Van said they are advertising for an employee to work in accounts receivable. He said Kim Clark will do her RN training at the hospital. Bad Debt Project One of Mitchell’s reports dealt with the “bad debt project.” He said Kiowa’s Hospital has approximately $500,000 in aged accounts beyond 120-150 days.

Mitchell learned the hospital’s software vendor has an automation system that will help with bad debt. The program will sort and send bad debt to a collection agency in Ashland. This frees hospital employees to work on other projects. Per board request last month, Mitchell solicited a bid from their current vendor collection service. The board approved proceeding with the bad debt policy. Manor Statistics and Financials For June the average patient census at the manor was 26.70. The number was 24 Thursday, according to Manor DON Nicole Tronsgard. The net from operations showed a loss of $34,533.09. That’s with total operating expenses of $161,021.84. With the addition of $5,000 tax revenue, the manor’s loss was curbed to $29,527.59. Year-to-date, the manor shows a loss of $41,064.66. That’s an improvement over this same time last year when the

YTD loss was $131,040.78. Van said they’ve had a staffing change in the dietary department. He said statistically, that is one of the departments with the highest turnover rate. Update on Building Project The Hospital Foundation met Thursday. Judy Schrock said it’s going well as the group works to collect donations and other forms of revenue to meet the $2.5 million GAP funding for the new hospital. Earlier the county commissioners approved $4 million of taxpayer money for the improvement project. The project is estimated at $6.5-million, thus the need for the GAP funding. Since architects have the plans ready, Odell said, “It’s time to tell and show the public what we’re going to do.” The board wants to start the community rollout of information after school starts. They are assembling talking points and hope to have a booth at the park Labor Day.

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The Women’s Health and Wellness Center

Cordially Welcomes Terry Badzinski, D.O. Obstetrician and Gynecologist

An Enid native, Dr. Badzinski now returns to Enid with 33 years of academic and clinical experience, including special interests in high and low-risk pregnancy, female endocrinology, infertility and laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Staerkel, who has been practicing in Enid for 30 years, also practices at the Women’s Health and Wellness Center. Both physicians are affiliated exclusively with The BirthPlace at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center.

To make an appointment:

Terry Badzinski, D.O. Obstetrics/Gynecology


Richard Staerkel, M.D. Gynecology

615 E. Oklahoma • Suite 203 • Enid, OK 73701

Physicians are independent practitioners who, with limited exceptions, are not employees or agents of St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

Dr. Badzinski is now scheduling new patients for appointments.

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Log July 25, 2011 12:29 p.m. major accident at 1 west of Kiowa turnoff on Hwy 11, request ambulance, BFD, OHP and 2 other units were advised, BFD was released. 6:34 p.m. report of a large yellow fiberglass water tank on hwy at 4 miles east of Jet on Hwy 64, advised on radio water tank is off hwy. 6:35 p.m. report of an unattended death at 1 3/4 south on west side of Aline Jct, advised Medical Examiner and request Lanman’s number in Helena, ascertain when investigator will call, advised cell phone service was bad and will call soon. July 26, 2011 7:29 a.m. report of cattle out by Smok Shak in Ingersoll, advised possible owner, is going to go check. 11:10 a.m. report of another break in at the Carmen Pool, advise they took candy. 6:46 p.m. report of cattle being on wrong property in Amorita area, cattle are on his land he is leasing and they are tearing up his deer feeders, advised someone

is there taking care of the cattle and fixing the fence. 10:32 p.m. report of cattle out in Ingersoll near Smok Shak, possible owner advised. July 27, 2011 7:55 a.m. report of cattle out 3 north and 6 west of 4 way stop, notified possible owner, will check. 12:30 p.m. report of 5 horses out 2 south of Cherokee Crystal Rd on north side, caller advised the horses, 4 brown 1 gray, are in his front yard, possible owner was advised, he is going to check. 2:20 p.m. report of fire 2 west of Jiffy Trip in Helena, send Helena FD to 2 blocks west of Jiffy Trip, fire on RR right of way, HFD request ambulance for fireman down, ACSO advised Helena Ambulance. 4:22 p.m. report of 1 white cow out at 45/8 Jct, called possible owner will check, did not locate cow and all of their cattle are in. 6:24 p.m. report of dead owl on roof at 4th & Main in Jet, request animal control, they had an emergency and had to leave, but will take care of it. 6:48 p.m. report of 2 rock haulers are traveling at a high rate of speed eastbound from McWillie into Helena, one of the trucks are a light blue Kenworth. 8:24 p.m. report of a man acting suspicious at the Carmen Park, caller takes care of the park and he drove by and a man flipped him off, the next time the man ran behind a vehicle like he was getting something, possibly drugs or a gun,

man acts like he is fishing, unit went to check, man is fishing. July 28, 2011 2:47 a.m. 911 call, car on fire at 2-3 miles south of Cozy Curve, no one is hurt, CPD advised dispatch Ambulance and Fire & Rescue, unsure of what we have, caller advised her boyfriend burned his hand really bad, the fire was out at this time, her car was overheating so she stopped, car caught on fire, medic back to station, no transport, going to leave vehicle there until morning, will move it then. 10:25 a.m. report of grass fire in ditch 1 north of feedlot, request CFD, A/B is trying to put it out with a shovel, request to send 1 truck, fire is out. 12:32 p.m. report of unwanted guest, a young boy came by to play with his kids and he let him stay but he is strange and does not want him around his children, the boy is at his house now and will not go away, does not want the boy there, negative contact, checking elsewhere to speak with boy. 12:37 p.m. report of fire on Sale Barn Rd north of Alva then east, Woods Co. was advised. 2:00 p.m. report of cow out just south of Cozy Curve, possible owner advised and he is going to go check. 2:27 p.m. report of fire south of Burlington, called and asked for deputy, kids playing with matches that started the fire. 5:14 p.m. report of white stingray car almost ran caller off the road south of Cherokee by Jiffy Trip, man in car wearing sunglasses, he got a flat tire due to person running him off into the ditch. 6:55 p.m. report of cow out on east side of SH8 & 4 south SH45/SH8 Jct Carmen exit, may be at the Helena turnoff, advised possible owner. 9:20 p.m. report of 6-8 head of cattle See Sheriff Page 46

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Senior Portraits can be a lot of fun . . . especially when you have a twin sister. Senior portraits make great Christmas presents. Most seniors like our multiple session plan. Book your first session now.

Lynn Martin Photography 800-526-1087

Jessica & Katelynn in clothes & jewelry from Daisy Village

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We’re close to hitting 3,000,000 page views in a year

See menus, trade cars, watch movie trailers, buy Action Ads or newspaper subscriptions. See the news that happens between print issues . . .

August 3, 2011

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Page 44

Inspiring simulcast in Kiowa Sept. 10

By Yvonne Miller Women with a desire to be challenged and encouraged should plan to be in Kiowa, Kan., September 10. Speaker and author Beth Moore will share an inspiring message through her Living Proof Live Simulcast. Women from all over will gather in their neighborhoods to hear Moore’s teachings on the 10th. The purpose of Moore’s message is to give women a more intimate relationship with God by applying scripture to everyday life. The event in Kiowa will be at the South Barber High School auditorium with the doors opening at 8 a.m. Tickets are $20 and include lunch. For further information contact: Laurie Shelite, 620-825-4871; Jamie Terwort, 620-8254988; or Brenda Yazel, 620-886-1557. Moore’s Simulcast is a part of Lifeway Women’s Events. In addition to her simulcast conferences, Moore teaches a weekday class at Houston’s First Baptist Church.

The South Barber 6th-7th Grade Girls Team ended their season on a championship note. Coach Steve Roberts, Anna Perez, Sarah Garvie, Kelsi Smith, Bayli Hyde, Emily Rugg, Nicole Blick, Santana Reeves, Bailey Roberts and Madison Polson won the Pratt MAYB tournament July 31. Six games were played and six games were won. The girls played 4 tournaments this summer. They were consolation champs at the Wichita and McPherson tournament and Champions at the Alva and Pratt tournament.

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out on Alfalfa field at 3 mile north and 6 west of 4 way on CR Jefferson. 10:20 p.m. report of 2-3 teenage boys yelling and cussing at the Carmen Park, 2-3 vehicles one of them did donuts in the gravel then headed north on 3rd St. July 29, 2011 12:22 a.m. 911 call, house fire at 300 block of south Penn in Cherokee, dispatched CFD advised they need ambulance, advise power lines are down, told by radio need AEC now. 4:26 p.m. report of grass fire at water tower in Amorita, ACSO dispatched AFD. 5:14 p.m. report of panic alarm going off at 900 block of west Broadway in Aline, couldn’t reach resident, little girl set it off, alarm company didn’t call them. 8:38 p.m. report of several cows out at Hwy 8/45 Jct, called 4 possible owners, not theirs, gave name of owner and notified him, he is on his way out there, they are off roadway. July 30, 2011 8:15 a.m. report of car driving erratic, going sideways around curves in Goltry, could hear him across town, he ran a stop sign, advised OHP they will check it out. 8:23 a.m. report of 2 stray dogs in yard on Quail Lane in Nescatunga, 1 has collar 1 doesn’t, left message with animal control, they called back and advised they do

not service on that area unless property owner wants to pay for it, caller advised her neighbor scared them off haven’t seen them since. 8:50 a.m. report of cattle out 2 mile west of McWillie, called possible owner will go check, not his gave name of owner, notified owner, will go take care of it. 2:13 p.m. report of motorcycle vs deer 1/4 mile west of Hwy 58 Jct, need an ambulance, subject is walking around, unsure of injuries, dispatched Helena Ambulance, advised OHP by phone & teletype, Helena Fire advised Helena Ambulance transported. 4:32 p.m. report of lightning struck field and started a fire at 2 miles south & 1 mile west of Nash, dispatched Nash FD & Goltry FD, Goltry sending 2 brush rigs & 6 personnel, Goltry has been released from Nash fire. 4:59 p.m. report of 6-8 cows out 2 miles north of McWillie elevator, called 3 different possible owners and were told it was someone elses, notified him and he will go take care of it. 7:05 p.m. report of RR crossing in Goltry is down on east side and flashing but no train, advised Burlington RR. 9:40 p.m. minor accident at 3 north of Carmen turn on Hwy 8, vehicle vs deer, do not need rescue, advised OHP. 10:01 p.m. report of underage drink-

ing at Mini Mart in Jet, adults and teenagers drinking sometimes they go to the park and drink too, negative contact. 10:53 p.m. medical call in Byron for individual that is ill and weak, will have someone on the Hwy with flashers for the ambulance, ambulance on scene, enroute to Bass. 11:07 p.m. report of harassing phone calls in Carmen, wants it to stop, he is getting more phone calls and now they are calling his wife’s phone too, spoke to wife and she said the calls are sexual and from the same number, will try calling number again. July 31, 2011 12:21 a.m. Report of someone walking on Hwy south of Cherokee, right on the white line, hard to see, negative contact with individual. 12:45 p.m. report of vandalized trailer at 900 block of west Locust in Carmen, were threatened by the individuals before the incident, beer bottles were broken all over their yard. 7:13 p.m. report of black cow out 3-4 south of Cozy Curve near the bridge, notified possible owner. 8:41 p.m. report of calves out in a ditch and a wheat field 2 west 1/2 north of McWillie, called one possible owner, not theirs, possibly another individuals, they will check.

Alfalfa County Court Filings

According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Misdemeanor Filings Michael Dean Harding, 43, Nashville, KS: Driving While Under the Influence. Civil Filings Discover Bank vs. Joshua Corey Worman: Breach of Contract for an

amount more than $3,500. Discover Bank vs. Ann Retherford: Breach of Contract for an amount more than $11,500. Divorce Filings Clenton Tyson McDaniel vs. Kerri Michelle McDaniel: Divorce. Brandi Dawn Borden vs. Christopher Dale Borden: Divorce. Protective Order Filings Kerri McDaniel, Skyler Marie Ryden and Dakota McDaniel vs. Clenton Tyson McDaniel. Traffic Filings Taylor Leigh Baker, 15, Valdosta, GA: Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license ($256.50). Micheal Ray Calwonsen, 34, Fairview: Operating a motor vehicle at a speed not reasonable or proper ($256.50).

The following individuals received a citation for speeding: Lawrence Anthony Compo, 30, Alva: 11-14 over ($226.50); Toby Gene Wood, 32, Ames: 1-10 over ($188.50); Matthias Nathan Gillespie, 18, Waterville, NS: 3135 over ($361.50); Eric William Jones, 22, Sallisaw: 16-20 over ($241.50); Taylor Leigh Baker, 15, Valdosta, GA: 16-20 over ($241.50); Garrett Mark Johnson, 25, Kiowa, KS: 11-14 over ($226.50); Cathy Leola Sweet, 46, Vici: 1-10 over ($188.50). The following individuals received a citation for failure to wear seat belt ($20 fine): James Patrick Griffin, 19, Jet; Luis Rojo Fuentes, 52, Enid; William Charles Buell, 65, Devine, TX; Marcel J. Gosselin, 47, Midwest City.

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Barber County Sheriff’s Log 07-25-11 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from south of Kiowa to Kiowa Hospital. 07-26-11 Kiowa Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to a grass fire northeast of Kiowa. 07-26-11 David Felio, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2004 Dodge PU struck a deer on U281 about 7 miles north of Medicine Lodge. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy Rugg. 07-27-11 Deputy English investigated a report of illegal dumping north of Pixley. 07-27-11 Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to a grass fire on Gerlane Road just east of U281. 07-27-11 Matthew Thimesch, Cunningham, driving a 2003 Chev truck struck a deer on K42 about 1 mile west of the Barber/Kingman County Line.

Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Rugg. 07-29-11 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. 07-29-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Main Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 07-29-11 Kiowa Rural and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a grass fire on the Gerlane Road. 07-30-11 Kristin Loyd, Haysville, driving a 2001 Dodge PU struck a deer about 1 mile east of the Sun City Road on U160. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Sheriff Tomson. 07-31-11 Sharon and Hazelton Volunteer Fire Departments aided Harper County at a grass fire southwest of Attica. 07-31-11 Medicine Lodge Rural Vol-

unteer Fire Department responded to a bridge fire at the Barber County State Lake. During the week officers received 11 reports of cattle out; one report of horses out; performed 6 Public Assists; and assisted 4 other agencies. Arrests 07-27-11 Brian W. Ashbaker, Kiowa, W/M, 28. Arrest by KWPD. Charge: Drive while DL Suspended. Released 07-27-11 on $500 Surety Bond. 07-30-11 Angel D. Ahedo, Wichita, W/M, 33. Arrest by MLPD. Charges: Possess Stolen Property 2. Interference with LEO 3. Felon Possess Firearm 4. Agg Assault on LEO. 07-30-11 Tasha N. Kimball, Medicine Lodge, W/F, 26. Arrest by MLPD. Charge: Possess Stolen Property. 07-30-11 Melissa D. Musgrove, Medicine Lodge, W/F, 24. Arrest by MLPD. Charges: Cruelty to Animals 2. Theft.

Alfalfa County Real Estate Transactions Beginning Book 660, Page 653 Real Estate Transfers Michael H. Womack, Trustee of Michael H. Womack Revocable Trust to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 6.97 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 13, Township 24 N, Range 10, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. William M. Schmitz, III and Thresa Schmitz to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 6.97 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 1, Township 28 N, range 9, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Becky Schubert to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 6.10 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 N, Range 10, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Larry Angle to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 6.10 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of the SE Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 N, Range 10, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Juanita June Johnson and Bob John-

son to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 3.66 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of Section 27, Township 29 N, Range 10, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Jeremiah Von Schmitz and Amber Von Schmitz to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 6.57 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of Section 1, Township 28 N, Range 9, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Gene R. Lash and Alice Martha Lash, Trustee under the Gene R, Lash and Alice Martha Lash Living Trust to SandRidge Exploration and Production: A 10.35 acre SURFACE ONLY tract of land in the SE Quarter of Section 10, Township 26 N, Range 6, WIM: Special Warranty Deed. Phyllis L. Puffinbarger and Tammy s. Puffinbarger to Michael A. Hensley and Ladonna Hensley: Lot 21 in Block 22, Original town of Cherokee: Quit Claim Deed. Sherrie Ann Ishmael to Rex H. Ishmael and Sherrie A. Ishmeal, Trustees of the Ishmeal Living Trust: An undivided 1/2 interest in NE//4-4-027-011-160 Acres more or less; and An undivided 1/6 interest in

1/6 interest in SW and E 75 Acres of S/2 of NW 14-26-9 1/6 interest in NW7-25-9 less railroad and .2 acre tract to state. Mrs. Mona (Clara) Pettay, Spouse of Ivan (Boob) Pettay to Good Hope Cemetery Association of Helena: 3 and 4 of Lot 8 in Block 5 Good hope Cemetery, S.E. of Helena: Quit Claim Deed. William Max Winkler, Jr. and Patricia M. Winkler to Jeffrey A. Winkler: Undivided 1/6 interest in the SE Quarter of Section 31, Township 26 N, Range 10, WIM: Warranty Deed. Jason Brown and Kristen Brown to Ricky Brown and Janet Brown: South Half of the SW Quarter of Section 17, Township 25 N, Range 11, WIM: Warranty Deed. Mortgages Clifford H. Benson, Jr. and Karen K. Benson to farmers Exchange Bank: all of Lot 13 in Block 2, in the Aubrey Tatro Addition the the City of Cherokee: $28,800. William Newton Tyner and Kristina Tyner to National Banking Association: A tract of land in the NE Quarter of section 16, Township 23 N, Range 9, WIM: $191,839.

August 3, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Specialty Sandwiches & Soup

Animals and Pets

For Sale

‘93 F250 4x4; 5sp with a great flat bed $3,000 obo. obo. 580-829Tame, young, outside F cat. 5802039 327-5119 For Sale For Sale ‘85 Ford F150. 4wd, flatbed, runs 2 cute, adorable puppies. 1 F, 1 good, good rubber. $1500 firm. M. 2 1/2 months. Mother-Part 580-987-2330 Schnauzer/Shitzu. Father-Full Blood Pug. $40/each. 580-603For Sale 1657 03’ Ford F250 SuperDuty, 4WD, For Sale Diesel, 168K, $9800 firm. 719557-9671 AKC Black Lab puppies. $75. Call Brian 580-884-9033 Business Services Wanted

Evening Dog Grooming

GED Classes

M-F. Call Misty 580-327-6653 lv Begin 8/16. NW Tech-Alva. Tue msg and Thur 5:30-8:30pm. $100. 580-327-0344 Automotive Tricare, Champus, VA For Sale An Alva option for military and ‘07 Ford F350. Reg Cab Dually. retired military. Dr. Elizabeth Diesel. 4x4. Butler Spike Bed. Kinzie has 20+ years of service 77,000 miles. $27,000. 405-255and fully understands the military 4292 health system. Call 580-430-3366 For Sale Mediate, Don’t Litigate Dodge Ram 1500, Quad Cab, very your Child Custody or Divorce nice in and out, 1998 V-8 4x4, tow Issues. It saves money and is pkg, power w/l/s, cruise, recent faster. Denis Cote Mobile Law full tune-up, new tires, priced to PLLC. 580-327-1753 or 580-430sell. 580-748-1620 1062 Hunt with Ease Busy B This 14ft 2 wheel Trailer has it all. Back to school sales all week 4 dog compartments. 2 dry secure long. No Tax Weekend Sales also. storage areas and ATV space. See 524 Flynn. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm. at 306 Aspen or call 580-327-5655 Open this Sun for Big Sale


Page 49

August 3, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Shelite Melons

Handyman Express

available at Freeman’s Garden Small or Large jobs. Same day service. 620-213-2514 Market. 1407 College Blvd Need New Sidewalks?

Learn to Sew with Feet

Driveway perhaps. Also Brick and This class is designed for the Block work. Give us a call. Free beginner as well as the expert sewers. The first 2 feet we will estimates. 580-732-1028 learn to use are the “Invisible Computer Plus Zipper Foot” and the regular Computer Repair, Service, Virus “Zipper Foot.” We will complete Removal and other Computer projects using both feet. Get a Needs. Competitive Pricing. Call jump start on Christmas Gifts!. Adam Swallow at 580-327-4449 Tuesday, August 23, 10am-6pm. or 580-748-2349 or come by 1329 Sat, August 27, 10am. $10 + Fair St. Mon-Fri. Will do local supplies, machines and feet will be furnished. Class size is limited housecalls Food Distribution

Super Cool Deal

Alva Wesleyan Church and Okla Regional Food Bank. 2nd Wed each month. 3rd and Church St. 2-6pm. We want to feed body and your soul. Also check community calendar

The Rialto has the best price on drinks. 16oz .50, 32oz .75, 44oz $1 includes tax, that’s what you pay. All day, everyday, 10am9pm. Sun open at 12:30. Compare prices anywhere, ours is lowest. Rialto 580-327-0535 (carryout only)

Red’s Place Closed for Vacation this week. Will reopen Aug 8. With our same great menu and some new items. Get ready for some great eatin’. Thanks for your past patronage and watch for exciting changes in the near future

Travis and Bobbie Krob Tree Trim and Cut and Removal + Stump Grinding. Very Reasonable Rates. Call anytime. Insured. Travis 580-747-4256, Bobbie 580-430-7103


Page 50

August 3, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Baker’s Laundry 614 4th Street, Alva. Open Daily 7am-9pm. Wash $1/Load. Large Load Steam Washer $3.75. Drop Off Laundry Service $

Depot Bar & Grill

Wed Lunch Special-Beef Burritos, Rice, Beans, Poppyseed Cake. Thurs-Sliced Pork w/ Gravy, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Rum Cake. Fri-Chicken Oil/Gas Mineral Leases Fry, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Please contact us if you are Corn, Roll, Peach Cobbler. Open interested in leasing or selling at 11am. Full Menu every day. your minerals. We provide Carry-Out avail. 580-327-2212 services to Oil and Gas Mineral Dan’s Pest Control Owners. Our efforts create healthy competition resulting Guarantees you a Pest Free home in higher bonus amounts and or business, at an affordable price. superior lease terms. Professional It is time to get your home treated References Available. 580-327- for Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, 4440 or 580-327-7889. www. Ants, Flies, Bed Bugs & other MineralMarketing.Com flying & crawling pests. Dan and Sherry will be servicing the Alva For Your Const Needs area July 13, 14, 15. 26, 27, 28, From A-Z, New Construction, 29. Aug 9, 10, 11, 12. Call 580Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, 748-1953 Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Too Hot for Fried Foods Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Improve the value of your home. Try our light lunches along with Call 580-732-1028 our iced or frozen Koffee Drinks. New Punch Cards avail. WedPasture Tree Clearing Firecracker Salad. Thur-Our Save moisture and Grass. Let me popular Mango Salad or Pulled clear trees in your pasture. Skid Pork. Fri-Quiche, Side Salad or Steer and Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Ham Salad or Pulled Pork. SatGrover. 580-474-2465 or 580- Biscuits and Gravy and Ham 542-0298 Salad or Pulled Pork. Mon-Beef or Chicken Enchiladas. Tue-Regular Carpentry Chicken and Noodles. We are still Interior-Exterior improvements. praying for Rain! Room additions. Plaster Repair Employment & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. Will also accommodate Farm & Help Wanted Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620-825Depot Bar & Grill, Full-Time 4285. Mitch Reed Nights. 580-327-7011 Just a S.I.P. Heavy Equipment Opera Structural Insulated Panels Dozers, excavators, haul will reduce your energy bills. truck drivers and other heavy They pay for themselves in equipment. Heavy equipment months. Miller and Associates, mechanics and oilers also needed. LLC. 580-327-7935. www. Call 660-656-9505


Page 51

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Page 52

Full time CNA, CMA

Now Hiring

Multi-Family Moving

Needed at the Waynoka Nursing Center immediately for all shifts. Please apply in person or call Becky Ross RN DON @ 580-824-5661. Competitive pay and flexible scheduling.

Experienced Crude Oil Transport Driver for Full-Time position in the Alva area. Competitive pay and benefits, health insurance, paid vacation. Day Cab and Sleeper work available. Call 806-935-2525 or send Resume to PO BOX 1534, Dumas, TX 79029

2016 11th St (near Tech Ctr) Pool Table, lots of household items, dining set. Fri 4-7pm. Sat 9am-?

Truck Mechanic Nicholas Services has expanded their fleet and is now seeking a highly motivated mechanic that takes pride in their work. Duties include truck maintenance, brake work, A/C, electrical & general shop maintenance; organizational skills a must. Paid hourly based on experience; position includes exceptional benefits package. Job is located in Medicine Lodge, KS. 620930-7511 Now Hiring Class A Drivers for all shifts. Earn over $1,300 weekly/$15-$17.50 hourly. Excellent benefits. Over 30 years in business. Come be a valued member of our growing company that takes pride in our equipment and provides extensive oilfield training. Nicholas Services, 620-930-7511 Stylist Needed Full-time, apply within. The Wild Hair Salon

Farm Supplies Farmer’s Please Help! 63 Yr old looking for a hunting lease for deer. Will pay top price for good place. 580554-0999 Garage Sales Yard Sale 906 Barnes, Sat Aug 6, 8am-? Garage Sale

Backyard Sale 211 Center. Fri and Sat 8am-noon Garage Sale Sat 8am-noon. 912 Ridgeway Rd. Massage Chair. Lots of misc. No Early Birds Please! Lutheran Rummage Sale Fri Aug 5 and Sat Aug 6 from 9am-2pm. 212 Maple. Lots and lots of summer clothing and shoes. 25 cents/shoes, jeans $1/pair, dresses $1, all shirts 50 cents, baby clothes 50 cents/each, blankets and bedspreads $2, sheets $1, toys 50 cents, dishes ranging from 10 cents to $3 Moving Sale

Cleo Springs, Nebraska Street, Fri & Sat 8am-?; girls clothing, furniture and misc items. 918-691-6368 for directions or follow the signs.

304 N.B., Carmen, Fri. Aug. 5 8-6. Sat. Aug. 6 8-2. Lots of household and misc. items. Something for all ages.

3 Family

714 S Sunset Drive

Sat Aug 6 9am-2pm. 4th and Main in Kiowa, KS. No Early Sales! Household items, salon items, clothing toddler to adult, western iron shadows

Storm Windows, Hunting Bows, Baby Bed, Bunk Bed. Fri and Sat 7:30am-noon Liquidation Sale #3 816 Locust (inside) Sat 8-1pm 6 rooms. Lots of different merchandise. Garage Sale Sat. Aug 6 8am-1pm. 1338 Flynn Indoor Moving Sale




Thurs and Fri, 1935 Maple. 10am-5pm. Square Hardwood table and chairs, queen sized bedroom set, black refrig and freezer w/Water and Ice dispenser, glass front gun cabinet, brown upholstry sofa and loveseat, end tables, stools, children’s flip-top desk, space heaters, wood dresser, lamp, Toro push lawnmower, Echo weed eater, MTD Roto Tiller, leaf blower, rocking chair, wall mirror, 32in TV 1928 Locust

NELSON REAL ESTATE See all our listings at Jeanette Nelson, Broker

Call for Details 580-748-0745 or 580-327-1745

8am-? Sat. Children’s clothes, shoes, leapster games, household items and misc 2 Townwide Sales Helena and Goltry. Sat 8am-?

Continued on Page 54

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Page 54

Lawn Care

Counting Down

Responsible F Roommate

Mowing Service

44 Days till the Hunting Country Big Cruise and Car Show

Seeking F N/S Roommate to share 2bd hs w/clg stdnt. Great quiet Alva location fully furnished w/WiFi $200/mth + 1/2 bills. Call 620-409-0162. Pls lv msg

Reasonable rates. Call anytime. 580-3278392 or 580-603-1605 Miscellaneous For Sale 9-20”x8’ Lattice Panels $20. 48’ Pipe Panels $60. 4x8 Mower Trailer $250. ‘79 Ford PU Bed $150. Fiberglass Topper $50. Also 17 ft Camper Trailer. See at 524 Choctaw or call 580-327-1313 For Sale 2 Cemetery Plots in old section of Alva Municipal Cemetery. Lot 36, Block 2, Space 1 and 2. $275 obo. 951-359-1459 For Sale Construction tools in Alva 5000watt generator, concrete bull float, adjustable drywall stilts, adjustable scaffold w/ rollers, 8’ step ladder. Maybe other items. Call 719557-9671 For Sale 3 Black Powder Guns! Like new! .20ga Howdah Pistol. .44cal Cattleman’s Carbine. .44cc 1858 New Army Revolver. Call Les 580-829-2959

For Sale 1000 gallon Plastic Watertank for hauling water with hose. Like new, used very little. $800. 580-541-2331 2 Bow Hunters Looking for place to hunt White Tailed Deer. Bows only! 601-529-1999 New Movie This Week “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” “Horrible Bosses” start Friday. Still playing “Cowboys and Aliens.” “Captain America” and “Harry Potter” thru Thursday. For showtimes visit us on FaceBook or Call 580-327-1900 or 0535. Rialto Theatre For Sale Chicken Crates. Rabbit Metal Nest Boxes. 580-987-2502 For Sale Abandoned Styrofoam Panels by sealed bid. 580-430-6052 to view. Bids opened 8/15/11

For Rent Nice 2bdrm, 1 huge bathtub, large yard. No Pets. $400 + deposit. 580-327-2375 For Rent Comfortable efficiency room. Private home. Outside entrance. Monthly only. No Smoking. 580-327-4677 House For Sale 4yr old 4bdrm 3ba 2280sqft, 1/2 acre. Cherokee. $136,900. 540-295-9326 House For Sale Acreage with 3bdrm Home, 1 1/2bths, recent heating and cooling system, roof, very neat and sound cond, also nice 2 car garage w/shop, large hay barn, corrals, rock road, 5 acres between Alva and Cherokee. 580-884-7447 House for Rent in Hopeton, OK. Call 580-748-2094

Real Estate

For Rent

Tree Clearing/Fencing

Nice 1bdrm house in Aline, OK. Modern heat and air, new bathroom, $255/Month + Deposit. 580-463-2483

Tree Clearing/Stump Spraying capable. Old fence removal and new fence construction. Welding and corral construction. Brian Collins 405-255-4292 House for Rent 2bdrm close to campus. 580-542-2520

For Rent 4 bdrm, 2 1/2bth, partially furnished, ideal for students, close to college, no pets, no smoking. 580-327-7890 For Sale Sleek 2bdrm home. Must see today! 1304 Maple. United Country/Kohlrus Real Estate. 580-327-4007. Mobile Home 4 Sale ‘09 3/2 16x80 on rented lot in Alva. 806228-0568 Westside Home for Sale 3bdrm, 2 Car on Apache Drive. By appointment only! 580-430-6693 For Sale College House in Stillwater, OK. 80’x120’ Lot with a 14’x70’ Royalton Trailer. 580987-2397

August 3, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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