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NWOSU graduation Saturday

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Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. The board will meet at 12:30 p.m. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday.

Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 5:30 p.m. Alva Weight Watchers meet at College Hill Church of Christ.

8 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 8:30 a.m. No classes at the Alva Public Schools today. 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

Chance encounter could save the county plenty By Roger McKenzie A fortuitous conversation at a Cherokee church could end up saving Alfalfa County a lot of money—more than $130,000. Heavenly intervention or just chance? Whatever the answer, county commissioners must be smiling at their good fortune. The chance conversation concerned the non-working elevator in the Alfalfa County Courthouse. As he was at the church conferring about its elevator, someone mentioned the county elevator to Tony Fox of American Elevator. Fox was referred to Commissioner Doug Murrow. He contacted Murrow and learned about the non-working elevator in the courthouse. He learned about the problems with it, primarily a leaking seal that has thwarted the best efforts of The Alva Review-Courier / Newsgram is published Wednesday by Martin Broadcasting Corp. 620 Choctaw St. Alva, Oklahoma 73717 Lynn L. Martin, President Telephone Numbers: Alva Review-Courier 580-327-2200 Newsgram 580-327-1510 FAX 580-327-2454 E-Mail: Entire Contents Copyright 2011 Members of: Associated Press National Newspaper Assn. Oklahoma Press Association

Kone, Inc., the firm with the county’s elevator maintenance contract. That contract was subsequently cancelled and the unused portion of its cost returned to the county when Kone couldn’t fix the elevator. Instead, the company submitted a bid to replace it. Both American Elevator and Kone, Inc. are located in Oklahoma City. Ironically, Kone’s bid was opened Monday the commissioners’ meeting— after Fox submitted a proposal to the county to repair the elevator and its leaking seal, not replace it. The proposal by Fox would cost the county $6,917.55. That’s a hefty savings over the $140,000plus bid submitted by Kone to replace the elevator. Commissioner Chad Roach expressed some concern about throwing good money at the problem if the American Elevator proposal doesn’t fix the problem. However, Fox sealed the deal with the inclusion of a one-year guarantee on the fix and the promise that the work could be done, once started, within two weeks.

Having both the guarantee and a much quicker return to service of the elevator made Roach a believer. Even Roger C. Walhaim, who submitted the replacement bid on behalf of Kone, Inc., said he hoped the repair works. The commissioners approved payment for the elevator repair and rejected Kone’s bid to replace it.

Tony Fox with American Elevator shows Alfalfa County Commissioners a pair of split O-rings that he indicated may have contributed to the courthouse’s elevator problem. The elevator has been out of service because it leaks oil. Fox outlined a fix for the elevator which may save the county over $130,000 over the cost of a new elevator. Photo by Roger McKenzie

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Handicapped can vote in Cherokee election

Registered voters in Alfalfa County who become physically incapacitated after 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, won’t have to miss the May 10 Special Election for the Cherokee I-46 School District, County Election Board Secretary Kelly Stein said today. Stein said state law permits registered voters who will be unable to go to the polls because they became incapacitated after 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 3, to vote on an emergency basis. “Physical incapacitation” includes a variety of conditions---injury, illness, childbirth--that prevent a person from voting in person at the polls on election day. “If you think that you or someone you know fits into this category, contact the County Election Board office at 580596-2718 as soon as possible for more information,” Stein said.

Joel Rinkenberger and Stephanie Bahr

Bahr—Rinkenberger announce engagement Jeff and Janice Bahr would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie Leigh to Joel David Rinkenberger from BIufon, Indiana, son of Jim and Jeanne Rinkenberger Both Joel and Steph have worked in Magdalena de Kino, Sonora, Mexico for the past five years, where they live and work at the orphanage Casa Vida y

Espefanza (House of Life and Hope), a mission outreach of the Apostolic Christian Church of America. Joel is in charge of work teams, maintenance, and construction while Steph is a full-time house parent for four children. They will be married June 5th in Magdalena, Mexico, and will make their home there until God directs elsewhere.

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Two Superintendents at Alva School Board meeting By Lynn L. Martin Departing Superintendent Don Ford attended his final meeting of the Alva School Board Monday night. Seated beside him was incoming Superintendent Vicky Johnson. Ford obtained approval from the board to leave a couple of months earlier than the date in his initial resignation notice. Vicky Johnson said she and her husband have moved to Alva and have rented housing. She said there is a lot of unpacking to do. In giving the financial report, Supt. Ford said collections are coming in very well and the district has a carry-over projection 1.7 million, which is about a million ahead of last year. Most of the principals’ reports consisted of telling of end-of-school year testing. The high school girl’s golf team qualified for State. Also, seven girls and six boys qualified for the State Track tournament. The enrollment for 9th graders will occur the week after the end of school. The goal is to work with those students and parents to design a four-year plan. AMS Principal Terry Conder reported that the “Math Counts” students reached the gold level for the fourth year in a row and the school is nationally ranked. “Tenure is out the window,” according to Supt. Don Ford who reported on legislative actions. He also said, the schools have been told to expect a 4.1%

decrease in funding as a result of this legislative session. The board voted to renew a contract with “Municipal Account Systems, Inc.” for the district’s accounting software at a cost of $460 per month. There will be two sessions of driver’s education this summer taught by Steve Gale. One session will be in June and one in July. The fee will be $175.00 per student. Tracy Shiever will conduct a summer reading program in June. The board approved a request by the Band Booster club to take the senior band members to Denver, Colorado May 2528, 2011. The board renewed a contract with Clearwater Enterprises for natural gas for AMS and AHS. Supt. Don Ford said this arrangement has saved the district a lot of money. The board approved once again the plan to use BJCC inmates during the summer to work on district campuses. Steve Parkhurst said the workers have been outstanding. Two or three custodians will undergo training in order to supervise the inmates. The board discussed the mowing contract. Steve Gale will be offered a contract to mow all the district sites this summer for $10 per hour using school equipment. He may be permitted to use some of the BJCC inmate help. Supt. Vicky Johnson was appointed to the following positions: 1. Alternate co-signer of the activity

fund 2. Purchasing Agent 3. Information Officers and Insurance Designee 4. Student Residency/Attendance Officer 5. Federal Programs Director The board approved a proposal to declare about 40 computers surplus. They will be picked up by a computer recycling firm. In the past, the board has attempted to offer such obsolete computers for bid, and basically no bids have been offered. Then the board entered executive session to evaluate and possibly rehire support personnel.

Waynoka dinner to help send students to National

After six Waynoka students qualified to compete at the National FCCLA Conference in California, the FCCLA Chapter will be hosting a fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner in the Waynoka Schools Commons Area on Sunday, May 15, from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. The dinner will be by donation and the menu is spaghetti, green beans, bread and dessert. Hannah Darr, Chelsea Head, Chassidee Koehn, Layne Meriwether, Mary Zook and Michaela Zook placed in their STAR Events at the FCCLA State STAR Event Competition held in Stillwater on April 8 & 9. Their placing qualified them for the National STAR Events competition which will take place at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California, July 9-15. Please bring your whole family to the dinner and help raise funds for our students to attend and compete at the National.Your support is greatly appreciated.

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Lynn Says

Sometimes less is more By Lynn L. Martin The stop light on Oklahoma Blvd at 7th, next to McDonald’s in Alva, has been in a flashing mode instead of the usual timed red-yellow-green sequence mode for several months now. The flashing mode means the traffic observes the intersection as if it had a four-way stop sign. I love it. The traffic moves sooooo much faster. The jam-up caused by the vehicles exiting the McDonald’s drive-through has been reduced, and I suspect their drive-through food-delivery speed has increased considerably. “Why don’t you leave it this way?” I asked Mayor Arden Chaffee, “Virtually all traffic from all directions moves through the intersection much faster.” The mayor disagreed with the idea of leaving the arrangement permanent. He believes pedestrian traffic is at much higher risk, and there is greater danger of more vehicle collisions at the intersection. His opinion was unchanged after our discussion. I suspect that neither of us will have input in the decision as that is a federal highway and probably the feds have their “standards” that will be unmovable. I will have to admit I’ve rarely attempted that intersection as a pedestrian so I’m clueless about those types of problems. Personally, I believe the two fourway stops in place of timed lights have worked much better on the western side of the downtown square. I will concede

that the traffic there is probably one-tenth (or less) of the traffic on Oklahoma Blvd. Former City Manager I was visiting with Steve Tomberlin on Sunday at church. Four years ago, he was Alva’s city manager. Then he took a similar job at Sayre and moved on. Steve is no longer in the city manager business. He has embarked on a couple of new business ventures that will really benefit from his long years in the city management field. The first is no affordable new homes were being constructed in his area, so he and a partner have purchased land and are building a new sub-division of ten homes. He said they are using “manufactured homes” which will go up quickly and also

keep the price within the reach of middle class families. I simply said, “Wow, that’s the exact same problem we have here in Alva. Wish somebody would take the lead and do that around here.” Steve’s second venture is called, “Tomberlin & Jennings Consulting, LLC.” He has joined up with a very talented person and they are providing grant-writing services for municipalities who don’t have people with those skills on staff. I’ve known Steve since he was a teenager, and he has a well-developed farm boy work ethic that has never wavered. My belief is the timing is ideal for both of these ventures.

Savannah White of Alva is working in show-business in New York City. She grabbed this cell phone shot of the celebration in Time’s Square following the announcement of Bin Laden’s death.

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Waynoka BOE votes to purchase new minibus By Steve Ward The Waynoka Board of Education convened for its regular monthly meeting on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:30 with all members present as well as Superintendent Dale Ross, Principal Michael Meriwether and Minutes Clerk Becky Pingelton. Approved unanimously were the minutes of special meetings on April 4 and April 25 at which they discussed the possible employment of a new superintendent, but no action was taken on that item. Also approved unanimously was the item on the agenda of the 4-25-11 meeting concerning the audit report prepared by the Chas W. Carroll, P.A. Accounting Firm from Enid. Buddy Carroll reported five minor exceptions to generally accepted accounting principles, but none of those involved any misappropriation of funds and were all easily corrected. The Board also voted to approve the Comprehensive Local Education Plan (CLEP) for the 2011-2012 year. Bus bids Bids had been solicited from at least three different companies for a 2011 29-passenger Mini Bus to replace one of the aging ones that had lots of miles. After carefully reviewing the bids, The Board unanimously voted to accept the bid submitted for a Bluebird Bus from Ross Transportation at a cost of $48,881. That vendor also submitted a bid for a bus to be fueled by natural gas (CNG), but The Board felt the cost of $71,881 plus around $9,000 for extra tanks to increase the bus’ range was prohibitive.

Other bids were $48,192 for a Thomas Bus from Midwest Bus Sales and a $49,559 bid from National Bus Sales. Superintendent Ross and The Board felt they had gotten more durable service from Bluebird bodies in the past. The Board voted to approve an agreement to with Clearwater Enterprises as the school’s natural gas supplier for the fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. The Board voted to elect Nancy McKay of Jenks Public Schools, Roger Adair of Moore-Norman Technology Center, Ann Wade of the Oklahoma Association of School Business Officials and Dan Snell from Norman Public Schools to four-year terms on the board of directors for the Oklahoma Public School Investment Interlocal Cooperative. (55K001) The Board also voted to employ Dana Hope and Kristi Johnson to temporary contracts to work with a special needs student during the summer. All Non-Temporary Certified Teachers re-hired The list of certified teachers unanimously rehired for the 2011-2012 year included: Kandee Almgren, Norene Barker, JoAnn Bellmon, Rodeana Bixler, Matthew Bradford, Murletta Crissup, Patti Gaskill, Mindy Holt, Scott Kysar, Kelly Meriwether, Steve Nutter, Alicia Pitts, Erin Place, Allan Poe, Daresa Poe, Debra Rankin, Connie Walker, Mary Walker and Beau Westfahl. The Board also voted unanimously to re-hire certified temporary teachers Heather Lohmann and Nicholas Pugh for the 2011-2012 year. Also unani-

mously employed for the 2011-2012 year were support personnel including: Sharon K. Inman (12-month Custodian), Linda Seiger (12-month Custodian), Kelly Like (Cook), Kerri Truesdale (Cook), Linda Hofen (Part-time Library Aide), Gail Nickelson (12-month Secretary), Becky Pingelton (12-month Secretary), Robin Kysar (10-month Secretary), Matthew Bradford (Bus Driver), Kelly Like (Bus Driver), Linda Seiger (Bus Driver) and Danny Strohmehyer (Bus Driver). The Board also approved a request for three fund raisers to help defray expenses for FCCLA Teacher Daresa Poe and students Hannah Darr, Layne Meriwether, Mary Zook, Michaela Zook, Chelsea Head and Chassidee Koehn to attend the FCCLA National Leadership Conference July 9-15, 2011, in Anaheim, California. The Board approved the noncompensation (not making them up) of school days missed due to inclement weather pursuant to Section 5 GB1864 (page 6). Mr. Ross and Mr. Meriwether reported that the Waynoka Schools were well within the 1,080 hours of instruction required by law even though they missed four of the scheduled 175 days taught. Financial reports Superintendent Ross reported that overall, the WISD is up in total revenues approximately $42,000 from the same time last year even though the state aid is down about $86,000. Ross also reported the Maroon and Grey Activity Bus (called the Grey Goose) had suffered a blown motor with oil spewing out under the hood and a seized-up engine and was currently parked at Carmen. The Board authorized Ross to get the bus back to Waynoka so it could be checked out thoroughly in order to determine if it is worth repairing. The Board approved encumbrances for the General Fund in the amount of $18,387.53 and for the Building Fund in the amount of $6,977.41. They also approved General Fund Payroll Encumbrances in the amount of $175.66. The Board adjourned into executive session for the purpose of discussing possible candidates for the superintendent’s position but returned to open session with no action taken and then adjourned for the evening.

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Madeline Belknap, Noah Stanley and Charlotte Smith. She was preceded in death by her two brothers, Paul Murrow of Cherokee, and Russell Murrow of Alva, Oklahoma Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. Chapel in Cherokee with Dr. Trevor W. Smith officiating. Burial will follow at Cherokee Municipal Cemetery. Viewing will be Tuesday from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. with the family receiving friends from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. and before the service on Wednesday. Online condolences may be given to the family at

U.S. Border Patrol for 14 years. Shirley taught school in Colorado, Texas, California, and Maryland. She taught every grade from pre-first through high school. She rode horseback to teach grades one through eight in a one room school building near Meeker, Colorado. She taught muiti-subjects to Spanish speaking children in Texas. She did home school teaching in California and for 5 years taught special education in Maryland. Shirley was an accomplished pianist and played for DAR and PEO programs while living in the Washington, DC area. She also played in numerous churches in four states while Donald was promoted and reassigned during his career. She was a Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Society of Mayflower Descendants, The Continental Society Daughters of Indian Wars, Colonial Dames XVII Century and the International Chapter P.E.O. Sisterhood. She is survived by her husband, Donald; sister, Sally Sizemore of Meeker, Colorado; one daughter, MaryBlue Ster and husband John of Neptune Beach, Florida; three grandchildren, Mary Elizabeth Molnar of Los Angeles, California; Donald William Ster of Jacksonville, Florida; and Virginia-Blue Hughes of Asheville, North Carolina; and two grandchildren Sophia Blue Ster and Donovan Ster of Jacksonville, Florida. She was preceded in death by an infant son, Donald Murray, two sisters Susan Ruddy and Dorms Jensen, and brother Jim Sheridan. Viewing will be at Goodwin Funeral Home at 106 W 2nd Street, in Cherokee, on Wednesday, May 4th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Thursday, May 5th from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. with the family present from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m., Friday, May 6, 2011, at the Friends Church in Cherokee with Joe Woods officiating. Interment will be in the Cherokee Municipal Cemetery under the direction of the Goodwin Funeral Home. Memorials in her honor may be given to the Cherokee Ambulance Fund through Goodwin Funeral Home.

Obituaries MAXINE YVONNE COCHRAN Maxine Yvonne Cochran was born on October 18, 1924 to Frank and Ada Murrow at the family home near Waynoka in Woods County, Oklahoma. She departed this life in Harper, Kansas on April 30, 2011 at the age of 86. She spent her childhood on a farm west of Cherokee, Oklahoma and attended Pleasant Hill, a country elementary school near her home. After graduating from eighth grade she attended Lambert High School and graduated in 1941. She then attended Northwestern State College in Alva. On March 26, 1944 Maxine married A.B. Cochran. They lived on a farm south of Jet, where they began farming and ranching. In 1956 they made their home in Cherokee. They shared a loving marriage for over 67 years. In addition to helping with the farming operation, Maxine was a devoted housewife and enjoyed spending time in her yard. She was a member of the Willing Workers Home Demonstration Club and the Golden Circle Social Club. She also served on the Alfalfa County Election Board for many years. She was a talented seamstress and a wonderful cook who made delicious chocolate pies. Maxine’s family was her top priority, and she loved spending time with her grandchildren and her great grandchildren. They were the light of her life. She is survived by her husband, A.B. Cochran of the home; one sister, Phyllis Goss of Pratt, Kansas; one daughter, Sandra Smith and her husband, Dr. Bill Smith of Oklahoma City, twin sons, Gary Cochran of Cherokee, and Larry Cochran and his wife, Christy Cochran of Jet, eleven grandchildren, Dr. Trevor Smith, Travis Smith, Camree Belknap, Caredy Stanley, Courtney Cochran, Trina Reeves, Ashley Wilson, Anthony Cochran, Nicholas Cochran, Dillon Cochran and Riley Cochran; eleven great grandchildren, Zakiah Reeves, Sean Reeves, Abigail Reeves, Emma Reeves, Ethan Cochran, Adrian Cochran, Chasidy Cundiff, Cody Cundiff,

FRED COLE MEDICINE LODGE—Fred Cole, 79, passed away on May 1, 2011 at Via Christi Hospital in Wichita, Kansas. Funeral service will be Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 10 a.m. at the First Christian Church in Medicine Lodge, Kansas with Pastor Tom Walters officiating. Burial will follow in the Isabel Cemetery. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Kiowa, Kansas. Condolences may be shared with the family at Fred was born on December 25, 1931 at Cambridge, Kansas to Charles W. Cole and Rosa May Carter Cole. Fred served in the United States Army during the Korean War and was in the National Guard for almost two years. He is survived by his wife, Mary L. Cole; five daughters, one son, one son-inlaw, one sister, fourteen grandchildren, nineteen great grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the funeral on behalf of the family. SHIRLEY SHERIDEN COPPOCK CHEROKEE—Shirley Sheridan Coppock died at St. Mary’s Hospital, Enid, Oklahoma, April 29, 2011. She was born May 22, 1916 in Meeker, Colorado. She graduated from Meeker High School, studied music at the University of Colorado and then attended Colorado State, Boulder, graduating with a degree in education. On August 28, 1940 she married Donald Coppock of Cherokee, Oklahoma who later was the Chief of the

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Walker—Erisman announce engagement Tracy and Sharon Walker of Freedom, Oklahoma, are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Kelli, to Neil Erisman, Jr., son of Neil Erisman, Sr. and Trudy Erisman, both of Kansas City, Kansas. Kelli is the granddaughter of Rosalie Walker of Waynoka and the late Simpson Walker, Jr., and the late Wayne and Olene Cunningham.

Neil is the grandson of the late Robert & Marjorie Erisman, the late Jimmy Freitag, and the late Patsy Osborne. Kelli is a 2006 graduate of Freedom High School and a 2010 graduate of Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Promotions. She is currently employed by Total Health in Stillwater, Oklahoma, where she is a fit-

ness instructor and works in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. Neil is a 2006 graduate of DeSoto High School and a 2011 graduate of Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business. He will be working as a club coach for the Oklahoma State Cowboys’ wrestling team upon graduation in May.

Kelli Walker and Neil Erisman, Jr.

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Congratulations to National Honor Society

Induction Ceremonies for 2011 were held Sunday at Alva High School auditorium. National Honor Society is one of the highest honors high school students can receive. This years inductees are: Front Row (L-R): April French, Riley Bryant, Alana Adams and Austin Garner. Second Row (L-R): Brooke Ortiz, Lydia Thompson, Cheyenne Colvin, Valerie Venosdel and Reygan Martin Third Row: Emily Shafer, Jayna Hadwiger, Carrie Wallis, and Cody Forell.

518 College Ave. Alva, OK 73717 580-327-3300

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This is an Alva School Day Photo by Lynn Martin Photography - an 8 x 10 for $5.50 School day photos are less expensive because hundreds of nearly identical image are printed at a quantity discount by the lab. Once in the fall and once in the spring we offer “School day pictures for the public.�

Ethan Flynt Friday, May 6, 2011, from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. and May 6, 2011 from 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. School day photo packages will be offered to any person old enough to stand up on their own. Call the studio at 580-327-1686 to schedule a time. Sessions will be scheduled at 5 minute intervals. A school day picture is of one individual.

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JACK KELSEY Jack Kelsey, son of the late J. Burtus and Pearl Estelle (Francis) Kelsey, was born June 15, 1925, on the family farm north of Waynoka, and passed away April 29, 2011, at Enid, Oklahoma, at the age of 85 years After graduation from high school, he served in the United States Army in the Philippines. On November 30. 1946, he was united in marriage to Norma Jean Hull Besides his parents, Jack was preceded in death by two brothers. Jack is survived by his wife, Jean, of Enid; one son; one granddaughter. MARY JO COCKERILL MEYER Mary Jo Cockerill Meyer 78 year old life long Woodward resident, died Monday, April 25, 2011 in Enid. Funeral services were held April 29, 2011 at 2 p.m. at First United Methodist Church with Reverend Charlie Graves and Reverend Ed Dowty of New Covenant Church officiating. Burial followed in Elmwood Cemetery under the direction of Billings Funeral Home, Woodward. She was born on June 22, 1932 in Pampa, Texas to Clifford Charles and Edith Harris Cockerill. On Thanksgiving Day in 1950 she and Robert Eugene Meyer were married with her wearing here wedding ring for 60 years. She is survived by her beloved husband Robert Eugene (Bob) Meyer, one daughter, one son, six grandchildren and great-grandchildren, two brothersin-law and sisters-in-law, and one nephew. Instead of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Woodward United Methodist Youth Fund with the church accepting the contributions. Remembrances may by shared online at www. or to their home Box 1986 Woodward, Oklahoma 73801.

LEO L. WEST Funeral services will be Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at Alva Church of God with Reverend Bob Brown and Reverend Orville White officiating. Burial will follow in Liberty Cemetery in Elm Grove, Oklahoma. Wharton Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements. Leo Lonnie, son of Mae (Tomlin) and Lloyd Gilbert West was born May 31, 1928 at Fay, Oklahoma. He passed away at Share Medical Center on the 30th of April at the age of 82 years, 10 months and 29 days. On February 17, 1951 he joined the United States Army serving during the Korean Conflict and was honorably discharged February 3, 1953. Leo was married to Shirley Ann Pruitt in Purcell, Oklahoma on March 6, 1956. Shirley passed away March 1, 1995. May 25, 2000 Leo was married to Janene Delores Pfleider at Elm Grove. Janene passed away November 12, 2010. He was preceded in death by a daughter Annette Lynn, his parents, two sisters and two brothers. Leo is survived by a daughter Charlotte Coffey of Crescent, five grandchildren. two step-daughters and their husband, Joni and Bill Foreman, of Casper, Wyoming and Toni and Greg Bender, of Kingfisher, a step-son and his wife, Mike and Dannel Pfleider, of Alva, nine step-grandchildren; nine step-great grandchildren, a brother and his wife, Bill and Helen West and a brother -in-law and his wife Dale and Della Dunnigan. Contributions may be made to the Alva Church of God or Elm Grove Assembly of God Church.

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Carmen News

Rockin’ Relay Friday Night

By Margaret Goss The Carmen Calvary Relay for Life will hold their “Rockin’ Relay” Friday at the 1st Carmen Bank from 6 p.m. to midnight. Co-chairmen Lisa Copenhaver and Debbie Newman have a wonderful evening planned with fun, music, games, and lots of entertainment. Carmen’s Silver Strings will begin the festivities at 6 and Jazzercise and Kids Get Fit “Route 66” by Janis Wooten will be at 7:00. The “Minute to Win It” games will be included followed by “Boppin’ the Blues”. There will be a Hula Hoop Contest for kids and adults. There will be hot dogs and goodies for sale during the evening. A silent auction will also be be held until 8:30. The crowd will two-step and jitterbug with Jazzercise to “Reno Bound” then Karaoke for Kids will follow. There will be bingo games going during the evening. There will also be Karaoke for Adults. At 9:00, “SAUL” a rock band from Sioux City, NE will play. Saul climbed to the top of the local rock scene in 2007 with their self-titled debut EP. The music of SAUL appeals to rock fans and non-rock fans alike. They have signed with Blind Boy Records of South Sioux City. The drummer/percussion player is Todd Poland, son of Rhonda and Kendal Poland. More dancing and fun till be on top during the evening. If there is rain, the party will be moved to the big pavilion at the park. Everyone is invited to come enjoy the evening. Bring your lawn chairs and a light jacket and join the fun! All proceeds will be used for the Relay for Life efforts to “rock away cancer” at the June relay to be in Alva.

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Northwestern’s Borders—Lowes th 112 Spring announce engagement Edward and Rebecca Borders of Ringwood, Oklahoma and Randy and Karla Lowe of Holly, Colorado are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their children, Angela Borders and Cameron Lowe. Grandparents of the bride are Sharon McNealy and the late Dennis McNealy of Mansfield, Missouri and Velma Borders and the late Lee Borders of Mansfield, Missouri. Angela is a graduate of Ringwood High School and a 2010 graduate from Northwestern Oklahoma State University with a double Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Health and Sports Science Education. She is presently employed with NorthCare. Grandparents of the groom are Carl and Kathy Lindholm of Holly, Colorado and Bill and Norma Lowe of Holly, Colorado. Cameron is a graduate of Holly High School and will graduate from Northwestern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology in December 2011. He is presently employed with Bouziden Brothers. The couple will exchange vows on June 4, 2011 at 6 p.m. at the Zion

Lutheran Church, in Alva. After a honeymoon to Las Vegas, Nevada the couple will reside in Alva.

Angela Borders and Cameron Lowe

Commencement 10:30 Saturday

The 112th spring commencement at Northwestern Oklahoma State University will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, May 7, at Ranger Field. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to Percefull Fieldhouse. Gretchen Barber van Eeghen, a 1996 mass communications graduate, will deliver the commencement address. Barber van Eeghen began her career in radio, and eventually worked her way into television as a program director assistant then to regional program director. In 2000, she studied makeup artistry with Mary Kay and now works with the company fulltime. She and her husband reside in Carmel, Calif. Music will be provided by the Ranger symphonic band under the direction of Dr. Michael Stone. Two hundred fifty-three are candidates to receive bachelor’s degrees, 17 will receive master of education degrees and 11 will receive master of counseling psychology degrees. See Commencement Page 46

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You can have someone fly up from OKC . . . and pay $1000

. . . or you can have Lynn Martin Photography shoot an aerial for you for $489.00. Our deal includes a nice album of the photos we take. Our website has details -

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Secretary offers voting instructions For Cherokee School election Tuesday

Polls for the Special Election called by the Cherokee I-46 School District will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10,. The Special Election is for the voters inside the geographical boundaries of the Cherokee I-46 School District to consider two propositions. Proposition one is for constructing, equipping, repairing and remodeling school buildings, acquiring school furniture, fixtures and equipment and acquiring and improving school sites. It would levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the taxable property in such District sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due and also to constitute

a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due.” Proposition two is for purchasing transportation equipment, and levying and collecting an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the taxable property in such District sufficient to pay the interest on such bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due. “The Woods County Precinct 5 and the Alfalfa County Precinct 110 are totally closed for this Special Election because there are no registered voters in those two precincts,” states Kelly Stein, Secretary of the Alfalfa County Election Board. “Also, Alfalfa County Precincts 230 (Carmen After 55 Club) and 310 (Helena Senior Citizens Center) are closed for this election. The Election Board office has notified each of the

voters by letter on how they can vote: If any voter is confused on where on how he/she can vote, he/she should contact the Alfalfa County Election Board Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. “We want to remind voters there is no in-person absentee voting on Saturday for this special election,” emphasized Stein Stein also urged voters to take their voter identification cards with them to the polls. Following is a list of the precinct polling places open in the Special Cherokee SD I-46 Election. Precinct 140 - Lobby Cherokee H.S. Auditorium Precinct 210 – Farm Bureau Building Precinct 220 – Bethel Baptist Church Precincts 230 & 310 will be closed.

State audit findings show no major problems for FY 2008 and 2009 By Roger McKenzie State audit findings for Alfalfa County’s operation in fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09 include only a few suggestions to improve accounting for county revenues and expenditures. The State Auditor and Inspector’s Office only recently concluded its examination for above mentioned fiscal years because it is running behind. Fortunately, the findings issued reveal no major issues. The few minor problems mentioned include: ● A few instances of time sheets not being signed in a proper manner. ● Some apparent lack of

communication that the auditors said made it harder to get information. ● Lack of a financial statement. While the county submitted its budget and local audit information, it did not submit along with that information a prepared financial statement. ● Expenditures of funds received from the federal government were apparently not congregated into one section, but rather scattered throughout the audit and financial information supplied to the state. The state auditor’s office asked that federal expenditures be gathered and accounted for in one section. “The county came out very well,”

CINCH TREE SERVICE All Trees & Landscaping 30yrs Experience 580-727-1492 Brad 580-727-1133 Dave

said Commissioner Chad Roach, noting that for the two years there were no major violations. He also noted that he wasn’t a commissioner during one of the years included in the report. Commissioners approved a $49,104.60 transfer of state transportation funds to a county fund. The funds were transferred from one fund to the other after the county completed a bridge over Clay Creek. The funds reimburse the county for bridge materials used in the replacement bridge work. A private property access agreement in District 1 was also approved. The commissioners proclaimed the week of May 1-7 as Family Week. The proclamation was made at the request of the Oklahoma Home and Community Education organization. In other business, the Alfalfa commissioners approved the following routine items: minutes of their previous meeting, maintenance and operations warrants for payment, appropriations, the monthly Alcoholic Beverage Tax Report, Maximum Highway Expenditures Resolution, and miscellaneous officers’ reports.

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City of Kiowa continues Aline-Cleo April business, minerals, names Student of the Month Ashbaker, sewer line By Yvonne Miller Kiowa’s City Council continued their regular April meeting last Monday night. They conducted some unfinished business – still haven’t signed on mineral lease; passed resolutions on Ashbaker property; and took action to bring sewer service to the Humphrey Addition. All members attended including Mayor Brandon Farney, Russell Molz, Bill Watson, Mark Lambert and Brian Hill. City Administrator Nathan Law said they received four bids from companies to build a sewer line for the Humphrey Addition. Council approved the bid from Stevens Construction LLC of Salina. Stevens reduced their bid to $65,620

by reducing the cost of the lift station. Homeowners involved include Mario and Delores Moreno; John and Jamie Terwort; John and Linda Forrester; Ron and Kristi Molz. This breaks down to a cost of $865.30 per year over a 20 year span for each homeowner. Law said the timeline is 30 days after the notice to proceed is published. Council a contract with Ruggles and Bohm for $2,000 to inspect and test the project. Council passed Resolution No. 239 to advertise for bids to demolish Delfred Ashbaker’s garage at 619 S. 8th St. An engineer’s report shows total value of the garage is $3,760. Resolution No. 240 suspends certain types of improvements inside the city limits until a zoning ordinance is adopted by council. Citizens can request a public hearing on any improvement request denied. The

Sadie Woodall is Aline Cleo High School’s March student of the month. In a half-serious manner, Sadie says she feels victorious over her fellow classmates for receiving student of the month. Her plans for after high school include attending NWOSU to become a nurse, even though administering epidurals makes her feel faint. During high school, Sadie has been active in the FFA, student council, TSA, SLC, and HOSA, as well as being employed by Pizza Hut and Farm Bureau. Her method for being a good student is simple: do your work. As she sees it, it’s not that hard to turn work in. Sadie is the daughter of Marvin and Kari Woodall and Beth Woodall, and she is the sister of Dakota Feige.

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Sadie Woodall, Aline-Cleo student of the month.

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suspension does not apply to single family structures. A Uniform Building Code passed 4-1 with Lambert opposed. Mineral Lease Discussed Further Representing Sandridge Energy, Barton landman Tom Klingensmith and his brother John approached council. They wanted to know if the council is “on board” to sign a no-surface mineral lease between the city and Sandridge. That’s after a lengthy presentation to council the previous month. Council questioned the men about the $500 per acre amount offered by Sandridge. Polson asked bluntly, “Is 1/6th (royalty) as good as we’re going to get?” Molz asked why Sandridge doesn’t just purchase landowners’ mineral rights, paying them that larger amount up front. Klingensmith said if the oil well produces it might be a better deal for property owners to only lease their mineral rights.

Council entered a 15 minute executive session with the Klingensmiths to discuss the issue further and for contractural negotiations. Then council met for another 15 minute executive session. Upon return to open session council took no action. They plan to review further with council. Other Business Approved letting Tiny Blessings daycare use the community building for their annual meeting at no charge. Council agreed to adopt an interim police policy from the City of Harper. This is as Kiowa’s police policy was reportedly misplaced. Council also said a copy of all city files must be kept in the city office. Law said the evening of May 19 there is a meeting of city and county elected officials. This third annual event is sponsored by Barber County Development. Guest speakers include Scott Brown and Dennis McKinney from Greensburg.

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Waynoka FFA has success at speech contests

The Waynoka FFA speech team has recently competed in the Local and the Alva P.I. speech contests. Hannah Darr, Layne Meriwether, Chelsea Head, Chassidee Koehn, Ethan Koch, Weston Hill, Stephanie Nutter, Maria Wilcox, Mary Zook, Ashley Wells, Kelby Reed, Austin Long and Terrance Long competed at the first annual Waynoka Local Speech contest which was held April 13. In the speech division, Layne Meriwether placed 1st, Hannah Darr 2nd, and Stephanie Nutter 3rd. In the FFA Creed contest, Hannah and Stephanie tied for 1st, with Austin Long 2nd, and Ashley Wells 3rd. Prize money was given to the winners. We would like to thank Altus Pipeline for donating the See Speech Page 46

CINCH STOCK TANK REPAIR Repair old Tanks Build & Install New Tanks Family Business 40yrs


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prize money to our chapter. On the 19th of April the FFA speech team competed at the Alva P.I. In the Natural Resources division, Weston Hill placed 5th and Ethan Koch took 3rd. Layne Meriwether placed 2nd in the Agriscience division. Competing in the Animal Science division were Maria Wilcox placing 4th and Chelsea Head placing 3rd. Stephanie Nutter competed in the Ag Policy division, placing 3rd. In the Plant Science division was Mary Zook, who took 3rd. Hannah Darr and Chassidee Koehn competed in the Agribusiness division, with Koehn placing 5th and Darr placing 2nd. Hannah also placed 4th in the Creed Speaking contest. Layne and Hannah will be competing this week in Woodward at the District Speech Contest.

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At right: The Waynoka FFA held their first annual local speech contest on April 13th. 13 members competed. The results were as follows: (Left to Right) Hannah Darr 2nd, Layne Meriwether 1st, and Stephanie Nutter 3rd. Hannah and Stephanie were also the top two in the Creed Speaking division of the speech contest.


Twenty-six of those receiving bachelor’s degrees will graduate with honors. Students with cumulative grade point averages between 3.70 and 3.79 are designated cum laude, those with GPAs between 3.80-3.89 are magna cum laude and those above 3.90 are summa cum laude. Honor graduates from the Alva area, their degrees and their hometowns include:

SUMMA CUM LAUDE OKLAHOMA --ALVA – Chrystal Benson, bachelor of science in biology; Shayla Herren, bachelor of science in business administration; Grayson Starbuck, bachelor of science in biology. FAIRVIEW – Megan Mayfield, bachelor of science education in early childhood education. HELENA – Crystal Nickel, bachelor of science in nursing. MAGNA CUM LAUDE OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Eric Neilson, bachelor of science in computer science. CUM LAUDE OKLAHOMA, ALVA – Austin Meyer, bachelor of arts in political science. KANSAS --HARDTNER – Candice Davis, bachelor of science education in elementary education. MASTER OF EDUCATION OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Matthew Brand. WAYNOKA – Sue Anne Whipple. MASTER OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Melody Bradley. BACHELOR OF ARTS OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Emily Lyons, Brandon Sherman. WAYNOKA – Shannon Wood. KANSAS -- MEDICINE LODGE – Sean Dyer. BACHELOR OF ARTS EDUCATION OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Jordan

Taylor. KANSAS -- ANTHONY – Laura Schnelle. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Sarah Chapman, Jordan Koehn, Francis Martinez, Haley Nida, William Theademan, Kilicia Wharton, Katie Willyard. CARMEN – Margaret Morris. CHEROKEE – Clay Cudmore, Kyle Cudmore, Jenetta Orr. FAIRVIEW – Johnny Gonzalez. FREEDOM – Tawny Province. JET – Danni Dowers. NESCATUNGA – Derek McClain, Eric McClain. WAYNOKA – Joseph Kopf. KANSAS -- HARPER – Coleman Teel. MEDICINE LODGE – Terri Furman, Bobbie Maze. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE EDUCATION OKLAHOMA -- ALVA – Kayla Gilchrist, Ryan Penner. CHEROKEE – Sarah Bellamy, Jarrod Inman. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING OKLAHOMA -- WAKITA – Ryan Rapp. BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK OKLAHOMA -- HELENA – Christina Walker. KANSAS -- MEDICINE LODGE – Jessica Colborn.

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The JoinT ReplacemenT insTiTuTe aT sT. maRy’s

Connect with us.

In the exciting Joint Replacement Institute at St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center patients are key members of the high-tech, advanced orthopedic team. Because orthopedic patients are not sick, the Institute promotes a cheerful sense of community among fellow patients … who support, challenge and encourage each other to become more mobile. If you are suffering with debilitating hip or knee pain and your doctor recommends joint replacement, come to St. Mary’s to connect with an improved quality of life. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

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305 South 5th Street, Enid, OK 73701 Physicians are independent practitioners who, with limited exceptions, are not employees or agents of St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

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Alfalfa County Sheriff’s Log April 25, 2011 9:34 a.m. report of new vehicle with paper tag speeding east bound on Hwy 11 from 11/38 Jct, Grant Co was advised. 6:01 p.m. report of calves out east of 4-way stop north of Cherokee on north side, contacted possible owner he will go check, owner advised they are in now. 6:07 p.m. report of bull out 1 mile east of house on Hwy 45, contacted possible owner, he is there now but not his bull, made contact with owner and he is en route there now. April 26, 2011 2:11 p.m. report of possible stolen calf 1 east of Buds and back 1/2 north, asked her how she knew this but she advised it just slipped out, went to ask her another question and she hung up. April 27, 2011 9:30 p.m. report of horse out 1 1/2

east of Burlington on Hwy in the ditch, almost hit it, unable to locate number to possible owner, advised owner is out of town but someone is going out in area to look for horse, got the horse put up. April 28, 2011 6:26 p.m. report of whole herd of cattle out 1 mile south of Byron, called one possible owner said it was someone else’s, made contact with owner he will put them in. April 29, 2011 7:53 a.m. report of cow out 3/4 mile north of Aline, contacted owner, he will have 1 of the boys go check. 11:00 p.m. report of people mowing yard & making alot of noise on Hwy 38 & Windmill Lane in Nescatunga. April 30, 2011 7:15 a.m. report of fire 2 west of

Byron across from the William Bell Bridge, A&B FD advised and will take care of it. 7:38 a.m. motorist assist, a Waynoka activity bus is broken down at the old Carmen school, the door is open, concerned kids have broken in, will run down and check on it, wind may have blown the door open. 10:40 p.m. medical call to 200 block of west 5th St. in Helena for individual that has fallen, is complaining of spine, neck & head hurting, dispatched Helena Ambulance and First Responders. May 1, 2011 7:25 a.m. report of horse out east of flashing lights, notified owner, he will take care of it. 8:10 a.m. report of cattle out 3-4 west of Helena on Hwy, owner advised

Alfalfa County Court Filings

According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Criminal Filings Quinn G. Johnson, 40, Helena: Possession of Contraband in a Penal Institution. Deborah Hamby, 46, no address listed: Bringing Contraband into a Penal Institution. Russell James Williams, 51, no address listed: Driving Under the Influence. Civil Filings Capital One Bank vs. George Myrick: Indebtedness for an amount more than $4,000. Chesapeake Exploration LLC vs. Eagle Energy Production LLC: Declaratory judgment for an amount more than $10,000. Marriage Filings Austin Bryant Carter, 20, Carmen and Cheyenne Leree Williams, 18, Carmen:

Marriage ceremony performed by judge. Traffic Filings Russell James Williams, 51, no address listed: (1) Transporting open container of alcohol ($316); (2) Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license ($256.50). Taylor Max Smyth, 70, Blackwell: Failure to obey traffic control device ($211.50). Zena Andrews, 34, Cherokee: (1) Operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license ($256.50); (2) Failure to carry insurance verification ($211.50); (3) Failure to pay all taxes due state ($211.50). The following individuals were cited for speeding: Derek Lee Martin, 18, Cherokee: 26 or more over ($341.50); Russell James

Williams, 51, no address listed: 2125 over ($319); Austin D. Hughes, 20, Anthony, KS: 16-20 over ($241.50); Tiarra Renee Williams, 19, Enid: 21-25 over ($281.50); Kenneth L. Schmidt, 60, Haven, KS: 1-10 over ($188.50). The following individuals were cited for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine): Franco Ismael Herrera Jr., 31, Fuless, TX; Ronald James Wade, 25, Medicine Lodge, KS; Derek Lee Martin, 18, Cherokee; Lewis Edward Winfield, 45, Jet; Joshua Paul Reames, 27, Ozark, AR; Russell James Williams, 51, no address listed; Bryan Lynn Douglas, 31, Ringwood; Robert Garrett Brown, 25, Pawhuska; Robert Dewayne Mecom, 33, Keota; Misty Dawn Hawkins, 34, Helena; Jordana Jade Waugh, 19, Cherokee.

Barber County Court Filings Criminal Filings Jenna Lee Horn, 1988, Medicine Lodge: Giving worthless check. Allan Michael Hartigan, 1989, St. George: (1) Possession of certain hallucinogenic drugs; (2) Use/possess w/intent to use drug paraphernalia into human body; (3) Maximum speed limits 77 in 65.

John Michael Freeman, 1986, Chandler, AZ: Battery. Civil Filings Chain Land and Cattle Co. Inc. vs. Patricia Rosenborg ET AL: Petition to quiet title on mineral interests. Steven Grossman vs. Andy W. Baker See Court Page 56

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Alfalfa County Real Estate Transactions

Beginning Book 651 page 395 Real Estate Transfers Tyler W. Schovanec and Kelli J. Schovanec to Matthew Jenlink and Laine Jenlink: Lot 3 in Block 1 of Cherokee Twila Addition to the City of Cherokee: Warranty Deed. Matthew J. Jenlink and Laine A. Jenlink fka Laine A. Croft to Ashley M. Goetz: Lots 5 & 6 in Block 2 in the Furguson’s First Addition to the City of Cherokee: Warranty Deed. Robert Lee Knoll and Sharon Knoll, Trustees of the Knoll Family Living Trust to Robert Lee Knoll and Sharon Knoll: undivided 1/2 interest in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 25 North, Range 12, WIM: Warranty Deed. Vickey Marsh and Demetries Highfill to Vickey Marsh and Robin Jewell: South 33 feet and 4 inches of the East 100 feet of Lot 6 in Block 2 of the Titus Third Addition to the City of Cherokee: Quit Claim Deed. Vicki Marsh aka Vickey Marsh to Vickey Marsh and Robin Jewell: Lot 4 in Block 67 of the Park Addition in the City of Cherokee: Quit Claim Deed. James C. Motycka and Kathy L. Motycka to Cheryl Daughhetee and/ or Eddie Elmore: Lots 17, 18 and 19 in Block 16 in the Original Town of Burlington: Quit Claim Deed. Darrin D. Lancaster and Kadie D. Lancaster to Michael Penner and Michelle R. Penner: Lot 10 in Block 2 of Aubrey Tatro’s Addition to the City of Cherokee, SUBJECT TO existing rightsof-way, easements, deed restrictions and mineral leases and reservations of

record: Warranty Deed. Mortgages WH Real Estate LLC to Farm Credit of Western Oklahoma: (1) Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM, LESS AND EXCEPT a 1 acre tract described as the Northwest 1/40th of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM; (2) South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM, LESS AND EXCEPT the following tracts, 1 acre of land beginning at the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM, and running East 20 rods, thence North 8 rods, thence West 20 rods, thence South 8 rods to the place of beginning, AND 1 acre described as Southwest 1/40th of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM, AND beginning at a point on the section line between Section 26 and 27, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM, where the South line of the Right-of-Way of the C.R.I.&P Railroad intersects said section line, thence in a Northeasterly direction along said right-of-way 40 rods, thence Southeasterly at right angles 2 rods, thence in a Southwesterly direction to the center of the above described section line, thence North along said section line 1 rod, AND Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 in Block 6 and the South 15 feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7 in Block 7 of the Revised Plat of the Town of Driftwood; (3) Northeast Quarter of Section 34,

Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM; (4) Lots 1 & 2, South Half of the Northeast Quarter, ada Northeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 11, WIM: $451,000. Matthew John Jenlink and Laine Ashley Jenlink to Bank of the West: Lot 3 in Block 1 of Cherokee Twila Addition to the City of Cherokee: $80,000. Ashley M. Goetz to Bank of the West: Lots 5 & 6 in Block 2 in the Furguson’s First Addition to the City of Cherokee: $51,461. Alfred E. Thompson and Lucinda J. Thompson to Exchange Bank & Trust Company: the North 60 acres of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27, Township 24 North, Range 11, WIM, LESS AND EXCEPT a parcel of land commencing at a point 18 rods West of the Northeast Corner of said quarter section, running South 29 rods, thence West 38 rods, 10 1/4 feet, thence North 29 rods, thence East 38 rods, 10 1/4 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7 acres more or less, AND less a tract of land beginning at the Northeast Corner of the above said quarter, thence West 18 rods, thence South 29 rods, thence East 18 rods, thence North 29 rods to the point of beginning: $30,281.06. Jeffrey S. McCollum and Diane E. McCollum to Central National Bank & Trust Company of Enid: the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 23 North, Range 9, WIM: $75,000. Michael Penner and Michelle R. Penner to ACB Bank: Lot 10 in Block 2 of Aubrey Tatro’s Addition to the City of Cherokee: $33,600.

Barber County Real Estate Transactions

Beginning Deed Book 134 Page 567 Real Estate Transfers Orlan Eurich to Amy Sikes: surface interest only in Lot 5 in Block 91 in the City of Hardtner: Quit Claim Deed. Johnnie M. Reed and Shelley M. Reed to Dixie Lynn Ireland: Lot 8 in Block 66 in the City of Hardtner: Warranty Deed. John D. Myers, Trustee or his successors in trust for the John D. Myers Living Trust dated Nov. 3, 1999 to Joan E. Myers Living Trust dated Nov. 3, 1999: an undivided 1/2 interest in and to the North 60 feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12 in Block 151 in the City of Kiowa: Quit

Claim Deed. PMJ Properties LLC to Redland Enterprises Inc.: a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 32 South, Range 12, WPM: Warranty Deed. PMJ Properties LLC to Redland Enterprises Inc.: a portion of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 32 South, Range 12, WPM: Warranty Deed. Maxine Nelson to William Lee Nelson: Lot 10 in Block 15 in the City of Kiowa: Warranty Deed. Francis Delgallo to Richard Frederick and Michael Delgallo: Lots 9 and 10 in Block 56 in the City of Hardtner: Quit

Claim Deed. Kiowa Service Inc. to Gregory R. Thurman and Cheryl M. Thurman: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 49 in the City of Kiowa: Warranty Deed. William J. Becker Sr. aka William J. Becker aka William Becker and Darlene Becker to William J. Becker Jr. and Richard Becker: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block 4 in the Original Town of Isabel: Warranty Deed. Brian Broholm ad Ann-Mari S. Broholm fka Ann-Mari S. Nielsen to See Real

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Barber County Sheriff’s Log 04-25-11 Deputy English investigated a theft near 99 Springs. 04-26-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Washington Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 04-26-11 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Marvin Street to Kiowa Hospital. 04-27-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from The Grove to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 04-28-11 Elwood Township and Union Chapel Volunteer Fire Departments responded to a grass fire

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transported patient from north of Sun City to Pratt. During the week officers received 10 reports of cattle out; performed 11 Public Assists; and assisted 4 other agencies. Arrests: 04-25-11 William C. E. Reid, Kiowa, W/M, 18. Arrest by KWPD. Charge: Domestic Battery. Released 04-25-11 on $750 Surety Bond. 04-30-11 Troy C. Long, Sharon, W/M, 24. Arrest by MLPD. Charged on Harper County Warrant – Battery. Released 0430-11 on $25,000 Surety Bond.


ET AL: Indebtedness for an amount more than $43,000. Robert D. and Vickie L. McDonald vs. Francisco J. Bermudez ET AL: Petition for order of default and order to vacate. Michael Scott Mathews vs. Larry D. Gass ET AL: Partition. Limited Civil Filings Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital & Physicians Clinic vs. Marcella L. and Troy E. Smith: Indebtedness for an amount more than $1,500. Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital & Physicians Clinic vs. George Forquer: Indebtedness for an amount more than $2,000.

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about 6 miles north and 6 miles west of Hardtner. 04-29-11 Deputy English and Medicine Lodge Rural Volunteer Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire near the Barber County Highway Department. 04-29-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from The Grove to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 04-29-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Cherry Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. 05-01-11 Medicine Lodge Ambulance

Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital & Physicians Clinic vs. Thomas J. Allen and Shelly Divine aka Allen: Indebtedness for an amount more than $2,400. Small Claims Filings Roy P. Henry vs. Clifford Perry Moody ET AL: Money judgment for an amount more than $1,100. Domestic Relations Filings Sylvia Savana Moss vs. Justin Louis Moss: Divorce. Amber Reid vs. William Cody Reed: Protection from abuse. State of Kansas Ex Rel SRS vs. Windy L. Kistler: Petition for support. Marriage Filings

Robert Joseph Maas, 2, Hazelton and Christina Marie Meyers, 22, Hazelton. Traffic Filings Stephen Michael Miller II, 23, Medicine Lodge: Driving while suspended; 1st conviction ($298.50). The following individuals were cited for speeding: Guy C. Clark, 36, Woodward, OK: 75 in 65 ($138.50). Lonnie C. Feenstra, 28, Brookville: 82 in 65 ($180.50). Randon L. Smith, 32, Kingman: 77 in 65 ($150.50). Jennifer A. Westerman, 45, Nashville: 70 in 65 ($168.50).

Real Estate

Chad Tyler Nunley and Maria Jean Nunley: all of Lot 3 and the West 10 feet of the North 72 feet of Lot 2 in Block 148 in the Town Company’s Addition to the City of Kiowa: Warranty Deed. Beginning Mortgage Book 199 page 474 Mortgages C. Harris (Butch) McCracken and Carol Ann McCracken to Intrust Bank NA: the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, and all that part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, and the Northwest Quarter and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 lying

East of the center line of the HardtnerMedicine Lodge paved county road, and all that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 lying South and East of the center line of the township road, and all that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33 lying West of the center line of the HardtnerMedicine Lodge paved county road and the South of the center line of the township road, all in Township 33 South, Range 12, WPM: $100,000. Ryan Thomas Bedwell and Emerald Dawn Bedwell to American AgCredit FLCA: the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Lot 7 and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 6,

Township 32 South, Range 12, WPM, EXCEPT a 1 acre tract in a square form in the Southwest Corner of said Southeast Quarter: $212,800. Ryan Thomas Bedwell and Emerald Dawn Bedwell to American AgCredit FLCA: the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and Lot 7 and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of Section 6, Township 32 South, Range 12, WPM, EXCEPT a 1 acre tract in a square form in the Southwest Corner of said Southeast Quarter: $191,520. James D. L. Cope to Citizens Bank of Kansas: Lots 10, 12 and 14 in Block E in Hammond’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge: $60,754.

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For Your Const Needs

AKC Boxer Puppies

From A-Z, New Construction, Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, Call today to reserve Boxer Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Puppy. Born 3/16/2011. 2M, 2F, Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Rev. Brindle. 580-430-1633 Improve the value of your home. For Sale Call 580-732-1028 More cute Bottle Babies have Kick’n Koffee arrived. Kinder Goats. Won’t get Take a Step-Up into the World of very big. 580-829-1066 Really Good Koffee. Hot weather For Sale means Iced or Frozen Koffees. Wed-Ham Salad or Revil Soup. 1M and 1F Red Heeler. 1st Shot/ Thur-Chicken Salad w/Croissant Wormed. 580-748-0768 and Cookie, Fri-Ham and Beans Automotive and Pulled Pork. Sausage Gravy and Biscuits Sat. As the days For Sale get hotter our drinks are getting ‘02 2500 Chevy Express Van. colder! All Lattes can be made as Frozen Blend. We also have 6 90,000 miles. 580-626-4614 flavors of our Smoothies. Come For Sale in and give us a try ‘93 Cadillac Deville. 159K. Good Protect Your Home Tires and AC. CD Player. $1800. with Fireguard around your 580-327-1914 property. Also, Belly Dump loads Estate Sale pf top soil and Bermuda Grass. ‘07 Ford F150 SuperCab Delivery available. Full line of shortbed, red and silver, 6-disc heavy equipment. Weeks Blade MP3, keyless entry, like new Services, Inc. Seiling OK 73663. truck with 4000 miles, that’s right Jay Weeks, Owner. 580-9224000 original miles. $17,500. 5412 580-829-2782 Carpentry Business Services Interior-Exterior improvements. Room additions. Plaster Repair Need New Cabinets? & Painting. Handicap Upgrades. We custom build cabinets at Will also accommodate Farm & Gloss Mountain Homes in Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620Fairview, OK. Give us a call. 825-4285. Hourly Rates avail. 580-227-3393 or 580-541-2610 Mitch Reed


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May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Rhodes Auto Salvage

Amway Products

Check with Rhodes Auto Salvage If interested contact 580-922for prices on Cars and PU’s. 1256 Sometimes worth more than Alva Moose Lodge $120/Ton Mom and Pops Nite Out. Fri May Rhodes Auto Salvage 6 6pm. Calf Fries, Boneless BBQ Hwy 281 N, Alva. Delivered Iron Wings and Baked White Fish. and Metal and Farm Machinery. Karaoke 9pm-? $120/Ton Feather Extensions Busy B coming Friday. Call to reserve All colored tags $1 this week yours today. Reflections Salon. only! 524 Flynn. Sat 10-5 517 Locust. 580-327-2424 BBQ, Steaks & More!!

Ranger Cowboy Church

Red’s Place now offers daily noon specials. Mon-Magnificent Meatloaf w/Mashed Pot and Gravy, Green Beans, Hot Roll $6.49.Turkey Tues-$1 off Turkey Dinner inclds 2 sides and roll. Mexican Wed-Real Mexican Cuisine $5.99. Thirsty ThursFree 20oz Drink with a meal purchase. Fri-Steve’s Hamburger w/Chips $3.99. Also featuring awesome 16oz Boneless Ribeye stks M,T,W,F nites. Best cooks in Alva

will hold its weekly worship service Sunday evening May 8 at the Woods County Fairgrounds Women’s bldg at 6pm. The service will be led by Terry Graham from Burlington, who owns Terry Graham Inc of Cherokee. Music will be led by Kody Jones and Ashlynn Frey

If Interested

Still Buying Tin Iron, Copper, Storm doors, all metals, cars and trucks. Scribner Salvage. 1208 Fair. Alva. 580327-1313

#1 at Boxoffice in becoming an Amway Independent Business owner “Fast Five” now playing at contact 580-922-1256 Rialto. Call 580-327-1900 or 0535 for showtimes. Visit Daycare Openings Rialto on FaceBook. View Licensed Daycare has Full-Time trailers of movies now showing and summer only openings avail at click for all ages. Call 580-430-9275 on Rialto Theatre sidebar ad. or 580-732-0505 to reserve your “Source Code” and “Thor” starts spot or for more info Friday, S & S Harvesting

Pasture Tree Clearing

Looking for wheat acres to cut. Have 2 late model JD and all supporting equipment. Please call Derek Sumner at 785-8773417 or 785-871-0962

Save moisture & grass. Let me clear trees in your pasture. Skid Steer & Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Grover. 580-474-2465 or 580542-0298


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May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Dan’s Pest Control

Baker’s Laundry

Guarantees you a Pest Free home or business, at an affordable price. It is time to get your home treated for Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, Ants, Flies, Bed Bugs & other flying & crawling pests. Dan will be servicing the Alva area Apr 20, 21, 22, May 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20. Call 580-7481953

614 4th Street, Alva. Open Daily 7am-9pm. Wash $1/Load. Large Load Steam Washer $3.75. Drop Off Laundry Service $ Computer Plus

Computer Repair, service, virus removal & other computer needs. Competitive pricing. Call Adam Swallow at 580-327-4449 or 580-748-2349 or come by 1329 Fence & Corral Const. Fair St. Mon thru Fri. Will do and welding. Contact Jeremy local housecalls Durkee 580-430-5150 Depot Bar & Grill Pony Boy Lures Wed Lunch Special-Fried Alva, OK. 580-327-1233 or Chicken, Baked Potato, Green 580-430-5547. Top in fishing Beans, Heavenly Delight Cake. supplies. Buy-Sell-Trade Guns. Thurs-Beef Enchiladas, Rice and Smith and Wesson Nodel 65 4” Beans, Cherry Cheesecake. FriS.S. 357 $299. Let’s Make a Deal Chicken Fry, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Roll, Rum Cake. Professional Upholstery Open at 11am. Full Menu every with all types of furniture. Over day. Carry-Out avail. 580-32755 yrs. experience. Goltry 580- 2212 496-2351 Alva Sewing Center Food Distribution We have sewing/embroidery Alva Wesleyan Church & Okla machines and serger for all Regional Food Bank. 2nd skilled levels for the “Mother” in Wednesday each month. 3rd & your life--whatever fits the spot. Church St. 2-6pm. We want to 580-327-3312 feed body and your soul Heavy Load? What to Get Mom??? If you feel like you need help, Show her how much you love you may be right. Dr. Elizabeth her with a kitchen or bathroom Kinzie specializes in the remodel. Miller and Associates, treatment of anxiety, depression LLC. 580-327-7935. www. and much more. Call 580-4303366


Page 59

May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Lucky Buck Boot Repair Drop-Offs any time. 911 11th St. 443-7911853. $50 Full Sole. Quick Quality Repair Firewood Don’t want green firewood come next winter pre-order Premium Blackjack, 100% split. Call Brady Weeks 580-9221256 Oil/Gas Mineral Leases Please contact us if you are interested in leasing or selling your minerals. We provide services to Oil and Gas Mineral Owners. Our efforts create healthy competition resulting in higher bonus amounts and superior lease terms. Professional References Available. 580-327-4440 or 580-327-7889. www.MineralMarketing. Com Employment Help Wanted Chaparral Apartments in Cherokee, OK is looking for Part-Time Apartment Manager. Send Resume to pat.arzonllc@suddenlink. net Help Wanted Office Job; Abstracting Position. Legible Handwriting. Computer experience. Send Resume to P.O. Box 686, Alva, OK 73717

NELSON REAL ESTATE See all our listings at Jeanette Nelson, Broker

Call for Details 580-748-0745 or 580-327-1745

Housekeeper Needed References Required. 580-748-0176 Journeyman Electricians Experience in the Oil and Gas Field is beneficial but not required. Paid Vacations, holidays, pension and health insurance provided. Pay will be based on experience. Call 580-883-4667 or pick-up application at 709 N. Main, Ringwood, OK


Page 60

Starr Lumber Inside & Outside Sales Positions. 580327-0472 Farm Supplies Custom Haying 5x6 Round Baling. Quality Equip. Avard Area. 580-748-2060 Garage Sales

Generator Techs

Garage Sale

Successful oilfield service company needs experienced Generator Techs in the Fairview area. Call 580-227-2400

May 5 and 6 from 7am-7pm. May 7 7amnoon. 115 N 6th, Jet, OK. Furniture and a lot of misc

Help Wanted

For Sale

Part-time Admin Asst/On-call Advocate fax resume to: 580-327-6980

Used Beds. 1-’06 Dew Eze. 1-’08 Cannonball. 1-”05 Blamco Spike Bed. 580-327-2110

Farm Help Wanted Experience in Hay and Wheat Farming. 620-213-0557

Garage Sale 719 Center. Fri 5pm-8pm. Sat 8am-noon

Help Wanted

Garage Sale #2

Truck Driver Class A CDL. Local NW Oklahoma deliveries. Home every night. Must have or be willing to get HazMat and Tanker Endorsements. Benefits include Health Insurance, Retirement, Paid Vacation and Uniforms. Garnett Oil Co. Pick-up application at 518 Okla Blvd. Alva. 580-327-2691

715 Sherman. Price reduced. Kids bikes, clothes, home decor, misc. Fri 5pm-dark World’s Ugliest Lamp can be bought during Dacoma Townwide Garage Sale. Also Electric Range, new Storm Door, plus size clothes and misc. 9th and Appalacha. 8am-2pm May 7 918 Barnes Fri 1pm-6pm. Sat 8am-noon. Sm Refrig, chairs, clock end table, lots of misc Annual Townwide Yardsale. Cleo Springs, OK. May 8 8am-? Garage Sale Tons of kids clothes, furniture. 718 Apache. Sat 8am-1pm Garage Sale





NEW LISTINGS : 107 Birch is a beautiful enlarged, updated home that is move-in ready. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new kitchen, brick exterior. Fenced back yard, storage shed. Call to see this charming home. Another new listing at 927 Barnes with many features. See on

OFFICE: 580-327-4337 - 519½ Barnes, Alva Pat 430-5743; Terri 829-3164 or Julia 327-7164

Adult men’s (extra lg.) and women’s (medium) clothing, art wall decorations, furniture, antiques & books. 535 Lake Dr., Sat 7 a.m. Dacoma Townwide Dacoma Townwide garage sale May 7, 8am-2pm. Entertainment Center, nice Sleeper Sofa, Rocking Chair, Kitchen Items, Smokers, Bedding, Table Lamps, Clothing, Antiques, Junk, Jewels and Misc

May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


Page 62

Estate Sale

For Sale

For Sale

1707 Maple in Alley. Fri 5pm-? Sat 8am-? More items added.

System One Ladder Rack fits most 1/2 Ton with wenches and straps. Paid $1100 will sell for $700, like new. 620-290-9821

Nice family home in Alva. 1842sqft. New CH/A. 4bdrm, 2bth. Fence. Ready to live in. 810 Locust. $89,900. 580-327-4869

The Place for Movies

For Sale

Rialto Video, downtown, Alva’s only video store. Rent them here 1st! NetFlex and RedBox are required by studios to wait 28 days before renting new releases. Check out all the new releases at www.myvideostore. com/rialto. Free popcorn with rental. 2for1 Monday. Rialto 580-327-0535

Cute and Clean, 2bdrm, 1134 sqft, large lot, privacy fence, ‘09 hot tub. United Country/Kohlrus Real Estate. 580-3274007.

Garage Sale Fri 5-?, Sat 8-?; 629 Center in the Alley Merchandise Plant Sale Courthouse parking lot, Sat. May 7, 8am. Hanging plants, potted plants and perennials. Petunia Garden Club. Mathes Baked Goods for sale. Miscellaneous Happy Mother’s Day Thank you for loving your children in spite of how many gray hairs they give you!! Furniture Auction Sale will be Wed. May 18th at 6:30pm. Sale Location 422 Flynn St. Public Invited!! For Sale New Apple I Pad. Never used. 580-7480175 Behind on Mortgage? Bring mortgage current. U.S. agency helping since 1986. Member BBB. No money up front. Services guaranteed. 580596-2444 Lv. Mssg. For Sale Pontoon Boat $3000. 620-825-4063 or 620213-2684 Marsha’s Jewelry and beaded headbands 20% off for Mother’s Day. Gallery of Gifts. Alva For Sale Toyo Tires. Fit 20” Rim. Good Cond. $55/ Each or $200/All. 580-313-0503 For “Mother’s Day” at Freemans Garden Market, 1407 College Blvd. Buy 2 hanging baskets, get 1 free. Going Out of Business 30% off Agco and Simplicity Lawnmower parts in stock. Belts, Bearings, Sickle Sections, Guards, Reel Arms, Brush Holders, Holder and Separator Clutches, 2 24ft Sickles and misc parts. Cash Only. Dettle Implement, Helena, OK

For Sale ‘96 Seadoo XP and ‘97 Seadoo GTS. 580748-2463 For Sale Rabbit Cages, Nest Boxes, Carrying Cases. 580-987-2502. 607 N 5th, Carmen, OK 1959 Lonestar Boat 16 ft., w/trailer, 35 hp Evinrude outboard motor, $500. 580-363-6850 Rototiller for Sale Reverse tines, Toro GC160, used 10-12 hours, $600, paid $900. 620-290-9821 Real Estate For Rent Two 3 bdrm houses in Jet. One with 2 acre + barn 580-327-7076 or 405-818-7926 For Sale 3bdrm, 2bth, CH/A recently remodeled. 1129 2nd, Alva. 580-327-3811

For Rent Avail 2bdrm, CH/A, Garage and Carport, new kitchen and DW, great location, lease required. 580-327-7550 Looking to Lease Private and Professional person looking to lease 500 to 1000 acres for deer hunting for 5 years. This is not an outfitter. Please call 772-221-8500 or Fax info 772-2218502 Need a New Home Come check out our custom quality built homes. Gloss Mountain Homes. Ready to move at Fairview, OK. Give us a call!!! 580-227-3393 or 580-541-2610 New Home For Sale 1863sqft home with 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Ready to move to your site. Gloss Mountain Homes in Fairview, OK. 580227-3393 or 580-541-2610 House for Sale 304 N B, Carmen, OK. 2bdrm, 2 car garage and out buildings. $27,000 obo. 580-9872558 or 580-370-5129

May 4, 2011

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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