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VOLUME 34, NO. 23 • WEDNESDAY, June 25, 2014 • 50¢

“More crime is prevented by fear of exposure in the press, than by all the laws man has ever devised” - Joseph Pulitzer

Latest in Style & Comfort

Drawing for a FREE pair of Sanuk Sandals 520 FLYNN • ALVA, OK 580-327-2811


The Newsgram is delivered to Alva, Capron, Hardtner, Kiowa, Hazelton, Medicine Lodge, Burlington, Byron, Amorita, Cherokee, Helena, Goltry, Carmen, Aline, Dacoma, Hopeton, Waynoka, Freedom, Jet, Nash, Cleo Springs & Manchester

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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Waynoka Airport open house was a high-flying success The perfect combination of courageous kids, generous volunteers and blue skies helped make the first Waynoka Airport open house a resounding success. The Saturday morning event enabled 23 youth (and six adults) to take what was for most their first flight in an airplane, and what was for all an experience they’ll never forget. Volunteer pilots from the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 455, based in Enid, touched down on

Young Eagle AJ Higgins is shown with pilot Gary Rogers in his Aeronica Champ at the Waynoka Airport open house. The Alva Review-Courier / Newsgram is published Wednesday by Martin Broadcasting Corp. 620 Choctaw St. Alva, Oklahoma 73717 Lynn L. Martin, President Telephone Numbers: Alva Review-Courier 580-327-2200 Newsgram 580-327-1510 FAX 580-327-2454 E-Mail: manager Entire Contents Copyright 2014 Members of: Associated Press Oklahoma Press Association

runway 17 about 8 a.m. Mica Doane, the chapter’s Young Eagles coordinator, recruited four additional pilots for the Young Eagles Rally, which offers free rides to youngsters aged 8 to 17. Gary Rogers landed his two-seat Aeronica Champ, while the rest arrived in Cessnas: Doane in his C-172, Dee Ann Ediger in her C-177, her husband Ken Hollrah in his C-182, and Richard Hollrah flew in his C-150. Pilots treated each Young Eagle to a 30-minute aerial tour over the city. Reactions of the Young Eagles to their flights were 100 percent positive. Jalin Willyard, 15, who took one of the first

flights of the day, said “I want to go up again!” Jalin’s brother Stephen, 13, who flew with Ken Hollrah, bragged “He let me fly!” “That was awesome! Tons of fun,” reported Austin Rankin, 13. “I could see my house. Everything looks a lot smaller.” Titus Delano, 9, echoed Austin’s observation, “We could see a person’s pool. It was so tiny!” “It was a blast,” exclaimed Caitlin Chapman, 15, “We got to fly over the See Airport Page 62

Young Eagle Austin Rankin, 13, reviews the instrument panel of pilot Richard Hollrah’s Cessna 150 before their flight.

Ken Hollrah assists in starting pilot Gary Roger’s Aeronica Champ by hand-propping. The procedure helps pump fuel into the engine so it will start. Young Eagle Jalin Willyard, 15, is in the backseat.

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Lyrics By Sheldon Harnick

Music By Jerry Bock

SHOWING Thursday -Friday - Saturday June 26-27-28 • 7:30pm

This project was made possible with the assistance of the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.

TICKETS Call for reservations 580-327-0622 Tickets available at the door Ticket prices $6 adults, $5 seniors, $3 students Further information call Mrs. Harrison 327-1574

June 25, 2014

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Xxxxxxx wins primary for Woods County commissioner How Woods and Alfalfa County voted By Marione Martin In Tuesday’s primary election, Xxxxxx Xxxxx won the Republican vote for Woods County Commissioner District 3. He will face John Fuqua, Democrat, in the November general election. In the Republican primary in Alfalfa County, Xxxxx Xxxxxx won the race for District 1 commissioner. Here are the unofficial returns: Republican Governor: Chad Moody Mary Fallin Dax Ewbank Supt. of Public Instruction: Janet Costello Barresi Joy Hofmeister Brian S. Kelly Insurance Commissioner:

Bill Viner John Doak Corporation Commissioner: Todd Hiett Cliff Branan US Senator: D. Jean McBride-Samuels Jim Inhofe Erick Paul Wyatt Evelyn L. Rogers Rob Moye US Senator (unexpired term): Eric McCray Kevin Crow James Lankford Jason Weger Andy Craig T.W. Shannon Randy Brogdon US Representative Dist. 3: Robert Hubbard Frank D. Lucas Timothy Ray Murray District Attorney: Christopher M. Boring



Danny Lohmann Woods County Commissioner, Dist. Mike Goucher John Smiley Mark Reed Alfalfa County Commissioner, Dist. Jay Hague Doug Murrow Democrat Supt. of Public Instruction: Ivan Holmes Freda Deskin John Cox Jack C. Herron, Jr. US Senator (unexpired term): Connie Johnson Patrick Michael Hayes Jim Rogers Non-Partisan District Judge, District 4: Mike Stake Jeremy Bays Justin P. Eilers

Tragic wreck near Harper, Kan., takes lives of two teens, injures three others By Devon Fasbinder of KWCH in Wichita, Kan. HARPER COUNTY, Kan. – Two people are dead following an accident in Harper County Friday, according to Harper County Emergency Dispatch. It happened just before 5 p.m. near the intersection of northeast 10th and 80th just south of Harper. According to the Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP), 17-year-old Ayron Maurer of Harper was driving his pickup east when he entered the intersection and collided with a northbound pickup. KHP reported once the cars hit each other, they continued to the northeast corner of the intersection and hit a gas line and a telephone pole. Small pieces of glass and metal from the cars were still present at the crash site Saturday. Maurer died at the scene. A passenger, 18-year-old Samuel Cook of Anthony, also died at the scene. A third passenger,

14-year-old Colin Nygarrd of Anthony, was taken to a Wichita hospital. Nygarrd is in serious condition. Friends of the boys said Maurer was a great baseball player, and although he was new to the city he became known pretty quickly. Cook was a singer, according to friends. They said he was a talented musician and wanted to pursue it in his future. The driver of the northbound pickup, 15-year-old Joshua Campbell of Harper, was taken to a Wichita hospital with critical injuries. He is still in critical condition at last check. A passenger, 15-year-old John Eshelman of Harper, is also being treated in Wichita for serious injuries. People in Harper had only great things to say about all five boys, who attend Chaparral High School together. Two were set to graduate next year. “They were just great kids, you know,” said classmate Alphonse Guer-

rero. “Since we're a small town, we all knew them.” The crash remains under investigation. Lieutenant Bryan Quick of KHP said there are still several questions. “Visibility shouldn't have been an issue,” Quick said. He said because of the level of impact, speed was probably an issue. Quick said legally, if an intersection like 80th and 10th doesn't have a stop sign or a stoplight, the car on the left should yield to the car on the right. The highway patrol is looking into why that didn't happen. Also, Quick said the 15-year-old driver had a farmer's permit, meaning he is allowed to drive without a parent or guardian under certain circumstances. But Quick said he shouldn't have been driving with a minor in the car with him. He said KHP is looking more into the circumstances of that question too.

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Freedom School changes start date By Lynn L. Martin A couple of months ago, the Freedom Board of Education moved the start of school to the first week in August. The administrators proposed this idea so that the end of school would coincide with the completion of EOI testing required by the state. They felt that the few days that school would be in session after testing was completed would not be particularly productive, and if those days could be moved to the start of school, more education would be achieved. Monday night, principal Brett Hill asked that the start date be moved back to the 7th of August. This is because he discovered some scheduling conflicts with coaching clinics and the teachers’ in-service programs beginning on July 30. The board approved the change. In one other major move, Superintendent Danny McCuiston presented a proposal to replace 11,000 square feet of flooring in the school. Three long hallways will be converted back to red and white tile. They have been covered with carpet for many years. He said, “This will brighten things up and get rid of the odor.” Two classrooms will be re-floored, along with the entryways. The only quote was from “Carpet Direct” for a total of $27,593.02. The board approved the expenditure with installation to be completed before the start of school. New Teacher The board approved hiring Tiffany N. Leitz as a first- and second-grade

teacher. This will be Leitz’ third year of teaching, with the last being at Felt, Okla. She will be living on a farm between Alva and Freedom. She will be marrying Justin Phillips of Alva in September. The school board also approved the 12 month contracts for certified employees McCuiston, Hill and Bryant Weber, ag education. Two 12 month support contracts were approved for Patricia Dauphin, encumbrance board clerk, and Tana Nixon, activity fund custodian. Finances The Freedom district finances are significantly improved over one year earlier. Gross production revenue for fiscal year (FY) 2014 was $201,512.81 compared to $102,734.26 in FY13. Rural Electric revenue for FY14 is $134,921.24 compared to $99,487.20 a year earlier. Motor vehicle tax revenue is $56,484.26 over $53,816.70 collected a year before. The total improvement is $136,880.15. The superintendent did not have exact figures available, but he estimated the carry over to be around $800,000. A lot of end-of-year and beginning-of-year items were handled. These included approval of continuing contracts with Alva Plus Educational Systems, Tom Cameron and Associates for professinal training and federal programs assistance, and the ag-education vehicle lease. The board agreed to join the Oklahoma Rural Schools Association at a cost of $500 per year. The worker’s

Tiffany Leitz compensation insurance was approved at a premium of $4,366, which is down from $6,048 last year. Numerous employee assignments were approved such as purchasing agent, receiving clerk and various fund custodians. Also various accounting fund changes were made upon advice of the auditor. Hill reported no third graders face retention as a result of the RSA act. Also there was a 100 percent pass rate on third-grade math scores and 100 percent of the fourth and fifth graders scored proficient or advanced on their state reading and math tests. He estimated a 100 percent pass rate in american history for full academic year students; and over 40 percent of the students in grades 9-12 scored either advanced on proficient on their EOI tests. The Alpha Plus projection says the elementary school will likely hit either an A- or A.

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By Helen Barrett Red flags started going up like fireworks on the Fourth of July as citizens read of a proposed high-salaried position for an Alva Chamber of Commerce events coordinator. Sunday’s edition of the Alva ReviewCourier carried the report of the June 18 meeting of the Alva Tourism Tax Committee. At that meeting, Chamber Director Alex Mantz presented a proposal for the committee to fund an event coordinator to the tune of ‘no more than’ $75,518. (See the June 22 edition of the Alva Review-Courier for detailed information.) The proposal called for $57,260 for salary package, $2,819 for marketing and advertising of the position, $7,500 for office expenses and overhead, and $7,948 for office furniture and equipment. Questions Questions immediately popped up. What does the chamber plan to invest in this endeavor? Does Alva really need a full-time person for that position at a cost of more than $1,000 a week salary? Alva has no Chesapeake Arena, BOK Center or even a convention hall to house such activities. What it does have is Herod Hall on the Northwestern Oklahoma State University (NWOSU) campus, the Alva Memorial Auditorium at the high school and the Woods County Fairgrounds. Those venues are occasionally available for events like concerts, dance recitals, meetings, etc., when not being used for their own designated activities. Two major events annually bring

tourists to Alva for overnight stays: the Big Cruise and Car Show and the NWOSU Collegiate Rodeo. Northwestern staff handles the details and preparation for their events with some financial assistance from the Tourism Tax Committee in the way of prize money and minor expenses. That event brings people from across the nation to fill Alva hotels and motels. The Alva Chamber is a sponsor of the Big Cruise and Car Show, which annually receives funding from the Tourism Tax Committee, again for prizes, advertising, etc. Would it be nice to be able to have someone whose full time job was to just seek out event opportunities? Definitely, but what duties does that leave for the chamber director to perform – monthly coffees? When former Chamber Director Neal Williams held the position, he scheduled concerts on the downtown square monthly during the warmer months to not only provide entertainment but boost traffic to the businesses operating there. Many of those concerts drew fans from throughout Oklahoma and neighboring states. In his position, Williams also helped organize the car show, which has grown annually. As chamber director he scheduled monthly luncheons with members to discuss ongoing projects, monthly legislative breakfasts during session, assisted aviation fly-ins at the airport as well as cosponsored the annual Meet the Legislature events in Oklahoma City with the Woods County Economic Development Committee. Those were all considered in his job

description as economic development endeavors for which he received no additional compensation. After the Tourism Tax Committee was established to distribute the hotel/ motel tax receipts, the chamber received $500 per month ($6,000 annually) for their services in attending committee meetings, keeping the minutes and making sure applications were filled out properly. Since then, the chamber requested – and received – an additional $6,000 annually to help pay for a secretary position to assist the director. Now, the chamber again requests more than $57,000 for salary for another individual to handle specific duties formerly handled by its director. The salary exceeds that paid to the average city or county officer. It exceeds the average base salary of public school teachers. The request also included an additional amount for “overhead and equipment” to house the employee in the chamber office whose rent is provided by a local bank. Collusion, Unethical, Illegal? Was this even a legal meeting? Chairman Henry Bickerstaff informed the committee members and chamber director at the May meeting that he would be unavailable for the June session. When roll call was taken, Bickerstaff, Dr. Charles Tucker and Terri Parsons were absent leaving only board members Norville Ritter and Janet Valencia present. That did not constitute a legal quorum. Kelly Parker attended the meeting as an observer. Mayor Arden Chaffee nominated Parker to replace Tucker whose term does not legally end until June 30. Board members’ terms are specifically defined in the by-laws of the committee in Section 7-231(C-3) as ending on June 30 of the fiscal year regardless of date of appointment. Despite vigorous questioning by Valencia about the proposal, Ritter (a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors) made the motion

Does Alva really need a high salaried events coordinator?


Need a place for a wedding, anniversary, reunion, indoor sports event, etc. The Hardtner, Kansas Community Center has a newly refurbished gymnasium, fully furnished kitchen and a conference room. Also ofce space for lease. Very reasonable rates. Call Bill Smith 620-840-1037 or Sid Sterling 620-296-4477 for more information.

Custom Picture Frames Fine Art ~ Art Supplies 427 Barnes St., Alva, Oklahoma 73717 LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN MALL

Mon-Fri 10am to 5pm; Closed Saturday and Sunday


See Events Page 42

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


Linda McMurphy, MD

Timothy Newton, DO

We are Open 7AM-7PM Tues-Thurs 7AM-5:30PM Mon & Fri Dr. Newton beginning July 14th

405 S. Oklahoma Ave. Cherokee, OK 73728 (580) 596-2800

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June 25, 2014

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Lynn Says

Alva’s previous experience at hiring an event promoter By Lynn L. Martin When Chamber of Commerce manager Alex Mantz, supported by board member Melinda Barton, proposed the Tourism Tax Board fund an event coordinator for Alva, it was not a 100 percent bad idea. However, Alva has done this before and it didn’t work out. So we need to learn from that experience. I was a very active member of the Main Street board in the mid-’80s. We went to extraordinary efforts to put together a proposal and solicit private (mainly the banks) funding for a Main Street program in Alva. As I recall, the Oklahoma Main Street office was going to select seven lucky communities for the first year of the Main Street effort. They would provide a lot of expert support such as an architect, marketing guru and business development guidance. (I can’t remember whether we made the grade in the first year or the second.) The local goal was two-fold: repair deteriorating downtown buildings and create events that would draw people


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back to downtown. Our job was to hire a person capable of guiding us to do this. After the board interviewed several candidates, I was given the job to call and offer the job to Karen Baxter. Karen and Scott moved here, rented a house and gave it a valiant try. I recall using my aircraft to fly members of the Alva Main Street committee to other Main Street communities, like the one in Duncan, to hear experts on various topics such as marketing, building renovation and event creation. I can’t remember how long Alva was able to maintain the program. I think it was two or three years before the money pledges dwindled and Baxters moved on. It may have hung on for a couple more years but the excitement had died. Why Did It Fail? As I look back on the experience, because we were dealing with downtown businesses who were struggling to hang on, that was the reason they were unable to do maintenance and their facilities deteriorated. And even though the Main Street architects had good ideas, the struggling businesses could not afford to pay for the implementation of most of those ideas. The idea of scheduling events downtown was to draw residents back downtown and away from the dreaded “strip malls” that were popular then. Alva really didn’t have any strip malls except for the competition from Oklahoma Boulevard. The decision was made early on to keep them in the promotion mix and not alienate them. Sadly, the “events” de-

signed to draw people downtown and, hopefully, to patronize the stores did not provide the economic boost needed. So while the theory sounded good (fix downtown, draw people back downtown), it did not work economically. That was pretty well the experience of ALL the Main Street towns. In business, when I consider hiring a new employee, I always ask the question, “If I pay them $1000 per month, can they produce enough revenue to pay for themselves, plus some money for the overhead, and maybe a bit more for profit?” It that question fails, I can’t make the hire. In a town the size of Alva, and without facilities to host big events, a $1,000 per week employee simply will not pass the economic test. If it is not practical for private business, it won’t likely be practical for taxpayer money. They didn’t ask me, but here’s what I would do. Yes, a couple of events in our town could use some extra management help. I would suggest hiring an independent contractor person for, say, $1,000 for a big event. If we even had 12 events per year, that would be only $12,000 per year instead of $75,000. Look what Allison McDermott Penco put together to honor Connor Sneary’s return to Alva. Hundreds of people came to downtown Alva for a short parade and a big picture that made the news broadcasts on most Oklahoma City television stations. A year earlier, Allison put together an event for the OKC Thunder in downtown Alva. That’s an example of what a determined person can do if they put their mind to it. Allison has moved on to Coffeeville, Kan., so it is relatively safe for me to use her as an example. I know there has been talk for years of building a significant rodeo arena. Perhaps when something like that is actually built, then the community can go after the staff to promote it. Until then, the per-event consultant approach is the economically sensible way to go.

June 25, 2014

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Relay for Life set for July 11 The American Cancer Relay for Life for Alfalfa and Woods counties is scheduled for July 11 at the Cherokee football stadium. This “celebration of life” brings the community together in a unified effort to fight cancer. It symbolizes the fight cancer patients face after they are diagnosed. Relay for Life is an overnight team effort to raise funds for the American Cancer Society’s programs and services. “Cancer does not stop when the sun goes down,” said Cory Ellis, Relay for Life chair, “so we’re not going to stop either. We hope the community will join us in this fight.” Relay for Life starts at dusk and ends

in the early morning hours. The relay really begins when the sun is setting, symbolizing the time that people are diagnosed with cancer. Each minute and each hour following are symbols of the emotions and challenges facing the patient. On the lighter side, the evening will also feature a fun talent show. It’s been rumored that Sonny and Cher will even be there. A complete schedule will be published just prior to the event. The American Cancer Society is committed to saving lives and creating a world without cancer. This yearly event supports that cause and community participation plays a major role.

Schwerdtfeger – Byrd announce engagement Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Petie Schwerdtfeger of Frodonia, Kan., are happy to annonce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter Paige Schwerdtfeger to Keyton Byrd, son of Kenneth and Sally Byrd. Paige is a 2010 graduate of Ponca City High School and is currently employed at Farm Bureau. Keyton is a 2011 graduate of Alva High School and is currently enrolled at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. The couple will exchange vows on July 26, 2014. After a honeymoon to Branson, Mo.,

the couple will return to Alva where they intend reside.

Paige Schwerdtfeger and Keyton Byrd

Tiffany Leitz and Justin Phillips

Leitz – Phillips announce engagement

Don and Linda Loudon of Baltimore, Md., are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Tiffany Leitz, to Justin Phillips, son of Pam Phillips and the late Dewey Phillips. Tiffany is a 2002 graduate of Douglas County High School, Castle Rock, Colo., and Oklahoma Panhandle State University. She is a first- and second-grade teacher at Freedom Public Schools. She is the granddaughter of Linda Link of Denver, Colo. Justin is a 2003 graduate of Alva High School and a 2004 graduate of Northwest Technology Center. He is employed by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. He is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Merle Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. James Moudy of Checotah, Okla., and the late Wanda Moudy. The couple will exchange vows on Sept. 20, 2014, at 5 p.m. at Justin’s house,, 30869 County Road. Steve Hamm of Bartlesville will officiate. The couple is registered at Dillard’s and Bed’s Unlimited in Enid, and ETC Shoppe, Happiness House and WalMart in Alva.

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Kenyon and wife Vida of Alva; two daughters, Connie White-Buckley and husband Robert of Las Vegas, Nev.; and Jackie McBride and husband George of Thornton, Texas; two brothers, Howard Dunlap and wife Sharyn of Longdale, and Harvey Dunlap and wife Wendy of Sharon; two sisters, Patsy Jean Rogers of Coldwater, Kan.; and Catherine Bilyeu and husband Darrel of Coldwater; 13 grandchildren; 22 great grandchildren; other relatives and friends. Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital. Remembrances may be shared with the family at www.

Blanche (Curtis) Harris, was born June 8, 1915, in Woods County, Okla., and passed away June 23, 2014, at Alva, Okla., at the age of 99 years and 15 days. She attended rural school in the Green Valley area. On August 9, 1935, she was united in marriage to Everett George Hickman. They lived in the Green Valley area and moved later to five miles southwest of Dacoma. In 1966 they moved to Dacoma. Jessie worked several years as an operator at the Dacoma Telephone Office, sold Fuller products, worked at the school kitchen, cleaned houses and churches, and helped care for others. She attended the Dacoma United Methodist Church, becoming a member in September 1986. She enjoyed the church and always brought good fried chicken to the dinners. She loved and enjoyed her family, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as well as all of her friends and neighbors. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Everett, on March 12, 1980; three brothers, Glenn Harris, Lee Harris and Vern Harris; and two sisters, Willie Harris and Josephine Shipley. Jessie is survived by three sons, Frank Hickman and wife Karen of Chanute, Kan.; Bill Hickman and wife Connie of Fredericksburg, Texas; and Steve Hickman and wife Cathy of Cherokee; nine grandchildren, Rick Hickman of Girard, Kan.; Angela Rodriguez and husband Gabe of New Braunsfel, Texas; Tiffany Tiegreen and husband Chip of Chanute; Lori Ohl and husband Kenny of Chanute; Shelly Hageman of Strathroy, Ontario, Canada; Heather Reames and husband Wes of Anthony, Kan.; Blake Hickman of Lahoma; Oklahoma House Speaker Jeffrey Hickman and wife Jana of Fairview; Jeremy Hickman and wife Meagan of Helena; 21 greatgrandchildren; sisters-in law Gladys Wilt of Alva and Oleta Snow of Erick; other relatives and friends. Memorial contributions may be made through the funeral home to the Cherokee Boys Track Fund. Remembrances may be shared with the family at www.

Obituaries JAMES LEROY “JIM” DUNLAP Funeral services for James Leroy “Jim” Dunlap will be 10 a.m. Friday, June 27, 2014, at the Alva First Christian Church with Pastor Ron Pingelton officiating. Interment will be 1 p.m. Friday at the Wakita Cemetery with Tyson Yarnell officiating under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home of Alva. James Leroy “Jim” Dunlap, son of the late Clayton Harvey and Minnie Mary (McMurphy) Dunlap, was born May 21, 1941, at Alva, Okla., and passed away June 23, 2014, at Alva at the age of 73 years, 1 month and two days. Jim graduated from Freedom High School and was trained to be a butcher. He was united in marriage to Peggy Jean Hastings. He worked as a handyman for anybody who needed anything done. He was a member of the Alva First Christian Church. He was an excellent woodworker and enjoyed making picture frames, rocking horses and signs. He loved to fish and enjoyed playing dominoes and solitaire. Besides his parents, he was preceded in death by one sister, Frieda Henson. Jim is survived by one son, David

JESSIE JUNE HICKMAN Funeral services for Jessie June Hickman will be 3 p.m. Friday, June 27, 2014, at the Dacoma United Methodist Church with Pastor John Bizzell officiating. Interment will be in the Pleasant View Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home of Alva. Jessie June Hickman, daughter of the late William Franklin and Elsie

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

ALVA’S MARKET PRICES GOOD 6/25-7/1, 2014 Everything you need for meals at prices you’ll like, that’s Alva’s Market.

DAIRY Dannon Oikos yogurt....$1.00/ea Daisy sour cream 16oz....$2.00 Red Diamond tea gallon....$2.50 Imperial quarters 16oz...........79¢

Page 15

DELI MENU WEDNESDAY: Chicken Casserole THURSDAY: Taco Salad FRIDAY: Catfish MONDAY: Enchiladas TUESDAY: Chicken Fried Steak

FROZEN Shurfine 56oz ice cream square pkg.....................$2.00 Bridgeford cinnamon monkey bread..............................$3.59 Libby’s 6ct corn on cob...$1.39


FRESH PRODUCE Bone-in Pork Chops Northwest red cherries...............$3.99/lb 10lb #1 Russet Potatoes........$2.50/bag Peaches or Nectarines..............$1.59/lb Green cabbage................................35¢/lb Red or Green seedless grapes....$1.59/lb


Tendercrust white sandwich loaf........89¢ Caprisun juice packs 10ct pkg........$2.19 2 Liter Shurfine cola............................89¢ Gatorade 6pk 12 oz bottles............$2.49 Hostess 2pk Twinkies.....................$1.00 French’s 20oz mustard....................$1.69 Keebler Pecan Sandies....................$2.79

Family Pack.......................$1.79/lb Small Pack.........................$1.99/lb Boneless Beef Bottom Round Steak Family Pack............................$3.09 Small Pack.........................$3.29/lb Farm Raised Tilapia Fillets....$3.99/lb Cook’s Ham Steak.................$3.49/lb Shurfine meat, bologna, salami or P&P Loaf, 12oz pkg....................$1.39 Shurfine Franks, 12oz pkg.............99¢

7TH & FLYNN ST. ALVA, OK 73717 • 580-327-2992

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Visit us at We have started remodeling our dealership after 40 years. We are offering special prices as we remodel over the next few months.




WASHBURN 1819 Okla. Blvd • P.O. Box 368 • Alva, OK 73717 800-725-1296 • 580-327-1296 RENT-A-CAR

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Cow Patty Bingo! July 4th at 9:00 a.m. at the Alva Municipal Swimming Pool

$10 per ticket $500 prize

Tickets on sale at:

Holder Drug Alva Chamber of  Commerce, and  Lite-n-Nite 

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(580) 430-3360. Need not be present to claim your prize!

Benefits the Share Medical Center volunteer program

including garden and landscaping projects!

ALVA STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY 518 College Ave. - Alva, OK 73717 580-327-3300

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Jaxon Ross Erikson

Cody and Joni Erikson of Stillwater, OK, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jaxon Ross Erikson. He was born at 3:24 a.m. at Stillwater Medical Center in Stillwater, OK, on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. He weighed 8lbs, 7.6oz and was 20.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Terry and Kristie Ross of Alva, OK, & Kathy and Bradley Churchill of Alva, OK. Paternal grandparents are F.M. and Bonita Erikson of Alva, OK. The materal greatgrandparents are Darlene and the late Bill Ebeling of Woodward, OK, the late Loyd and Virgie Ross of Dacoma, OK, and the late Dale and Darlene Johnston of Woodward, OK. The paternal great-grandparents are Joyce and the late F.M. “Junior” Erikson of Stillwater, OK, and Verle and Bonnie Brady of Alva, OK.

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Bring the largest digital file you can on flash drive or memory card.

Quality dye-sub 8 x 10 prints are only $6.00. Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram - 620 Choctaw St. - Alva, OK

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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — If John Learned's vision comes true, a mostly empty building in Kansas City will soon house several American Indian organizations working to promote their history and activities, with an emphasis on sports. Learned, whose mother was the first woman to lead the Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, said he has private donors committed to help him raise $10 million to buy the Loretto building in central Kansas City. He plans to have a grand opening for the American Indian Center of the Great Plains later this year, The Kansas City Star reported (http:// ). Sports will be a main priority, including attracting as many Native American sporting events to Kansas City as possible, said Learned, a former collegiate volleyball and football coach who played football at the University for Kansas. "Something like this doesn't exist, and there is a need," he said. The North American Indian Tennis Association already has moved its headquarters to the building and held its 38th annual national championship in Kansas City during the Memorial Day weekend. "We'd played it in different cities and reservations with the idea of bringing tennis to people who may not have been exposed to it," said NAITA President Yawna Allen. "Now, we want to grow the event, and Kansas City is the best place to do that." The American Indian Athletic Hall of Fame, which showcases accomplishments of Native American athletes —

including Olympic gold medalist and football star Jim Thorpe and track star Billy Mills — also has signed on, at least temporarily. It will bring plaques and other awards that currently fill the lobby of the basketball gymnasium at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence. Carol Green, president of the board of the North American Indian Athletic Association, which oversees the Hall of Fame, said Learned offered office space and room for the artifacts, some of which are in storage because of Haskell's limited space. Learned coached volleyball at Haskell and the University of Kansas before becoming the first women's volleyball coach at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1987. He also was on Haskell's football staff. "Our board met recently, and we talked about it being time to move into the next century with our Hall of Fame,"

Green said. Mills, the former University of Kansas runner, gold medalist in the 10,000 meters at the 1964 Olympics and a member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Tribe, helped establish the Hall of Fame in 1972 and was inducted in 1978. He supports Learned's effort. He said in a statement that Learned's plans inspired him and he is convinced the center has a "strong social consciousness, helping to empower the community around them." The Loretto, which offers nearly 100 rooms and 110,000 square feet, opened in 1903. It housed a Catholic academy for girls until the mid-1980s. John Bregin Jr. then bought the building in 1995, and spent about $8 million in improvements. It has a chapel that is a popular site for weddings and receptions that will remain available for those occasions.

Man plans American Indian Center in Kansas City

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June 25,2014

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Clark’s Fabric Shop Kiowa June 16 thru July 31, 2014

Decorator Fabrics 54-60” Wide.......½ PRICE BATIKS...$2.00 OFF per yd • Buy 3 or more yards of same fabric - $3.00 OFF per yd JELLY ROLLS, BLANK QUILT STRIPS, STONEHENGE QUILT STRIPS....$10.00 OFF MARKED PRICE FLANNEL PRINTS 45” wide...$2.00 OFF per yd Thimbleberries Prints....$3.00 OFF per yd. Large Selection Blank Quilt Prints....½ Price Name Brand Quilt Fabrics (Minimum Cut 1 yard from C&C Fabrics)....$3.00 per yd 3 Groups Patriotic Prints....$2.00 OFF per yd

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June 25, 2014

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June 25, 2014

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Zook retires from Air Force

Air Force Major Eric G. Zook has retired from the U.S. Air Force after serving honorably for 20 years. Zook was last serving as Chief of Flight Safety with 72nd Air Base Wing Safety Office, Tinker Air Force Base, Okla. He is a 1987 graduate of Waynoka High School. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1992 from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

Pictured are (back row, left to right): Jonah Zook (son), Harlie Zook (daughter), wife Tamitha Zook and sitting Major Erik G. Zook USAF (retired) Major Erik Zook stand next to B52 Nose Art

Carmen 5th of July adds events The Carmen 5th of July Independence Day celebration will have several new activities during the evening of the fireworks. The Oklahoma Blood Institute will have a blood drive on Saturday, July 5, from 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the park. The fire department will host a hamburger, pulled pork and hot dog dinner from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. that evening. First responders will also have homemade ice cream. The dinner will be held in the new pavilion in the park. There will be a number of children’s


activities added during the evening. There will be a bounce house, train ride, water balloon toss, coin search in hay and dunk tank. A silent auction will also be added that will fund fire department activities. Fire Chief Bud Jackson explained that the Carmen Fire Department will also have fireworks shows in Garber and Cherokee, and will assist the Dacoma 3rd of July show. They have just completed 30-40 hours of additional training in safety, electronics and work on live shows. They anticipate a spectacular



Bingo This Week’s Jackpot


Starts at 7:30 pm - Friday Night

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show this year. The Carmen park now has water in the lake, which will make a wonderful backdrop for the “best little show in Northwest Oklahoma.” Individuals are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets and bug spray and prepare for a fun, entertaining evening.

June 25, 2014

2006 Chevrolet Impala LT 3.5L

$10,000 Silverstone Metallic, Mileage: 65327, Gas/Ethanol V6 3.5L/213, Automatic

2012 Ford Focus SE


Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

2003 Chevrolet Tahoe LT

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2011 Jeep Compass Base


Page 24

Look at our great selection!

2008 Nissan Maxima 3.5 SE



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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

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By Yvonne Miller The new board of the Kiowa Hospital District met at the new hospital for the first time last Thursday evening for the board’s regular June meeting. All members were present in person, including President Zack Odell, Lori Schrock, Chantae Simpson, Jim Parker and Brenna May. Interim Hospital Administrator Steve Davis also sat at the board table. Chief Financial Officer Janell Goodno attended as did Dr. Paul Wilhelm, Physician Assistant Melissa Stroh, Interim Manor Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carla Dunigan, Hospital Director of Nurses (DON) Heidi Courson, Manor DON Kim Balding, other hospital personnel and district patrons. Goodno pointed out the Friends of the Kiowa Hospital District and Manor Foundation still needs to raise $160,000 for bricks and mortar for their contribution to the newly constructed hospital. Administrator Report Regarding the search for a new CEO/administrator for the hospital, Davis said they interviewed a man that day. Davis updated the board on the hospital grounds and landscaping. He said the lawn area is scheduled for sodding by the builder at the appropriate time. Davis thanked hospital employees and their families for volunteering to help with the yard, such as sprigging Bermuda. Davis said hospital staff purchased a tree to plant on the grounds in memory of Wilhelm’s father. Foundation President Judy Schrock’s son Nathan is volunteering his engineering services. He recommends putting a five-foot rock barrier against the building to keep water away from the structure. Davis said the hospital owns some railroad property and suggested selling ties and other materials from it to help offset the cost of the rock barrier. Although proper signage is now up for driving to the ER, clearer markings need to be made for backing an ambulance up to the ER, Davis said.

As the clinic doors are locked after regular business hours, people visiting patients in the hospital need to go to the entrance at the back of the hospital. Hospital Statistics and Financials Goodno said year-to-date at the end of May, the hospital and clinic have seen 4,533 patients, which is 260 more than this same time last year. In May, the hospital had 14 total admissions and 48 total days of care and swing-bed care. Total outpatient visits were 589, which is the largest month so far this year. Clinic visits totaled 372. For May, the hospital was in the black $128,432. Goodno said the largest part of that is the adjustment for bad debt. Explaining, she said self-pay accounts have reduced by $165,000. This is largely contributed from increased collection efforts and implementation of the new collections policy. In addition, as accounts are transferred to the collection agency that reduces the current accounts receivable (AR) and increases the bad debt AR. The provision for bad debt shown on the hospital’s May operating statement is $118,310. Net patient revenue was $445,787. Total operating expenses were $405,642. Included in the operating expenses were $50,538 depreciation and amortization. Goodno explained the hospital’s

depreciation expense doubled after the depreciation schedule was updated. She said the idea of accelerated depreciation is so they can get it back in cash quicker. The amount that KDH will receive on their interim cost report will not be determined until November 2014, she said. The hospital showed net from operations of $40,229. The addition of $81,572 tax money; $32 rental income; and $6,599 misc., income and contributions made total nonoperating revenue $88,203. Revenue minus expenses made the $128,432 gain for May. Manor Statistics and Financials The manor resident census was 24 in May. Dunigan said the census was 23 last Thursday. The manor’s net patient revenue in May was $105,170. An additional $1,592 made total non-operating revenue $106,762. Goodno noted that agency (nursing) pay increased by $15,202 to $22,702 in May. However, she said salaries decreased by $12,573 in May to $76,175. May’s total operating expenses were $144,059 to make a loss of $37,298. The addition of $5,000 tax revenue curbed the loss to $32,297. The hospital and manor comparative

Kiowa Hospital in the black, continues search for CEO

See Kiowa Page 42

Our 55th Anniversary Celebration was a joy to us and our family due to the presence and many offerings of our wonderful friends and family. Your cards, phone calls, gifts and presence made our special day a real joy and celebration. We extend a special thank you to our family for hosting our special event. David & Carol Wolgamott

June 25, 2014

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June 25, 2014

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By Marione Martin A Cherokee man is faced with numerous charges in Alfalfa County following a traffic stop. Another charge was added later after he was already in jail. According to court records, Jason Coleman West, 39, has been charged with possession of controlled dangerous substance and attempting to bring contraband drugs (methamphetamine) into a county jail, both felonies. West is also charged with three misdemeanors of possession of controlled dangerous substance, unlawful possession of controlled drug without a prescription and unlawful possession of paraphernalia. The traffic stop occurred on Saturday, June 14, about 10:30 p.m. Alfalfa County Deputy Sheriff Blake Trekell was on patrol in the area of state highways 8 and 45. While traveling eastbound on State Highway 45 west he saw the Ford four-door pickup in front of him fail to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of the two highways. He activated his emergency lights and the vehicle pulled over just south of the intersection. Trekell spoke to the driver, Spencer E. Quiring, who said he thought the sign was a yield sign. Trekell recognized the passenger, West, and could smell an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from inside the vehicle. Trekell asked Quiring to have a seat in his patrol vehicle and asked if there were any open containers in the pickup. Quiring said there were not. Trekell asked if his passenger had been drinking. Quiring said he didn’t know and that he had just picked him up. Trekell then went to talk to West, asking him how much he had to drink. West said he had about four beers earlier

in the evening. Trekell asked if he had any open containers and he said he did not. However, he said, there was an ice chest in the back seat that had some unopened beers in it. While talking with West, Trekell could small a faint odor of raw marijuana. He asked West to step out of the vehicle while he checked for open containers. Once in the vehicle, Trekell could smell a very strong odor of marijuana. He closed the front door of the pickup and opened the back door. Quiring rolled down the window of Trekell’s patrol car and began hollering at West, asking what Trekell was doing. He then began yelling at Trekell, telling him they were in a hurry. Trekell went back to his vehicle and asked Quiring why he rolled down the window and started hollering. Quiring became further upset, causing Trekell to feel he needed to be detained in handcuffs so he could safely pinpoint the odor coming from the pickup. He placed Quiring in handcuffs and moved him to the backseat of his patrol vehicle. Trekell returned to West and asked if he could look in his backpack behind the passenger seat. West replied he really would rather Trekell did not. Trekell told him he knew there was more than alcohol in the pickup and asked where it was. West said there was a “one hitter” between the passenger seat and the center console. He said he shoved it down there when he saw Trekell’s lights come on. West retrieved the wooden container for Trekell. It held a small metal pipe and a small amount of a green leafy substance that smelled and looked like marijuana. Trekell detained West in handcuffs while he searched the rest of the vehicle.

In West’s backpack in a small zipped compartment, Trekell found a large quantity of cash, two syringes and a plastic wrapper with a green leafy substance inside that smelled and looked like marijuana. Trekell set the bag aside as it appeared to have a large quantity of illegal substances inside. He looked through the rest of the property and found no other illegal substances. Trekell took the backpack and placed West inside his vehicle. Trekell removed Quiring from his vehicle and removed his handcuffs. He asked about the illegal items, and Quiring claimed no knowledge of them and said he didn’t know West had them. Trekell placed West under arrest and took him and the backpack to the Alfalfa County Jail after releasing Quiring. At the jail, Trekell inventoried the illegal contraband inside West’s backpack. Inside were two hypodermic syringes commonly used to inject methamphetamine; a small plastic baggie with a clear substance inside that later field tested positive for

Felony and misdemeanor charges following traffic stop

KIOWA GENERAL STORE NOW OPEN UNTIL 8PM On THURSDAYS Beginning June 19 M-F 10am-4:30pm • Sat 9am-12 Noon 1125 E. Main - Kiowa, KS • 620-825-4924

See Arrest Page 38

SUPER SATURDAY SALE 30% OFF Everything in Store



The Etc Shoppe 407 College • Alva, OK • 580-327-1276

June 25, 2014

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June 25, 2014

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By Leslie Nation The Alfalfa County commissioners – Doug Murrow, Chad Roach and Toby Walker – met at the courthouse on Monday for their regular meeting at 10 a.m. After approving the minutes from the June 16 meeting, the commissioners listened to a representative from Floyd Law Firm, Jeff Raley. Raley spoke at the meeting in regards to a request from the Cherokee Public Schools for the formation of the Alfalfa County Educational Facilities Authority, an Oklahoma public trust. This trust would aid the school system it its recently approved financing. The Cherokee School District would like to sell lease revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $4 million. The commissioners decided to wait to discuss the matter further in the next meeting before making a decision about the formation presented by Raley. Next on the agenda, Brian Langston, a representative of Cedar Ridge Construction, spoke to inform the commissioners that his company would attempt to appeal the decision of allowing Henson Construction Company the bid for the EMS building as requested by the 522 Ambulance Board. The 522 board reviewed three bids from companies for construction

of their EMS building before requesting the commissioners to approve their decision to award it to Henson Construction. Langston stated that Cedar Ridge believed it was within their legal right to try and overturn this decision. “We feel that we have been unjustly disqualified from the project,” Langston said. “I’m not here to harm the county in any way, or cause any disruption in the construction of the building. But we will file an injunction if the commissioners go forward with the contract with the awarded company.” Murrow stated that after reviewing the 522 board’s reasons for choosing Henson Construction, the commissioners went forward by approving the bid in favor of the 522 board’s choice. Langston responded that if the board for the EMS building had any reservations about Cedar Ridge he wished that they would have contacted them to ask them any questions. No decision was necessary from the commissioners over this item, so they proceeded with their agenda by approving the payroll warrants, M&O warrants, blanket purchase orders and road crossing permits. The Alfalfa County commissioners then approved two detention services agreements with Sequoyah Enterprises Inc. and Osage County. The commis-

sioners then approved the resolution to execute the interlocal agreement with the Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma. Transfers were then approved by the members from: E-1B Agriculture Part Time to E-2A Agriculture Operating Expense for $371.34, R-5 Gen Gov – Health Insurance to C-1A Treasurer Salary $2,666.95, C-2A Treasurer M & O to C-1A Treasurer Salary $2,377.70, C-1C Treasurer Travel to C-1A Treasurer Salary $247.30, R-5 Gen Gov – Health Insurance to B-1A Sheriff Salary $4,644.43, R-9 Gen Gov – Retirement to B-1A Sheriff Salary $3,096.47, and R-7 Gen Gov – Unemp to B-1A Sheriff Salary $1,576.47. Once the transfers were approved, the commissioners adjourned the meeting. Road crossing permit revenue is as follows: Dist. # How Amount Many 1 6 $5,500.00 2 0 $0.00 3 1 $500.00 Total All Dist. 7 $6,000.00

Alfalfa County Commissioners

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June 25,2014

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2009 GMC Reg Cab 1 Ton Diesel 4WD - 90,000 miles, local one owner, Butler arm bed, $26,495

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2009 Chevy Colorado Crew Cab 2WD - 12,000 Miles, Local One Owner, LT, None Nicer $18,995

2013 GMC Yukon XL - 15,000 miles - Mocha Moonroof, DVD, factory warranty, $44,500

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2012 Buick Enclave CXL - 28,000 miles - local one owner, Nav, Chrome wheels, Sharp, $31,995 2012 GMC Reg Cab Diesel - 48,000 miles, local one owner, Butler spike, $32,500 2012 Chevy Equinox LT - 52,000 miles, local one owner, $18,500 2012 CAD SRX 4WD, 19,000 miles, moonroof, don’t miss this one, black w/tan leather, factory warranty, $34,850

2009 Chevy Equinox 2LT - 20,000 miles, local one owner, leather, heated seats, DVD, $16,995


2007 Chevy ½ Crew Z71 - 102,000 miles, Very Nice, $17,995 2006 Chevy Impala - 83,000 miles, local owner $9,250...Reduced $8,495 2003 Chevy Impala - 86,000 miles, local owner, $7,495....Reduced $5,995


June 25,2014

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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

The Alva Rotary Club invites you attend the FREE 4th of July 4K run!

July 4 at 7 A.M. th

(Registration at 6:30 a.m.)

Alva City Park Categories: Boys - 15 & Under irls – 15 & Under G en – 16 & Up M omen – 16 & Up W Senior Men – 55 & Up Senior Women – 55 & Up One winner from each category will receive $50 in Chamber Bucks. To pre-register or for more information email Kindsey Ely or Kendra Schnebel at: or

Brought to you by the Alva Rotary Club

Page 32

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Celebrate A




9:00 Tiny Tot Review - Girl Scouts 9:30 Flag Presentation & Prayer - American Legion/Joe Woods 10:30 Best Dressed Pet - EMS 11:00 Games - Egg Toss & Sack Races - Round Up 11:30 Water Balloon Toss - Scouts Hamburgers or Hot Dogs, Beans, Chips & Drinks $7.00 Ice Cream Floats - Round Up Girls- Icee’s 1pm City of Cherokee Free Family Swim

Page 33

Visit Us I Cheroke n e For A Full Day Of Fami ly Fun! EVENING ACTIVITIES

ARE AT THE CHEROKEE High School Grandstand

6:30 Concession Stand Opens Registration for Races 7:00 Dazzle Cheerleader Review 7:15 Carp Catch - Lion’s Club 8:00 Rotary Sponsored Turtle Races 9:00 Conclusion of Races - Raffle Prizes from Businesses Flag Ceremony American Legion Mr. Ken Girty Post 33 A Prayer for our Nation - Max Boothby National Anthem - Desiree Buller The Finale -


All Times Approximate

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 34

Want to sell your house quickly? You can help your agent along by adding color ads where every body sees them. Many times an agent has hundreds of houses to sell. You can move yours to the top of the attention list with a Newsgram ad that is distributed 100% in three counties.


Where Family Values & Your Eyes Come First. Call or come by for Quality Eyecare.

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June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

How would you like to have an exciting career with a strong company that has a great reputation in this part of Kansas and Oklahoma? The position, Customer Service Technician, includes fantastic health benets and sick and vacation plans. Depending on the applicant's experience the starting salary range for this position is $14-$20/hour not including the benets. The employee will be responsible for a portion of the company's service territory and will have many opportunities to interface directly with our customers, so great customer service and communications skills will be necessary. The employee will be trained and will be able to draw on the experience of our existing technicians during a transitional training period. A high school diploma or equivalent will be required for this position. A commercial driver's license is not required but highly recommended. The applicant will be provided a truck, tools, training and communications equipment necessary to do the work. The employee will: install, maintain, and repair customer services; operate heavy machinery; test, trace, locate, and splice ber and copper cables. The employee will also learn the best practices for ber optic cable layouts, learn how to read cable plant maps and use our computerized mapping system, and record and update customer and cable records in our computer systems. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is ready to learn new skills and dive into an exciting career in the telecommunications industry! If you are interested in learning more about this position, please send a resume to on or before July 11, 2014.

Page 36

Alfalfa Electric Cooperative has a full time job opening for a Licensed HVAC Journeyman. Salary including all benefits has a starting range at $74,000 per year. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Come by AEC at 121 E. Main in Cherokee to pick up an application, or call 580-596-3333 and speak to our office manager Gail Ridgway.

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Sail with us...

Page 37

Visit us on FACEBOOK or call 327-1900 • 327-0535

Thursday Last Night “22 Jump Street” 6:45-9pm Nightly

SPECIAL SHOWING THURS 9:30 pm/Fri-Sat 1:30-6:45-10:00 Sun 1:30-6:45/June 30 & July 1 1:30-6:45/Screen 1/PG13/165 min


Wed 1:30-6:56-9:15/Thurs 1:30-6:45/Fri & Sat 1:30-6:45-9:15 Sun 1:30-6:45/June 30 & July 1 1:30-6:45/Screen 2/PG13/130 min

The Fault In Our Stars

Everyday 1:30-6:45/Fri & Sat 1:30-6:45-8:45/Screen 3/PG/105 min

...As Summer Sales Begin!


Dee Wiebener, Owner

403 College ~ Alva, OK ~ 580-327-0382

How To Train Your Dragon 2 STARTING JULY 2nd - “TAMMY”

The Nescatunga Arts & Humanities Council wishes to thank all of the following for the support received. Thank you for helping make the 45th Annual Nescatunga Arts Festival a success! NW Electric Woods County Commissioners BJCC Crew NWOSU Security Mayor Arden Chaffee Jamie Kilmer, Chris Shafer & Boy Scouts Troop 392 Judy Neilson & Girl Scouts Thamazin Harrison & Rainbow Girls Band Boosters Speech Boosters Electric Gold Boosters Jeff Blackshaw Shelly Reed Derrick Thomas

Rachel Carter Boss Music - Jerad Bradt & Gagan Moorthy Monty Pfleider Bernice Tyree Boys & Girls BB (AHS) - Paul Duncan Mary & Randy Hamilton Freddie Brown Clint Harzman Steve Parkhurst Household Executive Group (Isi) Isileli Tu’Ifua Siliva Ofiu, Jr. Alva Public Schools Luis Zwiefelhofer Ethan Fiedler

Nescatunga Members and Friends

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Sail with us...

Page 37

Visit us on FACEBOOK or call 327-1900 • 327-0535

Thursday Last Night “22 Jump Street” 6:45-9pm Nightly

SPECIAL SHOWING THURS 9:30 pm/Fri-Sat 1:30-6:45-10:00 Sun 1:30-6:45/June 30 & July 1 1:30-6:45/Screen 1/PG13/165 min


Wed 1:30-6:56-9:15/Thurs 1:30-6:45/Fri & Sat 1:30-6:45-9:15 Sun 1:30-6:45/June 30 & July 1 1:30-6:45/Screen 2/PG13/130 min

The Fault In Our Stars

Everyday 1:30-6:45/Fri & Sat 1:30-6:45-8:45/Screen 3/PG/105 min

...As Summer Sales Begin!


Dee Wiebener, Owner

403 College ~ Alva, OK ~ 580-327-0382

How To Train Your Dragon 2 STARTING JULY 2nd - “TAMMY”

The Nescatunga Arts & Humanities Council wishes to thank all of the following for the support received. Thank you for helping make the 45th Annual Nescatunga Arts Festival a success! NW Electric Woods County Commissioners BJCC Crew NWOSU Security Mayor Arden Chaffee Jamie Kilmer, Chris Shafer & Boy Scouts Troop 392 Judy Neilson & Girl Scouts Thamazin Harrison & Rainbow Girls Band Boosters Speech Boosters Electric Gold Boosters Jeff Blackshaw Shelly Reed Derrick Thomas

Rachel Carter Boss Music - Jerad Bradt & Gagan Moorthy Monty Pfleider Bernice Tyree Boys & Girls BB (AHS) - Paul Duncan Mary & Randy Hamilton Freddie Brown Clint Harzman Steve Parkhurst Household Executive Group (Isi) Isileli Tu’Ifua Siliva Ofiu, Jr. Alva Public Schools Luis Zwiefelhofer Ethan Fiedler

Nescatunga Members and Friends

June 25, 2014

From Page 27


methamphetamine; a green pill bottle containing 42 white oval pills later identified as Phentermine, a schedule IV dangerous substance, with another person’s name on the bottle; a plastic material with a green leafy substance that smelled and appeared to be marijuana, and $1,158 cash in the same compartment as the meth. Additional Felony Charge The next day, June 15, Trekell was notified by jail staff that West had requested the jailer bring him items from his property. The jailer said she found a small plastic wrapper with a crystal substance inside. Trekell arrived at the jail and spoke with the jailer who said she grew suspicious when West asked for both contact lens cases and one of them was extremely dirty, appearing not to be sanitary enough to contain lenses. She looked in them and discovered the wrapper. The jailer stated that West asked for both cases, and as she walked back to the jail area with them, West looked back into the jail and said, “She got it, she got it.” She said she looked at West and shook her head after looking inside the case. Then West told her she could throw it away. Trekell interviewed West and asked if he knew there was meth in one of the cases. He said he knew but thought Trekell had found it. The contraband charge was filed after that incident.

Salon 180 is looking for a licensed cosmologist call 327-8033 to inquire more information

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 38

Alva petting zoo to be featured on upcoming Channel 9 newscast By Lynn L. Martin The Channel 9 program “Discover Oklahoma” hosted by Dino Lalli will feature the “Menagerie – Bradt’s Mammals and More LLC” on the June 28 broadcast at 6:30 p.m. Lalli, also the producer of the program,

visited Alva in May to film the story. Owners Jerad and JoDe Bradt, interviewed for the piece, said they are excited about their unique “agritourism business.” They hope the TV program will draw attention from throughout the state and bring more tourists to Alva.

South Barber Board closes out the fiscal year By Yvonne Miller It took about five minutes for the South Barber Board of Education to close out their fiscal year. This was at a 7 a.m. meeting last Thursday. All members attended except Jeff Black. They were Steve Allen, Mike Anderson, Mark Pollock, Dana Roark, Dooli Rugg and Deb Helfrich. Each member signed a public meeting “Waiver of Notice” resolution. Members signed an end-of-the-year statement that all monies will need to be expended and/or transferred to meet the required ending general fund balance of zero.

From Page 35

The board approved payment of bills and approval of year-end encumbrances for textbook purchases, payment of dues and insurances, athletic expenditures, accelerated reader materials, furniture and equipment, and supplies for the 201415 school year. The amount of encumbrances will be determined by the auditor. The board approved a motion to transfer the remaining unencumbered balance in the general fund to capital outlay or other special funds after receiving the final 2013-14 state aid payment the first week of July.


was taken to Woodward Regional Hospital by Woodward EMS. He was admitted with trunk internal, trunk external, arm and leg injuries and listed in stable condition. Neither Fisk nor his passenger, Russell O. Fisk, 47, of Desloge, Mo., was injured. The report listed the

condition of Gary A. Fisk before the collision as sleepy. The occupants of the Fisk vehicle were not wearing seatbelts, but the others involved were wearing seatbelts. Trooper Phillip Ludwyck of the Mooreland detachment investigated the collision.


Thursday, June 26th - 6pm

Garage Sale is Coming July 11-18 NEW 50’s PAPER

Store Hrs: Tues-Fri 10-5:30 & Sat. 10-2 • 213 S. Grand • Cherokee, OK 73728 • 580-884-8612

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 39

Visit Your Trusted Jeweler for Great Quality & Friendly, Speedy Service SERVICES & SPECIALTIES

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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 40

FULL TIME HELP Immediate Openings Delivery of Black Crappie, Channel Catfish, Bass, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Bream, Coppernose Bluegill, Fathead Minnows, and Grass Carp are now available for Pond and Lake Stocking.

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Delivery will be Thursday, July 3rd, 7-8am at Alva Farmers Coop 4th & Barnes St. To place your order or for more information call one of our Aquatic Consultants, your local dealer, or email Mon-Fri 7:00am-6:00pm CST & Sat 8:00am-4:00pm CST PH. 1-800-433-2950 • FAX 1-580-777-2899 •

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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Wiggins Auctioneers, LLC has recently added the capability of producing low altitude aerial photos and videos by SkyView Studios as a new service for our Sellers and Buyers! Check out our website for some exceptional views on our upcoming real estate auctions. One Grand Center, 201 N. Grand, Suite 600 Enid, Oklahoma 73701 (580) 233-3066 PH # 1-800-375-3773 • FAX # (580) 237-4915 Members of the O. S. A. A. And the N. A. A.


Page 41


June 25, 2014

From Page 8

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


to approve the proposal. Parker (not legally a voting member at the time and also a member of the Chamber Board) provided the second. Those two voted yes while Valencia voted no. On the surface, it appears the proposal was timed to deliberately avoid the stringent scrutiny of Chairman Bickerstaff and board member Tucker. Even if the vote could somehow be stretched to meet the legal requirements, the question remains “Was it ethical?” For two board members of the Alva Chamber of Commerce to vote to approve a position over which they would have direct financial control, muddies the water somewhat on the ethics issue. Other members of public bodies like the Alva Board of Education, the Alva Hospital Authority, the Alva Airport Commission, and even at times the Alva City Council, have abstained from voting on issues that directly affected their businesses or those connected with family members. Since the Alva Chamber of Commerce receives a sizeable amount of funds from taxes, does this not place that organization under the rules of the Oklahoma Open Meeting/Open Records (OMOR) Act? With half of the director’s and secretary’s salaries coming from either the hotel/motel tax or the City of Alva, it would seem probable that the OMOR Act would apply to that organization. Another nagging question remains

in the minds of many. Is this job being created to benefit a specific person? Potential for Misuse Of all the tax revenue the city receives, the hotel/motel tax has enormous potential for loose spending. The funds can legally be granted to individuals, businesses, service clubs, educational institutions and other governmental entities that come to the board with ideas for increasing tourism. Fortunately, the tourism board has set high standards and required grant applicants to precisely detail their spending budgets. Often, when a proposal is vague and it appears some “spare” funds are requested, the tourism board will ask the applicant(s) to refine their proposal with more details and return to a future meeting with more information. Lead by Certified Public Accountant Henry Bickerstaff, other tourism board members have picked up his tax-preparer attention to detail, and have joined him in asking the tough questions in vetting proposals. This quality of work has kept public confidence high that these tax dollars are being carefully spent. Several newspaper readers have dropped by the office commenting that this proposal for a $57,000 per year event coordinator would never have passed had the full tourism board been present. While this chamber proposal might be legal in the broadest sense, other than not having a quorum present, it doesn’t really pass the smell test.

Page 42

From Page 25


balance sheets show a current year loss of $51,943. Goodno said cash-on-hand as of last Thursday was “right under $400,000.” Other Hospital Board Action As addressed last month, the manor was in dire need of an ice machine as the one there no longer worked and they were buying ice at a cost of about $653 per month. The board discussed bids with Simpson sharing her expertise about appliances. The board approved purchasing a new ice machine from Direct Supply at a cost not to exceed $3,500. More expense for the federally mandated electronic health records was approved. This is part of Phase II of the Kansas Health Information Network’s (KHIN) CareAlign software. It allows clinicians to securely share patient information from their electronic health record (EHR) with other participating providers and facilities. This creates a centralized, electronic repository of patient medical information at the fingertips of clinicians for quick access to information about care provided at other facilities, such as medication and allergy lists, diagnoses, lab results, immunizations, radiology studies, and documents. The cost of this software is $15,000 the first year and $10,00 the second year. Laboratory Director Gay Farney told the board it was time for a change from the company they currently they use for pathology. At Farney’s recommendation, the board approved entering an agreement with Heartland Pathology. At the end of the regular meeting the board entered executive session that lasted about three hours until 11:08 p.m. Upon return to open session, the board approved the monthly risk management/quality assurance (RM/ QA) reports for the hospital and manor. That was all the action that was reportedly taken. The reasons listed on the agenda for executive session besides RM/QA included non-elected personnel and contract discussions for Merritt Hawkins and email/exchange.

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 43


for July!

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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

LOW FIXED RATES Now is the time to buy or refinance

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Page 44

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Cowgirls Needed! th

77 Annual Freedom Rodeo and Old Cowhand Reunion August 14, 15, & 16, 2014

Queen Contestants – Ages 16-24 Sweetheart Contestants – Ages 8-15 Saddle, tiara, accessories and money are all up for grabs ladies! WINNER OF THE QUEEN CONTEST WILL BE ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN MISS RODEO OKLAHOMA Queen Kickoff – July 8 @ 7pm – Freedom Park Deadline for Entry is July 1st

Please call for application or if you have any questions: 580-430-6673

Page 45

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 46

LIGHTNING SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK June 22-28, 2014 Lightning Safety for You and Your Family

When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!

With summer comes boating, swimming, baseball and fun things to do outdoors. But each year in the United States, more than 400 people are struck by lightning. On average, between 55 and 60 people are killed. Most Organized Outdoor Activities of those tragedies can be avoided with a few simple precautions. Outdoor Recreational Facilities Should Have An Emergency Action Plan. It’s essential for the people in What You Might Not Know About Lightning charge of these activities to understand the dangers of All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. In the United lightning, have a lightning safety plan in place, and States, in an average year, lightning kills about the same number of people follow the plan once thunder is heard or lightning is as tornadoes and more people than hurricanes. Lightning often strikes seen. Many outdoor activities rely on volunteer leaders, outside the area of heavy rain and may strike as far as 10 miles from any coaches or sports ofcials to make safety decisions. rainfall. Many lightning deaths occur ahead of storms or after storms have Make sure the leaders of these activities follow a seemingly passed. If you can hear thunder, you are in danger. Don’t be lightning safety plan. Don’t be afraid to ask, and don’t fooled by blue skies. If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to pose be afraid to speak out during an event if conditions an immediate threat become unsafe. You could save a life! Avoid the Lightning Threat •Have a lightning safety plan. Know where you’ll go for safety and how much time it will take to get there. Make sure your plan allows enough time to reach safety. •Postpone activities. Before going outdoors, check the forecast for thunderstorms. Consider postponing activities to avoid being caught in a dangerous situation. •Monitor the weather. Look for signs of a developing thunderstorm such as darkening skies, ashes of lightning or increasing wind. •Get to a safe place. If you hear thunder, even a distant rumble, immediately move to a safe place. Fully enclosed buildings with wiring and plumbing provide the best protection. Sheds, picnic shelters, tents or covered porches DO NOT protect you from lightning. If a sturdy building is not nearby, get into a hard-topped metal vehicle and close all the windows. Stay inside until 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder. •If you hear thunder, don’t use a corded phone except in an emergency. Cordless phones and cell phones are safe to use. •Keep away from electrical equipment and wiring. •Water pipes conduct electricity. Don’t take a bath or shower or use other plumbing during a storm.

Act Fast If Someone Is Struck by Lightning! •Lightning victims do not carry an electrical charge, are safe to touch, and need urgent medical attention. Cardiac arrest is the immediate cause of death for those who die. Some deaths can be prevented if the victim receives the proper rst aid immediately. •Call for help. Call 9-1-1 or your local ambulance service. •Give rst aid. Do not delay CPR if the person is unresponsive or not breathing. Use an Automatic External Debrillator if one is available.

For More Information visit Woods County Emergency Management Call Steve Foster, 580-829-3085

June 25,2014

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Page 47

WHEN THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS! STOP ALL ACTIVITIES. Seek Shelter In A Substantial Building or Hard-Topped Vehicle. Wait 30 Minutes After The Storm To Resume Activities.

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Relay for Life June 28th from 6pm-9pm Merchants Building Woods County Fairgrounds

Tickets are $45.00 - Available at the door or at

Painting will be

“Untamed Heart Cross” This will be raising money for a good cause.

*BYOB! Walking Taco’s available by donation. *Fruit, Chocolate Fountain and Bake Sale Items Available. Any Questions call Alyssa Mahieu @ 580-430-5464

Page 48

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

The right choice for: *Commercial Roof Leak Repairs

Page 49

*Flat/Low Slope Roofing Systems *Metal Roof Restoration 10+ Year “No Leak” Warranty - Unmatched in the Industry! Call Today to find out how GM Systems Inc. can save you money now and in the years to come.


FOAM ROOFING SYSTEM Sprayed Polyurethane Foam roofing systems with elastomeric coatings provide a durable, energy efficient, waterproof system that bonds tightly to any surface.

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METAL ROOF RESTORATION This metal roof process includes *Surface Prep *Rust inhibiting Primer (as req.) *Cap Sealing Fastener Heads *Fabric/Coating Seams *Solar Reflective Membrane (Spray application) Over Entire Roof Surface

Contact Greg Stierwalt

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 50

Be sure and display the Flag in your window for July 4th

Robert and Joe spent a couple hours Sunday night printing it for you.

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 51

Beginning in book 745 page 981 Real Estate Transfers Ronald George Shafer & Mary C. Shafer to Ronald G. Shafer, Trustee of the Ronald G. Shafer Revocable Trust dated Aug. 26, 2004: (1) the NE/4 of the NE/4 of NE/4 of Sec 9, T 26N, R 11, WIM; (2) Grantor’s undivided interest in and to the NE/4 of Sec 9, T 26N, R 11, WIM, LESS and except the NE/4 of NE/4 of NE/4 of said Sec 9, T 26N, R 11, WIM; (3) the S/2 of the SE/4 of Sec 8, T 26N, R 11, WIM: Quit Claim Deed. Jay E. Leierer & Alberta Leierer to Jay E. Leierer, Trustee of the Jay E. Leierer Revocable Trust dated Aug. 9, 2012: the SE/4 of Sec 2, T 23N, R 10, WIM: General Warranty Deed. Jay E. Leierer & Alberta Leierer to Leierer Farms Inc.: (1) the SW/4 of Sec 13, T 23N, R 10, WIM, LESS and except a tract of land containing 3.25 acres, commonly known as the “Bess School Land”; (2) the NE/4 of Sec 13,

T 23N, R 10, WIM: General Warranty Deed. Vernelda E. Bahr to Dale L. Bruce & Frances M. Bruce: Lot 1 in Blk 5 of W side Add to the City of Cherokee: Joint Tenancy Warranty Deed. Robert Arthur Schrameck & Judith Ann Schrameck to Marilyn Kay Schrameck: (1) the NW/4 in Sec 11, T 23N, R 10, WIM; (2) the E/2 of the NE/4 in Sec 14, T 23N, R 10, WIM: Quit Claim Deed. Billy Wayne Cook and Brian Keith Cook to Kelly Sallee & Julie Sallee: all of Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 in Blk 44 in the Town of Jet: Joint Tenancy Quit Claim Deed. Arlene E. Kerns, DeAnn Lynette Jones & James Jones and Anita LaRae McMullen & Mark McMullen to Terry E. Walborn & Dora A. Walborn: a tract of land beginning at a point 1060 feet N of the SW/C of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Sec 3, T 26N, R 9, WIM, thence N 120

ft, thence E 99 ft, thence S 120 ft, thence W 99 ft to the point of beginning, except the E 20 ft that is to be reserved for public roadway: Quit Claim Deed. Terry E. Walborn & Dora A. Walborn to Telisa A. Lowry and Lauri A. Espinoza: a tract of land beginning at a point 1060 feet N of the SW/C of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Sec 3, T 26N, R 9, WIM, thence N 120 ft, thence E 99 ft, thence S 120 ft, thence W 99 ft to the point of beginning, except the E 20 ft that is to be reserved for public roadway: Joint Tenancy Quit Claim Deed. Goodwin Funeral Home and Marian D. Goodwin to Marian D. Goodwin: the W 60 ft of Lots 1 & 2 in Blk 25 in the Original Town of Cherokee: Warranty Deed. Mortgages Jason M. Jenlink & Melissa N. Jenlink to Security National Bank of Enid: all of Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12 in Block 23, in the Town of Jet: $47,500.

Alfalfa County real estate

Alfalfa County Court filings According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Felony Filings Jason Coleman West, 39, Cherokee: Possession of controlled dangerous substance ($265.50). Jason Coleman West, 39, Cherokee: Attempting to bring contraband drugs (methamphetamine) into county jail ($256.50). Virginia May Willis, 52, Cherokee: Distribution of controlled dangerous substance within 2,000 feet of park/ school/minor under 12 ($340.50) Outstanding warrant. Misdemeanor Filings Jason Coleman West, 39, Cherokee: (1) Possession of controlled dangerous substance; (2) Unlawful possession of controlled drug without prescription;

(3) Unlawful possession of paraphernalia ($687). Divorce Filings Barry Don Maxon vs. Kimberly Maria Maxon: Divorce ($193.70). Traffic Filings Teresa Penner, 37, Stillwater: Failure to pay taxes due state ($211.50). Rene Cronister, 55, Nash: Failure to carry security verification (state dismissed without fine or costs). Cameron Anthony Schultz, 23, Wichita, Kan.: Operating vehicle on which all taxes due to state have not been paid ($211.50). The following individuals received a citation for speeding:

Masen A. Holder, 23, Booneville, Ark.: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Matthew P. Bickham, 26, Fort Worth, Texas: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Jackie D. Kiplinger, 31, Midwest City: 1620 mph over ($241.50); Javier G. Benitez, 47, Waynoka: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Joshua Wayne Greer, 25, Enid: 16-20 mph over ($241.50); Joshua Robert Hunter, 25, Eufaula: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Brandy Alexandra Brown, 22, Alva: 1-10 mph over ($188.50). The following individuals received a citation for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine): Cole Louis Bigby, 22, Enid.


Heavy Equipment Mechanic

Must own a mechanic's tool set capable of supporting general heavy equipment eet. Good Pay with Benets Must Pass Drug Screening and Background Check. Call Denise Classen @ 580-732-0569

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 52

Alfalfa County sheriff’s log

June 16, 2014 8:43 a.m. Miscellaneous, deputy requests wrecker for abandoned vehicle 3 miles east of four-way on Highway 11, owners were advised on Thursday to remove it by the weekend, Alva wrecker has vehicle. 7:46 p.m. Livestock at large, Oklahoma Hightway Patrol advised of cow out 1 mile west of Goltry, called owner. 8:31 p.m. Livestock at large, respondent called and advised of goats out on Highway 45, deputy advised. June 17, 2014 6:03 p.m. Miscellaneous, respondent called about people going into his house, he is moving to Oklahoma City, respondent thought he was calling Cherokee County not Cherokee, Okla. 8:00 p.m. Information, respondent called about four-wheelers racing around Jet on Highway 38 by the pool, deputy advised. June 18, 2014 1:57 a.m. Break/enter, caller advised that a friend staying at his house told him that a man had entered his garage and when the dog barked at him, he kicked the dog really hard and left, caller advised his garage door had been shut when he left and was now open, deputy advised and en route, report taken, no forced entry and nothing taken. 2:32 p.m. Medical emergency, respondent advised man has been bitten by something in his sleep, would like Carmen Rescue to check him out, patient has refused ambulance and has made an appointment with his doctor.

June 19, 2014 2:14 p.m. Stolen vehicle, respondent states mom’s brother has stolen her vehicle, she is currently in hospital in Enid, he does not have permission to have it and he has no valid driver’s license, deputy advised of vehicle location and suspects. June 20, 2014 3:25 p.m. Minor accident, Cherokee Police Department advised of a semi damaged by another truck on bridge on 64 west of 132 a little east of County Road 740, someone was trying to get truck stopped, called and advised Oklahoma Highway Patrol, respondent called and advised truck was in construction east of Cozy Curve, deputy advised, deputy saw vehicle and it was coming into Cherokee, stopped on Ohio, trooper on scene, deputy was en route to scene, respondent advised he was trying to back off bridge and trucks were going fast. 11:12 p.m. Accident, seriousness unknown, respondent called over the radio for an accident at Salt Plains Lake, possible broken ankle at the River Road campsite in Nescatunga, advised Nescatunga first responders, deputy en route to accident, Cherokee Ambulance en route, deputy has person on the rocks sitting, deputy advised Cherokee Ambulance had person loaded. 11:26 p.m. Miscellaneous, respondent called and reported that a black guy in a red semi truck with box trailer on back tried to get his wife to go with him, the black guy offered the lady drugs and money, she ran away, respondent was told the guy was coming to Cherokee. June 21, 2014 12:15 p.m. Minor accident 5 miles west of Burlington, Cherokee Police Department advised of a vehicle rollover, paged Burlington Fire Department, advised deputy and Oklahoma Highway Patrol, OHP advised trooper en route, BFD advised not a rollover, they hit the guard rail, advised ODOT and OHP, patient transported to Alva. 1:26 p.m. Medical emergency in Burlington, respondent advised 7 year old hit in head with a brick, has a lot of bleeding, is conscious, advised ambulance and Burlington Fire Department, BFD advised bleeding under control, mom will drive young man to the hospital for stitches. 2:45 p.m. Vehicle fire, Cherokee Police Department advised of combine fire 1 mile south of Burlington on County Road 580, paged Burlington Fire Department. 3:59 p.m. Medical emergency, caller advised she needed EMS to Jet pool for an allergic reaction to a bee sting, contacted Helena Ambulance and paged out Jet first responders. 4:19 p.m. Vehicle fire, combine started back on fire on County Road 580 south of Burlington, paged out Burlington Fire Department. 9:22 p.m. Medical emergency, Cherokee Police Department advised of an elderly man in Jet with dementia and his wife couldn’t get him in the vehicle, CPD paged out Jet first responders and Helena EMS. 10:41 p.m. Gas leak, Aline Fire Department advised of a broken gas line at 200 block of N. Third in Aline. June 22, 2014 11:52 p.m. Motorist assist east of Ingersoll, respondent called and advised that a person was in the road flagging See Sheriff Page 62

June 25, 2014

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Page 53


City of Hardtner NEW LISTINGS City Maintenance Superintendant MULTIPLE RANCHES FOR SALE IN KANSAS & OKLAHOMA Position Responsibilities include, but not limited to: operate and maintain gas, water, and sewer systems. Be willing to tran and earn water operator certification. General upkeep and various maintenance projects within the city. Training provided. Candidate must have high school diploma or GED and be willing to locate to Hardtner. Must be able to pass drug test and alcohol screening.



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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 54

Barber County sheriff’s log June 19, 2014 Nadiya Kyrylova, Claremore, Okla., driving a 2008 Jeep collided with a 2008 Chevrolet pickup driven by Mitchell Terrel, Alva, Okla., at Lasswell and Sandy Creek Roads. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Undersheriff Tedder. June 21, 2014 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Burlington, Okla., to Kiowa Hospital. During the week officers received three reports of cattle out, two reports of goats out, one report of horses out, performed 24 public assists and assisted

five other agencies. Arrests June 18, 2014 Kimberly J. Otto, Medicine Lodge, W/F, 35. Arrest by MLPD. Charge: Domestic Battery. Released June 18, 2014, on $750 surety bond. June 19, 2014 Amanda M. Bell, Medicine Lodge, W/F, 25. Arrest by BASO. Charged on Pratt County Warrant – Driving while driver’s license suspended. Released June 19, 2014, on $1,000 surety bond. Mitch D. Wells, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 38. Arrest by BASO. Charge: Givomg worthless check. Released June

19, 2014, on $750 surety bond. June 20, 2014 Alejundro A. Leon, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 25. Arrest by BASO. Charges: Disorderly conduct 2. Assault 3. Criminal damage to property. Released June 22, 2014, on $1,750 surety bond. Anthony P. Petardi, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 33. Arrest by MLPD. Charges: Domestic battery 2. Criminal damage to property. Released June 20, 2014, on $1,750 surety bond. June 22, 2014 Otto J. Schwerdtfeger, Medicine Lodge, W/M, 31. Arrest by MLPD. Charge: Aggravated battery.

Barber County real estate listings Real Estate Listings Book 139 Page 103: Griffin Management, LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company; to Jeffrey Dean Smith and Lana Kay Smith, husband and wife: The West 100 feet of Block W in the Town Company’s Addition to the City of Kiowa. Warranty deed. Book 139 Page 105: Thavy Em and Nixon Em, husband and wife of Barber County; to Chamnap Chan, an individual of Sedgwick County: 15’ 6” off the entire North side of Lot 5 on North Main Street in the city of Medicine Lodge, Kansas (Commonly known as 107 North Main Street, Medicine Lodge, Kansas 67104). Warranty deed. Book 139 Page 99: Debra Boyce, single; to Philip R. Hinz and Mary Lou Hinz, husband and wife: Lots 2, 4 and 6 on Central avenue West in Hartzell’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber county, Kansas. Quit claim deed. Book 139 Page 104: Jeanne Frances Fisher, formerly Jeanne Frances Humphries, a married woman, dealing her sole and separate property; to Jeanne Frances Fisher: All of Section 5 and the W/2 of the NE/4 of Section 8, T32S, R11W, and the S/2 of the SE/4 of Section 32, T31S, R11W. Quit claim deed. Book 139 Page 107: Dewyte Roland and Janet Faye Roland aka Jane F. Roland aka Janet Roland, husband and wife; to Dewyte Roland and Janet F. Roland, trustees of the Carrie-Lee Trust

dated Nov. 26, 2013: Tract I: The W/2 of the SE/4 and the E/2 of the SW/4 and the E/2 of the NW/4 and the SW/4 of Section 34, T32S, R13W, Barber County, Kansas; and the NE/4 and the E/2 of the NW/4 of Section 3, T33S, R13W, Barber County, Kansas; and the W/2 of the NW/4 of Section 2, except a tract of land beginning 690 feet North of the SE corner of the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 2, T33S, R13W, Barber County , Kansas, thence N 528 feet, thence W 270 feet, thence S 528 feet, thence E 270 feet to the place of the beginning; Tract II: A life Estate Interest Only In and To All of the Oil, Gas and other Minerals IN and Under that My Be Produced From: The NE/4 of the SW/ 4 and the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 3, T33S, R13W, Barber County, Kansas. Quit claim deed. Book 139 Page 109: Dewyte Roland and Janet Faye Roland, husband and wife; to Dewyte Roland and Janet F. Roland, trustees of the Carrie-Lee Trust dated Nov. 26, 2013: Tract I: All that part of Lots 14, 15, and 16 in Ramsey’s Addition to the city of Medicine Lodge, barber County, Kansas, lying S of the former Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right of way; Tract II: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22 on Lincoln Avenue, in Lake’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas; Tract III: Lots 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32 on Lincoln Avenue in Lake’s Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber Coun-

ty; Tract IV: Lots 18, 20 and 22 on the West side of Cleveland Street in Simmon’s Addition, and Lots 14, 16 and 18 on Lincoln Avenue in Lake’s Addition, all in the city of Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas. Quit claim deed. Mortgages Book 214 Page 482: Gaten Thomas Wood and Amber Rachelle Wood, husband and wife; and the Stock Exchange Bank: Lots 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 in Block 6 in the city of Sharon, Barber County, Kansas. $283,000. Book 214 Page 489: Bar H Quarter Circle Ranch, Inc.; and The United States of America, acting through the Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture: Surface and Water Rights Only in and to: The SE/4 of the SW/4 and the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 26 and the W/2 of the NE/4 of Section 35, T32S, R14W, Barber County, Kansas. $56,486.76 Book 214 Page 503: Kenton Dean Marsh, a single person; and USA, acting through the Farm Service Agency, USDA: The SE/4 of the NE/4 and the SE/4 of Section 32 and the S/2 of the SW/4 of Section 33, T31S, R15W, and Lots 3 and 4 ad the S/2 of the NW/4 and the SW/4 of Section 4 and Lots 1 and 2 and the S/2 of the NE/4 and the N/2 of the SE/4 of Section 4, T32S, R15W, Barber County, Kansas. $55,800. Book 214 Page 509: Joey L Brattin See Real

Estate Page 62

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 55

UNTIL JULY 5th ONLY! QUALITY VEHICLES AT Ground Beef prices good from now until July 5th Only! Better than 80% lean Ground Beef $3.89/lb Preferred Ground Beef 93% lean $4.69/lb

Ground Beef patties $3.99/lb 3x1 or 4x1 to a lb. Ground Beef patties with jalapeno’s and cheese $4.09/lb 3 to a lb only. Lean Ground Pork patties $3.49/lb Whole Hog Sausage $3.09/lb Mild seasoned or Hot


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Sterling Silver Sirloin Steak $8.59/lb & from now until July 5th Super Trim Choice T-Bone Steaks $8.99/lb Bratwurst and Brats with Cheddar and Jalapenos for the grill $4.29/lb all stuffed in natural casings. Only until the 5th of July Our Homemade Polish Sausages fully cooked $4.59 Fanistil Bologna, Salami, Luxury Loaf and Mac & Cheese. Hormel Chopped Ham, Hard Salami and Liver Loaf all sliced while you wait. Check out our large variety of Cheeses!


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June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 56

Barber County court filings Criminal Filings Cathy L. Sweet, 1964, Vici, Okla.: Four counts of Giving a worthless check; value > $1,000. Kevin W. Clark, 1964, Kiowa: Criminal possession of firearm by felon; Convicted within five years. Roxanne Hallene Banta, 1988, Medicine Lodge: Interference with law enforcement officer; Falsely report a felony crime intending action on info. Cory L. Reasoner, 1989, Medicine Lodge: Two counts of Disorderly conduct; Fighting words or noisy conduct to cause resentment. Richard A. Schwerdtfeger, 1985, Medicine Lodge: Criminal damage to property; Without consent value < $1,000. Mitch Wells, 1976, Medicine Lodge: Giving a worthless check; value < $1,000. Kimberly K. Fisher, no age listed, Kiowa: Four counts of Giving a worthless check; value < $1,000. Jenelle Tillotson, no age listed, Kiowa: Four counts of Giving a worthless check; value < $1,000. Joshua E. Schultz, 1982, Kiowa: Twp counts of Giving a worthless check; value < $1,000. Tanner J. Cox, 1987, Pratt: Possession of stimulant.

Clarence G. Doelling, 1943, Kiowa: (1) Transporting an open container; (2) Improper driving on laned roadway. Perry Allen Sciara Jr., 1979, Kiowa: (1) Aggravated endangering a child; Reckless situation to child < 18; (2) Theft of property or services; value less than $1,000. Limited Civil Filings Whites Foodliner vs. Sandy Roberts: Judgment in the amount of $504.28 plus costs and fees. Capital One Bank vs. Darcia M. Bowman: Indebtedness in the sum of $866.65 plus interest and costs. Small Claims Filings Simpsons vs. William Clifford Wiburn: Indebtedness in the amount of $402.72. Gearld Brooks vs. Kim Smith: Indebtedness in the amount of $2,915.73. Domestic Relations Filings Brittney Wade vs. Michael Cox: Protection from abuse order. Earnest E. Keller vs. Keri Thompson: Protection from abuse order. Traffic Filings Adam Wayne Bates, no age or address listed: Failure to wear seatbelt ($10). Jeremy Joseph Richard, no age or address listed: (1) Driving under the influence; first conviciton; (2) Refusal to submit a preliminary breath or saliva test ($1,453). Steven Joseph Slagle, 58, Haskell: Improper turn or approach ($171). Brandon Alexander, 1979, Hardtner: License to be carried and exhibited upon demand ($191). Scott Angell, 18, Medicine Lodge: Reckless driving ($396). Sherman Dean Chesnut, no age or address listed: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($153). Christopher Allen Helm, no age or address listed: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($171). Rick Elmo Hesser, 60, Glencoe, Okla.: Defective brakes ($234). Brendan Joseph Vincent Pribil, no age or address listed: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($210). Mary Margaret Rosenberger, 1963, Medicine Lodge: License to be carried and exhibited upon demand ($191). Callie A. Snyder, no age or address listed: (1) Failure to wear seatbelt

($10); (2) Child passenger safety; Restraining systems and seat belts ($156). Jenai Aliccia Snyder, no age or address listed: Failure to wear seatbelt (14-17 years of age) ($60). The following individuals were cited for speeding: Michael Arline, no age or address listed: 82 in 65 ($183). Chase Austin Brizendine, no age or address listed: 83 in 65 ($189). Billy W. Driver, 25, Broken Arrow, Okla.: 77 in 65 ($153). Teasie Eugene Graham, no age or address listed: 84 in 65 ($195). Britt E. Hedlund, no age or address listed: 72 in 50 ($219). Mario Miranda, no age or address listed: 76 in 65 ($147). Kylie M. Reinert, 24, Holdenville, Okla.: 83 in 65 ($189). Tanner Jonathan Schonfeldt, no age or address listed: 86 in 65 ($210). Lance Lee Sparkman, 31, Sharon: 76 in 65 ($192). Teylor Agustin Trent Villanueva, no age or address listed: 75 in 65 ($141). Virginia Ann Wilburn, no age or address listed: 75 in 65 ($141). William Clifford Wilburn, no age or address listed: 75 in 65 ($141). Ralph Nolan Bell, 53, Oklahoma City, Okla.: 79 in 65 ($165). Jada L Bulgin, 33, Bowdle, S.D.: 76 in 65 ($147). Dorothy Julia Callahan, no age or address listed: 78 in 65 ($159). Benito Dolores Espino, no age or address listed: 79 in 65 ($165). Billy Michael Hood, no age or address listed: 82 in 65 ($183). Steven Kyle Krafczik, 25, Goddard: 75 in 65 ($141). Alexander D Marquez, 20, Hollywood, Fla.: 78 in 65 ($159). Susan Elaine Meyer, 58, North Newton: 85 in 65 ($282). Marlene Ivone Mireles Marquez, no age or address listed: 78 in 65 ($159). Joshua James Oneill, no age or address listed: 76 in 65 ($147). Clifford R. Stuck, 37, Kingman: 60 in 45 ($171). Sarah Sullivan, 21, Universal City, Texas: 78 in 65 ($159). Shawn Michael Weaver, no age or address listed: 78 in 65 ($159). Casey John Wedel, 24, Salina: 85 in 65 ($282).

June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 57

DEAN GOLL Real Estate & Auction, LLC Call Us For Your Auction Needs!


Animals and Pets

Cake Decorating Classes


All Western Decor 25% OFF


Fun, easy classes taught by our certified Wilton Method instuctors. Black cat named Onyx. Black The Perfect Touch, Anthony, KS. with white spot on chest. $100 Call 620-842-5848 for schedule reward for finding alive. 918or check out our website. www. 691-3405

For Sale

Kid Horses & Brood MareWorld Champion Barrel Racing Bloodlines. Private Lesson Class. June 28, 9am. 785-764-1150 to reserve place in class

Depot Bar & Grill

Wed Lunch Special-Pork Chops, Stuffing, Green Beans, Oreo Fluff. Thur-Chicken Enchilada, Rice, Refried Beans, Apple Cake. Fri-Chicken Fry, Mashed Automotive Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, Roll, Lemon Cake. Full Menu. Open For Sale at 11 a.m. Full Menu Every Day. 1998 HD Dyna Wide Glide. 580- Carry-Out avail. 580-327-2212 430-5388

Business Services

CC Construction

Interior-Exterior improvements. Room additions. Plaster Repair Designs & Gifts By Susie 1407 College Blvd. 580-327- & Painting. Handicap. Structural Susie Schlarb 3522. New perennials, grasses, & Non Structural Concrete. 3 Blks N. of swimming pool, Alva, OK Will also accommodate Farm & 580-327-0300 • 829-1482 shrubs, Hydrangea, Mandixilla, Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620Oleander 825-4285

•24 acres commercial development north of Alva •50 acres commercial development north of Alva •40 acres w/ small home north of Alva •912 2nd - 2bdrm, 1 bath -Alva Office 327-8217• Dean 327-7246 Todd 580-747-7825

806 Oklahoma Blvd. • Alva, OK 73717 • • Fax: 580-327-8238


An Auction With Results - Not Promises Ask Our Clients Licensed in Oklahoma and Kansas


SIDWELL INSURANCE ANNUAL FORAGE Did you have Adequate Moisture

for your Wheat Grazing in 2014? If not, did you get compensated for your lack of rainfall? If you answered NO, don’t let it happen again! Deadline July 15th.

Freeman’s Garden Market

Diligent Storm Repairs

Exotic Heat Wave

& Restorations. Roofing, windows, gutters, awnings, carports & siding. Local Insurance Claim Specialist. Call A1 toll free 1-888-471-4020

Nails by Marina. Now taking appointments June 28 & 29. (am7pm. 580-327-4328 to schedule.

School Supply Bundles


Order at by July 15th to have your child’s school supply bundle delivered to his/her school before school starts! See for details or pick up an order form at 620 Choctaw, Alva. Alva Public School PK-5th students only!

has 3 FT openings for 2 yr or above, private pay. 580-327-1221

Double B Carpentry For all your flooring and carpentry needs from remodeling, painting, drywall, texturing, siding, windows, farm & ranch, etc. 580748-1489

Brenda Sidwell, Agent Mobile: 580-548-5788

Bambi Sidwell, Agent Mobile: 405-408-1497


June 25, 2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

HOLDER Get What You Need For Your of July Get Together DRUG Paper4Plates, Napkins, and Décor. th

Page 58 In Business For Your Health Since 1952

580-327-3332 • 1-800-458-5349 513 Barnes • Alva, Okla.

ALVA STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Specialists in Agriculture Lending We’ve Served You 100 Years!

Need New Sidewalks


Driveway perhaps, give us a call Jared Thompson, 2009 Heartland Horseshoeing School graduate for estimate 580-732-1028 taking on clientele. 515-520Glen’s Gun Shop 1209. Superior work. Exc Aline, OK. 580-430-5400. scheduling Several collector guns, Pasture Tree Clearing Winchester, Remington, HiStandard. Good selection Save moisture & grass. Let me pistols, rifles & shotguns. For clear trees in your pasture. Skid sale, car hauling trailer, 5x8 Steer & Marshall Tree Saw. Ed trailer, 1986 Ford PU & and Jeep Grover 580-474-2465 or 580542-0298 2wd

Got Damages?



Accepting Applications Repair/Replace soffits, fascia, exterior trim/siding. We do it all Depot Bar & Grill. 580-327-7011 Even Windows. Best Products. Help Wanted Best Price. Call David 405-4741567 Beadles Nursing Home has a full time opening in Housekeeping For Your Const Needs and Laundry department. From A-Z, New Construction, Benefits include vacation, Roofing, Additions, Remodeling, health, life, dental and vision. Siding, Windows, Int/Ext, Application available online at Painting, All Work Guaranteed. Improve the value of your home. careers/employment/ or pick up Call 580-732-1028 at 916 Noble St. Apply in person. EOE. Ty’s Painting Services Interior/Exterior Painting. Texture, Tape and Bedding. Handyman Also. Tyson Wynn 918-577-0199. References Available.


Beadles Nursing Home has a full or part time openings for nurse aids/medication aids. Benefits include vacation, health, life, dental and vision. Restore Concrete Application available at www. Restore/Salvage Cracked Concrete Driveways, Sidewalks, employment or pick up at 916 Etc. Patch and Resurface. 580- Noble St. Apply in person EOE. 307-4598 or 620-825-4285.

Dan’s Pest Control

Guarantees you a Pest Free Home or Business at an affordable price. It is time to get your home treated for Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, Ants, Flies, Bed Bugs & Todd Hamilton other flying and crawling pests. Insurance Agent Dan and Sherry will be servicing your area Jun 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 27. July 8, 9, 10, 11. 748-1953


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Looking to hire entry level employee for FT position in the Oilfield. Applicant must be Drug Free, have valid Driver’s License, no Felonies & be on call 24/7. If interested please call 501-5484166

How Hiring CDL Drivers. Contact Heath at 580-541-0520

We Are Now Open Monday-Friday Come Cool Off with a Sandwich & Trip Thru Our Salad Bar! 201 S. Okla. Cherokee, Oklahoma

580-596-2705 Doyce & Rachel Hager

Vendetti Plumbing & Drain is looking for FT help. Knowledge of construction tools and equipment a must. Call Kenny at 580-871-2223


PLEASE CALL TODAY & ASK ABOUT OUR MANY SERVICES For the best natural artesian water delivered to your home or office, Call 580-626-4420

Seeking Owner Operators for Year-Round Steady, Stable Work! Paid Base Plates! Paid Road & Fuel Taxes! Bring your power unit(s), Class-A 1yr OTR, RGN or Lowboy experience to Machinery Link. 1-855-584-6122

Help Wanted Share Medical Center is looking for a Full-Time Physical Therapist Assistant. Must have Oklahoma License and work in a busy outpatient clinic environment with skilled nursing and acute care patients. Call 580-430-3390 or apply online at careers-employees-0

Help Wanted



RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 227 Oklahoma Blvd, Alva, OK

(580) 327-5151 Office • (580) 430-1985 Kevin (580) 327-7207 Kaylee

Yard Sale Matching set Washer & Dryer (electric), electric extra large dryer with pedestal, in cabinet electric stove, lots of dishes, toys, craft items, 32’ older 1521 Main Street • Waynoka, OK bumper pull travel trailer must have title 42, lots more. Fri 27th and Sat 28th 8am-? Jet, OK. 113 N 7th

Yard Sale 1115 3rd St. Fri 5-7:30pm & Sat 8-11am. Kids toys & clothes, toddler bed, car seat, Little Tykes car, books, adult bike, bricks, fence panels, various misc items

Garage Sale 913 Okla Blvd. Lots of kids clothes, baby items, crib, china cabinet & more. Fri 5-8pm. Sat 7am-noon

CDL Tanker Drivers In Oilfield. Bake Sale Scheduled 12 hour Shift - Day or Night Available. 4 Days On 2 Creature Concerns. June 28th Days Off. Top Pay Based on Exp. at Alva Market, 8am-1pm. Homemade treats for people & 630-742-1364 pets.

Help Wanted

Auction and Real Estate



Baker Building, 122 S Grand, Cherokee, Fri June 27th and Sat June 28th. 8am-4pm. Pfaltzgraff Yorktown dinnerware, antiques, glassware, old toys, 10 speed bikes, Barbies, queen size air mattress, Christmas decor, pictures & lots of misc. Sale by Jan’s Collectibles. 580-8293062


Route Sale Representative. Competitive compensation. Package/Daily Base. Wage, County Arena Events Commission & Incentives. Paid Extensive Benefit Call (580) 596-6594 to schedule events. Training. Package. Apply online at www. Search Jobs enter Alva. Click Go. Have questions call Sherry at 620-4854577. EOE

Moving Sale


Help Wanted

Garage Sales

Contact Us For All Your Auction Needs ERY

Days & Nights. Now hiring experienced Class A CDL drivers with Tanker Endorsement. Pay starting at $20hr. Must have good driving record and current medical card. Benefits include $500 sign on bonus, vacation pay and insurance. Please call 405853-5118 for application


All Events Are Listed on our Facebook page

Help Wanted


Sun., June 29th - 5pm

Now Hiring Drivers

Page 59



Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram


June 25, 2014

Huge Garage Sale

CDL Tank Truck Drivers needed in Alva area. Contact Jason at 3 Family. Fri & Sat 8am-? 418 13th St. 580-388-4488

RIDERS FORD Fri, Jun 27, 2014 @ 7PM

BRIDAL REGISTRY Kory Johnson & Julie Whipple

Gifts For All


All New Toys, Jewelry, Woodwick Candles, Tea Towels, Kitchen Tools, Greeting Cards & Many Other Gift Items

Garden Gate Gifts 724 E. 7TH ST. • HELENA, OK

One block east of Pioneer Rd. (Hwy 58) 580-852-3298

June 25, 2014 Garage Sale 305 S 11th, Kiowa, KS. Fri 5-8pm. Sat 8am-?

Garage Sale 602 Meno. June 27th-28th 9am-? Gas stove, electrical supplies, clothes, books, filing cabinets, etc, lots of stuff

Garage Sale 44848 Jay Rd. (3 mi N of town). Fri 4-7pm. Sat 8am-? Children’s & womens clothes, horse tack, baby items, lots of misc items

Lawn Care Mowing Services Connor Martin at 580-829-3107

Miscellaneous For Sale Self Propelled 5 yr old Sears Mower with catcher. Needs maintenance $50. 2 Cat Houses. Cloth covered, never used $10. 2 Antique Desk Lamps, both working cond, $20/each. 580-626-4511

Real Estate For Rent 927 Barnes. 4-5bdrm. 2bth. Private backyard. Very nice. No Pets. $1500/mo. Avail July 1. 405-659-5273

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 60

Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030.

Normandy Apartments 2 bdrm for rent. 405-659-4199

House for Sale in Waynoka. 3bdrm, 2bth, CH/A, newly remodeled. Call for more info 580-4305149





NEW LISTINGS 1602 Murray; 522 Spruce; 519 11th; 717 7th; 817 1st; 526 9th Price Reductions on 531 13th & 630 Center, 731 13th. See These Soon! CALL PAT 580-327-4337 OR 580-430-5743, TERRI BROWN 580-829-3164 or Cris CAMPBELL 580-732-0422

3-6 p.m. Food distribution every Thursday, Alva Wesleyan Food Bank, 818 Lane St. 5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers meets every Thursday at College Hill Church of Christ in Alva. 6 p.m. Share Hospice Caregivers Support Group will meet in the Homestead in Alva. The group is for anyone who provides caregiver support to loved ones. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous meets every Friday at the Senior Citizen Center, 122 1/2 E. Second, Cherokee.

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Brian’s Hot Oil Service Now Hiring Class A CDL

Drivers. Positions open for water haulers, pump truck and hot oil truck operators. Days and nights available in both Alva and Cherokee. Call 580-596-6328

CDL Positions, Alva OK Are you looking for Home Time, Great Equipment, Fair Pay, Benefits and Reliable Scheduling? Hampel Oil is in need of drivers: · · · · · · · · ·

Minimum CDL B license Min. 1 year clean driving experience Great Customer Service attitude Previous Fuel and Oil experience helpful Travel may be required on occasion for overnight stays Must be willing to work overtime as needed/required Ability for occasional on-call weekend shifts Person seeking long term employment Drug Screen and background check required

An equal opportunity employer offering excellent benefits and wages based on experience and aptitude. Send Resume to: Human Resources, Hampel Oil 1245 N. West, Wichita, KS 67203 OR

Page 61

June 25, 2014

From Page 52


people down, he said that he had a flat and didn’t have a spare, said he was about 100 yards west of the Cherokee four-way, notified OHP they said they didn’t have anyone in the area, deputy advised would be checking on the person, advised person is waiting on his boss to show up with a spare tire that will hopefully fit, if it doesn’t they will have the vehicle towed. 11:53 p.m. Miscellaneous, officer advised that he got a call about a motorcycle on County Road 640 and Greer Road, it was a little out of city limits but would check on the motorcycle, deputy advised that he did not find a motorcycle but he saw circular burn marks. June 23, 2014 3:25 a.m. Unknown fire, respondent called and reported that their oil well was on fire at Latimer and County Road 700, advised Amorita & Byron Fire Department, A&B en route to fire, A&B advised fire is out. 6:14 a.m. Miscellaneous, OHP called and advised that the stop sign is down on Lambert Road and County Road 600, advised county commissioner for that district.

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

From Page 2

Page 62


Cimarron River!” AJ Higgins, 9, emphatically stated, “I probably will fly again.” Pilot Dee Ann Ediger spotted at least one potential pilot among the Young Eagles. “She has a really light touch,” Ediger said of 16-year-old Christina Mauhl when she was handed the controls, “and was grinning the whole time.” Unfortunately, not all youngsters were able to fly. About eight potential Young Eagles who arrived after 11 am were grounded when winds reached 20 knots and rides were prematurely cut short. When combined with a temperature over 90 degrees, these conditions make for a bumpy, uncomfortable experience. In addition to the Young Eagles Rally, local pilots Ray Hull, Dale Hughes and Charles Newton had their Waynokabased aircraft on display: a six-seat Piper Saratoga, four-seat Piper Arrow, and powered parachute (respectively). Thanks to a generous donation, Waynoka Airport commissioners treated

From Page 56

all comers to free hot dogs, snow cones, popcorn and drinks. Waynoka Airport Commission Chair Ray Hull was pleased with the event’s success, which exceeded his expectations. Commissioner Dale Hughes, who acted as event air boss, said, “I was tickled with turnout, and glad that everyone was engaged.” Additional commission members Roscoe Like, Karen Hull, Charles Newton and Sue Hughes were also on hand to run the event. Commissioners share credit for the successful event with volunteer Susan Bradford, who manned the check-in desk; the Chamber of Commerce for donating tables, chairs, and snow cone and popcorn machines; the city for sprucing up the grounds before the event; and Café Banhof, which donated gift certificates to the volunteer pilots. On the wings of Saturday’s successful event, airport commissioners will consider making the open house an annual or perhaps more frequent occurrence.

Real Estate

and Andrea A Brattin; and Woodbridge Home Exteriors of Kansas, Inc.: The following described real estate in the county of Barber in the state of Kansas, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 136 in the Town Company’s Addition to the city of Kiowa except and subject to: easements, restrictions, rights of way, zoning regulations, and oil and gas lease of record subject to restrictions reservations, easements, covenants, oil, gas or mineral rights of record, if any. $6,528.

Book 214 Page 513: Fred Ryan Ellington and Denis L Ellington; and Sicily Island State Bank: South Tract: The SW/4 of Section 22, the N/2 of the NW/4 of Section 27, the N/2 of the SE/4 of the NE/4 of Section 28, the N/2 of the NE/4 of Section 28, the SE/4 of Section 21, the E/2 of the SW/4 of Section 21, and the S/2 of the S/2 of the N/2 of Section 21 all in T34S, R14W, Barber County, Kansas containing, 640 acres, more or less. $640,000.

June 25,2014

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 63

Community Bank is accepting applications from Career Oriented Applicants for: Full time Customer Service Representative Part-time teller Prior experience or education preferred Benefits include: Health Insurance Life Insurance Paid Vacation & Holidays Disability Insurance Retirement Benefits Interested individuals should make application to Community Bank 1729 College Blvd. Alva, OK 73717 Community Bank is an equal opportunity employer and all applications will be given consideration without discrimination as to race, color, sex, age, handicap, religion, national origin or marital status.


2008 ICE BLUE CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LT: 6 cyl, Auto, 4X4, Leather Seats, OnStar, XM, PS, PW, PL, Polished Wheels, Local Trade, Only 36K Miles



CHEVROLET 1-800-464-2693

2014 MAROON CHEVY IMPALA LT: Sunroof, Leather, Nav, Loaded, 17K.......................................................................$19,995 2014 BLUE BUICK ENCORE PREMIUM: Gray Leather, Power Heat Seats, Nav, PW, PL, Loaded Company Car, 6K................$28,995 2014 RED JEWEL CHEVY TRAVERSE LTZ FWD: V6, Auto, Leather, Roof, DVD, Touch Nav, Loaded, Only 1,000 miles......$39,995 2013 MOCHA BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM II: Leather, Heat & Cooled Seats, Chrome Wheels, Loaded, GM Company Car, 20K....................................................................................$28,500 2013 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT Z71 4X4: PS, PW, PL, CD, 1 Owner, Like New, 23K............................................$31,995 2012 BROWN CHEVY ¾ TON HD CREW CAB LT Z71 4X4: 6.6 Diesel, 6sp Allison, PS, PW, PL, 20” Wheels, Local Trade, Z71 Appearance Pkg, 47K........................................................$41,995 2012 BLACK CADILLAC PERFORMANCE LUXURY PACKAGE CTS AWD: 3.6, V6, Auto, Roof, Leather, Loaded, 12K...........$32,995 2011 SILVER BUICK ENCLAVE CXL: v6, auto, leather, AWD, Heat Seats, OnStar, XM, 48K........................................................$27,995 2011 SILVER CHEVY 1 TON X-CAB: Long Bed, Single Wheel, LT, 4X4, Z71, Diesel, Allison, Auto, PS, PW, PL, Chrome Grille Guard, Only 16K, Local Trade.................................................................$39,995 2010 RED CHEVY EQUINOX AWD LT: V6, Auto, Touch Screen Nav, PS, PW, PL, OnStar, Local Trade, 93K.....................................$14,995


2010 RED CAMARO SS: V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, T&C, 20” Wheels, 22K Miles.................................................................................$22,995 2009 SILVER CHEVY EQUINOX SPORT AWD: V6, Auto, Sunroof, Leather, Heat Seats, New Tires, 96K.....................................$11,995 2008 CHEVY ½ TON XCAB LT: 4.8 V8, 2WD, PW, PL, T&C, CD, 101K..................................................................................$13,995 2007 RED CORVETTE 3LT CONV. LS3: V8 Auto P. Top - Chrome Wheels. PS, PW, PL, Touch Nav. Heads Up. Sold It New 1 Owner. 39k....................................................................................$33,995 2009 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON X-CAB 4X2 LT: 5.3 V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, T&C, Local Trade, 66K....................................................$18,995 2007 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT 2WD: 5.3 V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, Tow Pkg, Sliding Bed Cover, 82K..........................$16,995 2012 BLUE CHEVY COLORADO: Xcab, LT, 5 cyl, Auto, 2WD, PW, PL, T&C, OnStar, XM, 1 Owner, 18K............................................$16,995 2010 RED JEWEL CHEVY TRAVERSE Lt2: AWD, V6, Auto PS, PW, PL, OnStar, XM, Tow Pkg, Quad Seats, Local Trade, 56K.......$19,995 2008 WHITE CHEVY 1 TON REG CAB LT 4X4: Single Wheel Diesel Auto, PW, PL, CD, Hillsboro Flatbed, 73K....................$25,500 Call Steve or Kraig at 620-886-5622 or 800-464-2693 Medicine Lodge, Kansas

Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram

Page 64


June 25, 2014


e t a b e R $ $


REBATE on Élan per gallon


on Medallion, Color Style & Climate Zone per gallon/$20 per 5 gallon

NEWSGRAM 620 Choctaw Alva, OK 73717

MONEY BACK BY MAIL Offer valid on purchased with dated sales receipt between 06/22/14 and 07/05/14. Valid on submissions postmarked before 08/05/14. Limit $50



STARR LUMBER AND HOME CENTER 629 Flynn • Alva, OK • 580-327-0472 • 1-800-725-2582 • OPEN: Mon-Sat 8-5

*Some limitations apply. See store for details.

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