VOLUME 34, NO. 26 • WEDNESDAY, July 16, 2014 • 50¢
“More crime is prevented by fear of exposure in the press, than by all the laws man has ever devised” - Joseph Pulitzer
Crazy Days Saturday July 19th THE CRAZY STARTS AT 7AM
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Lynn Says
‘How a password changed my life’ By Lynn L. Martin (This superb article was not written by me. It was sent by my sister, Tara Calhoun of Norman. She said she is trying it. I have cleaned it up a tiny bit.) The following events occurred beand ☺. tween “How could she do something like this to me?” said a voice in my head. All the time. Every day. Back in 2011 – when everything had gradients, iOS icons made sense and people used deodorants – I was stuck in middle of a pretty bad depression due to my divorce. Thankfully, I think I was smart enough (and had great people around me), so I managed my way out. One day I walk into the office, and my day begins at my computer screen. It was all great until I saw this message: Your password has expired. Click ‘change password’ to change your password. “Rats,” I thought, clicking ‘change password.’ I was gonna do something else. I read this dumb message in my mind with angry grandpa voice: The damn password has expired. At my workplace, the Microsoft Exchange server is configured to ask thousands of employees around the planet to change their passwords – very 30 days! Here is the main irritation: the server forces us to use at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase alphabetic character, at least one symbol and at least one number. Oh, and the whole damn thing can’t be less than eight characters. And I can’t use any of the same passwords I’ve used in the last three months. I was furious that morning: Tuesday, 9:40 am. It was so hot that my torso was already sweaty even though I just got to work. I was late. I was still wearing my helmet. I think I forgot breakfast. Something tastes like cigarette in my mouth. I need to get a ton done before my 10 a.m. meeting and all I have in front of me is a
huge waste of my time. So there it was. This input field with its pulsating cursor waiting for me to type a password that I’ll have to re-enter for the next 30 days. Many times during the day. Then, letting all the frustration go, I remembered a tip I heard from my former boss: I’m gonna use a password to change my life. It was obvious that I couldn’t focus on getting things done with my current lifestyle and mood. Of course, there were clear indicators of what I needed to do – or what I had to achieve – in order to regain control of my life, but we often don’t pay attention to these clues. My password became the indicator. My password reminded me that I shouldn’t let myself be a victim of my recent break up, and that I’m strong enough to do something about it. My password became “Forgive@ h3r.” I had to type this statement several times a day. Each time my computer would lock. Each time, my screen saver with her photo would appear. Each time I would come back from eating lunch alone. In my mind, I went with the mantra that I didn’t type a password. In my mind, I wrote “forgive her” every day for one month. That simple action changed the way I looked at my ex-wife. That constant reminder that I should forgive her led me to accept the way things happened at the end of my marriage, and embrace a new way of dealing with the depression that I was drowning in. In the following days, my mood improved drastically. By the end of the second week, I noticed that this password became less powerful and started to lose its effect. A quick refresh of this ‘mantra’ helped me. I thought to myself “I forgive her” as I typed it, every time. The healing effect of it came back almost immediately. One month later, my dear exchange server asked me again to renew my password. I thought about the next thing I had to get done. My password became Quit@smoking4ever. And guess what happened? I kid you
not: I quit smoking overnight! This password was a painful one to type during that month, but doing it helped me to yell at myself in my mind as I typed that statement. It motivated me to follow my monthly goal. One month later, my password became Save4trip@thailand. Guess where I went three months later. Thailand. With savings. Thank you, password. So, I learned that I can truly change my life if I play it right. I kept doing this month after month, with great results. Here is an extract of what some of my passwords have been in the last two years, so you get an idea of how my life has changed, thanks to this method: • Forgive@her: to my ex-wife, who started it all. • Quit@smoking4ever: it worked. • Save4trip@thailand: it worked. • Eat2times@day: it never worked, still fat. • Sleep@before12: it worked. • Ask@her4date: it worked. I fell in love again. • No@drinking2months: it worked. I feel better. • Get@c4t!: it worked. I have a beautiful cat. • Facetime2mom@sunday: it worked. I talk with my mom every week. And the one for last month: Save4@ ring: Yep. Life is gonna change again soon. I still await each month very anxiously so I can change my password into something that I need to get done. This method has consistently worked for me for the last two years, and I have shared it with a few close friends and relatives. I didn’t think it was a breakthrough in tiny-habits, but it did have a great impact in my life, so I thought to share it with you all. Try it yourself! Write these statements with the right mindset and attitude, and you’ll change your life. Remember, for added security, try to be a bit more complex with the words. Add symbols or numbers, or scramble the beginning or the ending of your password string. S4f3ty_f1rst! Pass the tip to those who might need it. Updated on June 21, 2014: She said yes.
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Visit us at We have started remodeling our dealership after 40 years. We are offering special prices as we remodel over the next few months.
WASHBURN 1819 Okla. Blvd • P.O. Box 368 • Alva, OK 73717 800-725-1296 • 580-327-1296 RENT-A-CAR
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The way changed grading scale passed South Barber School Board scrutinized Part of South Barber school board’s July Meeting By Yvonne Miller What appeared to be a somewhat quick South Barber Board of Education’s Monday meeting agenda, consisting mostly of reorganization items, turned into another lengthy discussion about the school’s grading scale. Superintendent Brad Morris also gave updates regarding various upcoming (already approved) capital improvement projects. Board President Steve Allen presided over the meeting attended by board members: Mike Anderson, Dana Roark, Deb Helfrich and Jeff Black. Board members Mark Pollock and Dooli Rugg were gone. Superintendent Morris and minutes clerk Julie Johnson also sat at board table. In May, a divided school school board approved changing to a 10-point grading scale from the current eight-point scale. Those voting yes were Roark, Rugg and Pollock. Voting no were Helfrich, Black and Anderson. President Allen voted yes to break the tie. Allen said his research indicated the trend is moving to the 10-point scale. Proponents of the change said a 10-point grading scale puts South Barber students on a more level playing field when it comes to competing for scholarships, etc., with students from other schools. Opponents of changing said it would lower students standards. Many educators at that meeting left in frustration.
At the meeting Monday night, under “old business” agenda item was “approve a new grading scale.” That 10-point scale listed on several documents at the meeting show an A+ (98-100) = 4.25; A (94-97) = 4.0; A- (90-92) = 3.75. On the lower end of the scale it shows a D- (6062) = .75; and F = 59 and below. This was the grading scale created by a committee of board members the board was to approve Monday night. Helfrich questioned what exact motion the board voted on at the May meeting. She believed the approved scale had no plus and minuses. She certainly didn’t remember a 4.25 GPA for an A+. President Allen said, “It’s almost a weighted thing,” which is something administrators and board members are considering (to make higher level classes have more weight toward a higher grade and GPA to encourage students to take the harder courses). PK-6 Principal Marcia Cantrell said, “You ask how can we give students incentive.” She said the incentive lies in students taking regents classes. “Those students are going to strive for it.” Longtime teacher Melva Armbruster spoke from the small crowd at the meeting. She said, “I think the problem with these teachers is that it (the vote to change the grading scale) was not done properly. What I hear Deb (Helfrich) saying is what I’m thinking: let’s do
what is best for kids.” She stated further, “The groundwork had not been laid before the motion.” Principal Cantrell said regarding teachers and their way of teaching with the new grading scale, “You don’t have to change your expectations. You fit it into the scale.” President Allen said, “As the board, we do not sit here and tell you how to teach.” Helfrich said, “It is our job to give the best education and prepare our students.” Anderson said, “We passed this without a valid motion.” Turning to clerk Johnson, everyone agreed it’s confusing whether plus and minuses were included in the vote. At that point Superintendent Morris called the Kansas Association of School Boards (KASB) legal counsel who joined the meeting via speaker phone. Morris explained that at the May meeting, a motion was made and seconded to approve a 10-point grading scale. Then discussion ensued before the vote. That’s where the issue lies: whether plus or minuses were included in the vote. The KASB attorney recommended and the board unanimously agreed to rescind that original motion made at the May meeting regarding the 10-point grading scale. The attorney said this is to insure clarification. Then it was moved and seconded to approve the 10-point scale with the plus and minuses. Roark, Black and Anderson voted yes with Helfrich voting no. The motion passed. So this new 10-point scale with pluses an minuses will go into effect for the 2014-15 school year. The remainder of South Barber’s July meeting will be in the Newsgram next week.
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One KPD position eliminated, officers’ pay adjusted, water/sewer staff changes Kiowa City Council By Yvonne Miller Changes within the police and water/ sewer departments occurred following executive sessions at the Kiowa City Council July meeting Monday night. Mayor Brandon Farney presided over the meeting with all members present, including Russell Molz, Tom Wells, Mark Lambert, Bill Watson and R.L. Simpson. Also seated at the council table were City Administrator Nathan Law, City Attorney Laurel McClellan and City Clerk Marlo Rugg. At the end of the meeting, the council held a brief executive session to discuss police department staffing. Law reported that the council accepted Chief Steven Johnson’s recommendation to eliminate the third officer position. That followed the earlier resignation of Kiowa Police Department (KPD) Officer Nephi Richardson, who is now employed with the Barber County Sheriff’s Department. Chief Johnson also recommended adjusting remaining officers’ pay accordingly, with the elimination of the third officer position. Lambert moved to accept the chief’s recommendation, seconded by Simpson. The motion passed 4-1 with Watson voting no. When asked by the Newsgram why he voted no, Watson said he thinks the pay increase is “outlandish.” The approved recommendation is to pay the chief $50,000 annually and the second officer $40,000, Watson said. The second police officer is Warren Howerter. Administrator Law confirmed those amounts when asked by the Newsgram. Law said that $50,000 and $40,000 salaries are before benefits. Previously, before benefits the chief position was paid $36,711 and the second-high officer received $30,160. Watson said the chief and officer agreed to put in more hours. He reminded that Simpson’s brother is a reserve officer and the police chief plans to find another reserve officer. When contacted, Molz said he voted for the chief’s recommendation “because the bottom line is it saves the city about $25,000.” Molz said the savings come
from eliminating another vehicle, plus salary and benefits of another employee. Regarding the water/sewer department staffing, the council held separate executive sessions that lasted a total of about 45 minutes. Upon return to open session, the council voted to accept the administrator’s recommendation on the water department staffing. Administrator Law said the council accepted the retirement of Water/Sewer Department Superintendent James Duvall. Flags Flown on Main Street A group of women from Kiowa’s General Store (the goodwill store) attended the council meeting to question why flags were not flown on Main Street as usual on Memorial Day and Flag Day. Spokesman Mary Terwort said, “Everyone is pretty concerned. We want the flags up when they are supposed to be up.” Terwort further stated, “It’s the American way. We want to show support of our country.” Others representing the General Store were Brenda Odell, Lou Stone and Wanda Root. Law explained the problem originated with the new, taller street sweeper. The flag brackets were raised to keep flags from being struck by the sweeper. This made it difficult to get the flags in the brackets. Law said, “It is really unforgivable not to have flags fly when they are supposed to.” He said city employees will continue to hang the American flags. Also booster club flags will not be placed on Friday mornings until after the street is swept. More City of Kiowa Business Mayor Farney said he had not yet talked to individuals about an appointment to take the seat of Todd Reeves, who resigned from the Kiowa Recreation Commission since he moved away from Kiowa. So, the item was tabled. Due to lack of use, the volunteers who ran Kiowa’s government food commodities program want to discontinue the program. The council agreed the program will go away unless a need is shown. Until the new car wash is built, the
city said action regarding parking for the senior citizen center is a non-issue. Law presented a draft of the 2015 budget for the council to review. One finalized, Law will plug these figures into the proposed budget, which will be presented at the August meeting. Purchases for the water department totaling $3,575 without installation were approved. The council also approved installation charges. The annual sewer cleaning and additional sewer work were approved at a cost of $11,795. Administrator Law discussed possibly redoing the front half of the city-owned Slusher Building. He also reported an electrical issue at the ball field. Rugg said Sunflower RC&D made a request for a $250 donation. A request was also made regarding the Kids Against Hunger project. Law reported on street reconstruction work that is to begin mid-month by Andale and Circle C. Specifics of that work follow: Kiowa residents will see street reconstruction occur along the following: Fifth Street South between Gordon and Drumm, and Fifth Street North between Campbell and Hopkins; 10th Street South between Holmes and Robinson; and Streeter between Fourth and Fifth streets. During this reconstruction these streets will be closed temporarily. The majority of the work to reconstruct the base of the street will happen within a day, while the prime coat of the chip seal process will have to be applied one evening and set for 12-24 hours without any traffic on the road surface. Law said owners should anticipate not having access to the street side of their property for at least this 12-24 hour time frame. As the start date for the project gets closer, the city will notify property owners along these routes of the times during which they will not have street access. Law thanks all for their patience during this project. Questions should be directed to City Administrator Nathan Law by calling 620-825-4127, or by emailing to
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
BIG THANKS To All Our Wonderful Sponsors! FROM THE ALVA ROTARY CLUB PRIME EVENT SPONSORS: F&S Trucking Community Bank Regal Oilfield Supply ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORS: Alva's Market Ampride (Rachit, Inc.) Burlap Bungalow 319 Champs Sports & Spirits El Maya (C&P, LLC) Fechner Pump & Supply Great Salt Plains Health Clinic Hammer-Williams Co. (Jiffy Trip) Jiffy Trip Vern & Gloria Metcalf M&M Environmental Oil Services, LLC OG&E Wal-Mart Kindsey Ely – Wymer Brownlee MEAL SPONSORS: Choice Insurance Group, Inc. ECM Rentals Erikson Steel Foote's Farm Supply G&G Furniture Holder Drug Jesse D. Kline, PLLC Stephen T. Johnson McJunkin Redman Corp. Northwest Electric Co. Ridgeview Vet Hospital Larry G. Smith, D.D.S., Inc. W.W. Starr Lumber W.H. Real Estate, LLC AERIAL SPECTACULAR SPONSORS: Allen's Liquor Alva Moose Lodge Alva Review Courier Banc Central
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Johnny & Margaret Barton Ronald Edwards Farm Credit of Western OK Larry & Joy Glass Goll Real Estate & Auc�on William A. Hadwiger Terry and Carolyn Hall David Hamil Pat & Patricia Harkin Steve & Pat Headlee Holiday Motel KALV Steve Knox, CPA Long Gas Company Mark Ream Motors Marshall Funeral Home Northwest Chiroprac�c Clinic Northwest Feed & Seed, LLC Pe�t's House of Carpet Dr. Phillip Self Shafer's Auto Service Share Medical Center Edward E. & Teresa J. Su�er Taco Mayo (Mueller & Associates) Washburn Motor Company, Inc. Wharton Funeral Chapel SINGLE ROCKET SPONSORS: Alva Body & Fender Alva State Bank & Trust Co. Alva Vet Clinic Alva Vet Supply Hal Brizzolara Computer Plus Fabrics & More K. Forrell & Associates Gambinos Randy & Mary Hamilton Honda of Alva KT's Auc�on & Real Estate Mac's Liquor McClure Agency Randy & Paula McMurphy Palace Barber Shop Dr. Trina Piper – Hughbanks, OD Mr. & Mrs. Jim Richey Elsie J. Rodgers, CPA & Joy Stebens Bob & Monica Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. John Selfridge Sports & Stress Marke�ng Taco Village Eric T. Tutwiler Linda P. Tutwiler Carol Lee Washburn Whi�et's Country Store
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Burlington Superintendent contract signed, stipend for teachers, organize for new year Best-ever financial picture for school By Yvonne Miller At the regular July meeting of the Burlington Board of Education last week, Superintendent Elliott’s contract was signed; certified teachers received a stipend; para-professionals were rehired; and all the reorganizational business for the 2014-15 school year was conducted. Board President Terry Graham presided over the meeting with all members present including: Beth Guffy, Allison Armbruster, Aaron Smith and Roger Allen (who arrived late). Others present were: Superintendent Glen Elliott, Principal Shane Feely and Minutes Clerk, Linda Gordon. The board signed Superintendent Elliott’s contract which has no change from last year, he said. They also signed 12 month employee contracts for six employees. Those employees were Travis Bradshaw, Fawnda Martin, Linda Gordon, Tamre Bohn, Derek Martin and Jeremy Harper. Discussing the school’s financial situation, the superintendent said, “It’s even a little better than my estimate last month.” Elliott said the school’s cumulative fund balance “is the highest it’s ever been.” The estimate is $1,091,000.00, he said. Elliott said there are oil/gas wells that are not yet reflected on the tax revenues and more drilling is anticipated.
Following an approximate 45 minute executive session toward the end of the meeting, the board approved that Burlington teachers would qualify to receive stipends up to $3,000.00 for the 2014-2015 school year. To qualify, certified employees would need to attend and participate in Promethean Board trainings to be held in three sessions at $1,000.00 stipend for each training as per the plan presented. Also after executive session, the board rehiring paraprofessionals Kathy Motycka, Aliene Gosselin and Shannon Shrum for the 2014-2015 school year. Board members agreed with Elliott that these ladies did “a great job for our school” and they are needed again this coming school year. Teacher Judy Elliott joined the meeting to distribute the student handbook and board policy book changes for 2014-2015. Some of the necessary changes were not yet available. The Board expressed their appreciation to Mrs. Elliott for her work on the updates. Both items were tabled until further review. With Mrs. Elliott still at the meeting, the board discussed and approved purchase of six new sewing machines for her classroom. The cost is $349 each from Alva Sewing Center. After a short discussion, the board approve the purchase of a new Electronic Keyboard from Wichita Symphony Music for $3077. Superintendent Elliott apprised the board that besides new construction work
at the school, there are many ongoing summer projects -- mowing, weed-eating and painting. Elliott said there has been extra heavy lifting required with the need to move files and desks and to install Promethean Boards. He said the extra help was appreciated. All the buses, suburbans, and the ag pickup are scheduled for summer maintenance and inspections, he said. The superintendent said four of the five board members indicated they’ll attend the OSBA & COSSA Conference August 22-24. Board Reorganizes for 2014-15 School Year and Other Business The school’s property and liability insurance coverage with OSRMT was board approved at $20,645.00 from July 2014 to the end of June 2015. The Board reviewed and approved the encumbrances, change orders and warrants as follows: General Fund 2015— Encumbrances—1-72--$261,136.52 Payroll Accrual $ Warrants—1-40--$50,342.15 Building Fund—Encumbrances— 1-4--$16,706.92 2014 Reserves Warrants—1247-1250--$64,349.00 Other items approved include: the June activity report; all sub accounts in the activity fund for 2014-2015 as listed on agenda item #10; the use of “signature facsimile” stamps for the Board of Education officers; the activities calendar and fundraising requests for 2014-2015; to continue section 125 flexible benefits plan with American Fidelity (the same cafeteria plan for employee’s choice the school offers annually); to adopt the school days to hours policy allowed by HB 1864. Agenda Items 11 through 17 were considered together as the board made one motion to apply to all seven items. These were routine housekeeping authorizations for the new school year 2014-15, involving Superintendent Elliott, Principal Shane Feely, secretaries Linda Gordon and Tamre Bond, Judy Elliott and Fawnda Martin. The superintendent said all those authorizations are important to See School Page 52
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CHEVY w Roads Drive Ne
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Need More Room
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For Those Crazy Day Purchases! 2012 CAD SRX 4WD 19,000 miles, moonroof, don’t miss this one, black w/tan leather, factory warranty, $34,850
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2014 Chevy Impala LTZ 15,000 miles - Amazing car - check it out and see for yourself why it is “Car of the Year”, factory warranty, $31,995
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Voters should apply early to receive absentee ballots Voters in Alfalfa County who want to have absentee ballots mailed to them for the Aug. 26 runoff primary election should apply now, County Election Board Secretary Kelly Stein said today. Although the county election board can accept applications for absentee ballots until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 20, Stein urged voters who want to vote by absentee ballot to apply early. Absentee ballot application forms are available at the county election board office located at 300 S. Grand Ave. The absentee ballot application forms also can be downloaded and printed at Voters who have requested an absentee ballot can track their ballot at Info/Online_Voter_Tool/. “At least two mail transactions must be made,” Stein said. “The county election board must mail the ballots to the voter and the voter must return the voted ballots by mail.” Ballots must be in the hands of the county election board by 7 p.m. on election day in order
to be counted. Stein said that any registered voter may vote by absentee ballot in any election in which he/she is eligible to vote. However, a voter must be registered and reside at an address within the geographical boundaries of a school district or a municipality to be eligible to vote in school district or municipal elections. It is not necessary to give a reason – or excuse – for voting absentee. “While anyone can vote absentee without giving a reason, the law still provides several excuses, and it is to the advantage of some voters to use one of them,” Stein said. By stating one of the following reasons on their applications, these voters can activate some special conditions that make it easier for them to use absentee ballots. The reasons are: • Voters who are physically incapacitated and voters who care for physically incapacitated persons who cannot be left unattended may vote absentee. They may apply only by mail, fax or email.
• Voters who are confined to nursing homes in the county may vote absentee. An absentee voting board actually goes to the nursing home a few days before the election, sets up a small polling place and allows these people to vote under circumstances similar to those at a regular precinct polling place. They may apply only by mail, fax or email. • Military personnel and residents of the county living overseas and the spouses and dependents of each group are eligible to receive absentee ballots. These voters may apply only by mail, fa, or email. Military personnel should contact the voting service officers in their units for application forms and additional information or visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program website ( for more information and instructions. Residents of Oklahoma living overseas can obtain the same materials from any United States military installation and from United States embassies and consulates, as well as on the FVAP website.
22 road signs retrieved in Carmen By Marione Martin Alfalfa County authorities say they found 22 signs at a residence in
Carmen. Cassidy Dawn Carter, 27, of Carmen has been charged with four felony counts of knowingly concealing stolen property. According to court documents, on July 5 about 3:20 p.m. Woods County Deputy Sheriff Terry Swenn contacted Alfalfa County Deputy Sheriff Blake Trekell. He reported an anonymous tip that Cassidy Carter in Carmen had road signs in a trailer behind her house. Trekell went to the residence and drove down the alley. He saw a bumper-pull trailer parked behind the residence. He parked and walked by the trailer as he went to the door of the house. He saw inside the trailer window what appeared to be a street sign sticking up in plain view. Trekell asked Carter about the signs, and she said he could take them if he wanted. She said she had been trying to get rid of them. He found 22 signs, including three county road signs
from Woods County for County Road 420, popular due to their relationship to marijuana. There were 16 state road signs, two railroad signs and one Pioneer Telephone buried cable sign. One of the signs was too big to fit in Trekell’s vehicle so he asked Carmen Fire Department to pick it up and hold it for him. After arresting Carter, Trekell took her and the remaining signs to the Alfalfa County Jail in Cherokee. At the jail he conducted a post-Miranda interview with Carter. She said that someone else put the signs in her trailer but she didn’t know who put them there. She said two people were staying in her home with her permission about a year ago when she went to Illinois. When she returned, her home was “trashed.” She said later when she took some stuff to the trailer, she saw the signs. She said she had been trying to get rid of them because she knew she could get in trouble.
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Yoplait yogurt 6oz............................2/$1.00 Shurfine 12oz cottage cheese...............$1.69 Shurfine 16oz sour cream....................$1.69 Kraft 8oz box “Philly” cream cheese....$2.29 Parkay 41oz soft spread......................$3.99
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Tendercrust split top wheat bread............$1.09 General Mills Lucky Charms 11.5oz..........$2.50 Capri Sun drinks 10ct pkg.........................$2.39 Van Camp’s pork n beans 28oz.................$1.79 McCormick Taco Seasoning 1.25oz................50¢ Peter Pan Peanut Butter 16oz...................$1.99 FROZEN Blue Bunny 56oz ice cream...........$3.50 Gatorade 32oz...........................................$1.25
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Peaches or Nectarines
Mangos 2/89¢ Roma Tomatoes
4/59¢ Cantaloupes $1.50/ea
7TH & FLYNN ST. ALVA, OK 73717 • 580-327-2992
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July 16, 2014
Take Advantage of These Specials....
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made through the funeral home to the Alva First Christian Church. Remembrances may be shared with the family at www.
Driftwood, Okla., at 10 a.m. Burial will follow in the Byron-Amorita Cemetery. Arrangements are by Lanman Funeral Home, Inc. of Kiowa, Kan. Condolences may be shared with the family at www. lanmanmemorials. com. Hank was born on July 17, 1933. at Driftwood in Alfalfa County to Leon Ferrell and Maude Winans Ferrell. He and Betty Summers were married and had three children: Deana, Debra and Tony. Hank served in the United States Army from 1954 to 1956. He was a farmer and a painter, drove a bus for Burlington Public School, worked for the farmers co-op, Alfalfa County, John Deere and Farmall Tractors. He was preceded in death by his parents; Leon and Maude Ferrell; sisters Pauline and Roslie; brothers Jim, Bob and Bill. He is survived by his three children, Deana Thompson and husband Steve, Debra Hays and husband Jeff, and Tony Ferrell; 17 grandchildren, 41 greatgrandchildren and four great-greatgrandchildren; three brothers: Tommy, Teddy and Benny; one sister, Dolly Daniels; and many nieces, nephews and friends. Visitation will be Wednesday, July 16, 2014, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. with the family present to receive friends from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Memorials may be made to the Kiowa Senior Center or the Kiowa VFW and given to the funeral home.
Obituaries LEROY ARTHUR ARNDT Funeral services for Leroy Arthur Arndt will be 2 p.m. Friday, July 18, 2014, at the Alva First Christian Church with Pastor Ron Pingelton officiating. Interment will be in the Alva Municipal Cemetery under the direction of Marshall Funeral Home of Alva. Leroy Arthur Arndt, son of Davey “Maynard” and Katharina Jean (Schmitt) Arndt, was born December 30, 1953, in Hardtner, Kan., passed way July 14, 2014, at Oklahoma City, Okla., at the age of 60 years, 6 months, and 14 days. Leroy attended Farry School, graduated from Alva High School, and attended Northwestern Oklahoma State University. On May 22, 1976, he was united in marriage to Glenda Jo Wimmer, at Alva. He worked for a time at Wheat’s Western Store as a leather craftsman, and worked on the farm. He was a gifted brick mason for over 40 years, practicing his artistry with perfection in Okla., Kan., Texas, and Arizona. He left his mark in many different homes, fireplaces, and projects all over Alva, including the Centennial Wall and and entrance to NWOSU. According to fellow bricklayer Raymond Knabe, “Leroy was a true artist in the field of masonry. He always took pride in his work no matter what he was building.” He was a member of the Alva Moose Lodge and the National Rifle Association. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, skeet shooting, gardening and farming, but his greatest joy was spending time with his grandkids. Leroy is survived by his wife, Glenda, of Alva; three children, Lori Caviness and husband, John, Erica Lane and husband, J.J., and Dallas Arndt, all of Alva; his parents, Maynard and Katharina Arndt of Alva; three sisters, Teresa Sutter and husband, Ed, Tena Martin and husband, Mike, and Rita Peterson and husband, Miles, all of Alva; and five grandchildren, Huston, Avery and Nixon Lane, and Kaden and Kylie Caviness; other relatives and many friends. Memorial contributions may be
KATHERINE CHRISTINE CHENEY Katherine Christine Cheney “Katie” was born March 11, 1936, in Greenwood, S.D., to Oscar Jesse and Isabelle Mae (Zephier) Bernie. She died on July 7, 2014, at the age of 78 at Harry Hynes Memorial Hospice in Wichita, Kan., with her family surrounding her. Katie was a homemaker who taught her grandchildren to make Indian fried bread. She also enjoyed photography and sharing photos with family and friends. Katie was always one to have a giving heart with sharing her gifts and she loved her purses and shoes! Preceding Katie in death were her parents; daughter, Linda Kay; a son, Alvin Lynn; seven brothers and two sisters. Katie is survived by her husband of 62 years, Leroy “Bud” Cheney of Dacoma; sons, Ron (Belinda) Cheney of Denton, Texas; Leroy (Gina) Cheney of Carmen; Jim (Kelly) Cheney of Clearwater, Kan.; a daughter, Pamela (Steven) Fisher of Brookshire, Texas; a brother, Earlwin John Bernie of Wagner, S.D.; three sisters, Dorothy M. Blessman and Beatrice (Pete) Triana, both of Wichita, Kan.; and Janette Wilcutts of Wagner, S.D.; seven grandchildren, Angie, Trish, Jacob, Matthew, Dane, Lance and Tiffany; 10 great-grandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter. The family has chosen cremation and a service will be announced at a later date. Memorials may be given in Katie’s name to American Cancer Society. Arrangements can be entrusted with Old Mission Mortuary in Wichita. HENRY ‘HANK’ FERRELL KIOWA, Kan. – Henry “Hank” Ferrell passed away on Saturday, July 12, 2014. His funeral service will be Thursday, July 17, at the Driftwood Christian Church in
KURT KLINE Memorial services for Kurt Klein, 51, are pending at Marshall Funeral Home of Waynoka, LLC.
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NEW MAPS Updated Edition!
Woods County Property Owners
Red Cover Book - $32.78 Yellow Cover Folded Paper - $32.78 Paper Flat - $32.78 TerTuf Flat or Cardboard - $65.55
At The Newspaper Office
Here’s a really sweet picture from this weekend’s wedding. Meagan Masters and Warren Henry were married this past Saturday in the Hardtner city park. At the reception later that night, family members joined together to help the bride’s grandfather enjoy a dance. Meagan told us that her granddad has suffered several strokes and has been affected seriously by them. Nonetheless, family members helped him stand and participate in a dance. Granddaughter Stevie, her husband Nick and grandpa’s wife Wally are pictured. Our videographer Kat Kuhlmann got the scene on video and Lynn got it on still pictures. We asked both the bride, and the wife for permission to run the photo. Wally, the wife, was thrilled at the idea and thanked us. Lynn Martin Photography always does HD video for backup of every wedding. That way, we safely get everything even if you’re not buying a video.
(800) 526-1087
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Alfalfa County commissioners review resolutions for FY 2014-2015 By Leslie Nation CHEROKEE – The Alfalfa County commissioners met on July 7 at 10 a.m. for their regular meeting to review resolutions for the end of the fiscal year. Before inspecting the resolutions, the commissioners approved last meeting’s minutes, M & O warrants, blanket purchase orders and road crossing permits. A total of 11 road crossing permits were inspected by the board. Next, the commissioners approved the monthly officer reports, appropriations for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, lapsed appropriations, monthly highway expenditures and the allocation of alcohol bev-
erage tax. The commissioners approved the renewal of the contract between the county commissioners and Thos Y. Pickett & Company, Inc. In the contract, the company agreed to obligate itself to make analysis and appraisals, which will include all of the information the company is able to procure pertaining to the character, quality and quantity, as well as the value, within Alfalfa County. The company also agreed to provide any expert testimony that may be required at protest hearings at the County Equalization Hearings. In these cases, the company will be reimbursed at a rate not to exceed $800 per day as well as for reasonable travel and subsistence expenses from the county. For the company’s skilled services, technical knowledge and experience, the county agreed to pay Thos Y. Pickett & Company $35,000 for 2015, plus any additional expenses for work as required by Alfalfa County for litigation, deposition, testimony and preparation as full compensation for services rendered under the terms of the agreement. The county commissioners then approved the next payment of $43,161.68 to Guernsey for engineering work for heat/ air and generator before continuing to the resolutions. The following resolutions were reviewed and approved by the commissioners: designating requisitioning and
Tuesday, August 19th Accepting Consignments Now!
Both Live Internet & Live Audience Bidding Don't haul your machinery around, we will come to you! For Information contact your area Ag Auction Rep! Rep: Jamie Brown – Mullinville, KS • Phone: 620-635-5793 Ofce: 620-282-2226
receiving officers for Alfalfa County; designating county depository banks; designating interest rates paid on non-payable warrants; investing highway cash funds; directing the Alfalfa County treasurer to deposit all interest earned on SJ-SF3 Fairgrounds; designating the official county newspaper as the Cherokee Republican & Messenger; directing the county clerk to divide the annual payment to ACCO-SIG between commissioner insurance and county general operating expense; directing the Alfalfa County treasurer to deposit all interest earned on SJ-6 Ambulance District; directing the county clerk to divide the quarterly unemployment payments to Oklahoma Employment Security Commission between county general funds and the highway fund; appointing the county clerk’s first deputy – Cathy Hagen-Sheik; and, finally, directing the Alfalfa County treasurer to deposit all interest earned on the Assessor Cash H Account back to the Assessor Cash H Account. The county commissioners ended with the final few items on the agenda, approving the county clerk to go out on bids for lease purchase of a track hoe, the adjustment of estimate of needs for the sheriff and county clerk, and the detention services agreement by and between Muskogee Youth Services before adjourning the meeting. The road crossing revenue is as follows: Dist. #
How Many
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Crazy Days! Open @ 6-7 For Extra Crazy Savings! Regular Crazy Days Sale 7-4
Monday - Friday 10am-6pm
Join us to celebrate
580-327-3467 506 FLYNN STREET ALVA, OK 73717
Max Bixler’s 90th Birthday Sun, July 20th, 2014 Come & Go 2-3:30pm at the
Waynoka Public School Multi-Purpose Building 2134 Lincoln Street No Gifts Please
If you are unable to join us, feel free to send birthday wishes to: Max Bixler P.O. Box 162 Waynoka, OK 73860 Thank You For Helping Us Make This Birthday Extra Special!
Saturday 10am-4pm
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for July!
G&G Home Furnishings
Hwy 281 South - 2107 College Ave. • PH: 580-327-6635 M-F 9-5:30 Sat 9-4 & Sun Closed
*Ask about free delivery *Locally Owned & Operated
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LAND AUCTION Selling 3120 Acres Of Land In Tracts Of 2560 Acres & 560 Acres Grassland With Beaver River & Beaver River Bottom Land THURSDAY, AUGUST 21ST 10:00 A.M. Auction Location: Laverne Community Center, 201 S Broadway, Laverne, OK 1102 Okla. Ave - Woodward, OK
COINS – TOKENS – COLLECTIBLES BUY-SELL-TRADE Woods County Fairgrounds - The Women's Building 43258 Harper Rd - Alva, Oklahoma Sponsored by CC Coins For Dealer Tables and other information contact: CC Coins 813 W. Maine Enid, Ok. 73701 • 580-233-0007 or 580-478-5709 Bourse Chairman: Clifford Cooper • Email:
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Register to vote by Aug. 1 for primary election Friday, Aug. 1, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the Aug. 26 primary election. Anyone who is a United States citizen, resident of Oklahoma and at least 18 years old may apply to become a registered voter. People who have never been registered to vote before or who are not currently registered in the county of their residence and people who are registered but need to change their registration information may apply by filling out and mailing an Oklahoma Voter Registration Application form in time for it to be postmarked no later
than midnight Friday, Aug. 26. Any applications postmarked after that time still will be accepted and processed, but the applications will not be approved until after June 24. Changes to party affiliation will not be approved until Sept. 1. The county election board responds in writing to every person who submits an application for voter registration. The response is either a voter identification card listing the new voter’s precinct number and polling place location or a letter that explains the reason or reasons the application for voter registration was not approved. Any person who has submitted a voter registration
application and who has not received a response within 30 days should contact the county election board office. Oklahoma Voter Registration Application forms are available at the county election board office located in the Woods County Courthouse, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Forms are also available at most post offices, tag agencies and public libraries in the county. Applications also are available on the Internet at www.elections. Don’t forget to take your voter ID card to your polling place. If you need a new card call the Woods County Election Board at 580-327-1452.
Voters can see sample ballots online Man arrested or at Alfalfa County Election Board for contraband attempt at JCCC
Sample ballots now are available at the Alfalfa County Election Board office for voters who want to get a preview of what will be at stake in the runoff primary Aug. 26. Approximately two weeks prior to an election, sample ballots are also available on the Oklahoma State Election Board’s Online Voter Tool at http:// Kelly Stein, secretary of the Alfalfa County Election Board, said that sample ballots can be viewed at the election board office located at 300 S. Grand
Salon 180 is looking for a licensed cosmologist call 327-8033 to inquire more information
Ave. in Cherokee, during regular office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sample ballots also will be posted outside every precinct polling place on Tuesday so that voters can review them before casting their votes. Ballots that will be issued to voters on Tuesday include the following: Democratic Ballot • Superintendent of Public Instruction • United States Senator (Unexpired Term) For more election-related information, call the Alfalfa County Election Board at 580-596-2718 or visit www.
SPECIALIZING IN WIRING Barns, Shops & Metal Buildings
Talon Electrical Services, LLC. 25 Years Experience 580-822-1219 State License #64505
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By Marione Martin Henry Curtis Soloman, 25, of Oklahoma City is facing several charges in Alfalfa County. He has been charged with two felony counts of bringing a cellphone or electronic device in a penal institution. He was also charged July 9 with three misdemeanor charges of bringing contraband into a penal institution. According to court papers, Helena Chief of Police Jim Dykes was called to James Crabtree Correctional Center (JCCC) to take Soloman into custody for trying to throw contraband over the fence. Dykes said Soloman told him he did it to help pay on his fines and court costs from a former conviction. Sgt. Ekman of JCCC was on patrol and found Soloman on the west side of the prison by a small barn on state property. Ekman said Soloman had thrown a large duffle bag on the roof of the barn. It contained nine packages wrapped with silver duct tape. The items inside included 13.8 ounces of chewing tobacco, 10 cellphones, 3.67 pounds of smoking tobacco, 11 cellphone chargers, eight lighters, 13 packs of rolling papers, five dope pipes, one digital scale, two bottles of alcohol and two sim cards.
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KANSAS LIFELINE PROGRAM Pre-Back to School Special
You are eligible if you receive any of the following: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, General Assistance, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Tribally Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Head Start (tribal programs for only those meeting its income qualifying standard), Free School Lunch Program, Tribally Adminis tered Free School Lunch Program, Food Distribution Program, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), Section 8 Public Housing Assistance, Food Distribution Program on Tribal Lands, or 150% of the federal poverty level∗. A consumer must provide THREE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS of statements as documentation of income, or provide a copy of his or her tax return for the previous year. For more information about Kansas Lifeline, call your local telephone company. The number is on your telephone bill or in the front part of the telephone directory.
BRING IN YOUR DESKTOP OR LAPTOP AND LET US … Clean-up * Clean-out * Update Before you need it for school. Regularly $75.00 Special $50.00 w/ad. Optional: Full back-up of pictures and data on separate drive of your choice. Expires July 31, 2014
Sights & Sounds, LLC Radio Shack Dealer 609 College Ave Alva, OK 73717 580-327-0409
Information prepared by the Kansas Corporation Commission (800) 662-0027
Visit us on FACEBOOK or call
If you currently participate in certain state and/or federal assistance programs, you may be eligible to receive monthly telephone service at a discount. Participants in any one of the following assistance programs are eligible for reduced telephone services: Medicaid SNAP Supplemental Security Income Federal Public Housing Assistance Program Oklahoma Sales Relief Act Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance Tribally administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Head Start (only those meeting its income qualifying standards) or National School Lunch Program’s free lunch program
These discount programs will allow you to get telephone service at greatly reduced rates. You will need to certify that you participate in one of these programs. Please call your telephone company representative and request a Lifeline Certiication Form so that you can start saving money on your monthly telephone bill today.
327-1900 • 327-0535
THURSDAY LAST NIGHT “TRANSFORMERS” 1:30-6:45 STARTS FRIDAY!/Everyday 1:30-6:45/Screen 1/PG/85 min
STARTS FRIDAY! Everyday 1:30-6:45 Screen 2/PG/90 min
Wed-Thurs 6:45-8:45/Starting Friday 8:45 Only Every Night Thru July 24th Screen 2/R/100 min
Everyday 1:30-6:45-9:15/Switches to 2D & Moves upstairs to Screen 3 Friday/PG13/130 min
July 16, 2014
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Get paid to go to ball games!
Looking for upbeat, motivated people to join our team! Flexible Schedule Meal & Beverage Discounts Uniforms Furnished Apply at Alva, Oklahoma
We’re wanting to expand our sports coverage. Writing ability is necessary.
Harp Concert for the Community First Presbyterian Church of Alva 2:00 p.m. Sunday, July 20, 2014
Christian Bell has been playing the harp for 16 years. Christian has played for various orchestras, weddings, special events, and live shows. He has performed for many esteemed individuals, including former president George W. Bush, Dave Ramsey, Sarah Palin, and Tom Brokaw. Christian and his wife, Emily, will soon be moving to Panama, Central America, where they will be teaching at a Christian school; Christian will be teaching K-12 Music, and Emily will be teaching th 4 grade. Christian and Emily Bell will also be living on and serving with a Christian mission base.
The concert is free - donations are appreciated.
Donations may be made in cash or via checks made out to First Presbyterian Church with “Chris Bell ministry” on the memo line.
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July 25 & 26, 2014
CPRA/KPRA Co-Sanctioned Entries Open July 21st, 2014 5-10 pm Entry Phone: 785-254-7385 Added Money: $1,000 Per Event Includes Breakaway
Rodeo Starts at 8 pm $100 Lucky Ticket Number Each Night Contestant Hospitality Tent Kids Night on Friday! Advanced Tickets Available At Forsyth Furniture, Medicine Lodge, KS or Concrete Walz, Kiowa, KS
Take An Extra % OFF Our ENTIRE STOCK of Permanently Reduced Merchandise Wednesday, July 23rd with your Dillard’s Card Only, Thursday-Saturday All Customers with any tender % OFF May Vary By Department Of Enid
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Come browse our large selection of modern & contemporary-style light fixtures. You’ll be glad you did. Grand Avenue Lighting
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Take Advantage of Our Crazy Days Sale Table (excludes repairs & diamonds)
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Located in FRONT of the Oakwood Mall 580-540-4231 • Mon-Sat 10am-8pm & Sun 1pm-6pm
Crazy Days July 24-26, 2014
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AHOY MATEYS!! It’s time again for the 94th annual Barber County Fair, where pirates, buccaneers and fair maidens of all ages come from across the land and sea to gain riches and fame whilst showing off their skills and exhibits. July 24-27 marks this year’s festivities in Hardtner, Kan., so come join the fun and find your ‘Treasure Chest of Opportunities’ at the Barber County Fair! The local youth bring many things, such as food, fowl, animals and treasures in the form of arts and crafts, to compete for prizes. Thar will be no plunderin’, we’ll have ye know! These kids compete fair and fierce for top awards. Competitions include tons for 4-H, including perishable foods, fashion revue and a dog show, along with livestock shows featuring horses, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, rabbits, Barber County
Heifer Futurity, and beef and dairy. Special events are always a part of the fair, such as Dent’s Pedal Tractor Pull and a Pirate’s Challenge, and S&S Amusements returns with their carnival rides and inflatables. Wristbands are sold for one or two days, and single tickets are also available. New this year is the Army National Guard with their jousting pit. Browse and shop the air conditioned Merchant’s Building and sign up for daily giveaways! The Fair kitchen is open with delicious homemade food for all the hungry and thirsty buccaneers and fair maidens. Follow the sounds of music to the Rodeo Arena for concerts with local talents Emily Rugg and Alex Keller starting off, followed by the Jake Bowers Band, then Lower 40 wrapping up.
Two arrested for contraband at JCCC
By Marione Martin Officials questioned two men about an attempt to throw contraband over the fence at James Crabtree Correctional Center (JCCC) in Helena June 7. According to court documents, Helena Police Chief Jim Dykes was called to the prison about 7:30 a.m. where officers had detained two black males caught throwing contraband over the north prison fence. Officers said a white Dodge regular cab pickup had driven the two men to Helena but had taken off and left them. Dykes searched the town but could not find the pickup. He took the two men into custody at 8 a.m. and drove them to the Alfalfa County Jail in Cherokee. One was a juvenile, age 16. The other was Lawrence Basil Lowe, 18, of Oklahoma City. The contraband found included seven cellphones, six flip phones, approximately 11 pounds of smoking tobacco, two bottles of an unknown liquor, two pounds of smokeless tobacco, one USB and two earbuds. JCCC has video of the two young men with the contraband on state property, and they were seen by Sgt. Glenn. Sgt. Ekman made the arrest assisted by Corp.
Leon, who was driving the perimeter at the time and saw them running across the field. Lowe has been charged with two counts of bringing a cellphone or electronic device into a penal institution and bringing contraband into a penal institution, which are felonies. He has also been charged with two misdemeanor counts of bringing contraband into a penal institution.
LICENSED NURSES & CNA’S Kiowa Hospital District Manor is hiring for the following positions: RN, LPN, and Certied Nursing Assistants Apply at: Kiowa Hospital District Manor, 1020 Main Street, Kiowa, KS 67070 620-825-4117 EOE
Page 35
Are you the picture of health?
Photo by Andrew Eccles
“Colorectal cancer often has no symptoms, so please get tested. I did.” Katie Couric, Co-Founder EIF’s National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance
If you’re over 50, get screened.
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Crazy Day Specials
Multiple Positions Available WE OFFER: Health Insurance with HSA; Dental Reimbursement Plan; Life Insurance; 401K Retirement Plan; Paid Sick & Vacation Leave (after 1 year). *We are a Drug & Alcohol free work environment
Please come by Main Office at 4th & Barnes to pick-up application.
Farmers Coop Association 4th & Barnes - Alva, OK - (580) 327-3854
ALL WEEK LONG Sights & Sounds, LLC Radio Shack Dealer 609 College Ave Alva, OK 73717 580-327-0409
July is our “Mom and Me” special sale! (Subjects can also be Dad and Me, or Grandma and Me, etc.)
3 - 8 x 10 Sheets only $39.95 (No sitting Fee)
Lynn Martin Photography Closed Mondays Open Tuesday - Friday 9 - 5:30 Closed during noon hour. 580-327-1686
Sabra & Deakin last July
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Border Line Theatre, Inc. Announces Auditions For The Fall Production of
“The Game’s Afoot” By Ken Ludwig
Cast of 4 Men and 4 Women (approximately 25 years old and older)
Synopsis: IT is December 1936 and Broadway star William Gillette, admired the world over for his leading role in the play Sherlock Holmes, has invited his fellow cast members to his Connecticut castle for a weekend of revelry. But when one of the guests is stabbed to death, the festivities in this isolated house of tricks and mirrors turn dangerous. The danger and hilarity are non-stop in this glittering whodunit!
AUDITION DATES: Sunday, July 20 - 1:30-3:00 p.m.
(if you are unable to audition on this date, please don’t hesitate to call and schedule an alternate date)
PERFORMANCE DATES: October 25 & 26 and November 1 & 2, 2014
Auditions will be held at the Kiowa Community Building. For additional information, please contact Janice Hill at 620-825-4241 (work) or 620-825-4687 (home)
Pratt, Kansas ½ Mile South on Hwy 281
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Physical therapy assistant Molz joins Kiowa hospital By Yvonne Miller As a high school athlete at Sublette, Kan., Brooke Molz tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) in her knee and underwent physical therapy (PT) in Garden City, Kan. Little did she know that experience would guide her future profession. “I liked the people and they helped me work through my injuries at a time when you think sports is everything,” Molz said. After graduating from Sublette in 2004, Molz earned her bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from Kansas State University in 2008 and then finished her schooling to become a physical therapist assistant (PTA) through Colby Community College. In July, Molz joined physical therapist Lana Smith at Kiowa District Hospital (KDH). When Smith joined KDH last September, the physical therapy department numbers soared and continue to do so. When PTA Todd Reeves left at the end of June, the opening was a perfect fit for Molz. That’s because she married Ryan Molz of Kiowa in April 2012. He is a part of Chieftain Oil with his parents Ron and Kristi Molz in Kiowa. Until starting at KDH, Molz worked in physical therapy at Share Medical Center (SMC) in Alva. “I loved my job there (at SMC), but to feel a part of the Kiowa community – it’s
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nice to work here,” Molz said. Keeping busy at KDH, Molz said she sees all age ranges and a variety of issues. “I like that it’s not the same thing everyday,” she said. “I like giving patient care – helping people get better and well.” As a student in a small high school, Molz participated in basketball, track, softball, cheerleading and cross country. This gives her empathy for the many injured young athletes that pass through the PT doors at KDH. She is just as comfortable helping a middle aged or elderly patient. Smith designs a plan of care for each patient and Molz helps implement the rehab. The young women stay busy. Anyone familiar with the two realize they are as pretty as the excellent care they provide. They supply a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, but are diligent in motivating their patients to give it their all and leave PT better than they arrived. When Molz is not working, she likes to garden, maintain her home and travel – especially to Grand Lake in northeast Oklahoma, where she and Ryan met. She also enjoys working out, often by spinning (indoor cycling), taking yoga classes and running. The couple’s yellow lab is named Kaycee after the Kansas City Chief’s mascot. “She thinks everyone is her friend,” Molz said of her four-legged buddy.
ICE CREAM ! THANK YOU ! SOCIAL July 26, 2014 • 6:00-8:30 Amorita Community Bldg. Amorita, OK
Custom Picture Frames Fine Art ~ Art Supplies 427 Barnes St., Alva, Oklahoma 73717 LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN MALL
Mon-Fri 10am to 5pm; Closed Saturday and Sunday
Brooke Molz joins Kiowa District Hospital as a physical therapist assistant. Here she works with South Barber High School senior Paige Koblitz, who injured her knee during a basketball game last winter. Photo by Yvonne Miller
Featuring Homemade Ice Cream, Cookies, Cake Walk, Bingo Jolly 20 Community Service Club Admission By Donation
Just want to tell the community and all of those who said prayers while Maddy had her open heart surgery, Thank You! We appreciate all of the churches who had her on their prayer list. To all of those who sent stuff to Memphis during her hospital stay; She loved all of it. An extra special thanks to Church of God, Mike & Deb Koppitz & the Clint Harzman Family. Love to all & God Bless Maddy Beiswanger & Family
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2280 860 3020 5903 1273 557 3000 640 475 1600 720
$2,394,000 $903,000 $3,261,600 $5,843,970 $1,519,962 $618,270 $2,250,000 $500,000 $570,000 $2,592,000 $1,080,000
Woodward Co OK Woodward Co OK Woodward Co OK Woodward Co OK Woodward Co OK Dewey Co OK Woods Co OK LeFlore Co OK Kiowa Co KS Comanche Co KS Barber Co KS
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For more information please contact Hunting Country Real Estate LLC Shane Terrel (broker) Phone # 580-327-7889 Email: Web-site: has Regional Offices across the U.S. with thousands of associates that are available to help you with your oil & gas assets. We’ve helped Farmers &Ranchers lease over 100,000 acres in the Mississippi Lime Play and have sold over $40 MILLION in the past 2 years.
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July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Dr. Dustin McPhail Tuesday & Thursday Dr. Brandon Schoen Monday thru Saturday Dr. Michael Meier Monday, Wednesday, Friday Full Spine manipulative care and low force techniques. Specializing in low back disc conditions, headaches, general back and neck pain and athletic injury
1716 College - Alva, Oklahoma • (580) 327-2468
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Communication: Exchange of information between people Availability: Being easily accessible and obtainable Honesty: Fair and truthful Credibility: Believable and trustworthy Dependability: Sensible, Reliable, and Responsible Capability: Practical ability necessary to do the required tasks Accountability: Obligation to report and explain decisions and actions Integrity: Possessing and steadfastly adhering to high professional standards Transparency: Open, truthful, honest communication
Communication is at the top of the list. It is one of the most important aspects of any job, especially county commissioner. None of the other qualities can be revealed and trusted without communication. As your commissioner, I will be available to talk with the people in my district. The people know what needs to be done. They know which roads need repaired and which ones don't. They know what they expect from the ambulance, fire department, and law enforcement. They know if their property rights are being infringed upon or not. They know what is going on in their area. I promise to steadfastly and vigorously support the views of the people of Woods County District 3.
“I WILL LISTEN TO AND WORK FOR YOU!!” Paid for by John A. Fuqua, 14179 Co. Rd 380, Waynoka, OK 73860
July 16, 2014
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YOUR HEARING IS IMPORTANT ...TRUST THE EXPERTS. We Service Most Hearing Aid Makes & Models. We Always Offer The Most Competitive Price!
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1303 College Rd Alva, OK 73717 • 580-327-2383
July 16, 2014
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Alfalfa County commissioners award bids for semis, Jet Responders’ truck equipment Losing bidder’s injunction discussed *By Leslie Nation CHEROKEE, Okla. – The Alfalfa County commissioners held their regular meeting on July 14 at the county courthouse to discuss their new agenda. The commissioners reviewed bids for semi trucks from Enid Mack Sales, Inc., and Brouckner’s of Oklahoma City, Commissioner Chad Roach mentioned that the bid from Brouckner’s did not meet spec requirements, and the commissioners agreed that the bid from Enid Mack was the better option. The commissioners then reviewed the four open bids for equipment for Jet Responders’ trucks. The commissioners opted for Industrial Truck Equipment, Oklahoma City, whose bid was $19,523.99.
After reviewing all open bids, the commissioners then proceeded with the agenda, approving the minutes from last meeting, M & O warrants and road crossing permits. There were no blanket purchases available for inspection. The monthly officer reports were also reviewed, as were a few lapsed appropriations. A total of 30 road crossing permits were reviewed. Later in the meeting, the commissioners briefly discussed another matter arising from a losing bidder’s dissatisfaction with the local the bidding process. Brian Langston, representing Cedar Ridge Construction, came to discuss his company’s reasons for filing an injuction against the commissioners. Cedar Ridge believes they were unjustly disqualified in the bidding process for constructing the new EMS building. The 522 Ambulance Board awarded that bid to Henson
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Construction Company. Though the commissioners’ legal aid told them to accept the original decision in favor of Henson Construction’s bid, Roach expressed his company’s belief that this was an indication for the board to be more proactive and involved with other community entities that make decisions about bids. The commissioners also reviewed an oil and gas lease that involved mineral interests owned by Chairman Doug Murrow. DeltaCore Energy, Inc., made two offers regarding Section 11-26N11, which it was leasing on behalf of SandRidge Exploration and Production, LLC. With the approval of the rest of the board, Murrow chose the second offer, which consisted of a three-year oil lease at $800 per net mineral acre with onefifth royalty provision, and a two-year option to extend it for the same bonus amount. When no unforeseen business was brought before the commissioners, the the meeting was adjourned. Road crossing permit revenue is as follows:
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July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
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The City of Alva immediate openings for the following position: Full Time Positions ARC Park/Buildgin Maintenance • Sanitation Worker Water/Sewer Worker • Street Worker I Seasonal/Part-Time Positions Sanitation Worker • Water/Sewer Worker • Street Worker Full job announcements are available on the City of Alva Web site.
Benefits & Application Information Paid Employee Health, Life & Dental Insurance, Retirement Program, Nine Paid Holidays Per Year, Birthday Off with Pay, Paid Vacation After First Year, Paid Sick Leave. Applications are available at 415 4th Street Alva, OK and online at and will be accepted until the position is filled. The City of Alva is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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July 16, 2014
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Burlington FFA members attend OK FFA Alumni Leadership Camp The Burlington FFA chapter was represented at the 42nd annual Oklahoma FFA Alumni Leadership Camp at Tulakogee Conference Center on Fort Gibson Lake near Wagoner. More than 1,600 FFA members from 289 Oklahoma FFA chapters attended one of four three-and-a-half day sessions held from June 29 to July 12. Burlington FFA members attending camp included Caleb McCullough, Jacobi Cox, Marshall Burnet, Jonathan Armbruster, Ethan Barron, Blake Baker, Tanner Rieger, Bayli Hyde, Sarah Garvie, Jaden Allen, Stephanie Croft, Alysson Stewart and Kelsi Smith. Former Burlington FFA members Caleb Baker and Amber Allen served as small group leaders. The 2014 camp theme was “Brand Your Leadership.” FFA members were engaged in fun-filled, action-packed activities focused on personal, team and service leadership. Special presenters were motivational speakers Bill Cordes of Kansas, Grant Baldwin from Missouri and veterinarian-turned-hypnotist Dr. Al Snyder of Wisconsin. The primary aim of the Oklahoma FFA Alumni Association is to provide a strong, efficient statewide organization to promote, serve and support agricultural education and the FFA.
FFA members attending the 2014 Burlington Alumni Camp were (back row, left to right): Caleb Baker, Caleb McCullough, Jacobi Cox, Marshall Burnet, Jonathan Armbruster, Ethan Barron, Blake Baker, Tanner Rieger and Amber Allen; and (front row): Bayli Hyde, Sarah Garvie, Jaden Allen, Stephanie Croft, Alysson Stewart and Kelsi Smith.
Border Line Theatre auditions Sunday, July 20 To present comical “whodunit” “The Game’s Afoot” in the fall
By Yvonne Miller Oh, the fun of a hilarious “whodunit!” Fans of comical murder mysteries can look forward to Border Line Theatre’s
(BLT) comical production of “The Game’s Afoot” this fall on the weekends of Oct. 25-26 and Nov. 1-2. But first, the play must be cast. Auditions are this coming Sunday, July 20, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at the Kiowa (Kan.) Community Building. The cast is comprised of four men and four women. If you want to audition but can’t be there or have any other questions, contact BLT President Janice Hill at 620-825-4214 (work) or 620-825-4687 (home). Winner of the 2012 Mystery Writers of America Edgar Allen Poe Awards for best play, “The Game’s Afoot” was written by American playwright Ken Ludwig, whose many plays are
performed all over the globe. Ludwig describes the play this way: “It is December 1936 and Broadway
star William Gillette, admired the world over for his leading role in the play ‘Sherlock Holmes,’ has invited his fellow cast-members to his Connecticut castle for a weekend of revelry. But when one of the guests is stabbed to death, the festivities in this isolated house of tricks and mirrors quickly turn dangerous. Then it’s up to Gillette himself, as he assumes the persona of his beloved Holmes, to track down the killer before the next victim appears. The danger and hilarity are non-stop in this glittering whodunit set during the Christmas holidays.”
July 16, 2014
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Dental Assistant & Administrative Assistant
Dedication of the Castle on the Hill Monument Northwestern Oklahoma State University î ˘ursday, July 17, 2014 Historical skits in Herod Hall Auditorium beginning at 5:30 p.m. Cookout on the north lawn of Jesse Dunn beginning at 6:30 p.m. Bring your own lawn chairs. Public is invited. In the event of rain, cookout will be relocated to the Student Center.
Fast Paced Working Environment Exceptional Retirement Opportunities Monthly Bonus Incentives Great Hours Three Day Weekends Paid Holidays & Vacation Medical or Dental Background a Plus/Not Required
Email Resume to Evie at: Please Fax Resume to (580) 327-4525 or Drop off at 605 Barnes in Alva
July 16, 2014
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July 7, 2014 9:23 a.m. Reckless driver, respondent advised of a reckless driver in a white van, possibly utility van, with Kansas tags, all over the road on Highway 11 east from Cherokee, is concerned about others’ safety, advised deputy, Oklahoma Highway Patrol and Grant County. 9:29 p.m. Residential alarm, alarm company advised of a panic alarm in Jet, deputy advised. July 9, 2014 10:45 a.m. Abandoned vehicle, respondent advised of a pickup in the middle of a pasture north of Cherokee, no one around, white Ford extended cab, deputy advised take no further action, surveyors. 10:55 a.m. Accident, Cherokee Police Department advised of 911 call about accident 1 mile west of Jet, Jet Fire Department and Helena Ambulance advised, deputy advised roadway is blocked, don’t think there are any injuries, trooper on scene. 12:01 p.m. Vandalism, officer advised that subjects at 1000 block of S. Penn are at the residence and already trying to pull the fence up, officer and deputy en route. 1:55 p.m. Medical emergency, police department advised of medical call at County Road 650 and Jefferson, advised ambulance and rescue, deputy advised and en route. 4:30 p.m. Miscellaneous, respondent called and reported that a dog bit her in Cherokee and would like an officer to come and make a report, advised Cherokee Police Department. 6:37 p.m. Accident, respondent called and reported a three-car accident on Coal Road and county roads 510-520, one person had a cut on their head but had been taken by personal vehicle to Alva hospital, one car is blocking the road and they were told they needed a report
before they could have it towed, deputy and Oklahoma Highway Patrol advised, Carmen Rescue en route. 9:00 p.m. Livestock at large, Cherokee Police Department called and advised that respondent called and said cattle is out by the wash out in Ingersoll, advised owner and they will take care of them. July 10, 2014 4:21 a.m. Reckless driver, Cherokee Police Department advised of a driver who was headed north going back and forth across the road and speeding up and slowing down 3 miles south of Cherokee, deputy advised. 7:36 a.m. Gas leak, Cherokee Police Deparment advised of a tree limb falling and hitting a gas meter, gas is leaking one block west and one block south of fire station in Burlington, Burlington Fire Department and deputy en route. 2:00 p.m. Motorist assist, Cherokee Police Department advised of a white car broken down on Highway 64 at County Road 600, two people are sitting on the trunk, it is off the roadway, advised deputy, he will check, deputy advised no one around. 3:29 p.m. Trespassing, respondent advised of some trespassers on their land, deputies advised and en route. 4:31 p.m. Medical emergency, respondent advised they needed first responders for chest pains, advised Goltry Fire Department and Helena EMS. 8:21 p.m. Welfare check, respondent advised he isn’t able to get ahold of his mother in Lambert and wants a deputy to do a welfare check to make sure she is okay. July 11, 2014 2:31 a.m. Miscellaneous, Cherokee Police Department advised of a 911 call from two people needing a ride from Cozy Curve, their car had broken down, a truck driver gave them a ride to Cozy Curve and now they needed a ride into Cherokee, advised deputy, deputy 10-12 x2 one male one female. 9:02 a.m. Miscellaneous, man walking in the roadway 2 ½ miles east of Jet, deputy advised, deputy advised negative contact, saw person picked up by another. 9:47 a.m. Unknown fire, Oklahoma Highway Patrol advised report of smoke coming from what used to be a house on the west side of Highway 8 of the junction of highways 45E and 8, depu-
ty checked, it is someone burning a hay bale. 10:07 a.m. Medical emergency, Jet Fire Department requests ambulance to 300 block of S. Fifth for possible stroke, advised Helena Ambulance. 11:17 a.m. Stolen property, respondent advised skidster and trailer were stolen from Chesapeake site, wants to make a report, advised deputy. July 12, 2014 12:46 a.m. Livestock at large, deputy called about two horses out north of Cherokee. 1:25 a.m. Livestock at large, Cherokee Police Department received call about tan horse out, called possible owner. 10:12 p.m. Arson, Cherokee Police Department advised of hay bales on fire in Cherokee, deputy advised and en route, advised fire department. July 13, 2014 4:09 a.m. Medical emergency, respondent called needing ambulance at 300 block of Seventh in Helena, paged first responders. 9:18 a.m. Miscellaneous, Cherokee Police Department advised that respondent called in and reported a white bobtail truck with something black in back was unloading something under the third new bridge west of Burlington, respondent just thought it was suspicious being under the bridge, Oklahoma Highway Patrol advised, Oklahoma Highway Patrol advised unable to locate. July 14, 2014 12:46 a.m. Intoxicated person, respondent reported people in a white fourdoor new vehicle driving around Helena, she was outside, they were yelling at her with slurred speech when they went by, called deputy. 1:55 a.m. Medical emergency, lady called needing Carmen first responders and ambulance paged out, deputy, ambulance and Carmen en route. 1:55 a.m. Cherokee Police Department called about a hit-and-run driver in a red Peterbuilt hit the mirrors on another red truck, is heading to Alva, called Alva to look for truck and talk to driver, will let him know if we find other truck. 2:24 a.m. Information, respondent called and said she was up late doing paperwork, went to bed, when she got in bed her trailer house shook, went outside and looked around, didn’t see anything, just wanted us to know.
Alfalfa County sheriff’s log
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SUMMER IS IN FULL SWING AND THAT MEANS LONG, HOT AND HUMID DAYS. July and August are the hottest months of the year.“During the hot summer months, high temperatures can present a serious danger as families enjoy outdoor activities and sports,” “Keep your family safe this summer by knowing the signs of heat-related illness and what to do when you recognize them.” The Centers for Disease Control reports that an average of 658 deaths occurred in the United States from heat-related illness in the past year. During heat waves, when temperatures reach 85 to 100 degrees for more than three days, knowing the tips to prevent heat-related illness is critical.
Child safety organization advocates look before you lock mentality in wake of recent car deaths. While everyone is at risk for heatstroke, the most susceptible groups are senior citizens and young children. The elderly do not adjust as well to sudden changes in temperature and are more likely to take prescription medicine that impairs the body’s ability HEAT STROKE The body's capacity to cool down in hot weather depends on the to regulate temperature. evaporation of sweat. That keeps skin temperature below 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 Celsius). Above that, core temperature Parents should be mindful about their children’s prolonged rises past 98.6F. But if humidity is also high, sweat cannot exposure to summer heat. Leaving young ones in parked evaporate, and core temperature can increase until the person cars is a life-threatening danger during hot months – even collapses from heat stroke. ‘If it's humid you can't sweat, and if you if the window is open. This year, 14 child vehicular stroke can't sweat you can't maintain core body temperature in the heat, deaths already have been reported in the United States and, and you die,’ said Dr Al Sommer, dean emeritus of the Bloomberg on average, 44 occur per year. Never leave a child in a parked car for any length of time. School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University “A majority of people think this happens to bad parents; that there is no possible way they could ever leave their child behind without knowing it. What we tell people is absolutely the worst thing a parent could do is say ‘it will never happen to me.’” WARNING SIGNS OF HEATSTROKE For More Information on Kids and Cars and the Look Before VARY BUT MAY INCLUDE: You Lock Program visit
•Extremely high temperatures above 103 degrees •Red, hot and dry skin with no sweating •Rapid, strong pulse or throbbing headache •Dizziness and lightheadedness •Nausea and vomiting •Confusion or irrational behavior.
The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a free “app” for mobile devices, that can help. The app uses the temperature and heat index at your worksite, and displays risk levels, signs and symptoms of heat illness and what to do in case of emergency. The app, along with other important information (in English and Spanish) is available at
From Woods County Emergency Management, Steve Foster 829-3085
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram $3.00 or less donation asked
Senior Nutrition Center is located at 625 Barnes Wed - July 16
Deep Dish Pizza Green Beans Hominy Mixed Fruit Tator Tot Casserole Green Salad Pears Bread Wed - July 23
Page 48
People from all walks of life eat at the Senior Citizens Center
Thurs - July 17
Chili Dog French Fries Tinted Pears
Chef Salad Fruit Cocktail Crackers Cinnamon Rolls Thurs - July 24
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Pork Patty Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy Carrots Bread
Fri - July 25
HOLDER DRUG 513 Barnes - Alva, Okla. • (580) 327-3332
Mon - July 21
Red Beans & Rice Coleslaw Mandarin Oranges Snickerdoodles
Mon - July 28
Tues - July 22
Scalloped Chicken Mixed Vegetables Bread Strawberry Cake Ham & Beans Tomato Spoon Relish Cornbread Fruit
Tues - July 29
July 16, 2014
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July 16, 2014
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30x40x10 $11,900 30x50x10 $13,800 30x60x10 $15,800 BUILDING INCLUDES:
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Pole Barn Kits Available 405-382-6677
HUDSON POST FRAME We specialize in post frame buildings of any kind. Whether you are looking to build a shop, barn, garage, carport, or shed, we are here to meet your needs. We have various sizes to choose from and numerous colors as well. We are at the job site from start to finish and will not start another building until yours is complete. Let us help you customize your building to accommodate your needs and wants!
July 16, 2014
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Alfalfa County Court Filings According to the affidavits and petitions on file, the following individuals have been charged. An individual is innocent of any charges listed below until proven guilty in a court of law. All information is a matter of public record and may be obtained by anyone during regular hours at the Alfalfa County Courthouse. The Alva Review-Courier will not intentionally alter or delete any of this information. If it appears in the courthouse public records, it will appear in this newspaper. Felony Filings Cassidy Dawn Carter, 27, Carmen: Four counts of Knowingly concealing stolen property ($1,099.50). Lawrence Basil Lowe, 18, Oklahoma City: (1) Two counts of Bringing a cell phone or electronic device in penal institution; (3) Bringing contraband into a penal institution ($864). Henry Curtis Soloman, 25, Oklahoma City: Two counts of Bringing a cell phone or electronic device into a penal institution ($568.50). Misdemeanor Filings Earnest David Howell, 34, Collinsville: Driving while license is under suspension ($266.50). Colt R. Whitaker, 29, no address listed: Harassing and threatening electronic communication ($304) Outstanding warrant. Lawrence Basil Lowe, 18, Oklahoma City: Two counts of Bringing contraband into penal institution ($458). Henry Curtis Soloman, 25, Oklahoma City: Three counts of Bringing contraband into penal institution ($687). Jennifer Lee Whitesides, 37, Cherokee: Driving while under the influence ($741.90). Lisa D Haley, 41, Tulsa: Driving while license is under suspension ($229). Valente R. Barriga, 24, Cherokee:
Public intoxication ($229). Preston Blaine O’Meara, 21, Cherokee: Public intoxication ($229). Cathy Jo Labrue, 56, Cherokee: Stalking ($304) Outstanding warrant. Civil Filings In matter of applicant vs. Cole Tagelman Devore: Name change ($135.70). O’Reilly Automotive Stores Inc. vs. Jason Wayne Voth: Indebtedness in the amount of $5,238.33 ($205.70). W.D. Campbell vs. Dianna Ralstin: Replevin ($218.70). John Francis White III vs. Cox Logistics LLC and Carlton Ray Crossland: Damages ($223.70). Divorce Filings William Shane Sanborn Jr. vs. Jessica Rose Sanborn: Divorce ($198.70). Debra E. Gilreath vs. David L. Gilreath: Divorce ($193.70). Marriage Filings Timothy Wayne Kinney, age 28, of Cherokee and Brenda Mae Armer, age 40, of Cherokee: Marriage license with certificate ($5). Protective Order Filings Carol Ann Conway vs. Cathy Jo Labrue: Protective order ($218) Outstanding warrant. Donald Lucas Kirk & Johana Lynn Kirk vs. James Schwindt & Kelly Sue Schwindt: Protective order ($218). Laci R. Taylor vs. Valente R. Barriga: Protective order ($218). Traffic Filings Mary Del Gonzales, 53, Oklahoma City: Operating a motor vehicle at a speed not reasonable or proper ($256.50). Erica Elaine Lynch, 35, Waukomis: Failure to carry insurance verification ($231.50). Leonard C. Shelite, 69, Aline: Failure to carry insurance verification (state dismissed without fine or costs).
SCRAPBOOKING 101 is still going on until Friday GARAGE SALE NOW IS THE TIME!!
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Ryan Thomas Thompson, 21, Jet: Following too closely ($211.50). Jacob Andrew Huffman, 20, Denton, Texas: Inattentive driving ($211.50). The following individuals received a citation for speeding: Dell Leroy Miller, 55, Rockledge, Fla.: 15 mph over ($226.50); Michael E. Barnes, 50, Woodward: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Christopher Blake Kornele, 20, Waynoka: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Thad David Winegeart Jr., no age listed, Enid: 11-14 mph over ($226.50); Victor James Morfin Chavez, no age listed, Ponca City: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Brenda Mae Dahn, 37, Cherokee: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Donald Bruce, 49, Tyronza, Ark.: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Silvester Austin Murphy, 46, Broken Arrow: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Blake Gregory Baker, 26, Montgomery, Texas: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Michael david Alvarez, 32, Enid: 1-10 mph over ($188.50); Kevin Lyle Ricketson, 51, Bartlesville: 21-25 mph over ($321.50); Curtis Levi Carter, 21, Alva: 1-10 mph over ($188.50). The following individuals received a citation for failure to wear seatbelt ($20 fine): Rachel Marie Savely, 24, Burlington; Jacob Andrew Huffman, 20, Denton, Texas.
Far Out Savings & Fun For Crazy Days!
The Etc Shoppe 407 College • Alva, OK • 580-327-1276
July 16, 2014
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Alfalfa County real estate Real Estate Transactions Book 747 Page 614: Kayla Meyer, a single woman, Travis Meyer, a single man, and Angela Meyer, a single woman; to John Dawson: Lots 22, 23 and 24, in Block 43 in Eastside Addition to Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, LESS AND EXCEPT the oil, gas and other minerals in and under the real property. Warranty Deed. Book 747 Page 807: Sonya Gerhardt, a single person; to Ferrell Rentals, LLC: Lot 14, in Block 3, Garber Addition to the City of Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plate thereof, LESS AND EXCEPT All oil, gas and other minerals lying therein. Warranty Deed. Book 747 Page 892: Roger Dale Kildow and Judith Kildow, his wife; to Robert Scott Kildow and Carla Jean Kildow: Undivided 1/2 of the Railroad right-of-way in the NE/4 of Section 32, T28N, R11W, LESS the oil, gas and other minerals, SUBJECT to easements. Warranty Deed. Book 747 Page 956: Logan I. Kuepfer and Kendra Kuepfer, husband and wife; to Gary Unbehauen and Julie Unbehauen, husband and wife: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 2, in the Original Town of Goltry, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof. Warranty Deed. Book 748 Page 173: Dean Russel Stands and Carolyn Mae Stands, husband and wife; to Ferrell Rentals, LLC. Location: Lots 3, in Block 26, in the Original Town of Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Warranty Deed.
Book 748 Page 185: Floyd Leon Schanbacher, a single man, Larry Max Schanbacher joined by his wife Maria Schanbacher, Debra Kay Rummel joined by her husband Jon Rummel, Monty Lee Schanbacher joined herein by his wife Lucinda Schanbacher; to SRJ Farms, L.L.C: An undivided 4/15ths interest in and to the NW/4 of Section 19, T25N, R10W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Warranty Deed. Book 748 Page 157: Willis L. Caywood, a single man, and Lois L. Guffy and Wayne S. Guffy, Sr. her husband; to Lila J. Leslie: The W. 40’ of Lots 5 and 6, in Block 2, Titus Third Addition to Cherokee, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. EXCEPTING from this conveyance and RESERVING UNTO THE FOLLOWING GRANTORS: Floyd Leon Schanbacher, Larry Max Schanbacher, Debra Kay Rummel, and Monty Lee Schanbacher, the oil, gas and other mineral in, on, and under the described premises; and, SUBJECT TO all existing rightsof-way, easements, agricultural leases, and mineral leases, reservations, or conveyances of record. Quit Claim Deed. Book 748 Page 444: Nancy Beavers and Bobby Ray Beavers, wife and husband; to The Bob and Nancy Beavers Revocable Living Trust: NE/4 of Section 17, T25N, R12W, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. Quit Claim Deed. Mortgages Book 747 Page 957: Between Gary Unbehauen and Julie Unbehauen, husband and wife; and ACB Bank: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 2, in the Original Town of Goltry, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. $276,000. Book 747 Page 965: Teirna Adair, unmarried; and Banccentral, National Association: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 128 in the First addition of carmen, Alfalfa County, Oklahoma. $12,750.
From Page 10
make sure all individuals are bonded for the position for which they are authorized. The board approved and signed a resolution authorizing the County Treasurer to invest cash on hand that cannot be used at this time for the purpose for which it was intended. The treasurer can invest these funds in certificates of deposit or make other investments as authorized by the Oklahoma State Law and to make such investments at the highest rate of interest available. This resolution also authorizes and directs the Treasurer to deposit interest derived from such investments from monies from the General, Building and Bond Funds to be deposited into the General Fund Account and interest from monies from the Child Nutrition Fund be deposited into the Child Nutrition Fund. The board also approved a corporate resolution to approve a Business Purchase Card Agreement with Prosperity Bank & OSSBA of Oklahoma City. This authorizes Superintendent Elliott to enter into agreement and instruct Prosperity Bank to issue purchase cards to one or more employees of the school for the account of the school and in respect of which the school shall be responsible. Two milk bids were submitted. One was from Mid-America Wholesale at $0.39 and the second was from Hiland Dairy at $0.3571. Board approved the milk bid from Hiland Dairy.
July 16, 2014
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CDL Positions, Alva OK Are you looking for Home Time, Great Equipment, Fair Pay, Benefits and Reliable Scheduling? Hampel Oil is in need of drivers: · · · · · · · · ·
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An equal opportunity employer offering excellent benefits and wages based on experience and aptitude. Send Resume to: Human Resources, Hampel Oil 1245 N. West, Wichita, KS 67203 OR
It is nice and green. Let us shoot an aerial photograph! $489 + fuel replacement
Lynn Martin Photography 800-526-1087
Mackey Farms
July 16, 2014
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Barber County sheriff’s log July 2, 2014 Kiowa Ambulance transported patient from Hazelton to Pratt. Deputy Richardson investigated a theft report in Sharon. Andrew Musgrove, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2014 Chevrolet pickup struck a deeer on Curry Lane east of Medicine Lodge. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy Richardson. Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Pratt. Deputy English investigated a report of littering northeast of Medicine Lodge. July 3, 2014 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Cedar Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital.
580-327-3400 Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Venting, Gas, LP Bonded, Licensed, Insured 24 Hour Service Credit Cards Accepted Immediate Response
MECH #105595
Don’t Wait 2-3 Weeks
Call for a Technician Today!
July 4, 2014 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Cedar Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from Central Street to Medicine Lodge Hospital. July 5, 2014 Ashley Hensen, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2006 GMC SUV struck a deer on Northstar Road about 1 mile north of Hopkins. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Richardson. July 6, 2014 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. Deputy Richardson investigated damage to property in Hardtner. Medicine Lodge Ambulance transferred patient from Medicine Lodge Hospital to Wichita. July 7, 2014 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Wichita. July 8, 2014 Kiowa Ambulance transferred patient from Kiowa Hospital to Pratt. Joseph Bolster, Wichita, driving a 2011 GMC pickup struck a deer on K2 east of Kiowa. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy English. July 9, 2014 Medicine Lodge Ambulance transported patient from the Gyp Mill to Medicine Lodge Hospital. July 12, 2014 Sherry Dierkson, Medicine Lodge, driving a 2007 Dodge pickup struck a deer on U281 about one-half mile south of Elm Mills. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Small. Shiloh Rose, Medicine Lodge, driving
a 2004 Chevrolet, struck a deer on U281 about 2 miles south of Medicine Lodge. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy Small. July 13, 2014 Raymond Schmidt, Sharon, driving a 1996 Chevrolet pickup, overturned on U160 about one-half mile east of Sharon. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Richardson; aided by Medicine Lodge Ambulance and Sharon Volunteer Fire Department. William Reavis, Sharon, driving a 1995 Lincoln ran into the ditch on the TriCity Road 1 mile south of Pleasant Hill Road. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident investigated by Deputy Small. Kendra Inslee, Sharon, driving a 2005 Chevrolet SUV, overturned on Resort Road near U281. Over $1,000 damage, no injury, accident worked by Deputy Small; aided by Medicine Lodge Volunteer Fire Department Rescue Squad and Medicine Lodge Ambulance. During the two-week period officers received 11 reports of cattle out, five reports of goats out, performed 34 public assists and assisted six other agencies. Arrests July 3, 2014 Patricia D. Bain, Hardtner, W/F, 31. Arrest by BASO. Charge: Giving worthless check. Released July 3, 2014, on $750 surety bond. Roy P. Henry, Hardtner, W/M, 40. Arrest by BASO. Charge: Giving worthless check. Released July 3, 2014, on $750 surety bond. July 11, 2014 Cory L. Reasoner, Sharon, W/M, 24. Arrest by BASO. Charges: Failure to appear, 2. Two counts of criminal damage to property.
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
NEW 2015 Chevrolet Suburban bucket middle seats, leather interior black
Page 55
Daytime and Night-time available
NEW 2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT 2500 4X4: silver NEW 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LTZ 1500 4X4: tungsten NEW 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1/2 TON 4X4: brownstone 2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO ½ TON LTX 4X4: Leather, 8k miles, White 2014 BUICK ENCLAVE CXL: red 20k miles 2013 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LT 4X4: 20K Miles, Red, Leather 2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO: ½ ton white 34k miles 2011 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT: leather white 31k miles 2011 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT CREW CAB: 4x4 Diesel, 55K Miles, Red 2011 CHEVROLET CRUZE: Blue 68k miles 2010 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT 4X4: 85k miles black 2010 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON 4X4: w/ bale bed silver 88k miles 2010 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE LT 4X4: leather sunroof white 80k miles 2010 SATURN OUTLOOK XC: 78K Miles, White 2009 PONTIAC G6: red 58k miles 2007 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS LS: leather silver 95k miles
2013 Chevrolet Suburban leather 20k miles red
BOGNER, INC. KIOWA, KANSAS • 1-800-462-0731
Class A CDL required but willing to train for CDL Competitive Pay Full Benets Apply in Person 1¾ mile east of Alva or call Mark at 580-554-3923
Would You Like To Save Money On Your Auto Insurance? Woods County Farm Bureau invites you to join us at 227 Okla. Blvd in Alva For A
“Defensive Driving Class" Tuesday, July 22 nd , 2014 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. $10.00 per person (members) $20.00 per person (non-members)
Completion of class will discount insurance for 3 years. Space is limited, Call 580-327-3432 to reserve a place. *Meal provided by Woods County Farm Bureau Women
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Page 56
Barber County real estate Real Estate Transfers Book 139 Page 115: Gary Lee Rucker and Emma Joan Rucker, husband and wife; to Gary Lee Rucker and Emma Joan Rucker as Trustees of the Gary Lee Rucker and Emma Joan Rucker Family Revocable Trust dated March 13, 2014: The SW/4 and the W/2 of the SE/4 of Section 33, T32S, R13W; and The NW/4 NW/4 of Section 4, T33S, R13W; and the NW/4 NE/4 and the NE/4 NW/4 and the N/2 SW/4 and the SW/4 SW/4 of Section 4, T33S, R13W; and E/2 SE/4 and the SE/4NE/4 of Section 5, T33S, R13W; and The NW/4 of Section 24, T32S, R11W, lying N of the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way, Barber County, Kansas. The NE/4 and the W/2SE/4 of Section 25, T31S, R12W, Barber County, Kansas. Warranty deed. Book 139 Page 117: Ronal L. Swonger and Roberta F. Swonger, husband and wife; to Charles Conaway and Beth Conaway, husband and wife: Lots 7-8 in Block 10 in Henton’s addition to the City of Sharon, Kansas. Warranty deed. Book 139 Page 119: Kenneth Ricke, a single person; to Westley A. Rausch and Cynthia G. Rausch, husband and wife: Lots 22, 23 and 24 in Block 13 in the City of Sharon, Kansas. Warranty deed. Book 139 Page 111: Between Dewyte Roland and Janet Fay Roland, aka Janet F. roland, aka Janet Roland, husband and wife; to Dewyte Roland or Janet F. Roland, trustees of the Carrie-Lee Trust Dated Nov. 26, 2013: A tract of land located in the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 12, T32S, R12W, Barber County, Kansas. EXCEPT: THE SURFACE INTEREST ONLY IN
AND TO: Commencing at the NW corner of the NW/4 of Section 12, T32S, R12W , Barber County, Kansas, thence with an assumed bearing of S 00 degrees 22’18” W along the West line of said NW/4 a distance of 1,266.87 feet to the NW corner of the SW/4 of the North line of the said SW/4 of the NW/4 a distance of 50 feet to the E right of way line of U.S. Highway 281 for the point of beginning, thence S 89 degrees 07’42” E a distance of 225 feet, thence S parallel with the E right of way line to the E right of way line of U.S. Highway 281, and 150 feet S of the point of beginning thence Northerly along said E right of way line a distance of 150 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Quit claim deed. Book 139 Page 118: Colleen Bird, a single person; to Bradly P. Musgrove: Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1, Oil Hill Subdivision, being a part of the SW/4NW/4 of Section 1, T32S. R12W, in the City of Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Quit claim deed. Book 139 Page 121: Brett Frederick and Toni Frederick, husband and wife; to Lorraine Post No. 98 American Legion of Barber County: E 80 feet of the N 9 feet of Lot 10, in Block 10, in the City of Isabel, Barber County, Kansas. Quit claim deed. Mortgages Book 215 Page 1: Between David L Holdaway and Hayley M Holdaway, husband and wife; and Hutchinson Credit Union: The N 100 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 149 in the Town Company’s addition to the City of Kiowa, Barber County, Kansas. $50,000. Book 215 Page 15: Cody Anderson, a single person, and Tabatha Ann Haws, a single person; and The First State Bank: The Surface Interest Only
NOW HIRING: Class A Crude Oil Drivers
JP Falco is hiring in Carmen/Cherokee, OK. Competitive hourly pay, plus barrel pay 5 days on, 2 days off / 5 days on, 3 days off (rotating schedule – up to 70 hours week / No Overtime) Comprehensive Medical Benefit plan including Dental, Vision, STD, LTD (eligible the first of the month, following 30 days). Life Insurance (100% Paid by JP Falco) Flexible Spending Account 401k Plan Please fax resume to 469-364-8492 or email Contact: Amanda Sheils 469-310-8441
In and To: The S 81 feet of Lots 30 and 31 and the S 81 feet of the E 15 feet of Lot 29, all in Block 22 in the City of Kiowa, Barber County, Kansas. $22,400. Book 215 Page 41: Jayce W. Rambat and Kendra K Rambat, husband and wife; and Citizen Bank of Kansas: The E/2 of Lot 7 and All of Lot 8 in Block 1 in Deal’s Replat of a part of Highland Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas. $77,000. Book 215 Page 54: Jeffrey L McGuire and Julie A Carey; and Impact Bank: The N/2SE/4 of Section 24, T32S, R11W, Barber County, Kansas. $26,000. Book 215 Page 61: Bill Lee Barnard and Patricia K. Barnard; and The Peoples Bank: A plot of land commencing at a point 30 feet N of the SW corner of the NE/4 of Section 1, T32S, R12W, Barber County Kansas, thence E a distance of 360 feet, thence N a distance of 132 feet, thence W a distance of 360 feet, thence S a distance of 132 feet to the place of beginning in the City of Medicine Lodge. $40,000. Book 215 Page 87: Bryan G. Hellman as a single person; and High Plains Farm Credit, FLCA: The SE/4 of Section 8, T31S, R10W, Barber County, Kansas, containing 1.0 acre, more or less. $137,500. Book 215 Page 93: Between Deidre Johnson, a single person; and The Peoples Bank: Lots 16 in Block 2 in Deal’s Replat of a part of Highland Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas. $20,400. Book 215 Page 105: Christopher E. Boyd and Chelsea M. Boyd, husband and wife; and The Peoples Bank: a tract of land in the NW/4 of Section 15, T30S, R12W. Together with permanent easements for the purpose of ingress and egress, more particularly described as: A strip of land 50 feet wide in the NW/4 of Section 15, T30S, R12W, Barber County, Kansas. $104,800. Book 215 Page 113: Clinton L Lonker and Tammy L Lonker, husband and wife; and Citizens Bank of Kansas: Lots 9 and 10 in Block A in Forsyth Addition to the City of Medicine Lodge, Barber County, Kansas. $94,900.
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Page 57
DEAN GOLL Real Estate & Auction, LLC Call Us For Your Auction Needs!
• (7) 10 acre tracts North of Alva Animals and Pets
WD Guns Open
Pet Photos in Park
Come in & Sign Up For A $50 Gift Certificate! Drawing is July 31st
Crazy Day Sat July 19 9am3pm. Come in, many items on Creature Concerns is hosting pet sale. 510 E Flynn, Alva photos by K-Photo at Hatfield Crazy Sale Park on Sat, July 19 from 6-8pm. Cost is $10 session. First come, All of Busy B Inventory. Baby first serve. More info at www. Equipment, Furniture and Much More. Most Clothing $1 or Less. Meno and Flynn St. Fri 8-3, Sat For Sale 8-3, Sack Sale Sun 10-? Poodle, Chihuahua, Morkie, Red’s Place Open Yorkie Poo, Maltese pups. 620-886- Still serving the Best BBQ, 3458 or 620-213-1490 Fried Chicken, Rib Eye Steaks,
Automotive For Sale
HB & Blue Bunny Ice Cream. Open 11am to 2pm & 5-9pm Mon-Fri
‘96 Chevy 1 Ton dually crew Depot Bar & Grill cab 6.5 Turbo Diesel, 5 speed, Lunch Special-Beef Western Hauler Conversion. 580- Wed Enchilada, Rice, Refried Beans, 541-2338 Orange Pineapple Cake. ThurDesigns & Gifts By Susie Business Services Oven Fried Chicken, Potato Susie Schlarb 3 Blks N. of swimming pool, Alva, OK Salad, Corn on the Cob, Pie. FriSixty Five Days 580-327-0300 • 829-1482 Chicken Fry, Mashed Potatoes, till the BancCentral Big Cruise & Gravy, Corn, Roll, Cake. Full Car Show! Menu. Open at 11 a.m. Full Menu Every Day. Carry-Out CC Construction avail. 580-327-2212 Interior-Exterior improvements. Pasture Tree Clearing Room additions. Plaster Repair & Painting. Handicap. Structural Save moisture & grass. Let me & Non Structural Concrete. clear trees in your pasture. Skid Will also accommodate Farm & Steer & Marshall Tree Saw. Ed Ranch. 580-307-4598 or 620- Grover 580-474-2465 or 580825-4285 542-0298
The Crusher’s Here!
Double B Carpentry
Tin and cars $120 a ton while crusher is here. No mother-inlaws, wire, fencing, wood or tires. 1208 Fair St. Alva. 580327-1313
For all your flooring and carpentry needs from remodeling, painting, drywall, texturing, siding, windows, farm & ranch, etc. 580-748-1489
• 40 acres w/ small home north of Alva • 912 2nd - 2bdrm, 1 bath -Alva, Oklahoma Office 327-8217• Dean 327-7246 Todd 580-747-7825
806 Oklahoma Blvd. • Alva, OK 73717 • • Fax: 580-327-8238
An Auction With Results - Not Promises Ask Our Clients Licensed in Oklahoma and Kansas
SIDWELL INSURANCE ANNUAL FORAGE Did you have Adequate Moisture
for your Wheat Grazing in 2014? If not, did you get compensated for your lack of rainfall? If you answered NO, don’t let it happen again! Deadline July 15th.
Brenda Sidwell, Agent Mobile: 580-548-5788
Bambi Sidwell, Agent Mobile: 405-408-1497
July 16, 2014
HOLDER DRUG 580-327-3332 • 1-800-458-5349 513 Barnes • Alva, Okla.
ALVA STATE BANK & TRUST COMPANY Specialists in Agriculture Lending We’ve Served You 100 Years!
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Page 58
New Daymaker Inspirational Books and Planners Alva Sewing Center
In Business For Your Health Since 1952
Help Wanted
Beadles Nursing Home has a full time opening in Housekeeping and Laundry department. Benefits include vacation, health, life, dental and vision. Application available online at careers/employment/ or pick Be Prepared for Heat up at 916 Noble St. Apply in Crosley Window Air Conditioners person. EOE. are here with America’s only 10 Help Wanted year limited warranty. 5000 to 25,000btu. Starting at $159.99. Erikson Steel is seeking a Class Radio Shack, 609 College. Alva. A CDL Driver/Maintenance Technician. Local hauling. 580580-327-0409 327-3638 or pick-up application All Services Cancelled at 108 College on July 27th at Cedar Grove Help Wanted Church due to District Conference Beadles Nursing Home has a in Osage Beach, MO full or part time openings for Alva Sewing Center nurse aids/medicaion aids. Benefits include vacation, Free Husqvarna Viking Trunk show and Program “Secrets to health, life, dental and vision. Successful Sewing” presented by Application available at www. Educator Darrelle Anderson. Sat b e a d l e s n u r s i n h o m e . c o m / July 26 at 9:30am or 2pm. Seating careers/employment or pick up is limited, reserve your spot today! at 916 Noble St. Apply in person Both sessions are half full already! EOE. 580-327-3312. 418 Barnes Help Wanted Crazy Days Specials. 3 close-out Embroidery/Sewing Machines starting at $2999. One only of each. Hours Sat July 19 8am2:30pm. Mary Anne is out of town so Mark is ready to make some deals. 580-327-3312. 415 Barnes
Steel & Wood Construction experience a plus. Good pay Needed & some benefits. Pick-up Feed Truck Driver & General application at R & R Systems Maintenance. Mechanica skills Inc., 613 Barnes in Alva. 580helpful but not required. Salary 327-3786 dependant on skill set. Apply at Help Wanted Alfalfa County Land and Cattle AUTO • HOME • between the hours of 8-5 M-F. Western Equipment (John Deere LIFE • BUSINESS • Located 4.5 miles N of Cherokee Dealership) in Alva is looking WORKERS’ for a FT Parts Salesman & Lot Help Wanted COMPENSATION Maintenance/Fork Lift Operator. Triple F Oilfield Service is Benefits include: competitive needing a housekeeper. 40 hours/ pay, 401K, Medical/Dental/ week. $8-$10/Hour. Please call Vision Insurance, paid 580-327-2327 vac & holidays. Inquire to Todd Hamilton Help Wanted jlsmith@westernequipmentllc. Insurance Agent com,580-327-0105 or stop by Secretarial position. Send 3126 College Blvd. Alva, OK Resumes to Mackey Livestock. PO Box 852, Alva, 73717 Garage Sales
Come in & Cool Off! Homemade Salads, Cool Desserts, Fresh Cut Deli Meat Open Monday-Friday 201 S. Okla. Cherokee, Oklahoma
580-596-2705 Doyce & Rachel Hager
Corner of 10th & Colorado. Fri 1009 S Okla. Sat 8am-6pm. Sun 5-? Sat 8am-? Call (580) 596-6594 to schedule events. 8am-5pm. Oak 12 gun cabinet Yard Sale with etched glass door, quilting material, scrapbook supplies, 118 Center St. Sat 8am-2pm curio cabinet, recliners, lamps, Lawn Care end tables, lift chair, clothes (kids & adults), video chairs, bar Will Mow Lawns stools, full size bed & frame, bass boat & motors, new microwave, 580-430-1893 hall tree
County Arena Events
For the best natural artesian water delivered to your home or office, Call 580-626-4420
Garage Sale
For Sale
John Deer riding mower. Hydro 522 14th Street in alley between 175 with bagger. $700. Antique 13th and 14th. Sat 8am-noon. weighing scale $150. 580-327Multi-family, desk sewing 2022 machine & cabinet, file cabinet, Miscellaneous games, clothes, misc
Garage Sale (Inside) Final Sale Fri 9am. If raining Sat 9am. 1014 Flynn. 21 inch & 11 inch screen TV’s, 6 inch fan & 17 inch fan, stand & attached lamp, ironing board, iron, tall bookcases, microwave, stand, k. cabinet, toaster, files (paper), towels, washcloths, ladder, desk lamp, clothespins & bags, cannister vac & bags, storage containers, aluminum glasses
Yard Sale
Auction and Real Estate
Estate Sale
Contact Us For All Your Auction Needs &R
300 N Nebraska, Cherokee, OK. July 19 9am-4pm. Phyllis Yard Sale Puffinbarger. Furniture, 204 Barnes. Fri 1-7pm. Sat 8am- couches, lift chair, 2 rockers, king size HB w/Frame, coffee 5pm. Military items & boots, table, dishes, foot and leg knives, misc clothes massager, Salon chair, pedicure chair, games, kids toys, stroller, Estate & Garage Sale bath tub chairs, walker, 2 miles E on 5th St. 1/4 mile N on maternity clothes & other W side of road. July 19 noon to clothes 5pm. July 20 8am-5pm
All Events Are Listed on our Facebook page
Sat 8am-noon. 416 11th Street
Sat., August 2nd - 5pm
Large Garage Sale
Sun., July 20th - 5pm
Garage Sale
Page 59
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
July 16, 2014
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL 227 Oklahoma Blvd, Alva, OK
(580) 327-5151 Office • (580) 430-1985 Kevin (580) 327-7207 Kaylee
1521 Main Street • Waynoka, OK
O Fidelis
For Sale
2 Butler Metal Buildings to be moved. 40x80 $14,000. 40x100 $16,000. 580-327-3638 or 580430-5020
For Sale
Craftsman 1/2” Drill Driver, 19.2 Volt with light, 2 batteries, charger & case, never used $50. Porter Cable 3x21 Belt Sander, never used $80. Craftsman Biscuit Jointer, Multi-Family Sale used once $30. Craftsman 10” Furniture, gas grill & much more. Laser Trac Radial Arm Saw on wheels, used very little $250. Sat 8am-noon. 1823 Cherry Remington 1100 Sporting 2D with 4 chokes, Walnut stock, Multi-Family Sale has never been in the field $750. 9am-1pm. Lots of misc, RYOBI Variable Speed Scroll housewares, formals. 628 Logan Saw $30. Call 580-748-0058
Saturday, July 26th @ 7pm
Gifts For All
Occasions! All New Toys, Jewelry, Woodwick Candles, Tea Towels, Kitchen Tools, Greeting Cards & Many Other Gift Items
Garden Gate Gifts 724 E. 7TH ST. • HELENA, OK
One block east of Pioneer Rd. (Hwy 58) 580-852-3298
July 16, 2014 Race Time! Alva Speedway will be having races on July 19th 7pm at Woods County Fairgrounds. Offset Go-Carts Only. Call 580-430-9082
For Sale Pre Wartime Legal Desk $75. Futon Sofa $100, coffee table $25, Vintage towel rack $20, Antique Metal Roll Top Foldable typewriter desk $15, Antique wooden CD rack $10, 4 Radial Snowtrakker tires P85/65R/485S $60/each, stairstep ladder $5. 580-307-4553
Real Estate For Sale By Owner 3bdrm, 1 bth, laundry room, bonus upstairs room, heating and air new in 2010. All appliances go with the house including washer and dryer. 580-829-2000
For Sale by Owner Beautifully updated 4bdrm home in Cherokee, OK. 4170sqft m/l w/full basement. Great property & move in ready! Visit website at or call 580-748-2888 leave message
For Rent 3 BR country home, NE Alf Co, large garage/shop, 1 yr contract, $800 mo. + deposit. 620-842-2350
For Rent Large 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single family home. Large living area, lots of storage, utility room, second living area/or play room. Built in stove & oven. Storage buiding in fenced back yard. Rent is $1250/Month. No pets, no smoking. Deposit of $1250 required. 612 Murray Drive. Available August 1, 2014. Call 580327-1612 for appointment to see home
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Page 60
Community Calendar Wednesday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Kiwanis Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 7 p.m. Alva Moose Lodge men’s meeting is held every Wednesday. Thursday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. Noon Alva Rotary Club meets at Champs Restaurant. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 3-6 p.m. Food distribution every
NEW LISTINGS 1602 Murray; 522 Spruce; 519 11th; 717 7th; 817 1st; 526 9th Price Reductions on 531 13th & 630 Center, 731 13th. See These Soon! CALL PAT 580-327-4337 OR 580-430-5743, TERRI BROWN 580-829-3164 or Cris CAMPBELL 580-732-0422
For Sale 3bdrm Brick House with Garage on corner lot. 930 Okla Blvd. 580-748-0312
For Rent 2bdrm house with washer & dryer. 580732-7181
Thursday, Alva Wesleyan Food Bank, 818 Lane St. 5:30 p.m. Weight Watchers meets every Thursday at College Hill Church of Christ in Alva. 7 p.m. La Leche League meets the third Thursday of the month at the Alva First Baptist Church. LLL is a breastfeeding group supporting pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous will meet at 1027 8th (Wesley House) in Alva every Monday and Thursday. Friday 9 a.m. The Woods County Senior Citizens Center, 625 Barnes, Alva, is open for games and other activities. Exercise is scheduled each day at 11 a.m. Transportation provided upon request. 2-5 p.m. The Cherokee Strip Museum in Alva is open every day except Monday. For information or arranged tours, call 580-327-2030. 6:30 p.m. A covered dish dinner will be held at the Woods County Senior Citizens Center, Alva. 7 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous meets every Friday at the Senior Citizen Center, 122 1/2 E. Second, Cherokee.
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
Page 61
“Old School House, Hopeton, OK” July 19, 8am-1pm - All Items Are FREE
(with Coupon)
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MOVIE DEAL! Rent 1st Movie, Get 2nd movie for degree of temperature at Noon (Mondays Only)
We Have Sub Sandwiches, And Don’t Forget our f’real machine in many flavors for those hot days! Sunday-Thursday 6am-10pm Friday & Saturday 6am-11pm
SUMMER HOURS DISCOUNTS STILL AVAILABLE! •3¢ Per Gallon Discount On Fuel Purchases With Cash
700 Main St., Kiowa, KS
Men’s Wrangler Jeans, 32-50 Casual Trousers & Shorts Ladies Jeans & Shorts Sweaters, Girls, Boys, Ladies Blouses, Large Size Gift Bags, Hallmark Christmas Wrapping Paper Thank You Cards & Invitations Sheets 108x60; Bed Pads 33x35 Twin Size Mattress Pads Sun Screen - Bull Frog Shave Cream & Misc. All Size Cloth, Totes Auto Bulbs, Fuses, & Etc. Cement Trowels & Levels Electric Cords Books & Valentine Candy Miscellaneous Merchandise EVERY ITEM IS FREE NO FOOD
620-825-4223 • 1-866-831-3835 2013 MOCHA BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM II: 2009 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON X-CAB 4X2 LT:
SPECIAL 2014 MAROON CHEVY IMPALA LT: V6 Auto, PS, PW, PL, Sunroof, Leather, Nav, Loaded, 17K
Leather, Heat & Cooled Seats, Chrome Wheels, Loaded, GM Company Car, 5.3 V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, T&C, Local Trade, 66K..................................$18,995 20K........................................................................................................$28,500 2007 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT
2013 SILVER CHEVY ½ TON CREW CAB LT 2WD: 5.3 V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, Tow Pkg, Sliding Bed Cover, Z71 4X4: PS, PW, PL, CD, 1 Owner, Like New, 24K....................$31,995 82K........................................................................................................$16,995 2012 BROWN CHEVY ¾ TON HD CREW CAB 2010 RED JEWEL CHEVY TRAVERSE LT2: LT Z71 4X4: 6.6 Diesel, 6sp Allison, PS, PW, PL, 20” Wheels, Local AWD, V6, Auto PS, PW, PL, OnStar, XM, Tow Pkg, Quad Seats, Local Trade,
Trade, Z71 Appearance Pkg, 47K.......................................................$41,995 56K........................................................................................................$19,995
2012 BLACK CADILLAC PERFORMANCE 2009 WHITE CHEVY 1 TON REG CAB LT 4X4: Single Wheel Diesel Auto, PW, PL, CD, Hillsboro Flatbed, LUXURY PACKAGE CTS AWD: 73K........................................................................................................$25,500 3.6, V6, Auto, Roof, Leather, Loaded, 12K...........................................$32,995 2011 GOLDMIST CHEVY IMPALA LT: 2011 SILVER BUICK ENCLAVE CXL: V6, Auto, PS, PW, PL, OnStar, XM, New Tires, 47K...............................$13,500 v6, auto, leather, AWD, Heat Seats, OnStar, XM, 48K.........................$27,995 2010 RED CAMARO SS: 2010 RED CHEVY EQUINOX AWD LT: V8, Auto, PS, PW, PL, Polished 20” Wheels, 22K.................................$19,995 V6, Auto, Touch Screen Nav, PS, PW, PL, OnStar, Local Trade, 2012 SILVER CHEVY X-CAB Z71 4X4: 93K........................................................................................................$14,995 5.3 V8 Auto, PS, PW, PL, T&C, Local Trade, 30K...................................$27,995 2009 SILVER CHEVY EQUINOX SPORT AWD: V6, Auto, Sunroof, Leather, Heat Seats, New Tires, 96K.....................$11,995 2010 WHITE CHEVY TRAVERSE LT2: 8 Pass, PS, PW, PL, T&C, New Tires, Local Trade, 70K..........................$17,995 2008 CHEVY ½ TON XCAB LT: 4.8 V8, 2WD, PW, PL, T&C, CD, 101K....................................................$13,995 2007 SILVER CHEVY X-CAB Z71 4X4: 2007 RED CORVETTE 3LT CONV. Ls3: V8 Auto P. Top 5.3 V8 Auto, PS, PW, PL, T&C, CD, 84K..................................................$16,995
-Chrome Wheels. PS, PW, PL, Touch Nav. Heads Up. Sold It New 1 Owner. 39k........................................................................................................$33,995
CHEVROLET 1-800-464-2693
B U I C K Call Steve or Kraig at 620-886-5622 or 800-464-2693 Medicine Lodge, Kansas
July 16, 2014
Alva Review-Courier/Newsgram
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Barber County court filings
Criminal Filings Robert Lee Holt, no age listed, Hardtner: Giving a worthless check; Value < $1,000. Otto J. Schwerdtfeger, 1983, Medicine Lodge: Battery; Bodily harm to another. Alejundro A. Leon, 1989, Medicine Lodge: (1) Disorderly conduct; Fighting words or noisy conduct to cause resentment; (2) Criminal damage to property; Without consent value < $1000; (3) Assault. Anthony Paul Petardi Jr., 1980, Medicine Lodge: Domestic battery; Knowing or reckless bodily harm to family member. Jeffrey D. Cox, 1976, Medicine Lodge: (1) Ignition interlock device; Tamper to render inaccurate or inoperative; (2) Violation of restrictions on driver’s license or permit; (3) Interference with law enforcement officer; Obstruct warrant service or execution. Civil Filings Rebekah Winters English: Name change. Limited Civil Filings Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital & Physicians Clinic vs. Patricia Turner: Indebtedness in the sum of $1,289.30. Small Claims Filings The Peoples Bank vs. Nancy Barton: Indebtedness in the amount of $280.55. The Peoples Bank vs. Jason Duncan: Indebtedness in the amount of $1,292.41. Domestic Relations Filings Kimberly J. Otto vs. Jason H. Otto: Protection from abuse (dismissed). Jessie Marie Moody vs. Adam Josephe Moody: Divorce. Marriage Filings Shay Silvey Farr, age 27, of Medicine Lodge and Danielle Alysh Lacore, age 25, of Medicine Lodge. Christopher Todd Fischer, age 24, of Sharon and Brianna Dechenne Smith, age “Helping Hands Across Northwest Oklahoma”
620 Flynn Street - Alva, Oklahoma 73717 PH: (580) 327-2900 - FAX: (580) 327-1337
21, of Medicine Lodge. Allen Duane Stackhouse, age 29, of Medicine Lodge and Helen Lynn Robinson, age 28, of Medicine Lodge. Traffic Filings Paul L Arline, 50, Wichita: Transporting open container ($196). Gary L Clark, 59, Wichita: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($0). Clayton J Colborn, 17, Augusta: Driving on left in no-passing zone ($171). Dickey R Collins, no age or address listed: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($141). Jacob Russell Harmon, 20, Sharon: Defective headlamps on motor vehicle ($296). Kiley Lynn Kaiser, 18, Cunningham: Racing on highways ($396). Tyler D Nemechek, 19, Attica: Failure to yield at stop or yield sign ($171). Robert H Rennaker Jr., 25, Pratt: License to be carried and exhibited upon demand ($196). John Anthony Sis, 58, Medicine Lodge: Report accident involving damage to vehicle or property; proof of insurance ($196). Jesse R Murphy, no age or address listed: Failure to wear seatbelt ($10). Darren James Seachris, no age or address listed: Defective tail lamp on motor vehicle ($96). Darren James Seachris, no age or address listed: Defective reflectors on motor vehicle ($0). Richard Aaron Streck, 22, Hillsdale, Okla.: Failure to yield at stop or yield sign ($171). Oscar Guillermo Vallejo Tolentino, no age or address listed: Failure to yield at stop or yield sign ($171). The following individuals were cited for speeding: Louis Arthur Barlow, no age or address listed: 75 in 65 ($141).
If you are 18 years old or younger and not living with your parents due to being homeless, runaway, or at risk for one of these conditions please come by or call Northwest Family Services at 580-327-2900. We are located at 620 Flynn Street in Alva. We have information that may be helpful to you. There is no charge for our services.
Linda Marie Becker, no age or address listed: 75 in 65 ($141). George R. Brown Jr., 38, Pratt: 82 in 65 ($183). Karen Gail Glover, no age or address listed: 76 in 65 ($147). Nathanial Conrad Kuhr, 22, Attica: 72 in 55 ($183). Taylor R. Lux, 98, Mulberry, Ark.: 75 in 65 ($141). Serra Nichelle Nave, no age or address listed: 81 in 65 ($177). Miguel A. Ramos, 64, Lebanon, Conn.: 62 in 45 ($183). Hector S. Sachez Solis, 37, Albuqurque, N.M.: 79 in 65 ($165). Robert Alan Swinford, 42, Medicine Lodge: 92 in 65 ($264). Tisha L. Tucker, 48, Winfield: 78 in 65 ($159). Marietta Watkins, 53, Cleo Springs, Okla.: 76 in 65 ($147). Tommy Joe Williams, no age or address listed: 79 in 65 ($165). Michael Duane Zimmerman, 56, Hays: 78 in 65 ($159). Kevin Arthur Clifft, no age or address listed: 96 in 65 ($306). Earl F. Coleman, no age or address listed: 77 in 65 ($153). Charles K. Cunningham, 35, Wichita: 75 in 65 ($153). Donald A. Demel, no age or address listed: 80 in 65 ($171). Dale W. Hamit, no age or address listed: 76 in 65 ($147). Alesha Irene Livesay, no age or address listed: 80 in 65 ($171). William C. Mantey, 56, Pratt: 75 in 65 ($141). Karen L. McClellan, 99, Luling, Texas: 45 in 35 ($141). Nasario E. Mendoza, no age or address listed: 82 in 65 ($183). Bari M. Pearl, no age or address listed: 86 in 65 ($210).
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