Clondalkin News

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Food parcels For students

14Th Jan. 2013 P.O. bOx 3430, TaLLaghT, DUbLIn 24 TeL: 451 3822 email: web:

Local representative Deputy Seán Crowe has said that student unions are now having to set up food parcels for students who are finding it too difficult to afford basic food items due to grant delays in getting their maintenance payment. The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) has backed up the claims stating that many Third Level students are struggling and unable to pay for rent and food due to the on-going delays in the processing of their grants.

Deputy Seán Crowe said “We are now into the second term of the college year and there are still 5,500 students out there who have yet to receive any of their grant payment. The delays have always been a source of great stress for those affected but the situation is now at crisis point.

“I am also extremely concerned at the news that students may be forced to drop out of their courses because they are hungry or

because they cannot afford somewhere to live close to their college. This is the new the reality for students in the Ireland of 2013. “The new student delivery payment or SUSI system has been an unqualified failure for government and a disaster for thousands of students awaiting their vital financial supports. Sinn Féin has constantly highlighted that the website requires major improvements and the need for a proper tracking process is



“Late last year we also raised our growing concerns about the of standard communications in relation to the status of grant applications which we and others regarded as being extremely poor. The ongoing problems with the helpdesk staff being under-resourced or the deeper flaws with the system are being deliberately and officially being played down.




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diFFerinG outcoMes For larGe-scale ceMetery proposals in south dublin

proposals for Two large-scale cemeteries in south Dublin have met with differing outcomes following appeals to an bord Pleanala.

an application for a cemetery in Lucan comprising 3,461 number

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plots, ancillary buildings and 40 number car parking spaces south of new esker burial grounds has met with a favourable decision from an bord Pleanala. The bord upheld the decision of South Dublin County Council who had recommended a grant

of permission. In making their decision the board had regard to the location of the site, the established cemetery uses in the vicinity including the existing esker cemetery which is approaching capacity, and to the zoning of the lands.

another proposal for a cemetery in Rathcoole comprising 2,042 number plots, ancillary buildings and 100 car park spaces on a 3.5 hectare agricultural site at Calliaghstown Lower (near the Calliaghstown Riding Centre) was rejected by the

board. There were two reasons for refusal. The first reason related to traffic hazard associated with the substandard public road serving the site and the restricted sightlines. The second reason resulted to public health arising from

the potential for ground water pollution as there is a a seasonally high water table at this site, and the depth of unsaturated soil available to accommodate burials does not compare favourably with technical guidance available.

Food parcels For students FroM paGe 1

"The new system was supposed to improve the processing system but students complain that it is cumbersome and inefficient. The long delays would suggest even to the most optimistic that under its present format it's not up to the job. “Last year, I thought that there was a possibility that the government did not realise the very real hardship that these delays were causing thousands of students. as the delay continues into this year it seems that they are more than aware of the problem but that they simply don't have the wherewithal to give the resources to fix the new SUSI system."

eXtra €3 Million For student assistance Fund WelcoMed

Labour T.D. eamonn Maloney, has welcomed €3 million additional funding to the Student assistance Fund. “This €3 million additional funding will offer immediate relief to many third level students who are experiencing financial hardship. January is often a difficult month for many and I am confident that this additional resource will be put to good use. “administered via third level institutions across the country, this fund currently helps over

Whole house oFFer

13,000 students – with this extra money it is hoped that a further 3,000 students can seek aid – bringing the total amount of claimants to 16,000. “all registered full-time under-graduate and post-graduate students who are attending approved third level courses are eligible to apply. I would urge all students experiencing financial distress to apply for assistance from the fund through the access Officer in their institution.”


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Councillor Matthew McDonagh and Dublin Mid West Representative Eoin Ó Broin and Rita Doyle, Chairperson of North Clondalkin Sinn Féin pictured at a protest against the Family Home Tax outside Leinster House.

FaMily hoMe taX opposed

Clondalkin Sinn Féin Matthew Councillor McDonagh, has stated that Clondalkin Sinn Féin members are actively campaigning to oppose the imposition of the Family home Tax.

Councillor McDonagh said “We in Clondalkin Sinn Féin oppose the government’s unfair tax on the family home. This is not a property tax, it is a tax on family homes. “It is not acceptable that the government is prepared to use all means possible to enforce this tax on families already struggling to put food on the table, and

paying their weekly bills. The government's position is unacceptable and they must be stopped. “I have spoken to many families, who will be unable to pay this charge. Clondalkin Sinn Féin members are actively campaigning on the ground to resist the introduction of the tax on the family home. It is not law yet. It can be stopped. “Sinn Féin has an alternative that is fair, a wealth tax – that is levied on the property of the wealthy. The government had that option and chose not to take it. They must be persuaded now to tax

wealth, not homes. “I am calling on every citizen in Clondalkin to make a stand and resist the imposition of this unfair home tax. There is time to get the government to reverse this decision. There are alternatives.

“This tax is the brainchild of Fianna Fáil. If the government is allowed to legislate for it, then it will be the tipping point for families across the state. The government – Labour and Fine gael – are ignoring the plight of the people and together we must make it clear to them that enough is enough.”

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Local Fine gael TD and Minister of State, brian hayes, has welcomed the announcement that free educating and training places are being provided for up 6,500 people who are long-term unemployed. The MOMenTUM programme is a new government initiative, which has been launched by the Minister for education, Ruairí Quinn TD, and the Minister of State for Training and Skills, Ciarán Cannon TD.

“Creating job opportunities, particularly for the long-term unemployed, is a key aim for this government. We are completely rebuilding what was a broken economy, and a crucial part of this process ensuring that our is workforce has the right skills to meet the challenges of tomorrow. These 6,500 new education and training places are particularly focussed on giving jobseekers access to areas

of the economy where there are opportunities. “Under this initiative, a huge range of programmes will be provided by 36 education and training providers in the public and private sector. They will be spread right across the country, and will focus on the expanding employment areas of ICT, digital media, healthcare and social services, the green economy, food processing and sales and marketing.

“The courses will be specifically tailored to meet the needs of the long-term unemployed, using international best practice to suit the Irish context. For younger jobseekers, a range of activation projects will also be available for those aged under 25 to help them get into the workforce.

“as a government, we are determined to get people back to work. We have already seen some progress

in terms of employment figures; the number of people on the Live Register has fallen by more than 12,000 over the last year. Private sector employment is growing for the first time in four years, with thousands of jobs being created in the exporting sectors and in IDa-supported companies. We need to ensure our workforce has the right skills to maximise these emerging opportunities.

unemployed “helping people access high quality and economically relevant training opportunities will help to turn around our jobs market. MOMenTUM places an emphasis on strong labour market opportunities including significant work placement as an integrated part of courses. Funding will only be provided for courses that supply needed skills, ensuring people are getting the training they need to get back to work.”

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coWboy operators Will be sorted

Derek Keating TD, has received a positive response from his correspondence to the Minister for the environment, Phil hogan, and a reply to his Dáil Question on 4th December 2012 to which Derek Keating drew attention to the low standards of service being provided by private operators who have replaced Local authorities to collect refuse. Keating said “not a week has gone by but I receive numerous complaints particularly about the private operator, greyhound, with the disastrous and environmentally unfriendly service that is provided since they were awarded the contract in Dublin Mid-West. I met with the Minister on a number of occasions informally and raised questions in the Dáil on 4th December to highlight the plight of many residents.”

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“The Minister has given me a commitment that he is planning to review his Waste Management Policy published in July 2012. The Minister will in the new Year bring in a customers’ charter which will require that service providers such as greyhound will be obliged to clearly set out information such as charging structures, procedures for dealing with customers who fall into arrears, the ending of contracts with waste collectors and the standard of service that will be provided in the waste industry. This charter will come ahead of a new regulatory regime. This regulatory regime will have statutory obligations on private operators and will also aid Local authorities to develop and enhance environment performance and ensure that a quality service is delivered. earlier this year, I sought to have a

meeting with Deputy Robert Dowds and the CeO of greyhound Refuse. The CeO of greyhound did not have the courtesy to reply to my invitation. he ignored every piece of correspondence and communication. This is the standard that he has operated throughout the County of Dublin and indeed the city. I drew all of this to the Minister’s attention recently and today I received a formal reply from the Minister outlining his plans to deal with unacceptable standards, negative behaviour and in many cases a breach of contract for customers who have paid for service in advance. I am satisfied that legislation and regulation will be implemented in the new Year and refuse operators will be obliged to answer directly to customers and to Local authorities for their shortcomings.” Keating concluded.

surVeyors reMind hoMe sellers on neW ber reGulations The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has reminded property owners that all properties for sale or to let must display a building energy Rating (beR) certificate on all advertising effective from January 9th. The SCSI said that new building energy Regulations, which are being implemented at a european level, will require the building energy Rating of a property to be published on all marketing materials for the property. beR certificates, introduced in 2009, are essentially a guide to the energy efficiency of the property. They rate the property on a grade from a-g, with a being the most energy efficient. “My advice for anyone considering selling or letting their property is to have their property energy rated as the first step before contacting an agent as the agent will not be in a position to market the property until they have the beR certificate. a full list of beR assessors is available on the SeaI website ” said ed Carey, Chairman of the Residential Property group of the Society of Chartered Surveyors (SCSI). There are exemptions for certain categories of homes, for example, protected structures and certain temporary homes.

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increase in hoMelessness needs to tackled 8

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Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has said that the government needs to wake up to the growing homeless crisis in Dublin and across the state. The delay in releasing suitable naMa housing for families and individuals is unacceptable. a recently released report from the Dublin Regional homelessness Consultative Forum shows that there has been a sharp rise in the number of people sleeping rough in the capital. Deputy Seán Crowe said “The report from the Dublin Regional homelessness Consultative Forum shows that a minimum of 87 people were sleeping rough when they conducted their count on the night of november 13. “however they usually conduct a self-reporting follow up count the next morning at the Merchants Quay early

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breakfast service, which on average adds 14 more people to their count. This unfortunately could not happen because the breakfast service was not running on the morning of the november 14. So the real figure could 101 people sleeping rough on Dublin’s streets.

“In the same report in april, 73 were counted as sleeping rough, in last winter’s report 87 were counted, in the winter of 2010 it was 70 and 60 in 2009. “This report clearly indicates that there has been a sharp rise in the number of people sleeping rough and the government must take action on this issue immediately. The delay in releasing suitable naMa housing for families

Ireland has witnessed a huge sea change in the traditional following in both the Catholic and Protestant faiths. The decline in mass attendance, the change in religious practices and the shift away from an unquestioned obedience of strict doctrine are examples of this change. but one element of spirituality and faith remains strong, one which reaches back far into the history of faith and belief in Ireland – that of healing. Throughout Irish cities, towns and villages, whether acknowledged or not, live the healers, and the healed, with daily experiences of cures for sickness and pain, cancers, mental illness’s and degenerative conditions. This uncelebrated tradition has been part of our society for hundreds of years, and remains active today despite the evolution of our current medical model of health. Maccana Teoranta, the media production company responsible for ‘The boys of St Columb’s (2010)’, is turning to this area for their next film documentary. In a forthcoming program, scheduled for broadcast in april 2013, Kevin McCann will explore the many aspects to this amazing tradition, looking at the lives of the healers and the healed

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“The government needs to act immediately to help the most vulnerable in our society or we will continue to see a rise in homelessness and people sleeping rough in our towns and cities.”

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and individuals is unacceptable “In the 2013 budget the government cut support for homelessness services by 7%. To cut this vital support, at a time when homelessness is increasing, is a mistake by the government and it needs to be reversed. “This cut coupled with on-going austerity measures in successive budgets will ensure that more people will become vulnerable to the risk of homelessness.

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and exploring their understandings of what is it that enables cures to take place. The program will question faith healing and the power of ‘the Cure’. Is it seen still as the power of god or more the power of oneself? how does one become a healer? are you ‘chosen’ to have the power? Is it an untapped resource in all of us or a unique gift handed down through the generations? In a world where modern medicine is a big industry, how have these cures managed to stand the test of time?

This is an important story and we would like your contribution. Maccana Teoranta is an award winning independent production company working with international broadcasters making interesting and dynamic fiction and non-fiction projects. We are looking for information from people who have had an encounter with a healer, who are healers, who have witnessed ‘a cure’ or who have another story to share. please contact Maccana Teoranta at 38 Fontenoy st, phibsborough, dublin 7, phone naoise on 087 6556121 or email


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calliaGhstoWn decision a Victory For rural rathcoole Your FREE Local Newspaper

Local T.D and Minister for Children and Youth affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, has welcomed the upholding of her and Cllr. Tony Delaney’s objections to an bord

Pleanala with respect to a controversial planning application for a cemetery in Calliaghstown, Rathcoole. Frances Fitzgerald backed

local residents concerns and successfully objected to the proposal for this cemetery when planning permission was first sought. The Council upheld the concerns

The Minister for education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D., has announced free home access to the online edition of encyclopaedia britannica for all school-going children.

announcing the new development, Minister Quinn said, "I am committed to providing digital content to students that enhances their learning through the Our use of technology. children and young people will now have access to britannica Online in their own homes and this means that whatever their ability, they can learn at their own pace.

quizzes. It is updated with new material daily.

Free access For students to online encyclopaedias

For the past three years, primary and post-primary schools have had access to the resource, and today’s roll-out is an expansion of this service. britannica Online School edition is a unique and comprehensive resource designed for all levels of learning. It has four age-specific learning areas which contain various engaging teaching and learning materials, all designed to build confidence and inspire continuous discovery.

“access is available to britannica remotely via the website and will encourage students to continue the process of learning at home.” britannica Online has more than 129,000 articles with over 46,000 graphics, 4,000 videos, plus audio clips, interactive games and

With an average of 160,000 visits per month, provides a central resource to teachers, pupils and parents, offering access to a growing repository of advice and information.

The announcement comes as the roll-out of high-speed broadband to second level schools continues, with a further 200 schools expected to be connected by September of 2013. a public procurement process in summer 2012 resulted in a contract with encyclopaedia britannica for the provision of online digital reference content services.

neW For 2013

Fitzgerald, along with her Fine gael Colleagues Tony Delaney and emer higgins, has made a detailed submission on a planning decision at the nearby behan’s Quarry. “a cemetery at this location would have been very concerning for the area and had the potential to have detrimental consequences on this water supply. The cemetery was to be situated on a hill above the water supply and in a very strong limestone area. This had the potential for huge consequences on the local water supply.”

Minister Fitzgerald also highlighted the issue of traffic congestion, explaining that the roads locally are not suitable. “The Council, in their refusal of this application, acknowledged that a development on the site would pose a serious threat to road safety in the area. as the roads are narrow around Calliaghstown, cars would have to give way and

there were concerns that this could cause accidents, considering the increase in traffic volume,” explained Fitzgerald.

“The refusal of permission for this development is the right decision for the area,” said Fitzgerald’s colleague Cllr. Tony Delaney.

“The minor roads in the surrounding area are in poor condition and for the most part very narrow. These roads would be incapable of handling traffic associated with funerals which could pose serious safety hazards. There was much concern locally also regarding potential health risks of the opening up of a cemetery in land near waterbeds,” said Cllr. Tony Delaney.

“I would like to thank all the residents in Calliaghstown who took the time to object as well as my colleague Cllr. Tony Delaney. We all believed that this was not in the best interests of either the local environment or residents and I am glad that the Council recognised that," concluded Fitzgerald.

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“This is a victory for the people of rural Rathcoole. The scenic surrounds of Rathcoole are, unfortunately, often the setting for inappropriate planning applications. Together with residents in Rathcoole Village and Windmill hill we are currently fighting plans for a waste processing facility at behans Quarry and the people of Calliaghstown and I have been fighting against this proposed cemetery for a number of years. It is great to at last have closure on this issue and I hope that we will have as successful a result in our an bord

Pleanala case on behan’s Quarry,” said Minister Frances Fitzgerald.

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of locals and refused permission for the project but the developers later appealed their decision to an bord Pleanala. Fitzgerald and Delaney again made detailed submissions on the proposal and highlighted the huge concern locally. Their concerns were taken into account by an bord Pleanala who this week have refused permission for the cemetery in what Fitzgerald has described as a victory for the people of Rathcoole.

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GoVernMent launches 'the GatherinG' While ‘the scatterinG’ continues Your FREE Local Newspaper

Figures released from the Central Statistics Office show that 238 people a day left Ireland during 2012, as emigration surged to levels not experienced since the famine.

Sinn féin spokesperson for enterprise trade and employment, Peadar Tóibín, that while the said government is launching 'The gathering' the reality is that ‘The Scattering’ of Irish people across the globe continues apace.

“This is a disastrous situation for tens of thousands of families who have been forced to up sticks and separate from their extended families.

“Many of these people will be boarding planes and boats and returning abroad after the Christmas. emigration is also having a detrimental effect on the society that's being left behind. The 15-24 age group is shrinking significantly here in Ireland. “In 2006 there were 638,000 people of this age group in the country. In January 2012 the number had fallen by 130,000, almost all accounted for by emigration.

“In the years leading up to crash, there were about 325,000 employed under-25s in the State. That has reduced to 130,000. For every 10 jobs that existed at the beginning

of 2008, six have disappeared. emigration is also taking its toll on the Irish birth rate. There were 1,200 fewer born in 2011 than the previous year mostly due to the high emigration rate amongst young mothers.

“These shocking numbers are a direct outcome of this government’s economic policy. The Fine gael/Labour government is committed to one priority and that is the repayment of private debt. The debt collector is being paid but whole sections of society are being deleted from before our eyes. Unbridled austerity without stimulus and investment is ravaging the most vulnerable and sending


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our young people abroad.”

Deputy Tóibín is calling for the issue of emigration to be put front and centre in economic policy debate in 2013 and is calling for those emigrants that have returned for Christmas to get involved in the campaign and sign up to the Irish emigrants Speak Up Page. shemigrantsSpeakUp

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Jobs FiGures and stronG eXchequer returns brinG proMisinG start to 2013


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Local Fine gael TD and Minister of State, brian hayes has said that jobs figures released by enterprise Ireland bring a promising start to 2013. More than 13,600 new jobs were created by Irish exporting companies last year, representing the highest net gain in jobs in 6 years. The latest exchequer returns also show that the State’s finances are continuing to stabilise. “The publication of enterprise Ireland’s end of year results brought

a positive start to 2013, and shows that we are making consistent progress on the jobs front. Irish exporting companies created more than 13,600 new jobs in 2012; a net gain of more than 3,800. That’s the highest net gain since 2006. The end of year exchequer figures brought further encouraging news; they show that tax revenues were ahead of targets last year. “Creating new jobs and bringing our public finances into balance are essential as we

our tackle unemployment levels, which remain far too high. The government has been tasked with completely rebuilding the economy from a broken, failed model, to a sustainable one based on innovation and enterprise. as well as implementing changes to support small, local businesses, we are also determined to help as many companies as possible to expand into lucrative export markets. “a number of measures

been have implemented as part of the action Plan for Jobs specifically targeted at potential helping exporters. These include a new Potential exporters Division within enterprise Ireland, a new Micro enterprise Division, a scheme to target international entrepreneurs and another to promote greater female entrepreneurship. This was underlined by an aggressive programme of sixteen Ministerial level trade missions

targeting new growth markets for Irish companies. “It is significant that 73% of the jobs gains have been located in areas outside the Dublin/Mid-eastern Region. after large job losses in the exporting sector in 2008, 2009 and 2010, these results for 2012 mark a significant improvement in this crucial part of the economy.

“The Taoiseach recently underlined his determination to keep job creation at the top

of the political agenda. a special Cabinet meeting on jobs will be held this month, with a particular focus on small and medium enterprises and the domestic economy. The government will continue to implement a range of measures aimed specifically at job creation, with this year’s action Plan for Jobs due to be published shortly. “Irish companies are proving that they have the capacity and the ambition to expand into new markets. For every one job created in an

Ireland enterprise company, an additional job is created in the domestic economy. new jobs were created last year despite the fact that most export markets were in economic difficulty. The global economy should improve in the year ahead; representing a major opportunity for Irish companies to further expand in 2013. I am confident that the progress shown by Irish companies over the last 12 months can be improved in the year ahead.”

chernobyl children international

Adi Roche’s Chernobyl Children International (CCI) is delighted to announce its charity partner nomination for the annual BHP Insurance Irish Champion Hurdle event at Leopardstown on Sunday 27 January 2013. Pictured at the announcement were L to R: Pat Keogh, CEO, Leopardstown, Adi Roche, CEO, Chernobyl Children International, Jockey Bryan Cooper and Mark Phelan, Managing Director, BHP Insurances. (Pic. Brian McEvoy) Make a life-saving donation to the work of Chernobyl Children international today. To donate now visit

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ForMer headMistress calls For all-party action on threat oF social Media


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Fine gael TD and former headmistress, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, has called for an all-Party approach to tackle the destructive potential of social media. Deputy Mitchell

O’Connor added that the week children return to school is an opportune time to discuss the devastating impact cyber bullying is having on our children and teenagers.

"It is impossible to quantify how many deaths have been caused or contributed to in this country by the negative elements of social media. The unconstrained venom

being directed at individuals on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube is undoubtedly doing untold damage. “There are fresh reports this weekend of the sort of abuse young

Direct Via M50

people are being subjected to online. a video of a Dublin teenager in an argument with a group of young men has been viewed more than a quarter of a million times, despite the fact that the first publisher, YouTube, took it down as soon as their monitors noticed that unacceptable messages were being posted about it. "The move by YouTube to take down the video did not stop it going viral on various other sites. It's too easy to take a critical view of the behaviour shown in the video. Most adults recognise that they did

things in their teenage years that they'd never do again. The difference, of course, is in the past, every teenage mistake was not recorded on a smartphone. It's shocking to that now every mistake can be immortalised online. “a further cause for concern is new software which allows pornographic material to be sent to and viewed by a young person, before disappearing from their device's screen and hard drive within minutes. The nature of this damaging software makes it impossible to track or trace.

“It's time politicians, school authorities and parents did everything in their power to limit the risk being posed to our children and teenagers. Clearly, the current lack of regulation of social media is dangerous to people of all ages. but the threat it poses to the mental health of vulnerable young people is of particular concern to me as a former headmistress. I would urge the Ministers for Communication, for Children and for education to consider what initiatives could be implemented to deal with this threat.”

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neW year resolutions


Your FREE Local Newspaper

hse serVice plan Generates More questions than ansWers For older people There is a disturbing lack of detail in the hSe Service Plan 2013 published last week. Ms. Patricia Conboy, Director of Older & bolder said: “There are more questions than answers for older people arising from this new Plan. It announces a cut of 2.6% to the budget for older people, the biggest reduction in funding for any single care group in 2013. Worryingly, the plan provides no detail about how this cut is going to be implemented.” Patricia Conboy said that Older & bolder would like to celebrate the commitment in the 2013 Service Plan to maintain home help hours at January 2012 hours. however, she said “We cannot celebrate this commitment just yet”. She explained: “There is a need for more information on the commitment in the 2013 Service Plan to maintain home help hours at January 2012 levels. Originally, the hSe set itself a target of providing 10.7 million home help hours in 2012. now the hSe is saying that, due to ‘a technical adjustment’, the target should have been 10.3 million home help hours and the commitment now is to deliver that same number of hours (10.3m) in 2013. What we need is some forensic detail on ‘the technical adjustment’ and why the lost 400,000 hours should not form part of a service target in 2013”. Ms. Conboy concluded: “Over the course of two budgetary years, we have gone from 11.9 million hours of home help in 2011 to 10.3 million in 2013. This reduction will hurt older people suffering disability, frailty and life limiting illnesses, as well as children and people with disabilities”.

You are now well into January. Did you keep your new Year Resolutions? If you did you are in a very small minority. It is a fact that more than 90% of people who make a new Year Resolution fail without help. This is because they are dependent on willpower and change through willpower is very difficult. For most people it is impossible. The resultant failure has a negative impact on your self esteem. as a result, for most people new Year Resolutions are counterproductive. Did you know that just one act of self-control (willpower) depletes your ability to exercise self-control in another unrelated area? If you get stressed out for any reason, your focus and energy is diverted and as a result your ability to control habits you are working on goes out the window. Your habits of

overeating, nail biting, procrastinating, or even smoking are not conscious decisions. The triggers that activate those reside deep in your subconscious mind. The research and probably your own experience clearly show that using conscious willpower is simply not a winning strategy. Willpower requires energy, effort and levels of concentration that are not available in sufficient quantity. so how do you make these changes and keep your resolutions without conscious willpower? The only effective method for making changes of this nature is to bypass the conscious mind with hypnosis. The use of hypnosis is approved and validated by mainstream scientific organizations like the american Medical association and the british Medical association.

at the University of Iowa they are doing MRI studies where you actually see the brain following instructions under hypnosis. People are actually seen shutting off the feelings of pain. The pain gateways in the brain can actually be seen being blocked while under hypnotic suggestion. if pain can be successfully controlled under hypnosis, you can understand how overeating, stress, smoking cessation and your personal productivity can be brought under control. With the economic we are downturn, getting a huge amount of requests from people who want to quit smoking. Most of them have tried every other known method and failed before coming to hypnosis, the only known method of making changes at the subconscious level. That is why it is successful in enabling

people to quit smoking so easily and so successfully. enjoying permanent and easy Weight Loss. imagine how you will look and feel when you have achieved your ideal weight. here is a good sample experience from one of my current clients. “I'm already making better and healthier food choices. I'm no longer stuffing my face with chocolate and biscuits. I can already fit into jeans and dresses I haven’t been able to get into for so long. This is something I couldn’t possibly have done before. I just seem to be doing this because it feels right. It's almost like I can't help it . ." anna Connolly bray, Co. Wicklow. http://www.totalmindd productivity engineering This is the ultimate “Procrastination buster" program. If you have problems completing

things or getting things done, this is your answer. This program is extremely effective. Motivation, goal setting and completing things on time soon become second nature. The non-smoker's edge If you are still smoking, deep down you know that you simply must quit. I don't really need to go into detail. It is hurting you and the second hand smoke is hurting your family.

Tom Ryan, is a leading specialist in smoking cessation

record year For luas in 2012


RPa is pleased to report that 2012 has been the most successful year to date in terms of Luas passenger numbers. The past year has been extremely challenging for all sectors of the Irish economy and the performance of Luas is particularly heartening when seen in that context.

Passenger numbers on Luas in 2012 are up by approximately 300,000 on 2011 figures to their highest ever level. It is expected that 29.4 million passenger journeys will be made on Luas in 2012, compared to just over 29 million in 2011. These record numbers have been achieved despite losing a week’s service due to a major fire adjacent to the Red Line early in the year. The busiest times of 2012 were at the end of august,

Your FREE Local Newspaper

during the Tall Ships festival and during December when we saw an increase in shoppers and revellers during the Christmas season.

2012 was also a very significant year for the future development of Luas. In august, an bord Pleanala granted a Railway Order for the 5.6km extension to the Luas green Line between Saint Stephen’s green and broombridge.

The business Case for the project was brought to Cabinet by the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar T.D. and the project was given permission to commence construction in 2013. The new line, which will finally see the Red and green lines linked to form a light rail network, is conservatively expected to generate an

extra 10 million passenger journeys in a full year. The new Luas line is expected to go into operation in 2017.

Welcoming the record passenger numbers and the continued strong performance of Luas, RPa’s Chief executive Rory O’Connor said that it was gratifying that Luas continued to operate successfully without any public subvention. “We have worked hard to reduce costs on the one hand and to increase passenger numbers on the other and we are delighted with the increase in passenger numbers for 2012, which certainly bucks the trend”. Mr O‘Connor added that this strong performance underpins government support for the new extension at this very difficult time in the economic cycle.

top tips For students FillinG out the cao ForM

With the CaO deadline of 1st February 2013 approaching, more than 50,000 leaving certificate students nationwide will begin to consider career and college options.

While completing the CaO form can be a daunting task for students, it is an important step towards securing their college and course of choice. griffith College schools liaison officer Richard Murphy explains that there is no need for students or parents to be fazed by it. he gives his top tips for completing this year’s CaO form: · do research your course choices in advance. Sites such as and are very useful to assist students with their decision. · do check the basic entry requirements for each of the courses you are interested in. Some courses will have language requirements or may require a certain grade in Maths. · do apply online, as opposed to the paper format. The online form is significantly cheaper and it does not allow applicants to make mistakes by entering a course code that does not exist.

· don’T leave it to the very last minute even with the online form, as computers

can crash!

· do fill in all 20 spaces provided for the ten Level 8 choices and the ten Level 6 and 7 choices to give yourself as much choice as possible. · do put course choices in order of preference with what you really want to do first. Don't try to second-guess what the points will be in august. · don’T forget the "Change of Mind" facility that is available after May 1st until July 1st.

Richard also says, “While dedicating time to school work and study is of utmost importance to secure the best results in the Leaving Cert, it is also essential that due time is given to researching what course and college will be the right fit for you. “College is an important time in any students’ development and picking the right course will ultimately secure the career you are working towards.”

For information on the wide range of courses available at griffith College Dublin, Cork and Limerick, including law, design, business, accounting, media and journalism, music and drama, computing and much more, please log on to;; and

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The Legal Column

under Section 117 of the Succession act, dealing with claims by children against the estate then, it would be very unwise for the Personal Representative to make any distribution on foot of the Will pending the outcome of such proceedings. It would certainly appear in this case as if there is good reason why a distribution has not yet been made.

In this month’s edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 01-4599506 email deals with issues arising on the making of Wills. Q. My elderly aunt died nearly a year ago and i was left a small sum of money in her Will. i have not received this yet and when i ring the solicitor i am told that there is a delay. is there any reason why it would take this long? as far as i know, my aunt did not have very much to leave although i have heard that there is a disagreement between her two children as to their entitlement.

a. Firstly, it has to be clarified that, under the provisions of Section 2 of the Succession act, 1965, the personal representative of a deceased person has one year from the date of death to deal with the estate and during which time no action can be brought against the Personal Representative, without leave of the Court, in relation to the distribution of the estate of the deceased. What this means is that proceedings may not normally be brought by beneficiaries against the Personal Representative to compel a distribution before the expiration of 12 months from the date of death. In exceptional circumstances, on application to the Court, proceedings may be brought against a Personal Representative but it would have to be a particular case possibly involving hardship to a beneficiary. In a case where the bequest is of a relatively small nature, it is highly unlikely that you would be successful in such application. The idea behind this section is to allow the Personal Representative an opportunity to assess the extent of the estate, call in all the assets, deal with tax issues and indeed deal with any potential claim under the estate. You mention that there is a possible dispute between the two children of the deceased. In the event that the estate is on notice of an action

Q. My elderly mother died recently and in her Will she left everything to be divided equally between her three children. although i know that this is very fair, nonetheless, i do feel a bit hard done by as i have been living in the house with my mother for many years while i nursed her through her last illness. i always assumed that i would at least be left the house for my lifetime. is there anything i can do?

a. You raise a number of important issues here. Firstly, you operated under the assumption that you would be looked after in your mother’s Will and, with that in mind, you undoubtedly gave up certain opportunities to forge your way independently in life and possibly buy your own house. In the present circumstances, if the house is sold and divided three ways then, this affords you little opportunity to buy your own home. In the circumstances, it is reasonable to assume that you may not have been properly provided for by your mother.

It is also very important to know about the time limits involved in dealing with cases under Section 117 of the Succession act, 1965. There is a very strict time limit in all these cases. You do not say whether or not you are the executor in your Mother’s estate. assuming that you are not the executor then, application will be made by the executor for a grant of Probate. In order to initiate a claim you MUST do so within 6 MonThs FroM The daTe oF Taking ouT represenTaTion. as soon as the grant issues, your proceedings must be instituted. It is possible to issue proceedings in advance of the grant provided there are executors named in the Will. You do not mention any times in relation to your Mother’s date of death or an application for a grant of Probate. It is very important therefore to seek immediate and urgent legal advice in order to ascertain whether or not you are still on time to make a claim.

Q. i have been named as executor in the estate of my late brother who died leaving a Wife and three children. he left everything to his Wife but he was unfortunately in a considerable amount of debt when he died. i have heard that i could be liable for the debts of my deceased brother. is this correct? a.

It is true that Legal Personal

Representatives (L.P.R.) have a heavy duty and obligation in relation to the administration of estates and one which is not always fully appreciated by them. In particular, in the present economic climate, not only are there more estates with considerable liabilities but in many cases, the liabilities outweigh the assets. There is a Common Law rule that the Legal Personal Representative of the deceased WiLL be personaLLy LiabLe for the deceased debts but only to the extent of the deceased’s assets not withstanding that he (the L.P.R.) may have distributed them to beneficiaries because he was unaware of the debts in question. The problem is that the L.P.R. may not know the full extent of the deceased liabilities as at the deceased’s date of death or, worse still, may not know them even by the time that he is ready to distribute the estate. To some extent, the liability of the L.P.R., is dealt with under Section 49 of the Succession act which states as follows: Where the Personal Representatives have given such notices to creditors and others to send in their claims against the estate of the Deceased as, in the opinion of the Court in which the Personal Representatives are sought to be charged, would have been given by the Court in an administration Suit, the Personal Representative shall, at the expiration of the time named in the said notices, or the last of them, for sending in such claims, be at liberty to distribute the assets of the deceased, or any part thereof, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the Personal Representatives have then notice.

In other words, Section 49 of the Succession act confer the protection on a Legal Personal Representative by providing that if the L.P.R. has issued suitable notices (usually referred to as Section 49 notices) to Creditors and anyone else with a claim against the estate, and he has not received notification of any such claims, then he may proceed to distribute the estate and cannot afterwards be made responsible for any claim which was not known to him. With regard to what is normal practice for notification to Creditors, it is generally accepted that placing an advertisement in a newspaper with a national circulation for two consecutive weeks and normally, in addition, an advertisement in a regional newspaper in the area where the deceased lived. any notice should specify clearly details of the deceased and notify the public that the Legal Personal

by Romaine Scally Representative is about to distribute the estate. It should call on anyone with a claim against the estate to contact the L.P.R. (or more normally their solicitors) within the period specified in the notice. The period specified is usually one calendar month after the date of the second or last notice. You should please note however that the L.P.R. will noT be proTeCTed FroM LiabiLiTy where he or she has actual knowledge of a claim even when a Creditor does not respond to the notice. Please note however that the publication of a notice will not prevent a claim from being subsequently made. It simply protects the L.P.R. The whole idea of this notice is to protect the L.P.R. against Creditors in respect of any distribution of assets which he makes. however, any distribution should be postponed until all the relevant notices have been placed in the relevant papers and the notice period has expired. as you can imagine, this is quite an expensive procedure but it is one which should be used in cases where there is a possibility that there may be outstanding liabilities not known to the L.P.R. While it is expensive, it is a protection for the L.P.R. in these circumstances. Remember, it is not the assets of the Personal Representative which are at risk, merely the assets of the deceased but, the exposure of the L.P.R. to the value of those assets could result in an expensive claim unless correct procedures are followed. We would advise that you contact a Solicitor in a case such as this as you need to make sure that you protect yourself.

Q. i have been named as one of the personal representatives in the estate of a distant relative. i do not want to act as administrator. Can i do anything about this?

a. Section 117 (c) of the Succession act 1965, deals with the renunciation of an executor to act in the administration of an estate. The Renunciation must be in writing and the signature of the executor announcing must be witnessed. The Renunciation must be done as soon as possible and certainly before the executor starts to administer the estate. If there are Solicitors appointed in the administration of the estate then, the Renunciation should be sent by registered post to the Solicitors. If there are no Solicitors involved, then the Renunciation should be sent to the other named executors in the Will. There is no formal wording for the Renunciation, merely stating clearly that you do not wish to act as executor in the estate of the deceased. The effect of Renunciation is to end the executor’s rights in respect of the executorship of the Will as if he or she had not been appointed by the Will. It does not affect your right to inherit under the terms of the Will if you are also named as a beneficiary. I hope that this has been helpful.

romaine scally is the principal in the firm of romAine sCAlly And CompAny soliCiTors main street Tallaght, dublin 24 Tel 4599506 fAX 4599510 email:

2013 tab Guide to Money, pensions and taX published


Your FREE Local Newspaper

The 2013 edition of the best-selling Tab guide to Money, Pensions and Tax has been published, and includes full details of all the changes to tax, social welfare and pensions contained in the recent budget. This is the 28th edition of the Tab guide, which has been a best-seller since it was first published in 1987. Speaking at the

publication, co-author and personal finance journalist Jill Kerby said: “People’s incomes have taken a hammering as we head into yet another year of austerity. Wages and salaries have fallen, household costs are rising, child benefit has been cut, interest rates are moving steadily higher and new taxes such as the local

property tax will kick in from the middle of 2013. “I know from the correspondence I receive that people are really hurting financially and I believe that it is essential that everybody needs to make the most of the income they have. The Tab guide is written in a simple, easy-to-follow style and includes

details of everything people need to do to make most of their money. The Tab guide includes practical examples showing how people can do just that,” Jill Kerby added. The Tab guide to Money, Pensions and Tax 2013 by Jill Kerby, Sandra gannon and neil brooks is published by Tab Taxation Services Ltd price €9.99

search to Find 2013 teXaco children’s art coMpetition Winners launched

For the fifty-ninth year since the competition was first held, the search is underway to find the young artists who will win awards in this year’s Texaco Children’s art Competition. brochures setting out details of the competition have been sent to all registered primary and second level schools throughout Co. Dublin in which the attention of pupils and teachers is drawn to the closing date for entries which is Friday, 22nd February next.

Copies of the brochure are also available through Texaco service stations and full details are available on-line at Judging will take place throughout the month of March and winners will be announced in mid-april, with prize giving to follow in mid-May. annually, some 30,000 students compete for the top prizes that are awarded across seven age categories, including one exclusively devoted to special needs students.

"slimming for success"....a success story

Sandra Doyle is a local Tallaght lady who has struggled for 30 years with her weight and at her heaviest of nearly 28 stone she took drastic measures and had gastric bypass surgery. " The weight was getting me down and it was a struggle just getting around" she says. "My children were having such a bad time from other kids who were bullying them at

school because of me being so big". Unfortunately Sandra didn't realise that the bypass was not a long term solution and after 18 months the weight started to creep back on. Sandra knew she had to do something fast as she was now almost 6 stone heavier and heard about Slimming World from her friend. In September 2011 she made a huge decision to join a local

club in Firhouse. "I was so scared" she says. "Most clubs you go to are not very friendly, but this was so very different. I walked in and was greeted by the warmest welcome and the support that everyone was giving each other was fantastic, nobody was left sitting on their own. When I heard about all the food that I could eat with no restrictions I couldn't

believe my ears! being able to fill up on foods like curry, burger and chips and lasagne was like a dream come true. and to top it off with a glass of wine seemed

too good to be true."

Sandra loved staying to her group every week and the knowledge and advice that she picked up weekly

helped her lose 6 stone in a year! "If Slimming World had been around 7 years ago, I would not have had the gastric bypass, I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been."

On top of everything she has a new career now and looks forward to helping lots more people feel the way she feels. She will be opening her own Slimming World group at the Tallaght basketball arena on Monday 28th January 2013 @ 7.30 and is looking forward to seeing everyone there for their own life changing moments!!. any queries you can call Sandra on 0858410339

EVERY MONDAY National Basketball Arena Tymon Park, 7:30 pm Tel: Sandra 085 8410339 for more details

Sandra lost 6 stone in one year. Inset: Sandra before she joined Slimming World

shape up and sliM doWn! 20

Make your new year’s resolution come true: Your FREE Local Newspaper

Easier said than done? Not necessarily. With a whole new type of fat binder you can lose up to 8 pounds of body fat in just one month! Start now and you’ll be looking and feeling great by Spring.

You are probably all guilt-ridden over what you’ve indulged in over the festive season. Rest assured, there’s help for us all. A whole new type of fat binder has revolutionised weight loss. The special tablets dissolve in your stomach right after ingestion, releasing

the fat-absorbing fibres that cling to fat molecules like magnets. Instead of getting absorbed by your body, the fibres leave your digestive system taking the fat with them. The fat-binder does not make you “immune” to pizzas and other highfat foods but it will make them less fattening. Furthermore, thanks to this really useful remedy you can continue eating what is considered a normal diet and still lose weight. Normally, this would not be possible.

here is hoW it Works:

Acts as a fat magnet!

20 GraMs With each tablet

Each tablet can bind about 20 grams of fat in the stomach. By consuming six tablets a day you can lose around 120 grams of fat which otherwise would have been absorbed by your body and contributed to your weight problem. That’s nearly 8 pounds of fat in just one month!

1. Before you eat your meal you take the 1. fat-binder. 2. The tablet quickly dissolves in your 2. stomach, releasing the active 2. substance. 3. The fat-binder attaches to fat in the 3. stomach and absorbs a substantial 3. amount of the fat content. 4. The complex (fat + fat-binder) travels 4 .through the digestive system without 4. dissolving 5. Afterwards, it gets excreted the 5. natural way without any unpleasant 5. side effects

What Makes it diFFerent?

There are several reasons why this 2nd generation fat-binder is superior:

• It does not affect the body’s fat metabolism like certain drugs that • work by blocking an enzyme that is needed to break down fat • (blocking this enzyme is known to cause certain side effects) • It enters the body and leaves it again without interacting with any • bodily functions • The tablets dissolve very fast in the stomach and go to work right • away • You can increase or decrease your fat-binder intake depending • on the amount of fat you eat

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neW year For a neW you eXhibition


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Year for a new You exhibition is an event not to be missed in order to make 2013 the year you really do achieve your weight loss and health goals. It will be held on Sunday 20th January from 11am to 3pm in the Lucan Spa hotel. The event promises to be a very interesting one, with speakers on the topics of health and fitness as well as weight loss/weight maintenance. There will also be a number of exhibitors from across the health and

wellness industry who can provide valuable information on topics from quitting smoking to healthy coffee!

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. J.s.

broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. (no name)

being healthy means different things to different people. For some it may mean losing weight and maintaining your slim new figure when you reach your goal weight. For others it might mean following steps to ensure you avoid serious illness in the future. having optimum health is more than

noVenas noVenas noVenas noVenas noVenas

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. s.C.

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. a.J.L.

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. T.C.

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. a.a.

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own

novena To The bLessed virgin: (never known to fail) O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel,. Fruitful Vine, Splendour of heaven, blessed Mother of the Son of god, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me and show me where you are my mother. O holy Mary Mother of god, Queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you, from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity (Make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O show here you are my Mother. O Mary conceived without sin pray for use who have recourse to Thee (3 times) Sweet Mother I place this cause in your hands (3 times). amen (say this prayer for nine consecutive days) o.p

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. b.b

MiraCLe prayer Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. e.b. pLease noTe: if you wish to have your novena published please make a donation to our selected charity. send a postal order or cheque made payable to solas Centre (nCbi) and send, along with your novena to: newsgroup, po box 3430, Tallaght, dublin 24. if you require any further information call us on 01 4519000.


obLaTe ChurCh oF Mary iMMaCuLaTe inChiCore

The annuaL Lourdes novena CoMMenCes on saT. Feb 2nd – Mon. Feb 11Th aT 10.00 a.M. & 8.00 p.M. daiLy The anoinTing oF The siCk WiLL be on saT. 9Th Feb aT 12.00 noon The TorChLighT proCession WiLL be on Mon 11Th Feb aT 8.00 p.M.

avoiding illness however, it’s about feelings of vitality, high energy levels and operating at your peak. Many people have forgotten how good being truly healthy feels and how much this can help you in all areas of your life. This event will give you practical steps and information on how to get there. The main speaker is Dr Wilson of The Leinster Clinic. Dr Wilson has a Masters of Science degree in nutrition and exercise. his talk is on “The Truth about Calories,

Cholesterol and Carbs!” and promises to be an eye-opener. Dr Wilson has spoken at the Rude health show in the RDS a number of times and well worth hearing. If you believe you will hear the same old advice at this event you’re in for a pleasant surprise! Tickets cost just €5 (and you can bring a friend for FRee). Tickets available at the door. See for more information.

neWsGroup readers raise Funds For clondalkin solas centre in 2012

newsgroup is delighted to announce that our newspaper readers have raised in excess of €400, for their selected charity, by placing novena Prayers in our five publications since September 2012. Clondalkin Solas Centre (nCbI) provides community based services to help people to adapt to sight loss and maintain their independence. These services include emotional support to the individual experiencing loss of vision and to their families, advice and information on all aspects of vision loss as well as practical support and solutions to the challenges encountered by people with vision loss. Services are offered to people of all ages, from birth through to older age. We would also like to congratulate elizabeth russell and Catherine dunne on completing the Women’s Mini Marathon 2012 and raised €500 for the Clondalkin solas Centre. To place a novena Prayer it is simple, cut out your prayer, include a donation by cheque or postal order (made payable to Solas Centre (nCbI) and post to newsgroup PO bOx 3430, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Make payable to ‘Cheeverstown house’. Your chosen prayer will appear in the next issue. “I would like to express my gratitude to readers placing repeat novena Prayers in every issue. and I would hope that our readers will show their amazing generosity in 2013 and support Clondalkin Solas Centre” anthony Russell, Managing Director, newsgroup. For more information check out our website

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