Local Community News

Page 1


communiTy news

campaign on cyber bullying

4TH FEB. 2013 P.O. BOx 3430, TALLAGHT, DuBLiN 24 TEL: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

Local Fine Gael TD and Minister of State, Brian Hayes has said that the Government’s new Action Plan on Bullying will help to tackle the scourge of bullying in schools across Dublin South West. Five hundred thousand euro has been ring-fenced to support the implementation of the plan this year, which will include a campaign on cyber bullying and the development of national anti-bullying procedures for all schools. “Bullying, whether is it

online or in the school corridor, can have a very serious impact on children and young people. Your confidence and self-belief can be shattered as a result of taunts and harassment from your peers. This can have a lasting impact well into adulthood, and it is something that we should all be working together to address. “Last year, the Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn TD, and the Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald TD, held an Anti-Bullying

Forum, which invited submissions from interested parties and stakeholders. This has fed into the new Action Plan on Bullying, which includes 12 actions and a series of recommendations, has the potential to make a real difference in how we tackle this problem in our schools.

“As part of the plan, a new national anti-bullying website will be established to give parents, teachers and pupils advice and information. New national procedures will


be developed for all schools, which will include a template for recording incidents of bullying, to be in place by the start of the next school year. This will help us look at where and why bullying is occurring. “The problem of bullying is nothing new; unfortunately children have been bullied for as long as they have been going to school. But cyber bullying has added a new dimension to the problem; and we all need to face the challenge of how to

conT. page 2


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mill cenTre Jobs aT risk Your FREE Local Newspaper

Sinn Féin Dublin Mid-West Eoin Ó Broin has warned that “jobs in Clondalkin’s Mill centre are at risk.” The claim was made following revelations that the agents for the centre have negotiated another “sweetheart deal” with incoming tenants Specsavers involving a significant rent free period and a lower rate of rent than existing tenants. Ó Broin said “Traders at Clondalkin’s Mill Centre are once again being treated badly by the owners and agents of the centre. For the

second time in recent months a new tenant has been given a sweetheart deal including a significant rent free period and a lower rate of rent than existing tenants.

“For the last number of years long standing traders have been attempting to secure

new rent agreements to reflect the falling retail sales. To date the agents acting on behalf of the owners of the Mill have resisted giving tenants a fairer deal. “To make matters worse new tenants, such as Boots and Specsavers, are being given an unfair trading advantage as a result of the more competitive rent deals. As a result long standing businesses with strong links to the local community such as McNally’s risk losing much needed business. “if this kind of practice

tackle online harassment and abuse. As part of the Action Plan, a media campaign focussed on cyber bullying will be in early launched February, specifically targeted at young people. “The Action Plan includes plans to review current training procedures for

teachers, to ensure they are getting the on-going support they need to effectively tackle bullying. A number of recommendations have also been made on the need for schools and community groups to work together in the development and implementation of anti-bullying policies.

Bullying is not confined to any one space; and it must be tackled in a cross-community fashion. “it is also important social media that companies and internet service providers continue to work with State Agencies to raise awareness about cyber bullying and how to address it.”

“To make matters worse the tenant in question, Specsavers, will be in direct competition with longstanding community business McNally’s Opticians.

campaign on cyber......from page 1

continues jobs will be lost at the Mill Centre. Given Clondalkin’s already high level of unemployment every possible attempt must be made to prevent further job losses. “i have written to the Minister for Jobs,

and Enterprise innovation asking him to clarify if such deals are in breach of European competition law and if so asking him to take action to ensure that all traders at the Mill Centre are treated fairly.”

b&Q examinership a direcT resulT of governmenT’s failure To Tackle upward only renTs

Sinn Féin Enterprise and Employment spokesperson Peadar Tóibín has said the news that an examiner has been appointed to B&Q ireland is a direct result of the government’s failure to tackle upward only rents.

Speaking as the news broke Deputy Tóibín said “The failure to tackle upward only rents is yet another broken promise by this Fine Gael and Labour government, and it is costing jobs in the retail sector. “The government cites legal problems as the reason why it cannot legislate yet it will not detail the legal difficulties and there is alternative legal advice that says such legislation is possible. “This government came to power on a promise to address the jobs crisis. We are now two years into the term of office and there is no progress on the jobs front. “upward only rents must be tackled if we are to avoid further crises in the retail sector.”

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20 burglaries in one week in clondalkin 2013 firsT lego league champions Your FREE Local Newspaper

Last week saw a huge number of burglaries in a number of estates throughout Clondalkin, mainly in the village area: · 7 breakins / burglaries in the Monastery estate in one night · 5 in Woodford on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning · 5 in Monastery Heath · 1 Grange View Park · 1 in Bushfield but the burglars left without succeeding Cllr. Trevor Gilligan said that “i am calling on the Clondalkin Garda Station to take a more active role to find the culprits. if anyone has any

information in relation to these burglaries, please contact the Clondalkin Garda Station: 01 6667600.”

“Burglars are fishing through the letterbox with a magnetic retrieval tool to get your keys. They then open the front door. Please leave your keys and valuables hidden away. if possible, block up your letter boxes. Make sure you don't leave any keys or valuables in your hallway where they can be seen. Turn on your alarms. if you hear a neighbour’s alarm, call the Gardai. Please report any suspicious activities to the Clondalkin Garda Station.”

inTerviewees soughT for ucd magdalene oral hisTory proJecT

Researchers at the Women’s Studies Centre in the School of Social Justice at university College Dublin (uCD) are seeking interviewees for a Magdalene Oral History project which is funded by the irish Research Council. The project, Magdalene institutions: Recording an Archival and Oral History is collecting accounts from Magdalene survivors, as well as relatives, members of the Religious Orders, regular visitors and anyone else who wishes to share their memories and experiences of these institutions.

Dr Katherine O’Donnell, Director of uCD’s Women’s Studies Centre and Principal investigator on the project said: “The main objective of this project is to contribute towards a better understanding of the Magdalene Laundry system through the first-hand accounts of those with direct or indirect experience of it.” The project is operating with the strictest protocols and under ethical approval from uCD's College of Human Sciences to protect the confidentiality and privacy of all participants. When the project is completed, the interviews will be made

available in redacted format through uCD Archives and will also be available on-line via the irish Qualitative Data Archive (iQDA). The project is also gathering and archiving materials from the Justice for Magdalenes campaign and welcomes contributions from individuals who may have photographs, documents or other materials that they wish to donate to the archive.

Citywise from Jobstown were crowned 2013 FiRST LEGO League Champions organized by the Galway education centre and SAP. .A team of seven students seen here celebrating from Citywise Education Youth Centre in Jobstown, Tallaght were crowned irish Champions at the National final of the FiRST LEGO LEAGuE Championship 2013! The youngsters won the title following a nail biting live final battle against the French team in The Radisson Blu Hotel Galway with their personally designed and programmed Robot.

Those interested in being interviewed can contact the project for further information at 01-716-7804 or katherine.odonnell@ucd.ie

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seanad was never democraTic and iTs aboliTion is overdue Your FREE Local Newspaper

in a statement by Eamonn Maloney, Labour Party TD for Dublin South West, he saud that “the Seanad is irrelevant to the life of this Republic and plans to abolish it must proceed. Since its Seanad foundation, Éireann has never been a democratic institution. From its beginnings it has been elitist and has remained so.” None of its members

were ever elected on the principal of ‘one citizen – one vote’. it owes its origins to the British who succeeded in giving the landed gentry some influence by the backdoor on the Dáil.

The Seanad has no real power in relation to legislation, given that the Dáil has the final say in making laws. in reality the abolition of the Seanad would speed

up the introduction of any new legislation. There have been various calls over the years for the abolition of the Seanad. Dr. Noel Browne T.D., was one of them. in a proposal to the Dáil in 1957, Browne stated: “We must assume a literate electorate which has considered carefully our qualifications for government, for legislation. We, to the best of our ability, have

Local TD and Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances has Fitzgerald, congratulated Lucan man, Joe Byrne, on winning the Local Authority Members Associate Awards ‘2013 Community Volunteer of the Year’ award.

dedication to Lucan over the years. A resident of Beech Park with his wife Margaret, he has contributed his time and effort to so many activities and groups in Lucan from Lucan Sarsfields, Liffey Sound FM, the Lucan Festival and the Liffey Valley Park Alliance. i would like to commend Councillor Lavelle for nominating Joe and feel it only right that his

achievements are acknowledged. “i know that Joe does not get involved for rewards such as this, but volunteers like him are an integral part of our community and have given so much that it is nice that they are recognised for their contribution. i look forward to working with Joe in the years ahead,” concluded Fitzgerald.

lucan man - ‘communiTy volunTeer of The year’

“i am delighted that Joe has been recognised for all his hard work and


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punches when, outlining his views, he stated: “it is a body created, as we all know, not to improve the machinery of administration in this country, but to give political power to a certain class that could not get that power if they had to go before the people at a free election and get the people to vote them into office.” in response to the decision of the present government to take steps to abolish the Seanad, some politicians, with the assistance of some academics, have embarked on a mission to ‘Save the Seanad’. Among their arguments, they seek to impress upon the public that our democratic Republic would be in danger without Seanad Éireann. These latter day ‘aristocrats’ would have us believe that a parliament elected by the plain people of ireland, needs an undemocratic

‘watchdog’ under the title of Seanad Éireann. Only the most pompous citizens in this Republic would make such an argument. The Dáil is the democratic parliament of the irish people. The is not a Seanad democratic institution and never has been. it has developed into a political quango and for the irish taxpayer, an expensive one.

in the Labour Party manifesto of 2011, a commitment was made to abolish the Seanad. When the Referendum on the Seanad is put to our people, i will be campaigning for its abolition. There will be no peoples’ revolution when Seanad Éireann is abolished, nor do i predict a riot on Kildare Street or any other irish street.

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come in here, considered the points of view of the people who have elected us, and passed legislation through this House which we believe is in accordance with their will. i can see no reason why we should deliberately accept a Second House which would have a right to interfere with what is essentially the expression of the public will in relation to legislation.” The former Labour Party leader, William Norton, T.D., who in a Dáil speech in 1934 on the abolition of the Senate said: “The people of the country will realise after 12 years’ experience of that luxury, that it has fulfilled no part in the national affairs of this country to justify the money and time that are being spent on it.” it wasn’t only the Labour Party who called for an end to the Senate. in 1928, former Taoiseach and Fianna Fáil T.D., Sean Lemass pulled no

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reforms To drugs Task forces now urgenT Your FREE Local Newspaper

groups in dublin souTh wesT can apply for funding from communicaTing europe iniTiaTive

Minister of State and Local Fine Gael TD, Brian Hayes has welcomed the announcement that the application process for funding under the Department of the Taoiseach’s Communicating Europe initiative has commenced. Groups eligible to apply for funding include voluntary organisations, education bodies and civil groups. “i am encouraging all voluntary organisations, education bodies and civil groups to submit proposals to the Communicating Europe initiative (CEi) for funding of projects aimed at increasing public awareness about the role that the Eu plays in our daily lives.

“in addition to hosting the Presidency of the Eu for the first six months of this year, we are celebrating 40 years since ireland joined the European union. Since joining, we have benefited in a number of ways, such as gaining access to new markets for our growing export sector, support for our farming communities and financial assistance to build new roads and public transport infrastructure. Adopting new standards in social protection and labour law has also helped make ireland a fairer and more equal place to work and live.

“The 2013 awards for funding under the CEi will be awarded to projects which encourage citizens to actively engage and participate in the debate on their future in Europe. Proposals will be assessed under the following criteria: · events which promote public conversations and debate – at local or national level · cultural and media projects that explain ireland in Europe and Europe in ireland- at local or national level · projects or events designed to celebrate the European Year of Citizens · events that celebrate Europe Day on Thursday 9 May. “i look forward to seeing some of the great ideas that people will be submitting to the CEi.”

Fine Gael TD, Catherine Byrne, has called for the urgent implementation of reforms set out for the National Drugs and Alcohol Strategy, following the publication of a report detailing rising cocaine use and cannabis cultivation in ireland.

The report published by Europol and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) shows that ireland has one of the highest rates of cocaine use in Europe, as well as topping the poll for use of new drugs or so-called ‘legal highs’. “The findings of this report are very disturbing, and i am particularly concerned at the increase in cocaine use in ireland. The proliferation of drug trafficking and cannabis cultivation in this country is equally worrying. “A review was recently undertaken of the

Drugs Task Forces, which were set up in areas experiencing the highest levels of drug abuse, particularly heroin, in the late 1990s. The review recommends a series of reforms, which i believe should be implemented without delay.

“Patterns of drug use have continued to evolve since the Task Forces were originally set up. They have done considerable work in tackling the heroin problem in Dublin over the last two decades, but we must ensure we are constantly adjusting our approach to meet the challenges of changing drug use. “The reforms proposed include reviewing the number of boundaries of Task Forces in Dublin and a number of measures to drive the implementation of the National Drugs Strategy. More than €28 million will be spent on Drugs Task Forces this year;

we need to ensure this is allocated to the projects that need it most.

“i believe we also need a renewed focus on education, in the form of a candid and comprehensive drug education programme in our schools, right up to senior cycle. We need to show a real commitment to tackling the problems of addiction and illegal drug use, which are ravaging communities in Dublin and right across the country.

“The Minister with Responsibility for Drugs Strategy, Alex White TD, has promised to bring forward further measures to improve management and control of expenditure by the community drugs projects overseen by the Drugs Task Forces shortly. i would urge him to do so without delay.”



council musT Tackle horrendous derelicT siTe Your FREE Local Newspaper

Cllr Trevor Gilligan PC has put down a motion asking the council to take action on the derelict site on the junction of the New Nangor Road / Ninth Lock Road. Cllr Gilligan said

“Whilst KFC is now open beside Lidl on the New Nangor Road, on the other side of Lidl, things are not so good. The site at the corner of the New Nangor Road / Ninth Lock Road has been lying idle for some

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time. So much so that every window is broken and some windows boarded up. Alarms continually sound, at any time during the day or night. This is not only a planning issue but a health issue. A number of years ago, council disposed of land to Lidl for €7M. Surely some of this money should be used to tackle this eye-sore as one comes

into Village.”


“i have put down a motion prompting the council to take active measures before an accident happens here. i personally have seen teens in broad daylight smashing windows. We see the hard work and dedication of Clondalkin Tidy Towns but the council must

take measures to address this issue as a

30 years of speaking

Lucan Toastmasters, the club where you can improve your public speaking skills, is celebrating 30 years in existence. Since it launched way back in 1983 it has helped hundreds of people improve what is considered to be the greatest fear – speaking to a crowd.

‘The best way to conquer that fear is to prepare and practice’ according to Austin O’Keeffe – a member of Lucan Toastmasters ‘As

a famous book title says ‘Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway’.

The Lucan branch of Toastmaster is one of the biggest in the country and some of the members have won speech contests both here and abroad. ‘People join the club for many reasons’ Austin said ‘ To practice for a wedding speech, to improve their career prospects, to be more confident promoting their own business, or just for personal

going concern. The site is like something you

would find in Beirut.” concluded Cllr. Gilligan.

PARk DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY unit 4 Greenhills Road (Beside Centra)

The derelict site on the junction of the New Nangor Road / Ninth Lock Road.

development. Apart from that, it is a good social group and a chance to start new friendships ’ he added.

They meet every second Thursday at 8pm in the Springfield Hotel, close to Leixlip, so if you are interested in going along, you are invited to attend for free, but make sure you let them know you are coming to have a seat for you. Send an email to Austin at aokcafe@gmail.com.


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a dirTy hospiTal is bad managemenT and acTion is needed Your FREE Local Newspaper

A Health information and Quality Authority inspection of Our Lady's Children's Hospital in Crumlin has found that all clinical areas examined were generally unclean. The finding was contained in one of 14 new hygiene and infection prevention reports for hospitals

published last week. “This is unacceptable and has nothing to do with cut backs or economic management “ said Derek Keating TD. The reports are highly critical of the Our Lady's Children's Hospital. HiQA says that poor hand-washing practice in many irish hospitals

is potentially putting patients at risk of acquiring a hospital infection. it also says some immediate serious risks to patients were found, with Emergency Department patients being accommodated with patients with communicable diseases.

At Connolly Hospital in Dublin, a patient with a transmissible disease was in an Emergency Department cubicle for 30 hours. The 12 unannounced and two announced inspections – at Connolly Hospital found wide variations with regard to hospital cleanliness.

The reports identified problems such as dust and dirt on surfaces, soiled bedpans, worn and damaged furniture, black residue in shower

areas, splash marks on equipment and blood stains in various locations. in some cases linen and healthcare waste was not being

properly managed. HiQA says the failure to help reduce the spread of infection poses a clear and serious risk to patients.

Fine Gael TD for Dublin South West, Brian Hayes has twritten to South Dublin County Council they requesting investigate the site of the former garden centre in Old Court under the Derelicts Site Act. Minister Hayes stated, “

The site has become visually intrusive for the local community especially for residents of Old Court Cottages and Ely estate.

Minister Hayes further stated, “i have asked South Dublin County Council to investigate the site under the Derelicts Site Act and request work be carried out to secure the site. i have also asked that the build up of rubbish be addressed.

calls for acTion over garden cenTre

The site is not secure and there is now a build up of rubbish occurring.”

Direct Via M50

Brian Hayes at the site of the former Old Court Garden Centre

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illegal dumping levels ouT of conTrol


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Sinn Féin North Clondalkin Councillor Matthew McDonagh has said that “the level of illegal dumping is out of control” and that as a result “much needed funds are being diverted from other areas of Council work to cover the cost.” Cllr McDonagh said: “in recent months there has been a marked

increase in levels of illegal dumping in Clondalkin. There are now organised criminal enterprises collecting rubbish door to door and then dumping in parks and laneways throughout Clondalkin. “in the last few weeks such as areas Wheatfield, Oatfield and the pedestrian gate between Cloinstown and Palmerstown Woods

PARk DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRY unit 4 Greenhills Road (Beside Centra)

have been particularly badly affected. “Council staff are doing their very best but they are being stretched to the limit. Much needed funds are being diverted from other areas of Council work to cover the cost.

“i have asked the County Manager to bring a report to the next Clondalkin Area

Committee on the cost of the clean-up operation.

“i am urging local people not to dump their rubbish. i am also appealing to people not to use the services of rogue bin collectors. “in the long run the only people who lose out from the dumping are the local community. We have to

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live with the aftermath. We are also the ones who will lose out on other services as even more money has to be diverted to cover the cost of clearing up the illegal dumping. “This is anti-social behaviour at its very worst and it has to stop now.”


Cllr McDonagh is urging local people not to dump their rubbish

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go To The dogs aT shelbourne park for down syndrome ireland Your FREE Local Newspaper

ireland’s legendary GAA sports commentator Marty Morrissey and children’s presenter Diana Bunici took to the tracks at Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium to launch a nationwide fun filled family night out at the dogs, where all proceeds raised will go to Down Syndrome ireland. Taking place on Saturday February 16th in 7 greyhound stadia nationwide, The irish Greyhound Board and

One Family


(up to 6 people)

DownSyndrome ireland are asking the people of Dublin to turn their hearts purple on this date and come down to Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium to support this great cause.

Now in its third year, the highly anticipated Family Night at the Dogs will also include a special appearance by Diana Bunici and RTE broadcaster Robbie irwin at the Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium event. Patrick Flynn, Sales,

17 greyhound racing venues nationwide. We are delighted to host the third year of our Family Night at the Dogs events forDown Syndrome ireland and are looking forward to an even more successful turnout this year. The vast amount of funds raised and growing attendance figures each

year is testament to the great support that exists for Down Syndrome ireland and we are excited for another great night out at the dogs on Saturday, 16th February.” Funds raised from the Down Syndrome ireland Family Night at the Dogs on Saturday, 16th February will

directly towards go supporting local projects within Down Syndrome ireland branches as well as a number of national projects. For information on how you can help or to purchase tickets, please call 4266500 or visit 01 www.downsyndrome.ie or www.igb.ie

between the Council and local Gardaí,” said Fitzgerald.

Diana Bunici took to the tracks at Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium to launch a nationwide fun filled family night out at the dogs, where all proceeds raised will go to Down Syndrome Ireland

Local TD and Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, has welcomed confirmation from South Dublin County Council that a crackdown on Scramblers is to be prioritised. “i have been contacted on a regular basis about the dangerous driving of scramblers across green areas in Clondalkin. Not only is there dangerous driving taking place but green areas are being destroyed by the illegal use of scramblers in open spaces. i have highlighted this issue with the Council and on foot of these representations, i am pleased to confirm that a tough crackdown on scramblers is being initiated

Operations & Commercial Manager of Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium said,“Fundraising is a very important part of the irish Greyhound Board’s yearly calendar. i am extremely proud to say that we raised approximately €6.5 million in 2011 by hosting benefit and fundraising nights at all

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crackdown on scramblers scourge

“Local Gardaí are aware of the addresses where a number of scramblers are being kept and will seize them wherever possible in order to curb the scourge of the irresponsible use of scramblers. i am also pleased that the Council are aware of the damage to local parks and open areas and will focus on repairing damage once the problem has been resolved. i’d encourage residents to keep in touch with me about scramblers in the area and i will pass this information on to the Council,” concluded Fitzgerald.

Your FREE Local Newspaper



nra expecTs newlands cross build To begin by april Your FREE Local Newspaper

Labour T.D. for Dublin Mid-West, Robert Dowds has welcomed news from the National Roads Authority that the contract for the Newlands Cross flyover will be awarded in March, with construction expected to begin shortly after. The flyover will mark the removal of the last

set of traffic lights between Dundalk and Cork. The multi-million euro funding is set to be provided through a Public-Private Partnership involving a significant contribution from the European investment Bank and the Bank of ireland. This is the first such arrangement for a roads

project for a number of years. The project will take 2 years to complete. Dowds said "i've been keeping the pressure on the NRA to get this project up and running as soon as possible. This is a junction that has been causing severe traffic problems for the residents of Clondalkin,

CGI Image of the new junction at Newlands Cross

Saggart, Newcastle and Rathcoole over many years. With 120,000 vehicles going through the junction every day, this project will make a real difference to commuters and businesses within our community by putting an end to the gridlock around the intersection." "The flyover has been delayed over the last year because the money for it is coming from the financial markets, and there was quite a bit of uncertainty about how the euro situation was going to pan out. Thanks to the wise decision of the irish

people to vote in favour of the Fiscal Compact last year, the work of the Government to stabilise the country and the efforts in Europe to settle the euro crisis down, there is a lot more confidence in our country and people are willing to lend us the money to get the Newlands flyover built." "With so many problems in the country, it will be credit to this a Government when this project is finished. it will be a sign that despite the difficulties, we are making progress towards getting the country back on its feet."

fianna fail appoinT lucan area rep

Cllr Trevor Gilligan has congratulated Caitriona McClean on her appointment as a Fianna Fail Local Area Rep in Lucan. He said “this is a new fresh era for Fianna Fail. Lucan is represented by Government parties and so the small guy doesn’t have a voice - Caitriona is that voice. She is dedicated, enthusiastic and genuinely out to make a change”.

a new generaTion of financial services for TallaghT wesT crediT union members

Tallaght West Credit union members now have a real alternative to traditional banking thanks to the introduction of a suite of new financial services products being offered by Credit unions across the country. The Credit union has partnered with Wellington iT, a leading supplier of advanced banking software solutions, to introduce its range of ‘Cu’ products, which are revolutionising the banking industry. cuAnywhere is the latest addition to the

range of financial services to members. This handy mobile app for iPhone and Android smartphone users incorporates online mobile banking facilities plus a wealth of social media integration, ensuring that members can stay in touch with their finances and their Credit union 24/7. The ‘Cu’ range of products also available to members include cuOnline, an online banking service which allows them to check their balances, view and print statements, apply for loans, and to communicate

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directly with their local Credit union from any PC or laptop anywhere in the world. The new services mean that irish consumers now have a real alternative option to irish banks in their local Credit union, a long established and trusted financial institution used by nearly 3 million people in ireland. Des Morrissey, manager of Tallaght West Credit union said “We are delighted to be able to offer our members this new suite of products from Wellington iT. Not only does it improve our service offering to existing

members, but it is helping us to generate new members who would not have considered a Credit union as a viable alternative to a bank previously. The launch of the Cu products heralds a new era for Credit union members at a time when it is needed most. We are very pleased to be one of the champions of the Cu revolution!” More information on Wellington iT’s range of services available to Credit unions is available from www.well-it.com.

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new faT binder saves you Time on The Treadmill 16

Your FREE Local Newspaper

Broke your weight loss resolutions already?

Now you can get rid of fat with less sacrifice by taking a tablet with a whole new fat-binding ingredient.

Let’s get one thing straight: physical activity is a good way to burn fat and it is also known to be beneficial for our health. Having said that, you can actually get rid of body fat without the need to exercise every day. A whole new second generation of fat binder that comes in tablet form can bind an impressive amount of fat that equals 40 times the weight of the tablet – or 20 grams. if you take six tablets daily, you will rid your body of approximately 1080 calories – an amount that would require at least 90

minutes of calorie-burning exercise on the treadmill. in one month, you can spare your body the burden of about 7.7 pounds of fat. imagine what that means in terms of your figure.

NOT a miracle cure

Although we all like the thought of a tablet that makes us immune to weight gain and which can give us the figure of our dreams overnight, This will never be possible. SlimPrecise can however, make it easier to lose weight in situations where it seems hopeless otherwise. Now, you can actually start losing weight without making drastic changes to your diet.

how it works

Figuratively speaking, the new fat binder is an in-and-out-operation. it enters your digestive system, takes out a large amount of the fat inside, and leaves without any unpleasant side effects. it does not have any physiological effects on the body.

reduce appeTiTe

Fat is a calorie burden. it contains more calories than anything else. One gram of fat contains about nine calories so if you want to lose weight, reducing your fat intake - or uptake - is definitely a good place to start. The great thing about this second-generation of fat-binding supplements is that it attaches itself to fat and forms an intelligent “gel matrix” that gives a feeling of satiety. you will notice that you don’t feel as hungry as before and that makes it a lot easier to avoid overeating. another beneficial effect is that the fat binder lowers levels of unhealthy blood fats like LdL cholesterol, which in turn, reduces the risk of artery clogging.


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calls for comreg and mobile phone companies To block premium calls scam

Fine Gael Senator, Catherine Noone, has called on irish mobile phone companies to act in the interest of ireland’s consumers and work with ComReg to promote a ban on outgoing calls to premium numbers in Slovenia.

“in the last week, hundreds of irish consumers have been fleeced by a scam, whereby irish numbers receive ‘missed calls’ from a Slovenian

premium rate telephone number which looks very much like an irish mobile phone number. Many people have returned the call, only to find that they have been charged a small fortune. “As things stand, there is no law to protect those affected. There are two solutions to this problem: the irish mobile phone companies acting in a coordinated way could block Slovenian

premium numbers so that they cannot be called from irish mobile or the numbers, introduction of Eu legislation which would prevent premium rate numbers from dialling out to different countries. “i believe ComReg needs to push for a solution to this problem. Many mobile phone users are blocked from making calls to certain restricted territories, and i believe that Slovenian

commercial premium-rate numbers should be added to that list. “The reality is that if this scam is not nipped in the bud, we are

going to continue to see copycat stunts such as the one which has unfolded over the weekend. “if it’s the case that an

individual wants to ring a Slovenian premium rate number, then i would suggest that they could manually request that this service be unblocked on their

handset. i believe this is a common sense approach to solving the situation which will prevent unsuspecting people being irish scammed.”

a nightmare on every street

The Car Parking Ghoul was at the unveiling of a new report by retail grocers’ trade association RGDATA. “Nightmare on Every Street”, calls for National Guidance on Car Parking and Smart Travel to save ailing town centres.



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kids will Travel free on luas 18

Your FREE Local Newspaper

Luas is delighted to announce that kids will travel free of charge at weekends during the months of February, March and April 2013. Two children may travel free of charge with each adult who has a valid Luas Adult ticket. This is one of a range of new fare initiatives which the National Transport Authority and the transport operators will be bringing to the travelling public over 2013. This significant initiative is being introduced this year for the first time. Luas carried a record 29.4 million passengers in 2012 and it is hoped that this free offer will encourage even more customers onto one of Europe’s most successful

light rail systems. it is expected that many thousands of parents will avail of this free offer to explore the delights of the city, many of which are also free. The offer will be available to the throngs of extra visitors who will be here for “The Gathering” and the offer will be in place for the St Patrick’s Day celebrations which are expected to be spectacular this year. The offer will also cover the Easter holidays where hard pressed parents will be able to avail of all that the city has to offer with the bonus of free Luas travel for the kids. The offer covers both Luas lines and is available on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.

The Legal Column

Every irish Citizen from eighteen years upwards, who is entered on the register of electors, is eligible for jury service. Previously, there was an upper age limit of seventy years but since the 1st January 2009, this upper age limit has been abolished.

In this month’s edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 01-4599506 email legal@scally.ie deals with the issue of Jury Duty. Can you explain what jury service entails. is it compulsory? i have often wondered what exactly happens if you are requested to do jury service. Can you be fined if you don’t show up? i would not be able to attend for jury service if i was called up as my employer is not good about taking time off work. Would this be a valid excuse not to attend? Jury service is governed by the Juries Act, 1976 as amended by the Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008.

Jury service is intended to be an expression of service to one’s country. under S29 of the 1976 Juries Act, when an employee (or an apprentice) is called for jury service, he/she is deemed to be employed during the period he or she is absent from work. in other words, jury duty does not constitute a break in service and all pay, annual leave and other benefits due to the employee will continue to accrue. Employers can verify attendance at jury duty by asking the employee to produce a certificate of attendance which will provided by the County Registrar of the Court. Anyone with a contract of employment is entitled to be paid by their employer while they are on jury service. Any contractual agreement that attempts to exclude or limit an employer’s liability for the payment of wages during any such absence is void. However, the 1976 Act does not set out any method for calculating pay and difficulties can arise in relation to the calculation of overtime, commission and bonuses. Employers will often take the position that the most reasonable solution is to average the employee’s pay.

An employee may receive a Jury Summons specifying the date and time their attendance has been requested for jury service. This Summons will set out the list of persons that are ineligible, disqualified or excusable as of right from jury service. S7 of the 1976 Act sets out

persons who are deemed ineligible for jury service. Such persons include; • those involved with the administration of justice eg. Judges, solicitors, gardai, prison officers etc,

• those who are incapable of serving by reason of physical or mental illness, or those who have a disability or are unable to read. in addition, there are certain people who are disqualified from jury service and those persons are set out in S8 of the 1976 Act and include • Those sentenced to a term of imprisonment of five years or more, or

• Those who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment or a period of detention in a mental institution of three months’ duration within the last ten years.

An employee may apply to be excused from jury service in accordance with S9 and Part 2 of the First Schedule of the 1976 Act. The employee can apply to the Registrar who summoned him/her and state the reasons why he/she should be excused as fully as possible on the relevant form J2. The employee should enclose certificates or documentation that support this application. Such an application may be made on the employee’s behalf where he/she is too ill or injured to apply. However, an employer cannot make such an application on behalf of any of it’s employees. A self employed individual, whose attendance at jury duty may mean

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar welcomed the initiative and said: ‘This is a generous offer for families and represents really good value. With the Gathering ireland 2013 already underway, it’s also likely to be popular with tourists and i will be encouraging the tourism authorities to promote it with visitors. The offer will apply to anyone travelling with both regular tickets and Leapcards’. piC ShOWS: (L to R) Dara Kay (6), Davina Victor (5), Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar, Vanshika Chundru (6), Ellie Hughes (10) and Leila O'Rourke (7) at the announcement that Kids go free on the Luas.

by Romaine Scally

he/she cannot earn a living, may also qualify for excusal.

if the Registrar refused to excuse the individual, this decision may be appealed to the Court at which he/she has been summoned to attend. The decision of the Court is final. under S60 of the 2008 Act, failure of an individual to serve without being excused may result in a fine of up to €500.00. An employee is not entitled to travel expenses from the State for attending jury service but will receive a lunch if they are actually serving on a jury.

Figures released to RTE under the Freedom of information Act 1997 in 2007 showed that out of a total of 41,500 people who received a Jury Summons, over 22,000 were excused. The figures showed that 15,844 were disqualified because of their job, on health grounds or due to their age and a further 7,018 were excused at the discretion of the Registrar. Despite the implementation of the increased fine of €500.00 since the 1st January 2009 for failure to comply with the Jury Summons, there is still criticism of the unrepresentative nature of irish juries as a consequence of the number of excusals granted.

However, it is understandable how there is a huge financial disincentive for self employed individuals to sit on a jury. in May 2008, following claims of discrimination by groups such as Age Action ireland, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform announced that the government had approved a proposal to abolish the upper age limit for jury service. The proposal was implemented by the 2008 Act and brought into effect on the 1st January 2009. We hope you have found the above helpful.

romaine scally is the principal in the firm of romAine sCAlly And CompAny soliCiTors main street Tallaght, dublin 24 Tel 4599506 fAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie

five minuTe smear TesT could save your life


Your FREE Local Newspaper

volunTeers in dublin needed for lollipop day Thursday 17th January

The Oesophageal Cancer Fund (OCF) needs your help this February! With just one month to go until the 12th annual Lollipop Day, the OCF is calling for more volunteers throughout the country on Friday 22nd and Saturday 23rd February 2013 to help raise vital funds for oesophageal cancer.

Lollipop Day involves thousands of people selling lollipops (€2) nationwide, in an effort to raise vital funds for oesophageal cancer. So if you have a few hours to spare on the 22nd or 23rd February, pop down on your own or with friends, have some fun and help the OCF!

“We are very fortunate to have an ever increasing number of dedicated volunteers, all of whom make Lollipop Day a success every year,” said Noelle Ryan, chairperson of the OCF. “But we still need more volunteers so if anyone or any group is interested in helping out, please contact us on www.lollipopday.ie or on Lollipop Day’s Facebook/Twitter page.”

For more information on Lollipop day, to volunteer or to make a donation, go to: www.lollipopday.ie or to volunteer in dublin call Sara on 087-2320970.

revised niTelink rouTes

Local TD and Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, has urged local women between 25 and 60 years of age to avail of a free smear test from a registered GP, Women's Health or Family Planning Clinic of their choice. The National Cervical Screening Programme which provides smear tests to women aged 25

to 60, is funded by the Department of Health and is free of charge.

“i would encourage all women aged between 25 and 60 to avail of free cervical smear tests. it is particularly important if it is something you have been putting off for a long time. A smear test is a five minute, simple procedure to detect changes in the cells of

the cervix. Over 300 irish women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and over 90 lives are lost every year. The good news is that free, regular cervical screening in practices across Clondalkin, Lucan, Rathcoole and Palmerstown, helps identify cervical cancer at an early stage,” said Fitzgerald. Minister Fitzgerald, who also runs a local

Cllr. Trevor Gilligan PC would like to advise readers of the following timetable changes to the Nitelink which came into effect from Friday, 25th January 2013 69N From Westmoreland Street Towards Saggart Revised Routing: Thomas Street, James Street, Bluebell, Naas Road, Monastery Road, Woodford Walk, Watery Lane, Clondalkin Village, Fonthill Road South, Nangor Road, Peamount, Newcastle, Rathcoole, Saggart. Pick up Points: Thomas Street, Clondalkin Village 25N From Westmoreland Street Towards adamstown Revised Routing: Thomas Street, James’s Street, inchicore, Sarsfield Road, Ballyfermot Road, Neilstown Road, Lucan Newlands Road, Castle Road, Griffeen Road, Esker Road, Newcastle Road (Adamstown). Pick up Points: Thomas Street (Francis Street), The Penny Hill Pub Lucan

Pictured are (from left to right) Cllr Emer Higgins, Minister Frances Fitzgerald, Helena Goodwin, Sinead McArvill, Amanda Kennedy and Jackie Callanan

information campaign during Breast Cancer Awareness month, is asking women to be more confident and aware of their own health and wellbeing in order to prevent a treatable disease from becoming fatal. To find a medical centre near you who provides smear tests, on to log www.cervicalcheck.ie or call CervicalCheck on 1800 45 45 55.

“Women should not be afraid to discuss these issues and i would encourage all women to make a special effort this month to get informed about cervical cancer and to get screened. A quick and free test could save your life, as early detection can lead to successful treatment. All you need is a PPS number to make your appointment,” concluded Fitzgerald.

counts the calories the streat café, Clondalkin, is one of four streat cafes in ireland to display calories on their menu boards. the streat now

boasts over 25 cafés throughout ireland with a brand ethos of providing customers with excellent coffee, a fresh healthy menu and

world class customer service. On-going training has proven to be a core element in the success of the brand and has achieved

the streat café Clondalkin is displaying calories on their menu boards

recognition from various awarding bodies… the streat were the first café chain to achieve a National Training Award… not once but twice!

in April 2012 the streat teamed up with the Food Standards Agency Ni to take part in a pilot scheme to display calorie content on their menu boards. The scheme was piloted for 6 months and an independent evaluation has begun to establish the effectiveness of the scheme. Amanda Fox, franchisee of the streat café Clondalkin, says “as soon as we displayed the calories on the menu, the response from customers was immediately very positive and continues to be. Those customers who are calorie counting now feel safe and valued whilst eating out in our café”. Training manager for

the streat, Amanda Stewart, says ‘we have found in recent years our customers want to be more educated on eating the right foods and planning their treats, therefore we feel that by displaying calories on menu boards is another mark of excellence in our customer service standard’.

The aim of the scheme is to provide customers with clear information, giving them the opportunity to make a more informed choice when it comes to choosing what is best for themselves and their families. With many fast food outlets currently displaying calories on menu boards as part of the governments “responsibility deal”, and most supermarkets displaying nutritional information there is widespread expectation that this could soon become law.

the streat café Clondalkin promoting a healthier diet

the streat café Clondalkin prides itself on excellent coffee

fooTsTeps for alex


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Alex was born in Dublin, on the 6th April 2010, weighing 7 lb 14 oz. Six weeks into the world, he was left fighting for his life when he contracted bacterial meningitis, and thankfully with the support of the doctors and nurses he pulled through.

However after fighting this battle we noticed that Alex was not meeting his developmental targets like other children his age. After an MRi scan Alex was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (spastic diplegia) the day before his first birthday. Alex’s condition prevents him from being able to walk, sit or stand unaided. Alex’s parents say, “The shock we felt that day was immeasurable”. His parents Olwyn (34) and Tony Hoban (36) were warned by doctors in ireland shortly after his diagnosis that the chances of the youngster ever walking were "very, very slim". But recently they received a letter from prestigious St Louis Children's Hospital in Missouri, confirming that Alex is an ideal candidate for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery.

This operation will give alex the chance to walk independently without the use of his walker or wheelchair.

This operation is not available in ireland nor is it funded by the HSE. Alex has now been pencilled in for the €60,000 operation in November 2013, meaning his parents now have the daunting task of raising the necessary funds. But Alex’s overjoyed parents, said: "We're absolutely over the moon and we find it hard to put into words just what this means to us. it'll be tough to raise the money, but we'll find a way of doing it. Alex is a fantastic child who rarely complains about the daily regime of physiotherapy and the effort in using his walker. As parents we would dearly love to give Alex the chance to walk.” Alex’s Montessori The Learning Curve in Woodstown S.C, in conjunction with Scholars Pub in Firhouse have organised a fundraising event. Event: Footsteps for Alex' Pub Quiz Venue: Scholars Pub in Firhouse Date & Time: Friday 22nd February at 8pm

We would be delighted if you could come along and participate in a fantastic night for Alex. However, for those who may be unable to make it, we would really appreciate if you could spread the word about 'Footsteps for Alex' and his website www.footstepsforalex.com.

You can also "LiKE" the facebook page too and keep your eye out for the other upcoming events.

Every donation is important and every helping hand is welcome...Feel free to contact us if you think you can help or if you are in a position to donate spot prizes for raffles or items to auction on the fundraising nights. Donations (no matter how small) can be paid directly into Alex’s bank account, to help Raise money for Alex’s life changing operation. account Name: Footsteps for alex branch: bank of ireland, rathfarnham, dublin account Number: 19224661 Sort Code: 90-02-01

The following local businesses are delighted to support Alex Hoban and wish him the very best of luck

The Management & Staff of Spar Woodstown Shopping Centre Wish Alex All The Best Alterations Services Woodstown Shopping Centre Wish Alex Every Success

The Management & Staff of Mark Ellis Pharmacy Woodstown Shopping Centre Wish Alex All The Best

Fish & Chips & Chinese Take Away Wishing Alex All The Best

Wish Alex a Successful Journey

Rynne Tully Ward

Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors

Best Wishes to Alex from The Staff and All Your Friends at The Learning Curve

Proudly Supporting Alex

Best Wishes to Alex

O'FLAHERTY CONSTRUCTION Wishes Alex a Successful Journey


Your FREE Local Newspaper

dublin boy showcases iT skills in brussels


A Dublin primary school pupil was one of 40 irish young people who travelled to Brussels this week to demonstrate computer programming skills learnt through the irish-founded movement CoderDojo. Michael Kelly, from Glasnevin, who attends St Patrick’s National School, was greeted by local Dublin MEP Gay Mitchell at the event in the European Parliament. Founded in Cork early last year, hundreds of CoderDojo clubs run by volunteer mentors have already sprung up in ireland and in over 22 countries worldwide, teaching young people how to code, develop websites, apps, programmes and games. The showcase in Brussels highlighted the work done by what has mushroomed rapidly into a global, not-for-profit collaboration to promote

computer skills. Speaking from Brussels, Fine Gael MEP Gay Mitchell said computer code was a universal language which could help Europe embrace the digital economy. “Young people fluent in coding can drive the jobs, growth and innovation which will help underpin Europe’s recovery,” he said.

irish MEPs Sean Kelly hosted the event, while Nessa Childers and Jim Higgins were also present, along with CoderDojo co-founder James Whelton, from Bishopstown in Cork. Mr Whelton (20), who describes himself as a “web’preneur, hacker and social media connoisseur”, set up the first computer club while a student at Presentation Boys College in 2011. Later that year, he the first co-founded CoderDojo along with entrepreneur and global philanthropist Bill Liao. Just before Christmas, Whelton was named by uS business

magazine Forbes as one of “30 under 30” people to watch out for in 2013 as one of the “young disruptors, innovators and entrepreneurs” that are changing the world. eu university ranking system “takes out the snobbery”

A new international ranking system for third level institutions launched at Dublin Castle this week, aims to eliminate prejudices in existing ranking methods which have traditionally favoured uS universities over European and Asian colleges. u-Multirank will rate about 500 universities worldwide, with the first results due to be released early next year. Six irish third-level institutions have already signed up to take part, including uCD, DiT, CiT, GMiT, iT Tallaght and iT Sligo. Conventional methods of rating universities focus

on research mainly excellence, but the new system examines five separate categories: research reputation, quality of teaching, international orientation, contribution to regional growth and success in knowledge transfer (building partnerships with business.) Another feature of the system is the introduction of personalised rankings, whereby a student will be able to put more weight on teaching and learning, for example, to produce their own list. Speaking at the launch of u-Multirank at Dublin Castle, Labour MEP Phil Prendergast said the new system would help to overcome some of the “prejudices and snobbery that were inherent in the old system, which disproportionately favoured historic universities as opposed to modern third-level institutes and universities”. Eu Commissioner for

Androulla Education, Vassiliou, said u-Multirank would give students and institutions “a clear picture of their performance” across a range of important areas. The new system has received €2 million in Eu funding from the Lifelong Learning Programme. Mep seeks eu help for exhausted irish doctors

The excessive hours worked by junior doctors in ireland are once again under the Eu spotlight, following a letter written to the European Commission by Fine Gael MEP Jim Higgins. in September 2011, the Commission threatened to take legal action unless ireland reduced doctors’ working hours to no more than an average of 48 hours per week, in line with the European Working Time Directive. A year ago, the government informed the Commission that it would

take a total three years for all irish hospitals to comply with the Eu rules. in his letter to the Commission, Mr Higgins wrote said that the problem had still not gone away. “There are still cases where junior doctors are obliged to work 36-hour shifts, to work over 100 hours in a single week, and to continue working without adequate breaks for rest or sleep.”

Mr Higgins added that the danger to patients and to the health of the doctors themselves was “obvious”. “Junior doctors battling with exhaustion risk making mistakes which can have serious consequences for their patients,” he warned. Mr Higgins also pointed to the recent death by suicide of two junior doctors in Tallaght as a “tragic illustration” of the crisis point that has been reached in the unhealthy working hours of ireland’s junior doctors.

greenhills college furTher educaTion 2013-2014

Greenhills College’s new syllabus for 2013/2014 includes courses in a wide range of subjects, all certified by the relevant bodies; QQi (Quality and Qualifications ireland), ECDL, Microsoft, CompTiA, and the Department of Education and Skills. The full-time and part-time courses equip students with a range of practical and theoretical skills as well as offering work experience in the relevant areas.

The college offers a range of computer courses with business, marketing, international trade, or e-commerce options. The ECDL with Office Skills and Business Studies courses with Computer Applications, provide adults who have been out of the work force with an opportunity to learn the computer skills so necessary in today’s workplace. We also provide a Business Management course at Level 6.

This year we have a new course in Renewable Energy & Construction Technologies at Level 5. Our Mechanical Engineering course is linked to i.T. Tallaght. These together with our course in Computer Aided Design with Architectural Drawing will enable students to gain work in those areas or progress to further study in third level colleges under the Higher Education Links Scheme.

Students wishing to follow a career in healthcare or childcare can undertake courses in Pre-Nursing, Healthcare Support, Early Childhood Care with SNA, Childhood Care with Management and Community Care & Social Studies. The Childhood Care course will provide students with training in the area of Special Needs Assistant, which can lead to a post as a SNA in a primary or secondary school as well as employment in the childcare area. Students who complete the Pre-Nursing course may gain entry to third level colleges through the Higher

Education Links Scheme to do a degree in nursing or other linked courses.

Courses in PC Maintenance Help Engineer, Networks and Software Systems and information Technology will provide opportunities for those who wish to enter employment in the area of computer technology. The Travel & Tourism and Sports Coaching with Leisure Facility Management courses will equip participants to work in the hotel, leisure and tourism industries.

A Pre-university Arts course and a Pre-university Science course are also available in addition to a one year Repeat Leaving Certificate course which is suitable for students who wish to improve on their existing Leaving Certificate results. The college also offers a Leaving Certificate programme for adults. This is an opportunity for those who perhaps never sat the Leaving Certificate or who feel that they under-achieved in their teens to see what they can accomplish as mature students.

Courses on offer on a part-time basis include Return to Work (ECDL), Community Care, Pre-Nursing and Childcare.

Greenhills College has fully equipped and networked computer rooms with internet facilities and is an accredited ECDL and Microsoft training centre. Car parking, canteen and study facilities are available to students. Career guidance is offered to students within the college throughout the year. The college is well served by buses, being at the terminus of the 15A and 19A services and adjacent to routes 54A, 56A, 77, 77A and 150, and is close to the M50 (J.11) motorway.

Information about the courses can be obtained from the Greenhills College admissions office.

Call 4507779 or info@greenhillscollege.ie Web: www.greenhillscollege.ie


greenhills College

limekiln Ave., Walkinstown, dublin 12 ph. 01-4507779

furTher eduCATion 2013 - 2014

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suicide prevenTion campaign welcomed

novenas novenas novenas novenas novenas

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. J.g.

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.d.

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. T.C. ThaNk yOu Dear Heart of Jesus. This is for a very special favour, it may even require a miracle. Thank you again. C.O’b.

ThaNkS TO The Sacred Heart of Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Our Lady and Saint Clare for all their Help. g.d.

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. C.L.

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it,

dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.M.

MiraCLe prayer Dear Heart of Jesus in the past i have asked for many favours. This time i ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. C.O’b.

uNFaiLiNg prayer TO SaiNT aNThONy “Blessed be God in His Angels and His Saints” Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, i implore of you to obtain for me (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy whisper my petition into the ears of of the Sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Publish when request is granted M.M.r.

hOLy SpiriT you who solve all problems, light all roads so that i can attain my goal. You who give me the Divine gift to forgive and forget and forget all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. i want in this short prayer to thank you for all the things as you confirm once again that i never want to be seperated from you in eternal glory. Thank you for your Mercy toward me and mine. The prayer must be said for 3 consecutive days and the request will be granted. The prayer must be published after the favor is granted. M.M.r.

pLeaSe NOTe: if you wish to have your novena published please make a donation to our selected charity. Send a postal order or cheque made payable to Solas Centre (NCbi) and send, along with your novena to: Newsgroup, pO box 3430, Tallaght, dublin 24. if you require any further information call us on 01 4519000.

Fine Gael Councillor Brian Lawlor has welcomed news that the Government is to launch a nationwide suicide prevention campaign.

“For generations in this country suicide has been shrouded by a veil of secrecy and shame. With suicide on the rise, that has to stop,” Councillor Lawlor said. “in 2011, 165 teenagers and young men took their own life in the Republic of ireland ,” he revealed. “ ireland now has one of the highest rates of suicide in Europe , and men are five times more likely than women to take their own lives.” The downturn in the economy has impacted on suicide rates, a new study has revealed. “Common problems which impact on young in particular men include income, family and peer pressure, failure in school and low self esteem,” the Councillor explained.

er h s a d e h T s i denn shing The dry da specialisT

“i welcome news that the Government is to launch a National Suicide Prevention campaign. While there are services available for people suffering from mental health problems, there is a need for greater communication – both to the general public about the service’s ability to offer support, and between the services themselves. “i commend all families who have been devastated by suicide who have had the courage to speak out about their experience. These brave steps are all playing their part in making us as a nation face our demons. i hope that the Government’s campaign will encourage debate at all levels about mental health and encourage people who aren’t feeling well to speak out and ensure they and their families get the help they need.”




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