commuNity News
abject failure
9TH JulY 2012 P.O. bOx 3430, TAllAGHT, DublIn 24 TEl: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie
Dublin South West Sinn FĂŠin TD SeĂĄn Crowe has said the publication of the latest live register figures for June, highlights the abject failure of the Government to get to with the grips unemployment crisis.
Crowe was commenting on the publication of the monthly jobless total which shows a staggering 451,974 people signing on the live register, a figure that gives an underlying unemployment rate of 14.9%. The Tallaght based Deputy described the levels of unemployment as “unacceptable� and said that the climate for retaining or creating new jobs was getting more and more difficult
as we move from financial crisis to crisis
Deputy SeĂĄn Crowe said that “The Government claims that job creation is its number one priority yet since coming to office, and despite rising emigration, overall unemployment is now close to 15%, the highest it has been in nearly 18 years. Another worrying statistic is that there are almost 200,000 people who have been unemployed for over 12 months, with young people some of the hardest hit.
“Dublin South West is one of the country’s worst unemployment black spots. In the local Social Welfare Office in Tallaght at the end of
2011, 11,206 were signing on, a rise of over 10% over just a 12 month period. “You can see at first hand the growing behind desperation many of these figures and in the drawn faces of constituents who are trying to manage with less money and increased demands on their finances.
“This latest scourge of unemployment is creating a sense of hopelessness that is reminiscent of the worst days of the 1980’s. Tens of Thousands of young men, women and families are now being forced to leave these shores in an effort to find work. “The Government’s
austerity measures are making the situation worse with more and more money being taken out of the local economy and negatively impacting on jobs in the retail sector.
“There are alternative strategies but the seem Government determined to follow along the same path and the same failed policies of the previous administration. "Many in Ireland and across Europe see a jobs stimulus package as the only driver that will reverse the collapse and drags the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.
HaVe you beeN iNjureD iN aN acciDeNt? Have you been injured in an accident on the road, in the workplace, as a result of medical misadventure or in a public area? If so, you will be interested to note that ROMAINE SCALLY & COMPANY SOLICITORS OF MAIN STREET, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24 TEL: 01 4599506, E-MAIL: LEGAL@SCALLY.IE, have now launched their new ACCIDENT HOTLINE (lo-call 1890 947076). For urgent advice and early appointments to discuss your accident please call this number where you will be assured professional advice to deal with your accident. With over 30 years experience dealing with accident cases, we offer you the benefit of our advice to deal with all the legal aspects of your accident and will on request process your claim efficiently and speedily.
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Sinn FĂŠin has put forward a fully costed plan that would use funding from the
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GoVerNmeNt urGeD to iNtroDuce abject failure...from PaGe 1 New rules to Deal witH ‘casH for GolD’ sHoPs Your FREE Local Newspaper
Fine Gael Senator for Dublin South West, Cáit Keane, has called on the Minister for Justice and Equality, Alan
Shatter to introduce new rules that will deal specifically with cash for gold outlets. Speaking in the Seanad,
Senator Keane said that the issue must be by the addressed introduction of legislation which would mean the application of adapted regulations for this type of outlet.
“Minister Shatter published a report last week on cash for gold shops, one of the first issues I raised as a Senator. I am extremely concerned that the existence of these shops is providing an incentive to burglars to break into people’s homes in order to steal and later sell jewellery. I attended a public meeting recently at which this issue was raised by a number of people. “The Gardaí are also concerned about this issue and have visited every cash for gold shop in the country in order
to try and ensure that measures are adhered to, including that every seller must provide ID. The work of the Gardaí is worthy however it needs to be given the backing of the law in the form of new legislation.
“Given that it is arguably inconsistent that there are specific rules and regulations that apply to pawnbrokers and I believe that similar rules should apply to cash for gold outlets. “People are scared in their homes and the number of burglaries increased by 8% between 2010 and 2011. There appears to be a legislative inconsistency and I urge the Minister bring forward legislation to rectify it.”
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national Pension Reserve Fund and additional monies from the European Investment bank to stimulate the Irish economy. We believe our proposal would see the State’s competitiveness increase with investment in Green energy, IT, Food products, Research and that Development would attract Foreign Direct Investment and support indigenous Enterprise for longer term employment creation. “last weekend, the European union and Member States somewhat belatedly decided to launch its Compact for Growth and Jobs" to enhance investment and employment, and make more Europe
“These latest jobless figures show no relief, let up or opportunity on the horizon for the unemployed and the coming months will be a
litmus test of the Government to see if they can use Ireland’s so called ‘special’ place within the Eu to reverse this unacceptable and very worrying trend.”
Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe says that latest live register figures for June, highlights the abject failure of the Government to get to grips with the unemployment crisis
This newspaper is published by:
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back to scHool clotHiNG & footwear allowaNce scHeme
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This government continues to supporting the less well off says Keating
Deputy Derek Keating has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Social Protection, Joan burton TD, that the back to School Clothing & Footwear Allowance Scheme will be paid to over 115,000 families, accommodating 205,000 children, in the week commencing 16th July.
Deputy Keating said this support is a vital and important one for many families who are struggling to meet the costs associated with school attendance. “With the high cost of school books, school uniforms and footwear, this allowance will go a long way towards assisting families in the
preparation for the coming school term in September.
“I have raised the difficulty of the affordability of school books, school uniforms, footwear and the so-called voluntary contribution that is expected from families as they face into a new school year, with the Minister for Education. I am delighted that Minister burton and the Minister for Education, Ruairí Quinn, are attempting to supporting families who are struggling to cope during these difficult times. “The Minister for Education recently stated that the
‘voluntary’ contribution that is so often solicited from parents by non-fee paying schools is not compulsory and that families are not obliged to pay it. Today’s announcement that the payments for the back to School Clothing & Footwear Allowance will be paid in July will give families an opportunity to shop around and get the best value for money for school uniforms and footwear. “It is worth noting that 16,000 additional new applications are expected to be processed during the month of July. This means that 85% of those who are being paid by the Department of Social Protection will be
automatically approved for payment following on from last year.
However, new applications will take some weeks and a fresh application requires a guardian or parent to complete a form in their local Social Welfare Office. A low call number 1890 662244 is available to with new assist applicants.
“I congratulate both Ministers for their efficiency and for taking a hands on approach to this issue. I would encourage new claimants to lodge their applications as soon as possible to ensure that their entitlements are paid on time.”
New mayor electeD for soutH DubliN couNty At the Annual Meeting of the South Dublin County Council held on Friday 29th June, 2012, at County Hall, Tallaght, Councillor Cathal King (SF) was elected Mayor of South Dublin County.
New mayor Cathal King
Tributes were paid to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Caitríona Jones and Deputy Mayor Councillor Pamela Kearns, who thanked their fellow Councillors, Philomena Poole, County Manager, and the Management and Staff of the Council for their help and support during their term in office.
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Councillor Cathal King was proposed for Mayor by Councillor Maire Devine (SF) and was seconded by Councillor Eamon Tuffy (lAb). Mayor Cathal King in his acceptance speech said that ‘it is with great pride and pleasure that I take on the responsibility of Mayor of South Dublin County. Firstly I intend to use the office of Mayor to highlight the issue of Mental Health by facilitating a gathering of interested groups and individuals to develop a strategy to promote mental health ‘well being’ for all age groups in South Dublin County’
Mayor King then outlined his other priorities for his year in office which will include a greater focus on housing issues, in particular the private rented sector and the delivery of the emergency homeless accommodation project for the county. The Mayor also wished to continue the Council’s strategy to promote enterprise and employment he added ‘ I look forward to working with the County Manager and staff to progress the
innovative Sustaining and Developing business Initiative in collaboration with our partner agencies at local and national level. This initiative has been very well received by the business community here in the county and I look forward to engaging more in this work as Mayor and having a pro – active input into the development of probusiness strategies’.
Mayor King concluded his speech by stating that he was looking forward to playing his role in the promotion of ‘The Gathering Dublin 2013’ a year long program of events, festivals and fun designed to bring record numbers of visitors to South Dublin County. As the lead agency, South Dublin Tourism will co-ordinate the hosting of a number of events making great use of the unique facilities and venues we have here in South Dublin County. These events will put South Dublin on the map as one of the Country’s premium tourist destination in its own right and bring associated economic benefits to this county.
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caPPiNG reNt will make families Homeless 6
Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has criticised the Government’s decision to lower rent caps, claiming it is a decision that will make many families homeless. Deputy Crowe said “The introduction of rent supplement caps is making it increasingly difficult for many families to meet the cost of paying for their rent as Social Welfare will no longer pay the supplement if it exceeds their cap. “Every year the Government pays around
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€500 million to private landlords, a staggering amount of money that is spent on a system that is open to exploitation and abuse. I know from callers to my advice centre of many instances when landlords have hiked their rent to over a €1000 a month forcing their tenants to pay over and above what they are supposed to. This underhand practice by unscrupulous landlords is forcing more and more people into greater poverty. “The reality is that while
rent supplement is being reduced annually, the cost of renting a property, particularly in areas like Tallaght has remained unacceptably high. “The Government’s decision to lower the rent caps and force individual tenants, under the threat of being made homeless, into often unwinnable negotiations with landlords, is causing untold misery and upheaval for families throughout the country. “There are 96,000 people
on housing lists and waiting up to 10 years to be housed at a time when the most recent census figures show there are 230,000 empty dwellings in the State.
these properties lie vacant when they could be used to house people which in turn would save the State millions of Euros.” "The Minister for Social Protection Joan burton,
needs to look at this failed policy that is forcing families further into austerity. I call on the Minister to revisit the Rent limits Report for 2011, that is driving this unworkable policy."
DumPeD & abaNDoNeD cable ties DisresPectful to electorate
“It is utterly perverse that
Sinn Fein Councillor Maire Devine has expressed her dismay at the failure of some political parties to properly dispose of their cable ties after a campaign. The Sinn Fein Councillor decided to collect abandoned
Sinn Fein Councillor Maire Devine demonstrates how easy it is to properly dispose of cable ties
cable ties to demonstrate how easy they are to take down and dispose of in a proper manner. using affordable telescopic pruners the local councillor for Tallaght Central collected numerous black sacks of cable ties.
“During election and referendum campaigns residents have to tolerate every lampost being festooned with posters, they accept that this is part of the democratic process but when a campaign is over is it too much to ask that political parties leave the lamposts & surrounding ground as they found it?” questioned Cllr Devine. “South Dublin County Council is actively encouraging local areas to engage in the tidy towns process and communities engaged in these activities need all the support they can get. They certainly do not need their local politicians adding to their workload with these unsightly cable ties. It is up to each political party to take responsibility for their ties at the end of a campaign” added the councillor.
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Grants available for home energy upgrades through seai
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PriNciPal aPPoiNteD for New citywest eDucate toGetHer NatioNal scHool
Educate Together is delighted to announce the appointment of Caitríona Hand as Principal of the established recently Citywest Educate Together national School. Caitríona, who is currently a School Principal in Co. Westmeath, has extensive experience in leading and developing a school community, having spent over six years as Deputy Principal of newbridge Educate Together nS in prior to her Kildare appointment as Principal. Speaking of her appointment, Caitríona commented “I am honoured to be the first Principal of Citywest ETnS. Enrolment is strong and there is a great sense of community and positivity about our new school. Citywest parents have worked tirelessly to get an Educate Together school opened in the area and I am looking forward to working with them in developing this child-centred, multi-denominational school.” The school will open under the patronage of Educate
Together on 29th August 2012 and will be located on Fortunestown lane, Citywest. Speaking about the Citywest school, Amy Mulvihill, school manager said “We are delighted that the accommodation bring provided by the Department of Education and Skills for Citywest ETnS is of a high standard and will allow for bright, welcoming classrooms and the use of the latest educational technology”. The new school in Citywest will be one of five schools Educate Together will open this year. Educate Together schools have been a popular choice for parents since the first school opened in 1978. Since then, Educate Together schools have brought innovation to Irish education, primary promoting the active involvement of parents and pupils in the educational process. Educate Together’s ethical curriculum learn Together, which complements the national primary curriculum, is praised by educationalists
at home and abroad. The long-term aim of Educate Together is to give every parent in Ireland a choice of school type for their children’s education. The new Educate Together school in Citywest ETnS now makes this choice a reality for parents in Dublin 24. Citywest ETnS has a limited number of places for the coming school year. Interested parents should contact Caitríona at citywestetns@gmail.com.
Caitríona Hand
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Grants to upgrade your home’s energy efficiency and lower your energy bills, are available through the better Energy Homes scheme, administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Dublin homeowners can join the 125,000 others who have already improved the comfort levels in their home and received cash grants through the scheme to install insulation, solar panels and heating system upgrades. on the Commenting continuing availability of grants, Mr Pat Rabbitte Minister for Communications, Energy and natural Resources said: “The better Energy Homes
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MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. T.C. MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. A.M.
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Rathcoole is a friendly, traditional, country village situated on the n7 and just minutes from the Red Cow and M50. Commuting to Dublin couldn’t be easier by car, bus, or with the new luas line which is now complete and open. It’s the perfect village by the City. Primary and Secondary Schools catering for boys and girls are only a short walk (200 metres) .
no expense has been spared by Cavan Developments in the construction of
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Kitchen, bathroom, en-suite walls and floors, are all tiled with very good quality polished porcelain tiles. High quality wardrobes and fireplaces, to name but a few, all come as standard. Solar panels are standard making these homes very energy efficient and giving them a b rating. This reduces heating bills considerably. Windows and facia boards are pvc and walls are brick and dry dashed giving a maintenance free exterior. All houses have front gardens which are walled, with cobblelock driveways which can accommodate two or more cars. Rear gardens are very spacious
tHe New luas Park & riDe is oNly a sHort DistaNce away!
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braNNelly fINaNcIal servIces ltD.
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some of which are 16 metres or 52 feet long. Cavan Developments have had a very positive response and huge interest and sales of these new homes. They feel some of the reasons behind this are:It is a brand new development of concrete built, modern 3 and 4 bedroom family homes which is a low density development and is family orientated, beside schools etc. A place people want to live. Of course the offers like free kitchen appliances are very popular, but other features such as walled front gardens with cobblelock driveways and no management fees are
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The homes at Broadfield Manor are of excellent quality and very good value. Prices from €270,000. Loans can be arranged.
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braNNelly fINaNcIal servIces ltD Is regulateD by the ceNtral baNk Of IrelaND
No expense has been spared by Cavan Developments in the construction of these new 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Picture shows attic converted to a 4th bedroom which has been designed and engineered with a properstairs from the landing. This creates a room some 270 square feet which has an en-suiteand is completely finished with fitted wardrobes.
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GoVerNmeNt must act oN biN waiVer Promise
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Sinn Fein Dublin Mid West representative Eoin O broin has criticised Greyhound Recycling following this weeks announcement of a price hike. O broin also called on the Government to "honour their commitment to ensure private providers would provide
a waiver scheme for low income households".
O broin said that "The announcement by Greyhound that they are increasing their lift fees is disapointing but not surprising. Since taking over the waste collection from South
Dublin County Council they have been mired in controversey. They provide a poor quality service and have been widely criticised by customers and politicians from across the constituency.
families into deeper financial hardship and will result in an increase in illegal dumping. "unfortunately Greyhound has shown little inclination to listen to political representations on its pricing structure or its service delivery. It is
now up to central Government to intervene. "The labour Fine Gael for Programme Government includes a commitment to ensure that private waste collection companies should have 'a public servidce obligation' including 'a fee waiver
increasing fees in the background. Of course Greyhound is passing the charge off to the residents, did the Dept. of Environment think they wouldn’t and that Greyhound would pay it all? I am tabling a motion at this next council meeting objecting to the fees and I am asking FG and labour to support my motion”
management plan in South Dublin Council. Recently at a local area meeting I asked how many bins were removed in the Clondalkin area? I was told 10 (since 2009). Increasing fees for customers will only increase the amount of litter dumped illegally in the area as people will not be able to afford these extra charges!” Cllr Trevor Gilligan concluded.
Cllr Trevor Gilligan, FF, recently reported to the litter warden in SDCC, that hundreds of Greyhound leaflets were illegally dumped on the Fonthill Road
GreyHouND customers iN sDcc to Pay 16.5%
Greyhound has announced a 16.5% rise in bin charges, on the back of Fine Gael increasing its landfill levy from €50 per tonne to €65 (a 30% increase).
Cllr Trevor Gilligan said “Fine Gael has stated pre-election that they would introduce a national waiver scheme (which we are still waiting for). This levy increase ultimately means bin customers
will pay more. A 30% increase at this time is totally out of the question. no business can increase their fees 30%, how come government can? This is at a time when businesses are trying to cut costs to generate business. Time after time, government blames private sector for increasing in fees, when its the government
"This price increase will force thousands of
“We have a litter waste
for low-income households.'
"unfortunately it appears that this is yet another labour Fine Gael election promise that has fallen by the way-side. If the Government is serious about protecting low income households it
should act on this commitment as a matter of urgency.
"I would also urge all Greyhound customers in Dublin Mid-West to actively look at other private providers to ensure that they are getting the best deal possible.
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mortGaGe arrears measures will HelP keeP local families iN tHeir Homes Your FREE Local Newspaper
local Fine Gael TD and Minister for Children, Frances Fitzgerald, has welcomed a range of measures announced by Government to assist people who are in mortgage arrears. The measures are aimed at allowing families who are in mortgage difficulty to stay in homes, and their providing advice and incentives for people with unsustainable mortgages.
The measures taken by the Government to assist those in mortgage
difficulty include: the Personal Insolvency bill, the Mortgage to Rent Scheme and and information guidance resources for at risk mortgage holders. In addition lenders have suggested options to the Central bank for mortgage arrears resolution measures such as split mortgages. “The measures introduced this week are an effort to assist families and individuals who are facing difficulties in repaying
their mortgages. Each family or individual in mortgage arrears faces unique difficulties and with that in mind it’s appropriate that the Government has created a range of solutions to help mortgage holders in difficulty.
Personal “The Insolvency bill will allow people who are insolvent, including mortgage holders, to resolve their situation over a defined period. The Mortgage to Rent Scheme is aimed at the
most distressed mortgage holders and involves the mortgage holder becoming, in effect, a social housing tenant whereby the State will, where necessary, subsidise the rent. This measure will allow people who are extremely exposed to remain within their own homes instead of facing repossession.
“Furthermore lending have institutions submitted options to the Central bank on how stressed mortgages may be dealt with. One
such option is a ‘split mortgage’ which would involve splitting the mortgage into what the debtor can affordably pay with the rest being said ‘warehoused’,” Fitzgerald.
debtors including those in mortgage arrears. However, none of these measures should be viewed as an alternative for those who can afford to meet their debts. If people can meet their debts, it is in their best interests to do so.
new mortgage initiatives to provide for new credit homeowners in order to restore a regular functioning residential property market.
“I believe these measures should be welcomed by the banks because it is in their interests to ensure that their debtors do not bankrupt, become which should always be the last resort. In addition to the provisions announced, the banks will introduce
“There is no quick fix or one size fits all solution to the mortgage issue. This is why we have introduced a range of different measures. Fundamentally these provisions will allow for thousands of families across Clondalkin, lucan, Palmerstown, Rathcoole and newcastle to remain in their homes and for that reason they are to be welcomed.”
The announcement by the Government of a microenterprise loan fund scheme has been welcomed by Deputy Eamonn Maloney, labour Party TD for Dublin South West. The loan scheme is designed for start up companies, sole traders and micro enterprises which employ not more than 10 people will be operational in early Autumn. The fund will provide loans of up to
€25,000 to commercial viable enterprises which do not meet banking requirements such as collateral. It is expected that 7,700 jobs will be created over 10 years by lending to 5,500 enterprises. This fund is an addition to three other funds - €150 million Credit Guarantee Scheme, €125 million Innovation Fund Ireland and the €150 million Development Capital Scheme in the Action
Plan for Jobs. "Creating jobs by rebuilding the economy is the number one priority of the Government. People who have a good idea but lack capital will be able to access credit. The Microenterprise Fund is one of a series of measures designed to provide a line of credit to indigenous business which in turn will create and sustain the jobs that are required".
Mensa are offering the people of Dublin the opportunity to discover their IQ score at a Mensa IQ Test session. Everyone who scores within the top two per cent of the population will be invited to join Mensa.
To reserve a place on the test you can book online by visiting the IQ Test section of the Mensa website at www.mensa.org.uk.
company and participating in a range of social and cultural activities. In 2012 there is an excellent events programme exclusively for Mensa members including intellectual talks, sports and themed days. Members of Mensa also receive a monthly magazine and newsletter.
Minister Fitzgerald, whose office in the heart of Clondalkin Village has been helping constituents to access supports, believes that these measures will be of help to a majority of people in mortgage difficulties. “All of these provisions are aimed at providing debt resolution arrangements for genuinely insolvent
fiNaNce aND GooD iDeas are tHe key to job creatioN
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new members would join the other 110,000 members of The High IQ Society based around the world; with over 22,500 Mensans based in the british Isles.
Those interested in finding out their own IQ score can attend a Mensa supervised IQ test session on Saturday 21 July (1.45pm) at St Conleth’s College for just €20.50.
Alternatively you can contact Helen Oliver on +44(0)1902 772 771 (option 1) or email bookatest@mensa.org.u k for more information. More information about Mensa and IQ testing can be found via the Mensa website at www.mensa.org.uk.
Mensa currently has 1,050 members in Ireland and 82 members in Dublin. The society welcomes people from all walks of life, with the objective of enjoying each other’s
The society’s aims are to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members; to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; and to encourage research into the nature, characteristics and uses of intelligence.
Your FREE Local Newspaper
While there are many factors that contribute to our skin looking old before its time, sun exposure and its associated damage is undoubtedly the number one cause of premature skin ageing, not to mention skin cancer. No one is saying you should hide indoors for the summer, just be smart and have fun in the sun. Red or sunburned skin is not a good look! Prepare your skin for holidays or tanning with this SunFx exfoliating and moisturising head to toe body treatment. Book this refreshing 30 minute treatment. ONLY €49
To enhance the growth of your natural nail Bio Sculpture, the original coloured Gel is a nail hardening treatment without harmful primers or bonders. As Midas Touch is now the national training centre for Bio Sculpture in the republic of Ireland you couldn’t be in better hands! Jessica Permanent Polish is another great option for holidays. It contains a small percentage of acrylic making it last 2-3 weeks and will get even the heaviest handed client through the holidays. It’s smudge proof, chip proof and available in French or colour to match your Jessica toe polish. Book well in advance for these popular holiday treats.
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raDical reform of iNsolVeNcy leGislatioN will HelP tHose struGGliNG witH uNsustaiNable Debt to fiND a way out
Fine Gael Dublin South West TD and Minister of State, brian Hayes has
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welcomed the publication of the new Personal Insolvency bill
2012, which will fundamentally reform insolvency laws in
Ireland and provide a lifeline for those who are struggling with unsustainable debts.
“This bill will radically change the face of insolvency law in Ireland and will provide a workable solution to those struggling to cope with unmanageable debt levels. It will also see the automatic discharge period for bankruptcy being reduced from 12 to 3 years, bringing Ireland in line with European norms. “A number of flexible arrangements have been put in place to deal with varying levels of debt. They range from Debt Relief notices (DRn) that will allow for the full write-off of
qualifying debts of up to €20,000 for those who have no assets or income. Debt Settlement Arrangements (DSA) will deal with unsecured debts of no upper limit over a five year period, while Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIA) will deal with secured and unsecured debt up to €3 million over six years, with the possibility of this cap being increased. The provisions of the PIA are designed specifically to ensure that the struggling debtor remains in his/her family home. “The proliferation of reckless lending carried out over the last
number of years and the massive inflation of house prices has left many in Dublin South West up to their necks in debt. The provisions of this bill are designed to meet the needs of those who genuinely cannot keep their heads above water. It does not provide for the automatic write-off of negative equity. nor does it provide assistance to solvent debtors. “Those who are struggling to keep up financially should talk to their lender in an attempt to come to a payment arrangement that is suitable for both sides. banks and financial institutions are being encouraged to come to realistic debt
settlement arrangements with their debtors, who, in turn, will be shown a way out of their debt problems.
“This bill provides alternatives to bankruptcy, which should be a final port of call for all involved. We cannot continue to ignore the burden of debt that hangs around the necks of so many. Through this bill the Government is honouring the commitment made in the Programme for Government and in the Eu/IMF Programme of Financial Support for Ireland to deal with personal indebtedness for the people of Dublin South West and all the people of Ireland.”
mcDoNaGH welcome wHeelcHair ramPs iN roNaNstowN
Sinn Féin Councillor Matthew McDonagh has today welcomed the installation of wheel chair accessible ramps in Ronanstown. Cllr McDonagh has praised the decision by South Dublin County Council to undertake this important work, something which he and his party colleagues
have been calling for over the last number of months. Cllr McDonagh said ‘I fully welcome this work and I am delighted that it is finally been undertaken. I have been calling upon the council to carry out this work for a number of months.
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rouND tower sHoulD be oPeNeD uP" as 600 turN out to eNter iN 3 Hours
labour TD Robert Dowds has called on the OPW to open up the Round Tower in Clondalkin to the public more frequently as 600 people turned out to get a chance to stand inside the historic structure in just over 3 hours on Saturday, June 30th. "After working hard to get the OPW to open the Round Tower for the Clondalkin Festival, I was absolutely delighted that
over 600 people showed up in just over 3 hours to get the chance to stand inside. The OPW were themselves very surprised at the size of the crowd and the number of people who wished to go inside the Tower." "This has proven two points which I have long being arguing, the first of which is that the people of Clondalkin are very proud of the Round
As more of us mortgage holders are running into arrears, there are reports of banks agreeing settlements or offering debt write-downs. The question arises as to whether or not this is true and to what extent are the banks making these offers to hard pressed mortgage holders.
It must have come as a considerable relief to many mortgage holders in arrears when a recent survey found that banks are indeed negotiating with distressed mortgage holders. It seems that banks are coming to “arrangements” with mortgage holders who are in difficulty with their mortgages. What we do not know, however, is what these arrangements are in any particular case. In some cases, it may simply be a SHORT TERM FOREBEARANCE. The most common arrangements being offered to consumers include increased loan terms, deferred payments, fixed period moratoriums and interest only periods. These however are very much short-term arrangements with no long term benefit to hard pressed mortgage holders.
"I will be pressing the OPW, the council and other relevant bodies to start making access to the Tower a more regular occurrence, and we will
The Legal Column
Struggling mortgage holders were given hope in a landmark case recently when the bank of Ireland decided to write off €152,000.00 off a mortgage debt owned by a Dublin nurse. This lady agreed a deal with one of the main banks to repay €18,000.00 off the entire debt in an arrangement similar to the new OUT OF COURT PERSONAL INSOLVENCY ARRANGEMENT proposed by the Government. However, this happened only after the bank had sat on the house for two years before selling it and pursuing the mortgage holder through the Courts for the balance.
In this month’s edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 01-4599506 email legal@scally.ie discusses the position with write-downs with the banks for borrowers in arrears on their mortgages.
Tower and value it greatly, and secondly that more should be done to improve access to it for the public. After all, it is a public building which is owned by the people and in the care of the OPW."
The PERSONAL INSOLVENCY LEGISLATION, the publication of which has been postponed to the end of June, contains three voluntary debt-settlement systems and reduces the period of bankruptcy from 12 years to 3 years. The personal insolvency arrangement caters for secured and unsecured creditors from €20,000.00 up to €3,000,000.00.
For example, if a persons mortgage is in NEGATIVE EQUITY some or all of this amount could be written off under a PERSONAL INSOLVENCY ARRANGEMENT (E.G. if a person has a mortgage for €500,000.00, their house is worth just €300,000.00 and they can only afford to pay a maximum mortgage of €400,000.00, the debtor and their trustee (in bankruptcy) might propose a debt reduction of €100,000.00.)
If a person has investment properties, these will be put up for sale and a percentage of the outstanding amount will need to be paid off over 6 years. For the Personal Insolvency Arrangement to be affective, at least 55% of the UNSECURED CREDITORS and 75% of SECURED CREDITORS must agree to the arrangement.
Part of the problem to date has been the lack of flexibility on the part of the banks in coming to arrangements with hard-pressed mortgage holders. Some of the details of the bill remain unclear, i.e. whether or not the bank will not have to agree to a settlement arrangement, even if the Personal Insolvency Trustee has assisted in its preparation and presented it as an acceptable proposal. This has to be clarified.
The banks have presented a number of financial products to the Central bank and some have yet to be approved. The first is the MORTGAGE TO RENT SCHEME. This is designed for those in very difficult circumstances. The lender (bank) sells the property to a housing agency which lets it to the former owner. The current value of the property has to be under €220,000.00 and a family will not qualify if their income is more than €42,000.00 between three adults and four children. The banks will then come to an arrangement about how to deal with the balance of the debt. Obviously, the recommendation of the hard-pressed mortgage holder is a DEBT wRITE-DOwN.
The product likely to be the most popular is the SPLIT MORTGAGE where the debt is divided up and an affordable amount is paid off a portion of it every month. The remainder of the mortgage is literally SHELVED and paid off later. It is still not clear whether this shelved balance would continue to carry interest on an ongoing basis but, in the event that it does, it is unlikely to work.
The third product is the NEGATIVE EQUITY MORTGAGE already being offered in a limited form by a few banks which allows people to trade up or down and take the balance of the mortgage with them. It would appear that the most common short-term arrangement between banks and borrowers in difficulty is for the mortgage to be charged to INTEREST FREE or INTEREST FREE wITH PART-PAYMENT. Some banks are more likely to negotiate this arrangement than others. The latest figure is that some 78,000.00 are now in mortgage arrears and the banks are therefore, awash with debt and in some cases do not have the staff to deal with the administration to put the arrangements in place for people who are indebted. The problem with interest only periods and other short-term measures is that a large percentage of people are breaking these arrangements because they cannot afford to make full payments. It is important that all borrowers are extremely realistic when filling out STANDARD FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (designed to assist people to set out their current financial circumstances). It is also
certainly be looking for the Tower to be opened up for the Clondalkin festival in years to come. The huge numbers show that there is a big demand from people wishing to go inside the Round Tower. I firmly believe that the area around the Tower should be improved and I am hopeful that work to that effect will begin sooner rather than later."
by Romaine Scally
a well-recognised fact that the more payments that are missed, the harder it gets psychologically to deal with the debt for hard-pressed borrowers.
At the moment, write-downs generally only happen when the bank sees no hope of recovering the mortgage. You might see it, for example, when a couple in negative equity separates and they have both moved abroad and no one is paying the mortgage. The bank will sell the property and chase the balance but, ultimately will write-off the debt if they cannot track down the individuals. Clearly however this is an extreme case. Partial write-downs happen more frequently. This is where the banks write down part of the balance eventually. After a property is sold, the amount of the write down will depend on the borrowers ability to pay.
One thing is absolutely sure, however, these issues have to be dealt with and the sooner the Personal Insolvency Legislation is published, the better for the economy as a whole and hard-pressed borrowers in particular. The most important advice any borrower in difficulty can be given is to continue to negotiate at all times with their lender and not to ignore the lender. Most of the main lenders are obliged to deal with borrowers and to facilitate them, provided that they are continuing to make some payments on an ongoing basis. The worst possible thing is to ignore the problem and hope that it will go away. This is a perfectly understandable reaction but, not one designed to solve problems in the long-term. It is clear that there is help now on the way for borrowers in difficulty and we would encourage all borrowers to keep the lines of communication open with their lender to ensure that they are entitled to avail of any of the benefits of this Personal Insolvency legislation.
ROMAINE SCALLY & CO, SOLICITORS operate a FREE LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC on the second Wednesd ay of every month from 2.00pm until 6.00p m at their offices in Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24. NEXT CLINIC: WED. 11TH JULY No Appointment is neces sary. We look forward to answ ering your legal queries in person.
Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie
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cloNDalkiN to HaVe a DoG ruN iNstalleD Your FREE Local Newspaper
Following discussions with many dog owners last year, Derek Keating TD pursued the installation of a Dog Run facility in Griffeen Park. As part of this initiative he referred
the Council to existing and successful Dog Run facilities in other areas. Keating said “I am pleased the Council has agreed to commence the Dog Run in Griffeen Park soon”.
last September I raised the need again for a “Dog Run” facility in lucan. Following my initiative as a result of representations from many dog owners in the lucan area, I pursued
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the installation of a dog run facility in Griffeen Valley Regional Park. In September 2011, I received agreement from South Dublin County Council that such a facility would be approved following my representations. last month the Dog Facility was completed and made available to all Dog Owners in the lucan area and I am delighted that this facility is now available in Griffeen Valley Regional Park. South Dublin County Council have put in the highest quality of fencing to ensure that dogs will have a large area to exercise and this dedicated space will also facilitate those people who wish to let their dog loose off a leash in a fenced area. The current regulations for dog owners are that a dog needs to be licenced, it needs to be “chipped” and certain breeds are obliged to be muzzled when exercising in public area’s and parks. All
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dogs should be on a leash, their owners’ name on their collar and controlled by their owner. the most Perhaps important aspect of walking your dog is to ensure that, when a dog fowls an area, the owner cleans this up immediately. All dog owners will know it is a natural function of a dog to use the opportunity to run and play during the time that exercising is taking place. Following representations received by me some two years ago, I approached South Dublin County Council and discuss with them in detail, the possibility of a Dog Run facility in the lucan area. A feasibility study was carried out by the Council, including examining an existing Dog Run facility in Dublin City Council. The lucan facility was opened last week in Griffeen Valley Regional Park at a small cost of €5,000.
I am also delighted that the success of this and my representations has convinced the Council to agree to commence a Dog Run facility in the Clondalkin. I am hoping that Palmerstown will soon be added to the list of locations in the not too distant future. As part of the Health & Sports Development Plan for lucan, I initiated the Dog Run facility along with the Skate Park and the All-Weather Soccer facility for which a planning recent application was made by the group representing the Soccer fraternity in lucan. I
am also delighted that work to install the Outdoor Exercise Equipment has already begun in Hermitage Park and Griffeen Regional Park. As a former Fitness Instructor I believe that this too will enhance the overall weebeing of the lucan Community.
I would welcome all Dog Owners’ views about the facility in Griffeen Valley Regional Park. I will continue to represent the interests of all the residents of lucan to maximise the recreational facilities budget with South Dublin County Council.
Derek Keating TD at the dog run in Lucan
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DowDs Hails New ProtectioN for low PaiD
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Dublin Mid West labour T.D., Robert Dowds has welcomed the completion of Joint labour Committee (JlC) legislation and says that this is yet more evidence that labour is delivering on its promises in Government. “The Joint labour Committee legislation passed through its final stages last week. When it is implemented, it will ensure more
protection for workers on wages as low as €18,000 per annum.
“The legislation ensures that recommendations for decent pay and conditions that are agreed at Joint labour Committees, including delivery of sector specific minimum wage rates, will be respected and enforced. “The reason for the new law is because of a recent High Court
judgement struck that down the entire JlC system that was in place previously, which led to increasing uncertainty for tens of thousands of low paid workers and their families, risking downward pressure on wages at the cost of domestic demand and family incomes.
“In just 16 months, labour in government has fought hard to
protect the rights of low paid workers and defend the interests of their families. “So far in Government, labour has reversed the cut in the minimum wage as well as ensuring that over 330,000 low paid workers were taken out of the universal Social Charge net in the last budget, when others said these things would not be done. The new
JlC legislation is another good news story for the thousands of individuals and
families who work in lower paid sectors of our economy. These new provisions show
that labour is on their side, despite what other parties in politics may say.”
kids Go free on luas - all weekends in july
couNcil staff coNGratulateD oN successful Play Day iN corkaGH Park
Fine Gael Councillor Emer Higgins has congratulated the massive efforts of Council staff and volunteers who ensured that this weekends Play Day celebrations in Corkagh Park were a success, despite the weather. “Thousands of families descended on Corkagh Park last weekend to avail of the fantastic array of activities and games on offer to children of all ages. The festivities were a celebration of national Play Day and despite the threatening clouds and passing showers there was a great turn out and everyone seemed to really enjoy the event,” said Cllr. Emer Higgins. “With everything from facepainting to finger painting, story telling to bouncy castles, reptiles and sandpits; there certainly was something for every child. The Pet Farm was free of charge for the day and a science exhibition for the older kids injected an educational aspect to the event.
Volunteers from right across the county rolled up their sleeves and helped out on the day and I know a lot of the organisers went above and beyond the call of duty. Council staff were setting up the Park from 6am but by 11, as the crowds started to descend, it was obvious that their efforts had paid off,” continued Cllr. Higgins. “Play Day is all about encouraging children to explore the creative and often messy side of play. The Council and Childcare Committee have produced lovely activity books with recipes for glupe, childrens stories and instructions on games and activities. It’s definitely worth while picking one up if you’ve any kids, grandkids or nieces and nephews at home. Play is often something we overlook the importance of but for anyone in Corkagh Park this weekend it was easy to see the benefits of interactive play,” concluded Cllr. Higgins.
Luas is delighted to announce that kids will travel free on all weekends during July as part of the “Got Kids? Get Luas! ” campaign. The campaign launched today by Lord Mayor Naoise Ó Muirí highlights interesting and fun filled activities for parents and kids to enjoy during the summer. The range of activity themes includes: Science, Street Performers, Art, Sport, Nature, History and more. Details of activities are available on www.luas.ie and will be updated as ideas and details arise. There also will be plenty of competitions with great prizes up for grabs throughout the summer on www.facebook.com/luas Two children may travel for free with each adult who has a valid Luas Adult ticket on each Saturday and Sunday in July. Pics show the new Lord Mayor of Dublin Naoise O’Muirí with 3 yr old Cillian Stenson from Rathdowney, Laois, and Ava Lee (6) from Skerries, Dublin.
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retail irelaND cHilDreNswear GuiDeliNes lauNcHeD Your FREE Local Newspaper
local T.D., Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, has launched new Retail Ireland Childrenswear Guidelines which she states will help childhood “protect space.” “Irish childhood has changed dramatically in
recent years; and it continues to change. As a society, we have a responsibility to make sure that those changes are positive for our children. Some things are not the same for adults and children. never have been, never
will be. This includes clothes with suggestive slogans, overtly sexual cuts and styles and unreal or unbalanced portrayals of an 'ideal' said body-image,” Frances Fitzgerald.
“That is why earlier this
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year, as Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, I invited the Irish fashion retail sector to develop a set of guidelines on the retailing of childrenswear to help children, and their parents, preserve the special space that is childhood, in its age appropriateness, its normality and its innocence. In conjunction with Retail Ireland, I officially launched these Guidelines last week and am now calling on local shops in Clondalkin and lucan to sign up to this campaign,” continued Fitzgerald.
“Since taking office, I begun have implementing a whole raft of measures to enhance Ireland’s culture of child protection. An important part of that is enabling children to enjoy this wonderful period in their lives without being pressurised to grow up
too soon, or to want to look grown up,” said Fitzgerald.
“In our world of mass media and consumerism, we are all pressurised by a variety of stereotypes, gurus and role models about what we eat, how we dress and look, how we take our entertainment. Even what we should think! And these pressures are all the greater for our children because they have yet to learn so gather life much, experiences, and mature emotionally. That is why adult society must help and protect them on this vital early stage of their life’s journey. And that is where the retail sector, and clothing retailers especially, have a very important part to play. Household names including Pennys, Debenhams, Marks & Spencer, next and Tesco have shown huge leadership by pledging to abide by these new guidelines
and I am calling on stores in Clondalkin and lucan and liffey Valley to sign up to this voluntary code,” continued Fitzgerald.
The guidelines published last week by Retail Ireland cover all clothing, footwear and accessories designed and marketed for children under the age of twelve years, but do not cover teenage fashion or babywear. The guidelines also provide guidance on best practice in matters like styling, age-appropriateness, size, labelling and marketing as well as advice for parents on first bras for young girls. The code is targeted primarily at the buyers in an effort to ensure inappropriate styles, cuts, under-wiring and heels are no longer sold for an under 12s market. The code states that slogans and imagery, including the use of licensed images and brandmarks, must be
age appropriate and not “sexually suggestive, demeaning, derogative or containing political slogans or images that could be interpreted as such.”
“The practicality, that I think many parents will welcome and endorse, also extends to the issue of footwear. I commend Retail Ireland and its member companies for signing up to this code. I would also like to see all retailers throughout the whether country, members of Retail Ireland or not, adopting these guidelines. I also believe the code will play an important and constructive role in informing future by decision-making retailers. The provision of a reporting mechanism for parents to raise concerns with retailers on an ongoing basis using a dedicated website (retail@ibec.ie) is particularly welcome,” concluded Fitzgerald.
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first weee recycliNG eVeNt iN liffey Valley a Great success
surViVors of abuse NeeD to be iNformeD of statutory fuND bill
Over 7 tonnes of electrical waste collected for recycling
WEEE Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical and battery recycling, held a free recycling event recently withliffey Valley Shopping Centre in association with South Dublin County Council.
More than 7 tonnes of waste electrical material was collected in total, with hundreds of shoppers bringing their kettles, toasters and fridges for recycling throughout the day.
Waste collection specialists from WEEEIreland are on hand to help you send your toasters, vacuum cleaners, fridges and every other electrical item imaginable to a better place.
As a consumer of electrical items, you are entitled to bring your waste electrical equipment to your
electrical retailer when purchasing an item of similar type, i.e. on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis. Waste batteries can be brought back to any battery retailer that sells similar batteries, even if you don’t purchase anything. All and waste WEEE batteries can also be brought to your local civic amenity site free
of charge.
For further information on all future recycling events in South Dublin, or to find your nearest civic amenity site, please log on to WEEE Ireland’s website www.recyclefree.ie. You can also like our on Facebook page http://www.facebook.c om/WEEEIreland for all updates.
leo Donovan, CEO of WEEE Ireland said: "Our free collection with liffey Valley was hugely popular with an impressive tonnage collected. Our collections in South Dublin are alwayswell attended and we want to thank everyone for their help in their continued success.” Anything in the home with a battery or a plug can be recycled at WEEE collection days.
Sinn Féin’s Education Spokesperson Seán Crowe has expressed his disappointment that a database of survivors who received recompense under the Redress board cannot be used provide information of the existence of the Residential Statutory Fund bill. Deputy Crowe was speaking after raising the matter with Minister Quinn during Dáil Questions on Thursday. “When I have spoken with the survivors of residential abuse, a common complaint has been that their views and what they want from the redress process have been consistently ignored.
“Many feel they have been left side-lined from the process and disenfranchised from having a serious input into how they are compensated.
“There have been serious difficulties in communicating to survivors their entitlements under the Redress board, particularly for
those people who live abroad and have little contact with Ireland.
“When I met recently with the Munster Survivors’ Support Services they made the very sensible suggestion that the Department’s database of survivors who had applied to the Redress board be used as a way of directly communicating information relating to the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund.
“This would open a direct line of communication between the Department and a significant percentage of people who suffered in Residential Institutions.
“The Minister stated this was not possible under the existing confidentiality arrangements and problems with sending unsolicited letters to survivors of abuse who applied for redress. Whilst understanding the legal issues involved, it is important every effort is made to inform people of the existence of the Statutory Fund and the services that it covers.”
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NewlaNDs cross uPDate- N.r.a. coNfiDeNt builD will start by year eND
labour TD Robert Dowds has welcomed information from the Roads national Authority that it is "reasonably confident" that construction of the newlands Cross flyover will begin by the end of 2012. From his discussions with the
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nRA, it has come to light that there have been some delays in sourcing private funding for the project due to the ongoing European financial crisis, which has unnerved investors considering investing their money in public infrastructure projects
across Europe. "I have been working hard to make sure that the newlands Cross project gets off the ground as soon as possible. In recent weeks I have been in discussions with the national Roads Authority about the
progress of the project. barring an economic calamity in Europe, they are optimistic that the contract for the project will be awarded and they are confident that construction will start by the end of the year." "I understand that due
are you ireland’s best Hip Hop, ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, musical theatre, breakdance, latin or irish Dancer?
Mind The Gap Films is looking for the top twenty dancers in the country, aged 13-16, in each of nine dance styles to take part in a new TV series – Pump up My Dance. Pump up My Dance is a new RTÉ TV Show where Ireland’s best dancers will be invited to take part in a dance masterclass with an internationally renowned choreographer. Just like in a professional audition, dancers will be challenged to learn new steps on the fly to prove they deserve their place in the final performance. Only five dancers will be chosen to perform at a gala showcase in Dublin’s Smock Alley Theatre in front of a live audience. To take part in the show, visit the Pump up My Dance Website: www.rte.ie/trte/pump WEbSITE You’ll see each of the dance masters performing a one minute choreographed piece. All you have to do is follow the dance master’s instructions, learn the dance and send us a video clip of you performing it! The twenty best dancers in each dance style will be chosen to take part in the dance masterclass which will be held in Dublin at the end of August. You can enter for more than one dance style but, if successful, will only be chosen to take part in one programme. Send us your clips before July 18th – Good luck!
the European to financial crisis, there has been a slight delay in getting this project off the ground, as the funding for the project depends on investment from the financial markets. Due to the turmoil of the European financial crisis, investors across Europe have been nervous about investing their money in projects such as newlands Cross. "However, the recent passing of the referendum was very helpful is minimising the delays to the project as it reassured investors that Ireland was a country serious
about sorting out its financial crisis and was a great place in which to do business and invest their money. If European authorities can avoid any economic disasters in the next few months, and we must cross our fingers on that one, we should see construction begin by the end of the year. Construction time is estimated to be in the region of 2 years." "The newlands Cross flyover is a project that I want to see completed as soon as possible, so that we can put an end to the mile long traffic jam from the Red Cow interchange to the Cross which forms
water pipes, it will be difficult to reduce water wastage,” she said. The labour MEP is calling on the European Commission to fund the replacement of bad pipes in Dublin as part of a growth stimulus package, and to invest in awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of conserving water.
All cars should have automatic ambulance-caller by 2015 MEPs in Strasbourg have passed a resolution calling for all new vehicles to be fitted with e-Call devices by 2015, a move which they claim could save up to 2,500 lives a year. The satellite-based technology, which automatically calls emergency services with details of your whereabouts in the event of a crash, has been around since 2003. Yet it's estimated that less than half a per cent of cars are fitted with the system, which MEPs claim costs less than €100 per car. labour MEP Phil Prendergast said the system, piloted in other countries, allows emergency crew to arrive at the scene of a crash up to 50 per cent quicker. “This will save lives and reduce the severity of injuries by enabling paramedics get to the scene, and bring people to hospital for treatment within the first 'golden hour' of the crash,” she added. Critics of the e-Call system have raised
"The Government is very keen to get this project up and running, and has allocated its funding for the project. If we can get private investors to come in with their share, then the people of Clondalkin, Rathcoole, Saggart and newcastle will get what is twenty years overdue: a flyover at newlands Cross."
Artists impression of the Newlands Cross flyover
Avoid flushing to save water, says former Dublin Lord Mayor Flushing the toilet one less time per day could save two million litres of water daily, said a Dublin MEP this week. labour's Emer Costello, a former lord Mayor of the capital, said city engineers have warned that greater public awareness is needed to spare the Dublin region from serious water shortages in the future. MEP Costello was speaking from Strasbourg where a major report was approved by the European Parliament this week outlining measures which it feels should be included in an Eu “blueprint to safeguard Europe's Water Resources” due to be published in november. The report said that up to 70 per cent of water supplied to some European cities is being wasted due to leakage, while about 20 per cent is lost due to inefficiency. Ms Costello pointed out that while in Dublin, the amount of water lost through leakage is considerably lower at 30 per cent a year, it's still unsustainably high. “About 150 million litres of water a day is lost in the capital. There is a programme of replacement and repair of water pipes underway in the city, but the council says many of the pipes are beyond repair, dating back to Victorian times. unless they can replace several thousand kilometres of
almost every evening. I will continue to press this project forward so that we get our flyover sooner rather than later. It is a vital piece of infrastructure that will make a real difference to our area and it is long overdue."
privacy concerns about fitting a tracking device to cars, but Fine Gael MEP Jim Higgins pointed out that the device transmits location data only when it is activated. “until that happens, the system sleeps. no-one can locate the vehicle as long as it is in the dormant state,” he said. Independent MEP Marian Harkin urged the Irish government to ensure that e-Call services are made equally accessible for all parts of the country. “Any overall strategy for emergency response times must guarantee parity for those living in remote areas,” said Ms Harkin.
EU bank debt deal is not a “get-out-of-jail card” Irish MEPs have given a mixed reaction to the agreement on banking debt reached by Eu leaders in brussels earlier this month. The deal, which involves a committment to separate banking debts from sovereign states, has been hailed as a “major breakthrough” by the Irish government. but Dublin Socialist MEP Paul Murphy says the Tánaiste's claim that the burden of Ireland's bank debts would be lifted off the backs of Irish taxpayers and shifted to European balance sheets is simply “massively overselling” what really happened at the Eu summit.
“What was actually agreed was simply to examine the situation, to go and look at it, and maybe something will come of it,” said Mr Murphy, who said the deal was “very short on detail”. “The government has made a big deal of it, saying banking debt is now sovereign debt. but it's quite difficult to go back into that, find a debt that's now a banking debt and shift it to the European Stability Mechanism. It's like unscrambling scrambled egg,” he said. Meanwhile Independent MEP Marian Harkin agreed that the summit deal was not a “get-out-of-jail card” and did not entail, in any way, a write-down on our bank debts of some €64 billion. However she welcomed the move as step towards bringing down borrowing costs and speeding up our return to the markets. “It may entail a lower interest rate, which would be very significant for us in our repayments,” said Ms Harkin, although she warned that this could take up to 12 months to arrange. Meanwhile Fine Gael MEP Gay Mitchell took a very positive view of the deal, saying “anything that restores confidence in our country should be welcomed and supported”. He added that he was “sick and tired” of politicans talking down the country with negativity.
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a2Z cleaNINg sOlutIONs
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siNN féiN welcomes cloNDalkiN asylum seekers to Dáil
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Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams TD and Dublin Mid-West representative Eoin Ó Broin welcomed a group of asylum seekers from Clondalkin Towers Hotel to the Dáil yesterday. The group led by Alfa Gasama from Guinea are part of the ClondalClean clean up initiative in Clondalkin Village.
cloNDalkiN tiDytowNs - summer comPetitioNs
Clondalkin TidyTowns is delighted to announce the launch of their Summer Competition where will be looking for the best shop front in the village, the best estate entrance and the best front garden in Clondalkin which will help our entry in the national TidyTowns competition. Entry forms are available to download from their website (www.clondalkintidytowns.com)or by contacting any member of the committee. Anyone interested in entering the competition should complete the entry form and return it to the address on the bottom of the form. The competition is free to enter and you can enter your own front garden, your own shop front, or nominate the entrance to the estate you live in.
Residents Associations in Clondalkin may also enter their estate entrance. The competition itself is a bit of fun but Clondalkin TidyTowns are expecting a lot of proud gardeners and shop owners to enter and take things seriously too. The idea behind the competition is to get the whole of Clondalkin thinking 'TidyTowns' which can only help with the entry into the national competition.
The closing date for entries will be 31st July with judging taking place in August followed by a small awards night in September. Prizes will include trophies/framed certificates & vouchers for newlands Garden Centre. A venue will be confirmed closer to the time.
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miNister burtoN aNNouNces arraNGemeNts for reView of Domiciliary care allowaNce scHeme Your FREE Local Newspaper
Minister for Social Protection, Ms Joan burton T.D. has that a announced review of the Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA) Scheme, signalled by her in May last, will get underway in early July.
Commenting on the forthcoming review, the Minister said: “I am very pleased to announce that the review of the Scheme will commence shortly and that Ms Sylda retired langford, director general in the former Office of the Minister for Children, will be chairing the working group that is being established”. The working group will include representatives from the Departments of Social Protection, Health, Children & Youth Affairs and Public Expenditure, as well as the national Disability Authority. It will also
include three representatives from key nGO organisations representing parents/guardians of children who are in receipt of the allowance. It will include other members with relevant expertise. The review will examine the policy objectives and legal provisions underpinning the Scheme. In addition, it will review the Scheme’s current administrative, medical assessment and appeals processes, including an examination of the duration of review periods for the Scheme. As part of its work, the Group will research best practice in other countries and will have the Medical Guidelines and the Report of the Expert Medical Group, which underpin the operation of the Scheme, reviewed by a suitably qualified medical expert. As part
of the review, a consultation process with parents and representative groups will be undertaken to ensure that parents and their representatives have an opportunity to make their concerns known in relation to the administration of the Scheme.
“I am very aware of the vital role played by DCA in supporting families with children who need substantial levels of care and attention. the Currently, Allowance supports 24,000 families and some 26,000 children at a cost of €100 million per annum, with an additional €45 million being paid to these families on the respite care grant”, the Minister said. The number of children now covered by the Allowance represents an increase of over
3,000 since the Department took over responsibility for the scheme from the HSE in April 2009. Spending on the Scheme and the respite care grant, which is automatically paid to all recipients, has increased from €138m to €145m between 2010 and 2011, while expenditure on both payments in 2012 is expected to be in the region of €146m.
total of almost €17,000 per annum from the Department”. The Minister also said that, as a separate piece of work, the availability of supports and services for children with disabilities would be mapped to see if there is any opportunity for greater linkage and consistency in the assessment for such
supports and services. This work will be led by officials in her Department, in conjunction with other relevant Departments and is expected to be completed in the autumn.
Minister burton concluded: “I am aware of the heroic efforts of parents to support their children. I am well
aware of the vital role played by the income supports paid by the Department of Social Protection in enabling people to live with dignity and to support their children and it remains my primary concern to ensure that parents of children who continue to meet the qualifying conditions continue to receive the Allowance”.
Parents in receipt of care domiciliary allowance also qualify for carers allowance and household benefits, subject to fulfilling certain criteria, and some 40% of those on the scheme receive these payments. The Minister noted that: “those who receive the carers allowance and household benefit package, in addition to DCA and respite care grant, each receive a
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cloNDalkiN youtH baND HoNoureD
At a presentation and reception in Clondalkin Civic offices on the occasion of Clondalkin Youth band being honoured by South Dublin County Council Cllr. bonner stated that “As Chair of Clondalkin Area Committee I was delighted to propose a Motion that Clondalkin Youth band be honoured with a civic reception by South Dublin County Council. “
“As one of her last official engagements in Clondalkin, Mayor Caitriona Jones honoured Vincent Dolan, band leader and the assembled band members with a presentation and reception in Clondalkin Civic offices. The sun shone, the band played and we were reminded once again what a fantastic organisation the band is and why indeed we are so proud of them.” “Clondalkin Youth band has done so much over the years to raise the profile of Clondalkin and to promote a positive image for the area.
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They have been marching their way around the world and winning national and international awards and championships for over a quarter of a century.”
“Many hundreds of children have passed through the band over the years. However there are many adult members in the band and some of the original band members who started twenty five years ago are still with the band. That says a lot about the strength and depth of the band which is truly community based and where the adult members mentor and support the new members who generally are ready for their first St Patrick’s Day Parade by the age of twelve.”
“The band is much sought after at home and abroad and always has many invitations to perform abroad on St Patrick’s Day but it means a lot to the band to fly the flag for Clondalkin in the Dublin
Parade. Once again this year they did that in great style.”
“There is a strong committee which helps to fundraise and support the band and as a local labour Councillor for the Clondalkin ward and more importantly as a parent of two band members I am deeply indebted to that committee for keeping the band on the road. “ “However the Clondalkin Youth band exists because of the superhuman endeavours of the band leader Vincent Dolan. He single handedly established the band over a quarter of a century ago and has taught all of the instruments to all of the members of the band over the years. Each member of the band receives an excellent musical training and all take the Royal Irish Academy of Music exams each year. Many band members have gone on to study music at third level, several have received prestigious music
wiN a set of tickets for tHe fiNal of tHe sHamrock bowl
For the first time in the history of the sport in Ireland, two unbeaten teams will contest the Shamrock bowl. The ul Vikings and belfast Trojans, both of whom went 8-0 in their divisions, won their respective semi-final games to reach Shamrock bowl xxVI. They were not matched up in inter-divisional play during the regular season, so both reach the final with a perfect record.
The ul Vikings dominated the IAFl South Division and carried that domination into their semi-final clash with a comprehensive 63-3 win over the Carrickfergus Knights. The belfast Trojans defeated defending Shamrock bowl Champions, Dublin Rebels in a high scoring semi-final which finished
66-38 in favour of the Trojans. This is the first time in team history that the Trojans have played in the Shamrock bowl. Shamrock bowl xxVI will be played in Tallaght Stadium, Dublin on Saturday 14th July kick-off 4pm.
awards and a number of successful rock bands can trace their roots back to the musical training and love of music they got from Vincent and Clondalkin Youth band.“
“Clondalkin Youth band is a credit to Clondalkin and to
Ireland and they are one of the good news stories that we need to hear about. under Vincent’s leadership they have marched their way through recession and boom and through recession again. The formula has remained the same.
Mayor Caitriona Jones honoured Vincent Dolan, band leader and the assembled band members with a presentation and reception in Clondalkin Civic offices.
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Extraordinary commitment from one inspirational man. Hard work by hundreds of children and their parents. love of music. Pride in their home place, Clondalkin. Once again this year, they made me and all Clondalkin people proud of them.”
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