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abject failure

9TH JulY 2012 P.O. bOx 3430, TAllAGHT, DublIn 24 TEl: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

Dublin South West Sinn FĂŠin TD SeĂĄn Crowe has said the publication of the latest live register figures for June, highlights the abject failure of the Government to get to with the grips unemployment crisis.

Crowe was commenting on the publication of the monthly jobless total which shows a staggering 451,974 people signing on the live register, a figure that gives an underlying unemployment rate of 14.9%. The Tallaght based Deputy described the levels of unemployment as “unacceptable� and said that the climate for retaining or creating new jobs was getting more and more difficult

as we move from financial crisis to crisis

Deputy SeĂĄn Crowe said that “The Government claims that job creation is its number one priority yet since coming to office, and despite rising emigration, overall unemployment is now close to 15%, the highest it has been in nearly 18 years. Another worrying statistic is that there are almost 200,000 people who have been unemployed for over 12 months, with young people some of the hardest hit.

“Dublin South West is one of the country’s worst unemployment black spots. In the local Social Welfare Office in Tallaght at the end of

2011, 11,206 were signing on, a rise of over 10% over just a 12 month period. “You can see at first hand the growing behind desperation many of these figures and in the drawn faces of constituents who are trying to manage with less money and increased demands on their finances.

“This latest scourge of unemployment is creating a sense of hopelessness that is reminiscent of the worst days of the 1980’s. Tens of Thousands of young men, women and families are now being forced to leave these shores in an effort to find work. “The Government’s

austerity measures are making the situation worse with more and more money being taken out of the local economy and negatively impacting on jobs in the retail sector.

“There are alternative strategies but the seem Government determined to follow along the same path and the same failed policies of the previous administration. "Many in Ireland and across Europe see a jobs stimulus package as the only driver that will reverse the collapse and drags the country back from the brink of bankruptcy.


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