Lucan News

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unempLoyment at 17 month high

12TH MARCH 2012 P.O. BOx 3430, TALLAGHT, DuBLIn 24 TEL: 451 3822 email: web:

Figures released from the CSO show that unemployment in Dublin Mid-West is at a 17 month high. At the end of February there

were 9,073 people on the live register. When adjusted to take account of the transfer of 1,062 claimants from Clondalkin to Tallaght

social welfare office in September 2011 the total number of people on from signing Clondalkin and Lucan exceeds 10,000. Sinn

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Derek keating tD

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Féin Dublin Mid-West representative Eoin Ó Broin has described the as “deeply news troubling” and called for “concerted action by Government to reverse this trend.” Ó Broin said: “While unemployment numbers across the state are dropping slightly live register figures for Dublin Mid-West have risen for the fourth month in a row. When adjusted to take into account the 1,062 claimants transferred from to the Tallaght social welfare office in September 2011 the total number



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cry receives donation from hospital Saturday fund

Tallaght based charity, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was the beneficiary of a donation from the charity, The Hospital Saturday Fund, at a special event in the Mansion House in Dublin recently. Pictured at the event were Michael Greene, Chairman and Founder and Marie Greene, Co-Founder and Trustee receiving the donation on behalf of CRY from The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Andrew Montague, Vice-President of the Hospital Saturday Fund.




See page 9 for details



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Surge in intereSt for Science anD computer courSeS a WeLcome DeVeLopment Your FREE Local Newspaper

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock, TD, warmly welcomed the significantly increased interest shown in first preferences for science and computing courses in the CAO applications

for the 2012/13 academic year.

“It is very encouraging indeed to see an increase of almost 20% in those choosing science courses, including computing, as their first preference

subject” said Minister Sherlock.

The Minister added “Through the Discover Science and Engineering Programme in particular, we have been working hard to increase the numbers of students studying the physical sciences by promoting a positive attitude to careers in

STEM and fostering a greater understanding of science and its value to Irish society.” “This is being done through primary and second level students, and their teachers. Clearly it is paying dividends based on the latest CAO application figures, which show us that over 55,700 applicants wish to

of people signing on in Lucan and Clondalkin exceeds 10,000. “unemployment in Dublin Mid-West is now at a 17 month high. Despite a number of high profile jobs announcement by local Government TDs it is clear that the employment situation in Clondalkin and Lucan is getting worse. “There is a need for concerted action by Government to reverse this trend. Dublin Mid –West is at risk of returning to a 1980s cycle of long term

inter-generational unemployment leading to greater levels of emigration and social deprivation. “There is a need for targeted measures to ensure that Lucan and Clondalkin are not left behind. This week the Minister for Education announced a €35 million fund for replacing rented prefabs currently being used by schools across the country. Dublin Mid-West has 7 schools with a total of 22 prefabs. Given the concentration of

pursue science/applied sciences at 3rd level next autumn”.

“This is a win-win situation for students who in the years to come will then have the opportunity to follow challenging, rewarding and exciting careers in a range of scientific areas.” Sherlock Minister

concluded by saying “In January the Government launched an ICT Action Plan aimed at responding to the skills needs in our burgeoning ICT sector, in both indigenous and foreign affiliate companies.”

“It is crucial that we do everything we can to close skills gaps to

ensure industry has a steady supply of graduates while at the same time also helping to tackle our unemployment issue. The increased demand for the sciences will certainly go some way to addressing both of these issues and will provide the quality jobs of the future for this economy.”

provide at least some respite for those in search of work. “There is also a need for all relevant agencies to come together in the form of a Dublin

Mid-West Jobs Task Force, to put in place a meaningful plan to secure investment for those parts of the constituency in greatest need of employment.”

unempLoyment at 17 month high.....from page 1 unemployed construction workers local Government TDs must ensure that Dublin Mid-West secures a significant allocation from this fund to

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3 neW SchooLS for Lucan

Your FREE Local Newspaper

The Minister for Education has confirmed to Deputy Derek Keating that a new Primary School which will accommodate 600 children will be built and completed by 2013 under the patronage of County Dublin V.E.C. This announcement is based on the fact that Lucan is one of the fastest growing areas in the country and the Minister is building 20 new schools throughout the State to address the increasing pupil numbers. “This is an exciting time in education for Lucan” said Deputy Derek Keating “especially when we consider the state of the national finances. “The Minister informed me that a School Establishment Committee reported to him outlining that the County Dublin V.E.C. under the direction of its C.E.O., Dr. Marie Griffin, responded with evidence of such a demand and that they were

happy to become patrons which will provide diversity in education. This new information, along with the fact that the County V.E.C. has appointed a Design Team for a new second level school, is an exciting time for the whole area of Lucan.” Deputy Derek Keating, who founded the Lucan South Secondary School Action Group, said “I am delighted to announce two new schools for the area under the patronage of the V.E.C.”.

Commenting on education in Lucan between the negotiations that I am directly involved in with the Department of Education in relation to Archbishop Ryan Senior & Junior Schools and the assurance that I have been given for the retention of 16 teachers and the fact that I have been a founder of the Lucan Secondary School Action Group which is another exciting

development and now the news that a new primary school for the Lucan area will be built by 2013. Education is a major issue for me as a local TD. When I was elected to Leinster House in February 2011, I raised three issues as being my agenda for the coming years. They were the health service, education and mental health, including suicide and self harm.

hayeS continueS free Day acceSS to opW SiteS for 2012

Brian Hayes, Minister of State at the Department of Finance with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works, announced this morning that the ‘Free Day’ on the first Wednesday of every month is to continue in 2012. The Minister said: “I have decided to continue this initiative as it has proved hugely successful with almost 20,000 additional people visiting our Historic Properties and national Monuments in the last six months of 2011, boosting local economies with increased numbers. The tourism sector will be of critical importance to the re-establishment of

financial stability in this country in years to come. I am confident that the excellent array of significant OPW heritage sites will contribute to this process both through their excellent visitor facilities and the value for money that they represent”. The Minister concluded: “I am delighted that I can continue with this initiative in these very challenging economic times and due to the success of the ‘Free Day’ in 2011 I would urge people to visit to get the most up to date information on the various sites, many of which are very busy sites and especially so on the free day.

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cLonDaLkin tiDy toWnS Set to take off aS committee formeD

Your FREE Local Newspaper

Labour Councillor Breeda Bonner has the welcomed formation of the new Clondalkin Tidy Towns committee and encouraged all the residents of Clondalkin to get involved in the community effort to make Clondalkin more beautiful. The formation of the committee comes following a very well attended meeting in the civic offices in Clondalkin, with residents from many areas of Clondalkin, with the estates of Monastery, Floraville, St Brigid’s, John’s Park, Patrick’s Park and John’s Wood / Convent Road well represented.

"I am delighted that the new Clondalkin Tidy Towns committee is getting up and running, and that our community is getting organised to help make Clondalkin a more beautiful place in which to live." "I was great to see such interest and enthusiasm at the meeting on Tuesday night and it is hoped that the new committee will begin work towards putting in an entry to the tidy towns competition before the closing date in May." "Entry to the competition will give the community a great focus to its work, but in the meantime it has been decided that work

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will kick off with a number of clean ups in Village area, the starting on Tuesday 13th March from 6.30pm to 7.30 pm, with provisional dates set for the following Tuesday 20th and then Saturday morning 24th March. Everyone interested is more than welcome to come along. The group will be meeting in Tuthills car park and people should wear suitable clothes for a busy clean up session. "There is already a very good feel good factor about the community getting together to improve the place we call home, and I am certain that more people will get involved when word of the new committee spreads." "I am delighted that the local business community is happy to support the movement, as the Clondalkin Chamber of Commerce has organised clean ups

in the past and are very proud of the place in they do which business." "It is very important that everyone knows that this is a cross community effort and that it will not be politicised by anybody. This body will be above politics, but will hopefully have the support of everybody. I want to pay tribute to my colleague Cllr Tony Delaney, for his interest and enthusiasm is getting this up and running." "I very much hope that the clean up planned for Tuesday 13th will be the start of something big for Clondalkin. I have always held to the seanfhocal of "Ar neart a chéile a mhaireann na daoine." "I hope that all the residents of Clondalkin get involved and work together for the beautiful, historic place we call home.”

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Broadcaster Miriam O’Callaghan, Patron of the Children’s Sunshine Home issued a call to women of all ages, to put on their running or walking shoes to support Ireland’s only children’s hospice, LauraLynn House. Miriam is encouraging the women of Dublin to take part in the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon on the Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd June in aid of the charity.

The House, which opened in September 2011 at the Children’s Home in Sunshine Leopardstown, is hoping that more than 1,000 women will sign up to the challenge and help them to raise more than €60,000 through this year’s mini marathon. The funds will be used to support the annual running costs of LauraLynn House, which amount to almost €1.3 million.

At present the House receives no financial state support.

Anyone interested in supporting LauraLynn House can contact the Sunshine Children’s Home on 01 289 3151 or sign up at Pictured are Miriam O’Callaghan, Patron of the Children’s Sunshine Home and Isabel O’Donoghue, aged 5

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propoSeD WhiStLeBLoWer LegiSLation WeLcomeD Your FREE Local Newspaper

Fine Gael Dublin Mid West TD, Derek Keating, has welcomed the publication of the Draft Heads of the new whistleblower legislation by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin. Deputy Keating added that the recent case of Louise Bayliss had underlined the need for this legislation to be brought forward.

“There is a clear commitment in the Programme for to Government

Bayliss case highlighted need for stronger protection laws

introduce whistleblower legislation, to address the shortfall in the existing law which fails to provide sufficient protection to employees who expose wrongdoing. The urgent need for this legislation was further highlighted by the recent case of Louise Bayliss. I have no doubt that there are many other similar cases; this proposed new legislation will safeguard the workers involved, with the ultimate aim of protecting the citizen.

“It is essential that employees who chose to speak out to uncover malpractice, poor standards or wrongdoing should not suffer as a consequence. If we want to encourage an open, transparent society, we must empower ordinary workers to disclose information that is in the public interest. This should never be thwarted by the interests of middle management or an inefficient hierarchal structure.

“The publication of the Draft Heads of the Protected Disclosure in the Public Interest Bill 2012 is a significant step forward which represents another segment of the Government’s reform agenda. The proposed legislation will provide whistleblower protection in a uniform manner for all sectors of the economy, for the first time ever. “This is a seriously progressive piece of legislation, after years of inaction on this issue the previous from

Government. It provides workers with a number of disclosure channels, should they wish to pass on information. The legislation means that a person’s job cannot be put at risk if they choose to speak out. It also provides for a system of redress for

workers who have suffered as a result of making a disclosure.

“This legislation effectively puts the onus on employers to put an effective system in place to deal with whistleblowing complaints. This will help to encourage a

culture where identifying wrongdoing is something that is applauded, rather than swept under the carpet. I hope that this proposed legislation can be passed into law as quickly as possible for the benefit of ordinary workers and our wider society.”

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Overlay your old driveway (cobblelock, tarmacadam or concrete) with our ECO friendly Resin Bound Solid Finish Agrigates To help drivers reduce their fuel costs, AA Ireland has teamed up with Topaz to provide a new discount fuel card available to all its members. The new easy to use swipe card guarantees 2 cent off a litre of petrol or diesel at any of 320 Topaz service stations nationwide. Card users won’t have to worry about carrying cash and will save money every time they fill up their tank. Pictured at the launch of the card were Trevor McNaughton, AA Patrol, Nicola Hudson, Senior Marketing Manager AA Ireland and Laura Murphy, Commercial Marketing Manager, Topaz Ireland. For more information go to

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actiVe retirement ireLanD caLLS for reaSSuranceS on BenefitS for oLDer peopLe

Retirement Active Ireland (ARI) has called on the Government to offer some reassurances to older people that their benefits will not be reduced or withdrawn as part of continued cuts in Government spending.

ARI made the call after it received a significant number of contacts from its members around the country, who became concerned about the potential loss of benefits – such as free travel and access to a medical card – after a number of media reports suggested this was being considered in

recent days. Reports indicated that the IMF has adopted the view that older people have ‘largely been unaffected’ by the impact of Government cuts.

According to Maureen Kavanagh, CEO of ARI: “It is blatant misinformation to say that older people have been ‘unaffected’ by Government cuts. The withdrawal of services nationwide affects all generations equally, and older people in particular have been targeted directly by changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance and the closure of care facilities around the country.

With reports that the IMF is now looking to further cut benefits such as free travel and the Household Benefits Package, some older people are becoming increasingly anxious about how they can maintain their livelihood. For 84% of people in receipt of a State Pension, that same pension is what is keeping them out of poverty. The myth of the wealthy pensioner is damaging to the real older people of Ireland, who have not come out of this recession unscathed. “For many of our members, the Free Travel Scheme is the

only way they can interact with other people socially and play a part in their communities. Any cuts to this scheme would be detrimental to the fabric of society, of which older people play such a vital role.

“An assurance from Government that older people will not become a target again for cuts would be welcome. It is very disconcerting for older people that rumours of potential cuts to free travel and other important schemes continue to rumble around without any intervention by our leaders,” political added Ms. Kavanagh.

tWo thirDS of DuBLin firSt time mumS reLy on motherS for Support

Aviva Health Insurance Ireland today launched their new maternity guide entitled, Your Bump to Baby Guide, as a free gift to Irish women in advance of Mother’s Day (March 18th) and on foot of new research that shows two thirds of Dublin mums relied on their own mothers and their partners equally for support and advice when they had their first baby. Interestingly, almost a quarter of Dublin women said that their partner or husband could have supported them more. Aviva’s maternity guide sets out to arm women with practical information on maternity care options in Ireland with helpful expert advice for every stage of a woman’s pregnancy. Latest statistics show almost 28,358 or 37% of babies born across Ireland’s 22 maternity units were from Co. Dublin.

Aviva’s Your Bump to Baby Guide aims to fully prepare women for their pregnancy with jargon free information on developing a birthing plan, feeding and bathing your baby and caring for your newborn, plus real-life

birth stories. It also clearly explains maternity benefits such as Post natal Home Help, Doula and Cord Blood Stem Cell Preservation3 that women are entitled to on their health insurance plan with Aviva and details on how to claim. Commenting at the launch, Dr naoimh Kenny, GP on Aviva’s Medical Council said, “Preparing for the birth of a child is an exciting time for any couple. However, Aviva’s

research shows that it can also be a time of uncertainty for many women who can feel overwhelmed by the prospect of childbirth and the sheer volume of pregnancy information out there. Aviva’s Your Bump to Baby Guide is the first of its kind in Ireland, outlining everything you need to know in a credible, concise manner and within a book that is so small it will fit in your handbag. The guide offers women a sense of empowerment as they

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approach this new time in their life and I would urge anyone thinking about having a baby, who might be pregnant or perhaps raising a young family to get a free copy or pass it onto a friend in a similar position this Mother’s Day.”

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Jake Church and Anikka Morris, both aged four, pictured at the launch of Aviva Health Insurance’s new maternity guide, Your Bump to Baby Guide, a free gift to Irish women in advance of Mother’s Day (March 18th)

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goVernment DeLiVerS on promiSe to get riD of expenSiVe prefaB cLaSSroomS


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Local Fine Gael TD and Minister of State, Brian Hayes, has welcomed the announcement by Minister for the Education, Ruairí Quinn, that six schools in South Dublin, two of which are based in Dublin South West will receive grant aids to replace their existing prefab classrooms with permanent structures. “I am delighted that two schools in Dublin

South West will finally be able to build permanent, state-of-the-art classrooms, after so many years of wasting a huge amount of money renting prefab classrooms, which could have been put towards other vital education services. “When I was Fine Gael Education Spokesperson I consistently called for this serious waste of

money which was spent on renting prefabs to be addressed. Despite the massive amount of spending that went on during the boom, the previous Government did nothing to address Instead they this. continued renting prefabs; in 2007 alone, 715 new rental contracts were signed. “I am delighted that this Government is now addressing this problem

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and 200 permanent structures across the country will be built this year, which covers over a third of all schools who currently rent prefabs. A total of €35 million has been allocated and it is estimated the 6,000 pupils will benefit. “Since this Government

was formed, the Minister for Education has been focused on reforming our education system, constrained despite resources. Today’s announcement is an example of identifying where money is being wasted. Building sustainable classrooms

will save approximately €5 million per year and create an estimated 700 direct and 140 indirect jobs.

Five Educate Together schools in the Lucan Adamstown area have come together to form the Lucan Adamstown Time Bank. This is the first step in establishing a community wide Time Bank. Time banking is a means of exchange where time is the currency.Members of the Time Bank can earn credits by volunteering, sharing their skills and giving their time. For every hour members ‘deposit’ in a time bank, they gain a time credit which they can spend at a time bank event. Everyone’s time is equal, so one hour of my time is equal to one hour of your time. Time banks are just systems of exchange and can be used in many ways.

each listed activities where you can gain credits and spend credits both for the students, teachers and parents.

spending credits. And I can see the seed that is germinating here today growing, developing strong roots and branching into all areas of our community.” She also praised all of those involved saying “I am very happy that South Dublin County Council was involved in this project along with the support of Dublin Regional Authority. This is a most innovative project and I congratulate the Educate Together schools – the principals, teachers, parents and of course the pupils. I am convinced that you are at the start of a wonderful adventure and that you are setting example for Irish society today.” The Mayor Caitriona Jones then presented a giant time credit to representatives of the schools.

“This announcement is not part of the five-year building programme which will be announced in the coming weeks. Today’s

initiative forms part of the Government’s €430 million education infrastructure plan for 2012. The investment in the School Building Programme this year, including the replacement of prefabs, will create an estimated 3,250 direct and 650 indirect jobs.”

time Bank for Lucan aDamStoWn

On the day of the launch, pupils, teachers and parents got an opportunity to register on an online system and become members of the Time Bank. The five schools have

Activities to gain credits include: Litter control in school grounds and surrounds. Running the PSP (Park Safe Programme) Maths for Fun School Garden Power Hour Language classes Spring Clean Day

Events where you can spend credits: Movie club for students Driver Theory classes use of laptop, printer and photocopier Pet farm tours Tallaght Stadium tickets Student/parent tour

The Mayor Caitríona Jones said “This Time Bank will make a big difference to life here in Lucan and Adamstown - getting people involved in activities - gaining and

Parents, teachers and pupils got an opportunity to register for the Lucan

Adamstown Time Bank online at the event. Tom Moriarity, Principal of Adamstown Castle Educate Together school- one of the founding members of the Time Bank said “This is a wonderful innovative way of sharing skills and resources. There are gains for everyone. We look forward to the Time Bank spreading into the community. Already we can see the benefits of sharing” Schools involved Adamstown Castle Educate Together national School

Esker Educate Together national School Griffeen Valley Educate Together national School

Lucan East Educate Together national School

Lucan Educate Together national School

Overgrown gardens restored Hedge and grass cutting Shrub and tree planting Light tree pruning Spring/autumn tidy ups All green garden waste removed and recycled

T EL : 01 494 67 02 M OB : 087 976 2869

The Mayor Caitriona Jones presenting a giant time credit to representatives of the schools

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greyhounD announce enD of South DuBLin county counciL Bin WaiVer Your FREE Local Newspaper

collection Waste company Greyhound Greyhound has written to the 18,000 waiver holders in South Dublin County Council informing them that their waiver comes to an end on 31 March. The letter outlines a

number of payment plans available only to waiver holders. Sinn Fein Dublin Mid representative West Eoin O Broin has said that, "households currently on waivers simply will be unable to pay the charges being

In this month’s edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 01-4599506 email advises readers how they can use the SMALL CLAIMS COURT to their advantage. We hope that readers find it useful. The use of the Small Claims Court provides an inexpensive, fast and easy way for consumers to resolve disputes without the expense of employing a Solicitor. Apparently, its use is on the increase. In 2010, just under 4,000 applications were made under the Small Claims procedure. This is an increase of 12.5% from 2009. With good odds of a favourable outcome (approx. 50%) it offers encouragement to an unhappy consumer to proceed with their claim.

A claim using the Small Claims Court system CANNOT ExCEED THE VALUE OF €2,000.00. Many people feel that

this is too low. However, there are no immediate plans to increase this limit. Consumer claims such as for FAULTY GOODS or BAD wORkMANSHIP are common. Also covered is MINOR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY and NON-RETURN OF RENT DEPOSITS for certain type of rental properties. i.e. holiday homes or apartments in which the Landlord also resides. Excluded from the procedure are claims arising from a hire-purchase agreement, a breach of leasing agreement or debts.

Importantly, you must have bought the goods

by demanded Greyhound" and has called on central Government to "step in to provide the Council with sufficient funds to continue the waiver system". O Broin said that "Greyhound has

informed bin waiver holders across South Dublin County Council that their waiver comes to an end on 31 March of this year. They have offered them four different payment plans all of which will cost households close to

€200 per year. "Given the levels of fiancial stress in these househodls many will simply not be able to pay this charge. This will force families into making impossible decisions whether to pay for food, heat or

or services from someone selling them in the course of a Since business. January 2010, the Small Claims procedure has been extended to cover claims by one business against another business, once it is within the €2,000.00 threshold. However, it does not apply to claims in relation to agreements to which the CONSUMER CREDIT ACT OF 1995 applies or to breaches of lease agreements and, importantly, it does not cover debt or liquidated damages.

against. It is not enough to just have the name of the shop. You must find out the name of the shop owner. You can do this by making a COMPANIES SEARCH or a BUSINESS NAME SEARCH in the Companies Registration office. You should set out the facts of your case clearly and simply and state the amount for which you are claiming. If you run into difficulty, the Registrar will be happy to help. The application form must be accompanied by a fee of €18.00 and lodged in the District Court.

to have admitted the claim.

The Legal Column


The Small Claims Registrar, who is usually the District Court Clerk, processes the claim. The Claimant (that is the consumer making the claim) should contact the District Court office where the Respondent (i.e. the person or company the claim is being made against) lives or carries on its business. Otherwise contact the District Court office of the area where the Contract was made or, in the case of damaged property, where the damage took place. To make a claim, an application form must be completed. This can be collected from your local District Court office or download online at In order to complete an application, you must have the details of the person or company you are making the claim

A copy of the completed application form will be sent by the Registrar to the Respondent. At this point, there are various choices available to the Respondent (person you are suing). Firstly, they can admit a claim and, in this case he/she has three options.

i) He/she may agree to pay the amount claimed immediately. ii) He/she may consent to Judgment and will pay within 28 days of the Judgment being made in the small Claims Court office. iii) The Respondent may also agree to pay in installments with your consent. However, the Respondent must reply within 15 calendar days. If not, it will mean that the Respondent is deemed

the Secondly, Respondent can dispute the claim and has 15 calendar days to do so. In this case, the Registrar will try to negotiate and settle the dispute. If no settlement can be reached, the matter is then set down for Court hearing.

Thirdly, an option open to the Respondent is to “counter-claim”, again, within 15 calendar days. In this case, the Registrar will send you a copy of the NOTICE OF DISPUTE and will try to settle the matter. The Small Claims Registrar may call both parties to his/her office for an informal private meeting. He will ask both parties to outline the facts and he will question both the parties for clarity. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Registrar may there and then fix a date, time and location for a hearing of the claim before a Judge of the District Court. Once the date for the hearing has been set, you must attend. The Court environment is both formal and public and so you should familiarise yourself with the Court practices before the hearing. Remember to bring with you all the documentary evidence supporting your claim. Evidence must be given under oath or affirmation and you can be cross-examined by the Respondent or

bin collections. It will lead to an increase in financial hardship and poverty.

"It will also lead to a significant increase in illegal dumping, the cost of which will be bourn by the Council

and the taxpayer. "The waiver system should never have been abolished. I am calling on the Government to intervene and provide the Council with sufficent funds to enable the bin waiver to continue."

by Romaine Scally their legal representatives. The Small Claims Registrar may be present to assist you with the hearing but when the case is called it is the Court Registrar that will call you to the witness box to give evidence. You may engage a Solicitor but this will be at your own cost, even if you are successful with your claim. You may engage a witness for the hearing but if expenses are incurred you will have to cover these costs yourself.

If the matter is decided in your favour, the Respondent will be allowed approx. 4 weeks to pay the amount awarded by the Court. If the Respondent does not pay, you can apply to the Small Claims Registrar to have the Order of the Court sent to you for Execution by the sheriff. There will be a fee to the Sheriff which will be refunded to you if the Sheriff succeeds in executing the Court Order/ Decree. The execution of the Court Order is then a matter for the Sheriff who will notify the claimant. It is important to note

that the Sheriff will always be not successful in the execution of Court Orders. However, there can be benefits to getting a Judgment. It can be the case that the Respondent does not have the funds to pay at the present time but circumstances can change and the effects of obtaining a Judgment is to give you the immediate opportunity to take the appropriate enforcement action to get your money. If you obtain a Judgment, you will have the right to take action to recover the debt for a further 12 years from the date of Judgment.

ultimately, the decision to go to Court is a personal decision but there is little satisfaction to be gained from winning a case if the Respondent is unable to pay a Judgment debt now or for the foreseeable future. However, the procedure allows you to make a small claim with a minimum of red tape and at little cost. For more information, contact your local District Court offices or go to


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ic on the second Wednesd ay of every month from 2.00pm until 6.00p m at their offices at Main Street, Tallaght, Du blin 24. nexT clinic: Wednesday 11TH aP


No Appointment is neces sary. We look forward to an swering your legal queries in person.

Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email:

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counciLLorS meet to DiScuSS recreationaL anD touriSm potentiaL

Fine Gael councillors from South Dublin & Fingal County Council met recently to discuss the recreational and tourism potential of Liffey Valley The meeting which was

held in Lucan Village was convened by Fine Gael’s Lucan councillor William Lavelle.

Cllr. Lavelle stated: “Last year at the request of Fine

Gael leader Taoiseach Enda Kenny, I convened the first Fine Gael Liffey Valley Forum. As a follow-up I convened this special meeting of local councillors to seek to bring a fresh

impetus to Fine Gael policy on the Liffey Valley. “I have been consistent supporter of the development of the Liffey Valley’s recreational and tourism amenity, especially

given the economic and job creation opportunities that could be harnessed for areas such as Lucan Village. But it is vital that any such initiative should continue to ensure highest level of

€2.7 miLLion for houSe aDaption grantS for oLDer peopLe anD peopLe With DiSaBiLitieS

Local Minister and TD, Frances Fitzgerald, has welcomed the provision of €2,728, 308 for South Dublin County Council. This capital will directly fund the improvement and adaptation of private homes of older people and people with a disability. “These support grants have a major impact on the quality of life for the recipients, and I have seen first-hand how these grants have

helped people throughout South Dublin County.” said Fitzgerald.

The allocation is part of a capital provision of €67.75m to local authorities across the country announced by Minister for Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan. Announcing the allocations, Minister O’Sullivan said, “I am delighted to be able to secure this level of funding for the Housing

Adaptation Grant Schemes for Older People and People with a Disability in spite of the severe constraints on the public finances in these challenging economic times”.

Last year almost 12,000 grants were paid out under these schemes by the various local authorities around the country. Grants of up to €30,000 are available for improvement works and extensions to

facilitate a person with a disability. There is also a specific grant for older people which provides up to €10,500 to assist householders have necessary to repairs or improvements carried out to their homes. In addition, the Mobility Aids Grants scheme can provide up to €6,000 for works to address mobility problems through the provision of stairlifts and level-access showers

etc “Supporting independent living is one of the key priorities of the Government’s new Housing Strategy for People with a Disability. I am confident that this allocation will help those in need as well as showing this Government’s continued commitment to protecting the most vulnerable in our society,” concluded Fitzgerald.


protection for the Valley. “Our meeting agreed a number of steps forward and we will continue to meet as an Action Group to seek progress these steps over coming weeks.

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WooDen ShutterS noW aVaiLaBLe

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haLf of firSt time BuyerS pLan to Buy a property in the next 12 monthS


A significant proportion of first time buyers have mortgage approval while most of them have saved up cash for a deposit according to a new survey by leading Irish property website According to the findings, one third of first time buyers have received mortgage approval while a further 36% are actively seeking approval.

Seventy five per cent of first time buyers say they have the required funds to pay a deposit while 60% of existing homeowners say they have sufficient funds. The majority of the 1,800 people surveyed strongly believe that house prices are set to fall further in 2012. ninety four per cent

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of first time buyers believe they have further to go while 86% of homeowners see them declining further. Despite this, half of first time buyers said they plan on buying a property in the next 12 months, while 42% remain undecided. nine per cent said they wouldn’t be buying.

However only 20% of existing homeowners are planning to buy a property, 38% say they won’t be while the largest group remains the undecideds on 42%. According to the survey two thirds of existing homeowners and 52% of first time buyers do not believe financial institutions are lending. While 65% of homeowners believe institutions are not lending, 43% believe

financial institutions are over regulated or over cautious when granting mortgage approval.

First time buyers have a more positive view of financial institutions with over half believing they are lending. However they are split evenly – 38% each - on whether they are over regulated or over cautious. A quarter of those surveyed are unsure.

Angela Keegan, Managing Director of said the findings showed that availability to mortgage finance and consumer confidence were the key factors influencing participation in the housing market. “Availability to finance was the number one factor for

first time buyers and was also in the top three for existing homeowners. The fact that so many respondents believe the institutions are over regulated or over cautious reflects the widespread frustration felt by prospective buyers of being locked out of the market. unless access to finance is freed up the level of transactions will remain at low levels. Respondents also clearly identified confidence that the market has bottomed out and confidence in the overall economy as vital issues” Keegan said. While the over whelming majority of first time buyers believe house prices are set to fall further 37% believe they will fall moderately (between 5 to 10%) while

Keegan said these figures might help explain why so many were still planning to buy in the next 12 months. “First time buyers monitor the market very closely and while most of them believe prices look set to fall by up to 10%, many may well be factoring in mortgage interest relief measures announced in the Budget. The survey shows that the 3 bed semi d remains the house of choice for

Keegan also pointed out that certain urban areas were showing pressures on the supply side. “While surveys like this are useful to capture national mood or sentiment the emergence of a variety of micro markets around the country means national figures may not be always reflect the situation on the ground. Estate agents are seeking properties in some urban areas and prices in these areas have not softened as much as elsewhere. The situation with new developments in rural locations might be very different,” Keegan concluded.

charity revenue had plummeted due to the recession. People can no longer afford to dig deep in their pockets for charity.

You don’t need to have cash to make a difference. Most people without realising it have ‘value (cash) in the attic’ so to speak. The site

is really user friendly so why not dust out the cobwebs, pick up a great deal and raise funds for charity at the same time?”

34% believe they will fall slightly (1 to 5%) and 20% believe they will fall significantly (10 to 15%). Homeowners had a very similar outlook with 35% believing they will fall moderately, 34% that they will fall slightly and 14% believing they will fall significantly.

prospective buyers and we believe this house type in good locations will be the first to recover” Keegan said.

“caSh in the attic” giVe anD Buy caLL for nationWiDe Spring cLean, Ireland's online non-profit marketplace that invites users to sell their unwanted household and workplace items launched their appeal to the Irish public to clear out their attics and garages, dust off the cobwebs and donate their unwanted items and gifts for the benefit of Irish and international charities. At the launch, Lord Mayor, Andrew Montague donated a new computer which will raise funds for the’s associated charities which include Barnardos, Our Ladys Hospice, Concern, Outreach Muldovia, Irish Cancer Society, and more recently Blackrock College Kenyan School appeal.’s call for a ‘nationwide Charitable Spring Clean’ comes in light of Deloitte’s startling consumer statistic that during 2011 alone an estimated €150 million euro was spent in Ireland on unwanted presents. There are approximately 2,366* homeless people in Dublin every night and for charities like the Peter McVerry Trust who rely on donations and, the Deloitte figure surpasses the cost of providing emergency accommodation for every homeless person in Dublin for over three years .

Commenting on the benefits that the Irish public’s unwanted items could bring to’s associated charities Aidan Corless, Chairman of Give and Buy said: “ is appealing to the Irish public to join us in a ‘nationwide Spring Clean.’ Most Irish households have some item that they never use sitting, catching dust that could be of value to somebody else. This in turn could be used to support our sponsored charities. The Deloitte figure on unwanted gifts is startling when you compare it to what that money could do in helping the homeless in Dublin. On a smaller monetary scale, we can all make a real difference. For example, that unused bike that’s been sitting in the garage for years would fetch 60 to 100 euro on the site, that money could be used to house a homeless . The great aspect of is that it not

only promotes recycling, it’s fundamentally free. We are not asking the public to give us any money, only their unwanted items. Even in these recessionary times where money is tight, it means that anyone can support a charity. Clearing out and donating your unwanted items to costs nothing but could really make a real difference in so many people’s lives.”

Through, the public can sell their surplus goods or skills with 100% of the money going to charity. facilitates both sellers (givers) and buyers of goods and services to come together to assist charitable causes. It is a free innovative online market-place that doesn’t leave people digging in their pockets but asks for unwanted items and professional services that are of real value to others. Commenting on, Aidan Corless said: “When we started in, it was in response to the fact that

Lord Mayor of Dublin Andrew Montague pictured at the launch of the Give and Buy Nationwide Spring Clean campaign with Aidan Corless, Chairman of Give and Buy

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reSearch reVeaLS that iriSh popuLation not Doing enough to manage choLeSteroL


Your FREE Local Newspaper

new research, conducted by Avonmore Heart Active, has revealed that consuming cholesterol reducing products is the most popular method employed by over 40’s when managing their cholesterol, with almost 70% consuming them. But worryingly only 36% of these people are using the products as recommended and as a result are not receiving the full benefits. In order to get the full benefits of plant sterols, the recommended amount of between 1.5g and 2.4g should be consumed every day. A high proportion of people surveyed stated that they find it difficult to cholesterol incorporate lowering food products into their daily diet, with half stating that the products were too expensive. 37% of people simply forget to consume them every day, while one in five find it difficult to gauge the correct amount to consume.

Dr. nina Byrnes, GP and RTE

health expert, advises: “Studies show that plant sterols can reduce bad cholesterol by up to 10% without affecting good cholesterol levels. However, in order to get the full benefit of plant sterols, you should consume the recommended amount of 1.5g to 2.4g of plant sterols daily. If people are not consuming the recommended amount of plant sterols daily they may not be getting the full beneficial effects and in essence, not getting the maximum cholesterol lowering benefits for their effort”. Avonmore’s research has revealed that in general, the Irish population is “cholesterol aware”. 76% of people over 40 state that they have had their cholesterol level tested at least once, and 43% of these getting it checked regularly. But with population surveys highlighting that the vast majority of ‘over 45’s’ (82%) do have raised cholesterol*,

Dr. Byrnes states that this issue needs attention before it becomes a problem: “High cholesterol is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is Ireland’s number one killer, causing approximately 10,000 deaths per year. High cholesterol doesn’t give any symptoms so it is recommended that all those over 20 have their cholesterol checked at least once every five years and more often if levels are high”. Making changes to diet is the first step people take to manage their cholesterol levels. 45% of those surveyed cut down on foods high in saturated fat, 42% increased their consumption of fruit and vegetables, while one third avoid eating junk food. Commenting on the findings, Dr. nina said: “While it is good to see that a lot of people try to make good food choices, it's important to remember that these changes need to be







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maintained for life in order to keep cholesterol levels at healthy levels to help avoid heart disease, Ireland’s biggest killer”. Avonmore is making it easier to put plant sterols into the daily routine with the introduction Avonmore Heart Active Milk with added plant sterols. Consuming just 2 – 3 250ml glasses of Avonmore Heart Active every day for 2 – 3 weeks can help reduce cholesterol by 7 – 10%. So now Irish consumers can get cholesterol-reducing plant sterols by simply switching from regular milk to new Avonmore Heart Active. Whether it’s on its own, in tea, coffee, cereal or in cooking, you can get your daily plant sterols in just 2-3

glasses, with no compromise on taste. The good news for those with high cholesterol is that the risk is modifiable, meaning we can all do something positive about our cholesterol levels. Dr. nina Byrnes said: “If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, even if medication is prescribed for you, lifestyle change is still essential to help manage cholesterol in the blood. And being healthy doesn’t mean being miserable or no longer enjoying the foods you love. It means eating a varied balanced diet and leading an active lifestyle”.

Dr. nina’s Top Five Tips to reducing your cholesterol 1. Reduce the amount of

saturated fat in your diet. These are the fats we find in animal meats, butter, cream, high fat cheese and lard.

2. Exercise daily to help increase your HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol). 3. Maintain healthy weight, obesity increases cholesterol.

4. Introduce cholesterol lowering plant sterols into your diet and increase your intake of fruit and vegetables. 5. Avoid smoking or excess alcohol as these can both lead to increased cholesterol levels.

muSicaL youth founDation haS neW home for your oLD inStrumentS

The Musical Youth Foundation children’s charity is asking people to help it in its mission to provide every child on the island of Ireland with access to a musical education by donating any old, unused or even damaged musical instruments they have. As part of an exciting new project designed to raise awareness for the life changing benefits of music education and the work the Musical Youth Foundation is doing the charity is hoping people will dig out old, unused or even broken instruments that are cluttering up attics, garages and under bed storage space in order to donate them to the charity.

storage spaces all over the Country and we’re asking people to help us give every child on the island of Ireland the opportunity to access music education by supporting our call for instruments.” Maher went on to say: “we promise to find new homes for all instruments donated and everyone who donates will be invited to a very special TOP SECRET event taking place as part of the 6th annual Dublin City Soul Festival from 24th to 27th of May 2012.”

Musical Youth Foundation Founder & CEO Chris Maher says; “there are hundreds if not thousands of old, unused and unwanted instruments clogging up

The Musical Youth Foundation provides instruments, weekly tuition, practice sessions and supporting workshops in live performance, singing and song writing as part of its “guitars for kids” programme which is running in local community centre’s and schools in Dublin. The benefits of music education stretch way

Fianna Fail local area representative Charlie OConnor has welcomed the announcement by Ruairi Quinn TD Minister for Education and Skills that St Marks national School in Springfield Estate, Tallaght is to receive funding to allow for the replacement of Prefabs with permanent

accommodation. He said it was an importnt development given that the school, first opened in 1973, now caters for almost 1200 pupils and it is right that all pupils would benefit from permenant accommodation. The fromer Dail Deputy fot the area has asked the Department to confirm its

beyond the lessons, helping to build a child’s confidence, improve concentration and teach them the value of patience and perseverance. Aside from being a very satisfying hobby, music education is known to help improve a child’s performance in the classroom outside of music education itself.

If you have an old guitar hiding under your bed or a ukulele feeling lonely in a corner, please donate it to the Musical Youth Foundation and let it feel the love again. By donating your instruments you will be helping the Musical Youth Foundation to move closer to achieving its goal of providing every child on the island of Ireland with access to musical education.

If you have an instrument that you would like to donate, please email

o’connor WeLcomeS WorkS at SpringfieLD SchooL

precise in the matter and hopes that the school authorities would be contacted with the details as soon as possible. He also hoped that the department would ensure that the new class accommodation would cover bothe the junior and senior schools

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capitaL grantS aVaiLaBLe €15.99 for chiLDcare proViDerS Your FREE Local Newspaper

Local Minister Frances Fitzgerald has announced that grant applications are now being accepted from childcare providers for 2012 capital funding.

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“Any provider who currently participates in the ECCE free preschool year scheme or in the CETS or CCS is eligible to apply for a grant. The funding is available for remedial / / maintenance renovation work and /or equipment. The maximum grant available is €50,000 (inclusive of VAT),”

explained Fitzgerald.


“I was delighted to be able to secure €6 million funding for 2012 to support continuing improvement in the very important early childhood sector. The Government has invested some €1.3 billion in early childhood over during the last decade, and I want to continue the development of the sector. We are very lucky to have in our area so many quality childcare providers and I will continue to work

to develop the sector with a particular focus on quality providers,” said Fitzgerald.

“A priority for this fund is to keep early education and childcare services open that are in danger of closure due to the physical condition of the building and / or adequacy of services / facilities. Any remaining funding will be applied to improving the quality of the service available to children. “This Childcare Capital

Funding Programme is specific to 2012 and must be spent within this year. A very tight turn around of applications will be key to ensuring that this funding can be invested as a support to this vital sector. All applications for funding must be made on-line only on Pobal’s website from now until Tuesday 20th March. The terms and conditions of the Capital Childcare Funding Programme 2012 can be found on Pobal’s website,,” concluded Fitzgerald.

neW market to Be LauncheD at Long miLe centre

Some of Ireland's most successful retail and food businesses started life at a local market and now there's an exciting new market due to open in the coming weeks, which will be part of the well known Longmile Centre on the Longmile Road and will be called the Longmile Market. This will be Ireland’s largest indoor market and will be opening on Sunday the 11th of March and every Saturday and Sunday thereafter. It will be home to up to 90 traders! The Longmile Market provides an excellent, high profile business opportunity for anyone wishing to open a market stall or looking for a car boot sale opportunity. It will be anchored by a top quality Farmers Market. These have recently become very popular with consumers and always attract significant footfall. If you are interested in a stall or a space you can e-mail or call 086 2217834.

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keane WeLcomeS upcoming reVieW on unVoucheD inDepenDentS' aLLoWance

Fine Gael Senator for Dublin South West, Cáit Keane, has welcomed the announcement that the unvouched Independent Oireachtas Members’ allowance is to be reviewed.

the Environment, Phil Hogan, said the concerns raised about funding paid to Independents would be examined.

“I welcome the news that the Government is reviewing the unvouched Leader’s Allowance that is claimed by Independent members of the Oireachtas. In the interest of making the political funding process more transparent, I believe that it’s necessary to ensure that all political party allowances, including those allocated to Independents, are accounted for.

“The Electoral Amendment Political Funding Bill which deals with corporate donations and other areas of political funding was debated at Committee Stage in the Seanad this week. However, it should be noted that allowances of Independent members lies within the remit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. “So while I commend the sentiment of the amendment put forward to the Bill by Independent Group in the Seanad, it could not be carried in the context of the Electoral (Amendment) (Political Funding) Bill. I would also note that the Minister for

Cllr. William Lavelle, Fine Gael councillor for Lucan has welcomed confirmation that South Dublin County Council is to install a dogs-area in Griffeen Valley Park before the Summer. In response to Cllr. Lavelle’s latest question to today’s

meeting of South Dublin County Council, it was confirmed that “it is proposed to proceed with this project in the coming months and it is expected to have the facility in place and operational by May” Cllr. Lavelle stated: “For the

past year I have been pressing for installation of a dogs-area in Griffeen Valley Park. I have received a large level of support from Lucan dog-owners and I am happy to see that a firm date has finally been indicated for this project.

“The unvouched payment is worth more than €41,000 a year to Independent TDs and over €23,000 to Independent Senators. I think it sends out the wrong message that this level of funding would be provided by the State, without the requirement for the Independent members of the Houses to explain how it is spent. “I would encourage the Government to ensure that this issue is examined without delay.”

griffeen VaLLey park DogS area to Be inStaLLeD Before Summer

Kick start your business!


fitzgeraLD makeS grant of €20,000 aVaiLaBLe for the purchaSe of a mini-BuS for LocaL SerViceS Your FREE Local Newspaper

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, has officially launched a minibus service for CuMAS. The local Fine Gael T.D. made funding available for the purchase of the bus through her Department’s allocation of national lottery funding.

“I am delighted to be here on this sunny spring day to officially open a new service for CuMAS. This mini-bus means that more families will be able to access the services provided by this project. I have always been supportive of CuMAS and the work that you do in our community and am pleased to have been able to help you secure the funding to purchase this minibus. I know it

will make a huge difference to the families you work so closely with. It’s great to be joined here today by members of the local school choir who have added a real sense of occasion to the event,” said Minister Fitzgerald at the official launch of the bus. The CuMAS project, which empowers families from the Clondalkin area and aims to reduce the risks of drug misuse in young people throughout the area, will be using the minibus to facilitate children and families who wish to access their service. Staff and clients were joined by Minister Fitzgerald and members of St. Peter of the Apostle’s school choir to celebrate the occasion. “I am very familiar

with the work carried out by CuMAS who I know provide invaluable support to many families in our local area. In the past I have worked closely with grandparents from this group who are full-time care givers to their children and have met several of the young people who benefit from the programmes they run,” continued Fitzgerald. “One of the main problems CuMAS faces is being able to reach out to those who need their service the most. Quite often this means providing transport to and from the centre to facilitate accessibility to their programmes. Meeting this need has meant the allocation of the projects resources to transportation. I am pleased that now CuMAS will be able to

provide a dedicated transport system for their clients and that resources, which had been taken up by bringing children and families to and from the centre, can be re-directed into the service,” said Fitzgerald.

“I am delighted that Minister Fitzgerald sanctioned funding to cover the cost of the purchase of minibus for our project and so pleased she could join us to celebrate the occasion. The bus will be a real benefit to the families we work with,” said Margaret Dalton, Project Co-ordinator at CuMAS in Clondalkin. “It will be invaluable to us both financially and time-wise and will allow us to collect children from both north and South West

Clondalkin to come to their individual and group work. It will also be used by parents, grandparents and other groups in the local area to maximise its use. up until now CuMAS has had to dedicate an enormous amount of time and money to transporting people so they can access our service; this bus will be of huge benefit both to the project and to the

families it facilitate,” Margaret Dalton.

will said

Minister Fitzgerald sanctioned funding towards the purchase of a mini-bus as part of the Department of Children & Youth Affairs 2011 Lottery Funding Allocation. She did so on the condition that the minibus be made available to other Local Drugs Task Force and

Young Peoples Facilities and Services Fund projects in the Cloindalkin area in order to maximise its benefits to the community. “I have always been supportive of local community groups and look forward to continuing to work with and support the groups throughout Clondalkin,” concluded Fitzgerald.

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Minister Fitzgerald pictured with staff and musicians from St Peter the Apostle NS

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