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22ND FEBRUARY 2016 TEL: 01 451 3822 / 01 451 9000 email: web:
Your Fianna Fáil Candidate in Dublin Mid-West
Vote NO.1
Fine Gael General Election candidate for Dublin South West, Karen Warren, has said she feels electronic tagging for individuals on bail could help reduce the crime rate in South Dublin County.
General Election candidate Karen Warren feels electronic tagging for individuals on bail could help reduce the crime rate in South Dublin County
“I think this system has the potential to reduce the number of people out on bail reoffending in South Dublin County, particularly with regard to burglaries,” she explained.
“I have consulted with local Gardaí and they are also in favour of the introduction of tags with GPS, as offenders’ movements can be tracked at all times,” she added. In Northern Ireland, tagging was successfully introduced over 7 years ago. The PSNI has a private company operating the system. The majority of those tags are used on people on bail, or on early release. “The tags are waterproof and shockproof and they do not interfere with people normal activities. The look
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ShaNe rOSS’S INdePeNdeNt aLLIaNCe exPOSed aS emPerOr WIth NO CLOtheS
published by: Newsgroup, Unit 3 Floor 2 St. Dominics Shopping Centre, St. Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 HK49.
titles: Tallaght News, Clondalkin News, Lucan News and Rathcoole & Saggart News
distributed by: Local Post Co.
Contact details: Email: Website Twitter @NewsgroupIRL Registered in Ireland: 497158 Tax and VAT Registration: IE 3354179CH advertising: Anthony Russell Sales Director design & Editorial John Russell
already knew; that the Independent Alliance stands for nothing. They are a disparate group of individuals with nothing in common and no policy platform. They are claiming to offer all things to all people, when in reality they are bringing absolutely nothing to the table. They have nothing to offer. “The Independent does not Alliance deserve to be taken seriously and it is
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“This is populist and cowardly politics at its absolute worst. Shane Ross is trying to sell the
electorate a pup. He has participated in a series of one to one interviews in recent days but has completely declined when invited to participate in a broadcast debate on a national channel with me as a rival constituency candidate. His Independent Alliance is a front for self-promotion. The last thing this country needs is a raft of Independents trying to influence the next
Government for their own gain. “Fine Gael, in sharp contrast, has set out a detailed Long Term Economic Plan to keep the recovery going. We will abolish the USC, help create 200,000 jobs over the next five years, and bring 70,000 emigrants home. We understand that to bring about progress, you need solid, costed policies. Not tall talk meaningless and rhetoric.”
burglars are electronically tagged as part of their bail conditions. Minister Fitzgerald’s maintains that ‘monitoring a limited number of high risk persons on bail has the potential of reducing reoffending.’
effect in reducing the crime rate in Tallaght. Tallaght is a vibrant and diverse community which has been somewhat blighted by burglaries. I am in favour of any measures which can reduce the crime rate and will be working hard towards ensuring the people here feel safe and protected by the Gardai”.
tag ‘em.....frOm Page 1
like a sports watch and they can be worn underneath socks or trousers, so are discreet for the wearer,” Karen continued.
As part of a new bill introduced by Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald, it is proposed to make it possible for Gardaí to request that alleged
“I will be supporting the introduction of tagging, which I believe will have a positive
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Fine Gael candidate, Alan Shatter, has said that Shane Ross has confirmed, without any shadow of a doubt, that the Independent Alliance has no policies – on anything! “Speaking on Six One News, Shane Ross admitted that the Independent Alliance do not have a single policy. Not one. No policy on tax, no policy on jobs, no policy on health. Nothing! “Shane Ross has confirmed what we
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graNdPareNtS PayINg Out fOr graNdChILdreN'S drug debtS
Speaking after the launch of the CityWide report on intimidation Sinn Féin’s Seán Crowe TD described the report as timely and said that a policing service that delivered for communities was essential for building an inclusive society. A member of the Tallaght Drugs Task Force, Crowe went on to describe the reports of mothers and fathers having to pay up for a drug bill of their children as “shocking for some,
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uncomfortable but accurate” and said he was aware of more extreme cases where grandmothers and grandfathers were being called to cover grandchild’ s the alleged drug debts. Deputy Seán Crowe said: “The CityWide report on intimidation is timely and the information that some drug dealers are pursuing parents for drug debts will come as a shock for some, uncomfortable but is an accurate account of
what is happening in many communities right across Dublin “Unfortunately it is becoming all too familiar in some areas with debts of thousands euros being of demanded off hard pressed families. “Vulnerable families are told in some cases to ‘pay up or see your loved shot dead or seriously injured’. “The study revealed that two thirds of drug users who are intimidated or attacked by gangs do not report
the incidents to the Gardaí. But many have said to me that they are between a rock and a hard place and there is very little that the Garda Authorities can do to protect their home, property or more importantly loved one. The power lies with the criminals. “The Garda don’t have the resources for round the clock surveillance, but can and do offer advice. “The CityWide report suggests that half of the attacks that they were aware of involved physical violence and family members of drug being users intimidated. “The report claims that in one third of it cases, the mothers of drug users were targeted, and also in a third of cases damage was done to homes and property. “It went on to say that
the excuse for the attacks were alleged drug debts of between €500 and €5,000, but this can be a lot higher. “In my experience the intimidation is not just confined to parents. “Grandmothers and grandfathers have also been approached and forced to pay out under the very real threat of seeing their grandchild shot dead or seriously injured “The CityWide antidrugs campaign also revealed that in many cases the debt did not go away even when it was supposed to have been paid off. “I have been made aware of a number of cases where after paying the so-called debt, another group of criminals call and say that they own the debt and the cycle of intimidation continues for the family involved.
"I welcome the CityWide report, it is timely and requires a societal and justice response. “It suggests targeting local criminals money and an extension of the Criminal Assets Bureau to a localised Garda districts. “This move would be wholeheartedly supported by ant drug
activists and take the fight directly to the drug dealers and their finances. “I would also urge anyone trapped in this situation to contact the Garda Authorities and seek help. It is a confidential service and no pressure will be put on the family that is seeking advice.”
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meaSureS tO fIght bOguS SeLf-emPLOymeNt WeLCOmed
Sinn Féin MEP for Dublin Lynn Boylan has welcomed today’s vote in the European Parliament in favour of combating undeclared work.
Speaking from Strasbourg, Ms Boylan said: “Today MEPs voted to improve a Commission proposal to a European establish Platform to fight against undeclared work by ensuring that bogus selfemployment is included. “Undeclared work deprives workers of social
protection, lowers labour standards and increases health and safety risks. It undermines public finances and social security systems, and it creates a race to the bottom based on unfair competition. “This Platform aims to bring together the various enforcement bodies in each member state involved in the fight against undeclared work such as labour and social security inspectorates, and tax and migration authorities.
“It is an important step forward. Until now undeclared work, falsely declared work and bogus self-employment have been dealt with sporadically and in an uncoordinated way. The Platform will provide a framework for more effective cooperation.”
Ms Boylan continued: “I particularly welcome the inclusion of bogus selfemployment in the Platform. Bogus selfemployment is a major problem in Ireland,
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especially in the construction industry. Big contractors deliberately label construction workers as being self-employed rather than direct labour in order to cut costs on social insurance payments. The workers miss out on their entitlements and the state misses out on tax revenue.
“In December, the ICTU released a report in which it measured the cost of bogus self-employment in this state as being a shocking €640 million since 2007. That was the year unions and employers agreed on a Code of Practice that was supposed to tackle this issue – and since then the number of self-employed workers in the construction industry has doubled. “Think of what €640 million could do to help solve the housing and health crises in this state, for example.
“The Irish government needs to respond positively to the European Platform against undeclared work, but it also needs to act urgently at home to address bogus selfemployment in the construction industry.”
CLONdaLkIN area COuNCILLOr WeLCOmeS WOrk but CrItICISeS breaCh Of PrOtOCOL
Speaking after the Clondalkin Area Committee meeting, Councillor Jonathan Graham welcomed the roadwork upgrade at the junction of the Coldcut and the Fonthill road but expressed his anger and disappointment that residents were not informed about late night work. Cllr Graham said: ‘I would like to welcome the roadworks at the junction of the Coldcut & Fonthill road which took place recently. This work was well overdue. It should be widely welcomed by residents and politicians alike. It will serve to alleviate heavy traffic congestion and ensure a better traffic flow in that area. From speaking to residents in the nearby areas of Glenfield, Greenfort and Shancastle, many recognise the benefit of this upgrade. However, they expressed disappointment that the contractor continued working beyond a reasonable time. The South Dublin County Council protocol for late night works stipulates that work near residential areas must finish by 11pm & 12pm respectively. While I and residents appreciate that in certain circumstances work must be carried out beyond those times, it is perfectly reasonably that residents are informed when this is happening. This did not happen and it annoyed both residents and myself. I was not informed in my capacity as a member of South Dublin County Council so I could not even inform residents. I tabled the issue at the February Clondalkin Area Committee meeting, that while recognising and appreciating the good work done, not informing residents was the wrong thing to do. The relevant personnel have since apologised and asked me to relay this to the residents. I also asked that in the future both residents and Councillors are informed of relevant works in the area, which is standard procedure. This was agreed’
SuPPOrtINg OLder PeOPLe – aNNe-marIe dermOdy PLaNS tO eNSure OLder yearS are better yearS
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Fine Gael candidate in Dublin South-West, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody has highlighted Fine Gael’s plans to support older people in South Dublin County and ensure that older years are better years. The plan will safeguard and improve State entitlements for older people, and will provide enhanced supports for older people to live independently in their homes amongst their own communities in South Dublin County. Anne-Marie who hosted several public meetings throughout Tallaght on this topic and it’s one issue that she’s very keen to address in the
Dáil, if elected. “Fine Gael has a Long Term Economic Plan to keep the recovery going in South Dublin County with three connected steps: more and better jobs; making work pay; and investment in better services.
Gael wants “Fine Ireland to be one of the best countries in the world in which to grow old. We can achieve this if we keep the recovery going and create the resources to support better public services, and is the second largest commitment in our Long Term Economic Plan after the abolition of USC.
Fine Gael candidate in Dublin South-West, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody wants to see a dedicated Minister for older people and vulnerable adults
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there are five key elements to our plan to support the aging population: • The Fair Deal Scheme waiting list will be kept to four weeks for those who need residential care. • Older people can be confident that State entitlements will be safeguarded and
improved as the economic recovery continues. This includes their medical card; free travel; an increase of €25 in the State Pension by 2021; an extra €5 for the Living Alone Allowance by 2021; and a cap on the prescription charge at which €17.50, represents a 30%
reduction. • Enhanced supports for older people will allow them to live independently in their homes for longer. These include 2.2 million more home help hours and increases in housing adaption grants and senior alert grants. •More care will be provided in the
community which will benefit older people. This includes building more primary care centres; providing additional front line staff in the health system; and ensuring that chronic conditions can be cared for closer to home. “By contrast, Fine Gael’s Long Term
Economic Plan to keep the recovery going will ensure that older years are better years, as we spread the benefits of the recovery to everyone and ensure that older people across South County Dublin can experience meaningful improvements to their quality of life.”
NeW CredIt uNION reguLatIONS WILL StuNt grOWth aNd tIe haNdS Of mOVemeNt
Dublin South West TD Seán Crowe has said much of the new Credit Union regulation from the Central Bank will stunt growth and tie the hands of many Credit Union branches that want to expand and give people an alternative to traditional financial and Banking Institutions
Crowe said that on the critical issue like the cap of €100,000 in savings, the concerns of the Credit Unions and many others had been ignored. The Tallaght based representative was responding to the Central Bank’s press release stating that new stricter regulations were now in force.
Crowe continued, "The Credit Union movement plays a unique social and economic role in Irish society that requires the ongoing support of government and the Central Bank. Despite the failure of the Irish banking system over the last number of years the Credit Union
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movement has, in very difficult circumstances, continued to provide an excellent and vital service to communities right across the country.
"Credit Unions are democratic and very well run. Only a tiny minority have had problems and these pale into insignificance when it comes to the fallout from the reckless actions of most Irish banks.
"The announcement of long awaited rules, especially the introduction of a €100,000 cap on savings, although with some flexibility is and disappointing represents a move by the Central Bank that is clearly without any rationale or public support. "This clause is discriminatory and clearly puts credit unions at a disadvantage against other financial institutions. The €100,000 amount seems to be an arbitrary level and I can see no evidence of how this amount was arrived at.
"The regulatory action by the Central Bank combined with this latest legislation from Government, has failed to adequately respect the unique ethos of the Credit Union movement. "We know that banking interests have applied pressure on Minister Noonan and the Department of Finance, and it’s no surprise that they have folded in their demands.
"When the Registrar was before the Oireachtas Finance Committee recently to discuss these regulations she failed to give any credible rationale or reason why they were necessary. It seems when it comes to the Credit Union movement all the normal rules of regulation such as risk weighted regulation are thrown out the window as an ever tightening grip is applied. "The Central Bank has crossed the line into overly restrictive rules that are designed to control rather than to ensure growth and
will inevitably tie the hands of the Credit Union Movement. "Overall, these new regulations will confirm the fear of the Credit Union movement that the Central Bank backed by this Government are not serious about promoting the work and ethos of the movement. The regulations are lacking evidence as to why they are appropriate, lacking public and stakeholder support which is hardly surprising given that the consultation process largely seems to have been window dressing exercise.
"Credit Unions are in many cases the only legitimate institution or place that people on low and middle incomes can access a loan. "People trust their local Credit Union, while they do not always trust commercial banks. Surely people should be free to place whatever savings they want in a secure account in their local Credit Union, rather than with a bank they may not trust."
dubLIN SeNIOr fOOtbaLL maNager, jIm gaVIN aWarded the freedOm Of SOuth dubLIN COuNty
Jim Gavin, was awarded the council's highest civic honour at a ceremony hosted by the Mayor of South Dublin County, Cllr. Sarah Holland. Jim Gavin was honoured for his contribution to development and promotion of Gaelic Football and for leading the Dublin Senior Football Team to ‘All Ireland’ success twice in the last three years.
The decision to hold a ceremony to honour Jim Gavin was agreed unanimously by the elected members of the council at the monthly meeting held in December 2015. Jim Gavin is originally from Clondalkin and attended Clonburris National School and Moyle Park College. Jim has enjoyed a very successful career in the Defence Forces and with the Air Corps and the Irish Aviation Authority. Mayor Sarah Holland said she is delighted to be honouring Jim Gavin: "The reason I supported the nomination of this person is not only because of the fact that he has achieved astonishing sporting success both as a player and a manager, but because he is an outstanding role model for the young people of South Dublin County." Mr. Gavin was accompanied to the conferral and civic reception by his wife and children, his parents and brothers and sisters. Other guests included local Councillors as well as representatives from the Dublin County Board and local GAA clubs based in South Dublin County. Pictured are Jim Gavin with Round Towers colleagues Mick McGlynn, Tommy Keogh and Dublin County Board Chairman John Costelloe
tuffy SCaremONgerINg NO baSIS IN faCt 9
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Fianna Fáil Dublin MidWest candidate John Curran says that despite false claims by the Labour candidate in the constituency, Fianna Fáil is committed to the roll out of free GP care in an orderly and sustainable fashion.
“We believe free GP
care is a goal worth pursuing but it stands to reason that we need GPs on board and committed to the change. We need to listen and learn from them. “The way in which free GP care for the under 6s was introduced caused a lot of
braVe 10-year-OLd LuCaN bOy Set tO taCkLe the dubLIN CIty marathON
by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly
Brave 10-year-old Lucan boy James Casserly is set to tackle the Dublin City Marathon to raise money for a charity close to his heart – Barretstown. James, who has Cerebral Palsy, has had intensive physiotherapy since he underwent a neurosurgical procedure called Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy, to help relieve his symptoms, in 2012. The Lucan lad was recently diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, also known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune, non-infective, inflammatory joint disease and training for the marathon has given him a new focus. Now the determined little boy has started training with Insanity Fit Zone alongside his training buddy and gym owner Mark Lacey who will guide him through the marathon in his wheelchair. The pair – along with other runners dubbed ‘Team James’ – will undertake the mammoth 26.2-mile challenge together in aid of Barretstown. The group even trained on Valentine’s Day, clocking up more than 20 miles in preparation for the fundraising drive this October. James himself has attended Barretstown numerous times and has many happy memories of his time there, which has spurred him on to raise money for the charity. Fine Gael councilor Vicki Casserly is very proud of her young son and is supporting him fully as he trains twice a week for the task. James and his whole family, along with Mark and the team at Insanity Fit Zone, are also encouraging others to help raise much needed funds for Barretstown by becoming part of Team James and running the Dublin City Marathon with them. Further details are available on the Team James Facebook and Twitter pages.
James with his training buddy and gym owner Mark Lacey
Curran restates FF commitment to free GP care
resentment among GPs. “So if we want free GP care we first need a new contract in place which has General Practitioners on board for universal GP care. “This under 6s scheme was a major change and we need to see what lessons can be learned
from it so that the further expansion of free GP care is put in place in a way that doesn’t cause any unintended consequences. We don’t want to roll out free GP care in a way that generates week long waiting lists for an appointment,” he
warned. “It’s not fair on GPs or on health services generally to impose this scheme without any evaluation or planning. GPs should not be exploited so that a Labour party in a panic can bribe the electorate.” “It was when Fianna
Fáil was last in government that the free GP visit card was introduced. We are committed to its further expansion and that will happen when we know that GP’s can cope.” “Fianna Fáil’s stance on this is realistic and
reasonable. Labour previously promised free GP care for everyone by 2016 which was never going to happen. Furthermore the Minister for Health has also said that it would overwhelm primary care to introduce it by 2021,” added Curran.
"the POteNtIaL Of aN INdePeNdeNt tO make a dIffereNCe IN Our Next dáIL"
Katherine Zappone, Independent General Election Candidate in Dublin South West, writes about The Potential of An Independent to make a difference in our next Dáil.
"For months on the doorsteps of Dublin South West it has been clear to me that this election represents a moment watershed with voters ready to show that the mass mobilisation of the equality marriage referendum was not just a blip on the
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political radar. People are ready to shake off the grip of party politics and golden circles and to build a new political system which is solely focused on meeting the needs of the communities it is supposed to represent. In the case of Dublin South West, it has been half a century since a non-party candidate returned to was Leinster House, and it has seen only one female TD since the 1940’s. It became clear to me as I led the YesEquality
team in Dublin South West that change was afoot and that there is a new mood in communities that have been ravaged by years of cutbacks and austerity.
The botched introduction of Irish Water was just the tipping point for people already frustrated by the lack of affordable high quality and childcare, as well as those who are unable to get a job that pays a decent wage, not to mention ruthless policies such as the
targeting of lone parent families with little or no regard for the impact on family homes.
For entire communities in the frontline of such cuts the parade of Ministers on the airwaves offering belated solidarity about the economic recovery not being shared equally rings hollow and offers little solace. It was during last year’s referendum campaign that I sensed a mood that I first saw in Tallaght thirty years ago when I co-founded An Cosán, a community education centre that started as a classroom in the home that I share with my spouse Ann Louise Gilligan. Since then, not only has An Cosán created over 100 local jobs but it has also given a fresh start and hope to 15,000 local people, and it is breaking cycles of intergenerational poverty and unemployment. As an Independent Candidate I am putting before voters the opportunity to have their concerns and issues brought onto the floor of the national parliament without the restraints of party politics. My only agenda is to act for and on behalf of my
While the big parties fight over airtime on TV and Radio and fall back to the tired old clichés, and a few new ones such as ‘fiscal space’, as an Independent candidate I am putting forward policies based on equality, fairness and opportunity, and ones that reflect my experience with the communities as well as my past five years as an Independent Senator.
been on the waiting list for an extension since 2005. Teachers are tired of broken promises. As an educator I commit to achieving concrete change since I believe that education for all is at the heart of a national recovery that works for everyone.
In Dublin South West I have also identified as key issues the need to support local entrepreneurs, housing,
“my only agenda is to act for and on behalf of my constituents.”
want and People deserve a local health service that works and schools and colleges that are properly funded and resourced where everyone no matter what their background has an opportunity to thrive.
A significant number of families in the constituency have been fighting for years to have their children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders assessed. Schools such as Gaelscoil Chnoc Liamhna in Knocklyon have been teaching their children in temporary portacabins for 20 years while St Thomas’ Junior National School has
smaller class sizes, access to third level education, and guarantees on the future of free travel, pensions and supports for our older people. My manifesto covers the type of change I seek in each of these areas. I outline solutions for the crisis in social and private rented housing, for example, in my recently published housing bill.
As an Independent a question I am frequently asked by the media is which party will I support in Government? It is a question that misses the point of electing a strong independent
voice such as mine to the Dáil. Parties who firmly commit to my policy goals would enjoy my support but it is important to note that it is those commitments and not misguided party loyalty that would determine how I vote in the chamber. The hunger for change in Ireland at this time is great. Over the years I have travelled down many paths, I have been an educator, a grassroots community activist, a human rights commissioner, a CEO the National with Women’s Council, and a change leader. All of this experience together with my time in Seanad Éireann, means that I have firsthand knowledge and understanding of how to deliver results that bring about positive change for everyone, not just the privileged few.
I want to take this experience into the Dáil and encourage new and innovative ways for the government to interact with the citizens of Ireland, to give the people a louder voice, and to make Ireland a beacon of equality, opportunity and fairness."
Katherine Zappone, Independent General Election Candidate in Dublin South West
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Q + a WIth aNNe-marIe dermOdy – your free Local Newspaper
dubLIN SOuth WeSt’S td eLeCt?
tell us a little more about yourself?
I’m a first time General Election candidate, running in the newly formed constituency of Dublin South-West, with Tallaght forming a large part of the constituency. I’ve been a solicitor for over 16 years and am a selfemployed working mum. I’m married to Eamonn who is from the heart of the constituency and we have three boys, who all attend the local schools. Originally from Portumna, Co. Galway, I live on Butterfield Avenue and am heavily involved with community-run initiatives and projects particularly relating to both young people and older people.
Fine Gael General Election candidate for Dublin South-West, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody, is being strongly tipped to be elected as a TD for the area. Therefore, we decided to catch up with the first time candidate and ask the potential new TD a few questions.
Growing up, I lived in a Council estate in Portumna and understand what it’s like living in tough circumstances. Coming from a working class background, I’m proud of my background and it has taught me many values which I’m hoping to bring with me if I’m elected to the Dáil. I went on to University and qualified as a
solicitor. My first job was while in college, cutting potatoes in a local take-away. I also had to take on a second job in a pub in order to get myself through college. It was a bit of a juggling act but I got there in the end. It was worth it and the free chips from the take-away was an added bonus. what are your priorities?
Housing – an increased supply of quality housing is essential. I want to see an increase in the annual housing output and I particularly want to see a fair social housing system with measures that will address the needs of households in Tallaght and the constituency on the waiting list.
working parents – the early years of a child’s life are the not just the most important but are also the most expensive. I would like to see fully State funded quality childcare which would be especially of benefit to an area like Tallaght as we have so many young families here.
abolishing uSC – I am committed to campaign for abolishing USC because I understand the sustainable reduction of our high taxes is good for our economy and drives jobs. People deserve a few bob back in their back pocket.
the Self-Employed – I believe it is time we rewarded those who take risk and afford them the same tax rights as those employed. A review of the tax system is overdue.
the Elderly – people are living longer and dementia is sadly on the increase. My political focus on older people is exploring how we, as the adult children of elderly parents and as a society can protect and improve the lives of our senior citizens. I want to see a dedicated Minister for older people and vulnerable adults. what one thing would you like to do in your first 100 days of the new dáil if you are elected?
I would like to be selected to sit on the Committee on Health and Children to propose a number of reforms and to work towards achieving my priorities so that the people of Tallaght and the constituency have a better quality of life. Being a first time candidate, I want to be a new voice for Tallaght in the Dáil and to make sure the voice of Tallaght is brought to the top table of the Government. How can people get in contact with you?
You can give me a buzz on my constituency office phone number and talk to me directly on (01) 598 1551. You can also email me at You can also drop in to my constituency office at 2 Firhouse Road, Dublin 24 for a cuppa and a chat. The kettle is always on. Stay in touch with Anne-Marie Dermody: Website: Facebook: Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody Twitter: @AMDERMODY Instagram: ANNEMARIEDERMODY
by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly
This week My Lovely Horse Rescue took a delivery to help look after and feed sick and abandoned horses around the county. The charity is determined to educate horse-owners and make a difference to the growing problem for horses and owners.
Don’t forget, we want to see your tweets so send anything you think is worth sharing to: @Newsgroupirl or @Lynda_ODonoghue and use #NewsgroupTweet.
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tOkyO aWaItS texaCO ChILdreN’S art WINNer
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Coupled with the prestige of becoming the overall competition winner and being awarded a €1,500 prize, an invitation to the International High School Arts Festival in Tokyo awaits the winner of Category A (16-18 years) in this year’s 62nd Texaco Children’s Art Competition. Travelling at the invitation of Japan's International Foundation for Arts and Culture, the 2016 winner will be invited to attend the exhibition in person which takes place from June 22nd to July 3rd at Japan’s largest art museum - the prestigious National Art Center in Tokyo.
The winning artwork will be exhibited amongst 400 pieces selected from over 11,000 artworks that have been submitted for consideration from senior school students who are representative of countries across the globe. Described as a global showcase for the world's best young artistic talent, the purpose of the festival is to provide an international platform for young people to engage in their artistic exploration of the world and to nurture a broader understanding of the experiences and events that impact on the younger generation across different cultures.
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ff Strategy WILL SeCure hOme OWNerShIP aNd taCkLe hOmeLeSSNeSS
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Fianna Fáil candidate for Dublin West John Curran says securing home ownership and tackling homelessness is one of the party’s key priorities and is one of the core issues in its General Election campaign.
“Families across Dublin have been failed by this Government, which has presided over the worst housing crisis in the history of the State. According to the latest figures there are over 750 families and 1,600 children sleeping in emergency homeless accommodation nationwide. This is a shocking and shameful record.
“Despite all Minister Kelly's posturing, fewer than 246 new social homes were constructed in 2015 resulting in surges in social housing waiting lists across the country. In Dublin city, waiting list figures have rocketed
by 231% between 2011 and 2015, with almost 22,000 people waiting for a home under the social housing scheme.
“The years 2011 to 2015 saw by far the lowest social housing construction and provision since records began in 1970. “The Government’s failure to take even simple measures, such as increasing Rent Supplement thresholds or putting a stay on mortgage repossessions, is forcing people out of their homes in the short term. “Fianna Fáil has put forward a clear, fully costed plan to tackle this crisis head on focusing on Public, Private and Rental areas”, explained Mr Curran.. 1. puBliC - €5.4 bn social housing programme to build 45,000 social housing units
- Restore Part V to 20%
2. priVatE - A new Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government to take the lead on dealing with the crisis - A National Home Building Bond to finance development - A First Time Buyers Savings Scheme 3. HOMElESS & rENtal - Raise rent supplement in Dublin - Ensure new social housing units from part of the “Housing First Strategy” “In Government, Fianna Fáil will prioritise keeping families in their homes and increasing housing supply. Our policy – set out in our 'National Housing Roadmap' will directly fund the construction of 45,000 social homes by 2021 and stimulate the construction of 105,000 private homes by 2021”.
StudeNt frOm St PauL’S SeCONdary SChOOL haS beeN reCOgNIzed IN the 2016 PramerICa SPIrIt Of COmmuNIty aWardS
A sixth year student from St Paul’s Secondary School in Greenhills has been recognized in the 2016 Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards. Emma Moriarty, who hails from Walkinstown, will be presented with €500 as well as an engraved silver medallion at a gala awards ceremony on March 10th at Lough Eske Castle Hotel and Spa in Donegal. The teenager is very active in the local community and has been recognized for her dedication to volunteering and selfless fundraising initiatives. Since 2012, Emma has taught children with cancer how to dance, travelling to the hospital twice a week to dance with the youngsters. She also gives up her time to take part in other charity work, including selling badges for The Childhood Cancer Foundation and working with the Laura Lynn Foundation and Barnardos. Over the last 12 months the busy sixth year student organised ‘Talentfest’ – a show which consisted of people of all ages singing, dancing or acting where
by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly
Emma Moriarty, who hails from Walkinstown, has been recognized in the 2016 Pramerica Spirit of Community Awards Emma herself assisted with the choreography for some of the acts. St Paul’s teacher Tracy Weldon explained that the young girl is the very essence of community spirit.
She said: “Emma is a hardworking and diligent student. She is the epitome of 'school spirit' and is always willing to give freely of her time and talents in order to enhance school life for her fellow students. She is a very wellknown and popular student as she is involved in so many clubs, societies and events in the school community.” Next month Emma will travel to Donegal for the awards ceremony which will be attended by guest speaker Niall Breslin. Two of the award winners will also receive €1,000 for a charity of their choice, a gold medallion, a crystal trophy for their school and an all-expense paid trip to the United States in May to participate in the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards ceremony. The programme is run in partnership with The National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD), The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI), Scouting Ireland and Foróige.
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St. agNES CrEdit uNiON iS lOOKiNg FOr VOluNtEErS
Do you have some time to volunteer for your local Credit Union. St. Agnes Credit Union are looking for people who would be willing to join as a member of the Board of the Credit Union. We are interested in hearing from anyone who has the time, energy and skills to assist us in delivering existing services in the Credit Union efficiently, and developing new services for the benefit of the members, the only prerequisite being that you are part of the Credit union Common Bond i.e. live or work in the dublin 12 area. While full training will be given, please advise when applying if you have any experience in the following areas. • Administration • Finance • Marketing • Legal IT • We outline below some of the benefits of volunteering in your local community BENEFitS OF VOluNtEEriNg
• Volunteering is the perfect vehicle to discover something you are really good at and develop a new skill.
• We sometimes take for granted the community that we live in. What better way is there to connect with your community and give a little back? As a volunteer, you certainly return to society some of the benefits that society gives you.
• Surveys carried out have showed that among leading businesses, employers would recruit a candidate with volunteering experience and volunteering can add to your skills as an employee. Never underestimate the power of networking; volunteering offers the • opportunity to cross paths—as well as, in many cases, quickly bond—with people from across your community, including many with whom you may otherwise not have had contact. if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please drop us an email to and please insert ‘Volunteering' in the subject line.
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ONLy LabOur WILL taCkLe the geNder Pay gaP
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Tánaiste Joan Burton has outlined Labour’s plans to stand up for women in the workplace, at home and in the community.
Launching Labour’s plan for equality, Joan Burton said, if reelected to Government, Labour will tackle gender pay issues by ensuring large companies and public sector employers make public the details their own internal pay gaps in order to stimulate stronger action towards
pay equality. The provisions in the Up For ‘Standing Equality’ plan include: Repeal the 8th amendment to the and Constitution proposal legislate for the rights of women in pregnancy.
Commission a National Plan for Women’s Equality, take action to tackle the gender pay gap and further increase female participation in governance and public life. Labour will also
amend the constitutional reference to the place of women in the home. Provide greater school choice. We will deliver new multi100 denominational schools and make sure that local children can access local schools. Enact Ireland’s first national LGBT strategy. This will build on the successes of Marriage Equality and Gender Recognition Act to tackle the cultural that issues disadvantage LGBT
people. Promote independent living for people with disabilities. We will provide service that empower people with disabilities and will continue to implement our Comprehensive Employment Strategy. We will also ratify the UN convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities within the first year of a new Government.
important part in the revitalisation of the community spirit in Clondalkin village. I assisted a number of groups in the village to set up residents associations and clean up groups during my first year as a councillor. Shortly afterwards I was involved in setting up Clondalkin Tidy Towns group and this group has gone from strength to strength in the last four years. The quality of life of Clondalkin residents has been significantly improved by the work of the Tidy Towns and pride has been restored to our historic village. I have also done my best to assist the Clondalkin Round Tower Heritage group and after many years of campaigning
our iconic Round Tower is finally being accorded the respect it deserves with a fabulous visitor centre and monastic garden being built to showcase and honour it,” Cllr. Breda Bonner, Clondalkin.
undocumented migrants. This will set out a clear pathway to citizenship for migrants resident in Ireland.
tackling child Put poverty at the heart of Government policy. Labour is committed to substantially increasing funding for school meals programmes, establishing a new End Child Poverty Commission and continuing to increase Child Benefit payments.
said: “We in the Labour Party have a keen belief in equality. For us it is a core political principle. “And I would say to all progressive voters both women and men, to everyone who believes in the importance of equality - that Labour is the only party which shares your belief and is willing and able to make it a reality.”
government to lead on issues that make a real and significant impact on our lives.
“Equality is one of the main reasons that I got involved in politics fifty years ago. Now there is a whole new generation women putting of themselves forward for election. Gender balance has been introduced in this Election. It is an impor tant step forward and it only happened because is in Labour Government.”
4 WOmeN aLL CO-OPted tO the COuNCIL 5 yearS agO, 2 Of them ruNNINg IN Next Week'S eLeCtION
It’s five years on for four Councillors in South Dublin who were co-opted by Labour and Fine Gael in 2011. Since then the four women, Breda Bonner, Annemarie Dermody, Márie Devine and Emer Higgins have successfully fought the
2014 Local Elections winning the support of the local communities they represent. Two of them, Dermody and Devine, are contesting the upcoming General Election. “I feel that in my five years I’ve played an
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Introduce a one-off earned regularisation scheme for
“It's been a busy five years for me as a local representative and a particularly busy five months since I started my campaign to represent my constituency in Dail Eireann. I love being a Councillor and, as a lawyer, I know that if I'm lucky enough to be elected this week that'd I'd love being a TD and legislator. I have been an effective voice at local level and a valuation contribution to make nationally. I
Tanaiste Joan Burton
hope people will vote, this week, to keep Tallaght at the top table by voting number one Anne Marie Dermody,” Cllr. Anne Marie Dermody who is running for election in Dublin South West.
“Feb 2011 seems such a short time ago- hard to believe its 5 years! I have learnt so much and the best part is knowing that you can help communities and individuals. My primary aim was, and continues to be, empowering groups-getting them involved and confidenthaving a strong say in how they want to shape/influence policy for an improved society for all. With my nursing experience, I have put mental wellbeing at the forefront and
Liz McManus added: “Women need the Labour Party in
convincingly advocated the need for all of us to mind our minds,” Cllr. Marie Devine who is running for election in Dublin South Central. “It’s been such a privilege to serve on the Council for the past five years. I was just 25 on my first day in the Chamber and it has definitely been an education but also a really rewarding experience; because it’s my opportunity to deliver for our communities. Being a Councillor has given me huge insight into the issues affecting families right across Clondalkin, Newcastle and Rathcoole and I’m pleased to have been able to help so many people and community associations with issues
affecting them. I’m proud to have come up with the idea of installing exercise equipment in parks right across our County and to have helped deliver a play space for Rathcoole Park. I continue to work residents to help deliver much needed amenities, not least of which is the need for a public park and play space in Newcastle, and with my Council colleagues on the need to relax regulations for sensible one-offhousing. I look forward to continuing to work with residents and Councillors to help deliver amenities for communities,” said Cllr. Emer Higgins who represents Clondalkin, Newcastle and Rathcoole.
the SPOrtINg aChIeVemeNtS Of NathaN keLLy
Mayor Sarah Holland welcomed Nathan Kelly to South Dublin County Council on the 8th of February 2016 in recognition of his outstanding sporting achievements in martial arts. Nathan is currently a five time national champion in Kickboxing and a double national champion in Jiu-Jitsu as well as holding many other titles in both sports.
Mayor Holland also congratulated Nathan on being a Junior Ambassador for Asthma Ireland and his work with multiple antibullying campaigns and the “My Mind Health Organisation”. Mayor Holland also highlighted the recent documentary that Nathan took part in with ITV London which was filmed at his home in Tallaght and in his Kickboxing Club -
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Tallaght Martial Arts. Speaking at the event Mayor Holland said that Nathan “has shown us that he is very proud of where he comes from and that he is an inspiration to children from his area showing them what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.” We wish Nathan continued success and the best of luck in his future endeavours.
Sara Kelly, Bridget Kelly, Noel Kelly, Christopher Maguire & Nathan Kelly with Mayor Sarah Holland
uSI urgeS the Next gOVerNmeNt tO hOLd refereNdum ON rePeaLINg the 8th
The Union of Students in Ireland is urging the next Government to commit to holding a referendum on repealing Article 40.3.3 (the Eighth Amendment) of Bunreacht na hÉireann and is calling on all parties to make a public commitment to a referendum.
USI is urging the next Government to repeal the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act 2013 and replace it with laws that ensure safe and legal access to abortion, at a minimum, in cases of rape, incest, risk to health or fatal foetal impairment; and to repeal the Regulation of Information (Services Outside the State for the Termination of Pregnancies) Act 1995 and any related censorship laws. USI has been in favour of pro-choice and
campaigning for Irish abortion services since the early 80s.
“USI’s involvement in the abortion debate in the past (with the SPUC vs. Grogan case) led to the change of legislation so that about information abortion could be distributed freely in the state.” Kevin Donoghue, President of USI, said, “Irish women should have access to free, safe and legal abortion services, at the very least when a woman’s life is at risk including from suicide, and in cases of rape, incest or fatal foetal abnormality. Access to free, safe and legal abortions in Ireland is critical to advancing gender equality and the position of women in Irish society. USI is calling on the next government to put this to a referendum and let the Irish people decide.”
The current legislation, which forces women to travel abroad to access abortion services, makes abortion a class issue, and inherently inaccessible to students.
A recent Smartvote survey showed that 88% of users are in favour of abortion. UK Department of Health statistics show that approximately one quarter of women who give Irish addresses when availing of abortion services in the UK are aged between the ages of 18-24.
Young women from lower socio-economic backgrounds are discriminated against because of their inability to afford the significant costs of travelling abroad for an abortion.
“The cost of travelling to the UK is too Kevin restrictive.” Donoghue, USI President, said, “It is out of reach for many young women. The legal penalties for abortion in Ireland and a failure to provide access to free, safe and legal abortion has taken its toll on generations of women.”
Abortion services are free for Dutch citizens and the Netherlands has one of the lowest abortion rates in the world. The Netherlands also has free and widely available contraception. USI is stressing that low abortion rates go handin-hand with a low rate of unwanted pregnancy because women are in control of their own fertility and family planning.
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The Legal Column
by Romaine Scally
Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: as a result of fraud or undue pressure”.
Q. My Mother is in the early stages of dementia and i want to set up an Enduring power of attorney for her. i think that i should be appointed as her attorney as i see a lot of my mother but i do have other siblings and i have not discussed this with them yet. do i need to bring her to the Solicitor to start the process?
A. It is very important to clarify that Solicitors must ensure that instructions regarding the setting up of an Enduring Power of Attorney (E.P.A.) are taken directly from the intending Donor of the EPA i.e. in every instance, the person who will be signing the EPA. If your mother is not sufficiently mobile to attend with a Solicitor, she can send in written instructions. However, the Solicitor receiving the instructions must consider whether such instructions are adequate and most Solicitors will require to meet with the client to discuss the implications or and advise the client with regard to the execution of an EPA. When instructions are received from a third party for the preparation of an EPA (i.e. a family member) a Solicitor must obtain instructions from the intending Donor as to whether the intending Donor wishes the Solicitor to act for him or her and, if such instructions are received, then the Solicitor must ensure that the Donor is being fully and independently advised without regard to the interests of any third party. Every Solicitor engaged in the process of executing an EPA is obliged, as part of the formal execution of the EPA to certify that the Solicitor is satisfied that the Donor “understood the effect of creating the Enduring Power and has no reason to believe that the document is being executed by the Donor
Therefore, all Solicitors will want to ensure that instructions are being given freely by the client. In addition, the intending Donor will be advised to read the explanatory information leaflet attached to the EPA or to have it read to him or her. The Solicitor must also explain fully the effect of creating the power and in short that the client understands this. Many older people execute an EPA when they are losing capacity. A Solicitor must be satisfied that the client has the mental capacity to give instructions and to execute the EPA. Again, as part of the formal execution of an EPA, a statement is required from a registered medical practitioner who knows the Donor saying that, “at the time the document was executed by the Donor, he/she had the mental capacity to understand the effect of creating the Power”. Despite this however, if the Solicitor has any doubts about the mental capacity of the client at the time of taking instructions then, it would be prudent to obtain the medical opinion at that initial stage.
Even where no such doubt exists, a Solicitor must ensure that the registered medical practitioner completing the statement as part of the process has examined the Donor at a time sufficiently close to the Execution of the EPA as to be able to make a judgment as to the Donor’s mental capacity to understand the effect of creating the Power. The Solicitor will also have to advise the client that, in addition to the benefits involved in the execution of an EPA, that there are also risks. These include the possibility that, in the event of the client’s incapacity that the Attorney has complete control over every aspect of the Donor and can make certain decisions on behalf of the Donor.
Although the choice of an Attorney is a personal matter for the Donor, a Solicitor should stress the need to appoint an Attorney or Attorneys who are trustworthy. A Solicitor will also advise a client that, on the registration of the EPA, the Attorney’s actions will be subject to little or no supervision. Most Solicitors will make enquiries about the Donor’s choice of potential Attorneys, in terms of relationships with the Donor, suitability, trustworthiness and skills necessary to manage the Donor’s financial affairs. A Solicitor will also advise the potential Donor that a conflict of interest may arise for an Attorney where the Attorney is also a potential beneficiary in the Donor’s Estate. The issue as to whether the Donor should appoint Joint Attorneys should include advice on the greater opportunity for abuse with the appointment of a Sole Attorney. The Solicitor will explain the Donor’s choice when appointing more than
one Attorney, to specify whether the Attorneys are to be permitted to act I.E jointly or jointly and severally. whether they must act together when making decisions. In such circumstances, the client must be advised of the implications of Section 14 (3) of the Powers of Attorney Act, 1996 which provides: “Where two or more persons are appointed (or are deemed to have been appointed) to act jointly then, in the case of the death, incapacity or disqualification of any one or more of them, the remaining Attorney or Attorneys may continue to act, whether solely or jointly as the case may be uNlESS tHE iNStruMENt CrEatiNg tHE pOwEr ExprESSly prOVidES tO tHE CONtrary.”
A Solicitor will take clear instructions as to whether the client wishes to appoint Joint Attorneys or whether the client wishes to appoint a sole Attorney. Any provision for a substitute Attorney must be made at the time of execution of the EPA.
Notice of the Execution of an EPA is required to be given to at least two persons. It is important that a Solicitor advises clients carefully of the order of persons who must be notified which are clearly set out on the Enduring Powers of Attorney Regulations 1996. The Donor must give notice of the execution of the EPA as soon as practical to at least two persons, none of which may be an Attorney under the Power. At least one of these persons must be: a) The Donor’s spouse if living with the Donor or;
b) If a) above does not apply (i.e. if the Donor is unmarried, widowed, or separated), notification must be given to a child of the Donor (if applicable) or; c) If a) & b) do not apply, to any relative (i.e. parent, sibling, grandchild, widow/widower of child/nephew or niece, in that order) Where a Spouse is appointed as Attorney, the Spouse may not be a Notice Party and the Donor should notify a child or other relative if there are no children or the child/ children are not appointed as Attorneys under the Power.
There is no period of Notice prescribed but the Notice should be served by registered or recorded post as soon as practicable (preferably within 30 days) of the execution of the EPA. Care should be taken to retain the documentary evidence of posting safely, as this will be subject to confirmation and, if necessary, an Affidavit grounding the application to
register the EPA in the future. A Solicitor should also advise the client that they can revoke an EPA at any time before it is registered (before the Donor becomes of unsound mind and incapable of giving instructions). The form of Revocation, which need not be by Deed, should specifically identify the EPA being revoked. The original EPA or a copy thereof should be exhibited in the revocation. Notification of the revocation of the EPA should be served on the named Attorney/Attorneys.
It is important to point out the scope of the Authority which goes with the EPA. The client must be advised of the meaning of giving a General Authority or indeed limited power to the Attorney. The Solicitor will explain the type of restrictions which are possible in an EPA. For example, there can be a restriction that the Attorney may not sell the Donor’s house. A Solicitor will then also get clear instructions as to whether the authority is to apply to all or only specified assets of the Donor. If the Donor wishes the EPA to be subject to restrictions and conditions then it needs to be carefully drafted to take account of these instructions. The Solicitor will also advise the client of the possibility of granting powers of personal care decisions and ascertain if the client wishes anyone other than the Attorneys to be consulted with regard to such decisions. Where it is intended to grant powers of personal care to the Attorney, a Solicitor should draw the attention of the Donor to the categories of personal care decisions in respect of which an Attorney may be given Authority and delete any which the intending Donor does not wish to grant. It should be noted that personal care decisions under an EPA do not extend to consents to medical treatment. It should also be explained to the Donor that the EPA grants with it the right of the Attorney(s) to make gifts to persons to whom the Donor would normally make such gifts. As this can be subject to abuse, it needs to be carefully explained to the Donor to ensure that such a power is not specifically excluded from the EPA.
As you can see therefore, it is extremely important that your mother is brought to a Solicitor who will have a private consultation with her for the purposes of ascertaining her wishes, with regard to setting up an EPA and indeed to satisfy him or herself that your mother is at a stage in her illness whereby she is capable of giving those instructions and that this capacity is confirmed by her treating doctor. We would suggest that you talk to your mother and act on her instructions if necessary by setting up an appointment with a Solicitor. We hope that this has been helpful.
In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement
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eNfOrCINg ‘NO fry zONeS’ arOuNd Our SChOOLS WOuLd be a Very WeLCOme SteP IN the battLe agaINSt ObeSIty
Dublin Senator Catherine Noone, has said that enforcing ‘No Fry Zones’ around our schools would be a very welcome step in the battle against obesity.
However as the Fine Gael Manifesto points out there has been little adherence to these guidelines.
“This is something that I have campaigned for for some time and I’m delighted to see it included in the Fine Gael Manifesto.
“The 2013 guidelines for the development of local area plans state that a plan can seek to reduce the exposure of children to the promotion of foods that are high in fat, salt or sugar through the careful consideration of the appropriateness and/or location of fast food outlets in the vicinity of schools and parks.
Threshold Training Network’s next full time Training Programme in “Employability Skills” is starting in March 2016. It is FREE training, funded by the ETB, dedicated to adults that have experienced emotional distress and/or mental health difficulties. Applications will be accepted until the end of April. The course is designed to support people to selfmanage their wellness while
undertaking a FETAC/QQI accredited programme. There is no catchment area, the programme is open up to all who are happy to travel to the Centre. The overall programme content supports participants to build routine and structure into their lives while exploring further education and or employment opportunities. Core to the programme is supporting people to manage their own mental
health and well-being. Participants complete 8 FETAC/QQI modules and take part in classes such as Yoga, Mindfulness meditation, Craft based Auricular activities, Acupuncture, 1-2-1 goal planning, Drumming, Song writing, and WRAP workshops. On completion of the programme, Threshold Training Network supports all participants to take the next step in their journey
“It’s great to see that if reelected Fine Gael is pledging to examine proposals to better encourage adherence to these guidelines. “There is a clear imperative
to limit access to unhealthy fast foods for children. A quarter of 11-year-olds are now clinically obese. We are facing an obesity time bomb, which I have spoken about on many previous occasions.
“A study of Irish childhood obesity recently revealed
that children who are obese have an 82% chance of remaining so into adulthood, compared with just 15% of children with a normal weight in childhood. I believe we need to do everything possible to stop that, and this is one such tool we can use. “Fine Gael has a long term
economic plan to keep the recovery going, which includes three steps: more and better jobs, making work pay and investing in better services. More people in work creates the resources to cut taxes for working people and invest in better services, improving living standards for all.”
people who are linking in with Intreo case officers l those who have been linking in with their GP and/ or mental health services to support their mental health and well being l those who have been out of employment for a number of years and feel out of touch with how to access formal training and education services l people looking to gain confidence in their abilities in the context of work and study following
personal difficulties or challenges in their lives l people who are interested in embarking on personal change Please contact me for information further regarding our training programme and enrolment on 01-4940502 or by email Our training centre is in Tallaght Village and we are serviced by the LUAS, and by the following Buses, 27, 77A, 56, 65, 49, 54A, 75, 76.
threShOLd traININg NetWOrk traININg PrOgramme IN “emPLOyabILIty SkILLS” towards further education or employment. We do this by inviting participants back to the centre for a further 6 weeks, 1 morning a week, to work on achieving their short term career goals with our Adult Guidance Coordinator. Participants have reported that this link has been vital in supporting their ongoing progression. To give you a sense of participants who have benefited from our programme they include: l
dubLIN SChOOLS Lead the Way IN juNIOr CyCLe COdINg
Three schools in Dublin are among the first schools in Ireland to benefit from specialist teacher training in coding, aided by the donation of development boards by computing innovation world leader Intel. Teachers from Castleknock College, Adamstown College Lucan and Kishoge Community College Lucan will be among the first to teach the new Junior Cycle short course in Coding and spent a day exploring the subject at the Intel Ireland Campus in
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Leixlip this weekend. 19 schools The participating in this initiative, including Castleknock, and Adamstown Kishoge, were chosen from over 120 entries from post-primary schools nationwide, with participating teachers receiving two days of initial training, and further online and regional support.
intel has also made a donation of 900 galileo gen 2 Boards and teacher kits to the 19 post-primary schools.
The training day and donation are part of a collaborative initiative between Intel Ireland, Lero – The Irish Research Software Centre – and Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT). The project is designed to support schools and teachers in exploring the Coding short course now available under the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015. Students will engage in technology and designrelated activities with the use of these stateof the-art resources. “This donation will
support schools in this innovative and exciting Coding project, which we hope will produce Ireland’s innovators of the future,” said Paul Phelan, Public Affairs Operations Manager, Intel. “Intel Ireland are delighted to give students an insight into technology, and allow the development of both logical and digital skills in a fun, collaborative, and innovative learning environment. “These digital skills are vital if Ireland, and indeed Europe, is to
address the coding skills shortage which has led to in excess of 500,000 open job postings across the continent in 2015.” Participating teachers enjoyed specific training at the event to support their exploration of this new learning area in their
schools. Both Intel and Lero Ireland support JCT in this work. “A career in computing can be interesting and creative. This project will allow students to take the first steps in exploring this potential,“ said Clare McInerney, who is
Education and Outreach Manager in Lero. “We are very happy to help build capacity in schools to provide inventive short courses like Coding to their students.” Further information on this initiative can be found at the JCt website
Launch of Seachtain na gaeilge átha Cliath theas 2016
South Dublin County Council and South Dublin Library Services in partnership with Áras Chrónáin are delighted to bring you this year’s Seachtain na Gaeilge Átha Cliath Theas (SnaGÁCT). This is a unique festival which highlights and celebrates our culture through music, dance, arts and of course our beautiful language. The programme will run from 1st – 17th March. This year’s wonderful calendar of events includes a special concert by Kila in honour of our centenary year, classes for all levels, workshops, traditional
music sessions, and many other entertaining events, most of which are free of charge. 2016 is a special year and to mark this there will be an additional category of events called An Teanga Bheo – The Living Language, which will commemorate the role of the Irish language and culture in the historical events of 1916.
For further information and to download the brochure visit or
Pictured are (l-r) Michael Carey (JCT), Paul Phelan (Intel), Paddy Lavelle from Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB, Aoife O'Connell and Suzanne Linnane both from Adamstown Community College, Padraig Kirk, Director JCT and Clare McInerney from Lero pictured at a Coding exploration day at the Intel Ireland Campus in Leixlip for the first group of 50 teachers who will teach the subject at Junior Cycle level. Pic: Marc O'Sullivan
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deansrath Community College
Coláiste Pobail Rath an Déin
Westbourne Rise, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. (Entrance off St. Cuthbert’s Road/Westbourne Rise) Tel: 01 - 457 4144 E-mail: Web:
Full aNd part-tiME pOSt lEaViNg CErtiFiCatE/ adult EduCatiON day COurSES 2016 - 2017
OpEN day Monday 7th March 2016
Full tiME COurSES l Nursing Studies PLC QQI Level 5 l Community Health Services PLC QQI Level 5 l Early Childhood Care and Education PLC QQI l Level 5 l Engineering Technology PLC QQI Level 5 l Hair and Beauty PLC QQI Level 5 l eBusiness PLC QQI Level 5 l Office Administration VTOS
9.30 am - 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
part tiME COurSES l Office Administartion (two years) QQI Level 5 l Accounts and Payroll QQI Level 5 l Special Needs Assistant QQI Level 5 l Nursing Studies (two years) QQI Level 5 l English Beginners QQI Level 3 l English Improvers QQI Level 4 l Computers Beginners QQI Level 3 l Computers Improvers QQI Level 4 l Retail Practice QQI Level 5
All courses are subject to Department of Education and Science and QQI (FETAC) approval and viable numbers. Course content may change.
For further details see our website:
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41 tallow Hall, Belgard Square,tallaght,dublin 24 One bed apartment €120,000
€1.3m hOuSINg graNtS muSt Lead tO ImmedIate ImPrOVemeNtS fOr LOCaL PeOPLe
“Funding being made available for older people and people with disabilities to improve their homes”
Confirmation that over €1.3 million euro is being made available to older people and people with disabilities in Dublin South West to improve their homes must be followed by swift action, according to Independent Election Candidate, Senator Katherine Zappone. Senator Zappone says it is important that the people benefit from the funding within weeks. Under the scheme grants of up to €30,000 can be provided through South Dublin County Council, with the Government providing 80% of the overall funding. Senator Zappone added: “Confirmation that the Government is going to support €1.3m in improvement grants for some of the most vulnerable
people in our local communities is of course welcome. However, the timing of the announcement, much earlier than in previous years, may raise suspicions about electioneering. It is important we see improvements carried out swiftly in local homes to dispel such suspicions. Under the scheme older people and people living with disabilities can carry out extensions to their homes, install stair lifts and ramps as well as other improvements. Grants of €30,000 are for home available adaptions, up to €8,000 for housing aids and €6,000 for mobility aids. The funding is being channelled through South
Dublin County Council and we need a local information campaign to let the people know that grants are available. There are however other important issues and fears which older members of our communities have raised me which must also be addressed. The threats to free GP Care, free travel and community services must be lifted and cuts to secondary income supports must be cut. I am campaigning for the introduction of a universal pension and the ending of the mandatory retirement age. Meeting the needs of older people is an issue in the General Election and one which I am determined to continue addressing.”
Clondalkin Councillor Jonathan Graham proposed two motions to re-zone the remaining land parcels in St Mark’s Green and the Harelawn/Oatfield interface after active projects are complete. Cllr Graham said: ‘Permission for a library in North Clondalkin and infill housing in St Mark’s Green was granted by South Dublin County Council some time ago. While both projects were broadly welcomed, there were legitimate concerns
raised by residents in both locations. One of them main concerns of residents was that the sites in question would be built on into perpetuity after the initial projects. While Sinn Féin continue to support these developments, our position has been very clear. We do not believe that all land in North Clondalkin is free to be built on. For that reason I submitted two motions for inclusion in the South Dublin County Council Development Plan
2016-2022.I proposed that the remaining land parcels after these developments be zoned OS- Open Space to ensure that they cannot be built on after these important projects. I hope that this is effective in dealing with residents’ concerns and ensuring that not every land parcel in North Clondalkin is built on. These areas have more than played their part in ensuring additional housing and facilities for North Clondalkin and cannot be expected to give anymore’.
Independent retail businesses in South Dublin County can now get a helping hand from the County Council if they want to improve their shop fronts. South Dublin County Council is providing the operators of independently owned shops fronting public streets the opportunity to apply for funding of up to 50 per cent of a project’s costs through the Shop Front Grant Scheme, with a maximum grant of €8,500 being available, subject to the application meeting the Scheme’s criteria. Grants cover simple measures like painting a shopfront to replacement of an entire
shopfront. “This funding is being provided in recognition of the fact that a building’s facade makes a big impact on our villages and towns”, said Daniel McLoughlin, Chief Executive of South Dublin County Council. “We want the public streets of our County to have a positive image and become an attractive environment for shoppers and visitors, and the 2016 Shop Front Grant Scheme is a practical measure to assist this. The scheme assists local retailers who wish to take measures to improve the public face of their business – the shop front.” To reward high quality shop
front design the Council will again select the shop front deemed the best exemplar of shop front design under the scheme and an award of a further €1,000 will be made to the winning design when all grant works are completed later this year.
CLLr graham PrOPOSeS mOtIONS tO re zONe LaNd IN St mark’S greeN aNd hareLaWN/OatfIeLd INterfaCe
33 tymon Crescent,Old Bawn, tallaght, dublin 24 Extended three bed semi detached house. BEr E1 €289,950
11 raheen road, tallaght, dublin 24 three bed semi detached house €215,000
Call NOw tO BOOK a ViEwiNg! 01 4057700
rEa Mcgee, Courthouse Square, westpark, dublin 24 Email: website:
2016 ShOP frONt graNt SCheme OPeN fOr aPPLICatIONS
Further details of the scheme, including terms and conditions, a design guide and an application form is available from the Council’s website at hopfront-grant-scheme2016 or by e-mailing The closing date for receipt of application is Friday 11th March, 2016.
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by Lynda O'Donoghue Donnelly
After the sunshine comes the rain and in the wake of the Valentine’s Day love hangover we bring you the remedy with our Top Five Films – Break-Ups. February is often described as the month of love so if you are sick of hearing about it – or if you just want a break from all of the heart-shaped films doing the rounds then get your teeth into our top five. These movies talk about love from the other side, the painful, damaging and sometimes devastating films will make you think again about giving your heart away. So grab the tissues and prepare to cry the saddest tears for our Top Five Films – Break-Ups…
1. the last Kiss – Possibly the best break-up movie ever made. Zach Braff managed to completely shake off his goofy Scrubs persona to play Michael, a man who the future he thought he wanted; filled with marriage and kids; will mean the end of his happy life. Looking at the unhappy
relationships around him Michael makes some rash decisions. The Last Kiss examines that fear in all of us. Compelling stuff. 2. the Break-up – In many ways this film is a bit of a downer for a romantic comedy. Anyone who has been through a break-up will identify with the often deflating home truths about trying to stay friends with an ex. Despite the tinge of sadness throughout there are some good laughs and great performances from Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. 3. (500) days of Summer – Joseph Gordon Levitt carries this insightful and thoughtful movie almost entirely on his own; telling the story of the time he spent with the love of his life. He falls for Summer immediately but she is not interested in him. Though a relationship of sorts develops a happy ending is never in sight. A film unlike any other. 4. what Happens in Vegas – After a night of debauchery in Las Vegas two people who just met and tied the knot win a huge jackpot. They
vow to divorce and split the proceeds but the judge has other ideas and forces them to stay together. They each embark on a journey to make the other one defy the terms and leave anyway. Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz make a great duo in this laugh-out-loud movie. 5. Mr & Mrs Smith – Starring as a seeming straight-laced couple leading dangerous double lives as assassins Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie supposedly fell in love on the set. This is a funny and clever film which proves that breaking up is hard to do – especially when your other half is trained to kill. As well as lots of action and plenty of laughs the chemistry between the two leads is red hot. A great movie which has a little bit of everything and doesn’t take itself too seriously. Although there may be tears there will also certainly be plenty of laughs amongst these movies so get the popcorn ready and settle down to enjoy a night in with a break-up movie marathon.
A scene from The Kiss
Local actor stars in RTE production - 16 Letters
Clondalkin actor Philip Galvin will once again hit screens next month in a series dedicated to the 1916 Rising. To mark the centenary of the rising RTE is running a number of programmes about the leaders and the famous events which led to the formation of the state. Philip said: “I've been given a lead role in a new production for RTE called 16
Letters – it's a programme coming up for the Easter Rising. I play the role of Fr. Columbus Murphy and have shot several scenes for the programme.” The Clondalkin man was handpicked for the role and was excited to be involved in the production, carrying out extensive research into the character. He said: “I got a phone call from the producer Paula
Williams who informed me that she had seen my showreel and said she noticed that I had a lot of experience and sent me the script to have a look at. “I did some research online about Fr. Murphy and studied carefully his involvement in 1916 to give me a feel for what I was dealing with. I also watched some videos of the Capuchin Friars to see how they
dressed and so on.” Philip has already appeared in a number of RTE shows including Love/Hate and
Fair City but he explained that radio is where his heart is. He said: “My first love has
Clondalkin actor Philip Galvin stars in the RTE production - 16 Letters
always been radio broadcasting, and with five years live on-air experience in community radio and being certified in Advanced Broadcasting I'm always on the lookout for any radio gigs.” However, for the moment he is concentrating on the acting roles that have come his way – adding that he doesn’t mind which actors or actresses he gets to work with. He said: “Personally I like to focus on what I'm doing and not get too caught up in other actors because in order for me to be the best that I can be I must put 110% into everything I do, and that's why I keep getting the calls because I work hard.”
16 Letters will air on RTE One on Easter Sunday 27th March.
Let’s See Ireland by Sarah Bowie
A new book which gives children a fun and educational look at some of Ireland’s most beautiful locations will be released in March. Let’s See Ireland is a colourful, vibrant and well thought-out book from Dublin illustrator and cartoonist Sarah Bowie. The book, which follows a little girl named Molly and her family on their journey around Ireland, will be available in bookstores from the 7th of March. The picture book is aimed at children of all ages and also features Mipsy, Molly’s mischievous pet cat who hides from the family in locations across the country. Let’s See Ireland is beautifully illustrated and will take children on an exciting trip to Dublin Zoo, Christ Church Cathedral and Glendalough. Molly and her family also journey to the west and visit the Spanish Arch and visit the famous birth place of the Titanic in Belfast and Newgrange. Meath, Cork, Kerry, Antrim and Wicklow are also featured in the children’s travel book highlighting the
wonders of The Giant’s Causeway, Rock of Cashel and Killarney National Park. Some of the most wonderful illustrations in the book show the Cliffs of Moher at the edge of the Burren in Co Clare and Hook Head Lighthouse in Wexford. The book, from the O’Brien Press, is illustrated by
author Sarah Bowie who is a founder member of The Comics Lab and has been published in a range of books, comics and magazines. Let’s See Ireland is Sarah’s first picture book and will be available for €12.99 from the 7th of March.
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2016 COmmemOratIONS POetry COmPetItION fOr PrImary SChOOLS
Mayor Holland launched South Dublin County 2016 Council’s Commemorations Poetry Competition for Primary Schools at Loreto Primary Grange Road, School, Rathfarnham.
The competition is open to children of primary school going age who live or go to school in South Dublin County and entries may be in Irish or English. Prizes will be awarded in both categories. The theme is commemorating 1916. there are two categories: 1) Junior Infants – Third Class (2) Fourth Class – Sixth Class
Speaking at the launch, Mayor Holland said “This year we will commemorate 100 years since the Easter Rising, a landmark event in Irish history. As part of South Dublin County Council’s Centenary Programme, I am inviting pupils of all ages from primary school to write a poem which will explore the history and legacy of 1916”.
the prizes up for grabs are:
First prize: €100 Book Token and Certificate, included in the prize is a Poetry workshop for the winning student’s class
Second prize: €50 Book Token and Certificate
to Enter: Download the form from at the end of the page which can be filled in online or print it out and post to: Commemorations Poetry Competition, South Dublin County, Council, Communications Unit, County Hall, D 24. By Email: communications@sdublinco marked Commemorations Poetry Competition.
the Closing date for entries is Friday 4th March 2016.
Mayor Holland with students from Loreto Primary School, Rathfar nham
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. S.N.g.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. N.g.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. p.K.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. g.McC.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. p.M.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. H.B.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. B.l.
MiraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Please mind all my family. Please help me to get some base in life as I have just buried my husband. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. a.McC.
NOVENa tO St. JudE Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hope. Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that particular privilege given to you to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may
receive the consolation and help of heaven as I work with my challenges, particularly (Please help me to get some base in life as I have just buried my husband) I praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. a.McC.
prayEr FOr HEaliNg Heavenly Father, I call on you right now in a very special way. It is through your power that I was created. Every breath I take, every morning that I wake, and every moment of every hour, I live under your power.Father, I ask you now to touch me with that same power. For if you created me from nothing you can certainly recreate me. Fill me with the healing power of your spirit. Cast out anything that should not be in me. Mend what is broken. Root out any damaged cells. Open any blocked arteries or veins and rebuild any damaged areas. Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection. Let the warmth of your healing pass through my body to make new any unhealthy areas so that my body will function the way you created it to function. And Father, restore me to full health in mind and body so that I may serve you the rest of my life. I ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen. J.r.
as our regular readers will know we have asked for generosity in your supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including NCBi Solas Centre in Clondalkin, tir na nOg (Cheeverstown House) and laura lynn Children’s Hospice . these charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. we would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting laura lynn Children’s Hospice going forward, we are delighted to support tHE iriSH pilgriMagE truSt.
We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, tHE iriSH pilgriMagE truSt.
tHE iriSH pilgriMagE truSt is a registered charity in Ireland (Charity Number: 5992), and for over 40 years the Trust has been travelling on pilgrimage/holiday to Lourdes with young people
with special needs, from all over Ireland. The Trust has over 1100 people travelling at Easter time and it is divided into small groups of approx 10 young people and 12 volunteer carers who stay in one of the many Hotels in Lourdes. In June we bring a group of 110 people to Hosanna House in Lourdes for what is a unique experience both Carer and Guest. We have two facilities in Kilcuan, Co. Galway and Cois Cuain, Co. Wexford each offering different opportunities. Both facilities provide Friendship weeks during the Summer. application forms are available from our Office at 091 796622.
For more information on the Irish Pilgrimage Trust please contact us at 091 796622 or Email info@irishpilgrimagetrust.c om or visit our web page on http://www.irishpilgrimage for more information..
if you would like a Novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to tHE iriSH pilgriMagE truSt and send it, along with your Novena to: NEwSgrOup, uNit 3, FlOOr 2, St. dOMiNiC'S SHOppiNg CENtrE, St dOMiNiC'S rOad, tallagHt, duBliN 24 if you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.
fitness with Newsgroup your free Local Newspaper
a NeW PheNOmeNON - hOOP daNCINg by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly A Tallaght woman is hoping to revolutionize the fitness circuit with specialized classes aimed at all ages and fitness levels.
After a four-year backpacking adventure in Thailand, Australia and Asia Niamh Kane has returned with a plan to get Tallaght moving. During her travels Niamh came cross a new phenomenon in Hoop Dance – becoming qualified as a Hoop Dance Coach in 2013 and making her own dance hoops. The Tallaght woman, who is also qualified in Ayurvedic Massage, believes that Hoop Dance can offer a fun alternative for people who want to get fit. Hooping gives a comprehensive full body
workout which allows participants to burn up to 600 calories an hour – working on as many as 30 of the body's muscles. Niamh said: “There is a lot going on in Tallaght but I wanted to add another layer that might appeal to people who wanted an alternative to the gym, meeting new people and who enjoy being silly; we are playing with a big plastic circle after all. “Eventually I would love to be able to collaborate with schools and active age groups to bring a new spin to being active and social in Tallaght. I also facilitate hoop making workshops where you can learn how to make and tape your own hoop from scratch.” Since returning to Ireland she has also been involved with an initiative called
‘Get Off Your Hoop for World IBD Day’ – helping to raise the profile of illnesses which affect both children and adults. Niamh said: “Get Off Your Hoop for World IBD Day takes place every May 19th and is organised by the advocacy group GutsyKids and ChiQi Hoopini to bring awareness to those who suffer from Crohn's, Colitis and IBS. “Last year we hooped outside the Dáil and had Miriam O'Callaghan join us for support. The HSE does not recognise their disease on the long-term illness list to enable preventative and ongoing management of the disease through diet, exercise, psychology and medicine.” Adult Hoop Dance classes have just started in the
❚ Pilates ❚ yoga ❚ Fitness Classes MoNDAy & FRiDAy MoRNiNgS
9.30 am outdoor Fitness (€5.00 per class) meet in car park of River bank Park, mOrNINg (opposite Speaker Connolly Pub CLaSSeS off Firhouse Road)
Pictured left to right: Celina, Niamh (Hoop Coach) and Rebecca.
Kilnamanagh Recreation Centre and take place every Monday at 7.30pm. Anyone interested in taking part is invited to drop-in to the class and check out the ChiQi Hoopini Facebook page for new locations and further details.
Classes are €10 and Niamh is running a special offer of €70 for an eight week course which must be paid in advance or if you introduce a friend you get a free week.
NOW aVaILabLe Strongbodies1
Strongbodies are hosting a charity event Saturday March 5th The days’ events: ❚ 9-9.25am Strong Bodies class ❚ 9.309.55am TRX & Body Fusion Class ❚ 10-10.30am HIIT Class ❚ 10.30-11am Active Pilates ❚ 11-11.30am Yoga ❚ 11.3012am Gentle Pilate ❚ 12.15am Mindfullness Workshop (Focusing on: What is Mindfullness?, Dealing with stress and developing Self awareness) ❚ 1am Nutritional Talk (What is Healthy eating, and how to loose weight) all proceeds go to charity tBd (inflammatory bowel disease)
For further information email:
Don’t wish for it...Work for it
❚ Personal Training ❚ Buddy / Group Sessions ❚ Ladies Classes / Circuit Training
10.00 am - Pilate grainne in Firhouse Community Centre (€8.00 per class)
All other classes are in Firhouse Community Centre (evening classes also available)
get heaLthy WhILe heLPINg CharIty!
Contact Joan on
087 2219746
email: Visit the Bliss Fitness page on Facebook
Contact Richard - 0876341861
Classes are on 7pm 8pm Mondays and Wednesday evenings
Next Generation Fitness Gym
Unit 10, St. Dominic’s Shopping Centre, Tallaght
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geNeVa mOtOr ShOW uNVeILINg fOr NeW-LOOk PeugeOt 2008
The Peugeot 2008 has enjoyed continuous sales growth worldwide since its launch in mid-2013. With 500,000 units sold up to the end of 2015, it has retained a podium place in its segment in Europe for two years and is today Peugeot’s best-selling car model in Ireland. The Geneva Motor Show in March will host the public unveiling of the newlook Peugeot 2008. A more robust SUV appearance, new colour options, new GT trim, increased connectivity solutions and extra driver assist options add to the desirability of the Peugeot 2008. Powered by a range of Euro6 PureTech petrol and BlueHDi diesel engines, four best-in-class engines are on offer. The new-look Peugeot 2008 arrives in Ireland this August / September.
Wheel arch extensions, a new vertical front grille and scuff plates that protect the bodywork, give the new Peugeot 2008 an even more assertive SUV look. It retains the now-familiar Peugeot lighting signature at the front, whilst the rear
lamps feature a new 3D lion claw effect. A new Ultimate Red colour, first seen on the 308 GTi by PEUGEOT Sport, and the new Emerald Crystal colour epitomise the desirability of the new 2008.
Access, Active and Allure levels are now crowned by the new superior GT Line trim. The GT Line trim delivers a sporty, chic look with a red / black colour theme inside and out, complemented by new 17” alloy wheels finished in a gloss black treatment.
Inside, the 2008 retains the unique Peugeot iCockpit, to maximum driver offer control. With its ergonomic controls, touchscreen technology from level 2, small steering wheel and heads up instrument display, the Peugeot iCockpit offering is intuitive safer to driver. and Standard depending on the trim level chosen, a panoramic glass sunroof with illuminated edging is rare in this sector. The ⅓ - ⅔ modular back seats means the boot volume can vary from 410 to 1400 litres in an
instant. The on-board technologies of the new Peugeot 2008 make everyday life easier. MirrorLinkTM and Apple Carplay® connectivity are now both available, to guarantee a wider range of compatible smartphones. Through this technology, the driver can directly access applications from their phone on the touch screen, intuitively and safely.
The Peugeot 2008 makes travel easier and safer, thanks to a range of driver assist options, including Active City Brake technology, Park Assist and Grip Control. Active City Brake technology reduces the severity of accidents and even helps avoid them altogether. To do this, a short-range laser sensor (LIDAR technology) is installed on the upper part of the windscreen, to detect obstacles such as a moving or stationary vehicle, travelling in the same direction and in the same lane. If the driver fails to take action, the Active City Brake engages full auto-braking to reduce the speed between the 2008
and the obstacle. Park Assist technology automates the parking process and uses the reversing camera to facilitate manoeuvring. The driver selects the type of manoeuvre required on the touch screen (parallel parking or exiting the parking space), after which the ultrasonic sensors measure the dimensions of the available spaces to notify the driver of a suitable location. Park Assist then guides the vehicle via the electric power steering
system. All the driver has to do is view their surroundings and control the car's progress. Pulling out of a parking space is very easy by using the intelligence of Park Assist again, even on a sloping street thanks to the Hill Assist feature.
The Peugeot Grip Control option gives the 2008 even more versatility on all types of terrain and in all weather conditions. Peugeot’s patented system works with the 2008’s generous 16cm
The Peugeot 2008 GT Line Model is New to the Range
ground clearance and is combined with Mud & Snow tyres to optimise traction no matter what the conditions, by enhancing the operational efficiency of the front wheels. The driver selects from Standard mode (low slippage conditions), Snow mode, All-Terrain mode, Sand mode or ESPOff mode, via a central dial.
The new-look Peugeot 2008 will reach Irish shores in August / September. Pricing and specifications will be announced closer to launch.
motoring with Newsgroup your free Local Newspaper
CLaSSy NeW kIa ON aIrtON rOad
There has been lots of talk about the new Kia Sportage, but it’s not the only newcomer to Airton Kia on Airton Road - the new Optima is another addition to the Kia line up. The latest edition retains much of the stand-out award-winning styling of its predecessor, with a fresh, but contemporary twist. It boast a bold interior design with more space for driver and passengers and an array of new technologies for comfort and safety.
A major selling point of this new car is the engine. The 1.7 diesel delivers plenty of power but its low emissions mean it is taxed at just €190 per year, and, of course, is sparing on fuel. Also on
offer is a distinctly executive 7-speed DCT automatic with road tax of just €200 per annum. The engine is also more refined and complements the improved ride and handling of the new model. There are three trim levels to choose from. Standard equipment includes dualzone climate control, cruise control, auto lights/wipers, alloys, 17ins navigation/camera screen, Bluetooth, lane assist and semi-leather seats. The Platinum model sports, in addition, 18inch alloys, full leather, electric driver seat adjust, heated seats, LED fog lamp. With the rangetopping GSE come luxuries such as a panoramic
sunroof, 8-inch nav/camera display, 10 speakers and beige two-tone leather. As with all models in the Kia range, the Optima comes with the reassurance of the Kia 7-year warranty.
“Lots of customers coming into our showrooms are immediately taken by the distinctive style of the Optima,“ says Paul Molloy of Airton Kia. “Add in the bonnet under-the improvements of this model in terms of running costs and you’ve a seriously tempting package.” The new Kia Optima is available at Airton Kia from €27,950 excluding delivery and related charges. See
The new Optima is another addition to the Kia line up
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