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pension time bomb on the horizon

6TH JULY 2015 TEL: 01 451 3822 / 01 451 9000 email: web:

Speaking at the Pensions Europe annual conference, Fine Gael Dublin MEP Brian Hayes said that an alarming number of Irish people don't have workplace pensions and rely solely on state pensions for their retirement. Mr. Hayes recently landed the job of lead negotiator on an EU workplace pensions Directive.

"Over 70% of Irish people are not part of a workplace pension scheme and therefore depend on the state pension to provide for them into their

retirement. There is a pension time bomb on the horizon in Ireland. Today there are 5 workers for every pensioner but if the current demographic trends continue, there will be 2 workers for every pensioner by 2060.

"My job over the next 12 months is to lead a negotiation within the EU Parliament on a new EU Directive on workplace pensions. My intention with this Directive is to encourage and facilitate the take up and establishment of

workplace pensions for employees and employers. I hope we can get the legislation adopted by early 2016, but it also takes the agreement of the EU Council, the governments.

"There are almost 70,000 workplace pension schemes with 420,000 members in Ireland – they have in excess of €90 billion worth of assets under management. But the take up could be higher. In Germany almost 60% of citizens have a workplace pension while in Belgium,


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around 50% of citizens are part of workplace pension schemes. In recent years there has been a move from defined benefit to defined contribution pension schemes.

"In Ireland, we cannot ignore the pension challenge which lies ahead. People cannot continue to rely primarily on state pensions. Governments and the EU institutions need to do more to encourage citizens to supplement their state pension entitlements with either workplace or private pensions.

"All across the EU, pension provision is becoming increasingly important. In 2008 there were 4 people in work for every pensioner: in 2060 there will be 1 pensioner for every 2 people in work. Additionally, pensions in the EU represent a very large and rising share of public expenditure. Recently I called on the Government to put more money aside for the national pension reserve fund.

"This Directive is important for another

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In this edition of the paper Romaine deals with the question of wills. See page 14.

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new national strategy for suiciDe prevention your free local newspaper

Minister O’Sullivan commits to 100% support from education sector for ‘vital plan’

The Minister for Education & Skills, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed the launch for Connecting for Life: Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015 -2020. Speaking following the launch Jan O’Sullivan said, “Suicide prevention is an urgent issue. There are many families and

communities which have been affected by the reality of suicide. Compared to our European neighbours Ireland has a high rate of suicide among 15-25 year olds. This new national plan seeks to bring all partners in the health, education, community and voluntary sector together so that we have a co-ordinated

approach to suicide prevention and selfharm, and also that we foster a positive approach to mental health and well-being through understanding the importance of prevention and early intervention”. “I am particularly pleased that education will play a key role in the implementation of important elements of

the strategy. Schools, colleges and youth organisations have a major role to play in our national strategy to reduce suicide,” continued Minister O’Sullivan. “I will be leading my Department’s role in this new strategy in areas such as: · The support for schools in implementation of the

well-being and mental health promotion guidelines at primary and post-primary level · Continued work on the National Anti-Bullying plan, including homophobic and cyber bullying · Development and implementation of the new ‘Well Being’ programme at Junior Cycle level · Provision of mental

volunteers from the Balgaddy Community Garden out of the on both garden Thursday 15th and Monday 29th of June is deeply regrettable and potentially illegal. ‘The land in question was subject to a Section 183 disposal by South Dublin County Council in 1997. When the elected members took that decision to transfer the land to the Laurence O’Toole Trust and the South Lucan

Parish there were a number of conditions attached included the payment of £18,850. ‘To date this money has not been paid and as a result the title deeds have not been transferred. This means that title for the lands is still held by South Dublin County Council. ‘There has been on ongoing attempt by the local community, Council officials and elected members to engage with the South

Lucan Parish on their plans to develop a new community facility on the site of the existing Bush Centre and Balgaddy Community Garden. ‘Unfortunately these talks have broken down. For the Parish to now lock the volunteers out of the community garden on two separate occasions and serve them with a notice to quit on land which they the parish do not have formal title too is a step

too far. It will further undermine the already strained relations between the parish and sections of the local community. ‘When I met Fr Eamonn Bourke earlier this year I made clear my support for the development of a community facility on the site of the existing Bush Centre. However there were a number of issues which I hoped he and his colleagues in the South Lucan Parish could accommodate in

health awareness training for school staff

These are important initiatives that have my full support and I look forward as Minister for Education to playing my role, alongside my colleague Minister Kathleen Lynch, in a national plan that can and will reduce the tragic incidence of suicide.”

action on balgaDDy community garDen Deeply regrettable anD potentially illegal

Sinn Féin Clondalkin Eoin Ó Broin has described the decision of the South Lucan Parish to lock the volunteers from the Balgaddy Community Garden out of the garden on both Thursday 15th and Monday 29th of June as regrettable’ ‘deeply and ‘potentially illegal.’ Cllr Ó Broin said: ‘The decision of the South Lucan Parish to lock the

the wider interests of the community.

‘I would again urge Fr Bourke to fully engage with the local community, all of the user groups of the Bush Centre and adjoining lands and the existing statutory and voluntary service providers in the area to ensure that any future development of the Bush Centre meets the widest possible range of needs in the local area.’

pension time bomb on the horizon from page 1

reason. As the EU workforce becomes more mobile, pension schemes need to be able to operate in a number of different Member States. The Directive makes it easier for pensions to operate on a crossborder basis, therefore allowing people who work in different counties to assemble and access pensions. We need to protect cross border workers and ensure that as they work across a number of member states that their pension rights are upheld. Equally we need to protect the existing occupational schemes in Member States so that members know what their entitlements are and that they are properly informed on their pension entitlements."

Very Sweet!




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hse shoulD write to patients on waiting lists anD aDvise they have right to proceDures abroaD

Real need to cut red tape as 742 patients asked HSE about treatment abroad but only 62 went abroad in the last 12 months

Fine Gael MEP for Dublin, Brian Hayes, has called on the HSE to inform those on waiting lists about their right to have treatment in another EU Member State. As part of the Cross-Border Directive Healthcare patients have the right to receive medical treatment in another EU Member State and the right to have some or all of the costs re-paid. “This European law allows a patient to avail of procedures in a public or private facility in another EU country. The trouble is that patients on waiting lists do not know about it. You can recoup the costs of

the treatment, up to what it costs in the public system in Ireland. “We cannot expect the patient waiting for procedures to simply discover this for Those on themselves. waiting lists are inundated with communications advising them about their place on a waiting list. I’m asking that a simple paragraph be included to advise of this EU scheme. I’m not asking for an expensive advertising campaign or another leaflet – just a simple paragraph in the letter sent to patients concerning waiting lists. I

haven contacted the HSE to suggest this and I understand they are considering my proposal. "People are interested in this scheme as 742 people have enquired about it but only 62 were approved. The HSE has made strides to reduce the paperwork involved and this month reduced the 30 page application to 7 pages. This 3,000 word document is still complicated, but I welcome the improved application form. The HSE needs to do more to make it easier for Irish citizens to apply for this important new EU right.”

continuing fall in unemployment

Commenting on the monthly labour market figures published by the Central Statistics Office, the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, T.D. has welcomed the continuing fall in unemployment, saying the success of Government strategies to create jobs and help people back to work is now clear.

The number of people stood at unemployed 208,100 in June, a decrease of 35,900 compared to June 2014. The unemployment rate now stands at 9.7%, down from a crisis peak of 15.1%.

Government’s twin strategies to restore jobs and help people back to work - Pathways to Work and the Action Plan for Jobs - are reaping dividends. Ireland’s recovery continues to strengthen and many individuals and families who had experienced the scourge of unemployment are now returning to work. We are also continuing to make positive inroads into tackling youth unemployment since we introduced the Youth Guarantee. Today’s figures show that the youth unemployment rate in June is 19.8%, compared to a crisis peak of 31.2% in July 2012. We've much further to go, but we can be

absolutely confident that we are on the road to full employment by 2018. “Pathways, overseen by my Department, is particularly important in terms of the employment and financial being made supports available to jobseekers and employers alike. The Back to Work Family Dividend and JobsPlus are extremely successful in helping employers and jobseekers get back on the employment ladder. These supports provide that essential cushion to allow the employer and jobseeker alike to take the steps necessary to start a new business, venture into selfemployment, take on extra staff or join the workforce."

works at castletymon library

The Tánaiste said: “The

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcome confirmation from Council Management that work on the roof of Castletymon Library is due to proceed this Summer. He was told by Council Management that the Council had tendered for consultant engineers to project manage roof remediation. A recommendation was brought forward by the tender for approval but the Council says that the owner of the

Library has not to date agreed the appointment of an engineer. They added that the County Law Agent is in correspondence to advance the matter. The Council further told Cllr. O’Connor that an alternative venue has been located at Glenview Lodge when the work proceeds. Cllr. O’Connor has assured the local community that he will continue to pursue this matter and ensure that the works are completed to their satisfactory.

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councillor sarah hollanD electeD new mayor for south Dublin county council

At the Annual Meeting of South Dublin County Councillor Council, Sarah Holland (SF) representing the Rathfarnham electoral area was elected Mayor of South Dublin County. Tributes were paid to the outgoing Mayor, Councillor Fintan Warfield and Deputy Mayor Liona O’ Toole, who thanked their fellow Councillors, Chief Executive, Daniel McLoughlin and the management and staff of the Council for their help and support during their term in office. Councillor Holland was proposed for Mayor by Councillor Louise Dunne (SF) and was seconded by Councillor Mick Duff (Lab). Following a roll call vote Councillor Holland was deemed elected to the office of Mayor. Mayor Holland in her acceptance speech said: “It is with great pride that I accept the role of Mayor of South

Dublin County.” She added, “It is an honour for me to represent my adopted home of Rathfarnham as an elected member of this council. Rathfarnham is an area steeped in Republican history, so it is an enormous privilege to be Mayor for the centenary of the Easter Rising in 2016.” Mayor Holland also stated “I will use my voice to campaign for those in marginalised groups who need support to stand up and be counted – women from the Travelling community, those in direct provision, lone parents or those coping with the extra demands that differently abled children bring.” Mayor Holland then outlined her priorities for her year in office which will include: Women’s Rights Sports (minority sports and including minority groups)

Building Civic and Business Links across the Border Mayor Holland concluded her speech by stating that “I look forward to working with all you to promote our county, do the best for our communities and continue the very successful progressive

alliance for another year.” Councillor Francis Duffy (GP) representing the Rathfarnham Electoral Area was elected Deputy Mayor. Deputy Mayor Duffy was proposed by Councillor Paul Gogarty (Ind) and seconded by Councillor Cathal King (SF).

Councillor Sarah Holland

over-consumption of energy Drinks can trigger heart attacks in young people

Senator Catherine Noone has urged young people in particular, to exercise caution when consuming energy drinks. “There have been several recent international studies illustrating the risks that energy drinks – often masquerading as dietary supplements pose to young people “A recent study in Australia for example, highlighted the perils of the over consumption of energy drinks. These include: palpitations, chest pain and respiratory distress, in addition to behavioural and psychological effects. “In the US, the Center for Food Safety Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS) received over 140 complaints about adverse side effects from 5 Hour Energy, Monster, and Rockstar over the last 10 years. Some of these even resulted in hospitalisation and death.

“Cardiologists in Madrid have claimed the drinks, which contain large amounts of caffeine, may trigger sudden heart attacks and erratic heartbeats in young, apparently healthy, people. “Meanwhile the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, has stated that energy drinks often contain high amounts of labelled caffeine but can also contain ‘masked’ caffeine such as guarana – a plant with twice the concentration of coffee beans. They have advised that one 250ml can a day is safe for most healthy adolescents, but warn consumption before or during sports practice should be avoided. “In addition to the risks of caffeine toxicity, drinks are energy extremely high in sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup and/or cane sugar. Some use creative names to make their version of sugar seem


healthier, like ‘natural cane juice’. In addition to obesity and tooth decay, the high levels of sugar found in energy drinks increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. “In fact according to a new Australian documentary film, entitled ‘That Sugar Film’ due for release here tomorrow (Thursday) consuming 150 calories from sugar as opposed to other foods, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes by 700%. Such is the success of the film, it is currently being distributed to Australian schools and I am calling for it to be shown in schools here too. “Despite manufacturers claims that energy drinks are safe - the growing body of international research to the contrary is alarming. As such I am urging young people in particular to exercise caution and restraint when consuming energy drinks.”


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local firms create Jobs by traDing online

Small businesses in Tallaght should apply for the Government’s Trading Online Voucher as fresh figures show a healthy uptake of the scheme, stated Labour TD. Eamonn Maloney .

To date, 214 companies in Dublin have benefitted from the voucher scheme since it was introduced in 2013. It offers small businesses a grant of up to €2,500 – subject to matching funding – as well as training, mentoring and networking support to help them develop their online trading capability. “It is a fact that small businesses with limited resources get an excellent return when they invest in online trading. It’s estimated that it potentially brings an average of 1.4 new jobs per company. That is why the Government brought in the Trading Online Voucher two years ago, to incentivise more businesses to tap into the massive growth in consumer online spending" stated Deputy Maloney.

“Already, almost 1,000 local companies nationwide have benefitted from the scheme which is very heartening. Now I’m encouraging more to get on board so our community can reap these benefits in an even bigger way." “Applications can be made through Local Enterprise Centres and more information can be found by logging onto “Small businesses are the bedrock of every Irish town and village. Given that we now know online trading has a tangible impact on jobs and economic activity, I would strongly urge more businesses to use this innovative and simple voucher system so they can help bring new local jobs and revenue to the local area.

"In the meantime, I'd like to thank my Labour colleague, Minister Alex White, for progressing this initiative in line with our party's commitment to support local economies."

ff calls for freeze on property tax valuations in Dublin Dubliners facing massive hikes in property tax bills as revaluations loom

The Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Dublin Senator Darragh O’Brien is calling for a freeze on property tax valuations until 2020. The Senator has warned that Dubliners are facing property tax hikes of €400 - €500 in property tax bills under the home revaluation process. Dublin house prices have jumped by an average of 40% since 2013, when the Government originally forced a property tax system based on home values. “The current property tax system, based solely on property values, discriminates heavily against Dublin homeowners who are forced to pay multiples of the tax paid by people in larger houses outside Dublin. I have

warned from the start that this is an antiurban, anti-Dublin system and the looming hikes prove that point,” said Senator O’Brien. “It is crazy to expect Dublin homeowners who are in negative equity, struggling with massive mortgages, and have already paid hefty stamp duty to now pay huge increase in property taxes just two years since the system was introduced. This is why I campaigned against a system based on property value in the first place, as it is hugely unfair on Dubliners and could mean regular hikes in tax bills. “I am calling for an immediate freeze on the revaluation of homes for the local property tax until the year 2020. If this

process goes ahead, Dublin homeowners will be facing hikes of €400 - €500 in next year’s bills. Many families across the city are already struggling to come to terms with this extra bill, along with looming water charges, and they simply cannot afford constant increases. “The Government shot down our attempts to amend the property tax legislation to make it much fairer on Dublin householders. Fine Gael and Labour were intent on ramming through the legislation without proper debate. The result is a deeply flawed system that places an unfair burden on those in urban areas.” Fianna Fáil has made a submission to the Property Tax Review

calling for a number of changes to the legislation.

This includes: ▪ A freeze on valuation bands until the year 2020 at which point a full review of the system will be carried out; ▪ Property tax relief for those who are already paying property management fees; ▪ Lifting the burden of property tax on homeowners suffering from serious pyrite damage for three years or until the problem is remediated. Senator O’Brien concluded, “These are simple steps that the Government can take to ease the burden of exorbitant property taxes on Dublin homeowners.”

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measures in place to support access to rental accommoDation

Kevin Humphreys T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection, has advised that the Department has put in place a number of preventative measures to ensure that people at risk of homelessness or loss of their tenancy are supported under the Rent Supplement scheme where rental increased payments are required. These measures have already assisted approximately 2,500 rent supplement households nationwide, of which over 1,600 are in Dublin, to retain their rented accommodation through increased rent payments. In response to the report from the Simon Community ‘Locked out of the Market, The Gap between Rent Supplement/HAP limits and Market Rents’, the

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Minister acknowledges the difficulties that people renting or seeking to rent are experiencing at this time, including those on Rent Supplement, in the current market.

Minister Humphreys said; “The report from Simon shows that the major problem in addressing homelessness is the lack of supply of suitable accommodation. Raising rent limits will provide little in extra supply but will further fuel rental inflation. My Department is providing a case by case response to ensure access to housing, curtail rental inflation and ensure value for money. Where a person in receipt of rent supplement is at risk of homelessness through increased rental payments, they should make contact with the Department’s

Community Welfare Service.” Minister Humphrey’s continued “Rent Supplement continues to play a vital role in housing families and individuals, with the scheme supporting approximately 67,000 people this year at a cost of €298 million. Over 6,400 new Rent Supplement applications have been awarded in 2015, of which almost 1,800 are in Dublin. I am continuing to monitor the measures in place to ensure that the appropriate supports continue to be provided for customers of the Rent Supplement scheme. preventative The measures implemented provide for increased flexibility by Department officials in assessing customers’ individual accommodation needs through the National

Tenancy Sustainment Framework introduced earlier this year. Under this approach, each tenant’s circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis and rents are being increased above the rent limits as appropriate. This measure applies to both existing Rent Supplement recipients and new applicants to the scheme. The Department continues to work with Threshold’s Tenancy Sustainment service in the urban areas, currently in Dublin and Cork City, where supply is most acute. The Department is also engaging with the relevant stakeholders regarding the extension of this arrangement to Galway over the coming weeks. The Department’s recent review of rent limits points out that

the main cause of difficulty for people renting and seeking to rent is the reduced availability of affordable private rented accommodation at this time. The review also found that increasing rent limits could potentially add to further rental inflation in an already distressed market, affecting not alone Rent Supplement recipients, but lowerincome workers and students. The State is a significant player in the private rented sector accounting for over a third of the market. Minister Humphreys added, “Provision of housing is a key priority for this Government and implementation of the range of actions under the Construction 2020 Strategy and the Social Housing Strategy 2020 will support increased housing supply”.

security upgraDe at watergate park

Local councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed confirmation by South Dublin County Council regarding CCTV provision at Sean Walsh Park in Watergate, Tallaght. He had campaigned for such provision following the recent increase in crime in this popular local park and had stressed to Council Management the importance of protecting users of the facility. Council Management has told Councillor O’Connor that “the Council has recently issued an order to our CCTV provider to install new cameras at the footbridge leading from Sean Walsh Park to the Square Shopping Centre, to upgrade the links from the CCTV system back to the maintenance depot in Sean Walsh Park and to the traffic centre at County Hall. The Council will also provide access to the new cameras to the Security/operations Centre at the Square Shopping Centre”. The Council statement added that “The Council will ensure, when works are completed, that the system is monitored, fully operational and capable of providing clear and good quality footage which will assist in the identification of anyone who might break the law or engage in anti-social behaviour at the locations covered by the CCTV.” Councillor O’Connor also welcomed the commitment by Council Management that they will continue to work with An Garda Siochana, The Square Management and the local community to enhance the Sean Walsh Park and its surrounds so that it can be enjoyed by all. He concluded that he will continue to give these matters his continued attention.


tenants must check their rights


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‘New information campaign and dispute resolution service could be key to ensuring tenants continue to have a home’

Tenants living in rented flats, houses and apartments in Tallaght, Citywest and Rathfarnham should use a new information and awareness campaign to check their rights, according to Independent Senator Katherine Zappone.

The Senator says the campaign and a new ‘fast-track’ service being offered by the Private Residential Tenancies Board to resolve disputes between tenants and landlords is welcome at a time when many fear losing their homes. Senator Zappone says the actions of the board are timely as rents are again rising in local communities and right across Dublin.

Senator Katherine Zappone added: “Resolving the housing crisis is complex and there is not a simple solution, what is clear is that the rental sector has a role to play in ensuring local people and families can count on having a place to call home. Unfortunately our communities are not immune from the trend of rising rents leaving many tenants in real fear of eviction with very short notice. However tenants do have rights in these circumstances and it is important that they are respected. The new information campaign and fast track dispute resolution service being offered by the Private Residential Tenancies Board is an initiative

which can ease fears of local people of being priced out of the market. In addition to setting out rights about rent levels, notice periods for leaving a flat or house as well as setting out rules on repairs and deposits, the board is there to give an honest judgement when disputes arise. This summer is the opportunity for tenants and landlords to ensure

their arrangements are in line with the rules – and I would encourage all in a rental contract to avail of the information and services on offer.

Most of the information is readily available online at or can be requested by post by calling 0818 303037.

Ensuring fair rents is of course just one small

element to resolve the housing crisis. I will also continue to work to ensure that local people and families can count on emergency accommodation, local authority homes and supports when purchasing.

For too many that most basic right of having a home is under threat and it is vital that all of the issues involved are addressed.”


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kilmainham courthouse visitor proJect to feature on new Dublin Discovery trails

Fine Gael TD, Catherine Byrne, has said that there has been great progress on the Kilmainham courthouse project which is set to feature prominently in a new tourist initiative called Dublin Discovery by Trails, launched Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD. The themed trails will link to the Dubline, the tourist trail which runs from Kilmainham Gaol, via Trinity College, to Parnell Square which was developed by Fáilte Ireland and Dublin City Council. "It is no surprise that Dublin 8 and in Kilmainham

particular are such an integral part of this new initiative. The new Dublin Discovery Trails are designed to bring the story of Dublin to life for visitors. Dublin 8 is steeped in history and has had a significant impact on the story of Dublin over many hundreds of years. “It is great to see that there has already been great progress on the Kilmainham Courthouse Visitor Centre Project. A contract has been placed with M/s PJ Hegarty & Sons Ltd of Davitt Road for the final phase of work needed to adapt the Courthouse for use as a

Visitor facility for the Gaol. Work on the final stage of the Courthouse project will start shortly and will be complete in time for the Government's official commemorative wreath laying ceremony at the end of March 2016 to mark the centenary of the Easter Rising. The work on the Gaol's East Wing Roof is now complete and the OPW expect that the East Wing will reopen to visitors shortly. “The next major phase in the overall project apart from the Courthouse will be the adaptation and upgrading of the Gaol Museum. The Museum

is scheduled to close on 12th July for these works and will reopen in early 2016. “These works, as well as the major restoration of Richmond Barracks in Inchicore show that Dublin 8 is going to be an integral part of the centenary commemoration project. “It is great to see that with the new Dublin Discovery Trails, tourists, as well as local people, will be able to download the Dublin Discovery Trails app on their phone and take off on one of four especially themed walking routes and learn about the story of

Dublin. One of the routes, called ‘Echoes of War’, brings visitors to explore Kilmainham and the surrounding parklands and discover moving stories of war and rebellion with stops including the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Kilmainham Gaol, the Irish National War Memorial Gardens and Collins Barracks. The other routes look at the overall history of Dublin, the period of the British Empire and the 1916 Easter Rising; including Christ Church, St. Audoen’s Church, St Patrick’s Cathedral among many other attractions.”

o’connor welcomes plans for council apprenticeship scheme

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed confirmation from South Dublin County Council that the Council is to introduce an Apprenticeship Scheme. He had raised the matter with Council Management following representations from local organisations who felt that such a development would receive widespread support in the community.

Council Management have confirmed to Councillor O’Connor “that the Council will be introducing an Apprenticeship Scheme, details of which are being developed at the moment.” They added that “it is proposed to commence recruitment later in the year after the Work Force Planning competitions have been held.”

Councillor O’Connor added that he will continue to maintain contact with Council Management in respect of their plans and hopes that further information will be released as soon as possible.

st vincent De paul concerneD that social housing targets will not be realiseD your free local newspaper

The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) is concerned that the targets for new social housing supply promised by the Government for 2015 will not be realised. SVP is also concerned that the social housing supply to be delivered by 2020 will not meet the level of housing need in Ireland. The Society wants a review in early 2016 of the housing delivery to date against the targets and in light of the 2016 assessment of housing need, which is to be undertaken by the Department of the Environment. It says that it has serious concerns about some fundamental elements of SH2020 design and delivery to date that are relevant to Budget 2016 and subsequent national budgets.

Apart from the inadequacy of the scale of investment SVP says that progress in meeting 2015 delivery targets is slow to date. Some 2015 delivery targets are at risk of not being met as funding is not being relased in a timely manner. The SVPs concerns are outlined in its Budget 2016 submission "Investing in what The matters." submission also calls for a financial incentive to landlords for accepting tenants on the Housing Assistance Payment scheme. It is one of a number of proposals from SVP to help tackle the chronic lack of supply of social houses and private rented accommodation for the people it assists. A condition for receipt of financial incentives should be that the

quality of private rented accommodation is improved, for example improvements in energy efficiency. SVP is an active on-theground advocate for affordable energy, and in helping families tackle energy poverty it has spent over €46m in direct assistance from 2009 to 2013. In its Budget 2016 submission it is seeking to have the eligibility criteria and funding target for the Warmer Homes scheme and Sustainable Energy Communities to be Programme widened to target lowincome households. While SVP welcomes the reduced unemployment figures it says that Ireland is not close to its policy goal of 'making work pay' for people whose earnings potential is relatively low. “Wages and welfare supports

are crucial – but so are affordable, quality services,” says SVP. The Society believes that there is no political will to make real change in how we allocate resources that will give an equal opportunity to all our citizens. “Government should invest in a level and type of social provision that will ensure greater participation for low income households in the economic recovery, and break the cycle of poverty and intergenerational disadvantage facing many people we assist, says SVP. "Long term sustained investment in public services is essential if Ireland is serious about tackling inequality, reducing poverty traps, achieving positive health and well-being outcomes for people


and encouraging access to work. We need to invest wisely in early


childhood care and education, social housing and warmer

homes. We need to invest in what matters." it says.

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figures reveal young Drivers paying 50% more for car insurance in 12 months

A study carried out by, one of Ireland’s leading insurance brokers specialising in young-drivers, has found that the rates being offered to young drivers by insurance companies, particularly to those with low levels of experience, have increased by an average of over 50% since this 2014 and up to 90% in some cases. Experts at say that typical zero-experience starter premiums were €2,000-€2,500, but €3,500€4,000 is now becoming all too common for a 12 month policy - particularly from Irish based Insurers.

According to Jonathan Hehir, Managing Director at , “There’s much talk about 15-20% increases for motor insurance, but young drivers are being hit particularly hard as more insurers pull back from this sector of the market. Premiums are facing “upward only” increases so motorists need to minimise these increases where and when possible. Motorists dealing with brokers that have access bigger UK/ London insurers will fare better when it comes to rates as Irish based insurers continue in their attempts to recover losses. There’s a subtle but quickening trend in the market now to place business with UK based insurers such as Lloyds, because Irish-based insurers simply cannot offer competitive rates at the moment”. say that new young drivers are definitely faring worse than those who have already had insurance in place for the last few years. Jonathan continued, “While we’re seeing huge increases in premiums for starter drivers, it isn’t as evident for our existing clients who are facing

renewal - for a number of reasons – firstly, by the time they get to their first renewal their additional driving experience will help to mitigate the increase. In addition, anyone hit with a hugely increased premium is automatically re-broked to our London based Lloyds insurers who aren’t carrying the losses of the Irish insurers, and are offering far better terms. By way of advice to consumers I would really just stress the importance of shopping around. There is still good value to be achieved in the marketplace you just need to do your homework – or get an expert to do it for you”. say there are a few measures you can take to reduce your motor insurance bill 1. Check the differences between third party fire and theft and comprehensive it might not be financially sound to pay the difference depending on the value of the vehicle. Only pay for the cover you require – if your car is a banger, there’s little point in having comprehensive cover 2. Additional security features can make a difference so make sure you tell your broker if you have an alarm, immobilizer or if your car is kept in a garage – it all adds up. 3. Ask your insurance company if you are eligible for a discount if you have more than one policy with their company. You may find the more policies you have with them, the more money you save. 4. If you’re at the position where you’re buying a car – consider engine size – this will invariably effect your insurance premiums 5. Try adding a driver to your policy - for example in a lot of cases the insured and spouse/partner rate is lower the insured only.

i’ll stop tomorrow

How many times have you said “I’ll stop tomorrow” but just can’t get out of that hole? Well there is hope! We are offering you €208 per week to get out of the hole and help you to fill it back up! Deborah Morgans, Manager of St. Dominic’s says that: From our experience people can and do change, even the most chaotic of drug and alcohol users have the capacity within themselves to change.

We understand that people need compassion, support, and a helping hand to get their lives back on track, and to be the very best that they can be. We have had an amazing success rate this year with 52%, that’s over half of our group becoming drug and alcohol free in the last year and as a team

we are very proud of their achievements. We are promoting independence and strongly believe that those in addiction have a valuable contribution to make to our communities which is why we invest time and money into working with each individual to prepare them for work – activities on offer include horticulture, outdoor pursuits such as kayaking, food and nutrition, yoga and career development as

well as one to one support and group work. We believe that we are making a difference and our success means that spaces are available on the programme, so if you, your family or friends need support and extra money then please tell them about us and get them to call.

They can send a call me to our mobile number 0833377129 and we will always get back to them.

These shocking before and after images reveal the effects of drug addiction on the human face

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review of clamping policy in hospitals calleD for

Sinn Féin Cllr Ray McHugh is calling for a review of the clamping policy in hospitals across Dublin. This follows a motion Cllr Mc Hugh put to a recent meeting of the Dublin Midland Regional Health Forum, of which Cllr Mc Hugh is a member. Following the motion the following

information was received In the Coombe Hospital cars are not clamped, in St Luke’s Hospital cars are not clamped. In Tallaght Hospital illegally parked cars are clamped, but there is no release fee. St James Hospital seems to be the worst for clamping, with an average of two cars being clamped per day, with 800

clamped in 2014 and 150 clamped in the first quarter of 2015. Cllr Mc Hugh said: “While I accept illegal parking is a problem, it should be remembered that it is a hospital, with sick people worried and concerned for themselves or loved ones. “There needs to be a standard policy across all hospitals,

The Legal Column

Tallaght would seem to be the fairest with clamping as a last resort and no release fee. “I also requested a 20 minute drop off time to allow people walk their relatives into the hospital who may be senior citizens, or people on crutches or in wheel chairs “My motion was agreed upon and is awaiting report stage.”

by Romaine Scally

Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email:

In this edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 014599506 email deals with the question of Wills. Q. I do not have much, if anything, to leave to anybody and am wondering what is the point in making a Will?

A. It is important for everyone to make a Will because, if you do not, and died without a Will, the Law on Intestacy decides what happens to your property, whether that be big or small. A Will can ensure that proper arrangements are made for any family or Dependants and ensure that your property or assets, however big or small, are distributed in the way you wish after you die, subject to certain rights of spouses/ civil partners and children. It is also advisable to complete and keep an updated list of your assets. It is also important to remember that many of us are actually worth more dead than alive. A mortgage protection policy may pay off the balance of any mortgage on our house. A credit union account might be doubled on death. Any insurance cover in place in the workplace could result in a “Death in Service” payment. As such, although we may think that because we do not have substantial savings that in fact we have nothing to leave, the reverse is often the case. It would be unfortunate in those circumstances if the State were to decide who was to inherit, rather than for you to make that decision yourself. Our advice is to make a Will, no matter how small you think your Estate consists of. Q. I was named as Executor in my sister’s Will. She died several weeks ago. I am wondering what I should do next?

A. Firstly, we would all like to sympathise with you on the recent passing of your sister. She obviously held you in high esteem to name you as Executor in her Will. However, with that vote of confidence, comes responsibility. You are now responsible for ensuring that the wishes of your late sister as set out in her Will are fully implemented. Your first role will be to gather together all the information relating to your late sister’s Estate and possessions and eventually, to pay any debts she may have owed and then the rest is distributed according to the terms of her Will. The application to take out a Grant of Probate can be complicated and you may like to employ the services of a Solicitor to make the application on your behalf. It is however always possible to apply in person and it is not essential to employ the services of a Solicitor. If your sister’s Will is relatively straight forward and her assets are easy to identify, and there is no challenge to the Will then, you should be able to deal with this yourself. The main thing however, is to ensure that you do it correctly as there is a legal responsibility to ensure that the beneficiaries receive their entitlement in a timely fashion and that the assets of the deceased in any such case are preserved so as to avoid any deterioration in their value. What this means is that you will have to ensure that any house your sister may have owned is kept in good condition until such time as the Estate is able to deal with it in an appropriate fashion. If you run into difficulty, you can always consult a Solicitor. We wish you the best of luck in this regard. Q. My brother died recently without making a Will. He has three surviving siblings. What should we do?

A. I am sure you are all saddened by the loss of your brother and now you are also left with the responsibility of dealing with his Estate. You say that he died without a Will. However, what enquiries have you made in this regard. You should check to see whether or not he had any recent transactions with a Solicitor, or even transactions in the past. Did he own a house? If he did own his house then he must have used a Solicitor when he purchased the house. Enquiries should be made with that Solicitor to see if he made a Will. Similar enquiries should be made with other local firms of Solicitors. A

thorough check of his personal effects should be made in his house to see if there is any evidence of the making of a Will. Enquiries should be exhaustive as there is a substantial difference in dealing with an Estate Testate (with a Will) or Intestate (without a Will). If indeed, after all these enquiries, it transpires that your brother did indeed die without a Will, he is said to have died “Intestate”. In those circumstances, everything he owned is distributed in accordance with the Law by an Administrator. To do this, the Administrator needs permission in the form of a Grant of Representation to deal with the Estate. In an Intestacy case, application is made to the Probate Office for LETTERS OF ADMINSTRATION instead of a GRANT OF PROBATE. You do not say whether or not your brother died leaving a Wife and children but, if he has a Wife or Civil Partner then, that person will be entitled to apply for the letters of administration in his Estate in priority over a sibling. If he has no spouse/civil partner then, his siblings rank in priority in their entitlement to take out letters of administration. They can do so jointly or one can choose over the others, reserving the rights of the remaining siblings. The following is a general guideline as to the distribution of Estates on Intestacy.

If your brother is survived by; a) a spouse/civil partner but no children (or grandchildren), the spouse/civil partner gets the entire Estate. b) a spouse/civil partner and children, the spouse/civil partner gets 2/3s of the Estate and the remaining 1/3 is divided equally between the children. If one of the children has died then, that share goes to his/her children in equally shares between them. c) Children but no spouse/civil partner. The Estate is divided equally between the children (or their children) d) Parents but no spouse/civil partner or children. The Estate is divided equally between the parents or given entirely to one parent if only survives. e) Brothers and sisters only. The Estate is shared equally among them with the children of a deceased brother or sister taking his/her share. f) Nieces and nephews only. The Estate is divided equally among those surviving. g) Other relatives only. The Estate is divided equally between the nearest

equal relationships. h) No relatives. The Estate goes to the State. You may require the assistance of a Solicitor in clarifying matters as it can become somewhat complex when a deceased dies with no Will. I hope that this has been helpful.

Q. I need to make some changes to my Will. Can I simply write them in in pen or add them on to the end of my Will?

A. If you want to change your Will, you and your witnesses must sign or initial the Will in the margin of the page beside the changes. These witnesses should be the same as the people who originally witnessed your Will. You can also change your Will in the form of a Memorandum or written note that is signed by you and your witnesses and refers clearly to the changes. To change your Will, you can also make a separate document called a CODICIL. This is like an update added to the end of your Will. This document is again signed by you and your witnesses and should clearly and accurately set out the changes you want to make to your Will. These changes are then legally binding. However, if you plan to make a lot of changes to your Will, instead of adding a Codicil, it might be easier to simply revoke or disown your current Will and make a new one, using the same procedures. It is always possible for you to revoke your Will. This can only be challenged if your mental capacity when you revoked your Will is called into question at a later date. Your Will shall be revoked automatically in certain situations. a) If you marry or enter into a Civil Partnership, your Will shall be revoked unless it is made in contemplation of that marriage or Civil Partnership b) If you make another Will, the first Will you made shall be automatically revoked. c) If you draw up a written document that is executed in accordance with the requirements for a Will, your first Will shall be revoked. d) If you burn, tear or destroy your Will, it will no longer be considered valid. This is clearly regarded as an intention to revoke the contents of the Will even if you do not make a new one. I hope that this has been helpful.

In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement

exams DiDn’t go as well as you’D hopeD?


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open Day friDay 28 august


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when post office means access all areas

Something new has started appearing at the post office counter, in fact it’s the counter itself which has become a key feature of An Post’s investment in its nationwide network.

An Post has developed a new ‘access all’ counter which enables customers to use the local post office on an equal basis without the need for special provision for those with access issues. The new counter has been installed in ten post offices and will be rolled out across the national network as offices are renovated or new offices open. The new counter was designed by An Post, for use in all its offices, in conjunction with the Wheelchair Irish Association (IWA). The counter contains a number of features which make it more usable for all but especially the mobility impaired.

An Post’s new flagship office in Lucan features the new counter set up, as do offices in Carrigaline, Co. Cork and McCurtain Street in Cork city as well as Carlingford, Co. Louth. The counter has been installed in twelve offices, with plans for a further twenty in the coming months.

Along with the counter design comes plans for single level access to offices and, where possible, designated accessible parking bays. The plan is that the new access arrangement will be part of all new or renovated offices in the future. An Post’s Access Officer, Tomás Ó’Maonaile, who oversaw the development of the access counter says ‘’Customers with a disability do not want positive discrimination, they want to do their business the same as everyone else.’’ Vijoy Chakraborty who

is Senior Occupational Therapist with the IWA says ‘’Post offices are the hub of the community across the country so when the initiative is rolled out further, it will have a hugely positive impact people with on disabilities in accessing facilities and making them feel part of the community.’’

In Lucan local IWA members, Jonathan Hennessey and Geraldine Freeman, helped the design process and recently turned up to witness the fruits of their labours. And the counters have also been proving a winner for many of their fellow customers given their sleek design and

modern execution.

The new counters are an integral part of An Post’s ongoing investment in its post office network which has seen hundreds of its 1,134 post offices refurbished, relocated and improved over the last year and similar work is planned over coming months.

leaDers Questions broaDcast through sign language for the first time

Fine Gael TD, Mary Mitchell O’Connor said that the broadcast of Leaders Questions in the Dáil through sign language is a very progressive step. “This is an important development for the Deaf community in Ireland and one that could be replicated in other parts of Oireachtas broadcasting.

“There are over 90,000 people with deafness or a serious hearing impairment in Ireland who need support to help access crucial information about services, government support and other key issues. The decision to broadcast Leaders Questions in the Dáil through sign language is an important step in this process. “The provision of sign language for Leaders Questions on Oireachtas TV is a pilot scheme, which is being carried out for six weeks. It comes after a Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children on Thursday, 28th May, at which I encouraged my colleagues to officially recognise Deafblindness as a disability. The Committee meeting was the first ever time that sign language interpreters were used in a Committee meeting. It was also the first time that simultaneous sign language was used in a broadcast to the deaf community.”

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Miriam O’Shea Slimming World Firhouse St.Annes GAA Club Bohernabreena Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30am Tuesday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9703016

Tracy Slimming World Clondalkin The Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin 22 Times: Tuesday Evening 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tuesday Morning 9.30am & 11.30am Mobile: 085 7125138 Martine Slimming World Celbridge (Beside Packards) Barnhall Rugby Club, Parsontown Celbridge, Co.Kildare Times: Tuesday’s 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 089 448 2127 Martine Slimming World Clondalkin The Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Times: Wednesdays 9:30am and 11:30am Thursday morning 9.30am Mobile: 089 448 2127 Pamela Slimming World Old Bawn The Maldron Hotel Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Monday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tuesday Mornings 9.30am Mobile: 086 1231774

Sandra Slimming World Tymon North St Josephs School Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Monday evening 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 085 148 4669

Sandra Slimming World St Marks GAA Club McGee Park, Cookstown Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times:Tuesdays 5:30pm and 7:30pm Wednesday Mornings 9.30am Mobile: 085 148 4669

Karen Brady Slimming World Neilstown St.Peter Apostle Senior School Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Times: Thursdays 5.30pm & 7:30pm Mobile: 086 4104823

Pauline Slimming World Plaza Hotel Plaza Hotel 1st Floor Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Wednesday Evening 7.30pm Thursday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30am Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 085 770 4751

Karen Kingswood Community Centre Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9066423

Karen Slimming World Clondalkin The Green Isle Hotel Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Times: Wednesday 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 086 4104823 Jen Slimming World Greenhills Greenhills Community Sport & leisure Centre St Joseph’s Road, Dublin 12 Times: Tuesday evening 7.30pm Mobile: 087 7719420


palmerstown camera club

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Palmerstown Camera had their Awards Night on Fri 19th June and also their Annual Exhibition on Sat 20th & Sun 21st June in the Parish Hall. There were 85 framed images and 75 digitally projected images on display which were all taken during the year by members of the club. There were many genres of photography on display which landscape, included nature, portrait, sport, macro, street & travel. The best overall image of the year was awarded to Eddie Kavanagh. Image title 'Seduction' by Eddie Kavanagh.

The club consists of members of all skill levels and beginners are always welcome. For more info, see www.palmerstowncame raclub or email with any questions you may have.

not one young person in europe has obtaineD a Job through youth guarantee programme

Dublin Sinn Féin MEP Lynn Boylan has welcomed a group of young people and youth activists to the European Parliament to discuss the issue of youth unemployment. Speaking after the delegation Ms Boylan said: “We heard from trade union representatives, the European Youth Forum, that represents 99 youth organisations, and the EU commission youth employment and entrepreneurship sector. “One of our delegates, Vanessa Mulhall of Clondalkin, asked an interesting question of the Commission and guest speakers, had any young person obtained employment out of participation in the Youth Guarantee programme? “The European Youth Forum representative was quite frank and stated no. In fact she said that a review carried out by the

European Court of auditors in March stated that they have yet to see a single person that has got a job from the Youth Guarantee. “When you look at frightening statistics like, five million unemployed young people across the EU, not only do we need to develop a comprehensive, wellfunded plan to tackle this problem, we need a change of policy. Austerity is not working and investing in our young people without growing the economy and creating jobs we will not solve the problem. We also need to ensure that the jobs being created are quality jobs. “One issue that worries young people, is that through programmes like this the work is often precarious, low paid, there is an abundant over reliance on internships and apprenticeships aren’t used frequently enough.

“That is the conundrum here in Ireland, apprentices now have to pay fees, which many can’t afford, which ultimately leads them to dropping out from the scheme and going back on the jobseekers benefit. “There seems to be no joined up approach to tackling youth unemployment, and while come countries such as Slovenia has introduced regulations governing internships, all too often our young people are subject to

exploitation in the work place “Fair work for a fair wage seems to be mantra long forgotten by governments at home and across the EU. The young people I met today, were eager and willing to play their part in reducing youth unemployment figures, they were concerned that employers using these schemes were not subject to any over sight and urged the Commission to look at implementing more safeguards."

Lynn Boylan, Sinn Féin MEP for Dublin pictured with Vanessa Mulhall of Clondalkin

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novenas novenas novenas novenas

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. P.P.W.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. N.N. MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. A.McH.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. B.L.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. P.M. X 4

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. P.R.

As our regular readers will know we have asked for your generosity in supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including Solas Centre in NCBI Clondalkin, Tir na nOg (Cheeverstown House) and Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice . These charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. We would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice going forward, we are delighted to support THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRUST.

We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRUST. THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRUST is a charitable organisation caring for young people with special needs, regardless of creed or ethnic background. They now care for more than 1,100 disadvantaged, ill, disabled or marginalised young people annually. Their guests receive

week long holiday breaks in Ireland and France under the care of their teams of volunteer carers, nurses and doctors. Their guest’s families and carers also benefit directly through respite breaks. The Irish Pilgrimage Trust is organised on a Regional basis with 60 groups nationwide.

Their guest’s costs are paid in full by the Trust while all their volunteers pay their own fares. The Trust does not receive state or public funding and is totally reliant on fundraising and voluntary donations.

Here is one local families’ experience with the trust this Easter just past; When I was asked would I be interested in going to Lourdes with my severally disabled son Leon, my initial thought was ‘Why not, it’s a free holiday and I may never have the chance to bring Leon abroad.’ As time was nearing our trip, I was looking for ways out as I was thinking Lourdes, Pilgrimage, not for me as I am not one bit religious but I always knew I would go for Leon. And never would have I imagined, I would not only have had an amazing week but a life changing experience. I had buried my partner of 14 years, Leon’s Mum, only nine months previous. I was just getting by from day to day while trying to cope with Leon’s many needs, what took place while in Lourdes only sunk in weeks after we returned home. While there was a mass every day, it wasn’t a mass I had ever seen before, it was more like a festival of fun and joy, and everyone just wanted the children to have an experience of a life time.

Which not only the children had, everyone there had. While this was during the days, in the evenings the volunteers encouraged the parents to have time for themselves, as it was about us having a break and taking advantage of the time we got safe in the knowledge that our children were with people with so much experience around people and children with such special needs. Most of the volunteers work or have family with similar needs, there was also a nurse in every group and a doctor at hand, which allowed us to unwind and share our day to day worries and struggles, this made me realise I am not alone and there are many people going through what I am going through. For the first time in years I feel alive and have a sense of purpose again, I have learned to enjoy my time with Leon and have fun being his Dad. I now view this week in Lourdes a special gift I received, not a free holiday. I had forgotten how amazing it feels to have hope. I can’t thank the people involved in the Irish Pilgrimage Trust enough, they are what make this charity so unique and worthy. I would wholly recommend any family who is offered this opportunity to take it both hands, as it truly is an amazing experience. Keith & Leon Russell

If you would like a Novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRUST and send it, along with your Novena to: Newsgroup, 21, Alderwood Avenue, Tallaght, Dublin. 24. If you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.

Keith with his son Leon on their Pilgrimage to Lourdes which was funded by The Irish Pilgrimage Trust


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