Rathcoole & Saggart News

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houSiNg aNd homeleSSNeSS


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After the launch of the Simon Community Election Manifesto, ‘Changing the Forecast: Addressing the Homeless and Housing Crisis’, Independent candidate, Senator Katherine Zappone, calls for creative solutions to the Housing crisis to be considered. "The next government must treat this issue as a top priority, with 5324 people stuck in emergency housing,

1709 of those children, we simply cannot let this situation continue."

The Senator’s recent housing Bill, Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2015 proposed an immediate, people-led solution to the on-going housing crisis. The ultimate solution is to build more homes and help to safeguard the homes of low income families until the

housing stock comes on stream. At the same time we must protect property owners in negative equity from repossessions.

“When I speak with families in South County Dublin, I can see that the housing and homeless crisis has touched most households in our community in some way - whether it is due to rising rents and lack of

rent certainty, unfair interest rates, hostile treatment by lenders over mortgage arrears, lack of social housing or the fear of homelessness due to unaffordability of rents especially for families relying on RAS or HAP payments. The situation is unbearable for so many people and this needs to change."

The 32nd Dáil will inherit this crisis and public representatives’ need to have a clear and effective vision for the future. Practical and innovative solutions put forward to resolve the crisis have not been acknowledged by this Government. Zappone's bill not only proposes social housing reform but also reform of the private rented sector, which will deliver greater stability and security for a significant portion of the Irish population.

Election promises need to turn into action once the new Government is in place. Senator Zappone asserts that she will be steadfast

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childmiNdiNg iRelaNd callS foR paReNtal choice, With RecogNitioN, RegulatioN aNd iNcluSioN of childmiNdeRS

published by: Newsgroup, Unit 3 Floor 2 St. Dominics Shopping Centre, St. Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 HK49.

titles: Tallaght News, Clondalkin News, Lucan News and Rathcoole & Saggart News printed by: Celtic Media Group.

Parents in their tens of thousands choose a Childminder. To ensure the survival of this unique form of childcare, Childminding Ireland calls for: • Parental choice to be respected, any proposed subsidised provision for Childcare must include Childminding. • Recognition - Standards and Inspection Tools must be specifically developed for Childminders, recognising the benefits of

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Childminders must have their voices heard and their work respected.

in demanding the next Government make delivery of social housing on the scale that is required as a priority. She concluded by saying "While we need to increase funding for emergency services, the priority should be moving people into permanent homes. We cannot afford the societal cost of having living in children emergency accommodation for months on end and in current crises the figures are increasing every month. There is significant social and economic cost associated with family homelessness – we simply cannot afford to pay with our future."

Independent Zappone





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houSiNg aNd homeleSSNeSS fRom page 1


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kiNgSWood commuNity college takiNg eNRolmeNtS foR 2016

Fine Gael General Election candidate for Dublin South West, Karen Warren, has advised that Kingswood Community College is now taking enrolments for incoming first years in September. “80 places have been

allocated to first years for September 2016 and the closing date for applications is 26th February next,” she explained.

“Kingswood Community College is set to be a great addition to our

Karen area,” continued. “When this school is operating at full capacity, it will employ in excess of 70 teachers, which will also be a great boost to our local economy. “I am also delighted to congratulate Deborah

on her Dunne appointment as Principal for Kingswood Community College. Deborah is currently Principal in Greenhills Community School and will bring a wealth of

experience to her new role. This will be the 5th community school in Dublin South West to operate under the patronage of The Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training

Board (ETB). “Incoming students and their families can look forward to attending one of the most modern schools in the country, which promote a strong community based ethos

of inclusion, along with the highest educational standards.

Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has described proposed moves by Tesco to renegotiate contracts held by their longest serving staff as “sharp practice” and all under the false God of competitiveness.

“Workers, like some of those in Tallaght and Rathfarnham with decades of service, are being asked to accept a cut in pay and a substantial cut in hours. This is sharp practice and another example of an extremely profitable company extending their margins by rowing back on workers’ pay and rights. “We are supposed to be in the middle of a recovery, but many of those workers lucky enough to have a real job are saying that they are having to work longer hours and for a damn sight less pay.

“The Minister for Jobs, Richard Bruton, throws around words like competitiveness, flexibility, and to attractiveness, justify an employment system that allows employers to reduce salaries, extend zero hour contracts, and refuse to recognise the right of trade unions to negotiate and represent large amounts of workers. “Clearly building a recovery on low paid

jobs and the hollowing out of workers’ rights is not sustainable or fair. “The notion of decent work for decent pay should be becoming the norm, not the exception, in a growing economy. “Tesco’s decision to introduce cuts in pay and working hours for long term employees is practice, sharp regrettable, and all under the false God of so called competiveness.”

“For further information, visit the school’s website, at www.kingswoodcc.ie”

teSco’S ShaRp pRactice With loNg-SeRViNg Staff iS abySmal

Deputy Seán Crowe said: “Tesco Ireland is one of the most profitable companies in the State, but in the socalled interest of competiveness, and at the stroke of a pen, it is looking to reduce the pay, terms and work conditions of its long term employees.

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tough Week ahead foR couNcilloRS With oVeR 500 motioNS to be diScuSSed

The final stage of the South Dublin County Council Development Plan is due for discussion over the coming weeks. Councillors will meet over four days the 4th of between February and the 12th of February. During this period, the Councillors of South Dublin County Council will decide on hundreds of motions relating to zoning matters. If the Councillors decide on any significant changes, these changes will then will

then go out for a final period of public consultation before the final plan is signed off in the summer of 2016.

In relation to zoning, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody who is your Fine Gael General Election candidate in Dublin SouthWest said “I’ve never had so many requests on several issues relating to the building of houses, social housing, roads, land development and the inclusion of schools.”

Councillor Dermody said “I’ve submitted several motions but two issues received many more queries. These queries from the public were in relation to the proposed road from Glenview to Firhouse Road and also the matter of changing the planning on the Green Fields site in Firhouse from Planning Zone F to School Sites status.“ “I will be speaking on these and many more during the final stage of the South Dublin County Council

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Development Plan and I hope to deliver a well thought out and structured development plan for the county which will benefit all residents of South Dublin County. I’ve submitted my motion against the proposed road from Glenview Roundabout to Firhouse Road which will destroy our beautiful natural amenity of Dodder Park. I have support from Councillors of all party’s on this and I welcome the Managers report”, Councillor Dermody concluded.

Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody, your Fine Gael General Election candidate for Dublin South-West, has submitted a motion against the proposed road from Glenview Roundabout to Firhouse Road as Cllr Dermody believes it will destroy the beautiful natural amenity of Dodder Park.

its under two pronged attack by fg/lab

Fianna Fáil candidate for Dublin Mid West Cllr John Curran maintains that Institutes of Technology are under a two pronged attack by the outgoing government. “FG/Lab have doubled student fees, while cutting overall funding to ITs by 25% per student since 2012. Capital Funding to IoTs has fallen by about 49%, resulting in crumbing physical and research infrastructure on college campuses. “Cuts have crippled the IT sector. Lecturer to Student ratios in ITs have gone from amongst the lowest (best) in 2008 to now amongst the highest (worst) in the OECD "To add insult to injury, Minister Jan O'Sullivan is now trying to force mergers and rationalisation of ITs throughout the country with her misguided Technological Universities Bill. These mergers are cost

saving measures, nothing else. "We need to ensure that Fine Gael and Labour are not involved with the next government and are not able to proceed with this regressive Bill “FF will Increase exchequer funding to universities to improve student/lecturer ratios, small group teaching and research in ITs as well as introducing a new 5-Year cycle of the Programme for Research in ThirdLevel Institutions (PRTLI) funding package for Capital Investment, Refurbishment and Research Projects.

“We will ensure the Technological Universities Bill is scrapped in next Dáil. We support the establishment of Technological Universities but ITs should not be forced to merge,” added Cllr Curran.

commuNity platfoRm - fouR teStS foR the Next goVeRNmeNt your fRee local Newspaper

As the starting gun is officially fired for the start of the General Election the Community Platform has produced Four Tests for the next Government . These are the Tests the Community Platform will use to judge the seriousness of the next Government in addressing the causes and consequences of poverty, social exclusion and inequality. This will with the start commitments made in the Programme for Government and throughout continue the term of the Government. The four

tests have been sent to all Political Parties and election candidates.

The four tests, (total of key policy 13 priorities), are: test 1: Will the Government redistribute income towards the poorest 20% of the population? test 2: Will the Government strengthen access to quality employment?

test 3: Will the Government restore and strengthen public services which are of particular importance

dubliN SchoolS RemiNdeR

Dublin teachers in primary and second level schools, whose pupils take part in the annual Texaco Children’s Art Competition, are reminded that the closing date for receipt of entries this year is Monday, 29th February next. Last year 3070 pupils from schools in Co. Dublin submitted entries to the Competition.


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to people on low income?

test 4: Will the Government support mechanisms to ensure that all areas of policy and decisions work to

reduce poverty and inequality?

These Tests reflect the analysis presented in 2015 in the Future Perspectives of the Community Platform

which describes the impact of the economic and social crisis, and the policies to address it, on the most marginalised in our society. It proposes a detailed set of policy

priorities and changes to structures that are needed in order to


bring about a more inclusive, sustainable and equal Ireland.

The Four tests are also available on-line at www.eapn.ie/eapn/wpcontent/uploads/2016/02/community-platform-f our-tests-for-the-next-government.pdf


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No place iN iRelaNd foR RaciSm aNd iSlamophobia

Speaking at the antiracism rally, last Saturday in O’Connell Street Ms Boylan said: “One hundred years ago on this very location the Irish Republic was declared. A Republic guaranteed that religious and civil

liberties, equal rights and equal opportunities. Just like then we are taking a stand against oppression, a stand against inequality. We are standing shoulder to shoulder in solidarity to show that


***by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly

The star of big screen movie Noble and TV show Moone Boy Deirdre O’Kane was delighted to be back on stage in Tallaght this week. She tweeted her thanks to the people who attended her first stand-up gig in eight years at the Civic Theatre. The first night of her 1Dee tour was a huge success with more dates scheduled for the end of the month. O’Kane earned her place as the Tweet of the Week for her kind words about Tallaght. See a full review of the gig in our entertainment section.

there is NO place in Ireland for racism and Islamaphobia. There is no place in Ireland for HATE.” “We are a welcoming nation because we are no strangers to migration. We too have had our coffin ships, we too have been discriminated as immigrants, just like those who board boats today with no guarantee of survival so too did our ancestors. And just like those who flee for safety from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq are victims of a situation not of their making so too were those who left Irish shores." Boylan continued: "The rise of the extreme right across Europe is deeply disturbing but it cannot be separated out from the economic and foreign policies of the last two decades. Facism and poverty go hand in hand. Just like Imperialism and refugees. When resources are scarce, we have

vulnerable communities pitted against each other. Vile organisations like Pegida exploit this to whip up fear and anger just as their counterparts did in the 1930’s. But while it is easy to point the finger at Pegida and Front National we must be extra vigilant for those far right parties that are slipping under the radar. Pegida and Front National should be rightly condemned for their hateful doctrine but it was not them who set dogs and tear gas on refugee women and children in Hungary. That was Fidesz, a party that sits in the same centre right group the European in Parliament as Fine Gael. It was not Pegida that painted refugee doors red and made them wear armbands. That was under David Cameron’s Conservative Party.” “It was not Pegida that

passed laws to seize belongings of refugees, that was Danish Social Democrats. So as we rightly rally here today to protest against an Irish branch of Pegida, we must also be extremely vigilant to the insidious creeping of racist policy into the mainstream. It is each and everyone of our responsibility to call out racism where and when we see it. That includes discriminatory policies against travellers. It is each and everyone of our responsibility to stand up and speak out wherever it raises its ugly head. That includes on social media, public transport, our workplace and our schools. It is our obligation to challenge the policies of austerity, to direct the anger in the direction of those who make the policy not those who are the victims of it. It is our duty to oppose increasing militarisation

to stop the and destabilisation of the Middle East in pursuit of oil and gas. We cannot allow facism and extreme right ideology to take hold in Ireland. We must pull

it out by its bitter, twisted roots.” “and Just like in 1933 when the blueshirts were sent packing with their planned rally, we too must send pegida packing.”

Vogue Williams launching The Gossies 2016 holding the award created by Tower Jewellers in the Radisson Blu, St Helen's, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. The Gossies sponsored by Enhance Medical take place on Sunday the 21st of February at the Radisson Blu, St Helen’s, Stillorgan, County Dublin. (Pic Patrick O'Leary)


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champioN of VictimS of Rape aNd Sexual abuSe StepS doWN fRom dRcc poSt foR SeaNad RuN

The Board of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre today announced the departure of Chief Executive Officer, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, who will step down from her post in mid March...

Ann Marie Gill, Chairperson of the Board of DRCC said: “The Board has accepted Ellen’s decision with great regret, after 10 years of dedicated service and and achievement wishes her every success. Ellen joined the DRCC at a time when the issue of violence against women still remained poorly acknowledged and resourced, and when the DRCC itself faced significant challenges.

Her incredible work with us has made a considerable contribution to changes on both counts.” In particular Ms Gill highlighted Ms O’Malley Dunlop’s work as a champion of victims of rape and sexual abuse and their right to justice and excellent services; “an unyielding advocate for the implementation of the recommendations of the SAVI Report(Sexual Abuse and Violence in Ireland: McGee et al 2002)and as an exceptional leader of the DRCC team.”

Commenting on her decade as CEO, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop said that public awareness and political

commitment had as the increased atrocities of rape and sexual abuse emerged. She said that “In particular, following the publication of the Ryan, Murphy and Cloyne reports, the unavoidable evidence of the horrible realities led to change, in particular the Referendum on including the Rights of the Child in our Constitution but at the same time progress has been hugely limited by the savage cuts that all services have experienced during the recession.” As she steps down within weeks of the of the publication Government’s Second National Strategy on

the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence, which she broadly welcomes, she looks forward to it being both implemented and resourced properly, particularly as Rape Crisis Centres around the country are recording increases in the number of victims accessing their services. “It has been a privilege to have been able to do work and this enormously rewarding to see the changes since I took up my role.” Ms O’Malley Dunlop commented. “There is now a much more cohesive, and view and shared, understanding of the appalling crimes that

are rape and sexual abuse and slowly, as a State, we are working on prevention, continued awareness raising and acknowledging the need for services to victims and ensuring that justice is delivered.”

As she moves on, Ms O’Malley Dunlop thanked colleagues, saying that she has been fortunate to work with great people on the Board and with the management, staff and volunteers of the DRCC, and with partners in services and agencies right around the country. “Together I think we have made a difference,” Ms O’Malley Dunlop added.

SummeR campS iN peRfoRmaNce aRtS comiNg to fouR South dubliN locatioNS

Children’s performing arts network Starcamp is to host summer camps in four South Dublin locations next July and August. Supported once again by Swords-based banana importers Fyffes, Starcamp creator Aideen O’Grady says the week long camp for boys and girls aged 412 is ‘designed to teach performance and build confidence through song, dance, drama and games’. dates and venues where the camps will be held are Clondalkin (25-29th July, venue to be confirmed); Firhouse Community College Sports Complex (11-15th July); Scoil aine naofa, lucan (8-12th august); and rua red, tallaght (2-6th august). Interested parents can obtain further information on their website starcamp.ie

o’coNNoR RaiSeS iSSue of gReeNhillS Road

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has raised with council Management the issue of the Realignment of the Greenhills Road in the vicinity of Kilnamanagh/Parkview in Tallaght. The matter has been the subject of recent speculation and local residents have raised their concerns with Charlie O’Connor. He pursued the matter and has received the following response:

“This realignment has been an objective of successive County Council Development Plans for many years, with a dedicated road reservation being retained for this purpose.

The Part 8 Public Consultation Procedure for this Scheme was approved by the Council Members in May 2006, but arising from the subsequent economic downturn, the design process has not yet commenced due to lack of funding for the Scheme. No funding has been allocated to this Scheme for 2016, and based on general cutbacks in funding for

road improvement schemes;

it is unlikely that any progress will be made on this particular

Scheme for a number of years, pending the availability of funding.”

According to Councillor Charlie O’Connor the

matter has created much attention and concern in the area and he expects that residents will continue to raise the issue.



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RecycliNg compaNieS giVeN ‘fRee haNd’ by miNiSteR

Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has described reports that Environment Minister Alan Kelly proposes to charge for recyclable waste as a direct attack on families and said it is another reason to vote his government out of office.

Crowe said that the Minister’s farfetched claims that this will work out cheaper for households will fool no one and that his new proposal will give Recycling Companies a ‘free hand,’ allowing them to effectively charge anything they like for any future waste collection. Deputy Seán Crowe said:

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“The news of another tax from this government will bring a collective groan right across the country. Not satisfied with lumbering people with the hated water charges and regressive taxes like the property charge, Minister Alan Kelly is now trying in the dying days of his administration, to fast track another financial burden on hard pressed families. His farfetched claims that this will work out cheaper for households will fool no one. “Many of us at Council level and in Leinster House argued that the privatisation of waste collection would not only lead to a loss of jobs and a poorer service, but it would

also lead inevitably to an increase in service charges. We know to our cost that waste charges have increased dramatically, and now we are being told that individuals and families will be forced to pay more.

“Irish household’s come out positively when it comes recycling so it is absolute madness to stunt that progress by introducing measures that penalise, rather than reward, those who go out of their way to recycle. “Instead of encouraging and promoting, this proposal will discourage more and more people away from recycling reusable items.

“The disincentive will also lead to an increase in illegal burning and dumping with its negative impact on the physical and visual environment. “The Minister could have targeted those producers and companies who favour packaging materials that

currently cannot be recycled, but opted once again to hit the vulnerable householder. “The only real winners from Alan Kelly’s Minister proposal will be the private individuals who own and run the various recycling firms that have sprung up since

the service was removed from County Councils. It certainly will not be the environment and certainly will not be the tens of thousands of individuals and families who will now be forced to pay another bill on weekly or fortnightly basis.”

Fianna Fáil candidate Mary Fitzpatrick is calling for the next Dáil to re-introduce a bin waiver for low income households and to introduce regulations to address the lack of transparency and consistency of bin charges in Dublin.

all the private operators so that consumers can compare pricing plans and obtain best value. Secondly, a bin waiver must be introduced for low income households who just cannot afford to pay. Thirdly, consumers must be financially incentivised to reuse, reduce and recycle. Finally a mechanism must be put in place for apartment dwellers and those living in areas where they cannot store wheely bins to ensure that they get fair pricing and charging as it is not possible to weigh their household waste.

taxes in the country are extremely angry that there has been a return of illegal dumping in their areas.

Next dáil muSt addReSS iNcoNSiSteNcy iN pRiciNg aNd Re-iNtRoduce biN WaiVeR foR loW iNcome houSeholdS

“When Labour and Fine Gael privatised domestic bin collection in Dublin City illegal dumping spiralled, private waste collectors introduced various charging schemes and 40,000 low income households lost their bin waiver. Ever since private domestic bin collections were introduced residents in Dublin Central have had to learn to live with constant illegal dumping on their streets. “The next Dáil must first establish transparency and consistency of pricing from

“Due to the dramatic increase in illegal dumping residential communities have had to introduce clean up days to try to combat this problem. Homeowners and residents who pay some of the highest property

“Residents fear that under the new charging system recently approved by the Minister for the Environment household bin charges will increase and this in turn will lead to increased litter and illegal dumping on our streets. The new regulations state that all charges will be based on weight which effectively means for the first time residents are being financially penalised for disposing of their waste through recycling. This makes no sense to most households. Constituents do not understand why they are being paid not to conserve water and at the same time charged to recycle rubbish.”

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paid pateRNity leaVe a key meaSuRe to SuppoRt WoRkiNg familieS

The introduction of paid paternity leave will support families, Fine Gael General Election candidate for Tallaght and Dublin South West, Karen Warren, has stated.

Everyone loves Smooth, Silky, Skin GET THE lOOK OF lOVE With a facial skin treatment February is the perfect time to have a facial peel or laser skin treatment. During the summer in particular, our body build up a thick layer of skin to protect us from sun and free radical damage. But, as we age our natural exfoliation process slows down and this thick layer builds up and wrinkles form, sometimes making us look older than we actually are. Facial peels, laser and micro-needling are the best way to fast-track taking years off your skin. However, if you are looking old from being tired or a lot of stress, you can't beat an hour to yourself and a relaxing pampering facial treatment to leave you glowing. a FaCial PEEl exfoliates the skin gently and evenly using a nonabrasive chemical solution, usually glycolic or salicylic acid or a combination of both. This solution is left on the skin for 2-3 minutes while it deep cleans the pores that cause congestion and breakouts and eats away the dead skin cells that cause dryness, fine lines, wrinkles and a dull complexion. Facial peels are recommended a couple of times a year for most skin types from the age of 16 to keep the skin clear, smooth and even. The key to maintaining the result, is to replace this thickened layer of skin with a sun protection cream every day. in a laSEr FaCial, a therapist using

a handheld device on the skin to allow IPL, Intense Pulsed Light, to penetrate and target the source of pigmentation and red veins under the surface. The paler the skin the easier the laser can reach its target and the better the result. Colour on the skin is now considered more ageing than lines or wrinkles. As new born infants we are born with clear even and translucent skin. The more exposed we become to the sun and light, the more our skin changes colour. Laser also stimulates collagen and elastin which plumps the skin from underneath contributing to a more youthful appearance. Our CElEBriTy FaCial is a combination of a Laser Rejuvenation Facial, working from the inside out and a facial peel working on the surface breakouts and dryness. It delivers maximum results in the minimum amount of time without any interruption to your lifestyle or work commitments. The above skin treatments are suitable for men and women and available to purchase as a Gift Voucher. So, this year, treat yourself or someone you love to Great Skin, there's none of us are getting any younger. Happy Valentine’s Day! To purchase a voucher or book a Free Skin Consultation Call 01 4595313 today!

The new statutory paternity leave, which was being brought to Cabinet, will be paid at a rate of €230 a week, the same as maternity benefit and based on the same PRSI contribution requirements. “As well as the obvious

financial support, I very much welcome the fact that this new legislation values the contribution to child-rearing which men make, as well as women,” Karen Warren stated. “Fine Gael has a long term economic plan to keep the recovery going, which includes three steps: more and better jobs, making work pay and investing in better services.

More people in work creates the resources to cut taxes for working

people and invest in better services for working families, improving living standards for all

“Our key commitment is also to support working families by investing in affordable and accessible childcare. Among the other measures announced in Budget 2016, aimed at helping hard working parents are an extension of the free pre-school year and a €5 increase in child benefit,” she said.

General Election candidate Karen Warren

pRomotioN of healthy lifeStyleS iN pRimaRy SchoolS

The Department of Education and Skills issued advice to all primary schools aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyles agenda. Supported by data from the Lifeskills survey, the circular highlights a number of initiatives that can enhance a school’s current approach to exercise and healthy eating. These include:

healthy Eating initiatives

The Lifeskills survey (2012) reveals some very positive practices in primary schools. For instance, 93% have healthy eating policies in place or are developing them, while more than 99% do not facilitate the sale of fizzy drinks, sweets or crisps. However, more progress can be made, particularly when it comes to promoting the benefits of fresh health foods. Two programmes in particular are highlighted – the Foods Dudes and the Incredible Edibles programme. Incredible Edibles encourages primary schools across Ireland to get busy in the garden and/or classroom. Participating schools are supplied with grow packs, with seeds, to grow a variety of healthy foods, such as potatoes, carrots, lettuce, strawberries and turnips. Downloadable curriculum-linked activity sheets, growing guides, recipes and logbooks allow pupils to take these important messages with them for life and to their homes and wider communities. Incredible Edibles is run by Agri Aware and supported by Bord Bia, the Department of Agriculture, Food & Marine, the Department of Education & Skills, the Department of Health and Ireland’s fresh produce industry. Food Dudes promotes healthy options such as fruit and vegetables. It is currently being rolled out in primary schools and freshly prepared fruit and vegetables, rewards and Food Dudes lunchboxes will be provided free of charge to participating schools. The Food Dudes programme is organised by Bord Bia and is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme. health promoting Schools initiative

Data reveals that only 40% of schools are engaged

or preparing to engage with this important programme. The Health Promoting Schools Initiative sees HSE Health Promotion Officers working with the Department’s Professional Development Service for Teachers Wellbeing team to support schools across a range of health issues. More primary schools are actively encouraged to engage with the initiative. promotion of physical activity

Attention is drawn to the fact the 12% of schools report in the Lifeskills survey that students in infant classes are getting less than one hour a week of PE while only one in three schools report that 5th and 6th class students received more than 1 hour a week. The Minister would like to acknowledge the commitment of over 80% of respondent schools to physical activity outside of the formal timetable. Schools are encouraged to engage with the Active School Flag Initiative. The scheme, which mirrors the highly successful ‘Green Flag’ programme supports and acknowledges schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community. As of June 2015, 634 primary schools were participating. The circular also advises schools not to use resource materials developed by the alcohol industry.

According to Minister Jan O’Sullivan, “This is timely advice to schools. A lot is being done but more is needed. As Spring arrives there is more opportunity for schools to review their health policies and go the ‘extra mile’ in 2016. In particular I hope that more schools will look to establish their own mini gardens and grow healthy fresh vegetables. I’ve seen the very positive effect these initiatives have in schools across the country and would encourage all schools to tap into the wide variety of resources available.

“I would like to acknowledge the significant support that a range of bodies including the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, the Department of Health, the HSE, Agri Aware, Bord Bia and a range of NGOs are dedicating to promoting healthy schools and healthies communities.”

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o’coNNoR callS foR actioN oN poSteR tieS

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has called on all Political Parties to respond to the concerns of many in the community who are upset that cable ties are often left on lamp posts following the removal of Political posters. He said he has received many calls on the subject in recent times and residents believe that the situation may now get worse over the next month as additional posters are erected in respect of the General Election. The Fianna Fail Councillor said that such cable ties are evident on lamp posts throughout the region and he hoped that all Political Parties, including Fianna Fail, would ensure that these eyesores are removed.

The Legal Column

by Romaine Scally

Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie


Q. my mother died over 6 months ago now and my sister and i are making a personal application for a Grant of probate. the probate office have now queried the will as the death Certificate indicates that my mother died of dementia. they have told us that we will have to go back to her doctor to ascertain her state of mind at the time when the will was drafted. is this usual?

A. Firstly, may we sympathise with you and your sister on the death of your Mother. Dementia, at its advanced stages, is a terrible condition and robs the sufferer of any quality of life. It is hard for a family to witness.

In any event, I note that you and your sister are making a personal application for a Grant of Probate. The job of the Probate Office is to ensure that the affairs of every deceased person are appropriately dealt with. They are always very vigilant about the smallest detail when the application is submitted for a Grant of Probate. In this particular instance, the Probate Office have noted that the cause of Death on your Mother’s Death Certificate was Dementia. They have obviously then looked back to the Will and in particular to the date when the Will was made. You do not give full details in your letter but, it is customary on the Death Certificate for the certifying doctor to indicate the length of time of the illness. In other words, perhaps the doctor has said “Dementia certified 8 months”. If this is the case and the Probate Office look back to the date when the Will was made and the Dementia was already in place at that time then, queries will usually be raised. It is not fatal by

any means to the proving of the Will, however, it will require you to attend with her doctor, possibly a General Practitioner, and seek a Certificate from her doctors, certifying that, at the date when the Will was made, in the opinion of your Mother’s doctor, she was capable of making a Will and understanding and giving instructions. If she was not attending her General Practitioner then perhaps she was already attending a Geriatrician in some health centre or hospital. In that situation, you could approach the Geriatrician and look for a similar certificate which will satisfy the Probate Office. If, on the other hand, the date when the Will was made is way outside the certified period of Dementia then, your Mother’s G.P. may very easily be able to give a Certificate to say that, at the date when the Will was made, there was no indication whatsoever of Dementia. Either Certificate will suffice for the Probate Office.

those witnesses and to ask them if they can swear an Affidavit saying that they were present when your father made the Will and indicating the date when it was made. An undated Will is not necessarily invalid but at least one witness has to swear on Affidavit that the Will was executed before the Testator died and that the said witness actually witnessed the signature. Hopefully, you know the people who are named as witnesses on the Will and you should now make contact with them as soon as possible to see if they can narrow down the date and most importantly that they can actually remember your Father signing the Will and that they were present and witnessed his signature. The witnesses do not need to be aware as to the contents of the Will. They merely need to have witnessed your Father’s signature. We wish you the best of luck in this regard.

Hopefully, none of these problems will arise and that a Doctor’s Certificate will easily explain her capacity and ability to make a Will as of the date of doing so. We wish you the best of luck in this regard.

A. This is a sad story indeed and one no parent would wish for themselves or their child.

If you cannot provide either Certificate then, an application to the Court might need to be made to allow a Judge to determine that the Will is valid. If this becomes necessary, it would be the contents of the Will which would speak volumes. In other words, has your Mother done something unusual in her Will? If she has made a relatively standard Will, leaving everything equally between her children then, there should be no difficulty about having the Will proved. On the other hand, if there are any matters of concern in the content of the Will which could suggest that she was not of sound mind when making the Will then, that would have to be dealt with somewhat differently and could be a matter of concern to the Court if a doctor’s certificate is not available to certify her mental capacity at the time when making the Will.

Q. my Father died recently and my brother and myself found his will with his private papers. we note however that the will is not dated. is this still a valid will?

A. Firstly, may we pass on our sympathies to you on the recent passing of your Father.

Secondly, your question is an interesting one but one which could pose problems. You do not say whether or not there are witnesses to your Father’s signature. Assuming that there are witnesses then, it will be necessary to make contact with

Q. my husband died a year ago now and in his last will and testament, he left everything to me. we have three children and two of them are perfectly happy with that arrangement and i will obviously look after them in the future. my son however, who has been estranged from us for many years, has indicated that he intends to challenge his Father’s will. the circumstances of the estrangement were a source of great sadness to my late husband and i. our son went through a very difficult phase in his early adulthood and, during a drug fuelled state, he assaulted my husband badly. the Gardaí were called and, after a trial, our son was sentenced to two and half years in prison. after his release, he went to work in England but did come home for his Father’s funeral. would he have a right to claim against his father?

To answer your question, any child who has been found guilty of an offence punishable by two years’ imprisonment or more against the deceased, may not make a Section 117 application. A Section 117 application arises in circumstances where the child of a deceased feels that they have not been properly provided for in the Will of their parent and the application allows them to challenge the Will, which case might eventually be heard in the High Court. However, there are certain exceptions to this entitlement and most importantly the question as to whether or not there has ever been a conviction against a child for an assault on the deceased parent punishable by a term of at least 2 years in prison is a bar to making

any such application. Your son therefore, on the facts with which you have provided us, would be barred from any entitlement to make an application under Section 117 of the Succession Act. In the event that it should get to the stage of your receiving a Solicitors letter then, you should attend with a Solicitor yourself and get him or her to draft an appropriate response to your son’s Solicitor. As you can understand, it is quite possible that your son may not disclose the full story to the Solicitor to whom he gives instructions. The best of luck in this regard.

Q. Could you explain what is meant by a living will and how it differs from an ordinary will?

A. A Living Will differs substantially from the standard Will which is done in preparation for the Testator’s demise. A Living Will deals with certain situations which might or might not arise during the lifetime of the creator of the Living Will. They are two distinct documents and can indeed be complimentary. It is important to point out the main distinctions however. The standard Will is legally binding, subject of course to being proved by the Probate Office. It is the legal responsibility of the Executors of the Estate of the deceased to carry out the deceased wishes as set out in the Will and there are significant sanctions if there is any departure from this. A Living Will however is not legally binding and is merely an expression of the wishes of the Living Creator as to how they might want to be medically treated in the event that they might become incapacitated. For the most part, it deals with issues such as choices regarding resuscitation, experimental treatment, hospice treatment, ventilation and other matters which many people now have strong views on. It cannot of course contradict ethical medical practice and ultimately the doctors have the final say as to whether or not an expression of intent in the part of a Living Will can be carried out. You cannot say for example that, if your pain during the course of any illness becomes intolerable, that you want to be given a fatal dose of pain relief. This would not be implemented as it is of course not legal. Nonetheless, certain matters can be clarified to the treating doctors and the family of the person making the Living Will. A copy can be sent to the Creator’s General Practitioner so that, it is on their file for future reference. It is a matter worth discussing with family firstly and then perhaps your Solicitor. It is not an essential document and, while important, does not have the same long term effects of the standard last Will and Testament. We hope that this has been helpful.

In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement


SometimeS SileNce SpeakS VolumeS your fRee local Newspaper

Imagine an hour…a day….a without speech. week Imagine not being able to say ‘I love you’ this Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately that is the fate met by most people living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Patrick (Padge) Kelly is 28 years old from Lucan in Dublin. Padge was diagnosed with MND in 2003 when he was 17. When he was in sixth year in school he noticed that his hand writing had become very messy and that he wasn’t as fast when he played football. One day when he was walking home from the shops with his Gran he found he couldn’t carry the bags for her. “I went from a limp to needing a crutch to a wheelchair. I can’t move my arms or hands. The worst of all is that my tongue, mouth and diaphragm has also been affected which robbed me of my speech. I could deal with being disabled but not being able to communicate with family and friends was difficult to come to terms with”, said Padge. Esther Tracey is 58 years old and was diagnosed with MND in 2013. Esther is an amazing cook, and runs her kitchen with the precision of a professional. She may

have lost her swallow and speech to MND but that hasn’t dampened her appetite for life. “The progressive symptoms which have left me without speech and swallow were daunting but with help from my family and friends I can communicate very well. Every challenging step along the way has consistently brought out the fighter in me and the support of the IMNDA has helped me to maintain a positive attitude to keep fighting this”, said Esther. This February we’re asking you to take on a sponsored silence to experience what life is like for Esther and Padge. How would you cope not being able to communicate? Just pick a day, time and location where you will take on your sponsored silence and then contact us on fundraising@imnda.ie or 1800403403 for your Silence Sponsor pack. Spread the word on social media by using #Voice4MND and text MND to 50300 to donate €2 (100% of text goes to IMNDA across most network providers. Some providers apply VAT which means a minimum of €1.63 will go to IMNDA. Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline 076 6805278). Nominate friends and

families to join you. Sometimes silence can speak volumes. Take on our challenge today to raise vital awareness and funds for the IMNDA. Don’t let Padge and Esther suffer in silence; don’t let them live without a voice. The IMNDA provides specialised services for people affected by this debilitating disease such as equipment on loan, financial assistance towards home help, advice and home visits by MND Nurse. In order to provide these

Padge Kelly launching the IMNDA’s Sponsored Silence 2016 at his home on Lucan

vital services the IMNDA depends heavily on the

generosity of the public and of the supporters

association who generate over 86% of its income.


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Spcc callS foR uRgeNt auditS of emeRgeNcy accommodatioN to pRotect childReN

The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) has called for the introduction of ‘child protection audits’ within emergency accommodation to review physical and management standards for their impact on child safety.

‘As the homelessness crisis has grown, the ISPCC has regularly called for action to reassure the public and parents that children living in B&B accommodation are safe. Emergency accommodation is unacceptable for long periods, and it is the state’s responsibility to ensure that

when they are placed in B&Bs that those placements do not place children at risk. Child protection audits would examine the physical environment of hotels and other forms of emergency accommodation, and would also ensure that management standards-

including vetting of key staff- are in place to protect children. Moving children on a regular basis can also place them at riskparticularly if they are in receipt of support and other services’.

It is fundamentally wrong to means test the families of sick and dying children, yet the State still sees fit to do so.

on behalf of the Our Children’s Health campaign, with the help of little Ryan Gilmartin from Mayo. One year later, with time just about up on this Oireachtas, the response to our petition totalling 65,000 has been signatures, appalling.

The Petitions Committee finally recommended that it be referred to the Committee on Health & Children in July. When we enquired last week as to the status of the petition, we are told that the Health Committee acknowledged receipt in September and

discussed it ‘in private’. We were then told that they had a further discussion on the petition last Thursday, and the committee had come to the view that they ‘support the petition’. Given the volume of signatures on over 2,200 pages, at the very least, this petition warranted a meaningful discussion in a public session of the Committee – providing children’s organisations with an opportunity to outline the problem, and discuss how the objective of the petition might be achieved. We have solutions, all we were seeking was the chance to put forward a clear proposal to the relevant committee of our National Parliament – backed by 65,000 signatures. Many areas of our children’s health services are hopelessly reliant on charity just to function. Over the course of the election campaign, I will run ads at bus shelters around the constituency of Dublin South West to expose the many ways the State is failing these children. Following our latest communication to all 226 TD’s and Senators on the Medical Card issue, cosigned by 7 children’s organisations – just 25 in total bothered to reply. For the last 2 years, I have been a voice for these children outside the gates of Leinster House, if elected I will give them a real voice inside. Children’s health – 3 simple priorities Simply doing the right thing for children with serious illnesses has never been a priority for Government. As part of budget 2016, in what was no more than an election stunt, the

government officials to the UN last week in Geneva where reference was made to a protocol between various departments and agencies which is aimed at setting out responsibilities for protecting children living in B&B accommodation.

detail on the protocol, and said, ‘The existence of a protocol between agencies to protect children is welcome- however, the detailed implementation of this protocol is critical to ensure that no child falls between gaps in services during a very transitory period.’

Government announced that it would extend free GP care to all children between the ages of 6 and 12. The scheme is set to cost a further €60m per year1. Here are just 3 ways we could spend some of that €60m:

Just €6m would cover the amount required by Laura Lynn and Jack & Jill to keep operating, but yet they have no option but to extensively fundraise year on year.

goVeRNmeNt'S abySmal ReSpoNSe to ouR childReN i am RuNNiNg to giVe them a Voice.

ISPCC CEO Grainia Long said

One year ago, I presented one of the largest petitions ever assembled in Ireland at the gates of Leinster House

The ISPCC has made the call following evidence from

Ms Long called for further

1. automatic medical Cards for Children, based on medical need 29,000 children currently qualify for the Domiciliary Care Allowance payment and as such are classed by the State as having a “severe disability”. According to the Government itself, almost 10,000 do not have Medical Cards2. These children have a clear medical need, they must be the priority. Automatically granting a Medical Card to all children that qualify for the DCA would finally remove the deeply unfair means test from the Medical Card application process and ensure that the most seriously ill children would never again be denied a Medical Card. The Medical Card is the gateway to all publicly available health services, aids and appliances and where children are concerned there is often no private alternative. How is it that the Government can continue to stand over a situation whereby 10,000 of these children do not qualify for Medical Cards?

2. Fully fund children’s palliative care services Our only children’s hospice still receives zero State funding, while the Jack & Jill Foundation receives just 20% of what it needs from the State. Both organisations provide vital end of life care for our most vulnerable children in a hospice setting or at home.

3. End waiting times – Scoliosis & Children’s mri Waiting times for vital surgery, diagnostics or a first consultation with a specialist in many areas of children’s medicine are totally unacceptable. For children with scoliosis or awaiting an MRI, the situation is particularly chronic. Children with severe scoliosis are waiting up to and beyond 18 months for surgery. The curvature of their spine worsens with every passing day and these delays only serve to make the surgery itself much more complex & costly, while putting the child at greater risk. We need 5 additional Orthopaedic Surgeons & an additional operating theatre to bring the situation under control as has been consistently campaigned for by the charity StraightAhead. Similarly, children can wait anything up to 27 months for an MRI. Serious cases are of course prioritised, but where symptoms are not obvious there is a real risk of delayed diagnosis - and significantly poorer outcomes for the child.

These 3 areas alone could be completely resolved with modest funding. The way in which we look after our most seriously ill children is the measure of any country – Government policy has totally failed them. Sincerely,

Peter FitzPatrick

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1916 commemoRatiVe medal Set “highly iNSultiNg”

Aengus Ó Snodaigh, chairperson of the Sinn Féin 1916 Commemoration Committee, has described as “highly insulting” the latest commercial offering venture trying to cash in on the centenary of the 1916 Rising. Billed as the “Seven Signatories Commemorative Medal Set” and produced by a company called the Dublin Mint Office, the

flagShip eVeNt of South dubliN couNty couNcil 1916 ceNteNaRy pRogRamme SatuRday 27th febRuaRy at tallaght Stadium

South Dublin County Council is delighted to announce a unique package of lectures, and presentations entertainment events to remember the 1916 Rising, 100 years on. Paths To Freedom, our 1916 anniversary commemoration, is aimed at explaining the many "shades of green" that existed in the run-

up to the Easter Rising, and to show that the so-called ‘long decade’, 1912-1923, was a pivotal decade in our nation. Fronted by RTE broadcasters Myles Dungan, Joe Duffy and Turtle Bunbury, SDCC’s Paths To Freedom programme will bring together a team of authors and key

Table Quiz in aid of

St. Raphael’s Celbridge

academics with important things to say about the legacy of 1916, plus a cast of international performers, for a special two-part commemoration, comprising… A day-long programme of talks and presentations on 1916 and its legacy An evening performance of the songs and music of the era, showcasing the songs of John, Count McCormack, Lena Ford, Ivor Novello, Stanley Kirkby & George M. Cohan Talks Programme Paths To Freedom will concentrate on the changing nature of Irish

politics, work, class and gender roles in the years leading up to independence, and explain that the Rising was part of a wider narrative, not the whole story. The Conference Room in Tallaght Stadium will be the venue on Saturday, February 27, as SDCC welcomes a selection of top-class speakers, academics and TV personalities for a series of presentations on Ireland and the Rising. the event is free, but booking is essential. to book, log on to www.pathstofreedom. eventbrite.ie or call 01 4149285.

aRe theRe aNy uNioNiStS iN the Republic?

Venue: Lucan Sarfields GAA Club, 12th Lock, Lucan DATe: Wednesday 17th February 2016 Time: 8.30pm

Teams of 4 - €40 Further information: Contact eddie on 086 8444689

As a student at Trinity College Dublin, I am finding it an interesting time to be in the Republic of Ireland, with the planned events of the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter rising. This has made me curious if there any Unionists in the Republic after a century. Therefore, I decided for my paper to investigate modern Southern Unionism, and so far, the paper has found that Unionism is not extinct, but has evolved in the century that has passed since 1916. I have decided to create a survey for people, aged 18+, residing in the Republic to get the peoples view of certain issues: www.surveymonkey.com/r/southernunionism It would be interesting to hear the views of your readers in Dublin, an area that once contained thousands of Unionists a century ago, and all those that respondent would remain anonymous.

Sincerely, Samuel Beckton,Trinity College Dublin


set of seven coins/medal depicted a signatory on one side but the reverse depicts the 1921 Treaty and has “1922” and “Free State – Saorstát Éireann” engraved on it.

Deputy Ó Snodaigh said: “This is historical in the ignorance extreme and is reminiscent of the worst days of the Historical Revisionism. It is in fact insulting to the legacy of the seven

visionaries and what they stood for, and proclaimed an Irish Republic.

“I urge the company to withdraw the medal and apologise for the insult, recast them appropriately with the proclamation on it, 1916 and Poblacht na hÉireann and apologise for the insult. If not people should boycott the commercial pitch and not buy them.”


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miraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. m.r.d.

miraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. b.l. miraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very

special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. anon

miraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. G.n. miraClE prayEr Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it.

Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. m.h.

novEna to St. JudE Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hope. Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that particular privilege given to you to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven as I work with my challenges, particularly (here make your request). I praise God with you and all the saints forever. I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen. m.h.

as our regular readers will know we have asked for


your generosity in supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including nCbi Solas Centre in Clondalkin, tir na nog (Cheeverstown house) and laura lynn Children’s hospice . these charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. we would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting laura lynn Children’s hospice going forward, we are delighted to support thE iriSh pilGrimaGE truSt. We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, thE iriSh pilGrimaGE truSt.

thE iriSh pilGrimaGE truSt is a registered charity in Ireland (Charity Number: 5992), and for over 40 years the Trust has been travelling on pilgrimage/holiday to Lourdes with young people


with special needs, from all over Ireland. The Trust has over 1100 people travelling at Easter time and it is divided into small groups of approx 10 young people and 12 volunteer carers who stay in one of the many Hotels in Lourdes. In June we bring a group of 110 people to Hosanna House in Lourdes for what is a unique experience both Carer and Guest.

We have two facilities in Kilcuan, Co. Galway and Cois Cuain, Co. Wexford each offering different opportunities. Both facilities provide Friendship weeks during the Summer. application forms are available from our office at 091 796622.

For more information on the Irish Pilgrimage Trust please contact us at 091 796622 or Email info@irishpilgrimagetrust.c om or visit our web page on http://www.irishpilgrimage for more trust.com information..

if you would like a novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to thE iriSh pilGrimaGE truSt and send it, along with your novena to: nEwSGroup, unit 3, Floor 2, St. dominiC'S ShoppinG CEntrE, St dominiC'S road, tallaGht, dublin 24 if you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.


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by Lynda O'Donoghue Donnelly

email: lynda@newsgroup.ie

TOP FIVE FILMS – My Valentine

For some people Valentine’s Day is hugely overrated but for others it is the biggest, loveliest holiday of the entire year. So as the big day approaches we have picked out some of the best Valentines movies to share with your loved one – or that special someone you want to get closer to. Whether it is a first date, a fifth anniversary or the 50th Valentine’s Day you are spending all loved up a good movie is a great way to connect with your other half. If you choose to stay in and show your Valentine how much you love them, we have compiled a list of our Top Five Films – My Valentine for you to choose from… 1. valentine’s day – It seems obvious but this is a great choice to watch with your Valentine. A brilliant ensemble cast including Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Ann Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Taylor Swift and Ashton Kutcher will have you rooting for love. Their stories collide in several different ways as they try to find the path of

true love. Definitely a top pick for any date night. 2. Friends with benefits – This film is not only very romantic; without the schmaltz; it is also very funny. Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis have brilliant chemistry as the two leads and the film also has a killer soundtrack. This movie answers the age old question of whether or not guys and girls can be just good friends – spoiler alert; it’s unlikely! 3. he’s Just not that into you – If you are staying home with the girls this Valentine’s Day then you cannot go wrong with this laugh-out-loud chick-flick. Another ensemble cast triumph this movie has love and heartache throughout. Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Justin Long, Ben Affleck and Bradley Cooper all-star in this funny, heartwarming tale about why love sometimes doesn’t run that smoothly. 4. Crazy, Stupid, love – One of the most honestly refreshing movies about love over the last 10 years this film will make you laugh and cry. A phenomenal cast including Steve Carell,

Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling and Julianne Moore star in the movie about a man trying to get his mojo back, when all he really wants is his old life. This one will make you think. 5. the notebook – If you in a long-term are relationship the chances are that you have already been made to sit through this Rachel McAdam and Ryan Gosling love story at least once. Prepare to have all the feels as this old time love story moves from the page to the school. Based on the Nicholas Sparks novel this movie may well just be the most watched film on February 14th. Designed to make you fall in love at first sight our Top Five Films – My Valentine are sure to give your significant other; or your first date; a heartfelt Valentine’s Day. There is a lot to love about the February 14th celebration so be sure to make it extra special this year with popcorn, goodies and ice-cream to share throughout the film – guaranteeing an inexpensive, but super thoughtful night-in.

A scene from Friends With Benefits

Deirdre O’Kane at The Civic Theatre - A Review

Family, famous faces and the fate of the country were all in the firing line as Deirdre O’Kane returned to stand-up comedy with a gig at The Civic Theatre recently. Now more readily

recognised for her TV and film roles O’Kane reignited her love affair with the comedy stage – and her “loyal punters” – at the Tallaght venue last week as she began her 1Dee tour. It was clear from the outset

that fans have not forgotten about O’Kane’s stand-up talents with the theatre almost sold-out and the highly rated Colm O’Regan warming up the crowd. O’Regan gave a brilliant, albeit short, performance

lamenting the triumphs and pitfalls of becoming a firsttime father. The Cork man delivers each story with perfectly natural comic timing and enthusiasm and has a manner that makes him a hit with the audience. O’Kane walked out to a roar of approval from the Civic crowd and the Moone Boy star had the audience laughing out loud from the start as she recounted a call from an RTE exec called Maeve who wanted her to record a show. She moved on to her

reasons for returning to the comedy circuit after being “in the kitchen” for years and the particular hang-ups she has about being a stayat-home mother. Her fast-paced, quicktalking, natural comedy style suited the intimate venue, which is ideal for stand-up, really well, giving her the opportunity to chat with the audience about positive affirmations, yoga and living abroad. Although she sometimes forgot what story she was telling and checked her notebook for parts she’d

left out O’Kane had the crowd in the palm of her hand. Her memory loss and ‘sure it will be grand’ attitude are endearing and amusing making it impossible not to laugh at the situations she describes so eloquently and with perfect comic timing. On a couple of occasions O’Kane lost her train of thought before declaring “I’ve been away, but don’t worry lads, I’m still funny” – the truest words she spoke all evening because, above all, O’Kane is really, truly funny.

A story of ghostly friendship, rivalry and the love of the game – Rugby Flyer – written by author and journalist Gerard Siggins will be released on February 15th. The book is a “fast-paced adventure” based around the life of young rugby player Eoin Madden who, as well as having a gift for the game, discovers that he can talk to ghosts. In this fourth installment of books about the promising young player Eoin has some big decisions to make about his future. The proud Munster fan is offered a place at the prestigious Leinster Rugby Youth Academy Summer Camp – dividing his loyalty between his beloved province and the chance to further his playing career. When he finds out that his best friend, Dylan, has earned a place at the Munster Summer Camp the two buddies realise that they may have to face off at the provincial finals in London. However, the pending rivalry is not all that Eoin has to worry about, after receiving a jeweled lucky trinket from his grandfather Eoin discovers that the talisman was once owned by a Russian. Eoin’s grandfather, who also played for Leinster, got the trinket from his neighbor, Mr. Lubov – a name that sparks the youngster’s curiosity. After exploring Mr. Lubov’s abandoned house Eoin meets the ghost of the

Russian man’s nephew, Prince Alex Obolensky, a Russian soldier who played rugby for England but died tragically. The book follows Eoin as he hopes Obolensky will appear to him again so as he can discover the significance of the jewelled trinket from his grandfather. Gerard Siggins, a sports journalist with the Sunday Tribune for many years, has been attending rugby

matches since he was a young boy living in the shadow of Lansdowne Road. The Dublin author has also written three other books about the adventures of Eoin Madden – Rugby Spirit, Rugby Warrior and Rugby Rebel – all of which have been published by The O’Brien Press. Rugby Flyer will be published on Monday, February 15th and will be available for ages 10+.

Rugby Flyer by Gerard Siggins


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a thiRd of paRkeRS NoW chooSe theiR phoNeS oVeR tRaditioNal ‘pay aNd diSplay’ machiNeS

parkbytext™, one of Ireland’s leading mobile parking operator, recorded a whopping 60% increase in 2014 transaction numbers to 530,000 transactions in 2015 , for customers parking by text, app, online or over the phone. Visitor Parking and Virtual Permits issued, mainly staff, residential and student parking, rose 10% to over 270,000 transactions giving an overall total of over 800,000 parking transactions.

On average, 33% of customers choose to park with their phone over traditional ‘pay and display’ machines. Smartphone parking is the most popular method of parking, with an average 50% of customers preferring to pay through parkbytext™. Luas customers are the biggest adopters, with 65% of transactions originating from the app. In regards to

numbers transaction the busiest day of the year was Monday 30th November with the busiest location being Luas Red Cow Park and Ride. The most popular duration with customers is for one day’s parking. 2015 saw a new partnership with Unified Parking Partners in the USA, where parkbytext™ brought cashless parking to the east coast city of Portland, Maine. 2015 also saw the company launch their Corporate Accounts service, offering business clients the facility to manage multiple personal users under the one business account. parkbytext™ provides quick, easy and convenient parking payments in over 300 locations across Ireland, such as Luas and Irish Rail locations. The company operates in a further 125 locations across the UK and USA. Registered users increased 60% in 2015, bringing the total

amount of registered account holders to over 71,000, across all territories. Moore, CEO Jim parkbytext™ has said: “2015 has been a great year for parkbytext™ as we continue our steady growth both in Ireland and overseas. We

our new launched Corporate Account service during the summer and also partnered with UPP to bring the first cashless parking solution to the city of Portland, Maine in the US. 2016 will see a lot of system integrations

with parking operators which will bring greater opportunities to us. We will continue to look at all aspects of our customers offering in order to ensure we provide our customers, and clients, with a world class parking solution”.

fuRtheR motoR iNSuRaNce RiSeS iN 2016 uNNeceSSaRy:

Experts say car insurance premiums rises in 2015 were more than enough to match losses

“Unless there’s a further shock to the market, there shouldn’t any further increases so premiums should remain flat in 2016”

Experts at car insurance specialist coverinaclick.ie say that if insurers are willing to take a fair market approach then car insurance premiums should not rise by any notable amount in 2016. The motor insurance experts say that 2015 saw motor insurance premiums sky-rocket across the board – mostly to allow insurers to recoup losses from claims in 2014. However, they contend that enough is enough where premiums are concerned for 2016.

Jonathan Hehir, Managing Director of www.coverinaclick.ie explained, “According to official figures motor insurance remains the largest class of non-life insurance with total premiums of €1190m – almost half (45%) of all general insurance premiums, so it’s imperative that it performs well for the insurance companies. The total number of new claims notified to Insurance Ireland members in 2014 was 445,505. 57% of these new claims were motor claims.

Jim Moore, CEO of parkbytext, Mr Parker parkbytext mascott and Managing Director Jason Ballard


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Broken down Private Motor generated €896.2m in premiums in 2014, but as claim pay-outs and costs were greater than that insurance companies made a loss of €119.8m which is 13.4% of premiums. So assuming nothing else changed, insurers needed to increase their premiums in 2015 by 13.4% to bring themselves back to breakeven. Maybe add in a few % points for cushioning and profit, and we’re up to an increase of 25% which is roughly what we’ve seen. But as we enter 2016 we firmly believe that, unless there’s a further shock to the market such as higher number of crashes or increased personal injury awards, there shouldn’t any further increases so premiums should remain flat in 2016. The increases to date must be regarded as “full & final” hikes”.

Experts at coverinaclick.ie say that there is a need now for insurers to pause, measure the effect of the recent significant price rises and assess whether they are sufficient rather than rush headlong into a further series of premiums rises. They also believe that 2016 will see significant strides made in developments that could help to bring the cost of car insurance down for safe and compliant drivers.

Jonathan commented, “We welcome the insurers’ initiative to roll out a no-claims bonus cross-checking system which is presently being piloted and enables each insurer to check the authenticity of the paper no-claims bonuses being presented to them. We also understand that the number-plate recognition system presently being trialled by the Gardaí is proving effective in identifying those with fake insurance certificates displayed on their cars. These two initiatives are likely to reduce the overall cost of insurance which is good news for compliant drivers”.

motoring with Newsgroup your fRee local Newspaper

NeW Name SigNalS big chaNgeS at aiRtoN foRd

Same great cars, same great service. That’s the promise as Tallaght Ford, one of the best-established dealerships in the greater Tallaght area, changes its name to Airton Ford over the course of 2016. The name change is part of an expansion of the near-3 acre facility, which has been the home of Tallaght Ford for over 10 years, to include a new dedicated Commercial Centre, offering one of the widest selections of vans anywhere in the country. In addition, November of last year saw the opening of Airton Kia in the same location, bringing an

enhanced range of cars to meet the demands of today’s motorist. The Airton Ford service and bodyshop operation is award-winning, being the first Ford dealership in the capital to be awarded the CSS standard. It is a Ford Approved Accident Repair Centre. With car sales booming, it is a fitting time to be ringing in such changes. “We’ve now got a wider selection of cars to offer our customers than we’ve ever had, and a dedicated commercial centre to cater for the specific requirements of the van operator, “ explains

Paul Molloy of Airton Ford. So what car is really taking off with the customers this year? The Ford Kuga smart utility vehicle comes to mind. The top of the range Kuga Titanium+ offers hitech features such as Ford SYNC with 8-inch touchscreen, rear parking sensors, hands-free tailgate, partial leather trim, keyless entry, and roof rails. As part of the Ford 2016 Real Deal promotion, the Kuga Titanium+ is available for €28,595*, a reduction of almost €5,000. See airton.ie *plus related charges.

At €28,595*, the Ford Kuga Titanium+ improving a big hit this year.



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uSi lauNcheS theiR Shag Week campaigN to pRomote gettiNg teSted aNd coNSeNt aS figuReS ShoW a RiSe iN StiS aNd Sexual aSSaultS

The Union of Students in Ireland will launch its SHAG week campaign across the country in 6 different colleges (NUIG, NCI, IT Carlow, GMIT, DKIT and IADT) from next Monday the 8th February, with two key messages – to get tested and to ask for consent, after a survey published in December 2015 showed an increase of STIs in Ireland by 4% and the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre reported an

increase in rapes and sexual assaults.

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre said the victims of recent rape and sexual assault went up to 303 in 2015, from 221 in 2014, but only 1 in 10 are reported. This figure is only for the Rotunda hospital where the sexual assault treatment unit (SATU) is located which covers the Dublin and Leinster area. There are 6


units in the country Dublin, Cork, Galway, Donegal, Limerick and Mullingar. The report showing the increase in STIs in Ireland was published 2nd Dec 2015 by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and the HSE. This report was prepared by Gillian Cullen and Dr Derval Igoe and showed that in 2014, there were 12,626 notifications of Transmitted Sexually

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***ShowhouSE Condition! Sun-drEnChEd tErraCE! Small, ExCluSivE bloCK oF only 4 apartmEntS! dESiGnatEd Car SpaCE! FittEd wardrobES! riGht bESidE Citywest buSinESS CampuS and brown'S barn! only €169,950?! rE/max*** Ronan Healy is delighted to present to the market the stunning No.2 Silken Park Apartments, Citywest.

This two bedroom, ground floor apartment comes to the market in fantastic condition throughout. The property is beautifully finished with wooden flooring and stylish decor. Its spacious living area with fully fitted kitchen, also comes with the added benefit of a south facing, sun-drenched terrace area & designated car parking space!

Silken Park is an extremely well built development, lying just on the fringe of Citywest Business Campus and Brown's Barn. It is a safe, quiet and picturesque area, with only a short walk to local shops and restaurants, as well as the classy Citywest Shopping Centre. 5 mins drive takes you down the Naas Rd and onto the M50, while Dublin City Centre and Airport can be reached in about 20 mins.

Accommodation briefly comprises: Large living/dining area, two double bedrooms (master ensuite, fitted wardrobes), family bathroom and storage. Terrace area off the living room.

this is a beautiful, turn-key apartment, for first time buyers and investors alike.

Infections (STIs) in Ireland, an increase of 4% compared to 2013. The most commonly diagnosed STI was Chlamydia, with 6,695 notifications in 2014. The burden of STIs remains greatest among those aged 15 - 24 year olds. “USI’s SHAG week campaign has two core messages – for students and young people to go get tested and to ask for consent.” Kevin Donoghue, President of the Union of Students in Ireland, said, "We are reminding students that they must look after their sexual health. This means getting tested regularly and using condoms and dental dams to protect themselves from the risk of contracting an STI. Getting tested is quick, painless and usually free! The reported increase in rapes and sexual assaults in Ireland is very worrying. Research shows that only 1 in 10 cases are reported. What’s even more worrying is this figure is for the Rotunda hospital alone.” USI is delighted to have organiSations such as SpunOut, HIV Irland, Aids West and Well Woman Centre onboard for the 2016 SHAG week. “We want to open up dialogue and provide students with the language and information that is needed in relation to sexual consent.” Donoghue said, “Initiatives such as the proposed consent workshops

in Trinity College Dublin are very important in empowering young people and changing attitudes about what is and is not appropriate behaviour for all students."

“The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre commends USI for their initiatives in the area of prevention of sexual violence through their campaigns, particularly the Something and Say

#AskConsent Campaigns during SHAG week.” Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, CEO of the DRCC, said “We hope they get the support they need from both the college authorities and from the students themselves. The recent conversations about sexual consent and the need for on-going age-related programmes from early childhood to third level institutions are very welcome.”

oN the dRy

Comedian Fred Cooke empties his pockets as he puts his money in a jar held by joined by Fionnuala Short. Fred is calling on people to cash in their pledges of support after an alcohol-free month of being On The Dry in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation. The push is now on to flex those fundraising muscles and call in support promises to raise vital funds to prevent heart disease and stroke. www.onthedry.ie. (Photo: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland)

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