Rathcoole & Saggart News

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ratHCoole & saggart

Illegal fIreworks removal a prIorIty

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15TH oCT. 2012 P.o. Box 3430, TALLAGHT, DUBLIn 24 TeL: 451 3822 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe has welcomed assurances from the Garda Authorities at a meeting of the local Dublin Bus/LUAS Community Forum, that they will be prioritising the recovery of illegal fireworks in the run up to Halloween. Crowe said that the misuse and distribution of illegal fireworks was rife in the Tallaght and its hinterland The Garda in attendence at the Forum said that many of the fireworks were lethal concotions and caused countless serious injuries including the loss of eyesight, fingers and

severe burns every year. Deputy Seán Crowe said “I welcome the assurances from the Garda Authorities at the Dublin Bus/ LUAS Community Forum that they will be prioritising the recovery of illegal fireworks in the run up to the celebration of Halloween.” Bus and LUAS representatives outlined the difficulties of running a gauntlet of these fireworks and the obvious inherent risks involved. Too many people including children are seriously injured every year from these fireworks, with some

for life, maimed including the loss of eyesight, their fingers and suffering third degree burns. “A lot of positive work has been carried out over the last number of years to deal with the issue of selling illegal fireworks. The Garda response to these lethal fireworks and have not even the most minimum safety measures taken into account in their design. This is not a killjoy approach to Halloween festivities, but the right thing to do. The fireworks and bangers terrify animals,damage property, disturb sleep

and can distract drivers and cause countless accidents every year. Those making a profit from selling these items, have a total disregard for the community and should cease immediately. “Parents need to be extremely vigilant that their children are not handling or let near these fireworks, both for their own safety and the safety of others in the community “The community need to send a clear signal to those that sell illegal fireworks, it is not acceptable and that any information on selling them will be responded to by the Garda Authorities.”


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tallagHt HospItal ‘tICks all tHe Boxes’ apart from Not BeINg IN mINIster’s CoNstItueNCy


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Mick Murphy, Socialist Party / United Left public Alliance representative for Dublin South West and long standing member

of the Tallaght Hospital Action Group today commented on the on-going scandal around the location of the new national

Children’s hospital. “People in Tallaght and South West Dublin have reacted with fury at the notion that a site that ticks none of the boxes but is in the Minister’s constituency has been short listed ahead of Tallaght hospital. "How could Tallaght Hospital not be shortlisted? It offers tri-location (General Hospital with teaching, Children Hospital and Maternity when the

Coombe re locates), most of the specialities, all the possible transport links, lots of land including the old Malruan’s site beside the Hospital and no likely planning issues as it is surrounded by similar scale buildings and is zoned for this.

“one of the four sites shortlisted out of 43 submissions has none of these things but is in the Ministers Constituency! It looks

like the political interference which dogged the Mater site as a location is now at play again on at least two of the four sites shortlisted. It looks like people power will have to be brought to bear again on this matter.”

“It is now clear that none of the main parties either in this Government or the last one can be trusted to make a decision like this on impartial

New greyouND prICe plaN Just aNotHer prICe HIke for soutH DuBlIN

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money nor does it encourage residents to recycle or compost. Thanks to Greyhound we will see increased illegal dumping on our streets in South Dublin, this is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.” “I am calling on residents to use common sense and to find the best value for money from numerous waste collectors throughout South Dublin.” Cllr Trevor Gilligan concluded.

grounds. The review group should publish all of their criterion immediately and the running order for the sites. Let the decision

be based on that assessment rather than on what is clearly another attempt at a political stroke” Mr Murphy said.

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DuBlIN mID-west lIve regIster up 10% sINCe septemBer 2011


Your FREE Local Newspaper

Figures released from the CSo show that the of people number signing on in Clondalkin and Lucan has risen by 10% since September 2011. In September 2012 there were 9,157 people signing on. The figure for September 2011 was 9,197. However 1,062 people were transferred from Clondalkin to the Tallaght live register in october 2011, so when these are taken into account the number of people living in Clondalkin and Lucan signing on rises to 10,219, indicating a 10%

increase between September 2011 and September 2012. Sinn Féin Dublin Mid-West representative eoin Ó Broin has accused the Government of ‘ignoring the growing unemployment crisis in Clondalkin and Lucan.’ Ó Broin said: ‘Figures released by the CSo show that the number of people signing on in Clondalkin and Lucan has increased by 10% in the last twelve months. This is in stark contrast to the state wide figures which show no significant change in the last year.

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‘The unemployment crisis in Dublin Mid-West is getting worse and the government just don’t seem to care. They are more concerned with imposing cuts to home helps and children’s benefit than they are in tackling the jobs crisis. ‘For the last twelve months Sinn Féin has been calling for urgent action and investment from Government to create jobs. Unfortunately our calls have fallen on deaf ears. only when the Government starts to invest in projects to get people off the dole and

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back into work will we seen any improvement in the live register figures. ‘Later this month Sinn Féin will be launching detailed and costed proposals for job creation across the country. We will be presenting these to the relevant Departments for consideration. ‘The Government claims that it does not have the resources to invest in job creation programmes. This is not true. only this week the Fine Gael and Labour allowed AIB to pay an unguaranteed and unsecured bondholder

€1billion of tax-payers money. This money in the originated national Pension Reserve Fund and was given to AIB last July. The fact that this money was used to pay off private banking debt rather than invested in jobs says a lot about the priorities of the Government. ‘Until we see a change of direction at the heart of the Fine Gael Labour coalition we will see any not improvement in the unemployment situation in Lucan and Clondalkin.’

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This Halloween, Cow & Gate is inviting parents from all over Ireland to get involved and help raise funds for our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin’s cardiac and cancer care wards. Launching the Cow and Gate Spooky Smiles for Crumlin fundraising initiative are supermodel Alison Canavan with Clare Dooley (4) and Lauren Heary (4). To get involved, just plan a sponsored Halloween party and Cow & Gate will send you on a party pack to help you on your way. There’s also a fun Facebook app at www.facebook.com/cowandgateireland that will let you ‘spookify’ your little party goer and share the picture with your friends. Cow & Gate will donate €1 for each person that uses the app. If you’re planning a monster mash or a pumpkin princess party, just check out www.smilesforcrumlin.ie for more details on how to make a difference to the lives of Ireland’s youngest patients this Halloween. (Picture Jason Clarke Photography)


aBout turN oN property tax

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Sinn Féin representative Seán Crowe TD has accused Fianna Fail of doing an about turn following the launch of their Wrong Tax Wrong Time against campaign property tax. Deputy Seán Crowe said “U turns, about turns, no left turns and not forgetting it surely must be our turn again, seems to be order of the day when it comes to Fianna Fail.

If there were in government does anyone really believe that this unfair and damaging tax would not have already been introduced.” Féin has “Sinn consistently opposed the introduction of a property tax. In our opinion it will increase the financial hardship of hundreds of thousands of families. It will push tens of thousands into serious

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mortgage distress and significantly increase levels of poverty. It will also damage the domestic economy by reducing consumer spending. This will lead to more job losses. “Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin has ahard neck launching a campaign against the of a introduction property tax in 2013. Sure we all know that if his party was in government this tax would have been introduced at the drop of a hat. “It was a Fianna Fail Government that negotiated the first Memorandum of Understanding with the Troika. "That lousy agreement contained a clear commitment to introduce a property tax for budget 2012 as part of a revenue raising package of €1.6bn. “And funny enough Fianna Fail’s 2012 pre-budget submission included a proposal for a property tax to raise

€120 million. “This campaign launch is typical of Fianna Fail in opposition. Trying to reinvent themselves, they are constantly opposing things they did, or agreed to do when in Government, and criticising the current Government for continuing the failed social and economic policies they they actually pioneered. “Fianna Fail has absolutely no credibility when it comes to issues such as the property tax. “People should not be fooled by this kind of stroke politics. It has been the hallmark of Fianna Fail for many years and despite all their claims to the contrary is central to their style of politics today. “We believe is a better and fairer way to solve the state’s economic problems We can start by abandoning the failed policies of austerity slavishly followed by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour.”

loCal sCHools eNCourageD to eNter NewgraNge wINter solstICe CompetItIoN

Local Fine Gael TD and Minister of State with responsibility for the oPW, Brian Hayes has announced major changes for the Winter Solstice in newgrange Chamber on December 21st. Minister Hayes stated “Admission to newgrange on December 21st has been traditionally done from a draw – entered by thousands of people around the world. This year alone there were 30,000 entrants, proof

of the enduring popularity of this amazing annual cultural showpiece.” Minister Hayes continued, “This year however I have reduced the number of tickets in the draw and will instead offer six lucky school children along with their parent/guardian the opportunity to enter newgrange Chamber and witness this spectacular event. In order to enter the competition the oPW

will be running an Art Competition for school children aged 10 years and over.” Minister Hayes concluded. “I have today wrote to all local primary schools encouraging them to participate in this competition. It would be great to have a local person present to witness this event.” Pictured is Minister Brian Hayes at Newgrange announcing the change to the Winter Solstice.

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make sure you CaN vote yes to proteCt vulNeraBle CHIlDreN oN NovemBer 10tH 8

Fine Gael TD for Dublin South West and Minister of State, Brian Hayes has urged everyone across Dublin South West to vote Yes in the Children’s Referendum on november 10th to help protect vulnerable children from harm. Minister Hayes added that now is the time to make sure you are registered to vote.

“There is just over a week left to get your name on the Supplementary Register, if you are not already registered to vote. You can check online at www.checktheregister.i e or contact South Dublin County Council

Your FREE Local Newspaper

to see if you are on this year’s register. If not, you have until october 23rd to send in an application or apply online to be added to the Supplementary Register. “Students and other groups have long campaigned for and referendums elections to be held on a Saturday; so now is their time to make sure their voices are heard. By voting Yes on november 10th you can help to ensure that children at risk are protected from harm. This is our chance to make a clear statement about how we value our children. “everyone agrees that

the family home is the best place for children. But in a small number of cases, this is unfortunately not the case, and children can be at risk in their own home. This Referendum sets out how the State can intervene in exceptional cases where there is clear evidence of abuse to help these children and act in their best interests. The proposed amendment also clearly states that any action must be proportionate to the risks of the child. It will mean we will be able to support families at an early stage to help keep children in the home and out of care.

“Many people are unaware that under our existing law, children be treated can differently in adoption, depending on the marital status of their parents. By voting Yes you can ensure that all children are treated equally in adoption, and given the same chance to live in a safe and loving home. This will also help children stuck in limbo in long-term foster care, who want to be adopted but are restricted by the current system. “After 17 reports on child protection failings over the last 20 years, we now all have a chance to make a

difference on Saturday november 10th and vote Yes to protect

children and support families. I’m asking everyone across Dublin

South West to play their part and make their voice heard.”

aN exCItINg year aHeaD for soutH DuBlIN tHe gatHerINg DuBlIN 2013

South Dublin County Tourism Ltd in partnership with South Dublin County Council, Fingal Leader Partnership and The Gathering Ireland will host 25 international tournaments and competitions throughout 2013 through sport and culture as part of the biggest tourism initiative to take place in Ireland under the Gathering Ireland 2013.

South Dublin County, which is now recognised as a leading sports and events destination in Ireland, is proud to have Tallaght Stadium, national Basketball Arena, national Baseball Facility, Peamount United Football Grounds and Citywest Hotel and Convention Centre as key venues participating in the local initiative - The Gathering Dublin 2013. All venues and sports partners have a strong and established reputation in hosting international teams and

are looking forward to welcoming the teams to the county next year. Approximately 30,000 additional visitors will visit the county in 2013 and the series of tournaments will attract in excess of €50 million into the local economy of South Dublin County. Lead agency, South Dublin County Tourism is delighted with the support from local agencies and sports bodies. Having held in excess of 50 community based meetings Managing Director, Gail McGibbon said ‘From the beginning of this project in 2011, we were amazed at the positive response, the offers of assistance and most importantly the fantastic level of cooperation and support from all involved to make this ambition a reality’. The Gathering Dublin 2013 will focus primarily on the US and UK market and is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the county and the sporting

facilities. Tournaments include American Football, Baseball, Cricket, Football, Bridge, Poker, Irish Dancing and much more! events start in February with Feis Cluain Dolcáin The Gathering Dublin and ending with an international art competition running across 15 countries in october 2013.

Michael Ring TD Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Sport & Tourism, a strong supporter of this initiative, launched the year long activity on the 3rd of october 2012. Mayor of South Dublin Cllr. Cathal King commented ‘South Dublin County is very proud of the unique association we have here with sport and complimented the work, support and dedication of all parties in creating a unique programme to run throughout 2013’.

CHoICe of 8 DIffereNt skIp sIzes avaIlaBle

Pictured at The Gathering Dublin launch were members of the American Football Teams, Billy Coman, South Dublin County Council and Minister Michael Ring TD

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DowDs HaIls relauNCH of 'CrImestoppers-DIal to stop Drug DealINg' IN CloNDalkIN

Labour TD Robert Dowds has hailed the relaunch of "Crimestoppers-Dial to Stop Drug Dealing" Clondalkin at the South Dublin County Council offices in Clondalkin last week. The launch of the service was conducted by the Clondalkin Drugs Task

Force and is supported by the Department of Justice, An Garda Síochána, the Department of Health, the VFI and An Post. The Crimestoppers confidential hotline is 1800 25 00 25. A reward is offered in certain cases. Robert Dowds said: "I

am very pleased that we had the opportunity to relaunch the anti-drug dealing Crimestoppers in Clondalkin. I am appalled at the damage which drugs and drug addiction cause in every community, not just Clondalkin. The people who deal in



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drugs are enemies of the community, and the destruction which they cause to children, families, teenagers and society in general is enormous. I would encourage anyone with information about drug dealing to contact Crimestoppers on 1800 25 00 25."

"I want to commend the work of Derek Byrne, Sandra Mullen, Tara Wheaton and everyone in the Clondalkin Drugs Task Force for their superb efforts to tackle drug issues in our community. I am very supportive of their work, and on behalf of the community, I want

to thank them for everything they do." "I think it is obvious to anyone who has come across drug abuse that it is a truly horrific affliction, and anyone who makes money by promoting destructive substances deserves to have the full force of the Gardaí and the law

put upon them. I have myself come across countless cases of families who have been torn apart by drug addiction. I would again urge everyone to help the Gardaí to tackle drug dealing in our own community by calling the Crimestoppers confidential hotline."

The HSe cuts to home help hours are illogical and untenable. If these cuts go through, and when added to the cuts implemented in January, it will result in just under 1 million hours of home help support being withdrawn in this year alone. This will devastate the prospect of safe ageing at home. not only are the cuts themselves a backwards step in terms of safe and healthy ageing, they also make no sense from an administrative or care management perspective. Director of older &

Bolder, Ms. Patricia Conboy today said, “The HSe has pre-determined that €8 million will be cut from home help services before the end of the year. To say that the assessment process is based on ‘a review of individual needs’ is misleading at best. The outcome has been decided before the needs of any individual have been considered. She added: “The whole approach is not feasible. Just how is the HSe going to engage efficiently and humanely in the individualised assessment of

11,000,000 Home Help Hours?” Speaking about those reliant on Home Help Hours Ms. Conboy said: “The HSe’s statement fails to reassure those already in receipt of services that their hours will not be reduced, only that they will not “be without a service”. She added: “Those who are on waiting lists will be legitimately fearful about the refusal of much-needed help. People who are vulnerable due to illness, frailty and disability need clarity and re-assurance not the promise of

in the assessment absence of clear guidelines and a transparent assessment process”.

€8 mIllIoN Cut to Home Help Hours wIll Devastate tHe prospeCt of safe ageINg at Home


Ms. Conboy concluded: “Irish people understand that these cuts will devastate the prospect of safe and healthy ageing at home. Thousands have acted through constituency visits, postcard petitions and online action in pursuit of our campaign goal that these cuts to Home Help and Home Care Packages be reversed. We are determined to resist these illogical cuts”.

fItzgeralD welComes reteNtIoN of BalDoNNel

Local T.D and Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald T.D., has welcomed the confirmation by Minister for Justice Alan Shatter that Baldonnel will continue to be the centre of military aviation in Ireland. “I know that there has been concern locally in newcastle about the future of Casement Aerodrome in Baldonnel. I am glad that Minister Shatter has confirmed that he has no plans to alter the status of Baldonnel as the principal base of the Irish Air Corps,” said Fitzgerald.

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on Halloween Night remember to join tHe HauNteD Your FREE Local Newspaper

Halloween celebrations will take place in South Dublin County on october 31st between 5-7pm in Tallaght and north Clondalkin. These celebrations will provide a fun filled spectacle for families in a safe environment.

“THe HAUnTeD” will celebrations involve over 200 young people from Tallaght and Clondalkin who will create artistic pieces in arts and performance workshops to display on Halloween night. There will be a parade in Tallaght and a pageant in north Clondalkin with celebration of dance and music, games at both events.

The Mayor Cathal King visited Dominic’s Community Centre and took part in a HAUnTeD workshop. “I am delighted to take part in preparing for the HAUnTeD – I am looking forward to seeing all of these wonderful pieces in the parade. Halloween is a special time of the year – the

HAUnTeD is a learning opportunity and a celebration. As Mayor of South Dublin County I want everyone to have a safe and happy Halloween – don’t provide material for think of bonfires, others and come out and see these artists display their scary artistic pieces. I am looking forward to the HAUnTeD”

To reduce the amount of material available for bonfires, the Council in conjunction with CCRI in the lead up to Halloween are encouraging households to recycle Weee (Waste and electronic electrical) materials that’s anything with a battery or a plug, in a safe and legal way. If you would like to organise a collection for your area, contact Una at unaccri@eircom.net or on 01 4578321. There will also be a free Weee collection day provided by Weee Ireland on 27th october at Powercity Fonthill 10am -4pm.

Free access to Civic Amenity Ballymount on Saturday 27th october will also be available to residents of South Dublin County on of the production Halloween postcard which will be distributed to all households in early october.

This year the Bulbs not Bonfires is part of the Social Credits Scheme. This initiative provides communities with flowers in the Spring instead of having a scarred open space through the year. Please apply for the initiative through the social credits scheme

on www.socialcredits.ie, the closing date of Friday 19th october 2012 South Dublin County Council encourages everyone to join in the Halloween celebrations and support a Safe and Happy Halloween.

The Mayor Cathal King visited Dominic’s Community Centre and took part in a HAUNTED workshop


CommuNIty orgaNIsatIoNs IN tallagHt promote New INItIatIve for moNey maNagemeNt

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tHomas DavIs laDIes gaelIC footBall pICk up tHeIr tesCo CHeque

Pictured are Carol O’Donnell, Sarah Roche and Rosemary Deasy (club chairperson of ladies football) of Thomas Davis Ladies GAA being presented with a cheque to the value of €500 from Chris Nolan, Tesco Tallaght Store Manager, in honour of their recent victory in the Tesco Homegrown Dublin Junior Championship Final. Tesco are delighted to again sponsor the Dublin Club Championships this year, alongside their existing sponsorships within Ladies Gaelic Football.

NatIoNal stammerINg awareNess Day 2012

The sixth national Stammering Awareness Day will be held in the Ashling Hotel, Parkgate Street, Dublin 8 (adjacent to Heuston Station and LUAS) on Saturday 20th of october between 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

A number of community organisations in Tallaght have joined together to promote a new initiative for people who have not managed their money through a bank account in the past. Called a "Standard Bank Account" (SBA). It is available to those 18 years of age or over who have no existing current account or who have not had an active current account in the last three years. It can be opened in a person’s own name or with someone else (who hasn’t had a bank account in the last three years). Full details of the SBA are available at the AIB, Bank of Ireland and permanent tsb banks in Tallaght. Pictured discussing details of the Standard Bank Account are, left to right: Ciara Halpin, permanent tsb; John McCormac, Respond; Aoife Ryan, Allied Irish Bank; Michael Boyle, SVP, Tallaght and

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Jennifer Peelo, Bank of Ireland, For those who have not managed their money through a bank in the past a Standard Bank Account will make it easier to manage household bills and use a debit card rather than carrying cash. The pilot scheme, which in addition to Tallaght is also being rolled out in new Ross, Co. Wexford and the Tullamore, County offaly. It is part of a Government-backed strategy to address financial exclusion in Ireland and is being managed by The Financial Inclusion Working Group, chaired by the Department of Finance. The Group also includes of representatives national nGos (including one Family and SVP) as well Department of Social Protection, the banks involved and statutory bodies including MABS and the national Consumer Agency. The

experience of the pilot will inform the account design and roll-out of a basic bank account product to all eligible people in the state at some point during 2013.

A spokesperson for nGos on the Working Group, John-Mark McCafferty of the Society of St Vincent De Paul (SVP) stated, ‘our ultimate goal is to reduce financial exclusion and the negative effects that it has on people’s lives.

Giving people access to the Standard Bank Account is seen as the first step in that process.’ John-Mark added, ‘The account will make banking more accessible to those who have traditionally not opened bank accounts.’ More information including a ‘Guide to the Standard Bank Account’ can be found on www.financialeducatio n.ie/standardbankacco unt

Pictured discussing details of the Standard Bank Account are, left to right: Ciara Halpin, permanent tsb; John McCormac, Respond; Aoife Ryan, Allied Irish Bank; Michael Boyle, SVP, Tallaght and Jennifer Peelo, Bank of Ireland

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Cllr welComes support for graDual BaN oN alCoHol spoNsorsHIp for sport


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NoveNas NoveNas NoveNas

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. EOR

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. R.L.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. E.B.

MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. never known to fail. k.M.

PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to have your novena published please make a donation to our selected charity. Send a postal order or cheque made payable to Solas Centre (NCBI) and send, along with your novena to: Newsgroup, PO Box 3430, Tallaght, Dublin 24. If you require any further information call us on 01 4519000.

Councillor Éamonn Walsh (Tallaght Central) (FF) has welcomed the support of the majority of South Dublin Co Council colleagues (14 votes to 10) on a ban on alcohol sport sponsorship. The Joint oireachtas Committee dealing with this issue on alcohol abuse comprises representatives of all the major parties. Councillor Walsh says ‘Disappointingly, however, despite this strong senior government representation, all of the Fine Gael members voted against the Motion and many Labour councillors did so also.’ Walsh says advertisers are well aware of the power of advertising and the subliminal message that alcohol sponsorship of sport sends out.

Sponsorship by alcohol companies of various sports to a point where a particular brand is associated with a particular trophy in a sport which is followed avidly by schoolchildren, may encourage early experimentation with alcohol by those youngsters. The office of Tobacco Control estimated that there was an illegal market of €145m in alcohol consumption by minors.

In 2009 it was found that €2.5 billion is lost through absenteeism and health costs as a result of alcohol abuse. The exchequer receives only €1bn euro in tax revenue to offset this financial cost, leaving aside the human cost.

As a Councillor I hear constant stories of broken trees, seating, arson of public property and the disturbance and terrorising of older people by drunken youths. Most of these crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol’.

This proposed ban is only one of a suite of measures needed to combat this problem.

Walsh praises the role of the GAA with their ASAP programme which is designed to assist players and supporters in clubs throughout Ireland to control their drinking without being sanctimonious or ‘preachy’. Walsh says ‘The link between sport and alcohol needs to be phased out and the government should stick to its 2016 target date and not kneeling and bowing to the drinks industry.’

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Pictured are pupils from St. Brigid's Girls' National School, Palmerstown. The children, with teachers Claire Fitzpatrick, and special needs assistants Rita Fitzpatrick and Fiona Measey, spent quite some time visiting Leinster House, including Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann, and put the learned usher to the test with some very difficult questions during the educational and historical tour that was organised by Derek Keating TD.

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New JuNIor CyCle puts stuDeNts at Its Heart

The Irish Second-level Students’ Union (ISSU) has warmly welcomed the details of Junior Cycle Reform. The changes will put the student at the centre of their own education, and go a long way to ensuring that learning outcomes rather than exam performance are

the main focus of junior cycle education in Ireland for years to come. The presence of english, Irish, Maths and Science as standardised tests will ensure that at it's core, the new Junior Cycle will preserve academic integrity, and it provides

The Legal Column

least the facts are recorded and details taken so that at a later date, the claim can easily be processed. our advice in all these situations, is to take legal advice early and give particulars. You are within the time limit to commence a claim but as it can take some time to obtain an initial medical report, which is a requirement of registering a claim then, we would suggest that you go to see your solicitor as soon as possible. Q I had an accident at work some time ago and was out sick for two months. I am back at work now and although I am not recovered, I am nervous about taking a claim as I am afraid that I might lose my job. I have been in the job for over six years. Could I lose my job if I take a claim?

In this month’s edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, answers more readers’ legal queries. This issue they centre around various types of personal injuries which can occur and whether or not claims arise therefrom. We hope you find them helpful. Further queries can be directed to: Romaine Scally & Co. Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 4599506 Fax: 01 4599510 Email: legal@scally.ie Web: www.romainescally.ie

Q I was involved in an accident just over a year ago now. At the time I did not pursue any claim as I felt that I was alright. Now however, I am aware that I have a fairly constant pain in my neck which is interfering with my day to day life. It was a road traffic accident I was involved in and I did take details. Is it too late to make a claim?

A It is important to remember that in all cases of accidents causing personal injury, a claim must be initiated within TWo YeARS oF THe DATe on WHICH THe ACCIDenT oCCURReD. It is also a requirement that a letter of claim be issued by a claimant to the person he or she feels is responsible for the accident within TWo MonTHS of the date upon which the accident occurred. Such a letter of claim will normally be drafted by a solicitor. However, there is flexibility about the letter of claim being issued within the two months but there is no FLexIBILITY about the claim being initiated within two years from the date of the event.

In short, it is advisable that you contact your solicitor as soon as possible after an accident. Your solicitor does not necessarily need to start a claim on your behalf if you do not feel that it is appropriate at that time. However, at

a clear statement on the importance of science in addition to the traditional core subjects of english, Irish and Maths. ISSU education officer, Brendan Power said: “The new Junior Cycle has the capacity to revolutionise the educational experience of

A As you have been with your employers for such a long period of time, then, any attempt to dismiss you could be construed as an unfair dismissal which in itself would give rise to a claim for compensation. This is quite separate and apart from any claim for personal injuries.

Your employer will undoubtedly have recorded the accident and may already have notified the details of same to it’s insurance company. As such, a claim may well be anticipated. You do not go into any detail regarding the circumstances of your accident and you would need to discuss same in some detail with your solicitor. However, assuming that this was an accident which should not have happened within the workplace and has caused you personal injuries then, you do have the right to claim against your employer. You must initiate the claim within two years from the date of the accident and it is important to allow your solicitor plenty of time to take details and obtain an initial medical report. It would be unusual if your employer decided to dismiss you simply because you initiated a claim. You are protected by the law and if your employer takes legal advice they will be so informed. our advice therefore is to go to your solicitor and give particulars and commence an action for personal injuries arising out of your accident at work.

Q I was at a funfair with my children recently when one of the rides stopped very suddenly without any warning causing my neck to jerk violently forward. I have been to my doctor and he tells me that I actually have a whiplash type injury. would I have any claim?

A From what you describe, it seems as if you would have a perfectly good cause of action against this funfair. on the basis that the ride stopped without any warning before slowing down then, this was

definitely something which was likely to cause injury to persons on the ride. It is often difficult to get the correct name of the company running these temporary summer funfairs so it is very important that you consult your solicitor as soon as possible with as many details as you have to allow him or her to commence the process of bringing a claim. Remember that to successfully register a claim, the correct person/body/corporate entity must be sued and in cases like this, it can take some time to correctly identify the appropriate Defendant. If you have kept your entry tickets, then you should bring them with you to your solicitor together with any other literature advertising the funfair. This will assist him or her in making the initial enquiries to prepare the initiating letter of claim. We would suggest that you consult your solicitor as soon as possible. Q I was on a guided tour with my family of a local tower recently. The tower was undergoing renovations and when we moved off the temporary platform, some of the old flooring gave way underneath some of us. I lost my balance falling forward and hitting my head against a stone wall. would I have any claim?

A once guided tours are offered of any monument then, a certain responsibility is assumed by the organisation running these tours. In most local authority areas, guided tours such as this are set up during the summer months. Health and Safety is of paramount importance and it sounds as if this particular monument was not ready for visitors. It would be important to ascertain in more detail how your accident actually occurred but from what you say, it sounds as if the fault was at the hands of the organisers in allowing tours to continue during the renovation work or at least before the work was completed. You should consult with your solicitor who will initiate a claim on your behalf. You should also ensure that you go to see your doctor before you go to your solicitor to ensure that the injuries are recorded. If you have details in relation to the tour including the name and address of whoever organised same, then this would be very helpful for your solicitor. It does seem however as if you have a genuine claim for personal injuries against the organisers of this event. Q we went on holiday this June to wexford and booked two weeks accommodation together with a weekly cleaning service through an

future second-level students in Ireland. I firmly believe that the new Junior Cycle will result in a more practical and functional education for students and prepare them for life and future education, rather than train them for exams”.

by Romaine Scally

agent. we brought my husband’s mother with us. She is quite elderly. She was sitting on a wooden seat in the garden which collapsed under her. It turns out that it was very dilapidated. we brought my mother-in-law for a check-up and although she was only cut and bruised, she has not been the same since. Her confidence seems to be badly affected. would she have a claim for personal injuries?

A Your mother would most certainly have a cause of action against the travel agent arising out of the faulty seat. These types of accidents can badly affect anyone’s confidence but particularly older people. Again, you need to make a written complaint to the tour agent or operator with whom you booked the holiday. If your mother-in-law is then in agreement, you should take her to a local Solicitor who will take instructions and pursue the matter on her behalf.

Q we are just back from a family holiday in County Clare. we all stayed in a hotel on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis. Unfortunately, I got a bad dose of food poisoning from shellfish on the last night and was very sick for several days afterwards requiring me to go to the doctor and take medication. would I have any cause of action against the hotel?

A This was a most unfortunate end to your holiday and could so easily have been avoided. Assuming that the bout of food poisoning can be directly connected with your meal in the hotel then certainly, you have a cause of action against the hotel itself. You do not need to have booked through a travel agent or tour operator. It will be necessary to obtain a medical report detailing the nature of the illness, the medication prescribed and the prognosis. In the meantime, however, it would be worth putting the complaint in writing to the hotel as soon as possible to ensure that they have some time to investigate the incident. It would be important in any event that the hotel would look as soon as possible at their practices and procedures within the kitchen to avoid a repeat of such an unwelcome incident for all concerned. My advice therefore is to talk to your local Solicitor as soon as possible.

roMaine scally & co, solicitors operate a FREE LEGAL ADVICE CLINIC on the second Wednesd ay from 2.00pm until 6.00p of every month m at in Main Street, Tallaght, their offices Dublin 24. NEXT CLINIC: WED. 14TH NOV. No Appointment is ne We look forward to answ cessary. ering your legal queries in person.

romaine scally is the principal in the firm of roMaine scally and coMPany solicitors Main street tallaght, dublin 24 tel 4599506 faX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie


INCreasINg ComplaINts meaN It’s tIme to legIslate for CHuggers

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repak reCyClINg awarDs 2012

St. Brigid’s national School is a 29 teacher school in Brookfield in Tallaght, South Dublin with 341 pupils. Following a thorough review of their waste situation they began working towards applying for a Green Flag for their school. They analysed all the different types of waste being produced in the school, what was being recycled already and what could be recycled. They made huge changes in the school following their review such as bin spot checks, teacher quotas for photocopying, double sided printing, food waste monitoring, composting and recycling. They have dramatically reduced their waste going to landfill from 45 black sacks a week in 2007 to just 1 in 2011, along with a massive increase in recycling levels and composting. other positive impacts for the school were increased involvement with parents and the wider community and more awareness around healthy eating for the students. The school were a very deserving recipient of their first Green Flag in May 2012. Congratulations to Deirdre Quinn, Green-Schools Coordinator and the committee for a job well done! Pictured at the Repak Recycling Awards 2012 ceremony (from left to right) are Cathy Baxter, An Taisce (sponsor), Deirdre Quinn, Ian Fallon, Mahima Singh and Breege Boyle, all from St. Brigids

Following a meeting of the Dublin City Joint Policing Committee, Fine Gael Dublin South east Senator, Catherine noone, highlighted the ongoing problems being experienced by businesses and shoppers by chuggers*. It was agreed at the meeting that chugging was acting as an annoyance to the general public to a significant degree with the practice having a potential impact on businesses in the city centre. “I’ve highlighted this issue a number of times before and am not surprised that it continues to be an issue that people are bringing to me. There was broad agreement at the Dublin City Joint Policing Committee meeting this week that legislation is needed in

this area. “There have been voluntary codes of conduct imposed to deal with this issue in the past. However, their effectiveness seems to vary depending on the charity, and it is clear that some charities are not adhering to them with Gardai having been involved in several cases, all of which negatively impact the entire charitable sector. “Unfortunately it’s the case that the status quo suits one or two companies, who make a profit from the business of charitable fundraising. However, Joint Policing the Committee meeting confirmed to me that increasing numbers of incidents are being reported to Gardaí and that the problem is

being acknowledged at this stage. It is my opinion, therefore, that it is time to legislate this area and I will be taking the matter up with the Minister for Justice at the earliest

convenience.” * Chuggers, or charity muggers, are fundraisers who work for charities with a view to signing people on the street up to the charity in question.

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Calls for fuNDINg to eNsure tHe future of tHe CommuNIty safety fora Your FREE Local Newspaper

Cllr Breeda Bonner tabled a motion urged “the relevant ministers to find the funding to enable the (community safety) Fora to continue.” Cllr. Bonner stated that; “These Fora do

excellent work in our disadvantaged communities. I am very familiar with the work of the north Clondalkin Community Safety forum which serves the Ronanstown area and the South West Clondalkin Community

Safety Forum which serves the Bawnogue area. These Fora work to link in with the local Gardai and South Dublin County Council with the local communities. They help to build bridges between all the agencies working in the

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area and with families. The effect of their work has been that social problems can be addressed at a much earlier stage eg issues like anti social behaviour, littering and dumping, law and order issues. All of these can be worked on. In fact the Community Safety Fora, sometimes also called “estate Management Committees”, have probably saved the council and the government lots of money over the years because their work has served to prevent a lot of problems from happening in the first place.” Cllr. Bonner continued;

“The funding for the Fora was cut dramatically by the government last March.

Great praise is due to Billy Coman of the Housing Department in South Dublin Council. He has worked tirelessly to try to source alternative funding for the Fora and organised a once-off allocation from the council to keep the Fora running to the end of the year. However, the end of year deadline is fast approaching and I am very worried that the good work done by these organisations will be lost.” Cllr Bonner’s motion

was unanimously passed by the councillors at Monday’s council meeting. “I am very pleased that the motion got such support. I am sure too that those who work on the Fora were heartened by the number of councillors who spoke after me and who articulated so passionately their support and their appreciation. That support will be formally conveyed to the ministers who would have an interest in the work done by the Fora as a result of the motion being passed together with a request that these ministers find the funding required and

mainstream it.” However, I would urge the people who live in the communities served by the Fora and who know how valuable their work is to contact their local TDs. Those TDs need to know that these Fora are important enough for them to contact the relevant ministers to lobby for the required funding.

If the TDs don’t hear about the Fora, I suppose they’ll think that they’re not valued by their communities. If value communities their safety Fora, they need to make sure that their TDs know about it.”


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The Road Safety Authority (RSA) will be processing new driving licence applications from next year, removing the function from local authorities, Fine Gael Councillor emer Higgins has stated. Higgins said “A new plastic card licence will also be issued to new applicants from this date. This will hopefully reduce the incidents of fraud, and will also be easier for drivers to carry their licences in their wallets,” she added. The Road Safety Authority (Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness) Act 2012, enacted earlier this year, provides for the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to be the national authority for driver licensing. “Work is well advanced on preparing for the transition to the new system,” continued Cllr.

Higigns. “There will be a period of transition for part of 2013, during which the local authorities will continue to perform some driver licensing functions on behalf of the RSA. After that, the RSA will have full responsibility for providing the driver licence service,” concluded Higgins.

De selBy to Be laNDsCapeD

Local Fine Gael TD, Brian Hayes has confirmed that the roundabout in the centre of De Selby estate will be landscaped early next year. Minister Hayes stated “Last July I met with a number of residents from De Selby concerned and the height of the grass that had grown on the roundabout in the centre of the estate and the problems it was causing for approaching traffic.” Minister Hayes continued, “Following the meeting I approached South Dublin County Council to establish if this matter could be addressed. I am happy to inform residents that the County Manager has visited the site and agreed to carry out landscaping of the roundabout early next year. I welcome this overdue announcement and I look forward to the work been completed.

amanda Delaney: 087 794 5015

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tired of beinG tired? 24

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Q10 can restore the energy of your youth as we grow older, our energy levels drop. some resort to ginseng, guarana and other energy boosters, but there is a far better alternative: a vitamin-like compound called coenzyme Q10.

Have you lost the energy you had when you were younger? Do you tire more easily and find it difficult to motivate yourself to exercise? Don’t fret, this physical decline is only natural. The good thing is you can do something about it.

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like compound that is the key to the energy production that takes place inside our cells. Decreasing levels of Q10 is what causes our energy levels to drop with age, a logical explanation to why age steals away our strength and stamina. Here is the good news: You can take a Q10 supplement and restore the energy levels you had as a teenager.

More than just enerGy

The really intriguing part is that Q10 not only increases energy, a daily Q10 supplement even leads to changes such as:

• Improved heart function • Lower blood pressure • Healthier sperm cells • Improved gum health

These improvements clearly show that all parts of the body require energy in order to function properly. To put this in an even clearer context, cardiologists refer to chronic heart failure as an “energy-starved heart”, showing how important an adequate energy output is for undertaking proper functioning of the heart muscle. Q10 has actually been integrated in the medical treatment of chronic heart failure in hospitals all over the world, and in some countries the compound is approved as a medical remedy for this purpose.

a cure for GuM disease?

Another area where Q10 has gained a lot of attention is dentistry. Of course, proper oral hygiene and regular checkups is always first priority when it comes to preventing gum disease, but because of the positive results many dentists recommend supplements of Q10 to patients with infected gums. In many cases, the substance stops the bleeding and is also reported to make red, swollen and inflamed gums turn healthy and pink again in a matter of weeks or months. It may be taking it too far to call Q10 a cure for gum disease, but it most certainly seems to have an important role in the overall prevention of this common disease. how to find the riGht Q10 PreParation

If you go to your local pharmacy or health food store, you will find dozens of different Q10 brands on the shelves. It is tempting to

statin users benefit from Q10

Q10 is of particular importance to people who take statin drugs to lower their cholesterol. Statins do not only lower synthesis of cholesterol, but at the same time they inhibit the production of Q10. Since the role of Q10 in regulation of energetic metabolism and muscle metabolism is so vital, a deficit of Q10 is associated with increased risk of myopathy and other adverse effects.


Q10 is literally speaking the most natural energy source you can find. It supports the body, improving virtually every imaginable function. In contrast, stimulants like ginseng tend to “stress” the body by giving it a kick. You grow accustomed to ginseng and may have to increase your intake to get the same effect. Consumers are normally advised to take a pause from ginseng every few months,

especially if they experience problems like hypertension and increased heart rate that may occur as a result of the increased intake.

Q10, on the other hand, does not cause such side effects. On the contrary, studies have actually demonstrated that Q10 supplements help to reduce hypertension and also support the heart muscle function.

let the price tag determine your choice, but that is one mistake you should definitely avoid. The quality differences from one Q10 supplement to another are vast and if you make the wrong choice you end up with a product that is worthless. It may be cheaper, but every penny spent is a waste because you end up with a Q10 supplement that does not get absorbed. The formula that seems to be the most effective for optimal absorption and which has managed to document its efficacy to the point that international Q10 research has chosen this as their scientific reference is featured by: • Q10 dissolved in a vegetable oil matrix

• a special heating of the mixture that allows the Q10 molecules to dissolve completely (in the body) at room temperature

• encapsulation in soft, light-protected gel capsules

Several clinical studies have shown the benefit of Q10 supplementation in prevention or therapy of these adverse effects especially in patients using higher doses of statins for longer periods or in patients presenting with symptoms of statin associated myopathy (muscle pain, fatigue etc.)

Another thing that is worth underlining is that Q10 supplementation does not affect the body’s own ability to produce the substance. Researchers looked into this by giving study participants Q10 capsules daily for nine months followed by a threemonth withdrawal period. After the three months had passed, the body’s Q10 levels returned to their pre-supplementation level.

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Frock fraud - beware buying debs dresses online

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eurolink... what’s haPPening in the euroPean Parliament

Dublin debutantes are being warned to read the small print before ordering debs dresses online, following reports of consumers being duped by fraudulent dress-sellers.

The european Consumer Centre says it’s been contacted by a number of Irish teenagers who have bought formal dresses online from companies claimed to be based in Paris or London, but in fact located in Hong Kong. The dresses delivered were of poor quality and did not correspond with the pictures and descriptions on the website. Worst of all, the companies refused to offer any redress, although under eU rules, consumers offer a “cooling-off period” of at least seven working days within which you can return unsuitable dresses

for a full refund. Caroline Cureen, spokesperson for the eCC, advised consumers to be vigilant when shopping online on new websites. “A simple internet search should reveal any negative feedback about the trader left by other consumers. Buying from a trader located outside the eU will mean that you will not be protected by european consumer legislation and you may even have to pay additional customs and taxes,” she added.

Labour MeP nessa Childers said fraudulent online trading is a growing problem, particularly where non-eU traders disguise themselves to give shoppers a false sense of security. However, she also urged credit card companies and Pay Pal to be more vigilant, to ensure that they are not facilitating fraudulent sites.

McGuinness advised would-be dress shoppers to ensure that the company is within the eU and has an address and telephone contact to prove it. MEPs vote to improve welfare of animals in transit

Member states must properly enforce animal transport rules and penalise offenders, MePs said this week in a resolution voted through by the european Parliament’s Agriculture Committee. The report calls for a range of improvements for the transport of animals, including promoting the use of local meat processors and abattoirs in order to avoid unnecessarily long-distance transport times.

“Long-distance animal transport causes suffering to animals and increases costs for consumers,” said the report, calling for a

reduction in both the number of animals and the transported, journey length.

Research carried out by the european Commission shows that the numbers of animals transported within the eU has grown substantially in recent years. For example, the number of pigs being moved increased by 70 per cent between 2005 and 2009. MePs also called for more on-the-spot inspections to be carried out, and for national sanctions against rule-breakers to be harmonised and made more dissuasive. The committee said measures to restrict the time taken to transport animals to slaughter to eight hours should be but that considered, geographical and science-based exceptions for certain species must be allowed. However, they cautioned that an eight-hour journey limit

would not by itself be sufficient to improve animal which often welfare, depends more on proper vehicle equipment and on the good handling of animals. TalkTalk funding moves a step closer

european funding to support just under hundreds of workers made redundant from TalkTalk in Waterford last year has moved a step closer this week, with news that a key committee in Brussels has approved the sum of €2.7 million under the european Globalisation Fund. 575 people lost their jobs when the broadband provider closed its Waterford operations a year ago. In July of this year, the european Commission gave its support for the funding to be released, however the proposal still requires the backing of the european Parliament and the eU’s

Council of Ministers. This week, the parliament’s employment and Social Affairs Committee endorsed the funding, paving the way for approval by the full Parliament.

Speaking from Brussels after the committee vote, Labour MeP Phil Prendergast said she hopes the issue will come before the Parliament by the end of the year. However, she cautioned that approval from the full complement of MePs would still require “significant work,” pledging to see to gain support within her own group and in the wider Parliament over the coming months. If the application achieves all stages of approval, the funding will be used to support the re-integration of a total of 432 former TalkTalk staff into the labour market, by providing training grants, career guidance or support to set up new businesses.

weee IrelaND aND tHe IrIsH HarDware aND BuIlDINg materIals assoCIatIoN team up to make reCyClINg easIer IN DuBlIN Fine


MeP Mairéad

free recycling collection day in fonthill oct 27th

RTe’s Room to Improve presenter Dermot Bannon was on hand recently with the renovation dream team Weee Ireland and the Irish Hardware and Building Materials Association (IHBMA), who together want to encourage all budding Dublin DIY enthusiasts to recycle their electrical power tools for free this year while undergoing any new refurbishments in the home. Dermot officially announced both Weee Ireland’s renewed sponsorship of the popular RTe series, and their partnership with the IHBMA to encourage local hardware retailers in Dublin to become a centre for Weee recycling in the community. You can recycle for free with your local IHBMA members Village Hardware, Rathfarnham Webb Hardware, Templevogue Village Associated Hardware PLC, Tallaght Chadwicks Central Warehouse, naas Road Chadwicks Ltd, naas Road Chadwicks Ltd, Lucan Chadwicks Plumb Centre, Walkinstown Grafton Merchanting, Ashfield, naas Road Grafton Merchanting, naas Road Chadwicks Ltd, Greenhills Road Clondalkin Builders Providers, Clondalkin Devines Hardware, Rathfarnham Goodwins Lucan Ltd, Lucan Grafton Merchanting, naas Road Guest Hardware Ltd, Tallaght KAL, Citywest Business Campus Knocklyon Hardware, Knocklyon national Hardware Ltd, Citywest Road TJ o’Mahony & Sons Ltd, Ballymount Road Paint Pot, Templeogue Sundrive Hardware, Kimmage

You can also recycle all electrical waste and batteries at the free recycling collection event due to take place at Powercity, Fonthill Road, on october 27th from 10am-4pm.

Architect and host Dermot said: “I’m delighted to see Weee Ireland back on board this year, I know more than most how important it is to recycle the old to make way for the new during any renovation project. Yourlocal hardware retailer should be the first port of call for any DIY wannabe when starting a new project, so make use of the one in your community and support your local store.

their local store and remember, please bring back your batteries, lightbulbs, and like for like electrical goods to be recycled for free.”

Jim Copeland, Chief executive and Director, IHBMA, added: “We have more than 600 members nationwide who are on hand to offer the public expert advice for any

renovation plans you may have. Whether you need a new power drill or an electrical shower, all hardware stores can help and can recycle your old appliances for free right in store.” For more information on what qualifies as Weee and where you can recycle for free HYPeRLInK "http://www.recycleforfree.ie" www.recycleforfree.ie

This series of Room to Improve has been our most challenging to date. Budgets are tighter than ever across the board and client’s expectations are even higher. expect last minute changes, construction dilemmas and plenty of clashes and colour galore!” Weee Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical waste and battery recycling, are proudly sponsoring the new six part series of Room to Improve, which will start on Sunday 14th october at 9.30pm

Conor Leonard, Collections & Projects Manager of Weee Ireland, said: “Weee Ireland are delighted to announce both of these partnerships today – our sponsorship of Room to Improve and our brand new partnership with the IHBMA. The hardware store in any town is a pivotal part of any community. We want everyone to get in to

RTE’s Room to Improve presenter Dermot Bannon was on hand to announce both WEEE Ireland’s renewed sponsorship of the popular RTE series, and their partnership with the IHBMA to encourage local hardware retailers to become a centre forWEEE recycling in the community

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