tallaght news rent cap too low
2ND MAY 2016 TEL: 01 451 3822 / 01 451 9000 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie
Fianna Fáil TD for Dublin Mid-West and Chairman of the Housing and Homelessness Committee John Curran has said that Rent Allowance in Dublin should be increased. Deputy Curran was speaking on RTE’s Morning Ireland programme last week discussing the Housing and Homelessness
Committee's efforts to address the housing crisis.
He said, “The rent cap in Dublin is far too low and is putting families in Dublin under threat of homelessness. After meeting constituents in Clondalkin and Lucan who are under threat of eviction and losing their homes due to the increases in rent in the
capital, it is my opinion that certainly in Dublin, rent allowance should be increased. The Committee on Housing and will Homelessness endeavour to address this issue and other issues relating to the housing crisis. It is my belief that the recommendations of the committee will be implemented by an
incoming Government.”
“I am delighted to have been elected chair of the Housing and Homelessness Committee, as a local representative for Dublin Mid-West I am looking forward to the challenge of addressing the housing and homelessness problem through an all-party approach. Last week we engaged directly with the acting Minister for Environment, on what policy initiatives are needed to tackle the housing problems and homelessness. We also engaged with the Housing Agency and the Irish Council for Social Housing, two organisations working on the front line of the housing crisis.
We are facing one of the biggest housing and homelessness crisis in the history of the State. The establishment of this Committee represents an important step in resolving the challenges facing those affected by the crisis,” concluded John Curran.
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Published by: Newsgroup, Unit 3 Floor 2 St. Dominics Shopping Centre, St. Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 HK49.
Titles: Tallaght News, Clondalkin News, Lucan News and Rathcoole & Saggart News Printed by: Celtic Media Group. Distributed by: Local Post Co.
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the Views of Dublin south west Must stay on goVernMent agenDa your free local newspaper
With talks on the formation of the next Government taking 2 months, Independent TD Katherine Zappone has reiterated that the views and voices of the people of Dublin South West have not fallen off the agenda. As a result of the diverse spread of TDs elected in February, the process is the longest it has ever taken to form a Government, with a number of weeks of talks between Independent TDs, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil followed by being arrangements for how a minority Government will work between the two largest parties in the 32nd Dáil.
Despite the lengthy first-time talks, Independent TD Katherine Zappone has stated that she will ensure the views of her Constituents will be heard:
“I have brought the issues of the people of Dublin South West to negotiations on the next Programme For Government. Having worked in the community for 30 years through An Cosán and then knocking on tens of thousands of doors in the election, I was keen to share the issues of our communities with those who are going to form the next Government. During these negotiations I have sought change and I have been promised As an change. Independent I believe that I will be be in a better position to guarantee delivery of these promises if I participate in government.” believe the “I commitments I have sought reflect the views of the people of Dublin South West, such as tackling the crisis in health and housing,
affordable providing childcare, and supporting lone parents or people with disabilities. I have received commitments on positive changes including increased investment in public services, equalityproofing budgets, more affordable childcare, a addressing Referendum on the 8th Amendment, and delivering greater diversity in our schools. I will also work to increase investment in education, reduce the deep-rooted disadvantage and
consistent poverty in some communities, develop a new National Women’s Strategy, and for a advocate Referendum to ensure public ownership of our water services.” “The process of forming a stable and lasting Government has taken longer than expected. Since I was elected, I have worked tirelessly to assist in the formation of a Government, with almost 100 hours of meetings taking place. No matter how long this process takes, I am committed to ensuring
that the voices of the people of Dublin South West will be heard by those who are running the country. I think that the next Government will achieve greater equality for all the people of Dublin South West if I participate in it to represent the views and voices of our and communities, provide the experience I have gained from my time working in Tallaght as co-founder of An Cosán, Fledglings childcare centres, and Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative.”
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by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly Dublin entrepreneur Ollwyn Moran was a big hit on RTE’s Dragon’s Den recently; earning high praise from all those involved. The mother-of-two who previously taught at St Mark’s Community School in Tallaght is now the CEO and founder of Cognikids. The company makes developmental products for babies including the Easy Grip Crawl Suit, Grip bottle cover and Sooth bibs. This RTE tweet about Ollwyn’s time on the show and her brilliant pitch is our Tweet of the Week
no funDing for lucan luas your free local newspaper
Fianna Fáil TD for Dublin MidWest, John Curran has received confirmation from the Minister for Transport, Paschal Donohoe, a Parliamentary through Question that the planned Luas to Lucan has not been included in the Government’s Capital Plan (2016-2021). Commenting on the issue, John Curran said; “I cannot believe that the Government has not included the Luas to Lucan in the Capital Plan 2016 – 2021. This means that the planning process cannot recommence until at least 2021, with no visibility on a submission date of application and of course no
The Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced persons, to fill vacancies on the Student Grants Appeals Board for the 5 year period from September 2016 to September 2021. The Student Grants Appeals Board is a statutory independent Board established under Section 25 of the Student Support Act 2011. The main function of the
date for a planning consent to issue and let’s not even talk about construction. “
“The Minister has informed me that there are plans to review the public transport requirements for the Lucan area and the N4 corridor and that an east-west Luas to Lucan is envisaged. This is published in the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area covering the period 2016 to 2035 and all dependent on the availability of funding. “ “Does this mean it could be 20 years before the Luas gets to Lucan?” asked John Curran.
“Accident’s on the M50 can cause city-wide traffic chaos, it is clear that the lack of good quality public transport in Dublin is a huge factor in the cause of gridlock when there is an accident. If the economy continues to grow, this can only mean one thing – more cars on our roads! Without the provision of quality public transport like the Luas and Metro, traffic in Dublin is only going to worsen,” said John Curran. “While everyone recognises that to commence construction of this project was unlikely in the short term due to financial
constraints, to not advance the planning process of this project is the wrong decision and shows a worrying lack of vision for public transport in our Capital City.”
Student Grants Appeals Board is to hear appeals from student grant applicants aggrieved by determinations of appeals officers in Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) or other awarding authorities. The Minister will be appointing a Chairperson and 10 ordinary members to the Student Grant Appeals Board. The process is being managed by the Public Appointments Service (PAS) under the revised procedures
put in place in late 2014 for the appointment of persons to positions on State Boards. More information about the functions of the Board and the type of competencies required of potential Board members, as well as how to apply to become a Board member, can be found at the following dedicated website: http://www.stateboards.ie/stat eboards/campaignAdvert/29754 .htm
PAS will convene an Assessment Panel to consider and assess the expressions of interest it receives. The Panel will arrive at a shortlist of suitable candidates to be sent forward for consideration by the Minister. The closing date for the receipt of applications is 9th. May 2016. Applications can only be made through the dedicated website http://www.stateboards.ie/stat eboards/campaignAdvert/29754 .htm
“Funding is being made in the new Capital Plan Building for Recovery for Metro North but there are no plans and no funding to proceed with the Metro West proposal or the Luas to Lucan. This is short sighted. I plan to continue to raise the issue of transport infrastructure for the Greater Dublin Area while elected to Dáil Éireann,” concluded Deputy Curran.
Minister for eDucation anD skills inVites applications froM suitable qualifieD persons to fill Vacancies on the inDepenDent stuDent grants appeals boarD
beef up your bbq skills at the orcharD Masterclass
your free local newspaper
Ireland's only Weber World barbecue centre of excellence at The Orchard is offering people the chance to attend a unique two-hour masterclass to beef up their grilling skills, guided by an expert chef on Wednesday May 11. Top Weber grill chef Dan Cooper will reveal the secrets of better barbecuing from the basics upwards at The Weber Grill Academy at The Orchard, on the Dublin Road, Celbridge, from 6.308.30pm. Tickets (€20) are available from customer service at The Orchard and online at www.grillacademy.ie
"Many people don’t realise the versatility of their own barbecue – from pizzas, roasts to stir-fries and we are delighted to provide this opportunity to learn the secrets from the experts," said The Orchard General
top soil anD grounD coVer now aVailable for suMMer planting
Manager Ray McLoughlin.
"During the two-hour handson demonstration Chef Dan
will teach you how to expand your barbecue repertoire, from handy tips on lighting and cooking to amazing recipe ideas.” Those attending will learn how to make quick and tasty weekday meals in just 20 minutes and how to roast, bake or grill something new on their barbecues at the weekends. The Grill Academy menu will include Chinese style BBQ pork with noodles, steak and salad, roast duck with thyme and
Mediterranean potatoes followed by waffles and toffee cake with caramel sauce for dessert. Ireland’s only Weber World is exclusive to The Orchard and offers barbecue fans a full range of barbecues and Irelands largest range of Weber accessories, personalised advice from in-store specialists, regular handson cookery demonstrations, grill skills tutorials and for the first time ever, barbecue health checks.
“The Orchard are delighted to be selected as the home of Ireland’s only Weber World store,” said Ray McLoughlin.
“We are already established as a retail destination with an award-winning garden centre and great food, and we look forward to helping people integrate the two as Ireland’s barbecue centre of excellence.”
only 10 Minutes froM newlanDs cross DeliVeries all oVer Dublin
“irish eDucation - cherishing the chilDren equally”
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The 1916 Proclamation was quite explicit as to its vision for Ireland; it guaranteed “equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens”. The Proclamation, the principles of which have shaped the development of the Irish Nation, went on to promise “to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally”. In this year, the centenary year of 1916, Brian Fleming, educator and author, is publishing a thought provoking book entitled “Irish Education - Cherishing the Children Equally”, which delves into the history of the Irish Education System and asks, as well as answers, the question “Have we cherished children equally?” Fleming has been prominent in education
A Challenging History of the Irish Education System by Brian Fleming
circles for decades, becoming principal of a school in the Dublin suburb of North Clondalkin in the early 1980s. Throughout his tenure, until he retired in 2009, he and his colleagues saw firsthand the additional challenges facing young people and their struggles to reach their full potential with an educational system that was inadequate to their needs. Fleming states “At national level, since 1922, many reports were issued in which the problem of educational disadvantage and the need for a comprehensive policy response were highlighted. Various Ministers for Education came and went, introducing policy initiatives and various schemes to address the issues. Improvements resulted, but it is clear
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that to this day we still operate a two-tier education system.”
Through the book, Fleming asks why, despite the ideal of equality of opportunity being regularly reiterated by Irish governments and leaders since 1922, has the objective not been achieved, and explores the influence this lack of achievement has had on generations of young people.
The book, which is a must for educators, policy makers and influencers, as well as anyone with a keen interest in education, traces the journey of this promise of equality in the first 85 years of the Irish State. The book also takes into account the State’s inherited education system during the period of British rule in the 19th century and early part of the 20th
century, which the book finds had long-lasting consequences for policy development in the newly independent Irish State.
In summary, the book finds that promises made in 1916, and reaffirmed in 1922 and by successive governments since then, were rhetoric and have not been matched by reality. Fleming states “Weaknesses in the policy formation process itself have been identified, most particularly a reluctance on the part of successive administrations to prioritise the needs and rights of children and young people over those of vested interests, and an unwillingness to introduce rigorous and transparent procedures for the assessment of system performance.”
since independence, Fleming’s book suggests that this lack of delivery is of course reflective of a lack of political will and leadership on the issue of equality of
educational opportunity, but also reflects a lack of concern on the part of the people of Ireland generally for the often unequal inadequate education system, that
does not cherish all of our children equally. “Irish Education Cherishing the Children by Brian Equally” Fleming is available from www.educationhistory.ie
Taoiseach Enda Kenny meets with writer of "Irish Education 1922-2007, Cherishing All The Children" Brian Fleming's as they stand beside a sculpture of the Children of Lir
new business to tackle Dental tourisM Dublin’s newest dental practice – 3Dental – has now officially opened its doors and has vowed to tackle the issue of dental tourism across the country. The new business, founded by dentists Niall Vallely, Paul O’Connell and Peter Doherty, is aiming to becoming a long term solution for the thousands of people who travel abroad for dentistry due to high costs and inaccessibility. Offering prices that will enable the business to compete with its counterparts in Europe and Northern Ireland 3Dental ensures a safe, modern and costeffective service for clients. During the opening on Thursday evening Niall, Paul and Peter spoke about the new venture and their excitement at bringing this low-cost model to the people of Dublin. Peter said: “The concept behind 3Dental
Throughout the period
is to deliver high quality, affordable dentistry in relaxed, modern surroundings, and to make that as accessible to as many people as possible. We believe that dental health is a necessity, not a luxury and we intend to make it more accessible to achieve a good standard dental health.” Niall, Paul and Peter marked the special occasion by cutting the ribbon on the facility in front of an intimate crowd of invited guests including friends and family. The guys will now focus their efforts on giving those travelling abroad to have dentist work carried out a serious, costeffective alternative to overseas dentistry. Paul said: “The main aim in setting up this clinic was to try to limit the huge flow of Irish patients travelling abroad to get their treatments done. “In the past this has
basically been due to the high cost of dentistry here. We want to provide an alternative to that. We want to offer the best dentistry and we aim to provide every patient with a range of quality treatments that are very affordable.” In his opening address Niall acknowledged the
many people who helped the guys on this journey, including their families, friends and business team as well as South Dublin County Council. He said: “The council was eager to help and direct us were possible to get this business up and running in this location and was
interested in what we were trying to do and facilitated us – instead of fighting us.”
3Dental is open now at Red Cow House on the Naas Road. To find out more about the service – or to book an appointment – visit the website www.3dental.ie
Dublin’s newest dental practice, 3Dental, founded by dentists Paul O’Connell, Peter Doherty and Niall Vallely
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calls to reView fuel allowance
your free local newspaper
Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has urged the outgoing government to review again the fuel allowance, which ended on April 1st. He made the call due to serious concerns regarding the impact of the current long, cold spell on vulnerable families and individuals. Deputy Crowe claimed
that 2,800 people died last year from medical conditions that are directly linked to fuel poverty.
The fuel allowance payment from the Department Social Protection has a cut-off date of the 1st of April but the Dublin South West TD believes that it doesn't take cognisance
of weather conditions. Arguing that the allowance should be extended until the end of May, or until the cold period passes, Deputy Seán Crowe said: “There are between 200,000 and 400,000 households in chronic fuel poverty in this state, including the elderly and those with a disability, who more
susceptible to the cold. These groups have a greater dependency on the fuel allowance.
“The current payment is €22 a week, but it begins on the 1st of January ends on the 1st of April, which is far too soon. The fuel allowance support needs to be extended to reflect Ireland’s
young fine gael strongly opposeD to reports of Mental health funDing being DiVerteD
Following reports that mental health funds may be diverted to “more politically sensitive” areas of healthcare, Young Fine Gael is disappointed to hear such reports and strongly condemns any such decision. Young Fine Gael believes that mental health funding is being unfairly targeted and the result could have a serious consequence, particularly for young people in Ireland affected by mental health illnesses. Colm Taylor, President of Young Fine Gael, said that “Young Fine Gael is disappointed to hear that mental health funds may be used to prop up other
areas of healthcare. Diverting mental health funds should be resisted and all must be done to ensure that this does not happen.” Young Fine Gael is calling on the Minister for Health to intervene and to ensure that the funding for mental health remains ring-fenced.
Dublin Senator Catherine Noone has backed a campaign to make Irish schools and pre-schools sweet-free zones.
year-olds are being fitted for ‘adult’ or plus fit school uniforms. “This is an alarming trend and I welcome all efforts to tackle this huge problem. The ‘Sweets out for School’ campaign is a bid to convince the Education Minister that sweets shouldn’t be given out as classroom treats.
“There’s a huge pressure on mental health services currently and any planned cut in funding is a major concern. As a society, we must do all we can to ensure those with mental health illnesses are adequately supported and cared for”, Taylor concluded.
schools anD pre-schools shoulD be sweet-free zones
“I have long highlighted the dangers of the growing childhood obesity problem in Ireland and have previously called for the removal of sweets and chocolate bars from vending machines in schools, replacing them with healthy alternatives. "The World Health Organisation has predicted Ireland is on course to be the fattest country in Europe by 2030 and currently 1 in 4 children is overweight or obese. One fifth of the energy intake from a child's diet today comes from sugary drinks, biscuits, confectionary, chocolate and cake. “Last year a top school uniform supplier in Dublin revealed that an increasing number of Irish seven-
“Kate Guerin – who is behind the campaign – said she stopped handing out sweets as treats to its children a few years ago. She says that giving kids sweets for getting something right in school is teaching children at a very young age that sugar is a reward. "I totally agree and would add my voice to the calls for a Ministerial Directive to remove sweets from schools and pre-schools in Ireland.”
current cold conditions and weather patterns in recent years. The payment from the Department Social Protection isn’t fit for purpose and needs to be more flexible. Irish weather patterns, in recent years, also suggest that this payment period doesn’t reflect the need or reality of many households in fuel poverty. “The island of Ireland currently has the highest levels of excess winter mortality in Europe, with an estimated 2,800 excess deaths during each
winter. “Research has also shown that people over the age of 65 are seven times more likely to be hospitalised as a result of cold temperatures, compared to a younger age group. “Fuel poverty occurs when a household needs to spend more than 10 per cent of its income on energy in order to maintain an acceptable level of heat throughout the home.
As part of the Local Enterprise Week, South Dublin, four of the counties best entrepreneurs have been honoured with prizes at the South Dublin County Enterprise awards, as part of the National Enterprise Awards 2016. Aimed at companies that have received Local Enterprise Office supports to aid their growth, the National Enterprise Awards are facilitated through the network of 31 Local Enterprise Offices. At a ceremony in the South Dublin Local Enterprise Office awards were made for South Dublin’s best and most innovative businesses in the county. The winners were as
follows: 1st Place and overall winner, Dave McGeady, Wyldsson Elite Nutrition, Tallaght, Dublin 24. 2nd Place: Darragh Kirby, Groopeze, Tallaght Dublin 24 3rd Place: Daire O’Neill, A5 Technologies, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Most Innovative business: Acutrace, Nangor Road, Dublin 12
“Hospitals and Accident and Emergency wards across the country are currently inundated
with people suffering from pneumonia, hypothermia and other severe bronchial conditions. “Surely, this should be another indicator that it would be a rational decision to extend the fuel allowance scheme to those in need. “I am calling on the outgoing government and the Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton to do the right thing They should, as a matter of urgency, agree an extension of the fuel allowance scheme till the end of May or until this cold period passes.”
south Dublin county entrepreneurs coMpete to reach national enterprise awarDs final
Speaking at the ceremony, Des English, of the Local Enterprise Office South Dublin, paid tribute to all the applicants and finalists, saying: “As the first stop shop for entrepreneurs and small businesses, it is heartening to see a growing and vibrant
community of entrepreneurs locally. The Judges spoke highly of the standard of the applications received for the County Enterprise Awards, and commended all the finalists, and wished them well for the future”. This year’s judging panel were also thanked during the ceremony for their role in the competition, as were the sponsors of Local Enterprise Week, South Dublin, who helped make it such a success. Des English of South Dublin LEO wished Dave McGeady of Wyldsson, the best of luck going forward to the National Enterprise Final in the Aviva Stadium on June 9th, 2016.
we coVer all of Dublin anD surrounDing area’s
Des English of Local Enterprise Office, John Lynch and Aidan Mc Donnell of Acutrace (Winner of Most Innovative Business)
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tourists neeD to be weary of traVel scaM websites
Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Dublin, Deputy Darragh O’Brien has said that tourists need to be of scam websites offering weary accommodation, following reports of tourists being defrauded in the media. “A number of websites are offering bogus accommodation in European destinations, including Dublin. This problem is happening in other European cities too, where tourists are being asked to pay for accommodation and apartments upfront, but arriving to find the properties do not exist or are not available for rent.
“Media reports on the news that scam artists defrauded one group of French tourists in Dublin out of €1400. A group of tourists from Paris booked and paid for a house in Georgian Dublin for eight days around St Patrick’s Day. However, when they showed up the property owner knew nothing about the arrangement.
“Such scams are becoming ever more sophisticated, but I would urge people to take caution when booking accommodation online, and to use trusted, reputable websites. Dublin has countless world-class attractions and tourism plays an increasingly important role in the city and county’s economy, so it is a matter of deep concern that the tourist offering is at risk of being undermined by this type of scamming. “The Gardaí should be given every appropriate support to deal with anyone in this country colluding with this sort of fraud,” concluded Deputy O’Brien.
lynn boylan Mep calls for reforM of european funD for reDunDant workers your free local newspaper
Lynn Boylan, Sinn Féin MEP for Dublin, has called for significant reforms to be made to the administration of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF), which provides support for workers who have been made redundant en masse as a result of globalisation or the economic crisis. Ms Boylan was speaking from Brussels where she addressed the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of
the European Parliament, which is considering a report the assessing implementation of the EGF.
The Sinn Féin MEP said: "When we're discussing possible reform of the EGF, the first thing we need to demand is that the European Commission must put the protection of jobs in Europe at the heart of its trade strategy, including in the current TTIP negotiations.
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"However when jobs are lost we must ensure effective implementation of the fund set up to help redundant workers.
"The Irish experience has shown that lack of effective implementation has resulted in redundant workers missing out on the benefits that the EGF could provide.
"Millions of euros have been returned to the Commission unspent due to failures in the implementation of the In my scheme. constituency of Dublin, it is likely that €4m of EGF funds for redundant Lufthansa Technik unspent funds will be returned to the Commission if not spent by September - and this is only a matter of public knowledge due to a Freedom of Information request from Sinn Fein.
"Some of the reforms I believe could be proposed through the current process in the Employment include Committee increasing transparency.
"Mid-programme reporting to the European Commission and the relevant in the authorities Member State should be mandatory including details of estimated expenditure and additional actions for approval detailing how to avoid emerging underspends. "There should be full public disclosure of the contents and conclusions of any midterm review, including of the estimated spend to allow for greater public scrutiny and accountability.
"We are calling for an independent review of
the implementation of the EGF programmes to date including a specific focus on the participation of NEETs', (young people not in training or education) in order to identify better practices for improving their uptake of the scheme.
The community and voluntary sector have a wealth of knowledge in engaging with these difficult to reach young people, yet they are not given a seat at the table when it comes to implementation of the EGF fund. This has to change.
"I will be campaigning for these necessary reforms among others over the coming weeks and months in my role on the Employment committee in order to maximise the benefits of the EGF to workers who have been made redundant in Ireland."
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statutory Vetting requireMents
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Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, has welcomed the announcement by Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald that the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 is being commenced from 29
April 2016. According to Minister O’Sullivan “Garda vetting is an important element of the state’s child protection architecture and helps ensure that those who are known to be a risk to children or vulnerable persons are not employed or engaged by schools or
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other relevant organisations to work with children or vulnerable persons. I very much welcome that the arrangements for Garda vetting are now being given a statutory basis.”
The Minister announced that her Department has today published Circular 0031/2016 of Commencement Statutory Requirements for Garda Vetting which outlines the statutory requirements that will apply to school authorities from 29 April 2016 along with practical the arrangements that will be in place to support statutory vetting. An FAQ document to assist
schools with queries in relation to the circular has also been published. The Minister stated that “The immediate priority for my Department arising from of the commencement of the vetting legislation is to ensure that the necessary legislative and operational arrangements are in place so that the vetting arrangements for the school system operate smoothly and in accordance with the legislation. In that regard, I am also pleased to announce that I have today signed a commencement order in respect of those of the provisions
Teaching Council Amendment Act 2015 which give statutory underpinning to the role of the Teaching Council in the statutory vetting arrangements for registered teachers.” The Minister commented that “The commencement of the Vetting Act will also facilitate the statutory vetting of registered teachers who have not been vetted to date. The Teaching Council Amendment Act 2015 is intended to work in tandem with the Vetting Act and provides that renewal of a teacher’s registration will be linked to compliance with retrospective and
re-vetting requirements. The 2015 Act also ensures that there will be a robust statutory basis for the Teaching Council to consider, in the case of any teacher who is the subject of an adverse vetting disclosure whether or not the teacher’s registration should be renewed.” The Minister added “Preparatory work in relation to initiating the statutory vetting of those registered who have never been vetted to date is at an advanced stage. It is intended that the relevant provisions of the Teaching Council Amendment Act 2015 which empower the Council to undertake
such vetting in the context of renewal of registration will be commenced from September 2016. A key priority of the Teaching Council following the commencement of these statutory vetting arrangements will be to ensure that the vetting of this cohort of circa 34,000 registered teachers is completed as quickly as possible.”
The Minister also indicated that planning for the commencement of the Fitness to Teach provisions (Part 5) of the legislation is at an advanced stage and it is expected that Fitness to Teach will be commenced by 29th June.
Mobility Mojo’s all-new ‘accessible tourisM’ website anD app, DeliVering a true one stop shop for accessible traVel
Accessibility is increasingly becoming a deciding factor for many people when planning a holiday and accessible tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in the travel industry.
Mobility Mojo was born out of the need to join up the fragmented information about accessibility for visitors with mobility issues and was successful in 2015’s EUwide frontierCities call to produce this new mobility app. Sharing photos and reviews about accessible tourist attractions, hotels, restaurants, public facilities, accessible tours and transport will give confidence to people with reduced mobility to travel more. By working together we can give each other the ‘need to know before you go’ information about the level of accessibility provided, saving hours of searching for reliable and trustworthy
information. Accessibility.
The Mobility Mojo app is free to download and allows users to rate the level of accessibility provided and recommend places they have visited to others.
Mobility Mojo hopes to play an important role in creating a barrier free travel environment and encourage collaboration from people with limited mobility, wheelchair users, parents with pushchairs, our aging population their family and friends to let others know about places with good accessibility. We believe ‘Good Access is Good Business’ and Mobility Mojo encourages businesses to use our free app to promote and highlight the good accessible features in their premises. Mobility Mojo is an innovative technology solution for accessibility powered by a
new EU open source software platform. Designed by Townapps.com in Athlone our easy to use layout allows users to navigate the site effortlessly. We are currently running our first pilot project in Dublin and we hope to expand to other cities in the coming months.
The founders of Mobility Mojo are wheelchairs users who face these issues every day combined with a strong team of technology experts. “Our goal is “To highlight and promote positive accessibility in cities all over the world, giving more people the confidence to travel”. Join our community now and use the Mobility Mojo platform to tell others about the accessibility of places you have visited.” Web: www.mobilitymojo.ie Marta operations manager E: marta@mobilitymojo.ie
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Minister for social protection publishes annual report Detailing progress MaDe coMpliance anD anti-frauD strategy In 2016, Department will target control savings of €510 million and review one million individual social welfare claims
Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D., has published the Department’s Annual Report and Target Statement for 2016 under the 2014-2018 Compliance and Anti-Fraud Strategy. This report sets out how the Department tackled welfare fraud and overpayments during the course of 2015 and its targets for 2016. The report highlights how savings of almost €464m in welfare expenditure were achieved during 2015 through the prevention of fraud and error, while €83 million in overpayments was recovered. The Tánaiste said: “The Department’s objective is to ensure that it pays the right amount of money to the right person at the right time. I have always championed the welfare
system as a safety net for those who need it most. It's precisely why over the past number of years I have put in place measures to tackle fraud and abuse in the system, so that resources are there for people genuinely in need.” Under the strategy, the Department will this year target savings of €510 by reviewing million approximately one million social welfare claims and rooting out fraud and error where it occurs. Where overpayments of benefit have been made in the past, the Department will aim to recover €90 million in overpayments this year. The use of predictive analytics, which was introduced during 2015, will further enhance the Department’s ability to detect and reduce fraud.
Together with other technological innovations, such as use of facial recognition software and the use of the Public Services Card, the Department is now significantly better equipped to identify noncompliance across its various schemes. The Tánaiste said: “We must remain alert to new and emerging forms of fraud and abuse and so our approach needs to be flexible and dynamic. In this context, a key aspect of the Strategy will be the use of new technology and cooperation with other agencies such as the Revenue Commissioners.” This report looks at the key outcomes for 2015 and sets targets for 2016 across the various areas. Appendix 1
of the report sets out the headline figures for both years. Some of the key achievements in 2015 were: · Over 1 million control reviews were carried out which yielded control savings of almost €464 million; · Seconded Garda officers continued to work with of the members Department’s Special Investigation Unit in detecting and investigating serious and high-end fraud; · Some €83 million in overpayments was recovered; · Nearly 360 cases were submitted for prosecution, in excess of the target for the year; · Two Fraud and Error surveys were completed (on Illness Benefit and Invalidity Pension). The surveys confirmed that both are low-risk schemes. Further surveys on Farm Assist, Family Income Supplement and Household Benefits Scheme are underway and are due to report by mid2016; and · Work continued during 2015 on building predictive analytics models to identify fraud amongst existing customers of the three main working age schemes. The One Parent Family Payment model is now in operation.
The other two models (Jobseeker’s Allowance and Disability Allowance) will become operational in mid2016. The Department’s priorities for 2016 will build on the work and outcomes achieved in the implementation of this strategy over 2014 and 2015. Specifically, using the control resources of the Department and the expertise of the Special Investigation Unit, activities will continue to focus on the following areas and actions: · Hidden economy - the continued identification and active policing of the hidden economy where there is a prevalence of social welfare fraud and abuse. · Identity fraud/multiple claiming - prioritising the investigation of potential cases of identity fraud/multiple claiming. · Construction sector undertaking site visits and inspections on construction sites where such projects are being publicly funded will be a key part of the SIU’s work in 2016. ·Undisclosed financial assets – the Unit will undertake systematic investigations on social welfare means-tested claims where it has been identified that Deposit
Income Retention Tax has been paid on capital invested which has not been disclosed. · Habitual residence – case investigations and dedicated projects will be undertaken with regard to non-habitual residence in the jurisdiction. · Data matching projects systematic case will be investigations undertaken where data matches have taken place between the Department and other agencies under the appropriate legislative provisions. · Cross Jurisdictional Fraud Investigation – the Unit will undertake case investigations and deal with requests for mutual assistance from other social security agencies on cross jurisdictional social welfare fraud. The Tánaiste welcomed the continued engagement by members of the public who made over 15,700 reports to the Department last year expressing concerns about possible incidents of misclaiming social welfare benefits. She said: “Members of the public have played their part in supporting the Department to identify where possible abuse of the social protection system may have occurred.”
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Dentists say MeDical carD scheMe is unfit for purpose
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Report shows the number of eligible patients is up 17%, the number of treatments is down 20%
The Irish Dental Association has described the medical card scheme as being wholly unfit for purpose and called for it to be replaced as soon as possible.
The IDA said the dental profession has no confidence in the operation of the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) by the HSE because it has manifestly failed the patients it was designed to serve. According to a new report as of Dec 31st 2015, the number of patients eligible for dental care under the Scheme stood at 1,734,853 representing 37% of the population. This is an increase of 256,293 or 17% since December 2009. However despite the fact that the number of eligible patients has increased significantly, the number of treatments has actually fallen by 20%This is due to unilateral cuts to the Scheme which the HSE imposed in 2010 without informing or consulting with patients, contractor dentists or the Irish Dental Association.
The cuts mean it is essentially an emergency care only scheme with patients only entitled to an annual exam, two fillings and unlimited extractions.
The amount of cleanings has fallen by 97% and the number of protracted periodontal treatments (for gum disease) has fallen by 80%, while the number of fillings has also fallen by over 33%. On the other hand surgical extractions have increased by 53% and routine extractions have increased by over 14%.
Prolonged use of antibiotics As a consequence of the cuts to preventive treatments there has been an increase in the number of medical card patients forced to use antibiotics for prolonged periods. Nine out of ten dentists have had to prescribe multiple antibiotics for medical card patients on these waiting lists. The average number of repeat prescriptions issued for antibiotics was three per patient, with some dentists having to issue five antibiotic prescriptions to a single patient. There has also been a 38% increase in the number of people with severe dental infections requiring hospital admissions since the cuts were made. The irony here of course is that the HSE has mounted several campaigns urging people not to use antibiotics unless absolutely necessary.
Dentists’ anger The CEO of the IDA Fintan Hourihan said it was not possible to overstate the anger and concern for patients felt by members. As a the consequence Association cannot continue to endorse the Scheme. He noted that two thirds of dentists said they had changed the way they are practising dentistry due to the way the medical card scheme operates. Comments by dentists included the following;
- I am more or less just doing extractions now - A patient presented with a number of decayed teeth, all sore. I was not able to treat them all and had to choose two - There is an inability to provide the correct treatment - Emergency patch up jobs only for DTSS patients, no comprehensive care, this is very damaging to long-term health - It is horrendously stressful trying to explain to patients routinely that you cannot provide the basic care that they require ‘The medical card scheme pre 2010 was not perfect, but it was effective in treating a wide range of patients in a cost efficient way. Now the gross inadequacy of funding
and rising demand means it simply cannot cope. The failure of the HSE to approve treatments deemed necessary, to prioritise preventive treatments and to heed dentists concerns regarding the impact on patients have taken their toll on patients and dentists’ Hourihan said. ‘Given our members complete dissatisfaction with the administration of the Scheme and the high number of treatments provided by dentists that remain unpaid it’s not surprising that 8 out of 10 dentists favour a complete renegotiation of the Scheme’ he said.
Proposed new scheme ‘The HSE has effectively overseen the introduction of dental apartheid for medical card patients. That is why we are calling for the introduction of a new state funded dental scheme where the medical card and PRSI schemes would be merged and one universal scheme would prevail for the benefit of both medical card and PRSI eligible patients over 16. We will be presenting a copy of our report and our proposals to the Minister for consideration by the new government’ he concluded.
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cuan Álainn re-opening fantastic
Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has described the news that Cuan Álainn in Tallaght will be re-opened as fantastic. The reopening comes following an agreement between Respond!, the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive, and South Dublin County Council. Cuan Álainn was originally a refuge for women and children fleeing domestic violence and it will now be reopened as secure accommodation for women and children who are homeless.
for 71 women and 86 children since it opened its doors in 2012. The centre which was built and operated by the Respond! Housing Association had to close in December 2015 due to funding difficulties. “I strongly criticised the inaction of the Fine Gael and Labour Government which refused to provide this vital refuge with a sustainable source of funding and raised the issue in the Dáil on numerous occasions. “I warmly welcome the agreement that has now been reached between Respond!, the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive, and South Dublin County Council, which will
curran calls for irish-baseD britons to register for brexit referenDuM Deputy Crowe said: “This shelter provided a safe haven
Fianna Fáil TD for Dublin Mid-West is encouraging British people living in Ireland to register to vote in the upcoming UK on EU referendum membership. Deputy Curran pointed out that eligible people have until June 6th to register to vote in the referendum.
Deputy Curran said, “There needs to be greater awareness surrounding the fact that British people living in Ireland can register to vote for Irish local elections, European
elections and UK referenda. The registration process is straightforward and can be completed online. Once the registration process has been completed eligible voters can avail of a postal ballot to have their voice heard. “The Brexit referendum will be held on June 23rd and the deadline for registering to vote is June 6th. Britons living in Ireland who are interested in registering to vote should note that they must have been registered in a UK constituency within the last 15 years. Votes can
also be cast by proxy or by returning to the UK to vote in person. Fianna Fáil is also encouraging Irish people in Britain to register to vote for the referendum.
“According to the 2011 Census there are over 280,000 people living in the Republic of Ireland who indicated that they were born in the UK. The Brexit referendum has huge implications for Ireland and I’m sure British people living in Ireland will want to have their voices heard. Irish voters could play a key
role in determining the outcome of the referendum. “Dublin is a home to many Britons and as a representative for Dublin Mid-West I would urge those people living here that are eligible to vote in this referendum to ensure that they cast their vote.
“While the matter is for Britain alone to decide, a British exit from the EU would not serve the best interests of people living in Ireland,” said Deputy Curran.
see Cuan Álainn re-opened to welcome women and children who are homeless and in need of support in order to move back into housing with the necessary supports. “I am informed that Respond! are currently recruiting support staff for Cuan Álainn and aim to fill the units as quickly as possible.
“I am sure that Cuan Álainn’s 10 specially designed units and their fully qualified and qualified staff will ensure that this centre can again be a sanctuary and a place of refuge for children and their mothers in Dublin South West.”
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HSE commitment to Primary Care in Tallaght welcomed
Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed the commitment of the HSE to the development of Primary Care Services in the Tallaght area. He raised the matter at the April meeting of the Regional Health Forum, Dublin MidLeinster and also sought the current position regarding the provision of Primary Care Centres at Tallaght Cross and Greenhills Road.
The RHF Management told Charlie O’Connor that “The Primary Care Centre at Tallaght Cross is due for completion in June 2016. It is anticipated that following completion of the construction works the facility will be ready for occupation in August of this year. Discussions are ongoing between Community Healthcare Organisation 7 and the HSE Primary Care Division in relation to how the additional costs of operating this
new centre can be met”. In response to his question regarding the proposed Primary Care Centre planned for the Greenhills Road, Charlie O’Connor was told that “ The current timeframe for completion of the project is 2017. The intention is to provide a full range of services from this location to include: •
General Practitioners
• • • •
HSE Primary Care Services EVE Holdings Addiction Services Young Persons Drug & Alcohol Services Primary Care Counselling / Alba • Counselling Services “ According to Charlie O’Connor both of these projects are important for the Tallaght community.
the Legal column
by Romaine Scally
Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506
In this edition of your free local paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 01-4599506 email legal@scally.ie deals with questions relating to personal injury claims.
ROMAINE SCALLY & CO. SOLICITORS, MAIN STREET, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24 TEL: 01 45 99 506 FAX: 01 45 99 510 EMAIL: legal@scally.ie WEB: www.romainescally.ie
Q. My sister and I were driving to work early one morning recently when a car drove into the back of us when stopped at lights. The driver was very apologetic and said that he had been changing channel on the radio and had not noticed that the lights were red. Both of us attended the hospital with whiplash type injuries. The problem now is that the Gardai have said that this man is uninsured. There was a lot of damage to my sister’s car. We do have comprehensive insurance but we would prefer not to claim on our comprehensive cover. Is there anything we can do? A. This is a very unfortunate situation and one which we hear surprisingly often. There must be quite a large number of uninsured drivers around the country and it is adding to people’s distress, following an accident.
In your case, it will be necessary to bring an action against both the uninsured driver and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland (MIBI). The MIBI cover claims arising from the negligent driving of untraced and/or uninsured drivers.
However, the procedure for pursuing such claims is different and more cumbersome and certainly longer drawn out. Mostly, the MIBI insist that the owner/driver of the car him/herself is pursued, even if they are difficult to track down. Many uninsured drivers do not voluntarily make themselves available to be served with proceedings. It is therefore important that you attend with a solicitor early to ensure that the process is started as quickly as possible. With regard to the car damage, if you claim on foot of your comprehensive cover then, you are prohibited from recovering those comprehensive losses against the MIBI. This often operates very harshly on claimants. Your sister would obviously like to hold on to her no claims bonus. However, if the car is badly damaged and has to be repaired then, your only two options in this instance are to hold off any repairs until the claim against the MIBI and the uninsured driver is resolved or, to pay for the repairs privately, and not on foot of your comprehensive cover, and recover that money as part of the claim. Most people tend to have the repairs carried out on foot of their comprehensive cover. Many insurance companies have an additional cover whereby, if you are not at fault for the accident, you are not penalized by losing your no claims bonus. You should check this with your insurance company.
In short, you can sue for personal injuries and for your other out of pocket expenses and losses but, once you claim on foot of your comprehensive cover for your car damage, you cannot then include that part of the claim against the MIBI. Both your sister and yourself should take legal advice as these cases involving uninsured drivers are often complex and require particular attention. We wish you the best of luck.
Q. I was opening a tin of tomatoes recently when the ring around the tin to facilitate pulling the lid off, broke away from the lid and ripped through my left hand, which was holding the tin. It is an unusual accident, I know, but I ended up getting stitches in my left hand. Would I have any claim?
FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie
Unusual and all as this sounds, A. you probably do have a case for personal injuries arising from this accident. The lid of the tin of tomatoes did not behave as it should have and the ring supporting the lid came away from the lid thus causing the injury. As such, your claim would be on the basis of a defective product and would more than likely be against the importer and possibly manufacturer of the tin. It is very important to sue the correct person and, for that reason, it is imperative that you attend with a Solicitor to give full instructions and to take the tin with you to the Solicitor’s office so that the correct parties can be identified. You should also complain to the retailer and, although they will make a note of the claim, ultimately the correct defendant will probably be the importer and manufacturer of the tin itself. These cases can take time as the manufacturers are often companies outside the country but, most Solicitors dealing in litigation cases will be very experienced in handling these claims and will be well aware as to who should be named as the correct defendants. We wish you the best of luck in this regard.
Q. I travel every day to work by Luas. On one occasion about one month ago, the door closed on me before I had fully exited. I got a terrible shock and was terrified that the Luas would take off while I was half in and half out. Fortunately, the driver spotted what had happened and I was eventually safely released. Since then however, I have been having very bad shoulder pains and I have been to my doctor who has said that I have whiplash injuries. Could I sue? A. You would be surprised how often we hear this story. These accidents do unfortunately happen. You would have a cause of action in circumstances where the door should most certainly not have closed on you, causing you those injuries. We would suggest that you attend with a Solicitor as soon as possible with a view to giving detailed instructions. It is also important to formally put the Luas on notice of a claim and, in this regard, we would suggest that you write a brief letter
notifying them of the accident and giving the date, time, and place of same. We wish you the best of luck.
Q. About 6 months ago, I fell down the stairs at work and injured my back quite badly. I have been in and out of work since then. I am being paid while out of work. However, I am very worried that I may be left with a permanent injury and my doctors are not giving me any reassurance that I will make a full recovery. Would I have any claim?
A. This sounds like a very nasty injury indeed and one which you are still suffering as a result of some 6 months later with no prospect of a full recovery. This is a serious situation indeed and one which you probably have no option but to seek legal advice. Without having a detailed consultation, it is difficult to give a legal opinion. In cases such as these, it is often necessary to obtain an Engineering Report on the stairs themselves to ascertain whether or not they conform to health and safety standards. Perhaps there might have been a thread bare cover on the stairs which caught your heel. The important thing is to arrange for a consultation with a Solicitor and outline in detail exactly how the accident occurred. It might be useful to bring the shoes you wore to work on that day to the consultation. Either way, with a serious injury such as this, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible. Remember that you have two years only from the date of the injury in which to consider bringing a claim. Time can pass very quickly and before you know it, especially if you are being paid while out of work, the two years may have passed. Therefore in order to establish whether or not there is a claim, you will need to attend with your Solicitor and describe in detail exactly how the accident happened, the condition of the stairs, the shoes you were wearing, and any other relevant details. We wish you the best of luck in this regard.
In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement
bealtaine festiVal 1st May – 31st May your free local newspaper
On Wednesday 4th May at 11.00am Mayor Sarah Holland will launch South Dublin County Council’s Bealtaine Festival in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Naas Road. The month of May belongs to the Bealtaine festival, celebrating creativity as we age! The Bealtaine Festival gives everyone the opportunity to discover a new talent or find a new way to use an old skill. It is an opening to make new friends and connect with your community. Bealtaine is coordinated by Age and Opportunity, the
The Festival celebrating Creativity in Older Age
national organisation working to promote greater participation by older people in society. The name "Bealtaine" comes from the ancient Celtic festival of that name celebrating springtime, freshness and renewal. In South Dublin County the number of people age 65 and over is 23,053 and is rising. Our aging population offers both challenges and opportunities to South Dublin County. In South Dublin we have developed useful links and working relationships between our partner agencies
oVer half-a-Million people participateD in an taisce’s national spring clean caMpaign!
An Taisce’s National Spring Clean is coming to an end for another year and the campaign was given a proper send off as campaign ambassador Sarah McGovern was joined by the students of St. Mark’s Junior School in a massive clean-up event in Tallaght!
2016 marked the 18th year of the National Spring Clean and this was the strongest year for Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative. Over 500,000 thousand people participated in the campaign this year, which is a 5% increase from last year’s numbers.
Volunteers from a range of groups, including Tidy Towns, residents’ associations, youth clubs and community and environmental organisations, gave up their time to show just how much they #lovewhereyoulive Sarah McGovern joined the students of St. Mark’s Junior School in Tallaght to mark the end of this years’ campaign
Pictured (top) left to right are Gareth Mulhall (6), Sarah McGovern and Georgia Browne (6) also pictured left to right are Nicole Wills (6) and Ciara Lynch Phillips (6)
and service providers. We have established the Age Friendly County Alliance and Tús Nua Older Persons Forum. It raises more awareness of issues affecting older persons and allows us to put the necessary structures in place to address this. South Dublin County is fully committed to being an Age Friendly County. South Dublin County Council has organised a number of events during the month to celebrate this festival and has produced a programme to advertise the wide variety of events and activities that are planned for
the festival. There is an opportunity here for everybody to try out something new! Some of the activities include crafts, computer classes, horticultural workshops, walking, tea dance, ballroom dancing etc This year we are inviting people to Celebrate Creativity by putting their imagination to work. Applications forms and Programme of Events for the month can be downloaded from www.sdcc.ie.
seeking ‘the best sports club in irelanD’
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The Irish Times – in association with the National Dairy Council – wants you to nominate the Best Sports Club in Ireland
The Irish Times is on the hunt for the Best Sports Club in Ireland: clubs with great spirit, great communities and great achievements.
This sporting competition is all about the taking part, not the winning. The club can be large or small, urban or rural, cup winner or community club.
The winning sports club, to be announced in June, will receive a prize of €5,000, with a further €1,000 for another deserving entrant. The prize is provided by the National Dairy Council (NDC), the competition’s sponsor.
The winner will be decided by a panel of judges chosen by The Irish Times. Judges will make their decision based on criteria including community involvement, club spirit and, of course, sporting achievement.
Conor Goodman, Irish Times Features Editor and chair of the judging panel, says: “This is a genuine celebration of participation rather than of sporting prowess, an effort to recognise the great local organisations around Ireland, minority-interest groups, tight teams, bands of driven individuals, volunteers, fans, drivers, supporters, substitutes, sandwich makers, goal scorers, committee members, fundraisers, visionaries, chairpersons, coaches, kit launderers, parents and local heroes.”
Rob and David Kearney launched The Best Sports Club in Ireland with a photo shoot on Tuesday, 12th April. NDC chief executive Zoë Kavanagh says that The Best Sports Club in Ireland sponsorship celebrates the positive role that dairy can play in sports nutrition, at whatever level you play or
enjoy sports.
“In the area of sports nutrition, milk is recognized as a convenient, affordable and accessible option postsport/exercise. Following a healthy, balanced diet is essential for any athlete regardless of sport or competitive level, and the timing and type of foods chosen can impact says performance” Kavanagh. Kavanagh explains that Rob and Dave Kearney, who grew up on a farm in Co Louth, have been ambassadors for the National Dairy Council since the start of 2014. “They have been superb role models, resonating with people of all ages and helping us to promote the benefits of dairy as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle,” says Kavanagh. This is the fifth such competition run by The Irish Times. In 2012 we named Westport, Co Mayo, as the
Best Place to Live in Ireland; in 2013 Loop Head, Co Clare, won the title of Best Place to Holiday in Ireland; and in 2014, with an emphasis on outdoor activity, we chose Erris, Co
Mayo, as the Best Place to Go Wild in Ireland. Last year Killarney National Park, in Co Kerry, was named the Best Day Out in Ireland. In all these contests the information that you have
supplied has been central. So get writing. Nominate your club, and find full terms and conditions at www.irishtimes.com/bests portsclub.
Rob & Dave Kearney launch The Irish Times Best Sports Club in partnership with NDC #bestsportsclub
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noVenas noVenas noVenas noVenas
MIRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. B.L.
Dear MIRACLE PRAyER Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. G.S.N. MIRACLE PRAyER
Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. G.N.
MIRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for days. Promise three publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. G.N.
As our regular readers will know we have asked for
your generosity in supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including NCBI Solas Centre in Clondalkin, Tir na nOg (Cheeverstown House) and Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice . These charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. We would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice going forward, we are delighted to support THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRuST.
We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRuST. THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRuST is a registered charity in Ireland (Charity Number: 5992), and for over 40 years the Trust has been travelling on pilgrimage/holiday to Lourdes with young people
with special needs, from all over Ireland.
The Trust has over 1100 people travelling at Easter time and it is divided into small groups of approx 10 young people and 12 volunteer carers who stay in one of the many Hotels in Lourdes. In June we bring a group of 110 people to Hosanna House in Lourdes for what is a unique experience both Carer and Guest. We have two facilities in Kilcuan, Co. Galway and Cois Cuain, Co. Wexford each offering different opportunities. Both facilities provide Friendship weeks during the Summer. Application forms are available from our Office at 091 796622.
For more information on the Irish Pilgrimage Trust please contact us at 091 796622 or Email info@irishpilgrimagetrust.c om or visit our web page on http://www.irishpilgrimage trust.com for more
If you would like a Novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to THE IRISH PILGRIMAGE TRuST and send it, along with your Novena to:
NEWSGROuP, uNIT 3, FLOOR 2, ST. DOMINIC'S SHOPPING CENTRE, ST DOMINIC'S ROAD, TALLAGHT, DuBLIN 24 If you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.
free book giVeaway!
your free local newspaper
You probably already know that stabilising your blood sugar will go a long way in preventing insulin resistance and diabetes, but did you know that it can completely transform how you look and feel? Balancing blood sugar means an end to to the dreaded 2pm slump, effortless weight loss, stable mood, improved concentration, boundless energy and beautiful skin. Here are some tell-tale signs that you have a blood sugar imbalance:
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WOODvILLE, PAGESTOWN, DONADEA, CO. KILDARE “This is a magnificent family home that you must see”. “You will not be disappointed with this amazing family home”. Interest is sure to be strong. Award winning Auctioneering Team since 2003, Team Lorraine Mulligan of RE/MAX Results Celbridge & Lucan extends a very special invitation to you to view this stunning C. 3,300 sqft (C. 307 sqm) residence on a C. 1.7 acre site with a gorgeous sunny aspect. This home is beautifully designed and extended. “Woodville” enjoys a very luxurious and lavish interior and enjoys the very finest of fixtures and fittings. There has been no money spared on this breath taking home.
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Motoring with newsgroup 24
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gooD start for new car registrations as inDustry MoVes towarDs norMality
New car sales total in first 3 months 2016 (82,830) up 28% on 2015
The key drivers of new car sales look set to remain positive, with the current momentum of the Irish economy strong, employment set to increase, improved earnings and consumer confidence remaining positive. Against this background, Jim Power Economist and author of the SIMI/DoneDeal Report said: “New car registrations should be capable of expanding by around 25%, giving total sales of 156,181
for 2016. Looking ahead to 2017, while it is impossible to forecast that far ahead with any degree of confidence, another good year should be in prospect for the auto industry.”
Alan Nolan Director General SIMI: “The first quarter of 2016 has been a strong start for our Industry, with VAT and VRT receipts for new and used cars totalling €752.4 million, 31.4%
ahead of the first quarter of 2015 demonstrating that car sales continue to make an increasing contribution to the Exchequer. The increase growth in sales is partly due to the pentup demand from older cars been replaced with new ones over recent years and we would expect to see the Industry continuing to improve towards more normal levels of sales with a projected €1.3 Billion likely to be collected for the Exchequer towards the end of 2016 for new car sales.”
Figures from DoneDeal, Ireland’s most popular motoring site, mirrored the growth rate seen in the Motor Industry, with their car section advertising volumes increasing by over 11% on the same quarter last year, with a total advertised value of over €1.4 Billion in the Motor section alone for Q1 2016.
Cathal Cremen, Commercial Manager of DoneDeal’s Motor Section, said: “With 260,534 motor ads published on DoneDeal.ie in the first quarter of 2016, the site continues to strengthen its position as the online platform of choice when it comes to the buying and selling of cars for both private individuals and professional dealerships. “Our partnership with the SIMI dealership network is contributing positively to the range of higher value select cars on offer and the number of dealership ads now being published on the site, which has increased by 25% on the same period last year.” The review also highlights that the cost of motoring in general has decreased with the price of new cars down on average 2.8%, Petrol prices have declined by 11.1% and Diesel prices also declined by 17.7% in contrast the cost of motor insurance is increasing at a significant pace have again increased by 32.4% in the first quarter of 2016. To view the full SIMI Motor Industry Review in association with DoneDeal visit www.simi.ie/quarterlyreview
Mercedes-Benz main dealer Brendan Grace of MSL, Naas Road, pictured with the new E-Class which can now be viewed at their showrooms throughout Dublin. Fitted with automatic transmission and over €7,000 worth of standard features, it is available in three style and equipment lines – Avantgarde, Exclusive and AMG - and is priced from €52,850, some €850 less than the previous model. Now in its tenth generation, the E-Class is described as a masterpiece of intelligence that brings the era of autonomous, accident free motoring even closer. Buyers can choose between models with a bonnet-mounted or one (pictured) with grille inset star.
News likely to appeal to motorists in Dublin South is the announcement of a 'Win Your Fill of Fuel Around Ireland’ promotion by Valero, who market fuel in Ireland under the Texaco brand. Continuing until May 6th next, motorists who spend €30 or more on fuel at any participating station can enter a draw to win a free €500 Texaco fuel voucher. Texaco service stations in South Dublin are: Newcastle Service Station, Ballydowd Service Station (Lucan), Clondalkin Wash Centre and Spawell Service Station (Tallaght). Applicable in the Republic of Ireland only, entries – which include a simple test of skill and are subject to terms and conditions printed on the entry form – can be deposited in a dedicated entry box at the station where the purchase was made. One winner will be chosen from each participating station. Photo: Texaco’s Bronagh Carron introduces ‘Win Your Fill of Fuel Around Ireland’.
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by Lynda O'Donoghue Donnelly
email: lynda@newsgroup.ie
Not many bonds are as unbreakable as the best friend relationship and countless movies have been made about that very topic. This week we give you a rundown of the very best in friendship movies with our Top Five Films – Buddies. So get your bestie around, break out the popcorn and settle down for a great friend-filled night in front of the TV with one of our highly recommended movies.
1. Stand By Me – The quintessential buddy movie Stand By Me is an outstanding film. The story of four young friends who set off on a journey to see the body of a local boy who has been missing for days. Along the way they make lifelong memories, confront their fears and stand up for what is right. Even though it was made 30 years ago this is still a fantastic film today.
2. Now and Then – Four best friends return to the small town where they grew up to keep a promise to “always be there for each other”. Although their lives have all grown in different directions as they relive the best Summer of their lives they realise how important they are to each other. Stellar cast and a brilliantly emotive movie.
3. The Hangover – One of the most unexpected hit films of the last 20 years tells the story of a group celebrating their best friend’s stag party and getting caught up in some serious Las Vegas shenanigans. Hilarious, well-acted and completely quotable The Hangover is the must-see film of the buddy movie genre. 4. Bridesmaids – Another classic comedy this film was billed as the female version
of The Hangover – and it does not disappoint. When her best friend announced her engagement Annie is pleased for her but upon meeting the other bridesmaids she isn’t so sure that she knows her at all. Cue hilarious scenes as the bridesmaids compete for supremacy.
5. Bend It Like Beckham – A film about following your dreams at all costs Bend It Like Beckham is the story of two girls who want to be professional footballs. Jess, rebels against her parents' strict traditionalism and joins a football team where she befriends Jules. The two pals help each other to realise their dream. Those are our Top Five Films Buddies recommendations, so if you are feeling the best friend love, call your pals, grab one of these classic movies and arrange a DVD night.
After hearing Ryan’s unique voice, Jimmy invited Ryan to join him in his studio to record some tracks and when they hit it off the duo decided to make the partnership more permanent creating Picture This.
The Kildare duo are also set to release their new single “Take My Hand” on Friday 6th May. The song is the follow up to the band’s first release “You and I” which
was well received at Irish radio and also received airplay air across UK and USA airwaves. Over the last six months the band’s Facebook page has grown to almost 15,000 likes and Picture This has had over 2.5 million views on Facebook and over two hundred and fifty thousand views on YouTube. They have also received plenty of plaudits for their Traffic Jam videos which have seen the likes of Gavin
James, The Coronas, Ryan Sheridan, Hometown and Aslan’s Christy Dignam join in. Picture This has also announced that they have signed with International book agents CAA under the guidance of Jon Ollier who has worked closely with International sensation Ed Sheeran. For more information about the band visit the Picture This Facebook page.
Picture This are set to release their new single “Take My Hand” on Friday 6th May
Brid Dukes, Civic Theatre’s Artistic Director, Retires
A scene from Buddies
Big things are happening for Irish duo Picture This who have just announced an allages gig at the Olympia Theatre later this year. Jimmy Rainsford and Ryan Hennessy joined forces at the end of October 2015 and have built up a huge following over the last
Picture This
number of months. After selling out their debut show at the Academy five weeks in advance the guys have chosen a bigger venue to ensure that all of their fans will be able to get their hands on tickets this time around. The duo will play a headline
show in Dublin’s Olympia Theatre on Saturday 12th November and tickets for the all ages gig are priced €20 including booking fee and are on sale now. Picture This was formed after Kildare native Jimmy, 22, heard 21-year-old Ryan singing in bars and pubs.
Bríd Dukes, Civic Theatre's Artistic Director and driving force behind Tenderfoot, has retired after 17 years at the Tallaght venue. The well-respected producer, writer and mentor put an emphasis on the youth ensemble programme Tenderfoot during her time at the Civic Theatre. The theatre programme for transition year students gives young people the opportunity to work alongside working theatre professionals, theatre artists – writers, directors, designers and production technicians to develop their art/skill be that writing, production design, costume design, performance or stage management.
Bríd’s tenure at the Tallaght venue will be remembered fondly for her dedication to the programme. Tenderfoot Coordinator, Veronica Coburn said: “I would like to not just thank but pay tribute to the wonderful Bríd Dukes. “It was Bríd Dukes who first imagined a programme for transition year students. It was Bríd Dukes who gave me the opportunity to embark on this rich vein of work. It has been Bríd Dukes who has ensured that Tenderfoot has continued to exist from year to year despite the recession and dwindling resources. Her commitment to the young people of South Dublin County, her belief in the importance of
their place in our cultural institutions, and her capacity to put her principles into action is an inspiration.” Having worked in the arts since 1967, first as a Stage Director with the Abbey Theatre and then as freelance in RTE and in other theatres Bríd was appointed Artistic Director of the Civic Theatre in Tallaght in late 1998.
Civic Theatre Board Member, Billy Coman, wished her the best and congratulated her for her ‘artistic direction’ that has brought so much entertainment and enjoyment to the citizens of South Dublin.
a healthy alternatiVe to energy Drinks? 26
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Energy drinks are often marketed as a healthy and youthful way to boost mental alertness and physical performance. In reality these drinks are loaded with caffeine, additives and sugar that can be seriously damaging to the body.
Side effects of the over-consumption of energy drinks include heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, anxiety, and headaches. These conditions could worsen overtime, leading to complications of the heart, liver, and other vital organs. A BETTER ALTERNATIvE - WHAT IS Q10?
CoQ10 is found concentrated inside the mitochondria, or ‘powerhouses’ of the cells where it plays a vital role in the creation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s energy ‘currency’. Unfortunately levels peak in our mid twenties and steadily decline
thereafter. It is further depleted by stress and intense exercise. Organs that work the hardest and burn the most calories, such as the heart, kidney and liver, have the highest natural concentrations of CoQ10. Q10 has antioxidant properties, so it may help prevent damage from free radicals and could also boost the immune system. Free
radicals are unstable molecules that form as a result of dietary or environmental toxins. Free radicals can damage your cells over time, and athletes who put extra demands on their body may be more susceptible to their damaging effects, which might cause diminished health, slower recovery after exertion and sore muscles.
what to look for in a suppleMent
varies greatly. As the nutrient is The quality of Q10 supplements dissolved in a lipid for proper fat soluble, it should always be document its bioavailability digestion. Q10 Pharma Nord can scientific studies. (absorption in blood) in over 100 official reference product of For this reason it has become the 0 Association (ICQA), who the International Coenzyme Q1 e. coordinates Q10 research worldwid
CoQ10 is essential for generating the energy that keeps us alive. The body burns fats and carbohydrates to produce a unit of energy called ATP. ATP is the only form of energy the cells can use directly. To churn out ATP, mitochondria have to break down fats and carbohydrates with the help of electrons. CoQ10, which is a fat soluble nutrient, is able to transfer the necessary electrons through the lipid membrane of the cell. Without Q10 there is no energy produced.
Efficient production of ATP helps athletes, who put a lot of demand on their energy systems, go harder and farther before fatiguing. Studies have shown its potential toboost
performance, shorten recovery time and reduce levels of fatigue.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in 2008 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, Baylor University scientists found that supplements of 100 and 200 milligrams increased CoQ10 levels in muscles and prolonged the length of exercise in healthy adults. A doubleblind, placebo-controlled study from researchers at the University Graduate
School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan, published in 2008 in Nutrition, showed that 300 milligrams of CoQ10 helped cyclists achieve higher velocities for longer periods of time and recover from fatigue more rapidly. A COMPETITIvE EDGE FOR ATHLETES
Q10 can increase energy and stamina while reducing blood pressure and muscular dystrophy. It's no wonder that the fitness community have embraced the nutrient. Athletes in particular, have reported that the supplement improves breathing
capabilities and gives them competitive edge.
Although Q10 can be found in some animal products such as fish, beef and chicken, the amount is negligible. A serving of beef contains just a few milligrams of CoQ10. This isn’t nearly enough to replicate the benefits of supplemental doses similar to those used in studies above.
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Miriam O’Shea Slimming World Bohernabreena St.Annes GAA Club Bohernabreena Tallaght Dublin 24 Times: Tuesday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30am Tuesday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9703016 Caroline Slimming World Kilnamanagh Kilnamanagh Community Centre Tallaght Dublin 24 , Times: Monday Evenings 5.30 & 7.30pm Wednesday Evening 5.30 & 7.30pm Mobile: 086 3057403
Pauline Slimming World Plaza Hotel Plaza Hotel 1st Floor Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Thursday Mornings 9.30am & 11.30am Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 085 770 4751 Sandra Slimming World St Marks GAA Club McGee Park, Cookstown Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times:Tuesdays 5:30pm and 7:30pm Wednesday Mornings 9.30am Mobile: 085 148 4669
Karen Kingswood Community Centre Tallaght Dublin 24 Times: Thursday Evenings 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9066423
Pamela Slimming World Old Bawn The Maldron Hotel Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Monday Evenings 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tuesday Mornings 9.30am Mobile: 086 1231774 Sharon Daly Slimming World Citywest Citywest Hotel Saggart Co.Dublin Times: Wednesday evening 5.30 & 7.30 Mobile: 085 1402870
Karen Slimming World Plaza Hotel The Plaza Hotel Tallaght Dublin 24 Times: Wednesday Evening 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 087 9066423 Sandra Slimming World Maldron Hotel Tallaght Maldron Hotel, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Friday 9:30am Mobile: 085 1484669 Tracy Slimming World Clondalkin The Green Isle Hotel, Newlands Cross, Dublin 22 Times: Tuesday Morning 9.30am & 11.30am Tuesday Evening 3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Mobile: 085 7125138
Sharon Daly Slimming World Jobstown Jobstown Community Centre, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Times: Tuesday 7.30pm Mobile: 085 1402870
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