Tallaght News

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gOvernmenT reliance On develOperS fOr hOuSing ‘fOOliSh and miSTaken’

9TH NOVEMBER 2015 TEL: 01 451 3822 / 01 451 9000 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe TD has said the over Government's reliance on Private Developers to deliver housing accommodation is foolish and mistaken. Crowe was responding to new figures that home building is down in Dublin from a high of 14,375 in 2006 to 2,075 last year. Deputy Sean Crowe said "The Government’s reliance on the private

sector and private developers to deliver housing accommodation in Dublin is foolish and mistaken. "Dublin needs 8,000 new homes every year but home builds are down from a high of 14,375 in 2006 to 2,075 last year. "Private developers are failing to build and deliver homes for the people of Dublin and this the primary cause of spiralling rents increases in the rental

sector. "What is needed is a Government funded housing programme for home building in Dublin. We urgently need social and affordable homes to meet current demand and that of an increasing population. "The number of social housing units not being built is alarming with Government plans for just 1750 by the end of 2017 across the state and just 168 in Dublin in

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that time period. "This snail’s pace of private construction and the tiny amount of social housing construction will only lead to a continuation of the rent increases we have seen in recent years. Rents have gone up 35% since 2011. "We clearly need a major investment in social housing construction on an annual basis building at

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hundredS Send Their meSSageS Of SuppOrT TO SurvivOrS Of SeXual abuSe

Published by: Newsgroup, Unit 3 Floor 2 St. Dominics Shopping Centre, St. Dominics Road, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 HK49.

Titles: Tallaght News, Clondalkin News, Lucan News and Rathcoole & Saggart News Printed by: Celtic Media Group. Distributed by: Local Post Co.

Contact Details: Email: info@newsgroup.ie Website www.newsgroup.ie www.facebook.com/newsgroup.ie Twitter @NewsgroupIRL www.linkedIn.com/company/newsgroup Registered in Ireland: 497158 Tax and VAT Registration: IE 3354179CH Advertising: Anthony Russell Sales Director anthony@newsgroup.ie Design & Editorial John Russell john@newsgroup.ie

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Students, individuals and organisations have been adding their voices to One In Four’s latest campaign in support of survivors of sexual abuse. The charity One In Four has been asking people to send in their own words of encouragement to the women and men that attend. In Ireland research has shown that one in four children (27%) will experience sexual abuse before the age of 18. Despite well publicised scandals and

reports, many Irish people remain unable to respond to this problem and the long term damage it creates individually and at societal level. “Stay strong and never forget: None of this was in any way your fault,” reads one of the messages. “You are wonderful to be seeking support,” says another, “Healing is a journey with many twists and turns.” One teacher explained, “Our students were thrilled to be a part of such positive action. We

‘fOOliSh and miSTaken’ frOm page 1

least 7000 social housing units a year. We also need rent regulation and rent certainty to stabilise the market as well as an increase in rent supplement in order to keep tenants at risk of homelessness in their own home.” "South Dublin County Council along with other local authorities has the development land to meet the needs


of Dublin. lacking is What is Government funding to build on this land. Minister Kelly continues to promise that funding resources are not the problem but his reliance on the private sector to deliver accommodation is foolish and won't deliver for families and individuals desperately seeking a permanent place that they can call home."

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hope our graduates are defined by 'who' they are. It is through action such as this that they will develop in to great women who'll make a big difference. A project like this contributes to their holistic education, opening their eyes to the world around them, developing a social conscience, a sense of justice and civic responsibility.” One in Four professionally supports men, women and families who have experienced sexual abuse during childhood. Their aim is to reduce the incidence of sexual abuse by intervening in key areas of the cycle of abuse. This is done

through psychotherapy, advocacy and prevention services. “It’s wonderful to see young people talking about a subject where so many adults struggle,” said Head of Fundraising Simon Scriver. “By talking about sexual abuse we can begin to reduce the stigma attached. This campaign is getting adults and students talking, as well as sending a positive message to our visitors, clients, staff and volunteers. It’s also helping us raise badly needed funds to reduce the waiting list for our services.” “Sexual abuse in childhood is devastating, and its

are felt effects throughout a person's life,” added Executive Director Maeve Lewis. “When a survivor enters our counselling programme, they are supported to face the pain and trauma. It is absolutely unacceptable that so many people are denied the chance to transform their lives because we are unable to meet them when they need us.” To take part in the campaign or to make a donation to One In Four visit please www.oneinfour.ie, email info@oneinfour.ie, phone (01) 6624070, or write to 2 Holles Street, Dublin 2.

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duff welcOmeS repOrT recOmmendaTiOnS TO give wOrkerS mOre cerTainTy Over wOrking hOurS

Local Labour Party Councillor Mick Duff, has stated that the findings of the Report

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out by carried University of Limerick, ‘A Study on the Prevalence of Zero

Hours Contracts among Irish Employers and their Impact on Employees’ will come

as welcome news to workers in Dublin South West. Mick Duff commented:

Report “The commissioned by my Labour Party colleague Minister Ged Nash, recommends that the use of “if and when” contracts by employers needs to be addressed. "Interestingly, it shows that zero hour contracts, as we know them, are not extensively used. However, a new phenomenon of "if and

when" contracts has been identified by the researchers.

“The Report recommends that employees are given at least 72 hours’ notice of any request to undertake work and the same amount of notice should be given for the cancellation of hours. If a worker undertakes extra hours without the

minimum notice, they should be compensated at 150% of the rate they would be paid. If workers do not get the minimum notice for the cancellation of hours, they should be paid at their normal rate for the hours which were scheduled.

“People who work on “if and when” contracts face difficulty planning their everyday lives because they have little certainty over their work schedules and how much they will earn in a month. This makes it difficult for people to budget and pay bills or even plan a family day out. I fully support Minister Nash's efforts to address this type of precarious work and I am glad Labour in Government is addressing this important issue which I know affects many workers in Dublin South West.

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ST. cOlmcille'S JuniOr and SeniOr naTiOnal SchOOlS receive Their flag aS parT Of The ireland 2016 cenTenary prOgramme


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Wednesday 4th On November Lt. David Finnegan and Sargent Karen Walsh from Baldonnel Aerodrome paid a special visit to St. Colmcille’s Junior and Senior National Schools as part of the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme. This a key initiative of the Programme and will see teams from Óglaigh na hÉireann, the

Irish Defence Forces, visit every primary school across South Dublin County to deliver the National Flag and a copy of the 1916 proclamation. As outlined in the Centenary Programme, this will all culminate in Proclamation Day on 15th March 2016, which has been set aside by the Department of Education as a special day to focus on the 1916

and the Proclamation raising of our National Flag. Pupils receiving flag and Proclamtion. Pictured are Pupils from St Colmcille’s Junior National School and Senior National School, Knocklyon with members of the Defence Forces, Lt. David Finnegan and Sargent Karen Walsh receiving flag and Proclamtion

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TaOiSeach challenged On hOSpiTal STaff claimS


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Dublin South representative

West Seán

Crowe TD and a member of the Tallaght


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Hospital Action Group has challenged Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s claim in the Dáil that Tallaght Hospital staff were responsible for an elderly ending up on a trolley, describing his remarks as ‘outrageous’

Deputy said:



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Seán Crowe TD. “Taoiseach Enda Kenny is clearly out of touch with reality”

“Taoiseach Enda Kenny has lost the run of himself and has the brass neck to blame Tallaght Hospital staff on a crisis in Accident & Emergency and awful scenario where an elderly patient was left on a trolley for 29 hours.

“Taoiseach Enda Kenny is clearly out of touch with reality and the stresses facing most Irish citizens.

“It’s easier to blame hard working hospital staff or seriously ill patients for getting sick, rather than blaming his own Minister for Health or his Cabinet.

“To suggest that staff in hospital are somehow responsible is outrageous and ignores his government role in cutting services to the bone since they came into office. Taoiseach Enda Kenny conveniently ignores his own governments cuts to health funding, the removal of thousands beds from the hospital system, the shortage of key staff, the lack of step down facilities, the failure to roll out primary care facilities and the lengthening waiting list for life changing operations.

“The Chief Executive Officer in Tallaght Hospital publicly warned back in 2013 that patient safety would be put at risk by budget cuts.

“Taoiseach Enda Kenny needs to retract his scurrilous statement against Tallaght Hospital staff and their reputation. His latest rantings undermine his office and try to trivialise the challenges facing hospital staff on a daily basis.”

renT meaSureS fall well ShOrT Of whaT iS needed

Sinn Féin’s Lynn Boylan has roundly criticised the leaked rental crisis measures proposed by government stating that they fall well short of rent certainty and still lack the necessary protections for tenants.

Ms. Boylan said: “This proposed suite of measures are insufficient. “Landlords already have to justify rent increases when they are brought before the PRTB so this is nothing new and this should not be lauded as a new measure. “Changing the rent review from one year to two years may give some tenants breathing room but at the end of the day there is still no rent certainty and this is certainly not being touted as a long term measure.

“We should also be aware that some landlords may plan for the proposed two-year rent review by now adjusting their initial rent calculations at the outset.This could have a disastrous affect with a possible immediate increase in rents. “We really need to tackle this problem at the root, and the problem is a lack of supply. “The government needs to begin a social housing building programme without delay. “Other countries across Europe have managed to maintain their social housing building programme despite the recession. “In Ireland there appears to be an ideological resistance to government investment in housing despite how successful such programmes have been in the past.”

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clOndalkin reSidenTS lefT wiThOuT viTal OT Service

Sinn Féin Clondalkin Councillor Eoin Ó Broin has described the refusal of the HSE and South Dublin County Council to provide vital Occupational Therapist services to people applying for home adaptation grants as ‘inexplicable’ and ‘discriminatory’. Cllr Ó Broin’s comments were made after the HSE confirmed that it provides OT services to residents in Tallaght but not to residents in Clondalkin. Cllr Ó Broin said: ‘South Dublin County Council provides a number of home adaptation grants to older people and people with disabilities. ‘In order to qualify for a home adaptation grant the applicant has to provide an Occupational Therapist’s report detailing the works required to make the property suitable to the individual’s mobility needs. ‘Private home owners must provide their own OT report the cost of which is reimbursed as part of the grant payment. ‘The situation for Council

tenants is different. In Tallaght the HSE provides the OT reports while in Clondalkin the Council covered the cost. However earlier this year the Council stopped funding the reports and referred Clondalkin tenants to the HSE. ‘When Clondalkin council tenants approached the HSE they were told that the HSE did not have the required staff in the Community Care Organisation 7 region which includes Clondalkin and referred them back to the Council. ‘As a result families with significant mobility restrictions are now left in limbo. They urgently require home adaptation works but are unable to apply unless they pay for a private OT report which can cost as much as €300. ‘In response to a Parliamentary Question tabled by my colleague Mary Lou McDonald the HSE confirmed that they will provide council tenants in Dublin 24 with the OT reports but not council tenants in Dublin 22.

‘This really is inexplicable and amounts to discrimination. The idea that a person’s access to an Occupational Therapist report for the purposes of a home adaptation grant is based on your postcode in completely unfair. ‘I am calling on South Dublin County Council to reinstate the payment for the OT reports as an interim measure and for the Council and HSE to sit down and resolve this matter so that all council tenants in South Dublin are treated equally and receive the OT services on the basis of need and not where they live.’

Cllr. Eoin Ó Broin


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Tuffy’S ‘diSingenuOuS’ cOmmenTS On SOcial hOuSing ‘ring hOllOw’ 8

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Sinn Féin Councillor Eoin Ó Broin has criticised Labour TD Joanna Tuffy’s recent comments on social housing as ‘disingenuous’. The Clondalkin Councillor said the TDs comments will ‘ring hollow for the thousands of families on the waiting lists in South Dublin and the hundreds of families made homeless by the Labour

party’s failures Government.’


Ó Broin said: ‘Labour TD Joanna Tuffy welcomed the announcement of a public partnership in private Corkage Grange, Clondalkin to provide social housing. She also claimed that the Government were providing hundreds of millions of

euros to local authorities through low interest loans via the Housing Finance Agency.

‘Deputy Tuffys comments are disingenuous and ring hollow for the thousands of families on the waiting lists and the hundreds of families made homeless by the Labour party’s failures


in Government. ‘Firstly Councils can-not borrow from the Housing Finance Agency because of government borrowing rules. Sinn Féin has been campaigning for years to access these funds but to date the Government hasn’t listened. ‘Secondly Councillors on South Dublin County Council have neither seen nor agreed any plans for social housing in Corkagh Grange in Clondalklin. ‘The announcement by Minister Alan Kelly and

Deputy Joanna Tuffy have nothing to do with meeting the growing housing need in South Dublin. It was all about making the Labour TDs look good in the run up to the general election. ‘The reality is that under Fine Gael and Labour social housing construction has ground to a halt. Labour slashed social housing funding in 2011 and 2012. ‘Last October the Minister for Environment announced a reversal of these cuts. Yet to date South Dublin County Council has still not received funding to build

houses that have been shovel ready since 2013. the ‘Meanwhile government’s failure to tackle spiralling rents is making more and more families homeless. We now have the appalling situation of families waiting weeks to access emergency accommodation. ‘The solution to our deepening housing crisis is serious investment in social housing and real rent certainty. Neither Minister Kelly nor Deputy Tuffy are delivering either of these.’

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Dublin SenatorCatherine Noone, has called for tougher sentences for drink drivers. Senator Noone made the call following the tragic death of four-year-old Ciaran Treacy. “The sentence imposed for drink driving causing death should be increased to 14 years. This would bring it in line with the UK. “In the United Kingdom, a person convicted of drunk driving resulting in a fatality is liable to a sentence of 14 years

imprisonment and an unlimited fine. “As we have seen in the heart-breaking case of Ciaran Treacy and numerous other such cases, drink driving destroys lives and the families of all those involved.

“It is high time that we sent out a strong message that driving whilst under the influence of drink is an extremely serious crime and will result in severe and lengthy custodial consequences.”

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emergency wOrkerS need and deServe Special prOTecTiOn in law

Fianna Fáil General Election candidate John Curran has called on the Government to protect emergency with specific workers legislation making it an offence to attack emergency personnel on duty. He said it is very disturbing to hear stories of ambulance and fire personnel coming under attack in our communities in Dublin over the Halloween weekend.

John Curran said: “It has been clear to me for quite some time that we do not have strong enough legislation in place to protect gardaí, fire officers, paramedics and other emergency personnel. There have been many serious and unacceptable incidents in recent years where emergency workers have come under attack while on duty. I believe this is such a serious offence it

should be stipulated in law and carry a severe penalty. “Fianna Fáil has proposed a minimum 5 year jail term for anyone convicted of assaulting or threatening the life of an on duty garda, nurse, ambulance worker or fire officer. “I don’t share the view of the Government – that our emergency personnel don’t need or deserve special recognition. Such is the

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importance of their work and the risks they take on daily to protect us I believe we should match their with our commitment protection and respect in law. I want the message to go out loud and clear that it is not ok to attack an ambulance driver, or paramedics on duty. I want people to understand that the law will take a very strong line with anyone convicted of attacking gardaí and fire personnel. “Fianna Fáil produced legislation three years ago in 2012, the Assault on Emergency Workers Bill, and there is no sensible reason why this has been allowed to languish on the Dáil Order Paper. Fine Gael and Labour are the only reasons this hasn’t happened after four and half years in office and their silence and inaction is shameful,” concluded John Curran.

O’cOnnOr welcOmeS acTiOn aT Sean walSh park

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed confirmation from Council Management that the upgrade works on the CCTV system in Sean Walsh Park, Watergate, Tallaght have been completed.

The matter had been raised on a number of occasions by Councillor O’Connor particularly to combat a number of incidents of crime and anti-social behavior which had occurred in the Park. The Council have confirmed to Charlie O’Connor that the work has included the installation of a new camera at the bridge from Sean Walsh Park to the Square Shopping Centre complete with additional links to the Council Depot, the Council Head Office and the Square’s CCTV monitoring system. According to Councillor Charlie O’Connor it would now be hoped that these developments would ensure the safety of those wishing to use the Park.

He has also asked the Council to continue to monitor Littering in Sean Walsh Park and he said that he has had many complaints regarding a particular problem at the Bring Banks close to Tallaght Stadium. He added that it was important that the Sean Walsh Park would continue to be seen as an important and safe amenity for the community.

STudenTS ‘bank On’ financial educaTiOn your free local newspaper

by Lynda O'Donoghue Donnelly Financial education and business savvy was to the fore in St Joseph’s College, Lucan on Thursday with the launch of the school bank. Students at the school, in conjunction with Bank of Ireland, launched the initiative with legendary Kilkenny Hurler and 10-time All Ireland Winner Henry Shefflin. The outstanding hurler was on hand to open the bank and acknowledge the proud camogie tradition at the school.

St Joseph’s business students applied for positions at the school bank and were interviewed by Bank of Ireland staff from the local Lucan branch before securing their roles. The six successful candidates were hired and will work at the school bank which aims to “encourage students to save and to make it a regular habit”. With many of the students at the school engaged in part-time employment the banking staff believe that it is essential to have an account to

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which wages can be electronically transferred. Assistant Manager of the St Joseph’s College Lucan Bank of Ireland, Amie Butler, explained that the banking process will be made easier by the school. She said: “By opening a bank account through the school bank, students avoid all the red tape and documentation that would otherwise be required if opening an account on the High Street.” Cora Ward, Business teacher at St Joseph’s, added: “Participation in the school bank is a wonderful experience for the students involved as well as providing an essential and efficient service for the student body.” The school bank is part of an initiative to teach students about the world of finance which is essential for those studying Economics and Business. St Joseph’s College

Bank of Ireland also aims to give students “first-hand experience” of banking and finances. Inviting the legendary Henry Shefflin to the launch meant a “huge amount” to the GAA players and supporters at the school. Amie said: “[He] was chosen to launch the initiative as he is the embodiment of determination and skill that is needed in all aspects of life.”


Bank of Ireland’s Ciaran Ludden, Yvonne O’Shea and Barry McCabe with Henry Shefflin

St Joseph’s Hurling Team and coaches

3 uSeful TipS TO help Secure yOur hOme


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All break-ins occur through a front, back, sliding, French door or a standard window.

If you are concerned about your doors and are considering replacing them check out the Zentry Timberfaced Steel-Reinforced Door (see Zentry display ad on page 13). This is an excellent door and considered by security consultants including many Garda Crime Prevetion Officers, as Ireland’s strongest door. Although more expensive than the standard door, the fourteen point locking system will keep wouldbe burglars at bay. Alternatively, and less expensive is the Strongmaster Timber Composite Door and this door is the best of the composite door types available, as it uses the largest and strongest hook and bolt system in the composite door sector.

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cOuncillOr anne-marie dermOdy OpenS new cOnSTiTuency Office fOr The reSidenTS Of dublin SOuTh-weST

On Saturday the 22nd of October, local residents of the constituency of Dublin South-West were joined by Minister of State at the Departments of Finance PER and Taoiseach, Simon Harris TD, and Dublin South-West General Election Candidate, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody, at Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody’s new Constituency Office. The office which is situated in Firhouse, was officially opened by Minister Harris and Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody.

Councillor Dermody stated that “I’m delighted to officially open this new office for the residents of Dublin South-West. I hope that the office will be an opportunity for Dublin South-West residents to easily pass on queries that they may have or an opportunity to dropin and receive more information on a particular matter. It is vitally important that residents issues are listened to and my new office is a perfect environment in which to do that.”

The office operates on a drop-in basis and residents wishing to book an appointment with Councillor AnneMarie Dermody, can do so by phone the office during office hours on (01) 598 1551. The office is located at 2 Firhouse Road, Firhouse, Dublin 24 (beside Morton’s Pub, at the junction of the Firhouse Road and the Ballycullen Road). The office operates on a drop-in basis at the times below, if residents are unavailable to drop-in during those hours they can phone the office to book an appointment or forward on their queries over the phone. Constituency Office Drop-in hours: Monday 4.30pm – 8.30pm Tuesday 11.30am – 3.30pm Wednesday 11.30am – 3.30pm Thursday 11.30am –

3.30pm Friday 3.30pm


(To book an appointment with Councillor Anne-Marie

Dermody, please phone the office on (01) 598 1551.

Michael Ward of Young Fine Gael Dublin South-West, Brian Lawlor of Fine Gael Dublin South-West, Councillor Anne-Marie Dermody and Minister Simon Harris, officially opening the new Cllr. Anne-Marie Dermody Constituency Office.

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Open univerSiTy OpenS iTS dOOrS

The Open University (OU), Ireland’s leading provider of flexible Higher Education is urging anyone who wishes better their job to prospects or upskill; to attend its open day in Dublin on 21st November to hear about what’s on offer. The OU is highly respected by both industry and the private sector as a distancelearning provider in a range of subject areas. It boasts a wide range of qualifications with course structures designed to suit busy lifestyles. This flexible approach enables eight out of nine Irish OU students to study around a job. There are no previous qualifications required for Bachelor’s degrees and with the average age of an OU student in Ireland being 33; age is no barrier to upskilling or choosing a different career path. John D’Arcy, National Director of The Open University in Ireland, said: “For most of our graduates, no other higher education provider could provide them with the flexibility to study around their life commitments than the

Open University does. As Ireland’s largest provider of higher education distance learning, we would encourage anyone who is considering gaining a new skill or qualification to come along on the 21st November. “We are open to anyone and no appointment is necessary; just drop in and have a chat with one of our team of Faculty Advisors, on hand to talk about our courses, qualifications and the OU’s unique study methods.”. Orlagh Costello, who recently graduated with a in Technology Masters Management, commented: “The Open University’s model of one-to-one support suited me a lot better than a traditional university would, with everything I needed

available online. “I didn’t get lost in the crowd and the tutors responded quickly to all of my queries – even questions I thought were a bit daft. While I was studying, I moved house seven times, got married, changed jobs four times and moved countries as well. Only The Open University could have allowed me to do all of this while still completing my Master's.” There are currently more than 2000 students studying with The OU in Ireland and 29,635 Irish students have chosen to study with the University in Ireland since it was founded in 1969. Its awards are formally aligned with the National Framework of Qualifications and it is a member of Universities Ireland.

Event Details ook House, ty Dublin Office, Holbr whERE: Open Universi n2 bli Du , rth No on Square Holles Street, off Merri 13:30 to 30 10: 5 201 r be vem whEn: Saturday, 21 No 99 53 678 ts@open.ac.uk 01 COnTACT: ireland-even found at: Further details can be c-ofty.edu/events/republi rsi ive un en .op ww http://w ay ireland/dublin-open-d



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mOvember fOunder prOmOTeS mOve iniTiaTive TO encOurage acTive lifeSTyleS

Fine Gael TD for Dublin Derek Mid-West, Keating met with Justin Coghlan, known as JC, one of the original cofounders of Movember, along with John McCormack, CEO of the Irish Cancer Society, to this year’s discuss campaign and in particular the new MOVE initiative. Movember was founded in 2003 in Australia to get real men talking about real issues and to change the attitudes men have towards their health. This was done by promoting the idea of growing a moustache to changing the face of men’s health. This year Derek Keating is encouraging people to get involved with the MOVE initiative; a 30 day fitness challenge promoting 30 minutes of activity every day during Movember. Speaking to a large cross party group of Oireachtas members organised by Derek Keating TD for Dublin

Mid-West, it was outlined that men live six years less than women globally because men are inherently lazy around their health. “If you move for 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, you can offset cancer by 50%. The goal is to get men living six years longer. That will change economies and it will change the world. “The Movember

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the same problems. Keating Deputy concluded:"Movember has been a huge success in recent years and I am confident that MOVE will also do extremely well. Given that I already have a beard, I will support the MOVE initiative. "I would encourage men and women to get involved with MOVE and the Irish Cancer Society to begin the process of positive change.”

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Foundation has partnered with lots of sporting organisations, including the GAA, to get men understanding their health. “Changing relationships have a real impact on men’s health. 78% of suicides are carried out by men because they think the problems they have are harder than anyone else has in life, but when they talk about it, they realise that other people have

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Seminar On SOuTh dublin Traveller culTure SchOOlS prOJecT friday 20 november 2015 venue: South dublin arts centre, rua red, Tallaght, Time: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm

On Friday 20 November 2015 Mayor Sarah Holland will officially launch the half day seminar on the South Dublin Traveller Culture School’s Project. This is an initiative of the Social Inclusion Unit, South Dublin County Council and it has been running successfully for the past three years. The Unit has worked in partnership with Clondalkin Traveller Development Group, Tallaght Traveller Community Development Programme and Catholic Youth Care in the development of this initiative. The project is funded by the Department of Justice. The project promotes positive relationships between Travellers and local schoolchildren by providing a space where Travellers engage pupils in dialogue about their way of life and culture. The feedback from the evaluations of the project indicate extremely high levels of satisfaction from both pupils and teachers and a call for more of this type of intercultural work to be delivered in schools. The project also delivered positive outcomes for the Traveller facilitators involved who stated that the project improved their communication skills and confidence. The project has been delivered to over 2,000 pupils in the County and it has proven to be a very worthwhile experience for South Dublin County Council. The seminar is an opportunity to learn more about the programme and meet some of the people involved in its roll out and delivery. Contact Person: Maria Finn, Social Inclusion Officer (email: mfinn@sdublincoco.ie or telephone: 086 380 3060 or 01 414 9270).


hOmeOwnerS Seek TO avOid premium hikeS and claimS penalTieS wiTh new 3 year hOme inSurance pOlicieS your free local newspaper

Leading insurance brokers www.insuremyhouse.ie have today launched their new 2 and 3 year insurance home products in response to concerns from homeowners, fearful of premium further increases and claim penalties. Experts at insuremyhouse.ie say that after several years of declining home insurance premiums, an increase in the volume of claims and in the total amounts paid out by insurers has meant that premiums have risen by 6.5% according to the CSO and subsequently homeowners are worried that the potential for harsh Winter ahead could push premiums up even further.

“A Bad Winter could spike premiums further”

Jonathan Hehir, MD at www.insuremyhouse.ie explained, “While 2012 & 2013 were profitable for insurers, 2014 saw a reversal of that trend with significant losses of over €30m. We’ve looked at the claims volumes insurers have experienced over the last 12months and it’s clear that everything is on the up… which means so too are premiums according to the CSO. Bad weather this Winter could see further increases overall, with those with claims or in claim affected areas hit by additional penalties at renewal in 2016”. Insuremyhouse.ie say that customers have been asking how they can avoid these extra costs, so in response they have launched a 2

and 3 year home insurance product to combat any impending rate increases. Jonathan explained, “If a person chooses to opt in for the next 2 or 3 years then they will be insulated from any market rate increases during this time. This is a cost effective measure for those who would prefer some sense of certainty when it comes to premiums – and there is no charge for this, but instead a small administration discount – i.e. if someone’s premium is €400 for 1 year then 2 years will cost them €790 and 3 years will cost €1180”. Insuremyhouse.ie say that another benefit of the new product is that the premium won’t increase during the 2/3

years no matter how many claims are made on the policy in this time. Homeowners would normally be hit with a not insignificant premium increase just months after the claim when they go to renew their policy.

Insuremyhouse.ie say that there are several other ways to avail of cheaper premiums on home insurance: Secure your home: Most insurers will offer discounts for people with alarms and/ or monitored alarm systems. If you have one of these be sure to enquire as to whether any discounts should apply. A monitored alarm could reduce premiums by up to 25%. While these may have been

expensive a few years ago the cost of alarm monitoring has reduced significantly so may be worth looking into Check policy “add-ons” – extras like accidental damage are often costly and not necessary. always There’s little point in specifying valuable items such as iPads and bicycles if you opted for a higher excess, say €500 Increasing the excesses on your policy will invariably reduce the cost of your premium. However you need to ensure that you don’t end up having to pay out a fortune in the event of a claim – we would advise that you always take expert advising when considering changing policy excesses


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O’ cOnnOr welcOmeS updaTe On kingSwOOd SecOnd level SchOOl

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed confirmation that the Dublin and Dunlaoighre Education and Training Board is planning to hold an information meeting with local residents/parents to promote the proposed second level school in Kingswood Heights.

Planning Permission for the School was granted recently by South Dublin County Council and Charlie O’Connor sought an update on the plans from Jan O’Sullivan TD Minister for Education and Skills. According to Charlie O’Connor, the Minister has confirmed that it is the intention of the

Department and Dublin Dunlaoighre Education Training Board to open the School in temporary accommodation in September 2016. This proposal is attracting attention in the area and Charlie O’Connor confirmed that he has received a number of calls querying

the legal Column

the plans in respect of the temporary accommodation. He has brought this matter to the attention of the ETB and has asked that full consultation take place with the local community. He also promised to give all matters relating to this proposal his full attention.

by Romaine Scally

Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie that this is what might happen in this particular case but, readers would be surprised at how often it does happen.

In this edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 014599506 email legal@scally.ie considers the question of wills and their importance. q. My father says that he is not going to make a will as everything will go anyway to his children equally. Our Mother is dead some years now. is he right?

A. Assuming that he only intends his children to inherit, then ultimately, in the absence of a will, the estate of any deceased passes to their next of kin and given that your mother is already deceased, then the children of the deceased are the next in line to inherit and do so equally, with the children of any deceased child taking the share that their deceased parent would have taken or, if more than one, then, in equal shares. The method of extracting that grant however, is different and certainly more costly.

The whole idea of making a will is for the Testator to set out their final wishes in a legally binding format. It leaves nothing to chance and generally rules out arguments as to what any family member thought the Testator meant to say or do. A will need not necessarily mean that all the beneficiaries, or those who felt they should be beneficiaries, are going to be happy. However, it is a very clear statement of the Testators wishes and the courts are generally very reluctant to set a will aside. On the other hand, in the absence of a will, it is open to argument that the Testator made certain promises to some family members over others and a court will listen to arguments supporting any such claim. The estate is therefore more vulnerable to claims against it. A child living at home at the time of the parent’s death may argue that they were promised the house. I am not at all saying

When a person dies without making a will, the next of kin have to decide who will act as Administrator. Where there is a will, the process leading up to the final distribution of the estate is called, 'Taking out a Grant of Probate'. Where there is no will the process is called, 'Taking out a Grant of Administration'. The latter is a more complex process and requires the additional expense of an Administration Bond whereby the person or persons acting as Administrator(s) have to take out insurance undertaking to Administer the Estate according to the strict rules of Intestacy (no will). This is to protect those who should inherit according to the rules of Intestacy, in the event that a dishonest Administrator should perhaps deliberately leave out a beneficiary entitled who might, for example, have emigrated years ago and be unaware of the death of a family member, or a special needs child who cannot protect their entitlement. The Probate Office have to insist on this as they have no way of knowing that the documents furnished to them accurately lists all known family members of the deceased who are entitled to share in the estate. Generally, the absence of a will exposes the Estate to possible claims and certainly adds to the cost and time involved in taking out a Grant. Our advice as always is to encourage people to make a will.

q. My father died eight months ago. My brother is the Executor in the estate. he was and still is living in the house as he is separated. Our mother is long since dead. My father left the house to both of us equally. The problem is that my brother seems in no hurry to sort out my father’s affairs. Every time i mention it to him he just says that he will be getting around to it shortly. Can he continue just to do nothing?

A. The winding up of the affairs of a lifetime can be a long drawn out business. In addition to this, there can be a reluctance to face the finality of the death of a last parent. People deal with their grief in different ways. Your father obviously carefully prepared for this eventuality by preparing a will clearly setting out his final wishes. These are of course legally binding wishes and it is both the duty and the responsibility of the Executor to carry out those wishes. It is accepted by the law that this is, or can be, a lengthy procedure and the Executor

is granted a year in which to carry out the final instructions of the deceased, before any beneficiary can take any action against the Executor. This is generally known as the 'Executors Year'. It is really a recognition that the steps involved in taking out a Grant of Probate are both slow and at times tedious. However in this case you would hope that it would not come to this. As your father made a will, could it perhaps all be happening in your late fathers solicitors office? This would be the ideal solution for both of you if your brother just can’t face the prospect of dealing with all the paper work himself. Why don’t you suggest this to your brother and arrange for both of you to attend for an appointment with your late fathers solicitor where you can offer to help in any way you can by getting paperwork organized for the solicitor thus relieving your brother of a job he just may not be able to face for any number of reasons. It is best to sort this out in any fashion which allows you both to remain friends into the future which is undoubtedly what your father would have wanted since his will is very fair and should not give rise to any reason for a falling out between you.

q. My neighbour was doing a home will recently and asked me to witness the will. she showed me the signing page but not the text of the will itself. Although she told me it was her will i have no way of knowing that. Does that still stand? The other witness may have read it but she had already signed and left by time i signed my name.

A. There is a very serious flaw in the signing of this will but it has nothing whatsoever to do with the content of the will. No witness needs to read the text of the will to be a valid witness. This is not and has never been a requirement. However, what is an absolute requirement is that both witnesses are present at the same time and witness each other’s signature, in addition to witnessing the signature of the Testator. A will can be invalidated if this error comes to light subsequently and the implications of this are very serious indeed. For example, if a parent making a will has good reason to favour one child over another, the child receiving a lesser benefit could challenge the will and WILL be successful if it turns out that both witnesses were not present at the same time. This would result in the Estate of the Deceased parent proceeding as if there was no will and all children would inherit equally. A solicitor instructed by an aggrieved beneficiary will always check this out as it is surprising

how often it happens. You should go and tell your neighbour immediately that there is a problem with her will and explain why. She should re do it as soon as possible.

q. The father of my son died recently. his father and i were never married and went our separate ways as soon as my Although he paid son was born. maintenance from time to time, he never had a relationship with my son. he married some years later and went on to have a family. My son is now 19. would he be entitled to inherit anything?

A. Your son has the same inheritance rights as any of the children of his marriage, since the marital status of the parents of any child is of no concern to the law. All children are treated equally in the eyes of the law. However, the question as to whether or not he is entitled to anything in this specific case is another matter. Firstly, I take it you do not know whether there is a will or not. You should make enquiries. There is no public registry of wills so you will have to make direct enquiries yourself or instruct solicitors to do it on your behalf. This would involve writing to his widow since she is the person most likely to have been appointed as his executor if there is a will. It has to be said however, that many couples making joint wills tend to leave everything to each other if they survive each other by a certain period of time, usually 30 days. Most couples just have a family home in joint names and joint bank accounts and if this is the case, then all of these pass automatically by survivorship to the surviving spouse. Again, if this is the case in this instance, then, there is really nothing to leave to any of the children. However, clearly you need to know. If, on the other hand, your son’s father was a man of some means, then your son may be able to make a claim. Legally, your son is now an adult and must give these instructions himself. Strangely, adult children who have been reasonably well provided for and educated have no automatic right to a share of their parent’s estate. However, the Succession Act does allow for a child to claim in instances where they have not been properly provided for in life and this would particularly apply in a case where other later children of a marriage received a better chance in life by way of education or opportunities. If this were the case here, then your son would certainly be entitled to make a claim on his late father’s estate.

In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement


hOuSehOldS wiTh children are biggeST beneficiarieS frOm budgeT 2016 your free local newspaper

A new analysis of the Budget changes shows that households with children are the biggest beneficiaries from Budget 2016, in particular working lone parents. The Social Impact Assessment of the welfare and income tax measures in the Budget was published today (Wednesday, 4 November 2015) by Tánaiste and Social Protection Minister Joan Burton, T.D. as she introduced the Second Stage of Social Welfare Bill 2015 in the Dáil.

The social welfare package in the Budget had four main aims: to deliver welfare improvements for pensioners aged 66 and over; to strengthen supports for all families with children; to enhance incentives for employment and to make work pay; and to provide targeted assistance for vulnerable

Social Impact Assessment of tax and welfare changes published by Tánaiste

groups, such as carers and people with disabilities.

The main welfare measures included the payment of a 75% Christmas Bonus to all long-term social welfare recipients, a €3 weekly rate increase for pensioners aged 66 and over, the €5 increase in Child Benefit from €135 to €140 per month per child, the increase in the Carer’s Support Grant payment by €325 to €1,700 per annum, and the increase in the Family Income Supplement income thresholds by €5 for families with one child and €10 for families with two or more children.

The Social Welfare Bill will give effect from January to the measures that require legislation, such as the Child Benefit, pension and Carer’s Support Grant increases. Other measures, such as the Christmas Bonus, do not require primary legislation and will be introduced by way of regulations.

In addition to welfare measures, there were important changes to the tax system in Budget 2016, most notably the reductions in the USC and improvements in PRSI for low-income workers. There was also increased funding for the Early Childhood Care and Education scheme (ECCE) and, from January 1st, the National Minimum Wage will increase to €9.15 per hour.

The Department of Social Protection has carried out a Social Impact Assessment of the main tax and social welfare measures contained in Budget 2016, incorporating all of the above elements. This is based on the tax/welfare microsimulation model SWITCH developed by the Economic and Social Research Institute. Social impact assessment is an evidence-based methodology which estimates the likely effects

of policies on household incomes, families, poverty and incentives to employment.

The Tánaiste said: “The purpose of Budget 2016 was to improve the lives and living standards of every family in the country. The Social Impact Assessment carried out by the Department shows that the average household gain is €14 per week as a result of Budget 2016. Households with children are the biggest beneficiaries from the Budget as a whole. The analysis also clearly demonstrates that the lowest-income households will benefit most from the welfare changes.” The Social Impact Assessment found: · Average household incomes increase by 1.6 per cent (€14 per week) as a result of Budget 2016. · Importantly, there are higher than average

gains for the bottom two quintiles, while the smallest gain is in the top quintile. · Social welfare measures primarily benefit the bottom two quintiles, while income tax measures benefit middle and higher income quintiles.

The analysis also shows that social transfers continue to perform strongly in reducing poverty. Ireland continues to have one of the strongest social transfer systems in the EU, as the Government prioritised the protection of the system throughout the worst of the economic crisis. Elsewhere, the analysis shows:

· Generally, households with children gain more than those without, reflecting the child-specific measures in Budget 2016.

· Child expenditure, though universal, favours lower income households. · The biggest beneficiaries are lone parents, dual and nonearning couples with children, with an average gain of 2%.

· Non-earning lone parents and single earning couples with children fare above average, gaining around 1.8%.

Impact on Work Incentives Looking at the overall distribution of replacement rates, the model shows that the majority of people at work (86%) or unemployed and receiving a jobseeker payment (84%) have strong financial incentives to work, as they gain more from employment. The Social Impact Assessment of the welfare and income tax measures in Budget 2016 is available to view on www.welfare.ie .


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Over 1/3 Of STudenTS feel dOwn every day and mOST Of Them find cOmfOrT in fOOd

More than a third of Irish Students feel down every day and most of them find comfort in food, according to new information released today by the Union of Students in Ireland. 36% of students feel down every day and the most common thing they do when feeling down is eat chocolate, cakes, crisps or ‘treat’ foods. 83% of students said talking to someone helped when they’re feeling down, which is why the USI is launching their ‘Chats for Change’ campaign with St Patrick’s Mental Health Services and See Change’s Please Talk, between now and 13th November, urging third level students to talk about mental health while enjoying a cup of tea with someone. Thousands of tea packs will be distributed across college

campuses nationwide which will also include tips on how to start conversations about mental health and useful support service contacts. The ‘Chats for Change’ Campus Road show will run from 10am-3pm from the 9th to the 13th November in campuses across Ireland such as DIT, Maynooth, Athlone IT, CIT and UCC. “More than a third of students regularly feeling down is an alarming percentage.” Kevin Donoghue, Union of Students in Ireland president, said “It shows the fragility of the mind when it’s faced with multiple strains such as exam and financial stresses. We are urging students to talk about their problems, anxieties or strains to someone. People should be conscious of how they

react to their friends’ mental health, because belittling the problem is extremely damaging to those suffering from anxiety or depression, as the statistics show.” 20% of students said the worst thing someone can say to them when they’re feeling down is “man up!” while 18.3% of students said “cheer up!” is the worst. “393 young people under the age of 30 committed suicide last year.” Donoghue said, “43% of students said the worst part of feeling down is feeling isolated and hopeless with low self-esteem. We want to change these feelings. The Chats for Change campaign aims to change the stigma around mental health and encourage anyone feeling down to get into the habit of talking about it.”

Science & Tech feST aT cOunTy library TallaghT unTil 21ST nOvember

South Dublin Libraries are delighted to announce their “Science and Tech Festival” happening in County Library Tallaght and our other libraries across South Dublin County during November. science Festival Science Festival events are happening up to Friday 20th November as part of the national celebration of Science Week 2015. Science Week celebrates 20 years on the go this year. Events are mainly for primary school groups and highlights include: Learnit Lego workshops (Lucan Library and other venues, various dates) Junior Einsteins Science Club and Professor Messalot’s hands-on science workshops (Mobile Library Service and Whitechurch Library, various dates) Elementary Engineerings – looking at kinetic energy by building rollercoasters


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and other activities (Ballyroan Library and Clondalkin Library, various dates) Science experiments with the Re-Discovery Centre (Lucan Library and Castletymon Library, various dates) Tech Fest Tech Fest is happening for the first time at County Library Tallaght until 21st November. South Dublin Libraries have teamed up with Tech Space to create this programme for children and teens encompassing STEAM subjects – Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. Techspace is a creative space where young people are inspired to create, produce and have fun with digital technology and maker activities. Young people work on exciting creative projects and get one-to-one assistance, guidance and support from Techspace educators and volunteer mentors.

The mission is to inspire and empower young people to use their native interest in technology to master 21st century learning skills and become digital creators. highlights of Tech Fest 2015: Circuit Boards: Experimenting with batteries, bulbs, switches and other electrical components Paper & Sewn Circuits: Making simple or complex electrical circuits on a piece of or creating paper wearable technology. Makey Makey workshops: The Makey Makey is a highly intuitive invention kit that encourages people to find creative ways to interact with their computers, buy using everyday objects such as a banana or Play-Doh as a replacement for keyboards and mice. Scribble Machines: Scribbling machines are motorised contraptions that move in unusual ways and leave a mark

to trace their paths. For the older age groups 14yrs+ there will be soldering workshops to create their own mono amplifier kit and boom box. For adults: Pinhole Photography Workshop with the Gallery of Photography Ireland. A practical hands-on course where participants learn how to build their own camera, pinhole calibrate their exposures & develop & print their own photographs in a pop-up dark-room as well as an introduction to digital processes including image scanning, manipulation with photo-shop & inkjet print output. The tech club will start on Monday nights from 16th November and more events planned for 2016. To register your interest phone 01 462 0073, email talib@sdublincoco.ie or call in person…all we ask is that you bring a big imagination.

free weee ireland recycling evenTS in dublin


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WEEE Ireland, the Irish compliance scheme for electrical and battery recycling, is holding free recycling events in Dublin. The collection events, in association with Dublin City Council will take place from 10am – 4pm on Saturday 14th November at the following locations: • Tesco Car Park, Lucan • The Mill Centre, Clondalkin • Tesco Car Park, Rathcoole

Their newly launched Annual Environmental Report for 2014 has revealed that WEEE Ireland collected almost 8,700 tonnes of electronic waste from Dublin in 2014. This equates to an average of almost 9kg per person in Dublin, over double the EU target of 4kg per head.

Almost 270 tonnes of electrical waste came from WEEE Ireland free collection days that were held throughout the county last year and WEEE Ireland are calling on the people of Dublin to recycle even more electronic waste and batteries in 2015. The report also revealed that over 25% of Dublin people are still hoarding or throwing out electrical waste at home. If you can’t make the collection event on November 14th you can also get involved in WEEE and waste battery recycling for free with WEEE Ireland in many other ways: • Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) can be brought for recycling to your nearest electrical retailer when you purchase a new

appliance • Free WEEE takeback also applies when you buy online or have new appliances delivered to your home • Bring waste portable batteries back to retail shops that sell similar batteries in Dublin – look out for the special WEEE Ireland blue battery boxes across the county and Recycle for Good to help the Lauralynn Charity • Alternatively, you can recycle your WEEE and waste batteries for free at your local Civic Amenity Site in Dublin • WEEE Ireland Free recycling events are held throughout the county throughout the year For more information log on to www.weeeireland.ie for updates These free WEEE Ireland recycling events allow people to get rid

of any household electrical equipment and batteries in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. Anything in the home with a battery or a plug can be recycled at the November 14th collection. Waste collection specialists from WEEE Ireland will be there on the day to help you send your old and broken toasters, vacuum cleaners, fridges and every other item electrical imaginable to a better place.

As a consumer of electrical items, you are entitled to bring your waste electrical equipment to your electrical retailer when purchasing an item of similar type, i.e. on a one-for-one, like-forlike basis. Waste batteries can be

brought back to any battery retailer that sells similar batteries, even if you don’t purchase anything. All WEEE and waste batteries can also be brought to your local civic amenity site free of charge. WEEE Ireland is a not for profit Compliance Scheme approved by the Minister for the Environment Heritage and Local Government, organising the proper environmental management of waste electrical and electronic equipment and waste (WEEE) batteries on behalf of Producers in Ireland. For further information on all future recycling events in Dublin or to find your nearest civic amenity site, please log on to WEEE Ireland’s website weeeireland.ie

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STudenTS are in The beST pOSiTiOn TO SeT up Their Own buSineSS

Students are in the best position to set up their own businesses and launch new products, according to the Union of Students in Ireland, who are encouraging students to research the plethora of start-up support provided by Enterprise Ireland to anyone with a new business idea. The wide range of support available to students includes the Student Entrepreneur Awards, Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur, Competitive Start up Funds, Enterprise Start up workshops and The Student Summit.

“Students and young people are at the forefront of turn-ofthe-century new designs, creative innovations and new businesses,” Kevin Donoghue, USI president, said, “Young people and student inventors have brought a lot of life-changing, commercial products to the international market in the past few

years, such as the SecuRetract from UCC, a minimally invasive, disposal retractor for use in laproscopic surgery; the BLAZER team from Trinity, whose product idea will save honeybees by removing Varroa mite infestations; TippyTalk from LIT, which is a robust touch screen communication system which overcomes nonverbal disabilities. It’s extremely inspiring and encouraging for other students seeing their peers excel in their businesses and product designs.” The Student Entrepreneur Awards is sponsored by Enterprise Cruickshank Ireland, Intellectual Property (who legalise the patent and trade mark of the business), Grant Thornton and Intel. To enter the Student Entrepreneur Awards, a video pitch should be send by the 17th March 2016, through studententrepreneuraw ards.com. This will be narrowed down to 50

applicants and the top ten will be invited to the awards where they will be offered mentoring from the sponsors and be in with a chance of winning a cash prize. The awards will be held in LIT in June 2016. Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur is run by the local enterprise office and can be entered by anyone under the age of 30, with substantial cash prizes up for grabs €20,000 per region, and €50,000 per county, with full details available at IBYE.ie Competitive Start up funds can be applied for by anyone up to three years after graduating and can be up to €50,000. There are also 18 Enterprise start up workshops across the country which will help students to develop their ideas. Pre registration with your local Enterprise Ireland Regional Office is required to attend this workshop. Gillian Slattery,

Enterprise Ireland’s Programme manager for the Student Entrepreneur Awards added: “Enterprise Ireland features a host of approaches to reach students and make sure they get every and encouragement support to develop viable business plans. We encourage them to team up with their colleagues and friends from other faculties to be innovative, collaborative and creative on coming up with products that will help them explore their ideas and own appetite for going into business for themselves for the purposes of the Student Entrepreneur Awards. Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices also offer a cadre of other offers to help students and graduates develop their ideas such as the START Enterprise Workshops, IBYE and the Graduate Competitive Start fund as well as sponsoring other worthy Student


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Start up events such as the Student Summit.” “In order to stay innovative and creative we need to work around areas that are linked to our highest values.” Motivation coach Pat Divilly said, “In the way each same individual has a different fingerprint we've all got a different list of values. I think as we get older many fall in to the trap of moving into areas that don't fulfil them in order to find 'security' in a job. When they neglect their highest values they become frustrated, unfulfilled and lacking purpose. Innovation comes down to pursuing those things that inspire you and responding to the challenges you meet from critics and the marketplace.” The Student Summit will also be held by the Union of Students in Ireland on the 4th February in Dublin Castle with 600 students to launch 40+ start up jobs for students with the most

cutting edge start ups in Ireland today; 20+ development workshops for young entrepreneurs; along the student with summit start up pitch which is putting the finest student start ups

head-to-head for a cash of €1,500, prize working office space and mentoring with Enterprise Ireland. The official hashtag for the Student Summit campaign is #StudentSummit16.

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McHale Plant Sales managing director Michael McHale (left) pictured with Metso management during a recent visit to the company's headquarters in Tempere, Finland, where a formal contract signing took place to confirm the Rathcoole company's appointment as distributors for Metso crushing and screening equipment in Ireland, North and South. Metso is one of the world's leading producers of rock crushing and screening equipment used the mining, construction, oil and gas industries. Since taking on responsibility to represent the brand, McHale Plant Sales has delivered equipment to a number of Ireland's major quarrying and construction enterprises.

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SOuTh dublin cOmpanieS cOmpeTe TO reach naTiOnal final Of “irelandS beST yOung enTrepreneur”


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Two local business innovators and new start-ups from South Dublin, both under the age of 30, have gone with head-to-head other winners from Co. Dublin at the regional final of ‘Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur’ competition. While neither of the South Dublin finalists made it through to December’s national final, they will all share a €30,000 investment fund through the Local Enterprise Office, from the county final stage of the competition. Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur (IBYE) competition is an integral part of the Action Plan for Jobs and is supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation through the 31 Local Enterprise Offices around the


The nominees were all interviewed by a three member judging panel and had to deliver a business pitch, live. Assessed on criteria such as business innovation, job creation potential and financial planning, the announcement of the national finalists was made at a reception in The Conrad Hotel with special guest Minister Richard Bruton T.D.

Other guests at the Regional Final included Mayor of South Dublin, Councillor Sarah Holland and Master of Ceremonies Sean Gallagher.

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton T.D. said: “Central to our plans for jobs and growth is supporting more

businesses to start-up. Part of this plan is also fostering a stronger culture of entrepreneurship and start-up promoting business as a career option for young people. That is what is behind this competition to find the best young entrepreneur in each region, and ultimately Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur. I am delighted to congratulate all involved.”

More than 400 business owners and start-ups around the from country have already benefitted from intensive business bootcamps and mentoring programmes through the network of Local Enterprise Offices, as part of the competition. The Head of Enterprise with the Local Enterprise Office South

Dublin, Colm Ward, said: “We are very proud and honoured to have had such strong contenders in this year’s ‘Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur’ competition, especially when you consider that over 1,000 small business owners entered this year. I’d like to congratulate all our nominees and entrants, who ‘flew the flag’ for us at county and regional finals and we look forward to supporting their businesses into the future.” Mayor Sarah Holland stated: “we aim to develop and foster a culture of entrepreneurship within our County and this competition, supported by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, and Enterprise Ireland, is a

very innovative way to offer the opportunity to showcase new business ideas. It is clear from the whole process that there is no shortage of quality young entrepreneurs out there.”

The two young entrepreneurs representing the South Dublin County at the Regional Final were: Clondalkin’s Christopher Conlan with Pewter Games Studios in the Best New

Business Idea category.

Eugene Murphy from Perrystown whose company Muscrai Suction Excavation Irl Ltd, were finalists in the Best Start-Up Business category.

Pictured are Mayor of South Dublin County, Cllr. Sarah Holland, Eugene Murphy of Muscrai Suction, Christopher Conlan of Pewter Games Studios, Colm Ward A/Head of Local Enterprise, South Dublin.


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nOvenaS nOvenaS nOvenaS nOvenaS nOvenaS

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. b.L.

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. h.b.

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and

favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. M.C.

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. J.F.

a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Special thanks and eternal gratitude to th Angles. J.R.

As our regular readers will know we have asked for your

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. Specialrequest for all my legal paper work to be sorted soon since my husbands death recently, also to help Eric pass his driving test A.Mcg.

MiRACLE PRAyER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for

generosity in supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including nCbi solas Centre in Clondalkin, Tir na nOg (Cheeverstown house) and Laura Lynn Children’s hospice . These charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. we would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting Laura Lynn Children’s hospice going forward, we are delighted to support ThE iRish PiLgRiMAgE TRusT. We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, ThE iRish PiLgRiMAgE TRusT. ThE iRish PiLgRiMAgE TRusT is a registered charity in Ireland (Charity Number: 5992), and for over 40 years the Trust has been travelling on pilgrimage/holiday to Lourdes with young people with special

needs, from all over Ireland. The Trust has over 1100 people travelling at Easter time and it is divided into small groups of approx 10 young people and 12 volunteer carers who stay in one of the many Hotels in Lourdes. In June we bring a group of 110 people to Hosanna House in Lourdes for what is a unique experience both Carer and Guest. We have two facilities in Kilcuan, Co. Galway and Cois Cuain, Co. Wexford each offering different opportunities. Both facilities provide Friendship weeks during the Summer. Application forms are available from our Office at 091 796622. For more information on the Irish Pilgrimage Trust please contact us at 091 796622 or Email info@irishpilgrimagetrust.com or visit our web page on http://www.irishpilgrimagetrust.c om for more information.. if you would like a novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to ThE iRish PiLgRiMAgE TRusT and send it, along with your novena to: nEwsgROuP, uniT 3, FLOOR 2, sT. DOMiniC's shOPPing CEnTRE, sT DOMiniC's ROAD, TALLAghT, DubLin 24 if you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.

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ar eh


drugS.ie ‘leTS Talk abOuT drugS’ media awardS 27

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Drug use among Irish youth is above the EU average and Ireland now has the 5th highest rate of drug-related deaths among under 25’s in the EU. In addition, a UN report in 2013 found that consumption levels of new synthetic drugs in Ireland were three times the EU average.

The Drugs.ie 'Let's Talk about Drugs' National Youth Media Awards encourages discussion of drug and alcohol-related issues by inviting young people to produce a piece of original content relating to drug and/or alcohol use.

cOmmunicaTiOn amOng yOuTh iS viTal

Office; The Drug Policy Unit in the Department of Health; Healthy Ireland; COSC- The National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the Department of Justice and Equality. Speaking at the launch of the 2016 Drugs.ie ‘Let's Talk About Drugs’ National Youth Media Awards, Mr Tony Duffin, Director of the Ana Liffey Drug Project, said: “Ana Liffey Drug Project along with our supporters are calling out for young people to enter the 2016 awards. Their contributions will help in the challenge of communicating the risks associated with drugs and alcohol among young people.”

Speaking about the awards Mr Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drug Strategy said: “I welcome the launch of the 2016 National Media Awards. My first official engagement as Minister of State with Responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy was to attend the awards ceremony for the 2015 competition. The standard of the entries was outstanding and it was clear to see from the young people I met at the ceremony that it had got them talking about the misuse of drugs and alcohol and the effects that both can have, not only on young people but the family as a whole. Coming from a

background in education I believe that targeting young people with prevention in mind is one of the most important things we can do”. One of the competition funders, Paula Connolly from COSC said: “Cosc contributed to the funding of the Drugs.ie National Youth Media Awards 2016. That contribution was made against the background that awareness and education is essential to give our young a greater people understanding of the harmful effects of alcohol and drug use. This competition will create a valuable opportunity among students and teachers for opening a conversation on these issues.”

Joe Doyle, a spokesperson for the HSE National Social Inclusion Office, funders of the drugs.ie website and the media awards said: “Parental alcohol and drug use and domestic violence are the two most prevalent problems associated with the occurrence of child abuse and neglect. If we are to tackle this problem, it is vital that young people and their peers learn and talk about the dangers of drugs and alcohol in a way that gets the message across to them. ”

fitness with newsgroup The competition is supported by The HSE National Social Inclusion

There are two themes to choose from: • What are the hidden harms of alcohol use? • What are the effects of drug use?

Tips on Avoiding Christmas weight gain Part 1: Pick protein. Protein can help maintain a healthy weight because high-protein diets are associated with greater satiety (and as an added benefit, it’s important for healthy muscle growth). Make sure to serve up some turkey, roasted chicken, or prepare animal-free alternatives like quinoa, lentils, or beans.

bring your own. Rather than try to figure out what’s in every food item at a friend’s party (or avoid it altogether), bring a healthier side dish or dessert. Taste the dishes you’d like to, but know you have a healthy alternative to fall back on (an especially safe bet for those with food allergies or intolerances). Chew slowly. Eating slowly may not be easy when appetiser options

are endless, but it pays off to pace yourself. The quicker we eat, the less time the body has to register fullness. So slow down and take a second to savour each bite of baked brie and scoop of spiced nuts.

serve meals restaurantstyle. When it’s time to sit down for the main event, leave food on the kitchen counter (away from reach) rather than display a basket full of piping hot rolls, multiple casseroles, and an entire turkey right on the table. When you’ve cleaned your plate, take a breather, and then decide if you really want those seconds. use smaller plates. History shows plate sizes have expanded significantly over the years. Whether you’re dining at a friend's, family member’s house, or your own, choose the

smaller salad plate (8-10 inches) instead of a traylike one (12 inches or more). Using smaller plates can actually make us feel fuller with less food. The brain associates a big white space on the plate with less food (and smaller plates generally require smaller portions).

Make room for (healthy) fats. Cutting butter and oil can slash calories (and it’s easy to swap in foods like applesauce, avocado, banana, or flax into holiday baked goods!), but not all fats are bad fats. Not only do we need fat in our diets to provide energy and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, but it also helps us feel full. Get healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from avocadoes (hello, guacamole), nuts, and olive oil (in baked goods, on

veggies, or in homemade dressings). Sneak in the veggies. Munching on vegetables has long been recognized as a way to protect against obesity. Mix puréed veggies (like pumpkin) into baked, or sneak them into pasta or potato dishes. Adding veggies increases fibre, which helps make us fuller.

Ditch added sugar. Holiday cookies, cakes, and pies are nothing short of tempting, but all that added sugar may increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and obesity. Stick to sugar that comes in its natural form (fruits, veggies, and whole grains) and try small tastes of the desserts you’re truly craving rather than loading up a full plate of bland cookies. Take it easy on simple carbs. These foods provide energy,

There are four age categories for entries: 1214; 15-17; 18-20; 21-25 and entrants will submit a piece of original content, based on one of the themes in one of the following formats: (a) news article; (b) a video/animation; (c) an audio recording; (d) a poster design.

Closing date for entries is Friday the 22nd January 2016. The overall prize is €2000 and the winners’ work will be published on the Drugs.ie website. All age category winners also receive an iPad Mini and a certificate.

Full details and entry forms are available on drugs.ie/awards.

By Seán Corr

but they lack the same nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and fibre) as complex carbohydrates . The body breaks down simple carbs quickly, which creates a spike in blood sugar (insulin) that leaves us feeling hungrier, faster. Choose whole instead (i.e. whole-grain rolls, brown rice or quinoa, and desserts made with whole-wheat flour), which may reduce potentially dangerous excess abdominal fat buildup.

beware of booze. Not only does alcohol add unnecessary calories to your diet (meaning we don't need alcoholic calories to survive), but getting boozy has another effect on us,

too. Drinking too much in the presence of champagne, eggnog, wine, and beer can make us lose our inhibitions around food and start eating irresponsibly.

gulp h2O Drinking water helps people feel full, and as a result consume fewer calories. Rather than drink calorieand sugar-laden sodas and juices (associated with increased body fat and blood pressure) treat yourself to a glass of wine with dinner and keep your allegiance to water for the rest of the day.

we will have more helpful Christmas tips in our next Article

ining and group For information on Personal Tra ok page classes contact me via my Facebo or Contact me www.facebook.com/seanPTCorr by Phone 0851038246.



***by Lynda O’Donoghue Donnelly Our Tweet of the Week this edition comes to you from Irish artist Twisted Doodles on National Sandwich Day. The drawings are funny, considered and totally onpoint. Whether it is that unique Irish sense of humour, an oblong look at parenthood or a random observation @twisteddoodles has it covered. Don’t forget, we want to see your favourite tweets so send anything you think is worth sharing to @Newsgroupirl or @Lynda_ODonoghue and use #NewsgroupTweet.

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ST kevin'S cOmmuniTy cOllege and ScOil chOilm receive preSTigiOuS award fOr wOrk On bullying prevenTiOn

Two schools in Dublin have been awarded the ISPCCs Shield Flag tfor their preventative work on the issue of bullying. St Kevin’s Community College, Fonthill and Scoil Choilm Road, Porterstown Clonsillia are the very first schools in Dublin to receive this prestigious award.

ISPCC National AntiBullying Co Coordinator Sinead McKee acknowledged her delight for both schools in receiving this award ‘This is a proud day for the teachers, students, parents /carers and the wider schools community in Fonthill and Clonsillia. St Kevin’s and Scoil Choilm are setting a positive example to other schools in the area and I have no doubt that more schools in the area will engage with the ISPCC Shield program when they hear about the encouraging work these

schools have two achieved. All too often within the ISPCC we can see the damage that bullying can have on a young person and to see schools working so hard on having a more effective preventative approach is absolutely inspiring. I commend both St Kevin’s and Scoil Choilm on their efforts and hard work over the past few months in reaching the necessary criteria to quality for this award’

St Kevin’s Community College Principal Pat Lowry notes that the Shield Programme really highlights the importance of ‘…the whole school community working together’. For Pat the Shield program highlighted the importance and effectiveness of the whole school community including teachers, students as well as parents/cares and the Board of

management working together on the issue and for all involved to work together and to be ‘singing off the same hymn sheet’. Aishling Sammon Anti Bullying Co Ordinator notes that St Kevin’s ‘takes the issue of bullying extremely seriously’. Aishling notes that as a result of the Shield program the school are this week focusing this week on a Stand up to Homophobic Bullying Awareness week.

Fiona Finlay Anti Bullying Co coordinator for Scoil Choilm notes the Shield program complemented the ethos of their school and that it has reinforced their belief within Scoil Choilm that we all are equal, valued and welcomed members of our school community. Fiona also noted that the Shield Programme has been’ a great way for our school to reflect on how it deals with bullying

issues.’ Fiona described how the installation of the ISPCC Stand up Bullying Report Tool has ‘enabled our pupils to report bullying incidents in a safe and confidential manner’ and that the Shield program ‘has helped to raise awareness about bullying, the types and it is best how combatted.’ The ISPCC invites any other, schools, local sporting clubs with a juvenile section, youth clubs and preschools in Dublin to come on

board with the Shield Anti Bullying Campaign. If you currently work or volunteer with children and want to ensure your organisation has evidence informed proactive approach to bullying please do not hesitate to contact the ISPCC to see how you can get involved. For more information about any aspect of the Shield campaign please contact Sinead McKee on smckee@ispcc.ie or 086 722 6788.More information available on www.ispcc.ie/shield.

TO adverTiSe in any Of Our publicaTiOnS

TelephOne 01 451 3822



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The 2015 chriSTmaS muST have....wiTh newSgrOup!! e Of c i O h c greaT lable i a v a S cOlOur

Spole airboard with cutting edge gyro technology is very easy and fun to use, lean forward to go forward and lean to side to go left or right, it couldn’t be more simple! you can choose from a variety of colours when ordering, with updated hardware the boards are flexible and stable and are often referred to as the ‘Self balancing Scooter’. the boards are priced at €399, normally retailing at €499, so you can now save a whopping e100. Pre ordering is essential as stocks will be limited and €50 deposit is required. breathnachs eile is open monday to Saturday.

newsgroup have partnered with breathnachs eile and we are giving one lucky reader a chance to win a Spole airboard. to win, just answer the following question.... how much is breathnachs eile selling the Spole airboad for? email entries to info@newsgroup.ie or simply fill out the form below and send to newsgroup, unit 3, St. Dominic’s Shopping Centre, tallaght Dublin 24 to reach us no later than tuesday 1st December 2015. name: address:

tel. no: answer:

the Spole airboard is tipped to be the Christmas must have for 2015 and you can order your very own at breathnachs eile, St. Dominics Shopping Centre, tallaght.


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by Lynda O'Donoghue Donnelly TOP FIVE FILMS – Musicals

Sometimes belting out a rousing rendition of your favourite tune can be as therapeutic as 100 spa or gym sessions so in this edition we are bringing the best musicals for a good old sing-song. The musical genre that was so popular in the 60s and 70s has made a huge return over the last 10 years with Hollywood stars lining up to show off their singing voice in big budget movies. However, as with every reemerging genre, there are as many bad films as there are good so be selective when choosing your allsinging, all-dancing entertainment for the evening.

To make it that much easier to enjoy a musical night at home we are giving you a rundown of our Top Five Films – Musicals in this edition; these are the movies that will make you want to sing, dance and perform for the whole world from the comfort of your living room…

1. grease – Likely to go down in history as one of the most commercial musicals ever made Grease has been re-created in schools and drama societies

across the globe. The story of bad boy meets good girl is told expertly through song and choreographed dance. All of the teen angst and high school politics is played out through insightfully clever lyrics and great acting. One for all the family. 2. Mamma Mia – The music of Abba comes alive in this film about love, life and a rather humorous ‘Who is the father?’ storyline. Even if you don’t realise you are an Abba fan you will know every last one of the songs in this film. A stellar cast including Meryl Street, Julie Walters, Colin Firth and Amanda Seyfried make this a must-see musical as well as an Abba education for younger members of the family. 3. Pitch Perfect – The movie that moves a bit outside of the genre but has been one of the most successful musicals ever made. Pitch Perfect started out as a small film about a college acapella group and turned into a seriously bankable franchise. The story of the Barden Bellas and their quest to win state will have you laughing, crying and singing your heart out from start to finish. Anna Kendrick, Rebel

Wilson and Elizabeth Banks are outstanding and will make your jaws hurt from laughing. 4. Frozen – If you haven’t already seen this Disney movie 500 times then pick up a copy, wrap up warm and prepare for singing, sound and snow as Anna and Elsa try to save the kingdom of Arendelle from eternal winter. If you haven’t heard Let It Go by now you must be living under a rock! 5. Once – There are so many brilliant things about this movie that it would be impossible to list them all here but number one on that list is the cracking music that Once contains. The small Irish movie created a huge buzz in Hollywood with Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova picking up an Oscar for Falling Slowly. The story of a guy and a girl who meet in Dublin and fall in love as they record a music demo is captivating and emotional. So there you have it, five films that will help you hone your karaoke craft and possibly cause your neighbours to ask you to keep the racket down! All perfect for a night in with the family, a romantic music filled date or to cheer you up on a Tuesday.

Sattitude, Who Are You Kidding, The National Lottery Saturday night game show “The Big Money Game”, Winning Streak and the National Lottery Draws. The TV3 Toy Show will be a new challenge for the seasoned presenter and one which he is very much looking forward to being a part of.

selected from a talented pool of singers and dancers from across the country. The 2014 Rose of Tralee will host alongside Brian and is equally as excited about taking part in the show. She said: “I love everything about Christmas and the magic it brings to children; I’m really looking forward to playing with all the kids and toys!” There will be plenty of input from the young toy testers with an array of gifts from dolls to digital games, nostalgic to new releases, and the biggest sellers of 2015 to look forward to. Brian and Maria will also be joined in studio by some very special guests for festive fun, performances and a few surprises.


Local lad and well-known TV personality Brian Ormond has just been announced as the 2015 host of the TV3 Toy Show alongside former Rose of Tralee Maria Walsh.

This year’s toy extravaganza will air on Friday, November 20th at 9pm and is set to showcase the must-have Christmas gifts for 2015. Brian said: “I’ve worked on a lot of great shows but I’ve always wanted to host a Toy Show. I’m a bit of a big kid myself so when TV3 approached me I was absolutely thrilled. I’m looking forward to getting into the Christmas spirit.” The Clondalkin man has previously presented a number of shows on Irish TV including You’re A Star,

The 90-minute show will feature some of Ireland’s most talented young performers with music, dance and toy reviews to keep the whole family entertained. The show has been designed to bring the magic of Christmas into the living room with performers aged between 5 and 16-years-old

For the first time this year TV3 will also air a special programme showing the casting for the TV3 Toy Show. Maria met hundreds of

shortlisted candidates from music to dance, choirs to solo artists, and of course all-important toy the testers in Dublin in an effort to select the finest young

Irish talent. The entire casting process will be shown in a special programme entitled The Toy Show Auditions before the Toy Show itself airs.

Brian Ormond and Maria Walsh who will present the TV3 Toy Show on November 20


Luggwoods brand new family event centre in Saggart opened its gates to the public recently – with plans to bring a magical Christmas experience to the whole county.

Santa’s Enchanted Forest has lots to see and do for the whole family – from the initial Santa invite to the trip through the forest, meeting with Mr Grinch and finding Santa’s hiding place. The train journey is suitable for families with kids of all ages able to enjoy the special moment they come to Santa’s Hidden Grotto looking down over the twinkling lights of the city. The magical journey through the forest is a special family event like no other and as well as plenty of Christmas spirit the trip offers unparalleled views of Dublin. There are currently places left for the Luggwoods experience starting in December – much to the delight of Daniel Halpin and Peter Finn of Luggwoods. Peter said: “We are bringing families back to nature as we take them through this historic forest and up to our

new event centre on the summit of the mountain. The whole village is buzzing about it opening and we can’t wait to have our first families along.” Luggwoods, which employs 25 people, will be transporting families by train through the Coillte owned Lugg Forest to the purpose built barn style event centre on top of Lugg Hill. Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald helped to launch the family event centre on Monday alongside local councillor Emer Higgins.

Daniel said: “It has been a long road and we are delighted to be finally opening the gates for our first event. This is a good news story for the area with the creation of jobs and this fabulous new amenity for local families.” Luggwoods will be offering family events throughout 2016 with a Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Halloween spectacular already in the pipeline for 2016.

For more information or to book tickets visit www.luggwoods.ie.

Minister Fitzgerald and Cllr Higgins with Luggwoods Daniel Halpin at the launch this week

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