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social impact of gambling

The Tan Fairy

20TH JULY 2015 TEL: 01 451 3822 / 01 451 9000 email: info@newsgroup.ie web: www.newsgroup.ie

The Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, T.D., has launched a UCD study on the social impact of gambling. The study, entitled Playing Social Roulette: The Impact of Gambling on Individuals and Society in Ireland, has a particular focus on problem gambling and the impact on the individuals and families concerned. The study is funded by the Irish Research Council with the support of the Department of Social Protection. Speaking at the launch, the Tánaiste welcomed

the study as providing new insights on the social impact of gambling in Ireland. She said: “I am very concerned about the social impact of gambling, given that we have a gambling culture in Ireland. Gambling pervades many aspects of Irish life, particularly sporting events. The negative effects on young people growing up in this gambling culture are a particular worry. One of the most profound impacts of problem gambling is on families who have to cope with the devastation and stress, compounded by having to deal with serious

financial problems. Another alarming finding that the study highlights is the connection between problem gambling and people gambling at a young age.”

The Tánaiste noted the link between problem gambling and indebtedness: “Gambling can lead to financial problems as gamblers incur debt problems to fund their addiction. In turn, financial pressures can encourage further gambling.”

The research study makes a number of policy

recommendations in relation to addressing problematic gambling including, promoting responsible gambling, public awareness and education and improvements in and prevention treatment services. The Tánaiste said that the Government intends to promote responsible gambling through the Gambling Control Bill. This, she said, will also provide for a Social Fund, resourced by a levy on the industry and this study will help inform the use of the social fund.

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social impact of gambling from page 1

The objectives of the proposed social fund are to promote socially responsible gambling and to counter-act the ill effects of gambling for gamblers, their families and society. It will support public education and awareness raising fund programmes, research and establish and evaluate treatment programmes.

The Tánaiste also highlighted the role of the Money Advice and Service Budgeting (MABS) in helping people deal with serious debt problems as a result of gambling. The Principal Investigator for the study is Dr. Crystal Fulton from UCD. Presenting the findings of the study, she said: “The research shows that problem gambling

not only affects the individual who participates in gambling opportunities, but also that person’s family members, friends, and wider community.”

Dr Fulton pointed out that “technology has had a profound impact on gambling and is a gateway to secret, hidden, gambling activities. The increase of access to the internet and smartphone has seen a rise of gambling among people and young women. In fact, many problem gamblers often started gambling as teenagers.”

Problematic gambling can affect significant areas of a gambler’s life, including employment, finances, physical and mental health and family relations.

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bUDget 2016 mUst Deliver for local commUnities 2016 must Budget deliver for local communities in Tallaght, Citywest, Rathfarnham and Templeogue, Senator and Independent Candidate for Dublin South West, Katherine Zappone has told supporters during a meeting at Tallaght Library.

The Senator called on the Government to address a number of key issues in the Autumn budget to ensure that ‘Equality is possible for Everyone’. Senator Zappone is calling on the Government to address the issues which are of concern to people in local communities and reverse the impact of the cutbacks of recent years. The Independent Candidate told supporters: “As a Progressive Independent Candidate in the forthcoming General Election I am

‘Time to make Equality Possible for Everyone’

committed to working to ensure everyone in our community is given an equal opportunity to reach their full potential. Over the coming weeks and months I will continue hosting civic forums so that local people of all ages can come forward to raise issues which are important to them. As the economy recovers we now have an opportunity to address inequality. Already there are a number of areas of pressing concern which I have been challenging Ministers to address. · Invest in our Children; through early year’s education and health services as well as support for parents · Access to third level education; to correct the imbalance which has Dublin South West below the national average · A home for everyone; more social and affordable housing,

proposals to respond to unsustainable mortgages and negative equity and cut the housing waiting list of 8,600 · Deliver jobs; work and support small and big business to cut the unemployment rate of 10.6% · Implement the recommendations of our recent forum for lone parent families and reverse the impact of recent welfare

changes · Ensure proper supports and community based services for older people, including guarantees on future of free travel In the coming months I will remain vigilant as a member of the Oireachtas as the Government outlines its budget proposals to ensure they meet our local needs, starting with my attendance at

the National Economic Dialogue. Since announcing my plan to go forward as a candidate in the election I have been greatly encouraged by the levels of support and enthusiasm. In the coming months I look forward to building on my 30-years of working with the communities in Dublin South West and ensuring that we achieve our goal of equality for all.”

Senator Katherine Zappone and supporters following a meeting at Tallaght Library

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Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD, has launched the third trend analysis of Springboard employment outcomes 2011 – 2015. A survey of all graduates 2011 – 2014 indicates that within two years of completing a Springboard course, 60% of respondents are employed or selfemployed, with progression to employment steadily increasing over time.

95% of respondents’ jobs are in Ireland and 49% are located outside Dublin. The quality of employment is also improving, with 85% of respondents employed full-time and 62% in managerial or professional roles. Participants who were long-term unemployed at the start of their course find it harder to get employment, but

Minister English said “I am particularly pleased to note that 45% of this group now achieve employment or selfemployment within six months of completing a Springboard course”. “I’m also delighted to see that some of the self-employed graduates have gone on to employ other people. This is a great spin-off benefit of the Springboard initiative.” Some of the key findings of the report are:

· Participants are very positive about their experience. 73% of 2014 believed graduates their career prospects were better after completing the course. They identified five strengths as being most helpful for securing employment: quality work placement, parttime and flexible course delivery, the qualification received,

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networking with employers, and course content. · Self-employment is a significant feature. 740 participants from 20112014 report themselves as self-employed, and retention in selfemployment is high – 81% of those who were self-employed 12 months after finishing their course indicated 15 months later that they were still selfemployed. · The self-employed are also giving employment to others – 24% of 2012 graduates who are selfemployed are employing others in full time positions, with 14% of 2013 graduates and 19% of 2014 graduates doing the same.

funded under the initiative, which is supported by a €105 million investment from the Exchequer.

The programme has been continuously

monitored since its launch five years ago. This is the third trend analysis to be published, presenting inputs, outputs and outcomes from 20112015.

Springboard was designed to help reskill people who lost their jobs as a result of the recession. By the end of 2015, up to 30,000 places will have been

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Usi laUncHes spare rooms for stUDents website Home owners could earn €12,000 tax free

The Union of Students in Ireland has released an update to the homes.usi.ie website, which connects students to spare rooms across the country. Home owners can benefit from a tax free €12,000 'rent-a-room relief' if they take on a lodger. Speaking as the site was released, USI President Kevin Donoghue was keen to stress the benefits of the system.

"This site is designed to provide quality, affordable accommodation to students while easing the stress on the rental market as a whole. It will also help families who are struggling to make ends meet."

Donoghue made clear that, whilst the rent-aroom relief scheme represents a good option for students and home owners alike, the problem of under


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provision of accommodation in major towns needs to be addressed urgently by the government and is likely to become a general election issue.

“Long term the solution is more purpose built student accommodation. While this will help alleviate the problem in the short term it can’t be seen as a permanent fix.”

sports pavilion in DoDDer valley parK confirmeD

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed confirmation from South Dublin County Council of plans for the long promised Sports Pavilion in Dodder Valley Park, Old Bawn.

He again raised the matter at a meeting of Tallaght Area the Committee and received the following report: “The Council's Pavilion Construction Pogramme which will be funded through the annual provision of €300,000 made in the Council’s Capital Programme 2015-2017, along with funding from the Department of Transport, Tourism, and Sport. The construction of the pavilions will be carried out by a contractor to be procured through the Public Procurement Process. One of the positive outcomes of the construction of the TASC pavilion was the community area and which serves both the sports clubs but also the

wider community. Such a facility will also be considered in the proposed programme where the facility will be located in proximity to a residential area. The exact number of dressing rooms in each location will be determined by consideration of the number of clubs that are allocated pitches currently and also the advice of the Sports Officers and the Sports Facilitator. It is intended to provide a storage unit as part of the build. The priority for delivery of the programme lists the Dodder Valley Park, Old Bawn as the first to be proposed for construction. This proposal has already been presented as a Part 8 proposal some years ago and has secured Sports Capital Funding. Arrangements are currently being made to progress this to tender stage.” A long time campaigner for the Dodder Valley Park Pavilion, Cllr.

O’Connor said that he will continue to monitor the situation in respect of the development. He said that he would particularly represent the concerns brought to his attention by the local community that the finish on the outside of the Pavilion must be protected from

Graffiti. He also said that there is a demand from the community that a protective railing should be erected around the building and shrubbery be provided on the inside of the railings. He undertook to continue to give these matters his ongoing attention.

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serioUs QUestions for JUstice minister as one in five crimes goes UnrecorDeD 26 Gardaí cut from Lucan, Clondalkin and Ronanstown Garda Stations - Curran

Dublin Mid-West General Election Candidate John Curran was shocked by the Central Statistics Office review of the quality of garda crime data which has revealed that one in five crimes reported to Gardaí in 2011 didn’t appear as ‘recorded crimes’ on the official garda system.

under resourced and cuts made to gardaí in recent years have made it more difficult for gardaí to do their jobs. A total of 26 frontline gardaí have been cut from Lucan, Clondalkin and Ronanstown Garda Stations since 2010. The number of Garda in 2010 was 274 and now in 2015 is just 248 in our local Garda Stations at Lucan, Clondalkin and Ronanstown.

Another Premiership season of great action and excitement has ended with 2 of the Big London Clubs taking the major honours. Both Chelsea and Arsenal are already looking forward to next season and who knows, The Champions League Cup might be heading to the Capital.

perfect and the hotel was fab, very central for the game and even some shopping. The whole experience is and the seamless service as amazing as ever”. Jackie and Dan Arsenal Supporters

“The fact that 18% of crimes reported to the gardaí in 2011 weren’t appropriately recorded on the PULSE system is a cause of serious concern. When will the gardaí be given the necessary resources to tackle crime in our communities?” asked John Curran. “This review highlights an 8% increase in burglaries and an 8% increase in assaults in

the year to the end of March 2015.There is a clear need for extra resources and it is also very clear now that gardaí are stretched and frontline policing has been seriously hit by regressive cuts. Fianna Fáil’s first priority is restoring the strength of the Garda force to 14,000 if reelected to Government. Commenting on the issue in Dublin Mid-

West, John Curran said “Figures released to Fianna Fáil in recent weeks, revealed that every garda division has seen a cut in garda numbers since the Fine Gael/Labour Government took up office. “Dublin has been particularly badly hit, said Curran. In Clondalkin, garda numbers are down from

97 in 2010 to 88 in 2015. In Lucan, Garda numbers are down from 83 in 2010 to 72 in 2015 and Ronanstown, the numbers are down from 94 to 88 gardaí. It shows just how underresourced frontline policing has been under this Government and clearly that is impacting on Gardaí and the proper recording of all crimes. “I am particularly

concerned about the rise in burglaries and assaults. These crimes have a serious impact on the victims. We need a radical overhaul of policing in Dublin. This needs to start with filling very serious gaps in the garda force and giving the gardaí the resources they need to increase street patrols and respond quickly to criminal activity,” concluded John Curran.

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John Curran said, “It’s clear that gardaí are

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official laUncH of tHe soUtH DUblin coUnty coUncil Draft Development plan 2016-2022


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Mayor Sarah Holland has officially launched on public display, the South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan 2016–22. The Draft County Development Plan, will guide the future growth of South Dublin County to 2022 and beyond. A ten week public consultation period relating to the Draft County Development Plan, takes place up to Thursday 24th September 2015. The Draft County Development Plan 2016-22 presents a vision for the future development of South Dublin County. The County is in a strong position to increase its share of growth in the Dublin Region, to encourage the development of sustainable communities and to ensure a high quality environment, to make South Dublin County the best possible place in which to live, work and do business. At the heart of the Draft Development Plan are issues such as: Quality of Life, Prosperity,Sustainability,

Health & Well being, Social Inclusion and Climate Change. The Draft County Development Plan 2016-22 is a full review of the previous County Development Plan. The Draft Plan consists of streamlined policies and objectives across a range of topics such as housing, employment and transport, and includes new sections on Green Infrastructure and Energy. The Draft Plan also includes a comprehensive ‘Core Strategy’ for future development in line with relevant national and regional policy and guidance. Speaking at the launch of the Draft County Development Plan, Mayor Sarah Holland stated, ‘The County Development Plan represents an opportunity for all citizens,businesses, community groups and stakeholders across South Dublin County to have their say on the future growth of our County. I encourage all

interested parties and the public to engage in this public consultation process, in particular through our dedicated website: www.southdublindevplan.ie ., where a range of information is available’. Public information days when staff are available to answer questions and assist in making a submission are on the dates and at the locations listed below: Tallaght Library : Tues 28th July 10-1pm & Wed 2nd Sep 5-8pm Ballyroan Library, Rathfarnham: Wed 29th July 5-8pm & Thur 3rd Sep 101pm Lucan Library: Thur 30th July 10-1pm & Tues 8th Sep 5-8pm Rathcoole Community Centre: Tues 11th Aug 58pm Palmerstown Community Centre: Wed 12th Aug 101pm Clondalkin Civic Offices: Thurs 13th Aug 10-1pm St Finian’s Community

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Centre, Newcastle: Tues 1st Sep 5-8pm Perrystown Community Centre: Wed 9th Sep 101pm Clondalkin Library :Thurs 10th Sep 5-8pm Submissions/observations South Dublin County Council is inviting any interested parties to make submissions or observations with regard to the Draft County Development Plan 2016– 2022 including the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) processes. In respect of making a submission or observation please note the following:-

Submissions/observations may be made on or before 5.00pm on Thursday 24th September 2015 (12 midnight if made online) as follows:

on line: www.southdublindevplan.ie Postal: Senior Executive Officer Forward Planning Section Land Use Planning and Transportation Department South Dublin County Council County Hall Tallaght Dublin 24 The final date for receipt of submissions is Thursday 24th September 2015

Mayor Sarah Holland has officially launched the South Dublin County Council Draft Development Plan 2016–22

to aDvertise in any of oUr pUblications

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new pUrpose bUilt crècHe for tallagHt Hospital

A new purpose built crèche is to be established at Tallaght Hospital in conjunction with the new Paediatric Satellite Centre. “This is the culmination of a successful campaign to get a high quality purpose built childcare facility in the hospital”, says Fine Gael Dublin South- West Senator Cáit Keane.

“I have been working hard for over a year at securing a purpose built crèche for Tallaght Hospital and I am delighted to confirm that it is now going ahead after a decision this week of the Board of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board. “This is fantastic news for parents who use the crèche, the staff and the wider workforce of the hospital. Whereas the pre-fab crèche on site has served its purpose for many years it was at risk of closure last year. It is fantastic now to see that the children will be accommodated in a new high quality purpose built facility. “Projects such as this have been my absolute priority since getting involved in politics. During my time as a member of South Dublin County Council (SDCC), I instigated the establishment of a crèche facility, making SDCC the first Local Authority in Ireland to provide childcare facilities. I understand first-hand the importance of providing childcare facilities in the workplace and, in particular, in a large workplace like Tallaght Hospital.”


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commitments on cHilDren’s Hospital satellite welcomeD

Local Councillor Charlie O’Connor has welcomed commitments that a local communications campaign will be organised in the Tallaght region in respect of the proposed Children’s Hospital Satellite to be provided in the grounds of Tallaght hospital. He we speaking after a special meeting in the Council Chambers following the July meeting of South Dublin County Council which was addressed by Eilish Hardiman, CEO Children’s Hospital Group and John Pollock, Project Director. The meeting was designed to inform elected Councillors and senior Council staff of progress towards the development of the new Children’s hospital and the two satellites at Blanchardstown and Tallaght.

In the presentation the following information was provided in respect of the developments “The Building Design

Partnership (BDP) led design team were appointed in August 2014 and have been engaging with all the relevant stakeholders in order to finalise a planning application to An Bord Pleanala. A Project Brief with associated Business has been Case completed and submitted to relevant agencies for approval. The project is on schedule to lodge a planning application at the end of July ’15 for both the main NCH on the shared campus with St. James’s Hospital and the two satellites located at both Connolly & Tallaght Hospitals. Subject to receipt of planning permission it is envisaged that the transition of services to the Satellites would commence in mid 2017 and the transition of main NCH at St. James’s site would commence in mid 2019.” A long time campaigner

for Health Services in the Tallaght area, Charlie O’Connor to the stressed delegation the importance now of the Satellite Centre at Tallaght hospital. He said that it was vital that the local community be kept informed of fully

developments and requested that a communications campaign, including a local display of the plans, be arranged as soon as practical for the Tallaght area. In that regard he complemented the delegation on the work already done in the

immediate catchment area of the proposed new National Children’s Hospital Building. He was given assurances in that regard and now looks forward to seeing such a display and a newsletter distribution throughout the Tallaght community.

100,000 milestone for social innovation partnersHip

Picture shows 100 Young Social Innovators and Vodafone Ireland Foundation celebrating reaching a significant milestone of impacting 100,000 young Irish people through their three year partnership to deliver social innovation programmes across schools nationwide. Over 1,200 projects have been completed by young people throughout the course of the partnership, tackling community issues such as bullying, human rights, inequality and farm safety. (Pic:Naoise Culhane)

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planning granteD for new commUnity scHool

The granting of planning permission for Scoil Aoife Community National School has been welcomed by Eamonn Maloney TD Scoil Aoife Community National School will be based in Fortunestown

Lane, Tallaght and comes under the patronage of Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board. As a state operated multidenominational, co-educational primary

school, it will provide children of all beliefs and none with the complete range of school primary education. Scoil Aoife Community National School started with Junior Infants in

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September 2014 and expect to be on the site in temporary accommodation, from September 2016. "Education is the way to achieve a more successful inclusive society. A community school based in the local community and providing the parents

with patronage from the leading provider of integrated education services will enable the children to fulfil their potential. It will also provide both the children and teachers with state of the art modern educational facilities that they deserve."

Dublin Sinn Féin MEP Lynn Boylan has slammed Joanna Tuffy’s insensitive remarks on media social surrounding lone parent cuts. Ms Boylan said:“I think Tuffy’s Deputy comments are emblematic of a Labour party that has completely lost touch with the reality of day to day life for many working parents in Ireland. “Joanna Tuffy in true 'Marie Antoinette' style suggested parents bring their children to work with them!

“Deputy Tuffy's Labour party has been behind some of the most vilifying cuts, as it simultaneously bleats about an economic recovery.

laboUr tD Joanna tUffy oUt of toUcH witH tHe realities of worKing parents

“Cuts to child benefit, the taxing of maternity benefit and more recently the cutting of lone parents allowance. “It would suit Deputy Tuffy better to stop trying to defend the and indefensible instead focus her energy on raising the minimum wage and providing affordable accessible childcare.

DUblin Homeowners in manageD estates Deserve property tax relief

There are thousands of homeowners living in managed estates across Dublin who are paying on the double for many services, according to Fianna Fáil General Election Candidate John Curran. Fianna Fáil has published a Bill to provide property tax relief for homeowners who are paying management fees. The Fianna Fáil Bill provides a discount on property tax worth a third of the management fee, up to a maximum of €300 a year. John Curran explained, “Thousands of people living in apartments or managed estates in Clondalkin and Lucan are paying a fortune in management fees every year. This pays for some of the services that the council would otherwise provide, including keeping the grounds, maintaining the roads and paths, maintaining public lighting and managing drainage. “The fact that people living in managed estates are still liable for the full amount of property tax means that they are paying on the double for many services. The property tax is supposed to fund local authorities in maintaining residential areas, as well as providing local services. Those paying management fees should get a discount given that they are already paying for the maintenance of public areas around their homes.” John Curran continued by saying, “The fact is the Government rushed through a deeply flawed property tax system that places an unfair burden on those living in urban areas in particular. Major reforms are needed. "I fully support my Oireachtas colleagues in getting this Bill through and I encourage that the Government parties do the right thing and support it too" concluded John Curran.



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ambitioUs HoUsing bUilD programme neeDeD, not a reDUction in constrUction vat

Sinn Féin Councillor for Templeogue-Terenure Fintan Warfield has rejected Fine Gael calls for a reduction in the VAT rate on new residential construction from 13.5% to 9%. Speaking in opposition to the Fine Gael motion in South Dublin County Council, Cllr. Warfield said; “The motion from Fine Gael Councillor

William Lavelle is a demand led proposal to what is a supply side problem. “It also has the added disadvantage of reducing much needed exchequer revenue at a time that it is still desperately needed. “The Fine Gael team in South Dublin County Council were unaware of the cost to the exchequer and failed to

identify where the money would be found to make the reduction in VAT possible. “Reducing the VAT rate on new builds will not have the effect of stimulating residential construction nor will it stabilise house prices. “The effect of the Fine Gael proposal would be to further overheat the market. “The most obvious

mechanism to address their objectives is an ambitious social housing build programme, which would in turn release the pressure on the private rental and sales market. Cllr. Warfield concluded; “Access to finance also remains a challenge for everyone but the largest developers”.

social housing infills, often before the areas are repaired and maintained. “I am proud to be from Tallaght and I work hard to give my family all the opportunities available to them, but Sinn Féin has called time and time again for a balanced planning approach to social housing. “It is proven that the developments with most chance of success

are those which have integration at the heart. Mixed developments with and social private housing, good infrastructure and amenities are those which thrive. “Using up every bit of green space in areas with existing social problems and few amenities is not the solution. “I also welcome private developments, despite

Cllr William what Lavelle says, but I don’t think the hundreds of families in emergency accommodation or the 8000 waiting on social housing will be in a position to pay out hundreds of thousands for a new place.

social HoUsing sHoUlD be balanceD anD integrateD

Sinn Féin Councillor Louise Dunne has slammed the inaccurate and irresponsible scare mongering by Fine Gael over the provision of social housing.

She said: “Fine Gael are using terms like “class war” which is insulting and further isolates those in areas considered “deprived”. “The facts are that Tallaght and Clondalkin are the go-to areas for

"Housing is a right, not a privilege and despite what Fine Gael think, should be open to everyone – not just the wealthy.”



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legal recognition for transgenDer people Kevin Humphreys welcomes the passing of the Gender Recognition Bill

Kevin Humphreys, T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection has successfully steered the Gender Recognition Bill through its final stage. It has now been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas and is scheduled to be signed by President Higgins this week. The Minister said: “This is a very significant day and not just for transgender people and their families. It is also another milestone for equality in Irish society following the resounding Yes for marriage equality in May.” There have been a number of key changes introduced in the Bill via both the initial prelegislative scrutiny process and the subsequent debates in both Houses of the Oireachtas, including:- Introducing a self-declaration model for transgender people aged 18 or over; - Using the term ‘preferred gender’ within the context of the Bill; - Providing a route to recognition for 16 to 18 year olds;

- Providing a formal review process; and - Aligning legislation in relation to the issuing of passports to transgender people.

The Minister explained that due to cases currently with the Court of Appeal, it has not been possible to amend the Bill regarding the requirement that a seeking gender person recognition must be single. “We are obliged to await the outcome of the Court of Appeal proceedings in relation to the result of the recent marriage equality referendum before we can legislate in this area”, he stated. However, the Minister has pledged that should the Court of Appeal uphold the result of the referendum, then the appropriate legislative changes will be included in the Marriage Bill that the Minister for Justice and Equality will be taking through the Houses of the Oireachtas. “I am happy also to see that work is being commenced through the Department of Education and Skills to explore how transgender

issues can be addressed within the schools system for the betterment and inclusion of all schoolchildren,” he added. Minister Humphreys thanked his colleagues in the Dáil and Seanad for the contributions they made during the course of the Bill. He also acknowledged the work and commitment of the Tánaiste in advancing the Bill through its various stages in the Dáil and Seanad. “May 22 was a historic day for marriage equality in Ireland. The formal recognition of the identity of transgender people is a welcome development initiated by this Government. This legislation is a further significant step towards making our society equal for everyone.” “The Bill also provides for a review of the operation of the legislation to be undertaken within two years after it comes into effect. While this legislation has been needed to be put in place for a long time, it is also vital that its impact and effectiveness are carefully evaluated over time.” the Minister said.

Thousands gathered at a yes rally in Dublin for the referendum, which made marriage equality a constitutional right.

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new law to embeD a "cUltUre sHift" in respect for crime victims


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The Victims' Rights Alliance (VRA) welcomes the longawaited publication of the Heads of Bill of the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill 2015. Once enacted, the new legislation will embed a culture shift towards respect for the human rights of victims of crime within the criminal justice system. Speaking directly after publication of the of Bill, Heads coordinator of the VRA, Maria McDonald stated, "Too often we hear of stories where victims of crime do not receive the respect and support they deserve. For the first time in Irish law, this legislation will provide a comprehensive set of rights for victims of crime". "The Minister's proposals provide that a

victim of crime will have the right to access information, support and protection even where the offender has not been identified and where no complaint has been made to the Gardaí. The new laws would also entitle all victims to make a Personal Impact Statement." Enactment of legislation in Ireland by is required by 16 November 2015 on foot of the passing of the EU Directive on Victims' Rights. This requires that all EU Member States must provide minimum rights, supports and protections for all of crime, victims regardless of their residential status. McDonald further stated, "Although we welcome the publication of the Heads of Bill, the

proposals still need to be further strengthened so that Irish law meets the requirements of the Victims Directive. For example, a clause should be inserted to ensure that victims are not questioned unnecessarily about

their private life when it is not related to the criminal offence. In addition, the Minister must make it clear that the protections in the legislation will apply to all victims of crime in Ireland, regardless of their residential

status." "Practical guidelines and protocols will be required if the Bill is to be implemented in practice. Moreover, appropriate resources have to be provided to both victim support services, as well as to

An Garda Siochana, if the draft legislation is going to be implemented effectively." To aid the bedding down process which will be required before and after the enactment of the legislation, the

Minister for Justice and Equality may wish to consider the establishment of a multistakeholder working group to inform and guide the new victims' laws and their effective implementation.

Fianna Fáil is calling for a reduction in inheritance tax, which the party claims is generating a massive burden on families who inherit their homes from loved ones. Fianna Fáil Senator Mary White told the Seanad that the increase in property values has meant that many more families have been drawn into the inheritance tax net. She said that Dublin families have been hit

the hardest, with heavy inheritance tax bills attached to even the most modest homes. increase in “The property prices particularly in Dublin is generating a massive tax burden on families who inherit homes from their deceased loved ones. Figures from the countries show Ireland has one of the toughest inheritance tax regimes in the world and Dublin accounts for over half of all inheritance tax

paid last year,” the Senator said. “For example, an only child who this year inherits their parents’ home worth €350,000 would be forced to pay a hefty €41,250 in inheritance tax. If they had inherited a home of the same value in 2011, they would have paid just €4,479 in tax. Their tax liability has rocketed nine fold. This is particularly difficult when the child is still living at home.

They are still liable for the full whack of inheritance tax. “The very last thing that families who are suffering bereavement need is this extra stress and burden at what is an extremely emotional and difficult time. Firstly, we need a significant increase in thresholds to the reflect current house prices. This must be done immediately. We also need to fundamentally reform

how the tax is levied, allowing for the thresholds to be adjusted on an annual basis in line with asset inflation. And we need a much fairer system of allowing people to pay inheritance tax over time without incurring massive interest rates. “This must be dealt with comprehensively in the upcoming budget. The current system is deeply unfair, particularly on Dubliners.”

DUblin families Heavily penaliseD by excessive inHeritance tax rate


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eU begins worK on a pan-eUropean pension proDUct

Fine Gael MEP for Dublin, Brian Hayes, said that the development of a pan-European personal pension product could provide valuable benefits for consumers who want different options to save for their retirement. "The EU's pension authority body started a consultation process with the pension industry to examine how a pan-European pension product could be developed.

"If they get this right, a pan-European pension product could provide valuable benefits for consumers and for the stability of the EU's financial system. A pan-European pension product would not be the silver bullet to Ireland's pension time bomb. But it would give consumers different investment options for retirement savings and could encourage citizens to develop their future. "In Ireland, only 41% of the working

population is covered by a private pension scheme, whether that is a workplace pension or a personal pension. About 900,000 private sector workers currently have no private pension plan in place and will be looking at the contributory state pension to provide for them in retirement. "We should be looking to countries like the Netherlands where about 90% of the population is covered by private pension

The Legal Column

schemes. This has led to a situation where pension assets in the Netherlands are worth about 130% of GDP. In Ireland pension assets are worth just over 40% of GDP. "This is why the EU is trying to develop different solutions, including a panEuropean pension product. "A pan-European pension product would ensure that there is a level playing field for all pension providers across Europe”

by Romaine Scally

Romaine Scally is the principal in the firm of ROMAINE SCALLY AND COMPANY SOLICITORS Main Street Tallaght, Dublin 24 TEL 4599506 FAX 4599510 email: legal@scally.ie

In this edition of the paper, Romaine Scally Solicitor, of Romaine Scally & Company, Solicitors, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Telephone 014599506 email legal@scally.ie deals with the question of Wills and a reluctant Executor. Q. my father died just over two years ago now. my brother is the executor of his estate. There are five children and the estate was to be divided equally between all of us. my brother has not responded to any of my requests to deal with the estate or to provide me with information. he lives in london. is there anything i can do to ensure that i get what is due to me?

A. According to the terms of your late Father’s Will, your brother was the named Executor. It is his responsibility therefore to administer the Estate and ensure that all named beneficiaries get what they have been duly left in the Will. The duties require any Executor to act without delay and to ensure that the assets of the deceased are maintained. In this case, your brother’s delay is certainly unreasonable. It is more than reasonable to allow a period of some two years for an Estate to be administered. You say that he has not responded to your requests. Our advice therefore is for you to consult a Solicitor who can advise you in relation to what options are open to you. You are entitled to proceed by way of an application under the Succession Act, 1965, to the Probate Office to summons your brother to either a) prove or b) renounce Probate of the Will of your late Father. If your brother chooses to renounce his position as Executor to extract a Grant of Probate then, you could be appointed as the new Executor to administer your Father’s Estate. There

are certain time limits that apply to any such application. As the period of over two years has already passed to commence the application for a Grant of Probate, you should not delay any longer and should take action immediately. It would normally be the case that the costs of this application would be paid for out of the value of the Estate of your late Father. I hope that you find this information helpful and our advice is to consult a Solicitor sooner rather than later.

q. my father died recently and he and my mother, who has survived him, were separated many years but never formally. in my Father’s will i am appointed as the executor. he left my mother a sum of money but not very much. is there anything she can do?

A. Your mother is entitled to her legal right share in the Estate of your father. This legal right share only applies in Testate situations (i.e. when there is a Will). In a situation where there is no Will then, the surviving Spouse is entitled to 2/3s of the Estate, if the deceased had children and the entirety of the children if the deceased had no children. In the present situation, your Father died Testate (having made a Will) and, although he has included a bequest to his wife, from what you have said, it may not be sufficient to satisfy her legal right share. The right of the surviving spouse to the legal right share ranks after the rights of Creditors of the deceased but before all other beneficiaries. Section 115 of the Succession Act, 1965 provides that the surviving Spouse can elect to accept either the legal right share entitlement under the terms of the Succession Act or under the bequest in the Will. If the surviving Spouse does not elect to take either the bequest or the legal right share then, he/she will be deemed to have taken the bequest and will lose the legal right share. The legal right share amounts to ½ of the Estate if there are no children or 1/3 of the Estate if there are children. In short therefore, your Mother will have to make a decision as to whether or not invoke her entitlement under the terms of the Succession Act, 1965 to take her legal right share or, to accept the bequest in the Will. This entitlement is set out under Section 112 of the Succession Act, 1965.

In addition, Section 56 of the Succession Act provides for the right of the surviving spouse to acquire the dwelling house and household chattels to be appropriated in partial or whole discharge of their bequest. This section provides for the surviving spouse to request the Personal Representative (in this case, you) to appropriate the dwelling in which the surviving Spouse ordinarily resides if this property is part of the Estate of the deceased person. This appropriation will go towards the satisfaction of his/her legal right share. There are certain restrictions on this appropriation which are set out in subsection 5. Given that your parents were separated over 10 years, it is probably unlikely that your Mother is still living in the former family home but, it may well be the case, depending on the circumstances of their separation. Your Mother does need legal advice and should be advised to seek this advice as soon as possible so that she may be independently advised in relation to her entitlement. q. my husband left me many years ago and i now want to make a will but do not want to include him in the will. Do i still have to regard him as my Spouse with regard to any entitlements he may have if i die first?

A. It is always best in cases where Spouses are living apart to make the Separation part of a formally agreement, whether by way of a Separation Agreement, Judicial Separation or Divorce. In the absence of a Contract of Separation between the Spouses, it is always open to the surviving Spouse to make a claim against the deceased Spouses’ Estate. Remember, in the absence of any formal clarification, the surviving Spouse can say that the Separation was never intended to be permanent nor was it intended to disinherit the surviving Spouse. Clarity is always preferable. There are however other ways in which a Spouse will not be considered a Spouse for the purpose of the Succession Act and inheritance rights and they are as follows. a) Renunciation. Section 113 of the Succession Act provides for renunciation before or after marriage by way of a written Contract. This can easily be

signed by the two of you as a Deed of Waiver but both parties will require to be independently advised. This would not be an expensive procedure. Separation. The Judicial b) Separation and Family Reform Act, 1989 and the Family Law Act 1995 can provide for Property Adjustment Orders and the extinguishment of Succession Act rights.

c) Divorce. The Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996, and the subsequent marriage of a Testator will have important implications here. For example a Will is revoked by the subsequent marriage of a Testator following on from Divorce. d) Unworthiness to succeed. Section 120 of the Succession Act, 1965 provides for the unworthiness of the surviving Spouse to succeed. An example of this situation would be in a case where one spouse has murdered their Spouse and is subsequently attempting to inherit from the Estate of a deceased Spouse. I hope that this has been helpful.

q. my parents were Separated for many years but, there was nothing formal about the Separation. when my Father died earlier on this year, he had not left anything to my mother. he left everything between his three adult children. my mother now intends to claim her legal right share. This would leave little or nothing for us. is this legal?

A. Unfortunately for the children of the deceased in a case such as this, the right of the surviving Spouse ranks in priority over the children of the deceased and the contents of the Will, apart from Creditors. In other words, your Mother’s right will take precedence over yours and, in effect therefore, the contents of the Will are no longer valid. In addition, there is no compensation for aggrieved beneficiaries who will lose out as a result of a surviving Spouse opting to take their legal right share. This right of the surviving Spouse is cast in stone and there is nothing beneficiaries can do to avoid it. Perhaps in a situation such as this, family mediation might be appropriate to see if matters can be resolved to everybody’s reasonable satisfaction.

In contentious business a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement

progress report on soUtH DUblin centenary commemoration plans

Mayor of South Dublin County Council and Sinn Féin Councillor for Rathfarnham Sarah Holland last week attended the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme meeting in Dublin City. The meeting was an opportunity for local area authorities around the country to put forward their plans for 2016 commemorations. Speaking after the meeting Mayor Holland said: “The plan pulls together a number of key elements that historical includes reflection, community participation, the diaspora and the Irish language. “A key event for my local area will be an official visit to the Pearse Museum, St.

Enda’s Park to commemorate Pádraig Pearse, the educationalist and literary figure, which will take place on the 9th April 2016. “Other planned events include a Bilingual na mBan Cumann lecture in Tallaght, a South Dublin and the 1916 Rising Exhibition that will take place between February-May 2016 and a Summer Festival with family events, Irish music and summer camps for children with a commemorations theme in Clondalkin. “We aimed to be as inclusive as possible when putting together this plan and I look forward to seeing South Dublin County commemorate 1916 as a community.”

190 new snas for DUblin


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The news this afternoon that schools in Dublin are to receive 191 new SNA posts in September has been welcomed by Labour TD Eamonn Maloney. “These new posts will make a real difference to pupils who most need them in Dublin" stated Deputy Maloney

“They will be allocated to relevant schools from September, which means the local impact of the announcement will be felt quite soon.

“I want to thank my colleague Minister Jan TD for O’Sullivan securing these posts and for the manner in which she has

consistently prioritised special needs education since taking office.

“The Government has previously said it would ensure that every child with an assessed care need gets SNA support. announcement This bears that out and I am pleased that local schools are getting

their fair share of new posts. “Overall from this September, there will be 11,820 whole-time SNA posts available in Ireland’s primary and post-primary schools. That equates to an 11.7% increase since this Government came to office. “This is a legacy that I

Mayor Sarah Holland

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am extremely proud to stand over as a Labour representative because it shows very clearly how Labour as a party has fought hard to protect and support special needs education at a time when we had to simultaneously deal with the most difficult financial period in our history.”


paying for pUblic transport in DUblin neeDs to be moDerniseD

Fine Gael Dublin MEP, Brian Hayes said that a contactless payment system for public transport in Dublin should be introduced . "Allowing commuters to use their debit cards to pay for public transport would be more efficient, convenient and practical. In London for example commuters can use their debit cards to swipe onto buses and the underground. "A similar system across Dublin Bus, Luas and the DART would have many benefits. The biggest plus is that commuters would no longer need to worry about having the correct change. It is much more convenient. "The system would work much the same way as the Leap card. When you take a bus, Luas or Dart you hold your contactless debit card to the reader. The relevant fair is then deducted from your bank account.

"Recently it has become more expensive to pay with cash on transport services across Dublin an initiative to get more people using Leap cards. The contactless system would mean that those who don't use public transport regularly and do not have a Leap card are not disadvantaged when it comes to taking public transport. Additionally, it would also allow tourists to benefit.

"In order to make public transport more convenient we need to change with the times. The Leap Card has been a great success. However, we already see new emerging payment methods such as using your with smartphone Applepay. By establishing more practical methods of paying, the use of public transport will become more attractive," concluded Mr Hayes.

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strong employment growtH in tHe constrUction inDUstry

According to the CSO Quarterly National Household survey over 6,300 new jobs were created in the construction sector in the first three months of this year. This is on top of the 13,600 jobs that were created in 2014. (source Construction Industry Federation) Employment in the construction sector is expected to continue to grow strongly helped by the return of the large construction projects such as the new Children’s Hospital, Charlemount Street regeneration project, and the new Grangegorman complex. Demand for construction sector staff is rising as evidenced by one enterprising Irish Recruitment company advertising in Canada for Irish construction Workers to ‘ Go Home’ to meet the rising demand for skilled and qualified construction workers.

‘Every week I get builders coming in the door of our training facility looking for workers. On Wednesday this week one builder was looking for a groundsman and an apprentice carpenter’ says Noel Kelly, Construction Manager of iSkill Training Ltd, an Irish Company who specialise in training and upskilling construction workers. iSkill Training are one of the companies that the government has chosen to deliver fulltime training for unemployed people as construction operatives under the Momentum initiative. They are based in a 14,000 square feet of training facilities in Bluebell, Dublin 12 and are actively recruiting unemployed people who want to upskill and in the work construction industry. The Construction industry in Ireland appears to be returning in strength, is the Celtic Tiger on its way back?

iSkill Training Ltd. are actively recruiting unemployed people who want to upskill and work in the construction industry



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one Direct targets car finance marKet as 30% sUrge preDicteD


One Direct, a wholly owned subsidiary of An Post, is entering the secured Car Finance Market having an concluded agreement to sell First Citizen Finance products to Irish Motorists.

Car Finance, a Hire Purchase finance product for Cars or Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs), offering a typical APR of 8.5%* will be available from One Direct’s Athlone-based call centre at 1890 22 22 22, at online www.onedirect.ie and through One Direct high street branches. Within weeks, the competitive new finance product will also be available through An Post’s national network of 1,135 Post Offices. An Post’s retail strategy is to invest in the

your free local newspaper

Multi-channel sales include online, phone and Post Offices provision of services with strong revenue growth potential and which can be driven through its unique network, in retail addition to other channels.

Car Finance will be open to Irish residents, aged 18 and over who are in employment and to borrow looking €4,000 or more for the purchase of a new car, or a vehicle less than five years old. Only Cars/ LCV’s purchased from an approved SIMI/ Franchised Motor Dealer in the Republic of Ireland will be eligible and the finance must be paid back over 1 – 5 years, depending upon the age of the car when purchased.

While new and used car sales suffered significant falls through the recessionary years,

sales of new cars have increased over recent times. Mr. David Egan, Managing Director, One Direct said “Our analysis indicates that new car sales for 2015 could be as high as 125,000 units, an increase of 30% on last year. This is an exciting opportunity for One Direct to enter a growing market and we aim to become a leading supplier of retail Car Finance to the Irish Market”. Mr. Chris Hanlon, Managing Director, First Citizen said “All our indicators predict that the personal hire purchase market will exceed €1 billion for the first time since 2008 and is likely to double over the next three years as the economy improves and consumers take the opportunity to replace

their ageing cars with new and more efficient models. This agreement with One Direct allows us to greatly extend our reach to the Irish consumer”.

*APR stands for Annual Percentage Rate and is inclusive of a Completion Fee of €1.00.Typical Example: The payments on a €15,000 hire purchase agreement over 48 months are €367.50 per month and the total cost of credit is €2,641. Finance example is based on a fixed rate Typical APR of 8.5%. Rate is correct at time of print (July 2015) and may change. Who is One Direct? One Direct (Ireland) Limited trading as One Direct is a wholly owned subsidiary of An Post registered as a Credit Intermediary and

Insurance Intermediary which offers car insurance, home insurance, life assurance and associated insurance products to the Irish market. In existence for over 15 years, One Direct has doubled its share of the Irish general insurance market in the past five years. Who is First Citizen Finance? First Citizen Finance Limited was established in late 2012 by the Senior Management Team of permanenttsb Finance which was the dominant player in the Motor Finance Market in Ireland. That company provided support services to over 400 Motor Dealers together with 92 branch offices. First Citizen Finance commenced providing car finance in 2014.

€20m to expanD anD replace bUs fleet

Fine Gael TD for Dublin Mid-West, Derek Keating, has welcomed the allocation of an additional €100 million for Transport, Tourism and Sport, €20 million of which will go towards expanding and replacing the bus fleet. The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, and Minister of State, Michael Ring TD, have announced an additional €100 million investment in Transport, Tourism and Sport, bringing the spend in this area to €1.07 billion. “Since the economic collapse, there has been underinvestment in roads and public transport. With the economy recovering, there is now scope to increase funding and to reinvest. “As part of this funding €20 million will go towards expanding and replacing the bus fleet. In addition €2 million will go towards expanding the city bikes scheme. “Better public transport and safer roads are the way forward in supporting the continued growth of the economy and encouraging further investment. “As we build on the progress we have been making in recent years, more people are returning to work and our tourism industries are continuing to grow. This is all very positive. However, these developments are putting a greater demand on our public transport and on our road networks. The €100m additional funding is very much welcome in ensuring we maintain high quality road networks and transport, as well as ensuring continued investment in tourism which supports thousands of jobs across the country.”

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electoral commission mUst be properly resoUrceD anD prioritise yoUng voters

palmerstown camera clUb

This image of a Rock Pipit was taken by Pat Kavanagh who is a member of the Palmerstown Camera Club. The Palmerstown Camera Club serves Palmerstown and West Dublin, where new members are always welcome. The next Wednesday evening outing with

Palmerstown Camera Club will be July 29th Balinafad

The club consists of members of all skill levels and beginners are always welcome.

Please see their facebook page for contact details and more of their images. www.facebook.com/pc ameraclub

The National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has called on Government to ensure that the proposed Electoral Commission is properly resourced and prioritises the registration of young voters. In a presentation to the Oireachtas Committee on the Environment, Community and Local Government NYCI outlined the urgent need to address the under registration of young people, given that up to 30% of 18-25s were not registered in a Red C poll

commissioned by NYCI in autumn 2014. “One of the many positives from the recent marriage equality referendum was the large number of young people who were registered and the significant turnout among the 18-25 year olds. This did not happen by accident, but was as a result of the excellent work of organisations such as USI, Belongto, Yes Equality and others. However on an ongoing basis it should not be the role of civil society organisation to make up

for our deficient voter registration system. We need an efficient and well-resourced Electoral Commission to make sure our voter register is complete and accurate” stated Ian Power, President of NYCI. NYCI also pointed out that the establishment of an Electoral Commission would facilitate the development of a centralised system for online voter registration. This would greatly assist those seeking to register for the first time as the

current paper based system is outdated and cumbersome. An online process would also reduce the administrative burden on an Electoral Commission. NYCI is also proposing that an Electoral Commission should play a leading role in research to boost voter turnout. However NYCI also informed the committee that an Electoral Commission cannot be expected to solve these problems unless it is properly resourced. “Based on our research

the New Zealand Electoral Commission which has almost the same number of voters (Ireland 3.3m electors to New Zealand 3.1m) spent the equivalent of €12.5m compiling and updating their electoral register. This is over two and a half times the €4.8m we spend in 2014. If we are serious about achieving an accurate, complete and user friendly voter registration system we need to ensure it has the resources to deliver a world class electoral system” concluded Mr. Power.

time for real poster restrictions

Senator Catherine Noone has called for poster restrictions of 400 per candidate, per constituency, to be imposed ahead of the next General Election. Her comments come on foot of revelations that €19,000 was the average cost per candidate for the 2011 General Election campaign. “In the next election, with two new parties having launched in the last two months, and more independent candidates than ever, you are realistically looking at ten different party groupings that will be competing in a number of constituencies. This will bring huge competition, pressure to spend and – also – a lot of posters. With a conservative estimate of 1,000 posters

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per candidate, you could be looking at 10,000 posters per constituency, without including multiple candidates from the same party. “As such, I believe a limit of 400 posters per candidate per constituency would be ample, and would serve the purpose of making the electorate aware that an election is forthcoming, while also bringing us closer in line with many of our European neighbours, who simply erect temporary billboards and allocate spaces to each candidate – foregoing the need for posters altogether. I believe this is worth approaching as soon as possible”.

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baKing for boreD KiDs...banoffee pie By Seana Foran your free local newspaper

I spent a great afternoon with David and Eoin Mooney from Clondalkin (and their lovely Mam; Orlaith) testing this recipe. If you haven’t already tasted it and you love bananas, this gooey delicious dessert for you. ingredients 200g Digestive Biscuits (I like to use chocolate digestives!) 30g Butter 1 can of Caramel* 2 Bananas 250ml Cream 1 Chocolate Flake SmASh: Put biscuits into a freezer bag and smash with a rolling pin until become crumbs. Melt a knob of butter and mix the crumbs and the butter really well together in a bowl. Press it into the bottom of an 8”/20cm loose bottomed or springform tin. SPReAD: Open the can

of caramel and spoon into a small bowl and pop into the microwave for 30 seconds. Then stir the caramel until it’s smooth and spread it over the biscuit base. Then pop it into the fridge to chill for 20mins whiSk: Whisk the cream until it’s stiff.

SliCe: Slice bananas and place on top of the caramel DolloP: Spread the cream over the top of the bananas. Crumble the flake in the packet and then sprinkle on top of the cream. Then back in the fridge for 10-20mins to let it set some more. eAT

*You can buy caramel (Dulche du Leche) in the supermarket but it is cheaper to make at home and really easy. Just put a tin (or tins) of condensed milk unopened in a pot and cover it with water and allow to simmer gently for 4 hours. Just make sure that you keep it

covered with water or else it may explode. At the end of the four hours leave the tin cool in the water until completely cold.

You can store several cans of it in the cupboard until you need them and they keep really well.

miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. A.A.

miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three

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miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. P.P.w.


days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. A.R.

miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. m.B.

miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. m.B.

miRACle PRAyeR Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you for a very special one. Take it, dear Heart of Jesus, and place it within your

own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days. Promise publication and favour will be granted no matter how impossible. Never known to fail. P.B.

As our regular readers will know we have asked for your generosity in supporting very worthy charities over the last few years including nCBi Solas Centre in Clondalkin, Tir na nog (Cheeverstown house) and laura lynn Children’s hospice . These charities have all been involved in providing vital services to children with special needs and their families. we would like to thank all readers who have supported our chosen charities to date and while we will still be supporting laura lynn Children’s hospice going forward, we are delighted to support The iRiSh PilGRimAGe TRuST. We are appealing to you our loyal newspaper readers to show your generosity in helping us to support an equally worthy charity, The iRiSh PilGRimAGe TRuST. The iRiSh PilGRimAGe TRuST is a charitable

organisation caring for young people with special needs, regardless of creed or ethnic background. They now care for more than 1,100 disadvantaged, ill, disabled or marginalised young people annually. Their guests receive week long holiday breaks in Ireland and France under the care of their teams of volunteer carers, nurses and doctors. Their guest’s families and carers also benefit directly through respite breaks. The Irish Pilgrimage Trust is organised on a Regional basis with 60 groups nationwide. Their guest’s costs are paid in full by the Trust while all their volunteers pay their own fares. The Trust does not receive state or public funding and is totally reliant on fundraising and voluntary donations.

if you would like a novena published please send a postal order or cheque made payable to The iRiSh PilGRimAGe TRuST and send it, along with your novena to:

newsgroup, 21, Alderwood Avenue, Tallaght, Dublin. 24. if you require any further information call us on 087 6535443.

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