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PLUS: Local woman reunites with father ■ Voter ID legislation takes step back ■ Cottleville revitalization underway

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Facebook Evidence Used in More Divorces A recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) revealed that social networking sites have become a hot source for evidence. Over eighty percent of family law attorneys surveyed found that they have seen an increase in the amount of divorces using social networking evidence over the past five years. Facebook was found to be the biggest online source, followed by MySpace and Twitter. Without thinking, many people have given clues about their infidelity, habits, and lifestyle on their Facebook profile. This can be in the form of public postings, chats, and most frequently through photos. Online activities can then be used as evidence during a divorce or custody battle.

Protect Yourself As a general rule, it is recommended that anyone going

through a divorce stay off social media sites. If the urge is too great, then make sure your privacy settings are set appropriately. In particular, people may have granted access to their page to friends or “friends of friends” who may be more aligned with the other spouse. Individuals going through a contested divorce should also make sure none of their postings or pictures are damaging or contrary to any testimony they plan to give. Commenting about an ongoing divorce or custody case online is also not advisable. Going through a divorce almost always results in heightened levels of personal scrutiny. If you publicly post any contradictions to previously made statements and promises, or you talk about your case online, a spouse could very well use that evidence at trial. If you are facing divorce, Stange Law Firm can help you. We have

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Politics versus reality




For Smoking


$ It is hard to understand politics if you are hung up on reality. Politicians leave reality to others. What matters in politics is what you can get the voters to believe, whether it bears any resemblance to reality or not. Not only among politicians, but also among much of the media, and even among some of the public, the quest is not for truth about reality but for talking points that fit a vision or advance an agenda. Some seem to see it as a personal contest about who is best at fencing with words. The current controversy over whether to deal with our massive national debt by cutting spending, or whether instead to raise tax rates on “the rich,” is a classic example of talking points versus reality. Most of those who favor simply raising tax rates on “the rich” – or who say that we cannot afford to allow the Bush “tax cuts for the rich” to continue – show not the slightest interest in the history of what has actually happened when tax rates were raised to high levels on “the rich,” as compared to what has actually happened when there have been “tax cuts for the rich.” As far as such people are concerned, those questions have already been settled by their talking points. Why confuse the issue by digging into empirical evidence about what has actually happened when one policy or the other was followed? The political battles about whether to have high tax rates on people in high income brackets or to instead have “tax cuts for the rich” have been fought out in at least four different administrations in the 20th century – under Presidents Calvin Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The empirical facts are there, but they mean nothing if people don’t look at them, and instead rely on talking points. The first time this political battle was fought, during the Coolidge administration, the tax-cutters won. The data show that “the rich” supplied less tax revenue to the government when the top income tax rate was 73 percent in 1921 than they supplied after the income tax rate was reduced to 24 percent in 1925. Because high tax rates can easily be avoided, both then and now, “the rich” were much less affected by high tax rates than was the economy and the people who were looking for jobs. After the Coolidge tax cuts, the increased economic activ-

I opinion I 3



ity led to unemployment rates that ranged from a high of 4.2 percent to a low of 1.8 percent. But that is only a fact about reality – and, for many, reality has no such appeal as talking points. The same preference for talking points, and the same lack of interest in digging into the facts about realities, prevails today in discussions of whether to have a government-controlled medical system. Since there are various countries, such as Canada and Britain, that have the kind of government-controlled medical systems that some Americans advocate, you might think that there would be great interest in the quality of medical care in these countries. The data are readily available as to how many weeks or months people have to wait to see a primary care physician in such countries, and how many additional weeks or months they have to wait after they are referred to a surgeon or other specialist. There are data on how often their governments allow patients to receive the latest pharmaceutical drugs, as compared to how often Americans use such advanced medications. But supporters of government medical care show virtually no interest in such realities. Their big talking point is that the life expectancy in the United States is not as long as in those other countries. End of discussion, as far as they are concerned. They have no interest in the reality that medical care has much less effect on death rates from homicide, obesity, and narcotics addiction than it has on death rates from cancer or other conditions that doctors can do something about. Americans survive various cancers better than people anywhere else. Americans also get to see doctors much sooner for medical treatment in general. Talking points trump reality in political discussions of many other issues, from gun control to rent control. Reality simply does not have the pizzazz of clever talking points.

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l e tt e r s t o t h e e d i t o r Sudafed prescriptions? To the editor: Let me see if I understand this. Bad guys (and girls) are making illegal drugs, and the powers that be decide that the way to fight it is to stick it to the poor, unemployed, underemployed and senior citizens. I am one of the lucky one that has medical insurance. But even with medical insurance I would have to wait a week or two to get a doctors appointment, and a $25 co-pay plus the cost of the medicine just to get a package of Sudafed - which doesn’t count the $90 it would cost my insurance company for the doctors appointment. And we wonder about the high cost of medical insurance? They are selling this as a crime fighting tool. Does that mean by putting all meth dealers out of business, crime will go down and government agencies will be able to save money by laying off some of the police officers. Think how much crime could be fought and money and lives saved by raising the local gas tax by $1.50 a gallon, fewer traffic fatalities, fewer traffic violations. With so few people being able to afford to drive it would be really safe on the roads. Think about raising it $2.50 a gallon, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I don’t know this for a fact, but I’ll bet that most of the supporters of this bill are getting a pay check and maybe their medical insurance from the government, in other words “us.” So it won’t hurt them at all, and who cares about us. Now I can’t speak for other counties, but I’ll bet that the St. Charles County Council is right now making plans to reimburse the above mentioned groups of people for the cost incurred in buying the medicine covered by this plan. (I should be a joke writer) Seriously this bill won’t help, but it will hurt the poor, unemployed, underemployed and senior citizens. Remember that at election time. Robert Woerheide O’Fallon

Federal waste

To the editor: I’m sick of our national leaders in Washington playing on the emotions of our seniors by using the Social Security system to scare the daylights out of them. Even more frustrating, is the fact the leftwing, progressive ‘media’ is helping them spread their insipid lies like the complicit

lap-dogs they are. The facts surrounding GOP led proposals to reduce the deficit and national debt are being twisted and distorted to make it appear that Republicans want to pull the rug out from under seniors by reducing Social Security benefits to the point seniors will literally become impoverished, while the rich are being further enhanced. This is all demagoguery aimed at preserving as much of the Democrats’ power over the Federal purse as possible. And for what reason? So Democrats can continue to use government entitlements to buy votes that will keep them in power. What a sickening spectacle. The truth is, much of our National Debt has been created by government borrowing to support and expand the various ‘entitlements’ it has created. To begin making sensible adjustments to these programs, which includes Medicare and Social Security, is not only frugal fiscal policy, it is absolutely essential. More of the federal budget ‘pie’ comes from these two programs than from any other combination of expenditures. And, thanks to liberal Democratic ‘adjustments’ to these programs over the years, there is a tremendous level of fraud, waste and abuse contained within them that threatens to bankrupt America, if not brought under control by more prudent management. The balance between levels of revenue accruing to government and expenditures by government is so badly out of kilter that anyone can see we are headed for a fiscal ‘doomsday’ unless something changes. The Federal Office of Budget and Management has been telling us for years that billions are being poured into Medicare fraud - one estimate of $200 billion annually — not to mention the waste due to inefficiency in management. But, Democrats have withstood all serious attempts to address these issues. As for Social Security, this program was originally established as a safety net to prevent seniors from becoming impoverished by poor planning or even unforeseen circumstances beyond their control. An “insurance” system, as it were, for us to rely on for survival in our old age. Today, the system is being used as a slush fund by many who continue to draw it long past the initial investment placed in it by their payroll deductions and employer’s contributions. By limiting benefits to amount invested, with an interest factor, for those with other incomes of, say, $35,000 or more,

could shave billions from the Social Security System. There is simply no justification for continuing to provide casino money to wealthy Americans, who’ve already drawn out their Social Security contributions, but continue to draw on the system well past that point. Cutting off thousands of sneaky people who’ve successfully defrauded the system with phony disability claims would save billions more. We’ve all heard the horror stories of so many others who never report the death of relatives and continue to receive their Social Security checks for years past, along with the families getting ‘survivor’ benefits from the system, and still others who draw multiple checks under different names. If the truth were told, Social Security and Medicare costs could be reduced by hundreds of billions without hurting anyone legitimately entitled to the benefits of these programs simply by getting serious about managing the systems efficiently and eliminating the fraud and abuse. Arthur Bruce Robertson

New York ruling

To the editor: In a sad commentary on the flat-out moral decay in the USA, the state of New York has legalized homosexuals being allowed to marry. Shame has left America and that is a very pathetic fact of life. Thirty years ago, I would never have imagined writing this letter because these concepts would not be in the public arena. But because evil exists in the world, it must be met and defeated. The real truth is the one that liberals, Democrats, Libertarians, and many Republicans all have forgotten or simply chosen to forget. It is what C.S. Lewis explained and many others, from ancient times onward, called Natural Moral Law. Good and evil exist in the world. Sin exists. This is a basic fundamental truth, yet the USA and of course, most of the world turns away from a traditional value and turns toward the exact opposite. The mere fact that homosexuality is being discussed in public, even on this page, indicates how sick a society we have become. People have committed homosexual acts for millennia; that fact alone does not make it right, normal or acceptable. There was only one perfect human being and He was divine so all the rest of us are sinners. Rob Schultz


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Is the sky falling? As we close in on the impending debt ceiling crisis, just days away, many questions remain as to the consequences we going to face if no agreement is reached by our political leaders. Assuming no compromise occurs between the president and the Democrats on one hand and the Republicans on the other, is the sky really going to fall? Of course, that’s a trick question that can be answered different ways, depending on your point of view. The Democrats led by President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner are playing Chicken Little and Henny Penny from the well known childhood fable, claiming gloom and doom will result if the U.S. debt ceiling isn’t raised. The Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner, contend that raising the debt ceiling should occur only if significant government spending cuts accompany that action. And of course the Republicans are adamant about not raising taxes during this serious economic downturn. Huge disagreements exist between the players and the parties, and the result has been one huge fight often disguised as a negotiation. The president preaches class warfare, hammering the so-called rich for higher taxes, demagoguing seniors, scaring them about loosing Social Security and Medicare benefits. The Republicans simply want to cut government spending, having just witnessed the failure of the trillion-dollar stimulus program that contributed mightily to our debt and in fact created or saved very few jobs. The differences are real, deep and philosophical. However, President Obama and most of the key Democratic players voted against raising the debt ceil- ing in 2006. President Obama, an Illinois senator at the time, said, “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a

sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills.” What a difference a few years and a new job make. The Republicans are in a tight spot because many newly elected “tea party” types were elected to cut government spending and cut the debt. So, what are the facts? What happens on Aug. 2, when the government runs out of money? Disaster? Probably not. According to Karl Rove writing recently in The Wall Street Journal, The Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington think tank, projects that the government will receive $172 billion in revenues between Aug. 3 and Aug. 31, but it is on the hook to spend $306 billion, leaving a shortfall of $134 billion. The available funds would allow the government to pay Social Security, interest on our debt, Medicaid and Medicare and the military. But, just meeting those obligations could leave the country in a big mess and have serious economic repercussions. The government pays for a lot of things not on that list. Failing to raise the debt ceiling would hurt investor faith in the United States, likely causing the value of the dollar to fall and interest rates to rise. These outcomes would not be good for the country or either party. In reality, most experts agree that we need to raise the debt ceiling. In that same reality, most folks with common sense know we are on an unsustainable course and we must cut government spending. Many of our politicians refuse to face reality. It is time for some real leadership from Washington. Our future depends on cutting government spending. We are more than 14 trillion dollars in debt and it is rising rapidly. Fortunately, it is likely some agreement will be reached to avoid the potential financial problems of not raising the debt ceiling. But, without reform and a huge reduction in government spending to provide confidence in our economy, ultimately, the sky already is falling.



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News Br iefs St. Charles Dream home, anyone? With only a $100 investment, one lucky winner will be a new homeowner this fall. Tickets for the St. Jude Dream Home giveaway are now available. The 3,585-square-foot house being raffled off is valued at $545,000, and located in the Talbridge subdivision of St. Charles. “Residents should buy a ticket because it costs $1.6 million to run the hospital every day,” said Jennifer Myers, with St. Jude. “Children from all over the world are treated, including children in the St. Louis metro area. There are only 11,000 tickets available at $100 each, so we have the opportunity to raise $1.1 million for the kids of St. Jude.” Winners of the house and other prizes will be announced Sept. 9 on television’s Fox 2 – KTVI. Proceeds from the giveaway will benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Tickets can be reserved at Regions Bank or by calling 800-667-3394. For more information about the St. Jude Dream Home giveaway, visit www.dreamhome. org.

Welcome to St. Charles The St. Charles Convention and Visitors

Bureau is looking for volunteers to welcome visitors into the historic city. “The St. Charles CVB is searching for enthusiastic individuals that are interested in promoting and providing information on the St. Charles area including Historic Main Street,” said Pam Schulz, with the CVB. “Volunteers will assist at the front desk of the Tourism Center greeting visitors, answering questions and phone calls.” Opportunities are available from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. during the week and from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturdays and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. “We are looking for someone that can be flexible on their hours, since we need fillins for various times throughout the week,” Schultz said. “Volunteers will be trained and staff member will always be available to answer questions. This is a great opportunity to provide a service within our community, so please contact our office if you are interested.” To volunteer, call 946-7776.

Donations made easier The Early Childhood Center at United Services has been approved for $100,412 in tax credits through the Missouri Department of Economic Developments’ Neigh-

borhood Assistance Program (NAP). The NAP tax credit program provides a 50-percent tax deduction to qualifying donors directly off of their state taxes as well as other deductions making the net contribution a fraction of the actual donated amount. “The NAP program has been a wonderful incentive to donors and the agency over the years. The credits can entice donors to give a gift or in some case increase their contribution due to the fact that half of the donated amount comes directly off the donor’s tax liability,” said Jeanne Palombo, development manager of United Services. “It’s often difficult for supporters to believe it works this way, but it is a tried and true way of rewarding our donors and is a great economic development tool for the state as well.”

St. Charles County Road to open Friday

The Missouri Department of Transportation closed a section of eastbound Hwy. 94 east of Defiance on July 18 as part of a project to rebuild shoulders on the roadway. The roadway should reopen on Friday, July 22. “This work is a part of the continuing project to add shoulders along portions of Route 94 to improve the safety of the roadway,” said Andrew Gates, with MoDOT. Crews closed eastbound Hwy. 94 from Walnut Springs Drive just east of Defiance to Route F. Drivers can take Defiance

Road to eastbound Route F to Hwy. 94 to detour around the closure. During this work, Hwy. 94 in Defiance will be open in both directions. Plan ahead to avoid work zones by calling 1-888-ASK-MODOT or visiting www.

Expand and graduate Two new tenants, two expansions and one recent graduation are being celebrated at the St. Peters-based small business incubator owned and operated by the Economic Development Center of St. Charles County. Zen-Tel, Inc., a premier provider of voice and data equipment and services for Avay, Nortel, Cisco and Seimens/Rolm networks, and Pontello Law LLC, a law firm specializing in consumer bankruptcy moved into new spaces at the EDC. Meanwhile, Humidifall, a designer and manufacturer of high-tech, decorative water appliances and Garner Realty & Development, a residential real estate brokerage firm, expanded recently in the EDC. Terra Firma USA, a wine importer and wholesale distributor, outgrew its warehouse and office space after nine years in the EDC and recently moved into larger facilities off Hwy. 370 in St. Charles. “The process of helping to grow and graduate emerging small and mediumsized businesses is what the EDC’s incubator facility and program are all about,”

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM said Craig Frahm, the organization’s CFO and incubator manager. “It is a pleasure to celebrate our newest tenants, cheer on the success of our tenants who are expanding and wish all the best to Terra Firma, our latest business graduate.”

Prank may result in arrests Three suspects were taken into custody on July 11 in response to graffiti and paint spilled onto the highway in St. Charles County near Francis Howell High School. Lt. Craig McGuire, with the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department, said the department received a phone call at 3:23 a.m. from a motorist reporting paint spilled on Hwy. 94 at Hwy. D. When officers responded, spray painted graffiti marked several street and traffic signs, and the paint was covering the highway. The initial motorist who spotted the damage was able to tell deputies about a possible suspect vehicle, including its license-plate number. McGuire said the suspect car was stopped later that morning. “At least three suspects were taken into custody and then released into the custody of their parents until we can get additional information from MoDOT about the amount of damages,” said McGuire. McGuire could not say if this was a school prank, but he said it happens quite often this time of year and it’s close to Francis Howell High School.

Homeowner surprises intruder A St. Charles County woman surprised a would-be burglar in her garage on June 12. Lt. Craig McGuire, with the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department, said the homeowner’s husband had left the home 25 minutes prior, leaving the garage door open. When the woman walked into the garage to leave her home in the first block of

Abbey Michelle Court she observed the suspect in the garage. “When the suspect saw the homeowner, he ran away, heading south on St. Peters Howell Road,” McGuire said. Deputies canvassed the area for the suspect, but were unable to find him. The suspect is described as a white male in his late 20s to early 30s with a slim build.

Car accident seriously injures driver A driver was seriously injured on July 8 after hitting a utility pole on Arena Parkway and flipping the car. Lt. Craig McGuire, with the St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department, said deputies were called to the scene at 2:56 a.m. on July 8. Only one person was in the vehicle, and no other cars were involved. “The driver was transported to an area hospital with life threatening injuries,” McGuire said. At MRN press time, police had not released the name of the driver.



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A 42-year-old O’Fallon man was killed on June 30 after his truck collided with a minivan on Bryan Road. Jeffery Roberts was driving a red 1992 Chevy truck northbound on Bryan Road at 3:36 p.m. when he crossed over the center line and collided head on with a 2011 Honda minivan driven by Amy Lathrop of O’Fallon. Roberts was pronounced dead at the scene. Lathrop, 37, was transported to a local hospital with serious but non-life threatening injuries. The O’Fallon Police Department’s Accident Reconstruction Team responded to reconstruct the accident. Bryan Road was closed for approximately three hours between Veteran’s Memorial Parkway and White Magnolia.

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‘After all of these years at least I can say that I finally feel a peace.’

St. Peters woman finds father after 44-year separation By Jeannie Seibert Some children, separated from one or both parents from an early age, are able to go through their entire lives without that burning need to find the birth mother and/ or father. Others can not. Terri Violet, 52, of St. Peters, is one who could not rest until she found her dad. In fact, she hadn’t seen him since she was 8 years old. On July 11, she flew to Nevada, knocked on Bill’s door and introduced him to his daughter, Terri and grandson, Matt, 21 – except it wasn’t quite that easy. “I haven’t seen my father in 44 years,” Violet said. “My parents divorced when I was about 7 years old and both remarried soon after. My father and his new wife moved away so my younger brother and sister and I didn’t hear from him again. Our child support payments stopped coming in when he left town.” Child support or not, daughters love their fathers and Violet kept her heart and mind open to the hope that one day she would become reacquainted with him. “Recently, I spoke to a friend of mine who is an investigator and a genealogy specialist,” Violet said. The investigator was able to turn up the name of a man matching her father’s and his second wife’s descriptions and background. The investigator “came up with only one address in the U.S. with both of their names and close matching ages,” Violet

said. “I held onto this address for about a month.” Finally, with the encouragement of her husband, Jeff, Violet and her son Matt got on a plane headed west. “We rented a car and drove a couple of hours deep into the desert looking for my dad,” Violet said. “When we reached the address I had been given no one answered the door.” Because the Violets had come that far they knocked on some neighbors’ doors and finally found a man who said he knew the residents at the address in question. The man said his own wife was originally from the St. Louis area. That gave her the “in” she needed to explain her plight. “After talking a few minutes, he trusted me enough to give me their phone number,” Violet said. “Believe me, I don’t advocate giving out neighbors’ phone numbers but in this case it worked out.” From a local convenience store, Violet called the number. “My dad’s wife answered,” she said. “After much persuasion I talked her into letSt. Peters resident Terri Violet, center, found her dad Bill, left, after 44 ting us come to the door for a short visit.” Violet assured the woman she believed to years and introduced him to his grandson Matt, 21, right. be her step-mother that she wouldn’t try to go inside, she would stay outside the front she offered for my son and I to come in and hoped he would somehow connect.” have a seat,” Violet said. Even “after her third attempt she once door. She just wanted to meet her dad. The desert heat made it too hot to stand again went back to speak to him then came “She said they were skeptical about who I said I was but after arriving and show- outside so Violet and her son were ushered ing her photos of my brother, sister and me into the living room to wait while “she took with our families through the barred door, him the photos I gave her,” Violet said. “I See reunited, page 27

Voter ID legislation takes another step back with governor’s veto By Jeannie Seibert For years, Republican legislators in Jefferson City have been trying to pass a voter identification bill. In 2005, they almost succeeded. A Cole County Circuit Court judge set that legislation back a step based on the court’s opinion that a purchase of documents, such as a birth certificate, which might be required for a state-provided photo ID could be considered a poll tax. It was back to the drawing board. In the session just ended, legislators in both houses succeeded in crafting a bill that would require a voter to present photo proof of his or her identity. To make the measure challenge-proof, a guarantee that voters without a picture ID card would be issued one at the state’s expense was added via a joint resolution attached to the original verbiage. Both houses agreed and sent the final bill

to Gov. Jay Nixon for his signature. Nixon vetoed the measure. Nixon’s veto statement reads: “This new mandate would disproportionately impact senior citizens and persons with disabilities, among others, who are qualified to vote and have been lawfully voting since becoming eligible to do so, but are less likely to have a driver’s license or government-issued photo ID. Disenfranchising certain classes of persons is not acceptable.” But photo IDs in Florida elections have been working well, according to St. Charles County Director of Elections Rich Chrismer. “I’m an elected official and I’m not taking sides in this issue but I just returned from a national elections officials conference just a couple weeks ago,” Chrismer said. “I asked Florida elections officials, both Democrats and Republicans, how the

photo ID was working in their elections. All of them said it has been a success – it works well in Florida. In fact, they wondered why we don’t do it in Missouri.” The governor outlined his fear that a photo ID mandate would place “a cloud of uncertainty over ballots cast by qualified voters,” according to the veto statement. The legislation “does not meet with my approval because it is unacceptable to impede or discourage citizens from voting who have lawfully cast ballots their entire adult lives.” One of the bill sponsors, Mo. Sen. Scott Rupp (Dist. 2) said, “We worked on this for years. This veto is misguided and incorrect. It’s just political placating the left wing of his (Gov. Nixon’s) party.” Because of the arduous process of multiple committee hearings in two houses of state government during the course of several years, Rupp said legislators attempted

to remove any undue hardship on those who would need to acquire a state-issued photo ID card. “This is something the liberal side historically has never supported for whatever reason,” Rupp said. “You can’t even rent a movie without showing a photo ID. Really, this is the most common-sense approach to protect our most cherished right.” Mo. Rep. Kurt Bahr (Dist. 19), who supported the bill, shared his disappointment with the governor’s veto explaining that the popular early voting portion of the bill was shot down along with the assurance that a photo ID mandate would better prevent voter fraud at the polls. While set back a step yet again, lawmakers this summer are considering what recourse they will pursue – challenging Nixon during the September veto session or taking the question directly to the voters in 2012.



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Dardenne Prairie

New park in the ‘Uptown’ to be ready for Prairie Days

By Amy Armour A new 2.5 acre park will be open for Dardenne Prairie residents just in time for the city’s annual Prairie Days celebration planned for Sept. 17. City Engineer Luke Kehoe said the park construction project is on schedule and the playground equipment is currently being installed. The park includes two playgrounds for both younger and older children — including a ground slide that will transport children from the upper-level playground to the lower-level playground. A spray ground

with motion activated water jets is planned, as well as an outdoor seating area shaded with a pergola. In addition, the park will include an amphitheater with hillside seating, a meandering stream and bandstand gazebo with wrap-around fountain and a family picnic pavilion with a view of the bandstand and both playgrounds. The Dardenne Prairie Board of Aldermen gave the go ahead for the $1.86 million park in March 2011 and construction began in April. The yet-to-be named park was designed

Artist rendering of Dardenne Prairie’s new park

will provide the opportunity for diversity in housing and a variety of services and amenities.” The park provides the first of many gathering places envisioned for the Uptown, Kehoe said. “This park is one more step toward creating a sense of identity for the City and establishing the Uptown as a community center for its residents,” Kehoe said.

by SWT Design and is being built by Kadean Construction Company. Kehoe said the park — which is near the new City Hall — is a part of the Uptown Zoning District. “The almost 300-acre Uptown Zoning District was established by the Board of Aldermen in 2007,” Kehoe said. “The Uptown is planned to give the city a civic core with mixed-use development, which

LSL Boulevard Park rain garden construction to begin By Jeannie Seibert Later this month, Houska, Inc., will begin to direct construction of a rain garden and bio-retention cell project in Boulevard Park, located on Lake Saint Louis Boulevard, according to city Public Works Director Derek Koestel. The city has recently adopted storm water regulations requiring construction of water quality measures in new developments.

Bio-retention cells are one water quality technique the city’s new regulations recommend, Koestel said. Rain gardens are a similar treatment, better suited for homeowners. Both measures are designed to address minor storm-water issues. The Boulevard Park project is designed as a demonstration and public education site, Koestel said. The intention is to show the proper instal-

lation of these systems and as an aid to inform homeowners and developers about the components and differences between the two storm-water treatment techniques. Koestel said an added value is that the project site is a location with existing drainage issues. Both homeowners and developers alike will be able to observe how to alleviate a problem with a solution that is ecologically friendly and is aestheti-

cally pleasing. Funding and volunteer assistance has been provided by Jardin du Lac Garden Club, the city’s Environmental Advisory Committee, St. Charles County Soil and Water Conservation District and Missouri Master Naturalists. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 has provided partial funding for this project.



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‘Walk-in days’ arranged for students’ back-to-school immunizations Preparing to go back to school should include an update of school children’s immunizations – required for school attendance. To help parents meet this requirement the county Division of Public Health Immunization Clinic will schedule vaccinations on an appointment basis. “Walk-in days” for students in various county public school districts will also be scheduled. “As students gear up for the new school year we understand that a current immunization record is not always a priority and we schedule these immunization periods to assist efforts that ensure protection for our children,” said Gil Copley, director of the county Health Department. “While no one looks forward to an injection, the benefits of diminishing the spread of serious vaccine-preventable diseases far outweigh the mild discomfort. We offer these vaccines to school-age children as an important step in the process that keeps kids healthy and ready to learn.” Vaccinations are offered every weekday except Thursday on an appointment basis at the Health Department facility at 1650 Boone’s Lick Rd., St. Charles. Hours are 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. – with extended hours until 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. On Aug. 9, the clinic will remain open until 7 p.m. For questions or to schedule an appoint-

ment, phone 949-1857. Families with health insurance are encouraged to obtain immunizations from their healthcare provider. In addition to scheduled appointments, the immunization clinic will offer walk-in days for students attending school in specific districts. The dates are: Francis Howell School District – Aug. 1, 8:30-11 a.m. or 1:30-4:30 p.m. Orchard Farm School District – Aug. 3, 8:30-to 11 a.m. or 1:30-4:30 p.m. Wentzville School District – Aug. 9, 8:30-11 a.m. or 1:30-4:30 p.m. Fort Zumwalt School District – Aug. 12, 8:30-11 a.m. or 1:30-4:30 p.m. The state of Missouri requires all children to be up-to-date on required immunizations. A complete list of Missouri’s vaccination requirements is available at Students who have recently moved into St. Charles County should check with the Health Department to find out if their shots are current. Parents with college-age children should review the school’s specific immunization requirements. Vaccinations provided by the St. Charles County Department of Community Health and the Environment are offered in cooperation with the Mo. Dept. of Health and Senior Services.


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HBA donates to Habit for Humanity Home Builders Charitable Foundation Board Member Harold Burkemper of First Construction of St. Charles (left) and 2011 HBA First Vice President John Eilermann of McBride & Son Companies (right) presented a $10,000 donation to Lauren Grotegeers, resource development coordinator for Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County (HFHSCC) (third from left), Michelle Woods, Habitat volunteer (second from left), and the Smith family, on behalf of the Home Builders Charitable Foundation. The donation will be used toward HFHSCC’s 2011 Unlimited Possibilities Build for the building of the Smith’s home in St. Peters. The Unlimited Possibilities Build allows HFHSCC to partner with local organizations that either employ or serve individuals with mental or physical disabilities. Habitat is using green building practices and is working toward a Silver verification through the Green Building Initiative in partnership with the Home Builders Association and Laclede Gas. The HBA is a local trade association of nearly 700 member firms representing the residential construction industry. The Home Builders Charitable Foundation, the HBA’s charitable arm, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing housing assistance to people or organizations with special shelter needs.

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16 I business profiles I



Warren R. Trampe, DPM, LLC Deer Creek Footcare

Deer Creek Footcare has provided quality service to its O’Fallon patients for more than 10 years. It can help patients with a variety of foot ailments, including ingrown nails, heel pain, fractures, sprains, deep root calluses and sports injuries. “Our goal is to ensure that all of our patients receive the highest level of quality care and treatment,” Dr. Warren R. Trampe, DPM, said. “Our outstanding staff, excellent facility and commitment to quality make us the foot care office of choice.” Dr. Trampe also can help patients with bunions, warts and hammertoes, as well as spurs and neuromas. In addition, he cares for diabetics and can provide outpatient surgery if necessary. “I am always very honest and will try and do non-invasive procedures prior to recommending surgery,” Trampe said. Patients at Deer Creek Footcare can expect friendly and knowledgeable service directly from the doctor, Dr.

Trampe always sees patients himself. Patients also will not have to wait weeks before an appointment or opportunity to speak with the doctor. Dr. Trampe graduated at the top of his class, and he prides himself on providing expert quality care for all of his patients. “After doing several rotations during residency, foot care was the area I enjoyed the most,” Dr. Trampe said. “It also allowed me to use my surgical skills but still have a work life balance, whereby I can enjoy my family. We will continue to provide honest, quality foot care to St. Charles and the surrounding community.”

Deer Creek Footcare 2917 Hwy. K • O’Fallon (636) 240-1127 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon. – Fri.

What happens when an enthusiastic little league champ puts a baseball squarely through your kitchen window? Or spring cleaning reveals glass fogged by trapped moisture and mineral deposits? Nancy Hannold and the team at Inst-I-Glass of St. Louis can turn these major problems into minor inconveniences! Inst-I-Glass delivers unmatched service with instant insulated glass fabrication and same-day glass replacement services for home and office. Why wait weeks for glass? When you call Inst-IGlass, you’ll be surprised to learn about the fast turnaround, not to mention their excellent quality and reasonable prices. Nancy knows that this economy has increased interest in preserving rather than replacing. Inst-I-Glass specializes in restoring the energy efficiency and appearance of existing windows and doors, helping her customers avoid the expense and hassle of full replacement. Insulated glass conserves energy, so once a window has been properly restored, it can have many years of useful life remaining. Glass replacement saves time and money, and prevents

Nancy Hannold

unnecessary waste in the landfill. Most estimates are given by phone, another time-saver. A uniformed technician is dispatched to the customer’s location in a well-marked manufacturing truck. Because the factory comes to the customer’s location, Nancy’s team is able to complete many jobs in as little as one hour! Their customers don’t have to worry about taking time for multiple appointments. Technologies pioneered by Inst-I-Glass have cut delivery from a couple of weeks down to mere hours. Inst-I-Glass customers avoid production delays, costly board-ups, and time off work for multiple appointments. For free estimates or fast service, call Inst-IGlass! Inst-I-Glass of St. Louis For Service in St. Louis & Metro East: (636) 279-5315 or (636)290-8037

S T . CHARLES FINANCIAL S E RV I C E S , L L C We b b I n sInsurance urance Webb 636.946.0001 636.946.0001

Lewis Contracting Inc. is a full-service general contractor specializing in custom building, remodeling and renovation for residential and commercial customers. “We deliver quality workmanship second to none, while scheduling all work to be completed in a timely manner,” said President Tom Lewis, who has more than 20 years of experience in the construction business. “We pledge to provide exceptional quality and detail-oriented service at a fair price, whether the project is large or small.” The company specializes in larger scale residential projects, such as room additions, kitchens, baths, finished lower levels, custom homes and outdoor living spaces. “We guide customers through the design and construction of any project, residential or commercial,” Lewis said. “Residentially, outdoor living spaces have become popular whether it’s a covered porch to escape the sun and rain or building outdoor fireplaces and cooking areas. People like to be out-


doors. Current commercial construction includes renovation to senior living facilities.” Whether the project is residential or commercial, Lewis Contracting will continue to work on projects that are challenging, unique and rewarding. The company’s expert staff truly can take care of all building needs. Lewis Contracting’s varied resource list consists of top design experts and suppliers. Customers always are ensured a choice of the very best in design and selections for any project. “We are committed to providing an honest and professional team that will listen to and value what customers want,” Lewis said. “We build trust, one project at a time.” Lewis Contracting, Inc. 71 Muirfield Hill Court North St. Charles (636) 939-9553

St. Charles Financial Services, LLC is a comprehensive financial services firm committed to helping its clients improve their long-term financial success. Customized programs are designed to potentially grow and conserve wealth by delivering an unprecedented level of personalized service. St. Charles Financial provides services regarding investments, financial planning, life insurance and tax planning. Its sister company, Webb Insurance, is a full-service, multi-line insurance agency offering commercial insurance and personal insurance for home and auto. In business for more than 35 years, Webb Insurance is family owned and provides in-depth knowledge on how property and casualty insurance work with life insurance. It has the ability to put together a solid foundation for a family’s financial stability. Owners Michael Webb and Jerry Grossman entered into a partnership more than 10 years ago, combining 30 years of professional expertise.

“We are a solution-driven company striving to provide the best answers for our St. Charles families and businesses,” Grossman said. Helpful and efficient, St. Charles Financial and Webb Insurance are available to guide its clients to financial security. “We are not the large corporate conglomerate who will lose you in the shuffle, but a place where you can go and know the people who own and operate the business,” Webb said. “We are unique in that our process helps people to be empowered on joint decisions with our help. Let us be your guide.” St. Charles Financial Services, LLC Webb Insurance 507 N. Kingshighway • St. Charles (636) 946-0001 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri.



I business profiles I 17

Mid Rivers Music Lisa Baue with her children, Erin and John Devaney and their pets, Lucy and Player.

Mid Rivers Music is a full-service music store selling quality instruments, accessories, and sheet music and books, while providing rentals for school bands and orchestras with a full line of school-approved instruments. Individual private lessons and on-site repairs of instruments are also available to help customers of all playing levels. “We like to cater to school-age people and prepare them for a great future in music,” John Sherwin said. At Mid Rivers Music, parents can rent an instrument to see if it is a good fit before purchasing. Renting offers students an opportunity to try an instrument before purchasing. Our focus is school-aged students who are preparing to experience the enjoyment of music. If the instrument is a good fit, 100 percent of the rent will go towards the purchase of a new instrument. “This is pretty unique. It’s a good

Indy Motorsports specializes in finding its customers the perfect car – regardless of its make or model. “If you tell me a car you want, down to the color, we can find it for you,” owner Dan Klott said. And with his contacts in the industry, Klott often is able to get the perfect car for his customers at a much lower price. “I called my contacts at Nissan, and I was able to save my customer $2,000 off the best offer he received,” said Klott, who has 26 years of experience in the industry. “I was able to buy his trade-in for $500 more than the other dealership offered.” Low overhead also allows Indy Motorsports to offer its clients the best possible deal on all types of vehicles. “Our prices are generally thousands of dollars less than the competition,” Klott said. Indy Motorsports has about 60 cars on the lot and offers prices for all levels of incomes, varying from a $1,000 used

idea for parents who don’t want to buy something immediately,” Sherwin said. In 1995, Mid Rivers Music was founded by John and Peggy Sherwin to give St. Charles County residents a store to supply their music playing needs. “We want to continue the tradition of making music live in the St. Charles County area. Listening to customers’ needs and providing excellent customer service are the goals set for Mid Rivers Music,” said Sherwin.

Mid Rivers Music Instruments 355 Mid Rivers Mall Drive St. Peters (636) 970-3385 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Mon. – Fri.; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat.

vehicle to a brand new $30,000 car. The small used car dealership also is proud to announce it opening the first green parking lot in St. Charles County, which will open within the next month, offering more room for parking. Indy Motorsports also offers complete auto detail for about half price of its competition. Cars can be detailed for $85, SUVS for $95 and trucks for $100. “I’ve been in the car business for 26 years, and it’s always been my dream to own a small dealership,” Klott said. “Everything has been going great, and we continue to offer our clients the best automotive deals.”

Indy Motorsports 450 St. Peters Howell Road St. Charles (636) 447-5900 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. – Sat.

Baue Pet Services believes that animal companions deserve the same honor and tribute when death occurs as any other family member. The Baue family and staff have been helping families cope with the loss of their loved ones for more than 75 years and now offer dignified ways to say goodbye to a beloved pet. As the first and only stand-alone pet tribute center and crematory in St. Charles, Baue Pet Services’ fully trained staff is Cremation Association of North America certified and has the knowledge and expertise to assist families with the type of service that best fits their needs. “As pet parents ourselves, we understand the special bond between pets and families, and we know the need to say goodbye is important,” Pet Specialist, Manager and fourth generation of the Baue family, John Devaney said. Baue Pet Services offers a full selection of pet caskets and keepsake urns along with a wide variety of pet

Have you heard? Their name has changed! Our new name is Dream Play Recreation. After nearly 20 years as “Rainbow Recreation” the name was changed to allow them to represent a greater variety of top quality brands. Same Location, same ownership, same people, MORE FUN! Tim and Traci Albers, owners of Dream Play Recreation, continue with the philosophy that when customers walk into Dream Play’s huge indoor showroom, you will be able to choose from the absolute finest residential playground equipment that offer the best value for your dollar in every price point. When parents buy for their children they look for quality and safety. Dream Play now offer 3 brands of play sets and every play set they offer from the smallest to largest is built with 4”x4” and 4”x6” construction so you can be assured of long lasting durability and endless hours of fun. Now they are proud to represent Woodplay “The Original Redwood Playset Company”. Woodplay, which started in 1975, is the only major manufacturer of Play Systems that still builds their sets out of Redwood. Dream Play Recreation still carries

memorial items, life tribute DVDs, memorial blankets and pet loss books. It also provides memorial services for pets in its Tribute Center, with a Certified Service Celebrant to help honor the life of a beloved pet. Sometimes the loss of a cherished pet affects us more deeply than expected which is why Baue Pet Services also offers complimentary services of a grief counselor, who is certified in pet loss companioning. “Our pets love us unconditionally; they are truly a part of our families, and we experience a tremendous – and sometimes unexpected – sense of loss when they leave us,” Devaney said, which is why we founded our Pet Services Company - to help our community.”

Baue Pet Services 4175 Shady Springs Lane • St. Peters (636) 875-5700

“The Best in Basketball”, Goalsetter Basketball Systems, and the worlds safest trampoline, the Revolutionary Springfree Trampoline, which must be seen and tested to truly appreciate how this product has changed the industry. In addition, you will now find the best of the Goalrilla Basketball systems line up and the new new Goalrilla trainer, an all purpose trainer for golfer, baseball/softball, soccer player, etc. in your family. ALL of these products are available for a “test Play” everyday. What continues to set them apart, in addition to the quality products, is the personal attention and service each customer receives. They now do ALL their own installs and from yard inspections to installs the staff at Dream Play work hard to ensure that each detail is addressed so very soon parents will hear nothing but laughter and squeals of delight coming from the back yard. Dream Play Recreation 17373 Edison Avenue Chesterfield Valley (behind Home Depot) (636) 530-0055




National Night Out to be delayed in some areas By Amy Armour If you are looking forward to visiting with your neighbor on that special evening in August affectionately called the National Night Out, you may be disappointed. Excessive heat warnings this summer have prompted local police agencies to change National Night Out to a cooler time of the year. National Night Out is an annual event held across the nation in August that encourages families to spend the evening outdoors and meet their neighbors. “As it is the goal to get residents out of their houses to meet and get to know their neighbors, it only made sense to encourage participation during a time when the weather was inviting,” said Wentzville Police Chief Robert Noonan, in an email. The Sheriff Department and police agencies in St Charles County have received authority from the National Night Out Committee to move the date for their National Night Out to the first Monday in October. During National Night Out, neighborhoods are encouraged to have a cookout or a block party with neighbors. “National Night Out is about getting out of your house and meeting your neighbors

and taking a stand against crime,” said St. Peters Police Officer Melissa Doss. Doss will be the driver for McGruff the Crime Dog, who will be visiting local neighborhood parties that night with St. Peters aldermen and Mayor Len Pagano. “The parties McGruff can’t make it to, we send officers to the parties to meet with the residents,” Doss said. Doss said St. Peters has several neighborhoods that have large National Night Out parties. “I would recommend to families if they don’t have a party going on in their neighborhood to start one of their own,” Doss said. “It does not have to be a big party with lots of planning. They can just have a BBQ with a few of the neighbors and watch the kids play.” The St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department and the cities of Wentzville, Foristell, Lake Saint Louis, New Melle, O’Fallon, St. Peters, and St. Charles have agreed to sponsor the October date. “The program is beneficial because it gets people out of their homes, and away from their busy lives to meet the people who live around them,” Doss said. take the chance to just stop and talk to their “Most people seem to be so busy with neighbors, so this is a great opportunity for work and family that they don’t always that.”

Neighborhoods are asked to contact their local police department to register the location of their event.

St. Peters

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20 I schools I


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Bu llet i n Boa rd Fort Zumwalt School District Reading volunteers needed The Fort Zumwalt School District is seeking adults over 50 years of age to share one hour a week during the school day with a child in kindergarten through Newsmagazine fifth grade, to help build reading skills and Salesperson: self-esteem. Proof: The district will provide training, materials, and ongoing support for volunteers to work with children as tutors and friends. Volunteers may choose the school and the available time each week to volunteer. Training sessions will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 8 and from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Sept. 9, at the Professional Development Center, 9288 Mexico Rd. in O’Fallon. Interested people should contact Glenda Hauser at or Kate Kimsey at

Student BBQ Fort Zumwalt South Middle School will hold its new student orientation and barbeque from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Fri., Aug. 12. The event is for new sixth graders, as well as any seventh or eighth graders transferring to South Middle School. New students will be interacting with

staff members and peers during this event, which is designed to diminish the anxiety students may have about their new school. Students will rotate through different activities, including a scavenger hunt, to learn about lockers, assignment books, making Date of issue: new friends and learn about South Middle Client: School.

Size: Colors: Howell scholars Pictures: Six students from the Logos: Francis Howell School District were among 330 students Copy: selected to attend the 2011 Missouri Francis Howell

Scholars Academy, a three-week residential program held from June 12 to July 2 on the campus of University of MissouriColumbia. The goals of the Missouri Scholars Academy are to help gifted students achieve their full potential and motivate them to use their abilities to attain high standards of achievement, to encourage local schools to improve and expand gifted education programs and to assist in providing the state with experienced faculty and specialized curriculum for such students. Every public and private high school in the state is allowed to nominate at least one student for the academy. Academically, students represent the top one-half of 1

Teacher selected for seminar Katie Bange, a social studies teacher at Francis Howell High School, has been selected to attend a professional development and training seminar July 17 through July 21, in Washington, D.C. The seminar, “The Role of the Legislature in Representative Democracy,” is sponsored by the Alliance for Representative Democracy, Center for Civic Education on Congress at Indiana University and the National Conference of State Legisla-

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tures. A major initiative of the Alliance for Representative Democracy is professional training seminars for educators. The Alliance brings together teams of two master teachers and a civic education coordinator from each state for professional development seminars in Washington, D.C. During the seminar, educators learn about representative democracy from scholars and experts in the field. The participants also receive training on all of the products of the Representative Democracy in America project. These educators will go on to provide training and materials to 100 of their peers in their own states. As a result, approximately 5,200 teachers will be better prepared to bring the study of legislative institutions to nearly 380,000 students each year.

Wentzville School District

5-Star leadership school The Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) have selected Holt High School as a 5-Star Leadership School. This program expands MSHSAA’s longstanding “Leadership School Program” to

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percent of the state’s sophomore class. No grades or credits are awarded through the program. Chad Conaty, from FHN; Sean Gundersen, James Pugh and Madeline Wilson from FHC; and Loan Wittmaier and Zachary Nicewarner from FHHS, were chosen to attend the academy this summer. Students attending the academy were exposed to a wide range of activities as well as to intensive instruction in their chosen area of specialization. The faculty is composed of outstanding teachers from high schools throughout the state. Guest speakers, performers, discussions and career education were combined with extracurricular and social activities to round out the curriculum.


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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM encourage schools to become even more active in regard to sportsmanship, character education and citizenship. “From the very beginning of the school year we set this as one of our goals that we really wanted to achieve,” said Principal John Waters. “It took a lot of effort on the part of our students, our staff, and or parents. Our Activities Director Frank Gentile also worked very hard to make this happen, and I’m very proud of all of them.” Seventeen MSHSAA junior and senior high schools have fully qualified to be recognized as 5-Star Leadership Schools for the 2010-11 school year and will receive their personalized banner at the 2011 MSHSAA Sportsmanship Summit on Aug. 13 in Columbia.

Teacher attends space camp Wentzville South Middle School teacher Leslie Murphy was one the lucky teachers chosen from more than 1,100 applicants to attend the Honeywell Space Academy for Educators in Huntsville, Ala., June 22 through June 27. Created in partnership with the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in 2004, the program is designed to help teachers move beyond the standard math and science curriculum with supplemental teaching techniques developed through real-life astronaut training. “Attending Space Academy was a once in a lifetime experience, and I got to feel like a child again,” said Murphy, a seventhgrade science teacher. “With this experience, I hope to get my students excited about space science and technology by incorporating several of the lessons and activities in my classroom. It will help to teach astronomy and physical science, and also encourage my students to build inquiry skills.” Space Camp includes classroom, laboratory and field training exercises, which are linked to U.S. science and math teaching standards. Each teacher takes part in real-life astronaut training, including a high-performance jet simulation, scenariobased space missions, land and water survival training and a state-of-the-art flight dynamics program. Each educator receives a full scholarship following a rigorous application and selection process involving competing teachers from around the world. Scholarships include tuition for the six-day program, roundtrip airfare, meals, accommodations and program materials - all underwritten by Honeywell.

SCC St. Charles Community College will host an exhibit featuring artwork from Continuing Education students and instructors July

25- Aug. 6. The “Art Extravaganza” show will be held in the gallery of the Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building on the SCC campus in Cottleville. The gallery will feature the artwork from students of all ages who have participated in the Continuing Education Department’s 2010-11 classes and summer camps, as well as their instructors. Some of the artwork will be for sale. “The students and instructors will showcase their accomplishments from the past year,” said Joy Dufrain, project coordinator. “Their work ranges from pottery, ceramics, painting and drawing, to basket weaving, jewelry making, photography and more.” An artist reception, with snacks and entertainment, will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat. Aug. 6 in the Fine Arts Building gallery.

Lindenwood Back to school Lindenwood University is offering students the opportunity to complete the check-in process early this summer. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 11 through July 22, students can visit specific administrative offices, collect verification that all requirements have been satisfied, and become eligible to check directly into the appropriate residential facility or attend the first day of class on Mon., Aug. 22. Students will first visit the business office to obtain a check-in booklet and address any outstanding balances, and then move on to financial aid to verify their grant and scholarship information. The third stop will be the work and learn department, where students will obtain their assignments and student identification cards. Lastly, students will complete a housing card form and obtain the necessary paperwork signifying he/she is eligible to move directly into his or her dorm. At each office, an official stamp will be used to verify that the necessary requirements have been met. If an outstanding issue remains, students will not be able check-in until that issue is resolved. For those who choose not to take advantage of two week early check-in opportunities, regular dates are scheduled for all new freshman students on Wed., Aug. 17.

I schools I 21

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Weldon Spring residents are encouraged to take in a ball game with neighbors on July 23.“Weldon Spring Night at the T.R. Hughes Ballpark” will be held at 7:05 p.m. on Sat., July 23. Residents can purchase discounted tickets for the game that evening against the Southern Illinois Minors. For more information, call. 240-2287 ext. 234.

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O’Fallon H&FF a success despite one-day washout By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley Despite rocky weather and full-day rain washout that temporarily shut down O’Fallon’s Heritage and Freedom Festival, city officials say the annual Fourth of July festival was a whopping success. O’Fallon Public Relations Liaison Thomas Drabelle said an estimated 65,000 people attended this year’s festivities, down from other years when attendance topped 100,000. “The lower number reflects the fact that the entertainment and fireworks on the third of July were essentially washed out before they ever got going,” Drabelle said. “However, crowd levels on the fourth were phenomenal, and the single-day crowd on the Fourth of July numbered more than 55,000 revelers, one of our largest single days in the past few years.” Drabelle said, because of the July 3 fireworks cancellation, the Fourth of July fireworks extravaganza doubled the length of its usual show as the fireworks were all shot off in an extra long – and amazing – display. “The event was a huge success despite

the rain, and really – outside of Mother Nature – went off without a hitch,” Drabelle said. “We pre-sold more discounted ride tickets this year than we have in the past, and we are excited that more people took advantage of the chance to purchase discounted A group of dances move to the music at the Heritage and Freedom Festival. tickets in advance.” The big parade held on the Fourth of July drew an estimated 10,000 people who braved early morning showers, lining both sides of the two-mile parade route, Drabelle said. Drabelle said the O’Fallon Heritage and Freedom Festival is not a city fundraiser, but provides opportunities for individual organizations to earn funds through their own booths, sales and more. Crowds were extremely well behaved, and there were no arrests or significant problems on the fairgrounds, Drabelle said. O’Fallon Community Athletic Club took home the award for Best Overall Parade Float. Winners in the annual parade, sponsored by Mid Rivers Newsmagazine included: • Mayor’s Choice: Church on the Rock • Best Musical Float: O’Fallon Commu- fitters • Best Overall: O’Fallon Community nity Bank • Best Color Guard: St. Charles County Athletic Club • Most Patriotic: 562 Plumbers and Pipe- Ambulance District



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guidelines provided by the U.S. Clean Water Act. This is the second recognition Karll earned this year. Mayor Len Pagano and the Board of Aldermen honored Karll and Bill Malach, group manager for the city’s Water Environment Services for their roles in completing five large capital improvement projects – including the wastewater plant upgrade – totaling in excess of $20 million from a voter-approved bond issue passed in 2006. On the water department side of the utilities group, licensed operators control and monitor the eight pumps connected to underground wells that direct water through a filtering and treatment process before distribution to city water department customers. Strict monitoring of water quality and management of several million gallons of water daily, have earned the Water Environment Services staff the praise they have received, said Mayor Pagano. “…Especially when projects come in under budget and earlier” than scheduled. The utilities department safeguards its water supplies and has never had a violation of a contaminant level or of any other water quality standard since the water treatment plant was constructed in 1976. The annual water quality reports are posted at the city’s Web site, stpetersmo. net/water-wastewater-stormwater.aspx, in addition to a written report which is mailed to St. Peters water plant customers each year. Find us on

Li n

By Jeannie Seibert At a recent St. Peters Board of Aldermen meeting, a statewide water quality organization came before the board to single out city utilities foreman Jim Karll as tops in his field in the state of Missouri. The Missouri Water Environment Association (MWEA) recommended Karll, who has worked at the city’s water and wastewater facilities for 32 years, to be named “Operator of the Year” in the large wastewater plants category. Karll was put in charge of the St. Peters Utilities Plant operation in 1998 and has recently overseen a major two-year upgrade at the plant. Karll “stayed in compliance the entire time,” said Tom Ratzki, MWEA president-elect. “That’s quite an accomplishment.” Ratzki said the selection committee first consults the Mo. Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to identify the state’s top performing plants. “Typically, these are wastewater treatment plants that have consistently met all effluent requirements for a number of years,” Ratzki said. When the finalists are identified, MWEA makes site visits in which each plant’s performance records are scrutinized, Ratzki said. “…St. Peters had an exemplary record of water quality in comparison to the other plants in the state that were in consideration for the award.” MWEA is a not-for-profit organization that preserves, protects and works to improve the state’s water quality under

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From left, Bill Malach, St. Peters’ Water Environment Services group manager, Jim Karll, Utilities Plant Operation foreman and recipient of the statewide Operator of the Year award and Tom Ratzki, president-elect Missouri Water Environment Association.

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24 I business profiles I

Brunswick Zone XL is extra large fun for the entire family and a great way for children to get out of the sun during the hot summer months. With 38 bowling lanes, four billiard tables, a Game Zone Arcade, Lazer Tag and Dart Boards, Brunswick provides non-stop fun, a casual atmosphere and affordable prices. The Game Zone at Brunswick offers everything from the latest video games to classic action games everyone loves, with Lazer Tag offering a heart-racing game of skill and strategy. Appetizing nachos, pizza and more encompass the bowling menu to take advantage of while having fun at the same time. If in the mood for a break and a more relaxing meal, guests are encouraged to try Strikerz, Brunswick’s spacious and comfortable bar and grill, complete with TVs turned to sports channels, billiards, darts, a top-shelf bar and a cozy fireplace. The restaurant’s brand new menu, packed with mouthwatering fare, includes salads, appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, platters and more.


Brunswick also can handle all the details for birthdays and special events while guests sit back and celebrate. “Whether you’re with a few friends or a few hundred guests, there is something fun for everyone to enjoy,” General Manager Lee Friedman said. For even more striking excitement, guests can enjoy Cosmic Bowling, which takes place on Friday and Saturday nights. Guests are encouraged to check out Brunswick’s website for details on upcoming events. “If you want big fun, get into the good times at Brunswick Zone XL,” Friedman said. Brunswick Zone XL 8070 Veterans Memorial Parkway St. Peters (636) 474-BOWL (2695) 11 a.m. to midnight, Mon. – Thurs.; 9 a.m. to 1 a.m., Fri. – Sat.; 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sun.


“Specializing in all your pet sitting needs”

Petabulous owners and friends Pamela Seyer and Denise Style know how it feels to leave a pet at home. So in 2010, they created Petabulous, a fullservice pet sitting and dog-walking company that would give animal-lovers and their pets a peace of mind. “I knew from having animals all my life that a pet-sitter career would be the perfect match,” Seyer said. “Aside from my own love for animals, the idea of meeting more animal-lovers sounded like just the thing for me.” Seyer and Style worked at jobs for many years, Seyer in the manufacturing industry and Style in an office environment, until they decided to retire and try something more fun. Founded with one goal in mind – to provide its clients with the finest possible care for their pets – Petabulous provides reliable, trustworthy pet-sitting services, mid-day walks, puppy care and aging dog care.

Friendly, caring staff comes into clients’ homes so that their pets can stay in their own comfort zones. Staff even will bring in the mail and newspaper, alter lighting and water plants, if needed. Competitive and affordable compared to kennel rates, Petabulous’ fast-growing company is insured and bonded. It also is a member of Pet Sitters International. Petabulous’ services cover zip codes: 63368, 63366, 63367, 63376, 63385, 63348,63304 and 63379. “I needed to feel like I was making a difference in the lives of others, and this change has done it,” Style said. “I am able to give my clients the peace of mind that their pets are in great care.” Petabulous (636) 290-4648 • (314) 707-0676


Serving the entire bi-state area, Indoor Comfort Team is a locally owned and operated energy conservation company, which helps keep people comfortable and reduces energy consumption in their homes. Indoor Comfort Team ensures that customers are cool in summer and cozy in winter. From heating and A/C to water heaters and whole home energy audits, Indoor Comfort Team has it covered. “We guarantee 100-percent customer satisfaction,” Adam Rahmanovich, owner, said. “Customers are our top priority. We want to create a longtime client relationship.” With more than 32 years in the business, Indoor Comfort Team knows what is best for its clients. “Our purpose is to provide consumers with superior, professional service, high-quality, innovative products and effective, energy-saving and comfort solutions for their home comfort needs,” Rahmanovich said. Their team of employees is very important, too. They are industry trained and certified, drug-free, insured and bonded. “We hire, train, motivate and reward

Parkside Retirement Living, established in 1977, is a full service, faith based, not-for-profit continuing care retirement community (CCRC). They are located next to Blanchette Park in Old St. Charles on a beautifully landscaped 13 -acre campus. Parkside is very near the historic St. Charles Main Street district and area hospitals. The mission statement at Parkside remains today as it was when it was founded, namely, to provide “an affordable, high quality living environment to the senior population. Parkside’s emphasis is to maintain the highest quality of independence within all levels of care by offering programs and services which support the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of each individual within a supportive community.” Because Parkside is a CCRC, it is very easy to transition from the Independent Living to the Residential Care and Health Care portions of the community. All of these “living” areas are available in a connected complex on the same

our employees based on integrity, personal responsibility and commitment,” Rahmanovich said. “Indoor Comfort Team is a good place to work. Everyone wins. If our employees are happy, they’ll make our customers happy too.” “Extras” include free estimates, manufacturers’ promotions, senior and military discounts, a first-year free maintenance program with any new installation and a 24/7 emergency service on all brands. Plus, customers are charged by the job, not by the hour. The Indoor Comfort Team goal is to exceed expectations. When it comes to a new system installation, it can design and install any type of heating, cooling or indoor air quality system to fit each customer’s home and budget. There are never high-pressure sales – simply comfort and energy-saving solutions, personal attention and high-quality service. Indoor Comfort Team (636) 787-7555 24/7 available service

campus should, for example, a spouse or friend require short term rehabilitation, or a longer term stay. Late in 2009, a gentleman moved from a St. Charles area independent living facility to Parkside, where he could easily visit his spouse on a several times daily basis. Tom Walther, a St. Louis area native and veteran health care and senior service executive, is the Executive Director at Parkside. A Saint Louis University graduate with a master’s in Health Care Administration, Walther is very familiar with Parkside and its 5-Star status. “While the 5-Star rating is in reference to a designation achieved only through strict adherence to quality of care standards and a rigorous state survey process, I can confidently say that this rating is equally applicable to our entire Community,” Walther asserts. Parkside Retirement Living 2150 W. Randolph St. • St. Charles (636) 946-4966



Jaime Grosvenor, owner of Molly Maid of St. Charles County, has high expectations for the services they provide. “The instant you walk in your home, you’ll know we were there” is the company slogan because the experience of coming home to a clean fresh house is just invigorating. “We want our customers to feel good when they walk in the door and have more free time to enjoy,” explains Jaime. Molly Maid was voted Best Value by “Good Housekeeping” magazine and gives every customer’s home “The Pink Glove Treatment.” That means that Jaime or her manager comes to a potential customer’s home and discusses their unique cleaning needs and expectations to develop a written “Pink Glove Treatment” plan. “Each person’s expectations are different and not every cleaning company bothers to ask about personal expectations,” says Jaime. “We don’t require contracts from our customers and know we have to earn their continued busi-

ness every time we walk in the door. How can I guarantee satisfaction if I don’t really listen to how a customer wants things done?” Molly Maid assures that their teams will treat each home with the utmost care and respect. Customers can expect a team of two uniformed, bonded and insured cleaners to arrive with all of the necessary supplies and equipment. They have reliable transportation in the familiar blue cars with distinctive pink Molly Maid logos and professional uniforms. “Our customers often find that we offer more reliability and peace of mind than they’ve ever experienced from a maid service,” Jaime said. If you want to make coming home feel great again, contact Molly Maid today. Molly Maid of St. Charles County (636) 939-Maid (6243)

I business profiles I 25

Decorating Den Interiors, the world’s largest interior decorating franchise, is pleased to announce its expansion in the St. Louis area. The St. Charles franchise, opened in 2004, added to the design staff earlier this year to accommodate the growing business. In addition to the St. Charles County franchise, career opportunities are now available throughout the metropolitan St. Louis area for qualified candidates who love to decorate. Opportunities range from home accessory stylists, to decorators, to franchise owners. Heidi Sowatsky, franchise owner, and Alisa Lankenau, designer have worked together for five years and have won numerous design awards for their collaborative efforts. Their work has been published nationally in two books, “The Complete Home Decorating Idea Book” and “Decorating … the Professional Touch”, and Draperies & Window Coverings, a trade magazine. Heidi was also a winner of Decorating

Den’s prestigious Eagle Award. Christy Galba joined them as office assistant in 2011. Heidi and Alisa are proud of the many windows in St. Louis and St. Charles Counties that are dressed with creative window treatments they designed. Decorating Den Interiors provides a wide breadth of products, beyond custom window treatments, including furniture, lighting, floor covering, and accessories. For each client, they work to create a design plan that reflects the homeowner’s taste, personality and budget. “We do it all”, Sowatsky says, “from our initial design consultation service to final product installation, we handle every detail of decorating your home.” Call them to discover what you can accomplish together.

At Take Note, clients can celebrate life’s little and big occasions with personalized creativity. With invitations, personalized stationery, note pads, favors and gifts for all occasions in an affordable price range Take Note has something for every special event in your life. Take Note provides a large array of choices and will help you compose exactly what you want to say with inhouse printing and no set up fees. This makes Take Note stand out from the rest, with pricing printed directly on the product, there are no surprises or hidden costs. This also enables a quick turn around. Greco understands the cost of a wedding and takes 20% off all wedding invitations. From the formal to the destination beach weddings and everything in between, Take Note has it. Just call to schedule your one-on-one wedding invitation consultation. Bridal showers, baby showers, bachelorette parties, rehearsal dinners

and birthday parties nothing is too big or too small and is available. Monogramming is also available from bibs and burp clothes to flip-flops, back packs and more. Don’t miss the cute baby gifts and keepsakes. With so much to see and touch, Take Note is worth the visit where you will receive friendly personal attention. A large selection of gifts in all price ranges is available for all occasions. Take Note hosts Ladies’ Night the third Thursday of every month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The night will include wine, cheese, soft drinks, prize drawings and special discounts. Don’t forget, follow us on Facebook for special friend discounts.

Decorating Den Interiors St. Charles (636) 244-1623

Hearing Health Care Center Hearing Health Care Center utilizes the latest in advanced technology to provide the best in hearing care for all of its patients. Owned by Carol Bergmann, the Center provides comprehensive audiological testing for individuals 3 years of age and older. Each patient at the family-owned and operated business receives personalized attention and treatment from an on-staff audiologist. “Helping someone to hear again is so rewarding,” Bergmann said. “We give back what they have been missing. It makes us feel good to see people hearing things they haven’t heard in a long time.” The office also provides hearing aid screenings, evaluations, fittings and post-fitting counseling. A wide array of hearing aids is available in a variety of sizes and circuit options. The newest device is the 100% invisible, extended wear hearing aid, the Lyric. Wear 24 hours a day while showering, sleeping and exercising. In addition, the Center

is well stocked with information and supplies for hearing aids and other assistive listening devices. Because Hearing Health Care Center has relationships with multiple hearing aid manufacturers, the company is able to offer each of its patients the optimal hearing aid to meet his/her individual needs. Dr. Alison Benner, Dr. Kate Sinks and Dr. Colleen Edwards, have doctorates in audiology. Keeping up with the service on a hearing aid has never been so easy. The Center offers free service on each patients’ hearing aid every three months. “We care how you hear,” Bergmann said, “and we will work with you until you are satisfied.” Hearing Health Care Center Ellisville Richmond Heights • St. Charles (636) 391-9622

Take Note 140 Chesterfield Commons East Road Chesterfield 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon. – Thurs.; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fri.; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat. (636) 536-5062

26 I sports I



available online 24/7 Spor t s Compiled by Jonathan Duncan

Fort Zumwalt West QB commits to Northern Illinois When the 2012-13 school year begins, Fort Zumwalt West quarterback Drew Hare plans to be in a place that will feel like his home away from home. Hare, a senior at FZ West, recently committed to take his football talents to Northern Illinois University. “It feels good to have that decision behind me and done with,” Hare said. “It’s a really stressful process a lot of the time but the coaches are really great and (DeKalb, Ill.) is a really nice little town, so I’m really happy with my choice.” The Northern Illinois campus is located in DeKalb, which is west of Chicago. Hare said he knew it was a good fit for him after his first visit to the school last year. Northern Illinois rolled to an 11-3 record last season and 8-0 in the Mid-American Conference. Hare threw for 3,201 yards with 24 touchdowns and just 11 interceptions as a junior at Zumwalt West while also rushing for 1,071 yards on the ground, helping the Jaguars to a 10-3 season in 2010. Hare said he is looking forward to in playing at Northern Illinois because the school utilizes the same type of offensive system he has thrived in with the Jaguars.

“They run the spread up there (at NIU) just like we do here, with a lot of passing and four receiver sets, so it’s going be a lot of fun throwing the ball around in that system,” Hare Hare said. Fort Zumwalt West coach Paul Day said what really solidified Northern Illinois head coach Dave Doeren and offensive coordinator Joe Canada in bringing Hare to the NIU campus was his performance in the school’s passing camp that the Jaguars attended on June 14. At the camp, Hare was able to show off his ability to throw in the pocket, on the run, and to make plays when the pocket broke down. “When he went to the camp he was making all the throws and they liked the fact that he can make plays with his feet and makes good decisions in the pocket,” Day said. “They were really sold on him after the passing camp.” Another potential plus for Hare will be the opportunity for playing time right away as a freshman. “(NIU’s) starting quarterback is a senior

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New St. Charles West soccer coach looks to the future When St. Charles West lost long-time boys’ soccer coach Ray Stahl to a family health issue at the end of the spring season, it did not have to go far to find his replacement. Andrew Reynolds, the current girls’ soccer coach was also named head coach for the boys’ team at West. Reynolds just completed his opening season at St. Charles West after coming from coaching as an assistant at Fort Zumwalt East the past year and a half. He led the girls’ club to a 16-6 mark and the Gateway Athletic Conference crown before being beaten by Duchesne in the district finals.

As the new season begins in just about a month with practices, Reynolds is set on putting the boys on the same path of success, although it may take some time based on when he started with the team. “When I got the boys’ job, there were only about two days left of school, so there was chaos,” Reynolds said. “I had a lot more time with the girls. We had a meeting and a lot of kids couldn’t make it then, so I got phone numbers and called a lot of guys over the next couple of weeks and we’ve been able to meet a little bit and talk since then.” Another help for Reynolds will be an informal camp that the team will have in two to three weeks where the players will get together and work a bit on drills and get familiar with each other. “It will be the first chance we really get to work together and see what people can do and what not,” Reynolds said. “We’re going to work it around kids’ work schedules and commitments so it should be good for the guys.” One big help for the Warriors will be the return of top goals scorers seniors Mark Cline (16 goals) and Ryan McCrum (6 goals). St. Charles West finished 13-13 last season and was ousted by Duchesne in the opening round of the district playoffs.

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and is going to be graduating,” Hare said. “So, once he leaves, it’s going to be wideopen for anybody and the coaches are saying I’ll have a shot at the starting job, so I’m excited about the opportunity.” Day said he too is excited about the opportunity Hare will have to make his mark at Northern Illinois after he finishes his senior season with the Jaguars. “I think Drew is going to really enjoy it there,” Day said. “The system fits his abilities well and I think he will have a chance to really do well.”

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I sports I 27

Dardenne Prairie officials consider turning to iPads instead of paper By Amy Armour Business may soon be conducted via iPads in Dardenne Prairie. City officials in Dardenne Prairie are considering the purchase of Apple iPads for its six aldermen, as well as the mayor, city administrator and city clerk. The Board of Aldermen is expected to make a decision on July 20 whether or not to purchase nine taxexempt iPads from Apple, for $349 each. “I am looking to see where we will pull the funds from, but it will probably come from the General Fund,” said City Administrator Brad Turvey. Currently the city prints out all of the agendas, bills and information for staff and aldermen. The only person with a laptop is the city engineer — which is a contracted position — and he brings his own. “It costs a lot of staff time to assemble the packets and make all of the copies (for a meeting),” Turvey said.

Turvey said the workshop and Board of Alderman meeting agendas and all accompanying documents can be downloaded on the iPads and distributed to the mayor, aldermen and staff at the meetings. “This would eliminate making 12 copies of everything sorting them and putting the packets together, saving time paper and copy fees,” Turvey said. “The aldermen could then write their notes on the iPad and email it to their computer and save the documents with notes.” The iPads would be returned to the City Clerk after the meeting and she would have them charged and documents downloaded for the next meeting. Turvey said advance copies of the agendas will still be emailed to the mayor, board and staff at their home or office for preview on the Friday prior to the meeting. “The iPads will be discussed at the next BOA meeting (July 20) and a decision should be made then,” Turvey said.

Martha’s Hands Home Health is on a mission to serve with compassion. Martha’s Hands provides quality, compassionate private duty home health care. Eileen and John Hedrick founded Martha’s Hands over 30 years ago. While a nursing student, Eileen was taught compassionate care by the Sisters of Mercy emphasizing total wellness. Because she wanted to maintain those high standards, Eileen turned to her husband for expertise. Since the 1980s, John had been building his own successful engineering firm. With Eileen’s focus on high quality standards and John’s ability to s e t - u p a c o m p a n y, M a r t h a ’s Hands started in their basement in 1997. While actual family members have joined the company, the Hedricks consider all of their employees like members of their family, working to continue Eileen’s original mission of “Love through Service.” Known for quality and compassionate service, Martha’s Hands has grown to become one of the premiere private

duty home health agencies in St. Louis, expanding to include a second office in St. Peters to better serve their St. Charles County clients and caregivers. Assistance that Martha’s Hands can provide include: bathing, grooming, dressing; meal preparation/clean-up, medication set-up and reminders, light housekeeping, laundry, errand running, mental stimulation, companionship and spiritual support. Martha’s Hands additionally offers programs like Just For Moms. This program provides assistance with the family’s daily activities for expecting and new moms. Martha’s Hands also is offering Home Dentistry services. Instead of going to a dentist, Dr. Dennis McCaffrey will offer basic dental services in the comfort of home. Martha’s Hands 5650 Mexico Rd., Suite 12 • St. Peters (636) 447-9393

Local woman tracks down father in Arizona reunited, from page 10 out saying ‘he’s very emotional right now and just won’t come out.’ I replied ‘how sad for him’ and thought we would have to leave without ever seeing him,” Violet said. Resolved on having failed in her quest, her father suddenly appeared. “He finally walked out of his room into the living room where we were sitting,” Violet said. “He smiled just a little. “I had a difficult time holding back tears being so happy he decided to come out of hiding even for a short time,” Violet said. “…He seemed so scared.” After both collected themselves, her father explained his initial reticence. “He said he was very worried about me calling the police on him since he owes for many years of child support,” Violet said. Reassuring him that wasn’t her reason for wanting to contact him, she said “I just wanted to meet my father. “He asked who the quiet young man was sitting at my side so I introduced my son,” Violet said. “I told him a little about my daughter and how she will be having his great-grandson in a couple of weeks. He asked about my brother and sister and where they lived. He mentioned how a

couple of young girls had parked in front of his home years back and were laughing as they looked at the house. He thought for sure my sister and I had tracked him down but I told him we hadn’t been there before.” Misconceptions and fears cleared the air. After that, “he let some of the walls down and talked more freely,” Violet said. She continued to assure him that she and her siblings only wanted to know him. “He looked at our photos and we talked …about my being in the Navy,” Violet said. “He told me how he was part of the 11th Airborne Division in Ft. Campbell, Ken. That’s when I remembered seeing part of his Army uniform at one time.” On the way home Violet said she felt a door had been opened but it would be up to her father to come through in order to develop a more full familial relationship. “The search for my father has come to an end and my son, Matt, was finally able to meet his grandfather for the first time,” Violet said. “I don’t know if my father will take this second chance. “I do know that he has to live with his decision but after all of these years at least I can say that I finally feel a peace,” Violet said.


Accomplishments are meant to be remembered forever. At Crown Trophy, clients are guaranteed satisfaction. A one-stop shop for supplying awards and recognition products to businesses, schools, athletic associations and many other organizations, Crown Trophy delivers on price, quality and service. “We also have other products that customers might not expect a business of our type to carry, such as promotional products, signs, name badges and bronze plaques,” Vice President Ben April said. He and his wife, Wendy, started their franchises 16 years ago, knowing it would be a good way to work together and combine their talents with exceptional products. In addition to their Ballwin location, the couple also owns a Crown Trophy in St. Peters. Nationally known and locally owned, Crown Trophy is part of the only franchise system in the awards and recognition industry. Its 150-plus stores across the country give it the ability to develop its own exclusive and unique products. The company as a whole constantly works to develop exciting new products for its loyal clients.

“Our customers love the flexibility of choosing different awards from event to event,” April said. Not only can Crown Trophy supply the same products as its competitors, but it also has its own designs that are exclusive to Crown Trophy stores. “We are craftsmen at heart, and we strive to generate quality products that we, our customers and the end recipients will feel proud of,” April said. “We want our customers to feel confident that they are recognizing the achievements of people with the highest quality awards available.” Crown Trophy #35 15471 Clayton Road - Ballwin #35 (636) 391-6001 Crown Trophy #85 4021 S. Cloverleaf - St. Peters #85 (636) 477-9988 Store Hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

28 I



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NECAC Foster Grandparent Program seeks participants The not-for-profit North East Community Action Corporation (NECAC) is seeking participants in St. Charles County for its Foster Grandparent Program. NECAC is a 12-county area not-forprofit social service, community health and public housing Community Action Agency. NECAC enters into contracts and grants with local, state and federal governments, private businesses and other non-profit organizations to administer and deliver self-sufficiency programs to the lowincome, elderly, youth, disabled and disadvantaged. NECAC is one of 19 non-profit Community Action Agencies in Missouri and part of a national network of more than 1,000 independent agencies. The Foster Grandparent Program recruits and places seniors ages 55 and older in schools and daycare centers to share their experience and knowledge with young children. Any senior may become a Foster Grandparent, but some applicants who meet income guidelines may be eligible for a tax-free stipend of $2.65 per hour for their services. A benefit package and training

are provided with 14 paid holidays. “Becoming a Foster Grandparent is a wonderful way to give something back to the community,” said Rhonda Orlando, NECAC Foster Grandparent Program coordinator. “There are so many children who need that extra help in the classroom or who are struggling with learning difficulties. Seniors have the patience and expertise to help these kids.” All grandparents volunteer 15- to 40-hours per week and must pass a Missouri State Child Abuse and Neglect Screening. In addition to working with children, participants get the benefit of paid insurance, transportation reimbursement and an annual recognition luncheon. There are currently about 40 Foster Grandparents in the program. NECAC administers the program through a contract with the Corporation for National and Community Service. More in information is available by calling Orlando at 272-3477 or stopping by the NECAC St. Charles County Service Center, 3400 Meadow Pointe Drive, in O’Fallon.

Lake Saint Louis couple honored by Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder presented Paul and Lana Kruse of Lake Saint Louis with the Lieutenant Governor’s Senior Service Award on July 15, recognizing the couple for their work on behalf of the poor and indigent. The Kruses started a truck-stop ministry in Foristell 10 years ago. When homeless people began to show up at the trucker church seeking help, the Kruses saw a need and started First Step Back Home. Since then, they have helped more than 3,500 homeless people.


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Their focus is helping destitute people get back on their feet by providing them with crisis counseling, intervention and basic necessities of life. Nominated by Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger, Paul and Lana Kruse received an official declaration from Lt. Gov. Kinder, Senior Service Award lapel pins and special recognition at the Capitol from Kinder. The award was presented at SSM St. Joseph Hospital West’s Community Education Room, in Lake Saint Louis.

Weldon Spring

City renews disclosure ordinance By Amy Armour The Weldon Spring Board of Aldermen approved an ordinance on July 12 to establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of interest for certain city officials. City Clerk Moe Kwiatkowski said the city is required to pass the ordinance every two years. The newly passed ordinance does not include any new requirements or clauses, and is a standard that many cities follow, she said. The ordinance requires certain city

officials — including aldermen and their spouses — to disclose if business is done with the city outside of an official capacity. “If you do business with the city for more than $500, then you have to fill out a financial disclosure form,” Kwiatkowski said. The financial disclosure form includes information about the project, and the amount the official will make on the project. It does not include financial statements or information about the official’s company.

Whether you’re looking for Alzheimer’s or dementia care, Assisted Living, Rehabilitation Services, or our Adult Day Program, Garden View Care Centers offer the services you need.

700 Garden Path O’Fallon, MO 63366 For more information call (636) 240-2840 or visit online at

30 I business profiles I



Shelf 4 U and More! Before

“There’s more to building a deck than just wood and nails,” said Aesthetic Design & Build, LLC Owner and Designer Daniel DuPuis. Since 1991, Aesthetic Design has been transforming and enhancing backyard lifestyles with beautiful decks, screen porches, shade structures, pergolas, gazebos, paver patios, outdoor fire pits and water features. “We do complete backyard packages – with a focus on design and function to bring it all together,” DuPuis said. Creative design and personalized attention are the prime reasons for Aesthetic Designs’ great success. “Most customers deal with me personally,” DuPuis said. Aesthetic Design offers a wide variety of materials. “Our Chesterfield showroom is over the top,” DuPuis said. “It’s one of a kind, displaying all the materials from many suppliers. Our products are chosen from the best manufacturers and suppliers that we can find. Customers can choose those products which meet their specific needs.” Aesthetic Design’s reputation is built

Life is a party. A new family salon, located in the Chesterfield Valley, Shear Celebrations Family Salon & Party Center offers a relaxed, comfortable environment to celebrate oneself. Services include great girl parties, affordable haircuts for men, women and children, highlights, coloring, waxing, hair bling and feather extensions. When you need to be picture perfect, the salon offers airbrush makeup, tanning and special occasion styling. Whether it’s for senior pictures, weddings, dances or any time you want to celebrate yourself. Any of these styling services are available on site. When celebrating something special, clients can book a party in one of Shear Celebrations’ three party rooms and can choose from any of five custom parties for a daughter’s special day, including a Princess Party, a Diva/ Rock Star Party, an American Girl & Me Tea, a relaxing Spa Party or a Fantasy Party. Basic parties are all-inclusive, range in price from $225 to $275 for 8 girls and feature everything from


on fine service. “We provide outstanding customer service and design,” DuPuis said. “We have a grade A+ with the Better Business Bureau of St. Louis, and an A grading on Angie’s List. Over 80 percent of our past business came from referrals and repeat customers.” Aesthetic Design is set upon making a name that stands out from the rest. “Our creativity and attention to detail set us apart,” DuPuis said. “For the person who is looking for a company that can think outside the box and wants something unique and creative – I’m the man for the job.” Whatever a customer has in mind, Aesthetic Design can design and build it. Homeowners are encouraged to call for a free consultation. Hours and showroom are by appointment only, for one-on-one personal attention. Aesthetic Design & Build, LLC 741 Spirit of St. Louis Blvd. Chesterfield (636) 532-5008

dress-up, makeup, hair undo’s, painted nails, cupcakes, drinks, invitations, karaoke, dancing and red carpet fashion show. Platinum parties, which range in price from $375 to $395 for 8 girls, include all the basic party features plus a ride in a pink stretch limo to or during the party, pizza, a gift bag shopping spree and a group picture with custom frame, plus an opportunity to make lip gloss, pucker powder, or a visit from a princess. Individual spa services are available for that special girl starting at $19.95. All that is left to do is sit back and enjoy. So whether it is a little princess or rock star’s birthday or simply a relaxing day out, anyone can celebrate life at Shear Celebrations. Shear Celebrations Family Salon & Party Center 17409G Chesterfield Airport Road Chesterfield (636) 675-9919

Functional, Affordable Organization

Storage space does not need to be messy and disorganized. Shelf 4 U and More has a three-step process, which results in the maximization of storage space. First, Shelf 4 U and More provides an in-home consultation. Then, it formulates a design presentation and requests the client’s feedback. Once feedback has been incorporated, it provides the installation, often less expensive than if the client installed it themselves. Shelf 4 U and More’s owners, Mark and Terri Cirillo, have been in business since 2004. Mark Cirillo has been installing shelving, shower doors, mirrors and more in the St. Louis area since 1986. “I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands and building things, so this is perfect for me,” Cirillo said. Shelf 4 U and More specializes in installations of Rubbermaid shelving for closets, laundry rooms, basements and garages.

At Tec Air Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning, the customer always is No. 1. Specializing in indoor air quality and comfort, new construction, add-ons and replacements, room additions, humidifier installations, electronic air cleaners, service and maintenance, Tec Air satisfies by delivering the best quality of work. Family-owned and operated, Tec Air services all brands, in addition to selling and installing systems at every efficiency level. Such dedication has earned Tec Air a special affiliation with Climate Master GEO Thermal. “I wanted to provide quality heating and cooling services for the homeowner and commercial customers,” said President and CEO Charles Haas, who holds a degree in mechanical engineering and has more than 40 years of experience in his field. “Our business is to service, sell and install the best heating and cooling, air filtration, purification and humidification.” Tec Air employs only the highest qualified personnel in the area to ensure that the job will be done right. Union-certi-

“Many people cannot afford to move, so our services allow them a chance to make more space available at a builder’s cost,” Cirillo said. When a client calls Shelf 4 U and More, Cirillo will come out and provide an in-home consultation and a free estimate. “We don’t want you to clean the closet before we get there,” Cirillo said. “All you have to do is take out all the clothes and stuff before we arrive on the install date. Also, we would love for you to donate a bag or two of unwanted clothes to your local charity. If you have the bags ready when we’re done, we will take them to Goodwill.” Shelf 4 U and More also is an authorized dealer of Holland Grills. Shelf 4 U and More, Inc. 2701 W. Clay, Suite 103 • St. Charles (314) 791-1797

fied, Nate-certified, trained, drug tested, bonded, licensed and insured technicians have a minimum of six years of training and constantly keep up with ongoing training and education. Clients are provided a checklist of things they can check out themselves before scheduling a service, such as checking that the filter is clean and that a breaker has not tripped and that they have changed their batteries in their stat. Tec Air has a full sheet metal shop so it can fix, replace, repair and install ductwork for any job. “We try our best to give our customers the peace of mind to know they have called the best company to come into their home,” Haas said.

Tec Air Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning License #M2741A 233 N. Callahan Road • Wentzville (636) 332-9444 24 hours a day, seven days a week



In-Home Care Sharon Vermilye, RN and President of Angels On Duty, Inc. learned many things from her Grandmother. In 1996, Sharon’s family had to find a caregiver to help her grandmother through her final years at home. The “angel” they found formed a unique bond with the family and motivated Sharon to put her nursing experience to work for other families as well. Angels On Duty was inspired by this experience and is based on her Grandmother’s motto: It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. Using this moral guide, Angels On Duty has become one of the 50 fastest growing companies in the region according to the St. Louis Business Journal. Sharon continues to expand on her 25+ years of experience in nursing and has built a staff of over 150 professional nurses and caregivers who share her desire to provide more than just daily care for the elderly. Sharon’s “angels” form relationships and attempt

Sharon Vermilye, Founder/President, Shelby Vermilye HR Assistant, Julie Vermilye, Clinical Manager, & Summer Smyka Staffing Coordinator

to enhance lives, while providing reliable and professional care. “It means a lot to the families we work with that I personally know what it’s like to struggle with the demands of caring for a family member while trying to maintain their own lives and families,” says Sharon. Angels On Duty, Inc. provides help with bathing, medications, meal preparation, housekeeping, exercising, companionship and much more. For more information on their services, job opportunities and what local families have to say about their “angels” visit their website or call. Angels On Duty Inc. 115 Civic Park Dr. • O’Fallon (636) 980-HALO (4256) (636) 294-WING (9464)

I business profiles I 31

At Bommarito Mazda, customers are assured a personable experience with a devoted staff, well-built, long-lasting vehicles and a remarkable value. Sales Consultant Doug Hawk has always had an interest in the auto industry. So when he retired from a loyal 29-year career in law enforcement, he decided to continue to provide the community with unparalleled service and complete customer satisfaction. “I wanted to be a part of the Bommarito Automotive Group and wouldn’t have worked anywhere else,” Hawk said. “Their reputation is impeccable – it speaks for itself – and they treat customers fairly, the way I want to treat customers.” Bommarito offers additional discounts to first responders, including police, fire and E.M.S, as well as to the military. “Bommarito believes they deserve it because of their dedicated service,” Hawk said. If your needs extend past Mazda, Doug is able to provide the same sevice within any of the 16 Bommarito

Automotive Group franchises. The Bommarito service department has earned the Gold Cup Service Award for six years in a row. As the No. 1 Automotive Group in Missouri, the dealer offers the Bommarito Advantage program, which includes but is not limited to complimentary scheduled maintenance and car washes, EasyCare dent repair and the best value guaranteed. “I have made many friends and contacts over the years around the St. Louis area, and I would like to know what I can do for you,” Hawk said. “Contact me personally, and I can guarantee a pleasant purchasing experience.” Bommarito Mazda 4190 N. Service Road • St. Peters (636) 928-2300 Open Monday through Saturday

Enhancing the bond between your pet and family

Specializing in Cruise and Land Vacations

Positive Paws Pet Training believes that strengthening the communication between your dog and family is essential in creating a healthy bond and achieving acceptable behaviors. Kim Gracner, owner of Positive Paws Pet Training, has educated owners and changed behaviors of over 2,000 dogs. Positive Paws Pet Training opened in 2006, and offers in-home customized training programs tailored to achieve your goals and your dog’s needs. Kim believes that training in the dog’s environment is most successful for behavioral change. “Problematic behaviors typically occur within the home environment. Since dogs need leadership and proper structure, the family plays an important role in the training process”, Kim says. It is essential for your dog to understand your expectations for successful training. The programs at Positive Paws Pet Training are structured to teach all ages and breeds. Whether you’re just acquiring a new puppy, attempting to manage your strong-willed adolescent, or striving to maximize your adult dog’s potential, Positive Paws Pet

Training can help. In addition to basic cues, everyday issues such as house training, jumping, digging, nipping, and excessive barking are addressed. Programs are offered for more challenging issues such as aggression, fear and anxiety. The method of training is as important as the cues which are taught. Positive Paws Pet Training practices positive techniques. Kim advocates that dogs learn more readily from rewarding methods. Kim is a Certified Canine Behavior Counselor, Certified Pet Dog Trainer, member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Association of Companion Animal Behavior Counselors, and Better Business Bureau. Kim has two four-legged family members: Brandie, a Chocolate Labrador Retriever, and Baxter, a Golden Retriever. Positive Paws Pet Training (636) 352-3104

Twenty years in business, Owners Linda & Jerry Bosch can hardly believe how fast the time has gone. They began in April of 1991 in their home, and moved to a retail store front in September of 1992 on Veterans Memorial Parkway, and in October of 2006 they moved to their present location 521 Salt Lick Rd. in St. Peters. Both Linda and Jerry are Master Cruise Counselors and have cruised over 135 times. They began as Just Cruises and expanded their services adding All-Inclusive and other Land packaged vacations. Today their slogan is “Land or Sea what shall it be?” They have received many different awards over the years from both the Cruise Lines and Land Vacation Suppliers. They have survived 9/11, the stock market crash, and many other ups and downs in the 20 years. Just Cruises has built a strong customer base and have escorted over 30 different groups themselves. Linda & Jerry have been to Alaska 17 times, Europe 7 times, Tahiti, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada and

many other exciting destinations. They began before computers were a way of life and today almost everything they do is on the computer including their brochures. Times have changed and they have changed with the times. “I believe the secret to our success is that we stayed focused and continue to offer outstanding customer service.” said Linda Bosch. They are preparing now for their 19th Annual Alaska Cruise/Tour which will take place June 11, 2012. This spectacular 14 day Cruise/Tour has long been their favorite. If you or someone you know is planning a trip to Alaska, be sure to have them contact Just Cruises. Their 2012 Alaska Show is scheduled for September 29, 2011. Call for details 636-970-2581. Just Cruises 521 Salt Lick Road • St. Peters (636) 970-2581 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon.-Fri.; Evenings & Sat. by appt. only

32 I cover story I



The ‘Grudge’ is gone

O’Fallon City Council is going above and beyond - as friends By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley Just five years ago, it was dubbed “Grudge City” for its petty feuds, poisonous politics and conglomeration of elected officials that just couldn’t seem to get along. Now, you’ll find O’Fallon councilmen on a different path: one that takes them to the chilled winter water of Lake Saint Louis for a “Polar Bear” outing fundraiser, into a dunking booth to help raise funds for the police or out late at night returning home from a neighborhood association meeting. Most of all, they get along, and do it above and beyond the normal scope of office. On a recent Friday evening as guests and city officials gathered for O’Fallon’s Trivia Night to raise funds for the city’s proposed all-inclusive playground, Mayor Bill Hennessy put his head on the line, quite literally, to up the ante. A few weeks later, Councilman Jeff Schwentker lost his head (of hair) over the same issue. Both city officials agreed to have their heads shaved, prodded by the prospect of pulling in more money for the city’s allinclusive playground under construction at Westhoff Park. O’Fallon city officials are paid only a pittance, but spend long hours and involve themselves in some of the most outrageous efforts — all for the good of their community. “Councilman Bill Gardner commits to literally hundreds of hours to volunteer work throughout the city and at city events. I don’t think anyone has any clue how much extra time he puts in,” City spokesman Tom Drabelle said. “That really is the thing… Goofy events like the head shaving get the attention, but it’s the amount of time that these people put in all over – attending homeowners meetings, doing charitable events, working at city functions and more that really deserves the attention.” Councilman Bill Gardner has won many, many awards and recognitions for his volunteer work, and he is very commendable said fellow Councilman Mike Pheney. At the recent Heritage and Freedom Festival in the city, most members of the council did time in the “dunk tank,” allowing those with a dollar to try their luck at temporarily unseating them. Mayor Bill Hennessy sat in the dunking booth on July 3 for 30 minutes and an hour on July 4, and says he hit the water “many times” in that small time square. “I’ve been doing the dunking booth for the last three years, and I just think it shows the fairgoers and residents that the

city of O’Fallon elected officials are at city-sponsored events and we’re there to help promote them,” Hennessy said. “I believe we do it because we love this city and care about this city, and we’ll do what we feel is right. If we can help in any way, we do it.” Hennessy said some council members drove golf carts shuttling people back and forth. Gardner coordinated the shuttle and welcomed people when they arrived, Hennessy said. All the council members were there at the Heritage and Freedom Festival volunteering Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Hennessy said. As for the dunking booth, Hennessy said part of the money raised went to BackStoppers, an organization that helps families of fallen police officers and Unlimited Play, an organization that helps build playgrounds that all children can use, regardless of their ability. Gardner, a 26-year resident of O’Fallon, has been a council member for five years, but says he volunteered for various events and with charitable organizations long before he became a council member. He says he started volunteering when his eldest son started high school at Fort Zumwalt North, and is a long-time volunteer with the Special Olympics and St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. He has also coached American Legion Baseball for 15 years because he says he’s a big believer in the youth of O’Fallon. “You don’t become a councilman for the pay; you do it because you want to help the city,” Gardner said. “I do it for the people. It’s like helping a second family. You get a lot accomplished, and it helps everyone.” Gardner said there was rain, heat and heavy crowds at the recent Fourth of July festival, but that didn’t stop him from spending 38 hours volunteering at the fairgrounds. “I truly enjoy volunteering and helping my community,” Gardner said. “Everybody I talk to, I tell them to come out and volunteer at least one time. It’s a benefit for everyone involved.” Councilman Bob Howell also did time in the dunking booth, as he has since he was elected two years ago. “It’s to raise funds for the Police Department. That’s why we do it,” Howell said. “This year, I got lucky. I was scheduled for an hour, got dunked, then lightening and thunder came and police ordered me out of the water. I was probably only in about 15 minutes.” Howell said he could literally do something every day in his role as a council

member, whether it’s for a resident, business owner or anyone with a problem. “There’s always a ribbon cutting going on, and we have our homeowner’s association meetings and they want the councilman there. We attend some of the spring and summer neighborhood picnics, we judge Christmas lights at Sunset Ridge, and I could go on and on,” Howell said. “We each serve as liaison to one of the city commissions, so whether it’s the Veteran’s Commission, Planning and Zoning or others, we’re involved and we’re out there helping when we can.” Howell said the O’Fallon City Council stood solidly behind the mayor in his push to build an all-inclusive playground in the city. He said generally, though each council member has their opinions, they all work well together. “We supported the mayor on the playground and all attended the groundbreaking,” Howell said. “It was special, but you could spend every day or night doing one thing or another, and in order to be a good

councilman, you should. When a new business arrives, we visit, give them our cards, and let them know how to reach us with questions and concerns.” Councilman Mike Pheney said he dodged the dunking booth because of an old knee injury, but was busy driving golf carts, shuttling guests, and when that was over he worked at other locations at the fair. “It was about whatever needed to be done. I’ll be directing traffic during the upcoming Alligator Creek Triathlon, on Aug. 14. I do all kinds of things. It’s just a matter of having fun with it and enjoying the people,” Pheney said. “It gives me a chance to meet people from different parts of the city. People don’t always know who you are, and you can listen and learn about what goes on in the city.” Pheney said when he was first approached to run for office to fill the new Ward 5 slot created by redistricting, people would tell him “it’s just two meetings a month, and a chance to pick up extra money. “I average seven to 10 meetings a month,


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM and I am already booked through September in addition to regular council meetings,” Pheney said. “You try to treat everybody equally and listen to concerns of the residents. I get calls about people who don’t cut lawns, but you get the call and make it happen for them.” Pheney added, “It’s a way of life, and your family has to go with it. I transfer all my calls from City Hall to my cell. If someone calls at 10 p.m. Saturday night,

I talk to them, and that’s my philosophy. We have a great city administrator, a lot of good people here in O’Fallon. It’s important that residents are able to reach their council person and although we can’t do everything, we can help direct them in the right way.” Howell added, “We definitely don’t it for the money. We do it because we enjoy it. I do.”

Cottleville’s ‘Streetscape’ is coming alive By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley It’s been in the works for more than 5 years, and now the city of Cottleville will finally see its revitalization. Mayor Don Yarber said the city’s longanticipated $1.2 million Streetscape project is off and running, and city officials and shopkeepers couldn’t be happier. “We want to blow the lid off of it with a big gala when it’s finally finished,” said Yarber, estimating the completion in midSeptember. “We appreciate the patience of our residents and merchants. The workers are doing a great job, but progress does sometimes take a toll on your patience.” In 2007, city officials began working on a master plan for redevelopment of the entire area looking at the infrastructure, attracting more new businesses and historical preservation. Federal Enhancement Funding jumpstarted the project that will include new sidewalks, additional parking, lighting and more through Cottleville’s Old Town. The total project costs are estimated at $1.2 million, with funding coming from the city’s Community Improvement District sales tax. The city also received $780,000 in federal funding grants from the East-West Gateway Coordinating Council. Nine-foot sidewalks will feature a decorative stamped concrete stained to mimic a wooden plank reminiscent of the Old Plank Road that once connected St. Charles to Cottleville, Yarber said. Lighting will be historic, matching the wrought iron pillars that illuminate City Hall. Yarber said curbs are being poured and access to the Post Office has already been completed. Postal Service customers will now enter from Hwy. N and exit onto Oak Street, creating a better flow for traffic. Sidewalks will be poured in the coming weeks and then the antique-reproduction street lights will be added. The lighting has already been purchased and is in storage, Yarber said. Parking space will begin with lighting installation, adding 140 new parking spaces up and down Hwy. N, Yarber

said. Director of Public Works Rob Mosbey said the project is moving along well despite a few smaller issues such as the location of an old cistern that had to be resurrected and filled. Mosbey said he anticipates project completion in September, if the city doesn’t face new obstacles. “I’ve been looking for artifacts, but so far, have had no luck,” Mosbey said. “I had a gentleman with a metal detector who wanted to look, and he said he’d share anything with the city to be put on display. So far, he’s found a couple of quarters and some nickels. You never know until after we get going.” Yarber said the redevelopment will include pedestrian crosswalks, some greenspace and areas to sit and rest and become people watchers. “It’s been six years in the making, but land acquisition was the biggest issue,” Yarber said, noting that because Cottleville is such an old community, with buildings dating back 100 years, there were no city right-of-ways to be used for expansion of curbs and sidewalks. “Most merchants donated their property to the city, but some wanted every dime they could get.” Yarber said businesses such as Time Out, Wine Seller, Sherlock’s and Mannino’s all donated 8 to 10 feet of their frontage for the reconstruction. “They saw the greater good and were kind enough to donate it,” Yarber said Cottleville also had to request a transfer of control of Hwy. N, taking it over from MoDOT, to control the traffic speed and the road improvements. That, Yarber said, took a lot of negotiations. “Daniel Boone and all those guys passed down that road,” Yarber said. “We’ve got houses that are now stores built in the 1840s. The hard work is behind us, and we’re getting close to enjoying the fruits of our labor. The many times I waited are behind us. We’re so close, and it’s an exciting time in Cottleville.”



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34 I business profiles I



A Better Way to Sell Your Home! Cheryl Johnson startedUp Johnson RealFor $500 Front and 1/3 of 1% at Close: ty in 2005 to rescue homeowners, real Full Service MLS Listing Listing At Your House Showcase Guidance on Pricing estate and banks fromListing expen- been voted St. Louis Magazine’s Five Listing House Showings sive and unnecessary realYahoo, estate List on Google, Zillow, AOL, Star BestContracts in Client Satisfaction and has Negotiate Coordinate Allthe Paperwork commissions. Cyber Homes, Oodle, Trulia & More placed on St. Louis Business JourStaging Consultation Order Title & Arrange Closing Her real estate brokerage helps con- nal’s High Producing Real Estate know its tough At Johnson Realty, sumers trimWeanywhere fromto 3sell toin7today’s per- market! Agents for four consecutive years. help St. Charles and St.essenLouis County homeowners like you cent in feeswewithout sacrificing “The secret to my company is that we sell their faster and for less with our unique plan. Our tial services andhomes customer support know the how to deal in large volume, hybrid approach to selling homes combines best of Discount needed in successful transactions. which allows us to charge low fees,” and Full Commission Agents, with the “What we Brokerage are is a hybrid of traditional of a For Sale By Owner. Johnson said. brokerage,Freedom ‘discount’ brokers and for The public has seen several area real sale by owner,” Call forBroker/Owner details: EvelynCheryl Krazer, estate brokerages close with the recent Broker/Sales Johnson said. “We have a small upfrontManager market downturn. 314-283-1501 fee to help cut costs on ourMobile: wide-range “Once people are aware they can sell 314-726-3174 marketing campaigns, andOffice: in-turn are their home for, oftentimes, more money able to charge a nominal fee at closing. and faster than average without sacriNinety-nine percent of our ourstate-of-the-art clients paywebsite Check out at: ficing expertise and support, they use a combinedOffices total ofinaround percent atandus to sell and then to buy,” Johnson Town &3 Country NOW in Lake St. Louis the closing table to both Johnson Real- said. “We’re just the smart alternative ty and the brokerage that represents the t o p a y i n g f u l l c o m m i s s i o n . ” buyer.” Johnson Realty is locally owned and Johnson Realty provides essential ser- operated and licensed in the State of vices, such as in-home listings, price Missouri and Illinois. guidance and advice, staging, continuing marketing advice and support, Johnson Realty C E L Lshowings, ARS C E L L A negotiations, RS C E L L Cheryl A R S Johnson,Cbroker/owner ELLARS contract inspection assistance, title ordering Cell: (314) 565-5720 coordination and Buyer Agency Office: (314) 726-3174 services. cheryl@ For the past six years, Johnson has

At Cedar Lake Cellars, customers enjoy excellent wines, microbrews, live music and healthy, delicious food in a tranquil, charming environment. “Our amazing products, services, people, unparalleled beauty and easy accessibility to I-64 are just a few of the many reasons to come and experience such superb excellence,” owner Carl Bolm said. He grew up in the area and fell in love with its beauty. He began renovating the 20th century farm and in 2010, opened Cedar Lake, which offers a variety of handcrafted quality wines with its namesake – from Missouri to California. Cedar Lake also has “wines of the world,” from highly regarded wine regions. Premium Missouri wines are handcrafted locally in the spirit of Missouri wine country, with French-American hybrid and native grapes blended for superb balance, taste and aroma. Cedar Lake’s Wine Country Café offers a full menu of appetizers, soups, salads and sandwiches. Live music featuring local performers

With more than 145 years of successful operation, Commerce Bank offers financial strength and stability. Attesting to this, Commerce Bancshares, Inc. was ranked No. 3 in Forbes Magazine (1/18/2010) list of America’s Best Banks for 2009. In December, 2010, Forbes again named Commerce a top 10 Bank in the country for the second year in a row. Commerce operates as a super-community bank – large enough to provide a wide range of financial products and services and yet deliver them like a community bank with personal service. Offering a full range of financial products, including business and personal banking, wealth management, financial planning and investment services, Commerce is able to provide financial solutions to meet the specific needs of each of its customers. As a customer-driven company, Commerce Bank goes beyond offering financial advice and services to consumers. According to Kevin Bray, senior vice president and Group Manager, St. Charles Region, “Commerce employees share a strong commitment

to volunteerism, and support countless organizations and initiatives in an effort to give back to the community. In fact, the St. Charles County management team serves on the Boards of 14 notfor-profit organizations in the community.” Commerce Bank is a subsidiary of Commerce Bancshares, Inc., a $19 billion regional bank holding company. For more than 145 years, Commerce Bank has been meeting the financial services needs of individuals and businesses throughout the Midwest region. Commerce Bank 435 Mid Rivers Mall Drive 6271 Mid Rivers Mall Drive 2700 S. St. Peters Parkway 2913 Hwy. K 101 E. Elm St (O’Fallon) 1101 First Capitol Drive 1994 Wentzville Parkway (314) 746-8700

Cabinet Granite Tops, Inc. is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday nights and includes drink specials and a free appetizer bar. From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, Cedar Lake hosts live music with top regional acts. Cedar Lake also features a beautiful event center that can hold hundreds of people, whether for a wedding, engagement, corporate retreat or team building. Catering staff can tailor a variety of menus to exceed the client’s expectations, whether it is for a formal sitdown dinner or barbecue. “Our entire operation is down-home, and we make it easy for our customers to get what they want without jumping through hoops,” Bolm said. Cedar Lake Cellars 11008 Schreckengast Road Wright City, Mo. (636) 745-9500 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Fri. – Sun.

“Quality, savings, service with no wait” is Cabinet Granite Tops, Inc.’s motto. In four years, the company has built five stores, with returning customers and referrals keeping it busy. The process starts with the customer coming in and picking out the cabinets, and/or granite they like. They then schedule a free, no obligation measure. The designers use state-of-the-art software to design the kitchen, and once the kitchen is purchased, C&G’s installations are typically completed within a couple of weeks. The entire installation process only takes one to two days. Combined, designers have more than 50 years of experience in the kitchen remodeling industry. Clients can be assured that they will get the kitchen of their dreams, whether they want a full kitchen or a new granite countertop. C&G blows its competitors out of the water, because it has no middleman. The company builds its own cabinets and imports and fabricates its own granite,

minimizing costs. It will save the client money without cutting out quality. C&G uses only all-wood Maple cabinets with a Limited LifeTime Warranty. With other companies charging for costly upgrades, C&G offers glazing and full extension drawers with soft close glides as standard features and only installs A-grade, 3-cm granite. Only the best quality products are sold. C&G opened its fifth location in Earth City. The large showroom features wholesale cabinets, in addition to granite countertops. The sixth location will open next year in St Peters/O’Fallon. For a free, no obligation measure and quote, call C&G today and start planning a new kitchen. Cabinet Granite Tops, Inc. Manchester (636) 527-8850 Earth City (314) 838-8588



Lullaby Inn Learning Center is a licensed early childhood center that provides care to children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. Executive Director Brittany Dow opened Lullaby Inn after having worked as a director of several other preschool centers. “I entered into this industry because I have a genuine love for children,” said Dow, who has a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and is working toward a master’s degree in professional counseling. “I believe that the early childhood years set the foundation for a lifetime of learning.” Lullaby Inn features a curriculum that is developed by professionals and is delivered to the center monthly. Lesson plans weave together art projects, music, storytelling, math games and science experiments, all around a monthly theme. “We offer an outstanding curriculum and low student-teacher ratios,” Dow said. “We strive to provide an exceptional program at an affordable rate.” Lullaby Inn offers personalized care

Service Discount Club is 100 percent free to join and 100 percent free to use. Service Discount Club is a St. Louisbased home services company that offers area homeowners discounted home services using reputable local companies. Specializing in bringing together value-oriented service contractors with the service needs of area homeowners, Service Discount Club is here to help and make the homeowner’s life a little easier. The membership-based Service Discount Club offers a simple tool to review contractor profiles. Homeowners receive a minimum of 10 percent off standard service rates with all participating contractors. A year ago, President Tom Paczkowski recognized an opportunity to offer area homeowners a means to save money without sacrificing quality of workmanship. Services range from large projects, such as roof and HVAC replacements, to small projects, such as plumbing and appliance repair. “Because of its success, a lot of real

to children and their families. Evening care is available to meet the needs of all working parents, in addition to fulland part-time programs. Before and after school transportation is provided to local schools. Lullaby Inn recognizes each child as an individual that needs specialized care. Programs are developmentally appropriate in a safe, nurturing environment. “We are confident that our program will meet the needs of both the parents and the children,” Dow said. To learn how Lullaby Inn can fulfill your child’s needs, parents are encouraged to call and arrange for a personal tour. Lullaby Inn Learning Center 10390 Veterans Memorial Parkway Lake Saint Louis (636) 978-9988

estate agents are now using my company as a resource for their home services,” Paczkowski said. There is never a need for coupons, because discounts are available any day, any time. Service Discount Club is recognized by many large local realtors as an effective and efficient resource for home improvements and home repairs, with many reputable realtors profiled on its site. “It’s a matter of convenience, where people can access great contractors in the St. Louis area,” Paczkowski said. “Homeowners receive good service and save money at the same time if they use our contractors,it is truly a win-win situation” for homeowners and contractors alike. Service Discount Club 100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Suite 200 • Chesterfield (636) 227-8000

I business profiles I  35

Since opening their doors in 1974, Mattresses & More has known what their customers are looking for, great values on great mattresses. Thousands of area residents have already discovered that you don’t have to drive all over town to compare mattress brands. With all of America’s favorite mattress brands under one roof, at the guaranteed lowest price, you don’t have to work hard to get a great night’s rest. Over the past 37 years, the family owned and operated Mattress Warehouse has outgrown their showroom and expanded twice! This allows them to offer all of the best values from Serta, Simmons, Sealy, Spring Air, Comfort-Aire, and Tempur-Pedic. By knowing what smart shoppers are looking for, they are able to select the best values from all the best mattress brands, which allows their sleep specialists to focus on quality and comfort, offering smart choices to area residents. With all the best mattress brands and

Specializing in basement finishing, Richbuilt Basements has been serving homeowners in the St. Charles area and surrounding communities since its establishment in 1989. Before launching the business, Rich Kempa, owner and founder of Richbuilt Basements, worked for more than 15 years as a designer and draftsman at consulting engineering firms. Today, Kempa operates his business from a home-based office. Richbuilt Basements specializes in complete basement remodeling. Originally, Kempa handled projects from start to finish by himself, but over the years, his business has grown substantially. “Now, with multiple crews and the same employees for more than 10 years, we work as a team to complete projects in a timely manner,” Kempa said. “Our goal is simple: to achieve customer satisfaction.” To reach that goal, Kempa said, he

the most experienced Sleep Specialists, Mattresses & More is sure they have the right mattress for you. Because Mattresses & More negotiates directly with mattress manufacturers, they can guarantee you the lowest price available on your next mattress purchase. To start sleeping better tonight, start with the online Mattress Finder. By answering a couple of brief questions about how you slept last night, you’re already halfway to sleeping better tonight, and every night. Get More Mattress for the Money at Mattresses & More Mattresses & More 4280 North Service Road St. Peters (636) 928-6218 @moremattress on twitter

and his team make sure to keep the lines of communication open at all times, provide customers with straightforward answers to all of their questions, show respect for each customer’s home and property, emphasize cleanliness and deliver worry-free completion of every project. To date, Richbuilt Basements has completed more than 160 basements. “We know how to get the job done right the first time in a timely manor and at the right price,” Kempa said. “We take care of everything – from framing to electrical, from plumbing to ductwork, from floor to ceiling, from theaters to family rooms, from painting to pantries and everything in between.”

Richbuilt Basements O’Fallon (636) 978-3479 or (314) 713-1388

36 I business I



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Bu si ness Hot new fare K Pub & Grill has celebrated its new business to the city of O’Fallon and new membership to the O’Fallon Chamber of Commerce with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. K Pub & Grill, located at 3449 Pheasant Meadows Drive in O’Fallon, serves burgers, shrimp, specialty pizzas and pork wings.

Mary Byan’s induction as a member of the Missouri Bankers Association’s 50-Year Club.

Pictured are owners Randy Horst and Lisa Gray, joined by friends, family and community members. Also in attendance were representatives of the O’Fallon Chamber of Commerce and the city of O’Fallon.

PEOPLE Andrew Harwood has joined Dutchman Realty, of O’Fallon, as marketing coordinator and special assistant to the president. Harwood Hardwood holds real estate licenses in both Missouri and California and is a graduate of the University of Missouri. •••

Amy Buckaloo has joined Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital as supervisor of patient safety and quality improvement. She will oversee the diabetes education, Buckaloo wound care and ostomy service line personnel. Buckaloo received her registered nursing degree from Lincoln University in

1 Year Anniversary!

Jefferson City and currently is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing from Saint Louis University. ••• Dr. Joseph A. Hill has joined BJC Medical Group of Missouri with his newly established practice, St. Peters Gynecology, which is on the campus of Barnes- Hill Jewish St. Peters Hospital. Hill, board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, earned his medical degree from Kirksville College of Osteopathic

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••• Toni Buchanan, a newly certified Jazzercise instructor, has begun teaching classes at Jazzercise in O’Fallon. ••• Laura Heebner, of Crider Health Center in Wentzville, has been named president/ CEO, and replaces Dr. Karl Wilson who has retired after 33 years. Heebner has been with Crider Health for more than 15 years and has been the chief operating officer since 1997.

PLACES Classic Travel & Cruises, LLC has celebrated the grand opening of its new travel agency, located at 1313 Lake Saint Louis Blvd. in Lake Saint Louis. ••• Lillian’s, offering women’s handbags and accessories, opened its new franchise in

I business I 37


NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM 112 S. Main St., Suite 1F, in St. Charles.

HONORS Mary Bryan, of St. Charles, an operations officer at First National Bank of St. Louis, has been inducted as a member of the Missouri Bankers Association’s 50-Year Club. The award is given to Missouri bankers who have worked in the banking industry for 50 years. ••• Rob Hamann, an American Family Insurance agent in St. Peters, has been recognized for customer satisfaction excellence under the J.D. Power and Associates’ Distinguished Insurance Agency Program. The award recognizes agents who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to outstanding customer service. Hamann has qualified for the award for six years.

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Attorney General says new auto service contract laws will transform industry Attorney General Chris Koster said a charge a reasonable administrative fee in a bill signed into law by Gov. Jay Nixon that cancellation, not to exceed $50; Become licensed; and places new requirements on auto service Not use the word “warranty,” when, in contract businesses will make big strides in cleaning up an industry that was rife with fact, such contracts are not considered “warranties” under law; represent falsely problems. “This is a troubled industry that has too they are affiliated with a manufacturer or many illegitimate players that have given dealer; or represent they have knowledge that a consumer’s warranty is expiring. the industry a bad name,” Koster said. The Attorney General’s office has mainKoster said thanked Sen. Scott Rupp for sponsoring the legislation, and for tained 12 lawsuits against auto service conco-chairing a task force Koster created tract telemarketers in the last year for the to recommend new requirements for the type of business practices addressed in the law. In addition, Koster’s office obtained industry. The requirements contained in the new criminal indictments in June against Darain law include requiring sellers of motor Atkinson and his brother Cory Atkinson, who owned and operated U.S. Fidelis. vehicle extended service contracts to: Provide a copy of the proposed contract The indictments include felony charges of to a consumer before a sale, if the consumer unlawful merchandising practices, stealing, and insurance fraud. requests to see it; Koster said it is fitting that Governor Allow a “free-look” period that allows a purchaser to cancel the contract within at Jay Nixon signed the law; as then-Attorney General Nixon filed the first lawsuits least 20 business days after purchasing; Provide full refunds, minus any claims against auto service contract sellers using paid, for cancellation. The seller may deceptive practices.

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Campaign trail

New Congressional District 2 ushers in new kind of candidates By Jeannie Seibert Here’s a new twist. The two GOP 2012 primary candidates vying for outgoing Congressman Todd Akin’s 2nd District seat are acquainted. In fact, they seem to like each other and have worked together on different projects. Neither has ever served in elected office before but both have been appointed to government positions. Furthermore, they agree on most issues. Both have worked in the private sector, owning and running their own businesses. They have hired employees. They know how jobs are created. Ed Martin (R-St. Louis Hills) and Ann Wagner (R-Ballwin) have already hit the ground in preparation for the August 2012 primary election. They’re striking out into the new territories created by the recently re-worked second congressional district which includes more of St. Charles County than before. And St. Charles County Republicans are a bit gun shy. Gauging from the questions from voters attending the various rallies, meet-andgreet campaign events, it would appear one of Martin’s and Wagner’s biggest hurdles

is the GOP itself, especially D.C. Republicans’ performance in recent history. Martin got a stiff grilling at Tubby’s meeting hall in St. Charles on July 13. One attendee, Ed Mahoney, fired question after question at Martin regarding the GOP’s likely folding to the Democrats’ desire to raise the nation’s debt limit on top of an already incomprehensible federal government deficit. As a reminder, this was the same day, July 13, in which Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ken.) made an announcement that sounded like he was going to make an deal with President Obama that would allow raising the debt limit in hopes the president would approve budget cuts to be named later. It was a story line that sounded eerily familiar to those who remember House Speaker Tip O’Neil’s deal with President Ronald Reagan back in the 1980s. Reagan agreed. The Democrats got their tax increases but the agreed-to reciprocal budget cuts never materialized. Needless to say, emotions were high. Martin couldn’t defend his party. Ticking off President George W. Bush’s spending habits he listed TARP, Medicare-Part B,

a watered-down Social Security reform effort, a tepid attempt to correct the weaknesses in the housing bubble, No Child Left Behind. Others asked about reforming the tax code, entitlement programs and crippling regulatory expansion that is choking off business expansion and thus job creation. Hardly waiting for answers, Mahoney took the lead. Explaining he was a 60-something who had voted in every election since he was 21-years-old, he said, “And every one those elections I’ve heard the same promises from you Republicans, ‘We’re going to change Washington.’ And every time it’s the same old thing. The government gets bigger, the deficit goes higher and nothing ever gets fixed.” The audience concurred. Ann Wagner said she shares these complaints and that’s exactly what’s inspired her to make her first bid for elected office. She sees St. Charles County as key to injecting a strong conservative shot in the arm to the Republican Party. “St. Charles County is the fastest growing conservative Republican county in this area,” Wagner said. “And I have some strong ties in the county. My sister lived there for

many years, I’ve worked with (County Executive) Steve Ehlmann, (former County Executive) Joe Ortwerth, (Director of Elections) Rich Chrismer and (St. Charles Mayor) Wagner Sally Faith – especially when she was in Jefferson City.” Faith was the Dist. 15 Representative to the Missouri House until she was elected St. Charles mayor in April. “I have strong ties to Martin the 2nd District,” Wagner said. “I was born and raised here, literally a shopkeepers’ daughter. I’m a grassroots girl.” Wagner’s strengths are in the Missouri GOP where she served as the first female chairman of the state Republican Party that wrestled a majority out of the hands of the Democrats in the legislative branch for the first time in 50 years while delivering a majority of Missouri voters in support of See CAMPAIGN TRAIL, page 43

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40 I business profiles I




“Veterinary care in the comfort and convenience of your home”

314-566-6545 is a full-service mobile veterinary practice that provides personalized, professional and compassionate veterinary care in the comfort and convenience of the client’s own home. Drs. Jaime Plappert Waltman and Brad Waltman believe that the level of knowledge, compassion, experience and care that MobileVet brings far exceeds expectations. “Home visits are very convenient for the multiple-pet household, animals that don’t travel well, families with children and the elderly,” Plappert said. MobileVet was designed for both dog and cat owners. “Many times, pets are nervous and/or scared in a veterinary hospital and are not themselves, but when we visit them at home, they are much more relaxed and comfortable,” Plappert said. All of this makes the veterinary experience much more pleasant. Meeting both the owner and the pet in their home allows the ability to spend as much time as needed. MobileVet care includes vaccinations, dental procedures, surgical procedures, blood work

and much more Prior to opening MobileVet in 2009, Plappert and Waltman spent many years of practice in emergency veterinary medicine. In the fall of 2010, they also opened a traditional veterinary clinic, Crossroads Veterinary Hospital, in Defiance, Mo. “This was always our plan to have both a mobile veterinary practice along with a free-standing clinic,” Waltman said. “We feel that this offers clients and patients a complete full range of services.” “Our clients realize and take advantage of both services and hospitals that are available,” Waltman said. “With all of our clients, we feel that we are an integral part of their family and love the close relationships we have with all of our clients and patients.” MobileVet (314) 566-6545

Adults looking for a refreshing new drink this summer can check out G R A N ITE TR A N S FO R M ATI O N S STAC K E D LO G O Menrathwine Slushee. Laszlo Corporation has combined international wines from Hungary to delicious fruit flavors, paired with local customers. quality resulting S T Awines, C K E D L in O aGrefreshing O U S ASome G E of the award-winning wines 5-percent alcohol wine slushee called include Cezar 2007 Le Patron Red, Taste Menrathwine Slushee. It is available of Chicago “Best Wine in Class”; Cezar WHITE OF “G” SCALES WITH GrandLOGO Select Merlot Bronze Medal in 11 flavors, fromSPACE Pinot Lemonade to 2007 Award Winner in the French Challenge Cherry Cabernet to Strawberry Blanc. The Menrathwine Slushee can be Du Vin Wine Awards Bordeaux Class, purchased by the glass at Cottleville and Cezar Grand Select Cabernet Wine Seller, Andria’s Steakhouse, Sauvignon Silver Medal Award in the Braddens Restaurant, Creve Coeur Brussels International Festival. The Menrathwine Slushee will be Lake House, Rendezvous Cafe, and GRANITE TRANSFORMA featured in localThe festivals and events in Cedar Lake Cellars. currently “The quality of wines used in the the future. Laszlo&Corporation Orange on a white backgr formulation of Menrathwine Slushee is doing trials at Busch Stadium’s Dugout legibility, the GRANITE TRAN third base line, and are key to customer satisfaction. The Concession Stand, approval from public frequents establishments that has received corporate be surrounded by a minimum carry our product,” President/ CEO Les Six Flags to contact all 12 amusement parks across the defined country. as shown in the graph Suhayda said. Customers also can bring home a invade the space. Laszlo Corporation Menrathwine Slushee in 32-ounce 5988 Mid Rivers Mall Drive containers for home use. For a convenient St. Peters location, check the company’s website. (636) 447-1312 Laszlo Corporation, which opened in 2002, also imports award-winning

Midwest Music Central The quest to buy a piano or organ ends at Midwest Music. Manager Bob Gray is there to answer all questions about the purchase. The store sells primarily pianos, organs and digital pianos. “Midwest and I make the perfect musical match,” said Gray, who is widely known in music retailing as “The Music Man.” Bob Gray began piano lessons at age six, added drums until age 11 and then switched to the cello. In his youth, Gray played with orchestras and symphonies. Gray was the personal pianist for August Busch III, played for all Cardinal functions and in the Cardinal Club until Mark Lamping left. Gray still performs at receptions, country clubs, events and parties. He specializes in the Big Band era, has a repertoire of more than 1,000 songs from memory and a CD “Stairway to the Stars.” Having amassed 59 years of experience, Gray wants to share his knowledge with his customers. “I love taking a piano apart to show

customers all the intricacies of tone and touch,” said Gray, who literally knows the instrument inside and out. “It’s so important to know the salesperson who is helping you select the piano for your home.” Gray has sold more than 20,000 pianos and organs in the St. Louis area and also offers piano appraisals. He is one of eight people chosen to write the “Orion Piano Blue Book,” which is considered the authority for piano valuation standards For help with a piano or organ purchase, Gray is the man, and Midwest Music is where he can be found. Midwest Music Central 17702 Chesterfield Airport Rd. Chesterfield (636) 536-2889 • (314) 409-0787 Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. and Sat.; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Thurs.

F OTransformations U R C O LisOtheRexpert Granite in high-quality kitchen and bath remodeling. Signature products include its 0c /0m /0y /100k Trend Stone granite and recycled Trend Glass surfaces that are installed directly over existing countertops and shower 0c /Forever 65m /100y walls. Exclusive Seal /0k technology is embedded into each slab, resulting in maintenance-free granite and G B C O L O no R Ssealing : B glass R countertops – with ever required. Extremely durable, the Trend Stone granite and Trend Glass tops come with a lifetime warranty, covering chipping or cracking. They are quite simply the best countertop or shower wall selections that homeowners could make for their home. Chuck & Susan Wintermute in 2004 brought Granite Transformations to St. Louis. To date, more than 3,000 homeowners in St. Louis are proud to have had F O U R


T W O CbyOGranite L O R their homes transformed Transformations. The company has a B L AC K C fantastic line of custom glass mosaic B LtoAC K U tiles in all shapes and sizes provide the perfect accent for each custom kitchen or bath project. Other products PMS 15 8 C include cabinet refacing,Pacrylic bath M S 15 8 U liners, glass shower enclosures and a full plumbing line, including Kohler, L A Cand K :Hans R 0Grohe. /G 48 /B 130 O R A N G E Blanco Homeowners are encouraged to visit the website, become a fan on Facebook or call the office to schedule a free inhome consultation. They will be impressed with the quality products offered at a terrific value price. Granite Transformations 17409 Chesterfield Airport Rd. (636) 728-1100





I business profiles I 41

Caregivers Inn

Where Seniors Call Home


“There’s Bickley Script no place like home, unless it’s Caregivers Inn,” said Robyn Minion Pro Italicher senior living facility. Schaber about Schaber, a registered nurse & licensed nursing home administrator, recently celebrated 15 years as owner of Caregivers Inn. The inn offers the warmth of home living to seniors who no longer are able to live alone. Specializing in meeting the individualized needs of its residents, Caregivers Inn delivers compassionate care in a warm and personalized setting. The facility was “deficiency free” during its 2010 and 2011 state inspections. The statewide recognition places it at the top for exceptional senior living. Safety and quality of care are hallmarks of the facility, which offers the following promises of service at no additional charge: three well-balanced meals with a 24-hour nutrition station, medication administration, 24-hour nursing supervision, assistance with daily living, an emergency call system, housekeeping and laundry services, scheduled activities and field trips, a beauty and barber shop and an ice cream parlor. Rehab services also are available, including physical, occupational and speech therapies. Addition-

Studio 703 is the place to go for a contemporary, urban look. Located in the heart of Chesterfield, with a new location in Manchester, and co-owned by Bob Pitts and Shawn Summers, Studio 703 is a complete hair salon that also offers on-location styling and makeup for weddings on special occasions, as well as photography. The experienced stylists at Studio 703 come from all different parts of the country, with most having worked in major fashion cities, such as New York, Los Angeles and Paris. They keep up with cutting-edge trends to provide sophisticated haircuts, colorings, updos and makeovers. “Clients consistently comment as to how nice it is to come someplace where, no matter who they go to, they feel confident they will come out with a pleasant experience,” Summers said. “We have the sophistication of the East Coast and the trends of the West Coast.

Katherine Anderson, Owner & President

ally, Caregivers Inn qualifies for longterm care insurance and veteran’s benefits. Many senior living facilities offer bells and whistles, such as swimming pools, exercise rooms, bowling allies and more, but most residents will never use such amenities. Caregivers Inn offers simple, healthy living at an affordable rate. Planning a vacation for yourself and need a place for your senior loved one? Why not plan a vacation for them, too? The Inn offers short term stays of two weeks or more (respite care). Think of it as an all inclusive vacation for your loved one. Caregivers Inn is small and personal. The staff is friendly, the food is delicious and the residents really enjoy their home. Caregivers Inn 1297 Feise Road • O’Fallon (636) 240-7979

We are committed to providing a high level of service for Studio 703’s clients at a fair price.” In addition to their everyday services, the salon regularly provides editorial styling for ALIVE Magazine photo shoots, and there are stylists featured weekly on the KPLR midday show for all beauty needs. So stylists know how to get the latest look for any hair type. The salon also offers “junior” hairstyles for the younger St. Louisan. No matter what people are used to or where they come from, they can get the great service and contemporary or classic styles they expect. Studio 703 703 Long Road Crossing • Chesterfield 14276 Manchester Road • Manchester (636) 536-6770

When Katherine Anderson and her late husband, Reuben Anderson, were newlyweds living in St. Louis, the couple dreamed of owning their own company. In those days, when Katherine prepared meals, Reuben often joined her in the kitchen, adding a pinch of this or that to the pots on the stove. In 1981, in response to the enthusiastic encouragement of family and friends who had sampled their collaborative culinary efforts, the Andersons made their dream a reality and founded Andy’s Seasoning, Inc. Today, Katherine is owner and president of the company, which distributes its products nationally. The facility recently doubled in size to 27,000 square feet to keep up with growing demand for the company’s products. Andy’s Seasoning offers exceptionally delicious breadings and seasonings made from a unique blend of herbs and spices that enhance the flavors of fish, beef, chicken, vegetables, soups and salads. Andy’s Seasoned Salt, Fish Breadings, Chicken Breadings, Seafood

Edelman Computer Services serves home users and small businesses in St. Peters and the surrounding area. The company was begun initially as a parttime home-based business in 1996. Owner Doug Edelman had noted a lack of computer services targeted to the home user and small business markets. He started ECS to help fill that niche. He bills himself as the “Neighborhood Computer Geek in your Neighborhood.” ECS provides such services as troubleshooting and repair, wired and wireless networking, security sweep/ cleaning, upgrades and performance optimization and what he jokingly refers to as gen eral “ghostbusting,” referring to when a customer’s machine behaves as though it were “haunted.” Edelman Computer Services provides in-home and on-site service as well as pickup and delivery. Most problems can be fixed in a single visit. The recent rash of worms, viruses, trojans and other security threats and performance robbers has kept them busy. “If you’re experiencing slow performance, seeing pop-ups or have new icons on your desktop you didn’t

Tempura Batter, Vegetable Breading and Cajun Breading are staples in the kitchens of discerning cooks who appreciate their delightful flavors and time-saving convenience. Because Andy’s Seasoning products can be used when baking, broiling or frying and come in varieties that include mild, hot ‘n’ spicy, low sodium, and no msg they are very versatile. Easy-to-follow directions are included, and an assortment of recipes using Andy’s Seasoning products can be found at andysseasoning. com. Throughout the years, Andy’s Seasoning, Inc. has remained locally owned and products are locally manufactured. The company has firmly rooted itself in the St. Louis community. Locally, its products are sold at Schnucks, Dierbergs, Shop ‘n’ Save, Sam’s, WalMart and Save-A-Lot. Andy’s Seasoning, Inc. 2829 Chouteau Ave. • St. Louis (314) 664-3004

install… you probably are infected and should have a check-up! There are extremely nasty new rootkits circulating currently, which routine security programs like McAfee, Norton, AVG, MS Security Essentials etc will notprevent and can’t clean. If you have “Whitesmoke Translator” on your desktop, for example, you are infected with an aleureon type rootkit!” Mr. Edelman says. “Unlike others, we can clean this infection without reformatting your drive.” Mr. Edelman is a professional IT Specialist by trade. He holds multiple professional certifications and has taught PC Maintenance & Repair and Network Fundamentals at St. Charles Community College. Whether a system needs tweaking, protecting, cleaning or resurrecting, Edelman Computer Services has the expertise and experience you need. Edelman Computer Services (636) 294-8383

42 I events I





Priority Cleaning

2 Professional Maids for 1½ Hours *Some restrictions apply Expires 8-20-11

Com mu n it y Event s ICE CREAM SOCIAL


An Ice Cream Social and Open House will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., July 30 at Our Lady’s Inn, 3607 Hwy. D. in Defiance. The event will include tours of Our Lady’s Inn, ice cream sundaes, water games for children, face painting, a children’s toy auction and music by Call to Harvest and Seven Weeks After. For more information, call Betsy Beauparlant at 398-5375.

O’Fallon Farmers & Artists Market’s “Everything’s Peachy” event will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on Sat., July 23, at 900 TR Hughes Boulevard, across from the River City Rascals Stadium. For more information, contact or visit ••• A Farmers’ Market will be held from 6 a.m. to noon on Saturdays at the lot on the north side of Riverside Drive in St. Charles.

WRITING GROUP The Saturday Writers meeting will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat., July 30, at the St. Peters Cultural Arts Center located at 1 St. Peters Centre Boulevard. This month’s meeting will be informal, where writers can share information on their ongoing projects or offer their books for sale. The meeting is free for members, $5 for visitors. For more information, call 397-6903 or visit www.saturdaywriters. org.

SEMINARS/MEETINGS St. Charles County Historical Society’s quarterly meeting will be held at noon on Sat., July 23, at Stegton’s Regency at 1450 Wall Street in St. Charles. The cost is $15 for a buffet luncheon. For more information, call 946-9828.

HEALTHY SEMINARS/FAIRS Crider Health Center is hosting a health and safety fair from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Wed., Aug. 10, at its Warrenton location, 1428 North Hwy. 47; from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thurs., Aug. 11 at the Union location, 1780 Old Hwy. 50 East; and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Fri., Aug. 12, at the Wentzville location, 1032 Crosswinds Court. The focus for the health fairs is healthy living and child safety. Information distributed will help participants learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and how to keep their families safe. For more information, call 332-8327. Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, Progress West HealthCare Center, the St.

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Charles County Ambulance District, and the Department of Health are presenting free Emergency Preparedness Programs. One is slated for 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., Fri. July 22, at Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, Suite 117, Professional Building I, 6 Jungermann Circle, in St. Peters; the other, from 1 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Fri., July 22, at Middendorf-Kredell Library, 2750 Hwy. K in O’Fallon. Attendees will receive material to help them develop a family emergency response plan. To register, call 928-9355. ••• SSM Heart Institute is offering a full heart-health screening from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Fri., Aug. 12, in the St. Peters Room at St. Peters Health Center. For $15, receive your total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, blood glucose, body fat analysis and blood pressure. Call 1-866-SSM-DOCS to register.

TRIPS To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, board the motor coach at 8 a.m. on Wed., Sept. 14, in O’Fallon, for a trip to historic Civil War sites in and around St. Louis, including the Old Courthouse, the U.S. Arsenal at Camp Jackson, Bellefontaine Cemetery, the Missouri History Museum, Jefferson Barracks, and others. The motor coach will return to O’Fallon by 5 p.m. Cost of the trip is $70 for O’Fallon residents, and $78 for non-residents, and includes transporta-

tion, an escort, gratuities, lunch and tours. Trips must be booked at least a month in advance. Register in person at the Renaud Spirit Center, by calling 474-2732, or online at For more information, contact Paula Creech at 474-8121 or

CRAFT/FAMILY FAIRS The Wentzville Back to School Family Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Aug. 13, at Wentzville Holt High School. The event is being held as a partnership with the Lake Saint Louis/ Dardenne Prairie Chamber of Commerce, Wentzville Chamber of Commerce and the Wentzville School District. The cost for a booth is $100, and includes a 6-foot skirted table, signage, listing on the event map, and a portion of the fee goes to supply local students with school supplies. For more information, call Gena at 755-5335. Sign up by visiting, Merchant2/merchant.mvc. ••• The St. Joseph Cottleville Church’s 16th annual Holiday Craft Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 15. The fair has more than 100 vendors with booths available inside and outside. All crafters must have hand-crafted items. Applications can also be printed from the St. Joe website at For more information, call Laura Tepen at 447-3082.



ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday Night Flicks will be held at 8:30 p.m. on Fri., July 22, in the 1800 block of N. Second in St. Charles. For more information, visit www.Historicfrenchtown. com. ••• Hot Summer Nights will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thurs., July 28, on North Main Street in St. Charles. The Arbogast Band and We Live in Public will provide the music. ••• The Blackwood Brothers Quartet will present a free musical concert at 7 p.m. on Fri., Aug. 5, at the First Baptist Church, 2230 Lake Saint Louis Boulevard. The southern gospel quartet has recorded more than 200 projects and toured in 47 different countries. They have won eight Grammy Awards and six Dove Awards. A free-will offering will be taken, and the group’s CDs will also be available for sale. For more information, call 561-8476 or visit www.

SENIORS The new O’Fallon Active Older Adults (OAOA) club will meet from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the Renaud Spirit Center, 2650 Tri Sports Circle. Cost of the program is $8 for O’Fallon residents and $10 for nonresidents. On Aug. 17, David Harrington of Bankers Life and Casualty, and Lana Jacobsmeyer of Visiting Angels assisted living and home care services will discuss their respective businesses. Lunch, catered by Rendezvous Café, will be salad, roasted CAMPAIGN TRAIL, from page 39

I events I 43

pasta veggie bake and pudding. Register a week prior to the event by calling 4742732 or online at ParksandRec.

KIDS ACTIVITIES Free football and dance camps will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on July 25 through July 27 at Green Tree Elementary School, 1000 Ronald Reagan Dr. in Lake Saint Louis. Sponsored by CrossHaven Church, the camps are open to kids age 5 through fifth grade. Register by July 22 at For more information, call 314-540-2005 or info@ ••• A free Vacation Bible School will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on July 25 through July 28 at St. Charles First Assembly of God, 4750 North Service Road in St. Peters. The bible school is open to kids age 4 to 12 and will feature Bible lessons, skits, songs, crafts, games and more. Those interested in attending may register at the door. For more information, call 936-1912 or visit vbs.

RACE Knights of Columbus Patriot Day 5K run/walk and 1-mile fun run will be held at 8 a.m. on Sun., Sept. 11 at T. R. Hughes Ball Park. The cost, which includes a shirt, is $30 for the 5K and $20 for the 1-mile fun run. The proceeds will benefit the wounded veterans and first responders. For more information, visit kofcpatriotsdayrun/5k.

lowering taxes, scaling back regulation and is unabashedly pro-life. a Republican president. Wagner has the money. Martin is curShe served as U.S. Ambassador to Lux- rently winning in the polls. The results of the American Viewpoint emburg, giving her a foreign relations edge Poll questions released in July: over her opponent. Q. Which candidate do you prefer? And she can raise campaign cash. A. Martin – 38 percent; Wagner – 16 In two months on the campaign trail, Wagner has brought in more than $500,000 percent Q. Among those who know both candiin contributions. “She’s got me there,” Martin admitted. dates: A. Martin – 48 percent; Wagner – 23 “But we’re working hard. We’re getting lots of the smaller checks – but don’t hesi- percent Q. Among Tea Party rally attendees: tate to write $1,000 if you can.” A. Martin – 47 percent; Wagner – 16 Martin’s advantage is name recognition. While Wagner was working hard behind percent Q. Among conservatives: the scenes of many a campaign, including A. Martin – 44 percent; Wagner – 15 the recent successful run by U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Springfield), Martin has made a percent Q. Among pro-life voters: name for himself as a Tea Party favorite. A. Martin – 43 percent; Wagner – 16 Often a speaker at Tea Party events, Martin champions conservative causes percent Q. Who is conservative? as an outspoken advocate of aggressively A. Martin – 53 percent; Wagner – 32 reducing the size of the federal government in favor of growing the public sector, percent

Painful waxing is a thing of the past – along with the high expenses of traditional waxing services. Known for its high-end, yet reasonably priced, full-body waxing services, European Wax Center is a second-generation, family-owned salon without the “ouch factor,” for which traditional waxing methods are known. “My wife always complained about how painful waxing was, and she hated the irritation afterward,” said owner Dennis Lowery, who co-owns the salon with Brad Frame. “So when we discovered the European Wax Center’s virtually pain-free approach, bringing it to the St. Louis area was a no-brainer.” The key is a four-step process that cleanses, protects, waxes and rejuvenates the skin. The wax, specially formulated in Paris exclusively for European Wax Center, is alcohol-free, has a low melting point and is applied by licensed estheticians at warm bath water temperature. The wax then sets as one continuous elastic layer, adhering only to the hair follicle, not the skin. Because of its strength and elas-

When President/Owner Jeff Minnis is not programming, he is running Jeff Computers, the leading source for all computer solutions. “Since we are locally owned and operated, we offer faster and better quality service,” Minnis said. “We can fix almost any computer problem, and we also custom build desktop and laptop computers.” Jeff Computers is a worldwide solution for information technology needs, offering laptop and computer repair, both new and refurbished desk and laptops, Clear super fast 4G wireless Internet, Cricket Android phones and Cricket basic unlimited phones. Jeff Computers also recently released an easy backup program to help users keep their data safe. Jeff Computers’ innovative services also include the sale and installation of the brand new ultimate connection – Clear Internet – the first network built for today’s on-the-move lifestyle. It offers speeds four times faster than 3G and is available in virtually every corner of St. Louis. Clear is designed with the Internet in mind and goes places

ticity, the hard wax can be removed without adhesive strips, which cause discomfort and redness. Best of all, clients are invited to try it out for free. “Women receive a complimentary bikini line, eyebrow or underarm service on their first time in,” Lowery said, “while men are treated to no-cost eyebrow, ear or nose hair removal.” The relaxing, luxurious space, which offers a mini retreat, cannot be beat. European Wax Center has become a nationally recognized brand, with 240 locations across the country and a recent international expansion into Canada. Today, guests recognize European Wax Center as an industry leader in providing guests the ultimate waxing experience. European Wax Center 1640 Clarkson Road • Chesterfield (636) 536-0777

Wi-Fi cannot. It delivers an Internet connection anywhere – at home or on the road. Minnis also is the creator of the popular StudyX, the easy and fun software program used by educators and students alike to help students focus and study for tests. Minnis’ computer knowledge and personalized computer services allows Jeff Computers to fix any problem with a laptop or desktop as well as acquire any new parts. “We are one of the few companies that can solve all of our customers’ needs, and our computer website service offers quick repairs online,” Minnis said. Jeff Computers’ trained and experienced technicians guarantee both quality and reliability for the highest quality of service around. Jeff Computers 14366 Manchester Road • Manchester (636) 256-7901




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I 45

Unhappy with Netflix? Here are some alternatives Attention streaming movie marathoners: There are major changes coming your way. This month Netflix announced it will be increasing its plan pricing. The trend of rising prices for streaming content is growing. Cell phone providers like Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile are all planning to eliminate unlimited data plans in favor of tiered pricing. With experts predicting most cell phone users won’t be hit by the changes for a few years, Netflix is taking most of the heat. The Netflix changes Here are the basics of the Netflix changes. Instead of having DVD rentals and streaming movies priced together, each portion will be priced as a separate plan. For most users, this will increase the monthly bill by $6 to $10. Price changes will take effect Sept. 1. Customer backlash Understandably, cash-strapped consumers are not thrilled about price increases. The official blog post announcing Netflix’s changes has generated more than 12,000 comments. Most appear to be current subscribers pledging to cancel their subscription. Price increase reasoning Even though Netflix subscribers are in an uproar, the company isn’t entirely to blame. When Netflix started their streaming service, studios who own the movies didn’t realize the potential for profits. With the surge in streaming media popularity, studios want to charge a premium for their content. One expert has predicted Netflix’s content licensing costs will increase from $180 million in

2010 to $1.98 billion in 2012. If you don’t want to pay these increased costs, here are a few alternatives to help you keep your cash. DVD exchange with friends Do you have a shelf full of DVDs you just can’t bring yourself to watch again? Get a few friends or co-workers in on a movie exchange. Trade movies one for one and trade back when you’re all done watching. Rent from the library With the demise of local video rental stores, finding releases from a few years back is growing increasingly difficult. Renting movies from the library can help you track down many titles not available from Redbox. Even better, the rentals are free. Discount gift cards Going to see a movie in the theatre isn’t exactly a steal, but there are some ways around high prices. Some popular cinemas have more than 100 discounted gift cards available at Matinee movies If you work normal business hours, matinee movies may be out of your reach, but they make for another way to beat high prices. Tickets cost much less and you don’t have to deal with the massive crowds you find in the evening. Neighborhood movie night Consider going in with a group of neighbors and investing in a backyard movie set-up. Hopefully, some-

one already has a projector they’re willing to share. All you need then is a screen. Inflatable, outdoor projection screens can easily be found online for less than $200. Or consider getting a white roll-down curtain to use as a screen - $8. Free screenings Plenty of filmmakers just want their movie to get seen. College campuses are great resources for finding free screenings. Many towns also offer free showings of classic films at parks throughout the summer. Dial into daily movie deals Deal of the day sites like Groupon and LivingSocial occasionally offer discounted movie theater tickets for as little as $2 per person. That’s a pretty cheap movie night outing and well worth the price.

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St. Peters Housing help

ited to the following: applicants must own and reside at the property, be involuntarily The deadline is approaching for a federal unemployed or underemployed because of program available to help homeowners the economy or a medical condition, have a who are currently 90 days in arrears on current income that is 15 percent less than their mortgage. their 2009 income, meet income eligibility The U.S. Department of Housing and and other requirements. Urban Development Emergency HomTo find out more about this program, call eowners’ Loan Program (EHLP) provides 800-748-7636. qualified, selected homeowners with a zero-percent interest, forgivable loan that O’Fallon pays past-due mortgage payments as well as a portion of the homeowner’s mortgage Fine wine and festival foods payment for up to 24 months, or up to Artists are invited to show and sell their $50,000, whichever comes first - provided fine art, high-end crafts, gourmet food, and certain eligibility requirements are main- locally-made wines and brews at O’Fallon’s tained. fourth annual Celebration of the Creative To be eligible to receive EHLP emer- fine arts festival, which will be held from gency assistance, homeowners must meet 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 25, in Fort certain conditions, including but not lim- Zumwalt Park.

Held each year on the grounds outside the Historic Heald Home, the Celebration of the Creative offers the public a chance to meet artists and buy original art, sample wines and brews, and enjoy food prepared by local restaurants. The event offers acoustic music, free kids’ art activities, free admission and free parking. “This is a tremendous opportunity for local artists to display and sell their work and interact with other artists and art fans. Celebration of the Creative annually brings out some of St. Charles County’s most talented artists and artisans,” said Tom Drabelle, with the city of O’Fallon. Artists working in painting, mosaics, paper-making, book-making, fabric art, photographic processes, mixed media, wood carving, instrument-making, pottery, and sculpture are invited to apply by July 31

I 47

for a free 10 x 10 space with a tent canopy, table and chairs. Artists are encouraged to demonstrate their art at the festival. The Celebration of the Creative art festival is sponsored by the Cultural Arts Division of the O’Fallon Parks and Recreation Department.

Weldon Spring Trail to be repaved, roof replaced The Weldon Spring Board of Aldermen approved the low bid of $15,310 from Infrastructure Management for the repaving of a 2,300-foot stretch of trail on city property at its meeting on July 12. City Administrator Michael Padella said the trail being repaved is about 10 years old. It is expected to be complete by late summer or early fall.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.