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PLUS: Prime. New Home Guide ■ Union protest harms the wrong targets ■ Youth baseball team wins national tourney

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The Mosque Controversy

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a right to build a mosque where they chose to. The real question is why they chose that particular location, in a country that covers more than 3 million square miles. If we all did everything that we have a legal right to do, we could not even survive as individuals, much less as a society. So the question is whether those who are Fresh $ planning a Ground Zero mosque want to be Never Frozen part of American society or just to see how much they can get away with in American society. Seasoned $ Can anyone in his right mind believe lb. Roast Beef that this was intended to show solidarlb. ity with Americans, rather than solidarity $ Baby Swiss lb. with those who attacked America? Does anyone imagine that the Middle East nations, including Iran, from whom finan- Cottleville FliNt Hill SAle eNDS cial contributions will be solicited, want to 5205 Hwy N Hwy P September 21st promote reconciliation between Americans 636.441.7755 636.332.3212 www.tec-airinc.com We reserve the right Hours: Hours: and Muslims? Valid only to limit quantities Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm 8am-6:30pm www.tec-airinc.com Family Owned & Operated SinceMon-Sat: 1983 That the President of the United States Sat: 8am-6pm CloSeD SUNDAYS Valid only with coupon. Limit one coup has joined the chorus of those calling the Family Owned & Operated Since 1983 www.tec-airinc.com www.manninosmarket.com Sun: 8am-4pm Expires 10/20/10. Residential • Commercial • IndustrialValid onlySince 1983 with coupon. Limit one coupon. Not valid with other offe Ground Zero mosque a religious freedom Family Owned & Operated Since 1983 Expires 10/20/10. 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The proposed mosque near where the World Trade Center was attacked and destroyed, along with thousands of American lives, would be a 15-story middle finger to America. It takes a high IQ to evade the obvious, so it is not surprising that the intelligentsia are out in force, decrying those who criticize this calculated insult. What may surprise some people is that the American taxpayer is currently financing a trip to the Middle East by the imam who is pushing this project, so that he can raise the money to build it. The State Department is subsidizing his travel. The big talking point is that this is an issue about “religious freedom” and that Muslims have a “right” to build a mosque where they choose. But those who oppose this project are not claiming that there is no legal right to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center. If anybody did, it would be a matter for the courts to decide – and they would undoubtedly say that it is not illegal to build a mosque near the site of the World Trade Center attack. The intelligentsia and others who are wrapping themselves in the Constitution are fighting a phony war against a straw man. Why create a false issue, except to evade the real issue? Our betters are telling us that we need to be more “tolerant” and more “sensitive” to the feelings of Muslims. But if we are supposed to be sensitive to Muslims, why are Muslims not supposed to be sensitive to the feelings of millions of Americans, for whom 9/11 was the biggest national trauma since Pearl Harbor? It would not be illegal for Japanese Americans to build a massive Shinto shrine next to Pearl Harbor. But, in all these years, they have never sought to do it. When Catholic authorities in Poland were planning to build an institution for nuns, years ago, and someone pointed out that it would be near the site of a concentration camp that carried out genocide, the Pope intervened to stop it. He didn’t say that the Catholic Church had a legal right to build there, as it undoubtedly did. Instead, he respected the painful feelings of other people. And he certainly did not denounce those who called attention to the concentration camp. There is no question that Muslims have

I opinion I 3

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Pay attention

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To the Editor: Thomas Sewell’s column (Sept.1, MRN) points out how presidents have ignored the U.S. Constitution, beginning with Woodrow Wilson’s claim that the Constitution should be subject to reinterpretation with the passage of time. For those interested in further reading on the matter, I’d recommend “Nullifying Tyranny” by James and Walter Kennedy, Pelican Publ. Co. The fatal flaw in mass democracies, according to the Kennedy brothers, did not begin to show its face in America with President Wilson, as Mr. Sewell claims, but rather, can be seen as an emerging threat as early as 1840. At that time, John C. Calhoun preached that the numerical tipping point would come when those receiving government benefits begin to outnumber those paying for it. From that point on, the tax-paying and moral minority will forever be tyrannized with lies, deceit and re-written history as a tactic to keep the money flowing in and to squelch its criticism. Little wonder that central government continues to encourage common labor immigration, both legal and illegal. Mr. Sewell criticizes President Obama, but what did (President George W.) Bush do to stop it? The Kennedy’s write that only when and if we should remove the ruling elite by returning the United States government to its true role as a constitutionally limited republic will our individual security be assured and property rights protected. But what happens when those who are receiving government handouts start using their majority voting power to protect their interests? They need only keep one major party or the other in power. Either one. I doubt if Mr. Sewell voted for Sen. Ron Paul (R- Texas), the only candidate of either major party in the last presidential race who openly campaigned in support of the U.S. Constitution, and whose congressional voting record proves it. Sen. Paul does not plan to run again, but says that he hopes his campaign may have laid the groundwork for someone else. Let’s pay attention before it’s too late. Bob Arnold St. Peters

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of. They got us in a war by deceiving us into the threat of mass destruction weapons, and as in Vietnam, after losing so many of our young and old patriots, makes it hard to just walk away without justification of this loss to those who gave all, the living and the dead. Bin Laden was never brought to justice. They gave free reign to the Wall Street fat cats to self regulate to the tune of a loss of billions to the average investor and a need for an unprecedented bailout by the U.S. taxpayer - you and me. They set up government environmental agencies that failed to restrict oil companies from safely drilling holes in the ocean floor without a plan for emergencies, like we are now experiencing. Clinton left a deficit surplus and they had to dip into it by giving the rich - 2 percent of us - a huge tax break spending millions on a war that has never ended. They brought us to the brink of a recession that could have destroyed our economy and have victimized many people. They let the health insurance lobby convince us that government oversight is a bad thing. It is OK to deny poor men, women, and children everywhere a fundamental right to health insurance in the most progressive country in the world. Who cares about our fellow countrymen, some of whom just returned from a war to protect America? If I’m OK right now, just ignore others. They said it’s OK for big government to violate a basic constitutional right of privacy by eavesdropping in the name of national security. Where was the tea party when all this happened? So yes, Bush, Chaney and the then Republican congress, left an unprecedented mess. They could not win re-election, so they stand back and criticize Obama. Give him a majority in congress and eight years. Maybe he can clean up the huge mess he walked into, and God help him and us. Albert Lostutter Dardenne Prairie

Have an opinion?

God help Obama

To the Editor: George Bush and Dick Chaney, along with a Republican congress, spent eight long years digging this enormous hole we’re right now trying to climb out

Submit your letter to: editor@midriversnewsmagazine.com

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355 Ozark Trails Drive, Suite 1 St. Louis, MO 63011 (636) 591-0010 ■ (636) 591-0022 Fax newsmagazinenetwork.com Please send Comments, Letters and Press Releases to: editor@midriversnewsmagazine.com Mid Rivers Newsmagazine is published 24 times per year by 21 Publishing LLC. It is direct-mailed to more than 61,000 households in St. Charles County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by Mid Rivers Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of Mid Rivers Newsmagazine. No part of Mid Rivers Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Mid Rivers Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to Mid Rivers Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. Mid Rivers Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2010. A PUBLICATION OF


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Driving dangerously If you woke up this morning, grabbed a shower and a cup of coffee, got dressed, headed out to your garage and picked up a time bomb, you would probably think to yourself, "I better be a little bit cautious driving with this. It could be pretty dangerous." But that is not what most of us think when we get in our car. Instead, we wonder about traffic, or the new person on the radio, or how in the world that stain got on our shirt. For the vast majority of us, driving a car is the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis, but too many of us assume that driving is a safe activity. The true danger of driving a car today is that sadly, it is no longer just about how we drive. Now we all must worry about the dangers lurking in all the other vehicles. Consider the possible dangers that every driver deals with every day: Texting while driving: Recent studies have indicated that accidents caused by driving while texting are more deadly than accidents caused by driving while drunk. The thinking is that at least drunk drivers try to stop; a texting driver is totally oblivious until impact. Cities are wrestling over how to deal with this issue on the legislative level. Really? It is not a good sign for our society when we can't just rely on the good sense of people not to type haikus while operating a 3,000-pound hunk of steel at 60 miles per hour. Drunk driving: While significant reductions have been made in the number of drunk drivers, the problem still exists in large numbers. This issue is wholly a failure of personal responsibility. It is one of the rare behaviors that exists with no justification. Even if one grants that alcohol-

ism is a disease, choosing to drive while intoxicated is certainly not. Construction zones: Even without cars zooming past, a construction zone is a dangerous place. Incidents of drivers speeding through these zones are far too commonplace. Despite increased fines, signage, and publicity, people make some really dangerous choices when the orange cones come out. Ever wonder why there are so many cones in places where there is no work going on? It is an overreaction to dangerous drivers. The more sensible we become, the more sensible the safety cones will become. Police stops: It is amazing how many drivers are surprised when a police officer gets out of his or her car on the side of a road after making a stop. Police cars have big, shiny, flashing lights, so they are easy to spot, and the same thing happens at virtually every traffic stop: the officer exits the car. When you see a police officer on the side of the road, move over one lane. It really is not that much to ask. Other distractions: We will leave the door open here. Everything from talking on the cell phone, applying makeup and even reading newspapers occur with regularity with many drivers. Multi-tasking may be in style, but trying any of the above while driving remains dangerous and unacceptable. Humans are simply not capable of including driving as a part of any multi-tasking routine. Right now is a very dangerous time of year for all drivers. School is back in session, so traffic has increased. Construction season is still in full swing. And driving while distracted seems to be occurring in record numbers. Mid Rivers Newsmagazine encourages you to remain one of the fully alert drivers. Please drive safely.

Question of the week: Do politicians make too muchor not enough? Answer the question: editor@midriversnewsmagazine.com




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News Br iefs St. Charles County Bridge closes for weekend Chesterfield motorists will have to find alternate routes to St. Charles County this weekend. Hwy. 40 will be closed westbound over the Daniel Boone Bridge into St. Charles County. Andrew Gates, with MoDOT, said the weekend will be spent on significant preventative maintenance on the bridge. “The bridge is 70 years old and we want to make sure it remains safe,” Gates said. MoDOT officials said westbound 40 from Long Road in west St. Louis County into St. Charles County will be closed from 8 p.m. on Sept. 17, until 5 a.m. on Sept. 20. St. Louis drivers can access St. Charles County via the Page extension or I-70.

Wentzville Operation backpack Needy students at Duello Elementary school will come home on Fridays with more than homework in their backpack. Food Search and the Wentzville School District have teamed up to bring “Operation Backpack” to Duello Elementary School. Backpacks filled with nutritious, kidfriendly, easy-to-prepare foods are given to children in need on Fridays before school dismissal. At Duello Elementary, counselors have worked with parents and identified 35 students that will participate initially, and that number may increase as the program continues throughout the year. “We’ve had a lot of success with this in St. Louis, and we wanted to bring it to needy students in the Wentzville area,” said Karen Gladieux of Operation Food Search. “We opened a distribution center here almost three years ago, and the community has been very generous. It’s just another way to give back.” The non-perishable food items from Operation Food Search are bagged by volunteers from 2 Rivers Church, and then the bags are delivered to the school on Friday mornings. “We gather the backpacks while the children are in class, and return them full of the food items before the end of the day,” said Kathy Fisher, the principal of the school. “Our students and their families are really thankful to have the additional food.” Operation Food Search was founded in 1981, and each month the organization distributes more than 2-million pounds of food and household items to more than 150 community agencies in the bi-state region.

Road closed The railroad crossing at Hepperman Road at the South Service Road in Wentzville will be closed on Friday, Sept. 17. Officials anticipate the intersection will be closed to vehicles for up to six hours, and motorists will need to utilize other routes during this time.

No puppy love Puppies are on their own in the city of Wentzville. The Board of Aldermen voted 3-3 after a first reading of a proposed ordinance that would restrict new pet shops from selling puppies that are bred off-site. Mayor Paul Lambi broke the tie and voted against the reading. Wentzville Alderman Nick Guccione wanted to introduce the bill because he said many pet stores purchase puppies from puppy mills. “I’m tired of seeing these animals mistreated and not fed properly,” Guccione said. The board was split in its decision, and the proposed ordinance did not even make it to a first reading.

St. Charles Mayor receives raise The future mayor of St. Charles will get a pay raise—but not as much as anticipated. City Council President Mike Klinghammer introduced a pay raise for the next mayor that would increase from a $62,000 annual salary to an $85,000 salary. The measure failed, but a lesser increase was passed with a 9-1 vote earlier this month. The council approved the mayor’s salary—which will take effect after the April election—to $70,000. The bill will also allow for a 2.5 increase for three consecutive years, which will bring the annual salary to $75,382 by 2014.

Emergencies welcomed SSM St. Joseph Health Center hosted an open house earlier this month to celebrate the opening of the first phase of the new emergency department. The new emergency department features a new, separate ambulance entrance, 24 new private rooms, four trauma bays and a unique six-pod nursing station layout. “We are extremely excited about the opening of Phase One of our new Emergency Department,” said Gaspare Calvaruso, president, SSM St. Joseph Health Center. “This renovation and expansion

represents our commitment to providing the best quality of care for our patients.” The expansion will double the size of the current emergency department and is expected to be fully completed in early 2011. To learn more about the improvements and changes taking place at SSM St. Joseph Health Center, visit yournewstjoe.com.

Carjacking An 18-year-old St. Louis County man has been charged with robbery in the first degree and armed criminal action after a car jacking that occurred on Sept. 8 in St. Charles. Andre T. Hamilton of the 1100 block of Majorca, has been accused of pointing a gun at a man in the 2800 block of Trails of Sunbrook, and stealing his 2006 Impala. Police said they caught the suspect after he crashed the car on eastbound I-70 near the St. Louis airport. Lt. Mike Akers, with the St. Charles police, said no one was injured. “(The) suspect was armed with a handgun,” Akers said. Akers said the handgun was recovered upon Hamilton’s arrest.

Lake Saint Louis Environmentally friendly trash Lake Saint Louis residents and businesses can get rid of old computers and televisions — in an environmentally friendly way. An electronics and appliance drop-off recycling event for households and businesses will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 16. at the Meadows Shopping Center near the fountain. The event will be managed by Web Innovations & Technology Services (WITS), Missouri’s largest not-for-profit recycling agency. WITS will recondition dropped-off items for reuse in the greater St. Louis area or take them apart for recycling. “(I’m) delighted to work with an agency that advertises that no donated item will end up in a landfill,” said Scott Ellis, chairperson of the Advisory Committee. Possible items for recycling include computers, monitors, other computer hardware including cables, office/business equipment and machinery, telecommunications equipment including phones, clocks, televisions, VCR’s, stereos, cameras, other audio/video equipment, data storage devices including CD’s and VHS tapes, home electronics, blenders, toasters, irons, washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, furnaces, hot water heaters, home medical equipment, industrial machinery, lawn mowers, tillers, tools, air conditioners, refrigerators, humidifiers, old motors,

transformers, electrical equipment, power supplies and car batteries. “This recycling event provides Lake Saint Louis residents and business owners with a low-cost opportunity to clean out their house or building of unwanted items in an environmentally-responsible fashion,” said Steve Schertel, Lake Saint Louis director of community development. There is a $5 suggested donation for each computer monitor and laptop, television, large appliance and all freon-containing devices. All other items may be dropped off free of charge. Unacceptable items for this recycling event include tires, wood furniture, other wood products, paint and paint cans, and household and industrial chemicals. For more information, visit witsinc.org.

O’Fallon Art show “Biomech-Antics,” an exhibit of multimedia artwork on paper by artist Jami Schoenewies, opened earlier this week at the O’Fallon Cultural Arts Center Gallery in the Renaud Spirit Center. Schoenewies said the exhibit’s title, “Biomech-Antics,” is “a play on ‘biomechanics’ and ‘antics.’ “It’s a series of mixed-media drawingcollages combining images of living organisms with man-made structural images, mathematics and maps,” Schoenwies said. The artwork was created in layers on paper using collage, pen and ink, watercolors, acrylics, and transfers. Gallery admission is free, and the exhibit will be available for viewing through Oct. 15.

Remembering the fallen The city of O’Fallon will host a POW/ MIA Remembrance Day Ceremony at 7 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 17, at O’Fallon Veterans Memorial Walk located at 800 Belleau Creek Road. The eighth annual event is held on behalf of men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who remain missing in action or held as prisoners of war. “This is truly a moving event with a lot of symbolism. For example, attendees will notice a small POW/MIA table placed at the event in a place of honor. It will be set for one. This table is our way of recognizing those brave members of our military who have not returned,” said Tom Drabelle, public relations with the city. “This table is decorated with numerous symbols in recognition of the frailty of our prisoners of war against their oppressors, the purity of their intentions to respond to their country’s call to arms, their families and loved ones back here at home, and the unyielding determination to bring them home.”

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A whole lot of nothing going on Union protest against Dollar Tree causes harm to neighboring businesses By Jeannie Seibert Teresa Pershall has been attempting to live her life in peace and make her own prosperity all her life. Sadly, her dreams continue to be denied as a union protest against another store bleeds over to quash her business. But to fully understand her plight, some background is needed. The South Vietnam-born Thi Nguyen didn’t become Teresa Pershall until many years after the pull-out of the U.S. military in 1973. With U.S. troops gone, the Viet Cong seized her family’s property. By 1980, she’d had enough of life under the Viet Cong. Thi Nguyen realized that because she’d been born in South Vietnam her life wasn’t going to improve by staying there. She set her sights on the land of freedom and opportunity. It took 26 years and different routes but she finally got out of Vietnam and to the U.S. The hair-raising story of the diminutive, determined woman would require a book to properly recount. By the time Thi Nguyen arrived in the U.S. in 2000 she had virtually nothing, not even the ability to communicate. She taught herself to speak what little English she knows from a book. She met and married Byron Pershall and changed more than just her last name. “She wanted to become an American,” said Byron Pershall. “She loves this country.” Vietnam born Thi Nguyen became Teresa Pershall but still struggles with English. Her husband acts as her spokesman/interpreter. Her husband mans the phone, booking appointments and greeting customers in the second, and now only, location of her salon, B-Nails, St. Peters. After commanding enough English to attain all the appropriate licensing and permits to open a nail salon in O’Fallon, she built up the business to 11 stations that were booked all the time. By 2008 the signs of an economic downturn were visible enough to decide to downsize. She moved the salon to a smaller retail space in St. Peters, close to what she thought was a more vibrant economic center. But in 2010, Teresa Pershall finds herself a victim of another battle between two forces much greater than she and over which she has no control. The new shop, B-Nails, is located at the intersection of Mexico Road and Grand Teton, in a plaza anchored by Dollar Tree. The discount chain stores are the target of a regional protest by members of the Carpenters’ District Council of Greater

Confined to the right-of-way, union members protest Dollar Tree’s hiring practices. While those two organizations are in a stand-off, independent businesses in the Dollar Tree plaza suffer from the effects of a double-edged sword – a recession and a union protest.

St. Louis union for having hired a nonunion, out-of-state construction firm to build a wall at one of its South St. Louis County locations. And so, the St. Peters and O’Fallon Dollar Tree stores are being picketed. Because of the pickets, B-Nails customers won’t cross the union’s line. Stationed at the three entrances into the Dollar Tree shopping center union workers hand out flyers condemning the discounter’s hiring practices. But the union protest can’t move closer to Dollar Tree because it’s on private property, said union spokesman Chuck Williamson. Union protesting is confined to the public rights-of-way along Mexico Road and Grand Teton. Pershall said he has approached the shopping center management to no avail. He’s gone to City Hall repeatedly pleading for some sort of assistance in negotiating peace terms. “Seriously, we don’t have anything against the union – that’s between them and Dollar Tree,” Pershall said. He even tried to organize the businesses within the shopping center to unite and work together to add weight to a petition for some kind of relief. Again, nothing. “They’re too afraid,” Pershall said. “Between the recession and the union our business is drying up. I’m trying to help my wife – she still struggles with the language – by going through the appropriate channels and got nothing – totally nonresponsive at every level,” he said. Williamson has no grudges to bear against the B-Nails owners or any other business in the shopping center. “This is about Dollar Tree,” he said. “And it’s not like we haven’t tried working this out. We’d call and identify ourselves and they’d just hang up the phone on us.” St. Peters Mayor Len Pagano had the same experience. “We tried calling the local store man-

B-Nails owner Teresa Pershall was born Thi Nguyen in South Vietnam. Now a legal U.S. citizen, she again finds herself caught between two forces over which she has no control.

ager then the regional office,” Pagano said. “We even called their headquarters and then followed up with hard copies. We even sent their attorney a copy.” Nothing. MRN attempted to contact Dollar Tree and got as far as a receptionist. After a lengthy delay, she came back on to say, “We’re not allowed to talk about it.” Meanwhile, Teresa Pershall is singlehandedly working the few days a week. “She’s here sometimes 16 hours a day but some days she only has two, maybe three appointments,” Byron Pershall said. “This is more than just a recession,” he added. “And she doesn’t want me to say anything to anyone. She doesn’t want America not to like her.”

Routine traffic stop ends with Cottleville manhunt By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley A St. Peters teenager caused Cottleville Police to engage in a manhunt last week after he slammed his car into a police vehicle and fled from the scene. Brandon Demetrius Brown, 18, and a female passenger from St. Charles were stopped by Cottleville Police at about 10 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8 because of a missing headlight. Cottleville Police Chief Scott Lewis said after the car had been stopped, Brown put his late model Chevrolet Malibu in reverse, slammed into the police car, jumped out and ran into the Estates at Fairfield Manor subdivision to prevent apprehension. The young woman remained in the vehicle. Brown had pulled into the St. Charles County Community College parking lot at the time of the stop, police said. Lewis said police called Metro Air Support for help in locating the man. Metro Air then used an infrared search light, but was unsuccessful in finding Brown. At press time, Cottleville Police had issued a warrant for Brown’s arrest, but the teen was still at-large at MRN press time. “When someone slams into a police car, we take it very seriously,” Lewis said. Cottleville Police towed Brown’s car and arrested and released the woman, charging her with disorderly conduct. Brown is being charged with assault on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest by fleeing, Lewis said. Lewis said the police car had about $2,000 in damages, but remains in use. Metro Air Support was formed in 2004 by the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Police Department. The St. Charles County Sheriff’s Department joined to share resources in July 2007. The support team has four helicopters, one fixed-wing airplane, 11 pilots and eight crew chiefs. The department also provides officers for the Major Case Squad.




Ballot item

WSD seeking more funds for school additions by fall 2012. South Middle School would By Amy Armour The Wentzville School District will add 20 classrooms and Wentzville Middle ask voters to approve a 30-cent tax levy would add four classrooms by fall 2012. increase this November to help support the The funds would also be used for phase fast growing district. one of the construction of a third high The tax levy increase—Proposition school slated to open in fall 2013. 3—would allow the district to expand Deichmann said the tax levy money could seven elementary buildings to ensure the only be spent on the facility improvements district is capable of offering full-day kin- listed by the district. These funds could not dergarten past the 2011-12 school year. be used for day-to-day expenses. The increase would also help expand the middle schools, as well as help construct a third high school. Matt Deichmann, director of community relations for the district, said current enrollment at Holt and Timberland High Schools is about 3,450. “Design capacity for the two is about 3,600, and that’s with the recent addition at Timberland,” Deichmann said. “Enrollment projections are that by 2012, the combined enrollment will be close to 3,800.” The Wentzville School District has more than doubled in size in the last 10 years, adding an average of 600 new students every year for the past decade. Whether you are shopping for a low rate or a low payment, “That’s equal to the enrollment of one Whether youisare fortoafinance low rateyour or a new low payment, whole school and we grow by that many 1st Financial theshopping one place auto loan! students every year,” Deichmann said. 1st Financial is the one place to finance your new auto loan! “Even without any new students, the larger Whether you are shopping for a low rate or a low payment, elementary classes moving up will overfill Financed Termplace to finance Rate Payment 1st Amount Financial is the one your new auto loan! our current secondary schools.” Amount Financed Term Rate Payment $15,000 24 Months 3.99% APR* $652.42 The Guiding Principles for our Schools $15,000 24 3.99% $652.42 (GPS) community engagement group that $15,000 36 Months Months 3.99% APR* APR* $443.56 Amount Financed Term Rate Payment has studied the issue and met within the Amount Financed Term Rate Payment $15,000 36 Months 3.99% APR* $443.56 $15,000 48 Months 3.99% APR* $339.21 community recommended that the school $15,000 24 Months 3.99% APR* $652.42 24 $652.42 $15,000 48 3.99% $339.21 $15,000 60 Months Months 3.99% APR* APR* $276.67 board place Proposition 3 on the Novem$15,000 36 Months 3.99% APR* $443.56 36 $443.56 $15,000 60 Months 3.99% APR* $276.67 ber ballot. $20,000 72 Months 4.99% APR* $322.72 $15,000 48 Months 3.99% APR* $339.21 “The community has voiced support $15,000 48 Months 3.99% APR* $339.21 $20,000 72 4.99% $322.72 for these projects and enrollment figures $15,000 60 Months 3.99% APR* $276.67 $15,000 60 Months 3.99% APR* $276.67 also emphasize the need,” said Wentz$20,000 72 Months 4.99% APR* $322.72 $20,000 72 Months 4.99% APR* $322.72 ville School District Superintendent Terry Adams. “In order to continue to excel, we’re going to need to add facility space to accommodate all of our students. It’s a direct result of being the fastest growing school district in the state.” Deichmann said the last time the district asked for a tax levy increase was in 2004. “The levy was 39 cents and it passed. Because the area has grown so fast and Hazelwood St. Charles Wentzville • Apply online at www.1stfinancialfcu.org property values have gone up so much 5916 N. Lindbergh 1550 Club Plaza 1232 Wentzville Parkway •• Apply atCountry www.1stfinancialfcu.org in the past, we were able to do no-taxApply online by phone at (636) 916-8300 increase bond issues when we needed to •• Apply by phone at at any (636) 916-8300 in person branch location online at www.1stfinancialfcu.org build new schools or add on to existing •• Apply Apply Apply in person at any branch location ones,” Deichmann said. “With the decline • Apply by phone at (636) 916-8300 in assessed values in the past two years, we *APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change. Rates depend on credit history. 12 - 60 month term requires $15,000 minimum loan amount. 61 - 72 month term requires $20,000 minimum loan amount. See credit union for details. have almost reached ‘bonding capacity,’ so *APR= Annual• Percentage Rate. Rates to change. Rates on credit history. 12 - 60 month Apply insubject person atdepend any branch location term requires $15,000 minimum loan amount. 61 - 72 month term requires $20,000 minimum loan amount. See credit union for details. we need to increase the levy for new construction.” *APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change. Rates depend on credit history. 12 - 60 month *APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Rates subject to change. Rates depend on credit history. 12 - 60 month The expansions at the elementary level term requires $15,000 minimum loan amount. 61 - 72 month term requires $20,000 minimum loan amount. See credit union for details. term requires $15,000 minimum loan amount. 61 - 72 month term requires $20,000 minimum loan amount. See credit union for details. would mean the addition of four to eight classrooms at seven elementary schools

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Before going to the polls Nov. 2

- meet candidates at Sts. Joachim & Ann By Jeannie Seibert A bipartisan collaboration to assist a public forum for voters to meet and talk to candidates of all stripes in a casual setting – which has been happening every year since 1987 – will occur this year on Oct. 21. From 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service, 4116 McClay Rd., St. Peters, the Social Justice Committee will host the 2010 Meet the Candidates Night in the Celebration Room. “This has been the best kept secret in St. Charles County,” said Democratic Committee Chairman Tommy Roberts. “Tom Kuypers (outgoing Republican Central Committee Chairman) and I got together a couple years ago and decided we’d chip in together to help them put on a bipartisan – make that all partisan - event to give people a chance to meet all candidates from all parties all in one place.” Kuypers, who served on the GOP Committee 16 years all told, the last eight as chairman, said, “I hate to take the credit for being anything more than supportive of this when it was Ron Pettus who really guided this along in the beginning. “Both central committees gave their money and time, and Sts. Joachim and Ann is providing a wonderful public service to let us do this again,” Kuypers said. “This is the ultimate exercise in eighthgrade civics class. “As a citizen, you’re supposed to get out there and meet the candidates before you vote,” Kuypers said. “This is just one-stop shopping. Plus the food is really good.” Social Justice Committee Representative Flora Fazio is coordinating the meet and greet “with Ron Pettus backing me up,” said said. Fazio said there is no charge for candidates to reserve a banquet-sized table but all RSVPs must be in by Oct. 6.

While personal invitations should be going out to candidates now, Fazio said they are welcome to call her with any questions at 240-7534 or Linda Adams at 441-1302, ext. 263. Email Fazio at florafazio@aol.com. While residents are urged most urgently to “make a night of it” there is a secondary benefit to this event. Political science and human services students from St. Charles Community College and Lindenwood University are assisting the Social Justice Committee in putting on the forum, Fazio said. Members of Phi Beta Capa and Tau Upsilon Alpha-Lamnda Chapter are on board too. Roberts said the students’ participation in an event like this is “probably the best part of the whole thing. Seeing tthe kids get interested and getting into a political event in such a low-key venue makes all the work of putting it on really worth it. The food’s pretty good too.” Because the event has a reputation for good eats, Fazio promised to try to live up to past fare. But, as a teacher in the Community College Political Science Department, she couldn’t agree more with Roberts excitement about the young adults involvement. But, for seasoned voters or first-timers, “there’s just no better way to make an informed decision than by going and talking directly to the candidates themselves,” she said. While political discourse will be the topic of the evening, no gathering at Sts. Joachim and Ann would be complete without a fundraiser. Fazio said a prize drawing to benefit a homeless fund is just now getting organized. Anyone wishing to make a prize donation or volunteer to assist the fundraiser project is encouraged to contact her.



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Justice Center opens in stages; municipal court now in session By Jeannie Seibert The challenge was to come up with a building that would house the St. Peters police station, the municipal court and an aldermanic chamber and make it look collegiate, welcoming and sophisticated without spending very much money. The result is the new Justice Center at 1020 Grand Teton Dr. which is now partially opened at the corner of Suemandy Drive across from Mid Rivers Mall. “We looked at a lot of other similar sites in eastern Kansas and western Missouri,” said Maj. Mike Townsend with the St. Peters Police Department, who served as the project coordinator. “We went to St. Louis and looked at buildings – even the City Museum and Chesterfield City Hall. “We collaborated on a structure using materials reflective of our heritage and the setting we’re in here in St. Peters; the uses by staff, the board and mayor, and the public,” Townsend said. “Using the Prairie influence, we’ve incorporated the red brick that so influenced early St. Louis buildings, the dolomite limestone along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers with steel elements to come up with a design that should serve this community for a long, long time,” Townsend said. “This is a 100-year building.” The distinctive dome lends itself to longevity as an updated version of the classic domes of the Jefferson City and Washington, D.C. Capitols except “there’s no wasted space,” Townsend said. “Under the (Justice Center) dome is where you’ll find all the HVAC equipment.” The price tag has come in right at $21 million and that is with a couple milliondollar savings on land acquisition through a contribution from the Mid Rivers Mall and other cost-cutting measures. But the bulk of the funding came from a bond issue voters approved in 2007 on a structure that was actually initially envisioned in 2005. Townsend said the St. Peters Facilities Review Committee had identified the need for a police station and municipal court expansion even then. “Later we were informed that the Board of Aldermen wanted to add the aldermanic chamber to the project so that’s what we did,” Townsend said. By vacating the current chamber at City Hall, the aldermen are making way for a performing arts venue for the St. Peters Community & Arts Center. But that will be the final stage to opening the new Justice Center. The municipal court is now opened; the next court date is Sept. 21. With the added parking availability from the Mid Rivers Mall side of Suemandy, the goal is to have court more frequently with day and night sessions.

Next up will be the police station portion of the project. Townsend said the new facility will feature ample space to house 100 police department personnel and all the accoutrement of the modern law enforcement organization including expanded jail space. With doubled the holding facilities that means more prisoners on site and the need for more security. Townsend said that once the old station is removed, the four-bay Sally port will be able to be fully opera-

tional. A drive-through Sally port is a bit of architectural engineering that allows incoming and outgoing prisoners to be transported in a totally secure environment. This one even has an evidence bay where a stolen vehicle can be processed under cover and in a secure location. “Radios, computers and phones are going in now,” Townsend said. “It will be all voice-over IP completely compatible with the county-wide system when we’re done.”

The structure is ADA accessible to all public areas, including handicapped parking adjacent to the building. Two records clerks will be at the front desk to assist residents more efficiently, he said. “We really concentrated on how the public uses our police department and the court and designed it from there,” Townsend said. For a sneak peek, a dedication ceremony is in the works for mid to late October, Townsend said.

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Baseball champs By Warren Mayes The 11 members of Midwest Junior Prospects entered the national baseball tournament of 104 teams and finished first. The 12-under age group won the Youth Baseball Hall of Fame Invitational Tournament held recently at Cooperstown Dreams Park in Cooperstown, N.Y. Todd Whaley, Tony Perkins, and P.J. Riley were the boys’ coaches. The players were Chase Beiter, John Brinkman, Matt Henry, Jordan Hovey, Luke Kahle, Josh Miller, Justin and Ryan Perkins, Trey Riley, Alex Whaley, and Dylan Williams. Eight of the boys are from St. Charles County while three are from Edwardsville, Ill. It was a total team effort to bring home the championship. “Every one but two kids off of our team hit home runs in this tournament,” Perkins said. “Every one of them also pitched during this week as well. They all contributed significantly throughout the week.” The team went 11-0 at the event to claim the championship. It was unforgettable for everyone involved with the squad. “It was an experience that every player, parent, and coach will remember for the rest of their lives,” said Perkins, who also doubles as the varsity baseball coach


Team from St. Charles wins invitational tournament at Cooperstown

at Francis Howell High School. “When there’s 104 teams involved, it’s a pretty tough thing to win.” The boys began practice way back in January and started playing games in March. In addition to regular season games, the squad won six tournaments all together. The team finished with a solid 66-15 record. The expectations going into the national tourney at Cooperstown Dreams Park were kept day to day for the Midwest Junior Prospects. “We just wanted to make it to Thursday. We went 11-0 on the tournament and we had to win four games on Thursday,” Perkins said about the final day of play in the event. “Just playing into Thursday is quite an accomplishment considering the teams that were there from all over the country.” In pool play, the Missouri team went 6-0, beating very good teams from Texas and Syracuse, N.Y. The Prospects reached the semifinals and faced California’s Orange County Ball Hawgs. “They were a great team but we put up nine runs in the top of the first,” Perkins said. That put the Missouri youngsters in the championship game against the BPI Eagles

from New Jersey — the No. 1 seeded team in the tournament. The Prospects were the No. 3 seed and the visitors in the game. Perkins said he was expecting a tough game. “One of their players had 16 home runs on the week and 18 is the week-long record,” Perkins said. “We kept him in the park in the game.” The complex has 22 ball fields. However, only one game a week is played on the main field. “The place was packed as they had closing ceremonies, which we missed as well as our opponent did to get prepared for the championship game,” Perkins said. “We knew we were up against a good team but we had been playing awfully well, too and we had pitching left so we felt good about our chances.” It turned out Perkins’ feelings were accurate. The Junior Prospects scored a 15-6 victory in six innings. The BPI Eagles led 3-1 after two innings. The Midwest Junior Prospects raise the trophy. But that was their swansong as far as having the lead. out of reach. The Junior Prospects erupted for five Jordan Hovey was the winning pitcher. runs in the third inning. After scoring one Trey Riley started. in the fourth, the Missouri squad scored “He did an excellent job in relief,” Perfour in the fifth and sixth to put the game kins said about Hovey.

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O’Fallon grapples with staffing issues thanks to tight budget By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley Some members of the O’Fallon City Council are confused about just how their imposition of a hiring freeze has been interpreted by city administrators and what the city administration is doing to accommodate a 15-percent loss in revenue. Councilman Dan Haney, Ward 3, said despite a city-wide hiring freeze imposed last year, almost a dozen people were hired and he doesn’t understand why. “I agree it’s up to the city administrator, and I one-hundred percent trust him, but our revenues have gone down 15 percent, so basically we’re doing less with the same amount of people,” Haney said. “Somehow, we have to flip that in doing what every other company in he world is doing, and that’s do more with less. Our staff needs to go down by 15 percent. If we need certain positions, great, but our residents are getting less bang for their buck, not more for less like everyone is doing. I’m not going to let this city become Washington, D.C. where things are out of control. It needs to happen, and it needs to happen in a hurry.” Mayor Bill Hennessy said just because revenue is going down it does not mean services to residents are going down. “We still have to service our residents,”

Hennessy said. Councilman Bob Howell said with the economy the way it is, everyone is cutting back, but the places that are cutting back are losing customers. “I don’t see this city’s population decreasing, so for us to say city government needs to cut back… We’re not losing any residents, so we need every employee we’ve got, whether it’s a matter of taking a day off a week or something of that nature (to reduce costs), but I don’t want anyone to lose their job,” Howell said. “And I think we owe it to our residents to give them the best services possible.” Councilman Mark Perkins, Ward 5, said he was shocked because it sounded like layoffs were being proposed. “I understand that our income, our tax rates, may be down 15 percent, but how does that quantify from our budget standpoint,” Perkins said. Hennessy said, “If someone leaves the city, they are not replaced, to me that is not a layoff. It’s just not replacing them.” Director of Finance Vicki Boschert said operating expenditures have gone down, and on the personnel side, each position is evaluated as someone leaves. The city, she said, has reduced positions, including

building inspectors, administrative assistants, and a couple of police officers. Overall, she said, the city has lost positions. “As far as administration operation of the city, seeing each individual position and whether it is viable, that is not the council’s responsibility. It is the responsibility of our city administrator,” Perkins said. Haney agreed, but said the council, in essence, doesn’t have the charge of looking at all staff positions, but the budget is their responsibility. “We’ve only replaced 12 people in the last year, so one a month is not overly burdensome,” Haney said. “We have let go of some positions, but I’m speaking in terms of 15 percent. We should have reduced 60 people. The budget is down over the last two years, but to say we haven’t replaced five to seven people… In my opinion, we should be down 60. To say five is not adequate.” Haney said he wanted an “absolute” hiring freeze, however, if there is a position that needs to be replaced, city staff should come to the council so budget amendments can be done every time a person leaves. “I would like to know if the council believes the hiring freeze is absolute, and if a replacement is needed, it should pass

through the council,” Haney said. Haney said it is the city administrator’s right to hire, but at the time the freeze was placed by the council, it is his impression that the hiring freeze was absolute. “I understood the city administrator would come to the council with essential replacement issues. We understood there needed to be a mechanism to come to the council, but I heard earlier this year that we hired a bunch of people over the last year. We hired 11 people over the last year, to my surprise, and we’ve never been approached.” Haney said after talking to staff there were two distinct interpretations: “absolute, and replace if needed.” “Is there still a hiring freeze, and what does that mean?” Haney asked. Hennessy said the city is not hiring anyone new. If someone retires or quits, it’s the city administrator’s and managing director’s place to see if it’s a needed position. “They can hire the person if it’s necessary to the city,” Hennessy said. “I don’t expect them to have to come to the council. We’ve hired (City Administrator Keith) Riesberg See O’FALLON BUDGET, page 29



Regional drug enforcement task force receives grant By Jeannie Seibert The Missouri Department of Public Safety announced the law enforcement agencies across Missouri that will share almost $7 million in two separate rounds of grants to combat drug-related crimes and strengthen law enforcement efforts. More than $6.7 million in federal grants is being awarded to 27 multi-jurisdictional drug task forces operated by counties and municipalities. Among them are one law enforcement program that coordinates street-level efforts in narcotics investigations; one program that responds to clandestine methamphetamine labs and provides important supplies to emergency response personnel; two prosecution and court programs that investigate domestic crimes or crimes against children; and one program that assists the Department of Public Safety develop crime fighting strategy. The war on drugs in Missouri includes the St. Charles County Regional Drug Task Force which is coordinated through the Sheriff’s Department but includes the police departments and law enforcement agencies in operation throughout the county. The St. Charles County drug task force will bank $244,446 out of the grant distributions, said Lt. Dave Tieffenbrunn, Sheriff’s Department spokesman. “These grants are applied for on an annual basis to off-set funding to our drug unit,” Tieffenbrunn said. “The money is used to fund officers’ salaries, vehicles, communications equipment and buy-money for the undercover officers.” The grant to the St. Charles County drug task force ensures that the budget cuts local governments are making in many other areas don’t affect the drug enforcement task force’s duties. “This grant provides a link in the chain in

the fight against drug use and distribution,” Tieffenbrunn said. “It’s vitally important to obtain information from a dealer and proceed up the ladder. That’s what combats drug use in this county. “You can’t just walk in and arrest the top drug dealer in the chain,” he said. “The only way to accomplish this is on an ongoing capacity. It never lets up.” Each participating law enforcement

“This grant provides a link in the chain in the fight against drug use and distribution. That’s what combats drug use in this county.” -Lt. Dave Tieffenbrunn


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organization also contributes funding to the task force to keep the 12 to 15 officers on the street around the clock. Tieffenbrunn said coordination amongst jurisdictions is vital to staying on the offensive in the world of street drugs; a primary component in the ongoing battle against street drugs. But the work doesn’t stop at St. Charles County’s boundaries. With this county’s close proximity to a major urban center connected by interstate highways, Tieffenbrunn said, “Investigations lead across county lines all the time.” The Missouri Department of Public Safety’s nearly $7 million in fund distributions received monies from the federal Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants with another $978,000 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Bu llet i n Boa rd Francis Howell Giddy up! More than 200 students armed with helmets and knee pads prepared for the Warren Elementary Bike Rodeo earlier this month. The Bike Rodeo, held in partnership with the Cottleville Police Department, celebrated great character amongst the students, school and community. Warren’s Character Education Committee worked with the Cottleville Police Department to help put into practice the four ‘R’ character education words, and to build parent and community involvement and awareness. During the Bike Rodeo students rode through an obstacle course obeying traffic signs and signals, as well as learned proper helmet and bicycle safety. Students also had the chance to participate in other fun activities which fostered a fun and social learning environment for students, parents and staff.

Public hearing Citizens will be able to voice opinions on the proposed property tax rate prior to the 7 p.m. Board of Education meeting on Sept. 16 at the district office located at 4545 Central School Road. The tax rates are set to produce the

revenues which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 shows to be required from the property tax.

Junior journalists The journalism program at Francis Howell North (FHN) High School has been awarded the “Journalism Education Association (JEA) First Amendment Press Freedom Award.” FHN was one of only three schools in the country, as well as the first school in the Francis Howell School District (FHSD), to receive the award. The award was presented at the recent JEA/NSPA (National Scholastic Press Association) National Convention in Portland, Ore. According to journalism teacher Aaron Manfull, the award shows that the school and district administrators have the foresight to understand that giving student media the ability to make decisions turns the publication classes into some of the best learning labs in the entire district.

Student leader Kiara Jasinski, a sophomore at Timberland High School, participated in the

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Academy of the Sacred Heart Joanna Collins recently joined the Academy of the Sacred Heart as the new middle school principal. Collins has 22 years of educational expe-

rience, most recently as an instructional coordinator at Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School. Collins has an undergraduate degree is in elementary education and a master’s degree is in educational leadership from Maryville University.

Lutheran High Pretty in Pink The girls’ volleyball teams at Lutheran High School were pretty in pink on Sept. 7. The teams helped organize a “Pink Out Day” to raise awareness and funds for Breast Cancer research. At the evening volleyball matches against St. Dominic the teams wore pink jerseys in honor of the women who have dealt with breast cancer. The goal was to celebrate with the survivors, remember those who are gone, and encourage those who are still fighting the battle. There were special gifts for the women who have survived their battle and for those who are still fighting. The Girls Cross Country Team will be wearing pink headbands throughout the season as a reminder to all who see them running. Several mothers and relatives of LHS students have dealt with breast cancer in recent years and the girls decided to help make a difference. Students and staff also had the chance to purchase Pink Out T-shirts for $10 with all proceeds benefiting Breast Cancer Research.


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National Youth Leadership Conference (NYLC) in Washington, D.C., this past July. The NYLC provides outstanding high school students with the opportunity to interact with a variety of personnel who operate within the three branches of government, the news media and the international community. The students received remarks from a member of Congress on the floor of the House of Representatives, which is a privilege that is seldom afforded to other groups. In addition to the schedule of special meetings and briefings, the students participated in a number of leadership skill-building activities and simulations. In one role-play activity titled “If I Were President”, they acted as the president and Cabinet members responding to an international crisis. They also participated in Testing the Constitution, in which they examined actual Supreme Court cases. The conference culminated with the Model Congress, in which scholars assumed the roles of U.S. Representatives in debating, amending and voting on proposed mock legislation.



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LSL officials look for budget-cutting opportunities By Jeannie Seibert The old saying ‘Hope for the best but prepare for the worst’ appears to be a theme these days at Lake Saint Louis City Hall. While city leaders remain hopeful that the recession will soon let up, it’s prudent to make any smaller expense cuts now rather than having to cut back city services. One of the biggest expenses to the city’s budget is the employee health insurance plan, said City Administrator Paul Markworth. At the Sept. 7 Board of Aldermen meeting a discussion covered options in health coverage that could lessen that burden a bit. “We may be able to incentive-ize our employees whose spouses have access to health insurance coverage at their work,” Markworth said. To illustrate, he used arbitrary numbers. “If the city paid an employee $150 per month, that employee could use that plus the $145 they’re paying on our plan” to apply to the spouse’s insurance premium. “This is one way we could save some money,” Markworth said. Currently, with 83 fulltime employees subscribing to one of four levels of health insurance coverage, the annual cost to the city for the plan is $830,000 out of a total $9 million budget.

He covered other options with the aldermen, including another company’s proposal that would cost less but offer less coverage than does the city’s current plan. Markworth wanted to give the aldermen plenty of time to consider the various options while he takes an employee survey to determine their preference. The enrollment period won’t begin until Dec. 1 for the Jan. 1 effective date. “We’re just looking over everything right now to see where we can cut back,” Markworth said. This would include a scale-back of the aggressive street resurfacing plan Public Works Director Derek Koestel had presented to the board last year. “We’re going to stay with it as best we can,” Markworth said. “It just won’t be on the schedule we’d planned. We’re still pursuing other avenues of funding however.” On the plus side of the ledger, Markworth said the city has submitted its proposal to county government to be included in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Thanks to the city of St. Peters’ ceding it’s population to be included in the population count of St. Charles County, it has now been reclassified an urban county and

thus eligible for CDBG qualifying program funding. This allows smaller cities like Lake Saint Louis to can take advantage of grants for specific programs to provide assistance to the elderly and those with disabilities. If approved, the city would receive $50,000 to bolster its Neighborhood Assis-

Voter registration deadline approaches The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 2 general election is Oct. 6, according to Beverly Abell, assistant director at the St. Charles County Election Authority. Those not currently registered or who have moved since the last election or have experienced a name change since last voting, should contact the St. Charles County Election Authority with questions at 949-7550. The Election Authority is located at 397 Turner Boulevard, in St. Peters. Registration forms are also available at all public libraries, public schools, St. Charles Community College, all city halls

tance Program for small residential remodeling and weatherization projects. A second $50,000 request would help launch the city’s older adult transportation program for basic services visits. This would include a regularly scheduled pickup and delivery route for medical, pharmacy and grocery shopping. and state agencies providing public services or the license bureau offices located within St. Charles County. Absentee voting by mail or in person is arranged through the Election Authority and begins approximately six weeks prior to the general election on Nov. 2 if one of the following applies: A planned absence on election day from the jurisdiction in which you are registered. Incapacity or confinement because of illness or physical disability, or the primary caregiver for a confined patient. Religious belief or practice. Employment as an election judge. Active military or overseas civilian including immediate eligible family members in the home.






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Running on empty Local politicians make just a pittance, but keep on plugging By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley The pay is low, the hours long and you must be able to weather constant criticism and complaints. That, however, never stops for those with “fire in their belly,” as one candidate for state representative says. The political season is upon us, and as we change TV channels to get away from the ads, most wonder why people throw themselves into the midst of political madness—and do it for petty cash. Our first president, George Washington, made $25,000 in 1789; from 1949 to 1964, presidents made $100,000 per year, plus a $50,000 expense account. It wasn’t until 1969, when Richard Nixon became president, that the salary was bumped to $200,000, plus a $50,000 expense account. President Barack Obama now makes $400,000 a year, but that is still less than he’d make just doing a book tour. Nonetheless, candidates keep on coming, gearing up, going door-to-door campaigning, kissing babies and making promises— giving it their best shot, hoping they get the votes to put them into office. And in light of how things are with the economy at the moment, unless you’re one of those people that the whole world loves, it’s not pleasant for most. As of 2010, Missouri lawmakers—state senators and state representatives— are paid $35,915 per year. Per Diem is $103.20 per day tied to the federal rate, paid only to those who answer the legislative session roll call. The figures are contrary to what most think when it comes to politicians. They aren’t rolling in cash, and if time spent working counts, they’re certainly not doing it for the dough. Most Missouri senators and representatives have “day jobs.” Occupationally, the Senate has 15 businessmen engaged in real estate, insurance, finance, etc.; one publisher, one physician, two educators, four farmers, six attorneys, one caseworker and four public servants. At least 42 Missouri Senators went on to attain higher statewide office or became a U.S. senator or congressman for Missouri. Some say low pay is justified, and “career politicians” are criticized. Researchers found that a politician who makes politics the source of their income yet has to face re-election every few years can be less likely to make bold decisions or side with an unpopular bill. Some feel that fear of “rocking the boat” leads to a stagnant political climate, in which it becomes hard to address injustices and create change. Various measures have been taken in attempt to

mitigate this effect, such as the implementation of term limits and paying them less. Members of both houses of the General Assembly are also subject to term limits. Senators are limited to two terms, and Representatives to four; a total of 8 years for members of both houses. So, not only is it a low-paying job, it’s far from long term. Kurt Bahr, a Republican candidate for state representative, Dist. 19, (the seat vacated by Cynthia Davis who lost her bid for the senate) says that although he has had no political experience, he has thrown his hat into the ring because “government

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Money flows more freely at the top Although state senators, representatives, city council members and other politicians may only receive a pittance for their undaunted dedication, funds flow more freely at the top of the political ladder. Search engines fail when sifting through the barrage of federal expenditures, but according to the Missouri Accountability Portal, a publicly available Web site created by the Missouri government to disclose information about state spending, including employee salaries, agency expenditures and tax credit information, U.S. Congressman Russ Carnahan’s (Dem.) total expenses for April through June were $488,508.33, and Republican Congressman Todd Akin, U.S. House District 2, spent $295,634.51 in this quarter. Those figures include staff wages, travel expenses, rent, communication and utilities and numerous other services. Congressional offices are run like small businesses. According to the Congressional Management Foundation U.S. House of Representative budgets averaged $1.3 million in 2005. Senate office budgets ranged from $2.7 to $4.3 million. In a press release, the Foundation said there is a misperception that most lawmakers are heedless of ethics rules — that they don’t spend recklessly.

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See RUNNING, page 25

National politicians build big budgets


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MANAGER’S PRE-OWNED SPECIALS 07 FREESTAR #94913A ............................................................. WAS $15,725......... NOW $13,495 09 FUSION SES SILVER #94945 .............................................. WAS $17,992......... NOW $15,968 08 FOCUS SE WHITE #94946.................................................... WAS $12,440......... NOW $10,454 07 MUST GT BLUE #47938A ..................................................... WAS $19,359......... NOW $18,420 07 FOCUS WGN WHITE #48550A ............................................. WAS $9,350........... NOW $8,275 07 CORVETTE 8K MILES #48786A ........................................... WAS $34,067......... NOW $33,960 07 EDGE SEL #48753A .............................................................. WAS $19,818 ........ NOW $17,916 06 EXPLORER #94960 ............................................................... WAS $17,480 ........ NOW $16,590


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I 25

RUNNING, from page 23 is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people.” “For too long, many of us have stood idly by and watched as the will of the people has been trampled by special interests and personal agendas of those elected,” Bahr said. “I am standing up to do what I can to return our country to the kind of place our Founders would be proud of.” Bahr, married with four young children, says he is not running for the State House to become rich, but to serve the people. “The legislature is only in session for five months. I will have seven months to work in my small business, and provide for my family through the rest of the year,” Bahr said. “It would be irresponsible to ask my neighbors to pay more taxes so I could be paid more when the number one concern right now is jobs and the economy. In a time when far too many people are unemployed, it is not unreasonable to also ask our elected officials to tighten their belts. My wife and I are committed to living within our means.” Bahr says he doesn’t know at this point if it’s all worth it, and says only time will tell. “At the end of my life, however, I will be able to look back and say, ‘I did my best,’” Bahr said. “It is for the future of our chil-

dren and grandchildren that I am willing to serve. My wife both grew up in and married into the military. She is familiar with both long hours and deployments, and she understands and respects the importance of fighting for the future of our country.” Matt Simmons, the Democratic candidate for state representative, Dist. 19, serves as vice chair of St. Charles County Ambulance District, as a member of the O’Fallon Traffic Commission and, in the past, has been actively involved as a school board member. He says he already knows there’s no money in public service, so that’s not an issue for him. “I’ve been brought up in a family that believes you have to get involved in your community. That was something preached at our kitchen table,” Simmons said. “You have to get involved if you want to make it a better place to live.” Simmons says he’s “just a middle-class working man,” who, like many people, just want a fair shake. “My father worked his whole life for Anheuser Busch and all we ever wanted was just a fair shake, and I think that’s what any honest, hard-working individual wants,” Simmons said. “I believe if people would just start listening to one another, that’s how problems get solved.


I don’ have an agenda other than seeing that every resident is represented. I’m just like the guy next door who wants to live in a good community with good schools and good services. At the end of the day, I think that’s all anybody wants. I don’t try to impose my philosophical beliefs. I just want to go to Jefferson City and get something done.” Jim Pepper, an O’Fallon councilman, gets paid $7,600 a year, but for years, he worked for free with a variety of city committees and charitable organizations. Pepper, a member of the O’Fallon task

force that recommended putting the Charter question on the ballot, a member of the O’Fallon Charter Commission, O’Fallon’s Advisory Green Council and trustee of his neighborhood homeowners association moved to an official level when he was elected by 48 percent of the vote (with 3 candidates) for the Ward 2 Council seat. “I was shocked, absolutely shocked at the percentage of votes I received,” Pepper said. “Now that I’m official, I figure with all the hours I’ll put in, on a councilman’s stipend, I’ll be making about 37 cents an hour.”

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West Client:

“My organization has worked closely with members of Congress and staff for more than 30 years and found nearly every lawmaker and staffer we’ve worked with to be dedicated public servants, striving for the good of their constituents,” the release said. The National Taxpayers Union, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization formed in 1969 to advocate for the benefits of lower taxes, leaner and limited government and economic freedom at the federal, state and local levels pulled information from (MAP) and issued a press release in August 2008 detailing the discovery of more than $2.4 million of taxpayer money spent for questionable purposes over eight years, including purchases made at bakeries, beauty salons, bra stores, coffee shops and picture-framing galleries, among others. The state of Missouri spent $15,482.57 at Ann’s Bra Shop from 2000 to 2008 Newsmagazine for “professional services” and “clothing Salesperson: supplies.” Over the same period, govProof: ernment employees used taxpayer dollars to the tune of $1.6 million at coffee shops, $387,210.14 at framing stores, $278,053.46 at florists and nurseries and $70,849.02 at donut bakeries. Other dubious expenditures found by

“Transparency and openness help root out wasteful spending and we welcome this scrutiny.” - Roy Blunt NTU include $936.75 spent at The Corsage Shop, $232 at Doris’ Beauty Shop, $1,651.27 at The Jean Shop, $348.70 at the Budget Rose Shop, $6,964.55 at Susie’s Bake Shoppe and $3,803 at the Westside Barber Shop. In 2000, $12 was spent at Ann’s Hair & Nail Shop for “other professional services.” Then Gov. Matt Blunt responded by asking the state’s Office of Administration to review the expenditures. The Administration found that the Ann’s Bra Shop of issue: purchases were legitimateDate Department of Client: Corrections expenses for special-needs products for female inmates in Missouri’s Size: prison system. Colors: “This is exactly what we expected and Pictures: envisioned when we created the MAP site,” Blunt said in a press release. “TransparLogos: ency and openness help root out wasteful spending and we welcomeCopy: this scrutiny.”

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28 I




United Services raises funds at its annual dinner auction United Services 26th annual dinner was given to Teresa Godar, of Mueller, auction, held Aug. 28, at the Columns Prost, PC, who has chaired the auction’s in St. Charles, raised more than $72,000. Blue Ribbon Committee for a number of The proceeds of the event will be used to years, working to ensure the success of the enhance preschool and therapy programs event each year. The agency began offering therapy provided to more than 1,155 students this services in 1975 to a handful of children school year. Jeanne Palombo, development manager and built its first site in St. Peters in the at United Services said, “We are blessed late 1980s. In the years that followed, to live in such a generous and supportive contracts with area school districts to community. The contributions of so many serve their students ages 3 to 5 years with businesses and individuals have enabled the developmental delays increased the school’s agency to meet many of the programmatic population tremendously. United Services and equipment needs that otherwise would expanded its services to include extended care and began an inclusive program in the not have been funded in our budget.” Each year the agency recognizes an 1990s. With continued population growth outstanding supporter by presenting the in the county, the agency’s board decided Jane Crider award at the auction. This to expand its facilities and built a second year’s recipient was Tom Wootten. location in Dardenne Prairie which opened Wootten has served on the Endowment in August 2004. Beginning in August 2010, United for United Services Board for a number of years and has contributed his time and Services once again expanded its services talents whenever asked. In addition, this to include preschool students in Warren year’s Volunteer of the Year recognition County. *1.9% on all new 2010 Acura MDX models for 48-60 months with approved credit, certain restrictions apply. Ends Nov. 1, 2010

O’FALLON BUDGET, from page 16 to do this job.” Because sales taxes are down, property tax assessments are depreciating and there is an overall malaise of funding in the city, the O’Fallon City Council agreed earlier this year to also hold wage increases this year for city employees, including those in the Police Department. “If there is a disagreement (on the meaning of the freeze), maybe we need to go with a budget resolution,” Haney said. Haney said he has the utmost trust that the city administrator can make the decision to replace an open position, but, he said he believes the issue should be clarified among council members and the city administration. Councilman Bob Howell, Ward 4, said

he used to get constant e-mails when there was an opening in the city, but understood no replacements would be hired. “We’re trying to do everything we can to spend the citizen’s dollars efficiently, and the more information we get, the better,” Howell said. Riesberg said he would provide at a future meeting an overview of staff that has left, and which have been replaced. Haney said he would like to see staffing levels over five years. Haney said he doesn’t care who or why someone left, it’s the position, the number of employees that left and the number replaced, and why we felt they needed to be replaced. Hennessy said once numbers are received, the council would have to decide what to do next.

*0.9% on all new 2010 Acura TL models for 48-60 months with approved credit, certain restrictions apply. Ends Nov. 1, 2010

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Automotive Showcase

Jim Trenary adds fun to car shopping By Amy Armour Buying a new car doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. At Jim Trenary Chevrolet buying a car is fun. “We make buying fun. We try and make it real easy,” said Jack Gonzales, general manager of Jim Trenary Chevrolet. “We don’t come in and ‘it’s down to business’ right away. We make it easy (to find a car) and the best buying experience for the customer.” Making the car buying experience fun has worked well for the car dealership. Gonzales said the company has a terrific repeat referral rate. “When times are really good, we really take care of people. We don’t want to sell customers one car. We want to sell customers the rest of their cars,” Gonzales said. “When times are tough, they come back to us.” Jim Trenary opened his first store in St. Charles in 1993. The Jim Trenary Chevrolet Pre-owned center remains in St. Charles on First Capitol. The O’Fallon location, at 510 Auto Mall Drive near

Jim Trenary Chevrolet 501 Auto Mall Drive • O’Fallon, MO 63368 636-946-6300 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Sat., 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. www.jimtrenary.com

the Hwy. 40 and Technology Drive intersection, opened three-and-a-half years ago. The car dealership also has locations in Troy and Union, Mo. Jim Trenary Chevrolet in O’Fallon offers both new Chevrolets, as well as a great selection of pre-owned cars. Customers can choose from Cobalt, Aveo, Malibu, Impala, Camaro, Corvette, HHR, Equinox, Traverse, Tahoe, Suburban, Colorado or Avalanche. And now is a great time to buy a car. Customers looking to purchase a new Chevrolet Silverado truck are in luck. Jim Trenary Chevrolet is now offering $5,000 in rebates or zero- Jack Gonzales is ready to help make car shopping fun. percent financing for 72 months for Silverados, which range from the half-ton to one-ton trucks. Car shoppers looking for a faster ride can check out on the cars have extensive training. the Camaro. Gonzales said Jim Trenary Chevrolet is the “You have a certified technician working on your car top seller of Camaro in both the St. Louis and Midwest when you bring it in,” Gonzales said. Many of the employees at Jim Trenary Chevrolet have regions. Despite a tough economy last year, Gonzales said all been with the company for many years. “Jim’s a very comthree Jim Trenary new car locations exceeded Chevro- passionate person,” Gonzales said. “He’s very personable let’s objectives. He attributed the success of last year to and he really cares about people. He cares about the people hard work and excellent relationships with suppliers who who work for him and he cares about the (customers).” Jim Trenary is active in the community as well. trimmed costs. “Jim was the main sponsor for the Friends of Kids with Training is also a big part of the success at Jim Trenary Chevrolet. All of the employees are GM trained. Sales Cancer golf tournament,” Gonzales said. And he remains people are GM certified and extremely knowledgeable active in the nonprofit, he said.For more information about about the vehicles they sell. And the mechanics working Jim Trenary Chevrolet, visit www.jimtrenary.com.

GRAND OPENING Lunch Special Roll

Express Bowl

Served with One Drink 11 - 2pm

California Roll Tuna Roll Salmon Roll Spicy Tuna Spicy Salmon Philadelphia Roll Eel Avocado Eel Cucumber Veggie Roll Shrimp Tempura

Any Two Rolls $8 Any Three Rolls $12

Chicken Bowl ......................................... $5.25 Shrimp Bowl .......................................... $5.95 Steak Bowl ............................................. $5.65 Eel Bowl ................................................. $8.95

Japanese shrimp dumpling

Gyoza (6) ............................................... $5.00 Pan fried Japanese dumpling

Miso Soup ............................................. $1.75 Udon Soup............................................. $6.95 Tempura Udon Soup ............................... $9.50


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Fire Dragon Roll ............................ $9.50


Rainbow Roll................................. $8.95


Sashimi Roll.................................. $7.95


Asian Roll ..................................... $9.95


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Teriyaki Chicken...................................... $4.25 Teriyaki Beef ........................................... $4.55 Teriyaki Shrimp ...................................... $4.95

Special Rolls

Yellowtail Roll ................................ $4.50 Tuna Roll....................................... $4.25 Veggie Roll .................................... $3.95 California Roll................................ $4.25 Spicy Tuna Roll.............................. $4.75 Salmon Roll .................................. $4.25 Spicy Salmon Roll ......................... $4.75 Eel Cucumber Roll ......................... $5.25 Futomaki ....................................... $5.25 veggie crab meat, wrapped in rice & seaweed

Served with Fried Rice or White Rice and Veg.


Philadelphia Roll ........................... $5.25

Teriyaki Chicken...................................... $5.75 Teriyaki Beef ........................................... $6.25 Teriyaki Shrimp ...................................... $6.50 Teriyaki Salmon ........................................$.50 Teriyaki Chicken and Shrimp ................... $7.25 Teriyaki Chicken, Steak and Shrimp ......... $9.25


Shrimp Tempura Roll ..................... $5.75


New York Roll................................ $7.95


Bayridge Roll*............................... $6.50


Great Kiss Roll* ............................ $6.95


Crazy Dragon Roll ......................... $7.50


Ohio Roll....................................... $7.50


Yummi Roll ................................... $8.50


Dancing Eel Roll* .......................... $7.95


King Crab Roll* ............................. $9.50


Toky Roll* ..................................... $8.50


Christmas Tree Roll........................ $8.95

salmon, avocado & cream cheese

tempura shrimp, cucumber & Japanese mayo


Osaka Roll .................................... $7.95 tuna, yellowtail, scallion, avocado & massago


Volcano Roll .................................. $6.95 spicy tuna, avocado crunch & massago

California roll wrapped w. tuna, salmon & white fish

Mexican Roll ................................. $5.95

(5-8 Pieces Per Order)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

tempura shrimp, eel, massago, avocado & cucumber


Kid’s Plates (10 Under) Served with White Rice or Fried Rice with Veg.

Appetizers Harumaki Roll (Egg Roll) (2) .................. $3.00 Edamame............................................... $3.75 Shrimp Shumai (8) ................................ $5.00


Served over Steam Rice

tuna, lettuce, jalapeno, green onion, mayo massago

tuna, crab meat, salmon, avocado, cucumber & massago

king crab, California roll wrapped w. tuna & spicy sauce salmon, avocado & masago

Tuna, salmon, crab meat, cucumber wrapped w. soy bean paper king crab meat, avocado wrapped w. tuna & eel


Tokyo Roll ..................................... $12.95 shrimp tempur w. spicy tuna on top

salmon, asparagus, cream cheese, massago & mayo lightly deep fired cooked yellowtail, scallion, massago, Japanese mayo & cucumber California roll wrapped w. eel & avocado spicy salmon wrapped w. tuna

tuna, salmon, yellowtail w. cream cheese & mayo sauce

Avocado, massago, cream cheese & cucumber wrapped w. eel king crab meat, tobiko avocado & cucumber & Japanese mayo salmon, yellowtail & cream cheese lightly deep fried tuna, yellowtail, scallion, avocado & massago

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Com mu n it y Event s ENTERTAINMENT


Illusionist Thomas Rudebeck will perform at 10:30 a.m. on Sun., Sept. 19, at CrossHaven Church, located in Prairie View Elementary School on Feise Road in O’Fallon. For more information, visit CrossHavenChurch.com or call 327-5217. • • • Performances of “The Sunshine Boys” will be held at 8 p.m. on Sept. 23, 25, 30 and Oct. 2; and at 2 p.m. on Sept. 26 and Oct. 3 at B’Nai Torah’s Aliyah Theater located at 1701 Saint Peters Howell Road in St. Peters. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors. Group rates are available for parties of 10 or more. Additional information is available at aliyahtheater.com or by calling 922-0223.

Center Stage Theatre of St. Charles Community College will present “See How They Run” at 8 p.m. on Wed., Sept. 29 through Sat. Oct. 2; at 10 a.m. on Thurs., Sept. 30; and at 2 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 3, at the Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building Theater on the St. Charles Community College campus. The cost is $7 for general admission, $5 for college students/ seniors and free for SCC students with ID. For more information, call 922-8050.

ART FAIR Art Fair on the Meadows at Lake Saint Louis will be held Sept. 24 through Sept. 26 at the Meadows in Lake Saint Louis. The work of 20 award winning artists will be on display. The Art Fair is open from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m., Fri., Sept. 24; from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., Sat., Sept. 25; and noon until 4 p.m., Sun., Sept. 26. The Art Fair on the Meadows at Lake Saint Louis is free to the public. For more information visit artfaironthemeadows.com or themeadowsatlsl.com, or call 293-6864.

Fall for Cinnamon Dipped Apples!

• • • St. Alphonsus Ligouri Rock “Voices of Praise Choir” will perform at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 24, in the Grand Hall of the Foundry Art Centre, 520 N. Main Center in St. Charles. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased by calling 255-0270. Group reservations are recommended. • • • The St. Louis Chamber Chorus will perform at 3 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 3, at St. Mary of Victories Catholic Church, 744 S. Third Street in St. Louis. General admission tickets are $27 and students are $10. To purchase tickets visit chamberchorus. org or call 458-4343.



The Crescendo Concert Series of Saint Charles County will host a concert at 3 p.m. on Sun., Sept. 19, at Saint Charles Presbyterian Church, 131 Gamble Street. The concert will feature The Cumberland Wind Quintet, combining flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and horn in an enjoyable style marked by humor. Prior to the concert, Nancy Rubenstein, Ph.D. will speak on the history of the performance music. Individual tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students. Tickets may be purchased at the door for cash or check, or in advance by mail by sending a self-addressed envelope and check made payable to Crescendo Concert Series to P. O. Box 1613, St. Charles, MO 63302-1613. For more information, call Beth at 724-8270.

“Luncheon for Life,” a Fall Garden Party with Our Lady’s Inn, will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 16, at Wine Country Gardens, 2711 South Hwy. 94 in Defiance. The cost of the luncheon is $25 and proceeds will benefit the maternity shelter. Dave Glover from 97.1 Talk Radio will be the special guest. Reservations are required and can be made by visiting ourladysinn.org or calling Betsy at Our Lady’s Inn at 398-5375. • • • “Spa Evening for the House” will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mon., Sept. 20, at American Image Salon & Spa, 13385 Olive in Chesterfield. Choose a spa treatment for $50 and proceeds will benefit Ronald McDonald Charities. For more informa-

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tion, call Theresa at 314-517-1984. • • • “Wine and Dine for Kids” will be held from 5:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 23. The event will transport individuals from the St. Charles Convention Center through Missouri’s beautiful wine country to Wine Country Gardens for drinks, dinner and entertainment. Proceeds will support the work of the Give Kids A Smile organization. The cost to attend is $85 per person and includes wine tasting, appetizers, a wine and beer bar, dinner, entertainment and transportation. Call 397-6453 to make a reservation. • • • A Spooktacular Trivia Night will be held at 7 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 5701 Hwy. N in Cottleville. The cost is $160 for a table of eight or $20 per person. The cost includes trivia, soda and beer. The proceeds will benefit the dance team at Fort Zumwalt South. For more information call Lisa Tedder 314-348-0199 or Joey Perry 314412-5488.

AUDITION Auditions for the St. Charles County Youth Orchestra (SCCYO) will be held on Sept. 18 at the Living Word Christian School at 1145 Tom Ginnever Ave. in O’Fallon. SCCYO has openings for all levels of trombones, French horn and tuba. For more information, call 916-0515 or visit sccyo.org.

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prime. Your guide to the area’s finest new homes


34 I prime. Your guide to new homes


Own the


Fall Build Program

$10,000.00 OFF All BAse Prices $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 off all total options with no restrictions on options you choose. INVENTORIES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE IN



1 1/2 Story former display, with walk out basement, deck, wood floors, wrought iron spindles, stone fireplace, loft area, main floor master bedroom, and a craftsman style front elevation. Sprinkler sytem and alarm system as well.

Lot #35 is a 2 story ready to move in. A walk out lot, wood floors on entire main level, 2nd level laundry room, stone craftsman style front.


at this price homes are being discounted by over $25,000.00!!!!

Falcon Crest

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Fall into savings at Helmut Weber’s unique Falcon Crest Fall is not only when we change our clocks back from Daylight Savings Time, it’s also a great time to save at Falcon Crest by Helmut Weber Construction! “We’re offering all buyers the opportunity to build a new home with some great discounts,” said Sales Manager Sheila Knutson. “First, homebuyers get $10,000 off the base price across the board on any model. Second, buyers have their choice of $10,000 in free options.” But that’s not all, she said. “We’re waiving all lot premiums including those lots that back to treelines or woods. And we have several choice homesites still to choose from.” Despite the slowest housing marketing in years, Falcon Crest has experienced a strong sales pace. “That’s because buyers can see the difference in the quality construction, extensive standard features, choice location, unique Craftsman Design and just so much for their dollar,” Knutson said. Falcon Crest is not only remarkable for its Craftsman styling, but also for the extensive standard features in each home. Some of those include: wood entry foyer, nickel door hardware, built-in microwave vented to the outside, all-Maytag energy efficient appliances including (black on black or white on white) and smooth top stove, decorative glass panel front door and sidelite, ridge vent in roof and Tyvek Wrap and R-38 Attic Insulation for maximum energy efficiency, Craftsman-style mailbox, water line for ice maker and sump pump installed, pest shield, maple cabinetry, single-lever faucets, “prairie” grids in front windows and carriage-style garage doors, vinyl enclosed soffit and fascia. Each

home is also wired for two coachlights, garage door opener and ceiling lights in bedrooms. New home buyers can choose from two-panel or six-panel interior doors and 3¼- or 4 ¼-inch base and trim. Every yard is completely sodded with a 10-by-10foot patio and street tree. The ranch plan includes a vaulted great room ceiling and the two-story plan includes an upper level laundry room. “Most other builders call our standard features options,” noted Knutson. Falcon Crest has a unique and quaint feel that sets it apart from all the others. With just one builder and the personal attention given to every home they build, Falcon Crest is a step above all the rest, yet with out the price tag. With cooler more comfortable weather now back, home owners are again enjoying the walking trails that are fully landscaped with sprinkler systems and resting benches. “The covered pavilion that is complete with picnic tables, grill, shuffleboard and horseshoes is once again filled with families and friends enjoying nature a few steps out there door. The pond with its aerator fountain attracts all ages, including wildlife looking for a cool drink,” she said. “One way in and one way out of this community nested in an alcove of trees could not be more inviting to any home owner.” Helmut Weber invites you to Falcon Crest to compare the value and price to other builders out there. To visit Falcon Crest take Highway 40 to Highway K, or I-70 to right on Main Street (K turns into Main Street when you cross over I-70). Go left on Civic Park Drive to right on Emge. Follow Emge back to left into Falcon Crest. Call 636-379-2009.

Your guide to new homes prime.  I 35


prime.time by KEVIN WEAKS

Is this a breather or a double dip? Seems like Washington has a bureau for everything. The most important one right now is the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) which announced that the growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter went down from 2.4% to 1.6% percent. What that means in laymen’s terms is that there is now a greater possibility of the economy suffering a double-dip recession, although most economists continue to believe that this won’t happen. Traditionally, housing has been the engine that pulls the economy back on track. Locally, the phones continue to ring at Gershman Mortgage where borrowers can still get an adjustable rate loan at 3.25%. The national average rate for a 30-year fixed loan was still a friendly 4.35% last week. These record low rates and falling home

prices have made housing more affordable than 20 or 30 years, but this good news has had little effect on sales. TThe bottom line, though - and you’ve heard it before - right now really is the ideal time to buy a new home. Here’s what else is happening: Thomas & Suit Homes, whose Wyndgate Forest keeps drawing rave reviews from buyers, is now expanding to Sommers Landing and the Enclave at Sommers Pointe, both on Highway N just south of Highway 40. Prices start in the $270’s. With the Sommers openings, Thomas & Suit is introducing six new floor plans ranging from 1,800 to more than 3,300 square feet. Or, if you prefer, Thomas & Suit will build any home from its extensive design portfolio currently being built at Wyndgate Forest. One of the

new models called the Alberta is under construction at the Enclave at Sommers Pointe. The 2,225-square-foot great room design features a private master suite away from other two bedrooms, hearth room and even an “Electronic Drop Zone” an area directly off the garage with spots for charging laptops and cell phones. Thomas & Suit has homesites available at Wyndgate Forest in O’Fallon, Sommers Landing and the Enclave at Sommers Pointe in Lake St. Louis, and Boulder Ridge in Wentzville. Visit www.tshomes.net, or call 636-5612120. To reach the central sales office at Wyndgate Forest take Highway 40 to south on Highway N 1.5 miles. With the weather beginning to change, you can “fall” into some great savings at Falcon Crest by Helmut Weber Construction. Puns aside, buyers have the opportunity to build a new home with some great discounts, said Sales Manager Sheila Knutson. “First, homebuyers get $10,000 off the base price across the board on any model. Second, buyers have their choice of $10,000 in free options.” Falcon Crest, on Emge Road off Civic Park Drive in O’Fallon, features homes with Craftsman styling for an authentic Americana ambience. Call Sheila Knutson at 636-379-2009 for details or visit www.hwcstlcom. McKelvey Homes’ success during the worst recession in our country’s history

made it the subject of a feature article this month in Nation’s Building News, the online weekly newspaper of the National Association of Home Builders. McKelvey is the only local builder able to increase its home sales in 2009, an achievement that President Jim Brennan attributes to conservative business practices, an established reputation for quality and the ability to adapt quickly to changing demand. “McKelvey is now on track to double its home sales this year and make significant headway in digging out of the worst housing downturn in generations,” the article stated. McKelvey is celebrating a “grand opening weekend” with new displays at four communities. Still celebrating its 40th birthday, Greater Missouri Builders is offering savings up to $75,000 on inventory homes and a whopping $99,000 on a former display, reports Sales Manager Kim Whalen. At Fountain Plaza in Ellisville, GMB has a 2,000-square-foot ranch with two bedrooms, two baths, a gourmet kitchen and hearth room with see-through fireplace for $420,000, a savings of $74,478. Call 314581-5944 for information about it and other inventory homes. GMB also is celebrating the grand opening of Grover Crossing is opening this Sunday, Sept. 19. The community is near Wildwood and its Town Center at Manchester and Brown roads.

36 I prime. Your guide to new homes


The UlTimaTe New home GUide

prime. Your guide to the area’s finest new homes

Next Issue 10.13.10 Call (636) 591-0010 to advertise



I 37

Fuijyama Grill & Sushi brings flavors of Japan to O’Fallon By SUZANNE CORBETT Fujiyama is more than Japan’s highest mountain; it is among the country’s most recognizable national symbols, a fact Benny Qiu decided to embrace when choosing a name for his new O’Fallon restaurant. “When you see Fujiyama, there’s no mistake it’s Japanese,” Benny Qiu, owner of Fujiyama Grill & Sushi, said. “That’s why I named my restaurant Fujiyama; so everyone will know that the kind of food we serve is Japanese.” Qiu’s focus for Fujiyama is simple – to provide quality Japanese food that is prepared fresh and served fast, a unique concept for a cuisine that is not typically associated with speed. Yet, at Fujiyama, such service is provided daily. When asked what sets Japanese food apart from other styles of Asian cuisine, Qiu said, “Japanese cooking is fragrant and full of flavor, especially when it’s made with homemade sauces and fresh ingredients.” Qiu takes special pride in Fujiyama’s house-made teriyaki sauce, which, from start to finish, takes 12 hours to achieve the correct flavor balance. “It takes two hours to make the sauce,” Qiu said. “That’s why it tastes so good. It takes time to do it right. The same

Fujiyama Grill & Sushi 8632 Mexico Road at Hwy. K • O’Fallon (636) 281-1888 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Mon. – Sat.; 12 p.m. – 9 p.m. on Sun.

is true for sushi, which takes five years of experience to master.” Fujiyama’s master sushi chefs offer an impressive repertoire with 31 different sushi rolls listed on the menu, including classic sushi combinations such as the Yellowtail Roll, the California Roll, the Philadelphia Roll and the Shrimp Tempera Roll. Also among the list are items such as the Crazy Dragon Roll (a California roll wrapped with eel and avocado) and the Christmas Tree Roll (tuna, yellowtail, scallion, avocado and masago, Japanese-style caviar). Fujiyama’s most creative sushi rolls are found written on white paper and taped to the front of the order counter. There, at least a dozen more off-the-menu sushi specials are available from which to choose. New inventive combinations are created weekly. “The NY Giant Roll is very popular along with the Cardinal Roll,” Qiu said. For the Rams fans, there is a Rams Roll (fried crab meat with cream cheese and avocado, topped with shrimp and spicy mayo). Also to be enjoyed is the teriyaki grill, placed in full view for patrons to watch while their teriyaki order is cooked. Fujiyama Grill & Sushi Owner Benny Qiu. Teriyaki entrees are served with fried or white rice and a vegetable. If patrons are not hungry for a full meal, an Express Bowl is recommended, which includes white rice The amazing food is not the only thing to enjoy. An topped with the choice of teriyaki-grilled meat. assortment of decorative Japanese calligraphy hangs on Smaller plate options include appetizers and salads. Top the wall for inspiration. picks are the edamame, gyoza (Japanese-style, pan-fried “Those mean opportunity and hope,” Qiu said, translatdumplings), the seaweed salad or a simple house salad ing the meaning of the calligraphy. “I hope everyone will tossed with Fujiyama’s own ginger dressing. have the opportunity to come to Fujiyama and eat often.”

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