24 I summer camps & opportunities I
Lou Fusz Soccer Club PARTICIPATE IN ST LOUIS’ PREMIER SUMMER SOCCER CAMP O'Fallon Sports Park - O'Fallon Youth Camp Weeks - Boys & Girls Ages 5-14 June 27 - 30 • 6 pm - 8 pm July 18 - 21 • 9 am - 11 am
Dos and don’ts of homesickness
Youth Camp Weeks - Boys & Girls Ages 5-14 June 6 - June 10 and Aug 1 - Aug 5
SPORTPORT - Maryland Heights Youth Camp Weeks - Boys & Girls Ages 5-14 June 20 - 24 and July 18 - July 22
Youth Goalkeeping Weeks Ages 9 - 14 June 20 - June 24 and July 18 - July 22
9-11:45 am ($115) or 9-3 pm ($230)
ALL CAMPERS RECEIVE A T-SHIRT MEALS: Lunch provided at “All Day Camps” Only.
Additional Camp Locations listed on our website Mini-Camp Available for $80 • visit website for locations & details
Apply Online or download application off website at www.loufuszsoccer.com or by calling 314-628-9341 e-mail us at: martypike@loufuszsoccer.com Spring Training Program starting in April
Andrews AcAdemy We encourage children to maximize their intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth by offering an advanced curriculum in a traditional setting. Daily math, reading and science activities are part of our camp program.
summer cAmp now enrolling ContaCt : 636-561-7709 or nmanco@andrewsacademy.com Currently enrolling grades Kindergarten - 8
1701 Feise Road • Lake Saint Louis
(636) 561-7709
For many kids attending camp this summer, the time away from home will be the first significant separation from their families they have experienced. Research has shown that that homesickness is normal and certainly not a reason to avoid taking advantage of the adventures and the opportunities for growth and independence that summer camp provides. The American Camp Association (ACA) recommended the following tips for dealing with homesickness: • Do encourage independence throughout the year. Practice separations, such as sleep-overs at a friend’s house, can simulate the camp environment. • Do involve your child in the process of choosing a camp. The more that the child
owns the decision, the more comfortable the child will feel being at camp. • Do understand the camp’s philosophy on how issues like homesickness are addressed. Talk candidly with the camp director to understand his/her perspective on your child’s adjustment. • Do discuss what camp will be like before your child leaves. Consider roleplaying anticipated situations, such as using a flashlight to find the bathroom. • Do reach an agreement ahead of time regarding calling each other. If your child’s camp has a no-phone-calls policy, honor it. • Do send a note or care package ahead of time to arrive the first day of camp. Acknowledge, in a positive way, that you will miss your child. For example, you can say, “I am going to miss you, but I know that you will have a good time at camp.” • Do pack a personal item from home, such as a stuffed animal. • Don’t bribe. Linking a successful stay at camp to a material object sends the wrong message. The reward should be your child’s new-found confidence and independence.