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I opinion I 3
EDUCATIONAL POLICY CONFERENCE 23 January 26-28, 2012 at Hilton St. Louis Frontenac, 1335 S. Lindbergh
Republican Voters’ Choices
No one seems to be really happy with this year’s field of Republican candidates for that party’s presidential nomination – except perhaps the Democrats. The sudden rise, and equally sudden fall, of a succession of Republican front-runners is just one sign of the dissatisfaction of the Republican voters with this field of candidates. In this, as in many other aspects of life, we can only make our choice among the options actually available. So Republican voters who want to be realistic need to understand that they are going to end up with qualms and nagging doubts about whomever they pick this time. Not all voters want to be realistic, of course. Some voters, whether Democrats, Republicans or independents, treat elections as occasions to vent their emotions, rather than as a process to pick someone into whose hands to place the fate of the nation. People who think this way tend to vote for someone they just happen to like, whether for personal or ideological reasons, and regardless of whether that candidate has any realistic chance of being elected. The surprising support in the polls for Congressman Ron Paul seems to be of this sort. But does anyone seriously want to put the fate of this nation in the hands of a man who can casually brush aside the danger of nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of international terrorism? Barring some astonishing surprise, the contest for the Republican nomination for president boils down to Mitt Romney versus Newt Gingrich. It is doubtful whether either of them is anyone’s idea of an ideal candidate or a model of consistency. The fact that each of the short-lived frontrunners in the Republican field gained that position by presenting themselves as staunch conservatives suggests that Republican voters may have been trying to avoid having to accept Mitt Romney, whose record as governor of Massachusetts produced nothing that would be regarded as a serious conservative achievement. Romney’s own talking point that he has been a successful businessman is no reason to put him into a political office, however much it may be a reason for him to become a successful businessman again. Perhaps the strongest reason for some
voters to support Governor Romney is that the smart money says he is more “electable” than the other candidates in general and Newt Gingrich in particular. But there was a time when even some conservative smart money types were saying that Ronald Reagan was too old to run for president, and that he should step aside for someone younger. Washington Post Editor Meg Greenfield said that the people in the Carter White House were “ecstatic” when the Republicans nominated Reagan, because they were convinced that they could clobber him. Today, it is said that the Obama administration fears Romney, but would relish the opportunity to clobber Gingrich because of his “baggage.” CNN has already started digging into Gingrich’s most recent divorce. Much depends on whether you think the voting public is going to be more interested in Newt Gingrich’s personal past than in the country’s future. Most of the things for which Gingrich has been criticized are things he did either in his personal life or when he was out of office. But, if we are serious, we are more concerned with his ability to perform when in office. Even some of those who believe that Gingrich would devastate Obama in headto-head debates on substantive issues nevertheless claim that all Obama has to do is come back with questions about Newt’s work for failed mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac. But, even at the personal, point-scoring level, Barack Obama can open up a can of worms by going that route, since Freddie Mac at least never planted bombs in public places, like some of Obama’s political allies. There are no guarantees, no matter whom the Republicans vote for in the primaries. Why not vote for the candidate who has shown the best track record of accomplishments, both in office and in the debates? That is Newt Gingrich. With all his shortcomings, his record shows that he knows how to get the job done in Washington.
© 2011
In the next year Americans must decide SOVEREIGNTY (personal and moral responsibility) or SUBMISSION (dependency and the Nanny State)
SPECIAL RATE ... Entire Conference $300 (includes 30 speakers & meals) $199 for first time attendees, if purchased by 1/17/12)
Friday Dinner with Keynote Speaker $65 Dr. Ben Carson, renowned neurosurgeon at John Hopkins and author of Take the Risk For a complete list of speakers or to purchase tickets visit: or call 636-386-1789
84th District Residents Let Don Gosen 84th District State Representative know your opinion on current issues
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TOWN HALL MEETING with Don Gosen 84th District State Representative Tuesday, March 13 • 6:30pm Daniel Boone Library 300 Clarkson Rd. • Ellisville “An informed Citizenry is the only true repository of the public will.” –Thomas Jefferson
letters to the editor Apology to Lafayette band parents, widening Hwy. 109
to the manager. She was very polite and understanding; an employee promptly positioned the flag to half-staff. On my trip To the Editor: east on Manchester Road, I observed a flag I offer my apology to anyone who was at full-staff at the PNC Bank just west of offended when I stepped up to the micro- Holloway Road, and the huge flagpole on phone prior to the Lafayette band concert the hill behind the Ballwin/West County on Dec. 8 and passionately discussed the EMS just east of Holloway Road. A teleproposed Hwy. 109 expansion project. phone call to the city of Ballwin revealed There were no others involved in this that this flagpole is operated by ATT. action, and I would not have done this had While this is not my job, the approach of I realized that any attendee or the Lafayette Pearl Harbor Day was very well covered High School would find my actions offen- in the news media, and I do not understand sive. The Lafayette bands have many great how people would not have known. And instructors, students and parents involved yes, my flagpole was at half-staff. in their program. John Klay Most of you have heard about the plans Ballwin for a Hwy. 109 construction project between Clayton Road and Hwy. 100. There is no End of a mistake question that twice a day, during morning To the Editor: and evening rush hours, traffic backs up Nov. 11, 1918. Aug. 14, 1945. Dec. 20, in these areas. Also, drivers coming out 2011. At least some would know that the of Pond Grover Loop and Lafayette trails first two dates marked the end of World have difficulty entering 109 safely. War I and World War II. Parades in virtuHowever, what citizens of Wildwood ally every large city and small town celshould ask about the proposed construc- ebrated our national pride and the return of tion is how they arrived at the two-lane our troops. roundabout/ four-lane road solution. What So where are the parades (marking) the other options were considered? Did they end to the Iraqi War, to celebrate victory consider a sensor stoplight at Pond Grover and to acknowledge the accomplishments Loop? Why four lanes versus two lanes? of our troops? Where are the two-inch high Does the Missouri Department of Trans- headlines in our newspapers trumpeting portation (MoDOT) have plans to expand victory? this widening of 109 from I-44 to WildAfter nine years, 1.5 million participating horse Creek or beyond? How will the four service members and approximately 4,500 proposed lanes be integrated/merged into killed, the U.S. simply turned out the lights the two lanes on both ends of the construc- and sneaked out of Iraq. Even bravadotion (the bridge over Hwys. 100 and 109 prone politicians gave little acknowledgenorth of Clayton)? None of these questions ment to the end of our nation’s longest war. are addressed on MoDOTs “fact sheet” for And like Vietnam, another mistake comes the 109 project. to an inglorious end. Why? It is difficult to deny that Hwy. 109 can Perhaps now we’ll finally acknowledge be improved; the only question is if the that from the beginning, this effort was proposed solution is the best answer. As destined to fail. citizens of Wildwood, we should ask these The rationale for going to war was faulty, and other questions. If we don’t, who perhaps even fabricated. In the view of will? many in the international community, Angela Rapp Saddam Hussein was at least a tolerated Wildwood tyrant – not unlike a dozen other dictators still in power. Creating an Iraqi democracy was self-delusional. Our failure will Remembering Pearl Harbor again be highlighted when the now shaky, To the Editor: factional, dis-unified and minimally-funcYesterday was the 70th anniversary of tioning Iraqi government can’t maintain Dec. 7, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor. its own national security as exampled by Government and other organizations vol- growing insurrection. untarily lower their flags to half-staff to How will the U.S. government react? honor the thousands who lost their lives Are we prepared to give it another try? Is that day. I was very disappointed that in the world better off now than it was before? just a one-mile stretch of Manchester Road, Only history will tell. I observed three flags at full-staff. One, a Joseph M. Gravish restaurant in Ellisville, I entered and talked Wildwood
To the Editor: The significant final days of 2011 are falling behind us, and the boots are departing the ground in Iraq, leaving behind them a battalion of the dead. The flags flew and the bands played, but on the faces of those leaving was an un-erasable sadness as they knew that behind their backs they leave an ancient country but little changed by the blood of that lost battalion. But the American military did not die in vain. From the youngest recruit to the Joint Chief of Staff, they followed their orders as they were sworn to do. Their political leaders led them into a war where weapons of mass destruction were thought to menace our cities and terrorist organizations were thought to be nurtured. The military won the conventional war in a matter of weeks but then found themselves in the role of “occupying enemy forces” instead of “liberators.” Still they carried on because they were commanded by a government elected by the people, and in so doing set an example of service and commitment to duty unsurpassed in history. To the east in Afghanistan, their comrades are fighting the war against the true enemy of America – the Taliban and Al-Qaeda combination. Osama bin Laden launched his attacks from there, and the mullahs who had hijacked the Muslim religion promised the rewards of Allah to those who died killing the unbelievers. In its bloody history that land had seen the conquerors kill masses of people in an attempt to bring their leaders to defeat. By contrast, the American military responded to the attacks of the militants with restraint and under the concept of human rights, which is the hallmark of the American people. Tragically, the people of these regions have no concept of human rights, and it may be another century or two before a common people who understand and therefore can support the American way of life has evolved in Iraq and Afghanistan. The politicians spoke of “nation building,” but the military had to deal with history as it has always been in those lands. To the politicians falls the onus of the gross misjudgments and the heartbreaking casualty reports; to the military goes the honor of proving the greatness of the United States of America. They did not die in vain! Eugene K. Arnold Chesterfield
Double standard?
To the Editor: Could someone tell me when the United
States changed from a republic to a monarchy? President Obama pushed through an edict that states that government workers should cut down on travel that is not essential, but the first lady has decided at least three times that she can’t wait for the president to get to her vacation spot. Two times she and (her) entourage have gone to Hawaii, at an additional cost to the U.S. taxpayers of at least $100,000 per trip. She also couldn’t wait four hours for the president to get to Martha’s Vineyard. She reportedly said, “Let them eat lobster!” Okay, so I made that up. I have never in my 59 years seen a politician, much less a president, so disconnected with what the citizens are dealing with, and a great deal of the hardship (is) being caused by him. Enjoy your vacation, Mr. President (and Michelle). You only have a couple more on the taxpayers’ dime. Claude Kurtz Manchester
The people’s government
To the Editor: I am writing to express my frustration and exasperation toward our elected legislator and their staffs. Our state and federal legislators in both Jefferson City and Washington, D.C., have aides and staff members who are supposed to help resolve our issues and concerns. It has been my direct personal experience that these staffers are not polite, professional or positive. I have found many of these aides to be smug, hubristically arrogant, dismissive and condescending, and even hostile as well as combative. Don’t our hard-earned tax dollars pay for computers, telephones, office space and staffers’ salaries? … I wish to encourage all readers and staff of this publication to contact their elected legislators by mail, phone or email; perhaps Mo. State Representative Cole McNary, State Senator Jane Cunningham, Missouri’s U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (and) Claire McCaskill, or U.S. Congressman W. Todd Akin. Attempt to communicate with them and/ or their respective staffs about any issues that may be a concern of yours. A government of the people, for the people, by the people. Yes, I am confident I’ve read that somewhere before. Mark R. Bierman Chesterfield
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Not singing the Blues Since the winning of the World Series in the most unbelievable fashion by the Cardinals, St. Louis sports fans have had little to cheer about at the professional level. Bad news for the sports fan has been ongoing. Tony LaRussa rained on the parade announcing his retirement just one day after. Albert (It’s Not About the Money) Pujols left after being romanced in a 30-minute phone conversation with the Anaheim Angels’ owner. The Rams – a team that lost almost every game, could not provide a product worth watching, could not protect their $50 million quarterback and made us wonder when professional football would return to St. Louis – fired their coach and general manager after a dismal season. But, St. Louis sports fans, there is one team selling out, getting good television ratings and providing an exciting and winning product. The St. Louis Blues, those heartbreakers of hockey, the Stanley Cup winner wannabes of more than 45 years, finally have the makings of a winner. Now led by Ken Hitchcock – a crusty veteran and demanding coach, and managed by Doug Armstrong – a GM with an eye for talent and the nerve to pull the trig-
ger on a deal, the Blues are poised to make a run at the toughest trophy to win in sports. It’s been a long, long, time coming. But, now with what seems to be the right mix of experienced, hard-nosed veterans and skilled young players coupled with fantastic goaltending, the Blues are legitimate contenders. This is a character team, actually comprised of a cast of hard working men playing 60 minutes every night with the skill, grit and determination needed to win in the demanding National Hockey League. This team can do it all and finally has the depth needed to compete in a St. Louis Blues Jason Arnott upends Edmonton Oilers Ryan Jones in the first period at the Scottrade Center in St. league where injuries are Louis on January 5, 2012. UPI/Bill Greenblatt always a factor. St. Louis Blues have both. among St. Louis sports fans. Seems like They show up to play every night and If you haven’t paid much attention to the many fans have trashed their Pujols jersey make almost every game close and inter- Blues, you should. for a Perron or Oshie or Stewart Blues esting. They are at long last legit. And all of a jersey. Hockey is the one sport where, as the old sudden around town and around the water So, sports fans, there is some good news. saying goes, “will can beat skill,” and the cooler, they are a topic of conversation We’ve got the Blues.
Moving on up Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, a native of Ballwin, will become a cardinal on Feb. 18. Dolan, who is among 22 new cardinals named by Pope Benedict XVI, said in a statement: “Yes, I am honored, humbled, and grateful, … but let’s be frank. This is not about Timothy Dolan; this is an honor from the Holy Father to the Archdiocese of New York and to all our cherished friends and neighbors who call this great community home.” Dolan attended Holy Infant School in Ballwin from 1956-1964 and was ordained a priest in 1976. In 2009, Dolan he was named Archbishop of New York after serving since 2002 as Archbishop of Milwaukee. Dolan is the eighth Archbishop of New York to be named a Cardinal.
In QUOTES “… to assure that those at the lower end of the spectrum know that those at the higher end of the spectrum are subject to the same rules and enforcement as everyone else.” - Steven Miller, deputy IRS commissioner, commenting on the reason for higher IRS audit rates for the highest earning individuals.
“The redistricting plan could just as well be called the incumbent destruction plan.” - Rep. Tim Jones (R-Eureka), house majority leader and chairman of the House GOP campaign committee, on the redistricting of the Missouri House and Senate.
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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2011.
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million to the Public Works Department.
BALLWIN Do you bleed Blue? The annual St. Louis Blues American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. at eight area locations, including at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. While supplies last, everyone who attempts to donate will received a St. Louis Blues/American Red Cross T-shirt. Those who attempt to donate also will be entered into a drawing for Blues prizes, including game tickets and memorabilia. To donate blood, a person must be in good health, be at least 17 years old (16 years old with a Red Cross parental consent form) and meet height and weight requirements. Blood donors should bring a Red Cross donor card, valid driver’s license with a photo, or other form of official picture identification. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1 (800) 733-2767 or visit
CHESTERFIELD Early-bird special Early birds can catch a discount on 2012 season passes to the Chesterfield Family Aquatic Center. The Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Department now through March 31 is offer-
2012 city calendars
ing 10 percent off the resident and general (non-resident) rate for passes for a family of four. Season passes may be obtained or renewed at Chesterfield City Hall between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Early-bird special prices are $153 for a resident family of four, plus $10 for each additional resident family member and $306 for a non-resident family of four, plus $20 for each additional family member. A maximum of 100 non-resident passes will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
ELLISVILLE Budget approved The Ellisville City Council at its Dec. 21 meeting approved a balanced budget for fiscal year 2012. The estimated budgeted revenue for the upcoming year is $10.4 million, roughly 10.5 percent higher than the previous year. Most of all of the increase can be attributed to the capital improvement sales tax, which was approved by voters last spring and increased the city’s revenue by $964,000. The city expects to spend about $10.2 million in its 2012 fiscal year. Out of those funds, $2.1 million will be paid to the Ellisville Police Department and another $1.5
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As a cost-saving measure, Ellisville city calendars are not being mailed to all residents this year, but the city will provide a free calendar to any resident who wants one. Those wanting to receive a calendar by mail should call 227-9660. Residents also are welcome to pick up a calendar at City Hall, located at 1 Weis Ave.
Grant money for parks WILDWOOD Final Greenway Trail phase The Wildwood City Council voted to hire Site Development Engineering to develop and update final construction plans for Wildwood Greenway Trail. The city’s contract with Site Development Engineering is not to exceed $31,040. The project is expected to be completed by fall.
Frozen Feet The city of Wildwood will host the second annual Wildwood Frozen Feet Trail Run at 8 a.m. on Sat., Jan. 28, beginning and ending at LaSalle Springs Middle
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Trudy Hoey, chairman of the Municipal Parks Grant Commission of St. Louis County, has announced that the Commission has awarded park improvement grants totaling more than $3 million to 18 municipalities in St. Louis County for Round 12 funding. Projects in West County slated to receive funds include: • Chesterfield – Family Aquatic Center spray ground expansion, $90,000 • Eureka – Lion’s Park concession stand renovation, $232,000 • Wildwood – Packwood Park Nature Trail, $285,500 • Winchester – Reber Park Shelter, $109,805 This latest round, about 227 municipal grants totaling $32 million will have been
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News Br iefs
School, 3300 Hwy. 109. The 12-mile run will travel on several trails, including the Hamilton-Carr Greenway, Al Foster Memorial Trail, and the Rock Hollow Trail. The race is limited to 300 participants, and awards are given in various age groups. For more information and a registration form, visit
Connection complete Chesterfield city officials recently celebrated the completion of the Lydia Hill Drive extension project. The roadway, which formerly ended near the Chesterfield Family Aquatic Center just west of Chesterfield Chesterfield Mayor Bruce Gieger (holding scissors) is joined Mall, now connects by members of the Chesterfield City Council, city staff and Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce representatives for the with August Hill Drive official opening of the Lydia Hill extension. and ends at Baxter Road, thereby connecting Chesterfield Parkway to Baxter Road. Chesterfield Mayor Bruce Geiger said the connector road in the center part of the city will be a great asset to residents who live in the Baxter Road area and points west of there, as it will connect them to Chesterfield’s urban core. “The road was a vision of Louis Sachs and part of the overall plan for Chesterfield Village, and we are happy to see it completed,” Geiger said. Sachs, a longtime Chesterfield real estate developer and philanthropist, died in May of last year at the age of 83. Jeff Paskiewicz, civil engineer with the city of Chesterfield, managed the $1.56 million extension project, which was constructed by Kuesel Excavating Co. of O’Fallon, Mo., and was completed on time and under budget.
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funded since 2001. The Commission was created in 2000 to award grants to municipalities in St. Louis County after voters approved a 1/10-cent sales tax for municipal, county and regional parks and trails.
Carbon monoxide emergency At about 3 a.m. on Dec. 17, all was quiet at a home in the Monarch Fire Protection District until the beeping of a carbon monoxide detector shattered the calm. Instead of being a false alarm, the call that brought Monarch firefighters to the scene turned out to be the real thing. A check revealed 40 parts per million of carbon monoxide inside the home. According to Roger Herin, Monarch fire marshal, that level of exposure can produce headaches, sore eyes and a runny nose. Over a longer period or at higher levels, the colorless, odorless gas can be much more dangerous and even fatal. Herin said an inspection of the home’s heating equipment revealed a “downdrafting condition” in the flue, causing the gas from combustion to back up into the house. “Had it continued, it would have built up significantly and in a short amount of time,” Herin said. “Clearly, at 3 a.m., without the carbon monoxide alarm sounding, the occupants would not have awakened from sleep to know there was a problem and possibly may not have awakened at all.” Herin urged anyone without a work-
ing carbon monoxide detector to get one. Those who do have one should check the alarm’s battery. If the alarm is more than five years old, it should be replaced.
MISSOURI Traveler Information Map App The Missouri Department of Transportation has launched a smartphone application that allows users to check state road conditions from the palm of their hands. The Traveler Information Map App is available at both the iPhone App Store (for iPhone 3GS and above) and Android Marketplace and provides the latest information on road conditions, work zones, flooding and traffic incidents. The app offers the same information as its online big brother, the Traveler Information Map, but with the convenience people have come to expect from mobile devices. When the map loads, users see the entire state at a glance and can zoom in for a better view by tapping the screen on iPhones or using pan and zoom buttons on the Android version. Weather-related road conditions are loaded as a default, but users can view work zones and incidents by tapping the “Conditions” button and choosing their display options. Still shots of traffic are a viewable option for some routes. Radar images supplied by the National Weather Service are available also so travelers can keep an eye on changing weather conditions and plan travel accordingly.
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House and Senate redistricting draws criticism from legislators By JIM ERICKSON Many West County residents are in for a surprise when the 2012 election cycle gets underway. Some will find the state House of Representatives district in which they live no longer is what it now is. Others will discover the same holds true for their state Senate district, and there will be those who learn that both situations apply. It all is the result of recently completed redistricting based on the 2010 census. State law requires that boundaries for state House and Senate districts be redrawn to reflect population shifts. And while few dispute the necessity and value of examining and changing those lines so districts have approximately the same population, the new boundaries announced late in November are drawing considerable criticism. Some current office holders complain the new boundaries have created numerous districts that now have more than one incumbent and others where there are no incumbents. “The redistricting plan could just as well be called the incumbent destruction plan,” said Rep. Tim Jones (R-Eureka), the house majority leader and chairman of the House GOP campaign committee. “The judges declared war on the legislative branch,” Sen. Jane Cunningham (R-Chesterfield) said. “To draw so many incumbents into the same districts within a stone’s throw of their present area, or form a new empty district, had to be purposeful. It was also bipartisan, affecting both Republicans and Democrats.” House District 88 Rep. Andrew Koenig (R-Winchester) agreed. “My view … is that the judges are declaring bipartisan war on the legislature,” Koenig said. “They placed over 50 incumbents in with each other, and this was intentional. Looking at the district I was drawn into, all three of us (Reps. Sue Allen, Don Gosen and Koenig) were one block away from another district with two of these districts not having an incumbent in them.” In other instances, critics say district lines appear to give little or no regard to city boundaries, communities of interest and traditional dividing lines such as major roadways. Rep. Don Gosen (R-Chesterfield) cited as an example his hometown. With the new district lines, the city now is part of six House districts. “The fact that the redistricting doesn’t appear to favor any particular party is appropriate,” Gosen said, but I think the judges could have done a better overall job of taking into account demographics and community lines and still have met their constitutional responsibility. Chesterfield now will be represented by six different legislators, and it may seem great to have that many. But keep in mind that some 25 other communities will be sharing that representation.” The problem of multiple incumbents in a district is eased somewhat by election provisions saying an incumbent can run in 2012 for any of the seats in the county where he/she lives. If elected in a new district and wanting to run again in 2014, the person must move into that area in time to meet the standard residency requirement in the latter election. Jones said most of the multiple incumbent problems have been resolved but that the situation is “chaotic” and the new district lines are “bizarre.” He and other critics are directing their reaction to the plan drawn up by a panel of six appellate judges. The Missouri Constitution gives the redistricting task to two
bi-partisan commissions – one for the Senate and one for the House. The two groups were appointed last March by Gov. Jay Nixon based on nominations from the two major political parties. But when both commissions were unable to agree on plans for their respective chambers, the Missouri Supreme Court took the next constitutionally required step of appointing a judicial panel to do the job. The same thing happened after the 2000 census. This time, though, adverse reaction to the judges’ work has been widespread and bipartisan, especially in regard to the secretive nature of the panel’s deliberations and decisionmaking. The judges received public testimony on redistricting during a one-day hearing in October and then went behind closed doors for subsequent meetings to prepare the new plan. “If the redistricting had been an open, public process, I think it would have much better,” District 24 Sen. John Lamping (R-Ladue) said. “As it is, there has been no access to what information was considered in the judges’ decisions. The Office of Administration provided support to the judges, and since that office reports to Gov. Nixon, there’s an appearance of partisanship. This isn’t sour grapes on my part because, if anything, my new district is even more Republican than it now is. It’s just that the redistricting process was the exact opposite of transparent.” House District 82 Rep. Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur) said that while “the dividing lines that cut up communities” do not make sense in many instances, “it’s hard to argue about the overall results.” “I do think transparency in this kind of process is always important, and we definitely didn’t have that in this situation,” Schupp said. Western District Court of Appeals Judge Lisa White Hardwick, chair of the redistricting commission, announced early in the process that her colleagues on the panel did not think the group was required to adhere to requirements in the state’s Sunshine Law, which calls for posting notices of meetings held by public bodies and, with limited exceptions, holding discussions and making decisions in sessions open to the public. Although a legal adviser to the panel said the judicial commission is exempt from the Sunshine Law because the Missouri Constitution allows such groups to conduct closed meetings as needed, Jones and House Minority Leader Mike Talboy (D-Kansas City) have asked for all the panel’s records, including emails between the judges, staff members and outside parties. After submitting its maps for House and Senate districts late in November, the judicial panel less than two weeks later put forth a revised map of Senate districts. The new version came amid concerns and complaints that boundaries on the original map violated the Missouri Constitution by splitting smaller population counties into multiple Senate districts. While the new map eliminated three county splits, it also created a new one by dividing Lafayette County. The 2012 election cycle begins Feb. 28 with the candidate filing period for the Aug. 7 political party primaries. Filing runs through March 27. August primary winners will face off in November. See HOUSE AND SENATE, page 20
Finding your House and Senate districts By JIM ERICKSON Confused about who your state representative or senator is – or will be? The recent redistricting of the Missouri House and Senate has made things confusing, but there are tools available to address those questions and clarify the number of the Senate and House districts where you live. Starting with your current state Senate or House district, you can find that information by entering your nine-digit ZIP code into the legislator look-up tool, found at llookup/leg_lookup.aspx. It shows up under the Missouri Senate banner, but it lists both your Senate and House members and their respective district numbers, as well as your representative in the U.S. House. If you do not know your complete ZIP code, the site has a link to the U.S. Postal Service website to help you find it. Armed with information from the legislator look-up, you are ready to go to the interactive redistricting map posted on the Missouri Office of Administration website: redistricting/newlegislativedistricts/. Here, simply double-click on the St. Louis area a few times to zero in on the West County area, or any other you want. Do not forget to agree to the terms of usage when the map first comes up. Another suggestion: Cancel out the Map Legend tool that appears on the first map page and use the “More” drop-down menu in the upper right hand portion of the page instead. Click on “More” and then double-click on “Legislative districts” to give you a choice of displaying current House and/or Senate districts, new House and/ or Senate district boundaries under the redistricting, and where incumbents live. You also can click on “Census Place” to show how city boundaries fall within current or new districts. Hint: Don’t try to display more than one set of district boundaries on top of the city boundaries. It gets too confusing. With “Streets” activated, you can zero in on any subdivision or neighborhood and see the streets and roads in that area displayed. Click on “Topo” and you will see a topographic version of what’s on the screen, while “Aerial” gives you a satellite’s view of the terrain. Enlarge the map enough, look carefully and you probably can spot your home.
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Three former senior command officers of the Monarch Fire Protection District have sued the district charging they were wrongfully dismissed from their jobs. Plaintiffs are Leslie Crews, Cary Spiegel and Michael Davis, fired Nov. 19 in the wake of a Missouri Court of Appeals decision that affirmed judgments against Monarch in favor of two female firefighter/ paramedics who had brought a sexual discrimination suit against the district. The lawsuit alleges Monarch legal counsel Chuck Billings told Crews and Spiegel they were being dismissed because of the court ruling. Crews and Spiegel were at Monarch headquarters on the day they were fired and were given an alternative of resigning voluntarily. When they refused, they were told to clean out their offices and were escorted from the building by armed officers of the St. Louis County Police Department, the lawsuit says. The legal action says also that Davis was given no explanation for his dismissal when informed of it by telephone. Among other things, the lawsuit alleges: • The real reason for the dismissals was the Monarch firefighters’ union’s desire to control the District’s operations and activities. Crews, Spiegel and Davis often were at odds with union leaders about work rules
• The union “needed to control the board in order to carry out its goal” of replacing the command officers. Evans and Swyers, who represent a majority of the three-member board, received “substantial financial assistance” from the union in their respective campaigns for election to the Monarch district’s board of directors. • The officers were fired contrary to provisions of an official Monarch policy dealing with cases involving possible termination. • Statements made by Evans and Swyers about Crews, Spiegel and Davis were false and have damaged their employment opportunities and reputations. The officers are asking for actual damages in the form of lost wages and benefits, punitive damages, attorney’s fees and costs and other relief the court deems appropriate. A Monarch news release reviews the issues and court rulings in the discrimination lawsuit and reiterates earlier statements that the district does not tolerate discriminatory actions. The release says Monarch intends to “vigorously defend this lawsuit.” A fourth command officer at Monarch, Fred Goodson, also was fired. Goodson was found dead near his Kirkwood home on Dec. 8. Police said the death was due to a self-inflicted wound.
Monarch names new fire chief
By JIM ERICKSON As your local community bank, we understand having the right payment The Monarch Fire Protection District has terms and rate for your home loan are important to you. Whether it’s your a new fire chief. first home or your dream home, or refinancing your current home, we will On a with you to secure a mortgage loan that meets your needs. Call or rate? 2-1 vote taken on Dec. 10, the Buyingwork a Buying new home or want to refinance with a lower board named Thomas J. Vineyard to the a newand home or want refinanceofwith a lower rate? visit us today discover thetodifference banking smaller. position vacated by the retirement of longs your local community bank, webank, understand having As your local community we understand havingthe the right payment time Chief Clifford (Chip) Biele. Kim Evans and Steven Swyers, board right payment for your home loan Whether it’s ms and rate for your home terms loan and arerate important to you. your president and secretary, respectively, voted important to you. it’s youryour first home t home or yourare dream home, orWhether refinancing current home,forwethewill hiring while Robin Harris, board Buying a new home or want to refinance with a lower rate? or your dream home, or refinancing your current home, treasurer, opposed it, charging that Vineork with youValley to Park secure a mortgage loan that meets your needs. Call ornot Ellisville yard did meet the qualifications the As your local community bank, we understand having the right payment we atwill work with you to secure a mortgageCall loan Tammyand Stephaniesmaller. at visitterms usCall today discover the difference of banking board itself had set for the position. and for your to you. it’s your 636.893.1805 636.893.1649 thatrate meets your home Callare orimportant visit us today andWhether discover Vineyard served as chief of the Midfirst home or your dream home, or refinancing your current home, we will 35 Marshall Road the difference of banking smaller. 199 Clarkson Road 636.230.3500 County Fire Protection District, which work withMO you63088 to a mortgage loan that meets your needs. or Valley Park, Ellisville, MO Call 63011 includes the communities of Greendale, visit us today and discover the difference of banking smaller. Vinita Park, Vinita Terrace, Hanley Hills,
“My understanding is that Mr. Vineyard possesses none of these required qualifications to even be selected as a candidate for chief of this fire district, let alone Monarch be hired,” Harris said. Chief Thomas According to websites J. Vineyard for the two districts, EMS is a major part of Monarch’s operations. In Mid-County, such services are provided through Christian Hospital. Mid-County has “20-plus dedicated highly trained firefighters” while Monarch’s employee count is 125, the respective websites say. Harris noted that Monarch has multiple Hillsdale, Wellston and Pagedale. He was hired to begin his duties at Monarch on Jan. firehouse locations, a much bigger and more diverse equipment fleet and, unlike 2 at an annual salary of $127,500. Harris said the board had set educa- Mid-County, responds to water, airborne Valley Park Ellisvilletion and experience requirements for the and confined space rescue calls. Call Tammy Valley at Park Call Stephanie Ellisville newatchief, including a bachelor’s degree, Evans said Monarch “looks forward Call Tammy at Call Stephanie at 636.893.1805 636.893.1649 at least 15 years experience with a large to (Vineyard’s) excellent leadership and 636.893.1805 636.893.1649 metropolitan fire district or department, the strong partnerships and relationships 35 Marshall 35 Road 199Road Clarksonand Road Marshall Road 199 Clarkson 636.230.3500 636.230.3500 preferably a background in emergency he has already built throughout St. Louis Valley Park, MO 63088 Ellisville, Ellisville, MO 63011 MO medical lley Park, MO 63088 63011 services. County.”
Ballwin decides on aldermanic candidacy requirements By BETSY ZATKULAK Following a year of discussions regarding aldermanic candidacy requirements and how to enforce them, Ballwin city leaders at their Dec. 12 board of aldermen meeting made some decisions. The Declaration of Candidacy for Elective Office for Ballwin now requires a candidate to declare that he or she is a U.S. citizen and not in arrears in city taxes or municipal user fees. Candidates must present a driver’s license or photo I.D. reflecting their current home address. For some time, the key talking point has been whether or not Ballwin’s city clerk should be responsible for checking the St. Louis County website to verify if aldermanic candidates are in arrears on their taxes, and if it appears that a candidate is in arrears, what the city should do about it.
Alderman Richard Boerner (Ward 4) made a motion to pass an ordinance that would require the city clerk to check St. Louis County’s website to see if candidates were in arrears, but not until after the window for filing is closed, which would not give candidates time to correct the issue. Aldermen Boerner, Michael Finley (Ward 1), Shamed Dogan (Ward 2) and Mark Harder (Ward 2) voted in favor of the ordinance, while Kathy Kerlagon (Ward 4),
Jim Leahy (Ward 3), Frank Fleming (Ward giving him or her time to correct the prob3) and James Terbrock (Ward 1) voted lem or show proof of being in accordance with the candidacy requirements. against the motion. Fleming’s motion also included notifyMayor Tim Pogue broke the tie with a nay vote. ing the Board of Elections of the city’s Fleming then made a second motion, findings. with no ordinance necessary, that the city “I’d like to at least go this far with the would instruct the city clerk and city staff idea, to try to put this squarely back on the to check candidates’ status any time after election board, which is where it belongs,” they have filed. Fleming said. In the event of a questionable issue, Fleming’s motion was passed with a 6-2 the city clerk would notify the candidate, vote, with Boerner and Harder voting nay.
Mayor addresses 2012 budget By BETSY ZATKULAK In his annual budget message, Ballwin Mayor Tim Pogue at the Dec. 12 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting announced that the city’s proposed financial plan for 2012 reflects projected expenditures of more than $18.7 million, compared to approximately $17.6 million in 2011. The city is projecting more than $19 million in revenue. This is the first time since 2006 that Ballwin will not be applying any reserve funds to achieve a balanced budget. “This dramatic shift is not a result of a reversal in recent economic conditions; rather, it primarily reflects application of a federal grant of $1,080,000 for the reconstruction of Kehrs Mill Road, which will partially (80 percent) offset our one-time expenditure of $1,351,500 for this project,” Pogue said. When you take Kehrs Mill Road out of the equation, Pogue said, total expenditures will in fact be $270,394 less than they were in 2011, while overall revenues are projected to come in at $28,775 more than 2011 levels. Pogue said while Ballwin “is not yet completely out of the woods,” the future looks somewhat brighter than it has in the recent past, and continued cost cutting and greater efficiencies have empowered the city to ensure continuation of all of current programs and services in 2012. “In 2011, we aggressively pursued numerous energy efficiency measures, which will reduce our future operating costs,” Pogue said.
You read that right. I’m here to tell you that it’s time, once and for all, to stop exercising. I stopped years ago, at least in the traditional sense. Let me explain. For many people, me included, “exercise” at a typical fitness center doesn’t work. It takes loads of time to receive any alleged “benefits,” which often turn out to be such small changes that you can barely measure them. The typical workout is also tedious. It requires you to put on work-out clothes and spend countless hours going to places where you are forced to sweat in front of people you don’t know – or worse, people you DO know – after waiting in line for the privilege. Then there’s the worry that at any moment you might fall off the stationary bicycle at mile 7,982 and die of boredom. That’s why most of us give up long before our membership expires. But no fitness regimen will do any lasting good if you don’t do it. You need something you can stick with, something that works with your schedule. Something that won’t bore or injure you. The truth is, most of us don’t really want to exercise as much as we want the benefits that exercise delivers: We want to be physically fit. We want to slow the aging process and lower our risk of disease. We want to feel good when we look in the mirror.
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The good news is, you can build muscle without exercising – at least in the traditional sense. Thanks to scientifically based strength-building methods, it is now possible to achieve in one 20-minute session what might otherwise require three hours or more a week.
The even better news: there’s a place in St. Louis where you can safely build strength this way under the watchful eyes of a staff that includes physical therapists, a registered nurse, exercise physiologists, kinesiologists and professional trainers. Called 20 Minutes to Fitness, it’s for people of all ages and fitness levels. With locations in Clayton and Chesterfield, it offers a solution that is so efficient, takes so little time and renders such dramatic results, you will stick with it. In all honesty, I remain totally flabbergasted by the results I achieved at 20 Minutes. I lost 20 pounds, went from a size 10 to a 4, grew stronger than I was as a high school cheerleader and with just as much energy. That I also did something that protects my health is, frankly, a side benefit beyond my wildest imagining. If it requires any real measure of discipline, doing the right thing has never been my strong point. Coming into the program, I had merely hoped to get in a little better shape. Instead, it put me in the best shape of my life, like I reversed the aging process. I want to share my success with 20 Minutes because I think it can be an important, healthy, life-changing experience for many kinds of people – those who are too busy to exercise, or think they’re too old, or too out of shape, have too many medical problems, or just plain hate exercising. If that sounds like you, I have just one thing to say:
Exercise is dead. Long live 20 Minutes to Fitness.
Betty Cuniberti, age 50-something
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Ellisville mayor, councilmembers aim to switch seats
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By TED DIXON JR. Two sitting Ellisville city councilmembers have their eyes on the city’s mayoral seat, and Mayor Matt Pirrello will seek a seat on the Ellisville City Council. Official filings for municipal offices opened on Dec. 13 and will continue through Jan. 17. The election will be held on April 3, 2012. Councilmembers Dawn Anglin (Dist. 1) and Michelle Murray (Dist. 3) have thrown their names into the ring as candidates for the office of mayor. They will be challenged by residents Adam Paul and Robert Strote. Pirrello will be termed out as mayor in April 2012 and seeks to continue his tenure serving the people of Ellisville by running
for a District 1 council seat. He is seeking the seat of Councilmember Clark Compton, who also will be termed out of his seat. Pirrello said he is running for council Pirrello “to continue to keep the city in the right direction.” “Councilmembers have for more authority than a mayor does,” Pirrello said. Pirrello said that if he is elected, he would like to continue to work with projects such as the Great Streets Initiative and economic development within the city.
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Ellisville town hall meeting addresses term limits, economic development By TED DIXON JR. Term limits for officials and economic development were among the topics discussed Jan. 4 during a town hall meeting held by the city of Ellisville at Bluebird Park. City leaders recently raised the idea of increasing from three years to four the length of time that elected city officials may serve. Ellisville Mayor Matt Pirrello said the purpose of the change would be “to get politicians out of the constant election cycle.” With two election cycles, he said, the city council would have more time to work as a council instead of constant “politicking,” or, in effect, campaigning. Before the council makes a decision about putting the term limit issue on the election ballot, the city wanted to gauge citizens’ opinions. Pirrello told meeting attendees that it is something that possibly would not occur for several years. “What we have found is that there is a learning curve on how to do city business,” Pirrello said. “It takes time to get acclimated. Having one year open would be very productive for city business.” The mayor said if Ellisville leaves the process as is, that would be fine. “The only reason to consider this is that we don’t have major turnover,” he said. Asked by a resident if placing the item on the ballot would affect the city budget, Pirrello said it would cost the city about $500 to $1,000. Pirrello said the city would maintain two four-year term limits if the measure were to
pass, and one resident said he did not think anyone should be in office for that long. City councilmembers also weighed in on the matter. Councilmember Linda Reel (Dist. 2) said she feels city officials need more time to work on projects, such as the dog park venture on which she is working. Councilmember Michelle Murray (Dist. 3) said it took her two years to not feel like “a complete idiot” on the dais. She said it takes two years to learn on the job and another two years to put those skills to use. Pirrello said city will decide at its Jan. 18 council meeting whether or not to place the issue on the ballot. After the term-limit issue was discussed, the town hall meeting centered on economic development. Pirrello said the city’s economic field has leveled out during the last 12 months. He indicated that the recently relocated McDonald’s restaurant at Manchester and Clarkson roads has flourished since opening last summer. One issue that remains on the table is whether or not to bring a Walmart Supercenter to intersection of Manchester and Clarkson roads. The city announced that a recently formed commission would hold a TIF (tax increment financing) meeting on Jan. 11 (after West Newsmagazine press time) at Ellisville City Hall. While the Walmart development is nowhere close to being a done deal, the city and its residents are pondering if the end result would benefit the community as a whole or do it harm.
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How redistricting will shake out in West County By JIM ERICKSON New district numbers, different boundary lines and a changing cast of characters seeking election to the Missouri House and Senate all will come into play this year in the aftermath of new district lines drawn by a judicial panel to reflect population shifts shown in the 2010 census. Here is a look at current House and Senate districts in West County that will prevail through the current legislative session, as well as new district lines on which the November 2012 elections will be based. Current Senate Districts District 7 – Seat now held by Jane Cunningham (R-Chesterfield). District includes the northern and western part of Bridgeton, Earth City, western portion of Maryland Heights and Creve Coeur, Champ, most of Hazelwood, northwest Florissant, Chesterfield, Town & County, Country Life Acres, Ballwin, Ellisville, Clarkson Valley and adjoining unincorporated areas. District 15 – Seat now held by Eric Schmitt (R-Glendale). District includes Manchester, Valley Park, Fenton, Twin Oaks, Kirkwood, Warson Woods, Glendale, Webster Groves, most of Crestwood, northern portion of Sunset Hills, Shrewsbury, Marlborough, Wilbur Park, St. George, Grantwood Village and adjoining unincorporated areas. District 24 – Seat now held by John Lamping (R- Ladue). Includes eastern Creve Coeur and Maryland Heights, Ladue, Frontenac, Crystal Lake Park, Huntleigh, Westwood, Des Peres, Rock Hill, Richmond Heights, Maplewood, Brentwood, Olivette, western and southern strips of University City, Clayton, western Overland, most of Breckenridge Hills and St. Ann and adjoining unincorporated areas. District 26 – Seat now held by Brian Nieves (R-Washington). District includes southwestern portion of St. Louis County, Wildwood, Eureka and Franklin and Warren Counties. New Senate Apportionment Plan (effective with November 2012 election) (Note: Odd-numbered Senate districts are up for election in 2012, even-numbered districts in 2014.) District 15 – Incumbent in the district, which has shifted to the north and west, is Schmitt. District includes Ballwin, Manchester, Twin Oaks, Valley Park, Des Peres, Kirkwood, northern portion of Webster Groves, Oakland, Glendale, Maplewood, Brentwood, southern and eastern Town and Country, Frontenac, Huntleigh, Westwood,
Crystal Lake Park, Rock Hill, southern portion of Ladue, and Warson Woods. Like other odd-numbered districts, District 15 will be up for election in 2012, and Schmitt said he plans to seek a second term. District 24 – Incumbents in district, which has shifted slightly north and to the west, are Lamping and Cunningham. District includes Olivette, northern Ladue, Overland, Sycamore Hills, Breckenridge Hills, western St. John, Woodson Terrace, Edmundson, St. Ann, southern Bridgeton and Earth City, Champ, Maryland Heights, Creve Coeur, eastern Chesterfield, northwestern Town & Country and northeastern Ballwin. Cunningham has said she will run in the new District 27 in November. District 24 will not be up for election until 2014. District 27 – No incumbent now lives in the district, but Cunningham plans to run for the open position. District includes western Chesterfield, Wildwood, Clarkson Valley, Ellisville, Eureka, the southwest part of St. Louis County and east to include northern Jefferson County as far east as Arnold. Nieves now lives in the new District 26, which no longer includes any part of St. Louis County. Current House Districts District 82 – Seat now held by Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur). District includes most of Creve Coeur, adjoining unincorporated area of St. Louis County and northern part of Town & Country. District 84 – Seat now held by Don Gosen (R- Chesterfield). District includes Clarkson Valley, most of Ellisville and portions of Chesterfield and Wildwood. District 86 – Seat now held by Cole McNary (R-Chesterfield). District includes eastern Chesterfield. District 87 – Seat now held by John Diehl, Jr. (R-Town and Country). District includes eastern Town & Country, Westwood, Frontenac, Huntleigh, Crystal Lake Park, a slice of southern Creve Coeur, northern Des Peres, western Ladue, Warson Woods, Rockhill, southern and western portions of Brentwood and part of northern Webster Groves. District 88 – Seat now held by Andrew Koenig (R-Winchester). District includes Winchester and Ballwin and a part of eastern Ellisville. District 89 – Seat now held by Tim Jones (R-Eureka). District includes southern and western Wildwood, Eureka and adjoining unincorporated areas of St. Louis County. District 92 – Seat now held by Sue Allen (R-Town & Country). District includes See REDISTRICTING , page 20
I 19
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REDISTRICTING, from page 18
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Manchester, adjoining unincorporated segment of St. Louis County, southern and southwestern Town & Country and Country Life Acres. District 93 – Seat now held by Dwight Scharnhorst. Scharnhorst has a Valley Park mailing address but lives in unincorporated St. Louis County south of I-44 and north of the Jefferson County line. District includes Valley Park, Twin Oaks a segment of South County to the Jefferson County line and portions of unincorporated St. Louis County north and east of Valley Park to Manchester Road and west and north of Valley Park. District 94 – Seat now held by Rick Stream (R-Kirkwood). District includes Kirkwood, western Des Peres and an adjoining segment of unincorporated St. Louis County. New House Apportionment Plan (effective with November 2012 Election) District 70 – No incumbent now lives in the district. District includes north central Chesterfield, western Maryland Heights and Bridgeton, Champ, Earth City, western Hazelwood, and a southern tip of St. Charles County. No one yet has announced plans to run for the seat. District 71 – No incumbent now lives in the district, but Tracy McCreery (I-Olivette), recently elected to replace Jake Zimmerman in current District 83, is expected to run for re-election here later this year. District includes the northeast corner of Chesterfield, southeastern Maryland Heights, unincorporated portions of St. Louis County, a small piece of northern Creve Coeur, southwestern Overland and northeastern Olivette. District 88 – Incumbents in the district include Jill Schupp (D-Creve Coeur) and McCreery, who anticipates running for re-election in District 71. New District 88 includes an eastern portion of Chesterfield, a northern segment of Town & Country, most of Creve Coeur and Olivette, Westwood, and northwestern Ladue and northern Frontenac. District 89 – Incumbents in the district include Cole McNary (R-Chesterfield), Rick Stream (R-Kirkwood) and John Diehl (R-Town & Country). McNary has announced plans to run for state treasurer while Stream says he plans to seek reelection in new District 90, which contains
HOUSE AND SENATE, from page 13 With a purchase of qualifying IAQ System improvements
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Of the 163 seats in the Missouri House, Republicans hold 106 and Democrats 56, with one independent, Tracy McCreery, just elected to fill the District 83 seat of Jake
much of his constituency from current District 94 and where there is no incumbent. If he wins, he will be serving his fourth term and will not be eligible for re-election to the House in 2014. That leaves Diehl, who says he intends to run for re-election. District includes a segment of central Chesterfield, all of Des Peres, Town & Country, Crystal Lake Park, Country Life Acres and Huntleigh, most of Frontenac, part of northwestern Kirkwood and a slice of southwestern Ladue. District 98 – Incumbent is Dwight Scharnhorst (R-Valley Park), who intends to seek re-election to his fourth term. District includes southeastern Ellisville, southern Ballwin, an eastern segment of Wildwood and unincorporated areas of St. Louis County extending to the Jefferson County line. District 99 – No incumbent lives in the district, but Andrew Koenig (R-Winchester) says he will seek re-election there instead of in new District 100. He now represents District 88 but the new 99th is only a block from his Winchester home. District 99 includes Manchester, Twin Oaks, Valley Park and adjoining unincorporated areas of St. Louis County. District 100 – Incumbents include Koenig (see District 99 above), Don Gosen (R-Chesterfield) and Sue Allen (R-Town and Country). Gosen has announced plans to run for re-election in new District 101 (see below). Allen says she will seek reelection in the new district, which includes a northwestern portion of Town & Country, southeastern Chesterfield, all of Ballwin except for the portion in District 98 and Winchester. Allen now represents District 92. District 101 – No incumbent lives in the district but Gosen, who now represents District 84, will seek re-election there. District 101 includes western Chesterfield, northern Wildwood and Ellisville, and Clarkson Valley. District 110 – Incumbents in the district include Tim Jones (R-Eureka) and Paul Curtman (R-Pacific). Curtman is expected to run for re-election in new District 109, which is west and south, and Jones plans to seek his fourth term in new District 110, which contains most of his current District 89. District 110 includes most of Pacific and an eastern part of Gray Summit – all in Franklin County, southern Wildwood and Eureka and adjoining unincorporated areas of St. Louis County.
Zimmerman, a Democrat who resigned to become the St. Louis County assessor. McCreery is expected to caucus with the Democrats. In the Missouri Senate, Republicans hold a 26-8 majority.
I 21
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Bu llet i n Boa rd Ringing in hope Nineteen members of Rossman School’s sixthgrade class in December joined their teachers outside the Schnucks at Ladue Crossing to ring bells and collect money for the Salvation Army. Rossman volunteers raised $1,211.63 – the largest amount any group raised in 2011. Rossman School sixth graders Armando Sánchez, Mia Guetterman, Hunter Sigmund, Ashley Caster, Abby Kadane and Arianna Baker.
Harmon, fifth-grade teacher at Barretts Elementary. “These teachers worked incredibly hard on their portfolios and poured their hearts into Harmon their work,” said Brandon Jamieson, a Parkway South High science teacher who works to support candidates for National Board Certification. National Board Certification is an advanced Gregory teaching credential achieved upon successful completion of a voluntary assessment program designed to recognize effective and accomplished teachers who meet high standards.
New Whitfield head of school Claymont Cares
Board-certified teachers
Claymont Elementary fifth graders collected food and winter clothing for Operation Food Search, an annual food and clothing drive that is part of the school’s Claymont Cares project. The fifth-grade classes competed to see which class could collect the most items. Thousands of food and numerous pieces of winter clothing were collected and donated.
The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards announced the names of three teachers who were awarded National Board Certification: Amy Banashek-Twist Gregory, music teacher at Bellerive Elementary; Debbie Banashek-Twist, communication arts teacher at North High; and Shannon
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Whitfield’s Board of Trustees appointed John Delautre as Whitfield’s next head of school, effective July 1. Delautre has served as the head of school of St. Delautre Francis in Goshen, Ky., since 2005. During his tenure, he successfully refocused and articulated the school’s academic mission, improved the school’s community with the parent body, created an active role
7 Days Week
for faculty in the school’s decision-making process and oversaw 100-percent growth in the school’s Annual Fund participation.
Leader in Education Connie Bachmann, an art, social studies and religion teacher at Most Sacred Heart School, was named a Peabody Logos Leader in Education for the 2011-12 Spears school year and was awarded $1,000 for her compassion and commitment to students. Bachmann said instead of simply covering the material in class, she allows her students to uncover the importance of a subject and why it is meaningful to their lives. The Peabody Logos Leaders in Education program rewards dedicated education professionals who inspire and motivate youth to succeed. “Connie Bachmann is a true leader in education and an inspiration to students and teachers,” Senior Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications for Peabody Energy Vic Svec said. “Peabody created the Leaders in Education program to give outstanding educators like Connie the recognition they deserve.”
New positions at Parkway The Parkway School District hired Dr. Amy Spears as curriculum coordinator
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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM of mathematics education, replacing Dr. Tim Hudson. Spears has served as an adjunct professor at Lindenwood University in educational leadership. Coleman She taught mathematics at McCluer High and has taught middle school science and mathematics in the Francis Howell, Northwest and Lebanon school districts, as well as mathematics at the junior college level. Rhonda Coleman was appointed interim principal of Highcroft Ridge Elementary for the remainder of the 2011-12 school year. She replaces Simone Wilson who recently resigned. Coleman started in Parkway as a classroom teacher at South High in 1976 and served as an assistant principal and principal at West and South middle schools. Since retiring in 2002, she has served Parkway as an interim principal and assistant principal at several schools.
goals and become more actively engaged in the process.” CHARACTERplus and the St. Louis Rams Foundation have partnered for more than 10 years to provide resources that increase the awareness of character traits among students and teachers in St. Louis.
Above and beyond Westminster Christian Academy was selected as a 2011 recipient of the Ladue Schools Friends of Education Award, given to members of the community who have gone above and beyond what is normally expected to support the Ladue School District. “While it would certainly have been expected for (Westminster) to maintain a friendly and professional relationship with district personnel through [its] purchase of the Westminster Christian Academy facilities and property, [the school’s] graciousness, kindness and personal support went far beyond anything we could have imagined,” Ladue Schools Superintendent Marsha Chappelow said.
Free tuition
Physical education teacher Adrienne Barber and fifth-grade students Max Lombardi, Sophia Lombardi and Jake Hansen accept Kehrs Mill Elementary School’s 2011 Character Fitness Award at a St. Louis Rams game.
Fitness award Kehrs Mill Elementary received a 2011 Character Fitness Award from CHARACTERplus and the St. Louis Rams Foundation. This recognition confirms the school’s ongoing work to integrate character education into physical education programming and instruction. Julie Kintz, physical education teacher, said Kehrs Mill students are involved in physical fitness in a variety of ways. “From running and fitness clubs, to track meets, buddy bowling activities, service learning projects and more, students are learning that physical activity can be fun, rewarding and used to serve others or to celebrate and build school spirit and community,” Kintz said. “Our goal is to encourage all students to embrace physical fitness, regardless of their ability levels. When students feel welcome and confident about participating in physical fitness activities, they support one another, set personal
I schools I 23
For families with one or more parent who has lost a job, Kindermusik Academy is offering free tuition for as long as space is available. To obtain a scholarship, applicants should email or phone Kindermusik Academy with details of their situation, the age of their child and what class times fit their schedules. Scholarships are awarded based on need and the date received. So far, Kindermusik has provided 12 scholarships to families in the community. “This is the third year we’ve given scholarships, and we’re still very excited about this since it is reaching children and families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience the educational and enriching Kindermusik programs,” Director Jan Fishman said. For more information, call (314) 4349496 or visit
Rocketing into first place Students from the seventh-grade Mosaics and enrichment program at Parkway South Middle participated in the Challenger Learning Center’s Return to the Moon Mission. They worked with Commander Robert Powell, instructor for the Challenger Learning Center, in the Rocketry Workshop. Guided by Powell, six groups of students from South Middle built and launched rockets. The Unicorns, Inc. group won the competition by having their rocket fly the greatest distance.
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24 I schools I
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Parkway Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools Desi Kirchhofer takes a seat in the chair that Central Middle School students will decorate as part of a new public art project.
(West Newsmagazine photo)
Art takes a seat in West County schools By MARCIA GUCKES The project is called “Take a Seat in Chesterfield” and that is exactly what students at Parkway Central Middle did when the large, white chair recently moved into their art room. They were sitting in, on, and all around it while coming up with ideas for decorating it. “I think we should make it fuzzy,” said one student. “Splatter paint,” said another. Whatever they decide, their art teacher will have to coordinate the efforts of about 150 students to complete the chair before it goes on tour to area businesses as one of 22 fiberglass formed chairs in the areawide project. The public art project is the brainchild of Chesterfield Arts, a nonprofit organization devoted to providing and promoting the arts in the West County region. Students from elementary to college levels will decorate the chairs. Two chairs will be decorated by students in public arts classes at Chesterfield Arts, and 20 will be designed and decorated by students at five Parkway schools, three private schools, St. Louis Community College at Wildwood, and Maryville University. Michele Mordica, art teacher at Parkway Central Middle, said her students would probably have to add elements to the chair in order to make sure all 150 students have a hand in the project. “We want a lot of participation,” she said. Those are just the kind of words that Chesterfield Arts executives want to hear. “I would really like to see them learn that everybody can be involved with the arts, even the kids who don’t think they’re an artist,” Stacey Morse, Chesterfield Arts executive director, said. Debbie Marshall, vice president of PNC
Bank, which is funding the project, said it may benefit all of the students in the future. “If you look at the leadership qualities that businesses are looking for these days, one of the key ones is creativity,” Marshall said. “So, this applies to everyone regardless of what they end up doing because businesses are looking for people who have creativity and that creative spin.” Parkway Central Middle Principal Michael Baugus also sees the chair project as a lesson for the students’ future. “The goal that I have is for them to see that they are part of a larger community,” Baugus said. “What a great way to show them online the other projects that are like this and for them to see that their work will be displayed throughout West County.” One of the other projects students might find online is the “Cows on Parade” in Chicago. Those life-size, fiberglass cows were made by the same company that made the “Take a Seat in Chesterfield” chairs. Two of the three chairs to be completed in classes at Chesterfield Arts will be decorated by fifth- to eighth-grade students. The third chair will focus on the 2011 World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals and will be decorated by high school students. Upon completion, chairs will be moved to the amphitheater in Chesterfield’s Central Park for a public unveiling on June 2. Next, the chairs will move to area businesses for display until Aug. 24. Finally, on Sept. 4 each chair will take a permanent seat. Those completed at schools will be returned to the schools where they were created. The chair created at Chesterfield Arts will be installed at the Chesterfield Amphitheater, and the sports chair will be installed at the Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex. More information about the project can be found at
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26 I sports I
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High school wrestling Parkway South finished third in the 30th DeSmet Spartan Holiday Wrestling Tournament. The Ladue Rams won the twoday, 16-team tournament with 521 points. Fort Zumwalt South followed with 481 points, and Parkway South was next with 430 points. The Patriots captured three weight classes. Tyler Emerson (21-2) won at 113 pounds with a 10-3 decision over Hazelwood East’s Jerry Stepps. Matt Wandersee (16-1) took the 120-pound class with a 5-0 decision over Pattonville’s Wesley Raiche.
At 145 pounds, Tyler Sonnabend (22-4) won with a 10-5 decision over Fort Zumwalt South’s Nic Smith. Westminster Christian Academy’s Bennett Lewis (25-1) won at 220 with a 6-2 decision over Vianney’s Greg Eilermann. Parkway North won two weight classes. Senior David Evans won the 138-pound class. Evans (14-0) scored a 14-4 win over Fort Zumwalt South’s Cody Zeik. Evans has won his weight class all four years. The Vikings’ Chris Carter (8-0) won at 195 when he pinned Hazelwood Central’s Isiah Cooper in the third period. Parkway North Coach Nigel Kinworthy said it was Carter’s first tournament of the
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year. “He had battled an infection early and had to get his weight under control,” Kinworthy said about the senior. “With that being said, I was extremely pleased with Chris and his efforts. He pinned five of his six opponents and proved he will be in the running for a state medal this season.” Kinworthy said Carter showed he can go on the mat in his dramatic win over Cooper. “Chris is a beast on top and could put anyone on their back at any time,” Kinworthy said. “He has a great cradle, which he used to pin the undefeated wrestler from Hazelwood Central.” Another wrestler who performed well for the Vikings was senior Darius Lewis, Kinworthy said. “Darius Lewis had a strong showing at
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220,” Kinworthy said. “He should be recognized for his showing. He is a very hard worker who wrestled all year long in an attempt to reach his goals.”
Former coach dies A member of the CBC Alumni Hall of Fame and former Parkway North wrestling coach as well as a coach at CBC has passed away. Francis Martin, of St. Francis Martin Charles, died Dec. 27 at the age of 71. After he left coaching, Martin was an insurance agent with State Farm for 29 years. Parkway North Coach Nigel Kinworthy
Youth swimming Rockwood Swim Club Juniors’ Coach Sean Harrison said Tommy Lombardo, who recently set a new Ozark record for 11-12 boys in the 200 back, made his first Tommy Lombardo sectional cut in the 1650 (mile) freestyle event. “This is special because he is the first 12-year-old boy in the history of our club to make a sectional cut at the age of 12,” Harrison said. Lombardo goes to LaSalle Springs Middle School in the Rockwood School District. Lombardo’s record time in the 200 back was a 2 minutes, 7.38 seconds. He set that at the “A Championship Meet” recently in Carbondale, Ill. His sectional qualifying time in the 1650 free was 17:30.36. He swam that last month at the Parkway Distance Meet at Parkway West High School. “He dropped almost 45 seconds in that race since October and was 6 seconds under the qualifying time,” Harrison said. A sectional cut means that instead of only competing on a local level, he can swim that event at a regional meet that is called sectionals. This year, the sectional will be held the first week of March in Tulsa, Okla. “It takes a great deal of dedication, determination, and hard work to make it to this level at any age,” Harrison said. “This is a special opportunity for him.” Lombardo has been swimming with Harrison since the beginning of September, and Harrison said it is very exciting to know “he still has 5 1/2 years till the end of high school.” “That means there is still lots of time for improvement,” Harrison said. The next big meet will be in February in the Ozark Division I Championships.
Holtgrieve named captain Jim Holtgrieve, whose stellar amateur career includes a winning record as a member of three victorious U.S. Walker Cup Teams, the captaincy of the USA Team at the 2011 match and an individual triumph at the inaugural U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship in 1981, has been appointed by the U.S. Golf Association as captain of the 2013 USA Walker Cup squad.
“I am indeed honored once again to be named to captain the 2013 United States Walker Cup Team,” said Holtgrieve, 63. “The 2011 Walker Cup journey was an incredible experience for me and one that I will never forget. Golf fans, friends and family all over the United States as well as overseas were so supportive of me during this experience that I was praying that I would have the opportunity to captain the 2013 Walker Cup Team. “I want to bring the Walker Cup back to the United States, but I also want to lead 10 men to have one of the best golfing experiences they can ever imagine.” Holtgrieve will captain the U.S. team for the 44th Walker Cup Match, to be held Sept. 7-8 at the National Golf Links of America in Southampton, N.Y. “Jim has an exceptional grasp of the meaning of the Walker Cup Match and conveyed that very well to the members of the 2011 USA Team in Scotland,” said USGA President Jim Hyler. “So it is fitting that he uses that well-developed perspective as a player and a captain to lead the USA squad in 2013 at The National Golf Links, which was the site of the first Match in 1922.” Holtgrieve was one of the country’s top amateur players during the 1970s and ‘80s and played on winning Walker Cup Teams in 1979, 1981 and 1983. He also represented the USA on two victorious World Amateur Team Championship squads, in 1980 and 1982. A semifinalist at the 1980 U.S. Amateur and runner-up at the 1983 British Amateur, Holtgrieve has won numerous state and district amateur titles in Missouri. Holtgrieve played in five Masters Tournaments as an amateur – making the cut three times – and also qualified for the 1978 U.S. Open Championship. He turned professional in 1998 and played on the Champions Tour from 1999 to 2005, where his top finish was a tie for second at the 1999 Home Depot Invitational. He has played in four U.S. Senior Opens and 42 USGA championships. The USGA reinstated Holtgrieve’s amateur status in 2007 after he played in 122 professional events. He currently serves as a member of the U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship Committee for the USGA. The biennial Walker Cup Match is an international amateur team competition between 10 players from the U.S. and 10 from Great Britain and Ireland. The Match consists of 18 singles matches and eight foursomes (alternateshot) matches over the two days of competition. The Great Britain and Ireland Team won the 2011 match in September at Royal Aberdeen Golf Club in Scotland by a score of 14-12. The USA leads the series, 34-81.
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said he admired Martin. “He was the first every wrestling coach at Parkway North high school as well as a state champion coach for the original Parkway High,” Martin said. “He was an excellent man who would do anything for anybody.”
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2012 Spring Registration On Line Registration Begins December 1 thru February 28th Registration Fees
Training League .......................................................................................................... $90 per child (Ages 4-7 years - Uniforms Provided - child keeps shirt, hat, and trophy)
All other leagues (Ages 8 and older) Family with one child registered .............................................................................................$120 Family with two children registered.......................................................................................$200 Family with three or more children registered .....................................................................$250 Work Assignments (2 shifts maximum per family) Practice Times Available Concurrent Leagues Available
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WARD 2 ALDERMEN Mark Harder 207-2386 x 3350 Shamed Dogan 207-2386 x 3340
7. Take extra precautions on bridges, overpasses, exit / entrance ramps and shaded areas, which can freeze first, and remain icy longer than roadways.
6. Stay alert. Look farther ahead than you normally do to give yourself more time to react safely to situations without suddenly braking or skidding.
5. Turn on your headlights on gray days to increase your visibility to other motorists, and keep your lights clean and free of ice or debris.
4. Before driving, clear all snow and ice from your vehicle’s hood, windows, roof and lights.
3. Equip your car with emergency supplies, such as blankets, food, water, spare fuses, a flashlight with batteries, an ice scraper, flares and a first-aid kit.
allow you to drive on snow or ice at normal speeds.
Did you receive new clubs for the holidays or are just itching to knock the rust off your swing? Come join us at the Ballwin Golf course for the 2012 season -- private and group lessons, leagues and tournaments.
Trivia Night March 9, 6:30-10pm $160/ table Ages: 21+-Join your friends and family for a fun packed night at the Ballwin Golf Club. Beer and soda is included. Make sure to bring your own snacks!
Ballwin Golf Course
Lunch & Bingo Feb 1, Feb 15, March 7 and March 21, 11-1pm $6/person Ages: 21+-Join us for an afternoon of lunch, fun BINGO, and great prizes! We will play six rounds of Bingo followed by lunch and dessert, then play another six rounds. Pre-register by Sunday prior to program to avoid $2 late fee. Held at The Pointe meeting room.
Ballwin. Drop the kids off and enjoy dinner in the area! Bring a swimsuit and towel. Pizza and drinks will be provided as a snack. An additional $2 fee will be charged to those who sign up the day of Kids Night Out. Held at The Pointe.
Did you get engaged over the holidays? Check out the Ballwin Golf Club to have your rehearsal dinner or a reception. Call Sara Jane Davis at 636-207-2355 for more information.
Ballwin Golf Club
Kids Night Out Jan 27 or Feb 24, 6-9:45pm VIP $10/Reg $12 Ages: 7-12-Kids will enjoy a night of play while parents enjoy a night in
Upside Down Indoor Triathlon Jan 21 or Jan 22, heats begin at 7am $25/participant Challenge yourself with the first Ballwin Race Series event of 2012! Start early accumulating Ballwin Race Series points in this indoor triathlon that puts a unique spin on the traditional three-event race. Each participant will run 15 minutes, bike 15 minutes, and swim 10 minutes in that order. Total distance will determine place. Held at The Pointe.
Daddy Daughter Valentine Dance February 11, 6-8:30pm VIP/Reg $15/person Dads, the sweetheart in your life is ready for a special evening. Join us at the Ballwin Golf Club for dinner and dancing. A photographer will be present for a keepsake photo. Register each person attending by February 6.
Watch for the Ballwin Parks and Recreation activity guide to be featured in the center pull-out section of the March 7th edition of West Newsmagazine. The same activity guide will also be available online beginning February 20 with registration beginning March 5.
For your convenience, we offer activity registration online at and click on the activity registration starburst. The City offers a wide variety of athletic, youth and adult programs such as dances, Lunch and Bingos, fitness programs, swim lessons and other great events.
everything you need to know about Ballwin Summer camp programs, meet our camp directors, and have an opportunity to register early!
Programs & Activities
Ballwin Summer Camp Open House - March 3 from 10-2pm at The Pointe. Get a jump start on summer activity plans. Enjoy crafts, face painting, and much more! Learn
February Visit Card Special - Good for all 10-visit group fitness cards or 20-visit water aerobics cards. When a patron purchases a visit card they will receive two extra classes. This is good for water aerobics, TRX, Spinning, Pilates and yoga classes.
January Membership Special - 13 months for the price of 12 when you purchase an annual Pointe or Pointe Plus membership. Pre-payment is required. Not valid on debit memberships. Each new membership will receive a bonus offer of three guest passes. Offer is good through January 31.
Pointe Membership Specials:
Ballwin’s state of the art community recreation center, The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, is located one half mile south of Manchester Road on Old Ballwin Road. The facility is open to the public seven days a week and amenities include an indoor recreation and lap pool, double gymnasium, youth activity center, Cardio Theater, Cybex and free weights, and indoor track. We offer babysitting, and a varied schedule of group fitness classes including TRX, Spinning, Pilates, yoga and step.
Changing seasons bring new and different driving conditions. A good driver needs to be prepared for anything. Consider registering for an inexpensive driver-improvement course, such as the AARP Driver Safety Program ( org/driversafety) hosted by the Ballwin Police Department yearly. You will learn valuable safety tips to keep you and your passengers safe all year round.
10. Use your brakes gently to avoid skidding. If your wheels start to lock up, ease off the brake.
9. In unfavorable driving conditions, reduce your speed and increase the distance between your car and the one in front of you. Remember that it takes more time to stop on icy roads.
8. In wet driving conditions, do not drive faster than the windshield wipers can clear water from the windshield. Make sure your wiper blades are in good shape, and replace them yearly.
The City of Ballwin has enacted a fair housing ordinance that prohibits unlawful discrimination and spells out the process for filing a complaint.
Safe Winter Driving Tips
Parks & Recreation
2. Use snow or all-season tires for better traction and smoother slowing. Remember that even with snow tires, you should use extra caution while driving in inclement weather — no tires
1. Winterize your vehicle and make sure your brakes, wipers, defroster, headlights and heater are all working properly. By December each year, you should have addressed these basics. If you’ve not done this, please make an appointment to get your car winterized today.
Following these rules from the AARP can help you drive more safely in harsh weather conditions, and can serve to protect you, your passengers and your vehicle from harm.
No matter how many years of driving experience you have, winter weather never fails to present a wide variety of driving challenges. On many Ballwin roadways, snow, ice, or heavy rains, combined with shorter days, are just a few of the dangerous conditions you’ll have to prepare for in the winter months.
WARD 4 ALDERMEN Richard Boerner 207-2386 x 3380 Kathy Kerlagon 207-2386 x 3390
a 1-year term, to fill the remainder of Alderman Ken Mellow’s term of office, who passed away in October 2011. The filing fee for Alderman is $30. All candidates must be at least 21 years of age, a resident of the City for one year preceding election, and be a resident of the Ward from which elected.
Fair Housing Statement The City of Ballwin is committed to fair housing for all citizens. It is unlawful to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, disability, familial status or national origin.
Group Swim Lessons Tuesday & Thursday session starts Jan 10-Feb 2 VIP $47/Reg $57 All levels are available for all ages. Call or go online and view a complete listing of our classes.
WARD 3 ALDERMEN Frank Fleming 207-2386 x 3370 Jim Leahy 207-2386 x 3360
April 3, 2012 General Election
WARD 1 ALDERMEN Jimmy Terbrock 207-2386 x 3330 Michael Finley 207-2386 x 3310
The City of Ballwin began accepting Declarations of Candidacy for Aldermen on December 13, 2011, at 8:00 A.M., at the Ballwin Government Center, 14811 Manchester Road, for the April 3, 2012 election. The closing date for filing is January 17, 2012 at 5:00 P.M. One Aldermanic position (two-year term) in Wards 1, 2, and 3 will be voted upon. In Ward 4, one aldermanic position will be for a 2-year term, and another for
MAYOR Tim Pogue 207-2386 x 3320 (Voice Mail) 636-391-3591 (Home)
30 I sports I
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The Lafayette Lancers were two points shy of playing in the championship game of the Visitation Christmas Tournament, where they handed Kirkwood its first lost of the season.
Lady Lancers make strong showing at Christmas tournament By WARREN MAYES Lafayette Coach Jennifer Porter is feeling pretty good about the way her Lancers are playing on the court. Lafayette is off to a good start this season, and the Lancers have a big Suburban West Conference girls’ basketball match-up on Friday (Jan. 13) when they meet archrival Marquette on the Mustangs’ home court. Porter discovered how strong her club was when the fifth-seeded Lancers played in the Visitation Christmas Tournament and exceeded that seed by finishing third. “We had our chances to play in the championship game, and while it was disappointing we couldn’t pull off the win against Incarnate (Word Academy), I think the girls and our staff feel very good about our third-place finish at Viz,” Porter said. “It’s a fantastic tournament with a lot of great teams. To come out of the tournament 3-1 against some of the top teams in the area is a very good accomplishment.” The last time a Lafayette team did that well in the tournament was in 1998. Lafayette handed Kirkwood its first loss of the season with a 46-25 victory in the tournament quarterfinals. The Lancers held Kirkwood’s talented trio of Natalie Fryrear, Dajae Williams and Lianna Doty to four, three and four points respectively. Fryrear came into the game averaging 13.1 points a game, while Williams owned an 11.8 average and Doty, a University of Missouri recruit, scored 10.9 a game. “The Kirkwood win was huge for us, and gave us confidence going into the Incarnate game,” Porter said. “Kirkwood is a very good team. We knew it was going to take a great defensive effort in order to beat them. Our kids really executed our game plan to ‘T.’” That set up a semifinal match with even-
tual tourney champion Incarnate Word. The Lancers dropped a tough 45-43 decision to the Red Knights, with Incarnate Word guard Cierra Young scoring two of her team-high 20 points with six seconds left in regulation to top the Lancers. Jordynn Martin led Lafayette with 21 points. “I told the girls at the end of the game that I could have been happier if we had won, but I couldn’t have been any more proud of them,” Porter said. “They executed our game plan, played very hard and fought until the end.” Following the loss, Porter had to get her girls ready for Fort Zumwalt West. “After the Incarnate game, the girls were disappointed we didn’t win, because we had our chances to win. When you put all you have into the game and come up short, it takes a lot out of you emotionally,” Porter said. “I told them when they walked out the door, they needed to hold their heads high and be proud of their effort. They left everything on the court. They needed to take what they could from the loss and then be done with it. … I told them that while they were physically and emotionally tired, Zumwalt West would be, too. So, we couldn’t let that be an excuse.” The motivating technique worked. In the third-place game, the Lancers rallied to beat Fort Zumwalt West 50-48, with Martin scoring a game-high 19 points for the Lancers, who trailed by 12 points late in the third quarter. “It was definitely another barn-burner,” Porter said. “We turned up our defense and got some transition buckets. We also got to the line and knocked down some free throws. I was really proud of our girls for not getting down. They could have folded, but they kept fighting, and it paid off.”
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University of Missouri researchers say the plasma brush, pictured here, may soon be used as a painless way to replace dental fillings.
Algonquin Nurses wants to help take care of you and/or your LOVED ONE… We are so much more than nursing care alone! Algonquin Nurses Home Health Care, a family owned agency, has been serving our community for 25 Years and has the caring staff and professional expertise to meet your needs. We will design a program to fit your specific financial requirements! According to Hao Li, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the MU College of Engineering, 200 million tooth restorations cost Americans Painless fillings coming soon an estimated $50 billion a year, and it is University of Missouri (MU) engineers estimated that replacement fillings comand their research collaborators at Nanova, prise 75 percent of a dentist’s work. Inc. say they are one step closer to a pain“The plasma brush would help reduce less way to replace dental fillings. After those costs,” Li said. “In addition, a tooth favorable results in the lab, human clinical can only support two or three restoratrials are underway on the plasma brush. tions before it must be pulled. Our studies In less than 30 seconds, the plasma brush indicate that fillings are 60 percent stronuses chemical reactions to disinfect and ger with the plasma brush, which would clean out cavities for fillings. The device increase the filling lifespan. This would be also has a “cool flame” that forms a better a big benefit to the patient, as well as denbond for cavity fillings, researchers said. tists and insurance companies.” Human clinical trials on the plasma brush The chemical reactions involved with the plasma brush actually change the surface are expected to begin early this year. The of the tooth, which allows for a strong researchers believe the trials will provide the data that allow Nanova to find investors bonding with filling material.
City of Ballwin, Missouri • Public Hearing City of Ballwin, Missouri • February 6, 2012 A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ballwin on February 6, 2012 at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, 300 Park Dr, Ballwin, MO, 63011, at 7:00 P. M. upon the following: A petition submitted by Timothy Martin of McKelvey Homes LLC, 218 Chesterfield Towne Center, Chesterfield, MO, to change the zoning classification of the properties commonly known as 14706 and 14714 Clayton Rd. from Planed Single Family Residential (PSD) to R-2 Single Family Residential to allow the development of a two lot single family residential subdivision. The City of Ballwin will consider the zoning ordinance or district regulations as provided herein, or may adopt different changes or provisions, without further notice or hearing, as the Board of Aldermen may deem to be in the public interest. The public hearing may be continued, by announcement at the public hearing, from time to time, as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission, without publication of the time and place of the continued public hearing. Petitions of protest against zoning district boundary changes, duly signed and acknowledged, must be submitted by owners of thirty percent or more of either: (1) the area of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in the proposed change(s), or (2) within the area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred and eighty-five feet distant from the area proposed for a zoning district change, public rights-of-way excepted. These petitions will be considered in determining the percentage of favorable votes by the Board of Aldermen necessary to make the zoning district change in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ballwin. Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636) 227-8580 V or (636) 527-9200 TDD or 1-800-735-2466 (Relay Missouri) no later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
Thomas H. Aiken, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Administrator / City Planner Office of the City Clerk
and take the next steps in placing the product on the market. If the studies go well and the FDA clears the use, the researchers’ timeline indicates the plasma brush could be available to dentists as early as the end of 2013. Making your heart race Exercise on a regular basis, and you will decrease your risk for heart problems. Suddenly run down the street to catch the bus, or shovel the snow, and your risk of a heart attack jumps like your heart does. According to Jessica Paulus, an assistant professor of medicine at Tufts University who with colleagues reviewed data from 14 studies, “There are short-term increases in risk of heart attack and death from sudden cardiac events that follow episodic physical activity.”
A HEALTHY YOU AWAITS Winter Special* $0 Joining Fee 1/2 off 1st Month’s Dues No Contract Wildwood Family YMCA 2641 Highway 109, Wildwood 636.458.6636
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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM The researchers found that people felt the effects of sporadic activity one or two hours after that activity. Risk was highest for those who did not get regular exercise. The study appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association and was supported by the National Institutes of Health. Teens wanting weight loss There are right and wrong ways to lose weight, and sometimes, teens get it wrong. At Temple University, Clare Lenhart looked at data on almost 6,000 high school students in Philadelphia who were obese, about 75 percent of whom said they were trying to lose weight. Lenhart said the teens reported doing some things right. For instance, obese girls were more likely than girls who were not obese to be physically active for an hour a day. But the obese girls also did some things wrong. “They were more likely to report consuming soda on a daily basis, and that was specifically among young women,” Lenhart said. “Among young men, they were more likely to report no days of physical activity.”
I health I 33
reported getting almost an extra hour (52 minutes) of sleep on nights before work. • Employees in the initiative were less likely to feel obligated to work when sick and more likely to go to a doctor when necessary. • The initiative increased employees’ sense of schedule control and reduced their work-family conflict, which in turn improved sleep quality, energy levels, self-reported health and sense of personal mastery while decreasing emotional exhaustion and psychological distress.
Learn to be smoke-free for free Mercy Hospital is offering a program to help those who made a New Year’s resolution to quit smoking. Mercy is offering a free, seven-week “Freedom from Smoking” course from 7-8 p.m., beginning Jan. 12 at the hospital, 615 S. New Ballas Road in Creve Coeur. The program was developed by the American Lung Association and helps people learn how to quit smoking, establish a quit day and develop the skills to remain smoke-free. It recently was named “Most Effective” in a study of 100 managed care organizations. “Freedom from Smoking” is taught by registered nurses and respiratory therapists. Along with group classes, one-on-one sesFlexible workplaces promote better sions are available free of charge. health To register, call (314) 251-4811. For A flexible workplace improves employ- more information, call (314) 251-3965. ees’ health behavior and well-being, according to a new study by two University Passport to good health of Minnesota sociology professors. Whole Foods Market is hosting a Health “Our study shows that moving from Starts Here (HSH) Passport event showviewing time at the office as a sign of pro- casing good-for-you foods and recipes ductivity to emphasizing actual results can from 12-3 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 14 at its Town create a work environment that fosters & Country Crossing store. Using the HSH healthy behavior and well-being,” Profes- passport as a guide, shoppers can taste sor Phyllis Moen said. “This has important nourishing foods in each department and policy implications, suggesting that initia- learn how a few simple dietary changes tives creating broad access to time flexibil- can impact lifelong health. Shoppers visitity encourage employees to take better care ing all sample stations and completing the of themselves.” passport can enter to win a healthy pantry Using data collected from more than 600 makeover featuring a $50 Whole Foods employees of a white-collar organization Market gift card and list of suggested before and after a flexible workplace initia- healthy products. Call 527-1160. tive was implemented, the study examined changes in health-promoting behaviors Maximized Living Makeover and health outcomes among the employees Wildwood-based 212 Degrees of Wellparticipating in the initiative compared to ness will host the Maximized Living Makeover from 7-9 p.m. on Thurs., Jan. 19 at St. those who did not participate. Introduced at the Best Buy headquarters John Lutheran Church, 15800 Manchester in Richfield, Minn., the initiative redirected Road in Ellisville. The workshop covers anti-aging nutrition, the focus of employees and managers away from when and where work was completed nerve supply, hormone-based weight loss, and toward measurable results. Employees cellular detoxification, and how to build were allowed to change when and where muscle and burn fat in less time than with they worked based on individual needs and most workouts. A 30-day challenge with job responsibilities without seeking per- instructions and online support follows the mission from a manager or even notifying workshop, which is aimed at learning and creating new lifestyle habits. one. For more information or to register, call Key findings were as follows: • Employees participating in the initiative 273-4800.
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Weight-loss coach says success is mostly mental By SUE HORNOF If the new year has you thinking about changing the way you eat, you should start by changing the way you think. That is the word from Charles D’Angelo, a St. Louis-based weight-loss coach who dropped more than 150 pounds and subsequently helped roughly 2,000 others collectively shed thousands of pounds. According to D’Angelo, 26, “Ninety percent of remarkable transformation is learning to manage your mind – only 10 percent is physical mechanics.” D’Angelo can relate to the challenge of bucking bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. At 17, he weighed 360 pounds and was eating his way through a miserable, lonely and potentially deadly existence. A personal epiphany sparked a commitment to turn things around, and once he succeeded, he started coaching others in the weight loss game. The keys to successful weight loss, D’Angelo maintains, include rewiring the brain to get pleasure from foods that fuel good health and fitness and realizing that even though exercise can make you sore, it will make you feel good later. In other words, stop thinking like a fat person. “You can get the same feelings of pleasure from an exercise session as from a piece of chocolate,” D’Angelo claims in “Think and Grow Thin,” his new book that outlines his weight-loss system. While D’Angelo’s book is available to everyone, his one-on-one coaching service is not. “Acceptance isn’t automatic,” he said. “I make time to meet with anyone who would like to enlist my help. Only if I feel they’re truly ready to assume responsibility for their health and their habits, making it worth their investment, will I accept them as a client. Throwing out all excuses and reasons to fail is a large criterion.”
In fact, D’Angelo said, demand for his one-on-one coaching sessions has grown so much that he no longer is able to take on everyone who wants to hire him, so he wrote a book. “Is it me in the flesh? No,” he said of the book. “But it’s me in spirit. I outline my exact, step-by-step food program, exercise routine, and most importantly the mindset program that I would use to coach a person if they were in my office.” “I also talk about ways to make one selfaccountable, without having me there in person.” His system and his book have received some impressive endorsements. President Bill Clinton said he has seen several of his friends get “amazing results” from working with D’Angelo, and Sen. Claire McCaskill credits D’Angelo for helping her drop 50 pounds. St. Louis Cardinals Public Relations Director Ron Watermon said D’Angelo helped him change his relationship with food and exercise. “In a nutshell, what he does works,” Watermon said. “Now over 110 pounds lighter, I have more energy than ever before, my doctor is ecstatic, and I just feel so much better.” St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay said the results that D’Angelo helped his daughter achieve are “just remarkable.” But unlike many weight-loss “experts,” D’Angelo makes no claims that the system he advocates is magical or miraculous. “It’s not about a ‘diet,” he said. “It’s about learning the right mindset to make a healthy diet and exercise program work. Part of that means understanding that ultimately, the result is up to you.” “Think and Grow Thin” is available at Barnes and Noble stores and online at and More information can be found at tagtbook. com.
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West Newsmagazine asked, and our readers answered. Best Brunch Here are the winners of the third annuYia Yia’s Euro Bistro al “Best of West” contest, which recognizes the people, places and busiBest Lunch nesses that make our region a great Wildwood Pub & Grill place to live, work, learn and play. The 2011 “Best of West” winners are Best Happy Hour based on votes received at newsmagaIndigo Joe’s Dining & Entertainment Best Hamburger Cheeburger Cheeburger Best Italian Restaurant Charlie Gitto’s Best Pizza Dewey’s Pizza Best American Restaurant Mulligan’s Grill Best Asian Restaurant P.F. Chang’s Best Mexican Restaurant El Maguey Best Middle Eastern Restaurant Mediterranean Grill
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Best Seafood Restaurant Bristol Seafood Grill Best Fine Dining Napoli 2 Best Patio Table 3
Mayor Tim Woerther
I Best of I 37
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Durron Neal
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People & Places
Best thing to Happen to West County Chesterfield Central Park Ampitheater
Best Elected Official Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther Sports & Recreation Best Radio Personality Dave Glover Best TV Personality Mike Bush Best Teacher Angie Kubasta, Kehrs Mill Elementary Best City Wildwood
Best High School Athlete – Male Durron Neal Best High School Athlete – Female Brooke Cusumano
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Best Girls’ High School Sports Team Lafayette Field Hockey
Local Flavor
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Best High School Lafayette
Best Local Sportscaster Frank Cusumano
Best Elementary School Living Water Academy
Best Local Playground Faust Park
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Best Local Golf Course St. Alban’s
Best Place for a Romantic Evening Annie Gunn’s
Best Place to Watch Sports Lester’s Sports Bar & Grill
Best Public Art “The Awakening”
Best Athlete to Look Up To Stan Musial
PRESS RELEASE 2012 Ward Redistricting - Public Meeting The City of Wildwood Ward Redistricting Committee has scheduled a Public Meeting for Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 6:30 pm. in the Wildwood City Hall Council Chambers (183 Plaza Drive) to publicly explain and receive comments and suggestions from Wildwood residents on Ward Boundary Redistricting alternatives. The three (3) Ward Boundary Redistricting Alternatives under consideration and associated population data are available on the City’s website (www. or at City Hall (183 Plaza Drive) for review. Persons with questions regarding Ward Redistricting prior to the January 18, 2012 Public Meeting are invited to contact the City of Wildwood Senior Planner Joanna Browning,; GIS Planning Specialist Terri Gaston,; or City Administrator Daniel E. Dubruiel, Daniel@cityofwildwood. com; phone 636-458-0440. Comments regarding the redistricting alternatives can also be submitted on-line. Additional information regarding the City’s Ward redistricting process can be found on the City’s website.
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About 60 area residents gathered for a candlelight vigil on Dec. 28 to protest the sharpshooting of deer in Town & Country.
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By SUE HORNOF A group of citizens from Town & Country and surrounding areas recently gathered for a candlelight vigil protesting Town & Country’s decision to shoot deer. About 60 people gathered on the evening of Dec. 28 at Clayton and Mason roads and held signs expressing their opposition to using lethal methods to reduce the number of deer in the city. Town & Country has contracted with White Buffalo Inc. to sharpshoot as many as 300 deer this winter at a cost of about $133,000. Before entering into the contract, the city’s board of aldermen considered but rejected a deer management plan that included sterilization. Residents have cited various reasons for objecting to the city’s decision to hire sharpshooters to thin the deer herd. Some
say the plan it too costly, some say killing the deer is inhumane, and others say that although the deer pose a hazard to motorists, shooting the animals in residential neighborhoods also presents a serious safety issue. Town & Country resident Mariette Palmer, who was among those protesting at the vigil, said the Missouri Department of Conservation should serve all the people of Missouri by adopting non-lethal methods of deer population control that are suitable for urban areas. “The unnecessary and cruel insistence on killing the deer disrupts the peace and order of our communities of families, pits neighbor against neighbor, and threatens the stability of our civic governments, not to mention that it sanctions the unbearable anguish and suffering borne by our deer community,” Palmer said.
Leaders of the pack Winners of the 2011 Ballwin Race Series received their awards at a ceremony held Dec. 14 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. The Race Series included an Upside Down Indoor Triathlon, Muddy Spokes Mountain Bike Race, Conquer Castlewood Team Adventure Race, Ballwin left) are the Ballwin Race Series winners: Days Run, Ballwin Triathlon, Pictured (from 3rd place Sammi Powell, 2nd place Lisa Yates, and Ballwin Kids’ Triathlon, and Female 1st place Sara Nelson, Male 1st place Wilson Yates, 2nd the Midnight Howl 5K night place Eric Carlson, and 3rd place Michael Kuehnel. run. Prizes were awarded for most overall points earned in the seven races in the inaugural event. The 2012 Race Series includes two new races: the Zombie Chase Trail Run and the Ballwin Swim Meet. The first race in the 2012 series, the Upside Down Indoor Triathlon, is scheduled for Jan. 21 or 22 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. For more information on the 2012 series or to register, visit
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By SUE HORNOF Sound mental health advice from pediatricians The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now offers a collection of interviews with pediatricians about child behavior, emotions and other mental health topics. Parents can listen to “Sound Advice on Mental Health” at Soundadvicementalhealth. Interviews with pediatricians answer questions such as: • What is the best way to praise your child? • Is it normal for teenagers to be moody? • How is ADHD diagnosed in preschoolage children? • How can parents encourage open communication with a teen? Interviews also include conversations with adolescent medicine specialists on adolescent mental health and depression, and with a child psychiatrist on infant and toddler emotional development. Also featured are a doctor’s discussion of the impact of postpartum depression on children and families, information on new AAP guidelines for diagnosing and managing ADHD, and advice on helping kids cope with traumatic events.
“A Sick Day for Amos McGee,” the 2011 Caldecott Medal winner, was also named an Association for Library Service to Children 2011 Notable Children’s Book.
Emily Abigail • Boys Aiden Jackson Mason Liam Jacob Jayden Ethan Noah Lucas Logan For the year’s top 100 boys’ and girls’ names, visit
Most popular baby names Lists of the top baby names of 2011 vary Notable books of 2011 by source, but according to Babycenter. The Association for Library Service to com – which gathers data from hundreds Children (ALSC) has released its annual of thousands of parents who shared their list of Notable Children’s Books. Accordbabies’ names with the parenting site – the ing to the ALSC, books that made the cut most popular names of the year were: are “the best of the best” in children’s • Girls books. Sophia Among the titles on the 2011 list for Emma younger readers are: Isabella • “April and Esme, Tooth Fairies,” by Bob Graham. Two young tooth fairy Olivia sisters journey into the world of humans to Ava collect a young boy’s tooth and fly it safely Lily home. Chloe • “Chalk,” by Bill Thomson. A wordless Madison
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM picture book illustrates the tale of three children who arrive at the park to find a bag of colored chalk that turns their imaginary drawings into something very real. • “Pecan Pie Baby,” by Jacqueline Woodson. Gia is not looking forward to the birth of her first sibling, “that ding-dang baby.” • “A Sick Day for Amos McGee,” by Philip C. Stead. The 2011 Caldecott Medal winner is about a zookeeper who is under the weather and gets a surprise visit from caring animal friends. Selections for middle readers include: • “The Hive Detectives: Chronicle of a Honey Bee Catastrophe,” by Loree Griffin Burns. Beekeepers discover the strange abandonment of hundreds of hives, and scientists seek to understand why. • “Ninth Ward,” by Jewell Parker Rhodes. In a story of survival, 12-year-old Lanesha and her adopted grandmother have little choice but to stay in New Orleans and weather Hurricane Katrina. Some of the selections for older readers are: • “Mockingbird,” by Kathryn Erskine. A 10-year-old who struggles with Asperger’s Syndrome seeks closure following her brother’s murder. • “Heart of a Samurai,” by Margi Preus. The Newbery Honor Book is a swashbuckling adventure based on the true story of a young fisherman believed to be the first Japanese person to visit America. • “Fever Crumb,” by Philip Reeve. A girl sets out to retrieve lost technology in a bleak, irrational London of the future. For the ALSC’s complete list of 2011 Notable Children’s Books, visit alsc/awardsgrants/notalists/ncb.
are away from home. If a child becomes attached to a toy, parents may purchase it at a discounted rate. How clean are the toys? According to, toys are sanitized with an EPA-approved, non-toxic cleaning product.
Fun and Games The “Santa on the Slopes” exhibit is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday until Sun., Jan. 15 at Kemp Auto Museum. The world’s oldest snowmobile is on display. Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $3 for students. Contact 537-1718. ••• “FamilyLIVE!” is at 5 p.m. on Saturdays, Jan. 14, Feb. 11 and March 10 at St. John Luthern Church in Ellisville. The interactive family worship service examines a different value or virtue each month. Dinner is offered after worship. Admission is free Call Pastor Ryan Peterson at 7792320 or visit ••• “Hot! Hot! Hot!” is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 28, and Sun., Jan. 29 at the Butterfly House in Faust Park. Tropicalthemed, kid-friendly activities, games and crafts, steel drum music, a toddler sandbox and face painting are featured. The event is for children ages 2-10 with their families. Visit or call (314) 577-5140. ••• The Backyard Bird Festival is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 4 at the Missouri Botanical Garden (4344 Shaw Blvd. in St. Louis). Guided bird walks, live animal exhibits, identification tips and hands-on activities are featured. Visit or Rent a toy call (314) 577-5100. A new online service addresses the fact ••• that kids sometimes tire of their toys. Bowl Mania is from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. on offers memberships that Sun., Feb. 5 at St. John Lutheran Church’s allow parents to pick the toys they want, Cornerstone Youth Center (15800 Manhave them delivered, keep them for up chester Road in Ellisville). Fun is featured to 90 days, return them and choose more. before, during and after the big game. They even offer vacation rentals so kids Admission is $20. Call Kathi Miller at 779have something to play with when they 2358 or visit
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Bu si ness Better Burn Center Mercy Hospital St. Louis has opened a new Burn Center. Located in the new patient tower, the new Center increases patient capacity from nine beds to 12 beds, includes the space needed to care for complex burn patients and brings better access to the Mercy Clinic Burn and Plastics Drs. Michael Smock (left) and Jonathan gym where patients receive physical and Pollack cut the ribbon on the new Mercy occupational therapy services critical to Burn Center. the burn recovery process. According to Mercy Burn Center Director Dr. Michael Smock, the increased capacity of the facility also will allow the hospital to accept patients with other complex wounds.
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The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce has hired Robey Taylor as its new executive director. Taylor is a past Chesterfield Chamber of Robey Taylor Commerce board chairman and board member. ••• Corey Griffin, of Ballwin, has been promoted to the position of loan officer at Gershman Mortgage. ••• Corey Griffin Amy Myers has joined the Mikel Garrett State Farm Insurance Agency in Wildwood as a new insurance account representative. ••• Linda Cline has been promoted to prop- Amy Myers erty manager at Sachs Properties, developer of the 1,500-acre, master-planned Chesterfield Village. Initiated in 1967, more than $3 billion has been
invested in the creation of Chesterfield Village. Today, Sachs owns 1 million square feet of office and retail space hosting more than 200 businesses; multiple cul- Linda Cline tural amenities and institutions and 2,600-plus homes also are found there.
PLACES Forbes has names Smashburger as “America’s Most Promising Company,” reporting that the burger chain, founded in 2007, by the end of 2011 had 143 locations with another 450 franchise agreements on the books. Smashburger franchises opened last year in Chesterfield and in St. Charles. ••• A new Ann Taylor concept store is scheduled to open on Fri., Jan. 27 at Plaza Frontenac. The store will feature fashions shown on a runway of mannequins in the center of the store; shops in the shop, to create a boutique feel; and dressing rooms with a multi-channel touch screen so customers can access product information.
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Academy of St. Louis Helping Students with Learning Challenges Succeed For a child with learning disabilities, school can be a daunting place. The challenges of meeting standardized academic goals while trying to maneuver through the emotional and physical environment of school, can create havoc with a student’s educational progress. Many students have different styles of learning and struggle with attention and distractibility issues. In a traditional school setting, these issues may cause loneliness, low self esteem and a defeated attitude. Today 4 out of 10 students have been diagnosed with a learning disability or developmental delays. Learning disabilities are a general set of disorders that can affect a person’s ability in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and mathematics. According to the Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities (CCLD), a coalition of national organizations within the learning disabilities community, LD is defined as “a neurobiological disorder in which a person’s brain works or is structured differently.” As a result of their disability or developmental delays, many students struggle in traditional classroom settings simply because their style of learning is different and many times have attention and distractibility problems. They find themselves s o c i a l l y inappropriate and awkward in school making it difficult to make friends, leaving them lonely and with low self-esteem. The Academy of St. Louis was founded to serve and support these Academy Elementary School Students students. The Academy of St. Louis, located in Chesterfield, serves students K through 12th grade and is the only fully accredited, private, faith-based school for students with learning challenges. Many times, students need support through high school. The Academy offers curriculum through 12th grade. Executive Director, Ann Dunn explains the Academy is, “Designed to address your child’s academic, social, emotional and behavioral needs.” The Academy also aids in the transition process from the Academy to a community college, university, trade school, employment or volunteer placement. “This is the true measure of our success; providing each student with the necessary tools to succeed in life.” The Academy understands a parent’s worst fear is the future of their special needs child. What will happen after graduation? Will my child ever live independently and have a future outside of our home? At the Academy of St. Louis, they provide the resources and knowledge to plan for a successful transition for your child. The Academy offers numerous advantages. Combined with very small class sizes– the average student to teacher ratio is 4 to 1 – the experiential learning opportunities build leadership skills and social and functional success. With a staff of certified special education teachers, laptop computers and executive work stations, our students enjoy an environment that is safe, predictable, spacious and bright which optimizes individual academic, social and functional curriculum. Co-curricular activities to develop wellrounded individuals include hands-on field trips, service projects, art,
physical education and drama. The Academy of St. Louis is fully accredited by AdvancEd NCA CASI. AdvancEd NCA CASI provides nationally recognized accreditation, the purpose of which is continuous school improvement focused on increasing student performance. Dr. Mark Elgart, President/CEO of AdvancED stated, “NCA CASI Accreditation is a rigorous process that focuses the entire school on the primary goal of creating lifelong learners. The Academy of St. Louis Now Accepting Students is to be commended for engaging Private Tours Available in this process and demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement.” It is a difficult and sometimes painful experience for parents to Fully Accredited School realize their child learns differently than other children and may need an alternative educational environment. Once, however this process of acceptance is complete, most parents realize their greatest gift to their child is accepting them for who they are and providing them with an academic setting where they can thrive and grow into an understanding of themselves and how they learn. “Your child is not destined for failure,” affirms Terri O’Daniel, Academy Advancement Director. “Your child’s hope is in you, his parents, accepting him for his strengths and challenges; providing him with an academic environment which guides him Academy High School Alumni in overcoming his academic and social challenges while building his self-confidence and ability to transition into society as a productive, healthy adult.” The Academy of St. Louis aids each student in reaching their highest potential. “Every child is born with significant potential in life to succeed,” states O’Daniel. “This is what we believe... fulfilling this mission is our commitment to our students and their families.”
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Com mu n it y Event s BENEFITS Kindermusik Demo Days to benefit the Saint Louis Symphony is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sat., Jan. 14 at the Jewish Community Center (16801 Baxter Road in Chesterfield). Admission is free with donations optional. The event inspires young families to bring the power of music into their lives and those of their children. To register, call (314) 434-9496. ••• Assistance League St. Louis hosts Fashion Plates, its annual fashion show and luncheon, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 14 at CBC High School. Lunch is served at tables designed by members and guests of Assistance League. The fashion show features items from Fantastic Finds, the upscale resale shop operated by the nonprofit. Admission is $35, $25 of which is tax-deductible. Call 227-6200. ••• The Bright Minds for Bright Futures Trivia Night is at 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) on Sat., Jan. 14 at St. John Lutheran Crosswalks Banquet Center (15800 Manchester Road in Ellisville). The event is sponsored by Wildwood YMCA and features KTRS 550 AM’s Victoria Babu as emcee. The cost is $160 per table of eight in advance or $175 at the door, with proceeds benefiting the Wildwood Y Strong Community Campaign. Call 448-6636.
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••• The Knights of Columbus of Holy Infant in Ballwin hosts cash bingo at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:15 p.m.) on Sat., Jan. 14 in the upper cafeteria of the school. Entry is $20, which includes nine bingo cards for 15 games, plus refreshments. The minimum payout is $50 per game. Pull tabs, sandwiches and snacks are available. Call Ray Brune at 256-6511. ••• Chili Supper Sunday is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 22 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Manchester. All-you-can-eat chili, chili mac, hot dogs, chili dogs, corn bread, beverages and dessert are featured for $8 per adult and $4 per child; a discount of $1 is offered from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Call Stephanie at 227-8596. ••• The 10th annual Friends of Kids with Cancer Trivia Night is at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) on Fri., Jan. 27 at CBC High School. Admission is $250 for a table of 10 or $25 per person and includes beer, wine, soda and water; guests may bring snacks. Register at, or call (314) 275-7440. ••• The Rockwood Alumni Hall of Fame Gala is at 6 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 28 at The Magic House. The event honors 13 outstanding graduates for their achievements
and includes a cocktail reception, formal dinner, awards presentation and entertainment by Griffin and the Gargoyles. Tickets are $75 per person. Visit or contact Debbie Fluchel at 2076800 by Jan. 16 to reserve tickets. ••• Chesterfield Arts presents “Art Feast” at 6 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 4 at Kemp Auto Museum. Dinner, dancing, live entertainment and a silent auction of unique items and artwork from premier regional artists are featured. Call 519-1955 or visit
ning,” an evening of Broadway stories and show tunes, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 14 at the Jewish Community Center Staenberg Family Complex (2 Millstone Campus Drive in Creve Coeur). Oscar Andrew Hammerstein, great-grandson of Oscar Hammerstein, II and author of “The Hammerteins: A Msuical Theatre Family,” shares stories from Broadway musicals and local professional performers sing excerpts from the musicals. Passed appetizers and a deli-style dinner buffet also are featured. Tickets are $75/$125 for patrons, who receive an autographed copy of Hammerstein’s book. Tables of 10 are $750 or $1,250. For tickets, call Kimmi Levinson at (314) 442-3109.
The Jewish Community Center and the St. Louis Jewish Book festival present the “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning Eve-
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Enter t ai n ment Carnegie Hall Concert, March 10, Powell Symphony Hall Kelly Clarkson, March 13, The Fox Theatre
FESTIVALS The 7th Annual St. Louis Blues Festival, Feb. 25, Chaifetz Arena “Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles” plays Jan. 20-21 at The Fox Theatre. (Photo by Cyllavon Tiedemann)
COMEDY Lewis Black “In God We Rust,” Feb. 3, Peabody Opera House
CONCERTS “Christine Brewer Sings Strauss,” Jan. 13-14, Powell Symphony Hall “The Magic Flute,” Jan. 15, Powell Symphony Hall “Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles,” Jan. 20-21, The Fox Theatre JD Souther, Jan. 27, Old Rock House Railroad Earth, Jan. 27, The Pageant The Lemonheads, Jan. 28, Old Rock House Ryan Adams, Jan. 31, Peabody Opera House Little Big Town, Feb. 3, Lumiere Place “Disney in Concert: Magical Music from the Movies,” Feb. 11-12, Powell Symphony Hall Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Feb. 17-19, Powell Symphony Hall The Firebird, March 2-3, Powell Symphony Hall The Fresh Beat Band, March 3, The Fox Theatre
“Christine Brewer Sings Strauss” is from Jan. 13-14 at Powell Symphony Hall.
LIVE PERFORMANCES “La Cage Aux Folles,” through Jan. 15, The Fox Theatre “Sunday in the Park with George,” through Jan. 29, Loretto-Hilton Center “A Steady Rain,” Jan. 18-Feb. 5, LorettoHilton Center Sesame Street Live: “Elmo Makes Music,” Jan. 19-22, Peabody Opera House MADCO: “Exercise Imagination,” Jan.
Thanks West County for voting us
Best of West for 4 years Dr. Zhivegas every Wednesday Night
Well huNgariaNs every Thursday Night
JaNuary 13 CTr Tri griffin & the gargoyles
JaNuary 14 Decedy shrinking violets
JaNuary 20 ayers allstars of Funk Jakes leg Big rain Chad Becker
314-766-5910 930 Kehrs Mill Rd. • Ballwin
Photo credit Repertory Theatre of St. Louis
20, The Touhill “Oleanna,” Jan. 20-Feb. 4, Kranzberg Arts Center Ensemble Espanol Spanish Dance Theatre, Jan. 27-28, The Touhill “Playland,” Feb. 2-12, Mustard Seed Theatre “Rock of Ages,” Feb. 3-5, The Fox Theatre Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson “The Immortal World Tour,” Feb. 7-8, Scottrade Center “Race,” Feb. 8-March 4, Loretto-Hilton Center Disney’s “Phineas and Ferb: The Best Live Tour Ever,” Feb. 9, Chaifetz Arena
tickets and information Chaifetz Arena:, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre:, (636) 220-7012 The Fox Theatre:, (314) 534-1111 Kranzberg Arts Center:, (314) 289-4060 Loretto-Hilton Center:, (314) 968-4925 Lumiere Place:, (866) 448-7849 Mustard Seed Theatre:,
Women’s Boutique
JaNuary 21
“Sunday in the Park with George” plays through Jan. 29 at Loretto-Hilton Center.
(800) 838-3006 Old Rock House:, (314) 534-1111 The Pageant:, (866) 448-7849 Peabody Opera House: (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall:, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center:, (866) 4487849 The Touhill:, (314) 516-4949
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Genghis Grill made-to-order bowls give control to the diet By Suzanne Corbett Genghis Kahn would be pleased with his namesake Genghis Grill, a unique restaurant concept that has been conquering the American restaurant landscape. Genghis’ Ellisville location, one of 51 locations and the only Missouri operation, is the company’s No. 1 franchise store. It also is up for Business of the Year by the West St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. According to Genghis Grill owner Brian Durbin, this was accomplished one bowl at a time. Genghis Grill features fresh, made-to-order bowls. Customers can personally design them to satisfy individual cravings and dietary needs. “Unlike other Mongolian-style grills, when you create a bowl here, you’re only limited by your imagination and your ability to stack things,” Durbin said. “It’s based on a five-step system that begins with picking your protein. You then select your dry seasonings, veggies, sauce and finish with your starch. This lets you stay in control to build a bowl that allows you to keep it healthy. You control the amount of protein, sugar, salt or fat you put in your bowl. Because of this, we accommodate any diet – from low carb to high protein to sugar free.”
Genghis Grill 15819 Fountain Plaza Drive • Ellisville (636) 527-2714 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sun. – Thurs.; 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fri. – Sat.
Durbin said 90 percent of customers build their own bowls while the remainder picks from a dozen featured traditional and signature Khan Kitchen recipes, such as the Teriyaki Chicken and Beef Broccoli. Among these stock bowl standouts worth exploring are the veggie and tofu-rich Buddhist Bowl and the Cajun-inspired Bayou Bowl. All bowls are prepared on am exhibition kitchen grill, which is excellent entertainment for those wanting to watch the grill masters in action. Those who prefer to relax can enjoy the table service provided throughout the meal, which also includes access to Genghis’ full-service bar. Although Asian ingredients are featured, Durbin encourages customers to think outside the bowl and consider one of the international specialties offered. “We have spaghetti and meatballs, quesa- Genghis Grill owner Brian Durbin dillas and desserts, like cheesecake, brownies and ice cream, that can be ordered with To help stay within personal dietary goals, Genghis proadd-on toppings, which echoes that we’re all about choice,” vides an in-store and online nutrition guide, a tremendous Durbin said. “While we’re an Asian concept, we have a support tool that sets it apart from other Mongolian-style lot more. We have something for everyone. You can build grills. your own fajitas or pastas, or if you want a big bowl of Genghis Grill is dedicated to living healthier, providsteak you can do that, too.” ing year-round nutritional information and support to its Bowls come in two sizes, and customers are limited to guests. how much they can fit into their bowl, or they can get as “We’re a healthy alternative with variety,” Durbin said. much as they want with the Bottomless Bowl – the best “We’re fresh, wholesome and made to order – and we’re buy for hungry customers. fun.”
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BaBy ChriSty SPeCiaL iS BaCk! $4.99 includes Baby Christy Burger, Fry and Drink.
Now that the holidays are over and you don't have to party, come in and relax with great food, friendly people, and a comfortable atmosphere. (Oh yes, and Good Drinks) Yes, we still have the Steak Special but Ellisville made us take down the sign.
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Burger Blowout Tuesdays! $ 2.99 Half Pound Cheeseburger with Fries or Chips 5 to Close! (with purchase of a beverage)
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for your community Public Water Supply or Wastewater Treatment System with Lab testing
Next DeaDliNe:
ing West County since 1980. Springs, cables, electric openers. Door replacement. Evening & weekend service available. Call 636-388-9774.
for JaN. 25 issue
636.591.0010 Gutter Cleaning
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DEBT COLLECTORS Looking for “career” oriented individuals Email resume to
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JANUARY 19 for JaN. 25 issue
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Stand out from the crowd
Handyman Corner Inc. Reliable Home Repair PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL • CARPENTRY
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JANUARY 19 for
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Classifieds 636.591.0010
Karen's Painting Looking for a job done right the first time? On time? Neat & organized? Someone who respects your home like her own? Interior & exterior painting. Free estimates. Discounts on empty properties. Call KAREN 636-352-0129.
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Carol Weber
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Novena to the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. Give me the divine gift to forgive and forget them all who have done wrong to me. I, in short dialogue, want to thank you in everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my beloved one in our perpetual glory. Thanks for favors. Pray this prayer for three consecutive days without asking for wish. After third day, wish will be granted no matter how difficult. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your favor has been granted. MF May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. MK
Snow Removal
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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. BCM
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. EGR
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Bring Your Challenges Chesterfield/Wildwood
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1430 COUNTRY LAKE ESTATES DR CHESTERFIELD Custom 1.5 story, 5BR home backs to lake. Gourmet kitchen with granite adjoins hearth rm. $995,000
501 Waterside Ct. - Cottleville - $330,000 Pristine 2-story in great subdivision! 5 Bedrooms! Over 3,000 sqft. Finished LL, bonus loft, level front and backyard.
15260 Denwoods Dr. - Chesterfield - $220,000 Large ranch with inground pool in Parkway schools! Needs some TLC, but great opportunity to live in popular subdivision.
Fabulous 2-story in Fairhaven subdivision! Wide stairs, bonus room, stunning kitchen, built-ins, large fenced backyard!
495 Manorcrest Ln. – Ballwin $155,000 133 Apache Dr. - Pacific - $299,500 Great ranch in Oak Tree Farm subdivision! Peaceful living on 1.3 acres! Brick 2-story, Move in ready with newer carpet, fresh circular drive, gorgeous kitchen! paint, new appliances! PR
16239 Lakeshore Meadows Ct.- Wildwood $419,900
10339 Roscommon Dr. – St. Louis $145,000
Darling split level with huge fenced yard and covered rear deck! Finished lower level, bright family room, great subdivision!
12 Flagstick Ct. - Sunset Hills - $570,000 1419 Vadera Ct. – Fenton $87,500 Stunning 2-story on Tapawingo National 2-story end unit condo with upgrades Golf Course. Upgrades everywhere! Must see throughout! New appliances, new flooring, kitchen and view of golf course. private patio/deck! Integrity Land Title Co. 11715 Administration Dr, Ste. 103 St. Louis, MO 63146 Office: 314-291-8102
423 Slusser Ln. – Florissant $129,000 Well maintained ranch with great curb appeal! Nice landscaping, vaulted ceilings, open floorplan, fenced backyard!
Call today for your Financing Needs: Wendy Wallach Cell: (314) 374-0737
Big enough to provide excellent service... Small enough to care!
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New Homes Div
18238 CANYON FOREST COURT CHESTERFIELD Newly completed custom ranch. Lovely wood flrs on main level. Gourmet kitchen w/granite. $799,900
2362 BROOKHOLLOW LANE WILDWOOD Atrium ranch on 4.9 wooded acres. Great rm, vaulted ceiling & fireplace, gourmet kitchen. $675,000
17373 ORRVILLE ROAD Wildwood 4BR/4ba with 7.2 level acres, in-ground pool. Fin LL, 2 full kitchens, 3 FP. Could subdivide. $650,000
17892 WESTHAMPTON WOODS DR WILDWOOD Elegant 1.5 story 4BR, 4.5ba home. Kitchen with center island, 42 cabinets, 2 story great room. $469,900
765 CEDAR FIELD COURT CHESTERFIELD Elegant yet comfy updated atrium ranch offers so many lovely features. Beautiful cherry cabinets. $460,000
145 PETITE ROYALE CT CREVE COEUR Fabulous location. Large 2sty 4BR, 2.5ba on 1/2 acre lot, inground pool. Great upates. $427,000
357 COOPERSTOWN CHESTERFIELD Updated 4BR, 2.5ba 2 sty. Remodeled kit w/center island & granite countertop, updated guest bth. $334,900
14482 EDDINGTON DR CHESTERFIELD Updated well maintained 4 BR ranch situated on lovely landscaped lot. In popular Green Trails. $279,000
432 MADEWOOD CHESTERFIELD Open floorplan, bi-level ranch with updated kitchen! Updated main floor baths! 2 fireplaces! $274,900
3100 AUTUMN TRACE DR MARYLAND HTS One level condo. 2BR, 2ba, full basement. Complete w/garage, covered deck. Great location. $119,500
1280 HANNA RD (BALLWIN) Beautifully appointed throughout, exceptional home, 3BR, 2.5ba, 2 car garage. $239,900 110 LITTLE HILL CT (BALLWIN) Fantastic ranch home in Parkway School District. 3BR/2ba, updated kit. $189,000 1122 ROLLING GLEN (BALLWIN) Great starter home with room to grow. 3BR, 2.5ba, fenced yard, 2 car gar. $180,000 610 PINE RIDGE TRAILS CT (BALLWIN) Main flr Garden 1BR, 1.5ba condo, 1 car garage. Well maintained, FP. $110,000 16763 EAGLE BLUFF CT (CHESTERFIELD) Open cust 1.5 sty on almost 1 ac. 2sty entry, front/rear staircase. $1,299,900 1303 COUNTRYSIDE MANOR PLACE CT (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine in every way,beautiful updates thru out! $895,000 17951 BONHOMME RIDGE CT (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine 1.5 story overlooking trees. Every window has a view.$720,000 14304 SPYGLASS RIDGE (CHESTERFIELD) Exceptional villa with view of Missouri River Valley. $620,000 2221 STONEGATE MANOR CT (CHESTERFIELD) Beautiful 2 sty, 4BR on level lot. Expanded kitchen. $539,900 2048 WILSON RIDGE LN (CHESTERFIELD) Beautiful 2 sty, 4BR w/wonderful fenced yrd, heated ingrnd pool. $499,900 680 SPYGLASS SUMMIT DR (CHESTERFIELD) Stunning 4BR villa in prime location. Large kit w/granite. $479,000 16653 CHESTERFIELD MANOR DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully updated thru-out, wd flrs on first/second. $399,900 14561 GATEMONT DR (CHESTERFIELD) 1.5 story, 4BR, 3F/2H bath beauty on corner lot, updated kitchen. $396,850 16200 WINDFALL RIDGE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Updated 4BR, 2.5ba home in popular Bent Tree Subd. $349,000 14145 BAYWOOD VILLAGES DR (CHESTERFIELD) 3BR, 2ba ranch villa situated on a park like setting. $329,000 16314 BELLINGHAM (CHESTERFIELD) Detached 2 sty 3BR/3.5ba villa on cul-desac. Main flr family room. $279,500
1597 MILBRIDGE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Free Standing Villa! Updated kitchen! 3BR, 3.5ba! Lovely patio! $275,000 200 AMBRIDGE CT #201 (CHESTERFIELD) Gorgeous updated 2BR/2ba condo in Baywood! $184,500 14266 CEDAR SPRINGS DR (CHESTERFIELD) Resort living in secured neighborhood offers pool/tennis/lake. $410,000 208 FOX CHAPEL LN (CLARKSON VALLEY) Exceptional 2 sty w/numerous updates & additions. $649,946 1579 TERRA VISTA (CREVE COEUR) Attached villa waiting for you to complete. Upgraded fixtures, wood flrs. $320,000 2325 CRIMSON VIEW CT (ELLISVILLE) Sharp 2sty home with 4BR, 3.5ba, 3 car garage. Updated throughout. $369,900 1412 VIRGINIA DR (ELLISVILLE) Over 3,400 sq ft living area in Ellisville. Brick ranch 3BR, 2ba w/LR, FP. $210,000 134 CARMEL WOODS DR (ELLISVILLE) Beautiful updated 2BR townhome. Fin walk out lower level. Patio. $113,500 17305 HIDDEN VALLEY DR (EUREKA) Beautiful 4.25 ac. Build your dream home in Hidden Valley Forest Subd. $129,700 325 IMPERIAL LN (FENTON) Charming 3BR/1.5ba ranch home. 2 car gar, newer roof, furnace and A/C. $135,000 145 CEDAR KNOLL CT (LABADIE) Upscale amenities in 3BR/3.5ba, 5 acre home. 3,700+ ft 2 living space. $500,000 1030 ARBOR POINTE DR (MANCHESTER) 3BR, 2F/2H bath villa. 1st flr master bedroom. Main flr laundry. $269,900 302 BRIGHTSAND CT (MANCHESTER) Cute, updated ranch on large fenced corner lot. 3BR/2ba, MFL. $164,900 11826 CHARLEMAGNE DR (MARYLAND HTS) Stop paying rent! 3 levels of living space w/2 lg BR, wd flrs. $97,900 13827 AMIOT DR , UNIT B (MARYLAND HTS) Nicely updated 1BR/1ba condo with its own garage space! $84,900 833 WENGLER RD (PACIFIC) Custom built vaulted great room ranch on 3 ac w/6 car garage. Wood floors. $569,900
774 BORDEAUX CIRCLE (ST ALBANS) Stunning 1.5sty villa, 3c gar, 2decks, patio, 2 sty great rm, custom cabs. $499,900 10367 OXFORD HILL DR #5 (ST LOUIS CO) Great price. Secured bldg 1BR/1.5b plus 1 reserved garage space. $59,000 12321 PROMENADE LN (ST LOUIS CO) Updated 3BR, 2.5 bath. Beautifully remodeled baths, wood flring. $175,000 14272 CEDAR SPRINGS DR (TOWN & COUNTRY) Updated kitchen w/42 maple cabs, stainless appliances. $337,000 2334 BROOKHOLLOW LN (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5 sty on 7 parklike acres. Gorgeous inground pool. $899,900 2343 BROOKHOLLOW LN (WILDWOOD) Gracious custom 1.5 sty on 3.42 acre lot, 2 sty great rm, gourmet kitch. $675,000 17254 ORRVILLE RD (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5sty on 6+ acre gorgeous lot, 2sty entry & great rm. $649,000 17734 DRUMMER LN (WILDWOOD) 2sty, treeded lot, great rm, wet bar, FP & built-ins, wonderful kitchen. $549,900 18749 EATHERTON VALLEY RD (WILDWOOD) Charming 4BR ranch, 3+ level acres, 3 car side entry gar.$539,900 2143 WILDWOOD MEADOWS CT (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 1.5 sty w/heated inground pool. Spacious mstr. $469,900 2719 WESTRIDGE PINES CT (WILDWOOD) Newer 1.5 sty with 4BR, 2.5ba. 2 sty great room, open flr plan. $325,000 1500 WINDWOOD HILLS (WILDWOOD) Nesteled on 3+ acre lot. Numerous updates, newer carpet thru-out. $325,000 1708 SHEPARD RD (WILDWOOD) Beautiful building site for your own plans. Gorgeous 4.6 acre lot! $325,000 180 CHERRY HILLS MEADOWS (WILDWOOD) UPDATED 4BR 2 story. 3 car garage, finished lower level. $300,000 3505 RATHBUN HILLS (WILDWOOD) Charming log home on 4.71 acres. 4BR; 3ba. Vaulted & open floor plan. $269,900 4163 HENCKEN RD (WILDWOOD) Country ranch on 3.5 acres in AAA rated Rockwood District. Vaulted GR. $230,000
#1 Office in the State of Missouri! 175+Professional Sales Associates To Serve You!
Town Country
1100 Town & Country Crossing | Town & Country, Missouri 63017 |
304 Bel Arbor Creve Coeur $2,195,000
522 Morel Ct. Saint Albans $1,675,000
1133 Pond Road Wildwood $1,599,900
690 Eatherton Road Wildwood $1,475,000
165 Gay Ave. Clayton $1,299,999
1320 Wildhorse Meadows Dr. Chesterfield $1,200,000
2331 Todforth Way Town & Country $1,199,000
12045 Embassy Row Town & Country $995,000
388 Herworth Ct. Clarkson Valley $675,000
2405 Oak Springs Lane Town & Country $649,000
507 Inverrary Ct. Eureka $599,900
19327 Dogwood Valley Ct. Wildwood $599,000
12 Woodbridge Manor Road Creve Coeur $597,500
16106 Elkton Ct. Wildwood $575,000
1631 Wildhorse Parkway Dr. Chesterfield $549,000
708 Dartmouth Bend Ct. Wildwood $460,000
1910 Chesterfield Ridge Circle Chesterfield $450,000
14383 Cedar Springs Dr. Town & Country $435,000
14611 Chermoore Dr. Chesterfield $420,000
7111 Cornell Ave. University City $379,000
632 Eaglsridge Dr. Ballwin $374,900
2208 Ameling Manor Dr. Maryland Heights $335,000
14612 Chermoore Dr. Chesterfield $300,000
15559 Valley Branch Dr. Chesterfield $299,900
512 Fox Run Estates Ct. Manchester $284,900
918 Napoli Dr. Ballwin $169,000
511 Golfwood Dr. Ballwin $155,000
708 La Marite Dr. Manchester $147,000
5387 Reber St. Louis $139,900
14471 Bantry #5 Chesterfield $94,900
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