ECRWSS Postal Patron ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT No. 5584
PLUS: Manchester fails to pass 2011 budget ■ Tornado tears through Ballwin ■ Marquette hockey off to great start
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This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists in the advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, or This office is a General Dentistry Orthodontics: Samson Liu, DDS, MAGDPractice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists of in thethe advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, A Proud Member Heartland Dental Care Family Endodontics, Periodontics, ADV10903or Orthodontics: Samson Liu, DDS, MAGD
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Mascot Politics Dr. Victor Davis Hanson’s quietly chilling article, “Two Californias,” in National Review Online, ought to be read by every American who is concerned about where this country is headed. California is leading the way, but what is happening in California is happening elsewhere – and is a slow poison that is being largely ignored. Professor Hanson grew up on a farm in California’s predominantly agricultural Central Valley. Now, as he tours that area, many years later, he finds a world as foreign to the world he knew as it is from the rest of California today – and very different from the rest of America, either past or present. In Hanson’s own words: “Many of the rural trailer-house compounds I saw appear to the naked eye no different from what I have seen in the Third World. There is a Caribbean look to the junked cars, electric wires crossing between various outbuildings, plastic tarps substituting for replacement shingles, lean-tos cobbled together as auxiliary housing, pit bulls unleashed, and geese, goats, and chickens roaming around the yards.” This is a Third World culture, transplanted from Mexico, and living largely outside the scope of American law, state or federal. Ironically, this is happening in a state notorious for its pervasive and intrusive regulation of the minute details of people’s lives, homes, and businesses. But not out in the Third World enclaves in the Central Valley, where garbage is strewn with impunity and unlicensed swarms of peddlers come and go, selling for cash and with no sales tax. While waiting in line at two supermarkets, Victor Davis Hanson realized in both places that he was the only one in line who was not paying with the plastic cards issued by welfare authorities to replace the old food stamps. He noted that these people living on the taxpayers were driving latemodel cars and had iPhones, BlackBerries and other parts of what he calls “the technological veneer of the middle class.” Sadly – and, in the long run, tragically – this is not unique to California, or to illegal immigrants from Mexico, or even to the United States. It is a pattern to which the Western world has been slowly but steadily succumbing. In France, for example, there are enclaves
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of Third World Muslims, living by their own rules and festering with resentments of the society that is content to let them vegetate on handouts from the welfare state. The black ghettos of America, and especially their housing projects, are other enclaves of people largely abandoned to their own lawless and violent lives, their children warehoused in schools where they are allowed to run wild, with education being more or less optional. What is going on? These and other groups, here and abroad, are treated as mascots of the self-congratulatory elites. These elites are able to indulge themselves in non-judgmental permissiveness toward those selected as mascots, while cracking down with heavy-handed, nannystate control on others. The effect of all this on the mascots themselves is not a big concern of the elites. Mascots symbolize something for others. The actual fate of the mascots themselves seldom matters much to their supposed benefactors. So long as the elites have control of the public purse, they can subsidize selfdestructive behavior on the part of the mascots. And so long as the elites can send their own children to private schools, they needn’t worry about what happens to the children of the mascots in the public schools. Other people who cannot afford to send their children to private schools can simply be called “racists” for objecting to what the indulgence of the mascots is doing to the public schools or what the violence of the mascots is doing to other children trapped in the same schools with them. A hundred years ago, groups who are now indulged as mascots were targets and scapegoats of Progressive era elites, treated like dirt and targeted for eradication in the name of “eugenics.” There are no permanent mascots. As fashions change, the mascots of today can become the scapegoats and targets of tomorrow. But who thinks ahead any more?
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letters to the editor Offended
To the apartment renters, I am sorry if have worked here, I haven’t had any expeTo the Editor: you think that it would run up your rent. riences with spirits. I should have left it at You published an article about me and What about people who own homes and that, but unfortunately, I shot my stupid my song. I am highly offended that you pay actual property tax, not rent? Hom- mouth off in a vain attempt to be entertainreferred to my Marines or me as a “sol- eowners and landlords are the people who ing and I gave (accounts of) a couple of dier” … “Soldiers” are in the Army. I am invest a lot of money in something they events that I had heard of before I came a Marine. There are only 185,000 Marines, can’t just move out of or sell. We are “for to work for St. Louis County. That would whereas there are over a million “soldiers.” profit” and someday would like a return on not have been so bad, but I added a dumb We accept only the fastest, best, toughest, our investment. wisecrack about how I had heard that there and brightest into our very selective ranks. Finally, when has gentrification been a was on-the-job drinking going on at that An error such as this is akin to calling a bad thing for any community? period of time. Republican a Democrat or vice versa … Adam Paul To my extreme embarrassment, this we just don’t do it. I am more than happy to Ellisville implied that a man whom I respect and come to your organization and do morning admire drank on the job, when actually physical training at about 0430 to ensure nothing could be further from the truth. And that everyone is awake enough … just let Parkway spending as this happened long before my employme know. To the Editor: ment, I had no business talking about such Semper Fi! I just received my annual Parkway dis- things in the first place. I’m much too old Lt. Col. T. Shane Tomko trict report in the mail. Highlights noted and experienced to have made a dumb misUSMC include another lower enrollment and a take like that and can only rest assured in higher cost of educating a Parkway stu- the knowledge that this sort of thing will dent, now almost $7,000 per (elementary), never happen again. Ellisville Walmart middle, and high school student. Thank you for your kind attention. To the Editor: Parkway now is almost as expensive Jack Hanewinkel Jr. Walmart in Ellisville … I am all for it! as the private school my grandchildren Museum technician, Faust Park This is the major intersection that repre- attend. sents our community and, in my view, is Second highlight in the report: pictures also the armpit of Ellisville. To make mat- of how (they spent) some of the mega milters worse, they put up a red-light camera lions we gave them a few years ago – they Kudos to Manchester to leave a bad vision in computer’s minds. bought a new volleyball net. Whoop-de- To the Editor: However, I do understand it, as we need do! I just wanted to offer support to not only the revenue. And if memory is correct, they fixed pot- the city of Manchester, but to every other Currently, this intersection has a ghetto holes in front of a Parkway school. Is that city with the courage to stand against the McDonald’s, several vacant lots from old all there is – potholes and volleyball nets? people from Westboro. Please do not add car dealerships, and oceans of wasted con- So where did the other mega millions go? “Baptist” or “Church” if you choose to print crete. This would actually bring more big On my new real estate and personal prop- this letter, for they slander both and repreretailers to the area, generating more tax erty tax bill, approximately $2,000 goes to sent neither. revenue and jobs for the city that is cur- Parkway. The people who protest the funerals rently in the red. What else are we going As an empty-nester with no kids or grand- of our heroic American servicemen and to put there? It will boost the Gordman’s/ kids in Parkway, I’m beginning to believe women do so out of their own need for CVS side. It will force the K-Mart to step their game plan is to force empty-nesters attention and their own blind obedience to up and update the current look on the other out of their homes because of higher taxes, their biblically ill-informed leaders. They side as well. What about Best Buy? These sell their house cheaply to a young family, are not Christians, and they apparently places are really hurting and need more thus high enrollment, another bond issue, have never read the Bible. Pulling quotes traffic, more shoppers. Look at the lots; etc. out of their proper context, they pervert they are empty and soon they will be gone. Lou Enkelmann God’s word and insult Christians and Do you want closed down, for lease, big Manchester Christianity itself. empty buildings throughout our city? As a Christian who attempts every day Ellisville has not stepped up to bring in to represent the true message of Christ, more shoppers, more revenue to any busione of love and compassion for all, I am nesses, small or large. We are getting beat Embarrassed embarrassed that these people have chosen by Ballwin, Manchester and Wildwood. I To the Editor: to twist the words of my Lord to support have seen what new Targets do for areas in I felt compelled to write about a brief their own sick agenda. I know in my heart I the Chicago region and it is awesome, for article that you ran for your October issue speak for the millions of Christians around small business and large. The only thing that dealt with possible hauntings in old the country and around the world who pray people should be worried about is when West County buildings. that these lost souls will one day see the a Walmart leaves. Look what happened to I was working at Thornhill in Faust errors of their ways and that those who the areas when they moved out of the old County Park when a reporter of yours asked witness their behavior don’t confuse their location and into the new Super Center east about any evidence of paranormal activity. message of hate with the true message of on Manchester – ghost towns, but I highly I told him that officially, the county policy the love of Jesus Christ. doubt that would happen if they are build- for such inquiries is that there are no such Michael Horton ing a new facility. things as ghosts, and in the 11 years that I Chesterfield
Tax cuts 101 To the Editor: Come on people – this isn’t rocket science about tax cuts; it’s just common sense. Sally wants more out of life and she is not afraid to work for it. Instead of working the same amount of time as everyone else, and spending all that she makes, she works longer hours and saves all that she can, doing without some things. At some point, she has saved enough money and wants to start a business. She takes her money, and possibly money she was able to borrow, and starts a business of her own, hiring someone to help her. They get some business going and hopefully (liberals, watch out for a horrible word coming up) profit. Sally pays half of the employee’s Social Security tax and half of the employee’s Medicare tax. Hopefully, they have made enough to also provide some health care coverage for the employee. Time goes on; Sally continues to work 60-plus hours a week and she hires another employee, again paying half of the employee’s Social Security tax and half of the employee’s Medicare tax. Hopefully, they are still doing well enough to provide some other benefits. They are building a business. Along comes Uncle Sam, and he tells Sally that he needs more money. “For what?” she asks, and gets a lot of political talk with no real answer. She already knows it is to give to someone else to buy their vote. Sally buckles down and works even harder to make ends meet. Soon, Uncle Sam comes by again and wants more. Sally has no more and is forced to lay off the second employee. Now Uncle Sam has to give the person that was laid off welfare, and he needs more money from hard-working Sally. Sally doesn’t want to give (oops, I think the work is “contribute”) any more of her money that she worked hard for and tells Uncle Sam to go to hell while closing her business. Sally keeps what she can salvage to herself, and the former employees are out on the street. It’s really that simple, folks. All this talk from politicians about “tax cuts for the rich” is only to divide (class envy) “we the people” so that we are not strong to stand up against the politicians who are taking advantage of us all. Someone recently wrote this paper and was babbling on about millionaire and billionaire people shouldn’t get tax cuts while the little guy is starving, and that
See LETTERS, page 46
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in quotes
how jobs are made Desperate times, they say, call for desperate measures. Perhaps true, but quite often, desperate times simply call for common sense. All signs indicate that our times are becoming a bit less desperate. The cloud of recession that has plagued our economy is clearing. Retail sales, the various stock indexes, and consumer confidence all are rising, but high unemployment still looms as a gray lining in the otherwise blue skies. Due to that last nagging bit of drag on the economy, desperate policy-makers will attempt to employ some desperate policies. Local officials will increase tax incentives to lure huge corporations across state, or even just city, lines; national politicians will try to hinder free trade or call for further taxpayer funded bailouts, all under the auspices of job creation. Unfortunately, these desperate measures are doomed to fail. One cannot look to existing mega-corporations or the government and expect job creation. Last summer, The Kaufmann Foundation, the world’s largest foundation devoted to entrepreneurship, released a study titled, “The Importance of Startups in Job Creation and Job Destruction.” This study documented two decades of
kangaroo court Nokopo, a female Matschie’s tree kangaroo joey, pokes her head out from within her mother Kasbeth’s pouch at their habitat in Emerson Children’s Zoo at the Saint Louis Zoo in St. Louis on December 17, 2010. Six months ago Nokopo, nicknamed Noko, was born the size of a lima bean, then immediately moved into her mother’s pouch to be nurtured and developed, and has since grown to be the size of a small cat. She is named after a village in Papua New Guinea. UPI/Bill Greenblatt
trends that details how companies just one year old and older are net job destroyers, at the rate of 1 million jobs destroyed per year. Over the same two decades, however, startup firms created some 3 million jobs per year. The lesson in this data? The only way to truly create new jobs is to create new companies. While that information seems simple, and perhaps even obvious, its implications are daunting. It means asking our policy-makers, who tend to operate more clearly with hindsight rather than foresight, to have a clear and unobstructed vision of what the future could hold. It means that policy that reacts to layoffs would be better served by being proactive toward startup firms. It means that moving a company from one place to another, funded by tax dollars and buoyed by the promise of job growth, is destined to be a failed decision. Instead, our policies need to reflect the common sense notion that new companies lead to the organic creation of new jobs. This fact has held true for two decades and has held true through all economic climates.
“The spending spree is over.” What needs done to improve the entrepreneurial climate? It is best to go back to the common sense approach. Startups need access to capital. They need access to training and support, such as that offered at business incubators. They need access to highly trained workers. They need the security of offering those workers reasonable benefits at reasonable rates. They need the protection of a transparent patent and copyright system. They need the efficiency of the world’s greatest technologies. These things that startup firms require are not merely common sense and logistically simple, they are also remarkably affordable. The only thing lacking from this formula is the difficulty in creating a banner headline for a policy that does not generate immediate results. It is far easier to spread the mistruth of, “I created 500 jobs yesterday” than the righteous claim of, “I will create 500 jobs tomorrow.” But if this country is truly interested in creating jobs, it is tomorrow’s company that will fix today’s stagnant job market.
- House Budget Chief Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)
“They put us in here for a reason, and it’s not this.” - Manchester Alderman Marilyn Ottenad, on the Manchester Board of Aldermen’s failure to pass its 2011 budget.
“What (Obama) did was go in, shake my hand, and then we just talked for a few minutes. He seemed willing to talk about whatever I wanted and to get to know me personally a little bit. I wish I’d been better prepared for that.” -Chesterfield resident Chris Chadwick, on meeting the president
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355 Ozark Trail Drive, Suite 1 St. Louis, MO 63011 (636)591-0010 ■ (636)591-0022 Fax Please send Comments, Letters and Press Releases to: A PUBLICATION OF
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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2011.
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News Br iefs BALLWIN Upside Down Triathlon The city of Ballwin will be kicking off the Ballwin Race Series 2011 with an Upside Down Indoor Triathlon on Sat., Jan. 15 or Sun., Jan. 16 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Participants aged 10 and older will participate in a 15-minute run, 15-minute bike and 10-minute swim, in that order and will compete within age groups ranging from 14 and younger to 60-plus. The top three finishers in each age/gender category will receive medals. The entry fee is $25. To register, call 227-8950 or visit
CHESTERFIELD Reconstruction on Baxter A public hearing on plans to reconstruct Baxter Road from Claymont Estates Drive to Heathercroft Drive in Chesterfield will be held at 6 p.m. on Wed., Jan. 12, in the gymnasium at Parkway West Middle School, located at 2312 Baxter Road. Construction on the project, which will expand Baxter Road to three lanes with one lane in each direction and one continuous, two-way left-turn lane, is scheduled to
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begin in the spring. The plan includes the construction of five-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. The St. Louis County Department of Highways and Traffic in 2001 began plans to expand Baxter Road but could not fund the project at that time. The county’s 2011 budget includes the $6.9 million needed for construction, and all easements and rights of way already have been acquired. The purpose of the final public information meeting is to advise the public of the anticipated construction schedule, anticipated road closure, and other design elements.
Citizen of the Year nominations Chesterfield city officials are seeking nominations for the 2010 Chesterfield Citizen of the Year Award. Nominees should meet the following criteria: • Actions being recognized should benefit the overall community and the city of Chesterfield and its residents in some manner through volunteerism, work performed on community projects, and overall civic contributions to the community. • A nominee should preferably be a Chesterfield resident. If not, his/her accomplishment should take place in Chesterfield.
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Nomination guidelines are as follows: • One nomination per person per household (spouses can be nominated jointly). • Previously nominated individuals can be re-nominated. • A nominee cannot serve on the Selection Committee. • City employees will not be considered for the award. An online application for can be found at Applications are due by Feb. 4. For more information, call 5374000.
CREVE COEUR And the winners are… Each year, the city of Creve Coeur recognizes an Employee of the Year, a Part Time Employee of the Year and a Citizen of the Year. Court Administrator Jody Caswell was named the city’s 2010 Employee of the Year. Attorneys and judges who have worked in Creve Coeur’s court system have commended Caswell for her management of the court. She has served as president of the Metropolitan St. Louis Association for Court Administrators and has worked hard to ensure that the court runs smoothly and follows the state guidelines, city officials said. Juan Boyd, a seasonal maintenance worker in Creve Coeur’s Public Works Department, was named the 2010 Part Time Employee of the Year. Boyd in 1999 began
working for the city as a temporary worker and in 2009 was promoted to seasonal worker status. City officials commended him for promoting a good work ethic and displaying a good attitude, thereby setting a good example for other employees. The Creve Coeur City Council named Barry Koenemann the 2010 Citizen of the Year for his work supporting the U.S. Marines’ Toys for Tots program. For the last five years, Koenemann has decorated his house with holiday lights that are animated with computer-controlled lighting effects as a means to support the charity. City officials said the light show is the only Toys for Tots residential collection point in St. Louis, and since beginning the show in 2006, Koenemann has collected more than 10,000 toys and monetary contributions.
MANCHESTER Signed and delivered Former Manchester Police Sgt. Charlie Everingham has signed papers authorizing the city of Manchester to release information to outside investigators who would look into the circumstances surrounding his resignation from the police department. However, crossed out by Everingham’s attorney on the form submitted to the city was a provision limiting Everingham’s right to sue over information that the release of personnel files could make public. “He did not feel that limiting our rights in this case was appropriate,” Everingham’s wife, Suzie Everingham, said.
Tackling tornado damage Volunteers from a West St. Louis County organization have been busy cleaning up tornado damage in South County. At press time, volunteers from Service International (SI) had helped clean up about 38 homes in the Sunset Hills area after a category EF-3 tornado tore through the area on the Service International volunteers clear debris on Jan. 1 from a morning of Dec. 31. home in the 8700 block of Townhill Drive near Watson Road Ed Fasnacht, proj- and S. Lindbergh in Sunset Hills. ect director for SI, said 80-150 volunteers began showing up on Jan. 1 to help in the relief effort, clearing yards and streets of storm debris. Volunteers assisted a number of elderly homeowners, and Fasnacht said they were especially touched by the story of a 90-year-old woman and her 98-year-old husband who could not make it to their basement. “She rolled him to the center hallway and threw herself on top of him,” Fasnacht said. Both survived, but their home is one of nine that were condemned. SI volunteers combed through piles of debris and recovered her cherished possessions and his World War II keepsakes. SI is a non-profit organization that provides disaster relief and support worldwide. It was founded in 1985 by St. Louis Family Church in Chesterfield as a support for missionaries but began its work in disaster relief during the 1993 flood. Allegedly, Everingham, a 29-year veteran of the Manchester Police Department, in September 2010 was forced to resign for undisclosed reasons two weeks after handing to Mayor Dave Willson a memo outlining various charges against a few members of the city’s police department. Alderman Bob Tullock (ward 1) at the Nov. 1 board of aldermen meeting called for an investigation into the reasons for Everingham’s resignation, but Patrick Gunn, the city’s attorney, said permission would need to be granted to release personnel information to investigators before an investigation could take place. According to Manchester Alderman Mike Clement (ward 2), the possibility of a lawsuit most likely would stop the investigation from moving forward at this time. Suzie Everingham said that if the board wanted to find out what Everingham alleged in the memo to Willson, what he was accused of, and why he resigned, they could talk to her husband in a private session.
WILDWOOD Greenway Corridor The Wildwood City Council in December approved a resolution consistent with the city’s Parks and Recreation Plan committing to $1,125,000 to the “Wildwood Greenway Corridor – Phase VI.” The reso-
lution includes also a commitment to seek a land and water conservation fund grant of $75,000 for the project. Wildwood officials determined it is a high priority to provide active facilities such as pedestrian connections between the major parks and recreational areas to serve its 38,000 residents.
ST. LOUIS COUNTY Deed recording available online St. Louis County residents now have the option of electronically transmitting documents instead of delivering paper copies to the Recorder of Deeds’ office in Clayton. Although e-recording does not replace the traditional recording method, it provides a convenient, paperless alternative by allowing for electronic submission of documents via the Internet. According to St. Louis County Director of Revenue Eugene Leung, e-recording provides enhanced document security and tracking and reduces payment errors. E-recording uses a five step process – submit, receive, review, record and return – that shortens the time frame from document receipt to acceptance, thereby allowing real estate purchases/sale transactions to be completed more quickly. Those interested in e-recording should contact the Recorder of Deeds’ office at
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Manchester fails to pass 2011 budget By BRIAN MCDOWELL The city of Manchester failed to pass its 2011 budget, so at least for now, the city will continue operating at 2010 levels, and all engineering studies, new projects, and a 2 percent raise for city employees are stalled. The Manchester Board of Aldermen during six private work sessions lasting a total of 12 hours worked on the budget and discussed it also in two public meetings. But when it came time to vote at the Dec. 20 board of aldermen meeting, two board members voted no on the $19 million budget and three voted yes. Alderman Hal Roth (ward 1) abstained from voting, a move that prevented Mayor Dave Willson from casting a tie-breaking vote. Roth cited concerns about deficit spending as the reason why for the first time since he has been an alderman he
abstained from a vote. “I hear all this cheerleading from the mayor about what good economic shape we’re in when we’ve got $19 million going out and only $17 million coming in,” Roth said. Alderman Marilyn Ottenad (ward 2), who voted in favor of the budget, said that because Manchester has financial reserves, the city is not officially in debt. “We’re not in dire straits,” Ottenad said. “We’re fiscally sound. For them to do this is not fair to the employees of this city.” Ottenad theorized that the budget failed to pass because of the salary increases and plans to build the Channel B storm water management system. Roth and Alderman Bob Tullock (ward 1) in the past expressed concern that ward 2, which is where Channel
B would be built, had received much more city funding than ward 1. “Right now, ward 2 has three aldermen,” Roth said. “The mayor just acts as a third alderman for them. That’s not fair to residents of the other wards.” Alderman Mike Clement (ward 2), who voted yes on the budget, in an e-mail to West Newsmagazine decried any effort to turn the wards against each other. “City expenditures should be focused on where the greatest need is,” Clement said. “A comparable analogy might be West County EMS, when answering emergency calls does not seek to balance their responses based on some equality factor within their fire protection borders, or, after See MANCHESTER BUDGET, page 16
Tornado leaves path of destruction in Ballwin No injuries reported By SUE HORNOF A storm that tore through Ballwin on New Year’s Eve day was a tornado, according to the St. Louis office of the National Weather Service (NWS). After conducting a damage survey in Ballwin, the NWS reported that the maximum damage for the tornado was rated at EF1, with a path length of 1.4 miles and a maximum width damage of 175 yards. The EF scale, used to assign a tornado rating based on estimated wind speeds and Photo by Tim Poorman related to damage, includes ratings from EF0 to EF5. A tornado rated EF1 produces winds A photo taken in the 500 block of Windsor Mill in Ballwin just after the tornado. measured at up to 110 mph. According to the NWS, the initial tornado touchdown in Ballwin occurred just northwest of the intersection of Manchester Road and Birchwood Drive. The tornado traveled northeast, moved through the east side of the Ballwin Golf Course, crossed Holloway Road and then lifted near the intersection of Sunfield Place and Greenmoor Drive, just west of Baxter Road. The Metro West Fire Protection District responded to multiple calls for trees down and trees into houses and other structures, district officials said.
Photo by Tim Poorman A home in Ballwin’s Danbury subdivision, off Holloway Road, after the Dec. 31 storm.
West Newsmagazine staff photo One of numerous trees in the tornado’s path through the Ballwin Golf Course.
West Newsmagazine staff photo A van buried beneath debris in the driveway of a home on Windsor Mill in Ballwin.
Metro West Chief of Fire & EMS Services Vincent T. Loyal said emergency crews worked quickly to determine if there were any injuries or if anyone was trapped. The district’s Division of Special Operations established its Emergency Operations Center at Metro West Station 4, in Ellisville, where calls, resources and needs could be tracked and managed. “The Emergency Operations Center is a unique facility that provides all the technology and resources necessary to manage (anything from) a small tornado to a major earthquake,” Metro West Director Mike Noonan said. Metro West officials said there were no reported injuries directly related to the storm in the Ballwin area, and Kim Bacon, spokesperson for nearby West County EMS and Fire Protection District, said no storm-related injuries were reported in that district either.
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Photo courtesy of the city of Ballwin An artist’s rendering of the Schnucks store planned for the southeast corner of Clarkson and Kehrs Mill Roads in Ballwin. Jack Seitz Licensed Anthem Agent
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Something old, something new for Schnucks in Ballwin By MARCIA GUCKES Schnucks store officials are getting ready to build a new store and remodel an old one in Ballwin. A judge has cleared the way for Schnucks to build a new grocery store on the southeast corner of Clarkson and Kehrs Mill Roads. St. Louis Circuit Court Judge John Ross recently ruled in favor of the city of Ballwin on a lawsuit filed by residents who claimed the store would increase noise and traffic and reduce property values.
Schnucks Director of Communications Lori Willis said no date has yet been set for the new construction. “Everything was put on hold, so now we plan to gear up again as soon as possible,” Willis said. Willis said the existing Schnucks in at 15425 Manchester Road in Ballwin is slated for a remodel. She said no date has been set for that project, but plans are to schedule the remodel as quickly as possible.
U-Gas gets go-ahead in Ballwin By BETSY ZATKULAK Ballwin city officials have given the goahead for a three-lot commercial development at Manchester Road and Seven Trails Drive. The site currently is occupied by Rothman Furniture and is the proposed future site of a U-Gas, two-story office building and possibly a Wendy’s fast food restaurant. Other businesses, including a bank, also have shown interest in the location. Several residents during the citizen comments portion of the Dec. 13 Ballwin Board of Aldermen meeting spoke about the proposed development. Some people said they favored the project because it would bring additional jobs and increased tax revenue to the city and would improve the area. One resident asked the board if the project is consistent with the Great Streets Initiative and said there are enough gas stations and fast food restaurants in Ballwin and that the project would hurt existing businesses by shifting money from one business to another. A resident whose property backs to the proposed development site voiced concern about privacy and security issues. On hand to address such concerns were Craig Taylor, president and CEO of U-Gas Inc.; Bill Biermann, a developer with W.B. Biermann Co.; and Brian Rensing, a traffic engineer with Crawford, Bunte, Brammeier (CBB). Ballwin Alderman Pat McDermott (ward 2) said that while he commended Biermann
for what the developer is trying to do, he wanted at make sure the city does the right thing on behalf of its residents, current and future business and property owners, and developers. McDermott said he was concerned about inadequate parking during peak hours and potential traffic problems. If you get a large number of cars stacked up on that road with the gas station development, we could create some traffic issues there,” McDermott said. McDermott said also that it was important to note that contrary to some recent reports, Rothman Furniture CEO Dale Steinback recently was quoted as saying that if the proposed development did not go through, Rothman would remain at its current location. “I think it’s important to get it out there that we will not end up with a 42,000-square-foot vacancy, based on what we know today,” McDermott said. Alderman Michael Finley (ward 1) shared McDermott’s concerns about the project and questioned whether the proposed development reflected the Great Streets Initiative and if it was the right fit given the current economy. Alderman Frank Fleming (ward 3), who sits on the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission, said he believed the petitioners had done everything the Planning and Zoning Commission had asked them to do. “All we can do as a local government See U-GAS, next page
Creve Coeur considers CIDs By TED DIXON JR. As the new year begins, the Creve Coeur City Council is considering two petitions to form community improvement districts within two sectors of the city. A community improvement district (CID) can be defined as a political subdivision created by a city granting the power to impose a retail sales tax to finance improvements and services. It is a tool for funding improvements that directly enhance property values by allowing property owners to determine how funds are spent in their area. At its final meeting in 2010, the city held two public hearings on the proposed CIDs and is expected to decide in January whether or not to impose them. The first CID under consideration would be for the Olive/Center Parkway involving the Plaza Motors automotive dealership. Creve Coeur City Administrator Mark Perkins said Plaza Motors requested that the CID cover its entire campus. The proposed sales tax rate is .625 percent, which Perkins said would apply only to the sale of auto parts – not to the sale of automobiles. If approved, Perkins said, the total sales tax rate for the sale of cars in the district would remain at 7.625 percent. The CID would be effective for a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 25 years. That proposed CID would fund construction, landscaping and irrigation of the median on Center Parkway, additional landscaping and a fountain, maintenance within the district, and improved hazardous waste disposal. “It would also provide additional security within the district and utilities costs associated with security and directional signage to improve traffic flow,” Perkins said. The property owners of Plaza Motors, First Bank, and Bristol Seafood Grill along Olive Blvd. requested the second proposed CID to fund the burial of overhead lines from New Ballas Road to I-270. During the past several years, the city has sought
opportunities to place underground the overhead lines along Olive to improve the aesthetics of the road and encourage redevelopment of the commercial corridor. The properties are within the Olive Blvd. Transportation District (TDD), which imposes a one-half-cent sales tax. The Olive TDD originally planned to place the overhead lines underground from Craig Road to I-270 but has completed only a portion of the utility line burial project and has reduced the project due to lack of fund-
ing. It would cost approximately $800,000 to complete the utility line burial, including all construction, engineering and inspections. Property owners in the area have agreed to a one-half-cent sales tax increase to complete the project, pending approval by the city council. If it is authorized, the total sales tax rate in the district would be 8.626 percent, except for Plaza Motors, where as previously stated, the tax rate would remain at 7.625 percent for
auto sales and 9.25 percent for auto parts. According to city officials, First Bank has no retail sales on its property. If approved, that CID would be effective for no longer than 30 years, although work could be completed sooner. “Most of this work is going to be done by AmerenUE,” Perkins said. “We don’t view this as a particularly time-intensive project. We think both projects will be a significant benefit to the city. The city is getting back something in value.”
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U-GAS, from prior page is create an environment that encourages growth and hope that it occurs, but by all means, can we really hold things up and mandate that a certain spot should be a certain thing?” said Fleming, “Let’s hope this will cause contagious property improvement.” The board voted 5-2 in favor of the development with Aldermen Fleming, Markland (ward 2), Leahy (ward 3), Boerner (ward 4) and Mellow (ward 4) voting to approve legislation and McDermott and Finley voting against it. Alderman James Terbrock (ward 1) was not present at the meeting.
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Holiday letter from two aldermen alleges problems in city By BRIAN MCDOWELL A holiday letter two Manchester aldermen sent to their constituents attracted quite a bit of reaction at the city’s Jan. 3 board of aldermen meeting. The letter from Hal Roth and Bob Tullock (both of ward 1) cited charges against the city’s mayor, attorney and fellow aldermen. According to the letter, 75 percent of money for the city’s infrastructure improvements are spent in ward 2, while ward 1 only receives 15 percent of those expenditures and ward 3 receives 10 percent. “Ward #1 has a lot of infrastructure improvements of its own and as your aldermen we believe that your tax dollars should be distributed more evenly throughout all three wards,” the letter stated. No one seems to dispute the accuracy of that claim; the disparity exists largely due to channels for storm water in ward 2 neighborhoods. Some aldermen and city residents have said that funds should go to areas of the city needing the most infrastructure improvements, most of which currently are in ward 2. Ward 1 has had issues with water runoff in the Dover Falls and Chadwick areas, and there were studies approved by the board on how to best address those issues. However, the studies will not take place until the city approves its 2011 budget. Citing fiscal concerns, Tullock voted no on the budget and Roth abstained from voting. The letter implied that Manchester City Attorney Patrick Gunn is secretly running the city and urged the hiring of a new city attorney. Tullock and Roth accused Gunn of representing elected officials in the city on personal and private lawsuits not involving city business. Gunn at a previous meeting denied ever representing any Manchester officials in
private lawsuits. Tullock and Roth in their letter said also that Manchester Mayor David Willson and his administration forced long-time Manchester Police Sgt. Charlie Everingham to resign. Willson denied the allegation, saying he learned of Everingham’s resignation after the fact. All parties involved have said that City Manager Ed Blattner and Acting Police Chief Timothy Walsh were the only ones in the room with Everingham when he signed his resignation papers. The letter also accused Willson of refusing to release his city expense account, but under the Missouri’s Sunshine Law, the information is available to anyone willing to file a file request and pay a fee. Willson has maintained that any purchase made with the city credit card must be approved by Blattner or other members of the city’s staff. He said he has not used his city-issued card in more than eight months. It was not the first time Tullock and Roth aroused controversy in the city. Other board members have blamed their strategy of abstaining to vote as a way of preventing Willson from casting tiebreaking votes, resulting the city’s failure to pass a budget and hire Walsh as a full-time police chief. Tullock has sued both the city and board of aldermen for the right to be recognized as president of the board, claiming he was elected to the position but that Gunn blocked him from serving. The case is due to go to court on Jan. 21, and Manchester taxpayers will be paying Gunn to defend the city in the case. Roth later characterized the Jan. 3 board of aldermen meeting as “organized theater.” He said all surveys sent to residents had been returned and that the overwhelming majority of them were positive.
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Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, the Missouri Congressional delegation didn’t demand an equal amount of federal dollars for our state.” Ottenad said that in her 13 years on the board, she never has seen the city politically come to a similar standstill. Willson said that voting no on the budget was an acceptable thing to do but that abstaining from voting to prevent the board from achieving a majority was not. “You can vote yes, or you can vote no, but you’ve got to vote,” Willson said. Willson indicated that given the opportunity to cast a tie-breaking vote, he would have voted yes.
Clement characterized the tactic of abstaining from voting as an attempt to “impose the minority view on the majority.” “The tactic is deceitful and damaging,” Clement said. “In this case, the damage is imposed on city residents.” Residents present at the meeting expressed dissatisfaction with the board’s failure to pass a budget. “How is this supposed to make us look and feel as residents of this city?” Roberta Everson said. Ottenad said she was not surprised that residents would have such a reaction. “They put us in here for a reason, and it’s not this,” Ottenad said.
Area mayors reflect on 2010, plan for 2011 By BRIAN MCDOWELL The year 2010 presented local municipalities with many challenges but also offered many opportunities for growth. No one really knows what awaits West County in 2011, but local mayors are brimming with plans, goals and ideas. To get a clear reflection of what happened throughout West County last year and what residents can expect this year, West Newsmagazine asked area mayors what they did for their cities last year and what they planned to do this year. Here are their responses:
Finance and Administration Committee of the council, our city administrator, and our director of finance and administration, have worked tirelessly to stay “on top” of the changing situations and I think we can say that we have “weathered the storm” of 2010. Goals for 2011: To continue our fiscally conservative approach to providing excellent services in a very economical manner, maintaining the flexibility to react to uncertainties as needed. We should also note that
2011 will be the year in which many of the parks and recreation projects, approved by Creve Coeur Mayor taxpayers earlier, will come to fruition. Our Harold Dielmann amphitheater along Veterans Way, near the Main accomplishSachs Library, will be completed in May ment in 2010: The city and the trail system, which will eventupassed a one quarter of ally link both lakes in the area, will also Dielmann one percent sales tax on be completed by next summer. Our Riparian Trail is also taking shape – when com- trash pickup, which will raise $800,000 a pleted (not fully in 2011, however), it will year in general funds for the city. link the urban core of Chesterfield with the Chesterfield Valley. See MAYORS REFLECT, page 32
Ballwin Mayor Tim Pogue Main accomplishment in 2010: Being able to increase our road improvement budget by Pogue over $500,000, and we are planning on increasing it by $1 million for 2011. I feel that we need to do everything possible to improve our roads. This is important to maintain property value and the image of our community. Biggest challenge in 2010: Maintaining our budget during this economic downturn. Through good fiscal management we were able to maintain all of our city services throughout the year. Goals for 2011: I hope to continue the economic growth that we have seen in 2010. Ballwin has seen several development projects that either started last year or will begin in 2011. The second phase of the plaza at Henry and Clayton has begun, a new development at the Rothman Furniture (site) and former Plunkett Furniture building have been approved and we currently have a proposal for the former Red Lobster location on Manchester Road. Ballwin has also seen several residential developments over the past year as well.
Chesterfield Interim Mayor Barry Flachsbart Main accomplishment in 2010: Maintained city services at the Flachsbart same high level, even in the light of significantly adverse financial challenges. Along with this has been the accomplishment of positioning ourselves for the future. We are going into 2011 with a balanced budget and no cutbacks in services. Biggest challenge in 2010: Clearly, the financial issues. But the staff and the city council, especially the members of the
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West County EMS & Fire District approves ambulance service charges who said that such an exemption is unfair By BRIAN MCDOWELL West County EMS and Fire Protection and that those without insurance should District residents’ insurance companies have to pay for the service as a consewill be charged every time they require quence of not being insured. Frazier said the district had heard from ambulance assistance from the district. The district’s board at their meeting on Dec. 20 fewer than 10 people about the matter and voted to adopt the resolution, which on Jan. fewer that five who objected to the charging of fees. 1 took effect. With the downturn in the economy Residents now pay the same rate as non-residents for ambulances: $650, plus affecting property values, many fire $8 per mile. District officials emphasized departments are adopting similar meathat no resident will ever directly receive sures as a way to control costs. a bill for the service; rather, the district At the same meeting, the district will bill insurance companies directly. officially was certified EMS-C, which Those without health insurance will not be means that every ambulance is equipped billed at all, and that has been the source to properly care for and save the lives of some controversy. of children. Inspections showed that the West County EMS and Fire Protection district scored above and beyond state District Fire Chief David Frazier Jr. said regulations for pediatric equipment and he had heard from a resident of the district protocol.
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Public Hearing city of ballwin, Missouri february 7, 2011
A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ballwin on February 7, 2011 at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, 300 Park Dr, Ballwin, MO, 63011, at 7:00 P. M. upon the following: 1.
A petition from Pam Holmes of Fifth Third Bank, 503 Richley Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017, for the approval of a Manchester rd. redevelopment District overlay zoning classification to the existing C-1 district zoning classification of the property commonly known as 15200 Manchester rd., ballwin, Mo, 63011.
The City of Ballwin will consider the zoning ordinance or district regulations as provided herein, or may adopt different changes or provisions, without further notice or hearing, as the Board of Aldermen may deem to be in the public interest. The public hearing may be continued, by announcement at the public hearing, from time to time, as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission, without publication of the time and place of the continued public hearing. Petitions of protest against zoning district boundary changes, duly signed and acknowledged, must be submitted by owners of thirty percent or more of either: (1) the area of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in the proposed change(s), or (2) within the area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred and eighty-five feet distant from the area proposed for a zoning district change, public rights-of-way excepted. These petitions will be considered in determining the percentage of favorable votes by the Board of Aldermen necessary to make the zoning district change in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ballwin. Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636) 227-8580 V or (636) 527-9200 TDD or 1-800-735-2466 (Relay Missouri) no later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. ______________________ Thomas H. Aiken, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Administrator / City Planner
Eagle has landed in West County West Newsmagazine reader Dave Stuckenschneider was driving on Hwy. T in West County on Dec. 28 and thought he saw a bald eagle on the side of the road feasting on the carcass of a deer. “I came back and he was still there – a bald eagle for sure,” Stuckenschneider said. “I tried to get a picture with my phone, but he flew away.” Determined to get a photo, he went to get a better camera (and his wife), returned to the site and took this picture from Hwy. T, near Fahr Greenhouse in Wildwood.
Creve Coeur mayor’s granddaughter found dead in car By TED DIXON JR. Courtney Turner Chambers, the 28-yearold granddaughter of Creve Coeur Mayor Harold Dielmann, on Jan. 3 was found dead in Charlottesville, Va. Chambers attended St. Paul’s Evangelical Church on Olive Blvd. in Creve Coeur. According to a statement released by the church, Chambers was found in her car after taking a lunch break from her place of business in Charlottesville. The church reported that she had lived there with her husband, Drew, for the past three years, and the two were preparing to move to New York City, where her husband had a job at Barclay’s Bank. Police said they do not suspect foul play
in Chambers’ death. The church reported that heart arrhythmia was the cause of her passing. There is no official confirmation of that report. At press time, an autopsy is scheduled but has not yet been performed, according to one media outlet. Chambers attended Ladue Horton Watkins High School and graduated in 2001. Four years later, she graduated from Southern Methodist University in Texas. Chambers was the daughter of Larry and Susan Turner and was the eldest of four daughters. In an e-mail to city staff, Creve Coeur City Administrator Mark Perkins said Susan Turner lives next door to the mayor, who could not be reached for comment.
Better Together against Cancer Haley Bergman, left, and Kira Stewart, members of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) celebrating the Jan. 2 kick-off of the smoking ban at Applebee’s in Creve Coeur.
West Countians celebrate smoking ban By TED DIXON JR. St. Louis County Department of Health officials, Creve Coeur city officials and West County residents on Jan. 2 gathered at Applebee’s Bar and Grill on Olive Blvd. in Creve Coeur to celebrate the first day of the new Creve Coeur and St. Louis County smoking bans. The Creve Coeur City Council at its Nov. 8 meeting passed by a 5-0 vote a citywide ban on smoking in public places within the city, including any place of employment, public places such as casinos or nursing homes and any vehicle owned by the city. Also included in the bill is the law that no person can smoke on any sidewalk, driveway or other open area within 15 feet of the entry to any place of employment, public place or meeting. Creve Coeur Councilmember Beth Kistner (ward 1) sponsored the bill and attended the event at Applebee’s. She said private clubs such as the American Legion and Elks Club will be grandfathered, thus will not be impacted by the new regulations except during public events. Any private club opening after Jan. 2 will be subject to the ordinance. Kistner said she received support from the council and from residents on the issue, which she said is a health-related matter and is also about Creve Coeur becoming a community helping to lead other municipalities to pass similar laws. “The (St. Louis County) law needs to be stronger,” Kistner said. In November 2009, St. Louis County voters passed by 65 percent what is now known as the Clean Indoor Air Law, a bill that provides exemptions for casino floors, small bars, private bars and long-term care facilities. Creve Coeur joined Clayton, Brentwood and Kirkwood as local cities that have adopted smoking regulations. Regarding the county law, the St. Louis County Department of Health (DOH) is
calling on residents and businesses to come forward to face the challenge of tobacco head-on. That is why it began the “Let’s Face It” initiative aimed at helping people to quit using tobacco and to help spread the word about the benefits of a smoke-free environment. According to the DOH, the St. Louis region is one of the worst in the nation for asthma, and Missouri has one of the highest death rates from tobacco-related illnesses in the country. Missouri ranks 48th in funding for programs to help smokers quit and to keep kids from smoking in the first place. Deneen Busby, DOH spokesperson, said at the Applebee’s gathering that she was excited to see a smoke-free St. Louis County come to fruition. “It’s a great step forward to the county becoming a healthier community,” Busby said. Instrumental in advocating a smokefree environment were several students from Westminster Christian Academy. Especially delighted were seniors Haley Bergman and Kira Stewart, members of Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT). Creve Coeur Mayor Harold Dielmann said the city has been working for a long time on the smoking ban and has been working with SWAT since 2005. SWAT members have attended Creve Coeur City Council meetings and have traveled to Jefferson City to alert lawmakers there of tobacco’s harmful effects. Last year, they participated in a “sit-in” event at the same Applebee’s, when SWAT members filled the entire smoking section, providing customers there with a smoke-free atmosphere. “It’s pretty exciting,” Bergman said. “It’s all about being healthy.” Stewart agreed. “It’s more appealing to come to a smokefree environment,” she said.
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By BRIAN MCDOWELL A Chesterfield resident recently spent a couple of hours in the presence of the most powerful man in the world. Boeing Military Aircraft President Chris Chadwick in early November was part of a meeting President Obama hosted in Mumbai, India. Chadwick, who described his job as overseeing “anything military that flies or goes boom – helicopters, planes, missiles,” is responsible for introducing customers in 15 countries to Boeing’s products and their capabilities. He deals primarily with military leaders and parliaments, although he has had the chance also to meet a few heads of state. He said he spends about 150 nights a year sleeping in hotels around the world. Boeing since 2005 has sold military aircraft to India. Chadwick said he has been there roughly 35 times in the past five years to familiarize India’s military officials with their aircraft purchases, including a C-17 transporter that is produced largely in St. Louis. During his recent presidential visit to India, Obama wanted a meeting with American business leaders who sell products there, and Chadwick was chosen to represent Boeing’s 190,000 employees. When the time to meet Obama arrived, Chadwick said, he and five other American businessmen were escorted into a meeting room where Secret Service agents and various members of the president’s traveling staff awaited the president’s arrival. Chadwick said he happened to be the first person in the room to be greeted by
Obama, and while he was not intimidated by the encounter, he said he “did have to take a step back and catch my breath.” “What (Obama) did was go in, shake my hand, and then we just talked for a few minutes,” Chadwick said. “He seemed willing to talk about whatever I wanted and to get to know me personally a little bit. I wish I’d been better prepared for that.” After all of the business leaders met and chatted with the president, they sat down for a discussion, with Chadwick seated next to Obama. Chadwick said the group met for about 45 minutes, during which time Obama asked each person in attendance for ideas on improving America’s business interactions with India and highlighted the jobs that a close financial relationship between the nations could create in the U.S. According to Chadwick, Obama was very personable and a very good listener. “He could talk to you and make you feel like you’re the only one in the room.” Chadwick said. As the meeting wrapped up and members of the White House press corps came into the room, Obama made an announcement about the sale of Boeing airplanes to India, a deal that Chadwick called “a huge iconic sale.” Chadwick said that as he spoke on behalf of his company, he felt a tinge of nervousness but plowed through his speech and believed he made a good impression. Chadwick characterized the experience as “humbling” and said, “It was everything I expected it to be and more.”
Taxing issues: Tax professional explains tax cut compromise By BRIAN MCDOWELL If the president and Congress had failed to pass the so-called “tax cut compromise” in late December, many area taxpayers would not have had a very happy New Year. That is the conclusion reached by JacksonHewitt Assistant General Manager Doug Osgood, who for the last 13 tax seasons has helped people fill out their tax forms. According to Osgood, if the tax cuts had expired, income tax brackets would have adjusted upward. Most brackets would have adjusted up 3 percent, he said. For example, the 25 percent bracket would have drifted up to 28 percent, which means rates would have gone up for most people on Jan. 1, if not for the compromise. Also according to Osgood, an alternative minimum tax would have kicked in for individuals making more than $33,000 per year and for married couples making $45,000. The compromise, however, kept rates as they were. Osgood said the estate tax would have been bumped to any estate worth more than $1 million, but now, it applies only to individuals with estates worth more than $5 million and to couples with estates worth more than $10 million. Osgood explained that unemployment insurance was extended as part of the compromise. He said that capital gains taxes would have risen to 20 percent, but now, the top rate remains at 15 percent. There was a 2 percent reduction in the
Wildwood resident hit by tow truck, dies By SARAH WILSON David Kelly, 47, passed away on the night of Jan. 4, after being hit by a tow truck on Mo. Route 109. Captain Kenneth Williams, commander for the St. Louis County Police Department for the city of Wildwood precinct, said at approximately 7:15 p.m., Kelly was parked on the shoulder of Alt and Old State Roads. He tried waving down the tow truck driver, who was going the speed limit, when the driver hit him. He died later that night at St. John’s Mercy Center in Creve Coeur. Kelly is survived by his wife Gina Kelly, stepchildren Carly Farris and Collin Hopfenzitz, parents Ret. Col. James Kelly and Lorraine Kelly, and siblings Denise Weik and Mark Kelly. Contributions in Kelly’s memory may be made to Pujols Family Foundation, Compassions International, David H. Kelly Memorial Fund c/o Bank of America Ref. #354001060737.
amount of Social Security tax that will be taken directly out of paychecks. The 6 percent rate was lowered to 4 percent, so people will have a little more take-home pay. When asked if that would pose a threat to the financial solvency of Social Security system, Osgood said, “That’s a good question. I’ve wondered that too. I don’t know. I’m not an economist. I know their hope is that this will stimulate the economy and
help create some jobs.” Among other benefits that Osgood said taxpayers would enjoy from the compromise are extensions of the repeal of itemized deduction limits, and marriage penalty relief through 2012. Osgood said most of the compromise will expire in two years, at which point, he said, there will be another political fight over tax rates. “This will be an ongoing thing every
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couple of years,” Osgood said. “No one wants to be known as the politician that raised everyone’s taxes.” As for this year, Osgood said he expected that between now and April 15, taxpayers would have lots of questions about the tax laws. He said downturns in the economy have affected tax firms, as more people prepare their own taxes. He recommended that those preparing their own tax returns this year research everything they do.
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fantastic. fantastic.IIthought thoughtititwas waswonderful.” wonderful.” He He says says Shen Shen Yun’s Yun’s dances dances had had elements elementshe hehad hadnever neverseen seenbefore. before. “Especially, “Especially, II loved loved the the dances dances where where they they synchronized synchronized the the sounds sounds as as well wellwith withthe thecostumes costumesand andwhat what they’re they’re wearing, wearing,the the women women with with the the silver silver and and the the men men with with the the chopsticks. chopsticks. II think think that thatwould wouldmake make aa great great dance dance in in aa film film someday. someday. You You know know that that type type of of thing. thing. The The environments, environments, the the background, background, the the use useof ofcolor, color,the theuse useof ofcolor colorand andcostume costume together, together,those thosetypes typesof ofthings thingswere were very very unique uniqueand andinspirational.” inspirational.” Robert Robert Stromberg, Stromberg, Avatar Avatar Production Designer
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West Newsmagazine staff photo. The 116-year-old Eberwein farmhouse at 1627 Old Baxter Road. The Chesterfield City Council has decided to tear down the house and restore the nearby barn for storage at the 18.5-acre park site.
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Council votes to raze farmhouse, raises hopes for saving it By MARCIA GUCKES The Chesterfield City Council on Jan. 3 voted to preserve the barn and tear down the farmhouse at the Eberwein Park property located on 18.5 acres at 1627 Old Baxter Road but tried also to give hope to those who want to save the century-old farmhouse. The council unanimously approved a plan for historic restoration of the barn. That means the exterior will be fixed to maintain the barn’s historic character and integrity, but the interior will be fixed only to make it safe. It will be used for storage only and not open to the public. The $140,000 for the project will come from park fund reserves and includes more than $21,000 to maintain the barn for one year. Councilmembers heard from several residents with varying opinions about what should be done with the house and considered several options for the house offered by Councilman Lee Erickson (ward 2), including mothballing it until funds could be raised for its restoration and selling it to a private preservationist. Each alternative was voted down. “I don’t think it’s wise of us to spend this money in this (economic) environment when it’s not a capital improvement,” Councilman Matt Segal (ward 1) said. Several other councilmembers agreed, saying they did not think the city should spend money to hold onto the house until it could be restored or sold. Finally, the council voted 7-1 to demolish the house at a cost of about $45,000.
Acting-Mayor Barry Flachsbart cast the only dissenting vote. Just before the vote was taken, Councilman Bruce Geiger (Ward 2) offered some hope to the preservationists at the meeting. “Government works slowly,” Geiger said. “It’ll take four or five months for any action to happen. If a miracle happens during that period of time and you come back to us with outside funding, I would be more than happy to change this vote and vote to save the house.” The Heritage Foundation of Chesterfield (HFC) is a local non-profit organization that has been working to persuade the city to restore the house. In a recent letter, the HFC offered to partner with the city to renovate, manage and maintain the buildings. But after the council’s decision to raze the farmhouse, the HFC will be re-evaluating its goals, according to Jane Durrell, vice-chair of the HFC and a former Chesterfield councilwoman. “We really treasure these old places,” Durrell said, “and I think we suffered a great loss.” She said the HFC will meet to consider its options and that the organization will consider whether to pursue ways to contribute to the restoration of the Eberwein farmhouse or may look at different goals, such as offering grants to owners of historic structures in order to keep them standing. More information about the HFC’s preservation efforts can be found at
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Bu llet i n Boa rd Making music
Kindermusik students (from left) Chance Woley, Nathan Goodrick, Grant Nuzbach, Peyton Woley, and Eshkar Kaidar-Heafetz performing special effects.
Nearly 300 people in December attended the Town & Country Symphony Orchestra Holiday Concert at The Principia. They were treated to Soloist Katharine Lawton Brown, special effects by Kindermusik Academy students, and the all-volunteer orchestra, with musicians ranging in age from 13 to 80 years, led by Conductor David Peek.
Rockwood outstanding service award Rockwood recently announced its 21st annual Rockwood Outstanding Service in Education (ROSE) award program. The ROSE award is presented to those who
have made a difference in a child’s life, in a Rockwood school or in the Rockwood community. Any individual providing volunteer service or working at a Rockwood location is eligible to be nominated for the award. The ROSE award is given to a maximum of 15 individuals each year who show excellence of character, performance, leadership and service to the Rockwood School District. Nominations will be accepted through Wed., Jan. 26; ROSE award winners will be notified on March 1. Rockwood patrons and staff members may nominate two individuals they believe have made a difference in Rockwood schools.
Earned diplomas High school diplomas recently were awarded to eight students from the Individualized Learning Center (ILC) in the Rockwood School District. The students were honored during a completion ceremony. “The students recognized today demonstrated perseverance and diligence as they met the Rockwood expectations for graduation,” ILC Principal Michael Hylen said. “We are excited to celebrate this important academic milestone with them.”
National Board Certified educators
Nineteen Rockwood teachers recently earned National Board Certification, the profession’s top honor in teaching excellence, increasing to 65 the number of nationally certified Rockwood teachers. Certified were: • Brent Batcheller, Rockwood Summit High • Melissa Burla, Rockwood Valley Middle Individualized Learning Center students (from • Liesa Hartin, Chesterfield Elementary left) Samantha Powers, Tiffany Payne, Stacy • Rachelle Meyer, Rockwood South Hardimon, Chelsea Doss and Justin Deckard Middle earned their high school diplomas. • Andre Neil, Rockwood Summit High • Sally Blackburn, Selvidge Middle New science building • Melissa Ann Burger, Marquette High Parkway Central High recently opened • Noelle Clatto, Marquette High its new science building, which features • Janet Drabant, Marquette High eight large lecture/lab classrooms, an • Stacey Evans, Woerther Elementary outdoor classroom and rain garden. Each • Natalie Kane, Early Childhood at science lab is equipped with the latest techClarkson Valley nology for student learning, including 12 • Jennifer Jones, Early Childhood at computers, a SMART board, a traveling Clarkson Valley media cart and safety features that include • Kelly Mignerone, Selvidge Middle showers, eyewashes and chemical and acid • Linda Rekas, Fairway Elementary storage closets. • Molly Rundquist, Selvidge Middle Classes began moving in December • Stacy Shupe, Center for Creative to the new building. A major renovaLearning tion of the existing science areas at • Lisa Smarr, Rockwood South Middle Central – the first since 1961 – is com• Eric Stewart, Rockwood Summit High plete. Construction of the new facil• Maria Tenny, Babler ity was funded by the 2008 bond issue. South High will be the next high school to undergo major renovations to its aging sci- Elementary Teacher of the Year ence facilities. Ryun Deckert, a math teacher at Park-
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Rockwood ‘adopts’ families Twenty-nine Rockwood School District families for the holiday season received gifts and support from schools and departments throughout the district. In addition to the district-wide AdoptA-Family project, several schools organized projects to support the families in Chesterfield Elementary students package food collected from their own buildings a canned food drive. and communities. To focus the collection efforts, adopted families completed a wish list of items ranging from clothing and shoes to personal care items and assistance paying bills. “The project is a wonderful way to lend support to the families in our district that are struggling,” Melissa Feig, Rockwood social worker, said. “Despite the difficult economy, our schools and departments have been overwhelmingly generous with their support.” The Individualized Learning Center raised money for its adopted family through its “Photo with Santa” event. For $1, students dressed in costumes as Santa and his elves posed for pictures at the school and Route 66 Senior Center. The school also sold candy grams and raffle tickets to win lunch with the principal. National Art Honor Society students at Marquette High put their artistic talents to work by knitting scarves for the Adopt-A-Family project. Rockwood Valley Middle School collected gifts for the six families it adopted, and the Parent-Service Organization raised $6,000 through a coin drive. In addition, students throughout the district collected money, food, clothing, magazines and toys to support other local charities.
From left: River Bend Elementary Principal Bonnie McCracken, Ryun Deckert and Parkway West High math teacher Ruth Knop.
It was the culmination of a project in which the students study an animal, write a report about it and make a mask of the animal’s face. In an assembly, students wore their masks and told the audience interesting facts about their animal. Young audience members were able to “activate” each animal by touching the mask’s nose. North Side Principal Stella Erondu said the program fit in with the grades’ science and social studies curriculum. “This was a great experience for students from both North Side Community and Rossman School, who all learned from each other and enjoyed getting to know each other,” Rossman Head of School Pat Shipley said.
way’s River Bend Elementary, recently was awarded “Elementary Teacher of the Year” by the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Deckert has been at the school for three years.
Traveling zoo Rossman School students recently made a connection when North Side Community School’s first and second graders came to Rossman to watch the “Traveling Zoo,” put on by Rossman’s fourth-grade students.
A first grader from North Side Community School touches the nose of a bottle-nosed dolphin mask at Rossman School.
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I school I 25
26 I school I
Rockwood’s mobile science lab will be parked next year. It is among items recently cut from the district’s 2011-2012 budget.
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By MARCIA GUCKES Rockwood School District administrators have been given the go-ahead to make more than $5.3 million in cuts, raise various fees, and postpone a decision on a tax increase. The district over the past two years already has cut $12 million from its operating budget, but this is the first time cuts will reach into classrooms. Elementary students will feel it when it comes time for the Science Olympics or when the mobile science lab would have come to their school. Middle school students may notice a change in the number of counselors or other staff members. High school students will notice when they take driver’s education but never get to actually drive a car. Those are among 37 items the school board at its Dec. 16 meeting decided to cut. The largest reduction will come from cutting school staff for a total of almost $2 million. High school, middle school and Center for Creative Learning principals will be responsible for reducing their staffs to save $960,000. The number of school counselors will be reduced to save $600,000. Other staffing cuts include four curriculum instructional coaches, one administrator in the technology department, and some of the high school parking lot attendants for a total of $393,000. Another large sum will be cut by freezing the salaries of administrators and support staff without existing contracts for a savings of $932,000. Other cuts include eliminating elementary Science Olympics, parking the mobile science lab, and eliminating the driving portion of driver’s education. Students may notice also reductions in technology and software, character education, and zero hour. Although funds for science trips to the Smoky Mountains, the Tetons, and a marine science location were cut from the schools’ operating budget, the programs
will still operate under the direction of the Community Education department. Teachers may feel the pinch when it comes to stipends for school leadership, professional development and training, which were eliminated to save more than $450,000. Nine budget cuts tabled for now would make even more staff cuts, including elementary classroom assistants, high school hall monitors, in-school suspension and study hall teachers, nurses, middle school math initiative teachers, high school assistant principals, and secretaries. Board directors decided they did not need to consider those reductions at this time because they had already cut enough to make up for the expected shortfall of more than $5 million in the 2011-2012 school year. They were pleased that they were able to maintain a fund balance of more than 18 percent, which enables them to keep the district’s AAA bond rating. The school board considered also six revenue-generating items and a tax increase. The tax increase was tabled, which means if the board decides to put a referendum on the ballot, it will not be until November. The board agreed to three ways to raise $440,000. First, the full-day kindergarten tuition rate increases from $3,450 to $3,625 a year. Second, high school parking permits will cost $80 more, increasing from $100 to $180 per year. Third, it will cost $2 more to get into high school sports activities, with ticket prices increasing to $5. School board directors asked for more information about eliminating the senior incentive, which allows seniors with good records and high grades to arrive late or leave early; charging a “pay to play” fee of $100 for certain extra-curricular activities; and charging a fee for bus riders who live fewer than 3.5 miles from school. It is estimated that those items could generate more than $2.4 million.
I school I 27 School day length and times may change for Parkway students JANUARY 12, 2011 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE
Parkway may make full-day kindergarten free By MARCIA GUCKES The Parkway School Board is considering making its full-day kindergarten free. Currently, the full-day is an option that costs residents $3,520 per year. Half-day kindergarten is free to all district residents. A Project Parkway task force at the board’s Dec. 8 meeting presented its preliminary recommendation to the school board. The task force, made up of educators and parents, has been studying best practices of kindergartens nationally and internationally. The group also surveyed Parkway parents and staff. According to the task force report, 80 percent of parents responding to the survey support a free full-day kindergarten. Among the task force’s other findings: • There is substantial research pointing to positive outcomes of full-day kindergarten, including students being better prepared for first grade and scoring higher on college entrance exams. • The percentage of U.S. kindergarteners enrolled in full-day programs has increased from 25 percent in 1979 to 70 percent today.
• The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recommends full-day kindergarten. • Four of six area districts (including Parkway) currently charge tuition for fullday kindergarten and two districts offer free full-day kindergarten. • Kindergarten teachers are concerned that they are not able to teach the curriculum to half-day students as effectively as full-day students. The task force estimated the cost to make full-day kindergarten tuition-free at $2.65 million. The report noted that if full-day kindergarten were the only option, there would be a savings to transportation and an increase in revenue for food service. A summary of the task force report published on the district Web site states, “Funding is available within the current budget through a re-prioritization process that will not cause any reductions in services to students.” The Parkway School Board will consider the task force’s recommendations and is expected to make a decision on full-day kindergarten at its next meeting on Jan. 12, after WNM press time.
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By MARCIA GUCKES Parkway students may be going to school and coming home at different times next school year. The school board is considering recommendations that would change the schools’ start and end times and lengthen the elementary school day by 20 minutes. Currently, elementary students attend school for six hours and 35 minutes. The proposal put forth by a “Project Parkway” task force recommends standardizing the length of the day for all schools at six hours and 55 minutes. That would give elementary teachers and students 10 more days of instruction in a school year. It would also allow changes in the bus schedule that would give middle school students an extra hour of sleep each morning. According to the task force report, the proposed changes would address parents’ and teachers’ concern that 7:25 a.m. is too early of a start time for middle school students. The report also noted multiple sleep analysis studies of children and adolescents and proposed that a later start time could benefit the overall health and opportunity for suc-
cess for middle school students. Parkway middle schools currently start at 7:25 a.m., high schools start at 8 a.m., and elementary schools start anywhere from 7:55 a.m. to 9 a.m. The proposed school times for 20112012 are: • High schools: 7:50 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. • Middle schools: 8:30 a.m. – 3:35 p.m. • Elementary schools: 9:10 a.m. – 4:05 p.m. (with exceptions) There are several exceptions to the time change for elementary schools. The exceptions are: • Pierremont, Oakbrook, and Sorrento Springs would follow the high school schedule. • Green Trails would follow the middle school schedule. Details of the 2011-2012 school schedule proposal can be found at If the Parkway school board decides to accept the school schedule changes, it is estimated that the district will save $200,000 to $400,000 in transportation costs. The board is scheduled to make its decision on the matter on Feb. 9.
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High school wrestling Parkway South has a new wrestling coach, and he is one of their own in Jim Lake, who took over the job from Tony Griffith. Lake since 2000 has been an assistant wrestling coach at Parkway South, working for Kenny Liddell and Griffith. The former Patriot wrestled for Parkway South and Coach Chip Allison, now the school’s athletic director. Lake in 1993 was a district and sectional champion state qualifier. Lake likes the look of his first team. “We have a good mix of senior leadership and youth,” Lake said. “Several wrestlers in our freshman class have a good amount of little league experience from Bonhomme and our Junior Patriots program. I often forget they are freshmen because they have such strong work ethic. The older wrestlers push them and vice versa.” Junior Donnell Walker was fifth at state last year at 285 pounds. “Obviously, (he) has the credentials, but (he) was a relative unknown last year,” Lake said. “This year is about showing it was no fluke.” Lake has “other guys that are really starting to turn it on,” including junior Tyler Sonnabend (140), senior Jacob Cun-
ningham (152), sophomore Matt Wandersee (119), junior Jeff Woodard (130), and freshman Connor Kloeppel (103). For his first squad, Lake has goals set. “Really, it’s about always wrestling tough, regardless of who the opponent is,” Lake said. “I want us to wrestle aggressive and wrestle to win every time and things will take care of themselves. Our conference is as tough as they come, and I like that. “We look at what Coach (Scott) Sissom has done at Lafayette and Coach Bob Wilhelm at Northwest, Coach (Josh) Hansel at Lindbergh, just to name a few, as the standard of solid, stable programs. With Eureka coming in, it has raised the bar that much more. We have to elevate ourselves to them.” Lake would like to build his program to an elite level but he would also like to generate more notice for the sport. “From a wider standpoint, a goal is also to build interest in the sport as a whole,” Lake said. “All of us in the wrestling community have a role to play as diplomats for the sport of wrestling. With interest comes participation, and with participation comes growth.”
Youth hockey The Chesterfield Hockey Association
(CHA), also known as the Chesterfield Falcons, brought nine teams the Thanksgiving Wishbone Tournament that is hosted by the Northbrook (Ill.) Hockey Club, and two of the teams played in the championship game of the event. The club in the northwest suburb of Chicago provides some of the toughest hockey competition in the Midwest so is a good measuring stick for the St. Louis teams. The CHA Pee Wee division, ages 10-12, brought five of the nine teams. Players from the teams range in age from 10-12 with 1999 and 1998 birth years. The two teams that earned a spot in the Championship Game for the Pee Wee A1 division were from the same local club and beat out six Chicago teams to earn spots in the championship game. The Chesterfield Falcons Pee Wee A1 Markovitz team won the title with a 1-0 victory over the Chesterfield Pee Wee A1 Moceri team. Alex Keuser scored the winning goal in the championship game. The Markovitz team went 4-0 in the tournament, beating Wilmette 6-1, Winnetka 7-2, the St. Louis Rockets 6-2, and CHA Moceri. The team scored 20 goals while the defense gave up just five goals. The Moceri team went 2-1-1 in the tournament. The top three scorers were Teddy Martin (2 goals, 2 assists), Nick Holt (2 goals) and Cameron Wiggins (1 goal, 2 assists). The two teams on Feb. 1 will face each other in league play at the Hardee’s Ice Plex. Members of the Moceri team are: Max
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Alizadeh, Gabe Bierschenk, Nick Callier, Will Carter, Nick Holt, Evan Hubert, Teddy Martin, Jacob Matthews, Chase Moceri, Nick Sardella, Adam Silverstone, Cameron Wiggins and Jordan Wojtak. The coaches are Rick Moceri, John Matthews and Ted Martin. Players on the Markovitz team are Cole Gast, Alex Kueser, Ales Mellas, Jacob Gabel, Matthew Pisoni, Bradley Jones, John Randall, Sean Markovitz, Kevin Wahle, Danny Brickman, Danny Folmer, Hunter Blake, Michael Drbul and Justin Debus. Coaches are Kevin Markovitz, Bob Kueser, Steve Brickman and Mike Blake.
High school boys’ soccer The Missouri State High School Soccer Coaches Association (MSHSSCA) has honored Whitfield Coach Bill Daues and senior midfielder Nick Doherty in their 2010 awards. Whitfield senior Daues was named the midfielder Nick Class 1 Coach of the Year Doherty. for private schools; the 5-foot-10, 160-pound Doherty was named Class 1 Offensive Player of the Year. Several other members of Whitfield’s state championship soccer team were selected by the MSHSSCA to the Class 1 All-State Team. The Warriors (17-11-1) finished No. 1 in the final season poll. Senior midfielder Matt Jordan was named to the first team. Named to the second-team
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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM were senior goaltender Joe Escrock, senior defenseman Curran Hammack, and senior midfielder David Genovese. Sophomore Nick Tobias was named to the honorable mention team. The award caught Doherty off guard. “Honestly, I’m honored to be named the top offensive payer in the state because there were so many outstanding players in the area,” Doherty said. Daues said Doherty is deserving of the honor. “Yeah, I think it’s a great way to complete his high school soccer career,” Daues said. “He’s very technical and for us, throughout this season and previous seasons, he was an impact on the attacking side.” The Warriors won the Class 1 state championship with a 1-0 victory over Springfield Catholic. Doherty scored the lone goal. Other area soccer players were also honored. Named to the Class 3 All-State first team were senior forward Robbie Kristo of Parkway North and senior midfielder Matt Clarkin of CBC. Named to the second team were sophomore defenseman Brian Hail of DeSmet, senior forward Billy Donovan of Chaminade, and junior midfielder Louis Berra of DeSmet. In Class 2, Priory junior defenseman Kyle Martin and MICDS senior forward Carson Pryor were named to the first team. Priory had three players named to the second team: junior forward Andrew Rhodes, senior midfielder Doug Brookings, and junior John Morhmann. Named to the Class 1 All-State first team were Kennedy junior foward Dan McCune, Whitfield senior midfielders Nick Dougherty and Matt Jordan, Principia senior midfielder Leif Carlson, and Kennedy senior midfielder Jorge Ramos. Named to the second team were Whitfield senior defenseman Curran Hammack, Kennedy senior defender Matt Logan, Whitfield senior goalie Joe Esrock, Whitfield senior defender David Genovese, and Kennedy senior midfielder Sam Schmidt.
High school girls’ swimming The Lafayette Lancers girls’ swimming and diving team won the annual Marquette Relays meet. The two-day meet ended with defending state champion Lafayette in first place with 268 points. Trailing the Lancers were St. Joseph’s Academy (244) and Parkway Central (208). Lafayette won first place in five of the nine swimming relays. The Lancers won the following events: • 200 free relay with a time of 1:45:47, making it a new state qualifying relay. Girls on the relay were sophomore Taylor Holz, junior Hannah Chobanian, sopho-
I sports I 29
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Lafayette junior Junior Kelsey Kirchhoefer swimming in the 200 IM. Her time of 2:20:70 earned her a berth in the state swim meet.
more Gretchen Cox, and sophomore Laura Paskoff. • 600 individual medley relay with a time of 6:58:53. Girls on the relay were freshman Mae Riordan, junior Kelsey Kirchhoefer, and senior Taylor Paskoff. • 900 progression relay with a time of 9:19:47. The girls on the relay were Laura Paskoff, Taylor Paskoff, and Riordan. • 300 fly relay with a time of 3:08:00. Girls on the relay were Taylor Paskoff, Holz, and Kirchhoefer. • 300 back relay with a time of 3:06:98. Girls on the relay were freshman Madeleine Wilmsen, Riordan, and Cox. The Lancers added points by taking second place in the 300 breast relay, and fourth in the 400 medley relay and 400 free relay. In addition to the new state cut in the 200 free relay, five Lancers achieved additional state qualifying times: • Kirchhoefer in the 200 IM with a time of 2:20:70. • Taylor Paskoff in the 100 fly with a time of 1:01:59. • Riordan in the 200 IM with a time of 2:17:43. • Wilmsen in the 100 back with a time of 1:03:90. • Laura Paskoff in the 200 free with a time of 1:59:98. The divers – senior Alyssa Shaw, sophomore Kelly Shaw, and freshman Sophie Gebauer – took third place.
High school signings Marquette senior Matt Seevers signed a letter of intent to play collegiate baseball at Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. Jake Busiek will play Division I baseball at Missouri. Kelly Lamarche will play Division I golf for Evansville. Jordan Woolums will play Division I soccer at Indiana while Shannon Knoblock will play Division I field hockey for Saint Louis University. Also signing were Chelsea Coleman, who will play tennis at William Jewell; Taylor Paskoff, who will swim at Towson University; Abby Moser will play volleyball at Truman State; Kyle Woodsmall will play football at North Dakota; and Zac Walters will play soccer at Rollins College.
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CBC’s Cochran collects post-season soccer honors
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By WARREN MAYES CBC senior defenseman Alec Cochran racked up the post-season awards in high school boys’ soccer. Cochran was named by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America as an All-American and as its All-Midwest player. He was named also as the Class 3 Defenseman of the Year by the Missouri Soccer High School Soccer Coaches Association. Wisconsin-bound Cochran acknowledged he appreciates the honors he has received, especially the All-American status. “It’s a wonderful honor to be chosen for,” Cochran said about the national recognition. “It is even more special because out of the 70 or so all-Americans, there are only four defenders, so that makes it extra special.” CBC Coach Terry Michler agreed. “It’s a very huge honor – very few players receive this honor,” Michler said. “Coaches from throughout the state make the selection. Over the past three seasons, he distinguished himself and made a strong impression on the coaches. It is well deserved. “He has been honored as the best in his position and picked as an All-American. That speaks for itself. Only the best receive those honors.” All-American recognition is something Cochran cherishes and wants to live up to. “Hopefully, if I continue to improve and work hard in the future, I might get another chance at the college level,” he said. Being named Class 3 Defenseman of the Year for the state also means plenty to Cochran, the first CBC player to win the award since Zach Bauer in 2004. “This honor is
almost equally exciting,” Cochran said. “The reason I say that is because of how many good defenders there were in the state this year. This honor means a lot to me also because it shows me that my hard work and effort paid off.” Solid play on the field and getting into the postseason frequently helped raise Cochran’s visibility, Michler said. “He dominated every ball in the air and did it in a very powerful way,” Michler said. “He made a strong impression through his play.” CBC won state when Cochran was a junior. The Cadets this past fall lost 2-0 in the sectional to Saint Louis University High, finishing with a 20-7-2 record. “Unfortunately this season, we didn’t win state, but I thought it went good,” Cochran said. “We didn’t have an outstanding record, but we did share the MCC (Metro Catholic Conference) title and also won districts.” There are some good things to look back on. “A couple highlights I enjoyed from this past season were when we beat SLUH on Senior Night at CBC and when I had the game-winning goal against Vianney in the CYC tournament,” Cochran said. Michler said Cochran played a huge role for the Cadets on the field this season. “He was the central defender who organized the defense and made it tough on opposing forwards,” Michler said. “He has a physical presence on the field that creates a distinct advantage for him. Opposing players usually choose to avoid a direct confrontation with him. He was our best and steadiest defender for the past two years.” Next, it is on to Wisconsin for Cochran, who plans to sign in February to play there. “I have given my verbal commitment to the University of Wisconsin,” he said. “Wisconsin’s athletics, facilities, social environment, and education were what attracted Alec Cochran me to the school.”
I sportS I 31
Marquette hockey starts strong By WARREN MAYES Entering his second season as the coach at Marquette with 10 veterans back from last season, Ryan Kane has guided his Mustangs to 11 wins in their first 13 games. With just one loss and a tie, Marquette leads the Mid-States Club Hockey Association’s Suburban West Conference. Although there is plenty of season yet to be played before the playoffs roll around, Kane said he is proud of how his Mustangs have performed. “I can’t remember a Marquette team in recent history that has had a start like this,” Kane said. “Although we have done well up to this point, we are not satisfied. We have not achieved our goals yet “We know that the second half of the season, when we see our division opponents for a second time, is going to be extremely difficult. There is a target on our back and we know it.” Kane acknowledged the good start to the season is more than meeting his expectations. “I expected that the 2010-11 Mustangs were going to be competitive, but I don’t think anyone could have predicted the start we are having,” Kane said. “There are a few key factors that have led to our early success.”
Mainly, Kane said, it has to do with the players. “The players all get along extremely well and seem to truly enjoy competing together,” Kane said. “There is a collective energy and excitement about this group, this season. Starting with the seniors, they have bought in to the team idea and are committed to taking care of the details necessary for success.” Marquette has a signature victory this season – a 4-2 triumph over perennial kingpin CBC. At press time, it is the only local loss the Cadets have sustained. “This may have been the first time Marquette has ever beaten CBC at the varsity level in league play,” Kane said, adding that his information goes back only 10 years. “It was a very exciting win and surely helped propel us to a great start.” The Mustangs’ lone loss to date was a 5-1 thumping to Saint Louis University High. The only other blemish on Marquette’s record has been a 3-3 tie with defending league champion DeSmet. Twins are the Mustangs captains this year. “Senior winger Doug Thorson has been an outstanding captain for us,” Kane said. “Our newly assigned assistant captain is senior defenseman Shane Thorson.”
The Marquette Mustangs hockey team at press time has only one loss.
Goal scoring leaders are Doug Thorson (16 goals, 24 points) and Sam Turner (9 goals, 21 points). The assist leader is Dominic Costa (18 assists, 21 points). The defense has been solid all season. Matt Vandiver is a +14, as is Shane Thorson. The faceoff leader is Casey Barile, who has won 75.28 percent of the draws. In goal, Teddy Barile has a 92.70 save percentage. He is sporting a solid 1.89 goals-against average. “We dress seven defensemen every game, and all of them are logging significant ice time in critical games,” Kane said. “They have done a nice job as a unit. Seniors Matt Vandiver, Shane Thorson and Taylor Land
have led this group very effectively. (Our) goaltending has been rock solid. Teddy Barile has done an outstanding job as our starting goalie and Michael Robinson, our No. 2, has followed suit.” Best of all, Kane said, everyone is having fun, including the coach. “I am having a great time coaching this team, not because of the wins, but because they are doing it the right way with hard work and discipline,” Kane said. “They have done this program proud, creating a positive culture that is sure to spread to the younger guys on the other teams. They treat each other extremely well, like brothers, and that makes me proud.”
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If you are considering setting some goals for yourself or making some New Year's Resolutions let me offer one tip that will help you succeed.
1. Stop lying to yourself. One problem that many of us have is that we tell ourselves we are going to do something and then we don’t follow through. Usually we don’t think of lack of follow through as lying to ourselves. However, if you tell yourself you are going to do something and then you don’t it creates the same feelings on the inside as if you had been lied to and the consequence is that you end up not trusting yourself. Most of us would not continue to be friends with someone who lies to us as much as we lie to ourselves. Let me use diet and exercise as an example. Often the goals we set in this area are extreme: for example if you tell yourself “I am going to cut out all carbs and exercise an hour a day.” Your intentions are good but what you are requiring of yourself is difficult to maintain. It would be better to set a smaller step toward your goal and be able to keep your word to yourself. For instance, ask yourself what is something you could do toward the goal of healthier living that you would be most likely to follow through on. If you know you could add one more glass of water to your existing diet each day and follow through on it-- then do that consistently. Once you are doing that consistently add another step that you know you could follow through on. Instead of an hour a day exercise--you could get into the habit of daily opening your front door and walking away from your house for 10 minutes then turn around and walk back. Some people scoff and resist the goal of a short walk or adding another glass of water because the goal seems too small and insignificant. But if you value honesty—start by being honest with yourself. By developing the habit of follow through, you are laying a strong foundation knowing you can trust yourself to take on more challenging goals. Whether you are at a place of wanting to take on small steps or start working on more difficult goals--my goal, as a life coach, is to help you achieve your goals. Give me a call and we can quickly make a workable achievable plan. 636.236.8255
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM MAYORS REFLECT, from page 17 tax on the ballot and getting it passed. Goals for 2011: Economic development for the city, filling several vacancies in buildings downtown, and there will be a Walgreen’s opening early in the year, with a traffic light that the city has been working on for 25 years. We have several things on the drawing board, but we won’t be revealing those yet.
Des Peres Mayor Rick Lahr Main accomplishment in 2010: Successfully managing the financial affairs of the Lahr city in a fiscally responsible manner especially in such a difficult economic environment. Responsible leadership has enabled Des Peres elected officials to avoid staff reductions while continuing to offer our residents an extraordinary package of municipal services including free trash, recycling and yard waste. Our parks and recreation programs, including The Lodge, are recognized for excellence, innovation and leadership throughout the state. Conservative spending practices enables the board and I to continue to offer to our residents a property tax rate of zero. Biggest challenge in 2010: While the economy seems to be improving, it does so at a very gradual rate. I need to do what I can to continue to prioritize and promote a healthy and vibrant business climate through the Manchester/I-270 corridor, while balancing that priority with those of our residents. Our business climate overall is strong; we have been fortunate to see most of our storefront space remain occupied. Vacancies are generally of a very limited duration. When you live at the epicenter of St Louis County, traffic is always a challenge and will continue to be so. Goals for 2011: Continue the momentum already in place. Be responsive to residents’ concerns. The board of aldermen and I consider our residents to be our customers. Offer a supportive, safe and professionally rewarding environment for city staff. Enhance Des Peres’ recycling effort. Further utilize technology to promote and realize operational efficiencies.
our current economic state and share ideas on the future direction of the city. Biggest challenge in 2010: Developing a direct course of action to navigate the uncharted waters of our economic future. Goals for 2011: We wish to begin the development portion of the Great Streets Initiative through the creation of a perpetual funding mechanism.
Eureka Mayor Kevin Coffey
Main accomplishment in 2010: This has proven to be a tremendously successful year Coffey for parks and recreation in Eureka. The city has been able to provide its residents with a disabled inclusive playground, a new $1.5 million state-of-the-art “green” park (Berry Park) as well as the addition of many trails within the city limits. Residents have also had the pleasure of enjoying the highly successful Concerts on Central, which average nearly 1,000 people per event. We have successfully obtained grants to allow us to fund many wonderful neighborhood improvements. In the past month, we have awarded the contract for additional parking in our Old Town district, which will feature a small park and entertainment venue to accommodate events such as concerts and artists. Biggest challenge in 2010: In this difficult economy the city has gone to great lengths to help our business community. Although we have attracted industry (Cenveo and a new industrial park), several restaurants and new medical facilities, we are still challenged by the nationwide economic downturn. This has been especially noted in our Old Town area. Restaurants are doing well, but specialty shops have seen drops in discretionary spending. We have been hosting concerts that attracted thousands to our Old Town. Our new State of Missouri Affiliate Welcome Center has been approved in our business development center on Dreyer Ave. This designation comes with increased signage for the city on I-44 to direct travelers off the highway right through our Old Town district. Our goal will be to encourage these travelers to visit local shops, restaurants, attractions and convenience stores as they Ellisville Mayor continue their journey through the state of Matt Pirrello Missouri. Main accomplishGoals for 2011: We hope to complete ment in 2010: Comple- the design and planning for our new recretion of seven town hall ation center and start the bidding process meetings in two months. by year-end. Our goal will be to have it Pirrello It provided the council constructed and operational in 2012. Our and public with a unique new economic development director, Julie opportunity to have a frank discussion on Wood, is working on numerous projects to
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM attract new businesses as well as enhance and promote current businesses. We will be in the active construction phase of the new Forby Road and Trail and will have completed Berry Park. With grant funding we will be constructing a new trail to connect our main parks (Legion and Lions) and the Old Town area to Route 66 State Park. Our recently dedicated Soetebier Park will have field improvements and a new parking area. 2011 will be a year that will enhance our already outstanding quality of life in Eureka through the attainment of long-planned goals and the ability to face the challenges before us.
Manchester Mayor David Willson Main accomplishment in 2010: Recommended and appointed a director of finance and Willson recommended appointment of a chief of police. Reached agreement with the South Side Manchester Transportation Development District (Manchester/141). Applied for and received a grant for placing photovoltaic (solar) panels on the Public Works Garage, reducing electric costs and also generating power to affect a rebate from Ameren. Supported the Missouri Municipal League
endeavor to not increase street light rates. Lowered the tax rate upon all residential property in the city of Manchester from five cents ($0.05) per $100 of assessed valuation to a tax rate of four and one-half cents ($0.045) per $100 of assessed valuation for general municipal purposes for calendar year 2010. Retained the 2009 tax rate upon all commercial property in the city of Manchester at a tax rate of four and one-half cents per $100 of assessed valuation for general municipal purposes for calendar year 2010. Completed the sidewalk replacement project in the city of Manchester. One of the five mayors involved in the Great Streets Initiative. Biggest challenge in 2010: Channel A Storm Water Project. Completing the Hanna Road Bridge before school started. Completion of the Veterans Memorial in a timely fashion. Reaching an agreement with the South Side Manchester Transportation Development District. Goals for 2011: East Lafayette Center Bridge removal and replacement. Storm water project construction review and assessment. Complete construction of amphitheater and increase usage of amphitheater for concerts, including Parkway School District utilization. Modernizing of aquatic center. Maintain fiscal responsibility while not reducing any services throughout the city.
Town & Country Mayor Jon Dalton
public safety, city infrastructure and related assets, community programs/services and citizen involvement while protecting the Main accomplish- city’s fiscally sound reserve account (in ment in 2010: Respond- excess of $13 million) and continuing our ing with diligence, history of not imposing any property taxes ingenuity and tenacity in upon our residents and commercial interDalton managing the financial ests. impact of the continuing national and local economic downturn on Wildwood Mayor the city, and thereby reducing the projected Tim Woerther 2010 general fund deficit from $1,192,770 to a modest final shortfall of $37,000. SigMain accomnificantly, this success was accomplished plishment in 2010: while continuing our 13-year history of Approval of the ballot imposing zero residential or commercial Woerther measure (referendum) property taxes. Despite economic chalfor the new Wildwood lenges, our public safety and protection City Hall project. efforts continue to produce excellent Biggest challenge in 2010: Addressing results. In this regard, Town & Country’s the need to provide broadband Internet sercrime rate, which serves as a barometer vices to approximately 3,300 Wildwood of success in serving and protecting the households. public, has seen a 27 percent decline in Goals for 2011: Complete the planreportable offenses in the first 10 months ning and design for the community park, of 2010 compared with the same period a 66-acre site northwest of Hwys. 100 and last year. 109. Hopefully implement the selected Biggest challenge in 2010: Making the technology to provide broadband Internet responsible, prudent and necessary deci- services to those 3,300 households which sions with regard to budget and service are underserved. Begin the construction adjustments while maintaining Town & of the new city hall. Finally, address the Country’s vibrant, community spirit and Strecker Forest environmental assessment high quality of life standards. and the results of the risk assessment which Goals for 2011: To further enhance is currently being conducted.
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Missouri program for problem gamblers remains strong
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By BRIAN MCDOWELL After 15 years of legalized casino gaming in Missouri, the state is leading the way in helping those who have a crippling gambling addiction. The Missouri Gaming Commission’s Voluntary Exclusion Program (VEP) is going strong. Created in 1996, the program provides problem gamblers with a method to acknowledge their gambling problems and take responsibility for the addiction by agreeing to forever stop visiting Missouri casinos. Anyone in the state can call a 24-hour, confidential gambling helpline (1-888-BETSOFF) for instructions on joining the VEP and referrals to counselors and Gamblers Anonymous meetings. To join the VEP, gamblers must visit a Missouri Gaming Commission (MGC) office, show a photo ID and sign a piece of paper establishing their identity and verifying their desire to be a part of the program. Those who join the VEP are removed from all Missouri casino direct marketing lists, refused check cashing privileges at Missouri casinos and denied participation in the state’s casino player programs. The problem gambler agrees that if he is discovered in a Missouri casino, he will be arrested for trespassing. Currently, the Missouri VEP has more than 15,000 enrollees, and according to a Gaming Commission spokesperson, 60-80 new people enroll every month. Rick Cox, a certified compulsive gambling counselor at the state-funded Bridgeway Treatment Centers, said the VEP is not intended to be a fix or a surefire cure for addiction but rather a tool for gambling addicts. “As long as they have a healthy fear of the legal system, it gives addicts extra pause about indulging in gambling,” Cox said. Every casino is equipped with a list of those in the VEP, and casinos are expected to keep those listed off of casino properties. However, Cox said that the elimination of loss limits has made it more difficult for casinos to keep tabs on who enters their properties, since anyone older than 21 can enter a casino without showing a player’s card. According to Cox, plenty of relatives of problem gamblers have called casinos to report people on the VEP list who still
frequent the casinos. Missouri’s VEP does not technically extend to casinos in other states, although casinos owned by out-of-town conglomerates, like Harrah’s, are expected to enforce Missouri’s program at all the properties they own. Cox said he encourages his Missouri clients to get on a voluntary ban list in Illinois as well. According to Cox, anyone who has problems created by gambling yet continues to gamble has a gambling addiction and needs to take steps to seek help. Currently, there is no way for anyone in the VEP to ever be removed from the program. Cox said that is a positive thing and cited examples of gambling addicts who stayed out of casinos for more than 10 years and resumed the destructive habit within one visit to a casino. “Anything that puts addicts in action is a problem,” Cox said, adding that for addicts, gambling can affect brain processes in the same way that drugs do. “I’m not saying that all gambling is bad,” Cox said, “but if thousands of people put their name on this list, there is obviously a problem.”
January 14 - 17
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Visit for details. Chesterfield West Newsmag - Jan.1 1
1/6/11 3:09:49 PM
WARD 2 ALDERMEN Ronald Markland 207-2386 x 3340 Pat McDermott 207-2386 x 3350
Best Wishes, Mayor Tim Pogue
Snow plowed from roads could end up blocking private driveways for some time. Ballwin Public Works recognizes the inconvenience this causes. To reduce the amount of snow that might block your driveway, shovel an open area along the shoulder at the entrance (see illustration below). Plow blades will then push snow into the area just before your driveway, leaving a much smaller amount in front of it.
Practice Field Lottery Notice
Group Swim Lessons Tuesday & Thursday session runs Feb. 8 to Mar. 3 VIP $47/Reg $57 All levels are available for all ages. Call or go online for various times and level descriptions.
DJ and Dancing Feb 4, 6:30 to 8:30pm VIP/Reg $8/at the door $10 (Ages: 21+) Gather with friends for dessert and refreshments and listen to your favorite tunes. Enjoy all types of dancing; slow, fast, swing, and line dancing. Participants are welcome to bring their own CDs for the DJ to play. This event will be held at The Pointe.
Homeschool PE Feb 2 through Feb 23 on Wednesdays from 1-2:30pm VIP $15/Reg $19 This physical activity class is designed to provide home school students the opportunity to participate in group activities which include, sports, fitness, and health and wellness activities. We offer a $5 discount for each additional child when registering two or more children from the same household. The home school PE programs are held at The Pointe.
Trivia Night March 4 held from 6:30-10pm $160/ table (Ages: 21+) Join your friends and family for a fun packed night at the Ballwin Golf Club. Beer and soda is included. Make sure to bring your own snacks!
Daddy Daughter Valentine Dance February 12 held from 6-8:30pm VIP/Reg $15 each Dads, the sweetheart in your life is ready for a special evening. Join us at the Ballwin Golf Club for dinner and dancing. A photographer will be present for a keepsake photo. Register by February 8.
Lunch & Bingo Feb 9, Feb 23, March 9, and March 23, from 11am to 1pm $6/person (Ages: 21+) Join us for an afternoon of lunch, fun BINGO, and great prizes! We will play six rounds of Bingo followed by lunch and dessert, then play another six rounds. Pre-register by Sunday prior to program to avoid $2 late fee. This event will be held at The Pointe meeting room.
For those interested in reserving a practice ball field for the spring of 2011, a lottery will be held on February 1, 2011 at 6:30 pm in Meeting Room A at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Due to the limited capacity, field reservations will only be available to Ballwin residents with current Ballwin ID cards and those present on February 1 for the lottery drawing. Lottery entrants will be limited to one per family and one per team. If you have any questions, you may contact John Hoffman at 636-227-8950, or by email at jhoffman@
Kids Night Out Jan 28 or Feb 25 from 6:00 to 9:45pm VIP $10/Reg $12 (Ages: 7-12) Kids will enjoy a night of play while parents enjoy a night out in Ballwin. Kids, be sure to bring your swimsuit and a towel. Pizza and drinks will be provided as a snack. Drop the kids off and enjoy dinner in the area! An additional $2 fee will be charged to those who sign up the day of Kids Night Out. This event will be held at The Pointe.
Upside Down Indoor Triathlon Jan 15 or Jan 16, Heats begin at 7am $25/participant Challenge yourself with the first Ballwin Race Series event of 2011! Start early accumulating Ballwin Race Series points in this indoor triathlon that puts a unique spin on the traditional three-event race. Each participant will run 15 minutes, bike 15 minutes, and swim 10 minutes in that order. Total distance will determine place.
Movie at The Pointe Jan 14, begins at 7 pm FREE Bring your blanket to watch “Shrek Forever After” in the gym. Concessions will be available to purchase.
Watch for the Ballwin Parks and Recreation Activity Guide to be featured in the center pull out section of the March 2 “West Newsmagazine.” The same Activity Guide will also be available online beginning February 14 with registration beginning March 2.
For your convenience, we offer activity registration online at Just click on the activity registration starburst. The City offers a wide variety of athletic, youth and adult programs such as dances, lunches and Bingo, fitness programs, swim lessons and other great events.
Get a jump start on summer activity plans. Enjoy crafts, face painting, and much more! Learn everything you need to know about Ballwin summer camp programs, meet our camp directors, and have an opportunity to register early!
Programs & Activities
Ballwin Summer Camp Open House - Feb 26 from 10 am - 2pm at The Pointe.
February Visit Card Special - This special is good for all 10-visit group fitness cards or 20-visit water aerobics cards. When two patrons purchase a visit card at the same time, both patrons will receive two extra classes. This special is good for water aerobics, TRX, Spinning, pilates and yoga classes.
January Membership Special - Receive 13 months for the price of 12 when you purchase an annual Pointe or Pointe Plus membership. Prepayment is required. This offer is not valid on debit memberships. Each new membership will receive a bonus offer of three guest passes. This offer is good through January 31.
Pointe Membership Specials:
Ballwin’s state of the art community recreation center, The Pointe at Ballwin Commons, is located one half mile south of Manchester Road on Old Ballwin Road. The facility is open to the public seven days a week and amenities include an indoor recreation and lap pool, double gymnasium, youth activity center, Cardio Theater, Cybex and free weights, and indoor track. The Pointe offers babysitting, and a schedule of various group fitness classes including TRX, Spinning, Pilates, yoga and step. The Ballwin Parks and Recreation Department also offers many other classes such as First Aid, CPR skills, and Red Cross Lifeguard Certification classes. Please go online to check dates, times and to receive information.
Parks & Recreation
Ballwin Mayor Tim Pogue appointed resident Pat McDermott to fill the Ward 2 Aldermanic position left vacant by Frank Schmer’s October 26, 2010, resignation. McDermott, an employee of Metro West Fire Protection District, is a life-long resident of Ballwin. He has served as a Co-Chair for the Ballwin Days Committee since 2002, is a member of the Rotary Club of Ballwin-Metro West, and is a current member of the West St. Louis County Chamber of Commerce. Alderman McDermott was sworn in at the November 8, 2010, Board of Aldermen meeting. On November 22, Mayor Pogue appointed Jim Lieber to replace McDermott as co-chair of the Ballwin Days committee.
last several years, this insurance program has been running out of funds earlier each year, and it is hoped that Ballwin can add a few more repairs each year by lowering the cap amount.
How to Keep Your Driveway Clear
The cap is the total amount each dwelling owner can receive towards the repair of a failed sewer lateral line. The sewer lateral is the line that runs from the exterior wall of the house to the sewer main. Because of the increased demand for repairs over the
Pat McDermott Appointed to Fill Ward 2 Alderman Position
On November 22, 2010, the Board of Aldermen lowered the cap for reimbursement for the sewer lateral repair program. The amount was reduced from $3,500 to $3,000 for all claims submitted after November 22, 2010.
WARD 4 ALDERMEN Richard Boerner 207-2386 x 3380 Ken Mellow 207-2386 x 3390
our street improvement program. Overall, our street initiative will be 60% above 2010 spending levels. In summary, our plan for the new year reflects our continued commitment to live within our means without sacrificing the programs and services that you deserve and expect from the City of Ballwin.
WARD 3 ALDERMEN Frank Fleming 207-2386 x 3370 Jim Leahy 207-2386 x 3360
already experienced positive progress. The Ballwin Grove development on the corner of Henry Road and Clayton is the new home of CVS Pharmacy with additional construction underway. A few of our vacant spaces along Manchester Road have also been filled. We closed out the year with the approval of a four-acre redevelopment project for the northeast corner of Seven Trails Drive at Manchester. We are heading into 2011 with a reserve fund balance of 67% of our Operating Budget. In light of this healthy surplus, the Board of Aldermen authorized a one-time $1 million supplement to
Mayor’s Message 2010 was not a particularly notable year for the City of Ballwin, yet it was significant in that we managed to continue to maintain service levels and programs despite bleak economic conditions. We successfully avoided major cutbacks by anticipating revenue reduction trends and implementing prudent cost containment measures over the past five years. We have been proactive in embracing the Great Streets Initiative and revising our regulatory philosophy to become more realistic and business friendly. As a result of these adjustments, we are poised to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We have
WARD 1 ALDERMEN Jimmy Terbrock 207-2386 x 3330 Michael Finley 207-2386 x 3310
Ballwin Sewer Lateral Repair Program Cap Lowered
MAYOR Tim Pogue 207-2386 x 3320 (Voice Mail) 636-391-3591 (Home)
38 I NEWS I Youth baseball team headed to Hall of Fame JANUARY 12, 2011 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE
The Chesterfield-based 12U Missouri Chargers baseball team came in No. 1 in the nation for demonstrating responsible coaching and responsible sport parenting. As a result, the team was awarded a $2,500 grant from Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. The grant will be used to help pay for the team’s expenses when it visits Cooperstown, N.Y., to play in the Dreams Park Baseball Tournament, which will be held July 1-8. The grant was awarded to the top seven “small organization teams” nationwide which were able to garner enough support by qualifying as Responsible Sports Coaches and Parents. The support was provided through individual voting where participants were required to take online quizzes about how to be a responsible coach and parent. The Missouri Chargers finished tops in the country with 960 votes. “Our team was able to get this kind of support from people who believe in what our team does off the field more than on the field,” said Chargers Manager Tom Mitchell. “Being responsible means doing the right thing with the right motive the right way. That is what embodies our team whether on the field or off.” The Chargers are known for playing competitive youth baseball and winning games but the team continues to teach players how to be charitable, how to be good Americans, how to be held to the highest standard of conduct, and how to be responsible for one’s own decisions and actions. “Things like that are much more important to me than
The Chesterfield-based 12U Missouri Chargers
how many games we win,” Mitchell said. “It is also what the players will remember throughout their lives. Winning this grant is a reflection of our team’s priorities. We are honored to have received it after so many other teams worked just as hard.” The Missouri Chargers Baseball Club was established this past summer after its oldest team (formally known as the Chesterfield Chargers, started in 2004) began to draw the attention of other coaches who wanted to adopt the system of ChargerBALL. It now consists of three teams and is growing. Besides teaching competitive baseball and playing a lot of games,
the club offers top opportunities for players, but without the outlay of thousands of dollars each season. Teams conduct charity events and the club requires academic accountability from players at all ages, provides a written essay contest each season and awards top performers with “scholarships.” Other benefits include the teaching of systematic fundamental baseball, practice facility access, synched schedules planned well in advance, and sponsorship and fundraising opportunities to reduce the financial burden of youth sports. For more information, visit
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Thursday, January 27th (tip off at 10 a.m.)
Chaifetz Arena, St. Louis For ticket information call 314-534-1111 or visit Game Schedule 10 a.m.
Mary Institute Country Day School (MO) vs. Hannibal High School (MO)
11:30 a.m
Fort Zumwalt West High School (Girls) vs. Farmington High School (Girls)
1 p.m.
Christian Brothers College High School (MO) vs. Jefferson City High School (MO)
3 p.m.
Clayton High School (MO) vs. New Rochelle High School (NY)
5 p.m.
Raytown South High School (MO) vs. Troy Buchanan High School (MO)
6 p.m.
Springfield High School (IL) vs. Riverside Academy (LA)
8 p.m.
Chaminade College Preparatory School (MO) vs. O’Fallon High School (IL)
The Coaches vs. Cancer initiative provides cancer education and prevention information to basketball fans nationwide and invites fans to join with their local coach in support of the program. To learn more about the American Cancer Society or to get help, call us any time, day or night, at 1-800227-2345 or visit
Tickets on sale at all Metro Tix outlets, by calling the Chaifetz Arena ticket office at 314-977-5000, or online at thechaifetzarena. com. Individual student tickets can be purchased at any of the participating schools. More information can be found at
Vot Be ed st Of 20 1
40 I best of I
BEST ELECTED OFFICIAL - JANE CUNNINGHAM Not only has Sen. Jane Cunningham provided true conservative legislative leadership to residents of Chesterfield in her position in the State Capitol, she spearheaded the efforts to get Proposition C on the Missouri ballot in August. The measure to repeal insurance mandates in the president’s Health Care Reform Act passed with almost 75 percent of the vote and provided inspiration for states nationwide to attempt to adopt similar measures. BEST MAYOR - TIM WOERTHER, WILDWOOD Wildwood’s Town Center has added a movie theater and several new businesses. A referendum for a new Wildwood City Hall passed. The triumphant summertime St. Louis Home Fires Barbecue Bash was one of the bestattended and most well-liked West County events of 2010. Judging from the votes of our readers, the leadership of Tim Woerther was a big part of the growing West County community’s success.
franchise, and he expertly rounds out his anchor duties by hosting the local segments of the MDA telethon and using the news to highlight feel-good stories about individuals who make a positive impact in the community. BEST TEACHER - PAT MCPARTLAND, PARKWAY SOUTH HIGH There are some teachers whose students never forget them. Apparently, Parkway South High history teacher Pat McPartland is one of those teachers, and his students, who appreciate his creative teaching methods, will remember him with fondness. Why? As one reader put it, “He’s demonstrably the best history teacher in all of Parkway.” BEST CITIZEN - PAT MCDERMOTT Lifelong Ballwin resident Pat McDermott has served the community in a number of ways. When the Ballwin Board of Aldermen in November of last year appointed him to fill a vacancy on the board, McDermott said he was “proud to have the opportunity to serve the community in yet another way.” He is an engineer, firefighter and paramedic for the Metro West Fire Protection District, has worked with the St. Louis County Fair & Air Show, the Rotary Club, and for the past 10 years as co-chair for the Ballwin Days festival.
Dana Loesch
BEST RADIO PERSONALITY - DANA LOESCH Witty, provocative and always interesting, Dana Loesch has managed to use her youthful good looks, her 97.1 FM afternoon talk show and her leadership in the local Tea Party movement as a springboard to prominent appearances on national news shows. Her candor, sense of humor, and ability to get under the skin of liberals make her the perfect spokesperson for the local conservative movement. BEST TV PERSONALITY - MIKE BUSH The majority of those receiving votes in this category work for Channel 5, highlighting the NBC affiliate’s dominance of local TV news. Mike Bush has moved long past his “sports guy” roots to become the face of the news
Chesterfield City Hall
BEST CITY - CHESTERFIELD It has been a turbulent year for the city of Chesterfield. Budgetary issues prompted the city to make cuts to its staff, and longtime Mayor John Nations resigned in the fall to take the CEO position at Metro. Despite such challenges, the always-interesting West County community has continued to strengthen its commitment to the arts, provide quality locales for recreation, attract great new shops and restaurants and offer other amenities that
greatly contribute to the quality of life for its residents. BEST LOCAL CITIZEN TO LOOK UP TO - STAN MUSIAL The esteem that a great hero like Stan Musial brings to our community belongs to everyone that has ever lived, visited or even watched a baseball game in the St. Louis area. He wins this category based on far more than his Hall of Fame baseball career; he courageously stood up for early black Major League baseball players, he demonstrated great heroism by serving in World War II during what should have been the height of his playing career, and the local charity work he has done has been legion. Even to those never lucky enough to see him play, Musial is and always will be the face of the Cardinals franchise. It was announced late in 2010 that the year-long efforts of Cardinals fans will pay off when Stan “The Man” will be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom later this month. It is an honor that is long overdue. BEST HIGH SCHOOL - CHAMINADE Chaminade College Preparatory School is an independent, Catholic day and resident school for male students in grades six through 12. The school boasts a studentteacher ratio of 10:1, an average class size of 18 students and a faculty with 74 percent of teachers holding graduate or doctoral degrees. As a college prep school, Chaminade offers 40 college credit courses and nearly two dozen AP courses. The school is located on a 55-acre campus in Creve Coeur. BEST GRADE SCHOOL - ST. JOHN LUTHERAN Located at the intersection of Manchester and Clarkson Roads in Ellisville, St. John Lutheran offers a Christian education for 155 pre-school students and 350 students in kindergarten through eighth grade. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Education named St. John a Blue Ribbon School, an award honoring schools that either are high performing or have improved student achievement to high levels. In 2007, the school’s administrator was named National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the U.S. Department of Education. BEST LOCAL CHARITY - WILDWOOD FAMILY YMCA Since opening in 2001, the Wildwood Family YMCA See BEST OF, page 42
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Mammograms Made Easy Walk-in Screening Mammograms at Two Convenient Locations. Life is busy. Whether it is caring for others or taking time to care for yourself. That’s why St. Luke’s Women’s Centers offer walk-in screening mammograms using the latest digital technology at two convenient locations. St. Luke’s Hospital is committed to save lives through early detection. Area women who are uninsured may be eligible for free screening and diagnostic mammograms and ultrasounds. For more information, please call 314.205.6267. Digital screening mammograms only, ages 40 and over. No referral needed. Most insurances accepted if 12 months since previous exam.
v ST. LUKE’S WOMEN’S CENTER AT ST. LUKE’S HOSPITAL Walk-in Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. St. Luke’s East Medical Building, Suite 200 Appointments also available, call 314.205.6267
v ST. LUKE’S WOMEN’S CENTER IN CHESTERFIELD VALLEY Walk-in Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon 6 McBride & Son Corp. Center Drive (at Boone’s Crossing), Suite 102 Appointments also available, call 636.530.5505
42 I best of I
Learn, Laugh, and Cry Caregivers - Take Care of Yourself! ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP MEETING
Meetings are held on the second
Meetings are held on the fouth Wednesday of each month. Thursday of each month.
“The Awakening”
O’Fallon Chesterfield 700 Path 1025 Chesterfield Garden Pointe Parkway O’Fallon, MO 63366 Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-240-2840 636-537-3333
BEST PLACE TO TAKE OUT OF TOWN GUESTS - THE SAINT LOUIS ZOO Named the No. 1 zoo by Zagat Survey’s “U.S. Family Travel Guide,” the Saint Louis Zoo is home to 24,000 animals, many of which are rare and endangered. More than 3 million people visit every year, and the zoo is open year-round, except for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Best of all, admission is free. BEST PLACE FOR A ROMANTIC EVENING - TABLE THREE Beautifully appointed yet comfortable dining rooms, exceptional American contemporary cuisine, fine wine and attentive but not overbearing servers combined to give Table Three the nod from readers for the best romantic setting in West County. The large and lovely patio features a fireplace, bar and couch seating for intimate gatherings in the heart of Wildwood’s Town Center.
Please visit our website at
BEST PUBLIC ART - “THE AWAKENING” Readers picked the second casting of J. Seward Johnson’s mighty sculpture for the second consecutive year. At 70 feet in length, “The Awakening” commands attention in Sachs Properties’ sculpture garden, near Central Park in Chesterfield. The giant sculpture was identified as a big factor in the Missouri Arts Council’s selection of the city of Chesterfield as the state’s 2011 Creative Community Award winner.
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has had an open-door policy for those in need, providing memberships for qualifying individuals and families who are unable to afford them. The YMCA is known for helping develop youth and promoting healthy living, and for giving back and providing support to its neighbors throughout the community.
St. Louis Original Leather Specialty Store 445 Lafayette Center at Manchester & Baxter by Petco
BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO THE AREA - ST. LOUIS HOME FIRES BBQ BASH Held on a late September weekend at the Wildwood Town Center, the 2010 BBQ Bash was a real crowed pleaser. Roughly 35,000 attendees came out for award-winning barbecue, games, competitions and live music. Some even took a ride on a mechanical bull. BEST MALE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE - ROB STANDARD Although he never managed to lead his team to the Show-Me Bowl, Chaminade standout Rob Standard will always be remembered as one of the most explosive and talented high school athletes the area ever witnessed. The senior, who has committed to attend Iowa State next year, ran for more than 8,000 yards during the four years that he dominated area football, breaking the all-time metropolitan area record for high school career rushing yards. BEST FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE - KRISTA MENGHINI So far St. Joseph’s Academy senior Krista Menghini has collected nine state medals – the most in school history. In 2010, she finished 10th in the state Class 4 cross country meet and helped St. Joe win the state volleyball championship – on the same weekend. Before graduating, she plans to pack in another season of track and field with the Angels. Menghini has signed to play volleyball at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. See BEST OF, page 44
any is p m o C e e ff o C lf Lone Wo
I 43
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44 I best of I
St. Luke’s Hospital
Wellness College Lecture Series This free six-week lecture series will include two one-hour sessions per night, presented by medical experts from St. Luke’s Hospital. Each session will provide information on common, preventable diseases, as well as current recommendations for prevention and screening for each topic. Participants may attend one or both lectures on a given date. A question and answer session with the expert will follow each lecture. Tuesday, Jan. 25 • 6 to 8 p.m. Why Wellness and Prevention? James Loomis, MD, internist Cardiovascular Health Morton Rinder, MD, cardiologist Tuesday, Feb. 1 • 6 to 8 p.m. Metabolic Health (metabolic syndrome, diabetes)
Norman Fishman, MD, endocrinologist Neurological Health (Alzheimer’s disease, stroke prevention)
Todd Silverman, MD, neurologist Tuesday, Feb. 8 • 6 to 8 p.m. Orthopedic Health Edward Schlafly, MD, orthopedic surgeon Building a Healthy Mind/Body Connection Sherri Bassi, PhD, licensed psychologist Tuesday, Feb. 15 • 6 to 8 p.m. Women’s Health Issues Part I (breast health and cancer prevention)
Patricia Limpert, MD, surgeon Women’s Health Issues Part II (ovarian, cervical and overall pelvic health)
Carlton Pearse, MD, OB/GYN Tuesday, Feb. 22 • 6 to 8 p.m. Bone Health and Osteoporosis Katharine Mikulec, MD, endocrinologist How Sleep Health Affects Your Physical Health D. Troy Curry, MD, sleep medicine specialist Tuesday, March 1 • 6 to 8 p.m. Colon Health and Colon Cancer Prevention Paul Buse, MD, gastroenterologist Skin Health and Skin Cancer Prevention Lawrence Samuels, MD, dermatologist
All lectures will take place at: St. Luke’s Hospital Institute for Health Education Emerson Auditorium 222 South Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 For a detailed listing of each date and lecture topic, or to register, please visit or call 314-542-4848. Seating is limited.
Lester’s Sports Bar & Grill
BEST ST. LOUIS PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - ALBERT PUJOLS The beloved Cardinals first baseman once again scored a near-unanimous victory in this category for his defensive skills, general charisma and incredible bat speed. The entire metropolitan area seems to stop whenever he steps up to the plate. Pujols clearly is one of the all-time greats, even in years in which his team is less than great. BEST ST. LOUIS PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE NOT NAMED ALBERT PUJOLS - SAM BRADFORD The first pick in the recent NFL draft, Rams quarterback Sam Bradford had one of the statistically greatest rookie seasons in NFL history. In doing so, he helped turn a franchise that had been a local embarrassment for the last few years into a genuine contender. BEST LOCAL SPORTSCASTER - JOE BUCK Emerging from the large shadow of a famous parent never is easy, but Joe Buck has pulled it off, developing his own style while announcing baseball and football for Fox. His assignments have included calling both the Super Bowl and the World Series as well as being a key part of the team of commentators on “Fox NFL Sunday.” BEST PLAYGROUND - EDGAR M. QUEENY PARK Appreciators of architecture rarely find much that will impress them at area children’s playgrounds, but the unique Aztec pyramid design of the play area at St. Louis County’s Queeny Park never fails to dazzle both young and old. Besides being beautiful to look at, the playground features abundant slides, tunnels and areas that are great for crawling and climbing. BEST GOLF COURSE - ST. ALBANS Golf Digest included both of the courses at St. Albans as the perennial favorite of local golfers in its list of the Top 10 best courses in Missouri. Beautiful scenery and playability kept the courses at the top of West Newsmagazine readers’ list as well. BEST PLACE TO WATCH SPORTS - LESTER’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL Lester’s is a high-tech sports bar sporting dozens of plasma TVs and a Madison Squarestyle scoreboard; even the men’s room is equipped with TV sets. The menu has been described as “New York deli meets Memphis barbecue” and serving sizes are incredibly generous. It’s no wonder Lester’s is a fan favorite. BEST LOCAL ATHLETE TO LOOK UP TO - ALBERT PUJOLS He has made such a big impact on this community that it is likely that Albert Pujols will be winning two categories in the “Best of the West” poll for as long as he plays for the Cardinals: one for his amazing athletic ability, and this one for his great generosity.The Pujols Family Foundation has helped countless people with Down syndrome locally and the poverty-stricken in the Dominican Republic. Pujols and his family exemplify the idea of giving back to those that gave to you. BEST PLACE FOR LIVE MUSIC-SKY MUSIC LOUNGE West County nightlife includes few chances to hear good live music, but the Sky Music Lounge in Ballwin has corrected that oversight by regularly bringing a wide array of acts
See BEST OF, next page
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BEST OF, from prior page from diverse genres to area music fans. BEST HAMBURGER - CHEEBURGER CHEEBURGER The hamburger (actually, cheeseburger) joint with the “Happy Days” feel takes this category for the second consecutive year. Every burger starts with Angus beef; diners pick the cheese and toppings – peanut butter, anyone? Every burger is cooked to order, so chill, and have a malt while you wait. BEST PIZZA - MASSA’S The pizza at Massa’s starts with a thin crust that never is soggy and not too crisp. The default cheese is provel, but the chef will gladly oblige those who prefer mozzarella. Customers can choose from one of a half dozen specialty pies or create their own from a list of ingredients B&B Wildwood 10 that includes fresh tomato, shrimp and even broccoli. For something deliciously different, give the white sauce a try. BEST ETHNIC RESTAURANT - THE MEDITERRANEAN GRILL Authentic, freshly prepared Mediterranean specialties as well as the service at this Chesterfield restaurant drew rave reviews from readers. Voters described the fare as “incredible,” “outstanding,” “exotic” and “the best.” One reader said the food caused “an explosion of delicious flavor in my mouth. Yum!” BEST BREAKFAST - SUNNY STREET CAFÉ Sunny Street Café (formerly Rise & Dine) in the Wildwood Town Center took topof-the-morning honors from readers. The breakfast-served-all day menu features all kinds of omelettes, three versions of eggs Benedict, pancakes, waffles and even a healthy breakfast sundae. Those who crave breakfast for dinner can get it at Sunny Street from 5-7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. BEST DESSERTS - SARAH’S CAKE SHOP & CATERING CO. Locally-owned Sarah’s Cake Shop & Catering moved to Chesterfield in 2010. Its custom cakes and cupcakes take the cake (sorry) for their good looks and amazing taste. The buttercream frosting drew praise from several readers. While custom orders are their specialty, there always are goodies in the bakery case to satisfy immediate cravings. Look for the Sarah’s Cake Shop Cake Stop Van – a mobile cupcake van that motors around town and is stocked with specialty cupcakes. BEST MOVIE THEATER-B&B THEATRES WILDWOOD 10 The long-awaited movie house in the Wildwood Town Center did not disappoint. B&B Theatres Wildwood 10 opened Oct. 1, 2010, bringing in addition to its other auditoriums the much-talked-about Marquee Suites reserved for patrons 21 and older. The two upscale theatres feature wall-to-wall curved screens, oversized leather recliners and granite tabletops between every two seats for placing wine, beer, cocktails and fine food catered from nearby Table Three. BEST WINE LIST - BALABAN’S WINE CELLAR & TAPAS BAR Balaban’s in Chesterfield stocks a large library of wines collected at the original Balaban’s, which for more than 15 years won the prestigious Wine Spectator Award. Guests can savor a glass while dining on site (a tasting menu pairs selected wines to appropriate foods) or purchase from the retail store, which features more than 500 fine wines. BEST CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT - FREE CONCERTS The stars come out on summer nights throughout West County. There are free concert series at Bluebird, Des Peres, Faust, New Ballwin (new in 2010) and Schroeder Parks and at the Wildwood Town Center. Grab a blanket and soak up the sounds.
I best of I 45
BEST WINE LIST s for voting u
2nd year
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letters to the editor LETTERS, from page 4 they should pay another $80,000 each in taxes. The less than half of 1 percent of the people that are in that income bracket if taxed another $80,000 each wouldn’t even make a dent in the financial problem this country has. That’s why our “change” president and his followers wanted to lower the bracket of the tax increase to include those making as little as $250,000. At $250,000, a person is just able to start taking on the responsibility of hiring another person with all the cost involved in having an employee. If this devastating “change” had taken place, along with this crippling, irresponsible healthcare debacle, even more “Sallys” would have closed up shop, laid off the employees, and kept their money in a tax shelter. In fact, unless we get this medical insurance “change” corrected that most Americans said they didn’t want, there will be more employees on the soup line because employers will not be able to afford the increased cost of this new, wasteful government program. There is no reason to go back and try policies that do not work. Tax cuts and reduced government spending works as proved by Republican administrations (Reagan and Bush) and Democrat administrations (Kennedy and Clinton). When taxes are lower, “the people” have more money to use as they want. They can buy goods and services, which employ people and create tax revenue, or invest the money in other businesses, hopefully making some (here comes that ugly word again, liberals) profit to use at a later time. You can’t beat the crap out of the golden goose with a higher tax stick and expect it to lay golden eggs. Noel LaVanchy Wildwood
Note to Parkway and Rockwood To the Editor: What are these schools thinking? Why go through all the trouble to bring kids in from the city if the districts are just going to segregate all the races once they get here? First we have Parkway who wants to have the “Parents of Color PTO.” Are you saying that children of color should have different rules and entitlements than white students? Now Rockwood says they will only honor African Americans in school with special assignments in school. In other words, the Crestview Middle School is allowing a black science teacher to assign an essay, stating, “Write an essay on any
scientist you want, the only stipulation is the scientist must be black.” When the district was asked if they allow such (an) assignment for all races, they said not at this time; however, “once other races are recognized nationally as the blacks are, they will consider allowing such assignments.” How long do you think it would take for the NAACP to get involved if this assignment was given by a white teacher to read, “the scientist must be white”? Why even get started with such nonsense in school? This shouldn’t surprise us, though, coming from a district that doesn’t choose to honor veterans on Veterans Day, where all races, men and women alike, are recognized for their service to this great country, but will close school to honor Martin Luther King. Wasn’t it just a year ago that another Rockwood school was rewarding children from the city with McDonald’s Happy Meal rewards in school because they behaved on the bus, while doing nothing for those students who lived in the district? What do these districts fear will happen if they dare treat their entire student body equal? Why are we all so tolerant? And because we just stand by doing nothing, we are teaching our children they are not worthy of being treated equal. Maybe these school districts would have more respect and appreciation for their local students if they protested taking their MAP test. Let these schools stand on the grades they earn from those races they have chosen to honor. They’re so worried about keeping the transfer students happy because they claim to make so much money off that program, but at the same time they seem to forget about the money they make based on MAP test scores. Note to Parkway and Rockwood Districts: Do yourselves and everyone else a favor and stop bringing politics and race into our schools. Just do your job and teach these wonderful, young children with the same respect. They all deserve it! Pat Davis Chesterfield
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Bu si ness PEOPLE
years as its superintendent. • • • Ballwin-based Pfoodman has appointed Michael (Mike) Marino as director of brand development. • • • L’Ecuyer
Barb Champion has returned to Ranken Jordan – A Pediatric Specialty Hospital as a pediatric nurse practitioner. Dr. Suzanne L’Ecuyer has joined the hospital’s staff as a pediatric and adolescent psychiatrist.
Movin’ on down the road
• • • Mike Leeker has joined RE/MAX Suburban’s Chesterfield office. Leeker has been selling homes in the St. Louis area for more than 20 years.
• • • Dr. Craig Larson, of Manchester, has been named chairman of the board of the West St. Louis County Chamber of Commerce. Larson, an educational search consultant for Missouri for School ExecConnect, in 2010 retired from the Rockwood School District after serving seven
Maggie Menefee has joined the Jewish Community Center’s Adult Day Care Center as its director. Patti Kirschbaum has joined the ADC as a social worker.
PLACES Midland States Bank as of Dec. 31, 2010, moved all of its Chesterfield operations and services to its 17107 Chesterfield Airport Road location. • • • Manchester-based national franchisor Fish Window Cleaning Services again has been named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s “Franchise 500.” The company ranks 139th on the list for 2011, moving up from its previous ranking of 182nd for 2010. The company ranks first in its category,
McBride Son Homes in 2011 will move to a new headquarters in Chesterfield. The firm has committed to a long-term lease for 15,000 square feet of office space in the Herman Stemme I building (pictured) at 16091 Swingley Road in Chesterfield Village, developed by Sachs Properties. McBride Son Homes will relocate from McBride Son Corporate Center in Chesterfield, where it was based for nearly 25 years. The space at Chesterfield Village is being renovated for occupation in March by McBride Son. window cleaning.
Living of Chesterfield.
Steve Kling was named the 2010 Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce Businessperson of the Year. • • • The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program of Greater St. Louis recently honored staff and volunteers of long-term care facilities who demonstrate excellence in patient-centered care. Honorees from West County facilities included: Bob Morris, volunteer, Bethesda Meadow in Ellisville; Julie Lambers, CNA, Delmar Gardens of Creve Coeur; Roberta Mueller, volunteer, and George Odhiambo, lead care manager, both of Sunrise Senior
The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce holds an awards lunch and general membership meeting at 11:30 a.m. on Wed., Jan. 19 at the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center in Chesterfield. To register, call 532-3399 or visit by Jan. 17. • • • The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce holds Business Over Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on Tues., Jan. 25 at the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center. Admission is $20 for members and $25 for non-members. To register, call 532-3399 or visit by Jan. 23.
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The Danforth Center greenhouses.
Danforth Plant Science Center to receive $70 million grant In its last major event before closing its doors in the spring, the Danforth Foundation will give $70 million to the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in Creve Coeur. The Foundation on Jan. 7 announced that the grant – the largest in its 84-year history – will be donated to accelerate the Center’s ascent as the world’s leading independent plant science research center. It brings to $226 million the total the Foundation has contributed to the Danforth Center over the years. The grant will be used to help the Danforth Center undertake the first phase of a planned three-part expansion of its scientific staff, capabilities and facilities. “The Foundation was built on stock of the Ralston Purina Company, which defined its business as feeding the world,” John C. Danforth, the Foundation’s chairman and a former U.S. senator from Missouri, said. It could not be more fitting that our final grant is being made to an institution whose mission is to improve nutrition and help feed the hungry.” The mission of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, founded in 1998, is to “improve the human condition through plant science.” Besides seeking to improve nutrition and feed the world’s hungry, Danforth Center researchers are working to develop renewable sources of energy and other sustainable products that will preserve and enhance the environment and make St. Louis the world center for plant science, in terms of research and commercial development. “St. Louis has quickly become a world leader in plant science, and the Danforth Center and its partner institutions are at the core of this effort,” Dr. William H. Danforth, chairman of the Danforth Plant Science Center and vice chair of the Danforth Foundation, said. “The future is bright for St. Louis and for the results of our work. I see the Danforth Center as both a gift to St. Louis and a gift from St. Louis to the wider world.”
The Danforth Foundation grant will support the Danforth Center’s endowment, the income from which will help fund the Danforth Center’s current research and launch Phase 1 of its anticipated expansion. The Danforth Center will rely on support from the St. Louis community and others to complete Phases 2 and 3. “The grant will enable us to add critical expertise and new technologies to the Danforth Center, and then to train scientists how to solve some of the longstanding problems that limit agricultural productivity,” said Dr. James C. Carrington, incoming president of the Danforth Center. “We will focus on addressing some of the major unanswered problems in plant science, such as how genes interact with changing environments to control crop yield, growth and resistance to stress. The grant will also accelerate the translation of basic discoveries into commercial applications, which the St. Louis region is particularly wellsuited to accomplish.” Specifically, Carrington said, the grant will enable the Danforth Center to hire five new principal investigators in critical areas; expand bioinformatics and biocomputing capabilities; and expand training opportunities for scientists, including students – helping to keep the best and brightest in St. Louis. “The opportunities before the Danforth Center and St. Louis are vast,” William Danforth said. “This grant demonstrates the belief in the Danforth Center’s mission as well as its ability to accelerate our progress toward its potential. As with past frontiers our community has embraced, from Lewis and Clark to the Lindbergh flight, visionary people of St. Louis have always played a key role. So, while the Danforth Foundation’s grant serves as a call to continue the journey, successful completion of the journey will depend on the commitments of the people of St. Louis to embrace a shared vision for our region of the world.”
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Kathy Lebedun volunteers at blood drives to thank donors for the 66 units of blood she has received.
Creve Coeur woman thankful for debt she owes blood donors By MARCIA GUCKES Sixty-six units of blood and what do you get? Another year older and deeper in debt to those who donated their blood. That is how 58-year-old Kathy Lebedun, of Creve Coeur, feels. In fact, she volunteers at Red Cross blood drives just so she can personally thank donors for giving her the chance to see her daughter grow up and to celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary with her husband. “I would not be alive today if it weren’t for all of the wonderful blood donors. They are my heroes,” Lebedun said. Lebedun’s debt of gratitude started back in 1992 when she went to a doctor to check on some enlarged lymph nodes in her neck. He diagnosed her with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), an incurable form of cancer. She was 39 years old, and her daughter, Laura, was 9. “I asked my doctor how long I had to live and he said, ‘Hope for 10 years. Prepare for less.’” At that moment, her long-term goal became to live long enough to see Laura graduate from Parkway Central High School. Lebedun and her doctor watched and waited for about five years until she developed abdominal pain, and then they tried chemotherapy. “Unfortunately I had a poor response to the chemotherapy, and the doctor said there was no sense in completing the course,” Lebedun said. But when she became anemic, the doctor wanted to try chemotherapy again. “I refused,” Lebedun said, explaining that she wanted “kinder, gentler” methods to treat her symptoms.
She told her doctor she wanted to try blood transfusions. It was not a standard treatment, but her doctor agreed. Lebedun said the effects were immediate; she would walk in for a transfusion feeling sick and walk out feeling fine. “So between 2004 and 2008, I had 33 blood transfusions, which was 66 units of blood,” she said. According to Lebedun, she still has leukemia, but it has been stable for 2 1/2 years. She is grateful to all her blood donors, but she is especially moved by her daughter’s direct donations. “I gave her life and then she gave it back to me,” Lebedun said. “There are so many miracles to this story. … The best part of the story to me is that my daughter is 27 years old and I have lived to see her grow up into a beautiful adult.” She is also proud that her daughter now uses her life to help others live healthier lives. “She (Laura) was voted No. 1 personal trainer in St. Louis for 2010 (by a local magazine’s readers),” Kathy said. “Every year she just celebrates my life.” Now, at least once a month, blood donors will find Lebedun volunteering at the registration table at a Red Cross blood drive. She said she volunteers because “I am so thankful to donors,” and because it benefits donors to see an actual person who is alive today because of what they are doing. “I hope that I’m putting a face to all the unknown recipients out there,” Kathy said. She said she tells donors, “I would not be alive today if it weren’t for donors like you.”
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Photo courtesy of American Red Cross
Fast facts on blood donation By MARCIA GUCKES January is National Blood Donor Month, a time set aside to honor volunteers who donate blood. Just one of those donations can help save up to three lives. Just one donor can help save 1,000 lives by giving every 56 days over a lifetime of 60 years. Despite the great benefits of blood donation, volunteer donors are rarer than one might think. According to the American Red Cross, 37 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to give, and of those, less than 10 percent actually take the time to donate. The need for blood donors is great: • Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. • More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day. • 4.5 million people need a transfusion each year. • A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood.
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To be eligible to donate blood, a person must: • Be healthy. “Healthy” means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. If you have a chronic condition such as diabetes, healthy also means that you are being treated and the condition is under control. • Be at least 17 years old. • Weigh at least 110 pounds. • Want to help others. That is the No. 1 reason people give for donating blood. What happens when you donate blood? • Donors give a short health history and receive a mini physical. • About a pint of blood is collected. People have about 10 pints of blood. • The donation process takes about one hour and 15 minutes. • A dozen tests are done on each unit of blood to make sure it is safe before it is shipped to hospitals. • Fifty-six days later, a blood donor is ready to give again.
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Upcoming West County blood drives Donors can give any day of the week at the American Red Cross’ West County Collection Center, located at 13369 Olive Blvd. Hours are: Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. • Sun. 7 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
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Other blood drive locations:
Thurs., Jan. 13 - 3 p.m.-7 p.m. St. Martin’s Episcopal Church • 15764 Clayton Road, Ballwin Fri., Jan. 14 - 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Des Peres Hospital • 2345 Dougherty Ferry Road, Des Peres Sat., Jan. 15- 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Incarnate Word • 13416 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield Mon., Jan. 17 - 1 p.m.-7 p.m. Ballwin Community Center • 1 Ballwin Commons Circle Drive, Ballwin Sun., Jan. 23- 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. St. Albans Catholic Church • 2001 Shepard Road, Wildwood
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please join us on westnewsmagazine The Parkway North High School fashion show will benefit the Metro St. Louis Cinderella Project, providing free prom dresses to students who cannot afford one.
Fashion show benefits students without a prom dress
ildren’s Acad h C e d i s em e k a y L Formerly Lakeside Child Care Center
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By SARAH WILSON Not all Cinderellas have a fairy godmother. That is why Parkway North High School students are hosting a fashion show at 7 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 28 to benefit the Metro St. Louis Cinderella Project, an annual event to promote confidence and self-esteem among junior and senior high school women in the metropolitan area by providing a prom dress to students who are unable to afford one on their own. All donated dresses are brought to the Cinderella Boutique, where specially invited guests receive a personal shopping experience, including a free dress, custom alterations, and hairdo and makeover on the day of the prom. All leftover dresses will be available to the public on Sat., March 12 at Mid Rivers Mall for $25 each. The event is sponsored by the Community Council of St. Charles County. The fashion show will showcase more than 30 dresses borrowed from the Cinderella Boutique. The idea originated from a student who during the summer approached Kara
Sussman, family and consumer science teacher at Parkway North High, asking if she wanted to help sponsor the event. They contacted the Cinderella Project, and the organization loved the idea. Models for the fashion show consist of student volunteers ranging from freshmen to seniors who have been working hard after school and during academic lab to prepare for the event. Before being chosen to volunteer, students were required to fill out an application expressing why they wanted to help out, with academic grades taken into consideration during the selection process. “The girls are really learning the importance of giving back and that they’re not doing this for themselves,” Sussman said. “All of this is community service, and they’re doing it to help somebody else and to make somebody else’s dreams come true. I don’t think there’s a lot of that going on anymore, but it’s really making them feel like they are making a difference. See FASHION SHOW, page 54
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Circle Of Concern toy day serves 700 children
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On the Saturday before Christmas at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church, West County-based Circle Of Concern provided new toys, athletic gear, personal electronics, bikes, board games, books, mittens, hats and assorted stocking stuffers for 700 children from area families. More than 12 vans packed with toys and goodies were shared with kids during four very hectic hours. Forty bikes and helmets prepared by the Pedal Pushers from Manchester United Methodist Church also were distributed. The Circle Of Concern Toy Day featured donations from more than 150 groups and scores of individuals in the community. Two dozen area organizations, including West Newsmagazine; the Chesterfield, Fenton and West St. Louis County Chambers of Commerce; and the city of Manchester hosted collection boxes for toys and other goodies. More than 125 volunteers gave their time to set up and assist with toy distribution.
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FASHION SHOW, from page 52 “Also as they’re doing this, they’re feeling that gain and want to make this a regular occurrence; not just a one-time thing. The project is making them more motivated as well to get their own schoolwork and responsibilities completed.” Sussman said volunteers must maintain their grades during their time volunteering. She is hoping for the event to bring in through donations between 50 and 100 dresses for the program. “I encourage everybody to come see the hard work that’s been put into the event,” Sussman said. “The experience has been really rewarding, especially for this being my first year, and for these girls who feel like they can come to me to sponsor such an incredible event. I feel like I’ve really gotten to know the students, and the moti-
vation they’ve all brought to the table is truly rewarding.” The event will be at Parkway North High, located at 12860 Fee Fee Road in Creve Coeur. Proceeds and dresses will be collected at the high school until Fri., Feb. 4, and participants are encouraged to donate any dresses to help the cause. Fashion show tickets are $3 in advance and can be purchased at the Parkway North High school store. Tickets are $5 at the door, and there is no admission with the donation of a prom/formal dress. Parkway North High Powder Room (girls’ choir), the men’s a capella group and others will provide entertainment for the event. For additional dress drop-off locations, visit
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Preserving holiday plants for future bloom By SHANNON F. IGNEY With proper care, popular holiday plants like the poinsettia and amaryllis can bloom year after year, said Pat Scace, floral display supervisor at the Missouri Botanical Garden. “Most often, when caring for poinsettias, people forget that they are a tropical plant,” Scace said, adding that as such, they prefer temperatures above 65 degrees. To keep this year’s poinsettia healthy for next year’s holiday season, Scace offered these tips:
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Throughout January, February and March, water when soil is dry to the touch. When spring arrives, gradually decrease the amount of water to allow the plant to dry – but not shrivel – and move to a room that will remain roughly 60 degrees. Toward the end of May, repot with new soil, water heavily and trim branches to 4 inches in length. Put the newly potted plant near the brightest window of the house, water, and watch for new growth. Begin fertilizing when new growth appears. As summer sets in, transfer the poinsettia outdoors to a partially shaded area. After a few weeks, trim new growth to about 1 inch. When stems have branched out, usually by late August, cut back to 4 inches, bring plant back inside to a sunny window and continue to fertilize. In order for a poinsettia plant to bloom year after year, it needs roughly 12 hours of sunlight per day for 10 weeks. After 10 weeks, beginning around the first of October, keep plant in complete darkness
overnight; early light exposure will delay bloom. Return plant to a sunny window at the end of November, and watch for new buds. By mid-December, the plant should be in full bloom, just in time for the holidays. The amaryllis – a bulb sometimes referred to as “Christmas cactus” – is another popular holiday flower. The plants bloom all winter long producing large, bold splashes of color atop a tall, bright green stalk. To maintain an amaryllis year to year, follow these steps: Around the holidays, keep the plant indoors in a sunlit room. Water on a regular basis, or when the top half of the soil is dry, and make sure the plant has proper drainage. This will help produce buds for the holidays and ensure a healthy life into January and February. When the last blooms wilt, cut the stalk about an inch above the top of the bulb. “With amaryllis, most people make the mistake of cutting the foliage back as soon as it is finished blooming,” Scace said. “Wait until the plant begins to go into dormancy on its own and allow the plant to die back and have a rest period to rejuvenate the bulb for future flowering.” Transfer plant to a sunny location, fertilize monthly with a liquid fertilizer, and water minimally. After the last frost, move the plant outdoors to a sunny location. Water daily and fertilize every two weeks. In mid-August, bring back inside to a cool space of about 55 degrees, and withhold water. In eight to 10 weeks, repot the bulb, leaving one-third of the bulb visible; water thoroughly. Place in indoor sunshine and continue watering well for colorful December bloom.
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Enter t ai n ment “The Sheldon Corale: Sacred Music of the Season,” Feb. 21, Sheldon Concert Hall St. Louis Jazz Orchestra, Feb. 24, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Miranda Lambert, Feb. 24, Chaifetz Arena
Jerry Seinfeld brings his comedy tour to St. Louis on Jan. 22 .
CULINARY COMEDY Jerry Seinfeld, Jan. 22, The Fox Theatre Royal Comedy Tour, Feb. 25, Chaifetz Arena
CONCERTS Pulitzer Series Concert, Jan. 12, Powell Symphony Hall “Pictures at an Exhibition,” Jan. 14-16, Powell Symphony Hall Brahms Requiem, Jan. 21-22, Powell Symphony Hall Idina Menzel, Jan 23, Powell Symphony Hall Beethoven 7, Jan. 28-30, Powell Symphony Hall Ben Folds, Jan. 30, The Pageant Mahler 6, Feb. 4-5, Powell Symphony Hall Al Jarreau, Feb. 11, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Jupiter Symphony, Feb. 11-12, Powell Symphony Hall 6th Annual St. Louis Blues Fest, Feb. 12, Chaifetz Arena “Lift Every Voice: Black History Month Celebration,” Feb. 18, Powell Symphony Hall Chris Botti, Feb. 19, Powell Symphony Hall Arianna String Quartet’s “Imagination and Imagery,” Feb. 20-23, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center
Ben Folds performs on Jan. 30 at The Pageant.
Cooking with Elisa, through Jan. 23, Kranzberg Arts Center
live performances “The Fall of Heaven,” through Jan. 30, Loretto-Hilton Center “Cirque Du Soleil: Dralion,” Jan. 19-23, Chaifetz Arena “Shen Yun,” Jan. 25-26, The Fox Theatre “Sesame Street Live,” Jan. 27-30, Scottrade Center The Parker Quartet, Jan. 28, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, Jan. 28-29, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center
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Taikoza, Jan. 29, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “True West,” Feb. 4-19, Centene Theatre for Arts & Education “9 to 5: The Musical,” Feb. 8-20, The Fox Theatre “Macbeth,” Feb. 9-March 6, LorettoHilton Center “Disney Live: Mickey’s Magic Show,” Feb. 10-11, Chaifetz Arena “Peter and the Wolf,” Feb. 13, Powell Symphony Hall “Chiwoniso: Rebel Woman,” Feb. 26, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center
tickets and information Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center: touhill. org, (314) 516-4949 Centene Theatre for Arts & Education:, (314) 289-4060 Chaifetz Arena:, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre:, (636) 220-7012 Effingham Performance Center:, (866) 448-7849
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Com mu n it y Event s ART “Paper Play,” a new exhibit, opens from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 14 and runs through March 12 at Chesterfield Arts (444 Chesterfield Center). The exhibit features Meredith Foster and Chris Day’s intricate manipulations of line and perspective on paper. The reception is free. For details, visit or call 519-1955.
BENEFITS Mary Rosen, director of volunteer resources for the St. Louis Chapter of the American Red Cross, speaks from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (coffee and socializing at 8:45 a.m., business meeting at 9:30 a.m.) on Thurs., Jan. 13 at Trinity Lutheran Church (14088 Clayton Road). Rosen discusses what it is like to volunteer in a disaster area and what steps people should take locally to prepare for a disaster. The event is sponsored by AAUW Ballwin-Chesterfield. For details, visit • • • “Movin’ and Groovin’ with Kindermusik,” a Saint Louis Symphony Benefit, is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sat., Jan. 15 at the Jewish Community Center in Chesterfield. An open house and demo class inspire young families to bring music into the lives of children. The event is free, with an optional $5 donation to the Symphony. To register, call (314) 434-9496,
visit or e-mail • • • Boy Scout Troop 783 holds a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 16 at Salem United Methodist Church in Ballwin. Proceeds will be used toward the purchase of tents and for summer camp. Call 227-0552. • • • Chili Super Sunday is from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 16 at St. Joseph Church in Manchester. All-you-can-eat chili, chili mac, hot dogs, corn bread, beverages and dessert are included. The cost is $8 for adults, $3 for children or $22 for a family. The event is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus. For details, call Stephanie at 227-8596. • • • The St. Louis Learning Disabilities Association hosts a trivia night at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) on Sat., Jan. 22 at Dave Mungenast Lexus (13700 Manchester Road in Ballwin). The evening includes 10 rounds of trivia, an auction, attendance prizes and complimentary beer, wine, soda and snacks. The cost is $25 per person or $200 for a table of eight, with proceeds benefiting the St. Louis LDA’s Early Childhood Outreach Program. Go to to register or call (314) 966-3088.
It just keeps getting better. Visit the all new The official internet home of West & Mid Rivers Newsmagazine
• • • The city of Town & Country hosts Art, Wine, Music from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 28 at Longview Farm House. Catering by Villa Farotto, symphony quartet music and displays of local artists’ work are featured. A portion of proceeds from the sale of art goes toward beautification of Longview. Tickets are $15 in advance/$20 at the door. Call (314) 605-2896. • • • The sophomore class of Lafayette High School hosts a trivia night at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) on Sat., Jan. 29 at in the school commons (17050 Clayton Road in Wildwood). The cost is $20 per person with eight people per table. Funds support the class of 2013 graduation activities. The event is smoke- and alcohol-free. Email or for tickets. • • • The Marquette Choir Organization presents “A Night to Shine,” a prom fashion show, at 6:30 p.m. on Fri., Feb. 4 at Marquette High School. Designer gowns by Tony Bowls, designer of gowns for the Miss America Pageant and numerous state pageants, courtesy of Distinctions in Fashion, are featured. Appetizers, entertainment, a silent auction and raffle for a designer prom dress with proceeds benefiting the Liver Foundation also are included. Tickets are $6 for students/$10 for adults and are available at and at school during the week of the show. • • •
Chesterfield Arts presents the 12th annual “Art Feast,” a fundraising gala, at 6 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 5 at Kemp Auto Museum (16955 Chesterfield Airport Road). Cocktails, dinner, an auction and live performances are featured. In addition, the “Make Your Mark” mural project student leadership team demonstrates how they have designed a 550-foot mural for the community to paint on a Chesterfield Valley floodwall. Guests are invited to come in creative cocktail attire. Tickets are $125 each with proceeds benefiting Chesterfield Arts’ performances, programs, exhibits, classes and more. Table sponsorships also are available. Call 519-1955. • • • Budweiser presents the eighth annual Sports Trivia Championship at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., Feb. 18 at the Chaifetz Arena. A VIP table for 10 is $3,000 and a standard table for 10 is $1,000. Proceeds benefit the St. Patrick Center. Call Katie Holcomb at (314) 802-1976 or e-mail kholcomb@ to reserve a table. • • • Support Dogs, Inc. hosts its sixth annual “Tacky Ball” with the theme “The Dogfather: A Gala You Can’t Refuse” from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Sat., March 26 at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Riverfront (315 Chestnut Street). Dinner, live and silent auctions and dancing with the Dr. Zhivegas band are included. Proceeds benefit Support Dogs, Inc., which provides assistance dogs to individuals with disabilities. Tickets are $85 per person or $1,500 for
please join us on
NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM a 10-person table. To reserve a seat, call (314) 997-2325 or visit
GriefShare, a grief recovery support group, meets from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thursdays through March 24 at the Greentree Community Church (132 East Monroe in Kirkwood). The group is for people grieving the death of someone close, and each session includes a video seminar and discussion. For information and to register, call Diana at (314) 909-9197 or visit or • • • A showing of “Shrek Forever After” is at 7 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 14 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Admission is free; concessions are available for purchase beginning at 6:30 p.m. Visit • • • A showing of “Despicable Me,” rated PG, is at 7 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 14 in the Chesterfield Community Theatre West County Family YMCA. Movie theatre popcorn and water are available for a small fee. To RSVP, by e-mail • • • Friday Night Live for middle school students ages 11 to 14 is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 11 and April 8 at The Lodge Des Peres. Admission is $5 and includes activities, games, fitness classes and more. Visit thelodgedesperes. com. • • • Eagle Days is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 15 and Sun., Jan. 16 at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge (10950 Riverview Drive). Eagle lovers can watch eagles fishing, riding ice floes, soaring and roosting in nearby trees. An educational program is repeated every 20 minutes from 10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Visit • • • Chesterfield Montessori School hosts an open house from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Sat., Jan. 22 at 1400 Ladue Road in Chesterfield. Visit • • • “Hot, Hot, Hot!” is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 29 and Sun., Jan. 30 at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House (15193 Olive Blvd. in Chesterfield). The tropicalthemed, kid-friendly event features activities, games and crafts. Admission is $6 for adults, $4 for children aged 3 to 12 and free for younger children. Call call 530-0076. • • • An Enchanted Ball for girls ages 3 through 10 and their “dates” is from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 5 at The Lodge Des Peres. Girls can bring their dad, grandfather, uncle or other Valentine for dinner, dancing, a photo opportunity and party favors. Tickets are $23 per person. For details, call (314) 835-6150 or visit
I 59
• • • A Daddy Daughter Dance is from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Sat., Feb. 12 at Ballwin Golf Club. Dinner, dancing, crafts and pictures are featured. All ages are welcome. The registration deadline is Feb. 8. Visit
HEALTH A free flu shot clinic is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 15 at the Medicine Shoppe pharmacy in Chesterfield. Call (314) 469-7171.
LIVE PERFORMANCES First Run Theatre presents “An Evening of One Acts” at 8 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 14, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 16, at 8 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 21 and Sat., Jan. 22 and at 2 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 23 at the Thomas Hunter Theater at DeSmet Jesuit High School (233 N. New Ballas Road in Creve Coeur). “Don’t Stop Believing” and “A Moment of Grace” are performed. General admission tickets are $10 and senior and student tickets are $8 in advance; tickets at the door are an additional $2. Discounts are available for group tickets purchased in advance. Call (314) 352-5114 or visit
SPECIAL INTEREST The St. Louis Imperial Swing Dance Club holds a Chili Dinner Cook-off at 7 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 15 at Trinity Lutheran Church (Clayton Road and Hwy. 141 in Chesterfield). Guests bring a dish to share and vote on the best. Admission is $5 for members and members of sister clubs and $8 for guests. Visit or call (314) 434-4812. • • • A Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society meeting is at 7 p.m. on Thurs., Jan. 20 at the St. Louis County Library’s Daniel Boone branch in Ellisville. The rupture and restoration of the Tom Sauk Dam is the featured topic. Call Bob at 462-4423 or Cladia at (314) 434-4831. • • • The St. Louis Golf Expo is from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Fri., Jan. 21, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat., Jan. 22 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sun., Jan. 23 at the St. Charles Convention Center. A Pro-Am Golf shop with clubs and equipment for sale and more than 80 exhibitors, giveaways, interactive contests and free lessons are featured. For tickets, discount coupons and more information, visit • • • The Maximized Living Makeover is at 9 a.m. on Jan 22 at St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville. The program is an accelerated learning workshop that teaches weight loss tips. The cost is $40 for the first ticket and $20 for additional tickets. Call 273-4800 to register.
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It’s Girl Scout Cookie time Area Girl Scouts beginning Sat., Jan. 15 will begin knocking on doors and taking orders for one of America’s favorite treats. Potential customers also may be contacted by e-mail or through Facebook, as in addition to traditional door-to-door order taking, Girl Scouts can engage in online marketing by informing family and friends about cookies through e-mail and social networking sites. Money for cookie purchases cannot be collected online. This year, the Girl Scouts will be offering a healthier alternative to the traditional cookie – the Shout Out! – a Belgian-style, caramelized cookie with zero grams of trans fat per serving, no hydrogenated oils, no artificial colors or preservatives and no high fructose corn syrup. Also new this year is environmentally friendly packaging for the ThanksA-Lot, a shortbread cookie layered with fudge. The package does not use
paperboard, just a wrapper around the plastic container holding the cookies. This nationwide initiative will reduce the use of paperboard by 150 tons, enough to fill 14 garbage trucks. Cookie customers can choose from six additional delicious flavors: Caramel deLites, Lemonades, Peanut Butter Patties, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Shortbread, and Thin Mints. All varieties are priced at $3.50 per package, payable upon delivery. All proceeds from cookie sales stay within the community to benefit local girls. Girl Scout troops use the money for field trips and community service projects. The funds earned locally will help the Girl Scouts of Eastern Mis-
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souri deliver programs for girls, provide training for adult volunteers, and maintain local Girl Scout camps. “When you buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies, you help girls enjoy experiences of a lifetime as they gain lifeenhancing leadership skills,” said Donna K. Martin, CEO of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri. “Everything girls do in Girl Scouting is designed to help them grow into leaders of courage, confidence and character. The cookie program, like all Girl Scout activities, is girl-driven. The activity of selling cookies is directly related to Girl Scouts’ purpose of helping all girls reach their full potential and become strong, resourceful citizens.” The Girl Scout Cookie program is the largest girl-led business in the world. Through the cookie program, Girl Scouts have fun while also developing essential life skills, such as goal setting, decisionmaking, money management, people skills and business ethics. Those who do not wish to enjoy the cookies themselves still can support
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local Girl Scouts by making a purchase and donating the cookies to individual troops’ Cookie Share, a voluntary project in which girls encourage customers to buy cookies for donation to a nonprofit organization such as a food pantry or military troops. Last year, local Girl Scouts donated more than 40,000 cookie packages. Local Girl Scouts will be taking cookie orders from Jan. 15 through Jan. 30. The cookies will be delivered beginning Feb. 23. Girl Scout troops will sell cookies also at booths set up in area businesses between Feb. 23 and March 13. To find cookie booth locations locally, beginning Feb. 23, visit the “Cookie Booth Locator” at and enter your ZIP code to find a nearby cookie booth site. Or, call Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri at (800) 727-4475.
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Find the Buick or GMC you want in your driveway from the comfort of your living room
% 0 2011 Buick LaCrosse
The 2011 Ford Explorer
2011 Ford Explorer more adaptable for drivers, roads Whether hauling mountain bikes through mud ruts or groceries and kids through rush hour traffic, the new 2011 Ford Explorer will adapt to peoples’ lives more than ever. The redesigned Explorer, which arrives later this year, will deliver more adaptability than ever before – from adjustable creature comforts like a four-way head restraint to responsive driver-assist and safety technologies such as terrain management system and Curve Control. “The Explorer has always been about maximum adaptability, but it’s not just about off-road capability, flexible cargo space and seating configurations anymore,” Ford spokesperson Amy Marentic said. “With the new Explorer, we’ve redefined what adaptability means by expanding the user’s ability to adjust vehicle features and functions. At the same time we are offering innovative technologies that can allow the Explorer to automatically adjust to driving conditions if needed.” One of the new Explorer’s flexible features is a four-way head restraint designed to provide protection for occupants with more adjustable comfort than industrystandard, two-way restraints. The fourway head restraint offers increased flexibility over the two-way restraints that proliferate in the industry, moving up and down and forward and backward using a manually operated ratcheting system that allows 12 positions to increase occupant comfort while helping to provide occupant injury protection in rear impacts. Ford recommends properly adjusting the head restraint so that the top of the head restraint is even with the top of one’s head and positioned as close as possible to the back of one’s head. For occupants of extremely tall stature, the head restraint should be adjusted to its full up position.
Two other Explorer features that should be adjusted before hitting the road are the adjustable brake and accelerator pedals and tilt/telescoping steering wheel that allow drivers of different statures to position those controls at a comfortable distance, closer or farther away from them. While the new Explorer’s driver and passengers can easily adjust interior features to their liking, the Explorer seamlessly adjusts to external driving conditions. For example, Curve Control, which makes its debut on the Explorer, senses when a driver is taking a curve too quickly and rapidly reduces engine torque and can apply four-wheel braking, slowing the vehicle by up to 10 mph in about a second. The system can be useful when drivers are entering or exiting freeway on- or offramps with too much speed. The new Explorer gets adventurous by offering Ford’s first intelligent fourwheel-drive (4WD) control system that optimizes vehicle capability by integrating powertrain and braking controls to provide appropriate traction for any driving conditions. Terrain management is activated by a console-mounted, switchable knob, enabling 4WD control through an intuitive choice of settings that eliminates guesswork with simple icons that represent the climate or surface situation drivers may encounter. Explorer drivers will be able to adjust the ambience of their vehicles in several ways. They can personalize the interior by selecting from a spectrum of seven different ambient lighting colors, for the gauge cluster, foot wells, cup holders, door map pockets and rear foot wells. Drivers and passengers also can get comfortable with the Explorer’s dual-zone electronic automatic temperature control.
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BBB urges caution when buying a used car By BRIAN MCDOWELL There are many reputable used car dealers in the St. Louis area, but some local used car retailers have been taking advantage of uneducated buyers by selling cheap vehicles that do not last for even 30 days. In some instances, the vehicles barely left dealers’ lots before they broke down. That is according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), which conducted an in-depth study of the used car industry in eastern Missouri and southern Illinois. According to a report issued by the BBB, there were more than 13,000 complaints filed with the organization last year against used car dealers, making it the seventh most-complained about industry in the region. The study also examined websites for 46 used car dealers and found that 37 percent of them made questionable advertising claims as defined by the BBB’s Code of Advertising or federal and state laws. According to area BBB President and CEO Michelle Corey, many of the problems with the used car market result from failures on the parts of dealers, consumers and consumer advocates. “Consumer advocates have failed to adequately educate the public about the safeguards that need to be taken when buying used cars,” Corey said. “Many customers have failed to educate themselves about the laws governing used car purchases or have neglected to get an independent inspection of the cars they purchase. And a few dealers prey on consumers by selling cars that they know are defective.” Corey emphasized that the study was not critical of all used car retailers and said it should not be interpreted that way. “This study does show, however, that there is room for improvement,” she said. The amount of legal protection for a consumer who has purchased an unsatisfactory vehicle varies, depending upon the agreement the consumer made with the seller. “If they purchase the vehicle ‘as is,’ they are probably signing some type of salvage agreement,” Corey said. “Unfortunately, many customers enter into these types of
agreements based on verbal promises from a dealer instead of looking at paperwork and knowing what they’re putting their signatures on.” Missouri has a limited number of laws that are designed to protect used car consumers, and there are also regulations on the claims that used car dealers can make in their advertisements. However, contrary to popular belief, Missouri’s Lemon Law does not apply to used cars; it only covers new cars that are under warranty. “We are trying to educate consumers so they don’t need to rely on the government for protection in these transactions,” Corey said. The BBB recommended that used car consumers take the following steps to avoid getting scammed: 1. Check the Buyer’s Guide, usually posted in the window, for any warranty information. Do not rely on verbal promises not specified in the guide. 2. Before buying a used car, take it to a mechanic for an independent inspection. 3. Insist that the dealer provide you with a copy of the Buyer’s Guide, as required by law. 4. If you buy a car “as is,” know that there is no guarantee that it will not be useless the next day. 5. If you buy a car in Missouri, do not sign a “junk” or salvage affidavit. If you do, you forfeit your right to have the dealer pay for a safety inspection and pay for repairs if the car fails emissions testing. 6. Remember that a safety inspection does not guarantee that the car is reliable. 7. Read all contracts before signing them. 8. Check the reputation of the dealer through the Better Business Bureau.
Automotive Showcase
With rising gas prices, MINI cars are a big deal that one recently was test driven by a customer By BRIAN MCDOWELL Gas prices are rising again, and some experts have said that was 6’6” and weighed 400 pounds. Operating in Clayton since 2002, MINI of that they could reach an all-time high this year. Such predictions are causing more cost-conscious consumers to St. Louis is “the” place in the area to buy the seek out smaller vehicles that offer greater fuel efficiency. unique vehicles. Besides offering assistance It is difficult to beat the 38 highway miles per gallon that with financing and leasing of the highly sought are available with the small and stylish MINI-Cooper out cars, the dealership features both a nearby service department and a body shop. brand of cars, made by BMW. Interestingly, the recent downturn in the Of course, less money spent at the pump is not the only amenity that the beloved imports offer to new car custom- economy does not seem to have affected the ers. Several consumer websites and car magazines have local public’s demand for the vehicles, MINI of stated that MINIs generally retain their value better than St. Louis in 2010 experienced its second-best any other brand of compact cars. Thanks to their unique sales year, and McMillin said he expected that design features, the MINIs have also scored extremely this year will be even better. Open every day but Sunday, the dealership Pictured are the 2011 MINI Countryman ALL4, MINI’s new 4-door much well on safety tests. The cars also offer unmatched performance and handling, according to MINI of St. Louis Sales has a limited number of the new MINI Coun- larger offering and a 2011 MINI Cooper Hardtop. tryman models, a rare, four-door version of the Manager Matt McMillin. There is also a surprising amount of comfort and leg- beloved small cars. The eagerly awaited vehicle room offered by a MINI, which was designed to be an is slightly taller and wider than most MINIs and will be headaches that accompany owning a classic car. McMillin indicated also that there is seemingly no strict extremely adjustable and roomy vehicle. MicMillin said available for browsing and test-driving at the dealership before later this month officially going on sale to the demographic for those who choose to drive a MINI. He public. has sold the cars to young and old, large and small, investMINI of St. Louis McMillin explained that the MINI is classified as a ment bankers and farmers and all types of people across 8455 Maryland Avenue • Clayton “niche vehicle,” and he admitted that those who need to the board. (314) 727-8870 either haul things or regularly transport big families are Prices start at around $20,000. Open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Mon., Wed. and Fri.; 8 a.m. not likely to seek the cars out. Rather, the MINI is made McMillin owns a MINI himself and described it as a to 6 p.m. on Tues. and Thurs.; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sat. for those who have been looking for a small car that is fun “blast to drive.” to drive and has a close resemblance to the much loved “It’s an extremely spirited vehicle,” Micmillin said. “I sports cars from the ‘50s and ‘60s, without all the requisite love the way it handles.”
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Destin Florida Area. Beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath condo or home, Gated Gulf Front community. Includes beach front cabana, 3 pools, tennis courts & more. Call for Special Spring/summer rates and availability. To view pictures please go to /127089 or /148365. For Additional info Call 314-922-8344.
Beautiful building lot off Wild Horse Creek Rd Just minutes from Chesterfield Valley Approx 6 ac.
Very Private!
Wanted Wanted To Buy. Baseball Cards, Sports Cards. Cardinals Souvenirs and Memorabilia Pre-1975 Only. Private Collector 314-302-1785
Wanted $ Cash Paid $ Old Costume Jewelry & Estate Jewelry, Old Dolls, New & Old Barbie, Toys, Antiques, Designer Clothing & Purses, Ornate Shuberts furniture. Call 636 207 1350 or 314 581 3891
Hoetmeyer Huber 1395 Mallet Hill Elllisville • $634,900
3152 Autumn Trace Drive Maryland Heights • $199,900
Immaculate 5400 Sq. Ft.
Gorgeous 3 Bedroom!
Daun Gooding Holdmeyer Direct: 636 236-7555
Suburban OPEN SUN. 1/16 1-3 PM
Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri Notice is hereby given:
That the Board of Aldermen of the City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri, will at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at the Fru-Con Center, 15933 Clayton Road, hold a public hearing to consider the proposal for the boundary adjustment of Lots 33 and 34 in the Kehrs Mill Trails Subdivision - Plat 3 in Clarkson Valley. Scott Douglass, Mayor City of Clarkson Valley
To Place a classified ad, call Hope
WE BUY SCRAP METAL Copper, Alum, Brass, Stainless Steel, Lead & Car Batteries. FREE drop-off for steel, vinyl & cardboard.
Blaze • 314-409-6988 • Keller Williams Realty 636.229.8688
Brush creek- Huber $375,000
MLS# 10058422
311 Lakewood Lane, Catawissa
Open M-Sat 9-5.
FABULOUS totally updated Cluster home, Hdwd Flrs, exquisite all newer renovated kit & baths, Msuite features expanded MBath w/Roma Steam shower: $35,000 PRICE REDUCTIOn! CALL “BLAZE”
Atrium ranch. Gorgeous inside/out, over 3,800 sq. ft. 5 bedroom, 3 full bath. 2 separate living quarters. 5.35 acres. Horse Barn. Private wooded setting. Just minutes west of Wildwood. Must see!
25 Truitt Dr., Eureka, MO 63025
Great rm Ranch w/EZ Access to HWY 40 & on cul-de-sac: 3/4 BR’s, Enclosed Sunroom, vaulted GreatRm: LG MBR*Bonus room off DR ideal for playroom: HURRY GREAT PRICE FOR 2400 SQ FT. CALL “BLAZE”
16351 Bellingham Dr. Chesterfield • $315,000
273 Shenandoah Drive, Labadie
636-591-0010 Recycling
1902 Broadfield Ct. Chesterfield • $280,000
MLS# 10059108
Fabulous custom built 3 BR, 2.5 BA home on nice level one half acre +/- lot overlooking the main lake. Quality workmanship and superior quality throughout; tile work, crown molding, stone facade, soaring vaults, solid surface counters, covered porch, much much more! Quiet lake community just south of I-44.
Serving West St. Louis County and Eastern Franklin County 2658 Highway 100, Gray Summit
I 69
Real estate showcase An Important Message from Your Friends at Kay Bova Realty and Circle Of Concern Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department Cold weather means extra challenges for the families helped by Circle Of Concern. Many of the tips shared with these families could be helpful to all West County residents too. Don’t heat the neighborhood! Make sure all doors and windows are closed tight. A $25 investment in weatherization supplies can pay for itself with savings on one heating bill! Rolls of self-stick weather-striping for doors and windows, door-sweeps and other little things can make a big difference. A line of tape over the bottom of the window can help keep
cold air out and heater air inside. Be careful with space heaters! Circle reminds families to only run a space heater in an occupied room. Make sure the heater is at least three feet from drapes, blankets and other fabrics. Use electric heaters (kerosene heaters require open windows for ventilation.) We ask families to place the heater on a board (or very heavy cardboard) covered in foil – never place a heater directly on carpet. Don’t use an extension cord on a space heater, make sure it turns off if tipped over and remember the heat isn’t free: Some heaters cost $1.00 per hour to run. Dress for the weather! Your mother was right, you really need gloves and hats and a decent coat in cold weather. Long before you get frostbite you can have serious skin damage. This year Circle Of Concern and Kay Bova Realty expect more people than ever will need help. Last year Circle fed 22,323 Kay Bova’s Public Service Vehicle was used for the people. This year they expect to Circle of Concern 2010 toy drive.
Circle Of Concern’s 2010 Toy Day held 12/18/10 at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church.
feed 25,000. Kay Bova Realty urges those who can to help with donations of basic weatherization supplies, such as electric space heaters, gloves and hats. Also Circle of Concern always needs food and personal care items such as soap and toilet paper. Donations can be delivered to Circle of Concern 112 St. Louis Avenue
in Valley Park or Kay Bova Realty 14567 Manchester Road in Manchester. Circle of Concern can also be contacted at 636-861-2623; their website is www.
Kay Bova 636-728-1881
105 Royal Gate Dr. - Creve Coeur - $435,000 Pristine Ranch on almost an acre! Custom touches, large circular driveway and finished LL. Updated baths and kitchen!
Call 636-591-0010 to advertise.
t uS
12933 Autumn Fields Ct - Creve Coeur - $225,000 Luxuriously updated condo in Field Pointe! Wood flrs, new carpet, 2 fireplaces, finished L.L., granite counters/stainless appliances!
e! N
16764 Babler View Dr. - Ballwin - $152,000 Babler Park estates ranch with open floor plan, vaults, skylights. Finished LL makes this double the size!
e! N
305 Remington Way Dr. - Ballwin - $435,000 Pristine “like new” one owner 2sty in Remington Place! First class upgrades, huge mstr ste, bonus rm. Over 3600 sqft!
684 Rustic Valley Dr - Ballwin - $150,00 Large Ranch with tons of potential! 1 owner home in great condition, finished lower level, great location.
340 Towerwood Dr. - Ballwin - $157,000 Updated hm in great location! Bright open flr plan, updated kit, fin. lower level with wet bar! Must see!
712 Woodside Trails Dr. - Ballwin - $133,000 Large condo in great community of Woodside Trails! Must see this kitchen. Large beds and baths.
1259 Robinview Ct. – Creve Coeur - $310,000 Fabulous 2-sty on cul-de-sac! Large rear deck, FP, updated kitchen, great neighborhood.
16259 Bent Tree Dr. - Chesterfield - $295,900 Charming 2-sty with inground pool and hot tub! Large updated kitchen and finished lower level. Must see!
Integrity Land Title Co. 11715 Administration Dr, Ste. 103 St. Louis, MO 63146 Office: 314-291-8102
Call today for your Financing Needs: Wendy Wallach Cell: (314) 374-0737
Big enough to provide excellent service... Small enough to care!
636-728-1881 •
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Find Your Dream Home at Chesterfield/Wildwood
Location is everything. 1116 SHEPARD OAKS DRIVE Exceptional 1.5sty, 3.16 ac lot, gorgeous ingr pool. Spectacular kit adjoins hearthrm & walk behind wet bar area.$1,750,000
Want more info on area open houses? Just click on
New Homes Div
2903 ST ALBANS FOREST CIR WILDWOOD Spectacular custom ranch on 3+ ac near St Alban Country Club. High ceilings, 4FP, split BR plan. $1,499,000
To advertise, call 636.591.0010
Clearwater Beach
16624 WYCLIFFE PLACE DR WILDWOOD Charming Country French home in Wildwood. $599,000
17526 RADCLIFFE PLACE DR WILDWOOD Atrium ranch on 2.5 acres. 4BR/3.5ba. Open floorplan, sunroom, deck, & private patio. 2FP. $469,000
4047 PRINCETON RIDGE DR WILDWOOD Stunning 1.5 sty on 1+ ac. 4BR, 3F/2H baths. Professionally fin W/O LL Rockwood Schls. $442,000
3801 TAMARA TRAIL WILDWOOD Gorgeous ranch home on 10 acres in Wildwood. Features an updated kitchen, inground pool. $399,900
2060 MEDICINE BOW CT WILDWOOD Treed private .58 ac cul-desac lot. Inground pool, 4+BR, 3.5ba 2 story. Fin W/O lower level. $349,900
16303 COPPERWOOD LN WILDWOOD One of the best 1.5sty 4BR, 2.5ba. Level lot. Dramatic 2sty great rm. Main flr spacious MBR. Lrg kit. $299,900
214 COUNTRY CREEK CT BALLWIN Wonderful 1.5 story, master suite with his/her walk in closets, open updated kit & breakfast rm. $264,900
194 BROOK VALLEY LN PACIFIC 2 sty home sitting on almost one acrea lot. 2BR, 1.5ba and a 2c detached garage. 2sty living room. $169,900
704 AUBER DR (BALLWIN) Well cared for 3BR ranch, level fenced yard. Updated baths. Wood flrs on most of main flr. Kitchen w/white cabinets. $159,900 161 CUMBERLAND PARK CT #G (BALLWIN) Absolutely stunning 3 bedroom 2 bath condo in West County! Completely updated! $115,000 711 LOFTY POINT (BALLWIN) Spacious Treetop condo with newer deck overlooking trees. Large master suite. Main floor laundry. Garage, FP. $104,700 899 A HOG HOLLOW (CHESTERFIELD) 17 acre lot, currently being used for crop growth. Level lot, could be income property. $561,000 17119 SURREY VIEW DR (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine ranch, 4BR,3.5ba, 2 FP, 3c gar, level lot. Beautiful updated kitch, granite, stainless appls. $549,900 1926 CHESTERFIELD RIDGE CIRCLE (CHESTERFIELD) Absolutely stunning 3BR/3.5b Villa. Beautiful wood floors. High ceilings. High end finishes.$499,900 14685 AMBERLEIGH HILL CT (CHESTERFIELD) 1.5 sty villa with over 3000 sq ft of gracious living in this desirable gated community. Gourmet kit. $425,000 16523 BAXTER FOREST RIDGE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Pristine 2 sty in prime location, great rm w/FP, wet bar & builtins. Charming kitchen. $419,900 8 CONWAY SPRINGS DR (CHESTERFIELD) Classic, all-brick 2-sty, 4BR, 2.5ba, over 1 acre - level, perfect for pool! Major makeover. $390,000 213 GRAND BANKS (CHESTERFIELD) Gracious 4BR, 3ba villa in elegant Baywood Village. Updated kitchen, grt rm, lvg rm, newer deck. $325,000 2156 FEDERAL WAY (CHESTERFIELD) Lovely 2 sty, large living rm, gracious dining rm, great rm with fireplace, main flr laundry, spacious 4BR. $275,000 14308 CONWAY MEADOWS CT #303 (CHESTERFIELD) Wonderful open floorplan ranch condo! 2BR, 2ba, 2 garage spaces! Newer neutral carpet. $179,500
15593 BEDFORD FORGE DR #24 (CHESTERFIELD) 3rd floor unit overlooking lake & woods. Complete remodel, newer kitchen, baths, carpet. $154,000 1231 CREVE COEUR CROSSING #B (CHESTERFIELD) Nicely updated 2BR, 2ba condo. Lower level walk out to patio w/a nice view. Great location. $114,900 208 FOX CHAPEL LN (CLARKSON VALLEY) Exceptional 2 sty w/numerous updates & additions. Marble entry foyer, great rm w/FP. $749,947 2019 KEHRS MILL RD (CLARKSON VALLEY) Custom 1.5 sty tucked away. 2 sty great rm, main flr master suite, fabulous kitchen w/granite. $600,000 1579 TERRA VISTA (CREVE COEUR) Attached villa waiting for you to complete. Upgraded fixtures, wood flrs, luxury master suite, fabulous location. $320,000 1329 PARKVIEW ESTATES DR (ELLISVILLE) NEW price. Motivated Seller. 7 yr old townhouse w/attached garage, 42maple cabinets & wood flrs. $143,000 312 CLAYTON CROSSING #201 (ELLISVILLE) Pristine 2nd floor condo unit, freshly painted, newer carpet, main flr laundry, den, family rm. $125,000 309 CLAYTON CROSSING #B (ELLISVILLE) Great value on 2BR/2ba condo near Clayton & Clarkson Roads. Granite counters, 1 garage, wbFP. $109,900 6116 THORNTREE LN (EUREKA) 1.5 sty backing to golf course, 2 sty entry & great rm, kitch w/granite & 42 cabs, main flr master, fin LL w/rec rm. $434,900 900 GANDOLF WAY (EUREKA) Ranch villa in Eureka. 2BR, 3ba. Professionally finished, walkout lower level. Deck, sprinkler system & 2 car garage. $199,900 13212 WEATHERFIELD DR (ST LOUIS CO) Beautifully updated 4BR home with great views. Gourmet kitchen with Viking and Sub-Zero stainless appls. $499,900 1233 GUELBRETH, UNIT 206 (ST LOUIS CO) Completely updated 1BR/1ba, all newer kitchen cabinets, appliances, updated bath. $44,900
12929 PORTULACA (ST LOUIS CO) Immaculate 2BR, 2ba condo, fresh paint & cpt, open, neutral flr plan, wd brning FP, security bldg w/elevator. $116,900 1832 TAWNY ASH DR (ST LOUIS CO UNINC) Spacious Westport Crossing townhouse. Fresh paint & carpet. 2BR/1.5ba + loft & fin LL. $139,900 12911 CEDARLEDGE CT (UNINC ST LOUIS) Open floorplan ranch with 3BR, 2.5ba on main. Low maintenance siding, newer windows, flooring. $201,000 395 LARIMORE VALLEY DR (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5 sty, 2.4 acre lot, inground pool, gazebo, porch, fabulous kitchen adjoins hearth rm. $1,749,900 2119 SADDLE CREEK RIDGE (WILDWOOD) Stunning 1.5 sty, private lot, gourmet kitchen, granite, custom island, hearth rm, 2 fireplaces. $1,199,900 849 STONE BRIDGE SPRINGS DR (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5sty, 3 acres, lovely views, 2sty great rm & foyer, gourmet kitchen, granite. $759,000 1506 QUAIL HOLLOW CT (WILDWOOD) NEW price. Country French 1.5 sty Miceli built on acre 5 yrs. 2 tiered comp deck. $698,800 1651 WILDHORSE PKWY DR (WILDWOOD) Atrium ranch on cul-de-sac lot backing to trees. Vaulted great rm w/FP & wood flrs, Fabulous kit. $525,00 16611 HIGHLAND SUMMIT DR (WILDWOOD) Classic, updated 2 story. 5BR, 3.5ba. Wood floors, granite, maple cabinetry. Prof fin W/O lower level. $449,900 2127 MINT SPRING LN (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 2 sty 4BR, 4ba home on 3 wooded acres. Updated kitchen w/granite & stainless appliances. $375,000 1766 CHIMNEY TOP FARM (WILDWOOD) Beautiful views, 1.5 story nestled on 3.48 acre. Many updates, spacious upper level BR. $329,999 1708 SHEPARD RD (WILDWOOD) Beautiful building site for your own plans. Gorgeous 4.6 acre lot! $325,000 Discount Code: 63005
671 Henry Ballwin $249,900
4141 Manchester St. Louis $230,000
11754 Berrybell Maryland Heights $149,900
7439 Richmond Place Maplewood $129,900
1163 Partridge University City $120,000
2311 Woodson Overland $92,500
You and Your Family Are Invited To A FREE Night at The Magic House!!
Courtesy of: Prudential Select Properties Town & Country Office Must call 636-394-2424 to RSVP!
#1 Office in the State of Missouri! 175+Professional Sales Associates To Serve You!
Town Country
1100 Town & Country Crossing | Town & Country, Missouri 63017 |
Open Sunday 1-3
522 Morel Ct. $1,995,000 St. Albans
2604 Bopp Rd. $649,900 Town & Country
To-Be-Built at Kehrs Mill Glen $1,200,000 Chesterfield
1006 Bristol Manor Dr. $635,000 St. Louis
13951 Meursault Lane $824,000 Town & Country
7310 Forsyth Blvd #202 $589,900 University City
12028 Carberry Place $799,900 Town & Country
4010 Austin Dr. $659,000 St. Charles
14669 Amberleigh Hill Ct. $549,900 Chesterfield
996 Sheffield Forest Ct. $530,000 Wildwood
7056 Stanford Ave $499,900 University City
9114 Topton Way $430,000 Clayton
789 Whispering Meadows Dr. $429,000 Manchester
3 Conway Springs Dr. $425,000 Chesterfield
944 Crown Pointe Estates Dr. $425,000 Wildwood
1507 Dietrich Chase $409,000 Ballwin
Villas at Hanna Bend From $396,000 Manchester
825 Minarca Dr. 389,000 Des Peres
16269 Lakeshore Meadows Ct. $379,000 Wildwood
14057 Baywood Village Dr. $319,900 Chesterfield Open Sunday 1-3
681 Legends View Dr. $299,900 Eureka
1318 Parkview Valley Dr. $287,500 Parksway West Schools
15667 Coventry Farm Dr. $269,900 Chesterfield
701 N Mosley Rd $265,000 Creve Coeur
1023 Leisure Lane 255,000 St.Louis
1132 S. Mason Rd. $194,000 Town & Country
3 Cloverleaf Lane $154,900 Manchester
Open Sunday 1-3
1344 Redwood View Ct. $239,000 St. Louis
834 Westwood Dr. $219,500 Ballwin
1575 Beacon Woods Ct. $200,000 Manchester
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