West Newsmagazine May 26, 2010

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I opinion I 3

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A ‘Duty to Die’? One of the many fashionable notions that have caught on among some of the intelligentsia is that old people have “a duty to die,” rather than become a burden to others. This is more than just an idea discussed around a seminar table. Already the government-run medical system in Britain is restricting what medications or treatments it will authorize for the elderly. Moreover, it seems almost certain that similar attempts to contain runaway costs will lead to similar policies when American medical care is taken over by the government. Make no mistake about it, letting old people die is a lot cheaper than spending the kind of money required to keep them alive and well. If a government-run medical system is going to save any serious amount of money, it is almost certain to do so by sacrificing the elderly. There was a time-- fortunately, now long past-- when some desperately poor societies had to abandon old people to their fate, because there was just not enough margin for everyone to survive. Sometimes the elderly themselves would simply go off from their family and community to face their fate alone. But is that where we are today? Talk about “a duty to die” made me think back to my early childhood in the South, during the Great Depression of the 1930s. One day, I was told that an older lady-- a relative of ours-- was going to come and stay with us for a while, and I was told how to be polite and considerate towards her. She was called “Aunt Nance Ann,” but I don’t know what her official name was or what her actual biological relationship to us was. Aunt Nance Ann had no home of her own. But she moved around from relative to relative, not spending enough time in any one home to be a real burden. At that time, we didn’t have things like electricity or central heating or hot running water. But we had a roof over our heads and food on the table-- and Aunt Nance Ann was welcome to both. Poor as we were, I never heard anybody say, or even intimate, that Aunt Nance Ann had “a duty to die.” I only began to hear that kind of talk decades later, from highly educated people in an affluent age, when even most

families living below the official poverty level owned a car or truck and had airconditioning. It is today, in an age when homes have flat-panelled TVs, and most families eat in restaurants regularly or have pizzas and other meals delivered to their homes, that the elites-- rather than the masses-- have begun talking about “a duty to die.” Back in the days of Aunt Nance Ann, nobody in our family had ever gone to college. Indeed, none had gone beyond elementary school. Apparently you need a lot of expensive education, sometimes including courses on ethics, before you can start talking about “a duty to die.” Many years later, while going through a divorce, I told a friend that I was considering contesting child custody. She immediately urged me not to do it. Why? Because raising a child would interfere with my career. But my son didn’t have a career. He was just a child who needed someone who understood him. I ended up with custody of my son and, although he was not a demanding child, raising him could not help impeding my career a little. But do you just abandon a child when it is inconvenient to raise him? The lady who gave me this advice had a degree from the Harvard Law School. She had more years of education than my whole family had, back in the days of Aunt Nance Ann. Much of what is taught in our schools and colleges today seeks to break down traditional values, and replace them with more fancy and fashionable notions, of which “a duty to die” is just one. These efforts at changing values used to be called “values clarification,” though the name has had to be changed repeatedly over the years, as more and more parents caught on to what was going on and objected. The values that supposedly needed “clarification” had been clear enough to last for generations and nobody asked the schools and colleges for this “clarification.” Nor are we better people because of it. © 2010 Creators.com

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letters to the editor Crunching the credits To the Editor: After reading a recent editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which I considered very “far left,” I have concluded that every newspaper in the state of Missouri is a “far left” liberal publication. Now many of your readers may say that combining all newspapers in the state under one umbrella is nonsensical, because individual newspapers are different and should be evaluated on their individual merits. Normally, I would agree with your readers. However, after reading your May 12 editorial entitled, “Crunch the credits,” I see that looking at a disparate group and making generalizations about the entire group based on problems with one or a few of the members of the group may be appropriate. All kidding aside, in your editorial, you quote the report from State Auditor Susan Montee in an evaluation of “54 unique categories of available tax credits.” Gov. Nixon used this report to support his call to dramatically reduce all state tax credit programs and place them under his control. In fact, these 54 tax credit categories range from purely socially oriented credits (credits for maternity homes, pregnancy resource centers, domestic violence shelters and food pantries) to very effective economic development credits (credits for historic renovation), but you, the governor and the state auditor all lump these programs together in an attempt to evaluate their “cost.” I am admittedly a proponent and user of Missouri’s historic tax credit program, one of the largest of the state’s annual credits and a nationally recognized and nationally emulated program. Because of its size and generally large use in the two major state metropolitan areas, the historic tax credit program is normally the poster child for critics as an “out of control” cost resulting from a state tax credit program. To provide a little context, a March 2010 study by Saint Louis University and Missouri Growth Association (a copy of the study is available from the Missouri Growth Association home page) found that from 2000 to 2009, the state of Missouri issued $832 million of historic tax credits, and those credits generated almost $3 billion of economic investment in Missouri, 43,150 jobs and, most importantly, generated $669 million of payroll and sales/use tax revenue to the state, or more than 80

cents per dollar of credit. These tax receipts do not include a 2.5 percent charge paid to the Department of Economic Development on each dollar of credit or the income taxes paid on income generated from the sales of the credits, from sales of property to be used in the historic projects, or from profits from participants in projects. If all of these taxes are considered, it is likely that the historic tax credit, as other studies have found, actually provides more revenue to the state than it costs. The Saint Louis University study mirrors the findings of evaluations of historic tax credit programs across the country. Your facetiousness aside, something that we should be “worried about” is that the state’s fiscal note attached to the governor’s proposal to dramatically cut all the state’s tax credit programs, including dramatic cuts to the historic tax credits, stated that there would be no offsetting cost to the state by cutting the program. In the governor’s mind, there is a one-for-one savings by cutting dollars out of the historic tax credit program. To be kind, that is simply uninformed. Fortunately, the recent legislative session did not follow the lead of the governor, state auditor or West Newsmagazine by lumping all credits together and acting with a machete to cut all credits. Fortunately, a number of Missouri representatives understood that the way to improve the state’s fiscal situation is to look at each tax credit program on its own and eliminate, change or otherwise fix individual programs on their own merit. We all owe Representatives Richards, Tilley, Diehl, Jones, Zerr and others a “thank you” for some adult leadership on this issue. In the next legislative session, I expect major, thoughtful changes to individual tax credit programs, which will provide significant savings to the state. R. Michael Allen Town & Country

the general editorial policy of the tabloid. It is so one-sided. Now I (have) to get by Sowell, the letters to the editor and the political cartoons to get to the local news. … Balance it out or stop delivering. Ed Huetteman Chesterfield

To the Editor: I have to compliment you on the print graphics and color quality of your paper. Most of your articles are good and interesting to me. Now, if you could either eliminate or add some balance to pages 3, 4, 6 and 8 it would be appreciated by the 45 percent of us that are not ditto heads out here in West County. John Weinstroer Chesterfield

Would you pay a red light camera ticket? To the Editor: Yes! Simply put: Don’t run the red lights. Senator Lembke is misguided and, in my opinion, not fit for the office he holds. In regards to making money on the cameras, perhaps they should insist the profits go in to hiring more officers so they would not need the cameras. Ron Edwards Chesterfield

To the Editor: I received my first and I hope final red light camera ticket. I paid it even though I am in the Campaign for Liberty organization, which has many “remove cameras” activists in it and active in local politics. I am glad there was no police pursuit. I hate the risk that puts (to) innocent drivers and pedestrians and the noise of sirens blaring. I was following a car westbound on St. Charles Rock Road, just east of Hwy. 270. I was three seconds or so behind the car Balance it out as recommended by driving schools, highTo the Editor: way patrol and AAA. That is about 100 I’ve been out of town for the last six feet behind the other car, I think. Travelmonths and haven’t been getting your ing at 35 mph, you travel over 51 feet per paper. I was shocked by the one-sided con- second. The light must have changed to tent of your letters to the editor as well as red in about three seconds.

The light changed just as the other car entered the intersection and changed to red just as I entered the intersection. The problem with red lights is that they can be manipulated, adjusted by the police or local authorities. It takes everyone a few seconds to make a decision while driving – anywhere from 1.5 seconds to as much as four seconds or even more. And it takes a few seconds to come to a reasonable stop. In rainy weather, you have to use more time to slow down because if you brake suddenly, you may go into a skid or slide and lose control. Now, I do not like to see patrol cars racing down the streets after people who ran a red light or made a rolling stop or illegal right or left turn, because that puts innocent people at risk of injury over a misdemeanor. Look at car crashes by citizens and police alike that have killed innocent people. There was one in the late 1990s where police from North St. Louis County pursued at speeds over 120 mph a car into Illinois (that) finally ended when the fleeing car ran a red light and crashed into another car and killed an employee of my wife’s company and injured the children in the car – all over a $5 unpaid gasoline pump bill. Five dollars. So, on one hand you have the safety and quiet of red light cameras, illegally fast yellow lights and police chasing suspects of misdemeanors and killing innocent people dozens of miles from where the offense occurred. While I would like the police to pursue in a quiet manner and not disturb the peace of people just inside their home, I think strict regulation of yellow light length and cameras must be enacted first to ensure that no citizen is ticketed or arrested because he or she took too much time to make up his or her mind to step on the brake. There should be regulation of yellow light length of time. Even three seconds is not enough. Some intersections in West St. Louis County (Big Bend and Hwy. 141, for example) are over 120 (feet) wide from white intersection line to opposite white intersection line. It takes over four seconds at 35 mph to just cross the intersection. Personally, the “yellow light” is now the “red light” for me. I don’t know how the people who have yellow “bug” lights on their porch may feel about that, but that is another story. Phil Gonzalez Unincorporated West St. Louis County



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Thank you, Ms. Thomas


The Arizona issue Throughout our history, the fact that our ancestors took great risks to come from all over the world to this country to work hard and make their dreams come true is one of the things that make our country great. Their willingness to assimilate and adopt American values and culture will inspire us for years to come. Our country still has the welcome mat out for anyone that truly wants to come here, but it does have some rules that immigrants are expected to follow. Until they take steps to become citizens, visitors to our country are expected to keep identification papers on them at all times and to follow basic laws. The problem with these laws is that police or federal government officials are not currently enforcing them. Sneaking into the country is clearly against the law, yet no serious efforts have been made by the federal government to close our southern border. As a result, there now is a large group of illegal immigrants who have no real interest in going through available legal channels to become American citizens or in adopting our culture and our values. Often, these people have paid smugglers to simply take them across the desert and essentially broke in line in front of other immigrants that were taking the proper steps to legally come to America. Many of these illegal immigrants are using access to our schools, hospitals, and poorly thought-out social programs, and they are unfairly taking from a system into which they put nothing. Many of the economic problems that exist in California and other western states stem from the large number of illegal immigrants who have invaded their state every year. Arizona is one of the states most unduly affected by this tide of illegal immigration, and in desperation, their governor passed a very sensible law that allows police officers to enforce the federal laws that are already on the books. The law is

supported both by the majority of Americans and by the majority of people that live in that state. However, in today’s divisive political atmosphere, this law touched off a firestorm. Illegal immigrants held violent protests, liberal politicians lined up to blast a law that they clearly have not read, and our president, in a desperate bid for Latino votes, scolded a state for trying to deal with his clear lack of concern about illegal activity on and around our southern borders. People deceptively complained that the law would promote “racial profiling,” although such a practice is clearly banned by the wording of the bill. The controversy reached its surreal apex when Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico, had the audacity to attack the law in front of a joint session of Congress. For a foreign leader to attack an American law on our soil is unprecedented, and the fact that members of the Democratic Party applauded him for doing so made the moment even more surreal. The real reason that Calderon and other people in his country are opposed to real enforcement of rational American immigration policy has nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with economics. Illegal immigrants from Mexico who work in America send approximately $1 billion back home to their country of origin. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but the way that liberals have miscast this Arizona law and misidentified its intent is just plain wrong. When this law is enacted and it works just like its legion of supporters claim that it will, and when that reduces many of the problems that currently exist in Arizona, we hope similar measures will be adopted by other states. Also, we can hope that eventually the federal government will start to take border enforcement seriously.

On May 20th, famed White House correspondent Helen Thomas (89) visited Wiegand Studios in Chesterfield to have her hand cast in plaster by sculptor Don Wiegand. The very charming First Lady of News chatted with Wiegand’s guests, telling the occasional joke. Thomas said, “Presidents always tell jokes, because they know it’s effective.” Thomas, an American news service reporter and member of the White House Press Corps, has covered the administrations of ten U.S. presidents in a career spanning almost sixty years. She is the familiar face and voice known for ending televised press conferences with the line, “Thank you, Mr. President!”

Quotable: “We need help. They need to do their job. They need to step up and secure our borders.” - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer

“Nobody’s coming to get us. We had great adventures. Love you, goodbye.” -Betsy Loehr, quoting her cousin, whom she saved from drowning in the Nashville floods.

Question of the week: How can Congress pass financial reform legislation while ignoring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which to date have cost taxpayers $145 billion? Answer the question: editor@westnewsmagazine.com

Web site of the week: www.cis.org

Official Web site for the Center for Immigration Studies. Get the real story behind immigration reform.


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General Manager Tim Weber

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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2010.



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News Br iefs Compiled by Ted Dixon Jr., Sue Hornof AND Julie Brown Patton.

BALLWIN Taking the bite out of summer The city of Ballwin has contracted with the St. Louis County Health Department to provide mosquito control for 2010. The County places mosquito traps at various locations throughout the city to determine where fogging is needed. Fogging in Ballwin is performed on Sunday evenings. Residents wanting information about if and where anti-mosquito spraying will occur can call (314) 615-4284 for a recorded message. Officials decide at about 5 p.m. each day where spraying will occur that day, and the work starts after 7 p.m.


Chesterfield Ltd., with conveyance stating the land only could be used for educational purposes. “The only thing the district asked (of the city) was for it to be used at times for students,” Griffith said. Griffith said that over several years, district officials evaluated the site to see if it fit the needs of projects the district wanted to build, but could not make it work as a school site. No timeline for the park’s construction has been established. Steve Banton, Rockwood school board president and Ballwin resident, said that the district did not have the resources to build the parcel into an outdoor recreational spot, so it made sense to tie it back into Chesterfield’s parks department.


Park with a purpose Rockwood School District representatives deeded 10 acres of property at 1410 Wilson Ave. in Chesterfield to the city of Chesterfield, with the intent to create a future recreational and educational park. Dennis Griffith, Rockwood assistant superintendent for administrative services, said that the property previously was deeded to the district in 1988 by F.P.I.

Lots of losers During its “You Drink & Drive, You Lose” crackdown conducted May 5-9, Creve Coeur police issued 165 traffic tickets, including 11 tickets for driving while intoxicated. “When we remove a drunk driver from the roads, we’re all safer,” Creve Coeur Police Chief Glenn Eidman said. “Law

enforcement will continue to encourage drivers to make a simple, smart choice to drive sober.”

DES PERES New eye on crime The Des Peres Department of Public Safety is replacing its existing Crime Prevention Safety Network so that residents may access important community information when they need it. The agency will create and publish messages through the Nixle Community Information Service, which will deliver information to residents instantly via cell phone text message and/ or e-mail. Notifications can be accessed also online at nixle.com. Example messages may include weekly activity reports, crime prevention information, Amber alerts and other relevant safety and community event information. The service is reliable and free. Residents receive messages as part of their cell phone text messaging plan and decide what information they want and whether they want it sent to a cell phone, e-mail, or whether they want to access it online. Residents may register now at nixle. com.

ELLISVILLE Arrest made in bridal burglary Ellisville police have secured arrest warrants for a man accused of robbing the

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Cook honored Outgoing Ellisville Councilmember Pam Cook (dist. 2) reacted with great emotion as the city council on May 5 honored her for her years of serving the city. Cook Cook served on the Ellisville City Council from April 2003 to April 2010. In a reso-

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Blossoms Bridal Shop located at 53 Clarkson Road. Artoska A. Gillispie, 27, of Florissant, a suspect in numerous robberies in the St. Louis County area, has been charged with robbery in the first degree, armed criminal action and stealing more than $500. The warrants resulted from the robbery of the Blossoms Bridal Shop on Dec. 24, 2009. At approximately 3:30 p.m., the suspect entered the store and pointed a handgun at the female proprietor and demanded money. He forcibly stole a set of keys, took the victim’s cash and fled the area. Ellisville detectives identified a suspect after learning of similar robberies occurring in Creve Coeur, Chesterfield, St. Peters, Florissant and St. Louis County. A photo lineup was conducted, and the victim was able to positively identify the suspect who robbed her. In collaboration with several police agencies, the suspect was eventually apprehended in St. Charles. Bond was set for $25,000.

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Manchester Police to clean up for Special Olympics Manchester police officers are teaming up with Tucker’s Place West to raise money for Special Olympics. From 5-10 p.m. on Thurs., June 3, the officers will volunteer as bus boys at Tucker’s Place (14282 Manchester Road), and the restaurant will donate a percentage of its sales to Special Olympics. In addition to clearing tables, officers will collect donations and sell Special Olympics Torch Run T-shirts. The public is invited to stop by for dinner and support a worthwhile cause. lution the city drafted, Cook was honored for her “highest degree of dedication, commitment, honor and distinction earning the respect of the Council, staff and Ellisville residents.” Cook will continue to serve the city on the Ellisville Planning and Zoning Commission. Troy Pieper will take Cook’s place on the Ellisville City Council.

Strecker Road Bridge to close for 30 days

After a six-month pilot program of street banner promotions, Wildwood Planning/ Economic Development/Parks (PEP) committee members recommended to not pursue future expansion of the concept, citing lack of funding in the city’s 2010 budget. Street banners had been hung from city poles at New College Avenue and Generations Drive, especially to assist with the reopening of the retirement community there, Meadows of Wildwood. The post-pilot approach was to collect fees from Wildwood business owners who would like to participate to cover the design, development, implementation and management of the program. PEP committee members on April 20 were prepared to discuss the draft agreement with the private entity that had offered to manage the street banner program. Members instead questioned the notion of charging businesses for using public property, and then considered four options: continue with the program as planned; modify its structure to be a city-managed program to promote local businesses; modify its structure to be a city-managed program to promote only city events and initiatives; or eliminate the program altogether. PEP representatives on May 10 recommended to city councilmembers that the street banner program be reassessed when the city’s 2011 budget is addressed.

MISSOURI Zipping along Meramec Caverns announced a new opening date of May 29 for its Caveman Zipline – the first zipline in the St. Louis metro area. On Memorial Day weekend, guests can first experience the high-adrenaline, extreme adventure. An 80-minute guided tour begins at a tower by the Meramec Caverns main entrance and soars across the river, through treetop canopies and the natural cave bluffs of the Meramec. The last zip again traverses the river basin at 80 feet above the Meramec. There are eight towers, three swinging rope bridges, and zips that vary from 2501,200 feet in length and reach speeds of up to 50 mph. The Caveman Zipline will operate from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily through October 31 (weather permitting). For reservations (recommended), call (573) 468-3166. More information can be found at americascave.com.

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Beginning June 7, the Strecker Road Bridge near Church Road just west of Kehrs Mill Road in Wildwood will be completely closed to through traffic for 30 days (until July 7). Replacement work and substructure portions for the new bridge started in March. A new alignment path also was incorporated.

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Area meteor hunter makes a rare find

rising waters, cool heads

Ballwin woman, local officials orchestrate remote Nashville flood rescue via cell phone By JULIE BROWN PATTON An astute Ballwin woman literally became the surprise lifeline to Nashville, Tenn.-based relatives trapped on May 2 in their homes by flood waters. Becky Loehr, wife of Metro West Fire Protection District’s retired Captain Robert Loehr, started receiving calls from her cousin, Sherry Davidson, who lives just outside of Nashville, when they had ankle-deep water in their home. Davidson’s Aunt Jane, who has Alzheimer’s disease, lived with her in an area on a hilltop where the river in effect circles the property. Loehr said that the first call came at about 9 a.m., after her cousin got out of bed and unexpectedly stepped into water on the floor. During the early morning hours 20 inches of rain had fallen. There had been no warnings. “Then the water got knee-deep,” Loehr said. “By the time Sherry called me the third time, she was waist-deep and on her front porch.” Loehr said that her cousin had no phone service in their geographic area, including service to emergency response systems. “She said there was still power on in the house, but every time they tried to use the land phones, they got shocked,” Loehr said. Through spotty cell phone coverage, Loehr discovered that her family members were facing increasingly worse challenges, and that a neighbor had joined them in their house. Eventually, the flood victims had to move into the attic. “Sherry called me and said, ‘My

God. We’re going to die. Goodbye. Please help us,’” Loehr said. “ And that’s when I decided to call 911. I was frantic, and my brain went into tunnel vision.” Obviously, Tennessee is outside of the emergency reach of St. Louis Central County dispatch in Ellisville; however, Dispatchers Charlie Bieser and D.J. Malone zeroed in on learning the family’s location. They worked through several emergency agencies before reaching Tennessee State Patrol. Loehr said that she gave the dispatchers her cousin’s cell phone number because she did not know what else to do. Bieser said a police officer took the information and said they would send someone to the area to help. Assistance came from Knoxville officers, who had to work their way back to the Nashville area through patrol radios. The last time that Loehr spoke to her cousin before help arrived was at 1:09 p.m. “Sherry said, ‘Nobody’s coming to get us. We had great adventures. Love you, goodbye.’ Then the line went dead,” Loehr said. When help arrived at the Nashville home, it was not just Loehr’s family they found trapped. Flood victims were rescued from 130 houses in the neighborhood; most of the victims were in attics. Loehr did not hear from her cousin again until about 7 p.m. that evening. “I had to contemplate the worst during those hours, and I began to call other relatives to tell them what had occurred,” Loehr said. “It all happened so fast and furious.”

Davidson said that they were saying their last goodbyes to each other when they heard a motorboat. She punched out the air pocket at the top of the attic and stuck out a chair leg with a shirt to signal they were inside. Loehr said that her cousin, Davidson’s ex-spouse, aunt, a neighbor and her aunt’s dog all were assisted from the attic and taken back down through the house, sputtering completely under water on their backs to get out of the front door. “You never think you’re going to be involved with something like this, but it happens,” Loehr said. “When I discovered that so many other people were trapped, I felt guilty about having focused only on my family. But when one Nashville agency person asked me if I realized how many people that one 911 phone call saved, I prayed a huge prayer and thanked God that it had all worked out somehow.” Davidson’s home since was completely condemned due to mold toxins, and she lost all belongings except for a few things she quickly had thrown into trash bags, such as the ashes from her deceased son. The family was placed at a hotel. A couple of days after the traumatic flood day, Loehr and her husband packaged up extra clothes and supplies and headed to Nashville to reunite with her relatives. “Our local dispatchers went above and beyond their duty to help save my family,” Loehr said. “They understood what to do, and I’m so grateful to call them part of my other family here.”

By BRIAN MCDOWELL A black rock is bringing much attention to Wildwood resident Karl Aston. The research chemist hunts meteors as a hobby. Whenever a rock travels through space and crashes to the earth anywhere within reasonable driving distance of St. Louis, Aston and hundreds of other space enthusiasts from across the nation travel to the area around the crash site and hunt for meteor rocks. According to Aston, meteors are older than anything on Earth – more than four billion years old. They are made of an iron and nickel alloy, vary in size and shape, and some of them can be sold for thousands of dollars. Aston said that has heard that any meteor that hits a building or a car as it falls is worth twice as much, just because it makes for a cooler story for museums to tell. Meteors hit the Earth every day, but only three or four a year reach North America in any type of retrievable shape. Aston said the only one he ever has heard of crashing anywhere near the St. Louis area was one that hit a car in the 1950s. He claims to own a small piece of that rock. Aston came up on his latest find when he read about a meteor that was sighted on April 14 in the skies above St. Louis. The flaming space rock eventually crashed in southern Wisconsin. Aston and other meteor hunters traveled there and scoured the surrounding area for two weeks. Most of the hunters went home empty-handed, Aston said, but after three days of walking through fields, using both his eyes and metal detectors to hunt for rocks, Aston finally caught sight of a prize that made his trip worthwhile. “I was walking down a hill,” Aston said, “and I could just see it there in the sun and (I could) tell that it wasn’t a shadow. Then, from about 10 feet away, I could tell that I had a meteor.” Meteor hunters found only 10 pounds of rocks near the Wisconsin site, and Aston said he thinks that there are many more rocks still there. At West Newsmagazine press time, he was negotiating to have his find displayed at the Saint Louis Science Center for a brief period before he officially sells it to another museum. Aston said that this was the biggest meteor he has possessed, but last year, in Kansas, he helped a friend dig up a 120-pound meteor rock. Aston helps identify meteors for other people. Anyone who thinks they may have one can send a picture of the rock to stlouismeteorites@gmail.com.

Photo by Mark Hirsch Wildwood resident Karl Aston with the meteor rock he found in Wisconsin.


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MoDOT unveils new concept for Daniel Boone Bridge By JEANNIE SEIBERT With proposed changes to the design of a potential new Daniel Boone Bridge, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) hosted an open house to unveil the updated concept and to hear area residents’ feedback before proceeding with the project. Some 80-plus area residents on May 11 headed to the August Busch Conservation Area to see the drawings, meet with MoDOT representatives, ask questions and air concerns. “The big issues were for construction staging – how we would build this,” said Andrew Gates, MoDOT Dist. 6 community relations representative. “And, making sure we understood a bike lane on the new bridge, westbound, is important.” MoDOT Engineer Tom Montes de Oca said that the department expects to keep the bridge open during construction. As for the bike lane: message received. “It’s possible we could be including a bike lane much like the one on the Veteran’s Memorial Bridge (Page Avenue extension),” Gates said. “Maybe the fencing won’t be quite as high, or (there might be) some design difference. It will just depend on when we get the funding.” Either way, MoDOT now has a westbound bike lane moved up on the priority list – which at this stage could also be considered a wish list. No funding has been allocated to the project. But, with the concept change, a new environmental impact study (EIS) will have to be carried out to meet federal agencies’ requirements before those agencies sign off and move the project forward on the U.S. Department of Transportation calendar. “Mainly, we are trying to get everything

as close to ready as we can so that when the opportunity comes up to get funding, we’ll be ready to go,” Montes de Oca said. The new concept would be to have a more flat-deck, open-design, four-lane, eastbound bridge to replace the bridge built in the 1930s. The newer of the bridge pair now in service, constructed in the 1980s, would be converted to four lanes going west. Once completed, Hwy. 40/61 would be transformed to a fully functional interstate highway – I-64 – which has been a top priority for MoDOT. A frequently asked question was, “What is the timeframe?” The answer to that question depends also on funding. Once funding is guaranteed, Gates said, a final design will more specifically target the materials that would be used. Because concrete and steel prices fluctuate, it generally is considered a best practice to wait until money is set aside to complete the exact design work. However, an approximate cost could be estimated to be between $150 million and $175 million, Montes de Oca said. While it was not made a big issue during the public meeting, the state of Missouri at this time has no resources allocated to this project. With the expiration last year of the transportation sales tax, funding from Jefferson City has slowed to a trickle, with virtually nothing remaining for major undertakings like those that the Boone bridges would require. If, however, the sales tax were to be reinstated, which would require voter-approval, the 20 percent match from the state probably would help to attract the attention of the 80 percent contributor and final arbiter of the project – the federal government, said Gary Elmstead, St. Charles County’s transportation lobbyist.


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I’m one rider, inspired by one little boy with diabetes, to join thousands of other riders across the nation, supported by contributions from

The Painters District Council 2 is among the businesses that recently moved to Chesterfield.

Chesterfield sees surge of business development By BRIAN MCDOWELL Despite repeated bad news about the diminishing shape of the national economy, business development appears to be on the upswing in Chesterfield, where 17 new businesses were licensed in April alone. The Painters District Council 2 has purchased the former Findlay Industries site, which was a Hummer supplier, and is consolidating its training operations at the 80,000-square-foot facility. A local technology company is considering a Chesterfield expansion as well. Chesterfield Planning and Development Services Director Aimee Nassif said that city officials have worked in rough financial times to keep Chesterfield a thriving municipality. “We do community outreach to help people to relocate,” Nassif said, “and we try to make sure that all business planning is a smooth and cohesive process.” Nassif listed Chesterfield’s accessibility as a major advantage in attracting businesses. Libbey Malberg, Chesterfield’s assistant city administrator for community services

and economic development, the city’s central location makes it a shopping destination for people all around the area, which makes it a very business-friendly atmosphere. Malberg said that many area residents who have been laid off or downsized from corporate jobs are starting new businesses in Chesterfield. She indicated also that the city recently took steps to make it easier for people to apply for business licenses and to get help from public officials when they need it. There is such an influx of new businesses to Chesterfield that the city will be offering a 10-week Fundamentals of Small Business course, starting on September 22. Staff is also finalizing plans with the University of Missouri Small Business Extension Center for a Small Business Roundtable to be held in October, where growth-oriented small businesses can participate in facilitated discussions about their needs. “I guess these days, Chesterfield is just the place where businesses want to be,” Malberg said.

thousands more. I ride for the 24 million people living with diabetes, and the 57

Chesterfield City Council severs contract with Network1 Communications

million more Americans currently at risk. I ride for one little boy. Who will you ride for?


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By JULIE BROWN PATTON Chesterfield city councilmembers on May 3 voted to terminate a franchise agreement with Network1 Communications, LLC, a vendor that provides customers with access to telecommunications products and services that leverage cable modem, wireless access and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies. City officials entered into a wireless network agreement with Network1 on July 25, 2008. Network1 representatives recently requested the agreement be halted and agreed to pay the city a termination fee of $2,500. During 2008, the company was called Network1 Communications. Since then, it evolved into N-1 Communications, then to Buzz Broadband, before more recently being renamed HighBeam.

Chesterfield City Administrator Michael Herring said that the termination acts as a full settlement of business between the two entities. Other West County municipalities ending the same agreement were Creve Coeur, Ballwin, Olivette, and Maryland Heights. Network1 offices are located at 322 Orchard Ave. in St. Louis, according to the company’s Web site. It is the same company that has been in negotiations with city of Wildwood representatives to provide much-needed high-speed Internet access for the municipality’s rural areas. Former and current executives with Network1 came under fire for federal civil charges related to falsifying records, aiding and abetting violations of the Securities Exchange Act, circumventing internal controls and misleading accountants.




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Former Chesterfield nursing home is the stuff of urban legends By BRIAN MCDOWELL Despite the fact that no one has lived there in almost 12 years, the Chesterfield Manor nursing home still stands in Hog Hollow. Its walls are covered with graffiti, and it has become somewhat of a rite of passage for area teenagers to break in and illegally spend time wandering by flashlight in the dark, empty hallways of the long abandoned building. Some trespassers have even captured their adventures in urban exploration on video and posted the results on YouTube. Ignoring the signs of teenage vandalism, the years of wear and tear, and the fact that the building no longer has any electricity or running water, Chesterfield Manor still looks much like it did when it housed senior citizens. The structure remains intact. All of the original furniture appears to have been left in the building, and the floors are littered with items such as medical charts, syringes and magazines. The building is on private property, so wandering around its overgrown yard or touring its insides is generally not a good idea. Lt. Steven Lewis of the Chesterfield Police Department indicated that his department had not received any calls in the past four months or so about people entering the building, but he expects they will catch a few teenagers there this summer. Anyone whom police catch at Chesterfield Manor will be charged with trespassing, which is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail. The former nursing home occupies space off Olive Boulevard in Chesterfield and is surrounded by the subdivision that shares its name. The owners officially closed the

state-funded nursing home in September of 1998, giving residents 30 days to vacate. Allegedly, prior to that, numerous regulation violations and a few suspicious deaths occurred in the nursing home. Many people claim the spirits of these senior citizens still haunt the property. The Internet is rife with accounts of ghost stories documenting supernatural happenings that trespassers in the abandoned nursing home have allegedly experienced. Environmental officials tell apocryphal tales of being too scared to offer official inspections and of botched attempts to exorcise spirits from the property. However, officials from the city of Chesterfield claim that fear of ghosts has nothing to do with why this building has not been torn down or redeveloped in the past 12 years. “There is nothing wrong with that property,” Mike Geisel, director of planning and public works for the city of Chesterfield said. “There is no reason why it can’t be developed.” Geisel theorized that the owners of the property have not been more aggressive about developing it because of the dwindling economy, and because various real estate contracts have expired. According to Geisel, the city has no authority to tear the building down, because it technically is not an unsafe structure. “It has just been vandalized repeatedly,” Geisel said, “and our police have had to keep several people off the property.”

See NURSING HOME, page 22




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Resident to face trial for human trafficking, denies charges By BRIAN MCDOWELL Accusations against Ellisville resident Kristin Dougherty have raised alarm among neighbors that live near his Strecker Road residence. Dougherty is one of 11 people who on May 26, 2009, were arrested for their roles in an alleged human trafficking ring. Dougherty is charged with wire fraud, money laundering and two counts of racketeering in a case that is scheduled to go to trial on Oct. 18, at the federal courthouse in Kansas City, Mo. According to a grand jury indictment supplied by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Western District of Missouri, Dougherty was a key part of a group consisting mainly of Uzbekistan nationals involved with using false information to acquire fraudulent work visas for foreign workers at several hotels in the Kansas City, Mo., and Branson areas, among other locations. The group’s illegal immigrant employees allegedly were coerced to work in violation of terms of their visas, without proper pay and under the threat of deportation, and also resided in crowded, substandard and overpriced apartments. The group of suspected human traffickers operated nationwide under the company name Giant Labor Solutions; Dougherty was listed as vice president of sales for the company. The public affairs officer for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Kansas City, Don Ledford, said that Dougherty is accused of recruiting labor leasing clients throughout the U.S. and supplying foreign workers to fill hotel jobs. Dougherty allegedly ran several organizations in several states that were involved with the criminal activity. One of the companies, Anchor Building Services, remains in operation in St. Ann and now reportedly provides janitorial and

building maintenance services to several businesses around the area. It is not known whether the company still employs people who are not legally eligible to work in the U.S., but according to the grand jury indictment, it once did. Dougherty remains free until his trial and still lives and works in the St. Louis area. Although his name is listed on the government indictment for the case, Dougherty denied to West Newsmagazine any knowledge of the investigation. Dougherty denied also knowing anyone from Uzbekistan and indicated that he is a legitimate businessman. “You have received some wrong information,” Dougherty said.

Arrests made in Chesterfield gym thefts By BRIAN MCDOWELL Two 22-year-old women were charged on Tues., May 18 for felony thefts at 24 Hour Fitness at 14885 Clayton Road in Chesterfield. Madeline Heil, a Ballwin resident, and Meredith Killingsworth were accused of stealing car keys from inside the gym and using the keys to get into cars to steal the victims’ purses. Both were charged with one count of stealing more than $500 and two counts of stealing a credit card. It is not yet known how many victims there are in this case, although the Chesterfield police alleged that the pair also might have engaged in this type of activity at other gyms in the St. Louis area. The crimes were being investigated by various law enforcement agencies.

Former West County prosecutor sentenced to prison for child pornography By BRIAN MCDOWELL assaulted, and other children in depraved George “Dick” Fox, a long-tenured sexual scenarios. former prosecuting attorney for Ballwin Carrie Constantin, of the U.S. Attorney’s and Clarkson Valley as well as a judge in Office cyber crimes office, said the agency Eureka, on Tues., May 11 was sentenced to recommended Fox be imprisoned for five two years in prison and a lifetime parole for years, but Judge Jean Hamilton chose to possessing and viewing child pornography. give him the two-year sentence. Prosecutors claim that Fox used Internet The judge also ordered dozens of letters search engines like Google and MSN to of support that the court received from search for images of child pornography. He friends and associates of Fox to be sealed. eventually viewed up to 475 images on his Fox, 68, was one of five area men home computer. arrested as part of the government’s ProjSome of the pictures included children ect Safe Childhood initiative. All five were younger than the age of 1 being sexually sentenced to prison and lifetime parole.




Learn, Laugh, and Cry Caregivers - Take Care of Yourself! ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP MEETING

Meetings are held on the second

Thirteen new, wooden pedestrian bridges were constructed over the past year to form the Rock Hollow Trail in Wildwood, stretching along the old Lawler Ford Road.

Happy trails Wildwood multi-use trail corridor to get finishing touches By JULIE BROWN PATTON Twelve land parcels totaling 235 acres on May 10 were authorized by Wildwood city councilmembers to be rezoned for the final phases of the multi-use Rock Hollow Trail Corridor. The corridor stretches along the old Lawler Ford Road. It terminates on the north at Ridge Road, near Ridge Meadows Elementary School, and on the south at Al Foster Memorial Trail, near the 1-mile marker from the Al Foster Trailhead in the Glencoe area of Wildwood. The properties are owned by St. Louis County or Great Rivers Greenway, and are leased to the city of Wildwood for 25 years, with the potential of a comparable extension. Joe Vujnich, Wildwood director of planning and parks, said the intent of the lease agreement was to facilitate the construction of a 2.5-mile, hard-surfaced trail. “An accompanying parallel improvement designed for equestrians, off-road bicyclists and others also is planned,” Vujnich said. “The idea is to not overdevelop this trail. We are hopeful, for example, that visitors can use the parking available at Ridge Meadows Elementary School and already along the Al Foster Trail.” Councilmember David Geile (ward 1) asked about the cost of the lease, which is $1 per year. The properties are vacant and have not been used for many years. Vujnich said that the trail is completed in the valley area of the parcels, with a trail width of 8 feet. The combination of steep slopes, vegetation and topography make it one of the most striking scenic areas in the region, he said. Construction of the trail began last June and was completed this past winter. Since 1995, the properties were zoned

non-urban residence district and floodplain non-urban residence district, which, prior to the incorporation of Wildwood, were holding categories under St. Louis County zoning and land use policies. The parcels are slated to be zoned as park and scenic district and floodplain park and scenic district, which are land use categories intended to apply to properties primarily under public ownership for non-residential purposes. Wildwood Planning and Zoning commissioners said that they recommended the new designations because they more accurately reflect the recreation partnership being forged on the property with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, St. Louis County, Great Rivers Greenway District and the Missouri, Wabash, Frisco and Pacific Railroad. Commissioners noted that the trail development represents a recreational asset that was land-banked for many years and now is ready to become part of the system of trails forming the Western River Ring of the Great Rivers Greenway Plan. It provides a link to the Al Foster Memorial Trail along the Meramec River. Installing a trail in the targeted valley will bring a number of opportunities to users and is a major step in creating a unique amenity that will have a lasting impact on the St. Louis region, they said. Rock Hollow Trail was funded as follows: Great Rivers Greenway District, $600,000; Municipal Park Grant Commission, $387,000; State of Missouri (via St. Louis County), $100,000; and city of Wildwood, $113,000. District managers are spearheading the development of an overall plan called The River Ring, an interconnected system of greenways, parks and trails that will encircle the St. Louis vicinity. Eventually, the ring will encompass a 600-mile web of more than 45 greenways that crisscross the region. The concept of The River Ring was the outcome of a 10-month citizen planning process completed in September 2003.

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By BRIAN MCDOWELL Once again, the debate is raging over the art that surrounds Lewis Greenberg’s house in the Whispering Oakwood subdivision in Ballwin. On Mon., May 17, the retired junior high teacher was sentenced to 20 days in jail for refusing suggestions to make changes to the series of large wood, plastic, steel, and aluminum structures that occupy his yard. Greenberg claims these works are a statement of the Holocaust, and the disposable materials used to make each of these elaborate sculptures represent the disposability of human life. However, Ballwin city officials have deemed the large and garish displays to be dangerous to children in the neighborhood, so Greenberg was charged in St. Louis County court with littering and storing hazardous materials. Judge Lawrence Permuter ordered Greenberg, 66, to clean up the property or face a penalty. Greenberg refused, so he was given jail time and a $1,000 fine. At this point, Greenberg remains free on bail as his attorney, David Howard, prepares to file an appeal in the case. According to Howard, his client is being unfairly singled out for his Jewish faith, and Ballwin is interfering with an artist’s First Amendment rights to free expression. Howard also calls foul on the hazardous materials and littering charges, indicating that none of the materials used to make these sculptures were hazardous, and no one has ever been injured from being around Greenberg’s yard. “This yard art is no more hazardous than picket fences, trampolines, or Christmas decorations,” Howard said. Greenberg’s attorney also alleged that former Ballwin chief code enforcer and current assistant city administrator Tom Aiken inspected the property five years ago and declared the sculptures to be harmless

works of art. The attorney wonders what prompted the city to change its mind in this case. Ballwin city prosecutor Keith Cheung said the city is absolutely not being antiSemitic or trying to censor Greenberg’s right to artistic expression. “Our only real problem is the dangerous nature of what he has in his yard,” Cheung said. “You have children and pets walking around that neighborhood all the time, and he literally has spikes coming out of the ground. That is potentially dangerous, and I don’t wait until somebody gets hurt to do something about that. I mean, if he had land mines in his yard, and no one had stepped on them yet, that would still constitute a danger, and we would still want to do something about that.” Cheung has been the prosecutor for the city for less than a year; he inherited this case from his predecessor and expects that it will be a divisive issue for a long time. He acknowledges that the property had passed inspections in the past but the artwork has been expanded and updated in recent years, which necessitated further action by the city. The city has not asked Greenberg to remove the sculptures, but instead presented him with a list of recommendations outlining what needed to be done to make the yard safer for other people that live in the neighborhood. According to Cheung, Greenberg was only willing to change one item on the list. One problem with the various court cases against Greenberg is that, unlike most suburban subdivisions, Whispering Oakwood does not have restrictions or bylaws on how a yard is supposed to look. So it can be difficult to surmise exactly which law his unique form of Holocaust remembrance is breaking. Therefore, the sculptures will remain in Greenberg’s yard for now.



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By JULIE BROWN PATTON Each spring, St. Louis County Health Department officials hold a free household chemical collection event for county residents. This year’s collection was held on May 15 at Parkway Central High School in Chesterfield. Collection organizers accepted paints, stains, varnishes, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, gasoline and other fuels, solvents and strippers, aerosols, motor oil and filters, gas cylinders, fluorescent tubes, rechargeable batteries, anti-freeze, brake and transmission fluids, pool chemicals, acids, car batteries, wood preservatives, driveway sealant, and mercury-containing items, such as thermometers, thermostats and salts. Items that were not accepted during this collection included explosives and ammunition, radioactive waste, smoke detectors, medical waste, household trash and tires. Businesses are prohibited by law from participating in this type of recycling effort. Because there is no permanent drop-off

center for household-related hazardous waste items in St. Louis, annual collection initiatives serve an even more important function. Since 1998, 76 community household hazardous waste collection events have been held in St. Louis County. More than 86,000 households have participated, bringing in nearly 8 million pounds of material. Sixty percent of collected material is either recycled or used as industrial fuel. The average annual cost for the events currently is $900,000 per year. Craig LeFebvre, public information coordinator for the county’s Department of Health Solid Waste Management, said that this year, 1,289 vehicles passed through the West County collection point. “The number of overall items collected is still being tallied, but in past years, each donation averages 100 pounds per car,” LeFebvre said. “The weight per donation is high because we’re dealing mostly with liquids.” Despite the rain, LeFebvre said, a steady stream of donors averaged less than a 5-minute wait time.

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Still, the city has issued numerous tickets to the couple that owns Chesterfield Manor, and the matter has gone to court several times. Chesterfield has had to cut the grass on the property a few times, at taxpayers’ expense, since basic maintenance by the owners has been so lax in recent years. At the time it officially closed, the facility was owned by a partnership between Tom and Adele Daake and Ken and Suzanne Snowden. The couples spent years squabbling about the property in various courts.

Now, the Daakes own the property. The Daake family also runs several other medical facilities in the St. Louis area. Phone calls from West Newsmagazine to the Daakes to ask about why they have not torn down Chesterfield Manor were unreturned. Although touring Chesterfield Manor is illegal, risky and not recommended, the facility will likely continue to attract fascinated onlookers and believers in the paranormal as long as it remains standing.



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Creve Coeur poses native landscape challenge

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By TED DIXON JR. In conjunction with Shaw Nature Reserve, Wild Ones Natural Landscaping and Grow Native, the city of Creve Coeur will for the first time hold the 2010 Native Plant Landscape Challenge. Participating entities are looking for a front yard in Creve Coeur that would benefit from landscaping with native plants. Any resident who feels that their home could use an update or who is looking to reduce yard maintenance in general could benefit from the program. Melissa Weiss, Creve Coeur public information officer, said that one lucky homeowner’s property will be selected for a native landscaping makeover. Program sponsors will provide professional landscape design service and volunteers to install up to $1,000 worth of native plants and other landscape materials. Planting will take place on Sat., Sept. 18. Weiss said that Wild Ones Natural Landscaping approached the city for help in promoting native plants. Ed Schmidt, a Wild Ones representative, said that he attended a “green” event held by Creve Coeur earlier this year and walked away impressed. “We were invited to one of their meetings and presented them the idea of the challenge,” Schmidt said. The main criteria in the challenge are the sustainability of the property and its available sunlight, Schmidt said. Because spon-

The yard chosen as winner of the Native Plant Landscape Challenge will be landscaped with plants native to Missouri, such as orange coneflower (Rubeckia fulgida), pictured here.

sors want to promote the concept of native plants, they want to make over a front yard, which would be more visible to the public. “We would like for the homeowner to have experience in gardening,” Schmidt said. “They have to prepare the property, and we expect them to maintain it.” Program criteria also requires that the applicant: • Own a home in Creve Coeur. • Agree to use only native plants in the project area. • Agree to allow visits by project cooperators. • Have a makeover area that is at least 12 feet x 12 feet. • Be willing to have images of the project used for educational efforts. Creve Coeur residents who are interested in applying for the program can pick up applications at the Creve Coeur Government Center or online at grownative.org. The application deadline is July 1.

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Volunteers for the second annual electronic recycling initiative in Wildwood said there was a steady stream of donors from the moment they opened the lot on May 15, despite the constant rain. More than 1,000 donors brought items such as satellite dishes, old computers, used cell phones, dishwashers, lawn mowers, and analog and large console TVs. An hour before the event was due to close, vehicles still were lined up throughout the recycling route staked out in the city’s Town Center out to Hwy. 100. Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther said that they finally had to halt the line at 2 p.m., but that donors who were in line were able to finish. City representatives held the event in conjunction with MERS/Goodwill and the Garden Society of Wildwood. More than 200 tons of items were collected within six hours, which beat Goodwill’s highest amount to-date for a one-day collection.



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Our GreenhOuse Is Open! • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE Largest Selection of Quality Bedding Plants • Herbs Hanging Baskets • Geraniums • Roses • Perennials Nikki Miller (left), Grace Cooper (center) and Carolyn Pryor (right) at the West County Walk. They are breast-cancer survivors and members of the Wildwood Family YMCA, which, with the West County YMCA, was the presenting sponsor of the Walk.

West County Walk raises more than $25,000 for breast cancer research By JULIE BROWN PATTON This year, some West County moms and their families celebrated Mother’s Day in an active way by participating in the second annual West County Walk, a 5-K fundraiser for breast cancer research. From each $25 West County Walk registration fee, $20 went to the St. Louis affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Approximately 150 breast cancer survivors began the walk by taking a lap around the track at Lafayette High School. Organizer Scott Sloyer said that for some participants, that first lap was the only part of the walk they could do. “A lady who picked up her registration packet Thursday had just had her chemo Monday and Tuesday,” Sloyer said. “There’s no way she could make the full 3 miles, but she said there was no way she was going to miss the lap, either.” As the women came off the track, families and friends joined them for the rest of the walk along State Route 100 to Wildwood’s Town Center. The crowd was estimated at 1,100. One 10-year breast cancer survivor, Peggy Koenen, participated in the West County Walk for the first time and said it was definitely easier to get around, compared to the walk held downtown. She walked with her husband, Glenn Koenen, chairman of the West County Chamber of Commerce and executive director of Circle Of Concern in Valley Park. Koenen’s daughter, Cassie, and her Jack Russell dog, Kimshe, joined them. “Doing the walk in May is not as hot as the downtown one in June,” Koenen said. “And it was truly inspiring to see so many survivors there. It’s all about the camaraderie. We need to celebrate this survivable thing, and say, ‘yes, we can do this.’” Koenen said she is motivated to help raise funds toward breast cancer research because the medical field can make great

strides in short periods of time. “Just since I’ve had breast cancer, there are already so many more ways they can treat it now that they couldn’t do before,” Koenen said. “I’d like to say to recently diagnosed women to hang in there; better times are coming,” she said. Sloyer, of Eureka, said he launched the West County Walk in honor of a dear friend and local teacher, Marlene Bequette, who experienced four types of cancer after she was 20 years old. “Marlene lost her battle with cancer when she was only 44 years old, just three years ago. That’s why I walk 44 miles at the (American Cancer Society’s) Relay For Life every year, too,” Sloyer said. Last year, The West County Walk was held on the same day as the downtown Komen walk, which typically draws 67,000 people, and is the largest of its kind in the nation. “We wanted to provide an option for those who preferred smaller gatherings, or who couldn’t navigate the parking or traffic,” Sloyer said. This year, Sloyer said, volunteers decided to try the event on Mother’s Day. “We thought, ‘what better way to honor mothers than that,’” he said. Sloyer said that he plans to send an e-mail to this year’s attendees to see if they would prefer to have the 2011 walk on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend instead. “Some people have to be out of town on Mother’s Day to see their mom, and some people would like to go to church on Sundays,” Sloyer said. “For every person who said having it on the day of the holiday is an issue, probably 20 said they really liked having it on the day.” This year’s West County Walk raised “$25,000 and still counting,” Sloyer said. West Newsmagazine was a proud sponsor of the event.

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Bu llet i n Boa rd Parkway retirees award scholarships The Parkway School District Retirees Association (PRA) recently awarded two scholarships to Parkway seniors who plan to pursue degrees in education. A $3,000 PRA scholarship was presented to Brianna Goldstein, a senior at Parkway North who plans to attend Truman State University in the fall. A $1,500 scholarship from the Joyce Srenco Memorial Fund was awarded to Parkway South senior Elise Keller, who plans also to attend Truman State University. Srenco for more than 30 years was a first-grade teacher in the Parkway School District and founded the gifted program. Her three daughters established the memorial fund to honor their mother’s memory and dedication to the teaching profession.

commitment to furthering skills, acquiring knowledge or experience, participating in school-related activities or in activities that involve the community. Requests ranged from Japanese lessons to a medical mission trip to Honduras. Students are awarded grants of financial support of up to $250 as well as grants of community resources and/or alumni support. This year on May 10, 221 grants were presented, with the Alumni Association awarding $22,459 and 32 resource grants. “When students meet success in one area of their lives, the thrill of accomplishment carries over into other areas and becomes a motivating factor in their education,” said Mimi Holder, chair of the “Granting Dreams” committee. “The ‘Granting Dreams’ application process challenges students to figure out what steps it will take to make their dream a reality.”

she and others at the school were unsure of how to start the garden, so they contacted Russ Barton, a science teacher at Parkway North. Barton, a longtime champion for environmental causes around the district, agreed to help get the garden started on the condition that it contain only plants that are native to Missouri. Now, with Barton’s help, the peace garden is growing strong on the south side of the school. It is a unique, educational venture that gives students the opportunity to learn about how plants are grown. Soon, a pole marked with the word “peace” in all of the native languages of Ross Elementary students will be installed in the middle of the garden.

Rockwood Teacher of the Year

Dreams come true

Peace on earth

The Parkway Alumni Association once again made dreams possible for some enterprising students. The Association’s “Granting Dreams” program is designed to turn dreams into realities for students who are eager to further their learning or explore new opportunities. Students are encouraged to submit grant requests that demonstrate a

Thanks to $5,000 from Lowe’s and some help from a Parkway North High School science teacher, Ross Elementary School is just a little more peaceful these days. The West County school received a Toolbox Grant from the chain of hardware stores and decided to use the money for their own “peace garden.” Ross Principal Lisa Greenstein said that

Mathys with students (from left) Myiah Hall, Reed Parris, Madison Balice and Nick Colvin.

Rockwood, Parkway educators recognized for excellence in Lori Mathys, a fourth-grade teacher science and math education

at Chesterfield Elementary School, was


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Mary Anne Moosmann, a sixth-grade

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named as the 2010 Rockwood School District Teacher of the Year. Mathys has taught in Rockwood for four years. She earned her bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and an educational specialist degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Missouri-Columbia. “I love what I do,” Mathys said. “I believe students learn best when they are engaged in opportunities that allow for their uniqueness to shine through.” Each year, each of Rockwood’s 30 schools names an educator to represent the school as Teacher of the Year, and from that selection, Rockwood recognizes one teacher from each school level. One of those teachers is recognized as Teacher of the Year and goes on to compete for the state title sponsored by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Mathys was honored as Elementary School Teacher of the Year; Patricia Stiehr (Crestview Middle School) was named Middle School Teacher of the Year; and Bryan Clar (Eureka High) was named High School Teacher of the Year. The winners were honored on May 2 at the Rockwood Outstanding Service in Education (ROSE) Awards ceremony.

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Henry Elementary School in the Parkway School District on May 6 held Career Day, an event run by Barb Goldman, a guidance counselor at the school. Many professionals were on hand to present students from kindergarten through fifth grade with information on a variety of career possibilities. Presenters included park rangers, storytellers, hair stylists, emergency technicians, nurses, a model agency owner, a veterinarian, a mechanical engineer, and a surgeon. Pictured are students learning about Dr. Muhammad Yasin’s profession.

science teacher from LaSalle Springs Middle School in the Rockwood School District, was awarded the 2010 Saint Louis Science Center/Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb Prize for Excellence in Teaching Science & Mathematics. Tim Morrison, a chemistry and physics teacher at Parkway South High School, received second-place honors. Moosmann and Morrison were selected from a field of five finalists, all of whom on May 11 were recognized at the Saint Louis Science Center. “The goals I have for my students are the very same goals I have for myself as a science teacher,” Moosmann wrote in her application. “I want us together to walk out of the classroom into the world ... taking our responsibility as a steward of the earth, realizing that we are a small part of the ‘circle of life,’ curious about the world and having a burning love of science and how it both explains the world around us and causes us to have an insatiable appetite to know more.” Moosmann, Morrison and the other finalists received cash awards. As the first-place winner, Moosmann received a trip to one of the 2010 Science Center Travel Program destinations. In addition to Moosmann and Morrison, the 2010 finalists for the Loeb prize included Russ Barton (Parkway North High School); Jennifer Ferris (Parkway Central Middle School); and Julie Parks (Parkway North High School). The nominees’ students accompanied their teachers to the Science Center for the awards ceremony, a private screening of a film in the OMNIMAX® Theater and a chance to explore the museum. The Loeb Prize, which rewards teachers who significantly enhance their students’ performances in the areas of science and mathematics, was established in 1996 and endowed in 2002 by a generous gift from Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb.

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New administrators for Rockwood The Rockwood School District Board of education has approved three new administrators, effective July 1. Tim Buss was selected as the new principal for Ballwin Elementary School. Buss returns to Rockwood after serving for two years as assistant principal at Castillo Elementary School in the Francis Howell School District. Prior to his current position, he was a Rockwood employee, serving for four years as an administrative intern at Fairway Elementary and for three years as a teacher at Wild Horse Elementary. Buss taught also for five years at Rockwood Valley Middle School and for five years at Kehrs Mill Elementary School. Thomas Potteiger will serve as the assistant principal at Rockwood Summit High School. Thomas will fill the position that opened when Jennifer Sebold was named associate principal at Marquette High School. Potteiger holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary English/language arts education from the University of Pittsburgh and a master’s in educational administration from Lindenwood University. He served as dean of students for the past two years at Francis Howell High School. Prior to that, Potteiger taught language arts at Francis Howell Central and Wright City High Schools. Dr. Jonathon White has been named assistant principal at Eureka High School, replacing Steven Miller. White for four years served as assistant principal at Fort Zumwalt West High School. Prior to that, he served for three years as an assistant principal and for two years as a social studies teacher at Fort Zumwalt South High School. White taught social studies also for two years at Francis Howell Central High School. He is a professor at Missouri Baptist University in the Educational Specialists Program. C





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School officials say device can save lives By DIANE PLATTNER Area school districts are stocking their medical emergency equipment arsenals with automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), which officials say can help save lives. An AED recently helped save the life of Austin Redd, a seventh-grade student at Francis Howell Middle School. Redd, 13, collapsed and went into cardiac arrest after running a few laps in gym class, officials said. St. Charles County Deputy Ron Neupert rushed to the gym, where he found the boy unconscious, breathless and without a pulse. Neupert began CPR and radioed for an ambulance. The school nurse, Lynne Finnerty, shocked Redd once with the school’s AED. The boy within a few seconds began to breathe on his own before officials rushed him to Progress West HealthCare Center in O’Fallon, Mo. Emergency personnel credited the incident’s first responders and the AED with saving the boy’s life. An AED system, which offers voiceactivated prompts, analyzes a patient’s cardiac activity and determines whether or not defibrillation, or shock treatment, is needed to restore the patient’s regular heart rhythm. Illinois in 2004 passed a law requiring that there be defibrillators at school athletic events.While Missouri has no such law, AEDs in recent years have become

I school I 29


New Event Sand Volleyball

Automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) are becoming more common in schools. An AED was used recently to revive a student at Francis Howell Middle School.

more common in West County area school districts. Some Parkway School District schools have acquired AEDs. An AED at Parkway Northeast Middle School once helped a driver on I-270 who was having a heart attack and went to the school for help, district officials said. They said they are now in the process of forming a district committee to select a device to roll out district wide. Rockwood School District officials in 2004 began purchasing AEDs for district schools, each of which now has at least one of the devices. “The AEDs are a preventive measure that can save the lives of our students and staff,” said Amy Wehr, a Rockwood spokesperson.

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Get your team together and sign up for an exciting new event, the Ballwin Days Co-Ed Sand Volleyball Tournament, scheduled for Saturday, June 26. Registration is available online at www.ballwin.mo.us/ballwindays or in person at the Pointe at Ballwin Commons prior to June 24. The entry fee is only $120 per team. You best hurry though, as only eight teams will be accepted this year. For additional information, contact Chris Conway, Recreation Manager, at 636-227-8950. For more information, call (636) 207-2388 ballwin.mo.us/ballwindays

Dr. Stacey Wallach

Fifth-grade student is Chesterfield chief for a day On the morning of Fri., May 14, Chesterfield Police Chief Ray Johnson pulled into the parking lot of Wild Horse Elementary School in Chesterfield to take care of some important business. Johnson went to the school to swap places with Brittany Freeman, a fifth-grade student, and carry out his role in the Chief for a Day program. Brittany watched as Johnson stood in for her in the classroom, then joined him for lunch at Olive Garden. After lunch, the pair went to the Chesterfield Police Station, Brittany Freeman got comfortable in her role as where Brittany presided over a Chesterfield police chief. Police Command staff meeting. Johnson started the Chief for a Day program 13 years ago as a means to recognize one D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) student each year. D.A.R.E. students must write an essay detailing how they would perform as police chief, and Johnson reads the essays and chooses a winner. The winning student receives an airbrushed uniformed shirt emblazoned with the Chief of Police insignia as well as other police items provided by the Chesterfield Police Department.

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High school boys’ tennis

From left: CBC’s Dallen Klassen, Coach John Tiernan and Matt Kuelker.

The wait is over. CBC has won its first ever district championship in tennis. The Cadets won the Class 2, District 3 tournament, which was held at CBC’s Cadet Park. CBC finished first with 25.5 points, followed by Parkway Central (25.5), Ladue (18) and DeSmet (15.5). CBC became the district champ based on the first tie-breaking criteria – most entries advancing to the state tournament. The individuals who qualified for state were:

• Singles: first place – Matt Kuelker (CBC); second place – Dallen Klassen (CBC). • Doubles: first place – Michael Davis and Ash Sampath (Parkway Central); second place – Adam King and Jake Goodman (Lafayette). The state tournament for teams will be held on May 27 at Springfield’s Cooper Tennis Complex. The state meet for individuals will be held on May 28-29 in Springfield. From each district meet, the top two singles players and top two doubles teams qualify. This is CBC Coach John Tiernan’s second year at the helm. “The tennis district in which the school competes is loaded with some great teams,” Tiernan said. “Last year, we fell short and placed fifth and just out of the team competition.” CBC senior Matt Kuelker is the defending state champion, and he won the District 3 meet with a victory over fellow Cadet senior Dallen Klassen, who retired down 0-4. Kuelker, who is CBC’s first ever singles champion, improved to 45-0 going to back when he won third place at state as a sophomore. Klassen suffered his first loss this season when he could not continue against Kuelker. “This year, we are blessed to have four

singles players who are solid in each of their positions,” Tiernan said. “We swept the four singles championships in the MCC (Metro Catholic Conference) tournament but placed second. You get more points for a doubles win, and we couldn’t buy a win in doubles. “In order to have a chance of making it as one of the final four teams in districts, we thought Matt and Dallen had an excellent shot at making the final, but we also needed a couple of doubles wins from our No. 3 and No. 4 singles players, Arthur Lueking and Mike Tracy, who teamed up as No. 1 doubles in district play, and from Dalton Demos and Alec Maglione, who played No. 2 doubles in districts. We were able to accomplish that goal, and that propelled us to the district title.” Kuelker will be going on to play college tennis at Cleveland State University. Klassen will play for Marist College in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference. In Class 2, District 1, Kirkwood won with 34 points. Other team scores were Parkway South 21.5, Eureka 17.5, Oakville 16, Mehlville 13, Summit 10.5, Lindbergh 9.5, Vianney 9.5, Webster Groves 7, Cape Girardeau Central 2, and Poplar Bluff 0. Parkway South and Eureka advance in the team competition.

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High school golf

Parkway South District Champions (front row, from left) Jack Darland, David Arth, Justin Bisang and (back row from left) Freshman Coach Adam Weiss, JV Coach Jason Koehrer, Kyle Weldon, Nick Langley and Head Coach Mark Wade.

The districts were held recently, and four local teams –­ Chaminade, Parkway South, Westminster and Whitfield – won their district golf tournaments. In the Class 4, District 3 meet at Norwood Hills, Chaminade nipped DeSmet by a stroke to win 319-320. Chaminade’s Alex Doneff and Hazelwood Central’s Stephen White each shot a 77 to tie for medalist. White won the first hole playoff to claim top honors.

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM The other Chaminade scores were: Spencer D. Lane 79, Alexander J. Staskiel 80, Michael C Kotthoff 83, and Brandon R. Straeb 85. Red Devils Coach Jim Prag said he was optimistic heading into the district tournament. The other team scores in the district were Parkway North 351, McCluer North 358, Parkway Central 382, Hazelwood Central 394, and Hazelwood West 403. DeSmet qualified its players so will be able to participate in the team competition at the state meet. The individual state qualifiers from the district are: Brent Cushman, DeSmet (78); Samuel Migdal, DeSmet (80); Daniel Wagner, DeSmet (80); Scott Hamel, DeSmet (82); Sean Hellebusch, Parkway North (82); Nicholas Arman, DeSmet (83); and Jefferson Hartig, Parkway North (86). In the Class 4, District 2 at Persimmon Woods, Parkway South won the event with a team score of 318. Kyle Weldon shot a 74 to lead Parkway South. The other Patroits’ scores were: Nick Langley, 77; Justin Bisang, 83; David Arth, 84; and Jack Darland, 87. “I knew going into the districts we had a chance, but with CBC, Eureka, SLUH, Parkway West, Kirkwood, Lafayette and Webster Groves, I knew we would have to play well,” Parkway South Coach Mark Wade said. “I thought we were one of seven teams that had a chance to win.” The other team scores in the district were: Eureka 322, St. Louis University High 326, Parkway West 334, Christian Brothers College 337, Lafayette 339, Kirkwood 341, Ladue 349, Webster Groves 350, Vianney 355, and Marquette 361. Theodore Jones, of Eureka, was the medalist with a 72. The other top individual scores were: John Laske, Parkway West (73); Kyle Felts, SLUH (75); Matt Miklas, Eureka (76); Adam Welch, CBC (77); Seth Smith, Ladue (78); Zach Meyer, Eureka (80); Ben Crancer, Kirkwood (82); Ian Davis, Lafayette (82); Zachary Harris, SLUH (82); and Mitchell Porter, Lafayette (82). In the Class 3, District 3 meet at Norman Probstein Golf Course, Westminster easily won the title with a score of 290, far outdistancing Priory’s 316. Three Wildcats finished in the top three spots: Alex Cusumano with a 1-under 69 while Kevin Bell and Timothy Reed each shot a 72. Ryan Haxel finished in a tie for seventh place with a 77 and Kevin VandeKamp shot an 84. Westminster coach Brian Burkey said he was hopeful going into the district meet. “I knew we’ve had a great year and we have a really strong team so we tried to maintain a healthy confidence going into districts, believing if we played like we were capable we would win,” Burkey

said. The other district team scores were: MICDS 318, St. Mary’s 328, John Burroughs 329, Clayton 331, Lutheran South 331, Affton 375, Trinity 383, and Bishop DuBourg 406. The other top individual scores were: Mason Meiners, Priory (73); Kyle B Adamson, MICDS (74); Stephen Theisen, Priory (76); Parker Goldman, MICDS, and Christopher Johnson, MICDS, each shot 79. In the Class 2, District 2 meet at Innsbrook, Whitfield won by a whopping 47 strokes over Lutheran St. Charles. The Warriors shot a team score of 307. Whitfield had the top five scores in sophomore Mitchell Rutledge (73); sophomore Jake Andrews (77); senior Wright Sibbald (77); junior Alexander Sarr (80); and senior Steve Topping (84). Coach Harold Barker said he thought his club would do well in the event. “We thought we had a good chance to win the district tournament,” Barker said. “We focused on playing our best golf and letting the results take care of themselves. The other team scores were: Lutheran St. Charles 354, Barat Academy 406, John F. Kennedy High School 406, Orchard Farm 410, Lutheran North 414, Elsberry 437, Crystal City 458, Herculaneum 476, St. Pius X 476, Valley Park 481, Wright City DQ. The other individual scores to qualify for state were: Michael Green, John F. Kennedy (91), and Benjamin Nord, John F. Kennedy (94).

Coach honored Chaminade Golf Coach Jim Prag recently received the first Wayne McKim Service Award presented by the Metro Catholic Conference (MCC). Prag was presented the award by Chaminade Athletic Director Tom Prag Fernandez. The award will be given annually to a representative of a school in the MCC for longtime service to the athletic program, their school and their student athletes. Prag will be retiring at the completion of this school year after 33 years of coaching golf and 39 years of teaching at Chaminade. Throughout his years of coaching, the Chaminade golf team had 11 out of a possible 15 MCC championships; 16 team appearances at state; four team state championships; three second-place state finishes; four individual state champions; and 40 first-place tournament finishes.


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Parkway Central athlete Cameron Berra played soccer in high school but will focus on football and baseball at Eastern Illinois University.

Parkway Central multi-sport star wrapping up stellar career By WARREN MAYES The high school baseball season is winding down, and Parkway Central’s Cameron Berra again is leading the Colts’ charge into postseason. “Cameron is playing his best baseball right now, and as we are getting into postseason, his leadership has been as good as it has ever been,” Parkway Central Coach Ryan Connors said. For four seasons, Berra has been a team mainstay. Signed to play baseball and football at Eastern Illinois this fall, he is a three-sport standout at Parkway Central. For football Coach Mark Goldenberg, Berra was a a top-notch punter and placekicker. For soccer Coach John Theobald, Berra stood tall between the pipes as a goalie. Last year as a junior, Berra hit .488 with 36 RBIs and 32 runs scored. This spring, Berra is hitting .415 with six homers and 27 RBIs. Berra said it has been a good spring. “I’m enjoying it a lot,” Berra said. “It’s hard not to have a great time playing under Coach Connors, (Aaron) Mueller, and (Mike) Feit. My teammates are unbelievable to play with and enjoy playing the game just as much as I do.” A perfectionist, Berra said he believed he could be doing more for the Colts. “I feel like I’m playing well, but there’s always room for improvement, and every player feels they should be playing better,” Berra said. He struggled earlier in the campaign but found his hitting stroke. “Cameron hits third in our lineup and is seeing the ball well right now,” Connors said. “Early in the season he was trying to do too much, take too much on, but now he realizes that other guys in the lineup are stepping up and he can let the game come to him a little.”

Berra’s time behind the plate as catcher is just as important. “Having Cameron behind the plate is something that we don’t take for granted,” Connors said. “He knows our staff well, calls a great game, and is as solid as any catcher in the area. It is nice to have his leadership on the field.” Berra can don a fielder’s glove and go out and help out in the infield, too. Connors uses him as a shortstop, because shortstop Brad Konecek also pitches. When Konecek goes to the pitching rubber, Berra plays short. “There isn’t a position on the baseball field that Cameron doesn’t play well,” Connors said. Meanwhile, high school is slipping away. “It has gone by so fast,” Berra said. “I still remember my first day of freshmen soccer practice. I can’t believe it’s almost over.” Neither can his coaches, all of whom said that they will miss him. “It is tough to see a kid like Cameron move on,” Connors said. “I have had the opportunity to coach him for four years, and he is someone I have always been able to count on. In the classroom, he has a 3.9 GPA, and athletically, he is our school’s best all around athlete. Earlier this month, he was named Parkway Central’s Scholar Athlete of the Year.” While he has worked hard to become an athlete who can move to the next level, Berra said he did not do it all by himself. “I owe everything to my coaches and parents for their support,” Berra said. “My coaches have made these great games so much fun to play. They all have taught me to play with class and give everything you have every time you step on the field. My parents have supported me through my whole athletic career. They have supported all my decisions throughout the years.”



Ivie reaches new height By WARREN MAYES Harrison Ivie has been splitting time between baseball and track and field since he was a freshman at Mary Institute Country Day School (MICDS). Now a junior, Ivie has grown into being a leader on the diamond and a school recordholder in the high jump. During the Lutheran North relays, Ivie jumped 6 feet 6 inches to shatter the old mark of 6 feet 2 inches, which he had tied earlier this spring. Setting the record was a thrill for Ivie. “It is an exciting accomplishment to achieve, especially when I enjoy high jumping so much, and because I have been attending MICDS since I was 4 years old, I feel like I can leave something behind,” Ivie said. “It is big to me in a sense that I am a part of school history now, but the great thing about the high jump is that you can always reach new heights. So, ultimately it is just another height.” Ivie has been involved in the track program for since his freshman year. “I have always played baseball since before I can remember,” Ivie said. “Going into freshman year, I knew that I could jump pretty high because I had dunked a basketball at my house before.” During the baseball season of his freshman year, Ivie played for the JV team. “We had a practice indoors one day, and before practice I was playing basketball with some teammates,” Ivie said. “Coach Lohr saw me playing and wanted me to give high jump a try. I did not have a chance to make varsity baseball that year, so the JV coach let me split the season.” Baseball Coach Peter Jans gets Ivie most of the time, and Lohr takes the remainder. “We try to work together and make sure we are doing what is right for the athlete,” Jans said. “Harrison has been doing baseball during the week, and he goes to track meets on weekends. He has been able to accomplish a great deal in both sports, and that is a credit to him.” Ivie did some pre-season work with the track team as well as practicing with the baseball team. “We will see where he ends up in the future now that he has had some success in the track side of his career,” Lohr said. “Pete and I are good friends and both understand that in a school like this, where good athletes are a premium, we will make sacrifices to help each program as far as sharing athletes. It is a tribute to Ivie’s abilities that he can perform well in both sports. You don’t see many youngsters doing two sports anymore. The era of specialization has been with us for a while. Ivie is some-

I sports I 35





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what of a throwback in playing two sports in the same season.” Jans said that in terms of raw athletic ability, he has not found anything that Ivie is not able to do. “He can run, jump, throw, dunk a basketball, throw left-handed adequately, switchhit a little,” Jans said. “He has put a lot of hard work into improving his strength and agility, and he is now reaping the rewards of that hard work.” Lohr said that Ivie could succeed in any sport. “Harrison is a very talented athlete,” Lohr said. “He is a guy that could help any program at our school.” While Ivie enjoys track and field, he is succinct when asked which sport he likes best. “Baseball,” Ivie said. “I go to baseball practice and, if there is a conflict between a game and a meet, I go to the baseball game first. This year, I have only been jumping at the meets. The coaches have been great.” Ivie is an outfielder for the Rams. Playing center field is a spot that allows him to use his athletic skills. “Harrison has excellent range, a solid arm and his accuracy with throws is above average,” Jans said. “He is very instinctual and an excellent athlete, so he is a natural center fielder.” A solid hitter, Ivie leads MICDS with a batting average of .511 and RBIs with 20 at press time. His on-base percentage is .582, and his slugging percentage is .723. Away from sports, Ivie is a good student. He also is well liked. “Harrison is a solid student, does what he is supposed to, and has a wonderful sense of humor,” Jans said. “He is friendly and outgoing, but again, he keeps everything in perspective both on and off the field. I have enjoyed watching Harrison enjoy his success. He has been a major asset to our team and to the track team. He has goals he still needs to reach, and that drives him to succeed.”


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Bob Kuban ( birthday party)


Faust Park

with the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce concert series in Faust County Park on Tuesday evenings. The series kicks-off on June 1 and features a special birthday celebration for the City of Chesterfield. Free birthday cake will be served and special prizes for children will be available. A fireworks display provided by the city of Chesterfield and the Chamber follows the concert at 9 p.m. All concerts and parking are free of charge. The park opens at 5 p.m. with pre-concert entertainment for children provided by the City of Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Department and art projects courtesy of Chesterfield Academy, Chesterfield Arts and Dance, Inc. Affordable concessions are available. Seating is comfortable and informal, so bring your blanket and lawn chairs. Concerts start at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. No parking on White Road.

June 1

• • • •


June 29

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Chaminade alum Jostes swims to NCAA championship By WARREN MAYES Chaminade graduate Scott Jostes reached one of his goals when Texas won the NCAA swimming championship. “Winning an NCAA championship is every college athlete’s goal and has been my goal for the last three years,” said Jostes, a junior from Chesterfield. Jostes “To finally accomplish that goal feels incredible, and I am very proud to be a part of Texas’ 10th national championship.” It was not unexpected, given Texas’ strong team and history. “Like every year there, there is always a chance,” Jostes said. “We did, however, mistake who our main competition would be. Going into the meet we though Auburn (last year’s champion), Stanford and Arizona would be our main competition. Once Cal made a push on the first day, we knew who our main competition would be against.” The meet had a scare because of illness and was pushed back a day. Texas was one the teams affected, and Jostes said it was scary. “It was postponed a day due to widespread illness amongst Texas, Arizona and Stanford team members,” Jostes said. “We were all on the same connecting flight coming out of Dallas. To be honest, I was pretty concerned going into the first day, as many of our top scorers, including Jimmy Fiegen, Ricky Berens, Hill Taylor and Drew Livingston, all had gotten ill. “The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) called it a ‘norovirus,’ I believe, which has you throwing up for about 24 hours. I know how draining it can be when you are sick, and I was worried more about my teammates’ performances than my own. I knew I was capable of swimming well

and doing my part going into the meet but also knew that every point would count.” It left an imprint on Jostes. “This was one of the first meets where I was just as nervous for my teammates to swim as I was for my own swims,” Jostes said. “All in all, it was one of the most stressful three days of my life.” Jostes overcame it all and performed well. He was part of the winning 800 free relay team and swam several other individual races. “I led off the 800 free relay with an even faster time, going 1 minute 33.25 seconds,” Jostes said. “Winning the 800 free relay for the second year in a row was really exciting and put us in a good position going into the third day of the meet.” On the first day of the meet, Jostes swam the 500 free and was a part of the 200 free relay at finals. “I was disappointed in my 500 free time and was fairly concerned about how the rest of my meet would turn out after I did not make finals in the event,” Joste said. However, later that night, Jostes rebounded and had a great split on the 200 free relay with a time of 19.2. The relay would go on to finish third with a time of 1:16.64. On the second day of competition, Jostes started off strong. “I swam one of the best morning swims of my life in the 200 free qualifying second going into finals,” Jostes said. “I went a 1:33.66 in prelims and a 1:33.98 at finals to get fifth place.” Later, Jostes swam the 100 free on the third day going a best time in the morning with a 43.2 and making it back to 16th place. “I knew every point would count in order for us to win the meet and was determined to win my heat,” Jostes said. “I ended up getting ninth with another best time at 42.82.” See CHAMINADE ALUM, page 39



Ballwin couple recognized as exceptional volunteers By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES In recognition of National Volunteer Week (April 18-24), Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) of Metro St. Louis recognized a West County couple as outstanding volunteers. RMHC provides a home-away-fromhome for families of seriously ill children who travel to St. Louis hospitals for medical treatment. For nearly 30 years, Ballwin residents Bob and Clarice Manges have been volunteering for the organization. The Mangeses, both 63, learned first hand the needs of families with seriously ill children. When their infant son was diagnosed with cancer, the family was living in Florissant. “Clarice and I would flip-flop, taking turns to be with our son in the hospital,” Bob Manges said. The Mangeses saw other parents sleeping on hospital floors, and when their son recovered, they were motivated to help out. In 1981, they began donating their time and talent, working hard to get the first Ronald McDonald House in St. Louis up and running on West Pine Blvd. They painted, wallpapered, and volunteered as weekend house parents. Once a month, the Mangeses and their four children stayed at the West Pine House a full weekend to cook and clean for families staying there. Over the years, Mangeses prepared Thanksgiving dinners for families who could not be home for the holiday. These days, the couple spends every other Wednesday checking in and greeting families at the Ronald McDonald Family Room at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, often bringing along chocolate chip cookies to bake for families during their shift. The Manges have served also on several program committees. Bob was on the RMHC Board of Directors for 12 years and helped form the Speaker’s Bureau. He speaks at various schools and organizations about the RMHC mission and how people



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Ballwin residents Bob and Clarice Manges have volunteered for Ronald McDonald House Charities for 29 years.

can get involved. “The best instruction you can give your children is being a good example,” said Bob, adding that one of the couple’s sons is a Special Olympics volunteer. “I take home so much more than what I think I give to the families,” Clarice said. “It makes me feel so good to know that I helped give them a little encouragement. You never know – the tiniest thing you do is very significant to the families.” Bob, a retired elementary school principal, and Clarice, a former nurse, plan to continue volunteering for as long as they are able. “Bob and Clarice are ‘lifers,’” RMHC President Dan Harbaugh said. “They epitomize what it means to be the very best volunteers possible. They are top of the list in their commitment, involved in every RMHC facet.” Since the first St. Louis Ronald McDonald House opened in 1981, more than 27,000 families from all over the world have benefited from comfort, care and lodging services that are provided for up to 39 families every day of the year. Today, RMHC includes two houses, eight extended-stay apartments, and Ronald McDonald Family Rooms at St. John’s Mercy Children’s Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center.

CHAMINADE ALUM, from page 38 “Scott was solid in his events. When he Later that final night of competition, had to go faster, he did,” Reese said. “He Jostes was on the 400 free relay, which was has come a long way.” the last event of the meet. Add it all up and it was a great three days “Point-wise we knew going into the last of swimming for Texas and Jostes. heat that even if Cal won the last relay, the “Overall, this was without a doubt my only way for us to lose the meet was if we best NCAA meet,” Jostes said. “Even with disqualified due to a false start,” Jostes the new suits being banned, I still improved said. “Knowing this, we all did extremely my times in a Jammer going best times this safe relay starts. I split a 42.35 on the relay year in all of my events. The 200 was the and we ended up getting second to Cal.” first time that I had made it back to top eight Texas coach Eddie Reese said Jostes did in an individual event, which has been one his job for the Longhorns. of my goals for a few years now.”

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Scouting for the troops By JULIE BROWN PATTON Just in time for Memorial Day, one local Boy Scout decided to make his Eagle Scout project all about troops deployed overseas. During the weekend of May 14-16, Sam Walton and volunteers prepared and folded 299 American flags to send to 282 U.S. soldiers currently stationed in South Korea and 17 soldiers in Iraq. Walton, a Eureka resident who turns 18 in June, has worked for the past year on the details of his Eagle Scout pocket flag project. He said he chose the project because it “seemed like the right thing to do to show our support for our military.” Walton said that the flags going to South Korea will reach the intended soldiers in time for Memorial Day. Walton’s mother, Robin Weaver, said that although her son currently has no immediate family members in the military, his grandfathers on both sides of the family did serve. “He has many friends who are currently serving or getting ready to go off to Boot Camp,” Weaver said. “And he has been planning since fifth grade to go into the military as his career path.” Sponsors of Walton’s project were two Eureka-based medical professionals: Patrick Feder, M.D., of Comprehensive Chi-





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Sam Walton (standing), a Eureka resident and Eagle Scout candidate, chose to create U.S. pocket flags for military personnel currently in South Korea and Iraq.

ropractic, and Ted Green, M.D., of Eureka Pediatrics. Ben Moore, Eagle Scout and 2nd vice chief, New Horizons Chapter - Order of the Arrow, said that he believes it is important to volunteer to help with Eagle Scout projects such as Walton’s, because he understands the significance of how the projects help young men demonstrate leadership in their communities. Another 1st Class Scout, Jacob Jennemann, said that he wanted to assist with the Eagle Scout project “because the flags go to the troops who are in the middle of the war and are risking their lives for our freedom.”

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Blues go to bat

Register for this Exciting Week of Basketball, Football, Soccer, Cheerleading and more! July 26-30, 9am-noon Photo by Patrick Dennison Rock Hill Police Officer Matt Crosby showed his appreciation at the Blues charity softball game held for his benefit. (Photo by Patrick Dennison.)

The St. Louis Blues, St. Louis Blues Alumni and Responder Rescue on May 7 fielded a softball game to benefit Matt Crosby, a Rock Hill police offer who on April 8 was injured in the line of duty. The charity game was held at Crosby’s high school alma mater, Christian Brothers College (CBC) High School. Current Blues players, alumni and members of the media took part in the event. Kelly Chase, Al MacInnis, Jamal Mayers, Scott Mellanby and Keith Tkachuk were among the former Blues players who participated. Crosby, who is 30 years old and has a wife and three children, was shot in the shoulder when responding to a domestic disturbance in Rock Hill. A bullet passed through his body and came to rest on his spine, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Donations to assist Crosby can be made at respondterrescue.org or mailed to: Responder Rescue, 3711 Mexico Road, St. Charles, MO 63303.

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42 I cover storyI




Duty By Brian McDowell

For the caretakers at Jefferson Barrack National Cemetery, Memorial Day stirs up heavy emotions.


hen Terry Lattrey reflects on Memorial Day, he does not think of picnics, barbecues, or lounging by the pool. The Vietnam veteran is one of 40 caretakers who work at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, which is perhaps the most stirring place in the St. Louis area to spend Memorial Day. Indeed, the graveyard’s pristine green grass, somber monuments and seemingly endless miles of thin, white headstones seem particularly vivid on the last Monday of every May, especially when covered by the sea of American flags that are placed on the day before by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts over the graves of fallen soldiers and veterans. On Memorial Day itself, the place is overrun with thousands of local dignitaries, soldiers and family members, visiting the resting places of their beloved. Lattrey jokingly calls it “organized chaos,” but admitted that every year, the sight stirs his patriotic pride. Jefferson Barracks, located just off Telegraph Road in South St. Louis County, is the fifth largest cemetery for veterans in the nation, housing the remains of more than 180,000 of America’s bravest people.

Historic entrance to Jefferson Barracks. Some of the deceased were soldiers who died valiantly in battle in the prime of their lives. Others came home from war with physical and mental scars and managed to start businesses and raise families. Some served nobly in the military during a time when there was no war. Any soldier, veteran, spouse or child (younger than age 18) of a soldier or veteran is eligible for free burial in the cemetery. Jefferson Barracks is one of 131 national cemeteries that is paid for by the U.S. government and run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The cemetery was started in 1826, and the dead that are buried there fought in every conflict from the American Revolution to the wars of today. Both sides that met in the Civil War are represented with their own section at Jefferson Barracks. Beloved Cardinals baseball announcer Jack Buck is buried there, as are 3,153 unknown soldiers. The cemetery hosts 4,200 internments a year. On Mondays and Fridays, it plays host to 35-40 burials in a single day. It is Jeff Barnes’ job to organize the burials. Barnes has been director of the cemetery for three years. He delegates tasks around the cemetery grounds and fills out administrative paperwork. Barnes loves what he does, because it gives him the

chance to honor America’s heroes and the sacrifices of their families. However, Barnes’ task is not an easy one. “Something like a burial – we can only do that once – and it’s already one of the worst times of that family’s life,” Barnes said. “The last thing I want is for their experience to be ruined by seeing a piece of trash near their loved one’s grave or inappropriately hearing one of our lawnmowers.” Barnes indicated that most services that take place at the cemetery are dignified and pay great respect to both the person being lowered into the ground and to the person’s family. One challenge that is constantly presented to those that work at Jefferson Barracks is the unpredictable St. Louis weather. “We have no irrigation system here,” Barnes explained, “so we need rain to keep the grass growing green. However, too much rain causes maintenance issues around here. It’s a challenge, but we’ve gotten used to it.” Barnes said that in the past, flooding in the area has forced him to call all employees in to deal with harsh conditions and to ask the government for emergency funding. Lattrey is one of the people whom Barnes entrusts to deal with the challenges of keep-

ing the cemetery in pristine condition. “We always have a joke that ‘it never rains at Jefferson Barracks,’” Lattrey said, “but, of course, it does, and that does make things difficult.” Rain is not the only weather challenge posed to Lattrey and other cemetery workers; burials need to occur in all types of adverse conditions. Lattrey talked about a time he had to use a jackhammer to break ice on the frozen ground in order to begin digging for an internment. Twelve years ago, Lattrey quit his job as manager of a local auto parts store to work at the cemetery. He was scared the first time he showed up to work. “I always thought graveyards were all about Halloween and horror movies until I worked at one,” Lattrey said, “but if there were ghosts here, I would have seen one by now, so I don’t worry about anything too much.” Lattrey likes both the government benefits and the national pride that his caretaker job provides. He likes that the job offers him different challenges every day. Some days, he is involved with using backhoes to dig graves; other days, he cuts grass or cleans and realigns headstones. Sometimes graves are reopened, so couples and families can be buried together. That task falls also to groundskeepers.



The grass at the cemetery is cut every day. Employees use weed whackers to cut around headstones. “It feels tedious sometimes,” Lattrey said, “but the place has to look nice.” All trash and litter is expected to be picked up by groundskeepers in a timely manner. Much like the culture of the military that these grounds serve to honor, Jefferson Barracks employees must coordinate and help each other to get a difficult job done. “It’s a team effort around here,” Lattrey said. “If we all don’t work together, then stuff won’t get done.” Lattrey said he never feels overwhelmed with the sheer volume of work that must be done at the cemetery, and he is consistently amazed at how well everything comes together. Many of Lattrey’s family members are buried at Jefferson Barracks, including his mother, whose grave he dug himself. “This is a sad place to me, but an honorable one,” Lattrey said. He admitted that the job has changed how he looks at his own life and has somewhat diminished his fear of death. He also admitted that the job can be emotionally overwhelming. “Anyone who dwells on what they see here probably won’t be here for very long,” he said. Lattrey told a story about witnessing the funeral of a young man who died in

I cover story I 43

Iraq and of locking eyes with the soldier’s father. “He just had this heartbroken look on his face, and it just seemed like he was asking on his insides, ‘Why? Why did this happen?’” Lattery said. “And I understood. I asked those questions myself when I went to war. Most of my friends did too. Many of them are buried here, and I still wonder, ‘Why?’” Perhaps that feeling and inner questioning explain why Lattrey will not be at a barbecue or a pool party this Memorial Day. Instead, he will be at work, honoring those who sacrificed to give Americans the freedom to ask, “Why?” and to be able to observe and celebrate Memorial Day. At its current rate of burial, it is estimated that Jefferson Barracks will be out of space in 2027. The Department of Veterans Affairs is scrambling to find more land for the cemetery so that other soldiers will have the chance to remembered and appreciated in such a pristine environment. At 12 p.m. on Sun., May 30, the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will be participating in a special ceremony to honor the troops and then will begin placing flags on every grave in Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery. The American flags will remain throughout Memorial Day. The cemetery gates are open every day during daylight hours.

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Area Memorial Day observances • The Missouri Riders Memorial Day Motorcycle Poker Run for Missouri Veterans Homes will roar across the state from May 28-31. Last year’s edition of the event raised $5,900 for Missouri’s seven veterans’ homes. This year, the motorcycle caravan will visit several of those homes for meals with the veterans. For information on joining the run, contact Ron Sherwood at 447-6408. • The small, unincorporated West County community of Sherman is observing Memorial Day with a dedication of a Veterans’ Path at 1 p.m. on Sun., May 30 at the Sherman Baptist Church. The path is constructed of 55 bricks, each of which is engraved with the name of a community resident who served his country in wartime. Bricks represent soldiers who served in World War I through the conflicts of today. The memorial also contains a bronze plaque that was presented to the family of Larry Elliot, who was killed in the Vietnam War in February 1968. Elliot’s cousin, Chip Bausch, who served also in Vietnam, came into possession of the plaque and has dedicated it to be part of the memorial. Any current or former resident of Sherman who has served in the armed forces and has not been approached to be a part of the Veterans’ Path should contact Chip Bausch at 220-4159. • T he Ballwin Historical Commission will host a Memorial Day ceremony at 11:15 a.m. on Mon., May 31 at the Peace Memorial in Vlasis Park. The honor guard from the Ballwin VFW will participate in the event, which honors those from their area who gave their lives in the battle to preserve freedom.

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Preschool & Childcare

Pre-school curriculum philosophies vary By SHEILA FRAYNE RHOADES There is no question that a quality preschool education has a long-term effect on a child’s development. Early childhood education experts believe that during the pre-school years, children learn very rapidly and express interest in most every new discovery. Choosing a pre-school is one of the first important educational decisions parents make. There are various educational philosophies used by pre-schools, with some overlaps. For that reason, parents who are searching for a pre-school for the first time will likely encounter some new terms describing the various approaches that schools take to early childhood education. Following are some of the common terms and philosophies that pre-schools use: • Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP). As defined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), DAP is “a framework of principles and guidelines for best practice in the care and education of young children, birth through age 8.” DAP is grounded in research on how children learn and develop and on what is known about effective education. According to the NAEYC, DAP requires teachers to get to know each of their students well and enable them to reach challenging goals. Teaching practices are age appropriate and developmentally appropriate to each individual child. Goals and experiences are suited to the individual child with an emphasis on promoting progress and interest. Curriculum is both teacher-led and self-directed. Educators use a variety of grouping strategies, including small groups, pairs and one-on-one. DAP is based on the idea that children learn best from doing. • Montessori method. Montessori is an educational method developed nearly a century ago by Dr. Maria Montessori and is in use today throughout the world. It is based on the belief that a healthy mind, body, and spirit are essential for success. A Montessori education is a student-driven mode of independent thinking and problem-solving that encourages creativity and social responsibility.

Children are seen as independent learners, and the role of the teacher is one of guide and observer. The teacher views the child as having an inner, natural guidance for his own development. The teacher’s role sometimes includes experimental interactions with children, commonly referred to as “lessons,” to resolve misbehavior or to show how to use the various self-teaching materials that are provided in the environment for the children’s free use. Children learn to take care of their own needs in the classroom. It is important to note that the “Montessori” name is not a trademark and is associated with more than one organization. Montessori schools differ in their interpretation, practical application and philosophy in using the method with children. • Reggio Emilia approach. Named for the Italian city where it was founded, the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education has been adopted by many pre-schools around the globe. Children younger than age 6 are regarded as competent, resourceful, curious, imaginative and inventive. Curriculum is child-directed; teachers observe, listen and talk with children about their interests and then help small groups of children plan their own projects to help them learn. Creative use of materials and lots of open-ended exploration are emphasized. The approach is based on a strong belief that children should be offered endless ways to express themselves and that they learn through interaction with others – including parents, staff and peers – in a friendly learning environment.



I  preschool & childcare choices I 45

Preschool & Childcare

Teaching babies to sign By SHANNON F. IGNEY It is a sign of the times: Many parents and care givers at daycare and childcare centers are teaching sign language to babies. Sign language is no longer solely for the hearing impaired. Learning to speak is a complicated process that takes many months. Long before babies can use words, they are able to comprehend the world around them. Because infants develop the fine muscles in their hands well before they develop the muscles required for speech, sign language can give a child as young as 6 months a “voice” to communicate. Dr. Linda Acredolo, co-founder of the Baby Signs Institute and an internationally recognized scholar in the field of child development, began studying the effects of using sign with infants in 1982. Through research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), she found that using sign has dramatic benefits for a child’s overall development. From decreasing frustration for babies and parents, enriching the parent-child bond and boosting emotional development to developing a higher level IQ, Acredolo’s research suggests that sign is a springboard for all children. Sign language for babies connects an action or emotion with a simple hand signal. For instance, if a baby can sign “hurt” and touches his ear, the parent knows that an earache is the culprit. Some studies have shown that sign language has helped children to potty train at an earlier age. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend beginning toilet training with a child younger than 18 months, the Academy agrees that understanding the sign for using the toilet can give a child a head start. Wendy Sharkey, an Answer Line nurse for St. Louis Children’s Hospital, said she has seen an increase in

parents using sign with their children. To address some of the questions she hears from parents, and because she herself is a firm believer in the benefits of sign, Sharkey wrote, “Sign Language for Babies and Toddlers,” an article that she shares with her patients. “Sign is a very iconic and practical form of communication, so it sticks with children easily,” Sharkey said. “It is a valuable tool for all children and it literally opens up their world at a much earlier age.” St. Charles resident and mother of two Jamie McCoy is a big believer in the benefits of signing. “For me, teaching my children to sign was all positive,” McCoy said. Prior to the birth of her first child, McCoy used sign language with her students while working as a special education teacher. “I used sign often in the classroom with success, so I decided to give it a try with my kids,” McCoy said. “At first, it feels like it isn’t sinking in, but once they catch on, it is so fun to interact with them.” Babies can express themselves with their hands before they develop the muscles required for speech.

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46 I preschool & childcare choices I



Preschool & Childcare

Toddler talk Early foreign language learning has proven benefits

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By DIANE PLATTNER While adults may find learning a foreign language quite challenging, toddlers often master second languages with ease and gain additional benefits in the process. Experts in child development say that studies show that children who learn a foreign language in pre-school gain various benefits over their peers who learn only a single language. “There is some evidence that children who become proficient in two languages early in life show some cognitive benefits over their monolingual peers,” Johanna G. Nicholas, of Washington University’s School of Medicine, said. “These benefits are in the areas of creativity, flexible thinking, metalinguistic awareness (the ability to consciously reflect on one’s own language use) and the ability to better focus their attention on language processing tasks.” Nicholas said that these benefits are actually measurable and are supported by research studies. Experts in the field are not sure why these benefits exist, but a person could speculate on some reasons, she said. First, Nicholas said, the benefits may be related to the fact that the child understands that there usually is more than one way to express oneself. Second, it takes some effort and understanding to concentrate on which language is most appropri-

ate for any given situation. This, in turn, may train the child to be able to reflect and focus in ways that are not necessary, common, or automatic for monolingual children, Nicholas said. “Other people cite career advantages when a child gets older, if they keep up those language skills,” Nicholas said. “If a person is involved in global endeavors of any kind, they are clearly going to be more successful if they speak the language of the people they are dealing with, rather than using a translator.” According to “The Bilingual Edge,” written by Georgetown University Linguistics Professors Kendall King and Alison Mackey, language skills are crucial to business success in much of the world, Nicholas said. She said the book states that among executives, 100 percent in Hong Kong, 97 percent in Singapore, and 95 percent in Indonesia can negotiate in at least two languages. Nicholas said that although all foreign languages can equally confer benefits in bilingual children, environment also plays a role. “Obviously, if there are more speakers of a particular second language in a child’s community, then that language would probably provide the greatest practical advantage in everyday life,” Nicholas said.

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Staying busy over summer important for kids’ mental health First-time drug use most prevalent in summer months By DIANE PLATTNER While summer break is a time for kids to unwind, if they want to stay happy and healthy, they should not allow their brains to take an extended vacation. Excess unstructured time can lead to mental and emotional problems and also increase the likelihood of drug use. Learning is not limited to the classroom, and kids can find many fun ways over the summer to stimulate their minds, area child development experts say. They say kids should do something challenging that includes building physical and social skills. “Kids need to be busy,” Pam Dyson, a licensed counselor in Ellisville, said. “If kids are healthy physically, they are also healthy emotionally.” Dyson noted that kids can gain many benefits from being outdoors, which has a calming effect. Some kids spend a great deal of time inside, often because they may prefer indoor activities over nature and social settings. If kids gravitate to TV or comput-

ers, Dyson said, consider enrolling them in clubs or classes that incorporate such activities. Another way for kids to stay mentally busy over the summer is through a summer job, through which they can learn many skills and life lessons. Even younger kids can find ways to work over the summer, such as lawn mowing or pet walking, Dyson said. Kids can also volunteer for many different causes and organizations, which can open many mental doors, she said. While Dyson said kids also need some down time, she added that they should refrain from too many isolating activities. The key, she said, is maintaining a balance. “Sometimes parents can over-schedule their kids who do need some down time,” Dyson said. “But if a child spends too much time in isolation with the TV or computer without socializing, he or she may not learn confidence in social settings. They may not realize how much that can impact them down the road.” Too much downtime time can draw kids to drugs for the first time, according to a report from the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The report, “Seasonality of Youth’s First-Time Use of Marijuana, Cigarettes or Alcohol” from

the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), shows that there is a 40 percent greater chance that kids will try marijuana for the first time during June and July, compared to the rest of the year. The report stated that an average of 6,300 youths try marijuana for the first time on each day of June and July, when kids have more unsupervised, unstructured time. The number of new

underage drinkers and cigarette smokers also jumps during the summer months, the report showed. SAMHSA offers new advice and resources to help parents keep teens drug-free during the summer, including a summer drug-free checklist, a summer calendar with suggested activities and an interactive self-rating tool. Visit theantidrug.com/schoolsout.

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Bu si ness

New leadership

The Wildwood Business AssociaLynne Martin as museum director of the PEOPLE tion on May 6 elected Wildwood Historical Society. new officers for the coming year. Pictured (from AWARDS & HONORS left) are Tim Ward, Kiki Kerch, a Realtor marketing; Dave with Prudential Alliance Date of issue: Coleman, president; Realtors in Chesterfield, Gayle Grabish, secNewsmagazine Client: has received the “2010 Salesperson: retary; Mike Garrett, Blue Nosko Five-Star Overall SatisSize: Holly Proof: Client: city liaison; Sue Kumbera, special events; Kathryn Chillson Strinic, treasurer; faction Award,” which Ferris, membership; and Dawn Courisky, special events. Katie Lorenz Colors: (not pictured) Britney Blue and Matthew Nosko is awarded for service, will assist Ward with the organization’s marketing efforts. Pictures: have joined the Mikel Garrett State Farm Kerch professionalism and Insurance Agency, in Wildwood, as insurattention to detail. Logos: by June 2. ance account representatives. Both are • • • managers who have excelled in identifying visit westcountychamber.com Copy: • • • fully licensed in auto, home, life, and Bob Jones, a Country Financial repre- insurance products and financial solutions The West County Chamber of Commerce health insurance and are State Farm Bank sentative in Ellisville, for the second time that fit the needs of their clients. holds After Hours from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 certified. has been named an All American for the p.m. on Thurs., June 10 at Brunswick Zone • • • insurance group. The designation is given Lakeside (1254 Dougherty Ferry Road in Joan Schmid, of Wildwood, has replaced to financial representatives and agency MEETINGS & NETWORKING The Chesterfield Chamber of Com- Valley Park). Admission is free for memmerce holds a First Thursday Coffee at bers and $15 for guests. To register, call 7:30 a.m. on Thurs., June 3 at Jason’s Deli 230-9900 or visit westcountychamber.com (17245 Chesterfield Airport Road in Ches- by June 8. Mr. Harry’s Carnival Foods, the place terfield). Admission is free for members • • • “where summer never ends,” has opened at and $15 for non-members. To register, call An e-Women Network Accelerated 15581 Manchester Road in Ballwin. Menu items 532-3399 or visit chesterfieldmochamber. Networking Luncheon is from 11 a.m. include shaved ice, funnel cakes, hand-dipped com by June 1. to 1:30 p.m. on Fri., June 11 at Doubletree ice cream, hot dogs, a variety of sandwiches, • • • Hotel (16625 Swingley Ridge Road in soups and side dishes. The business is owned The West County Chamber of Com- Chesterfield). Paige Cahill discusses variby Harry Freund. merce holds a First Friday Coffee Club ous aspects of e-mail marketing. Admission from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Fri., June 4 at is $35 for members, $45 for non-members SummerWinds Nursery (54 Clarkson Road and $55 for all who register on or after June in Ellisville). To register, call 230-9900 or 8. Call (314) 968-9664.


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G u e s t c o m m e n ta ry

Consider the tax pool system By BART COHN “Planning Tomorrow Today” is Wildwood’s motto, and it’s evident that since the city’s incorporation in 1995, this motto has been taken to heart as Wildwood has created many plans to manage and control its growth and development. Wildwood’s current list of plans includes the Master Plan, the Town Center Plan, the Parks and Recreation Action Plan, the Mobility and Access Plan, the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program, and the 5-year Strategic Goals and Objectives plan. In recent city meetings regarding proposed updates to Wildwood’s Town Center Plan, a dormant debate resurfaced among city officials about something that isn’t addressed in any of the city’s plans – what is Wildwood’s plan if the St. Louis County shared sales tax pool system dissolves? In the early 1990s, Buzz Westfall and the County Council devised a sales tax collection and redistribution system for St. Louis County. The “Westfall Plan,” as it came to be known, is a state-legislated, tax-sharing system with point-of-sale cities (“A” cities) and “pool” cities (“B” cities). “A” cities keep a majority of the sales tax generated in their cities but are required to share a portion with the “B” cities. The “B” cities must put all of the sales tax collected in their cities into the pool, which is then redistributed to the other “B” cities on a basis of population. Wildwood, with its large population and limited commercial activity, receives more than twice as much from the pool as it pays into it. In 2010, Wildwood anticipates its General Fund will gain $8.2 million in revenue with nearly half of that amount ($3.9 million) coming from the pool. The $3.9 million Wildwood expects to take out of the pool in 2010 is at least $2 million more than it anticipates putting into it. City leaders in Wildwood recognize that if the sales tax pool dissolved, Wildwood



residents would be facing substantially reduced city services and/or a municipal property tax to make up for the difference in revenue Wildwood currently gains from the pool. This has been discussed in various city meetings over the years. Some city officials have expressed an interest in developing a commercial tax base as a means to stabilize revenue should the pool dissolve, while other city officials have scoffed at the notion that the pool might ever dissolve and have refused to give it any real consideration. While the pool system has been extremely beneficial to Wildwood, some municipalities with large commercial sectors would prefer to opt out of the pool system and keep all of the sales tax revenues generated in their cities. Some have derided the pool system as “municipal welfare.” With big money at stake and a lingering dissatisfaction, it’s not uncommon to see certain state legislators introduce bills aimed at dissolving the pool. House Bill 2383, introduced in the current legislative session by the 95th District representative, is one such bill. Wildwood leaders are aware of HB 2383, but they are cautiously optimistic that it will not find its way into a committee or as an attachment to another bill and that it will ultimately fail. Similar bills have not been successful, and this comforts Wildwood’s leaders. But what if such a bill did gain traction with enough state legislators that it actually passed? Politics is an unpredictable business, and stranger things have happened. What would Wildwood do if the sales tax pool dissolved? That question would be a good starting point for Wildwood’s leaders to consider while they are in the process of “planning tomorrow today.” Bart Cohn is a former Wildwood City Councilmember.

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Lexington Design & Furniture by Catherine Riebold, owner

A lovely couple came into Lexington the other day and the lady said, “so tell me your schtick. Everybody’s got to have a schtick. I replied, primarily, made in America with different price points. If you’ve seen our ads in the West News and she had, then you know we can design rooms. If you just want to buy quality furniture without design assistance, Lexington can do that too. In our little store, we have millions of possibilities of ordering quality furniture. We can special order or offer our products off the floor if you fall in love with something you find and want it today. We’re just a small town little company trying to make it in a world of big boxes. We keep our word and we actually care about the people who come into our store. We’ve partnered with companies that make great furniture. Check out the following web sites for great ideas as to what Lexington can do: Simply Amish (www.simplyamish.com)– beautiful hand made by the Amish furniture with a life time guarantee of quality. As the Amish gentleman told me, “you are more likely to find our furniture in a museum than a land fill.” Wood Craft Industries (www.woodcraftindustries.com) – solid wood furniture made in Pennsylvania that is priced below what many of the national chains sell their furniture for. It’s custom made in many sizes, wood stains and painted finishes. Lexington Home Brands (wwwlexingtonhomebrands.com) and Norwalk Industries (www. norwalkindustries.com) for upholstery Beautiful fabrics, good prices and life time warranties on the seat cushions, frames and springs. Made in the United States, of course. Our Gilded Lily accent pieces and accessories are exclusive to Lexington. Many are vintage and truly one of a kind. We’d love for you to come in and meet us. Lexington is located in Des Peres Pointe, home to Trader Joes and St. Louis Bread Company. We’re on the top, down from the Bread Company.

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50 I health matters I



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New sodium recommendation worth its salt By JULIE BROWN PATTON Should reduced sodium consumption recommendations be taken seriously, or with a grain of salt? An announcement last month from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials sparked a new debate related to Americans’ salt ingestion being several times higher than human body’s requirements. Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the average American’s salt intake is double the daily sodium recommendation. Medical authorities claim that people require only 500 milligrams (mg) of sodium per 24-hour period, based upon the amount of salt lost throughout the day. In general, Americans have been advised to consume between 1,500 to 2,300 mg of sodium per day. Health experts warn that high salt intake poses a severe threat to people with high blood pressure or can initiate high blood pressure, which can cause arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), aneurysms, heart disease, strokes, dementia and other cognitive impairments, kidney failure, and damage to the blood vessels, nerves, and eyes. Analysts from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies estimate that population-wide reductions in sodium could prevent more than 100,000 U.S. deaths annually. CDC statistics attribute 77 percent of the average Americans’ daily sodium intake to processed foods. Julia Politte, a dietitian for West County Family YMCA in Chesterfield, said salt in diets also comes from many low-fat foods, as sodium has made up for flavor lost while keeping the focus on low-fat. “Is 500 mg of sodium per day a realistic goal for Americans? Probably not,” Politte said. “Americans don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables. To get salt consumption down, we should eat out less, eliminate fast food, and make unprocessed foods the base of our diets. Even whole grain cereal and a serving of yogurt have at least 100 mg of sodium added to them.” Some health experts point out that women and men process salt differently, and that no two people are the same when it comes to salt in the diet. According to a study in the Journal of Chronic Diseases, when salt in diets is sig-

nificantly reduced, about 30 percent of the population experiences a tiny reduction in blood pressure, 20 percent actually experience a small increase in blood pressure, and the remaining 50 percent show no effect at all. Most health staffs believe individual genetic, physical, gender and cultural differences should not be ignored when considering personal salt-related strategies. Around the world, women are estimated to consume 800 to 1,500 mg less sodium per day than men consume. In the U.S., that difference reportedly amounts to about 1,160 mg less sodium per day. While the plasma concentration of men and women is identical, men consume and excrete far more salt than women do. Some studies have shown that pregnant women with a decreased salt intake give birth to low-weight babies. Low salt intake can also stimulate the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system, causing a cascade of potential negative consequences, including metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Benefits of salt are listed at salthealth.org. As consumers look toward the recent variety of food and beverage products now containing “sea” salt, as opposed to iodized salt, it is important to note that no standards exist throughout the world regarding salt’s color, texture or taste. Sea salt reflects the sun and wind evaporation manner through which the salt is made; however, all salt originates from seas in one way or another. Mort Satin, director of technical and regulatory affairs at The Salt Institute in Virginia, said that only one international rule governs salt: Any salt deemed as “food grade” must have a minimum of 97 percent sodium chloride.



I health matters I 51

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patient in the household. Most traditional insurance companies will not cover those costs. “Insurance companies aren’t that good at thinking outside of the box,” Laffey said, adding that X-rays and prescription medications are covered by most insurance companies. Laffey’s patient roster spans infants through age 95. She caps the amount of people she sees at 300 so she can be more available by phone than most physicians, who have an average of 2,000 patients at any given time. “I know patients would rather talk to a doctor about their problems than a nurse,” she said. “I give them the chance to do that.” Laffey practices general care, and if one of her patients has needs beyond that, she offers to accompany them to a specialist. She said the only thing that she will not do is help deliver babies, because current malpractice costs are too high. Laffey does expect that the upcoming government health care industry overhaul will push more frustrated doctors into concierge medicine. “I have no exact data on this but expect it will make what I do more attractive to patients, especially to business owners who are worried about what this plan will mean to them financially,” Laffey said.

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By BRIAN MCDOWELL A visit to the doctor’s office can sometimes be a frustrating experience. Dr. Elizabeth Laffey understands. Laffey is a primary care family physician who spent five years working in a busy doctor’s office, and she said that the experience made her miserable. Laffey was frustrated because patients with questions could not talk to her directly on the phone and because she never had time to offer in-depth help to any of the thousands of people that were coming through her office. Even though she was frustrated with the practice, Laffey loved practicing medicine, so she set about trying to find a way without dealing with what she calls the “office nightmare.” Now, Laffey, who has an office in Des Peres, is one of the few doctors in the area but one of thousands nationwide practicing what is called “concierge medicine,” which essentially brings health care back to its roots by letting doctors make house calls. It is becoming a popular alternative for families with children, employers concerned about rising insurance costs and senior citizens who have difficulty leaving their homes. “Kids aren’t themselves at a doctor’s office,” Laffey said, “so, this way, I can help them where they feel most comfortable, and then, when I’m done, they can run off immediately and go play. And with seniors, I can sit and talk with them and listen to their stories without being rushed.” Laffey charges patients a yearly fee of $1,500, plus $1,000 for each additional

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Next Issue:

June 23

Radon poses cancer threat to homeowners Free test kits available By JULIE BROWN PATTON Although radon cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, it can cause very visible cancer problems. Radon is a gaseous, radioactive element that occurs from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil and rocks. Radon becomes a risk indoors because as it continues to break down, the atomic particles emitted can alter DNA upon entering How radon human lungs. enters a house Medical experts indicate that the invasion increases cancer and health risks. According to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) statistics, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the nation and is categorized as a “Class A” carcinogen. Radon leaks into homes through cracks in solid floors, construction joints, cracks in walls, gaps in suspended floors, gaps around service pipes, spaces inside walls, and the water supply. Radon can be tested for and is measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air. Estimated health risks from radon exposure depend on the concentration. EPA officials recommend that if the concentration of radon is 4 pCi/L or greater, then remediation should be done to lower risks. Health officials indicate also that smoking in conjunction with radon exposure greatly increases the risk of cancer. For example, EPA data indicates that with radon at a level of 8 pCi/L, about 120 people who smoke could get lung cancer; at the same radon level for non-smokers, the EPA data indicates, that number drops to about 15 people. Homebuyers and sellers often test for radon during real estate transactions, and the level of 4 pCi/L is commonly used to determine if mitigation is necessary. Though testing is a good idea for longterm health protection, there are no laws in Missouri that require the testing nor that require mitigation by sellers. Melanie Cooper, a Wildwood-based

Realtor, said that with radon being such a threatening carcinogen, it is critical to be aware of the levels in homes. “It’s a good idea to test every couple of years to protect your family,” Cooper said. “The tests are fairly inexpensive. It is easily done, and for usually less than $1,000 for the average sized home.” Cooper said that when potential homeowners are shopping, they do inquire about radon threats. “We recommend to all our buyers to have an environmental (radon) inspection,” Cooper said. “It is especially important to test for radon when finished lower levels are present, and even more important when there is a bedroom in the lower level, since a family will be spending more time there than in just a ‘basement’ area.” Cooper said that if a homeowner already has a mitigation system in place, it typically is noted on the seller’s disclosure statement. “Radon is something I speak with all my clients about, because it seems to be prevalent in the West County area,” Cooper said. “Mitigation is simple and non-intrusive.” Cooper said homeowners that run into severe radon-related challenges can contact a building inspector approved by the American Society of Home Inspectors. “Testing in Missouri has shown that 18 percent of all homes have radon levels above the level considered dangerous,” said Bob Schultheis, natural resources engineering specialist, University of Missouri Outreach and Extension. “The best time to test homes for radon is during cooler weather, when it is 60 degrees or less. The house should be closed up at least 12 hours before and during the test.” A new, free radon testing kit can be secured from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services by filling out a quick form at dhss.mo.gov/Radon/FreeTestKit_Registration.html.



I 53

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CITY OF WINCHESTER PUBLIC HEARING The City of Winchester will hold a Budget Hearing at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at the City Hall, 109 Lindy Blvd., Winchester, Missouri. The Budget Hearing will deal with the City Budget for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. All citizens of Winchester, Missouri will have the right to give written and oral comments at this hearing. The overall unenacted budget summary follows: It lists, rounded off, major sources of anticipated income and preliminary recommendations as to how expenditures would be made. These figures are subject to adjustments which may evolve due to adjustments at the City, County, or State levels. This summary, and the back up information is on display upon request at the City Hall, 109 Lindy Blvd., Winchester, Missouri during normal business hours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Preliminary Anticipated Revenues: Real Estate and Personal Property Utilities Fines, Permits, Licenses Park Programs Sales Tax and Interest Capital Improvement Sales Tax & Interest Cigarette, Gas, Vehicle County Road & Bridge Cable TV Franchise Fee Miscellaneous Total Revenues

$ 39,700.00 124,250.00 57,495.00 1,800.00 216,050.00 85,950.00 63,000.00 23,000.00 13,000.00 12,975.00 $637,220.00

Preliminary Anticipated Expenditure Allocation: Administrative Public Safety Streets & Sewers Park & Recreation Maintenance Total Expenditures

$330,037.00 182,693.00 77,595.00 21,090.00 25,805.00 $637,220.00

Board of Aldermen City of Winchester By: Barbara Beckett, CMC City Administrator/Treasurer Residents of Winchester are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Winchester regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636)391-0600 or 1-800735-2466 (Relay Missouri) no later than 4 p.m. on the third day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

54 I outdoor dining I




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56 I


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Wildwood). Ticket proceeds benefit the The Saint Louis Watercolor Society Association. Call 405-3024. • • • Signature Member Show opens with a The Ascension Church Knights of reception from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Fri., June 4 at Art Trends Gallery (703 Long Columbus Council Golf Fundraiser feaoutshotgun if the new OtoLens for you! tures starts isatright 7:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Road Crossing Drive in Chesterfield). The Find Hearing NameCreek Golf Club JuneCenter 4 at Bear signature show of watercolor art continues on Fri., Call XXX.XXX.XXXX The cost per player is $100 through June 30. Admission is free. Call in Wentzville. pair ofafternoon in FREE the morning and $XXX $110OFFina the 536-3266. Try * OtoLens Hearing Aids. forand XX days. includes lunch, golf, refreshments on Hearing Center Name For more information call XXX.XXX.XXXX the course, and dinner. Silent and live aucBENEFITS A cut-a-thon to raise funds for the tions are featured. Proceeds benefit Wings National Center for Missing & Exploited of Hope, Midwest Medical Relief & Air Children is from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Transport program, and the Knights of Fri., May 28 at Xenon International Acad- Columbus general charity fund. Call Tom emy (15435 Clayton Road in Ballwin). Hoenig at (314) 662-4434 or Mike Berg at Haircuts, manicures and mini-facials are 532-0064. • • • $5; all proceeds benefit the NCMEC. Call The “One Day Extravaganza Rum394-7335. mage Sale” is from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on • • • The Mike Treese Benefit Concert is Sat., June 5 at St. Clare of Assisi Church from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Fri., May 28 (15642 Clayton Road in Ellisville). Proat John F. Kennedy Catholic High School ceeds benefit the church’s youth ministry (Hwy. 141 at Burgundy Lane). The bands program. Call 394-7307. • • • Run Below, The Switchfits, Lost Protocol The American Cancer Society Celebaand others perform. Admission is $5; all roo Gala is at 7 p.m. (VIP reception is at are welcome. Call (314) 565-0595. 6 p.m.) on Sat., June 5 at Palladium (1400 • • • The Missouri Fiddlers and Old Time Park Place in St. Louis). Silent, live and Country Music Association Fiddlers big board auctions with a chance to bid on Contest is at 2 p.m. (registration for con- a flight in a Cessna 172, several trips and testants is at 12 p.m.) on Sat., May 29 at more; live entertainment; a gaming area Stovalls Grove (18720 Stovall Lane in with celebrity dealers; a raffle; food stations The only

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and more are featured. Ticket prices start at $150 per person. Call Jason McClelland at (314) 286-8157. • • • A basement sale is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., June 5 and Sun., June 6 at St. Alban Roe Catholic Church (2001 Shepard Road in Wildwood). Proceeds benefit the Christian Foundation for Children & Aging and local charities. Call 458-2977. • • • The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Missouri East Chapter Designer Home Tour is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., June 5 and Sun., June

6 at six area homes. Tickets are $25 per person and $20 per person for groups of 10 or more. A portion of proceeds benefit the Habit for Humanity St. Louis ReStore. Call (314) 422-6609 or visit stldesignerhometour.info. • • • The Make-A-Wish Foundation hosts Ride for Wishes featuring car and motorcycle shows from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sat., June 5 and a motorcycle ride at 12:30 p.m. on Sun., June 6 at the Sara Lee Complex (3470 Rider Trail South in Earth City). Food, entertainment and family activities also are featured. Proceeds are used to

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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM grant wishes to children with life-threatening diseases. Register at mo.wish.org. • • • The Siteman Cancer Center at BarnesJewish St. Peters Hospital holds the second annual Run for Your Life 5K at 7 a.m. (registration begins) on Sun., June 6 starting from Quail Ridge Park (5501 Quail Ridge Pkwy. in Wentzville). Awards for top runners are featured. Registration fees vary, and the deadline to register is 12 p.m. on June 2. Visit siteman.bjsph.org. • • • Dine Out for the Cure is on Thurs., June 10 at participating restaurants in the St. Louis area. Restaurants donate a portion of the day’s proceeds to the Komen St. Louis affiliate to support breast cancer research. For a list of participating restaurants, visit komenstlouis.org. • • • The 15th annual Parkway Alumni Association Golf Tournament to benefit programs for Parkway students and staff is at 1:30 p.m. (registration is at 12:30 p.m.) on Fri., June 11 at Landings at Spirit Golf Club. The entry fee is $125 per person and includes lunch, green fees, carts, refreshments, prizes, dinner and an auction; the non-golfer fee is $35 and includes dinner and the auction. To register, call (314) 4158074 or visit parkwayalumni.org. • • • The 12 annual Susan G. Komen St. Louis Race for the Cure opens with registration and team photos at 6:30 a.m. on Sat., June 12 near 13th and Chestnut Streets in Downtown St. Louis. For details and to register, visit komenstlouis.org. • • • The annual Ballwin Police Department Charity Golf Scramble to benefit The Backstoppers, Inc. is at 12:15 p.m. on Mon., June 14 at Ballwin Community Golf Course. Lunch is provided by McAlister’s Deli and a barbecue dinner follows the tournament. There will be prizes and an appearance by Rams Cheerleaders. The cost is $75 per golfer/$300 per team with hole sponsorships available. Call Rob Rogers at 227-2650.

CONCERTS The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce presents a concert by The Bob Kuban Band from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Tues., June 1 at Faust Park. A birthday celebration for the city of Chesterfield with free birthday cake and prizes for kids and a post-concert fireworks display also are featured. Call 532-3399 or visit chesterfieldmochamber. com. • • • The city of Ballwin presents a concert by Cashmere from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wed., June 2 at New Ballwin Park. Admission is free. Call 227-8580 or visit ballwin.mo.us. • • •

The city of Ellisville presents a concert by The Erin Bode Group from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Thurs., June 3 at Bluebird Park. Admission is free. Call 227-7508 or visit ellisville.mo.us.

FAMILY & KIDS The city of Eureka Summer Kick-off Celebration is at 7:45 p.m. on Fri., May 28 on the Eureka City Hall lawn. Crafts, games, snacks, entertainment and a showing of “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs” are featured. Admission is free. Call 938-6775. • • • The West County Fellowship Summer Kickoff Picnic & Pool Party is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., June 5 at Holloway Park & North Pointe Family Aquatic Center (335 Holloway Road in Ballwin). The public is invited to celebrate the start of summer at the pool, on the tennis courts and playground at the pavilion. Admission is free. Call (314) 854-0163.

I 57

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Initial Consultation

health “Integrating Alternative Medicine with Conventional Medicine” is at 6:30 p.m. on Tues., June 8 at Prevention and Healing Inc. (10908 Schuetz Road in Creve Coeur). Dr. Simon Yu a Board-certified internist, presents the program. Admission is free. Call (314) 432-7802. • • • A bioidentical hormone replacement therapy discussion is at 6:30 p.m. on Mon., June 14 at Lone Wolf Coffee Company (15480 Clayton Road in Ballwin). For reservations, call (314) 543-4015.


SPECIAL INTEREST Team registrations are now being accepted for the sixth annual St. Louis Home Fires BBQ Bash taking place on Sat., Sept. 25 and Sun., Sept. 26 at the Town Center of Wildwood. Amateurs and professionals compete for the prizes in several categories. Call Frank Schmer at 256-6564. • • • The Chesterfield Garden Tour is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., June 12 at six area gardens. Tickets are $15 and are available in advance at Chesterfield City Hall and online at chesterfield.mo.us and from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the day of the tour at Chesterfield City Hall. Call 537-4000. • • • The Town & Country Garden Club Garden Tour is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., June 12 at six area gardens. Tickets are $10 and are available in advance at the Town & Country Municipal Center (101 Municipal Center Drive in Town & Country), at Longview Farm Park (13525 Clayton Road) and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the day of the tour at Longview Farm Park. Call (314) 432-6606.

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Concert venue brings back ‘that old time feeling’ By SUE HORNOF Hundreds of mostly 50-something Poco fans got “that old time feeling’” on the weekend of May 7-8, when the band performed two concerts at Wildwood Springs Resort in Steelville, Mo., a little over an hour’s drive from West County. Wildwood, Mo., residents Tom and Rita Hutson had front row seats for Saturday’s show. The longtime Poco fans were the winners of the West Newsmagazine Poco ticket giveaway. “I am a huge fan,” Rita said, adding that her husband is “the expert” on the band. Tom brought along a Poco album that Rita and Tom Hutson, winners of the West Newsmagazine Poco ticket giveaway. was recorded live at the old Ambassador Theatre in St. Louis. He attended that 1976 concert and brought the album to Steelville dinner in the dining room before the band in hopes of getting band members to auto- takes the stage. Guests who stay overnight graph it. are treated to a full breakfast in the morning. Poco founding member Richie Furay, 66, opened the show on Saturday night with his current band. Now pastor of a Christian church in Colorado, Furay rarely performs with Poco, but to the delight of the audience, he joined the band for several songs. Furay and fellow Poco founder Rusty Young – master of the steel guitar – clearly enjoyed their on-stage reunion. After the show, the band stayed around and mingled with the crowd, and Tom got his album signed. The Hutsons thoroughly enjoyed the show and were awed by its intimacy. Photo by Tom Hutson “It was like being in your living room with old friends,” Rita said. Poco founding members Rusty Young (left) “We’re already planning our trips here and Richie Furay reunited May 7-8 at for the fall,” Tom said. Wildwood Springs Resort. Over the years, dozens of legendary art“We’ve tried to come out here before, but ists have played at Wildwood, including we’ve never been able to get tickets,” Rita Doc Watson, Dave Mason, Pure Prairie said. “When we read about the raffle in the League, Richie Havens, Vassar Clements, newspaper, we went for it.” John Hartford, and Jefferson Starship’s Tickets to concerts at Wildwood Springs Mickey Thomas. Resort sometimes are scarce, because the “The musicians love it here, because venue is small, seating 200-250 guests. there’s just no place else they can play Concerts are held in the resort’s lodge, where they get that energy back,” Bell said. which was built during the 1920s as part “It’s one of the few places that musicians of a 2,000-acre hunting and fishing resort actually get appreciated.” nestled in the Ozark Hills. In those days, Poco returns to Wildwood Springs on well-to-do families played hard during Oct 1-2. The fall lineup also includes Dave the day, and in the evenings, they enjoyed Mason (Sept. 10-11), Atlanta Rhythm Secelegant dinners in the lodge’s dining room tion (Sept. 17-18), FireFall (Sept. 24-25), and danced the night away to the tunes of Brewer and Shipley with Jesse Winchester the Wildwood Springs Orchestra. (Oct. 8-9), The Marshall Tucker Band (Oct. Today, Wildwood Springs owner Bob 15-16), Little River Band (Oct. 22-23), Bell brings in bands every spring and fall. Leon Russsell with Pat Liston (Oct. 29-30), Ticket-holders begin arriving several hours and Ozark Mountain Daredevils (Nov. before show time to mill about the prop- 5-6). erty and relax in lawn chairs or on blankets, For more information, visit wildwoodtaking in the scenery. Bell offers a hearty springslodge.com.



Enter t ai n ment Adam Shonkweiler stars as Huckleberry Finn in the STAGES St. Louis production of the Tony Award-winning “Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” opening May 28 at the Robert G. Reim Theatre in Kirkwood.

CONCERTS Brad Paisley with Darius Rucker, May 29, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Maxwell & Jill Scott, May 29, Scottrade Center Denise Thimes, June 2, Missouri Botanical Garden – F FrankieValli and The Four Seasons, June 4, The Fox Theatre Styx/Foreigner with special guest Kansas, June 4, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Liza Minnelli with the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, June 5, Powell Symphony Hall Diana Ross, June 6, Fox Theatre Pointfest (various artists), June 6, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Trio Trés Bien, June 9, Missouri Botanical Garden - F Harry Connick Jr., June 11, The Fox Theatre Maze featuring Frankie Beverly and Babyface, June 11, Chaifetz Arena Dave Matthews Band, June 16, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Chris Tomlin and TobyMac, June 18, Scottrade Center Tim McGraw with Lady Antebellum and Love and Theft, June 19, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Sting with The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, June 23, Verizon Wireless Frankie Valli (pictured) and The Four Seasons perform on June 4 at The Fox Theatre.

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LIVE PERFORMANCES “Eye on the Sparrow: The World Within St. Louis,” through June 6, Saint Louis University Theater Shakespeare Festival St. Louis’ “Hamlet,” May 26-June 20, Forest Park – F “Different Stages,” May 27, Dramatic License Theatre “Spring to Dance Festival 2010,” May 27-29, Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center “Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” May 28-June 27, Robert G. Reim Theatre Circus Flora’s “Ingenioso,” June 3-27, Grand Center “Wicked,” June 16-July 11, The Fox Theatre “Beauty and the Beast,” June 21-30, The Muny

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tickets and information Ameristar Casino: tickets.com, (877) 444-2637 Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Busch Stadium: livenation.com, cardinals.com, (314) 345-9000 Chaifetz Arena: thechaifetzarena.com, (314) 977-5000 Circus Flora: circusflora.org, (314) 289-4040 Dramatic License Theatre: dramati-

I 59

clicenseproductions.com, 220-7012 Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 5341111 Missouri Botanical Garden: mobot. org, (314) 577-5100 The Muny: muny.org, (314) 361-1900, ext. 550 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (314) 534-1700 Robert G. Reim Theatre: stagesstlouis.org, (314) 821-2407

Saint Louis University Theater: gitana-inc.org, (314) 721-6556 Scottrade Center: ticketmaster.com, (314) 241-1888 Shakespeare Festival St. Louis: shakespearefestivalstlouis.org, (314) 531-9800 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater: livenation.com, (877) 598-8703

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60 I  Lazy River is a pairing of owner’s passions MAY 26, 2010 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE

By SUZANNE CORBETT Legendary St. Louis restaurateur John Marciano has two passions: food and fishing. Both were combined to create Lazy River Grill. “I love this business and I love to fish, so when I decided to do my own thing, my wife convinced me to use my antique fishing equipment as a theme to decorate the place,” said Marciano, whose culinary accomplishments include serving as vice president of Pasta House; TV cook and guest chef at Dierbergs School of Cooking; and owner of Lazy River Grill’s sister operation, Yellowstone Café. Marciano’s antiques display ranges from outboard motors to fishing lures from the late 1800s to 1959. And while some have referred to Lazy River as a museum, make no mistake: First and foremost, it is a restaurant. “Our menu is a no-frills menu,” Marciano said. “It’s home cooking that doesn’t intimidate you with foods you’ve never heard of. I also like to say we’re not a sports bar. Anyone can open a sports bar with a few pictures on the wall and serve wings and beer. We’re a dinner house, because you can get a glass of wine with your steak or fish or a burger and a bottle of beer.”

Lazy River Grill 631 Big Bend Road • Manchester (636) -207-1689 Hours: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday-Saturday; 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sunday www.lazyyellow.com

Lazy River’s menu is not giant, but it is complete. There are a dozen entrees, 16 sandwiches and burgers along with a good showing of starters, soups and salads. Among those items are fish - not seafood - selections. Grouper, walleye and salmon are entrée items, and grouper lands also on the sandwich list. And true to Marciano’s uncomplicated preparations, each fish is cooked to complement its unique flavor. Salmon is seasoned, broiled and basted with a house barbecue sauce; Florida grouper is flash-broiled and blackened with spices; and the walleye (a cousin to perch) is lightly fried, allowing its delicate flavor to shine. Those searching for a good old-fashioned hamburger will not be disappointed with Lazy River’s Iowa beef burgers, weighing from a half to three-quarters of a pound. Purists can order burgers plain or outfit them to taste. “We’ll cook your burgers the way you like them over an open-flame grill, and once they go on the grill, we don’t mess with them, which keeps the burgers juicy,” Marciano said. Charcoal-broiled steaks are another art form practiced at Lazy River. Options include a bacon-wrapped filet mignon, New York strip, and peppercorn strip, seasoned with cracked pepper, olive oil and served with a red wine demi-glaze. Chicken and chops find room on the menu, too. Chicken Lazy River Grill owner John Marciano (right) with Bob Sanchez, general manager. is offered either lightly seasoned or broiled Southwest style, encrusted with Santa Fe spices and basted in lime butter. Chop enthusiasts will find the pork chop pleasing, fries. Or, guests can go fish and try the blue crab crab cake broiled and basted with apple butter. or coconut shrimp. Starters to munch at the fisherman’s bar or tableside “It’s like fishing,” Marciano said of his restaurant. include buffalo wings, toasted ravioli and gourmet onion “Everyone, young or old, can enjoy it.”

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Date of issue: Client: Size: W E S Colors: T H O M E PA G E S Pictures: Logos: KITCHEN • BATH • HOME REMODELING Need a Copy:

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I 67

Hidden Valley wants to go tubular By JULIE BROWN PATTON No protests occurred this time when Hidden Valley Golf and Ski, Inc., representatives requested at a May 3 public hearing the same type of planning and zoning variances that, 18 months ago, prompted an overflow demonstration at a city council meeting. The resort’s owners would like to expand the current 61 acres of permitted snow area to 90 acres so they can develop an eightlane snow tubing area, add 1,200 parking spaces and construct a new maintenance facility. In September 2008, Hidden Valley’s owner, Tim Boyd, said he planned to add a snow tubing run and 250 parking spaces to boost a business that was limited to about 75 days of skiing. In accordance with Wildwood’s overall zoning ordinance that stipulates property developers must donate a certain percentage of space to public common use, Wildwood city officials required that Boyd either pay a reported fee of more than $250 million or surrender 3 acres of his property for public use. Nearly 500 demonstrators at a Sept. 28, 2008 meeting considered the demands outrageous, especially because Hidden Valley

had been in business since 1982, long before Wildwood was incorporated. Joe Vujnich, Wildwood director of planning and parks, said public space requirements were added to the city’s zoning ordinance in 2006 “to address the imbalance caused by new projects and residential subdivisions, and their collective consumption of land, with little, if any, recognition of recreational aspects the users or residents need.” Vujnich said that the calculation is based upon the increased use of the property, as measured by new parking spaces or living units, and a corresponding amount of land area is set aside for public space purposes. “Accordingly, the extent of public space is a function of the type of use and current conditions on the site,” Vujnich said. Jon Bopp, chair of the Wildwood planning and zoning commission, said this time was different in that the previous Hidden Valley golf course area is no longer used as such. He said that the area now is tapped as common ground by equestrians and local families walking their dogs or exercising. Bopp said that all 35 speakers at the hearing were in favor of the proposed tubing addition but that no action had yet been taken by planning and zoning com-

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missioners. He said that they will have to work through how to apply the city’s public space requirements, especially given that Hidden Valley managers wish to phase in new, gravel-based parking spaces, rather than construct an asphalt lot. Bill Brandes, Hidden Valley’s general manager, told attendees that the past season was the resort’s best ever, with a record attendance of 75,171 from 13 states, not including Missouri and Illinois. Brandes said that the resort’s average number of open days per season remains 70-80 and that Hidden Valley has 15 fulltime employees and 350 part-time, seasonal employees. The tubing operation is expected to add another 15 seasonal employees, he said. Snow tubing parks have sprung up in

other parts of the U.S. as a new way to enjoy snow-based recreation. Enthusiasts climb into large, circular tubes that look like inner tubes used for water-based summertime floating, and zoom down hills. Kenneth Lewi has lived next to the ski resort for almost 10 years. He said that Hidden Valley representatives have kept him fully informed of their plans. He said he believes that a tubing run will increase Hidden Valley’s ability to satisfy customers’ demands by providing an outlet for handicapped persons, younger children and those who wish to engage in snow activities without snowboarding or skiing the hills. “I believe our Wildwood community benefits from having this high quality activity as part of our recreation,” Lewi said.

The key to success.

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TOTAL COMMISSION FULL SERVICE!! 16351 Bellingham Dr. Chesterfield • $350,000

call Danny maupin 636-329-9241

Stunning Chesterfield Villa!

Owners of Hidden Valley Ski Resort in Wildwood have requested permission to add an eightlane snow tubing run to the facility.

Fabulous updated open DETACHED townhome n Chfd Vlg!QUALITY ! HDWD floors*STUNING Kit. Newer appliances, cabinets & corian countertops, EXQUISITE MBR suite w/reconfigured 1st class MBath *fenced bkyd w/great landscaping*This is a MUST C. CL BLAZE TODAY 314.409.6988

705 Stone Meadow Dr. Chesterfield • $460,000

Shows like a display w/the finest amenties! Elegant 1.5sty w/attractive well planned finished walk-out LL featuring 2nd FP flanked by built-n shelving, lots of windows, BR/ OFC & full bath*Superior kit features 42”light cherry cabinets, corian countertops, gleaming HDWD floors & opens into 4 season sunporch…a rm to love! U wl want 2 “C”this 1:CL BLAZE NOW

Blaze • 314-409-6988 • www.pblaze.com Keller Williams Realty 636.229.8688

16201 Wynncrest Ridge Ct. • Wildwood This truly amazing 6 bedroom, 4.5 bath 1.5 story home has approximately 6,000 square feet of gorgeous finished living space! For a free 24 hour recorded message regarding the details of this property, please call 1-800628-1775 ext. 1106.

636-549-1129 www.TheKrauseTeam.com

229 Hillsdale Drive - Ballwin This incredibly impressive 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1.5 story home on a half acre lot will knock your socks off! For a free 24 hour recorded message regarding this property, please call 1-800-6281775 ext 1286!

Real Estate Call today to advertise. 636.591.0010





68 I



Real estate showcase

Whittaker beats the Recession with two-story home for less than $100,000 at Glenhurst Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department At Glenhurst on Pointe Prairie Road of the homes take advantage of building just off Interstate 70, Greg Whittaker is space over the two-car garage to offer a leading the charge as the economy battles generous loft and enlarged master suite. back from the most crippling recession in This includes the Value Series 1218 (which history. And he’s doing it with two-story refers to its square footage) which has three large bedrooms with walk-in closets, at a townhomes for less than $100,000. Glenhurst is comprised completely of base price of $97,500. Two of the Value two-story homes, is possibly the most Series homes have 1,490 square feet with unique new-home community in the area. three bedrooms and 2½ baths and WhitIt’s also the most affordable. “When we taker offers several optional second-floor began offering the new models at the end designs to meet the needs of any buyer. Glenhurst is unique in the fact that the of January we expected to sell about two a month,” Whittaker said. “We’re now townhomes are only attached at the twoselling six homes a month. In fact, we’ve car garage. Plus, buyers own the front written over 20 contracts in the past three yard and large back yard so there are no monthly maintenance fees. You won’t find months.” Many buyers were drawn by the $8,000 this in many other townhome communities, federal tax credit which expired on April and you certainly won’t find it in this price 30, but many more have been attracted range, Whittaker said. Buyers also enjoy an to the five new townhome designs which ideally secluded neighborhood just minutes offer three-bedroom homes with a two-car from Wentzville Parkway conveniences. Recession-beating pricing and Whittaker garage for just $97,500. The five new townhome models feature value have convinced buyers that it is time new exterior designs and colors. Three to get off the fence. “It looks like old times

Chesterfield West

Glenhurst is comprised completely of two-story homes and is possibly the most unique newhome community in the area.

out there with hammers swinging and saws buzzing,” Whittaker laughed. “It’s nice to see the activity once again.” The new townhomes have proven to be so popular, he added, that they are being offered for the first time at Eagle’s Landing in Shiloh, Illinois. “We went in with the same expectations of selling two a month, but they’ve really taken off there. We’ve now had eight sales at Eagle’s Landing.” Although lumber costs are rising, Whittaker hopes to hold the line on these townhomes for as long as possible. “These prices are for a limited time,” he noted, “Where else can you buy a two-story home with a

two-car garage for less than $100,000?” To visit Glenhurst take I-70 to Wentzville Parkway to west on the South Service Road to left on Point Prairie Road. Call 636-332-9988.



OPEN SUNDAY 5/30 2-4

OPEN SUNDAY 5/30 12-1:30


18061 WILD HORSE CREEK RD. Extraordinary custom built home on 7.4+/- acres overlooking Missouri River Valley.

1009 SAVONNE COURT Gorgeous 1.5 story home with top of the line features and finishes.

605 MULBERRY GROVE CT. Stunning custom built 4 bed atrium ranch home, gourmet kitchen, great for entertaining

OPEN SAT. 5/29 12-1:30


17624 MYRTLEWOOD DR. Beautifully updated 5 bed home, fantastic finished LL, gourmet kitchen, backs to woods.

9708 AVONDALE HLLLS LN. Gorgeous custom built 1.5 story home on 3+/private acres.

17665 ORRVILLE ROAD Beautiful one of a kind 1.5 story home on 3+/- parklike acres.

4144 CEDAR HILL COURT Horse lovers paradise! Beautifully updated 5 bed home, guest house, 5 stall barn, indoor riding arena.

4570 BUCKLICK SCHOOL RD. Pristine horse farm with beautiful home on 26.4+/acres, breath taking views!

12309 DESIGN LN. Charming, nicely updated 3 bed ranch style home in quiet, family friendly neighborhood.

3623 WOODCHUCK DR. Beautifully updated 4 bed home on 3+/- horse acres, large outbuilding – great horse property!

17758 VINTAGE OAK Beautiful 5 bed, 3.5 bath home on .5 acre lot in family friendly neighborhood. Scott Peterson 314-503-6457.

17300 SPOONVILLE DR. Custom built 4 bed, 6 bath home on 6+/- acres, granite, stainless appliances. Scott Peterson 314-503-6457.

Your Neighborhood Realtor! Ken Hill,




111 Chesterfield Towne Ctr. • Chesterfield 63005 New Price!

Jamie Perkins Open Sunday, June 6 - 1 to 4 126 Caybeth Dr. • Ballwin • $214,900

3 BR/3BA w/fin LL. Open plan, new roof & carpet, fenced yd, 2 patios, Rockwood. Jamie Perkins - 636-675-5758

Open Sunday, June 6 - 1 to 3 Jeanne Hunsaker 269 Point Lansing • Ballwin • $743,000

1.5 Sty home, 4 bedrms, 3.5 baths. Custom brick/stone elevation. Gourmet kitchen. Jeanne Hunsaker - 314-210-0702

New Price!

Candy Citrin

229 Dejournet Dr. • Chesterfield • $340,000

Charming 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch. Vaults & Skylights. Newer roof; sprinkler system. Candy Citrin - 314-518-0675

Candy Citrin

16632 Chesterfield Manor Dr. • Chesterfield • $410,000

Approved short sale. 5 Bdrms., 3 full, 2 Half Bath. Fin. LL. New roof. Repairs made. Candy Citrin - 314-518-0675

Contact Cathy Shaw-Connely 636-346-4960

New Price!

200 Long Road • Suite 160 • Chesterfield, MO 63005 Tim Schoenman 28 Old Belle Monte Rd. • Chesterfield • $699,900 Maintenance Free Gated 4 Br, 4.5 Bath Luxury Villa with lots of upgrades! Tim Schoenman - 636-328-6088

Susie Gitt

14685 Amberleigh Hill Ct. • Chesterfield • $499,900

Stunning 1.5 Sty. 3 Bd/3Ba. Villa Home. Fabulous new price! Wonderful location! Susie Gitt - 314-757-4488

(636) 532-1922 www.shawrealtors.com



w Ne

ice Pr





1248 Marsh Ave. - Ellisville - $170,000 Updated ranch on half acre park setting! Gorgeous kitchen with custom cabinets, stainless appliances, and tile floor. Family room with brick fireplace, large picture window overlooking backyard, and rear double doors leading outside. Huge deck! w Ne

I 69

880 Sulphur Spring Rd – Ballwin - $385,000 Rare find! Custom built 2 story in Parkway schools with all first class touches. 42’ cabinets, stainless appliances, library w/built-ins, +size staircase, finished basement, 3 car garage and more!

1532 Candish Ln. - Chesterfield - $395,000 First Class 2- Story. Meticulous care & attention to detail is evident throughout. Lots of space incl. formal dining and 4-season rooms! Professionally finished lower level and great neighborhood.

ice Pr






855 Woodside Trails Dr. - Ballwin - $220,000 Fabulous end unit villa! Almost 1600 sq ft on main level, plus finished lower level with bedroom and full bath! Built in bookcases, fireplace, rear deck, rear patio. Community has pool and tennis courts.

1282 White Rd. - Chesterfield - $290,000 Beautiful 2-story with circular driveway! Grand entry through leaded glass door, formal dining room, separate living room and family room with cozy brick fireplace. HUGE bedrooms all with either double or walk in closets! New deck, updated kitchen, must see!

1223 Treetop Village Dr. – Ballwin - $218,000 Huge 4+bedroom in prime location! Gleaming hardwood throughout, 42’kitchen cabinets with some glass fronts, all updated baths, newer appliances, newer roof, newer A/C and furnace, and French doors which lead to large covered rear deck!

12529 Robinview Ct. – Creve Coeur - $315,000 Great family home on cul-de-sac in Creve Coeur! Double decorative entry doors, plant shelves, builtins, oak cabinets, rear deck and patio with hot tub. Great neighborhood and move-in ready.

338 Bellestri Dr. – Ballwin - $220,000 Large family home with 5 bedrooms and 3 baths! Updated kitchen, double window over sink, bay window, sunroom, wet bar, patio and large fenced backyard! Great neighborhood and Parkway schools.

603 Charbray Dr. - Ballwin - $270,000 Stately 2-story in great neighborhood. Side entry garage, formal living room and separate dining room. Families will love level backyard, screened sun room, and swimming at nearby Ballwin Water Park. Tons of space and new carpeting.

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18715 Babler Meadows Dr. Wildwood • $579,000 Gorgeous granite kitchen highlights this professionally decorated atrium ranch. 3 Acre Wooded Lot. 2 frpl, 3c gar Fin LL. Bay windows, Hdwd Flrs, New HAVAC, Spectacular Home!! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

16642 Highland Summit Dr. Wildwood • $419,900 STUNNING Vaulted ATRIUM ranch w/Hearthroom, Updated Gourmet Kit., HUGE Fin. Lower w/Rec Rm, Exercise Rm, 2 Bd,& Fam Rm! Screen Porch, Patio, Deck & More! Call Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555 stephaniethompsonrealtor.com

2639 Sun Meadow Drive Chesterfield • $384,900 WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME & neighborhood awaits buyer who appreciates many updates/ fin. LL/4+ bdms & lovely curb appeal. Pretty hdwd flrs/neutral decor & move-in ready. Call Barb Woodham 314-346-2272 www.barbwoodham.com

$8,000 PRICE CUT!

2005 Shep Ct Chesterfield • $379,000 Remodeled Granite kitchen, 42” Cabs, Gas Island Stove, Dbl Oven. Newer Roof, & Siding 07. Huge 1/3 Ac Fenced Lot! New 2006 Zoned H&C!! Fabulous Updates! Call Mike Leeker 314-435-4040 www.MikeLeeker.com

Barb Woodham 314-346-2272

2628 Rockwood Pointe Wildwood • $299,000 Brick and vinyl 2sty with 3.5 baths (one Jack and Jill), walkout basement, t-stair & 3-car garage. Huge private rear deck with hot tub. Close to Wildwood Towne Center! Call Robin Williams 314-401-0155 www.CallRobinWilliams.com

Robin Williams 314-401-0155

Mike Leeker 314-435-4040

223 Oakbriar Farm Dr. Ballwin • $181,900 Loaded 3BR 2BA beauty! Upgraded kit appl! Bay window, door to lovely deck, backyard! Knockout master suite & bath! Fab Fin LL! Soughtafter Oakwood Farms subdivision! Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358 ChrisRonberg.com

Chris Ronberg 314-922-4358

Stephanie Thompson 314-479-4555

70 I






1133 Pond Rd Wildwood $2,499,000

7279 Forsyth University City $674,000

855 McCauley Way St. Charles $349,900

2903 ST ALBANS FOREST CIRCLE WILDWOOD Spectacular custom ranch on 3+ acres near St Alban Country Club. High ceilings, 4 FP, split BR plan, gated drive, 4+BR,7ba, covered deck, patio, wooded lot. Fabulous views! $1,590,000

14550 Eddington Chesterfield $299,400

6736 Westway Road St. Louis Hills $285,000 17627 MYRTLEWOOD DRIVE WILDWOOD Stunning 1.5 sty 6BR/4.5ba, neutral, updates galore. 2 FP, hearth rm, 2 decks, walk out LL w/wet bar, huge game room, BR & full bath. Don't miss this special home. $599,000

2678 McKnight Crossing Ct Rock Hill $259,900

1018 Rose Hill Lane Ellisville $229,000

841 Greeley Ave Webster Groves $195,000

15593 Bedford Forge Dr #19 Chesterfield $169,900 213 GRAND BANKS COURT CHESTERFIELD Come see this gracious 4BR, 3ba villa in elegant Baywood Village. Updated kitchen, grt rm, lvg rm, newer deck, and walkout basement. $369,000

2472 Wesford Dr. Maryland Heights $163,000

1609 Yale Avenue Richmond Heights $159,900

$300,000 - $800,000 • 475 Oakshire Ln St. Louis $765,000 154 Carriage Square Creve Coeur $674,000 2321 Centennial Farms Wildwood $500,000 12900 Thornhill Dr Town & Country $499,000 401 Alta Dena University City $437,900 51 Topping Eureka $379,900 7$150,000 - $299,999 • 416 N Hanley University City $299,000 1535 N. 7th Street Downtown $299,000 1092 Dougherty Lake Est Dr Valley Park $284,900 739 Jares Ct Ballwin $269,900 3029 St. Vincent St. Louis $269,900 1008 Van Loon Ballwin $267,000 420 Lennox Drive Ballwin $249,000



New Homes Div


1571 Walpole Dr 8525 Grantshire Lane 446 Hill Trail 844 Green Lantern Lane 513 Winter Bluff 3032 Apple Blossom 6918 S. Rock Hill 2 San Luis Court 109 Meadow Ridge 8738 Bridgeport Avenue 18 W. Old Watson Road $50,000 - $149,999 • 5833 Kingwood Drive 11202 Van Cleeve 9932 Westwise Court

9013 North Avenue St. John $79,900 Chesterfield Affton Ballwin Ballwin Fenton High Ridge St. Louis Fenton St. Peters Brentwood Webster Groves

$239,900 $234,900 $234,900 $228,900 $223,000 $209,900 $199,900 $195,900 $173,000 $164,900 $159,900

St. Louis Hills Pattonville Overland

$149,900 $119,900 $115,000

1507 PACLAND RIDGE CT (CHESTERFIELD) Wonderful 1.5 story, 5BR on gor17712 GREYSTONE TERRACE DR geous level 3.44 ac lot, 2 sty entry with WILDWOOD Beautifully appointed 1.5 sty, sweeping staircase, exquisite millwork updated kitchen, granite countertops, and amenities throughout. $1,099,900 hearth rm, 3 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms, fin 1128 CABINVIEW CT (CHESTERFIELD) W/O LL, luxury master, great deck & Exceptional 7 yr young 2 story with 4BR patio, lovely lot. $679,900 plus flex rm, 4.5 baths. 9ft ceilings on main flr. Fin LL! Covered deck & patio. Expanded 3 car garage! $599,000 279 CHEVAL SQUARE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Gorgeous 5BR, 3.5ba, 2sty. Newer wood flrng, carpet, roof, siding, furnace, a/c & prof fin LL. Light & bright, open floorplan! $399,000 1511 MALLARD LANDING CT (CHESTERFIELD) Spacious villa with many updates including kitchen. Fin LL with bedroom, bath, rec room & office. Complex includes clubhouse. $379,000 16112 SAMUEL STUART DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautiful 2sty on a secluded wooded acre lot with fantastic view & open floor plan, Feat: 4BR, 2.5ba, 3C garage, screened porch. $309,000 50 ELK RUN DR (EUREKA) Totally renovated 3BR/1ba ranch/1car garage. Fab kitchen w/SS appl, wood flr, sep DR, lrg fncd yrd. Open stairway to finished lower level. Backs to trees. $149,900 12911 CEDARLEDGE CT (UNINC ST LOUIS) Open floorplan ranch with 3BR, 2.5ba on main. Low maintenance siding, newer windows, flooring throughout. Extensive fin LL. $229,900

841 STONE BRIDGE SPRINGS WILDWOOD Stunning atrium ranch sitting on 3 wood acres. 4BR, 3.5ba, and 3 car side entry garage. Gourmet kit, sun rm, vaulted great rm, lux master suite, fin LL w/fam rm, BR, and bath. $599,900

17548 GARDEN RIDGE CIR WILDWOOD Fabulous atrium ranch, 7 yrs young! 5BR, 4.5ba & 3 car garage. Each BR on mn level w/private bath. Kit w/granite & SS appliances. Sun rm, 2 FP, level yard, backs to trees! $599,000

16347 WYNNCREST FALLS WAY (WILDWOOD) 1.5 sty. Gorgeous lot backs to trees. 2styÿ great rm, fabulous kitchen, granite, wood flrs, adjoins hearth rm, 2FP, luxury master suite. $749,900

509 Red Bridge Ballwin $199,900 2214 STONEGATE MANOR COURT CHESTERFIELD Beautiful 1.5 story in the popular Stonebriar Subdivision. Over 3800 sq ft, 4BR, 4.5ba, finished LL with full bath, sleeping rm, family rm, office. 3 car garage. $599,000

1322 Warson Pl Rock Hill $199,000


846 WOODSIDE TRAILS DR (BALLWIN) Ranch villa with 2BR, 3 full baths and a 2 car garage. Open flr plan with vaulted ceiling, 2 fireplaces, updated kitchen, fin LL, backs to trees. $220,000

17630 BRIDGEWAY CIRCLE DR CHESTERFIELD Stunning 2 sty with many updates. 3 season rm off kitchen, spacious great rm, extensive millwork, neutral decor, large BR, fin W/O LL, rec rm, game rm, BR & full bath. $600,000

1015 Red Orchard O’Fallon $314,900



15620 HIGHCROFT DRIVE CHESTERFIELD Outstanding large 3BR, 2.5ba ranch w/updates galore. 42 kitch cabs w/granite counter & wd flr. Upscale mstr bath. Shows like a model! $291,900

483 MANORCREST LANE BALLWIN Ranch, 3BR, 3 full baths, FP, wood flrs, sep dining rm, oversized 2 car garage, private back yard backs to common ground. Newer carpeting, part fin lower level. $228,900

1506 QUAIL HOLLOW CT (WILDWOOD) Stunning 1.5 story 5 years new. 2100 BABLER RIDGE LANE Private French Country house sits on 1 WILDWOOD Seeking historical appeal? acre lot & backs to trees. 2 tiered composite deck. $729,000 Reproduction gambrel cape on 3 private acres, 4BR, 3 ba, 4 garages, wide board 16609 BARTIZAN DR (WILDWOOD) pine floors, built-ins, ample closets and Stunning custom ranch on 3 acres 3c storage. $485,000 garage. 4BR/3.5ba, open flr pln, high ceilings, btlr pntry. Circle drive, plenty of storage/closets. $599,000 17732 HORNBEAN DR (WILDWOOD) 2 sty on private lot, beautifully maintained. 2 sty entry, wood floors on main level, sunroom off kitchen, luxury master, bonus rm, fin W/O LL w/rec. $589,900 2009 WILD HORSE CREEK RD (WILDWOOD) 12+/- wooded acres provides a secluded setting for this unique property. Main house is attached to a lrg 2 sty log home adding historic charm. $495,000 1622 HIGHLAND VALLEY CIRCLE (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 4BR/3.5b home. Fin LL. Gourmet kitchen. Patio with shade arbor. Backs to trees. $469,900

983 WELLINGTON WOODS COURT EUREKA Better than new - granite, window treatments, private yard/woods, FR, LR and den, bonus room upstairs, fireplace, 4BR, 2.5 ba. $299,900

1521 CLAYTON WOODS CT (WILDWOOD) Sharp 2sty home with 4BR, 3.5ba, 2 car garage. Totally remodeled kit with birch cabinets, Silestone counters, huge island. $375,000

1724 RIDGEVIEW CIRCLE DRIVE BALLWIN Spacious townhome with main 2020 WOODMOOR RIDGE (WILDlevel master. Backs to woods. great conWOOD) Sunny and bright 2 sty home w/4BR, 2.5ba. Updated kitchen, granite, dition. 3BR, 3ba, 2 FP. Pool. $245,000 mn flr laundry. Fam rm w/FP, luxury master suite, private yard w/trees. $369,900

Want more info on area open houses? Just click on STLOpens.com

711 LOFTY POINT DRIVE BALLWIN Treetop condo with newer deck overlooking trees. Large master suite. Main floor laundry. Garage, FP, vaulted great room and more. $111,000

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1164 Shepard Oaks Dr. Wildwood $2,300,000

22 Chapel Hill Estates Town & Country $1,951,650

148 Wyckcliffe Town & Country $1,650,000

720 The Hamptons Lane Town & Country $1,200,000

3962 Autumn Farms Dr. Wildwood $875,000

9817 Countryshire Place Creve Coeur $725,000

18455 Westwood Dr. Glencoe $649,900

1312 Conway Oaks Dr. Chesterfield $575,000

1520 Highland Valley Circle Chesterefield $550,000

626 Belson Ct. Kirkwood $475,000

1154 Whitmoor Dr. Weldon Spring $474,900

13502 Featherstone Dr. Town & Country $459,000

15099 Manor Creek Dr. Chesterfield $399,900

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The Villas at Hanna Bend Starting from $396,000 Manchester

308 Strawbridge Dr. Chesterfield $394,500

1009 S. McKnight Rd. Richmond Heights $369,900

Tuscan Chase St. Louis County Starting at $339,900

1841 Walnutway Dr. Parkway North $333,000

732 Eaglebrooke Dr. Ballwin $285,732

719 Kiefer Creek Rd. St. Louis $275,000

3 Nicolet Dr. Manchester $269,900

32 Hickory Valley Ct. Wildwood $265,000

2569 Grover Ridge Dr. Wildwood $225,000

161 Tortuna Dr. Ballwin $219,900

5850 Birch Hollow Dr. Oakville $219,000

16867 Hickory Trails Lane Wildwood $215,000

2335 Manor Grove Dr #4 Chesterfield $160,000

2333 Sandalwood Creek Ct, D Glencoe $96,900

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